08 Biostabilization-biodrying of municipal solid waste by inverting air-flow
雷公藤和昆明山海棠化学成分相似性分析黄耀峰,沈雪松,顾生玖,朱开梅,李芳耀 (桂林医学院,广西桂林541004)摘要 [目的]研究雷公藤和昆明山海棠化学成分的相似性。
关键词 雷公藤;昆明山海棠;化学成分鉴别;薄层层析法中图分类号 S661.4 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2009)13-05961-03A nalysis on Similarity of Chemical Compositions of betw een T ripterygium wilfordii H ook.f.and T ripterygium hypoglaucum (L évl.)H utchinsHUANG Yao 2feng et al (G uilin M edical University ,G uilin ,G uangxi 541004)Abstract [Objective]T he purpose of this research was to study the sim ilarity of chem ical com position of T ripterygium wilfordii H ook.f.and T riptery 2gium hypoglaucum (L évl.)Hutchins.[M eth od]T he chloroform ,ethyl acetate and other organic s olvents were used for root extraction under heat sequence in this essay.A fter concerntration of the extract ,T LC exam ination ,prediction of chem ical com position and m elting point determ ination were applied for judgem ent between the tw o plants ’differences.[Result ]T he results sh owed that the tw o species contained a lot of sim ilar chem ical com position.T he ex 2perim ental results of T LC exam ination could be regarded as pharm acogn ostic identification ,quality standard of tripterygium and THH.[C onclusion]T his research w ill give s om e references in the further separation ,purification ,com positions and chem ical structure study of T ripterygium wilfordii H ook.f.and T ripterygium hypoglaucum (L évl.)Hutchins.K ey w ords T ripterygium wilfordii H ook.f.;T ripterygium hypoglaucum (L évl.)Hutchins ;Identification of chem ical com position ;T hin layer chrom atog 2raphy基金项目 广西教育厅课题(200809MS179)。
结果:与对照组相比,光照组在24h、48h、72h的细胞活力增强,14天时碱性磷酸酶染色及活性增强,21天钙结节形成增加、OCN 和Runx2的表达上升;与对照组相比,高糖组在48h、72h的细胞活力下降,14天时碱性磷酸酶染色及活性减弱,21天钙结节形成减少、OCN及Runx2的表达降低;高糖+光照组与高糖组相比,在24h、48h、72h的细胞活力升高,14天时碱性磷酸酶染色及活性增强,21天钙结节形成增加、OCN和Runx2的表达增强;高糖+光照组与对照组相比,在21天时钙结节形成增加,其余指标差异无统计学意义。
结论:在高糖环境下,成骨细胞经光生物调节作用,可补偿高糖对细胞增殖分化的抑制,可为促进高糖环境下颌骨缺损的<关键词:光生物调节作用;高糖环境;成骨细胞;颌骨缺损[中国图书分类号]R783[文献标识码]A D01:10.19749/.cjgd.l672-2973.2021.03.001Effect of photobiomodulationon osteoblasts in high glucose environment in vitroWANG Huan—hua(+CHANG Biao,LI Wei,WEN N ing.(Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University G Chinese Academy ofSciences G Chinese PLA General Hospital,Beijing100050,China)[Abstract]Objective:To study the effect of photobiomodulation(PBM)on the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts in high glucose environment.Methods:MC3T3-E1cells were divided into four groups:control group,light group high glucose group,and high glucose+light K-8method was used to detect the cell viability of MC3T3-E1cells at24h, 48h and72h,alkaline phosphatase staining and its activity at14d were detected,alizarin red staining and semi quantitative analysis were performed on calcium nodules at21d,and the expression of osteogenic related genes OCN and Runx2at21d were detected by real-time quantitative PCR.Finally,the differences between the groups were statistically analyzed.Results: Compared with the control group,the cell viability of t he light group increased at24h,48h and72h,the alkaline phosphatase staining and its activity increased at14d,the calcium nodule formation increased at21d,and the expression of OCN and Runx2increased;Compared with the control group,the cell viability of high glucose group decreased at48h and72h,the staining and activity of alkaline phosphatase decreased at14d,the formation of calcium nodule decreased at21d,and the expression of OCN and Runx2decreased;Compared with the high glucose group,the viability of cells in the high glucose+ light group was increased at24h,48h and72h,the alkaline phosphatase staining and activity increased at14d,the calcium nodule formation increased at21d,and the expression of OCN and Runx2increased;The calcium nodule formation increased at21d in the high glucose+light group and the other indexes were not statistically significant compared with the control group.Conclusion:Low level laser irradiation of osteoblasts can compensate the inhibition of cell proliferation and differentiation caused by high glucose,which can provide a theoretical basis for promoting the repair of j aw defects in high glucose environment.Key words:photobiomodulation(PBM);high glucose environment;osteoblasts;jaw defects水基金项目:国家自然科学基金(项目编号:51972339)王欢欢首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院口腔科医师北京100050萇彪解放军总医院第一医学中心激光科主治医师北京100853李炜中国科学院博士北京100049温宁通讯作者解放军总医院第一医学中心口腔科主任医师教授北京100853・129・由外伤、炎症、肿瘤等引起的颌骨缺损在口腔临床中极为常见,而糖尿病患者因机体长期处于高血糖水平,会引起骨代谢紊乱,影响颌骨缺损修复[I]O有研究表明,光生物调节作用(photobio-modulation,PBM)可以作用于骨缺损区促进骨再生[2-3]o光生物调节作用又叫做低强度光疗、弱激光治疗等,主要指利用低强度的激光照射组织或细胞,引起光生物的治疗。
二、产脲酶菌的优化1. 菌种筛选与鉴定首先,从荒漠土壤中筛选出具有产脲酶活性的菌种,通过分子生物学技术进行鉴定,确定其种类及特性。
2. 培养基优化培养基是菌种生长的重要基础。
四、效果分析1. 固沙效果评价通过对固沙区域的土壤物理性质、化学性质及生物性质进行测定,评价产脲酶菌诱导碳酸钙沉淀固沙的效果。
2. 环境效益分析从生态系统的角度出发,分析产脲酶菌固沙对荒漠生态系统的影响。
基 因表 达 文 章 编 号 :0 0— 9—0 0 3 21 0 6— 0
中 图分 类号 :8 12 Q 8 ¥8 . ; 7
文献 标 识 码 : A
昆虫为 高度 适应 自然 环 境 , 出现 了 明显 的生 物 钟 生理 现象 , 即表 现为个 体行 为 、 生理代 谢 和生物 大 分 子活 性等 生命 活动 的各种 层次 的近 日等 周期节 律
非滞 育 卵诱导 环境 和 2 c 光 照 黑 暗各 1 h 2 D) Ol C 2 ( 0L
育 末 期 瞬 时 表 现 , 生 物 钟 测 时 活 性 ¨ 。有 研 究 为 采 种 环 境对 蚕 卵胚 胎 发 育 过 程 过 氧 化 氢 代 谢 的影
响 , 得 了 S D 参 与 调 控 蚕 类 昆 虫 滞 育 的 实 验 获 O
21年第3 江 莩夸卫 0 0 期
}实 研 上 .
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滞 育 诱 皿 和 光 照 节 律 对 家 蚕 sd基 因 寸 E 日度 o 和 ct 因 的表 达 的 影 响 a基
陶 卉 李 茜 徐 丽 季 明 明 徐 世 清
基 因表 达 水 平 显 著 上 调 , 与在 此 阶段 的蚕 卵 胚 胎 对 滞 育 诱 导 环 境 温 度 和 光 节 律 比 较 敏 感 的 结 论 相 一 致 。 此 外 , 文 还 调 查 了 子 代 卵 中 sd 这 本 o 基 因和 ct 因 的 表 达 情 况 。sd基 因在 人 工 活 化 卵 ( T 中 的 表 达水 平 显 著 高 于非 浸 酸 的 滞 育 性 卵 ( D ); a基 o D E) D E 卵龄 2 -9 h,5L 412 2 L子 代 卵逐 渐
生物化学-biochemistry ppt课件
Foundations of Modern Biochemistry
Goals of biochemistry Biochemistry seeks to describe the structure, organization, and functions of living matter in molecular terms.
Foundations of Modern Biochemistry
The idea of the gene, – a unit of hereditary information, – was first proposed in the mid-nineteenth century by Gregor Mendel.
(1) The structural chemistry of the components of living matter and the relationship of biological function to chemical structure.
(2) Metabolism – the totality of chemical reactions that occur in living matter.
(3) The chemistry of processes and substances that store and transmit biological information (Molecular Genetics).
All living matters usually have the following properties :
living matter: 生物体; in molecular terms: 以分子的观点; at molecular levels: 从分子水平
Intra Oral Delivery (口腔内传递)直接由口腔黏膜吸收,瞬间进入血液循环,有效成分不流失。
Universities, Departments,FacultiesResearchersButler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Health Sciences USA Associate Professor Nandita G. DasMain focus on her research facilities are about peformulation, biopharmaceutics, drug targeting, anticancer drug delivery.Purdue University School of Pharmacy and Pharmacal Sciences Department of Industrial and Physical Pharmacy (IPPH) USA Professor Kinam ParkControlled Drug Delivery, Glucose-Sensitive Hydrogels for Self-Regulated Insulin Delivery, Superporous Hydrogel Composites, Oral Vaccination using Hydrogel Microparticles, Fractal Analysis of Pharmaceutical Solid Materials.St. John's University School of Pharmacy and Allied Health ProfessionsUSA Professor Parshotam L. MadanControlled and targeted drug delivery systems; Bio-erodible polymers as drug delivery systemsThe University of Iowa College of Dentistry Department of Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine USA Professor Christopher A. Squierpermeability of skin, and oral mucosa to exogenous substances, including alcohol and tobacco, and drug deliveryThe University of Iowa College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutics USA Associate Professor Maureen D. DonovanMucosal drug delivery especially via the nasal, gastrointestinal and vaginal epithelia; and mechanisms of drug absorption and disposition.The University of Texas at San Antonio College of Engineering Department of Biomedical Engineering USA Professor Jeffrey Y. ThompsonDental restorative materials and implantsThe University of Utah Pharmaceutics & Pharmaceutical Chemistry USA Professor John W. MaugerDr. Maugner is mainly focused on dissolution testing and coating technology of orally administered drug products with bitter taste about which he is one of the inventors of a filed patent.University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences USA Professor Peter CrooksDr. Crooks is internationally known for his research work in drug discovery, delivery, and development, which includes drug design and synthesis, pharmacophore development, drug biotransformation studies, prodrug design, and medicinal plant natural product research. His research also focuses on preclinical drug development, including drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics in animal models, dosage form development, and drug delivery assessment using both conventional and non-conventional routes, and preformulation/formulation studies.Associate Professor Russell MumperDr. Mumper's main research areas are thin-films and mucoadhesive gels for (trans)mucosal delivery of drugs, microbicides, and mucosal vaccines, and nanotemplate engineering of nano-based detection devices and cell-specific nanoparticles for tumor and brain targeting, gene therapy and vaccines.West Virginia University School of Pharmacy Department of Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences USA Associate Professor Paula Jo Meyer StoutDr. Stout's research areas are composed of dispersed pharmaceutical systems, sterile product formulation DDS for dental diseases and coating of sustained release formulations.Monash University Victorian College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutics Australia Professor Barrie C. FinninTransdermal Drug Delivery. Physicochemical Characterisation of Drug Candidates. Topical Drug Delivery. Drug uptake by the buccal mucosaProfessor Barry L. ReedTransdermal Drug Delivery. Topical Drug Delivery. Formulation of Dental Pharmaceuticals.University of Gent Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Pharmaceutics Belgium Professor Chris Vervaet-Extrusion/spheronisation - Bioadhesion - Controlled release based on hot stage extrusion technology - Freeze-drying - Tabletting and - GranulationPh.D. Els AdriaensMucosal drug delivery (Vaginal and ocular) Nasal BioadhesionUniversity of Gent Faculty of Pharmaceutical SciencesLaboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology Belgium Professor Jean Paul Remonbioadhesive carriers, mucosal delivery, Ocular bioerodible minitablets, Compaction of enteric-coated pellets; matrix-in-cylinder system for sustained drug delivery; formulation of solid dosage forms; In-line monitoring of a pharmaceutical blending process using FT-Raman spectroscopy; hot-melt extruded mini-matricesDanish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Pharmaceutics Denmark Associate Professor Jette JacobsenLow soluble drugs ?in vitro lymphatic absorption Drug delivery to the oral cavity ?in vitro models (cell culture, diffusion chamber) for permeatbility and toxicity of drugs, in vivo human perfusion model, different formulation approaces, e.g. iontophoresis.。
他将琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离的DNA 片段在凝胶中进行变性使其成为单链,然后将一张硝酸纤维素(nitrocellulose,NC)膜放在凝胶上,上面放上吸水纸巾,利用毛细管作用原理使凝胶中的DNA片段转移到NC膜上,使之成为固相化分子。
载有DNA单链分子的NC膜就可以在杂交液与另一种带有标记的DNA或RNA分子(即探针)进行杂交,具有互补序列的RNA或DNA结合到存在于NC 膜的DNA分子上,经放射自显影或其他检测技术就可以显现出杂交分子的区带。
通常将DNA 印迹技术称为Southern blotting,将RNA印迹技术称为Northern blotting,将蛋白质印迹技术称为Western blotting,将不经凝胶的印迹技术称为斑点印迹(Dot blotting)。
Dynamic and distribution of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria communities during sludge granulation in an anaerobic e aerobic sequencing batch reactorZhang Bin a ,b ,Chen Zhe a ,b ,Qiu Zhigang a ,b ,Jin Min a ,b ,Chen Zhiqiang a ,b ,Chen Zhaoli a ,b ,Li Junwen a ,b ,Wang Xuan c ,*,Wang Jingfeng a ,b ,**aInstitute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine,Academy of Military Medical Sciences,Tianjin 300050,PR China bTianjin Key Laboratory of Risk Assessment and Control for Environment and Food Safety,Tianjin 300050,PR China cTianjin Key Laboratory of Hollow Fiber Membrane Material and Membrane Process,Institute of Biological and Chemical Engineering,Tianjin Polytechnical University,Tianjin 300160,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 30June 2011Received in revised form 10September 2011Accepted 10September 2011Available online xxx Keywords:Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria Granular sludgeCommunity development Granule sizeNitrifying bacteria distribution Phylogenetic diversitya b s t r a c tThe structure dynamic of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB)community and the distribution of AOB and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB)in granular sludge from an anaerobic e aerobic sequencing batch reactor (SBR)were investigated.A combination of process studies,molecular biotechniques and microscale techniques were employed to identify and characterize these organisms.The AOB community structure in granules was substantially different from that of the initial pattern of the inoculants sludge.Along with granules formation,the AOB diversity declined due to the selection pressure imposed by process conditions.Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)and sequencing results demonstrated that most of Nitrosomonas in the inoculating sludge were remained because of their ability to rapidly adapt to the settling e washing out action.Furthermore,DGGE analysis revealed that larger granules benefit more AOB species surviving in the reactor.In the SBR were various size granules coexisted,granule diameter affected the distribution range of AOB and NOB.Small and medium granules (d <0.6mm)cannot restrict oxygen mass transfer in all spaces of the rger granules (d >0.9mm)can result in smaller aerobic volume fraction and inhibition of NOB growth.All these observations provide support to future studies on the mechanisms responsible for the AOB in granules systems.ª2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionAt sufficiently high levels,ammonia in aquatic environments can be toxic to aquatic life and can contribute to eutrophica-tion.Accordingly,biodegradation and elimination of ammonia in wastewater are the primary functions of thewastewater treatment process.Nitrification,the conversion of ammonia to nitrate via nitrite,is an important way to remove ammonia nitrogen.It is a two-step process catalyzed by ammonia-oxidizing and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (AOB and NOB).Aerobic ammonia-oxidation is often the first,rate-limiting step of nitrification;however,it is essential for the*Corresponding author .**Corresponding author.Institute of Hygiene and Environmental Medicine,Academy of Military Medical Sciences,Tianjin 300050,PR China.Tel.:+862284655498;fax:+862223328809.E-mail addresses:wangxuan0116@ (W.Xuan),jingfengwang@ (W.Jingfeng).Available online atjournal homepage:/locate/watresw a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x (2011)1e 100043-1354/$e see front matter ª2011Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.watres.2011.09.026removal of ammonia from the wastewater(Prosser and Nicol, 2008).Comparative analyses of16S rRNA sequences have revealed that most AOB in activated sludge are phylogeneti-cally closely related to the clade of b-Proteobacteria (Kowalchuk and Stephen,2001).However,a number of studies have suggested that there are physiological and ecological differences between different AOB genera and lineages,and that environmental factors such as process parameter,dis-solved oxygen,salinity,pH,and concentrations of free ammonia can impact certain species of AOB(Erguder et al., 2008;Kim et al.,2006;Koops and Pommerening-Ro¨ser,2001; Kowalchuk and Stephen,2001;Shi et al.,2010).Therefore, the physiological activity and abundance of AOB in waste-water processing is critical in the design and operation of waste treatment systems.For this reason,a better under-standing of the ecology and microbiology of AOB in waste-water treatment systems is necessary to enhance treatment performance.Recently,several developed techniques have served as valuable tools for the characterization of microbial diversity in biological wastewater treatment systems(Li et al., 2008;Yin and Xu,2009).Currently,the application of molec-ular biotechniques can provide clarification of the ammonia-oxidizing community in detail(Haseborg et al.,2010;Tawan et al.,2005;Vlaeminck et al.,2010).In recent years,the aerobic granular sludge process has become an attractive alternative to conventional processes for wastewater treatment mainly due to its cell immobilization strategy(de Bruin et al.,2004;Liu et al.,2009;Schwarzenbeck et al.,2005;Schwarzenbeck et al.,2004a,b;Xavier et al.,2007). Granules have a more tightly compact structure(Li et al.,2008; Liu and Tay,2008;Wang et al.,2004)and rapid settling velocity (Kong et al.,2009;Lemaire et al.,2008).Therefore,granular sludge systems have a higher mixed liquid suspended sludge (MLSS)concentration and longer solid retention times(SRT) than conventional activated sludge systems.Longer SRT can provide enough time for the growth of organisms that require a long generation time(e.g.,AOB).Some studies have indicated that nitrifying granules can be cultivated with ammonia-rich inorganic wastewater and the diameter of granules was small (Shi et al.,2010;Tsuneda et al.,2003).Other researchers reported that larger granules have been developed with the synthetic organic wastewater in sequencing batch reactors(SBRs)(Li et al., 2008;Liu and Tay,2008).The diverse populations of microor-ganisms that coexist in granules remove the chemical oxygen demand(COD),nitrogen and phosphate(de Kreuk et al.,2005). However,for larger granules with a particle diameter greater than0.6mm,an outer aerobic shell and an inner anaerobic zone coexist because of restricted oxygen diffusion to the granule core.These properties of granular sludge suggest that the inner environment of granules is unfavorable to AOB growth.Some research has shown that particle size and density induced the different distribution and dominance of AOB,NOB and anam-mox(Winkler et al.,2011b).Although a number of studies have been conducted to assess the ecology and microbiology of AOB in wastewater treatment systems,the information on the dynamics,distribution,and quantification of AOB communities during sludge granulation is still limited up to now.To address these concerns,the main objective of the present work was to investigate the population dynamics of AOB communities during the development of seedingflocs into granules,and the distribution of AOB and NOB in different size granules from an anaerobic e aerobic SBR.A combination of process studies,molecular biotechniques and microscale techniques were employed to identify and char-acterize these organisms.Based on these approaches,we demonstrate the differences in both AOB community evolu-tion and composition of theflocs and granules co-existing in the SBR and further elucidate the relationship between distribution of nitrifying bacteria and granule size.It is ex-pected that the work would be useful to better understand the mechanisms responsible for the AOB in granules and apply them for optimal control and management strategies of granulation systems.2.Material and methods2.1.Reactor set-up and operationThe granules were cultivated in a lab-scale SBR with an effective volume of4L.The effective diameter and height of the reactor was10cm and51cm,respectively.The hydraulic retention time was set at8h.Activated sludge from a full-scale sewage treat-ment plant(Jizhuangzi Sewage Treatment Works,Tianjin, China)was used as the seed sludge for the reactor at an initial sludge concentration of3876mg LÀ1in MLSS.The reactor was operated on6-h cycles,consisting of2-min influent feeding,90-min anaerobic phase(mixing),240-min aeration phase and5-min effluent discharge periods.The sludge settling time was reduced gradually from10to5min after80SBR cycles in20days, and only particles with a settling velocity higher than4.5m hÀ1 were retained in the reactor.The composition of the influent media were NaAc(450mg LÀ1),NH4Cl(100mg LÀ1),(NH4)2SO4 (10mg LÀ1),KH2PO4(20mg LÀ1),MgSO4$7H2O(50mg LÀ1),KCl (20mg LÀ1),CaCl2(20mg LÀ1),FeSO4$7H2O(1mg LÀ1),pH7.0e7.5, and0.1mL LÀ1trace element solution(Li et al.,2007).Analytical methods-The total organic carbon(TOC),NHþ4e N, NOÀ2e N,NOÀ3e N,total nitrogen(TN),total phosphate(TP) concentration,mixed liquid suspended solids(MLSS) concentration,and sludge volume index at10min(SVI10)were measured regularly according to the standard methods (APHA-AWWA-WEF,2005).Sludge size distribution was determined by the sieving method(Laguna et al.,1999).Screening was performed with four stainless steel sieves of5cm diameter having respective mesh openings of0.9,0.6,0.45,and0.2mm.A100mL volume of sludge from the reactor was sampled with a calibrated cylinder and then deposited on the0.9mm mesh sieve.The sample was subsequently washed with distilled water and particles less than0.9mm in diameter passed through this sieve to the sieves with smaller openings.The washing procedure was repeated several times to separate the gran-ules.The granules collected on the different screens were recovered by backwashing with distilled water.Each fraction was collected in a different beaker andfiltered on quantitative filter paper to determine the total suspended solid(TSS).Once the amount of total suspended solid(TSS)retained on each sieve was acquired,it was reasonable to determine for each class of size(<0.2,[0.2e0.45],[0.45e0.6],[0.6e0.9],>0.9mm) the percentage of the total weight that they represent.w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x(2011)1e10 22.2.DNA extraction and nested PCR e DGGEThe sludge from approximately8mg of MLSS was transferred into a1.5-mL Eppendorf tube and then centrifuged at14,000g for10min.The supernatant was removed,and the pellet was added to1mL of sodium phosphate buffer solution and aseptically mixed with a sterilized pestle in order to detach granules.Genomic DNA was extracted from the pellets using E.Z.N.A.äSoil DNA kit(D5625-01,Omega Bio-tek Inc.,USA).To amplify ammonia-oxidizer specific16S rRNA for dena-turing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE),a nested PCR approach was performed as described previously(Zhang et al., 2010).30m l of nested PCR amplicons(with5m l6Âloading buffer)were loaded and separated by DGGE on polyacrylamide gels(8%,37.5:1acrylamide e bisacrylamide)with a linear gradient of35%e55%denaturant(100%denaturant¼7M urea plus40%formamide).The gel was run for6.5h at140V in 1ÂTAE buffer(40mM Tris-acetate,20mM sodium acetate, 1mM Na2EDTA,pH7.4)maintained at60 C(DCodeäUniversal Mutation Detection System,Bio-Rad,Hercules,CA, USA).After electrophoresis,silver-staining and development of the gels were performed as described by Sanguinetti et al. (1994).These were followed by air-drying and scanning with a gel imaging analysis system(Image Quant350,GE Inc.,USA). The gel images were analyzed with the software Quantity One,version4.31(Bio-rad).Dice index(Cs)of pair wise community similarity was calculated to evaluate the similarity of the AOB community among DGGE lanes(LaPara et al.,2002).This index ranges from0%(no common band)to100%(identical band patterns) with the assistance of Quantity One.The Shannon diversity index(H)was used to measure the microbial diversity that takes into account the richness and proportion of each species in a population.H was calculatedusing the following equation:H¼ÀPn iNlogn iN,where n i/Nis the proportion of community made up by species i(bright-ness of the band i/total brightness of all bands in the lane).Dendrograms relating band pattern similarities were automatically calculated without band weighting(consider-ation of band density)by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean(UPGMA)algorithms in the Quantity One software.Prominent DGGE bands were excised and dissolved in30m L Milli-Q water overnight,at4 C.DNA was recovered from the gel by freeze e thawing thrice.Cloning and sequencing of the target DNA fragments were conducted following the estab-lished method(Zhang et al.,2010).2.3.Distribution of nitrifying bacteriaThree classes of size([0.2e0.45],[0.45e0.6],>0.9mm)were chosen on day180for FISH analysis in order to investigate the spatial distribution characteristics of AOB and NOB in granules.2mg sludge samples werefixed in4%para-formaldehyde solution for16e24h at4 C and then washed twice with sodium phosphate buffer;the samples were dehydrated in50%,80%and100%ethanol for10min each. Ethanol in the granules was then completely replaced by xylene by serial immersion in ethanol-xylene solutions of3:1, 1:1,and1:3by volume andfinally in100%xylene,for10min periods at room temperature.Subsequently,the granules were embedded in paraffin(m.p.56e58 C)by serial immer-sion in1:1xylene-paraffin for30min at60 C,followed by 100%paraffin.After solidification in paraffin,8-m m-thick sections were prepared and placed on gelatin-coated micro-scopic slides.Paraffin was removed by immersing the slide in xylene and ethanol for30min each,followed by air-drying of the slides.The three oligonucleotide probes were used for hybridiza-tion(Downing and Nerenberg,2008):FITC-labeled Nso190, which targets the majority of AOB;TRITC-labeled NIT3,which targets Nitrobacter sp.;TRITC-labeled NSR1156,which targets Nitrospira sp.All probe sequences,their hybridization condi-tions,and washing conditions are given in Table1.Oligonu-cleotides were synthesized andfluorescently labeled with fluorochomes by Takara,Inc.(Dalian,China).Hybridizations were performed at46 C for2h with a hybridization buffer(0.9M NaCl,formamide at the percentage shown in Table1,20mM Tris/HCl,pH8.0,0.01% SDS)containing each labeled probe(5ng m LÀ1).After hybrid-ization,unbound oligonucleotides were removed by a strin-gent washing step at48 C for15min in washing buffer containing the same components as the hybridization buffer except for the probes.For detection of all DNA,4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)was diluted with methanol to afinal concentration of1ng m LÀ1.Cover the slides with DAPI e methanol and incubate for15min at37 C.The slides were subsequently washed once with methanol,rinsed briefly with ddH2O and immediately air-dried.Vectashield(Vector Laboratories)was used to prevent photo bleaching.The hybridization images were captured using a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM,Zeiss710).A total of10images were captured for each probe at each class of size.The representative images were selected andfinal image evaluation was done in Adobe PhotoShop.w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x(2011)1e1033.Results3.1.SBR performance and granule characteristicsDuring the startup period,the reactor removed TOC and NH 4þ-N efficiently.98%of NH 4þ-N and 100%of TOC were removed from the influent by day 3and day 5respectively (Figs.S2,S3,Supporting information ).Removal of TN and TP were lower during this period (Figs.S3,S4,Supporting information ),though the removal of TP gradually improved to 100%removal by day 33(Fig.S4,Supporting information ).To determine the sludge volume index of granular sludge,a settling time of 10min was chosen instead of 30min,because granular sludge has a similar SVI after 60min and after 5min of settling (Schwarzenbeck et al.,2004b ).The SVI 10of the inoculating sludge was 108.2mL g À1.The changing patterns of MLSS and SVI 10in the continuous operation of the SBR are illustrated in Fig.1.The sludge settleability increased markedly during the set-up period.Fig.2reflects the slow andgradual process of sludge granulation,i.e.,from flocculentsludge to granules.3.2.DGGE analysis:AOB communities structure changes during sludge granulationThe results of nested PCR were shown in Fig.S1.The well-resolved DGGE bands were obtained at the representative points throughout the GSBR operation and the patterns revealed that the structure of the AOB communities was dynamic during sludge granulation and stabilization (Fig.3).The community structure at the end of experiment was different from that of the initial pattern of the seed sludge.The AOB communities on day 1showed 40%similarity only to that at the end of the GSBR operation (Table S1,Supporting information ),indicating the considerable difference of AOB communities structures between inoculated sludge and granular sludge.Biodiversity based on the DGGE patterns was analyzed by calculating the Shannon diversity index H as204060801001201401254159738494104115125135147160172188Time (d)S V I 10 (m L .g -1)10002000300040005000600070008000900010000M L S S (m g .L -1)Fig.1e Change in biomass content and SVI 10during whole operation.SVI,sludge volume index;MLSS,mixed liquid suspendedsolids.Fig.2e Variation in granule size distribution in the sludge during operation.d,particle diameter;TSS,total suspended solids.w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x (2011)1e 104shown in Fig.S5.In the phase of sludge inoculation (before day 38),H decreased remarkably (from 0.94to 0.75)due to the absence of some species in the reactor.Though several dominant species (bands2,7,10,11)in the inoculating sludge were preserved,many bands disappeared or weakened (bands 3,4,6,8,13,14,15).After day 45,the diversity index tended to be stable and showed small fluctuation (from 0.72to 0.82).Banding pattern similarity was analyzed by applying UPGMA (Fig.4)algorithms.The UPGMA analysis showed three groups with intragroup similarity at approximately 67%e 78%and intergroup similarity at 44e 62%.Generally,the clustering followed the time course;and the algorithms showed a closer clustering of groups II and III.In the analysis,group I was associated with sludge inoculation and washout,group IIwithFig.3e DGGE profile of the AOB communities in the SBR during the sludge granulation process (lane labels along the top show the sampling time (days)from startup of the bioreactor).The major bands were labeled with the numbers (bands 1e15).Fig.4e UPGMA analysis dendrograms of AOB community DGGE banding patterns,showing schematics of banding patterns.Roman numerals indicate major clusters.w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x (2011)1e 105startup sludge granulation and decreasing SVI 10,and group III with a stable system and excellent biomass settleability.In Fig.3,the locations of the predominant bands were excised from the gel.DNA in these bands were reamplified,cloned and sequenced.The comparative analysis of these partial 16S rRNA sequences (Table 2and Fig.S6)revealed the phylogenetic affiliation of 13sequences retrieved.The majority of the bacteria in seed sludge grouped with members of Nitrosomonas and Nitrosospira .Along with sludge granula-tion,most of Nitrosomonas (Bands 2,5,7,9,10,11)were remained or eventually became dominant in GSBR;however,all of Nitrosospira (Bands 6,13,15)were gradually eliminated from the reactor.3.3.Distribution of AOB and NOB in different sized granulesFISH was performed on the granule sections mainly to deter-mine the location of AOB and NOB within the different size classes of granules,and the images were not further analyzed for quantification of cell counts.As shown in Fig.6,in small granules (0.2mm <d <0.45mm),AOB located mainly in the outer part of granular space,whereas NOB were detected only in the core of granules.In medium granules (0.45mm <d <0.6mm),AOB distributed evenly throughout the whole granular space,whereas NOB still existed in the inner part.In the larger granules (d >0.9mm),AOB and NOB were mostly located in the surface area of the granules,and moreover,NOB became rare.4.Discussion4.1.Relationship between granule formation and reactor performanceAfter day 32,the SVI 10stabilized at 20e 35mL g À1,which is very low compared to the values measured for activated sludge (100e 150mL g À1).However,the size distribution of the granules measured on day 32(Fig.2)indicated that only 22%of the biomass was made of granular sludge with diameter largerthan 0.2mm.These results suggest that sludge settleability increased prior to granule formation and was not affected by different particle sizes in the sludge during the GSBR operation.It was observed,however,that the diameter of the granules fluctuated over longer durations.The large granules tended to destabilize due to endogenous respiration,and broke into smaller granules that could seed the formation of large granules again.Pochana and Keller reported that physically broken sludge flocs contribute to lower denitrification rates,due to their reduced anoxic zone (Pochana and Keller,1999).Therefore,TN removal efficiency raises fluctuantly throughout the experiment.Some previous research had demonstrated that bigger,more dense granules favored the enrichment of PAO (Winkler et al.,2011a ).Hence,after day 77,removal efficiency of TP was higher and relatively stable because the granules mass fraction was over 90%and more larger granules formed.4.2.Relationship between AOB communities dynamic and sludge granulationFor granule formation,a short settling time was set,and only particles with a settling velocity higher than 4.5m h À1were retained in the reactor.Moreover,as shown in Fig.1,the variation in SVI 10was greater before day 41(from 108.2mL g À1e 34.1mL g À1).During this phase,large amounts of biomass could not survive in the reactor.A clear shift in pop-ulations was evident,with 58%similarity between days 8and 18(Table S1).In the SBR system fed with acetate-based synthetic wastewater,heterotrophic bacteria can produce much larger amounts of extracellular polysaccharides than autotrophic bacteria (Tsuneda et al.,2003).Some researchers found that microorganisms in high shear environments adhered by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)to resist the damage of suspended cells by environmental forces (Trinet et al.,1991).Additionally,it had been proved that the dominant heterotrophic species in the inoculating sludge were preserved throughout the process in our previous research (Zhang et al.,2011).It is well known that AOB are chemoau-totrophic and slow-growing;accordingly,numerous AOBw a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x (2011)1e 106populations that cannot become big and dense enough to settle fast were washed out from the system.As a result,the variation in AOB was remarkable in the period of sludge inoculation,and the diversity index of population decreased rapidly.After day 45,AOB communities’structure became stable due to the improvement of sludge settleability and the retention of more biomass.These results suggest that the short settling time (selection pressure)apparently stressed the biomass,leading to a violent dynamic of AOB communities.Further,these results suggest that certain populations may have been responsible for the operational success of the GSBR and were able to persist despite the large fluctuations in pop-ulation similarity.This bacterial population instability,coupled with a generally acceptable bioreactor performance,is congruent with the results obtained from a membrane biore-actor (MBR)for graywater treatment (Stamper et al.,2003).Nitrosomonas e like and Nitrosospira e like populations are the dominant AOB populations in wastewater treatment systems (Kowalchuk and Stephen,2001).A few previous studies revealed that the predominant populations in AOB communities are different in various wastewater treatment processes (Tawan et al.,2005;Thomas et al.,2010).Some researchers found that the community was dominated by AOB from the genus Nitrosospira in MBRs (Zhang et al.,2010),whereas Nitrosomonas sp.is the predominant population in biofilter sludge (Yin and Xu,2009).In the currentstudy,Fig.5e DGGE profile of the AOB communities in different size of granules (lane labels along the top show the range of particle diameter (d,mm)).Values along the bottom indicate the Shannon diversity index (H ).Bands labeled with the numbers were consistent with the bands in Fig.3.w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x (2011)1e 107sequence analysis revealed that selection pressure evidently effect on the survival of Nitrosospira in granular sludge.Almost all of Nitrosospira were washed out initially and had no chance to evolve with the environmental changes.However,some members of Nitrosomonas sp.have been shown to produce more amounts of EPS than Nitrosospira ,especially under limited ammonia conditions (Stehr et al.,1995);and this feature has also been observed for other members of the same lineage.Accordingly,these EPS are helpful to communicate cells with each other and granulate sludge (Adav et al.,2008).Therefore,most of Nitrosomonas could adapt to this challenge (to become big and dense enough to settle fast)and were retained in the reactor.At the end of reactor operation (day 180),granules with different particle size were sieved.The effects of variation in granules size on the composition of the AOBcommunitiesFig.6e Micrographs of FISH performed on three size classes of granule sections.DAPI stain micrographs (A,D,G);AOB appear as green fluorescence (B,E,H),and NOB appear as red fluorescence (C,F,I).Bar [100m m in (A)e (C)and (G)e (I).d,particle diameter.(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)w a t e r r e s e a r c h x x x (2011)1e 108were investigated.As shown in Fig.5,AOB communities structures in different size of granules were varied.Although several predominant bands(bands2,5,11)were present in all samples,only bands3and6appeared in the granules with diameters larger than0.6mm.Additionally,bands7and10 were intense in the granules larger than0.45mm.According to Table2,it can be clearly indicated that Nitrosospira could be retained merely in the granules larger than0.6mm.Therefore, Nitrosospira was not present at a high level in Fig.3due to the lower proportion of larger granules(d>0.6mm)in TSS along with reactor operation.DGGE analysis also revealed that larger granules had a greater microbial diversity than smaller ones. This result also demonstrates that more organisms can survive in larger granules as a result of more space,which can provide the suitable environment for the growth of microbes(Fig.6).4.3.Effect of variance in particle size on the distribution of AOB and NOB in granulesAlthough an influence of granule size has been observed in experiments and simulations for simultaneous N-and P-removal(de Kreuk et al.,2007),the effect of granule size on the distribution of different biomass species need be revealed further with the assistance of visible experimental results, especially in the same granular sludge reactors.Related studies on the diversity of bacterial communities in granular sludge often focus on the distribution of important functional bacteria populations in single-size granules(Matsumoto et al., 2010).In the present study,different size granules were sieved,and the distribution patterns of AOB and NOB were explored.In the nitrification processes considered,AOB and NOB compete for space and oxygen in the granules(Volcke et al.,2010).Since ammonium oxidizers have a higheroxygen affinity(K AOBO2<K NOBO2)and accumulate more rapidly inthe reactor than nitrite oxidizers(Volcke et al.,2010),NOB are located just below the layer of AOB,where still some oxygen is present and allows ready access to the nitrite produced.In smaller granules,the location boundaries of the both biomass species were distinct due to the limited existence space provided by granules for both microorganism’s growth.AOB exist outside of the granules where oxygen and ammonia are present.Medium granules can provide broader space for microbe multiplying;accordingly,AOB spread out in the whole granules.This result also confirms that oxygen could penetrate deep into the granule’s core without restriction when particle diameter is less than0.6mm.Some mathematic model also supposed that NOBs are favored to grow in smaller granules because of the higher fractional aerobic volume (Volcke et al.,2010).As shown in the results of the batch experiments(Zhang et al.,2011),nitrite accumulation temporarily occurred,accompanied by the more large gran-ules(d>0.9mm)forming.This phenomenon can be attrib-uted to the increased ammonium surface load associated with larger granules and smaller aerobic volume fraction,resulting in outcompetes of NOB.It also suggests that the core areas of large granules(d>0.9mm)could provide anoxic environment for the growth of anaerobic denitrificans(such as Tb.deni-trificans or Tb.thioparus in Fig.S7,Supporting information).As shown in Fig.2and Fig.S3,the removal efficiency of total nitrogen increased with formation of larger granules.5.ConclusionsThe variation in AOB communities’structure was remarkable during sludge inoculation,and the diversity index of pop-ulation decreased rapidly.Most of Nitrosomonas in the inocu-lating sludge were retained because of their capability to rapidly adapt to the settling e washing out action.DGGE anal-ysis also revealed that larger granules had greater AOB diversity than that of smaller ones.Oxygen penetration was not restricted in the granules of less than0.6mm particle diameter.However,the larger granules(d>0.9mm)can result in the smaller aerobic volume fraction and inhibition of NOB growth.Henceforth,further studies on controlling and opti-mizing distribution of granule size could be beneficial to the nitrogen removal and expansive application of granular sludge technology.AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51108456,50908227)and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(No.2009AA06Z312).Appendix.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this article can be found in online version at doi:10.1016/j.watres.2011.09.026.r e f e r e n c e sAdav,S.S.,Lee, D.J.,Show,K.Y.,2008.Aerobic granular sludge:recent advances.Biotechnology Advances26,411e423.APHA-AWWA-WEF,2005.Standard Methods for the Examination 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Table of ContentsLB Medium (1)NZ Medium (2)SM Buffer (3)SET Buffer (4)6X Prehyb Soln (5)10 X TBE (6)10 X TAE (7)20 X SSC (8)1% SDS, 0.2 M NaOH (9)14% PEG (8000), 2M NaCl, 10 mM MgSO4 (10)20% SDS (11)1.0 M Tris, pH 8.0, 1.5 M NaCl (12)10mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 10mM MgSO4 (13)10 mM Tris, 50 mM EDTA, pH 7.5 (14)10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.5 (15)3 M Sodium Acetate, pH 4.8 (16)Electrophoresis dye (17)Labelling Stop dye (18)Sequencing gel dye (19)5% Acrylamide (20)6% Acrylamide in TBE, 50% Urea (21)40% Acrylamide (22)LB Medium (1 Liter)10g Bacto-tryptone5g Bacto-yeast extract10g NaClFor forty plates add 1% agar--1g. Autoclave media. When cool, add ampicillin and pour plates. For 1L of media, add 1.8 mL amp.NZ Medium (500 mL)5 g Bacto-tryptone2.5 g Bacto-yeast extract2.5 g NaCl1.25 g MgSO4For 20 plates add 1.2% agar--6g. Autoclave and pour plates at 50o CSM Buffer (1L)5.8 g NaCl1.2 g MgSo450 mL 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.50.1 g Gelatin (doesn't dissolve)AutoclaveUsed for phage dilution and storage.SET Buffer50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 50 mM EDTA, 20% w/v Sucroseto make 200mL:40 g Sucrose10 mL of 1M Tris20 mL of 0.5 M EDTA, disodium saltbring to 200 mL with H206X Prehybridization Solutionto make 500 mL300 mL ddH20150 mL 20X SSC50 mL 50X Denhardt's solution1 mL 0.5 M EDTA (disodium salt)2.5 mL 20% SDS6X refers to the concentration of SSC10X TBE Buffer (for polyacrylamide gels) to make one liter:60.75 g Tris3.7 g EDTA (tetrasodium salt)30 g Boric acid10X TAE Buffer (For agarose gels)to make one liter:48.20 g Tris6.75 g NaAce3.75 g EDTA (disodium salt)Adjust pH to 7.6 with acetic acid. (Approx. 20 mL)20X SSCto make one liter:175.3 g NaCl88.2 g NaCitrateadd water to bring volume to one liter.adjust to pH 7.0 with HCl.1% SDS, 0.2 M NaOHto make 100 mL:93 mL ddH205 mL 20% SDS2 mL 10 M NaOH14% PEG (8000), 2M NaCl, 10 mM MgSO4 to make one liter:140 g PEG117 g NaCl2.46 g MgSO4For use in phage DNA preparation.20% SDSto male 250 mL:50 g of SDS in a beakerAdd stir bar and H20 last.This solution will have to be heated for the SDS to dissolve.1.0 M Tris, pH 8.0, 1.5 M NaClto make one liter:121.1 g Trizma87.6 g NaClin a volume of water less than 1L. Adjust pH with HCl, then bring to 1L with H2010 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 10 mM MgSO4to make one liter:10 mL 1 M Tris-HCl2.46 g MgSO4for use in phage DNA preparation10 mM Tris, 50 mM EDTA, pH 7.5to make 200 mL:2 mL 1 M Tris20 mL 0.5 M EDTA (tetrasodium salt)178 mL ddH20adjust pH with HCl.10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.5to make 200 mL:2.0 mL 1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.50.4 mL 0.5 M EDTA197.6 mL ddH203 M Sodium Acetate, pH 4.8to make one liter:408.1 g NaAce (trihydrate; gets cold in soln)about 700 mL H20adjust pH with glacial acetic acid (takes a lot)Measure tru pH by dilution with water; range will be between 4.8 and 5.5.Electrophoresis Dyeto make 4 mL:3 mL 50 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.01 mL glycerol20 μL BPB10 μL Xylene cyanolStop dye for labelled probe1 mL 50 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris, pH 7.5-8.5about 200 μl glyceroladd a few grains of blue dextran (8000)Sequencing gel dyefor approx 1 mL:1 mL formamide10 μL xylene cyanol10 μl BPB3 μL 10 M NaOH5% acrylamideto make 200 mL:20 mL 10X TBE25 mL 40% acrylamide155 mL H206% Acrylamide in TBE, 50% Ureato make 500 mL:50 mL 10X TBE75 mL 40% acrylamide250 g Ureabring to 500 mL with H2O40% Acrylamide (38:2 acrylamide:bis acrylamide) to make 200 mL:76 g acrylamide4 g bis acrylamidebring to 200 mL with H2O。
引用格式:宋 雯,陈 曦,余 君,等. 地衣芽孢杆菌对雪茄烟叶发酵产香及菌群演替的影响[J]. 湖南农业科学,2023(8):69-75. DOI:DOI:10.16498/ki.hnnykx.2023.008.0152021年国产手工雪茄销量超过2 000万支[1],但国产雪茄烟叶香气不够浓郁、化学成分不协调[2],因此需要通过微生物、酶及一些化学作用共同完成雪茄烟叶的发酵以提升烟叶品质。
由于传统分离培地衣芽孢杆菌对雪茄烟叶发酵产香及菌群演替的影响宋 雯1,陈 曦1,余 君2,胡路路1,陈 雄1,王 志1(1. 发酵工程教育部重点实验室,湖北工业大学,湖北武汉 430068;2. 湖北省烟草科学研究院,湖北武汉 430030)摘 要:为揭示施加地衣芽孢杆菌对雪茄烟叶发酵的影响,结合宏基因组学技术对雪茄烟叶发酵后香气物质生成、菌群演替及其功能多样性进行了分析,探讨了各菌属在香气物质形成中的作用,揭示了菌群演替特征与代谢功能变化。
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干燥方式对 pH 改性豌豆分离蛋白功能性和结构的影响李开放,蒋将,刘元法( 江南大学 食品学院,江苏 无锡 214122)摘要: 以豌豆为原料制备豌豆分离蛋白( PPI ) ,比较了常用的两种干燥方式对 pH 改性 PPI 功能性 的影响,并利用 SDS - PAGE 和红外光谱法研究了两种干燥方式对 pH 改性 PPI 结构的影响。
研究 结果表明: 与冷冻干燥相比,喷雾干燥使改性处理后的 PPI 形成较多聚集体,同时使蛋白质的功能 性质( 溶解性、乳化性、胶凝性) 略微降低; 经过 pH 改性处理喷雾干燥 PPI 的乳化性和胶凝性显著 高于未改性处理冷冻干燥 PPI ,喷雾干燥后 PPI 亚基发生更多的非二硫键共价聚集,使 PPI 发生部 分变性,二级结构发生了变化。
总之,喷雾干燥对 PPI 的功能性质有降低趋势,而 pH 改性处理可 以大大改善 PPI 的功能性质从而弥补喷雾干燥带来的不足。
关键词: 豌豆分离蛋白; 喷雾干燥; 冷冻干燥; pH 改性; 功能性; 结构 中图分类号: TS214; TQ936.2 文献标志码: A文章编号: 1003- 7969( 2014) 03 - 0074 - 06 Influences of drying methods on function and structure of pH - modified pea protein isolate LI Kaifang ,JIANG Jiang ,LIU Yuanfa( School of Food Science and Technology ,Jiangnan University ,Wuxi 214122,Jiangsu ,China ) Abstract: Pea protein isolate ( PPI ) was obtained from pea . The effects of two common drying methods on the function of pH - modified PPI were compared ,and the structural changes of pH - m odified PPI were investigated by SDS - P AGE and infrared spectrosco py . The results showed that spray drying method in- duced more aggregates of pH - m odified PPI than freeze drying method ,at the same time ,the functional properties of proteins ( s olubility ,emulsification ,gelation ) reduced slightly ; pH - m odified P PI dried by spray drying showed significant increase in gelation and emulsification comparing with PPI dried by freeze drying . After s pray drying ,the subunits of PPI had more covalent aggregation of non disulfide bonds , part of PPI was denatured and the secondary structure of PPI changed . These results indicated that the functional properties of PPI decreased after spray drying ,while the pH - modification treatment could im- prove the functional properties of PPI and make up the disadvantages brought by spray drying . Key words: pea protein isolate ; spray drying ;freeze drying ;pH - modification ;functionalproperty ; structure目前工业上常用冷冻干燥和喷雾干燥两种干燥方式对植物蛋白进行干燥,为了降低生产成本,普遍 采用喷雾干燥法。
潮霉素浓度和农杆菌浸泡时间对黄瓜外植体再生的影响王学斌;司龙亭;孟茜;李坤【摘要】Based on the regeneration system established,the Cucumis sativus cv.inbred line M8 which has strong capability of regeneration was used as experiment material to transform invertase inhibitor INH gene into cucumber by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer.Cotyledon explants were immersed in an Agrobacterium suspension and inoculated in the select medium that was on the concentration gradient of 1 mg·L-1 to 10 mg·L-1 to study the resistance and sensitivity of the cotyledon explants to hygromycin.The effect of immersing time on the conversion efficiency for 5 min,10 min,15 min,20 min with Agrobacterium suspension was studid.The results showed that the highest regeneration frequency was 18.9% when the choice of the HygB pressure levels was 6 mg·L-1 and the infection time was 15 min.The PCR analysis showed that the conversion of INT gene had been integrated into the cucumber genome with the conversion rate of 2.0%.%选用再生能力较强的黄瓜自交系M8为试验材料,在再生体系建立的基础之上,采用根癌农杆菌介导法将转化酶抑制子基因转入黄瓜中.将农杆菌菌液浸泡过的子叶节分别接种在浓度梯度为1 mg· L-1到10 mg·L-1的选择培养基上,研究子叶节对潮霉素的耐受性和敏感度.使用农杆菌菌液浸泡5,10,15,20min,分别接种到筛选培养基上,研究浸泡时间对转化效率的影响.结果表明:HygB的选择压浓度为6mg· L-1,侵染时间为15min时,再生频率最高,为18.9%.经PCR检测表明转化酶抑制子基因已经整合到黄瓜基因组中,转化率为2.0%.【期刊名称】《沈阳农业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(044)002【总页数】5页(P143-147)【关键词】黄瓜;根癌农杆菌;遗传转化;优化;转化酶抑制子【作者】王学斌;司龙亭;孟茜;李坤【作者单位】沈阳农业大学园艺学院,沈阳110161;沈阳农业大学园艺学院,沈阳110161;沈阳农业大学园艺学院,沈阳110161;沈阳农业大学园艺学院,沈阳110161【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S642.21986年TRULSON等[1]首次成功地将新霉素磷酸转移酶(neomycin phosphotransferase,nptⅡ)基因转入黄瓜,开创了黄瓜转基因的先河,但转化率极低,仅得到几株转化植株。
NaCl胁迫对结荚期毛豆叶片抗氧化酶活性和脯氨酸含量的影响吴晶晶;朱月林;张古文;王聪【摘要】以理想95-1毛豆为试材,研究了100 mmol/L的NaCl胁迫对结荚期毛豆叶片抗氧化酶活性、脯氨酸和丙二醛含量的影响.结果表明:NaCl胁迫后,毛豆叶片的SOD和POD活性均显著上升,其中SOD比POD活性上升幅度大,但CAT活性显著下降;NaCl胁迫后,毛豆叶片的脯氨酸含量显著升高,并随胁迫时间的延长呈递增趋势;叶片的MDA含量在NaCl胁迫初期显著升高,并在胁迫9 d时达到峰值,随后开始下降,说明结荚期毛豆叶片抗氧化酶活性和脯氨酸含量受到盐胁迫的诱导,SOD在抗氧化酶系统中起到主导酶的作用.【期刊名称】《江苏农业科学》【年(卷),期】2008(000)002【总页数】3页(P135-137)【关键词】毛豆;NaCl胁迫;抗氧化酶;脯氨酸;丙二醛【作者】吴晶晶;朱月林;张古文;王聪【作者单位】南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京,210095;南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京,210095;国家大豆改良中心,江苏南京,210095;南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京,210095;南京农业大学园艺学院,江苏南京,210095【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S643.7011.1 供试材料供试毛豆品种为早熟理想95-1,购于江苏省农业科学院江蔬种苗公司。
1.2 研究方法1.2.1 试材培育试验于2007年4月15日至6月5日在南京农业大学温室内进行。
4月15日,毛豆种子直播于直径40 cm、高45 cm的塑料盆中,栽培基质为2/3蛭石+1/3泥炭土,浇足底水后,每盆播6粒种子。
真叶展开后,每盆留4株长势一致的幼苗,生长期间每盆每3 d浇1.5 L 1/2浓度日本园试配方营养液。
1.2.2 试验处理5月24日植株开始结荚时进行NaCl胁迫处理,处理植株每盆每2 d浇1.5 L含100 mmol/L NaCl的1/2浓度日本园试配方营养液(NaCl直接溶于营养液中),对照植株在相同日期每盆每2 d浇相同体积的1/2浓度日本园试配方营养液。
盐胁迫对拟南芥Profilins和ADFs转录水平的影响倪娇娇;马文佳;曹树青;樊婷婷【摘要】盐胁迫是影响植物生长发育的重要影响因子,是造成农业减产的重要因素之一.因此抗盐基因的功能研究具有重要的理论意义和应用价值.以往的研究表明,肌动蛋白细胞骨架在植物对盐胁迫的响应中起着重要作用,但肌动蛋白结合蛋白在盐胁迫中的作用尚不清楚.文章以拟南芥为试验材料,采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)技术探讨profilins和ADFS基因在盐胁迫处理下的表达.结果表明,用150 mmol/L NaCl处理2周野生型拟南芥幼苗时profilins和ADFs基因的表达量明显升高,说明profilins和ADFs基因可能受到NaCl诱导.该实验结果为进一步研究该基因调控植物抗盐的机制提供了基础.【期刊名称】《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(041)010【总页数】4页(P1425-1428)【关键词】盐胁迫;ADFs基因;拟南芥;profilins基因;基因表达【作者】倪娇娇;马文佳;曹树青;樊婷婷【作者单位】合肥工业大学食品科学与工程学院,安徽合肥 230009;合肥工业大学食品科学与工程学院,安徽合肥 230009;合肥工业大学食品科学与工程学院,安徽合肥 230009;合肥工业大学食品科学与工程学院,安徽合肥 230009【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q945.780 引言由于植物固着生长的特性,它们在自然界中会受到各种非生物胁迫的影响,如向重力性、盐胁迫、渗透胁迫和低温胁迫[1-2]等,这些胁迫因子都会造成对植物的伤害而影响植物的生长发育。
1.琼脂凝胶免疫扩散法鉴定畜肉的试验研究 [J], 朱曜
2.琼脂凝胶双向扩散法模拟尿石形成及影响因素的研究 [J], 岳文瑾;聂光军;王华
3.加强免疫扩散法鉴定生物工程抗体 [J], 韩焕兴;毛庆民;刘保海;黄宗文;陆慧琦;叶伟民;孔宪涛
4.加强免疫扩散法鉴定生物工程抗体 [J], 陈丽娜
5.醋酸纤维膜微量免疫扩散法鉴定按蚊胃血的应用 [J], 魏启彬;李桂凤;王珍
得到提纯品,经柱前PMP(1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮)衍生化HPLC色谱、UV、IR 分析,确定其组分为葡聚糖,HPLC测得纯度为98.77%。
1.杜氏盐藻多糖提取工艺的优化 [J], 戴军;王旻;尹鸿萍;汤坚
2.杜氏盐藻硝酸盐还原酶缺陷型突变藻株的分离和初步鉴定 [J], 贾岩龙;侯卫红;李杰;刘红涛;陈华燕;王建民;薛乐勋
3.杜氏藻(Dunaliella sp.)多糖DPS-1的提取分离纯化和糖基组成分析 [J], 李亚
4.螺旋藻多糖的提取分离纯化及结构初步研究 [J], 李亚清;杨海波;刘艳;张淑芬因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
虫草提取物对肺纤维化小鼠的抗氧化作用研究曹志飞;蒋小岗;彭蕾;张洪涛;顾振纶;周文轩;郭次仪【期刊名称】《中国野生植物资源》【年(卷),期】2009(028)003【摘要】目的:探讨虫草提取物对小鼠肺纤维化过程中脂质过氧化的影响.方法:昆明种小鼠144只,随机分为假手术组、模型组、虫草提取物高、中、低剂量组和醋酸泼尼松组,每组24只.除假手术组外其余各组小鼠采用气管内一次性滴注盐酸博莱霉素,假手术组小鼠气管内一次性滴注等体积生理盐水.造模后第二天开始给药,假手术组和模型组分别灌服等体积的生理盐水.各组动物于7,14,28 d随机处死8只,分别观察各组小鼠肺系数、肺组织羟脯氨酸(HYP)、丙二醛(MDA)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及血清中MDA的含量和SOD的活性,并取固定部位肺组织做病理组织学检查.结果:虫草提取物能明显降低肺纤维化小鼠肺系数和肺组织HYP的含量,并可提高血清和肺组织中SOD的活性,降低血清和肺组织中MDA的含量.病理组织学检查表明,虫草提取物明显改善实验性小鼠肺纤维化.结论:虫草提取物对小鼠肺纤维化具有一定的干预作用,其机制可能与抗脂质过氧化有关.【总页数】6页(P52-57)【作者】曹志飞;蒋小岗;彭蕾;张洪涛;顾振纶;周文轩;郭次仪【作者单位】苏州大学,医学部,江苏苏州,215123;苏州中药研究所,江苏苏州,215007;苏州大学,医学部,江苏苏州,215123;苏州中药研究所,江苏苏州,215007;苏州大学,衰老与神经疾病实验室,江苏苏州,215123;苏州大学,医学部,江苏苏州,215123;苏州中药研究所,江苏苏州,215007;苏州大学,医学部,江苏苏州,215123;苏州大学,医学部,江苏苏州,215123;苏州中药研究所,江苏苏州,215007;苏州大学,衰老与神经疾病实验室,江苏苏州,215123;苏州中药研究所,江苏苏州,215007;苏州中药研究所,江苏苏州,215007【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285【相关文献】1.石榴茶提取物对小鼠抗疲劳抗氧化作用的研究 [J], 刘志国;赵文亚;刘洪波;张清;鲍娟;杜文娅2.肺痹方对肺纤维化小鼠抗氧化作用的实验研究 [J], 程雪;方泓3.复方虫草对实验性小鼠肺纤维化的干预作用及其机制研究 [J], 展瑞;周文轩;冯一中;顾振纶;张永胜;李强;曹志飞;杨晓彤;杨庆尧;郭次仪4.当归提取物对小鼠抗疲劳抗氧化作用的研究 [J], 阮治寰;杜丝雨;张桓硕;张军辉;朱晴;尚曙玉5.当归提取物对小鼠抗疲劳抗氧化作用的研究 [J], 阮治寰;杜丝雨;张桓硕;张军辉;朱晴;尚曙玉因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Biostabilization–biodrying of municipal solid wasteby inverting air-flowMara Sugni a ,Enrico Calcaterra b ,Fabrizio Adania,*aDipartimento di Produzione Vegetale,sez.FCA,Via Celoria 2,20133Milano,ItalybEcodeco S.p.a.,Loc.Cassinazza di Baselica,27010Giussago,ItalyReceived 1August 2002;received in revised form 22November 2004;accepted 22November 2004Available online 20January 2005AbstractThe process of biodrying could be a good solution for municipal solid waste management,allowing the production of fuel with an interesting energy content.Previous work (Adani,F.,Baido,D.,Calcaterra,E.,Genevini,P.L.,2002.The influence of biomass tem-perature on biostabilization–biodrying of municipal solid waste.Bioresource Technology 83(3),173–179)has indicated that appro-priate management of the processing parameters (air-flow rate and biomass temperatures)could achieve biomass drying in very short times (8–9days).However,the data of that work also evidenced that if the conditions do not consider pile turning,and the air-flow is always from one direction,temperature gradients arise within the biomass,resulting in a lack of homogeneity in the moisture and energy content of the final product.Therefore,a new laboratory study was conducted on municipal solid waste biodrying–biostabilization in an effort to obtain homogeneous final products.Our proposal to solve this lack of homogeneity is to periodically invert the air-flow direction.Thus,in line with a previous study,two trials,A and B,were carried out,dividing the biomass into three layers to study temperature and moisture gradients throughout the process,and a third trial (C)simulating air-flow inversion at regular intervals was introduced.The results suggest that the daily inversion of air-flow eliminates marked tem-perature differences and leads to a homogeneous final product.Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Calorific power;Biodrying;Municipal solid waste;Refuse-derived fuel;Inverted air-flow1.IntroductionIn an effort to solve problems connected with waste management,and in line with new European legislation (91/156/EEC;91/689/EEC;94/62/EU)(Adani et al.,2002),innovative technologies for waste treatment such as composting,biostabilization and biodrying have be-come of general interest.After composting or biostabili-zation the final product can be used for agricultural purposes,or the biostabilized material can be stored safely in a landfill (Wiemer and Kern,1996;Adaniet al.,1998).In the case of biodrying the refuse can be used as a source of energy,i.e.,fuel (Calcaterra et al.,2000;Adani et al.,2002).Although there are many stud-ies on composting (AA.VV.,1993)there is very little in the literature on biostabilization or,especially,on biodrying.Parameters like biomass temperature and humidity during aerobic processing were investigated in order to better understand their relative importance,but,again,most studies tend to address composting (Finstein and Hogan,1993).Recently,Adani et al.(2002)reported studies on the influence of biomass temperature and air-flow rate on the biostabilization–biodrying of municipal solid waste.The experimental results gave proof of the negative0960-8524/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2004.11.016*Corresponding author.Tel.:+39050316546;fax:+39050316521.E-mail address:fabrizio.adani@unimi.it (F.Adani).Bioresource Technology 96(2005)1331–1337correlation between biodegradation and biodrying.In fact,if,during the process,the biomass was subjected to low air-flow rates biodegradation was favoured but water elimination was inadequate.Vice versa,if the air-flow rate is higher there is a more consistent water loss but the degradation rate is slower.Therefore,to achieve satisfactory water loss,and ensure high energy content in thefinal product(fuel),the biodrying process requires the maintenance of high air-flow rate combined with high temperature.During the process,temperature gra-dients were observed throughout the pile;also moisture gradients became evident but,whereas the temperature gradients disappeared in the course of the processing, the moisture gradients persisted to the end.This fact resulted in a lack of homogeneity in thefinal product (Adani et al.,2002).Thus,it was decided to investigate more fully these gradients.Our purpose was to avoid het-erogeneity in thefinal products.To do this we considered it necessary to eliminate temperature gradients in the pile.The aim of the present experimentation was to investigate,in the laboratory,a new procedure for bio-drying municipal solid waste(MSW),i.e.,inversion of air-flow,comparing it with what is commonly done in biodrying plants(Calcaterra et al.,2000)and what we had done in previous experimentation(Adani et al., 2002).The suggested technical solution involves varying the air-flow direction through the biomass.In fact,in biodrying processes,air is usually pumped through the biomass in just one direction,the water being removed in the form of vapour because of the high temperatures reached during biotic degradation.2.MethodsThe trials were performed using an adiabatic compo-sting reactor of148L capacity,like that detailed in pre-vious work(Adani et al.,2001).Two non-separated MSW samples were taken from an MSW treatment plant situated in Giussago(Pavia,Italy).One sample was part of a sampling used in previous experiments dried to a moisture content of50g kgÀ1wet weight (w.w.)and stored at4°C(Adani et al.,2002),the other was new and presented,being sampled at a diverse time, different characteristics from the previous ones(see after).Each sample consisted of about300kg of shred-ded material(B<50mm)collected from a starting amount of about1000kg of non-shredded MSW.The material was dried in an open area until its moisture content was below50g kgÀ1w.w.and then transferred to the laboratory and stored at4°C.The trials were car-ried out using about40kg of wet weight sample,deion-ised water being added to each sample to guarantee the original moisture content.Three biodrying processes were carried out:In the first(Trial A)and second(Trial B)trial,the objective was to identify the different temperature and moisture conditions in the vertical profile of the biomass(gradi-ent)during the processing considering the static condi-tions of the mass and one way air-flow,as in a full scale process(Calcaterra et al.,2000).These investiga-tions were undertaken by sub-dividing,vertically,the biomass in the reactor of each trial in three20-cm high layers by a thin meshed net.In the case of Trial A the material came from the same sample used in previous experiments(moisture: 419g kgÀ1w.w.;volatile solids(VS):654g kgÀ1total solids(TS);ash:346g kgÀ1TS)(Adani et al.,2002). The sample used in the Trial B had the following char-acteristics:moisture:247g kgÀ1w.w.;VS:776g kgÀ1 TS;ash:224g kgÀ1TS.In the third trial(Trial C),the same waste of Trial B was used but there was periodic inversion of the air-flow through the biomass.This was achieved by inverting, daily,the position of the top(layer A)and of the bottom (layer C)layers,so that air-flow passed one day through A–C layer,respectively and,in the following day through C–A layer,respectively.Obviously layer B did not ever change its position.All the trials were performed using a45°C set-point temperature to obtain rapid biodrying,as was explained in earlier work(Adani et al.,2002).The centre of the reactor(layer B)was the location of the set-point tem-perature that was maintained by manual control,using air-flow rate to cool the biomass(Adani et al.,2002). Temperature was measured daily for each of the three layers.On the contrary,air-flow rate and dynamic respi-ration index were measured for the entire bed of waste, being impossible to measure both respirometric activity and air-flow rate for each single layer.Analytical determinations were made during the bio-drying process according to a scheduled sampling plan (see Section3),on sub-samples of about300g from each layer.Bed layer sampling was performed according to the US EPA guidelines for compost materials sampling (The US Composting Council,1997)and the practical guides for analytical chemists to collect samples of solid waste material(Osberghaus and Helmers,1997).Before sampling,each layer in the bed was homogenized and several sub-samples,total weight300g,were taken at random points throughout each entire homogenised layer.The samples were air-dried at40°C and cut to particles smaller than1.0mm by a cutting mill(Retsch SM2000by Retsch,Haan,Germany).Three analytical samples were taken from each bulk sample and sub-jected to chemical analyses.Moisture,volatile solids and ash contents were analysed by standard methods (WHO,1978).During the processes complete mass balances for wet weight(w.w.),total solids(TS),volatile solids(VS)and water were obtained on the basis of ash preservation during the composting processes,using the wet weight1332M.Sugni et al./Bioresource Technology96(2005)1331–1337of the starting biomass(kg)and relative data(g kgÀ1) (Haug,1986a).A water balance,with particular atten-tion to water loss,was also determined experimentally by capturing water vapour from the outgoing air-flow by the appropriate water condenser box positioned at the bottom of the reactor.Moreover water losses were calculated using biomass temperature and air-flow rate data,assuming the relative inlet and outlet moisture content of air at100kPa kPaÀ1(Haug,1986b).The Dynamic Respiration Index(DRI),used as a measure of biological stability,was determined by the biomass oxygen uptake rate,as reported by Adani et al.(2001).Gross calorific values(H0)and energy con-tents(EC)were determined by ASTM methods(ASTM, 1996).Results were analyzed by ANOVA using the Tukey test(Natrella,1966)to compare means and to assess the significance of the difference between mean values. Since chemical analyses were performed on three analyt-ical samples withdrawn from the300g composite bulk sample,standard deviation values,calculated from the data for the three replicates,were estimates of the vari-ability due to both the waste bed homogeneity and the analytical method.Standard deviation for absolute val-ues were calculated as Std C=C(Std A/A),in which C represents the absolute value(kg),A the relative value (g kgÀ1),and Std C and Std A the corresponding stan-dard deviations.3.Results and discussion3.1.Experiment repeatabilityTrial A was conducted using the same waste used in our previous work(see Section2),the aim of which was to assess the effect of temperature on the biostabili-zation–biodrying process of MSW(Adani et al.,2002). As in the earlier work,we adopted a45°C set-point temperature,thus allowing us to compare the present re-sults with those of analogous experiments conducted the year before(Adani et al.,2002).The previous work had taken the entire waste bed into consideration,whereas in this work three layers were considered(see Section2). Thus,in order to compare the two experiments we cal-culated,starting from the data determined for each layer,the average data that represented all the waste bed.This was done for moisture loss,gross calorific value and energy contents,which well represent biodry-ing performance.The calculation was made by consider-ing results obtained for each layer expressed as relative data(g kgÀ1w.w.for moisture content,kJ kgÀ1TS for gross calorific value and kJ kgÀ1w.w.for energy con-tent)and,the absolute dry mass and wet mass contents (kg).Table1shows the results compared to those in our previous work(Trial C of the previous work)(Adani et al.,2002).The moisture loss in this experiment was about200g kgÀ1lower than in the previous work.This diversity could be explained by the different temperature trend observed for this trial with respect to the previous ones(compare Fig.1of the present work with Fig.1of the previous ones)(Adani et al.,2002),that led to vari-ability in drying performance.The fact that the temper-ature set points were difficult to maintain manually probably caused the different temperature trends ob-served.More interesting were the data concerning calo-rific power and energy content.First of all,the differences we recorded in the H0and EC content of the starting material in the two experiments(Table1) were far from negligible.In fact,both gross calorific power and energy content of the starting material of the present experiment were20%lower than in the pre-vious trial.In theory this should not have happened as the waste material was the same for both(optimal stor-age conditions:4°C and moisture content below 50g kg w.w.À1).Probably,the use of different labora-tory to make these determinations with respect to previ-ous work(Adani et al.,2001)gave under estimated results,revealing a scarce reproducibility of the method (ISO,1994).As consequence of that,also the H0and EC values determined forfinal products were under esti-mated with respect to the corresponding values in the previous work(Adani et al.,2002).Thus,in order to compare the drying efficiency and the effect of the biodrying processes on calorific values under these conditions,we considered relative para-meter variations before and after biodrying(see Var% in Table1).They were not similar.The EC value,that is influenced by both volatile solids degradation and water content,increased more in the previous work than in this one.This was due,above all,to the lesser drying than in the present experiment.Thus,with regard to experiment repeatability our re-sult was not very good.Nevertheless,it can be seen from the experimental data that the two processes occurred under different conditions.In fact,for the present work we calculated Table1Comparison between Trial A performed in the present work and the trial conducted in our previous work(Adani et al.,2002)Adani et al.(2002)a Var%This work b Var% Water losses(g kgÀ1initialcontent)667n.s.535n.s.H0start18,012014,5670H0end17,392À3.414,220À2.4 EC start10,856083300EC end14,056+29.4%982417.9 Both trials were conducted in the same conditionfixing a set-point temperature of45°C.a For more explanation,see text.b Value obtained as weighed means of the different layers.M.Sugni et al./Bioresource Technology96(2005)1331–13371333a mean temperature for all processes of46.4°C which was higher than that in the other work(41°C).This dif-ference caused lower drying as a consequence of the low-er air-flow rate(mean air-flow rate calculated for Trial C of previous work of25L kg VSÀ1and for Trial A of this work of21L kg VSÀ1)(Adani et al.,2002).In this case the experiments showed rapid adaptation to the condi-tions used(temperature vs air-flow rate),indicating that the ad hoc equipment set-up worked well.Nevertheless,there is room for improvement in the experimental design,mainly the need to introduce an automatic control for the set-point temperature.More-over,gross calorific value,should be determined taking into considering a standardised sample for which the H0 value is well known.This would exclude problems re-lated to trueness of the measure,that is the agreement between the data obtained by analysis performed on a standardized sample and true data reported(ISO, 1994),as happened in this work.3.2.Temperatures and dynamic respiration indexThe temperature trends during Trials A–C are shown in Fig.1.Throughout the process Trial A showed tem-perature gradients.This was more accentuated in the critical part of the process,i.e.,maximum microbial activity.It can be seen from Fig.1that in the critical part of the process the temperature gradients of the bio-mass reached up to30°C,the top being colder(30°C) than the bottom(60°C).As reported,the set-point tem-perature was maintained manually so the temperature tended to be irregular.As the process reached the end of the trial,the temperatures approached the ambient value and the gradient disappeared.A similar trend was observed in Trial B,though the sample tested was different from that used in Trial A. There was better set-point temperature regulation and the trend showed minorfluctuation,the gradients being more evident than in Trial A.These were of the same ex-tent as those observed for Trial A,confirming about a 30°C degree difference between the top and bottom of the reactor.We calculated mean temperatures of46, 41and31°C for bottom,middle and upper layers, respectively.Therefore,the two previously mentioned trials confirmed the presence of a temperature gradient in the reactor,as was measured in previous work(Adani et al.,2002).These temperature gradients are considered a cause of the heterogeneity in moisture and energy con-tent typical of static biodrying processes(Adani et al., 2002).In Trial C similar temperature gradients to Trial B were observed,but in this case,such as explained in Sec-tion2the top and bottom layers were exchanged daily in order to simulate air-flow inversion.It was observed that when the layer was on the top(alternatively layers A and C)it was always the coldest(about30°C during high microbial activity),but when it was put at the bot-tom its temperature increased(about60°C),giving a gradient between the top and bottom of30°C,as in the two previous trials for which no air-flow inversion was considered.Therefore,independently by the layer presented on the top or on the bottom of the waste bed,temperature trend on the entire bed was similar to that observed for Trial B(Fig.1).Using the temperature trend we calculated mean tem-peratures of37,40and35°C for layers A–C,respec-tively.This means that by inverting the air-flow the mean temperatures of the two opposite layers were very similar,and close to the middle layer that was similar to the temperature registered in the middle layer during Trial B.These data confirmed that periodic air-flow1334M.Sugni et al./Bioresource Technology96(2005)1331–1337inversions led to similar mean temperature trends within the biomass irrespective of position.All three processes ceased after about 200h (Trial A—233h,Trial B—214,Trial C—205),as indicated by the dynamic respiration index trends determined for each trial (Adani et al.,2002)(Fig.2),indicating the cessation of microbial activity.This was confirmed by the final temperatures that were found to be near room temperature (Fig.1).3.3.BiodegradationAs all the trials were focused on the biodrying process it was not,in theory,important to verify whether or not any decrease in organic matter occurred.However,in the present case the final product could be used as fuel if the original organic content could be maintained,thus giving a better product.Adani et al.(2002)showed that limiting the biodegradation saves calorific power,and the savings cannot be ignored.In Trial A,the loss of volatile solids (VS)was not evi-dent,in accordance with earlier results (Adani et al.,2002)being the differences registered,in the same range of the standard deviations (Table 2).Only the bottom layer can be assumed to have a certain degradation rate.On the contrary Trial B showed for all the layers a de-crease in VS content.This ranged from 160to 480g kg À1.The greatest decrease was in the bottom layer and was due to lower water loss (Adani et al.,2002)and so to the preservation of the microbial activity (Adani et al.,2002).The top layer showed an unex-pected degradation coefficient (higher than in the middle layer),thought drying performance was higher (see Sec-tion 3.4).Considering the data of the gross calorific value (H 0)(see Section 3.5)(Table 3),we concluded that the degradation that occurred should be lower than for the middle layer.Probably the heterogeneity of the waste did not allow an accurate detection of VS.Statistical differences were not observed between the before and after biodrying process for both the top and bottom layers in Trial C.On the contrary the mid-dle layer presented a significant reduction in VS content.Probably the exchange of the opposite layers (A and B)determined faster drying (see Section 3.4)than in the middle layers (layer B)allowing more intense and pro-longed degradation activity in the latter.If we compare Trials B and C,that used the same waste,higher VS deg-radation occurred for the solution that did not consider layer exchange.This could,above all,be due to the high degradation coefficient that occurred in the bottom layer,due to maintenance of optimal moisture content.The middle layers for both processes (Trials B and C)showed the same VS losses (0.9and 0.8g kg À1),as ex-pected.This suggested,indirectly,good performance of both the experimental equipment and the trials themselves.Table 2Volatile solid contents in the different layers at the beginning and at the end of the trials Sample Initial volatile solid content (kg)Final volatile solid content (kg)Trial AUpper layer 5.1±0.15a A 4.8±0.19b A Middle layer 5.5±0.15a A 5.6±0.20c A Bottom layer 5.4±0.15a B 4.2±0.27a A Trial BUpper layer 7.4±0.13a B 6.2±0.03b A Middle layer 7.6±0.13a B 6.7±0.02c A Bottom layer 7.6±0.13a B 3.9±0.36a A Trial C Layer A 7.7±0.5a A 7.4±0.7a A Layer B 7.8±0.5a B 7.0±0.1a A Layer C7.8±0.5a A7.9±0.35a AMeans followed by the same letter are not statistically different using Tukey test to compare means (p <0.05):small letters in the same column and capital letters on the same line.Table 3Calorific value (H 0)and energy content (EC)of biomass at the start and at the end of the process in the three trials SampleH 0(kJ kg À1)EC (kJ kg À1)Trial AInitial sample14,559±313b 8330±42a Upper layer (final)15,036±506b 11,344±381b Middle layer (final)14,898±707b 10,904±515b Bottom layer (final)12,663±313a 8384±205a Trial BInitial sample14,525±628c 11,021±114b Upper layer (final)16,715±464d 14,697±477c Middle layer (final)13,604±389b 11,515±326b Bottom layer (final)12,390±820a 10,297±678a Trial CInitial sample 14,525±628a 11,021±473a Layer A (final)16,279±427b 14,098±368b Layer B (final)16,224±4.2b 13,951±3.3b Layer C (final)16,045±611b13,893±66bMeans reported in the same column followed by the same letters are not statistically different using Tukey test to compare means (p <0.05).M.Sugni et al./Bioresource Technology 96(2005)1331–13371335The results confirmed that fast biodrying,that relates to layer position and air-flow rate,leads to a lower deg-radation coefficient(Adani et al.,2002).3.4.Water lossMoisture gradients occurred when no air-flow inver-sion was considered—Trials A and B—Fig.3(Adani et al.,2002).Unlike temperature,the water gradients re-mained through to thefinal samples.Consequently the moisture content in thefinal products for trials were dif-ferent in the three layers as follows:Trial A,top layer 205g kg w.w.À1,middle layer229g kg w.w.À1,bottom layer301g kg w.w.À1and for Trial B,top layer 120g kg w.w.À1,middle layer153g kg w.w.À1,bottom layer169g kg w.w.À1.In this way the moisture hetero-geneity in thefinal products was confirmed as high. The variation coefficient for moisture content in the three layers was calculated as20%and16%for Trials A and B,respectively.These results agree with what had been supposed about degradation,that it was im-proved by moisture maintenance.This is because the air coming into contact with the material takes the mois-ture from it,and as the air passes down through the pile it reaches saturation point.Thus,on reaching the bot-tom of the reactor the air can no longer absorb moisture because it is already overloaded;this also results in tem-perature gradients.In fact limited water removal means limited heat removal,and thus higher temperatures in the biomass(Haug,1986b).Therefore,at the end of the processing there is marked heterogeneity in the mois-ture content of the whole sample.On the contrary thefinal sample from Trial C was homogeneous in moisture content(top layer 134g kg w.w.À1,middle layer140g kg w.w.À1,bottom layer134g kg w.w.À1)(Fig.3)because the whole bio-mass had undergone a sequence of different conditions that had the effect of equalising the conditions at the dif-ferent heights in the reactor.Contrary to the other two trials we calculated a variation coefficient of moisture content in the three layers of only2%.For the degrada-tion coefficients it can be seen that there was good agree-ment for water content in the middle layer for both Trials B and C,confirming that the same process condi-tions(middle layer did not change position)gave similar results.On considering the three layers as a whole,the mean value of thefinal water content for Trial B was 147g kg w.w.À1while for Trial C it was136g kg w.w.À1. It is quite evident that theflow inversion trial led to lower water content(À80g kgÀ1with respect to TrialB)and higherfinal product homogeneity.3.5.Calorific values and energy contentThe calorific analysis confirmed what was observed in biodegradation and drying processes.In thefinal prod-uct of Trial A,the calorific value of the bottom layer was lower(about15–16%less)than in the other two lay-ers(Table3),a consequence of the more consistent bio-degradation processes occurred(Table2).The same observation was for Trial B,though the differences were more accentuated.With regard to energy content,the final products of Trials A and B showed a rise in energy content due to the decrease in water content,but in Trial B thefinal product in the bottom layer had values com-parable with those of the starting sample(Table3).This can be explained by a smaller decrease in moisture con-tent and higher organic matter degradation in the bot-tom layer(see Table2and H0values),both of which determine a lower energy content than in the higher lay-ers.This causes heterogeneity in thefinal product.In particular we calculated,with respect to H0and EC con-tent,a variation coefficient between different layers of 9.4%and15.6%,and15.6%and18.6%,respectively, for Trials A and B.Trial C showed a general increase in calorific values with respect to the initial sample (about11.5%).Such an increase was probably due to sampling problems and/or determination.The energy content of the three layers at the end of the process had similar values(about13,813kJ kg w.w.À1),indicat-ing that the drying process was more homogeneous. Contrarily to Trial B,where the same sample was used, we obtained afinal product with great homogeneity1336M.Sugni et al./Bioresource Technology96(2005)1331–1337regarding the different layers.We calculated for H0and EC variation coefficients of0.7%and of0.7%,respec-tively.This is quite different from the lack of homogene-ity in Trial B that had the same starting sample. Therefore,thefinal product of Trial C is the best one to use as fuel,and is evident proof of the benefits of air-flow inversion in composting aimed at energy production.4.ConclusionsOur previous work pointed out how biomass temper-ature affects biodrying processes.Furthermore,on that occasion we saw that temperature and moisture gradi-ents occurred throughout the biomass and we put it down to the one way air-flow approach that is com-monly used in full scale plants.In fact,we found that such unidirectionalflow causes lack of homogeneity in thefinal product,in relation to the parameters of mois-ture,calorific power and energy content.Thus,the pres-ent work confirmed the presence of biomass temperature gradients(Trials A and B)that resulted in a not very homogeneousfinal product.To overcome these problems,afirst step could be the elimination of such temperature gradients.We tested this in the present work by inverting,on a daily basis, the air-flow direction(Trial C).The results clearly indi-cate that this technique mitigates the gradients and leads to a more homogeneousfinal product.ReferencesAA.VV.,1993.In:Hoitink,H.A.J.,Keener,H.M.(Eds.),Science and Engineering of Composting:Design,Environmental,Microbiolog-ical and Utilization Aspects.The Ohio State University,Wooster, OH,p.728.Adani, F.,Tambone, F.,Genevini,P.L.,Calcaterra, E.,1998.Stabilization of municipal solid waste organic fraction:a labora-tory approach.Technology&Environment4,2–8.Adani,F.,Lozzi,P.,Genevini,P.L.,2001.Determination of biological stability by oxygen uptake on municipal solid waste and derived post Science&Utilization9(29),163–178. 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