1. AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) - 自动引导车辆
2. AGV System - 自动引导车辆系统
3. AGV Technology - 自动引导车辆技术
4. AGV Navigation - 自动引导车辆导航
5. AGV Control - 自动引导车辆控制
6. AGV Communication - 自动引导车辆通信
7. AGV Fleet Management - 自动引导车辆车队管理
8. AGV Safety - 自动引导车辆安全
9. AGV Battery - 自动引导车辆电池
10. AGV Charging - 自动引导车辆充电
11. AGV Path Planning - 自动引导车辆路径规划
12. AGV Traffic Management - 自动引导车辆交通管理
13. AGV Load Handling - 自动引导车辆载荷处理
14. AGV Speed Control - 自动引导车辆速度控制
15. AGV Collision Avoidance - 自动引导车辆避免碰撞
16. AGV Laser Guidance - 自动引导车辆激光导航
17. AGV Vision System - 自动引导车辆视觉系统
18. AGV Localization - 自动引导车辆定位
19. AGV Positioning - 自动引导车辆定位
20. AGV Mapping - 自动引导车辆地图绘制。
AGV小车知识汇总一AGV的定义AGV是无人搬运车(Automated Guided Vehicle)的英文缩写。
是指装备有电磁或光学等自动导引装置,能够沿规定的导引路径行驶,具有安全保护以及各种移载功能的运输车,AGV属于轮式移动机器人(WMR——Wheeled Mobole Robot)的范畴。
在这里引入另一个名词—AGC(Automated Guided Cart),它也属于AGV的范畴,是以日本为代表的简易型AGV技术,该技术追求的是简单实用,极力让用户在最短的时间内收回投资成本。
目前国内所说的AGV 其实绝大多数是指AGC,目前我国能生产真正AGV的企业只有三家。
二AGV的发展历程1 AGV在国外的发展历程世界上第一台AGV是由美国Barrett电子公司于20世纪50年代初开发成功的,它是一种牵引式小车系统,可十分方便地与其他物流系统自动连接,显著地提高劳动生产率,极大地提高了装卸搬运的自动化程度。
1960年欧洲就安装了各种形式、不同水平的AGVS 220套,使用了AGV 1300多台。
1973年,瑞典VOLVO 公司在KALMAR轿车厂的装配线上大量采用了AGV进行计算机控制装配作业,扩大了AGV的使用范围。
搬运机器人毕业设计 (含外文翻译)
1 前言众所周知随着社会的不断发展,各行各业的分工越来越明细,尤其是在现代化的大产业中,有的人每天就只管拧一批产品的同一个部位上的一个螺母,有的人整天就是接一个线头,人们感到自己在不断异化,各种职业病逐渐产生,于是人们强烈希望用某种机器代替自己工作,因此人们研制出了机器人,用以代替人们去完成那些单调、枯燥或是危险的工作。
随着工业自动化的发展,国内外的应用和需求越来越强烈,已经约有千台AGV 在使用,而且市场在逐渐扩大。
根据初步市场调查分析,今后5 年内,国内各行业对AGV 需求量可达数千台,年产值接近2 亿元,经济效益十分可观。
1.1 国内外的发展现状总结一下,我们认为,机器人有三个发展阶段,那么也就是说,我们习惯于把机器人分成三类,一种是第一代机器人,那么也叫示教再现型机器人,它是通过一个计算机,来控制一个多自由度的一个机械,通过示教存储程序和信息,工作时把信息读取出来,然后发出指令,这样的话机器人可以重复的根据人当时示教的结果,再现出这种动作,比方说汽车的点焊机器人,它只要把这个点焊的过程示教完以后,它总是重复这样一种工作,它对于外界的环境没有感知,这个操作力的大小,这个工件存在不存在,焊的好与坏,它并不知道,那么实际上这种第一代机器人,也就存在它这种缺陷。
本科生毕业设计(论文)翻译资料中文题目:配合新一代液力变矩器的柴油动力线的一些特性英文题目:some properties of a diesel driveline with hydrodynamic torque converters of thelastest generation学生姓名:学号:班级:专业:机械工程及自动化指导教师:吉林大学机械科学与工程学院Some properties of a diesel drive line withhydrodynamic torque converters of the latestgenerationAbstractDynamic properties of a drive line with a controlled Diesel engine, hydrodynamic transmission mechanism, additional gearing and a loading-working machine producing common monoharmonic loading are investigated. Solution of the dynamic problem is based on phenomenological experimental data: drivingtorque-speed characteristic in the part of the prime mover and so-called external static characteristic in the hydrotransmission part. The non-linear task is solved by a modified harmonic balance method that was described in preceding publications by the author.Keywords: Machine drive line; Controlled Diesel drive; Hydrodynamic torque converter; Working machine; Periodic loading; Stationary dynamic stateNomenclature and abbreviationsa, b --- ------Coulomb and viscous non-dimensional friction lossesA i,B i --- ----coefficients in mathematical expression of torque-speed characteristic i, i m ----------kinematic transmission, supplementary gearing transmission ratio -------mean reduced moment of inertia in driving and loading partI, I, k K ---------tangent slopes of λ(i) and K(i) curves respectivelykλK -------------moment transmissionM ------------Diesel-engine momentM D(ω, z) ----controlled torque-speed driving characteristicM Dmax(ω), M Dmin(ω) ---torque-speed characteristic for maximal and minimal fuel supplyM1, (), M2, () ---pump loading moment and turbine driving momentM T1, M T2 ----friction loss moment in driving and loading partM z, M za ----mean value and amplitude of loading moment-------------hydrodynamic converter characteristic radius吉林大学本科毕业论文外文翻译t -------------timeT, T D------------Watt regulator and Diesel-engine time constantu, z ---------gas lever and regulator displacementw -----------common dynamic variableε -----------regulator structural parameterζ -----------regulator damping ratioλ -----------coefficient of rotation momentν -----------loading angular velocity, π-------index denoting mean value and periodical component---------hydraulic medium density----------rotation angleω1, (), ω2 ---pump and turbine angular velocityDM ------Diesel-engineG, G D ---additional and Watt-regulator gearingHdPT ---hydrodynamic power transmissionIJ --------InjectorLM ------loading mechanism (working machine)P, R, T---pump, reactor, turbineArticle OutlineNomenclature1. Introduction2. Mathematical model of the system3. Stationary dynamic solution at monoharmonic loading4. Results evaluation and concluding remarks1. IntroductionDynamic properties of a drive line (actuating unit) consisting of a controlled Diesel engine (DM), hydrodynamic power transmission system (HdPT), additional gearing (G) and a loading mechanism (LM) or working machine are investigated. The working machine loads the prime mover and the transmissions with a prescribed moment. A simple idealised schematic layout of the complete system is given in Fig.1. The considered Diesel engine is a standard production: ZETOR 8002.1 controlled by a mechanical (Watt’s) or electronic regulator R D governing fuel injector IJ. In the place of the hydrodynamic power transmission there are gradually applied hydrodynamic torque converters of the latest generation that have been projected吉林大学机械科学与工程学院and tested in WUSAM (Research and Projecting Institute of Machines and Mechanisms), j.s.c. Zvolen, Slovakia. These converters represent a three component assembly composed of a rotational pump (P), turbine (T) and a reactor (R) that may revolve in one direction as a free wheel. Advantage of these converters is the fact that their external dimensions and the dimensions of their individual components are identical and they may be mutually changed and arbitrarily combined in order to reach demanded properties. They differ only by internal configuration and blade geometry. According to [1] up to now more than 70 various types have been experimentally tested and from them the ones have been chosen that optimally fulfilled required properties. The mechanical system under consideration represents a sophisticated energy transfer chain from a source––prime mover to working mechanism. Because every real drive is of finite power, any periodic loading always evokes vibrations of all the dynamic variables even though we suppose all the connecting shafts and gearings rigid and backlash free. The influence of dynamic loading on the prime mover may be just controlled by a suitable choice of the torque converter.Fig. 1. Schematic layout of the Diesel drive line.In the paper influence of constant and periodic loading on time course of all the dynamic variables of the system (and particularly on the variables of the prime mover) is investigated at application of some selected types of hydrodynamic torque converters of the latest generation. For fulfilling this task it is necessary to create a suitable mathematical model of the whole combined system and then find its stationary solution corresponding to a required loading.2. Mathematical model of the system吉林大学本科毕业论文外文翻译At the beginning it is necessary to emphasize that mathematical modelling of the drive line in question is based, in our approach, on knowledge of the published phenomenological data: stationary torque-speed characteristic of the prime mover and so-called external static characteristic of the applied hydrodynamic torque converter. It is a much simpler process than modelling based on thermodynamic equations of burning fuel mixture in the Diesel engine and on hydrodynamic equations of real streaming working medium in very complicated cavities of the torque converter. The characteristics are usually given by manufacturer of the individual system components. This is different and simpler approach to solution of the problem than one may find e.g. at Ishihara [2], Hrovat and Tobler [3], Kesy and Kesy [4], Laptev [5] and some others. The derived dimensional and non-dimensional mathematical models of the mechanical system are introduced in [6]. Thenon-dimensional, reduced, so-called single-shaft model (in the driving and loading part), was derived in the form of combined system of the following differential and algebraic equations:(1)(2)(3)(4)M2=KM1, (5)λ=λ(i), (6)K=K(i), (7)(8)吉林大学机械科学与工程学院(9) where the meaning of the individual symbols is explained in nomenclature. In the non-dimensional model all the dynamic variables and parameters are expressed by means of properly chosen relative standard quantities so that the model of the system might be the most simple. Transformation of the original equations system to the non-dimensional form Figs. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) is described in detail in [6]. As for this cited paper, it is necessary to say that the relative standard value of loading angular frequency has been settled according to the relation, where in denominator is relative standard value of time. For this value,the time constant of the regulator has been just chosen, i.e. , where therelated dimensional dynamic variables are distinguished by upper bars. The introduced mathematical model has nine variables: M, M1, ω1, z, λ, K, i, M2, ω2 and their meaning is explained in nomenclature. The first three equations represent mathematic model of the prime mover where in inertia moment I there is includedinertia moment of the pump and equivalent part of the working medium because driving and pump shafts are connected by a rigid clutch. The right side of Eq. (3) represents the controlled stationary torque-speed characteristic for which it holds: M D(ω1,z)=M Dmax(ω1)-[M Dmax(ω1)-M Dmin(ω1)]z, (10) where M Dmax(ω1), M Dmin(ω1) represent its non-dimensional extreme branches for maximal and minimal fuel supply and z is the non-dimensional regulator deviation.If the experimentally measured dependences M Dmax(ω1), M Dmin(ω1) are expressed by second degree polynomials then the controlled non-dimensional torque-speed characteristic has the form:(11) From the introduced model it is evident that at chosen parameter value u driving speed growth causes regulator displacement to increase and fuel supply to decrease. The idealised controlled torque-speed characteristic for a chosen parameter value u (gas lever displacement) is schematically depicted in Fig. 2. From Eq. (2) it is evident that the structural parameter ε must be chosen in such away that regulator self-oscillations should not occur. Eqs. Figs. (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8), in the sense of considerations in [6], represent the dynamic equations of the torque converter. Eq. (9) represents simplified motion equation of the loading mechanism under assumptiondoes not depend on rotation angle . In thisthat the reduced inertia moment Ireduced inertia moment there is involved inertia moment of the turbine with吉林大学本科毕业论文外文翻译equivalent part of the working medium too. It is obvious that in this inertia moment and in all moments of the loading mechanism there is considered gear ratio i m of the supplementary gearing of the originally non-reduced system. Eqs. Figs. (6) and (7) represent the external static characteristic of the hydrodynamic transmission, i.e. formal dependences of λ and K on the kinematic ratio i and the dependences are given for every converter type in graphical form. The dynamic variables λ and K are defined in non-dimensional form very simply by non-linear relations Figs. (4) and (5). In a general way these non-dimensional variables are defined by means of dimensional values (distinguished by upper bars) as follows:(12) where individual symbol meaning may be found in nomenclature. As we have chosen (according to Fig. 2) for the relative standard value of angular velocity the idle motion angular velocity of the Diesel engine at maximal fuel supply, i.e. at z = 0, then from Figs. (4) and (12) it is evident that the relative standard moment value is(13)It means that if for the applied drive s−1 and all the applied convertertypes have equal characteristic radius m and if we consider mean valuekg m−3 at stationary thermic regime then the relative standard value of themoment is N m for all the considered converter types. The external static characteristics of the applied converters with internal labelling: M350.222,M350.623M, M350.675, M350.72M3M, are (according to the measuring records [7]) successively introduced in Fig. 3(a)–(d). When the torque-speed characteristic is known and the measured dependences Figs. (6) and (7) are at disposal, it is possible to solve the combined system of differential and algebraic equations Figs. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9). This is a little complicated task because the differential and algebraic equations in the accepted mathematical model arenon-linear. Stationary dynamic state of the system was calculated by a modified harmonic balance method that is fully described in [8].吉林大学机械科学与工程学院Fig. 2. Idealised diagram of the driving torque-speed characteristic.Fig. 3. External static characteristics of the hydrodynamic power transmissions: M350.222,M350.623M, M350.675, M350.72M3M.3. Stationary dynamic solution at monoharmonicloadingIn this section stationary solution of the system Figs. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) will be looked for always with the same prime mover and successively considering all the converters types whose external static characteristics are introduced in Fig. 3(a)–(d). If each of the nine dynamic variables is denoted by a common symbol w≡M, M1, ω1, z, λ, K, i, M2, ω2 then, in accordance with applied method, every dynamic variable may be formally expressed as a sum of its mean and its centred periodic component, i.e.:w=w+w π. (14) Following the mentioned method, on restrictive presumption that it holds:MM z→wπw, (15)吉林大学本科毕业论文外文翻译the system Figs. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) splits into twoindependent systems of equations: a system of non-linear algebraic equations for calculationw and a combined system of linearised differential and algebraic equations for calculation w π. If one considers that friction losses in the driving part are implicitly expressed already in the torque-speed characteristic of the drive and in the external static characteristic of the applied hydrodynamic torque converter and friction losses in the loading part are supposed as a combination of Coulomb and viscous friction, i.e.:M T 2=a +bω2, (16)then the non-linear algebraic system has the form:(17)The combined system of the linearised differential and algebraic equations is(18)where for writing abbreviation it is denoted:吉林大学机械科学与工程学院(19) The solution process of both equation systems Figs. (17) and (18) is introduced in [8]. The system of non-linear equations (17) was calculated for three parameter levels u (u = 0.3, 0.4, 0.6) that respond to 30%, 40%, and 60% of the maximal gas lever displacement. To each chosen parameter value u, a certain driving angular velocity interval responds. From Fig. 2 and from Eq. (2) it is evident that for a chosen value u the corresponding mean driving angular velocity value must lie in interval:ω1ω1b, (20)ωwhere for border values of the interval it holds:(21) For the chosen parameter value u = 0.3 and for different mean values M z, the calculated mean values w(for the drive line with given drive and all the consideredconverter types) are introduced in diagrams in Fig. 4(a)–(d). Analogical mean values w of the same variables corresponding with the parameter u = 0.4 are in Fig.5(a)–(d). Finally, the calculated mean values w corresponding with parameteru = 0.6 and identical torque converter types are depicted in Fig. 6(a)–(d). Here it is important to remind that x-coordinates in Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 represent the mean angular velocity interval (20) gradually for parameters u = 0.3, 0.4, 0.6 and the decimal fractions on this section denote only its decimal division. From the calculated mean values w in Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 and from the introducedexternal static characteristics in Fig. 3a complete nine of the mean values w can be determined for any mean loading value Mand estimated loss moment value M T2in the loading part. When this complete nine w is known then it is possible, in the sense of the applied method, to construct all the constant coefficients of the combined differential and algebraic system (18) for calculation wπ. This system is already linear and may be solved by known classical methods. First of all, we take interest in stationary dynamic solution. In sense of the procedure one may express the centred periodic component of every dynamic variable in the form:wπ=M za(W c cosνt+W s sinνt), (22) where notations W c, W s represent cosine and sine components of the dynamic factor (transmissibility) of corresponding dynamic variable. Detailed computing procedure is introduced in [8]. For transmissibility of the centred periodic component of every dynamic variable it holds:(23)As an example in Fig. 7, Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 there are successively introduced dynamic characteristics of the centred periodic components of dynamic variables: moment (M) and angular velocity of the drive (ω1), loading moment of the pump (M1), moment (M2) and angular velocity of the turbine (ω2) for the system with hydrodynamic converter M350.222 and for chosen parameter value u = 0.4. Results are given in two forms of dynamic characteristics, namely as classic frequency response functions (upper parts) and as Nyquist diagrams (lower parts). Both types of dynamic characteristics are calculated for four values of the loadingmechanism inertia moment: kg m2 and for supplementary gear ratio i m = 1. Equal sections of loading angular velocity Δν with value π corresponding to equal sections on frequency response function x-coordinates are in the Nyquist diagrams separated by bold points as well. In dynamic calculations, theDiesel-engine time constant s, regulator time constant s and the regulator damping ratio ζ = 0.55 were considered. The left parts of the dynamic characteristics in Fig. 7, Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 correspond to the dynamic regime with mean values: λ = 0.111, K = 3.12, i = 0.127, which are quantified bybold points on the left thin vertical in the external static characteristic in Fig. 3(a), when the converter works in so-called friction clutch regime. Mean values of dynamic variables, corresponding to this dynamic regime, are: M = 0.0506,= 0.158, ω1 = 0.673, ω2 = 0.0855, M z = 0.152, z = 0.0849. These values areMalso accentuated in Fig. 5(a) by bold points on thin vertical line. In this dynamic regime the converter works with mean transfer energy efficiency η≈ 0.405. Theright parts of the dynamic characteristics introduced in Fig. 7, Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 correspond to dynamic regime with mean values: λ = 0.111, K = 1.1,i = 0.74, represented by bold points on the right thin vertical on the external staticcharacteristic in Fig. 3(a) when the converter works in so-called moment converter regime with mean energy transfer efficiency higher than 0.8. The mean values of dynamic variables corresponding to this dynamic state are: M = 0.0506,M= 0.0557, ω1 = 0.673, ω2 = 0.4986, M z = 0.0466, z = 0.0849 and aremarked out in Fig. 5(a) as well on thin vertical line by bold points. Non-dimensional friction losses at dynamic calculation were considered according to (16) as follows:, , where is dimensional relative moment standard value (13).Fig. 4. Mean values of the chosen dynamic variables w of the system with converters: M350.222,M350.623M, M350.675, M350.72M3M for optional parameter u = 0.3.Fig. 5. Mean values of the chosen dynamic variables w of the system with converters: M350.222,M350.623M, M350.675, M350.72M3M for optional parameter u = 0.4.Fig. 6. Mean values of the chosen dynamic variables w of the system with converters: M350.222,M350.623M, M350.675, M350.72M3M for optional parameter u = 0.6.Fig. 7. Dynamic factor (transmissibility) of the centred periodic component of the system driving moment with the converter M350.222 in fretting clutch and moment converter regime for optionalparameter u = 0.4Fig. 8. Dynamic factor (transmissibility) of centred periodic component of the driving angular velocity of the system with the converter M350.222 in fretting clutch and moment converter regimefor optional parameter u = 0.4Fig. 9. Dynamic factor (transmissibility) of centred periodic component of the pump moment of the converter M350.222 in fretting clutch and moment converter regime for parameter u = 0.4.Fig. 10. Dynamic factor (transmissibility) of centred periodic component of the turbine moment of the converter M350.222 in fretting clutch and moment converter regime for parameter u = 0.4.Fig. 11. Dynamic factor (transmissibility) of centred periodic component of the turbine angular velocity of the system converter M350.222 at fretting clutch and moment converter regime forparameter u = 0.4.4. Results evaluation and concluding remarksIn the paper some dynamic properties of a Diesel drive line with some the latest generation torque converter types were inquired and stationary response to common monoharmonic loading was calculated. Mean values of all dynamic variables were calculated for the system with the same controlled drive and successively four chosen torque converter types. In order to save space, complete dynamic calculations are performed only for the system with converter M350.222 and results are introduced in form of frequency response functions and Nyquist diagrams.Already from the calculated mean values in Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 one may judge technical possibilities and collaboration aptness of the applied drive with the considered converter type. Even from these diagrams it is evident that at application M350.222 this converter can work in arbitrary hydrodynamic regime when optional parameter value u 0.6. Working regime of the system adjusts automatically and depends only on external loading and parameter values u. At maximal loading and lower values u all the considered hydrodynamic converter work in hydrodynamic friction clutch regime when turbine rotation may even extremely decrease to zero value. At mean loading the converter works in the system as hydrodynamic moment converter with average energy transfer efficiency above 0.8. At low system loading and higher values u, the converter behaves as quasi-hydrodynamic fix clutch when relative working medium velocity is low and creates impression of stiffened substance. In this working regime angular velocities of all the converter rotating components are close to each other and mean energy transfer efficiency approaches theoretically to 1. From calculated mean values in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 it is evident that the torque converters: M350.623M, M350.675, M350.72M3M can at optional parameter u 0.4 cooperate with given drive only in moment converter andhydrodynamic fix clutch regime respectively. The dynamical responses of the drive line with the torque converter M350.222 are depicted in Fig. 7, Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11. In Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 dynamic factors (transmissibility) of moment and angular velocity of the drive are introduced. It is evident that at chosen value of damping ratio ζ = 0.55 only one significant resonance of these variables occurswhich lies always in loading frequency interval (), regardless of the fact in what regime the applied converter works. Resonance values of moment and angular velocity of the drive are significantly influenced by total inertia moment ofvalue is, the lower resonant values are. Verythe loading mechanism. The higher Isimply one can inquire influence of the supplementary gearing ratio i m because reduced inertia moment I z changes with its second power. It is interesting that change of the loading mechanism inertia moment does not shift resonant peak of dynamic characteristics that remain practically at the same loading angular frequency ν. Remarkable results may be observed in Fig. 9(a) and (b) where the dynamic factors of the pump loading moment corresponding to resonant values of moment and angular velocity of the drive are minimal and express small sensibility to I z magnitude in both inquired converter regimes. In Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, the dynamic factors of driving moment and angular velocity of the turbine are drawn for the case when the applied converter works in friction clutch and moment converter regime. Whole range of dynamic calculations has been made for different values of the time constant and regulator damping ratio ζ. It turned out that the drive linewith all the applied converter types has small sensibility to time constant magnitudeof the Watt regulator. Time constant changes in range (0.01–0.1 s) did not visibly reveal in calculated dynamic factors what is certain difference in comparison with hydrostatic transmission mechanisms (see e.g. [9]). On the other part, dynamic calculations prove that damping ratio ζ influences noticeably resonant values of all dynamic variables. The resonant transmissibility peaks of the driving moment M r and angular velocity ωr in dependence on damping ratio ζ, for the system with converter M350.222 and for four different loading inertia moment values areintroduced in Fig. 12(a) and (b). The thin dash lines always denote stationary resonant dynamic factor values of appertaining variable corresponding to zero-value loading frequency. Equally, as in previous cases, left parts of the Fig. 12(a) represent resonant values of moment and angular driving velocity when the applied converter works in hydrodynamic friction clutch regime. Analogically the right parts of the Fig. 12(b) represent resonant values of the same variable when the converter works in hydrodynamic moment converter regime. From the introduced diagrams it is evident that disturbance transmissibility from the loading mechanism to the drive grows with increasing damping ratio ζ. On the other part, dynamic calculations showed that for low damping ratio values (ζ 0.1) indication of a secondary resonance ofchosen variables appears in loading frequency band but the values of this secondary resonance are essentially lower than corresponding stationary values.Fig. 12. Transmissibility resonant values dependences of moment and driving angular velocity on damping ratio and on reduced inertia moment of the loading for the system with the at hydrodynamicclutch and moment converter regime at u = 0.4.配合新一代液力变矩器的柴油动力线的一些特性摘要:带有控制柴油机的车的动态特性,液力传导机制,还有传动装置和进行普通装卸工作的装载机的调查。
机械手外文翻译LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(附外文原文)学院:机械与控制工程学院课题名称:搬运机械手的结构和液压系统设计专业(方向):机械设计制造及其自动化(机械装备)班级:学生:指导教师:日期: 2015年3月10日Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control ConferenceJuly 28-30, 2014, Nanjing, ChinaThe Remote Control System of the ManipulatorSUN Hua, ZHANG Yan, XUE Jingjing , WU Zongkai College of Automation, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 15000E-mail:Abstract: A remote control system of the 5 degree of freedom manipulator was designed. This manipulator was installed into ourmobile robot to constitute a remote rescue robot. The Denavit-Hartenberg method was used to establish the kinematic models and the path planning of the manipulator was researched. The operator could remote control the manipulator by the interactive interface of PCwhich could display moving picture and various data of the manipulator. The servos of the manipulator were controlled by the slave FPGA controller. In addition, the slave FPGA controller communicated withthe PC via the wireless communication module. Owing to the embedded Nios II program and IP (Intellectual Property) core generating PWM waves in FPGA, the system could control the multiple servos fast and flexible. In order to achieve real-time operation and simulation, the interactive interface was established by the mixed programming of VC and MATLAB.Key Words: The manipulator; Remote control; Denavit-Hartenberg; FPGA; Human-computer interaction1 IntroductionWith the development of the microelectronic technique and the computer technology, the manipulator has become essential equipment in the manufacturing industry. As we all known, the manipulator isusually applied to accomplish dull, onerous and repeated physical work, especially used to substitute the manual operation under the dangerous and the hazardous environment such as the corrosion and the high temperature.In this paper, the manipulator was installed our mobile robot. The tele-operation system of this manipulator was designed. The whole system is onstituted by PC and slave FPGA. The operator can remote control the manipulator by PC. The wireless communication was used for transmitting data between PC and FPGA. FPGA is controller of the the manipulator in the mobile robot. FPGA has the abundant internal resource and IP cores. And a central control option was built via an embedded Nios II program and an IP core in FPGA. Furthermore, Verilog language was adopted to design the IP core which generated digital PWM waves for controlling the manipulator. Therefore, this system could reach higher precision and easy to debug.MATLAB software was adopted to build the kinematic models of manipulator. And using D-H (the acronym of Denavit-Hartenberg) method to solve the forward and inverse kinematic equations of the manipulator, to analyze the motivation, to plan and track themotion’s path.In addition, a good interface of human-computer interaction was enhanced in the remote control system of the manipulator in PC. Moreover, the manipulator simulation technology was built by using the mixed programming of VC and MATLAB. Thus, the motion choreographs was got quickly and easily, also greatly saved time and cut the cost.2 Manipulator Model and Path PlanningAt first, the motion model of the manipulator was built. Then, the kinematic simulation and its path planning were researched. These works provided the foundation for the design of the remote control system of the manipulator.Motion Model of the ManipulatorThe manipulator was regarded as an open loop kinematic chain. It was constituted by five rotary joints. And its one end was fixed on a base while the other end was used to achieve the ability of grabbing. Therefore, it is better to establish a chain coordinate frame as shown in . The terminal position and attitude was determined via usingforward kinematic equation after knowing the rotating angle of every joint. The D-H parameter table shown as Table 1 was established by using the frames in .Coordinate frames of mechanical armTable 1 D-H Parameters of the Robot ArmDue to D-H method:T =T T +1T +1T =(TT T +1−TT T +1TT T +1TT T TT T +1TT T 0T T −TT T −TT T T T +1TT T +1TT T TT T +1TT T 00TT T TT T T T +101)Where C T T +1=cos T T +1 , S T T +1=sin T T +1 , C T T =cos T T , S T T =sin T T . The transformation matrix of every joint was given byequation (2).T 10=(cos T 1sin T 1sin T 1cos T 1000000001001) T 21=(cos T 2−sin T 200001T 1−sin T 2−cos T 2000001) T 32=(cos T 3−sin T 3sin T 3cos T 3000000001T 201) T 43=(cos T 4−sin T 40000−1−T 3sin T 4cos T 4000001) T 54=(cos T 5−sin T 5sin T 5cos T 5000000001T 401) T 50=(T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 00T T T T 01)=T 10T 2∗1T 3∗2T 4∗3T 5∗4 (2)Where unit vector T →,T →,T → in equation (2) was T→=TTTTTT , T →=TTTTTTTTTTT , T →=TTTTTTTT , T→=TTTTTTTT . Parameters of mechanical arm were given by T 1=85mm , T 2=116mm , T 3=85mm , T 4=95mm . Therefore the forward kinematicequation was determined by taking every parameter in equation (3).T 50=(180TT 1T (T 2+T 3)+116TT 1TT 2180TT 1T (T 2+T 3)+116TT 1TT 285+116TT 2+180T (T 2+T 3)) (3)In practical application, the manipulator was adopted to grabobjects. This required that the fixed position was given from terminalto target location. That was the inverse kinematic analysis ofmanipulator. Inverse transformation was used to determine angle of every rotary joint toward the established coordinates. And the used method of inverse transformation was the common method to solve such problem (this method also known as algebraic method).Using inversetransformation T T T −1−1separately to the left multiplication withT =50T 10T 2∗1T 3∗2T 4∗3T 5∗4 , the angle of every rotary joint (T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5)was determined. Owing to these results, the rotary angles (T 1T 2T 3)at terminal position of manipulator were totally decided by the target position [T T T T T T ]. Angle T 4 was used to change terminal attitude of the manipulator and it was changed by the known normal vector. However, angle T 5, was decided by the size of target object.Motion Simulation of the ManipulatorThe manipulator model was built and simulated via MATLAB toolbox. We could verify the rationality of the mathematical model. While the MATLAB model was established by table 1 and shown asMATLAB simulation of the manipulatorComparing to the and , the simulation model of the manipulator was coincided to the reference frame model. That was to say, the given coordinate frame was correct. These results also could be proved by the determined inverse kinematic equations via MATLAB shown in the table (2) and table (3).The target position was solved by forward kinematics. After that, the rotary angles were calculated by inverse kinematical equation. It turned out that these rotary angles coincided to the given angles. Therefore, these results verified the correctness of forward and inverse kinematical equation.Table (2) Forward Kinematics AnalyzeTable (3) Inverse Kinematics Analyze3 Path Planning of the ManipulatorThe total displacement of joint was calculated by inversekinematical equation when the manipulator moved to new position. Thus, the manipulator could move to new position. Although the manipulator finally moved to the expected position in such condition, the motion of the manipulator between these two points was unknown. Due to space limitations, motion and some certain position requirements, the manipulator was often unable to move as the above mentioned method. Therefore, the motion path was designed to coincide with the limited conditions.In this paper, we could use these certain limitations to decide some expected points. And these expected points were used to match the planning path of the manipulator’s movement. Owing to the planning path, coordinate in every part could be calculated. The rotary angleof every joint was calculated via inverse kinetical equation and these angles realized the movement of planning path. Movement of the manipulator was shown in (Where‘’ represented the points would be p assed by the manipulator;‘*’represented the expected points of every segment; ‘-’represented path planning of the manipulator). In , we could seethat the motion of the manipulator passed every planning point and the movement path coincided to the planning path.The path planning simulation of the manipulator4 Remote Control System of the Manipulato rThe remote control system of the manipulator contains the main PC and the slave FPGA controller using DE2 Board of ALTER Company. The motors of the manipulator were controlled by multipath PWM waves. And the PWM waves were generated by IP core. The FPGA controller Communicated with PC via wireless serial port. While in the PC interaction, the operator could observe the move of the manipulator in real-time and tele-control the motion of the manipulator. Also every movement of manipulator could be observed in advance via thesimulation technique. The general design of the manipulator remote control system was shown in .The block diagram of the remote control systemControl Mode of the ManipulatorThere were two control modes of the manipulator. One mode is thatthe inverse kinematical equations are calculated by FPGA straightly to determine angle of every rotary joint. Thus, the control of the manipulator was achieved. The advantage of this mode is more direct and independent to finish the control of the manipulator without the external devices. At the same time, this mode has large quantities of calculations, which occupy more internal storage and running time of FPGA. Resources of FPGA are wasted under this mode.The other mode accomplished the control of the manipulator by using VC and MATLAB in PC. Using VC and MATLAB finished a large number of complex calculations and determined angle of every rotary joint. And the angle results were transmitted to FPGA in order to accomplish the control of the manipulator. This manner saved lots of internal storage and running time. In addition, FPGA could finish other works underthis mode. But the manipulator was not under fast control in this mode.In this system, a new mode was adopted in the manipulator remote control system depending on the advantages of the two modes. Specifically, when the manipulator accomplished the specified and repeated movement the former mode was adopted under direct control by FPGA. When the manipulator wanted to achieve new motions the latter mode was used to be commanded by orders from PC. This new mode was made good use of advantages of the two modes in the above. And this new mode lightened computational burden and improved workingefficiency of the manipulator.SOPC Design for the Remote Control SystemMovement of the manipulator was controlled by servos. And the servos were controlled by PWM waves with the cycle of 20ms. Pulse width of these PWM waves was ~ corresponding to the rotary angle of servo with-90 degree to 90 degree. High precision of PWM waves were generated by IP core via Verilog in this system. The results were shown in . PWM waves controlled rotary angles of the servos via the servo drivers.The PWM IP coreMultiple of IP cores were able to be downloaded into FPGA. Andmultiple PWM waves with high precision were generated in the output. As shown in , the pulse width of these waves could be settled byprogram of Nios II. The movement of the manipulator was more flexible and in higher precision in this system.The IP cores generating PWM waveThe movement of the manipulator was accomplished by the duty ratio of PWM waves. Formula (4) inverted rotary angle T T to thecorresponding amount of the duty ratio of PWM waves. The duty ratio of PWM waves corresponded to the Nios II output.TTT T =1000000−(T T ∗50000+75000) (4) Wireless serial of 9600 baud rate was used to transmit thecoordinate and the angle information from host computer to FPGA. After that, the data and orders were analyzed by FPGA Then FPGA transmitted the movement results to interactive interface of host computer via wireless transition model. This communication was realized through adding UVRT communication protocol to FPGA.The Interactive Interface of the Remote Control SystemThe interactive interface of the remote control system was shown in . There were some functions in the interactive interface: videoobservation, the manipulator control and the simulation modeling. At first, the manipulator video could be seen from camera tointeractive interface. The operator could monitor the manipulator in real-time.Secondly, the angle and the coordinate could be set in control zone of the interactive interface. The angle of the manipulator could beset independently to each single joint. In addition, the angle settingcould be shown in real-time in the list of interactive interface (as shown in . In the set of coordinates, judging of coordinate setting assured that the total coordinates could achieve to the target points. Thus the manipulator could be controlled to move in the settled path depend on the angle information.Lastly, the MATLAB robot toolbox was embedded into this interactive interface. One interface was integrated both the control andsimulation of the manipulator. MATLAB robot toolbox was directly used by interactive interface in the manipulator modeling. Each group of information was simulated separately in order to detect whether each movement was correct. And the general simulation could test whether movement arrangement of the manipulator was reasonable. Combining with multiple simulation methods made the movement arrangement more flexible, the operation of the manipulator simpler and interface interaction more perfect.The interactive interface of the manipulator5 Experiment and SimulationIn order to verify properties of the remote control system of the manipulator, experiments of the system were under way and were comparing to the simulation system. To be specific, manipulator modeling was built by interactive interface and a group of coordinates could be designed. we could see that the manipulator modeling and control of the interactive interface design comforted to the design requirement. The comparing between experiment and simulation was shown in .The experiment and the simulation6 ConclusionIn the experiment, the 5-DOF manipulator modeling was simulated by MATLAB. In the slave FPGA board, control of the manipulator was accomplished via IP core based on the Verilog language. That greatly reduced design of the peripheral circuit, cut the cost, improved the precision and made the movement smoother without shaking. While in theinteractive interface, the mixed programming method of VC and MATLAB was embedded into the MATLAB simulation function. Thus the operability of this manipulator was enhanced. The system had a good ability of interactive interface. The whole system was verified and achieved to the expected effect. One new thing in this system was that embedded the MATLAB robot toolbox in the interactive interface. The D-H modeling, path planning and tele-operation and so on were accomplished by using this interactive interface directly. Compared to the other development tools, this interactive interface had portability, good compatibility, short development cycle and simple operation. References[1] Saeed B. Niku write, Sun Fuchun, Zhu Jihong, Liu Guodongetc translate: Robotics Introduction, Beijing, ElectronicIndustry Press, 2004(1):60-63,132-137.[2] Brady, , , , and, editors, Robot Motion; Planning and Control,MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1982.[3] Paul Richard P., Robot Manipulators, Mathematics,Programming, and Control, The MIT Press 1981.[4] Li Jian, Design and Research of Multi-DOF Robot, Masterdegree theses of master of university of technology, Chineseacaedemy of sciences, 2009?20-31.[5] Cheng Liyan, Fei Ling, Su Zelang, The 5-DOF ManipulatorKinematics Simulation Analysis Based on MATLAB,Mechanical Research & Application, 2011(06).[6] Zhang Puxing Jia Qiuling, Mechanical Arm Multi-channelServo Control Design based on FPGA, Small and specialelectrical machine. 2011, 39(4)第33届中国控制会议论文集中国,南京,2014年28-30日机械手的远程控制系统孙华、张媛、薛晶晶、吴宗凯哈尔滨工程大学,哈尔滨15000学院,自动化专业电子油箱:摘要:一种5自由度机械手的远程控制系统的设计。
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AGV 基本参数: AGV基本参数:
�电池容量:50AH,电压有12VDC和24VDC两种; �运输能力:80Kg~500Kg,牵引重量500~1000Kg (视AGV具体款型而言);可非 标定做 �引导方式:磁带导航; �行走方式:前进、后退行走、左右转向; �驱动方式:两轮差速驱动; �最小拐弯半径:0.5米; �最高定位精度:10mm(低速挡); �爬坡能力:≤5° ; �充一次电续行时间:大于24小时; �运行速度:有四个速挡可选,10、15、20、25米/分钟;(最高时速60m/分钟)
�AGV可以理解为实用、成本低廉的专业员工。忠诚度高、搬运专业、劳 动强度大、不易疲劳,而且最重要的是不用付出高额的工资。你可以随 心所欲地支配它的运输作业。 �AGV投入少收益大,成本相当于一个普通员工一年的人工工资。 �AGV使用经济、环保。运行轨道铺设简单、灵活。只要你的工场地面平 整、无明显的凹坑即可使用。 �AGV使用成熟的磁感应技术,运行稳定、可靠。 �AGV使用蓄电池做能源,可循环充电使用。每充满一次电,续行时间高 达24小时以上。 �操作简单、一键到位(轻轻一按启动键,AGV就自动运行到所指定的工 位)。
本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译学院:机电工程学院专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:高峰指导教师:李延胜2011年 05 月 10日教育部办公厅Failure Analysis,Dimensional Determination And Analysis,Applications OfCamsINTRODUCTIONIt is absolutely essential that a design engineer know how and why parts fail so that reliable machines that require minimum maintenance can be designed.Sometimes a failure can be serious,such as when a tire blows outon an automobile traveling at high speed.On the other hand,a failure may be no more than a nuisance.An example is the loosening of the radiator hose in an automobile cooling system.The consequence of this latter failure is usually the loss of some radiator coolant,a condition that is readily detected and corrected.The type of load a part absorbs is just as significant as the magnitude.Generally speaking,dynamic loads with direction reversals cause greater difficulty than static loads,and therefore,fatigue strength must be considered.Another concern is whether the material is ductile or brittle.For example,brittle materials are considered to be unacceptable where fatigue is involved.Many people mistakingly interpret the word failure to mean the actual breakage of a part.However,a design engineer must consider a broader understanding of what appreciable deformation occurs.A ductile material,however will deform a large amount prior to rupture.Excessive deformation,without fracture,may cause a machine to fail because the deformed part interferes with a moving second part.Therefore,a part fails(even if it has not physically broken)whenever it no longer fulfills its required function.Sometimes failure may be due to abnormal friction or vibration between two mating parts.Failure also may be due to a phenomenon called creep,which is the plastic flow of a material under load at elevated temperatures.In addition,the actual shape of a part may be responsiblefor failure.For example,stress concentrations due to sudden changes in contour must be taken into account.Evaluation of stress considerations is especially important when there are dynamic loads with direction reversals and the material is not very ductile.In general,the design engineer must consider all possible modes of failure,which include the following.——Stress——Deformation——Wear——Corrosion——Vibration——Environmental damage——Loosening of fastening devicesThe part sizes and shapes selected also must take into account many dimensional factors that produce external load effects,such as geometricdiscontinuities,residual stresses due to forming of desired contours,and the application of interference fit joints.Cams are among the most versatile mechanisms available.A cam is a simple two-member device.The input member is the cam itself,while the output member is called the follower.Through the use of cams,a simple input motion can be modified into almost any conceivable output motion that is desired.Some of the common applications of cams are——Camshaft and distributor shaft of automotive engine——Production machine tools——Automatic record players——Printing machines——Automatic washing machines——Automatic dishwashersThe contour of high-speed cams (cam speed in excess of 1000 rpm) must be determined mathematically.However,the vast majority of cams operate at low speeds(less than 500 rpm) or medium-speed cams can be determinedgraphically using a large-scale layout.In general,the greater the cam speed and output load,the greater must be the precision with which the cam contour is machined.DESIGN PROPERTIES OF MATERIALSThe following design properties of materials are defined as they relate to the tensile test.Figure 2.7Static Strength.The strength of a part is the maximum stress that the part can sustain without losing its ability to perform its required function.Thus the static strength may be considered to be approximately equal to the proportional limit,since no plastic deformation takes place and no damage theoretically is done to the material.Stiffness.Stiffness is the deformation-resisting property of a material.The slope of the modulus line and,hence,the modulus of elasticity are measures of the stiffness of a material.Resilience.Resilience is the property of a material that permits it to absorb energy without permanent deformation.The amount of energy absorbed is represented by the area underneath the stress-strain diagram within theelastic region.Toughness.Resilience and toughness are similar properties.However,toughness is the ability to absorb energy without rupture.Thus toughness is represented by the total area underneath the stress-strain diagram, as depicted in Figure 2.8b.Obviously,the toughness and resilience of brittle materials are very low and are approximately equal.Brittleness. A brittle material is one that ruptures before any appreciable plastic deformation takes place.Brittle materials are generally considered undesirable for machine components because they are unable to yield locally at locations of high stress because of geometric stress raisers such as shoulders,holes,notches,or keyways.Ductility. A ductility material exhibits a large amount of plastic deformation prior to rupture.Ductility is measured by the percent of area and percent elongation of a part loaded to rupture.A 5%elongation at rupture is considered to be the dividing line between ductile and brittle materials.Malleability.M alleability is essentially a measure of the compressive ductility of a material and,as such,is an important characteristic of metals that are to be rolled into sheets.Hardness.The hardness of a material is its ability to resistindentation or scratching.Generally speaking,the harder a material,the more brittle it is and,hence,the less resilient.Also,the ultimate strength of a material is roughly proportional to its hardness.Machinability.Machinability is a measure of the relative ease with which a material can be machined.In general,the harder the material,the more difficult it is to machine.Figure 2.8COMPRESSION AND SHEAR STATIC STRENGTHIn addition to the tensile tests,there are other types of static load testing that provide valuable information.Compression Testing.M ost ductile materials have approximately the same properties in compression as in tension.The ultimate strength,however,can not be evaluated for compression.As a ductile specimen flows plastically in compression,the material bulges out,but there is no physical rupture as is the case in tension.Therefore,a ductile material fails in compression as a result of deformation,not stress.Shear Testing.Shafts,bolts,rivets,and welds are located in such a way that shear stresses are produced.A plot of the tensile test.The ultimateshearing strength is defined as the stress at which failure occurs.The ultimate strength in shear,however,does not equal the ultimate strength in tension.For example,in the case of steel,the ultimate shear strength is approximately 75% of the ultimate strength in tension.This difference must be taken into account when shear stresses are encountered in machine components.DYNAMIC LOADSAn applied force that does not vary in any manner is called a static or steady load.It is also common practice to consider applied forces that seldom vary to be static loads.The force that is gradually applied during a tensile test is therefore a static load.On the other hand,forces that vary frequently in magnitude and direction are called dynamic loads.Dynamic loads can be subdivided to the following three categories.Varying Load.W ith varying loads,the magnitude changes,but the direction does not.For example,the load may produce high and low tensile stresses but no compressive stresses.Reversing Load.In this case,both the magnitude and direction change.These load reversals produce alternately varying tensile andcompressive stresses that are commonly referred to as stress reversals.Shock Load.This type of load is due to impact.One example is an elevator dropping on a nest of springs at the bottom of a chute.The resulting maximum spring force can be many times greater than the weight of the elevator,The same type of shock load occurs in automobile springs when a tire hits a bump or hole in the road.FATIGUE FAILURE-THE ENDURANCE LIMIT DIAGRAMThe test specimen in Figure 2.10a.,after a given number of stress reversals will experience a crack at the outer surface where the stress is greatest.The initial crack starts where the stress exceeds the strength of the grain on which it acts.This is usually where there is a small surface defect,such as a material flaw or a tiny scratch.As the number of cycles increases,the initial crack begins to propagate into a continuous series of cracks all around the periphery of the shaft.The conception of the initial crack is itself a stress concentration that accelerates the crack propagation phenomenon.Once the entire periphery becomes cracked,the cracks start to move toward the center of the shaft.Finally,when the remaining solid inner area becomes small enough,the stress exceeds the ultimate strength and the shaft suddenly breaks.Inspection of the break reveals a very interesting pattern,as shown in Figure 2.13.The outer annular area is relatively smooth because mating cracked surfaces had rubbed againsteach other.However,the center portion is rough,indicating a sudden rupture similar to that experienced with the fracture of brittle materials.This brings out an interesting fact.When actual machine parts fail as a result of static loads,they normally deform appreciably because of the ductility of the material.Figure 2.13Thus many static failures can be avoided by making frequent visual observations and replacing all deformed parts.However,fatigue failures give to warning.Fatigue fail mated that over 90% of broken automobile parts have failed through fatigue.The fatigue strength of a material is its ability to resist the propagation of cracks under stress reversals.Endurance limit is a parameter used to measure the fatigue strength of a material.By definition,the endurance limit is the stress value below which an infinite number of cycles will not cause failure.Let us return our attention to the fatigue testing machine in Figure 2.9.The test is run as follows:A small weight is inserted and the motor is turned on.At failure of the test specimen,the counter registers the number of cycles N,and the corresponding maximum bending stress iscalculated from Equation 2.5.The broken specimen is then replaced by an identical one,and an additional weight is inserted to increase the load.A new value of stress is calculated,and the procedure is repeated until failure requires only one complete cycle.A plot is then made of stress versus number of cycles to failure.Figure 2.14a shows the plot,which is called the endurance limit or S-N curve.Since it would take forever to achieve an infinite number of cycles,1 million cycles is used as a reference.Hence the endurance limit can be found from Figure 2.14a by noting that it is the stress level below which the material can sustain 1 million cycles without failure.The relationship depicted in Figure 2.14 is typical for steel,because the curve becomes horizontal as N approaches a very large number.Thus the endurance limit equals the stress level where the curve approaches a horizontal tangent.Owing to the large number of cycles involved,N is usually plotted on a logarithmic scale,as shown in Figure 2.14b.When this is done,the endurance limit value can be readily detected by the horizontal straight line.For steel,the endurance limit equals approximately 50% of the ultimate strength.However,if the surface finish is not of polished equality,the value of the endurance limit will be lower.For example,for steel parts with a machined surface finish of 63 micr oinches ( μin.),the percentage drops to about 40%.For rough surfaces (300μin.or greater),the percentage may be as low as 25%.The most common type of fatigue is that due to bending.The next most frequent is torsion failure,whereas fatigue due to axial loads occurs very seldom.Spring materials are usually tested by applying variable shear stresses that alternate from zero to a maximum value,simulating the actual stress patterns.In the case of some nonferrous metals,the fatigue curve does not level off as the number of cycles becomes very large.This continuing toward zero stress means that a large number of stress reversals will cause failure regardless of how small the value of stress is.Such a material is said to have no endurance limit.For most nonferrous metals having an endurance limit,the value is about 25% of the ultimate strength.EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ON YIELD STRENGTH AND MODULUS OF ELASTICITYGenerally speaking,when stating that a material possesses specified values of properties such as modulus of elasticity and yield strength,it is implied that these values exist at room temperature.At low or elevated temperatures,the properties of materials may be drastically different.For example,many metals are more brittle at low temperatures.In addition,the modulus of elasticity and yield strength deteriorate as the temperature increases.Figure 2.23 shows that the yield strength for mild steel is reduced by about 70% in going from room temperature to 1000o F.Figure 2.24 shows the reduction in the modulus of elasticity E for mild steel as the temperature increases.As can be seen from the graph,a 30% reduction in modulus of elasticity occurs in going from room temperature to 1000o F.In this figure,we also can see that a part loaded below the proportional limit at room temperature can be permanently deformed under the same load at elevated temperatures.Figure 2.24CREEP: A PLASTIC PHENOMENONTemperature effects bring us to a phenomenon called creep,which is the increasing plastic deformation of a part under constant load as a function of time.Creep also occurs at room temperature,but the process is so slow that it rarely becomes significant during the expected life of the temperature is raised to 300o C or more,the increasing plastic deformation can become significant within a relatively short period of time.The creep strength of a material is its ability to resist creep,and creep strength data can be obtained by conducting long-time creep tests simulating actual part operating conditions.During the test,the plastic strain is monitored for given material at specified temperatures.Since creep is a plastic deformation phenomenon,the dimensions of a part experiencing creep are permanently altered.Thus,if a part operateswith tight clearances,the design engineer must accurately predict the amount of creep that will occur during the life of the machine.Otherwise,problems such binding or interference can occur.Creep also can be a problem in the case where bolts are used to clamp tow parts together at elevated temperatures.The bolts,under tension,will creep as a function of time.Since the deformation is plastic,loss of clamping force will result in an undesirable loosening of the bolted joint.The extent of this particular phenomenon,called relaxation,can be determined by running appropriate creep strength tests.Figure 2.25 shows typical creep curves for three samples of a mild steel part under a constant tensile load.Notice that for the high-temperature case the creep tends to accelerate until the part fails.The time line in the graph (the x-axis) may represent a period of 10 years,the anticipated life of the product.Figure 2.25SUMMARYThe machine designer must understand the purpose of the static tensile strength test.This test determines a number of mechanical properties of metals that are used in design equations.Such terms as modulus ofelasticity,proportional limit,yield strength,ultimate strength,resilience,and ductility define properties that can be determined from the tensile test.Dynamic loads are those which vary in magnitude and direction and may require an investigation of the machine part’s resistance to failure.Stress reversals may require that the allowable design stress be based on the endurance limit of the material rather than on the yield strength or ultimate strength.Stress concentration occurs at locations where a machine part changes size,such as a hole in a flat plate or a sudden change in width of a flat plate or a groove or fillet on a circular shaft.Note that for the case of a hole in a flat or bar,the value of the maximum stress becomes much larger in relation to the average stress as the size of the hole decreases.Methods of reducing the effect of stress concentration usually involve making the shape change more gradual.Machine parts are designed to operate at some allowable stress below the yield strength or ultimate strength.This approach is used to take care of such unknown factors as material property variations and residual stresses produced during manufacture and the fact that the equations used may be approximate rather that exact.The factor of safety is applied to the yield strength or the ultimate strength to determine the allowablestress.Temperature can affect the mechanical properties of metals.Increases in temperature may cause a metal to expand and creep and may reduce its yield strength and its modulus of elasticity.If most metals are not allowed to expand or contract with a change in temperature,then stresses are set up that may be added to the stresses from the load.This phenomenon is useful in assembling parts by means of interference fits.A hub or ring has an inside diameter slightly smaller than the mating shaft or post.The hub is then heated so that it expands enough to slip over the shaft.When it cools,it exerts a pressure on the shaft resulting in a strong frictional force that prevents loosening.TYPES OF CAM CONFIGURATIONSPlate Cams.This type of cam is the most popular type because it is easy to design and manufacture.Figure 6.1 shows a plate cam.Notice that the follower moves perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the camshaft.All cams operate on the principle that no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time.Thus,as the cam rotates ( in this case,counterclockwise ),the follower must either move upward or bind inside the guide.We will focus our attention on the prevention of binding and attainment of the desired output follower motion.The spring is required to maintain contact between the roller of the follower and the cam contour when the follower is movingdownward.The roller is used to reduce friction and hence wear at the contact surface.For each revolution of the cam,the follower moves through two strokes-bottom dead center to top dead center (BDC to TDC) and TDC to BDC.Figure 6.2 illustrates a plate cam with a pointed follower.Complex motions can be produced with this type of follower because the point can follow precisely any sudden changes in cam contour.However,this design is limited to applications in which the loads are very light;otherwise the contact point of both members will wear prematurely,with subsequent failure.Two additional variations of the plate cam are the pivoted follower and the offset sliding follower,which are illustrated in Figure 6.3.A pivoted follower is used when rotary output motion is desired.Referring to the offset follower,note that the amount of offset used depends on such parameters as pressure angle and cam profile flatness,which will be covered later.A follower that has no offset is called an in-line follower.Figure 6..3Translation Cams.Figure 6.4 depicts a translation cam.The follower slides up and down as the cam translates motion in the horizontal direction.Note that a pivoted follower can be used as well as a sliding-type follower.This type of action is used in certain production machines in which the pattern of the product is used as the cam.A variation on this design would be a three-dimensional cam that rotates as well as translates.For example,a hand-constructed rifle stock is placed in a special lathe.This stock is the pattern,and it performs the function of a cam.As it rotates and translates,the follower controls a tool bit that machines the production stock from a block of wood.Figure 6.4Positive-Motion Cams.In the foregoing cam designs,the contact between the cam and the follower is ensured by the action of the spring forces during the return stroke.However,in high-speed cams,the spring force required to maintain contact may become excessive when added to the dynamic forces generated as a result of accelerations.This situation can result in unacceptably large stress at the contact surface,which in turn can result in premature wear.Positive-motion cams require no spring because the follower is forced to contact the cam in two directions.There are four basic types of positive-motion cams: the cylindrical cam,the grooved-plate cam ( also called a face cam ) ,the matched-plate cam,and the scotch yoke cam.Cylindrical Cam.The cylindrical cam shown in Figure 6.5 produces reciprocating follower motion,whereas the one shown in Figure 6.6 illustrates the application of a pivoted follower.The cam groove can be designed such that several camshaft revolutions are required to produce one complete follower cycle.Grooved-plate Cam.In Figure 6.8 we see a matched-plate cam with a pivoted follower,although the design also can be used with a translation follower.Cams E and F rotate together about the camshaft B.Cam E is always in contact with roller C,while cam F maintains contact with roller D.Rollers C and D are mounted on a bell-crank lever,which is the follower oscillating about point A.Cam E is designed to provide the desired motion of roller C,while cam F provides the desired motion of roller D.Scotch Yoke Cam.This type of cam,which is depicted in Figure 6.9,consists of a circular cam mounted eccentrically on its camshaft.The stroke of the follower equals two times the eccentricity e of the cam.This cam produces simple harmonic motion with no dwell times.Refer to Section 6.8 for further discussion.CAM TERMINOLOGYBefore we become involved with the design of cams,it is desirable to know the various terms used to identify important cam design parameters.Thefollowing terms refer to Figure 6.11.The descriptions will be more understandable if you visualize the cam as stationary and the follower as moving around the cam.Trace Point.The end point of a knife-edge follower or the center of the roller of a roller-type follower.Cam Contour.The actual shape of the cam.Base Circle.The smallest circle that can be drawn tangent to the cam contour.Its center is also the center of the camshaft.The smallest radial size of the cam stars at the base circle.Pitch Curve.The path of the trace point,assuming the cam is stationary and the follower rotates about the cam.Prime Circle.The smallest circle that can be drawn tangent to the pitch curve.Its center is also the center of the camshaft.Pressure Angle.The angle between the direction of motion of the follower and the normal to the pitch curve at the point where the center of the roller lies.Cam Profile.Same as cam contour.BDC.Bottom Dead Center,the position of the follower at its closest point to the cam hub.Stroke.The displacement of the follower in its travel between BDC and TDC.Rise.The displacement of the follower as it travels from BDC to TDC.Return.The displacement of the follower as it travels from TDC or BDC.Ewell.The action of the follower when it remains at a constant distance from the cam hub while the cam turns.A clearer understanding of the significance of the pressure angle canbe gained by referring to Figure 6.12.Here FTis the total force acting on the roller.It must be normal to the surfaces at the contact point.Its direction is obviously not parallel to the direction of motion of the follower.Instead,it is indicated by the angle α,the pressure angle,measured from the line representing the direction of motion of thefollower.Therefore,the force FT has a horizontal component FHand a verticalcomponent FV.The vertical component is the one that drives the followerupward and,therefore,neglecting guide friction,equals the follower Fload.The horizontal component has no useful purpose but it is unavoidable.In fact,it attempts to bend the follower about its guide.This can damage the follower or cause it to bind inside its guide.Obviously,we want the pressure angleto be as possible to minimize the side thrust F.A practical rule of thumbHis to design the cam contour so that the pressure angle does not exceed 30o.The pressure angle,in general,depends on the following four parameters: ——Size of base circle——Amount of offset of follower——Size of roller——Flatness of cam contour ( which depends on follower stroke and type of follower motion used )Some of the preceding parameters cannot be changed without altering the cam requirements,such as space limitations.After we have learned how to design a cam,we will discuss the various methods available to reduce the pressure angle.故障的分析、尺寸的决定以及凸轮的分析和应用前言介绍:作为一名设计工程师有必要知道零件如何发生和为什么会发生故障,以便通过进行最低限度的维修以保证机器的可靠性。
Fraunhofer-IBMT Technology Center Hialeah, 601 West 20 th Street, Hialeah, FL 33010, USA b TRS Ceramics, Inc, 2820 E. College Avenue, Suite J, State College, PA 16801, USA Received 28 January 2002; accepted 24 March 2002
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 1-305-925-1260; fax: 1 1-305-925-1269. E-mail addresses: epark@ (S.-E.E. Park), info@ (W. Hackenberger). 1359-0286 / 02 / $ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S1359-0286( 02 )00023-2
Fig. 1. Comparison of E-field induced strains for relaxor-PT single crystals versus various types of electroactive ceramics, (a) non-hysteretic strain behavior at E-fields before the E-field induced phase transition, and (b) strain behaviors associated with the E-field induced phase transition.
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 6 (2002) 11–18
广东技术师范学院天河学院本科毕业设计外文翻译译文学生姓名宋岸其院(系)广东技术师范学院天河学院专业班级机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师李兆瑞完成日期2015年4月The robot control system in PLCIs the national machinery industry equipment department, is to provide consumer durable goods for people's life for the national economy to provide equipment and industry. Machinery industry scale and technology level is an important symbol to measure the strength of the national economy and the level of science and technology. Therefore, all countries in the world to develop machinery industry as a strategic focus of the development of the national economy (Zhang Zhixian, 2002). The new century, with the development and progress of science and technology and the level of production led to the rapid development of the machinery industry. In modern industry, the production process of mechanization, automation has become a prominent theme. However, in the machinery industry, processing, assembly and other production is not continuous. These will not rely solely on human continuous production processes together, not only time-consuming and inefficient. At the same time, the labor intensity is very large, sometimes mistakes and hurt. Obviously, which seriously restrict the impact of efficiency and the automation of the entire production process. The application of manipulator is a very good solution to this situation, it does not exist by repeated mistakes, can effectively avoid accidents (Yang Yongqing, 2008).In the machinery industry, has the following significance of the application of manipulator.Application of mechanical hand, is conducive to the improvement of material transfer, workpiece handling, tool replacement and machine assemblyautomation, which can improve labor productivity, reduce production costs, accelerate the realization of industrial production mechanization and automation pace.In high temperature, low temperature, high pressure, low pressure, dust, noise, odor, radioactive or other toxic pollution and narrow working space in other occasions, with manual operation is dangerous or impossible. Application of mechanical hand can replace some or all people to complete the work safely, greatly improve the working conditions. At the same time, in some simple action but repeated operation, the manipulator instead of manual work, can avoid fatigue caused by operation or neglect of personal accident.Application of mechanical hand instead of manual work, this is a direct side reduction in manpower at the same time, due to the application of mechanical hand can work continuously, which is reduced to another side of human. Therefore, the automatic machine and automatic processing production line currently has almost mechanical hand, to reduce the manpower and accurately control the production rhythm, easy rhythm of production.With the development of modern industrial technology, industrial automation technology is more and more high, working environment and working content also requires a simple ideal, for some reciprocating work by robot remote control or automatic completion is very important. This can avoid some of the people can not contact the substances cause harm to human body, such as metallurgy, chemical, pharmaceutical, aerospace etc.. For the domestic and foreign research level of the manipulator is not the same, but represent the most advanced technology in Japan, his humanity is as the acme of perfection, automation, these techniques rely on control theory, new material science, it is the integration of a variety of cutting-edge technology of modern machines. Our country has been in the industry for some applications, automatic control, has been widely used in flexible manufacturing system, but the level of automation of our country needs to be improved, only equivalent to the world advanced level of technology in the eighty's. With the development of industrial modernization, manipulator technology increases, the trend of the development of high strength, strong flexibility, accurate and reliable, can automatically detect and motor command, with advanced artificial intelligence, that only the usual simple maintenance, this is also the development trend of the foundry.At present, the world of high-end industrial manipulator has high accuracy, high speed, multi axis, the development trend of lightweight. The positioning accuracy can meet the requirements of micron and submicron particles, the speed can reach 3M/S, mass production reached 6 total weight of products 2Kg axis, system load has exceeded 100Kg. More important is the manipulator, flexible manufacturing system and flexible manufacturing unit combination, so as to fundamentally change the current manufacturing system manual operation state. At the same time, along with the miniaturization and micromation of the manipulator, its application will break through the traditional mechanical field, and toward electronic information, biotechnology, life sciences and aerospace and other high-end industry development.This design is the use of programmable controller PLC as a carrier of a manipulator driving device, used to achieve the function of writing, and can change the control parameters according to the requirements of the change of demand.Through there to provide for the school library database and network information collection, I have a lot of inquiries to the literature on this topic. They include books, journals, academic papers etc.. The documents involved in all the relevant aspects of the design can be better to complete the design as a reference.The comprehensive literature content can see that PLC has the following advantages, it can adapt to the harsh environment of the industrial field, high reliability. General requirements in industrial production control equipment has a strong anti-interference ability. PLC and one's own knack in in this area are: it adopts photoelectric isolation device in hardware in order to prevent the interference of output feedback input; the shielding measures to prevent electromagnetic interference space; set the filter, to eliminate the interference between external interference andinfluence of each module; the interlock and interlock control, self diagnostic circuit and module type structure and other measures, in order to improve the reliability and interchangeability of hardware module; the software adopts fault self detection, self diagnosis and other measures.The advantages of other practical aspects of the 1.PLC software is easy to learn.2 PLC 3.PLC easy to use; small volume, light weight, easy to install. Because the PLC has a series of advantages, widely used in industrial control, the following three kinds: (1) control switch, sequential logic control. That is to replace the relay control system, such as the metallurgical industry in the feeding system, rolling mill, continuous casting machine, for shear control system; automatic production line, automatic processing machine, all kinds of machinery industry manipulator, Longmen milling machine control; light industry in the injection molding machine, packaging machine, food processing machinery etc.. (2) analog control. Such as temperature, pressure, flow and so on; (3) acquisition, processing and analysis of data. Such as data acquisition, arithmetic, function, logic operation, data transmission, conversion, holding order and operation control in the look-up table.The PLC control as the control of mechanical hand design system is a convenient, practical, reliable control system design. Very understand the design through the collection of data and the initial plan I have to believe that, under the guidance of the teachers and my own efforts I can be very good to complete the design task, although the period will certainly encounter difficulties in this or that, but I have the confidence to do it all.外文中文翻译:基于PLC的机械手控制系统机械工业是国民的装备部,是为国民经济提供装备和为人民生活提供耐用消费品的产业。
译文原文题目:State of the art in robotic assembly 译文题目:用机械手装配的发展水平学院:机电工程学院专业班级: 09级机械工程及自动化01班学生姓名:学号:From: of the art in robotic assemblyRobotic assembly systems offer good perspectives for the rationalization of assembly activities. Various bottlenecks are still encountered, however, in the widespread application of robotic assembly systems. This article focuses on the external developments, bottlenecks and development tendencies in robotic assembly.External developmentsThe current market trends are:Increasing international competition, shorter product life cycle, increasing product diversity, decreasing product quantity, shorter delivery times, higher delivery reliability, higher quality requirements and increasing labour costs. Next to these market developments, technological developments also play a role, offering new opportunities to optimize price, quality and delivery time in their mutual relationships. The technological developments are among other things: information technology, new design strategies, new processing techniques, and the availability of flexible production systems, such as industrial robots. Companies will have to adjust their policy to these market and technology developments (market pull and technology push, respectively). This policy is determined by the company objectives and the company strategy which lie at its basis. Under the influence of the external developments mentioned, the company objectives can, in general, be divided into: high flexibility, high productivity, constant and high product quality, short throughput times, and low production costs. Optimizing these competition factors normally results in the generation of more money, and thus (greater) profits. To realize this objective, most companies choose the following strategies: reduction of complexity, application of advanced production technologies, integral approach, quality control, and improvement of the working conditions. Figure 1 shows the company policy in relation to the external developments to which the company policy should be adjusted.Figure 1. External developments and company policyWith regard to the product and production development, a subdivision canbe made into the following strategies which involve[1]:The product: design for manufacturing/assembly, a short development time, a more frequent development of new products, function integration to minimize the number of parts, miniaturization and standardization.The process: improved controllability, shorter cycle times and minimal stocks. There is a trend increasingly to carry out processes in discrete production in flow form.The production system: the use of universal, modular, and reliable system components, high system flexibility (in relation to decreasing batch sizes, and increasing product variants), and the integration of product systemsin the entire production.State of the artParts manufacturing and assembly together form coherent sub-processes within the production process. In parts manufacturing, the raw material is processed or transformed into product parts in the course of which the form, sizes and/or properties of the material are changed. In assembly the product parts are put together into subassemblies or into final products. Figure 2 shows the relationships between these functional processes and the most important control processes within an industrial enterprise. This shows that assembly by means of material or product flows is linked to parts manufacturing, and that by means of information flows it is integrated with marketing, product planning, product development, process planning and production control.Figure 2. Assembly as part of the production processAssembly forms an important link in the whole manufacturing process, because this operational activity is responsible for an important part of the total production costs and the throughput time. It is one of the most labour-intensive sectors in which the share of the costs of the assembly can amount from 25 to 75 per cent of the total production costs[1]. Research shows that the share of the labour costs in the assembly in relation to the total manufacturing costs is approximately 45 per cent for lorry engines, approximately 55 per cent for machine tools, and approximately 65 per cent for electrical apparatus[1]. The centre of the cost items moves more and more fromthe parts manufacturing to the assembly, as automation of the parts manufacturing has been introduced on a larger scale and more consistently than for the assembly. This is mainly due to the complexity of the assembly process and is also a result of assembly unfriendly product designs. As a result, there are high assembly costs. Furthermore, it appears that assembly accounts for approximately 20 to 50per cent of the total throughput time[1].On the one hand, rationalization and automation of the assembly offer good opportunities to minimize the production costs and the throughput time. However, success depends on numerous factors, such as an integral perception of assembly in conjunction with marketing, product planning, product development, process planning, production control and parts manufacturing (see Figure 2). For this purpose, an assembly-friendly product and process design are of essential importance. Research shows that the design costs of a product amount to only approximately 5 per cent of the manufacturing costs on average, and that the product design influences approximately 70 per cent of these costs. Examples are alternative material choice, differently shaped parts, and/or having one part fulfil various functions. On the other hand, rationalization and automation of the assembly provide the opportunity of taking advantage of external developments, such as increasing product diversity, shorter delivery times, and a shorter product life cycle (see Figure 1).Except for the complexity of the product and process design, the performance of robotic assembly systems is also determined by the degree of synchronization between the assembly system and the parts manufacturing, the flexibility of the end-effectors and of the peripheral equipment, as well as by the system configuration. In Japan, most robotic assembly systems have a line configuration in contrast with the systems in the USA and Europe. Apart from Europe and the USA, preference is increasingly given to robotic assembly systems in Japan, instead of manual and mechanized systems. The largest area of application of robotic assembly systems in Japan is the electromechanical industry (40 per cent), followed by the car industry (approximately 27 per cent).Increasingly, robot applications are envisaged for the assembly of complex final products, in several varieties and in low to medium-high production volumes. Research has shown that robotic assembly offers good perspectives insmall to medium-size batch production with annual production volumes between 100,000 and 600,000 product compositions per shift. The production volumes for robotic assembly cells lie between approximately 200 and 620 products per hour, and for robotic assembly lines between approximately 220 and 750 products per hour[1].BottlenecksExperience has shown that various bottlenecks still thwart the widespread application of robotic assembly systems. These bottlenecks include: a high complexity of the product and process design, a low quality level of the product parts, as well as product dependence of the peripheral equipment. From a study in Germany into the automation of the assembly process in 355 companies, it appeared that 40 per cent of the companies had an unsuitable product design, 30 per cent had too complex processing of the parts, and 25 per cent had too complex assembly operations[5]. This study confirms the importance of design for assembly(DFA).The second area in which difficulties occur concerns the limited accuracy ofthe product parts which makes the assembly process unnecessarily complex. This problem can be solved by optimizing the machining processes in the parts manufacturing, and a proper synchronization between the parts manufacturing and the assembly process. The integration of parts manufacture into assembly is also an option.The third area in which difficulties occur involves the robot and the peripheral equipment. The bottlenecks here are:1 Limited acceleration an deceleration of robots: resulting in reduced speed.2 Insufficient means of integrating complex sensors: on the one hand because of the low reliability of these sensors, and on the other hand because of the closeness of robot controllers; a universal language for robotic assembly systems and a standard interface for robot controllers are, unfortunately, not yet available.3 Limited flexibility of grippers and other assembly tools: owing to the product-dependence of these assembly means, end-effector change is in general required, for which on average 30 per cent of the cycle time will be needed[1].4 Limited flexibility of the peripheral equipment: this is generally seen as the main bottleneck. The peripheral equipment is often product-dependent,which affects the system flexibility negatively. In this manner, no justice is done to the high flexibility of the robot.5 Limited reliability of the peripheral equipment and the low accessibility of individual system components: these aspects are greatly influenced by the product complexity and the system configuration[1].These bottlenecks often result in a higher capital consumption, and a longer cycle time of the assembly system. Insufficient coherence and synchronization between product, process and system design often lie at the basis of this. Development tendenciesIn the past years, numerous DFA methods have been developed to optimize product design, reducing the complexity of the assembly process and assembly costs[4,6]. These are based on two principles, namely: avoiding assembly operations and simplifying assembly operations[ 1,4,6]. Avoiding assembly operations can be realized, among other things, by modular product design, and eliminating parts as a result of function integration. Assembly operations can be simplified, for example, by taking numerous design rules into account, such as one assembly direction (preferably from top to bottom), the simple feeding, handling and composing of parts, as well as a good accessibility of the assembly location. Figure 3 shows an application for the robotic assembly of gearboxes, with the execution of top to bottom assembly operations.Figure 3. Robotic assembly of gearboxes (ABB)In the field of the assembly process, there are also new developments occurring. Especially for the assembly friendly composition of parts, new joining methods are being applied, such as:1 adhesive bonding;2 snap fittings. In this manner, a form-closed and force-closed connection can be obtained with small effort;3 insert and outsert techniques. In this respect, metal or plastic parts are moulded together during the injection moulding process.Except for developments in the area of product and process design, new developments in the area of robotic assembly systems have emerged under pressure of the bottlenecks mentioned, and under influence of the external developments (see Figure 1). These can be classified as developments which involve the robot,and developments in the area of the peripheral equipment. The developments regarding the robot are:1 Kinematic and drive: new configurations, lighter constructions, and new drive systems whichguarantee higher speeds and more accuracy.2 Control: increasingly better controlling and programming facilities, as well as the development of standard interfaces for interactions with the environment, and for communication with control systems higher in the hierarchy. CAD and simulation systems are also increasingly applied for off-line programming of robotic assembly systems[7].3 Sensors: new developments in the area of optical and tactile sensors offer good opportunities to increase the controllability of the assembly process.4 End-effectors: new developments in the area of assembly tools and grippers. Especially the integration of optical and tactile sensors, as well as developments in the area of mechanical interfaces, offer in coherence with flexible peripheral equipment the opportunity to assemble various product families in one system.New developments in the area of the peripheral equipment are:1 Development of programmable feeding systems and magazines, which can be used for more than one type of part.2 Integration of sensors in the peripheral equipment for arranging parts and for quality check.3 Increasing miniaturization, universality, and modularity of system components.4 The application of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) as transport system.These developments are particularly initiated by robot manufacturers and technological research institutions, whereas from the viewpoint of industrial engineering, there is mainly interest in new strategies for the development of efficient system layouts, enabling various product variants to be assembled cost efficiently in small batches and in low production volumes. The bottlenecks listed and the development tendencies are summarized in Figure 4.Figure 4. Bottlenecks and developments tendencies in robotic assembly References1. Rampersad, ., Integrated and Simultaneous Design for Robotic Assembly, John Wiley, Chichester, November 1994.2. Rampersad, ., “A concentric design process”, Advanced Summer Institute in Co-operative Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the ASI 94, Patras, Greece, June 1994, pp. 158-65.3. Rampersad, ., “Integral an d simultaneous design of robotic assembly systems”, paper presented at the Third International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, November 1994.4. Boothroyd, G. and Dewhurst, P., Design for Robot Assembly, University of Massachusetts, Armherst, 1985.5. Schraft, . and Baessler, R., “Possibilities to realize assembly-oriented product design”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Assembly Automation, IFS, Paris, 1984.6. Rampersad, ., “The DFA house”, Assembly A utomation, Vol. 13 No. 4, December 1993, pp. 29-36.7. Drimmelen, ., Rampersad, . and Somers, ., “Simulating robotic assembly cells: a general model using coloured petri nets”, Proceedings of the International conference on Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, Hong Kong, May 1994, pp. 368-82.用机械装配的发展水平机器人装配系统为装配活动提供了合理化良好的发展前景。
本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):油气资源学院专业班级:物探0502指导教师:完成日期:年月日地震驱动评价与发展:以玻利维亚冲积盆地的研究为例起止页码:1099——1108出版日期:NOVEMBER 2005THE LEADING EDGE出版单位:PanYAmericanYEnergyvBuenosYAiresvYArgentinaJPYBLANGYvYBPYExplorationvYHoustonvYUSAJ.C.YCORDOVAandYE.YMARTINEZvYChacoYS.A.vYSantaYCruzvYBolivia 通过整合多种地球物理地质技术,在玻利维亚冲积盆地,我们可以减少许多与白垩纪储集层勘探有关的地质技术风险。
这些方法包括盆地模拟,联井及地震叠前同时反演,岩石性质及地震属性解释,A VO/A V A,水平地震同相轴,光谱分解。
Tarija/Chaco盆地的subandean 褶皱和冲断带山麓的中部和南部,部分扩展到玻利维亚的Boomerange地区经历了集中的成功的开采。
图1 Aguja油田位于玻利维亚中部Chaco盆地的西北角。
该油田在Trija和冲积盆地附近的益背斜基底上,该背斜将油田和Ben i盆地分开(图1),圈闭类型是上盘背斜,它存在于连续冲断层上,Aguja有两个主要结构:Aguja中部和Aguja Norte,通过重要的转换压缩断层将较早开发的“Sur”油田分开Yantata Centro结构是一个三路闭合对低角度逆冲断层并伴随有小的摆幅。
本科毕业设计(论文)中英文对照翻译(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意修改编辑!)原文The investigation of an autonomous intelligent mobile robot systemfor indoor environment navigationS KarelinAbstractThe autonomous mobile robotics system designed and implemented for indoor environment navigation is a nonholonomic differential drive system with two driving wheels mounted on the same axis driven by two PID controlled motors and two caster wheels mounted in the front andback respectively. It is furnished with multiple kinds of sensors such as IR detectors ,ultrasonic sensors ,laser line generators and cameras,constituting a perceiving system for exploring its surroundings. Its computation source is a simultaneously running system composed of multiprocessor with multitask and multiprocessing programming. Hybrid control architecture is employed on the rmbile robot to perform complex tasks. The mobile robot system is implemented at the Center for Intelligent Design , Automation and Manufacturfing of City University of Hong Kong.Key words:mobile robot ; intelligent control ; sensors ; navigation IntroductionWith increasing interest in application of autonomous mobile robots in the factory and in service environments,many investigations have been done in areas such as design,sensing,control and navigation,etc. Autonomousreaction to the real wand,exploring the environment,follownng the planned path wnthout collisions and carrying out desired tasks are the main requirements of intelligent mobile robots. As humans,we can conduct these actions easily. For robots however,it is tremendously difficult. An autonomous mobile robot should make use of various sensors to sense the environment and interpret and organize the sensed information to plan a safe motion path using some appropriate algorithms while executing its tasks. Many different kinds of senors havebeen utilized on mobile robots,such as range sensors,light sensors,force sensors,sound sensors,shaft encoders,gyro scope s,for obstacle awidance,localizatio n,rmtion sensing,navigation and internal rmnitoring respectively. Many people use infrared and ultrasonic range sensors to detect obstacles in its reaching ser range finders are also employed in obstacle awidance behavior of mobile robots in cluttered space.Cameras are often introduced into the vision system for mobile robot navigation. Although many kinds of sensors are available,sensing doesn’t mean perceiving. The mechanical shape and driving type are commonly first taken into consideration while implementing a rmbile robot. A robot’s shape can have a strong impact on how robust it is,and DC serve rmtors or stepOper motors are often the two choices to employ as actuators. The shape of a robot may affect its configurations of components,ae sthetics,and even the movement behaviors of the robot. An improper shape can make robot run a greater risk of being trapped in a cluttered room or of failing to find its way through a narrow space. We choose an octahedral shape that has both advantages of rectangular and circular shapes,and overcomes their drawbacks. The framework of the octahedral shaped robot is easy to make,components inside are easily arrange and can pass through narrow places and rotate wrath corners and nearby objects,and is more aesthetic in appearance. The perception subsystem accomplishes the task of getting various data from thesurroundings,including distance of the robot from obstacles,landmarks,etc.Infrared and ultrasonic range sen}rs,laser rangefinders and cameras are utilized and mounted on the rmbile robot to achieve perception of the environment. These sensors are controlled independently by some synchronously running microprocessors that are arranged wrath distributive manner,and activated by the main processor on which a supervising program runs. At present,infrared and ultranic sensors,laser rangefinders are programmed to detect obstacles and measure distance of the robot from objects in the environment,and cameras are programmed for the purpose of localization and navigation.The decision-making subsystem is the most important part of an intelligent mobile robot that organizes and utilizes the information obtained from the perception subsystem. It obtains reasonable results by some intelligent control algorithm and guides the rmbile robot. On our mobile robotic system intelligence is realized based on behaviourism and classical planning principles. The decision-making system is composed of twa levels global task planning based on knowledge base and map of working enviro nment,reactive control to deal with the dynamic real world. Reaction tasks in the decision-making system are decomposed into classes of behaviors that the robot exhibits to accomplish the task. Fuzzy logic is used to implement some basic behaviors. A state machine mechanism is applied to coordinate different behaviors. Because manykinds of electronic components such as range sensors,cameras,frame grabbers,laser line generators,microprocessors,DC motors,encoders,are employed on the mobile robot,a power source must supply various voltage levels which should are stable and have sufficient power. As the most common solution to power source of mobile robots,two sealed lead acid batteries in series writh 24 V output are employed in our mobile robot for the rmtor drive components and electronic components which require 24 V,15V,士12V,+9V,士5V,variously. For the conversion and regulation of the voltage,swritching DC DC converters are used because of their high efficiency,low output ripple and noise,and wride input voltage range. Three main processors are Motorola MC68040 based single board computers on which some supervisory programs and decision-making programs run. These MC68040 boards run in parallel and share memory using a VMEbus. Three motorola MC68HC11 based controllers act as the lower level controllers of the infrared and ultranic range senors,which communicate with the main processors through serial ports. The multi-processor system is organized into a hierarchical and distributive structure to implement fast gathering of information and rapid reaction. Harmony,a multiprocessing and multitasking operating system for real-time control,runs on the main processors to implement multiprocessing and multitasking programming. Harmony is a runtime only environment and program executions are performed by downloadingcrosscompiled executable images into target processors. The hardware architecture of the mobile robot is shown in Fig. Robots control For robots,the three rmst comrmn drive systems are wheels,tracks and legs. Wheeled robots are mechanically simpler and easier to construct than legged and tracked systems that generally require more complex and heavier hardware,so our mobile robot is designed as a wheeled robot. For a wheeled robot,appropriate arrangements of driving and steering wheels should be chosen from differential,synchro,tricycle,and automotive type drive mechanisms. Differential drives use twa caster wheels and two driven wheels on a common axis driven independently,which enable the robot to move straight,in an arc and turn in place. All wheels are rotate simultaneously in the synchro drive;tricycle drive includes two driven wheels and one steering wheel;automobile type drive rotates the front twa wheels together like a car. It is obvious that differential drive is the simplest locomotion system for both programming and construction.However,a difficult problem for differentially driven robots is how to make the robot go straight,especially when the motors of the two wheels encounter different loads. To follow a desired path,the rmtor velocity must be controlled dynamically. In our mobile robot system a semv motor controller is used which implements PID control.Ibwer amplifiers that drive the motors amplify the signals from each channel of serwcontroller. Feedback is provided by shaft encoders on the wheels.The block diagram of the motor control electronic components are shown in Fig. 2,and the strategy of two wheel speed control based PID principle is illustrated in Fig.3. Top loop is for tracking the desired left motor velocity;bottom loop for tracking right motor velocity;Integral loop ensures the robot to go straight as desired and controls the steering of the robot. This is a simple PI control that can satisfy the general requirements.Sensing subsystemSensor based planning makes use of sensor information reflecting the current state of the environment,in contrast to classical planning,which assumes full knowledge of the environment prior to planning. The perceptive subsystem integrates the visual and proximity senors for the reaction of the robot. It plays an important role in the robot behavioral decision-making processes and motion control. Field of view of perceptive subsystem is the first consideration in the design of the sensing system. Fneld of view should be wide enough with sufficient depth of field to understand well the robot’s surroundings. Multiple sensors can provide information that is difficult to extract from single sensor systems. Multiple sensors are complementary to each other,providing a better understanding of the work environment. Omnidirectional sensory capability is endowed on our mobile robot. When attempting to utilize multiple senors,it must be decided how many different kinds of sensorsare to be used in order to achieve the desired motion task,both accurately and economically.Ultrasonic range sensing is an attractive sensing rmdalityfor mobile robots because it is relatively simple to implement and process,has low cost and energy consumption. In addition,high frequencies can be used to minimize interference from the surrounding environment. A special purpose built infrared ranging system operates similar to sonar,determining the obstacle’s presence or absence and also the distance to an object. For detecting smaller obstacles a laser rangefinder can be used. It can be titled down to the ground to detect the small objects near the robot. Identifying robot self position and orientation is a basic behavior that can be part of high level complex behaviors. For localizing a dead reckoning method is adopted using the output of shaft encoders. This method can have accumulated error on the position and orientation. Many external sensors can be used for identification of position and orientation. Cameras are the most popular sensor for this purpose,because of naturally occurring features of a mom as landmarks,such as air conditioning system,fluorescent lamps,and suspended ceiling frames.Any type of sensor has inherent disadvantages that need to be taken into consideration. For infrared range senors,if there is a sharply defined boundary on the target betweendifferent materials,colors,etc.,the sensor may not be able to calculate distance accurately. Some of these problemscan be avoided if due care is taken when installing and setting up the sensor. Crosstalk and specular reflection are the two main problems for ultrasonic sensors. The firing rates,blanking intervals,firing order,and timeouts of the ultrasonic sensor system can configured to improve performance. Laser ranging systems can fail to detect objects made of transparent materials or with poor light reflectivity. In this work,we have chosen range sensors and imaging sensors as the primary source of information. The range sensors employed include ultrasonic sensors and short and long range infrared sensors with features above mentioned. The imaging sensors comprise gray scale video cameras and laser rangefinders. Twenty-four ultrasonic sensors are arranged in a ring with a separation angle of 15 degrees on our mobile robot to detect the objects in a 3600 field of view. This will allow the robot to navigatearound an unstructured environment and to construct ac curate sonar maps by using environmental objects as naturally occurring beacons. With the sonar system we can detect objects from a minimum range of 15 cm to a maximum range of 10. 0 m. Infrared range sensors use triangulation,emitting an infrared spot from an emitter,and measuring the position of the imaged spot with a PSD (position sensitive detector).Since these devices use triangulation,object color,orientation,and ambient light have greater effect on sensitivity rather than accuracy. Since the transmission signal is light instead of sound,we may expect a dramatically shortercycle time for obtaining all infrared sensor measurements. A getup of 16 short and a group of 16 long infrared sensors are mounted in twa rings with equal angular Generally speaking,the robot motion closed control loops comprising sensing,planning,and acting should take very short cycle times,so a parallel computation mechanism is employed in our mobile robot based on multiprocessor. Usually we can make events run in parallel on single microprocessor or multiprocessor by twa methods,multitasking and multiprocessing. Well known multitasking OS is like Microsoft window' 95 and UNIX OS that can make multitask run in parallel on a sequential machine by giving a fraction of time to each behavior looply. In fact,multitask mechanism just simulates the effect of all events running simultaneously. Running all events on multiprocessor can realize true parallelism. In our mobile robot,using Harmony OS both multitasking and multiprocessing programming is implemented on multiprocessor (MC68040 processors) which share memories and communicate each other by VMEbus. Harmony allows creating many tasks as desired which can be map toseveral microprocesors and run in parallel .In addition,tasks written in C run on MC68040 can activate the assembly code in the MC68HC11 SBC which control infrared and ultrasonic sensors and get distances dates. These SBC run simultaneously with MC68040 processors. An instance of an implemented task structure is shown in Fng. 5.Some experiments,such as following lines,avoiding obstacles and area filling have been carried out on the rmbile system to demonstrates its real-time reactions to the working surroundings and robustness of the system. ConclusionWe have described the implementation of a intelligent mobile robot testbed for autonomous navigation in indoor environments and for investigation of relative theories and technologies of intelligent systems. The robot is furnished with range sensors,laser line generators and vision system to perceive its surroundings. Parallel computation based on multiprocessor is employed in the mobile robot to improve its power of reasoning and response. Low level processing and sensor control is carried out with low cost dedicated microcontrollers. A task based real-time operating system supports a variety of different control structures,allowing us to experiment with different approaches. The experiments indicate the effectiveness of the mobile robot system .The platform has been used for experimenu and research such as sensor data fusion,area filling,feedback control,as well as artificial intelligence.译文基于室内环境导航的智能自动移动机器人系统研究卡若琳摘要这种为室内境导航条件下设计生产的自主移动机器人系统是一个不完整的差速传动系统,它有两个安装在同一轴上通过两个PID控制的电机驱动的驱动轮和两个分别安装在前部和后部的脚轮。
机设专业智能化的物流搬运机器人-AGV毕业论文外文文献翻译及原文毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:智能化的物流搬运机器人-AGV文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:机设专业班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14本科毕业外文翻译Intelligent logistics handling robot--AGVHandling the logistics function is one of the elements of the logistics systems have a high rate, logistics occupy an important part of the cost. United States industrial production process Handling costs account for 20-30% of the cost. German logistics enterprises Material handling costs account for one-third of the turnover. Japan logistics handling costs account for the GNP 10.73%,and China production logistics handling costs account for about 15.5% of the manufacturing cost. All of the world have been seeking mechanization and intelligent handling technology and equipment. AGV, a flexible and intelligent logistics handling robots, from the 1950s, storage industry begans to use. now in the manufacturing sector, ports, terminals and other areas ofuniversal application.AGV notable feature is unmanned, the AGV is equipped with an automatic guidance system, system can be protected in no artificial pilot circumstances can be scheduled along the route will automatically, goods or materials from the threshold automatically delivered to the destination. Another feature of the AGV is good flexibility and a high degree of automation and a high level of intelligence, AGV according to the route of storage spaces, such as changes in the production process and the flexibility to change, running path and the cost of change with the traditional carousels and rigid transmission line compared to low. AGV is equipped with the general handling agencies, equipment and other logistics automatic interface, Implementation of goods and material handling and the removal process automation. Moreover, the AGV is also cleaner production characteristics, AGV rely on the built-in battery powered. running process without the noise, pollution-free, and can be applied to many of the requirements in the working environment cleaner place.ⅠAGV typesAGV it has been since the invention of a 50-year history, with the expansion of areas of application, of the types and forms of diversity has become. Often under the AGV will automatically process the way of AGV navigation divided into the following categories :1.Electromagnetic Induction-guided AGVElectromagnetic Induction general guide is on the ground, along a predetermined routeof the buried cable, when the high-frequency currents flowing through wires, Traverseelectromagnetic field generated around, AGV symmetrical installed two electromagnetic sensors, they receive the electromagnetic signal intensity differences reflect AGV deviated from the path degree. AGV control system based on this bias to control the vehicle's steering, Continuous dynamic closed-loop control to ensure AGV path for the creation of a stable tracking. This guide electromagnetic induction method of navigation in the vast majority of the AGVS commercial use, particularly applies to the large and medium-sized AGV.2. Laser-guided AGVThe AGV species can be installed on a rotating laser scanner, running path along the walls or pillars installed a high reflective of positioning signs, AGV rely on the laser scanner fired a laser beam, followed by the reflective signs around the positioning of the laser beam back, on-board computer to calculate the current vehicle position and the direction of movement, adopted and built-in digital maps correction compared to the position, thus achieving automatic removal.Currently, the types of AGV increasingly prevalent. And the basis of the same guiding principles, if the laser scanner replacement for infrared transmitters, ultrasonic transmitters. is laser-guided AGV can become infrared-guided AGV and ultrasound-guided AGV.3. Vision-guided AGVVision-guided AGV is under rapid development and maturity of the AGV. The species AGV is equipped with a CCD camera and sensors. on-board computer equipped with AGV wishes to the route of the surrounding environment image database. AGV moving process, dynamic access to traffic cameras around environmental information and images and image databases,thus determine the current location of the next stage will make a decision.AGV such as setting up does not require any physical path, in theory, has the best guide Flexible, With the computer image acquisition, storage and processing of the rapid development of technology, the kinds of practical AGV is growing.In addition, there are ferromagnetic gyro inertial-guided AGV, optical-guided AGV variety of forms of AGV.Ⅱ Application of AGV1. WarehousingWarehousing AGV is the first application of the place. In 1954 the first to AGV in the United States state of South Carolina Mercury M otor Freight company's operational warehouse for storage of goods from achieving automatic removal. At present the world is about 2 million operation in a wide range of AGV 2,100 large and small warehouses. Videocon Group in 2000, running the operation zone warehouse, 9 AGV Taiwan formed a soft bank automatic handling system, successfully completed the 23,400 daily conveying goods and parts handling tasks.2. ManufacturingAGV production in the manufacturing sector in line to succeed, efficient, accurate and flexible materials to complete the task of handling. And may be composed of multiple AGV Flexible handling of the logistics system Along with handling the production line can process adjustments and timely adjustment make a production line to produce more than 10 types of products, greatly improving production flexibility and the competitiveness of enterprises. 1974 Sweden's V olvo Kalmar car assembly plants in order to improve the transport systemflexibility AGVS based tools to carry automatic car assembly line, from the assembly line more than capable of carrying the body of car components AGVS use of the assembly line. reduced assembly time by 20% and 39% decrease assembly fault, the investment recovery period decreased 57% labor decreased by 5%. Currently, AGV in the world's major car manufacturers, such as General Motors, Toyota, Chrysler, public works, such as automobile manufacturing and assembly line is being widely used.In recent years, as the basis for CIMS removal tool, the AGV to the mechanical application of in-depth processing, production of home appliances, microelectronics manufacturing, tobacco and other industries, production and processing areas to become the most widely AGV areas.3. Post office, library, port and airportAt post offices, libraries, and airport terminals occasions, the delivery of the existence of operational changes, dynamic nature, processes recurring adjustments, and removal processes in a single, features AGV concurrent operations, automation, Intelligent and flexible to the characteristics of a good occasion to meet on-removal requirements. Sweden in 1983 in Stockholm offices Slovakia, Japan in 1988 in Tokyo, Tama offices, China in 1990 in Shanghai started to use postal hub AGV complete removal products work. Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. 50 known as the "yard tractors" AGV completed container from the side of the delivery of several hundred yards from the The repeatability warehouse work.4. Tobacco, medicine, food, chemicalsFor the removal operation is clean, safe, non-polluting emissions, and other special requirements of the tobacco,pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other industries, AGV application also be in focus. Many cigarette enterprises laser-guided AGV completed pallet cargo handling work such as Philip Morris tobacco company 、Royal tobacco company etc.5. Dangerous places and special servicesMilitarily, the AGV to the automatic driving-based Integrated detection and other demolition equipment, Mine can be used for battlefield reconnaissance and position, the British military is developing a MINDER Recce is a reconnaissance vehicle, with mine detection, destruction and the ability to route automatically verify type reconnaissance vehicles. In the steel plant, AGV Charge for delivery, reducing the labor intensity. In nuclear power plants and the use of nuclear radiation preservation of the storage sites, AGV used for the delivery to avoid the danger of radiation. In the film and film storage, AGV be in the dark environment, accurate and reliable transportation of materials and semi-finished products.Ⅲ AGV routes and scheduling metho dAGV use of a route optimization and real-time scheduling AGV is the current field of a hotspot. Practical, it was the methods used are :1.Mathematical programmingAGV to the task of choosing the best and the best path can be summed up as a task scheduling problem. Mathematical programming methods to solve scheduling problems is the optimal solution to the traditional method. The method of solving process is actually a resource constraint to the optimization process. Practical methods of the main integer programming, dynamic programming, petri methods. Scheduling of the small-scale cases, such methods can get betterresults, but with the increased scale of operation, Solving the problem of time-consuming exponential growth, limitations of the method in charge,mass-line optimization and scheduling application.2.SimulationSimulation of the actual scheduling environment modeling, AGV thereby to a scheduling program for the implementation of computer simulation. Users and researchers can use simulation means to scheduling program for testing, monitoring, thereby changing the selection and scheduling strategy. Practical use of a discrete event simulation methods, object-oriented simulation and three-dimensional simulation technology, Many AGV software can be used for scheduling simulation, which, Lanner Group Witness software can quickly build simulation models, Implementation of 3D simulation and demonstration of the results of the analysis.3.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEA way for the activation process AGV described as a constraint in meeting the solution set Search optimal solution process. It said the use of knowledge of the technical knowledge included, Meanwhile the use of search technology seeks to provide a satisfactory solution. Specific methods of expert system, genetic algorithms, heuristics, neural network algorithm.Within this total, the expert system in which more practical use. It will dispatch experts abstract experience as a system can understand and implement the scheduling rules, and using conflict resolution techniques to solve large-scale AGV scheduling rules and the expansion of the conflict.Because neural network with parallel computing, distributed storage knowledge, strong adaptability, and therefore, for it tobecome a large-scale AGV Scheduling is a very promising approach. At present, the neural network method for a successful TSP-NP problem solving. Neural networks can optimize the composition of the solution into a discrete dynamic system of energy function, through minimizing the energy function to seek optimization solution.Genetic algorithm simulates natural process of biological evolution and genetic variation and the formation of an optimal solution. Genetic algorithm for the optimization of the AGV scheduling problem, First through the coding of a certain number of possible scheduling program into the appropriate chromosome, and the calculation of each chromosome fitness (such as running the shortest path), through repeated reproduction, crossover, Find fitness variation large chromosomes, AGV scheduling problem that is the optimal solution.Using a single method to solve scheduling problems, there were some flaws. Currently, a variety of integration methods to solve the scheduling problem AGV is a hotspot. For example, expert system integration and genetic algorithm, expert knowledge into the chromosome of the initial formation of the group, Solution to accelerate the speed and quality.。
agv术语英文大全摘要:1.AGV 的定义和作用2.AGV 的英文术语大全3.AGV 的应用领域4.我国在AGV 领域的发展正文:AGV,即自动导引车(Automated Guided Vehicle),是一种无人驾驶的、自动运行的物料搬运车辆。
AGV 的应用领域广泛,涵盖了制造业、物流业、商业等各个行业,为实现智能化生产和物流提供了有力支持。
在AGV 领域,有许多英文术语,下面为您做一个简要的概述:1.Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV):自动导引车2.Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR):自主移动机器人3.Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV):无人地面车辆4.Intelligent Transport System (ITS):智能交通系统5.Global Positioning System (GPS):全球定位系统6.Magnetic Navigation (MagNet):磁条导航7.Optical Navigation (Laser):激光导航8.Wireless Navigation (Wi-Fi):无线导航9.Inertial Navigation (IMU):惯性导航10.SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping):同时定位与建图近年来,我国在AGV 领域取得了长足的发展。
我国政府也积极推动智能制造、工业互联网和物流现代化等政策,为AGV 行业的发展提供了有力支持。
附图1 一个配送中心引导车系统传统的自动导引车系统使用固定的车辆引导,路径。
Automated guided vehicleAn automated guided vehicle or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) is a mobile robot that follows markers or wires in the floor, or uses vision or lasers. They are most often used in industrial applications to move materials around a manufacturing facility or a warehouse. Application of the automatic guided vehicle has broadened during the late 20th century and they are no longer restricted to industrial environments.IntroductionAutomated guided vehicles (AGVs) increase efficiency and reduce costs by helping to automate a manufacturing facility or warehouse.The AGV can tow objects behind them in trailers to which they can autonomously attach. The trailers can be used to move raw materials or finished product. The AGV can also store objects on a bed. The objects can be placed on a set of motorized rollers (conveyor) and then pushed off by reversing them. Some AGVs use fork lifts to lift objects for storage. AGVs are employed in nearly every industry, including, pulp, paper, metals, newspaper, and general manufacturing. Transporting materials such as food, linen or medicine in hospitals is also done.An AGV can also be called a laser guided vehicle (LGV) or self-guided vehicle (SGV). Lower cost versions of AGVs are often called Automated Guided Carts (AGCs) and are usually guided by magnetic tape. AGCs are available in a variety of models and can be used to move products on an assembly line, transport goods throughout a plant or warehouse, and deliver loads to and from stretch wrappers and roller conveyors.The first AGV was brought to market in the 1950s, by Barrett Electronics of Northbrook, Illinois, and at the time it was simply a tow truck that followed a wire in the floor instead of a rail. Over the years the technology has become more sophisticated and today automated vehicles are mainly Laser navigated e.g. LGV (Laser Guided Vehicle). In an automated process, LGVs are programmed to communicate (via an offboard server) with other robots to ensure product is moved smoothly through the warehouse, whether it is being stored for future use or sent directly to shipping areas. Today, the AGV plays an important role in the design of new factories and warehouses, safely moving goods to their rightful destinations.In the late 20th century AGVs took on new roles as ports began turning to this technology to move ISO shipping containers. The Port of Rotterdam employs well over 100 AGVs.AGV applications are seemingly endless as capacities can range from just a few pounds to hundreds of tons.Flexible manufacturing systemTo begin to understand AGV it is necessary to understand the fundamentals of flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). FMS is a means by which to manufacture a product. FMS is more of a philosophy rather than a tangible item. FMS is the idea that faster is better and uses machines to produce their products. Rather than using humans to perform repetitive tasks a machine is used to perform that task 24 hours a day. FMS uses computer numerical controlled machines (CNC) to form a work cell. Each cell performs a specific task to assist in the manufacturing of a product. Although FMS is fast and efficient it is not cheap as it requires a lot of expensive machines in order to work. Typically, it costs millions of dollars to introduce an FMS into a factory. Ratherthan using a complete FMS, most companies use part of an FMS called a flexible manufacturing cell. This is used to produce part of a product by machine and maybe part by other methods. Often one or more AGV’s are used in FMS to connect work cells together.WiredThe wired sensor is placed on the bottom of the robot and is placed facing the ground. A slot is cut in the ground and a wire is placed approximately 1 inch below the ground. The sensor detects the radio frequency being transmitted from the wire and follows it.Guide TapeMany light duty AGVs (some known as automated guided carts or AGCs) use tape for the guide path. The tapes can be one of two styles: magnetic or colored. The AGC is fitted with the appropriate guide sensor to follow the path of the tape. One major advantage of tape over wired guidance is that it can be easily removed and relocated if the course needs to change. It also does not involve the expense of cutting the factory or warehouse floor for the entire travel route. Additionally, it is considered a "passive" system since it does not require the guide medium to be energized as wire does. Colored tape is initially less expensive, but lacks the advantage of being embedded in high traffic areas where the tape may become damaged or dirty. A flexible magnetic bar can also be embedded in the floor like wire but works under the same provision as magnetic tape and so remains unpowered or passive.Gyroscopic NavigationAnother form of an AGV guidance is inertial navigation. With inertial guidance, a computer control system directs and assigns tasks to the vehicles. Transponders are embedded in the floor of the work place. The AGV uses these transponders to verify that the vehicle is on course. A gyroscope is able to detect the slightest change in the direction of the vehicle and corrects it in order to keep the AGV on its path. The margin of error for the inertial method is ±1 inch.Natural Features NavigationNavigation without retrofitting of the workspace is called Natural Features Navigation. One method uses one or more range-finding sensors, such as a laser range-finder, as well as gyroscopes and/or inertial measurement units with Monte-Carlo/Markov localization techniques to understand where it is as it dynamically plans the shortest permitted path to its goal. The advantage of such systems is that they are highly flexible for on-demand delivery to any location. They can handle failure without bringing down the entire manufacturing operation, since AGVs can plan paths around the failed device. They also are quick to install, with less down-time for the factory. Steering controlTo help an AGV navigate it can use two different steer control systems. The differential speed control is the most common. In this method there are two sets of wheels being driven. Each set is connected to a common drive train. These drive trains are driven at different speeds in order to turn or the same speed to allow the AGV to go forwards and/or backwards. The AGV turns in a similar fashion to a tank. This method of steering is good in the sense that it is easy to maneuver in small spaces. More often than not, this is seen on an AGV that is used to transport and turn in tight spaces or when the AGV is working near machines. This setup for the wheels is not used in towing applications because the AGV would cause the trailer to jackknife when it turned.The other type of steering used is steered wheel control AGV. This type of steering is similar to a cars steering. It is more precise in following the wire program than the differential speed controlled method. This type of AGV has smoother turning but cannot make sharp turns in tightspots. Steered wheel control AGV can be used in all applications; unlike the differential controlled. Steered wheel control is used for towing and can also at times have an operator control it.Path DecisionAGVs have to make decisions on path selection. This is done through different methods: frequency select mode (wired navigation only), and path select mode (wireless navigation only) or via a magnetic tape on the floor not only to guide the AGV but also to issue steering commands and speed commands.Frequency select modeFrequency select mode bases its decision on the frequencies being emitted from the floor. When an AGV approaches a point on the wire which splits the AGV detects the two frequencies and through a table stored in its memory decides on the best path. The different frequencies are required only at the decision point for the AGV. The frequencies can change back to one set signal after this point. This method is not easily expandable and requires extra guide cutting meaning more money.Path select modeAn AGV using the path select mode chooses a path based on preprogrammed paths. It uses the measurements taken from the sensors and compares them to values given to them by programmers. When an AGV approaches a decision point it only has to decide whether to follow path 1, 2, 3, etc. This decision is rather simple since it already knows its path from its programming. This method can increase the cost of an AGV because it is required to have a team of programmers to program the AGV with the correct paths and change the paths when necessary. This method is easy to change and set up.Magnetic Tape modeThe magnetic tape is not laid on the surface of the floor or buried in a 10 mm channel, not only does it provide the path for the AGV to follow but also sort strips of the tape in different combos of the strip tell the AGV to change lane and also speed up slow down and stop with north and south magnetic combos, this is used by TOYOTA USA and TOYOTA JAPAN.Traffic ControlFlexible manufacturing systems containing more than one AGV may require it to have traffic control so the AGV’s will not run into one another. Methods include zone control, forward sensing control, and combination control each method has its advantages and disadvantages.Zone controlZone control is the favorite of most environments because it is simple to install and easy to expand. Zone control uses a wireless transmitter to transmit a signal in a fixed area. Each AGV contains a sensing device to receive this signal and transmit back to the transmitter. If the area is clear the signa l is set at “clear” allowing any AGV to enter and pass through the area. When an AGV is in the area the “stop” signal is sent and all AGV attempting to enter the area stop and wait for their turn. Once the AGV in the zone has moved out beyond the zone the “clear” signal is sent to one of the waiting AGVs. Another way to set up zone control traffic management is to equip each individual robot with its own small transmitter/receiver. The individual AGV then sends its own “do not enter” message to all the AGVs getting to close to its zone in the area. A problem with this method is if one zone goes down all the AGV’s are at risk to collide with any other AGV.Zone control is a cost efficient way to control the AGV in an area.Forward sensing controlForward sensing control uses collision avoidance sensors to avoid collisions with other AGV in the area. These sensors include: sonic, which work like radar; optical, which uses an infrared sensor; and bumper, physical contact sensor. Most AGVs are equipped with a bumper sensor of some sort as a fail safe. Sonic sensors send a “chirp” or high frequency signal out and then wait for a reply from the outline of the reply the AGV can determine if an object is ahead of it and take the necessary actions to avoid collision. The optical uses an infrared transmitter/receiver and sends an infrared signal which then gets reflected back; working on a similar concept as the sonic sensor. The problems with these are they can only protect the AGV from so many sides. They are relatively hard to install and work with as well.Combination controlCombination control sensing is using collision avoidance sensors as well as the zone control sensors. The combination of the two helps to prevent collisions in any situation. For normal operation the zone control is used with the collision avoidance as a fail safe. For example, if the zone control system is down, the collision avoidance system would prevent the AGV from colliding.System ManagementIndustries with AGVs need to have some sort of control over the AGVs. There are three main ways to control the AGV: locator panel, CRT color graphics display, and central logging and report.A locator panel is a simple panel used to see which area the AGV is in. If the AGV is in one area for too long, it could mean it is stuck or broken down. CRT color graphics display shows real time where each vehicle is. It also gives a status of the AGV, its battery voltage, unique identifier, and can show blocked spots. Central logging used to keep track of the history of all the AGVs in the system. Central logging stores all the data and history from these vehicles which can be printed out for technical support or logged to check for up time.AGV is a system often used in FMS to keep up, transport, and connect smaller subsystems into one large production unit. AGVs employ a lot of technology to ensure they do not hit one another and make sure they get to their destination. Loading and transportation of materials from one area to another is the main task of the AGV. AGV require a lot of money to get started with, but they do their jobs with high efficiency. In places such as Japan automation has increased and is now considered to be twice as efficient as factories in America. For a huge initial cost the total cost over time decreasesCommon AGV ApplicationsAutomated Guided Vehicles can be used in a wide variety of applications to transport many different types of material including pallets, rolls, racks, carts, and containers. AGVs excel in applications with the following characteristics:﹒Repetitive movement of materials over a distance﹒Regular delivery of stable loads﹒Medium throughput/volume﹒When on-time delivery is critical and late deliveries are causing inefficiency﹒Operations with at least two shifts﹒Processes where tracking material is importantRaw Material HandlingAGVs are commonly used to transport raw materials such as paper, steel, rubber, metal, and plastic. This includes transporting materials from receiving to the warehouse, and delivering materials directly to production lines.Work-in-Process MovementWork-in-Process movement is one of the first applications where automated guided vehicles were used, and includes the repetitive movement of materials throughout the manufacturing process. AGVs can be used to move material from the warehouse to production/processing lines or from one process to another.Roll HandlingAGVs are used to transport rolls in many types of plants including paper mills, converters, printers, newspapers, steel producers, and plastics manufacturers. AGVs can store and stack rolls on the floor, in racking, and can even automatically load printing presses with rolls of paper.Battery ChargingAGVs utilize a number of battery charging options. Each option is dependent on the users preference. The most commonly used battery charging technologies are Battery Swap, Automatic/Opportunity Charging, and Automatic Battery Swap.Battery Swap"Battery swap technology" requires an operator to manually remove the discharged battery from the AGV and place a fully charged battery in its place approximately 8 – 12 hours (about one shift) of AGVs operation. 5 – 10 minutes is required to perform this with each AGV in the fleet. Automatic / Opportunity Charging"Automatic and opportunity battery charging" allows for continuous operation. On average an AGV charges for 12 minutes every hour for automatic charging and no manual intervention is required. If opportunity is being utilized the AGV will receive a charge whenever the opportunity arises. When a battery pack gets to a predetermined level the AGV will finish the current job that it has been assigned before it goes to the charging station.Automatic Battery Swap"Automatic battery swap" is an alternative to manual battery swap. It requires an additional piece of automation machinery, an automatic battery changer, to the overall AGV system. AGVs will pull up to the battery swap station and have their batteries automatically replaced with fully charged batteries. The automatic battery changer then places the removed batteries into a charging slot for automatic recharging. The automatic battery changer keeps track of the batteries in the system and pulls them only when they are fully charged.While a battery swap system reduces the manpower required to swap batteries, recent developments in battery charging technology allow batteries to be charged more quickly and efficiently potentially eliminating the need to swap batteries.自动导引车一个自动导引车或自动导向车(AGV)是一种移动机器人在地板后面标记或电线,或使用或激光视力。
AGV的简介AGV是自动导引运输车(Automated Guided Vehicle)的英文缩写,我们可以简单地把它看成是无人驾驶的运输车,从1913年美国福特汽车公司使用有轨底盘装配车,1954年英国采用地下埋线电磁感应导向车以来,到九十年代全世界拥有AGV(Automated Guided Vehicl es)10万台以上。
无论目前还是将来,AGV 系统特有的柔性化设计都能为工厂或仓库的生产环境带来切实效益。
自1979年以来,我国的计划生育政策实施了将近30年,城市中越来越多的421(2对老人,1对夫妻,1个孩子)家庭结构必然会在今后的5年内逐渐形成,年轻的夫妇将成为家庭的支柱和社会的栋梁,家庭和社会负担都将非常沉重,因此未来的人力成本将会大幅度提高,多年的计划生育,使得目前的中国劳动力已经出现匮乏的现象, 特别是2010年至今, 企业面对招聘难和人力成本高涨, 企业面对高额人力成本的唯一方法是提高有效劳动生产力,也就是提高生产自动化的程度,AGV作为目前最柔性的自动化运输设备有着广阔的市场。
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本科毕业外文翻译学院(部):机械工程学院专业班级:机设10-4班学生姓名:**指导教师:叶琦副教授2014年5月28日Intelligent logistics handling robot--AGVHandling the logistics function is one of the elements of the logistics systems have a high rate, logistics occupy an important part of the cost. United States industrial production process Handling costs account for 20-30% of the cost. German logistics enterprises Material handling costs account for one-third of the turnover. Japan logistics handling costs account for the GNP 10.73%,and China production logistics handling costs account for about 15.5% of the manufacturing cost. All of the world have been seeking mechanization and intelligent handling technology and equipment. AGV, a flexible and intelligent logistics handling robots, from the 1950s, storage industry begans to use. now in the manufacturing sector, ports, terminals and other areas of universal application.AGV notable feature is unmanned, the AGV is equipped with an automatic guidance system, system can be protected in no artificial pilot circumstances can be scheduled along the route will automatically, goods or materials from the threshold automatically delivered to the destination. Another feature of the AGV is good flexibility and a high degree of automation and a high level of intelligence, AGV according to the route of storage spaces, such as changes in the production process and the flexibility to change, running path and the cost of change with the traditional carousels and rigid transmission line compared to low. AGV is equipped with the general handling agencies, equipment and other logistics automatic interface, Implementation of goods and material handling and the removal process automation. Moreover, the AGV is also cleaner production characteristics, AGV rely on the built-in battery powered. running process without the noise, pollution-free, and can be applied to many of the requirements in the working environment cleaner place.ⅠAGV typesAGV it has been since the invention of a 50-year history, with the expansion of areas of application, of the types and forms of diversity has become. Often under the AGV will automatically process the way of AGV navigation divided into the following categories :1.Electromagnetic Induction-guided AGVElectromagnetic Induction general guide is on the ground, along a predetermined routeof the buried cable, when the high-frequency currents flowing through wires, Traverse electromagnetic field generated around, AGV symmetrical installed two electromagnetic sensors, they receive the electromagnetic signal intensity differences reflect AGV deviated from the path degree. AGV control system based on this bias to control the vehicle's steering, Continuous dynamic closed-loop control to ensure AGV path for the creation of a stabletracking. This guide electromagnetic induction method of navigation in the vast majority of the AGVS commercial use, particularly applies to the large and medium-sized AGV.2. Laser-guided AGVThe AGV species can be installed on a rotating laser scanner, running path along the walls or pillars installed a high reflective of positioning signs, AGV rely on the laser scanner fired a laser beam, followed by the reflective signs around the positioning of the laser beam back, on-board computer to calculate the current vehicle position and the direction of movement, adopted and built-in digital maps correction compared to the position, thus achieving automatic removal.Currently, the types of AGV increasingly prevalent. And the basis of the same guiding principles, if the laser scanner replacement for infrared transmitters, ultrasonic transmitters. is laser-guided AGV can become infrared-guided AGV and ultrasound-guided AGV.3. Vision-guided AGVVision-guided AGV is under rapid development and maturity of the AGV. The species AGV is equipped with a CCD camera and sensors. on-board computer equipped with AGV wishes to the route of the surrounding environment image database. AGV moving process, dynamic access to traffic cameras around environmental information and images and image databases, thus determine the current location of the next stage will make a decision.AGV such as setting up does not require any physical path, in theory, has the best guide Flexible, With the computer image acquisition, storage and processing of the rapid development of technology, the kinds of practical AGV is growing.In addition, there are ferromagnetic gyro inertial-guided AGV, optical-guided AGV variety of forms of AGV.Ⅱ Application of AGV1. WarehousingWarehousing AGV is the first application of the place. In 1954 the first to AGV in the United States state of South Carolina Mercury M otor Freight company's operational warehouse for storage of goods from achieving automatic removal. At present the world is about 2 million operation in a wide range of AGV 2,100 large and small warehouses. Videocon Group in 2000, running the operation zone warehouse, 9 AGV Taiwan formed a soft bank automatic handling system, successfully completed the 23,400 daily conveying goods and parts handling tasks.2. ManufacturingAGV production in the manufacturing sector in line to succeed, efficient, accurate and flexible materials to complete the task of handling. And may be composed of multiple AGV Flexible handling of the logistics system Along with handling the production line can process adjustments and timely adjustment make a production line to produce more than 10 types of products, greatly improving production flexibility and the competitiveness of enterprises. 1974 Sweden's V olvo Kalmar car assembly plants in order to improve the transport system flexibility AGVS based tools to carry automatic car assembly line, from the assembly line more than capable of carrying the body of car components AGVS use of the assembly line. reduced assembly time by 20% and 39% decrease assembly fault, the investment recovery period decreased 57% labor decreased by 5%. Currently, AGV in the world's major car manufacturers, such as General Motors, Toyota, Chrysler, public works, such as automobile manufacturing and assembly line is being widely used.In recent years, as the basis for CIMS removal tool, the AGV to the mechanical application of in-depth processing, production of home appliances, microelectronics manufacturing, tobacco and other industries, production and processing areas to become the most widely AGV areas.3. Post office, library, port and airportAt post offices, libraries, and airport terminals occasions, the delivery of the existence of operational changes, dynamic nature, processes recurring adjustments, and removal processes in a single, features AGV concurrent operations, automation, Intelligent and flexible to the characteristics of a good occasion to meet on-removal requirements. Sweden in 1983 in Stockholm offices Slovakia, Japan in 1988 in Tokyo, Tama offices, China in 1990 in Shanghai started to use postal hub AGV complete removal products work. Port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. 50 known as the "yard tractors" AGV completed container from the side of the delivery of several hundred yards from the The repeatability warehouse work.4. Tobacco, medicine, food, chemicalsFor the removal operation is clean, safe, non-polluting emissions, and other special requirements of the tobacco, pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other industries, AGV application also be in focus. Many cigarette enterprises laser-guided AGV completed pallet cargo handling work such as Philip Morris tobacco company 、Royal tobacco company etc.5. Dangerous places and special servicesMilitarily, the AGV to the automatic driving-based Integrated detection and other demolition equipment, Mine can be used for battlefield reconnaissance and position, the British military is developing a MINDER Recce is a reconnaissance vehicle, with minedetection, destruction and the ability to route automatically verify type reconnaissance vehicles. In the steel plant, AGV Charge for delivery, reducing the labor intensity. In nuclear power plants and the use of nuclear radiation preservation of the storage sites, AGV used for the delivery to avoid the danger of radiation. In the film and film storage, AGV be in the dark environment, accurate and reliable transportation of materials and semi-finished products.Ⅲ AGV routes and scheduling methodAGV use of a route optimization and real-time scheduling AGV is the current field of a hotspot. Practical, it was the methods used are :1.Mathematical programmingAGV to the task of choosing the best and the best path can be summed up as a task scheduling problem. Mathematical programming methods to solve scheduling problems is the optimal solution to the traditional method. The method of solving process is actually a resource constraint to the optimization process. Practical methods of the main integer programming, dynamic programming, petri methods. Scheduling of the small-scale cases, such methods can get better results, but with the increased scale of operation, Solving the problem of time-consuming exponential growth, limitations of the method in charge,mass-line optimization and scheduling application.2.SimulationSimulation of the actual scheduling environment modeling, AGV thereby to a scheduling program for the implementation of computer simulation. Users and researchers can use simulation means to scheduling program for testing, monitoring, thereby changing the selection and scheduling strategy. Practical use of a discrete event simulation methods, object-oriented simulation and three-dimensional simulation technology, Many AGV software can be used for scheduling simulation, which, Lanner Group Witness software can quickly build simulation models, Implementation of 3D simulation and demonstration of the results of the analysis.3.ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEA way for the activation process AGV described as a constraint in meeting the solution set Search optimal solution process. It said the use of knowledge of the technical knowledge included, Meanwhile the use of search technology seeks to provide a satisfactory solution. Specific methods of expert system, genetic algorithms, heuristics, neural network algorithm. Within this total, the expert system in which more practical use. It will dispatch experts abstract experience as a system can understand and implement the scheduling rules, and usingconflict resolution techniques to solve large-scale AGV scheduling rules and the expansion of the conflict.Because neural network with parallel computing, distributed storage knowledge, strong adaptability, and therefore, for it to become a large-scale AGV Scheduling is a very promising approach. At present, the neural network method for a successful TSP-NP problem solving. Neural networks can optimize the composition of the solution into a discrete dynamic system of energy function, through minimizing the energy function to seek optimization solution.Genetic algorithm simulates natural process of biological evolution and genetic variation and the formation of an optimal solution. Genetic algorithm for the optimization of the AGV scheduling problem, First through the coding of a certain number of possible scheduling program into the appropriate chromosome, and the calculation of each chromosome fitness (such as running the shortest path), through repeated reproduction, crossover, Find fitness variation large chromosomes, AGV scheduling problem that is the optimal solution.Using a single method to solve scheduling problems, there were some flaws. Currently, a variety of integration methods to solve the scheduling problem AGV is a hotspot. For example, expert system integration and genetic algorithm, expert knowledge into the chromosome of the initial formation of the group, Solution to accelerate the speed and quality.智能化的物流搬运机器人-AGV装卸搬运是物流的功能要素之一,在物流系统中发生的频率很高,占据物流费用的重要部分。