VMware capacity planner Consol




VMware方案1. 简介本文档旨在介绍vmware方案的基本概念、优势以及实施步骤。



2. vmware的优势2.1 资源管理使用vmware可以更好地管理服务器资源。



2.2 灵活性使用vmware可以实现灵活的部署方案。




2.3 可用性vmware提供了高可用性的解决方案。



3. 实施步骤3.1 硬件准备在实施vmware方案之前,需要确保物理服务器的硬件符合要求。



3.2 软件安装在物理服务器上安装vmware软件。

根据服务器的操作系统选择合适的版本,如VMware ESXi或VMware vSphere。


3.3 创建虚拟机使用vmware管理工具创建虚拟机,配置所需的CPU、内存和存储空间。



vmware方案1. 简介VMware是一家专注于虚拟化技术的领先企业,其提供了一系列的产品和解决方案,能够帮助企业实现更高效、灵活的IT管理和部署。

2. 虚拟化技术的原理虚拟化技术通过在物理硬件上创建虚拟的服务器、存储和网络资源,来实现资源的合理利用和管理。

VMware的方案利用了以下关键技术:2.1. 虚拟机VMware的核心技术是虚拟机(Virtual Machine),它能够在一台物理服务器上同时运行多个独立的操作系统和应用程序。


2.2. 虚拟化层VMware的虚拟化层是一种中间软件层,它将物理硬件和虚拟机之间进行了抽象,使得每个虚拟机都可以独立地访问和管理物理硬件资源。


2.3. 资源调度和优化VMware的方案通过资源调度和优化算法,自动地将虚拟机分配到最适合的物理服务器上,以实现负载均衡和资源的最优分配。


3. VMware提供的解决方案VMware提供了多种解决方案,适用于不同的业务需求和场景:3.1. VMware vSpherevSphere是VMware最为知名的产品,它是一种全面的虚拟化平台,能够将服务器、存储和网络资源进行虚拟化和集中管理。


3.2. VMware HorizonHorizon是一种虚拟桌面基础架构(VDI)解决方案,使用户能够通过任何设备远程访问和使用虚拟桌面。


3.3. VMware NSXNSX是一种网络虚拟化和安全平台,它能够将网络功能从传统硬件中解耦,实现更灵活、可扩展的网络架构。




《VMware虚拟化解决方案: 提高IT资源利用率,降低成本》









总的来说,《VMware虚拟化解决方案: 提高IT资源利用率,



VMware运维方案1. 简介VMware是一家专注于虚拟化技术的软件公司,其虚拟化解决方案被广泛应用于企业的IT基础设施中。



2. 运维目标2.1 系统稳定性保障VMware虚拟化环境的系统稳定性是运维的首要目标。


2.2 性能优化在系统稳定的基础上,提升虚拟化环境的性能是另一个重要目标。


2.3 安全性保障保障虚拟化环境的安全性是必不可少的。


3. 运维步骤3.1 硬件环境准备在进行VMware运维之前,需要先准备好稳定可靠的硬件环境。




3.2 系统安装与配置安装和配置操作系统是VMware运维的第一步。



3.3 虚拟机创建与管理虚拟机是VMware运维的核心对象。



3.4 宿主机管理与优化宿主机是运行虚拟机的基础设施。



3.5 备份与恢复数据的备份与恢复是保障系统可靠性的重要环节。




VMware 实施方案1. 概述该文档旨在介绍 VMware 的实施方案。

VMware 是一款虚拟化软件,可以在一台物理服务器上模拟多台虚拟机。


本文档将介绍 VMware 实施方案的主要步骤和关键考虑因素,以帮助读者了解如何成功实施 VMware 虚拟化解决方案。

2. 实施步骤步骤 1: 规划阶段在实施 VMware 前,应该进行充分的规划。

以下是规划阶段的主要任务:•确定虚拟化的目标和期望结果•评估现有的硬件和软件基础设施,确定是否满足虚拟化需求•制定详细的实施计划,包括时间线和资源分配步骤 2: 环境准备在开始实施 VMware 前,需要进行一些环境准备工作:•确保服务器硬件满足 VMware 的要求•安装并配置 VMware 虚拟化平台•创建和配置虚拟网络•创建虚拟机模板和存储策略步骤 3: 虚拟机部署一旦环境准备完成,就可以开始部署虚拟机了:•根据需求创建虚拟机,并分配足够的资源 (例如内存、CPU、磁盘空间等)•安装操作系统和必要的软件•配置网络和安全设置•对虚拟机进行性能调优和优化步骤 4: 数据迁移如果已有的物理服务器需要转移到虚拟机上,则需要进行数据迁移:•选择合适的迁移方法,如冷迁移、热迁移或存储迁移•在迁移过程中确保数据的完整性和一致性•对迁移后的虚拟机进行测试,以确保其正常运行步骤 5: 监控和管理一旦虚拟机部署和数据迁移完成,就需要监控和管理虚拟化环境:•设置合适的监控和警报机制,以便及时发现和解决问题•定期备份虚拟机和相关数据•更新和维护虚拟化平台和相关软件3. 关键考虑因素在实施 VMware 的过程中,有一些关键的考虑因素需要特别注意:•性能和容量规划:根据实际需求,确保服务器的性能和容量能够满足虚拟机的要求。

•高可用性和故障转移:使用 VMware 的高可用性和故障转移功能,确保虚拟机在服务器故障时能够自动迁移到其他正常运行的服务器上。

vmware 虚拟化解决方案

vmware 虚拟化解决方案

vmware 虚拟化解决方案











双活 vmware 方案

双活 vmware 方案

1. 简介双活(vmware)方案是一种数据中心的解决方案,旨在提供高可用性、高性能和高可靠性。


2. 方案设计在双活(vmware)方案中,一般需要两个数据中心,分别称为主数据中心和备份数据中心。



2.1 虚拟化平台选择在双活(vmware)方案中,常用的虚拟化平台是VMware。


2.2 主备数据中心架构主备数据中心架构是双活(vmware)方案的核心组成部分。



2.3 容灾策略容灾策略是保障双活(vmware)方案可用性的关键。




2.4 容灾测试和维护容灾测试和维护是双活(vmware)方案的必要环节,它们可以帮助发现和修复潜在的问题,并提高系统的可靠性。



3. 优势和挑战3.1 优势双活(vmware)方案相比传统的单数据中心方案具有以下优势:•高可用性:通过双活部署,即使主数据中心故障,也可以快速切换到备份数据中心,从而保证业务的连续性。









二、优势:VMware方案的强大功能1. 资源管理和优化:VMware方案提供了强大的资源管理和优化功能,可以根据业务需求对服务器、存储和网络资源进行灵活配置和调整。


2. 高可用性和容灾:在传统的物理服务器环境中,服务器故障可能导致业务中断和数据丢失。



3. 灵活的部署和管理:VMware方案提供了灵活的部署和管理方式,通过中央管理界面可以方便地对虚拟机进行配置、监控和维护。


三、应用案例:VMware方案的成功应用实例1. 企业数据中心虚拟化:许多大型企业通过采用VMware方案实现了数据中心的虚拟化,充分利用服务器资源,提高了IT资源利用率和管理效率。


vmware 虚拟化实施方案

vmware 虚拟化实施方案

vmware 虚拟化实施方案
VMware 虚拟化实施方案




















二、VMware方案的特点1. 虚拟化技术:VMware方案基于虚拟化技术,可以实现服务器、存储和网络的虚拟化,提高硬件资源的利用率,降低硬件成本。

2. 灵活性:VMware方案可以根据实际需求动态调整虚拟机的资源配置,实现快速部署和灵活迁移,降低业务中断时间。

3. 高可用性:VMware方案提供了高可用性和容灾功能,当一台物理服务器发生故障时,可以自动将虚拟机迁移到其他正常的物理服务器上,保证业务的连续性。

4. 简化管理:VMware方案提供了集中式的管理控制台,管理员可以通过Web界面进行统一管理和监控,简化了管理操作的复杂性。

5. 安全性:VMware方案提供了多种安全策略和控制手段,可以对虚拟机进行访问控制和数据加密,确保企业数据的安全性。

三、VMware方案的应用领域VMware方案广泛应用于以下几个领域:1. 企业数据中心:VMware方案可以实现服务器资源的整合,提高数据中心的灵活性和可靠性,降低数据中心的成本和能源消耗。

2. 虚拟办公环境:通过VMware方案,可以在一台物理机上同时运行多个操作系统,实现虚拟桌面,提供高效的办公环境。

3. 应用程序开发和测试:VMware方案能够快速创建和部署虚拟机,提供一个隔离的测试环境,加快应用程序的开发和测试过程。

4. 云计算和虚拟化平台:VMware方案可以构建云计算和虚拟化平台,为企业提供弹性扩展和高可用性的服务。










虚拟机的资源需求可以分为 CPU、内存、存储和网络带宽等几个方面。



















vmware 解决方案

vmware 解决方案

vmware 解决方案《VMware 解决方案:构建弹性可靠的企业云》VMware 是一家知名的虚拟化和云计算技术领域的领先厂商,其解决方案提供了企业构建弹性、可靠的云计算基础设施的完整解决方案。

VMware 的解决方案包括虚拟化平台、云管理平台、网络与安全解决方案以及存储与可用性解决方案,为企业提供了全面的 IT 基础设施解决方案。

首先,VMware 的虚拟化平台可以帮助企业将物理服务器、存储和网络资源虚拟化为逻辑资源,从而提高 IT 资源的利用率和效率。


其次,VMware 的云管理平台可以帮助企业建立和管理私有云、公有云和混合云环境。

企业可以通过 VMware 的云管理平台实现统一的管理、监控和自动化,从而提高 IT 运营效率和灵活性,降低成本,保证业务的持续性和可靠性。

此外,VMware 的网络与安全解决方案提供了虚拟化网络和安全服务,帮助企业构建安全的云环境。

企业可以通过 VMware 的网络与安全解决方案实现网络虚拟化、安全隔离、流量控制和威胁检测等功能,提高网络性能和安全性。

最后,VMware 的存储与可用性解决方案可以帮助企业实现虚拟化存储和高可用性的数据中心。

企业可以通过 VMware 的存储与可用性解决方案实现存储虚拟化、动态扩展、数据保护和灾备恢复等功能,提高数据中心的可靠性和可用性。

总的来说,VMware 的解决方案可以帮助企业构建弹性、可靠的企业云,提高 IT 资源的利用率和效率,降低成本,保证业务的持续性和可靠性。

企业可以根据自己的需求和情况选择适合自己的VMware 解决方案,实现业务的数字化转型和创新。







以下是VMware所建议的硬件配置:1. 处理器:建议选择支持硬件虚拟化技术的多核处理器,以提供更好的性能和资源分配能力。

2. 内存:根据实际需求配置足够的内存,以满足虚拟机的运行需求。


3. 存储:选择高性能的硬盘和存储设备,以确保虚拟机的快速响应和数据的安全性。

4. 网络:建议使用千兆以太网卡,以确保网络传输的稳定和速度。

三、VMware配置1. 安装VMware根据官方提供的安装包,进行VMware的安装。


2. 虚拟网络配置在VMware中,虚拟网络是连接宿主机和虚拟机的桥梁。


以下是虚拟网络配置的基本步骤:- 创建虚拟交换机:在VMware中,可以创建多个虚拟交换机,以实现不同网络的隔离和管理。

- 配置网络适配器:将虚拟交换机与宿主机的物理网络适配器进行关联,以实现与外部网络的通信。

- 分配IP地址:为虚拟机分配IP地址,使其能够与其他计算机进行通信。

3. 虚拟机配置创建和配置虚拟机是VMware配置的重要一步。

以下是虚拟机配置的基本步骤:- 创建虚拟机:按照向导的提示,选择操作系统类型、内存大小、磁盘大小等参数,创建虚拟机。

- 配置虚拟机硬件:根据实际需求,为虚拟机配置CPU、内存、磁盘、网络适配器等硬件设备。

- 安装操作系统:选择合适的操作系统镜像文件,进行虚拟机的操作系统安装。

4. 资源管理在VMware中,可以对虚拟机进行资源管理,以满足不同应用的需求。

以下是资源管理的基本步骤:- 虚拟机分配:根据实际需求,为虚拟机分配CPU、内存、磁盘等资源,以确保其正常运行。



VMware虚拟机优化与资源管理策略虚拟机(Virtual Machine,简称VM)作为一种虚拟化技术,旨在提供一种有效的资源管理和优化策略,以提高服务器的运行效率和可靠性。


一、虚拟机的优化策略1. 硬件资源分配在部署虚拟机时,应根据实际需求进行合理的硬件资源分配。



2. 存储优化虚拟机的磁盘存储通常是使用虚拟磁盘文件的方式,而虚拟磁盘文件的性能受到物理磁盘的影响。



3. 网络优化在虚拟机网络方面,应设置合适的网络带宽和QoS(Quality of Service)策略。


4. 虚拟机镜像管理虚拟机镜像是虚拟机的基础,对其进行合理管理可以提高虚拟机的性能和可用性。


二、资源管理策略1. 虚拟机调度算法VMware采用的虚拟机调度算法可以根据资源需求和分配策略,动态调整虚拟机的运行位置和资源分配。


2. 资源池管理VMware提供资源池(Resource Pool)功能,可以将物理服务器资源分配给不同的虚拟机组,并设置不同虚拟机组的优先级和资源限制。


3. 弹性伸缩策略根据实际负载情况和需求变化,VMware的虚拟机可以进行弹性伸缩。




Vmware-资源池实施手册1. 简介本手册旨在为系统管理员提供有关Vmware资源池的实施指南。


2. 什么是Vmware资源池?Vmware资源池是由多个物理服务器组成的资源汇集。



3. 资源池的优势- 资源分配优化:通过资源池,管理员可以通过动态分配资源来满足不同虚拟服务器的需求,从而最大程度地提高资源利用率。


- 灵活性:资源池提供了对虚拟服务器资源的灵活分配和管理,满足业务需求的变化。


- 可扩展性:通过向资源池添加更多物理服务器,可以轻松扩展资源池的容量和性能。


- 高可用性:通过将虚拟服务器分布在不同物理服务器上,资源池提供了自动故障恢复和容错功能。


4. 实施步骤以下是实施Vmware资源池的步骤:步骤1:规划在规划阶段,管理员需要确定资源池所需的物理服务器数量和规格。










效劳器虚拟化实施方案〔草案〕XX智维中兴电子科技XX2021年11月目录1工程背景 (4)2需求分析 (5)2.1系统分析 (5)2.2整合IT根底效劳器 (5)2.3整合重要应用效劳器 (5)3VMware实施方案 (6)3.1实施方案 (6)3.2实施系统拓扑图 (7)4实施规划 (8)4.1集群规划 (8)4.2硬件规划 (9)4.3网络规划 (9)4.4相关软件说明 (10)5安装ESXiserver (10)5.1相关设置规划表 (10)5.2安装前准备工作 (11)5.3ESXi安装 (12)6安装VC (22)6.1前提条件 (22)6.2安装DB2 (22)6.3配置ODBC (32)6.4安装VC (35)6.5安装VClient (43)7创立数据中心 (46)7.1创立数据中心 (46)7.2配置主机 (46)7.2.1添加主机 (46)7.2.2配置时间和NTP效劳 (49)7.3配置license (51)7.3.1配置ESXLicense (51)7.3.2检查VmwareLicense (51)7.3.3配置vCenterServerLicense (53)7.4网络设置 (54)7.4.1VMware网络介绍 (54)7.4.2管理网络设置 (55)7.4.3虚拟机网络设置 (58)7.4.4VMotionKernel网络设置 (59)7.5存储设置 (62)7.5.1存储和交换机设置 (62)7.5.2添加存储配置 (62)7.5.3存储扩容配置 (66)7.6创立主机群集 (67)7.6.1配置主机通信 (67)7.6.2配置网络环境 (67)7.6.3配置集群 (68)7.6.4测试 (71)7.7创立只读用户appmon (72)8虚拟机部署 (74)8.1新建虚拟机 (74)8.1.1创立虚拟机 (74)8.1.2安装操作系统 (81)8.1.3设置虚拟机自动启动 (84)8.2模板部署虚拟机 (86)8.2.1创立模板 (86)8.2.2模板部署虚拟机 (89)8.2.3自定义规那么 (91)8.3克隆部署虚拟机 (98)9converter4.3软件使用 (98)9.1VMwareconverterstandalone软件安装 (99)9.2P2V物理效劳器至虚拟化架构 (104)9.2.1热P2VWindows2003物理效劳器 (105)9.2.2热P2VLINUX物理效劳器 (115)9.2.3冷P2VWindows2003物理效劳器 (124)9.2.4冷P2VLinux物理效劳器 (137)工程背景公司效劳器众多,效劳器利用率低,会造成资源浪费:1)通常为了保证系统平安性和可靠性,数据库效劳器一般采用双机热备的方式,应用效劳器一般采用负载均衡或冷备方式,导致效劳器数量众多。







一、VMware Capacity PlannerVMware Capacity Planner是一款功能强大的虚拟化容量规划工具,旨在帮助企业评估其现有环境和未来需求,以生成准确的容量规划建议。


二、Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit微软的Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit(MAP)是一款免费的工具,专为评估和规划服务器虚拟化资源而设计。


三、SolarWinds Virtualization ManagerSolarWinds Virtualization Manager是一款集中管理虚拟化环境的工具,提供了全面的性能监控、容量规划和资源优化功能。


四、Veeam ONEVeeam ONE是一款功能丰富的虚拟化管理解决方案,包括虚拟机备份、性能监控、容量规划和资源优化。














目录1. VMWARE公司简介及解决方案综述 (44)1.1.VM WARE公司简介 (44)1.2.VM WARE解决方案综述 (66)1.2.1. VMware服务器整合解决方案 (66)1.2.2. VMware商业连续性解决方案 (88)2. VMWARE服务器虚拟架构方案设计 (1111)2.1.需求分析 (1111)2.2.方案介绍 (1111)2.2.1. 服务器硬件配置建议 (1212)2.2.2. 软件配置 (1212)2.3.方案拓扑 (1212)2.4.方案构成部分详细说明 (1313)2.4.1. 虚拟架构VMware ESX Server配置说明 (1313)2.4.2. SAN集中存储实现虚拟服务器的文件共享 (1515)2.4.3. 虚拟架构环境的集中管理、自动化及优化运行 (1616)2.4.4. 容灾设计原理 (1818)2.4.5. 容灾节点的存储规划建议(此处需要根据具体情况修改) (1919)2.4.6. SRM容灾管理 (2323)2.4.7. 虚拟架构环境的整合备份 (2727)2.4.8. 虚拟架构环境的集中监控 (2828)2.5.方案优势 (2828)3. 配置和报价 (3030)4. 附件:VMWARE企业级虚拟化产品介绍 (3131)4.1.VI3.5产品介绍 (3131)4.1.1. VMware Infrastructure 3.5介绍 (3131)4.1.2. VMware ESX Server3.5介绍 (3333)4.1.3. VMware Virtual Center Server2.5介绍 (3838)4.1.4. Site Recovery Manager介绍错误!未定义书签。

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VMware Capacity Planner ResultsAssessment ReportPrepared for:CustomerPrepared by:EngineerXTEND ConsultingApril 28, 2010© 2010 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Protected by one or more of U.S.Patent Nos. 6,397,242, 6,496,847,6,704,925, 6,711,672, 6,725,289, 6,735,601, 6,785,886, 6,789,156, 6,795,966, 6,880,022, 6,944,699, 6,961,806,6,961,941, 7,069,413, 7,082,598, 7,089,377, 7,111,086, 7,111,145, 7,117,481, 7,149,843, 7,155,558, 7,222,221,7,260,815, 7,260,820, 7,269,683, 7,275,136, 7,277,998, 7,277,999, 7,278,030, 7,281,102, and 7,290,253; patents pending.VMware, the VMware "boxes" logo and design, Virtual SMP and VMotion are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.Notices and Disclaimers:VMware warrants that this report and assessment services used to create this report were performed in a reasonable manner using generally accepted industry standards and practices. THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICES AND DELIVERABLES PROVIDED BY VMWARE, OR AS TO THE RESULTS WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED THEREFROM, AND VMWARE DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. VMWARE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY THIRD-PARTY SERVICES OR PRODUCTS IDENTIFIED OR REFERRED TO CUSTOMER BY VMWARE. VMWARE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, LOSS OF USE, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY OTHER INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING UNDER THIS AGREEMENT UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER BASED IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER VMWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. VMWARE'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WILL NOT, IN ANY EVENT, EXCEED THE FEES PAID BY CUSTOMER TO VMWARE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. All materials provided under this service are copyrighted by VMware ("Health Check Materials"). VMware grants the customer of this service a license to use and make reasonable internal company copies of any Health Check Materials strictly for the purpose of facilitating such company's understanding, utilization and operation of its licensed VMware product(s). Except as set forth expressly in the sentence above, there is no transfer of any intellectual property rights or any other license granted under the terms of this service. If Customer issued a purchase order or other ordering document, the terms and conditions of which are in addition to or inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the terms and conditions of such purchase order or other ordering document will not be binding and will not modify this Agreement.VMware, Inc3401 Hillview AvePalo Alto, CA 94304Section 1: Executive SummaryVMware Capacity PlannerSummary of EnvironmentAssessment Summary ResultsNext StepsSection 2: Analysis ResultsScenario 1: CE Scenario (Aggressive HW Template)Scenario 2: Consolidate All Except Environments Section 3: Software Usage ReportCollectFilterSortSizeSystem PlacementSection 4: System Selection and PlacementSource SystemsException SystemsDetailed Placement ResultsSection 5: System Storage ReportSection 6: Customer Environment FindingsChassis InformationProcessor InformationMemory InformationDisk I/O InformationSystem Network InformationOperating System InformationApplication InformationSection 7: Collection ResultsOverviewSection 8: Analysis DescriptionOverviewAnalysis InputsAnalysis ResultsCustomer is considering making an investment in VMware virtual infrastructure. Customer engaged Engineer to conduct a virtualization assessment to provide guidance in deciding whether or not virtualizationaligns with operational and financial objectives.The assessment analyzed system characteristics and utilization metrics to determine how well existing workloads can be virtualized. The assessment also gathered -specific financial data to approximate the associated costs of virtualization.The Engineer is pleased to present this report which documents the findings of the assessment. This report is intended to help determine the following items:•Assess the opportunity for system virtualization•Estimate the costs to deploy a standard virtualization solution, along with potential cost savings •Assess the level of fit between and that solution•Provide a roadmap of next stepsThe conclusion of this assessment is that a virtualization strategy is a worthwhile pursuit by Customer. It is anticipated that virtualization will help Customer consolidate a considerable number of existing and expected future workloads, thereby increasing average system utilization and lowering the overall hardware footprint and associated costs.1.1 VMware Capacity PlannerThis report is generated, using a VMware product called Capacity Planner. VMware Capacity Planner is available to partners to provide quick and accurate virtualization analysis for end customers. The report generated is a plan based on the customer’s specific environment and goes beyond the results that an interview process can provide.VMware Capacity Planner Collector gathers inventory and performance data that is sent to the Information Warehouse, analyzed by the Data Analyzer, and presented by Engineer.The information collected from your environment for analysis includes:•Hardware and software inventory to provide capacity and system purpose•Hardware resource utilization•Application specific utilizationCustomer Assessment Report1.2 Summary of EnvironmentCustomer's environment was monitored for 5 weeks. The data shows a significant underutilization of current capacity with opportunities to save money using virtualization. The graphs below show the processor utilization trend over the duration of the assessment and the distribution ofprocessor utilization.System Count Processor SummaryCPU(s) Systems CPU MHz 628,5181 25 Avg CPU Utilization 3.262 14 Peak CPU Utilization 7.444 26 CPUs 2298 10 Avg MHz/CPU 2,745Total Systems 75 Avg MHz/System 8,493Processor Utilization System Distribution by Processor Utilization1.3 Assessment Summary ResultsThe assessment includes two scenarios. Each scenario is created to show the potentialconsolidation by using different rules. The scenario rules are described in detail in later sections.One scenario provided the best results. This was determined using the lowest number of systems required. If you have other goals, a different scenario can be used.Total power, cooling, and space requirements are possible alternative goals. The analysis engine cannotalways determine the total power, cooling, and space requirements of reused systems. Examine the tablecarefully to determine if existing systems have enough chassis information to be included in the table.1.3.1 Scenario ComparisonThis assessment included two analysis scenarios. This report will expand on the highlighted scenarios.The highlighted scenario has been chosen as the optimum path for Customer. It has the desired qualities for a successful virtualization plan.1.3.2 Selected Scenario ResultsThe optimum scenario selected was CE Scenario (Aggressive HW Template). The results of this scenario are:•74 systems were analyzed.• 5 ESX servers were needed to host 70 systems.• 4 systems had resource requirements beyond what the chosen scenario rules or hardware platform could provide.•The consolidation ratio for eligible systems is 70 to 5, a 93% decrease in systems.•The consolidation ratio including all systems is 74 to 9, a 88% decrease in total systems.1.3.3 Selected ESX Host PlatformThe scenario CE Scenario (Aggressive HW Template) used the following platform as the target platformfor virtualization:Make: VMwareModel: VMware Aggressive Hardware ServerThe total storage required by the scenario is not based on disk storage of individual hosts.1.4 Next StepsThis report is the beginning of the consolidation project. VMware Capacity Planner provides an initial plan for the following items:•The number of ESX hosts of the chosen configuration that are needed to start a virtualization project•The optimal placement of systems to ESX hosts•Expected ESX host and based on a 4-week average•Recommendation for minimizing virtual machine base image counts and maximizing the licenses in the images•Recommendation for virtual machine template sizingEnvironments change rapidly. The validity of this assessment diminishes over time. The initial recommendation is good for project budgeting. If this is your first assessment, it is a good idea to take the following actions:•Validate this consolidation estimate with your technology team•Adjust the consolidation analysis to improve the consolidation ratio•Leverage these results to build a business case with financial analysisAfter your initial assessment and planning, you should repeat assessments as needed to monitor the change of the environment and adjust the plans as the environment changes.1.4.1 Plan and Build Virtual InfrastructureVMware recommends that you perform the following actions in addition to using VMware Capacity Planner for designing a Virtual Infrastructure.•Assemble an architecture team with key subject matter experts and stakeholders•Conduct a gap analysis to review specific requirements relative to the assumptions made in this report to develop detailed specifications◦Perform VIM assessment (augment the findings in this virtualization assessment report)•Plan and design virtual infrastructure◦VIM Project Plan•Develop a project plan for deployment – VIM Project Plan•Develop detailed design and assembly procedures – VIM Blueprints•Develop an implementation test plan – VIM Test Plan•Develop a plan for managing virtual infrastructure – VIM Management Plan•Arrange VI Jumpstart workshops to involve the team in the design process◦VMware Infrastructure with P2V Jumpstart workshop•Develop a prototype•Conduct a proof of concept system migration•Use Business Continuity to explore high availability, backups and disaster recovery options with respect to VMware Infrastructure•Develop and document procedures for migrating systems and provisioning new systems •Train owners. Suggest VMware Infrastructure classes•Implement virtual infrastructure and migrate systems◦VIM Build Project•Manage Virtual Infrastructure◦Virtual Infrastructure Health CheckEach scenario that was used for this report has options to control the analysis. This section details the options for each of the scenarios. The optimal scenario results are shown in Section Scenario 1: CE Scenario (Aggressive HW Template)2.1.1 Scenario Results SummaryThe following tables show the summary results for this scenario. Each scenario has different rules for analysis. The rules can affect any of the numbers in the tables. These numbers are specific to this scenario and can be compared to other scenarios to determine the optimum configuration. Hardware Capacity and Environment SummaryThe following table shows the capacity and environment requirements for the hardware chosen and the number of systems needed to support the analyzed systems. A reduction in capacity and data center environment effect is usually realized.VMware Capacity Planner uses the name plate rating to determine the environmental requirements. Capacity Planner does not always have the environment specifications for the input systems. In the case where information is missing, the results show an increase in environment requirements when it is not the case.After analysis disk size is a sum of individual host disk capacities. It might be surpassed by the actual disk utilization after consolidation. Resource Utilization SummaryThe analysis engine estimates utilization based on the new hardware selection, analysis rules, and capacity totals. This summary is unique to this scenario.2.1.2 Candidate System Selection CriteriaThe selection of the input systems was controlled by these conditions. This list of restrictions is defined within the source selection criteria of the scenario.All monitored systems are included in the consolidation.2.1.3 Placement RulesThe analysis engine uses rules to determine how to group systems. The rules include group boundaries, resource utilization limits, and virtualization platforms. For this scenario, the following rules were applied.•Cross boundaries◦Merge locations◦Merge departments◦Merge environments◦Merge functions◦Merge operating systems•Virtualize using ESX 4.0.x Server•Don't use vStorage Composer•Processor architecture merge◦Merge x86, IA64 and AMD64•Redeployment rules◦Only redeploy to new hardware•Memory reclamation◦Use included software profile properties to determine memory sharing requirements.•Resource utilization limits◦Stack processor load to 60%◦Stack processor queue per CPU to 4◦Stack memory load to 90%◦Stack file system cache to 600MB◦Stack page file to 70%◦Stack paging to 2400 Pgs/sec◦Stack disk I/O to 1000 Transfers/sec◦Stack disk I/O to 50MB/secCustomer Assessment Report2.2.1 Scenario Results SummaryThe following tables show the summary results for this scenario. Each scenario has different rules for analysis. The rules can affect any of the numbers in the tables. These numbers are specific to this scenario and can be compared to other scenarios to determine the optimum configuration. Hardware Capacity and Environment SummaryThe following table shows the capacity and environment requirements for the hardware chosen and the number of systems needed to support the analyzed systems. A reduction in capacity and data center environment effect is usually realized.VMware Capacity Planner uses the name plate rating to determine the environmental requirements. Capacity Planner does not always have the environment specifications for the input systems. In the case where information is missing, the results show an increase in environment requirements when it is not the case.After analysis disk size is a sum of individual host disk capacities. It might be surpassed by the actual disk utilization after consolidation. Resource Utilization SummaryThe analysis engine estimates utilization based on the new hardware selection, analysis rules, and capacity totals. This summary is unique to this scenario.2.2.2 Candidate System Selection CriteriaThe selection of the input systems was controlled by these conditions. This list of restrictions is defined within the source selection criteria of the scenario.All monitored systems are included in the consolidation.2.2.3 Placement RulesThe analysis engine uses rules to determine how to group systems. The rules include group boundaries, resource utilization limits, and virtualization platforms. For this scenario, the following rules were applied.•Cross boundaries◦Merge locations◦Merge departments◦Merge environments◦Merge functions•Virtualize using ESX 2.x Server•Don't use vStorage Composer•Processor architecture merge◦Merge x86, IA64 and AMD64•Redeployment rules◦Only redeploy to new hardware•Memory reclamation◦Use included software profile properties to determine memory sharing requirements.•Resource utilization limits◦Stack processor load to 50%◦Stack processor queue per CPU to 3◦Stack memory load to 90%◦Stack file system cache to 600MB◦Stack page file to 70%◦Stack paging to 200 Pgs/sec◦Stack disk I/O to 1000 Transfers/sec◦Stack disk I/O to 50MB/sec◦Stack network I/O to 10MB/sec2.2.4 Hardware SelectionThe scenario was configured to reuse hardware when possible.Customer Assessment ReportVirtualization often includes standardization on hardware and software to save money in license cost and support time. Desktop virtualization benefits from software standardization greatly because of to the scale of number of desktops that will be standardized.Desktop virtualization depends heavily on application analysis. Application analysis helps build virtual machine templates with the correct combination of applications and proper computational resource sizes to match the user population. Application analysis can also benefit system virtualization. This is especially true with web-based services.Application analysis is achieved through multiple steps. Applications and application usage must be collected, filtered, and sorted into images. After images are generated, users are mapped to those images, and virtual machine templates are sized. The final step is to recommend the placement of users on ESX hosts.3.1 CollectThe list of collected systems, operating systems, and applications is listed out in Section 6. These lists are often too large to summarize in this section. The value starts after application filtering is performed. Application filtering is described below.3.2 FilterVMware Capacity Planner discovers, catalogs, and profiles applications running on systems. This process is called software profiling and works like many virus scanners. Each software profile has a signature to find installed applications or operating systems. The application does not need to be installed usingstandardized installers. An application can be found by searching for a process, service, or installed application.The software profile provides a layer of abstraction that allows several applications to be treated as a single application or multiple minor revisions to be treated as a single version. This approach simplifies the management and analysis of software.After a software profile detects the software other information becomes available about that software. Software profiles allow users to adjust and apply qualities to an application. Applications can be marked as candidates for virtualization or VMware ThinApp. Information such as the amount of reclaimable memory or disk space is also available for an application. These properties allow Capacity Planner to calculate the maximum savings during virtualization analysis.Software profiling gives Capacity Planner the ability to standardize applications or operating systems during analysis. A software profile can be linked to another profile, indicating that standardization should occur if this application is found. A company can standardize on their favorite office suite or the best version of an operating system that runs in a virtual environment.3.2.1 Approved Application Software ListThe Approved Application Software is a list of applications that match one of the VMware Capacity Planner software profiles and is approved for virtualization in this assessment. All of the following applications are identified as real applications.No approved applications3.2.2 Excluded Application Software ListExcluded applications are applications that the assessor marked as "excluded" or met conditions that determined that the application was not needed or not compatible with virtualization. The list includes the exclusion reason and the number of systems that are affected.No excluded applications3.3 SortVMware Capacity Planner performs application installation analysis for all the systems to create a set of base images. Software profiles rather than the installed applications are used to perform this analysis. Software profiles allow you to distinguish the installed applications so that creating base images is possible and users have more control.Application analysis analyzes software installation patterns to create the fewest number of base images needed to create virtual machine templates. The user can control the number of base images to build. A clustering algorithm uses the population application usage statistics to build the number of images. Creating a smaller number of base images than the number of users might create images that have applications that are used only by a few users. The analysis engine minimizes this effect to reduce wastedlicenses. The analysis engine understands the cost of each application and allows more waste of cheaper or free applications than expensive applications.The following diagram shows the steps for application installation analysis. This analysis is based solely on inventory information. Virtual machine template sizing analyzes the user's usage of the application by using application specific performance information.Application inventory analysis creates two types of images:•Base images•ThinApp imagesBase images are used to create virtual machine templates. A virtual machine template has an operating system, applications, and virtual machine sizing parameters. The base image will also have desktop links to ThinApp images that are stored centrally.ThinApp images are the set of applications that are marked as application virtualization candidates and are approved for corporate use. The ThinApp images are created and managed external to the virtual machine templates. ThinApp can be used to virtualize applications without virtualizing the systems they are installed on.3.4 SizeSimilar to creating base images, you can use virtual machine templates meet the usage patterns with the least amount of wasted resources. Creating vitual machine templates that are too large allocates virtual devices that are not needed and makes virtual machines less portable across host configurations.Virtual machine template sizing uses the base images and the systems that are mapped to them to build a population distribution for each base image. The population is divided into 3 divisions based on processor and memory demand. Capacity Planner builds virtual machine templates that meet the needs for each division and creates a report that shows all the relationships.The diagram below shows how the process works at a high level.The virtual machine template creation process generates the following reports:•Virtual Machine Template Report•System to Virtual Machine Mapping ReportVirtual machine templates are not mandatory for every assessment. If the option has been selected, it will be shown in detail in the next section. If it has not been selected, then the next section will show the placement results.3.5 System PlacementSystem placement is the last step in the process and includes the count of ESX hosts required to accommodate the source systems. System placement is not strictly part of the software usage report, but it is part of the analysis flow that generates the software usage reports. Placement is described in detail in other sections. Use those sections to learn more and see the results. The placement results are located in two sections:•Section 1.3 has a Summary Overview of the scenarios•Section 4 has the placement detailsCustomer Assessment ReportCustomer and XTEND Consulting, confidential. Section 5 : Page 27 Copyright © 2010 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.Customer Assessment ReportCustomer and XTEND Consulting, confidential. Section 5 : Page 28 Copyright © 2010 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.Customer Assessment ReportTop 10 Software Profile Disk Utilization, GBNot enough data to display graphThis is a list of individual systems showing filesystem and physical disk information. The filesystem information shows the space allocated and count of logical drives. The physical disk information shows the disk I/O measurements.Section 5 : Page 29 Customer and XTEND Consulting, confidential.Copyright © 2010 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.Customer Assessment ReportCustomer and XTEND Consulting, confidential.Section 5 : Page 30 Copyright © 2010 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.Customer Assessment ReportCustomer Assessment ReportCustomer Assessment Report6.1.2 Depreciated SystemsNo depreciated systems are presentCustomer Assessment Report 6.7.2 Applications SoftwareNo profiled applications are present7.1 OverviewTom Sellers identified 75 systems to be analyzed in . Of the 75 systems found, 74 had enough information to be analyzed. The systems were monitored for 35 days from the week of April 3, 2010, to the week of May 1, 2010.Inventory and Performance Collection Summary7.1.1 Collection Problem DescriptionThe findings included in the report are based on the 74 analyzed systems. Any systems that had missing information are excluded from analysis. Missing information includes inventory data that describes the capacity of the source system and performance data that describes utilization of the source system. Both properties of a system are needed to perform proper analysis.Table 1. Systems Analyzed7.1.2 Systems Summary Table 1. Utilization SummaryThe analysis engine for VMware Capacity Planner performs a variety of analyses. Section 3 shows how the analysis engine is used to perform software usage analysis and user mapping to virtual machine template analysis.This section presents a brief explanation of the inputs and outputs that the analysis engine uses to generate the reports.8.1 OverviewVMware Capacity Planner has a robust analysis engine that combines source systems, analysis rules, new hardware, and software selection to formulate the best plan to create an optimum virtual environment. The following diagram shows the conceptual inputs and outputs of the analysis engine.8.2 Analysis InputsAnalysis cannot happen without data to analyze and rules to guide the analysis. Capacity Planner uses the concept of scenarios to define these rules. Capacity Planner also performs extensive data collection of inventory and performance data to analyze.8.2.1 Source SystemsSource systems have different capacity and utilization needs. Because the analysis involves moving loads capacity and utilization are required to normalize some of the utilization measurements into a transferable unit.The % CPU utilization is a good example of a measurement that requires normalization. It is relative to the MHz capacity of the source system. It is not difficult to multiply the percentage of CPU to CPU MHz and get an absolute value. This calculation is only one of the normalization techniques that Capacity Planner uses. Although a CPU MHz is better than the percentage CPU, it is not quite a transferable unit of measure. A MHz is not the same on all CPU processors. The word length, cache size, core count, and pipeline length are examples of other processor properties that affect the performance different. Capacity Planner uses several properties to determine the proper transferable unit of measure.8.2.2 Analysis RulesCapacity Planner has many rules that can be applied to control analysis. The main categories of rules are:•Cross Boundaries - Allows merging systems from different groups of the same group type.This rule allows you to perform "what-if" considerations, such as merging locations.•Virtualization - Choose the virtualization platform that to use for the resultant plan.•Merge Architectures - Allows control of processor family merging. This is good for performing "what-if" analysis to standardize on a processor family even from non-x86 platforms.•Redeployment - Allows reusing hardware that was recently purchased for analysis. The hardware is reused in order of biggest platform to smallest. If the rules cause all the existinghardware to be consumed, new hardware is added as needed. A threshold for reusinghardware limits the usage of existing hardware even though the hardware may accommodateexisting systems.•Maximum Load Thresholds - Controls the maximum load for stacking systems together. Load is measured for every hour of the day, averaged across the week. The stacking considers thehighest resultant hour load.Below is an example screenshot of the analysis rules configuration screen in Capacity Planner.。
