关于gender difference in business 的ppt
gender difference

Our failure to recognize and appreciate these differences can become a lifelong source of disappointment, frustration, tension and eventually our downfall in a relationship.
男生用提款卡领钱:把车停在提款机旁,插入提款卡,按入密码,拿钱, 取卡和收据。 女生用提款卡领钱:把车停在提款机旁,用后视镜补补妆,把引擎熄 火,把钥匙放在皮包里,下车。翻遍皮包找提款卡,插入提款卡,翻遍皮 包找那张写有密码的口香糖锡箔纸,按入密码,读屏幕上的指示,花掉两 分钟。按取消键,重新输入正确的密码,查询账户结余,再读一次屏幕指 示,选择提取现金。走进车子,用后视镜补补妆,翻遍皮包找钥匙,发动 引擎,开了5米停止。倒车回到ATM,用后视镜补补妆,下车,拿钱、提 款卡和收据,上车,用后视镜补补妆,翻遍皮包找个位置放提款卡。换倒 挡,排档,开车。开了十公里后,把手刹放掉。
This story is concerned with a Russian family.
For most men, solving a problem presents an opportunity to demonstrate their competence, their strength of resolve, and their commitment to a relationship. Paraphrase: for most men, solving a problem offers an opportunity

On clothes
• Most males I know are seldom worried about how they look. Certainly I've seen some males who are quite concerned. And most males go through a period where they feel a strong need to look the same as everyone else... that eventually vanishes again. • Most femails I know, however, eventually reach a point where they are quite concerned about how they look to other people.
Gender stereotype(性别印 象)
• Male Gender stereotype
• • • • • • • • brave Adventurous(冒险的) Aggressive Logical Rational Masculine(阳刚的) Independent Decisive(果断的)
• Boys and girls are different. Give a toddler girl a G.I. Joe and she'll probably try to mother it. Give a toddler boy a Barbie, and he'll pull off its head or pretend it's a gun. Boys and girls are psychologically different, physically different and also mentally different.
Unit 3 gender differences

F: Anyway, these are the progress ofthesociety, the blurring ofgendercan makeeducation"no sex"on the one hand andon the other handcanalsobenefitto mutual learning between men and women.
F: In China, although it is not legalized, but the general public (especially theyoungs)aremore and more toleranttohomosexuality. This is becausethe deeperunderstandingtothe nature of sex, on theotherhand, it is influenced byJapan. In fact the latter may affect deeper.
B: You're right. But you also said that thesearegeneral characteristicsinoureyes.And thesedifferences between men and womenareon the traditional concept. In fact, in modern society,gender differences arequite different. For example, "mid-sex"is very popular now.

3、Biological roots of psychological differences between the sexes
The reasons for the formation of gender differences
Physiological Social Theory
Social learning theory
Theory of cognitive development and theory of gender schema (Kohlberg)
Physiol ogical and social theory
1、 Gender differences in the biological process
2、Biological differences and gender identity
3、Biological roots of psychological differences between the sexes
and sex hormones (3) sex hormones
and brain differentiation
• 2.Biological differences and gender identity
(1) a sense of gender identity is the core of gender formation and the key. (2) social environment and bringing up decisive about gender identity must meet certain conditions: ①, gender must be earlier in children's lives (18 months to age 3) confirmed ② parents on children's gender confirmed delay ambiguity will result in sex differentiation of imperfect
商务交往中的性别差异_Gender differences in intercultural business communication

Gender differences in intercultural business communicationAbstract: According to the latest research in the United States of America, men and women talk in such different ways that it is like people from two different cultures trying to communicate especially in the business world. These differences are mainly divided into two parts: body language and verbal communication. There are lots of reasons as well.Key words: communication,gender difference,reasonAs a symbol system and social phenomena, language is the carrier of human thinking as well as communication tools, inevitably reflecting each side of community life. Gender differences commonly exist in every language, most gender differences in language originated from different social roles they played.Most people know that gender differences exist in body language and non verbal behaviors. However, gender differences influence communication in the business world. Men and women tend to have distinct variations in the sending and receiving of messages via body language. Some of these differences include: Women typically are more skilled than men at both sending and receiving nonverbal messages. They tend to use body language both consciously and unconsciously to establish rapport, make judgments about truthfulness and deceit, and influence others in both overt and very subtle ways. They also tend to be better at spotting contradictions between verbal and nonverbal messages. Men typically are less skilled than women at both sending and receiving nonverbal messages. This does not mean, however, that body language is something men do not use or understand. On the contrary, men use nonverbal behaviors regularly to communicate things like status, dominance, protection, and aggression. They tend to be better at sending and receiving nonverbal messages when interacting with other men.Much has been written about men and women using body language in social and romantic situations, but there is increasing attention being focused on interactions in the business world. The information emerging from this focus is quite fascinating and can be very useful when navigating through gender communication differences in the workplace.Language behavior differences between male and female exist in different social groups, in spite of larger differences in some communities; there are smaller differences in other communities. Generally speaking, compared with feminine language, male language tends to be more straightforward, more confident, and more certain rude while feminine language has characteristics such as polite, euphemistical and non-arbitrary. It is found that male is always in domination during conversation between male and female. Unlike male, female is always a subordinate during conversation between male and female generally [10]. For example, during conversation we will often encounter the following situations: Men always take initiative to interrupt others’ topics during conversation in order to get the discourse power in conversation while women are more likely to listen to others who interrupt them; in addition, women take part in the discussion by means of asking questions. Men usually give accurate answers to questions others raised in conversation, or they will turn deaf ears to them in order to strengthen their important roles. However, women often dare not to give their own opinions directly; instead, they give their own ideas under the condition of others’ approvals and hope to get others’ support in order to continue their own opinions.With the deepening development of gender differences, the focus of gender differences gradually shifted from vocabulary differences to gender differences in discourse styles which greatly broadened the horizons of studies and allowed the researchers to understand and master the relationship between the use of language and gender differences comprehensively and accurately at a higher level. Linguists’ investigation of discourse situation in social interact ion shows that there exist different degrees of differences in the choice of topic, the volume of speech, the mode and strategy of discourse. In general, female behaves more cooperatively in conversation, usually they take turns in speech and everybody has chance to speak, individuals rarely takes a long time in speech. When starting their speech, female tends to refer to previous things which others have expressed explicitly and tries to link what she want say to them. They pay attention to maintaining the continuity and smooth of talking. Therefore, they tend to spend more time on the same topic, thus the topics change more slowly. Female pays more attention to the reaction and participation of listeners during conversation and makes this attention reflect on speech (for example, more use of personal pronouns such as we, you which conclude listeners or imperative sentences and tag questions begin with let’s). By comparison, male often shows strong competition during conversation, tending to control the choice of topics and chances of speech instead of letting others say, and the result may be someone talking much more than others. When starting their conversation, male rarely refers to previous things which others expressed, instead they only pay attention to their own topic, thus there will be more unexpected topics, jumps and weak continuity in their conversations. As to the listeners, male pays less attention on their reaction and participation. Male reacts slowly when others express their opinions, usuall y after others’ speeches, what’s more, their reactions are brief, and most are noncommittal with few positive comments. Male interrupts others more than female does during other people’s speech, even with direct and blunt tone and few apologizes. As speakers, male will send a clear protest against those who interrupt them generally while most female keeps silent. Thus, male always keeps high volume of speech during conversation; they tend to attack against each other more easily. Bickering, shouting, cursing, threats, ridicule, etc. are all significantly more than the conversation between different genders.Gender differences in communication is an extremely complex social, cultural, psychological and physiological phenomena which involves factors like the political language, ideological, social status, role relations, language attitude, occupation, educational level, social interaction, scope of activities and neurological, psychological and other factors. But the investigation found that some important factors are physiological factors, psychological factors, historical factors and social factors which lead to gender differences in English language.Innate biological differences between men and women decided that men are different from women. According to th e latest medical research, women’s left hemisphere becomes mature earlier than men’s as to the development of language ability. As a result, women speak more fluently and with more emotion colors than men.So far, the influential explanations of gender differences in speech act are from the perspective of social psychology linguistics. Men are good at transferring all his power to control others including women; women realize that they are weak in power, they will quite the power struggle in conversation automatically and seek other chances to get self-protection in conversation with men and support from other women in conversation with women, that is elegant and polite language.Gender differences are easy to produce gender discrimination and gender inequality. To eliminate gender discrimination, it is bound to find out the reasons for gender differences. Western classical feminists believe that the formation of unequal gender relations has gone through three stages of transition. First, from the physical differences to social differences, then social differences generates value relation, at last, value relation generates unequal concept of value[16]. The relationship between language and gender is extremely complex, involving social, cultural, ethnic, geographical, human psychology and physiology and many other aspects and are associated with social status, roles, language attitude, occupation, educational level, social interaction, the scope of activities and many other factors [17]. Therefore, only based on the theory of sociolinguistic, based on actual credible corpus, taking various factors into consideration as well as taking more latitude, multiple viewpoints of analysis, can researchers make a scientific, accurate and objective interpretation on differences between language and gender.。

? 爷们儿,妇人之见,女流之辈 ? 先生,小姐 /女士 ? 市长,女市长,女强人 ? 贱内,糟糠,浑家,屋里的,烧火的
Gender bias in Chinese language
Gender bias in English language
1. In English,man:M & F Man can conquer the nature
meeting: woman→chairman Then: Madam chairman
2. speaking or writing : gender unknown person→he !not she?
? Gender roles are set by convention and other social, economic, political, and cultural forces. I t i s not necessarily on the basis of biological distinction.
Men and women speak differently
? Perceptually, female and male are said to speak different varieties of language: women are said to use distinctly feminine words, are more meticulous than men in enunciating words and sentences and in the use of intonation patterns, employ marked grammatical features, and tend to be grammatically hypercorrect.
Differences Between the Generations各代人之间的差异-36页PPT资料

• We are the world; We are the children
The Boomers…
The Generations in the Workplace
Part I – Understand the background of each generation.
Two Theories:
1. The oldest, wealthiest, and most visible members of a generation define the behavior and attitude for those that follow.
Trying NOT to look like Liz Taylor or Marlon Brando Longing for hair
Generation X
• Came of age when our national institutions came into question.
• “This company never promised you anything.” Layoffs – end of lifelong employment
First” • Patience • Hard, hard times then prosperity • National pride • Doing a good job was most
important • Age = Seniority
The Baby Boomers
Gender DifferencesPPT课件

❖ when women talk to each other they reveal a lot about their private lives. They also stick to one topic for a long time, let all speakers finish their sentences and try to have everyone participate.
❖ Seek help ❖ Communication ❖ Friendship ❖ Levels of abilities ❖ Compassion ❖ Competitive ❖ Job choices ❖ Mate Selection
Women are more likely to seek help
Male gender stereotypes
❖masculine (阳刚的) ❖independent (独立的) ❖decisive (果断的)
Female gender stereotypes
❖tender(温柔的) ❖depend(依赖的) ❖obedience(顺从的)
Gender Differences
Gender differences in friendship
❖ Women‘s friendships hang on shared intimacies while men’s friendships are made out by shared activities.
❖ More often than not(在很多情况下),males see friendship as instrumental[功利的],as an opportunity; and females tend to regard friendship as expressive, as a sweet responsibility.
Differences Between the Generations各代人之间的差异36页PPT

Millennials, AKA:
• Baby Boomlets • Echo Boomers • Generation Y • Generation Why? • September 11 Generation • Dot-Com Generation
The US Population Today
Gen X Millennial
2019 Wheel of Learning
Cam Marston
2019 Wheel of Learning
Cam Marston
For Further Thought
What characteristics are you looking for in employees or students or coworkers?
plaques, lifestyle elements • Optimistic • Consumers • Defined by their job • Personal development
• We are the world; We are the children
The Boomers…
• Optimistic • Individualistic yet group oriented • Difficulty focusing on “non-stimulating stuff” • Busy • Like “X”, raised as their parent’s friends. • Acknowledge and admire select authorities • Think the Matures are cool! Parents, too. • Ambitious yet appear aimless

intermittent(断 续的)、 rational、 direct
continuous、 jumping、 exquisite(精致的 )、 sensitive
Something interesting
1. MONEY BATHROOMS A has manfive will items pay $2 $1 item he 。 A man in for hisa bathroom: a needs toothbrush, shaving cream, raz 只要用得着,即便值 1美元却卖 2美元 or, a bar of soap, and a towel。 男人浴室有五宝:牙刷,剃须膏, 的东西,男人也会 剃须刀,一块肥皂和一块毛 A woman will pay for a $2 ite 巾。 买。 The average number of$1 items in the typical woman‘s bathroo m that she doesn't need, but it's sale。 m is 337. A man would not be able to on identify most of these items。 只要在打折, 2 美元的东西只卖 1 美元, 女人浴室里平均有337样东西,男人认不出其中的大多数是干什么用 的。 就算用不着,女人也会买。
Men often care for the real world, they are calm and realistic.
But women often care for their own mental world, they often dream someday they will be the princess and have a happy life.
Differences Between the Generations各代人之间的差异 35页PPT文档

Part I – Understand the background of each generation.
Two Theories:
2. Identify a generation’s heroes and you’ll learn their value systems.
Matures Boomers
• Discipline • Focus • Execution
Discipline Focus Execution
The next generation may also bring: • A desire for open, non-hierarchal
communication • Tolerance and respect for expressing emotion • An acknowledgment and respect for personal
• Optimistic • Individualistic yet group oriented • Difficulty focusing on “non-stimulating stuff” • Busy • Like “X”, raised as their parent’s friends. • Acknowledge and admire select authorities • Think the Matures are cool! Parents, too. • Ambitious yet appear aimless
• No common heroes • Suspicious of Boomers values • Raised as their parent’s “friends” • Had to learn to fend for themselves • Very self-reliant • Cynical and pessimistic
Differences Between the Generations各代人之间的差异 共36页PPT资料

Discipline Focus Execution
The next generation may also bring: • A desire for open, non-hierarchal
communication • Tolerance and respect for expressing emotion • An acknowledgment and respect for personal
plaques, lifestyle elements • Optimistic • Consumers • Defined by their job • Personal development
• We are the world; We are the children
The Boomers…
2019 Wheel of Learning
Cam Marston
Q: What do I need to know about the four generations that will impact my workplace?
Generational Repetition:
1) Each generation assumes the following generations will want what they have and will share their same definition of “success”.
values • Allowances for spirituality • Teams of individuals
Matures Boomers
新标准大学英语4 性别刻板印象PPT 终版

And about 15% to 20% of men happen to have a female type of brain 百分之15%-20%的男人具有女性特质的大脑
Consequences of Gender Stereotype
quite clear. However, their psychological distinctionis quite confusing 然而他们的心理区分是很模糊的 because some men and women are p artially programmed with a brain of the opposite gender. 这是因为一些男女的大脑天生就带有对方性别的特征 So evaluating men and women solely based on gender stereotype can have serious consequences. 所以,仅靠性别刻板印象评估男人和女人会引起严重的后果。
Gender Stereotype 性别刻板印象
Gender stereotype
Oracle [‘ɔrəkl] Bone Inscriptions of “man” in Shang Dynasty 商代甲骨文中的“男”
Strong 强壮
Topic :Gender Stereotype 课题:性别刻板印象
Grade 10 English Language Acquisition 十年级英语语言习得
Gender and Development幻灯片PPT

本PPT课件仅供大家学习使用 请学习完及时删除处理 谢谢!
Gender and Development
Gender and Development
Gender and Development
Women, Gender and Development
各國政府大都成立了主管婦女事務的部會,不過大 多處於弱勢,缺乏資源與能力,並經常苦於對付其 他強勢部門
Gender and Development
Gender Equity and U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
聯合國在2000年九月的千禧高峰會議所簽署的千禧宣言 (Millennium Declaration),要求各會員國促進性別平等並
Gender and Development
Health-Care Equality
男孩與女孩所受醫療照護大致相同,不過女性在育 齡所受醫療就明顯不足,這又與營養的改善、飲水 與交通的改進、助產人員技術的提升、死亡率下降 有關
在農村地區因高生育率以及低教育水準與基礎建設, 使得母性醫療的落差加大
女性投票比率通常較高,參與市民社會以及社會運 動的比例也在提升
不過,女性在地方層級的代表性卻相對較低,女性 所組之市民社會在該層級的效力也較低
Gender and Development
Legal and Institutional Mechanism
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Female leadership style
They care about, education, training, support the development of others
Female managers develope a communicative leadership , and use it to replace the traditional type, which gives command and control . Female boss's management style is more vulnerable to be attacked by people.
Character Diversity one
women are careful, patient and considerate women are reckoned to be moderate and favourable as a rule. females are believed to be more apt in team work
Character Diversity two
men exceed women in other areas especially in logical reasoning such as mathematics and space men are belibeved to be more skillful in dealing with tangible but vexed issues. men often stand for ambition and aggression male leaders are more often appointed as final decision makers
Salary Difference
Among executive-board members, women earn 17% less than their male counterparts. there is only a marginal pay difference between men and women when it comes to nonexecutive directors.
Why the salary is different
interruptions to women’s careers old-fashioned discrimination the effect of executives’ networks
Make netwoLeabharlann ks useful
Although everyone must concede this objective reality to our daily life, no one should not exaggerate this difference to create some barriers to prevent women’s progress making. Just bear this declaration: All Men Are Created Equal, so gender differences are not exempt in judging a person can only by his or her abilities. I am eagerly looking forward to this prospect a few years later: at the last round, the boss pick out his new assistant only base on applicants’strength which without anything else.
Women are worse than men at turning networks to their advantage Men can leverage a large network into more senior positions or a seat on a more lucrative board; women don’t seem to be able to. Women seem more inclined to build and rely on only a few strong relationships Men are better at developing passing acquaintances into a network, and better at maintaining a high personal profile through these contacts.
Are your suprior women?
In a survey of about "your superior are women?" Question answer, select the "is" the proportion of only 27%. And in "you company executives in the leadership of the layer, the proportion of women is how many" question, about 14.32% of the people answer, in his own company executives no women; 64.36% of the people answered, the company female executives less; Only 8.61% of the people answered in their company, mostly female senior executives. In the domestic enterprise, the prevalence of reality is, the manager level male figure is about 57.9%, and 42.1% in women, the figures show that the manager level sex ratio or basic balance. But in the general manager level, the proportion of men is as high as 83.4%, while women is only 16.6%. This seems to be that most women in her career seek further development, encountered a was called as "glass ceiling" bottlenecks.