real time body part recognition




多模态⼈机交互综述(译⽂)Alejandro Jaimes, Nicu Sebe, Multimodal human–computer interaction: A survey, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2007.多模态⼈机交互综述摘要:本⽂总结了多模态⼈机交互(MMHCI, Multi-Modal Human-Computer Interaction)的主要⽅法,从计算机视觉⾓度给出了领域的全貌。

我们尤其将重点放在⾝体、⼿势、视线和情感交互(⼈脸表情识别和语⾳中的情感)⽅⾯,讨论了⽤户和任务建模及多模态融合(multimodal fusion),并指出了多模态⼈机交互研究的挑战、热点课题和兴起的应⽤(highlighting challenges, open issues, and emerging applications)。

1. 引⾔多模态⼈机交互(MMHCI)位于包括计算机视觉、⼼理学、⼈⼯智能等多个研究领域的交叉点,我们研究MMHCI是要使得计算机技术对⼈类更具可⽤性(Usable),这总是需要⾄少理解三个⽅⾯:与计算机交互的⽤户、系统(计算机技术及其可⽤性)和⽤户与系统间的交互。

考虑这些⽅⾯,可以明显看出MMHCI 是⼀个多学科课题,因为交互系统设计者应该具有⼀系列相关知识:⼼理学和认知科学来理解⽤户的感知、认知及问题求解能⼒(perceptual, cognitive, and problem solving skills);社会学来理解更宽⼴的交互上下⽂;⼯效学(ergonomics)来理解⽤户的物理能⼒;图形设计来⽣成有效的界⾯展现;计算机科学和⼯程来建⽴必需的技术;等等。





Alejandro Jaimes, Nicu Sebe, Multimodal human–computer interaction: A survey, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2007.多模态人机交互综述摘要:本文总结了多模态人机交互(MMHCI, Multi-Modal Human-Computer Interaction)的主要方法,从计算机视觉角度给出了领域的全貌。

我们尤其将重点放在身体、手势、视线和情感交互(人脸表情识别和语音中的情感)方面,讨论了用户和任务建模及多模态融合(multimodal fusion),并指出了多模态人机交互研究的挑战、热点课题和兴起的应用(highlighting challenges, open issues, and emerging applications)。

1. 引言多模态人机交互(MMHCI)位于包括计算机视觉、心理学、人工智能等多个研究领域的交叉点,我们研究MMHCI是要使得计算机技术对人类更具可用性(Usable),这总是需要至少理解三个方面:与计算机交互的用户、系统(计算机技术及其可用性)和用户与系统间的交互。

考虑这些方面,可以明显看出MMHCI 是一个多学科课题,因为交互系统设计者应该具有一系列相关知识:心理学和认知科学来理解用户的感知、认知及问题求解能力(perceptual, cognitive, and problem solving skills);社会学来理解更宽广的交互上下文;工效学(ergonomics)来理解用户的物理能力;图形设计来生成有效的界面展现;计算机科学和工程来建立必需的技术;等等。





第47卷第1期Vol.47No.1计算机工程Computer Engineering2021年1月January2021基于姿态估计与GRU网络的人体康复动作识别闫航1,2,陈刚1,2,佟瑶2,3,姬波1,胡北辰1(1.郑州大学信息工程学院,郑州450001;2.郑州大学互联网医疗与健康服务协同创新中心,郑州450001;3.郑州大学护理与健康学院,郑州450001)摘要:康复锻炼是脑卒中患者的重要治疗方式,为提高康复动作识别的准确率与实时性,更好地辅助患者在居家环境中进行长期康复训练,结合姿态估计与门控循环单元(GRU)网络提出一种人体康复动作识别算法Pose-AMGRU。



关键词:康复训练;动作识别;姿态估计;门控循环单元;注意力机制开放科学(资源服务)标志码(OSID):中文引用格式:闫航,陈刚,佟瑶,等.基于姿态估计与GRU网络的人体康复动作识别[J].计算机工程,2021,47(1):12-20.英文引用格式:YAN Hang,CHEN Gang,TONG Yao,et al.Human rehabilitation action recognition based on pose estimation and GRU network[J].Computer Engineering,2021,47(1):12-20.Human Rehabilitation Action Recognition Based onPose Estimation and GRU NetworkYAN Hang1,2,CHEN Gang1,2,TONG Yao2,3,JI Bo1,HU Beichen1(1.College of Information Engineering,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou450001,China;2.Internet Medical and Health Service Collaborative Innovation Center,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou450001,China;3.College of Nursing and Health,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou450001,China)【Abstract】Rehabilitation exercise is an important treatment method for stroke patients.This paper proposes a rehabilitation action recognition algorithm,Pose-AMGRU,which combines pose estimation with Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)in order to improve the accuracy and real-time performance of rehabilitation action recognition,and thus assist patients in in-home long-term rehabilitation training.The algorithm uses OpenPose pose estimation method to extract the skeleton joints from video frames,and the pose data is preprocessed to obtain the key action features that represent body movement.Then a GRU network with three-layer time series features is constructed by using the attention mechanism to realize rehabilitation action classification.Experimental results on KTH dataset and rehabilitation action dataset show that the proposed algorithm increases the recognition accuracy to98.14%and100%,and its running speed on GTX1060 reaches14.23frame/s,which demonstrates its excellent recognition accuracy and real-time performance.【Key words】rehabilitation training;action recognition;pose estimation;Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU);attention mechanism DOI:10.19678/j.issn.1000-3428.00582010概述脑卒中发病人数逐年上升,已成为威胁全球居民生命健康的重大疾病,具有极高的致残率,其中重度残疾者约占40%[1]。



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Discriminant Nonnegative Tensor Factorization Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2009, 20(2): 217 - 235[J35] Zafeiriou S, Petrou M. Nonlinear Non-Negative Component Analysis Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2010, 19(4): 1050 - 1066[J36] Kotsia I, Zafeiriou S, Pitas I. A Novel Discriminant Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Algorithm With Applications to Facial Image Characterization Problems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2007, 2(3): 588 - 595[J37] Irene Kotsia, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Ioannis Pitas. Texture and shape information fusion for facial expression and facial action unit recognition . Pattern Recognition, 2008, 41(3): 833-851[J38]Wenfei Gu, Cheng Xiang, Y.V. Venkatesh, Dong Huang, Hai Lin. Facial expression recognition using radial encoding of local Gabor features and classifier synthesis. Pattern Recognition, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 27 May 2011[J39] F Dornaika, E Lazkano, B Sierra. Improving dynamic facial expression recognition with feature subset selection. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2011, 32(5): 740-748[J40] Te-Hsun Wang, Jenn-Jier James Lien. Facial expression recognition system based on rigid and non-rigid motion separation and 3D pose estimation. Pattern Recognition, 2009, 42(5): 962-977[J41] Hyung-Soo Lee, Daijin Kim. Expression-invariant face recognition by facialexpression transformations. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2008, 29(13): 1797-1805[J42] Guoying Zhao, Matti Pietikäinen. Boosted multi-resolution spatiotemporal descriptors for facial expression recognition . Pattern Recognition Letters, 2009, 30(12): 1117-1127[J43] Xudong Xie, Kin-Man Lam. Facial expression recognition based on shape and texture. Pattern Recognition, 2009, 42(5):1003-1011[J44] Peng Yang, Qingshan Liu, Dimitris N. Metaxas Boosting encoded dynamic features for facial expression recognition . Pattern Recognition Letters, 2009,30(2): 132-139[J45] Sungsoo Park, Daijin Kim. Subtle facial expression recognition using motion magnification. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2009, 30(7): 708-716[J46] Chathura R. De Silva, Surendra Ranganath, Liyanage C. De Silva. Cloud basis function neural network: A modified RBF network architecture for holistic facial expression recognition. Pattern Recognition, 2008, 41(4): 1241-1253[J47] Do Hyoung Kim, Sung Uk Jung, Myung Jin Chung. Extension of cascaded simple feature based face detection to facial expression recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2008, 29(11): 1621-1631[J48] Y. Zhu, L.C. De Silva, C.C. Ko. Using moment invariants and HMM in facial expression recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2002, 23(1-3): 83-91[J49] Jun Wang, Lijun Yin. Static topographic modeling for facial expression recognition and analysis. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2007, 108(1-2): 19-34[J50] Caifeng Shan, Shaogang Gong, Peter W. McOwan. Facial expression recognition based on Local Binary Patterns: A comprehensive study. Image and Vision Computing, 2009, 27(6): 803-816[J51] Xue-wen Chen, Thomas Huang. Facial expression recognition: A clustering-based approach. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2003, 24(9-10): 1295-1302 [J52] Irene Kotsia, Ioan Buciu, Ioannis Pitas. An analysis of facial expression recognition under partial facial image occlusion. Image and Vision Computing, 2008, 26(7): 1052-1067[J53] Shuai Liu, Qiuqi Ruan. Orthogonal Tensor Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for facial expression recognition. Pattern Recognition, 2011, 44(7):1497-1513[J54] Eszter Székely, Henning Tiemeier, Lidia R. Arends, Vincent W.V. Jaddoe, Albert Hofman, Frank C. Verhulst, Catherine M. Herba. Recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotions by 3-Year-Olds. Emotion, 2011, 11(2): 425-435[J55] Kathleen M. Corcoran, Sheila R. Woody, David F. Tolin. Recognition of facial expressions in obsessive–compulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2008, 22(1): 56-66[J56] Bouchra Abboud, Franck Davoine, Mô Dang. 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Eigenfaces vs. fischerfaces: recognition using class specific linear projection.IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,1997,15(7):711-720[J77] MA L,KHORASANI K.Facial Expression Recognition Using Constructive Feedforward Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B,2007,34(3):1588-1595.[J78][J79][J80][J81][J82][J83][J84][J85][J86][J87][J88][J89][J90]4、英文学位论文[D1]Hu Yuxiao. Three-dimensional face processing and its applications in biometrics:[Ph.D dissertation]. USA,Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois, 2008。

Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems

Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems

Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems have become an integral part of our daily lives. From the smartphones we use to the cars we drive, these systems play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and reliable operation. In this response, we will explore the importance of real-time systems and embedded systems frommultiple perspectives. From a technological perspective, real-time systems are designed to respond to events or inputs within a specific time frame. These systems are used in various domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and industrial automation. For example, in an automotive application, a real-time system is responsible for controlling the engine, braking system, and othercritical components. Any delay or failure in these systems could have catastrophic consequences. Therefore, the real-time nature of these systems is of utmost importance to ensure safety and reliability. Embedded systems, on the other hand, are a combination of hardware and software designed to perform specific tasks within a larger system. These systems are often found in devices that we use on a daily basis, such as smartphones, smartwatches, and home appliances. The main advantage of embedded systems is their ability to perform tasks efficiently and autonomously, without the need for human intervention. For example, a smart thermostat embedded with sensors can monitor the temperature of a room and adjust the heating or cooling system accordingly, providing comfort and energy savings. From a user perspective, real-time systems and embedded systems enhance our daily lives by providing convenience, efficiency, and safety. Consider the example of a smartphone. The embedded systems within the device enable us to make phone calls, send messages, browse the internet, and use various applications seamlessly. The real-time systems ensure that these tasks are performed instantaneously, providing us with a smooth user experience. Additionally, embedded systems in smartphones also enable features such as GPS navigation, facial recognition, and augmented reality, further enhancing the user experience. From a societal perspective,real-time systems and embedded systems have a significant impact on various industries and sectors. For instance, in the healthcare industry, real-time systems are used in medical devices such as pacemakers and insulin pumps to monitor and regulate patients' vital signs in real-time. These systems can detectabnormalities and deliver life-saving treatments immediately. Similarly, in the transportation industry, real-time systems are used in traffic management systems to optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion and improving overall efficiency. This not only saves time for individuals but also reduces fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a more sustainable environment. However, it is important to consider the challenges and risks associated with real-time systems and embedded systems. One of the main challenges is ensuring the security and privacy of these systems. With the increasing interconnectedness of devicesand systems, there is a higher risk of cyber-attacks and unauthorized access. For example, a hacker gaining control of a real-time system in a power plant could cause a blackout or disrupt critical operations. Therefore, it is crucial to implement robust security measures, such as encryption and authentication protocols, to protect these systems from potential threats. Another challenge is the complexity of developing and maintaining real-time and embedded systems. These systems often require specialized knowledge and expertise in both hardware and software design. Additionally, as technology advances, the requirements and specifications of these systems change, necessitating frequent updates and modifications. This can be a time-consuming and costly process. Therefore, it is essential to have a skilled workforce and effective development methodologies in place to ensure the successful implementation and maintenance of these systems.In conclusion, real-time systems and embedded systems are vital components of our technological landscape. They provide us with convenience, efficiency, and safetyin various domains. From a technological perspective, these systems ensure timely and reliable operation, while from a user perspective, they enhance our dailylives by providing seamless and intuitive experiences. Moreover, from a societal perspective, these systems have a significant impact on industries and sectors, improving efficiency and sustainability. However, it is important to address the challenges associated with these systems, such as security and complexity, to ensure their successful implementation and maintenance.。

Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images中文翻译

Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images中文翻译

Real-Time Human Pose Recognition in Parts from Single Depth Images 基于单深度特征图像的实时人体姿态识别摘要:我们提出了一种能够迅速精确地预测人体关节3D位置的新方法,这种方法仅需要单幅深度图像,无需使用时间信息。





















阅读理解专题广东省揭阳市2020-2021学年下学期高三质量测试英语试题第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.AI've been reading lots of books per year during the past decade. So obviously I get the usual question of what books I recommend. Well here are my top 4 favorite books of all time, which influenced me into who I am today.1. Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.It's one of the biggest bestsellers of all time. Napoleon Hill spent two decades analyzing over 500 successful men like Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and John D. Rockefeller to discover how they did it. The result of Hill's research is in Think & Grow Rich — 13 steps to achieve your goal, whatever it is. All other self-help books are just copies of Hill's book first published in 1937.2. Psyclho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.It's another bestseller and the only self-help book you'll need next to Think & Crow Rich. Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon who was amazed that some patients still felt ugly after surgery. That's when he discovered they also needed reconstruction work inside — their "self-image". Everything about how to use the "mind-body" connection to achieve your goals, and how to feel confident about your body is inside this book.3. Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin.This book drives the point home that success in any field is not determined by genes or talent but deliberate practice, Colvin uses examples from class achievers like Tiger Woods, Jack Welch, Warren Buffet, Mozart to prove that they all got theirs through years of practice—the 10,000 hours rule. You'll reexamine your beliefs about what it takes to succeed and supercharge your motivation after reading Colvin's book.4. Mastery by George Leonard.This book also stresses that practice is the secret of success in anything. Leonard explains that mastership never ends — you will never have perfect technique and be able to stop. Instead you'll keep learning, improving, and hitting plateaus. The big point in Mastery is that plateaus are vital for improving your skills and that you therefore must start enjoying them instead of getting impatient or quitting like most guys do.1. For what purpose will a person read the book Think & Grow Rich as a reference?A. To make a research on being rich and famous.B. To draw a conclusion on the successful men's stories.C. To deliver a lecture on the instructions on how to succeed.D. To write a report on how to copy Hill's 13 steps to become famous.2. What do Think & Grow Rich and Psycho-Cybernetics both share?A. They are on the same bookshelf next to each other.B. They are bestsellers and the self-help books as well.C. They introduce about successful people and their secrets.D. They help readers to become successful by offering confidence.3. Which books can best explain the sayings "Practice makes perfect" and "Live and learn" respectively?A. Talent is Overrated; Mastery.B. Mastery; Psycho-Cybernetics.C. Think & Grow Rich; Psycho-Cybernetics.D. Think & Grow Rich; Talent is Overrated. 【答案】1. C 2. B 3. ABHaving just completed her diploma in French, Feng Yu, as a brave young girl, was ready for some adventure. She finally took on the job offer that brought her to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to work as an interpreter. Only 22 years old at the time, she could hardly imagine the hardships sue would face there. But with the support of her African friends in China, she stood firm and found out that an extraordinary experience was awaiting for her there.Despite having made all necessary preparations, Feng spent her first night on the continent in tears. But she did her best to adapt to the new living environment.After a few months, she look on a new job offer in the Democratic Republic of the Congo before moving to Algeria. She stayed on the African continent for three and a half years in total , before finally returning to China.As days went by, a golden opportunity opened to her. Her company needed someone to go to a faraway village deep in the forest. None of her colleagues wanted to go, but Feng, as a junior employee, seized the opportunity.This village is inhabited by the tribe, cut off from the world, still maintains is traditional ways. That night when the kerosene lamp went out, Feng found herself in total darkness. "I was so scared, but I had nowhere to run away," she recalled. The next day, she saw how singing and dancing play a major role in the lives of local villagers.Little by little, Feng was caught up in this lively atmosphere and soon forgot her initial worries.Back home, she found a position in an African embassy in Beijing. For the next four years, from 2014 to 2018, Feng traveled twice to Mauritania and twice to Madagascar. She was captivated by the continent again and again.4. What do we know about Feng Yu from Paragraph One?A. She wanted to experience some hardships after graduation.B. She is an experienced Chinese oversea student.C. She wanted to work in Africa after graduation.D. She was working at an embassy in Africa.5. Where did Feng Yu go to work when she was 22 years old?A. Algeria.B. Mauritania.C. Madagascar.D. Congo.6. How did Feng Yu feel after in the village finally?A. Scared.B. Relaxed.C. Worried.D. Excited.7. How long did she stay in Africa in all before she got a position in an African embassy?A. Almost four years.B. Almost three years.C. More than four years.D. More than five years.【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. ACMarco Springmann and his colleagues, at the Oxford Martin School's Future of Food Programme, built computer models that predicted what would happen if everyone became vegetarian by 2050. The results indicate that if the world went vegan, the greenhouse gas emissions declines would be around 70%.In the US, for example, an average family of four emits more greenhouse gases because of the meal they eat than from driving two cars——but it is cars, not steaks, that regularly come up in discussions about global warming.Food, especially livestock, also takes up a lot of room. 68% of agricultural land in the world is used for livestock. When these lands become grasslands and forests, they would capture carbon dioxide and further ease climate change.However, if the whole world went vegan, there would be negative effects too. First, it is necessary to keep livestock for environmental purposes. "I'm sitting here in Scotland where the Highlands' environment is very man-made and based largely on grazing by sheep," says Peter Alexander, a researcher in socio-ecological systems modeling at the University of Edinburgh. "If we took all the sheep away, the environment would look different and there would be a potential negative impact on biodiversity. "Plus, meat is an important part of history , tradition and cultural identity. Numerous groups around the world give livestock gifts at weddings, celebratory dinners such as Christmas with turkey or roast beef.And nowadays, moderation in meal-eating's frequency and portion size is key to solving these conflicts. "Certain changes would encourage us to make healthier and more environmentally friendly dietary decisions," says Springmann, "like putting a higher price lag on meat and making fresh fruits and vegetables cheaper. "In fact, clear solutions already exist for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock industry. What is lacking is the will to implement those changes.8. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in the second paragraph?A. Driving cars is more dangerous than eating steaks in the US.B. Our dietary choices affecting climate change is often underestimated.C. People compare the greenhouse gas emissions of the cars and steaks.D. Cars affect the global warming more seriously than the steaks.9. Why does Peter Alexander mention the sheep?A. To show the important impact of livestock on the environment.B. To show his work as a researcher in the socio-ecological systemsC. To encourage people to take all the sheep back for environmental purpose.D. To point out the negative impact of the sheep on the biodiversity.10. Which saying can best show the author's attitude to livestock?A. It is hard to please all.B. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.C. One cannnot see the wood for the trees.D. Everything is a double-edged sword.11. Where is this text most likely from?A. A biology textbook.B. A health magazine.C. A scientific journal.D. An educational review.【答案】8. B 9. A 10. D 11. CDAccording to the majority of Americans, women are every bit as capable of being good political leaders as men. The same can be said of their ability to dominate the corporate boardroom. And according to a new Pew Research Center survey on women and leadership, most Americans find women indistinguishable from men on key leadership traits such as intelligence and capacity for innovation, with many saying they're stronger than men in terms of being passionate and organized leaders.So why, then, are women in short supply at the top of government and business in the United States? According to the public, at least, it's not that they lack toughness, management talent or proper skill sets. It’s also not all about work-life balance. Although economic research and previous survey findings have shown that career interruptions related to motherhood may make it harder for women to advance in their careers and compete for top executive jobs, relatively few adults in the recent survey point to this as a key barrier for women seeking leadership roles. Only about one-in-five say women's family responsibilities are a major reason why there aren't more females in top leadership positions in business and politics.Instead, topping the list of reasons, about four-in-ten Americans point to a double standard for women seeking to climb to the highest levels of either politics or business, where they have to do more than their male counterparts to prove themselves. Similar shares say the electorate and corporate America are just not ready to put more women in top leadership positions.As a result, the public is divided about whether the imbalance in corporate America will change in the foreseeable future, even though women have made major advances in the workplace. While 53% believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future, 44% say it's only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men. Americans are less doubtful when it comes to politics: 73% expect to see a female president in their lifetime.12. What do most Americans think of women leaders according to a new Pew Research Center survey?A. They have to do more to distinguish themselves.B. They have to strive harder to win their positionsC. They are stronger than men in terms of willpower.D. They are just as intelligent and innovative as men.13. What do we learn from previous survey findings about women seeking leadership roles?A. They have unconquerable difficulties on their way to success.B. They are lacking in confidence when competing with men.C. Their failures may have something to do with family duties.D. Relatively few are affected in their career advancement.14. What is the primary factor keeping women from taking top leadership positions according to the recent survey?A. Personality traitsB. Gender bias.C. Family responsibilities.D. Lack of vacancies.15. What does the passage say about corporate America in the near future?A. More and more women will sit in the boardroom.B. Gender imbalance in leadership is likely to change.C. The public is undecided about whether women will make good leaders.D. People have opposing opinions as to whether it will have more women leaders.【答案】12. D 13. C 14. B 15. D广东省韶关市2021届高三综合测试英语试题第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D选项中,选出最佳选项。



Interactive games
Interactive games
In order to enhance the fun of learning, teachers will design some interactive games, such as "Lianliankan" and "Jigsaw Games", to help students consolidate their English knowledge in the games.
The image is designed to be easy to understand and engaging for children
English words and promotion
The English word "nose" is taught along with its correct
Language focus
Simple English terms and presence structure
Additional features
Each body part will have a corresponding picture and short description to aid comprehension
Bright colors
Detailed description
The eyes in the picture are brightly colored, which can attract students' attention and enhance their interest in learning.










AWorld-famous Botanical GardensFrom botanical history to scientific discovery,here are the top picks for people to explore.Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew,London,England(1840)Located in London,Royal-Botanic Gardens at Kew are home to the world’s biggest collection of living plants. As a global resource for plant and fungal knowledge,it has more than50,000species of native and exotic plants,trees, and flowers on site.It is a setting rich in history that spans from royal decorations to wartime bombing,and its mission is to protect plants for the future of all life on Earth.The Humble Administrator’s Garden,Suzhou,China(1513)The Humble Administrators Garden in Suzhou is a great masterpiece with its attractive design and careful arrangement of natural elements.It’s centered around water features,with beautiful fountains,complex rockwork,and historic buildings surrounded by thick vegetation.The combination of these elements creates a picturesque landscape. Because of its exceptional cultural and historical significance,the garden has become a world heritage.Parque de Monserrate,Sintra,Portugal(1789)Monserrate is a combination of wild landscape with old ruins,formal lawned areas and lovely gardens.The garden sits on the lower slopes of the Sintra Mountains,which have one of the mildest climates in Europe,so the garden is frost-free.At its very centre is a grand palace,which has a distinctive mixture of different architectural styles. It has been the site of various buildings and gardens for hundreds of years.Missouri Botanical Garden,St Louis,USA(1859)Established in1859,Missouri Botanical Garden is the oldest botanical garden in continuous use in North America.It is recognized internationally for its scientific research.With almost50themed gardens,Missouri Botanical Garden has been involved in the conservation of plants from native American regions and also from Madagascar,China and Central America.21.Why are the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew established?A.To collect tropical plants.B.To conserve various plants.C.To record the history of British plants.D.To provide a shelter for people in wartime.22.What is special about the Humble Administrator’s Garden?A.It highlights the waterscape.B.It is surrounded by formal lawns.C.It includes many themed gardens.D.It shows different architectural ruins.23.Where are science lovers most likely to go?A.London.B.Suzhou.C.Sintra.D.St Louis.BIn the1970s,a new supermarket selling LPs arrived in my hometown and I began devoting my pocket money to acquiring records.I swiftly developed an affection for Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata,harboring dreams of performing that music myself.Despite the absence of a piano at home,there was one at my grandmother’s care home, where I learned to play Beethoven by ear,with pigeons cooing and farmers working in the fields.It was truly magical.Entering the Royal Academy of Arts at16marked the beginning of my artistic journey.In my30s,I took another significant step in life—marriage.My wife worked at Elephants World,a reserve dedicated to the care of rescued domestic elephants.These elephants have worked for humans all their life and many are blind or disabled from being treated badly,so I wanted to make the effort to carry something heavy myself.For my50th birthday,my wife successfully persuaded the manager to allow us to bring a piano into the reserve,bringing music to the elephants’lives.Initially,when I started playing,it was hard to hear the piano above the sounds of nature and the elephants chewing grass.However,everything changed when a blind elephant ceased eating and tuned into my playing.It struck me that this elephant,trapped in a world of darkness,had a profound love for music.From that moment on,there was no longer any concern about disturbing their peace.We occasionally film these performances,and now,we proudly have nearly700,000YouTube subscribers.I continue to play for these elephants that run freely in the reserve,despite the constant potential danger. Surprisingly,it’s the moody male elephants who show the most fascination with the music.I firmly believe it has acalming effect.These elephants’breathing actually slows down when I play,which tells me they are relaxed and happy.I’ve even witnessed elephants seemingly dancing to Beethoven’s tunes.With their exceptional hearing and theability to sense vibrations(震动)through their feet,I am convinced that elephants grasp the language of humanexpression.This serves as a powerful illustration that music serves as a universal language,connecting us all.24.What motivated the author’s early affection for music?A.Exposure to Beethoven’s music.B.Employment at Elephants World.C.Attendance at the Royal Academy of Arts.D.Piano teaching at his grandma’s care home.25.What did the author’s50th birthday celebration symbolize?A.Personal achievements in music.B.A combination of music and care.C.Successful fundraising for the reserve.D.Recognition for the author’s artistic journey.26.What role did music play in the lives of the elephants in the reserve?A.Emotional recovery.B.Physical exercise.C.Financial support.D.Artistic expression.27.Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text?A.Save the Mistreated ElephantsB.Male Elephants:Moody and MusicalC.Play the Piano for Rescued ElephantsD.Elephants:Animals of Sharp HearingCSince young children went back to school across Sweden recently,many of their teachers have been putting a new emphasis on printed books,quiet reading time and handwriting practice,and devoting less time to tablets, independent online research and keyboarding skills.The return to more traditional ways of learning is a response to politicians and experts questioning whether Sweden’s hyper-digitalized approach to education,including the introduction of tablets in nursery schools,had led to a decline in basic skills.Sweden’s minister for schools,Lotta Edholm was one of the biggest critics of the all-out embrace of technology.“Sweden’s students need more textbooks,”Edholm said in March.“Physical books are important for student learning.”The minister announced in August that the government wanted to change the decision by the national agency for education to make digital devices compulsory in preschools.It plans to go further and to completely end digital learning for children under age six,the ministry has told the Associated Press.Although Sweden’s students score above the European average for reading ability,an international assessment of fourth-grade reading levels,the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study(PIRLS),highlighted a decline among Sweden’s children between2016and2021.In comparison,Singapore—which topped the rankings—improved its PIRLS reading scores from576to587 during the same period,and England’s average reading achievement score fell only slightly,from559in2016to558in2021.An overuse of screens during school lessons may cause youngsters to fall behind in core subjects,education experts say.“There’s clear scientific evidence that digital tools impair rather than enhance student learning,”Sweden’s Karolinska Institute,a highly respected medical school focused on research,said in a statement in August on the country’s national digitalization strategy in education.“We believe the focus should return to acquiring knowledge through printed textbooks and teacher expertise, rather than acquiring knowledge primarily from freely available digital sources that have not been checked for accuracy.”the school added.28.Why do Swedish schools return to paper books?A.To cater to parents’increasing needs.B.To help with children’s independent learning.C.To overcome children’s addiction to digital tools.D.To avoid possible decline in children’s basic skills.29.What docs the underlined words“all-out embrace”mean in Paragraph3?A.Total acceptance.B.Creative use.C.Rapid development.D.Serious addiction.30.What might Karolinska Institute agree with?A.Teachers should acquire more knowledge.B.Knowledge from digital tools may not be reliable.C.Digital tools smooth out learning barriers for children.D.The accessibility to digital sources should be improved.31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.Swedish Children’s Return to PaperB.Problems with Children’s EducationC.Popularity of Digitalization in SwedenD.Enhancement of Teaching Strategies in SwedenDIn a world of music streaming services,access to almost any song is just a few clicks away.Yet,the live concert lives on.People still fill sweaty basements to hear their favorite musicians play.And now neuroscientists might know why.Concerts are immersive social experiences in which people listen to and feel the music together.They are also dynamic—artists can adapt their playing according to the crowd’s reaction.It was this last difference that led neuroscientists,from Universities of Zurich and Oslo,to study the brainresponses of people listening to music.In the experiment,participants lay in an MRI(核磁共振)scanner listening tothe music through earphones,while a pianist was positioned outside the room.The pianist was shown the participant’s real-time brain activity as a form of feedback.In the recorded condition,participants listened to pre-recorded versions of the same tunes.The scientists were interested in how live music affected the areas of the brain that process emotions.In the livecondition pianists were instructed to change their playing in order to drive the activity in one of these regions known as the amygdala.The results,just published in the journal PNAS,showed that live music had far more emotional impact.Whether the music was happy or sad,listening to the pianist playing in a dynamic way generated more activity in both the amygdala and other parts of the brain’s emotion processing network.The study was far from reconstructing the real experience of a concert,and the authors noted that the live music ended up sounding quite different from the recorded tracks,which may have driven some of the differences in participant’s brain activity.Some musical acts now attempt to recreate the real concert experience with everything butthe artist—ABBA Voyage is a social,immersive show performed entirely by pre-recorded hologram avatars(全息图).But without Benny’s(a member of the band)ability to read the mood of the room,it will never quite match thereal thing.32.What caused the scientists to study music listeners’brain response?A.People’s preference to recorded music.B.The important social function of concerts.C.The changeable characteristic of live music.D.The easy accessibility of streaming services.33.How did the researchers carry out the experiment?A.By clarifying a concept.B.By making a comparison.C.By analyzing previous data.D.By referring to another study.34.Why does live music feel better than recorded music?A.It offers a more traditional and raw sound.B.It engages the brain’s emotion centers more.C.It fosters a sense of community and shared energy.D.It guarantees a deeper understanding of the music.35.What do we know from the last paragraph?A.The artists will be replaced by technology soon.B.The immersive audio makes live music special.C.The study recreated the experience of a real concert.D.It is vital for musicians to read the audiences’mind.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。


CIHSPSZ004 - IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety
Vring Liveness in Biometric Identity Authentication by Real-time Face Tracking
Person - and especially face tracking is beneficial in various situations where the gap between an advanced security level and minimum client interference has to be bridged. An example scenario would be a doctor trying to enter the surgery room. In that case one or more cameras could track an approaching person and the machine supervisor would try to determine whether the person is authorized to enter the restricted area. At best the doctor can pass without any further system interaction. In case no clear decision can be made based on the response of the first assessment, a second machine expert, which is specialized in another recognition trait, can be included in the process. For this purpose a fingerprint sensor, either stationary or embedded in a mobile device carried by the client, is applied to decide on access authorization. This second modality is activated depending on the response of the first one. The benefit of this process is the enhanced authenticity of the fingerprint, since it implies a high degree of certainty that the fingerprint was taken from a real person, because the fingerprint signal channel is opened only if the face channel signals an alive person. This aspect, directly mapped to a surveillance application would imply that a forged fingerprint, whether accepted or not, could be connected to the impostor’s face and length of body parts that can be obtained from a designated camera system. A related system could also be adapted in the event, where people should be protected from entering certain premises. An example for this would be an area that is only innocuous for humans when protective clothing is worn. In this situation, the



yolov8参考文献引用Abstract: 本文将探讨YOLOv8物体检测算法,并引用了相关的参考文献,以支持文章内容的准确性和可靠性。

1. Introduction1.1 YOLOv8概述1.2 研究目的和意义2. YOLOv8算法综述2.1 基于YOLOv8的物体检测流程2.2 YOLOv8网络结构介绍3. YOLOv8改进方法3.1 YOLOv8在网络结构上的改进3.2 YOLOv8在损失函数设计上的改进4. 实验设计和结果分析4.1 实验设置4.2 实验结果评估5. 参考文献引用参考文献:[1] Redmon, J., & Farhadi, A. (2018). YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.02767.[2] Bochkovskiy, A., Wang, C. Y., Liao, H. Y. M., & YOLOv4 Contributors. (2020). YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.10934.[3] Wang, X., Zhang, T., & Liu, C. (2018). Towards Real-Time Multi-Object Detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.05511.[4] Redmon, J., Divvala, S., Girshick, R., & Farhadi, A. (2016). You only look once: Unified, real-time object detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 779-788).[5] Liu, W., Anguelov, D., Erhan, D., Szegedy, C., Reed, S., Fu, C. Y., & Berg, A. C. (2016). SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector. In European conference on computer vision (pp. 21-37). Springer, Cham.[6] Howard, A. G., Zhu, M., Chen, B., Kalenichenko, D., Wang, W., Weyand, T., ... & Adam, H. (2017). MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications. arXiv preprintarXiv:1704.04861.[7] Bochkovskiy, A., Wang, C. Y., & Liao, H. Y. M. (2019). YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.04620.[8] Zhang, W., Gao, X. B., Li, Y., Liu, K., & Wang, J. (2019). Towards Fast and Accurate Object Detection with Higher-Resolution Feature Pyramid Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.02701.[9] Lin, T. Y., Dollár, P., Girshick, R., He, K., Hariharan, B., & Belongie, S. (2017). Feature pyramid networks for object detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 2117-2125).[10] Ren, S., He, K., Girshick, R., & Sun, J. (2015). Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 91-99).[11] He, K., Gkioxari, G., Dollár, P., & Girshick, R. (2017). Mask R-CNN. In Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision (pp. 2961-2969).[12] Zhu, X., Dai, J., Yuan, L., & Wei, Y. (2019). Relation networks for object detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 3588-3597).[13] Carion, N., Massa, F., Synnaeve, G., Usunier, N., Kirillov, A., & Zagoruyko, S. (2020). End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.12872.[14] Wang, X., Kong, T., Shen, Y., & Sun, J. (2020). Deep Region Proposal Networks for Object Detection. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.06461.[15] Kuo, W., Pang, R., & Dong, C. (2020). DeepUCB: A Deep Learning Based Framework for Object Detection. arXiv preprintarXiv:2007.04782.总结:以上是对YOLOv8物体检测算法的学术引用文献。






















人脸识别的英文文献15篇英文回答:1. Title: A Survey on Face Recognition Algorithms.Abstract: Face recognition is a challenging task in computer vision due to variations in illumination, pose, expression, and occlusion. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art face recognition algorithms, including traditional methods like Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces, and deep learning-based methods such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).2. Title: Face Recognition using Deep Learning: A Literature Review.Abstract: Deep learning has revolutionized the field of face recognition, leading to significant improvements in accuracy and robustness. This literature review presents an in-depth analysis of various deep learning architecturesand techniques used for face recognition, highlighting their strengths and limitations.3. Title: Real-Time Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Review.Abstract: Real-time face recognition is essential for various applications such as surveillance, access control, and biometrics. This review surveys the recent advances in real-time face recognition algorithms, with a focus on computational efficiency, accuracy, and scalability.4. Title: Facial Expression Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey.Abstract: Facial expression recognition plays a significant role in human-computer interaction and emotion analysis. This survey presents a comprehensive overview of facial expression recognition techniques, including traditional approaches and deep learning-based methods.5. Title: Age Estimation from Facial Images: A Review.Abstract: Age estimation from facial images has applications in various fields, such as law enforcement, forensics, and healthcare. This review surveys the existing age estimation methods, including both supervised and unsupervised learning approaches.6. Title: Face Detection: A Literature Review.Abstract: Face detection is a fundamental task in computer vision, serving as a prerequisite for face recognition and other facial analysis applications. This review presents an overview of face detection techniques, from traditional methods to deep learning-based approaches.7. Title: Gender Classification from Facial Images: A Survey.Abstract: Gender classification from facial imagesis a widely studied problem with applications in gender-specific marketing, surveillance, and security. This surveyprovides an overview of gender classification methods, including both traditional and deep learning-based approaches.8. Title: Facial Keypoint Detection: A Comprehensive Review.Abstract: Facial keypoint detection is a crucialstep in face analysis, providing valuable information about facial structure. This review surveys facial keypoint detection methods, including traditional approaches anddeep learning-based algorithms.9. Title: Face Tracking: A Survey.Abstract: Face tracking is vital for real-time applications such as video surveillance and facial animation. This survey presents an overview of facetracking techniques, including both model-based andfeature-based approaches.10. Title: Facial Emotion Analysis: A Literature Review.Abstract: Facial emotion analysis has become increasingly important in various applications, including affective computing, human-computer interaction, and surveillance. This literature review provides a comprehensive overview of facial emotion analysis techniques, from traditional methods to deep learning-based approaches.11. Title: Deep Learning for Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Guide.Abstract: Deep learning has emerged as a powerful technique for face recognition, achieving state-of-the-art results. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of deep learning architectures and techniques used for face recognition, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Deep Residual Networks (ResNets).12. Title: Face Recognition with Transfer Learning: A Survey.Abstract: Transfer learning has become a popular technique for accelerating the training of deep learning models. This survey presents an overview of transferlearning approaches used for face recognition, highlighting their advantages and limitations.13. Title: Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Review.Abstract: Domain adaptation is essential foradapting face recognition models to new domains withdifferent characteristics. This review surveys various domain adaptation techniques used for face recognition, including adversarial learning and self-supervised learning.14. Title: Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition: A Comprehensive Guide.Abstract: Privacy concerns have arisen with the widespread use of face recognition technology. This guide provides an overview of privacy-preserving face recognition techniques, including anonymization, encryption, anddifferential privacy.15. Title: The Ethical and Social Implications of Face Recognition Technology.Abstract: The use of face recognition technology has raised ethical and social concerns. This paper explores the potential risks and benefits of face recognition technology, and discusses the implications for society.中文回答:1. 题目,人脸识别算法综述。



Key FeatureLive View and Playback● Up to 256 channels live view simultaneously ● Custom window division configurable● Viewing maps and real-time events during live view and playback ● Adding tags during playback and playing tagged video● Transcoded playback, frame- extracting playback, and stream type self-adaptive ●Fisheye DewarpingVisual Tracking Recording and Storage● Recording schedule for continuous recording, event recording and command recording● Storing videos on encoding devices, Hybrid SANs, cloud storage servers, pStors, or in pStor cluster service ● Providing main storage and auxiliary storage ● Providing video copy-back●Storing alarm pictures on NVRs, Hybrid SANs, cloud storage servers, pStors, or HikCentral serverEvent Management● Camera linkage, alarm pop-up window and multiple linkage actions● Multiple events for video surveillance, access control, resource group, resource maintenance, etc.Person and Visitor Management● Getting person information from added devices● Provides multiple types of credentials, including card number, face, and fingerprint, for composite authentications ● Visitor registration and check-outAccess Control, Elevator Control, and Video Intercom● Setting schedules for free access status and access forbidden status of doors or floors● Supports multiple access modes for both card reader authentication and person authentication● Setting access groups to relate persons, templates, and access points, which defines the access levels of different persons ● Supports advanced functions such as multi-factor authentication, anti-passback, and multi-door interlocking ● Controlling door or floor status in real-time ● Calling indoor station by the Control Client● Calling the platform by door station and indoor station, and answering the call by the Control ClientHikCentral Professional is a flexible, scalable, reliable and powerful central surveillance system. It can be delivered after pre-installed on a server.HikCentral Professional provides central management, information sharing, convenient connection and multi-service cooperation. It is capable of adding devices for management, live view, storage and playback of video files, alarm linkage, access control, time and attendance, facial identification, and so on.Time and Attendance●Setting different attendance rules for various scenarios, such as one-shift and man-hour shift●Customizing overtime levels and setting corresponding work hour rate●Supports flexible and quick settings of timetables and shift schedule●Supports multiple types of reports according to different needs and sending reports to specified emails regularly●Sending the original attendance data to a third-party database, thus the client can access third-party T&A and paymentsystemSupported Database Type VersionMicrosoft® SQL Server 2008 R2 and abovePostgreSQL 9.6.2 and aboveMySQL 8.0.11 and aboveOracle and aboveSecurity Control●Real-time alarm management for added security control panels●Adding zone as hot spot on E-map and viewing the video of the linked camera●Event and alarm linkage with added cameras, including pop-up live view, captured picture●Subscribing the events that the Control Client can display in real-time●Acknowledging the received alarm on the Control ClientEntrance and Exit Control●Managing parking lot, entrances and exits, and lanes. Supports linking a LED screen with lane for information display●Setting entry & exit rules for vehicles in the vehicle lists as well as vehicles not in any vehicle lists●Entrance and exit control based on license plate recognition, card, or video intercom●Viewing real-time and history vehicle information and controlling barrier gate manually on the Control Client Temperature Screening●Displaying the skin-temperature and whether wearing a mask or not about the recognized persons in real time●Triggering events and alarms when detects abnormal temperature and no mask worn●Viewing reports about skin-surface temperature and mask-wearingFace and Body Recognition●Displaying the information of the recognized persons in real-time●Searching history records of recognized persons, including searching in captured pictures, searching matched persons,searching by features of persons, and searching frequently appeared personsIntelligent Analysis●Supports setting resource groups and analyzing data by different groups●Supports intelligent analysis reports including people counting, people density analysis, queue analysis, heat analysis,pathway analysis, person feature analysis, temperature analysis, and vehicle analysis●Display the number of people in specified regions in real-timeNetwork Management●Managing network transmission devices such as switches, displaying the network connection and hierarchical relationshipof the managed resources by a topology●Viewing the network details between the device nodes in the topology, such as downstream and upstream rate, portinformation, etc. and checking the connection path●Exporting the topology and abnormal data to check the device connection status and health statusSoftware SpecificationThe following table shows the maximum performance of the HikCentral Professional server. For other detailed data and performance, refer to Software Requirements & Hardware Performance.Features Maximum PerformanceDevices and Resources CamerasCentralized Deployment: 3,000①Distributed Deployment: 10,000②Central System (RSM): 100,000③Managed Device IP Addresses*Including Encoding Devices, Access Control Devices, ElevatorControl Devices, Security Control Devices, and Remote SitesCentralized Deployment: 1,024①Distributed Deployment: 2,048②Video Intercom Devices1,024Alarm Inputs (Including Zones of Security Control Devices) 3,000Alarm Outputs 3,000Dock Stations 1,500Security Radars and Radar PTZ Cameras 30Alarm Inputs of Security Control Devices 2,048DS-5600 Series Face Recognition Terminals When Appliedwith Hikvision Turnstiles32Recording Servers 64Streaming Servers 64Security Audit Server 8DeepinMind Server 64ANPR Cameras 3,000People Counting Cameras Recommended: 300Heat Map Cameras Recommended: 70Thermal Cameras Recommended: 20④Queue Management Cameras Recommended: 300Areas 3,000Cameras per Area 256Alarm Inputs per Area 256Alarm Outputs per Area 256Resource Groups 1,000Resources in One Resource Group 64Recording Recording Schedule 10,000 Recording Schedule Template 200Event & Alarm Event and Alarm RulesCentralized Deployment: 3,000Distributed Deployment: 10,000Central System (RSM): 10,000 Storage of Events or Alarms without PicturesCentralized Deployment: 100/sDistributed Deployment: 1000/s Events or Alarms Sent to Clients*The clients include Control Clients and Mobile Clients.120/s100 Clients/sNotification Schedule Templates 200Picture Picture Storage*Including event/alarm pictures, face pictures, and vehiclepictures.20/s (Stored in SYS Server)120/s (Stored in Recording Server)Reports Regular Report Rules 100Event or Alarm Rules in One Event/Alarm Report Rule 32Records in One Sent Report 10,000 or 10 MB Resources Selected in One Report20People Counting 5 million Heat Map 0.25 million ANPR 60 million Events 60 million Alarms 60 million Access Records 1.4 billion Attendance Records 55 million Visitor Records 10 million Operation Logs 5 million Service Information Logs 5 million Service Error Logs 5 million Recording Tags 60 millionUsers and Roles Concurrent Accesses via Web Clients, Control Clients, andOpenAPI Clients100 Concurrent Accesses via Mobile Clients and OpenAPI Clients 100 Users 3,000 Roles 3,000Vehicle (ANPR) Vehicle Lists 100 Vehicles per Vehicle List 5,000 Under Vehicle Surveillance Systems 4 Vehicle Undercarriage Pictures 3,000Entrance & Exit Lanes 8Cards Linked with Vehicles 250,000 Vehicle Passing Frequency in Each Lane 1 Vehicle/sFace Comparison Persons with Profiles for Face Comparison 1,000,000 Face Comparison Groups 64 Persons in One Face Comparison Group 1,000,000Access Control Persons with Credentials for Access Control 50,000 Visitors 10,000 Total Credentials (Card + Fingerprint) 250,000 Cards 250,000 Fingerprints 200,000 Profiles 50,000 Access Points (Doors + Floors) 1,024 Access Groups 512 Persons in One Access Group 50,000 Access Levels 512 Access Schedules 32Time and Attendance Persons for Time and Attendance 10,000 Attendance Groups 256 Persons in One Attendance Group 10,000 Shift Schedules 128 Major Leave Types 64 Minor Leave Types of One Major Type 128Smart Wall Decoding Devices 32 Smart Walls 32 Views 1,000 View Groups 100 Views in One View Group 10 Cameras in One View 150 Views Auto-Switched Simultaneously 32Streaming Server’s Maximum Performance①: For one site, the maximum number of the added encoding devices, access control devices, security control devices, and video intercom devices in total is 1,024. If the number of the manageable cameras (including the cameras directly added to the site and the cameras connected to these added devices) exceeds 3,000, the exceeded cameras cannot be imported to the areas.②: For one site with Application Data Server deployed independently, the maximum number of the added encoding devices, access control devices, and security control devices in total is 2,048. If the number of the manageable cameras (including the cameras directly added to the system and the cameras connected to these added devices) exceeds 10,000, the exceeded cameras cannot be imported to the areas.③: For on e site, if the number of the manageable cameras (including the cameras managed on the current site and the cameras from the Remote Sites) in the Central System exceeds 100,000, the exceeded cameras cannot be managed in the Central System.④: This recommend ed value refers to the number of thermal cameras connected to the system directly. It depends on the maximum performance (data processing and storage) in the situation when the managed thermal cameras uploading temperature data to the system. For thermal cameras connected to the system via NVR, there is no such limitation.Hardware SpecificationProcessor Intel® Xeon® E-2124Memory16G DDR4 DIMM slots, Supports UDIMM, up to 2666MT/s, 64GB Max. Supports registered ECCStorage ControllersInternal Controllers: SAS_H330 Software RAID: PERC S140External HBAs: 12Gbps SAS HBA (non-RAID)Boot Optimized Storage Subsystem: 2x M.2 240GB (RAID 1 or No RAID), 1x M.2 240GB (No RAID Only) Drive Bays 1T 7.2K SATA×2Power SuppliesSingle 250W (Bronze) power supplyDimensionsForm Factor: Rack (1U)Chassis Width: 434.00mm (17.08 in)Chassis Depth: 595.63mm (23.45 in) (3.5”HHD)Note: These dimensions do not include: bezel, redundant PSUDimensions with Package (W × D × H) 750 mm × 614 mm × 259 mm (29.53" × 24.17" × 10.2") Net Weight 12.2kg Weight with Package 18.5kgEmbedded NIC2 x 1GbE LOM Network Interface Controller (NIC) portsDevice AccessFront Ports:1x USB 2.0, 1 x IDRAC micro USB 2.0 management port Rear Ports:2 x USB 3.0, VGA, serial connector Embedded ManagementiDRAC9 with Lifecycle Controller iDRAC DirectDRAC RESTful API with Redfish Integrations and ConnectionsIntegrations:Microsoft® System CenterVMware® vCenter™BMC Truesight (available from BMC)Red Hat AnsibleConnections:Nagios Core & Nagios XIMicro Focus Operations Manager i (OMi)IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbusOperating Systems Microsoft Windows Server® with Hyper-VSystem Requirement* For high stability and good performance, the following system requirements must be met. Feature DescriptionOS for HikCentral Professional Server Microsoft® Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows 8.1 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows 10 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)*For Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, make sure it is installed with the rollup (KB2919355) updated in April, 2014.OS for Control Client Microsoft® Windows 7 SP1 (32/64-bit)Microsoft® Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit)Microsoft® Windows 10 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 (64-bit)*For Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, make sure it is installed with the rollup (KB2919355) updated in April, 2014.OS for Visitor Terminal Android 7.1 and laterBrowser Version Internet Explorer 10/11 and aboveChrome 61 and aboveFirefox 57 and aboveSafari 11 and above (running on Mac OS X 10.3/10.4)Database PostgreSQL V9.6.13OS for Smartphone iOS 10.0 and laterAndroid phone OS version 5.0 or later, and dual-core CPU with 1.5 GHz or above, and at least 2G RAMOS for Tablet iOS 10.0 and laterAndroid tablet with Android OS version 5.0 and laterVirtual Machine VMware® ESXi™ 6.xMicrosoft® Hyper-V with Windows Server 2012/2012 R2/2016 (64-bit)*The Streaming Server and Control Client cannot run on the virtual machine. *Virtual server migration is not supported.Typical Application。



基于视觉引导的工业机器人定位抓取系统设计一、本文概述Overview of this article随着工业自动化技术的不断发展,工业机器人在生产线上的应用越来越广泛。



With the continuous development of industrial automation technology, the application of industrial robots on production lines is becoming increasingly widespread. Among them, the positioning and grasping system is an important component of industrial robots, and its accuracy and stability directly affect production efficiency and product quality. This article aims to design a visual guided industrial robot positioning and grasping system to improve the intelligence level and grasping accuracy of industrial robots.本文首先介绍了工业机器人在现代工业生产中的应用及其重要性,并指出了定位抓取系统在设计中的关键性。


S t e r e o M a t c h i n g 文 献 笔 记

S t e r e o   M a t c h i n g 文 献 笔 记

立体匹配综述阅读心得之Classification and evaluation of cost aggregation methods for stereo correspondence学习笔记之基于代价聚合算法的分类,主要针对cost aggregration 分类,20081.?Introduction经典的全局算法有:本文主要内容有:从精度的角度对比各个算法,主要基于文献【23】给出的评估方法,同时也在计算复杂度上进行了比较,最后综合这两方面提出一个trade-off的比较。

2?Classification?of?cost?aggregation?strategies?主要分为两种:1)The?former?generalizes?the?concept?of?variable?support?by? allowing?the?support?to?have?any?shape?instead?of?being?built?u pon?rectangular?windows?only.2)The?latter?assigns?adaptive?-?rather?than?fixed?-?weights?to?th e?points?belonging?to?the?support.大部分的代价聚合都是采用symmetric方案,也就是综合两幅图的信息。


采用的匹配函数为(matching?(or?error)?function?):Lp distance between two vectors包括SAD、Truncated SAD [30,25]、SSD、M-estimator [12]、similarity?function?based?on?point?distinctiveness[32] 最后要指出的是,本文基于平行平面(fronto-parallel)support。



校园人脸识别人员身份验证流程英文版Campus Face Recognition Personnel Verification ProcessIn today's technologically advancing world, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning has revolutionized various industries, including education. One such application is the use of face recognition technology for personnel verification within school campuses. This article outlines the step-by-step process of campus face recognition personnel verification.Step 1: Collection of Facial DataThe initial step involves the collection of facial data from individuals authorized to access the campus. This typically includes students, faculty, staff, and other personnel. This data is captured using high-resolution cameras and is stored securely in a database.Step 2: Training the Face Recognition SystemOnce the facial data is collected, it is fed into a face recognition algorithm for training purposes. The algorithm learns to recognize and distinguish between the faces captured, creating a unique identifier for each individual.Step 3: Deployment of Face Recognition HardwareAfter training, the face recognition system is deployed across various entry points within the campus, such as gates, buildings, and other restricted areas. This hardware typically consists of cameras and sensors that can capture real-time facial images.Step 4: Real-Time Face RecognitionWhen an individual approaches a deployment point, the face recognition hardware captures their facial image in real-time. This image is then compared to the facial data stored in the database.Step 5: Verification and AccessIf the system successfully matches the real-time facial image with the stored data, the individual is verified as authorizedpersonnel. This verification can trigger the unlocking of gates, doors, or other access points, allowing the individual to enter the restricted area.Step 6: Ongoing Monitoring and UpdatesThe face recognition system requires ongoing monitoring and updates to ensure its accuracy and effectiveness. This includes regular checks for false positives or negatives, updates to the facial database, and adjustments to the recognition algorithm.In conclusion, the campus face recognition personnel verification process offers a convenient and secure way to manage access within school campuses. By leveraging the latest technology, schools can ensure that only authorized individuals have access to restricted areas, enhancing campus security and safety.中文版校园人脸识别人员身份验证流程在当今技术飞速发展的时代,人工智能和机器学习的融合已经彻底改变了多个行业,其中包括教育行业。



anony单词单词:anony1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2释义:匿名者;假名1.3英文释义:A person who remains unnamed or uses a false name.1.4相关词汇:anonymous(形容词,匿名的),anonymity(名词,匿名;无名)---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“anony”来源于希腊语“anōnumos”,表示没有名字的。



---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) anony post:匿名帖子例句:There is an anony post on the forum which attracted a lot of attention.翻译:论坛上有一个匿名帖子吸引了很多关注。

(2) anonyment:匿名评论例句:The anonyment under the news article was really thought - provoking.翻译:新闻文章下的匿名评论非常发人深省。

---4. 实用片段(1) "I saw an anony donation in the charity report today. It's so kind of that person to give without asking for any recognition."翻译:“我今天在慈善报告里看到一笔匿名捐赠。


”(2) "The anony whistleblower provided some important information about thepany's illegal operations."翻译:“匿名举报人提供了一些关于公司非法运营的重要信息。



03 Implementatio n and
Application of Internet of Things Technology
• Device Connection and Communication: Implement the connection and communication of medical devices, sensors, actuators, and other IoT devices to ensure the stability and real-time performance of data transmission.
Realize real-time monitoring and regulation of the ward environment, improve the living comfort and treatment effectiveness of patients.
Realize intelligent management of medical equipment, improve the utilization efficiency of medical resources and the work efficiency of medical staff.
• Promoting the development of smart healthcare: As an important component of smart healthcare, the construction of smart ward systems helps to promote the development of the entire smart healthcare field.



openpose的相关文献以下是一些与OpenPose相关的文献:1. Cao, Z., Simon, T., Wei, S. E., & Sheikh, Y. (2017). Realtime multi-person 2D pose estimation using part affinity fields. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 7291-7299). 这是OpenPose的原始论文,介绍了OpenPose方法的细节和实现。

2. Simon, T., Joo, H., Matthews, I., & Sheikh, Y. (2017). Hand keypoint detection in single images using multiview bootstrapping. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 4645-4653). 这篇论文介绍了OpenPose中关于手部关键点检测的方法。

3. Cao, Z., Hidalgo Martinez, G., & Simon, T. (2018). OpenPose: realtime multi-person 2D pose estimation using part affinity fields (arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.08008). 这是OpenPose方法的更新版本,介绍了一些改进和优化。

4. Guler, R. A., & Koksal, M. S. (2018). Densepose: Dense human pose estimation in the wild. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 7297-7306). 这篇论文介绍了DensePose,一种与OpenPose类似的密集姿态估计方法。

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Real-Time Human Pose Jamie ShottonAndrew Fitzgibbon Richard Moore Microsoft human body shapes and sizes undergoing general body mo-tions.Some systems achieve high speeds by tracking from frame to frame but struggle to re-initialize quickly and so are not robust.In this paper,we focus on pose recognition in parts:detecting from a single depth image a small set of 3D position candidates for each skeletal joint.Our focus on per-frame initialization and recovery is designed to comple-ment any appropriate tracking algorithm [7,39,16,42,13]that might further incorporate temporal and kinematic co-herence.The algorithm presented here forms a core com-ponent of the Kinect gaming platform [21].Illustrated in Fig.1and inspired by recent object recog-nition work that divides objects into parts (e.g .[12,43]),our approach is driven by two key design goals:computa-tional efficiency and robustness.A single input depth image is segmented into a dense probabilistic body part labeling,with the parts defined to be spatially localized near skeletaldepth image body parts3D joint proposalswe generate realistic synthetic depth images of humans of many shapes and sizes in highly varied poses sampled from a large motion capture database.We train a deep ran-domized decision forest classifier which avoids overfitting by using hundreds of thousands of training images.Sim-ple,discriminative depth comparison image features yield 3D translation invariance while maintaining high computa-tional efficiency.For further speed,the classifier can be run in parallel on each pixel on a GPU [34].Finally,spatial modes of the inferred per-pixel distributions are computed using mean shift [10]resulting in the 3D joint proposals.An optimized implementation of our algorithm runs in under 5ms per frame (200frames per second)on the Xbox 360GPU,at least one order of magnitude faster than exist-ing approaches.It works frame-by-frame across dramati-cally differing body shapes and sizes,and the learned dis-criminative approach naturally handles self-occlusions and1poses cropped by the image frame.We evaluate on both real and synthetic depth images,containing challenging poses of a varied set of subjects.Even without exploiting temporal or kinematic constraints,the3D joint proposals are both ac-curate and stable.We investigate the effect of several train-ing parameters and show how very deep trees can still avoid overfitting due to the large training set.We demonstrate that our part proposals generalize at least as well as exact nearest-neighbor in both an idealized and realistic setting, and show a substantial improvement over the state of the art.Further,results on silhouette images suggest more gen-eral applicability of our approach.Our main contribution is to treat pose estimation as ob-ject recognition using a novel intermediate body parts rep-resentation designed to spatially localize joints of interest at low computational cost and high accuracy.Our experi-ments also carry several insights:(i)synthetic depth train-ing data is an excellent proxy for real data;(ii)scaling up the learning problem with varied synthetic data is important for high accuracy;and(iii)our parts-based approach gener-alizes better than even an oracular exact nearest neighbor. Related Work.Human pose estimation has generated a vast literature(surveyed in[22,29]).The recent availability of depth cameras has spurred further progress[16,19,28]. Grest et al.[16]use Iterated Closest Point to track a skele-ton of a known size and starting position.Anguelov et al.[3]segment puppets in3D range scan data into head,limbs, torso,and background using spin images and a MRF.In [44],Zhu&Fujimura build heuristic detectors for coarse upper body parts(head,torso,arms)using a linear program-ming relaxation,but require a T-pose initialization to size the model.Siddiqui&Medioni[37]hand craft head,hand, and forearm detectors,and show data-driven MCMC model fitting outperforms ICP.Kalogerakis et al.[18]classify and segment vertices in a full closed3D mesh into different parts,but do not deal with occlusions and are sensitive to mesh topology.Most similar to our approach,Plagemann et al.[28]build a3D mesh tofind geodesic extrema inter-est points which are classified into3parts:head,hand,and foot.Their method provides both a location and orientation estimate of these parts,but does not distinguish left from right and the use of interest points limits the choice of parts.Advances have also been made using conventional in-tensity cameras,though typically at much higher computa-tional cost.Bregler&Malik[7]track humans using twists and exponential maps from a known initial pose.Ioffe& Forsyth[17]group parallel edges as candidate body seg-ments and prune combinations of segments using a pro-jected classifier.Mori&Malik[24]use the shape con-text descriptor to match exemplars.Ramanan&Forsyth [31]find candidate body segments as pairs of parallel lines, clustering appearances across frames.Shakhnarovich et al.[33]estimate upper body pose,interpolating k-NN poses matched by parameter sensitive hashing.Agarwal&Triggs [1]learn a regression from kernelized image silhouettes fea-tures to pose.Sigal et al.[39]use eigen-appearance tem-plate detectors for head,upper arms and lower legs pro-posals.Felzenszwalb&Huttenlocher[11]apply pictorial structures to estimate pose efficiently.Navaratnam et al.[25]use the marginal statistics of unlabeled data to im-prove pose estimation.Urtasun&Darrel[41]proposed a local mixture of Gaussian Processes to regress human pose. Auto-context was used in[40]to obtain a coarse body part labeling but this was not defined to localize joints and clas-sifying each frame took about40seconds.Rogez et al.[32] train randomized decision forests on a hierarchy of classes defined on a torus of cyclic human motion patterns and cam-era angles.Wang&Popovi´c[42]track a hand clothed in a colored glove.Our system could be seen as automatically inferring the colors of an virtual colored suit from a depth image.Bourdev&Malik[6]present‘poselets’that form tight clusters in both3D pose and2D image appearance, detectable using SVMs.2.DataPose estimation research has often focused on techniques to overcome lack of training data[25],because of two prob-lems.First,generating realistic intensity images using com-puter graphics techniques[33,27,26]is hampered by the huge color and texture variability induced by clothing,hair, and skin,often meaning that the data are reduced to2D sil-houettes[1].Although depth cameras significantly reduce this difficulty,considerable variation in body and clothing shape remains.The second limitation is that synthetic body pose images are of necessity fed by motion-capture(mocap) data.Although techniques exist to simulate human motion (e.g.[38])they do not yet produce the range of volitional motions of a human subject.In this section we review depth imaging and show how we use real mocap data,retargetted to a variety of base char-acter models,to synthesize a large,varied dataset.We be-lieve this dataset to considerably advance the state of the art in both scale and variety,and demonstrate the importance of such a large dataset in our evaluation.2.1.Depth imagingDepth imaging technology has advanced dramatically over the last few years,finally reaching a consumer price point with the launch of Kinect[21].Pixels in a depth image indicate calibrated depth in the scene,rather than a measure of intensity or color.We employ the Kinect camera which gives a640x480image at30frames per second with depth resolution of a few centimeters.Depth cameras offer several advantages over traditional intensity sensors,working in low light levels,giving a cali-brated scale estimate,being color and texture invariant,and resolving silhouette ambiguities in pose.They also greatlys y n t h e t i c (t r a i n & t e s t )r e a l (t e s t )we need not record mocap with variation in rotation about the vertical axis,mirroring left-right,scene position,body shape and size,or camera pose,all of which can be added in (semi-)automatically.Since the classifier uses no temporal information,we are interested only in static poses and not motion.Often,changes in pose from one mocap frame to the next are so small as to be insignificant.We thus discard many similar,redundant poses from the initial mocap data using ‘furthest neighbor’clustering [15]where the distance between posesp 1and p 2is defined as max j p j 1−p j2 2,the maximum Eu-clidean distance over body joints j .We use a subset of 100k poses such that no two poses are closer than 5cm.We have found it necessary to iterate the process of mo-tion capture,sampling from our model,training the classi-fier,and testing joint prediction accuracy in order to refine the mocap database with regions of pose space that had been previously missed out.Our early experiments employed the CMU mocap database [9]which gave acceptable results though covered far less of pose space.2.3.Generating synthetic dataWe build a randomized rendering pipeline from which we can sample fully labeled training images.Our goals in building this pipeline were twofold:realism and variety.For the learned model to work well,the samples must closely resemble real camera images,and contain good coverage of3.Body Part Inference and Joint ProposalsIn this section we describe our intermediate body parts representation,detail the discriminative depth image fea-tures,review decision forests and their application to body part recognition,and finally discuss how a mode finding al-gorithm is used to generate joint position proposals.3.1.Body part labelingA key contribution of this work is our intermediate body part representation.We define several localized body part labels that densely cover the body,as color-coded in Fig.2.Some of these parts are defined to directly localize partic-ular skeletal joints of interest,while others fill the gaps or could be used in combination to predict other joints.Our in-termediate representation transforms the problem into one that can readily be solved by efficient classification algo-rithms;we show in Sec.4.3that the penalty paid for this transformation is small.The parts are specified in a texture map that is retargetted to skin the various characters during rendering.The pairs of depth and body part images are used as fully labeled data for learning the classifier (see below).For the experiments in this paper,we use 31body parts:LU /RU /LW /RW head,neck,L /R shoulder,LU /RU /LW /RW arm,L /R elbow,L /R wrist,L /R hand,LU /RU /LW /RW torso,LU /RU /LW /RW leg,L /R knee,L /R ankle,L /R foot (L eft,R ight,U pper,lo W er).Distinct(a)body parts(b)θ1θ2θ1θ2depth difference response.In (b),the same two features at new image locations give a much smaller for left and right allow the classifier to disambiguate the left and right sides of the body.Of course,the precise definition of these parts could be changed to suit a particular application.For example,in an upper body tracking scenario,all the lower body parts could be merged.Parts should be sufficiently small to accurately localize body joints,but not too numerous as to waste ca-pacity of the classifier.3.2.Depth image featuresWe employ simple depth comparison features,inspired by those in [20].At a given pixel x ,the features computef θ(I,x )=d Ix +u d I (x ) −d I x +vd I (x ) ,(1)where d I (x )is the depth at pixel x in image I ,and parame-ters θ=(u ,v )describe offsets u and v .The normalizationof the offsets by 1d I (x )ensures the features are depth invari-ant:at a given point on the body,a fixed world space offset will result whether the pixel is close or far from the camera.The features are thus 3D translation invariant (modulo per-spective effects).If an offset pixel lies on the background or outside the bounds of the image,the depth probe d I (x )is given a large positive constant value.Fig.3illustrates two features at different pixel locations x .Feature f θ1looks upwards:Eq.1will give a large pos-itive response for pixels x near the top of the body,but a value close to zero for pixels x lower down the body.Fea-ture f θ2may instead help find thin vertical structures such as the arm.Individually these features provide only a weak signal about which part of the body the pixel belongs to,but in combination in a decision forest they are sufficient to accu-rately disambiguate all trained parts.The design of these features was strongly motivated by their computational effi-ciency:no preprocessing is needed;each feature need only read at most 3image pixels and perform at most 5arithmetic operations;and the features can be straightforwardly imple-mented on the GPU.Given a larger computational budget,one could employ potentially more powerful features based on,for example,depth integrals over regions,curvature,or local descriptors e.g .[5].…tree 1 tree (I,x )(I,x )P T (c)P 1(c)Figure 4.Randomized Decision Forests.A forest is an ensemble of trees.Each tree consists of split nodes (blue)and leaf nodes (green).The red arrows indicate the different paths that might be taken by different trees for a particular input.3.3.Randomized decision forestsRandomized decision trees and forests [35,30,2,8]have proven fast and effective multi-class classifiers for many tasks [20,23,36],and can be implemented efficiently on the GPU [34].As illustrated in Fig.4,a forest is an ensemble of T decision trees,each consisting of split and leaf nodes.Each split node consists of a feature f θand a threshold τ.To classify pixel x in image I ,one starts at the root and re-peatedly evaluates Eq.1,branching left or right according to the comparison to threshold τ.At the leaf node reached in tree t ,a learned distribution P t (c |I,x )over body part la-bels c is stored.The distributions are averaged together for all trees in the forest to give the final classificationP (c |I,x )=1T Tt =1P t (c |I,x ).(2)Training.Each tree is trained on a different set of randomly synthesized images.A random subset of 2000example pix-els from each image is chosen to ensure a roughly even dis-tribution across body parts.Each tree is trained using the following algorithm [20]:1.Randomly propose a set of splitting candidates φ=(θ,τ)(feature parameters θand thresholds τ).2.Partition the set of examples Q ={(I,x )}into left and right subsets by each φ:Q l (φ)={(I,x )|f θ(I,x )<τ}(3)Q r (φ)=Q \Q l (φ)(4)pute the φgiving the largest gain in information:φ =argmax φG (φ)(5)G (φ)=H (Q )− s ∈{l ,r }|Q s (φ)||Q |H (Q s (φ))(6)where Shannon entropy H (Q )is computed on the nor-malized histogram of body part labels l I (x )for all (I,x )∈Q .4.If the largest gain G (φ )is sufficient,and the depth in the tree is below a maximum,then recurse for left and right subsets Q l (φ )and Q r (φ ).•depth, map, front/right/top•pose, distances, cropping, camera angles, body size and shape (e.g. small child, thin/fat), •failure modes: underlying probability correct, can detect failures with confidence •synthetic / real / failuresFigure 5.Example inferences.Synthetic (top row);real (middle);failure modes (bottom).Left column:ground truth for a neutral pose as a reference.In each example we see the depth image,the inferred most likely body part labels,and the joint proposals show as front,right,and top views (overlaid on a depth point cloud).Only the most confident proposal for each joint above a fixed,shared threshold is shown.To keep the training times down we employ a distributed implementation.Training 3trees to depth 20from 1million images takes about a day on a 1000core cluster.3.4.Joint position proposalsBody part recognition as described above infers per-pixel information.This information must now be pooled across pixels to generate reliable proposals for the positions of 3D skeletal joints.These proposals are the final output of our algorithm,and could be used by a tracking algorithm to self-initialize and recover from failure.A simple option is to accumulate the global 3D centers of probability mass for each part,using the known cali-brated depth.However,outlying pixels severely degrade the quality of such a global estimate.Instead we employ a local mode-finding approach based on mean shift [10]with a weighted Gaussian kernel.We define a density estimator per body part asf c (ˆx )∝N i =1w ic exp − ˆx −ˆx i b c2 ,(7)where ˆxis a coordinate in 3D world space,N is the number of image pixels,w ic is a pixel weighting,ˆxi is the reprojec-tion of image pixel x i into world space given depth d I (x i ),and b c is a learned per-part bandwidth.The pixel weighting w ic considers both the inferred body part probability at the pixel and the world surface area of the pixel:w ic =P (c |I,x i )·d I (x i )2.(8)This ensures density estimates are depth invariant and gave a small but significant improvement in joint prediction ac-curacy.Depending on the definition of body parts,the pos-terior P (c |I,x )can be pre-accumulated over a small set of parts.For example,in our experiments the four body parts covering the head are merged to localize the head joint.Mean shift is used to find modes in this density effi-ciently.All pixels above a learned probability threshold λc are used as starting points for part c .A final confidence es-timate is given as a sum of the pixel weights reaching each mode.This proved more reliable than taking the modal den-sity estimate.The detected modes lie on the surface of the body.Each mode is therefore pushed back into the scene by a learned z offset ζc to produce a final joint position proposal.This simple,efficient approach works well in practice.The band-widths b c ,probability threshold λc ,and surface-to-interior z offset ζc are optimized per-part on a hold-out validation set of 5000images by grid search.(As an indication,this resulted in mean bandwidth 0.065m,probability threshold 0.14,and z offset 0.039m).4.ExperimentsIn this section we describe the experiments performed to evaluate our method.We show both qualitative and quan-titative results on several challenging datasets,and com-pare with both nearest-neighbor approaches and the state of the art [13].We provide further results in the supple-mentary material.Unless otherwise specified,parameters below were set as:3trees,20deep,300k training images per tree,2000training example pixels per image,2000can-didate features θ,and 50candidate thresholds τper feature.Test data.We use challenging synthetic and real depth im-ages to evaluate our approach.For our synthetic test set,we synthesize 5000depth images,together with the ground truth body part labels and joint positions.The original mo-cap poses used to generate these images are held out from the training data.Our real test set consists of 8808frames of real depth images over 15different subjects,hand-labeled with dense body parts and 7upper body joint positions.We also evaluate on the real depth data from [13].The results suggest that effects seen on synthetic data are mirrored in the real data,and further that our synthetic test set is by far the ‘hardest’due to the extreme variability in pose and body shape.For most experiments we limit the rotation of the user to ±120◦in both training and synthetic test data since the user is facing the camera (0◦)in our main entertainment scenario,though we also evaluate the full 360◦scenario.Error metrics.We quantify both classification and joint prediction accuracy.For classification,we report the av-erage per-class accuracy,i.e .the average of the diagonal of the confusion matrix between the ground truth part label and the most likely inferred part label.This metric weights each30%35%40%0100200300A v e r a g e p e Maximum probe offset (pixel meters)30%35%40%5101520Depth of trees900k training images 15k training images(a)(b)(c)10%20%30%101000100000A v e r a g e p e r Num. training images (log scale)Synthetic test set Real test setSilhouette (scale)Silhouette (no scale)30%35%40%8121620A v e r a g e p e Depth of trees900k training images 15k training imagesoffset.(mAP)over all joints.The first joint proposal within D me-ters of the ground truth position is taken as a true positive,while other proposals also within D meters count as false positives.This penalizes multiple spurious detections near the correct position which might slow a downstream track-ing algorithm.Any joint proposals outside D meters also count as false positives.Note that all proposals (not just the most confident)are counted in this metric.Joints invisible in the image are not penalized as false negatives.We set D =0.1m below,approximately the accuracy of the hand-labeled real test data ground truth.The strong correlation of classification and joint prediction accuracy (c.f .the blue curves in Figs.6(a)and 8(a))suggests the trends observed below for one also apply for the other.4.1.Qualitative resultsFig.5shows example inferences of our algorithm.Note high accuracy of both classification and joint prediction across large variations in body and camera pose,depth in scene,cropping,and body size and shape (e.g .small child vs .heavy adult).The bottom row shows some failure modes of the body part classification.The first example shows a failure to distinguish subtle changes in the depth image such as the crossed arms.Often (as with the second and third failure examples)the most likely body part is incor-rect,but there is still sufficient correct probability mass in distribution P (c |I,x )that an accurate proposal can still be generated.The fourth example shows a failure to generalize well to an unseen pose,but the confidence gates bad propos-als,maintaining high precision at the expense of recall.Note that no temporal or kinematic constraints (other than those implicit in the training data)are used for any of our results.Despite this,per-frame results on video se-quences in the supplementary material show almost every joint accurately predicted with remarkably little jitter.test set appears consistently ‘easier’than the synthetic test set,probably due to the less varied poses present.Number of training images.In Fig.6(a)we show how test accuracy increases approximately logarithmically with the number of randomly generated training images,though starts to tail off around 100k images.As shown below,this saturation is likely due to the limited model capacity of a 3tree,20deep decision forest.Silhouette images.We also show in Fig.6(a)the quality of our approach on synthetic silhouette images,where the features in Eq.1are either given scale (as the mean depth)or not (a fixed constant depth).For the corresponding joint prediction using a 2D metric with a 10pixel true positive threshold,we got 0.539mAP with scale and 0.465mAP without.While clearly a harder task due to depth ambigui-ties,these results suggest the applicability of our approach to other imaging modalities.Depth of trees.Fig.6(b)shows how the depth of trees af-fects test accuracy using either 15k or 900k images.Of all the training parameters,depth appears to have the most sig-nificant effect as it directly impacts the model capacity of the classifiing only 15k images we observe overfitting beginning around depth 17,but the enlarged 900k training set avoids this.The high accuracy gradient at depth 20sug-gests even better results can be achieved by training still deeper trees,at a small extra run-time computational cost and a large extra memory penalty.Of practical interest is that,until about depth 10,the training set size matters little,suggesting an efficient training strategy.Maximum probe offset.The range of depth probe offsets allowed during training has a large effect on accuracy.We show this in Fig.6(c)for 5k training images,where ‘maxi-mum probe offset’means the max.absolute value proposed for both x and y coordinates of u and v in Eq.1.The con-centric boxes on the right show the 5tested maximum off-0.30.4H e a dN e c kL . S h o u l d e rR . S h o u l d e rL . E l b o wR . E l b o wL . W r i s tR . W r i s tL . H a n dR . H a n dL . K n e eR . K n e eL . A n k l eR . A n k l eL . F o o tR . F o o tM e a n A PA v Joint prediction from inferred body parts4.3.Joint prediction accuracyIn Fig.7we show average precision results on the syn-thetic test set,achieving 0.731mAP.We compare an ide-alized setup that is given the ground truth body part labels to the real setup using inferred body parts.While we do pay a small penalty for using our intermediate body parts representation,for many joints the inferred results are both highly accurate and close to this upper bound.On the real test set,we have ground truth labels for head,shoulders,el-bows,and hands.An mAP of 0.984is achieved on those parts given the ground truth body part labels,while 0.914mAP is achieved using the inferred body parts.As expected,these numbers are considerably higher on this easier test parison with nearest neighbor.To highlight the need to treat pose recognition in parts ,and to calibrate the dif-ficulty of our test set for the reader,we compare with two variants of exact nearest-neighbor whole-body match-ing in Fig.8(a).The first,idealized,variant matches the ground truth test skeleton to a set of training exemplar skele-tons with optimal rigid translational alignment in 3D world space.Of course,in practice one has no access to the test skeleton.As an example of a realizable system,the second variant uses chamfer matching [14]to compare the test im-age to the training exemplars.This is computed using depth edges and 12orientation bins.To make the chamfer task easier,we throw out any cropped training or test images.We align images using the 3D center of mass,and found that further local rigid translation only reduced accuracy.Our algorithm,recognizing in parts,generalizes better than even the idealized skeleton matching until about 150k training images are reached.As noted above,our results may get even better with deeper trees,but already we ro-infer 3D body joint positions and cope naturally with and translation.The speed of nearest neighbor matching is also drastically slower (2fps)than our While hierarchical matching [14]is faster,one still need a massive exemplar set to achieve compa-with [13].The authors of [13]provided their and results for direct comparison.Their algorithm part proposals from [28]and further tracks the with kinematic and temporal information.Their from a time-of-flight depth camera with very noise characteristics to our structured light sen-any changes to our training data or algorithm,shows considerably improved joint prediction av-Our algorithm also runs at least 10x faster.and multiple people.To evaluate the full scenario,we trained a forest on 900k images full rotations and tested on 5k synthetic full ro-images (with held out poses).Despite the massive in left-right ambiguity,our system was still able an mAP of 0.655,indicating that our classifier can accurately learn the subtle visual cues that distinguish front and back facing poses.Residual left-right uncertainty after classification can naturally be propagated to a track-ing algorithm through multiple hypotheses.Our approach can propose joint positions for multiple people in the image,since the per-pixel classifier generalizes well even without explicit training for this scenario.Results are given in Fig.1and the supplementary material.Faster proposals.We also implemented a faster alterna-tive approach to generating the proposals based on simple bottom-up bined with body part classifica-tion,this runs at ∼200fps on the Xbox GPU,vs .∼50fps using mean shift on a modern 8core desktop CPU.Given the computational savings,the 0.677mAP achieved on the synthetic test set compares favorably to the 0.731mAP of the mean shift approach.5.DiscussionWe have seen how accurate proposals for the 3D loca-tions of body joints can be estimated in super real-time from single depth images.We introduced body part recognition as an intermediate representation for human pose ing a highly varied synthetic training set allowed us to train very deep decision forests using simple depth-invariant features without overfitting,learning invariance to both pose and shape.Detecting modes in a density function gives the final set of confidence-weighted 3D joint propos-als.Our results show high correlation between real and syn-thetic data,and between the intermediate classification and the final joint proposal accuracy.We have highlighted the importance of breaking the whole skeleton into parts,and show state of the art accuracy on a competitive test set.As future work,we plan further study of the variability。
