同的言语 行 为 中恰 当地 运 用 礼貌 语 言和 策 略 去 创 造 种和谐 合 作 的关 系 , 进而 避 免和解 决 国际 贸易 中 的 冲突 和争端 , 动 贸 易 的顺 利 进 行 , 终 实 现 贸 易 双 推 最 赢。
送达或货款不能支付等情况而写。 在 保持 和谐 的合 作关 系 的前提 下 , 贸易 双方 都 会 想方 设 法地 去 维 护 自身 的最 大利 益 。所 以怎 样 平 衡 索 赔 和合作 , 写信 者来 说是 非 常重 要 的。这 需 要通 对 过 使用 恰 当 的语 言来 实 现 。根 据 A sn的 言语 行 为 ut i 理论 , 说话 人通 过 使 用 语 句 来 实 施 言 语行 为 , 就 是 也 说人 们说 的每 一句话 都 是在 实 施一种 言语 行 为 , 达 表 的是 他们 的 交 际 目的。 索赔 信 以文 字 的形 式 与卖 方 进行 交流 , 施 言语 行 为 , 为 了维 护 受 损 方 正 当 权 实 成 益 的使者 , 礼 貌 、 雅 的语 言不 仅 能 显 示 商 务 工 作 其 文 者 自身 的文 化修 养和 素质 , 而且 有 助于树 立 良好 的企 业 形象 。 因此 , 英文 索赔 信 中不 同 的言语 行 为进 行 对 研究 , 掌握一 些 写作技 巧 是非 常必 要 的 。
和功能 、 不同言语 行为的词; 、 法和句法特点 进行 分析 , I语 - 有利 于探 讨在 索赔信 的 书写过 程 中, 如何 灵 活运 用各种 语 法、 I 词; 手段 , - 充分利 用言语行 为的言外之 力 , 礼貌地提 出索赔 , 高言语 交际能力, 提 促进 有效的 商业交 际, 以维护 正 当
二、 索赔信的种类和功能
收 稿 日期 -06 9 5 ' 0 —0 —1 2
尊重对方,使用 正式和礼貌的语 言
准确传达信息, 避免歧义和误解
遵循商务英语信 函的格式和惯例
注意措辞,避免 使用可能引起对 方反感的言辞
语法错误:不符合目标语言的 语法规则
拼写错误:单词拼写错误或不 完整
标点错误:标点符号使用不当 或缺失
表达不地道:使用不地道的表 达方式或俚语
词汇错译:对某些专业词汇 或特定表达方式的误译
文化差异:不同文化背景导致 的语义偏差,影响信息的准确
语法错误:翻译过程中出现 语法错误,影响理解
格式不规范:信函格式不标准, 不符合商务礼仪的要求,影响 信息的正式性
语言差异:不同文化背景下的语言习惯和表达方式可能存在差异,导致翻译时出现误解。 文化习俗:不同文化背景下的习俗和礼仪可能存在差异,导致翻译时无法准确传达原意。 价值观念:不同文化背景下的价值观念可能存在差异,导致翻译时无法准确传达原意。 商业惯例:不同文化背景下的商业惯例可能存在差异,导致翻译时无法准确传达原意。
注意译文的流畅性和可读性, 避免生硬、晦涩的语言表达。
商务英语信函通常采用 正式、专业的语言风格, 翻译时应保持这种风格, 避免口语化表达。
原文中的语气,如礼 貌、强硬等,应在译 文中得到体现,以保 持原文的情感色彩。
在翻译过程中,应尊 重原文的用词和表达 方式,尽可能地保持 原文的特色和风格。
单击此处添加文本 商务英语信函的语言特点 翻译原则在商务英语信函中的应用 商务英语信函翻译中的常见问题 提高商务英语信函翻译质量的建议 商务英语信函翻译的未来发展
使用标准英语,避免口语化和俚语 用词准确、正式,避免缩略语和缩写 句子结构完整,避免语法错误和拼写错误 遵循礼貌、正式的语气和措辞
文化意象的缺失或 错位导致翻译困难
文化习俗差异引起 的表达不准确
应对策略:提高跨 文化意识,了解目
示例:将“请务必在本周五前回复”调整为“希望能在本周五前收到您的 回复,以便我们及时处理” 注意事项:语气要恰到好处,既要表达出尊重和礼貌,又要避免过于生硬 或过于客气
避免使用冗长复杂的 句子,使用简单、直 接的句子表达意思。
使用专业术语和缩写, 使语言更加准确和规
避免使用个人情感色 彩的语言,保持客观、
避免使用歧义或含糊 不清的词汇,确保信
商务英语信函要求用词准确,避免使用含糊不清或容易产生歧义的词汇 商务英语信函中应使用专业术语,以体现信函的正式性和专业性
符合规范:遵循商务英语信函的格式和语言规范,确保译文的专业性和规 范性。
考虑文化差异:考虑到不同国家和地区的文化差异,对译文进行适当的调 整,以避免误解和冲突。
案例分析:从词汇、语法、 表达等方面进行深入剖析
案例选择:具有代表性,能 够体现商务英语信函翻译原 则
案例总结:提炼出翻译过程 中的亮点和不足,给出改进
避免使用可能引起误解的俚 语或缩写
尊重对方,使用正式和专业 的语言
遵循商务信函的规范格式和 礼仪
注意措辞,避免过于直白或 过于委婉
商务英语信函翻 译中的常见问题
二、谈判中的言语行为策略1. 说服策略说服策略是商务谈判中比较常用的一种策略。
2. 威胁策略在谈判中,威胁是很不恰当的一种策略,如果用的不当,会导致谈判失败。
它建构在英语能力与商务知识的复合基础上 ,是
英语写作与外贸实务相 结合的一 门综合性课程 。
因此这 门课程 属于专门用途英语 ( S )的范畴 , EP
第5 第1 卷 期 2 0 年3 09 月
常州市广播电视大学学苑 Ju a o h n z o do& T lvs n U ies y o r l fC a g h u Ra i n e i o nv ri e i t
某个商务贸易流程 的操作 中。例如在建立业务关 系
( s bi ig ui s r a o s Et lhn s ese t n)这一环节就涉及到 a s b n li
(9 3 .女 ,助教 。常 州市广 播电 视大 学文法 系教 师。研 究方 向 :商 务英 语。 18 ~)
赵 君 仡 :从 语 用 学 的视 角析 商 务 英 语 函 电的 用 语 原 则
生 了解外贸函电的基本知识 ,掌握商务英语 函电 的格式 、专业词汇 、行文方法与文体特点 ,提高 学生在外贸业务活动中正 确地使用英语对外进行 业务联系和信 函写作的能力 ,所 以在商务函电知 识的学 习中完整 、全面地理 解它 的语言使用原则
显得 非 常重 要 。我 们将 从 英 语 语 用 学 的 相 关视 角 分析 和 解 读它 。
[关键词]言语行为商务信函语用失误跨文化交际[中图分类号]H319 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2015)12-0056-01商务信函是跨文化交际中十分重要的交流方式,也是体现英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的重要方面。
是由Austin(1962)首先提出的,根据Austin的理论,一个人在说话的时候,同时要完成三种行为:言内行为(locutionary act),言外行为(illocutionary act)和言后行为(perlocitionary act)。
I ywod 】 uies e esS ec c; i ci s Ke r sB s s t r;p ehA tD r t e n lt e v O 引 言
随 着 社 会 经济 的 高速 发 展 . 务 英 语 信 函逐 渐 成 为 人 们 在 全 球 经 商 21 建 立 业 务关 系 函① .
【 键词J 关 商务 信 函 ; 言语 行 为 ; 令 性 指
An l i n Di e tv pe c t i a yss o r c i e S e h Ac n Eng ih Busn s te s l s i e s Le t r GU Ya n
( o eg a g a eD p rme t fJa g i oy e h i olg , in yn Ja g u 2 4 0 , i a F r in L n u g e a t n in yn P l tc n c C l e Ja g i in s , 1 4 5 Chn ) o e
【 s atWi erpddvlp n fsca eo o y E gs uieslt r aebcmigm r n oei otn ecmm nct n Abt c] t t a i ee met oi cn m , n lhb sns t s r eo n oeadl r r hh o o l i ee n mp r tnt o u iai a i h o
21 0 0年
第3 5期
顾 艳
( 阴职 业技术 学 院外语 系 江 苏 江
【 摘
周勤206120220132 财务管理2班商务信函中的语用学运用商务沟通技巧在当今日益全球化的经济环境中显得尤为重要。
为解释这些语言现象,后来的学者,英国语言学家Geoffrey Leech等人提出了与格赖斯的合作原则益补的礼貌原则,用以补充和完善合作原则,认为在所有的语言交际中,说话人和听话人之间应尽量地表示礼貌和尽量减少不礼貌的表达方式,则对商务英语写作具有特别重要的意义。
1.尊他性(you-attitude)看下列句子:a.I think you did a good job in selling our products.b.You did a good job in selling our products in your area.上例中a句虽合情合理,但没有完全采取对方立场。
Perhaps it would be better if we discussed this matter at a later time.也许我们最好在以后再讨论这件事。
您是否有兴趣参加这个会议?I would like to know your opinion on this matter.我想知道您对这个问题的看法。
英语商务信函用语常见失误分析一、语用原则根据英国语言学家托马斯(JENNY THOMS)的观点,语用失误大致可分为两类:语言本身的失误(PRGMTIC-LINGUSITIC)和社会语用上的失误(SOCIO-PRGMTIC)。
(一)礼貌原则(Politeness Principle)英国著名学者利奇(Lech)于1983年在合作原则的基础上,提出了与格赖斯的合作原则相补益的礼貌原则。
其中包括六项准则:1.得体准则(Tct Mxim):减少表达有损于他人的观点)尽量少让别人吃亏; b)尽量多使别人得益2.大方准则(Generosity Mxim):减少表达利已的观点)尽量少使自己得益; b)尽量多让自己吃亏3.赞誉准则(pprobtion Mxim):减少表达对他人的贬损)尽量少贬低别人; b)尽量多赞誉别人4.谦逊准则(Modesty Mxim):减少对自己的表扬)尽量少赞誉自己; b)尽量多贬低自己5.一致准则(greement Mxim):减少自己与别人在观点上的不一致)尽量减少双方的分歧; b)尽量增加双方的一致6.同情准则(Sympthy Mxim):减少自己与他人在感情上的对立)尽量减少双方的反感;b)尽量增加双方的同情以上准则是人们在交际中一般都遵守的礼貌原则。
(二)合作原则(Coopertive Principle)美国语言哲学家格赖斯对人们在交际中如何了解对方话语中的隐含意义提出了大胆设想,如果根据他提出的“合作原则”中的各项准则进行语用推理,人们就可以推出说话中有一超越字面意义的隐含意义。
标签:语用失误礼貌原则双嬴涉外商务谈判一、关于礼貌1.语用失误所谓语用失误,是指人们在言语交际中, 因没有达到完满的交际效果而出现的差错。
英国语言学家托马斯(Jenny Thomas, 1983) 认为, 英语语用失误可分为两类: ①语言本身的语用失误。
即不符合以英语为母语者的语言习惯, 误用英语的表达方式; 或者不懂英语的正确表达方式, 按母语的语义和结构套英语。
语言学习者如不遵守目的语的语言习惯、语用原则, 不了解该语言的文化背景, 在跨文化交际中就会出现语用失误, 进而产生误解, 冒犯他人, 就会被认为不礼貌。
因为在社会交往中, 礼貌是促进人际关系, 进行沟通与交流的一个不可缺少的因素, 所以, 虽然语用失误现象会出现在方方面面, 礼貌却是制约语用的关键。
Leech 根据英国文化的特点列举了六条礼貌原则:①策略准则(Tact Maxim)。
尽量减少他人付出的代价, 尽量增大对他人的益处。
②慷慨准则(Generosity Maxim)。
尽管减少对自己的益处, 尽量增大自己付出的代价。
③赞扬准则(Approbation Maxim)。
尽量缩小对他人的批评, 尽量增强对他人的赞扬。
漫谈索赔的语言艺术(doc 10页)
漫谈索赔的语言艺术(doc 10页)部门: xxx时间: xxx制作人:xxx整理范文,仅供参考,勿作商业用途索赔的语言艺术在北京台湾饭店,一次有位客人在离店时把房内一条浴巾放在提箱带走,被服务员发现后报告给大堂副理。
收稿日期 : 2006- 09- 15 作者简介 : 李芸昕 ( 1983- ) , 女 , 湖 南宜章人 , 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院硕士 研究生 , 研究方向 : 外贸英语 。
的第 三 层 意 义 : 取 效 行 为 ( perlocutionary act ) 。 在 Austin 的基础上, Searle 把言语行为区分为五种类型 : 表述言 语 行为 ( presentatives) , 指 令 言语 行 为 ( direc tives) , 承诺言语行为( commissives) , 表情言语行为 ( ex pressives) , 宣告言语行为( declarations) 。 言语行为理论是从研究单个句子开始的 , 就是把 单个特定的言语行为作为研究对象。一方面 , 孤立地 把单个特定的言语行为作为研究对象很难揭示语言 的真正意义和作用。另一方面, 在现实生活中 , 不是 所有的交际事件都能由一个句子或一个言语行为完 成, 相反, 大多数的交际事件都由大于句子的段落或 更大的语篇结构组成。因此, 必须把单个的言语行为 置于它所存在的语篇中去研究。Van Dijk( 1977) 把语 篇看成是有序的言语行为的组合, 把这种言语行为序 列构成的更大的语篇结构称为 宏观言语行为! 。这 些有序的言语行为不仅相互依存, 相互影响, 而且其 行事行为在一定的情景语境中被赋予了特定的言外 之意 , 这些言外之意把不同的言语行为按一定的方式 组织起来为实现一个共同的交际目的而努力。因此 , 虽然每个言语行为的言外之意不同 , 但是都是为宏观 言语行为的交际目的服务的。而且多个言语行为不 是同 等 重 要 的, 其 作 用 有 主 次 之 分。根 据 Ferrara ( 1980) 对言语行为序列的研究 , 言语行为被划分为主 导言 语行 为 ( main act ) 和 从属 言语 行 为 ( subordinate act) , 那些言外之意是整个交际事件的意图的言语行 为是整个言语行为序列的核心 , 对整个语篇起主导作 用, 而其他的言语行为都是为这一核心服务的, 起辅 助作用。因此通过研究索赔信中不同言语行为之间 的组合关系, 有利于我们更好地研究索赔信的篇章结 构及其连贯机制。
关键词:商务英语信函;模糊语;关联理论Analysis of Vagueness in Business Correspondence Language from the Perspective of Relevance-theoreticApproachAbstractVagueness is one of the basic attributes of language, it widely exists in human language communication. Relevance Theory proposes that communication is an ostensive-inferential process and the communicator should provide the most relevant information so that the audience can understand the communicator’s intention with the least effort. Using a relevance-theoretical framework,the paper first elaborates the application of vagueness in business correspondences and then explores how vague expressions allow a writer to convey the communicative intentions precisely by processing correctly the optimal relevance in the real business correspondences. Thus we can achieve successful communication. The first chapter is literature review which reviews previous studies on vagueness and determines the definition and the features of business correspondence. The second chapter is about relevance theory and principles of relevance theory. The third chapter is analysis of vague language of business correspondence in relevant approach, explaining the function of vague language from the perspective of relevant theory. The fourth chapter is the significances and limitations, In this chapter, the author pointed out the limitations of the study and suggested further research possibilities. The aim of the paper is to achieve better communication with each other in business communication.Key words: business correspondence; vagueness; relevant theoryContentsIntroduction (1)Chapter One Literature Review (2)1.1 English business correspondence (2)1.2 Vagueness (3)Chapter Two Introduction of Relevance Theory (6)2.1 Overview of relevance theory (6)2.2 Principles of relevance theory (7)Chapter Three Analysis of Vagueness in Business Correspondence Language from the Perspective of Relevance-theoretic Approach (6)3.1 The interpretation of relevance theory to the vague language in English business correspondence (8)3.2 The ways for sender using vague language to express explicit information to recipient in English business correspondence (10)Chapter Four The Significances and Limitations (14)4.1 Significances (14)4.2 Limitations (15)Conclusion (15)Bibliography (16)IntroductionDomestic and foreign scholars have had profound discussions about the vagueness in language. In foreign countries, the English famous phonetician D. Jones realized the vague attribute of language early in 1957. In 1965, professor Zadeh in the University of California most early proposed the vague theory in his essay called “Fuzzy Set” published in the magazine named Information and Control and started the new discipline of vagueness language. In China, professor Wu in Beijing Normal University first researched the vague attribute of language using vague theories in his thesis called “The Primary Research of Vague Language in 1979 and wrote the book of Vague Linguistics, thus he started the fuzzy linguistics of China, which symbolize the birth of vague linguistics in China.Nowadays, vagueness is widely used in all areas such as law, economy, and teaching. Business correspondence characterized by the correctness of language, the clearness and orderliness of logic of thinking, the preciseness of structure are no exception. Vague language transmits information using vagueness in itself, the uncertainty of which is often expressed by the way of implicitness, objectivity, preciseness, and politeness, these features can improve the communicative effect. To some extent, vagueness plays an irreplaceable role in English business correspondence. The appropriate use of the language policy tools or skills can help us to achieve the optimal relevance. Using the framework of relevant theory, this paper tres to discuss the phenomenon of vagueness in English business correspondence. Based on the real correspondence, the paper also analyzes how the senders select and use vague language to achieve optimal relevance, in order to achieve successful communication purpose.Chapter One Literature ReviewIn this chapter, the author firstly have a brief introduction of business English correspondence. And then an overview of vagueness as well as its pragmatic analysis. 1.1 English business correspondence1.1.1 Definition of English business correspondenceCorrespondence is the act of exchanging letters or the letters which pass between correspondents. Business correspondents can be defined as the correspondence used in business transaction, in which the participants are commonly regard as the addresser and the addressee. In business communication, business correspondence is used to sell products or services, request material or information, answer customer inquiries, maintain good public relations, and serve a variety of other business functions(Channel 1994: 20).1.1.2 Features of English business correspondenceEnglish business correspondence is an effective way to express and keep information in business contacts, which can be roughly divided into the following parts: Letter to establish business relations, Information advisory letter, Valuation and quotation letter, Letter fot order, Processing business letter, Claims and complaints letter after business transactions. Business letters ate more formal official documents with correct words and succinct writing style. Business correspondence generally follows the writing principles of business English, that is, “7cs” principle: Correctness, Conciseness, Clearness, Completeness, Concreteness, Courtesy, Consideration(Sperber&Wilson1986:40). Business English must be expressed accurately and clearly to convey information and be careful of using metaphor, hyperbole and so on. It should try to avoid using uncertain words, in order to avoid unnecessary disputes ,because business letters are usually used to be the basis of determining the rights and obligations of the parties.1.2 Vagueness1.2.1 Overview of vaguenessThe study on vagueness has been a long time. But there isn’t an uniform definition up to now. As the famous philosopher Pierce first pointed out in 1902, “ A proposition is vague where there are possible states of things concerning which it is intrinsically uncertain whether, had they been contemplated by the speaker, he would have regarded them as excluded or allowed by the proposition”(Pierce, 1902:749). Crystal and Davy from the perspective of Applied Linguistic, pointed out four reasons that language users use vague language. The reasons are the lack of memory, lack of accurate and appropriate words, inaccurate topic, intent expression for specific meaning or avoiding statementing accurate information. Channell(1994:20)proposed three kinds of vagueness: (1) additional vague words, refers to the words which are added before or after the words, in order to make statements become blurred. Like, around, some, kind of, nearly and so on. (2) vague words, refers to the meaning of words that are vague in itself. Like, thingummy, whatsit, loads, heaps of and so on. (3) vague implication, refers to accurate expression that contains fuzzy implication. Like, Odessa has a population of one million. The one million is an accurate number which doesn’t mean the population of the city is really one million.With the further study of vagueness, people gradually realize the important and unique pragmatic features in language communication. Such as, it can make language more persuasive and polite, or the speaker for self-protection deliberately uses vague language to cover specific information. Therefore, vagueness is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a language strategy. Nowadays, international trade is increasingly frequent, business English letters have become an important means of communication in the economic field.1.2.2 Pragmatic analysis of vagueness in business correspondenceBeing polite. Language communication is a necessary means to exchange feelings. In front of the feelings of things, vagueness can harmonize the relationship. The primarybasis of English business correspondence is appropriate and polite language, the use of vague words can make words euphemistic and gentle. Especially for some sensitive topics, such as, the interests of both sides, the focus of conflict. Vagueness can avoid conflicts and make diversionary effect. Sometimes for the moderate and courtesy consideration, the use of vagueness is good for both parties of trade.Example1: If possible, please also send me samples of the goods you are interested in selling(Li Li, 2008:231-233).The writer really hopes that the reader can send him the samples he is interested in as soon as possible. But the direct expression will make words crude, leaving an uncomfortable feeling for the reader. Using “if possible” here can make words more euphemistic and gentle.Being persuasive. One of the basic requirements of business letter is true and correct. Based on this situation, using vagueness can be more likely to arouse the reader’s interest or persuade them to accept his views.Example2: We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of industrial products(Yu Guixia, 2007:12).Additional vague language” very well ” makes the relationship between the writer and the reader closer, this relationship has made a good foundation for bilateral cooperation. The vagueness here makes the whole statement more persuasive.Lack of specific information. American philosopher H.P. Grice pointed out in a series of lectures in Harvard University in 1976, in the process of communication, in order to guarantee the smooth progress of the session, both sides must abide by some basic principles, namely the Cooperative Principle. And he put forward four criteria or implementations of cooperative of principle: the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, applicable standards and manner maxim. Among them, the maxim of quality requires to make the information provided true and not to speak false words, or the words lack of evidence. Because of the objective things themselves with uncertainty, when writer lacks enough information, the use of vagueness can make statement more objective, accurate and can make the statement kind.Example3: We would be interested in receiving your inquires for all kinds of chemicals(Yu Guixia, 2007:12).Using” all kinds of “ the additional vague word reflects that the writer doesn’t know what kind of information the reader are interested in, at the same time, he hopes to establish a good business relationship with the opposite party.Self-protection. One of the most important purposes of the use of vague language in business correspondence is to strengthen self-protection. In business activities, because things are unpredictable and changeable and so on, the writer often can’t give accurate answ er in terms of customer’s requirements. In such circumstances, the writer had better use vague language to avoid wrong answer and the impact of their own interests. In addition, if the clients themselves require to bear some responsibility, or the information provided by them will make negative effects to other customers to some extent or will produce direct economic loss, this time using vagueness is a very good means for self-protection.Example4: This product may be of magic in the temporary relief of the symptoms commonly associated with frozen shoulder(Yu Guixia, 2007:12).The writer promotes the magic power to the reader, but the use of “may” makes the good commitment to this product vague. Therefore, even though the product is invalid, the writer doesn’t need to assume any responsibility. This way avoids the writer being in a legal disputes and indirectly strengthening the self-protection.Providing perfect information. The quantity of maxim in Grice” cooperative principle ” requests the amount is neither more nor less and meet the need for language communication. One of the requirements of business letter writing is conciseness. Vagueness sometimes expresses a kind of uncertainty which will improve the expression efficiency and make the statement concise. Especially for business people, time is precious, more information that accurate language conveys will lower efficiency of their reading.Example5: We have made selections and have the pleasure of giving you the following order on usual terms for shipment to Sydney(Zadeh,1965:338-353).“Usual terms” is a vague implication. Here doesn’t involve any of the shipping terms, because cooperation between the two sides has been a long time, both sides have reached a consensus for terms related t o shipping, so they don’t need to repeat the detail clauses. “Usual terms” makes the statement clear and concise and saves time of both sides.Not wanting to provide details. In business letters writing, one of purposes of intentional use of vagueness by writer is not to want to provide details. They may be for the consideration of the need for the protection of commercial secrets or for giving the other a space for imagination to arouse his interests. Thus their business relations can be steady and the purpose of one step back today for the two steps forward tomorrow can be reached.Example6: We are very well connected with all the major dealers here of industrial products(Li Li, 2008:231-233).Additional vague word “major” covers the information of suppliers with which the writer has established good relationships. To the reader, no matter how large his scale is, the other may include himself into the main supplier of the column. This offers a good start for cooperation of both sides.Chapter Two Introduction of Relevance TheoryIn this chapter, the author will introduce relevance theory from the perspective of overview and its principles.2.1 Overview of relevance theorySperber&Wilson put forward two important concepts in Relevance: Communication and Cognition(Sperber&Wilson, 1986:40): Cognitive Relevance and Communicative Association, they are collectively called Relevance Theory, which brings new research points of view to Pragmatics. According to Relevance Theory, human cognition coincides with maximal relevance, which is Cognition Relevance. And each overt communicative behavior should be conceived that this communicative act itself has the optimal relevance, which is Communicative Association. In other words, human cognition is based onmaximal relevance, language communication is based on optimal relevance. The maximal relevance refers to the hearers pay as little as possible to get the greatest contextual effect, while the optimal relevance refers to the discourse users obtain adequate contextual effects after paying effective efforts. The hearers are not to find the maximal relevance in language communication, but the optimal relevance.2.2 Principles of relevance theory2.2.1 The cognitive principle of relevanceHuman cognition tends to gear to the maximization of relevance. Human beings automatically turn their attention to what seems most relevant to them. Human cognition is not only relevance-oriented, but also oriented towards the highest possible relevance when processing inputs. In other words, human beings have a natural tendency towards greater efficiency-obtaining the best possible reward in exchange for the cognitive expenditure(Jia Yongqing, 2006:32-40).2.2.2 The Communicative Principle of RelevanceThe communicative principle of relevance is a generalization about ostensive-inferential communication. When the communicator ostensively attracts the addressee’s attention, he creates a presumption that the ostensive stimulus is optimally relevant. To be optimally relevant, the stimulus he produces must be the most economical one he could have chosen to achieve the intended effects. That is, the utterance, on a given interpretation, must help the addressee achieve adequate effects with on unjustifiable effort.A communicator who intends to produce a relevant utterance has two related aims: creating some contextual effects in the hearer and minimizing the processing effort for the hearer. But communicators should not always be expected to give the most relevant possible information, or to present it in the least effort-demanding way. What can be only expected is that ostensive communicators try to be optimally relevant. The principle of relevance makes it possible to derive rich and precise non-demonstrative inferences aboutthe communicator’s informative intention. With the principle, what is required is that the properties of the ostensive stimulus should se the inferential process on the right track(Jia Yongqing, 2006:32-40).Chapter Three Analysis of Vagueness in BusinessCorrespondence Language from the Perspective ofRelevance-theoretic ApproachThere are two parts in this chapter, this chapter is the complexity of vagueness, relevance theory and business correspondence. The author will analyze the pragmatic use of vague language based on relevance theory. This is the most important part in the whole paper.3.1 The interpretation of relevance theory to the vague language inEnglish business correspondenceAs a written formal style, the purpose of business English correspondence is clear, exact and specific. But sometimes for some specific pragmatic functions, vagueness of language is also needed in writing in order to make it more appropriate and complete. As Zhuge Lin(1981:25)pointed, not all foreign trade letters are correct, in some certain circumstances, foreign trade letters are allowed not only to be general, but also to be more general. The author will explore why and how the two sides of trade choose fuzzy language to complete the expected communicative purpose.According to the communicative principle of relevance proposed by Sperber&Wilson(1985:153-171), communicative activity is a dynamic process with purpose and with the expression of speaker and the inference of hearer. “expression” and “inference” are two aspects of communication process. Expression means that speaker encodes and expresses intention by some way that makes hearer “manifest” in terms of speaker; while in terms of hearer, “inference” refers to “an act that speaker explicitlyexpress es intention to hearer”(Sperber&Wilson, 1985:153-171). In the process of communication, the speaker not only expresses some literal information to the listener, but also conveys the meaning behind the words to the listener, which we call the communicative intention. In foreign business letters, sender uses vagueness because it can provide recipient an optimal relevance, according to which recipient can make proper inference so as to realize the communication intention of sender. This kind of communicative effect which vagueness makes is what precise language can not reach.For example:I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for technical information regarding our software security systems. The fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential(Wu Ling, 2008:166).First we can find out that the sender wants the recipient to extract from the utterance the information that we refuse your request for technical information. But in order to maintain the trade relationship between the two parties and not to break it for the other side’s requirement is not met, the sender uses “most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential”to make information vague for the implicitness of discourse. This kind of expression neither points out specifically which competitors are in it, nor directly show that he rejects the other party’s request, and the recipient doesn’t have to pay extra effort to come to a conclusion that the sender refuses to provide technical information.Sperber&Wilson(1985:153-171)pointed out, in order to reduce the efforts the process of discourse comprehension, the speaker must let the hearer to obtain enough association, so as to achieve the optimal relevance. The use of euphemism expression of vagueness in certain occasions in the course of language communication must make hearer understand the communicative intention thus to complete the whole communicative purpose.For example:At present, we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact asignificant volume of business(Sperber&Wilson, 1985:153-171).In this sample, the sender wants the recipient to extract from the utterance the information that, if the prices are competitive, we would expect to settle business relationship with you, not wanting the recipient know his range and volume of business, the sender use “extending our range, volume of business” to make words vague, but he expresses his intention which makes the other party obtain the result of the expected establishment of business relationship with effective efforts.Vague language is a part of natural language, it itself is not good or bad, the key is how to use it to complete the language communication and to achieve the desired results. We can say, that the relevance theory provides a theoretical basis for this language phenomenon, and makes a convincing explanation.3.2 The ways for sender using vague language to express explicitinformation to recipient in English business correspondenceLetter communication is indirect, unlike commercial negotiations that have specific contextual effect, so the use of vagueness should be careful, and not bring extra burden to the addressee. The use should avoid the confusion of understanding.Now the author will divide the ways for sender using vagueness to express explicit information to receiver into the following three aspects:3.2.1 Sender expressing his points of view to recipientIn the foreign trade letters, both sides in the process of exchange of information, will inevitably have some differences, in order to make the cooperation between the two sides continue, both sides should stand in the position of the other side for his consideration and respect his views. At the same time, both parties also have to use right words to express their views and positions to meet their communication intention. Through many model samples, the author have found that the sender, in order to avoid the arbitrariness and absolution of language, often uses the first person pronouns as subject to state, so that the recipient can understand the other side’s communicative intention through inference.For example:To solve the problem, I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it(Zadeh, 1965:338-353).The sender using “I propose” gently expresses his point of view and emphasizes it’s just his own view, it may not be entirely correct, the opposite party has the right to decide whether to adopt. This way can avoid expressing words too absolutely and at the same time can respect the other side.I believe can service your company better and help you operations run more smoothly with this safeguard(Sperber&Wilson,1985:153-171).The sender using “I believe” clearly expresses his reality of statement to receiver, although it seems that it is the sender’s subjective analysis and judgment, but the words in the letter will not make the recipient feel too arbitrary. Also, it provides the message to the recipient and reduces the time and effort that infers an processes the information. Meanwhile, the sender shows his position in information communication. Both sides also reach consensus statement.1. The Gaylord box will hold approximately 13,000 meters of wire. While this is more than you will need to make the sample. We think that it will be useful for A to get used to handing the wire in Gaylord boxes(since that is what we will use for production)(Zadeh, 1965:338-353).2. We are planning to have the purchase order quantity of 750,000 meters(2,460,600feet)ready for shipment from Waynesboro by March 4,2006. The quantity may vary a little as we cannot produce to the exact number of feet but it will be close(Zadeh, 1965:338-353).From the example 1 and 2 we can see, that the writer uses strategically approximately, may vary a little to make the exact number vague, because he can’t determine the exact number, the vague degree of approximately is very large, when it indicates number. Its maximum limit is 13000 meters, but the minimum limit can’t make precise definition. Because of this, the writer makes it clear that the minimum will be more than the actual demand, and explains clearly about the vagueness of number due tothe products’packaging. Similarly, in example2, the writer uses a little and close to make the number vague, due to the uncertainty of shipment quantity. But these two words convey the slight deviation caused by the production process so clearly that the reader can understand and accept it.3. As I told you this is the best proposal B can make and would like to have your answer on these points as soon as possible, but no later than tomorrow afternoon(Zadeh, 1965:338-353).4. I have asked the factory to send you the wire in the Gaylord box and we will send you the details of the shipment as soon as it is available(Zadeh, 1965:338-353).Because of the complexity of international business links, the time involved is not what both sides of business can control, so this vague word”as soon as possible” is a frequently used word in business correspondence. The exact time should be determined based on specific circumstances. So the example3 limits the uncertain time to tell the the reader give him the answer as soon as possible but not later than tomorrow afternoon. When as soon as can’t limit the time, the writer should express the reason why he makes the fuzziness to make the reader feel his words sincere, appropriate and acceptable.3.2.2 Sender conveying information to recipientIn foreign trade English correspondence, both sides of communication should convey the most accurate information, so as to avoid misunderstanding and contradiction. The sender using vague language is not to hide the information, but in a more flexible, vivid way to express his communicative intentions to the recipient, making the recipient pay efforts as little as possible to achieve the best effect of communication. Trade usually involves the vital interests of both sides, in fact, it does not always provide accurate information. In specific situations, it is necessary to make time, number, range, sites and methods that have to convey to the other side, and not to bing to the recipient the hindrance and inconvenience of understanding. For example:We would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to send us the names of three or four organization that match our requirements(Zadeh, 1965:338-353).The sender using” a few moments, three or four”, makes the time and the number vague. He uses the vague language to provide an expression of optimal relevance to the recipient, which expresses his own requirement. He also limits the time and the number, so that the receiver can obtain the information intention conveyed by the sender through proper inference, that is, “You don’t need to spend too much time, choosing three or four” or some other information like that.The machine is the same size as most laptops but comes with some totally new features. The retail price will undercut its nearest competitor by at least 20%. If you would like to know more, just fax or telex me(Zadeh, 1965:338-353).The sender using” at least 20%, fax or telex” makes the number and the contact way and some other information vague, but he clearly defines these information. This way doesn’t reduce words but transfers information to receiver, and allows the opposite party to accept and understand more easily his communicative intention. The vague language to a proper extent transfers information, but also helps to improve the communicative effect which precise language can not reach.3.2.3 Sender proposing suggestions and requests to recipientIn the correspondence of each other, it is necessary to achieve the ostensive communicative intention and be completely polite when the other side puts forward some suggestions and requests. “If” conditional sentences, “please” imperative and interrogative sentences are often adopted to propose to the other side suggestions and requests in foreign trade English correspondence. This tactful and vague way can make both sides communicate more easily and flexibly.If you would like to set up an appointment during non exhibit hall hour, please call me(Li Li, 2008:231-233).Would you agree to our suggesting that future clients should call you(Li Li, 2008:231-233)?Could we meet some time this month to discuss the hypermarket proposal(Li Li, 2008:231-233)?。
1.基于言据性视角的外贸索赔信函语篇分析 [J], 周亚红;戴瑞
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5.工程索赔时效性逾期索赔问题——基于承包商视角的分析 [J], 刘宁;黄山
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高中英语听力课中的文化教学35 交际法在中学英语教学中的运用36 论《厄舍古屋的倒塌》的哥特式写作风格37 The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors38 高中英语听力课中的文化教学39 Awakening of the Black Women’s Self-consciousness—A Study of Four Major Female Images in Beloved40 The modern American and Death of a salesman41 简析文化意识在高中英语学习中的重要性42 对《斯佳丽》中生态女权主义的解读43 试从关联理论的角度分析《老友记》中的言语幽默44 论《喧哗与躁动》中的女性形象45 On Womanism in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple46 Discussion on How to Arouse the Students’Interests in English Learning47 从对等角度研究公示语翻译48 《蝇王》中象征意义浅析49 汉英叠词对比研究及其翻译50 从中西文化对比看英文电影字幕翻译51 “垮掉的一代”形成的背景探析52 The Illusory American Dream--A Comparative Analysis on Martin Eden & The Great Gatsby53 从电影《阿甘正传》看二战后美国价值观54 《好人难寻》中哥特手法运用的分析55 简爱——平凡而非凡的女人56 《周六夜现场》的幽默剖析57 如何用英语作精彩演讲58 文化差异对商标翻译的影响及翻译策略59 《简•爱》的简和《德伯家的苔丝》的苔丝的比较研究60 文化与幽默欣赏61 斯佳丽性格的自我超越和升华62 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names63 英汉致使事件词汇化模式对比研究64 The Differences of Beauty Standards Between China and America65 英文电影题目翻译的异化与归化研究66 《看管人》下的“品特式”(开题报告+论)67 救赎之旅—浅析《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿•考菲尔德的成长经历68 You-attitude 在商务信函中的运用69 合作原则在《红楼梦》习语英译中的应用70 Comparison between High and Low-context Culture in Language Expression71 “狗”在中西文化中的对比研究72 浅析短篇小说《我不再爱你》的荒诞性73 接受理论视角下英文商标名汉译研究74 英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响75 A Study of Maggie’s Tragedy in The Mill on the Floss76 用文化批评看《雾都孤儿》里的反犹主义77 从小说人物分析简•奥斯汀的情感智慧78 Lin Yutang and his Translation of the Analects79 关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究80 Sino-American Business Negotiations:An Intercultural Communication Perspective81 《老人与海》中的和谐关系82 从英汉习语视角看中英文化差异83 达尔文主义视角下的《卡斯特桥市长》84 小说《紫色》和《妻妾成群》中女主角不同命运的的比较85 伯莎梅森形象分析86 《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻87 论英语口语教学中存在的问题及对策88 English Vocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle School89 《紫色》中黑人女性意识的觉醒和成长90 古诗英译中意象与意境的处理91 文化因素对英汉互译的影响92 论《瓦尔登湖》的超验主义思想93 高中英语听、说、读教学活动中写作融入模式的初探94 论《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义95 An Analysis of Conflicts between Heroines in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie96 精神危机下的自我救赎--对索尔贝娄《赫索格》中社会异化与身份认同的解读97 中美商务谈判的风格差异98 从玛氏公司看英美文化对广告的影响99 On Wisdom of Tao in Tao De Jing and the Subjectivity of Translator--Based upon Translations of Wu(无)and You(有)100 英汉称呼语的对比研究101 从《灰姑娘》到《神谕女士》—浅谈反面母亲形象对子女成长的影响102 英汉动物习语内涵意义的文化差异103 从传统消费观念看中美文化差异104 学习动机对大学生英语学习的影响105 A Feminist Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen106 狄更斯小说《远大前程》中的批判现实主义特点解读107 论《红字》中的道德观108 从《红字》看霍桑的政治观109 从认知语境的角度解读《一个干净明亮的地方》的隐含意义110 霍桑清教观的矛盾性在《红字》中的体现111 论英语典故的起源和翻译112 从生态批评的角度解读《查特莱夫人的情人》113 互联网对英语翻译的影响114 基本数字词在中西文化中的差异与翻译115 从语境视角看英译汉字幕翻译——以《梅林传奇》为例116 对《野性的呼唤》中的狗——巴克的分析研究117 从英汉习语的翻译看中西方文化差异118 试析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中女主人公艾米莉的形象119 论中学英语学习策略120 《圣经》对英语习语的影响121 中英姓名的文化内涵122 An Analysis on Teacher Talk in EFL Classroom Context123 美国梦的开始与破灭—试析菲茨杰拉德的《夜色温柔》124 《哈克贝利芬恩历险记》中对自由的追寻125 《远大前程》与《名利场》叙事技巧比较研究126 文化商务交际中的个人主义与集体主义127 埃德娜:一个孤独的女战士——解读凯特•肖邦的《觉醒》128 Irony Art in Orwell’s Animal Farm129 中美鬼节文化的对比研究130 《灿烂千阳》中女性人物的忍耐,斗争和重生131 《雾都孤儿》中所体现的人文关怀132 On Aesthetic Value of Thomas Hardy’s Poems133 英汉植物词文化内涵的比较研究134 当代中美青年恭维言语行为对比研究135 盖茨比的人物形象分析136 《紫颜色》中爱丽斯沃克妇女主义解读137 《愤怒的葡萄》里人性的光辉138 (英语系经贸英语)浅析特许经营模式下受许人获得的优势--以全聚德为例139 探究马克吐温的反奴隶制观—对《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中吉姆的分析140 正面解读《名利场》中的蓓基-夏泼141 杰克凯鲁亚克与垮掉的一代142 简析诚信在对外贸易中的作用143 商务英语交流中委婉语的语用功能研究144 美国电视剧中双关语的研究-重点关注双关语的汉语翻译145 论《好人难寻》中的哥特特征146 论零翻译在公司名称汉英翻译中的应用147 On Stylistic Features of Obama’s Victory Speech148 从《篡夺》中看辛西娅奥兹克作品中的反偶像崇拜精神149 跨文化意识在初中英语教材中的渗透150 颜色词的中英对比翻译151 功能目的论视角下汉语商标的英译策略152 浅析英语俚语的特征及其功能153 中国现代散文风格精彩再现——评张培基教授《英译中国现代散文选》154 A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation155 Differences of Talent Requirements in Chinese and Western Employment Advertising156 An Analysis of Female Images in The Thorn Birds157 试析中英婚姻生活差异及其原因158 马丁伊登的自杀根由159 汉英招呼语的对比研究160 《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观161 可口可乐产品推销中的中国元素分析162 英汉语中恐惧隐喻的认知分析163 归化与异化在《老友记》字幕翻译中的运用164 浅析合作原则和礼貌原则在商务信函中的运用165 以颜色词为主题的英汉习语比较166 《动物庄园》中的黑色幽默分析167 浅析文化差异对中西商务谈判的影响168 英汉超音段音位的对比分析169 浅谈中外记者招待会中口译者的跨文化意识170 从美狄亚和伊阿宋的故事探究希腊悲剧的复仇情节171 从《七个尖角阁的房子》看霍桑的罪恶观172 “词块”理论及应用前景探微173 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的主要人物性格174 试论任务型教学法在英语阅读教学中的应用175 翻译美学理论下的唐诗英译意境美研究176 浪漫主义天性和实用主义个性之间的冲突——评《呼啸山庄》中凯瑟琳人性的矛盾177 浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用178 解析威廉布莱克《老虎》中的修辞运用及其对英语写作的启示179 汉英动物词文化内涵的对比180 法律英语中的情态动词shall的翻译181 On Loss of Fidelity in Translation182 从《生活大爆炸》看美剧字幕翻译的文化转向183 论凯瑟琳﹒曼斯菲尔德作品中的彼得﹒潘情结184 从关联理论看英文电影字幕翻译中的减译185 试比较《汤姆索亚历险记》与《哈克贝利芬历险记》中主人公性格异同点186 消极商务信函写作策略187 浅析父权体制下黛西的“他者”形象188 《喧哗与骚动》中没落的悲剧189 浅析美剧台词中幽默的翻译——以《绝望的主妇》为例190 爱玛人物形象分析191 论个人主义对美国英雄电影的影响192 中国英语与中式英语的对比研究——从英汉民族思维差异的角度193 论英汉翻译过程194 文化差异对商标翻译的影响及翻译策略195 Financial Translation Industrialization196 英语双关语语境分析及其翻译197 《双城记》中的人道主义198 法律语言及其翻译研究199 言语行为理论视角下的商务索赔信函话语分析200 报刊广告英语的文体特色分析。