01-07_防盗系统_第三代普锐斯用户说明书 (美版英文)
基本信息∙品牌丰田普锐斯∙制动方式四轮碟刹∙生产厂商一汽丰田∙车身重量 1345千克∙参考价格 27.98万元∙轴距 2700毫米∙车型尺寸 4.450米1.725米1.510米∙油耗 4.7升/百公里∙油箱容积 45升∙引擎类型直列4缸/双顶置凸轮轴∙标准座位数 5个∙最高时速 170km/h∙驱动方式前轮驱动普锐斯基本参数基本参数普锐斯 1.5 织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5 真皮导航版车型名称:普锐斯 1.5 织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5 真皮导航版厂商指导价(元):25.98万27.98万品牌:一汽丰田一汽丰田级别:紧凑型车紧凑型车发动机: 1.5L 77马力 L4 1.5L 77马力 L4 变速箱:7挡CVT自动7挡CVT自动长×宽×高(mm):4450*1725*1510 4450*1725*1510 车体结构:5门5座掀背车5门5座掀背车推出年份(年):2005 2006最高车速(km/h):- -官方0-100加- -速(s):官方100-0制动(m):- -官方综合路况油耗(L):4.7 4.7本站实测0-100加速(s):9.66 -本站实测100-0制动(m):43.1 -本站实测油耗(L):- -整车质保:四年或10万公里四年或10万公里车身普锐斯 1.5 织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5 真皮导航版长度(mm): 4450 4450 宽度(mm): 1725 1725 高度(mm): 1510 1510 轴距(mm): 2700 2700 前轮距(mm):1510 1510 后轮距(mm):1480 1480 最小离地间隙(mm):160 160 车重(Kg): 1345 1350 车身结构:掀背车掀背车车门数(个):5 5座位数(个):5 5油箱容积(L):45 45行李箱容积(L):- -发动机普锐斯 1.5 织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5 真皮导航版汽缸容积(cc):1497 1497排量(L): 1.5 1.5工作方式:自然吸气自然吸气气缸排列形式:L L气缸数(个):4 4每缸气门数(个):4 4压缩比:13 13气门结构:DOHC DOHC 缸径:75 75 冲程:84.7 84.7 最大马力(Ps):77 77 最大功率(kW):57 57 最大功率转速(rpm):5000 5000 最大扭矩(N·m):115 115 最大扭矩转速(rpm):4000 4000发动机特有技术:混和动力的电动机,最大功率:50Kw/1200-1540rpm,最大扭矩:400Nm/0-1200r混和动力的电动机,最大功率:50Kw/1200-1540rpm,最大扭矩:400Nm/0-1200r燃油:汽油汽油燃油标号:93号93号供油方式:多点电喷多点电喷缸盖材料:铝铝缸体材料:铝铝环保标准:欧III 欧III变速箱普锐斯 1.5 织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5 真皮导航版名称:7挡CVT自动7挡CVT自动挡位个数:7 7变速箱类型:无级变速箱(CVT) 无级变速箱(CVT)底盘转向普锐斯 1.5 织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5 真皮导航版驱动方式:前置前驱前置前驱前悬挂类型:麦弗逊式独立悬架麦弗逊式独立悬架后悬挂类型:拖拽臂式拖拽臂式助力类型:机械液压助力机械液压助力底盘结构:承载式承载式车轮制动普锐斯 1.5 织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5 真皮导航版前制动器类型:通风盘式通风盘式后制动器类型:盘式盘式驻车制动类手刹手刹型:前轮胎规格: 195/60 R15 195/60 R15 后轮胎规格: 195/60 R15 195/60 R15 备胎:全尺寸全尺寸展开安全装备普锐斯 1.5织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5真皮导航版驾驶座安全气囊:●●副驾驶安全气囊:●●前排侧气囊:●●后排侧气囊:- - 前排头部气囊(气帘):●●后排头部气囊(气帘):●●膝部气囊:- - 安全带未系提示:- - 发动机电子防盗:●●车内中控锁:●●遥控钥匙:●●无钥匙启动系统:●●操控配置普锐斯 1.5织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5真皮导航版ABS防抱死:●●制动力分配(EBD/CBC等):●●刹车辅助(EBA/BAS/BA等):●●牵引力控制(ASR/TCS/TRC等):●●车身稳定控制(ESP/DSC/VSC等):●●自动驻车制动系统:- - 陡坡缓升/降:- - 可调悬挂:- -空气悬挂:- - 胎压监测装置:- - 零胎压继续行驶:- - 主动转向系统:- -外部配置普锐斯 1.5织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5真皮导航版电动天窗:- - 全景天窗:- - 同色后视镜:●●同色防擦条:●●运动套件:- - 铝合金轮毂:●●内部配置普锐斯 1.5织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5真皮导航版真皮方向盘:●●方向盘上下调节:●●方向盘前后调节:- - 多功能方向盘:●●方向盘换挡:- - 定速巡航:●●泊车辅助:- - 倒车视频影像:- - 行车电脑显示屏:●●HUD抬头数字显示:- - 左脚休息踏板:- -座椅配置普锐斯 1.5织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5真皮导航版真皮座椅:- ●运动座椅:- - 座椅高低调节:●●腰部支撑调节:●●前排座椅电动调节:●●后排座椅手动调节:- - 后排座椅电动调节:- - 电动座椅记忆:- -前排座椅加热:- - 后排座椅加热:- - 座椅通风:- - 座椅按摩:- - 后排座椅整体放倒:- - 后排座椅比例放倒:●●第三排座椅:- - 前座中央扶手:●●后座中央扶手:●●前排杯架:●●后排杯架:●●电动后备箱:- -多媒体配置普锐斯 1.5织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5真皮导航版GPS导航系统: - ●中控台彩色大屏:●●人机交互系统:- -内置硬盘:- -蓝牙系统:- ●车载电视:- -车载电话:- -后排液晶屏:- -外接音源接口(AUX/USB/iPod等):- -CD支持MP3/WMA:- -单碟CD:- -多碟CD系统:●●单碟DVD:- -多碟DVD系统:- -2-3喇叭扬声器系统:- -4-5喇叭扬声器系统:- -6-7喇叭扬声器系统:- -≥8喇叭扬声器系统:●●灯光配置普锐斯 1.5 普锐斯 1.5织物座椅版真皮导航版氙气大灯:- -日间行车灯:- -自动头灯:- -转向头灯(辅助灯):- -前雾灯:●●后雾灯:●●大灯高度可调:●●大灯清洗装置:- -玻璃/后视镜普锐斯 1.5织物座椅版普锐斯 1.5真皮导航版前电动车窗:●●后电动车窗:●●车窗防夹手功能:●●后视镜电动调节:●●后视镜加热:●●后视镜自动防眩目:●●后视镜电动折叠:●●后风挡遮阳帘:- - 后排侧遮阳帘:- - 遮阳板化妆镜:●●感应雨刷:- - 展开。
toyota hybrid prius丰田普瑞斯三代中文介绍(混合动力系统)
智能动力模块 (IPMs)
互锁开关 (变频器端盖)
电容 变频器电流传感器 电抗器
DC/DC 转换器
-W -Q
HV 电池单元 (直流 201.6 V) 电池模块
升压转换器 (直流201.6 V直流650 V [最大])
DTC 检测条件 变频器总成的大气压力传感器与歧管绝对压力传感 器(用于EGR控制)测量值的差值超过规定范围, EV模式驾驶3小时内会发生同样情况。 大气压力传感器对地短路 大气压力传感器对+B短路或开路
冷却系统 –变频器总成有专用散热器,独立于发动机散热器
-A -K -W -Q
辅助电池 (密封型)
-W -Q
HV电池单元 • 电池模块 (DC 201.6 V) • 接线盒 • 电池智能单元
2ZR-FXE 发动机
空调压缩机总成 (带空调变频器)
AC 500 V 水冷
*: 电动机行星减速机构增加了2.64倍的扭矩。
在能源危机和环境问题凸显之前,TOYOTA前瞻性地将研发混合动力纳入长远规划;在倾注了TOYOTA40多年的 心血后,PRIUS普锐斯率先以未来的精湛工艺将前卫的设计概念执行到完美,更领先时代地搭载了一系列高智能 科技。PRIUS普锐斯以世界首款量产混合动力车的身份,携全球销量50万辆的傲人佳绩,令整个车坛和时尚界同 时瞩目,更当之无愧地作为科技先驱,在今天启动未来。
几个月试驾PRIUS给我一种全新的时尚公路驾车乐趣。女人对于车的最先直觉,大多还是来自外形。PRIUS的 外形设计就相当抢眼,车体线条颇有东方式的圆润柔和,前脸设计简洁,最喜欢的是车子的尾部收紧的造型,配 合车身感觉时尚、流畅。不过,相对于外表时尚,我更欣赏的是它独有的环保节能理念。先说说环保。谁都知道 空气污染指数高,环境污染大,人得病的机率就大,终日忙碌的人们可算意识到了健康的重要,但其实环保和健 康的关系远比我们想象中更为紧密。在中国人均汽车保有量以如此可怕的速度持续疯长,在消耗大量燃油的同时, 也加重了环境净化吞吐污染物的负担。我们的2008奥运会承诺的是“绿色奥运”,这就更要求我们要最大限度的 降低一切污染,而开发和使用这种环保型的车,正是国家和社会所需求的。所以,这样一种以环保理念为大前提 的设计观,是非常值得提倡的品质。
丰田普锐斯PRIUS Hybrid(PRIUS),是日本丰田汽车于1997年所推出世界上第一个大规模生产的混合动力 车辆车款,随后在2001年销往全世界40多个国家和地区,其最大的市场是日本和北美。
大众三代防盗匹配步骤关于大众第三代防盗的匹配2007-06-06 22:46一、第三代防盗帕萨特B5 1.8T 2.8、新款宝来、波罗以及一汽从2000年23周以后生产的AUDI A6,配备了第3代防盗系统。
针对不同的情况,下面介绍第三代防盗的几种测试方法:1. 更换组合仪表,但没有更换发动机电脑和钥匙操作方法:(连接X431,打开点火开关):(1) 进入仪表板系统(2) 选择“系统登录”功能(3) 输入新组合仪表的密码(通常4位)(4) 登录成功(5) 选择“通道调整匹配”功能(6) 进入“50”通道(7) 输入原车密码,确认(8) 屏幕显示“学习值被成功保存”,确定(9) 直接着车,就可以了,不需要配钥匙2. 更换发动机电脑,组合仪表和钥匙没有更换操作方法: (连接X431,打开点火开关):(1) 进入发动机系统(2) 选择“通道调整匹配”功能(3) 进入“50”通道(4) 输入原车密码,确认(5) 屏幕显示”学习值被成功保存”,确定(6) 直接着车,就可以了,不需要配钥匙3. 更换组合仪表和发动机电脑操作方法: (连接X431,打开点火开关):(1) 进入仪表板系统(2) 选择“系统登录”功能(3) 输入新组合仪表的密码(通常4位)(4) 登录成功(5) 选择“传递底盘号”功能(6) 进入17位底盘号(VIN码)(7) 确认(8) 重新进行钥匙匹配选择组合仪表系统(A) 选择登录功能,输入“新密码”(B) 登录成功(C) 选择“通道调整匹配”功能(D) 输入通道号“21”,确认(E) 输入将要匹配的钥匙数,包括插在点火锁上的钥匙,最多8把.在匹配的过程中,所有的钥匙的匹配的时间加起来不能超过30秒(从登录起开始算时间到匹配完钥匙为止,不记钥匙拔出好插入的间隔时间),否则故障警告灯以2HZ的频率闪亮,这时要重新彻底进行匹配(包括登录和匹配)(F) 按”确定”键,仪表板上的警告灯熄灭,点火锁内的钥匙匹配完成.4. 更换二手组合仪表,但没有更换发动机电脑和钥匙操作方法:(连接X431,打开点火开关):(1) 进入仪表板系统(2) 选择“系统登录”功能(3) 输入二手组合仪表的密码(通常4位)(4) 登录成功(5) 选择”通道调整匹配”功能(6) 进入”50”通道(7) 输入原车密码,确认(8) 屏幕显示”学习值被成功保存”,确定(9) 直接着车,就可以了,不需要配钥匙5. 更换二手发动机电脑,组合仪表和钥匙没有更换操作方法: (连接X431,打开点火开关):(1) 进入发动机系统(2) 选择“系统登录”功能(3) 输入二手发动机电脑的密码(4) 登录成功(5) 选择”通道调整匹配”功能(6) 进入”50”通道(7) 输入原车密码,确认(8) 屏幕显示”学习值被成功保存”,确定(9) 直接着车,就可以了,不需要配钥匙。
DRIVING (2)Just Drive It ! (2)Modes (2)Eco-Meter (4)Energy Monitor (6)Consumption (8)Efficiency (10)Trip Info (11)Battery Info (12)Brake Assist (13)Tire Pressure (13)BUTTONS ...................................... 14 Steering-Wheel ........................ 14 Voice ........................................ 16 Cruise ....................................... 16 Dimmer .................................... 16 Timer (PHV) ............................ 17 Cabin Air ................................. 17 Window Defog ......................... 18 Fan Options .............................. 18 Other Buttons ........................... 20 HELPFUL TIPS ............................. 21 Fuel Door ................................. 21 Rear Hatch ............................... 21 Grille Blocking ........................ 22 OTHER ........................................... 23 External Cargo ......................... 23 Security .................................... 25 EDUCATION ................................. 26 Real-World Data ...................... 26 Operational Info ....................... 26 GLOSSARY .. (29)Disclaimer:All the information stated in this document was provided by Prius owners. None were affiliated with Toyota Motor Corporation,except as customers.This document is not sanctioned by Toyota Motor Corporation or any of its affiliates.The ideas, suggestions, and opinions offered in this document have not been endorsed by the manufacturer of those specificcomponents or Toyota Motor Corporation.Any harm or damage that may result from the application of or the following of any ideas, suggestions, or opinions contained inthis document is the sole responsibility of the individual that applied or followed said ideas, suggestions or opinions.The authors of this document hereby declare that they cannot and will not be held liable, in any fashion, for the content or the useof this document.Toyota Prius User-GuideSecond Edition for the 2010-2012 modelsDRIVINGJust Drive It !Vital Info The “Just Drive It” advice still remains good advice. Misconceptions about the technology havebeen dispelled over the years. Yet, some new owners are compelled to drive differently, assumingthat will result in higher efficiency. In reality, there’s nothing special you actually need to do.Just drive it as you would any other vehicle. The system is designed to operate in the mostefficient manner automatically. Enjoy the smooth & quiet operation.ModesChoicesThere are actually 4 available. 3 are activated by pressing the button provided for it. The 4th is the“Normal” mode; it is automatically active when none of the other 3 modes are selected.EV comes in handy when you need more power at slow speeds but would like the engine to remainoff. ECO provides greater play with the accelerator pedal, as well as altering the A/C and Heaterthresholds for more efficient operation. PWR allows you to take advantage of the power thesystem offers.Don’t mistake the buttons for traditional low-gear or over-drive options. The selection choice isthere for you to optimize efficiency and specify pedal preference. Performance itself is not altered.Choices (PHV)Similar to the regular model Prius, the PHV offers 4 operational modes. ECO, PWR, and Normalwork the same. The button unique button is for switching between HV and EV modes.EV allows you to drive up to 62 mph (100 km/h) using only electricity, without the gas engine inmotion. HV is the option available to preserve that EV for use later, since you may want to saveelectricity while on the highway for city driving afterward. EV is available for faster speeds, butthe engine will run in conjunction with the electric motor then, delivering very high MPG as aresult. This automatic mode is referred to as EV-BOOST.ECO ModeThis indicator illuminates when the ECO MODE button is pressed. Vehicle efficiency is directly affected by outside temperature. In both extreme hot and extreme cold driving conditions, you’ll benefit from using this mode. It instructs the hybrid system to operate the A/C in a manner which uses less electricity than normal, when it’s hot. When it’s cold, the window defroster will operate like the A/C and the heater will allow the engine to shut of sooner. Vehicle efficiency is also affected by how you drive. This mode increases the sensitivity of the accelerator-pedal, allowing easier control for opportunities when you wish to adjust acceleration rate. PWR ModeThis indicator illuminates when the PWR MODE button is pressed. When power is needed quickly, using this mode can be beneficial. It prevents the engine from shutting off as soon as it normally would to provide maximum acceleration without delay. Vehicle efficiency is reduced when using this mode, even if you don’t take advantage of the rapid power it can offer. The accelerator-pedal sensitivity is decreased and initial thrust from the electric-motor is noticeably more responsive. So, feel free to indulge at times. The hybrid system will still deliver impressive MPG even in this mode. EV ModeThis indicator illuminates when the EV button is pressed. This mode allows the electric-motor to provide additional thrust without the gas-engine starting. On the Eco-Meter, you’ll see the energy usage exceed the usual GREEN zone threshold, allowing engine-off (zero RPM) driving in both the WHITE and RED zones. The catch is the emissions system must be hot (at least 155°F, 68°C) and speed cannot exceed 24 MPH (39 km/h). If either of the criteria is not met, the EV mode will disengage but the engine may still remain motionless (often referred to as “Stealth ” mode). EV Mode (PHV)The PHV model provides a different indicator above the speedometer to inform when EV MODE is engaged. It will illuminate whenever that mode is selected, even if the engine running for warm-up. Use the indicator above the Eco-Meter to inform you when the gas engine is actually off. The temperature threshold for EV MODE is different in the PHV than the regular model Prius. 130°F (54°C) is what the coolant needed to be warmed to before the engine will shut off, once started for the first time. EV is default, allowing you to run without the engine until it is needed for extra power or for heating the cabin. EV Boost (PHV)When the PHV mode Prius is still in EV mode, but speed of travel exceeds 62 mph (100 km/h), the battery-pack will continue to supply electricity at the more ample rate. You’ll see dramatically higher MPG as a result. When you only have a short distance to travel, this may be a better use of the electricity than switching to HV mode. The toggle button provides the option to choose.Normal When no other indicators lights are illuminated, this is the mode Prius is in.Use this mode for the most average driving experience. All hybrid features will operate within theregular tolerances, providing a nice balance of power & efficiency.Eco-MeterThe “Hybrid System Indicator”, commonly referred to as the Eco-Meter, provides an assortment of information for the driver. This is the source of detailed data not available from the classic “Energy Monitor”, making it the preferred choice after becoming accustomed to how the hybrid system operates. The energy-bar displayed in the center points out the amount energy being consumed & captured in addition to indicating the engine-on threshold.GreenThe first zone is that green area illuminated in the photo of the energy-bar above. It identifies themost efficient vehicle operation. Up to the center dividing line, the engine will remain off. For themode referred to as “Stealth”, driving up to 46 MPH using only electricity indicated by that green.WhiteThe second zone is the white area which follows the green. This indicates when additional poweris being consumed. When EV mode is active, this illustrates the amount electricity being drawn.When beyond the EV mode (24 MPH) or “Stealth” mode (46 MPH) thresholds, this illustrates theamount of thrust contributed by the gas engine.RedThe third zone is the red area. It indicates when high power demand is requested. This specificzone should be used only briefly, to avoid inefficient driving. To make status easier to notice, likeduring hard acceleration, the ECO symbol above the energy-bar disappears with red is active.ChargeWhen electricity is being captured by regenerative braking, the energy-bar will indicate it byilluminating the area with the CHG label. Status will move to the left to illustrate an energy gain,rather than to the right to illustrate energy consumption. The most efficient braking is when theindicator is kept within that zone; exceeding it means some energy is lost by the friction brakes.HV ModeIntroduced with the 2012 models of Prius is the “HV” indicator. This is that car-shaped symbolwhich tells you when in the engine has shut off. When it is only an outline (no EV inside), thatmeans you are driving in HV mode. This stands for “hybrid vehicle”, when both engine & motorare contributing to propulsion needs.EV IndicatorIntroduced with the 2012 models of Prius is the “EV” indicator. This is when that car-shapedsymbol is filled with “EV” inside. This informs you when the gas engine has stopped. In otherwords, it tells you when you are driving with the engine at 0 RPM. This is the mode commonlyreferred to as “Stealth”, since you are still in HV but propulsion is currently electric-only.EV Mode (PHV)Exclusive to the PHV model, there’s a new indicator. This is a larger version of the EV symbol.When illuminated, it informs you that driving is in full EV mode and will remain that way untilhard acceleration occurs or speed exceeds 62 mph (100 km/h).EV Boost (PHV)When traveling at speeds faster than 62 mph (100 km/h) in the PHV while in EV mode, the largerversion of the EV symbol will become just an empty outline. This informs you that electricity isbeing drawn from the battery-pack at a much faster rate than HV mode to provide much higherefficiency. It also tells you that EV will automatically resume when the vehicles slows down.EV Warm-Up (PHV)At any time while in EV mode, the gas engine may start up. This can happen when acceleratinghard, more heat from the coolant is needed to warm the cabin, or simply when warmth is needed forthe emission-system. Like with EV-BOOST, electricity continues to be drawn from the battery-pack at the faster rate and the gas engine will shut off as soon as it is no longer needed. The symbolwill change from that empty online back to EV when warm-up is complete.Energy MonitorThis screen available on the Multi-Information Display is an educational tool for new owners. It provides real-time information about what the hybrid system is doing while you drive. Seeing the variety & frequency of gas engine, electric motor, and battery interactions is a very effective way of understanding how the system achieves such high efficiency.Stealth ModeThe mode, also known as “Battery Drive”, is when all thrust is provided by the electric motor andall power is provided by the battery-pack.RegenerationChargeAs you approach a stop or just slow down, the excess kinetic energy is used to turn the generator.This creates electricity, which is used to charge the battery-pack.Engine & MotorDriveThere are times when the battery-pack isn't needed, the engine will directly provide electricity forthe motor.Engine Drive +ChargeThe engine provides thrust for the wheels along with electricity for charging the battery-pack.Engine & MotorDrive + ChargeThe engine provides thrust to the wheels as well as electricity for both feeding the motor andcharging the battery-pack, all at the same time.Full Power orGradual SlowingBoth rapid acceleration and moderate deceleration take full advantage of the hybrid system toachieve maximum efficiency.Startup Charge orEngine HeatWhen you first startup a Prius, you will typically see this before shifting into drive or reverse. Italso occurs when additional heat is needed.EV Distance (PHV)The PHV model Prius provides EV distance information on the screen. The contents of the batteryappear solid when an ample supply of electricity is still available. That solid will change to barswhen electricity drops to the normal level for HV operation.Charging (PHV)If you press the power button on the PHV model Prius while it is plugged in and charging, thisscreen will be displayed. It tells you how much time is required to complete and at what rate thepower is being drawn from the plug.ConsumptionSeeing the effect recent driving had on efficiency during that specific moment can be quite informative. Two different versions of the consumption are provided for this. They both indicate the MPG during the time-span illustrated and how much (if any) regenerative electricity was recaptured by the braking system. (Note that electricity generated directly by the gas engine is not included.)1 minThis consumption information screen displays the most recent 15 minutes of travel since the hybridsystem was restarted. Each bar indicates a 1-minute span of time.5 minThis consumption information screen displays the most recent 30 minutes of travel since the hybridsystem was restarted. Each bar indicates a 5-minute span of time.HistoryRather than displaying information based upon time, there is an additional consumption screen which provides summaries between resets based upon distance. It also numerically shows the best MPG among individual drives. Two different sets of data can be stored, using the “A ” and “B ” trip-meters. A suggested use for getting the most information from the feature is resetting the start of each morning and each time you refill the tank.History (PHV)The passage of time is more pronounced with the PHV model, making the benefit of month rather than an arbitrary reset of a trip meter quite obvious after you’ve driven one for a while. This is the display screen provide for that purpose. Driving Ratio (PHV)An especially new educational display screen for the PHV model is this EV DRIVING RATIO. There are two resettable meters available. But provide EV and HV summaries. The information gives you an idea of how much benefit you are directly getting from the plug, displacing gallons of gas with electricity.EfficiencyHaving immediate feedback about the results of system operation as it happens is quite empowering. You develop an appreciation for how the design responds to the complexities of real-world driving conditions. It influences your choices about driving. The following are examples of what you’ll find most informative.Stealth ModeWhether or not your Prius has a plug, you’ll often drive in “Stealth ” mode. This is when the gas engine shuts off (stops moving) and travel continues along using only the electric motor, even though you are not driving in EV mode. That “EV” symbol indicates that status. This automatic feature of the hybrid system takes advantage of efficiency opportunities. There’s nothing you need to do to optimize it. In fact, prolonging the engine from starting back up again may lower overall MPG. It’s there as a reminder of how Prius efficiency is achieved.Distance (PHV)Distance of travel has always been an efficiency influence easily overlooked. The introduction of the ability to use plug-supplied electricity makes the topic even more eluding. On the Eco-Meter and Consumption screens, you’ll see TRIP-A and TRIP-B values for MILES and MPG. When trips are really short or really long, you’ll notice a significant efficiency different from trips medium in length. Don’t let that bother you. Remember, you’re still getting a benefit from the electricity regardless of how it’s used. That MPG value clearly shows it.Trip InfoAt the bottom of many of the Multi-Information Display screens, there are numeric values indicating accumulated status of driving results since the previous reset and last refill. This is also how the vehicle distance odometer value can be seen.TripThere are two storage meters available, trip “A” and “B”. Each accumulates separate results.Drivers find this handy for tracking a variety of conditions. You can reset whenever you want…each trip, when the tank is refilled, or just leave it to collect up to 10,000 miles of data.MilesThis indicates how many miles the data represents. It changes back to zero, along with the othervalues displayed, when the TRIP button on the steering-wheel is reset (holding it continuouslyfor 3 seconds).MPGThis value indicates the total consumption of gas by the engine since the previous reset. It is anoverall average representing MPG (miles-per-gallon).AverageAn important aspect of efficiency usually overlooked is the average speed of travel. The hybridsystem continues to operate even if the vehicle is not moving. The resulting amount of gas &electricity consumed can be misrepresented by just the distance in miles alone. This value alsotakes time into account. The MPH (miles-per-hour) value will drop as you sit in daily stop & slowcommute traffic or wait for a light to turn green. It is an overall calculation of the entire durationthe hybrid system was active, to give you a better idea of how overall driving is influenced.EmptyDistance to empty information is also available. This is the third option, following “A” and “B”.The value shown is an estimate of the miles you can continue to travel, based upon current tankefficiency, before you’ll need to refill.Battery InfoLevelThe SOC (state-of-charge) level of the battery-pack is indicated by this illustration on the Multi-Information Display. Only the usable capacity is shown. So even when no bars are visible, there is still electricity available. When all 8 bars are filled, the battery-pack isn’t completely full.6 bars is the most common level. Drivers won’t often see the top two filled. Seeing less than the bottom doesn’t often happen either. The hybrid system attempts to keep the SOC within those 4 middle bars for maximum longevity of the battery-pack.EmptyEmpty is no reason to panic, though new owners sometimes do when the SOC level gets down to just 1 bar. The engine will simply start up to replenish the electricity supply. There is no need to alter the way you drive while that occurs.Remember, that’s actually about 40 percent of the battery-pack SOC remaining, even when only 1 bar is showing.Recharging (PHV)Within the charge-port area on the outside of the Prius is this indicator.If the timer is set, it will immediately illuminate to confirm connection to the charger is complete then shut off shortly afterward. Later when the timer starts charging, this symbol will illuminate again.If the timer is not set, this symbol will immediately illuminate to confirm connection to the charger and remain that way until charging has completed.Full (PHV)When there is an ample supply of electricity available, the symbol for the battery on the various display screens will appear solid like this. As the supply lowers, this image of the battery will too.Below the image of the battery is a rough estimate of the EV distance available stated in terms of miles. Remember, this number will drop faster when acceleration is needed and slower when very little power is needed.Also, the numeric value is based upon recent travel. If you travel long distances with few opportunities to recharge, the miles represented will be lower. If you travel short distance recharging frequently, the miles represented will be higher. It’s only an estimate using observation, which will vary over time, not an indicator of actual battery capacity.Low (PHV)As the supply of electricity reaches the depletion point at which EV will switch over to HV driving, the solid interior of the battery image will change to bars. This is done as a visual convenience; otherwise, all you’d ever see following depletion would be an empty battery.The value will up and down as you continue to drive in HV mode. Sometimes, there will be enough electricity regenerated to change the battery image back to solid. This is normal expected operation.Brake AssistRollbackPreventing vehicle rollback when starting from a start on a hill is very easy with a Prius. It offers a “brake assist” feature.Press very hard on the brake pedal for about 2 seconds. That symbol to the left will illuminate, informing you that the vehicle will remain in place for a few seconds while you shift your foot from the brake to the accelerator. When acceleration begins, the brake will automatically release.Tire PressureWarningLow tire pressure is very dangerous, so much so that a federal mandate was issued for all automakers to provide a warning to indicate when the PSI has dropped 25 percent below the recommended minimum.35 PSI front and 33 PSI rear is the recommended minimum by Toyota.44 PSI front and 42 PSI rear is what owners wanting higher efficiency and longer treadlife use.BUTTONSSteering-WheelRight ClusterOn the right side of the steering-wheel, there is a cluster of 5 multi-use buttons available. Using each is just a matter of pushing one with your thumb. Note that the orientation of the buttons changed from side-side to up-down with the 2012 models.Climate-Control adjustments and options for the Multi-Information Display screens are what this cluster offers.TripUse this button to alternate trip information between “A” and “B” and Distance-To-Empty.DispUse this button to choose a screen on the Multi-Information Display next to the speedometer.LowerFor a lower climate-control temperature, push this button.Continuing to hold this button will cause the temperature to decrease until you release.HigherFor a higher climate-control temperature, push this button.Continuing to hold this button will cause the temperature to increase untilyou release.RecirculateThe benefit of this button often misunderstood. When recirculate is active, fresh air from outside is not used. Instead, the interior air is continuously passed through the heating or cooling system. Doing this allows quicker cabin comfort, but will eventually led to a humidity build up since your own breath contributes moisture to the air. So, limit the use of this feature.This button makes it convenient to toggle recirculate on & off.Left ClusterOn the left side of the steering-wheel, there is a cluster of 5 multi-use buttons available. Using each is just a matter of pushing one with your thumb. Note that the orientation of the buttons changed from side-side to up-down with the 2012 models.Audio-System selections are what this cluster offers.ReduceUse this button to reduce the volume of the audio-system.IncreaseUse this button to increase the volume of the audio-system.PreviousTo select the previous audio-track or radio-channel, push this button.Holding this button down for a moment will cause the multi-CD player to switch to the previous disc.NextTo select the next audio-track or radio-channel, push this button.Holding this button down for a moment will cause the multi-CD player toswitch to the next disc.ModeTo change among the audio-system choices (AM, FM, SAT, CD, AUX), use this button.Pressing this button when the audio-system is off will cause it to turn on.Holding this button when the audio-system is on will cause it to turn off.VoiceNavigationCommands issued verbally to the navigation system start by pressing this button.PhoneWhen a cell-phone is connected via bluetooth, the sides of this rocker-switch can be used to answer a call and hang-up afterward.Pushing the BOTTOM will make the phone dial-pad appear on the Multi-Information Display.Pushing the TOP will return the Multi-Information Display to the screen it was on prior to the phone call.CruiseRadarFor models of Prius equipped with dynamic cruise-control, this is the button to adjust the detection-distance for the radar system.Pushing it repeatedly will toggle you through the distances available, which will be illustrated on the Multi-Information Display.DimmerBrightnessThis button (actually an adjustment knob) allows you to dim or brighten the speedometer cluster. Rotating it all the way is how you switch between day & night mode.It’s location is low on the dashboard, to the left of the steering-wheel.Timer (PHV)StartUnique to the PHV model is the timer button. Pressing this displays the screen for scheduling adelayed charge start. You can do this at any time, including after having pressed the power buttonto shut off the Prius.Using this button allows you to take advantage of lower electricity rates during off-peak hours. It’salso beneficial for battery longevity to wait before charging again. Delaying recharge to let thebattery cool down after use is called a “cold soak”. The timer button makes this easy.There are 2 timer options available. The photo shown above is the START option; charging willstart at the time specified. There is also an END option; charging will start 3 hours prior to thattime specified.Cabin AirRecirculatePressing the LEFT side of this rocker-switch causes the air-conditioning system to circulate insideair throughout the passenger-cabin. This is handy for retaining hot or cold air, but will also retainmoisture from your breathing which will eventually cause the windows to fog.When using the toggle button on the steering-wheel, the indicator light will alter accordingly.OutsidePressing the RIGHT side of this rocker-switch causes the air-conditioning system to draw fresh airfrom outside to circulate throughout the passenger-cabin. Use this mode to avoid window fogging.When using the toggle button on the steering-wheel, the indicator light will alter accordingly.Window DefogFrontWhen the FRONT window becomes fogged and the regular blower is not enough to clear it, press this button. All air-conditioning blowing will be forced through the window-vents for maximum effectiveness.This feature is commonly referred to as the “defroster”.RearWhen the REAR windows become fogged, push this button to activate the electric warmer (those metal wires attached to the glass) to clear them. This will also melt any snow that has accumulated on the outside of the winter.This feature is commonly referred to as the “rear defroster”.Fan OptionsModeTo adjust the fan speed, use this rocker-switch to make it faster or slower.Also, pressing either side of this when the blower fan off will turn it on.BlowerThis illuminated display shows what speed the blower fan is set to.Note that in some circumstances heating can be more effective if the speed isn’t maximum, since slower air passing through theheater-core can transfer more warmth.ModeTo shift among the 4 fan options available, use this button.For easy adjusting, keep in mind that there are 4 to choose from. Remembering that allows you toggle without the need to look at the display to confirm the choice. This comes in handy when swapping the “Window + Upper” and “Lower + Upper”, a common need during the winter. Just press MODE twice.Window + LowerFor a normal level of window clearing and air blowing out the vents at your feet, use this mode.LowerFor air blowing only out the vents at your feet, use this mode.The vents for this are located at the base of the dashboard for the front seats and underneath the front seats for those sitting in back.Upper + LowerFor air blowing out both the vents at your feet and the vents at chest level, use this mode.UpperFor air blowing only out the vents at chest level, use this mode.。
I ST D01说明书
车型 Cd值 (空气阻力系数) 第三代 PRIUS 0.25 日产GT-R 0.27 保时捷911 0.28 雷兊萨斯 CT200h 0.29 思域 CIVIC Hybrid 0.28
穿梭时空、引寻未杢的标志性三角楔形设计 倾斜的A柱迚一步向前延伸,车厢顶点后秱,丌但改善后排乘坐空间,同时使车身分割比例更加协调,
6.7 8.6 6.8 8.4 9.5 7.5 8.9 7.8 0 10000 20000
新开収的1.8L収劢机最高输出功率所需转速比 1.5L収劢机大幅降低 采用电子水泵、滚子式摇臂等,EGR(废气再 循环系统)提高了燃油效率
悬浮式的中控台仺如一座桥梁,将仪表 台不中夬扶手匙域巧妙联结,也将现实
外后视镜形状设计和安装位置扩展了车辆前斱视野 优化前排座椅形状,增大后排腿部空间
顶点后秱创造出更加宽敞的后排头部空间 斱向盘四向调节功能 8向电动调节座椅可前后秱动260mm或 上下秱动60mm
传统四冲程循环(Otto)发动机工作原理图 阿特釐森(Atkinson)循环发动机原理图
03-01_空调与除雾系统_第三代普锐斯用户说明书 (美版英文)
2702713Interior featuresUsing the automatic modeThe air conditioning system will begin to operate. Air outlets and fan speed are automatically adjusted according to the temperature set-ting.∧ to increases the temperature and ∨ to decreases theAdjusting the settings■Adjusting the temperature settingPress ∧ to increases the temperature and∨ to decreases the tem-■Adjusting the fan speedPress ∧ (increase) or ∨The fan speed is shown on the display. (7 levels)■Changing the air outletsThe air outlets switch each timethe button is pressed.272Interior featuresThe modes switches between (recycles air inside the vehicle) and (introduces air from outside the vehicle) modes each timethe button is pressed.273Defogging the windshieldOutside air mode switches to recirculated air mode. Pollen is removed from the air and the air flows to the upper part of the body.Usually the system will turn off automatically approximately 3 minutes later.2742753Interior featuresAdjusting the position of the air outlets Center outletsRight and left side outlets276Opening and closing the air outlets Center outletsOpen the vent.Close the vent.Right and left side outletsOpen the vent.Close the vent.2773Interior features■Using the automatic modeFan speed is adjusted automatically in accordance with the temperature set-ting and ambient conditions. As a result, the following may occur.●Immediately after●Cool air may flow to the area around the upper body when the heater is on.■Using the system in recirculated air modeThe windows will fog up more easily if the recirculated air mode is used for an extended period.■Switching between outside air and recirculated air modesRecirculated air mode or outside air mode may be automatically switched to in accordance with under these condition, such as temperature setting and inside temperature.■Window defogger featureRecirculated air mode may automatically switch to outside air mode in situa-tions where the windows need to be defogged.■When outside temperature approaches 32 °F (0 °C)The air conditioning system may not operate even when is pressed.■Micro dust and pollen filter●In order to prevent the windows from fogging up when the outside air iscold, the following may occur.•Outside air mode does not switch to recirculated air mode.•The air conditioning system operates automatically.•The operation cancels after 1 minute.●■When Eco Driving mode is on●If the outside temperature exceeds a preset temperature, the system willswitch to recirculated air mode.●The effectiveness of the air conditioning will be lower than normal.●The fan speed level drops below the normal rate.■Plasmacluster™* (if equipped)Plasmacluster will operate in conjunction with the air conditioning fan motor when it is turned on.This air conditioning system adopts plasmacluster technology, which helps to keep good air quality in the cabin by emitting positive and negative ions through the driver’s side vent.A slight noise may be heard during operation. This is not a malfunction. Also,static electricity may be discharged near the driver’s side vent due to the high voltage used to operate the system.To clean the driver’s side vent, turn the system off and wipe the vent using a soft cloth.*:Plasmacluster technology is manufactured under license from the SHARP Corporation.“Plasmacluster™” is a trademark of the SHARP Corporation.■Air conditioning odors●During use, various odors from inside and outside the vehicle may enterinto and accumulate in the air conditioning system. This may then cause odor to be emitted from the vents.●To reduce potential odors from occurring:•It is recommended that the air conditioning system be set to outside airmode prior to turning the vehicle off.2782793Interior features•The start timing of the blower may be delayed for a short period of time immediately after the air conditioning system is started in automatic mode.280Adjusting the temperature settingPress “∧∨” to decrease the temperature.2813Interior featuresChanging the recirculated air modemode each time the switch is pressed.■When operating the steering switchesOn vehicles with touch tracer display, the steering switches operation status is displayed on the instrument cluster for confirmation purposes. (→P . 182)CAUTION■To reduce the risk of an accidentExercise care when operating the air conditioning switches on the steering wheel.∗: If equipped 2822833Interior features■Efficient use of the Solar Ventilation SystemEfficient control of temperature increase can be achieved by using the sys-tem in conjunction with the Remote Air Conditioning System. (→P . 285)■Operating conditionsThe Solar Ventilation System may not operate under the following circum-stances due to a lack of power from the solar panel:●Low amount of sunlight●Ever when a part of the solar panel is cast by a shadow.●Ever when a part of the solar panel is covered by fallen leaves or dirt.●The solar panel is not at a high temperature.■When using the Solar Ventilation System●Make sure that the “POWER” switch is in ON mode when turning the ventilation switch on. If the ventilation switch is turned on while the “POWER” switch is OFF, the air mode and the status of the air vents will remain unchanged.●Remove dirt or fallen leaves from the solar panel in order to ensure suffi-cient electrical output.●If the Solar Ventilation System is not needed, be sure to turn the ventila-tion switch off, otherwise the following problems may occur:•Dirty air and exhaust fumes from other vehicles may be drawn from outside.•Use in winter may cause heated interior air to leave the vehicle, thus leading to a drop in temperature.■Noises when using the Solar Ventilation SystemIf the amount of sunlight is insufficient, you may hear a sound coming from the air conditioning system. This is the sound of a control function to pre-serve the fan and does not indicate a malfunction.CAUTION■Solar Ventilation System precautions●Do not use the system if people are inside the vehicle.The Solar Ventilation System is not intended to ensure the performance of the air conditioning system. Do not leave children or pets in the vehicle.The temperature of the interior will remain high, possibly resulting in heat-stroke, dehydration, or even death.●This system should be used only for the relief of discomfort when enteringthe vehicle, and should not be used for other purposes.●Be careful not to touch the solar panel surface in scorching sun weatherconditions as it will rise very high in temperature and may cause burns. 2843Interior features■Using the Remote Air Conditioning System effectivelyEfficiency can be increased by using the system in conjunction with the Solar Ventilation System. (→P. 282)∗: If equipped285■Operating conditionsThe system will only operate if all of the following conditions are met:●The shift position is in “P”.●The “POWER” switch is OFF.●All doors are closed.●The hood is closed.●The brake pedal is not being depressed.●The air conditioning is not set to MAX HOT.■When leaving the vehicle●Check that the headlights are switched to either off or “AUTO”.●Check that the wiper switch is turned off.●Check that all windows are closed.●Check the temperature setting of the air conditioning system.The Remote Air Conditioning System will operate in accordance with the temperature settings of the air conditioning system.■Remote Air Conditioning System automatic shut-offThe system will automatically shut off under the following conditions:●About 3 minutes have passed since operation began●Any one of the operating conditions is not metThe system may also shut off if the charge level of the hybrid battery (trac-tion battery) drops to low. (→P. 188)■Conditions affecting operationThe system may not start in the following situations:●The charge level of the hybrid battery (traction battery) is low (→P. 188)●The air conditioning temperature is set at a high level286■Security featureAny unlocked doors will be automatically locked when the system is operat-ing. The buzzer will beep and the emergency flashers flash when the doors have been locked or the system has been turned off.(The doors locked: Once; The system turned off: Twice)■If the wireless remote control does not function properly→P. 65■Customization that can be configured at Toyota dealerbe changed.(Customizable features →P. 587)3Interior features287288Interior features289■The rear window and outside rear view mirror defoggers can be oper-ated whenThe “POWER” switch must be in the ON mode.CAUTION■When the outside rear view mirror defoggers are on (vehicles with mir-ror defoggers)Do not touch the rear view mirror surfaces, as they can become very hot and burn you.290。
大众汽车防盗器系统详细讲解9.1 大众汽车防盗器系统概述大众汽车防盗器采用的是西门子公司提供的防盗器(Immobilizer)系统。
到目前为止,已经历了5个发展阶段,即:第一代的固定码传输防盗器(Immobilizer I)、第二代的可变码传输防盗器(Immobilizer II)、第三代的两级可变码传输防盗器(Immobilizer III)、第四代的网络式防盗器(Immobilizer IV)以及刚刚面世的第五代网络式防盗器(Immobilizer V)。
1. 第一代防盗器第一代汽车防盗器的构成如图9-1所示。
图9-1 一代防盗器采用固定码进行识别2. 第二代汽车防盗器第二代汽车防盗器的构成如图9-2 所示。
III Fire Service meter is designed to measure both domestic and fire service water usage through a single water line.The HP PROTECTUS III Fire Service meter measures extremely wide flow ranges at 100% +/- accuracy. All HP Fire Service meters meet or exceed AWWA C703 Standard, are certified to NSF/ANSI 61, Annex G and Annex F requirements, and are Underwriters Laboratory (UL) Listed and Factory Manual (FM) Approved The HP PROTECTUS III Fire Service meter is designed to measure both domestic and fire service water usage through a single water line. A typical application would be in a warehouse, hotel, or hospital where one water line may supply any number of faucets or bathrooms as well as an automatic sprinkler system.At low flow rates, all flow is through the bypass meter. As flow increases, pressure loss through the bypass meter increases and the detector check valve automatically opens. This condition occurs, for example, when a fire sprinkler system goes into operation. This permits flow through the mainline turbine meter. As flow decreases, reduced pressure loss closes the detector check valve and flow is again directed through the bypass meter.Epoxy-coated steel mainline body4” AccurAcy4” HeADloss6” AccurAcy6” HeADloss8” AccurAcy8” HeADloss10” AccurAcy10” HeADlossThese charts show typical meter performance. Individual results may vary.4” HP PROTECTUS IIIAccuracy vs. Flow Rate4” HP PROTECTUS IIIHeadlossA c c u r a c y (%)Flow Rate (gpm)Flow Rate (gpm)H e a d l o s s (P S I )A c c u r a c y (%)Flow Rate (gpm)Flow Rate (gpm)H e a d l o s s (P S I )6” HP PROTECTUS IIIAccuracy6” HP PROTECTUS IIIHeadlossA c c u r a c y (%)Flow Rate (gpm)Flow Rate (gpm)H e a d l o s s (P S I )8” HP PROTECTUS IIIAccuracy8” HP PROTECTUS IIIHeadlossA c c u r a c y (%)Flow Rate (gpm)Flow Rate (gpm)H e a d l o s s (P S I )10” HP PROTECTUS IIIAccuracy10” HP PROTECTUS IIIHeadlossN e p t u n e e n g a g e s i n o n g o i n g r e s e a r c h a n d d e v e l o p m e n t t o i m p r o v e a n d e n h a n c e i t s p r o d u c t s . T h e r e f o r e , N e p t u n e r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e p r o d u c t o r s y s t e m s p e c i fi c a t i o n s w i t h o u t n o t i c e .。
丰田普锐斯系列丰田普锐斯简介∙ 目录∙ 丰田普锐斯简介 ∙ 开发∙ 1997–2001 (NHW10) ∙ 2001–2003 (NHW11) ∙ 2004–2009 (NHW20) ∙ 2009– (ZVW30) ∙车型对比丰田普锐斯(Toyota Prius )是日本汽车制造商丰田旗下的一款全混合动力电动中型车。
美国环保署(EPA )的数据显示,普锐斯是目前美国市场燃油效率最高的汽车。
EPA 和加州空气资源委员会(CARB )在烟雾和有毒废气排放标准的基础上都将普锐斯评为美国市场最清洁的汽车。
1993年9月,丰田研发中心的执行副总裁Yoshirio Kimbara 成立了G21团队来研发新世纪的汽车。
开发工作由Takehisa Yaegashi 主持,负责制造一辆可以弥合电动车和汽油动力车之间的差距的汽车。
该车被命名为“Prius 普锐斯”,在拉丁语中意为“prior (优先)"或里程(之前)"。
丰田普锐斯制造商 丰田 出产年份 1997至今 级别 混动动力车 布局FF 布局1996 普锐斯原型第一辆普锐斯(NHW10)于1997年12月10日开始发售。
1. 启动引擎:将车钥匙(或智能钥匙)插入点火开关中,并轻轻转动至"启动"位置,等待引擎自动启动。
2. 换挡:普锐斯采用电子换挡系统,将换挡杆(位于中央控制台)拨动至所需挡位,例如"D"代表驾驶挡,"R"代表倒挡,"P"代表停车挡,"N"代表空挡等。
3. 加速、减速:用脚踩油门来加速车速,用脚踩制动踏板来减速或停车。
4. 转向:使用方向盘控制车辆转向。
5. 灯光:使用操作杆左侧的转向灯杆来控制灯光开关。
6. 刹车:用脚踩制动踏板来减速或停车。
7. 倒车雷达与影像:根据车型的不同,普锐斯配备了倒车雷达与倒车影像系统,
8. 巡航控制:普锐斯配备了巡航控制系统,可以通过设置巡航速度和距离前车的间隔来在高速行驶时保持稳定的车速和车距。
9. 噪音控制:普锐斯配备了主动噪音控制系统,可以通过调节音响系统中的噪音补偿按钮来减少车内噪音。
TOYOTA 汽车防盗系统手册说明书
S4.1 CarProg TOYOTA immobiliser manualToyota Model Year Transponder type Instruction 4 RUNNER 1999-2003 TEX S4.1.12003- TEX/CRARISTO 1998- TEX S4.1.1 AURIS TEXAVALON 1998-2003 TEX S4.1.12003- TEX/CRAVENSIS 1998-1999 TEX 68HC05E62000-2003 TEX/CR 68HC05E62003- TEX/CRAYGO 2005- TEX/CRCAMRY 1997-2003 TEX S4.1.12003- TEX/CR IC601 93C56 CARINA 1996- PHIPHITEXCELICA 1996-1999 PHI2000- TEXCELSIOR 1998- TEX S4.1.1 COLORADA 1997- TEX S4.1.1 COROLLA 1996-1999 TEX S4.1.11999-2002 TEX S4.1.21999-2002 TEX 24C02 ECU1999-2002 TEX 95080 ECU2002- TEX/CR 95080 ECU2002- TEX/CR 24C02 ECU ECHO 1999- TEX S4.1.1 ESTIMA (J) 1997- PHIGAIA (J) 1999- TEX S4.1.1 HIACE 1997- TEX S4.1.1 HIGHLANDER 2001-2003 TEX S4.1.12004- TEX/CRHILUX (J) 1999- TEX S4.1.1 IPSUM (J) 1999- TEX S4.1.1 LANDCRUISER, 100 1996-2000 TEX S4.1.1 LANDCRUISER, 100 2000-2003 TEX S4.1.22003- TEX/CR IC601 93C56 MATRIX 2004- TEX/CR S4.1.3MR2 1997- TEX S4.1.1 PASEO 1997- PHI 24C04 PICNIC 1996- TEX S4.1.1 PLAZ (J) 1999- TEX S4.1.1 PRADO 1996- TEX S4.1.1 PREVIA 1997- PHI 24C042003- TEX/CR S4.1.3 PRIUS 2001-2003 TEX2003- TEX/CRPROGRESS NC300 1998- TEX S4.1.1RAV 4 1996-2004 TEX S4.1.12005- TEX/CR 25080 ECU SEQUOIA 2001-2003 TEX S4.1.12003- TEX/CR S4.1.3 SIENNA 1999-2003 TEX S4.1.12004- TEX/CR S4.1.3SCION 2004- TEX/CR S4.1.3 SOLARA 1999-2003 TEX S4.1.12004- TEX/CR S4.1.3 STARLET 1997- PHITACOMA TEX S4.1.1 TARAGO 2003- TEX/CRTUNDRA TEX S4.1.1YARIS 1999-2002 TEX 25020 ECU1999-2002 TEX 25080 ECU2003- TEX/CR 95080 ECUS4.1.1 Older Toyota immobiliser system with separated immo box and Texas transponder (4D by Silca). Immobiliser box are located near to ignition key. Usually this is black or brown box marked “immobilizer” or “134.2 kHz”.Remove immobiliser ECU from the car and open it. Find 93CL66 EEPROM in DIP package. Use A5 or A4 adapter and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key. Short quartz resonator for in-circuit EEPROM programming or remove 93C66 from immobiliser board.S4.1.2 Toyota immobiliser system with transponder antenna and AMP unit on the ignition key and motor ECU. Used in 1999 – 2003 Toyota/Lexus cars.Transponder information is stored in motor ECU. Remove motor ECU from the car, open it and find 93C56 EEPROM marked IC900.Use A6 or A4 adapter and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key. Remove 93C56 from ECU board, in-circuit programming is not stable.S4.1.3 Toyota cars with Texas Crypto transponder (4D by Silca). Transponder key is stored in separated immobiliser unit marked “ECU IMMOBILIZER”. Remove immobiliser ECU from the car, open it and find 93LC66 SMD EEPROM.Use only original factory key. With Silca 4D transponder car will not start.Use A6 or A4 adapter and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key.Short quartz resonator for in-circuit EEPROM programming or remove 93C66 from immobiliser board.S4.1.4. European Toyota immobiliser system used in small engines ECU like Yaris or Corolla. Remove motor ECU (made by Bosch) from car and open it. Find 25040 or 25020 EEPROM in SMD package.Use A6 or A4 adapter and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key. Short quartz resonator for in-circuit EEPROM programming or remove EEPROM from ECU board.S4.1.5. European Toyota immobiliser system used from 2003 in small engines ECU like Yaris or Corolla. Used key is Texas 4C transponder.Remove motor ECU (made by Bosch) from car and open it. Find 95080 or 25080 EEPROM in SMD package.Use A6 or A4 adapter and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key. Short quartz resonator for in-circuit EEPROM programming or remove EEPROM from ECU board.S4.1.6. European Toyota immobiliser system used in small engines ECU like 1.4 VVT Corolla. Remove motor ECU (made by Bosch) from car and open it. Find 24C02 EEPROM in SMD package.Use A6 or A4 adapter and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key.S4.1.7 Older Toyota immobiliser system with separated immo box and Philips PCF7931 transponder. Immobiliser box are located under dash panel. Usually this is brown box marked “immobilizer” or “125 kHz”.Remove immobiliser ECU from the car and open it. Find 24C04 EEPROM in DIP package. Use A5 or A4 adapter and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key. Short quartz resonator for in-circuit EEPROM programming or remove 24C04 from immobiliser board.S4.1.8 Toyota immobiliser system with transponder antenna and AMP unit on the ignition key and motor ECU. Used in 2001 – 2003 Toyota/Lexus cars.Transponder information is stored in motor ECU. Remove motor ECU from the car, open it and find 93C56 EEPROM marked IC601Use A6 or A4 adapter and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key. Remove 93C56 from immobiliser board.S4.1.9 Toyota Avensis or Corolla immobiliser system with transponder antenna and AMP unit (on the ignition key lock) and motor ECU. Transponder 4C. Are two very similar immobiliser types – with Texas transponder and with Texas Crypto transponder. Different is only processor inside immobiliser:•Texas 4C: (immobiliser unit: 89730-05010) – works only this system!•Texas Crypto with “Valeo” mark on the blade (immobiliser unit: 89780-02010; Key blank: 89785-02050, key with remote: 89070-05020)Use A9 adapter, connect like in picture ( pull up pins 1, 2 and 15 and connect white, blue, green, yellow, orange, black and red wires) and follow CarProg instruction to program transponder key.。
Orbit, Wolf Magnum, Wildfire 汽车防盗系统说明书
Orbit, Wolf Magnum, WildfireProgramar Controles • Llevar la llave de ignición a ON, presionar el botón de valet una vez, seguidamente presionarlo cinco veces más, al escuchar el sonido de confirmación, presionar el botón de candado cerrado de cada control.Desarme de Emergencia • Abrir la puerta manualmente, la alarma comenzará a sonar, llevar la llave de ignición a ON y presio -nar el botón valet según el código programado y esperar tres segundos a que se silencie. Esto silenciará el sistema de aquí el cliente escoge si quiere programar nuevos controles o entrar en valet.Modo Valet • Llevar la llave de ignición a ON y presionar el botón valet una vez y luego de nuevo hasta que el LED quede fijo encendido, para regresarla a modo operativo coloque la llave en ON y presione el botón valet una vez.Desactivación del antisecuestro • La sirena se encuentra sonando todos sus tonos, remueva la llave de ignición y vuélvala a colocar, luego presione el botón de valet según el código asignado.Desactivar momentáneamente el sensor de golpes • Active la alarma utilizando el candado cerrado y rápidamente presione el candado abierto. La alar -ma confirmará con un tono y dejará de funcionar momentáneamente el sensor de golpes.Controles y BateríasCompatibilidad de Controles • Los controles de Orbit, Wildfire y Wolf Magnum trabajan entre ellos sin variar su funcionamiento. Favor recordar revisar las baterías del control con TESTER y presionandoel botón antes de mandar a taller de servicio.Control Magnum (Actual)Ref. G066Batería 27A, Control Orbit (Actual)Batería 27A,Ref: G078Control Orbit (Descontinuado)Batería 2 x 2016Control Magnum (Descontinuado)Batería 27A, Control Wildfire (Actual)Ref: G034Batería 2 x 2032,。
SAFE-O-TRONIC 访问电子识别和锁定系统说明书
SAFE-O-TRONIC® accessElectronic Identification and Locking SystemVia RFIDItem No. 6330084330Manual6330084330english SAFE-O-TRONIC®access Cabinet LockManual6330084330Safety and warning notes∙This manual describes the commissioning and operation of a SAFE-O-TRONIC ® access 6330084330.∙The equipment must only be used for the purpose intended by the manufacturer.∙Please keep the manual in an easily accessible place.∙Unauthorised amendments and the use of spare parts and auxiliary devices that are not sold or recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment can cause fires, electric shocks and injuries. Measures of this kind will lead to an exclusion of liability and the manufacturer will not provide a guarantee.∙Repair work must only be carried out by the manufacturer.∙The warranty provisions of the manufacturer as amended on the date of purchase shall apply to the equipment. Liability will not be assumed for unsuitable and automatic compilation of parameters for a device or unsuitable application of a device.∙The operating company shall bear the responsibility that the device is installed andconnected according to recognised technical rules in the country of installation as well as other valid regulations.Notes on this manualDocument number: 6330084330_042014∙This manual replaces all previous versions.∙The details in this manual are subject to change without prior notification.∙The compilation of the information in this manual is carried out to the best of our knowledge.Richelieu does not assume any liability for the correctness and completeness of the details in this manual. In particular, Richelieu cannot be held liable for consequential damages on account of faulty or incomplete details.∙As errors can never be avoided entirely in spite of all endeavours, we would be grateful for pointers at any time.∙Relaying and duplication of this document and the exploitation and communication of its contents are not permitted unless expressly allowed. Violations shall obligate to providecompensation for damages. All rights reserved in the event of patent grant or registration of a utility model or design.Manual LS300, LS400 List of contentsList of contents (3)Control elements (4)Fastening parts (4)Installation information (5)Preparation of the door (5)Installation (5)Setting the rotational direction for locking (6)General information (7)Operator guidance (7)Commissioning .................................................................................................................. ..7 TestKey ...................................................................................................................................... ..7LS300 operating modes (7)Free cabinet selection ................................................................................................................. .7 Fixed cabinet allocation .............................................................................................................. .7 All Open ...................................................................................................................................... .7 One Open ................................................................................................................................... .7MasterKey I and MasterKey II .......................................................................................... .8MasterKey I ................................................................................................................................ .8 MasterKey II ............................................................................................................................... .8Programming Tokens (8)Information ......................................................................................................................... .9LED display ................................................................................................................................ .9 Status messages ........................................................................................................................ .9 Troubleshooting / operating errors . (10)Replacing the battery (10)Battery monitoring / battery alarm (10)Maintenance and care (10)Technical Data (11)Drill template the LS300 and LS400 (12)Control elementsLED display red / green Exchangeable numbers plate Rotary knobFastening parts1Housing2Nut for fastening the lock to the door3Grommet for setting the rotational direction of the rotary knob in order to lock4Locking lever (a cropped or hook-shaped locking lever can also be used depending on the properties and condition of the cabinet.)5Fastening screw for locking lever6Bush fo r fastening the lock to the door for door thicknesses of 10mm to 18mm7Bush fo r fastening the lock to the door for door thicknesses of 1mm to 9mm 8Screw for fastening the lock to the door9Rotary knobPreparation of the doorInstallation1.Insert the 6330084330 lock into the two punched holes 19.1mm / 16mm and 7mm2.Fasten the lock using the nut (2)3.Screw on the lock using the screw (8) and the bush (6 or 7) depending on the thickness ofthe door4.Fasten the grommet (3) for setting the rotational direction and the locking lever (4) using thescrew (5)5.Test the function of the lock by means of the TestKey or TestCode when the door is open.6.Test the function when the door is closed. Particular attention must be paid here to the freemovement of the latch. Automatic opening can only be guaranteed if the latch can be moved freely when the door is closed.Setting the rotational direction for lockingThe setting of the rotational direction described here is for the LS300 and LS400 with a rotary knob that is turned to the left for locking.1.The lock marked with l.h. rotational direction for locking.2.Grommet that is attached to the lock on the inside of the door. The opening marked“L” pointsdownward.3.Rear side the lock which the grommet is attached.The grommet must be rotated correspondingly if the lock is installed in a position where the rotary knob is not at the top (e.g. installation crosswise).If the rotary knob is to be turned to the right for locking, the grommet must be attached tothe lock in such a way that the “R” opening points downward.General informationThe token set or Lock Manager 6 software can be used to carry out the programming for initial operation of the SAFE-O-TRONIC®lock. Programming is described in a separate manual.Operator guidanceOperation is supported by the red/green LED display and an acoustic acknowledgement by meansof signal transmitters.CommissioningAll SAFE-O-TRONIC®access lock devices are delivered with the same factory setting. This factory setting activates the TestKey.TestKeyAfter installation the TestKey should be used to check the function of the lock. Particular attention should be paid to the free movement of the latch when locking. There can be malfunctions following distorted installation.It will be necessary to programme the lock after completion of the installation work and examinationof all locks using the TestKey.Note: The TestKey is retained until initial operationLock 6330084330 operating modesOn the lock the UserKey serves as a means of locking or opening by the user. To this end, theLS300 can be programmed for three different operating modes.1.Free cabinet selection2.Fixe d cabinet allocation “All Open”3.Fixed cabinet allocation “One Open”Free cabinet selectionA lock in “free cabinet selection” operating mode can be used for locking by means of any UserKey that has been programmed for this system. Subsequent opening is only possible using this UserKey.Fixed cabinet allocationIn the case of fixed cabinet allocation the lock must be programmed using the UserKey authorised for locking. There is a choice between the following two operating modes for fixed cabinet allocation.All OpenThe UserKeys must be programmed into the lock in this operating mode. Subsequently, every programmed UserKey is able to lock and open the lock.One OpenThe UserKeys must be programmed into the LS300 in this operating mode. Subsequently, every programmed UserKey is able to lock the LS300. However, unlike the “all open” operating mode, only the UserK e y used for locking is able to re-op e n the lock.MasterKey I and MasterKey IIMasterKey IMasterKey I only serves opening the lock by the facility operator. It is intended for employees with restricted locking rights. Once it has been opened using MasterKey I the lock is disabled for operation with a UserKey. This block must first be re-set with the MasterKey II.MasterKey IIMasterKey II can be used at any time to open and close any lock or to enable a lock that hasbeen disabled using MasterKey IProgramming TokensThe lock device can be operated with pre-defined functions using the programming tokens set. Further information on the use of the individual SystemKeys is provided in a separate programming set manual.InformationLED displayAll important actions and operating conditions are indicated by the LEDdisplay and are intended to contribute to finding the causes of failures andoperating errors. The following table lists the meaning of the individualsignals.Status messagesgreen1 secondLEDs flash in turnthree timesAlternating3 seconds Red LEDs light up first, then the green LEDs, for ½ a second in each case LEDs flash together three times LEDs flash together twice LEDs flash in turn three times LEDs flash three timesTroubleshooting / operating errorsYou are able to see errors and operating errors in the status messages of the LED display and then correct them accordingly.Replacing the battery1.Remove the screw on the side of the cover using a TG 6screwdriver.2.Open the battery compartment and remove the batterypack. Disconnect the two-pole plug-in connector from thebattery pack.3.Connect the new battery pack using the plug-in connectionand insert the battery in the lock.4.Close the battery compartment and screw down.Codes are not deleted when a battery is replaced.As a precaution the time should be set again after replacing thebattery.Note: Please dispose of the empty battery pack properly in accordance with the validenvironmental regulations.Battery monitoring / battery alarmAutomatic battery monitoring on the SAFE-O-TRONIC®lock ensures that it cannot be locked ifthe battery voltage is too low.There is an advance warning when all the LEDs flash twice. It is then advisable to replace the battery.An alarm is triggered after a while if the battery is not replaced. This is indicated when the red and green LEDs light up in turn three times. The battery must now be replaced. The lock can only be opened in this condition but no longer locked.Maintenance and careSAFE-O-TRONIC®access locks are maintenance free. Under no circumstances are the lock tobe oiled or greased with lubricants containing mineral oil.Only use non-stick, residue-free cleaning agents and disinfectants for cleaning purposes. Do not use any harsh cleaning agents, acids or lyes when caring for the product. Also do not use a pressure cleaner.It is also not permissible to hose down the lock, e.g. using a hose, and this can lead to destruction and exclusion of liability.Technical DataIndicators: 2 x LED green2 x LED redAcoustic signal: Signal transmitterBattery: Battery pack: 3 x alkaline cells (AAA) Battery life cycle: Approx. 3 years at 30 lockings per day Temperature rangesFunction: 0 to +60˚CStorage: -15 to +70˚CRelative humidity: 10 – 90% non-condensing Protection class according to DIN EN 60529: IP 43Weight: Approx. 300gHousing dimensions incl.rotary knob (H x W x D): 151mm x 38mm x 33mmColour of housing frame: Similar to RAL 9006 (white aluminium) Colour of the control panel: Black or whiteDoor thickness: 1 to 18mmDrill templateNote: Depending on the printer there can be dimensional deviations when printing thisdrill template. Therefore, please remeasure the drill template before use.。
大众第三代防盗系统的匹配方法大众第三代防盗系统的匹配方法大众第三代防盗系统的匹配方法大众第三代防盗系统的匹配方法帕萨特B5 1.8T、2.8、新款宝来、波罗以及一汽从2000 年第23 周开始生产的Audi A6,配备了第三代防盗系统。
一、更换发动机控制单元的匹配:发动机控制单元与防盗系统的匹配步骤:发动机系统---自适应匹配---输入通道号50—防盗密码---确认具体匹配步骤如下;①在静态下选择进入“发动机系统”4B0920930.. C5-KOMBIINSTR VDO D..Coding 01083 WSC 12345②选择自适应匹配功能输入50 按确定输入通道号╳╳③输入匹配值(原车防盗)按确定输入自适应值╳╳╳╳╳④在输入正确的密码4 秒钟后,底盘号码出现在显示屏上通道50 自适应WAUZZZ4BZYN004321⑤按确认键,显示屏显示:通道50 自适应是否储存新值?①按确认键,显示屏显示:通道50 自适应新值已被存储⑥匹配完成,可以启动发动机二、更换旧发动机控制单元的匹配发动机系统与防盗系统的匹配步骤:发动机系统---登陆---前车密码---确认---自适应匹配—输入通道号50—现车密码---确认① 在静态下选择进入“发动机系统”4B0920930.. C5-KOMBIINSTR VDO D..Coding 01083 WSC 12345②选择登陆功能,输入密码(前车密码)输入密码×××××③登陆成功后,选择“自适应”匹配50输入通道号╳╳④输入匹配值(现车密码)按确定输入自适应值╳╳╳╳╳⑤ 在输入正确的密码4 秒钟后,底盘号码出现在显示屏上通道50 自适应WAUZZZ4BZYN004321⑥按确认键,显示屏显示:通道50 自适应是否储存新值?⑦ 按确认键,显示屏显示:通道50 自适应新值已被存储⑧ 匹配完成,可以启动发动机三、更换组合仪表控制单元的匹配1、防盗系统与发动机系统的匹配步骤:仪表板系统---登陆---新密码----自适应匹配----50----原车密码----确定具体匹配步骤如下;①选择组合仪表系统4B0920930.. C5-KOMBIINSTR VDO D..Coding 01083 WSC 12345②选择登陆功能,输入密码(新密码)输入密码×××××③登陆成功后,选择“自适应”匹配50输入通道号╳╳④输入匹配值(原车密码)按确定输入自适应值╳╳╳╳╳⑤在输入正确的密码4 秒钟后,底盘号码出现在显示屏上通道50 自适应WAUZZZ4BZYN004321⑥按确认键,显示屏显示通道50 自适应是否储存新值?⑦ 按确认键,显示屏显示:通道50 自适应新值已被存储2、重新进行钥匙匹配步骤:仪表板系统---登陆---密码----自适应匹配----21---输入钥匙数量—确定对汽车钥匙的自适应的步骤如下:① 择组合仪表系统4B0920930.. C5-KOMBIINSTR VDO D..Coding 01083 WSC 12345②选择登陆功能,输入密码(新密码)输入密码×××××③ 在登录完成后,选择自适应功能,显示屏显示:输入通道号╳╳④ 输入21,按确认键,显示屏显示00003显示屏的左上角表示3 把钥匙已与系统匹配⑤ 按→键,显示屏显示输入自适应值╳╳╳╳╳输入将要匹配的钥匙数,包括插在点火锁上的钥匙,最多8 把。