英文版职业规划范文大学生English:As a college student, my career planning focuses on pursuing a career in marketing and communications. I believe that my strong interpersonal and communication skills make me well-suited for this field. I plan to gain practical experience through internships and part-time jobs while in school, and to further develop my skills by taking relevant courses and participating in extracurricular activities. After graduation, I hope to secure a position in a reputable marketing or communications firm where I can continue to learn and grow in my field. Ultimately, I aspire to become a successful marketing professional who can contribute to innovative and impactful campaigns.中文翻译:作为一名大学生,我的职业规划集中在追求市场营销和传播领域的职业。
我的职业生涯规划英文版My career planningProductPRICEPLACEPROMOTIONAfter all the analysis and proof listed above, the specific planning is listed as follows:1、 Foreword2、 Self analysis4、 SWOT analysisInternal environmental factorsS: Advantageous factors1. Be able to have a clear understanding of the future and have a clear goal2. Good at thinking, not following suit3. Relatively strong logical analysis ability and active thinking4. Modesty and prudence5. Be down-to-earth and kind-hearted6. Strong personal life ability and independent of others7. Have a certain degree of political sensitivity and form their own opinions on some issuesW. Weak factors2. Eager for success on some issues3. Laziness is strong and lacks perseverance4. Lack of confidence in yourself and miss a lot of opportunities5. Poor expression and writing skillsExternal environmental factorsO. Opportunity factorAs a profession of educating people by people, teachers put forward high and endless requirements for their own quality and labor quality. Therefore, teachers need to constantly design development plans suitable for their own future. Teacher development is the process of realizing the value of teachers' life. It is a process in which teachers continuously improve their spiritual pursuit, enhance professional ethics, master educational laws, expand subject knowledge, strengthen professional skills and improve the level of education and teaching on the basis of fully understanding the significance of education. In the context of the new curriculum reform, in order to be a learning and innovative teacher and an educator who can meet the requirements of high quality. I worked out the development plan for the next three years according to the requirements of the school and my actual situation.1、 Personal status analysis"It's a long way to go, I will try my best to find out"! Since graduation, I have worked for more than one year. In the education and teaching work, I seriously study the strengths of experienced teachers, constantly improve my professional quality, and have some thoughts and ideas on classroom teaching. However, with the continuous promotion and deepening of the new curriculum, new ideas and the "learning oriented" teaching mode of our school, I found that although I earnestly and try my best to do my job well in my work, it has little effect on breaking through the original level of classroom teaching and improving classroom teaching efficiency. I think this requires me to constantly reflect on myself, constantly absorb the basic ideas of the new curriculum reform, innovate the use of teaching materials in classroom teaching, find new and feasible teaching methods, and be able to carry forward my own advantages, absorb the strengths of others and better promote my own development. I deeply feel that my cultural heritage is not rich enough, my professional knowledge is still not solid enough, my innovative understanding in education and teaching is not enough, I lack the understanding and research of students' psychological state and characteristics, and I lack persistence and continuity in daily self-learning. This requires their own arbitrary planning and continuous improvement in their future teaching career.2、 Career development goals and action measuresMy three-year goalYear 1: clarify self-development goals and realize role transformation1. Strengthen theoretical study, improve their political and ideological quality, actively participate in all kinds of teacher ethics education practice activities at all levels in the urban area, actively learn from old teachers and peer teachers, improve their teacher ethics performance in practice and establish a solid work style.2. Take the old teacher as the teacher in the school, take the initiative to listen to and speak the class, carry out discipline teaching in a down-to-earth manner under the guidance of the master, master the teaching law, and obtain the growth of professional skills from practice.3. Learning is the source of teachers' growth. Only in continuous learning can we make progress. In the first year, I need to keep learning and expand my knowledge, so as to make theory serve practice and improve my basic teaching skills.The second year: strengthen the cultivation of educational skills, improve classroom management ability and strengthen self-cultivationThe third year: teaching and learning grow together, teaching and research advance together, and form self teaching characteristics1. Master education and teaching skills skillfully, have certain teaching experience and reflection ability, and be able to constantly adjust their teaching behavior in the process of reflection, and initially form their own characteristics in the process of education and teaching. That is to explore their own classroom teaching mode, guide their own classroom teaching with new ideas, form their own teaching style through classroom teaching practice, innovate boldly, summarize experience and constantly seek.concrete measure1. Bear in mind the mission of teachers and establish two understandingsAlways bear in mind the sacred mission of teachers and always respect the free development of students. Taking education as a pillar of a happy life and helping students understand and create happiness is the most important purpose of teachers.If you choose the profession of teacher, you need to understand that pursuing students' success is your own success in life. Therefore, you need to establish the awareness of dedication and responsibility, inspire students' wisdom and shape students' hearts.2. establish the concept of lifelong learning and effectively improve their own professional qualityThrough learning, improve the cultivation of teachers' ethics, enrich the knowledge structure and enhance the theoretical foundation. Listen to the lessons of old teachers and peers, take the initiative to learn from the predecessors of the same teaching and research group, absorb the strengths of others, constantly improve teaching ability, and strive to make their teaching quality reach a good level.3. Carefully study classroom teaching and reflect and summarize in practice4. Carefully prepare lessons and improve the level of education and scientific research1、 Basic personal informationGender: male major: public management grade: FreshmanPersonal advantages: Freshman studied hard and achieved good results. He participated in many school activities and learned a lot of experience.2、 Short term goals (20xx-20xx)In 20XX, that is, this year, strive to do a good job in academic performance and strive to get scholarships.In 20XX, on the basis of 11 years, continue to study hard, seek opportunities for internship, and focus on preparing for the civil service examination.In 20XX, he got a double bachelor's degree with excellent results and was ready to take the civil service examination.3、 Medium term objectives4、 Long term objectivesHave a happy family and have a successful career.Personal statussurvey:Name Gender political affiliation: Allie Halimurat: Gender: female birth date: registered residence in November 1988: Xinjiang's political outlook: League membersSelf evaluation:hands-on backgroundSchool work study center position: Book and newspaper booth salesman 2023 / 10-2023 / 10 tutoring students position: tutor 2023 / 11-2023/Self Inventory1、 SWOT analysisStrength analysis – strengthAdvantages of work experience: working in the school work study center, I have accumulated practical experience.Hobby advantage: with historical vision and social careWeakness analysis – weakGender disadvantage: no men are bold and cautiousCharacter disadvantage: due to careful thinking, it leads to too hesitation when making decisions.Experience disadvantage: lack of practical experienceDisadvantages of external environment: external employment pressure is very large Opportunity analysis – opportunityIncluding postgraduate entrance examination, civil servant examination, working in middle schools and colleges, participating in the 2023 campus recruitment of major enterprises, or applying for graduate students from foreign universities, etc. Threat analysis – threatIn the process of job hunting in the future, I will meet many excellent graduates from famous schools in Shanghai and all over the country. For me, this is a great threat. If you return to Xinjiang, you can't quickly adapt to the learning or working environment there, and you don't have your own network of relationships and contacts, which is also a threat.So strategy – leverage strengths and opportunitiesSt strategy – leverage strengths and avoid threatsWt strategy – reduce weaknesses and avoid threats2、 External tool analysisSelf planning1、 Determine career pathOccupation type: career typeMain functional areas: TeachersPersonal career path design: teacher lecturer Associate Professor Professor Preferred industry: TeachersSecondary industry: tour guide, staff of Publicity Department of enterprises and institutionsAlternative industry: independent Entrepreneurship2、 Career reserve period (2023-2023)Note: this period is a university1、 Second grade3、 Career planning period (2023-2023)Note: this period is a university3、 Fourth grade4、 Early career (2023-2023)Note: this period is 5 years after graduation from universityPlanning postscript1、 Self analysis(1) Temperament(2) Character(3) Interests and hobbies(4) Ability2、 Professional cognition(1) Internal environment analysisI am a child from the countryside. My parents are farmers. I don't have any social background. Everything depends on myself. They taught me that the wealth of my life is: sincerity, gratitude, down-to-earth, strong and independent. My parents' work can barely cover my tuition and miscellaneous expenses in college, and I can study at ease. But I'm afraid it won't work if I go to graduate school, so I prefer to get a job after graduation. If I take the postgraduate entrance examination, everything really depends on me. Looking at the current forms of difficult employment, there are many factors, including the following subjective factors:1. Department graduates are not proficient in their own professional knowledge and skills, but their career expectations are very high. They take whether the treatment is favorable, whether the transportation is convenient and whether the housing is spacious as the selection criteria. They are unwilling to undertake hard work or work in economically underdeveloped areas and grass-roots schools.(2) External environment analysisElectronic information engineering is one of the electronic information majors with a wide range of adaptability. It is the support of the electronic information industry。
5年职业生涯规划书英文版(推荐范文)5年职业生涯规划书英文版(推荐范文)5年职业生涯规划书英文版(推荐范文)怎么写?哪里找5年职业生涯规划书英文版(推荐范文)?1, t o d ete rmi neasp ira tio ns.Amb iti onisthe ba sic pr ere qui sit e f orsuc ces s,the reisnoamb iti on, no ta lkabo utthe su cce ssofthe ca use. A s t hesay ing go es: Ch i n onli, an d t hewor ldint o t hemat ter ca n n otbe. Ar e d ete rmi ned to st art li fe, re fle cts aper son'side als, v isi on,te mpe ram ent an d v alu es, af fec t a pe rso n's go als an d a chi eve men tsofthe si ze. Th ere for e,inthe de vel opm ent of ca ree r p lan nin g,wesho uld fi rst es tab lis h t heamb iti on, wh ich is to de vel opcri tic alcar eer pl ann ing, c are erpla nni ngisthe mo stimp ort ant po int.2, se lf-ass ess men t.T hepur pos e o f s elf-as ses sme ntisthe un der sta ndi ngofthe mse lve s,und ers tan d t hei r o wn. Be cau seonl y k now th ems elv es, th eir ca ree r c anmak e t herig htcho ice ca n b e s ele cte d t o s uit th eir ow n c are erdev elo pme ntrou tes, t o t hei r o wngoa l t o m ake th e b est ca ree r c hoi ce. Se lf-ass ess men t,inc lud ing th eir in ter est s,str eng ths, c har act er, kn owl edg e,ski lls, I Q,EQ, wa ysofthi nki ng, wa ysofthi nki ng, mo ral an d s oci alsta nda rds of se lfand so on.3, th e a sse ssm ent ofca ree r o ppo rtu nit ies.As ses sme ntofcar eer op por tun iti es, ma inl y t o a sse ssthe va rio usenv iro nme nta l f act ors on th eir ow n c are erdev elo pme ntofeve ryo neina c ert ainen vir onm ent, l eav ing th e e nvi ron men t,wil l n otbeabl e t o s urv ive an d g row. T her efo re, in th e d eve lop men t o f i ndi vid ual ca ree r p lan nin g,toana lyz e t hecha rac ter ist ics ofen vir onm ent alcon dit ion s,the de vel opm ent an d c han ges in th e e nvi ron men t,the irrel ati ons hip to th e e nvi ron men t,the irsta tus in th isenv iro nme nt,th e e nvi ron men t o f t hei r o wnreq ues t,aswel l a s a fa vor abl e e nvi ron men t f orthe ircon dit ion s a ndadv ers e c ond iti ons. O nly fu lly aw are of th ese en vir onm ent alfac tor s i n o rde r t o d o s o i n a pl exenv iro nme nt, so th atpla nni ngyou r c are erwit h p rac tic alsig nif ica nce.As ses sme ntofenv iro nme nta l f act ors in clu de:(1) or gan iza tio nal en vir onm ent. (2) p oli tic alenv iro nme nt.(3) th e s oci alenv iro nme nt.(4) ec ono mic en vir onm ent.4, th e c hoi ceofcar eer.Th e r igh t c are ercho ice or no t,isdir ect lyrel ate d t o t hei r c are ersuc ces s o r f ail ure. A cco rdi ngtosta tis tic s,peo ple wh o h ave ch ose n t hewro ngcar eer, t he80% of th e p eop leare lo ser s i n t hei r c are ers. A s h asbee n s aid, a fra idofmar ryi ngthe wr ong wo man La ng, ma lefea r o f t hewro nglin e.Thi s s how s t hat th e c are eropt ion s i n t hei r c are erdev elo pme ntofhow im por tan t i t i s.H owtocho ose th e r igh t c are er? At le ast sh oul d c ons ide r t hefol low ing po int s:(1) pe rso nal ity an d c are ermat chi ng. (2) i nte res t i n t hemat chand vo cat ion al. (3) a ndcar eer ma tch ing ex per tis e.(4) in ter nal an d e xte rna l e nvi ron men t a ndada pttoocc upa tio nal.5, th e c hoi ceofcar eerro ute s.E sta bli she d i n t hecar eer to wh ich ro ute de vel opm ent at th istim e t o m ake acho ice. T hat is, t headm ini str ati onrou tetodev elo pme ntorroa d t o p rof ess ion alandte chn ica l d eve lop men t;isahe adtec hno log y r oad map, a ndthe n t urn toth e a dmi nis tra tio n o f t heroa d 。
全英文版 职业生涯规划
Occupation career planning The acceleration of industrialization and economic prosperity benefit for society a great deal. Now with the speed up of development of the proportion of international trade, we can see more and more Import and Export Company around us, and it offer many more alternative ways of working. As a college student, we should make our occupation career planning in advance so that we can avoid many detours. It is fortunately that our major is just this. We can engaged in many different kinds of trade activities about domestic and foreign trade in the Import and Export Company, such as Salesman、Declarant、International Commercial V ouching Clerk, ect. It also has a very good prospect, and can bring high wages; this is very attractive to us.1、Self-analysisI am a person who is careful and adhering to principles, as an old Chinese saying goes, “stupid birds have to start flying early.”I usually force myself make preparations early. Although I need spend much more time than others, but I still think this is right. And I also pursuit perfection in my daily life. I often require myself work well as far as possible, this bring some praise to me, and also help me get some small success. As I lack of initiative, short of communication skills, and even lack of self-centered, it makes me did n’t take into opinions of others and cannotget variety of different perspectives from the people around me. And the collaboration with others is not enough. When dealing with some problems, I also didn’t think over in my mind. It makes me lose many opportunities to succeed in doing something. I also knew that deal with people by sincerity, convince people by skill, so I usually think to move forward myself, so that I can get a satisfied work.2、Target-analysisAccording to the investigation, I knew that Declarant is personnel who represent the respective enterprise handles the imported and exported products declaration service to the Customs, and firstly he need get through the national declarant qualifications test, so I prepared to this examination in my college. And I knew that the international trade has become more and more popular, and it can provide a high wage for me. A vouching clerk is responsible for the management and operation of various kinds of documents, such as transport, customs, and inspection. In the process of implementation of international trade, it stands an important stage.3、The efforts I have madeWhen I was a freshman in college, the knowledge of my major is just a litter. The only understanding is focus on my study. I should enrich my knowledge, so I often go to the library to borrow some books which I interested in. I try my best to study harder, when the teacher is in the class,I usually concentrate on the lesson which is teaching. There are series of lectures in college, so I can attend this in my spare time. I also usually participate in volunteering and some feel-good activities when I have leisure time at weekend. And I had participate in some school club, so when they have some meaningful activities, I also join them. In the next semester, following with my classmates, I began to prepare for a computer examination and got it.At the second grade in college, we began to prepare for the College English Test level four and six, so we have to focus my attention on English study. And we begin to study professional courses about International economy and trade, and I also begin to contact on these courses. In our library, there are many books about my major, so I usually borrow these books to exposure to relevant knowledge. And I passed my driving test in the next semester; I also participated in the inspection test, but unfortunately I did n’t pass it.As a junior student, I also attend the CET-six following crowd wanting to increase the score. And begin prepared to some professional tests, such as the national declarant qualifications test, and I still find time to reading books in the library. As the time goes on, I also feel can’t stay forever. So I choose to read novel in dormitory, but finally I find I can’t bear this situation. I think this is waste time, and I feel very sorry to my parents. So I force myself to study harder, and then saw someinspirational movies to learn their endeavor when facing problems. In these movies, this most u nforgettable for me is “Forrest Gump”, I like his perseveration, though I can’t do like him. But when I was young, I also had dreamed this success.Now my junior life is going by, I have to become a senior student, facing the increasing competition from employment. I think I can welcome it fill the heart with hope for a beautiful future, now I working for it.4、Summing-upAs international trade stuff, we must be good at the English listening, speaking, and writing. And we also should master the knowledge of international trade, essentials of negotiation rules, and the knowledge of international economic law. But my oral English ability is very weak, so I trying my best to strengthen it.This is my occupation career planning, “there is no free lunch in the world”, if you want to harvest the successfully, then you must pay diligently. There will be setbacks on the road to success, only those who stick it out can harvest success. Life cannot come again, without a good plan as if there is no navigation lights, so it’s very important that we have a good plan. But only with the planning is useless, we also should double the effort. I trust that “No pains, No gains”, I am looking forward my harvest.。
职业生涯规划观点[英文版]Career planning is an essential aspect of one's professional journey. It involves setting goals, envisioning a desired path, and taking necessary steps to achieve those objectives. In this essay, I will discuss my perspective on career planning and the key principles I believe are essential in building a successful and fulfilling professional life.Firstly, I believe in the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, and interests. To effectively plan a career, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of one's skills and abilities. Self-reflection and assessment exercises can help in identifying personal strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, discovering one's interests and passions can play a significant role in choosing a career path that aligns with personal values and goals. By understanding oneself better, one can make informed decisions regarding career choices that will lead to a higher level of job satisfaction and success.Secondly, continuous learning and skill development are paramount in today's rapidly evolving job market. The traditional concept of finding a stable job and sticking with it for the rest of one's career is less applicable in the modern world. With technological advancements and global competition, skills become obsolete at a faster rate, making it essential to adapt and upskill regularly. Therefore, I believe in the importance of lifelong learning and continuously updating one's skills to remain relevant in the job market. Engaging in professional development courses, attending conferences, and seeking mentors can all contribute to personal growth and career advancement.Furthermore, networking and building relationships are crucial elements in career planning. Connections and relationships with professionals in the field can provide insight, open doors to new opportunities, and offer guidance. Networking can occur through attending industry-specific events, joining professional organizations, or even through online platforms. Building a strong professional network can enhance one's chances of career advancement and provide a support system throughout the professional journey.Moreover, I strongly believe in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. While dedication and hard work are essential for career success, neglecting other aspects of life can have adverse effects on overall well-being. A balance between work and personal life is essential for both physical and mental health. Prioritizing personal relationships, hobbies, and self-care activities can contribute to a more fulfilling and enjoyable career. Employers are also recognizing the value of work-life balance and are increasingly providing flexible work arrangements and benefits that support employees' well-being.Lastly, I believe in setting both short-term and long-term goals to facilitate career planning. Short-term goals can be steppingstones towards achieving long-term objectives. By setting clear goals, individuals can create a roadmap for their careers and take actions accordingly. Regularly reviewing and revising goals can help track progress and make necessary adjustments in career plans. Additionally, seeking feedback from mentors and supervisors can provide valuable insights and guidance in staying on track towardsdesired career outcomes.In conclusion, career planning is a vital aspect of building a successful and fulfilling professional life. It involves understanding oneself, continuously learning and developing skills, building networks, maintaining work-life balance, and setting goals. These principles, in my opinion, are essential in creating a career path that aligns with personal values and leads to long-term satisfaction and success.Continuing on the topic of career planning, I will delve deeper into each of the key principles I mentioned earlier and explore their significance in shaping a successful and fulfilling professional journey.Self-awareness is the foundation of effective career planning. It involves understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, values, and interests. Identifying and capitalizing on one's strengths can help individuals excel in their chosen career paths. By recognizing their weaknesses, individuals can work on improving or compensating for those areas through self-development or seeking support from others. Understanding one's values and interests enables them to choose a career that aligns with their passions and allows them to find joy and fulfillment in their work. It also helps in making decisions that are in line with personal goals and aspirations.In today's ever-changing job market, the importance of continuous learning and skill development cannot be overstated. Technological advancements, automation, and globalization are transforming industries and creating a demand for new skills. To remain competitive and relevant, individuals need to embrace lifelong learning. This can involve enrolling in courses or pursuingcertifications to acquire new skills or enhance existing ones. It can also include staying updated with industry trends and developments through reading, attending webinars, or participating in workshops. By continuously upgrading their skills, individuals increase their employability and adaptability, making them valuable assets to employers.Building a strong professional network is another critical aspect of career planning. Networking allows individuals to establish connections with professionals in their field, providing opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and career growth. It can open doors to job openings, promotions, and new projects. Networking can occur through attending conferences, industry-specific events, or joining professional organizations. Online platforms, such as LinkedIn, also provide avenues for building connections with like-minded professionals. Nurturing relationships and maintaining a strong network can provide valuable advice, guidance, and support throughout one's professional journey.Although dedication and hard work are important, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for long-term career success and overall well-being. Giving equal attention to personal relationships, hobbies, and self-care activities can prevent burnout and enhance job satisfaction. A healthy work-life balance allows individuals to recharge, reduce stress, and maintain physical and mental health. Employers are recognizing the significance of work-life balance and are promoting flexible work arrangements, offering wellness programs, and encouraging employees to take breaks. By prioritizing personal well-being, individuals are betterable to perform at their best and achieve long-term success in their careers.Setting both short-term and long-term goals is vital in career planning. Short-term goals provide steppingstones towards long-term objectives, allowing individuals to track their progress and make necessary adjustments along the way. These goals can be related to acquiring new skills, gaining specific experiences, or achieving certain milestones. Long-term goals provide a vision and a sense of direction, guiding individuals towards their desired career outcomes. They can involve reaching a certain position, starting a business, or making a career transition. By setting clear goals, individuals can focus their efforts and work towards achieving them.In addition to goal setting, regular self-reflection and evaluation are essential in career planning. Individuals should periodically review their progress, assess their satisfaction, and make adjustments as necessary. This can involve seeking feedback from mentors, supervisors, or peers to gain insights into strengths, areas for improvement, and potential opportunities. Self-reflection also allows individuals to reassess their values, interests, and priorities, ensuring that their career choices align with their evolving aspirations.In conclusion, effective career planning involves self-awareness, continuous learning, networking, work-life balance, goal setting, and regular evaluation. These principles provide a framework for individuals to build a successful and fulfilling professional life. By understanding oneself, continuously developing skills, buildingrelationships, prioritizing well-being, setting goals, and reflecting on progress, individuals can navigate their careers with intention and purpose. Proactive career planning enables individuals to make informed decisions, seize opportunities, and ultimately lead a fulfilling professional life.。
System Administrator
❖ Description
Provide Technical/User Support
❖ Project Types
Set up/Maintain LANs, PCs, User IDs, etc. Install Software Support Help Desks
Different Platforms (Mainframes, Servers, PCs) Different Languages (HTML, C, Visual Basic,
❖ What’s an Industry? ❖ Type of Work can Vary by Industry ❖ Can Change Industries/Clients Frequently ❖ My Experiences
❖ Project Types
Business Application Development Technology Strategies
❖ Project Duration: Many Months to Years ❖ Clients: Usually Large Companies ❖ Demand: High
❖ Project Duration: Days to Few Months
❖ Clients: Large and Small Companies
❖ Demand: High when Specialty is Hot
IT Consultant/Analyst
❖ Description
Client’s Partner - True “Consultant” Solve Business Problems through Techsultants
College student career programming University student's career planning directly impact on university student's academic performance, and also affect the job hunting after graduation and even the success of future career。
As a junior ,career programming is a impetus for the future .Through three year’s college life ,we have fairly domain knowledge. Now we need to do career planning based on our major, structure of knowledge, combination social environment and market out a plan about will engaged in what career and require reach the career goal’s directivity.By means of myself’s career programming, I can solve the problem of four to decide -directional ,fixed point, fixed position,centering. Thereby, as soon as possible to sure my career goal,choose career development area and scope.As a girl, I want to live leisure life .To be a teacher for a girl is a good choice,but I don’t think I can be a good teacher. As a teacher I have no special vision, no special urge ,no fight. I know my respect fields well.I have orderly course may be well planed and efficiently I am a responsible am more interested in the subject being taught than in students or social progress. A good teacher is always eager to bring about a social structure in which people will be free to be themselves. So I thinkI will not be a good teacher.Choosing a career is one of the most important things in a person’s life. Finding the right career, we will be happy and successful. Finding the wrong one, we will not be able to fully display our talents. Unfortunately, many of us make cause mistakes, the trouble is that we often choose a career for the wrong reasons. For example, some people simply follow in the footsteps of their parents and relatives, and many others change jobs constantly under the influence of friends who give them their advices. As a result, they can’t make the best use of their talents, and they get no well in their work. These mistakes can be avoided by taking into account some factors, such as our choice of occupation and a necessary information about the job before we make the decision. Above all, it is important to make a fare evaluation of ourselves. Be sure that we know where our interest lies and what our ability is . Only by doing so, can we both excel in and enjoy our work.Now ,learn well professional knowledge ,take full advantage of the rest time in college,do preparation for obtain need to successfully obtain a driver’s license,improve the ability of spoken English communication .read more books broaden my horizon.Short-term career plan(2-5 years)Get a job-this period is familiar and adjustment. I plan take about three years to find the job environment and station for myself developingby continue try and strive .In this period my focus mainly on take up a occupation .Putting my major energy on job and finding a job which can meet myself basic necessary. In my opinion ,I can chose from corporate PR ,ordinary staff ,secretary, assistant.Medium-term career plan(5-15 years)Choose a job-not only find a job,but also choose the suitable for myself in multitude job opportunity, in the long run, it is the one which can acquire better success.This period is steadily progress this approximately ten years ,work hard ,I should acquire business skills and have some achievements in the occupation I take .until that time , business began to transition, I will have accumulated some professional quality and interpersonal I will able to chose the career I like.Long-term career plan (15-30 years)Stable development -this is a successful career is the gold time for career need to grab the opportunity to push my career to peak. The development goal is steadily career ,harmony family, and a health body.It is the first step to be successful that have a certain and reasonable plan. For to achieve the goals I need to do persistence efforts. As a famous saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. There’s no one but longs to succeed, but it’s not easy to get success. I should have an active attitude. Even we can say, everything depends on attitude. If Ihave a right attitude,I will get half of success at the beginning .So, I cannot emphasize attitude too much. What’s more, practice is another important aspect to success. Easier said than done, so we must put into practice in the course of learning. Last but by no means the last, a firm resolution plays an essential role in getting success. All resistance will be conquered by a firm resolution. Man, once his goal is set, should not shift himself from his resolution of struggling for it. I think I have good jobs and good health, which enables I to bolster my family up till now. Besides, although I do not have a lot of money, I still gain whatever I need, making me feel happiness in life.。
职业生涯规划英文篇1My career planningTalking about career,Ive been planning since my first year in the university.职业生涯规划英文篇21, to determine aspirations.Ambition is the basic prerequisite for success, there is no ambition, no talk about the success of the cause. As the saying goes: Chi non li, and the world into the matter can not be. Are determined to start life, reflects a persons ideals, vision, temperament and values, affect a persons goals and achievements of the size.Therefore, in the development of career planning, we should first establish the ambition, which is to develop critical career planning, career planning is the most important point.2, self-assessment.The purpose of self-assessment is the understanding of themselves, understand their own. Because only know themselves, their career can make the right choice can be selected to suit their own career development routes, to their own goal to make the best career choice. Self-assessment, including their interests, strengths, character, knowledge, skills, IQ, EQ, ways of thinking, ways of thinking, moral and social standards of self and so on.3, the assessment of career opportunities.3, the choice of career.The right career choice or not, is directly related to their career success or failure. According to statistics, people who have chosen the wrong career, the 80%of the people are losers in their careers. As has been said, afraid of marrying the wrong woman Lang, male fear of the wrong line. This shows that the career options in their career development of how important it is.How to choose the right career At least should consider the following points: (1) personality and career matching. (2) interest in the match and vocational. (3) and career matching expertise. (4) internal and external environment and adapt to occupational.4, set career goals.Set career goals, is the core职业生涯规划英文范文篇31, to determine aspirations.Ambition is the basic prerequisite for success, there is no ambition, no talk about the success of the cause. As the saying goes: Chi non li, and the world into the matter can not be. Are determined to start life, reflects a persons ideals, vision, temperament and values, affect a persons goals and achievements of the size. Therefore, in the development of career planning, we should first establish the ambition, which is to develop critical career planning, career planning is the most important point.2, self-assessment.The purpose of self-assessment is the understanding of themselves, understand their own. Because only know themselves, their career can make the right choice can be selected to suit their own career development routes, to their own goal to make the best career choice. Self-assessment, including their interests, strengths, character, knowledge, skills, IQ, EQ, ways of thinking, ways of thinking, moral and social standards of self and so on.3, the assessment of career opportunities.Assessment of environmental factors include:(1) organizational environment.(2) political environment.(3) the social environment.(4) economic environment.4, the choice of career.The right career choice or not, is directly related to their career success or failure. According to statistics, people who have chosen the wrong career, the 80%of the people are losers in their careers. As has been said, afraid of marrying the wrong woman Lang, male fear of the wrong line. This shows that the career options in their career development of how important it is.How to choose the right career At least should consider the following points: (1) personality and career matching. (2) interest in the match and vocational. (3) and career matching expertise. (4) internal and external environment and adapt to occupational.5, the choice of career routes.Line is usually the choice of career should consider the following three questions:(1) I would like to where a line of development(2) where I can develop a line6, set career goals.Set career goals, is the core of career planning. The cause of the success or failure of a person, to a large extent depend on the availability of appropriate target correctly. No goal, as the boat into the sea, vast surrounding, there is no direction, I do not know their own going. Only set a target to clear the direction of struggle, likea beacon in the sea, and guide you avoid the dangerous reef dark stone to success. Goal setting, following a career in the choice of route choice career after aim in life to make choices. Its the best choice based on their talent, the best character, the greatest interest in the most favorable based on the information environment. Target points are usually short-term goals, medium-term objectives, long-term goals and their goals in life. Short-term goal is generally between one and two years on short-term objectives and sub-goals, week objectives, on target, target. Medium-term target is generally three to five years. Long-term goals are generally five to ten years.7, development of action plans and measures.8, evaluation and feedback.As the saying goes: The scheme can not keep up with change. Yes, the impact of career planning for a number of factors. Some changes in factors that can be predicted, but some factors are difficult to predict changes. In this case, to make effective career planning, on the need to constantly assess the career planning and revision. The contents of the amendment include: the re-career choice; the choice of career routes; amendments to their goals in life; the implementation of measures and plans to change and so on.猜你感兴趣:。
职业生涯规划~英文版career planning
Career planning and academic planningmy dreamwhen I was little years old, I thought that the greatest person is teacher, because they know many things that I can’t understand at that time, therefore I want to become the person like teacher. As I grow older, I I knew, teacher is one kind of occupation, teacher possibly will also make mistakes, teacher will also have the thing that he/she do not understand, therefore my dream changes, I had my future to be a scientist, because I knew that teacher's knowledge comes from scientist, the most important is that I thought scientist know everything and with respection of many people. Among the people I knew, no one is scientist, I had wanted to become a unique person. And I understand clearly that to be a scientist is not easy. If a person wants to be a scientist, He/she needs to read many books, but my school score was not that well. Therefore I changed my dream once again, my anticipation of the future is to be a businessman, on the one hand I thought that I should take responsibility to the built up of my family, I realized that we need money to support a good life, this has also been the mine idea environment instilled to me. As far as I Know. I am not sure that I should to be a merchant or a teacher, in other words I have no idea of my future occupation. So I need to do the things below.·Self assessmentI quit understood that the self assessment is very important to my occupation choices and life choices, I need to know what I want. every people has a job that suits him/her, this is mainly relates with one’s own disposition and characteristic. In other words, the work he/she likeswill possibly brings a certain sense of joy and creativity for himself/herself. I would like to analysis myself from the aspects below.1、school experiencewhen I was in elementary school, my schoolwork is not good. Because I never open my mouth to answer the teacher's questions, therefore one teacher asked my parents to school to have a talk about my problem. but I thought that this should be the disposition reason, not the school record reason, I have tried my best. When I was in the junior middle school, my school record was in the first level among all classmates, so in the teacher’s evaluation actually I am a good student, but blame it on the junior middle school's knowledge, because I thought it is too easy, my memory of the middle school is all about friends and joy, no pressure, no sadness. When I was in the high school, specially in the last two years, I spent all my time on schoolwork, the time which I spent with my friends became shorter, but I do not mean that we have no social activity, to be honest, we gather together in the familiar place sometimes, but with fewer and fewer number later. Finally, we did not get together again, all our energy was fouced on study and preparation of College entrance examination. My high school's academic record is ok, I was expected to have the ability to entrance good university. Fortunately, as my willing, I pass into the College entrance examination, and went to Nanchang university with the major of education. I studied here four years, during this time, my academic record keep a stationary level. What worth mention is that I have joined some student organization which I interested, and profited mush from them, for example, young volunteer association and Peers psychology counseling.2、My change in the universityHere is mainly some ideas of myself, because after four years of university study, it must have something that I remember and obtained.I thought that my four years of university life have change mush of my dispositions, as I have said before, when I was in elementary school, I am too shy to speak to other people, even did not have courage to reply the teacher's question. Many people including my parents said that I have psychological problem. In the university, I found that the students around me are all very talkative, and are willing to make friends. therefore I try to join them, and spend my time among friends, no matter the person is I knew or never met. Then I started my first lecture, also started my first student cadre experience, these transformed me during four year. Therefore I can confidently say that I am dare to speak to any teacher, or make an extemporaneous speech before students now. That is my change.3、evaluation of my friendsBefore writing this page, I had learned about myself in other people’s perspective. It mainly comes from two aspects, one is directly said to me face to face. The second is tell to me through friends indirectly.I feel both two evaluation should be considered, I think both of them are true. because all the evaluation are focused on one kind personality traits - I am a lively, talkative person, and is humorous. The negative evaluation is that I am too sensitive about people, is easy to make misunderstanding. But besides these, there are some people said that I am serious, in other words I can consider things more comprehensive. For these evaluations, I think, they are all based on certain facts, so from these perspectives, I think I am a kind of this person!4、 professional testingAs I have mentioned before, I had done many professional tests, some are formal, some are informal, because my major is education, I must learn some knowledge in this field. as I can easily use them, I remember thatone of the most impressive career test is Holland professional test, the result told me, I am a kind of research person, in research field my score is 9, and the result said that I am suit for scientific researchers, teachers, engineers, computer programmers, doctors, systems analyst, etc, detail test results is listed below .Graph 1: The result of Holland profession test(Chinese version) Test resultPart one: professional personality typesYour professional personality[Common features] A thinker, not a doer, curious about many things, like to do deep thinking, but not willing to work. Have a wide knowledge, talented and good at many jobs. But is a bad leader, can consider things carefully, like to do things accurately. Like logic analysis, and to explore unknown things constantly.[character] Have a strong mind to insist opinion, like to do studying, always be curious about many things, is an independent person.[advices on profession] The work which have character like intelligence, abstract, analysis, independent one-way task, required intelligence and analysis ability. Would like to use the ability to observe, estimate, measure, and form theorizes, finish the job perfect.For example: scientific researchers, teachers, engineers, computer programmers, doctors, systems analyst, etcNote: The person who has interest in doing investigation during the work have more pain, and will finish the task from beginning to the end.I am not surprised about the test result, because I do not reject these professions, and the jobs above tend to bring a good income.·Arrangements of my graduate timeMy graduate time will only last two and a half years, and only one year to have classes, so the time will go faster than I expect, and make a reasonable arrangement can help me to use the time more effective. Here I'm going to separate it into three parts, first is my learning plan, second is academic program, and the third is development of other interests.1、learning planAs I have noted above, during the graduate life, most of the time will be arranged on my thesis and social practice, the time getting together to have classes is very few. so I think we need to make a big change in my way of study, and that is to contact things initiatively, to learn and to do things which are my interests. Because works with no pressure is difficult to persevere for me, and I think the only thing that can let me persist is my interest to it. But many people said that, the interests can be developed, I think what I need to do now is to develop my professional interests. Of course, Detail plan in the first year is to have class earnestly, reading more books. My present condition is a book a week, I wish I can keep the habit to the end of semester, even to my worklife.2、Academic programAs a graduate student, to have his/her own academic program is very important, otherwise it might bring many problems in the future of academic life. he/she would feel indecisive during the two years, and very confused. First, we need to determine an academic research target, should I engaged to my academic paper or to solve practical problems, thedifference between these are very big. For me, it is certain that my academic program is to issue professional papers in famous professional magazine, like <Adult education>、<china Adult education>、<continue education>, ect. At my year of grade one, that is now, I would try to write some professional thesis about Adult education. And consult to my teachers, make modification. At the second year of the graduate life, l will devote most of my time to my graduate thesis, and try to publish some part of it. In addition, I will also participate in the teachers' researches.3、the development of other interestsAlthough no one request me to develop a interest, I will insist it for myself, just because I like it. my interest is very wide, such as drawing, I have persist it for many years. At the graduate time, I need to learn play guitar, when I am a university student, I tried to learn it, but for the time is not allowed, the plan of learning guitar was delayed down. now that I had the chance, I believe I will persist the plan, and learn it from beginning to the end. And now I have already started to learn guitar. Besides these, when I have time, I’d like play basketball, table tennis and other sports activities.·career planActually it is difficult to write an career plan for me, because I have never thought about this question before, or in other words, I do not know which job I most interested, I blame it to the environment I grow up, my parents arranged all my things for me, so I do not need to think about what will happen time, or which way I should choice. Till now, I must think it with serious attitude. And I want to describe it in three parts: the distance to my dream from reality; will I be a good teacher; some thought of changing my profession.1、the distance to my dream from realityAs What I have said before, when I was small, my dream is to become a scientist, I think now that it is not a impossible ting to me, because I had know some scientists, they are not saint, they are ordinary people. Now, I have confidence to myself, but this scientist is not the scientist dreamed in my childhood. When I was a child, I thought the scientists are all in the laboratory and doing experiments, or to make inventions like Edison. And now I understand the definition of the scientists, including humanities social investigation scholars, perhaps I may be such kind of person.2、will I be a good teacher?The reality told me, may be in the future, I will likely to be an university teacher, although I want to have a better choice in the underneath of my heart. but I also don't reject such a career. So now I had to ask myself such a question, would I be a qualified teacher. First I had to admitted that I like to stay with teachers and students, because I like to have talk with them about some original ideal and discipline.I do not know is this a normal thing for a university teacher. But I quit know that I am a lazy man. I don't like writing papers, don't like reading magazines, would it become an obstacle for me to be a good university teacher? I can’t make sure about it. I have fewer original ideals now, so I do not know if I am suitable to go such a way, things maybe is more difficult than I thought before.3、some thought of changing my professionThe knowledge I accepted told me, it is not an inglorious things to change jobs, and I now deeply believe that changing job will make more benefit rather than disadvantages. so, you're right, I'll think aboutswitching jobs, and choose things that I like to do. It is not to say that I'm a unreliable man. maybe this will bring me some trouble during my worklife, but it is my personality, I do not care, and I will not change it. If I can choose my profession, I would like to be a businessman, because in my eyes, businessmen have more freedoms, including time, rich and wisdom, That is what I want to be.·what I need to do nextEvery ideal need to be practiced, every dream need to have first step.I have many things to do this semester. If you ask me what “tell us something about these two years, what you want to do, what you need to do”. I answer the questions below. It is mainly about three things.1、learning English"English is very important", teachers told us this view probably from junior middle school, until now, teachers said the same thing, times are changing, with the development of society, but "English is very important" is the fact that won't change. I am very regret in this aspect, my teacher always told me that my English is not good, if I want to get higher score ,I need to spend more time on it. In the class, most students are better than me in English. And I feel it is very hard to read English articles. So I decided to learn English with my best effort, while I am still in school.I have advantage compared to those who are working. My friends told me, while I am out of school, I may feel that in the society, to know a foreign language is such an important thing. because the information is exchanging more and more quickly now, and most international information are written in English. There are many ways to learn English, the most important is to study hard after class, Attitude decide result, for example, I can get up at 7am, and read English loudly around lake. I know that these are veryimportant, it can cultivate my feel of English. But beside this, I will also need to have a reasonable plan.2、 Reading booksBook is the ladder of mankind’s advance, with the technology developed, the velocity of people's living is speeding up. More and more people choose to view news and get information from Internet or watching TV. Although sometimes it is convenient, but I think reading paper books is a good habit which should be insisted. The books should not be limited in one professional field, I think everything that you are interested can have reading. When reading professional books, you should take notes careful and thinking more, spending more energy. They are many things that I am interested, including physics, biology and literature. In addition to this, a strict reading plan is very necessary, for example, now I request myself to finish reading at least one book in a week at least, I think it will do a bit help to me.3、study Professional frontierI once thought my major -- Adult education has a dim prospect, after half a year study here, I became very optimistic about the Adult education. As we all know, people have more leisure time now, they will be willing to spend time and money on education, including entertainment. These phenomenon reveal the future of my professional. I believe Adult education will have more people’s attention. This is also the motive power of my study. I am willing to attend the Adult education annual meeting, to do survey on this field, to write papers on the development of Adult education, and I need to browsing professional journal. It takes time for me to adapted to the so-called academic career. Of course, I need to believe that it is the thing I must to do.·improve myselfTo practice my own academic plans and career plan, I must change something from now on, if I continue to keep the living customs and life rhythm, I would never reach my goal. And my plan must be ruin out of, all my word before is just a paper. The things I must do to improved myself have no time limit, but in my future life, it will play a very important role, there is a saying "habit decide everything", so I feel that I must form a good study habit, and from a good foundation in my future career.1、lazyAll people know me said that I am very lazy, although I am very active, my problem is that I am not willing to do things. For example, I'm too lazy to eat breakfast, don't like to go to class, or do not like to waste time to have a walk, as for the teacher’s task, if I have my own choice, I will certainly not write, in other words, I will try my best to escape it. I know a person who has achievements cherish his/her time very mush, he/she may think time is life, so I need to make some improvements in this aspect. For example, if I get up an hour earlier every morning, then I would have 30 hours more than other people in a month, you know, I can do many things in 30 hours, that is enough to finish reading a book. I have already find a solution to deal with my lazy problem. That is have my time full arranged, giving myself many tasks, and ask my classmate to supervise me, so that I can learn to do more things in limited time gradually. For example, I now have to learn Japanese, learning to play the guitar, drawing and so on, these things need to be insisted everyday.2、get along with peopleHow to get along with people is an very important skill, in the future work life, interpersonal skills accounted for a large proportion. Now mysituation is I may let a person make misunderstanding about my word, and it happed quit often. the main reason is because I like to make jock with friends, but sometimes I couldn't control my feeling, and will have some inappropriate jokes, let a person misunderstand that what I said is true. In addition, about my interpersonal performance, I always appears not so serious, give person a kind of feel that I can't be trusted, I think this is caused by the impression I left to other people everyday. The improvement I need to do in this aspect is that I must do things before a carefully consideration, and control my mouth. The most important thing is that when doing things, I need to stand at the other people’s point, learn to suppose things that may happen as a result. Beside this, I need to accumulate experience from mistakes continually.3、 a modest attitudeA few months before, I have a thought that I had made some achievements, and I am a example of other students. because my university score can reach eight (ten is the highest score), so the study result let me feel that I am an excellent student. But when I begin my postgraduate stage, I found that the students around me can easily tell the details of the second world war, can analysis Marx's religion point, tell the publish time of an article based on his/her knowledge, I think this are difficult things, at least I can't do it, because I will forget the writer of the book when I finished reading it, I have a bad memory. From now on I must change my attitude towards classmate and teacher. I must accept knowledge always with a modest heart, and accept the ideals from classmates and teachers. Somebody said that "only an empty cup can hold water", I need to give up my arrogance heart, which is very important to my attitude and future life.My academic development pyramidAs the pyramid described before, I need to determine an academic research target. At my year of grade one, that is now, I would try to write some professional thesis about Adult education. And consult to my teachers, make modification. At the second year of the graduate life, l will devote most of my time to my graduate thesis, and try to publish some part of it. In addition, I will also participate in the teachers' researches.My career development pyramidAlthough the pyramid so perfect, and seem reasonable, The reality told me, in the future, I will most likely to be an university teacher, I don't reject such a career. First I had to admitted that I like to stay with teachers and students, because I like to have talk with them about some original ideal and discipline. I do not know is this a normal thing for a university teacher. But I quit know that I am a lazy man. I don't likewriting papers, don't like reading magazines, would it become an obstacle for me to be a good university teacher? I can’t make sure about it.The end wordsAlthough I have already write my academic plan and career plan now, I do not think I will make no change about it. For example, if my parents insist, I may give up my school life, and work to earn money. Plan is a line I graph for myself, plan is a way I want to go, but you know, things happen without your expectation. We have to make preparation for the new life.Now, I look back for my university year, I found that the time is very fast, just like a day, you can not get mush memory unless you have do something that may benefit your future. We need to cherish our time, if we enter the society after graduate, all our energy will be spend on the job, little time will be left on reading book, the experience in university is very important, make a good plan will help us to mange it rationally. This will also have a big influence to the way of mange our future life.。
职业生涯规划 英文版
职业生涯规划-英文版Career planning and academic planningmy dreamwhen I was little years old, I thought that the greatest personis teacher, because they know many things that I can't understand at that time, therefore I want to become the person like teacher. As I grow older, I I knew, teacher is one kind of occupation, teacher possibly will also make mistakes, teacher will also have the thing that he/she do not understand, therefore my dream changes, I had my future to be a scientist, because I knew that teacher's knowledge comes from scientist, the most important is that I thought scientist know everything and with respection of many people. Among the people I knew, no one is scientist, I had wanted to become a unique person. And I understand clearly that to be a scientist is not easy. If a person wants to be a scientist, He/she needs to read many books, but my school score was not that well. Therefore I changed my dream once again, my anticipation of the future is to be a businessman, on the one hand I thought that I should take responsibility to the built up of my family, I realized that we need money to support a good life, this has also been the mine idea environment instilled to me. As far as I Know. I am not sure that I should to be a merchant or a teacher, in other words I have no idea of my future occupation. So I need to do the things below.·Self assessmentI quit understood that the self assessment is very important to my occupation choices and life choices, I need to know what I want. every people has a job that suits him/her, this is mainly relates with one's own disposition and characteristic. In other words, the work he/she likes will possibly brings a certain sense of joy and creativity for himself/herself. I would like to analysis myself from the aspects below.school experience 、1when I was in elementary school, my schoolwork is not good.Because I never open my mouth to answer the teacher's questions,therefore one teacher asked my parents to school to have a talk about my problem. but I thought that this should be the disposition reason, not the school record reason, I have tried my best. When I was in the junior middle school, my school record was in the first level among all classmates, so in the teacher's evaluation actually I am a good student, but blame it on the junior middle school's knowledge, because I thought it is too easy, my memory of the middle school is all about friends and joy, no pressure, no sadness. When I was in the high school, specially in the last two years, I spent all my time on schoolwork, the time which I spent with my friends became shorter, but I do not mean that we have no social activity, to be honest, we gather together in the familiar place sometimes, but with fewer and fewer number later. Finally, we did not get together again, all our energy was fouced on study and preparation of College entrance examination. My high school's academic record is ok, I was expected to have the ability to entrance good university. Fortunately, as my willing, I pass into the College entrance examination, and went to Nanchang university with the major of education. I studied here four years, during this time, my academic record keep a stationary level. What worth mention is that I have joined some student organization which I interested, and profited mush from them, for example, young volunteer association and Peers psychology counseling.My change in the university2、Here is mainly some ideas of myself, because after four years ofuniversity study, it must have something that I remember and obtained. I thought that my four years of university life have change mush of my dispositions, as I have said before, when I was in elementary school, I am too shy to speak to other people, even did not have courage to reply the teacher's question. Many people including my parents said that I have psychological problem. In the university, I found that the students around me are all very talkative, and are willing to make friends. therefore I try to join them, and spend my time among friends, no matter the person is I knew or never met. Then I started my first lecture, also started my first student cadre experience, these transformed me during four year. Therefore I can confidently say that I am dare to speak to any teacher, or make an extemporaneous speech before students now. That is my change.3、evaluation of my friendsBefore writing this page, I had learned about myself in otherpeople's perspective. It mainly comes from two aspects, one isdirectly said to me face to face. The second is tell to me through friends indirectly. I feel both two evaluation should be considered, I think both of them are true. because all the evaluation are focused on one kind personality traits - I am a lively, talkative person, and is humorous. The negative evaluation is that I am too sensitive about people, is easy to make misunderstanding. But besides these, there are some people said that I am serious, in other words I can consider comprehensive. For these evaluations, I think, they arethings moreall based on certain facts, so from these perspectives, I think I am a kind of this person!4、 professional testingAs I have mentioned before, I had done many professional tests,some are formal, some are informal, because my major is education, I must learn some knowledge in this field. as I can easily use them, I remember that one of the most impressive career test is Holland professional test, the result told me, I am a kind of research person, in research field my score is 9, and the result said that I am suit for scientific researchers, teachers, engineers, computer programmers, doctors, systems analyst, etc, detail test results is listed below .Graph 1: The result of Holland profession test(Chinese version)Test resultPart one: professional personality typesYour professional personality[Common features] A thinker, not a doer, curious about many things, like to do deep thinking, but not willing to work. Have a wide knowledge, talented and good at many jobs. But is a bad leader, can consider things carefully, like to do things accurately. Like logic analysis, and to explore unknown things constantly.[character] Have a strong mind to insist opinion, like to do studying, always be curious about many things, is an independent person. [advices on profession] The work which have character like intelligence, abstract, analysis, independent one-way task, required intelligence and analysis ability. Would like to use the ability to observe, estimate, measure, and form theorizes, finish the job perfect.For example: scientific researchers, teachers, engineers, computer programmers, doctors, systems analyst, etcNote: The person who has interest in doing investigation during the work have more pain, and will finish the task from beginning to the end.I am not surprised about the test result, because I do not rejectthese professions, and the jobs above tend to bring a good income.·Arrangements of my graduate timeMy graduate time will only last two and a half years, and onlyone year to have classes, so the time will go faster than I expect, and make a reasonable arrangement can help me to use the time more effective. Here I'm going to separate it into three parts, first is my learning plan, second is academic program, and the third is development of other interests.1、learning planAs I have noted above, during the graduate life, most of the timewill be arranged on my thesis and social practice, the time getting together to have classes is very few. so I think we need to make a big change in my way of study, and that is to contact things initiatively, to learn and to do things which are my interests. Because works with no pressure is difficult to persevere for me, and I think the only thing that can let me persist is my interest to it. But many people said that, the interests can be developed, I think what I need to do now is to develop my professional interests. Of course, Detail plan in the first year is to have class earnestly, reading more books. My present condition is a book a week, I wish I can keep the habit to the end of semester, even to my worklife.2、Academic programAs a graduate student, to have his/her own academic program isvery important, otherwise it might bring many problems in the future of academic life. he/she would feel indecisive during the two years, and very confused. First, we need to determine an academic research target, should I engaged to my academic paper or to solve practical problems, the difference between these are very big. For me, it is certain that my academic program is to issue professional papers in famous professional magazine, like <Adult education>、<china Adult education>、<continue education>, ect. At my year of grade one, that is now, I would try to write some professional thesis about Adult education. And consult to my teachers, make modification. At the second year of the graduate life, l will devote most of my time to my graduate thesis, and try to publish some part of it. In addition, I will also participate in the teachers' researches.3、the development of other interestsAlthough no one request me to develop a interest, I will insistit for myself, just because I like it. my interest is very wide, such as drawing, I have persist it for many years. At the graduate time, I need to learn play guitar, when I am a university student, I tried to learn it, but for the time is not allowed, the plan of learningguitar was delayed down. now that I had the chance, I believe I will persist the plan, and learn it from beginning to the end. And now I have already started to learn guitar. Besides these, when I have time, I'd like play basketball, table tennis and other sports activities.career plan ·.Actually it is difficult to write an career plan for me, becauseI have never thought about this question before, or in other words, I do not know which job I most interested, I blame it to the environment I grow up, my parents arranged all my things for me, so I do not need to think about what will happen time, or which way I should choice. Till now, I must think it with serious attitude. And I want to describe it in three parts: the distance to my dream from reality; will I be a good teacher; some thought of changing my profession.1、the distance to my dream from realityAs What I have said before, when I was small, my dream is tobecome a scientist, I think now that it is not a impossible ting to me, because I had know some scientists, they are not saint, they are ordinary people. Now, I have confidence to myself, but this scientist is not the scientist dreamed in my childhood. When I was a child, I thought the scientists are all in the laboratory and doing experiments, or to make inventions like Edison. And now I understand the definition of the scientists, including humanities social investigation scholars, perhaps I may be such kind of person.2、will I be a good teacher?The reality told me, may be in the future, I will likely to be an university teacher, although I want to have a better choice in the underneath of my heart. but I also don't reject such a career. So now I had to ask myself such a question, would I be a qualified teacher. First I had to admitted that I like to stay with teachers and students, because I like to have talk with them about some original ideal and discipline. I do not know is this a normal thing for a university teacher. But I quit know that I am a lazy man. I don'tlike writing papers, don't like reading magazines, would it becomean obstacle for me to be a good university teacher? I can't make sure about it. I have fewer original ideals now, so I do not know if I am suitable to go such a way, things maybe is more difficult than I thought before.3、some thought of changing my professionThe knowledge I accepted told me, it is not an inglorious thingsto change jobs, and I now deeply believe that changing job will make more benefit rather than disadvantages. so, you're right, I'll think about switching jobs, and choose things that I like to do. It is not to say that I'm a unreliable man. maybe this will bring me some trouble during my worklife, but it is my personality, I do not care, and I will not change it. If I can choose my profession, I would like to be a businessman, because in my eyes, businessmen have more freedoms, including time, rich and wisdom, That is what I want to be.·what I need to do nextEvery ideal need to be practiced, every dream need to have first step. I have many things to do this semester. If you ask me what“tell us something about these two years, what you want to do, what you need to do”. I answer the questions below. It is mainly about three things.1、learning EnglishEnglish is very important, teachers told us this view probablyfrom junior middle school, until now, teachers said the same thing, times are changing, with the development of society, but English is very important is the fact that won't change. I am very regret inthis aspect, my teacher always told me that my English is not good,if I want to get higher score ,I need to spend more time on it. In the class, most students are better than me in English. And I feel it is very hard to read English articles. So I decided to learn English with my best effort, while I am still in school. I have advantage compared to those who are working. My friends told me, while I am out of school, I may feel that in the society, to know a foreign language is such an important thing. because the information is exchanging more and more quickly now, and most international information are written in English. There are many ways to learn English, the most important is to study hard after class, Attitude decide result, for example, I can get up at 7am, and read English loudly around lake. I know that these are very important, it can cultivate my feel of English. But beside this, I will also need to have a reasonable plan.2、 Reading booksBook is the ladder of mankind's advance, with the technology developed, the velocity of people's living is speeding up. More and more people choose to view news and get information from Internet or watching TV. Although sometimes it is convenient, but I think reading paper books is a good habit which should be insisted. The books should not be limited in one professional field, I think everything that you are interested can have reading. When reading professional books, you should take notes careful and thinking more, spending more energy. They are many things that I am interested, including physics, biology and literature. In addition to this, a strict reading plan is very necessary, for example, now I request myself to finish reading at least one book in a week at least, I think it will do a bit help to me.study Professional frontier 、3.I once thought my major -- Adult education has a dim prospect,after half a year study here, I became very optimistic about the Adult education. As we all know, people have more leisure time now, they will be willing to spend time and money on education, including entertainment. These phenomenon reveal the future of my professional.I believe Adult education will have more people's attention. This is also the motive power of my study. I am willing to attend the Adult education annual meeting, to do survey on this field, to write papers on the development of Adult education, and I need to browsing professional journal. It takes time for me to adapted to the so-called academic career. Of course, I need to believe that it is thething I must to do.·improve myselfTo practice my own academic plans and career plan, I must change something from now on, if I continue to keep the living customs and life rhythm, I would never reach my goal. And my plan must be ruin out of, all my word before is just a paper. The things I must do to improved myself have no time limit, but in my future life, it will play a very important role, there is a saying habit decide everything, so I feel that I must form a good study habit, and froma good foundation in my future career.1、lazyAll people know me said that I am very lazy, although I am very active, my problem is that I am not willing to do things. For example, I'm too lazy to eat breakfast, don't like to go to class, or do not like to waste time to have a walk, as for the teacher's task, if I have my own choice, I will certainly not write, in other words, I will try my best to escape it. I know a person who has achievementscherish his/her time very mush, he/she may think time is life, so I need to make some improvements in this aspect. For example, if I get up an hour earlier every morning, then I would have 30 hours more than other people in a month, you know, I can do many things in 30 hours, that is enough to finish reading a book. I have already find a solution to deal with my lazy problem. That is have my time full arranged, giving myself many tasks, and ask my classmate to supervise me, so that I can learn to do more things in limited time gradually. For example, I now have to learn Japanese, learning to play the guitar, drawing and so on, these things need to be insisted everyday.2、get along with peopleHow to get along with people is an very important skill, in thefuture work life, interpersonal skills accounted for a large proportion. Now my situation is I may let a person make misunderstanding about my word, and it happed quit often. the main reason is because I like to make jock with friends, but sometimes I couldn't control my feeling, and will have some inappropriate jokes, let a person misunderstand that what I said is true. In addition, about my interpersonal performance, I always appears not so serious, give person a kind of feel that I can't be trusted, I think this is caused by the impression I left to other people everyday. The improvement I need to do in this aspect is that I must do things before a carefully consideration, and control my mouth. The most important thing is that when doing things, I need to stand at the other people's point, learn to suppose things that may happen as a result. Beside this, I need to accumulate experience from mistakes continually.a modest attitude 、3.A few months before, I have a thought that I had made some achievements, and I am a example of other students. because my university score can reach eight (ten is the highest score), so the study result let me feel that I am an excellent student. But when I begin my postgraduate stage, I found that the students around me can easily tell the details of the second world war, can analysis Marx's religion point, tell the publish time of an article based on his/her knowledge, I think this are difficult things, at least I can't do it, because I will forget the writer of the book when I finished reading it, I have a bad memory. From now on I must change my attitude towards classmate and teacher. I must accept knowledge always with a modest heart, and accept the ideals from classmates and teachers. Somebody said that only an empty cup can hold water, I need to give up my arrogance heart, which is very important to my attitude andfuture life.My academic development pyramidTo be a universityprofessorIf I can get PHD degree: to write abooAbout long-life learninThird year: do my graduate thesis, try to find a field that I am InterestedSecond year: do program with my tutor, reading journal in adult Education, writing some special article and publishFirst year: reading books that I am interested, have classes, dosocial activity, try to write some article in my fieldAs the pyramid described before, I need to determine an academic research target. At my year of grade one, that is now, I would try to write some professional thesis about Adult education. And consult to my teachers, make modification. At the second year of the graduate life, l will devote most of my time to my graduate thesis, and try to publish some part of it. In addition, I will also participate in theteachers' researches.My career development pyramidIf I can makeenoughmoney, I willaopencompanyentrancePHDIfIfailedinmyexamination, I will choice to woraInnanchang,andtobebusinessman.Third year: I will try to find jobs while make preparation fomy PHD entrance examination.Second year: Working in the collage of continue education, learto deal with things without my tutos helpFirst year: to do social part-time jobs, such as one to oneteacher. Join some student organizationAlthough the pyramid so perfect, and seem reasonable, The realitytold me, in the future, I will most likely to be an university teacher, I don't reject such a career. First I had to admitted that I like to stay with teachers and students, because I like to have talk with them about some original ideal and discipline. I do not know is this a normal thing for a university teacher. But I quit know that I am a lazy man. I don't like writing papers, don't like reading magazines, would it become an obstacle for me to be a good university teacher? I can't make sure about it.The end wordsAlthough I have already write my academic plan and career plan now,I do not think I will make no change about it. For example, if my parents insist, I may give up my school life, and work to earn money. Plan is a line I graph for myself, plan is a way I want to go, but you know, things happen without your expectation. We have to make preparation for the new life.Now, I look back for my university year, I found that the time is very fast, just like a day, you can not get mush memory unless you have do something that may benefit your future. We need to cherish our time, if we enter the society after graduate, all our energy will be spend on the job, little time will be left on reading book, the experience in university is very important, make a good plan will help us to mange it rationally. This will also have a big influence to the way of mange our future life.。
职业生涯规划 英文
职业生涯规划英文Career development planCareer development is a lifelong process that involves the continuous acquisition of new skills, knowledge, and experiences. It is important to have a career development plan in order to set goals and objectives for one's professional growth and success. This essay will outline my career development plan, including short-term and long-term goals, as well as the steps I will take to achieve them.Short-term goalsIn the short-term, my main goal is to gain practical experience in my chosen field. I plan to achieve this by securing an internship or entry-level position at a reputable company. This will provide me with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired during my education and to gain exposure to the industry. Additionally, I will take advantage of any training and development programs offered by my employer to further enhance my skills.Another short-term goal is to build a strong professional network. Networking is essential for career development as it provides access to opportunities, advice, and support. I plan to attend industry events, join professional organizations, and connect with professionals in my field through LinkedIn. By doing so, I will be able to expand my network and learn from experienced individuals. Long-term goalsIn the long-term, I aspire to take on more challenging roles and increase my level of responsibility. I aim to become a manager or leader in my field, overseeing projects and teams. To achieve this, I will need to develop my leadership and management skills. I plan to seek out opportunities to lead projects or teams, as well as participate in leadership development programs. Furthermore, I will take on additional responsibilities at work to demonstrate my ability to take on more challenging roles.Another long-term goal is to continue learning and acquiring new skills throughout my career. The business world is constantly evolving, and it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. I plan to attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to expand my knowledge and skills. Additionally, I will seek out opportunities for further education, such as pursuing a master's degree or obtaining certifications relevant to my field.Steps to achieve my goalsTo achieve my goals, I will take several steps. Firstly, I will conduct thorough research on the companies and industries I am interested in. This will help me identify potential employers and understand the skills and qualifications they are looking for. I will tailor my resume and cover letter to highlight my relevant experiences and skills.Secondly, I will actively seek out internship and job opportunities.I will regularly check job boards, company websites, and networking platforms to stay informed about available positions. Iwill also reach out to contacts in my network to inquire about any opportunities they may be aware of. Additionally, I will prepare for interviews by practicing common interview questions and researching the companies I am interviewing with.Lastly, I will remain committed and persistent in my pursuit of my goals. I understand that the job market can be competitive, and I may face setbacks or rejections along the way. However, I will not let these obstacles deter me from my path. I will continue to learn, grow, and adapt in order to achieve my career aspirations.In conclusion, a career development plan is important for setting goals and objectives for professional growth. My plan includes short-term goals of gaining practical experience and building a strong network, as well as long-term goals of taking on leadership roles and continuing to learn. By following the outlined steps, I am confident that I will be able to achieve success in my chosen career.。
英语演讲稿职业规划范文大全1Most people would like to be popular with others,but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact,it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well-groomed,we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition,we should smile and appear friendly. After all,our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this,people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.Another important step is developing more consideration for others. We should always put others firstand place their interests before our own. Its also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. However,no matter what we do,we must not gossip. Above all,we must remember to be ourselves,not phonies. Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above,I am sure popularity will come our way.英语演讲稿职业规划范文大全2My dear Teachers,fellow students and friends:Good afternoon.As we all know, the earth is a planet almost covered by water,and it is water made every thing on the earth lively.Water is also one of the important part of our environment.Though,is there really so much water for us to clean,to produce many things,to play with? how much water are there on the earth then?Most of the water is in the oceans or locked away as ice.The largest volumes of fresh water are stored underground as groundwater,imagine there is only one barrel of water in the world,then there is only a spoon of it on the land,and the water we can use is only a drop of it.Now I have to remind all of you here that the single drop of water is never as Clean asbefore,it has been polluted severely by our human beings.There is a very beautiful river in Paris.It is the Seine,it runs across the City,people drink coffee, chat on the bank in the day,at night,they enjoy the beautiful scenery in the boat,songs from the river fly into the Sky made the river more attractive, the Seine is a famous symbol of France;on the west coast of pacific ocean there lies the modern City Shanghai,anot ther river which used to be a very important transportation route runs through the center of the city,people respected and regard it asmother.It is thesuzhou river,but l believe that few of you would sit beside it,people will be scattered by the terrible smell of water when walk by.I have to say it is extremely dirty! And we all know that a lot of beautiful rivers in the world also are Sharing the same fate with suzhou river. Who is the devil? I cant help asking.Many human activities and their by-products have the potential to pollute water. Please have a look along the banks of the river, large and small industrial enterprises discharge dirtywater, tons of garbage were thrown into the river, the water contained so much that it cant clean itself. Compared with the dramatic development in many sides of Shanghai, thesuzhou river has become a black point of the appearance of city.Fortunately, the government has control the situation now, we are happy to see some parts of the river has become clean again, and we even can find fish sometime.The unique earth is the only planet full of lives, the water is just like the blood in the active body, protecting water is saving ourselves. Not to waste a single drop of water, otherwise, the only drop of water we could keep in the future would be our tear!My dear friends, mankind still faces a great difficulty in solving the problems of the environment and development, and there is a grand task to perform and along way to go. The middle school students in China will always cooperate with the young people of the world to protect the environment.The future is ours to build!Thanks for listening.英语演讲稿职业规划范文大全3Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I’m very glad to make a speech here. today my topic is “I love you, China.”Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—Chinese. since the day I began to talk, the mostbeautiful sentence I’ve ever learnt has been “i love you,China!”I love you, China, and i’m so proud of being a Chinese. I’m proud that I’ve got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. I’m also proud that I speak the most beautiful language in the world—Chinese.I love you, China, for I can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, I got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying there, my father’s boss once invited my family to dinner. while at table, he looked at me and asked:“little boy, how long have you been in america?” “about a month,” I answered, “how lucky you are!” he said, “if you were living in China, how could you learn such perfect english?” I smiled and told him proudly that all the students in China are able to learn english at school. I saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “i’m proud of you, China. for you are offering us the best education.”when I came back from the usa, my friends asked me:“how do you feel about your staying there?” “wonderful” I said. “then why do you come back?” hearing this, I told them there were lots of beautiful countries in the world, butnone of them can compare with our own country—China. how true the saying is:“there’s no place like home!”I love you, China. as a young student, all we should do is to study hard and devote ourselves whole-heartedly in the future, to the great cause of building you into an even stronger and greater country in the world. I love you, my dear motherland! I love you, China!Thank you for your listening !。
关于对职业规划的看法英语作文English: When it comes to career planning, I believe it is crucial to have a clear vision of your goals and aspirations. By setting specific and achievable objectives, individuals can create a roadmap for their professional development and growth. It is also important to continuously assess and reassess one's skills, interests, and values to ensure that they align with their chosen career path. Seeking mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals in the field can provide valuable insights and advice to navigate through challenges and make informed decisions. Embracing adaptability and being open to new opportunities can also lead to unexpected and rewarding career experiences. Ultimately, taking the time to reflect on one's strengths and weaknesses, exploring various career paths, and staying proactive in seeking professional development opportunities are key components of successful career planning.Translated content: 谈到职业规划,我认为拥有明确的职业目标和愿景至关重要。
College student career programmingUniversity student's career planning directly impact on university student's academic performance, and also affect the job hunting after graduation and even the success of future career。
As a junior ,career programming is a impetus for the future .Through three year’s college life ,we have fairly domain knowledge. Now we need to do career planning based on our major, structure of knowledge, combination social environment and market circumstances.Taking out a plan about will engaged in what career and require reach the career goal’s directivity.By means of myself’s career programming, I can solve the problem of four to decide -directional ,fixed point, fixed position,centering. Thereby, as soon as possible to sure my career goal,choose career development area and scope.As a girl, I want to live leisure life .To be a teacher for a girl is a good choice,but I don’t think I can be a good teacher. As a teacher I have no special vision, no special urge ,no fight. I know my respect fields well. I have orderly minds.My course may be well planed and efficiently taught.Because I am a responsible person.Iam more interested in the subject being taught than in students or social progress. A good teacher is always eager to bring about a social structure in which people will be free to be themselves. So I think I will not be a good teacher.Choosing a career is one of the most important things in a person’s life. Finding the right career, we will be happy and successful. Finding the wrong one, we will not be able to fully display our talents. Unfortunately, many of us make cause mistakes, the trouble is that we often choose a career for the wrong reasons. For example, some people simply follow in the footsteps of their parents and relatives, and many others change jobs constantly under the influence of friends who give them their advices. As a result, they can’t make the best use of their talents, and they get no well in their work. These mistakes can be avoided by taking into account some factors, such as our choice of occupation and a necessary information about the job before we make the decision. Above all, it is important to make a fare evaluation of ourselves. Be sure that we know where our interest lies and what our ability is . Only by doing so, can we both excel in and enjoy our work.Now ,learn well professional knowledge ,take full advantage of the rest time in college,do preparation for obtain employment.Ineed to successfully obtain a driver’s license,improve the ability of spoken English communication .read more books broaden my horizon.Short-term career plan(2-5 years)Get a job-this period is familiar and adjustment. I plan take about three years to find the job environment and station for myself developing by continue try and strive .In this period my focus mainly on take up a occupation .Putting my major energy on job and finding a job which can meet myself basic necessary. In my opinion ,I can chose from corporate PR ,ordinary staff ,secretary, assistant.Medium-term career plan(5-15 years)Choose a job-not only find a job,but also choose the suitable for myself in multitude job opportunity, in the long run, it is the one which can acquire better success.This period is steadily progress time.In this approximately ten years ,work hard ,I should acquire business skills and have some achievements in the occupation I take .until that time , business began to transition, I will have accumulated some professional quality and interpersonal relationship.So I will able to chose the career I like.Long-term career plan (15-30 years)Stable development -this is a successful career stage.This is the gold time for career development.I need to grab the opportunity to push my career to peak. The development goal is steadily career ,harmony family, and a health body.It is the first step to be successful that have a certain and reasonable plan. For to achieve the goals I need to do persistence efforts. As a famous saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. There’s no one but longs to succeed, but it’s not easy to get success. I should have an active attitude. Even we can say, everything depends on attitude. If I have a right attitude,I will get half of success at the beginning .So, I cannot emphasize attitude too much. What’s more, practice is another important aspect to success. Easier said than done, so we must put into practice in the course of learning. Last but by no means the last, a firm resolution plays an essential role in getting success. All resistance will be conquered by a firm resolution. Man, once his goal is set, should not shift himself from his resolution of struggling for it. I think I have good jobs and good health, which enables I to bolster my family up till now. Besides, although I do not have a lot of money, I still gain whatever I need, making me feel happiness in life.。
我的职业生涯规划(英文版)下面是英文版的'我的职业生涯规划:My career planningIn this era, it is a competitive period for talents. Consequently, career planning starts to become a sharp sward in the talents’ contest. Speaking of an enterprise, career planning is an effective method to manifest the company’ conception about “people-oriented”, the company’s careless to the staff’s talent concept, the company’s attention to staff's continually progress. But speaking of each person, the time for career is limited. If you do not carry on an effective planning, it will make you waste your life and time inevitably. As a contemporary university student, how can you enable yourself to hold a small space and satisfy the social needs in crowded society, if you bring a face with a loss. Therefore, I try to draw up a career planning for myself to design my future well. Well, there is an aim, there is power. This planning will carry on the analysis methods of 4P and SWOT, especially taking the 4P law as the master line and using SWOT in each P to analysis it in a concrete way.ProductProduct, in another way, it also means self-evaluation here. I am a contemporary university undergraduate student, who has already experienced three year’s university life and faced graduating from it now. Regarding the future, I do not plan to get employed immediately, but hopes to pass the exams of postgraduate in order to get more thorough understanding to my major-human resources management and enhance my adaptive ability of facing more complicated situations in the future. I have extensive hobbies, such as swimming, fishing, surfer, playing chess, playing basketball as well as the network game. And, obviously I will intoxicate in books or the movies which are really fun and meaningful. Fishing and playing chess enables me to obtain one kind of circumstance which make moral and soul tranquil. Swimming and playing basketball both exercise the body and let me obtain many relaxed feelings the pleasant sensation. The surfer and the network game let me connect with the era and get to know the world by the quickest speed. My advantages lie in that I like thinking and using practice to proof my thinking way. Thinking makes you know what is true or not and consummate personality. Although my speech is not many, it does not affect my ability to establish human relationship with others. After such long period of studying my major, I find out that I like and adapt to the major of human resources management. I think I will be competent any job in this field, no matter it develops toward theresearch or the practical direction. My shortcoming is lacking of strong will and perseverance. Moreover I easily get emotional without thinking. Perhaps the reason is that I’m still insufficiently mature. As for the opportunity, regarding young people like me, I believed large quantities of opportunities exist for them, no matter at the present or in the future. The key point is how I can grasp them. The threat is there are so many young people like me. What’s more, at present such country like China, its social economy reforming is at the period of restructuring. Such important reforming period is similar to the bottleneck. Many people squeeze into it. So we can imagine the competition intense degree.PRICEPrice, this also means my wishes for the social position and the expectation for the future reward. I have little words toward the price item. So, I will start my career at the very beginning like other young people in my situation. The society can estimate at a proper price. Without any help, we have no choice to decide. As for my point on the price of myself, I will set up a low beginning, for I know my insufficient ability, as well as the experience, but chooses has certain limiting condition. However I am also the man who will never give up anything. In the entire social macro environment, the most important advantage is the high-speed development of economic. This time also belongs to the economic advances. The economic society can give any one dignity reward that has the ability to promote its development. Nowadays, any power that can promote the development can be estimated by economical elements. As for the threat, it is the colorful and enriched material life that we such ordinary have limited economic capacity. And social economy system appears some problem, so enormous froth exists in our reward.我的职业生涯规划(英文版)PLACEChannel, namely the fields I hope engage in in the near future. The modern society divides the work day by day, but in each field, the various macroscopic management patterns actually have more or less some similarities with tendency. Therefore, as for us specialized in management, we can not imagine which field we are going to engage in at present. As for myself, my arrangement is I will engage in the field which I am familiar with, and engage in the management practice as well as the research work in this field. As for the superiority, the management specialized is called the versatile major, which develop one kind of talented person called T font. Regardless of which career you enter, solong as you are familiar with this profession flow, you can easily up to that job, for any profession needs a management talent. But the inferiority,also the fatal weakness we posses is that we abundantly cannot be skilled in a specific item. Many top directors are specialized in technical background. At the same time they pay great attention to the management field, not only to technology. Many scientific administration ideas and methods of the developed countries have caught people's attention in our country day by day. And many enterprises also pay more and more great attention to the scientific administration skills, and the administration training for high-leveled managers. In the process of employing, the key point is weather the employer has received systematic administration education or not. Actually, the education of administration has not developed well at present. Many administration skills and the methods all follow the developed countries, but do not match with the actual condition and the actual development of the enterprise. In many occasion, the training of administration all flows into the empty talk. That’s because the educators don’t dare to use new practical method in their class. And these situation needs to be changed.PROMOTIONPromotion, at present, it means hard study of technical knowledge for me. As long as I have time, I should reading many books relating to management in order to enhance my own expertise for management and the ability to solve any problems more easily. At present, in university, I have massive time to carry on the study. At the same time, the study environment is also good. As for the disadvantages, the study is mostly the theory knowledge. There are very few opportunities to carry on the practice. Maybe this situation can be improved by our teachers who always focus on practice. Although we can’t take all the theory into practice, we can be taught by setting cases and analyzing them which is very close to the practice. And during this process we all will give an active performance. The threat is that the practice condition is too bad and the case teaching cannot be the main teaching way. As for me, I am quite lazy and positive to the case teaching class. Therefore the effect for me is very bad frequently.After all the analysis and proof listed above, the specific planning is listed as follows:At present, the basic task of study for me is to master the specialized knowledge. And in this term, I need to read professional book and go to magazine reading room to glance over the new magazines relating to administration more frequently. My short-term goal is to pass theexamination for graduate of executive department in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The specific plan is to review the mathematics and English for the first time thoroughly until the end of this semester. During the summer vacation, the aim is to enhance the achievement in the first reviewing time in order to come to the extent of facing a formal examination. During the end of summer vacation and the first part of the last year, I’ll turn to other parts of the preparations, especially for the professional course and politics. Then, at the end of the last year, there will be a comprehensive review for the whole subjects. Doing necessary exercise and taking part in training class will be necessary and helpful for getting a good effect. At the very beginning of the next year, I will make conclusion for the preparations I have done. During the remained time, I will review the content written on the note book for the last time. Maybe I will give myself two days to relax and come into the perfect situation. In addition, I should pass the CET-6 and finish the thesis at the last year. And it’s also the time for me think about my life planning. The long-term target is to pass at least three courses of the CPA. And during the study of graduate I should make up the time I have lost before. That if I can publish my own thesis on famous magazines will be the best. Meanwhile, since English is very important nowadays, my plan is to get the certificate of BEC3. The long-term plan for me is to adapt to the society and enter famous company. I do not mind being a normal member because I can learn the knowledge beyond the class. Until I master certain experience, I will become a real manager. Maybe I can set up enterprise of my own. Anyway, I will work hard for that.我的职业生涯规划。
职业生涯规划~英文版career_planningCareer planning·Self assessmentI quit understood that the self assessment is very important to my occupation choices and life choices, I need to know what I want. every people has a job that suits him/her, this is mainly relates with one’s own disposition and characteristic. In other words, the work he/she likes will possibly brings a certain sense of joy and creativity for himself/herself. I would like to analysis myself from the aspects below.1、My change in the universityHere is mainly some ideas of myself, because after two years of university study, it must have something that I remember and obtained.I thought that my two years of university life have change mush of my dispositions, as I have said before, when I was in elementary school, I am too shy to speak to other people, even did not have courage to reply the teacher's question. Many people including my parents said that I have psychological problem. In the university, I found that the students around me are all very talkative, and are willing to make friends. therefore I try to join them, and spend my time among friends, no matter the person is I knew or never met. Then I started my first lecture, also started my first student cadre experience, these transformed me during two year. Therefore I can confidently say that I am dare to speak to any teacher, or make an extemporaneous speech before students now. That is my change.3、evaluation of my friendsBefore writing this page, I had learned about myself in otherpeople’s perspective. It mainly comes from two aspects, one is directly said to me face to face. The second is tell to me through friends indirectly.I feel both two evaluation should be considered, I think both of them are true. because all the evaluation are focused on one kind personality traits - I am a lively, talkative person, and is humorous. The negativeevaluation is that I am too sensitive about people, is easy to make misunderstanding. But besides these, there are some people said that I am serious, in other words I can consider things more comprehensive. For these evaluations, I think, they are all based on certain facts, so from these perspectives, I think I am a kind of this person!4、 professional testingAs I have mentioned before, I had done many professional tests, some are formal, some are informal, These are to some extent reflect the characteristics of my personality·Arrangements of my graduate timeI only have two year to have classes, so the time will go faster than I expect, and make a reasonable arrangement can help me to use the time more effective. Here I'm going to separate it into three parts, first is my learning plan, second is academic program, and the third is development of other interests.·what I need to do next1、learning English"English is very important", teachers told us this view probably from junior middle school, until now, teachers said the same thing, times are changing, with the development of society, but "English is very important" is the fact that won't change.2、 Reading booksBook is the ladder of mankind’s advance, with the technology developed, the velocity of people's living is speeding up. More and more people choose to view news and get information from Internet or watching TV. Although sometimes it is convenient, but I think reading paper books is a good habit which should be insisted. The books should not be limited in one professional field, I think everything that you are interested can have reading. When reading professional books, you should take notes careful and thinking more, spending more energy. They are many things that I am interested, including physics, biology and literature. In addition to this, a strict reading plan is very necessary, for example, now I request myself to finish reading at least one book in a week at least, I think it will do a bit help to me.3、study Professional frontierI once thought my major -- Adult education has a dim prospect, after half a year study here, I became very optimistic about the Adult education. As we all know, people have more leisure time now, they will be willing to spend time and money on education, including entertainment. These phenomenon reveal the future of my professional. I believe Adult education will have more people’s attention. This is also the motive power of my study. I am willing to attend the Adult education annual meeting, to do survey on this field, to write papers on the development of Adult education, and I need to browsing professional journal. It takes time for me to adapted to the so-called academic career. Of course, I need to believe that it is the thing I must to do.·improve myselfTo practice my own academic plans and career plan, I mustchange something from now on, if I continue to keep the living customs and life rhythm, I would never reach my goal. So I will do anything with my hard work。
职业规划 英文版
Career PlanningIntroductionCareer planning is an essential process that helps individuals set professional goals and establish a roadmap to achieve them. It involves self-assessment, exploration of career options, and the development of necessary skills and qualifications. A well-thought-out career plan can increase job satisfaction, growth opportunities, and overall success in one’s chosen field. In this document, we will explore the importance of career planning and provide some practical tips to create an effective career plan.Benefits of Career Planning1.Goal Clarity: Career planning helps individuals gain clarity abouttheir professional goals and aspirations. It allows them to identify theirstrengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, enabling them to choose a career path that aligns with their preferences and skills.2.Self-Development: Creating a career plan involves self-assessment,which helps individuals understand their values, preferences, and skills. Byidentifying areas for improvement, individuals can focus on developing thenecessary competencies to succeed in their chosen field.3.Maximized Opportunities: Effective career planning enablesindividuals to identify potential career opportunities and seize them. By staying aware of industry trends and demands, individuals can position themselves in a way that maximizes their chances of career advancement and professionalgrowth.4.Enhanced Job Satisfaction: When individuals have a clear careerplan, they are more likely to find fulfillment in their work. By pursuing theirpassions and interests, individuals can enjoy a sense of purpose andsatisfaction in their chosen profession.5.Flexibility and Adaptability: Career planning encourages individualsto be flexible and adaptable in their approach. It enables them to identifyalternative career paths and navigate unexpected challenges more effectively.Steps to Create an Effective Career Plan1.Self-Assessment: The first step in career planning is self-assessment.Identify your skills, values, interests, and personality traits. Reflect on yourstrengths and weaknesses and consider how they align with different career options.2.Explore Career Options: Research various careers that align withyour interests and skills. Consider factors like job growth prospects, salarypotential, work-life balance, and educational requirements. Identify industries and roles that appeal to you.3.Set SMART Goals: SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable,relevant, and time-bound. Define short-term and long-term goals that alignwith your career aspirations. Break down the goals into actionable steps totrack your progress.4.Develop Skills and Qualifications: Analyze the skills andqualifications required for your chosen career path. Identify any gaps in your knowledge or experience and create a plan to acquire the necessary skillsthrough education, training, or professional development programs.work and Seek Guidance: Build a strong professional network byattending industry events, joining online communities, and connecting withmentors. Seek guidance from experienced professionals who can providevaluable insights and advice to help you succeed in your chosen field.6.Evaluate and Adjust: Regularly evaluate your career plan and makeadjustments as needed. Stay informed about industry trends and be open toexploring new opportunities that align with your evolving interests and goals.7.Stay Updated and Engaged: Continuously update your skills andknowledge to remain competitive in the job market. Engage in lifelong learning through workshops, seminars, online courses, and relevant certifications.ConclusionCareer planning is a crucial process that enables individuals to set goals, make informed decisions, and navigate their professional journey effectively. By investing time and effort into creating an effective career plan, individuals can increase their chances of success, job satisfaction, and personal fulfillment. Start your career planning journey today and pave the way for a rewarding professional life.。
Career PlanningIntroductionCareer planning is a crucial process that involves setting career goals and determining the steps to achieve them. It is an ongoing process that helps individuals in managing their professional growth, making informed decisions, and maximizing their potential. In this article, we will discuss the importance of career planning and explore some effective strategies to develop a successful career plan.Importance of Career PlanningCareer planning facilitates individuals in making well-informed decisions regarding their professional journey. It provides clarity about the desired career path and helps individuals align their skills, interests, and values with their chosen field. Here are some key reasons why career planning is essential:1.Goal Setting: Career planning allows individuals to set clear andattainable goals. It helps in identifying the long-term vision and short-termobjectives, ultimately leading to career success.2.Skill Development: With a well-defined career plan, individuals canidentify the skills and knowledge required to excel in their chosen profession.They can explore various training and educational opportunities to acquirethose skills and enhance their expertise.3.Decision Making: Career planning involves thorough research andexploration of different career options. It enables individuals to make informed decisions about job opportunities, industry trends, and potential growthprospects.4.Job Satisfaction: By aligning personal values and interests withcareer choices, individuals can find fulfillment and job satisfaction. A careerplan ensures that individuals pursue professions that resonate with theirpassion and bring a sense of purpose.Strategies for Career PlanningCreating an effective career plan involves several steps and considerations. Here are some strategies to develop a successful career plan:1. Self-AssessmentTo begin the career planning process, individuals need to evaluate their skills, interests, values, and personality traits. Self-assessment tools such as personalitytests, skills inventories, and interest assessments can provide valuable insights into one’s strengths and preferences.2. Exploration of Career OptionsOnce self-assessment is complete, individuals should explore different career options that match their skills and interests. They can research the job market, industry trends, and growth opportunities in various fields. Informational interviews and networking can also help in gathering insights from professionals in different industries.3. Setting SMART GoalsSMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. When setting career goals, individuals should ensure that they are specific enough to guide their actions, measurable to assess progress, attainable given their skills and resources, relevant to their long-term aspirations, and time-bound to provide a sense of urgency.4. Skill DevelopmentTo achieve career goals, individuals should identify the skills required in their chosen field and focus on developing them. This can be done through formal education, certifications, workshops, online courses, or on-the-job training. Skill development is an ongoing process that should be regularly evaluated and updated.5. Networking and MentoringBuilding a strong professional network is crucial for career growth. Individuals should actively participate in industry events, professional associations, and social media platforms to connect with like-minded professionals. Mentors can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights based on their experience.6. Flexibility and AdaptabilityWhile creating a career plan, it is important to remain flexible and open to new opportunities. Industries and job markets are dynamic, and individuals may need to adapt their plans according to changing circumstances. Being open to new experiences and continuous learning is essential for long-term career success.ConclusionCareer planning is an integral part of personal and professional development. It provides individuals with a roadmap to achieve their career aspirations, make informed decisions, and maximize their potential. By following effective strategies such as self-assessment, exploration of career options, goal setting, skill development, networking, and adaptability, individuals can create a successfulcareer plan and navigate their professional journey with confidence. Take the first step towards career planning today and unlock your full potential!。
– Different DBMS (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Teradata, MSAccess, IMS)
Description – Provide Technical/User Support
Project Types – Set up/Maintain LANs, PCs, User IDs, etc. – Install Software – Support Help Desks
Project Duration: Years or Multiple Clients at Once Clients: Large and Small Companies Demand: High, Increasing as Companies Look More to Outsource Support Functions
– Different Platforms (Mainframes, Servers, PCs) – Different Languages (HTML, C, Visual Basic, COBOL,
Vendor Specific)
What’s an Industry? Type of Work can Vary by Industry Can Change Industries/Clients Frequently My Experiences
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Technical Specialist
Description – Expert in Specific Technology/Product (ie. Web Development, Object Oriented)
Project Types – Application Development/Maintenance – Performance Reviews – Product Sales Support
Description – Provide Technical/User Support
Project Types – Set up/Maintain LANs, PCs, User IDs, etc. – Install Software – Support Help Desks
Project Duration: Years or Multiple Clients at Once Clients: Large and Small Companies Demand: High, Increasing as Companies Look More to Outsource Support Functions
Application Programmer
Description – Hired Guns of Programming - Contractor – Many Languages/Tools
Project Types – Application Development – Application Maintenance
A Career in Consulting for Computer Science Majors
Vince DeGiulio Accenture - Associate Partner
Purdue CS ‘87
Types of Consultants
Application Programmer System Administrator Technical Specialist IT Consultant/Analyst
Project Duration: Days to Few Months Clients: Large and Small Companies Demand: High when Specialty is Hot
IT Consultant/Analyst
Description – Client’s Partner - True “Consultant” – Solve Business Problems through Technology
– Different Platforms (Mainframes, Servers, PCs) – Different Languages (HTML, C, Visual Basic, COBOL,
Vendor Specific)
What’s an Industry? Type of Work can Vary by Industry Can Change Industries/Clients Frequently My Experiences
Project Types – Business Application Development – Technology Strategies
Project Duration: Many Months to Years Clients: Usually Large Companies Demand: High
Transaction Processing (i.e. Order Entry) Knowledge Worker (i.e. EIS) Database Systems My Experiences
– Patient Administration – Inmate Inventory – Unemployment Check Processing – Customer Information – Underwriter Decision Analysis – Logistics Network Analysis – Vehicle Tracking – Fleet Management
Consulting = Variety
Technologies/Vendor Software Industries/Clients Applications Geographic Locations Responsibilities People
Technologies/Vendor Software
Project Duration: Several Months to Years Clients: Usually Large Companies Demand: Always High, but Requires Periodic Re-tooling of Skills
System Administrator
Technologies Change - Only Limited by Yourself Not Limited to Your Companies Products Your Degree Suited for this Variety My Experiences
– Different DBMS (Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Teradata, MSAccess, IMS)
Geographic Locations