Nomination Form in R & R Policy
美国乐队Fall Out Boy资料简介Fall out boy(翻闹小子,又译“打倒男孩”),是来自美国芝加哥的一个摇滚乐队,组建于2001年,曾入围格莱美。
下面是小编为大家整理的美国乐队Fall Out Boy资料简介,希望大家喜欢! Fall Out Boy资料简姓名:Fall Out Boy打倒男孩国家:美国组建时间:2001年类型:乐队特点:充满年轻活力朝气简称:FOB乐队资料组建时间 / 地点:2001年 / 伊利诺伊州,美国Fall Out Boy(简称:FOB)是一支流行朋克(Pop Punk)、另类摇滚曲风(Alternative-Rock)的乐团,他们来自美国伊利诺伊州的芝加哥,在2001年组成。
乐团成员包括派崔克•史坦普(Patrick Stump,主唱、吉他手)、彼特•温兹(Pete Wentz,贝斯、主要作词者)乔•特洛曼(Joe Trohman。
吉他手)、安迪•赫里(Andy Hurley,鼓手)。
乐队成员派崔克•史坦普(Patrick Stump,主唱、吉他手)彼特•温兹(Pete Wentz,贝斯、主要作词者)乔•特洛曼(Joe Trohman。
吉他手)安迪•赫里(Andy Hurley,鼓手)Fall Out Boy乐团生涯2002年—2004年:乐团起步乐团首先在2002年发行了《Split EP》,隔年发行首张专辑《Fall Out Boy之与你的女友在傍晚出游》(Fall Out Boy's Evening Out With Your Girlfriend)。
在这段期间,Fall Out Boy乐团在芝加哥和近郊地区进行一连串的演出。
哥伦比亚骑士厅(The Knights of Columbus Hall)是早期Fall Out Boy乐团最常演出的地点。
他们的音乐录像带“到院前死亡”(Dead on Arrival)就是在此拍摄,同时该地也是许多场“秘密演出”的地点。
IEEE Fellow Committee Fellow Nomination and Evalua
IEEE FELLOW COMMITTEEFELLOW NOMINATION & EVALUATIONFORMS(October 2020)THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICSENGINEERS, INC.3 Park Avenue, 17th FloorNew York, N.Y. 10016-5997, U.S.A.IEEE FELLOW COMMITTEEFELLOW NOMINATION AND EVALUATION FORMS1.INTRODUCTION 21.1Changes from the Previous Versions (February 2020) 22.FELLOW NOMINATION AND EVALUATION FORMS 23.FURTHER READING 24.NORMATIVE ANNEXES 4 4.1Annex N: Nomination Form 5 4.2Annex E: Endorsement Form 10 4.3Annex R: Reference Form 12 4.4Annex S1: Individual S/TC Evaluator Form 14 4.5Annex S2: Final S/TC-FEC Evaluation Form 15 4.6Annex S3: S/TC Summary Form 171.IntroductionThe IEEE Fellow Committee Operations Manual (hereafter referred to as “Manual”) contains the main policies for the Fellow Nomination and Evaluation process.This normative governing document contains all the Forms currently used in the Fellow Nomination and Evaluation processes. This document shall be reviewed at least annually and shall be posted on the IEEE Fellow webpage. In case of any discrepancy, the Manual takes precedence over this document.Amendments to this document and the Fellow Nomination and Evaluation Forms in the Annexes shall require approval of the entire IEEE Fellow Committee. The IEEE Board of Directors shall be notified in a timely fashion of any revision of this document.1.1Changes from the Previous Versions (February 2020)The following changes were made:1.Annex N has been updated with the newly approved Nomination form, which will be usedstarting with Fellow Class 2022 (submission deadline on 1 March 2021).2.Annex S has been split in Annex S1 and Annex S2.3.Annex Z has been renamed S3.4.The “Further Reading” Section has been updated to reflect additional resources.2.Fellow Nomination and Evaluation FormsThe Manual specifies the Nomination and Evaluation processes, including the Nomination Categories and the role of the S/TC Fellow Evaluating Committee.The forms listed below and given in the normative Annexes shall be consistent with the Manual and shall be used for the IEEE Fellow Nomination and Evaluation Processes:•Annex N (normative): Nomination form•Annex R (normative): Reference form•Annex E (normative): Endorsement form•Annex S (normative): S/TC Evaluation form.•Annex Z (normative): S/TC Summary form.3.Further ReadingFor further details on the normative requirements for the IEEE Fellow Nomination and Evaluations process as well as the eligibility requirements of all the participants in the IEEE Fellow process, please see the IEEE Fellow Committee governing documents and Recommendation Guides posted at /fellows. Also, please note that this Recommendation Guide does not replace the Help Guide for using the Fellow nomination web application.The fellow evaluation process has never been as transparent as today and IEEE members have at their disposal several resources:1.All Fellow principles are clearly specified in the Fellow Operations Manual. Nominatorsshould start by reading section 17 of the manual and then move to the Fellow Guides.2.All forms currently in use are specified in the Fellow Nomination and Evaluation Forms.3.Additional details on how the IEEE and S/TC Fellow Committees operate are specified intwo Fellow Handbooks:a.The Fellow Committee Handbookb.The Society/Technical Council Fellow Evaluating Committee Handbook4.Three Fellow Guides have been Issued:c.How to Write an Effective Nominationd.Effective References and Endorsementse.S/TC-FEC Evaluators and IEEE Judges. Note that, although this Guide is intendedfor Evaluators and Judges, it can also be helpful to Nominators as it explains how evaluations are made and what evaluators and judges look for.4.Normative AnnexesAll Nominations and Evaluations Forms are normative.4.1Annex N: Nomination Form1. Nominee InformationPrefix:First Name:(mandatory) Middle Name:Last Name:(mandatory) City:US State/Canadian Province:Other State/Province:Country:(mandatory)Disambiguation Identifier(It is strongly encouraged to add one disambiguation identifier from among the ones listed below if most of the evidence you list in Section 6 is based on scholarly papers)<ORCID> (mandatory)<Scopus> (strongly recommended)2. EducationDegrees Year Educational Institution Location3. Professional History4. Nominator InformationPrefix:First Name: (mandatory)Middle Name:Last Name: (mandatory)E-mail Address: (mandatory)Affiliation (mandatory: self/retired/organization name) City:US State/Canadian Province:Other State/Province:Country: (mandatory)5. Relationship with the NomineeDescribe your relationship to the nominee and how you personally became aware of the importance of the Nominee’s outstanding accomplishments and their impact on society (maximum 100 words):<Insert text here>6. Nomination Category and IEEE Society/Technical Council6a. Identify the nomination category for Fellow grade (AE/P, EDU, RE/S, TL). Refer to the latest Fellow “Nominator Guide”.<Insert Nomination Category here>6b. Recommended Evaluating IEEE Society/Technical Council for initial technical evaluation. Choose the S/TC whose Fields of Interests better match the area in which the Nominee made the distinctive individual contributions described in Sections 7-8.Refer to the latest Fellow “Nominator Guide”.<Insert S/TC name here>7. First Individual ContributionRefer to the latest Fellow “Nominator Guide”.7.a. Identify the first individual contribution which qualifies the Nomineefor Fellow grade (maximum 200 words).<Insert text here>7.b. Verifiable Evidence of 1st contribution (maximum 400 words):<Insert text here>7.c. Impact of 1st contribution (maximum 200 words):<Insert text here>7.d. Verifiable Evidence of Impact of 1st contribution (maximum 200 words):<Insert text here>8. Second Individual ContributionRefer to the latest Fellow “Nominator Guide”.8.a. Identify the second individual contribution which qualifies the Nominee for Fellow grade (maximum 200 words).<Insert text here>8.b. Verifiable evidence of 2nd contribution (maximum 400 words):<Insert text here>8.c. Impact of 2nd contribution (maximum 200 words):<Insert text here>8.d. Verifiable evidence of Impact of 2nd contribution (maximum 200 words):<Insert text here>9. IEEE and Non-IEEE AwardsRefer to the latest Fellow “Nominator Guide”.Use a maximum of 250 words for both Sections 9.a and 9.b.9.a List IEEE Awards, giving priority to those related to the two contributions described in Sections 7-8.<Insert text here>9.b List Non-IEEE Awards, giving priority to those related to the two contributions described in Sections 7-8.<Insert text here>10. IEEE and Non-IEEE ActivitiesRefer to the latest Fellow “Nominator Guide”.Use a maximum of 250 words for both Sections 10.a and 10.b.9.a List IEEE Activities.<Insert text here>9.b List Non-IEEE Activities.<Insert text here>11. Proposed CitationRefer to the latest “Fellow Committee Handbook,” see Sect. “Guidelines for Crafting Fellow Citations”. Use a maximum of 15 words.<Insert citation here>12. ReferencesRefer to the latest Guide “Effective References and Endorsements,” see Sect. “Writing an Effective Reference.”Enter at least 3 and up to 5 references[NOTE: This Section is visible only to IEEE Judges]Name Email AddressName Email AddressName Email Address………………………….13. Endorsements (Optional)Refer to the latest Guide “Effective References and Endorsements,” see Sect. “Writing an Effective Endorsement.”Up to three endorsements are permitted.An endorsement strengthens the Nomination when it supplements the Nomination Form with specific evidence about the Nominee’s achievements and their impact on the profession or society and does not merely reiterate items on the Nomination Form. Endorsements can be very helpful to Nominees who have been nominated in the AE/P, TL, RE/S categories because they allow the presentation of additional evidence of technical impact for contributions that may have been proprietary at the time they were developed and not available for citation in the open literature.Name Email AddressName Email AddressName Email AddressNOTE: If the above nominee is elevated to Fellow grade, the nominator agrees to release the contentsof this form to authorized IEEE committees of the Awards Board for the purpose of recommending nominees for IEEE Awards. Only the nomination form with its Endorsement Annexes (if any) will be released for this purpose.4.2Annex E: Endorsement FormNomination InformationNominee Name:Nominator Name:1. Endorser Contact InformationName/ Organization:E-Mail:City:US State/Canadian Province:Other State/Province:Country:2. RelationshipDescribe your relationship to the nominee and how you, PERSONALLY, became aware of the importance of his/her extraordinary accomplishments and their impact to society. (not more than 100 words)3. AchievementsPlease provide specific evidence about the nominee’s extraordinary achievements and their impact on the profession or society. Emphasize evidence confirming this impact that supplements the nomination form and may not be otherwise publicly available for citation. (not more than 500 words).4. Endorser CredentialsPlease provide a brief listing of your credentials and your industry or academic affiliations. (not more than 100 words)4.3Annex R: Reference FormNomination InformationNominee Name:Nominator Name:1. Reference Contact InformationFull Name:E-Mail:City:US State/Canadian Province:Other State/Province:Country:2. RelationshipDescribe your relationship to the nominee and how you, PERSONALLY, became aware of the importance of his/her extraordinary accomplishments and their impact to society. (not more than 100 words)3. Fellow RequirementsOn the basis of your personal knowledge of the work of the nominee, please indicate whether or not, in your judgment, the nominee meets the requirements for Fellow grade. What distinguishes his/her contributions from the norm? Explain from your perspective (not copied from the nomination form), the impacton professional knowledge, widely used technologies, or industry processes, products, and servicesof at least one outstanding contributions made by the nominee. How do the nominee’s accomplishments compare with those other Fellows with whom you are familiar (not naming individuals)? Have the nominee’s contributions made a significant difference to society, and if so, how? (not more than 300 words)4. Reference CredentialsProvide a brief listing of your own credentials. (not more than 100 words)5. CategoryIdentify the category in which the nominee has made significant contributions that would qualify him/her for Fellow grade.<Nomination Category goes here>6. Level of QualificationIndicate the nominee’s level of qualification for Fellow grade<Level of Qualification here>4.4Annex S1: Individual S/TC Evaluator Form1. Nominee InformationNominee:2. Evaluation Section1. Society InformationSociety/Technical Council:Chair:Evaluators:2. To what extent are the S/TC Evaluators of this nomination familiar with the nominee’s work independently of the nomination1)Significant familiarity2)Some familiarity3)Little or no familiarityAnswer:___________________3. Preliminary score (0-100)<Insert numerical score here>4. State here the reason for your score (max 500 words)<Insert text here>4.5Annex S2: Final S/TC-FEC Evaluation Form1. Nominee InformationNominee:2. Evaluation Section1. Society informationSociety/Technical Council:Chair:Evaluators:2. To what extent are the S/TC Evaluators of this nomination familiar with the nominee’s work independently of the nomination1)Significant familiarity2)Some familiarity3)Little or no familiarityAnswer:______________________3. Specific contributions and significance.a) What are the extraordinary contributions? (max 100 words)<Insert text here>b) In what way are these contributions significant for the profession or society at large? (max 100 words)<Insert text here>c) If the contributions fall short of IEEE Fellow standards, state the reason for such judgement (max 50 words)<Insert text here>4. Impact and Evidence.4a. What specific research/application/education/leadership impact has the nominee had through her/his work? (max 100 words)<Insert text here>4b. What evidence can you cite for the Nominee's impact? (max 100 words)<Insert text here>4c) If the impact falls short of IEEE Fellow standards, state the reason for such judgement (max 50 words)<Insert text here>5. Indicate your assessment of the degree of qualification to which this nominee is suitablefor elevation to IEEE FellowA) Extremely Qualified (90.0-100)B) Highly Qualified (80.0-89.9)C) Qualified (60.0-79.9)D) Marginally Qualified or below (0)<Insert numerical score here>3. Recommended Category and Citation1. Which nomination category do you feel best describes the nominee's accomplishments?Application Engineer/PractitionerEducatorResearch Engineer/ScientistTechnical Leader2. If you feel there is a better citation to describe the nominee’s accomplishments, please state it below. (not more than 15 words)<Insert alternate citation here>4.6Annex S3: S/TC Summary Form。
SSVF 500(学生签证)提供的材料和需要扫描的内容,原件请用彩色扫描(请注意签证不要求公证件,公证件只是部分学校的要求)1.基本信息表(见第4-6页,请务必详细填写)2.护照首页及签证页(含去过的任何国家签证页)3.照片(无大小和底色要求)4.COE5.最高学历毕业证书和成绩单中英文原件扫描(如果已经做了公证,提供公证件扫描也可以)6.在读证明和成绩单中英文原件(如果已经做了公证,提供公证件扫描也可以)7.出生证原件加翻译(如果已经做了公证,提供公证件扫描也可以,独生子女证也可以)8.IELTS/TOEFL(若有)9.Under 18 Welfare Form ( CAAW ) (学生未满18岁的情况下需要提供,如果学校做监护,CAAW会跟COE一起由学校发给学生)10.父母中文签名(学生未满18岁的情况下需要提供,签证可以签在担保申明上——见该附件第7页)11.OSHC(如果不是学校购买的保险即COE上没有显示保险的,要额外提供自己购买的保险保单)12.GTE(即短篇PS,详见第6页第十四项)13. 银行存/贷款证明(建议提供35W以上,无存期要求,详见第5页第七项)14. 身份证正反面及翻译(学生ID 现在是强制性提供的,若学生未满18岁,还需提供父母身份证;若是新疆出生,全家都要提供);15. 户口本及翻译(如果有曾用名显示在户口本上请提供;如果是新疆出生,请一定提供)16. 学生若工作过,请提供工作证明(需有工作开始日期,单位地址,证明开具人姓名和联系电话;如果做过几份工作,请额外提供resume)17.学生若改过名提供更名证明(如果曾用名显示在户口或出生公证上可以不额外提供)18.学生归国后的JOB OFFER(若有)基本信息表㈠申请人家庭住址英文:申请人手机:曾用名:㈡学生是否去过澳洲或申请过澳洲签证(申请时不提供,默认没有)?YES or NO.澳洲获签签证类别,递交城市和时间(详细到日):澳洲拒签签证类别,递交城市和时间(详细到日):㈢如果该签证是在旧护照上,提供旧护照首页扫描或者首页细节:旧护照号码:签发日:到期日:签发地:㈣申请人子女名字、出生日期、出生城市(若有):申请人配偶名字、出生日期、出生城市(若有):配偶(若有)手机:配偶或孩子是否陪读?若陪读,提供陪读人的护照首页扫描件。
英语新闻摘要篇一:怎样写英文摘要summary英语summary writing摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述。
第二步:动手写作A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长。
B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成。
C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序。
D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意。
E. 写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧:1) 删除细节。
2) 选择一至两个例子。
3) 把长段的描述变成短小、简单的句子。
4) 避免重复。
5) 压缩长的句子。
如下列两例:“His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.” 可以概括为:”He was very brave in battle.”“He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.” 可以概括为:“He was in financial difficulties.”6) 你还可以使用词组代替整句或者从句。
职工代表补选流程When it comes to the process of supplementary elections for worker representatives, it involves a series of steps and procedures that aim to ensure a fair, transparent, and democratic selection of individuals to represent the interests of the employees. The process typically begins with the identification of vacancies in the worker representative positions, followed by the announcement of the supplementary elections to fill these vacancies. This announcement is usually communicated to all employees through various channels such as internal communication platforms, notice boards, and emails, to ensure that everyone is aware of the upcoming elections.在职工代表补选流程中,涉及一系列旨在确保公平、透明和民主选择代表员工利益的个人的步骤和程序。
The next step in the supplementary election process is the nomination of candidates for the worker representative positions.Employees who are interested in representing their colleagues must typically submit their nominations within a specified timeframe, along with any required documentation or endorsements. This stage is crucial as it allows employees to actively participate in the selection process and showcase their willingness to serve in a representative capacity. It also provides an opportunity for individuals to present their qualifications, experience, and vision for the role, thereby enabling their peers to make informed decisions during the voting process.接下来的职工代表补选流程步骤是提名候选人担任职工代表职位。
NEO 人格测评项目(NEO PI-R)用户手册说明书
NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R)Developed as a measure of the Five Factor Model, the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised uses these five dimensions – emotional, interpersonal, experiential, attitudinal, and motivational styles –to evaluate adult personality. A purpose for this instrument is a resource for such professionals as counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors, vocational counselors, and educators.The NEO PI-R has to different forms: Forms S and Form R. In each, participants are asked to respond to 240 items using a 5-point scale. Approximately 30 to 40 minutes is required for completion.AuthorsPaul T. Costa Jr. & Robert R. McCraeReliability and ValidityFor the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, the test manual provides good support for both reliability and validity. Internal consistency coefficients were calculated at 0.86 to 0.95 for both the forms (self and observer). While only three of the subtests had good long-term test-retest reliability (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience), all of them had high short-term test-retest reliability. The authors and others give evidence for construct, convergent, and divergent validity. Some of this evidence was provided through correlations with the Peyers-Briggs Type Indicator, Personality Research Form, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, and the Self Directed Search.Where to PurchaseThe Revised NEO Personality Inventory : Clinical and Research Applications (The Plenum Series in Social/Clinical Psychology) (The Springer Series in Social Clinical Psychology)Administration, Analysis and ReportingStatistics Solutions consists of a team of professional methodologists and statisticians that can assist the student or professional researcher in administering the survey instrument, collecting the data, conducting the analyses and explaining the results.For additional information on these services, click here.Dissertations Using the NEO Personality InventoryBelow is a list of dissertations that use the NEO PI-R. The full version of these dissertations can be found using ProQuest.Morgan, H. S. (2007). Personality traits as risk factors for occupational injury in health care workers. University of Florida).Braswell, L. B. (1992). A study of the relation of personality, context, level of distress, and coping process, in army reserve nurses activated in operation desert shield. University of Georgia).Kaplow, S. R. (1995). Dispositional antecedents of job satisfaction: An exploration of mediating processes. New York University).ReferencesBarrick, M. R., & Mount, M. K. (1991). The Big Five personality dimensions and job performance: A meta-analysis. Personnel Psychology, 44, 1-26.Costa, P. T., & McCrae, R. R. (1992b). The five-factor model of personality and its relevance to personality disorders. Journal of Personality Disorders, 6, 343-359.Costa, P. T., & Widiger, T. A. (Eds.). (1994). Personality disorders and the five factor model of personality. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. ViewDigman, J. M. (1990). Personality structure: Emergence of the five factor model. In M. R. Rosenzweig & L. W. Porter (Eds.), Annual Review of Psychology (Vol. 41, pp. 417-440). Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews.Goldberg, L. R. (1993). The structure of phenotypic personality traits. American Psychologist, 48, 26-34.John, O. P. (1990). The 'Big Five' factor taxonomy: Dimensions of personality in the natural language and in questionnaires. In L. A. Pervin (Ed.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (pp. 66-100). New York: Guilford Press. ViewMcCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T., Jr. (1983). Social desirability scales: More substance than style. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51, 882-888.Norman, W. T. (1963). Toward an adequate taxonomy of personality attributes: Replicated factor structure in peer nomination personality ratings. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 66, 574-583.Botwin, Michael D. Review of the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. California State University, Fresno, Fresno, CA.。
单证、货代专业术语中英文[精华] 货代物流英语术语(一) 船代Shipping agent 船舶代理 Handling Agent 操作代理 Booking Agent 订舱代理 Cargo Canvassing 揽货FFF: Freight Forwarding Fee 货代佣金Brokerage / Commission 佣金(二)订舱Booking 订舱Booking Note 订舱单Booking Number 订舱号 Dock Receipt 场站收据 M/F (Manifest ) :a manifest that lists only cargo, without freight and charges 舱单Cable/Telex Release 电放 A Circular Letter 通告信/通知书 PIC: Person in Charge 具体负责操作人员 The said party 所涉及的一方 On Board B/L: On Board提单Cancellation 退关箱(三)港口BP Base Port 基本港Prompt release 即时放行 Transit time 航程时间 / 中转时间 Cargo availability at destination in 货物运抵目的地Second Carrier (第)二程船 In transit 中转Transportation hub 中转港(四)拖车Tractor 牵引车/拖头Low-bed 低平板车Trailer 拖车Transporter 拖车Trucking Company 车队(汽车运输公司) Axle load 轴负荷Tire-load 轮胎负荷Toll Gate 收费口(五)保税Bonded Area 保税区Bonded Goods ( Goods in Bond) 保税货物 Bonded Warehouse 保税库 Caged stored at bonded warehouse 进入海关监管Fork Lift 叉车Loading Platform 装卸平台(六)船期sailing 周五班 A Friday(Tuesday / Thursday)A fortnight sailing 双周班A bi-weekly sailing 周双班A monthly sailing 每月班On-schedule arrival / departure 准班抵离ETA :Estimated(Expected) Time of Arrival 预计到达时间 ETB: Estimated(Expected)Time of Berthing 预计靠泊时间ETD Estimated(Expected) Time of Departure 预计离泊时间The sailing Schedule/Vessels are subject to change without prior notice。
人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit 5单元综合能力测试卷(Word版,含答案)
人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit 5单元综合能力测试卷时间:100分钟满分:120分选择题部分第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
ADo you know a child who has used first aid to save a life or help an injured person?St.John Ambulance is seeking young people who have acted quickly,calmly and effectively at a real emergency for its annual Young First Aider of the Year awards.The awards are open to all those under 18,and the closing date for nomination (提名) is April 30,2017.The winners will be invited to attend a special ceremony in June,2020.“St.John Ambulance believes it is essential for young people to learn first aid so that they can help anyone who is injured,” said Sandra Stocker,director of St.John Ambulance Awards Committee.“The Young Fir st Aider of the Year is a wonderful way to celebrate their bravery and quickthinking.”Nomination for the Young First Aider of the Year is now open.Please complete and return the nomination forms as soon as possible and certainly no later than April 30,2020.The committee will decide which of the nominees will receive the Young First Aider of the Year awards by considering the actions of the nominees along with their ages and other factors.You should send any evidence you have with the nomination form,showing the nominees' actions.Examples of evidence could include:◆ Newspaper clippings (剪报) of the incident.◆ Police incident record numbers.Once a nomination form is received,the nominee or nominator may be approached for further details of the incident.For further information please get in touch with Sandra Stocker by e-mail or on 020-73244082 or 020-73244083.Find out who our winners will be for 2020.1.What does the passage intend to tell the readers?A.Young people should learn first aid to help the injured.B.Learning first aid can help young people win an award.C.The injured are encouraged to act quickly and calmly.D.St.John Ambulance makes profit by training first aiders.2.If you suggest someone for the awards,you should .A.attend the awards ceremonyB.make a speech introducing yourselfC.provide the details of the incidentD.have a good knowledge about first aid3.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.Demand for First AidersB.Importance of First AidC.St.John Ambulance AwardsD.Young First Aider of the YearBIn summer the extreme heat often makes people sweaty and restless.While people are annoyed by it,experts suggest summer is the best season to discharge (排放) your body's toxins (毒素) and recover your energy.One popular option is hot-stone massage (按摩).Therapists use smooth and heated stones,usually river rocks,to massage certain parts of the body,or place them on key points of the body.The warmth of the hot stones will improve blood circulation and also help relax muscles,while sweating is also believed to be good for discharging the body's toxins.Another popular option is hot-stone baths.The hot-stone bath will help the body discharge toxins and humidity that accumulated during the last winter.Summer is the best season to build a good body.Rather than use water or steam to heat and wash the body,people simply wear a coat or something comfortable,and then lie on heated stone tablets made of hot stones,which are warmed to around 45℃.The body will gradually warm up and blood circulation will also be improved.More sweat will come out quickly.The sweat is smooth and fresh,not smelly like that released after sportsactivities.Such baths bring a number of health benefits,such as anti-aging,improved blood circulation and stress relief.The slimming effect of dieting can even be promoted.Using hot stones for healing dates back to ancient times,but the modern renewal of hot-stone massage is generally credited to Mary Nelson,a native of Tucson,Arizona,America,whose trademark is “LaStone Therapy”.The therapy is gaining wide popularity with many people,especially those who have jobs in cool air-conditioned rooms.The hot-stone therapy can help cure many diseases,including back pain.4.Which of the following could be the best title for the text?A.The origin and development of the hot-stone therapyB.The amazing functions of the hot-stone therapyC.A healthy and comfortable lifestyleD.How to live comfortably in summer5.What do people use to release toxins in our body according to the text?A.Washing the body with cold water.B.Discharging lots of sweat.C.Relaxing muscles.D.Lying on the warm beds.6.What can we know from the text?A.Sports have greater effects on the health than hot-stone massage.B.There are no toxins and humidity in the body in summer.C.Using water of about 45℃ to wash the body is good for the health.D.People should take advantage of summer to improve their health.7.What can be learned about the hot-stone therapy?A.It was invented by Mary Nelson,an American.B.It successfully cured many people of cancer.C.It is popular with people with its excellent effects.D.It can help people avoid sweating too much in hot summer.CSunstroke (中暑) is a condition that can quickly go from dangerous to deadly,especially if proper care isn't given immediately.Sunstroke,sometimes called heatstroke,is a result of the body temperature rising above the safe limit.This causes the body's necessary functions to stop working.It's usually pretty easy to avoid sunstroke,as long as proper action is taken.In that case,you need to act as quickly as possible to return that person's body to a safe temperature.Here are a few tips to help treat sunstroke.Call for helpCall to get an ambulance as quickly as possible.This should be the first thing you do,especially if the sunstroke person has fainted (昏倒).Also,call for help from anyone nearby if you're in a public place.If there's no one around,call someone nearby if they can get there sooner than an ambulance.Ask everyone to bring you as much water as possible,if there isn't much nearby.Get the person to a cooler areaIf there's a building nearby,aim for that.Anywhere with plenty of air conditioners and water is perfect.If a building isn't available,bring the person to a well-shaded area.Get the water flowingIf the person is still conscious,get him or her to drink water.If there's a bathtub available,fill it with cool water and put the person in it.If your water supply is limited,you have to save it.Dampen a towel or shirt and put it on the person's body.Focus on the face,neck,and chest.Fan the personGetting moving air over the person cools him or her e anything,a towel or sheet,a shirt,your hands,or a piece of board.This is where having many people around really helps,as they can combine to fan the entire body.8.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?A.Call for assistance from others.B.Leave the sunstroke person in the shade.C.Put a wet towel on the person's face.D.Help the person take some medicine.9.What is mainly discussed in the passage?A.The first aid for sunstroke.B.The causes of sunstroke.C.The chief symptoms of sunstroke.D.The essential prevention of sunstroke.10.The text probably comes from a(n) .A.guidebook reviewC.medical magazine D.official document11.When does a person get sunstroke?A.When the body doesn't function.B.When proper care is given immediately.C.When someone is exposed to the sun too long.D.When the body temperature goes up beyond what one can bear.DWhen your pet has an emergency,first aid is not a substitute for veterinary(兽医的) treatment.However,before you are able to get your pet to a veterinarian,knowing some basic first aid can help.Bite WoundsApproach the pet carefully to avoid getting bitten.Wear a mask for the animal and then check the wound.Clean the wound with large amounts of saline(盐水).If these are not available,then regular water may be used.Wrap large open wounds to keep them clean.BleedingApply firm,direct pressure over the bleeding area until the bleeding stops.Hold the pressure for at least 10 minutes.Avoid bandages that cut off circulation.Breathing StopsCheck to see if the animal is choking(窒息) on a foreign object.If an animal is not breathing,place it on a firm surface with its left side up.Check for a heartbeat.If you hear a heartbeat but not breathing,close the animal's mouth and breathe directly into its nose—not the mouth—until the chest expands.Repeat 12 to 15 times per minute.BurnsWash the burn immediately with large amounts of cool,running water.Apply an ice pack for 15-20 minutes.Do not place an ice pack directly on the skin.Wrap the pack in a light towel or other cover.If the animal has large quantities of dry chemicals on its skin,brush them off.Water may activate some dry chemicals.Fractures(骨折)Symptoms include pain,inability to use a limb(腿).Wear a mask for the pet and look for bleeding.If you can control bleeding without causing more injury,then do so.Watch for signs of shock.Don't try to set the fractures by pulling the limb.Transport the pet to the veterinarian immediately,supporting the injured part as best as you can.12.If your pet is burned by chemicals,you should .A.wash away the chemicals with salineB.put an ice pack directly on the skinC.bind up the cut with a bandageD.get rid of them before washing13.The passage is mainly about .A.doing pet first aidB.treating sick petsC.dealing with an emergencyD.working as a veterinarian14.The underlined word “substitute” in the first paragraph means something .A.that is necessaryB.that can replace other thingsC.that is familiar with usD.that can calm people第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
NOMINATION FORM 赫尔曼·格迈纳尔奖项信息申请表∙Who do you want to nominate? 候选人信息Please give us some information about the candidate you want to nominate for the Hermann Gmeiner Award 2014∙First Name *名∙Last Name *姓∙Gender *性别∙Age *年龄∙Email *电子邮箱∙Phone Number (incuding the international country code) 电话号码(含国际国家代码)∙Address 地址街道省/市/自治区邮政编码国家∙Why should this person be nominated? 提名原因What makes this person special? How does he/she inspire others? ∙What social, cultural, athletic or career accomplishments qualify this person for the Hermann Gmeiner Award? *候选人有何成就∙For whom is this person (and his or her actions) a role model? *谁是候选人的榜样∙How does this person influence their lives? *候选人如何对其他人产生影响力∙Please attach a picture of the person you nominate 请附1张候选人照片∙The life path of the nominated person: 候选人的成长历程Please give us some information- on the SOS programme in which your candidate has beensupported during his/her childhood- the education he/she completed- his/her current employment∙Country (of the responsible SOS programme) *国家∙Location *地点∙Programme Unit 村名称∙Approximate time period of support (from year - until year) *在村期间(从某年至某年)∙Education (time period + type of education) 教育(时期+学历)∙Current employment (job title + employer) 职业(职位名称+雇主姓名)∙Family status *家庭状况∙Number of children 子女人数∙Age of children 子女年龄∙About yourself 评选人信息(村长信息)Please give us some basic information about yourself and your connection to SOS Children's Villages∙First Name *名∙Last Name *姓∙Gender 性别Female Male∙Email *电子邮箱∙Phone Number (including the international country code) 电话号码(含国际国家代码)∙My connection to SOS Children's Villages *与儿童村的关系beneficiary of an SOS programme former beneficiary of anSOS programme Other (please specify)∙Country (of the SOS programme you are / were part of) 国家∙Location of the SOS programme you are/ were part of) 地点∙Country of residence 居住国。
4 按人员计算通风量 ................................................................................................. 8
4.1 一般规定...............................................................................................................................8 4.2 各功能空间人员数量的确定方法........................................................................................8 4.3 计算方法..............................................................................................................................11
根据老师的要求整理的词汇学期末复习资料Chapter 11.What is the scope of lexicology? How is lexicology related to lexicography and etymology?2.What are diachronic approach历时性研究and synchronic approach共识性研究in lexicological study?lexicology, a branch of linguistics, deals with the nature, history, use , and meaning of words and the relationships between elements of words. Lexicology mainly covers the origin, development, structure, meaning, and application of words.Linguists usually define a word as the smallest unit of a language1.Lexicology includes phonetics语音学phonology音韵学semantics 语义学etymology词源学lexicography词典学morphology形态学Etymology, which can be regarded as a subfield of lexicology, mainly focuses on the study of the origin and history of words. Lexicography, another related branch to lexicology, is mainly concerned with inclusion of words and the science of compiling dictionaries. Lexicography is about the application of lexicology--the science of dictionaries.Translation;coal abounds in this province.Crystal water wells out of the spring.2.Two major approaches are employed in lexicological studies;diachronic approach and synchronic approach. They are also two principal approaches to the study of language. all languages exist in a state of constant change and development. In language studies, linguists may investigate the history and stages oflanguage change(diachronic) in a course of time. It is historical lexicology. At the same time, they can study the language use, features and variation within a certain stage of its development(synchronic). Then it is descriptive lexicology.3.Chapter 21, what are the major foreign influences upon the development of the English vocabulary? Are there any other sources of influence that are not discussed in this chapter? Could you find some and add with examples?2, what factors do you think might influence the development of the English language? In your opinion, what will be English language be like in 50 years?The English vocabulary sprang from three major root sources; Germanic, Latin, and Greek.① Germanic tribes; anglo-Saxons, form AD450 to 1150; old English period, they contributed about 50. 000 very basic words in today’s English.②Latin; Roman Occupation, 55BC-AD410. The status of Englandwas re-enhanced as the Latin-speaking missionaries brought Christianity to England.Greek; Roman conquerors turned to learn Greek, and the English nobles began to learn Latin.French; in 1066, the Norman French conquered Britain and brought the French style of life to England.Italy; the European Renaissance, which originated from Italy in the late 14th century and began in large scale in Western Europe throughout the 15th century, signified a new epoch of scientific revolution, religious reforms, artistic transformations, and literary a result of this cultural movement, quite anumber of Italian words become a permanent part of the English vocabulary.In the 17th century, British conquered the place we call United State, mixed English with their language.In conclusion, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Jute, Viking, Norman.Chapter31.What is morpheme? What are the major types of morphemes? What is allomorph词素变体?A morpheme词素is the smallest part of a word that has grammatical function or meaning. For example, walks, walked, and walking can be analyzed into the morphemes(walk). None of these morphemes can be further divided into meaningful units.Morpheme;free morpheme自由词素it does not have to be attached to another morpheme.bound morpheme粘着词素they must be attached to some other unit(s).inflectional morpheme\屈折词素such as -s, -ed, -ing,the addition of inflectional morphemes merely changes word form. Such asderivational morpheme派生词素.re-, un-, -ness, -ful . The addition of derivational morphemes creates new words. Such as possible→impossibleWhen a morpheme has variant forms, these variant forms are called allomorphs. Allomorphs are different realizations of the same morpheme. Such as tooth→teeth, sheep→sheep(different pronunciation.)Chapter4The formation of English Words;derivation派生法; is the process by which new words areformed form existing words or roots by adding affixes词缀( prefix, suffix).Such as; self+less→selfless, self+less+ly→selflessly, un+self+ish→unselfish.compounding复合法;is a direct process of word formation.A compound word is usually formed of two or more independent words that can be used alone as individual words.Eg; database, weblog, webpage, customer service, data retrieval, mass-destructionconversion转类法;is a process in which the part of speech of a word changes while its form is maintained. Conversion is also defined as”zero derivation,”which means that a word can play a new role without deriving anything or making any changes.Such as; water n, v. bottle→t o bottle, closet, fool, knife, name, pocket, ship, can, e-mail, heat, microwave, nurse, shape, tutor. n→vblending拼缀法;is a word formation process in which parts of words are put together to get a new word. Such as; smoke+ fog→smog, spread+crawl爬行→sprawl伸开四肢坐或卧, camcorder→camera+recorder, blog→web+log, brunch→breakfast+lunch, comcast→communication+broadcast, guestimate→guest+ estimate, intercom →internal+ communication, laundromat→laundry+automat, medicaid→medical+care+aid, medicare→medical + care, newscast→news+ broadcast, nightscape→night + landscape, paratroops→ parachute+ troops伞兵,back formation逆构法;is a process of creating a new word out of an existing word which is mistakenly assumed to be in derivative; a supposed suffix of a longer word is removed. Such as; babysit from babysitting, nominate推荐from nomination提名.clipping 截短法;is another word formation process from which a new word is formed by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllable word and the remaining will mean essentially the same thing as the original word.. Such as; fax from facsimile, and phone from telephone, ad→advertisement, cable→cablegram, dorm→dormitory, gas→gasoline, gym→gymnastics, kilo→kilogram, memo→ memorandum, ?acronyms缩略法;Acronymy and Initialism首字母缩略法;are word formation practices in which the first letters of the individual words of a phrase are put together to form a new word. Such as; DOB for date of birth.from proper noun to common noun从专有名词到普通名词Chapter71.How do your understand sense relations? What are the majorsense relations discussed in this chapter?2.What is polysemy? What is homonymy? How are they related? How are they different?The meaning of a word in usually related in important ways to the meanings of other words. The relations in meaning are known collectively as sense relations. The major kinds of sense relations include; synonymy同义关系antonymy反义关系hyponymy上下义关系(such as flower and rose)polysemy一词多义homonymy同形或同音异义关系(bank bear)Polysemy; refers to the capacity of a word to have multiple meanings.A polyseme is a word or a phrase with different but related meanings. There are two kinds of polysemy; regular/systematicpolysemy and irregular/nonsystematic polysemy. Regular polysemy refers to the situation where different interpretations of one word have parallel sets of meanings among one another. For example, bottle can refer both to a container( of liquids)-as in this bottle is full of water-and to a quantity( of liquids)-as in i would like to buy a bottle of wine. Irregular polysemy is different. For example, glass can refer to a certain material, or to a certain kind of container, or to a certain optical aid which is often made of this material. Although these three meanings of the word are, to some extent, related to each other, the relations among them are not systematic, since we cannot give rulesthat would account for these three meanings of glass.Homonymy is , in the strict sense in linguistics, a sense relation in which words share the same spelling and/or the same pronunciation but have different meanings. One example of homonym is left( opposite of right) and left( past tense of leave). This is an example of perfect homonyms-they are the same in spelling as well as pronunciation, but different n meaning. Besides true homonyms, there are two other types; words that are same in spelling, but not in pronunciation, are called homographs; words that are the same in pronunciation, but different in spelling, are called homophones. Bear;忍受;生育(一词多义),bear 忍受;熊(同形异义)Chapter8Metaphor隐喻;a metaphor is an implied analogy that suggestively identified one thing with another.Eg; the city is a jungle, where the strong survive and the weak perish. The jail is a zoo, where many” animals” are caged.Life is the morning dew, which vapors away in a mere glimpse.The world is a stage.Personification拟人化; is a figurative technique by whichnon-living objects such as things and ideas are endowed with the traits, feelings, actions, characteristics, and even languages of human beings.The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes, The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes, Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,And seeing that it was a soft October night,Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.Hyperbole夸张; or exaggeration, is a figurative technique used to emphasize a point. Writers or speakers use this technique to be impressive or to emphasize a point.The fish is as small as a shrimp.To heaven or to hell, I will to with you.He feels as if he could crumb the earth into pieces.Allusion暗指;allusion is another kind of metaphor. It is used to refer to something that is well-known in literature or history to express your point.This story is actually a new version of King Lear’s tragedy.Many Americans were worried that the war in Iraq would become a second Vietnam War.After getting tired of the Tom-and-Jerry games in a high school, he quit his teaching job.Want to make a million dollars overnight? Have you got the Aladdin’s lamp yet?Paradox悖论refers to seemingly self-contradictory statement that actually is may appear totally senseless on the surface but is really valid.Rewards are not always proportionate to efforts.You achieve your goal only to find out that it’s not what you want. Ignorance is joy.Onomatopoeia 拟声; means to take advantage of the words whose sounds are associated with the objects or actions they represent. Onomatopoeia generates sounds.“We won!” my boss chortled in joy.The ghost chortled as it was getting closer to him in the nightmare howl.One of the war phots recorded a mother howling over the dead body of her child.Better wind howled through the naked trees.The horses snorted when pulling the wagon up the mountain road. That old steam-engine train snorted as it left the train station. “That is my father.” she whispered to him.Leaves were whispering in the autumn wind.A little boy was wailing for a toy train.An ambulance wailed down the street.A dog barked at the stranger.“Hold it! Or I’ll shoot,” the farmer barked at the intruder.The roar of a lion echoed in the valley.“Get out!” he roared, “I don’t want to see your face again!”Several young sparrows were twittering in their nest.He could not sleep because several little girls were twittering outside the window.。
The re-election of the organizing committee members requires advance planning and scheduling of the election.2.在选举计划中,需要明确候选人提名的时间和程序。
In the election plan, it is necessary to specify the time and procedure for candidate nominations.3.组织委员重新推选的程序应当公开透明。
The re-election process of the organizing committee members should be open and transparent.4.可以通过发放候选人提名表格来征集候选人。
Candidate nominations can be collected by distributing nomination forms.5.提名表格上需要包括候选人的个人资料和推选目标等信息。
The nomination form should include the candidate's personal information and election goals.6.提名表格递交截止日期需提前告知所有组织成员。
The deadline for submitting nomination forms should be announced to all members in advance.7.组织委员重新推选的选举委员会需要经过成员大会的批准产生。
The election committee for the re-election of the organizing committee members needs to be approved by the general membership meeting.8.选举委员会负责监督和组织整个重新推选的过程。
学校教职工推选副校长流程英文回答:The process of selecting a vice president in a school typically involves several steps. First, there is usually a nomination phase where staff members are invited to nominate candidates for the position. This can be done through a formal nomination form or simply by submitting names to a designated person or committee.Once the nominations are collected, the next step is often a vetting process. This involves reviewing the qualifications and experience of each nominee to determine their suitability for the role. The vetting process may include checking references, conducting interviews, and reviewing past performance evaluations.After the vetting process, a shortlist of candidates is usually created. This shortlist is then presented to the staff members for their consideration. In some cases, theremay be a formal voting process where staff members cast their votes for their preferred candidate. In other cases, the final decision may be made by a smaller committee or the school administration.Once the votes or decisions are tallied, the candidate with the most support is typically appointed as the vice president. The selected candidate is then notified of their appointment and may be required to sign an employment contract or agreement.It is important to note that the exact process may vary from school to school. Some schools may have additional steps or requirements, such as candidate interviews or presentations to the staff members. Additionally, the timeline for the selection process can vary depending on the school's needs and priorities.Overall, the process of selecting a vice president in a school involves nominations, vetting, staff member consideration, and a final decision-making process. It is a collaborative effort that aims to ensure the best candidateis chosen for the role.中文回答:学校选举副校长的流程通常包括几个步骤。
国家有突出贡献中青年专家 申报条件
英文回答:In accordance with the conditions for the declaration of young experts with outstanding contributions by the State, the person making the declaration must meet the following conditions: first, the age of the person in question is generally not more than 45 years, and the age of the person in question may be relaxed, as appropriate; secondly, a doctorate degree is awarded to a well—known higher education institution at home or abroad, or a study at a level higher than that of a doctorate at a well—known higher education institution at home or abroad; thirdly, significant original results are achieved in the relevant fields, a solid academic base and a broad international perspective, with a capacity for scientific and technological innovation and the transformationof results; fourthly, a remarkable innovation has been achieved within a certain number of years, with a high international academic impact, and the field of research is in line with the country ' s macro—strategic needs or the direction of research is an international front—line or major challenge;and fifthly, 10—15 persons are awarded annually, in principle,with appropriate liberalization。
送立功受奖喜报工作流程英文回答:Notification of Commendation and Award (hereafter referred to as "Notification of Commendation") is a form of honor given to individuals or collectives for their outstanding achievements and contributions in various fields. The Notification of Commendation is usually issued by government agencies, organizations, or institutions to recognize and reward the commendable behavior and deeds of the recipients. The process of delivering the Notification of Commendation involves several steps:1. Nomination and Recommendation: The process begins with the identification of potential candidates for the Notification of Commendation. This can be done throughself-nomination, nomination by colleagues or supervisors, or recommendations from relevant organizations or institutions. The nominating party typically submits a nomination package that includes supporting documents andevidence of the candidate's achievements and contributions.2. Review and Evaluation: The nomination package isthen reviewed and evaluated by a designated committee or panel. The committee examines the candidate'squalifications, accomplishments, and the overall impact of their work. Based on the evaluation, the committee determines whether the candidate meets the criteria for receiving the Notification of Commendation.3. Approval and Issuance: If the candidate is approved for the Notification of Commendation, the relevantauthority or organization issues the official document. The Notification of Commendation typically includes information about the recipient's name, the reason for the commendation, and the date of issuance.4. Presentation and Delivery: The Notification of Commendation is usually presented to the recipient in a formal ceremony or event. Representatives from the issuing authority or organization, along with colleagues and guests, may attend the presentation. The recipient is given theofficial document and a symbolic token of recognition, such as a plaque or trophy.5. Publication and Dissemination: In some cases, the Notification of Commendation may be published in official publications or shared through media outlets. The purpose of this is to recognize the recipient's achievements and inspire others to strive for excellence.The process of delivering the Notification of Commendation may vary slightly depending on the specific issuing authority or organization. However, the general steps outlined above provide a comprehensive overview of the typical workflow.中文回答:送立功受奖喜报工作流程。
动物检疫工作先进个人申报表范文Outstanding Individual Nomination Form for Animal Inspection WorkPersonal InformationName: [Your Name]Position: Animal Health InspectorOrganization: [Your Organization]Contact Information: [Your Contact Details]IntroductionIn the vital field of animal health and welfare, the role of an animal inspector is not just a job title, but a calling. It requires dedication, commitment, and an unwavering focus on safety and prevention. I am proud to submit my nomination for the Outstanding Individual Award in Animal Inspection Work, highlighting my contributions and achievements in this crucial domain.Professional BackgroundMy journey in animal inspection began several years ago, when I realized the significance of this work in safeguarding public health and animal welfare. Since then, I have been actively involved in various animal inspection and quarantine activities, gaining extensive knowledge and skills in this field.Contributions and AchievementsInnovative Inspection Techniques: Recognizing the need for more efficient and accurate inspection methods, I led a team to develop innovative techniques using modern technology. These techniques have significantly reduced inspection time and improved accuracy, ensuring faster identification of potential health risks.Successful Quarantine Programs: I have been instrumental in implementing several successful quarantine programs, ensuring that animals imported into our country are free from diseases and pests. These programs have been widely praised for their effectiveness and have set new standards for animal quarantine.Community Engagement: Understanding that animal health is everyone's responsibility, I have actively engaged with the community, conducting workshops and seminars to educate the public about animal health and quarantine measures. My efforts have led to increased awareness and better compliance with animal health regulations.Professional Development: I have always believed in continuous learning and have participated in numerous professional development courses to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in animal inspection. This has enabled me to provide better guidance and support to my team, ensuring that we are always at the forefront of animal inspection work.ConclusionI am deeply committed to the cause of animal health and welfare, and it is an honor to serve in this vital role. I believe that my contributions and achievements in animal inspection work merit recognition, and I am grateful for the opportunity tobe considered for this prestigious award. If selected, I promise to continue my dedication to this important field, striving to protect the health and safety of animals and the public at large.动物检疫工作先进个人申报表范文个人信息姓名:[您的姓名]职位:动物健康检查员组织:[您的组织]联系方式:[您的联系方式]介绍在动物健康和福利这一至关重要的领域中,动物检查员的角色不仅仅是一个职位,更是一种使命。
availability). In order to summarise for this alternative: items 2.1.1 and 2.1.3 shall state “Provided” while items 2.1.2 and 2.1.4 shall state “-“(see example 2a).According to alternative 2 (variant 2b): When NBDP Radio Telex (Tlx) fails, a second Inmarsat is required (this will be the same as alternative 1b if the MF/HF/ DSC is fully operational and 1a if only MF/ DSC is operational). However, the owner may apply for exemption from having a Tlx provided the HF/DSC and MF/HF radio telephony functionalities are in good working order. DNV supports exemption, but the application should be sent bythe owner to DNV for forwarding to the flag. DNV Standard Survey Information will be checked for possible flag state procedures for exemption. Several flags arewilling to issue, or authorise DNV to issue,exemption from having a Tlx providedthe other requirements are complied with.As examples, NMD (Norway) and DMA(Denmark) accept exemption while BMA(the Bahamas) is in favour if supported byDNV.If exemption is granted by the flag, thenitems 2.1.1,, and state “Provided”, item shallstate “See Exemption” and item 2.1.4 shallstate “-“(see example 2b). In such a case,the exemption certificate (issued either bythe flag or by DNV when authorised by theflag to do so) shall be attached to the maincertificate.Technical eNewsletter 10 November 20111a 2a 2b1b Alternatives, see Newsletter。
Official NominationCompleted nominations are due annually on August 31.DATE ______________CONTACT INFORMATIONYour Name ____________________________________________________________________Title ___________________________________ Company _______________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________City ____________________________________ State ______________ Zip ________________ Phone __________________________________ Fax ____________________________________E-mail______________________________ Web site ___________________________________ Other contacts __________________________________________________________________ NOMINATED TECHNOLOGY INFORMATIONNominators are encouraged to supply supporting materials and to coordinate information directly with other organizations and individuals involved in the development of the nominated technology.Name of original space technology _________________________________________________ Commercial name of technology ___________________________________________________ Name of organization(s)/and individual(s) responsible (in order of contribution)__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ What are/were the original space applications of this technology?__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How is the technology used commercially?__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ How will the technology be continually used / developed in the future?__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ What is the primary innovator’s commercialization investment? $ ________________________ Product sales for current year $ (est.) ________________Product sales for two previous years $ ________________ $ _______________Published technology information (publication and date)__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT SUMMARYOn a separate sheet, please prepare a brief (400-500 words) one-page technology development summary describing what prompted the original development of the space technology and howthe commercial spin-off evolved. The summary should clearly illustrate how the candidate technology fulfills the selection criteria. Be aware that this is the only statement presented tothe panel of judges who determine the final technology inductees. The judges will not have access to the additional published or support information that you provide. Those materials are used to aid the due diligence process and for determining relative contributions of innovating organizations and individuals. (See next page for selection criteria.)Questions? Call 719.576.8000Send completed nomination(s) to:Space FoundationKevin C. Cook, Director - Space Awareness Programs4425 Arrowswest DriveColorado Springs, CO 80907 USAHQ: +1.719.576.8000or Via e-mail: hof@Selection CriteriaPlease ensure that the Technology Development Summary of your nomination clearly illustrates how the candidate technology fulfills the following selection criteria. It is the only statement presented to the panel of judges who determine the final technology inductees. The judges will not have access to the additional published or support information that you provide. Those materials are used to aid the due diligence process and for determining relative contributions of innovating organizations and individuals.Economic Benefit (10 points) – The economic activity resulting from the technology: Has the technology been the basis of, or a significant contributor to, a successfully sellingproduct and/or generated a new growing company?Public/Private/Partnership Investment (5 points) – The significance of the development efforts: Was the initial development effort an example of a significant partnershipbetween the government and the private sector, and/or did the transformation of thespace technology to the market version require significant commitment and investmentby the private sector?Public Awareness Factor (15 points) –The technology’s public appeal: Can the spinoff application be easily grasped by the general public? Does it have promotional value in highlighting the benefits of space?Societal Benefit Factor (15 points) – Does it have important benefits for a significant number of Americans?Longevity (5 points) –The technology’s commercial life: How long has the technologyand/or its application been successfully in use?Questions? Call 719.576.8000Send completed nomination(s) to:Space FoundationKevin C. Cook, Director - Space Awareness Programs4425 Arrowswest DriveColorado Springs, CO 80907 USAHQ: +1.719.576.8000Via e-mail:hof@。
IEEE会员申请方法教您如何申请IEEE会员一、IEEE 简介IEEE 是全世界最大的专业技术学会。
她现在拥有36 万会员,下面分为35个专业学会(Society),2 个联合会(Council)。
她是一个跨国的学术组织,总部设在美国纽约市,但近300 个地区分会(Section)却分布在世界上150 多个国家中。
在分会下设专业委员会(Chapter),她现有1249 个专业委员会。
IEEE 每年召开300多次学术会议,参加会议者约35 万人次。
出版学报67 种、杂志25 种、会讯24 种、书籍50 种左右。
IEEE 愿望. 技术创新、协助会员生涯发展、增进全球小区交流,促进全球繁荣。
IEEE 任务. 推动电气信息科学与技术之创新、发展、整合、分享、应用等知识,以增进人类生活福利。
二、IEEE 各机构名称中文翻译根据我国IEEE 事务发展,IEEE 各机构名称中文翻译应尽量采用统一的标准译名,如下:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.——电气与电子工程师学会(注意,电气与电子工程师学会前面没有“美国”或“国际”)Society——专业学会Section——分会Chapter——专业分会Student Branch ——学生支会Sub-Section——支分会Region ——区Council ——常务理事会BOG ——理事会Headquarter——总部Past Chairman ——前任主席Chairman Elect ——当选主席三、加入IEEE 会员的好处1、可以免费获得一两种IEEE 出版的杂志;2、可以按会员优惠价格,订购IEEE 所有的出版物;3、参加IEEE 举办的学术会议,注册费可享受优惠打折;4、可以和国际上的同行专家建立联系,开展各种交流和合作活动;5、可以参加IEEE 的电子信息网络;可以在IEEE 的主页上查阅从1988 年以来的IEEE 出版的杂志、会议录、技术标准的论文题目;可以直接查阅《Spectrum》杂志和你订阅了的其他杂志的全文。
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For immediate and on the Spot Recognition of good work/behaviour by the Reporting Manager with a prize value of RMB 300 and to not more than 15 % of the team size in any given quarter. The Reporting Manager should discuss this with the Function Head/BU Head before rewarding the employee.
This recognition should be used for appreciating the contributions of the team members immediately & widely. Gift vouchers and Certificates for Spot Awards would be made available with the BU Coordinators.
Nomination for the month of: _________________
Proposed By: Approved By:
Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________ Designation: _____________________ Designation: _____________ ___
For recognizing the most Exceptional performance/revenue impact/innovation in each Function/BU by the Function/BU Head on a quarter basis with a prize amount of RMB 600.
●BU/FH to send a commemoration note to HR by the 7th of every 3rd month for the previous quarter
●HR SPOC will facilitate the delivery of the certificate signed by the BU Head/Function head and the gift
●At BU the award will be presented during the sales review and at NHQ the same would get presented
during the R&R ceremony.
Nomination for the month of: _________________
Proposed By: Approved By:
Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________ Designation: _____________________ Designation: _____________ ___
For recognizing the most Exceptional performance/revenue impact/innovation in each Function/BU by the Function/BU Head over a 6 month period and with an amount of RMB 1,000- each.
●BU/Function Head to nominate employee from their respective BU/Function and send a
commemoration note to the HR SPOC, when nominations are sought. HR shall announce the achievement to all employees.
●The award will be presented during the Lava Utsav and besides the cash prize will also have a scroll of
honour, and a rolling trophy meant for each Function/BU separately.
Nomination for the month of: _________________
Proposed By: Approved By:
Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________ Designation: _____________________ Designation: _____________ ___
For immediate and on the spot recognition of good work behavior of cross functional teams formed for some special project/ task by the HOD/BU Head of the concerned Department/BU with prize value not exceeding RMB 300 per team member or Team dinner of an equivalent amount per head and a certificate.
●The details of the team (name of team members, department) along with the project details, citation
should be sent by the BUGM/HOD of the impacted department to HR.
●HR will arrange for the certificate and gift voucher and the same will be presented during R&R
Nomination for the month of: _________________
Proposed By: Approved By:
Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________ Designation: _____________________ Designation: _____________ ___
For recognizing the exceptional performance/revenue impact/innovation at BU/Company level of cross functional teams formed for some special project/task by BUGM/HOD of the concerned Department with prize value of RMB 600 and RMB 1,000 for Star and Superstar respectively per team member, certificate and a trophy.
The nominations for Team star/superstar award is subject to ratification in BUGM/HOD review.
●The details of the team (name of team members, department) along with the project details, citation
will be sent by the respective BUGM/HOD of the concerned Department to HR.
●HR will get the nominations ratified in the HOD/BUGM review.
●Post approval in the HOD/BUGM review the HR SPOC will arrange for the certificate and gift voucher
and the same will be presented during R&R ceremony.
Proposed By: Approved By:
Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________。