Comparison Of Momentum And Vortex Methods For The Aerodynamic Analysis Of Wind Turbines
PTCA(PART B: CHEM. ANAL.)o s r a f篇工作筒报DOI: 10.11973 !lyy-hx202101014高效液相色谱法同时测定工业氯乙酸中氯乙酸、二氯乙酸和乙酸周长海、岳涛〜2,王艳1,徐婷、王瑞菲“2,冯维春>(1.山东省水相有机合成及高效清洁分离工程技术研究中心,济南250014;2.青岛科技大学山东化工研究院.济南250014)摘要:工业氣乙酸样品经体积比为95 : 5的0.05%(体积分数)磷酸溶液-甲醇(流动相)溶解 后,用0.45 p m滤膜过滤,采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定滤液中氣乙酸、二氯乙酸与乙酸的含量。
选用Inert Sustain AQ-C18色谱柱为固定相.用流动相进行等度洗脱,在检测波长215 n m处进 行测定。
结果表明:3种目标化合物均达到了基线分离;氣乙酸、二氯乙酸、乙酸的质量浓度与其对应的峰面积在一定范围内呈线性关系,相关系数均大于0.999 5;氣乙酸、二氯乙酸和乙酸检出限(3S/N)分别为0.19,0.08,0.12 mg .L— 1。
方法用于实际样品分析,平行测定6次,测定值的相对标准偏差分别为 0.11 %,6.6 %,5.1 %,极差分别为 0.32 %,0.03%,0.03%,满足 H G/T 3271 —2000 对两次测定值差值的规定。
与标准方法(H G/T 3271 — 2000)相比,本方法测定值的极差更小。
关键词:高效液相色谱法;氯乙酸;二氯乙酸;乙酸;工业氣乙酸中图分类号:()657.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-4020(2021)01-0072-05氯乙酸是一种非常重要的有机化工原料,其下 游产品达百余种,在表面活性剂、染料、涂料、医药、农药等有机合成材料及中间体领域应用广泛[13]。
boundary layer
How Does a Boundary Layer Help Engineers!
• This means that instead of solving for the whole Navier Stokes equation set for the full flow, we can approximate a solution by solving for the boundary layer where the viscous effects are felt. • Thus, in order to calculate skin friction and aerodynamic heating at the surface, you only have to account for friction and thermal conduction within the thin boundary layer. Hence; you wont need to analyze the large flow outside the boundary layer
Properties of Boundary Layers
• The external flow reacts to the edge of the boundary layer just as it would to the physical surface of an object. So the boundary layer gives any object an "effective" shape which is usually slightly different from the physical shape. (Hence, the displacement thickness)
第9卷㊀第1期2024年1月气体物理PHYSICSOFGASESVol.9㊀No.1Jan.2024㊀㊀DOI:10.19527/j.cnki.2096 ̄1642.1073深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测李㊀齐1ꎬ㊀赵㊀瑞2ꎬ㊀陈㊀智3ꎬ㊀郭㊀斌1ꎬ㊀王㊀强1(1.北京空间飞行器总体设计部ꎬ北京100094ꎻ2.北京理工大学ꎬ北京100081ꎻ3.中国航天空气动力技术研究院ꎬ北京100074)PredictionofHypersonicBoundaryLayerTransitiononAblativeRoughSurfacesofDeepSpaceReentryCapsulesLIQi1ꎬ㊀ZHAORui2ꎬ㊀CHENZhi3ꎬ㊀GUOBin1ꎬ㊀WANGQiang1(1.BeijingInstituteofSpacecraftSystemEngineeringꎬBeijing100094ꎬChinaꎻ2.BeijingInstituteofTechnologyꎬBeijing100081ꎬChinaꎻ3.ChinaAcademyofAerospaceAerodynamicsꎬBeijing100074ꎬChina)摘㊀要:深空再入飞行器为提高气动减速效率ꎬ一般采用大钝度迎风外形以及烧蚀降热型防热结构ꎮ而扁平的前体外形与气动加热烧蚀导致表面粗糙度急剧增加等因素ꎬ极易造成飞行器迎风面流动失稳ꎬ流动出现转捩甚至演化为湍流ꎬ使表面热流分布发生巨大变化ꎬ给飞行器安全带来极大挑战ꎮ国内以往对大钝头再入器微观形貌变化下高超声速边界层失稳机制和转捩模拟的研究开展很少ꎮ以大钝头防热罩与沙粒式分布粗糙元为研究对象ꎬ分别利用基于高超声速与粗糙元修正的γ ̄Reθ转捩模式和k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式ꎬ分析了高超声速来流条件下分布粗糙元等效粗糙高度㊁来流Reynolds数㊁攻角以及化学非平衡基本流对大钝头迎风表面的间歇因子分布和边界层转捩位置以及热流分布的影响ꎬ研究了深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面的高超声速边界层转捩发展规律与气动热影响规律ꎮ关键词:深空再入飞行器ꎻ大钝头防热罩ꎻ分布式粗糙元ꎻ转捩模式ꎻ化学非平衡㊀㊀㊀收稿日期:2023 ̄07 ̄18ꎻ修回日期:2023 ̄09 ̄08基金项目:国家自然科学基金(11902025)第一作者简介:李齐(1985 )㊀女ꎬ研究员ꎬ主要研究方向为深空探测进/再入航天器气动设计与分析ꎮE ̄mail:qi ̄ge ̄ge@中图分类号:V211.3㊀㊀文献标志码:AAbstract:Inordertoimproveaerodynamicdecelerationefficiencyꎬdeepspacereentrycapsulesgenerallyadoptlargebluntwindwardshapeandablativeheatprotectionsystem.Howeverꎬfactorssuchastheflatforebodyshapeandthesharpincreaseinsurfaceroughnesscausedbyaerothermodynamicheatingandablationeasilyleadtotheinstabilityofthewindwardflow ̄fieldofthecapsuleꎬresultinginthetransitionorevenevolutionintoturbulenceꎬwhichgreatlychangesthedistributionofthesurfaceheatfluxandbringsgreatchallengestothesafetyofthecapsule.Formerlythestudiesontheinstabilitymecha ̄nismandsimulationforthetransitionofhypersonicboundarylayerunderthechangeofmicroscopicmorphologyoflargebluntheatshieldarerelativelyunexplored.Usingtheγ ̄Reθtransitionmodelandk ̄ω ̄γtransitionmodelbasedonhypersonicandroughelementcorrectionꎬtheintermittentfactorsofroughelementequivalentroughnessheightꎬincomingReynoldsnumberꎬangleofattackandchemicalnon ̄equilibriumbasicflowonthewindwardsurfaceofthelargebluntheatshieldwereanalyzed.Thedevelopmentlawofhypersonicboundarylayertransitionandaerothermodynamiceffectonablativeroughsur ̄facesofdeepspacereentrycapsuleswerestudied.Keywords:deepspacereentrycapsuleꎻlargebluntheatshieldꎻdistributedroughelementꎻtransitionmodeꎻchemicalnon ̄equilibrium第1期李齐ꎬ等:深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测引㊀言人类自开启航天事业以来ꎬ探索地外天体的目标从未停止ꎬ并且越来越深远ꎮ20世纪50~60年代ꎬ美国与苏联分别提出了各自的月球探测计划ꎬ并先后实现了月球采样返回和载人登月返回[1]ꎮ20世纪90年代ꎬ美国和日本等国家又先后启动了彗尘[2]㊁太阳风[3]㊁小行星[4]等探测取样返回计划ꎬ并于2004 2010年期间先后实现了样品取样返回ꎮ2014年11月ꎬ我国首次实施月地高速再入返回获得圆满成功ꎬ掌握了第二宇宙速度再入返回技术[5]ꎬ并以此为基础于2020年12月成功实现了月球取样返回目标[6]ꎮ2017年12月ꎬ时任美国总统特朗普签署白宫1号太空政策指令ꎬ重启登月计划ꎬ目标在2025年前后重返月球ꎬ实现新世纪载人月球探测[7]ꎮ2022年1月28日由中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室发布的«2021中国的航天»白皮书中提出ꎬ未来五年要 发射小行星探测器㊁完成近地小行星采样和主带彗星探测 ꎬ并 深化载人登月方案论证ꎬ组织开展关键技术攻关 [8]ꎮ由此可见ꎬ月球与深空地外天体探测(含载人探测)是未来世界各国空间探测与科学研究的热点项目ꎮ而开展月球与深空地外天体探测ꎬ必然少不了样品或载人返回再入飞行器ꎮ由于深空再入飞行器再入速度大ꎬ为提高气动减速效率ꎬ一般采用大钝度球冠或球锥迎风外形[9]ꎮ而大钝头迎风外形与超高速来流相互作用ꎬ加之高温真实气体效应ꎬ导致钝头表面热流高㊁加热量大ꎮ为有效降低气动加热对主体结构㊁舱体设备和航天员安全性带来的影响ꎬ防热结构须采用碳基烧蚀型材料ꎮ而碳基防热材料密度低㊁易烧蚀ꎬ在高焓高热流长时间气动加热下会造成防热结构表面粗糙度急剧增加ꎬ形成分布式粗糙元表面ꎮ扁平的迎风前体与粗糙元结构结合ꎬ极易造成深空再入飞行器迎风面在高超声速下出现流动失稳ꎬ导致流动转捩甚至演化为湍流ꎬ使表面热流分布发生巨大变化ꎬ给飞行器安全带来极大挑战ꎮ其中的典型案例包括:Genesis返回舱防热罩对接孔凹坑后缘流动转捩造成的局部过热问题[10]ꎬ以及NASA对Artemis1号飞行试验返回后的猎户座飞船开展技术分析时发现了 大底隔热板烧蚀量大于地面设计预估值 的问题[11]ꎮ为适应深空探测复杂系统与运载能力之间的匹配[12]ꎬ再入飞行器质量约束是系统设计必须满足的关键条件ꎬ因此防热结构设计必须做到节约而高效ꎮ由此可见ꎬ深空再入飞行器高超声速边界层失稳机制分析和转捩位置的准确预测是影响深空再入返回飞行安全性的关键难题ꎮ高超声速边界层转捩研究一般主要面向尖前缘的高超声速飞行器外形ꎬ国内外学者曾在失稳特征㊁转捩机理㊁感受性特征以及转捩预测方法等方面取得了一些研究成果[13]ꎮ对于再入飞行器大钝头前体造成的流动转捩及其热影响问题ꎬ早期在Apollo[14]㊁Galileo和PioneerVenus等[15]进/再入器上都发现过转捩现象ꎬ但由于条件限制等问题ꎬ未见深入的分析研究ꎮEdquist等[16]首次针对火星探测器MSL(Marssmartlander)的大钝头前体外形利用地面试验确定的动量Reynolds数半经验工程方法来预测流动转捩的发生位置ꎬ但后来与飞行试验结果对比发现有相当大的出入[17]ꎮ此外ꎬHorvath等[18]分别利用细长锥外形㊁MSL和Genesis号外形[19]ꎬ通过开展高超声速风洞试验和PSE方法的稳定性分析ꎬ研究了对应外形下不同形式的表面粗糙度结构对钝头再入器迎风锥表面转捩模式的作用ꎬ并综合了磷光测热结果和数值模拟结果ꎬ确定了转捩发展造成的气动热分布变化ꎬ提出了基于工程拟合的粗糙度转捩预测模型ꎮ综上所述ꎬ目前大部分对于高超声速边界层转捩的计算研究都是单独针对宏观外形或粗糙表面微观外形而开展的ꎬ且大部分是基于地面试验数据进行转捩准则的建立与修正ꎮ对于大钝头宏观外形与分布式粗糙表面微观外形结合下的高超声速转捩问题ꎬ转捩机制与基于转捩模式的数值预测研究较为少见ꎮ本文拟用适用于深空再入返回的大钝头迎风大底外形与沙粒式分布粗糙烧蚀表面为研究对象ꎬ分别基于高超声速与粗糙元修正的γ ̄Reθ转捩模式和k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式ꎬ开展高超声速边界层转捩位置预测㊁机制分析和参数影响规律研究ꎮ1㊀数值方法1.1㊀控制方程与数值格式考虑量热完全气体ꎬ对三维非定常可压缩Navier ̄Stokes(N ̄S)方程进行Favre平均ꎬ得到可压缩湍流的Reynolds平均N ̄S方程∂ρ-∂t+∂(ρ-u~j)∂xj=031气体物理2024年㊀第9卷∂(ρ-u~i)∂t+∂(ρ-u~iu~j)∂xj=-∂p-∂xi+∂∂xj(τ~ij-ρuᵡiuᵡj)∂∂t(ρ-E~)+∂∂xj((ρ-E~+p-)u~j)=∂∂xj[u~i(τ~ij-ρuᵡiuᵡj)-q-j-ρuᵡjhᵡ]式中ꎬuiꎬpꎬEꎬh分别为速度分量㊁压力㊁总能㊁焓ꎮ且τ~ij=2μlS~ij-13∂u~k∂xkδijæèçöø÷q-j=-κl∂T-∂xj其中ꎬTꎬμlꎬκl分别为温度㊁分子黏性系数㊁分子热交换系数ꎮ考虑高温真实气体效应的流动控制方程为积分形式的多组分化学非平衡N ̄S方程[20]ꎬ忽略辐射以及彻体力的影响ꎬ方程形式如下∂ρs∂t+∂ρsuj∂xj=∂∂xjDs∂ρs∂xjæèçöø÷+ωi∂ρui∂t+∂ρuiuj∂xj=-∂p∂xi+∂σij∂xj∂ρe∂t+∂∂xj(ρe+p)uj=∂∂xi(qj+σijui)其中ꎬρs=(ρ1ꎬρ2ꎬ ꎬρns)Tꎬns为气体组元的个数ꎬ气体总密度ρ=ðnsi=1ρiꎻuiꎬuj为速度分量ꎻp为压强ꎬe为单位质量的总能量ꎮ其中qj=κ∂T∂xj+ðsρDshs∂Ci∂xj本文针对高温真实气体效应ꎬ采用了基于5组分的Dunn ̄Kang模型[21]ꎬ考虑了完全催化壁模型[22]ꎬ采用了AUSM+up格式[23]进行数值解算ꎮ1.2㊀湍流模型采用基于涡黏性假设的两方程剪切应力输运(shear ̄stress ̄transportꎬSST)湍流模型ꎬ在边界层的黏性底层和对数律层采用k ̄ω模型ꎬ在边界层的亏损律层采用k ̄ω模型和k ̄ε模型的混合ꎬ在自由剪切层中采用k ̄ε模型[24]ꎮ控制方程为∂∂t(ρk)+∂∂xi(ρkui)=∂∂xj(μl+σkμt)∂k∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pk-Dk∂∂t(ρω)+∂∂xi(ρωui)=∂∂xj(μl+σωμt)∂ω∂xjéëêêùûúú+γνtPk-Dω+2(1-F1)σω2ρω∂k∂xj∂ω∂xj其中Pk=minτtij∂ui∂xjꎬ20β∗ρωkæèçöø÷ꎬDk=β∗ρωkꎬDω=βρω2湍流运动黏性系数μt和动力黏性系数νt为μt=ρa1kmax(a1ωꎬΩF2)ꎬνt=μtρ模型常数由两部分混合求得φ=F1φ1+(1-F1)φ2混合函数F1及其他函数定义如下F1=tanh(arg41)ꎬF2=tanh(arg22)arg1=minmaxkβ∗ωdꎬ500νd2ωæèçöø÷ꎬ4ρσω2kCDkωd2éëêêùûúúꎬν=μρCDkω=max2σω2ρω∂k∂xj∂ω∂xjꎬ10-20æèçöø÷arg2=max2kβ∗ωdꎬ500νd2ωæèçöø÷1.3㊀转捩模式1.3.1㊀γ ̄Reθ转捩模式γ ̄Reθ转捩模式通过联立求解间歇因子与转捩动量厚度Reynolds数的输运方程ꎬ根据局部涡量Reynolds数和临界动量厚度Reynolds数的比值判断转捩[25]ꎮγ ̄Reθ关联模型的间歇因子γ与动量厚度Reynolds数Reθ的方程分别为∂(ργ)∂t+∂(ρujγ)∂xj=∂∂xjμ+μtσfæèçöø÷∂γ∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pγ-Dγ∂(ρRe~θt)∂t+∂(ρujRe~θt)∂xj=∂∂xjσθt(μ+μt)∂Re~θt∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pθt式中ꎬPγ和Dγ分别为间歇因子输运方程的生成项与耗散项ꎬρ为密度ꎬuj为速度分量ꎬxj为坐标轴方向ꎬμ和μt分别为层流㊁湍流黏性系数ꎬRe~θt为当地转捩开始时的动量厚度Reynolds数ꎬPθt为方程的源项ꎮ其中Pγ=Flengthca1ρS(γFonset)0.5(1-ce1γ)Dγ=ca2ρΩγFturb(ce2γ-1)式中ꎬca1ꎬca2ꎬce1ꎬce2均为模型常数ꎬS为剪应力张量的模ꎬΩ为涡量ꎮFlength用于控制转捩区长度ꎬ由实验数据拟合得到ꎻFonset为Re~θt的函数ꎬ用于控制边界层转捩起始位置ꎮ为适应高超声速转捩流动Flength=20ꎬce2=2041第1期李齐ꎬ等:深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测为考虑表面粗糙度对边界层转捩的影响ꎬ对转捩模型中的经验关系式进行修正[26]ꎮ引入等效沙粒高度ks和当地边界层位移厚度对转捩动量厚度Reynolds数进行修正ꎬ建立粗糙表面条件下转捩动量厚度Reynolds数Reθt_roughꎬ表达式如下Reθt_rough=Reθtꎬks/δ∗ɤ0.011Reθt+0.0061 fΛksδ∗-0.01æèçöø÷fTuéëêêùûúú-1ꎬks/δ∗>0.01ìîíïïïï其中fTu=max[0.9ꎬ1.61-1.15 e-Tu]fΛ用于描述粗糙度的形状㊁排列规律等几何构型ꎬ本文取1ꎮ此外ꎬ为考虑表面粗糙度对流动转捩后湍流边界层的影响ꎬ对SST湍流模型中比耗散率ω进行表面粗糙度修正[27]ꎬ具体形式如下ωrough=u2τ SRυ其中ꎬSR定义如下SR=50/k+sꎬ㊀k+sɤ25100/k+sꎬ㊀k+s>25{k+s为无量纲后的表明等效沙粒粗糙度高度k+s=uτks/υ1.3.2㊀k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式以SST湍流模型为基础ꎬ由关于湍动能k㊁比耗散率ω以及间歇因子γ的3个输运方程构成ꎬ可以在有效黏性系数中考虑非湍流脉动影响ꎬ并借鉴Langtry等[25]和Langel等[26]构造的转捩模型基于当地变量的优点ꎬ构造了间歇因子γ输运方程耦合层㊁湍流计算ꎮ其总体框架为∂(ρk)∂t+∂(ρujk)∂xj=∂∂xj(μ+μeff)∂k∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pk-Dk∂(ρω)∂t+∂(ρujω)∂xj=∂∂xj(μ+σωμeff)∂ω∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pω-Dω+Cdω∂(ργ)∂t+∂(ρujγ)∂xj=∂∂xj(μ+μeff)∂γ∂xjéëêêùûúú+Pγ-Dγ式中ꎬPγ和Dγ分别为γ输运方程的生成项和耗散项ꎬ基于量纲分析构造ꎬ具体表达式为Pγ=C4ρFonset㊀-ln(1-γ)1+C5k2Euéëêêùûúúdν|ÑEu|Dγ=γPγ式中ꎬFonset为转捩起始位置函数ꎬd为物面距离ꎬEu为当地流体相对壁面的平均流动动能ꎬν为分子运动黏性系数ꎮ有Fonset=1-exp-C6ζeff㊀k|Ñk|ν|ÑEu|æèçöø÷Eu=0.5(U-Uw)2i其中ꎬζeff为有效长度尺度防热结构烧蚀导致的表面粗糙ꎬ可简化为等效沙粒分布式粗糙度ꎬ在k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式中引入粗糙度放大因子Ar输运方程来描述壁面粗糙度对边界层转捩的影响机理和作用效果[28]ꎬ具体构造如下∂(ρAr)∂t+∂(ρujAr)∂xj=∂∂xj(μ+μeffσAr)∂Ar∂xj{}Ar的壁面边界条件以Sigmoid函数给定Ar|wall=1001+e-0.16k++6-1001+e6下式中ꎬk+是无量纲的等效沙粒粗糙度高度ꎬ由壁面摩擦速度uτ和等效粗糙度高度ks共同决定k+=ρwuτksμw=τwρwksνw1.4㊀方法验证为验证本文转捩模式能否正确预测壁面粗糙度对边界层转捩的影响ꎬ采用美国NASA兰利实验室[29]在20in(1in=25.4mm)ꎬMa=6风洞中采用的带有分布式沙粒粗糙度的半球头模型进行验证ꎬ如图1所示ꎬ半球模型的直径为152.4mmꎮ(a)Obliqueview㊀㊀㊀(b)Sideview㊀(c)Frontview㊀㊀㊀(b)Close ̄upview图1㊀NASA半球头模型Fig.1㊀NASAhemispheremodelphotographs51气体物理2024年㊀第9卷来流条件为:Mach数6.04ꎬ攻角0ʎꎬ壁面温度300Kꎬ单位Reynolds数2.18ˑ107/mꎮ选取80 ̄mesh粗糙元结构来考察粗糙诱导转捩模式的预测精度ꎬ该粗糙元均方根粗糙高度RRMS=0.03mmꎮ采用文献中90%粗糙度包络曲线ꎬ并根据Dassler等[30]的经验公式ꎬ有ks=4.33RRMSꎬ可得等效粗糙高度ks为0.13mmꎮ图2给出了分别采用两种转捩模式考虑与不考虑粗糙度放大因子计算得到的传热系数h/href㊀分布与地面测试结果的对比ꎮ其中ꎬ后缀为orig表示不考虑粗糙放大因子的转捩模式计算结果ꎬ后缀为rough表示考虑粗糙放大因子的转捩模式计算结果ꎬexp为地面测试结果ꎮ由图可知ꎬ在给定来流条件下ꎬ不考虑粗糙元诱导时半球头表面流动不发生转捩ꎬ热流由头部向肩部逐渐减小ꎮ而考虑粗糙元诱导后ꎬ两种转捩模式计算结果均显示s/R=0.2~0.3位置边界层流动由层流转捩为湍流ꎬ热流显著增大ꎮ由于h/href㊀是判别流动转捩的重要宏观物理量ꎬ由图中对比可见ꎬ本文采用的两种粗糙元诱导转捩模式数值结果与实验测得的转捩起始位置和转捩后最高热流吻合良好ꎮ其中ꎬk ̄ω ̄γ模式对应转捩位置与实验值吻合度更高ꎬ而γ ̄Reθ模式对应转捩后热流与实验值更为接近ꎬ这与γ ̄Reθ模式的转捩区模型参数由地面实验修正而来有关ꎮ图2㊀不同转捩模式下半球头80 ̄mesh粗糙模型热流密度计算值与实验值对比Fig.2㊀Comparisonofcalculatedheatfluxbydifferenttransitionmodesandexperimentalheatfluxof80 ̄meshroughmodel2㊀几何模型与计算状态如图3所示ꎬ本次研究选取的几何模型为球锥大钝头迎风大底外形ꎬ球头半径370mmꎬ迎风半锥角63ʎꎮ采用分区多块对接结构网格ꎬ不考虑侧滑角影响ꎬ计算网格为半模ꎬ总网格量1ˑ106ꎬ沿法向进行网格加密ꎬ首层网格高度为0.03mmꎬ以保证y+ɤ1ꎮ(a)Symmetryplane㊀㊀㊀㊀(b)Objectplane㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀图3㊀几何模型与网格结构示意Fig.3㊀Geometricmodelandgridstructure本文计算状态如表1所示ꎬ取典型深空再入飞行器高超声速状态ꎬ高度/Mach数组合关系分别为52km/Ma25ꎬ49.3km/Ma20ꎬ45km/Ma13ꎬ42km/Ma10ꎬ根据气动加热状态分别设定壁面温度为3400ꎬ3000ꎬ2500ꎬ2100Kꎬ考虑了1.5ꎬ3mm两种等效粗糙度高度ꎮ此外ꎬ由于返回舱采用自旋弹道式再入飞行ꎬ从宏观时间来看表面相同轴向位置的气动加热相等ꎬ另外考虑大钝头迎风面热流均匀化与三维烧蚀传热的拉平效应等ꎬ本文设置整个迎风大底表面采用相同的等效粗糙高度ꎮ表1㊀再入飞行器来流条件与壁面条件Table2㊀InflowandwallconditionsforthereentrycapsuleNo.H/kmMaRe/Dˑ10-5/m-1Tw/Kα/(ʎ)ks/mm152.0254.034000/103249.3205.030000/103345.0135.825000/101.5/3442.0106.021000/101.5/33㊀计算结果分析3.1㊀粗糙高度对转捩模拟影响分析采用k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式对1.5ꎬ3mm等效粗糙高度的几何模型迎风大底表面间歇因子γ进行模拟分析ꎬ图4和图5分别显示了0ʎ攻角下状态2和状态3对应等效粗糙高度ks=1.5ꎬ3mm大底表面间歇因子γ的分布ꎮk ̄ω ̄γ模式计算将间歇因子γ开始显著增长的位置定义为转捩起始位置ꎬ将γ在(0.1~1)的范围定义为转捩区ꎬγ>1为湍流区ꎮ由两图对比可见ꎬ同样的来流状态下ꎬ随着等效粗糙61第1期李齐ꎬ等:深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测高度的增加ꎬ壁面间歇因子增长起始点逐渐由肩部向中心推进ꎮ当等效粗糙高度ks=1.5mm时ꎬ两个状态的大底表面流动均为层流ꎻ当粗糙高度增长为3mm时ꎬ两状态的大底表面在球锥面交界处开始发生转捩ꎬ锥面大面积流动已发展为湍流ꎮ粗糙元高度通过增加当地边界层厚度而提高了当地Reynolds数ꎬ从而促使大底表面转捩提前发生ꎮ图4㊀壁面间歇因子分布云图(ks=1.5mmꎬα=0ʎ)Fig.4㊀γdistributiononthewall(ks=1.5mmꎬα=0ʎ)图5㊀壁面间歇因子分布云图(ks=3mmꎬα=0ʎ)Fig.5㊀γdistributiononthewall(ks=3mmꎬα=0ʎ)3.2㊀来流Reynolds数对转捩模拟影响分析采用k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式对不同来流Reynolds数条件下3mm等效粗糙高度的几何模型迎风大底表面间歇因子γ进行模拟分析ꎬ图6显示了0ʎ攻角状态的间歇因子γ分布云图ꎮ整体来看ꎬ在粗糙高度3mm表面形貌下ꎬ当前计算的所有状态下大底表面均存在转捩与湍流区ꎮ随着飞行高度的减小ꎬ来流单位Reynolds数逐渐增大ꎬ转捩起始位置由肩部逐渐向头部中心即上游移动ꎻ转捩区宽度随着来流Reynolds数的增加而逐渐收缩ꎬ而湍流区则逐渐增大ꎮ与粗糙高度影响不同的是ꎬ来流Reynolds数不是通过增加当地边界层厚度而是通过直接提高当地Reynolds数水平诱导转捩提前ꎮ与粗糙高度相比ꎬ来流Reynolds数对转捩起始位置与转捩区的影响线性度更强ꎮ(a)Re/D=4.0ˑ105/m㊀㊀㊀㊀(b)Re/D=5.0ˑ105/m(c)Re/D=5.8ˑ105/m㊀㊀㊀㊀(d)Re/D=6.0ˑ105/m图6㊀不同来流Reynolds数下壁面间歇因子分布云图(ks=3mmꎬα=0ʎ)Fig.6㊀γdistributiononthewallatdifferentinflowReynoldsnumbers(ks=3mmꎬα=0ʎ)3.3㊀攻角对转捩影响分析图7为状态4㊁10ʎ攻角㊁等效粗糙高度ks=3mm条件下返回舱壁面间歇因子分布云图ꎮ与图6(d)对比可知ꎬ由于攻角的存在ꎬ转捩起始位置提前ꎬ驻点向迎风面移动ꎬ转捩区不再关于y=0对称ꎬ而是大部分位于迎风面ꎮ图8为状态4㊁10ʎ攻角㊁等效粗糙高度ks=3mm条件下层流与转捩模式计算所得大底子午线壁面热流分布曲线的对比ꎮ与图7相对应ꎬ由于攻角的存在ꎬ子午线壁面热流分布曲线结果没有关于y=0对称ꎬ转捩模式背风面热流值大于迎风面ꎬ转捩后背风肩部热流甚至与迎风肩部相当ꎬ可达当地层流热流的2倍以上ꎮ由上述结果分析可知ꎬ由于攻角的存在ꎬ大底背风面转捩位置提前ꎬ湍流区扩大ꎬ热流增长效应显著增加ꎮ在一般认识下ꎬ当有攻角存在时ꎬ大底迎风面密度应大于背风面密度(图9(a))ꎬ因而迎风面动量厚度Reynolds数应大于背风面ꎮ但据上述计算结果可知ꎬ大底背风面反而转捩提前ꎮ从大底迎背风面动量厚度对比(图9(b))可知ꎬ虽然大底迎风面的边界层外缘密度是背风面的2~3倍ꎬ但背风面的动量厚度为迎风面的3倍以上ꎬ且动量厚度增加导致背风面边界层外缘速度也远大于迎风面ꎬ由71气体物理2024年㊀第9卷此导致背风面的动量厚度Reynolds数是迎风面的1.5倍以上(图9(c))ꎮ由此可见ꎬ有攻角情况下ꎬ大底背风面动量厚度大大增加ꎬ从而导致背风面动量厚度Reynolds数增大ꎬ因此转捩位置提前ꎬ湍流区扩大ꎮ图7㊀壁面间歇因子分布云图(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎꎬks=3mm)Fig.7㊀γdistributiononthewall(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎꎬks=3mm)图8㊀大底子午线壁面热流分布曲线(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎꎬks=3mm)Fig.8㊀Wallheatflowdistributionalongthemeridianofheatshield(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎꎬks=3mm)(a)Densitydistribution(b)Momentumthicknessdistribution(c)MomentumthicknessReynoldsnumberdistribution图9㊀有攻角下大底表面特征参数分布(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎ)Fig.9㊀Featureparameterdistributionoftheheatshieldwithattackangle(42km/Ma10ꎬα=10ʎ)3.4 化学非平衡对转捩模拟影响分析采用γ ̄Reθ转捩模式ꎬ分别基于完全气体和化学非平衡两种气体模型的基本流ꎬ对不同高度状态下3mm等效粗糙高度的几何模型迎风大底表面的热流密度分布进行模拟计算ꎬ图10给出了状态1和状态2不同气体模型对应的层流/转捩模式下粗糙大底表面热流密度分布曲线的对比ꎮ由图可见ꎬ在所计算状态下ꎬ完全气体基本流计算所得热流在球锥交界位置即开始高于层流热流ꎬ且随着高度的降低和来流Reynolds数的增加ꎬ完全气体模型在转捩与湍流区的热流可达1.4倍以上的当地层流热流ꎻ而化学非平衡基本流所得热流在不同高度下与层流热流则没有明显变化ꎮ由此可见ꎬ化学非平衡基本流可有效抑制高超声速边界层转捩的发展及对热流的影响ꎮ81第1期李齐ꎬ等:深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速转捩预测(a)52km/Ma25perfectgas(b)52km/Ma25chemicalnon ̄equilibrium(c)49.3km/Ma20perfectgas(d)49.3km/Ma20chemicalnon ̄equilibrium图10㊀不同气体模型下大底子午线壁面热流分布曲线(α=0ʎꎬks=3mm)Fig.10㊀Wallheatflowdistributionalongthemeridianofheatshieldwithdifferentgasmodels(α=10ʎꎬks=3mm)4㊀结论本文以典型深空再入飞行器迎风大底外形为研究对象ꎬ以分布式粗糙元结构为表面特征ꎬ采用基于粗糙放大因子修正的γ ̄Reθ与k ̄ω ̄γ转捩模式ꎬ对深空再入高超声速典型状态开展了边界层转捩预测模拟研究ꎬ分析了粗糙高度㊁来流Reynolds数㊁攻角以及化学非平衡基本流对深空再入飞行器高超声速边界层转捩位置与转捩热效应的影响规律ꎮ主要结论如下:1)对于本次研究的小尺寸大钝头迎风前体外形ꎬ分布式粗糙元与来流Reynolds数的增加都会通过增大当地Reynolds数从而诱导转捩ꎬ使转捩起始位置逐渐向上游发展ꎮ其中ꎬ粗糙元诱导转捩效应更为明显ꎬ非线性度更强ꎮ2)攻角可使得背风面动量厚度Reynolds数大大增加ꎬ从而导致转捩位置提前ꎬ湍流区扩大ꎬ背风面热流显著增长ꎮ3)化学非平衡基本流可有效抑制高超声速边界层转捩的发展ꎮ后续ꎬ对于深空再入飞行器烧蚀粗糙表面高超声速边界层转捩预测与影响分析的研究ꎬ可围绕粗糙度对流动稳定性的影响机制分析㊁建立基于粗糙元感受的流动稳定性分析模型㊁建立多种分布式粗糙元等效粗糙因子数学模型等方面来开展ꎮ参考文献(References)[1]㊀叶培建ꎬ彭兢.深空探测与我国深空探测展望[J].中国工程科学ꎬ2006ꎬ8(10):13 ̄18.YePJꎬPengJ.DeepspaceexplorationanditsprospectinChina[J].EngineeringScienceꎬ2006ꎬ8(10):13 ̄18(inChinese).[2]DuxburyTC.NASAstardustsamplereturnmission[C].35thCOSPARScientificAssembly.Parisꎬ2004.[3]LoMWꎬWilliamsBGꎬBollmanWꎬetal.GEenesismissiondesign[R].AIAA1998 ̄4468ꎬ1998.[4]KawaguchiJI.TheHayabusamission ̄itssevenyearsflight[C].2011SymposiumonVLSICircuits ̄DigestofTechnicalPapers.Kyoto:IEEEꎬ2011:2 ̄5.[5]杨孟飞ꎬ张高ꎬ张伍ꎬ等.探月三期月地高速再入返回飞行器技术设计与实现[J].中国科学:技术科学ꎬ2015ꎬ45(2):111 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Surface wave higher-mode phase velocity measurements using a roller- coaster-type algorithm
Geophys.J.Int.(2003)155,289–307Surface wave higher-mode phase velocity measurements usinga roller-coaster-type algorithm´Eric Beucler,∗´El´e onore Stutzmann and Jean-Paul MontagnerLaboratoire de sismologie globale,IPGP,4place Jussieu,75252Paris Cedex05,France.E-mail:beucler@ipgp.jussieu.frAccepted2003May20.Received2003January6;in original form2002March14S U M M A R YIn order to solve a highly non-linear problem by introducing the smallest a priori information,we present a new inverse technique called the‘roller coaster’technique and apply it to measuresurface wave mode-branch phase velocities.The fundamental mode and thefirst six overtoneparameter vectors,defined over their own significant frequency ranges,are smoothed averagephase velocity perturbations along the great circle epicentre–station path.These measurementsexplain well both Rayleigh and Love waveforms,within a maximum period range includedbetween40and500s.The main idea of this technique is tofirst determine all possibleconfigurations of the parameter vector,imposing large-scale correlations over the model space,and secondly to explore each of them locally in order to match the short-wavelength variations.Thefinal solution which achieves the minimum misfit of all local optimizations,in the least-squares sense,is then hardly influenced by the reference model.Each mode-branch a posteriorireliability estimate turns out to be a very powerful instrument in assessing the phase velocitymeasurements.Our Rayleigh results for the Vanuatu–California path seem to agree correctlywith previous ones.Key words:inverse problem,seismic tomography,surface waves,waveform analysis.1I N T R O D U C T I O NOver the last two decades,the resolution of global tomographic models has been greatly improved,because of the increase in the amount and the quality of data,and due to more and more sophisticated data processing and inversion schemes(Woodhouse&Dziewonski1984, 1986;Montagner1986;Nataf et al.1986;Giardini et al.1987;Montagner&Tanimoto1990;Tanimoto1990;Zhang&Tanimoto1991; Su et al.1994;Li&Romanowicz1995;Romanowicz1995;Trampert&Woodhouse1995;Laske&Masters1996;Ekstr¨o m et al.1997; Grand et al.1997;van der Hilst et al.1997;Liu&Dziewonski1998;Ekstr¨o m&Dziewonski1998;Laske&Masters1998;M´e gnin& Romanowicz2000;Ritsema&van Heijst2000,among others).These models are derived from surface wave phase velocities and/or body wave traveltimes(or waveforms)and/or free-oscillation splitting measurements.Body wave studies provide high-resolution models but suffer from the inhomogeneous distribution of earthquakes and recording stations,even when considering reflected or diffracted phases.On the other hand,the surface wave fundamental mode is mainly sensitive to the physical properties of the upper mantle.So,the investigation of the transition zone on a global scale,which plays a key role in mantle convection,can only be achieved by using higher-mode surface waves.Afirst attempt at providing a global tomographic model using these waves has been proposed by Stutzmann&Montagner(1994),but with a limited amount of data.More recently,van Heijst&Woodhouse(1999)computed degree-12phase velocity maps of the fundamental mode and the fourfirst overtones for both Love and Rayleigh waves.These data have been combined with body wave traveltimes measurements and free-oscillation splitting measurements,to provide a global tomographic model with a high and uniform resolution over the whole mantle (Ritsema et al.1999;van Heijst et al.1999).The most recent S H model for the whole mantle was proposed by M´e gnin&Romanowicz (2000).This degree-24model results from waveform inversion of body and surface Love waves,including fundamental and higher modes and introducing cross-branch coupling.Extracting information from higher-mode surface waves is a difficult task.The simultaneous arrivals(Fig.3in Section3)and the interference between the different mode-branches make the problem very underdetermined and non-linear.To remove the non-linearity,Cara &L´e vˆe que(1987)and L´e vˆe que et al.(1991)compute the cross-correlogram between the data and monomode synthetic seismograms and ∗Now at:´Ecole Normale Sup´e rieure,24rue Lhomond,75231Paris Cedex05,France.C 2003RAS289290´E.Beucler,´E.Stutzmann and J.-P.Montagnerinvert the amplitude and the phase of thefiltered cross-correlogram.On the other hand,Nolet et al.(1986)and Nolet(1990)use an iterative inverse algorithm tofit the waveform in the time domain and increase the model complexity within the iterations.These two methods provide directly a1-D model corresponding to an average epicentre–station path.They werefirst used‘manually’,which limited the amount of data that could be processed.The exponential increase in the amount of good-quality broad-band data has made necessary the automation of most parts of the data processing and an automatic version of these methods has been proposed by Debayle(1999)for the waveform inversion technique of Cara&L´e vˆe que(1987)and by Lebedev(2000)and Lebedev&Nolet(2003)for the partition waveform inversion.Stutzmann&Montagner(1993)split the inversion into two steps;at each iteration,a least-squares optimization to measure phase velocities is followed by an inversion to determine the1-D S-wave velocity model,in order to gain insight into the factors that control the depth resolution.They retrieve the phase velocity for a set of several seismograms recorded at a single station and originating from earthquakes located in the same area in order to improve the resolution.Another approach has been followed by van Heijst&Woodhouse(1997)who proposed a mode-branch stripping technique based on monomode cross-correlation functions.Phase velocity and amplitude perturbations are determined for the most energetic mode-branch,the waveform of which is then subtracted from the seismogram in order to determine the second most energetic mode-branch phase velocity and amplitude perturbations,and so on.More recently,Y oshizawa&Kennett(2002)used the neighbourhood algorithm(Sambridge1999a,b)to explore the model space in detail and to obtain directly a1-D velocity model which achieves the minimum misfit.It is difficult to compare the efficiency of these methods because they all follow different approaches to taking account of the non-linearity of the problem.Up to now,it has only been possible to compare tomographic results obtained using these different techniques.In this paper,we introduce a new semi-automatic inverse procedure,the‘roller coaster’technique(owing to the shape of the misfit curve displayed in Fig.6b in Section3.4.1),to measure fundamental and overtone phase velocities both for Rayleigh and Love waves.This method can be applied either to a single seismogram or to a set of seismograms recorded at a single station.To deal with the non-linearity of the problem,the roller coaster technique combines the detection of all possible solutions at a large scale(which means solutions of large-wavelength variations of the parameter vector over the model space),and local least-squares inversions close to each of them,in order to match small variations of the model.The purpose of this article is to present an inverse procedure that introduces as little a priori information as possible in a non-linear scheme.So,even using a straightforward phase perturbation theory,we show how this algorithm detects and converges towards the best global misfit model.The roller coaster technique is applied to a path average theory but can be later adapted and used with a more realistic wave propagation theory.One issue of this study is to provide a3-D global model which does not suffer from strong a priori constraints during the inversion and which then can be used in the future as a reference model.We describe hereafter the forward problem and the non-linear inverse approach developed for solving it.An essential asset of this technique is to provide quantitative a posteriori information,in order to assess the accuracy of the phase velocity measurements.Resolution tests on both synthetic and real data are presented for Love and Rayleigh waves.2F O RWA R D P R O B L E MFollowing the normal-mode summation approach,a long-period seismogram can be modelled as the sum of the fundamental mode(n=0) and thefirst higher modes(n≥1),hereafter referred to as FM and HM,respectively.Eigenfrequencies and eigenfunctions are computed for both spheroidal and toroidal modes in a1-D reference model,PREM(Dziewonski&Anderson1981)in our case.Stoneley modes are removed,then the radial order n for the spheroidal modes corresponds to Okal’s classification(Okal1978).In the following,all possible sorts of coupling between toroidal and spheroidal mode-branches(Woodhouse1980;Lognonn´e&Romanowicz1990;Deuss&Woodhouse2001) and off-great-circle propagation effects(Woodhouse&Wong1986;Laske&Masters1996)are neglected.For a given recorded long-period seismogram,the corresponding synthetic seismogram is computed using the formalism defined by Woodhouse&Girnius(1982).In the most general case,the displacement u,corresponding of thefirst surface wave train,in the time domain, can be written asu(r,t)=12π+∞−∞nj=0A j(r,ω)exp[i j(r,ω)]exp(iωt)dω,(1)where r is the source–receiver spatial position,ωis the angular frequency and where A j and j represent the amplitude and the phase of the j th mode-branch,respectively,in the frequency domain.In the following,the recorded and the corresponding synthetic seismogram spectra (computed in PREM)are denoted by(R)and(S),respectively.In the Fourier domain,following Kanamori&Given(1981),a recorded seismogram spectrum can be written asA(R)(r,ω)expi (R)(r,ω)=nj=0B j(r,ω)expij(r,ω)−ωaCj(r,ω),(2)where a is the radius of the Earth, is the epicentral distance(in radians)and C(R)j(r,ω)is the real average phase velocity along the epicentre–station path of the j th mode-branch,which we wish to measure.The term B j(r,ω)includes source amplitude and geometrical spreading, whereas j(r,ω)corresponds to the source phase.The instrumental response is included in both terms and this expression is valid for bothRayleigh and Love waves.The phase shift due to the propagation in the real medium then resides in the term exp[−iωa /C(R)j(r,ω)].C 2003RAS,GJI,155,289–307The roller coaster technique291 Figure1.Illustration of possible2πphase jumps over the whole frequency range(dashed lines)or localized around a given frequency(dotted line).Thereference phase velocity used to compute these three curves is represented as a solid line.Considering that,tofirst order,the effect of a phase perturbation dominates over that of the amplitude perturbation(Li&Tanimoto 1993),and writing the real slowness as a perturbation of the synthetic slowness(computed in the1-D reference model),eq.(2)becomesA(R)(r,ω)expi (R)(r,ω)=nj=0A(S)j(r,ω)expij(r,ω)−ωaC(S)j(ω)−χ,(3) whereχ=ωa1C(R)j(r,ω)−1C(S)j(r,ω).(4) Let us now denote by p j(r,ω),the dimensionless parameter vector of the j th mode-branch defined byp j(r,ω)=C(R)j(r,ω)−C(S)j(ω)Cj(ω).(5)Finally,introducing the synthetic phase (S)j(r,ω),as the sum of the source phase and the phase shift due to the propagation in the reference model,the forward problem can be expressed asd=g(p),A(R)(r,ω)expi (R)(r,ω)=nj=0A(S)j(r,ω)expi(S)j(r,ω)+ωaCj(ω)p j(r,ω).(6)For practical reasons,the results presented in this paper are computed following a forward problem expression based on phase velocity perturbation expanded to third order(eq.A5).When considering an absolute perturbation range lower than10per cent,results are,however, identical to those computed following eq.(6)(see Appendix A).Formally,eq.(6)can be summarized as a linear combination of complex cosines and sines and for this reason,a2πundetermination remains for every solution.For a given parameter p j(r,ω),it is obvious that two other solutions can be found by a2πshift such asp+j(r,ω)=p j(r,ω)+2πC(S)j(ω)ωa and p−j(r,ω)=p j(r,ω)−2πC(S)j(ω)ωa.(7) As an example of this feature,all the phase velocity curves presented in Fig.1satisfy eq.(6).This means that2πphase jumps can occur over the whole frequency range but can also be localized around a given frequency.Such an underdetermination as expressed in eq.(6)and such a non-unicity,in most cases due to the2πphase jumps,are often resolved by imposing some a priori constraints in the inversion.A contrario, the roller coaster technique explores a large range of possible solutions,with the smallest a priori as possible,before choosing the model that achieves the minimum misfit.3D E S C R I P T I O N O F T H E R O L L E R C O A S T E R T E C H N I Q U EThe method presented in this paper is a hybrid approach,combining detection of all possible large-scale solutions(which means solutions of long-wavelength configurations of the parameter vector)and local least-squares optimizations starting from each of these solutions,in order to match the short-wavelength variations of the model space.The different stages of the roller coaster technique are presented in Fig.2and described hereafter.Thefirst three stages are devoted to the reduction of the problem underdetermination,while the non-linearity and the non-unicity are taken into account in the following steps.C 2003RAS,GJI,155,289–307292´E.Beucler,´E.Stutzmann and J.-P.MontagnerStage1Stage2Stage3Stage4using least-squares2phasejumps?Stage5Stage6Figure2.Schematic diagram of the roller coaster technique.See Section3for details.3.1Selection of events,mode-branches and time windowsEvents with epicentral distances larger than55◦and shorter than135◦are selected.Thus,the FM is well separated in time from the HM(Fig.3), and thefirst and the second surface wave trains do not overlap.Since the FM signal amplitude is much larger than the HM amplitude for about 95per cent of earthquakes,each seismogram(real and synthetic)is temporally divided into two different time windows,corresponding to the FM and to the HM parts of the signal.An illustration of this amplitude discrepancy in the time domain is displayed in Fig.3(b)and when focusing on Fig.4(a),the spectrum amplitude of the whole real signal(FM+HM)is largely dominated by the FM one.Eight different pickings defining the four time windows,illustrated in Fig.3(a),are computed using synthetic mode-branch wave trains and are checked manually.For this reason,this method is not completely automated,but this picking step is necessary to assess the data quality and the consistency between recorded and synthetic seismograms.In Appendix B,we show that the phase velocity measurements are not significantly affected by a small change in the time window dimensions.An advantage of this temporal truncation is that,whatever the amplitude of the FM,the HM part of the seismograms can always be treated.Hence,the forward problem is now split into two equations,corresponding to the FM and to the HM parts,respectively.A(R) FM (r,ω)expi (R)FM(r,ω)=A(S)0(r,ω)expi(S)0(r,ω)+ωaC(ω)p0(r,ω)(8)andA(R) HM (r,ω)expi (R)HM(r,ω)=6j=1A(S)j(r,ω)expi(S)j(r,ω)+ωaC(S)j(ω)p j(r,ω).(9)Seismograms(real and synthetic)are bandpassfiltered between40and500s.In this frequency range,only thefirst six overtone phase velocities can be efficiently retrieved.Tests on synthetic seismograms(up to n=15)with various depths and source parameters have shown that the HM for n≥7have negligible amplitudes in the selected time and frequency windows.C 2003RAS,GJI,155,289–307The roller coaster technique293Figure3.(a)Real vertical seismogram(solid line)and its corresponding synthetic computed in PREM(dotted line).The earthquake underlying this waveform occurred on1993September4in Afghanistan(36◦N,70◦E,depth of190km)and was recorded at the CAN GEOSCOPE station(Australia).The epicentral distance is estimated at around11340km.Both waveforms are divided into two time windows corresponding to the higher modes(T1–T2,T5–T6)and to the fundamental mode(T3–T4,T7–T8).(b)The contribution of each synthetic monomode shows the large-amplitude discrepancy and time delay between the fundamental mode and the overtones.The different symbols refer to the spectra displayed in Fig.4.3.2Clustering the eventsFollowing eq.(8),a single seismogram is sufficient to measure the FM phase velocity,whereas for the HM(eq.9)the problem is still highly underdetermined since the different HM group velocities are very close.This can be avoided by a reduction of the number of independent parameters considering mathematical relations between different mode-branch phase velocities.The consequence of such an approach is to impose a strong a priori knowledge on the model space,which may be physically unjustified.Another way to reduce this underdetermination is to increase the amount of independent data while keeping the parameter space dimension constant.Therefore,all sufficiently close events are clustered into small areas,and each individual ray path belonging to the same box is considered to give equivalent results as a common ray path.This latter approach was followed by Stutzmann&Montagner(1993),but with5×5deg2boxes independently of epicentral distance and azimuth values,due to the limited number of data.Here,in order to prevent any bias induced by the clustering of events too far away from one to another,and to be consistent with the smallest wavelength,boxes are computed with a maximum aperture angle of2◦and4◦in the transverse and longitudinal directions,respectively(Fig.5),with respect to the great circle path.The boxes are computed in order to take into account as many different depths and source mechanisms as possible.The FM phase velocity inversion is performed for each path between a station and a box,whereas the HM phase velocities are only measured for the boxes including three or more events.Since only the sixfirst mode-branches spectra are inverted,the maximum number of events per box is set to eight.The use of different events implies average phase velocity measurements along the common ray paths which can be unsuitable for short epicentral distances,but increases the accuracy of the results for the epicentral distances considered.C 2003RAS,GJI,155,289–307294´E.Beucler,´E.Stutzmann and J.-P.MontagnerFigure4.(a)The normalized amplitude spectra of the whole real waveform(solid line)displayed in Fig.3(a).The real FM part of the signal(truncated between T3and T4)is represented as a dotted line and the real HM part(between T1and T2)as a dashed line.(b).The solid line corresponds to the normalized spectrum amplitude of the real signal truncated between T3and T4(Fig.3a).The corresponding synthetic FM is represented as a dotted line and only the frequency range represented by the white circles is selected as being significant.(c)Selection of HM inversion frequency ranges using synthetic significant amplitudes.The solid line corresponds to the real HM signal,picked between T1and T2(Fig.3a).For each mode-branch(dotted lines),only the frequency ranges defined by the symbols(according to Fig.3b)are retained for the inversion.(d)Close up of the sixth synthetic overtone,in order to visualize the presence of lobes and the weak contribution frequency range in the spectrum amplitude.The stars delimit the selected frequency range.3.3Determination of the model space dimensionReal and synthetic amplitude spectra are normalized in order to minimize the effects due to the imprecision of source parameters and of instrumental response determination.As presented in Fig.4,a synthetic mode-branch spectrum is frequently composed by several lobes due to the source mechanism.Between each lobe and also near the frequency range edges due to the bandpassfilter,the amplitude strongly decreases down to zero,and therefore phase velocities are absolutely not constrained at these frequencies.It is around these frequencies that possible local2πphase jumps may occur(Fig.1).Then,we decide to reduce the model space dimension in order to take into account only well-constrained points.For each spectrum,the selection of significant amplitudes,with a thresholdfixed to10per cent of the mean maximum spectra amplitude,defines the inverted frequency range.In the case of several lobes in a synthetic mode-branch amplitude spectrum,only the most energetic one is selected as shown in Figs4(c)and(d).For a given mode-branch,the simultaneous use of different earthquakes implies a discrimination criterion based upon a mean amplitude spectrum of all spectra,which tends to increase the dimensions of the significant frequency range.The normalization and this selection of each mode-branch significant amplitudes is also a way to include surface wave radiation pattern information in the procedure.Changes in source parameters can result in changes in the positions of the lobes in the mode-branch amplitude spectra over the whole frequency range(40–500s).In the future,it will be essential to include these possible biases in the scheme and then to simultaneously invert moment tensor,location and depth.C 2003RAS,GJI,155,289–307The roller coaster technique295Figure5.Geographical distribution of inversion boxes for the SSB GEOSCOPE station case.The enlarged area is defined by the bold square in the inset (South America).Black stars denote epicentres and hatched grey boxes join each inversion group.Each common ray path(grey lines)starts from the barycentre (circles)of all events belonging to the same box.The maximum number of seismograms per box isfixed at eight.3.4Exploration of the model space at very large scaleThe main idea of this stage is to test a large number of phase velocity large-scale perturbations with the view of selecting several starting vectors for local inversions(see Section3.5).The high non-linearity of the problem is mainly due to the possible2πphase jumps.And,even though the previous stage(see Section3.3)prevents the shifts inside a given mode-branch phase velocity curve,2πphase jumps over the whole selected frequency range are still possible.For this reason a classical gradient least-squares optimization(Tarantola&Valette1982a)is inadequate.In a highly non-linear problem,a least-squares inversion only converges towards the best misfit model that is closest to the starting model and the number of iterations cannot change this feature.On the other hand,a complete exploration of all possible configurations in the parameter space is still incompatible with a short computation time procedure.Therefore,an exploration of the model space is performed at very large scale,in order to detect all possible models that globally explain the data set well.3.4.1Fundamental mode caseWhen considering a single mode-branch,the number of parameter vector components is rather small.The FM large-scale exploration can then be more detailed than in the HM case.Considering that,at low frequencies,data are correctly explained by the1-D reference model,the C 2003RAS,GJI,155,289–307296´E.Beucler,´E.Stutzmann and J.-P.MontagnerabFigure6.(a)Five examples of the FM parameter vector configurations during the exploration of the model space at large scale corresponding toαvalues equal to−5,−,0,+2.5and+5per cent.The selected points for which the phase velocity is measured(see Section3.3)are ordered into parameter vector components according to increasing frequency values.Thefirst indices then correspond to the low-frequency components(LF)and the last ones to the high-frequency(HF) components.Varying the exploration factorα,different perturbation shapes are then modelled and the misfit between data and the image of the corresponding vector is measured(represented in thefigure below).(b)The misfit in the FM case,symbolized by+,is the expression of the difference between data and the image of the tested model(referred to as pα)through the g function(eq.8).Theαvalues are expressed as a percentage with respect to the PREM.As an example,thefive stars correspond to the misfit values of thefive models represented in thefigure above.The circles represent the bestαvalues and the corresponding vectors are then considered as possible starting models for the next stage.dimensionless phase velocity perturbation(referred to as pα)can be modelled as shown in thefive examples displayed in Fig.6(a).Basically, the low-frequency component perturbations are smaller than the high-frequency ones.However,if such an assumption cannot be made,the simplest way to explore the model space is then byfixing an equalαperturbation value for all the components.The main idea is to impose strong correlations between all the components in order to estimate how high the non-linearity is.Varyingαenables one to compute different parameter vectors and solving eq.(8)to measure the distance between data and the image of a given model through the g function,integrated over the whole selected frequency range.Considering that only small perturbations can be retrieved,the exploration range is limited between−5and+5per cent,using an increment step of0.1per cent.The result of such an exploration is displayed in Fig.6(b)and clearly illustrates the high non-linearity and non-unicity of the problem.In a weakly non-linear problem,the misfit curve(referred to as||d−g(pα)||)should exhibit only one minimum.This would indicate that,whatever the value of the starting model,a gradient algorithm always converges towards the samefinal model,the solution is then unique.In our case,Fig.6(b)shows that,when choosing the reference model(i.e.α=0per cent)as the starting model,a gradient least-squares optimization converges to the nearest best-fitting solution(corresponding to the third circle),and could never reach the global best-fitting model(in this example representedC 2003RAS,GJI,155,289–307The roller coaster technique 297by the fourth circle).Therefore,in order not to a priori limit the inversion result around a given model,all minima of the mis fit curve (Fig.6b)are detected and the corresponding vectors are considered as possible starting models for local optimizations (see Section 3.5).3.4.2Higher-mode caseThe introduction of several mode-branches simultaneously is much more dif ficult to treat and it becomes rapidly infeasible to explore the model space as accurately as performed for the FM.However,a similar approach is followed.In order to preserve a low computation time procedure,the increment step of αis fixed at 1per cent.The different parameter vectors are computed as previously explained in Section3.4.1(the shape of each mode-branch subvector is the same as the examples displayed in Fig.6a).In order to take into account any possible in fluence of one mode-branch on another,all combinations are tested systematically.Three different explorations of the model space are performed within three different research ranges:[−4.5to +1.5per cent],[−3to +3per cent]and [−1.5to +4.5per cent].For each of them,76possibilities of the parameter vector are modelled and the mis fit between data and the image of the tested vector through the g function is computed.This approach is almost equivalent to performing a complete exploration in the range [−4.5to +4.5per cent],using a step of 0.5per cent,but less time consuming.Finally,all mis fit curve minima are detected and,according to a state of null information concerning relations between each mode-branch phase velocities,all the corresponding vectors are retained as possible starting models.Thus,any association between each starting model subvectors is allowed.3.5Matching the short-wavelength variations of the modelIn this section,algorithms,notation and comments are identical for both FM and HM.Only the main ideas of the least-squares criterion are outlined.A complete description of this approach is given by Tarantola &Valette (1982a,b)and by Tarantola (1987).Some typical features related to the frequency/period duality are also detailed.3.5.1The gradient least-squares algorithmThe main assumption which leads us to use such an optimization is to consider that starting from the large-scale parameter vector (see Section 3.4),the non-linearity of the problem is largely reduced.Hence,to infer the model space from the data space,a gradient least-squares algorithm is performed (Tarantola &Valette 1982a).The expression of the model (or parameter)at the k th iteration is given by p k =p 0+C p ·G T k −1· C d +G k −1·C p ·G T k −1−1· d −g (p k −1)+G k −1·(p k −1−p 0) ,(10)where C p and C d are the a priori covariance operators on parameters and data,respectively,p 0the starting model,and where G k −1=∂g (p k −1)/∂p k −1is the matrix of partial derivatives of the g function established in eqs (8)and (9).The indices related to p are now expressing the iteration rank and no longer the mode-branch radial order.De fining the k th image of the mis fit function byS (p k )=12[g (p k )−d ]T ·C −1d ·[g (p k )−d ]+(p k −p 0)T ·C −1p ·(p k −p 0) ,(11)the maximum-likelihood point is de fined by the minimum of S (p ).Minimizing the mis fit function is then equivalent to finding the best compromise between decreasing the distance between the data vector and the image of the parameter vector through the g function,in the data space on one hand (first part of eq.11),and not increasing the distance between the starting and the k th model on the other hand (second part of eq.11),following the covariances de fined in the a priori operators on the data and the parameters.3.5.2A priori data covariance operatorThe a priori covariance operator on data,referred to as C d ,includes data errors and also all effects that cannot be modelled by the g function de fined in eq.(8)and (9).The only way to really measure each data error and then to compute realistic covariances in the data space,would be to obtain exactly the corresponding seismogram in which the signal due to the seismic event is removed.Hence,errors over the data space are impossible to determine correctly.In order to introduce as little a priori information as possible,the C d matrix is computed with a constant value of 0.04(including data and theory uncertainties)for the diagonal elements and zero for the off-diagonal elements.In other words,this choice means that the phase velocity perturbations are expected to explain at least 80per cent of the recorded signal.3.5.3A priori parameter covariance operatorIn the model space,the a priori covariance operator on parameters,referred to as C p ,controls possible variations between the model vector components for a given iteration k (eq.10),and also between the starting and the k th model (eq.11).Considering that the phase velocity perturbation between two adjoining components (which are ordered according to increasing frequency values)of a given mode-branch do not vary too rapidly,C p is a non-diagonal matrix.This a priori information reduces the number of independent components and then induces smoothed phase velocity perturbation curves.A typical behaviour of our problem resides in the way the parameter space is discretized.In the matrix domain,the distance between two adjoining components is always the same,whereas,as the model space is not evenly spaced C 2003RAS,GJI ,155,289–307。
台风的描写作文英文回答:In the realm of celestial wonders, the typhoon standsas a force of nature both awe-inspiring and terrifying.This majestic meteorological phenomenon, characterized byits spiraling winds and torrential downpours, leaves an indelible mark on the landscape it traverses.At its core, a typhoon embodies a low-pressure system that draws in surrounding air masses. As these air currents converge, they spiral inward, gaining momentum and velocity. The resulting winds can reach speeds of up to 300kilometers per hour, creating a swirling vortex that resembles a gigantic whirlpool.The spiraling motion of the typhoon's winds creates a frictional effect that releases immense amounts of energyin the form of heat. This energy fuels the typhoon's convective processes, causing moist air to rise rapidly andcool, resulting in the formation of towering cumulonimbus clouds. These clouds produce the relentless downpours that accompany typhoons, often leading to widespread flooding and landslides.As the typhoon makes landfall, its fury unleashesitself upon the coastline. The relentless onslaught of winds and waves batters coastal structures, causing widespread damage to buildings, infrastructure, and natural ecosystems. Surge flooding, a devastating consequence of typhoons, can inundate low-lying areas, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.In its wake, a typhoon can leave behind a shattered landscape. Uprooted trees, stripped foliage, and flattened buildings bear witness to the immense power of this natural force. However, even amidst the devastation, there is also a sense of renewal. The heavy rains带来的d by the typhoon can provide much-needed moisture to parched land, replenishing water tables and promoting the growth of new vegetation.中文回答:台风,是大自然界令人敬畏又可怕的力量。
分类号:密级:U D C :编号:工学硕士学位论文固体火箭发动机内涡脱落现象的大涡模拟硕士研究生:李鹏飞指导教师:贺征副教授学位级别:工学硕士学科、专业:航空宇航推进理论与工程所在单位:航天与建筑工程学院论文提交日期:2012年12月18日论文答辩日期:学位授予单位:哈尔滨工程大学Classified Index:U.D.C:A Dissertation for the Degree of M. EngLarge eddy simulation of vortex shedding forsolid rocket motorCandidate: Li PengfeiSupervisor: Associate Prof. He ZhengAcademic Degree Applied for: Master of EngineeringSpecialty:Aerospace Propulsion theory and Engineering Date of Submission: Dec. 18, 2012Date of Oral Examination:University: Harbin Engineering University哈尔滨工程大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:本论文的所有工作,是在导师的指导下,由作者本人独立完成的。
Helicopter CFD Test and Report
Test and ReportName:王普缘Student ID:SX1501197Q1. Please describe the possible types of aerodynamic interactions that might be found on X2 in forward flight and hovering flight. Considering the possibility of both steady and unsteady flow effects. Discuss design options that could be used to alleviate any adverse interaction effects. 【此题各个部分均需要插入图片】A1.1.Aerodynamic interactions:In many cases, the aerodynamic interactions are benign, but in some flight conditions the interactions may be deleterious. The primaryinteractional effects are produced on the fuselage and empennage of the helicopter. Yet, the aerodynamics and performance of the tailrotor are also subjected to interactional aerodynamic effects. Tailrotor operation is strongly influenced by the presence of the main rotor wake, the downstream turbulence from the main rotor hub, and also from the influence of the vertical and horizontal tails.1)Hovering flight:上下旋翼●Rotor-Fuselage InteractionsIn the quest for more compact, lighter, faster, and moremaneuverable helicopters, current design trends are movingtoward the use of higher rotor disk loadings and smallerrotor-fuselage spacing. The stronger blade tip vortices andhigher downwash velocities intrinsically associated withsmaller rotor operated at higher disk loadings mean thatstronger aerodynamic interactions between the rotor and thefuselage may be produced. The rotor wake will envelop a good part of the fuselage in hovering. While vortex impingementphenomena are localized on the airframe, the intenseunsteady airloads produced can contribute significantly tooverall helicopter vibration levels. Other unsteady airloads areproduced each time a blade passes over the fuselage, whichcreates an abrupt pressure pulse over a substantial part of theairframe. These pressure pluses can lead to low-frequencyairframe and rotor vibrations that have considerable intensity.A reciprocal effect of the fuselage may occur on the rotor,where the blade airloads and rotor performance are changed.2)Forward flight:●上下旋翼●Rotor-Fuselage InteractionsThe rotor wake will envelop a good part of the fuselage inlow-speed forward flight. In forward flight thefuselage-induced upwash velocities can provide a perturbationto the aerodynamic angles of attack over the front of the rotordisk, which can significantly affect the blade airloads and netrotor response.Rotor-Empennage InteractionsThe interactions between the main rotor wake and theempennage (horizontal and vertical stabilizers and the tailrotor) are known to be particularly significant. The horizontalstabilizers of the helicopter continue to be hounded by mainrotor wake interaction problems. The turbulent rotor hub wakecan have a considerable influence on the flow environment atthe empennage location at high advance ratios. Thisturbulence has been known to cause lateral buffering or “tailshake” on some helicopters, which is only cured by suitablestreamlining downstream of the rotor hub.2.Design options to alleviate it:In the quest for more compact, lighter, faster, and moremaneuverable helicopters, current design trends are moving toward the use of higher rotor disk loadings and smaller rotor-fuselagespacing. In addition, cutting down on rotor hub drag in forward flightis one strong motivation to use reduced rotor-fuselage spacing.Q2. The phenomena of airfoil dynamic stall are often studied by analysis methods and experimental methods, if dynamic stall occurs on a helicopter rotor, please describe the phenomena difference.A2.Stall occurs at low flight speeds for a fixed-wing aircraft. Stall on a helicopter rotor will occur at relatively high airspeeds as the advancing and retreating blades begin to operate close to the limits where the flow can feasibly remain attached to the airfoil surfaces. In the periodically varying aerodynamic environment of the rotor in forward flight, stall occurs on the retreating blade. This stall phenomenon of forward flight is often called stall flutter as well. Because of the flow axisymmetry, stall of a hovering rotor occurs as a limit cycle torsional oscillation of the blade, called stall flutter. Dynamic stall is a flow phenomenon of rotor blades that involves large-scale, unsteady viscous effects. When dynamic stall does occur, it is more severe and more persistent than static stall, with a large amount of hysteresis. The character of dynamic stall is determined primarily by the maximum angle-of-attackduring the oscillation. The key characteristics of dynamic stall are the delay of the occurrence of stall and the vortex shed from the leading edge. Rotor stall produces a significant vibration of the helicopter, which serves as a signal to the pilot of the onset of stall. There are important three-dimensional and unsteady phenomena for the rotor wing. The physics of flow separation and the development of stall have beenshown to be fundamentally different from the stallmechanism exhibited by the same airfoil under static(quasi-static) conditions. Dynamic stall is, in part, distinguished by a delay in the onset of flow separation to a higher AoA than would occur statically. This initial delay in stall onset is obviously advantageous as far as the performance and operational flight envelope of a helicopter rotor is concerned. However, when dynamic flow separation does occur, it is found to be characterized by the shedding of a concentrated vertical disturbance from the leading edge region of the airfoil. As long as this vortex disturbance stays over the airfoil upper surface, it acts to enhance the lift being produced. Yet, the vortex flow pattern is not stable, and vortex is quickly swept over the chord of the blade by the oncoming flow. This produces a rapid aft movement of thecenter of pressure, which results in large nose-down pitching moments on the blade section and an increase in torsional loads on the blades. Nonlinearities in the airloads associated with dynamic stall can introduce further effects that give rise to dangerously high blade stresses, vibrations, and controlloads.【此处插入图片】Q3. The rotor is one key component of helicopter, and designing an advanced rotor with high efficiency (high FM in hover and high L/D in forward flight) is an important task for the helicopter aerodynamicist. Please describe some passive and active design methods for improving the aerodynamic performance of rotor.A3.Q4. Describe several helicopter aerodynamic theories or methods, and give the advantages and disadvantages of these aerodynamic theories.A4.1)Momentum TheoryMomentum theory applies the basic conservation laws of fluidmechanics (conservation of mass, momentum, and energy) to the rotor and flow as a whole to estimate the rotor performance.【此处插入图片】Advantages: What momentum theory provides is an estimate of the induced power requirement of the rotor and of the idealperformance limit. The task of the analysis is to find the inducedvelocity and power for a given thrust.Disadvantages: The induced velocity is assumed to be uniform over the rotor disk. Momentum theory is a global analysis, which provide useful results but cannot alone be used to design the rotor. Thetheory relates the overall flow velocities to the total rotor thrust and power. Momentum Theory is not concerned with the details of the rotor airloads or flow, and hence is not sufficient for designing the blades. The actual induced power is therefore larger than themomentum theory result because of the nonuniform and unsteady induced velocity.2)Blade Element TheoryBlade element theory calculates the forces on the blade caused by its motion through the air, and hence the forces and performance of the entire rotor. 【插入图片】Advantages: Blade element theory is the foundation of most analyses of helicopter aerodynamics because it deals with the detailed flow and loading of the blade and hence relates the rotor performance and other characteristics to the rotor design parameters.Disadvantage: Each blade section is assumed to act as atwo-dimensional airfoil to produce aerodynamic forces, with theinfluence of the wake and the rest of the rotor contained entirely in an induced angle-of-attack at the section. The solution thus requires an estimate of the wake-induced velocity at the rotor disk, which is provided by momentum theory, vortex theory, or nonuniform inflow calculations.3)Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT)The blade element momentum theory for hovering rotors is a hybrid method and combines the basic principles from both the bladeelement and momentum theory approaches.Advantages: The principles involve the invocation of the equivalence between the circulation and momentum theories of lift. With certain assumptions, the BEMT allows the inflow distribution along the blade to be estimated. While the BEMT theory is by no means complete, it paves the way for initial studies in rotor design to meet somespecified set of requirements. It is the ability to help design the rotor from the onset that gives these methods great practical utility, and they can also be used as check cases for other and more advanced types of methods.Disadvantages:4)Vortex Theory:Vortex theory uses the Biot-Savart law for the velocity induced by the wake vorticity. Vortex theory is a rotor analysis that calculates theflow field of the rotor wake, in particular the induced velocity at the rotor disk, by using the fluid dynamic laws governing the action and influence of vorticity (the Biot-Savart law, Kelvi n’s theorem, andHelmholtz’s laws). 【插入图片】Advantages: Vortex theory is better suited than momentum theory to extensions of the model (such as to a nonuniform disk loading), since it is based on a consideration of the local flow characteristics rather than global properties.Disadvantages: Because of the fundamentally transcendentalgeometry of the rotor wake, integration to evaluate the inducedvelocity for such a model must be performed numerically. The result is a large numerical problem, which became practical to solve only with the availability of high-speed digital computers for helicopter engineering.Q5. According to your major or research topic in your master thesis, describe or give the corresponding aerodynamic method in detail which will be employed in the future.A5.。
Process Intensification through Microreaction Technology
D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014get away from traditional strategies in chemical engineering. In the following,a comprehensive analysis covering these aspects will be given.2.EFFECT OF MINIATURIZATION ON UNIT OPERATIONS AND REACTIONS 2.1.Enhancement of Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer Processes Diffusion,thermal conductivity,and viscosity are physically similar phenomena that involve the transport of a physical quantity through a gas or liquid. The driv-ing forces for the corresponding transport fluxes of mass,energy,and momentum are the gradients in concentration,temperature,and velocity,respectively,where in all three cases the fluxes are in the same direction as the gradients. For given differences in these properties,a decrease in the characteristic dimensions results in an increase in these gradients and,correspondingly,in higher mass and heattransfer rates as well as in higher viscous losses. Accordingly,mixing and heat exchange systems with extremely high transfer rates per unit volume can be real-ized by miniaturization; on the other hand,however,the effect of viscous losses has to be taken into account.Besides the effect of decreasing linear dimensions on the corresponding gradients,the effective surface area for exchange processes has to be considered.With decreasing characteristic dimensions,the surface-area-to-volume ratio of F IGURE 1Evolutionary development through process intensification.D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014F IGURE 2Microreactor for parallel screening of catalysts for partial oxidation of methane.(Source:D. Hönicke, TU Chemnitz.)Copyright © 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved.D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014Nevertheless,if the solid particles are small enough,they will have no nega-tive effect on the operation of a microreactor. On the contrary,microreactors can even produce pigments of higher quality,i.e.,smaller size and better uniformity,than macroscopic devices. This positive result was obtained experimentally at Clariant Company; consequently,a microreactor pilot plant for pigment production is under construction (14). By means of highly efficient micromixers,Siemens Axiva Company succeeded in improving the synthesis of acrylate resins. They could avoida detrimental portion of high-molecular-weight resin and,consequently,fouling of the main continuously operating reactor. Evidently,there are at least concrete chances to get around some of the problems resulting from small characteristic dimensions.There is,of course,no possibility of avoiding all problems inherently con-nected with small dimensions. For instance,gravitational forces cannot be efficiently utilized to transport fluids at small characteristic dimensions,since the effects of F IGURE 3Micro heat exchanger produced by means of mechanical micromachining. (a) Platelet with grooves of 30-m depth and 70-m width.(b) Assembly of crossflow heat exchanger. (c) Final devices. (Source:Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe.)D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014surface forces might far exceed those of mass or bulk forces. This problem is immediately evident when regarding the reflux in a miniaturized distillation col-umn or the settler in a micromixer/microsettler system. To some extent,rotating devices can be applied and centrifugal forces can be utilized for material transport.This approach has been demonstrated successfully in microfluidic systems,but it is not a general solution. Consequently,other methods for phase separation are required for miniaturized process devices,such as microfiltration to break emulsions and the utilization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces or capillary effects.Finally,surface effects will become more and more dominant in chemical reac-tions when the characteristic dimensions are reduced,which may produce advan-tages or disadvantages,depending on the respective type of reaction.2.3.Consequences for the Selection of Reaction Routes and Plant Design The extreme enhancement in mass and heat transfer rates through miniaturization of process devices results in fundamentally novel design possibilities with respect to selecting alternative reaction routes and plant design. In contrast to macro devices like large stirring tanks,the starting conditions for a chemical reaction can be set precisely with respect to time and concentration because of the much faster mixing of educts in a micromixer. The reaction starts at precisely defined time and position with a spatially uniform composition. Thus,unfavorable reaction conditionsF IGURE 4Micromixers. (a) Interdigital structure of a multilamination micro-mixer. (b) Principle of split-and-recombine static micromixers. (Source:IMM.)D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014F IGURE 5Process intensification by setting the optimum residence time.D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014it is evident that an extremely short response time is a further inherent advantage of microreaction devices with respect to process control.As a result,there is a unique chance to utilize alternative reaction routes for chemical synthesis that so far have not been applied commercially,for reasons of safety or difficulties in process control or because it is fundamentally impos-sible to realize such reaction routes using macroscopic devices. This is the case,in particular,for controlled reactions in the explosive regime (Figure 6) (15). This is accessible by means of microreaction devices,since,due to their small characteris-tic dimensions,they act like flame retention baffles. Moreover,the small dimen-sions allow reactions to be performed at extremely high pressure,which is of importance for chemical processes using supercritical solvents.2.5.Sustainable Development by Numbering-Up and Distributed Production The safety problems connected with the storage of large quantities of educts and products remain,of course,unchanged when a conventional plant is replaced by amicroreaction plant with the same production capacity. Nevertheless,this problem may be reduced by replacing a large plant by several small plants for distributed production. In contrast to conventional plants with macroscopic process devices,where scale-up usually results in a considerable reduction of specific investment costs,microreaction plants may instead profit from the mass production of micro-devices in reducing specific investment costs. Scale-up for achieving the desired production capacity can be done only at one site,while a plant comprising a large F IGURE 6Explosion-proof continuous synthesis in the explosive range. The reaction system consists completely of flame-retarding microchannels.D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014number of identical chemical microdevices according to the numbering-up concept can be split up for production at several sites. As a result,microreaction technology may contribute to the strategy of sustainable development by saving resources due to a higher yield and,in particular,by flexible production on site and on demand.There are a number of further advantages to the numbering-up concept.Research results can be transferred into production faster,plants can be constructed in a shorter time,and the production capacity can be adjusted more flexibly to variations in demand. Since mass production of microdevices may result in rela-tively a low cost per piece,novel cost-saving maintenance and repair concepts based on disposable elements might be introduced.3.FROM BASIC PROPERTIES TO TECHNICAL DESIGN RULES In contrast to microelectronics,where extremely powerful software tools and detailed design rules exist for the development of ultralarge-scale integrated cir-cuits,there are no corresponding comprehensive means in microreaction technol-ogy available to date. Such design tools should comprise mathematical modeling of flow and chemical reactions in miniaturized systems as well as specifications for suitable materials and simulation of manufacturing processes applicable to the respective microreaction devices.Since it will take several years to realize such an integral software toolbox,individual approaches with separate steps have to be applied to meet gradually the requirements of microreactor design. Standard software for computational fluid dynamics is directly applicable in this context,and there are also powerful software tools for the simulation of special steps in microfabrication processes. However,there has been rather little experience with materials for microreactors,optimiza-tion of microreactor design,and,in particular,the treatment of interdependent effects. Consequently,a profound knowledge of the basic properties and phenom-ena of microreaction technology just described is absolutely essential for the suc-cessful design of microreaction devices.For instance,proper design rules must take into account that mixing and heat exchange systems with extremely high transfer rates per unit volume can be realized via miniaturization but that an increase in viscous losses may counter-balance the positive effects. Accordingly,suitable figures of merit must be definedfor micromixers and micro heat exchangers that consider the ratio of mass or heat fluxes to pressure losses. However,the value of such a figure of merit should be always considered in context with further boundary conditions of the process and the interdependence of several process properties. Decreasing the characteristic dimensions of a system results,as already explained,in a reduction in the material holdup and a simultaneous enlargement of the surface-area-to-volume ratio of the system. These aspects also determine the speed of mixing and heat transfer and,D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014consequently,the degree of miniaturization required in a specific case. Such aspects have to be considered for a favorable design of a microreaction system; in some cases,extremely small dimensions are not necessary to avoid unfavorable re-action conditions resulting from hot spots or thermal runaway effects.If large amounts of materials have to be transported,a favorable design should instead consider large pumps rather than arrangements with many micropumps,which,in most cases,are commercially unattractive for cost reasons and technic-ally less suitable because of their comparatively low efficiency.4.MICROFABRICATION OF REACTIONAND UNIT OPERATION DEVICES4.1.General RequirementsSince the production of chemicals in a continuous process is inevitably connected to a transport of material,three-dimensional microfabrication processes are required in order to realize sufficiently large cross sections for channels and ducts as well as reaction volumes. Meanwhile,a wide variety of such processes as well as design and test methods exist that all essentially originated from either semicon-ductor technology or precision engineering. Thin-film methods,applied to a large extent in semiconductor technology,are less suitable for the generation of three-dimensional microreaction devices but are widely used for surface processing and protection as well as for manufacturing sensor elements.Because of the extremely wide variety of reactions,educts,products,and process conditions,a sufficiently broad spectrum of materials is required to realize suitable microdevices for chemical processes. Metals and metal alloys,plastics,glass,ceramic materials,semiconductor materials like silicon,and various auxil-iary materials for sealing,surface treatment,etc. have been successfully applied for realizing microreaction devices.Besides such basic aspects concerning the shape of and materials for micro-reaction devices,costs play a major role in the selection of a microfabrication process. In this respect,the number of pieces and the precision that is really required,as well as aspects like availability and manufacturing experience,must be taken into account. In contrast to the situation some years ago,the prerequisites for cost-effective mass fabrication as well as small-scale production or rapid prototyp-ing have essentially changed. Modern commercial equipment for the production of microdevices is available that allows unreliable and uneconomic laboratory-scale manufacturing devices to be replaced.Mathematical modeling of the device function may also help to cut costs,since it allows more realistic specifications to be worked out with regard to func-tional requirements. In addition,mathematical modeling of the process sequence for microfabrication and assembly will be useful for cost saving. Such hard and D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014F IGURE 7Double-deflecting micronozzle for aerodynamic separation of ur-anium isotopes manufactured by LIGA technology from nickel. The smallest characteristic dimensions achieved in such devices are below 10 m. (Source:Institute of Nuclear Process Engineering at the former Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center, now Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Siemens.)D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014realized. Besides silicon,there has been very little manufacturing experience with other monocrystalline,inevitably very expensive,materials. C onsequently,wet chemical anisotropic etching is in general not very attractive for manufacturing chemical microdevices because of strong restrictions with respect to shape and material. Nevertheless,the technological expenditure is low,and material prob-lems can also be solved via the deposition of protection layers. A number of microfluidic devices have been manufactured by means of this method,such as micropumps,microvalves,and flow-distribution systems.Besides anisotropic etching of monocrystalline materials,another wet chemical etching process exists that uses a special type of photosensitive glass (19).A wafer consisting of such glass is irradiated through a mask with UV light and subsequently heated to a temperature between 800 and 900 K. This results in a crystallization of the irradiated regions that can be dissolved much faster in hydro-fluoric acid than the nonirradiated parts. This method has been successfully applied to produce microreaction devices such as mixers,heat exchangers,and micro titer plates from glass.Precise microstructures with nearly any cross-sectional shape can be gen-erated by means of anisotropic plasma-etching methods,where again silicon is the most important and proven material (18,20). Usually,a mask pattern is transferredinto a thin layer consisting of a material resistant to plasma etching on a silicon F IGURE 8Microetched foil of stainless steel for manufacturing micro heat exchangers by stacking and diffusion welding. (Source:Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik,Ätztechnik Herz.)D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014wafer. Subsequently,silicon is etched by means of a fluorine-containing low-pressure plasma that generates gaseous silicon compounds.In order to generate microstructures with an extremely high aspect ratio,the directed etching process is connected with a subsequent deposition process from the plasma where the walls oriented in parallel to the etching direction are covered with a plasma polymer resistant to the reactive plasma (21). By means of multiple repetition of directed etching and side wall passivation,channels and other structures with nearly vertical walls can be realized; accordingly,extremely high aspect ratiosare achievable for nearly any cross-sectional shape (Figure 9).F IGURE 9Channel structure of a phase separator generated by ASE deep etching of silicon. (Source:IMM.)D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014in EDM are extremely low. The disadvantages of micro EDM are a relatively large surface roughness,limitations in miniaturization because of the finite size of the electrodes and the spark gap in the electrical discharge,and very long machining times,so this method is essentially used to manufacture mold inserts or prototypes.The methods of mechanical micromachining and micro EDM have been extensively applied to the fabrication of components such as micro heat exchangers,mixers,and reaction channels as well as chemical microsystems with integrated heat exchange,reaction,mixing,and distribution elements (Figure 10).4.6.Micromachining by Means of Laser Radiation Microfabrication by means of laser radiation covers a wide range of different methods (24,25). On the one hand,these are processes where material is removed in an intense electromagnetic field by melting,evaporation,decomposition,photo-ablation,or a combination of these phenomena. On the other hand,generating processes exist where structures are built up from liquid resins,laminated layers,or powders using,e.g.,photochemically induced crosslinking of organic compoundsF IGURE 10Micromixing element generated by microelectrodischarge machin-ing. (Source:Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik, Zumtobel.)D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014F IGURE 11Part of a static micromixer manufactured by laser ablation from aluminum oxide. (Source:Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik, Heidelberg Instruments Microtechnologies.)D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014Following the development route of miniaturization in the life sciences,the implementation of microreaction technology in combinatorial material develop-ment has been very successful. Companies like Symyx,located in Silicon Valley,whose business is based on the highly effective synthesizing and screening of a huge number of chemical compounds,have demonstrated that faster development and cost savings are achievable by means of microreaction devices. Not only can the amount of reactants,auxiliary substances,waste,energy,and space be mini-mized,but all the other advantages of microreaction devices mentioned earlier can also be favorably utilized (see,e.g.,Ref. 27). The research work of such companies is focused on more efficient catalysts,new polymers,high-performance phosphors for illumination,and,of course,drug development and many other substances.Promising work in this direction is also being done at universities and govern-ment research centers (7,8,26,28).Researchers at BASF have shown that microreactors can be utilized that give access to operating conditions that cannot be realized by means of macroscopic equipment. They succeeded in improving yield and selectivity in a highly exother-mal two-phase reaction in connection with the synthesis of a vitamin precursor.At Degussa company,a microreactor test facility for proprietary reactions is under construction. The major focus in this context is the implementation of microreaction devices as powerful tools for process development and,in particu-lar,for the evaluation of new reaction panies like Clariant and Merck use microreactors for production,and they are obviously convinced that the ultimate development of process intensifi-cation leads to microreaction technology. In contrast to other companies,ClariantF IGURE 12Microreaction technology aims at production of (a) information,(b) tools for process development, and (c) chemicals.D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014has reported about its work and its promising progress (14). Researchers at Clariant assume that about 15% of future production facilities will be based on micro-reaction technology.However,microfabrication methods that are usually unfamiliar to chemical engineers have to be introduced to profit comprehensively from microreaction technology. This transition from standard manufacturing methods of plant com-ponents to the development and production of microdevices is also inevitablyconnected with the application of special materials that are not yet proven in chem-ical engineering. In addition,novel design rules that have not existed until now should be implemented for the long term to speed up the development of novel devices.Essential progress is to be expected from the introduction of so-called modular microreaction systems. The system developed by Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik comprises single functional elements for reactions,unit operations,transport,F IGURE 13Modular microreaction system consisting of functional elements for reactions and unit operations arranged on a base plate. The cube-shaped modules of stainless steel with built-in microstructures have a side length of 25 mm and can be operated at pressures up to 100 bar. (Source:Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik.)D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014F IGURE 14Roadmap of microreaction technology for novel process routes and efficient production.D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014and operation of microreaction plants,and finally to demonstrate real commercial success. Meanwhile,a lot of effort has gone in this direction,but there is still a multitude of tasks to solve until decisionmakers will be convinced enough of the commercial prospects of microreaction technology to accept the inevitable finan-cial risks of technological progress.REFERENCESA comprehensive overview of the international development work on microreaction tech-nology can be found in the Proceedings of the International Conferences on Microreaction Technology ,which are listed in the following.Ehrfeld W,ed. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Microreaction Technol-ogy. Berlin:Springer,1998.Ehrfeld W,Rinard I,Wegeng R,eds. Process Miniaturization:2nd InternationalConference on Microreaction Technology,IMRET 2; Topical Conference Preprints.AIChe,New Orleans,1998.Ehrfeld W,ed. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microreaction Technol-ogy. Berlin:Springer,2000.Rinard I,ed. 4th International Conference on Microreaction Technology. Topical Confer-ence Proceedings. AIChE Spring National Meeting,Atlanta,GA,March 5–9,2000.Matlosz M,Ehrfeld W,Baselt JP,eds. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference onMicroreaction Technology. Berlin:Springer,2001.Rinard I,ed. 6th International C onference on Microreaction Technology,C onferenceProceedings. AIChe Spring Meeting,New Orleans,March 10–14,2002.The literature cited in this contribution is listed here.1.Ehrfeld W,Ehrfeld U,Kiesewalter S. Progress and profit through microtechnologies.Proceedings VDE World Microtechnologies Congress,MICRO.tec,V ol. 1,2000:9–17.2.Market Analysis for Micro Systems II,2000–2005. A NEXUS Task Force Report,2002.3.Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Förderkonzept Mikrosystemtechnik 2000ϩ,Bonn,Germany,Jan 2000.4.Stankiewicz AI,Moulijn JA. Process intensification:transforming chemical engin-eering. Chem Eng Prog 2000; (Jan):22–33.5.Green A,Johnson B,John A. Process intensification magnifies profits. 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Ultraprecision machining of microcomponents. In:Weck M,ed. Proceed-ings of the International Seminar on Precision Engineering and Microtechnology,Aachen:European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology,July 2000.23.Michel F,Ehrfeld W,Koch O,Gruber H-P. EDM for microfabrication—technology and applications. In:Weck M,ed. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Precision Engineering and Microtechnology,Aachen,July 2000.24.Bremus E,Gillner A,Hellrung D,Höcker H,Legewie F,Poprawe R,Wehner M,Wild M. Laser processing for manufacturing microfluidic devices. In:Proceedings of the 3rd International C onference on Microreaction Technology. Berlin:Springer,2000:187–196.25.Gillner A,Klotzbücher T. Lasermikrobearbeitung. In:Ehrfeld W,ed. HandbuchMikrotechnik. München:Carl Hanser Verlag,2001:105–143.D o w n l o a d e d b y [P u r d u e U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r i e s ] a t 00:35 27 J a n u a r y 2014。
Comparisons betwen
Messina Bridge showed a good stability performance: the flutter threshold is well beyond the design wind speed of 62 m/s, moreover the bridge exhibits a low response to turbulent wind also at the design wind speed. These results have been used also for the evaluation of the dynamic wind load acting on the bridge. (iii) At the final stage of the research, as a further verification of the results of the previous steps, a 1:250 scale full bridge aeroelastic model was built and tested in the DMI Martin Jensen wind tunnel. The tests aimed at verifying the aerodynamic behaviour of the bridge in smooth and turbulent flow, investigating the problems involved with a 3-D turbulent wind field and the study of the dynamic response of the bridge for flow at different yaw angles: these aspects cannot be adequately investigated on section models. Finally the threshold of the flutter instability has been checked. The adoption of a full aeroelastic model allows also a further validation of the analytical model both for the evaluation of the flutter instability threshold and the response to turbulent wind. Due to the chosen scale (1:250), Reynolds effects were suspected to affect the results: tests on a 1:250 deck section model were carried out in order to verify and to match the 1:30 and 1:87 section model aeroelastic parameters considered as target values. The aim of this work is to present the tests performed on the full aeroelastic model at the DMI wind tunnel and to compare the results with the analytical predictions, focussing on two main topics: the influence of the turbulence on the aerodynamic parameters and the response to turbulent wind. The paper is organized as follows: brief outline of Messina Bridge project; description of the 1:250 aeroelastic full model and tests performed on the section models; description of the numerical model for the simulation of the response to turbulent wind; comparison between experimental and numerical results.
DOI:10.13602/j.cnki.jcls.2021.02.08·临床实验研究·粪便性状及分析前标本处理方式对钙卫蛋白检测结果影响探讨 作者简介:曾俊祥,1992年生,男,主治医师,硕士,研究方向为消化道自身免疫发病机制与临床。
曾俊祥,高莉梅,余悠悠,潘秀军(上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院检验科,上海200092)摘要:目的 探讨采样方式、离心条件等相关分析前因素对不同性状粪便的钙卫蛋白(fecalcalprotectin,FC)检测结果的影响,从而进一步优化粪便FC检测流程。
方法 收集在上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院进行粪便FC项目检测的粪便标本357例,按照布里斯托大便分类量表进行性状评估。
结果 (1)采样方式:商品化采样装置与称量法结果均存在一定偏差,在水样便和坚硬便的标本中尤甚,其中装置A所得结果较称量法所得结果平均偏移度为27.2%,装置B则达到57.5%。
结论 采样是FC检测分析前最重要也是最容易忽视的环节,对不同性状的粪便样本,采样装置的使用应有区别。
关键词:粪便钙卫蛋白;测定;影响因素中图分类号:R446.5 文献标志码:AInvestigationonimpactfactorsofshapecharactersstoolsamplesandpre analyticaltreatmentforfaecalcalprotectindetermi nationZENGJunxiang,GAOLimei,YUYouyou,PANXiujun(DepartmentofClinicalLaboratory,XinhuaHospital,ShanghaiJiaotongUni versitySchoolofMedicine,Shanghai200092,China)Abstract:Objective Toassesstheeffectsofimpactfactorsinpre analyticaltreatment,e.g.,extractionmethodandcentrifugationconditiononthetestresultsoffecalcalprotectin(FC)concentrationsinthestoolsampleswithdifferentshapecharactersinordertoop timizethedetectionprocessofFCmeasurement.Methods Atotalof357fecalspecimensfromXinhuaHospitalwerecollectedandtheshapecharactersofeachsamplewereestimatedaccordingtoBristolStoolClassificationScale.Thesampleswereextractedusingmanualweighingmethodandtwocommercialextractiondevicesrespectively.Theeffectsofpre analyticaltreatment,includingextractionmethodandcentrifugationconditions,onthetestedFCvalueswereevaluatedinthedifferentstoolsampleswithvariouscharactersandinter valsofFCvalue.Results (1)Extractionmethod:Twocommercialextractiondevicesledtounder recoveryofFCof27.2%indeviceAand57.5%indeviceBrespectivelyincomparisontomanualweighingmethod,especiallyforthesamplesofwateryandhardstool.(2)Centrifugationconditions:ThecentrifugalrevolutionsandtimehadnosignificantinfluenceontheresultsofFC.FCresultsaftercentrifugationwerelowerthanthosebeforecentrifugation,amongwhichthedifferencesinthehardstoolsampleswerethemostremarka ble.TherewasnostatisticallysignificantdifferenceforFCresultsofwaterysamplesbeforeandaftercentrifugation(P>0.05),butsig nificantdifferencewasfoundfortestedFCvaluesofothercharacterstoolsamplesobtainedbeforeandaftercentrifugation(P<0.05).ThetestedresultsofFCaftercentrifugationwereclosertothoseofweighingmethod.Conclusion Thehandlingofpre analyticalstoolsamplecollectionwasprovedtobethecrucialfactorcontributingtotheaccuracyofFCdetermination.Thestoolsampleswithdifferentshapetraitsshouldnotbetreateduniformlywithextractiondevices.Forthefeceswithdifferenttraits,theusedsamplingdevicesshouldbedifferent.Afterhandlingwithextractiondevice,thestoolsamplesshouldbecentrifugedroutinelyexceptwateryfeces.Keywords:fecalcalprotectin;measurement;influencingfactor粪便钙卫蛋白(fecalcalprotectin,FC)是一项较为理想的评估肠道黏膜炎症的非侵袭性标志物,目前被广泛用于炎症性肠病患者的鉴别诊断、病情评估及疗效监测等方面,从某种角度而言,FC的结果是临床治疗决策的重要条件,FC结果的误差往往会延误炎症性肠病患者尤其是患儿的治疗[1]。
1.合成甲烷水合物的拉曼光谱及其弹性波速度 [J], 伍向阳;段体玉;杨伟;孙樯;黄为清;张永
2.甲烷水合物勘探的BSR与洋流精细结构的同步成像 [J], Via Ramadlona;Chen How-Wei;张如伟;
3.海洋甲烷水合物BSR的地震研究 [J], Hyndman,RD;张光学
4.海底流体排出及甲烷水合物BSR形成机理 [J], Hynd.,RD;Davis,EE
5.南海北部神狐海域甲烷水合物BHSZ与BSR的比较研究 [J], 张毅;何丽娟;徐行;汪集旸
1.重量法与容量法测定明胶中SO2含量的对比实验 [J], 高亚敏
2.分光光度法与容量法测定CODCr值的对比实验 [J], 方新红;张颖;黄朝颜;吴欣
3.页岩容量法和重量法等温吸附实验对比研究 [J], 周尚文;李奇;薛华庆;郭伟;李晓波;卢斌
4.页岩和煤在容量法等温吸附实验中的误差对比 [J], 王瑞;杨晨曦;茹瀚昱;王鹏;杨叶
5.页岩和煤在容量法等温吸附实验中的误差对比 [J], 王瑞;杨晨曦;茹瀚昱;王鹏;杨叶
1.意大利牛舌草不同极性溶剂萃取物对大鼠缺氧/复氧心肌细胞氧化应激损伤作用的研究 [J], 马桂芝;滕亮;盖敏涛;万琪臻;代己果
2.不同吸氧流量对急性心肌梗死缺氧性损伤的作用研究 [J], 潘显芳
3.金莲花不同溶剂提取物抗心肌细胞缺氧/复氧损伤的谱-效关系研究 [J], 南敏伦;孙琦;杨振;司学玲;马春霞;白雪;赫玉芳
4.两种不同方法建立H9C2心肌细胞缺氧复氧损伤模型比较 [J], 杜玉颖;孟思妤;常莉;夏钰晰;赵韵茗;姚天明;郑红光
5.不同剂量参麦注射液治疗新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病合并心肌损害的临床研究 [J], 陈为兵;王少玲;李光华
1.两种组合预测模型在安徽货运量预测研究中的比较 [J], 李文婷;潘魏魏
2.海上溢油粒子追踪预测模型中的两种数值方法比较 [J], 龙绍桥;娄安刚;谭海涛;
3.两种预测模型在地下水动态中的比较与应用 [J], 张霞;李占斌;张振文;邓彦
4.小剂量测试性团注与团注追踪触发两种增强延迟扫描技术在肺动脉血管造影中的应用比较 [J], 杨爱春; 陈邦文; 陈盈
5.两种组合预测模型在安徽货运量预测研究中的比较 [J], 李文婷;潘魏魏
为了对鄂尔多斯盆地东南部安塞地区延长组长9烃源岩有机碳进行测井评价,本文先立足于岩心分析实测w(TOC)资料,基于烃源岩对不同测井曲线的响应特征,运用多元回归模型、传统Δlog R模型以及Δlog R模型的改进型和广义型,分别建立烃源岩w(TOC)测井定量预测模型;然后将这几种模型加以分析和组合运用,从改进Δlog R模型中提取拟合叠合系数应用到两种广义Δlog R模型的计算当中,应用效果良好;最后对模型进行对比和优选,提出最适合研究区的烃源岩w(TOC)测井定量预测模型。
结果表明:考虑密度的广义Δlog R模型准确度最高,平均相对误差为7.78%;多元回归模型次之,平均相对误差为9.65%。
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2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Understanding the complicated unsteady aerodynamics of a wind turbine1–3 is very important to predict accurately its blade loads and power output. However, the aerodynamics of a wind turbine are extremely complicated, and as of yet are not well understood2, 4 or easily predictable.5, 6 It is known that the operation of wind turbines involves the creation of three-dimensional, unsteady aerodynamic forces on the rotating blades. Compounding the prediction of these forces are effects such as atmospheric turbulence, the ground boundary layer, directional and spatial variations in wind shear, and the effects of an upstream support structure (tower shadow).2, 4, 7 Over the last few decades, performance methods based on the blade element momentum (BEM) theory have been used predominantly to model the aerodynamics of wind turbines. BEM methods are simple and fast, but are strictly valid only for a limited range of flow conditions and break-down in the turbulent wake state (TWS) and the vortex ring state (VRS). Modified BEM methods have been used based on empirical corrections8–10 to overcome this limitation. However, these corrections are not applicable for all operating conditions and often fail at higher tip-speed ratios. Some of the limitations of the BEM methods have been addressed in Refs. 11 and 12. On the other hand, the FVM has been used extensively in rotorcraft research.13 However, despite the potential flexibility for use in wind turbine applications, the FVM has yet seen only limited use.14–16 Prescribed vortex wake models17, 18 have been used, but these methods are limited in their formulation by the unavailability of experimental data for wind turbine wakes over a full operating range. Sudden changes in the wind direction or turning the wind turbine out of the wind to limit the power captured, causes the wind turbines to operate in a yawed flow condition. This causes unsteady airloads on the blades. The BEM approach is often acceptably accurate for predicting the axisymmetric distribution of inflow in unyawed flow, but additional inflow estimates at the rotor disk are required to apply the BEM methods to yawed flows. This introduces empiricism into the calculations. Various linear inflow models19–21 have been used to approximate the inflow at the rotor disk in yawed flow, but most of these methods are valid only for small yaw angles. Recent developments of inflow models for yawed flow condition has been discussed by Snel.22 The coefficients of these inflow models are derived empirically from experiments19, 20 or numerical simulations21 and their applicability is limited to a restricted range of wind turbine operating conditions. Another shortcoming of the BEM methods is their inability to capture the transient behavior of the power output in yawed flow. However, in the FVM the induced velocities from the skewed wake in yawed flow can account for the time-accurate, asymmetric distribution of inflow over the rotor disk and no additional approximations are needed. This study compares the results from the BEM theory and FVM for a 2-bladed rotor with ideal twist for a range of tip-speed ratios. The various flow states of a wind turbine where BEM methods fail have been identified. A universal curve for the thrust and power coefficients has been derived. A FVM calculation for a wind turbine yawing out of the wind has also been performed. The ability of the FVM to account for the non-linearities involved in the turbulent wake state and yawed flow, shows the flexibility and robustness of the FVM to capture the time-accurate aerodynamic response of a wind turbine.
BEM FVM NWS TSR TWS VRS WBS Blade-element momentum Free-vortex method Normal working state Tip-speed ratio Turbulent wake state Vortex ring state Windmill brake state
a a A c Cl Clα CP CPhel CPwt CT CThel CTwt Dψ Dζ F Froot
∗ †
Axial induction factor, vi /V∞ Tangential induction factor, vt /Ωr Area of the rotor disk, m2 Blade chord, m Lift coefficient Sectional lift curve slope, rad−1 3 Power coefficient, P/ 1 2 ρAV∞ Helicopter power coefficient, P/ρA(ΩR)3 3 Wind turbine power coefficient, P/ 1 2 ρAV∞ 2 Thrust coefficient, T / 1 2 ρAV∞ Helicopter thrust coefficient, T /ρA(ΩR)2 2 Wind turbine thrust coefficient. T /0.5ρAV∞ Temporal difference operator Spatial difference operator Prandtl loss factor Prandtl root loss factor