


B UIS Manager可以管理UISPack机柜
C UIS Manager可以用于管理M8300本身
D UIS Manager可以嵌入刀片交换机管理UIS8000刀框
24、iSCIS 协议包的封装顺序是
A Link->SCSI->Iscsi->TCP->IP
B SCSI->iscsi->TCP->IP->Link
A 组织管理员只能审批一个组织内的虚拟机电子流
B 一个集群只能分配给某一个组织使用
D 每个组织可以分配多个集群计算资源
A UIS服务器
D CAS云计算管理平台
7、以下关于虚拟机高可靠性(High Availability,简称HA)的描述正确的是
D HA功能可以为集群中所有虚拟机上运行的应用程序提供简单易用、经济高效的高可用性
B 可以设置虚拟机随主机启动,但是启用HA后该功能失效
C 所有类型的虚拟硬盘都支持在线增加和在线扩容
D 虚拟机创建完成后,显示名称不可以修改
D 将服务器、存储、网络的基础硬件资源通过网络交付给用户,用户获取虚拟机后可部署操作系统、应用软件
A 虚拟机模板中的CPI个数、内存大小和存储容量不可以修改
B 制作虚拟机模板包括转换为模板和克隆为模板两种方式,其中克隆为模板必须在虚拟机关闭时执行

鸿鹄论坛_GNS3模拟 Linux Microcore,PIX,Juniper,ASA,IPS

鸿鹄论坛_GNS3模拟 Linux Microcore,PIX,Juniper,ASA,IPS

GNS3模拟 Linux Microcore ,PIX ,Juniper ,ASA ,IPS【模拟环境】我所使用的GNS3版本为0.7.4,如果低于这个版本,有些版本会缺少些选项无法支持。

GNS3官方下载地址:/download【Linux Microcore 】 一、配置1、下载所需要的文件(linux-microcore-2.10.img ); 下载地址:/file/e60l5ch9#linux-microcore-2.10.img到2011-9-7已经更新到linux-microcore-3.8.2 官网下载:/gns-3/linux-microcore-3.8.2.img?download2、将下载好的文件统一存放,文件夹和文件名必须使用英文,GNS3不识别中文路径; 我这里将它统一存放到GNS3文件夹下,路径: G:\GNS3\Qemu\linux-microcore-2.10.img3、打开GNS3,编辑→首选项→Qemu→Qemu Host ;Un Re gi st er ed按以下内容输入:Identifier name :Linux-MicroCore-2.10(自己填写名称,但不能是中文)Binary image :G:\GNS3\Qemu\linux-microcore-2.10.img (image 路径,就是第2步的路径) RAM :128(内存,默认是128)Number of NICs :6(网卡数量,默认是6) NIC model :e1000(网卡类型,默认是e1000) Qemu Options :-no-acpi (手动输入,默认为空)这个版本显示Qemu 窗口,不能telnet ,目前linux-microcore-3.8.2.img 可以telnet 了。

需要的可以去gns3官网下载;高级用户:root 高级密码:root 普通用户:tc切换用户命令: su root/tclinux-microcore-3.8.2版本设置: Identifier name :linux-microcore-3.8.2Binary image :G:\GNS3\Qemu\linux-microcore-3.8.2.img RAM :128(内存,默认是128) Number of NICs :6 NIC model :e1000Qemu Options :-no-acpi console=ttyS0,38400n8 -vnc :1(可telnet 登陆,去掉-vnc :1后,运行时显示Qemu 控制台)Qemu 窗口为Linux 的控制台,默认是登陆的是普通模式 控制台修改用户密码:sudopasswd root //修改root 用户密码 su root //切换用户为roottelnet 密码修改先用tc 登陆,再修改root 密码用户密码:tc 高级用户:root高级用户密码:root(官网发布的密码,但一直提示不正确)输入完后,点击保存,下面列表中会出现,然后点Apply (应用)/OK (确定),这样Linux Microcore 2.10就配置完成。





你参与了该图形化界面的代码评审,在评审过程中,发现代码语句将“总额人民币 RMB()元”写成了“总额人民币RMD()元”,即存在拼写错误。

根据 ISTQB 的术语定义,这个问题应该如何称呼最合适? [单选题] *A.失效B.缺陷(正确答案)C.异常D.错误2.开发团队正在开发一款在线交易系统,你负责其中付款功能的组件测试。

下面关于测试付款功能的主要测试目标的描述,哪个是最恰当的? [单选题] *A.发现缺陷(正确答案)B.增加对质量的信心C.为决策提供信息D.预防缺陷3.某研发团队正在开发一款高校教师信息管理系统,该系统采用 JAVA 语言开发,主要功能包括:教师信息的录入与增加、教师信息的修改、教师信息的查询、教师信息的删除等。


即使这样,该信息管理系统交付给客户之后,在前 3 个月的使用过程中,用户反馈了 50 个缺陷,而在测试过程中总共发现了 950 个缺陷。


你认为下面哪个测试基本原则,最有助于减轻项目经理对测试团队的不满意? [单选题] *A.测试可以显示缺陷的存在,不能证明系统不存在缺陷B.穷尽测试是不可能的(正确答案)C.杀虫剂悖论D.缺陷的集群效应4.ISTQB 定义的测试过程由 5 个不同的测试阶段组成,按照逻辑顺序排列正确的是哪一个?1. 测试出口准则评估和报告;2. 测试实现和执行;3. 测试分析和设计;4. 测试计划和控制;5. 测试结束活动。

[单选题] *A.4-3-2-5-1B. 4-3-2-1-5(正确答案)C. 3-2-5-4-1D. 3-2-4-1-55 .“确认并更新测试依据和测试用例间的双向可追溯性”。



FCAPSFault Management ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ FConfiguration Management ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ CAccounting Management ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ AQuestion 2FCAPS–model defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).ITIL–framework for it profTNM–network management model is the Telecommunications Standardization Sector’s (ITU-T) Cisco lifecycle–model is often referred to as the PPDIOO modelQuestion 3EEM .IP SLA‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ CLISDM .CNA‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ GUIFTP ,TFTP,SCP‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ BackupCLI(command-line interface,命令行界面)GUI(Graphical User Interface,图形用户界面)SDM(Security Device Manager)是Cisco公司提供的全新图形化路由器管理工具;EEM(Embeded Event Manager)是Cisco IOS的嵌入式事件管理器;1)FCAPS (network maintenance model defined by the ISO)F – FaultC – ConfigA – Accounting2) What happens when running the command: logging console warnings.1- ????2- warning, notification, error, debugging…3- just warning logging4- warning, critical, alert, emergenciesAnswer:warning, critical, alert, emergencies(Notice this line doesn’t have the word ―error‖)3) what will be alternative for:ip ftp username xxxxxxip ftp password yyyyyyAnswer:ip http client username xxxxxxip http client password yyyyyy4) Network Maintenance: Choose from the list 2 network maintaining types.Answer:Structured and Interrupt Driven5) access-list 199 permit tcp host host 199 permit tcp host host ip packet 199What would be the output shown on the console?Only communication between host and host what will happen if u configure two router as NTP server (something like that )Answer:The router will choose the best reliable server and will synchronise with it.7) The interface is up and protocol is up. When do u get these messages.%LINEPROTO‐5‐UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/14, changed state to up %LINKDOWN‐3‐SERIAL:Answer:“the first message is a severity 3 log message”8)Serial line is up,protocol is also up?But cdp neighbor not working?Answer:Data link layer.9). What will happen if you configure 2 routers to be NTP servers?Answer ——– NTP preffered10). FTP username password: something like a substitute/alternative for ftp username and ftp. I didn’t understand that question about FTP. They showed y ou this:ip ftp user ciscoip ftp password ciscoT1:ospf authentication1.Client is unable to ping R1’s serial interface from the client.Problem was disable authentification on R1, check where authentication is not given under router ospf of R1. (use ipv4 Layer 3)conf R1 was:interface Serial0/0.12 point-to-pointip address nat insideip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 TSHOOTrouter ospf 1log-adjacency-changesnetwork area 12default-information originate alwaysconf R2 was:interface Serial0/0.12 point-to-pointip address ospf authentication message-digestip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 TSHOOTAnswer: on R1 need comand in router modearea 12 authentication message-digestAns1) R1Ans2) ipv4 OSPFAns3) ip ospf authentication message-digest command must be given on s0/0/0T2:HSRP TRACKHSRP: DSW1 does not become active.conf on dw1:track 1 ip route metric thresholdthreshold metric up 1 down 2track 10 ip route metric thresholdthreshold metric up 63 down 64interface Vlan10ip address 10 ip 10 priority 200standby 10 preemptstandby 10 track 1 decrement 60Answer: (use IPv4 Layer 3 Topology)On dsw 1 interface vlan 10 mode run:no standby 10 track 1 decrement 60standby 10 track 10 decrement 60(ip for track command not exact for real exam)Ans1) DSW1Ans2) HSRPAns3) delete the command with track 1 and enter the command with track 10.T3:BGP NeighborProblem: R1 is not able to ping on R1:router bgp 65001no synchronizationbgp log-neighbor-changesnetwork mask remote-as 65002no auto-summarycheck bgp neighborship. **** show ip bgp sum****The neighbor’s address in the neighbor command is wrong under router BGP. (use ipv4 Layer 3)Answer: need change on router mode on R1 neighbor R1Ans2) BGPAns3) delete the wrong neighbor statement and enter the correct neighbor address in the neighbor command (change to ACLClient is not able to ping the web server, but the routers can ping the server. NAT problem. (use ipv4 Layer 3)problem on R1 Nat aclAnswer:add to acl 1 permit ip R1Ans2) IP NATAns3) under NAT access list, enter the command permit ACLClient is not able to ping the server. Except for R1, no one else can ping the server. (use ipv4 Layer 3)Problem:on R1 acl blocking ipacl something like this:deny add permit to R1′s ACLAns1) R1Ans2) IPv4 Layer3 SecurityAns3) Add permit to R1′s ACLT6: VLAN filterClient 1 is not able to ping the server. Unable to ping DSW1(Use L2 Diagram).Vlan Access map is applied on DSW1 blocking the ip address of client DSW1Ans2) Vlan access mapAns3)No vlan filter 10T7:Port SecurityClient 1 is not able to ping the serverSituation: Unable to ping DSW1(User layer 2).On ASW1 portsecurity mac 0000.0000.0001, interface in err-disable stateAnswer:on asw1 delele portsecurity & do on interfaces shutdown, no shutdownAns1)ASW1Ans2)Port securityAns3)On fa1/0/1 and fa1/0/2 do disable port security and do shut, no shut.T8:SWItchport vlan 10Client 1 is not able to ping the serverSituation: Unable to ping DSW1 & in port channel configuratioin of ASW1 vlan 10 is not allowed. (Use L2 Diagram)On ASW1, on interfaces fa0/1, fa0/2 switchport access vlan 1Answer: on ASW1 change switchport access vlan 1 to switchport access vlan 10Ans1)ASW1Ans2)Access vlanAns3)give command: interface range fa1/0/1-/2 switchport access vlan 10T9:Switchport trunk.cant ping to web server Unable to ping DSW1 & in port channel configuratioin of ASW1 vlan 10 is not allowed. (Use L2 Diagram)question was about EtherChanelclient can’t obtain ip address(169.x.x.x)on ASW1 trunks allow vlan 20,200Answ: on port channel 13, 23 disables all vlans and give switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,200 Ans1)ASW1Ans2)Switch to switch connectivityAns3)int range portchannel13,portchannel23switchport trunk allowed vlan noneswitchport trunl allowed vlan 10,200T10:Eigrp asClient 1 is not able to ping the serverSituation: Unable to ping R4 fast ethernet port from dsw1.Check ip eigrp neighbors from DSW1 you will not see R4 as neighbor.(use ipv4 Layer 3)On DSW1 & DWS2 the EIGRP AS number is 10 (router eigrp 10) but on R4 it is 1 (router eigrp 1)Answ: change router AS on R4 from 1 to 10Ans1) R4Ans2) IP4 EIGRPAns3) Change eigrp AS number from 1 to 10T11:eitrp to ospfClient 1 is not able to ping the serverSituation: Unable to ping serial interface of R4 from the clients.On R4 in router eigrp:redistribute ospf 1 route-map EIGRP_to_OSPFBUT route-map was named:route-map EIGRP->OSPFAnswer:change in router eigrp router-map nameAns1) R4Ans2) route redistributionAns3) change the name of the route-map under the router EIGRP or router OSPF process from ‘to’to ‘->’.T12:IPV6 ospfIPV6 loopback of R2 cannot be pinged from DSW1’s loopback.Situation: ipv6 ospf was not enabled on R2’s serial interface connecting to R3. (use ipv6 Layer 3) Answer:interface configuration mode:ipv6 ospf 6 area 12Ans1) R2Ans2) IPV6 ospfAns3) on the serial interface of R2, enter the command ipv6 ospf 6 area 0 (make sure to check the IPV6 topology before choose Answer 3 because the options look similar)Device Error DescriptionASW11. Access port not in VLAN 102. Port Channel not allowing VLAN 103. Port SecurityDSW1 1. HSRP track 102. VLAN filterR1 1. Wrong IP of BGP neighbor2. NAT – Access list3. Redistribute access-listR2 1. IPv6: enable OSPF2. OSPF AuthenticationR4 1. EIGRP – wrong AS2. Redistribute (―to‖ & -> )1、access vlan的vlan 给错了2、port-security导致端口被errdisable3、V ACL4、EIGRP的AS号配置错误5、OSPF的authentication有问题,6、OSPF到EIGRP的redistribut的route-map名字写过了7、NA T的inside pool没有包含client的网段8、BGP的neighbor ip写错了,写成了209.56.200.2269、到ISP的出接口的ACL少了一条permit10、其中一台接入交换机的Trunk allowed的VLAN少了VLAN 1011、HSRP的track语句指定有问题12、IPV6,R2的其中一个接口没有enable IPV6 OSPF1 -IPv62 -OSPF3- OSPFv34 -Frame Relay5 – GRE6 – EtherChannel7 -RIPng8 -EIGRP9 -Redistribution10 -NTP11 -NAT12 -BGP13 -HSRP14-STP15-DHCP。



RHCE Exam Guide考试时间:3.5hours考试类型:纯上机实验操作系统环境:RHEL5U4网络环境:受信任网域172.25.0.0/24()不受信任网域Yum服务器地址:/pub/Server注释:文章中所有提到的stationx,或者nisuserx都泛指您本机的工作站编号,例如,您的主机编号为station1,那么stationx,nisuserx在这里分别指station1,nisuser1及格分数线:CT满60分(包含60分),CE满60分(包含60分),视为考试全部通过,如果CT满60分及以上,而CE不满60分时,视为通过CT,如果CT不满60分,而CE部分达到60分以上,则视为考试失败。


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A. Thetwo FastEthernet interfaces will require NAT configured on two outside serial interfaces.B. Address translation on fa0/1 is not required for DMZ Devices to access the Internet.C.The fa0/1 IP address overlaps with the space used by s0/0.D. The fa0/1 IP address is invalid for the IP subnet on which it resides.E. Internet hosts may not initiate connections to DMZ Devices through the configuration that is shown. Answer: BE39. Refer to the exhibit. Two routers have just been configured by a new technician. All interfaces are up. However, the routers are not sharing their routing tables. What is the problem?A. Split horizon is preventing Router2 from receiving routing information from Router1.B. Router1 is configured for RIP version 2, and Router2 is configured for RIP version 1.C. Router1 has an ACL that is blocking RIP version 2.D. There is a physical connectivity problem between Router1 and Router2.E.Router1 is using authentication and Router2 is not.Answer: B40. A medium-sized company has a Class C IP address. It has two Cisco routers and one non-Cisco router. All three routers are using RIP version 1. The company network is using the block of The company has decided it would be a good idea to split the network into three smaller subnets and create the option of conserving addresses with VLSM. What is the best course of action if the company wants to have40 hosts in each of the three subnets?A. Convert all the routers to EIGRP and use,, and198.133.219.92/27 as the new subnetworks.B. Maintain the use of RIP version 1 and use,, and198.133.219.92/27 as the new subnetworks.C. Convert all the routers to EIGRP and use,, and198.133.219.192/26 as the new subnetworks.D. Convert all the routers to RIP version 2 and use,, and198.133.219.192/26 as the new subnetworks.E. Convert all the routers to OSPF and use,, and as the new subnetworks.F. Convert all the routers to static routes and use,, and198.133.219.48/28 as the new subnetworks.Answer: D41. Switch ports operating in which two roles will forward traffic according to the IEEE 802.1w standard?(Choose two.)A. alternateB. backupC. designatedD. disabledE. rootAnswer: CE42. Refer to the exhibit. Why has this switch not been elected the root bridge for VLAN1?A. It has more than one interface that is connected to the root network segment.B. It is running RSTP while the elected root bridge is running 802.1d spanning tree.C. It has a higher MAC address than the elected root bridge.D. It has a higher bridge ID than the elected root bridge.Answer: D43. Refer to the exhibit. At the end of an RSTP election process, which access layer switch port will assume the discarding role?A. Switch3, port fa0/1B. Switch3, port fa0/12C. Switch4, port fa0/11D. Switch4, port fa0/2E. Switch3, port Gi0/1F. Switch3, port Gi0/2Answer: C44. Refer to the exhibit. How many paths can the EIGRP routing process use to forward packets from HQ_Router to a neighbor router?A. two equal-cost pathsB. two unequal-cost pathsC. three equal-cost pathsD. three unequal-cost pathsE. four equal-cost pathsF. four unequal-cost pathsAnswer: F45. Select the action that results from executing these commands.Switch(config-if)# switchport port-securitySwitch(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address stickyA. A dynamically learned MAC address is saved in the startup-configuration file.B. A dynamically learned MAC address is saved in the running-configuration file.C.A dynamically learned MAC address is saved in the VLAN database.D. Statically configured MAC addresses are saved in the startup-configuration file if frames from that address are received.E. Statically configured MAC addresses are saved in the running-configuration file if frames from that address are received.Answer: B46. Refer to the exhibit. This command is executed on 2960Switch:2960Switch(config)# mac-address-table static 0000.00aa.aaaa vlan 10 interface fa0/1Which two of these statements correctly identify results of executing the command? (Choose two.)A. Port security is implemented on the fa0/1 interface.B. MAC address 0000.00aa.aaaa does not need to be learned by this switch.C. Only MAC address 0000.00aa.aaaa can source frames on the fa0/1 segment.D. Frames with a Layer 2 source address of 0000.00aa.aaaa will be forwarded out fa0/1.E. MAC address 0000.00aa.aaaa will be listed in the MAC address table for interface fa0/1 only.Answer: BE47. Refer to the exhibit. The following commands are executed on interface fa0/1 of 2950Switch.2950Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security2950Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky2950Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security maximum 1The Ethernet frame that is shown arrives on interface fa0/1. What two functions will occur when this frameis received by 2950Switch? (Choose two.)A. The MAC address table will now have an additional entry of fa0/1 FFFF.FFFF.FFFF.B.Only host A will be allowed to transmit frames on fa0/1.C. This frame will be discarded when it is received by 2950Switch.D. All frames arriving on 2950Switch with a destination of 0000.00aa.aaaa will be forwarded out fa0/1.E. Hosts B and C may forward frames out fa0/1 but frames arriving from other switches will not beforwarded out fa0/1.F. Only frames from source 0000.00bb.bbbb, the first learned MAC address of 2950Switch, will beforwarded out fa0/1.Answer: BD48. Refer to the exhibit. Some 2950 series switches are connected to the conference area of the corporate headquarters network. The switches provide two to three jacks per conference room to host laptop connections for employees who visit the headquarters office. When large groups of employees come from other locations, the network administrator often finds that hubs have been connected to wall jacks in the conference area although the ports on the access layer switches were not intended to support multiple workstations. What action could the network administrator take to prevent access by multiple laptops through a single switch port and still leave the switch functional for its intended use?A. Configure static entries in the switch MAC address table to include the range of addresses used byvisiting employees.B. Configure an ACL to allow only a single MAC address to connect to the switch at one time.C. Use the mac-address-table 1 global configuration command to limit each port to one source MACaddress.D. Implement Port Security on all interfaces and use the port-security maximum 1 command to limit port access to a single MAC address.E. Implement Port Security on all interfaces and use the port-security mac-address sticky command to limit access to a single MAC address.F. Implement Port Security at global configuration mode and use the port-security maximum 1 command to allow each switch only one attached hub.Answer: D49. Which of the following describes the roles of devices in a WAN? (Choose three.) A.A CSU/DSU terminates a digital local loop.B. A modem terminates a digital local loop.C. A CSU/DSU terminates an analog local loop.D. A modem terminates an analog local loop.E. A router is commonly considered a DTE device.F. A router is commonly considered a DCE device.Answer: ADE50. What are two characteristics of Telnet? (Choose two.)A. It sends data in clear text format.B. It is no longer supported on Cisco network devices.C. It is more secure than SSH.D. It requires an enterprise license in order to be implemented.E. It requires that the destination device be configured to support Telnet connections.Answer: AE51. What are two security appliances that can be installed in a network? (Choose two.)A. ATMB. IDSC. IOSD. IOXE. IPSF. SDMAnswer: BE52. Running both IPv4 and IPv6 on a router simultaneously is known as what?A. 4to6 routingB. 6to4 routingC. binary routingD. dual-stack routingE. NextGen routingAnswer: D53. What are three IPv6 transition mechanisms? (Choose three.)A. 6to4 tunnelingB. VPN tunnelingC. GRE tunnelingD. ISATAP tunnelingE. PPP tunnelingF. Teredo tunnelingAnswer: ADF54. Identify the four valid IPv6 addresses. (Choose four.)A. ::B. ::192:168:0:1C. 2000::D. 2001:3452:4952:2837::E. 2002:c0a8:101::42F. 2003:dead:beef:4dad:23:46:bb:101Answer: ABEF55. Which protocol should be used to establish a secure terminal connection to a remote network device? Select the best response.A. ARPB. SSHC. TelnetD. WEPE. SNMPv1F. SNMPv2Answer: B56. A single 802.11g access point has been configured and installed in the center of a square office. A few wireless users are experiencing slow performance and drops while most users are operating at peak efficiency. What are three likely causes of this problem? (Choose three.)A. mismatched TKIP encryptionB. null SSIDC. cordless phonesD. mismatched SSIDE. metal file cabinetsF. antenna type or directionAnswer: CEF57. A network administrator must configure 200 switch ports to accept traffic from only the currently attached host devices. What would be the most efficient way to configure MAC-level security on all these ports?A. Visually verify the MAC addresses and then telnet to the switches to enter the switchport-port security mac-address command.B. Have end users e-mail their MAC addresses. Telnet to the switch to enter the switchport-port securitymac-address command.C. Use the switchport port-security MAC address sticky command on all the switch ports that have end devices connected to them.D. Use show mac-address-table to determine the addresses that are associated with each port and then enter the commands on each switch for MAC address port-security.Answer: C58. Refer to the exhibit. What two facts can be determined from the WLAN diagram? (Choose two.)A. The area of overlap of the two cells represents a basic service set (BSS).B. The network diagram represents an extended service set (ESS).C. Access points in each cell must be configured to use channel 1.D. The area of overlap must be less than 10% of the area to ensure connectivity.E. The two APs should be configured to operate on different channels.Answer: BE59. Which two devices can interfere with the operation of a wireless network because they operate on similar frequencies? (Choose two.)A. copierB. microwave ovenC. toasterD. cordless phoneE. IP phoneF. AM radioAnswer: BD60. Which two statements describe characteristics of IPv6 unicast addressing? (Choose two.)A. Global addresses start with 2000::/3.B. Link-local addresses start with FE00:/12.C. Link-local addresses start with FF00::/10.D. There is only one loopback address and it is ::1.E. If a global address is assigned to an interface, then that is the only allowable address for the interface. Answer: AD61. Which two of these statements are true of IPv6 address representation? (Choose two.)A. There are four types of IPv6 addresses: unicast, multicast, anycast, and broadcast.B.A single interface may be assigned multiple IPv6 addresses of any type.C. Every IPv6 interface contains at least one loopback address.D. The first 64 bits represent the dynamically created interface ID.E. Leading zeros in an IPv6 16 bit hexadecimal field are mandatory.Answer: BC62. What are three basic parameters to configure on a wireless access point? (Choose three.)A. SSIDB. RTS/CTSC. AES-CCMPD. TKIP/MICE. RF channelF. authentication methodAnswer: AEF63. Which two of these statements regarding RSTP are correct? (Choose two.) A.RSTP cannot operate with PVST+.B. RSTP defines new port roles.。

鸿鹄论坛_H11-811 HCNA-UC模拟考试

鸿鹄论坛_H11-811 HCNA-UC模拟考试

华为认证网络工程师–统一通信HCNA-UC 模拟考试1. 关于FXO和FXS端口,下列说法正确的是()。

A. FXO端口用于连接模拟电话B. FXS端口可和FXS端口对接C.某办事处用一台IAD为10位员工提供电话服务,则可使用IAD上的FXS端口提供PSTN 出局D.模拟电话上接电话线的接口为FXO口2. 关于VoIP特点,描述正确的是()。

A.传输媒介是PSTN网络,交换方式是电路交换,带宽利用率高B.传输媒介是IP网络,交换方式是分组交换,带宽利用率高C.传输媒介是IP网络,交换方式是分组交换,带宽利用率低D.传输媒介是PSTN网络,交换方式是电路交换,带宽利用率低3. 召开多方语音会议时,U1960通过什么单板提供会场?()A. MTUB. ASIC. DTUD. SCU4. 下面哪几种情况需要占用MTU资源?()A. IAD下用户通过PRA中继出局B. POTS用户通过PRA出局C. IP电话局内互通D. VU自动总机放音5. 如下关于U1900系列统一网关与传统PBX对接的说法正确的有()。

A. 通常由E1对接B. AT0对接C. SIP对接D. BiCC对接6. IP电话可靠性体现在()。

A. TLS信令加密B. HTTPS web访问C. SRTP媒体流加密D. 多SIP服务器注册7. 在U1900系列统一网关中,关于字冠、局向、局向选择码和中继的关系,下列说法正确的是()。

A. 一个字冠只能对应一个局向选择码B. 一个局向选择码只能对应一个字冠C. 局向选择码和局向的对应关系是一对多D. 一个局向可对应多个不同类型的中继8. 在U1900系列统一网关配置字冠时,属性If4PSTN为no时作用是什么?()A. 拨打该字冠不能出局B. 虚拟PBX中内部呼叫C. 外部pstn不能入局呼叫D. 拨打接入码9出局到PSTN的字冠中无需做号码转换,也可呼通局外电话。

9. 关于U1900系列统一网关中SIP中继配置说法正确的有()。



HCNA-StorageNumber: H13-611Passing Score: 800Time Limit: 120 minFile Version:Exam AQUESTION 1硬盘预拷贝技术的主要特点是(选择3个答案)A. 硬盘错误统计超过设定的阀值后,立即将数据从疑似故障盘中迁移到热备盘B. 降低重构事件发生的概率C. 提高系统的可靠性D. 会导致系统性能的降低Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 2以下有关RAID 0的描述中,错误的是:A. RAID 0是无差错控制的条带化阵列B. RAID 0 的容量是各成员盘的容量之和C. RAID 0 至少要使用3块成员盘——最少2块盘D. RAID 0的数据是并行的写入到每个成员盘中Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 3文件存储是块存储之上构建文件系统,采用目录-目录-- 文件的方式组织数据,不容易管理A. TrueB. False ——文件存储是在块存储之上构建了文件系统,采用目录--目录--文件的方式组织数据,更容易管理;Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 4以下关于DAS和SAN的区别,描述不正确的是A. SAN使用FC或者iscsi协议,具有更好的可扩展性B. DAS和SAN均为外置存储,都非常易于实现存储资源共享——SAN不是外置存储的概念C. DAS主要应用于对外存储容量要求不高,服务器数量很少的中小型局域网D. SAN主要应用于关键数据库、集中存储、海量存储、备份、容灾等中高端存储应用环境Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 5以下文件系统中,属于windows ,文件系统由(选择3个答案)A. FAT16B. FAT32C. NTFSD. NPS ——非文件系统Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 6华为T系列V100R005存储阵列设备中,需要导入license才能使用的功能有(选择3个答案)A. 虚拟快照B. LUN映射——此为存储基本功能,不需要licenseC. 远程复制D. 分裂镜像Correct Answer: ACDSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 7针对存储阵列控制器或硬盘框上额级联模块描述正确的是(选择2个答案)A. 硬盘框的级联模块用于实现硬盘框与控制框或硬盘框与硬盘框的通信B. 控制器上硬盘级联模块分为PRI级联模块和EXP级联模块——只有PRI和EXP级联端口的说法C. 级联模块PRI必须与级联端口EXP之间进行连接D. 华为存储阵列设备中通常来用的级联端口为FC端口——级联通过mini SAS线来级联控制器和硬盘框,PRI和EXP端口,非FC端口Correct Answer: ACSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 8在redhat linux 5操作系统中,如果要将dev目录下的sdb5挂载到mnt目录下的sdb5,可以采用的命令是A. cat /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5B. in /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5C. mount /deb/sdb5/ mnt/sdb5 ——标准的Linux mount命令D. df /dev/sdb5 /mnt/sdb5Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 9在主机内部应用环境中,一个数据读写IO一定会经过以下哪些环节(选择2个答案)A. FC HBA卡B. IO总线C. 网卡D. 存储介质Correct Answer: BD ——HBA卡、网卡只是IO通道的一部分Section: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 10在华为T系列V100R005存储阵列中,通过ISM管理平台可以将一个启动器添加给多个主机【一个启动器只能添加给一个主机】A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 11在iSCSI通信中,Initiator 和target 建立连接后,initiator在操作系统中作为主设备控制整个工作过程——target才是主控端,initiator只是作为客户端连接工具A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 12在由3块磁盘组成的RAID 5中,如果在同一分条中写入两块数据成员盘中的数据分别是101 10110.,则校验盘应写入01100101 ——RAID5校验码采用与计算,相同为0,不同为1【101 10110 和进行与运算,结果正好为011 001 01】A. TrueB. FasleCorrect Answer: ASection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 13SCSI设备在经过总线仲裁获取了总线使用权后,利用SCSI体系结构传输层定义的协议在总线上选择目标设备,随后向该目标设备发送诸如读写命令——【SCSI传输流程是】——SCSI互联网层完成SCSI设备对总线的连接以及发送方和目标方的选择等功能;另外发送命令应为发送方,非SCSI设备A. TrueB. FalseCorrect Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 14RAID 组的工作状态中,不包括哪种状态A. RAID 组正常工作B. RAID 组降低C. RAID 组失效D. RAID 组重建——重建已经不属于工作状态了Correct Answer: DSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 15在对象存储系统中,有关对象的描述错误的是A. 对象是对象存储的基本单位B. 对象包含了对象的数据本身,还包含了对象数据的属性C. 对象不维护自己的属性——数据对象都需要维护自己的属性D. 采用对象技术使数据分布更加灵活Correct Answer: CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 16根据对系统的保护程度可将容灾分为(选择3个答案)A. 业务级容灾B. 应用级容灾C. 数据级容灾D. 异地容灾——异地容灾只是属于容灾的一种方式ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 17NAS引擎的作用包括(选择3个答案)A. 提供文件共享接口B. 提供与存储连接接口C. 提供NAS软件运行的硬件平台D. 提供大容量存储空间——这是存储的作用,非NAS独有Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 18数据存储过程中,IO流程顺序正确的是A. 操作系统> 上层业务应用> 文件系统> 设备驱动> 存储设备B. 上层业务应用> 操作系统> 文件系统> 设备驱动> 存储设备——数据存储时正常流程描述C. 操作系统> 上层业务应用> 设备驱动> 文件系统> 存储设备D. 上层业务应用> 操作系统> 设备驱动> 文件系统> 存储设备Correct Answer: BSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 19存储系统操作分级管理主要包括4个级别,分别为level 0 1 2 3 ,导致系统复位系统重启系统offline的操作属于哪一级A. level 0B. level 1C. level 2D. level 3 ——重启已经达以事故级别,已经造成了损失ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 20以下查看redhat liunx 5操作系统版本的方法正确的是A. show versionB. find versionC. cat versionD. uname –a ——可以正常显示系统内核版本,32或64位等信息,实际上无法查看系统版本Correct Answer: DSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 21在传统的计算机存储系统中,存储工作通常由计算机内置的硬盘来完成,针对传统的内置存储描述,以下描述正确的是(选择2个答案)A. 数据存储空间可靠性不足B. 存储空间利用率较高——存储阵列的特点C. 存储空间可扩展性好——存储阵列的特点D. 数据分散,不利于信息共享Correct Answer: ADSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 22FC协议栈中的FC-2层定义了(选择2个答案)——FC协议有五层,其中FC-0定义承载介质类型,FC-1定义帧编码解码方式,FC-2定义分帧和流控机制,FC3定义通用服务,FC4定义上层协议到FC的映射A. 编码标准 FC-1B. 解码标准 FC-1C. 流控 FC-2D. 服务质量 FC-2Correct Answer: CDSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 23在IP-SAN组网中,下列哪个设备通常作为iSCSI启动器A. 主机服务器——iSCSI启动器部署于主机上,通过initator客户端工具配置连接iSCSI存储的相应信息B. iSCSI磁盘阵列C. iSCSI磁带库D. 以太网交换机Correct Answer: ASection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 24iFCP协议具有以下哪几个特点(选择3个答案)A. iFCP协议为TCP/IP网络上的光纤通道设备提供光纤通信服务,实现端到端的IP连接B. iFCP协议位于TCP/IP协议和FC协议之间,可以起到连接着两种协议的网络的作用C. iFCP协议中FC设备的24位fabric地址被映射到一个唯一的IP地址上D. iFCP通过FC的底层传输层FC-2实现FC在IP网络上可靠传输——iFCP代替了FC的的底层传输层(FC-2),它使用TCP/IP在IP网络上进行可靠传输【注意是替代FC-2,不是通过FC-2传输】Correct Answer: ABCSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:QUESTION 25以下关于IPMI的描述,错误的是A. IPMI是一个开放的标准,用户需要为使用该标准而支付额外的费用——不需要支付费用B. IPMI是为了管理给予intel架构中所使用的外围设备而采用的一种工业标标准C. IPMI的标准由英特尔、惠普、NEC 、美国戴尔电脑和supermicr等公司定制D. 用户可以利用IPMI监视服务器的健康特性,如温度、电压、风扇工作状态、电源状态等。



全面的三层交换机配置实例(带命令解释)三层交换机比较全面的三层交换机配置实例(带命令解释哟!)Enable //进入私有模式Configure terminal //进入全局模式service password-encryption //对密码进行加密hostname Catalyst 3550-12T1 //给三层交换机定义名称enable password 123456. //enable密码Enable secret 654321 //enable的加密密码(应该是乱码而不是654321这样)Ip subnet-zero //允许使用全0子网(默认都是打开的)Ip name-server //三层交换机名字Catalyst 3550-12T1对应的IP地址是172.16.8.1Service dhcp //提供DHCP服务ip routing //启用三层交换机上的路由模块ExitVtp mode server //定义VTP工作模式为sever模式Vtp domain centervtp //定义VTP域的名称为centervtpVlan 2 name vlan2 //定义vlan并给vlan取名(如果不取名的话,vlan2的名字应该是vlan002)Vlan 3 name vlan3Vlan 4 name vlan4Vlan 5 name vlan5Vlan 6 name vlan6Vlan 7 name vlan7Vlan 8 name vlan8Vlan 9 name vlan9Exitinterface Port-channel 1 //进入虚拟的以太通道组1switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q //给这个接口的trunk封装为802.1Q的帧格式switchport mode trunk //定义这个接口的工作模式为trunkswitchport trunk allowed vlan all //在这个trunk上允许所有的vlan通过Interface gigabitethernet 0/1 //进入模块0上的吉比特以太口1switchport trunk encapsulation dotlq //给这个接口的trunk封装为802.1Q的帧格式switchport mode trunk //定义这个接口的工作模式为trunkswitchport trunk allowed vlan all //在这个trunk上允许所有的vlan通过channel-group 1 mode on //把这个接口放到快速以太通道组1中Interface gigabitethernet 0/2 //同上switchport trunk encapsulation dotlqswitchport mode trunkswitchport trunk allowed vlan allchannel-group 1 mode onport-channel load-balance src-dst-ip //定义快速以太通道组的负载均衡方式(依*源和目的IP 的方式)interface gigabitethernet 0/3 //进入模块0上的吉比特以太口3switchport trunk encapsulation dotlq //给trunk封装为802.1Qswitchport mode trunk //定义这个接口的工作模式为trunkswitchport trunk allowed vlan all //允许所有vlan信息通过interface gigabitethernet 0/4 //同上switchport trunk encapsulation dotlqswitchport mode trunkswitchport trunk allowed vlan allinterface gigbitethernet 0/5 //同上switchport trunk encapsulation dotlqswitchport mode trunkswitchport trunk allowed vlan allinterface gigbitethernet 0/6 //同上switchport trunk encapsulation dotlqswitchport mode trunkswitchprot trunk allowed vlan allinterface gigbitethernet 0/7 //进入模块0上的吉比特以太口7Switchport mode access //定义这个接口的工作模式为访问模式switchport access vlan 9 //定义这个接口可以访问哪个vlan(实际就是分配这个接口到vlan)no shutdownspanning-tree vlan 6-9 cost 1000 //在生成树中,vlan6-9的开销定义为10000interface range gigabitethernet 0/8 – 10 //进入模块0上的吉比特以太口8,9,10 switchport mode access //定义这些接口的工作模式为访问模式switchport access vlan 8 //把这些接口都分配到vlan8中no shutdownspanning-tree portfast //在这些接口上使用portfast(使用portfast以后,在生成树的时候不参加运算,直接成为转发状态)interface gigabitethernet 0/11 //进入模块0上的吉比特以太口11switchport trunk encapsulation dotlq //给这个接口封装为802.1Qswitchport mode trunk //定义这个接口的工作模式为trunkswitchport trunk allowed vlan all //允许所有vlan信息通过interface gigabitethernet 0/12 //同上switchport trunk encapsulation dotlqswitchport mode trunkswitchport trunk allowed vlan allinterface vlan 1 //进入vlan1的逻辑接口(不是物理接口,用来给vlan做路由用)ip address //配置IP地址和子网掩码no shutdownstandby 1 ip //开启了冗余热备份(HSRP),冗余热备份组1,虚拟路由器的IP地址为172.16.1.9standby 1 priority 110 preempt //定义这个三层交换机在冗余热备份组1中的优先级为110,preempt是用来开启抢占模式interface vlan 2 //同上ip address shutdownstandby 2 ip 2 priority 110 preemptip access-group 101 in //在入方向上使用扩展的访问控制列表101interface vlan 3 //同上ip address shutdownstandby 3 ip 3 priority 110 preemptip access-group 101 ininterface vlan 4 //同上ip address shutdownstandby 4 ip 4 priority 110 preemptip access-group 101 ininterface vlan 5ip address shutdownstandby 5 ip 5 priority 110 preemptip access-group 101 ininterface vlan 6ip address shutdownstandby 6 ip 6 priority 100 preemptinterface vlan 7ip address shutdownstandby 7 ip 7 priority 100 preemptinterface vlan 8ip address shutdownstandby 8 ip 8 priority 100 preemptinterface vlan 9ip address shutdownstandby 9 ip 9 priority 100 preemptaccess-list 101 deny ip any //扩展的访问控制列表101 access-list 101 permit ip any anyInterface vlan 1 //进入vlan1这个逻辑接口Ip helper-address //可以转发广播(helper-address的作用就是把广播转化为单播,然后发向172.16.8.1)Interface vlan 2Ip helper-address vlan 3ip helper-address vlan 4ip helper-address vlan 5ip helper-address vlan 6ip helper-address vlan 7ip helper-address vlan 9ip helper-address rip //启用路由协议RIPversion 2 //使用的是RIPv2,如果没有这句,则是使用RIPv1network //宣告直连的网段exitip route //缺省路由,所有在路由表中没有办法匹配的数据包,都发向下一跳地址为172.16.9.250这个路由器line con 0line aux 0line vty 0 15 //telnet线路(路由器只有5个,是0-4)password 12345678 //login密码loginendcopy running-config startup-config 保存配置来源: 中国系统集成论坛原文链接:/thread-3598-1-8.html。



《真实TT解题环境》TT解题模拟环境:/web/learning/le3/le2/le37/le10/tshoot_demo.html 注意:点开某个TT,做完三个选择后点击“done”则完成此题,此题也同时被锁定为不可更改的红色。


《立体万金油》记住关键现象,以show run为主判断。


《TT解题详解》第一部分:找到两个“明显提示HSRP&IPv6”一.找题干中“HSRP”,标号题号(对应V200的Q20-22)Hsrp--sh run看到standby条目(在找答案选项的时候,不确认的可以看看),show standby brief--看到状态没有up!!答案:1. DSW12. HSRP3. Under the interface vlan 10 configuration delete the standby 10 track 1 decrement 60 command and enter the standby 10 track 10 decrement 60 command.解释:由特定路由条目的metric值来决定track项目的down或up,从而触发对standby的priority值减小或增加。





1、Idle 空闲状态;2、Connect 连接状态(准备建立 TCP 连接) ;3、 Active 激活状态(正在建立 TCP 连接) ;4、Open-Sent(发 送了 Open 包) ; 5、 Open-Confirm (接受了 Open 包, 比较参数) 6、 Established 已连接状态。 只要有一个发生错误, 立刻回到 Idle。 BGP 达到 Established 状态,将会把自己本地所有的路由表通过 Update 消息发送给邻居,以后就是增量更新了。 * BGP 属性: 1、公认必遵属性:必须包含这些属性。 a、Origin 属性:路由源属性(标识路由条目的起源) ,标记一条路由是怎么成为 BGP 路由的。 IGP:通过 BGP 的 network 命令通告的路由条目。 EGP:通过 EGP 协议学习到底路由条目。 (基本已被淘汰) Incomplete(?) :通过其它协议重注入进 BGP 路由条目。 --值:IGP=0;EGP=1;Incomplete=2。IGP<EGP< ?(值越小路由条目越优先) b、AS_path 属性:路由条目经过一个 AS 携带该 AS 的 number,形成一个 AS 路径,防止 EBGP 环路。 1.是路由到达一个目的地所经过的一系列自治系统号码的有序列表; 2.当 BGP 将一条路由通告到其他 AS 时,便会把自己的 AS 号添加在 AS_PATH 列表的最前面。 c、Next_hop 属性: 为 BGP 发言者指示去往目的地的下一跳。 RT1---RT2---[接口 a]RT3---【目的网段 b】 :RT1 发送一个到【目的网段 b】的数据包,RT1 告诉 RT2, 要想到达【目的网段 b】需要经过下一条[接口 a],即: Next_hop=接口 a 的地址。 2、公认可选属性: a、Loacl_pref 属性:Loacl_pref 值越大,优先级越高,用于在同一 AS 内,一个路由器要经过选择另外路由器出去。 1.用于 AS 内 IBGP 邻居选择离开本 AS 时的最佳路由,它表明 BGP 路由器的优先级; 2.仅在 IBGP 对等体之间交换,不传递或通告给其他 EBGP 对等体。 b、Atomic_aggregate 属性: 3、可选传递属性:a、Community 属性;b、Aggregate 属性。 4、可选非传递属性: a、Med 属性:Med 值越小越优先,用于从一个 AS 到达另一个 AS 是路由器的选择。 (与 Loacl_pref 属性相反方向流量) 1.相当于 IGP 路由协议使用的度量值 metric, 当一个 AS 有多个入口点时, 用于判断流量进入 AS 时的最优路径; -1-



可以同时工作在802.1A,802.1G模式的APWA-2110-AGWA-2220-AGWA-2220X-AGWA-1208E-AGPWA-2210-AG单选:根据电磁波传播特征,在其他条件相同的情况下,电磁波频率与其覆盖范围之间关系描述正确的是:电磁波频率越高,其覆盖范围越大电磁波频率越高,其覆盖范围越小电磁波频率与其覆盖范围之间没有必然关系单选:802.11网络的介质访问机制为:在此机制中,当发送方检测到媒体空闲时?A:CSMA/CD, 等待IFS时间长度以后,立即发送数据,如果产生冲突则启动一个定时器BACK-OFF TIMER,当定时器倒计时到零时再次重新发送报文B: CSMA/Ca, 等待IFS时间长度以后,启动一个定时器BACK-OFF TIMER,当定时器倒计时到零时发送报文C: CSMA/Cd, 等待IFS时间长度以后,启动一个定时器BACK-OFF TIMER,当定时器倒计时到零时发送报文D: CSMA/Ca, 等待IFS时间长度以后,立即发送数据,如果产生冲突则启动一个定时器BACK-OFF TIMER,当定时器倒计时到零时再次重新发送报文原有WLAN分合路系统采用802.11B标准,并且AP使用WLAN干放进行功率放大,现升级改造,将802.11B升级为802.11G,是否可以直接利用原室内分布式系统WLAN干放?A:可以B:不可以使用AP无线桥接时需要注意:A:;两个AP必须工作在相同信道上B:本端AP正确配置对端AP的MAC地址,即PEER-MACC:两端天线角度是否对准D:AP间距离是否合适,中间是否有障碍物单选:当对AP进行测试时,开启哪一个软件对AP性能产生影响A:securecrtB:network stumblerC:etherealD:microsoft wireless zero configurationH3C Ap建立无线桥接应用时,通过[H3C-hidecmd]display wlan mesh neighbors all 查看当前设备的所有邻居信息。

鸿鹄论坛 HCNA Storage H 题库 v

鸿鹄论坛 HCNA Storage H 题库 v
A、0.99999 B、0.9998858 C、0.999999 D、0.998934 答案:B 解析:HA=1-(宕机时间/(宕机时间+运行时间))
4 个 9: 0.9999 52.56 分钟/年 5 个 9: 0.99999 5.265 分钟/年 6 个 9:0.999999 31 秒/年
31、在备份系统中,需要备份的数据必须经过介质服务器才会存储到备份介质中。 A、对 B、错
22、InfiniBand 接口在华为 OceanStor V3 统一存储中用于前端主机接口,可灵活支持直连及 交换机多种组网方式。
A、对 Bห้องสมุดไป่ตู้错 答案:B
23、以下关于 NAS 解决方案的描述,哪些是正确的?(多选) A、NAS 通过文件级的数据访问和共享提供存储资源 B、可通过 FC 网络对外提供共享 C、主要使用 CIFS 和 NFS 协议 D、NAS 客户端和 NAS 存储设备间采用 IP 网络互连
A、RTO=4 小时,RPO=7 小时 B、RTO=7 小时,RPO=4 小时 C、RTO=2 小时,RPO=4 小时 D、RTO=7 小时,RPO=3 小时 答案:B 解析:
34、某公司需要做一份备份策略,该公司的备份数据量小,希望在短时间内备份并且最大限 度的节省存储空间。你建议使用哪种类型的备份?
32、镜像阵列或者 RAID 阵列中发生故障的磁盘上的所有用户数据和校验数据的重新生成的 过程被称为:
A、重计算 B、重构 C、热备份 D、恢复 答案:B
33、由于地震,某企业 11 月 11 日 16:00 时 IT 系统宕机导致业务停顿,到当天 23:00 时 IT 系统恢复运行,可以恢复到当天 12:00 时的数据,那么本次的 RTO 和 RPO 分别是多少?



Q1.判断:采用VLAN 方式进行组网,能够将网络划分为多个广播域,减少了广播流量,避免了广播风暴的产生,并且增强了信息的安全性。

A.TrueB.FalseAnswer: BQ2.关于华为交换机设备中的Hybrid 端口下面说法正确的是A.Hybrid 端口只能用来连接网络设备B.Hybrid 端口只能用来连接主机C.Hybrid 端口既可以用来连接主机,又可以用来连接网络设备D.Hybrid 端口上不能配置默认VLANAnswer: CQ3.MUX VLAN 提供了一种通过VLAN 进行网络资源控制的机制,以下概念中不属于MUX VLAN 的是A.主VLANB.从VLANC.Guest VLAND.互通型VLANAnswer: CQ4.下面是一段MUX VLAN 中关于主VLAN 和从VLAN 的配置,关于此配置说法正确的是(请选择3个答案)[Quidway]vlan 10[Quidway-vlan10]mux-vlan[Quidway-vlan10]subordinate group 11[Quidway-vlan10]subordinate separate 12A.VLAN 10 为主VLANB.VLAN 11 为主VLANC.VLAN 12 为隔离型从VLAND.VLAN 11 和VLAN12 都为从VLANE.VLAN 10 和11 都为MUX VLANAnswer: ACDQ5.关于VLAN 聚合说法不正确的是(请选择2 个答案)A.VLAN 聚合就是在一个物理网络内,用多个VLAN 隔离广播域,使不同的VLAN 属于同一个子网B.VLAN 聚合可以节省IP 地址,解决了IP 地址资源浪费的问题C.VLAN 聚合只需要在super-VLAN 上配置IP 地址,而不必在sub-VLAN 上配置,super-VLAN 中是可以添加物理端口的。

D.用于隔离广播域的VLAN 叫做super VLANAnswer: CDQ6.ARP Proxy 主要是通过代理的方式来解决网络互通的问题,ARP Proxy 可以分为下面几种?(请选择3个答案)A.路由式ARPProxyB.VLAN 内ARP ProxyC.二层ARPProxyD.VLAN 间ARP ProxyQ7.VLAN mapping 可以实现不同VLAN 间通信,下面关于VLAN mapping 说法不正确的是A.VLAN Mapping 也叫VLAN translation,发生在报文从入端口进来之后,从出端口转发出去之前B.VLAN Mapping 可以实现用户VLAN ID 和运营商VLAN ID 的相互转换C.VLAN Mapping 可以通过配置来实现D.VLAN mapping 就是增加一层VLAN TagAnswer: DQ8.判断:配置单层Tag 的VLAN mapping 时不需要配置外层VLAN 的优先级。








6.支持等价和非等价负载均衡,默认支持4条路径的负载均衡,最大支持16条路径的负载均衡;等价负载均衡:实现负载均衡的路径的metric值一样非等价负载均衡:实现负载均衡的路径的metric值不一样7.具有灵活的网络设计主要体现在:◆在所有的网络协议中,EIGRP是唯一支持多种网络层协议的路由协议;◆EIGRP为每个不同的网络层协议维持一个独立的进程,所以在EIGRP中,每个不同的网络层协议都有一张对立的邻居表,拓扑表,路由表;◆在网络的任意节点上可以手工汇总(默认开启自动汇总);8.采用组播更新路由,组播地址为:;9.支持不连续的子网;EIGRP的结构:1.neighbor table(邻居表):存放邻居关系,只有建立了邻居关系,才能相互交换路由;2.topology table(拓扑表):存放到达目标网络的所有路径;3.routing table(路由表):存放到达目标网络的最佳路径;选择最佳路径和备份路径Advertised Distance(通告距离):计算从下一跳到达目标网络的metric,用于选择备份路径;Feasible Distance(可行性距离):计算从自己到达目标网络的metric,用于选择最佳路径; 备份路径的AD<最佳路径的FD两种链路类型的属性:常量K用于影响EIGRP基于metric值的标准的参数EIGRP的数据包:Hello:建立和维持邻居关系;Hello-time:发送hello数据包的周期;Hold-time:在hold-time内没有收到hello数据包,宣告邻居死亡;Update:发送路由更新Query:关于路由信息的邻居查询Reply:关于路由信息的查询应答Ack:一个可靠包确认需ACK回复的数据包:UpdateQueryReply在EIGRP中如何建立邻居关系路由器A发送hello数据包到组播IP:,另一个路由器B在监听组播IP:,发现有hello数据包,就把路由器A发送的hello数据包中的K值和AS号和自己的hello 数据包中的K值和AS比较,如果一样路由器B和路由器A 的邻居关系建立,同时路由器B发送hello数据包到组播IP:,路由器A在监听组播IP:,发现有hello数据包,就把路由器B发送的hello数据包中的K值和AS号和自己的hello数据包中的K值和AS比较, 如果一样路由器A发送hello数据包到组播IP:,这样循环就能维持路由器A和路由器B的邻居关系。



s. h
第一章 认识 Packet Tracer 软件
PC1 IP: Submask: Gateway: PC2 IP: Submask: Gateway: PC1 ping PC2 Reply PC2 ping PC1 Reply PC2 ping Gateway Timeout
பைடு நூலகம்
no shutdown exit enable password 123456 line vty 0 4 password 5ijsj login end show run PC CMD ping telnet password:5ijsj enable password:123456 show runing
Packet Tracher 介绍 配置和故障排除 � Packet Tracer 是 Cisco 公司针对 CCNA 认证开发的一个用来设计、 网络的模拟软件。 � Packer Tracer 模拟器软件比 Boson 功能强大,比 Dynamips 操作简单,非常适合网 络设备初学者使用。 学习任务 1、安装 Packer Tracer; 2、利用一台型号为 2960 的交换机将 2pc 机互连组建一个小型局域网; 3、分别设置 pc 机的 ip 地址; 4、验证 pc 机间可以互通。 实验设备 Switch_2960 1 台;PC 2 台;直连线
PC console 端口 enable conf t interface fa 0/1 speed 100 duplex full end show version show run






3.1 Outlook邮箱客户端现公司统一要求更换为Foxmail,考虑之前一直使用Outlook、并且Foxmail 稳定性还有待提高;现将Outlook安装配置及日常操作简要介绍如下:3.2.1 Outlook安装配置Ms-Office安装时选择Word、Excel、Powerpoint及Outlook模块,使用Outlook需要对邮箱帐户进行必要参数设置:邮件服务器地址:新建邮箱帐户步骤如下:1.打开’控制面板’、查看方式’小图标’或’大图标’,单击图标’邮件’;(outlook客户端安装完毕后,自动在控制面板生成’邮件’图标)2.加入邮箱新建帐户界面,图示如下。

单击添加按钮,输入新建帐户标示名称配置文件;图3.x 邮箱帐户新建界面备注:1.配置文件可以设置多个,对应不同帐户;但同时间只能打开一个帐户2.当有多个配置文件,并且选择’提示要使用的配置文件’时;每次登录Outlook,系统将提示用户选择需要登录帐户。

3. 单击下一步,选择电子邮件服务,默认选择第一个选项;图3.x 选择电子邮件服务3.单击下一步,勾选’手动配置服务器参数’;图3.x 帐户设置方式选择4.单击下一步,选择’Microsoft Exchange’;图3.x 邮件帐户类型选择5. 单击下一步,输入’邮件服务器’地址及帐户名称;图3.x 服务器及帐户配置6. 单击下一步,邮箱帐户新建设置完毕。

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1.Refer to the exhibit. What will Router1 do when it receives the data frame shown? (Choose three.)参考图示。


2.Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements correctly describe Network Device A? (Choose three.)参考图示。

这三个报表正确描述网络设备?(选择三3.Which layer in the OSI reference model is responsible for determining the availability of the receivingprogram and checking to see if enough resources exist for that communication?在OSI参考模型层负责确定接收的可用性程序和检查是否足够的资源存在的沟通吗?4.Which of the following describes the roles of devices in a WAN? (Choose three.下列哪个描述的角色在广域网设备?(选择三个。

5.Refer to the exhibit, Host A pings interface S0/0 on router 3, what is the TTL value for that ping? 参考图示,主机ping路由器界面S0/0 3,萍的TTL值是什么?6.A network administrator is verifying the configuration of a newly installed host by establishing an FTPconnection to a remote server. What is the highest layer of the protocol stack that the nework administratoris using for this operation?网络管理员验证的配置是一个新安装的主机通过建立FTP连接到远程服务器。

什么是最高的层的协议栈nework管理员吗使用这个操作吗?7.Refer to the exhibit. After HostA pings HostB, which entry will be in the ARP cache of HostA to support thistransmission?参考图示。

玉簪属草本植物ping HostB之后,ARP缓存的条目将玉簪属草本植物,以支持这一点传播?8.A network interface port has collision detection and carrier sensing enabled on a shared twisted pairnetwork. From this statement, what is known about the network interface port?网络接口端口碰撞检测和传感载体上启用共享双绞线网络。

从这句话,知道网络接口的端口是什么?9.A receiving host computes the checksum on a frame and determines that the frame is damaged.The frameis then discarded.At which OSI layer did this happen?接收主机计算校验和框架,确定框架的破坏。


这是在OSI层发生的?10.Which of the following correctly describe steps in the OSI data encapsulation process? (Choose two.)下列哪个正确描述OSI数据封装过程中的步骤?(选择两个。

)11.Refer to the graphic.Host A is communicating with the seiver. What will be the source MAC address of theframes received by Host A from the server?请参考图片。


什么是源MAC地址的帧从服务器接收到主机?12.Refer to the exhibit.What two results would occur if the hub were to be replaced with a switch that isconfigured with one Ethernet VLAN?(choose two)参考图示。

如果中心两个结果会发生什么将被替换为一个开关和一个以太网VLAN配置吗?(选择两个)13.Which three statements accurately describe layer 2 Ethernet switches?(choose three)这三条语句准确描述二层以太网交换机?(选择三个)14.Where does routing occur within the DoD TCP/IP reference model?哪里路由发生在国防部TCP / IP参考模型?15.Which destination addresses will be used by Host A to send data to Host C? (Choose two.)目的地址将被举办一个用于将数据发送给主机C ?(选择两个。

)16.For what two purposes does the Ethernet protocol use physical addresses? (Choose two.)什么两个目的以太网协议使用物理地址吗?(选择两个。

)17.Refer to the exhibit. Based on the information given. Which switch will be elected root bridge and why?参考图示。


开关将被选为根桥,为什么?18.What value is primarily used to determine which port becomes the root port on each nonroot switch in aspanning-tree topology?什么价值主要是用来确定哪些端口成为根端口在每个nonroot开关扩充树拓扑结构?19.Refer to the exhibit.Switch-1 needs to send data to a host with a MAC address of 00b0.d056.efa4.What willSwitch-1 do with this data?参考图示。

Switch-1需要将数据发送给主机的MAC地址00 b0.d056.efa4。

什么会Switch-1用这些数据做什么?20.What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999on a switch?命令的功能是什么switchport树干原生vlan 999开关?21.Which two protocols are used by bridges and/or switches to prevent loops in a layer 2 network? (Choosetwo.)这两个协议使用桥梁和/或2层网络交换机,以防止循环?(选择两个)。

22.Which switch would STP choose to become the root bridge in the selection process?开关STP会选择成为选拔过程中的根桥接器吗?23.A switch is configured with all ports assigned to vlan 2 with full duplex FastEthernet to segment existingdepartmental traffic. What is the effect of adding switch ports to a new VLAN on the switch?一个开关配置了所有端口分配给vlan和全双工FastEthernet段现有的2交通部门。

什么是交换机端口添加到一个新的VLAN的影响在开关吗?24.What are three benefits of implementing vlans?(choose three)三个实现vlan的好处是什么?(选择三个)25.Which IEEE standard protocol is initiated as a result of successful DTP completion in a switch overFastEthernet?IEEE标准协议是由于成功发起DTP完成切换FastEthernet吗?26.Which of the following are benefits of VLANs? (Choose three.)vlan的好处是下列哪?(选择三个)。

27.Refer to the exhibit.A technician has installed SwithchB and needs to configure it for remote access fromthe management workstation connected SwitchA Which set of commands is required to accomplish thistask?参考图示。

技术人员安装了SwithchB,需要配置它的远程访问管理工作站连接SwitchA这组命令需要做到这一点任务?28.In an Ethernet network, under what two scenarios can devices transmit? (Choose two.)在一个以太网网络,两个场景可以设备传输吗?(选择两个。

)29.Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?(choose two)这两个端口状态当RSTP聚合吗?(选择两个)30.Which two commands can be used to verify a trunk link configurationt status on a given ciscoswitch?(choose two)这两个命令可以用来验证一个树干链接configurationt状态给定思科交换机上?(选择两个)31.Which command enables RSTP on a switch?该命令使RSTP开关?32.Which of the following statements describe the network shown in the graphic? (Choose two.) 下列哪个陈述描述图形所示的网络?(选择两个。
