Value Managed Relationships




Compete in both segments to take advantage of synergies
Do not compete in both segments
Business Definition
Why Bain Uses Business Definition
The correct business definition can lead to case-cracking insights.
Business Definition
•The business definition concept •Applications •Business definition steps •Client examples
–Bunker Hill Door Systems –JJR Industrial Coatings
Business Definition
Author: Contributors:
Gisele Garraway
Susan Caraviello, Paul DiPaola, and Todd Senturia Todd Senturia March 1998
Copyright© 1998 Bain & Company, Inc.
•Serves as the foundation for strategic analysis and sound
decisቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱon making
Business Definition
One Business vs. Separate Businesses
If two business segments have the same customers, the same cost structure, and the same competitors, they are one business. If they are different on all of these dimensions, they are separate businesses.



Separate businesses
Do not compete in both segments
Why Bain Uses Business Definition
Business Definition The correct business definition can lead to case-cracking insights.
Business Definition
• The business definition concept • Applications • Business definition steps • Client examples
– Bunker Hill Door Systems
capacity changes
• Misjudge true cost
Examples of Incorrect Business Definition
– Bunker Hill Door Systems
– JJR Industrial Coatat is Business Definition?
Business Definition Business definition delineates the economic
poor strategic decisions.
• Incur unnecessary
• Forgo opportunities
to capture synergies
• Do not transfer
• Underinvest in


Traditional "Arms Length" Approach VMR Vertical Integration
• Fragmented supplier base,
sporadic communication
• Single or small number of
suppliers, frequent communication
• Client represents significant part of industry output
• Industry competitive intensity high:
– capacity
utilization dropping – consolidation in progress – many new plants looking for volume – historical industry price umbrellas
– package
performance improvements – spec consolidation – product redesign and materials substitution
• Pricing commensurate with larger, longer volume commitments • Commitment to continuous improvement of the partnership
• Product redesign • Material substitution • Volume discount • System cost improvement
High Potential



Hilton WorldwideRevenue Management Standards – The Americas Updated: 2009Table of ContentsFinancial Review (7)Actual Monthly Performance (7)Systems Balancing (7)Weekly Forecast (8)Group Forecast Development Standards (8)Transient Forecast Development Standards (8)Exporting the Forecast (9)Forecast Accuracy (9)Market Conditions / Competition Analysis (10)Determining Competitive Set for STAR Reports (10)Value Assessments (10)Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Analysis (SWOT) (10)Competitive Factors/ Assessment (11)Competitive Shopping Tools (11)Competitive Pressure Calendar (11)Pricing Strategy (12)Best Available Rates (BAR) (12)Seasonality (12)Length of Stay Controls (12)Price Resistance - Denials (13): Best Rate Strategy (13)SRP Placement (14)Best Rate Guarantee (14)Packages and Promotions – Administration/ Analysis (15)Premium Room Type Strategy (16)Distressed and Holiday Strategy (16)Inventory Management - (18)SRP Build and Auditing procedures (18)SRP Build- Cut-off Date Procedures (18)SRP Build- Room Types (19)SRP Build- SRP Types (19)Room Type Consistent Availability (19)53rd Week Controls (20)Overbooking (20)Hhonors- Inventory Management and reimbursement procedures (20)Rate Override (20)Validating Qualified Rates (20)Night Audit Activity -Market Category Audit (21)Kiosk Configuration (21)Revenue Management Business Practices (22)Revenue Management Meeting (22)Toolkit use (22)Toolkit Use- Minimum Tool Usage (22)Checklists (23)Document Retention (23)Report Usage- Systems (23)Booking Pace (23)OnQ RM Usage- (23)Revenue Management Support (24)Negotiated Account Review (24)Loaded and Bookable in the GDS and CRS (24)Account Evaluation Standards for renewal of existing accounts (24)Hotelligence- (24)Group Revenue Management (26)RM Training for Sales Managers (26)Communication with the Sales Department (26)Inventory Management- SRP Setup (28)Inventory Management Audit Systems Delphi vs. CRS (28)Group Complimentary and Staff Rooms (29)Inventory Management- Group Block (30)Cut-off dates procedures (30)Group Pick-up Meeting (31)eEvents (32)Group Rates/Selective Sell Guideline Rates (SSG)- (33)Transient Protected- (34)Displacement Analysis- Group MCATs (34)Displacement Analysis – Permanent, Contract or Extended Stay (35)Distribution-Channel Management (36)Voice Reservations - Selling Protocol- (36)Voice Reservations-Booking Messages (36)Voice Reservations - Shop Calls (37)Voice Reservations-Training and Communication with HRCC (37)Voice Reservations-Call Volume Statistics and Conversion Reports (38)City/Convention Visitors Bureau Web Sites (CVB) (38)PiM –Property Information Manager (39)Internet- Brand Web Sites (39)Internet – Approved Web Sites (39)Internet- 3rd Party Merchant Sales (40)Internet - Tracking Standards (40)Internet- Hotwire (41)Internet- Priceline (41)Internet - Online Channel Analysis & SRP Standards/ Settings Audits (41)TRAIL (42)Staffing Guidelines- (42)Staffing Guidelines Continued (43)Succession Planning (43)Microsoft Office Products (43)OnQ RM (Revenue Management System) (43)Delphi - DMPE (44)OnQ FM -DRM (44)OnQ FM- Other RM personnel (44)Key Hotel Marketing Reports (44)RMU (44)Using the Revenue Management Standards TemplateThis template is a document Revenue Management personnel and various members of the hotel team can use to understand what the required business practice is for all Revenue Management functions. Listed below are the subject headers and definitions contained within the standards template. Any items that may not be familiar to you can be found by selecting the Revenue Management glossary by.CategoryA ll standards are grouped together into 9 sections. The sections are as follows:1. Distribution Channel Management2. Financial Review3. Forecast Process4. Group Revenue Management5. Inventory Management6. Market Conditions / Competitive Analysis7. Negotiated Account Review8. Pricing Strategy9. Revenue Management Business Practices10. Training & DevelopmentTopicEach category will contain topics for review. In all there are over 100 topics for your review.Revenue Management StandardThe standard is the required business practice for each topic as well as the party responsible for its execution.FrequencyEach Revenue management standard will have an associated timeline for completion. Some are weekly others monthly and still others (such as training) as needed.Instructions, Reports and Tools to useThis last column provides links to tools and reports in efforts to assist RM personnel and other hotel team members in standard implementation efforts. Attention: for all links defined in this document to access the web pages you must have your Internet Explorer Browser open prior to clicking on the links.CategoryTopic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useFinancial Review ActualMonthlyPerformanceDRM to analyze actual room night, rate, revenue and key indicatorperformance by market category compared to last year, the Budget,and the Monthly Forecast. Prepare Executive Summary critiquingforecast variances and forecast accuracy if accuracy is in the redzone. This analysis should also include STAR performance anddescribe reasons for past performance and address strategies forincreasing RevPAR Index.Monthly Reports to facilitate this analysis include: the OnQ FMActuals and OnQ FM Mix of Sales Reports as compared tothe Monthly, Budget and Last Year Performance orequivalent systems where ONQ FM is not offered. MonthlySTAR report, Hotelligence Report, market demandinformation; Key Hotel Marketing Reports, Sales ProgressSummary Report, Group Plug and group booking paceinformation from Delphi.Financial Review SystemsBalancingBy the 10th of each month the following should occur:1)Balancing Delphi actuals to OnQ FM actuals - monthlyevaluation to ensure these two systems match. If they do not,the hotel has not successfully linked all groups in OnQ FM.2)DRM to ensure the Front Office balances the month to theGeneral Ledger and then the DRM to close OnQ FM.As indicated inStandardOnQ FM balancing information can be found by selecting thefollowing link:OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page, selectthe OnQ FM User Guide under OnQ FM- Rooms. Balancingprocedures located on page 25.Category Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useForecast Process Weekly ForecastThe DRM should complete an operational forecastweekly and provide to operational departments.This forecast should include month-endprojections.Weekly Reports to use are the transient booking pace reportsprepared weekly by the DRM/Revenue Analyst, competitorshop reports, Group Rooms Control Log (GRC), SRP trendreports found in OnQ FM or equivalent system where OnQFM is not offered.The 14-Day Weekly Forecast and the Transient BookingPace tools are found in Revenue Management Toolkit byfollowing the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >Revenue Management >ToolkitForecast Process Group ForecastDevelopmentStandardsGroup Forecast - DOSM is responsible for theproduction of the Group Forecast day by day inOnQ FM and be able to provide supportingdocumentation. This includes reviewing the GroupDemand Report inside OnQ FM as well as theSales Progress Summary Report and completingthe Group Forecast Analysis Tool.Ensure thatOnQ FM and Delphi group forecasts for definitegroup bookings match. DRM is responsible forvalidation of the group forecast.Monthly Reports to use are: Post Event Reports, Group Pick-upManager or pace equivalent by group, historical plug trendanalysis, Sales Progress Report and OnQ FM DemandReports. Group shop calls and Lost Business Reportslocated in Delphi or kept manually for non-Delphi hotels canalso be reviewed.The Group Pick Up Manager Tool can be found in theRevenue Management Toolkit by following the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >Revenue Management >Groupand Catering.Forecast Process TransientForecastDevelopmentStandardsTransient Forecast - DRM is responsible for theproduction of the transient forecast at the SRPlevel ** in OnQ FM, day by day by market category,including other and non-revenue market categoriesand provide supporting documentation. DRM tocoordinate the total hotel rooms forecast once allchanges have been communicated.** When MCAT room nights represent 5% or moreof overall transient business, SRPs that represent20% or more within that MCAT must be forecasted.Monthly Reports to use to assist in forecasting are: OnQ RM DailyDetail Merge Tool, Transient Booking Pace Report, OnQ RM-SRP evaluations, SRP Category Reports and the MonthlyForecast Comparison Report, competitive shop information,historical actuals, compression calendar, economic trendpredictions, demand analysis reports found in OnQ RM orOnQ FM, future denials and OnQ FM reports.The Transient Booking Pace and Daily Detail Merge tools arelocated in the Revenue Management Toolkit by following thepath below.OnQ Insider >Departments >Revenue Management >ToolkitCategory Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useForecast Process Exporting theForecastOnce a monthly and rolling forecast have beenpublished in OnQ FM, the forecast should beexported to OnQ RM and HLBFS. If for any reasonthe forecast is changed in HLBFS (which shouldnever happen), OnQ FM must be updated so bothsystems match.Weekly/Monthly Instructions on how to export forecasts to these systems canbe found in the OnQ FM Users Guide by following the pathbelow.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page, selectthe OnQ FM User Guide under OnQ FM- Rooms. Then,select On FM Administration and exporting procedureslocated on page 1.Forecast Process ForecastAccuracyThe total hotel room revenue forecast should bewithin 3% accurate. Green zone = within 3%;Yellow zone = within 5% and Red Zone= more than5%.Absolute variance of actual revenue forecast vs.rolling forecast revenue taken from HLBFS andPeoplesoft from the prior month.Monthly Reports to assist in accurate forecasting include:Transient Booking Pace Reports, OnQ RM- SRP evaluations,competitive shop information, historical actuals, group plugreports, compression calendar, economic trend predictions,demand analysis reports found in OnQ RM or OnQ FM,future denials and OnQ FM reports where available.Category Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useMarket Conditions / Competition Analysis DeterminingCompetitive Setfor STAR ReportsCompetitive set should be the 5-8 hotels which thecustomer would choose if our hotel were notavailable. Hotels are determined and comp set’schanged based on Market segmentation, SWOTanalysis, Value Assessment, proximity to thecustomers desired location/area attractions/airport,customer surveys and Competitive Set ValidationTool. Customer Survey samples should total atleast 100 to be statistically significant. HiltonFamily of Brands cannot represent more than 40%of total rooms in the competitive set (no more than3 hotels in the family, excluding your hotel). DRM isresponsible for facilitating this process with a cross-functional team and report findings to RMcommittee, RDRM, RDSM and AVP, especiallywhen the findings show a sister hotel in the familyof brands should be included in the competitive set.Annual or inconjunction withSupply Change(Qualitative orQuantitative)Reports to use: Infrastructure Competitive Analysis-Supplyscreen from InFocus, Value Assessments, shop callreports, all monthly and weekly available STAR reports,competition collateral, trend publications indicating newconstruction or changes, and the Competitive SetValidation Tool and SWOT Analysis found in the RevenueManagement Toolkit by following the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitMarket Conditions / Competition Analysis ValueAssessmentsA detailed Value Assessment by market segmentvs. competitors in each segment, (regardless ifthey are on the hotels STAR Report), is critical forunderstanding and identifying what attributescontribute to hotel’s success and what areas needto be a focus to improve RevPAR performance. Anannual physical inspection of the competitorsshould take place and DRM is responsible forfacilitating this process with the DOSM and across- functional team and report findings to RMcommittee, RDRM and RDSM. Upon completion,have Sales Dept add to InFocus.Pricing should beevaluated once peryear or inconjunction withsupply change orsignificant pricingchanges in themarket.Reports to use: Shop call reports, competition collateral,Group Lost Business Reports, customer surveyinformation, and the SWOT analysis.The Value Assessment Tool is located in the RevenueManagement Toolkit by selecting the following path.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitMarket Conditions / Competition Analysis Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats Analysis(SWOT)Upon completion of the Value Assessment, adetailed SWOT analysis should be completed withsame cross functional team that completes theValue Assessment. This analysis is critical tounderstanding, improving,and l everaging yourcompetitive advantages and minimizing yourdisadvantages within your market.Upon completionof the ValueAssessmentReports to use: Value Assessment, shop call reports, allmonthly and weekly available STAR reports, competitioncollateral, CVB information, Group Lost Business Reports,customer survey information, and trend publicationsindicating new construction or changes.The SWOT and Value Assessment Tool can be found inthe Revenue Management Toolkit by following the pathbelow.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitCategory Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to useMarket Conditions/ Competition Analysis CompetitiveFactors/AssessmentUnderstand the competitive set in terms offacilities, pricing, appearance on hotels site andrecommend changes for your hotel based on thisinformation.Seasonally andannually at aminimum.The Competitive Assessment/Factors Form can be foundby following the path below:OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Library. Double click on Library >Doubleclick on RM Resource Center >Transient Pricing.Market Conditions / Competition Analysis CompetitiveShopping ToolsHotels will subscribe to Market Vision Shop CallReports as these reports are integrated with OnQRM. Hotel to also receive training in how to usethe on-line shopping tool to query reports outsidethe reports that are emailed weekly.Review shops dailywithin the bookingwindow.Weekly- for highdemand dates anddistressed datesfor 365 days.Information regarding how to subscribe to Market VisionReports, how to request/change reports and to receivetraining for the on-line tool, can be found by following thepath below:OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Library. Double click on Library >Doubleclick on RM Resource Center >Transient Pricing. Go toMarket Vision Announcement and Release Notes.For information on how to set up and view shop call andexception reports in OnQ RM, follow the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Maintenance and go topage 5.Market Conditions / Competition Analysis CompetitivePressureCalendarEvery DRM should have a document outliningdemand drivers and daily competitive pressure fora minimum of 1 year from arrival. This shouldinclude groups at the competitive set hotels thatcould increase demand for your hotel. Forconvention hotels, this should be created for aminimum of 3 years from arrival. Placing holidays,special events and noteworthy groups in OnQ FMis optional.Completedmonthly for aminimum of a yearor as long as thehotels longestgroup bookingwindow.Reports to understand demand are: OnQ RM Reports,CVB Information, Lost Business Reports, GRC (GroupRooms Control) Log from Delphi, historical actuals fromOnQ FM and the OnQ FM Daily Transient DemandAnalysis report.Instructions on how to place events in OnQ FM can befound in the OnQ FM Users Guide by following the pathbelow.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page go tothe OnQ FM User Guide inside OnQ FM- Rooms. Thenselect “How Does OnQ FM work” and go to page 18.Adding Special Events in OnQ RM can be foundOnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Maintenance and go topage 14.Category Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to usePricing Strategy Best AvailableRates (BAR)Nine BAR Rate Levels will exist for each season.Rate Level 0 will be the highest possible price pointand RL8 the lowest. Price points will be indicativeof rates the customers are willing to pay based onthe competitive environment. Most of the bookingswill normally occur in Rate Levels 3-5.The Best Available Rate found on each hotelsbrand website is controlled by the SRPs (DJ/DJ1)and is equal to BAR. No lower unqualified ratesshould be offered to customers. All hotels MUSThave this SRP available (DJ/DJ1 SRPs) in order tohave BAR rates available for sale on .Annually and moreoften as dictatedby yourperformancemeasurementsReports to use to validate rate strategies and view dailyrates are: OnQ RM Daily Detail Merge Tool, Market Visionshop call reports, OnQ RM recommendation screen whereall rates from Market Vision appear, transient bookingpace reports, transient demand, GRC log, competitivepressure calendar, Value Assessment and Key HotelMarketing Reports.To understand more about Hilton’s Pricing Principles andPractices can be found by following the path below:OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Library. Double click on Library > RMResource Center > go to Hilton Full Service PricingStrategy.Pricing Strategy SeasonalityHotels will determine their need for multipleseasons by evaluating hotel monthly and marketRevPAR. If there is a sustained RevPARdifferential (driven by occupancy or ADR) or specialevent, then multiple seasons should beestablished.Annually andadjusted moreoften as neededReports used to validate seasonality are: STAR Reports(Trend), ResMAX information, historic demand informationfrom OnQ FM, OnQ RM reports, market history andhistorical shop call information.Pricing Strategy Length of StayControlsAll hotels should utilize full pattern length of staypricing (Min/Max controls for DT Hotels)consistently in conjunction with 9 BAR to targetdifferent market segments by selling multiple rateson a single arrival date based on a guest’s lengthof stay.Daily review withinthe transientbooking windowand for periods ofhigh demand.Weekly for entire365 day windowCompetitive set shop calls should be reviewed by arrivaldate and length of stay as well as understanding marketdemand and the hotels own internal compression prior tosetting LOS controls.The BAR Pricing Length of Stay Worksheet can assist RMpersonnel in learning to use LOS controls and can befound in the Revenue Management Toolkit by following thepath below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitInformation on how to set Length of Stay Controls in OnQRM can be found in the OnQ RM User Guide by followingthe path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Recommendations andgo to page 25.Category Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to usePricing Strategy Price Resistance -DenialsDRM must review the 6-week rolling average asindicated in Booking Pace Tool or ensure theyhave this data if using another tool. DRM shouldanalyze current 7-Day variance of transient roomssold compared to rate denials for 120 future daysand compare to 6-week rolling average by DOW. Ifweek over week trends indicate higher / lower priceresistance for a day of week in question, the DRMmust investigate underlying reasons . marketdemand, multi-hotel groups, competitor rates) andmake any necessary changes to maximizerevenues, including pricing changes if appropriate.Daily for bookingwindow andweekly for 365 daywindowReports to use: OnQ RM Daily Detail Merge Tool, OnQRM Alternate Daily Detail Report, OnQ RM CompetitiveException Reports, transient booking pace analysis, OnQFM Daily Transient Demand Analysis, and OnQ FM End ofMonth-Demand analysis.For further detail on using competitive exception reports,follow the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Recommendations andgo to page 5.The booking pace analysis and Daily Detail Merge toolsare found in the Revenue Management Toolkit by followingthe path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitPricing Strategy : Best RateStrategyThe Best Available Rate found on each hotelsbrand website is controlled by the SRPs (DJ/DJ1)and is equal to BAR. No lower unqualified ratesshould be offered to customers. All hotels MUSThave this SRP available (DJ/DJ1 SRPs) in order tohave BAR rates available for sale on .Ongoing Reports to understand bookings are: OnQ RM SRPevaluations/SRP Category Reports, OnQ FM actuals,Market Vision shop call reports, Competitor brand sites, 3rdParty web sites, Mix of Sales through eMix On-lineChannel Analysis Tool, Booking Pattern Reports found inKey Hotel Marketing Reports.The eMix On-line Channel Tool is found in the RevenueManagement Toolkit by following the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >ToolkitCategory Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to usePricing Strategy SRP PlacementSRP’s can be placed in levels that have logicalprice points with respect to the best available ratein each rate level. For example: if the BAR in RateLevel 4 is $150 and the BAR for Rate Level 5 is$125, a non-LRA negotiated account priced at$140 would be placed in Rate Level 4. However,you must consider your selling strategy withrespect to the SRPs and rates in each rate levelalong with the hotel's projected occupancy levelwhen assigning quali fied SRP’s to rate levels. Oneoption for Hilton Hotels is to use the SRP exceptionfield, which allows the SRP to stay in the rate levelthat corresponds to the Best Available Rate butfollow RL0 restrictions.Quarterly, whenBAR price pointschange and whenany SRP ratechangesReports to use: SRP Mapping screen/report in OnQ RMfor select dates; SRP evaluation/SRP Category Reportsfor Rate Levels 0-8 and all SRPs, SRP Quick List listing allrate level assignments which can be requested byemailing. For further detail on this topic, follow the pathbelow.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Menu/Screens and goto page 3.Explanation of OnQ RM rate functionality can be found byfollowing the path below.OnQ Insider >Departments >RevenueManagement >Systems. Once on the Systems page,select the OnQ RM User Guide under OnQ RevenueManagement. Then select On RM Menu/Screens and goto page 5.Pricing StrategyBest Rate At no time will hotels allow rates to be sold throughany non-Hilton website or any other channelOngoing Parity with can be validated by reviewing the OnQ RMMarket Vision Shops, OnQ RM Competitive ExceptionGuarantee (including 3rd Party resellers/wholesalers, MerchantModel Websites, GDS) that are lower than thosedispl ayed in the brand’s reservation system andhotel site. This is to ensure that the consumer canalways find the lowest online rate through thebrand web sites, and to drive that online customerto our web site rather than those 3rd partychannels to which we provide wholesale rates andavailability. Reports.The Internet Pricing Tool located on the Revenue Management Toolkit can also assist DRMs when managing channels on 3rd party sites when an extranet is involved.OnQ Insider >Departments >Revenue Management >ToolkitCategory Topic Revenue Management Standard Frequency Instructions, Reports and Tools to usePricing Strategy Packages andPromotions –Administration/AnalysisAll promotions and packages must adhere to HiltonHotels Corporation Core Pricing Strategy and usethe approved SRP codes. "Rate only non-fenced"packages/promotions are not acceptable. Allpackages/ promotions must have an appropriatefence or feature. The definition of a properlyfenced qualified package or promotion is a bookingvehicle designed to generate incremental revenuewithout creating net trade down or displacement ofthe existing customer base. Hotels must completethe web based Package/Promotion form. Once thepackage/promotion has been approved by theRDRM, they will send to GDM for loading in theapplicable booking channels. All new Transientpackage rates need to be built as limit room typeand total for the Hilton brand. Must conduct pre-promotion breakeven analysis and post profitanalysis to justify/analyze cost of any promotions.Ensure the package rates reflect a roomdistribution equal to BAR.As SRP's are builtin the CRSThe Package/Promotion Form is located on the GDMwebsite and found by following the links below.OnQ Insider >Departments >Global Distribution Services.Double click on Global Distribution Services >GlobalDistribution Management > Under the options list selectGDM Forms >select your hotel brand and go to thePackage/Promo form..。



TEST BANKCHAPTER 5: THE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT CONCEPTMultiple Choice Questions (correct answers are bolded)1. An underperforming supply chain is defined as one that exhibits poor service, unproductive assets, or ___________.a. high variable operating costsb. outdated information technologyc. high fixed costsd. transactional exchanges[LO: Material at beginning of the chapter; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]2. The supply chain management concept originated in what discipline?a. marketingb. operationsc. logisticsd. production[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network of interorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]3. The early to mid-___________ witnessed a growing recognition that there could be value in coordinating various business functions within and across organizations.a. 1960sb. 1970sc. 1980sd. 1990s[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network of interorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]4. What concept can be viewed as a combination of processes, functions, activities, relationships, and pathways along which products, services, information, and financial transactions move in and between enterprises from original producer to ultimate end user or consumer?a. logisticsb. supply chainc. marketing channeld. interorganizational coordination[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network of interorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]5. Although nearly any organization can be part of a supply chain, supply chain management requires (SCM) ___________.a. the involvement of third-party logistics companiesb. the participation of world-class organizationsc. at least one organization to be a multinational companyd. companies to adopt an enterprise-to-enterprise point of view[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network of interorganizational relationships is managed; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]6. The two most prominent SCM process frameworks are the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model and the ___________.a. Supply Chain Efficiency (SCE) Modelb. Process Classification Framework (PCF)c. Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) Modeld. Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) Model[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]7. Which organizational function is not a focus of the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model?a. marketingb. logisticsc. operationsd. procurement[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]8. Source, plan, make, and enable are processes associated with the ___________.a. Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) Modelb. Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Modelc. Process Classification Framework (PCF)d. Supply Chain Efficiency (SCE) Model[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]9. Which of the following is not one of the processes in the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model?a. sourceb. planc. demand managementd. enable[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]10. The current Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) Model identifies ___________ key processes associated with supply chain management.a. fiveb. sixc. sevend. eight[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]11. Customer relationship management, supplier relationship management, order fulfillment, and returns management are processes associated with the ___________.a. Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) Modelb. Process Classification Framework (PCF)c. Supply Chain Efficiency (SCE) Modeld. Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) Model[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]12. Contemporary supply chains are increasingly required to be fast and ___________.a. leanb. agilec. interactived. relevant[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]13. An organization’s ability to respond to changes in demand with respect to volume and variety refers to ___________.a. responsivenessb. leannessc. agilityd. relevancy[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]14. Which of the following is not a potential outcome from a supply chain’s failure to be fast and agile?a. dissatisfied customersb. reduced profitabilityc. decreased market shared. increased stock price[LO 5.3 To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]15. What is a perfect order?a. simultaneous achievement of relevant customer metricsb. order that arrives on timec. order that arrives undamagedd. order that is easy for the receiver to fill[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]16. ___________ refers to focusing part of one’s supply chain on a timely response to fl uctuating customer orders and/or product variety and another part of the supply chain on leveling out the planning requirements to smooth production output.a. Supply chain managementb. Flexibilityc. Responsivenessd. Leagility[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]17. What concept refers to the variability in demand orders among supply chain participants?a. unpredictabilityb. bullwhip effectc. order fluctuationd. agile supply chain[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]18. Which of the following is not a way to reduce inventory levels?a. smaller, more frequent ordersb. use of premium transportationc. supply–push replenishmentd. elimination of slower-moving products[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]19. Which of the following is not an attribute of relational exchanges?a. trustb. dependencec. joint investmentd. opportunism[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]20. Cooperative supply chain relationships developed to enhance the overall business performance of both parties is a definition of ___________.a. third-party logisticsb. supply chain collaborationc. leagilityd. relational exchanges[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]21. Supply chain collaboration can be classified as transactional, strategic, or ___________ in nature.a. operationalb. relationalc. manageriald. tactical information sharing[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]22. ___________ collaborations offer the best opportunity for improving supply chain performance.a. Transactionalb. Tactical information sharingc. Strategicd. Operational[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]23. Tailored business relationships between two supply chain members refer to ___________.a. supply chain partnershipb. supply chain managementc. relational exchangesd. tailored logistics[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]24. Which of the following is not an attribute of supply chain partnerships?a. mutual trustb. increased willingness to share informationc. high independence among the partnersd. compatible goals[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]25. According to the text, ___________ has been at the center of the changes taking place that affect the supply chain.a. economic malaiseb. logisticsc. customer powerd. technology[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]26. Two key factors, ___________ and ___________, have sparked much of the technological change affecting supply chains.a. electronic data interchange; enterprise resource planningb. computing power; Internetc. Internet, electronic data interchanged. computing power; enterprise resource planning[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]27. The general idea behind ___________ is that one company allows a specialist company to provide it with one or more logistics functions.a. supply chain managementb. multichannel marketingc. third-party logisticsd. cross-organizational collaboration[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]28. Which of the following statements is true?a. Third-party logistics companies demand only a few activities from third-party logistics providers.b. The decision to use third-party logistics can only be strategic in nature.c. Third-party logistics is synonymous with fourth-party logistics.d. A common cause of third-party logistics failure is unreasonable and unrealistic expectations.[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]29. What is a fourth-party logistics provider?a. a company that ensures that various third-party logistics companies are working toward the relevant supply chain goals and objectivesb. a third-party logistics provider that has achieved ISO 9000 certificationc. a logistics intermediary that specializes in one logistics activity, such as warehousing or transportationd. a third-party logistics provider that specializes in two or more logistics activities, such as warehousing and transportation[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]30. Which of the following statements is false?a. Top management commitment is essential if supply chain efforts are to have any chance of success.b. Some companies are uncomfortable with the concept of customer power in supply chains.c. Senior management commitment to supply chain management occurs in one of every two organizations.d. Some companies are hesitant to enter into long-term relationships because such relationships might be perceived as limiting a company’s operational flexibility.[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]31. ___________ combines technology with manual employee effort to identify trends, perform comparisons, and highlight opportunities in supply chain processes, even when large amounts of data are involved.a. Data miningb. Supply chain analyticsc. Benchmarkingd. Third-party logistics[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]32. A recent study of senior executives found that ___________ percent (within 2 percent) had implemented analytics focused on supply chain activities.a. 35b. 25c. 15d. 5[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]33. In a(n) ___________ approach, all relevant software applications are provided by a single vendor.a. single integratorb. best-of-breed approachc. customer-centricd. information outsourcing[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]34. Which of the following is not a barrier to supply chain management?a. regulatory and political considerationsb. lack of top management commitmentc. reluctance to share, or use, relevant datad. use of supply chain facilitators[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]35. ___________ refers to “how we do things around here” and reflects an organization’s vision, values, and strategic plans.a. Supply chain managementb. Corporate strategyc. Supply chain collaborationd. Corporate culture[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]36. Which of the following is not a term for a long-term mutually beneficial supply chain agreement?a. partnershipsb. third-party arrangementsc. coopetitiond. contract logistics[LO 5.5: To compare optional approaches for supply chain integration; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]37. Which concept refers to the situation in which one organization owns multiple participants in the supply chain?a. supply chain managementb. vertical integrationc. horizontal integrationd. intensive distribution[LO 5.5: To compare optional approaches for supply chain integration; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]38. There are three primary methods that organizations can pursue when attempting to integrate their supply chains. Which of the following is not one of them?a. informal agreementsb. formal contractsc. vertical integrationd. centralized organization[LO 5.5: To compare optional approaches for supply chain integration; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]True-False Questions1.Research on underperforming supply chains suggests that logistics can be crucial toachieving desired levels of supply chain performance. (True)[LO: Material at the beginning of the chapter; Easy; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]2.The supply chain concept originated in the manufacturing literature. (False)[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network of interorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]3.Supply chains are a new concept in the sense that they were first identified in the 1970s and1980s. (False)[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network of interorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]4.Customers can be a potential value co-creator of supply chain activities. (True)[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network of interorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]5.Supply chain management requires companies to adopt an enterprise-to-enterprise point ofview. (True)[LO 5.1: To explain the concept of supply chains and how the network of interorganizational relationships is managed; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]6.The two prominent supply chain management frameworks are the Supply Chain OperationsReference (SCOR) model and the Process Classification Framework (PCF). (False)[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]7.The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model identifies five key processesassociate with supply chain management. (False)[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]8.The Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) model identifies eight relevant processes associatedwith supply chain management. (True)[LO 5.2: To summarize supply chain process frameworks; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]9.Because customer needs and wants change relatively quickly, supply chains should be fastand lean. (False)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]10.With respect to supply chains, relevancy focuses on an organization’s ability to respond tochanges in demand with respect to volume and variety. (False)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]11.A perfect order simultaneously achieves relevant customer metrics. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]12.Leagility refers to a supply chain that combines the lean and agile paradigms. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]13.The leagility effect refers to variability in demand orders among supply chain members.(False)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]14.Supply chain disruptions (e.g., terrorist attacks, natural disasters) have caused some supplychains to reassess their emphasis on inventory reduction. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]15.Relational changes cannot be successful without information sharing among variousparticipants. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]16.Big-box retailers have been at the center of changes taking place that affect the supply chain.(False)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]17.A primary objective of supply chain management is to optimize the performance of thesupply chain as a whole. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]18.Coopetition refers to cooperative relationships between members of a supply chain toenhance the overall business performance of all parties. (False)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]19.Tactical information sharing offers the best opportunity for improving supply chainperformance. (False)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]20.A willingness to share information and buying decisions based on value rather than cost orprice are two characteristics of supply chain partnerships. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]21. The Internet has been referred to as the greatest force of commoditization known to man, for both goods and services. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]21.Enhanced communications across organizations in a supply chain is only dependent on thetechnological capabilities of the organizations. (False)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]22.The general idea behind third-party logistics is that one company allows a specialist companyto provide it with one or more logistics functions. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]23.The decision to use third-party logistics companies can be driven by strategic or tacticalconsiderations. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]24.Two causes of failure in third-party logistics arrangements involve unreasonable expectationsand lack of flexibility. (True)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]25.A fourth-party logistics provider is a supply chain facilitator that has achieved ISO 9000certification. (False)[LO 5.3: To illustrate potential enablers of supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]26.Regulatory considerations represent a bigger obstacle than political considerations to supplychain management. (False)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]27.The overall global climate for business has shifted toward allowing more cooperation amongfirms—which should help supply chain management. (True)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]28.Top management is sometimes hesitant to fully commit to supply chain management. (True) [LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]29.Actual senior management commitment to supply chain management occurs in one of everytwo organizations. (False)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]30.One cause of the bullwhip effect is asymmetrical information among supply chainparticipants. (True)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]31.Supply chain analytics combines technology with manual employee effort to identify trends,perform comparisons, and highlight opportunities in supply chain processes, even when large amounts of data are involved. (True)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]32.A recent survey of 1,000 senior executives indicated that approximately 30 percent of themhad implemented analytics focused on supply chain activities. (False)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]33.Today, computer hardware is a larger barrier than computer software to interorganizationalcollaboration. (False)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]34.A best-of-breed approach chooses the best software application for a particular function.(True)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Easy; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]35.Corporate cultures should not be considered when designing a supply chain. (False)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]36.Supply chain integration tends to be more challenging in global, as opposed to domestic,supply chains. (True)[LO 5.4: To illustrate potential barriers to supply chain management implementation; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking37.An individual firm can be involved in only one supply chain at a time. (False)[LO 5.5: To compare optional approaches for supply chain integration; Moderate; Application; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]38.Supply chain agreements should be designed to reward all participants when collaborativeventures are successful and all participants should share the consequences when theseventures are less successful than desired. (True)[LO 5.5: To compare optional approaches for supply chain integration; Moderate; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]39.Horizontal integration refers to where one organization owns multiple participants in asupply chain. (False)[LO 5.5: To compare optional approaches for supply chain integration; Moderate; Concept; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]40.Broadly speaking, organizations can pursue three primary methods—vertical integration,formal contracts, and informal agreements—when attempting to integrate their supply chains.(True)[LO 5.5: To compare optional approaches for supply chain integration; Difficult; Synthesis; AACSB Category 3: Analytical thinking]。


• An extensive discussion of the value chain concept and it’s application can be found in M.E. Porter (1985) Competitive Advantage
• Operations – high quality, few rejections, delivery on time.
• Outbound logistics – rapid delivery where and when customers need it.
• Marketing and sales – well trained and motivated sales force, advertising tied to market segments, good literature. 14
• Where are the profit pools? • What should be outsourced? • Who might be the best partners in the
parts of the value network?
Student Activity
In small groups prepare a briefing paper on: • How a washing machine manufacturer could
• Porter (1998) refers to this as the ‘value network.’
• For example, in a restaurant the quality of ingredients is determined by the grower. In essence the grower has added value.



Money is a significant aspect of modern society,serving as a medium of exchange,a measure of value,and a means of saving.It is essential to have a balanced perspective on the role of money in our lives.Here are some points to consider when discussing the topic in an English essay:1.Importance of Money:Money is crucial for meeting basic needs such as food,clothing, and shelter.It also plays a role in education,healthcare,and other services that contribute to a persons wellbeing.2.Money and Happiness:While money can provide comfort and security,it is not the sole determinant of happiness.Emotional wellbeing,relationships,and personal fulfillment are also vital components of a happy life.3.Money and Success:Success is often associated with financial prosperity,but it can also be measured by personal achievements,contributions to society,and the pursuit of ones passions.4.The Role of Money in Society:Money is a social construct that influences various aspects of life,including social status,power dynamics,and economic inequality.5.Ethical Considerations:The pursuit of money should be balanced with ethical considerations.It is important to earn and use money in ways that are fair and do not exploit others or harm the environment.6.Financial Literacy:Understanding how to manage money effectively is crucial.This includes budgeting,saving,investing,and planning for the future.7.The Impact of Money on Relationships:Money can be a source of conflict in relationships if not managed well.It is important to communicate openly about financial matters and to make decisions together.8.Philanthropy and Social Responsibility:Money can be used to make a positive impact on society through charitable giving and social entrepreneurship.9.The Pursuit of Money vs.the Pursuit of Passion:While money is important,it should not overshadow ones passion and interests.Finding a balance between earning a living and pursuing what one loves is key to a fulfilling life.10.The Psychological Aspects of Money:Money can influence selfesteem and selfworth. It is important to maintain a healthy relationship with money and not let it define onesidentity.In conclusion,while money is an important tool in life,it should not be the ultimate goal or the measure of ones worth.A holistic approach to life that values personal growth, relationships,and societal contributions alongside financial stability is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life.。



钱的英文诗句大全每天都有不同的诗句,以下是钱的英文诗句资料是由为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快学习吧!2.英语钱的名言有哪些钱的英语名言1.Time is money时间就是金钱2.Money is not everying,but without money,everying is nothing. 钱不是万能的,但是没有钱是万万不能的三money makes the mare to go .有钱能使鬼推磨。

4.Money is the root of evil.金钱是罪恶的根源。

5.All things are obedient to money.1切事物都听从于金钱。

6.Before gold,even kings take off their hats.在黄金面前,国王也要脱帽。

7.Money is the key that opens all doors.金钱是打开1切门户的钥匙。

8.Beauty is potent,but money is more potent.美貌固有力,金钱力更大。

9.Avarice increases with wealth.越有钱,越贪钱。

10.The money the miser hoards will do him no good.守财奴积财,对自己毫无好处。

3.金钱的谚语,英文的size=三][color=navy]Money is not everying,but without money,everying is nothing.钱不是万能的,但是没有钱是万万不能的。

money makes the mare to go.有钱能使鬼推磨。

Money is the root of evil.金钱是罪恶的根源。

All things are obedient to money.1切事物都听从于金钱。

Before gold,even kings take off their hats.在黄金面前,国王也要脱帽。

贝恩公司商业模式(英文版)(ppt 61页)

贝恩公司商业模式(英文版)(ppt 61页)
Companies that define their businesses incorrectly make poor strategic decisions.
• Incur unnecessary
• Forgo opportunities
to capture synergies
Incorrect Business Definition
Correct Business Definition
If we define a business incorrectly...
Red Ale 3%
• The underlying
• Do not transfer
• Underinvest in
important R&D initiatives
• Neglect profitable
customer segments
• Over-invest in
unprofitable customers
configure our manufacturing plants?
BOS CU7121997ECA 6
Copyright© 1998 Bain & Company, Inc.
Business Definition
Consequences of Incorrect Business Definition



商务谈判的优点和缺点英文作文Business negotiations are an integral part of the corporate world and play a crucial role in shaping the success or failure of organizations. They involve the process of bargaining and reaching an agreement between two or more parties with differing interests. While business negotiations offer numerous advantages, they also come with certain drawbacks that must be carefully considered. This essay will explore the pros and cons of business negotiations in depth.One of the primary advantages of business negotiations is the opportunity to reach mutually beneficial agreements. Through the negotiation process, both parties can express their needs and interests, and work towards a solution that satisfies all stakeholders. This allows for the creation of win-win situations where both parties feel that their concerns have been addressed and their goals have been achieved. By fostering a collaborative environment, business negotiations can lead to stronger partnerships and long-term relationships between the parties involved.Another advantage of business negotiations is the ability to securebetter terms and conditions. Negotiations provide a platform for parties to bargain and advocate for their preferred outcomes. This can result in more favorable contract terms, such as better pricing, extended payment schedules, or additional services. Effective negotiation skills can enable organizations to secure more advantageous deals, ultimately improving their bottom line and increasing their competitiveness in the market.Business negotiations also offer the opportunity for creative problem-solving. When faced with complex issues or conflicting interests, the negotiation process encourages the parties to think outside the box and explore innovative solutions. This can lead to the development of unique and tailored agreements that address the specific needs of the involved parties. By fostering a collaborative and open-minded approach, business negotiations can stimulate the creative potential of the participants and result in more satisfactory outcomes.Furthermore, business negotiations can enhance communication and understanding between the parties involved. The process of negotiation requires active listening, clear articulation of needs, and the ability to empathize with the other party's perspective. This can help to bridge gaps, improve mutual understanding, and lay the foundation for stronger relationships. Effective communication during negotiations can also lead to better conflict resolution andthe ability to navigate future challenges more effectively.However, business negotiations are not without their drawbacks. One of the primary disadvantages is the potential for conflicts and tensions to arise. Negotiations can be inherently adversarial, as each party seeks to maximize their own interests. This can lead to power struggles, disagreements, and even strained relationships if not managed properly. Poorly handled negotiations can damage trust, hinder future collaboration, and negatively impact the overall business relationship.Another disadvantage of business negotiations is the time and resources required. Negotiation processes can be lengthy and complex, involving extensive research, preparation, and multiple rounds of discussion. This can divert valuable time and resources away from other critical business activities, potentially impacting productivity and efficiency. Additionally, the costs associated with legal fees, travel expenses, and the opportunity cost of employee time spent on negotiations can be significant.Business negotiations can also be influenced by cultural differences and personal biases. Parties from diverse backgrounds may have different communication styles, negotiation tactics, and underlying values. These disparities can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunications, and the potential for cultural clashes. Failing torecognize and address these cultural nuances can undermine the effectiveness of the negotiation process and limit the ability to reach mutually satisfactory agreements.Furthermore, the outcome of business negotiations is often uncertain and can be influenced by various external factors beyond the control of the negotiating parties. Changes in market conditions, regulatory environments, or the broader economic landscape can all impact the viability and desirability of a negotiated agreement. This uncertainty can create a sense of risk and anxiety for the parties involved, potentially leading to more cautious or defensive negotiation strategies.In conclusion, business negotiations offer both advantages and disadvantages. While they provide opportunities for mutually beneficial agreements, creative problem-solving, and enhanced communication, they also carry the risks of conflicts, resource constraints, and the influence of cultural and external factors. Effective business negotiations require a delicate balance of strategic planning, emotional intelligence, and adaptability to navigate these complexities and achieve the desired outcomes. By understanding and addressing both the pros and cons of business negotiations, organizations can leverage this crucial process to enhance their competitiveness, strengthen their partnerships, and drive long-term success.。



经营好的人际关系的作用英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The importance of managing good interpersonal relationships cannot be overstated. In both our personal and professional lives, the quality of our relationships with others can greatly impact our overall well-being and success. Here are some key ways in which managing good interpersonal relationships can benefit us:1. Support system: Good interpersonal relationships providea strong support system for us to lean on during tough times. Friends, family, and colleagues who care about us can offer valuable emotional support, advice, and encouragement when we need it most.2. Networking opportunities: Building strong relationships with others can open up networking opportunities that can help us advance in our careers or achieve our goals. Whether it's making new connections at a networking event or leveraging existing relationships to get a foot in the door, having a strong network of contacts can be incredibly beneficial.3. Conflict resolution: Effective communication and conflict resolution skills are essential for managing interpersonal relationships. By fostering good relationships with others, we can learn to navigate conflicts and disagreements in a constructive and respectful manner, leading to better outcomes for all parties involved.4. Collaboration and teamwork: In both personal and professional settings, the ability to collaborate and work effectively with others is crucial. Building good interpersonal relationships can help foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration, leading to better outcomes and a more positive work environment.5. Improved mental health: Studies have shown that strong interpersonal relationships can have a positive impact on our mental health and well-being. Having a supportive network of friends and family can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, while also providing a sense of belonging and connection.6. Personal growth and development: By engaging with others and building meaningful relationships, we can learn more about ourselves and the world around us. Good interpersonalrelationships can challenge us to grow, evolve, and become better versions of ourselves.In conclusion, managing good interpersonal relationships is essential for our overall happiness, success, and well-being. By investing time and effort into building and maintaining strong relationships with others, we can create a support system, open up networking opportunities, improve our conflict resolution skills, foster collaboration and teamwork, boost our mental health, and facilitate personal growth and development. Ultimately, the benefits of managing good interpersonal relationships are far-reaching and can have a positive impact on all areas of our lives.篇2The Importance of Managing Good Interpersonal RelationshipsIn the modern world, where communication is key, one of the most important skills a person can possess is the ability to manage good interpersonal relationships. These relationships play a crucial role in both our personal and professional lives, and can have a significant impact on our overall well-being.First and foremost, good interpersonal relationships are essential for maintaining a healthy and happy personal life. Building strong connections with others can help to create a support network that provides emotional support, advice, and a source of companionship. These relationships can also help to foster a sense of belonging and community, which is important for our mental and emotional well-being. Studies have shown that individuals with strong interpersonal relationships are happier, less stressed, and have better overall mental health.In addition to the personal benefits, good interpersonal relationships are also vital for success in the workplace. Building positive relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and clients can help to create a more positive and productive work environment. When team members work well together and communicate effectively, they are more likely to achieve their goals and succeed in their projects. Furthermore, having strong relationships with others can also lead to increased job satisfaction and professional advancement opportunities.Managing good interpersonal relationships can also have a positive impact on our physical health. Studies have shown that individuals with strong social connections are less likely to experience health problems such as high blood pressure, heartdisease, and depression. This is because social support can provide a buffer against stress and help to promote healthy behaviors. By investing time and effort into building and maintaining good relationships with others, we can improve our overall health and well-being.In conclusion, managing good interpersonal relationships is essential for both our personal and professional lives. By building strong connections with others, we can create a support network that provides emotional support, advice, and companionship. These relationships can also lead to increased job satisfaction, professional advancement, and a more positive work environment. Furthermore, strong interpersonal relationships can have a positive impact on our physical health, by reducing stress and promoting healthy behaviors. Therefore, it is important to invest time and effort into building and maintaining good relationships with others, in order to live a happy, successful, and healthy life.篇3The Importance of Managing Good Interpersonal RelationshipsIntroductionIn today's fast-paced and competitive world, the ability to establish and maintain good interpersonal relationships is crucial for success in both personal and professional spheres. Whether it's with colleagues, friends, family, or business partners, having strong interpersonal skills can make a significant difference in one's life. This essay will explore the significance of managing good interpersonal relationships and the impact it can have on individuals.Building Trust and Mutual RespectOne of the key benefits of managing good interpersonal relationships is the establishment of trust and mutual respect. When people communicate effectively and show empathy towards each other, trust is built, and relationships become stronger. This trust is essential in both personal and professional relationships as it lays the foundation for collaboration, teamwork, and loyalty.Enhanced Communication SkillsHaving strong interpersonal relationships also helps improve communication skills. When individuals are able to convey their thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly and confidently, they are better equipped to resolve conflicts, negotiate effectively, and build rapport with others. Good communication is a cornerstoneof successful relationships, and those who excel in this area are often seen as good leaders and mentors.Healthy Work EnvironmentIn a professional setting, managing good interpersonal relationships can create a positive and healthy work environment. When colleagues get along well and work cohesively as a team, productivity increases, and job satisfaction improves. Employees are more motivated to perform well when they feel supported and valued by their peers and superiors. This positive workplace culture can have a direct impact on the company's bottom line and overall success.Improved Mental and Emotional Well-beingMaintaining good interpersonal relationships can also have a positive impact on one's mental and emotional well-being. When people feel connected and supported by others, they are less likely to experience feelings of loneliness, anxiety, or depression. Strong relationships provide a sense of belonging and security, which can boost self-esteem and overall happiness. In times of hardship or stress, having a strong support system can make all the difference in how one copes with challenges.Networking and Career OpportunitiesAnother significant advantage of managing good interpersonal relationships is the opportunity for networking and career advancement. Building a strong professional network can open doors to new opportunities, job offers, and collaborations. People with strong interpersonal skills are often sought after for leadership roles and are more likely to succeed in their careers. Networking can also provide valuable insights, advice, and mentorship from experienced professionals in various industries.ConclusionIn conclusion, the ability to manage good interpersonal relationships is a valuable skill that can benefit individuals in every aspect of their lives. From building trust and mutual respect to improving communication skills and mentalwell-being, strong relationships are the cornerstone of a fulfilling and successful life. By investing time and effort into cultivating and maintaining these relationships, individuals can reap the numerous benefits and lead a more satisfying and rewarding life.。



cmf交易条款-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在当今数字化交易的时代,CMF交易条款(Customer Managed Relationships)成为越来越重要的一环。






1.2 文章结构文章结构部分:文章结构部分旨在介绍整篇文章的组织和架构,帮助读者更好地理解文章内容的脉络和逻辑关系。

在本文中,将按照以下方式进行组织和呈现:1. 引言:在这一部分,将介绍CMF交易条款的概念和定义,以及对文章结构和目的的简要说明。

2. 正文:在这一部分,将详细探讨CMF交易条款的重要性、主要内容和实际应用案例,旨在为读者全面展现CMF交易条款的价值和意义。

3. 结论:在这一部分,将对全文进行总结,并提出一些建议性的观点,同时展望未来CMF交易条款的发展方向和趋势。


1.3 目的CMF交易条款的目的是为了确保在数字资产交易中有一套统一的规则和标准。



通过遵守和执行CMF 交易条款,可以降低交易风险,减少纠纷发生的可能性,促进数字资产市场的健康发展。



英文Resume的三种格式Resume Format 1:[Full Name][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Phone Number][Email Address]Objective:Experienced marketing professional with a strong background in digital marketing and branding seeking a challenging position in a dynamic organization where my skills and expertise can be utilized to drive business growth.Education:Bachelor of Science in Marketing[University Name], [City, State]Graduation Date: [Month, Year]Professional Experience:Digital Marketing Manager[Company Name], [City, State]May 20XX PresentDeveloped and implemented comprehensive digital marketing strategies that led to a 20% increase in online sales within the first yearManaged social media accounts and coordinated influencer marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness and engagementAnalyzed website traffic and user behavior to optimize content and improve conversion rates Marketing Coordinator[Company Name], [City, State]January 20XX April 20XXAssisted in the development of marketing campaigns and promotional materialsCoordinated trade show events and managed relationships with vendors and sponsorsConducted market research and analyzed competitor activity to identify opportunities for growth Skills:Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite, Google Analytics, and social media management toolsStrong communication and project management skillsAbility to work effectively in a fastpaced environment and meet deadlinesCertifications:Google Ads CertificationHubSpot Inbound Marketing CertificationReferences:Available upon requestResume Format 2:[Full Name][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Phone Number][Email Address]Summary:Resultsdriven sales professional with over 10 years of experience in the retail industry. Proven track record of exceeding sales targets and building strong customer relationships. Seeking a sales management position where I can utilize my skills and expertise to drive revenue growth.Professional Experience:Sales Manager[Company Name], [City, State]March 20XX PresentLed a team of 15 sales associates to achieve a 25% increase in revenue over a 12month periodImplemented a customer loyalty program that resulted in a 30% increase in repeat businessOversaw inventory management and merchandising to optimize sales performanceSales Associate[Company Name], [City, State]January 20XX February 20XXProvided exceptional customer service and product knowledge to drive salesMet and exceeded monthly sales targets consistentlyAssisted with inventory management and restocking to ensure product availabilityEducation:Associate's Degree in Business Administration[College Name], [City, State]Graduation Date: [Month, Year]Skills:Strong sales and negotiation skillsExcellent communication and interpersonal skills Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and CRM softwareCertifications:Salesforce Sales Cloud CertificationCustomer Relationship Management Certification References:Available upon requestResume Format 3:[Full Name][Address][City, State, Zip Code][Phone Number][Email Address]Objective:Experienced project manager with a proven track record of delivering highquality projects on time and within budget. Seeking a challenging project management position where I can utilize my skills in planning, organizing, and executing projects to drive business success.Professional Experience:Project Manager[Company Name], [City, State]June 20XX PresentManaged a portfolio of projects with budgets ranging from $100K to $1M, ensuring timely delivery and meeting client expectationsDeveloped project plans, timelines, and milestones to track progress and ensure project deadlines were metConducted regular project meetings to communicate updates, address issues, and resolve conflictsProject Coordinator[Company Name], [City, State]January 20XX May 20XXAssisted project managers with the planning, execution, and monitoring of projectsCoordinated project resources, including personnel, equipment, and materialsPrepared project reports and documentation for stakeholders and managementEducation:Bachelor of Science in Project Management[University Name], [City, State]Graduation Date: [Month, Year]Skills:Proficient in project management software such as Microsoft Project and AsanaStrong leadership and team management skillsExcellent problemsolving and decisionmaking abilitiesCertifications:Project Management Professional (PMP) CertificationSix Sigma Green Belt CertificationReferences:Available upon requestPlease note that the above resume formats are just examples and can be customized to fit your specific qualifications and experiences. The key is to highlight your skills, achievements, and qualifications in a clear and concise manner.。



如何处理财务和业务之间的关系英语作文Managing the relationship between finance and business operations is crucial for the success of any organization. Financial management involves planning, organizing, controlling, and monitoring financial resources to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. On the other hand, business operations focus on the day-to-day activities that drive the organization forward. It is essential to strike a balance between these two functions to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of the business.One of the key ways to handle the relationship between finance and business operations is by creating a strategic financial plan. This plan should outline the financial goals and objectives of the organization and how they align with its overall business strategy. By integrating finance into the strategic planning process, organizations can better allocate resources, manage risks, and make informed decisions about investments and expenses. This also ensures that financial decisions are aligned with the organization's long-term business objectives.Another important aspect of managing the relationship between finance and business operations is financial reporting. Regular and accurate financial reporting provides stakeholderswith a clear understanding of the organization's financial performance and position. By analyzing financial reports, managers can identify trends, forecast future financial needs, and make data-driven decisions to improve business operations. It is essential to have transparent financial reporting processes in place to foster trust and accountability within the organization.Moreover, effective communication between finance and business operations is essential for collaboration anddecision-making. Finance and operations teams must work together closely to ensure that financial goals are integrated into the day-to-day activities of the business. By fostering open communication and sharing relevant financial information, teams can align their efforts towards achieving common goals. This also helps in identifying potential financial challenges early on and addressing them proactively.Furthermore, leveraging technology and data analytics can enhance the relationship between finance and business operations. Financial management systems, business intelligence tools, and data analytics platforms can help organizations streamline processes, improve accuracy, and gain valuable insights into their financial and operational performance. By utilizing these tools, organizations can make informed decisions,optimize resource allocation, and drive efficiency across the business.In conclusion, managing the relationship between finance and business operations is essential for the success and sustainability of any organization. By creating a strategic financial plan, implementing transparent financial reporting processes, fostering communication, and leveraging technology, organizations can strike a balance between finance and operations. This integration ensures that financial decisions are aligned with business objectives, resources are effectively allocated, and risks are managed proactively. Ultimately, a strong relationship between finance and business operations leads to improved financial performance, operational efficiency, and long-term growth.。






比如说在商业领域,“cmr”可能是“Customer - Managed Relationships”(客户管理关系)的缩写。





在医学领域,“cmr”也许是“Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance”(心血管磁共振)的简称。






还有在物流领域,“cmr”可能代表“Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road”(国际公路货物运输合同公约)。







Building Business Relationships: A Mutual Journey of Growth and SuccessIn the ever-evolving global business landscape, establishing meaningful and profitable business relationships is crucial for success. These relationships are not mere transactions but are built on trust, mutual respect, and a shared vision for growth. As an organization seeking to collaborate with partners, we believe that fostering strong business relationships is the foundation for long-term stability and prosperity.At the heart of every successful business relationship lies effective communication. We prioritize clear, open, and frequent communication to ensure that both parties are aligned on goals, expectations, and strategies. This communication extends beyond the谈判 table, encompassing regular updates, feedback sessions, and strategic planning meetings. By maintaining transparency and honesty in our communication, we build trust and confidence, which are essential for any business partnership.Mutual respect is another pillar of our business relationships. We believe that every partner has uniquestrengths and expertise that contribute to the overall success of the partnership. We strive to understand and appreciate these differences, leveraging them to create synergies and competitive advantages. By treating our partners with respect and dignity, we create an environment where collaboration and innovation flourish.A shared vision for growth is what propels our business relationships forward. We seek partners who align with our values and aspirations, who are willing to invest in the partnership for the long term. Together, we identify opportunities for expansion, explore new markets, and innovate products and services that meet the changing needs of our customers. This shared vision keeps us focused on the bigger picture, ensuring that our businessrelationships are not just transactions but are transformative collaborations.In conclusion, building business relationships is not a one-time event but a continuous journey of mutual growth and success. It requires commitment, dedication, and a genuine desire to collaborate with partners who share our values and aspirations. As we embark on this journey, weare confident that our strong business relationships will serve as the foundation for our organization's long-term stability and prosperity.**建立业务关系:共同成长的旅程**在不断演变的全球商业环境中,建立有意义且盈利的业务关系对于成功至关重要。



工作经验搭配动词1. 带领团队- Led a team of 10 individuals on a successful project.- Managed and directed a team of professionals to achieve company goals.- Spearheaded team efforts to increase productivity and efficiency.- Coordinated team members to successfully complete a project within the given timeline.- Guided and coached team members to successfully execute a project.2. 完成任务- Accomplished challenging goals within a tight timeframe.- Achieved the desired results through strategic planning and execution.- Delivered high-quality work that exceeded expectations.- Successfully managed and completed multiple projects simultaneously.- Demonstrated a strong work ethic and consistently met project targets.3. 解决问题- Developed innovative solutions to complex problems.- Analyzed data to identify areas of improvement and implemented necessary changes.- Collaborated with team members to identify challenges and devise effective solutions.- Troubleshot technical issues to ensure smooth project delivery.- Resolved customer complaints and concerns to ensure customer satisfaction.4. 沟通协调- Facilitated effective communication between cross-functional teams to enhance productivity.- Liaised with stakeholders to ensure project goals were aligned with company objectives.- Negotiated contracts and managed relationships with vendors and suppliers. - Coordinated with clients to identify their needs and provide timely solutions.- Conducted training and led presentations to share information with team members.5. 创新设计- Designed innovative products that met customer needs and exceeded expectations. - Created a new system that streamlined business processes and reduced costs.- Developed new marketing strategies that increased brand awareness and customer engagement.- Designed and implemented a new employee training program that improved productivity and efficiency.- Conducted market research to identify new product opportunities and developed them.6. 分析数据- Analyzed data and used it to make informed decisions.- Conducted thorough analysis of financial reports to identify areas for improvement. - Evaluated user behavior to optimize website design.- Utilized statistical tools to analyze sales trends and forecast future performance.- Conducted market research to gain insights into consumer behavior and preferences.7. 推销产品- Developed and implemented successful marketing campaigns to promote products and services.- Sold products to potential customers while maintaining excellent customer service standards.- Conducted product demonstrations to potential clients to showcase product features and benefits.- Developed and maintained relationships with existing clients to increase sales.- Utilized social media and other platforms to market products to a wider audience.8. 管理资源- Managed and allocated resources effectively to ensure project success.- Optimized budget allocation to maximize return on investment.- Managed inventory and logistics to ensure products were delivered on time.- Developed and implemented processes to effectively manage human resources.- Streamlined organizational processes to improve efficiency and reduce waste.9. 改进业务- Proposed and implemented changes to improve business processes.- Monitored and evaluated performance data to identify areas for improvement.- Conducted regular audits and reviews to assess financial and operational performance.- Developed and implemented a new customer service policy that improved customer satisfaction.- Conducted market research and analyzed consumer trends to identify new business opportunities.10. 培训员工- Conducted training sessions to develop employees' skills and knowledge.- Mentored and coached employees to help them develop their professional abilities. - Developed and implemented new employee onboarding programs to facilitate integration into the company culture.- Provided constructive feedback to employees to help them improve their performance.- Conducted regular performance evaluations to identify strengths and weaknesses and create personal development plans.。






































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VMR Definition
A Value Managed Relationship (VMR) is a full partnership between a customer and a supplier.
Its goal is to maximize quality and minimize total system costs of doing business through collaborative
Value Managed Relationships
Sheila Dubin
December 1998
Value Managed Relationships Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Understand VMR concept and application • Articulate types of cost savings opportunities created by VMRs • Use the Bain framework to conduct a VMR • Refer to real examples of Bain’s VMR process and success
• Separate product design
• Single or small number of
suppliers, frequent communication
• Potential for customized
investment in facilities/equipment
• Long-term commitment
Competitive Bid
Value Managed Relationship
Short-term Contract /
Longterm Contract
“Partnership ”
True VMR
Sole Source
Vertical Integration
A VMR, when appropriate, exceeds the value of all other types of relationships.
How Does a VMR Work?
• A Value Managed Relationship can exceed the value
potential of both vertical integration and traditionally negotiated "arm's length" transactions:
• VMR Concept • VMR Key Success Factors • VMR Sources Of Value • Bain VMR Process • Example • Key Takeaways
A VMR creates a win/win relationship.
VMRs are most appropriate where high volume and significant value added occurs.
• Product redesign • Material
Vertical Integration
• Fragmented supplier base,
sporadic communication
• Investments based upon
manufacturer's needs
• Adversarial bid negotiations
to obtain lowest unit price
– participants must share single goal of achieving lowest industry systems cost
– savings should be shared to provide mutual ongoing incentives to eliminate redundancies
Strategic Purchasing Options
VMRs can exceed the value of both traditional contracts as well as vertical integration.
Traditional "Arms Length" Approach
sharing of information and resources.
What is a VMR?
A VMR is one procurement strategy to maximize cost savings and strategic value.
Procurement Strategies
focused upon lowest total systems cost using value chain perspectives
• Joint product design and
cross functional participation
• In-house supply,
communication frequent
– a consolidation of purchases to one or few suppliers who are capable of maintaining long term competitive economics, high quality and efficient delivery
• May require investment in
weak strategic business
• Focus driven by internal
incentives/ transfer prices
• Joint product design often at

Where Are VMRs Appropriate?