Ceramics & Homeware final
中文英文陶瓷ceramics无机非金属材料inorganic nonmetallic materials烧制firing硬度hardness耐磨wear-resistant耐高温high-temperature resistant耐腐蚀corrosion-resistant粘土clay二、陶瓷的分类根据陶瓷的成分、结构和性能,可以将其分为以下几类:传统陶瓷(traditional ceramics):是指以天然粘土为主要原料,经过成型、干燥和低温或中温烧制而成的陶瓷,主要包括陶器(earthenware)、粗陶器(stoneware)、瓷器(porcelain)、玻璃(glass)等。
传统陶瓷通常具有多孔性(porosity)、不透明性(opacity)和低强度(low strength)等特征,主要用于日用器皿(tableware)、艺术品(artworks)、建筑材料(building materials)等领域。
特种陶瓷(special ceramics):是指以高纯度的无机非金属化合物为主要原料,经过粉末冶金工艺和高温烧结而成的陶瓷,主要包括氧化物陶瓷(oxide ceramics)、非氧化物陶瓷(non-oxide ceramics)、复合陶瓷(composite ceramics)等。
特种陶瓷通常具有高强度(high strength)、高硬度(high hardness)、高耐热性(high heat resistance)和高耐蚀性(high corrosion resistance)等特征,主要用于电子器件(electronic devices)、机械零件(mechanical parts)、生物医学材料(biomedical materials)等领域。
2.1 Introduction of ceramics
applications is evidenced in land, sea, air, and
space industries.
A challenge arises that brings to the fore the
realm of advanced ceramics.
Ceramic compounds can be defined as
Clay products
Glass Cement
Include artificial raw materials, exhibit specialized properties, required more sophisticated processing
Structural Electronic Optical
Ceramics, or engineered ceramics, or new ceramics, or Value added ceramics
Taxonomy(分类学) of traditional ceramic materials based on application
Taxonomy of advanced ceramic materials based on application
Raw materials
Some of these ceramics are intermetallic compounds. Originally, ceramics were clay-based materexpensive compared with competing materials. Consisting primarily of forms of silicon, aluminum, and oxygen—the most abundant elements in the earth’s crust(地壳) —ceramics
所产的瓷器有日用瓷与陈设瓷,薄胎注浆, 瓷质洁白,装饰的主要特色是釉下五彩,闻名中 外。另除有釉上贴花和喷花等外,1958年还试制 成功一种感光晒花的新装饰法。建国以后,这个 地区的瓷器在技术方面不断革新创造,生产发展 很快,已成为全国重要的瓷区之一。
相传有八百多年的历史。以人物、鸟兽等雕塑陈列品为主。釉 色丰富,刻画细腻,形象生动,别具风格。此外还有大量的日用陶器。 建国后,还首创了“结晶釉” 广东石湾也是我国陶器的著名产地之一,以陶塑最为著名。其艺 术风格造型古朴,神态生动,充分发挥坯料和釉料不同质地的特长, 独具地方风格和特色。
以日用陶器为大宗,"苏缸"、酒坛、砂锅,质坚耐用。其 中紫砂工艺陶更为著名,品种有: 壶、杯、碟、瓶、花盆、雕 塑等,质地精密,造型大方,装饰纯朴,具有民族风格。据民 间传说,紫砂陶器盛暑贮茶不易变味,盆栽花草不易烂根。其 传统造型样式有掇球、合菱、竹扁、鹅蛋等多种。宜兴制陶历 史悠久,旧有"陶都"之称,建国后生产发展迅速,已成为全国 综合性的主要陶瓷产区之一。"
拥有2000多年的制瓷历史,具有“集天下名窑之大成, 汇全国技艺之精华”的精湛技艺。形成了“白如玉、明如镜 、薄如纸、声如磬”的独特风格。自古以来,景德镇名瓷“ 行于九域,施及外洋”,为东西方经济与文化艺术交流做出 了重大贡献,并享有举世公认的“瓷都”声誉。当代的景德 镇陶瓷不仅把沉厚丰富的传统技艺与现代寓美意识提炼升华 。而且将中西文化艺术精髓融为一体,以强烈的现代陶瓷艺 术引导陶瓷新潮流。ຫໍສະໝຸດ 期陶器彩陶壶白陶器
童子诵经壶(唐朝) 缠枝牡丹纹瓶(元朝)
Physical properties
Compared to metals:ceramics are lightweight,but low density may also be an indicator of too much porosity in a particular grade .
Mechanical properties
Special Mechanical properties: Good in compression
Very high hardness and greater stiffness than other engineering materials.
Weakness: brittleness
ghting Electrical:
Glass properties of hardness , transparency, and its ability to withstand high temperatures and hold a vacuum at the same time made the light bulb a reality.
As a structural material : the designer should select a ceramic with high theoretical density(99%).
Physical properties
The melting points of ceramics : are among the highest of all engineering materials . The thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity: cover a large spectrum. Most ceramics :electrical insulators ,but some are semiconducting .
璃、陶瓷和水泥 Glass、Ceramics、Cement
医学应用: 医学应用:内窥镜
高温结构陶瓷的特点 高温结构陶瓷的特点: 特点:
耐高温、耐氧化、耐酸碱腐蚀、 耐高温、耐氧化、耐酸碱腐蚀、 硬度大、耐磨损、 硬度大、耐磨损、密度小
讨论: 讨论:
‼采用高温结构陶瓷制造发动机有哪些 采用高温结构陶瓷制造发动机有哪些 采用 优点呢? 优点呢?
提示: 普通柴油发动机带有水箱。 提示: 普通柴油发动机带有水箱。
铸铁发动机高温时容易损坏,需用水冷却, 铸铁发动机高温时容易损坏,需用水冷却, 浪费热能。 浪费热能。 高温结构陶瓷发动机工作温度稳定在1300℃, 高温结构陶瓷发动机工作温度稳定在 ℃ 燃料充分燃烧,热效应提高,且质轻。 燃料充分燃烧,热效应提高,且质轻。
(5)变色玻璃 (5)变色玻璃
(AgBr与微量CuO) AgBr与微量 与微量CuO)
4.玻璃瓶装药品的几个问题: .玻璃瓶装药品的几个问题: ①HF:SiO2 + 4HF =SiF4 + 2H2O 可用于刻 : 花玻璃,不能装氢氟酸。 花玻璃,不能装氢氟酸。 ②玻璃塞:带有磨口的玻璃塞,与碱液反应。 玻璃塞:带有磨口的玻璃塞,与碱液反应。 SiO2 + 2NaOH = Na2SiO3 + H2O 使二者 粘在一起,所以不能装碱液。 粘在一起,所以不能装碱液。
4. 几个概念: 几个概念: 水泥砂浆 ——水泥、沙子和水的混合物 水泥、 水泥 混凝土 ——水泥、沙子、碎石和水的混合物 水泥 钢筋混凝土 ——混凝土和钢筋混合在一起 混凝土和钢筋混合在一起 5. 水泥的等级: 水泥的等级: 42.5、52.5、62.5, 42.5、52.5、62.5,等级越高性能越好 6.不足: 吸水性强, 6.不足: 吸水性强,保质期不长 不足
陶瓷的发展历史(Development history of ceramics)Development history of ceramicsThe invention of ceramics is an important process of human civilization, is a human use of natural products, according to a new thing himself created, a long history of China ceramic production has more than 11700 years ago.About four thousand years ago, the development of agricultural production continued to progress. Private ownership began to sprout, and the social forms of primitive clan tribes could not meet the new requirements.Xia and Shang, Wednesday the generation of ceramic varieties can be divided into pottery, pottery, pottery, pottery, pottery and other original. In daily life is the most used grey pottery, there are also people to face, rope or basket simple lines, or painted with complex patterns; and in the process of making matrix with rackets, printing, engraving, and scratch technique for heap texture. For the other functions of this period are still in eating utensils, beans, Ding, kettle, Li, Gu, etc.. White pottery had appeared in the late Neolithic period, which has a further development. The raw materials used for white porcelain, fine texture, firing temperature is higher than the other varieties of pottery. The shape and decoration are directly affected by the bronze wares in the same period, the art value in the bronze under.Through the long-term practice of Shaozao white pottery and pottery, continue to improve the selection of raw materials and processing, at least in the mid primitiveporcelain emerged, tothe Western Zhou Dynasty, spring and autumn and Warring States period beginning to flourish. Fetal sintering degree and device application so that the original porcelain glaze, non absorbent and more beautiful. The original porcelain are generally in the glaze before the body on geometry patterns, showing green, green yellow glaze.From pottery to porcelainIn the history of the development of China's ceramics, there are pottery, porcelain, porcelain from pottery. China's ancient pottery industry has brilliant and unique achievements.A large number of pottery and pottery fragments have been unearthed in the Neolithic sites of the the Yellow River basin and the Yangtze River basin. Many of them have not only is the daily necessities of life, and has an obvious tendency to become art, ceramic art, such as pottery pottery and pottery industry outstanding achievements. With the development of ceramics, pottery from clay strip casting progress to wheel has the advantages of simple structure, horizontal hole kiln and earthen kiln has been replaced by the backward burning from the ground, control of temperature and atmosphere on the kiln has gained some experience, the highest sintering temperature to 1100 DEG C that is close to the pottery and porcelain of the "critical" temperature. Since the early Shang Dynasty, which has appeared in the white porcelain pottery material and the firing temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius stamped hard pottery, began the transition from pottery to porcelain.From primitive celadon to celadonDifferent from the original celadon pottery, original celadon pottery is hard and durable, and the surface is coated with a glaze, percussion sound crisp and sweet. But the original celadon material handling and clay refining is relatively rough, without fine filtration, washing, kneading, stale process, because the tyre material plasticity, other small monotonous; impurities of body material, the matrix will crack; glaze instability, uneven thickness, and reveal the fetal flow glaze. The early development of the Eastern Han Dynasty celadon, formed by casting a quick round body, in the bottom and bonding type, warping, surface smooth, glaze layer thickening, glaze with improved peeling phenomenon rarely occurs. These indications indicate that the primitive celadon began to break away from the primitive state and entered the mature celadon stage.Six porcelain, five kilnsThe Song Dynasty is Chinese feudal society after the third after the Han and Tang Dynasties period of prosperity, science and technology, literature, art and handicraft industry is highly developed, the ceramic industry is booming and kilns throughout the country, the local rich style, can be summarized as "six kiln line" and the "five famous kilns". "Six Dayao" refers to the north, Jun Ding Department of attack, kiln of Yaozhou, Cizhou kiln celadon and Longquan in the south, Jingdezhen celadon kiln system. The "five famous kilns" kiln, kiln, kiln, Ding, Jun. The two Song Dynasty kiln system basically established, porcelain kiln which is different from the folk art style artifacts.The rise of Jingdezhen porcelain in the Yuan Dynasty, and the blue and white porcelain, underglaze red porcelain and glaze porcelain famous put eggs.Painted porcelainChinese ceramic art after thousands of years of development, to the Ming and Qing Dynasties showing a glorious and resplendent scene, all kinds of ceramic art bright brightness. With the blue and white porcelain for porcelain flourished: color, color, three color, three color, pigment glaze, pastel colored enamel porcelain in Ming and Qing Dynasties, ceramic art of the great, full of artistic charm. Color glazed firing into the realm of perfection, variety innovation: monochrome blue glaze, red glaze, Lang red glaze, cowpea red glaze, yellow glaze, green glaze etc.. Porcelain technology also has a new breakthrough, wheel rotary knife instead of turning bamboo knife, and started using blowing glaze technology, the quality and quantity of the rapid increase of china. The porcelain industry in the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the peak in the history of Chinese porcelain development and has a great influence on China's porcelain industry today.Because of the age and different regions in glaze composition and production method is also more or less have a more obvious difference, so in the identification of a ceramics cannot leave careful observation in this area. Observation of porcelain enamel, in general should pay attention to several aspects of the characteristics of the enamel thickness, gloss, and bubble size and density etc.As the old porcelain is the so-called "light" or "crisp light" kind of luster, the deep moist glaze is formed naturally as timeworn. The new porcelain is more than a full glare of the "fire", but some fake goods after the tea, Tuo, dipping, pulp soil processing, can also be the "fire" to the net (such as using a magnifying glass to observe carefully, can find flaws and natural gloss). On the contrary, has always been properly preserved the old porcelain, some never opened and preserved, once out of the box (such as its luster is still bright as new encounters this kind of new old porcelain, must be from the aspects of shape, color, enamel, decorations and marks are considered as). So, if only by light is the so-called "bright" as a calendar year old card is not reliable, and as the old porcelain is often called the general pattern, ox hair pattern, roe crab claw pattern, eel blood lines, ice cracks of different size film lines, these have become the characteristics natural Song Guanyao, Ge, Ru porcelain and so on, but later imitation can also make a similar pattern with human slices. Especially Yongzheng and Qianlong period, imitation, imitation products Jingdezhen brother most confusing, slightly inattentive easily confused. Therefore, it is still necessary to further observe the size and density of the bubbles contained in the glaze, so as not to be dazzled by the illusion. If the officer, Ge glaze bubble close save like beads, Ru glaze sparse if Morningstar, and Xuande glaze has so-called "brown eyes" and so on, these are not easy to imitate, can be used as a clue of time.In addition, attention should be paid to the degree of glaze thickness, glaze shrinkage and flowing state of the enamel during the observation of enamel. Such as Song Dynasty as the kiln enamel enamel with heap fat, Ding Leihen, Ming and Qingporcelain was as thin as egg bodiless curtain or Ying like jade, these of course are commendable, but later imitations can roughly approximate. If you do not refer to other features, and pay attention to the device and mouth edge, foot, foot and so on, you tend to lose the one-sided. For example, the Zhuo and glaze are inconsistent and often have defects, cracks and leakage of kiln glaze, glaze shrinkage, clamping; Yongle glaze ware, bottom, side angle and thin glaze at white and yellow flash flash, flash light at the poly glaze thick pea green, and cut the table the glaze was homogeneous; Kangxi Lang kiln red glaze is the so-called "talk pedal Lang does not flow" and "rice" or "apple green" and other features. These are the imitations of later generations, difficult to imitate.Chinese modern ceramics: after the Opium War, China became a semi feudal and semi colonial society, China national industry has been seriously destroyed, Qianzai kilns also tends to stagnation and decline. Ceramic production levels continued to decline, the scale of production is also shrinking, the manufacturing process is still along the line of the old law. After all, Chinese has a long tradition of porcelain, the porcelain industry stunt, in the case of extremely difficulties and hardships,To develop the manual skills for the characteristics of antique porcelain, art porcelain production, adhere to the manufacturing and foreign machine porcelain phase resistance, maintain China porcelain in the international reputation, in decline shows the potential for the revitalization of ceramics.Now, we are in the period of socialist construction, societyis developing rapidly, we should learn more about our national essence, and carry forward our traditional culture.。
介绍陶瓷作用英文作文英文:Ceramics have been used for various purposes throughout history, from creating pottery and porcelain to building materials and even space shuttle heat shields. As a material, ceramics have unique properties that make them useful in a wide range of applications.One of the most notable properties of ceramics is their high resistance to wear and corrosion. This makes themideal for use in machinery and equipment that undergoes a lot of stress and friction, such as bearings and cutting tools. For example, the ceramic ball bearings used in high-speed machinery are able to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures without degrading or wearing down.Another important property of ceramics is their ability to withstand high temperatures. This makes them useful in applications where other materials would melt or deform,such as in furnace linings, gas turbine blades, and even the heat shields of spacecraft. For example, the ceramic tiles on the underside of the Space Shuttle were designed to protect the craft from the intense heat generated during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere.Ceramics are also known for their electrical and magnetic properties, which make them useful in electronic devices and other applications. For example, ceramic capacitors are used in electronic circuits to store electrical energy, while magnetic ceramics are used in microwave devices and magnetic storage media.Overall, ceramics have a wide range of applications due to their unique properties. Whether it's in machinery, construction, electronics, or aerospace, ceramics play a vital role in modern technology.中文:陶瓷在历史上被用于各种用途,从制作陶器和瓷器到建筑材料甚至航天飞船热盾。
4(部分)introduction to ceramics
4Introduction to Ceramics(工)陶瓷简介Definition定义4The word ceramic, derives its name from the Greek keramos, meaning “pottery”, which in turn is derived from an older Sanskrit root, meaning “to burn”.The Greeks used the term to mean “burnt stuff” or “burned earth”.Thus the word was used to refer to a product obtained through the action of fire upon earthy materials.陶瓷这个词。
它的名称来源自希腊keramos这个单词,意思是“陶器” ,陶器这个词反过来起源于更古老的梵文根,意思是“烧” 。
希腊人用这个词,意思是“燃烧的东西”或“燃烧过的土壤” 。
4 Ceramics make up one of three large classes of solid materials.The other material classes include metals and polymers.The combination of two or more of these materials together to produce a new material whose properties would not be attainable by conventional means is called a composite. Examples of composites include steel reinforced concrete,steel belted tyres,glass or carbon fibre—reinforced plastics (so called fibre—glass resins) used for boats,tennis rackets,skis,and racing bikes.4 Ceramics can be defined as inorganic, non-metallic materials that are typically produced using clays and other minerals from the earth or chemically processed powders. Ceramics are typically crystalline in nature and are compounds formed between metallic and non-metallic elements such as aluminium and oxygen(alumina,Al2 03),silicon and nitrogen (silicon nitride, Si3 N4) and silicon and carbon(silicon carbide,SiC).G1ass is often considered a subset of ceramics. Glass is somewhat different from ceramics in that it is amorphous,or has no long range crystalline order.4Most people,when they hear the word ceramics,think of art,dinnerware,pottery, tiles, brick and toilets. The above mentioned products are commonly referred to as traditional or silicate-based ceramics.While these traditional products have been,and continue to be,important to society, a new class of ceramics has emerged that most people are un-aware of.These advanced or technical ceramics are being used for applications such as space shuttle tile, engine components,artificial bones and teeth,computers and other electronic components,and cutting tools,just to name a few.History and Impact on Society4Archaeologists have uncovered man—made ceramics that date back to at least 24000 BC.These ceramics were found in what was formerly Czechoslovakia and were in the form of animal and human figurines,slabs,and balls.These ceramics were made of animal fat and bone mixed with bone ash and a fine clay-like material.After forming,the ceramics were fired at temperatures between 500~800oC in domed and horseshoe shaped kilns partially dug into the ground with loess walls.While it is not clear what these ceramics were used for,it is not thought to have been a utilitarian one.4 The first use of functional pottery vessels is thought to be in 9,000 BC.These vessels were most likely used to hold and store grain and other foods.Ancient glass manufacture is thought to be closely related to pottery making,which flourished in Upper Egypt about 8,000 BC.While firing pottery,the presence of calcium oxide (CaO) containing sand combined with soda and the overheating of the pottery kiln may have resulted in a coloured glaze on the ceramic pot.It is thought that it was not until 1,500 BC that glass was produced independently of ceramics and fashioned into separate items.4 Since these ancient times,the technology and applications of ceramics(including glass) has steadily increased.We often take for granted the major role that ceramics have played in the progress of humankind.Let us look at a few examples of the importance of ceramics in our lives.Modern iron and steel and non—ferrous metal production would not be possible without the use of sophisticated refractory materials that are used to line high temperature furnaces,troughs and ladles.Metals make automobiles,machinery,planes,buildings,and thousands of other useful things possible.Refractory ceramics are enabling materials for other industries as well.The chemical,petroleum,energy conversion,glass and other ceramic industries all rely on refractory materials.4Much of the construction industry depends on the use of ceramic materials.This includes brick,cement,tile,and glass.Cement is used to make concrete which in turn is used for roadways,dams,buildings,and bridges.Uses of glass in the construction industry include various types of windows,glass block,and fibres for use in insulation,ceiling panels and roofing tiles.Brick is used for homes and commercial buildings because of its strength,durability,and beauty.Brick is the only building product that will not burn,melt,dent,peel,warp,rot,rust or be eatenby termites.Tile is used in applications such as flooring,walls,countertops,and fireplaces.Tile is also a very durable and hygienic construction product that adds beauty to any application.4 An important invention that changed the lives of millions of people was the incandescent light bulb.This important invention by Thomas Edison in 1879 would not be possible without the use of glass.Glass’s properties of hardness,transparency,and its ability to withstand high temperatures and hold a vacuum at the same time made the light bulb a reality.The evolution of lighting technology since this time has been characterized by the invention of increasingly brighter and more efficient light sources.By the middle of twentieth century,methods of 1ighting seemed well established——with filament and fluorescent lamps for interiors,neon lamps for exterior advertising and signs,and sodium discharge lamps for streets.Since this time,light—emitting diode(LED)technology has been developed with applications in watches,instrument panel indicators,telecommunications,(optical fibre networks),data storage(CD technology),and document production (1aser printers).4 The electronic industry would not exist without ceramics.Ceramics can be excellent insulators,semiconductors,superconductors,and magnets.It’s hard to imagine not having mobile phones,computers,television,and other consumer electronic products.Ceramic spark plugs,which are electrical insulators,have had a large impact on society.They were first invented in 1 860 to ignite fuel for internal combustion engines and are still being used for this purpose today.Applications include automobiles,boat engines,lawnmowers,and the like.High voltage insulators make it possible to safely carry electricity to houses and businesses.4 The optical fibres have provided a technological breakthrough in the area of telecommunications.Information that was once carried electrically through hundreds of copper wires is now being carried through high—quality transparent silica (glass) fibres.Using this technology has increased the speed and volume of information that can be carried by orders of magnitude over that which is possible using copper cable.The reliability of the transmitted information is also greatly improved with fibre optic fibres.In addition to these benefits,the negative effects of copper mining on the environment are reduced with the use of silica fibres.4 Ceramics play an important role in addressing various environmental needs.Ceramics help decrease pollution,capture toxic materials and encapsulatenuclear waste.Today’s catalytic converters in vehicles are made of cellular ceramics and help convert noxious hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide gases into non—toxic carbon dioxide and water.Advanced ceramic components are starting to be used in diesel and automotive engines.Ceramics’light weight and high—temperature and wear resistant properties,results in more efficient combustion and significant fuel savings.4 Reusable,lightweight ceramic tile make NASA’S space shuttle program possible.These thermal barrier tile protect the astronauts and the shuttle's aluminium frame from the extreme temperatures(up to approximately 1600℃)encountered upon re—entry into the earth’s atmosphere.(Selected from Journal of the American Ceramic Society,by Greg Geiger,1999)。
陶瓷的制作流程英文Ceramic Production Process.Ceramics are a type of material that is made from clay and other minerals. They are fired in a kiln at high temperatures to make them hard and durable. Ceramics are used to make a wide variety of products, including pottery, tiles, and even some types of jewelry.The process of making ceramics begins with theselection of the right type of clay. Different types of clay have different properties, so it is important to choose the right one for the desired product. For example, some clays are more plastic than others, which makes them easier to shape. Other clays are more porous, which makes them better for absorbing water.Once the clay has been selected, it is mixed with water to form a slurry. This slurry is then poured into a mold or shaped by hand. The molded clay is then dried until it ishard enough to be fired in a kiln.The firing process is what makes ceramics hard and durable. Kilns are large ovens that can reach temperatures of up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The clay is fired in the kiln for several hours, until it has reached the desired hardness.Once the clay has been fired, it is cooled and then glazed. Glaze is a thin layer of glass that is applied to the surface of the ceramic. Glaze helps to protect the ceramic from moisture and wear. It also gives the ceramic a shiny finish.The glazed ceramic is then fired in the kiln again, at a lower temperature. This second firing process helps to melt the glaze and fuse it to the surface of the ceramic.Once the ceramic has been glazed and fired, it is complete. Ceramics are a beautiful and versatile material that can be used to make a wide variety of products.Stages of Ceramic Production.The ceramic production process can be divided into five main stages:1. Preparation of the clay.2. Forming of the ceramic.3. Drying of the ceramic.4. Firing of the ceramic.5. Glazing of the ceramic.Preparation of the Clay.The first stage in the ceramic production process is the preparation of the clay. This involves mixing the clay with water to form a slurry. The slurry is then filtered to remove any impurities.The slurry is then poured into a mold or shaped by hand. The molded clay is then dried until it is hard enough to be fired in a kiln.Drying of the Ceramic.The drying process is important because it helps to prevent the ceramic from cracking during firing. Theceramic is dried slowly and evenly to allow the moisture to escape gradually.Firing of the Ceramic.The firing process is what makes ceramics hard and durable. The ceramic is fired in a kiln at high temperatures, typically between 1,000 and 1,200 degrees Celsius. The firing process takes several hours, and the temperature is carefully controlled to ensure that the ceramic reaches the desired hardness.Once the ceramic has been fired, it is cooled and then glazed. Glaze is a thin layer of glass that is applied to the surface of the ceramic. Glaze helps to protect the ceramic from moisture and wear. It also gives the ceramic a shiny finish.The glazed ceramic is then fired in the kiln again, at a lower temperature. This second firing process helps to melt the glaze and fuse it to the surface of the ceramic.Quality Control.The ceramic production process is carefully controlled to ensure that the finished product meets the desired quality standards. The following quality control measures are typically employed:Visual inspection of the ceramic to check for any defects, such as cracks or chips.Dimensional inspection to ensure that the ceramic is the correct size and shape.Mechanical testing to test the strength and durability of the ceramic.Chemical testing to ensure that the ceramic meets the specified chemical composition.Applications of Ceramics.Ceramics are used in a wide variety of applications, including:Pottery and tableware.Tiles and flooring.Construction materials.Industrial applications.Jewelry.Ceramics are a versatile and durable material that can be used to create a wide variety of products. The ceramic production process is carefully controlled to ensure that the finished product meets the desired quality standards.。
• 实验部分,不要求将每个实验写的过细,侧量 点放在根据产品的性能分析各道工序存在的问题, 以及在生产中应如何加以控制上。
• 论文要有分析,比较和判断,而不只是实验操 作的记录或参考资料的简单堆积。
4. 实验式表示法 实验式表示法也称坯式表示法,它是采用各种氧化物摩尔数
来表示坯料组成的一种方法,将坯料中的氧化物分为碱性、中性 和酸性氧化物,并计算出其摩尔数后按比例排列。
坯式是陶瓷理论研究中常用的方法,它可以明显地表示出各 组分之间的数量关系,进而分析坯料的性能。
1.了解陶瓷各种工艺实验在生产中的作用与实际意义。 2.掌握陶瓷主要工艺实验的原理、方法与一定的操作 技能。 3.通过陶瓷工艺综合实验了解陶瓷产品的设计程序与 工艺过程。 4.培养学生综合设计实验的能力,提高分析问题、解 决问题和动手能力。
1.掌握陶瓷原料、泥浆性能、坯体干燥性能、 烧成性能和产品性能测试原理、方法和影响实验 结果的因素。
1.4 陶瓷实验流程
4.压制成形 为方便性能测试,可分别压制成条、片的试样。
条状试样,6条,3克 / 条 ,成型压力 20 ~ 30 KN .
片状试样,24片,13克 / 片(片径4 cm ),或8克 / 片 (片径3 cm ),成型压力 30 ~ 40 KN 。
1.3 陶瓷化学组成设计
二. 本次实验的参考资料
1.3 陶瓷化学组成设计
1.3 陶瓷化学组成设计
1.3 陶瓷化学组成设计
陶瓷介绍英文作文英文:Ceramics are a type of material that has been used by humans for thousands of years. They are made from clay and other natural materials, and are often fired at high temperatures to create a hard, durable surface. Ceramics can be found in many different forms, from delicate porcelain vases to sturdy tiles used in construction.One of the things I love about ceramics is their versatility. They can be shaped and molded into almost any form, allowing for endless creativity and expression. For example, I recently visited a pottery studio where I watched a skilled artist create a beautiful vase on the pottery wheel. It was amazing to see how the clay transformed under the artist's hands, and it made me appreciate the artistry and skill that goes into creating ceramics.Another thing that fascinates me about ceramics istheir durability. Unlike many other materials, ceramics are resistant to heat, chemicals, and corrosion, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. For instance, I have a set of ceramic dishes that I use every day, and they still look as good as new after years of use.In addition to their practical uses, ceramics also have a rich cultural history. Many ancient civilizations, such as the Chinese, Greeks, and Egyptians, used ceramics for pottery, art, and even as a form of currency. Learning about the different ways that ceramics have been used throughout history has given me a deeper appreciation for this versatile material.Overall, I think ceramics are truly fascinating. From their versatility and durability to their cultural significance, there's so much to appreciate about this ancient material.中文:陶瓷是一种人类已经使用了几千年的材料。
陶瓷工艺英文介绍Ceramics, as one of the oldest forms of art, possess a unique beauty that has been appreciated by humans for centuries. Ceramic art, also known as pottery, involves the shaping and firing of clay to create functional or decorative objects. The process of creating ceramics requires both skill and precision, and different cultures have developed their own distinct ceramic traditions.The first step in the ceramic process is the preparation of the clay. Clay is a mixture of minerals and organic matter that is found naturally in the earth. It is harvested and then processed to remove impurities, such as rocks or roots. The clay is then kneaded and shaped into the desired form.Once the clay has been prepared, it is ready to be fired. Firing is the process of heating the clay to a high temperature to transform it into a solid, durable material. There are two main types of firing: bisque firing and glaze firing.Bisque firing is the first firing that clay undergoes. The clay objects are placed in a kiln and heated to a temperature of around 1832°F (1000°C). This firing removes any remaining moisture from the clay and hardens it, preparing it for the next step in the process.After the bisque firing, the ceramics are ready to be glazed. Glaze is a liquid mixture of minerals and pigments that, when fired, forms a glassy coating on the surface of the clay. Glaze can be applied to the ceramics through brushing, spraying, or dipping. Once the ceramics are glazed, they are ready for the final firing.Glaze firing is the second firing that the ceramics undergo. The glazed ceramics are placed back in the kiln and heated to a higher temperature than the bisque firing. This firing melts the glaze and fuses it to the surface of the ceramics. It also further strengthens the clay, making it more durable and water-resistant.The final result of the ceramic process is a unique and beautiful object that showcases both creativity and skill. Ceramics can be functional, such as bowls or plates, or purely decorative, such as sculptures or vases.Ceramic art has a rich history that spans across many different cultures and time periods. Each culture has its own unique style and techniques, resulting in a wide variety of ceramic traditions. From the delicate porcelain of China to the vibrant pottery of Mexico, ceramics have played an important role in the artistic expressions of different societies.In addition to its aesthetic value, ceramics also have practical uses. The durability and heat resistance of ceramics make them ideal for a variety of applications, such as cookware or tiles. Ceramic materials are also used in industries such as aerospace and electronics, where their properties are valuable for their specific functions.In conclusion, ceramics are a timeless art form that combines creativity, skill, and science. The process of creating ceramics involves the shaping and firing of clay, resulting in unique and beautiful objects. From functional pottery to decorative sculptures, ceramics have played an important role in human culture throughout history. Whether appreciated for its artistic value or used for its practical applications, ceramic art continues to captivate and inspire us today.。
机电设备、工业器材常用英语词汇陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheel后角clearance angle龙门刨削planing主轴spindle主轴箱headstock卡盘chuck加工中心machining center车刀lathe tool车床lathe钻削镗削bore车削turning磨床grinder基准benchmark钳工locksmith锻forge压模stamping焊weld拉床broaching machine拉孔broaching装配assembling铸造found流体动力学fluid dynamics切线tangent机电一体化mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration 气压air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性stability介质medium液压驱动泵fluid clutch液压泵hydraulic pump阀门valve失效invalidation强度intensity载荷load应力stress安全系数safty factor可靠性reliability螺纹thread螺旋helix键spline销pin滚动轴承rolling bearing滑动轴承sliding bearing弹簧spring制动器arrester brake十字结联轴节crosshead联轴器coupling链chain皮带strap精加工finish machining粗加工rough machining变速箱体gearbox casing腐蚀rust氧化oxidation磨损wear耐用度durability随机信号random signal离散信号discrete signal超声传感器ultrasonic sensor集成电路integrate circuit挡板orifice plate残余应力residual stress套筒sleeve扭力torsion冷加工cold machining电动机electromotor汽缸cylinder过盈配合interference fit热加工hotwork摄像头CCD camera倒角rounding chamfer优化设计optimal design工业造型设计industrial moulding design有限元finite element滚齿hobbing插齿gear shaping镗床boring machine步进电机stepper motor丝杠screw rod导轨lead rail组件subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器Programmable Logic Controller PLC 电火花加工electric spark machining电火花线切割加工electrical discharge wire - cutting相图phase diagram热处理heat treatment固态相变solid state phase changes有色金属nonferrous metal陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension转向器redirector变速器speed changer板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view剖视图profile chart标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement截面section疲劳极限fatigue limit断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear共轭曲线conjugate curve范成法generation method定义域definitional domain值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas动能kinetic energy势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy动量momentum桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shape数模digital analogy液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheelAssembly line 组装线Layout 布置图Conveyer 流水线物料板Rivet table 拉钉机Rivet gun 拉钉枪Screw driver 起子Pneumatic screw driver 气动起子worktable 工作桌OOBA 开箱检查fit together 组装在一起barcode scanner 条码扫描器fuse together 熔合fuse machine热熔机repair修理operator作业员QC品管supervisor 课长ME 制造工程师MT 制造生技cosmetic inspect 外观检查inner parts inspect 内部检查thumb screw 大头螺丝lbs. inch 镑、英寸EMI gasket 导电条front plate 前板rear plate 后板chassis 基座bezel panel 面板power button 电源按键reset button 重置键Hi-pot test of SPS 高源高压测试Voltage switch of SPS 电源电压接拉键sheet metal parts 冲件plastic parts 塑胶件SOP 制造作业程序material check list 物料检查表work cell 工作间trolley 台车carton 纸箱sub-line 支线left fork 叉车personnel resource department 人力资源部production department生产部门planning department企划部QC Section品管科stamping factory冲压厂painting factory烤漆厂molding factory成型厂common equipment常用设备uncoiler and straightener整平机punching machine 冲床robot机械手hydraulic machine油压机lathe车床planer |plein|刨床miller铣床grinder磨床linear cutting线切割electrical sparkle电火花welder电焊机staker=reviting machine铆合机position职务factory director厂长department director部长deputy manager | =vice manager副理section supervisor课长deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor副课长group leader/supervisor组长line supervisor线长assistant manager助理to move, to carry, to handle搬运be put in storage入库pack packing包装to apply oil擦油to file burr 锉毛刺final inspection终检to connect material接料to reverse material 翻料wet station沾湿台Tiana天那水cleaning cloth抹布to load material上料to unload material卸料to return material/stock to退料scraped |\\'skr?pid|报废scrape ..v.刮;削deficient purchase来料不良manufacture procedure制程deficient manufacturing procedure制程不良oxidation |\\' ksi\\'dei?n|氧化scratch刮伤dents压痕defective upsiding down抽芽不良defective to staking铆合不良embedded lump镶块feeding is not in place送料不到位stamping-missing漏冲production capacity生产力education and training教育与训练proposal improvement提案改善spare parts=buffer备件forklift叉车trailer=long vehicle拖板车compound die合模die locker锁模器pressure plate=plate pinch压板bolt螺栓administration/general affairs dept总务部automatic screwdriver电动启子thickness gauge厚薄规gauge(or jig)治具power wire电源线buzzle蜂鸣器defective product label不良标签identifying sheet list标示单decision items决议事项responsible department负责单位pre-fixed finishing date预定完成日approved by / checked by / prepared by核准/审核/承办PCE assembly production schedule sheet PCE组装厂生产排配表model机锺work order工令revision版次remark备注production control confirmation生产确认checked by初审approved by核准department部门stock age analysis sheet 库存货龄分析表on-hand inventory现有库存available material良品可使用obsolete material良品已呆滞to be inspected or reworked 待验或重工total合计cause description原因说明part number/ P/N 料号type形态item/group/class类别quality品质prepared by制表notes说明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet 年终盘点差异分析表physical inventory盘点数量physical count quantity帐面数量difference quantity差异量cause analysis原因分析raw materials原料materials物料finished product成品semi-finished product半成品packing materials包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts良品defective product/non-good parts不良品disposed goods处理品warehouse/hub仓库on way location在途仓oversea location海外仓spare parts physical inventory list备品盘点清单spare molds location模具备品仓skid/pallet栈板tox machine自铆机wire EDM线割EDM放电机coil stock卷料sheet stock片料tolerance工差score=groove压线cam block滑块pocket for the punch head挂钩槽slug hole废料孔feature die公母模expansion dwg展开图radius半径shim(wedge)楔子torch-flame cut火焰切割set screw止付螺丝form block折刀stop pin定位销round pierce punch=die button圆冲子shape punch=die insert异形子stock locater block定位块under cut=scrap chopper清角active plate活动板baffle plate挡块cover plate盖板male die公模female die母模groove punch压线冲子air-cushion eject-rod气垫顶杆spring-box eject-plate弹簧箱顶板bushing block衬套insert 入块club car高尔夫球车capability能力parameter参数factor系数phosphate皮膜化成viscosity涂料粘度alkalidipping脱脂main manifold主集流脉bezel斜视规blanking穿落模dejecting顶固模demagnetization去磁;消磁high-speed transmission高速传递heat dissipation热传rack上料degrease脱脂rinse水洗alkaline etch龄咬desmut剥黑膜D.I. rinse纯水次Chromate铬酸处理Anodize阳性处理seal封孔revision版次part number/P/N料号good products良品scraped products报放心品defective products不良品finished products成品stamping冲压molding成型spare parts=buffer备品coordinate座标dismantle the die折模auxiliary fuction辅助功能poly-line多义线heater band 加热片thermocouple热电偶sand blasting喷沙grit 砂砾derusting machine除锈机degate打浇口dryer烘干机induction感应induction light感应光response=reaction=interaction感应ram连杆edge finder巡边器concave凸convex凹short射料不足nick缺口speck瑕??shine亮班splay 银纹gas mark焦痕delamination起鳞cold slug冷块blush 导色gouge沟槽;凿槽satin texture段面咬花witness line证示线patent专利grit沙砾granule=peuet=grain细粒grit maker抽粒机cushion缓冲magnalium镁铝合金magnesium镁金metal plate钣金lathe车mill锉plane刨grind磨drill铝boring镗blinster气泡fillet镶;嵌边through-hole form通孔形式voller pin formality滚针形式cam driver铡楔shank摸柄production tempo生产进度现状torque扭矩spline=the multiple keys花键quenching淬火tempering回火annealing退火carbonization碳化tungsten high speed steel钨高速的moly high speed steel钼高速的organic solvent有机溶剂bracket小磁导liaison联络单volatile挥发性resistance电阻ion离子titrator滴定仪beacon警示灯coolant冷却液crusher破碎机阿基米德蜗杆Archimedes worm安全系数safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷safe load凹面、凹度concavity扳手wrench板簧flat leaf spring半圆键woodruff key变形deformation摆杆oscillating bar摆动从动件oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构cam with oscillating follower 摆动导杆机构oscillating guide-bar mechanism摆线齿轮cycloidal gear摆线齿形cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律cycloidal motion摆线针轮cycloidal-pin wheel包角angle of contact保持架cage背对背安装back-to-back arrangement背锥back cone ;normal cone背锥角back angle背锥距back cone distance比例尺scale比热容specific heat capacity闭式链closed kinematic chain闭链机构closed chain mechanism臂部arm变频器frequency converters变频调速frequency control of motor speed变速speed change变速齿轮change gear change wheel变位齿轮modified gear变位系数modification coefficient标准齿轮standard gear标准直齿轮standard spur gear表面质量系数superficial mass factor表面传热系数surface coefficient of heat transfer表面粗糙度surface roughness并联式组合combination in parallel并联机构parallel mechanism并联组合机构parallel combined mechanism并行工程concurrent engineering并行设计concurred design, CD不平衡相位phase angle of unbalance不平衡imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量amount of unbalance不完全齿轮机构intermittent gearing波发生器wave generator波数number of waves补偿compensation参数化设计parameterization design, PD残余应力residual stress操纵及控制装置operation control device槽轮Geneva wheel槽轮机构Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数Geneva numerate槽凸轮groove cam侧隙backlash差动轮系differential gear train差动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism差速器differential常用机构conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use车床lathe承载量系数bearing capacity factor承载能力bearing capacity成对安装paired mounting尺寸系列dimension series齿槽tooth space齿槽宽spacewidth齿侧间隙backlash齿顶高addendum齿顶圆addendum circle齿根高dedendum齿根圆dedendum circle齿厚tooth thickness齿距circular pitch齿宽face width齿廓tooth profile齿廓曲线tooth curve齿轮gear齿轮变速箱speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构pinion and rack齿轮插刀pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter齿轮滚刀hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构gear齿轮轮坯blank齿轮传动系pinion unit齿轮联轴器gear coupling齿条传动rack gear齿数tooth number齿数比gear ratio齿条rack齿条插刀rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链silent chain齿形系数form factor齿式棘轮机构tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机gear shaper重合点coincident points重合度contact ratio冲床punch传动比transmission ratio, speed ratio传动装置gearing; transmission gear传动系统driven system传动角transmission angle传动轴transmission shaft串联式组合combination in series串联式组合机构series combined mechanism串级调速cascade speed control创新innovation creation创新设计creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷normal load唇形橡胶密封lip rubber seal磁流体轴承magnetic fluid bearing从动带轮driven pulley从动件driven link, follower从动件平底宽度width of flat-face从动件停歇follower dwell从动件运动规律follower motion从动轮driven gear粗线bold line粗牙螺纹coarse thread大齿轮gear wheel打包机packer打滑slipping带传动belt driving带轮belt pulley带式制动器band brake单列轴承single row bearing单向推力轴承single-direction thrust bearing单万向联轴节single universal joint单位矢量unit vector当量齿轮equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth当量摩擦系数equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷equivalent load刀具cutter导数derivative倒角chamfer导热性conduction of heat导程lead导程角lead angle等加等减速运动规律parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion 等速运动规律uniform motion; constant velocity motion等径凸轮conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮constant-breadth cam等效构件equivalent link等效力equivalent force等效力矩equivalent moment of force等效量equivalent等效质量equivalent mass等效转动惯量equivalent moment of inertia等效动力学模型dynamically equivalent model底座chassis低副lower pair点划线chain dotted line(疲劳)点蚀pitting垫圈gasket垫片密封gasket seal碟形弹簧belleville spring顶隙bottom clearance定轴轮系ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动力学dynamics动密封kinematical seal动能dynamic energy动力粘度dynamic viscosity动力润滑dynamic lubrication动平衡dynamic balance动平衡机dynamic balancing machine动态特性dynamic characteristics动态分析设计dynamic analysis design动压力dynamic reaction动载荷dynamic load端面transverse plane端面参数transverse parameters端面齿距transverse circular pitch端面齿廓transverse tooth profile端面重合度transverse contact ratio端面模数transverse module端面压力角transverse pressure angle锻造forge对称循环应力symmetry circulating stress对心滚子从动件radial (or in-line ) roller follower 对心直动从动件radial (or in-line ) translating follower对心移动从动件radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism多列轴承multi-row bearing多楔带poly V-belt多项式运动规律polynomial motion多质量转子rotor with several masses惰轮idle gear额定寿命rating life额定载荷load ratingII 级杆组dyad发生线generating line发生面generating plane法面normal plane法面参数normal parameters法面齿距normal circular pitch法面模数normal module法面压力角normal pressure angle法向齿距normal pitch法向齿廓normal tooth profile法向直廓蜗杆straight sided normal worm法向力normal force反馈式组合feedback combining反向运动学inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法kinematic inversion反正切Arctan范成法generating cutting仿形法form cutting方案设计、概念设计concept design, CD防振装置shockproof device飞轮flywheel飞轮矩moment of flywheel非标准齿轮nonstandard gear非接触式密封non-contact seal非周期性速度波动aperiodic speed fluctuation非圆齿轮non-circular gear粉末合金powder metallurgy分度线reference line; standard pitch line分度圆reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle 分度圆柱导程角lead angle at reference cylinder分度圆柱螺旋角helix angle at reference cylinder分母denominator分子numerator分度圆锥reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法analytical method封闭差动轮系planetary differential复合铰链compound hinge复合式组合compound combining复合轮系compound (or combined) gear train复合平带compound flat belt复合应力combined stress复式螺旋机构Compound screw mechanism复杂机构complex mechanism杆组Assur group干涉interference刚度系数stiffness coefficient刚轮rigid circular spline钢丝软轴wire soft shaft刚体导引机构body guidance mechanism刚性冲击rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子rigid rotor刚性轴承rigid bearing刚性联轴器rigid coupling高度系列height series高速带high speed belt高副higher pair格拉晓夫定理Grashoff`s law根切undercutting公称直径nominal diameter高度系列height series功work工况系数application factor工艺设计technological design工作循环图working cycle diagram工作机构operation mechanism工作载荷external loads工作空间working space工作应力working stress工作阻力effective resistance工作阻力矩effective resistance moment公法线common normal line公共约束general constraint公制齿轮metric gears功率power功能分析设计function analyses design共轭齿廓conjugate profiles共轭凸轮conjugate cam构件link鼓风机blower固定构件fixed link; frame固体润滑剂solid lubricant关节型操作器jointed manipulator惯性力inertia force惯性力矩moment of inertia ,shaking moment 惯性力平衡balance of shaking force 惯性力完全平衡full balance of shaking force 惯性力部分平衡partial balance of shaking force 惯性主矩resultant moment of inertia惯性主失resultant vector of inertia冠轮crown gear广义机构generation mechanism广义坐标generalized coordinate轨迹生成path generation轨迹发生器path generator滚刀hob滚道raceway滚动体rolling element滚动轴承rolling bearing滚动轴承代号rolling bearing identification code滚针needle roller滚针轴承needle roller bearing滚子roller滚子轴承roller bearing滚子半径radius of roller滚子从动件roller follower滚子链roller chain滚子链联轴器double roller chain coupling滚珠丝杆ball screw滚柱式单向超越离合器roller clutch过度切割undercutting函数发生器function generator函数生成function generation含油轴承oil bearing耗油量oil consumption耗油量系数oil consumption factor赫兹公式H. Hertz equation合成弯矩resultant bending moment合力resultant force合力矩resultant moment of force黑箱black box横坐标abscissa互换性齿轮interchangeable gears花键spline滑键、导键feather key滑动轴承sliding bearing滑动率sliding ratio滑块slider环面蜗杆toroid helicoids worm环形弹簧annular spring缓冲装置shocks; shock-absorber灰铸铁grey cast iron回程return回转体平衡balance of rotors混合轮系compound gear train积分integrate机电一体化系统设计mechanical-electrical integration system design机构mechanism机构分析analysis of mechanism机构平衡balance of mechanism机构学mechanism机构运动设计kinematic design of mechanism机构运动简图kinematic sketch of mechanism机构综合synthesis of mechanism机构组成constitution of mechanism机架frame, fixed link机架变换kinematic inversion机器machine机器人robot机器人操作器manipulator机器人学robotics技术过程technique process技术经济评价technical and economic evaluation技术系统technique system机械machinery机械创新设计mechanical creation design, MCD机械系统设计mechanical system design, MSD机械动力分析dynamic analysis of machinery机械动力设计dynamic design of machinery机械动力学dynamics of machinery机械的现代设计modern machine design机械系统mechanical system机械利益mechanical advantage机械平衡balance of machinery机械手manipulator机械设计machine design; mechanical design机械特性mechanical behavior机械调速mechanical speed governors机械效率mechanical efficiency机械原理theory of machines and mechanisms机械运转不均匀系数coefficient of speed fluctuation机械无级变速mechanical stepless speed changes基础机构fundamental mechanism基本额定寿命basic rating life基于实例设计case-based design,CBD基圆base circle基圆半径radius of base circle基圆齿距base pitch基圆压力角pressure angle of base circle基圆柱base cylinder基圆锥base cone急回机构quick-return mechanism急回特性quick-return characteristics急回系数advance-to return-time ratio急回运动quick-return motion棘轮ratchet棘轮机构ratchet mechanism棘爪pawl极限位置extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions 计算机辅助设计computer aided design, CAD计算机辅助制造computer aided manufacturing, CAM计算机集成制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS 计算力矩factored moment; calculation moment计算弯矩calculated bending moment加权系数weighting efficient加速度acceleration加速度分析acceleration analysis加速度曲线acceleration diagram尖点pointing; cusp尖底从动件knife-edge follower间隙backlash间歇运动机构intermittent motion mechanism减速比reduction ratio减速齿轮、减速装置reduction gear减速器speed reducer减摩性anti-friction quality渐开螺旋面involute helicoid渐开线involute渐开线齿廓involute profile渐开线齿轮involute gear渐开线发生线generating line of involute渐开线方程involute equation渐开线函数involute function渐开线蜗杆involute worm渐开线压力角pressure angle of involute渐开线花键involute spline简谐运动simple harmonic motion键key键槽keyway交变应力repeated stress交变载荷repeated fluctuating load交叉带传动cross-belt drive交错轴斜齿轮crossed helical gears胶合scoring角加速度angular acceleration角速度angular velocity角速比angular velocity ratio角接触球轴承angular contact ball bearing角接触推力轴承angular contact thrust bearing角接触向心轴承angular contact radial bearing角接触轴承angular contact bearing铰链、枢纽hinge校正平面correcting plane接触应力contact stress接触式密封contact seal阶梯轴multi-diameter shaft结构structure结构设计structural design截面section节点pitch point节距circular pitch; pitch of teeth节线pitch line节圆pitch circle节圆齿厚thickness on pitch circle节圆直径pitch diameter节圆锥pitch cone节圆锥角pitch cone angle解析设计analytical design紧边tight-side紧固件fastener径节diametral pitch径向radial direction径向当量动载荷dynamic equivalent radial load径向当量静载荷static equivalent radial load径向基本额定动载荷basic dynamic radial load rating 径向基本额定静载荷basic static radial load tating 径向接触轴承radial contact bearing径向平面radial plane径向游隙radial internal clearance径向载荷radial load径向载荷系数radial load factor径向间隙clearance静力static force静平衡static balance静载荷static load静密封static seal局部自由度passive degree of freedom矩阵matrix矩形螺纹square threaded form锯齿形螺纹buttress thread form矩形牙嵌式离合器square-jaw positive-contact clutch 绝对尺寸系数absolute dimensional factor绝对运动absolute motion绝对速度absolute velocity均衡装置load balancing mechanism抗压强度compression strength开口传动open-belt drive开式链open kinematic chain开链机构open chain mechanism可靠度degree of reliability可靠性reliability可靠性设计reliability design, RD空气弹簧air spring空间机构spatial mechanism空间连杆机构spatial linkage空间凸轮机构spatial cam空间运动副spatial kinematic pair空间运动链spatial kinematic chain空转idle宽度系列width series框图block diagram雷诺方程Reynolds‘s equatio n离心力centrifugal force离心应力centrifugal stress离合器clutch离心密封centrifugal seal理论廓线pitch curve理论啮合线theoretical line of action隶属度membership力force力多边形force polygon力封闭型凸轮机构force-drive (or force-closed) cam mechanism力矩moment力平衡equilibrium力偶couple力偶矩moment of couple连杆connecting rod, coupler连杆机构linkage连杆曲线coupler-curve连心线line of centers链chain链传动装置chain gearing链轮sprocket sprocket-wheel sprocket gear chain wheel联组V 带tight-up V belt联轴器coupling shaft coupling两维凸轮two-dimensional cam临界转速critical speed六杆机构six-bar linkage龙门刨床double Haas planer轮坯blank轮系gear train螺杆screw螺距thread pitch螺母screw nut螺旋锥齿轮helical bevel gear螺钉screws螺栓bolts螺纹导程lead螺纹效率screw efficiency螺旋传动power screw螺旋密封spiral seal螺纹thread (of a screw)螺旋副helical pair螺旋机构screw mechanism螺旋角helix angle螺旋线helix ,helical line绿色设计green design design for environment马耳他机构Geneva wheel Geneva gear马耳他十字Maltese cross脉动无级变速pulsating stepless speed changes脉动循环应力fluctuating circulating stress脉动载荷fluctuating load铆钉rivet迷宫密封labyrinth seal密封seal密封带seal belt密封胶seal gum密封元件potted component密封装置sealing arrangement面对面安装face-to-face arrangement面向产品生命周期设计design for product`s life cycle, DPLC 名义应力、公称应力nominal stress模块化设计modular design, MD模块式传动系统modular system模幅箱morphology box模糊集fuzzy set模糊评价fuzzy evaluation模数module摩擦friction摩擦角friction angle摩擦力friction force摩擦学设计tribology design, TD摩擦阻力frictional resistance摩擦力矩friction moment摩擦系数coefficient of friction摩擦圆friction circle磨损abrasion wear; scratching末端执行器end-effector目标函数objective function耐腐蚀性corrosion resistance耐磨性wear resistance挠性机构mechanism with flexible elements挠性转子flexible rotor内齿轮internal gear内齿圈ring gear内力internal force内圈inner ring能量energy能量指示图viscosity逆时针counterclockwise (or anticlockwise)啮出engaging-out啮合engagement, mesh, gearing啮合点contact points啮合角working pressure angle啮合线line of action啮合线长度length of line of action啮入engaging-in牛头刨床shaper凝固点freezing point; solidifying point扭转应力torsion stress扭矩moment of torque扭簧helical torsion spring诺模图NomogramO 形密封圈密封O ring seal盘形凸轮disk cam盘形转子disk-like rotor抛物线运动parabolic motion疲劳极限fatigue limit疲劳强度fatigue strength偏置式offset偏( 心) 距offset distance偏心率eccentricity ratio偏心质量eccentric mass偏置滚子从动件offset roller follower偏置尖底从动件offset knife-edge follower 偏置曲柄滑块机构offset slider-crank mechanism拼接matching评价与决策evaluation and decision频率frequency平带flat belt平带传动flat belt driving平底从动件flat-face follower平底宽度face width平分线bisector平均应力average stress平均中径mean screw diameter平均速度average velocity平衡balance平衡机balancing machine平衡品质balancing quality平衡平面correcting plane平衡质量balancing mass平衡重counterweight平衡转速balancing speed平面副planar pair, flat pair平面机构planar mechanism平面运动副planar kinematic pair平面连杆机构planar linkage平面凸轮planar cam平面凸轮机构planar cam mechanism平面轴斜齿轮parallel helical gears普通平键parallel key其他常用机构other mechanism in common use起动阶段starting period启动力矩starting torque气动机构pneumatic mechanism奇异位置singular position起始啮合点initial contact , beginning of contact气体轴承gas bearing千斤顶jack嵌入键sunk key强迫振动forced vibration切齿深度depth of cut曲柄crank曲柄存在条件Grashoff`s law曲柄导杆机构crank shaper (guide-bar) mechanism 曲柄滑块机构slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism 曲柄摇杆机构crank-rocker mechanism曲齿锥齿轮spiral bevel gear曲率curvature曲率半径radius of curvature曲面从动件curved-shoe follower曲线拼接curve matching曲线运动curvilinear motion曲轴crank shaft驱动力driving force驱动力矩driving moment (torque)球ball球面滚子convex roller球轴承ball bearing球面副spheric pair球面渐开线spherical involute球面运动spherical motion球销副sphere-pin pair球坐标操作器polar coordinate manipulator燃点spontaneous ignition热平衡heat balance; thermal equilibrium人字齿轮herringbone gear冗余自由度redundant degree of freedom柔轮flexspline柔性冲击flexible impulse; soft shock柔性制造系统flexible manufacturing system; FMS柔性自动化flexible automation润滑油膜lubricant film润滑装置lubrication device润滑lubrication润滑剂lubricant三角形花键serration spline三角形螺纹V thread screw三维凸轮three-dimensional cam三心定理Kennedy`s theorem砂轮越程槽grinding wheel groove砂漏hour-glass少齿差行星传动planetary drive with small teeth difference 设计方法学design methodology设计变量design variable设计约束design constraints深沟球轴承deep groove ball bearing生产阻力productive resistance升程rise升距lift实际廓线cam profile十字滑块联轴器double slider coupling; Oldham‘s coupling矢量vector输出功output work输出构件output link输出机构output mechanism输出力矩output torque输出轴output shaft输入构件input link数学模型mathematic model实际啮合线actual line of action双滑块机构double-slider mechanism, ellipsograph双曲柄机构double crank mechanism双曲面齿轮hyperboloid gear双头螺柱studs双万向联轴节constant-velocity (or double) universal joint 双摇杆机构double rocker mechanism双转块机构Oldham coupling双列轴承double row bearing双向推力轴承double-direction thrust bearing。
陶瓷术语 英文
陶瓷术语英文Ceramic Terminology in EnglishCeramics have been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years. From ancient pottery to modern-day technological applications, ceramics have evolved and continue to play a significant role in various industries. In this article, we will explore and explain some commonly used ceramic terminology in English.1. Clay: Clay is a type of fine-grained soil that is rich in minerals and is the primary material used in the production of ceramics. It is often used in its natural state or can be processed and refined for specific applications.2. Kiln: A kiln is a high-temperature oven used for firing ceramics. It is designed to heat the ceramic pieces to a specific temperature, causing chemical and physical changes that result in a permanent and durable product.3. Glaze: Glaze is a glass-like coating applied to ceramics to provide a decorative and protective finish. It is typically a mixture of minerals and pigments that melt and fuse to the ceramic surface during firing, creating a smooth and glossy appearance.4. Bisque: Bisque refers to ceramics that have been fired once but have not yet been glazed. It is a stage in the ceramic production process where the pieces have undergone the initial firing to achieve hardness, making them ready for glazing.5. Porcelain: Porcelain is a type of ceramic that is known for its strength, translucency, and white color. It is made from a specific type of clay called kaolin and fired at a high temperature. Porcelain is commonly used in the production of tableware, sanitary ware, and decorative items.6. Stoneware: Stoneware is a type of ceramic that is fired at a high temperature, resulting in a dense and durable product. It is known for its strength and resistance to chipping and cracking. Stoneware is commonly used in the production of kitchenware, cookware, and decorative items.7. Earthenware: Earthenware is a type of ceramic that is fired at a relatively low temperature. It is known for its porous nature and can be glazed or left unglazed. Earthenware is commonly used in the production of pottery, tiles, and decorative items.8. Bone china: Bone china is a type of porcelain that is made by adding bone ash to the clay mixture. It is known for its whiteness, translucency, and high strength. Bone china is commonly used in the production of fine tableware and decorative items.9. Crazing: Crazing refers to the fine network of cracks that can appear on the surface of a ceramic piece, particularly in the glaze. It is caused by the difference in thermal expansion between the glaze and the ceramic body.10. Sintering: Sintering is the process of fusing ceramic particles together at a high temperature, resulting in a solid and dense product. It is an essential step in the production of ceramics as it helps to strengthen the material and enhance its properties.11. Slip: Slip is a suspension of clay particles in water, often used for casting or decorating ceramics. It can be applied to the surface of a ceramic piece to create texture or can be poured into a mold to create a replica of the original object.12. Greenware: Greenware refers to ceramics that have been shaped but have not yet been fired. It is a term used to describe the unfired state of the clay, which is still soft and pliable. Greenware is fragile and must be handled with care to avoid breakage.13. Raku: Raku is a traditional Japanese firing technique that produces unique and unpredictable results. It involves removing the pieces from the kiln at a high temperature and placing them in a reduction chamber, creating a dramatic and often colorful surface.14. Curing: Curing refers to the process of drying and hardening ceramic pieces before firing. It allows the moisture in the clay to evaporate slowly, reducing the risk of cracking or warping during firing.15. Frit: Frit is a powdered glass that is often used in glazes to enhance their properties. It helps to lower the melting point of the glaze, promote even distribution of colorants, and improve the overall performance of the glaze.In conclusion, ceramics have a rich and diverse vocabulary associated with their production and application. Understanding these terms is essential for anyone interested in the world of ceramics, whether as a hobbyist, artist, or professional. By familiarizing ourselves with the terminology, we can better appreciate the craftsmanship and beauty of ceramics in their various forms.。
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Plastics Printing inks Regenerated cellulose Silicones Textiles Varnishes/coatings Waxes Wood
Definition of a Plastic
“the organic macromolecular compounds obtained by polymerization from molecules with a lower molecular weight or by chemical alteration of natural macromolecules.”
Framework Regulations
Specific Directives
Framework Regulations
European Framework Regulation No. 1935/2004 states that food contact materials shall be safe. They shall not: Transfer their components into the food in quantities that could endanger human health. Change the composition of the food in an unacceptable way. Deteriorate the taste and odour of foodstuffs.
Plastics: Specific Requirements
Vinyl Chloride Monomer – SML 0.01mg/kg of foodstuff Regenerated Cellulose Material – positive list of additives Epoxy Derivatives – BADGE = SML 9mg/kg of foodstuff
Plastics: General Requirements
Shall not transfer their constituents to the food in quantities exceeding 10 milligrams per square decimeter (mg/dm2). Referred to as Overall Migration Limit (OML) In addition to this basic requirement, the annexes of the Directive outline positive lists of approved substances and specifications for plastics – Specific Migration Limits (SML’s)
Other Appropriate Test Methods
ASTM C927 – Lead and cadmium release from the lip & rim area of drinking vessels (American standard) BS EN ISO 10545-15 Lead and 10545cadmium release from Glazed Tiles (Placemats)
Testing Ceramics & Homeware
John Hubbard Head of Research johnh@
Articles In Contact with food Ceramics Glassware Oven gloves & place mats
Physical testing of ceramics
Testing Kitchenware
Mandatory legislation
PAS 54 Specification ■ BS EN Test methods ■ SATRA Test methods ■ General Product Safety Directive ■ Retailer specifications ■ International methods ■ Claim verifications
Labelling, advertising and presentation of food contact materials shall not mislead the consumer.
Framework Regulations: Specific Directives
Active and intelligent materials and articles Adhesives Ceramics Cork Rubbers Glass IonIon-exchange resins Metals and alloys Paper and board
PAS 54 Ceramic testing – (cont.)
Stability of free standing objects ■ Metal release (Lip/rim) ■ Water retention ■ Water absorption ■ Crazing resistance ■ Translucency
EN 1186:2002
Default conditions are 40°C for 10 40° days but these are not appropriate for most articles Temperature & test duration vary depending on the end use. Appropriate conditions for the article
Testing of Ceramics
BS 6748:1986 – Extractable lead and cadmium. The article is filled with 4% Acetic acid for 24 hours. Lead and cadmium determined by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) Limits vary depending on the article Three categories: Flatware, holloware and storage vessel Ceramic testing
Chemical composition ■ Integrity of handle attachment ■ Resistance to impact (Rim and handle) ■ Thermal shock resistance ■ Lid security and pouring characteristics ■ Handles and knob temperature ■ Microwave resistance
Specific Directives: Others
Nitrosamines in babies’ dummies Lead from metal coatings Plasticisers in gaskets and lids
Companies and manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that the product they sell, use or import complies with the relevant regulations. Enforced by Trading Standards – “Routine” analysis of products on marketplace. Traceability – “One Forward and one Back Principle”.
Marked “for food use” or Manufacturers, retailers and importers need to show compliance Appropriate testing required (representative sample)
Additional Information
Definition: an article manufactured from a mixture of inorganic materials with a very fine grained material, such as clay, or a silicate to which inorganic materials may have been added, which are shaped and fired. Directive 84/500/EEC Testing to BS 6748:1986
Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs
BS EN 1388-1 Silicate surfaces Part 1 – Determination of the release of lead and Cadmium from ceramic ware
Testing of Plastics
OML’s determined in EN 1186:2002 OML < 10 mg/dm2 Four Simulants: - water (aqueous foodstuffs) - 3% acetic acid (vinegar) - 10% ethanol (alcohol) - olive oil (iso-octane) (iso(fat) The simulants tested are dependent on the forseeable end use