ASTM D217-02
Designation:D217–02measuring the depth to which a specified cone or needle under a given force falls into the material. —In this test method,either a standard penetrometer 6.2or an optional penetrometer cone A1.3can be used to determine the consistency of lubricating greases.The penetration force is determined by the mass of the cone and the shaft.3.1.5thickener ,n —in lubricating grease,a substance com-posed of finely divided particles dispersed in a liquid lubricant to form the product’s structure. —The thickener can be fibers (such as various metallic soaps)or plates or spheres (such as certain non-soap thickeners)which are insoluble or,at most,only very slightly soluble in the liquid lubricant.The general require-ments are that the solid particles be extremely small,uniformly dispersed,and capable of forming a relatively stable,gel-like structure with the liquid lubricant.3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1block penetration ,n —of lubricating grease,the pen-etration at 25°C (77°F)determined on the freshly prepared face of a cube cut from a sample that is sufficiently hard to hold its shape.3.2.2penetration ,n —of lubricating grease,the depth that the standard cone (see A1.1),enters the sample when released to fall under its own weight for 5s.3.2.3penetrometer ,n —an instrument (see Fig.1)designed to measure the depth to which the standard cone falls into the grease.3.2.4prolonged worked penetration ,n —of lubricating grease,the penetration of a sample after it has been worked more than 60double strokes in a standard grease worker at a temperature of 15to 30°C (59to 86°F). —After the prescribed number of double strokes,the worker and contents are brought to 25°C (77°F),worked an additional 60double strokes,and penetrated without delay.3.2.5unworked penetration ,n —of lubricating grease,the penetration at 25°C (77°F)of a sample that has received only minimum disturbance in transferring to a grease worker cup or dimensionally equivalent rigid container.3.2.6worked penetration ,n —of lubricating grease,the penetration at 25°C (77°F),without delay,of a sample after 60double strokes in a standard grease worker.3.2.7working ,n —of lubricating grease,the subjection of a sample to the shearing action of the standard grease worker.4.Summary of Test Method4.1For unworked penetration,the sample is brought to 2560.5°C (7761°F)in a worker cup or other suitable container.The cone assembly of the penetrometer is released and allowed to drop freely into the grease for 560.1s.Three determina-tions are made and averaged to give the reported result.4.2For worked penetration,the sample is brought to 2560.5°C (7761°F)and placed in the worker cup.The sample is subjected to 60double strokes in the grease worker.The penetration is determined immediately by releasing the cone assembly from the penetrometer and allowing the cone to drop freely into the grease for 560.1s.Three determinations are made and averaged to give the reported result.4.3For prolonged worked penetration,the sample is placed in the worker cup and subjected to a predetermined number of double strokes in the grease worker.Following completion of the prolonged working,the grease and worker assembly are brought to 2560.5°C (7761°F)and the grease is worked an additional 60double strokes in the grease worker.The pen-etration is determined immediately by releasing the cone assembly from the penetrometer and allowing the cone to drop freely into the grease for 560.1s.Three determinations are made and averaged to give the reported result.4.4For block penetration,a cube of the grease is prepared by slicing off a thin layer using the grease cutter.The cube of grease is brought to 2560.5°C (7761°F)and placed on the penetrometer table with the prepared face upward.The pen-etration is determined by releasing the cone assembly from the penetrometer and allowing the cone to drop freely into the grease for 560.1s.Three determinations are made and averaged to give the reported result.5.Significance and Use5.1These cone penetration tests not only evaluate the consistency of lubricating greases over the full range of NLGI numbers from 000to 6,but also evaluate the consistency of stiff greases having penetration numbers less than 85.In contrast,Test Method D 937is aimed at petrolatums and Test Method D 1403uses less precise one-quarter and one-half scale equipment intended for use when the sample quantity islimited.FIG.1Penetrometer5.2Cone penetration test results provide one measure of the consistency of a grease.Worked penetration results are re-quired to determine to which NLGI consistency grade a grease belongs.Undisturbed penetration results provide a means of evaluating the effect of storage conditions on grease consis-tency.5.3Although no correlation has been developed between cone penetration results andfield service,the cone penetrations obtained by the four procedures are widely used for specifica-tion purposes,such as in users’material specifications and suppliers’manufacturing specifications.6.Apparatus6.1Penetrometer,in accordance with A1.1.The instrument shall be capable of indicating depth in tenths of a millimetre.A sketch of a generic penetrometer is shown in Fig.1.6.2Standard Penetrometer Cone,in accordance with A1.2, is suitable for all penetrations.An optional penetrometer cone, in accordance with A1.3,is suitable only for penetrations less than400.The optional cone should not be used to measure the penetration of00and000grade greases.6.3Grease Worker,comprising a grease cup,cover,and plunger assembly,in accordance with A1.4,constructed for either manual or mechanical operation.6.3.1Grease Worker Drive,Manual,in accordance with A1.5,which allows for working the grease at a rate of60610 double strokes per minute.6.3.2Grease Worker Drive,Motorized,in accordance with A1.6,which allows for working the grease at a rate of60610 double strokes per minute.This apparatus is essential for the working step of the prolonged worked penetration procedure.6.4Grease Cutter,in accordance with A1.7,is used for preparation of samples for block penetration.6.5Temperature Bath,either a water bath or an air bath capable of controlling the bath temperature at2560.5°C(77 61°F)and designed to bring the assembled grease worker to test temperature conveniently.If a water bath is to be used for samples for unworked penetration,means should be provided for protecting the grease surface from water and for maintain-ing the air above the sample at test temperature.An air bath is preferred for bringing block greases to test temperature,but a tightly sealed container placed in a water bath will suffice.A constant-temperature test room may be used instead of the temperature bath.6.6Spatula,corrosion-resistant,having a stiff blade nomi-nally32mm(1.25in.)wide and at least150mm(6in.)long.6.7Temperature-Measuring Device,with a sheath length of approximately200mm(8in.)and a sheath diameter of approximately3.7mm(0.145in.)(small enough tofit through the vent cock).The temperature range of the device should be wide enough to allow it to be immersed in grease at approxi-mately38°C(100°F)without damage.The scale should have small enough divisions(or digital resolution)to allow the user to read60.5°C(61°F).A spacer can be applied to the upper portion of the sheath to hold the tip just above the perforated plate of the grease worker and in the bulk of the sample(see A1.3).6.8Overflow Ring(optional),in accordance with A1.8,is a useful device for catching grease scraped from the sample surface as well as any grease forced by the penetrometer cone to overflow from the cup.This grease can be returned to the worker cup for subsequent testing.7.Reagents and Materials7.1Appropriate Volatile Gum-free Solvent,for example, light petroleum naphtha.7.2Cloth or Paper Wiper,for wiping grease from the penetrometer cone.The wiper should be soft,so as not to scratch the cone.8.Sampling8.1Sample Size—Sufficient sample(at least0.4kg(1lb)) for worked and prolonged worked penetrations and1.2kg(3 lb)for unworked penetrations expected over200)to overfill the cup of the standard grease worker is required.If the sample size is insufficient and penetration ranges from NLGI0to4, use Test Method D1403.If the full-scale penetration value calculated in Test Method D1403is above200,at least three times the amount needed tofill the one-quarter or one-half scale worker cup is required.8.1.1For block penetration,obtain a sufficient size sample of the grease,which must be hard enough to hold its shape,to permit cutting from it a50-mm(2-in.)cube as a test specimen.8.2Sample Preparation—Samples are prepared for the various cone penetration test methods as follows:8.2.1Unworked Penetration—Place the empty grease worker cup,or dimensionally equivalent rigid container,and an appropriate amount of the sample in a metal container in the temperature bath maintained at2560.5°C for sufficient time to bring the temperature of the sample and the worker cup to25 60.5°C(7761°F).If the initial sample temperature differs from25°C by more than about8°C(15°F),or if an alternative method of bringing the sample to25°C is used,allow sufficient additional time to ensure that the specimen is at2560.5°C before proceeding.Also,if the sample is larger than0.4kg(1 lb),allow sufficient additional time to ensure that the specimen is at2560.5°C.Testing may proceed if the specimen is at a uniform temperature of2560.5°C.Transfer the specimen, preferably in one lump,to overfill the cup of the grease worker or other container.Make this transfer in such a manner that the grease will be worked as little as possible.Jar the cup to drive out trapped air and pack the grease with the spatula,with as little manipulation as possible,to obtain a cupful without air pockets.Scrape off the excess grease extending over the rim, creating aflat surface,by moving the blade of the spatula,held inclined toward the direction of motion at an angle of approxi-mately45°,across the rim of the cup(Fig.2).Do not perform any further leveling or smoothing of the surface throughout the determination of unworked penetration and determine the measurement immediately. penetrations of soft greases are dependent upon the diameter of the container.Therefore,greases having un-worked penetrations greater than265should be tested in containers having the same diameter limitations as those of the worker cup.The results on greases having penetrations less than265are not significantly affected if the diameter of the container exceeds that of the workercup.8.2.2Worked Penetration —The following sections describe the procedure for preparation of samples for worked penetra-tion: —Transfer sufficient specimen to the cup of the clean grease worker to fill it heaping full (mound up about 13mm (0.5in.)at the center),avoiding the inclusion of air by packing with the spatula.Jar the cup from time to time as it is being packed to remove any air inadvertently entrapped.Assemble the worker and,with the vent cock open,depress the plunger to the bottom.Insert a thermometer through the vent cock so that its tip is in the center of the grease.Place the assembled worker in the temperature bath maintained at 25°C (77°F)(Note 2)until the temperature of the worker and its contents is 2560.5°C as indicated by the thermometer.If the initial sample temperature differs from 25°C by more than about 8°C (15°F),or if an alternative method of bringing the sample to 25°C is used,allow sufficient additional time to ensure that the specimen is at 2560.5°C before proceeding.Also,if the sample is larger than 0.4kg (1lb),allow sufficient additional time to ensure that the specimen is at 2560.5°C .Testing may proceed when the specimen is at a uniform temperature of 2560.5°C.Remove the worker from the bath.If a water bath was used,wipe any excess water from the outer surfaces of the worker.Remove the thermometer and close the vent cock.Subject the grease to 60full (63to 71.5mm (27⁄16to 213⁄16in.))double strokes of the plunger,completed inaboutFIG.2Preparing Sample for PenetrationMeasurement1min,and return the plunger to its top position.Open the vent cock,remove the cover and plunger,and return to the cup as much of the grease clinging to the plunger as can readily be removed.N OTE 2—If it is desired to immerse the worker above the joint between the cup and cover,take care that the joint is watertight in order to prevent the entrance of water to the worker. Sample for Measurement —Jar the cup sharply on the bench or floor and pack the grease down with a spatula to fill the holes left by the plunger and to remove any air pockets (Note 3).Scrape off the excess grease extending over the rim,creating a flat surface,by moving the blade of the spatula,held inclined toward the direction of motion at an angle of approximately 45°,across the rim of the cup (Fig.2),retaining the portion removed (Note 4).N OTE 3—The jarring should be only as vigorous as required to remove the entrapped air without splashing the specimen from the cup.In performing these operations,a minimum of manipulation should be used,as any agitation of the grease may have the effect of increasing the working beyond the specified 60strokes.N OTE 4—Particularly when testing soft greases,retain the grease removed from the cup in scraping to provide a full cup for subsequent tests.Keep the outside of the rim of the cup clean so that the grease forced by the penetrometer cone to overflow the cup may be returned to the cup prior to preparing the specimen for the next test.8.2.3Prolonged Worked Penetration —Fill a clean grease worker cup and assemble the worker as described in 8.4.2.Subject the grease specimen to the prescribed number of double strokes (Note 5).Immediately after the working is concluded,place the worker in the temperature bath to bring the test specimen to 2560.5°C (7761°F)within 1.5h.Or,if an alternate method of bringing the temperature to 25°C is used,allow sufficient time to ensure that the specimen is at 2560.5°C (7761°F).Remove the worker from the temperature bath and subject the grease to a further 60full (63to 71.5mm (27⁄16to 213⁄16in.))double strokes of the plunger,completed in about 1min,and return the plunger to its top position.Open the vent cock,remove the cover and plunger,and return to the cup as much of the grease clinging to the plunger as can readily be removed.Jar the cup sharply on the bench or floor and pack the grease down with a spatula to fill the holes left by the plunger and to remove any air pockets (Note 3).Scrape off the excessgrease extending over the rim,creating a flat surface,by moving the blade of the spatula,held inclined toward the direction of motion at an angle of approximately 45°,across the rim of the cup (Fig.2),retaining the portion removed (Note 4).N OTE 5—In order to minimize leakage during working,special atten-tion should be paid to the seal in the worker cover. —Maintain the temperature of the room used for the test within the range from 15to 30°C (59to 86°F).No further control of the worker temperature is necessary;but,before starting the test,the grease should have been in the room for sufficient time to bring its temperature within the range from 15to 30°C.8.2.4Block Grease —By means of the specified grease cutter,cut as a test specimen from the sample at room temperature a cube about 50mm (2in.)on the edge (Fig.3(a)).While holding this specimen so that the unbeveled edge of the cutter is toward it (Fig.3(b)),slice off a layer about 1.5mm (1⁄16in.)in thickness from each of the three faces adjacent to a single corner,which can be truncated for identification (Fig.3(c)and Note 6).Take care not to touch those portions of the newly exposed faces which are to be used for testing or to set a prepared face against the base plate or guide of the cutter.Bring the temperature of the prepared specimen to 2560.5°C (7761°F)by placing it in a temperature bath maintained at 25°C (77°F)for at least 1h.If the initial sample temperature differs from 25°C by more than about 8°C (15°F),or if an alternative method of bringing the sample to 25°C is used,allow sufficient additional time to ensure that the specimen is at 2560.5°C (7761°F)before proceeding.N OTE 6—The testing of three faces is intended to equalize in the final value the effect of fiber orientation in testing fibrous greases.Smooth-textured,nonfibrous greases can be tested on one face only,when agreed upon between the interested parties.9.Preparation of Apparatus9.1Cleaning Penetrometer Cone —Clean the penetrometer cone carefully before each test with a soft cloth or paper wiper.The wiper can be dampened with an appropriate volatile gum-free solvent,when necessary,to remove any grease remaining on the cone.The solvent should have no effectonFIG.3Preparing Block Sample for PenetrationMeasurementthe cone surface.While cleaning,do not rotate the cone,as this can cause wear on the release mechanism.Bending of the cone shaft can be avoided by holding the cone securely in its raised position while cleaning.9.2Cleaning Penetrometer Shaft—The penetrometer shaft should be cleaned periodically with a soft cloth or paper wiper dampened with an appropriate volatile gum-free solvent to remove any oil,grease,or dirt buildup.Foreign materials on the penetrometer shaft can cause drag on the shaft assembly, possibly causing erroneous results.9.3Any other cleaning or adjustments to the apparatus should be done in accordance with the equipment manufactur-er’s recommendations.10.Calibration and Standardization10.1Proper operation of a grease penetrometer can be checked by running periodic tests with a grease of known consistency.NLGI2reference grease has been found to be suitable for this purpose,since multiple laboratories run tests on this material to generate the data reported for it.Data on this material is provided by NLGI with the purchase of the grease.11.Procedure11.1Unworked Penetration—Place the cup on the pen-etrometer table,making certain that it cannot teeter.Set the mechanism to hold the cone in the zero position,and adjust the apparatus carefully so that the tip of the cone just touches the surface at the center of the test specimen.Watching the shadow of the cone tip,from a low angle with backlighting,is an aid to accurate setting.For greases with penetrations over400,the cup must be centered to within0.3mm(0.01in.)of the tip of the cone.One way to center the cup accurately is to use a centering device(Fig.1).Release the cone shaft rapidly,and allow it to drop for5.060.1s.The release mechanism should not drag on the shaft.Lock the shaft in position at the end of the5-s period.Gently depress the indicator shaft until stopped by the cone shaft and read the penetration from the indicator.11.1.1If the sample has a penetration over200,center the cone carefully in the cup;this sample shall then be used for only one test.If the sample has a penetration of200or less, perform three tests in a single cup,spacing these tests on three radii120°apart and midway between the center side of the cup so that the cone will neither strike the side of the container nor impinge on the disturbed area made in a previous test.11.1.2Additional Tests—Make a total of three tests on the specimen(either in three cups or in one,in accordance with 11.1.1),and report the average of the three tests,to the nearest 0.1mm,as the unworked penetration of the specimen.11.2Worked Penetration—Determine the penetration of the specimen in accordance with11. Tests—Immediately make two more tests in succession on the same specimen.Return to the cup the portion previously removed with the spatula,then repeat the operations in accordance with8.4.2.2.Report the average of the three tests,to the nearest0.1mm,as the worked penetration of the specimen.11.3Prolonged Worked Penetration—Determine the pen-etration of the specimen in accordance with11. Tests—Immediately make two more tests in succession on the same specimen.Return to the cup the portion previously removed with the spatula,then repeat the operations in accordance with8.4.2.2.Report the average of the three tests,to the nearest0.1mm,as the prolonged worked penetration of the specimen.11.4Block Penetration—Place the test specimen on the penetrometer table with one of the prepared faces upward,and press it down by the corners to make it rest level andfirmly on the table so that it cannot teeter during the test.Set the mechanism to hold the cone in the zero position,and adjust the apparatus carefully so that the tip of the cone just touches the surface at the center of the test sample.Determine the penetration in accordance with11.1.Make a total of three tests on the exposed face of the specimen,locating the tests at least 6mm(1⁄4in.)from the edge and as far apart as possible without impinging on any touched portion,air hole,or other apparent flaw in the surface.If the result of one of these tests differs from the others by more than three units,make additional tests until three values agreeing within three units are obtained. Average these three values for the face being tested.11.4.1Additional Tests—Repeat the procedure described in 11.4on each of the other prepared faces of the specimen. Report one third of the sum of the averages for the three faces, to the nearest0.1mm as the block penetration of the specimen.12.Report12.1Report the following information:12.1.1Unworked Penetration—Report the average value obtained in11.1.2as the unworked penetration of the grease under test.12.1.2Worked Penetration—Report the average value ob-tained in11.2.1as the worked penetration of the grease under test.12.1.3Prolonged Worked Penetration—Report the average value obtained in11.3.1as the prolonged worked penetration of the grease under test.The number of double strokes to which the grease was subjected during the prolonged working shall also be reported.12.1.4Block Penetration—Report the value obtained in 11.4.1as the block penetration of the grease under test. 13.Precision and Bias13.1Precision—The precision of these test methods is based on work done by the Institute of Petroleum.Their precision evaluation is considered to conform to the require-ments of Committee D-2,RR:D02-1007,Manual on Determin-ing Precision Data for ASTM Test Methods on Petroleum Products and Lubricants.313.2The precision of these test methods as determined by statistical examination of interlaboratory results is as follows: 13.2.1Repeatability—The difference between two test re-sults obtained by the same operator with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions on identical test material would,in the long run,in the normal and correct operation of the test method,exceed the values in Table1in only one case intwenty.13.2.2Reproducibility —The difference between two single and independent results obtained by different operators work-ing in different laboratories on identical test material would,in the long run,in the normal and correct operation of the test method,exceed the values in Table 1in only one case in twenty.13.3Bias —The procedure in Test Methods D 217for mea-suring cone penetration of lubricating greases has no bias because the value of cone penetration is defined only in terms of these test methods.14.Keywords14.1consistency;grease;lubricating grease;penetration;penetrometer;worked penetrationANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1.APPARATUSA1.1Penetrometer ,similar to the instrument illustrated in Fig.1,designed to measure in tenths of a millimetre the depth to which the standard (or optional)cone falls into the grease.The cone assembly or the table of the penetrometer shall be adjustable to enable accurate placement of the tip of the cone on the level surface of the grease while maintaining a zero reading on the indicator.When released,the cone should fall without appreciable friction.Both the penetrometer shaft and the rack engaging the measuring dial should be at least 62.0mm in length.If only penetrations less than 400are to be measured,the penetrometer may be designed such that,when released,the cone falls for at least 40.0mm.The tip of the cone should not hit the bottom of the sample container.The instrument shall be provided with leveling screws and a spirit level to maintain the cone shaft in a vertical position.A1.1.1Automatic Penetrometers ,which include such de-vices as timers,electrical release mechanisms,digital depth indicators,and contact sensors are permitted,so long as the results obtained with such instruments are shown to fall within the precision in accordance with 13.2.A1.2Standard Cone ,for measuring penetrations up to 475,consisting of a conical body of magnesium or other suitable material with detachable,hardened steel tip,shall be con-structed to conform to the tolerances in accordance with Fig.A1.1.The total mass of the cone shall be 102.560.05g and that of its movable attachments shall be 47.560.05g;the attachments shall consist of a rigid shaft having a mechanical stop at its upper end and suitable means,at the lower end,for engaging the cone.The interior construction of the cone can be modified to achieve the specified weight,provided that the general contour and weight distribution are not altered.The outer surface of the cone is to be polished to a smooth finish.A surface finish in the range from 0.10to 1.12µm (4to 44µin.)root mean square (RMS)has been found to have no measurable effect on penetration results.A1.3Optional Cone ,for measuring penetrations up to 400,consisting of a conical body of brass or corrosion-resistant steelwith detachable,hardened steel tip,shall be constructed to conform to the tolerances shown in Fig.A1.2.The total mass of the cone shall be 102.560.05g and that of its movable attachments shall be 47.560.05g;the attachments shall consist of a rigid shaft having a mechanical stop at its upper end and suitable means,at the lower end,for engaging the cone.The interior construction of the cone can be modified to achieve the specified weight,provided that the general contour and weight distribution are not altered.The outer surface of the cone is to be polished to a smooth finish.A surface finish in the range from 0.18to 1.50µm (7to 59µin.)RMS has been found to have no measurable effect on penetration results.A1.4Grease Worker ,consisting of a grease cup,cover,and plunger assembly and conforming to the dimensions given in Fig.A1.3.The dimensions not shown may be altered and other methods of fastening the lid and securing the worker can be used.The worker can be constructed for either manual or mechanical operation.A1.5Grease Worker Drive,Manual ,similar to that shown in Fig.A1.4.The design must be such that a rate of 60610strokes per minute with a minimum length of 63mm (27⁄16in.),can be maintained.A1.6Grease Worker Drive,Motorized ,similar to that shown in Fig.A1.5.The design must be such that a rate of 60610strokes per minute with a minimum length of 63mm (27⁄16in.),can be maintained.The mechanical grease worker must be provided with a presetting counter to permit the apparatus to be automatically stopped after any required number of double strokes up to 99999.A1.7Grease Cutter ,having a sharp,rigidly mounted,beveled blade,shall be essentially as shown in Fig.A1.6.It is necessary that the blade be straight and sharpened,as shown.A1.8Overflow Ring (optional),conforming in principal to the illustration in Fig.A1.3is a useful aid for returningTABLE 1Repeatability and ReproducibilityPenetration Penetration Range Repeatability,One Operator and Apparatus Reproducibility,Different Operators and Apparatus Unworked 85to 4758units 19units Worked130to 4757units 20units Prolonged worked 130to 47515units A 27units A Blockunder 857units11unitsADetermined at 100000double strokes within 15to 30°C (59to 86°F)ambient temperaturerange.。
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NVIDIA HPC Compilers Support Services Quick Start
DQ-10081-001-V001 | January 2022HPC Compiler Support Services Quick Start Guide provides minimal instructionsfor accessing NVIDIA® portals as well as downloading and installing the supported software. If you need complete instructions for installation and use of the software, please refer to the HPC SDK Installation Guide and HPC Compilers Documentation for your version of the HPC SDK software, or PGI Documentation for legacy PGI software. After your order for NVIDIA HPC Compiler Support Service is processed, youwill receive an order confirmation message from NVIDIA. This message contains information that you need for accessing NVIDIA Enterprise and Licensing Portalsand getting your NVIDIA software from the NVIDIA Licensing Portal. To log in to the NVIDIA Licensing Portal, you must have an NVIDIA Enterprise Account.1.1. Your Order Confirmation MessageAfter your order for NVIDIA HPC Compiler Support Services is processed, you will receive an order confirmation message to which your NVIDIA Entitlement Certificate is attached.Your NVIDIA Entitlement Certificate contains your order information.Your NVIDIA Entitlement Certificate also provides instructions for using the certificate.To get the support for your NVIDIA HPC Compiler Support Services , you must have an NVIDIA Enterprise Account.For a HPC Compiler Support Services renewal, you should already have an NVIDIAEnterprise AccountIf you do not have an account, follow the Register link in the instructions for using the certificate to create your account. For details, see the next section, Creating your NVIDIA Enterprise Account.If you already have an account, follow the Login link in the instructions for using the certificate to log in to the NVIDIA Enterprise Application Hub.1.2. Creating your NVIDIA Enterprise AccountIf you do not have an NVIDIA Enterprise Account, you must create an account to be able to log in to the NVIDIA Licensing Portal.If you already have an account, skip this task and go to Downloading Your NVIDIA HPCSDK or PGI Software.Before you begin, ensure that you have your order confirmation message.1.In the instructions for using your NVIDIA Entitlement Certificate, follow the Register link.2.Fill out the form on the NVIDIA Enterprise Account Registration page and click Register.A message confirming that an account has been created appears and an e-mail instructing you to set your NVIDIA password is sent to the e-mail address you provided.3.Open the e-mail instructing you to set your password and click SET PASSWORDAfter you have set your password during the initial registration process, you willbe able to log in to your account within 15 minutes. However, it may take up to 24business hours for your entitlement to appear in your account.For your account security, the SET PASSWORD link in this e-mail is set to expire in 24 hours.4.Enter and re-enter your new password, and click SUBMIT.A message confirming that your password has been set successfully appears.You will land on the Application Hub with access to both NVIDIA Licensing Portal and NVIDIA Enterprise Support Portal.2.1. Downloading Your NVIDIA HPC SDK or PGI SoftwareBefore you begin, ensure that you have your order confirmation message and have created an NVIDIA Enterprise Account.1.Visit the NVIDIA Enterprise Application Hub by following the Login link in the instructions for using your NVIDIA Entitlement Certificate or when prompted after setting the password for your NVIDIA Enterprise Account.2.When prompted, provide your e-mail address and password, and click LOGIN.3.On the NVIDIA APPLICATION HUB page that opens, click NVIDIA LICENSING PORTAL.The NVIDIA Licensing Portal dashboard page opens.Your entitlement might not appear on the NVIDIA Licensing Portal dashboard pageuntil 24 business hours after you set your password during the initial registrationprocess.4.In the left navigation pane of the NVIDIA Licensing Portal dashboard, click SOFTWARE DOWNLOADS.5.On the Product Download page that opens, follow the Download link for the release, platform, version and package type of NVIDIA software that you wish to use, for example, NVIDIA HPC SDK for Linux/x86-64 RPM version 22.1.If you don't see the release of NVIDIA HPC SDK or PGI software that you wish to use, click ALL A V AILABLE to see a list of all NVIDIA HPC SDK and PGI softwareavailable for download. The “Product” box can be used to select only HPC SDK (“HPC”) or PGI. Use the drop-down lists or the search box to further filter the software listed.For PGI software, the following archive versions are available:Linux x86-64: 10.2 to 20.4Linux OpenPOWER: 16.1 to 20.4Windows: 18.10 to 20.4 (command line only)The last PGI release was version 20.4. Product descriptions may not match those onthe legacy PGI website, but provided packages contain the most features available.Some older versions of PGI are no longer available to new customers and are notprovided here.6.When prompted to accept the license for the software that you are downloading, click AGREE & DOWNLOAD.7.When the browser asks what it should do with the file, select the option to save the file.8.For PGI software only, you will also need to download a License Key. This is not required for HPC SDK software.1.Navigate to the SOFTWARE DOWNLOADS page as described in step 4 above2.Search for “PGI License Key” and download the License File for your platform.This is a text file that contains instructions for use. Open with any text editor.3.Save this file for use after installing the PGI software as described in the nextsection.2.2. Installing Your NVIDIA HPC SDK or PGI Software1.HPC SDK Software1.Install per the instructions in the Installation Guide for your version available athttps:///hpc-sdk/.2.There are no License Files or License Servers to setup for the HPC SDK2.PGI Software1.Install per the instructions in the Installation Guide for your version available athttps:///hpc-sdk/pgi-compilers/, skipping any steps regardinginstallation of License Files or License Servers.2.After installation is complete, follow the instructions included within the LicenseFile from step 8 in section 2.1 above. This typically involves renaming the License File to “license.dat” for x86 platforms or “license.pgi” for OpenPOWER, andplacing it in the top level PGI installation directory, e.g., /opt/pgi, replacing any existing License File that may already exist.NoticeALL NVIDIA DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS, REFERENCE BOARDS, FILES, DRAWINGS, DIAGNOSTICS, LISTS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS (TOGETHER AND SEPARATELY, "MATERIALS") ARE BEING PROVIDED "AS IS." NVIDIA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MATERIALS, AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVIDIA Corporation assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication of otherwise under any patent rights of NVIDIA Corporation. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all other information previously supplied. NVIDIA Corporation products are not authorized as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of NVIDIA Corporation.TrademarksNVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, CUDA, CUDA-X, GPUDirect, HPC SDK, NGC, NVIDIA Volta, NVIDIA DGX, NVIDIA Nsight, NVLink, NVSwitch, and Tesla are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2022 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.。
ImageNet to Sketch数据集的补充材料说明书
In this supplementary material,we present additional de-tails that we have referred to in the main paper.A.DatasetsImageNet to Sketch Dataset.Originally introduced in[23] and referred to as Imagenet to Sketch in[2],ourfirst bench-mark consists of5datasets namely:CUB[47],Cars[15], WikiArt[41],Flowers[30]and Sketch[7].Following[24], Cars and CUB are the cropped datasets,while the rest of the datasets are as is.For the Flowers dataset,we combine both the train and validation split as the training data.We resize all images to256and use a random resized crop of size224 followed by a random horizontalflip.This augmentation is applied at training time to all the datasets except Cars and CUB.For these two datasets,we use only the horizontalflip as the data augmentation during training as in[9,23,24]. The Sketch dataset is licensed under a Creative Com-mons Attribution4.0International License.The CUBs, WikiArt,and Cars datasets use are restricted to non-commercial research and educational purposes.Visual Decathlon Challenge.The Visual Decathlon Chal-lenge[33]aims at evaluating visual recognition algorithms on images from multiple visual domains.The challenge consists of10datasets:ImageNet[38],Aircraft[22], CIFAR-100[16],Describable textures[4],Daimler pedes-trian classification[28],German traffic signs[43],UCF-101Dynamic Images[42],SVHN[29],Omniglot[17],and Oxford Flowers[30].The images of the Visual Decathlon datasets are resized isotropically to have a shorter side of 72pixels,to alleviate the computational burden for evalua-tion.Each dataset has a different augmentation for training. We follow the training protocol as used in[33,34].Visual Decathlon does not explicitly provide a usage license. DomainNet.DomainNet[31]is a benchmark for multi-source domain adaptation in object recognition.It contains 0.6M images across six domains(Clipart,Infograph,Paint-ing,Quickdraw,Real,Sketch).All domains include345 categories(classes)of objects.Each domain is considered as a task and we use the official train/test splits in our exper-iments.We also use the same augmentations as used in[45]. DomainNet is distributed under fair usage as provided for in section107of the US Copyright Law.B.Detailed Experimental SettingsB.1.Incremental MTLAs mentioned in the main paper,we describe detailed settings for all the experiments in Sec4.1.DenseNet-121 Training.We sweep through learning rate of{0.005,0.01} and use a similar setup to our ResNet-50model,i.e.SGD optimizer with no weight decay.We train for30epochs and use a cosine annealing learning rate scheduler.We used the same augmentation as that of ResNet-50model as stated earlier.To summarize,the learning rate and the network architecture are the only things that change compared to the ResNet-50model training.ViT-S/16Training.We train the ViT-S/16model with a learning rate of0.00005,momentum of0.9,and =1.We train for30epochs with batch size of32and cosine anneal-ing learning rate.Data augmentation consists of random resized crop and horizontalflip.B.2.Joint MTLIn this section,we describe detailed settings for the Do-mainNet experiments in Sec4.2.For each of the meth-ods,we provide details regarding both joint and incremental MTL settings.Fine-tuning.For the joint MTL setting,fine-tuning is done with the adjustment of batch size and learning rate.The shared backbone is trained with a batch size of72with 12images from each task,learning rate0.005,momentum 0.9,and no weight decay.We train for60epochs where an epoch consists of sampling every image across all6 datasets.Wefind that balanced sampling over all tasks for each mini-batch is necessary for stable training as in[45]. For the incremental MTL setting,we train30epochs with batch size32,learning rate0.005,momentum0.9,and weight decay0.0001.AdaShare.The learning process of AdaShare consists of two phases:the policy learning phase and retraining phase. During the policy learning phase,both weights and policies are optimized alternatively for20K iterations.After the pol-icy learning phase,different architectures are sampled with different seeds and the best results are reported.For the joint MTL setting,we follow the same setting as the origi-nal implementation[45].Note that the original implemen-tation samples8architectures from the learned policy and retrains them and report the best result,here for fair com-parison with other methods,only1sampling is performed. For the incremental setting,we use the same setting as the joint-MTL,except the dataset contains only1domain. TAPS.For all experiments we use learning rate0.005,mo-mentum0.9,no weight decay,and =1.Data augmen-tation consists of a random resized crop and horizontalflip. For both the joint and incremental setting we train with a batch size of32and30epochs.The difference being for the joint variant we report in the main paper we start with the jointly trained backbone then train with the incremental variant of TAPS as opposed to an generic model for incre-mental training.When we use the joint version in which the backbone is trained simultaneously with the weight deltas, we train with batch size72and sample12images per taskfor each batch for60epochs.C.Additional ResultsC.1.Imagenet to Sketch BenchmarkAmount of Additional Parameters.Tab.6shows the per-Flowers WikiArt Sketch Cars CUB %Addl.Params.65.5052.8275.8741.8570.61Table6.Additional parameters for ResNet-50model on ImageNet-to-Sketch benchmark.Amount of Additional param-eters(percentage)for TAPS are shown for the different datasets.centage of additional parameters needed for each dataset of this benchmark.In total we use about4.12⇥the number of parameters,with Cars using the least parameters and Sketch using the most.Layers active for the Sketch dataset for various .We show in Fig.6,the layers that are active for various values of for the Sketch dataset.From thisfigure,we see that the first layer is task specific across different values of .This shows that thefirst layer is crucial forfine-tuning.This intu-itively makes sense as the Sketch dataset has very different low level statistics compared to ImageNet.Effect of Pretraining on number of Task specific Param-eters.Show in Tab.7is the number of task specific layers and parameters that are needed for each dataset.From this table,we see that for all datasets the number of layers that are tasks specific are more for Places pretraining compared to an Imagenet pretraining.One could attribute this to the fact that the Places model specializes in scenes whereas the Imagenet model in objects.Hence,the Imagenet model is ”closer”to the tasks as opposed to the Places model. Layers active for DenseNet-121.Fig.7shows the layers that are active for the DenseNet-121model.From thisfig-ure we see that the number of layers that are task specific are much greater compared to the ResNet-50model.Our hypothesis is that since DenseNet-121has more skip con-nections,changing a layer has an effect on more layers as compared to ResNet-50.C.2.Visual DecathalonIn Tab.8,we show the percentage of task specific layers as well as parameters for =1.0and =0.25.From this table we see that as increases,the percentage of task specific layers and parameters decreases.For the datasets where there are no task specific layers,the increase in pa-rameters is due to the storage of batch norm parameters. We also show the layers where task specific adaptation is needed for different values of for the Visual Decathlon dataset.This can be seen in Fig.8( =0.25),Fig.9 ( =0.5),Fig.10( =0.75)and Fig.11( =1.0). For all the different values of ,we see that almost all of the layers below layer9are not adapted.For the Air-craft dataset,layer12is consistently adapted.Similarly for the DTD dataset we consistently observe that no layers are adapted.This shows that some adaptations are independent of lambda and hence critical for the task.D.Memory Efficient Joint VariantSee table9for comparison between the memory efficient variant and standard TAPS on the DomainNet benchmark for joint multi-task learning.E.Batch Norm and Manual FreezingIn Tab.10we report the results of only changing batch norm parameters and manually freezing layers to match the parameter cost of TAPS.Wefind that adaptively modifying layers outperforms manual freezing.F.PyTorch ImplementationWe show the code snippet of a PyTorch implementation of TAPS in Algorithm1and Algorithm2.The Adaptive-Conv conv layers can be used to replace the normal Conv2d layers in an existing model.This shows how easily existing architectures can be used for training TAPS.Figure6.When do we use task specific weights?.The plot shows the different task specific layers for the a model trained on the Sketch dataset.Each row represents the value of for which the network uses task specific weights.Blue boxes indicate task specific layers while yellow boxes indicate base model layers.From thisfigure we can see that the lowest layers are active for any value of .Most other lower layers are turned off when >0Flowers WikiArt Sketch Cars CUBResnet-50%Addl.ParametersImagenet65.5052.8275.8741.8570.61Places75.0868.7274.5975.0274.72%Task Specific LayersImagenet22.6420.7543.4014.4728.30Places35.8528.3050.9433.9633.96Table7.Effect of Pretrained Model on Task specific parameters.Amount of parameters that are additionally needed for each task.The comparison between Imagenet pretrained model and Places pretrained model is shown.Across the board we see that the Places pretrained model uses more parameters as well as layers.Method Airc.C100DPed DTD GTSR Flwr.Oglt.SVHN UCF Mean.S-Score TAPS( =1.0)63.4381.0496.9958.1998.3884.0889.1694.9951.1077.773088 %Addl.Parameters32.9530.430.1320.380.1320.3347.4520.4140.53%Task specifc layer16.0012. =0.25)66.5881.7697.0758.8399.0786.9988.7995.7251.9278.7033532 %Addl.Parameters80.9260.730.1353.2820.3840.5366.3840.6960.72%Task specific layer44.0024.000.0024.008.0016.0028.0016.0024.00Table8.Visual Decathalon additional parameter count.Shown in this table is the percentage of task specific layers as well as parameters needed for each task in addition to the base model.We show this for =1.0and =0.25Method Params Real Painting Quickdraw Clipart Infograph Sketch MeanTAPS(Standard) 1.43⇥78.4568.2370.3277.0039.3567.9566.88TAPS(Mem.Efficient) 1.46⇥78.9167.9170.1876.9839.3067.8166.84parison between the memory efficient and standard version of TAPS on DomainNet in the joint MTL setting.The memory efficient version performs comparably in accuracy and parameter cost while only needing constant memory during training.Figure7.Shared layers for different tasks.Thefigure shows the task specific layers that are active for different datasets using a DenseNet-121model.We observe that compared to the ResNet-50 model,many more layers are active for the samedataset.Figure8.Task specific layers for different tasks.Thefigure shows the task specific layers that are adapted for different datasets in the Visual Decathlon challenge for =0.25Figure9.Task specific layers for different tasks.Thefigure shows the task specific layers that are adapted for different datasets in the Visual Decathlon challenge for =0.50Figure10.Task specific layers for different tasks.Thefigure shows the task specific layers that are adapted for different datasets in the Visual Decathlon challenge for =0.75Figure11.Task specific layers for different tasks.Thefigure shows the task specific layers that are adapted for different datasets in the Visual Decathlon challenge for =1.0Algorithm1Pytorch Code for Gating Function with Straight Through Estimatorclass BinarizeIndictator(autograd.Function):@staticmethoddef forward(ctx,indicator,threshold=0.1):out=(indicator>=threshold).float()return out@staticmethoddef backward(ctx,g):#send the gradient g straight-through on the backward pass.return g,NoneAlgorithm2Pytorch Code for Incremental Version of Task-Adaptive Convolutional Layersclass AdaptiveConv(nn.Conv2d):def__init__(self,*args,**kwargs):super().__init__(initial_val,*args,**kwargs)weight_shape=self.weight.shape#Initialize residual weights and indicator scores.self.residual=torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(weight_shape)) self.indicator=torch.nn.Parameter(torch.ones([initial_val]) #Freeze base network weightsself.weight.requires_grad=Falseself.weight.grad=Nonedef forward(self,x):I=BinarizeIndictator.apply(self.indicator)w=self.weight+I*self.residualx= F.conv2d(x,w)return xParam Flowers WikiArt Sketch Cars CUBFeat.Extractor1⇥89.1461.7465.9055.5263.46BN 1.01⇥91.0770.0678.4779.4176.25Man.Freeze 4.15⇥92.3573.3278.6887.6281.01TAPS 4.12⇥96.6876.9480.7489.7682.65Table10.Performance of various method using a ResNet-50model on ImageNet-to-Sketch benchmark.。
The CODA-5519is a powerful router that will be used as the heart of your wireless home.It will offer strong Wi-Fi that will covers most houses.The CODA-5519has the capability to receive 5Gbps bi-directional based on 2OFDM +32QAM downstream channels and with 2OFDMA +8upstream channels over its DOCSIS 3.1interface.The integrated Wi-Fi 4x42.4GHz 802.11ax and 4x45GHz 802.11ax dual band MU-MIMO Access Point significantly improves customer experience extending range and coverage with blazing speeds.For wired clients,2.5G plus two Gigabit Ethernet ports offer ultra-fast connection.It can be paired with Hitron extenders/mesh pods for extra coverage.•DOCSIS 3.1 2x2 multi-carrier OFDM •DOCSIS 3.0 32x8 channel bonding•4x4 2.4GHz 802.11ax and 4x4 5GHz 802.11ax dual band concurrent MU-MIMO internal antennas •16 SSIDs (8SSIDs per radio)•Individual configuration for each SSID (security, bridging, routing, firewall and Wi-Fi parameters)•Extensive operator control via configuration file and SNMP•Integrated DLNA Media Server with support for video, audio and image servingDOCSIS 3.1 Wi-Fi 6 and eMTA GatewayIntel® Puma™ 7 OFDM 2x2 w / fixed upstream, 4x4 dual band Wi-Fi w/ concurrent 802.11ax 2.4Ghz + 5GHz, MoCA 2.0 channel bonding and voice HIGH PERFORMANCE INTERNET AND WIRELESS ACCESSThe CODA-5519supports pre-configured and pre-enabled Wi-Fi security via Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS),allowing the end-user to rapidly set up a secure wireless network without manual configuration.Hitron's AutoSync software provides secure automated setup of extenders in the customer's home or business.It comes with MyHitron (end user management mobile application).MSO can also get extra management and analytics via HitronCloud/OptiMy CSR interface from the support center.SECURE WIRELESS NETWORKING CONTROLLED AT THE TIP OF YOUR FINGERSKEY FEATURES•IPv6 routing•MoCA 2.0 channel bonding•TR-069 and HNAP for easy setup and remote management•Enhanced management and stability for low total cost of ownership•One 2.5G and Two 1G Ethernet ports •Hitron Ecosystem Support (OptiMy, HitronCloud, MyHitron)•2 HD voice ports with SIP or MGCP supportTVStreamer Smartphone TabletThermostatHome Security LaptopCODA-5519Printer PCMoCA ExtenderPhonesWi-Fi1G Ethernet Analog2.5G Ethernet Coax PodLaptop Gaming ConsoleConnectivity•RF F-Type 75Ωfemale connector•2x RJ-45 Ethernet port 10/100/1000Mbps•1x RJ-45 Ethernet port 10/100/1000/2500Mbps•USB 3.0 type A connector with host interface•2x RJ-11 HD voice ports•EBBU jackManagement•Protocol support: TR-069, TFTP, SSHv2, SNMP v2C, v3•Web-based GUI control, configuration and management •Power-on self diagnostic•Hitron proprietary MIBs for extended support onDOCSIS, router management, Wi-Fi managementand MoCA management•app support•and back end supportReception-Demodulation•DOCSIS 3.1/3.0/2.0•DOCSIS 3.1 demodulation: Multi-carrier OFDM 16 to 4096QAM •DOCSIS 3.1 data rate: Up to 5Gps with 2 OFDM 192MHz downstream channels +32 QAM•DOCSIS 3.0 demodulation: 64QAM, 256QAM•DOCSIS 3.0 data rate: Up to 1.2Gbps with 32 bonded downstream channels•Frequency (edge-to-edge): 108-1218MHz and 258-1218 •Channel Bandwidth: 6MHz•Signal level: -15dBmV to 15dBmVTransmitter-Modulation•DOCSIS 3.1/3.0/2.0•DOCSIS 3.1 modulation: Multi-carrier OFDMA BPSK to 4096QAM •DOCSIS 3.1 data rate: Up to 700Mbps with OFDMA 96MHz upstream channels•DOCSIS 3.0 modulation: QPSK, 8QAM, 16QAM, 32QAM, 64QAM, and 128QAM (SCDMA only)•DOCSIS 3.0 data rate: Up to 320Mbps with 8 bonded upstream channels•Frequency: Fixed 5-85MHz•Upstream transmit signal level: +11 to 65dBmVMoCA 2.0 Reception / Transmitter-Modulation •Demodulation/ Modulation: BPSK, QPSK, 8QAM, 16QAM,32QAM, 64QAM, 128QAM, 256QAM, 512QAM, 1024QAM •PHY data rate: 700Mbps (baseline Mode) / 1400Mbps (bonding channel)•Throughput: 400+Mbps (baseline mode) / 500+Mbps (turbo mode, point to point) / 800Mbps (bonding channel)•Frequency (center frequencies): 1400-1625MHz•Channel bandwidth: 100MHz (baseline mode) / 225MHz (bonding channel)Voice•Protocol support: SIP or MGCP•2x 8kHz each HD voice•Audio codecs: G.711 (a-law and mu-law), G.722 (HD codec), G.723.1, G.726, G.728, and G.729Routing Support•Protocol support: IGMP v3 for IPTV service capability•MAC address filtering (IPv4/IPv6)•IP source/destination address filtering (IPv4/IPv6)•DHCP, TFTP and ToD clients (IPv4/IPv6)•DHCP server supports RFC 1541 (IPv4)•DHCPv6 obtains prefix from DHCPv6 server through prefix delegation•Firewall with stateful inspection (IPv4/IPv6)•Hacker intrusion prevention and detection•Application content filtering (IPv4/IPv6)•Complete NAT software implemented as per RFC 1631 with port and address mapping (IPv4)•DSLite support for IPv4 in-home support with IPv6 MSO backbone •6RD support for quick IPv6 deployment over IPv4 backbone •RIPv2 for static IP supportWireless•802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax•4T4R 2.4GHz 11ax and 4T4R 5GHz 11ax dual band concurrent MU-MIMO with 1Gbps+4.8Gbps PHY rate•20/40/80/160MHz channel bandwidth•Up to 8 SSIDs for each frequency•Security: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK (TKIP/AES), WPA3, WAPI •QoS: WMM/WMM-PS•WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) PBC, PIN•Airtime Fairness (ATF), Band Steering (BS)•Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)•Wi-Fi output power range: Max permitted by FCC/IC Electrical•Input power: 12VDC, 4A•Power adaptor: 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz•Power consumption: 4.92 (power saving), 22W (typ.), 38W (Max)•Support power outage for 24 hours on Hitron external battery •Surge protection: RF input sustains at least 4KVEthernet RJ-45 sustains at least 4KV Mechanical•Factory default reset button•WPS button•Dimensions: 74.3mm (W) x 251.5mm (H) x 230.8mm (D)•Weight: Weight: 1850 ±10gEnvironmental•Operating temperature: 0°C (32°F) ~ 40°C (104°F)•Operating humidity: 10% ~ 90% (Non-condensing)•Storage temperature: -40°C (-40°F) ~ 60°C (140°F) Compliance Certificates•RoHS compliant•FCC, IC, ULSPECIFICATIONS。
五年级下册英语作文画一幅自画像Draw a Self-PortraitHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 5th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. For our latest English class assignment, we had to draw a self-portrait and then write an essay describing it. I thought it would be easy, but it actually turned out to be pretty difficult! Let me walk you through my self-portrait and what went into making it.To get started, I had to gather all my art supplies. I laid out my box of colored pencils, some markers, a few regular pencils, an eraser, and a stack of blank paper. I also printed out a small photo of myself to use as a reference. Looking at myself in a mirror wasn't going to be enough - I needed that photo to really capture all the little details.The first step was to sketch out the basic shape of my face on the paper. I started with a light pencil outline of an oval for the face shape. I've gotten better at this through practice in art class, but getting the proportions right is still hard. My first few tries made my face look way too wide or narrow. After a few crumpled up pieces of paper, I finally had an oval I was happy with.Next, I roughed in where my features would go - two dots for eyes, a curve for the nose, another curve for the mouth. Making sure they were level and evenly spaced was tricky. I had to make a lot of adjustments, erasing and redrawing, until it started looking right. Once I had the face outline and placement of the features mapped out, I could start on the details.The eyes were going to be critically important for capturing my actual appearance and making the portrait look realistic. I spent a long time carefully observing my reference photo, noting the shape and color of my eyes. I have large, round eyes that are a warm brown color. I picked a rich brown colored pencil and did my best to draw the shape, leaving a white spot for the highlight that makes them look alive. Getting the eyes to look evenly sized and properly shaped was one of the hardest parts.While I was working on the eyes, I also roughed in my eyebrows. I have full, thick eyebrows that are a few shades darker than my dirty blonde hair color. I used a darker brown pencil to sketch in the brow shape and individual hair strands. I made sure to give them a slight arc instead of drawing them in as straight lines.The nose was another tricky feature to capture accurately. I don't have a big or particularly distinctive nose, which you'dthink would make it easier. But the slight curves and shading made it deceptively hard to get right. I decided to start by outlining the nose shape with pencil, making sure the nostrils were proportioned properly. Then I experimented with different levels of shading and pencil strokes to define the tip and curves of the nose. It took a few tries to get the natural shadowing right so it didn't look too harsh or fake.While working on the nose, I also started adding shading and definition around the eyes using a regular pencil. Making sure the shading blended smoothly into the skin areas was important so it looked natural.Once I felt good about how the eyes and nose were looking, I turned my attention to the mouth area. I have full lips that are just a bit asymmetrical - the bottom lip is a tiny bit fuller than the top lip. I used a reddish pencil to outline the basic mouth shape, then layered different shades of red to build up the color and shading. Getting the curve and poutiness of the bottom lip took several attempt before I got it right. I also added a few light lines with a pencil to create the creases/definition around the edges of the lips.By this point, the facial features were starting to look pretty recognizable as me! The shading and rendition of my eyes,eyebrows, nose, and mouth were making it look realistic. But there were still some missing pieces to tie it all together into a full self-portrait.I used a light tan colored pencil to fill in the base skin tone on the face and neck/shoulder areas of the sketch. Getting the right shade took some mixing and layering of different tan pencils. Once I had the base skin tone down, I went back over areas that needed more definition or shading using darker tan pencil tones. I added shading under the chin, alongside the nose, under the eyes, and in the creases around the mouth to create more dimension and realism.Another key part of making the portrait look realistic was getting the hairline and hairstyle right. As I mentioned, I have dirty blonde hair that's on the thicker, wavier side. I used a soft brown pencil to outline the shape of my hairline and part, then carefully layered shorter pencil strokes to build up the hair texture. I made sure to create variation in the strokes and areas of lighter/darker shading to capture the natural wave and flow of my hair. It took a good bit of erasing and redoing sections until I felt I had rendered my hairstyle accurately.For the final details, I added color and shading for my shirt and the background scenery. I was wearing a dark teal t-shirt formy reference photo, so I used layers of green and blue pencils to fill that in. I left a strip across the shoulders and chest area untouched to allow the tan skin tone shading to show through and look natural where the shirt would dip a bit lower. For the background, I went with a simple pale blue to create a neutral, flat backdrop color that wouldn't distract from the main focal point of the self-portrait itself.And after probably close to two hours of drawing, erasing, shading, and a mountain of crumpled wasted paper...myself-portrait was complete! I leaned back and looked it over with a huge sense of relief and pride. It's not 100% perfect of course, but it's a pretty darn good drawing that really captures what I look like. The facial features all look proportioned and shaped accurately, and the coloring and shading bring a nice sense of depth and realism. I think the eyes turned out particularly striking and lifelike.Creating a true self-portrait where you have to render an actual likeness of yourself is much harder than doing a generic face drawing or doodle. You really have to concentrate on all the tiny details that make a person's face unique and recognizable as them. Little things like precise eye shape, lip asymmetries, hairline contours, and nuances in shading/coloring make a hugedifference. It was a huge challenge to get all of that right...but one that makes me feel even more accomplished now that it's done!I already knew that art takes a lot of patience and practice. But this self-portrait assignment was a powerful reminder that even something that seems simple requires an incredible amount of careful observation, attention to detail, and refining of techniques. I have a newfound appreciation for how difficult it is to create a true realistic rendering, especially of human faces and portraits. This was an amazing learning experience that helped me improve my drawing and shading skills a ton.More than that though, it was also a journey of building self-awareness and perception. Having to look so intensely at my own face and features made me hyper-aware of what makes The tiny asymmetries, precise shapes, shading variations, and colors that come together to form my unique appearance. Being able to reproduce that in an artistic format is such an affirming act of expression. This assignment has honestly made me feel more confident in myself and how I look.I'm really proud of how my self-portrait turned out, and I can't wait to do more drawing explorations like this. Maybe next I'll try drawing a self-portrait from a different perspective orexpression. Or maybe I'll move on to trying to draw portraits of other people and capturing their individual quirks and appearances. Whatever it is, this project helped me grow as an artist and an observer in invaluable ways. Not bad for a little 5th grade English class assignment, huh?。
HP Security Manager 技术白皮书说明书
Technical white paperHP Security ManagerUsing licensesTable of ContentsOverview (1)License Types (2)Essential Assessment Only License (2)Trial License (2)Purchased License (2)Installing Licenses (2)License Expiry (4)Uninstalling Licenses (5)Services (6)Flexera Licensing Service (6)HP Print License Service (7)Ports (7)Flexera Heartbeat (7)VMware and Dynamic MAC Addressing (8)Troubleshooting Licensing Issues (10)Licensing FAQ (10)Appendix A (11)Links to other HP Security Manager Whitepapers (11)OverviewHP Security Manager requires licenses to be installed in order to assess and remediate devices. Devices can be discovered without licenses installed, but in order to run assessments and remediations on those devices, licenses must be installed in Security Manager.This document will describe the different types of licenses that can be obtained, how to install them, and how to troubleshoot if issues arise.License TypesEssential Assessment Only LicenseWhen HP Security Manager is downloaded and installed for the first time, a 50 device “essential assessment only” license is included. This license allows for assessments only (no remediations) on up to 50 devices using only the HP Security Manager Essential Policy. Other policies cannot be used, edited or created. This HP Security Manager Essential Policy contains a minimal amount of security related features to obtain a quick look at how secure the fleet is.Trial LicenseTrial licenses can be downloaded and installed to evaluate all Security Manager features before purchasing licenses. Trial licenses provide the same functionality in Security Manager as purchased licenses, but they are generated for a subset of the fleet for evaluation purposes and will expire on a set date. They are not node-locked to any specific machine, thus they can be used anywhere, but they will expire in the designated time period. The default trial license can be downloaded to evaluate 50 devices for a period of 60 days. Custom trial licenses can be requested if more time is needed to evaluate or more devices are desired to evaluate.Purchased LicensePurchased licenses are node-locked to a specific machine and can only be used on that Security Manager installation, but they will never expire. A purchased license file must be ordered with the exact match of the Security Manager server MAC address. The web interface when activating a license entering a mac address explains that the mac address must be entered in the following type of format: 00-00-00-00-00-00 if a mistake is made entering it. Case sensitivity does not seem to matter, upper or lower case characters should work. The HP Print License manager will fail to operate properly without an exact match of the mac address. If using VMWare, make sure the appropriate virtual adapter MAC address is used. VMWare recommends a static MAC assignment to accommodate software licensing scenarios. Node licenses are sold in stackable tiers of 10, 50, 250, and 1000 nodes. When licenses are ordered, the network adapter MAC address of the server or PC hosting the Security Manager service must be provided. If the server is virtual, the virtual adapter MAC address must be provided. Once a license file is installed, the HP Print License Service begins tracking license assignments on a per device basis. Installing LicensesThe installation of licenses is a very simple process. Whether installing tral or purchased licenses, select the File symbol in the upper right hand corner of the screen, Settings, then click on the Licenses tab.3The License Server Status should claim Success . If it does not, read the Troubleshooting Issues Whitepaper to determine what might be causing an issue.By default an essential license is installed for 50 devices that never expires. You can determine it is the essential license by the fact it claims No Expiration. This license only allows for assessments on the Essential policy. You cannot create additional policies or remediate any devices.To install either a trial license or purchased with full functionality, choose Add Licenses Now and browse to the license file (*.lic) that was provided. A Success screen should appear indicating the licenses were installed correctly, and the number of Available licenses should have increased.If the licenses installed were trial licenses, the Days Remaining field would indicate how many days remain until the licenses expire. If the licenses installed were purchased licensed, the Days Remaining field indicates No Expiration.If the license file is installed prior to adding devices, then devices are automatically assigned licenses when added to Security Manager. If the license file is installed after devices have been added to Security Manager, the licenses must be manually assigned by right-clicking while selecting devices and choosing Assign Licenses. The license counter at the bottom of the Devices window also reflects the usage. Once a device with an assigned license is deleted from the database, that license can be reassigned to another device. The license counter will decrement and increment the licenses used/available accordingly.The Dashboard page also indicates the license summary:License ExpiryStarting in Security Manager v3.4, a popup alert occurs when licenses are within a user customizable number of days of expiring (default 30).5Uninstalling LicensesOccasions where it may be necessary to uninstall a license in order to install another license include:• A trial license is about to expire and you wish to extend it.• A purchased license has been obtained and will replace the trial license.Since multiple trial licenses will have different expiration dates, as will purchased licenses over top of trial licenses, it is always best to remove existing licenses in the above scenarios. However, purchased licenses are stackable, thus you would not want to remove existing purchased licenses when adding new purchased licenses.Removing licenses is a manual process of stopping/starting services and deleting files.Stop the following services in this order:HP Jetadvantage Security Manager ServiceHP Print License Service (removed in HPSM 3.6)Flexera Licensing ServiceDelete the evaluation license file under the following directory. The file will have a .lic extension. Don't delete the DemoLicense file_ForStartup.lic file as it is required for running tests and diagnostics.C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service\LicensesDelete all recovery files under the Recovery directories (if present).Restart the services in the reverse order that you stopped them:Flexera Licensing ServiceHP Print License Service (removed in HPSM 3.6)HP JetAdvantage Security Manager ServiceServicesThree services are added when Security Manager is installed:•Flexera Licensing Service•HP Print License Service (removed in HPSM 3.6)•HP JetAdvantage Security ManagerAll services are configured for automatic startup. If manual startup is required, start the services in the order listed above: Flexera, HP Print License (if available), HP JetAdvantage Security Manager. Manual startup can also be a basic troubleshooting step for licensing issues.HPSM 3.5 and older contains the HP Print License Service which interacts with the Flexera Licensing Service that handles the Security Manager license assignment and management task. The Flexera Licensing Service must be in a “ready” state before the HP Print License Service can interact.The Flexera service runs under the Local Service account while the HP Print License service runs under the Network Service. This might need to be changed depending upon the environment. Flexera Licensing ServiceFlexera Software produces Flexnet Manager. The license manager daemon (lmgrd.exe) is the Flexnet executable responsible for starting the vendor daemon (HPQ.exe) that performs the actual checking in and out of licenses. It can be found in the following location (HPSM 3.6 and later):C:\Program Files (x86)\HP JetAdvantage Security ManagerFor HPSM 3.5 and older it can be found in the following location:C:\Program Files (x86)\HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\HP Print License Service\lmgrd.exeIt looks for other license server manager processes and reads the following license file(s) as part of the process of coming ready:C:\ProgramData\HP\HPSM\LicenseFiles\DemoLicense_ForStartup.licHPSM 3.5 and older have this file stored in a different location:C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print LicenseService\LicenseFiles\DemoLicense_ForStartup.licAs licenses are added to Security Manager, additional .lic license files will exist is this directory to provide functionality for various numbers of devices and time periods.Ports officially used by Flexnet license manager include: TCP Port 27000HP Print License Service (only available in HPSM 3.5 and older)The HP Print License Service (HPPLS.exe) serves as the Security Manager node license manager, responsible for keeping track of the purchased node licenses and their individual assignment to devices targeted for assessment. It expects the Flexera service to already be running. It can be found in the following location:C:\Program Files (x86)\ HP JetAdvantage Security Manager\HP Print License Service\HPQ.exeIt looks for license file(s) in the following directory:C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Print License Service\LicenseFilesPorts officially used by the HP Print License service include: TCP Port 8888PortsThe architecture of the licensing service was built such that many products could share the same licensing service, and those licensing components could exist on separate machines if desired. It just so happens that today, Security Manager, and Flexera all reside on the same machine. Security Manager 3.6 and later makes calls to Flexera, which is why port 27000 is required, even though they reside on the same machine.Security Manager 3.5 and older communicate via the HP Print License service, which runs as a separate services and exposes WCF endpoints. In that case TCP Port 27000 is used by Flexera and TCP Port 8888 is used by HP Print License Service. Nothing traverses outside the company firewall, much less outside of the Security Manager server, for managing licenses, even though ports are checked.Flexera HeartbeatFlexera Heartbeat is a mechanism by which HP Security Manager checks whether Flexera Server is up and running. HPSM pings the Flexera Server every 2 hours to check whether Flexera is up and running. If Flexera has not been responding for more than 6 hours (maximum heartbeat time) or more than 2 hours (heartbeat interval), it is inferred that the Flexera Server is not available or not responding.The main purpose of having the Flexera Heartbeat is for the HP Security Manager to be in constant sync with Flexera. If the Flexera Server is down, HP Security Manager cannot serve new requests. If Flexera is not responding within the 2 hours ping, HP Security Manager won’t be aware that Flexera is down, hence it will still service the clients. When it pings Flexera at the next 2 hour interval, it will come to know it is not responding, and will stop servicing the clients. After 6 hours, if Flexera still hasn’t been responding, HP Security Manager will continue to not service the clients and will inform them that Flexera is down.7Error codes will be returned to the client in these cases when Flexera is down. For example, for Server not available, the error code -108 is returned. For Server not responding, the error code -109 is returned.If Flexera is down or not responding, look in the Flexera Log for further details on why it is down. Stop HPPLS, restart the Flexera Service. Once Flexera is running, HP Security Manager can be restarted.When reading the Flexera log file, the sequence in which the licensing is set-up or configured to be used by Flexnet enabled appsis as follows:•Install Flexnet Licensing Service•Configure the Demo License Server as a Windows Service•Start the Demo License Server•Checking the Status of the Demo License Server•Using a Floating License – demonstrates check-out /check-in of a feature•Attempt to Check out an Unlicensed Feature•Stop the Demo License ServerWhen these steps are successful, the license file-based licensing process begins. This uses license files (with .lic extension) for obtaining license rights to access Flexnet enabled applications. The license certificate contains at least one line of data (a feature definition line) for each discrete unit of capability in the software application for which you want to enable licensing. Each feature definition line begins with the keyword INCREMENT or FEATURE and contains a license key or signature based on the data contained in that line.VMware and Dynamic MAC AddressingTo decrease IT infrastructure costs, many have opted for the efficiency and flexibility that server virtualization provides. Success in a virtualized server environment is usually determined by the appropriate balancing and dynamic provisioning of CPU, Memory, Storage, and Network resources. HP Security Manager is supported in VMware virtualized server environments. This document discusses possible licensing and communication issues, when the VMware virtual machine is using dynamic assignment of virtual network adapter MAC addresses.As with other licensed software products, the Security Manager node license files are locked to the network adapter’s MAC address of the server hosting the Security Manager service. When a VMware virtual machine is powered on, VMware automatically assigns a dynamic MAC address to the selected virtual network adapter. However, VMware states that it cannot guarantee a given virtual machine will be dynamically assigned the same MAC address every time it is powered on. If this situation occurs, Security Manager will fail to recognize the node license file and be unable to assign a device license.In addition to the possible licensing issue, dynamic MAC addressing can cause Security Manager communication problems. VMware states that it cannot guarantee to automatically assign “unique” MAC addresses for virtual machines running on multiple host systems. Not exclusive to Security Manager, network communication problems might arise, for example, if the virtual network adapters on different physical servers share the same subnet and are dynamically assigned the same MAC address.To proactively decrease the risk of either of these potential issues, VMware recommends the static assignment of MAC addresses when the possibility of software licensing and network communication conflict exists. The VMware knowledge database provides documentation for converting a dynamic MAC address to static.9For reactive Security Manager licensing recovery, the ability to revert back to the original MACaddress is possible through the advanced property settings of the virtual network adapter. Setting the locally administered address (LAA) to the MAC address used during the node license purchasing process, can restore proper Security Manager print license service operation.You may also use the VMware Infrastructure management tool to change the MAC address back tothe original. After restoring the original MAC address, an orderly restart of the Flexera Licensing, HP Print License, and HP JetAdvantage Security Manager services are required. When the services are restarted, reinstall the license file.Troubleshooting Licensing IssuesAll steps to enable debug logging and troubleshooting steps are now available in the whitepaper HP Security Manager – Troubleshooting issues.This document contains a separate section for Enabling debug logging for the HP Print License Service and a section Licensing Issues.Licensing FAQQ. Why didn’t my node license count increment when I removed 10 devices from my custom group?A. Even though the devices were removed from your custom group, they are still included in the All Devices Group and have a license assigned. Deleting the devices removes them from the database and frees the 10 licenses.Q. I purchased more licenses to accommodate t he additional printers I’ve added. I’ve loaded the new license file, but licenses are not automatically assigned to these added devices. How do I assign the new licenses?A. If devices are added to the Security Manager database before the license file is loaded, they are set to an unlicensed status. To assign licenses, select the unlicensed devices, right-click and select License. You can also select License from the Action menu or simply License from the All Devices Group.Appendix ALinks to other HP Security Manager WhitepapersThere are a lot of whitepapers/manuals available for HP Security Manager.The overview on the web, can be found by going to: /go/securitymanager After that click on the link Whitepapers and Support Documents.This will show the following list:HP Security Manager - Policy Editor Settings including supported devices feature table (white paper)HP Security Manager - Reporting, Email Alert Subscriptions & Remediation Summary, Auditing & Syslog Functionality (white paper)HP Security Manager - Using licenses and troubleshooting licensing issues (white paper) HP Security Manager - Securing the HP Security Manager (white paper)HP Security Manager - Installation and Setup GuideHP Security Manager - Credential Management (white paper)HP Security Manager - Release Notes with Ports (white paper)HP Security Manager - Device Discovery, Determining Device Details and Exporting DevicesHP Security Manager - Instant-On Security and Auto-Group Remediation (white paper)HP Security Manager - Automatic Email notification for remediation tasks and policy changes (white paper)HP Security Manager - Sizing and Performance (white paper)HP Security Manager - Supported Devices (white paper)HP Security Manager - Manage devices with FutureSmart 4.5 FirmwareHP Security Manager - Using Microsoft® SQL Server (white paper)HP Security Manager - Troubleshooting Issues (white paper)HP Security Manager – Certificate Management (white paper)The following two documents will also be listed on the same page and can only be retrieved by first going to: /go/securitymanager After that click on the link Whitepapers and Support Documents.HP Security Manager - User GuideHP Security Manager - Installation and Setup Guide11/go/supportCurrent HP driver, support, and security alertsdelivered directly to your desktop.© Copyright 2020 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.c04677865ENW, Rev.13, May 2022。
ArcSight SmartConnectors软件版本8.4.3配置指南(F-Secure反病毒文
ArcSight SmartConnectors Software Version:8.4.3Configuration Guide for the F-Secure Anti-Virus File SmartConnectorDocument Release Date:October2023Software Release Date:October2023Legal NoticesOpen Text Corporation275Frank Tompa Drive,Waterloo,Ontario,Canada,N2L0A1Copyright NoticeCopyright2022-2023Open Text.The only warranties for products and services of Open Text and its affiliates and licensors(“Open Text”)are as may be set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.Open Text shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Trademark Notices“OpenText”and other Open Text trademarks and service marks are the property of Open Text or its affiliates.All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners.Documentation UpdatesThe title page of this document contains the following identifying information:l Software Version numberl Document Release Date,which changes each time the document is updatedl Software Release Date,which indicates the release date of this version of the softwareTo check for recent updates or to verify that you are using the most recent edition of a document,go to:https:///support-and-services/documentationContentsConfiguration Guide for the F-Secure Anti-Virus File SmartConnector4Product Overview5 Configuration6Installing the SmartConnector7 Preparing to Install the SmartConnector7 Installing the SmartConnector7Device Event Mapping to ArcSight Fields9 F-Secure Mappings to ArcSight ESM Fields9 Send Documentation Feedback10Configuration Guide for the F-Secure Anti-Virus File SmartConnector Configuration Guide for the F-Secure Anti-Virus File SmartConnectorThis guide provides information for installing the SmartConnector for F-Secure Anti-Virus File and configuring the device for event collection.Intended AudienceThis guide provides information for IT administrators who are responsible for managing the ArcSight software and its environment.Additional DocumentationThe ArcSight SmartConnector documentation library includes the following resources: l Technical Requirements Guide for SmartConnector,which provides information about operating system,appliance,browser,and other support details for SmartConnector.l Installation and User Guide for SmartConnectors,which provides detailed information about installing SmartConnectors.l Configuration Guides for ArcSight SmartConnectors,which provides informationabout configuring SmartConnectors to collect events from different sources.l Configuration Guide for SmartConnector Load Balancer,which provides detailedinformation about installing Load Balancer.For the most recent version of this guide and other ArcSight SmartConnectordocumentation resources,visit the documentation site for ArcSight SmartConnectors8.4.Contact InformationWe want to hear your comments and suggestions about this book and the otherdocumentation included with this product.You can use the comment on this topic link at the bottom of each page of the online documentation,or send an email to MFI-***********************************.For specific product issues,contact Open Text Support for Micro Focus products.Product OverviewProduct OverviewF-Secure Policy Manager offers an easy and scalable way to deploy security applications, define and deploy security policies,and monitor security to ensure compliance with corporate security policies.Policy Manager provides a centralized management console for the security of the managed hosts in the network.ConfigurationConfigurationF-Secure Policy Manager Console logs messages in the Message pane about different eventsin Information,Warnings,and Error categories.Each Message pane tab can contain messages of all three severity.You can delete a category in the displayed context menu.Right-click an individualmessage to cut,copy,and delete operations.By default,messages are logged into UTF-8files in the message subdirectory of the local F-Secure Policy Manager Console installation directory.A separate log file is created for each message category.You can use the Preferences-Locations page to specify the directory for the log file and to switch logging on and off.Installing the SmartConnectorThe following sections provide instructions for installing and configuring your selected SmartConnector.Connector Appliance/ArcSight Management Center supports mounting for Network FileSystem(NFS)and CIFS(Windows)shares.When you install this connector on one of thesedevices,establish a CIFS mount on the device before adding the connector.Provide thisshare name during connector configuration.For more information,see Remote FileSystems in the Connector Appliance or ArcSight Management Center Administrator'sGuide.Preparing to Install the SmartConnectorBefore you install any SmartConnectors,make sure that the OpenText ArcSight products with which the connectors will communicate have already been installed correctly(such as ArcSight ESM or ArcSight Logger).For complete product information,refer to the Administrator's Guide to ArcSight Platform,available on ArcSight Documentation.If you are adding a connector to the ArcSight Management Center,see the ArcSight Management Center Administrator's Guide available on ArcSight Documentation for instructions.Before installing the SmartConnector,make sure that the following are available:l Local access to the machine where the SmartConnector is to be installedl Administrator passwordsInstalling the SmartConnector1.Start the installation wizard.2.Follow the instructions in the wizard to install the core software.3.Specify the relevant Global Parameters,when prompted.4.Select F-Secure Anti-Virus File from the Type drop-down,then click Next.5.For Trap Files Base Folder,specify the absolute path to the directory in which the logfiles are located,then click Next.Note:Mapped network drives must not be used in a Windows environment.WhenWindows executes a process as a service,an entirely new"virtual"environment iscreated.As a result,any drives you have mapped as a user must be re-mapped to berecognized by the SmartConnector.6.Select a destination and configure parameters.7.Specify a name for the connector.8.(Conditional)If you have selected ArcSight Manager as the destination,thecertificate import window for the ArcSight Manager is displayed.Select Import the certificate to the connector from destination,and then click Next.The certificate is imported and the Add connector Summary window is displayed.Note:If you select Do not import the certificate to connector from destination,theconnector installation will end.9.Select whether you want to install the connector as a service or in the standalonemode.plete the installation.11.Run the SmartConnector.For instructions about upgrading the connector or modifying parameters,seeInstallation and User Guide for SmartConnector.Device Event Mapping to ArcSight FieldsDevice Event Mapping to ArcSight Fields The following section lists the mappings of ArcSight data fields to the device's specific event definitions.See the ArcSight Console User's Guide for more information about the ArcSight data fields.F-Secure Mappings to ArcSight ESM FieldsSend Documentation FeedbackIf you have comments about this document,you can contact the documentation team by email.If an email client is configured on this computer,click the link above and an email window opens with the following information in the subject line:Feedback on Configuration Guide for the F-Secure Anti-Virus File SmartConnector (SmartConnectors8.4.3)Just add your feedback to the email and click send.If no email client is available,copy the information above to a new message in a web mail client,and send your feedback to***************************************.We appreciate your feedback!。
TASCAM DV-RA1000HD高分辨率音频 DSD主机录音机说明书
239PRICEVOCOP RO CDR1000-P RO CD-R/RW RECORDER A standalone CD burnerdesigned for quick burning of music and vocals on the road or on stage without acomputer. It has the ability to burn music to CD-R, CD-RW live in real-time, erasedata from CD-RW discs and create separate tracks while recording live. It featuresa digital coaxial audio input (compatible with 44.1 kHz), RCA and balanced XLR audioline in/out connections, headphone jack, and recording level control. It is 1RU andcomes rackmount ready.ITEM DE S CRIPTION PRICE CDR1000-PRO ...........CD-R/RW recorder, 1RU ...............................................................399.00 UBLISHING EZ Dupe’s Publishing Plant is a full-on produc-tion facility for all of your DVD or CD media needs. The Publishing Plant is only 23 inches wide and 21 inches deep. Its engineering design segues into an Epson Artisan 50 printer, creating a fully automatic system. It writes DVDs at 20x speed, and CDs at 48x. It features a 100 disc capacity, and is compatible with most DVD and CD formats. Includes an LICATION All models come standard with a 160GB HDD and USB2.0 interconnect. Stand-alone tower models only. Professional duplication with up to 20x speed for DVD+/-R, 8x for DVD+/-RW, 8x for DVD+/-DL, 52x for CD-R, and up to 32x for CD-RW. Available in 2- to 11-target configurations. Models shown below are most popular configurations, call for others. PRICEEPSON PP-100 DISCPRODUCER SERIESDISC PRINTERS Offering the lowest cost per print,and Epson’s renowned print quality, Discproducer has amaximum output of 100 disc per session, with an hourlyrate of 30 CDs or 15 DVDs. In print-only mode, thePP-100 can print up to 45 discs per hour. The networkedversion can receive up to five jobs at the same time andhas been optimized for working in groups. The security version is designed for applica-tions requiring top-level security and archived data protection. The Autoprinter can printonto 100 CDs and/or DVDs in one session, with an hourly rate of 95 discs. All modelsfeature bi-directional printing and print at resolutions of up to 1440x1440 dpi.ITEM DE S CRIPTION PRICEPP-100......................Epson Discproducer ...................................................................2695.00PP-100N worked version of PP-100 ..........................................................CALLPP-100NS worked version of PP-100 w/security .........................................CALLPP-100AP .................Epson Autoprinter ......................................................................1950.00AccessoriesPJIC-SET ...................Set of 6 ink cartridges, 1 in each color .......................................230.00PJIC1-C .....................Cyan ink cartridge .........................................................................40.00PJIC2-LC ...................Light cyan ink cartridge ................................................................40.00PJIC3-LM ...................Light magenta ink cartridge .........................................................40.00PJIC4-M ....................Magenta ink cartridge ...................................................................40.00PJIC5-Y .....................Yellow ink cartridge .......................................................................40.00PJIC6-K .....................Black ink cartridge ........................................................................40.00C13S020476 .............N E W !240EZ DU E MEDIA MIRROR MULTI-FORMAT DUPLICATOR The Media/Mirror backs up audio andvideo DVDs and CDs, many types of media cards (CFI/II, SD, MS-Pro Duo are most common types), andUSB media devices. Features multi-session technology,which permits several memory cards or USB devices tobe placed on a single DVD or CD. It will also place mediafrom media cards larger than CD or DVD capacity ontomultiple discs. Professional duplication with up to 20x for DVD±R, 8x for DL DVD±R, DVD+RW, 6x for DVD-RW, 56x for CD-R, and 32x for CD-RW. All units carry a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty.ITEM DE S CRIPTION PRICE MM01PIB ..................Single-target multi-format duplicator .........................................389.00MM02PIB ..................Dual-target multi-format duplicator ...........................................459.00MM03PIB ..................Triple-target multi-format duplicator ..........................................529.00EZ DUPE MEDIA MAVEN SERIES DVD /CD /MEDIACARD DUPLICATION SYSTEM This series of profes-sional duplicators is lightning fast in reproducing mirror-image copies of virtually every type of media card with theoptional media expander. It features a SATA drives for themost accurate transfer of data. Create DVD & CD cop-ies from USB directly to disc with the touch of a button.Professional duplication with up to 8x speed for DVD, 52xon CD. Optional media expander writes to Micro SD, MS/MS Duo, Mini SD, SD/SDHC and MMC cards.ITEM DE S CRIPTION PRICE MMM30 .....................1 source, 3 target DVD/CD duplicator .........................................479.00MMM50 .....................1 source, 5 target DVD/CD duplicator .........................................629.00MMM70 .....................1 source, 7 target DVD/CD duplicator .........................................769.00MMM90 ..................... 1 source, 9 target DVD/CD duplicator .......................................1019.00MMMEX .....................11 target media expander for multi-media maven .......................22.95MICROBOARDS COPYWRITER® ive bring digital-quality audio to your church, school, studio, or boardroom. Record from practically any audio source, including live feed from a microphone, a cassette deck, a mixer, and many MICROBOARDS COPY WRITER & COPY WRITER PRO CD/These towers feature industrial Optiarc recorders that copy both DVD and CD formats. In addition these support bit to bit data verification, ensuring a perfect burn every time. These support nearly every format like DVD Video, DVD ROM, DVD+R/-R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and dual layer DVD. Supported CD formats are CD-DA (Red Book), CD-ROM modes 1&2, XA forms 1&2, ISO 9660, Photo CD, CD-Extra, HFS, and Hybrid. The Pro versions feature onboard 320GB hard disc drives. EZ DUP E P ORTABLE USBDUPLICATORS These por-table, stand-alone USB dupli-cation systems feature userfriendly 4-key control with L CD, 2GB per minute USB duplication andbit-by-bit Compare function to confirm successful copies. No warm-up or cool-down is required. Other features include test and check functions for USB drives, real-time display of detailed information, and ergonomic, portable design.ITEM DE S CRIPTION PRICE 2CUSB .......................2 target, portable USB duplicator/tester .....................................149.956CUSB .......................6 target, portable USB duplicator/tester .....................................989.002CUSB 6CUSB MICROBOARDS G3 SERIES DISC PUBLISHERS The G3P-1000 DVD/CD disc publisher has a single recorder, with 50 disc input capacity. It burns 24x for DVDs, and 48x for CDs. Utilizes HP inkjet technology to produce images at up to 4800dpi via a single tri-color cartridge (GX-300HC). The G3PBD-1000 shares the same features but adds 8x Blu-Ray disc publish-ing capability. The G3A-1000 is an autoprinter version only. Compatible with Pentium 4 3.0GHz or greater machines running: Windows and Intel-based Macs OSX 10.5+ compatible. Comes MICROBOARDS CX-1 DVD/CD/BLU-RAY low cost-per-unit. Comes with PRINTWRITE-2 disc EZ DUPE STUDIO STANDARD RACKMOUNT SERIESDurable, stylish, and rugged designs with heavy-duty housing which are ideal for an industrial environment. These commonly feature a 250W, 350W, and 400W industrial power supply with safety approved selectable voltage, 8cm ball bearing fan to maxi-mize ventilation, and 80GB hard drive standard. Professional duplication with up to 20x speed for DVD+/-R, 8x for DVD+/-RW, 10x for DVD+/-DL, 40x for CD-R, and up to 32x for CD-RW. Units carry a 4-year manufacturer’s warranty.ITEM DE S CRIPTION PRICE RK3TDVDSOB ..3-target CD/DVD rackmt duplicator, Sony, 80 GB HDD, black ................589.00RK5TDVDSOB ..5-target CD/DVD rackmt duplicator, Sony, 80 GB HDD, black ................759.00RK7TDVDSOB ..7-target CD/DVD rackmt duplicator, Sony, 80 GB HDD, black ................899.00RK9TDVDSOB ..9-target CD/DVD rackmt duplicator, Sony, 80 GB HDD, black ..............1099.00Shop anytime. Buy online. Honesty and Valuesince 1971242MICROBOARDS QD/QDH SERIES DVD/CD DUP LICATORSAffordable duplication solutions for copying audio, video,or data. They feature small desktop footprints, anduse an easy-to-use 4 button touch panel interface.Supported formats include DVD-R, DVD+R, DVDVideo, DVD-ROM, DVD-DL, All CD formatsincluding CD+G. Also features copyverification & track extractionfeatures, USB 2.0 intercon-nect, and Zulu2 disc masteringsoftware. 1 year manufacturer’sRECORDEX RX-100 SERIES CD DUP LICATORSThese small, high-capacitysional gravity disc feeding system (as opposed to roboticpicking arms) that can load and unload a disc in just 3seconds. You can leave it unattended for hours with the100-disc input and output bin. Duplicators feature singletiple simultaneous operations. Enclosed design systemkeeps the unit dust-free and nearly silent. The RX-100PCincludes a premium software suite that allows it to ripCDs to MP3s, back up data, create and restore ISO files,erase RW discs, duplicate data discs, and burn copies ofaudio files. In addition to MP3, the unit supports WMA, WAV, and OGG formats. The RO™ COMMERCIAL RINTERS These are auto printers that create photo-quality results in under a minute. They have a smart dual cartridge system which prints true black while saving the color cartridge specifically for color applications tridges. Compatible with most major brands of optical media. Both printers use standard off-the-shelf HP ink cartridges (HP56 black, HP57 color). Minimum system requirements – Pentium Designed for industrial environments, the MX-1 and MX-2 come with 1 or 2 high-speed DVD/CD recorders, and a low cost-per-disc inkjet printer (4800dpi) for a complete publishing solution. The PF-Pro (PFP-1000) is a printer only, with no recorders. All units feature 100-disc input/output and enhanced automation for reliable loading & unloading of discs. Ships with software for Mac/PC and connects via USB2.0. Please call to verify sions are also available. Comes with PRINTWRITE-2 disc publishing software.This small autoloader has 3 recording drives, a 250GB hard drive and can make 60 discs a run. Records at speedsup to 24x for DVD±Rs & DVD±RWs, and 48x for CD-R &CD-RWs. Writes at speeds up to 40x for CD-Rs, 24x forCD-RWs, DVD-Rs, and DVD+Rs, 8x for DVD+RWs, and 6x forN E W !Tenemos ventas y servicio en Español.Expertos que hablan Español disponibles en x1178 y x1164.Honesty and Valuesince 1971。
FortiManager 自动化驱动中心化管理系统说明书
DATA SHEETFortiManagerAutomation-Driven Centralized Management Manage all your Fortinet devices in a single-console central management system. FortiManager provides full visibility of your network, offering streamlined provisioning and innovative automation tools.Integrated with Fortinet’s Security Fabric , the security architecture and FortiManager’s Automation Driven Network Operations capabilities provide a foundation to secure and optimize network security , such as provisioning and monitoring SD-WANs.Orchestrate security devices and systems on-premise or in the cloud to streamline network provisioning, security policy updates & change management.Automate your time-intensive processes and accelerate workflows to offload NOC-SOC, reduce administrative tasks and address talent shortages.Optimize Visibility to the entire digital attack surface and awareness of increasing cyber threats from one centralized location, through accurate detection, automated correlation and rapid response features.§ § § § § § §DATA SHEET | FortiManager2HighlightsSingle Pane Automation and OrchestrationFortinet Security Fabric delivers sophisticated security management for unified, end-to-end protection. Deploying Fortinet-based security infrastructure to battle advanced threats, and adding FortiManager to provide single-pane-of-glass management across your entire extended enterprise provides insight into network-wide traffic and threats.FortiManager offers enterprise-class features to contain advanced threats. FortiManager also delivers the industry’s best scalability to manage up to 100,000 Fortinet devices. FortiManager, coupled with the FortiAnalyzer family of centralized logging and reporting appliances,provides a comprehensive and powerful centralized management solution for your organization.Centralized SD-WAN Deployment & MonitoringPowerful SD-WAN management capabilities by using templates. Enhanced SD-WAN monitoring for each SD-WAN link member with visibility of link status, application performance, bandwidth utilization. The SLA targets are included in performance monitoring graphs for each WAN provider.Configuration and Settings ManagementCollectively configure the device settings - using the provisioning templates and advance CLI templates improves management of a large number of devices. Automatic device configuration backup with revision control and change audit make it easier for daily administrative tasks.Central Management of Network InfrastructureCentrally manage FortiGate , FortiSwitch, FortiExtender, FortiAP . The VPN manager simplifies the deployment and allows centrally-provisioned VPN community and monitoring of VPN connections on Google Map. FortiAP Manager allows configuring, deploying and monitoring FortiAPs from a single console with Google Map view. The FortiClient Manager allows centralized configuration, deployment and monitoring of FortiClients.Multi-Tenancy & Role Based AdministrationFortiManager equips admins with granular device and role based administration for deploying multi-tenancy architecture to large enterprises, with a hierarchical objects database to facilitate re-use of common configurations and serve multiple customers. The graphical interface makes it easy to view, create, clone and manage ADOMs. You can use ADOMs to manage independent security environments, each ADOM with its own security policies and configuration database. FortiManager enables you to group devices logically or geographically for flexible management, and the zero-touch deployment uses templates to provision devices for quick mass deployment and supports firmware version enforcement. Define global objects such as Firewall Objects, Policies and Security Profiles to share across multiple ADOMs. Granular permissions allow assigning ADOMs, devices and policies to users based on role and duties.API for Automation and OrchestrationRESTful API allows MSSPs/large enterprises to create customized, branded web portals for policy and object administration. Automate common tasks such as provisioning new FortiGates and configuring existing devices. Join Fortinet Developer Network (FNDN) to access exclusive articles, how-to content for automation and customization, community-built tools, scripts and sample code.Security Policy ManagementA set of commonly used security policies can be now grouped in a Policy Block and inserted as needed in different Policy Packages.Global policy feature that allows companies such as: Telecom, MSSP , SAAS providers applies a header and/or footer policy at the ADOM level to all the policy packages or to a selection of packages, as needed.DATA SHEET | FortiManagerHighlightsFortiManager VMFortinet offers the FortiManager VM in a stackable license model. This model allows you to expand your VM solution as your environment expands. Utilizing virtualization technology, FortiManager-VM is a software-based version of the FortiManager hardware appliance and is designed to run on many virtualization platforms. It offers all the features of the FortiManager hardware appliance.The FortiManager virtual appliance family minimizes the effort required to monitor and maintain acceptable use policies, as well as identify attack patterns that can be used to fine tune the security policy, thwarting future attackers.SpecificationsFMG-VM-10-UG FMG-VM-100-UG FMG-VM-1000-UG FMG-VM-5000-UG10 +100 +1,000 +5,000 +200 GB 1 TB 4 TB8 TB251025VMware ESX/ESXi 5.0/5.1/5.5/6.0/6.5/6.7, Microsoft Hyper-V 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2/2016, Citrix XenServer 6.0+ and Open SourceXen 4.1+, KVM on Redhat 6.5+ and Ubuntu 17.04, Nutanix AHV (AOS 5.10.5), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, GoogleCloud (GCP), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Alibaba Cloud (AliCloud)vCPU Support (Minimum / Maximum) 2 / UnlimitedNetwork Interface Support (Min / Max) 1 / 4Integration & Security FabricIntegration with ITSM to mitigate security events and applyconfiguration changes and policy updates. Seamless integrationwith FortiAnalyzer appliances provides in-depth discovery, analysis,prioritization and reporting of network security events. Create fabricconnectors to facilitate connections with third-party vendors viapxGrid , OCI, ESXi and others, to share and exchange data.FortiManager’s workflow for audit and compliance enables youto review, approve and audit policy changes from a central place,including automated processes to facilitate policy compliance,policy lifecycle management, and enforced workflow to reduce riskfor policy changes.Monitor and Report for Deep VisibilityAccess vital security and network statistics, as well as real-timemonitoring and integrated reporting provides visibility into networkand user activity. For more powerful analytics, combine with aFortiAnalyzer appliance for additional data mining and graphicalreporting capabilities.Network & Security Operations VisibilityAutomated data exchanges between security (SOC) workflows andoperational (NOC) workflows, creating a single, complete workflowthat not only saves time, but also provides the capacity to completeadditional incident response activities. FortiManager’s NOC-SOCdelivers advanced data visualization to help Analysts quicklyconnect dots and identify threats, simplifying how organizationsdeliver security and remediate breaches, data exfiltration, andcompromised hosts.DATA SHEET | FortiManager4Safety CertificationscUL, CB CE, BSMI, KC, UL/cUL, CB, GOST FCC Part 15 Class A, C-Tick, VCCI, CE, UL/cUL, CBSpecifications1 Each Virtual Domain (VDOM) operating on a physical or virtual device counts as one (1) licensed network device. Global Policies and high availability support available on all models* Optional redundant AC power supply, not includedDATA SHEET | FortiManager5FMG-2000EFMG-3000FSafety CertificationscUL, CBCE, BSMI, KC, UL/cUL, CB, GOSTcUL, CB, GOSTSpecifications1 Each Virtual Domain (VDOM) operating on a physical or virtual device counts as one (1) licensed network device Global Policies and high availability support available on all models. 4 + Indicates Device Add-On License availableDATA SHEET | FortiManagerOrder InformationProduct SKU DescriptionFortiManager FMG-200F Centralized management, log and analysis appliance — 2xRJ45 GE, 2xSFP, 8 TB storage, up to 30x Fortinet devices/virtual domains.FMG-300F Centralized management, log and analysis appliance — 4x GE RJ45, 2xSFP, 16 TB storage, up to 100x Fortinet devices/virtual domains.FMG-1000F Centralized management, log and analysis appliance — 2x RJ45 10G, 2x SFP+ slots, 32 TB storage, up to 1000x Fortinet devices/virtual domains.FMG-2000E Centralized management, log and analysis appliance — 4x GE RJ45, 2x 10 GE SFP+ slots, 36 TB storage, dual power supplies, manages up to 1,200Fortinet devices/virtual domains.FMG-3000F Centralized management, log and analysis appliance — 4x GE RJ45, 2x 10 GE SFP+ slots, 48 TB storage, dual power supplies, manages up to 4,000Fortinet devices/virtual domains.FMG-3700F Centralized management, log and analysis appliance — 2x10GbE SFP+, 2x1GbE RJ-45 slots, 240 TB storage, dual power supplies, manages up to 10,000Fortinet devices/virtual domains.FortiManager Device Upgrade FMG-DEV-100-UG FortiManager device upgrade license for adding 100 Fortinet devices/VDOMs (3000 series and above - hardware only)FortiManager VM Built-in Evaluation Built-in 15-day EVAL license, no activation required.Full Evaluation (60-days)EVAL license. License and activation required.FMG-VM-Base Base license for stackable FortiManager-VM. Manages up to 10 Fortinet devices/Virtual Domains, 1 GB/Day of Logs and 100 GB storage capacity. Designedfor all supported platforms.FMG-VM-10-UG Upgrade license for adding 10 Fortinet devices/Virtual Domains; allows for total of 2 GB/Day of Logs and 200 GB storage capacity.FMG-VM-100-UG Upgrade license for adding 100 Fortinet devices/Virtual Domains; allows for total of 5 GB/Day of Logs and 1 TB storage capacity.FMG-VM-1000-UG Upgrade license for adding 1,000 Fortinet devices/Virtual Domains; allows for total of 10 GB/Day of Logs and 4 TB storage capacity.FMG-VM-5000-UG Upgrade license for adding 5,000 Fortinet devices/Virtual Domains; allows for total of 25 GB/Day of Logs and 8 TB storage capacity.Additional FortiManager Items FC-10-FDN1-139-02-12 1 Year Subscription Renewal for 1 User to Fortinet Developer NetworkFC-10-FDN2-139-02-12 1 Year Subscription for Unlimited Users to Fortinet Developer NetworkFMG-SDNS License to operate FortiManager as a dedicated Secure DNS server appliance (3000 series and above – hardware only) Copyright © 2019 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet®, FortiGate®, FortiCare® and FortiGuard®, and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.FST-PROD-DS-FMG FMG-DAT-R47-201908。
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Driver Tree - Moons Showing Base Trends
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R = 84 G = 156 B = 181
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Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway说明书
With email still being the primary business collaboration tool, organizations need to ensure that the content and information they send and receive is both appropriate and permitted to enter or leave the organization. The Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway (SEG) helps to secure against critical information data loss; protecting the intellectual property and brand reputation of your organization and ensuring compliance with current regulations and standards.Clearswift’s award-winning deep-content inspection capabilities facilitate the competitive advantages inherent in open and safe communications; transforming email from a high-risk communication channel to one tailored exactly to your organization’s needs.The Gateway scans emails for sensitive content, and based on a granular organizational policy it provides the necessary flexibility to permit multiple behaviours, depending on the senders and recipients of the message. The Clearswift Adaptive Redactionfunctionality allows for content to be dynamically modified to make the content safe rather than having to stop and block and forcea remediation.Inbound threat protectionFeaturing integrated, cloud-assisted Kaspersky and / or Sophos anti-virus, with automatic updates every fifteen minutes toprovide the latest protection. These technologies are supplemented with zero-hour anti-malware and active code detection to ensure that no malware comes in, or goes out, via email. Targeted ransomware and spyware attacks typically use email with commonly used Office and PDF files as a means to deliver a payload. If these exploits manage to reach the desktop they will be run with the user privileges of the recipient, which could provide access to sensitive data. So as an addition to standardanti-malware features the Structural Sanitization feature permits macro’s, scripts and Active/X to be removed from messages, PDF and Office file formats significantly reducing the risk of targeted ransomware and spyware attacks being successful.Message Sanitization is able to remove URLs, attachments and HTML from messages to ensure there is no potential riskfrom that message.Best-of-Breed spam detectionThe new Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway comes with a completely redesigned anti-spam engine incorporating thebest-of-breed Mailshell component. This reduces the amount of spam reaching the end-user and the number of false positives.DMARC, SPF and DKIM support enables yet further spam reduction and with an Outlook Spam Reporter included, spam can be monitored, registered and eliminated. Featuring a new multi-layer spam defence mechanism using IP reputations, greylisting, signatures, SPF, RBL, recipient authentication and machine learning (Bayesian) engines to provide > than 99.9% detection rates, the SEG is able to drastically reduce the amount of time users spend managing their inboxes and significantly reduces theeffect of malware contained in spam.Context-aware content inspection policiesFlexible policies and context-aware content inspection mean you no longer have to choose between free-flowing communications and unacceptable risk. Flexible policy is the key to any real-world deployment. If the policy is too restrictive then people either cannot work effectively, or they find ways to get around their security policy.Adaptive RedactionClearswift’s unique Adaptive Redaction features permit the content of messages and attachments to be modified dynamically based on policy. The Data Redaction feature allows information to flow when before it would have been blocked. Customers can create policies to change specific words and phrases in messages and documents with “*” characters to make the content safe.This can apply to Credit Card numbers, Social Security details, Project codes, individual names or any custom value.Figure 1. Clearswift Adaptive Redaction: Data RedactionThe Document Sanitization feature can remove outstanding revision changes, clearing history and fast-save data that can also hold embarrassing critical information being accidentally disclosed. Document properties, such as “Author”, “Organization” and “Status” can be completely removed or bespoke properties can be preserved.DATA REDACTIONAdaptive RedactionOriginal Email with attachmentsEmail after Adaptive RedactionAdaptive Data Loss PreventionData loss is one of today’s biggest organizational concerns. Be it the latest designs, customer details or private employee information, the loss of intellectual property can ruin a company, both from a financial and reputational perspective.To reduce the chances of accidental data loss, the SECURE Email Gateway is able to control messages based on their content and their context. Context is provided through integration with Active Directory or LDAP, so policy can be applied to a specific individual or group (or the whole organization). The content of the message is checked through looking for text in the message body, subject line and also attachments, against 180 predefined policies.Policies consist of standard words, phrases or regular expressions, which can be used to look for complex alphanumeric patterns. These patterns could be used to identify an organization’s assets, such as credit cards, IBAN numbers, social security numbers, and many more.These phrases can be combined using Boolean and positional operators to create examples such as: • Credit .FOLLOWEDBY=1. Card• Confidential .AND. (Project .OR. Material)• C hecking for policy violations can also take place within image content such as screen shots, attachments and embedded content in documents.ComplianceStaying within the bounds of a regulatory framework is very important. To help you maintain compliance, the SECURE Email Gateway includes standard templates and dictionaries for common terms that may indicate a data breach.The Gateways are supplied with customisable dictionaries for GLBA, HIPAA, SEC and SOX to save deployment time. Organizations that must adhere to PCI and PII regulations can use a custom dictionary and the special ‘credit card’ and ‘social security’ tokens. Customers can augment the standard dictionaries with ones that may be more applicable.Organizations that must adhere to PCI and PII regulations, such as the EU GDPR, can use a custom dictionary and any of the more than 200+ pre-configured PCI and PII tokens to simplify policy definition and enforcement. Customers can augment the standard dictionaries with ones that may be more applicable.Some information will always need to be shared and email encryption is another important capability of the Gateway, ensuring that regulations relating to sensitive data sent over the internet are protected using strong encryption. The HITECH Act in the US and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation make it clear that sensitive data must be encrypted when sent via email; the SECURE Email Gateway supports a number of different encryption mechanisms to provide flexibility as required.Email encryptionWith TLS as standard, and cost options to provide either S/MIME, PGP and password protected files or Web portal-based encryption, the Email Gateway offers a variety of options to cater for customer requirements. Whichever you choose, the Gateway allows sensitive data to be delivered securely, in seconds, using the optimal format for the recipient.Management and reportingThe user interface of the Gateway is powerful, yet simple to use. With roles based administration, automation and policy re-use, it’s quick and easy to build policy, manage violations, track messages and report on trends and behaviour. In this way, valuable insight is provided without consuming valuable admin resource.Deep content inspectionTrue file-type detection that recognizes files by signature and not by extension allows the Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway to understand files accurately. Compressed file archives are opened and the contents examined in real-time; embedded documents are discovered, and content is scanned in depth, to ensure data leakage is kept at bay.Flexible deployment optionsYou decide how you want to buy and deploy the Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway, either as a pre-installed hardware appliance, as a software image that can be loaded on a choice of hardware platforms, or alternatively virtualized in a VMware / Hyper-V environment. The Clearswift SECURE Email Gateway is also available as a Cloud solution using providers such as AWS and Azure or from Clearswift (regional offerings) as hosted virtual servers where you maintain control of the platform, but with the convenience and benefits of a Cloud delivery model.About ClearswiftClearswift is trusted by organizationsglobally to protect their criticalinformation, giving them the freedomto securely collaborate and drivebusiness growth. Our uniquetechnology supports a straightforwardand ‘adaptive’ data loss preventionsolution, avoiding the risk of businessinterruption and enabling organizationsto have 100% visibility of their criticalinformation 100% of the time.Clearswift operates world-wide, havingregional headquarters in Europe, AsiaPacific and the United States. Clearswifthas a partner network of more than 900resellers across the globe.More information is available atUK - International HQClearswift Ltd1310 WatersideArlington Business ParkTheale, Reading, BerkshireRG7 4SATel : +44 (0) 118 903 8903Fax : +44 (0) 118 903 9000Sales: +44 (0) 118 903 8700Technical Support: +44 (0) 118 903 8200Email:*******************AustraliaClearswift (Asia/Pacific) Pty LtdLevel 17 RegusCoca Cola Place40 Mount StreetNorth Sydney NSW 2060AustraliaTel: +61 2 9424 1200Technical Support: +61 2 9424 1210Email:*******************.auGermanyClearswift GmbHIm Mediapark 8D-50670 CologneGermanyTel: +49 (0)221 828 29 888Technical Support: +49 (0)800 1800556Email:******************JapanClearswift K.KShinjuku Park Tower N30th Floor3-7-1 Nishi-ShinjukuTokyo 163-1030JapanTel: +81 (3)5326 3470TechnicalSupport************Email:**********************United StatesClearswift Corporation309 Fellowship Road, Suite 200Mount Laurel, NJ 08054United StatesTel: +1 856-359-2360Technical Support: +1 856 359 2170Email:******************.comIntuitive web-based interface Ease of use and no requirement to learn complex syntax or Linuxcommands.Multi-gateway consolidated reporting Consolidated reporting view of user’s activities for easier analysis andsharing of management data.Multi-gateway message tracking Enables a view of where messages came from, how they wereprocessed and where they went across multi-gateways, complete withmanual or scheduled export capability.Centralized SYSLOG, SCOM, SNMP, SMTP Alerting Consolidate to a central SIEM, or use SCOM, SNMP or SMTP management alerts for a ‘lights out’ data centre deployment.* Cost Option。
Tianfu(Matt)WuAddress:Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,The Visual Narrative Cluster,North Carolina State UniversityPhone:+1919-515-4361Email:tianfu***********Website:/˜twu19/Research Interests·Learning interpretability-sensitive models for computer vision and robot Autonomy.·Pursuing a unified framework for machines to ALTER(Ask,Learn,Test,Explain,and Refine) recursively in a principled Way.Topics of interest include,but not limited to,·Computer Vision,Pattern Analysis,Machine Learning·Statistical Learning,Machine Learning,Big Data,·Statistical Inference,Sequential Hypothesis Testing,Decision Policy·Statistical Theory,Performance Statistics University of California,Los Angeles(UCLA) Advisor:Professor Song-Chun ZhuDissertation title:Integration and Goal-guided Scheduling of Bottom-up andTop-Down Computing Processes in Hierarchical Models Computer Science,Hefei University of Technology(HFUT),China Advisor:Professor Jun GaoThesis title:A Computational Model of Visual Selective AttentionMechanism and Its Application in Object Recognition 1999.07Associate Degree in EEIS University of Science and Technology of China(USTC)Professional AppointmentsAssistant Professor,Department of ECE,NC State University,2016.08-Present Research Assistant Professor,Department of Statistics,UCLA,2014.07-2016.06 Assistant Adjunct Professor,Department of Statistics,UCLA,2014.07-2016.16 Postdoctoral Researcher,Department of Statistics,UCLA,2012.02-2014.06 Graduate Research Assistant,Department of Statistics,UCLA,2008.09-2011.11 Research Assistant,Lotus Hill Research Institute(LHI),2005.11-2008.08China,Graduate Research Assistant,Institute of Intelligent Machines,Chinese2003.09-2005.05Academy of Science,Graduate Research Assistant,Hefei University of Technology(HFUT),2002.08-2005.04China,1Funding2015.03-2016.07 (co-PI)DARPA SIMPLEX Award:Learning Homogeneous Knowledge Repre-sentation from Heterogeneous Data for Quantitative and QualitativeReasoning in Autonomy,$5,230,000(Professor Song-Chun Zhu isthe PI,2015.03-2018.07)PublicationsManuscript1.Bo Li,Tianfu Wu∗,Shuai Shao,Lun Zhang and Rufeng Chu“Object Detection via End-to-End Integration of Aspect Ratio and Context Aware Part-based Models and Fully Con-volutional Networks”,arXiv1612.00534.(∗Corresponding author)2.Diqi Chen,Yizhou Wang,Tianfu Wu and Wen Gao,“Recurrent Attentional Model forNo-Reference Image Quality Assessment”,arXiv1612.03530.3.Bo Zhao,Botong Wu,Tianfu Wu and Yizhou Wang,“Zero-Shot Learning via RevealingData Distribution”,arXiv1612.00560.4.Hang Qi ,Tianfu Wu∗,Mu wai Lee and Song-Chun Zhu,“A Restricted Visual TuringTest for Deep Scene and Event Understanding”,arXiv1512.01715.(∗Equal Contribu-tion)JournalIEEE TPAMI and IJCV have among the highest ISI impact factors across all computer science categories. TPAMI is one of the top ranked publication in IEEE and in all computer science journals.1.Tianfu Wu,Yang Lu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Online Object Tracking,Learning,and Pars-ing with Generic and Specific And-Or Graphs”,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI)(Accepted),2016.(arXiv1509.08067,short version appeared in CVPR2014).(Impact Factor:5.694)2.Tianfu Wu∗,Bo Li and Song-Chun Zhu,“Learning And-Or Models to Represent Con-text and Occlusion for Car Detection”,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI)vol.38,no.9,p.1829-1843,2016(arXiv1501.07359,short versions appeared in ICCV2013and ECCV2014,∗Equal Contribution).(Impact Factor:5.694)3.Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Poli-cies for Object Detection”,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI),vol.37,no.5,p.1013-1027,2015.(Impact Factor:5.694)4.Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“A Numerical Study of Bottom-up and Top-down Infer-ence Processes in And-Or Graphs”,International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV),vol.93, no.2,p.226-252,2011.(Impact Factor:3.533)5.Adrian Barbu,Tianfu Wu and Ying Nian Wu,“Learning Mixtures of Bernoulli Templatesby Two-Round EM with Performance Guarantee”,Electronic Journal of Statistics(EJS),vol.8,no.2,p.30043030,2014.(Impact Factor:0.79)6.Jun Zhu,Tianfu Wu∗,Song-Chun Zhu,Xiaokang Yang and Wenjun Zhang,“A Reconfig-urable Tangram Model for Scene Representation and Categorization”,IEEE Transactionson Image Processing(TIP),vol.25,no.1,p.150-166,2016(∗Corresponding author).(Impact Factor:3.111)7.Bo Li,Xi Song,Tianfu Wu∗,Wenze Hu and Mingtao Pei,“Coupling-and-Decoupling:A Hierarchical Model for Occlusion-Free Object Detection”,Pattern Recognition(PR),vol.47,no.10,p.3254-3264,2014.(∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:2.584)8.Liang Lin,Tianfu Wu,Jake Porway and Zijian Xu,“A Stochastic Graph Grammar forCompositional Object Representation and Recognition”,Pattern Recognition(PR),vol.42, no.7,p.1297-1307,2009.(Impact Factor:2.584)9.Cheng-Chi Yu,Yong-Jin Liu,Tianfu Wu,Kai-Yun Li and Xiaolan Fu,“A global energyoptimization framework for2.1D sketch extraction from monocular images”,Graphical Models,vo.76,no.5,p.507-521,2014.(Impact Factor:0.967)10.Anlong Ming,Tianfu Wu,Jianxiang Ma,Fang Sun and Yu Zhou,“Monocular Depth Or-dering Reasoning with Occlusion Edge Detection and Couple Layers Inference”,IEEE Intelligent Systems,2015(Accepted)(Impact Factor:1.920)Conference(Peer Reviewed)In computer vision,the top three conferences(CVPR,ICCV,ECCV)are considered more important and have greater impact than most SCI journals.Oral presentations have an highly competitive acceptance rate of about4%and poster presentations about20%.According to the recent survey of CiteScholar (/index.php?c=topai),their impact factors are CVPR5.97,ECCV5.91 and ICCV5.05respectively,which correspond to the top4%-7%of all computer science journals and conferences.Note that CVPR is the only conference proceedings listed in the top100publications in Google Scholar(/citations?view_op=top_venues&hl=en)and is ranked No.1in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.1.Yunzhu Li,Benyuan Sun,Tianfu Wu,and Yizhou Wang,“Face Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a3D Model”,In European Conference on Computer Vi-sion(ECCV),2016.(Impact Factor:5.91)2.Bo Li,Tianfu Wu,Caiming Xiong and Song-Chun Zhu,“Recognizing Car Fluents fromVideos”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2016.(Oral)(Impact Factor:5.97)3.Bo Li,Tianfu Wu∗and Song-Chun Zhu,“Integrating Context and Occlusion for CarDetection by Hierarchical And-Or Model”,In European Conference on Computer Vision(ECCV),2014(Oral presentation,∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:5.91)4.Yang Lu,Tianfu Wu∗and Song-Chun Zhu,“Online Object Tracking,Learning and Pars-ing with And-Or Graphs”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),2014.(∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:5.97)5.Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Poli-cies for Object Detection”,In International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV),2013.(Impact Factor:5.05)6.Bo Li,Wenze Hu,Tianfu Wu∗and Song-Chun Zhu,“Modeling Occlusion by Discrimi-native AND-OR Structures”,In International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV),2013.(∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:5.05)7.Xi Song,Tianfu Wu∗,Yunde Jia and Song-Chun Zhu,“Discriminatively Trained And-Or Tree Models for Object Detection”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2013.(∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:5.97)8.Dengxin Dai,Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Discovering Scene Categories by Infor-mation Projection and Cluster Sampling”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pat-tern Recognition(CVPR),2010.(Impact Factor:5.97)9.Xiong Yang,Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Evaluating Information Contributionsof Bottom-up and Top-down Processes”,In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),2009.(Impact Factor:5.05)10.Jin-Li Suo,Tianfu Wu,Song-Chun Zhu,Shiguang Shan,Xilin Chen and Wen Gao,“De-sign Sparse Features for Age Estimation using Hierarchical Face Model”,In IEEE Inter-national Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition(FG),2008.(Impact Factor:1.138)11.Tianfu Wu,Guisong Xia and Song-Chun Zhu,“Compositional Boosting for ComputingHierarchical Image Structures”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recog-nition(CVPR),2007.(Impact Factor:5.97)12.Jun Zhu,Tianfu Wu,Song-Chun Zhu,Xiaokang Yang and Wenjun Zhang,“LearningReconfigurable Scene Representation by Tangram Model”,In IEEE Workshop on the Appli-cations of Computer Vision(WACV),2012.13.Bo Li,Tianfu Wu,Wenze Hu and Mingtao Pei,“Coupling-and-Decoupling:A Hierar-chical Model for Occlusion-Free Car Detection”,In Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV),2012.14.Yi Xie,Mingtao Pei,Zhao Liu and Tianfu Wu,“Tracking Pedestrian with Multi-Component Online Deformable Part-Based Model”,In Asian Conference on Computer Vi-sion(ACCV),201215.Peng Lei,Tianfu Wu and Mingtao Pei,“Robust Tracking by Accounting for Hard Nega-tives Explicitly”,In International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR),2012(Oral) 16.Linjie Zhang,Haifeng Gong,Tianfu Wu and Junyu Dong“Deformable Template Com-bining Alignable and Non-alignable Sketches”,In International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR),2008.17.Hongwei Li,Liang Lin,Tianfu Wu,Xiaobai Liu and Lanfang Dong,Object-of-interestExtraction by Integrating Stochastic Inference with Learnt Active Shape Sketch,In Inter-national Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR),200818.Ruxin Gao,Tianfu Wu,Nong Sang,and Song-Chun Zhu,“Bayesian Inference for LayerRepresentation with Mixed Markov Random Field”,International Conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(EMMCVPR),2007. 19.Tianfu Wu,Jun Gao and Qin Zhao“A Computational Model of Object-based Visual Se-lective Attention Mechanism in Visual Information Acquisition”,International Conference of Information Acquisition,2004.20.Qin Zhao,Jun Gao,Tianfu Wu and Lu lu,The Grey Theory and the Preliminary Probeinto Information Acquisition Technology,In International Conference of Information Acqui-sition,June,200421.Tianfu Wu,Jun Gao and Ronggui Wang,SR Order Selection Filter and Its Applicationin Image Zooming-in,In The13th National Conference on Neural Network,2003.(Best pa-per nomination,Chinese version)Talks1.From Statistical Modeling and Computing to Communicative Learning•Joint Statistical Meeting(JSM),2016.07(invited talk)•Department of ECE Colloquium,NCSU,2016.04•Joint Seminar of Department of Statistics and Department of Communication Stud-ies,UCLA,2016.042.Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Polices for Fast Inference•Department of Statistics Seminar,UCLA,2015.013.Learning to compute faster:bottom-up and top-down inference processes and near-optimal cost-sensitive decision policy•Academia Sinica,Taiwan,2014.09•National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan,2014.094.Learning Hierarchical and Compositional Models and Fast Inference Algorithms for Ob-ject Detection and Tracking•Center for Imaging Science,JHU,2014.04Tutorial2015.06 (Full day tutorial):Short Course on Search and Planning for Inference and Learn-ing(SPIL)in Computer Vision(in conjunction with CVPR2015and co-organized with Professor Iasonas Kokkinos and Professor Sinisa Todorovic),DemoVisual Turing Testing for Deep Scene and Event Understanding,CVPR2016,2016.06 Codehttps:///tfwuHonors and AwardsICCV2015Outstanding Reviewer Award2015 UCLA Chancellor Fellowship2008-2009 UCLA Fellowship2008-2009 HFUT Exceptional Graduate2005 AnHui Province Exceptional Student1999 USTC Exceptional Student1999Teaching ExperienceInstructor,ECE592-064Digital Image Processing and Introduction toSpring,2017 Computer Vision,NCSUSpring,2017 Instructor,ECE592-062/CE592-002Design of a Robotic ComputerVision System for Autonomous Navigation(joint course),NCSUSpring,2016 Instructor,Stat232B-CS266B:Statistical Computing and Inference inVision and Image Science,UCLASpring,2015 Instructor,Stat232B-CS266B:Statistical Computing and Inference inVision and Image Science,UCLAInstructor,Stat100B:Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,UCLA Winter,2015Teaching Assistant,Stat100A:Introduction to Probability Theory,UCLA(Lec-Spring2010 turer:Professor Kerchau Li)Winter2010 Teaching Assistant,Stat100B:Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,UCLA(Lecturer:Dr.Juana Sanchezn)Winter2009 Teaching Assistant,Stat13:Introduction to Statistical Methods for the Life andHealth Sciences,UCLA(Lecturer:Professor Mark H.Hansen)Spring2009 Teaching Assistant,Stat100A:Introduction to Probability Theory,UCLA(Lec-turer:Professor Ying Nian Wu)Fall2004 Teaching Assistant,Introduction to Neural Network,HFUT(Lecturer:Profes-sor Jun Gao)Professional ServicesJournal ReviewerIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI)International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV)Electronic Journal of Statistics(EJS)IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(TIP)Pattern Recognition(PR)Computer Vision and Image Understanding(CVIU)Machine Vision and ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(TCSVT)Conference ReviewerEuropean Conference on Computer Vision(ECCV),2014IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2015 International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV),2015IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2016 Asian Conference on Computer Vision(ACCV),2016IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2017 Master Admission ReviewCS Department,UCLA,2015Ph.D Admission ReviewCS Department,UCLA,2016Programming SkillsC,C++,Python,R,Matlab,CUDA,MPI,OpenMPReferencesAvailable upon request.。
IBM Cognos Transformer V11.0 用户指南说明书
TOPSAR Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans
Fig. 1.
Geometry of a typical three-subswath high-resolution ScanSAR.
Fig. 2. ScanSAR acquisition geometry. The contribution of three targets has been represented to highlight the azimuth nonstationarities in both amplitudes and spectra.
Abstract—In this paper, a novel (according to the authors’ knowledge) type of scanning synthetic aperture radar (ScanSAR) that solves the problems of scalloping and azimuthvarying ambiguities is introduced. The technique employs a very simple counterrotation of the radar beam in the opposite direction to a SPOT: hence, the name terrain observation with progressive scan (TOPS). After a short summary of the characteristics of the ScanSAR technique and its problems, TOPSAR, which is the technique of design, the limits, and a focusing technique are introduced. A synthetic example based on a possible future system follows. Index Terms—Array signal processing, interferometry, scanning antennas, synthetic aperture radar (SAR).
Kaspersky KIPS产品说明书
An effective way of building cybersecurity awareness among top managers and decision makersLearn more on/awarenessKaspersky Interactive Protection SimulationKaspersky Interactive Protection SimulationWhat is KIPS?Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS) is a part of Security Awareness portfolio that offers a range of highly engaging and effective training solutions that boost the cybersecurity awareness of your staff so that they all play their part in the overall cybersafety of your organization.While nowadays more and more executives recognize the importance of cybersecurity it's still a challenge for those tasked with education to involve them in training and turn into real supporters of cybersecurity initiatives.KIPS is a strategic business simulation, a team game that demonstrates the connection between business efficiency and cybersecurity. Game-based learning helps to engage decision-makers in cybersecurity and motivate them to take further steps in building a cybersafe corporate environment.KIPS is an exercise that places business decision makers as members of IT security teams into a simulated business environment facing a series of unexpected cyberthreats where their main goal is to keep company working and get revenue.The idea is to build a cyber defense strategy by making choices from amongst the best pro-active and re-active controls available. Every reaction made by the teams to the unfolding events changes the way the scenario plays out, and ultimately how much profit the company makes or fails to make.Balancing engineering, business, and security priorities against the cost of a realistic cyberattack, the teams analyze data and make strategic decisions based on uncertain information and limited resources. If that sounds realistic, it should do, because each of the scenarios is based on real-life events.Why KIPS is an effective exercise?KIPS training is targeted at business system experts, IT people and line managers, and should increase their awareness of the risks and security problems of running modern computerized systems.Each of the competing teams of 4–6 people is tasked with running a business consists of some production facilities and computers controlling it. During the rounds of the game, production facilities generate revenues / public welfare / business results. However, the teams also have to face cyberattacks potentially impacting enterprise performance.In order to defend their enterprise, each team has to take strategic, managerial and technical decisions while taking operational constraints into account and maintaining a high level of revenue.KIPS game is a dynamic awareness program based on “learning by doing”:• Fun, engaging and fast (2 hours).• Team-work builds cooperation.• Competition fosters initiative & analysis skills.•Gameplay develops understanding of cybersecurity measures.After the KIPS Game, players come to the important and actionable conclusions for their everyday job:• Cyberattacks hurt revenues, and need to be addressed from top-management level.• Cooperation between IT and Business people is essential for cybersecurity success.• Effective security budget is much smaller than revenue you risk losing, and does not require millions.• People get used to particular security controls and its importance (audit training, anti-virus, etc).The “people problem”One of the biggest security challenges is that different senior management roles view cybersecurity from dfferent perspectives, and have different priorities. This can result in a sort of decision-making “Security Bermuda Triangle”:• Business see security measures as a contradiction to their business goals (cheaper/faster/better).• IT Security Managers may feel that cybersecurity as an infrastructure andinvestment issue moves outside their remit.• Managers tasked with cost control may not see how cybersecurity spending relates to revenues and saves rather than generates cost.Mutual understanding and partnership between these 3 are crucial to successful cybersecurity. However, traditional awareness formats, like lectures and red/blue exercises, are flawed: lengthy, overtechnical, and unsuited to busy managers, and they fail to build “common language” at the common sense level.Engagement/ motivationStarting pointLearningReinforcementContinuous learning cycleransomware, APTs, automation security flaws.from high-level emerging APTs, like Tyukpin, Carbanak.from website deface to a highly actual ransomware and a sophisticated APT.from attacks and exploits.Power stationWater plantProtecting industrial control systems and critical infrastructure from Stuxnet- style cyberattack.Protecting IT infrastructure of water purification plant insuaring stable work of 2 production line.Petroleum holdingMaintaining cybersecurity to protect the revenue of the global Oil&Energy company, having offices all over the world new branch of a large petrochemical holding, focusing on ethylene production.AirportHeartbleed, APT, B2B Ransomware, Insider.Ensuring the safety of passengers and timely delivery of goods at the airport, protecting its assets from numerous cyberattacks and threats.KIPS training shows to participants:• A real role of the cybersecurityin business continuity and profitability.• Highlights the emerging challenges and threats that are coming in nowadays.• What are the typical mistakescompanies are doing when building the cybersecurity.• What kind of cooperation between business and security teams can help to maintain the stable operations of the enterprise and sustainability to the cyberthreats.As the enterprise experiences acyberattack, the players experiencethe impact on production and revenues, and learn to adopt different business and IT strategies and solutions in order to minimize the impact of the attack and to earn more money.Each of the scenarios focuses on the respectful thereat vectors, allows discovering and analyzing the typical mistakes in building the cybersecurity and incident response procedures in the corresponding industry.In 2019 was developed new scenario with a particular focus on protecting personal data for Local Public Administrations (LPA). Along with series of exercises and training units, KIPS LPA enables public administration employees not onlyto understand cybersecurity challenges, but also to transform that understanding into positive behavior models. The training also stresses how important teamwork and appropriate responsibility sharing can be and how they can help LPAs make better decisions for the security and safety of their citizens.Over the past couple of years we'veadded 3 more highly requested scenarios: Airport, Petrochemical industry and Petroleum holding.According to the scenarios each team is responsible for IT security of thecompany occupied in the respective area. The task of the teams is to ensure normal functioning, safe stable work of thecompany maintaining good relationships with customers and suppliers, finding and neutralizing cyberthreats.Enterprise KIPS scenarios for all vertical sectorsReferences and case studiesKIPS Game was played by industrial security professionals from 50+ countries.• KIPS has been translated to English, Russian, German, French, Japanese, Spanish EU, Spanish LA, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian.• KIPS was used by government agencies such as CyberSecurity• Malaysia, Czech’s NSA, Netherlands Cyber Security Centrum, to boost the awareness in the Critical Infrastructures, training hundreds of experts from national critical infrastructure companies.• KIPS is used in enterprises like BASF (world top chemical manufacturer),CERN (Large Hadron Collider), Mitsubishi, Yokogawa, RusHydro, Panasonic, ISA (International Society of Automation), to train their own engineers, developers, customer-facing personal to note and take care about cybersecurity in the industrial automation environments.• KIPS is licensed by leading education authorities like SANS Institute, used in the cybersecurity training programs delivered to SANS students worldwide.• KIPS has been licensed by Security service providers and vendors, includingMitsubishi-Hitachi Power Systems, to be used as the training course for the end-customers from the Critical Infrastructure sectors.Two forms of KIPS trainingKIPS liveMore limitations, but stronger engagement due to on-site presence and face-to-face competition. Plays as a team-building event as well. • Up to 80 trainees in the same room.• The same language for all participants.• A trainer and an assistant on site.•Printed materials are essential.KIPS onlinePerfect for global organizations or public activities. Can be combined with KIPS Live to add some remote teams to the on-site event.• Up to 300 teams (= 1000 trainees) simultaneously, from any location.• Different teams can choose a game interface in different languages. • A trainer leads a session via WebEx.Train-the-trainer availableFor the cases when the customer want to use KIPS to train a wider number of employees, managers and experts from multiple departments or sites, it may be useful to purchase the license to KIPS training, educate internal trainers and run KIPS sessions at the customer own pace and convenience.Such license is available from Kaspersky and includes:• The right to use the KIPS training program internally.• The set of training materials and the right to use/reproduce it.• Login/password for the KIPS software server.•Trainer’s guide, education and training for program leaders o/n how to run KIPS training.• Maintenance and support (updates and support for KIPS software and training content).• Optional customization of the KIPS Scenario (extra fee applies).Quotes and references on KIPS gameThe Kaspersky Industrial Protection Simulation was a real eye-opener and should be made mandatory for all security professionals.Warwick Ashford, Computer WeeklyWe at CERN have a huge number of IT and engineering systems, with thousands of people working on them. Thus, from a cybersecurity perspective, increasing awareness and engaging people to take care about cybersecurity is as crucial as the technical controls. Kaspersky trainingproved to be engaging, bright and efficient.Stefan Luders,CERN CISOIt was truly eye-opening and a number of the participants asked about using this game at their companies.Joe Weiss PE,CISM, CRISC, ISA FellowWe have to build a network of people based on affiliation and cooperation and the KIPS is a perfect way how to kick it off.Daniel P. Bagge,Národní centrum kybernetické bezpeč nosti, Chezh RepublicRecommendations on how to prepare for KIPS sessionSchedule: Plan KIPS as separate event, or session inside existing event/ conference/seminar (in this case the optimum time for KIPS is the evening of the first day).Group: 20–100 people, split into teams of 3–4 people, ideally each team is a mix of people from Management, Engineers, CISO/IT Security:• it is better to have at least 1 member from each role/function,• teams may consist of people from different or the same company/ department,• people may know each other, or may not.Setup: The game takes 1,5 – 2 hours, but the room must be available to Kasperskyfacilitator team for 2 hours prior to the game for preparation and setup.Room: Plan ~3m2/person, no columns,regular form AV Equipment: Projector (6–8 lumens), Screen, Sound system (speakers, remote control, microphones).Wi-Fi with internet access (for KIPS game server access), from 4Mbps iPad per each team (4 persons) with Wi-Fi support or other tablet.Furniture: Tables of participants for 4 people (rectangular size not less than 75x180 cm, or round with no more than 1.5 m diameter), Participants should sit in groups of 4 at the tables. Tables for co-host, Chairs on the number of participants at the tables.Kaspersky Security Awareness – a new approach to mastering IT security skillsKaspersky Security Awareness offers a range of highly engaging and effective training solutions that boost the cybersecurity awareness of your staff so that they all play their part in the overall cybersafety of your organization. Because sustainable changes in behavior take time, our approach involves building a continuous learning cycle that includes multiple components.Engagement/ motivation Starting point Learning Reinforcement –Why do I need this?–Cognition–Am I aware? –What do I know and where are the gaps?–Micro learning –Continuous learning –Adaptivity–Did I get it right? –Do I remember this? –Do I act accordingly?Continuous learning cyclel a t f o rmDifferent training formatsfor different organizational levelsKey p rogram differentiatorsSubstantial cybersecurity expertise20+ years’ experience in cybersecurity transformed into a cybersafety skillsetthat lies at the heart of our productsTraining that change employees’ behavior at every level of your organizationOur gamified training providesengagement and motivation throughedutainment, while the learning platforms help to internalize the cybersecurity skillset to ensure that learnt skills don’t get lost along the way.© 2021 A O K A S P E R S K Y L A B . R E G I S T E R E D T R A D E M A R K S A N D S E R V I C E M A R K S A R E T H E P R O P E R T Y O F T H E I R R E S P E C T I V E O W N E R S .Enterprise Cybersecurity: /enterpriseKaspersky Security Awareness: /awareness。
Genius Vision Generic Camera Driver Manual
Generic Camera Driver ManualOverviewSupported FunctionalityIntroduction to CGI ArgumentsIntroduction to Dual StreamingDual StreamPTZDIO / MotionGeneric Camera Driver ManualOverviewGeneric Camera Driver opens CGI commands and parameters required for camera-NVR integration to all users. In short, users by themselves can make Genius Vision NVR software support all available functionality to almost any IP camera, if the user have the knowledge of SDK documents or camera integration.Generic Camera Driver is part of a bigger initiative called Genius Vision Community Platform that intend to improve global IP camera compatibility. By sharing IP camera connectivity information, you can contribute to the IP video community to help eveyone connecting to the same type of camera you're using. You also benefit from the knowledge shared by others. Visit our official website for more information: /cpSupported FunctionalityFollowing functions are supported by Generic Camera Driver:●Video streaming●Dual stream●PTZ●DIO (digital input or alarm / digital output or relay control)●Motion detectionIntroduction to CGI ArgumentsMany CGI commands require one or more arguments. All non-static arguments, e.g., pan/tilt/zoom values, should be provided as tokens so NVR can substitute them with user input from mouse, keyboard, or other input devices. Tokens must be strictly input in this format:@{p1}@{p2}@{p3}@{p4}…For example:/config/ptz_move_cont.cgi?p=@{p1}&t=@{p2}Introduction to Dual StreamingStreaming configuration enables NVR software to acquire video streaming from cameras. There're 2 pages for streaming configuration; Steam 1 and Stream 2.Stream 1For recording. This is mandatory in most cases.Stream 2[optional] For live view only. It usually has a lower resolution to reduce theloading of NVR server. NVR displays Stream 2 automatically when appropriate.StreamingMode Select network protocol for streaming: HTTP or RTSPRTSPPort Network port for RTSP streaming. 554 for most cameras.RTSP.UrlPath URL path for RTSP streaming. Additional arguments may be required using thequestion mark (?).Sample:rtsph2641080pHTTP.Codec Select the video encoding that matches camera setting. Use IE to log into thecamera to see the setting.HTTP.UrlPath URL path for HTTP streaming. Additional arguments may be required using thequestion mark (?).Sample:/stream/mjpg.cgi?profile=1Dual StreamOptions for Stream 2 is exactly the same as Stream 1. Note that different URL paths (or different arguments) are required. Request the same video stream twice not only makes no sense and sometimes crash the camera. It's okay for Stream 1 and Stream 2 to use different streaming modes, i.e., HTTP for one and RTSP for the other.PTZPTZ configuration enables users to control camera motors in NVR (usually with a mouse). Most motorized models have 3 axes; pan, tilt, and zoom. These kinds of camera are called "speed dome" in video surveillance industry. Some models have only 2 axes; pan and tilt, or rarely, one axis; zoom.Speed domes have many different operation modes and different cameras support different modes. As of version <Upcoming> only "free" mode is supported. In free mode the camera can go any directions with 2 arguments provided: X, Y as pan and tilt respectively.PTMode Modes for pan/tilt. Cameras do not always support all modes. Please refer to camera In this mode camera goes any direction with X, Y Not supported yet.4way: Not supported yet.8way: Not supported yet.Free mode must be used with a mouse or joystick. It provides 360° with continuously variable speed. When dragging mouse on player, the yellow arrow indicates the direction and speed.Stop Commands Stop Commands is mandatory for "free" mode and any other continuous mode. By "continuous", it means that the motor keeps moving after receiving movingcommands, until receiving stopping commands.StopAll CGI command to stop all movements; pan, tilt, and zoom.Sample:/config/ptz.cgi?action=stopStopPT CGI command to stop pan and tilt. This is not used if StopAll is already provided.Sample:/config/ptz_move_cont.cgi?p=0&t=0StopZ CGI command to stop zoom. This is not used if StopAll is already provided.Sample:/config/ptz_move_cont.cgi?z=0Axes[optional] These are workaround options for axes issues.InvertPan Enable this if tilt control is upside down.InvertTilt Enable this if pan control is mirrored.InvertZoom Enable this if zoom control is reversed.XYExchange Enable this if pan and tilt are interchanged.PT Mode: Free These options are used only if "free" mode is selected for PTMode.URL CGI command for free mode pan and tilt. In this mode only one command isrequired for all directions.Sample:/config/ptz_move_cont.cgi?p=@{p1}&t=@{p2}MinX Minimum value for pan.MaxX Maximum value for pan.MinY Minimum value for tilt.MaxY Maximum value for tilt.Continuous Zoom In/Out These are required only if zoom is supported by camera.ZoomCont CGI command for continuous zoom. Continuous zoom usually uses onecommand for both zoom in and zoom out.Sample:/config/ptz_move_cont.cgi?z=@{p1}ZoomCont.Min Minimum value for zoom.ZoomCont.Max Maximum value for zoom.Preset Points These are required only if preset is supported by camera.PresetNumber Number of presets that camera supports.PresetSet CGI command to set current view as preset. One argument must be providedas preset No..Sample:/config/ptz_preset.cgi?name=@{p1}&act=addPresetGoto CGI command to recall preset point. One argument must be provided aspreset No..Sample:/config/ptz_preset.cgi?name=@{p1}&act=goDIO / MotionGeneric Camera Driver only supports cameras with CGI commands to poll DIO or motion states. States embedded in multipart HTTP stream cannot be read with Generic Camera Driver.NumberOfInputs Total number of digital inputs.NumberOfOutputs Total number of digital outputs.PollInterval Interval between each polling. DIO in NVR is more real-time with a shorttime. But some cameras can't withstand too frequent CGI calling and mayhang or crash.MotionPollURL<TBW> PatternMotion<TBW>Digital Inputs Alarms or sensors.GetStatus CGI command to get states of digital inputs.PatternOn Text pattern to match for active digital inputs. One argument must be provided as port index if there're more than one ports.Sample:Input@{p1}=0PatternOff Text pattern to match for inactive digital inputs.Sample:Input@{p1}=1Index DIO ports are indexed differently in camera models. It's either 0 based or 1 based.Select the indexing system matches that of camera.Digital Outputs Relays or switches.GetStatus[optional] CGI command to get states of digital outputs. Can be omitted if inputs and outputs share the same CGI command.PatternOn Text pattern to match for active digital outputs. One argument must be provided as port index if there're more than one ports.Sample:Alarm Out@{p1} : EnablePatternOff Text pattern to match for inactive digital outputs.Sample:Alarm Out@{p1} : DisableIndex DIO ports are indexed differently in camera models. It's either 0 based or 1 based.Digital outputs may be indexed independently or mixed with inputs. Select "GPIO"indexing system if they are mixed with inputs.For example,Outputs indexed independently looks like this:Relay1, Relay2, Relay3...Outputs mixed with inputs:1:in, 2:in, 3:out, 4:in, 5:out...SetOutputsOn CGI command to set digital output on. One argument must be provided as port index if there're more than one ports.Sample:/cgi-bin/io/output.cgi?port=@{p1}&action=1SetOutputsOff CGI command to set digital output off.Sample:/cgi-bin/io/output.cgi?port=@{p1}&action=0 To verify DIO operation, use Tree View in left panel.。
英语作文介绍手工In the age of mass production and digital technology, the art of crafting by hand has become a cherished and intimate practice. Handmade items are not just products; they are stories, each with a unique tale of the time, effort, and creativity poured into their creation. In this essay, we will delve into the world of handmade crafts, exploring their significance, the process behind them, and the joy they bring to both the maker and the recipient.Handmade crafts are a testament to the human spirit's creativity and resourcefulness. They often begin with a simple idea, a sketch, or a doodle that takes shape as the maker sources materials and selects tools. The process is a dance of precision and improvisation, where the craftsman's hands guide the materials into a new form. Whether it's pottery, woodworking, knitting, or any other form of craft, the transformation from raw materials to a finished piece is a journey that requires patience, skill, and a keen eye for detail.One of the most significant aspects of handmade items is their uniqueness. No two handmade products are exactly alike. Each one carries the subtle nuances of the maker's touch, making them one-of-a-kind treasures. This individuality is particularly appealing in a world where mass-produced items can often feel impersonal and generic.The act of crafting by hand also has a meditative quality to it. It allows the maker to slow down, focus, and find a sense of accomplishment in creating something tangible. This therapeutic aspect of crafting has been known to reduce stress and increase well-being, making it a popular hobby for people of all ages and backgrounds.Moreover, handmade crafts are often associated with sustainability and environmental consciousness. By repurposing materials or choosing eco-friendly supplies, crafters can create beautiful items that align with their values and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.When it comes to the joy of receiving a handmade item, it is a gift that goes beyond its physical form. It is a token of the time and care invested by the maker, a gesture that speaks volumes about the relationship between the giver and the receiver. Handmade gifts are cherished because they are seen as more personal and meaningful than items that can be bought off the shelf.In conclusion, the world of handmade crafts is a vibrant and diverse one, offering a wealth of opportunities for self-expression and connection. It is a celebration of the human ability to create, to innovate, and to bring beauty into the world through our hands. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern life, the simple yet profound act of crafting by hand remains a timeless and fulfilling pursuit.。
基于sketch的软件定义测量数据平面硬件模型戴冕;程光【摘要】提出一种基于sketch数据结构的软件定义测量数据平面硬件模型,并在以现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)为核心的可编程网络设备NetMagic上进行了实现.利用部署在硬件FPGA高速SRAM中的通用sketch数据结构高效地采集数据平面流量数据,控制平面收集并缓存统计数据,提供给上层的测量应用使用.使用count-min sketch和2-universal散列函数实现了在高速流量下实时的分组处理和流量统计;使用Bloom filter在控制平面恢复流量的原始5元组信息,解决了sketch数据结构的不可逆问题.使用CERNET骨干网流量数据对原型系统进行的评估结果表明,该原型系统使用极其有限的硬件资源实现了对较大规模网络流量的实时测量,同时具备较好的测量精度.%A sketch-based data plane hardware model for software-defined measurement was introduced, and it was im-plemented in the programmable network device NetMagic. A generic sketch model for collecting flow-level data using high-speed memories on the FPGA was proposed, the control plane collected and cached the data for further process. Count-min sketch and 2-universal hash functions in the SRAM of FPGA for real-time traffic counting of high-speed traf-fic were implemented; Bloom filter was used to rebuild the original 5-tuple data which solved the irreversibility of sketch. The CERNET backbone trace to evaluate the prototype system was used, the result shows that it has the ability to use the limited hardware resource to measure a large amount of network traffic data with a proper measurement accuracy at the same time.【期刊名称】《通信学报》【年(卷),期】2017(038)010【总页数】9页(P113-121)【关键词】软件定义测量;现场可编程逻辑门阵列;全域散列【作者】戴冕;程光【作者单位】东南大学计算机科学与工程学院,江苏南京 211189;东南大学教育部计算机网络和信息集成重点实验室,江苏南京 211189;东南大学计算机科学与工程学院,江苏南京 211189;东南大学教育部计算机网络和信息集成重点实验室,江苏南京 211189【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393实时、准确的网络流量测量是网络管理的基础。
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THE PARADIGMS OF SYSTEMIC-HOLISTIC APPROACH ANDTHE IMMUNE SYSTESJeffy Mwakalinga, Louise YngströmDepartment of Computer and System SciencesRoyal Institute of Technology / Stockholm UniversityForum 100,S-164 40 Kista, SwedenEmail:, +468 161 721Fax: +468 703 90 25ABSTRACTEverything that we see can be changed. Internet is vulnerable because it was not designed as a whole system. This can be changed by changing the way we think and approach the development of Internet. Initial development of the Internet and other systems focused only on computer technology and communication’s protocols. Many systems are not secure today because most research has concentrated on securing parts of the systems. Hence, we can change this by viewing security of Internet and other systems holistically, by focusing not just on technology and protocols but by considering system’s environments, people using the systems, future of systems and other factors. In this paper we view and approach security of systems holistically. We discuss and suggest a methodology of securing systems based on the paradigms of the Immune system and the Systemic-Holistic approach. The Immune system is used to protect human bodies from for instance different types of viruses. The Systemic-holistic approach views and studies a system as a whole or in details at the theoretical, design, or the implementation level. It takes into considerations technical and non-technical aspects and the system’s environment. The generic security framework has been created for using functions inspired by the immune system and the systemic-holistic approach paradigms to secure systems. The framework contains the deterrence, protection, detection, response and recovery sub-systems. These sub-systems will be generically protecting both at the border and internally in the system. This methodology will improve the way we design security systems by generically considering different factors and people using the system.KEY WORDSImmune system, Systemic-holistic, negative selection algorithm, clonal selection algorithm, deterrence, protection, detection, response, recovery, intrusion detection, software agents and generic security framework.THE PARADIGMS OF SYSTEMIC-HOLISTIC APPROACH ANDTHE IMMUNE SYSTES1INTRODUCTIONThis paper describes a generic security framework aimed for sorting in functions inspired by the immune system and the systemic-holistic approach paradigms useful to secure systems. Internet and computers are vulnerable because of the assumptions initially directing the developments of computers and communications protocols. In addition it was overlooked that users have various reasons for communicating. To handle the security problems it has been assumed that all systems, static and dynamic, can be correctly verified with formal methods. [See for instance 1]. To formally verify that a static system does what it is supposed to do, is expensive; to formally verify that dynamic systems are correctly implemented with formal verification methods is impractical [1]. In addition it has been assumed that: security policies can be performed and followed perfectly; that programs, large and small, can be perfectly implemented; and that systems can be perfectly configured [1]. But all these assumptions are not correct [1]. Conclusions to be drawn are that formal verification methods for systems are not enough and other or complementary methods are sought for [1, 2]. It is challenging to verify that static and dynamic systems are secure with the current technology. So we have to find other ways of designing security systems by generically considering as many factors as possible. This includes studying how nature protects natural living systems.In this work we discuss a framework based on the mentioned paradigms which eventually would inspire an adaptability view on securing systems. We do this because we think time might be ripe for marrying the Systemic-holistic approach, which has been used with us as a base to understand security in relation to IT since the mid-1980’s [2], with the Immune system paradigm [1, 14]. Also, some other scientific paradigms/approaches are appearing to underline needs for including nature-oriented views into traditional engineering fields [11]. The Systemic-holistic is based on the General living Systems Theory [16, 8, and 2], Cybernetics [17, 10] and General Systems Theory [16, 15, and 2]. The approach is used for studying, investigating, designing security systems, analyzing security systems; in three dimensions of a system as one whole system as discussed in section 2.1. The human’s immune system is distributable, multi-layered, autonomous, adaptable, dynamic, which seems very attractive to security systems. A number of researchers [3, 1, and 9] have developed computer security systems based on Immune systems. But the human’s immune system can’t be directly applied to computer systems because human bodies are made of cells, most of which are created in the bodies, while computers consist of hardware and programs that can come from different sources. This implies that the analogy has to be carefully studied.2BASIC PRINCIPLES2.1Systemic-Holistic ApproachThe Systemic-holistic Approach, SHA, was developed by [2] for analyzing and studying security problems. It is based on General systems theory, General Living Systems Theory and Cybernetics. General Systems theory was developed by biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy in 1956 [17, 2]. Heunderstood the need for having a common research theory for guiding researchers in multi disciplines. The General Systems movement identified laws and principles applicable to various disciplines and which could be used for systems in general. General Living Systems Theory was developed by James Miller [16, 8]. Living systems are in seven categories [16, 2]: they can exist as a cell, as an organ, as an organism, as a group, as an organization, as a nation and as supranational (as European Union). According to Miller the chain of complexity can be built on 19 generic critical subsystems. Out of these 19 subsystems [16, 8], eight deal with processing matter/energy, nine deal with processing information and two subsystems deal with processing both matter-energy and information. This theory helps researchers to link reality and theories. Cybernetics was first defined by a mathematician Wiener [18, 10] as a science of communication and control in animals and machines.The Systemic-Holistic model is composed of two components: a systemic module and a three dimensional framework [2]. The dimensions in the framework include the levels of abstraction, the context orientation and the content area [2]. The dimension of the levels of abstraction consists of: design or research; theory or model; and physical construction. The context orientation dimension can be geographical space and time bound. The content dimension has the following components: technical issues and non-technical issues. Technical issues include processing, storing, communication, collecting and displaying information. Non-technical issues include operational, managerial, legal, ethical, social and cultural. The Systemic-Holistic approach is used for analyzing and studying security problems, for governing design, operation, management and evaluation of secure systems. This approach can be used to study a system as a whole and the environment of the system and in three dimensions. Different aspects of the security system can be defined, investigated, evaluated and analyzed at any design, theoretical or construction level, and in any time dimension: near future or distant future; and in any environment.2.2The Human’s Immune SystemThe human’s immune system, IM, is protecting the body from various bacteria and viruses. Most of the information in this section comes from [3, 1, and 4]. The Immune system consists of two main layers: the passive and adaptive layers. The passive layers consist of the skin, membranes, pH (potential Hydrogen of a liquid), temperature and inflammatory responses. The adaptive layers consist of cell mechanisms. All the organisms belonging to a human body are labeled as ‘self’. Those organisms that are identified as ‘non-self’ are detected and destroyed by the immune system. The adaptive immune system reacts dynamically to foreign cells. There are two types of cells that are used in detecting foreign cells: B-cells and T-cells. B-cells are generated in the Bone marrow while T-cells are generated in a Thymus. T-cells are in turn classified as helper T-cells and killer T-cells. Helper T-cells help the B-cells detect foreign cells hidden inside the human cells. Killer T-cells kill foreign cells. B-cells recognize foreign cells and create antibodies with the function to be attached to these foreign cells. Before B-cells are released from the bone marrow they have to be tested whether they can detect correctly. They pass a stage called negative selection in which all B-cells that detect the ‘self’ labeled organisms are disqualified and deleted. Those B-cells that pass the test are released into the body. When a foreign cell is detected, separate memory cells are created by detecting B-cells to remember the detected foreign cell. Memory cells store information about foreign cells that were detected in the past and these memory cells have longer life spans than normal B- and T-cells. T-cells are also tested using negative selection before being released from the Thymus. Different B-cells and T-cells detect different types of foreign cells. T-cells and B-cells undergo a process called mutation in the gene library. The gene library contains all the genes that are used to create different types of cells. The gene library continuously adapts and creates blue-prints for making better antibodies that detect more and more varieties of foreign cells. The gene library evolves in a process called clonal selection. Those cells that have a higher detecting capacityare cloned. The genes are used to maintain diversity of antibodies by generating different gene expressions.The human immune properties have the following features that can be applied in designing better security systems:•Distributed – cells detect the presence of infections locally without any coordination (this can be modeled by having mobile agents act as cells).•Multi-layered – multiple layers are combined to provide overall immunity. (This is already applied in the security architectures).•Diversity – with diversity, vulnerabilities in one system are less likely to be widespread. (This can be achieved by having agents doing a variety of actions).•Disposability – no single system is the most important and any cell can be disposed. Cell death is balanced by cell production. (The technology is not yet ready to implement this feature but at the process / agent level it is possible to implement this).•Autonomy – the immune system does not require outside maintenance or management. It autonomously classifies and eliminates foreign cells and it repairs itself by replacing damaged cells (This behavior is suitable but its implementation is challenging as technology still isn’t ready, though it could be modeled so that three or five agents vote for a decision). •Adaptability – the immune system is able to detect and to learn to detect new foreign cells and retains the ability to recognize previously seen foreign cells through immune memory. This feature is not new it in computer systems, though determining that a certain program ismalicious with 100% is a hard problem.•No secure layer – no layer is considered more secure than the other.•Dynamically changing coverage - The immune system cannot produce a large enough set of detectors at any moment, so it maintains a random sample of its detectors that circulatesthroughout the body. This is because there are approximately 1016 foreign cells and these have to be distinguished from approx. 105 ‘self’-cells.•Identity via behavior – identity is also proved through the presentation of a behavior (similar to intrusion detection).2.3Digital Immune SystemDigital immune systems based on the human immune system have been developed. One of these systems has been developed by Symantec [7]. It is used in anti virus systems. The system has a virus detection system, an administrator system, a gateway and a virus analysis center. When a virus is detected on the client side it is sent to the analysis center through the administrator system and the gateway. The administrator system keeps the latest definition files of viruses. It also monitors the samples and results of analysis to and from the analysis center. The administrator system also updates clients’ anti-virus programs. The gateway is responsible for securing the network between the client and the analysis center. It controls the network to make sure that the network is not flooded. It is also making sure that only one copy of every sample is sent to the analysis center. When samples of viruses arrive at the analysis center they are put into different classes depending on the languages, file types, versions of viruses and behaviors. The supervisor at the center allocates samples to different machines and human analyzers. The results of the analysis are used to create definition files for different operating systems and for different versions. The definition files are then tested to see if they detect viruses, disinfect files and verify signatures and so on. In some cases the results are not enough to create definition files because the technology of detection is not available for that type of files. This digital immune system is however not effective in detecting polymorphic viruses and power point viruses.2.4Generation of Software AgentsIn this work we are using software agents to perform different tasks during deterrence, protection, detection and other actions. According to [22], “An agent is an encapsulated computer system situated in some environment and capable of reactive, pro-active, and autonomous action in that environment in order to meet its design objective”. An agent consists of three main components [23]: header, code, and a database. The header contains identity of the agent, agent attributes, signatures, travel paths, level of trust, ownership and other related information. The code section contains a system of programs performing the specific tasks of the agent. The database contains internal and the collected data while traversing in different environments. Agents are generated from an agent platform like Java Agent Development Framework (JADE) [24]. An agent has to be tested to see if it detects correct. There a number of algorithms for testing and cloning agents of the digital immune systems, but in this work we discuss only two algorithms.2.4.1Negative Selection AlgorithmIn the first stage of this algorithm normal behavior of programs, users and processes of the system is defined. In the second phase patterns of this normal behavior are created. In the third phase detector agents are created. These agents are then released to monitor the normal programs, users, network traffic or processes. Those agents that detect the normal behavior patterns are deleted, because they are supposed to detect only abnormal patterns. Those detector agents that don’t detect the normal patterns are kept.2.4.2Clonal Selection AlgorithmThis algorithm [3] is shown in figure 1. The immature agents that passed the test during the negative selection algorithm are tested using abnormal behavior. Those agents that pass the test are considered mature and they are released to monitor in real environments. These agents are also monitored to check whether they detect anything. Those agents that don’t detect anything aredeleted. Those agents that detect abnormal behavior are kept. In every agent there is a parameter for counting the number of detections, age of the agent and also the type of detections. When the number of detections is less than a specified threshold, the age of the agent is checked. If the age is more than a specified life span the agent is deleted. If the age is not more that the life span, then the agent will continue to monitor. When the number of detections is more than a specified threshold and if a human security officer acknowledges that the detected are foreign cells, the agent is cloned and the abnormality is deleted.3METHODOLOGY OF SECURING A SYSTEM3.1System modelAccording to the Systemic-holistic, a system can be viewed and analyzed at the model, design and implementation levels. In this section we analyze the model of the system. The design of the generic security framework will be described in the methodology of securing a system section. The model is based on the systemic-holistic approach and the human’s immune system. From the Systemic-holistic approach we apply the features: analysis of the technical and non-technical aspects; analysis of the environment in which the system will be operating; generic view and time factors. The technical aspects include: how to securely store, process, transmit, collect and display information. In this regard we consider technology, software and engineering issues. We check whether the current technology is ready to securely store, process, transmit, collect and display information. Software is concerned with the analysis of security services in the system. It is also concerned with the interfaces, the speed of the operations.Non-technical aspects include operational, managerial, legal, ethical, social and cultural, people, and information. An analysis has to be made to check whether the system can be accepted by people. Systems interact with people and it is not easy to separate people from operational procedures, managerial, cultural, ethical, social, legal issues. There are different laws in different countries. In some countries a signature can be accepted as evidence in a court only if it is qualified. This means that one can prove the identity of the signer and prove that only he/she signed. The law requires that the keys involve in signing be stored in safe tokens like smart cards. While in other countries it is sufficient to prove that there was an intention to sign some information. Information can exist in different forms: as protected or unprotected signals: as unprocessed and protected or unprocessed-unprotected message: as processed and protected or processed and unprotected message: as protected or unprotected knowledge. Knowledge refers to information that has some meaning to the reader. Information can be further classified as being ethical, legal, according to the security policy, as politically correct, in accordance to a specified culture. Information could be further classified into sensitivity levels (green, orange, red, etc), quality of service required (high, medium, low; emergency, etc). As [13] points out ethical, laws, policy, standard operation procedure headers can be added to information and messages have to be approved before being sent to other parties.Considerations have to be made regarding time, environment, political and security policies. With time technology changes and so considerations have to be made about how future can affect the system. Room has to be given for extensions of the system. According to [20] “The observation made in 1965 by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented. Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the foreseeable future. In subsequent years, the pace slowed down a bit, but data density has doubled approximately every 18 months”. This law has so far proved to be working even though the software is not developing at the same speed as hardware. It is possible to design many transistors theoretically, but it completely another issue to have thatmany transistors in one chip. Another example is that PC manufacturers are aware that PCs have to interact with TV sets, stereos, mobile and non-mobile phones and other home and office appliances. If these factors were considered by PC manufacturers from the beginning the current PCs would be accommodating these features and the prices of the PCs would have been relatively low. But manufactures have to redesign PCs to meet the new requirements. In the near future the PCs will be acting as databases for storing stream videos, pictures, music and other media. These media will have to be transferred to TVs and stereos. This can be done using wires or without wires and so the PCs have to be equipped with the capability of doing this. These examples and Moore’s law show that we can predict future applications in today’s system designs.From the Immune system the following features are applied in the model: Adaptability; autonomy; multiple layers, identification; memory; diversity; distribution; dynamic coverage as shown in figure 2. The features in this model, figure 2, that are based on SHA and IM are combined to form a system with five main sub-systems: deterrence, protection, detection, response, and recovery.3.1.1Deterrence Sub-SystemDeterrence sub-system is aimed at scaring off attackers (like how a cat scares off attackers by increasing its size and through fierce screams). When criminals plan to rob a bank in the physical world they do surveillance of the bank to determine whether it is possible to attack, take what they want and get out without being caught and without living evidence. In the digital world the attackers do more or less the same. Before would be attackers intrude a system, they do some kind of scanning to determine the operating systems and their versions, the ports that are open, the applications and versions that and on the victim’s system. Then the attackers do possibly also social engineering to understand the architecture of the system inside. There are many ways of doing this, from just asking the people working there to listening to conversations of system administratorsthere or secretaries working there. It is surprising how employees like to talk about their jobs during lunches and even dinners! From the results of scanning and social engineering the criminals decide whether it is possible to attack the system, and get out without being caught and without living evidence. The attackers will not attack a system if it is considered to risky. So there has to be means of scaring the would-be attackers from attacking a system. The functions of the deterrence sub-system include: adapting to the new and unknown surveillance methods; organizing training to prevent social engineering; monitoring surveillance attempts; redirecting attacks to specialized environments (like honey pot system); handling replies to scanners (returning nothing, a warning, etc); auditing; tracing scanning sources.3.1.2Protection Sub-SystemProtection is a sub-system for guiding the territory of a system and its entities. Home cats establish territories, a special place on a sofa, and put rules. Wild cats mark territories by using peculiar identifying items like natural scents. The protection sub-system provides the following security services: authentication, integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and authorization of entities and information during storage, transmission, processing, collection and display. Other features of this sub-system include: adaptability in which the system learns new protection ways by applying the latest standards; organizational, like configurations in accordance to the security policy; semi-autonomy in which the system makes some decisions without involving the management of the system, but the critical decisions must involve the system management; multi-layer protection , where protection is provided at the boundary of a system and inside the system and sub-systems; partial distribution – in some cases protection is done locally while in some cases protection is coordinated. Software agents will be used to provide most of these features as described in section Sub-SystemThis sub-system is responsible for detecting the abnormalities, storing and protecting the log of events, analyzing the events, monitoring, management and interacting with other subsystems. Other features include multiple-layer detection, adaptability of new ways of monitoring and detecting, semi-autonomous, and dynamic coverage, sending reports to the database and the administration. The normal behaviors of outgoing and incoming messages are defined. Software agents are used to detect the abnormal behaviors of incoming and outgoing messages, as cells are used to detect foreign cells in immune systems. All the entities that belong to a system are labeled as ‘self’ by being given special identities and being registered in a database. Software agents monitor a system to discover the non-self entities in a system.3.1.4Response Sub-systemThis sub-system is responsible for incident management. It classifies incidents into false alarms, minor and major incidents in accordance with the security policy of the system. The response and speed of reaction depends on the classification. It makes decisions on how to respond for every incident. The decisions include disconnecting the affected sub-system from others, slowing, shutting down or restarting the affected system, etc. The sub-system also sends reports to the affected users, to the database and to the administration. Other functions of this sub-system include managing patches and adaptability, tracing the attack, mitigation of the attack and so on.3.1.5Recovery Sub-SystemThe recovery sub-system is for bringing an attacked system back to normal. The functions of this sub-system include managing back-ups, re-installing the programs, periodic and emergency vulnerability testing, restoring a system from back-ups, collecting and protecting evidence, fixing the vulnerabilities. The agents can help to define and test business continuity plans. This processcan be very expensive and takes much time if done manually. At every moment three types of the state of system and sub-systems and operations are stored: the original state; the intended state; and the actual state. When an incident occurs the system can go back to the original state and flush all the rest. This feature can be partially or wholly implemented depending on the current technology and other back-up resources.3.2Generic Security FrameworkThe generic security framework is composed of five main sub-systems: Deterrence, protection, detection, response and recovery as shown in figure 3. Every sub-system can be implemented using human, hardware or software [13] or combined, depending on: the decisions that have to be made; the time of decision; and also the sensitivity of the environment like whether it is for a nuclear plant, a military, a bank and so on. How much effort should be spent [13] on deterring, protecting, detecting, responding, recovering and the interaction with people depends on the environment. One telecommunications company uses 0% in deterrence; 70% in protection; 5% in detection; 5% in response; 20% in recovery in form of insurance fees. The dictatorship governments use approximately 80% of the resources in deterrence; the rest 20% is used for protection, detection and response. This should be specified in a policy file. One example could be to put 10 % of the effort on deterrence, 50 % on protecting, 20% on detecting, 10% on response, 10% on recovering.The Immune system uses cells to detect viruses. This framework uses software agents to perform different specialized tasks. The agents are generated in the agent generation library using an agent platform like [24]. Every sub-system requests the agents it needs from this library. Agents are tested and sent to the requesting sub-system by using negative selective and cloning algorithms like those described in [3]. All the sub-systems have a controller, an inputs section, a processing section and an outputs section. The deterrence controller interacts with the inputs, process and outputs sections. It also communicates with the protection sub-system and the agents’ generation library and database. When surveillance attempts come to a system they pass through the deterrence controller. The controller analyzes them and sends them as inputs to the process or to the special analyzer for further analysis. The controller also sends these incoming surveillance attempts to the database. Before being sent to the database and to the special analyzer the incoming surveillance attempts are encapsulated. All the other sub-systems have feedback mechanisms with the aim to learn and improve the processing. All the sub-systems interact with the agent generating library and with each other to share the knowledge needed to learn and improve processing.There are three types of feedback mechanisms [18]: first order; second-order; and third-order. The first-order mechanism does not improve a process. The second-order has a memory and can help in improving a process but it has a limited number of unchangeable feedback alternatives making it less dynamic. Third-order has memory, many feedback alternatives and is more dynamic than the other alternatives. In this framework we aim for the third-order feedback mechanism. The controller combines different inputs; modifies inputs; stores different types of inputs; and manages different operations for improving processing in every sub-system. For every stage the processing can have a number of sub-processes like decision making, searching, memory unit, selecting, re-combining different factors [2], etc.Every sub-system has generic functions which can be replaced or updated whenever necessary. The security level of every system is based on three types of factors: users of the system; the system policy; and the policy of the environment in which the system is located. This generic security system sets a minimum level of security for all systems regardless of the environment the system is running in. This level can be increased depending on the type of environment, the type of users and the system policy.3.3Limitation of the SystemThe framework has not been implemented and so there are no results of performance yet. Some aspects of this framework may not be wholly implemented by today’s technology and it is highlighted as a challenge to the researchers to come up with the technology for implementing them.4CONCLUSIONThe generic security framework provides a methodology for securing systems. It is based on Systemic-holistic approach and the Immune system. Security is not only about technology but it about people using the technology and the environments in which the systems are operating. This paper has suggested a methodology of generically viewing security systems. Future work will include implementing the framework, which we have just started working on. Future work will also include developing more effective algorithms for the agents.。