重点难点讲解:一、国际贸易单证的分类〔本局部为新内容〕〔一〕托收统一规那么〔 URC522 〕的分类1、金融单据——具有货币属性,汇票、支票、本票或其他用于取得付款资金的类似凭证。
〔二〕跟单信用证统一惯例〔 UCP600 〕的分类1、运输单据——海运提单;非转让海运单;租船合约提单;多式联运单据;空运单据;公路、铁路和内陆水运单据;快递和邮包收据;运输代理人的运输单据等。
高级英语期末考试题型:Lexical work:Unit 11.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world2.disparity: a noticeable difference3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc.4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 21.minute: very small2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer)4.extract: obtain by much effort5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by windUnit 31.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings2.vistas: sweeping views3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term.6.congealed: stiffened7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wineUnit 41.constraints: restrictions, limitations2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writingUnit 51.sulk: be silently bad-tempered2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities5.radically: drastically: severely6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeableUnit 61.dissipated: typical of a person who wastes his life in search of foolish or dangerous pleasure2.expenditure: exertion, using up3.glutinous: sticky4.fidget: move or act restlessly or nervously5.salve: soothe, relieve, make less painful6.avowed: self-declaredUnit 71.bore: a dull, uninteresting person whom other people quickly become tired of, especially one who talks continually or repeatedly in an uninteresting way2.ferment: a process of active often disorderly development3.insistent: needing to be dealt with; urgent4.proposition: an unproved statement in which an opinion or judgment is expressed5.concurrently: simultaneously; at the same timeUnit 81.hideous: extremely ugly and unpleasant2.invincible: undefeatable, unchangeable3.maimed: injured for life4.circumspect: prudent, discreet, acting after careful thought5.anguish: suffering, agony, despairUnit 91.intolerable: unbearable2.underlie: be the cause or base of3.vigilance: very careful attention to a situation so as to be prepared for possible danger4.penetrate: spread through every part of5.obscure: make something indistinctUnit 101.thud: move/make contact with a dull sound2.conductive: likely to produce; helpful in bringing about3.listless: spiritless, unenthusiastic4.disparate:(of two or more things)completely different5.resurgence: the return of ideas, beliefs, etc. to a state of being active and noticeable改错:P14:(国商班没有划)6. For hundreds of years, sailors relied on echoes to warn them of another ships, icebergs, or cliffs in foggy weather.9. Depriving of the financial means to remain independent, he was compelled to seek employment as a part-time helper in the school library.10. The Egyptians and the Sumerians may use copper as early as 5000 years before Christ.P34:4. A nation’s merchant marine is made up of its commercial ships and the people operate them.5. The wallflower so called is because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stonycliffs for support.6. The tongue is capable of many motions and configurations and plays a vital role in chewing, swallow, and speaking.7. It is the interaction between people, rather than the events that occur in their lives that are the main focus of social psychology.8. No other beverage comes even close to rivaling coffee as the more widely drunk refreshment in the world.10. A march is a highly rhythmic piece of music first used in military bands to accompany marching.P52:1. Compared with large aircraft, small airplanes are not as streamlined and hence arelittle efficient.2. Even relatively costly, the diesel engine is high efficient and needs servicinginfrequently.3. Many a person who live in New York City thinks that life in a large city offers specialadvantages.4. Dogs possess hearing abilities more superior to those of their owners.P73(国商班没有划)1. One of the most difficult problems in understanding sleep is determining how sleepfunctions are.2. The number of judges serving on the United States Supreme Court are fixed byCongress, not by the Constitution.3. Needlepoint has always been an elegant and cost form of embroidery.P96:1. Articles differ from editorials in which articles present fact while editorials presentopinions.2. It is typical of the grassland dwellers of the North American continent is the antelope,or pronghorn.3. The electricity is a most versatile form of energy.4. High-grade written paper is frequently obtained from cotton rags.5. Only rarely that earthquakes occur in the east of China.6. The prime rate is the rate of interests that a bank will calculate when it lends money toits best clients.P117(国商没有划)Having made such a sincere attempt to 31.____________prevent the matches from disappear, I decided to hide 32.____________the hammer in wastepaper basket. I soon got my revenge, 33.____________however. I had a lock fit to the cupboard and34.___________thus made sure that nothing could be escaped. This was35.____________an admirable solution—until I lost the key of the36.____________cupborad! 37._____________P134:1. Colleges and universities are which high school graduates go if they wish to pursue ahigher education.2. The structure or behavior of many protozoans are amazingly complex for single-celledanimals.3. A well-written newspaper not only reports current events and also analyzes them.4. The development of the watch depended upon the inventing of the mainspring.5. City officials are concerned because crimes on public transportation nearly reachedrecord heights this year.P152:If a nation essentially disunited, it is left to 1._______________the government to hold it together. This increases the 2.____________expense of the government, but reduces correspondingly 3.___________the amount of economical resources that could be used 4.____________for developing a country.翻译:P153.As a consequence, the English are puzzled by the American need for a secure place in which to work, an office.结果,英国人被需要一个安全的办公场所的美国人所怀疑。
托业考试题型详解 2 Questions&Responses
2. Questions/ResponsesFormat--------This part of TOEIC consists of thirty items. Each item consists of a question on the audio program followed by three possible responses (answers) to the question, also on the audio program. Your job is to decide which of these three best answers the question. Between each item is a five-second pause. Part II problems do not involve any reading skills; therefore, this part is considered a "pure" test of listening skills. Your test book simply tells you to mark an answer for each problem.Tactics-------1. There are no answer choices to consider before or while the item is being read. You should just concentrate on the question and the three responses on the audio program, and pay no attention to the test book.2. Try to identify the type of question (information question, yes/no question, alternative question, and so on). The correct response, of course, often depends on the type of question being asked.3. Try to eliminate distractors.4. Don't mark an answer until you have heard all three responses. When you hear a response that you think is correct, rest your pencil on that oval on the answer sheet. If you change your mind and hear a response that you think is better, move your pencil to that choice. Once you have heard all three responses, mark the oval that your pencil is resting on. (This technique helps you remember which choice you think is best.)5. If you hear all three responses and none of the three seems correct, take a guess and get ready for the next item.6. There is very little time (only five seconds) between items in Part II. You need to decide on an answer and fill in the blank quickly to be ready for the next item.* Testing Points and Skill-Building ExercisesA. Information QuestionsB. Yes/No QuestionsC. Other Types of QuestionsD. Recognizing Sound/Meaning DistractorsE. Recognizing Other Types of Distractors。
中考物理重要测量仪器考试要点及题型分析:专题2 机械秒表(停表)问题(含解析)
中考物理重要测量仪器考试要点及题型分析专题02 机械秒表(停表)一、用机械秒表(停表)测量时间问题学啥1.机械停表的构造与用途如图甲秒表的主要构造有:A.启动、停止按钮;B.回零按钮;C.分钟刻度:读取整分钟数(包括半分钟);D.秒钟刻度(读取秒数)。
甲乙2.机械停表的使用方法对于甲图秒表,使用秒表前首先要上好发条,按压启动按钮,表启动,再次按下该按钮,秒表指针停止转动,按压回零按钮,分针与秒针都归零. 即三次按下按钮:一“走时”,二“停止”,三“复零”,对于乙图秒表,使用前,转动秒表上端带滚花的手轮,上紧发条使用时,分为开始、停止、秒表清零三步。
【答案】579 s【解析】秒表读数问题是难点,原因就是平时使用的次数不多,训练的少。
2 社会心理学考试说明及题型示范
1. 选择题:
2. 填空题:
3. 解答题:
4. 证明题:
5. 应用题:
一、单选题二、多选题1.给出函数的一条性质:“存在常数,使得对于定义域中的一切实数均成立”,则下列函数中具有这条性质的函数是 ( )A.B.C.D.2. 定义运算为执行如图所示的程序框图输出的值,则()A.B.C .1D.3. 设实数列和分别是等差数列与等比数列,且,,则以下结论正确的是( )A.B.C.D.4.已知向量,,则( )A.B.C.D.5. 已知,则( )A.B.C.D.6.双曲线的渐近方程为( )A.B.C.D.7. 已知正方形的中心在坐标原点,四个顶点都在函数的图象上.若正方形唯一确定,则实数的值为( )A.B.C.D.8.若集合,,那么( )A.B.C.D.9. 已知,若,则( )A.B.C.的最小值为8D .的最大值为10. 已知函数是R 上的奇函数,对于任意,都有成立,当时,,给出下列结论,其中正确的是( )A.B .点是函数的图象的一个对称中心2024年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学模拟试题(二)(新高考九省联考题型)(2)2024年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试数学模拟试题(二)(新高考九省联考题型)(2)三、填空题四、解答题C .函数在上单调递增D .函数在上有3个零点11. 已知是椭圆的两个焦点,点P 在椭圆E 上,则( )A .点在x 轴上B .椭圆E 的长轴长为4C .椭圆E的离心率为D .使得为直角三角形的点P 恰有6个12.已知函数,若为的一个极值点,且的最小正周期为,若,则( )A.B.C.为偶函数D.的图象关于点对称13. 已知,则____________.14.若,则________.15. 在四棱锥P -ABCD 中,PA ⊥平面ABCD ,底面四边形ABCD 为矩形.请在下面给出的5个条件中选出2个作为一组,使得它们能成为“在BC 边上存在点Q ,使得△PQD 为钝角三角形”的充分条件___________.(写出符合题意的一组即可)①;②;③;④;⑤.16. 2022年初,新冠疫情在辽宁葫芦岛市爆发,市某慈善机构为筹措抗疫资金,在民政部门允许下开设“疫情无情人有情”线上抽奖活动,任何人都可以通过捐款的方式参加线上抽奖.在线上捐款后,屏幕上会弹山抽奖按钮,每次按下按钮后将会随机等可能的出现“抗”“疫”“胜”“利”四个字中的一个.规定:若出现“利”字,则抽奖结束.否则重复以上操作,最多按4次.获奖规则如下:依次出现“抗”“疫”“胜”“利”四个字,获一等奖;不按顺序出现这四个字,获二等奖;出现“抗”“疫”“胜”三个字为三等奖.(1)求获得一、二、三等奖的概率;(2)设按下按钮次数为,求的分布列和数学期望.17.已知正项数列的前n项和满足.数列满足(1)求数列的通项公式;(2)试问:数列是否构成等比数列(注:是数列的前n 项和)?请说明理由;(3)若是否存在正整数n ,使得成立?若存在求所有的正整数n ;否则,请说明理由.18. 已知的内角,,所对的边分别为,,,面积为,且.(1)求角的大小;(2)若,求证:.19. 教育是阻断贫困代际传递的根本之策.补齐贫困地区义务教育发展的短板,让贫困家庭子女都能接受公平而有质量的教育,是夯实脱贫攻坚根基之所在.治贫先治愚,扶贫先扶智.为了解决某贫困地区教师资源匮乏的问题,某市教育局拟从5名优秀教师中抽选人员分批次参与支教活动.支教活动共分3批次进行,每次支教需要同时派送2名教师,且每次派送人员均从这5人中随机抽选.已知这5名优秀教师中,2人有支教经验,3人没有支教经验.(1)求5名优秀教师中的“甲”,在这3批次支教活动中恰有两次被抽选到的概率;(2)求第一次抽取到无支教经验的教师人数的分布列;20. 在锐角中,角所对的边分别为,已知,点是线段的中点,且.(1)求角;(2)求边的取值范围.21. 如图,多面体中,四边形为菱形,平面,且.(1)求证:;(2)求二面角的大小.。
2021年法医考试(二)姓名: ____________ 年级: ____________ 学号: _______________一、单选题(总共30题,共30分)1 .挫伤的形成是由于()。
10•脑死亡的基本概念是:()(1分)A心脏和脊髓机能的丧失B大脑的死亡C心肺功能在机械复苏下得到维持D全脑机能完全地、不可逆转地停止11.有无自主呼吸的检查关闭呼吸肌的时间为(1分)A1分钟B2分钟C3分钟D5分钟E10分钟12.锥形镐猛力垂直打击人体头部时,下列哪种损伤很少出现()(1分)A类圆形穿孔性骨折B硬脑膜下血肿C严重脑挫裂伤D脑组织外溢E脑震荡13.皮下出血大约在几小时后出现中性血细胞反应(1分)B2小时C4小时D8小时E16小时14.下列哪项不属于皮下出血与尸斑的鉴别要点(1分)A血色斑迹的分布B边界是否清楚C压之是否退色D切开有无滴状物流出E镶边挫伤带15.下列哪项不属于尸体现象的法医学意义(1分)A确证死亡B推断致伤物C推断死亡时间D提示死亡原因E反映死亡时躯体的位置和状态16.死后器官和组织也能发现自发性出血,但以下哪种情况不是死后继发性出血(1分)A尸斑和坠积性淤血明显处出现的淤点或瘀斑B颅热血肿C尸体解剖时颈部软组织受损伤出血D腹腔大失血死,胰腺周围出血E腹腔大失血死,肠管柏油样变17.根据以下尸体现象的程度:尸僵开始缓解,角膜混浊加重,瞳孔可辨,腹部出现尸绿,口鼻眼蝇卵或蛆出现,其死亡时间为(1分)A12-15小时B24小时C24-48小时D2-3 天E3-4 天18.根据以下尸体现象的发生程度,尸斑大片融合,指压不退色,尸僵延及全身,角膜轻度混浊,推断死亡时间为(1分)A1小时以内B1-4小时C4-6小时D6-12小时E12-15小时19.下列哪项不能作为判定入射口的依据(1分)A皮肤创口中心组织缺损B创口周围皮肤外翻C挫伤轮D擦拭轮E烟晕火药颗粒20.下列哪项不属于坠落伤的特征(1分)A创口可检出金属碎屑B体表损伤轻于体损伤C着力处的远隔部位可见严重损伤D广泛严重损伤都是一次性巨大暴力所致E发生多处骨折21.下列哪项不属于切创的特点(1分)A创缘平整B创壁光滑C创底小于创口D创底平整E创角锐利22.下列哪项不属于他杀切创特点(1分)A切口位于颈部和其它部位B常有试切创C切创刀口方向零乱D伤势较重E常在卧位造成23.机械性损伤时法医学的鉴定任务是:(1分)A认定致伤物B判断损伤的形成时间和损伤程度C判断伤后有无有意识的行为能力D判断致伤方式E以上各项均是24.下列交通事故,哪项不属于蓄意谋杀(1分)A驾驶者蓄意将车开向别人,将其撞到压过致死B司机故意高速驶向障碍物或驶落悬崖或江河致死C故意破坏汽车机件或偷换润滑剂致司机驾驶过程中不能控制汽车而发生车毁人亡D故意把行人撞挤于车头及外侧物体之间,导致死亡E司机驾驶过程中突然发生心脏或脑的急死而死亡导致汽车失控,撞死行人25.以下哪种情况不能导致颅骨骨折(1分)A雷击B头部受钝力打击C死后焚尸D高坠E日射病26.下列哪项不属于继发性脑干损伤的发生原因(1分)A颅血肿B颅骨凹陷性骨折,没有伤及脑干C脑挫伤D脑水肿E颅压增高27.血液中氧化碳的含量测定必须:()(1分)A采耳血B采肘正中静脉血C采毛细血管血D采心脏内大血管血28.抗人血红蛋白沉淀素血清沉淀试验属于下列哪一项试验?()(1分)A血型的测定B种属试验C预备试验D确证试验29.从水中打捞出来的尸体,“溺死肺”特征的出现有助于判断:()(1分)A自溺与他溺B死者落水地点C尸体上损的的程度D生前入水和死后抛尸30.有一女性,指控某男为其子的生父,某男断然否定,查其“AB0”和“MN”系其母(A、MN)、其子(0、N)、某男(B、MN ),请问其子与某男的关系:()(1分)A肯定是父子B可能是父子C肯定不是父子D无法判断二、多选题(总共10题,共10分)31.电击死的尸体征象有():(1分)A电流斑B电流烧伤C电烙印D电击花纹E皮肤金属化现象32.机械性窒息尸体的一般尸表征象为()。
组织策略指的是在学习中整合所学知识之间、新旧知识之间的内在联系,形成新的知识结构,包括列提纲、利用图形、利用表格、PQ4 法(预览—设问—阅读—反思—背诵—回顾)等。
2、单选题3、单选题考试题型中选择题主要要求学生具备记忆中的:_____A : 识记能力B : 再认能力C : 复述能力D : 回忆能力参考答案: B本题解释:【答案】B。
税法一税法二考试题型一、选择题1.根据《XXX税法》,下列哪项不属于主要纳税义务?A. 缴纳税收B. 申报税务C. 确定税率D. 纳税申报2.下面哪项不属于XXX税法的种类?A. 增值税B. 个人所得税C. 营业税D. 房产税3.根据《XXX税法》,纳税人可以享受哪些税收优惠?A. 减免税B. 延缴税C. 免税D. 免征税4.根据《XXX税法》,纳税人的征税期限是多久?A. 每月B. 每季度C. 每半年D. 每年5.下列哪项是《XXX税法》的滞纳金计算公式?A. 税款金额 x 滞纳金比例B. 税款金额 ÷滞纳金比例C. 税款金额 - 滞纳金比例D. 税款金额 + 滞纳金比例二、填空题1.根据《XXX税法》,纳税申报的截止日期在每年的__月__日。
即:1万 - 5000= 5000元。
按照税率分档计算:- 前3000元,税率为3%。
计算:3000元 × 3% = 90元。
- 剩下的2000元,税率为10%。
计算:2000元 × 10% = 200元。
所以小明每个月需要缴纳的个人所得税金额为:90元 + 200元 = 290元。
2022年Y大型游乐设施《大型游乐设施操作》安全生产模拟考试题(一)姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________1、(判断题)游乐设施应在必要的地方和部位设置醒目的安全标志,其中黄色为提示标志。
惠州小学语文考试题型及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列词语中,加点字的读音全部正确的一项是()A. 勉强(qiǎng)倔强(jué)模样(mú)应接不暇(yìng)B. 矜持(jīn)蹒跚(pán)模样(mó)应接不暇(yīng)C. 勉强(qiǎng)倔强(jué)模样(mó)应接不暇(yīng)D. 矜持(jīn)蹒跚(shān)模样(mú)应接不暇(yìng)答案:C2. 下列句子中,加点词语使用正确的一项是()A. 他虽然成绩优异,但总是谦虚谨慎,从不夸夸其谈。
B. 他虽然成绩优异,但总是夸夸其谈,从不谦虚谨慎。
C. 他虽然成绩优异,但总是谦虚谨慎,从不妄自菲薄。
D. 他虽然成绩优异,但总是妄自菲薄,从不谦虚谨慎。
答案:A3. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()A. 通过这次活动,使我们认识到保护环境的重要性。
B. 通过这次活动,我们认识到保护环境的重要性。
C. 这次活动使我们认识到保护环境的重要性。
D. 这次活动,使我们认识到保护环境的重要性。
答案:B4. 下列句子中,加点成语使用恰当的一项是()A. 他虽然年纪轻轻,但已经学富五车,真是令人刮目相看。
B. 他虽然年纪轻轻,但已经学富五车,真是令人叹为观止。
C. 他虽然年纪轻轻,但已经学富五车,真是令人刮目相待。
D. 他虽然年纪轻轻,但已经学富五车,真是令人叹为观止。
答案:A5. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的一项是()A. 我最喜欢的水果有:苹果、香蕉、橘子……等等。
B. 我最喜欢的水果有苹果、香蕉、橘子等等。
C. 我最喜欢的水果有:苹果、香蕉、橘子等等。
D. 我最喜欢的水果有苹果、香蕉、橘子……等等。
答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 请填写下列诗句的上一句或下一句。
人教版七年级下册期末考试题型专练之阅读理解(二)阅读理解(一)Today is Friday. Linda's class would like to have a barbecue (户外烧烤) tomorrow.She and her classmate, Jack, are shopping in a supermarket now. They need some food and drinks for the barbecue.1.When will Linda's class have a barbecue?A.On Sunday. B.On Saturday.C.On Friday. D.On Thursday.2. Who is shopping with Linda in the supermarket?A.Her parents. B.Her brother.C.Her teacher. D.Her classmate.3. How many boxes of green tea does Linda need?A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.4. Linda should pay ________ yuan for fruit.A.30 B.120 C.150 D.1905. Which of the following is NOT true?A.Linda needs four kinds of drinks.B. Linda needs to pay sixty yuan for sausages.C.Linda needs ten kilos of watermelon.D.Pork is the most expensive meat on Linda's list.阅读理解(二)People celebrate (庆祝) birthdays in nearly every country in the world. And they celebrate them in many different ways.In Brazil, the special birthday food isn't a cake, but special candles. In China, people eat long noodles as a wish for long life. InIceland, people have pancakes with sweet candies in them on birthdays.In Britain, people celebrate the birthday all day. The birthday child is lifted up(举起) by his or her classmates. That is to say the child can grow up happily and healthily.In Holland, children not only get presents, but give things to others, too. They give cakes, cookies and candies to their classmates and teachers on their birthdays.In Mexico, it's good luck to give birthday greetings as early as possible in the day. So it's usual for the birthday child to wake up at midnight, with friends singing birthday songs.In Thailand, the birthday person holds a tall candle. The candle is as tall as the birthday person. It will bring good luck to him or her.In many countries, birthday customs are changing. But one thing never changes—birthdays are special days for everyone.1.The birthday person is usually lifted up by his or her classmates in ______.A.Britain B.Holland C.Mexico D.Thailand 2.In Mexico, the birthday children usually wake up at midnight because ________.A.people must say blessings(祝福) before morning comesB.it will bring good luck to the birthday childrenC.the children have to wake up at midnightD.the friends want to make the birthday children happy 3.How does the birthday person celebrate birthday in Thailand?A.He or she eats noodles for long life.B.He or she has pancakes with sweet candies in them on birthdays.C.He or she is woken up at midnight with friends singing birthday songs.D.He or she holds a candle as tall as himself or herself.4.How many countries are mentioned in this passage?A.Nine. B.Eight.C.Seven.D.Six.5.In China, what is for long life?A.A big birthday cake.B.Long noodles.C.A long candle as tall as the birthday person.D.To wake up as early as possible.阅读理解(三)Here is part from Maria's diaries (日记) about her holiday.The 3rd Day: Yesterday we arrived in London in the rain. We went to some big shops.The 4th Day:We came to Paris(巴黎). It was cloudy and the foodwasn't good.We liked the shops here,but the things were dear.The 5th Day:We arrived in Rome(罗马)in the hot weather.We had lunch in a small restaurant,and the food was delicious.We visited some shops.They were all wonderful.The 6th Day:We went to New York(纽约)and the things in the shops were all dear.But we liked the warm weather there.The 7th day:Today we visited New York City.The weather was fine.We'll go back home tomorrow after a week's holiday.1.In every city,Maria always visited________.A.libraries B.restaurants C.shops D.stations2.How long was Maria's holiday?A.Four days. B.Five days.C.Six days. D.Seven days.3.From the diaries we can see Maria visited________cities.A.three B.four C.five D.six4.Maria liked the food in ________.A.Paris B.RomeC.New York D.London5.Which sentence is NOT true?A.Maria arrived in London on the third day.B.The things in the shops were dear in Paris.C.The weather was nice and warm when Maria visited New York.D.It rained when Maria came to London.阅读理解(四)It was a Saturday in May. When Mrs Black opened the door and looked out, she smiled and said, “It's going to be a beautiful day. ” She woke her little son up at eight thirty and said to him, “Get up, Tod. We're going to the zoo today. Wash your hands and face, brush your teeth and have breakfast quickly. We are going to New York by train. ”Tod was six years old. He was very happy because he liked going to the zoo very much, and he also liked going by train. He said, “I dreamed(做梦)about the zoo last night, Mummy. ”His mother was in a hurry, but she stopped and smiled at her little son, “And what did you do in the zoo in your dream?”Tod laughed and answered, “You know, Mummy!You were there in my dream, too. ”1. Mrs Black decided to go to the zoo mainly(主要地)because________.A. it would be Sunday the next dayB. it was going to be a sunny dayC. Tod hadn't been to the zoo yetD. she had nothing to do on Saturday2. At half past eight that morning ________.A. Tod was dreaming about the zooB. Tod was woken up(被叫醒)C. Tod was washing his faceD. Tod was eating breakfast3. Why was Tod happy that day?A. Because he liked New York very much.B. Because it was his sixth birthday.C. Because he was going to take a train to the zoo.D. Because he didn't have to go to school.4. What did Tod do in the zoo in his dream?A. He saw a lot of animals.B. He played with a monkey.C. He saw some beautiful birds.D. The story doesn't tell us.5. From the story we know that ________.A. Tod dreamed about the zoo every nightB. Tod was Mrs Black's little daughterC. Mrs Black didn't know what Tod did in the dreamD. Mrs Black forgot that she and Tod had been to the zoo before阅读理解(五)Once three men got to the Dover Station at about nine o'clock that evening. One of them asked a porter (搬运工) what time the next train for London was. The porter answered, “You have just missed one. They go hourly. The next train is at ten.”The three men decided to go off the station. So they went to a bar.A minute or two after ten o'clock they came running into thestation. The porter told them the train had just gone. So they went back to the bar. They missed the eleven o'clock train in the same way. The porter said, “Now the next train is the last one. If you miss that, you won't get to London tonight.”Twelve o'clock came, and the last train was starting out when all of the three men ran to catch the train as fast as they could. Two of them got into a carriage (客车厢), but the third of them didn't run fast enough. The train went out and left him behind. He laughed until tears (眼泪)came out of his eyes. Then he caught hold of the porter's hands and said, “Well, I myself have to go to London, and they only come to see me off (为……送行).”1.At the Dover Station, the train went to London________.A.at about nine o'clock every morningB.only once a dayC.every hourD.in a minute or two after ten o'clock2.The three men didn't catch up with nine o'clock train. So they decided to go off the station and to________.A.get the ticketsB.have a drink in the barC.take a walk in the streetD.make a phone call in the bar3.The last train didn't start out until it was________.A.the next dayB.time for sleepC.a minute or two after 1 o'clockD.12 o'clock4.________ missed the last train for London.A.The third man of the threeB.The friends of the third manC.None of the three menD.All of the three5.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The third man didn't run as fast as the other two.B.The third man changed his mind and didn't want to leave.C.The train didn't start off on time.D.The third man laughed for he was glad to see his friends off.阅读理解(六)My favourite sport is baseball. It's fun to play, and it is fun to watch.I went to my first baseball game with my grandparents when I was 6. It was really wonderful. We had a good time. I was happy to be with my grandparents. My grandfather made me love the game.My dad knew I loved baseball, so he gave me a baseball on my eighth birthday.When I was 12, my friend came to me and asked me to join his team and play baseball. I agreed(同意).From then on, I got to learn more about baseball. I practiced a lot and learned how to play better.My favourite baseball player is Derrek Lee. Derrek Lee joined the Chicago Cubs in 2004. That year was a good year for him, but 2005 was his best year. One of my favourite things about Derrek Lee is that he is a very nice person. He never shouts at others. He always has a big smile on his face. He looks happy all the time.1.The writer went to his first baseball game with ________.A.his grandparents B.his fatherC.his friend D.his mother2.When he was ________ years old, the writer began to play baseball.A.6 B.8 C.12 D.143.The writer ________after he joined his friend's team.A.played baseball very oftenB.didn't learn more about baseballC.didn't improve his playing skillsD.often played baseball with Derrek Lee4.Which of the following is NOT true about Derrek Lee?A.He is very nice. B.He is not friendly.C.He always smiles. D.He always looks happy.5.What is the best title (题目)of the passage?A.Who made me love baseball?B.What birthday present did I get?C.2005—best year for Derrek LeeD.Baseball—my favourite sport阅读理解(七)Last week my grandpa called me. He asked me to spend my vacation with him. He lives in a village (村庄).It's small but it's very cool there in summer. It's very hot in our city. So I often feel bored here. I was very happy and thanked him. I said, “I'm going to visit you when our summer vacation begins.”It was July 5th. My parents took me to the supermarket and we bought some delicious food. They told me to take it to my grandpa. The next morning my daddy took me to the train station. It was the first time that I had had a trip by myself. But I felt relaxed. I'm fourteen and I learned a lot in geography classes. The train left at six thirty. I looked out of the windows in the train. I found the scenery (风景) was beautiful. I wasn't tired at all.At four in the afternoon my train arrived at a station. I saw mygrandpa standing outside. I got off the train and ran to him. He was happy when he saw me. I looked at him up and down. He was old but strong.His village is about three kilometers from the station. We walked there. I looked around. The mountains are high and green. I thought I could have a good time.1.________,so the boy wanted to go to his grandpa's village.A.He hoped to live with his grandpaB.It was cool in the village in summerC.He had too much delicious food at homeD.He had nothing to do at home2.The boy feels bored in the city during his summer vacation because________.A.he can play with nobodyB.he has a lot of exercises to doC.it's very hot thereD.his parents are very strict with him3.The boy spent________on the trip by train.A.seven hours and thirty minutesB.nine hours and thirty minutesC.eight hours and thirty minutesD.ten hours and thirty minutes4.The boy went to see his grandpa________.A.with some delicious foodB.with some booksC.with a guitarD.with his parents5.Which of the following is TRUE?A.The old man's village is next to the station.B.The old man and his grandson went to the village in a car.C.The mountains are high and there is nothing on them.D.The old man was very happy when he saw his grandson.阅读理解(八)AnnaI work in a bank from Monday to Friday. My house is near a park and is about ten kilometers from my office. I usually go to work by train.I usually get up at 6:30 a. m. and take the train at 7:00 a. m. It usually takes me about thirty minutes to get to my office. The train is quick and cheap. I am never late for work.JoeI am a student. My house is near a beautiful lake. My school is across from the lake. I can walk to school across a bridge. It takes me about thirty minutes. But I often go to school by boat, because it is morefun. It takes me about twenty minutes.MollyI'm a waiter. I work in a restaurant from Monday to Saturday. I often go to work by bus. It is about five kilometers from my house to the restaurant. It takes me about twentyfive minutes to go to work. Sometimes I am late for work because the traffic is very busy.1. Anna usually arrives at her office at about________.A. 6:30 a. m.B. 7:00 a. m.C. 7:30 a. m.D. 8:00 a. m.2. Joe often________ to school.A. takes a busB. takes a trainC. walksD. takes a boat3. Molly lives about________ kilometers from her working place.A. fiveB. tenC. fifteenD. twenty4. The underlined word “traffic” means________ in Chinese.A. 餐馆B. 交通C. 市场D. 车站5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Anna is sometimes late for work.B. Joe lives near a river.C. Molly works five days a week.D. The three of them go out by different means of transportation(交通方式).阅读理解(九)Birthday:February 28, 2000 Birth place:Italy(意大利)Club:Juventus (尤文图斯足球俱乐部) Foot:rightHeight:183cmHis name is Moise Kean. He is a youngsoccer player.In November 2016, Moise Kean, a16yearold, became the first player born inthe 2000s to play soccer in Italy's Serie A (足球甲级联赛).Kean was born to an Italian mother and an African father. Kean started to play in different soccer games when he was 10 years old.In the games, Kean always plays as a forward(前锋). He likes to use his right foot to kick the ball. He runs very fast and is good at heading.He plays as a forward for Juventus now. Everyone in the team is older than him. But he is not afraid. “I want to play with older players, ” Kean says. “I don't think it is difficult. ”Moise Kean is a talented (有天赋的) soccer player. We are sure he will become a very good player in a few years.1. Moise Kean's mother comes from ________.A. ChinaB. CanadaC. AmericaD. Italy2. Kean started playing soccer in different soccer games ________.A. in 2000B. in 2006C. in 2010D. in 20163. Which is NOT true about Moise Kean?A. He is 1. 83m tall and runs fast.B. He likes to kick with his right foot.C. He is the youngest soccer player in the team.D. He doesn't like to play with older players.4. What does the writer think of Moise Kean?A. He should be a forward.B. He is a lazy soccer player.C. He can be a big star in a few years.D. He is too young to play soccer.5. The passage is in the part of ________in a newspaper.A. SportsB. scienceC. foodD. health阅读理解(十)Mr. Brown had much money. One day he went on a trip to the countryside with his 5yearold son Eric. He wanted to show his son how poor people lived, so they spent a day and a night on the farm of a verypoor family.When they got back from their trip, Mr. Brown asked Eric, “My dear son, how was the trip?”“Very good, Dad!”Eric said happily.“Did you see how the poor lived?”Mr. Brown asked.“Yeah!”Eric answered.“And what did you learn?”Mr. Brown asked.“We have a dog at home but they have four. We have a pool that is in the middle of the garden but they have a river that has no end. We have expensive lamps(灯) in the garden but they have the stars, ”Eric answered.When little Eric finished, Mr. Brown couldn't say anything.1. Mr. Brown and his son spent ________ in the countryside.A. about 12 hoursB. about 24 hoursC. about 48 hoursD. less than 12 hours2. The underlined word“poor”in Paragraph 1 means “________”in Chinese.A. 贫穷的B. 富裕的C. 快乐的D. 漂亮的3. Why did Mr. Brown take Eric to the farm?A. To show him how poor their family was.B. To show him how rich their family was.C. To show him where the poor lived.D. To show him how the poor lived.4. Eric felt ________ about the trip.A. tiredB. unhappyC. greatD. sad5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Eric was only five years old.B. There was one dog on the farm.C. Eric liked the farm very much.D. There were some lamps in Mr. Brown's garden.答案:阅读理解(一)1-5 BDBCD阅读理解(二)1-5 ABDCB阅读理解(三)1-5 CDBBA阅读理解(四)1-5 BBCDC阅读理解(五)1-5 CBDAA阅读理解(六)1-5 ACABD阅读理解(七)1-5 BCBAD阅读理解(八)1-5 CDABD阅读理解(九)1-5 DCDCA阅读理解(十)1-5 BADCB。