Document Classification Using Nonnegative Matrix




Title: The English Expression of the Proof of Acceptance for Manuscript of SCI Editing Department1. IntroductionWhen a manuscript is accepted for publication in a scientific journal, the author will receive a proof of acceptance. This document serves as a validation of the quality and significance of the research, and it is important to have a clear and professional English expression for this proof of acceptance.2. Definition of the Proof of AcceptanceThe proof of acceptance is a formal document issued by the editorial department of a scientific journal, confirming that the submitted manuscript has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. It usually includes details such as the title of the manuscript, the names of the authors, the name of the journal, the date of acceptance, and the volume/issue number in which the manuscript will be published.3. Importance of English ExpressionThe English expression of the proof of acceptance is crucial, as it reflects the professionalism and credibility of the journal. It should be clear, concise, and accurately convey the acceptanceof the manuscript for publication. A well-written proof of acceptance can enhance the reputation of the journal and the author.4. Sample English Expression- I am pleased to inform you that the manuscript entitled [Title] by [Author Names] has been accepted for publication in [Journal Name]. The manuscript has undergone rigorous peer-review and has been deemed to make a significant contribution to the field of [Research Area]. It is scheduled for publication in Volume [X], Issue [Y], with an expected publication date of [Month, Year].5. Personal PerspectiveFrom my perspective as a writer, the English expression of the proof of acceptance is a representation of the journal's professionalism andmitment to academic excellence. It should not only convey the acceptance of the manuscript but also reflect the significance of the research and the impact it will have on the scientificmunity.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, the English expression of the proof ofacceptance for manuscript of SCI editing department is a critical aspect of the publication process. It should be carefully crafted to accurately convey the acceptance of the manuscript in a professional and authoritative manner. Clear and professionalmunication in the proof of acceptance reflects the journal'smitment to academic excellence and the author's contribution to the field.7. References- [List of references used in the article]In this article, we have explored the importance of a clear and professional English expression for the proof of acceptance for manuscript of SCI editing department. We have provided a sample expression and highlighted the significance of this document in representing the professionalism and credibility of the journal and the author. It is essential to pay attention to the English expression of the proof of acceptance to ensure an accurate and authoritative representation of the manuscript's acceptance for publication.。

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RULES FOR CLASSIFICATION OFD ET N ORSKE V ERITASVeritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11SHIPSNEWBUILDINGSSPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMSADDITIONAL CLASS PART 6 CHAPTER 1MISCELLANEOUS NOTATIONSJANUARY 2009CONTENTS PAGESec.1General Requirements (5)Sec.2Helicopter Installations (6)Sec.3Shipboard Cranes (16)Sec.4Diving Systems (17)Sec.5Deicing and Anti-Icing Systems (19)Sec.6Additional Oil Pollution Prevention Measures - Fuel Oil Systems (22)CHANGES IN THE RULESComments to the rules may be sent by e-mail to rules@For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use distribution@Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site © Det Norske VeritasComputer Typesetting (Adobe FrameMaker) by Det Norske Veritas Printed in NorwayIf any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.GeneralThe present edition of the rules includes amendments and additions decided by the Board as of December 2008 and supersedes the Janu-ary 2006 edition of the same chapter.The rule changes come into force as indicated below.This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter. Supple-ments will not be issued except for an updated list of corrections pre-sented in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3. Pt.0 Ch.1 is normally revised in January and July each year.Revised chapters will be forwarded to all subscribers to the rules.Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of rule chap-ters printed in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.1 to ensure that the chapter is current.Main changes coming into force 1 July 2009•General—The notation (CAA-N) has been included (evaluation of helicop-ter deck for compliance with the Norwegian Civil Aviation Au-thorities helicopter operation regulations BSL D 5-1 governing Norwegian Continental Shelf operation).—Requirements taking into account "green sea" on pillars, support-ing helicopter decks located in the fore ship, have been added un-der Sec.2 B500.—Safety requirements based on “CAP 437 - offshore helicopterlanding areas - guidance on standards, January 2005 edition”(UK Civil Aviation Authorities Publications), and fire safety re-quirements for helicopter deck installations as required by SOLAS, have been incorporated.—Any references to naval standards have been removed.Corrections and ClarificationsIn addition to the above stated rule requirements, a number of correc-tions and clarifications have been made in the existing rule text.Rules for Ships, January 2009Pt.6 Ch.1 Contents – Page 3D ET N ORSKE V ERITASCONTENTSSEC. 1GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.......................... 5A.Classification.. (5)A 100Application........................................................................5A 200Class notations..................................................................5B.Definitions..............................................................................5B 100Symbols (5)C.Documentation (5)C 100General (5)SEC. 2HELICOPTER INSTALLATIONS................... 6A.General.. (6)A 100Classification.....................................................................6A 200Definitions.........................................................................6A 300Documentation..................................................................6A 400Materials ...........................................................................7A 500Steel and aluminium connections.....................................7B.Design Loads and Load Combinations. (8)B 100General..............................................................................8B 200Landing forces...................................................................8B 300Gravity and inertia forces(due to vessel motions and accelerations).........................8B 400Sea pressure.......................................................................8B 500Green sea...........................................................................8B 600Other loads........................................................................9C.Structural Strength (9)C 100General..............................................................................9C 200Deck plating and stiffeners...............................................9C 300Girders and supporting structures ofseparate platforms.............................................................9C 400Miscellaneous .................................................................10D.Miscellaneous.. (10)D 100Personnel safety..............................................................10D 200Tie-down points..............................................................11D 300Surface friction of helicopter deck..................................11E.Requirements for Vessel Safety (HELDK-S ) (11)E 100Fire-fighting - General....................................................11E 200Structural fire integrity....................................................11E 300Fire fighting equipment...................................................11E400Communication between helicopter and vessel (11)F.Requirements for Helicopter Safety(HELDK-SH ) (12)F 100Size of helicopter deck....................................................12F 200Location..........................................................................12F 300Height of obstacles..........................................................12F 400Daylight marking............................................................12F 500Night operation marking.................................................13F 600Instrumentation (13)G.Requirements for Helicopter Refuelling andHangar Facilities (HELDK-SHF ) (13)G 100Classification and application.........................................13G 200Helicopter refuelling area................................................13G 300Hangar.............................................................................13H.(CAA-N)................................................................................14H 100Application. (14)I.Certification and Testing (14)I 100General............................................................................14I 200Certification....................................................................14I 300Testing of landing area and hangar deck........................14I 400Testing of visual landing aids.. (14I)500Testing of fire protection (14)SEC. 3SHIPBOARD CRANES.................................... 16A.General.. (16)A 100Classification...................................................................16A 200Scope...............................................................................16A 300Documentation................................................................16B.Design Loads.......................................................................16B 100General (16)C.Overturning and Sliding (16)C 100Overturning.....................................................................16C 200Sliding.............................................................................16D.Testing.................................................................................16D 100General (16)E.Stability (16)E 100Stability requirements for heavy lift operations (16)SEC. 4DIVING SYSTEMS .......................................... 17A.General.. (17)A 100Classification...................................................................17A 200Scope...............................................................................17A 300Documentation................................................................17B.Position Keeping.................................................................17B 100General............................................................................17C.Diving System Arrangement Layout and Location.. (17)C 100General (17)D.Electrical Systems (17)D 100General (17)E.Fire Prevention, Detection and Extinction (18)E 100General (18)F.Sanitary Systems for DSV-BOUNCE andDSV-SAT systems (18)F 100General............................................................................18G.Testing.................................................................................18G 100General............................................................................18H.Stability and Floatability...................................................18H 100General. (18)I.Hyperbaric Evacuation Systems (18)I100General (18)SEC. 5DEICING AND ANTI-ICING SYSTEMS ..... 19A.General.. (19)A 100Application......................................................................19A 200Assumption.....................................................................19A 300Classification...................................................................19A 400Scope...............................................................................19A 500Definitions.......................................................................19A 600Documentation................................................................19A 700Testing.............................................................................19B.Stability and Watertight Integrity (19)B 100General............................................................................19B 200Icing stability (19)C.Anti-icing and Deicing Arrangements andEquipment (20)C 100General............................................................................20C 200Class notation DEICE - general.....................................20C 300Class notation DEICE - additional measures fortankers (gas, oil, chemical).............................................21C 400Class notation DEICE-C for supply vessels...................21C 500Class notation DEICE-C for tankers..............................21C 600Special equipment...........................................................21C700Power generator capacity (21)Rules for Ships, January 2009Pt.6 Ch.1 Contents – Page 4D ET N ORSKE V ERITASSEC. 6ADDITIONAL OIL POLLUTIONPREVENTION MEASURES -FUEL OIL SYSTEMS........................................ 22A.General.. (22)A 100Application......................................................................22A 200Classification...................................................................22A 300Documentation (22)A 400Definitions.......................................................................22B.Arrangement of Fuel Oil Tanks........................................22B 100General............................................................................22C.Sundry. (23)C 100General (23)Rules for Ships, January 2009Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.1 – Page 5D ET N ORSKE V ERITASSECTION 1GENERAL REQUIREMENTSA. ClassificationA 100Application101 The rules in this chapter apply to vessels with various special equipment and or arrangements not covered by chap-ters dealing with particular equipment or types of vessel. The requirements shall be regarded as supplementary to those giv-en for the assignment of main class.A 200Class notations201 Vessels with equipment and or arrangements complying with relevant additional requirements of this chapter will be as-signed one of the class notations given in Table A1.B. DefinitionsB 100Symbols101 The following symbols are used:L =rule length (m)B =rule breadth (m)D =rule depth (m)T =rule draught (m)f 1 =material factor= 1.0 for NV-NS steel = 1.08 for NV-27 steel = 1.28 for NV-32 steel = 1.39 for NV-36 steel =1.47 for NV-40 steelFor details see Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.2 B for normal steel and Pt.3 Ch.1Sec.2 C for alternative materials. Note remark on reduced yield stress in heat affected zones for aluminium.C. DocumentationC 100General101 Plans and particulars to be submitted for approval or in-formation are specified in the respective sections of this chap-ter.Table A1 Class notationsHELDK, HELDK-S , HELDK-SH orHELDK-SHF equipped with helicopter deck (See Sec.2)(CAA-N)implies that the helicopter facility has been evaluated for compliance with the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authorities helicopter operation regulations BSL D 5-1 governing Norwegian Continental Shelf operations CRANEequipped with shipboard crane (See Sec.3)DSV-SURFACE, DSV-BOUNCE or DSV-SATequipped with diving systems (See Sec.4)DEICE or DEICE-C equipped with de-icing / anti-icing systems (See Sec.5)OPP-Farranged and equipped with additional oil pollution prevention measures - fuel oil systems (See Sec.6)Rules for Ships, January 2009Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.2 – Page 6D ET N ORSKE V ERITASSECTION 2HELICOPTER INSTALLATIONSA. GeneralA 100Classification101 The requirements in this section apply to vessels with an erected landing platform for helicopters or a landing area ar-ranged directly on the weather deck or on the top of deckhouse.These requirements shall be regarded as supplementary to those given for the assignment of main class.The requirements are not intended to apply to landing areas used for occasional or emergency operations as regulated by SOLAS Ch. II-2 Reg. 18.2.2.Guidance note:The non-structural requirements given to the helicopter deck notations are based on “CAP 437 - offshore helicopter landing areas - guidance on standards, January 2005 edition” (UK Civil Aviation Authorities Publications).---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---102 Class notation HELDK requires compliance with the re-quirements given in A, B, C and D.Guidance note 1:It will be necessary also to comply with statutory vessel safety regulations of the state in which the vessel is registered and hel-icopter safe operation demands by the operators or guidance in this respect by helicopter registry authorities or aviation authori-ties. This applies to for example:-size, location and marking of helicopter deck -obstacle free approach and take-off sectors -rescue and fire-fighting (RFF) equipment.If Det Norske Veritas is delegated to issue SOLAS Safety Con-struction and Safety Equipment Certificates, SOLAS Reg. II-2/18 will apply as a minimum requirement with respect to fire safe-ty.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---Guidance note 2:The responsibility for meeting any national requirements not covered by these rules rests with the operator of the vessel on which the helicopter deck is arranged.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---103 If the requirements given in A, B, C, D and E are satis-fied, the notation may be extended to HELDK-S .Guidance note:HELDK-S requirements represent minimum shipboard safety requirements according to CAP 437 and SOLAS with regard to fire safety and means of escape.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---104 If the requirements given in A, B, C, D, E and F are sat-isfied, the notation may be extended to HELDK-SH .Guidance note:HELDK-SH requirements represent in addition to S, the mini-mum requirement to location and size of helicopter deck, height of obstacles, marking, lights and instrumentation for safe heli-copter operations with CAP 437 as basis for details given.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---105 If the requirements given in A, B, C, D, E, F and G are satisfied, the notation may be extended to HELDK-SHF .Guidance note:HELDK-SHF provides requirements for on-board helicopter service facilities.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---A 200Definitions201 The following terms and abbreviations are used:—Helideck is a purpose built helicopter landing area locatedon a ship including all structure, fire-fighting appliances and other equipment necessary for the safe operation of helicopters.—Helicopter facility is a helideck including any refuellingand hangar facilities.—Helicopter landing area means an area on a ship designedfor emergency landing of helicopters.—RAST means recovery assist, secure and traverse.—SHOLS means ship helicopter operations limitations.A 300Documentation301 For class notation HELDK the following documentation shall be submitted for approval:a)Structural design and details with scantlings and particu-lars of materials used.b)Tie-down points, type and location on helicopter deck.c)Details of steel and aluminium connections as given in 500where such connections are used.d)Details on safety net, including strength.e)Details on landing net/ rope net, where such net is used.f)Supporting hull structure shall be clearly shown on thesubmitted drawings and the reaction forces at the hull sup-ports shall be specified.g)For erected helicopter decks where the deck is built up byunconventional profiles, the capacity of the profiles shall be documented by load test(s).A load test procedure shall be submitted for review prior to the load test being carried out.The load test shall be witnessed by a DNV surveyor.A report documenting the test and its results shall be appraised by DNV.Requirements to the load test:1)The beam shall be load tested without any permanent de-flections with a load of 3 times the fraction of the maxi-mum take-off mass of helicopter, acting on the wheel(s)/part of tubular skid having the highest load.2)Length between the supports shall be equal to or biggerthan the maximum span that is used in the in the applicable design.3)The support of the beam(s) shall reflect the worst possiblesituation in the applicable design.4)The test load shall be distributed over an area equal to thecontact area during landing, as specified by the helicopter manufacturer.When simulating the contact area for the helicopter wheels,rubber pads, equivalent in size to the contact area, shall be fit-ted on the steel plate to which the force is applied.Rules for Ships, January 2009Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.2 – Page 7D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS302 For class notation HELDK the following documentation shall be submitted for information:a)Plans showing arrangement of the helicopter deck.b)Structural strength calculations for helicopter deck andsupporting structure, including information on all relevant design loads. Helicopter wheel load distribution shall be specified.c)Type, overall length with rotors running and maximum to-tal mass of helicopter shall be specified. 303 Other plans, specifications or information may be re-quired depending on the arrangement and the equipment used in each separate case.See Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4 and Pt.5, as appropriate.304 For class notation HELDK-S the following additional documentation shall be submitted for approval:a)Arrangement plan showing:—escape routes—materials in helicopter deck and possible insulationtowards superstructure—location of rescue- and fire fighting equipment—if relevant, location of hatches in the helicopter deck.b)Details and capacity calculations for the fixed foam fireextinguishing.c)Drainage arrangement.d)Details on communication between helicopter and vessel.305 For class notation HELDK-SH the following documen-tation shall be submitted for approval in addition to what is re-quested under 301-305:a)Obstacle free sector, including height of all obstacles.b)Daylight and night operation marking, including wiringdiagram for lights.c)Details and position of wind indicator.d)Test report for fire test of aluminium helicopter deck if ap-plicable, see 505.306 For class notation HELDK-SHF the following docu-mentation shall be submitted for approval in addition to what is requested under 301-306 for refuelling areas:a)Arrangement of helicopter refuelling area and position inrelation to accommodation and embarkation areas.b)Area classification for re-fuelling area if fuel with flash-point below 60º is used.c)Details of drainage facilities in way of the refuelling area.d)Details of helicopter fuel storage tank including: materialspecification, inspection hatch, level indicator and ventila-tion and fastening of tank to ship structure.e)Piping system for refuelling including: pump, filters, flow-meter, delivery hose, bounding cable and emergency shut down arrangement from safe location.f)Additional fire extinguishers and foam applicator cover-ing the refuelling unit.307 For class notation HELDK-SHF the following docu-mentation shall be submitted for approval in addition to what is requested under 301-306 for hangar/service area:a)Detailed structural drawings of hangar and hangar door.Functional loads /design information e.g. horizontal com-ponent of the helicopter down wash on hangar to be spec-ified.b)Fire rating of bulkheads and decks, doors and closing ap-pliances.c)Ventilation arrangement of hangar.d)Helicopter hangar layout with drainage arrangements andrope nets and rapid securing or traversing system (recessed grid, rails and other arrangements).e)Particulars about non skid coating on the deck betweenlanding area and hangar and in the hangar. f)Tie-down points, type and location in hangar.g)Hangar layout including location of equipment.h)Specification and location of fixed fire extinguishing ar-rangements in the hangar, including equipment and calcu-lation of discharge capacities.i)Specification and location of fire detectors, alarm devicesand call points.j)Specification of electrical installation in defined gas haz-ardous areas in the hangar, in accordance with Pt.4 Ch.8Sec.11 B102.k)Escape routes from the hangar.308 For class notation (CAA-N) the following documenta-tion shall be submitted for information:a)Confirmation of documented turbulence condition for thehelicopter deck.A 400Materials401 The grades of steel and aluminium materials shall be in compliance with the requirements for hull materials given in Pt.3 Ch.1.A 500Steel and aluminium connections501 In sea exposed areas, to prevent galvanic corrosion, a non-hygroscopic insulation material shall be applied between steel and aluminium. Bolts with nuts and washers shall be of stainless steel.Guidance note:Stainless steel shim is considered applicable non-hygroscopic material.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---502 Horizontal inertia forces in bolted connections may be required to be taken up by metal to metal stoppers with insula-tion tape in the gap.503 Aluminium superstructures, which are provided with in-sulating material between aluminium and steel, shall be earthed to the hull. See Pt.4 Ch.8.504 For welded connections, any bimetallic connection flats shall be delivered from approved manufacturer and with DNV certificate.505 These rules consider aluminium helicopter decks as be-ing equivalent to steel with respect to fire integrity when tested as outlined below.Test procedure:—Size of prototype helicopter deck 5x5 m.— A static load simulating actual helicopter weight to bepresent on the deck.—Helicopter fuel shall be continuously supplied to the deckfor 10 minutes, so that the deck is filled with fuel at all times during the test. At all times during the test should fuel be dripping from drainage arrangements while there is a fire on the deck.Acceptance criteria (visual observations of the deck and seal-ing):Rules for Ships, January 2009Pt.6 Ch.1 Sec.2 – Page 8D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS—The helicopter deck shall not collapse or be deformed.—No fuel leakage or flames shall be observed under thedeck. The test shall be witnessed by a recognized Society.Guidance note 1:This test does not consider other aspects like for instance rotor damage caused by an overturned helicopter. For class notation HELDK-S/SH/SHF , aluminium helicopter decks are required to be tested as outlined above.The test report is subject to DNV's approval.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---Guidance note 2:For notation HELDK , SOLAS Ch. II-2 Reg. 18.3.2 will be used when DNV are delegated to issue SOLAS safety certificates.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---B. Design Loads and Load CombinationsB 100General101 The scantlings of each structural element shall be based on the most unfavourable of the following loading conditions:—landing condition—stowed condition (helicopter lashed onboard at sea).Guidance note:In the stowed condition, the helicopter deck strength and its sup-porting structure may be checked using Pt.3 Ch.1 and the wheel loading requirements given in Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.4.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---102 Both the normal operational conditions and any identifi-able accidental conditions shall be considered. The following loads are in general to be considered:—landing impact forces—gravity and inertia forces of the helicopter in stowed position —hull still water loads (applicable for use of weather decksas helicopter deck)—sea pressure.Guidance note:Wind loads on the helicopter in stowed condition may generally be neglected.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---103 For landing platforms erected as separate structure the following loads are also to be considered:—gravity and inertia forces of the structure with equipment —wind forces (for erected structures)—ice loads.104 In the landing condition, the landing impact force shall be combined with associated environmental loads. Heel and trim need normally not be considered.105 The loads in 200 to 500 shall be combined as follows:Operational conditions:1)Landing condition—landing force—gravity and inertia forces of the structure with equip-ment.2)Stowed condition (helicopter lashed onboard)—gravity and inertia of the helicopter—gravity and inertia of the structure with equipment —hull bending loads (only applicable for integrated hel-icopter decks)—sea pressure—ice loads on erected helicopter deck and supportingstructure—green sea on pillars supporting erected helicopterdecks.3)Wind lift forces on erected structures (no helicopter ondeck).B 200Landing forces201 The total vertical force from the helicopter during land-ing shall be taken not less than:P v =2 g 0 M H (kN)M H =maximum take-off mass in t of helicopter.The total force P v shall be considered as distributed on the hel-icopter's landing gear in the same manner as when the helicop-ter is resting on a horizontal surface and the helicopter's centre of gravity is in its normal position in relation to the landing gear.B 300Gravity and inertia forces (due to vessel motions and accelerations)301 The dynamic design forces caused by the platform struc-ture itself and, if applicable, by the helicopter in it’s stowed po-sition are preferably to be taken either from direct calculations or model tests.302 Worst case realistic load combinations of static and dy-namic design forces shall be considered.Guidance note:For ships in world-wide operation, inertia forces can be deter-mined from Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4, and combined according to Pt.3Ch.1 Sec.4 C500 for operational conditions.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---303 For vessels with class notation Supply Vessel the ac-celerations acting on the helicopter deck and supporting struc-ture shall be taken in accordance with Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.3 E200.B 400Sea pressure401 The sea pressure for superstructure deck and top of houses shall be taken in accordance with Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 C200.For elevated platforms with free water passage below, the re-duction 4 h 0 in the formula may be substituted by 4h 0 + k 0where k 0 = height of free water passage below in m. Minimum sea pressure is 2.5 kN/m 2.B 500Green sea501 Loads from green sea on pillars supporting erected heli-copter decks shall be included for helicopter deck positioned in the fore ship. The horizontal load caused by green sea is given by the following equation:p = 4.1 C D a (1.79 C W – h 0) [kN/m 2]C D =drag coefficient= 1.0 for circular cross section = 2.0 for non circular sections a = 2 + L/120, maximum 4.5L =length between perpendicularsh 0=vertical distance in m from the waterline at draught T to the load pointC W =wave load coefficient, see Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 B200.This is a horizontal load acting in the direction of the ship lon-gitudinal axis. It shall be used on the supporting structures, and shall be combined with acceleration loads as specified in Pt.3Ch.1 Sec.4 C500.。

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SURFACEVEHICLERECOMMENDED PRACTICESAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright © 2004 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)SAE J2534-1 Revised DEC2004TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Scope (5)2. References (5)2.1 Applicable Documents (5)2.1.1 SAE Publications (5)2.1.2 ISO Documents (6)3. Definitions (6)4. Acronyms (6)5. Pass-Thru C oncept (7)6. Pass-Thru System Requirements (8)6.1 P C Requirements (8)6.2 Software Requirements and Assumptions (8)6.3 Connection to PC (9)6.4 Connection to Vehicle............................................................................................................9 6.5 C ommunication Protocols (9)6.5.1 ISO 9141................................................................................................................................9 6.5.2 ISO 14230-4 (KWP2000).. (10)6.5.3 SAE J1850 41.6 kbps PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) (10)6.5.4 SAE J1850 10.4 kbps VPW (Variable Pulse Width) (10)6.5.5 C AN (11)6.5.6 ISO 15765-4 (CAN) (11)6.5.7 SAE J2610 DaimlerChrysler SCI (11)6.6 Simultaneous Communication on Multiple Protocols (11)6.7 Programmable Power Supply (12)6.8 Pin Usage (13)6.9 Data Buffering (14)6.10 Error Recovery (14)6.10.1 Device Not Connected (14)6.10.2 Bus Errors (14)7. Win32 Application Programming Interface (15)7.1 API Functions – Overview (15)7.2 API Functions - Detailed Information (15)7.2.1 PassThruOpen (15) C /C ++ Prototype (15) Parameters (16) Return Values (16)7.2.2 PassThru C lose (16) C /C ++ Prototype (16) Parameters (16) Return Values (17)7.2.3 PassThru C onnect (17) C /C ++ Prototype (17) Parameters (17) Flag Values (18) Protocal ID Values (19)SAE J2534-1 Revised DEC20047.2.3.5 Return Values (20)7.2.4 PassThruDisconnect............................................................................................................20 C /C ++ Prototype (20) Parameters (21) Return Values ......................................................................................................................21 7.2.5 PassThruReadMsgs. (21) C /C ++ Prototype (22) Parameters...........................................................................................................................22 Return Values . (23)7.2.6 PassThruWriteMsgs (23) C /C ++ Prototype ..................................................................................................................24 Parameters (24) Return Values (25)7.2.7 PassThruStartPeriodicMsg..................................................................................................26 C /C ++ Prototype (26) Parameters (26) Return Values ......................................................................................................................27 7.2.8 PassThruStopPeriodicMsg .. (27) C /C ++ Prototype (28) Parameters...........................................................................................................................28 Return Values . (28)7.2.9 PassThruStartMsgFilter.......................................................................................................28 C /C ++ Prototype (31) Parameters (31) Filter Types ..........................................................................................................................32 Return Values . (33)7.2.10 PassThruStopMsgFIlter (33) C /C ++ Prototype ..................................................................................................................33 Parameters (34) Return Values (34)7.2.11 PassThruSetProgrammingVoltage (34) C /C ++ Prototype (34) Parameters (35) Voltage Values (35) Return Values (35)7.2.12 PassThruReadVersion (36) C /C ++ Prototype (36) Parameters (36) Return Values (37)7.2.13 PassThruGetLastError (37) C /C ++ Prototype (37) Parameters (37) Return Values (37)7.2.14 PassThruIoctl (38) C /C ++ Prototype (38) Parameters (38) Ioctl ID Values (39) Return Values (39)7.3 IO C TL Section (40)7.3.1 GET_C ONFIG (41)7.3.2 SET_C ONFIG (42)SAE J2534-1 Revised DEC20047.3.3 READ_VBATT (46)7.3.4 READ_PROG_VOLTAGE....................................................................................................46 7.3.5 FIVE_BAUD_INIT . (47)7.3.6 FAST_INIT (47)7.3.7 C LEAR_TX_BUFFER (48)7.3.8 C LEAR_RX_BUFFER (48)7.3.9 C LEAR_PERIODI C _MSGS (49)7.3.10 C LEAR_MSG_FILTERS (49)7.3.11 C LEAR_FUN C T_MSG_LOOKUP_TABLE (49)7.3.12 ADD_TO_FUN C T_MSG_LOOKUP_TABLE (50)7.3.13 DELETE_FROM_FUN C T_MSG_LOOKUP_TABLE (50)8. Message Structure (51)8.1 C /C ++ Definition (51)8.2 Elements (51)8.3 Message Data Formats (52)8.4 Format Checks for Messages Passed to the API (53)8.5 Conventions for Returning Messages from the API (53)8.6 Conventions for Returning Indications from the API (53)8.7 Message Flag and Status Definitions..................................................................................54 8.7.1 RxStatus. (54)8.7.2 RxStatus Bits for Messaging Status and Error Indication....................................................55 8.7.3 TxFlags.................................................................................................................................56 9. DLL Installation and Registry...............................................................................................57 9.1 Naming of Files....................................................................................................................57 9.2 Win32 Registy. (57)9.2.1 User Application Interaction with the Registry (59)9.2.2 Attaching to the DLL from an application (60) Export Library Definition File (61)10. Return Value Error Codes (61)11. Notes (63)11.1 Marginal Indicia (63)Appendix A General ISO 15765-2 Flow Control Example (64)A.1 Flow Control Overview (64)A.1.1 Examples Overview (65)A.2 Transmitting a Segmented Message (66)A.2.1 C onversation Setup (66)A.2.2 Data Transmission (67)A.2.3 Verification (68)A.3 Transmitting an Unsegmented Message (69)A.3.1 Data Transmission (70)A.3.2 Verification (70)A.4 Receiving a Segmented Message (70)A.4.1 C onversation Setup (70)A.4.2 Reception Notification (70)A.4.3 Data Reception (71)A.5 Receiving and Unsegmented Messages (72)1.ScopeThis SAE Recommended Practice provides the framework to allow reprogramming software applications from all vehicle manufacturers the flexibility to work with multiple vehicle data link interface tools from multiple tool suppliers. This system enables each vehicle manufacturer to control the programming sequence for electronic control units (EC Us) in their vehicles, but allows a single set of programming hardware and vehicle interface to be used to program modules for all vehicle manufacturers.This document does not limit the hardware possibilities for the connection between the PC used for the software application and the tool (e.g., RS-232, RS-485, USB, Ethernet…). Tool suppliers are free to choose the hardware interface appropriate for their tool. The goal of this document is to ensure that reprogramming software from any vehicle manufacturer is compatible with hardware supplied by any tool manufacturer.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the C alifornia Air Resources Board (ARB) "OBD service information" regulations include requirements for reprogramming emission-related control modules in vehicles for all manufacturers by the aftermarket repair industry. This document is intended to conform to those regulations for 2004 and later model year vehicles. For some vehicles, this interface can also be used to reprogram emission-related control modules in vehicles prior to the 2004 model year, and for non-emission related control modules. For other vehicles, this usage may require additional manufacturer specific capabilities to be added to a fully compliant interface. A second part to this document, SAE J2534-2, is planned to include expanded capabilities that tool suppliers can optionally include in an interface to allow programming of these additional non-mandated vehicle applications. In addition to reprogramming capability, this interface is planned for use in OBD compliance testing as defined in SAE J1699-3. SAE J2534-1 includes some capabilities that are not required for Pass-Thru Programming, but which enable use of this interface for those other purposes without placing a significant burden on the interface manufacturers.Additional requirements for future model years may require revision of this document, most notably the inclusion of SAE J1939 for some heavy-duty vehicles. This document will be reviewed for possible revision after those regulations are finalized and requirements are better understood. Possible revisions include SAE J1939 specific software and an alternate vehicle connector, but the basic hardware of an SAE J2534 interface device is expected to remain unchanged.2.References2.1Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest version of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONSAvailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1850—Class B Data Communications Network InterfaceSAE J1939—Truck and Bus Control and Communications Network (Multiple Parts Apply)SAE J1962—Diagnostic ConnectorSAE J2610—DaimlerChrysler Information Report for Serial Data Communication Interface (SCI)2.1.2 ISO D OCUMENTSAvailable from ANSI, 25 west 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.ISO 7637-1:1990—Road vehicles—Electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling—Part 1:Passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with nominal 12 V supply voltageISO 9141:1989—Road vehicles—Diagnostic systems—Requirements for interchange of digital informationISO 9141-2:1994—Road vehicles—Diagnostic systems—C ARB requirements for interchange of digitalinformationISO 11898:1993—Road vehicles—Interchange of digital information—Controller area network (CAN) forhigh speed communicationISO 14230-4:2000—Road vehicles—Diagnostic systems—Keyword protocol 2000—Part 4:Requirements for emission-related systemsISO/FDIS 15765-2—Road vehicles—Diagnostics on controller area networks (C AN)—Network layerservicesISO/FDIS 15765-4—Road vehicles—Diagnostics on controller area networks (C AN)—Requirements foremission-related systems3.Definitions 3.1 RegistryA mechanism within Win32 operating systems to handle hardware and software configuration information.4. AcronymsAPI Application Programming InterfaceASCII American Standard Code for Information InterchangeCAN Controller Area NetworkC R C C yclic Redundancy C heckDLL Dynamic Link LibraryECU Electronic Control UnitIFR In-Frame ResponseIOCTL Input / Output ControlKWP Keyword ProtocolOEM Original Equipment ManufacturerP C Personal C omputerPWM Pulse Width ModulationSCI Serial Communications InterfaceSCP Standard Corporate ProtocolUSB Universal Serial BusVPW Variable Pulse Width5.Pass-Thru ConceptProgramming application software supplied by the vehicle manufacturer will run on a commonly available generic PC. This application must have complete knowledge of the programming requirements for the control module to be programmed and will control the programming event. This includes the user interface, selection criteria for downloadable software and calibration files, the actual software and calibration data to be downloaded, the security mechanism to control access to the programming capability, and the actual programming steps and sequence required to program each individual control module in the vehicle. If additional procedures must be followed after the reprogramming event, such as clearing Diagnostic Trouble C odes (DTC), writing part numbers or variant coding information to the control module, or running additional setup procedures, the vehicle manufacturer must either include this in the PC application or include the necessary steps in the service information that references reprogramming.This document defines the following two interfaces for the SAE J2534 pass-thru device:a. Application program interface (API) between the programming application running on a PC and asoftware device driver for the pass-thru deviceb. Hardware interface between the pass-thru device and the vehicleThe manufacturer of an SAE J2534 pass-thru device shall supply connections to both the PC and the vehicle. In addition to the hardware, the interface manufacturer shall supply device driver software, and a Windows installation and setup application that will install the manufacturer's SAE J2534 DLL and other required files, and also update the Windows Registry. The interface between the PC and the pass-thru device can be any technology chosen by the tool manufacturer, including RS-232, RS-485, USB, Ethernet, or any other current or future technology, including wireless technologies.All programming applications shall utilize the common SAE J2534 API as the interface to the pass-thru device driver. The API contains a set of routines that may be used by the programming application to control the pass-thru device, and to control the communications between the pass-thru device and the vehicle. The pass-thru device will not interpret the message content, allowing any message strategy and message structure to be used that is understood by both the programming application and the ECU being programmed. Also, because the message will not be interpreted, the contents of the message cannot be used to control the operation of the interface. For example, if a message is sent to the ECU to go to high speed, a specific instruction must also be sent to the interface to go to high speed.The OEM programming application does not need to know the hardware connected to the PC, which gives the tool manufacturers the flexibility to use any commonly available interface to the PC. The pass-thru device does not need any knowledge of the vehicle or control module being programmed. This will allow all programming applications to work with all pass-thru devices to enable programming of all control modules for all vehicle manufacturers.The interface will not handle the tester present messages automatically. The OEM application is responsible to handle tester present messages.6.3Connection to PCThe interface between the PC and the pass-thru device shall be determined by the manufacturer of the pass-thru device. This can be RS-232, USB, Ethernet, IEEE1394, Bluetooth or any other connection that allows the pass-thru device to meet all other requirements of this document, including timing requirements. The tool manufacturer is also required to include the device driver that supports this connection so that the actual interface used is transparent to both the PC programming application and the vehicle.6.4Connection to VehicleThe interface between the pass-thru device and the vehicle shall be an SAE J1962 connector for serial data communications. The maximum cable length between the pass-thru device and the vehicle is five (5) meters. The interface shall include an insulated banana jack that accepts a standard 0.175" diameter banana plug as the auxiliary pin for connection of programming voltage to a vehicle specific connector on the vehicle.If powered from the vehicle, the interface shall:a. operate normally within a vehicle battery voltage range of 8.0 to 18.0 volts D.C.,b. survive a vehicle battery voltage of up to 24.0 volts D.C. for at least 10 minutes,c. survive, without damage to the interface, a reverse vehicle battery voltage of up to 24.0 volts D.C. forat least 10 minutes.6.5Communication ProtocolsThe following communication protocols shall be supported:6.5.1ISO9141The following specifications clarify and, if in conflict with ISO 9141, override any related specifications in ISO 9141:a. The maximum sink current to be supported by the interface is 100 mA.b. The range for all tests performed relative to ISO 7637-1 is –1.0 to +40.0 V.c. The default bus idle period before the interface shall transmit an address, shall be 300 ms.d. Support following baud rate with ±0.5% tolerance: 10400.e. Support following baud rate with ±1% tolerance: 10000.f. Support following baud rates with ±2% tolerance: 4800, 9600, 9615, 9800, 10870, 11905, 12500,13158, 13889, 14706, 15625, and 19200.g. Support other baud rates if the interface is capable of supporting the requested value within ±2%.h. The baud rate shall be set by the application, not determined by the SAE J2534 interface. Theinterface is not required to support baud rate detection based on the synchronization byte.i. Support odd and even parity in addition to the default of no parity, with seven or eight data bits.Always one start bit and one stop bit.j. Support for timer values that are less than or greater than those specified in ISO 9141 (see Figure 30 in Section 7.3.2).k. Support ability to disable automatic ISO 9141-2 / ISO 14230 checksum verification by the interface to allow vehicle manufacturer specific error detection.l. If the ISO 9141 checksum is verified by the interface, and the checksum is incorrect, the message will be discarded.m. Support both ISO 9141 5-baud initialization and ISO 14230 fast initialization.n. Interface shall not adjust timer parameters based on keyword values.6.5.2ISO14230-4(KWP2000)The ISO 14230 protocol has the same specifications as the ISO 9141 protocol as outlined in the previous section. In addition, the following specifications clarify and, if in conflict with ISO 14230, override any related specifications in ISO 14230:a. The pass-thru interface will not automatically handle tester present messages. The application needsto handle tester present messages when required.b. The pass-thru interface will not perform any special handling for the $78 response code. Anymessage received with a $78 response code will be passed from the interface to the application. The application is required to handle any special timing requirements based on receipt of this response code, including stopping any periodic messages.6.5.3SAE J185041.6 KBPS PWM(P ULSE W IDTH M ODULATION)The following additional features of SAE J1850 must be supported by the pass-thru device:a. Capable of 41.6 kbps and high speed mode of 83.3 kbps.b. Recommend Ford approved SAE J1850PWM (SCP) physical layer6.5.4SAE J185010.4 KBPS VPW(V ARIABLE P ULSE W IDTH)The following additional features of SAE J1850 must be supported by the pass-thru device:a. Capable of 10.4 kbps and high speed mode of 41.6 kbpsb. 4128 byte block transferc. Return to normal speed after a break indication6.5.5CANThe following features of ISO 11898 (CAN) must be supported by the pass-thru device:a. 125, 250, and 500 kbpsb. 11 and 29 bit identifiersc. Support for 80% ± 2% and 68.5% ± 2% bit sample pointd. Allow raw C AN messages. This protocol can be used to handle any custom C AN messagingprotocol, including custom flow control mechanisms.6.5.6ISO15765-4(CAN)The following features of ISO 15765-4 must be supported by the pass-thru device:a. 125, 250, and 500 kbpsb. 11 and 29 bit identifiersc. Support for 80% ± 2% bit sample pointd. To maintain acceptable programming times, the transport layer flow control function, as defined inISO 15765-2, must be incorporated in the pass-thru device (see Appendix A). If the application does not use the ISO 15765-2 transport layer flow control functionality, the CAN protocol will allow for any custom transport layer.e. Receive a multi-frame message with an ISO15765_BS of 0 and an ISO15765_STMIN of 0, asdefined in ISO 15765-2.f. No single frame or multi-frame messages can be received without matching a flow control filter. Nomulti-frame messages can be transmitted without matching a flow control filter.g. Periodic messages will not be suspended during transmission or reception of a multi-framesegmented message.6.5.7SAE J2610D AIMLER C HRYSLER SCIReference the SAE J2610 Information Report for a description of the SCI protocol.When in the half-duplex mode (when SCI_MODE of TxFlags is set to {1} Half-Duplex), every data byte sent is expected to be "echoed" by the controller. The next data byte shall not be sent until the echo byte has been received and verified. If the echoed byte received doesn't match the transmitted byte, or if after a period of T1 no response was received, the transmission will be terminated. Matching echoed bytes will not be placed in the receive message queue.6.6Simultaneous Communication On Multiple ProtocolsThe pass-thru device must be capable of supporting simultaneous communication on multiple protocols during a single programming event. Figure 2 indicates which combinations of protocols shall be supported. If SC I (SAE J2610) communication is not required during the programming event, the interface shall be capable of supporting one of the protocols from data link set 1, data link set 2, and data link set 3. If SC I (SAE J2610) communication is required during the programming event, the interface shall be capable of supporting one of the SCI protocols and one protocol from data link set 1.6.9Data BufferingThe interface/API shall be capable of receiving 8 simultaneous messages. For ISO 15765 these can be multi-frame messages. The interface/API shall be capable of buffering a maximum length (4128 byte) transmit message and a maximum length (4128 byte) receive message.6.10Error Recovery6.10.1D EVICE N OT C ONNECTEDIf the DLL returns ERR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED from any function, that error shall continue to be returned by all functions, even if the device is reconnected. An application can recover from this error condition by closing the device (with PassThruC lose) and re-opening the device (with PassThruOpen, getting a new device ID).6.10.2B US E RRORSAll devices shall handle bus errors in a consistent manner. There are two error strategies: Retry and Drop.The Retry strategy will keep trying to send a packet until successful or stopped by the application. If loopback is on and the message is successfully sent after some number of retries, only one copy of the message shall be placed in the receive queue. Even if the hardware does not support retries, the firmware/software must retry the transmission. If the error condition persists, a blocking write will wait the specified timeout and return ERR_TIMEOUT. The DLL must return the number of successfully transmitted messages in pNumMsgs. The DLL shall not count the message being retried in pNumMsgs. After returning from the function, the device does not stop the retries. The only functions that will stop the retries are PassThruDisconnect (on that protocol), PassThruC lose, or PassThruIoctl (with an IoctllD of CLEAR_TX_BUFFER).Devices shall use the Retry strategy in the following scenarios:•All CAN errors, such as bus off, lack of acknowledgement, loss of arbitration, and no connection (lack of terminating resistor)•SAE J1850PWM or SAE J1850VPW bus fault (bus stuck passive) or loss of arbitration (bus stuck active)The Drop strategy will delete a message from the queue. The message can be dropped immediately on noticing an error or at the end of the transmission. PassThruWriteMsg shall treat dropped messages the same as successfully transmitted messages. However, if loopback is on, the message shall not be placed in the receive queue.Devices shall use the Drop strategy in the following scenarios:•If characters are echoed improperly in SCI•Corrupted ISO 9141 or ISO 14230 transmission•SAE J1850PWM lack of acknowledgement (Exception: The device must try sending the message 3 times before dropping) C / C++ Prototypeextern “C” long WINAPI PassThruReadMsgs(unsigned long ChannelID,*pMsg,PASSTHRU_MSGunsigned long *pNumMsgs,unsigned long Timeout) The channel ID assigned by the PassThruConnect function.pMsg Pointer to message structure(s).pNumMsgs Pointer to location where number of messages to read is specified. On return from the function this location will contain the actual number of messages read.Timeout Read timeout (in milliseconds). If a value of 0 is specified the function retrieves up to pNumMsgs messages and returns immediately. Otherwise, the API will not return untilthe Timeout has expired, an error has occurred, or the desired number of messageshave been read. If the number of messages requested have been read, the functionshall not return ERR_TIMEOUT, even if the timeout value is zero.When using the ISO 15765-4 protocol, only SingleFrame messages can be transmitted without a matching flow control filter. Also, P I bytes are transparently added by the API. See PassThruStartMsgFilter and Appendix A for a discussion of flow control filters. C / C++ Prototypeextern “C” long WINAPI PassThruWriteMsgs(u nsigned long ChannelID,*pMsg,PASSTHRU_MSGunsigned long *pNumMsgs,unsigned long Timeout) The channel ID assigned by the PassThruConnect function.pMsg Pointer to message structure(s).pNumMsgs Pointer to the location where number of messages to write is specified. On return will contain the actual number of messages that were transmitted (when Timeout is non-zero) or placed in the transmit queue (when Timeout is zero).Timeout Write timeout (in milliseconds). When a value of 0 is specified, the function queues as many of the specified messages as possible and returns immediately. When a valuegreater than 0 is specified, the function will block until the Timeout has expired, an errorhas occurred, or the desired number of messages have been transmitted on the vehiclenetwork. Even if the device can buffer only one packet at a time, this function shall beable to send an arbitrary number of packets if a Timeout value is supplied. Since thefunction returns early if all the messages have been sent, there is normally no penalty forhaving a large timeout (several seconds). If the number of messages requested havebeen written, the function shall not return ERR_TIMEOUT, even if the timeout value iszero.W hen an ERR_TIMEOUT is returned, only the number of messages that were sent onthe vehicle network is known. The number of messages queued is unknown. Applicationwriters should avoid this ambiguity by using a Timeout value large enough to work onslow devices and networks with arbitration delays.。



海事劳工符合声明第一部分中英双语Maritime Safety Administration ofthe People’s Republic of China海事劳工符合声明-第I部分Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance-Part I(注:本声明必须附于船舶的海事劳工符合证明之后)(Note:This Declaration must be attached to the ship’s Statement of Maritime Labour Compliance)签发This Declaration is issued by the Maritime Safety Administration of People’s Republic of China就《2006年海事劳工公约》的规定而言,下述船舶With respect to the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention,2006,the following referenced ship:与公约标准A5.1.3保持一致:Is maintained in accordance with Standard A5.1.3 of the Convention:下面的签字者代表上述主管当局声明:The undersigned declares, on behalf of the abovementioned competent authority ,that:(a) 《海事劳工公约》的规定已充分体现在下述国家要求之中:(a) the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention are fully embodied in the following national requirements referred to below;(b) 这些国家要求收录在下文所述的国家规定中;凡必要时提供了关于这些规定内容的解释:(b) these national requirements are contained in the national provisions stated below; explanations concerning the content of those provisions are provided necessary;(c) 根据第六条第3款和第4款的任何实质上等效的细节在下述部分提供:(c) the details of any substantial equivalencies under Article VI, paragraphs 3 and 4, are provided in the following sections;(d) 主管机关根据标题三所准予的任何免除在下文专门部分明确指出;(d) any exemptions granted by the competent authority in accordance with Title 3 are clearly indicated in the section provided for this purpose below; and(e) 在有关要求中还提及了国家立法中对任何船舶类型的具体要求。



南京理工大学工程硕士生手册〔试行〕南京理工大学研究生院二〇〇六年三月目录南京理工大学工程硕士培养过程主要阶段工作概览 (1)南京理工大学工程硕士培养方案设置原那么………………………3南京理工大学工程硕士领域 (6)南京理工大学工程硕士专业学位教育工作规定 (7)南京理工大学工程硕士专业学位管理工作规定 (10)南京理工大学工程硕士专业学位授予工作细那么.....................13南京理工大学工程硕士学位论文工作程序 (17)南京理工大学工程硕士学位论文撰写格式 (20)南京理工大学工程硕士培养过程主要阶段工作概览一、入学登记1、新生持我校签发的?入学通知书?和本人身份证,按期办理入学手续。












j. am. chem. soc.的文章类型 -回复

j. am. chem. soc.的文章类型 -回复

j. am. chem. soc.的文章类型-回复在此我假设您是要求写一篇1500-2000字长的文章,这篇文章的主题是有关"j. am. chem. soc."(即"Journal of the American Chemical Society",简称JACS)的文章类型。




以下是几种常见的JACS文章类型的介绍:1. Communication(通信):Communication是JACS中最常见的文章类型之一,它通常是对于某一最新研究成果的简短报道。



2. Article(论文):Article是JACS中的一种全文研究论文,是对研究工作的全面描述和解释。



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中国加入取消外国公文书认证要求的公约的英语通告China's Accession to the Convention on Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents - English AnnouncementThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China is pleased to announce that China has officially joined the Convention on Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, also known as the Apostille Convention.Effective from the date of this announcement, the requirement for the legalization of foreign public documents, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, academic degrees, and others, is abolished for use within the territories of both China and the countries party to the Apostille Convention.The Apostille Convention simplifies the process of authenticating public documents for cross-border use. Under this Convention, the legal validity of public documents issued by one member country will be recognized automatically by other member countries, without the need for any further certification.This move by China aims to enhance the efficiency and convenience of cross-border transactions and interactions, promote international cooperation, and facilitate the flow of trade, investment, education, and cultural exchanges.With this change, individuals and organizations holding Chinese public documents or foreign public documents intended for use inChina can now simply obtain an apostille, a special certificate, from the competent authority designated by the issuing country, instead of undergoing numerous authentication procedures.Nonetheless, it is important to note that the Apostille Convention only applies to public documents and does not cover commercial documents or documents issued by diplomatic or consular officials.China's accession to the Apostille Convention signifies the country's commitment to international legal standards and its desire to foster a more open and accessible environment for international exchanges.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs encourages all relevant authorities, organizations, and individuals to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Apostille Convention and adhere to its requirements, ensuring a smooth transition and implementation of this important international agreement.For more information and guidance on the application and use of apostilles in China, please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' official website or contact the nearest Chinese diplomatic mission. Thank you for your attention.Ministry of Foreign AffairsPeople's Republic of China。



无机非金属检验认定证书英文回答:Inorganic Non-Metallic Inspection and Certification.Inorganic non-metallic materials are a type of material that does not contain carbon. They are typically hard, brittle, and have a high melting point. Inorganic non-metallic materials are used in a wide variety of applications, including construction, electronics, and transportation.The Inorganic Non-Metallic Inspection and Certification (INMIC) program is a voluntary program that provides third-party certification of the quality of inorganic non-metallic materials. The program is administered by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and is based on the ISO 17025 standard.To become certified under the INMIC program, alaboratory must meet the following requirements:The laboratory must have a quality management system that meets the requirements of ISO 17025.The laboratory must have the technical competence to perform the tests required for certification.The laboratory must have a system for managing conflict of interest.The INMIC program provides a number of benefits to certified laboratories. These benefits include:Increased credibility with customers.Improved access to new markets.Reduced risk of liability.Enhanced ability to meet regulatory requirements.The INMIC program is a valuable tool for laboratories that test inorganic non-metallic materials. The program provides third-party certification of the quality of laboratory testing, which can lead to a number of benefits for certified laboratories.中文回答:无机非金属检验认定证书。



International Classification for Standards (ICS)编码英文名称中文名称01GENERALITIES. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION综合、术语学、标准化、文献01.020Terminology (principles and coordination)术语学(原则和协调配合)01.040Vocabularies词汇01.040.01Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Vocabularies)综合、术语学、标准化、文献 (词汇)社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织与管理、行政、运输 (词汇)01.040.03Sociology. Services. Company organization and management. Administration. Transport(Vocabularies)01.040.07Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies)数学、自然科学 (词汇)01.040.11Health care technology (Vocabularies)医药卫生技术(词汇)01.040.13Environment and health protection. Safety (Vocabularies)环保、保健与安全 (词汇)01.040.17Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies)计量学和测量、物理现象 (词汇)01.040.19Testing (Vocabularies)试验 (词汇)01.040.21Mechanical systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)机械系统和通用件 (词汇)01.040.23Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)流体系统和通用件 (词汇)01.040.25Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)机械制造 (词汇)01.040.27Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies)能源和热传导工程 (词汇)01.040.29Electrical engineering (Vocabularies)电气工程 (词汇)01.040.31Electronics (Vocabularies)电子学 (词汇)01.040.33Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering (Vocabularies)电信、音频和视频技术 (词汇)01.040.35Information technology. Office machines (Vocabularies)信息技术、办公机械设备 (词汇)01.040.37Image technology (Vocabularies)成像技术 (词汇)01.040.39Precision mechanics. Jewelry (Vocabularies)精密机械、珠宝 (词汇)01.040.43Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies)道路车辆工程 (词汇)01.040.45Railway engineering (Vocabularies)铁路工程 (词汇)01.040.47Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies)造船和海上建筑物 (词汇)01.040.49Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies)航空器和航天器技术 (词汇)01.040.53Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies)材料储运设备 (词汇)01.040.55Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies)货物的包装和调运 (词汇)01.040.59Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies)纺织和皮革技术 (词汇)01.040.61Clothing industry (Vocabularies)服装工业 (词汇)01.040.65Agriculture (Vocabularies)农业 (词汇)01.040.67Food technology (Vocabularies)食品技术 (词汇)01.040.71Chemical technology (Vocabularies)化工技术 (词汇)01.040.73Mining and minerals (Vocabularies)采矿和矿产品 (词汇)01.040.75Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies)石油及有关技术 (词汇)01.040.77Metallurgy (Vocabularies)冶金 (词汇)01.040.79Wood technology (Vocabularies)木材加工(词汇)01.040.81Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies)玻璃和陶瓷工业 (词汇)01.040.83Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies)橡胶和塑料工业 (词汇)01.040.85Paper technology (Vocabularies)造纸技术 (词汇)01.040.87Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies)涂料和颜料工业 (词汇)01.040.91Construction materials and building (Vocabularies)建筑材料和建筑物 (词汇)01.040.93Civil engineering (Vocabularies)土木工程 (词汇)01.040.95Military engineering (Vocabularies)军事工程 (词汇)01.040.97Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sport (Vocabularies)家用和商用设备、体育、文娱 (词汇)01.060Quantities and units量和单位01.070Colour coding颜色编码01.075Character symbols字符符号01.080Graphical symbols图形符号01.080.01Graphical symbols in general图形符号综合01.080.10Public information symbols公共信息符号01.080.20Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment专用设备用图形符号01.080.30Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction drawings, diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation 机械工程和建筑制图、图表、设计图、地图和相关的技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.40Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineering drawings, diagrams,电气工程和电子工程制图、示意图、图表和相关技术产品文件用图形符号charts and in relevant technical product documentation信息技术和电信技术制图与相关技术产品文件用图形符号01.080.50Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunications technicaldrawings and in relevant technical product documentation01.080.99Other graphical symbols其他图形符号01.100Technical drawings技术制图01.100.01Technical drawings in general技术制图综合01.100.20Mechanical engineering drawings机械工程制图01.100.25Electrical and electronics engineering drawings电气和电子工程制图01.100.27Technical drawings for telecommunications and information technology fields信息技术和电信领域用技术制图01.100.30Construction drawings工程建设制图01.100.40Drawing equipment制图设备01.100.99Other standards related to technical drawings其他制图标准01.110Technical product documentation技术产品文件01.120Standardization. General rules标准化总则01.140Information sciences. Publishing信息学、出版01.140.10Writing and transliteration文字字体与文字转写01.140.20Information sciences信息学01.140.30Documents in administration, commerce and industry行政管理、商业和工业文件01.140.40Publishing出版社会学、 服务、公司(企业)的组织和管理、行政、运输03SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES. COMPANY ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT.ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT03.020Sociology. Demography社会学、人口统计学03.040Labour. Employment劳动、就业03.060Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance金融、银行、货币体系、保险03.080Services服务03.080.01Services in general服务综合03.080.10Industrial services工业服务03.080.20Services for companies公司(企业)的服务03.080.30Services for consumers消费者服务03.080.99Other services其他服务03.100Company organization and management公司(企业)的组织与管理03.100.01Company organization and management in general公司(企业)的组织与管理综合03.100.10Purchasing. Procurement. Management of stock订购、收购、仓库管理03.100.20Trade. Commercial function. Marketing贸易、商业活动、市场营销03.100.30Management of human resources劳动资源管理03.100.40Research and development研究与开发03.100.50Production. Production management生产、生产管理03.100.60Accountancy会计03.100.99Other standards related to company organization and management有关公司(企业)组织管理的其他标准03.120Quality质量03.120.01Quality in general质量综合03.120.10Quality management and quality assurance质量管理和质量保证03.120.20Product and company certification. Conformity assessment产品认证和机构认证、合格评定03.120.30Application of statistical methods统计方法的应用03.120.99Other standards related to quality有关质量的其他标准03.140Patents. Intellectual property专利、知识产权03.160Law. Administration法律、行政管理03.180Education教育03.200Leisure. Tourism娱乐、旅游03.220Transport运输03.220.01Transport in general运输综合03.220.20Road transport道路运输03.220.30Transport by rail铁路运输03.220.40Transport by water水路运输03.220.50Air transport航空运输03.220.99Other forms of transport其他运输形式03.240Postal services邮政服务07MATHEMATICS. NATURAL SCIENCES数学、自然科学07.020Mathematics数学07.030Physics. Chemistry物理学、化学07.040Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography天文学、大地测量学、地理学07.060Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology地质学、气象学、水文学07.080Biology. Botany. Zoology生物学、植物学、动物学07.100Microbiology微生物学07.100.01Microbiology in general微生物学综合07.100.10Medical microbiology医学微生物学07.100.20Microbiology of water水微生物学07.100.30Food microbiology食品微生物学07.100.99Other standards related to microbiology有关微生物学的其他标准11HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY医药卫生技术11.020Medical Sciences and health care facilities in general医学科学和保健装置综合11.040Medical equipment医疗设备11.040.01Medical equipment in general医疗设备综合11.040.10Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimation equipment麻醉、呼吸和复苏设备11.040.20Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment输血、输液和注射设备11.040.30Surgical instruments and materials外科器械和材料11.040.40Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics外科植入物、假体和矫形11.040.50Radiographic equipment射线照相设备11.040.55Diagnostic equipment诊断设备11.040.60Therapy equipment治疗设备11.040.70Ophthalmic equipment眼科设备11.040.99Other medical equipment其他医疗设备11.060Dentistry牙科11.060.01Dentistry in general牙科综合11.060.10Dental materials牙科材料11.060.20Dental equipment牙科设备11.080Sterilization and disinfection消毒和灭菌11.080.01Sterilization and disinfection in general消毒和灭菌综合11.080.10Sterilizing equipment消毒设备11.080.20Disinfectants and antiseptics消毒剂和防腐剂11.080.30sterilized packaging封装消毒11.080.99Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection有关消毒和灭菌的其他标准11.100Laboratory medicine实验室医学11.120Pharmaceutics制药学11.120.01Pharmaceutics in general制药学综合11.120.10Medicaments药物11.120.20Medical materials医用材料11.120.99Other standards related to pharmaceutics有关制药学的其他标准11.140Hospital equipment医院设备11.160First aid急救11.180Aids for disabled or handicapped persons残疾人用设备11.200Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives人口控制、避孕器具11.220Veterinary medicine兽医学13ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH PROTECTION. SAFETY环保、保健与安全13.020Environmental protection环境保护13.020.01Environment and environmental protection in general环境和环境保护综合13.020.10Environmental management环境管理13.020.20Environmental economics环境经济13.020.30Environmental impact assessment环境影响评定13.020.40Pollution, pollution control and conservation污染、污染控制和保护13.020.50Ecolabelling环境分类13.020.60Product life-cycles产品寿命周期13.020.70Environmental projects环境规划13.020.99Other standards related to environmental protection有关环境的其他标准13.030Wastes废物13.030.01Wastes in general废物综合13.030.10Solid wastes固态废物13.030.20Liquid wastes. Sludge液态废物、污水13.030.30Special wastes特殊废物13.030.40Installations and equipment for waste disposal and treatment废物处置和处理设备与装置13.030.50Recycling回收13.030.99Other standards related to wastes有关废物的其他标准13.040Air quality空气质量13.040.01Air quality in general空气质量综合13.040.20Ambient atmospheres环境空气13.040.30Workplace atmospheres工作场所空气13.040.40Stationary source emissions固定源排放限值13.040.50Transport exhaust emissions移动源排放限值13.040.99Other standards related to air quality有关空气质量的其他标准13.060Water quality水质13.060.01Water quality in general水质综合13.060.10Water of natural resources天然水资源13.060.20Drinking water饮用水13.060.25Water for industrial use工业用水13.060.30Sewage water污水13.060.50Examination of water for chemical substances水的化学物质检验13.060.60Examination of physical properties of water水的物理性质检验13.060.70Examination of biological properties of water水的生物性质检验13.060.99Other standards related to water quality有关水质的其他标准13.080Soil quality. Pedology土质、土壤学13.080.01Soil quality and pedology in general土质和土壤学综合13.080.10Chemical characteristics of soils土壤的化学特性13.080.20Physical properties of soils土壤的物理性质13.080.30Biological properties of soils土壤的生物性质13.080.40Hydrological properties of soils土壤的水文性质13.080.99Other standards related to soils quality有关土质的其他标准13.100Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene职业安全、工业卫生13.110Safety of machinery机械安全13.120Domestic safety家用品安全13.140Noise with respect to human beings噪声(与人有关的)13.160Vibration and shock with respect to human beings振动和冲击(与人有关的)13.180Ergonomics人类工效学13.200Accident and disaster control事故和灾害控制13.220Protection against fire消防13.220.01Protection against fire in general消防综合13.220.10Fire-fighting灭火13.220.20Fire-protection防火13.220.40Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products材料和制品的阻燃性和燃烧性能13.220.50Fire-resistance of building materials and elements建筑材料和构件的阻燃性13.220.99Other standards related to protection against fire有关消防的其他标准13.230Explosion protection防爆13.240Protection against excessive pressure超压防护13.260Protection against electric shock电击防护13.280Radiation protection辐射防护13.300Protection against dangerous goods危险品防护13.310Protection against crime犯罪行为防范13.320Alarm and warning systems预警和报警系统13.340Protective equipment防护设备13.340.01Protective equipment in general防护设备综合13.340.10Protective clothing防护服装13.340.20Head protective equipment头部防护设备13.340.30Respiratory protective devices呼吸保护装置13.340.40Protective gloves防护手套13.340.50Protective footwear防护鞋袜13.340.99Other protective equipment其他防护设备17METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA计量学和测量、物理现象17.020Metrology and measurement in general计量学和测量综合17.040Linear and angular measurements长度和角度测量17.040.01Linear and angular measurements in general长度和角度测量综合17.040.10Limits and fits公差与配合17.040.20Properties of surfaces表面特征17.040.30Measuring instruments测量仪器仪表17.040.99Other standards related to linear and angular measurements有关长度和角度测量的其他标准17.060Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity体积、质量、密度和粘度的测量17.080Measurement of time, velocity, acceleration, angular velocity时间、速度、加速度、角速度的测量17.100Measurement of force, weight and pressure力、重力和压力的测量17.120Measurement of fluid flow流体流量的测量17.120.01Measurement of fluid flow in general流体流量的测量综合17.120.10Flow in closed conduits封闭管道中流量的测量17.120.20Flow in open channels明渠中流量的测量17.140Acoustics and acoustic measurements声学和声学测量17.140.01Acoustics measurements and noise abatement in general声学测量和噪声抑制综合17.140.20Noise emitted by machines and equipment机器和设备的噪声17.140.30Noise emitted by means of transport运输工具的噪声17.140.50Electroacoustics电声学17.140.99Other standards related to acoustics有关声学的其他标准17.160Vibrations, shock and vibration measurements振动、冲击和振动测量17.180Optics and optical measurements光学和光学测量17.180.01Optics and optical measurements in general光学和光学测量综合17.180.20Colours and measurement of light颜色和光的测量17.180.30Optical measuring instruments光学测量仪器17.180.99Other standards related to optics and optical measurements有关光学和光学测量的其他标准17.200Thermodynamics and temperature measurements热力学和温度测量17.200.01Thermodynamics in general热力学综合17.200.10Heat. Calorimetry热、量热学17.200.20Temperature-measuring instruments温度测量仪器仪表17.200.99Other standards related to thermodynamics有关热力学的其他标准17.220Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements电学、磁学、电和磁的测量17.220.01Electricity. Magnetism. General aspects电学、磁学一般特性17.220.20Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities电和磁量值的测量17.220.99Other standards related to electricity and magnetism有关电学和磁学的其他标准17.240Radiation measurements辐射测量19TESTING试验19.020Test conditions and procedures in general试验条件和规程综合19.040Environmental testing环境试验19.060Mechanical testing机械试验19.080Electrical and electronic testing电工和电子试验19.100Non-destructive testing无损检测19.120Particle size analysis. sieving粒度分析、筛分21MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERAL USE机械系统和通用件21.020Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment机器、装置、设备的特性和设计21.040Screw threads螺纹21.040.01Screw threads in general螺纹综合21.040.10Metric screw threads米制螺纹21.040.20Inch screw threads英制螺纹21.040.30Special screw threads特殊螺纹21.060Fasteners紧固件21.060.01Fasteners in general紧固件综合21.060.10Bolts, screws, studs螺栓、螺钉、螺柱21.060.20Nuts螺母21.060.30Washers, locking elements垫圈、锁紧件21.060.40Rivets铆钉21.060.50Pins, nails销、钉21.060.60Rings, bushes, sleeves, collars环、套管、管接头、承插21.060.70Clamps and staples卡箍和U形环21.060.99Other fasteners其他紧固件21.080Hinges, eyelets and other articulated joints铰链、孔眼和其他关节连接件21.100Bearings轴承21.100.01Bearings in general轴承综合21.100.10Plain bearings滑动轴承21.100.20Rolling bearings滚动轴承21.120Shafts and couplings轴和联轴器21.120.01Shafts and couplings in general轴和联轴器综合21.120.10Shafts轴21.120.20Couplings联轴器、离合器、磨擦器21.120.30Keys and keyways, splines键和键槽、花键21.120.40Balancing and balancing machines平衡和平衡机21.120.99Other standards related to shafts and couplings有关轴和联轴器的其他标准21.140Seals, glands密封件、密封装置21.160Springs弹簧21.180Housings, enclosures, other machine parts机箱、外壳、其他机械部件21.200Gears齿轮及齿轮传动21.220Flexible drives and transmissions挠性传动和传送21.220.01Flexible drives and transmissions in general挠性传动和传送综合21.220.10Belt drives and their components带传动及其零件21.220.20Cable or rope drives and their components缆索或绳索传动及其零件21.220.30Chain drives and their components链传动及其零件21.220.99Other flexible drives and transmissions其它挠性传动和传送21.240Rotary-reciprocating mechanisms and their parts旋转-往复式机构及其部件21.260Lubrication systems润滑系统23FLUID SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS FOR GENERAL USE流体系统和通用件23.020Fluid storage devices流体存储装置23.020.01Fluid storage devices in general流体存储装置综合23.020.10Stationary containers and tanks固定容器和罐23.020.20Vessels and containers mounted on vehicles车载槽罐和容器23.020.30Pressure vessels, gas cylinders压力容器、气瓶23.020.40Cryogenic vessels低温容器23.020.99Other fluid storage devices其他流体存储装置23.040Pipeline components and pipelines管道部件和管道23.040.01Pipeline components and pipelines in general管道部件和管道综合23.040.10Iron and steel pipes铁管和钢管23.040.15Non-ferrous metal pipes有色金属管23.040.20Plastics pipes塑料管23.040.40Metal fittings金属配件23.040.45Plastics fittings塑料配件23.040.50Pipes and fittings of other materials其他材料的管和配件23.040.60Flanges, couplings and joints法兰、管接头及其连接件23.040.70Hoses and hose assemblies软管和软管组件23.040.80Seals for pipe and hose assemblies管和软管组件的密封23.040.99Other pipeline components其他管道部件23.060Valves阀门23.060.01Valves in general阀门综合23.060.10Globe valves球阀23.060.20Ball and plug valves球闸阀和旋塞阀23.060.30Gate valves闸阀23.060.40Pressure regulators压力调节器23.060.50Check valves止回阀23.060.99Other valves其他阀门23.080Pumps泵23.100Fluid power systems流体动力系统23.100.01Fluid power systems in general流体动力系统综合23.100.10Pumps and motors泵和马达23.100.20Cylinders缸23.100.40Piping and couplings管道和管接头23.100.50Control components控制部件23.100.60Filters, seals and contamination of fluids过滤器、密封垫和流体杂质23.100.99Other fluid power system components其他流体系统部件23.120Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners通风机、风扇、空调器23.140Compressors and pneumatic machines压缩机和气动机械23.160Vacuum technology真空技术25MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING机械制造25.020Manufacturing forming processes制造成型过程25.040Industrial automation systems工业自动化系统25.040.01Industrial automation systems in general工业自动化系统综合25.040.10Machining centres机械加工中心25.040.20Numerically controlled machines数控机床25.040.30Industrial robots. Manipulators工业机器人、机械手25.040.40Industrial process measurement and control工业过程的测量与控制25.040.99Other industrial automation systems其他工业自动化系统25.060Machine tool systems机床装置25.060.01Machine tool systems in general机床装置综合25.060.10Modular units and other devices组合单元和其他装置25.060.20Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices分度和刀具/工件夹持装置25.060.99Other machine tool systems其他机床装置25.080Machine tools机床25.080.01Machine tools in general机床综合25.080.10Lathes车床25.080.20Boring and milling machines镗床和铣床25.080.25Planing machines刨床25.080.30Broaching machines拉床25.080.40Drilling machines钻床25.080.50Grinding and polishing machines磨床和抛光机25.080.60Sawing machines锯床25.080.99Other machine tools其他机床25.100Cutting tools切削工具25.100.01Cutting tools in general切削工具综合25.100.10Turning tools车刀25.100.20Milling tools铣刀25.100.25Tools for planing and broaching machines刨床、拉床用刀具25.100.30Drills, countersinks, reamers钻头、锪钻、铰刀25.100.40Saws锯25.100.50Taps and threading dies丝锥和板牙25.100.60Files锉刀25.100.70Abrasives磨料磨具25.100.99Other cutting tools其他切削刀具25.120Chipless working equipment无屑加工设备25.120.01Chipless working equipment in general无屑加工设备综合25.120.10Forging equipment. Presses. Shears锻压设备、冲压机、剪切机25.120.20Rolling, extruding and drawing equipment轧制、挤压和拉制设备25.120.30Moulding equipment模制设备和铸造设备25.120.40Electrochemical machines电化学加工机床25.120.99Other chipless working equipment其他无屑加工设备25.140Hand-held tools手持工具25.140.01Hand-held tools in general手持工具综合25.140.10Pneumatic tools气动工具25.140.20Electric tools电动工具25.140.30Hand-operated tools手动工具25.140.99Other hand-held tools其他手持工具25.160Welding, brazing and soldering焊接、钎焊和低温焊25.160.01Welding, brazing and soldering in general焊接、钎焊和低温焊综合25.160.10Welding processes焊接工艺25.160.20Welding consumables焊接消耗品25.160.30Welding equipment焊接设备25.160.40Welded joints焊接接头25.160.50Brazing and soldering钎焊和低温焊25.180Industrial furnaces工业炉25.180.01Industrial furnaces in general工业炉综合25.180.10Electric furnaces电炉25.180.20Fuel furnaces燃油炉25.200Heat treatment and coating热处理25.220Surface treatment and coating表面处理和涂覆25.220.01Surface treatment and coating in general表面处理和涂覆综合25.220.10Surface preparation表面预处理25.220.20Surface treatment表面处理25.220.40Metallic coatings金属镀层25.220.50Enamels搪瓷25.220.60Organic coatings有机涂层25.220.99Other treatments and coatings其他处理和涂覆27ENERGY AND HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING能源和热传导工程27.010Energy and heat transfer engineering in general能源和热传导工程综合27.020Internal combustion engines内燃机27.040Gas and steam turbines, Steam engines燃气和蒸汽轮机、蒸汽机27.060Burners. Boilers燃烧器、锅炉27.060.01Burners and Boilers in general燃烧器、锅炉综合27.060.10Liquid and solid fuel burners液体和固体燃料燃烧器27.060.20Gas fuel burners气体燃料燃烧器27.060.30Boilers and heat exchangers锅炉和热交换器27.070Fuel cells燃料电池27.080Heat pumps热泵27.100Power stations in general电站综合27.120Nuclear energy engineering核能工程27.120.01Nuclear energy in general核能综合27.120.10Reactor engineering反应堆工程27.120.20Nuclear power plants. Safety核电站、安全27.120.30Fissile materials裂变物质27.120.99Other standards related to nuclear energy有关核能的其他标准27.140Hydraulic energy engineering水力工程27.160Solar energy engineering太阳能工程27.180Wind turbine systems and other alternative sources of energy风力发电系统和其他能源27.200Refrigerating technology制冷技术27.220Heat recovery. Thermal insulation热回收、绝热29ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING电气工程29.020Electrical engineering in general电气工程综合29.030Magnetic materials磁性材料29.035Insulating materials绝缘材料29.035.01Insulating materials in general绝缘材料综合29.035.10Paper and board insulating materials纸和纸板绝缘材料29.035.20Plastics and rubber insulating materials塑料和橡胶绝缘材料29.035.30Ceramic and glass insulating materials陶瓷和玻璃绝缘材料29.035.50Mica based materials云母基材料29.035.60Varnished fabrics涂层织物29.035.99Other insulating materials其他绝缘材料29.040Insulating fluids绝缘流体29.040.01Insulating fluids in general绝缘流体综合29.040.10Insulating oils绝缘油29.040.20Insulating gases绝缘气体29.040.99Other insulating fluids其他绝缘流体29.045Semiconducting materials半导体材料29.050Conducting materials导体材料29.060Electrical wires and cables电线和电缆29.060.01Electrical wires and cables in general电线和电缆综合29.060.10Wires电线29.060.20Cables电缆29.080Insulation绝缘29.080.01Electrical insulation in general电绝缘综合29.080.10Insulators绝缘子29.080.20Bushings套管29.080.30Insulation systems绝缘系统29.080.99Other standards related to insulation有关绝缘的其他标准29.100Components for electrical equipment电工设备元件29.100.01Components for electrical equipment in general电工设备元件综合29.100.10Magnetic components磁性元件29.100.20Electrical and electromechanical components电工和机电元件29.100.99Other components for electrical equipment电工设备用其他元件29.120Electrical accessories电工器件29.120.01Electrical accessories in general电工器件综合29.120.10Conduits for electrical purposes导线管29.120.20Connecting devices连接装置29.120.30Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers插头、插座、联接器29.120.40Switches开关29.120.50Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices熔断器和其他过载保护装置29.120.70Relays继电器29.120.99Other electrical accessories其他电工器件29.130.01Switchgear and controlgear in general开关装置和控制器综合29.130.10High voltage switchgear and controlgear高压开关装置和控制器29.130.20Low voltage switchgear and controlgear低压开关装置和控制器29.130.99Other switchgear and controlgear其他开关装置和控制器29.140Lamps and related equipment电灯及有关装置29.140.01Lamps in general电灯综合29.140.10Lamp caps and holders灯头和灯座29.140.20Incandescent lamps白炽灯29.140.30Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps荧光灯、放电灯29.140.40Luminaires照明设备29.140.50Lighting installation systems照明安装系统29.140.99Other standards related to lamps有关灯的其他标准29.160Rotating machinery旋转电机29.160.01Rotating machinery in general旋转电机综合29.160.10Components for rotating machines旋转电机部件29.160.20Generators发电机29.160.30Motors电动机29.160.40Generating sets发电机组29.160.99Other standards related to rotating machinery有关旋转电机的其他标准29.180Transformers. Reactors变压器、电抗器29.200Rectifiers. Convertors. Stabilized power supply整流器、转换器、稳压电源29.220Galvanic cells and batteries电池和蓄电池29.220.01Galvanic cells and batteries in general电池和蓄电池综合29.220.10Primary cells and batteries原电池和蓄电池29.220.20Acid secondary cells and batteries酸性副电池及蓄电池29.220.30Alkaline secondary cells and batteries碱性副电池及蓄电池29.220.99Other cells and batteries其他电池和蓄电池29.240Power transmission and distribution networks输电网和配电网29.240.01Power transmission and distribution networks in general输电网和配电网综合29.240.10Substations. Surge arresters变电站、电涌放电器29.240.20Power transmission and distribution lines输电线路和配电线路29.240.30Control equipment for electric power systems电力系统用控制设备29.240.99Other equipment related to power transmission and distribution networks其他有关输电网和配电网的设备29.260Electrical equipments for working in special conditions特殊工作条件用电气设备29.260.01Electrical equipments for working in special conditions in general特殊工作条件用电气设备综合29.260.10Electrical installations for outdoor use户外用电气设备29.260.20Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres易爆环境用电气设备29.260.99Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions特殊工作条件用其他电气设备29.280Electric traction equipment电力牵引设备31ELECTRONICS电子学31.020Electronic components in general电子元件综合31.040Resistors电阻器31.040.01Resistors in general电阻器综合31.040.10Fixed resistors固定电阻器31.040.20Protentiometer, variable resistors电位器、可变电阻器31.040.30Thermistors热敏电阻器31.040.99Other resistors其他电阻器31.060Capacitors电容器31.060.01Capacitors in general电容器综合31.060.10Fixed capacitors固定电容器31.060.20Ceramic and mica capacitors陶瓷电容器和云母电容器31.060.30Paper and plastics capacitors纸介电容器和塑料膜电容器31.060.40Tantalum electrolytic capacitors钽电解电容器31.060.50Aluminium electrolytic capacitors铝电解电容器31.060.60Variable capacitors可变电容器31.060.70Power capacitors电力电容器31.060.99Other capacitors其他电容器31.080Semiconductor devices半导体器件31.080.01Semiconductor devices in general半导体器件综合31.080.10Diodes二极管31.080.20Thyristors晶体闸流管31.080.30Transistors三极管31.080.99Other semiconductor devices其他半导体器件31.100Electronic tubes电子管31.120Electronic display devices电子显示器件31.140Piezoelectric and dielectric devices压电器件和介质器件31.160Electric filters滤波器31.180Printed circuits and boards印制电路和印制电路板31.190Electric component assemblies电子器件组件31.200Integrated circuits. Microelectronics集成电路、微电子学31.220Electromechanical components for electronic and telecommunications equipment电子电信设备用机电零部件31.220.01Electromechanical components in general机电零部件综合31.220.10Plug-and-socket devices. Connectors插头和插座装置、连接器31.220.20Switches开关31.220.99Other electromechanical components其他机电零部件31.240Mechanical structures for electronic equipment电子设备用机械构件31.260Optoelectronics. Laser equipment光电子学、激光设备33TELECOMMUNICATIONS. AUDIO AND VIDEO ENGINEERING电信、音频和视频技术33.020Telecommunications in general电信综合33.030Telecommunication services. Applications电信业务、应用33.040Telecommunication systems电信系统33.040.01Telecommunication systems in general电信系统综合33.040.20Transmission systems传输系统33.040.30Switching and signalling systems交换和信令系统33.040.35Telephone networks电话网络33.040.40Data communication networks数据通信网络33.040.50Lines, connections and circuits线路、连接和电路33.040.99Other equipment for telecommunication systems其他电话、电报和电信系统用设备33.050Telecommunication terminal equipment电信终端设备33.050.01Telecommunication terminal equipment in general电信终端设备综合33.050.10Telephone equipment电话设备33.050.20Paging equipment寻呼设备33.050.30Equipment for telex, teletext, telefax用户电报、可视图文、传真设备33.050.99Other telecommunication terminal equipment其他电信终端设备33.060Radiocommunications无线通信33.060.01Radiocommunications in general无线通信综合33.060.20Receiving and transmitting equipment接收和发射设备33.060.30Radio relay and fixed satellite communications systems无线中继和固定卫星通信系统33.060.40Cabled distribution systems电缆分配系统33.060.60Mobile services, Terrestrial Trunked Radio(TETRA)移动业务、地面无线中继线路33.060.65Mobile services, paging systems移动业务、寻呼系统33.060.70Mobile services, Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications(DECT)移动业务、数字增强无绳电信系统(DECT)33.060.75Mobile services, Satellite移动业务、卫星33.060.80Mobile servies, Global System for Mobile Communication(GSM)移动业务、移动通信用全球系统(GSM)33.060.99Other equipment for radiocommunications其他无线通信设备33.080Integrated Services Digital Network(ISDN)综合业务数字网(ISDN)33.100Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC)电磁兼容性(EMC)33.100.01Electromagnetic compatibility in general电磁兼容性综合。

非发酵豆制品s c证书的办法流程及细节

非发酵豆制品s c证书的办法流程及细节

英文回答:The SC certificate for non—fermented beans is an important certificate required toply with the requirements of our Food Safety Act for applications for non—fermented beans。

The process of processing the certificate by the enterprise is strictly regulated。

The enterprise should prepare relevant documentation, including production processes,productponents, raw materials procurement channels and quality testing reports。

The enterprise is then required to submit an application to the local food and medicine supervisory authority and to pay the related fees。

Once the application is submitted, the supervisory authority will conduct on—site inspections of the enterprise ' s production sites and review the relevant information。

If certified, the Supervisory Authority will issue SC certificates for non—fermented beans。

certificate of non-modification -回复

certificate of non-modification -回复

certificate of non-modification -回复如何申请和获得“非改制证明书”。





















non-embarkation certificate -回复

non-embarkation certificate -回复

non-embarkation certificate -回复什么是“非上船证”?“非上船证”是指一种经营性船只的证明文件,它被用来证明船只并非用于载客或载货目的。











这些材料可能包括:- 船只登记证书:这是一份重要的文件,证明船只是合法注册的;- 船只保险证明:这一证明文件说明船只已获得相关保险,确保在遭遇意外时能够得到适当的赔偿;- 船只所有权证明:用于证明申请人对船只的所有权;- 运营计划书:详细说明船只的用途和经营计划,以及相应的安全措施;- 资金证明:用于证明申请人有足够的资金来支持船只的运营;- 申请者id明:如id、护照等。














SAFETY DATA SHEETCLEENOL BUFFABLE FLOOR CLEANER1.1. Product identifierProduct name CLEENOL BUFFABLE FLOOR CLEANER1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Cleaning agent.1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetSupplier Cleenol Group LtdNeville HouseBeaumont RoadBanburyOxon OX16 1RBUKTel : +44 (0)1295 251721Fax : +44 (0)1295 269561Manufacturer Cleenol Group LtdNeville HouseBeaumont RoadBanburyOxon OX16 1RBUKTel : +44 (0)1295 251721Fax : +44 (0)1295 2695611.4. Emergency telephone numberEmergency telephone Poisons Information SpecialistNational Poisons Information ServiceBirminghamB18 7QHTel: 0121 507 51222.1. Classification of the substance or mixtureClassificationPhysical hazards Not ClassifiedHealth hazards Not ClassifiedEnvironmental hazards Not Classified2.2. Label elementsHazard statements NC Not ClassifiedPrecautionary statements P301+P312 IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTER/doctor if you feel unwell.P305+P351+P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Removecontact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.P337+P313 If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.P302+P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of water.P332+P313 If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/attention.P501 Dispose of contents/container in accordance with regional regulations.P102 Keep out of reach of children.2.3. Other hazardsNoneOther HazardsThe Full Text for all R-Phrases and Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section 16.Ingestion Rinse mouth thoroughly with water. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.Skin contact Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Get medicalattention if any discomfort continues.Eye contact Remove any contact lenses and open eyelids wide apart. Continue to rinse for at least 15minutes. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedInhalation May cause respiratory irritation.Ingestion May cause discomfort if swallowed.Skin contact May cause skin irritation.Eye contact May cause eye irritation.4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededSpecific treatments Seek medical attention if irritation or symptoms persist. Symptomatic treatment5.1. Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing media The product is not flammable. Use fire-extinguishing media suitable for the surrounding fire.5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureSpecific hazards Burning may produce irritating, toxic and obnoxious fumes.Oxides of Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur.5.3. Advice for firefightersSpecial protective equipment for firefighters Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and appropriate protective clothing.6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPersonal precautions Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet.6.2. Environmental precautionsEnvironmental precautions Avoid or minimise the creation of any environmental contamination.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning upMethods for cleaning up Stop leak if possible without risk. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place intocontainers. Flush contaminated area with plenty of water. Avoid the spillage or runoff enteringdrains, sewers or watercourses.6.4. Reference to other sectionsReference to other sections See section 3,8 & 13 for further information7.1. Precautions for safe handlingUsage precautions Avoid spilling. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStorage precautions Store in tightly-closed, original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep only inthe original container.7.3. Specific end use(s)Specific end use(s)The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section Control parameters8.2. Exposure controlsProtective equipmentEye/face protection Not relevant.Hand protection Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn ifa risk assessment indicates skin contact is possible.Use barrier creams to prevent skin contact.Other skin and bodyprotectionHygiene measures Wash promptly if skin becomes contaminated. Promptly remove any clothing that becomescontaminated. Use appropriate skin cream to prevent drying of skin.Respiratory protection Not relevant.9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesAppearance Liquid.Colour Yellow.Odour Pleasant, agreeable.pH pH (concentrated solution): 6-9Initial boiling point and range100°C @ 760 mm HgRelative density 1.006 @ 20°C9.2. Other informationOther information None.10.1. ReactivityReactivity No test data specifically related to reactivity available for this product or its ingredients.10.2. Chemical stabilityStability Stable at normal ambient temperatures.10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactionsNone known.Possibility of hazardousreactions10.4. Conditions to avoidConditions to avoid Avoid excessive heat for prolonged periods of time.10.5. Incompatible materialsMaterials to avoid None known.10.6. Hazardous decomposition productsHazardous decompositionFire creates: Carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon dioxide (CO2).products11.1. Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity - oralATE oral (mg/kg)26,315.78947368Ingestion May cause discomfort if swallowed.Skin contact Skin irritation should not occur when used as recommended.Eye contact Vapour or spray in the eyes may cause irritation and smarting.Ecotoxicity Not regarded as dangerous for the environment.12.1. ToxicityToxicity The product is not believed to present a hazard due to its physical nature.12.2. Persistence and degradabilityPersistence and degradability The product is biodegradable.12.3. Bioaccumulative potentialBioaccumulative potential Not known.12.4. Mobility in soilMobility The product is soluble in water.12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentThis product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.Results of PBT and vPvBassessment12.6. Other adverse effectsOther adverse effects None known.13.1. Waste treatment methodsDisposal methods Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of thelocal Waste Disposal Authority.General The product is not covered by international regulations on the transport of dangerous goods(IMDG, IATA, ADR/RID).14.1. UN numberNot applicable.14.2. UN proper shipping nameNot applicable.14.3. Transport hazard class(es)No transport warning sign required.14.4. Packing groupNot applicable.14.5. Environmental hazardsEnvironmentally hazardous substance/marine pollutantNo.14.6. Special precautions for userNot applicable.14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC CodeTransport in bulk according toNot applicable.Annex II of MARPOL 73/78and the IBC CodeNational regulations The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009No. 716).EU legislation Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction ofChemicals (REACH) (as amended).Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (asamended).Guidance Workplace Exposure Limits EH40.CHIP for everyone HSG228.Approved Classification and Labelling Guide (Sixth edition) L131.Safety Data Sheets for Substances and Preparations15.2. Chemical safety assessmentA chemical safety assessment has been carried out.Revision9Supersedes date03/11/2015SDS number G9ARisk phrases in full Not classified.R22 Harmful if swallowed.R36 Irritating to eyes.R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.Hazard statements in full H302 Harmful if swallowed.H312 Harmful in contact with skin.H315 Causes skin irritation.H318 Causes serious eye damage.H335 May cause respiratory irritation.H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date indicated. However, no warranty, guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his own particular use.。



1.免熏蒸证明汉语翻译英文翻译为:free fumigation;另外还可以汉语翻译为英语:non fumigation


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Printing date 18.12.20132Hazardsidentification uses advised against.Classification of the substance or mixtureGHS07SkinSens.1H317May cause an allergic skin reaction.Information concerning particular hazards for human and environment:The product does not have to be labeled due to the calculation procedure of the "General Classification guideline for preparations of the EU "in the latest valid version.The calculated classification has been amended on tests on the finished mixture..Classification system:The classification is according to the latest editions of the EU-lists,and extended by company and literature data..Label elements.Hazard pictogramsGHS07Printing date 18.12.2013.Chemical characterization:Mixtures.Description:Disperse Blue 56#,and other multi-component dispersant is a blend made by a certain percentage.Ingredients :C.I .Disperse Blue 56#,ectCAS NO:31810-89-6,ectFormula:C 14H 9BrN 2O 4,ectWeight:349.18,ect3Safety data sheet according to GB/T 16483-2008Printing date 07.04.2013.Signal word Warning.Hazard statementsH317May cause an allergic skin reaction.Precautionary statementsAvoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/sprayWear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protectionSpecific treatment(see…on this label)Wash contaminated clothing before reuseIf skin irritation or rash occurs:Get medical advice/attentionDispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations.Other hazards.Results of PBT and vPvB assessment.PBT:Not applicable.vPvB:Not applicable .Description of first aid measures .General information:No special measures required .After inhalation:Supply fresh air;consult doctor in case of complaints..After skin contact:Generally the product does not irritate the skin..After eye contact:Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water..After swallowing:Rinse out mouth and then drink plenty of water..Information for doctor:.Most important symptoms and effects,both acute and delayed No further relevant information available.Trade name:Disperse Blue 2BLN 100%Safety data sheetaccording to GB/T 16483-2008Printing date 18.12.20135.Personal precautions,protective equipment and emergency procedures Not required..Environmental precautions:Do not allow to enter sewers/surface or ground water..Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:Pick up mechanically..Reference to other sectionsNo dangerous substances are released.See Section 7for information on safe handling.See Section 8for information on personal protection equipment.See Section 13for disposal information.6Trade name:Disperse Blue 2BLN 100%.Handling:.Precautions for safe handlingNo special measures required.Prevent formation of dust..Information about fire -and explosion protection:No special measures required..Conditions for safe storage,including any incompatibilities.Storage:.Requirements to be met by storerooms and receptacles:No special rmation about storage in one common storage facility:Not required..Further information about storage conditions:None..Specific end use(s)No further relevant information available.7.Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNo further relevant information available..Extinguishing media.Suitable extinguishing agents:CO2,alcohol-resistant foam,dry powder,sand..Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No further relevant information available..Advice for firefighters.Protective equipment:No special measures required.5Safety data sheetaccording to GB/T16483-2008Printing date18.12.2013Trade name:Disperse Blue2BLN100%8.Additional information about design of technical facilities:No further data;seeitem7..Control parameters.Ingredients with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:The product does not contain any relevant quantities of materials with critical values that have to be monitored at the workplace..Additional information:The lists valid during the making were used as basis..Exposure controls.Personal protective equipment:.General protective and hygienic measures:The usual precautionary measures are to be adhered to when handling chemicals..Protection of hands:The glove material has to be impermeable and resistant to the product/the substance/the preparation.Due to missing tests no recommendation to the glove material can be given for the product/the preparation/the chemical mixture.Selection of the glove material on consideration of the penetration times,rates of diffusion and the degradation..Material of glovesThe selection of the suitable gloves does not only depend on the material,but also on further marks of quality and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.As the product isa preparation of several substances,the resistance of the glove material can not becalculated in advance and has therefore to be checked prior to the application..Penetration time of glove materialThe exact break trough time has to be found out by the manufacturer of the protective gloves and has to be observed..Eye protection:wear protective chemical safety glasses..Boby protection:anti-static clothing..Information on basic physical and chemical properties.General Information.Appearance:Form:PowderColour:BlueSafety data sheetaccording to GB/T16483-2008Printing date18.12.2013Trade name:Disperse Blue2BLN100%.pH-value:5-10.Change in conditionMelting point/Melting range:≥150℃Boiling point/Boiling range:≥400℃.Flash point:.Flammability(solid,gaseous):.Ignition temperature:Decomposition temperature:.Self-igniting:.Danger of explosion:.Explosion limits:Lower:Upper:.Vapour pressure:.Density:.Relative density(vs air) 1.2.Vapour density(vs air).Evaporation rate.Solubility:Soluble in water,soluble in alcohol,ether,etc,Most organic solvents..Segregation coefficient(n-octanol/water):.The main purpose:Polyester fabric or blended fabric dyeing and printing.Other information No further relevant information available.10.Reactivity.Chemical stability.Thermal decomposition/conditions to be avoided:No decomposition if used according to specifications..Possibility of hazardous reactions No dangerous reactions known..Conditions to avoid No further relevant information available..Incompatible materials:No further relevant information available..Hazardous decomposition products:No dangerous decomposition products known.Safety data sheetaccording to GB/T 16483-2008Printing date 18.12.2013.Toxicity.Aquatic toxicity:LC5096hr >100mg/l (Rainbow Trout)Predicted value·Persistence and degradability Not easily biodegradable·Other information:BOD5/COD <10%PredictedCOD ca.1800mg O2/gCalculated·Behaviour in environmental systems:.Bioaccumulative potential No further relevant information available.Mobility in soil No further relevant information available..Ecotoxical effects:.Information on toxicological effects.Acute toxicity:.LD/LC50values relevant for classification:11Trade name:Disperse Blue 2BLN 100%Oral LD50>2000mg/kg (rat)Predicted value.Primary irritant effect:.on the skin:Non irritantPredicted·on the eye:Non irritantPredicted.Sensitization:No sensitizing effects known..Additional toxicological information:The product is not subject to classification according to the calculation method of the General EU Classification Guidelines for Preparations as issued in the latest version.When used and handled according to specifications,the product does not have any harmful effects to ourPrinting date18.12.2013Trade name:Disperse Blue2BLN100%·Other information:Phosphorus None.Additional ecological information:.General notes:Water hazard class2(German Regulation)(Self-assessment):hazardous for waterDo not allow product to reach ground water,water course or sewage system.Danger to drinking water if even small quantities leak into the ground.·Results of PBT and vPvB assessment·PBT:Not applicable.·vPvB:Not applicable.·Heavy metal contentDoes not contain heavy metals as part of chemical structure.Any metals present will be trace quantities only,in line with ETAD guidelines.·Other adverse effects No further relevant information available.14·UN-Number·ADR,ADN,IMDG,IATA Void·UN proper shipping name·ADR,ADN,IMDG,IATA Void·Transport hazard class(es)·ADR,ADN,IMDG,IATA·Class Void·Packing group·ADR,IMDG,IATA Void·Environmental hazards:·Marine pollutant:No·Special precautions for user Not applicable.·Transport in bulk according to Annex II ofMARPOL73/78and the IBC Code Not applicable.·Transport/Additional information:Not dangerous according to the above specifications.·UN"Model Regulation":-Printing date18.12.2013Trade name:Disperse Blue2BLN100%15.Regulation Applied In China:Labor safety hygiene device rule.Other RulesTSCA INVENTORY STATUS:Registered.EC RuleEC NUMBER:RegisteredEC SafetyS22No Irradiation.Chemical safety assessment:A Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carried out.16This information is based on our present knowledge.However,this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legally validcontractual relationship.·Department issuing MSDS:Product Safety Department,Europe.·Abbreviations and acronyms:RID:Règlement international concernant le transport des marchandises dangereuses par chemin de fer(Regulations Concerning theInternational Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail)ICAO:International Civil Aviation OrganizationADR:Accord européen sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route(European Agreement concerning the InternationalCarriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)IMDG:International Maritime Code for Dangerous GoodsIATA:International Air Transport AssociationGHS:Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of ChemicalsLC50:Lethal concentration,50percentLD50:Lethal dose,50percent·*Data compared to the previous version altered.。



USP37 <1111>非无菌药品微生物检查:药用制剂和药用物质可接受标准(中英文)(2014-06-06 14:19:33)转载▼分类:食品药品<1111> MICROBIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF NONSTERILE PRODUCTS:ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS ANDSUBSTANCES FOR PHARMACEUTICAL USE非无菌药品微生物检查:药用制剂和药用物质可接受标准The presence of certain microorganisms in nonsterile preparations may have the potential to reduce or even inactivate the therapeutic activity of the product and has a potential to adversely affect the health of the patient. Manufacturers have therefore to ensure a low bioburden of finished dosage forms by implementing current guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practice during the manufacture, storage, and distribution of pharmaceutical preparations.在非无菌制剂中如果出现特定的微生物,可能会降低甚至失去治疗活性,对患者健康产生潜在负面影响。


Microbial examination of nonsterile products is performed according to the methods given in the texts on Microbial Enumeration Tests 61 and Tests for Specified Microorganisms 62 . Acceptance criteria for nonsterile pharmaceutical products based upon the total aerobic microbial count (TAMC) and the total combined yeasts and molds count (TYMC) are givenin Tables 1 and 2. Acceptance criteria are based on individual results or on the average of replicate counts when replicate counts are performed (e.g., direct plating methods).非无菌药品的微生物检查应根据<61 微生物限度检查>和<62 控制菌测试>进行。



标准必要专利听课笔记听读笔记三个概念区分:337调查NEP SEP1、SEP标准必要专利:一项专利包含国际标准的内容,采用这个标准必须要用的专利,应该向专利权人支付相应费用,“躺着收费的专利”2、主要在语音技术(日本较多)、电子通讯领域(宽带移动通信)披露多,如高通披露的量最多共有3.5万多,万,国内的代表华为。











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Document Classification Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and UnderapproximationMichael W.BerryDept.of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceUniversity of Tennessee203Claxton ComplexKnoxville,TN37996-3450Email:mberry@Nicolas Gillis and Franc¸ois Glineur Center for Operations Research and Econometrics Universit´e catholique de LouvainV oie du Roman Pays,34B-1348,Louvain-La-Neuve,Belgium Email:{nicolas.gillis,francois.glineur}@uclouvain.beAbstract—In this study,we use nonnegative matrix factoriza-tion(NMF)and nonnegative matrix underapproximation(NMU) approaches to generate feature vectors that can be used to cluster Aviation Safety Reporting System(ASRS)documents obtained from the Distributed National ASAP Archive(DNAA). By preserving nonnegativity,both the NMF and NMU facilitate a sum-of-parts representation of the underlying term usage patterns in the ASRS document collection.Both the training and test sets of ASRS documents are parsed and then factored by both algorithms to produce a reduced-rank representations of the entire document space.The resulting feature and coefficient matrix factors are used to cluster ASRS documents so that the(known)associated anomalies of training documents are directly mapped to the feature vectors.Dominant features of test documents are then used to generate anomaly relevance scores for those documents.We demonstrate that the approximate solution obtained by NMU using Lagrangrian duality can lead to a better sum-of-parts representation and document classification accuracy.I.I NTRODUCTIONNonnegative matrix factorization(NMF)has been widely used to approximate high dimensional nonnegative data sets. Lee and Seung[1]demonstrated how NMF techniques can be used to generate basis functions for image data that could facilitate the identification and classification of objects.They also showed how to use NMF for extracting concepts/topics from unstructured text documents.In this study,the so-called sum-of-parts representation offered by the NMF and related factorizations is exploited for the classification of documents from the Aviation Safety Reporting System(ASRS)collection. Although many manuscripts have cited[1],NMF wasfirst introduced by Paatero and Tapper[2].The NMF problem can be simply stated as follows:Given a nonnegative matrix A∈ m×n and a positive integer k<min{m,n},find nonnegative matrices W∈ m×k and H∈ k×n to minimize the functionalf(W,H)=12A−WH 2F.(1)The product WH is called a nonnegative matrix factor-ization of A,although A is not necessarily equal to the product WH.Hence,the product WH is an approximate factorization of rank at most k.The optimal choice for the rank k is problem dependent and in most cases chosen such that k min(m,n).Alternatively,the product WH can be considered a compressed form of the data in A.A key characteristic or property of NMF is the ability of numerical methods that minimize expression(1)to generate underlying features as basis vectors in W that can used for object identification and classification.Without any negative components in W and H,the NMF enables a non-subtractive combination of parts to form a whole[1].Features may be parts of faces in image data,topics or clusters in textual data, or specific absorption characteristics in hyperspectral data[3]. In this paper,we discuss an extension of the classic NMF problem for the primary goal of improving feature extraction and identification in text/document mining.Important challenges in the numerical minimization of expression(1)include the existence of local minima due to the non-convexity of f(W,H)in both W and H,and the non-uniqueness of its solution.Clearly any invertible matrix D such that WD≥0and D−1H≥0generates an equivalent solution(which is the case,for example,when D has exactly one positive entry by row and by column). In practice,the NMF has been shown to be quite useful for text/data mining even with local minima.The resulting features(basis vectors)provide desirable data compression and classification capabilities.Alternative formulations of the NMF problem have certainly been documented[3].For example,an information theoretic formulation in[4]is based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence of A from WH and the cost functions proposed in[5] are based on Csisz´a r’sϕ-divergence.The formulation in[6] enforces constraints based on the Fisher linear discriminant analysis and[7]uses a diagonal weight matrix Q in the fac-torization model,AQ≈WHQ,as an attempt to compensate for feature redundancy.See[8]and[9]for other approaches using cost functions.To speed up convergence of Lee and Seung’s(standard) NMF iteration,various alternative minimization strategies for expression(1)have been suggested.In[10],the use of a projected gradient bound-constrained optimization method was shown to have better convergence properties than the standard multiplicative update rule approach.However,the use ofcertain auxiliary constraints in expression(1)may break down the bound-constrained optimization assumption and thereby limit the use of projected gradient methods.Acceleration using an interior-point gradient method has been suggested in [11],and a quasi-Newton optimization approach for updating W and H,where negative values are replaced with small positive parameter to enforce nonnegativity,is discussed in[12].Another technique,simple and yet efficient,with nice convergence properties and based on a coordinate-descent approach,was introduced in[13]and studied in details in [14](see also[15]).Finally,an overview of enhancements to improve the convergence of the(standard)NMF algorithm is available in[3].Typically,W and H are initialized with random nonnega-tive values to start the standard NMF algorithm.Another area of NMF-related research has focused on alternate approaches for initializing or seeding the algorithm.The goal,of course,is to speed up convergence.In[16]spherical k-means clustering is used to initialize W and in[17]singular vectors of A are used for initialization and subsequent cost function reduction.II.NMF A LGORITHMAs surveyed in[3],there are three general classes of NMF algorithms:multiplicative update algorithms,gradient descent algorithms,and alternating least squares algorithms.For this study,we improve upon the most basic multiplicative update method(first analyzed in[4]).This approach,based on a mean squared error objective function,is illustrated below using MATLAB R array operator notation:M ULTIPLICATIVE U PDATE A LGORITHM FOR NMFW=rand(m,k);%W initially randomH=rand(k,n);%H initially randomfor i=1:maxiterH=H.*(W T A)./(W T WH+ );W=W.*(AH T)./(WHH T+ );endThe parameter =10−9is added to avoid division by zero. If this multiplicative update NMF algorithm does converges to a stationary point,there is no guarantee that the stationary point is a local minimum for the objective function[3].If the limit point to which the algorithm has converged lies on the boundary of the feasible region,one cannot conclude that it is,in fact,a stationary point.Modifications of the Lee and Seung multiplicative update scheme that resolves some of the convergence issues and guarantees convergence to a stationary point are provided in[18],[15].Vavasis[19]has shown that NMF is NP-hard(see also[15]).Ina recent work[20],Gillis and Glineur consider an NMF-like approximation problem(also NP-hard)whose solutions can be generated using a Lagrangian relaxation technique. This new approximation problem,referred to as nonnegative matrix underapproximation(or NMU,first introduced in[21]) is outlined in the next section and compared with NMF for text classification tasks in Section V.III.NMU A LGORITHMAs discussed in[20]for a rank-1NMF approximationin expression(1),thefirst(dominant)singular triplets ofthe matrix A provide optimal solutions for the nonnegative(vector)factors W and H.Hence,an alternative approachto produce a rank-k NMF would be to recursively generateoptimal rank-1approximations(W k,H k),successively sub-tracting each factor W k H k from A before determining a newrank-1approximation for the remainder A−W k H k.Onecan immediately see that such an approach would generateiterates(W k,H k)containing negative values.Therefore,[20]adds an upper bound constraint WH≤A to the NMF,to obtain a problem referred to as a nonnegative matrixunderapproximation(or NMU).For example,if(W1,H1)isa rank-1underapproximation to A,that is,W1H1 A, then R1=A−W1H1is nonnegative.R1can then beunderapproximated by W2H2 R2,if R2=R1−W2H2, and so on.After k steps,a rank-k underapproximation of Ais given byW1H1+W2H2+···+W k H k=[W1,W2,...,W k][H1,H2,...,H k]=WH A. The formal NMU optimization problem is given byminW,HA−WH 2F,whereWH≤A and W,H≥0.(2)Using a Lagrangian relaxation approach,Gillis and Glineur [20]have shown that NMU iterates W and H can be obtained by minimizing (A−Λ)−WH 2F,whereΛ=[Λij] contains the appropriate nonnegative Lagrange multipliers. This problem is the same as NMF except that the matrix to factorize(M−Λ)is not necessarily nonnegative;it is studied in[15]where the multiplicative updates are generalized as followsH=H.∗(W T A)./(W T WH+W TΛ+ );W=W.∗(AH T)./(WHH T+ΛH T+ ). Since optimal Lagrange multipliers should satisfy a comple-mentary constraintΛij(A−WH)ij=0,∀i,j,the following update rule forΛbetween NMU iterates is suggested in[20]Λ=max{0,Λ−µk(A−WH)},µk→0,(3) whereµk=ρkµ0forρ<1and appropriate initialµ0.IV.D OCUMENT P ARSING AND T ERM W EIGHTING The General Text Parsing(GTP)software environment[22] (written in C++)was used to parse all the Aviation Safety Reporting System(ASRS)documents for this preliminary study.If A=[R|T]=[a ij]defines the m×n term-by-document matrix for factorization,then the submatrices R and T represent training and test documents,respectively. Each element or component a ij of the matrix A defines a weighted frequency at which term i occurs in document j. We define a ij=l ij g i,where l ij is the local weight for term i occurring in document j and g i is the global weight forterm i in the subcollection.Let f ij be the number of times (frequency)that term i appears in document j ,and define ˆp ij =f ij / j f ij ,i.e.,the empirical probability of term i appearing in document j .Using GTP,we deploy a common log-entropy term weighting scheme wherebyl ij =log(1+f ij )and g i =1+(jˆp ij log (ˆp ij ))/log n ).By default,GTP requires that the global frequency of any term,i.e., n j =1f ij ,be greater than 1and that a term’s document frequency (or number of documents containing that term)be greater than 1as well.No adjustments to these thresholds were made in parsing the ASRS documents.A stoplist of 493words 1was used by GTP to filter out unimportant terms.Initial testing of NMF with ASRS documents with NMF used as many as n =21,519documents (see [23]).In comparing the classification performance of NMF and NMU,we use only the first n =100documents for this study.GTP extracted exactly m =733terms from these documents andall results were obtained using MATLAB RVersion 7.7.V.NMF/NMU C LASSIFICATIONThe classification of ASRS documents using NMF and NMU follows the strategy first discussed in [23].Let H i represent the i -th column of matrix H and define α,as a the threshold on the relevance score or (target value)t ij for document i and anomaly/label j .Let δ,be a lower bound (threshold)on the column elements of H such that all accepted (non-filtered)elements in H i are greater than or equal to (1−δ)×max(H i ).This threshold will filter out the association of features with both training (R )and test (T )documents.Let σdenote the percentage of documents used to define the training set (or number of columns of R ).Table I briefly summarizes the steps needed (see [23]for more details)to classify ASRS documents using matrix factors (W ,H )generated by NMF or NMU.For all NMU-based classifications,the choices µ0=2and ρ=0.35(see Equation (3))yielded the best results.A.Testing MethodologyThe rank or number of columns of the feature matrix factor W used to test our NMF and NMU models was k =10.Hence,the W and H matrix factors were 773×10and 10×100,respectively.The percentage of ASRS documents used for training (subset R )in our testing was 70%(i.e.,σ=.70).Hence,a random selection of 70documents was used as the training set (R )and the remaining 30documents were used for testing (T )our classifiers.In Step 1of Table I we chose δ=.30for the columnwise pruning of the elements in the coefficient matrix H .This parameter effectively determines the number of features (among the k =10possible)that any document (training or test)can be associated with.As δdecreases,so does the sparsity of H [3].The αparameter mentioned above is the prediction control parameter that ultimately determines whether or not document1SeeSMART’s english stoplist at ftp:///pub/smart/english.stop .TABLE INMF-ANDNMU-BASED C LASSIFIER FOR ASRS D OCUMENTS.StepDescription1Filter elements of H given A ≈WH ;for i =1,...,n ,determine ηi =max(H i )and zero out all values in H i less than ηi ×(1−δ).2Normalize the (new)filtered matrix H so that all column sums are 1.3Generate a set of indices (integers)that will partition the documents into the training (R )and test (T )subsets based on the σparameter.4Cluster the columns of H corresponding to documents in the training set R by known anomalies (labels).5Sum the number of documents associated with each anomaly per NMF/NMU feature (k of them),and determine the number of anomaly j documents associated with feature i .6For each document in subset T ,produce a score (orprobability)that the document is relevant to each anomaly.7Using α,produce the relevance score t ij for (document i ,anomaly j )pairs;the score will yield a positive prediction if t ij >ρi ×(1−α),where ρi =max (H T i ).i will be given label (anomaly)j .We note that the initialmatrix factors W and H (for NMF and NMU)are randomly generated and will produce slightly different features (columns of W )and coefficients (columns of H )per iteration 2.After 5iterations of the NMU multiplicative update rules mentioned in Section III,the residual ( A −WH F from Equation (2))was reduced by two orders of magnitude (from 32.5to 0.7).B.Classification ResultsFigure 1contains the best 3Receiver Operating Character-istic (ROC)curves (true positive rate versus false positive rate)for the NMF and NMU classifiers,when applied to test ASRS documents (30out of a 100).Among the 14anomaly categories spanned by the first 100ASRS documents,we see that the rank-10NMU classifier achieved better classification accuracies than the rank-10NMF classifier for 9of the categories (see red entries of Table II),which was already obtaining very competitive results on this dataset.The fourteen (of the twenty-two)event types (or anomaly descriptions)listed in Table II were obtained from the Distributed National ASAP Archive (DNAA)maintained by the University of Texas Human Factors Research Project 4.As the specificity of some topics in the ASRS collection can widely vary [23],it is not surprising to observe poor performance for both classifiers with a few anomaly categories (e.g.,2,6,7,and 22).Additional experiments with a larger numbers of features (k >10)and documents (n >100)should produce NMF and NMU models that better capture the diversity of contexts described by those events.VI.S UMMARY AND F UTURE W ORKWhereas nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF)has been previously shown to be a viable alternative for automated2Onlyfive iterations were used in our preliminary study.3After running each classifier ten times with different (random)trainingand test document sets R and T ,respectively.4See /HomePage/Group/HelmreichLAB.Fig.1.NMF and NMU classification accuracies(areas under ROC curve) for14of the22DNAA anomaly categories.TABLE IIROC A REAS V ERSUS DNAA E VENT T YPES FOR S ELECTED A NOMALIESROC Area Anomaly DNAA Event Type NMF NMU 1Airworthiness Issue.8621.96552Noncompliance(policy/proc.).3971.55025Incursion(collision hazard).6173.70376Departure Problem.5566.46157Altitude Deviation.5600.40008Course Deviation.3580.753110Uncommanded(loss of control).6071.607112Traffic Proximity Event.5650.575013Weather Issue.6964.732114Airspace Deviation.7778.481518Aircraft Damage/Encounter.4286.624919Aircraft Malfunction Event.5556.308621Illness/Injury Event.8571.875022Security Concern/Threat.2759.3103 document classification problems,the prospects for nonneg-ative matrix underapproximation(NMU)are even better.This study demonstrated how NMU can be used to both learn and assign(anomaly)labels for documents from the Aviation Safety Reporting System(ASRS).Of course,there is room for improvement in both the performance and interpretabil-ity of NMF-and NMU-based text classifiers.In particular, the summarization of anomalies(document classes)using k NMF/NMU features needs further work.Alternatives to the filtering of elements of the coefficient matrix H(based on the parameterδ)could be the use of sparsity or smoothing constraints(see[3])on either(or both)factors W and H.A CKNOWLEDGMENTSThis research was sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA)Ames Research Center under contract No.07024004.Nicolas Gillis is a research fellow of the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique(F.R.S.-FNRS).This text presents research results of the Belgian Program on Interuniversity Poles of Attraction initiated by the Belgian State,Prime Minister’s Office,Science Policy Programming.The scientific responsibility is assumed by the authors.R EFERENCES[1] D.Lee and H.Seung,“Learning the Parts of Objects by Non-NegativeMatrix Factorization,”Nature,vol.401,pp.788–791,1999.[2]P.Paatero and U.Tapper,“Positive Matrix Factorization:A Non-negativeFactor Model with Optimal Utilization of Error Estimates of Data Values,”Environmetrics,vol.5,pp.111–126,1994.[3]M.Berry,M.Browne, 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