Task 2 part1精练(1小时/周,或3遍/周)大声朗读下面列出的Part1真题及参考答案,并在横线处写出自己的答案。
家乡1.What kind of place is your hometown?I’m from here, Beijing is a vibrant, modern city with profound cultural and historical background.My hometown is a really small town, but it has many beautiful historical sites and other tourist attractions.2.What’s the most famous place in your hometown?There are many to-sees in Beijing. Speaking of the most famous place, I would say the Forbidden City, which was the grand imperial palace. Y ou would have to walk for at least three hours for a brief tour in the Forbidden City.There are many famous places. If I had to choose one place, it would be the Xiangguo Temple, which is a Buddhist temple built a couple of centuries age.3.What’s the oldest part of your hometown?I would say Forbidden City. It’s a place that represents our long history, a symbol of our tradition. We shouldhave a strong awareness of protecting the essence of the symbol of our history.It is said that the oldest part of my hometown is an ancient architecture named Fan Temple. It has a history of more than one thousand years.4.Would you say it’s a good place for children to grow up?Y es, there are many education institutions in Beijing, so kids can get well educated here.Growing up in a small rural town has its benefits. A friendly atmosphere, where everybody knows each other.Being taught good manners, being polite, and treating others with respect.5.Do many people visit your hometown?Y es, there are many people visiting here every year and I believe there would be more and more as Beijing is becoming the world-class modern city to attract not only local tourists but overseas as well.Y es, it is always full of tourists in the summer.居住地1.What kind of accommodation do you live in ?I’m living in a 2-bedroom flat with my parents now. It’s not that big but spacious enough to get by for 3 people.I’ve been living there ever since the moment I was born.I live in an apartment on the 8th floor of a building. And it has one living room , two bedrooms, a kitchen and abath.2.Can you describe the place where you live?I’m living in a quiet neighborhood, away from the noise. But people there are aloof. I’ve never seen my neighbors greet each other.Sure, it’s lovely neighborhood. Trees and flowers are planted between the buildings. And transportation is convenient because there is a cub way station nearby.3What would you say is the best thing about your home?Definitely my bedroom. It was decorated to my taste, the vibrant colors of ceiling and walls calm me. I feel safe and comfortable staying in my bedroom.4. Would you like to move to another place to live?If it’s a good place, why not? I’m still young and I like to keep on learning new things and meeting new people. Everything will start from the beginning if I move to a new place and I’m sure I can adapt easily.Well, the idea of moving never came to my mind. I like the place I live and the neighbors around.5.Do you spend much time socializing with you neighbors?Never. As I have been busy with my work, it’s sad to say that I’ve never talked to my neighbors in my building.I think this is also the biggest problem for other flat dwellers.I think yes. We don’t see each other often, but we manage to chat online and drop in for a visit on holidays.6.Would you say the place where you live is good for families with children?Y es, the place I’m living now is far from the downtown city. The air is unbelievably fresh and the views are amazing. There’s a large park close to my neighborhood, where many parents with children can have fun in .Y es, sure. It’s a safe neighborhood with good schools.交通1.What kind of transport do you usually use?I normally ride a bicycle. Y ou don’t have to worry about being late due to the traffic jam .Also, riding bike is becoming more popular today as it helps keep fit.Well, when I want to go somewhere, I usually ride a bicycle.2.For you ,what are the benefits of using that form of transport?It builds my leg muscles as it’s an aerobic exercise. Also, I don’t have to pay gas, parking fees and all insurances riding a bike.Y ou don’t get stuck in traffic, and it’s good exercise, too.3.How can this means of transport be improved?To improve a bike? Well, I wish Michelin tires can be used for bikes one day. Or a bike being folded into a laptop size, then it can easily fit into my school bag. I believe people can make every dream come true as nothing’s impossible.I think a bicycle can be improved in a way that less strength is needed when pedaling it. Then many lazypeople would use it.4.What’s the traffic like in your hometown?It’s just awful. The traffic is bumper-to-bumper with no place to go from 7:00 am –10:00 am. It takes longer to go anywhere during rush hours. I think the government should do what they can to reduce the private cars in the near future.Depends on the time of day. Lunch time, it’s fine. Rush hours, the traffic is just terrible.5.Do you think bicycles are suitable for present society?Not only for present, but also for future, I guess. Besides the physical exercise, people can enjoy the scenery while riding bikes, compared to driving cars. The most important thing is , bikes don’t pollute at all.Y es, I do think so . nowadays everyone is saying “go green ” and riding bicycle also helps one to stay in shape.Task 3 话题卡精练(每个话题卡2小时/周,或2遍/周)先阅读素材库中的样板答案,然后结合自己的真实经历和想法将答案写在笔记答案区。
示例:How often do you use a computer?
• 陈述事实: not very often • 拓展描述:damage sights+minimize the hours • 陈述事实+拓展描述=完整答案
• Do you like music? • Do you work or study? • Can you sing? • How much television do you watch? • Do you like to watch the sky?
• 测试时间:11~14 分钟 • 考试形式:与一位英语考官进行单独英文对话 • 考试结构:三部分组成,且每部分难度递增 • 评分要素:流畅性及连贯性;词汇量;语法运用范围与正确性;发音
Part 1 介绍
• 时间约4~5分钟 • 口试官介绍自己并确认考生身份 • 询问考生与个人有关的话题:家人,兴趣,工作&学习背景,住所情况等
• 第一步:每人用中文回答一遍 • 第二步:把所回答内容组织成英文写下来 • 第三步:说出英文答案
第11页/ou live in a house or a flat? • 思路: 陈述house或flat+引申讨论所住house或flat的特点
示例:Do you live in a house or a flat?
示例: How often do you use a computer?
• 陈述事实: on daily bases • 拓展描述:deal with work+have fun • 陈述事实+拓展描述=完整答案
《雅思口语胜经》目录思考试总论第一章雅思口语考试介绍Ⅰ雅思口语考试形式与内容Ⅱ雅思口语考试的评分标准第二章雅思口语考试策略回顾Ⅰ雅思口语考试难在哪里?Ⅱ为什么说雅思口试不像很多考生想象的那样难?Ⅲ雅思口语考试应试策略Ⅳ雅思口语之网上淘宝Ⅴ雅思口语考试各阶段复习规划第三章雅思口语考试常考问题和卡片话题Ⅰ Part 1常考问题及答案参考答案Ⅱ Part 2&3最新话题汇总一人物题二地点题三物品题四事件题Ⅲ Part 3 按题型汇总的题目一 Opinions on Social Issues 社会问题及观点二 Opinions on the Meaning of Various Aspects 概念及意义三 Stating Your Standards 阐明标准四 Making Predictions 预测未来五 Making Suggestions or Offering Solutions 解决方案六 Explaining Reasons 解释原因七 Explaining Importance, Impact and Role 重要性及角色八 Listing the Ways 举例说明九 Changes 描述变化十 Comparisons 比较十一 Advantages and Disadvantages 评价优缺点148第四章雅思口语考试常用词语和句型Ⅰ词语 1. Hometown2 Weather3 Studies4 Work5 Traffic and Transport6 Hobbies, Spare Time7 Future8 Families9. Shopping10 Language Studies11 Sports12 Food13 Clothing14 Music15 Places16 People17 Experiences18 Buildings and Homes19 Gifts and Meaningful Objects20 Favourite Animal21 Festivals and Holidays22 The Environment23 Technology24 Societal Changes25 Media26 LifestylesⅡ句型1 Describing Objects, Clothing, Buildings and Housing2 Recalling Evens3 Describing Moods4 Giving Instructions5 How to Hesitate6 Commenting on the Issue Itself7 Talking about the Changes8 Talking about the Role or Importance of an Issue9 Giving an Anecdote Related to the Issue10 How to Make Generalizations11 Speculating the Reasons for a Trend12 Speculating the Reasons for a Situation13 Speculating the Importance or Effect of Something14 Speculating the Important Factors that Cause or Contribute to Something15 Speculating about an Issue in the Future16 Giving Opinions17 Expressing Your Argument Immediately by Giving a Counterargument18 Giving Reasons for Arguments19 Supporting Arguments by Giving Examples20 Supporting Arguments by Giving Hypothetical Logic21 Supporting Opinions by Offering Solutions22 Stating Differences23 Making Comparisons24 Pros and Cons25 Advantages and Disadvantages26 其他用语附录1 模拟口试Exam OneExam TwoExam ThreeExam FourExam FiveExam Six附录2口试实例附录3雅思(IELTS)与新托福 (iBT TOEFL )考试的异同附录4中国内地雅思考试中心附录5雅思考试成绩单关于《雅思口语胜经》电子版下载的内容就为各位考生介绍完毕了,在获得备考资料之后考生要认真的进行备考,有不明白的地方可以咨询小马过河的在线老师,祝各位考生取得雅思考试的高分。
句型也背了, 也能用自己的话复述短文了, 现在该走出家门, 到英语角或英语沙龙去试试身手了.这一阶段的要诀是: 脸皮要厚些, 厚些, 再厚些!!! 不要去想什么语法, 不要怕自己说错-----如果你总在担心出错, 恐怕你永远也说不出正确的英语.As Liyang said enjoy losingface!!! The more mistake you make, the more progress you make!!! 鼓起勇气,厚起脸皮,说!说!!说!!!
说什么呢?在英语角交新朋友,自然从自我介绍开始: 叫什么名字, 什么专业, 兴趣爱好, 闲暇怎么度过..同样问题你也可以问你的新朋友,
不时插入些Why? 或how interesting! 一旦开了好头, 接下来就顺利了.假如你运气不佳, 到了英语角正碰上大家围着老外或沙龙主持人热烈讨论, 没人理你.不要傻乎乎地等人家来关照你这个新手.
这时你先找个位子: Is this seat taken? 坐下后接着问: Excuse me, whats todays topic? 接下来你可以开始听, 可以参与讨论, 也可以跟周围的人交换看法.下面谈谈在英语角练口语的一些常见误区: 不懂装懂.练口语最忌不懂装懂.
很多人明明没有听懂, 却不好意思让别人重复, 就总在点头微笑.那样什么也学不到.
We learn English for self-improvement, not for showing smiles.其实没有人会介意, 因为每个人都是从初学者一步一步走过来的,所以都能理解初学者的困难。
《雅思口语教案》word版第一章:雅思口语考试简介1.1 雅思口语考试形式和结构1.2 雅思口语考试评分标准1.3 雅思口语考试注意事项第二章:雅思口语话题准备2.1 常见话题分类2.2 话题准备策略2.3 话题素材积累第三章:雅思口语Part 1技巧3.1 回答问题的基本原则3.2 如何在Part 1环节展现流畅度3.3 如何在Part 1环节展示词汇多样性第四章:雅思口语Part 2技巧4.1 如何准备Part 2话题4.2 如何在Part 2环节展示连贯性和逻辑性4.3 如何在Part 2环节使用高级词汇和表达第五章:雅思口语Part 3技巧5.1 如何在Part 3环节应对抽象问题5.2 如何在Part 3环节展示批判性思维5.3 如何在Part 3环节保持冷静和自信第六章:雅思口语Part 1实战演练6.1 模拟Part 1环节的常见问题6.2 学生实战演练与反馈6.3 针对性的改进建议第七章:雅思口语Part 2实战演练7.1 模拟Part 2环节的常见问题7.2 学生实战演练与反馈7.3 针对性的改进建议第八章:雅思口语Part 3实战演练8.1 模拟Part 3环节的常见问题8.2 学生实战演练与反馈8.3 针对性的改进建议第九章:雅思口语常见问题解答9.1 学生关于口语的常见疑问9.2 教师针对性的解答与指导9.3 雅思口语备考心得分享第十章:雅思口语备考资源推荐10.1 推荐雅思口语学习网站和资料10.2 推荐雅思口语实战练习工具10.3 推荐雅思口语模拟考试机会重点和难点解析一、雅思口语考试简介重点和难点解析:了解雅思口语考试的形式、结构和评分标准对于考生来说至关重要。
《雅思口语教案》Word版第一章:雅思口语考试概述1.1 雅思口语考试形式和结构1.2 雅思口语考试评分标准1.3 雅思口语考试题型及应对策略第二章:雅思口语Part 1话题与技巧2.1 常见话题及应对策略2.2 个人信息类问题回答技巧2.3 物品类问题回答技巧2.4 地点类问题回答技巧2.5 事件类问题回答技巧第三章:雅思口语Part 2话题与技巧3.1 常见话题及应对策略3.2 人物描述技巧3.3 物体描述技巧3.4 地点描述技巧3.5 事件描述技巧第四章:雅思口语Part 3话题与技巧4.1 常见话题及应对策略4.2 抽象问题回答技巧4.3 社会问题回答技巧4.4 两难问题回答技巧4.5 解决方案类问题回答技巧第五章:雅思口语实战演练5.1 模拟雅思口语考试环境5.2 学生分组练习5.3 教师点评与指导5.4 常见问题解答与优化第六章:雅思口语Part 1高频话题与实战演练6.1 家庭与环境6.2 学习和职业6.3 兴趣爱好和休闲活动6.4 旅行和假期6.5 科技与日常生活6.6 实战演练与教师点评第七章:雅思口语Part 2高频话题与实战演练7.1 人物描述7.2 物体描述7.3 地点描述7.4 事件描述7.5 实战演练与教师点评第八章:雅思口语Part 3高频话题与实战演练8.1 教育类话题8.2 环境类话题8.3 社会类话题8.4 科技类话题8.5 实战演练与教师点评第九章:雅思口语答题技巧与策略9.1 语言表达技巧9.2 逻辑思维与连贯性9.3 词汇与句型运用9.4 听力技巧在口语中的应用9.5 实战演练与教师点评第十章:雅思口语考前冲刺与模拟考试10.1 考前冲刺策略10.2 模拟考试环境与流程10.3 学生答题与教师点评10.4 常见问题解答与优化10.5 考前心理调节与鼓励重点和难点解析一、雅思口语考试概述重点和难点解析:理解和掌握雅思口语考试的形式、结构和评分标准是基础,需要重点关注每个部分的时间分配、题型和评分要点。
口语考试分为三个部分:Part 1, Part 2, Part 3。
在Part 1中,考官会就一些与考生个人生活、家庭、工作或学习经历相关的问题进行提问;Part 2中,考生将会有2分钟的时间准备一个分给话题,然后在考试时间内进行演讲;Part 3是在Part 2的基础上进行进一步的深入探讨和讨论。
雅思考试(IELTS)雅思口语全攻略(1)20XX年雅思考试(IELTS) 雅思口语全攻略20XX年雅思考试(IELTS) 雅思口语全攻略(1)如何提升20XX年雅思口语考试表达的丰富性对于一些描述性的雅思考试口语part 2题目,不少同学表示可说的内容比较少,所以在2分钟之内的表达显得干巴巴的,没有什么实质性的东西。
事实上,如果能够提升自己对于细节的专注程度,在part 2的考试中能够令人眼前一亮。
Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasionKey points:Graduation,school,pink dress,accessory,Actually,in my high school,students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】No on e‘s special. So after a while,we all have the similar physical features. Baggy pants,oversized jackets,and big glasses on our faces,【生动的描述】of course 【自然的语序】。
Lucky enough【选取比较自然的连接词】,wehad a graduation ceremony,and the high school allowed us to wear something casual 【转换词性】on that very day.For this special day,I picked up a really nice dress. My mum and I found it at an elegant shopping mall,which was stunning in the store window.【还是细节描写,而且增添了背景故事】I had my eyes on that dress immediately. It was a pink dress with a black leather belt,which was neither too fancy nor too formal.【加入形容的部分】It boasts an graceful cutting style with a U-neck shape. Somehow,it reminded me of a typical Chanel dress.【加入了西方文化背景知识】My mum said it might be too mature for my age,but I believe it was OK.【自然地加入自己的态度和看法】Now think about it,I guess I was eager to be an adult at the time,so wearing a dress that pretty could significantly improve my confidence as a 18-yr-old young lady. Besides,the color was perfect for my skin tone.Actually, a look is never finished without the right accessories.at the graduation ceremony on that day.在part 2当中非常不建议学生背诵范文。
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雅思听力推举《《listen to this 2》》,该资料书中的口音是非常纯正的英音和美音,对适应雅思的听力环境很重要。
出国考试:[雅思口语]口语备战全攻略+第2部分--修正+完全版-出国考试[雅思口语]口语备战全攻略+第2部分--修正+完全版现在我给大家说说雅思口语考试的情况,具体细节我想我不用多说了吧,大家都知道,其中最让大家担心的就是part2&3部分,其实准备这项并不难,下面我就介绍一下准备口语这部分的方法(个人经验):1.大家一定要清楚的了解每个卡片的内容,包括卡片上让你将要描述的3-4个问题,大家必须在part2部分中描述出来,还有就是描述时运用的时态一定搞清楚(老外最讨厌时态运用混乱了),否则肯定影响你的分数.2.每天抽出一定的时间练习,没有条件互相练习的考生可以用录音机把自己说的录下来,然后自己给自己找错误,纠正.就这样反复练习.尽力使自己减少出错.eg:语法错误,he /she运用不当等等.3.千万不要去背,因为这样即使你说的再好也是4-5分,因为老外可以看出来你准备了.我建议大家最好连写都不写,最多在每个卡片上写点关键的词,根据词每天自己锻炼去说.多准备点有创意和自己的topic内容,越与众不同越好(不要跑题)!还有一些细节方面的事情,我也要向大家说说,就是大家在考试的时候如果停顿或思考时千万不要在说话中间加上"嗯" "啊" "那个(内个)"这些中国语气助词.应该用"well""all right"等等英文语气词.在和老外对话的时候还要记住:1.眼睛不要乱看,要看着考官的眼睛,也就是eye-coutact!.2.表情不要死板,在对话中要根据自己说的情况和气氛用你的"脸"表现出来"喜怒哀乐".3.就是适当的用一些body-lanuage,但是不要过多(考官会心忙的.).还有一些琐碎的事情,不得不提一提:考口语前大家最好洗个澡,刷刷牙(尤其是男生,老外最讨厌身上有异味的人了,包括口臭.),可以的话喷一点香水(老外最喜欢了,呵呵.).女生最好化化妆,但注意是"轻妆",千万别浓妆艳丽地去考场吓唬考官(这不是选美).去考场的时候带点水,在下推荐康师傅纯洁水或绿茶(因为在下天津人嘛,哈哈...),因为你肯定最早要提前1小时左右到考场,如果你等待考试期间渴了的话,找水可不水那么容易的啊.也可以带1个口香糖(吃完别乱拽啊,大家要注意环保).以上就是在下对口语的一点拙见,仅供大家参考,如果有什么好的建议可以在这和大家交流,在下也可以请教一下.好了回到正题吧,下面我给大家介绍ielts的topic(原来有16,现在有点变动,但不大.):by the way,这帖子为本人原著,请大家不要转载.谢谢合作.1/describe your best friend.how you knew each otherhow you became friendshow you spend time togetherexplain why he/she is your best friend2/describe the trip you took some time ago.when you took ithow you got therewhat you saw thereexplain why you liked it.3/describe the worst weather in your lifewhat it waswhen it happenedhow you feltexplain your experience in details.4/describe your favorite book or a story you read . what the book is calledwhat it talks aboutwhat you learn from itexplain why this book is your favorite.5/describe the recent success of china.what it waswhat it was abouthow important it was6/describe your favorite sports star.who this person iswhat sports does this person playwhy you like this person7/describe a child you are familiar with.his or her namehow old he/she iswhat his/her hobby is8/ describe the four seasons in china.how many seasons there arewhat features there arewhat people do in the four seasons9/describe the most unforgettable success in your life.what it ishow you made itwhy it is important10/describe a period of time, when you think was interesting or exciting.when it waswhat did you do during that periodwhy it was special11/describe a perfect house or flatwhere it iswhat it looks likewhat the inside is likewhy it is ideal for you12/describe your favorite song/music.what song it iswhat it is aboutwhy you like it13/describe a piece of equipmentwhat it ishow it is usedadvantages and disadvantages14/describe your favorite park in china.where it iswhat you seewhat you do in the park15/ describe your favorite tv programwhat it is aboutwhat type it iswhy you like it16/describe a toy(有考生告诉我这个卡片考官说作废了,我不太清楚) who gave it to youwhy you liked ithow you played it还有几个不常见的,但有的地方出现过:#1social welfare(社会福利) ---我感觉不会考a类考生这个问题的. talk abouth the social welfare you know,such like the senior citizen pensions,the disable people funds,etc.#2 describe a type of holiday---老卡片.和前面的trip相似.you should say: 1 what it is2 where you go3 what you doand explain why you like this type of holiday。
Do you spend your free time with other people?
Yes. Sometimes I would invite my friends to have a cup of coffee in Starbucks,
where we could chat over coffee and kill time.
Describe your idol.
(1). Rain is a Korean Singer. (2). Rain‟s popularity is second to none in Asia. (3). I appreciate Rain very much. Rain, whose popularity is second to none in Asia, is a Korean singer (whom) I appreciate very much.
My grandfather, who is turning 86 this year, is retired and enjoying the life at home at the moment. My mother‟s father passed away when I was only 2 years old, which means that I do not have a clear, distinct memory of him.
(1). David Beckham is a football player. (2). David Beckham is famous for his handsomeness. (3). David Beckham is enjoying great popularity in China. David Beckham, who is famous for his handsomeness, is a football player enjoying great popularity in China.
雅思口语雅思口语考试包括三部分内容:一般性话题(general questions),专题讨论(cue card),和深入话题(two-way discussion)。
雅思口语考试的过程如下:Part one:一般性话题:考官会引导考生多谈一般话题,包括:生活,文化习惯,个人兴趣等等,约4-5分钟。
Part two:卡片问题:考官拿出一张写着话题的卡片(cue card),上面写明需要讨论的内容。
考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后对话题谈论1-2分钟,考官不会中途打断,但如果考生回答时间太短,考官会让考生go ahead继续,到两分钟(通常是一分四十秒),考官会让你stop。
Part three:深入话题讨论部分:该部分基本上是对第二部分的谈话内容进行比较广泛而深入的讨论,约4-5分钟。
二.Standards1. Pronunciation (发音)2. Grammatical range and accuracy(语法掌握量与运用准确性)3. Lexical resource(词汇资源)4. Fluency and coherence(流利程度与连贯性)三.Mistakes1. dialects and accents2. Grammatical(1)He and she(2)Tense(3)Verb--noun(4)a sentence without a verb(5)一句话里面能同时连用两个动词吗?(6)你能使用复杂句式吗?如果想考高分的话,复杂句式的使用是必不可少的。
剑桥雅思口语12周完全攻略汇总---------------------------------------剑桥雅思12周完全攻略Week 1 日常学习工作篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.I’m in university and it’s awesome! I’ve never had so much fun or learned so much about a topic or most importantly, learned so much about myself. I’ve met so many great and diverse people and been in situations that I never thought I’d ever be in. I wouldn't trade my years at university in for anything.2.It’s the best school we have in Shenyang. This school’s history goes back to many moons ago, but everything is nice and kept in good condition in addition to some new things. Plus, the teachers are cool and so is the current principal. Everything is cool there.3.My dream job is one that combines traveling, teaching and doing voluntary work. So in a sense, the ideal job is to teach kids in a foreign country which makes traveling to different parts of the world possible. I hope it’s achievable.Task 2 口语Part 1 精练(1小时/周,3遍/周)学习大学版1.Do you work or are you a student?2.What subject are you studying?3.Why did you choose to study that?4.What’s the most interesting thing about your subject?5.Is there anything you don’t like about your subject?6.Do you like your university?中学版1.Where do you study?2.Do you like your school?3.Which of your subjects is the most interesting? (Why?)4.Which of your subjects do you think are most useful for adult life? (Why?)5.How do you get along with your classmates?工作1.Do you work or are you a student?2.How do you like your job?3.How long have you been doing this job?4.Is there anything you don’t like about your job?5.Are you planning to change your job in the near future?6.Do you often get together with your colleagues (workmates) after work?日常生活1.Tell me something about your typical daily routine.2.What’s your favorite time of the day? (Why?)3.Would you like to change anything about your daily routine right now?4.Do you like to plan what you will do each day? (Why / Why not?)5.Do you often change these plans?Task 3 口语话题卡精练(每个话题卡2小时/周,2遍/周)话题卡一:有意思的课程Describe an interesting subject that you studied in school or university.You should say:what the subject waswho taught youhow the teacher taught this subjectand explain why you think it was interesting.相关Part 3 问题:School Subjects1.What school subject do you think will be the most useful in adult life?2.What subject do you think might be needed in the future which has not yet appeared?3.What do you think is the best age for children to start school? (Why?)Teachers and Facilities/doc/d78387a3192e45361166f523.htmlpare the importance of facilities and equipment with the importance of good teachers.2.Do you think computers will ever replace teachers?3.What could (should) the government do to improve the education system?Week 2 居住环境邻里篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.It’s a town of about 300,000 people where there is no crime and everyone knows each other. It is nicknamed the “city of parks” because of the beautiful parks throughout the small town. Also, tow Rivers run through the town as well as several lakes within. I think it is a great hometown because people there are so friendly, everyone is laid-back, the schools are great, no crime and there are tons of great community activities every year. Growing up in a small town has its benefits. A friendly atmosphere, where everybody know each other. Being taught good manners, being polite, and treating others with respect.2.The community spirit is still out there. The problem seems to be nobody these days has time to find it. I would suggest more people walk to the shops, stop and talk to your neighbors, participate in community-related activities, and take an interest in local issues. If you have children, try and teach them the value of belonging to a community, and that it is important to respect other people’s lives and property.3.Many years ago there was a time when families were so close that they looked out for each other, they looked after each other. Now we have moved from being kind and generous to being selfishand only saying “me, me, me” all the time. People don’t seem to make a stand together if they’re not happy with something. They just seem to sit in their houses complaining and not doing anything about it when thins can be done if people just club together.Task 2 口语Part 1 精练(1小时/周,3遍/周)家乡1.What kind of place is your hometown?2.What’s the most famous place in your hometown?3.What’s the oldest part of your hometown?4.Would you say it’s a good place for children to grow up?5.Do many people visit your hometown?居住地1.What kind of accommodation do you live in? / Do you live in a house or in a flat?2.Can you describe the place where you live?3.What would you say is the best thing about your home?4.Would you like to move to another place to live?5.Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbors?6.Would you say the place where you live is good for families?交通1.What kind of transport do you usually use?2.For you, what are the benefits of using that form of transport?3.How can this means of transport be improved?4.What’s the traffic like in your hometown?5.Do you think bicycles are suitable for present society?Task 3 口语话题卡精练(每个话题卡2小时/周,2遍/周)话题卡一好邻居Describe a good neighbor of yours.You should say:how long you have known this neighborwhat sort of person he / she ishow often you see him / herand explain why you consider this person to be a good neighbor相关口语Part 3 问题:Neighbors and Community1.What are the qualities of a good neighbor?2.Now that most people watch a lot of TV, how do you think this has affected people’s relationship with their neighbors?3.Do you think community spirit has increased compared with that years ago, or has it decreased?Housing1.Which do you prefer, houses or flats?2.What kind of housing is most popular in China?/doc/d78387a3192e45361166f523.htmlpare the houses in thecountryside and those in the cities.话题卡二理想的家Describe the ideal home that you would like to live inYou should say:where it would bewhat type of house it would behow you would decorate itand explain why you would like to live in this kind of home.相关口语Part 3 问题:Housing in China1.What type of places do most people in China live in?2.What are some of the housing problems that exist in China?3.Should the state provide cheap housing for low-income earners?Environment and building design1.How do buildings in different parts of China differ from each other?2.How does the environment of a place affect the design of the buildings in that place?3.In what ways can building be more environmentally friendly?Week 3 兴趣爱好休闲篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.As long as we are together it doesn’t really matter what we do. My friends and I hang out and play video games, watch movies, drink a few beers, do karaoke, and play cards, I don’t think that the activity is as important as the company you keep.2.I keep a journal with me wherever I can. That way, anytime there’s a momentary desire to do something or to be something, I can write it down. At the end of each day, I read that journal and check off things that I’ve done. I’ve found, over the years, that having a register of my desires and seeing them checked off provides a great inspiration to go towards the bigger things on my list. 3. Life is boring if you never encounter or try new things,. People will never know what’s really out there unless they explore.Task 2 口语Part 1 精练(1小时/周,3遍/周)Task 3 口语话题卡精练(每个话题卡2小时/周,2遍/周)相关口语Part 3 问题:Week 4 体育锻炼赛事篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.Sports personalities are admired. They are role models for young people throughout the world. Sport stars can positively inspire young people in areas such as fitness, health, commitment and determination towards reaching goals. Young people, who are in the process of forming their ownidentity, look to such “heroes” for guidance on how to behave.2.It depends, young people and commuters tend to prefer doing exercises in the gym, and the elderly people are always to be seen doing exercises outdoors, as for the kids, I think they do this everywhere.3.Because sports or the sports achievement of a country to a certain degree represents the nation’s power, and sports stars are just our national heroes, who mean a lot to the country, they are always the focus of media attention.Task 2 口语Part 1 精练(1小时/周,3遍/周)Task 3 口语话题卡精练(每个话题卡2小时/周,2遍/周)相关口语Part 3 问题:Week 5 旅游节目传统篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.I really like to travel solo. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want without having someone tell you no. You have a lot of freedom to see whatever you want to see. Company is good too but to travel alone gives lots options and freedom.2.A country or place is usually very different than how it’s shown or described in media. Culture shock occurs. If you want to learn about a place, the best way is to go there in person. Also, visiting a new place together with someone else often creates memories…and these memories are something to treasure and to think of afterwards.3.We can keep old traditions alive by performing them and teaching them to our kids, like we celebrate the Chinese New Year. So if I have kids and don’t teach and perform the tradition with them, then they obviously won’t know and won’t teach it to their kids.Week 6 艺术影视文化篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.Art isn’t just about art. Art is a creative skill. It’s a thinking process that can be used in all areas in one’s life. It teaches one to think outside the box, to search for alternative solutions ans to dare to try something different.2.That’s really big question. In some cases, films are more than stories; they highlight something which we’ve ignored in our routine lives. Film comments upon, and reflects society in the stories it tells. Cinema can have a profound effect on our everyday lives.3.While I believe that the knowledge of traditional skill is important, actually physically dong them is not as important. What is more important, in my opinion, is learning new skills that are requiredor would enhance our current lives –these are skills that the current generations need to learn just as our ancestors needed to learn their own skills in order to survive.Week 7 科技传媒网络篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.I used to love just reading the newspaper or watching the news on TV with my morning cup of coffee. But lately I’ve found TV boring and I’m using the Internet more –simply because I can look at what I want whenever I want!2.New influences people by only reporting certain things and leaving out parts that could matter. One-side news or journalism isn’t news but propaganda in my opinion. Although news reports on cable are supposed to be unbiased, they aren’t and do influence the way we think. The media make decisions on what to report and when.3.We are too dependent on technology. A few years ago I had to live for a week without electricity because of a typhoon, and it was NO FUN. Things you cannot use are AC, TV, Internet, stove, microwave, lights, hot water. All I had were candles, a large flashlight, and a battery-operated radio that worked so poorly that I couldn’t get a clear station. The place I worked at still had electricity I couldn’t wait to get there to get some hot coffee, hot food and AC.Week 8 自然万物环境篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.Parks serve two basic purposes, environmental and social. In highly urbanized areas, pollution tends to be noticeably worse, and those few trees can help to make a few very minor improvements. The parks and greenery also serve ad homes for various animals, birds, squirrels, and such, who would otherwise have nowhere to live except in civilian areas, such as houses or offices. The other purpose is social, or psychological. Having nature incorporated into highly urbanized areas can provide a sense of balance and beauty to the area. Parks also encourage outdoor activities and provide people with places to take pets or children to.2.I like rainy days when it’s a weekend and it’s spring. Like a thunderstorm going on outside and ou get you get to stay in and listen to the thunder and pitter-patter of the rain. But I think the best part about that is that you know it’s going to be sunny again. That this storm will go on for a little bit, then the sun will come back out and the world is bright and beautiful again. So I LIKE rainy days, but LOVE sunny days.3.People who really care about the environment are leading by example by actually doing what they believe in. They are making smart choices by recycling at home and work, buying fuel efficient cars and combining trips, walking, biking, and taking pubic transportation when practical, purchasing non-polluting products, planting trees in gardens and doing other types of service work. There are also a lot of educational program in school put on by natural protection agencies and organizations. The problem is that all these positive steps are being drowned out by bigadvertising in mass media.Week 9 家人朋友人物篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.The thing that makes a friend important is how that person makes you feel. When you’re sad they cheer you up and make you laugh. If you are happy then they are happy for you. Also they understand your background and it’s good to have someone other than you family to talk to about your problems.2.I feel those you grew up with have a bond with you that new fiends may not quite understand. Friends back then are different from the ones today, mainly became they were your friends from “back then”. They know the times when you struggled with life, and “love”, or an English test, Your friends today don’t get to see you the way that your friends from back then did. Then again, I also feel that it’s extremely important to branch out and meet new people. Throughout college I’ve met so many different people, and some of then I can relate to and have learned from more than those I’ve know from growing up.3.Unfortunately, many children seem to be influenced by television by television, fashion and peers. Let’s read to our children. Let’s turn the TV off and show them that there is a lot they can do with their imagination. I think parents should have more influence than they realize. Our children see how we cat and hear what we say when they don’t even realize it. They pick up on quite a bit. Week 10 人生经历回顾篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.I have a brown “autograph”book from high school with most of my classmates’names and signatures and goodbye messages. There was something magical about the years I spent in high school. I was gutted when I had to leave for university and I cried saying goodbye to my pals thinking I would never see them again.2.A child is not capable of making important decisions before a certain maturity is reached. So, the parents should do their best to guide their children in the right direction. I think it’s OK and even healthy to suppress a little opposition from the child. That can keep them in check as opposed to spoiling them. I was brought up this way. I am almost 30 and make my own decisions, but I still value my parents’ advice.3.Up to that point in my life I had been following everyone’s advice. That was my first major decision, although a bad one upon reflection, but my decision nonetheless. After that I started being more independent and making my own choices for good or bad. In other words I started living my life instead of letting others live it for me.Week 11 饮食服装时尚篇Task 1 语音语调练习(20分钟/天)1.Forever 21 is a great shop because there’s always new stuff in there and a large variety, so it’s unlikely that you’ll get something that someone else has. Their clothes are stylish and cute. It’s mostly vintage or preppy type stuff. The salespeople are always so nice, they give you cute baskets to carry your clothes or items in. The dressing rooms are huge and adorable. I always go to buy something to cheer myself up if I feel I need a treat.2.Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives us a good start foe the day. You are most active after breakfast so you need calories and carbs to keep you going! If you think about it, we should eat a lot in the morning, a smaller meal at lunch and even smaller at dinner. Because we do so much less after dinner.3.Hopefully small shops can hold on longer. I shop there because the people are always so friendly, helpful and very knowledgeable. But supermarkets like Wal-Mart have driven down prices, which has made goods more accessible to all. It just isn’t practical for small independent retailers to compete on price basis selling things like this. Big shops give you range, and better value. Service is a thing of the past anyway.感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。
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Why would you like to go abroad?I would like to further my study in Britain. There are a lot of famous universities in Britain. World-renowned universities like Cambridge and Oxford are all in Britain. I believe I can receive first-class education in Britain. I don‟t like the weather there.I would like to further my study in Britain for the reason that there are a lot of famous universities there, especially some world-renowned universities like Cambridge and Oxford. For this reason, I believe I can receive first-class education in Britain in spite of the fact that I hate the weather there.Example of the Use of Linking ItemsI studied Electronic Engineering with the focus on EMPS, which is Electronic Magnetism Pulses.主句 (General Fact) + with the focus on + 具体对象+非限制性定语从句 (Additional Information)Are you a student or are you working now?I am a college student studying Business with the major in Finance, which is also the area I‟d like to further study in Britain.Example of the Use of Complex Sentence StructureWhat kinds of leisure activities are popular in China?Well, that‟s quite an interesting question. Uh…how can I put it? Maybe I can put it this way.In truth I would have to say that it really depends.For young people like me, I guess the most popular leisure activity would be playing online games.Take the famous online game WOW as an example, as far as I know, the game has more than 20 million users in China.Whereas on the other hand, for the older generation like my parents, I assume their favorite pastime would be playing Mah-jong,because as you know, this traditional Chinese game is often regarded not only as a game but also a good way to socialize with family members or neighbors in China. Well, that‟s quite an interesting question. Uh…How can I put it? Maybe I can put it this way.In truth I would have to say that it really depends.For guys like me, I guess the most popular sports activity would be playing basketball.You know, in campus, if you play basketball really well, chances are that some pretty girls might be attracted to you and a case in point is that campus basketball stars always have the most attractive girlfriends.Whereas on the other hand, for girl students, I assume their favorite physical activity would be doing YOGAbecause as you know, almost all the girls I know believe they are overweight and they regard YOGA as an excellent way to keep their body shape slim.What kinds of sports/physical activities are popular among college students in China? Describe your idol.My idol is Jay,who is a Taiwanese pop singerhaving huge number of die-hard fans all over Asia.whose songs are mostly written by himself.My idol is Jay. He is a Taiwanese pop singer and he has a lot of crazy fans all over Asia.Can you tell me something about your grandparents?My grandfather is turning 86 this yearMy grandfather is retired and enjoying life at home.My grandfather, who is turning 86 this year, is retired and enjoying the life at home at the moment.My mother‟s father passed away when I was only 2 years old,which means that I do not have a clear, distinct memory of him.Describe a day that is special to you.Valentine‟s day is the day I hate the most in a year,when I am always surrounded by loneliness.At what age do people in your country get married?In China, most people tie the knot between the age 25 and 28,when both parts of the couple are generally financially capable and mentally ready for the marriage.Talk about a shopping center you are familiar with.For boys, there are shops highlighting football, where you can buy pillows with Manchester United and AC Milan‟s emblem on them.There are also special shops featuring DIY, where you can do a range of things from hammering your own silver necklace to making soap and perfumes.Describe a sport star you like.(1). David Beckham is a football player. (2). David Beckham is famous for his handsomeness.(3). David Beckham is enjoying great popularity in China.David Beckham, who is famous for his handsomeness, is a football player enjoying great popularity in China.Describe a person who is controversialLu Yan, who is regarded as ugly in China, is a supermodel shining on the stage ofthe world.主,+非限,+谓语+宾语+限定Lu Yan is a super model. In China, she is regarded as ugly. But on the stage of the world, she is shining.Do people take as much exercise as in the past?Most people are stressed out and no longer taking as much as exercise as in the past because they are facing the ever-increasing working pressure.Facing the ever-increasing working pressure, most people are stressed out and no longer taking as much exercise as in the past.Describe a kind of bird.Magpies enjoy great popularity in Chinabecause they are often regarded as the symbol of happiness in Chinese culture. Often regarded as the symbol of happiness in Chinese culture, magpies enjoy great popularity in China.Describe an embarrassing experience.(1). I was seen through (2). I left there with a hurry. (3). I was embarrassed. Having been seen through, I left there with a hurry, embarrassed.After I was seen through, I left there with a hurry. And I was embarrassed. Describe a clothing brand you likeThere are a lot of clothing brands I like,结构:主句 (总) + with + n + doing sth (具体对象)Describe a city you have visited.There are numerous attractive scenic spots in Sydney,with the Sydney Opera being the most impressive in my opinion.with Armani being my favorite all the time.Describe a band group that you like.I like a band group called May Day from Taiwan.Influenced by my sister, I started to be interested in a band group called May Day from Taiwan.Influenced by my sister, who is crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a band group called May Day from Taiwan.Influenced by my sister, who is a crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a group band called May Day from Taiwan, whose members are all passionate young menInfluenced by my sister, who is a crazy about pop music, I started to be interested in a group band called May Day from Taiwan, whose members are all passionate young men, with one group member Nicknamed Monster being my favorite one.Part1 QuestionsSurvival Criteria1. Long Response2. Pause/Hesitation3. Errors (G/V)PlusKey: 1. Complex Sentence 2. UV 3. Variety (S/V)4. Tense5. Linking Items6. Idiomatic LanguageWhat‟s your name?My Chinese name is Yu Weiguo, which was given by my grandfather, meaning a great and prosperous country in Chinese.Where are you from?I am a local resident in Shanghai,where I have been living since I was born.I am from Dalian,which is a coastal city in the north east China famous for seafood.My Chinese name is …… + 姓名来历+姓名含义Tell me about your hometown.Well, I think today‟s Shang hai is totally different from what it was hundreds of years ago.In the past, Shanghai used to be a small village on the east coast of China whose incomes exclusively come from fishing.Nowadays, however, as one of the biggest cities in China, Shanghai has become the financial hub in the country and boasts for its convenient transportation and services. Well, as you can probably guess, I come from Beijing, where I have been living all my life. Although at the moment I am studying in another city-Tianjing.I suppose if I have to describe Beijing, the first thing I would say is that it is absolutely enormous, maybe even one of the biggest cities in Asia I guess. It is so big that even the locals have problems finding their way around.Another significant characteristic is that it offers examples of both classical and contemporary architecture. Actually some of the China‟s most renowned landmarks like Forbidden City are …slap-bang‟ in the middle of Beijing.Are you a student or are you working now?I am a senior majoring in Chinese in Shanghai University,which is also the school where current mayor of Shanghai graduated.(I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior majoring in+专业+in+校名+which+学校特色)What are you studying?Well, you know as a college student majoring in legal English, I have to study both English and law courses.For English courses, I study listening, speaking and translation courses,in which I believe I‟m doing quite well because I have been interested in English since I was kid.Where in contrast, I must admit that my performance in law courses, which include international law and domestic law, is quite unsatisfactorydue to the fact that I find it hard to make myself interested in this section,which is actually quite boring from what I see.(In fact, representing my university, I took part in the national English speech contest and managed to finish the competition as the runner-up, which might be seen as a proof of my English level.)(To be more specific, I am quite confident of my pronunciation, which is commented as authentic British accent by my friends from UK.)Tell me about your job.OK then, I could start off by saying that I‟m an English teacher in a secondary school.In fact, being a teacher always gives me a feeling of fulfillmentfor the simple reason that you would probably feel proud of yourself when your students achieve academic progress under your instruction.In addition to what I have just said, I can add that sometimes it is not an easy task to be a teacher,especially when you teach some naughty kids who simply don‟t listen to what you say at all.This means that I will have to rack my brain to think of some ways to …take care of‟ them.Do you like listening to music?Well to be quite honest, in general I would say that I‟m totally mad about music, specifically RAP,which rocks me up whenever I listen to it.As well as this, I am also a fan of classical music,in particular some world class masterpieces by Mozart or Beethoven.Listening to the classical works, you feel like being indulged in a melody paradise. And only in such time would I feel fully relaxed from the heavy working stress. What kinds of restaurants are popular in your country?OK, certainly there are quite a range of widespread restaurants in China,with restaurants which serve Sichuan food enjoying the greatest popularity.I assume they are so popular because Sichuan food, which is often quite spicy, is to the Chinese people‟s taste as well as economical.In fact, it is quite common that people have to stand in queue waiting for about 2 or 3 hours before they could guarantee a seat in some most …hot‟ Sichuan restaurants in Shanghai.In addition, another kind of trendy restaurant would be Japanese restaurant.And the unique aspect of Japanese restaurant is that the food there is often served in an “all-you-can-eat” style,which means you can enjoy unlimited amount of delicious Sashimi, Sushi and etc as long as you have a big enough stomach.What is your favorite spare time activity?Well, in this case I think I have to say my answer really depends.Like for instance, if the weather is fine, I would probably invite my friends to have a cup of coffee in Starbucks,where we could chat over coffee and kill time.On the contrary, if it is raining outside, I would be happy to be a …couch potato‟ watching American TV series like Prison Break,by doing so I can improve my English as well as get to know a lot about the United States.Is fast food popular in your country?Alright, I guess that on the one hand, fast food enjoys great popularity among young peopleand this is definitely the case when you see that majority of the customers in restaurants like KFC or McDonald are young guys of my age.But you also have to understand that to older generation like my parents, it is a totally different storyfor the reason that older people in China often prefer traditional food like chicken soup, which is more nutritious according to them.So on the whole, I suppose the answer has to be Yes and No.Do you get on well with your family members?Well, I guess on the one hand, I bound with my mother.It seems that I can always find something in common to talk with her,who is also a pretty talkative person like me.We almost talk about everything ranging from recent events to gossip news.While on the other hand, I have to admit that the connection between my father and I doesn‟t seem to be that close.I think this is mainly due to the fact that my father is a quite reserved person, which means he would prefer to conceal his feelings instead of speaking out.Would you like to be in a film?Well, quite honestly I don‟t think I‟ve ever thought about that, but I guess I would probably consider playing a role in a film,especially when I had the chance to be a character in a Hollywood movie.You know, if I played a role in a Hollywood movie I would have the opportunity to get to know some world-famous movie stars like Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt,who have been my idol since I was a kidand chances are that my talent in acting might be discovered by the professional talent scouts,which means I could be a superstar myself someday in the future.Part 2 QuestionsDescribe a singer or musician that you admireWho the person isWhat type of music/songs he she plays/singsWhy you admire this personWhether this person is popular in your countrySo, to start with I will talk about who the person is, and the one I‟d pick is Jay, who is a pop singer from Taiwan.Continuing then with the next point of what type of songs he sings, and what I need to emphasize here is that his music is an excellent mixture of modern pop music and traditional Chinese style, which is so unique that his music could be easily distinguished from other types of music.Progressing to the subject of why I admire him, I would like to explain thatit is his versatile talent in music that deeply attracts me,you know, he writes most of his songs all by himself as well as being able to sing. As a final point, if time permits, I‟d like to bring in the position of whether he is popular in China and I should say not only does he enjoy great popularity in China but also he has huge number of fans all over the world.Describe a successful businessman you admireWho the person isWhat makes him/her a good leaderWhy you admire this personWhether this person has influenced youSo I suppose I should commence with the first aspect which is who the person is, and I‟d probably select Jack Ma, the current director of .Regarding the theme of what makes him successful, and the thing that needs to be highlighted here is that his success should mostly be attributed to some priceless qualities he possesses such as entrepreneurship, leadership and the courage to take risks.This also explains the reason why I admire him, you know, he is a successful entrepreneur who started from the scratch.When he set up his company, all he had was a budget of 50,000 Yuan and merely 5 staff.Hard as the condition was, he managed to lead his team to achieve business success one after another just like the King Midas.To cut a long story short, as my very last point, with reference to the question of whether he has influenced me, I have to sayso deeply has his legendary story influenced me that I have made up my mind to set up my own company after I graduate following his steps.Describe a public event you have attendedWhat the event wasWhen and where was the event heldWhat you felt about itWould you like to attend the same event againAlright, in respo nse to the first question of what the event was, and I‟d have to go for the 5th Asian musical festival,which took place in Shanghai 2 years ago,when I took part in the event as an interpreter for the organizing committee throughout.Continuing then with the next point of what I felt about it, and what I need to emphasize here is that I have mixed feelings towards the festival.Obviously, there are lots of exciting aspectsEspecially when you realize that you can meet the super stars,who generally could be seen only on televisions, face to face.In addition, I have to say I also tasted a sense of hardshipdue to the fact that working as an interpreter for the organizing committee was extremely busy and tiring.Having interpreted and translated continuously for at least 12 hours a day, you inevitably feel exhausted, losing energy and motivation to keep working.And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of whether I‟d like to attend the same event again, really I should mention that tiring as attending the event might be, I would definitely participate in the festival again should I have the chance.Describe a person who is controversialYou should sayWho the person isWhat does he/she doWhy is he/she controversialWhat do you think of him/herInitially then, I'd like to get started by looking at who the person is, and the one I'd pick is Fan Meizhongwho is a teacher of a secondary school in Sichuan province, the place where the terrible earth quake in May 12th happened.Going on to my next point which is why he is famous, and what I have to mention here is that when the earth quake happened, Mr. Fan, as the classadvisor of more than 40 students, was the first person running out of the classroom, leaving all his students unprotected.What's more, afterwards, he even wrote an article about the incident onhis blog to defend for himselfclaiming that he didn't feel guilty for his behavior at all and it was only natural for a person to think of his own interests instead of trying to save others at thecost of his own life.His remark, consequently, immediately arousedgreat controversy among netizens.While some people strongly criticized his behavior as "inhumane" and even nicknamed him as "Running-away Fan" to ridicule him,some argued that what he did was out of nothing but human nature.To end with, if I still have time, I could take care of the final question of my opinion on him,what I'd like to make clear is thatI understand his reaction under such emergencybut on no account should he have expressed his feelings on his blog publicly. Well, actually, when it comes to the topic of a controversial person, a lot of names would immediately come to my mind.Anyway, if I do have to choose a typical one, I guess I would have to pick a woman called Lu Yan.You know, Lu Yan, who is actually regarded as ugly by most Chinese people, is a supermodel shining on the stage of the world,which means her appearance is the main reason why she is controversial.You know, in the eyes of most Chinese people, girls like Lu Yan,who have big round face with small eyes, flat nose and thick lipsare often labeled as the least popular type.On the contrary, astonishingly, judged by the appreciation of the aesthetics from the majority of westerners, she is purely a fair lady.I guess the major explanation for the controversy on her appearance lies in the different perceptions of beauty between the West and the East.According to most Chinese people, a truly gorgeous woman should have an oval face, long and thick eyelashes, willowleaf-shaped eyebrows, long black straight hair, slender legs and smooth skin.On the other hand, however, from the standards of many westerners, it is girls like Lu Yan that distinctively represents the typical image of eastern beauties, whose appearances are so different and convey a feeling of mystery,which I guess is highly appreciated by the people in western countries.Describe a website you have usedWhat the website isWhat you used it forHow you found about itWhether you have used other websites similar to this one.Ok, then, I guess I could begin by saying something about what the website is, and I think I would have to choose ,which is one of the most popular websites featuring news in China.Going on to my next point which is what I used it for, I really need to add that providing a range of news from global update to entertainment or sports news, the website really entitles me to the access to what is going on around the globe.For example, when the earth quake in Sichuan happened in May 12th, it was just through this website that I knew about the natural disaster.And now with reference to how I found about it, the point I want to make here is that the website is actually so f amous here that you simply don‟t have to …find‟ it. You know, just like in USA, it is a website that everyone knows.And so finally then, if I have time, in answer to the question of whether I have used other similar websites, really I should mention that I used to visit other similar websites like , which was actually established earlier than SINA, for checking newsHardly had been established when I immediately switched to the latterFor the reason that the former one is obviously inferior to when it comes to the quality of the news.Part 3 QuestionsAre the ways in which people become famous nowadays the same way that people became famous 100 years ago?Well obviously there are a number of underlying differences here.However, I guess that the most significant would be that it is much easier for people today to become well-known than 100 years ago.I think this should mainly be attributed to the development of different types of media like the internet,which entitles people to be easily known by others all over the world.Whereas on the other hand, people living in the world one century ago would find it hard to be a celebrity due to the lack of efficient media.Question Type: ComparisonIn addition, a second key distinction would be that contemporary people can be famous as long as you have certain unique characteristic.Say if you are extremely funny, or even ridiculous, chances are that your unique attribute would be appreciated by a lot of people.And the fact that a woman nicknamed …Sister Lotus‟, who is known for her extreme narcissism, enjoys great popularity among netizens in China is a case in point. While on the other hand, 100 years ago, only the people who are distinguished in a certain aspect may be discovered and got to know by others.What is the difference between the way children and adults make friends? Obviously there are quite a lot of differences in the way kids and adults make friends, with the following two characteristics being the most evident from my point of view. Firstly, I think a major difference lies in the motive of making friends.Children tend to make friends purely out of intuition,which means the sole criteria for them is the so called …chemistry‟whilst for adults, often driven by a specific purpose, they tend to make friends with those people who could potentially benefit them.What‟s more, I guess another distinct difference is the stability of the friendship.You know, children start their friendship with others very quickly, but they also tend to forget their friends easily.While I think for adults, they cherish their friendship more seriouslyfor they are perfectly aware of what a significant role good interpersonal relationship plays in the contemporary world to achieve success.Question Type: Advantage/DisadvantageWhat are the advantages of spending time in a foreign country?Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits.But it goes without saying that the most apparent would be that living in a foreign country helps us master the language there in a relatively short period of time.This is without doubt beneficial because surrounded by native speakers, one has a lot of chances to listen to and speak the language, so I guess big progress could be easily made.At the same time a second bonus might be that you can travel throughout the country you live in.This is definitely valuable since by doing so, you can have a taste of different culture and have your horizon broadened .What are the major problems related to using computers?Well, to be honest, there are indeed quite a few problems associated with using computers, with security risks obviously being the most prominent .You know, sometimes so vulnerable is your computer under attacks from hackers that it could potentially reveal your privacy.Actually, I think the recent case of Hong Kong star Edison‟s erotic pictures being uploaded on the internet may serve as a convincing example.In addition, it is just due to using computers that some health problems are caused as well.You know, it is generally believed that computers release a kind of radiation, which deteriorates people‟s immune systems, leading to terrible diseases including cancer.What is your opinion on one child policy?Generally speaking, I think one child policy could be regarded either as a blessing or a curse.For the positive side, the practice is definitely beneficial for the control of the population in China,which is estimated to have exceeded 1.4 billion.For the negative side, spoiled by the parents, the only child in a family is likely to lose certain crucial qualities they should have possessed.For example, they tend to be more dependent on their parents and often lack of practical hands-on abilities.Question Type: Abstract QuestionsWhat do you think …real love‟ means?Well, that‟s a difficult question,especially for someone who has never actually been in love like me.I think the concept of …real love‟, or …true love‟ has various meanings to different people.Some people might define it as a kind of mania in which people indulge in.From what I see, however, real love means not only a pleasure, not also loyalty and obligation,which indicates that so indispensable does a person mean to you that you are willing to sacrifice everything you have for his or her well being .What problems are associated with overcrowded cities?Question Type: Problem + SolutionThis issue is weighed down with a few problems.Essentially, one fundamental concern is probably the overcrowded population in a city is likely to contribute to high unemployment rate.This is clearly alarming because it is evident that the more people there are in a city, the more difficult it is to find a job.Additionally, another major cause for concern has to be the fact that the over population tends to result in more traffic jams.And the underlying repercussion of this is that people would have to spend much more time on traveling between home and company.What are the solutions to this problem?In my view we could go about this in a number of ways.In reaction to the initial issue, the most effective way to get to the root of the problem would be that the government should provide some skill training courses to the unemployed to help them improve the professional skills and find a decent job. Taking on the second problem, the most successful way to confront this would be to restrict the use of private cars by the means like raising the prices of license plates or something like that, which I think is a great way to relieve the problem to a certain extent.Describe a TV programWhat the name of the program isWhen you watched itWhat it talked aboutWhy you like this programI guess I could begin by saying something about the name of the program, and I think I would have to choose The Apprentice,which is an American reality show held by real estate tycoon Donald Trump, featuring business competition.Going on to my next point which is when I watched it, I really need to add that it was just in this summer vacation that I watched the latest season of the show.。