调试模式:《学习美国独立战争的五点提示[ 课时介绍 ]简介:美国独立战争(英语:American War of Independence,1775年—1783年),或称美国革命战争(英语:American Revolutionary War),是大英帝国和其北美十三州殖民地的革命者,以及几个欧洲强国之间的一场战争。
》/movie/2010/3/D/Q/M7OTJK3C3_M7OTLOTDQ.html播放中[第1课]学习美国独立战争的五点提示美国独立战争(英语:American War of Independence,1775年—1783年),或称美国革命战争(英语:American Revolutionary War),是大英帝国和其北美十三州殖民地的革命者,以及几个欧洲强国之间的一场战争。
1778年2月法美签订军事同盟条约,法国正式承认美国。1778年6月法英开战,西班牙也于1779年6月对英 作战。年底,英军攻取佐治亚州首府萨凡纳,揭开了在南方发动强大攻势的序幕。
1780年春,克林顿率领1.4万英军对查尔斯顿实施陆、海两面包围,迫使林肯部5000余人投降,并缴获军 舰4艘,使美军遭受了整个战争中最大的一次损失。事后,克林顿率英军一部回师纽约,留下康沃利斯指挥7000 英军控制南方陆地和沿海。这就为南部民兵游击队活动提供了方便。大陆会议委派格林为南方美军司令,谐同摩 根到南方开展游击战,先后于1781年1月和3月,在考彭斯和吉尔福德等地大胜英军,迫使英军从内地向沿海 撤......
英国由于工业革命的开始,除了更进一步要使北美成为原料供给地和工业品的市场外,还迫切要求毛皮贸易 和西部工地。因此,英国极力阻止殖民地向西部发展,把殖民地局限于阿巴拉契亚山以东地区。英国的西部土地 政策加深了殖民地和宗主国的矛盾,助长了殖民地的......
1770年出版的国王街波士顿惨案版画 经过一百多年的发展,英属北美各殖民地的经济来往日益密切,初步 形成了统一的国内市场。同时,在长期的交流、融合过程中,英语成为来自各殖民地的共同语言,逐渐产生了共 同的文化。在此基础上,美利坚民族开始形成。民族意识逐渐觉醒。18世纪上半期,启蒙思想在英属北美殖民地 得 到 传 播 , 涌 现 出 一 些 杰 出 的 思 想 家 , 如 本 杰 明 ·富 兰 克 林 和 托 马 斯 ·杰 斐 逊 。 英 属 北 美 殖 民 地 的 民 族 和 民 主 意 识 日趋增强。
Rebellious mood
? The Revolutionary war ? The Background ? The Causes ? The Process ? The Significance
The revolutionary war
? Also known as the American Revolution
? Between the British and the North American colonies
? The war of liberation and bourgeois revolution
The Causes
? The development of economy in North America colonies
? British colonial domination hindered the development of American capitalism
British Actions
WAR 1765
Intolerable Acts Tea Act
1773 1774
Colonial Responses
Colonists were angry
The Stamp Act Congress & Sons of Liberty
More boycotts & Daughters of Liberty
America ? Appointed George Washington as commander
世界奇异事件英文作文英文,Strange events around the world always capture our attention, from inexplicable phenomena to bizarre occurrences. Let me recount a few of these peculiar incidents.One particularly odd event took place in the small town of Sleepy Hollow, where residents reported seeing a headless horseman riding through the streets at night. Legend has it that this ghostly figure is the spirit of a Hessian soldier from the American Revolutionary War. Despite the skepticism of many, several eyewitnesses swear they saw the headless apparition galloping past the old cemetery.Another baffling incident occurred in the Bermuda Triangle, a notorious area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. Numerous ships and aircraft have mysteriously disappeared within this region over the years, leading to speculation about paranormal activity or unknownnatural phenomena. Some theories suggest magnetic anomalies, while others propose extraterrestrial involvement. Regardless of the explanations, the Bermuda Triangleremains a puzzling enigma.Moving to Asia, there's the mystery of the Mothman in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. This humanoid creature, with large wings and glowing red eyes, terrorized the town inthe 1960s. Witnesses described it as a harbinger of disaster, appearing before tragic events such as the collapse of the Silver Bridge. Despite extensive investigations, the true identity of the Mothman remains elusive, leaving locals wary of its potential return.In China, there's the curious case of the Zhangjiajie glass bridge. This architectural marvel spans theZhangjiajie Grand Canyon and is made entirely of glass, providing visitors with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. However, shortly after its opening, reports surfaced of the bridge mysteriously crackingbeneath people's feet. While engineers attribute the fractures to minor structural issues, some speculatesupernatural forces at play, adding to the bridge's mystique.中文,世界各地发生的奇异事件总是吸引我们的注意,从莫名其妙的现象到怪诞的发生。
1774年英国政府通过一系列“强制法案”(Coercive Acts),旨在加强控制。这些法案虽然是针对麻塞诸塞州,但被北美居民称作“不可容忍的法案”,后来费城等其他港口也陆续响应,终于导致1775年4月的美国独立战争。
波士顿倾茶事件(Boston Tea Party) 又称波士顿茶党事件。1773年发生的北美殖民地波士顿人民反对英国东印度公司垄断茶叶贸易的事件。1773年,英国政府为倾销东印度公司的积存茶叶,通过《救济东印度公司条例》。该条例给予东印度公司到北美殖民地销售积压茶叶的专利权,免缴高额的进口关税,只征收轻微的茶税。条例明令禁止殖民地贩卖“私茶”。东印度公司因此垄断了北美殖民地的茶叶运销,其输入的茶叶价格较“私茶”便宜百分之五十。该条例引起北美殖民地人民的极大愤怒,人们饮用的走私茶占消费量的十分之九。纽约、费城、查尔斯顿人民拒绝卸运茶叶。[5] 波士顿革命分子塞谬尔·亚当斯领导的一个由三组每组50个当地人组成的组织“自由之子”,打扮成印第安人偷偷摸到三艘船上,将船上货物捣毁,并将342箱茶叶倒入港口内。当时,灯把晚上照得像白天一样,很多人起来看热闹,整个过程相当平和及安静。但是此举得到来自各个方面的批评,英国政府下令关闭波士顿港口,直到他们把扔下茶叶的钱偿还,还将战船和军队驶入殖民地。 前新泽西州州长本杰明·富兰克林认为被倾倒的茶叶应该被赔偿,表示愿意用自己的钱来赔。英国认为这是对殖民政府的挑衅。
1765年,英国人又想出个新花样:印花税。他们规定,一切公文、契约合同,执照、报纸、杂志、广告、单据、遗嘱,都必须贴上印花税票,才能生效可流通。这激起殖民地人民极大的愤怒,于是,“自由之子”、“通讯委员会”等秘密反英组织相继出现,各地都发生了反英事件,抵制英货、赶走税吏、焚烧税票、武装反抗等等。这一切引起了英国政府的恐慌,他们立即派军队镇压。反英的怒火在殖民地人民心中燃烧,一场争取独立和自由的战火即将在北美大陆上燃烧起来了。 1765年,英国国会为转嫁沉重的军费负担而向英属北美殖民地直接征税的条例。七年战争后,英国政府为了进一步控制殖民地和镇压印第安人,派遣一万名军队常驻北美,由当地负责全部开支。1765年3月22日,英国国会通过的印花税条例规定,北美殖民地的印刷品包括报纸、书刊、契据、执照、文凭、纸牌、入场券等均需加贴印花税票,税额自2便士到几英镑不等,违者罚款或监禁。该条例定于11月1日起生效。印花税条例遭到殖民地人民的强烈反对。殖民地人民坚持只有通过他们自己的议会才能作出征税决定。“自由之子”、“通讯委员会”等秘密会社组织起来,带领群众捣毁税局,焚烧印花税票,把税吏身上涂满柏油、粘上羽毛、游街示众。11月印花税法生效前,全殖民地税吏都被迫辞职。1765年10月,在纽约召开全殖民地反对印花税法大会。会上通过拒绝向英交纳印花税等14项决议。为抵制印花税条例,全殖民地展开抵制英货运动,从而导致英国对殖民地的出口额大幅度下降。英国30个城市的商人和制造商联合向议会上书请求废除印花税法。英国议会于1766年3月18日,最后通过废除印花税条例的决议。[2]
2、北美民主的表现 独立前北美的民主传播情况 ——刘祚昌关于“民主的四个标准”
第一,由民主选举产生代议制机构——议会,且议会必 须掌握最高权力。 第二,议会本身必须民主化。 第三,没有封建等级和贵族特权。
第一,北美没有欧洲那样的封建传统和强大的 封建势力,也没有国家教会的束缚,所以在英 国遭到压抑的民主思想传播到北美后得到了发 扬。 第二,随着西进运动的开展,西部的荒野生活 培养了美利坚人的粗犷而果敢的性格和反对阶 级差别的造反精神;同时,边疆荒野远离殖民 政府的权威,居民们习惯于自治,从而生长出 自由平等的思想及人民主权观念。 第三,为了吸引更多的移民,一些创立殖民地 的业主不得不以比欧洲更为宽松的方法统治殖 民地,实行一些民主措施。
Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation. 只说那些能让他人或自己受益的话。避免闲 聊。 Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions. 不要浪费时间。多做些有用的事。取消一切不必要的活动。 If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. 一个人若把钱花在自己的脑袋上,其收获是没有人能够夺走的。投 资知识的获利永远最大。 Doing an injury puts you below your enemy; revenging one makes you but even with him; forgiving it sets you above him. 伤害对手令你不如他;报复对手只让你和他半斤八两;原谅对手则 使你比他优越。
美国独立战争的背景简介北美独立战争(英语:AmericanRevolutionary War,1775年;1783年),英属北美13个殖民地反抗英国殖民统治、争取民族独立的革命战争。
1774年9月5日~10月,北美殖民地在费城召开了殖民地联合会议,史称“第一届大陆会议”(The First Continental Congress)。
The American War of Independence (1775-1783)
Background of the War
Situation before and after 1763 The Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts The Boston Massacre & Committees of Correspondence The Boston Tea Party and the Intolerable Acts
The beginning of getting organized for the com
East India Company sent to America large quantities of tea / Evening, December 16, 1773
About 50 men disguised themselves as Indians who went on board, broke open the tea chests and poured the tea into the water.
美国独立战争简介 英文版
In the Treaty of Paris of 1783, the English formally recognized the independence of the United States.
Bunker Hill
The Declaration of Independence made England and the United States enemies at war, instead of friends fighting over a disagreement.
French Friends
入战争 和 世界之战) 年,约克镇大捷,战争结束)
1781, Yorktown victory, the war ended (1781 In 1783, the United Kingdom officially recognized independence of the United States. (1783年,英国正式承认美国独立。)
The main event:
In May 1775, the second Continental Congress circles( 1775年5月,第二界大陆会议) In 1776, through the “Declaration of Independence” (1776年,通过《独立宣言》) France join the war and a world War (法国加
France gave the American large sums of guns, gunpowder.
The America Revolution Becomes a World War
பைடு நூலகம்
In the early months of 1780 General Cornwallis arrived before Charleston to begin the reconquest of South Carolina.
The Quartering Act 1765
said that colonists must provide for salaries, housing, and supplies for British soldiers. The colonists did not agree and did not obey!
Writs of Assistance
The king angered the colonists again by enacting the Writs of Assistance, which was another old law. This allowed the use of general search warrants, which let them search anyone, anytime, anywhere. The colonists were very angry and protested.
Townshend Acts 1767
Another act, the Townshend Acts of 1767, placed taxes on glass, lead, paint and tea and was used to pay salaries of colonial officers – including governors & judges. In response, the colonists boycotted all British goods.
placed taxes on any articles written on paper. This included newspapers, wills, licenses, deeds, and pamphlets.
1. Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg Address。
2. Martin Luther King Jr. I Have a Dream。
3. John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address。
4. Franklin D. Roosevelt Pearl Harbor Address。
5. Ronald Reagan Tear Down This Wall。
6. Barack Obama Yes We Can。
7. Winston Churchill We Shall Fight on the Beaches。
My question:
How much do you know about the American flag?
I. The background of the war II. Cause blasting fuse III. Process 1.The outset of war 2. The widening theatre of war 3. Turning point 4. Final Victory 5. Peace treaty Ⅳ.The sprit of the Americans Ⅴ.Significance
sprit of the Americans
The song of battle
--Yankee Doodle --Yankee
… And there was Captain Washington Upon a slapping stallion. Giving orders to his men I guess there were a million. Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee , Doodle dandy! ! Mind the music and the step and with the girls be handy. Yankee Doodle give a tune, it , comes in mighty handy. The enemy all runs away at Yankee Doodle dandy! ! Yankee Doodle keep it up, Yankee , Doodle dandy! ! Mind the music and the step and with the girls be handy. Sprit of '76
Ⅳ The First Continental Congress
In September 1774 ,colonial delegates from 12 colonies met in Philadelphia( 费拉德尔 菲亚),the meeting known as First Continental Congress . Congress drew up the Declaration of Rights and Grievances that requested George Ⅲ to protect the right of the colonies and to redress the unfair treatment.
连糖都 要上税 苦吗?
毕业证书 也要征税吗?
Ⅵ The Second continental
⑴ The Second Continental Congress
met in Philadelphia on May 10,1775, in a house which later became as Independence Hall .
乔治· 华盛顿 George Washington (1732-1799)
Ⅶ The declaration of independence
● Time
Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Independence 4.7.1776
美国独立战争 American War of Independence
Passage 1American War of IndependenceI. Colonial PeriodMost people who came to the British colonies in the 1600s were English. Others came from The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, France, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. By 1690, 250,000 people lived in the New World. By 1790, there were 2.5 million people.People came for different reasons. Some left their homes to escape war. Others sought political or religious freedom. Some had to work as servants to pay back the cost of their trip before gaining their freedom. Some, like black Africans, arrived as slaves.In time, the 13 colonies developed within three distinct regions.The first settlements were along the Atlantic coast and on rivers that flowed into the ocean. In the Northeast, trees covered the hills and stones filled the soil, but water power was available. The Northeast was called New England, and it included Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. The economy was based on timber, fishing, shipbuilding, and trade.The middle colonies included New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. The weather was milder and the countryside was more varied. People worked in industry and agriculture. The society was more diverse and sophisticated. People living in New York came from all over Europe.The Southern colonies included Virginia, Georgia, and North Carolina and South Carolina. The growing season was long and the soil was fertile. Most people were farmers. Some owned small farms that they worked themselves. The wealthy farmers owned large plantations and used African slaves as workers.The relationships between settlers and Native Americans (also called Indians) were good and bad. In some areas, the two groups traded and were friendly. In most cases, as the settlements grew bigger, the settlers forced the Indians to move.As time went on, all the colonies developed governments based on the British tradition of citizen participation. In Britain, the Glorious Revolution of 1688–1689 limited the power of the king and gave more power to the people.The American colonists closely observed these changes. Colonial assemblies claimed the right to act as local parliaments. They passed laws that limited the power of the royal governor and increased their own authority. Disagreements between the royal governors and the assemblies continued. The colonists realized that their interests often were different from Britain’s interests. At first, the colonists wanted self-government within a British commonwealth. Only later did they want independence.II. The Road to IndependenceThe ideas of liberalism and democracy are the basis of the U.S. political system. As the colonists built their new society, they believed more strongly in these ideas. Britain’s 13 colonies grew in population and economic strength during the 1700s. Although ruled by a distant government, the colonists governed many local affairs.After Britain won a costly war with France in the 1750s, the colonists were asked to help pay for the war, and for Britain’s large empire. Thes e policies restricted the colonists’ way of life.For example, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 restricted the colonists from settling new land. The Currency Act of 1764 made it illegal to print paper money in the colonies. The Quartering Act of 1765 forced the colonists to provide food and housing for the royal soldiers. The Stamp Act of 1765 taxed all legal papers, licenses, newspapers, and leases.The Stamp Act united the colonists in an organized resistance. The main problem was that they weren’t allowe d to participate in the government that taxed them.In October 1765, 27 delegates from nine colonies met in New York. They passed resolutions saying that the individual colonies should have the right to impose their own taxes. This satisfied most of the delegates, but a small number of radicals wanted independence from Britain.One of those people was Samuel Adams of Massachusetts. He wrote newspaper articles and made speeches. The groups he helped to organize became a big part of the revolutionary movement.By 1773, colonial traders, who were angry with British regulation of the tea trade, were interested in Sam Adams’s ideas. In December 1773, a group of men sneaked on three British ships in Boston harbor and threw the cargo oftea overboard. This event became known as the Boston Tea Party.The British Parliament punished Massachusetts by closing Boston’s port and by restricting local authority. Colonists called these new laws the Intolerable Acts and united to oppose them. All the colonies except Georgia sent representatives to Philadelphia in September 1774 to talk about their ―present unhappy state.‖ It was the First Continental Congress.Colonists were angry with the British for taking away their rights, but not everyone agreed on the solution. Loyalists wanted to stay subjects under the king. Moderates wanted to compromise and build a better relationship with the British government. The revolutionaries wanted complete independence. They began collecting weapons and getting men ready—waiting for the fight for independence.III. RevolutionThe American Revolution and the war for independence from Britain began with a small fight between British troops and colonists on April 19, 1775. The British troops left Boston, Massachusetts, planning to take weapons and ammunition from revolutionary colonists.At Lexington, they met armed colonists who were called Minutemen because they could be ready to fight in a minute. The Minutemen planned to protest silently and not shoot unless the British shot first.The British ordered the Minutemen to leave. The colonists obeyed, but as they left, someone fired a shot. The British troops attacked the Minutemen with guns and bayonets.Fighting broke out in other places along the way as the British soldiers in their bright red uniforms returned to Boston. More than 250 ―redcoats‖ were killed or wounded. The Americans lost 93 men.Colonial representatives hurried to Philadelphia for the Second Continental Congress. More than half voted to go to war against Britain. They decided to form one army from the colonial forces. George Washington of Virginia became the commander-in-chief.At the same time, they sent King George III a peace resolution to try to avoid a war. The king rejected it. On August 23, 1775, the king said the American colonies were in rebellion.The desire for independence increased in the next few months. Thomas Paine, a radical political thinker, argued for independence and against hereditary monarchy in his pamphlet Common Sense. He described two possible conditions for America. The people could remain unequal citizens under a king, or they could live in an independent country with hopes of liberty and happiness.The Second Continental Congress created a committee to write a document that outlined the co lonies’complaints against the king and explained their decision to separate from Britain. The reasons were based on French and British ideas. Thomas Jefferson was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence.The Declaration of Independence told the world of a new nation and its beliefs about human freedom. It argued that political rights are basic human rights and are universal.The Second Continental Congress accepted this document on July 4, 1776. The Fourth of July became Independence Day in the United States.The colonies and Britain went to war. British soldiers defeated General Washington’s forces in New York and took control of Philadelphia, forcing the Second Continental Congress to flee. The Continental Army won at Saratoga in New York and at Princeton and Trenton in New Jersey. George Washington had problems getting the men and materials he needed to fight the war.In 1778, France recognized the United States as an independent country and signed a treaty of alliance. France helped the United States as a way to weaken Britain, its long-time enemy.There were battles from Montreal, Canada, to Savannah, Georgia. A huge British army surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781. The war ended when a peace treaty was signed in Paris on April 15, 1783. In this treaty, Britain and other nations recognized the United States as an independent nation.Quiz1. How many original colonies were there?A. 50B. 13C. 172. Which European country owned the colonies?A. SpainB. The NetherlandsC. Britain3. Which act caused the greatest reaction from the colonists?A. The Currency ActB. The Stamp ActC. The Quartering Act4. What did the colonists throw into Boston Harbor?A. StampsB. British paper moneyC. Tea5. What did moderates in the colonies wish for in their relationship to Britain?A. For everything to stay the way it wasB. To move to Britain and leave the coloniesC. A compromise and a better relationship with the British government6. The British soldiers were also called what?A. RedcoatsB. MinutemenC. Roundheads7. Who was the commander-in-chief of the colonial army?A. Thomas PaineB. Thomas JeffersonC. George Washington8. What American holiday celebrates the colonists’ victory?A. Veteran’s DayB. Declaration DayC. Fourth of July。
华盛顿英语作文人物简介英文回答:George Washington, born in Pope's Creek, Virginia, on February 22, 1732, was a prominent leader of the American Revolutionary War and later became the first president of the United States. Before his political career, Washington served as a military officer in the French and Indian War, where he gained valuable leadership experience and a reputation for bravery.Washington's military prowess and diplomatic skills played a crucial role in the American colonies' fight for independence from British rule. He led the Continental Army to numerous victories against the British, including the pivotal battles of Trenton and Yorktown. His leadership and strategic decision-making during the war earned him the respect and admiration of his troops and the colonists at large.In 1789, Washington was unanimously elected as thefirst president of the United States. His presidency sawthe establishment of the federal government, including the creation of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. He also oversaw the passage of the Bill of Rights, which enshrined fundamental liberties and protections for American citizens.Washington's presidency was marked by his dedication to the principles of democracy, equality, and justice. He seta precedent for peaceful transfers of power, declining to seek a third term in office and establishing a traditionthat has been followed by all subsequent presidents.Throughout his life, Washington displayed unwavering integrity, courage, and patriotism. His leadership and unwavering commitment to the ideals of the American Revolution continue to inspire generations of Americans. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figuresin American history and is considered the "Father of His Country."中文回答:乔治·华盛顿,1732年2月22日出生于弗吉尼亚州波普斯溪,是美国独立战争的杰出领袖,后来成为美国第一任总统。
1 1
•Strategic stalemate •1777.10egic counteroffensive •1781.4--1783.9
Nation Economics Population
毕业证书 也要征税吗? 税务局的人
I. Background
D. Fuse---Boston Tea Party
II. The start of the war 1775.4.18 in Lexington
III. The process of the war
the last big battle in nothern American continent
1. the Declaration of Independence (1776)
the draftsman of the declaration
The flower of freedom to often be with the blood of patriots and tyrants to irrigate.
Democratic Republican Party the Declaration of Independence University of Virginia. Bought Louisiana from France, increased American area Sponsor Lewis and Clark expedition
Southern: plantation economy(种植园经济)
美国独立战争(美国民族独立战争)详细资料大全美国独立战争(英语:American Revolutionary War,1775年—1783年),或称美国革命战争,是大英帝国和其北美十三州殖民地的革命者,以及其他几个欧洲强国之间的一场战争。
基本介绍•名称:美国独立战争•地点:北美洲、十三殖民地(英国)•时间:1775年—1783年•参战方:美利坚合众国(未被承认)、法兰西王国、西班牙王国、荷兰王国 VS 大英帝国•结果:签订《巴黎和约》,北美十三殖民地正式独立成为美利坚合众国•参战方兵力:美军:35,000人参加大陆军;340,000人参加过民兵•56,000名英军士兵、78艘皇家海军舰船•伤亡情况:美军:近50,000人伤亡•英军:近20,000人伤亡•主要指挥官:乔治·华盛顿、亨利·柯林顿•性质:资产阶级革命、民族解放运动•原因:英国殖民统治阻碍了北美经济发展•导火线:1773年波士顿倾茶事件•开始标志:1775年4月莱克星顿枪声•结束标志:1783年英国承认美国独立•根本目的:推翻殖民统治,实现民族独立•领导者(美):华盛顿、杰斐逊、亚当斯、法拉格特•领导者(英):康华利、柏高英、乔治三世•转折战役:萨拉托加战役•重大战役:约克镇战役•重点城市:波士顿、纽约、约克镇、费城背景,起因,经过,第一阶段,第二阶段,第三阶段,实力对比,结果,影响,评价,背景美国独立战争,或称美国革命战争(英语:American Revolutionary War,1775年—1783年),是大英帝国和其北美十三州殖民地的革命者,以及其他几个欧洲强国之间的一场战争。
爱国电影英文作文英文:When it comes to patriotic movies, I believe they are an important part of a country's cultural heritage. These films often depict the struggles and sacrifices made by individuals or groups in the name of their country, and they can inspire a sense of pride and unity among viewers.One example of a patriotic movie that comes to mind is "Saving Private Ryan," which tells the story of a group of soldiers sent on a mission to rescue a fellow soldier during World War II. The film highlights the bravery and selflessness of these soldiers, who risked their lives to save one of their own. Watching this movie can make viewers feel grateful for the sacrifices made by those who fought for their country, and it can also inspire a sense of duty to do their part in preserving their country's freedom and values.Another example is "The Patriot," which is set during the American Revolution. The movie follows a farmer who becomes a leader in the fight against the British, and it shows the hardships and sacrifices endured by those who fought for their country's independence. This film can inspire viewers to appreciate the freedoms they enjoy today and to recognize the importance of standing up for what they believe in.Overall, I believe that patriotic movies can play a valuable role in shaping a country's cultural identity and fostering a sense of pride and unity among its citizens.中文:谈到爱国电影,我认为它们是一个国家文化遗产的重要组成部分。
P美国历史笔记总结战争:1、The War of Independence 1775-1782 (美国胜)美国独立战争(The American Revolution),也称“北美独立战争”。
这就是有名的波士顿倾茶事件(Boston Tea Party)。
” 美国独立战争的胜利,对欧洲及拉丁美洲的资产阶级革命起了推动作用。
2、The War of 1812 (VS英国,确立了星条旗和国歌歌词)(与英国平,但是美国的巨大进步)这场战争中美国以弱击强,虽然没有夺取领土,但使英国放弃了征服美国的打算。
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Writs of Assistance
The king angered the colonists again by enacting the Writs of Assistance, which was another old law. This allowed the use of general search warrants, which let them search anyone, anytime, anywhere. The colonists were very angry and
British ActionsSteps to Revoluion2020/12/10
Proclamation of
The Proclamation of 1763 was an act in which the king said NO! to settling west of Appalachian Mountains. The colonists disobeyed his 2020/12/10
•The result of the American Revolution was a new nation called the United States of A m e r i c a 2020/12/10
French and Indian War (1754-1763)
The British won the French and Indian War but had a large debt because of it. They decide to tax the colonies for defending them in the war.
1773 1774
Colonists were angry
The Stamp Act Congress & Sons of Liberty
The Stamp Act of 1765
The colonists responded by creating the Stamp Act Congress and refused to buy stamps or stamped paper. They also burned pictures of the King in effigy!
Townshend Acts
Another act, the Townshend Acts of 1767, placed taxes on glass, lead, paint and tea and was used to pay salaries of colonial officers – including governors & judges. In response, the colonists boycotted all British g o o d s . 2020/12/10
By 1763, the colonists had enjoyed a great amount of freedom. They resented the new orders issued by the king and of being taxed without their
American Revolutionary War
The American Revolution 1775-1783
•The revolutionary war is also known as the American Revolution
•The war was fought between the British and the Colonists
British Actions
Steps to Revolution
Each step moved us closer to war
The Proclamation of 1763
The Stamp Act
The Sugar Act
1763 1764 1765
Colonial Responses
The Quartering Act 1765
said that colonists must provide for salaries, housing, and supplies for British soldiers. The colonists did not agree and did not obey!
Sugar Act of 1764
The Sugar Act
lowered taxes
from the Molasses
Act, but was more
strictly enforced than
The Stamp Act of 1765
placed taxes on any articles written on paper. This included newspapers, wills, licenses, deeds, and pamphlets.
Navigation Acts 1756
King George III used an old law to make the colonists pay taxes on goods shipped in English ships. The colonists responded by smuggling goods!