A Village’s Five-Year Plan
仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案44. (浠ラ€犲彞褰㈠紡澶嶄範鐗规畩鐤戦棶璇?to do sth.銆? Example: (1) Could you tell me where I should go? Could you tell me where to go? (2) I don鈥檛know how I learn English well. (3) He doesn鈥檛know which one he should buy. (4) He is thinking whether he is going abroad or not. (5) I don鈥檛know what time they willstart. Step 5 Project ?缁煎悎鎺㈢┒娲诲姩(鏃堕棿:8鍒嗛挓)?1. (? T: Discuss in groups of six and fill out the table. Then report it to your class. You can ask and answer like this: Example: S1: What difficulties do you have in your English study? S2: I don鈥檛know how to write compositions well. S3: You need to keep a diary often. (? T: You can report it to the class like this: Li Lei鈥檚difficulty is that he doesn鈥檛know how to pronounce well, and Wang Jun鈥檚suggestion is 鈥?Name Difficulty Suggestion 2. Homework: T: Discuss the following questions with your partner, then write a short passage. (1) Do you like English? (2) Have you ever met any difficulties in English study? (3) If you meet some difficulties, whom will you ask for help? (4) Do you think it is important to have a partner in English study? (At least 80 words are required.) ?Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? Section A dare not do sth. Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A.? at times=sometimes I don鈥檛know what to do. keep a diary I don鈥檛know how to say/spell that in English.Section B The main activities are 1a and 3. ?a鍜?銆?鈪? Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn some new words and phrases: be weak in, aloud, ability, make mistakes, take a breath, toothpaste 2. Go on learningwh- + to do: (1)Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? (2)Howto improve it was my biggest problem. (3)Could you please tell me how to increase my reading ability? 3. Go on talking about language learning strategies. 鈪? Teaching aids 鏁欏叿褰曢煶鏈?灏忛粦鏉?鈪? Five-finger Teaching PlanStep 1 Review ?澶嶄範(鏃堕棿:10鍒嗛挓) 澶嶄範Section A鐨勯?(甯堢ection A? T: Last lesson we learned some useful sentences. Let鈥檚review them together. Who can try? S1: Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A.? S2: I dare not speak English in public. S3: I don鈥檛know what to do. At times I feel like giving up. (瀛︾敓鍦ㄥ洖? T: I鈥檓sorry, I can鈥檛hear you clearly.(鏁欏笀鍚戝叾浠栧悓瀛﹂棶)What should I say when I can鈥檛hear clearly? S4: I beg your pardon? S5: Can you speak more slowly, please? S6: Sorry, I can鈥檛follow you. S7: Pardon? (锛屽悜S3缁х? T: Sorry, I can鈥檛follow you./Pardon?/鈥?S3: I don鈥檛know what to do. At times I feel like giving up. T: Oh, very good. You are good learners, but some of our students are weak in English. Could you give them some advice on how to learn English well? (€? be weak in S8: Take part in the English corner. S9: Copy new words in a notebook and take it with you. S10: Keep a diary. S11: 鈥?S12: Speak English as much as possible./Speak English every day. T: Good job! But most of them are afraid of making mistakes and reading the words aloud. Could you please tell them how to increase their reading ability? Well. Let鈥檚come to Section B to find the answer. Before you answer the questions, think about them carefully, take a breath and smile. Smiling is always helpful. (В? make mistakes, aloud, ability, take a breath Step 2 Presentation ?鍛堢幇(鏃堕棿:12鍒嗛挓)紝鍛堢幇1a銆?1. (1a褰曢煶锛岀劧鍚庡洖绛旈棶棰樸€? T: Here are some other good ways of learning English. Listen to the tape and learn how tostudy English well. (甯堟牳瀵圭瓟妗堛€? 2. (?a? T: Listen to 1a again and answer the following questions. Two minutes later, let鈥檚check the answers together. (鍑虹ず灏忛粦鏉夸笂鐨勯棶棰樸€?(1)How does Kangkang remember new words? (2)How does Kangkang improve reading? 3. (?aВ鐤戦毦鐐广€? T: Read 1a carefully. Try your best to find and understand the new words and other language points. Step 3 Consolidation ?宸╁浐(鏃堕棿:7鍒嗛挓) ?a锛屽畬鎴?b h-+to do 鈥濈粨鏋勩€?1. (1a锛屽畬鎴?bВ鍐冲銆? T: Boys and girls, read the dialog again, and finish 1b. Then discuss how to solve the difficulti。
The 14th Five-Y ear Plan Starts A New Jour-ney to A Modernized Socialist Country2021 is a year of special im-portance in China’s modern-ization process, since it is the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the start of a new journey to build a modern socialist country.In a period of f ive years, the Five-Year Plan specifies future direc-tion for economic and social develop-ment in China, and is an important way for China to carry out develop-ment strategies and build consensus on development. In March 2021, the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 (draft) was adopted on National People’s Con-gress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (NPC and CPPCC).According to the 14th Five-Year Plan, to promote high-quality development during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, China has to carry out a new development concept for a new pattern in a new stage, insist on deepening supply-side structural reform, establish an effective system to encourage domestic demand and build a strong domestic market, un-swervingly promote reform and open-ing-up, strengthen the leading role of domestic grand circulation and the role of international circulation in im-proving the efficiency and level of do-mestic circulation, to secure healthy and mutual stimulating domestic and international dual circulation.The new Five-Year Plan highlights high-quality developmentThe 14th Five-Year Plan had 20major indicators of five categories to assess economic and social develop-ment results, and compared with last Five-Year Plan some indicators were new, some were newly described and some were deleted.As in previous Five-Year Plans, indicators of economic development category came first. H owever, the plan had no specific expected average annual GDP growth rate for next five years, but proposed to keep the econ-omy within a reasonable range and put forward specific goals according to each year’s situation.Expected indicators are antic-ipated goals by the central govern-ment, which will be achieved mainly through independent behavior of market players. In addition to GDP growth rate, there were two otherexpected indicators for “economic de-By Audrey Guo10velopment”: annual labor productivity growth (higher than GDP), and the urbanization rate of permanent urban residents (as high as 65% by 2025), reflecting the potential of future de-velopment.In terms of innovation-driven development, the indicators will be upgraded comprehensively in 2025: the value added from core industries in the digital economy will be in-creased to 10% of GDP, the annual average growth of total R&D spend-ing will be more than 7%, accounting for a higher percentage of GDP thanduring the 13th Five-Year Plan pe-riod, and the number of high-value invention patents per 10,000 people will come to 12.The drive of digital economy for economic and social development is becoming increasingly important, so it needs forward-looking minds to develop relevant indicators, reflecting that China is aiming at leading the industrial development, promoting high-quality economic development and building a new development pat-tern during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.The indicators related to inven-tion patents had a new modifier of “high value”, meaning more attention will be paid to the quality rather than the quantity of innovation. Compared with last Five-Year Plan, “contribution of scientific and technological advanc-es to economic growth” and “Internet access” were no longer listed as major indicators, reflecting the indicators were kept pace with the times.Of the 20 main indicators, 7 were directly related to the well-be-ing of people, making the plan truly considerate to people’s livelihood, including three new, namely surveyed urban unemployment rate (lower than 5.5%), number of practicing physi-cians (physician assistants) per 1,000 people (3.2), and nursery capacity for children under 3 years per 1,000 peo-ple (4.5).Compared with the 13th Five-Year Plan, two indicators of rural population lifted out of poverty and rebuilt housing in rundown urban ar-eas were moved out, since China has won the battle against poverty.The “resources and environ-ment” category in the 13th Five-Year Plan was replaced by “ecologicalconservation”, and all such indicatorsare obligatory targets. Although thenumber was cut to 5 from 10, eachof these indicators has great effects.Obligatory targets are commitmentsto the people, and indicators thatfurther strengthen the government’sresponsibility on the basis of antici-pation. 13.5% and 18% of reductionin energy consumption and carbondioxide emissions per unit of GDPrespectively, and 24.1% of forest cov-erage rate. These indicators will fullydemonstrate the “green” economicdevelopment in China.New stage and new goals ofdevelopment require the indicatorsystem to keep pace with the times.20 main indicators not only carry onthose of previous Five-Year Plans, butalso embody the innovations requiredby the new era, as they are more inline with the situation of economicand social development in China atpresent and in next five years.Ministries and commissionsare releasing developmentplans one after anotherState-owned Assets Supervisionand Administration Commission(SASAC): The digital economy, plat-form economy and sharing economywill be vigorously developed duringthe 14th Five-Year Plan periodOn April 16, 2021 at the pressconference, secretary general andnews spokesman of the SASAC,Peng Huagang said, during the 14thFive-Year Plan period, SASAC willguide enterprises to further grasp theopportunities in a new round of tech-nological revolution and industrialtransformation, focus on key sectorsof emerging industries with goodfoundation, features and advantages,and actively take part in the con-struction of new infrastructure, new-type urbanization and key projects oftransportation and water conservancy,etc., vigorously develop digital econ-omy, platform economy and sharingeconomy. While accelerate the cul-tivation of new drives for economicdevelopment.Ministry of Ecological Envi-ronment: China exceeded 2020 car-bon emission reduction goalOn June 4, 2021, according to theMinistry of Ecological Environment,the carbon emission intensity in 2020in China dropped by 18.8% comparedto 2015, exceeding the obligatorytarget of the 13th Five-Year Plan,while the share of non-fossil energyin China’s energy consumption cameto 15.9%, both exceeding the goalsfor 2020 set by China. In September2020, China made a solemn commit-ment to the world that China wouldstrive to achieve carbon emissionpeaking by 2030 and carbon neutralityby 2060. Therefore, in the outline of14th Five-Year Plan and Vision 2035,it was an important topic to developa green mind in production and lives,and to peak carbon emissions and sta-bilize and then decline.Ministry of Industry and Infor-mation Technology: Accelerate thedigital transformation of the manu-facturing industryThe 14th Five-Year Plan for theDevelopment of info-communica-tions Industry (the Plan) was officiallyissued in November 2021, which putforward the overall goal for the 14thFive-Year Plan period, namely, by2025 the overall scale of informationand communication industry willbe further expanded, the quality ofdevelopment will be signif icantlyimproved, the construction of a newdigital infrastructure is basicallycompleted which is high-speed andubiquitous, integrated and intercon-nected, intelligent and green, safe and Obligatory targetsare commitmentsto the people, andindicators thatfurther strengthenthe government’sresponsibility on thebasis of anticipation.11reliable, the innovation capacity will be greatly enhanced, new business models will flourish, and the ability to empower digital transformation and upgrading of the economy and society has been comprehensively strengthened. By the end of 2025, the information and communication in-dustry will reach a new level of green development, with a 15% reduction in comprehensive energy consumption per unit of total telecom services, and the PUE value of newly-built large and super-large data centers below 1.3.General Administration of Customs: Enhance the cooperation of the Belt and RoadOn July 27, 2021, the General Administration of Customs issued the 14th Five-Year Plan for Customs, specif y ing the development and implementation plans for the Belt and Road cooperation, construction of free trade zones, public health at ports, intellectual property protection, bio-safety at national gateway and anti-smuggling, etc. According to the plan, in the next five years, members of international customs cooperation mechanism along the Belt and Road will increase from 53 in 2020 to more than 90 in 2025, and the number of countries (regions) interconnected with China through overseas “sole window” will increase from 1 at pres-ent to 15, the number of countries (regions) who signed AEO (Autho-rized Economic Operator) mutual recognition arrangements with Chi-na will top 60 from 42. In next five years, 35 international sanitary ports will be constructed in China, to en-hance the ability of Chinese portsto respond quickly and effectively topublic health emergencies.Intellectual Property Office:Ensure the milestone goal of con-structing a strong intellectual prop-erty rights powerhouse as scheduledIn late October 2021, the StateCouncil issued National Plan forProtection and Application of Intel-lectual Property Rights During the14th Five-Year Plan Period, specify-ing “four new goals” for the IP-relat-ed work, which include scaling newheights in IP protection, achievingnew results in IP application, reachinga new stage in IP services, and mak-ing new breakthroughs in interna-tional IP cooperation. Meanwhile, itproposed to 8 anticipatory indicators,including in 2025 lifting the numberof high-value invention patents per10,000 people to 12, the number ofoverseas invention patents grantedto 90,000, the registered amount ofintellectual property pledge financingto RMB 320 billion, the total annualimport and export value of intellectu-al property royalties to RMB 350 bil-lion, the value added from patent-in-tensive industries to 13% of GDP, thevalue added from copyright industriesto 7.5% of GDP, the social satis-faction rate of intellectual propertyprotection to 82, and the convictionrate of first instance civil intellectualproperty cases to 85%, in order to en-sure the milestone goal of construct-ing a strong IPR powerhouse will becompleted as scheduled.Ministry of Commerce: Boostand deepen innovations in scienceand technology, institution, indus-try and business modelsRecently, the Ministry of Com-merce issued the Plan for High-qual-ity Development of Foreign Tradeduring the 14th Five-year Plan Peri-od, which highlighted the deepeninginnovations in science and technol-ogy, institution, industry and busi-ness models, outlined 10 major tasksincluding green trade, trade digita-lization, integration of domestic andforeign trade and other new trendsin international trade, to provideguidance for the innovative develop-ment of foreign trade. In 2021, newindustrial forms brought new growth:more than 2,000 overseas warehouseswere built, and in the first ten monthsfrom January to October of 2021,cross-border e-commerce import andexport grew by 19.5%. According tothe plan, during the 14th Five-YearPlan period, China will further expandthe opening-up of domestic market,encourage the import of high-qualityconsumer goods, increase the importof advanced technology, importantequipment, key components, energyresources products and agriculturalproducts in short in domestic mar-ket, optimize the list of cross-bordere-commerce retail imports, furtherpromote local processing of importsin border trade, and stimulate importsfrom neighboring countries, in order tovigorously develop trade of high-qual-ity, high-tech, high value-added greenand low-carbon products. 12。
2013年4月中考英语模拟试题(带答案)銆愭弧鍒?50鍒?鏃堕棿120鍒嗛挓銆?2013.4.9 I鍗曢」閫夋嫨锛堝叡15 15 鍒嗭級( ) 1. This is ________ useful dictionary. I bought it in ________ shop next to the post office. A. an; a B. an; the C. a; an D. a; the ( ) 2. ---How soon can you finish the work? ---One or two days ________ enough for us. A. has B. is C. are D. will have ( ) 3. She still failed in the exam ________ she tried her best. A. because B. if C. though D. as ( ) 4. Mr. Green has lived in the ________ hotel since he came to China. A. five-stars B. five-star C. five stars D. five stars鈥?( ) 5. ________ bad news it is and ________ the children all look! A. What a; how surprised B. What; how surprised C. What; how surprising D. How; what surprised ( ) 6. I have two sons , and ________ of them live with me. A. neither B. either C. both D. all ( ) 7. --- Mum, could you buy me a new dress like that? ---Certainly, we can buy ________one than this, but ________ this. A.a better; better than B. a good; as good as C. a cheaper; better D. a cheaper; as good as ( ) 8 .The doctor ________ the girl to take a walk for ten minutes every day. A. let B. made C. allowed D. had ( ) 9. Don鈥檛tell ________ about it. Keep it a secret________ you and me. A. somebody; between B. somebody; with C. anybody; between D. anybody; among ( ) 10. --- Jack has paid for the school things, ______he? --- ____. His father will pay for him. A. has; Yes B. hasn鈥檛; Yes C. has; No D. hasn鈥檛; No ( ) 11. --- Since he went to bed so late, don鈥檛________ too early. --- Ok,________. A. wake him up; I won鈥檛B. wake up him; I don鈥檛C. wake him up; I will D. wake up him; I will ( ) 12. --- The woman with glasses must be your mother. --- No, it ________ be my mother, my mother ________ to Dalian. A. mustn鈥檛; has gone B. can鈥檛; has gone C. must; has been D. mustn鈥檛; has been ( ) 13. Could you please tell me ________? A. which floor did he lived on B. which is the way tothe nearest bank C. how can I get to the bus station D. that he will come back soon ( ) 14. They spent as many hours as they could ___their lessons. A. study B. to study C. studying D studies ( ) 15. --- Would you please tell me something about your travel in Sydney? --- ________ A. Excuse me. I鈥檓afraid not. B. It鈥檚very nice of you to say so C. Certainly. I鈥檒l be glad to D. No. I don鈥檛like it. ( ) 16. He hasn鈥檛come yet .what do you consider _____to him ? A.happens B has happened C happening D to happen ( ) 17. Don鈥檛you know ,my dear friend ,__________it is you that she loves ? A who B which C that D what ( ) 18 .Is this school ______you studied at ten years ago? A with B that C where D the one( )19 . I can never forget the day ________ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together. A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when ( ) 20. Disney is an amusement park _______you can find all the normal attractions and Disney movies and characters . A which B where C that D when II琛ュ叏瀵硅瘽锛圡ary Hand鈥昅锛汣hen Hui 鈥?C锛?M: Help yourself to some chocolates. Chen Li brought them from Shanghai.锟斤拷C: 21___ I can鈥檛eat anything sweet. It鈥檚my teeth.锟斤拷M: I鈥檓sorry to hear that. 22 ____ C: I did. He told me that I have to have one tooth out and two filled. But I can鈥檛find time for it.锟斤拷M: 23_______ C: But I鈥檓busy now. I think I鈥檒l go next week.锟斤拷M: I鈥?afraid you鈥?better go right now. The sooner you do something about it, the better. C: 24______ Can you please tell our head that I鈥檒l be back by lunchtime?锟斤拷M: 25_______ 锟斤拷C: Thank you very much. See you this afternoon.锟斤拷M: See you.锟斤拷 A. If I were you, I鈥檇take care of them right away. 鈥?B. You鈥檇better not worry about yourself. 鈥?C. I agree with you. D. Thanks. E. With pleasure. F. Here you are. G. Did you see a dentist? (Li Mei walks out of the cinema. She meets Michael and his friend, Peter. ) L-Li Mei M-Michael P-Peter M: Hi, Li Mei. You look so sad. Why? L: (26) ___________________________ .It made me cry. M: Really? (27)__________________ .I prefer exciting movies. They cheer me up. L:Michael, is this your friend? M: Sorry, Yes, this is Peter, my good friend. Peter, this is Li Mei. P: Nice to meet you. L: (28)_____________________ .Are you from the USA? P: No, I'm from Canada. And I've been here for two years. L:(29)___________________________ ? P: I came here to learn Chinese. M: Excuse me, Li Mei. It's lunchtime. Peter and I are going to the KFC for lunch.(30)_________________________ ?We can go on with our talk there. L: Sorry, I can't go with you. My mother must be waiting me. III.鑻辨眽浜掕瘧銆?0鍒嗐€慉.鎶婁?4鍒嗐€?31.効鍘诲伐浣溿€?I___________rather than rest in the house . 32鎴戜滑宸茬粡鍚ч噺椋熺墿銆?We________________________Japan_______________-. 33?Tom is polite______________to his neighbors. 34.?Everyone should _________________the teacher in class. 35.濡?We鈥檒l miss the train if __________________. 36._____________________________________________________________? 37.鎴戣銆?___________________________________________________________. B 鎶婅?From November 15th, 2009锛孶S President Barack Obama went on a four-day visit in China.38 The first landing he chose was Shanghai. He talked to young students there. His visit was longer in China than that in Korea and Japan. This told people Obama had a lot of issues(o talk with China.39He needed China's support and cooperation (鍚堜綔锛塼o solve world's issues and American issues. Then Obama came to Beijing. He had a very busy schedule (鏃ョ▼锛?When a leader visits another country锛宧e or she sometimes goes to the country's most famous places. It is to show respect(灏婇噸锛塼o the localculture.40 For the leaders, it's also a good time to relax during a tiring foreign trip.38_____________________________________________________________39_________________________________________________________________40 ________________________________________________________________ IV銆佸畬褰㈠~绌篈锛堝叡15 15 鍒嗭級ф(A 銆丅銆丆鍜?D)浣抽€夐」銆?About a week ago, when I was playing basketball at our local park, I noticed a small group of boys picking on a smaller, skinnier boy. They were 41___ him names and even pushed him to the ground and kicked dirt in his face. 42 ___I saw that, I walked over to the group. I stepped 43___ them and the smaller boy, and asked them politely what this boy had done worthy of 44____ they were doing to him. One of the boys replied, 鈥淗e鈥檚weird.鈥?At that, I asked one of the boys if he thought his friend was weird, and the 45___ was 鈥淣o.鈥?So, I asked another boy what the word 鈥渨eird鈥?46___ , and he said, 鈥淒ifferent.鈥?That was my cue(鏆楃ず). I told them that everyone is 47____ , and that they all looked just as different to the other boy as he did to them. They all stood 48____ for a moment, and then the most amazing thing happened. One of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and then said sorry to him. He 49_____ to let him play with them. I thanked the boy for being so 50____ . As I looked around, I realized that there were dozens of other people at the park 51_____ no one else had stopped to help this boy. I felt happy that the boy was strong enough to stand up against his friends to 52 ______someone in need, but I felt sad that 53______else had even taken a second look. I hope that my action helped them54______ that they could have made a difference with a little 55______ , and maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help. 41. A. giving B. making C. calling D. telling 42. A. When B. Before C. If D. Though 43. A. against B. between C. beside D. with 44. A. how B. why C. whom D. what 45. A. guess B. sign C. problem D. answer 46.A. readB. provedC. meantD. wrote 47. A. different B. free C. important D. strong 48.A. angrilyB. silentlyC. carefullyD. happily 49. A. refused B. expected C. offered D. prepared 50. A. proud B. clever C. honest D. patient 51. A. or B. so C. and D. but 52. A. help B. stop C. love D. remember 53. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone 54.A. decideB. realizeC. suggestD. agree 55. A. energy B. practice C. knowledge D. effort [B]they pay hard energy happy thrill explain easy send one see noise An old man lived in a side street of a small town. Every day after supper, some children would play football in the street. The children were too 56________ for the old man to have a good rest. One evening, the old man told the children that he would give them 25 cents each week 57________ them play football in the street at night. He said, 鈥淚am so glad when you play football happily. 鈥?This was his58________ . The boys were 59________ , for they could 60________ believe that they could 61_________ to do something they enjoyed. At the end of the 62_______ two weeks, the boys came to the old man鈥檚house, and went away each time happily with 63________ 25 cents. The third week when they came back, however, the old man said he had nearly run out of his money and 64_________ them away with 15 cents. The fourth week, the old man said he was ill and he had spent almost all his money on medicine. He gave the boys only 10 cents. The boys were very65_________ , but there was not much for them to do about it. At the end of the fifth week, the boys came back again only to get 5 cents. After that, the children never played football in the street again. VВ锛圓锛?Not many years ago锛?a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was seventy-five锛?he gave 锟?12锛?00 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children鈥榮playground. As a result of his kindness 锛?many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk锛?Johnson remarked that he was seventy-five and expected to live to be ahundred. The newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at seventy鈥昮ive. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky and drank some each day. 鈥淚have an injection 锛堟敞灏勶級in my neck each evening.鈥漢e told the newspaperman锛?thinking of his evening glass of whisky. The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was seventy-five and had a daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain锛?asking him for the secret of his daily injection. 66. Johnson became a rich man through _________. A. doing business. B. making whisky. C. cheating. D. buying and selling land. 67. The gift of money to the school suggests that Johnson __________. A. had no children. B. was a strange man.C. was very fond of childrenD. wanted people to know how rich he was. 68. Many people wrote to Johnson to find out __________. A. what kind of whisky he had. B. how to live longer. C. how to become wealthy D. in which part of the neck to have an injection. 69. The newspaperman ____________. A. should have reported what Johnson had told him. B. shouldn鈥榯have asked Johnson what injection he had. C. was eager to live a long life. D. should have found out what Johnson really meant. 70. When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening锛?he really meant that ______. A. he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the evening. B. he needed an injection in the neck. C. a daily injection in the evening would make him sleep well. D. there was something wrong with his neck. [B] 鈥淚鈥榤very tired from working here锛屸€漵aid Jean to her friend Kate锛?鈥?I鈥檓on my feet from morning to night. For the first quarter of the day锛?I clean up the counter and set the tables. For the next quarter锛?I help in the kitchen. For the second half of my workday锛?I take orders at the counters.鈥?鈥淜ate锛?I wish I had your job锛屸€滼ean went on. 鈥淔or four hours you just sit at the cash register 锛堟敹娆惧彴锛?taking in money.鈥?鈥淏ut I spend two more hours in the kitchen than you do锛屸€漵aid Kate. 鈥淚t鈥榮tiring to cook over a hot stove. I don鈥檛think you鈥榙really want myjob. In fact锛?I鈥檇like your job.鈥?71. Both Jean and Kate probably work in a____________. A. hotel B. library C. lab D. shop 72. How long did they work every day锛?_________. A. Eight hours B. Twelve hours. C. Ten hours D. Nine hours 73. How long did Kate spend in the kitchen锛?__________. A. A quarter day. B. A half day. C. One-third day. D Three-fourths day. 74. From this passage we can see that____________. A. they are both interested in their work. B. their work is neither tiring nor busy. C. both of them are tired of their work. D. they鈥榲e decided to give up their work. 75. Give a proper proverb to Jean and Kate. A. It鈥榮never too late to learn B. It鈥榮no use crying over spilt milk. C. The grass is always greener on the other side. D. One swallow锛堢嚂瀛愶級does not make a summer. [ C] Douglas Grace talks about his ideal city of the future. I see the city of the future in three zones鈥曗€昳nner锛?middle and outer. In the inner zone there will be no private cars. Public transport will be free and there will only be ambulances锛?fire engines锛?taxis and police cars. This inner zone will be the residential锛堜綇瀹呯殑锛?and recreational锛堝ū涔愮殑锛?area of the city. People will live there and go out to enjoy themselves鈥曗€晅o cinemas and restaurants. There will be parks and open spaces锛?trees and lakes锛?schools and universities. This way锛?when people are at home锛?they can go out easily and safely. Just outside the inner zone there will be big car parks for all private cars. The banks and most of the shops and hospitals will be in the middle zone. These are things that people don鈥榯need every day. All the factories and offices will be in the outer zone. People will travel out of the center to work锛?and back to the center in the evenings. The inner zone will be cleaner and better to live in and there will be more space for industry on the outside. xK b1 . Co m This is my ideal city of the future鈥曗€?a very beautiful place 锛?But I don鈥榯really think things will ever be like that锛?76. Where will people live and go out to enjoy themselves锛?A. In the middle zone. B. In the inner zone. C. In the outer zone. D. In the inner and middle zone. 77. Where will big car parks be锛?A. Just outside the middle zone. B. Just inside the middle zone. C. Just outside the inner zone. D. Just inside the inner zone. 78. What will be in the middle zone锛?A. The banks锛宧ospitals and schools. B. The banks锛宧ospitals and police stations. C. The banks锛宻chools and car parks. D. The banks锛宧ospital and most of the shops.79. Where will the factories and offices be锛?A. In the outer zone. B. In the middle zone. C. In the inner zone D. In the middle and inner zone. 80. Douglas Grace is probably . A. a painter B. a builder C. a town planner D. a dentist 锛圖锛?The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light锛?I looked sadly before me at a huge pile of that troublesome stuff锛堜笢瑗匡級they call 鈥渂ooks鈥濄€?I was going to have my examination the next day. 鈥淲hen can I go to bed锛熲€?I asked myself. I didn鈥檛answer 锛?In fact I dared not. The clock struck twelve. 鈥淥h锛?dear锛佲€?I cried. 鈥淭en more books to read before I can go to bed锛佲€?We pupils are the most wretched creatures in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy. The clock struck one. I was quite desperate 锛堢粷鏈涚殑锛?now. I forgot all I had learned. I was too tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed锛?鈥淥h锛?God锛?please help me pass the exam tomorrow. I do promise to work hard afterwards锛?Amen.鈥?My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them A few minutes later锛?with my head on the desk锛?I fell asleep. 81. When the author was going over his lessons锛?all the others in the house were ________ . A. asleep B. outside C. working in bed D. quietly laughing at him 82. He underlined word wretched in Paragraph 3 probably means_______ . A. very happy B. disappointed C. very unhappy D. hopeful 83. Reviewing his lessons didn鈥榯help him because . A. it was too late at night B. he was very tired C. his eyes lids were so heavy that he couldn鈥榯keep them open D. he hadn 鈥榯studied hard before the examination 84. What do you suppose happened to the author锛?A. He went to a church to pray again B. He passed the exam by sheerluck C. He failed in the exam D. He was punished by his teacher 85. The best title for the passage would be __________ . A. The Night Before the Examination B. Working Far into the Night C. A Slow Student D. Going Over My Lessons (B)浠诲姟鍨嬮槄璇?0鍒?姣忓皬棰?鍒嗭級( E ) As 2010 FIFA World Cup comes锛宖ans all over the world are wondering who will win the first place at the end of the competition Of the thirty-two strong teams, many people prefer Brazil, Spain, England and Argentina(闃挎牴寤凤級.Of course, the teams from France, Italy, Germany, and Portugal(钁¤悇鐗欙級are pretty strong, too. They probably have big chances of qualifying (鏁㈠緱璧?鏍硷級for the eight strongest teams. It's because of the shining stars and the wonderful teamwork. But we know that football is a special sport. Anything is possible! Some African national teams and many other teams may be the dark horses. We know that football is an exciting sport in the world. It's very popular in Europe, in South America and in other parts of the world Some football clubs take part in the national league matches (鑱旇禌锛?The professional football players play hard for their clubs to heat the other teams. The top team will be the winner of the league match. The most excellent players are chosen to join their national teams. It is the happiest thing for a professional football player to be chosen as a member of the national team. So when the thirty-two national teams come to 2010 World Cup in South Africa, the matches will attract(鍚稿紩) over three billion people. Beckham, Ronaldo and Zidane are no longer on their national teams for 2010 World Cup. More and more new shining stars like Kaka锛孧essi, C. Ronaldo and Rooney are playing for their teams hard. We are looking forward to the final match. It will be the most exciting moment when the winners hold the great cup above their heads. 86. Why do some national teams probably become the strongest eight teams? 87. The members of the national teams are very excellent, aren't they? 88. Where is 2010 FIFA World Cup held? 89. How many famous football stars are mentioned in the last paragraph? 90. What are welooking forward to according to this passage? [F]?娉ㄦ剰锛氭瘡绌??銆?Future and Today It is well known that everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. But do you know what future really is ? I have to say that future is now. That is to say we must treasure every minute now. If we want to have a bright future, we should know how important time is and use it well. There is an old English saying: 鈥淕ain time, gain life.鈥?Then what鈥檚time? Time is something that we can鈥檛see or touch, but we can feel it passing by. Time is always with us. When we are at table, time passes; when we play, time goes by unnoticeable. We always say 鈥淭ime is money鈥? but time is even more precious(鐝嶈吹鐨?than money, because when money is spent , we can earn it back. But if time is gone away, it will never return. So, some of us even say time is priceless(鏃犱环鐨?. We should always remember: future is now. For us students, we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own. We should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today. We should do everything before us as well as possible. And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow. As we all know , 鈥淭ime and tide wait for no man.鈥?If you waste today, you will regret tomorrow. So from now on, work hard. Tomorrow will be better, and your future will be brighter .Remember: 鈥淣o pains, no gains.鈥?Today鈥檚hard work is the cause of tomorrow鈥檚harvest. Title: Future and Today Opinions Supporting details Future is now. Everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. If we want to have a bright future, we should know the (91) of time and make every minute(92) . (93) is priceless. Time is money, but time is even more valuable than money, because when money is spent , we can earn it back. But (94) time will return no more. Be masters of today Today鈥檚hard work (95) to tomorrow鈥檚harvest. As students, we should never put off what can be done today till tomorrow and we should try our best to do everything well. VI?椤逛负澶氫綑閫夐」銆?_96_ One of the best things you can possibly do is to start you own club. It鈥檚great fun especially if you are the sort of person who feels there鈥檚never anything to do during the school holidays. The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. _97_ Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless. Next you need some friends to be in your club with you. _98_ All you need is three or four other people who are interested in the same thing as you. _99___-You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up. That鈥檒l keep you busy for ages. At your first meeting you should make up a rule book. And the first rule should be no grown-ups or little/big brothers or sisters! The best clubs are always secret! Now you have just about everything you need, except membership cards. These are very important and again you can speed a lot of time making them. __100__ Why not leave some space for a photo of yourself? That will make the membership card really look like it. So there you are, get clubbing! Once you get started you鈥檒l think of loads of more interesting things to do! A锛嶵hat鈥檚easy. B锛嶦njoy your own club! C锛嶪nvite a designer to join you. D 锛嶹hat are you interest in? E锛嶴ome vacation is just around the corner. F锛嶵hen you need to pick a name for your club. G锛嶶se a bright thick pen to make a special design.VII浣滄枃[A]?鍒濅笁骞寸骇鍔炲叕瀹?2012骞?鏈?____________________________________ _________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________ _____ [B]?鎻愮ず锛岀敤缁?瑕佺偣鎻愮ず锛?锛庝汉涓庣ぞ浼2€佸笀闀裤€佸悓瀛︼紝璇氫俊浜掑姪3锛庝汉涓庤嚜鐒讹細鑳芥簮銆佺幆澧冦€佸姩妞嶇墿锛岀埍鎯滀繚鎶?4锛庝綘鐨勬€佸害锛?繁鎷熷畾) Dear fellow students, Our government is aiming to build a "harmonious society". I think it is every citizen锛噑duty to work hard to achieve this goal._____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ 鍙傝€冪瓟妗?-20 DCCBB鈥旵DCCD鈥旳BBCC--BCDAB 琛ュ叏瀵硅瘽銆?21.D 锟斤拷22.G 23.A 锟斤拷24.C 25.E 瀵硅瘽26 Because I saw a sad movie just now. / Because I have just seen a sad movie.27. I don' t like such a movie. / I don' t like sad movies. 28. Nice to meet you, too. 29. Why did you come here? / What did you come here for? 30. Would you like to go with us? / What about going with us? / Why not go with us? 31prefer to go to work /would go to work 32 have provided ;with lots of food 33 not only to his parents ;but also 34 pay attention to listening to 35 you don鈥檛hurry up 36 Is this the doctor (that/who) you talk about yesterday ? 37 I don鈥檛think such a little child/such little children can come up with ;so many ideas瀹屽舰CABDD鈥旵ABCC---DACBD noisy /to see / explanation /thrilled / hardly / be paid / first / their / sent / unhappy ВACDDA AABCC BCDAC ACDCA 85. Because of the shining stars and the wonderful teamwork.86. Yes, they are. 87. In South Africa. 88 Seven. 89. We are looking forward to the final match. 浠诲姟91importance/ value 92 useful/ valuable 93.Time94lost /missing/ past 95.leads/ contributes 96-100 EDAFG Dear fellow students, Ourgovernment is aiming to build a "harmonious society". I think it is every citizen锛噑duty to work hard to achieve this goal. As high school students, what should we do? First of all, we should love our motherland. Let鈥檚take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school and activities. Secondly, let鈥檚fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. More importantly, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life. Finally, let鈥檚work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass. As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above. Dear fellow students, let锛噑start fight now and spare no effort/efforts to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute! Li Xiaolong Found September 1, 2011 A green school bag was found on the playground yesterday afternoon. Inside of which there are two new textbooks, exercise books, a pocket English鈥旵hinese dictionary and a pencil-box. Loser is expected to come to the Office of Senior Grade 3 to identify it.。
为了五年计划英语短文I have made a five-year plan for myself, and I amexcited to share it with you. In the next five years, Iplan to focus on both personal and professional development.Firstly, I aim to advance in my career. I plan to takeon more responsibilities and leadership roles in my current job, and I also hope to pursue further education or professional certifications to enhance my skills and knowledge in my field. By doing so, I hope to position myself for a promotion or a higher-level job within thenext five years.Secondly, I want to prioritize my health and well-being. This includes maintaining a regular exercise routine,eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep. I also plan to incorporate mindfulness practices such asmeditation and yoga into my daily life to reduce stress and improve my overall mental and emotional well-being.In addition, I have set personal goals for self-improvement. This includes reading more books, learning a new language or skill, and traveling to new places tobroaden my horizons and gain new experiences. I also want to spend more quality time with my family and friends, as maintaining strong relationships is important to me.Furthermore, I plan to focus on my financial goals. This includes saving a certain amount of money each year, investing in my future through retirement accounts or other financial vehicles, and being mindful of my spending habits to ensure financial stability and security in the long run.Finally, I want to give back to the community and make a positive impact. I plan to volunteer for local charitable organizations, participate in community service projects, and contribute to causes that are important to me. I believe that giving back not only benefits others, but also brings a sense of fulfillment and purpose to my own life.Overall, I am committed to working hard and staying focused on my five-year plan. I believe that by setting clear goals and taking consistent action, I can achieve personal and professional success, while also making a positive impact on the world around me.为了我的五年计划,我已经做好了准备并且充满了期待。
九年级上册英语学案答案【篇一:九年级英语学案参考答案】>units1-5复习学案Ⅰ. 单项选择1--5 dddcb6—10 babbb 11—15 ccdbd16—20 adccb21---25 ddcbc 26—30 cdcad31—33 daaⅡ. 句型转换1. be allowed2. is, cleaned3. will be published4. was given by5. can be spoken6. didn’t use7. to wear8. old enough9. be cleaned10. used toⅢ. 完形填空1-5 bdcdc 6-10 adbcbunit 6第一课时当堂达标一、1.a解析:关系代词who在定语从句中作主语,同时代替前面的singers。
3.d解析:关系代词that代替tv play,并在定语从句中作宾语。
4.d解析:dance to…译为“伴着……跳舞”。
5.b解析:sing along with 译为“随着……唱歌”。
二、1.prefer 2.string 3.heart 4.gentle 5.dislike三、1.musician 2.listening 3.favourite 4.to playing 5.dislike四、1.play different kinds of music 2.i can dance to 3.whowrite their own lyrics 4.quiet and gentle songs 5.to go toschool by bus 6.plays 7.reminds me of 8.that wear really cool clothes五、1.who is your favorite singer? 2.why do you like her?3.what do you think of her songs?4.what about you?5.what do her songs remind you of?第二课时当堂达标一、1.a解析:河流前加定冠词,表示“第几最……”用“the +序数词+最高级”。
五一计划英语作文,用一般将来时全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My May Day PlanHello everyone! My name is Lily and I am so excited to share with you my May Day plan. May Day is coming soon and I can't wait to enjoy the holiday.First of all, I am going to have a picnic with my family in the park. We will prepare some delicious food like sandwiches, fruits, and cookies. I love spending time with my family and having a picnic is always so much fun.After the picnic, we are going to visit a nearby zoo. I love animals, especially pandas and monkeys. It will be so exciting to see them up close and learn more about them. I will take lots of photos to remember this special day.In the evening, we are going to have a barbecue party with our neighbors. We will grill some hot dogs, burgers, and marshmallows. It will be a great way to end the day and relax with our friends.I can't wait for May Day to come. It will be a day full of fun, food, and laughter. I hope you all have a wonderful May Day too. Thank you for reading my plan!篇2My May Day PlanHey guys! May Day is coming soon and I am super excited to share my plans for the holiday with you all!First of all, I am going to have a picnic with my family in the park. We will bring a lot of yummy food like sandwiches, fruits, and cookies. I also want to fly kites with my little brother because it's so much fun!After the picnic, we are going to watch a movie at home. I really want to see the new animated movie that just came out. It's going to be so cool!On the next day, I am going to visit my grandparents. I miss them so much and I can't wait to spend time with them. We will have a big family dinner and I will help grandma cook her delicious dumplings.Lastly, I am planning to do some gardening with my mom. We will plant some flowers and vegetables in our backyard. I lovewatching things grow and it will be a great way to spend the holiday.I am so excited for May Day and I hope you guys have a great time too! Let's make the most of our holiday and have lots of fun!篇3Title: My Plan for May Day HolidayHi everyone! I'm so excited because the May Day holiday is coming soon. I have planned so many fun things to do during the holiday. Let me tell you all about it.First of all, I'm going to have a picnic with my family in the park. We will bring sandwiches, fruits, and drinks. I can't wait to play games and run around with my little brother. It's going to be so much fun!After the picnic, I'm going to visit the zoo with my friends. We will see all the animals and take lots of pictures. I love watching the monkeys swing from tree to tree and the lions roar loudly. It's going to be an amazing day.On the second day of the holiday, I'm going to have a movie marathon at home. I will invite my best friends over and we willwatch all my favorite movies. We will have popcorn, candy, and soda. It's going to be a sleepover party!Then, I'm going to do some gardening with my mom. We will plant flowers and vegetables in our backyard. I can't wait to see them grow and bloom. It's going to be so beautiful.Finally, I'm going to spend the last day of the holiday relaxing at home. I will read my favorite books, play with my toys, and maybe even bake some cookies with my mom. It's going to be a perfect end to a wonderful holiday.I hope you all have a fantastic May Day holiday too. Remember to have fun, be grateful, and cherish every moment with your loved ones. Happy May Day, everyone!篇4Title: My Plans for May Day HolidayHey guys, guess what? The May Day holiday is coming soon! I’m super excited because I have made some awesome plans for the holiday. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, I am going to spend the first day of the holiday at the beach with my family. We’re going to build sandcastles, swim in the sea, and have a picnic on the shore. I can’t wait tofeel the warm sun on my face and the cool ocean breeze in my hair.On the second day of the holiday, I’m going to have a sleepover at my best friend’s house. We’re going to watch movies, play games, and eat lots of yummy snacks. It’s going to be so much fun staying up late and giggling with my bestie.The third day of the holiday is going to be even more exciting because I am going to visit the amusement park with my cousins. We’re going to ride the roller coasters, play carnival games, and eat cotton candy until we feel sick. I know it’s going to be a day full of laughter and thrills.Lastly, on the fourth day of the holiday, I plan to relax at home and do some arts and crafts. I love painting and drawing, so I’m going to spend the day creating beautiful masterpieces. Maybe I’ll even make a present for my mom for Mother’s Day.I am so looking forward to the May Day holiday and all the amazing things I have planned. I know it’s going to be the best holiday ever! What are your plans for the holiday? Let me know in the comments below. Bye for now!篇5Title: My Plans for May Day HolidayHi everyone! I'm so excited for the upcoming May Day holiday! I have lots of fun plans for the long weekend. Let me tell you all about them.First of all, I'm going to go on a picnic with my family. We're going to pack a yummy lunch with sandwiches, fruits, and juice. We'll find a nice spot in the park, spread out a blanket, and enjoy our meal together. I can't wait to play with my little sister and maybe even fly a kite if the weather is nice.After our picnic, we're going to visit a local zoo. I love seeing all the different animals and learning more about them. I'm especially excited to see the lions, monkeys, and penguins. My mom promised me that we can take lots of photos to remember our fun day out.On the second day of the holiday, I'm going to have a sleepover at my best friend's house. We're going to watch movies, play games, and maybe even have a mini dance party. I'll bring my favorite snacks and we'll stay up late gossiping and sharing secrets.Finally, on the last day of the holiday, I'm going to join a drawing competition at the community center. I've beenpracticing my drawing skills for weeks, and I hope to win a prize for my artwork. Even if I don't win, I know I'll have a great time expressing my creativity and seeing everyone else's drawings.I can't wait for the May Day holiday to start! I know it's going to be an amazing weekend filled with fun, laughter, and new memories. What are your plans for the holiday? Let me know in the comments below! Bye for now!篇6Wow, May 1st is coming soon! It's our Labor Day holiday, and I am so excited to share my plans for this special day.On May 1st, I will wake up early in the morning and have a big breakfast with my family. Then, we will go to the park for a picnic. I will bring my favorite snacks and drinks, and we will play games like badminton and frisbee. I can't wait to have so much fun with my family!In the afternoon, we will visit my grandparents. I will help them in the garden and we will have a delicious meal together. I love spending time with my grandparents because they always tell me interesting stories and teach me new things.In the evening, my friends are coming over for a sleepover. We will watch a movie, play board games, and have a pillow fight. It's going to be so much fun! I am looking forward to laughing and making memories with my friends.Overall, I am really excited for May 1st. It's going to be a wonderful day filled with love, laughter, and fun. I can't wait to celebrate Labor Day with my family, grandparents, and friends. Let the countdown begin!篇7Title: My May Day PlanHello everyone! My name is Lily and I'm in Grade 3. Today I want to share with you my plan for the upcoming May Day holiday. I'm so excited because I have a lot of fun things planned!First of all, I'm going to have a picnic with my family in the park. We will bring sandwiches, fruit, and juice. I love picnics because we get to eat yummy food and play games together. I can't wait to run around and play with my brother and cousin.After the picnic, we are going to watch a movie at home. We will all snuggle up on the couch with blankets and popcorn. Ilove watching movies with my family because we laugh and have a good time together.On the second day of the holiday, I'm going to visit my grandparents. I miss them so much and I can't wait to spend time with them. We will go for a walk in the park, have dinner together, and maybe even bake some cookies. I love my grandparents because they always make me feel loved and special.Finally, on the last day of the holiday, I'm going to have a sleepover with my best friend. We will play dress-up, paint our nails, and have a dance party in my room. I love sleepovers because we get to stay up late and have so much fun together.I can't wait for the May Day holiday to come! I know it's going to be the best holiday ever. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday too. Thank you for listening to my plan. See you next time! Bye-bye!篇8Five one holiday is coming soon! Do you have any plans for it? I have made a plan for the May Day holiday.Firstly, I’m going to spend time with my family. We will go on a picnic in the park and have a delicious barbecue together. We’ll play games, fly kites, and enjoy the sunshine.Secondly, I’m going to visit my grandparents. I miss them a lot and I c an’t wait to tell them all about my school and what I’ve been up to. We’ll have a big family dinner and maybe even watch a movie together.Thirdly, I’m going to do some spring cleaning in my room. It’s been a while since I tidied up and I think it’s ti me to organize my toys, books, and clothes. I’ll also decorate my room with some new posters and stickers.Lastly, I’m going to make a DIY project. I want to make a birdhouse for the birds in my garden. I’ll paint it with bright colors and put it up on a tree for them to enjoy.I can’t wait for the May Day holiday to arrive! I’m so excited to have fun with my family, visit my grandparents, clean my room, and make a birdhouse. It’s going to be the best holiday ever!篇9May Day is coming soon! We have a long holiday and I am so excited to share with you my plans for May Day.Firstly, I am going to spend time with my family. We are going to have a picnic in the park and play games together. I can't wait to have fun with my parents and my little brother.Secondly, I am going to visit my grandparents. They live in the countryside and I love spending time there. We will go for a walk in the fields, feed the animals, and maybe even have a bonfire at night.Next, I am going to have a sleepover with my best friend. We are going to watch movies, eat lots of snacks, and have a pillow fight. It's going to be so much fun!Lastly, I am going to do some volunteer work. I want to help others and make a positive impact in my community. I am planning to clean up the local park with my friends and maybe even visit a nursing home to spend time with the elderly.I am so looking forward to my May Day holiday and I can't wait to have a great time with my loved ones. I hope you all have a fantastic May Day too!篇10Hello everyone, I’m so excited to share with you my plans for the upcoming May Day holiday! Are you ready to hear all about it? Let’s go!First of all, on May 1st, I’m going to wake up early in the morning to watch the sunrise with my family. We will have a picnic in the park and play some fun games together. I can’t wait to spend quality time with them and make some beautiful memories.After that, I’m planning to go on a little adventure with my friends. We want to explore a new hiking trail and see some amazing views. I’ll make sure to pack some snacks and drinks so we can have a little picnic along the way. It’s going to be so much fun!In the evening, we are going to have a barbecue in our backyard. I’m going to help my paren ts prepare the food and set up the grill. We will invite our neighbors to join us and have a great time together. I love the smell of barbecue in the air – it always makes me hungry!Finally, before the day ends, I want to relax and watch a movie with my family. We will snuggle up on the couch with some popcorn and enjoy a good film together. It’s the perfect way to end a wonderful day full of fun and laughter.I hope you enjoyed hearing about my plans for the May Day holiday. I can’t wait for it to arrive so I can have an amazing time! What are your plans? Let me know, and maybe we can share some ideas. See you soon!。
一般将来时英语五一计划作文六年级全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys! Guess what? May Day holiday is coming soon and I am super excited to share with you all about my plans for the upcoming break.First of all, I plan to spend some quality time with my family. We are going to have a picnic at the park and play some fun games together. I can't wait to run around, laugh and have a great time with my parents and siblings.Next, I am going to have a sleepover at my best friend's house. We are going to watch movies, eat popcorn, and have a lot of fun. It's going to be amazing to stay up late and talk about all the things we like.Also, I am planning to visit the zoo with my classmates. We are going to see all the animals, learn interesting facts about them and maybe even have a ride on the carousel. It's going to be a day full of adventure and excitement.Finally, I am going to spend some time relaxing at home, reading my favorite books and playing video games. It's important to recharge my batteries and get ready for the new school term.I am really looking forward to the May Day holiday and all the fun activities I have planned. I hope you all have a great time too! Let's make the most of this break and create wonderful memories that we will cherish forever.篇2Hey guys, guess what? I'm super excited because I'm going to tell you all about my plans for the May Day holiday! It's going to be so much fun!First of all, I'm going to spend some quality time with my family. We're planning to have a picnic in the park and play games like frisbee and badminton. I can't wait to show off my skills and have a blast with my siblings!After that, I'm going to visit my grandparents. I miss them so much and I can't wait to spend some time catching up with them. We're going to have a big family dinner and maybe even watch a movie together.But the best part of my May Day holiday is that I'm going to have a sleepover with my best friends! We're going to stay up late, watch movies, play games, and maybe even have a little dance party. It's going to be so much fun and I know we're going to make some awesome memories together.I'm so excited for May Day and I can't wait for all the fun adventures that await me. I know it's going to be a holiday to remember!篇3Yeah! It's almost Five-One holiday and I'm super excited about my plans for the long weekend! I can't wait to share with you guys all the fun things I'm going to do.Firstly, I'm going to have a big sleepover at my best friend's house. We're going to stay up late, watch movies, eat snacks, and have tons of fun. I'm really looking forward to it because we always have a great time together.On the actual holiday, my family and I are planning to go to the beach for a picnic. I love going to the beach because I can play in the sand, swim in the ocean, and maybe even build a sandcastle. We'll bring lots of yummy food like sandwiches, fruit, and cookies. I can't wait to have a beach day with my family!In the evening, we're going to have a barbecue in our backyard. My dad is going to grill hot dogs, hamburgers, and corn on the cob. My mom will make her famous potato salad and coleslaw. I'm already drooling just thinking about all the delicious food we're going to eat.Finally, on the last day of the holiday, I'm going to have a playdate with my other friends. We're going to ride our bikes to the park, play on the playground, and have a water balloon fight. It's going to be so much fun and a great way to end the holiday.I can't wait for Five-One to come so I can have the best time ever with my friends and family. I'm going to make sure to cherish every moment and have a great time!篇4Oh my goodness! I am so excited for the upcoming May Day holiday! I have been planning what to do during the break with my friends and family. Here is my plan for the May Day holiday!First of all, I am going to have a sleepover at my best friend's house. We are going to stay up late watching movies, eating popcorn, and playing games. It's going to be so much fun!On the second day of the holiday, my family and I are going to go on a picnic in the park. We will bring sandwiches, fruits, and drinks to enjoy under the warm sun. I can't wait to play frisbee and go for a walk in nature.The next day, we are going to visit a nearby amusement park.I love going on roller coasters and merry-go-rounds! It's going to be an adrenaline-pumping day full of laughter and fun.After that, my parents are planning to take me to the zoo. I am so excited to see all the animals and learn about them. I will definitely take a lot of pictures to remember the day.Lastly, I am going to spend the rest of the holiday relaxing and playing with my toys at home. It's going to be a great time to recharge before going back to school.I can't wait for the May Day holiday to come! It's going to be the best break ever!篇5Yay! I can't wait for the upcoming May Day holiday! It’s gonna be so much fun! I already have lots of plans for what I’m gonna do during the holiday.First of all, I’m going to go on a picnic with my family to the park. We’re gonna bring sandwiches, fruits, and drinks. It’s gonna be so yummy! We’ll play frisbee, soccer, and maybe even fly a kite. I can’t wait to spend quality time with my family outdoors.After the picnic, I’m going to have a sleepover with my best friends. We’re gonna watc h movies, eat popcorn, and have a dance party in my room. It’s gonna be so cool! I’ll make sure to stay up late and have a great time with my friends.The next day, we’re planning to go to the amusement park.I can’t wait to ride the roller coasters, t he carousel, and maybe even try the haunted house. It’s gonna be super exciting! I’ll make sure to eat lots of cotton candy and ice cream too.Overall, I know this May Day holiday is gonna be amazing. I can’t wait for all the fun and exciting things I have planned. I’m gonna make sure to enjoy every moment and have a great time with my family and friends. I’m counting down the days until the holiday starts!篇6Hey guys, guess what? May Day is coming soon and I can't wait to share with you my plans for the holiday!First of all, on May 1st, I'm going to have a picnic with my family at the park. We will bring some delicious food like sandwiches, fruits, and snacks. I'm so excited to play games like frisbee and badminton with my siblings. It's going to be so much fun!After the picnic, my family and I are going to watch a movie together. We will watch a comedy movie because we all love to laugh. I can't wait to eat popcorn and laugh with my family. It's going to be awesome!On May 2nd, I plan to visit my grandparents' house. I miss them so much and I can't wait to spend time with them. We will bake cookies together and play board games. I know we will have a blast!Lastly, on May 3rd, I'm going to have a sleepover with my best friends. We will watch movies, eat pizza, and stay up late talking and laughing. It's going to be the best sleepover ever!I'm so excited for my May Day plans and I can't wait for the holiday to come. What are your plans for May Day? Let me know in the comments below! See you soon, guys!篇7Hey guys! I'm so excited to share my plans for the upcoming May Day holiday with you all! I can't wait for the break from school and to have some fun with my family and friends.On the first day of the holiday, I'm going to visit my grandparents in the countryside. I miss them so much and I can't wait to spend time with them. We're going to pick fresh fruits from their garden and have a BBQ in the evening. It's going to be so much fun!The next day, my family and I are going to have a picnic at the park. We're going to bring a big blanket, some sandwiches, and lots of snacks. I'm also going to bring my favorite ball to play some games with my siblings. I hope the weather will be nice and sunny!On the last day of the holiday, my friends and I are going to the zoo. I love animals so much and I can't wait to see all the different kinds. I'm going to take a lot of pictures and maybe even feed some of the animals. It's going to be an amazing day!I'm so excited for all the fun things I have planned for the May Day holiday. I hope you all have a great break too! Let's make some unforgettable memories together!篇8Hey guys! Guess what? I'm so excited because I'm going to tell you about my plan for the upcoming Labour Day holiday! It's going to be so much fun!First of all, I'm going to wake up early in the morning and have a big breakfast. Then, I'm going to meet up with my friends at the park. We're going to play games like hide and seek, tag, and maybe even have a mini football match. I can't wait to show off my soccer skills!After that, we're planning to have a picnic in the park. I'm going to pack some sandwiches, fruits, and juice boxes. We'll sit on a big blanket and chat while enjoying the delicious food. I might even bring some marshmallows to roast over a small bonfire.In the afternoon, we're thinking of going to the cinema to watch a new superhero movie. I love action-packed films with lots of special effects! And of course, we'll indulge in some popcorn and soda while we watch.To end the day, we might go to the ice cream shop for some yummy treats. I can't decide between chocolate chip or strawberry, but I guess I'll just have to try both!I can't wait for Labour Day to come so I can have a blast with my friends. It's going to be the best day ever!篇9Hey, guys! Do you know what we're gonna do for the upcoming May Day holiday? Let me tell you about my plan for the May Day holiday!First of all, I'm gonna go hiking with my family. We are going to climb a mountain nearby and enjoy the beautiful scenery. I'm so excited to breathe in the fresh air and take lots of pictures with my family.After that, we are going to have a picnic in the park. My mom is going to prepare my favorite food like sandwiches, fruits, and juice. I can't wait to play games with my family and have a great time together.In the evening, we are going to watch a movie at home. We are going to make popcorn and turn our living room into a mini cinema. I'm looking forward to cuddling up on the sofa with my family and watching a fun movie.I'm sure that the May Day holiday is going to be amazing. I can't wait for all the fun activities and quality time with my family.What are you guys planning to do for the holiday? Let me know in the comments below!篇10My plan for the upcoming May Day holiday is super exciting!I can't wait to tell you all about it!First of all, I'm going to spend time with my family. We are planning to have a picnic in the park, play some games, and enjoy delicious food together. I'm so looking forward to spending quality time with my parents and little brother. It's going to be so much fun!Next, I'm going to hang out with my friends. We are planning to go to the movies, have a sleepover at my house, and maybe even go to the amusement park. I can't wait to have lots of laughs and make amazing memories with my besties.I also want to do some volunteer work during the holiday. I'm thinking of helping out at a local animal shelter or organizing a charity event to raise money for a good cause. It's important to give back to the community and make a positive impact on the world.Lastly, I want to relax and have some me-time. I'm planning to read some books, watch my favorite movies, and maybe even do some arts and crafts. It's important to take care of myself and recharge my batteries.I'm so excited for the upcoming May Day holiday! It's going to be an amazing time filled with fun, laughter, and kindness. I can't wait for all the adventures that await me. Let the countdown begin!。
用英语一般将来时写端午出行计划My Travel Plan for Dragon Boat FestivalDragon Boat Festival is just around the corner, and I am super excited about it! I have made some fantastic travel plans for this year's festival, and I can't wait to share them with you. So, let's dive in!Firstly, I have decided to take a long weekend trip with my family to a nearby city. We will be leaving on Saturday morning and returning on Tuesday evening. It's the perfect opportunity for us to spend some quality time together and create lasting memories.On the first day, after checking into our hotel, we will explore the city's historical sites. We plan to visit ancient temples, where rituals for the Dragon Boat Festival are held.I believe witnessing these ceremonies will provide us with a deeper understanding of the festival's cultural significance.The highlight of our trip will be attending a local dragon boat race on the second day. We have already booked our tickets in advance. I am particularly excited to watch the adrenaline-pumping races, as competing teams paddle withall their might in beautifully decorated boats. It truly captures the spirit of the festival.To make the most of our trip, we have also planned to indulge in some local delicacies. On the third day, we will explore the city's food markets and try traditional Dragon Boat Festival treats. I am especially looking forward to devouring Zongzi, a sticky rice dumpling filled with various savory or sweet fillings. It's a must-try during thisfestival!In addition to the city's attractions, we have included some nature adventures in our itinerary. On the final day, we will visit a serene lake nearby and go boating. The scenic beauty of the lake, coupled with the peaceful atmosphere,will be a refreshing experience for all of us.Before concluding our trip, we plan to bring back a piece of the festival home with us. I have heard that the city's local markets offer a wide variety of traditional crafts and souvenirs. We will spend some time exploring these marketsand maybe even purchase a beautifully handcrafted dragon boat as a memento.As you can see, my travel plan is diverse and packed with exciting activities. It combines elements of history, culture,sports, culinary adventures, and natural beauty. I believe it will be an unforgettable Dragon Boat Festival celebration for my family and me.If you, too, are planning a trip during this festival, I encourage you to make the most of it. Take this opportunityto enjoy the local traditions, explore new places, and spend quality time with your loved ones. Let us embrace the spiritof the Dragon Boat Festival and create cherished memoriesthat will last a lifetime!端午出行计划端午节即将到来,我为这个节日制定了一些精彩的出行计划,非常兴奋!我迫不及待地想与大家分享我的计划。
一般将来时五一劳动节计划出行英语作文Here is my response in English:For the upcoming Labor Day holiday on May 1st, I plan to travel and enjoy the long weekend. As an AI assistant, Idon't have personal experiences to draw from, but I can provide a thoughtful response based on my training.On Labor Day, many people take the opportunity to get away from their usual routines and explore new places or revisit favorite destinations. Depending on one's interests and preferences, there are various travel options to consider. Some may choose to visit natural landscapes, such as national parks or scenic hiking trails, to appreciatethe beauty of the outdoors. Others may prefer to explore bustling cities, immersing themselves in the cultural attractions, diverse cuisines, and vibrant energy.Regardless of the specific destination, traveling during the Labor Day holiday can offer a chance to recharge, relax, and create lasting memories. It's a time to step away fromthe daily grind, disconnect from work responsibilities, and focus on personal enjoyment and rejuvenation.When planning a Labor Day trip, it's important to consider factors such as transportation, accommodation, and any activities or events that may be taking place in the chosen location. Booking accommodations and securing transportation well in advance can help ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.Beyond the practical aspects of travel planning, the Labor Day holiday also presents an opportunity to reflecton the significance of the day. Labor Day is a celebrationof the achievements and contributions of workers, recognizing their hard work and the important role theyplay in shaping our society. Engaging in activities that honor this theme, such as visiting museums or historical sites related to labor movements, can add depth and meaning to the holiday.Ultimately, the decision of how to spend the Labor Day weekend is a personal one, and the options are vast. Whether it's a relaxing getaway, an adventurous exploration, or a meaningful celebration of the holiday's significance,the long weekend can provide a much-needed respite and a chance to recharge and rejuvenate.现在用中文回答:对于即将到来的5月1日劳动节假期,我计划外出旅行,好好享受这个长周末。
五一计划英语作文一般将来时六年级全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Exciting Plans for the May 1st HolidayNext month, the May 1st holiday will be here! I'm going to be having so much fun during the whole week off from school. There are a ton of exciting things I'll be doing with my family and friends.First off, my parents will be taking me and my little brother to visit our grandparents in the countryside. We'll be leaving early on the first day of the holiday. The drive there will be taking about 3 hours, but I don't mind because I'll be listening to music and playing games on my tablet the whole way.When we get to my grandparents' village, I'll be so happy to see them! My grandma will be making all my favorite foods like dumplings, noodles, and sweet buns. She'll be asking me to help her in the kitchen, and I'll be learning her secret recipes. My grandpa will be taking my brother and me on walks around the village, showing us all the farm animals and fields of crops. He'll be telling us funny stories about when he was a kid too.In the evenings, we'll all be sitting outside under the stars. My grandparents will be teaching us about all the constellations in the night sky. I'll be looking for shooting stars and making wishes when I see them. Sometimes we'll be roasting marshmallows over a fire pit and singing songs together. It'll be so cozy and fun!After a few days, my aunt, uncle, and cousins from the city will be coming to join us in the village too. When they arrive, my cousin David and I will be playing badminton, video games, and exploring the forests and streams all day long. We'll be running around chasing dragonflies and climbing trees. My aunt will be scolding us for getting dirty and sweaty but we won't care because we'll be having a blast!For the last couple days of the holiday, we'll be going to a famous outdoor water park about an hour away. The whole family will be going together - my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. It'll be so lively and crowded there, but so much fun. We'll all be going on the huge waterslides, riding the lazy river, and splashing around in the wave pool. I'll be begging my dad to let me go on the craziest slides with huge drops that look terrifying but super thrilling! My little cousin will be too scared to go on any of the big rides, so she'll be sticking to thekiddie areas. We'll be buying a ton of snacks and ice cream to stay energized all day in the hot sun.At night, we'll be having big family dinners at different restaurants, sampling all the delicious local foods. After dinner, I'll be completely exhausted but still so hyped up from the exciting day. I'll be begging my parents to let me stay up late playing games with my cousins before going to sleep. I'm sure I'll be falling asleep right away each night, tired out from all the outdoor adventures.On the last day of the holiday, I'll be sad that it's over but so grateful for the amazing memories I made. As we drive back home, I'll be daydreaming out the window, reminiscing about all the funny moments with my cousins and grandparents. I'll be looking through pictures on my camera, remembering all the thrilling rides, delicious foods, and quality family time.I can't wait for this May 1st holiday to start! It'll be one of the most fun-filled and adventurous weeks ever. I'll be making so many joyful memories that I'll never forget. All the excitement and new experiences will make the week fly by way too fast. Hopefully the summer holiday won't be too far away either, because I'll be ready for my next big adventure!篇2My Awesome May 1st Holiday PlansNext month is May and I'm super excited because we get an entire week off from school for the May 1st holiday! I've been looking forward to this break for months. No more waking up early, no homework, no tests – just pure freedom and fun for 7 whole days. I've got big plans to make the most of this vacation.First up, I'm going to sleep in as late as I want every single day. No more of mom nagging me to get out of bed at the crack of dawn. During the school week I have to get up at 6am, which is Way Too Early in my opinion. My ideal wake up time on holiday is probably around 10 or 11am. I'll lounge around in my pajamas, maybe play some video games or watch TV shows. The great thing about holidays is you can be as lazy as you want!After a relaxing morning, I'll probably head out to meet up with my best friend Li Ming. We're planning to ride our bikes all around the neighborhood and city. There are so many places we want to explore that we don't normally get to visit because of school commitments. I heard there's a really cool abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town that's supposed to be haunted. We have to check that out! Maybe we'll also bike overto the new shopping mall that just opened up and walk around or catch a movie.My parents will definitely make me study and do homework for a few hours each day over the break, which is pretty lame. But I'll get that out of the way first thing in the morning so the rest of the day is free. I'm thinking I'll sleep late, study in the late morning, then have fun adventures in the afternoon and evening.A couple days I want to spend hanging out at the park near my house. They have basketball courts, tennis courts, a skate park, and more. I'm going to practice my basketball skills and maybe even learn some new tricks on my skateboard if Li Ming teaches me. We'll definitely have a picnic one day and invite some other friends to toss around a frisbee or kick a football.My grandparents who live a few hours away are insisting that we come visit them for a couple days during the break. As much as I'll miss hanging out with my neighbourhood crew, I actually am looking forward to the trip. My grandparents are pretty laidback and always make sure I have a good time. We'll go on nature walks, my grandpa will teach me ching chess, and my grandma will stuff me full of delicious homecooked meals. It will be a nice change of pace from the downtown adventures.For the final few days of holiday, my family is planning to go on a short trip somewhere warm! We're thinking about either Hainan island or maybe even Hong Kong. Can you imagine – one week I'll be lazing around at home, the next I'll be laying on a beautiful beach working on my tan. A tropical vacation is literally the best way to end off this epic May break from school. I'll get to swim in the ocean, go on a boat tour, and sample lots of new foods. My parents promised to let me skip studying for those couple of days too!Overall, I have an absolutely jam-packed schedule full of activities planned for this holiday. Sleeping in, hanging with friends, playing sports, gaming, family time, and even a mini vacation – what more could a kid want? Part of me doesn't even want to go back to school when it's over. But I know these long breaks are what make the school year bearable. For now, I'm just going to live it up and soak in every second of this amazing May 1st freedom!篇3My Plans for the May 1st HolidayThe May 1st holiday is coming up and I'm really excited! It's a whole week off from school and there are so many fun things Iwant to do. I've been making plans for weeks about how I'm going spend my time.First, I'm going to sleep in every single day! No more having to wake up at 6am for school. I'll probably sleep until 9 or 10am each morning. My mom always wants me to sleep late when I can because she says I need to "catch up" on rest. I'm definitely going to take full advantage of not having my annoying alarm clock blaring at me. Just the thought of being able to stay all cozy in my warm bed late into the morning makes me happy.Once I finally roll out of bed, I'll head to the kitchen for a huge breakfast. My dad will probably make his famous pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on top. Or maybe French toast? Or both! I'll eat as many as I want without having to rush out the door for school. I'm really looking forward to taking my time and savoring every delicious bite.After breakfast, I'm planning to meet up with my best friend Chen Chen. We're going to walk to the park near his house and play basketball. Chen Chen and I both love basketball and we're on our school team. But at the park we can just play for fun without any coaches yelling at us. We'll likely spend a few hours shooting hoops and working on our skills. Maybe we can evenget a pick-up game going with some other kids if they're at the park too. Playing basketball always puts me in a great mood.In the afternoons, I'm hoping my parents will take me and my little sister to see a couple movies. There are a few new ones out that I really want to watch. We hardly ever go to the movie theater, so it will be a special treat. I'll get to buy myself a big tub of popcorn smothered in butter and a large soda to enjoy during the films. My little sister always falls asleep halfway through movies, but that's ok because then I can put my feet up on her seat! Maybe we can go ice skating one afternoon too if it's not too hot outside.My grandparents are going to come stay with us for a few days during the holiday, which will be a lot of fun. Grandma always cooks my favorite dishes like dumplings and noodles. She'll probably want us to play Mahjong with her, which isn't my favorite game, but I don't mind too much since she's a great cook! Grandpa is super funny and always tells hilarious jokes that make the whole family crack up. I'm excited they'll be coming to visit.One day, we're planning a family trip to the beach. We'll pack a huge picnic lunch with fried chicken, sandwiches, fruit and more. Maybe my dad will finally teach me how to surf! I've beenbegging him for years. I'm definitely going to bury my little sister in the sand too. She'll probably get mad but that's just part of the fun! I'm hoping we can stay at the beach until sunset so I can look for seashells in the shallow water. Who knows, maybe I'll find a beautiful sand dollar this year!On another day, my aunt and uncle are going to take me and my cousins to an amusement park a few hours away. I can't wait to go on all the biggest roller coasters! My cousins and I are all really brave so we'll easily go on any ride, no matter how scary. I'm definitely going to play lots of games too and try to win a huge stuffed animal prize. Amusement parks are so fun and exciting. Just thinking about it makes me grin from ear to ear.The May holiday will go by so fast, but I'm determined to pack as much fun as possible into those days off from school. Getting to sleep late, eat whatever I want, hang out with friends and family, and do so many enjoyable activities is my idea of the perfect vacation. I'll be so refreshed and re-energized after the break. Part of me doesn't want to go back to school at all! But I know I'll have amazing memories from this May holiday that I'll cherish forever. I can't wait for it to finally arrive!篇4Title: My Exciting Plans for the May Day HolidayNext week, the long-awaited May Day holiday will finally arrive, and I can't wait! It's going to be an entire week off from school, and I have so many fun plans lined up. I'm going to spend quality time with my family, hang out with my friends, and even go on a short trip. It's definitely going to be a memorable week!First and foremost, I will be helping my parents with some spring cleaning around the house. While it may not sound like the most exciting activity, I know it's important to keep our home tidy and organized. We will be decluttering our rooms, cleaning out closets, and maybe even rearranging some furniture. It's going to be a lot of work, but we'll make it fun by blasting our favorite music and taking breaks for snacks and drinks.After we've finished cleaning, my parents have promised to take me and my younger sister to the newly opened amusement park in the city. We've been begging them to take us there ever since it opened last month, and they finally agreed! I'm so thrilled because I've heard that the park has some of the most exhilarating rides in the country. I can't wait to experience the heart-pounding thrill of the massive roller coasters and the dizzying spin of the tilt-a-whirl. My sister and I will definitely篇5My Awesome Plans for the May 1st Holiday!The May holiday is coming up soon and I'm so excited! It's one of my favorite times of the year because we get a whole week off from school. No classes, no homework, no waking up early - just pure freedom! This year's May holiday is going to be the best one yet because I have so many fun activities planned. Let me tell you all about it!First off, my parents are taking me and my little brother on a road trip! We're going to pack up the car and drive way out to the countryside. My dad booked us a cute little cabin in the mountains for three nights. I can't wait to spend some quality time surrounded by nature. We're going to go on long hikes, have campfires and make s'mores, and try to spot wildlife like deer or bears (from a safe distance of course!). Getting away from the noise and pollution of the city will be so refreshing. I'll make sure to take tons of pictures and videos to show my friends when I get back.When we return from the cabin, we'll have a day or two at home to rest. I'm sure I'll be pretty tired from all the hiking and outdoor activities. I'll use that time to catch up on my favorite TVshows and maybe read a book or two. My mom also promised we can order pizza one night, which is my favorite treat!Then the real fun begins - my grandparents are coming to visit for the last few days of the holiday! They live quite far away so I don't get to see them too often. We're going to take them around to all the best tourist spots in the city. We'll go up to the top of the tallest skyscraper and look out over the skyline. We'll visit museums and art galleries. I'll take them to my favorite restaurant that makes the most delicious dumplings. And we're also going to this amazing acrobat show that's supposed to be really impressive. I can't wait to create all these new memories with my grandparents.On the last day of the holiday, my best friend is having a big sleepover party at her house. I'm going to go over in the late afternoon and we'll have a movie marathon, play games, and eat tons of snacks and junk food. She's even setting up a little tent for us to camp out in her backyard that night! It's going to be so fun staying up all night with my closest friends.When that's all over, I'll have to go right back to school again.I know I'm going to be completely exhausted after this crazy holiday! But I'll be so happy and filled with great memories that lasted me at least a little while into the new semester. This Mayholiday is packed with adventures, quality family time, exploring my city, and just pure fun. I honestly can't wait for it to start!Those are my big plans for the upcoming May 1st vacation.A nice mix of relaxing, traveling, experiencing traditions, and spending time with loved ones. It's going to be an absolute blast! Part of me wishes the holiday could last even longer. But I'm definitely going to make the most of every single day off. Good times are ahead!篇6My Amazing May Day Holiday PlansNext week is going to be the May Day holiday! I'm so excited because I will get to go on a really fun trip with my family. We are going to visit my grandparents in the countryside and do lots of fun activities there.First, we will drive there in our car. It's going to take about 4 hours because my grandparents live pretty far away in a small village. I don't mind the long drive though, because I will get to look out the window at the beautiful scenery as we go through the mountains. My little brother will probably fall asleep at some point like he always does on long car rides.When we finally arrive, my grandparents will be waiting for us outside their little yellow farmhouse with big smiles on their faces. They are going to give us all huge hugs! Then we'll go inside and my grandma will make us a delicious home-cooked meal using vegetables from her garden. Her dumplings are my favorite.After eating, we are going to go explore the village. We'll walk down the little stone paths and see all the cute houses and shops. There is a small stream that runs through the village where ducks always swim, so I'm going to bring some bread crumbs to feed them. I can't wait to see the ducks!My grandpa has a bunch of farm animals too like chickens, goats, and cows. He is going to let me collect the eggs from the chicken coop and milk the cows. I've never milked a cow before so I'm really excited to try it! I hope I don't get kicked. We'll also go see the baby goats and pet them.In the evenings after a long day of activities, we are going to have a bonfire in my grandparents' backyard. We'll roast marshmallows and my dad will tell us scary stories. He always tries to scare me and my brother but we don't really get scared. Last time I didn't even flinch! I'm the brave one in the family.On one of the days, we are going on a hike up the nearby mountain. My grandpa used to take me on hikes when I was little, but I'm bigger now so we can go further up the trails. We'll pack a picnic lunch to eat at the top while we look out at the amazing views of the valleys below. Maybe I'll even see some wildlife like deer or rabbits!I'm also going to make sure we go fishing in the big lake close to their house. Grandpa has a little rowboat we can use to go out on the water. He's an expert fisherman so he'll teach me the best techniques to catch lots of fish. We'll cook up whatever we catch for dinner one night over the campfire. I hope I catch a big one!On our last night, the entire village is going to have a big May Day celebration with traditional dancing, music, food vendors, and games. I'm most excited for the games because every year they have fun competitions like watermelon eating contests and three-legged races that I want to enter. Maybe I'll even win a prize this year!When it's finally time to leave and go back home, I'm going to be really sad. I'm going to miss running around the village and playing outside from sunrise to sunset every day. But I'll have so many amazing memories from this trip, and I'm already countingdown the days until next year when I get to come back. This May Day holiday is going to be the best one yet!。
用将来时写一篇英语作文五一计划六句全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Big Plans for May 1st HolidayNext week is going to be so much fun because we will have a whole week off from school for the May 1st holiday! I have been looking forward to this break for a long time. There are so many exciting things I am going to do during my time off.First, my family and I are going to go on a trip! We will be visiting my grandparents who live in a small town about 3 hours away by train. I always love seeing my grandparents because they spoil me rotten. My grandma will cook all of my favorite foods like dumplings, noodles, and sweet buns. She is going to let me help her make some of the dishes too. I will get to learn her secret recipes!My grandpa has promised he will take me fishing at the river near their house. He is going to teach me how to put the bait on the hook and cast the line out into the water. I hope I catch a really big fish! If I do, we will cook it up for dinner that night. Yum! Grandpa also said he will show me all the constellations in thenight sky since there are so few lights in their small town. I am excited to see if I can find the Big Dipper.When we return home from the trip, I am going to have a sleepover with my best friend Lily. Her parents will let us stay up late watching movies and eating lots of snacks. We will build a fort out of blankets in her living room. We might even prank call a few of our other friends late at night and try not to get caught by her parents! I'll be sure to bring my makeup kit so we can have a makeover party too.Towards the end of the holiday, my parents are going to take me and my little brother to an amusement park. I can't wait to ride on all the huge roller coasters! The loop-the-loop andcork-screw rides look so thrilling. I'm a little nervous but I know I will have fun once I face my fears. My brother is too short to go on most of the big kid rides, so he will probably just go on the merry-go-round and bumper cars over and over again. We'll stop for cotton candy, ice cream, and lots of other sugary snacks throughout the day.On the last day of holiday, my whole extended family will get together for a big celebration dinner. All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins will be there. We'll have a huge feast with all sorts of amazing dishes. I hope I get the chance to light some firecrackersor sparklers when it gets dark out. If I'm really lucky, my older cousins might include me in some of their games or tricks instead of treating me like a baby. A family party is the perfect way to end my fun-filled May holiday!It's going to be such an awesome week. Between the trip, sleepover, amusement park, and family dinner, I'll barely have a moment of boredom or rest. When it's finally time to go back to school, I'll be exhausted but full of stories to tell my classmates about my adventurous May 1st break. I can't wait for it all to begin!篇2On the first day of May, I will wake up early, filled with excitement for the long-awaited holiday. The sun will be shining brightly, and the birds will be singing their cheerful melodies outside my window. After getting ready, I will join my family for a delicious breakfast, where we will discuss our plans for the upcoming days.Our first adventure will be a visit to the local amusement park. We will arrive early to avoid the crowds, and I will eagerly clutch my tickets, my heart racing with anticipation. The amusement park will be a whirlwind of colors, sounds, andlaughter. We will ride the thrilling roller coasters, soaring high into the sky and plunging back down, our stomachs fluttering with exhilaration. The ferris wheel will offer breathtaking views of the city skyline, and we will savor the sweet cotton candy as we stroll through the bustling fairgrounds.On the second day, we will embark on a picnic adventure in the nearby park. My parents will carefully pack a basket filled with delicious homemade treats and refreshing drinks. We will spread out a cozy blanket on the lush green grass, surrounded by the fragrant blooms of spring flowers. I will chase butterflies and play frisbee with my friends, our laughter echoing through the park. As the sun begins to set, we will gather around the picnic basket, sharing stories and creating cherished memories.The third day will be dedicated to exploring the local museum. I will be captivated by the ancient artifacts and intriguing exhibits that showcase the rich history and culture of our region. The museum guides will share fascinating tales, transporting us back in time to witness the lives of those who came before us. I will marvel at the intricate details of ancient pottery, the grandeur of historical paintings, and the ingenuity of scientific inventions. My curiosity will be piqued, and I will leave with a newfound appreciation for the world around me.On the fourth day, we will visit my grandparents, who live in a quaint village just outside the city. The journey will be filled with scenic landscapes, from rolling hills to winding rivers. Upon arrival, my grandmother will greet us with warm hugs and her famous homemade cookies. We will spend the day exploring the charming village, visiting the local market, and sampling delicious treats from the bakery. In the evening, we will gather around the fireplace, listening to my grandfather's captivating stories of his youth.The final day of the holiday will be a day of relaxation and reflection. We will sleep in late, savoring the peaceful stillness of the morning. After a leisurely brunch, we will engage in our favorite indoor activities. I will lose myself in the pages of an exciting new book, or perhaps create masterpieces with my art supplies. As the sun sets on the final day, we will gather for a candlelit dinner, reminiscing about the wonderful memories we have created and looking forward to the next adventure.Throughout this holiday, I will experience a multitude of emotions – excitement, joy, wonder, and contentment. These five days will be filled with laughter, love, and cherished moments that will forever be etched in my heart. As I bid farewell to theMay 1st holiday, I will carry with me a renewed sense of gratitude and an eagerness to embrace the adventures that lie ahead.篇3The Exciting May 1st Holiday PlansNext week is going to be so much fun because it will be the May 1st holiday! I'm going to have five whole days off from school. Mom and Dad have some really cool activities planned for our family. I can't wait!On the first day of the holiday, we are going to go on a road trip. We will pack snacks and drinks into a cooler and load up our car nice and early in the morning. The drive is going to take a few hours, but I don't mind because we're going to play games and sing songs along the way. Our destination will be a national park up in the mountains. When we get there, we're going to set up our tent and have a picnic lunch. In the afternoon, we'll go hiking on some of the trails and try to spot different kinds of birds and animals. I'm going to bring my binoculars so I can see everything up close. Before it gets dark, we're going to make s'mores over the campfire. Camping is going to be so exciting!The next day, we are going to explore more of the national park. We'll probably go on a longer hike and stop to take lots ofpictures of the amazing scenery. The park ranger told us there is a waterfall we can hike to, so we're going to pack our swimsuits. I can't wait to splash around in the cool water on what will probably be a warm sunny day. For dinner, Dad is going to grill hamburgers and hot dogs over the campfire. Then we're going to stargaze before going to bed in our cozy tent.On the third day, we'll have to pack up our campsite, but the fun won't be over yet! We're going to drive to a nearby city and go to the zoo. I'm really looking forward to seeing all the different animals like lions, elephants, and monkeys. The zoo also has a petting zoo area where we'll get to interact with friendly farm animals. I'm going to take so many pictures and videos to show my friends when I get back to school. For lunch, we're going to have a picnic at the zoo's gardens. I hope the weather cooperates because there are going to be peacocks walking around that we can try to get close to.The fourth day is going to be a low-key one. In the morning, we'll go back home, but then we're going to have a water balloon fight in the backyard! Mom and Dad better watch out because I'm going to try my best to soak them. After we're nice and cooled off, we'll probably go to the pool in the afternoon. I'm going to practice swimming under water and doing cannonballs off the diving board. In the evening, we'll order pizza and have a family movie night, maybe watch one of the new movies that just came out.On the final day of holiday, it will be May 1st! To celebrate, we are going to a nearby amusement park. I can't wait to go on all the huge roller coasters and other thrilling rides. I'm going to be a little nervous going upside down, but I know it will be so fun. We'll play games at the carnival area too and try to win giant stuffed animals. Mom and Dad say if we're good, we can go on all the rides we want! I'm going to be exhausted by the end of the day, but it will be from having an awesome time. The perfect end to our fun May holiday adventures!I'm so lucky my parents planned such an amazing holiday for us. We're going to make so many incredible memories camping, hiking, seeing animals, and going on rides. I'll have stories and stories to share with my classmates when I go back to school. This is going to be the best May 1st break ever! I can't wait for it to start.篇4My Plans for the May 1st HolidayNext week, we will have a whole week off from school for the May 1st holiday! I am so excited because I have lots of fun plans.First, on Monday my family will wake up late since there is no school. We will make pancakes together and watch cartoons in our pajamas. In the afternoon, we are going to go to the park near our house. My little brother and I will play on the swings and slides. Maybe we will have a picnic lunch there too if the weather is nice.On Tuesday, my best friend Amy is coming over to my house to spend the night! We will jump on the trampoline in my backyard and have a lemonade stand to try to make some money. Her mom will drop her off in the morning with her sleeping bag and pillows. We plan to eat pizza for dinner and watch movies late into the night while eating lots of popcorn and candy. Staying up past bedtime will be so fun!Wednesday will be my favorite day. We are going on a trip to the big city! My aunt and uncle live downtown and we will ride the train to visit them. I love watching the city go by from the windows of the moving train. Once we arrive, we will go up to the top of the tallest skyscraper and look out over the whole metropolitan area. The view from up there is breathtaking. Then we will go shopping and out for ice cream! I can't wait.Thursday we are having a neighborhood block party in the evening. All the families on our street will come over and we'll grill hamburgers and hotdogs. There will be a bounce house rented for all the kids to jump in. My dad is going to try to fix up the old bike I got for my birthday so I can ride it around during the party. I hope he can get it working! We'll play music and games outside until it gets too dark.For Friday, my mom is taking my brother and me to an amusement park! I've been looking forward to this all year. We will go on all the biggest roller coasters and ride the Ferris wheel.I want to play games and try to win a huge stuffed animal prize. We are packing a cooler with drinks and snacks, but we'll also buy lots of fair food like cotton candy, funnel cakes, and lemonade. It's going to be such a fun day.Finally on Saturday to end our holiday week, we are having a family movie night at home. We'll make a fort out of blankets in the living room and camp out there watching films all night long. We'll have plenty of pillows and our favorite snacks. Everyone will wear their pajamas. I can't think of a better way to wrap up our exciting week off!I feel so lucky to have this long May 1st holiday coming up. There are going to be so many adventures and good times withmy family and friends. This week is going to fly by with all the activities we have planned, but I'm going to cherish every moment. I can't wait for it all to start on Monday!篇5My Exciting Plans for the May 1st HolidayNext week, the long-awaited May 1st holiday will arrive, and I will have five whole days off from school! I can hardly wait for all the fun and adventures that will come during this special break. My family and I will embark on a thrilling journey that I have been eagerly anticipating for months.On the first day of the holiday, my parents will wake me up early in the morning, and we will pack our bags and load them into our car. We will then hit the road and begin our exciting road trip to the beautiful seaside city of Xiamen. The drive will take several hours, but I won't mind because I will be able to admire the stunning scenery along the way. I will gaze out the window, watching the mountains, rivers, and fields pass by, and I will feel a sense of wonder and excitement for the adventures that await us.When we finally arrive in Xiamen, we will check into our hotel, which will be located right on the beach. I will be able to hear thesoothing sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and I will be able to smell the refreshing sea breeze. After settling into our room, we will head down to the beach, and I will build the most magnificent sandcastle the world has ever seen! I will sculpt intricate towers, moats, and bridges, and I will decorate it with seashells and colorful pebbles. My parents will be so impressed with my artistic skills that they will take lots of pictures to show our relatives and friends.The next day, we will explore the city of Xiamen. We will visit the famous Nanputuo Temple, a beautiful Buddhist temple that dates back hundreds of years. I will be in awe of the stunning architecture, the intricate carvings, and the peaceful atmosphere. After the temple, we will stroll through the charming streets of Xiamen, admiring the historic buildings and sampling delicious local snacks from street vendors. I will try all sorts of new and exciting foods, and I will be sure to save room for the famous Xiamen seafood dinner that night.On the third day of our trip, we will go on a thrilling adventure – we will take a boat tour to the nearby Gulangyu Island. As the boat sails across the sparkling waters, I will feel the gentle breeze on my face and the warmth of the sun on my skin. Once we arrive on the island, we will explore the quaint lanes andadmire the beautiful gardens and colonial-style buildings. I will imagine myself as a time traveler, transported back to a bygone era when the island was a hub for international trade.After our visit to Gulangyu Island, we will return to the beach in Xiamen, and I will spend the rest of the day swimming, building sandcastles, and playing in the waves. I will laugh and splash with my parents, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.On the fourth day, we will visit the Xiamen University campus, which is famous for its stunning architecture and beautiful gardens. I will pretend to be a university student, attending classes and studying in the library. I will be inspired by the intellectual atmosphere and the pursuit of knowledge that surrounds me.As our holiday draws to a close, we will spend our final day exploring the parks and gardens of Xiamen. We will stroll through the lush greenery, admiring the colorful flowers and listening to the melodious songs of birds. I will take deep breaths of the fresh air and feel a sense of peace and tranquility.All too soon, our wonderful holiday will come to an end, and we will have to pack our bags and head back home. But I will not be sad because I will have created so many incredible memoriesthat I will cherish forever. I will think back fondly on our adventures, the sights we saw, the foods we tasted, and the joy and laughter we shared as a family.As I reflect on our upcoming trip, I feel a sense of excitement and gratitude. I am grateful for the opportunity to explore a new place, learn about different cultures, and create lasting memories with my family. The May 1st holiday will be a time of adventure, discovery, and joy, and I cannot wait to experience all the wonderful things that await us.篇6The Exciting May 1st Holiday PlansThe first of May is coming up, and I will have an entire week off from school for the Labor Day holiday! I am so excited because I have many fun plans for this special vacation.First, my family and I will go camping in the beautiful mountains. We will pack up our gear and drive for a couple of hours to reach the campsite. When we get there, my dad and I will set up our big tent while my mom starts preparing our dinner over the campfire. I can already smell the smoky hot dogs and marshmallows we will roast. After we eat, we will tell spooky stories and make s'mores for dessert. I hope I don't have anynightmares from the scary tales! I will sleep cozly in my warm sleeping bag and dream about all the adventures ahead.The next morning, we will wake up to the chirping birds and fresh mountain air. For breakfast, we will cook scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast over the fire. Yum! Then we will go on a long hike to explore the forest. I will try to spot different animals like squirrels, deer, and maybe even a bear from a safe distance! We will also look for cool rocks, pinecones, and wildflowers along the way. I can't wait to add some neat nature finds to my collection at home. After our big hike, we will relax at the campsite and play fun games like charades or cards before making tinfoil dinners for our evening meal.On the third day, we will pack up camp and head to my cousin's house in the city for a few days. I'm excited because he has a huge backyard with a Swimming pool and trampoline! We will spend lots of time outside playing in the water and bouncing around. Maybe we will have some friends over too for a little pool party. I bet my cousin's mom will make us popsicles or ice cream sandwiches to keep us cool in the warm spring air. When we get tired, we can go inside and play video games or watch movies together. His house feels like a vacation home away from home.After our city stay, we will go back home for the last couple of days of the holiday. I'm sure my mom will let me have some friends over then! We will play outside on my swing set and maybe have a picnic lunch in the backyard if it's nice out. Perhaps we can even set up a lemonade stand to make a few bucks. Then in the evenings, we will have sleepovers, eat junk food, and binge-watch our favorite shows or movies. What a perfect way to end my week of freedom before heading back to school.I truly can't wait for all the fun adventures coming up on the May holiday! From camping and hiking to swimming and sleepovers, I will stay busy doing all my favorite activities. This vacation will be an exciting dream come true. When it's finally over, I will go back to school rested and recharged, with many happy memories to share. What an amazing way to celebrate the start of Spring!。
五年下册英语我的一天活动计划表Five Year Plan for My Day: Activities ScheduleAs a student in the final year of my English studies, I have come up with a detailed plan for how I will spend my day in the next five years. This plan includes activities related to my studies, work, personal development, and relaxation. By following this plan, I hope to make the most of my time and achieve my goals.6:00 am - 7:00 am: Morning Routine- Wake up and do some stretching exercises- Have a healthy breakfast- Review my study materials for the day7:00 am - 9:00 am: Study Session- Attend my English classes and participate actively- Work on assignments and projects- Review previous lessons and prepare for upcoming exams9:00 am - 10:00 am: Work on Personal Development- Read books, articles, and academic papers related to my field of study- Work on improving my writing skills by practicing writing essays and reports- Watch educational videos and participate in online webinars10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Work Placement- Intern at a publishing company to gain practical experience in the field of English literature- Assist with editing manuscripts, researching literary trends, and preparing marketing materials- Attend meetings and workshops to learn more about the industry12:00 pm - 1:00 pm: Lunch Break- Have a nutritious meal to fuel my afternoon activities- Take a short walk or do some light exercises to stay refreshed and energized1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: Study Session- Continue working on assignments and projects from my classes- Review notes and revise concepts that I find challenging- Work on group projects and collaborate with my classmates3:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Personal Time- Relax and unwind by listening to music or watching a movie- Practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and improve focus- Make plans for the evening and set goals for the next day5:00 pm - 6:00 pm: Exercise Routine- Go for a run or do a workout at the gym- Practice yoga or dance to stay fit and flexible- Focus on strength training and cardiovascular exercises6:00 pm - 7:00 pm: Dinner Time- Cook a healthy meal with fresh ingredients- Enjoy a balanced dinner with plenty of vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates- Share a meal with family or friends and catch up on each other's day7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: Study Session- Review notes and study materials from the day's classes- Work on assignments and projects that are due soon- Prepare for upcoming exams and quizzes by practicing past papers and mock tests9:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Wind Down- Take a warm bath or shower to relax and unwind- Read a book or listen to a podcast before bedtime- Practice gratitude and reflect on the day's achievements and challenges10:00 pm: Bedtime- Switch off all electronic devices and create a calming bedtime routine- Get into bed and practice deep breathing exercises to fall asleep faster- Aim to get at least 7-8 hours of quality sleep to rest and recharge for the next dayBy following this detailed plan for my day, I hope to make the most of my time and achieve my goals in the next five years.This schedule includes a balanced mix of study, work, personal development, and relaxation activities to ensure that I stay healthy, happy, and successful in my English studies. With dedication and commitment, I am confident that I can make this plan work and achieve my dreams.。
用一般将来时的五一计划语英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Five One PlanHey guys, do you know what we are going to do on Labour Day? I have made a super cool plan for the Five One holiday! Let me share it with you.Firstly, on the morning of May 1st, I am going to have a delicious breakfast with my family at home. We plan to make pancakes and fresh fruit salad. Yummy! After breakfast, we will go for a walk in the park near our house. There are beautiful flowers and green trees there. It will be so much fun to explore the park with my family.In the afternoon, I will meet up with my friends for a picnic at the park. We will bring sandwiches, chips, and juice. We will play games like Frisbee and hide and seek. It will be a blast spending time with my friends outdoors.For the evening, I have planned a movie night at home. I will choose a funny movie to watch with my family. We will snack onpopcorn and chocolates while watching the movie. It will be a cozy and relaxing way to end the day.I am so excited for my Five One holiday plan! I can't wait for May 1st to come. I hope you guys also have a fun and memorable Labour Day holiday. Let's make the most of our time off and enjoy every moment!篇2Title: My May Day PlanHi everyone! I'm so excited to share my plans for the upcoming May Day holiday. I'm going to have so much fun and make the most of my time off from school. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, I'm going to spend some quality time with my family. We are planning to have a picnic at the park and play some games together. I can't wait to see my little brother's face when he wins at our favorite game of hide and seek.Next, I'm going to visit my grandparents. They live in the countryside and I always love spending time with them. We are planning to go for walks in the fields, pick some fresh fruits fromtheir garden, and listen to Grandpa's stories about when he was young.After that, I'm going to have a sleepover with my best friends. We are going to watch movies, eat popcorn, and stay up late talking about our dreams and wishes for the future. I know it's going to be so much fun!Finally, I'm going to spend some time studying for my upcoming exams. I want to do my best and get good grades, so I'm going to review my notes and practice some math problems. It might not sound very exciting, but I know it will pay off in the end.I can't wait for May Day to come! I'm going to have so much fun and make wonderful memories with my loved ones. I hope you all have a great holiday too. Until next time, bye-bye!篇3My Five-day Plan for the Upcoming May Day HolidayHi everyone, I'm so excited because the May Day holiday is coming soon! I've made a super fun plan for the five-day holiday and I can't wait to share it with you all.On the first day of the holiday, I'm going to visit the zoo with my family. I love animals so much, especially pandas and elephants. I can't wait to see them up close and maybe even feed them! It's going to be a fantastic day full of adventure and laughter.The next day, I'm going to have a picnic in the park with my friends. We'll bring lots of yummy food like sandwiches, fruit, and juice. We'll play games, chat, and maybe even fly a kite if the weather is nice. I'm sure we'll have a blast and make lots of wonderful memories together.For the third day, I'm planning to go hiking with my dad. We'll explore a nearby mountain and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. I'll bring my camera to capture the amazing views and maybe we'll even have a little picnic at the top. It's going to be a great bonding experience with my dad.On the fourth day, I'm going to have a movie marathon at home. I'll watch all my favorite movies back to back, eat popcorn, and relax in my pajamas all day long. It's going to be so much fun to just chill and enjoy some entertainment.Finally, on the last day of the holiday, I'm going to have a sleepover at my best friend's house. We'll stay up late, play games, gossip, and maybe even do some baking together. I can'tthink of a better way to end the holiday than with my bestie by my side.I can't wait for the May Day holiday to arrive so I can start my amazing five-day plan. I'm sure it's going to be the best holiday ever! What are your plans for the holiday? Let me know in the comments below. See you all soon!篇4Title: My May Day PlanHey everyone! I'm super excited to tell you about my plans for the upcoming May Day holiday! It's going to be so much fun!First off, I'm going to spend the day with my family. We are going to have a picnic in the park and play lots of games together. I can't wait to have yummy food and run around with my siblings. It's going to be a blast!After that, I'm going to have a sleepover at my best friend's house. We are going to watch movies, play video games, and stay up late talking about all the cool things we want to do this summer. I'm so lucky to have such an awesome friend!On the second day of the holiday, my parents are taking me to the zoo. I love animals, so I'm really looking forward to seeingall the different species up close. I hope I get to feed the giraffes and watch the monkeys swing from tree to tree.Finally, I'm going to spend the last day of the holiday relaxing at home. I'll probably read some books, draw some pictures, and maybe even bake some cookies with my mom. It's going to be the perfect end to a perfect holiday.I can't wait for May Day to arrive! I'm going to have so much fun and make so many great memories. This holiday is going to be the best one yet!That's all for now. See you after the holiday! Bye!篇5Uh, hello everyone! I'm so excited because the May Day holiday is coming soon! I can't wait to tell you all about my plans for the holiday.First of all, I will visit my grandparents in the countryside. I miss them so much and I want to spend some quality time with them. We will have a big family dinner and play games together. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun!After that, I will go to the zoo with my friends. We are all animal lovers, so we can't wait to see all the cute animals. I hope we can see the lions, elephants, and monkeys. It will be so cool!Then, I will have a picnic in the park with my family. We will bring sandwiches, fruits, and drinks. I'm looking forward to playing frisbee and flying kites with my siblings. It will be a great way to relax and enjoy the nice weather.Finally, I will go shopping with my mom. We will buy some new clothes and accessories for the summer. I can't wait to try on different outfits and see what looks best on me.I'm sure this May Day holiday will be amazing! I can't wait to have fun and make some great memories. What are your plans for the holiday? Let me know in the comments below! Bye bye!篇6Wow, I am so excited about the upcoming May Day holiday!I can't wait to share with you all about my plans for the long weekend.On the first day of May, my family and I are going to have a picnic in the park. We will prepare some sandwiches, fruits, and snacks to enjoy under the shade of a big tree. I am lookingforward to playing games with my siblings and maybe even flying a kite if the weather is nice.The next day, my friends and I are planning to go hiking in the mountains. We will explore the trails, have a picnic lunch at the summit, and take lots of pictures of the beautiful scenery. I can't wait to see the colorful flowers and hear the birds chirping in the forest.In the evening, my mom and I are going to bake some cookies and cupcakes to bring to our neighbors as a little surprise. I love spreading joy and making others smile with our homemade treats.Lastly, on the last day of the holiday, I am going to visit my grandparents and spend the day with them. We will play board games, watch movies, and maybe even do some gardening together. I love spending time with my grandparents as they always have the best stories to tell.I am sure that this May Day holiday will be filled with fun, laughter, and lots of memories made. I can't wait for it to arrive!。
五一计划英语作文一般将来时六年级 5句话
五一计划英语作文一般将来时六年级5句话全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My plan for the upcoming May Day holiday is very exciting. I will spend some quality time with my family and friends, as well as take part in some outdoor activities. On the first day of the holiday, I am planning to have a picnic in the park with my family. We will prepare some delicious food and drinks, play games, and enjoy the beautiful spring weather. On the second day, I will meet up with my friends and go hiking in the mountains. We will explore the trails, take in the stunning views, and maybe even have a picnic at the top. I am also looking forward to catching up with my friends and having a great time together. Overall, I am sure that this May Day holiday will be one to remember.篇2On This upcoming May Day holiday, I have planned a wonderful trip with my family. We will be going to the mountains for a refreshing break from our daily routine. We have booked a cozy cabin in the woods where we can unwind and enjoy nature.During our trip, we plan to go hiking on the trails and explore the beautiful scenery around us. We will also bring along some delicious snacks and have a picnic by a serene lake. I'm looking forward to spending quality time with my loved ones and creating unforgettable memories.In addition to our outdoor adventures, we also intend to visit some local attractions in the area. We have heard about a stunning waterfall nearby that we can't wait to see. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about the region's history and culture.As the days pass by, I know that this May Day holiday will be one to remember. I am grateful for the chance to relax and recharge with my family, surrounded by the beauty of nature. I can't wait to embark on this exciting journey and make the most of our time together.篇3On the upcoming May Day holiday, I have made a plan for how I will spend my time. Firstly, I will visit my grandparents with my family. We will have a big family dinner and catch up with each other.After that, I plan to work on some art projects that I have been wanting to start for a while. I have purchased all the supplies I need and I am excited to get creative.On the third day of the holiday, I will go hiking with my friends. We have chosen a beautiful trail in the mountains and I can't wait to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery.For the fourth day, I have decided to volunteer at a local animal shelter. I love animals and I want to help out in any way I can. I will spend the day walking dogs, cleaning cages, and playing with the cats.Finally, on the last day of the holiday, I will relax and spend some time at home. I will catch up on my favorite TV shows, read a book, and maybe even take a nap. I want to make sure I am well-rested and ready to go back to school and work after the holiday.Overall, I am looking forward to the May Day holiday and I am excited to spend my time doing things I enjoy and giving back to the community.。
用一般将来时写五一假期计划英语作文My Awesome Plans for the May Holiday!The May holiday is coming up soon and I'm so excited! It's one of my favorite times of the year because I get a whole week off from school. No more waking up early, no more homework, and lots of time to play and have fun. I've been making big plans to make sure this holiday is the best one ever!First off, I'm going to sleep in every single day. No more of that annoying alarm clock buzzing at 6am to get me up for school. During the holiday, I'm going to ignore that thing completely and sleep until I naturally wake up, maybe 9 or even 10am if I'm really tired! Then I'll stumble out of bed whenever I feel like it and plop myself down on the couch in my pajamas to watch cartoons and play video games. Ah, bliss!My grandparents are going to come visit us for a few days during the holiday. I always look forward to when they come because my grandma spoils me rotten! She'll make me whatever special foods I want, like her famous dumplings or noodle soup. And my grandpa is always slipping me money whenever my parents aren't looking. He'll probably sneak me some spendingcash to get some new games or toys that I've been wanting. I'll have to be sure to give them both big hugs when they arrive!One day, we're planning a family trip to the big outdoor water park that just opened up last year. I've been begging my parents to take me and they finally said yes for the holiday! I'm going to spend all day going on the huge water slides and splashing around in the wave pool. I'll probably get a couple of souvenirs too, like an inflatable beach ball or some goofy sunglasses. We'll stay there from morning until they close at night, so I'll be exhausted but totally happy.Another day, my best friend's family is going to come over and we'll have a sleepover movie marathon! We've made a huge list of all our favorite movies and put them in the best possible order. We'll make a giant blanket fort in the living room, stuff our faces with junk food like popcorn and candy, and watch movies back to back to back until we pass out from exhaustion. Then we'll wake up, make more snacks, and do it all over again! It's going to be an epic movie binge.Of course, I'm going to spend plenty of time outside too, not just lazing around inside. My parents will probably make me go to the park or playground almost every day to get some fresh air and exercise in. That's okay though, because I'll bring my scooter,frisbee, ball, and anything else fun I can find. I'll hook up with friends from the neighborhood and we'll run around getting dirty and roughhousing all day long. I may even join in a pickup game of soccer or basketball if there are enough kids around. All that running will keep me nice and tired out for sleeping in late the next day!Towards the end of the holiday, our whole extended family is going to get together for a big celebration dinner. All my aunts, uncles, and cousins will be there, like 20 people crammed into my grandma's house! We'll have a delicious home-cooked feast with all my favorite dishes. After we're done pigging out, the adults will sit around drinking tea while us kids run around playing games and causing chaos. Maybe we'll even have some small fireworks or sparklers if we're lucky! I'll be completely worn out by the time we finally head home that night.When the holiday is finally over, I'll be absolutely exhausted from a full week of sleeping in late, gorging on snacks, playing hard every day, and being spoiled rotten by my family. I'll need at least a day or two to recover before going back to school! But it will have been more than worth it to enjoy such an awesome May holiday. I'm counting down the days until it starts - it's going to be epic!。
七年级五一假期英语作文一般将来时My Big Plans for the May Day HolidayNext week is going to be the May Day holiday and I'm so excited! I have lots of fun plans and activities lined up. It's going to be a week off from school, so no classes, homework, or getting up early. I'm really looking forward to sleeping in every day!First up, my family and I are going to take a short trip. We're going to drive down to my aunt and uncle's place near the beach. They live about 3 hours away from us. We'll be staying with them for a couple nights. I love going there because their house is just a 5 minute walk from the ocean.When we get there, I'm going to run down to the beach right away. I'll walk along the shoreline and look for special rocks and shells. I'm going to try to find some really neat ones to add to my rock collection at home. Maybe I'll even find a sand dollar! I love the beach so much. I'll be spending lots of time there swimming, boogie boarding, and building sandcastles.My cousin Emily is going to come along too. We always have a blast together. We'll be staying up late, watching movies, eating all kinds of snacks, and giggling about silly jokes. Emilyand I are going to have an awesome sleepover in her room.We're definitely going to stay up way too late!One day, we're all going to go on a hike together at the nearby mountains. I'll need to pack plenty of water and snacks because we'll be hiking for a few hours. We're going to see beautiful forests, streams, and maybe even some wildlife if we're lucky. I hope we spot some deer or cool birds. I'll be sure to bring my camera to take pictures of anything neat we come across. Hiking is so much fun and great exercise too.Another day, my aunt is going to take us into town to walk around the little downtown area. There are cute little shops, bakeries, ice cream parlors, and restaurants. We're going to stop for lunch at my favorite Mexican place. I'm going to order a big burrito and lemonade. Then we'll browse around the quirky stores. Emily and I will probably spend all our money on silly souvenirs and knick-knacks.Later, we're going to walk down to the little pier and try our hand at fishing off the end of it. My uncle is going to show us how to put the bait on the hooks and cast our lines out into the water. We'll wait patiently and hopefully catch some fish! Even if we don't catch anything, it will still be a fun experience trying. My uncle said he'll cook up anything we catch for dinner that night.On the drive back home, I'm sure we'll be exhausted from all the activities and adventures. We're going to stop for a big breakfast though before heading back. I'll probably order pancakes, eggs, hash browns, and hot chocolate. My favorite! Then it will be time to pack up and head for home after our little vacation.When we get back, I'll have a couple days left before I need to go back to school still. So I'm going to spend lots of time outside playing with my friends in the neighborhood. We'll go to the park and play on the swings, slides, and climb the spider web dome climbing thing. We'll have a picnic lunch one day and fly kites at the big open field near my house. Another day we're going to set up game stations and have field day challenges like frisbee tosses, foot races, and long jump contests in the backyard.I'm also going to take my dog Buddy on extra long walks around our neighborhood trails. We'll stop and smell the flowers and watch for squirrels and bunnies. He always gets so excited to be out exploring with me. Maybe I'll even ask my friends to join us so we can take group walks together.Finally, on the night before I have to go back to school, I'm going to have a movie night at my house. I'll invite all my closestfriends over to watch a new movie, make pizzas, and gorge ourselves on popcorn, candies, and sodas. It will be the perfect way to end my fun May Day holiday before heading back to classes, homework, and early mornings again. I'm sure we'll all stay up way too late just like at the sleepover a few nights before.This May Day holiday is going to be such a blast! I can't wait for all the adventures, activities, and fun times with family and friends. From the beach to the mountains, into town and back home again, it's going to be nonstop excitement and unforgettable memories. I'll cherish this special week off of school forever. Now I just need to start counting down the days until my big May Day holiday plans can finally begin!。
My Future Five-Day PlanAs the school yearprogresses, the excitement and anticipation for the upcoming May Day holiday grow stronger. As a student in Grade 7, I have a clear vision of how Iwant to spend my precious five days off. Here's my comprehensive plan for the future May Day holiday.**Day 1: Relaxation and Refreshment**After the hustle and bustle of the school week, thefirst day of the holiday will be dedicated to relaxation. I plan to wake up early, enjoy a leisurely breakfast, andthen spend the entire day at home, watching my favorite movies, reading books, and simply enjoying the peace and quiet. This break from the routine will help me rejuvenate and prepare for the upcoming activities.**Day 2: Outdoor Adventure**On the second day, I plan to embark on an outdoor adventure with my friends. We have discussed visiting a nearby national park, where we can hike through the lush green forests, appreciate the breathtaking scenery, andenjoy the fresh air. This trip will not only be fun butalso help us connect with nature and appreciate its beauty. **Day 3: Learning and Development**Despite the break, I believe in the importance of continuous learning. On the third day, I plan to spend afew hours at the local library, reading books that are not part of my regular school syllabus. I am particularly interested in history and science, so I want to explore these topics further. This will help me broaden my horizons and develop a more rounded personality.**Day 4: Family Time**Family is very important to me, so on the fourth day, I plan to spend quality time with my family. We might go fora picnic in a nearby park, play some board games, or simply cook and eat together. This will be a day filled with laughter, love, and precious memories.**Day 5: Preparation for the Week Ahead**The final day of the holiday will be dedicated to preparing for the week ahead. I will review my school notes, complete any pending homework, and make a to-do list forthe coming week. This will ensure that I am well-prepared and ready to hit the ground running when the school week resumes.In conclusion, my May Day holiday plan is a balanced blend of relaxation, adventure, learning, family time, and preparation. I believe that this plan will help me make the most of my holiday, while also ensuring that I am well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. As the countdown to May Day begins, I am excited and looking forward to this wonderful break.**我的未来五一计划**随着学年的推进,对即将到来的五一假期的兴奋和期待越来越强烈。
大一五年计划英语The Five-Year Plan for FreshmenIntroduction:The first year of college is a crucial time for students to adapt to a new environment, gain knowledge and develop skills, and set goals for their future. In order to make the most of their college experience, freshmen should create a comprehensive five-year plan. This plan will guide them through their academic, professional, and personal growth.Academic Goals:1. Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 throughout college.2. Choose a major by the end of the second year and stick with it.3. Take advantage of study abroad programs to gain international experience.4. Participate in research projects or internships relevant to the major.5. Complete all general education requirements by the end of the third year.6. Attend career fairs and explore different career paths related to the major.Professional Goals:1. Join campus organizations related to the major.2. Attend workshops or events to improve and develop professional skills.3. Network with alumni or professionals in the field of interest.4. Apply for internships or part-time jobs related to the major.5. Create a professional resume by the end of the third year.6. Participate in mock interviews or career counseling services on campus.Personal Goals:1. Volunteer at least 10 hours per semester for a cause that interests the student.2. Attend cultural events, concerts, or art exhibitions on campus or in the community.3. Make at least one close friend in the major or in a related field.4. Participate in physical activities like club sports or group fitness classes.5. Join a club or organization that aligns with personal interests.6. Attend leadership development workshops or seminars. Conclusion:Creating a comprehensive five-year plan for freshmen is essential to achieving academic, professional and personal goals. By following this plan, students will be able to develop and hone their skills, gain a competitive edge and have a successful collegiate experience.。
A Plan for the May Day HolidayThe May Day holiday, also known as Labor Day, is just around the corner, and I am eagerly looking forward to it. This year, I have carefully planned a series of activities to make the most of this much-anticipated break. Here's my plan for the May Day holiday.First, a family reunion. With school and work keeping us all busy, finding quality time to spend with family can be challenging. Therefore, the first thing on my agenda is to organize a family gathering. We'll have a big lunch or dinner at home, where everyone will contribute their favorite dishes. It's going to be a wonderful opportunity to catch up on each other's lives, share stories, and simply enjoy each other's company.Second, a nature trip. Being surrounded by nature always rejuvenates my spirit. I plan to visit a nearby national park or a scenic spot with my family or friends. We'll go for hikes, admire the breathtaking views, and perhaps even have a picnic under the trees. This will not only help us unwind from the daily grind but also encourage us to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings.Third, personal development. During the holiday, I also want to dedicate some time to personal growth. I've been interested in learning a new language for a while now, so I've decided to enroll in an online course or download an app to start practicing. Additionally, I'll read books that inspire and educate me, expanding my horizons and enriching my mind.Fourth, helping out in the community. Giving back to society is important to me. I plan to volunteer at a local charity or participate in a clean-up drive in my neighborhood. These activities remind me of the value of community service and the impact we can make, even in small ways.Lastly, relaxation and downtime. Amidst all the planned activities, I won't forget to carve out some time for myself. Whether it's watching a movie marathon, indulging in a hobby, or simply lounging on the couch with a good book, I need to recharge and rejuvenate so that I'm ready to face the challenges of life after the holiday.In conclusion, my May Day holiday is shaping up to be a well-rounded blend of family time, adventure, personal development, community service, and relaxation. I'm excited to see how each part of the plan unfolds and how it will enrich my life.。
Make+a+difference相关话题词汇 讲义 高中英语外研版(2019)必修第三册
必修三Unit 2 Make a difference一Improving a village好政策让我的家乡变得更加美丽。
China reveals its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035.When it comes to villages, what flashes through your mind? Do crops blanket the fields, and roosters crow (打鸣) in the early morning? For me, 1_______(live) in the village revolved around water.When I was very young, people in our village 2_________(live) by planting fruit trees. My grandmother always took me to the orchard (果园) on the hills along with our neighbors. At that time, they had to carry buckets of water from the river at the foot of the hill to halfway up the hill. 3_________ we worked so hard, the output of fruit was still lacking due to the 4___________(short) of water.One day, two men with special red emblems (徽章) over their chest 5_____(lead) a group of workers to our village. They learned about the difficulties we faced, and later, canals (水渠) and other projects began 6__________(build) in my village. “They are members of the Communist Party of China (CPC),”my grandma replied.Shortly afterwards, I moved to another city for my junior high school. The only reason I ever came back to my hometown was my grandmother.One day, my family and I made time to return. We were 7________(shock) because everything had changed. Thanks 8______ the water conservation (水利) project, the trees next to the road were in blossom. The canal ran past every orchard so that villagers didn’t have to go up and down the hill anymore. The river was now so clean that fish swam 9________(happy) in it. When we arrived home, my grandma took out fresh pears and peaches. She told us that after the water conservation project was completed, a policy was made 10__________(encourage) more people to increase the fruit output with clean water in the river.Nowadays, people work hard to adapt to the fast pace of city life. However, we should not forget our hometowns 11________ our souls belong. I’d like to say thank you to those members of the CPC who have devoted themselves to the 12__________(develop) of our countryside. They have helped to make our hometown better.二Contributing to charity英国慈善机构是如何运行的?The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty (虐待) to Animals, Oxfam, Cancer Research UK and The Salvation Army are some of the most well-known charity (慈善) organizations in the UK, but there are many more. People1__________(live) in London give £2 billion (17.91 billion yuan) a year to charity. Most people in the UK give money once a month, in cash. The most popular charities are involved with children, animals, education and research into new medicines. Charity shops 2__________(run) by a paid manager and volunteers. People can donate (捐赠) secondhand clothes, toys, books and other things 3_______ they no longer use. The volunteers then wash or steam the things to make sure they are clean before 4__________(sell). The money that 5___________(make) from these sales then goes to a parent charity company. Many people believe that you can find very rare and expensive items in charity shops; you just have to know where to look!Sports events are also organized 6___________(help) charities. You can take part in a charity race and get people to sponsor (赞助) you. This usually means 7________(ask) your friends andfamily to give money to the charity 8_______you are supporting. You are sponsored for every kilometer 9_________ you complete, but the money will 10__________(use) to help others, of course!重点词汇reflect on仔细思考某事reflect/rɪˈflekt/ v. 反射(光、热或声音);反映,反思embrace/ɪmˈbreɪs/v. 拥抱;欣然接受embrace the futureWhen it comes to就……而言;提到……时revolve/rɪˈvɑːlv/v. 以……为中心field /fiːld/n. 田地;领域flash/flæʃ/v. 闪光,闪亮;(快速)显示;闪现crop/krɑːp/n. 庄稼blanket v. 覆盖,盖住,笼罩bucket/ˈbʌkɪt/n. 桶output/ˈaʊtpʊt/n. 产量,作品lacking/ˈlækɪŋ/adj. 缺乏的,不足的due to由于,因为shortage/ˈʃɔːrtɪdʒ/n. 短缺,不足lead led ledProject/prəˈdʒekt/n. 项目,计划reply/rɪˈplaɪ/v. 回答,答复Shortly/ˈʃɔːrtli/adv. 不久,很快shocked/ʃɑːkt/adj. 吃惊的,震惊的in blossom开花/ˈblɑːsəm/Swim swam swumfresh/freʃ/adj. 新颖的,独创的;新鲜的policy/ˈpɑːləsi/n. 政策,方针reform /rɪˈfɔːrm/v. 改革,革新adapt to适应pace/peɪs/n. 步速,(移动的)速度soul/soʊl/n. 灵魂;心灵belong to 属于belongings/bɪˈlɔːŋɪŋz/n. 所有物,财物devote...to..奉献,投身于devoted adj. 挚爱的,忠诚的;热衷的;专用于……的Lions belong to the cat family. 狮属于猫科。
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A Village’s Five-Year Plan<a rel='nofollow' onclick="doyoo.util.openChat();return false;"href="#">For the residents of Chaicheng Village in north China’s Shanxi Province, September 8 this year marked the beginning of the harvest season. As the long evening and cool days of autumn set in on the day, villagers celebrated the end of summer by setting out to pick the ripe walnuts on the trees surrounding the village. Chaicheng is in Matian Township, Zuoquan County. The county, lying on the western side of the main range of the Taihang Mountains, is one of the most underdeveloped regions in China. As in most local villages, villagers in Chaicheng make a living from their fields. They grow crops such as corn, soybeans, millet and wild pepper. In recent years, walnut production has gradually become the most important source of income for thewhole village. Good prices for several years in a row drew villagers to walnut production. With help from county and township governments, the villagers have planted more than 27 hectares of walnut trees.Yan Jinhui, the village head, said, “According to the five-year plan of our village, we are going to plant 80 hectares of walnut trees by the end of 2015.”The five-year plan Yan mentioned is the first of its kind in the village. Earlier this year, the Shanxi Provincial Government required all underdeveloped villages receiving state financial support to produce a five-year plan so that they could each establish clear devel- opment strategies in light of their specific conditions. On this basis, the provincial government hopes to better target its support.Chaicheng’s villagers initially wondered what they would put in the plan for a village of just 500 residents.Yan gathered village officials and some young villagers working or attending universities in larger cities hoping to harness the collective wisdom of the village for the plan.“In the beginning, we thought the effort was not necessary as we had lived without such a plan,” said villager Liu Haijun. “Yet after the discussions, we found there was a lot to outline in thep lan.”Economic pillarA third of the plan was devoted to walnut production. The plan defines the walnut industry as the village’s dominant industry. That is no surprise. Chaicheng is blessed with favorable natural conditions for walnut growing, and walnut trees have long been considered the village’s source of fortune.“This year, there is no question that we will have a big harvest of walnuts,” Yan said. “But the price will not be as good as last year’s.”Yan blamed a lack of warehouses for the poor prices they received after a bumper harvest. “Without storage, we have to put everything on the market at the same time and have no way to regulate the supply,” he said.“In addition, as walnut prices remained high in recent years, competition has intensified and a large amount of imported walnuts from such countries as the United States have depressed prices,”said villager Dong Yanming.Unlike most villagers, Dong not only plants walnut trees himself, but also purchases walnuts from all over the county and then sells them to other parts of China. Over the years, Dong has acquired a comprehensive understanding of the walnut market.“If we take a long-term view, we can find a solution to our challenges in walnut sales,” said Dong, who was active in the making of the five-year plan.The answer has been written into the village’s five-year plan. When walnut production reaches a certain scale, it says that the village will set up walnut processing plants, and produce walnut-based products. To get maximum value from the nuts, the village will eventually establish a complete walnut production chain, from planting and processing to marketing. Walnut processing plants will optimize the village’s industrial structure, create jobs and boost farmers’incomes.The plan is not purely the result of any single brain storming session. Before the discussions began, the village conducted an in-depth study. The study found that while the raw walnut market is highly competitive, walnut products such as walnut powder and walnut oil are under-produced and have good market prospects.Neighboring villages also lack processing facilities, therefore the study found that it was feasible for Chaicheng to set up its own factory that would process walnuts from the surrounding regions.“O nce we have a processing plant, we will not have to sellwalnuts at a low price,” said Yuan Jianzhong, a village official. “So the five-year plan proposes that the village is going to expand the area devoted to walnut cultivation to 80 hectares,”Yuan said.The five-year plan says that Chaicheng will become the country’s first model village for walnut production and, by 2015, income from the walnut industry will account for more than 60 percent of the vil- lage’s total agricultural income. This is the common goal set up and agreed to by all the villagers. People’s livelihoodIn addition to walnut production, the five-year plan of Chaicheng has also identified other pressing issues that the village must address including the scarcity of drinking water, insufficient arable land, poor road conditions and a lack of entertainment and fitness facilities.Water is the village’s most basic need. However, because it lies in a mountainous area with hard rock outcrops, digging wells in the village is difficult. Over the past 30 years, the villagers dug 36 wells and failed to find water on every occasion.Given the lack of ground water, villagers have traditionally relied on water from the nearby Qingzhang River, but the supply only barely meets basic needs and does not allow foreconomic expansion. Solving the water problem was the top priority of the fiveyear plan. This summer, the village hired a professional prospecting team that used geological surveys to locate water. On July 26, water gushed out from the wells dug by the team. Villagers, old or young, swarmed to see wells that filled with over 30 cubic meters of water per hour.The five-year plan also includes other practical measures to increase farmers’ incomes and improve the quality of their lives. The objectives specified include increasing arable land by 8 hectares, dredging the Qingzhang River, consolidating and expanding the dam that protects the village during the flood season, and paving about 500 meters of roads. The plan also envisages the opening of supermarkets and construction of entertainment and fitness facilities that will uplift the quality of life in the village. Free secondary vocational education, and greater pension insurance coverage will also be introduced. Self-rediscoveryThe five-year plan of Chaicheng has also prompted villagers to carefully think about their own strengths and weaknesses. “In the process of making the plan, we also gained a new understanding of the village and discovered our own potential,” Yan said.The study conducted by Chaicheng before making its five-year plan involved experts in agriculture, forestry and poverty alleviation sent by the provincial, county and town governments. Yan said that the experts had contributed a lot to the drafting of the plan, who proposed explicit ideas on developing the economy after studying the village’s soil and labor resources and climatic conditions, and instructed villagers on relevant government policies.It was a learning process. Many villagers said that they had learned a lot from the process of making the plan. For example, their vocabulary now includes such new terms as dominant industry and economy of scale.After noticing the change in Chaicheng, other villages in Zuoquan began to pay greater attention to making their own five-year plans, which indicates that more farmers, who used to leave their fate to the luck of a bumper grain harvest, have learned to plan their own future.。