Sleep Medicine
372世界睡眠医学杂志World Journal of Sleep Medicine2016年::12月第_3:卷第6趙_.Dec.2Q16,V〇1.3.No.6睡眠管理Sleep Management斯坦福大学睡眠医学中心见闻—面向科学前沿的睡眠中心Experiences in Sleep Medicine Center of Stanford University------Sleep centre at the frontiers of science刘艳骄1高和2(1«中.:國中褒科学:脘广安门涯院_眠中心,.那京,.1«053;:2:^養_军总雇腐航空航*睡眠中心,北京.100142_:)摘要美国睡眠里学发展一jL.St于世界领先水平,2016_年由中国_考年学.和秦年匿学学会_離_眠科学分会主办,中爾:K师:f办会睡眠IS■学专业委员会v中调睡眠研寒会、世界中联睡眠医学专业委胬僉协办下,中商.睡眠医学专业珥孤赴美访问学习,本■文就参访一行所见睡眠里学中心发展模式荩机:构儀置等歌行介绍f «供相关•者借鉴,以期共同:低进我国.睡眠医学事业.的发展..。
关键词睡眠美闺纖g福大学:|藤眠中心;睡脲管理中图分类号:B536. 8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:3095-7130_ (2016 ) 06-372-374由中匡老年学和老年医学学会睡眶科学分会 畫办,中S医师协会睡眠医学专业委员会、中H 睡眠研究会、世界中联睡眠医学专业委员会协办,深圳金士宵康复用品科技有限公司支持的中 国睡眠医学专业赴美参观访问团,f2〇16年9 月10-19日圆满完成赴美学习参观访问任务。
中国在美国的访问学者马彦为此次参访做了 很多的联系X作,空军总医院睡眠中心高和主任 也进行的精心的设计。
此行的I.目的在于了解不同 层面睡眠中心,包括睡眠研究型医院、大学的综 合性医院睡眠中心,个体睡眠诊所等。
96 世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine2019年1月第6卷第1期January.2019,Vol.6,No.1作者简介:马焱,研究方向:老年内科学,E mail:doujiang0109@163 com睡眠呼吸病学SleepApnea睡眠呼吸暂停程度与高血压分级相关性分析马焱 何红(首都医科大学石景山教学医院北京石景山医院,北京,100043)摘要 目的:探讨睡眠呼吸暂停低通气(ObsructiveSleepApneaHypopneaSyndrome,OSAHS)程度与高血压分级相关性。
结果:睡眠呼吸暂停低通气严重程度与高血压分级程度呈正相关(相关系数0 257,P<0 05)。
关键词 睡眠呼吸;暂停程度;高血压;分级;相关性AClinicalStudyoftheCorrelationBetweenSleepApneaHypopneaandHypertensionMaYan,HeHong(ShijingshanteachinghospitalofCapitalMedicalUniversityBeijingjingshanHospital,Beijing100043,China)Abstract Objective:Toexplorethecorrelationbetweensleepapneahypopneaandhypertension Methods:Patientswithsleepapneahypopneaandhypertensionwerescreenedandmonitoredbypolysomnography ThecorrelationbetweenOSAHSdegreeandhypertensiongradewasanalyzed Results:Theseverityofsleepapneahypopneawaspositivelycorrelatedwiththegradeofhyper tension(correlationcoefficient0 257,P<0 05) Conclusion:Theseverityofsleepapneahypopneawaspositivelycorrelatedwiththegradeofhypertension.KeyWords Sleepapnea;Degreeofapnea;Hypertension;Grading;Correlation中图分类号:R544 1文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2019.01.039 睡眠呼吸暂停低通气(OSAHS)是一种常见的睡眠呼吸障碍性疾病,以睡眠过程中上气道完全或部分阻塞和(或)呼吸中枢驱动降低导致呼吸暂停为特征,进而产生慢性间歇性低氧、二氧化碳潴留、反复胸腔内负压增大、反复微觉醒、睡眠结构异常、白天嗜睡及记忆力下降,并可引起自主神经功能紊乱等[1]。
《国际睡眠障碍分类》 (第三版) 慢性失眠障碍的诊断标准
美国睡眠医学会 主编 解放军空军总医院睡眠中心 高和,等翻译
关键词 睡眠障碍;分类;慢性失眠障碍;诊断 中图分类号:R7497 文献标识码:A doi:103969/jissn2095-7130201805015
世界睡眠医学杂志 WorldJournalofSleepMedicine
2018年 5月第 5卷第 5期 May.2018,Vol.5,No.5
5 临床亚型
E睡眠紊乱和相关日间症状持续至少 3个月
维持困难或早醒。在适宜作息时间抗拒上床睡眠 反而容易入睡。同时存在对睡眠过分关注、担
和没有家长或照护者干预下难以独自入睡的情况 忧,认知和躯体觉醒水平增高 (特 别 是 就 寝 时
多见于儿童和由于严重功能受损需他人照护的老 间)。
年人 (如痴呆患者)。
特发性失眠 (IdiopathicInsomnia) 特点为自
在 ICSD2分类列出原发性失眠的多种亚型,
F睡眠 /觉醒困难不能以另一种睡眠疾病更
心理生理性失眠 (PsychophysiologicalInsom
nia) 特点是觉醒程度提高,形成的阻睡联想导致
4 注释
1) 各年龄段均可出现睡眠起始困难、睡眠 睡,但是更换到陌生睡眠环境后或不关注入睡时
一原因。是否需要单独诊断失眠障碍,关键在于 变,该发现可能解释主观睡眠感觉和客观睡眠检
1. Sleep Medicine Reviews,这是一本权威的睡眠医学综述期刊,涵盖了睡眠障碍的研究、诊断和治疗方面的最新进展。
2. Journal of Sleep Research,这本期刊专注于睡眠科学领
3. Sleep,这是美国睡眠研究学会出版的官方期刊,涵盖了睡
4. Sleep Medicine,这本期刊涵盖了睡眠医学领域的临床研究
5. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine,这是一本临床睡眠医学期刊,主要刊载睡眠障碍的诊断、治疗和管理方面的研究成果。
medicine; drug; remedy: 药sleeping pill: 安眠药contraceptive drugs: 避孕药tonic: 补药a medicine for colds: 感冒药expectorant: 化痰药anti-cancer drugs; cancer-fighting drugs: 抗癌药anti-tuberculous drug: 抗结核药oral contraceptive; pill: 口服避孕药good medicine; a good remedy:良药laxative: 轻泻药antipyretic: 退热药for oral administration: 内服药specific medicine; specific: 特效药for external use: 外用药preventive medicine; prophylactic: 预防药sedative: 镇静药take medicine: 服药change dressings:换药decoct herbal medicine: 煎药fill a prescription: 配药have a prescription made up(filled):(患者)抓药medicinal materials; crude drugs: 药材medicinal herbs: 药草tablet: 药片medicines and chemical reagents: 药品medicine bottle: 药瓶remedies: 药石liquid medicine; medicinal liquid: 药水lotion: 洗液pill: 药丸bolus: 大药丸herbal medicines in a prescription: 药味(中药方中的药)flavor of a drug: 药味(药的味道或气味)medicines; pharmaceuticals; medicaments: 药物heal with drugs: 药物医治drug allergy: 药物过敏drug poisoning: 药物中毒(medicinal)powder: 药粉ointment; salve: 药膏apply a plaster: 上药膏。
2116 世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine2023年9月第10卷第9期September.2023,Vol.10,No.9基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC2104800);国家自然科学基金青年项目(22108196,22108226);陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目(2021JQ 439)作者简介:史腊腊,女,硕士,研究方向:生物医用材料,E mail:shilala251723@163 com通信作者:申世红,女,博士,副教授,研究方向:生物医用材料、纳米功能材料,E mail:shenshihong1@nwu edu cn中医睡眠中药学ChineseMedicineofSleep绞股蓝改善睡眠有效成分的研究史腊腊 申世红(西北大学化工学院,西安,710069)摘要 目的:探究绞股蓝改善睡眠的有效成分。
结果表明,绞股蓝水提物、绞股蓝皂苷、绞股蓝多糖各剂量组对正常小鼠均无直接睡眠作用,绞股蓝皂苷各剂量组均可以延长戊巴比妥钠诱导的小鼠睡眠时间(P<0 05或P<0 001),增加戊巴比妥钠阈下催眠剂量入睡小鼠只数(P<0 05或P<0 01),缩短小鼠的睡眠潜伏期(P<0 05或P<0 001)。
绞股蓝皂苷、绞股蓝水提物高剂量组在延长戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间、增加小鼠戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量催眠只数、缩短巴比妥钠睡眠潜伏期方面效果优于绞股蓝多糖组(P<0 05)。
此外,绞股蓝皂苷高剂量组小鼠下丘脑及血清中的5羟色胺(5 HT)及γ 氨基丁酸(GABA)含量均显著高于对照组(P<0 001),多巴胺(DA)含量均显著低于对照组(P<0 01)。
medicine;drug;remedy 药sleeping pill 安眠药contraceptive drugs 避孕药tonic 补药a medicine for colds 感冒药expectorant 化痰药anti-cancer drugs;cancer-fighting drugs 抗癌药anti-tuberculous drug 抗结核药oral contraceptive;pill 口服避孕药good medicine;a good remedy 良药laxative 轻泻药antipyretic 退热药for oral administration 内服药specific medicine;specific 特效药for external use 外用药preventive medicine;prophylactic 预防药sedative 镇静药take medicine 服药change dressings 换药decoct herbal medicine 煎药fill a prescription 配药have a prescription made up(filled)(患者)抓药medicinal materials;crude drugs 药材medicinal herbs 药草tablet 药片medicines and chemical reagents 药品medicine bottle 药瓶remedies 药石liquid medicine;medicinal liquid 药水lotion 洗液pill 药丸bolus 大药丸herbal medicines in a prescription 药味(中药方中的药)flavor of a drug 药味(药的味道或气味)medicines;pharmaceuticals;medicaments 药物heal with drugs 药物医治drug allergy 药物过敏materia medica 药物学drug poisoning 药物中毒(medicinal)powder 药粉ointment;salve 药膏apply a plaster 上药膏medical apparatus and instruments:医疗器械pharmaceutical factory:药厂drugstore;chemists shop;pharmacy:药店pharmacopeia:药典prescription:药方write out a prescription:开药方drugstore;chemists shop;pharmacy:医药商店hospital pharmacy;dispensary:医院或诊所里的药房expenses for medicine;charges for medicine:药费a pot for decocting herbal medicine:药罐子chronic invalid:药罐子(经常生病的人)apothecariesmeasure or weight:药衡medicinal herb collector;herbalist:药农herbal medicine shop:药铺asthma 哮喘pneumonia 肺炎heart disease 心脏病arrhythmia 心律不齐indigestion 消化不良gastritis 胃炎appendicitis 盲肠炎hepatitis 肝炎dermatitis 皮炎freckle/ephelis 痣,雀斑acne 粉刺flu 流感diarrhoea 痢疾quarantine 检疫vaccinate 打疫苗endemic 水土不服relapse 复发症casualty 急症stupor 昏迷sprain 扭伤scalding 烫伤graze 擦伤scratch 搔挠trauma 外伤bruise 淤伤fracture 骨折dislocation 脱臼tinnitus 耳鸣trachoma 沙眼colour blindness 色盲nearsightedness/myopia 近视astigmatism 散光gingivitis 牙龈炎cavity 龋齿fever 发烧discomfort/disorder 不适malnutrition 营养不良incubation 潜伏期asthenia 虚弱poisoning 中毒fatigue 疲劳heat stroke 中暑itching 发痒ache/pain 痛tetanus 破伤风night sweat 盗汗chill 打冷颤pale 脸色发白shuddering 发抖inflammation 炎症acute 急症chronic 慢性病congenital 先天性病nausea 恶心vomit 呕吐常用药品监管英语与缩略语——浙江省药品监督管理局政策法规处一、监管英语1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理control over drug distributors4.医疗机构的药剂管理control over medicines in medical institutions5.药品管理control over drugs6.药品包装的管理control over drug packaging7.药品价格和广告的管理control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督inspection of drugs9.法律责任legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors16.医疗机构medical institutions17.药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certificate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of Ch ina shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。
2022年雅思考试真题及答案一、READING1、READING PASSAGE 3You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 26-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.Sleeping Sleep medicine is a relatively young field in the UK, with only a couple of centres until the1980sIn the last decade a number of centres have sprouted, often led by chest physicians and ENT surgeons with an interest in obstructive sleep apnoea, forcing neurologists and neurophysiologists to wake up and contribute to the non-respiratory aspect of this neglected subject. Within sleep, two states are recognised—non rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM)These alternate cyclically through the night with cycle time of90 minutes (50-60 minutes in the newborn)NREM sleep is divided into four stages: stages 1 and 2 (considered light sleep), and stages 3 and 4 (deep sleep with high arousal threshold). REM is ontogenically primitive with EEG activity closer to wake state, intermittent bursts of REMs and muscle atonia interrupted by phasic bursts producing asynchronous twitchingThe atonia of REM sleep prevents acting out of dreams and is lost in REM behaviour disorder when dreams content becomes violent and patients act out their dream, often resulting in in jury .REM behaviour disorder can be a precursor of neurodegenerative disease including ParkinsonsDream content (pleasant/unpleasant) will be remembered on waking from REM sleep but there is often little memory of the preceding mental- activity on arousals from NREM sleep, even when associated with complex behaviours and autonomic disturbance as occurs in night terrors or sleep walking. In the newborn 50 per cent of total sleep time is occupied by REM sleep, progressively shrinking to 25 per cent in the adult, the first block of REM sleep occurring about90 minutes after sleep onsetAbrupt withdrawal of alcohol and many centrally acting recreational and non-recreational drugs can cause REM sleep to occur at sleep onsetThis can also increase total REM sleep, leading to intense vivid often frightening dreams (hypnogogic-sleep onset/hypnopompic or, on waking, hallucinations), similar to that experienced by patients with narcolepsy. The NREM/RE/REM sleep states are interrupted by brief arousals and transient awakeningsThe frequency of the arousals may increase with emotional disturbance or environmental discomfort but also in many intrinsic sleep disorders such as periodic leg movements in sleep, obstructive sleep apnoea and narcolepsy. A basic rest-activity cycle originates in fetal lifeThe newborn sleeps an equal amount during the day and night, the sleep-wake cycle organised around three-to four-hourly feedsBy the second month favouring of sleep towards night-time occurs and by six months the baby will have about 12 hours of sleep at night in addition to a couple of daytime napsIn general, children born prematurely have a tendency to be awake more at night in the first year and breast-fed babies wake more frequently, but the difference disappears by the second yearPersistent night awakenings in infants and toddlers usually reflect the child's inability to self-soothe back to sleep without parental attention and will respond to a well- supported behavioural programme. The establishment of a consolidated night sleep pattern in children reflects brain maturation and may be disrupted in children with developmental problemsEven in this group success is possible by persisting with behavioural work, though many paediatricians prescribe melatonin for these children with some successBut as the long-term safety of melatonin remains unknown it should be used as a last resortThere are now good studies looking at short-term use of melatonin in sleep-wake cycle disorders such as delayed sleep phase syndromeIts use as a hypnotic should be discouraged, especially in the developing child as there is uncertainty on other cycles, such as menstrual. In addition to the NREM/REM cycles, there is a circadian (24 hours) sleep/wake cycle entrained by intrinsic rhythms (melatonin and body temperature) and extrinsic factors (light and social cues such as mealtimes, school/work times)The pineal hormone melatonin plays a role in entraining the sleep-wake cycle to the light-dark cycleMelatonin secretion is high in darkness and low in daylight hours, the process beginning in the retina with the supra- chiasmatic nucleus playing a major role as a sleep regulator via melatoninBlind people may lose this entrainment and develop a free running sleep/wake cycle with progressive advancement of sleep onset time. Polymorphism of the circadian clock gene has now been identified with the population divided between morning types (larks) and evening types (owls)Those predisposed to later sleep onset time (evening types) are susceptible to developing delayed sleep phase syndrome especially during adolescence when sleep requirement increases and there is a tendency towards later time for sleeping and wakingIn delayed sleep phase syndrome, sleep onset is delayed to the early hours of the morning with consequent difficulty in waking in time for school/workOnce established, advancing sleep onset time is difficult and requires treatment with appropriately timed melatonin or bright light therapy— advancing sleep onset progressively forwards until the desired sleep time is reached. In contrast the elderly who are more susceptible to perturbation in their sleep-wake schedule can develop advanced sleep phase syndrome with sleep onset occurring early in the eveningShift workers often struggle to cope with shift patterns as they grow older due to difficulty in re-adjusting their circadian clockIn general, morning bright light exposure is a more powerful synchroniser of the circadian rhythm than melatonin. Questions 26-28 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.1.According to the passage, ______.A. the growing concern on sleep medicine from physicians and ENT surgeons contributed to the boom of this 38. sleep onset (根据该题关键词“postponed”定位到倒数第二段的倒数第二句。
世界睡眠医学杂志 World Journal of Sleep Medicine
2017 年 4 月第 4 卷第 2 期 Apr. 2017 , Vol. 4 , No. 2
自动解除,或 者 通 过 人 体 的 另 外 一 种 本 能 反 应 — — —放松反 应 ( Relaxation Response ) 来 帮 助 人 体恢复自然状态。然而由于现代社会的压力多表 现为一种慢性压力,刺激多为长期存在, 单次刺 激强度减弱,导致应激反应虽然仍然存在, 但帮 助解除应激反应的放松反应不再自动产生 , 或者 作用不像以前那样强了。 因此, 放松反应需要人 为的诱导,或者通过训练提高放松反应的作用能 力。关于心身疗法的研究已经充分证实了其能够 通过诱导出放松反应而减少心理压力以及相关症 状从而加强幸福健康的作用 渐进式放松以及自生训练等
[7 ] [46 ]
体对任何要求的不确定性反应 ” 。 这些要求可 能是我们经常与压力联系在一起的主要负性生活 事件,比如失业和丧偶; 也可以是一些正性生活 事件,比如找到新的工作和结婚; 当然也包括日 常生活中让我们觉得无法应对的一些小事 。 由此 可见,除了我们的观念里普遍认可的负性事件会 带来压力,事实上正性事件也可能成为压力源。 另外,压力还可以是人的身体、 心理和信念对外 界危险不能应对的一种主观感觉
中图分类号: R338. 63 ; R395. 5
A Brief Introduction about Stress Management and Resiliency Training Program to the Chinese Population and the Subprogram Healthy Sleep
用于中国人群的压力管理 、 心身增弹方案 ( SMART-C ) 及其子方案健康睡眠 ( HS) 的编制
1.《Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams》这本由Matthew Walker所著的书是睡眠研究领域的经典之作。
2.《The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time》这本书是由Arianna Huffington所著,她是《赫芬顿邮报》的创始人之一。
3.《The Promise of Sleep: A Pioneer in Sleep Medicine Explores the Vital Connection Between Health, Happiness, and a Good Night's Sleep》这本书是由William C. Dement所著,他是睡眠研究领域的先驱之一。
4.《Why Do We Sleep?》这本书是由Russell G. Foster和Leon Kreitzman所著,他们是睡眠研究领域的专家。
作者简介:许晗,中国中医科学院广安门医院,北京中医药大学,中医心理与睡眠医学方向硕士研究生通信作者:刘艳骄,中国中医科学院广安门医院,心理睡眠科,主任医师中医睡眠中药学TranditionalSleepMedicine河北地方中药有关睡眠药物文献辑述许晗1,2 刘艳骄1(1中国中医科学院广安门医院,北京,100053;2北京中医药大学研究生院,北京,100029)摘要 河北省拥有太行山、燕山两大中药材产业带,冀中平原、冀南平原、坝上高原三大产区,药材资源丰富,拥有独特的“两带三区”中药种植区域,其中多种中药可用于睡眠相关疾病的治疗。
关键词 河北;中药;睡眠LiteratureCompilationofSleepMedicineinLocalMedicineofHebeiXUHan1,2,LIUYanjiao1(1Guang′anmenHospital,ChinaAcademyofChineseMedicalSciences,Beijing100053,China;2GraduateSchoolofBeijingUniversityofChineseMedicine,Beijing100029,China)Abstract HebeiProvincehasTaihangMountainandYanshanMountaintwolargeandmedium sizedmedicinalmaterialindustrialbelts,andthreeproductionareasofcentralHebeiPlain,SouthernHebeiplainandBashangplateau Withrichmedicinalmaterialsresources,HebeiProvincehasaunique“twobeltsandthreeareas”plantingareasoftraditionalChinesemedicine,amongwhichavarietyoftraditionalChinesemedicinecanbeusedforthetreatmentofsleeprelateddiseases Byreviewingandsortingouttheliter atureoflocaltraditionalChinesemedicineinHebeiprovince,providereferencesfortheclinicaluseoflocaltraditionalChinesemedicineinthetreatmentofsleepdisorders.Keywords Hebei;TraditionalChinesemedicine;Sleep中图分类号:R281 4;R338 63文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2020.07.023 河北省中药材资源丰富,产量较大,质地优良。
世界睡眠医学杂志World Jou—al of Sleep Mediciuc 2020年11月第7卷第11期Nxembes.2020,Vol.7,No.212900呼吸内科患者应用睡眠护理的效果黄佳颖廖雨娟刘晓霞(福建省立金山医院,福州,350000)摘要目的:探究在呼吸內科中睡眠护理方法进行应用的临床效果。
关键词呼吸内科;睡眠护理;干预效果Effect of Applying Sleep Carr tr Respii'atoi'a PatieptsHUANG jmying,LINO Yujuan,LIN Xiaoxia(JinsPan H osp OU cf Fujian Province,F uz J iou394000,Shirm)Abstract Objective:To explore the clinical elects of the appPcation of sleep nursing methods in mspimtorg medicine.Methodt:A total of92patients in department of mspimWry medicine of our Uosyimi from January227to December2218were selected andranUomly divideP into control amup and odsemaCon amup,45cases in each amup.The control amup was aiven mutine nursing in-Wmention;and the odsemaCon amup was aiven sleep nursing intervention.ResuUs:Before the two amups of padents:the diPemnces in sleep time,time to sleep and number of awabenings were small and the diPemnces were not significant(P>2.25).After aiving padents diberent nursing interventions,the padents in the odsemation amup fell asleep and slept compared with the control amup, the number of awabenings and the number of awabenings were smtisncaCp significant(P<2.45).The intervention compliance and life satisfaction scores were signiPcantly higher in the odsemaCon amup than in the control amup.It shows that the nursing effect of the odsemaCon amup is more significant than that of the control amup.Conclusion:The applicadon of sleep nursing intervention in padents with mspimWry medicine can edechvely improve the sleep quality of patients:improve the quality of lite of padents:and is positive for clinical devePpment.Keywords Respimtorg medicine;Sleep care;Intervention elect中图分类号:R56;R33023文献标识码:A dot:12.3969/j.imn.2095-772.2222.18.268就呼吸内科的患者来说,患者病情种类较多,而且通常病情较重,再加上患者年纪较大,患者多合并多种并发症,在这样的情况影响下,患者的睡眠质量会受到严重影响,而且患者多会表现出不同的心理不良反应,使得患者出现失眠,多梦等不良症状,对患者病情恢复造成不良影响。
睡眠医学中心工作总结英文回答:Sleep Medicine Center Annual Report.Introduction.The Sleep Medicine Center is a specialized facility dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, patient-centered care to improve the health and well-being of individualswith sleep-related problems.Services.We offer a full range of diagnostic and therapeutic services, including:Sleep studies (polysomnography and home sleep tests)。
CPAP therapy.Oral appliance therapy.Behavioral sleep medicine.Patient Population.In the past year, we evaluated and treated over 500 patients with a variety of sleep disorders, including:Obstructive sleep apnea.Central sleep apnea.Insomnia.Narcolepsy.Restless legs syndrome.Circadian rhythm disorders.Outcomes.Our patients experience significant improvements intheir sleep and overall health after receiving treatment at our center. Data from our patient satisfaction surveys indicate that:95% of patients report improved sleep quality.90% of patients report reduced daytime sleepiness.85% of patients report improved mood and energy levels.Research and Education.In addition to providing clinical care, we are actively involved in research and education. Our team has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and presented at national and international conferences. We also provide training for medical students, residents, and fellows in the field of sleep medicine.Conclusion.The Sleep Medicine Center is a vital resource for the community, providing comprehensive, patient-centered care for individuals with sleep disorders. We are committed to excellence in clinical care, research, and education, and we look forward to continuing to serve our patients in the years to come.中文回答:睡眠医学中心工作总结。
睡眠医学科出科小结范文英文回答:Sleep Medicine Subspecialty Discharge Summary.Patient: [Patient's Name]Date: [Date]Hospital: [Hospital Name]Chief Complaint: [Patient's chief complaint]History of Present Illness:The patient presents with a history of [patient's symptoms]. The symptoms began [when symptoms began] and have [persisted/intermittently occurred] since then. The patient has [tried the following treatments/not sought treatment].Past Medical History:The patient has a past medical history significant for [list of past medical conditions].Medications:The patient is currently taking [list of medications].Sleep History:The patient typically [falls asleep/has trouble falling asleep] and wakes up [number of hours later with/without difficulty]. The patient reports [number of hours of sleep per night]. The patient has [difficulty maintainingsleep/no difficulty maintaining sleep].Physical Examination:The patient's vital signs are within normal limits. The patient is awake, alert, and oriented. The neurologicalexamination is normal.Diagnostic Testing:Polysomnography: The patient underwent a polysomnography study which revealed [findings of polysomnography].Differential Diagnosis:[Diagnosis 1][Diagnosis 2]Treatment Plan:The patient was diagnosed with [diagnosis]. The treatment plan includes [list of treatments].Follow-Up Plan:The patient will follow up with the sleep medicineclinic in [number of weeks/months].中文回答:睡眠医学科出科小结。
2023年5月第10卷第5期May.2023,Vol.10,No.5世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine1193 作者简介:张俊杰(1987 07—),男,主治医师,本科,研究方向:神经病学及睡眠医学,E mail:277573490@qq com通信作者:刘桂(1993 09—),女,护师,本科,研究方向:神经睡眠障碍护理,E mail:1282699235@qq com综 述Review青少年失眠非药物治疗研究进展张俊杰1 刘 桂2 杨加亮3(1湖北省宜昌市第二人民医院睡眠医学中心,宜昌,443000;2湖北省宜昌市夷陵医院呼吸与危重症医学科,宜昌,443000;3四川省攀枝花中心医院脑电图室,攀枝花,617067)摘要 随着社会经济的快速发展,人们生活节奏的加快以及生活规律的改变,失眠已成为危害青少年身心健康的主要疾病之一。
关键词 失眠;青少年;非药物治疗ResearchProgressonNonpharmaceuticalTreatmentofAdolescentInsomniaZHANGJunjie1,LIUGui2,YANGJialiang3(1SleepMedicineCenter,TheSecondPeople′sHospitalofYichang,Yichang443000,China;2DepartmentofRespiratoryandCriticalCareMedicine,YilingHospital,Yichang443000,China;3ElectroencephalogramDepartment,PanzhihuaCentralHospitalofSichuanProvince,Panzhihua617067,China)Abstract Withrapiddevelopmentofsocialeconomy,theaccelerationoftheliferhythmandthechangeoflifestyle,insomniahasbecomeoneofthemaindiseasesendangeringthephysicalandmentalhealthofadolescents Itisofgreatsignificancetointervenetheadolescentinsomniaeffectivelyfortheirrecoveryofphysicalandmentalhealthandsocialfunction Atpresent,theinterventionofinsomniaincludespharmaceuticalandnonpharmaceuticaltreatments Consideringteenagers′physiologicalandpsychologicalde velopment,thetolerance,psychologicalandphysicaldependenceandsideeffects,pharmaceuticaltreatmentshouldnotbecho sen Nonpharmaceuticaltreatmentcanavoidadversereactionsanddrugabuse Sometreatmentshaveshort termefficacysimilartomedicinesandlastlonger Thelatestresearchresultsathomeandabroadarecomprehensivelyanalyzedandsafeandeffectivenon pharmaceuticalinterventionschemesforinsomniaareproposedinthispaper.Keywords Insomnia;Adolescent;Non pharmaceuticaltherapy中图分类号:R338 63;R459 9文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2023.05.074 睡眠是人类重要的生理需求,机体通过睡眠,可以保存能量,增加代谢产物排出,增强免疫,促进发育和促进记忆巩固。
2023年10月第10卷第10期October.2023,Vol.10,No.10世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine2317 作者简介:王莹琼(1985 06—),女,本科,主治医师,研究方向:妇产科临床,E mail:m19872927292@163 com产妇睡眠质量的影响因素分析王莹琼(东莞市东坑人民医院妇产科,东莞,523451)摘要 目的:调查产妇睡眠质量,发现产后睡眠质量的影响因素,为临床干预提供试验和依据证据支持。
方法:调查2020年4月至2022年5月门诊就诊及住院分娩的产妇,在孕期产检时收集基线信息,产后3个月再次收集信息,以PSQI评估睡眠情况、EPDS评估产后抑郁状况及BSES SF评估母乳喂养效能。
关键词 产后睡眠障碍;横断面研究;影响因素分析AnalysisofInfluencingFactorsonSleepQualityofParturientsWANGYingqiong(ObstetricsandGynecologyDepartment,DongguanDongkengPeople′sHospital,Dongguan523451,China)Abstract Objective:Toinvestigatethesleepqualityofpuerperae,findouttheinfluencingfactorsofpostpartumsleepquality,andprovideexperimentalandevidencesupportforclinicalintervention Methods:ThepuerperaewhovisitedoutpatientclinicsanddeliveredinhospitalfromApril2020toMay2022wereinvestigated Baselineinformationwascollectedduringtheobstetricexaminationduringpregnancyandinformationwascollectedagain3monthsafterdelivery PSQIwasusedtoassesssleepstatus,EPDSwasusedtoassesspostpartumdepressionandBSES SFwasusedtoassessbreastfeedingefficacy Logisticregressionandmultiplelinearregressionwereusedtoanalyzetheinfluencingfactorsofpostpartumsleepquality Results:Atotalof102subjectswereincludedinthestudy Thedetectionrateofsleepdisorderswas25% Logisticregressionindicatedthatpregnancywilling ness,neonataltransferstatus,whethertowork,whetherthemotherwasthesolecaregiverofthebaby,andthequalityofpostpartumsleepatthefirstbirthInfluencingfactors,multiplelinearregressionanalysissuggestedthatpostpartumdepressionandbreastfeed ingconfidencewereimportantinfluencingfactorsofpostpartumsleepquality Conclusion:Maternalsleepqualityisrelatedtothephysicalandmentalhealthofmothersandinfants Healtheducationorinterventionshouldbecarriedoutforriskfactorsandinflu encingfactorsintheearlystage.Keywords Postpartumsleepdisorder;Cross sectionalstudy;Analysisofinfluencingfactors中图分类号:R256 23文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2023.10.019 研究表明,产妇在整个围产期睡眠都会发生变化,而且常常会向着不好的方向发展,从妊娠、分娩到产后,妇女不仅会遭遇巨大的生理变化,而且还会遭遇巨大的心理冲击[1]。
102 世界睡眠医学杂志WorldJournalofSleepMedicine2024年1月第11卷第1期January.2024,Vol.11,No.1基金项目:济宁市重点研发计划(软科学项目)项目(2022JNZC096)社区老年人睡眠质量的现状调查王金轩(山东济宁市第二人民医院神经外科,济宁,272000)摘要 目的:探究老年人睡眠质量及其影响因素,为开展健康教育与促进工作提供科学依据。
关键词 老年人;睡眠质量;现状调查;社区SurveyonthePrevailingSleepQualityAmongElderlyResidentsinCommunityHomesWANGJinxuan(DepartmentofNeurosurgery,JiningNo 2People′sHospital,ShandongProvince,Jining272000,China)Abstract Objective:Thepresentstudyaimstoexaminethesleepqualityofelderlyindividualsandidentifyitsinfluencingfactors,therebyprovidescientificfoundationforimplementinghealtheducationandpromotioninterventions Methods:Thisstudyin vestigatesthegeneralsituationandtheirlevelofchronicdiseasepreventionandtreatmentliteracyamongresidents,astoevaluatethesleepqualityofelderlyindividualsusingthePittsburghSleepQualityIndex(PSQI),whilealsoanalyzingfactorsthatinfluencetheirsleepquality Results:TheprevalenceofaPSQIscoreof≥7amongelderlyindividualsisapproximately69% Intermsofsleepquality,elderlymenexhibitsuperioroutcomescomparedtoelderlywomen Elderlywomenwithahigherlevelofeducation,includingcollege,highschool,orjuniorhigh,exhibitlowersleepefficiencycomparedtothosewithanelementaryschooleduca tion Elderlymalesfromdiverseculturalbackgroundsdemonstratecomparableandrelativelydiminishedsleepefficiency Elderlymaleindividualsexhibitahigherdegreeofdaytimefunctionalimpairmentcomparedtotheircounterpartsincorporateemploy ment Elderlymalesacrossvariousoccupationsdemonstratecomparableandrelativelydiminishedsleepefficiency Elderlywomeninthecivilserviceandpublicinstitutionsexhibitalongerdurationofsleepcomparedtotheircounterpartsintheprivatesec tor Thehealthconditionhasnosignificantimpactonelderlywomen,whereasitdoesexertsomeinfluenceonsleepqualityofeld erlymen Wheningoodhealth,elderlymentendtoexperiencehighersleepquality Theelderlymenwithchronicdiseasepreven tionliteracyhadalowerincidenceofsleepdisordersthantheelderlymenwithoutthisliteracy Thereisnostatisticallysignificantdifferenceinsleepcomponentsamongtheelderly,regardlessoftheirlevelofpreventionandtreatmentliteracyofchronicdisea ses Therearevariationsinsleepqualitylevelsacrossdifferentgenders,occupations,andhealthconditions Conclusion:Thesleepqualityofelderlyindividualsisaverage,whichisgenerallyinfluencedbyvariousfactorsincludinggender,occupation,educationallevel,healthcondition,andproficiencyinpreventingandmanagingchronicdiseases.Keywords Theelderlyindividuals;Sleepquality;Statusquosurvey;Community中图分类号:R338 63文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2024.01.028 睡眠质量影响老年人的身心健康,长期睡眠不足会引起躯体疾病或精神疾病。
HN 5
2/3 的睡眠中心隶属于呼吸内科
Hospitals with Test Equipment PSG or HST Installation Status
Over 90%*
Respirology 72%
Less than 20%
*The L3A hospitals are required to equip with PSG by MoH
• 如何做得更好? 学科建设及人才培养的问题
丁东杰教授: 睡眠呼吸暂停是常见病 看十年以后会是什么样? 选合适的人做正确的事 话语权 VS 经济效益
睡眠医学: 一门新兴的边缘学科
睡眠呼吸障碍 其他睡眠障碍疾患
2/3 的睡眠中心隶属于呼吸内科
Hospitals with Test Equipment PSG or HST Installation Status
Over 90%*
Respirology 72%
Less than 20%
*The L3A hospitals are required to equip with PSG by MoH
认识睡眠低通气: 慢性呼吸衰竭的新视角
➢ 低氧与高CO2 ➢ 睡眠与清醒 ➢ 上气道与下气道 ➢ 新的监测和治疗手段 ➢ 院内与院外? 长程管理的
Vadász, István, et al. American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 2012
健康睡眠浙江博爱家纺有限公司导出“博爱”健康睡眠关爱您的一身"Take Care of Your Sleep" ――Bedding products presented by Zhejiang Boaim Home Textiles Co., LTD.行业背景人类健康由睡眠、运动、饮食三大支柱构成,睡眠质量的好坏直接影响健康甚至寿命。
Sleep, exercise and diet constitute the three pillows of human health. The quality of sleep directly affects the quality of health and even life. Health sleep is the new requirements among the people in the modern life. In developedcountries, a variety of products which can improve the quality of the sleep emerge in endlessly. It is estimated in Forbes that the sale for sleep industry reaches 10-12 billion U.S. dollars each year, furthermore, this industry is growing in full strength. It is founded that there are 27% of the population in the world have the sleep problem through the survey by WTO. It is reported that the rate of insomnia in U.S.A. come up to 32%-50%, 10%-14% in the U.K., 20% in Japan, 30% in France. China sleep research association has done a spot check, and the result shows that the rate of insomnia among the Chinese adults has come up to 38.2% in which the incidence of insomnia of the elderly reaches as high as 60%. Due to the huge population, China accounts for the largest part of the world’s insomnia populati on.Now, big cities such as Guangzhou,Shanghai and Beijing have transformed into modern cities. As the increasing speed of work and life, agrowing number of people under kinds of pressure are suffering from sleep disturbance. Sleep Disturbance has become the second largest disease in the neurosurgery clinic, expressed by related experts.The world is paying more and more attention to healthy sleep. The governmental departments, enterprises and scientists from many countries are trying to work out a way to improve the sleep quality of common people, especially the office workers in time, quality and perception, making a broad prospect for sleep industry. Sleep industry is an emerging industry that covers all people and is developing rapidly. Professionals estimate that the sleep industry of our nation has a great potential and is developing quickly. According to incompletely statistics, currently the turnover of sleep industry of our nation is RMB 120 billion. By now, Zhejiang Boaim Home Textiles Co., LTD. has stepped into this promising industry. As aleading manufacturer in the field of functional bedding products, Boaim Textiles is making more and more contribution to your health sleep.睡眠医学篇经临床实践证实:诸如高血压、心律失常、冠心病、肺心病、糖尿病、肾病、肥胖、癫痫、性功能障碍、植物神经功能紊乱、红细胞增多症、心肌梗塞、脑血栓、脑猝死、猝死等常见疾病均与睡眠疾患有着密切的联系,其中许多病症是由睡眠疾病特别是睡眠呼吸障碍引起的。
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Introduction to Images in Sleep Medicine
This section,IMAGES IN SLEEP MEDICINE,is intended to tap a rela-tively unique feature of sleep science:images that have great educa-tional and conceptual content.These could be,for example, electroencephalograms,electromyograms,polysomnograms,porta-ble devices,actigrams,scans including functional images,pathology specimens,brain slice preparations,fluorescent microscopy and other cutting edge techniques.The source may be human or non-hu-man,but the clinical relevance should be clear.Illustrations must consist of clear and high-quality,black-and-white or color-digitized images.At this stage,videos can be submitted only for online publication.
The message accompanying the picture may be a maximum of 500words,with no more than5references.It is especially impor-tant not to try and make a case report out of these submissions, and detailed clinical(as contrasted to image)analysis should be avoided.The material should be submitted on the Sleep Medicine website(/sleep).Images can be embedded within a text document such as Microsoft Word,a slide program such as Microsoft PowerPoint,or converted to Acrobatfiles.
Authors should expect that the images will be available for use(with acknowledgement)to the general sleep community for teaching purposes,and so copyrighted/patentable material should be avoided.In itsfinal form,these images will be a freely available,searchable digital teaching image -ments regarding the images should be sent by e-mail to the section co-editors within a month of the publication date. These comments will be summarized and posted,if deter-mined to be of educational content,with the original image on the journal’s web site,expected to be active for content soon.
We hope this section will be enriched by the contributions of our colleagues who wish to offer stimulating opportunities for dis-cussion and new insights in thefield of sleep.
Liborio Parrino
Robert Thomas
E-mail address:rthomasl@ doi:10.1016/S1389-9457(09)00204-4
Propriospinal myoclonus at sleep onset causing severe insomnia: A polysomnographic and electromyographic analysis
See Meng Khoo a,*,Joo Hui Tan b,Dong Xia Shi a,Hajjah Khalizah Haji Jamil a, Nallathamby Rajendran c,T.K.Lim a
a Division of Respiratory,Critical Care and Sleep Medicine,National University Hospital,5Lower Kent Ridge Road,Singapore119074,Singapore
b Division of Neurology,National University Hospital,5Lower Kent Ridge Road,Singapore119074,Singapore
c Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha Hospital,BSB,Brunei Darussalam
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received in revised form12September 2008
Accepted16September2008 Available online18February2009
Sleep onset
Sleep-wake transition
A44-year-old woman presented with a1-month history of new-onset severe insomnia.On further questioning,she de-
scribed the symptoms of muscular twitching and involuntary
jerks of the trunk and limbs that occurred whenever she was
in bed,drowsy and ready to fall asleep.As a result,sleep be-
came impossible.The twitching started in her abdomen and
was immediately followed by jerking of both upper and lower
limbs.However,if the patient opened her eyes and became
fully awake,the jerks actually disappeared.The jerks also dis-
appeared if the patient managed to fall asleep.
Sleep Medicine10(2009)
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Sleep Medicine
journal homepage:www.else v i e r.c o m/lo c a t e/s l e e