Willa Cather中英对照生平介绍


九年级英语上册 第十七周 人物故事

九年级英语上册 第十七周 人物故事

12. recognize [ ˈrekə������naIz] v. 认出;识别;承认
1 . I would almost rather see you dead.
如果在两者中进行取舍,表示 宁愿
否定形式是 would rather not do sth㊂ would rather 是一个情态助动词,没有人称㊁数和时态的变化㊂ 也不愿 er. . . than. . . 或 would. . . rather than. . . 的句型㊂ , 与其 宁可
I would almost rather see you dead. Robert,a leading banker of Philadelphia, shou⁃
change his mind. Marry Cassatt gave up her social position and a family, which in those
would rather 意思是 宁愿;宁可;最好 ,后接动词原形, 常省略为 ������d rather, 表示优先选择的一种方式㊂ 其 的意思时, 则可用 would rath⁃
2 . That was how Mary Cassatt,born in 1844,began her struggle as 辛㊂
第十七周 ㊀ ㊀
People and Stories
Mary Cassatt
席女画家㊂ 她是一位不受世俗观念拘束㊁意志坚强㊁一心投入自己热爱的艺术事业的女性,她的成功
记叙文 162 ★★★ 4 分钟
㊀ ㊀ ㊀ ㊀ ㊀ 玛丽㊃卡萨特,是 19 世纪末至 20 世纪初期美国最重要的女艺术家和全球公认的首




There always seemed to exist a tension in Willa Cather's life and, thus, in her writing.
She was drawn to the East coast, its mountains and cities. And, she was drawn to the plains and the vastness of Nebraska. She loved the romantic literature of France, yet her own writing style was one of classic restraint.

1923 - A Lost Lady is published. 1925 - The Professor's House is published. 1926 - Death Comes for the Archbishop and My Mortal Enemy are published. 1930 - gets the Howells Medal from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters for Death Comes for the Archbishop. 1931 - Shadows on the Rock is published.

After this prolific period, Cather entered a period of despair. It was a time, she said, when the world broke apart. Recovering from this difficult period, she wrote her greatest novels: The Professor's House (1925), My Mortal Enemy (1926), Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927), and "Shadows on the Rock" (1931). These works are the best example of her classic and restrained language and her lyrical evocation of nature.


在她17岁的时候,她的名字红 遍了全世界,也就是说,她实 现了她要当歌手的梦想。
Avril not only writes music,but also design clothes by herself. In 2008, she started her own clothing company— —Abbey Down. It is main consumption object is the youth and the youth can afford the price.
当她长大了,她便开始努力学 习关于音乐的知识,然后她 还一个人去了纽约。她不是 去玩,而是为了实现她的梦 想。幸运的是,她被EPIC Records公司录用了。
At the age of 17, her name be known all over the world. In a word, She achieved her dream that become a famous singer.
Her full name is Avril Ramona Lavigne. She was born in Canada on Septmber 27th,1984.And she comes from a small town that only have 5000 population. She is the second child in her family, so she always wanted to stand out. When she was a child, she wanted to be a famous singer. So wherever she was, she could sing.



书虫莎士比亚简介中英双语书虫《威廉·莎士比亚》中英双语作者:[英]芭斯特(Jennifer Bassett)内容简介:1578年艾汶河畔的斯特拉福镇。
















威廉?莎士比亚1 Toby remembers 1 托比的回忆My name is Toby.I'm an old man,eighty-three this spring.My house is right in the middle of Stratford-upon-Avon,and I can watch the street market from my window.But I live very quietly now.I'm just an old man,sitting in a chair.我叫托比,一位年迈的老人,今年春天年过83岁。





When you gone
When you're gone 当你已离开 The words I need to hear 我需要听到的那些词汇 to always get me through the day 总是帮我度过每一天 And make it ok 让一切好起来 、 I miss you
When you
Is made up on your side 海残存着你的气息 When you walk away 当你离开的时候 I count the steps that you take 我数着你迈出的每一步 Do you see how much I need you right now ? 你知道我此时此刻多么需要你吗?
外文名: 国籍:
艾薇儿· 瑞摩娜· 拉维妮 Avril Lavigne
代表作品: 《Let Go》《Under My Skin》 主要成就: 世界唱片销量最高 的加拿ke Avril ?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No reason 长得好看 唱歌不错 嗓音很有爆发力 自由自在 I like Rock
I miss you 我想念你 We were meant for each other 我们对于彼此来说都是如此重要 I keep forever 我相信永远 I know we were 我知道我们曾经那么相爱
When you gone
All I ever wanted was for you to know 我所想的只是想要你知道 Everything I do I give my heart and soul 我所作的每一件事就是交出我的心、我的灵魂 I can hardly breathe 我几乎不能呼吸 I need to feel you here with me 我需要你在这里,和我在一起

willia shakespeare英文介绍

willia shakespeare英文介绍
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare who was a well-to-do trader in wool and leathern articles,and Mary Arden, the daughter of an affluent landowning farmer.
Well-known Saying
• The course of true love never did run smooth. 真爱无坦 途。 ——《仲夏夜之梦》
• Love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit. 爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的 傻事。——《威尼斯商人》
Birthplace: Warwickshire
When he was 14,his father fell into debt, and the boy left school and helped support his familly.
At the age of 18, Shakespeare married the 26-year-old Anne Hathaway. And six months after the marriage Anne gave birth to a daughter, Susanna. Twins, son Hamnet and daughter Judith, followed almost two years later in 1585. Afterwards Shakespeare had lived in London alone for years, and finally came back in 1614, two years before his death. However, his wife had lived in their hometown all the time.


1902 - travels in Europe with Isabella McClung.
1903 - publishes a book of poetry, April Twilights, and meets Edith Lewis.
1905 - publishes a collection of short stories The Troll Garden.
One of Ours: Pulitzer Prize–winning novel of a midwestern American’s journey to the front of World War I.)
After this prolific period, Cather entered a period of despair.
She subsequently published her first five novels.
These novels announced her themes of strong women, the fight against provincial life, and the dying of the pioneer tradition.
1932 - The collection of short stories Obscure Destinies is published. It includes the story Neighbour Rosicky. Furthermore, she receives the Prix Femina Americaine for distinguished literary accomplishment.

Willa Cather

Willa Cather

This was the period of O Pioneers (1913), Song of the Lark (1915), My Antonia (1918), One of Ours (1922), and A Lost Lady (1922). She won the Pulitzer Prize for One of Ours. Ours. One of Ours: Pulitzer Prize– Prize– winning novel of a midwestern American’s journey to the front of World War I.)
She subsequently published her first five novels. These novels announced her themes of strong women, the fight against provincial life, and the dying of the pioneer tradition.
1908 - meets and befriends New Hampshire regional writer Sarah Orne Jewett, who becomes a great Jewett, inspiration for her later works. She also begins to share an apartment with Edith Lewis, and they live together until her death.
Born near Winchester, Virginia, Cather moved with her family to Red Cloud, Nebraska, when she was ten years old. She graduated from the University of Nebraska before becoming a newspaperwoman and teacher in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She moved to New York City in 1906 to work as an editor on McClure's Magazine.



六年级下册英语作文介绍名人English:I would like to introduce Malala Yousafzai, a brave and inspiring young woman who has become a symbol of the fight for girls' education around the world. Malala was born in 1997 in Pakistan, and from a young age, she was an advocate for girls' education in her country. In 2012, Malala was shot in the head by the Taliban while on her way to school, but she survived and continued her activism with even more determination. She went on to co-author a memoir, "I Am Malala," and in 2014, she became the youngest-ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in advocating for the rights of children to receive an education. Malala's courage and dedication to her cause have made her a role model for young people all over the world, and she continues to speak out for the importance of education for all.中文翻译:我想介绍马拉拉·优素福扎伊,她是一位勇敢而鼓舞人心的年轻女性,已经成为全世界为女孩教育而奋斗的象征。



中英对照人随岁月长进英语诗歌中英对照人随岁月长进英语诗歌威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats)(1865~1939),亦译“叶慈”、“耶茨”,爱尔兰诗人、剧作家,著名的神秘主义者,是“爱尔兰文艺复兴运动”的领袖,也是艾比剧院(Abbey Theatre)的创建者之一,被诗人艾略特誉为"当代最伟大的诗人"。


I am worn out with dreams;A weather-worn, marble tritonAmong the streams;And all day long I lookUpon this lady’s beautyAs though I had found in book我因多梦而憔悴衰减;像一个风雨剥蚀的`石雕海神在溪流中间;整整一天我都在观看这位女士的美貌,好像我在一本书里发现A pictured beauty,Pleased to have filled the eyesOr the discerning ears,Delighted to be but wise,For men improve with the years;And yet and yetIs this my dream, or the truth?O would that we had metWhen I had my burning youth;But I grow old among dreams,A weather-worn, marble triton Among the streams.一幅美人图画,因眼睛或灵敏的耳朵充实而欢欣,因仅仅变得聪明而愉悦,因为人们随岁月长进;然而,然而,这是我的梦,还是真实?呵,但愿我们曾相识在我青春如火时!但是我在梦中已变衰残,像一个风雨剥蚀的石雕海神在溪流中间。




她在 1948 年 5 月 24 日出生于俄勒冈州霍尔曼的一间农场小屋。






在 20 世纪 80 年代,卡弗出版了一系列广受好评的短篇小说集,包括《Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?》(1976) 和《What We Talk About When We Talk About Love》(1981)。




卡弗的作品被翻译成 20 多种语言,并已改编成多部电影和电视剧。

除了短篇小说,卡弗还写了几本散文著作,包括《On Writing》(1983) 和《Paris, Texas》(1984)。



她的作品被誉为 20 世纪最重要的文学作品之一,并继续影响着当代作家。

卡弗于 2014 年 8 月 12 日在其位于加利福尼亚州巴克斯特的家中去世,享年 67 岁。





文学生涯卡弗的第一个短篇小说集《Will You Please Be Quiet,Please?》出版于 1976 年,获得了广泛的好评。

Willa Cather

Willa   Cather

" novels without furniture“ " Willa Cather „s review and reappear "
Thank you!
In 1906 she moved to New York City to work as an editor on McClure's Magazine
In 1912 after five years with McClure's, she left the magazine and began her real career of writing.
Major works
O Pioneers!《啊,拓荒者!》 My Antonia 《我的安东妮亚》
A Lost Lady 《迷途的女人》 Trilogy of Prairie “草原三部曲”
Alexander‘s Bridge 《亚历山大的桥》 One of Ours 《我们自己人》 Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖 The Professor’s House 《教授的住宅》 Death Comes For the Archbishop《大主教之死 》 the Howells Medal The Sculptor‘s Funeral 《雕刻家的葬礼》 A Wagner Matinee 《华格纳音乐会》 The Song of the Lark 《百灵鸟之歌》
April Twilight
Hale Waihona Puke 《四月的黄昏》Subject matter of Willa Cather ‘s works
Works on the real life of Mid-western American pioneers Works which reflect the artists' life Works on the remembrance of childhood Works that based on the prairie legend



亨利大卫梭罗英文简介个人资料亨利大卫梭罗,是19世纪美国三大作家之一,亨利大卫梭罗用英文来介绍是怎么样介绍呢?下面是店铺给大家整理的亨利大卫梭罗英文简介,供大家参阅!亨利大卫梭罗简介The 19th century, one of the three major writers of the United States Henry David Thoreau, why no one is interested in life, after the death of the fame? After reading the "Walden", you can find Thoreau at that time no way to know the 20th century Derrida's theory of deconstruction, but with its striking similar means of the so-called economic principles of the logical reasoning, and to build a perfect fusion of mankind and nature of the "all things network", digested the 19th century dogma - - Civilization is higher than nature, urban life is better than pastoral life, society is better than individual. He deconstructed on the basis of advanced industry, human civilization, modern civilization, and then put forward the perfect fusion of human and nature of the new way of life.Henry D Thoreau (1817-1862), American writer and naturalist. His work advocates a nonviolent resistance movement against unjust government and has had a wide range of effects, especially in the twentieth century. Mohammad K Gandhi absorbed many of Thoreau's ideas and named him the Indian autonomy movement led by Thoreau's proverb "disobedience" (1849). American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Kim also led his own passive resistance movement based on the creed of the article.Thoreau argues that opposition to open injustice should include a violation of unfair law, and that he is committed to hisown beliefs. On one occasion, Thoreau helped a fleeing black to escape hunt. Another time, he would rather go to jail nor pay the Massachusetts head tax, in order not to support the Mexican war and to extend slavery.Thoreau's works "Walden" or "Jungle Life" (1854) is an American literary classics. The work tells of his two years living in a small wooden house in the Lake Walden near Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau in the "Lake Walden" in the fresh and vivid description of his observed seasonal changes and other natural events and landscapes. He also recorded his meager spending, such as $ 28.125 for the construction of the cottage's material and 27 cents per week for the purchase of food in addition to his own vegetables. He compares himself to the simple, quiet life of the Walden lake with the ordinary people's crazy pursuit of fame and fortune.Thoreau does not insist on someone else who has chosen the simple life of his choice. On the personal side, he believes in individualism. "If a man does not keep up with the companion's rhythm, he may be because he hears a different drummer," he wrote in the Lake Walden. "Let him follow the music that he hears without touching whether he is in tune or "亨利大卫梭罗生平Thoreau was born in Concord. His father is the owner of a small pencil factory, living in poverty. But the small Thoreau in the teacher's sister's support, entered the Harvard University. After graduating in 1837, Thoreau and his brother John founded a school, which may be the first school in the United States to use a field trip for natural research. In 1841 John's health deteriorated, the brothers closed the school and made a trip, Henry recorded his trip in his first book "The Week of Concord and MerrimackRiver" (1849).In 1837 Thoreau, after meeting Ralph Valdo Emerson, became part of Emerson's transcendentalist group. He created poetry and prose for the transgender magazine "sundial" and helped to edit the magazine. Thoreau lived in Emerson's house, and in 1843 lived in Emerson's brother William's house and became a tutor of William's family. In 1845 Thoreau built a hut with his own hands on the banks of Lake Walden; he lived there until 1847. During this time he completed the trip to the Concord and Merrimack River. After leaving the log cabin, Thoreau in the Emerson home to complete the "Walden" the first draft.Thoreau to do the surveyor and fight casual workers to feed their families. He worked part time in his own pencil factory to help improve the production process, greatly improving the profits. Most of his leisure time is a stroll along the woods near Concord, as well as travel to Maine, New York, Minnesota and Canada. Shortly after a trip from Minnesota, Thoreau died of tuberculosis.Thoreau only published two books. He began to write diaries from 1837, and the diary and other articles that were originally taught were the source of several books he had published after his death. Thoreau was named to the Great American Hall of Fame in 1960.亨利大卫梭罗代表作Thoreau's works include Excursions (1863), Maine Woods (1864), Cape Cod (1865), Massachusetts (1881), "Summer" (1884), "Winter" (1888), "Autumn" (1892), "Works" (14 volumes, 1906), "Early Spring in Massachusetts" TheOpen Category:Writer, American, naturalist literature亨利大卫梭罗英文简介。

Willa Cather 维拉凯瑟

Willa Cather 维拉凯瑟
Youth and the Bright Medusa (1920) One of OA Lost Lady followed(1923) My Mortal Enemy (1926)
Death Comes for the Archbishop(1927)
nostalgia 乡愁,怀旧之情for the history of the American West
the harsh realities of pioneer
In 1920s . was at the height of her artistic career. Disillusionment and despondency
2.Cather sometimes used the masculine nickname "William" and wore men’s clothing.
3.Cather’s sexual identity remains a point of contention among scholars.
Occupation: Novelist
Nationality: American
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction(1923) American Academy of Arts and Letters Gold Medal for Fiction(1944)
Her family members
Father: Charles Fectigue Gather Mother: Mary Virginia Boak (a former
school teacher) Brothers and sisters: Roscoe,
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Willa CatherWilla Sibert Cather (December 7, 1873 –April 24, 1947) was an American author who achieved recognition for her novels of frontier life on the Great Plains, in works such as O Pioneers!, My Ántonia, and The Song of the Lark. In 1923 she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for One of Ours (1922), a novel set during World War I. Cather grew up in Nebraska and graduated from the University of Nebraska. She lived and worked in Pittsburgh for ten years, then at the age of 33 she moved to New York, where she lived for the rest of her life.She was born Wilella Sibert Cather in 1873 on her maternal grandmother's farm in the Back Creek Valley near Winchester, Virginia(see Willa Cather Birthplace). Her father was Charles Fectigue Cather (d. 1928), whose family had lived on land in the valley for six generations. Her mother was Mary Virginia Boak (d. 1931), a former school teacher. Within a year of Cather's birth, the family moved to Willow Shade, a Greek Revival-style home on 130 acres given to them by her paternal grandparents.The Cathers moved to Nebraska in 1883, joining Charles' parents, when Willa was nine years old. Her father tried his hand at farming for eighteen months; then he moved the family into the town of Red Cloud, where he opened a real estate and insurance business, and the children attended school for the first time.Cather's time in the western state, still on thefrontier, was a deeply formative experience for her. She was intensely moved by the dramatic environment and weather, and the various cultures of the European-American, immigrant and Native American families in the area. Her town was named for the renowned Oglala Lakota chief. Mary Cather had six more children after Willa: Roscoe, Douglass, Jessica, James, John, and Elsie. Cather was closest to her brothers, less close to her sisters whom, according to her biographer Hermione Lee, Cather "seems not to have liked very much."Cather had planned to major in science at the University of Nebraska –she hoped to become a medical doctor. After her essay on Thomas Carlyle was published in the Nebraska State Journal during her freshman year, she became a regular contributor to the Journal, changed her major, and graduated in 1894 with a B.A. in English.As a student at the University of Nebraska in the early 1890s, Cather sometimes used the masculine nickname "William" and wore masculine clothing. A photograph in the University of Nebraska archives depicts Cather dressed like a young man and with "her hair shingled, at a time when females wore their hair fashionably long."Throughout Cather's adult life, her most significant friendships were with women. These included her college friend Louise Pound; the Pittsburgh socialite Isabelle McClung, with whom Cather traveled to Europe; opera singer Olive Fremstad; pianist Yaltah Menuhin; and mostnotably, the editor Edith Lewis, with whom Cather lived the last 39 years of her life. Cather's sexual identity remains a point of contention among scholars. While many argue for Cather as a lesbian and interpret her work through a lens of queer theory, a highly vocal contingent of Cather scholars adamantly oppose such considerations.The scholar Janet Sharistanian has written, "Cather did not label herself a lesbian nor would she wish us to do so, and we do not know whether her relationships with women were sexual. In any case, it is anachronistic to assume that if Cather's historical context had been different, she would have chosen to write overtly about homoerotic love."Cather's relationship with Edith Lewis began in the early 1900s. The two women lived together in a series of apartments in New York City from 1908 until the writer's death in 1947. From 1913 to 1927, Cather and Lewis lived at No. 5 Bank Street in Greenwich Village. They moved when the apartment was scheduled for demolition during construction of the Seventh Avenue subway line. Cather selected Lewis as the literary trustee for her estate.Born into a Baptist family, in 1922 Cather joined the Episcopal Church. She had been attending local Episcopal services since her first year in New York in 1906.Beginning in 1922, Cather spent summers on Grand Manan Island, in New Brunswick, Canada. She bought a cottage in Whale Cove, on theBay of Fundy. It was the only house she ever owned. She stopped coming to Grand Manan Island when Canada entered WWII, since travel was more difficult and the island doctor had died, making her cancer more uncomfortable. She valued the seclusion of the island, and may have even preferred that she and her companions be the only inhabitants. Cather died on April 24, 1947 in New York City of a cerebral hemorrhage and was buried in the Old Burying Ground in Jaffrey, New Hampshire.A resolutely private person, Cather had destroyed many old drafts, personal papers, and letters. Her will restricted the ability of scholars to quote from those personal papers that remain.中文介绍薇拉•凯瑟(Willa Cather,1873年12月7日-1947年4月24日)是美国19世纪的著名作家,以"One of Ours"一书,于1923年得到普立兹奖,作品以擅长描写女性及美国早期移民的拓荒开垦生活而闻名(著作如《哦•拓荒者!》及《我的安东妮亚》),为美国重要的乡土作者之一。
