Sino-American Culture Difference(中美文化差异)

Sino-American Cultural Differences(中美文化差异)1. Americans don’t spit in restaurants or on the floors indoor even on the sidewalk. If you must spit, spit into a trash can.2. No pushing. When waiting in line, don’t push your way to the front. Wait in an orderly fashion.3. While eating, chew your food with your mouth closed.4. Don’t take things out of your mouth and put them on the table. If you have to take some food out of your mouth put it in your napkin.5. Don’t litter. L ittering may incur a fine of up to 40,000RMB. This includes anything, even candy wrappers.6. American names are GIVEN NAME then FAMILY NAME. Americans will introduce themselves by their first names, such as “Tom Edison”is called“Tom”.7. Don’t ask people about their salary without asking if its OK first.8. Don’t tell people they are fat people.9. Pointing is considered rude, don’t point.10. Don’t ask older women their age.11. Don’t make negative statements about racial minor ities. All people in America are equal. Americans are Americans regardless of skin color.12. All drinks will be served cold, including water. Boiled water is not common, but you can drink the water right from the tap.13. Don’t interrupt a person spea king.14. You can ask people or their parents what they do for a living (What job do they do?)15. Don’t talk in movie theaters.16. Americans need more personal body space than Chinese.17. Touching an American person while talking to them makes them very uncomfortable. Keep your hands to yourself until you get to know them.18. When same sex individuals hold hands, Americans think this is very strange. There is a lot of Homophobia in America.19. At streetlights wait for the light to change before crossing the street.20. It is very important for you to ask questions during class.。

Unit 1 Understanding Cultural Differences
Section 1 More Things to Do
Activity 1 Read More About Understanding Cultural Differences
Hospitality In the west, when a guest is invited to
dinner, he or she should arrive on time. Otherwise you should call in advance to inform your host or hostess of the delay. During a dinner conversation, it’s customary to compliment the hostess on thewonderful meal. But when being praised, an American hostess would say, “Oh, I’m so glad you like it. I cooked it especially for you!” While the Chinese host or hostess would instead apologize for not giving the guests anything decent to eat although there may be more than
Section 1 More Things to Do
At the dinner table: Westerners tend to arrive on time

M6 Unit3 Understanding each otherReading 1 Cultural differencesTeaching Analysis:This lesson is about th e conversation in a chatting room and focused on the cultural differences. Three students from China, Brunei and the UK have a discussion on the Tnternet about this issue. In this section, students will gain some information about the cultures of different countries and learn to communicate cross-culturally. The Reading strategy in this unit teaches students how to understand examples used in texts. Learning Aims1. Knowledge aim:Get more common sense about cultural differ ences2.Ability ai m: 1) Try to develop students’ ability of task based reading.2)Enable the students to master Reading strategy:understanding theuse of examples.3.Emotional aim: 1) Increase students’ awareness of the importance of understandingcultural differences2) Make students proud of our own cultureImportant points1.Help students improve the cultural awareness.2.Students are to finish the related task based assignments so as to develop their exactreading comprehension.Difficult points1.How to get students to participate the class activities actively.2.Try to help students present their ideas on the to pic.Teaching Methods1.Fast reading to identify the basic information2.Task reading as a brief summary of the topic.3.Discussion for cultural differencesTeaching Aids1.The multimedia2.The blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep1: Revision.Discuss the different greeting ways in different countries.Step2: Lead-inStudents have a discussion about cultural differencesStep3:Fast readingStudentsTick out the things shoes presents pointing USA/UK cultural differencesan American celebration color of clothingStep4: Detailed readingT/F questions1.Thanksgiving is celebrated by both Americans and the British people.2. In Italy, guests are expected to give presents to the newly-weds as a souvenir to remember the big day.3. It’s good manners for Americans as well as the British to open the prese nts as soon asthey receive them.4. In Brunei it is polite to point to someone with one’s first or index finger. Differences in wedding reception in Brunei?The ma n and the woman __________________.No ________.Play _______ for a long time, sometimes _______.Step5: Task reading_____1_____ differencesn all nightStep6: Reading strategy:understanding the use of examples1)_______________________________________________________2)________________________________________________________3)_______________________________________________________Step7. Summary____________________________________________________________________ Step8: DiscussionHow to understand each other better ? (behavior, respect...)Step9: homework1. Review what we have leant today.2. Preview the language points in this article.Unit 3 Understanding each otherReading 2 Language PointsT eaching aims:After learning this part, the students will be able to:1.retell the cultural differences mentioned in the passage;2.try to remember useful vocabulary and sentences;3.master them by doing some practice.T eaching procedures:Step 1: Revision &Lead-inFill in the blanks according the passage and try to retell the short passage:Mali has to do her homework on 1)_________ differences. So she goes to the student center to interview others and find some 2)____________ she needs.There is the same 3)__________ in the UK and the USA when they get presents. They like to open them as soon as they get them. There are many differences in wedding ceremony between different western and 4)__________ countries. In Korea, guests are surprised to find that they had a live5)________ and a 6)___________ which are supposed to 7)__________ bad spirits away from the wedding 8)__________. Hens are thought to 9)__________ luck for marriage.In Brunei, a male guests has to sit with the 10) ___________and the other men and a 11)_________ gu est has to be with the bride and the other women in a different area. What’s more, if you go to Brunei, you should point with your 12)_____ instead of your first finger, which can cause 13).__________.Bonfire Night is a 14)_________ that happens with plenty of fireworks. So remember when in Rome, do as the 15)_________ do.Step 2: Language points1. … and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage. (P34)ensure (ensured, ensured, ensuring)ensure success [safety, supplies] 保证成功[安全, 供应]1) I can't ensure his being on time. 我不能保证他的准时。
cultural difference

Time orientationThere are cultural variations in how people understand anduse time. Researchers have found that individuals are divided in two groups in the ways they approach time.Monochronic individuals are those who prefer to complete one task at a time. For them, task-oriented time is distinguished from socio-emotional time. In other words, there is a time to play and a time to work. These individuals value punctuality, completing tasks, and keeping to schedules. They view time as if it were linear, that is, one event happening at a time. Examples of monochronic cultures include the U.S., Israel, Germany, and Switzerland.Polychronic individuals, on the other hand, are moreflexible about time schedules; they have no problem integratingtask-oriented activities with socio-emotional ones. For them, maintaining relationships and socializing are more important than accomplishing tasks. These individuals usually see time in a more holistic manner; in other words, many events may happen at once. Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa are places where the polychronic orientation prevails.In certain cities in the U.S., it is not uncommon for us to find timetables or daily schedules for buses or trains. If the bus is to be at a certain stop at 10:09 PM, for example, one can expect that to happen at the designated time, give or take a minute.For polychronic individuals such precise timetables are mind-boggling, as many of them are simply used to going to the bus stop and waiting –not knowing whether they will be waiting for five or forty-five minutes. That is just the way things are.This difference in time orientation is reflected in the complaints of U.S. business people conducting business in Saudi Arabia or in Mexico, for example. A big source of frustration for them is the difficulty of getting through a meeting’s agenda. That is because in these countries meetings begin with an extended socializing time in which time is spent establishing social rapport – usually over many cups of coffee or tea.The context of communicationThis dimension has to do with the way people communicate with each other. Some cultures value a high context communication style while others value a low context style.In high context cultures, information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person. Behavioral rules are implicit; in other words, the context is supposed to give you the cues you need to behave appropriately. In these cultures, members tend to use a more indirect style of communication. Examples of societies that value this communication style include Japan, Korea, China, and many of the Latin American countries.In low context cultures, information is part of and conveyed through the verbal content of the communication. The rules and expectations are explained and discussed; individuals tend to prefer a more direct communication style. Examples of countries that would prefer this communication style include the United States and most European countries.In the U.S., for example, it is very common for college students to receive a course syllabus at the beginning of the semester. In it, students find detailed information such as the course description and learning objectives. It is not uncommon for the syllabus to also provide the instructor’s policies regarding attendance, course assignments, course preparation, how grades will be determined, and even a tentative course schedule. That is because, in a low context culture such as the U.S., expectations are often communicated directly to the individual. In a high context culture, students may not be given all this information directly. As a student, it is your job to find out what the rules and expectations are.Need another example? A quick look around campus will reveal signs such as the one at left.In high context cultures, this type of information is less likely to be displayed. There is no need for them to post a sign telling you to cleanup after yourself. The expectation is that you should know what to do in situations like this.Given the differences between high context and low context individuals, can you think of other potential sources of conflict or misunderstanding between them?Individualism versus CollectivismThis cultural dimension is concerned with the extent to which the welfare of the individual or that of the group is more valued in a society.In individualistic societies, the goals of individuals are valued more highly than the goals of the group. Individuals are rewarded for behaving independently, making their own plans, and working toward achieving their personal goals. In these societies, individuals are hired and promoted largely based on individual achievement and qualifications. Examples of individualistic societies include the United States and Northern and Western European countries.In collectivistic societies, on the other hand, the needs of the group are considered more important than those of the individual. In these societies, kinship ties are much stronger and may take precedence over expertise in matters of appointments and promotions. Collectivism is a value in Asian, African, as well as South American cultures.Take, for example, the case of arranged marriages, still common in countries such as India or Pakistan. In those cultures, marriages are times to form family alliances. You marry whomever your family chooses or whoever is best for the family. In the U.S., on the other hand, you marry whomever you choose, the implication being that it’s your decisio n and you choose the one best for you. In this case, the welfare of the individual takes precedence over the welfare of the family. The same can happen in your professional life. A student from a collectivistic culture may be sent to the U.S. to study whatever his/her government or company needs and not necessarily what he/she wants to pursue; whatever the group needs (i.e., country or company) takes precedence over what the individual wants.Given the differences between individualistic and collectivistic individuals, can you think of potential sources of conflict or misunderstanding between them?Differences in value orientation or “cultural baggage”When you visit another country, you take along a lot more than what is in your suitcase. You will also be carrying your “cultural baggage”.Your cultural baggage (or culture) is the collection of all the values, beliefs, concepts, and behaviors that you learned as a child and that will have a great effect on the way you see the world. Keep in mind that your cultural baggage is unique and will most certainly differ from that carried by members of your host culture.Cultures vary in many ways; we have discussed just a few of those ways. It’s important that you realize, though, that the cultural dimensions presented here do not apply to all individuals within a culture. An individual’s behavior may also vary depending on the situation. In other words, treat the differences discussed here as general guidelines and understand that there will always be individuals who don’t fit the dimensions discussed here.。
文化差异(Culture Difference)-社会 Society

文化差异(Culture Difference):社会 Society文化差异(Culture Difference):社会 SocietyThe United States , like other countries has its rich and poor people , its rich and poor neighborhoods.Americans love --- and many are themselves living exles of ---the "self -made man. " You will hear this expression often. But for every person who is successful. They are usually better educated tan their parents and therefore more likely to have good , well paying jobs.In addition to the fact that the United States includes people whose families originally came from many other parts of the world , Americans move across the nation in great numbers. One study reported that one of every five families in the United States moves every three years . This continuous mixing of people into new munities is an important observation to consider when trying to understand the meaning of class in America. We have already discussed the questioning , "do-it -yourself" American personality that is another important consideration.In many countries, a man's social class is determined at birth . That is , his social class or position is shared with his family , his wider group of relatives .In the United States , position in society is , to alarge degree, personal rather than related to family or group.Before World War Two, family ties were more important America than they are now . Uncles, aunts grandparents , and children vacationed together, spent holidays together, and saw much of each other. But as the American economy developed more rapidly after the war, social customsbegan to change. With the rapidly growing economy , there were new employment opportunities, many of them in scientific fields. These opportunities were often located in other parts of the country . The younger members of many families who were will educated began to move away from the towns where their families lived to tale these new jobs. As these young people became successful, they often moved into a new social stratum [1], consisting of others who, like themselves ,moved away from home tofollow job opportunities.These same changes are already happening in most new countries around the world . Today , a man who can reador fix a machine may bee the new leader of his munity in place of an older person. Often young people can better understand the new sciences and modern skills ; as these young people learn and advance , their wages rise andthey bee increasingly successful.Frequently ., it is just one member of a family that bees very successful. Other members continue working at their average jobs and salaries , without much chance of being as successful as the son or daughter. When this happens , people sometimes bee separated from their family. Many return to visit, but others move away neverto return to their relatives and old friends.To many people , success means having more power than one possessed before . It can be won through skill, knowledge , leadership, or sometimes just by hard work . In America, "success" has normally bee acpanied by an increase in wealth. As a result , an individual 's social position is determined bot by a person's job and by the kinds of possessions he owns .As we said , however, young people are in the process of developing different values and different ways to measure success.[1] stratum n. [地] 地层, [生](组织的)层, 社会阶层Excerpted from " A Guide to U.S.A. ", edited by Li Yang, Li Yi, published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.。

文化差异重要性的英语作文150词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Culture differences are super-duper important in our world, and we need to understand them to get along with each other better. Cultural difference means the different ways that people do things and think about stuff based on where they come from.First of all, knowing about other cultures helps us to be more respectful and open-minded. When we understand how other people see the world, we can appreciate their customs and beliefs, even if they are different from our own. This can help us to avoid being rude or making others feel uncomfortable.Secondly, learning about culture differences can help us to communicate better with people from different backgrounds. For example, some cultures are more direct in their communication style, while others are more indirect. By knowing about these differences, we can adjust our own communication style to make sure we are understood and not misunderstood.Thirdly, culture differences can also help us to solve problems and conflicts. When we understand why people dothings in a certain way, we can find common ground and work together to find solutions that are acceptable to everyone. This can prevent misunderstandings and help us to build stronger relationships.In conclusion, culture differences are super important because they help us to be more respectful, communicate better, and solve problems. So let's all be curious and open-minded about other cultures, and learn from each other to make our world a better place!篇2Culture difference is super duper important! It's like, a big deal! Just imagine if everyone in the world is the same, how boring would that be? We all have different backgrounds, traditions, and beliefs that make us who we are. It's like having different flavors in a big ice cream party!First of all, culture difference helps us learn about other people. Like, if you meet someone from a different country, you can learn all about their customs and traditions. It's like going on a super cool adventure and exploring a whole new world! You can try new foods, listen to different music, and even learn a new language. It's so much fun!Secondly, culture difference helps us understand and respect others. When we learn about someone else's culture, we can see things from their perspective. We can understand why they do certain things and why it's important to them. It's like putting on someone else's shoes and walking in them for a while. It helps us be more open-minded and tolerant towards others.Lastly, culture difference makes the world a more colorful and interesting place. Just imagine if everyone dressed the same, ate the same food, and celebrated the same holidays. It would be so blah! Our differences make us unique and special. It's like a big colorful rainbow with all the different cultures coming together to make the world a beautiful place.So, let's celebrate our culture differences and learn from each other. It's what makes the world so amazing and exciting! Let's embrace our diversity and spread love and understanding everywhere we go. Culture difference rocks!篇3Culture differences are like different flavors of ice cream! They make things more interesting and exciting. Just like how vanilla and chocolate are both yummy in their own way, different cultures bring diversity and uniqueness to the world.First of all, culture differences help us learn about new things. Imagine if we all ate the same food, wore the same clothes, and listened to the same music. Boring, right? But thanks to culture differences, we can try new foods like sushi from Japan, wear colorful clothes from India, and dance to salsa music from Latin America. It's like going on a fun adventure without leaving our own backyard!Secondly, culture differences teach us to be respectful and understanding. Sometimes we might not understand why people do things differently, but that's okay! Instead of judging, we should ask questions and try to understand their perspective. This helps us become more open-minded and accepting of others, no matter where they come from.Moreover, culture differences bring people together. Just like how a puzzle is made up of different pieces that fit together perfectly, people from different cultures can come together and create something amazing. Whether it's celebrating festivals, sharing traditions, or working on a project together, we learn that we are more alike than different.In conclusion, culture differences are like a big melting pot of different flavors and colors. They make the world a more vibrant and exciting place to be. So let's embrace and celebrateour differences because they are what make us unique and special!篇4Culture differences are super important, guys! They can affect so many different things in our lives and help us understand the world better. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, culture differences can help us learn about other people and their way of life. Imagine if everyone in the world did everything the same way, that would be so boring! But because of culture differences, we can see how people in different countries celebrate holidays, eat different foods, and even speak different languages. It's so cool to learn about all the different cultures in the world!Secondly, culture differences can help us appreciate diversity and be more accepting of others. When we understand that people have different backgrounds and beliefs, we can be more tolerant and respectful towards them. We can celebrate our differences and learn from each other to make the world a better place.Finally, culture differences can also help us grow as individuals. When we are exposed to different cultures, we canbroaden our perspectives and gain new insights about the world. We can become more open-minded and empathetic towards others, which can make us better global citizens.So, guys, let's embrace culture differences and learn from them. They are super important and can teach us so much about the world and ourselves. Let's celebrate diversity and make the world a more understanding and harmonious place for everyone!篇5Well, what's up guys! Today, I wanna talk about something super cool with you - the importance of cultural differences. I know it sounds kinda boring, but trust me, it's actually really interesting!So, like, cultural differences are basically all the different ways people in different countries do things. Like, how they eat, dress, celebrate holidays, and stuff like that. It's like a big mix of all the traditions and customs that make each country special and unique.And, like, why is it so important? Well, first of all, it helps us understand and appreciate other people and their ways of life. It's like getting a glimpse into someone else's world and realizingthat even though we might be different, we're all connected in some way.Second, cultural differences can also teach us a lot about ourselves. By comparing our own culture to others, we can see what makes us special and what we can learn from other cultures to improve ourselves.Plus, knowing about cultural differences can help us avoid misunderstandings and conflicts with people from other countries. Like, if we know that something we do might be considered rude in another country, we can make sure to be respectful and avoid offending anyone.So, yeah, cultural differences are super important, guys! They help us learn, grow, and connect with people from all over the world. So next time you meet someone from a different culture, take the time to learn about their traditions and customs. Who knows, you might just make a new friend and learn something new along the way!篇6Culture differences are super important, like, really really important! We can learn so much from other people's cultures and it helps us understand each other better. It's like, when weknow about different customs, traditions, and beliefs, we can respect and appreciate them more.When we learn about different cultures, we become more open-minded and tolerant. We can see things from different perspectives and it helps us to accept that not everyone is the same. It's so cool to learn about other countries and their way of life. Like, did you know in Japan, they bow as a way of greeting each other? It's so different from waving or high-fiving but it's still awesome!Another reason why culture differences are important is because it helps us to connect with people from all over the world. When we travel or meet someone from a different culture, we can show that we care by learning about their customs and traditions. It makes us feel like we belong and that we're all part of one big global family.So, let's embrace culture differences and celebrate them! Let's learn from each other, share our experiences, and respect each other's way of life. Because at the end of the day, we're all unique and special in our own way, and that's what makes the world such an amazing place to live in!。
中西文化差异 cultural differences PPT

Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) --- Addressing(称呼)
2、Addressing the superior or elders
In China: “title +surname”(头衔+姓)
Westerner:calling directly, namely, even first names(直呼姓名)
中西文化差异 cultural differences
Content (目录)
1、Food and tableware culture (餐桌文化) 2、Etiquette culture (礼仪文化) 3、Number and color differences (数字与
颜色不同) 4、Wedding differences(婚礼文化) 5、Education differences (教育)
In China
Death (死亡) Failure (失败) Decay (腐朽) Surrender (投降)
In western country
Elegance(高雅) Purity(纯洁) Integrity (正直) Honesty (诚实)
Lucky numbers(幸运数字)
Chinese tableware(中国餐具)
chopsticks(筷子) spoon(汤勺) bowl(碗)
Western tableware(西方餐具)
knife(刀) fork(餐叉) glass(酒杯) napkin(餐巾纸)
1、Greeting (打招呼) 2、Addressing (称呼) 3、Compliments and Response (称赞与回答) 4、Asking Personal Affairs (询问私人问题)

文化差异怎么写英文作文英文:Culture differences are something that we encounter every day, whether it's through interactions with people from different backgrounds or through exposure to different customs and traditions. These differences can be both fascinating and challenging, and they often shape the way we view the world and interact with others.One of the most significant culture differences I have encountered is the concept of time. In Western culture, time is often seen as something to be managed and utilized efficiently. Punctuality is highly valued, and being late for appointments or meetings is considered disrespectful. On the other hand, in some Eastern cultures, time is viewed more fluidly, and being a few minutes late is not a big deal. This has led to some misunderstandings and frustrations in my interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds.Another culture difference that I have noticed is the approach to communication. In some cultures, direct and assertive communication is valued, while in others,indirect and subtle communication is preferred. For example, in Western culture, it is common to express opinions and feedback openly and directly, while in some Asian cultures, it is more common to communicate indirectly to avoidcausing embarrassment or conflict. This has led to some misunderstandings and conflicts in my personal and professional relationships.Despite these challenges, I have come to appreciate and value the richness that culture differences bring to our lives. They provide us with the opportunity to learn from one another, broaden our perspectives, and become moreopen-minded individuals. By embracing and understanding culture differences, we can build stronger and moreinclusive communities.中文:文化差异是我们每天都会遇到的事情,无论是通过与不同背景的人交往,还是通过接触不同的习俗和传统。
Culture differences between Chinese and American

Intercultural CommunicationTitle:Culture Difference Between Chinese and Western Countries 学院:建设管理与房地产学院专业:房地产经营管理学号:20090813姓名:孙豪老师:杜瑾June 06th 2011Culture Difference Between Chinese and Western CountriesThesis statement: We all know the culture of Chinese and western countries can be totally different in many aspects.Now we will talk about some main culture differences between Chinese and western,and try to summarize some conclusion.PS:Because America is the representative country of western countries,we'll make a comparison between China and America.Outline:1. Introduction2. Comparison between Chinese culture and American culture in some aspects3. The questionnaire4. Reasons for the differences5. Conclusion6. Works citedCulture differences between Chinese and American1.IntroductionChina is a large country and with it developing faster and faster,the relationship between Chinese and western countries has been closer and closer.The chances to meet with foreigners have also been improved.Obviously,there are many cultural differences between American and Chinese can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including addressing, greeting and parting,compliments, apologies, thanks, etc.Now we will look at some cultural differences between China and America in a profound way on the basis of the statistics of questionnaire (the questionnaire is on page 2).1)Collectivism and Individualism2)Independence and Teamwork3)Table manners4)The concept of friendshipparison between Chinese culture and American culture in some aspects1)Collectivism and IndividualismBecause of the Chinese social system,Chinese attach importance to the families and the collectivism level,but America seems to take Individualism seriously.There are many ways showing us the difference,such as the movies,the teleplay,the news and so on.To sum up, Individual concepts Collectivism is more popular in China while individualism in America. Chinese often owe a success to a group. Facing praise, they appear very modest and say a lot of formulae. Under the similar circumstance, Americans are more likely to tend to individualism and will accept the praise directly.According to the questionnaire,57.3% Chinese students think that Collectivism is more important and only 12.5% think that Individualism is more important.2)Independence and TeamworkAs we all know,there is one sentence that A Chinese person can be a dragon,but two Chinese people will be two worms describing Chinese people.That means Chinese always do things on their own.However,American attend to cooperation with partner.Also,Chinese don't like to share their sadness or pain with other people,but when American were in trouble,they will ask friends or someone to help them handle it.Although this is on the one hand,we can summarize that Chineseprefer doing things on their own,while American like to do things in a team.According to the questionnaire,71.3% Chinese students like to do things on their own,14% believe that teamwork is more effective,and 14.7% think that it doesn't matter.80.9% Chinese students tend to handle difficulties by themselves,10% have no idea.3)Table mannersIn the class,we had learnt there are countless differences of manners between Chinese and American , especially the table manners.Firstly,the main difference on the Chinese dinner table is chopsticks instead of knife and fork.Secondly, in America, you have your own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares.Thirdly, in formal dinners, there are always "public" chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks , which is a sign of genuine friendship and politeness. It is always polite to eat the food. If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the st but not least,people in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is wasted.When you have had enough, just say so.Or you will always overeat.According to the questionnaire,30% Chinese students have little knowledge about the western countries' table manners,60% Chinese students give me equivocal reply,and only 10% Chinese students know about the manners well.4)The concept of friendshipFriendship In China, many people usually have a few friends though their life, but the friendship between them may last long.Friends are willing to help each other even anywhere anytime. In America, people may have many friends and acquaintances while their relations are not deep and they are changeable.American always say:"we are just friends."It seems to be so cold,but it's their culture.In China,Chinese make their circle of friends as small as possible,and last their friendship as long as possible.It seems to be random,but every friends will be selected elaborately.In fact, friendships in the US are ones where there are absolutely no obligations. Friends do not expect anything of each other.American would not ask a friend to take him/her to the airport, unless the friend was very, very close. Americans are often uncomfortable with the close reciprocity and obligation that friendship in other countries entails.Indeed, friends do not even visit or call at inconvenient times, even if the situation is urgent. And they feel free to refuse something, if it did not fit in with their plans.According to the questionnaire,19.7% Chinese students think that their friendship can only last for a short time,26.0% have no idea,54.3% believe that their friendship can lasts for a long time.3. The questionnaire中美文化差异调查问卷年龄:性别:1、你觉得集体荣誉重要还是个人荣誉重要?A) 集体荣誉B) 个人荣誉C)没什么概念D)都不重要2、你更喜欢一个人做事还是团队做事?A)一个人B)团队C)无所谓3、遇到困难,你倾向于一个人处理还是寻人帮助?A)一个人B)寻人帮助C)不知道4、你是否了解中西餐桌礼仪?A)是B)不是C)不确定5、你觉得你的朋友多么?A)很多B)一般C)不多不少D)很少6、你觉得你和朋友的友谊能维持多长时间?A)很短B)很长C)不确定4. Reasons for the differencesAmerican culture is unique because it is nurtured, formed and developed under certain conditions, which are characteristically American. The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world. What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture.1. Rough EnvironmentThe early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of American. The environment there was very rough but they believed the poor land could purify their mind so they chose the place along the coast. From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west. The American frontier consisted of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found in the western part of the country. The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom. Actually they looked for a better life. So individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage of American.2. Ethnic DiversityThe population of the United States includes a large variety of ethnic groups coming from many races, nationalities, and religions.People refer to the United States as "melting pot "and the dominant people are British. American is made up of WASP+MM, that is, White, Anglo Saxon, Protestants plus Middle Class and Male. In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to American three times. They brought their own culture to American and later on different cultures were mixed together. Thus the unique American culture is formed, a common cultural lifewith commonly shared values.3. Plural religionThe fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States. The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States. Christianity is the dominant religion in American and Protestant is predominate.Any individuals are equal before God and they believe they can communicate directly to God so they can share the same idea. Under the protestant, many new ones are formed and different explanations produce different sect of religion. Churches are independent and American religion is no longer religion seculars. The institution permits the practice of religion and the political power is separate form religion. So there are more religions in American than in other countries.4. Current influence:Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society. American family is typically parents and their unmarried children. Middle-aged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children. Many Americans live in mobile homes whose homes are built with wheels. They can be moved. The people in American have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place. Quite a number of people change residences every year. The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime. The courage to try something new has been an American characteristic. American democracy means majority rule, but it also means protection of minority rights. There are certain freedom which the United States promises to all its citizens and members of minority group cannot be denied these rights by a vote of the majority. Americans also like to be involved in many challenge activities and sports to show their adventurous spirits. All of these are affected by the heritage of the American history.5.ConclusionIn a word,there are so many differences between Chinese and American that they reflect the different path of social development.Chinese culture was affected by the feudal society,and now Chinese culture attach great importance to class level and the collectivism that called socialist society.American culture was cultivated, formed and developed by the main three factors, rough environment, ethnic diversity and plural religion.We should respect cultural diversity and we should respect what cause the cultural diversity; at the same time, we need to protect our own culture and language because they are a vital part of a nation.6.Works Cited/publish/portal0/tab451/info64972.htm:Why American Culture is Unique./share/detail/11738164:American Culture建管学院09房地产经营管理2班孙豪200908013。

30.take apart :拆开 take a watch apart tell sth apart : 区分, 分别… apart from =except / besides除了…之外(还有)
Eg : Let’s take the radio apart and see what’s wrong with it. I can’t tell the twins apart . I can’t __ Jane and Sue__. They look so alike. A.tell, from B. tell, between
be worthy to be done
1).This book is worthy of being read.
2). West Lake is a place worth seeing.
29.local 当地的 a local 本地人 local 当地的 local snack/museum native 本国的 本土的native speaker/language
修可数a valuable player 修不可数valuable advice The vase is baluable. The vase is of great value.
7.ivory 象牙 a rare and valuable ivory 8.dragon 龙 dragonfly 蜻蜓 dragon boat festival 端午节
3) He fancies himself as a good writer. 4) I don’t fancy walking in the rain. fancy + that-
/one’s doing sth /sb to be…/sb as/sth /doing sth

跨文化交际、基本信息二、课程描述本课程是为英语专业本科生开设的一门专业选修课程,是一门社交礼仪的实用性课程, 包括礼仪的概论、社交礼仪、涉外礼仪以及不同场合的礼节和规范。
四、课程目标对毕业要求的支撑五、教学内容Unit 1Language Tools: Suggesting PossibilitiesEncounter: The TaxiIntercultural Communication Reading: Intercultural Communication and UnderstandingProjected Cultural Similarity六、教学安排该课程每周32学时,16周,16学时为课堂授课教学时间,14学时为课内实验教学时 间,2学时为期末复习答疑。
建议教学进度如下:难点内容: Ethnocentrism 教学内容: Unit 5, Unit 6 第7, 8章 Dealing with Conflict (支撑课程目标1、2、3)重点内容: K'ar Stories 难点内容: Dealing with Conflict 教学内容: Unit 7, Unit第9, 10章 Friendship Pa tterns (支撑课程目标4、5)重点内容: Friendship Patterns 难点内容: Friendship Patterns 教学内容:Unit 9, Unit 10第1, 2章Intercultural Communica tion and Understanding Wes terners(支撑课程目标1、2、3)重点内容: Individualist and Collectivist Cultures 难点内容: Individualist and Collectivist Cuiturcs教学内容: Unit 1, Unit第3, 4章 Generalizations and stereotypes (支撑课程目标1、2、3)重点内容: Di fference in Rank and Power 难点内容: Difference in Rank and Power教学内容: Unit 3, Unit 4第5, 6章 Conformity in Wes torn Cui turcs (支撑课程目标4、5)重点内容:li'osterncrsUnit 1Language Tools: Suggesting PossibilitiesEncounter: The TaxiIntercultural Communication Reading: Intercultural Communication and UnderstandingUnit 6Letter To Fran: CarsFran's Response: CarsCulture Difference Reading: Family Relationship in the USUnit 7Language Tools: Acknowledging Other Points of ViewEncounter: The English ClubTntercultural Communication Reading: Tn^groups and Out-GroupsUnit 7Letter To Fran::CriticsFran's Response: CriticsCulture Difference Reading: In / Out-Groups in Collectivist and IndividualistUnit 8Language Tools: Conceding a PointEncounter: BorrowingIntercultural Communication Reading: War StoriesUnit 8Letter To Fran::ExceptionsFran's Response: ExceptionsCulture Difference Reading: Dealing with ConflictUnit 9Language Tools: Checking and ClarifyingEncounter: Left out of the ConversationsIntercultural Communication Reading: War StoriesUnit 9Letter To Fran::An American FriendFran's Response: An American FriendCuiture Difference Reading: Friendship Patterns七、课内实验内容、要求及学时无课内实验内容。
全新版进阶英语 Unit 3 Cultural Differences

“入乡随俗”为中国习语,字面意思是当你到了一个 村庄,应按照当地的风俗习惯行事。该习语会使人联想到 一句广为流传的英文谚语:“身在罗马就得像罗马人般行 事。”这句谚语出自圣安布鲁斯,意为人们到一个地方居 住或探访时,应遵从当地习俗。
Text Study
TUenxtderstanding the Text Text Analysis Questions for Discussion
his laziness when it came to washing diapers, for example, or
Text Study
TUenxtderstanding the Text Text Analysis Questions for Discussion
5 At times, this level of generosity made me look over my
shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop. When would I
Part Three Integrated Skills Practicing Viewing & Listening Speaking Writing
culture difference

Cultural Differences in Chinese And English ProverbsBoth Britain and China have a long history which creates many proverbs and they are widely used in people’s daily life. However, because of the differences in environment, religious thoughts and concepts, philosophical values, there are some difficulties in the translation between English and Chinese proverbs. The purpose of this paper is to show the aspects that influence the translation of English and Chinese proverbs, and to offer some methods in proverbs translation.1.Introduction For ProverbsAccording to Wikipedia:"A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity."2.Cultural Differences in Chinese And English Proverbs2.1 EnvironmentGeographic environment is the foundation of humans’ existence and development, so different geographic environments have different influences on the formation and development of the nations’ culture.2.1.1 GeographyEngland is an island country, located in the western seaside of Europe. And the English nation is a nomadic nation and its lives are largely dependent on livestock husbandry, fishery or navigation. Living on an island, the English are keen on sailing and traveling, the English language abounds in idioms connected with navigation.★No fishing like fishing in the sea.(捕鱼要到大海。

☆必备词句◆1.语言学习(1)扩大某人的词汇量(2) 查字典(3)强调语法学习(4)养成阅读习惯(5)阅读技能/策略/力量(6)我的阅历告知我……(7)我每天练习听力两小时。
(3) 对于这两者的区分,我感到很迷惑。
3.语言与文化(1)language learning(2)culture difference /diversity(3)cultivate cross-cultural awareness(4)Respect others’culture and custom(5)Culture plays an important role in language learning.(6)Culture understanding enables us to ...(7)It is high time for us to treasure and protect culture relics.◆4.写作常用的高级句式(1)In the course of my schooling,I will never forget the great difficulty I encountered in learning English. 在我求学的过程中,我忘不了学习英语的巨大困难。

Chapter 4 Culture Difference(文化差异)汉英词语1.倍加珍惜来之不易的和平highly value the hard-earned peace2..滨江大道Riverside Promenade3..博采众长draw on other s’ successful experience4..沧海桑田ups and downs of time5.产生疑虑spawn suspicion6.常务会议executive meeting7.城隍庙Town God’s Temple8.处世之道philosophy of life/code of conduct9.《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals10.促进文化多元化promote the diversity of cultures11.代办处office of the charged affaires12.当届影帝reigning movie king13.当今世界的潮流overriding trend of the present-day world14.奠定了坚实的基础cement the foundation for….15.奠基仪式ground-breaking ceremony16.东方明珠the Oriental Pearl Tower17.动画片animated films18.翻天覆地的变化earth-shaking changes19.关系到生死的一年 a do-or-die year20.归根到底in the final analysis21.国际文化产业博览交易会International Cultural Industrial Fair22.国际舞台international arena23.国际展览局International Bureau of Exhibitions24.国家广电总局the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television25.国家级电视网络单位national television network26.国家级文物national historical relics;relics kept as national treasure27.过江隧道tunnels under the river28.和平代表团peace mission29.弘扬中国文化popularize Chinese culture30.互相借鉴draw on the merits(experiences, etc.)of each other31.嘎纳国际电影节Cannes International Film Festival32.巨额投资whopping sum of investment in…..33.军事顾问团military advisory group34.开放兼容open and receptive35.开始建设kick-start/jump-start the construction36.孔子学院Confucius Institute37.扩大会议enlarged meeting38.礼节性访问courtesy visit39.历史悠久的历史文化time-honored histories and cultures40.立足国情plant our feet solidly on our national conditions41.利民、裕民、养民、惠民value of serving the people, enriching them, nourishing them andbenefiting them42. 联络处liaison office43. 留下难以磨灭的美好记忆leave an indelibly fond mark on one’s memory44. 谱写美妙的篇章write a beautiful chapter45. 取得良好的开端get off to a good start46. 人才济济galaxy of talents ; wealth of talents47. 人口覆盖率coverage rate of the population48. 如火如荼的进行be in full swing49.上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theatre50. 审时度势size up the situation51. 世博会纪念品Expo souvenir52. 提出问题pose a question53. 外滩the Bund54. 网上世博会Expo online55.文化部the Ministry of Culture56.相生相克inter-promoting and interacting57. 削减条条框框cut red tape58. 消除民族隔阂remove misunderstanding between nations59. 小组讨论panel discussion60. 小组委员会subcommittee61. 新闻出版署the General Administration of Press and Publication62. 新闻代表团press delegation63. 旋风式访问whirlwind trip64. 压轴戏last and best play65. 亚洲有线电视与卫星广播协会Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia66. 一如既往as always67. 义演音乐会charity concert68. 议程项目items on the agenda69. 饮鸠止渴seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences70. 影城film art center71. 友好人士代表团friendly personnel delegation72. 有线电视申请户cable(TV) subscriber73. 预备会议preliminary meeting74. 园内巴士on-site bus75. 在世界上占有一席之地gain a foothold in the world76. 真诚而热烈的讨论candid and spirited discussion77. 指导委员会steering committee78. 中国全国青年委员会All-China Youth Federation79. 中华医学会Chinese Medical Association80. 中央民族音乐团China National Music Orchestra81. 重要文化遗产major cultural heritage82. 专题学术会议symposium83. 专线车shuttle bus84. 自由、平等、博爱liberty , equality, fraternity85. 自由讨论open-ended discussion86. 总领事馆consulate-general87. “走出去“战略strategy of “going global”汉英常用表达句1.民以食为天。
The Cultural Differences between English and Chine

The Cultural Differences between English andChinese AnimalAbstract在漫长的人类历史的发展进程中,动物通常与人类的密切关系和影响人类的生存和发展。
In the long course of the development of human history, animals usually keep a close relation with human beings and influence human existence and development deeply. The close relation results in human complex feelings of fondness, sympathy or antipathy. Also, people often use animals to express their feelings. There are so many vocabularies with relation to animals in both English and Chinese culture. Words of the language reflect differences of cultural development. Because of the influence of cultural components in history, custom, pricing, view, religion, belief etc, the two languages, Chinese and English, give their own connotations to animal words. This article is about contrasting the cultural similarities and differences in terms of animal words’ cultural backgrounds and their fundaments, and cultural connotations of animal words in English and Chinese. It also analyzes how to translate animal words between English and Chinese to help people do well in the cross –cultural communication smoothly and properly.1. Introduction1.1 The causes of cultural differencesV ocabulary is very rich in English and Chinese languages, including vocabularyrelated to the animals very much. Animal words refer to words and said animals including these words phrases and other idioms. These words not only can vividly show a certain quality, personality, and can describe some events and succinctly convey certain emotions. In daily life, animal words with rich expressive force, are often used to express their feelings, enrich their own language, language has been integrated into the people of all nationalities, and for people to accept and widely used. Because of the difference of all ethnic groups, all sorts of animals are endowed with moral with strong national culture characteristic and the profound historical origin, cultural connotation of animal words in English and Chinese differ greatly, embodies the cultural background of the groups to which he belongs.Due to the two peoples lives for a long time in different cultural background, naturally to the same animal word different association, endowed with abundant cultural connotation of animal words in a more.2. Comparative Study on Animal Words in English and Culture2.1 Animal Word—DogChinese and English people like to have a dog, but as a result of national customs and habits of dogs have different views, the image of the "dog" in both English and Chinese, there are differences. The Chinese have a dog has a long history. The ruling class in ancient China musicians often love to play with a dog, national policy, has four of the wars and said "outside the royal palace treasures, dog Ma Shi stables and beauty under Chen." Here are written "timbres total" ruler is dissolute erosion life portraiture. Hoarders and affluent family dog to see door, and often put a dog bite, the resulting "or", "seeing dogs were low," such as idioms.In addition, in Chinese views, the dog is always dirty lowly animals, people generally have an aversion to the dog on the psychological, the image of the dog is often used to describe actions mean bad or ugly bad thing.In Chinese, the dog has the meaning of "cheerleading, accomplice",give a person the lenovo is disgusting things, there are "dog, the dog slave", "or", "dog take a mouse", "a coward", "the dog's mouth emits no ivory", "asshole" and so on. Although a dog some of the advantages of good with the Chinese, such as loyalty, brave, intelligent, but I can't put it in China is very important position; In the west, the dog is "men 's best friend". In English, there are many good words about the dog of choose and employ persons. Such as: You 'r e a lucky dog (You are a lucky man.; Man; and fun of a gay dog (merry);A top dog (senior);The bush during the campaign says, "I will put into a campaign to like a dog fight." In the English language, of course, also has a derogatory sense of the term "dog" a dog 's life (dog's life);A yellow dog (contemptible man), dog eats dog (the competing heavily, refers to a bad situation).Again as the magpies (pay-per-tweet), Chinese have a good news, they say "called magpie branches, an occasion came to". But in English means "speak ill of others behind their backs," as the poet John Clare: pay-per-tweet that chatted, no komen so black (Magpie noise is the worst, one million).2.2 Animal Word—BatThe bats are mammals, insects such as mosquitoes and moth. In western folklore, the bat is an evil animal, always linked with sin and darkness. Mention the bat, think English people to deliberate (vampire bats).Legend deliberate from the grave at night to eat sleep is blood, let a person fear and disgust. Some English idioms in the table also shows that for the bat bad associations, such as the as blind as a bat (blind as a bat);Crazy as a bat (crazy as a bat), etc. Bats in the have nationality, however, due to its pronunciation and "f" word is the same, and therefore is considered a good luck, happiness and longevity and health of our country's traditional picture the bats and deer design together, constitute a deer "bat" (pronounced "blessing"), on behalf of riches, bless the people the meaning of "blessed with green". And because "red bat" and "most" unisonant, so red bat is a symbol of good luck. There are a lot of the same animal words in English and Chinese two languages with different cultural connotation, reflects the huge differences between English and Chinese two kinds of culture, reflect the national culture personality.2.3 Animal Word—DragonDragons are the wings and a mouse, a huge mouth to jet fire lizard. In English, the dragon represents the "atrocious - cruel" and "evil, evil," dragon on behalf of evil and the devil, if the woman likened to the dragon, means that the woman is fierce and unpleasant.(1) She is a dragon, so you had better keep away from its ehrs. (2) She is a bit of a dragon around the lace, however, in Chinese, the meaning of dragon and English LTD is just the opposite. In Chinese, giving people the blessing, auspicious dragon is a dragon is a symbol of auspiciousness and rights. In feudal society and even today, the dragon has a high status in Chinese: the feudal society, the dragon is the symbol of the king and the supreme ruler. Today, I am a descendant of the dragon, the descendants of the dragon, dragon become our Chinese totem. for example: (1) long To hope one 's son will have a bright future. (2) Long Zi long sun - the sons and grandsons of dragon. It is usually informs the to call oneself by Chinese people.Dragon (dragon) is a mythical animals of the Chinese and western culture. Auspicious distinguished "dragon" in Chinese and English in the vicious evil dragon in stark contrast. In Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of auspiciousness, authority, dignity and prosperity. The Chinese nation is the "descendants of the dragon". In the feudal society, the dragon is the symbol of the emperor, emperors are called himself "the real dragons". Today, the dragon in the Chinese people's heart is still the supreme, we put our own country known as the "Oriental dragon", the dragon can be seen as the totem of the Chinese nation. In Chinese there are a large number of idioms about dragons, while, in extremely good fortune, dynamic display of the dragon culture connotation in Chinese culture. However in western culture, people believe that dragon is evil, is a ferocious monster, and is the devil incarnate."3. Culture Difference Embodied in Animal Words3.1 Social FactorsEnglish and Chinese two ethnic groups living in different natural environment, allbelong to different system of civilization, China belongs to the loess civilization Britain belongs to Marine civilization, thus formed a distinctive regional culture. English and Chinese nation is closely related to its life animals endowed with different cultural connotation and meaning. Our country is an agricultural country since ancient times, "cow" in the history of our country agriculture as the main farming tools, have to effect, is an indispensable tool in people working. Cattle culture in our country, therefore, is a very popular image, the emotion is reflected in language. There are a lot of belt "cow" words in the Chinese idioms are rich in good color, such as books, dote on one's children, the workhorse, willing ox, strong such as cattle, etc. Instead of the people who speak English countries people don't "family treasure" for cattle, but only "dishes". They see cows with faults, such as a bull in a China shop reckless trouble; Like a bull at a gate rage fierce; Throw the bull crap. John Bull (John Bull) is the British nicknames, the word in John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), the pen first appeared, refers to a man named John Bull from England, who says what being reckless, restless, funny. Calf (calf), cow (cow), buffalo (buffalo) the cultural connotation is derogatory, such as the calf metaphor stick; Cow metaphors fat ugly people; The to buffalo sb. Refers to trick someone.(3) due to the different custom culture and the cultural connotation differences between English and Chinese nation some dogs, and dogs and dog alleged object completely consistent, but the English and Chinese national purpose and attitude towards a dog is not in English nation is not only for the sake of hunting dogs, housekeeping, and often for the company. Some people do not have children, and he took the dog instead, their dog can get quite a lot of "preferential treatment" and "privilege". They eat, wear, and composed of musicians for "dog". When the dog got sick, can please vet, also please psychologists, specialized subject doctor to treat. When master outside false, they can also enjoy the "best" treatment "… holiday. But in the have nationality, this kind of phenomenon is not possible. And in English, there are "dog" good phrases and sentences. For example, "Love me, Love my dog" refers to Love me, Love my dog, "a lucky dog" refers to the lucky guy, "Every dog has its day" means "Every dog has his day", "a good dog deserves a good ipads" refers to a reward, "Help a lame dog over a stile"refers to the timely, Help others in distress, etc.3.2 Mode of ThinkingOne of the Chinese ways of thinking in images show, is a pictographic character, with fractal signal is one of the important characteristics of Chinese characters. The characteristics of British and American people logic way of thinking can see from the functional sex of the English. Chinese is self-explanatory characters image, a see will know that it means cheng yi, such as the "up" and "down" and "a", such as: "the sea", "river" and "river", there are Chinese character component "water", said they are related to water. High number of Chinese quantifiers, culture connotation is rich, like, this is Chinese visual expression. Such as "a mirror" and "flower", "a chair" "a table" "a stick" "tree" "a coat" and so on. In the han and the English translation is only retained the stating meaning of the original, quantifier iconicity has failed to retain the original.Empirical "Chinese heavy intuition, British and American people pay attention to the practical experience of Chinese traditional thought, pay attention to the overall thinking, and with the aid of intuitive awareness, through perception in general fuzzy and grasp the understanding of the essence of object and law directly." Intuitive thinking emphasizes perceptual knowledge, inspiration and enlightenment. This characteristic of thinking comes from the idea of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, also is the product of "nature and humanity" philosophy. Such as Chinese words are: an Epiphany, goes through this. Understanding language tend to highlight the "meaning", and tries to comprehend "between the lines", not too attaches great importance to the scientific analysis of the language. Evaluation of event and often take the form style, essays, historical context showed his feelings and experience, less use system theory to empirical research is discussed. And always attaches great importance to the rational knowledge of British and American people thinking tradition, value analysis, and therefore takes the empirical, advocated through theanalysis of a large number of empirical science, objective conclusion, so the English language system comprehensive analysis. No analysis of the grammatical relations of Chinese sentences, we can also understand the meaning of the sentence, but without analysis of English sentence grammatical relations, especially the complicated relationships in the long sentences. We can't understand the meaning of English sentences.4. ConclusionBy above this paper shows that our understanding of animal words, not only in the surface layer of vocabulary that sense, should understand vocabulary profound cultural connotation. As a language learner to grasp the connotation of words must be in understanding the words. Same to truly understand the cultural connotations of words, should be kept on a lot of reading, to study the cultural differences, avoid by all means while reading means. Only in-depth understanding of the national cultural traditions and customs, to communicate smoothly, truly in the cross-cultural communication "assurance". So, in the teaching should combine language teaching and culture teaching, and using a variety of ways -heavy reading original English newspapers, watching English movies, video, etc., let the student English in a real situation, so that the students in the process of learning vocabulary really realize the meaning of words in the original culture, correctly use learned words in intercultural communication from communication, really achieve the goal of language teaching.Bibliography1.By ram, Lyons. J. [M]. Language and culture in foreign language teaching and research press, 1998.2.Mankind. Introduction to intercultural communication [M]. Foreign language teaching and research press, 1999.3. Mankind. Culture and communication [M]. Foreign language teaching and research press, 1994.4.Jiang Lei.Cultural connotation of English idioms and comparison [M]. Wuhan university press, 2000.5. Liao Guan Grong. Animal words between English and Chinese culture contrast [J]. Journal of foreign languages, 2000。

The international magazine and informative newspaper broaden each people’s eye, helping them learn more about the others and know more about the world.
Culture difference
Introduction What leads to the culture difference? Howy
life? What can we do to treat the culture
The origin of the eastern cultures
The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India.
Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers. In China, the mother river is the Yellow River while the Indian one is the Hindu River.
Usually, they’ll just give each other a smile or greet with a “Hi.”. They’ll shake hands only in some formal situations. By the way, Westerners can leave a party or meeting halls without a formal conge, nor should they shake hands with every attendee like most of us will do here.
Warm-up_Cultural Differences

Cultural DifferencesHave you ever experienced cultural differences? Maybe you have travelled to or lived in another country where they do things in a different way or met someone from another country who was surprised by the way things are done in your country. Tell us about your experiences.Miguel Andrés, PeruI've traveled to some countries in South America and I've realized that the culture is similar to each other, for example Brazilian people like to eat the avocado with sugar and we prefer eat it with salt and bread.Thiago, BrazilI am living in Japan and I can say that I am enjoying a lot; there are many cultural differences between Brazil and Japan. For example the food here is completing different, very expensive and the portion are very small, but I learned to like the food. The only problem is almost all Japanese are workaholics (here I don't have many ways to have fun, because almost all Japanese just do shopping and go to Karaoke to have fun).Amy, TaiwanI did experience a cultural difference in Italy. When traveling in Italy, I went to a fruit vendor, and tried to “search” for good-looking apples as I do in Taiwan, but the owner angrily stopped me, and asked me just to pick up the apple I want and buy it. I felt shocked and then talked to my friend. My friend said in Italy you have to pick up what you want to buy. If you don't want to buy something, do not “take a look.” It is impolite here.Robert, PolandI have two brothers-in-law. First is Russian and the second is Australian. Once my Russian brother-in-law was driving too fast in his home country, the Police stopped him and they tried to give him a ticket. But he proposed a bribe instead. They agreed... He was very proud of the “solution” and told me this story, as he was so successful. Another day my Australian brother-in-law was driving too fast in his home country. The police stopped him and they gave him a ticket. He paid the fine next day and was very proud of his reaction, too. Because this is according to the law, he said. Notice please, that both of them were very proud of their reaction! Russian is happy, that he gave the bribe and save money, Australian is happy because of his respect to the law! Now, what about me? To be honest with you, I used to give the bribes, in Poland, but now I don't. No bribes at all. Corruption is very bad for our country. We, Polish people, must change our bad habits, I think.Jose, SpainIn my understanding the way we do things (the norms, rules, habits, values,) define a culture. I think that in the today global world the cultural awareness is a paramount issue. When you know about the culture of people you are talking to, the communication and understanding are becoming easier, in the end the national barriers are breaking down and so people are getting happier. I have traveled to several countries but now I have not any specific experience coming to my mind , however I will give you some information about the way of doing things in Spain: - 3 meals per day and the most relevant are lunch (1 to 3 pm) and dinner (9 to 11 pm). Lunch and diner are very important to solve familiar and business issues. - In the morning arriving to the job the daily greeting is just to say good morning.- Being introduced to another person, either a man or a woman you shake hands. - Meeting friends and family members the cheer is an embrace and two kisses.Ai Li, MalaysiaI'm a Malaysian who had been living in my own country all the while. My mother tongue is Mandarin. Last year, I came to Ireland to join my husband and started wo rking here. I’d had cultural shock for the first few months. Irish speaks different English as mine, not only different in terms of accents but also the grammar and vocabulary. I found hard to understand them at first. Weather here definitely is an issue t o me who comes from a tropical country. But I’d gone through it and I’m surviving now! I'm surprised that the Irish eat lots of potatoes everyday. They even eat bagel with potatoes chips and cheese only. How interesting!Kyaron, NepalEvery society has its own social norms and values. Our everyday life is guided by these social rules and regulations so different people have different culture, tradition, way of living, etc. One culture of particular society may be taboo or unacceptable in any other society. For instance, let’s take example of my own country Nepal. Many tourists visit in my country and most of them are couples. In our society, kissing, hugging or any other form of expressing love in public space is completely unacceptable. So, this may create a cultural difference between people from different walks of life.Muhammed Unal, TurkeyHi my name is Muhammed from Turkey. When I see the topic “cultural differences”, I thought that I should write comments about it. Because I stayed at another country for 3 years and I think that 3 years an enough time to write about it. Originally I am from Turkey and our culture is between Europe and east. So we have mixed culture and it holds different colors in it. So this makes it enjoyable. As I said that I lived in USA for 3 years. I can say that US culture is very different than ours. According to US culture, you are pushed to live alone because after a certain age you need to leave your family and set up your own life. I think that this gives people a hard time. Because when they leave from their family, their ages are so young. So they do not know what is right or wrong for them completely. So this draws people to live desperate lives. So it makes me sad. If you ask them why you are living in this way, they would say that this makes them harder and stronger because they take care for their life and...etc. I think this is wrong. Also you need to put distance between your relationships and many others. So I felt very much difference. But people in their nature are good. I did not see any bad things from them. So it was a really nice experiment for me.Miki, JapanWhen I visited a not-so-big city in France, I was surprised to learn that almost all shops are closed on Sundays and during lunch times of weekday. Walking towards a big old cathedral, looking into the dark interiors where various goods were resting in silence, I thought it's impossible in Japan. In Japan, especially for the shops in the tourist site, Sunday is busiest day, and it's unimaginable to close their shops on Sunday. But I thought, sitting on a bench and looking up the old cathedral, we could have fun without shopping on Sunday. We could make our holiday fantastic by reading a book outside leaning on a trunk as I witnessed that many French people were doing in a park, or going for a walk along the river after having dinner with someone closer, which is the favorite way of spending time for one of my friend studying in France and her French boy friend. I don't mean that all Japanese are workaholic nor that working hard is bad thing. I don't intend to insist that all French knows how to enjoy their lives nor that reading and eating with family or friend is only good way of spending Sunday. But I'd like to say that an experience of cultural differences can give us a good opportunity to think over our own lifestyle or value,and sometimes relieve us from too much pressure our own society's traditional values may impose us.。
文化差异(Culture Difference)-财富与特权 Wealth and Privilege

文化差异(Culture Difference):财富与特权Wealth and Privilege导读:本文文化差异(Culture Difference):财富与特权Wealth and Privilege,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。
Owning cars , large houses , or swimming pools mean different things in different cultures and may confuse a visitor to the United States . In many nations , only the rich have such things as cars and swimming pools ; the poor have very little. By contrast, this is not true in the United States . The cost of certain things that only the rich can afford in other countries is relatively low. This means that laborers , farmers , andpeople who are not usually regarded as rich nevertheless have many possessions tat only the rich have in other nations . Understandably a visitor may assume that all Americans who own cars are as rich as people in his own countrywho own cars . Actually , this is not the cases; secretaries, university students , factory workers or farmers canand do buy cars and many other "expensive " things . Generally , they pay for these possessions gradually , during a period of many months , or even years , so that the cost each most is not too highinrelation to their monthly wages . Excerptedfrom " A Guide to U.S.A. ", edited by Li Yang, Li Yi, published by Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research Press.感谢阅读,希望能帮助您!。

例句:The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。
短语文化产业the cultural industry ; Culture industry ; cultural industry ; cultural industries文化差异cultural differences ; cultural diversity ; culture difference ; Sth you learned from culture反文化counter-culture ; anti-culture ; culture ; counter-cultural创新文化Culture of innovation ; innovative culture传承文化carrying forward Chinese culture ; Inheriting culture ; Cultural ; Inheriting culture build eternity多元文化diversified cultures ; Multi culture1. His extensive experience in other parts of Asia helped him to overcome cultural barriers.在亚洲其他地区的广泛经历帮助他克服了文化障碍。
2. The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world.中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。
3. 把语言与文化分离是不可能的。
It is impossible to dissociate language from culture.4. 他曾经随文化代表团到中国来过一次。
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Topic: Cultural Differences
Key words
• culture n. 文化 • cultural adj. 文化的 • • • • misunderstand v. 误解,误会 misunderstanding n. 误解,误会 different --- difference similar --- similarity n. 相似之处
Different situations
Situation 1 – home visit
Situation 2 – to a party
Situation 3 – being invited to dinner Situation 4 – an appointment Situation 5 – an interview
Queue when Waiting/排队
Handling of Problems/处理问题
The Boss/老板
Differences between the east and the west
What other differences do you know?
A. Before 7:00, to help her to prepare.
B. 5’~10’ late, not to be the first guest. C. After 8:00, I’m the VIP. D. 5’~10’ earlier, it’s a polite way to show my respect for her.
To most Chinese, the company d ____ the salary according to the employee’s performance.
Why? Why? Why? Why?
punctual 严守时刻的 Americans tend to be _________.
To the Arabians, ________________________ half an hour or 40 minutes late is acceptable.
The Chinese: B
A. Right on time. C. Half an hour late.
B. Be fashionably late. D. About 5’-10’ earlier.
To Visit Friends in the U.S.
Before you go, it’s always best to give them a phone. 1. ________________ send them a letter. 2. ________________ 3. ________________ send them an e-mail. late When you go to a party, you’d be fashionably ____________. When you go to somebody’s house for dinner, late you’d better :not be ______, not early just ____________. be right on time be _____,
But when you knock at the door …
Mary feels s________.
Why? In China, it’s OK to visit friends without calling ahead of time. While in the U.S., it’s impolite to do so.
Situation 5: During an interview, the American boss asks about your idea on salary as a secretary, which answer will be good for you?
1. Any sum of money is OK for me.
More differences between the east and the west
• Group work, write down as many differences as you can (尽可能多的列举出中西文
化的差异,可以包括饮食上的,着装上的,生活习惯上的 等等)
• 5 minutes • One difference = one bar • Only in English
Situation 1: On your way home, you suddenly realize 意识到 that your American friend Mary has invited you to visit her when you are free. Then you go to her home directlr. Tom from NY is practicing medicine in Arab. His opening day was booked fully a week ago. But half an hour passed, none of his patients arrived.
Cultural Differences
Pe o p le from different countries ma y ha v e ays to deal with (处理) the same thing. different w___ isundertanding takes place. So, sometimes, m________________
• Now, we will see some pictures, please tell which one is about Chinese people, which one is about western people.
Learning a foreign language ore than means m______ mastering(掌握) the language. It also means learning its c ulture _______.
Reading on Longman
2. At least $2500, I’m the best.
4. $1,000 a month. I can make it.
3. Oh, money is not important to me. I don’t come here simply for money.
In America, a person’s success is based on how much m____ he makes. And Americans are not afraid of s ____ their confidence.
Key words check
n. 文化 adj. 文化的 v. 误解 n. 误解 n. 不同之处 n. 相似之处
• • • • • •
What cultural differences do you know? • If you use English to tell us a difference, you can get 2 bars for your group • If you use Chinese to tell us a difference,, you can get 1 bar for your group
In the U.S., people tend to be 5’~10’ late (B) _____________.
In China, earlier to help close friends tend to arrive _______________ ,
Situation 3: Your American friend invited you to her house for dinner at 6:30. When are you supposed to get there? The Americans: A
What is the polite way in the U.S.? Calling ahead of time.
Situation 2: Your American friend invited you to her party tonight at 7:30. When are you supposed to get there? Why?