



中文名称 无绳加密电话机 其他无绳电话机 GSM数字式手持无线电话整套散件 其他GSM数字式手持无线电话机 CDMA数字式手持无线电话整套散件 其他CDMA数字式手持无线电话机 其他手持式无线电话机 对讲机 其他用于蜂窝网络或其他无线网络 其他加密电话机 其他电话机 便携式自动数据处理设备 机械指示式的贵金属电子手表 光电显示式的贵金属电子手表 其他贵金属电子手表 其他自动上弦贵金属机械手表 其他非自动上弦贵金属机械手表 贵金属电子怀表及其他电子表 贵金属机械怀表及其他机械表 机械指示式的其他电子手表 光电显示式的其他电子手表 其他电子手表 其他自动上弦的机械手表 其他非自动上弦的机械手表 电力驱动的电子怀表及其他电子表 其他机械怀表、秒表及其他表 以表芯装成的电子钟 以表芯装成的机械钟 仪表板钟及车辆船舶等用的类似钟 电子闹钟 机械闹钟 电子挂钟 机械挂钟 电子天文钟 其他电子钟 其他机械钟 考勤钟、时刻记录器 其他时间记录器及其他类似装置 各种材料制成的鞍具及挽具 以皮革,再生皮革,漆皮作面的衣箱 以皮革,再生皮革,漆皮作面的箱包 以塑料或纺织材料作面的衣箱 以塑料或纺织材料作面的其他箱包 以钢纸或纸板作面的衣箱等 以皮革,再生皮革,漆皮作面手提包 以塑料片或纺织材料作面的手提包 以钢纸或纸板作面的手提包 以皮革,再生皮革作面钱包等物品
箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 箱包及皮革制品 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等) 电脑配件(U盘等)



2号进水 管垫 片...
E0502005 01
水温表传 感器 (...
E0502100 05
水温表传 感器 (...
E0502100 05
水温表传 感器 (...
E0502100 05
进水口 (479...
E0600001 01
进水口 (479...
E0600001 01
暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
发动机前 吊钩 (...
E0000002 01
中缸 (MR47.. .
E0000100 02
中缸 (MR47.. .
E0000100 02
中缸 (MR47.. .
E0000100 02
中缸 (MR47.. .
E0000100 02
E1102200 05
进燃油软 管组 件...
E1102200 05
进燃油软 管组 件...
E1102200 05
怠速调节 器座 组...
E1103002 0301
怠速调节 器垫 片...
E1103003 01
冷却水旁 通管 接...
E1103004 01
暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无
燃油压力 调节 器...
E1101150 05
燃油返回 管及 支...



CODE: 0567045: 英国/ 爱尔兰 灰
CODE: 0558842: 独联体 灰
CODE: 0561182: 意大利 白
CODE: 0558844: 乌克兰 灰
CODE: 0558795: 希腊 灰
CODE: 0558794: 罗马尼亚 灰
CODE: 0558797: 波兰 灰
亚洲,东南亚,大洋洲 部分:
CODE:0566235 :印度

CODE:0566234 :印度

CODE:0561931 :印度

CODE:0561930 :新西兰 白
CODE:0561932 :泰国 白
CODE:0567047 :老挝 灰
CODE:0561924 (0569997):香港 白
CODE:0561925 :新加坡 白
CODE:0561928 :印尼 白
CODE:0561929 :澳大利亚 白
CODE:0567052 :老挝 白
CODE:0560658 :新西兰 灰
CODE:0560656 :印尼 灰
CODE: 0569276: 保加利亚 灰
CODE: 0558783: 芬兰 灰
CODE: 0559570: 以色列 灰
CODE: 0558786: 奥地利 灰
CODE: 0558784: 丹麦 灰
CODE: 0558785: 德国 灰
CODE: 0553619: 欧元区K1 灰

CODE:0566234 :印度

CODE:0561931 :印度

CODE:0561930 :新西兰 白



扣押日期 (年月 日) 2014.1.7 2014.1.15 2014.1.26 2014.2.18 2014.2.19 2014.2.26 2014.2.28 2014.3.4 2014.3.5 2014.3.5 2014.3.5 2014.3.5 2014.3.10 2014.3.19 2014.3.21 2014.3.24 ….5702617 2014.4.14 2014.4.23 …4733300272 生锈 A3180007 LALTCJ3D553410862 LATTCL541Y8002281 LYMTJAB41XA307586 生锈 93200140 生锈 LC6PCJ2J3B0043974 2014.5.4 2014.6.16 2014.6.19 2014.6.24 2014.6.30 2014.1.3 2014.1.21 2014.1.27 2014.1.27 2014.1.27 承办单位 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 机动中队 备注
00K00048 03015703 04002998 109924 55605735
99317050 B0206662 0007
2014.12.1 7 2014.12.1 7 2014.12.1 7 2014.12.1 7 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 8 2014.12.1 9 2014.12.1 9 2014.12.1 9 2014.12.2 1 2014.12.2 1 2014.12.2 2 2014.12.2 3 2014.12.2 3 2014.12.2 3 2014.12.2 3 2014.12.2 3 2014.12.2 4


画面 置............................. 旧拨
硬盘驱动器 进寻请请远..................... 旧拨
媒体播 器 - 兼容文件格式............ 旧择
通过 致U下/U分B 输入 接外部音源......... 旧只
通过 致U下/U分B 输入 接外部音源......... 旧叫
使用中 的按钮和 制或方向盘 侧的键 盘, 启动或解除*功能和 行许多ď 的

按č MY重台AR,显示Đ车 驾驶和 制有关的
所有 定,例如 Cit本 分且f优t本 和警 自
中 中的 制面
示仅用作示意 - 功能的
数量和按钮的 置 选定的 备和具体 场而
异 航 * - 寻AV , 参 阅 ĕ 门 的 附 录
分优n账u账 航系统 音响和媒体 - RADI导 MEDIA TEL*,
参阅 附录的相关章节
功 能 置 - MY重 台AR , 参 阅 销同 C致R 进 码古详远
* 选配件/附件的更多信息, 查看 言

01重 言
车 互联网 接 -

车 中的电子版 车 手
选 č角的信息符 ,获 电子 车Ľ手册
03B速u优tooth 免提电话 - 音量 置........ 拨拨
电话簿............................... 拨择 电话簿 - 快 搜索联系人.............. 拨择 电话簿 - 中 Č的 符表键盘........ 拨择 电话簿 - 搜索联系人.................. 拨只 语音识别............................. 拨只 语音识别的语言选 ................... 拨叫 语音识别的帮助功能................... 拨9 语音识别 - 置...................... 拨9 语音识别 - 语音指 .................. 择口 语音识别 - 快 指 .................. 择口 语音识别 - 移动电话.................. 择口 语音识别 - 收音机.................... 择古 语音识别 - 多媒体.................... 择古 联网车 ............................. 择该 车 调制解调器 *..................... 择旧

诺基亚N8 code码

诺基亚N8 code码

诺基亚N8 CODE 查询大全0599324: APA C1 BLU CAMBODIA 亚太1-蓝色-柬埔寨0599322: APAC1 BLU INDONESIA 亚太1-蓝色-印度尼西亚0599321: APAC1 BLU MALAYSIA 亚太1-蓝色-马来西亚0599320: APAC1 BLU SINGAPORE 亚太1-蓝色-新加坡0599247: APAC1 DG CAMBODIA 亚太1-深灰色-柬埔寨0599246: APAC1 DG INDONESIA 亚太1-深灰色-印度尼西亚0599245: APAC1 DG MALAYSIA 亚太1-深灰色-马来西亚0599243: APAC1 DG SINGAPORE 亚太1-深灰色-新加坡0599300: APAC1 GR CAMBODIA 亚太1-绿色-柬埔寨0599299: APAC1 GR INDONESIA 亚太1-绿色-印度尼西亚0599298: APAC1 GR MALAYSIA 亚太1-绿色-马来西亚0599297: APAC1 GR SINGAPORE 亚太1-绿色-新加坡0599338: APAC1 OR CAMBODIA 亚太1-橙色-柬埔寨0599337: APAC1 OR INDONESIA 亚太1-橙色-印度尼西亚0599336: APAC1 OR MALAYSIA 亚太1-橙色-马来西亚0599335: APAC1 OR SINGAPORE 亚太1-橙色-新加坡0599267: APAC1 WH CAMBODIA 亚太1-白色-柬埔寨0599266: APAC1 WH INDONESIA 亚太1-白色-印度尼西亚0599264: APAC1 WH MALAYSIA 亚太1-白色-马来西亚0599261: APAC1 WH SINGAPORE 亚太1-白色-新加坡0599326: APAC2 BLU AUSTRALIA 亚太2-蓝色-澳大利亚手机之家0599329: APAC2 BLU BANGLADESH 亚太2-蓝色-孟加拉国0599328: APAC2 BLU EMERGING ASIA 亚太2-蓝色-亚洲新兴国家059B823: APAC2 BLU NEPAL 亚太2-蓝色-尼泊尔0599327: APAC2 BLU NEW ZEALAND 亚太2-蓝色-新西兰0599325: APAC2 BLU PHILIPPINES 亚太2-蓝色-菲律宾059B939: APAC2 BLU SRI LANKA 亚太2-蓝色-斯里兰卡0599249: APAC2 DG AUSTRALIA 亚太2-深灰色-澳大利亚0599254: APAC2 DG BANGLADESH 亚太2-深灰色-孟加拉国0599251: APAC2 DG EMERGING ASIA 亚太2-深灰色-亚洲新兴国家059B819: APAC2 DG NEPAL 亚太2-深灰色-尼泊尔手机之家0599250: APAC2 DG NEW ZEALAND 亚太2-深灰色-新西兰0599248: APAC2 DG PHILIPPINES 亚太2-深灰色-菲律宾059B936: APAC2 DG SRI LANKA 亚太2-深灰色-斯里兰卡0599302: APAC2 GR AUSTRALIA 亚太2-绿色-澳大利亚0599305: APAC2 GR BANGLADESH 亚太2-绿色-孟加拉国0599304: APAC2 GR EMERGING ASIA 亚太2-绿色-亚洲新兴国家059B822: APAC2 GR NEPAL 亚太2-绿色-尼泊尔0599303: APAC2 GR NEW ZEALAND 亚太2-绿色-新西兰0599301: APAC2 GR PHILIPPINES 亚太2-绿色-菲律宾059B938: APAC2 GR SRI LANKA 亚太2-绿色-斯里兰卡0599340: APAC2 OR AUSTRALIA 亚太2-橙色-澳大利亚0599344: APAC2 OR BANGLADESH 亚太2-橙色-孟加拉国0599342: APAC2 OR EMERGING ASIA 亚太2-橙色-亚洲新兴国家059B825: APAC2 OR NEPAL 亚太2-橙色-尼泊尔0599341: APAC2 OR NEW ZEALAND 亚太2-橙色-新西兰0599339: APAC2 OR PHILIPPINES 亚太2-橙色-菲律宾059B940: APAC2 OR SRI LANKA 亚太2-橙色-斯里兰卡0599271: APAC2 WH AUSTRALIA 亚太2-白色-澳大利亚0599277: APAC2 WH BANGLADESH 亚太2-白色-孟加拉国0599275: APAC2 WH EMERGING ASIA 亚太2-白色-亚洲新兴国家059B821: APAC2 WH NEPAL 亚太2-白色-尼泊尔0599273: APAC2 WH NEW ZEALAND 亚太2-白色-新西兰0599268: APAC2 WH PHILIPPINES 亚太2-白色-菲律宾059B937: APAC2 WH SRI LANKA 亚太2-白色-斯里兰卡0599902: BALKANS BLU 巴尔干地区-蓝色0599903: BALKANS BLU SERBIA 巴尔干地区-蓝色-塞尔维亚0599774: BALKANS DG 巴尔干地区-深灰色手机之家0599775: BALKANS DG SERBIA 巴尔干地区-深灰色-塞尔维亚0599850: BALKANS GR 巴尔干地区-绿色0599851: BALKANS GR SERBIA 巴尔干地区-绿色-塞尔维亚0599925: BALKANS OR 巴尔干地区-橙色0599927: BALKANS OR SERBIA 巴尔干地区-橙色-塞尔维亚0599831: BALKANS WH 巴尔干地区-白色0599832: BALKANS WH SERBIA 巴尔干地区-白色-塞尔维亚0599904: BALTIAN BLU 波罗的海三国-蓝色0599776: BALTIAN DG 波罗的海三国-深灰色0599852: BALTIAN GR 波罗的海三国-绿色0599930: BALTIAN OR 波罗的海三国-橙色0599833: BALTIAN WH 波罗的海三国-白色0599234: BRAZIL BLUE 巴西-蓝色0599221: BRAZIL DARK GREY 巴西-深灰色0599229: BRAZIL GREEN 巴西-绿色0599241: BRAZIL ORANGE 巴西-橙色0599225: BRAZIL **** 巴西-白色手机之家0598807: CHINA PRC BLUE 中国-蓝色0598797: CHINA PRC DARK GREY 中国-深灰色0598804: CHINA PRC GREEN 中国-绿色0598810: CHINA PRC ORANGE 中国-橙色0598800: CHINA PRC SILVER **** 中国-银白色0599901: CIS BLU 独联体-蓝色0599003: CIS BLU BELARUS 独联体-蓝色-白俄罗斯0599773: CIS DG 独联体-深灰色0598983: CIS DG BELARUS 独联体-深灰色-白俄罗斯0599849: CIS GR 独联体-绿色0598999: CIS GR BELARUS 独联体-绿色-白俄罗斯059D358: CIS KAZAKHSTAN BLU 独联体-哈萨克斯坦-蓝色059D355: CIS KAZAKHSTAN DG 独联体-哈萨克斯坦-深灰色059D357: CIS KAZAKHSTAN GR 独联体-哈萨克斯坦-绿色059D359: CIS KAZAKHSTAN OR 独联体-哈萨克斯坦-橙色059D356: CIS KAZAKHSTAN WH 独联体-哈萨克斯坦-白色0599921: CIS OR 独联体-橙色0599008: CIS OR BELARUS 独联体-橙色-白俄罗斯0599830: CIS WH 独联体-白色0598992: CIS WH BELARUS 独联体-白色-白俄罗斯0599892: EUR O1 BLU ALPS 欧洲1-蓝色-阿尔卑斯山地区0599891: EURO1 BLU FRANCE 欧洲1-蓝色-法国0599857: EURO1 BLU ITAL Y 欧洲1-蓝色-意大利0599890: EURO1 BLU MALTA 欧洲1-蓝色-马耳他0599001: EURO1 BLU UK IRELAND 欧洲1-蓝色-英国-爱尔兰0599758: EURO1 DG ALPS 欧洲1-深灰色-阿尔卑斯山地区0599756: EURO1 DG FRANCE 欧洲1-深灰色-法国0599750: EURO1 DG ITALY 欧洲1-深灰色-意大利0599751: EURO1 DG MALTA 欧洲1-深灰色-马耳他0598980: EURO1 DG UK IRELAND 欧洲1-深灰色-英国-爱尔兰0599840: EURO1 GR ALPS 欧洲1-绿色-阿尔卑斯山地区0599839: EURO1 GR FRANCE 欧洲1-绿色-法国0599836: EURO1 GR ITAL Y 欧洲1-绿色-意大利0599838: EURO1 GR MALTA 欧洲1-绿色-马耳他0598997: EURO1 GR UK IRELAND 欧洲1-绿色-英国-爱尔兰0599911: EURO1 OR ALPS 欧洲1-橙色-阿尔卑斯山地区0599910: EURO1 OR FRANCE 欧洲1-橙色-法国0599907: EURO1 OR ITAL Y 欧洲1-橙色-意大利0599908: EURO1 OR MALTA 欧洲1-橙色-马耳他0599006: EURO1 OR UK IRELAND 欧洲1-橙色-英国-爱尔兰0599817: EURO1 WH ALPS 欧洲1-白色-阿尔卑斯山地区0599816: EURO1 WH FRANCE 欧洲1-白色-法国0599814: EURO1 WH ITALY 欧洲1-白色-意大利0599815: EURO1 WH MALTA 欧洲1-白色-马耳他0598986: EURO1 WH UK IRELAND 欧洲1-白色-英国-爱尔兰0599893: EURO2 BLU 欧洲2-蓝色0599894: EURO2 BLU GERMANY 欧洲2-蓝色-德国0599895: EURO2 BLU TURKEY 欧洲2-蓝色-土耳其0599761: EURO2 DG 欧洲2-深灰色0599762: EURO2 DG GERMANY 欧洲2-深灰色-德国0599764: EURO2 DG TURKEY 欧洲2-深灰色-土耳其0599841: EURO2 GR 欧洲2-绿色手机之家0599842: EURO2 GR GERMANY 欧洲2-绿色-德国0599843: EURO2 GR TURKEY 欧洲2-绿色-土耳其0599912: EURO2 OR 欧洲2-橙色0599913: EURO2 OR GERMANY 欧洲2-橙色-德国0599914: EURO2 OR TURKEY 欧洲2-橙色-土耳其0599819: EURO2 WH 欧洲2-白色0599820: EURO2 WH GERMANY 欧洲2-白色-德国0599821: EURO2 WH TURKEY 欧洲2-白色-土耳其0599896: EURO3 BLU 欧洲3-蓝色0599766: EURO3 DG 欧洲3-深灰色0599823: EURO3 DS 欧洲3-(颜色未知)0599844: EURO3 GR 欧洲3-绿色0599915: EURO3 OR 欧洲3-橙色0599906: HISPANIA BLU 伊伯利亚半岛-蓝色0599778: HISPANIA DG 伊伯利亚半岛-深灰色0599855: HISPANIA GR 伊伯利亚半岛-绿色0599933: HISPANIA OR 伊伯利亚半岛-橙色0599835: HISPANIA WH 伊伯利亚半岛-白色0598806: HONG KONG BLUE 香港-蓝色0598794: HONG KONG DARK GREY 香港-深灰色0598803: HONG KONG GREEN 香港-绿色0598809: HONG KONG ORANGE 香港-橙色0598799: HONG KONG SILVER **** 香港-银白色0599330: INDIA BLU 印度-蓝色0599255: INDIA DG 印度-深灰色0599313: INDIA GR 印度-绿色0599346: INDIA OR 印度-橙色0599278: INDIA WH 印度-白色0599905: ISRAEL BLU 以色列-蓝色0599777: ISRAEL DG 以色列-深灰色0599853: ISRAEL GR 以色列-绿色0599931: ISRAEL OR 以色列-橙色0599834: ISRAEL WH 以色列-白色0599231: LTA BLUE 拉丁美洲-蓝色0599232: LTA BLUE ARGENTINA 拉丁美洲-蓝色-阿根廷059B3X6: LTA BLUE CHILE 拉丁美洲-蓝色-智利0599219: LTA DARK GREY 拉丁美洲-深灰色0599220: LTA DARK GREY ARGENTINA 拉丁美洲-深灰色-阿根廷059B3W9: LTA DARK GREY CHILE 拉丁美洲-深灰色-智利0599227: LTA GREEN 拉丁美洲-绿色0599228: LTA GREEN ARGENTINA 拉丁美洲-绿色-阿根廷059B3X4: LTA GREEN CHILE 拉丁美洲-绿色-智利0599239: LTA ORANGE 拉丁美洲-橙色0599240: LTA ORANGE ARGENTINA 拉丁美洲-橙色-阿根廷059B3X7: LTA ORANGE CHILE 拉丁美洲-橙色-智利0599223: LTA **** 拉丁美洲-白色0599224: LTA **** ARGENTINA 拉丁美洲-白色-阿根廷059B3X3: LTA **** CHILE 拉丁美洲-白色-智利059D236: MEA OMU BLU 中东及非洲-未知-蓝色059D239: MEA OMU DG 中东及非洲-未知-深灰色059D237: MEA OMU GR 中东及非洲-未知-绿色059D235: MEA OMU OR 中东及非洲-未知-橙色059D238: MEA OMU WH 中东及非洲-未知-白色0599456: ME A1 BLU 中东及非洲1-蓝色0599387: MEA1 DG 中东及非洲1-深灰色0599435: MEA1 GR 中东及非洲1-绿色0599469: MEA1 OR 中东及非洲1-橙色0599422: MEA1 WH 中东及非洲1-白色0599464: ME A10 BLU 中东及非洲10-蓝色0599397: MEA10 DG 中东及非洲10-深灰色0599443: MEA10 GR 中东及非洲10-绿色0599479: MEA10 OR 中东及非洲10-橙色0599430: MEA10 WH 中东及非洲10-白色0599465: ME A11 BLU 中东及非洲11-蓝色0599398: MEA11 DG 中东及非洲11-深灰色0599444: MEA11 GR 中东及非洲11-绿色0599480: MEA11 OR 中东及非洲11-橙色0599431: MEA11 WH 中东及非洲11-白色0599466: MEA12 BLU 中东及非洲12-蓝色0599399: MEA12 DG 中东及非洲12-深灰色0599445: MEA12 GR 中东及非洲12-绿色0599481: MEA12 OR 中东及非洲12-橙色0599432: MEA12 WH 中东及非洲12-白色0599467: MEA13 BLU 中东及非洲13-蓝色0599400: MEA13 DG 中东及非洲13-深灰色0599446: MEA13 GR 中东及非洲13-绿色0599482: MEA13 OR 中东及非洲13-橙色0599433: MEA13 WH 中东及非洲13-白色0599468: MEA14 BLU 中东及非洲14-蓝色0599401: MEA14 DG 中东及非洲14-深灰色0599447: MEA14 GR 中东及非洲14-绿色0599483: MEA14 OR 中东及非洲14-橙色0599434: MEA14 WH 中东及非洲14-白色0599457: MEA2 BLU 中东及非洲2-蓝色0599390: MEA2 DG 中东及非洲2-深灰色0599436: MEA2 GR 中东及非洲2-绿色0599470: MEA2 OR 中东及非洲2-橙色0599423: MEA2 WH 中东及非洲2-白色0599458: ME A3 BLU 中东及非洲3-蓝色0599391: MEA3 DG 中东及非洲3-深灰色0599437: MEA3 GR 中东及非洲3-绿色0599471: MEA3 OR 中东及非洲3-橙色0599424: MEA3 WH 中东及非洲3-白色0599459: ME A4 BLU 中东及非洲4-蓝色0599392: MEA4 DG 中东及非洲4-深灰色0599438: MEA4 GR 中东及非洲4-绿色0599472: MEA4 OR 中东及非洲4-橙色0599425: MEA4 WH 中东及非洲4-白色0599460: ME A6 BLU SYRIA 中东及非洲6-蓝色-叙利亚0599393: MEA6 DG SYRIA 中东及非洲6-深灰色-叙利亚0599439: MEA6 GR SYRIA 中东及非洲6-绿色-叙利亚0599474: MEA6 OR SYRIA 中东及非洲6-橙色-叙利亚0599426: MEA6 WH SYRIA 中东及非洲6-白色-叙利亚0599461: ME A8 BLU 中东及非洲8-蓝色0599462: MEA8 BLU SUDAN 中东及非洲8-蓝色-苏丹0599394: MEA8 DG 中东及非洲8--深灰色0599395: MEA8 DG SUDAN 中东及非洲8-深灰色-苏丹0599440: MEA8 GR 中东及非洲8-绿色0599441: MEA8 GR SUDAN 中东及非洲8-绿色-苏丹0599475: MEA8 OR 中东及非洲8-橙色0599476: MEA8 OR SUDAN 中东及非洲8-橙色-苏丹0599427: MEA8 WH 中东及非洲8-白色0599428: MEA8 WH SUDAN 中东及非洲8-白色-苏丹0599463: ME A9 BLU 中东及非洲9-蓝色0599396: MEA9 DG 中东及非洲9-深灰色0599442: MEA9 GR 中东及非洲9-绿色0599478: MEA9 OR 中东及非洲9-橙色0599429: MEA9 WH 中东及非洲9-白色059D624: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Austria AT Dark Grey V1 澳大利亚-深灰色059D7G3: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Austria AT Green V1_COLOR 澳大利亚-绿色059D7G4: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Austria AT **** SIlver V1_COLOR 澳大利亚-银白色059D003: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Belgium BE v1 Dark Grey 比利时-深灰色059C9Z4: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Belgium BE v1 Silver ****_COLOR 比利时-银白色059C819: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Denmark DK Dark Grey 丹麦-深灰色059D2S7: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Finland FI BLUE_MSG_V1_COLOR 芬兰-蓝色059D2S8: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Finland FI DARK_GREY_MSG_V1_COLOR 芬兰-深灰色059D309: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Finland FI OMU_GREEN_V1 芬兰-绿色059D2S9: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Finland FI ORANGE_MSG_V1_COLOR 芬兰-橙色059C7J1: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Finland FI SILVER_****_V1 芬兰-银白色059D162: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Hongkong HK Blue_COLOR 香港-蓝色059D159: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Hongkong HK Dark Grey_COLOR 香港-深灰色059D145: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Hongkong HK N8 Green 香港-绿色059D161: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Hongkong HK Orange_COLOR 香港-橙色059D160: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Hongkong HK Silver ****_COLOR 香港-银白色059D693: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Hungary HU Dark Grey V1 匈牙利-深灰色059D8G6: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Hungary HU Green V1_COLOR 匈牙利-绿色059D8G5: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Hungary HU Silver **** V1_COLOR 匈牙利-银白色059D759: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Italy IT Blue V1_COLOR 意大利-蓝色059D607: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Italy IT Dark Grey V1 意大利-深灰色059D754: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Italy IT Green V1_COLOR 意大利-绿色059D756: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Italy IT Orange V1_COLOR 意大利-橙色059D751: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Italy IT Silver **** V1_COLOR 意大利-银白色059C9X4: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Netherlands NL v1 Blue_COLOR 荷兰-蓝色059C640: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Netherlands NL v1 Dark Grey 荷兰-深灰色059D3P9: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Netherlands NL v1 Green_COLOR 荷兰-绿色059C9X7: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Netherlands NL v1 Orange_COLOR 荷兰-橙色059C9X1: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Netherlands NL v1 Silver ****_COLOR 荷兰-银白色059D111: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant North America US Blue_COLOR 美国-蓝色059C8T6: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant North America US Dark Grey 美国-深灰色059D110: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant North America US Green_COLOR 美国-绿色059D112: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant North America US Orange_COLOR 美国-橙色059D0V2: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant North America US Silver ****_COLOR 美国-银白色059D9J8: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Norway NO Blue_COLOR 挪威-蓝色059C856: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Norway NO Dark Grey 挪威-深灰色059D4R0: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Norway NO Green_COLOR 挪威-绿色059D4Q5: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Norway NO Silver ****_COLOR 挪威-银白色059D753: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Singapore SG Blue V1_COLOR 新加坡-蓝色059D0W6: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Singapore SG Dark Grey v1 新加坡-深灰色059D0W4: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Singapore SG Green V1_COLOR 新加坡-绿色059D752: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Singapore SG Orange V1_COLOR 新加坡-橙色059D0W9: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Singapore SG Silver **** V1_COLOR 新加坡-银白色059D9H2: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Sweden SE Blue_COLOR 瑞典-蓝色059C852: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Sweden SE Dark Grey 瑞典-深灰色059D5P4: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Sweden SE Green_COLOR 瑞典-绿色059D9H0: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Sweden SE Orange_COLOR 瑞典-橙色059D5N7: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Sweden SE Silver ****_COLOR 瑞典-银白色059D8L8: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Switzerland CH Blue V1_COLOR 瑞士-蓝色059D1K6: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Switzerland CH Dark Grey V1 瑞士-深灰色059D8L5: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Switzerland CH Orange V1_COLOR 瑞士-橙色059D1V6: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Switzerland CH Green V1_COLOR 瑞士-绿色059D1W3: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Switzerland CH Silver **** V1_COLOR 瑞士-银白色059D576: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Turkey TR V1 DARK GREY 土耳其-深灰色059D956: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Turkey TR V1 GREEN_COLOR 土耳其-绿色059D954: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant Turkey TR V1 SILVER ****_COLOR 土耳其-银白色059C5Q6: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant United Kingdom GB CU Blue_COLOR 英国-蓝色059C5Q4: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant United Kingdom GB CU Green_COLOR 英国-绿色059C5Q5: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant United Kingdom GB CU ORANGE_COLOR 英国-橙色059C5Q7: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant United Kingdom GB CU SILVER/****_COLOR 英国-银白色059C5Q8: N8-00 RM-596 Country Variant United Kingdom GB V1 Dark Grey 英国-深灰色059D3Q2: N8-00 RM-596 DNA Finland FI Sim-lukittu MSG Dark Grey 芬兰-深灰色059D3Q9: N8-00 RM-596 DNA Finland FI Sim-lukittu OMU Green 芬兰-绿色059D380: N8-00 RM-596 Mobilkom Austria AT Dark Grey V1_COLOR 澳大利亚-深灰色059C7Q9: N8-00 RM-596 Mobilkom Austria AT Silver **** 澳大利亚-银白色059C073: N8-00 RM-596 Movistar Spain ES Dark Grey 西班牙-深灰色059D5C3: N8-00 RM-596 o2 Germany DE Dark_Grey_Postpaid_V1_COLOR 德国-深灰色059D5B5: N8-00 RM-596 o2 Germany DE Green_Postpaid_V1_COLOR 德国-绿色059C6X6: N8-00 RM-596 o2 Germany DE Silver_****_Postpaid_V1 德国-银白色059C1B7: N8-00 RM-596 O2 UK GB v1 Dark Grey 英国-深灰色059C304: N8-00 RM-596 SFR France FR Dark Grey V1 法国-深灰色059B9X0: N8-00 RM-596 Swisscom CH Dark Grey V1 瑞士电信-深灰色059D4X3: N8-00 RM-596 T-Mobile Germany DE Dark Grey - V1 GV 德国-深灰色059D8C7: N8-00 RM-596 Tele2 Croatia HR dark grey v1 克罗地亚-深灰色059D7N7: N8-00 RM-596 Telenet BE v1 **** silver 比利时-银白色059D3G7: N8-00 RM-596 Telenor Mobil NO NO Dark Grey 挪威-深灰色059D609: N8-00 RM-596 Telenor Mobil NO NO Green_COLOR 挪威-绿色059D604: N8-00 RM-596 Telenor Mobil NO NO Silver ****_COLOR 挪威-银白色059D614: N8-00 RM-596 Telenor SE SE Dark Grey_COLOR 瑞典-深灰色059D281: N8-00 RM-596 Telenor SE SE Green_COLOR 瑞典-绿色059C9Z8: N8-00 RM-596 Telenor SE SE Silver **** 瑞典-银白色059D1X1: N8-00 RM-596 TeliaSonera SE SE Blue_COLOR 瑞典-蓝色059C9X8: N8-00 RM-596 TeliaSonera SE SE Dark Grey 瑞典-深灰色059D1N0: N8-00 RM-596 TeliaSonera SE SE Green_COLOR 瑞典-绿色059D1M4: N8-00 RM-596 TeliaSonera SE SE Silver ****_COLOR 瑞典-银白色059C951: N8-00 RM-596 Tesco UK GB v1 Dark Grey 英国-深灰色059C5C2: N8-00 RM-596 TIM IT IT dark grey 意大利-深灰色059C0T6: N8-00 RM-596 V odafone UK GB Contract Graphite 英国-石墨色059D4T9: N8-00 RM-596 V odafone UK GB Contract Green_COLOR 英国-绿色0599230: NAM BLUE 未知-蓝色0599218: NAM DARK GREY 未知-深灰色0599226: NAM GREEN 未知-绿色0599236: NAM ORANGE 未知-橙色0599222: NAM **** 未知-白色059D196: RM-596 3HK HK Blue_COLOR GV 香港-蓝色059D192: RM-596 3HK HK Dark Grey_COLOR GV 香港-深灰色059C4D7: RM-596 3HK HK Green GV 香港-绿色059D198: RM-596 3HK HK Orange_COLOR GV 香港-橙色059D190: RM-596 3HK HK Silver ****_COLOR GV 香港-银白色059D1F9: RM-596 Country Variant Malaysia MY Dark Grey v1 马来西亚-深灰色059D1G2: RM-596 Country Variant Malaysia MY Green V1_COLOR 马来西亚-绿色059D1G4: RM-596 Country Variant Malaysia MY Silver **** V1_COLOR 马来西亚-银白色059D605: RM-596 Country Variant Taiwan TW Blue V1_COLOR 台*湾-蓝色059D012: RM-596 Country Variant Taiwan TW Dark Grey V1_COLOR 台*湾-深灰色059D010: RM-596 Country Variant Taiwan TW Green V1 台*湾-绿色059D611: RM-596 Country Variant Taiwan TW Orange V1_COLOR 台*湾-橙色059D011: RM-596 Country Variant Taiwan TW Silver **** V1_COLOR 台*湾-银白色059D7C4: RM-596 Maxis MY Silver **** V1_COLOR 马来西亚-白色0599002: RUSSIAN BLU 俄语-蓝色0599900: RUSSIAN BLU BULGARIA ROMANIA 俄语-蓝色-保加利亚-罗马尼亚0599899: RUSSIAN BLU HUNGARY 俄语-蓝色-匈牙利0599898: RUSSIAN BLU MOLDOV A 俄语-蓝色-摩尔多瓦0599897: RUSSIAN BLU UKRAINE 俄语-蓝色-乌克兰0598981: RUSSIAN DG 俄语-深灰色0599772: RUSSIAN DG BULGARIA ROMANIA 俄语-深灰色-保加利亚-罗马尼亚0599771: RUSSIAN DG HUNGARY 俄语-深灰色-匈牙利0599769: RUSSIAN DG MOLDOV A 俄语-深灰色-摩尔多瓦0599767: RUSSIAN DG UKRAINE 俄语-深灰色-乌克兰0598998: RUSSIAN GR 俄语-绿色0599848: RUSSIAN GR BULGARIA ROMANIA 俄语-绿色-保加利亚-罗马尼亚0599847: RUSSIAN GR HUNGARY 俄语-绿色-匈牙利0599846: RUSSIAN GR MOLDOV A 俄语-绿色-摩尔多瓦0599845: RUSSIAN GR UKRAINE 俄语-绿色-乌克兰0599007: RUSSIAN OR 俄语-橙色0599920: RUSSIAN OR BULGARIA ROMANIA 俄语-橙色-保加利亚-罗马尼亚0599919: RUSSIAN OR HUNGARY 俄语-橙色-匈牙利0599918: RUSSIAN OR MOLDOV A 俄语-橙色-摩尔多瓦0599917: RUSSIAN OR UKRAINE 俄语-橙色-乌克兰0598988: RUSSIAN WH 俄语-白色0599829: RUSSIAN WH BULGARIA ROMANIA 俄语-白色-保加利亚-罗马尼亚0599827: RUSSIAN WH HUNGARY 俄语-白色-匈牙利0599826: RUSSIAN WH MOLDOV A 俄语-白色-摩尔多瓦0599824: RUSSIAN WH UKRAINE 俄语-白色-乌克兰0599005: SCANDINAVIA BLU 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-蓝色0598984: SCANDINAVIA DG 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-深灰色0599000: SCANDINAVIA GR 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-绿色0599009: SCANDINAVIA OR 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-橙色0598996: SCANDINAVIA WH 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-白色0598805: TAIWAN BLUE 台*湾-蓝色0598786: TAIWAN DARK GREY 台*湾-深灰色0598802: TAIWAN GREEN 台*湾-绿色0598808: TAIWAN ORANGE 台*湾-橙色0598798: TAIWAN SILVER **** 台*湾-银白色0599334: THAILAND BLU 泰国-蓝色0599258: THAILAND DG 泰国-深灰色0599316: THAILAND GR 泰国-绿色0599360: THAILAND OR 泰国-橙色0599281: THAILAND WH 泰国-白色0599332: VIETNAM BLU 越南-蓝色0599256: VIETNAM DG 越南-深灰色0599314: VIETNAM GR 越南-绿色0599359: VIETNAM OR 越南-橙色0599280: VIETNAM WH 越南-白色。



3-772CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be4CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.beICP Single Element Standards 10 000 mg/LI C P S TA N D A R D S 10.000 P P MElement HNO 3HCl H 2ONH 4OHHFHNO 3/HF HNO 3/tart.KOHNaOHOthersAl CL01.0103CL01.0104Sb CL01.0123CL01.0124As CL01.0134Ba CL01.0203CL01.0204Be CL01.0214Bi CL01.0223B CL01.0233Cd CL01.0303Ca CL01.0314Ce CL01.0323Cs CL01.0333Cr CL01.0364CL01.0363Co CL01.1123CL01.1128Cu CL01.1133CL01.1134Dy CL01.0433Er CL01.0503Eu CL01.0513Gd CL01.0703Ga CL01.0713Ge CL01.0743Au CL01.0733Hf CL01.0804CL01.0803Ho CL01.0823In CL01.0923Ir CL01.0933Fe CL01.0903CL01.0904La CL01.1203Pb CL01.1223Li CL01.1214Lu CL01.1233Mg CL01.1304CL01.1310Mn CL01.1313Hg CL01.1153Mo CL01.1334CL01.1333Nd CL01.1413Ni CL01.1423Nb CL01.1433Pd CL01.1603P CL01.0643CL01.0633CL01.0634Pt CL01.1613K CL01.1104Pr CL01.1623Re CL01.1804CL01.1803Rh CL01.1813Rb CL01.1824Ru CL01.1834Sm CL01.1903Sc CL01.1913Se CL01.1923Si CL01.1943CL01.1934CL01.1933Ag CL01.2603Na CL01.1404Sr CL01.1963S CL01.2644CL01.2643Ta CL01.2003CL01.2004Te CL01.2015CL01.2014Tb CL01.2023Tl CL01.2033Th CL01.2043Tm CL01.2053Sn CL01.2063Ti CL01.2073CL01.2074W CL01.2303CL01.2304CL01.2333V CL01.2203Yb CL01.2503Y CL01.2513Zn CL01.2613ZrCL01.2633I C P S T A N D A R D SCHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - - www.chem-lab.be6AntimonyArsenicumBariumBerylliumBismuthBoronCadmiumCalciumCalcium oxideCeriumCesiumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T S CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be7CobaltCopperDysprosiumErbiumEuropiumGadoliniumGalliumGermaniumGoldHafniumHolmium8CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.beIridiumIronLanthanumLeadLithiumLutetiumMagnesiumNEWMagnesium oxideManganeseMercuryMolybdenumNeodymiumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T S CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be9NiobiumPalladiumPhosphorusPhosphorus pentoxidePlatinumPotassiumPotassium oxidePraseodymiumRheniumRhodiumRubidiumCHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be10SamariumScandiumSeleniumSiliciumSilverSodiumSodium oxideStrontiumSulfurTantalumTelluriumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T S CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be11ThalliumThoriumThuliumTinTitaniumTungstenVanadiumYtterbiumYttriumZincZirconiumCHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be12A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:- Actual certified concentration of the final solution- Traceability to NIST- Expiration date- Trace impurities detected I C P S I NCHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be13ICP Single Element Standards 1 000 mg/LI C P S TA N D A R D S 1.000 P P MElement HNO 3HCl H 2ONH 4OHHFHNO 3/HF HNO 3/tart.KOH NaOHOthersAl CL01.0101CL01.0102Sb CL01.0121CL01.0122CL01.0162As CL01.0133CL01.0132CL01.0131Ba CL01.0201CL01.0202Be CL01.0212CL01.0211Bi CL01.0221B CL01.0232CL01.0231Cd CL01.0301Ca CL01.0311CL01.0312Ce CL01.0321Cs CL01.0331Cr CL01.0362CL01.0361CL01.0352Co CL01.1121CL01.1122Cu CL01.1131CL01.1132Dy CL01.0431Er CL01.0501Eu CL01.0511Gd CL01.0701Ga CL01.0711Ge CL01.0741CL01.0721Au CL01.0731Hf CL01.0802CL01.0801Ho CL01.0821In CL01.0921Ir CL01.0931Fe CL01.0901CL01.0902La CL01.1201CL01.1202Pb CL01.1221Li CL01.1212CL01.1211Lu CL01.1231Mg CL01.1301CL01.1302Mn CL01.1311CL01.1312Hg CL01.1151Mo CL01.1332CL01.1331Nd CL01.1411Ni CL01.1421CL01.1422Nb CL01.1431Os CL01.1501Pd CL01.1601P CL01.0641CL01.0631Pt CL01.1611K CL01.1101CL01.1102Pr CL01.1621Re CL01.1802CL01.1801Rh CL01.1811Rb CL01.1822CL01.1821Ru CL01.1831Sm CL01.1901Sc CL01.1911Se CL01.1922CL01.1921Si CL01.1999CL01.1945CL01.1932CL01.1931CL01.1935Ag CL01.2601Na CL01.1401CL01.1402Sr CL01.1962CL01.1961S CL01.2641CL01.2642Ta CL01.2001CL01.2002Te CL01.2012CL01.2013CL01.2011Tb CL01.2022Tl Th CL01.2041Tm CL01.2051Sn CL01.2061CL01.2062Ti CL01.2072CL01.4601CL01.2071CL01.2075W CL01.2302CL01.2301CL01.2331V CL01.2201Yb CL01.2501Y CL01.2511Zn CL01.2611CL01.2612ZrCL01.2632CL01.2631CL01.2672I C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T S T A N D A R D SCHEM-LAB NV - BELGIUM - Tel. +32 (0)50 28 83 20 - Fax +32 (0)50 78 26 54 - - www.chem-lab.be14Aluminium(III) oxideAntimonyArsenicumBariumBerylliumBismuthBoronCadmiumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T S CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be15Calcium oxideCeriumCesiumChromiumCobaltCopperDysprosiumErbiumEuropiumGadoliniumGalliumCHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be16GoldHafniumHolmiumIndiumIridiumIronIron(III) oxideLanthanumLeadLithiumLutetiumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T S CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be17Magnesium oxideManganeseManganese(III) oxideMercuryMolybdenumNeodymiumNickelNiobiumOsmiumPalladiumDon’t see the exact solution you need?E-mail us the Tailor Made Standard Quotation request form in the back of the catalog. 18CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.bePhosphorus pentoxidePlatinumPotassiumPotassium oxidePraseodymiumRheniumRhodiumRubidiumRutheniumSamariumScandiumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T S CHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be19SiliciumSilicium dioxideSilverSodiumSodium oxideStrontiumSulfurTantalumCHEM-LABNV-BELGIUM-Tel.+32(0)50288320-Fax+32(0)*****************************.chem-lab.be20TerbiumThalliumThoriumThuliumTinTitaniumTungstenVanadiumYtterbiumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T SZincZirconiumLuis BianchiISO/IEC 17025:2005 - General requirements for the competence of calibration laboratories ISO 9001:2008 - Quality ManagementISO Guide 34:2009 - General requirements for the competence of reference material producers A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:- Actual certified concentration of the final solution - Traceability to NISTAntimonyArsenicumBariumBerylliumBoronCadmiumCalciumCeriumCesiumChromiumCobaltCopperDysprosiumErbiumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T SGadoliniumGalliumGermaniumGoldHafniumHolmiumIndiumIridiumIronLanthanumLeadLithiumLutetiumManganeseMercuryMolybdenumNeodymiumNickelNiobiumOsmiumPalladiumPhosphorusPlatinumPotassiumPraseodymiumRheniumRhodiumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T SRutheniumSamariumScandiumSeleniumSiliciumSilverSodiumSulfurTantalumTelluriumTerbiumThalliumThoriumThuliumTinTitaniumTungstenVanadiumYtterbiumYttriumZincZirconium NEWDon’t see the exact solution you need?I C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T SAluminiumAntimonyBariumBerylliumBismuthBoronCadmiumCalciumCeriumCesiumChromiumCobaltCopperDysprosiumEuropiumGadoliniumGalliumGermaniumGoldHafniumHolmiumIndiumIridiumIronLanthanumLeadI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T SLutetiumMagnesiumManganeseMercury NEWMolybdenumNeodymiumNickelNiobiumOsmiumPalladiumPhosphorusPlatinumPotassiumPraseodymiumRhodiumRubidiumRutheniumSamariumScandiumSeleniumSiliciumSilverSodiumSulfurTantalumTelluriumTerbiumThalliumI C P S I N G L E E L E M E N T SThuliumTinTitaniumTungstenVanadiumYtterbiumYttriumZincZirconium NEWChem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-23) (23E)CL01.13610Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-01) (23E)CL01.13601I C P M U L T I E L E MMulti Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-04) (19E)NEW CL01.13604Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-19) (19E)CL01.13608Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-02) (7E)CL01.13602Multi Element ICP ASL QC Standard sol. (QCS-ASL-7) (7E)CL01.13607Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-06) (4E)CL01.13606I C P M U L T I E L E MA Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:- Actual certified concentration of the final solution- Traceability to NIST- Expiration date- Trace impurities detectedMulti Element ICP SQS Standard sol. (SQS-01) (33E)CL01.13631I C P M U L T I E L E MReference Materials - Contents of certificates and labelsGeneral requirements for the competence of calibration laboratoriesPage 2 of 2Chem-Lab multi-element standards are compared against the following NIST SRMs Element Aq. SRMOil SRMElement Aq. SRMOil SRMAg 31511077a Nb 3137-Al 3101a 1075a Nd 3135a -As 3103a 3103a Ni 31361065b Au 3121-NO3-3185-B 31073107NO2-136e -Ba 3104a 1051b P 3139a 1071b Be 3105a 3105a Pb 31281059c Bi 31063106Pd 3138-Br-3184-PO4-33186-Ca 3109a 3109Pr 3142a -Cd 31081053a Pt 3140-Ce 3110-Rb 3145a -Cl-919b -Re 3143-Co 31133113Rh 3144-Cr 3112a 1078b S 31543154Cs 3111a -Sb 3102a 3102a Cu 31141080a Sc 3148a 3148a Dy 3115a -Se 31493149Er 3116a -Si 31501066a Eu 3117a -Sm 3147a -F-3183-Sn 3161a 1057b Fe 3126a 1079b SO4-23181-Ga 3119a -Sr 3153a 1070a Gd 3118a -Ta 3155-Ge 3120a -Tb 3157a -Hf 3122-Te 3156-Hg 31333133Th 3159-Ho 3123a -Ti 3162a 3162a In 3124a -Tl 31583158K 3141a 3141a Tm 3160a -La 3127a 3127a U 3164-Li 3129a 1060a V 31651052b Lu 3130a -W 3163-Mg 3131a 3131a Y 3167a 3167a Mn 31323132Tb 3166a -Mo 31343134Zn 3168a 1073b Na3152a1069bZr31693169*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & earlier) - Laboratory Performance Check Standard (LPCS) Contains 29 elements in 5% HNO3Multi Element ICP LFSS Standard sol. LFSS-01 (25E)CL01.13772*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 & earlier) - Laboratory Fortifying Stock Solution (LFSS) Contains 25 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HFMulti Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-03 (12E)CL01.13743I C P M U L T I E L E*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 1 Contains 6 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-04 (6E)CL01.13734Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-05 (5E)CL01.13745Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-02 (5E)CL01.13732 *ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 2 Contains 5 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-05R (5E)CL01.13754*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 5R Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-Multi Element ICP SIC Standard sol. SICS-02 (5E)CL01.13762Multi Element ICP PLASOL Standard sol. M-200.7-PLASOL-1 (4E)CL01.13723*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Plasma Solution (PLASOL) - Determining optimum viewing height of the plasma analytical zone.I C P M U L T I E L E MMulti Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-01R (4E)CL01.13751 *ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 1R Contains 4 elements in H2O + traces HF (M-Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-02R (4E)CL01.13752 *ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 2R Contains 4 elements in 2% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-03 (3E)CL01.13733Tailor Made Mixtures can be formulated to meet your special applications.Multi Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-01 (3E)CL01.13741Multi Element ICP TUNSOL Standard sol. M-200.7-TUNSOL-1 (2E)CL01.13724*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Tuning Solution (TUNSOL) - Adjusting the aerosol argon gas flow prior to calibration and analysis.Mono Element ICP SP Standard sol. TCLP-02 (1E)CL01.13773*ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking & Mercury Standard - TCLP Standaard 2 Contains 1 elements in 5%I C P M U L T I E L E MMono Element ICP SP Standard sol. SP-04R (1E)CL01.13753 *ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Spiking Standard for Drinking Water # 4R Contains 1 elements in 2% HNO3 (M-200.7-SP-Mono Element ICP SIC Standard sol. SICS-01 (1E)CL01.13761Mono Element ICP SP Standard sol. TCLP-02-10X (1E)CL01.13746*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Fortifying (Spiking) Standard # 1 Contains 26 elements in 5% HNO3 + tracesMulti Element ICP IPC Standard sol. M-200.7-IPC-01 (26E)CL01.13721 *ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Performance Check (IPC) Contains 26 elements in 5% HNO3 (M-200.7-IPC-I C P M U L T I E L E*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Fortifying (Spiking) Standard for Solids # 1 Contains 24 elements in 5% HNO3Multi Element ICP LFSS Standard sol. M-200.7-LFSS-01W (22E)CL01.13712 *ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Fortifying (Spiking) Standard for Water # 1 Contains 22 elements in 5% HNO3Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. M-200.7-01 (10E)CL01.13701Chem-Lab’s certified “Custom Made Standards” will save you time and money.Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. M-200.7-02R (6E)CL01.13702Multi Element ICP LFSS Standard sol. M-200.7-LFSS-02 (5E)CL01.13714*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Fortifying (Spiking) Standard # 2 Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HFMulti Element ICP IPC Standard sol. M-200.7-IPC-02 (5E)CL01.13722*ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Instrument Performance Check (IPC) Contains 5 elements in 5% HNO3 + traces HF (M-I C P M U L T I E L E MMulti Element ICP PLASOL Standard sol. M-200.7-PLASOL-1 (4E)CL01.13723 *ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Plasma Solution (PLASOL) - Determining optimum viewing height of the plasma analytical zone.Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. M-200.7-03R (4E)CL01.13703Multi Element ICP TUNSOL Standard sol. M-200.7-TUNSOL-1 (2E)CL01.13724 *ICP-EPA Methods (Method 200.7 Version 4.4, May 1994) - Tuning Solution (TUNSOL) - Adjusting the aerosol argon gas flow prior to calibration and analysis.Multi Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-01) (23E)CL01.13601Multi Element ICP INT Standard sol. INT-B1 (12E)CL01.13682I C P M U L T I E L E MMulti Element ICP QC Standard sol. (QCS-02) (7E)CL01.13602Multi Element ICP CAL Standard sol. MCS-01 (6E)CL01.13731 *ICP-EPA Methods (Methods 6010A - 6010B - 200.7 Version 3.3 and earlier) - Mixed Calibration Standard 1 Contains 6 elements in 2% HNO3 (MCS-Multi Element ICP Standard sol. PLASOL-R (5E)CL01.13822A Certificate of Analysis is provided with each ICP standard stating:- Actual certified concentration of the final solution- Traceability to NIST- Expiration date- Trace impurities detected。



五十铃发动机件正厂编号查询9-83151432-0 水温感应器ZX330 6HK19-82513928-6 预热塞EX200 6BD19-82513928-1 预热塞EX100 4BD19-82513928-0 预热塞SH100 4BD19-81351205-0 供油泵顶杯EX400-5 6RB19-19161017-0 打汽泵活塞STD LS5800 6RB1 9-19161011-0 打气泵活塞STD EX 6BD1T9-18370128-0 节温器EX200 6BD1T9-15339051-0 喷油嘴密封垫EX300 6SD1T 9-13716056-1 节温器座EX400-5 6RB19-13716056-0 节温器座EX400-5 6RB19-13660067-0 风扇叶LS280 6BD1T9-13642078-0 风扇皮带轮座NHR 4JA19-13620016-0 水泵水封EX200 6BD1T9-13262009-0 机油压力开关EX300-3 6SD1T 9-13212804-0 柴油格底座EX200 6BD1T9-12628105-0 气门摇臂轴座(中) EX200 6BD1 9-12620031-0 气门摇臂(B) EX400-5 6RB19-12616053-0 气门调整螺丝EX400-5 6RB1 9-12616048-0 气门调整螺丝EX400-5 6RB1 9-12616042-1 气门调整螺丝ZX120 4BG19-12616042-0 气门调整螺丝EX200 6BD1 9-12613620-0 气门摇臂EX200 6BD1T9-12611448-2 气门摇臂(B) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12611448-0 气门摇臂(B) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12611446-2 气门摇臂(A) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12611446-0 气门摇臂(A) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12571113-0 气门挺杆EX200 6BD1T9-12569055-0 气门油封EX300 6SD1T9-12569037-0 气门油封EX300 6SD1T9-12563231-0 气门座EX300 6SD1T9-12561141-0 气门弹簧(大) EX400-5 6RB1 9-12531030-1 过桥齿座EX100 4BD19-12531030-0 过桥齿座EX200-5 6BG19-12531024-1 过桥齿套SK60 4JB19-12524805-0 高压泵齿SK60 4JB19-12523080-0 过桥齿SK60 4JB19-12521045-2 曲轴齿EX400-5 6RB19-12521043-0 曲轴齿EX100 4BD19-12514803-1 偏心轴EX200 6BD1T9-12514803-0 偏心轴EX200 6BD1T9-12379061-0 曲轴皮带轮套EX400-5 6RB1 9-12379045-0 曲轴皮带轮套EX200 6BD19-12378039-0 曲轴螺帽EX400-5 6RB19-12361024-2 曲轴前座圈EX400-5 6RB1 9-12361024-0 曲轴前座圈EX400-5 6RB1 9-12333607-0 飞轮齿环EX200 6BD1T9-12275608-0 连杆瓦+0.75 EX200 6BD19-12274608-0 连杆瓦+0.50 EX200 6BD19-12273608-4 连杆瓦+0.75 EX200 6BD1T 9-12273608-2 连杆瓦+0.25 EX200 6BD1T 9-12273608-0 连杆瓦+0.25 EX200 6BD19-12271608-1 连杆瓦STD EX200 6BD1T 9-12271608-0 连杆瓦STD EX200 6BD19-12211604-1 活塞肖EX200 6BD19-12211604-0 活塞肖EX200 6BD19-11751038-1 加机油口盖EX200-5 6BG1T 9-11693048-0 偏心轴瓦EX200 6BD1T9-11693035-0 偏心轴瓦EX200 6BD19-11691048-0 偏心轴瓦EX200 6BD19-11681015-0 偏心轴止推片ZX120 4BG1 9-11613035-0 偏心轴瓦SH220 6BG1T9-11611048-0 偏心轴瓦EX200 6BD19-11530606-0 曲轴瓦+0.25 EX200 6BD1T 9-11224602-1 机油泵齿芯EX200-3 6BG19-11224602-0 机油泵齿芯EX200-3 6BG1 9-09924512-0 曲轴后油封EX200-5 6BG1T 9-09924469-0 曲轴后油封EX200-5 6BG1T 9-09844190-0 偏心轴座螺母EX300 6SD1T 9-09840316-0 连杆螺帽EX400-5 6RB19-09840309-0 气门调整螺帽EX400-5 6RB1 9-09840107-1 曲轴螺母EX200 6BD19-09840107-0 曲轴螺母EX200 6BD1T9-09802629-0 曲轴座SK60 4JB19-09802606-0 曲轴螺丝SK60 4JB1。

CH455 资料

CH455 资料
SDA 用于串行数据输入和输出,高电平表示位数据 1,低电平表示位数据 0,串行数据输入的顺 序是高位在前,低位在后。
SCL 用于提供串行时钟,CH455 在其上升沿从 SDA 输入数据,在其下降沿从 SDA 输出数据。 在 SCL 为高电平期间发生的 SDA 下降沿定义为串行接口的启动信号,在 SCL 为高电平期间发生 的 SDA 上升沿定义为串行接口的停止信号。CH455 只在检测到启动信号后才接收并分析命令。所以在 单片机 I/O 引脚资源紧张时,可以在保持 SDA 引脚状态不变的情况下,将 SCL 引脚与其它接口电路共 用;如果能够确保 SDA 引脚的变化仅在 SCL 引脚为低电平期间发生,那么 SCL 引脚和 SDA 引脚都可以 与其它接口电路共用。 INT#用于键盘中断输出,默认是高电平。当 CH455 检测到有效按键时,INT#输出低电平有效的 键盘中断;单片机被中断后,对 CH455 执行读操作,CH455 将 INT#恢复为高电平,并从 SDA 输出按键 代码,单片机从 SDA 获得一个字节的数据,即按键代码。 单片机与 CH455 的通讯过程总是分为 6 个步骤,按单片机的操作方向分成两种类型,一种是写 操作,用于输出数据,一种是读操作,用于输入数据。具体过程可以参考例子程序中的说明。 写操作包括以下 6 个步骤:输出启动信号、输出字节 1、应答 1、输出字节 2、应答 2、输出停 止信号。其中,启动信号和停止信号如上所述,应答 1 和应答 2 总是固定为 1,输出字节 1 和输出字 节 2 各自包含 8 个数据位,即一个字节数据。 读操作包括以下 6 个步骤:输出启动信号、输出字节 1、应答 1、输入字节 2、应答 2、输出停 止信号。其中,启动信号和停止信号如上所述,应答 1 和应答 2 总是固定为 1,输出字节 1 和输入字 节 2 各自包含 8 个数据位,即一个字节数据。 下图是一个写操作的实例,字节 1 为 01001000B,即 48H;字节 2 为 00000001B,即 01H。



9603509190 尼龙刷套(硅胶包布机用)(MT02-04583-S1) 更多>>9603509190 尼龙刷(硅胶包布机用)(MT02-04583-63/73) 更多>>9404909000 防潮垫(无纺布袋中填充硅胶及除(规格型号960MMX430MM) 更多>> 8547200000 直流稳压电源用硅胶绝缘材料(EI-ISFO218-80) 更多>>8547909000 绝缘隔热导管(玻璃纤维纱硅胶制) 更多>>8543709990 工业紫外线硬化装置,品牌松下,使硅胶迅速硬化,用于(固定仪器零件用,ANUJ5014V2.) 更多>>8480600000 模具(硅胶制)(混凝土制品用) 更多>>8477900000 吹膜机用硅胶套管(硅胶制品起耐高温保护作用) 更多>>8480710090 硅胶手机键盘用压模(332KG VX9400) 更多>>8477800000 橡胶切片机/品牌:YIH TAY(加工硅胶用) 更多>>8473301000 制动器垫(泡沫塑料硅胶制便携式电脑光驱) 更多>>8456100090 激光雕刻机/品牌:Vlolino(控制方式:数控/加工对象材质硅胶) 更多>> 8442500000 硅胶字模(POL YMERCLICHEEFOR VOTTALIN) 更多>>8421399000 过滤器/用于马达组装机过滤空气(用硅胶过滤空气中水分/PUMAS牌PLF-100) 更多>>8215990000 漏勺(不锈钢制勺边硅胶,厨房用,非成套) 更多>>8215990000 漏铲(不锈钢制铲边硅胶,厨房用,非成套) 更多>>7117900000 硅胶手镯更多>>2811220000 二氧化硅色谱硅胶更多>>2811220000 硅胶干燥剂更多>>2811220000 硅胶更多>>3006400000 硅胶牙科填料更多>>3214109000 玻璃硅胶更多>>3506100090 胶水零售包装,主要成分:硅胶(18RTVKE44T100G/TU) 更多>> 3506100090 硅胶零售包装人工合成(变性硅树脂86%苯二甲酸14%粘接用) 更多>> 3506100010 硅胶密封剂硅酮密封胶更多>>3506100090 硅胶零售包装粘接用人工合成(硅树脂50%苯二甲酸5%肟硅烷30%金属氧化物15%,30523A) 更多>>3506919090 硅胶粘接剂更多>>3824909990 干燥剂硅胶制更多>>3824909990 干燥剂硅胶更多>>3910000000 硅胶(透明色)3910000000 消泡剂D499(乳化硅胶SILCONICOIL45%,水55%) 更多>>3910000000 硅胶橡胶(改性硅胶含量99%) 更多>>3910000000 硅胶橡胶(#6700M) 更多>>3910000000 硅胶料乙烯基一聚二甲基硅醚更多>>3910000000 硅胶(100%硅胶.聚二甲基硅氧烷,果冻状) 更多>>3910000000 硅胶用于制造密封胶垫圈(规格:NPC-40/80) 更多>>3910000000 硅胶(硅橡胶)(含量大于50%) 更多>>3917390000 硅胶管更多>>3921909090 硅胶片有加强(8英寸*16英寸) 更多>>3926901000 键帽(硅胶键) 更多>>3926909090 硅胶按键(电话,计数器,遥控器用) 更多>>3926901000 硅胶按键制品更多>> 3926901000 密封条(烧成炉专用硅胶制)。



Part Insulator
Contacts Metal fittings
Material LCP
Phosphor bronze Brass
Finish Color:Gray Color:Black Gold plated
Pure tin reflow plated
Remarks UL94V-0
20 cycles
No electrical discontinuity of 1µs or longer Contact resistance: 100 mø max. No damage, cracks, or parts dislocation
Frequency: 10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude of 0.75mm, 10 cycles in each of the 3 directions
Note 1. When passing the current through all of the contacts, use 70% of the rated current. Note 2. Includes temperature rise caused by current flow. Note 3. The term "storage" refers to products stored for a long period prior to mounting and use.
7.Humidity (Steady state)
Contact resistance: 100 mø max. Insulation resistance: 50 Mø min. No damage, cracks, or parts dislocation



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1 B0716-3MJIAO
2 B0716-BT-B70-DCLD 倒车雷达
3 B0716-CRV-74100-SWA- 叶子板内衬
4 AB00716-MDO QFD
前风挡 蒙迪欧
5 B0716-PST-068115561B 帕萨特-机滤
6 B0716-PST-087903512 帕萨特-发电机皮带
7 B0716-PST-3BO513031 帕萨特 -后减
8 B0716-PST-8E0512149 帕萨特-后减震簧垫
9 KA17002092-L420
10 KA3113209E-C171
11 KA40100148-J089
12 KA49012591-999











3G多媒体导航系统-通用型 1











FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH Mod520C_2 产品说明书

FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH Mod520C_2 产品说明书

Mod520C_2P.O. Box 11 03l D-79200 Breisach, Germany Kueferstrasse 8l D-79206 Breisach, Germany (+49 (7667) 908-0 l Fax +49 (7667) 908-200 l e-mail:****************Mod520C_2© Copyright 2004:FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbHPostfach 1103, D-79200 Breisach a. Rh., GermanyRelease of Document:May 27, 2004Filename:Mod520C_2.docAuthor:Hans-Peter SchneiderAll rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of FS FORTH-SYSTEME GmbH.2Mod520C_2 Table of Contents1.Introduction (4)2.Features (5)3.Functional Description (6)3.1.1.CPU AMD ÉlanSC520 (6)3.1.2.SDRAM stage (6)3.1.3.ROM stage (6)3.1.4.SRAM stage (6) I/O Ports (7) Byte EEPROM for BIOS and Applications on PIO30,31 (7)3.1.7.On-board Power Supply (7)3.1.8.Voltage Supervision, RESET Generation (7)3.1.9.Serial Ports (7)3.1.10.Fast Ethernet Controller Stage (8)3.1.11.Dual CAN Controller Stage (8)3.1.12.GP Bus used for ISA Bus (9)4.Connectors Of MOD520C (10)4.1.System Connector X2 (10)4.2.System Connector X4 (12)5.Application Notes (14)5.1.Power Supply (14)5.2.Important Signals (14)5.2.13.PCICLKRTN PCICLK PCICLKETHER (14)5.2.14.ISA-Bus Signals (14)5.2.15.CAN-Interrupt IRQ11 (15)6.Members of the MOD520C family (16)3Mod520C_21. IntroductionThe module MOD520C with its integrated and optional peripherals, based on the 32 Bit AMD ÉlanSC520 microcontroller, is designed for medium to high performance applications in telecommunication, data communication and information appliances on the general embedded market. It can easily be designed in customized boards.The AMD ÉlanSC520 microcontroller combines a low voltage 586 CPU running on 133 MHz, including FPU (Floating Point Unit) with a set of integrated peripherals: 32 Bit PCI controller, SDRAM controller for up to 256 MByte, GP (General Purpose) bus with programmable timing and ROM/Flash controller. Enhanced PC compatible peripherals like DMA controller, two UARTs and battery buffered RTC and CMOS, watchdog and software timers make this device a very fast system for both real time and PC/AT compatible applications. Insyde Software’s Mobile BIOS is available which offers serial and parallel remote features (video, keyboard, floppy). Furthermore FS FORTH-SYSTEME has adapted Datalight Sockets (TCP/IP Stack), ROM-DOS and the Flash File System FlashFX to this environment.The MOD520C offers the software engineer the possibility to reduce the time-to-market phase even more. FS FORTH-SYSTEME added several features on-board as SDRAM (up to 64 MByte), PCI Fast Ethernet controller to facilitate networking and remote control. A Strata-FLASH for booting and data is included on board. Two CAN Ports are additionally available for communication. 512 Kbyte SRAM is available for battery buffered data. The enhanced JTAG port for low-cost debugging is supported. This allows instruction tracing during execution. FS FORTH-SYSTEME has adapted Windows CE 3.0 to this platform and offers drivers and support. With Ethernet debugging the software designer has powerful means for fast debugging his applications.Due to the 16 MByte FLASH it is possible to build larger, complete systems on this module like Linux, QNX or VxWorks.4Mod520C_252. Features• 16 MByte STRATA-FLASH or 2 MByte AMD FLASH • 64 MByte or 16 MByte SDRAM • 512 KByte battery buffered SRAM• PCI Ethernet controller with EEPROM. Rx and Tx signals are providedon the System Connectors • Two CAN-Buses.• Enhanced JTAG port available on System Connector.• GP-Bus signals available on System Connector • PCI-Bus signals available on System Connector• BIOS for ÉlanSC520 by Insyde Software Inc. Including serial or parallelremote features (Video, Keyboard, Floppy).Mod520C_23. Functional Description3.1.1. CPU AMD ÉlanSC520The CPU AMD ÉlanSC520 is powered with 2.5V (core and analog path) and 3.3V (all other voltages) except VRTC, which is powered with about 3V either from battery or from on-board 3.3V. This voltage is limited to 3.3V, the other 3.3V power planes have a limit of 3.6V.The CPU is clocked with a 32.768 kHz quartz. An internal PLL derives from this frequency the RTC clock and DRAM refresh clock and the clocks for PC/AT compatible PIT (1.1882 MHz) and UARTs (18.432 MHz). All other stages (CPU, PCI, GP bus, GP DMA, ROM, SSI, timers) are fed from the second clock generator driven by a 33.33 MHz clock oscillator. SDRAM is clocked with 66.66 MHz.3.1.2. SDRAM stageThe SDRAM (up to 128 MByte on-board) has its own DRAM bus containing memory addresses MA0..12, memory data MD0..31 and control signals for up to four banks. Due to small load no buffering of clocks and signals is necessary.3.1.3. ROM stageROM or FLASH are driven by the general purpose address bus GPA0..25. It has three programmable chip selects with each up to 64 MByte range. The ROM Data bus is either the 32 bit general purpose bus GPD0..31 or the memory data bus MD0..31. Configuration pins decide, which bus at boot time is used. The bus size is selectable with 8, 16 or 32 bit. The MOD520C has a FLASH IC for up to 16 MByte 16 bit ROM or FLASH selected by BOOTCS# connected to MD0..15. 3.1.4. SRAM stageThe SRAM (512 KByte on-board) is buffered by VBAT. The Memory Location is defined in the System BIOS. ROMCS1# is used to access the SRAM.6Mod520C_23.1.5. 32 I/O PortsThe ÉlanSC520 CPU has 32 I/O ports. They have alternate functions. Most of them are control signals for GP bus (PIO0..26) used as ISA-bus. PIO27 (GPCS0#) is used as a programmable external chip select and PIO28,29 are not connected. PIO30,31 are used to drive a serial parameter EEPROM on-board. 3.1.6. 256 Byte EEPROM for BIOS and Applications on PIO30,31An on-board serial EEPROM with 256 byte and I2C bus is controlled by PIO30 (I2CDAT) and PIO31 (I2CCLK). 128 byte are used for non-volatile BIOS defaults, the remaining range may contain application specific data and parameters. The BIOS contains calls to read and write to this memory (see BIOS documentation).3.1.7. On-board Power SupplyThe 2.5V on-board voltage is generated from +5V.An external battery may be connected to the signal VBATIN. Battery status is controlled by BBATSEN, which sets a power fail bit in a status register for RTC, if BBATSEN is low at power-up.3.1.8. Voltage Supervision, RESET GenerationThree voltages are used on board: +2.5V, +3.3V and +5V. U2 controls +5V and U10 controls +3.3V. LBOUT or PWRGOOD will become low, if these voltages are out of tolerance. An external SRESET# is wired or-ed to U10. It can also be activated from extended JTAG signal SRESET# via X1. The wired OR of 1RESET# and 2RESET# control U10. Its output PWRGOOD is low (not active), if either the signals described above from U10 are low or +5V is out of tolerance. Typical length of PWRGOOD low is longer than 1 sec (minimum 790 msec).3.1.9. Serial PortsThe AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU has two internal asynchronous ports and one synchronous serial port. Both of this ports are available at the System Connectors.7Mod520C_23.1.10. Fast Ethernet Controller StageConnected to the PCI bus device 0 (REQ/GNT0#) of the Élan SC520 CPU, a Fast Ethernet Controller U7 supports 10/100Mbps transfer depending on driver software. X3 is a JST B5B-PH-SM3 5 pin connector. Parameters as physical address and power down modes are stored in a 64X16 bit Serial EEPROM controlled by U7. 2 status LEDs LE1, LE2 show the state of the Ethernet connection. For a more detailed hardware and software description see Intel 82559ER manual.3.1.11. Dual CAN Controller StageThe CAN Controller is selected via ROMCS1# and the Memory location is selectable in the BIOS Setup Screen. The CAN Interrupt provided by 82C900 is inverted by the onboard Lattice CPLD. Since the Interrupt asserted by the 82C900 is only a low active pulse of 0.2µs the CPLD holds the interrupt active until the software accesses the Memory at the location CAN-Base+1xxh. The BIOS routes this interrupt to IRQ11.8Mod520C_2 3.1.12. GP Bus used for ISA BusThe AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU contains an 8/16bit General Purpose Bus (GP bus) with 26 address lines (GPA0..25), 16 data lines (GPD0..15) and different control lines using PIO ports in their alternate GP bus function. Its timing is programmable for speeds up to 33MHz. This bus is to emulate a 16 bit ISA bus (PC/104) running with 8 MHz. ISA bus signal are connected without buffers directly to the lines of the CPU due to the 5V tolerance of the 3.3V signals.8 bit signals SMEMRD# and SMEMWR# (active only at addresses beyond 1 MByte) are not supported (GPMEM_RD# and GPMEM_WR# used).The AMD ÉlanSC520 CPU has only 4 DMA channels on GP bus. DMA channel 2 is used for Super-I/O (U2) on EVAMOD520. All four channels are connected to edge connector X2.Not supported ISA bus signals 0WS#, IOCHK#, IRQ15, REFRESH#, 8MHz and 14.318 MHz clocks, MASTER#.9Mod520C_24. Connectors Of MOD520C4.1. System Connector X2Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O1+3.3V power2GND power 3+3.3V power4GND power 5GPD0I/O6TDP O7GPD1I/O8TDN O9GPD2I/O10not connected11GPD3I/O12RDP I13GPD4I/O14RDN I15GPD5I/O16not connected17GPD6I/O18DRQ0I19GPD7I/O20DRQ2I21GPD8I/O22DRQ5I23GPD9I/O24DRQ7I25GPD10I/O26DACK0#O27GPD11I/O28DACK2#O29GPD12I/O30DACK5#O31GPD13I/O32DACK7#O33GPD14I/O34GND power 35GPD15I/O36GPRESET O37GND power38GPIORD#O39GPA0O40GPIOWR#O41GPA1O42GPALE O43GPA2O44GPBHE#O45GPA3O46GPRDY I47GPA4O48GPAEN O49GPA5O50GPTC O51GPA6O52GPDBUFOE#O53GPA7O54GPIO_CS16#O55GPA8O56GPMEM_CS16#O57GPA9O58GPCS0#O59GPA10O60GPMEM_RD#O61GPA11O62GPMEM_WR#O63GPA12O64GND power 10Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O65GPA13O66EXTRES#I67GPA14O68PWRGOOD O69BUFA15O70CLKTEST71BUFA16O72PRG_RESET73BUFA17O74GND power75BUFA18O76GPCS1#O77BUFA19O78GPCS2#O79BUFA20O80GPCS3#O81BUFA21O82GPCS4#O83BUFA22O84GPCS5#O85BUFA23O86GPCS6#O87BUFA24O88GPCS7#O89BUFA25O90VBATIN power91GND power92GND power93IRQ1I94RSTLD0I95IRQ3I96RSTLD1I97IRQ4I98RSTLD2I99IRQ5I100RSTLD3I101IRQ6I102RSTLD4I103IRQ7I104RSTLD5I105IRQ9I106RSTLD6I107IRQ10I108RSTLD7I109CANINT I110DBGDIS I111IRQ12I112INSTRC I113IRQ14I114DBGENTR I115SPEAKER O116not connected117+5V power118GND power119+5V power120GND power114.2. System Connector X4Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O1PCICLKRTN I2GND power 3PCICLK O4PCICLKETHER I5AD0I/O6CBE0#I/O7AD1I/O8CBE1#I/O9AD2I/O10CBE2#I/O11AD3I/O12CBE3#I/O13AD4I/O14not connected15AD5I/O16not connected17AD6I/O18not connected19AD7I/O20not connected21AD8I/O22GND power 23AD9I/O24RXD1I25AD10I/O26TXD1O27AD11I/O28CTS1#I29AD12I/O30DCD1#I31AD13I/O32DSR1#I33AD14I/O34RIN1#I35AD15I/O36DTR1#O37AD16I/O38RTS1#O39AD17I/O40RXD2I41AD18I/O42TXD2O43AD19I/O44CTS2#I45AD20I/O46DCD2#I47AD21I/O48DSR2#I49AD22I/O50RIN2#I51AD23I/O52DTR2#O53AD24I/O54RTS2#O55AD25I/O56CANH1/TXD157AD26I/O58CANL1/RXD159AD27I/O60CANH2/TXD261AD28I/O62CANL2/RXD263AD29I/O64GND power 12Pin Function I/O Pin Function I/O65AD30I/O66SRESET#I67AD31I/O68GPRESET#O69GND power70TCK O71INTA#I72TMS73INTB#I74TDI I75INTC#I76TDO O77INTD#I78TRST#I79REQ0#I80CMDACK81REQ1#I82BR/TC83REQ2#I84GND Power85REQ3#I86STOP/TX87REQ4#I88TRIG/TRACE89GNT0#O90not connected91GNT1#O92ACTLED#O93GNT2#O94LILED#O95GNT3#O96SPEEDLED#O97GNT4#O98not connected99GND power100GND power101PAR I/O102SSI_CLK O103PERR#I/O104SSI_DO O105SERR#I106SSI_DI I107FRAME#I/O108not connected109TRDY#I/O110ISP_TDI I111IRDY#I/O112ISP_TDO O113STOP#I/O114ISP_TMS115DEVSEL#I/O116ISP_TCK I117RST#O118BSCAN#119GND power120GND power135. Application Notes5.1. Power SupplyThe MOD520C needs +3.3V and 5V power supply.3.3V worst case supply current is 1130 mA5V worst case supply current is 550 mABe sure to design your power supply for this current including large load transients.5.2. Important Signals5.2.13. PCICLKRTN PCICLK PCICLKETHERPCICLK is the clock source for the PCI-Bus. PCICLKETHER is the clock input for the Ethernet Controller. PCICLKRTN is the clock input of the AMD Élan Sc520. This pin is used to synchronize the CPU with the external PCI-Bus. Therefore it is important that all clock traces have the same length to provide each PCI-Target with the clock at the same time. Trace length of each of this clocks is 68mm on the module. If you do not plan to connect an additional PCI-Target on your board you just add a serial resistor 33R between PCICLK and PCICLKRTN and one between PCICLK and PCICLKETHER.5.2.14. ISA-Bus SignalsIf you use the ISA-Bus Signals you have to add some resistors to the following Signals:GPD0 – GPD15 4k7 pull upGPRDY1k pull downIRQ´s10k pull upDRQ´s10k pull down145.2.15. CAN-Interrupt IRQ11IRQ11 is used for the CAN-Controller 82C900 and is not sharable. Since the interrupt provided by 82C900 is a low active pulse with a length of 0.2µs the CPLD inverts this signal and holds it until the software acknowledges the interrupt. To acknowledge this interrupt the software has to access a memory location with the offset 1xxh to the CAN-Base. This memory access is just an access of the system memory, not an access of the CAN-Controller.156. Members of the MOD520C familyNumbe r Variant Flash SDRAM SRAM CAN CAN-DriverTemp.320MOD520C_0_V018M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8Yes Yes0..70°321MOD520C_0_V021M*16, AMD(=2 Mbyte)1*TM015202*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8Yes Yes0..70°322MOD520C_0_V038M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*16M*16(=64 Mbyte)2*TM01249512k*8Yes Yes0..70°334MOD520C_1_V01MOD520C_2_V018M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°335MOD520C_1_V02MOD520C_2_V021M*16, AMD(=2 Mbyte)1*TM015202*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°336MOD520C_1_V03MOD520C_2_V038M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*16M*16(=64 Mbyte)2*TM01249512k*8TM0Yes no0..70°184MOD520C_1_V048M*16, Strata(=16 Mbyte)1*TM014452*4M*16(=16 Mbyte)2*TM01519No No No0..70°16。



82531S9A U01ZB
东风本田 共用件
左后座椅 座垫罩
82531S9A U01ZB
左后座椅 罩垫 表...
82531SPA H02ZB
东风本田 共用件
左后座椅 罩垫 表...
82531SPA H51ZA
东风本田 共用件
左后座垫 罩
82531SWN H21ZA
东风本田 共用件
操作 暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无
产品 暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无
左后座椅 座垫 海...
82532S9A J01
暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
右后座椅 外侧 盖...
82595SWA A01ZC
东风本田 共用件
左后座椅 内基座
82597S9A 003ZB
东风本田 共用件
左后座椅 内基座
82597S9A 003ZC
东风本田 共用件
暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无
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暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无 暂无
暂无 暂无
东风本田 共用件
后通风连 接管
83332SWA A01
东风本田 共用件

HSG 对照表

HSG 对照表
厂商 JWT SHR ACES 系 MOLEX 类 唐虞 HR 厂商 JWT 510 ACES 21 系 MOLEX 类 唐虞 HR 511 ACES 46 系 MOLEX 类 唐虞 HR 厂商 JWT JAE FI-S 系 类 厂商 JWT 有卤型号 A1002H00-NP 87214-XX00 48228-XX01 / / 有卤型号 A1251H02-NP 85206-XX00 51021-XX00 TU1252HNO-NP / 有卤型号 A1254H00-NP 88232-XX00 51146-XX00 / / 有卤型号 A1256H00-1*2P A1256H00-1*4P(单凸) A1256H00-1*4P-DL(双凸) 88267-0200 87267-0400(单凸) 88267-0400 / / / / / / 无卤型号 端子型号 A1002H00-NP-HF(白色) A1002T0P-2(镀锡)/A1002T0P-00+(全镀金)/A1002T0P-00(半镀金) 50233-XXXH0H0-001 87214-W-L(镀锡)/87214-WG(镀金) / 48229-0001(镀金)/48229-0002(镀锡) TU1001HNO-1*NP TU1001TPO-A(镀锡),TU1001TPO-G0(镀金) A1001H-XP-N11 A1001-TPE(镀锡),A1001-GPE(镀金) 无卤型号 端子型号 A1251H02-NP-HF(白色) A1251T0P-2(镀锡) 50276-XXXH0H0-001 85206-T-1(镀金)/85206-T-4(镀锡) 51021-86XX 50058-8000(镀锡)/50058-8500(镀金) TU1252HNO-NP-NL A1250H-XP-N01 无卤型号 A1254H00-NP-HF(白色) 50280-XXXH0H0-001 / TU1212HNO-NP A1254H-XP-NWH 无卤型号 A1256H00-1*2P-HF A1256H00-1*4P-HF(单凸) A1256H00-1*4P-DL-HF(双凸) 50285-002H0H1-001 50380-004H0H1-001(单凸) 50285-004H0H1-001(双凸) TU1213HNO-02 TU1213HNO-04(单凸) TU1213HNO-04E(双凸) A1255H-2P-N A1255H-4P-N A1255H-4P-SN1 TU1252TPO-A(镀锡),TU1252TPO-GO(镀金) A1250-TPE(镀锡),A1250-GPE(镀金) 端子型号 A1254T0P-00(镀金) 88232-T(镀金) 50641-8041(镀金) TU1212TPO-GO(镀金) A1254-GPE(镀金) 端子型号 A1256T0P-2(镀锡)/A1256T0P-00(半镀金)/A1256T0P-00+(全镀 金) 88267-W-L(镀锡),88267-W(镀金)
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5.2 Labeled Tracer Techniques
❖Autoradiography ❖Phosphorimaging ❖Nonradioactive Tracers
Figure 5.9 Densitometry. An autoradiograph is pictured beneath a densitometer scan of the same film. Notice that the areas under the three peaks of the scan are proportional to the darkness of the corresponding bands on the autoradiograph
Figure 5.16 A Northern blot. Poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from the rat tissues indicated at the top, then equal amounts of RNA from each tissue were electrophoresed and Northern blotted. The RNAs on the blot were hybridized to a labeled probe for the rat glyceraldehyde-3phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH) gene, and the blot was then exposed to x-ray film. The bands represent the G3PDH mRNA, and their intensities are indicative of the amounts of this mRNA in each tissue.
Figure 5.10 False color phosphorimager scan of an RNA blot. After hybridizing a radioactive probe to an RNA blot and washing away unhybridized probe, the blot was exposed to a phosphorimager plate. The plate collected energy from β-rays from the radioactive probe bound to the RNA bands, then gave up this energy when scanned with a laser. A computer converted this energy into an image in which the colors correspond to radiation intensity according to the following color scale: yellow (lowest) < purple < magenta < light blue < green < dark blue < black (highest).
DNA fingerprinting
Figure 5.14 DNA fingerprint. (a) The nine lanes contain DNA from nine unrelated white subjects. Note that no two patterns are identical, especially at the upper end. (b) The two lanes contain DNA from monozygotic twins, so the patterns are identical (although there is more DNA in lane 10 than in lane 11). (Source: G. Vassart et al. Science 235 (6 Feb 1987) p. 683)
1) Southern Blot: Identifying Specific DNA Fragments
2) Northern Blot: Measuring Gene Activity 3) In Situ Hybridization: Locating Genes in Chromosomes
➣ Western Blot: Identifying Specific Proteins
Chapter 5. Molecular Tools for Studying Genes and Gene Activity
Molecular Tools for Studying Genes and Gene Activity 5.1 Molecular Separations 5.2 Labeled Tracers 5.3 Using Nucleic Acid Hybridization 5.4 DNA Sequencing Techniques 5.5 Mapping and Quantifying Transcripts 5.6 Measuring Transcription Rates in Vivo 5.7 Assaying DNA–Protein Interactions 5.8 Knockouts
DNA Typing
2) Northern Blots: Measuring Gene Activity
Suppose you have cloned a cDNA and want to know how actively the corresponding gene (gene X) is transcribed in a number of different tissues of organism Y. You could answer that question in several ways, but the method we describe here will also tell the size and the relative amounts of the mRNA the gene produces.
Single Molecule Sequencing
❖ The Sanger dideoxy method of DNA sequencing
Figure 5.19 A typical sequencing film. The sequence begins CAAAAAACGG. You can probably read the rest of the sequence to the top of the film. (Source: Courtesy Life Technologies, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD.)
3) In Situ Hybridization
One can hybridize labeled probes to whole chromosomes to locate genes or other specific DNA sequences. This type of procedure is called in situ hybridization; if the probe is fluorescently labeled, the technique is called fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).
5.1 Molecular Separations
❖Gel Electrophoresis
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
PAGE (PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis)
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
20 ng
(20 mm/910 bp)
human muscle glycogen phosphorylase gene
5.4 DNA Sequencing Techniques
❖The Sanger Chain-Termination Sequencing Method ➣Automated DNA sequencing
❖ Maxam–Gilbert Sequencing Method ❖ Pyrosequencing (454) ❖ Solexa (Illumina) ❖ SOLid (ABI)
➣Standard agarose gel electrophoresis
➣Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis(PFGE)
The bands represent chromosomes having sizes ranging from 0.2 Mb (at bottom) to 2.2 Mb (at top). Original gel is about 13 cm wide by 12.5 cm long. The 16 visible bands represent 16 chromosomes Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of yeast chromosomes
➣Automated DNA sequencing
❖ Maxam–Gilbert Sequencing Method The MaxamGilbert sequencing method follows a very different strategy. Instead of synthesizing DNA ithesis reactions with chain terminators, this method starts with fulllength, end-labeled DNA and cleaves it with basespecific reagents. The Maxam–Gilbert method allows us to break an end-labeled DNA strand at specific bases using base-specific reagents. We can then electrophoresis the labeled fragments in a highresolution polyacrylamide gel and detect them by autoradiography. This procedure orders the fragments by size and therefore tells us the