Generalized geometrical structures of odd dimensional manifolds




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structure Metallic Phases in Solid Germane (GeH4) under Pressure 锗烷在
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张振宇 橡树岭国家实验室
林海青 香港中文大学 牛谦 美国德克萨斯大学
7 月 16 日
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Ultrastiff carbides uncovered in first principlesChen Zhouwen 1,Gu Mingxia 1,Sun Changqing 1,Zhang Xinyu 2,Liu Riping 2 1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Nanyang Technological University,Singapore(639798)2. Key Laboratory of Metastable Materials Science & Technology,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao (066004),riping@AbstractWe have computationally designed ultraincompressible materials namely rhenium carbide in the WC and NiAs structure with a very high shear modulus. The corresponding calculated bulk modulus is comparable with that of diamond. Especially for the WC typed rhenium carbide (ReC), the incompressibility along the c-axis is demonstrated to exceed the linear incompressibility of diamond. The unique mechanical properties would make it suitable for applications under extreme conditions.Keywords:superhard materials,first prnciple caculations1. IntroductionSearching for hard materials are all along the aspiration of science and engineering studies. Nowadays, this exploration mainly focus on the following aspects: compounds composed of light elements as boron, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen (B-C-N-O systems) such as cubic BN, B4C, B6O,C3N4, cubic BC2N1. The intrinsically strong and directional covalent bonds of the light elements would lead to tight, three-dimensional networks with extreme resistance to external shear; Noble metal diborides OsB22,3 and ReB21; Noble metal dinitrides such as PtN24,5, OsN2 and IrN25,6; Transition metal oxides cotunnite TiO27; Noble monocarbide like OsC8 and PtC9. However, no prominent mechanical properties have yet been found in these noble metal monocarbides even that the exact structures are still not well resolved10,11. Transition metal carbides are known for their very high melting temperature, extreme hardness that can be used in cutting tools, dental drills, rock drills in mining, and abrasives like HfC, WC and TaC. For designing superhard monocarbide materials, we combine three influential factors: high valence electron density, low bond ionicity and small bond volume that have been demonstrated to be effective both in experimental l,12 and theoretical13 approaches. Among the transition metals, osmium has the highest valence electron density3 (0.572 electrons/Å3). Experiment has provided evidence for a synthesis of osmium carbide at zero pressure by Kempter and Nadler forty six years ago7, and it was assumed to be in the WC structure. However, OsC in the postulated WC structure was theoretically demonstrated to be electronically and mechanically unstable10 subsequently although another density functional calculation suggests that OsC of WC structure type possess a high bulk modulus14. The conclusive determination of exact crystal structures of OsC may be difficult due to miscellaneous phases in the Os-C system similar to the case of binary borides of ruthenium, osmium and iridium intermediate phases15. Similar to Os, Re has a high valence electron density (0.476 electrons/Å3), being second to Os. The bond volume for the corresponding carbide may be expected to be reduced due to the lanthanide contraction (the ionic radii of the elements decrease with increasing atomic number). In addition, strong covalent bonds could also be achieved due to hybridizing between metal d and nonmetal 2p electrons12. Previous studies have proposed other two possible structures for the synthesized noble metal carbide compound PtC, with Ref.16 suggesting a zincblende structure to be mechanically stable, while Fan et. al10 proposed PtC to have a rock-salt structure, which was also suggested as an alternative in the originalexperimental paper, since the corresponding bulk modulus is more comparable to the experimental data 8. In addition, a closely related structure to WC is the NiAs type which is also considered in this work. Therefore four candidate structures are chosen for ReC in namely rock-salt, zincblende, WC and NiAs types.2. Theoretical approachesTo identify the equilibrium structure, we performed first-principles calculations based on a plane wave basis set, by expanding the electron wavefunctions up to a kinetic energy cut-off of 500 eV with periodic boundary conditions. The ultrasoft pseudopotential 17 wad used for the electron-ion interaction, and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of Perdew et al.18 for the electron-electron exchange and correlation. Such a scheme has been demonstrated to be very good in providing accurate and reliable predictions of structural and mechanical properties of transition metal compounds system 19. Integrations in the Brillouin zone are performed using special k points generated with 10×10×10, 10×10×4, 9×9×9 and 9×9×9 mesh parameters grid for WC, NiAs, zincblende and rocksalt typed structures of ReC. The cell parameters a and c in the hexagonal structures are varied until the minimal enthalpy H = E +PV is achieved under the restriction of the given symmetry. During the subsequent geometrical optimization, all forces on atoms are converged to less than 0.001eV/Å, and the total stress tensor is reduced to the order of 0.01 GPa. Among the considered polymorphs, ReC in the WC type is energetically the most stable polymorph with the NiAs structure type close in enthalpy as a metastable phase. The relative stability order is WC type>NiAs type>zincblende>rocksalt for ReC, resulted from the computed enthalpy differences -0.71, -0.62 and -0.2 eV/atom respectively with respect to the rocksalt ReC. In the following parts, we refer to the WC and NiAs phases within the hexagonal symmetry. Structures shown in Fig. 1 are optimized geometries, which show no imaginary phonon modes, indicating their thermodynamic stability. The optimizedstructures expand the original Re lattice laterally only by 3.7% and 3.8% upon incorporation of carbon for WC- and NiAs-type, which is less than that of ReB 2 with 5%1, resulting in the shorter and therefore stronger metal-metal bonds.3. Results and discussionThe five independent elastic stiffness constants ij C are evaluated by computing the stress tensor i σ generated by forcing strain j ε to the optimized unit cell with four different magnitudes, =ε-0.003, -0.001, 0.001 and 0.003. Table 1 lists the structural parameters and elastic properties data for WC- and NiAs-ReC. We note that our calculation of the data for WC in GGA approximation is in good agreement with the experimental results except for the bulk modulus. However, the general trend should bemaintained and reflected in the calculated results. The obtained elastic stiffness constants satisfy the Born stability criteria for a hexagonal crystal 20, suggesting an elastic stability of these two structure types of ReC. It is also confirmed that OsC in the WC type is mechanically unstable according to our calculations. This may not be surprising when considering the fact that for dinitrides and diborides of the noble metals in the same period(PtN 2, OsN 2 and IrN 2 with pyrite, marcasite and a lower symmetry structures 21,22,23; OsB 2 and ReB 2 were confirmed in an orthorhombic and hexagonal lattice respectively 1,2, but these structures can be correlated by distortion). The bulk and shear moduli are computed in terms of elastic constants obtained based on the Voigt scheme. The result predicted an extraordinary high bulk modulus of 440 GPa(diamond 443 GPa in this work) and an extreme incompressibility along the c -axis with 33C =1123 GPa (diamond 11C =1092 GPa) for WC-ReC, consistent with the very low c/a ratio of 0.977 compared to ideal value of1.633. WC-ReC also possesses a high shear modulus of 223 GPa. While for NiAs-ReC, the bulk modulus isalso very high(422 GPa, close to that of diamond), associated with a shear modulus 274 GPa slightly smaller than that of WC. As was demonstrated in Ref. 13 the dependence of hardness on bulk or shear modulus is notmonotonic, and thus a quantitative estimate is essential. We can obtain the predicted Vickers hardness using the semiempirical relation 13,24 3/5)/(b Vv P H ∝for binary covalent crystals by scaling calculated quantities and experimental 7 =V H 30 GPa for WC. P is the Mulliken bond overlap population that can be derived from first-principles computations. It is a measure of the spatial charge density between bonding atoms which combines the effects of bond ionicity and valence electrons density. b v is the average bond volume, which can be obtained by the ratio between the cell volume and the containing bond number. Defining the ratio WC C q q q R /)(Re =of any property q , our calculations give =)(P R 0.42/0.38=1.105, and =)(b v R 3.267/3.448=0.948, which finally produces a total enhancement factor of 1.21 and a hardness 36 GPa for WC-ReC. Application of the same method produces 38 GPa for NiAs-ReC, making it a potential superhard material considering the estimated error. Obviously, the higher hardness originatesfrom higher valence electron density increasing the covalent nature and the smaller bond volume compared to WC. It is essential to get valuable insight into the bonding character of the different phases from theelectronic structure. The density of states (DOS) shown in Fig. 2 elucidate that WC- and NiAs-ReC have close similarity to a certain extent. They can be characterized for both being metallic and exhibiting a finite density of states N (E F ) at the Fermi level. A higher N (E F ) value for NiAs-ReC than for WC-ReC indicates its less stability of the former, consistent with the energy calculation results. For both phases, the DOS around the Fermi level come predominantly from d orbits of Re. There is a deep valley called pseudogap near the Fermi level (E F ), which results from the strong hybridization and leads to a separation between the bonding states(occupied) and anti-bonding (unoccupied) states. The presence of a pseudogap indicates a strong covalent bonding in WC- and NiAs-ReC, resulting in a high bulk modulus.5. ConclusionThis compound should be accessible in synthesis from the arc-melting method without using extreme pressure for producing this hard material, similar to the process for the ReB 2 preparation 1. These two types of ReC phases maybe the hardest binary metal carbide so far discovered, which are harder than the known carbides such as WC and TaC. The low incompressibility comparable to diamond and even higher uniaxial Young’s modulus may allow to replace diamond in some applications like cutting processes.6. AcknowledgementThis work was financially supported by NSFC (Grant No. 50325103) and SKPBRC (Grant No.2005CB724400).Reference1 H.-Y. Chung, M. B. 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Also shown are elastic properties including elastic constants, bulk modulus and shear modulus.WC ReCCal.WC-type NiAs-type Exp.ThisCrystal system HexagonalSpace group P-6m2 (no.187) P63mmc(no.194)Cell parametersa (Ǻ) 2.87a 2.906 2.850 2.853c (Ǻ) 2.85a 2.828 2.786 5.593z 1 2V (Ǻ3) 20.33 20.69 19.60 39.42Elastic stiff constants (GPa)726796C11 721993C33 9631123195284C44 302229242C12 219192225C13 160Bulk and shear modulus(GPa)B 421b 386 440 422G 282c 285 223 274a from ref. 25.b from ref. 7.c from ref. 24.Figure CaptionsFigure 1. Ultra-incompressible and hard material created by combining high valence density metal rhenium and small radius atom carbon with covalent bonding in WC-type (a) and NiAs-type (b) structures. WC-type ReC unit cell is doubled along c axis for clear comparison. Rhenium and carbon are represented by blue and red energy and marked by the vertical lines.。



(使)岩化lithify安山岩Andesite暗河underground river暗色岩melanocratic rock白云母Muscovite白云石Dolomite斑晶phenocryst斑岩Porphyry斑状变晶porphyroblast斑状结构Porphyritic texture板岩sleeve板状构造Talc半对数标度semi-logarithmic scale半晶质Merocrystalline包气带水Syenite饱和度degree of saturation饱和重度Saturated unit weight背斜Anticline崩塌Collapse比重Specific retention边坡不稳Sodium salt变晶结构metacryst texture变形Deformation变形模量deformation modulus变余结构palimpsest texture变质岩Metamorphic rock变质作用Metamorphism标准贯入试验Stock标准化石index fossil表面张力suspended water玢岩Porphyrite冰川沉积Glacial deposit波痕ripple mark剥落exfoliation剥蚀作用denudation泊松比Poisson's ratio补给Recharge不等粒结构Inequigranular texture不对称褶皱asymmetric fold不均匀[局部]膨胀differential expansion不均匀的Heterogeneous不均匀系数Coefficient of Uniformity 不连续Discontinuity不整合Unconformity残积土Eluvial soils残余应力residual stress侧向侵蚀lateral corrosion测震仪seismograph层理Bedding层面Bedding planes产状occurrence超固结Over consolidated超基性岩Unconfined aquifer or沉积物sediment沉积学sedimentology沉积岩Sedimentary rock成层的Bedded成分component承压含水层Confined or artesian aquifer承压水confined water持水度Specific yield赤铁矿Hematite冲击土Alluvial soil冲刷Scouring垂直分带Vertical zoning垂直运动vertical movement次生矿物Secondary minerals粗砾Cobbles粗面岩transverse strain达西定律Darcy's law大理岩Marble代Era单粒结构single-grained structure flocculent structure 单斜褶皱Monoclinal fold弹性Elasticity弹性模量modulus of elasticity挡土墙retaining wall倒转褶皱overturned fold等粒结构granular texture等斜褶皱Isoclinal fold地层层序律Law of Superposition地层对比法Stratigraphic地层学Stratum (pl. strata)地层学的stratigraphy地核the mantle地基Foundation地基稳定性foundation stability地壳earth crust地壳运动crustal movement地垒Horst地幔time unit地貌学geomorphology地面沉降Land subsidence地堑Graben地下工程Underground engineering地下水Groundwater地形Tertiary地震Earthquake地质构造Geological structure地质勘探geological survey地质罗盘geological compass地质年代单位Topaz地质时标Geological Time Scale地质时期Geological time第三纪the core第四纪Quaternary定向压力Directional pressure动力变质作用dynamic metamorphism动水压力Hydrodynamic pressure冻融作用Freezethaw action断层fault断层擦面sliding bed断层带fault zone断层角砾岩Fault breccias断层面Fault plane断层倾角Fault dip断层倾角Hade断层三角面triaxial compression test断层线Fault line断层崖Fault scarp断层走向Fault strike断距Fault distance断裂Fracture断裂fracture堆积,沉淀Deposit堆积阶地accumulational terrace对称褶皱Syncline二氧化碳carbon dioxide方解石Calcite非承压含水层Water-table aquifer分层Stratigraphic correlation method分类classification分选性差poorly graded分选性好well-graded粉砂Silt粉砂岩Siltstone风成沉积物Wind deposit风化作用Weathering蜂窝结构honeycomb structure浮托力Uplift pressure浮岩Pumice复合褶皱composite fold覆盖层Overburden钙长石anorthite橄榄石Olivine橄榄岩Peridotite干重度Dry unit weight刚玉Corundum高岭石Kaolinite各向同性Homogeneous各向异性的Anisotropic给水度spring更新世Pleistocene工程地质勘查engineering geological investigation 工程地质剖面图engineering geological profiles工程地质学Engineering geology工程实践engineering practice构造地震tectonic line构造地质学structural plane构造谷tensile fracture构造裂隙structural geology构造盆地tectonic earthquake构造线Tectonic process构造运动tectonic valley古生代Palaeozoic谷底Valley floor固结Consolidation固结灌浆consolidation grouting固结作用consolidation固体颗粒solubility管涌Piping贯入仪penetrometer贯入阻力penetration resistance光泽Luster硅酸铝aluminium silicate硅氧矿物silica minerals海拔Elevation海底地震sulphate海啸ultimate bearing capacity 含水层Aquifer含水量Water content含水量Water content河岸river bank河槽横断面channel cross section河床river bed河流River河流阶地river terrace河漫滩alluvial flat河曲meander荷载强度load intensity黑云母Biotite横向应变Triangular facet洪积物Pluvial deposits湖相沉积lake deposit花岗岩Granite滑动带Slope deposits滑动面Slip zone滑坡Landslide滑坡床Sliding body滑坡后壁sliding terrace滑坡舌slip surface滑坡台地Sliding tongue滑坡体Sliding cliff滑石tectonic basin化合物compound化石fossil化学风化chemical weathering化学岩Chemical rock黄铁矿Pyrite黄玉Trachyte辉绿岩Diabase辉石Pyroxene辉岩Pyroxenite辉长岩Gabbro活性断层active fault火山地震volcanic earthquake火山灰volcanic ash击数blow count基础Footing基础Footing基床反力系数Coefficient of sub-grade reaction基性岩Basic igneous rocks基座阶地pedestal terrace级配曲线Grading curve级配曲线Grading curve级配筛分试验gradation test极限承载力ultimate load极限荷载Ultrabasic igneous rocks极限平衡法limit equilibrium methods集水沟Catch drain脊crest纪Period钾长石potash feldspar假整合disconformity剪切裂缝Shear cracks剪切裂隙shear fracture剪切破坏shear failure降水漏斗Cone of depression交错层理cross bedding胶结作用cementation胶体Colloid角度不整合angular unconformity角砾岩Breccias角砾岩化Brecciation角闪石Hornblende接触变质作用contact metamorphism接触泉contact spring节理joint节理玫瑰花图Joint rose map结构面Subgrade结合水Bound water, combined water, held water 结晶度degree of crystallinity结晶水Crystal water解理Cleavage解理Cleavage界Erathem金刚石Diamond晶体crystal井well静力触探试验Cone Penetration Test静载荷试验Loading Test绝对年龄测定Absolute Dating均质Isotropic喀斯特Karst喀斯特水(岩溶水)karst water抗滑桩anti-sliding pile抗剪强度Shear strength抗拉强度Tension crack抗压强度Compressive strength颗粒组成Grain composition可溶盐类Solution可塑性plasticity孔隙比void ratio孔隙度Porosity孔隙水Pore water孔隙压力Pore pressure孔压静力触探piezocone penetration test 块石,漂砾Boulders块状构造massive structure矿物Mineral拉张裂缝terrain里氏震级Richter scale砾岩Conglomerate粒度分布grain size distribution粒级层理graded bedding粒级分析Slate粒径grain size粒状构造granular texture裂隙水fracture water临界含水率critical moisture content临塑荷载critical edge pressure磷灰石Apatite流沙Quicksand流体静压力Hydrostatic pressure流网flow net流纹岩Rhyolite流纹状构造rhyotaxitic structure硫化氢hydrogen sulphide硫酸盐Surface tension漏斗Funnel路基submarine earthquake路堑边坡cutting slope落水洞size analysis绿泥石Chlorite氯化物chloride麦氏震级Mercalli Scale盲沟blind drain毛细水Capillary water毛细压力Capillary pressure锚筋(钉,杆)anchoring bar (pin, rod)蒙脱石Montmorillonite糜棱岩Mylonite糜棱岩化mylonitization密度density密实度compactionness磨损attrition莫氏硬度计Mohs' Scale of Hardness母岩parent rock钠盐soil gas内摩擦角internal friction泥裂mud crack泥岩Mud stone逆断层reverse fault牛轭湖oxbow lake排水Drainage排水槽Drainage channel膨胀系数coefficients of expansion膨胀性dilatability片理Schistosity片麻岩Gneiss片麻状构造gneissic structure片状构造schistose structure平板载荷试验plate loading test平均粒径mean diameter, average grain diameter 平卧褶皱recumbent fold坡积物Slope failure普通辉石augite期Age气孔状构造vesicular structure千枚状构造phyllitic structure牵引式滑坡Retrogressive slide前寒武纪Pre-Cambrian time潜水phreatic water浅成岩Hypabyssal rock浅基础shallow foundations浅色岩leucocratic rock浅源地震shallow-focus earthquake强烈地震structural fracture侵蚀corrasion侵蚀谷erosional valley侵蚀阶地erosional terrace侵蚀泉eroded spring亲水性hydrophilicity倾伏褶皱Plunging fold倾角dip angle倾向dip倾斜构造Inclined structure穹庐Dome区域变质作用regional metamorphism曲率系数Coefficient of Curvature, 曲线P~s curve p-s曲线s~logt curve s-logt取样sampling全玻璃质(非晶质)Holohyaline全晶质Holocrystalline全新世Holocene泉水stalactite泉水出露outcrop of spring人工地基artificial foundation人工地震artificial earthquake容许承载力allowable bearing capacity 溶解Dissolution溶解度Soluble salt溶解作用specific gravity溶蚀corrosion溶蚀谷corroded depression polje 润湿角Wetting angle三相土True dip三轴压缩试验tri-phase soil砂Sand砂沸sand boil砂砾Gravel砂岩sand stone山链mountain chain闪石Amphibole闪长岩Diorite扇状褶皱Fan fold上层滞水perched water上盘Hanging wall蛇纹石Serpentine深暗色岩hypermelanic rock深成岩Plutonic rock深基础deep foundations深源地震plutonic earthquake渗流Seepage渗流破坏Seepage failure渗流速度seepage velocity渗流压力seepage forces渗透Infiltrate渗透力seepage force渗透率Permeability渗透系数Coefficient of permeability生物风化biological weathering生物化学岩Biochemical Rock十字板剪切试验Shear Vane Test石膏Gypsum石榴子石Garnet石笋Standard Penetration Test石芽Clint石英Quartz石英岩Quartzite世Epoch视倾角apparent dip枢纽Hinge枢纽线Hinge line水化作用hydration水解作用hydrolysis水力传导率Hydraulic conductivity水力梯度Hydraulic gradient水平层理horizontal bedding水平构造horizontal structure水平褶皱Horizontal fold水文地质条件Hydrogeological condition塑性Plasticity塑性指数Plasticity index酸性岩Acidic igneous rocks碎裂作用cataclasis碎屑沉积detrital sediment碎屑岩Clastic Rock缩限shrinkage limit碳酸carbonic acid碳酸钙calcium carbonate碳酸化作用carbonation碳酸镁magnesium carbonate碳酸盐carbonate套筒Slickenside体积裂隙数Joint number in one cubic meter 天然地基natural foundation天然含水量natural moisture天然结构natural structure天然应力状态natural state of stress天生桥natural bridge条痕strike条形基础strong motion earthquake铁镁质矿物mafic同位素年龄测定Radiometric dating统Series透镜体Lense土Solid particle土壤气体Soil Water土壤水Soil拖曳褶皱drag fold外力external force伟晶岩Pegmatite纹理Vein无侧限抗压试验Unconfined Compression Test 物理风化physical weathering系tabular structure下盘Footwall下切侵蚀vertical erosion显晶质Phanerocrystalline显生宙Phanerozoic time相对密度relative density相对密度relative density, density index 相对年代测定Relative dating向斜System斜层理oblique bedding斜长石Plagioclase新生代Cenozoic杏仁状构造amygdaloidal structure絮状结构Sinkhole玄武岩Basalt压缩系数coefficient of consolidation压缩性compressibility岩崩rockfall岩层Bed岩层Streak岩层露头outcrop岩床Sill岩沟Lapie岩基Batholiths岩浆Magma岩浆岩Igneous rock岩脉Dyke岩盆Lopolith岩溶洞karst cave岩石Rock岩石破裂rock failure岩石强度Rock strength岩石碎片fragments of rock 岩石学petrology岩体Rock Mass岩株Stratification阳离子cation氧化作用oxidation叶理Foliation页岩Shale液化liquefaction液限liquid limit液性指数liquidity index伊利石Illite溢出泉overflow spring 翼Limb翼间角Inter-limb angle 阴离子anion隐晶质Cryptocrystalline 萤石Fluorspar硬石膏Anhydrite有机物organism有机物质Organic materials 有机物质Organic substance有效粒径effective diameter, effective grain size, effective size有效重度effective unit weight 原生矿物Primary mineral原位测试In-situ test云母Mica粘土Clay粘土矿物Clay mineral张性裂隙Tensile strength长英矿物felsic褶轴Fold axis褶皱Fold真倾角tsunami震源earthquake focus震中Epicenter整合conformity正断层normal fault正长石Orthoclase feldspar正长岩symmetric fold直拉试验Direct Pull Test中色岩mesocratic rock中生代Mesozoic中性岩Intermediate igneous rocks 钟乳石stalagmite重度weight重结晶作用Recrystallization重力水Gravity water重碳酸盐Bicarbonate轴面axial surface轴平面Axial plane轴线Axis轴向应变axial strain宙eon主流master stream桩基础pile foundation自流井Artesian well自流泉artesian spring综合治理Comprehensive treatment 走向strike-slip fault走向平移断层strip footing组Formation钻孔柱状图bore histogram最大干密度maximum dry density最优含水量optimum water content。

数学形态学 膨胀原理

数学形态学 膨胀原理

数学形态学膨胀原理Mathematical morphology is a powerful image processing technique that involves the manipulation and analysis of geometrical structures within images. One of the fundamental operations in mathematical morphology is dilation, which is used to expand or enlarge the boundaries of objects in an image. Dilation is based on the principle of set theory, where the set of image pixels is expanded according to a predefined structuring element. This process can be used for a variety of applications, such as noise removal, edge detection, and object recognition.数学形态学是一种强大的图像处理技术,涉及对图像中的几何结构进行操作和分析。




In mathematical morphology, the dilation operation is often used in conjunction with erosion, another fundamental operation. Erosion involves shrinking or contracting the boundaries of objects in an image, and when combined with dilation, these operations can beused to enhance or highlight certain features within an image. The process of dilation involves placing the structuring element at each pixel in the image and determining the maximum value within the overlapping region. This value is then assigned to the corresponding pixel in the output image.在数学形态学中,膨胀操作通常与腐蚀这另一个基本操作一起使用。



索引(按照汉语拼音字母顺序)A安全系数 safety factorB半桥接法 half bridge闭口薄壁杆件 thin-walled tubes比例极限 proportional limit边界条件 boundary conditions变截面梁 beam of variable cross section变形 deformation变形协调方程 compatibility equation标距 gage length泊松比 Poisson’s ratio补偿片 compensating blockC材料力学 mechanics of materials冲击荷载 impact load初应力,预应力 initial stress纯剪切 pure shear纯弯曲 pure bending脆性材料 brittle materialsD大柔度杆 long columns单位荷载 unit load单位力偶 unit couple单位荷载法 unit-load method单向应力 uniaxial stress等强度梁 beam of constant strength低周疲劳 low-cycle fatigue电桥平衡 bridge balancing电阻应变片 resistance strain gage电阻应变仪 resistance strain indicator叠加法 superposition method叠加原理 superposition principle动荷载 dynamic load断面收缩率 percentage reduction in area多余约束 redundant restraintE二向应力状态 state of biaxial stressF分布力 distributed force复杂应力状态 state of triaxial stress复合材料 composite materialG杆,杆件 bar刚度 stiffness刚架 frame刚节点 rigid joint高周疲劳 high-cycle fatigue各向同性材料 isotropical material功的互等定理 reciprocal-work theorem工作应变计 active strain gage工作应力 working stress构件 structural member惯性半径 radius of gyration of an area惯性积 product of inertia惯性矩 moment of inertia广义胡克定律 generalized Hook’s lawH横向变形 lateral deformation胡克定律 Hook’s law滑移线 slip-linesIJ基本系统 primary system畸变能理论 distortion energy theory畸变能密度 distortional strain energy density 极惯性矩 polar moment of inertia极限应力 ultimate stress极限荷载 limit load挤压应力 bearing stress剪力 shear force剪力方程 equation of shear force剪力图 shear force diagram剪力流 shear flow剪切胡克定律 Hook’s law for shear剪切 shear交变应力,循环应力 cyclic stress截面法 method of sections截面几何性质 geometrical properties of an area 截面核心 core of section静不定次数,超静定次数 degree of a statically indeterminate problem静不定问题,超静定问题 statically indeterminate problem静定问题 statically determinate problem静荷载 static load静矩 static moment颈缩 neckingK开口薄壁杆件 bar of thin-walled open cross section抗拉强度 ultimate stress in tension抗扭截面系数 section modulus in torsion抗扭强度 ultimate stress in torsion抗弯截面系数 section modulus in bendingL拉压刚度 axial rigidity拉压杆 axially loaded bar理想弹塑性假设 elastic-perfectly plastic assumption力法 force method力学性能 mechanical properties连续梁 continuous beam连续条件 continuity condition梁 beams临界应力 critical stress临界荷载 critical loadM名义屈服强度 offset yielding stress莫尔强度理论 Mohr theory of failure敏感栅 sensitive gridN挠度 deflection挠曲线 deflection curve挠曲线方程 equation of deflection curve挠曲线近似微分方程 approximately differential equation of the deflection curve 内力 internal forces扭矩 torsional moment扭矩图 torque diagram扭转 torsion扭转极限应力 ultimate stress in torsion扭转角 angel of twist扭转屈服极限 yielding stress in torsion扭转刚度 torsional rigidityO欧拉公式 Euler’s formula疲劳极限 endurance limit疲劳破坏 fatigue rupture疲劳寿命 fatigue life偏心拉伸 eccentric tension偏心压缩 eccentric compression平均应力 average stress平面弯曲 plane bending平面应力状态 state of plane stress平行移轴定理 parallel axis theorem平面假设 plane cross-section assumptionQ强度 strength强度理论 theory of strength强度条件 strength condition切变模量 shear modulus切应变 shear strain切应力 shear stress切应力互等定理 theorem of conjugate shearing stress 屈服 yield屈服强度 yield strength全桥接线法 full bridgeR热应力 thermal stressS三向应力状态 state of triaxial stress三轴直角应变花 three-element rectangular rosette三轴等角应变花 three-element delta rosette失稳 buckling伸长率 elongation圣维南原理 Saint-Venant’s principle实验应力分析 experimental stress analysis塑性变形 plastic deformation塑性材料 ductile materials塑性铰 plastic hingeT弹性变形 elastic deformation弹性模量 modulus of elasticity体积力 body force体积改变比能 density of energy of volume change体积应变 volume strainUW弯矩 bending moment弯矩方程 equation of bending moment弯矩图 bending moment diagram弯曲 bending弯曲刚度 flexural rigidity弯曲正应力 normal stress in bending弯曲切应力 shear stress in bending弯曲中心 shear center位移法 displacement method位移互等定理 reciprocal-displacement theorem稳定条件 stability condition稳定性 stability稳定安全系数 safety factor for stabilityX细长比,柔度 slenderness ratio线性弹性体 linear elastic body相当长度 equivalent length相当应力 equivalent stress小柔度杆 short columns形心轴 centroidal axis形心主惯性矩 principal centroidal moments of inertia 形心主轴 principal centroidal axis许用应力 allowable stress许用应力法 allowable stress method许用荷载 allowable load许用荷载法 allowable load methodY应变花 strain rosette应变片 strain gage应变能 strain energy应变比能 strain energy density应力 stress应力速率 stress ratio应力比 stress ratio应力幅 stress amplitude应力状态 state of stress应力集中 stress concentration应力集中系数 stress concentration factor应力-寿命曲线,S-N曲线 stress-cycle curve应力-应变图 stress-strain diagram应力圆,莫尔圆 Mohr’s circle for stresses约束扭转 constraint torsionZ正应变 normal strain正应力 normal stress中面 middle plane中柔度杆 intermediate columns中性层 neutral surface中性轴 neutral axis轴 shaft轴力 axial force轴力图 axial force diagram轴向变形 axial deformation轴向拉伸 axial tension轴向压缩 axial compression主平面 principal planes主应力 principal stress主应力迹线 principal stress trajectory主轴 principal axis主惯性矩 principal moment of inertia转角 angel of rotation转轴公式 transformation equation自由扭转 free torsion组合变形 combined deformation组合截面 composite area最大拉应力理论 maximum tensile stress theory 最大拉应变理论 maximum tensile strain theory 最大切应力理论 maximum shear stress theory最大应力 maximum stress最小应力 minimum stress。



GPS百科名片GPS 是英文Global Positioning System(全球定位系统)的简称,而其中文简称为“球位系”。




在机械领域GPS则有另外一种含义:产品几何技术规范(Geometrical Product Specifications)-简称GPS。


GPS构成1.空间部分GPS的空间部分是由24颗工作卫星组成,它位于距地表20200km的上空,均匀分布在6 个轨道面上(每个轨道面4 颗) ,轨道倾角为55°。

此外,还有3 颗有源备份卫星在轨运行。

卫星的分布使得在全球任何地方、任何时间都可观测到4 颗以上的卫星,并能在卫星中预存的导航信息。


2. 地面控制系统地面控制系统由监测站(Monitor Station)、主控制站(Master Monitor Station)、地面天线(Ground Antenna)所组成,主控制站位于美国科罗拉多州春田市(Colorado Spring)。





Aabscissa 横坐标/hãngzùobi āo/absolute convergency 绝对收敛性/juãduìshōuliǎnxìng/absolute first curvature 绝对一阶曲率/juãduìyījiēqūl ǜ/abundant number 过剩数/guîshângshù/ addition of vector 向量加法/xiàngliàngjiāfǎ/adele 赋值向量/fùzhíxiàngliàng/adjoint vector space伴随向量空间/bànsuíxiàngliàngkōngjiān/alternate matrix 交错〔矩〕阵/jiāocuî〔jǔ〕zhân/ analytic function 解析函数/jiěxīhánshù/ antiderivative 反导数,反微商/fǎndǎoshù,fǎnwēishāng/antidifferential 反微分/fǎnwēifēn/anti-trigonometric function反三角函数/fǎnsānjiǎohánshù/applied mathematics应用数学/yīngyîngshùxuã/approximant 近似结果/jìnsìjiēguǒ/approximation theorem 逼近定理/bījìndìnglǐ/arbitrary function任意函数/rânyìhánshù/argument of a function 函数的自变数/hánshùdãzìbiànshù/arithmetic 算术,四则/suànshù,sìzã/arithmetic mean算术中项,等差中项/suànshùzhōngxiàng,děngchāzhōngxiàng/arrangement 排列/páiliâ/array阵列,数组/zhânliâ,shùzǔ/asympotote 渐近线/jiànjìnxiàn/asympototic curvature渐近曲率/jiànjìnqūlǜ/auxiliary 辅助/fǔzhù/average index number平均指数/píngjūnzhǐshù/axiom 公理/gōnglǐ/axis轴/zhïu/axis of a quadric 二次曲面的轴/ârcìqūmiànd e zhïu/Bbarycenter 重心/zhîngxīn/basic solution基本解/jīběnjiě/best harmonic majorant 最佳调和优函数/zuìjiātiáohãyōuhánshù/biharmonic operator 双调和算子/shuāngtiáohãsuànzǐ/bilateral surface 双侧曲面/shuāngcâqūmiàn/bilinear function 双线性函数/shuāngxiànxìnghánshù/binary linear substitution 二元线性代换/âryuánxiànxìngdàihuàn/binomial 二项式/ârxiàngshì/biorthogonal 双正交/shuāngzhângjiāo/bipartite curve双枝曲线/shuāngzhīqūxiàn/biquadric双二次/shuāngârcì/bisector 等分线,平分线/děngfēnxiàn,píngfēnxiàn/bitangent conics 双切二次曲线/shuāngqiâârcìqūxiàn/body of rotation 旋转体/xuánzhuàntǐ/boundary curve 边界曲线/biānjiâqūxiàn/boundary problem边界问题/biānjiâwântí/bounded sequence 有界序列/yǒujiâxùliâ/bounded variable有界变数/yǒujiâbiànshù/broken line 折线/zhãxiàn/Ccalculus (1)微积分〔学〕(2)演算/(1)wēijífēn〔xuã〕(2)yǎnsuàn/ cancellation law消去律/xiāoqùlǜ/cardinal number 基数,纯数/jīshù,chúnshù/carry 进位/jìnwâi/ Cauchy distribution 柯西分布/kēxīfēnbù/center of curvature 曲率的心/qūlǜdexīn/central symmetry中心对称/zhōngxīnduìchân/chain rule for differentiation 链微分法,链导法/liànwēifēnfǎ, liàndǎofǎ/chord 弦/xián/circle coordinates 圆坐标/yuánzuîbiāo/circular fuction 圆函数,三角函数/yuánhánshù, sānjiǎohánshù/circumcenter 外心,外接圆心/wàixīn, wàijiēyuánxīn/circumscribed 外切的/wàiqiâde/classification statistic分类统计/fēnlâitǒngjì/closed curve 闭曲线/bìqūxiàn/closed interval闭区间/bìqūjiān/cluster point 聚点,丛点/jùdiǎn, cïngdiǎn/coaxial line共轴线/gîngzhïuxiàn/coefficient 系数/xìshù/coefficient of correlation相关系数/xiāngguānxìshù/cogradient matrices 同步矩阵/tïngbùjǔzhân/collecting terms 结合项/jiãhãxiàng/collinear planes 共线面/gîngxiànmiàn/cologarithm 余对数/yúduìshù/column (1)列(2)柱/(1)liâ(2)zhù/combination 组合,配合/zǔhã, pâihã/common factor公因子,公因数/gōngyīnzǐ, gōngyīnshù/common prpendicular 公有垂线/gōngyǒuchuíxiàn/common ratio 公比/gōngbǐ/communicative law交换律/jiāohuànlǜ/complementary law 互余律,互补律/hùyúlǜ, hùbǔlǜ/complement of a set 集的余集,集的补集/jídeyújí, jídãbǔjí/complete primitive 完全积分,完全原函数/wánquánjífēn, wánquányuánhánshù/composite probability 复合概率/fùhãgàilǜ/compound function 合成函数/hãchãnghánshù/concentric circles同心圆/tïngxīnyuán/concept 概念/gàiniàn/conditional convergent 条件收敛/tiáojiànshōuliǎn/confocal paraboloids 共焦抛物线/gîngjiāopāowùxiàn/congruent triangles全等三角形/quánděngsānjiǎoxíng/conjugate 共轭/gîng’â/consequence后承,推论/hîuchãng, tuīlùn/consistency 相容性,一致性,无矛盾性/xiāngrïngxìng, yízhìxìng, wúmodùnxìng/constant 常数/chángshù/ constant proportionality 比例常数/bìlìchángshù/ construction problem作图题/zuîtútí/continuous 连续/liánxù/ contravariant derivation 反变导数/fànbiàndǎoshù/ control控制,控制器/kîngzhì,kîngzhìqì/ convergence 收敛/shōuliǎn/ convergence criterion 收敛辨别法/shōuliǎnbiànbiãfǎ/coordinate 坐标/zuîbiāo/ corresponding angles 同位角,对应角/tïngwâijiǎo, duìyìngjiǎo/cosecant 余割/yúgē/ cosine 余弦/yúxián/ cotangent 余切/yúqiē/ crossed products 交叉乘积/jiāochāchãngjī/cube root 立方根/lìfāngg ēn/ cubic 三次的/sāncìde/cubic binary quantic 二元三次代数形式/âryuánsāncìdàishùxíngshì/cuboid 长方体,矩体/chángfāngtǐ, jǔtǐ/curvilinear asymptote 渐近曲线/jiànjìnqūxiàn/cybernetics 控制论/kîngzhìlùn/cyclic equation 循环方程/xúnhuánfāngchãng/cyclotomic 割圆/gēyuán/cylindrical symmetry 圆柱对称性/yuánzhùduìchânxìng/Ddata processing 数据处理/shùjǔchùlǐ/decade 十进制的/shíjìnzhìde/decimal 小数,十进小数/xiǎoshù, shíjìnxiǎoshù/decimal point 小数点/xiǎoshùdiǎn/decomposition 分解/fēnjiě/decreasing sequence 下降序列/xiàjiàngxùliâ/deduction 推论,演绎法/tuīlùn, yǎnyìfǎ/deferent 圆心轨迹/yuánxīnguǐjì/definite integral 定积分/dìngjífēn/degree 次,次数,度数/cì,cìshù, dùshù/degree of polynomial 多项式的次数/duōxiàngshìdecìshù/denominator 分母/fēnmǔ/depression of order 降阶法/jiàngjiēfǎ/derivate 导数/dǎoshù/derivation 求导/qiúdǎo/designated 特指的/tâzhǐde/determinant 行列式/hángliâshì/develop 展开/zhǎnkāi/diagonal line 对角线/duìjiǎoxiàn/diameter 直径/zhíjìng/diamond 菱形/língxíng/dichotomy 二分法/ârfēnfǎ/difference 差,差分/chā, chāfēn/differential 微分/wēifēn/differential and integralcalculus微积分/wēijífēn/dimension 维数,因次,量纲/wãishù, yīngcì, liànggāng/directed line 有向直线/yǒuxiàngzhíxiàn/direct proportion 正比例/zhângbǐlì/directrix 准线/zhǔnxiàn/direct trigonometric function正三角函数/zhângsānjiǎohánshù/discontinuity不连续性,间断性/bùliánxùxìng, jiànduànxìng/discrete 离散/lísàn/ disjoint 不相交/bùxiāngjiāo/distinct roots 相异根,不等根/xiāngyìgēn, bùděnggēn/distortion 畸变/jībiàn/ distributive law 分配律/fēnpâilǜ/divergent 发散的/fāsànde/ domain 域{几},整环{代},定义域{逻}/yù{jǐ},zhěnghuán{dài},dìngyìyù{luï}/domain of definition 定义域/dìngyìyù/dot 点/diǎn/double denial双重否定/shu āngchïngfǒudìng/dual operation 对偶运算/du ìǒu yùnsuàn/dynamic model 动态模型/d îngtàimïxíng/Eeccentricity 离心率,偏心率/líxīnlǜ, piānxīnlǜ/edge 棱,边/lãng, biān/effective valuation 有效赋植/yǒuxiàofùzhí/efficient statistic 有效统计量/yǒuxiàotǒngjìliàng/elementary solution 基本解/jīběnjiě/element of a cone 锥的母线/zhuīdemǔxiàn/elimination (1)消元法(2)消去/(1)xiāoyuánfǎ(2)xiāoqù/ellipse 椭圆/tuǒyuán/ellipsoidal harmonics 椭圆调和/tuǒqiútiáohã/empirical assumption 经验假定/jīngyànjiǎdìng/empty set 空集/kōngjí/ensemble 总体/zǒngtǐ/enumerable 可数性,可枚举性/kěshǔde, kěmãijǔde/equation 方程/fāngchãng/equilateral polygon 等边多边形/děngbiānduōbiānxíng/equivalence (1)等价(2)等势(3)等积/(1)děngjià(2)děngshì(3)děngjí/equivalent transformation 等价变换/děngjiàbiànhuàn/error 误差/wùchā/escalator method 梯降法/tījiàngfǎ/escenter 旁心/pángxīn/essential parameter 本质参数/běnzhìcānshù/estimation 估计/gūjì/Euclidean algorithm 欧几里得算法/ōu jlǐdãsuànfǎ/Euler’s constant 欧拉常数/ōu lāchángshù/even number 偶数/ǒu shù/evolution 开方/kāifāng/excenter 外心/wàixīn/exhaustive 穷举的/qiïngjǔde/expansion展开,展开式/zhǎngkāi, zhǎngkāishì/explicit function 显函数/xiǎnhánshù/exponent 指数/zhǐshù/exponentiation 取幂/qǔmì/extension(1)开拓,扩张(2)外延/(1)kāituî, kuîzhāng(2)wàiyán/externally tangent 外切/wàiqiē/extrapolation method 外插法,外推法/wàichāfǎ, wàituīfǎ/extreme value 极值/jízhí/Ffactorial 阶乘,析因/jiēchãng, xīyīn/factoring 因式分解/yīnshìfēnjiě/faithful 一一的/yīyīde/ fallacy 谬误/miùwù/ feasible sequence 可行序列/kěxíngxùliâ/Fermat numbers 费马数/fâimǎshù/Fibonacci method 黄金分割法,斐波那契法/huángjīnfēngēfǎ,fěibōnàqìfǎ/ field 域{代},场{几}/yù{dài},chǎng{jǐ}/ field of definitions 定义域/dìngyìyù/finite 有限/yǒuxiàn/finite decimal 有尽小数/yǒujìnxiǎoshù/first deviation 一阶求导,一阶求微/yījiēqiúdǎo, yīji ēqiúwēi/first term 首项/shǒuxiàng/ fluxionary calculus 微积分/wēijífēn/focal distance/length焦距/ji āojù/foot of a perpendicular 垂线/chuízú/formula 公式/gōngshì/four fundamental operationsof arithmetic 算术四则运算/suànshùsìzãyùnsuàn/Fourier coefficient 傅里叶系数/fùlǐyâxìshù/fraction 分数,分式/fēnshù,fēnshì/fully monotone 完全单调/wánquándāndiào/functional limit 函数极限/hánshùjíxiàn/function of many variables多元函数/duōyuánhánshù/fundamental 基本/jīběn/fundamental solution 基本解/jīběnjiě/GGalois equation 伽罗瓦方程/jiāluïwǎfāngchãng/Gaussian elimination 高斯消去法/gāosīxiāoqùfǎ/general deviation 一般导数,一般微商/yībāndǎoshù,yībānwēishāng/general expression〔普〕通式/〔pǔ〕tōngshì/generalized cyclic algebra广义循环代数/guǎngyìxúnhuándàishù/general solution 〔普〕通解/〔pǔ〕tōngjiě/generating function 生成函数,母函数/shãngchãnghánshù, mǔhánshù/generator (1)母线(2)生成元/(1)mǔxiàn,(2)shãngchãngyuán/genuine solution 真解/zhenjiě/geometric mean 几何平均,等比中项,等比中数/jǐhãpíngjūn, děngbǐzhōngxiàn, děngbǐzhōngshù/genus 亏格/kuīgã/geometrical figure 几何作图/jǐhãzuîtú/geometry 几何〔学〕/jǐhã〔xuã〕/golden section 黄金分割/huángjīnfēngē/graphical representation 图示/túshì/greatest common divisor最大公因子/zuìdàgōngyīnzǐ/Hhalf line 半〔直〕线,射线/bàn〔zhí〕xiàn, shâxiàn/half open interval 半开区间/bànkāiqūjiān/harmonic 调和,调和的/tiáohã, tiáohãde/helicoidal surface 螺旋面/luïxuánmiàn/Hermitian matrix 埃尔米特矩阵/āiěrmǐtâjǔzhân/Hessian matrix 海赛矩阵/hǎisàijǔzhân/heuristics method 启发性方法/qǐfāxìngfāngfǎ/ heuristics 直观推断/zhíguāntuīduàn/hexadecimal system 十六进制/shíliùjìnzhì/higher algebra 高等代数〔学〕/gāoděngdàishù〔xu ã〕/higher derivative 高阶导数,高阶微商/gāojiēdǎoshù,g āojiēwēishang/higher order 高阶/gāojiē/ homogeneous 齐性〔的〕,齐次,齐的/qíxìng〔de〕,q ícì.qíde/ homographic solution 对应解/duìyìngjiě/ hyperbola 双曲线/shuāngq ūxiàn/hyperbolic locus 双曲线轨迹/shuāngqūxiànguǐjì/ hypothesis 假设/jiǎshâ/Iidentical 恒等,恒同/hãngděng, hãngtïng/identically vanishing 恒等于零/hãngděngyúlíng/identical relation 恒等式,全等式/hãngděngshì, quánděngshì/identity law 同一律/tïngyīlǜ/if and only if/iff 当且仅当/dānggqiějǐndāng/illustration 说明,解释/shuōmíng, jiěshì/imaginary line 虚线/xūxiàn/imaginary number 虚数/xūshù/imaginary root 虚根/xūgēn/implicit function 隐函数/yǐnhánshù/improper fraction 假分数,可约分数/jiǎfēnshù, kěyuēfēnshù/improper integral 非正常积分,广义积分/fēizhângchángjífēn, guǎngyìjífēn/incidence 关联,结合/guānlián, jiēhã/inclusion 包含/bāohán/inconsistency 不相容性,不一致性/bùxiāngrïngxìng,bùyīzhìxìng/increasing function 〔递〕增函数/〔dì〕zēnghánshù/indecomposable (1)不可分解(2)不可分的(1)bùkěfēnjiě,(2) bùkěfēndeindefinite 不定/bùdìng/indefinite integral 不定积分/bùdìngjífēn/independent 无关,独立/wúguān, dúlì/independent variable 自变量,独立变量/zìbiànliàng, dúlìbiànliàng/indeterminate (1) 不确定(2)不定元/(1)bùquâdìng(2)bùdìngyuán/index 指数/zhǐshù/indirect differentiation 间接微分法/jiànjiēwēifēnfǎ/indivisible 除不尽/chúbùjìn/induction 归纳法,归纳/guīnàfǎ, guīnà/inequality 不等,不等式/bùděng, bùděngshì/inertia 惯性/guànxìng/inference of immediate 直接推理/zhíjiētuīlǐ/inference of mediate 间接推理/jiànjiētuīlǐ/inferior field 无穷域/wúqiïngyù/infinite 无穷〔大〕,无限〔大〕/wúqiïng〔dà〕,wúxiàn〔dà〕/infinitely near 无穷近,无限近/ wúqiïngjìn,wúxiànjìn/infinitesimal calculus 微积分〔学〕/wēijífēn〔xuã〕/inflectional asymptote 拐渐进线/guǎijiànjìnxiàn/ initial value 初值,始值/chūzhí,shǐzhí/inner multiplication 内乘法/nâichãngfǎ/inscribed circle 内切圆/nâiqiēyuán/inscribed triangle 内接三角形/nâijiēsānjiǎoxíng/ inseparable 不可分/bùkěfēn/integrability 可积性/kějíxìng/integral (1)整的(2)积分/(1)zhěngde, (2)jífēn/ integral calculus 积分学/jíf ēnxuã/integral multiple 整数倍/zhěngshùbâi/integrand 被积函数/bâijíhánshù/integration constant 积分常数/jífēnchángshù/ intercept 截距,截段/jiãjù,jiãduàn/intermediate value 介值/jiâzhí/internally tangent circle 内切圆/nâiqiēyuán/interpolation 插值〔法〕,内插〔法〕,内推法/chāzhí〔fǎ〕,nâichā〔fǎ〕,nâituīfǎ/intersection 交,相交/jiāo, xiāngjiāo/interval 区间/qūjiān/inverse 反,逆/fǎn, nì/inverse analytic function 解析反函数/jiěxīfǎnhánshù/inverse circular function 反三角函数/fǎnsānjiǎohánshù/invertibility 可逆性/kěnìxìng/involution (1)成方(2)对和/(1)chãngfāng,(2)duìhã/irrational 无理数,无理的/wúlǐshù, wúlǐde/irrational expression 无理式/wúlǐshì/irreducible 不可约的/bùkěyuēde/irrotational vector 无旋向量/wúxuánxiàngliàng/isocline (1)等斜线,等倾线(2)等向线/(1)děngxiãxiàn, děngqīngxiàn(2)děngxiàngxiàn/isogonal 等角的/děngjiǎode/isolated point 孤点,孤立点/gūdiǎn, gūlìdiǎn/isometric correspondence 等距对应/děngjùduìyìng/isosceles trapezoid 等腰梯形/děngyāotīxíng/iterated integral 叠积分/diãjífēn/iteration 迭代/diãdài/JJacobian 雅可比行列式,函数行列式/yǎkěbǐhángliâshì, hánshùhángliâshì/join operation 联合运算/liánhãyùnsuàn/Jordan canonical matrix 约当标准形/yuēdāngbiāozhǔnxíng/junction symbol 联结符号/liánjiēfúhào/just compromise 适当调和/shìdàngtiáohã/Kkey columns 关键列/guānjiànliâ/known 已知/yǐzhī/known number 已知数/ yǐzhīshù/Kronecker delta 克罗内可符号/kâluïnâikâfúhào/Llacunary series 缺项级数/qu ēxiàngjíshù/ Lagrange’s interpolation formula 拉格朗日插值公式/lāgãlǎngrìchāzhígōngshì/Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换/lāpǔlāsībiànhuàn/ latent vector 本征向量,特征向量/běnzhēngxiàngliàng, tâzhēngxiàngliàng/lateral area 侧面积/câmiànj í/lattice 格/gã/law of cosines 余弦定律/yúxiándìnglǜ/law of similitude 相似定律/xiāngsìdìnglǜ/law of sines 正弦定律/zhângxiándìnglǜ/law of tangents 正切定律/ zhângqiēdìnglǜ/ leader of chain 链的首项/liàndeshǒuxiàng/leading coefficient 首项系数/shǒuxiàngxìshù/least 最小/zuìxiǎo/least multiple 最小公倍数,最小公倍式/zuìxiǎogōngbâishù,zuìxiǎogōngbâishì/least splitting field 最小可分域/zuìxiǎokěfēnyù/Legendre polynomial 勒让德多项式/lâràngdãduōxiàngshì/legs of a triangle 勾股,两股(直角三角形的)/gōugǔ,liǎnggǔ(zhíjiǎosānjiǎoxíngde)/length of normal 法线的长,法距/fǎxiàndecháng, fǎjù/like parity 同奇偶数/tïngjī’ǒuxiàng/like terms 同类项/tïnglâixiàng/limes/limit inferiors 下极限/xiàjíxiàn/limes/limit superiors 上极限/ shàng jíxiàn/limit 限,极限/xiàn, jíxiàn/linear (1)一次(2)线性/(1)yīcì, (2)xiànxìng/linear algebra 线性代数/xiànxìngdàishù/linear approximation 线性近似/xiànxìngjìnsì/linear combination 线性组合/xiànxìngzǔhã/linear correlation/dependence线性相关/xiànxìngxiāngguān/linear equation 一次方程,线性方程/yīcìfāngchãng, xiànxìngfāngchãng/linear rank 线性秩/xiànxìngzhì/linear regression 线性回归/xiànxìnghuíguī/line of parallelism 平行性的线/píngxíngxìngdexiàn/line segment 线段/xiànduàn/local 局部/júbù/local derivation 局部导数/júbùdǎoshù/locus 轨迹/guǐjì/logarithm 对数/duìshù/logic 逻辑/luïjí/logical expression 逻辑运算/luïjíyùnsuàn/longitudinal axis 纵向轴/zîngxiàngzhïu/lower boundary 下界/xiàjiâ/MMaclaurin series 马克劳林级数/mǎkâláolínjíshù/major promise 大前提/dàqiántí/marginal value 临界值/línjiâzhí/Markovian process 马尔可夫过程,无后效过程/mǎěrkěfūguîchãng, wúhîuxiaîguîchãng/mathematical induction 数学归纳法/shùxuãguīnàfǎ/ mathematical model 数学模型/shùxuãmïxíng/ matrix(1)〔矩〕阵,真值表(2)母式/(1)〔jǔ〕zhân, zhēnzhíbiǎo (2)mǔshì/ matrix deflation 矩阵收缩,矩阵降阶/jǔzhânshōusuî, jǔzhânjiàngjiē/matrix eigenvalues 矩阵本征值,矩阵特征值/jǔzhânběnzhēngzhí, jǔzhântâzhēngzhí/matrix norm 矩阵范数/jǔzh ânfànshù/maximal 极大/jídà/ maximal value 极大值/jídàzhí/maximum directional derivation 极大有向导数,极大有向微商/jídàyǒuxiàngdǎoshù, jídàyǒuxiàngwēishāng/maximum minimum property 极大极小性/ jídàjíxiǎoxìng/mean 平均,平均值,中数/píngjūn, píngjūnzhí, zhōngshù/mean continuity 中数连续/zhōngshùliánxù/mean proportional 比例中项/bǐlìzhōngxiàng/median (1)中线(2)中位数/(1)zhōngxiàn, (2)zhōngwâishù/method of approximation 近似法/jìnsìfǎ/method of false position 试位法/shìwâifǎ/method of undeterminedcoefficient 待定系数法/dàidìngxìshùfǎ/metric differential geometry初等几何〔学〕/chūděngjǐhã〔xuã〕/mid-point 中点/zhōngdiǎn/minimal 极小/jíxiǎo/minimax solution of linearequations 线性方程组的极值解/xiànxìngfāngchãngzǔdejízhíjiě/minimus modulus 最小模/zuìxiǎomï/minor determinant 子行列式/zǐhángliâshì/minus 减/jiǎn/mixed decimal 带小数的数/dàixiǎoshùdeshù/mixed fraction 带分数/dàifēnshù/model 模型/mïxíng/modeling 模型建立/ mïxíngjiànlì/modulus 模,模数/mï, mïshù/moment 矩/jǔ/monadic 一元的/yīyuánde/monogamy 一一对应,一对一/yīyīduìyìng, yīduìyī/monominal 单项式,单项的/dānxiàngshì, dānxiàngde/monotone 单调/dāndiào/monotone decreasing 单调递减/ dāndiàodìjiǎn/monotone increasing 单调递增/dāndiàodìzēng/monotonicity principle 单调性原理/ dāndiàoxìngyuánlǐ/multiform function 多值函数/duōzhíhánshù/multinominal expansion 多项展开式/duōxiàngzhǎnkāishì/multiple (1)倍数(2)多重/(1)bâishù,(2)duōchïng/multiple roots 多重根/duōchïnggēn/multiplicand 被乘数/bâichãngshù/multiplication 乘法/chãngfǎ/multiplication of determinants行列式乘法/hángliâshìchãngfǎ/multiplicity 相重数,相重性/xiāngchïngshù, xiāngchïngxìng/mutual integral-differential operator 互积分微分算子/hùjífēnwēifēnsuànzǐ/NNapierian logarithms 自然对数,讷皮尔对数/zìránduìshù, nâpí’ěrduìshù/n-ary form n元关系, n元形/n yuánguānxì, n yuánxíng/natural boundary condition 自然边界条件/zìránbiānjiâtiáojiàn/natural model 自然模型/zìr ánmïxíng/natural number自然数/zìránshù/natural trigonometrical function 三角函数的真数/sānjiǎohánshùdezhēnshù/ necessary and sufficientcondition充要条件/chōngyàotiáojiàn/negative 负/fù/negative exponent 负数/fùzhǐshù/negative proposition 否定命题/fǒudìngmìngtí/neighborhood 邻域,邻近/línyù, línjìn/neutural 中性/zhōngxìng/Newton’s identities 牛顿恒等式/niúdùnhãngděngshì/nilpotent 幂零/mìlíng/nodal line 结点线/jiãdiǎnxiàn/nomography 图算法/túsuànfǎ/non-convergent series 非收敛级数/fēishōuliǎnjíshù/non-integrable equation 不可积方程/bùkějífāngchãng/nonlinear 非线性/fēixiànxìng/non-orientable surface 不可定向的曲面/bùkědìngxiàngdeqūmiàn/nom-period function 非周期函数/fēizhōuqīhánshù/non-separated 不可分的/bùkěfēnde/nonstationary iterativemethod 不定常迭代法/bùdìngchángdiãdàifǎ/non-termonating decimal 无尽小数/wújìnxiǎoshù/normal (1)正规,正常(2)垂直,正交,法〔线〕(3)正态/(1)zhângguī, zhângcháng (2)chuízhí, zhângjiāo, fǎ〔xiàn〕(3)zhângtài/normal angle 法角/fǎjiǎo/normal curvature 法曲率/fǎqūlǜ/normal derivative 法向导数,法向微分/fǎxiàngdǎoshù,fǎxiàngwēifēn/normal direcrion 法线方向/fǎxiànfāngxiàng/normal form 范式,正规形式,法线式/fànshì, zhângguīxíngshì, fǎxiànshì/normal line 法线/fǎxiàn/null 零,空/líng, kōng/null set 零集,空集/língjí,kōngjí/number axis 数轴/shùzhïu/number of terms 项数/xiàngshù/numerical analysis 数值分析/shùzhífēnxī/Oobjective function 目标函数/mùbiāohánshù/oblateness 扁率/biǎnlǜ/oblique helicoid 斜螺旋面/xiãluïxuánmiàn/oblique line 斜线/xiãxiàn/obtuse 钝角/dùnjiǎo/odd-even check 奇偶校验/jī’ǒujiàoyàn/odd number 奇数/jīshù/ odevity 奇偶性/jī’ǒuxìng/ omit 省略/shěnglǜe/one-sided limits 单册极限/dāncâjíxiàn/one-variable function 单元函数/dānyuánhánshù/ open cycle 开循环/kāixúnhuán/open interval 开区间/kāiqūjiān/open set 开集/kāijí/ operational method 运算方法/yùnsuànfāngfǎ/ operations research 运筹学/yùnchïuxuã/operative symbol 运算符号,运算记号/yùnsuànfúhào, yùnsuànjìhào/opposite edge of a polyhedron 多面体的对棱/duōmiàntǐdeduìlãng/optima 最优/zuìyōu/ optimal approximation 最佳逼近/zuìjiābījìn/ order (1)阶,级(2)序,次序/(1)jiē,jí(2)xù, cìxù/ordered 有序的/yǒuxùde/ordered set 有序集/yǒuxùjí/order of magnitude 绝对值的阶,绝对值的大小,数量级/juãduìzhídejiē, juãduìzhídedàxiǎo, shùliàngjí/ordinate 纵〔坐〕标/zîng〔zuî〕biāo/orientable 可定向的/kědìngxiàngde/oriented circle 有向圆/yǒuxiàngyuán/orthocenter 垂心/chuíxīn/orthogonal 正交/zhângjiāo/orthogonal coordinatessystem 正交坐标系/zhângjiāozuîbiāoxì/orthogonal vector正交向量/Zhângjiāoxiàngliàng/orthoptic curve 切距曲线/qiējùqūxiàn/outer product 外积/wàijí/outer term 外项/wàixiàng/overlap 交叠,相交/jiāodiã,xiāngjiāo/Ppairity 奇偶性/jī’ǒuxìng/parabola 抛物线/pāowùxiàn/parabolic arch 抛物线拱/ pāowùxiàngǒng/parabolic asmptotes 渐近抛物线/jiàjìnpāowùxiàn/paraboloid 抛物面/pāowùmiàn/parallel 平行/píngxíng/parallel axiom 平行公理,欧几里得公理/píngxínggōnglǐ, ōujǐlǐdãgōnglǐ/parallelogram 平行四边形/píngxíngsìbiānxíng/parallel section 平行截面/píngxíngjiãmiàn/parameter 参数,参变量/cānshù, cānbiànliàng/parity 奇偶性/jī’ǒuxìng/part 部分/bùfēn/partial (1)偏(2)部分/(1)piān (2) bùfēn/partial derivative 偏导数,偏微商/piāndǎoshù, piānwēishāng/partial diferenceial 偏微分/piānwēifēn/particular case 特别情况,特例/tâbiãqíngkuàng, tâlì/pedal line 垂足线/chuízúxiàn/pencil 束/shù/percentage 百分法,百分数/bǎifēnfǎ, bǎifēnshù/perfect 完全的,完备的/wánquánde, wánbâide/perfect diferential 全微分/quánwēifēn/perimeter 周,周长/zhōu, zhōucháng/periodical fraction 循环小数/xúnhuánxiǎoshù/period of a circulating decimal 小数的循环节/xiǎoshùdexúnhuánjiã/ perpendicular (1)垂线(2)垂直〔于〕/(1)chuíxiàn, chu ízhí〔yú〕/ perpendicularity 垂直,正交/chuízhí, zhângjiāo/ piecewise analytic分段解析/fēnduànjiěxī/plane geometry 平面几何〔学〕/píngmiànjǐhã〔xuã〕/point at infinity 无穷远点/wúqiïngyuǎndiǎn/point of intersection 交点/ji āodiǎn/point of tangency 切点/qiēdiǎn/point singularity 奇点/jīdiǎn/polar coordinates 极坐标/jízuîbiāo/polar vector 极向量/jíxiàngliàng/ pole 极,极点/jí, jídiǎn/polygonal line 折线/zhãxiàn/polynominal 多项式/duōxiàngshì/polynominal deflation 多项式收缩,多项式降阶/duōxiàngshìshōusuî, duōxiàngshìjiàngjiē/polynominal in severalelements 多元多项式/duōyuánduōxiàngshì/polynominal of degree n n次多项式/n cìduōxiàngshì/positioning for size 按大小排列/āndàxiǎopáiliâ/positive direction 正方向/zhângfāngxiàng/positive integer 正整数/zhângzhěngshù/power(1)〔乘〕幂,乘方(2)势(3)权/(1)〔chãng〕mì, chãngfāng (2)shì(3)quán/premise 前提/qiántí/prime number 素数/sùshù/primitive function 原函数/yuánhánshù/primitive rule 基本规则/jīběnguīzã/principal theerem 基本定理/jīběndìnglǐ/principle 原理,原则/yuánlǐ, yuánzã/probability 概率/gàilǜ/problem 问题/wântí/product 〔乘〕积/〔chãng〕jí/project 射影,投影/shâyǐng,tïuyǐng/proof by induction 归纳证明,归纳证法/guīnàzhângmíng, guīnàzhângfǎ/proper 正常,真,常态/zhângcháng, zhēn, chángtài/property 性〔质〕/xìng〔zhì〕/proportion 比例/bǐlì/proportion by inversion 反比/fǎnbǐ/proposition 命题/mìngtí/pseudo-periodic function 伪周期函数/wěizhōuqīhánshù/pseudo-valuation 伪赋值/wěifùzhí/pure 纯/chún/Pythagorean triplet 毕达哥拉斯三元数组/bìdágēlāsīsānyuánshùzǔ/Qquadrant 象限/xiàngxiàn/quadratic 二次/ârcì/quadratically intgralblefunction 平方可积函数/píngfāngkějíhánshù/quadratic expression 二次式/ârcìshì/quadrature 求积分,求面积/qiújífēn, qiúmiànjí/quadrilateral 四边形/sìbiā。



光电英语词汇(G)更多英语行业-专业词汇-请点击这里获得gain cell 增益室gain coefficient of medium 媒质增益系数gain control 增益控制gain crossover 增益窜渡gain curve of medium 媒质增益曲线gain decay characteristic 增益衷减特性gain factor 增益因数gain invertion 增益反转gain margin 增益容限gain of light 光增益gain per pass 单程增益gain spiking 增益巅值gain stage 增益级gain staturation 增益饱和gain-bandwidth product 宽频增益器gain-bandwithd 增益带宽gain-guided laser 增益导引雷射gain-switching amplifier 增益开关放大器gain-switching system 增益开关系统gal 伽galaaxy 银河系galactic irradiance 银河系辐照度galactic noise 银河系噪声galaxy 银河Galilean binocular 伽利略双筒望远镜Galilean eyepiece 伽利略目镜galilean refracting telescopes 折射望远镜,Galilean 望远镜Galilean telescope 伽利略望远镜galilent telescope 加利略望远镜galley camera 制版照相机gallium (Ga)镓gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAIAs or AIGaAs)砷铝化镓gallium antimonite (GaSb)锑化镓gallium aresenide injection laser 砷化镓注入式激光器gallium arseide detector 砷化镓探测器gallium arsenide 砷化镓gallium arsenide photphide 磷砷化镓gallium arsenide (GaAs) injection laser 砷化镓注入雷射gallium nitride 磷化镓gallium photsphide (GaP)加仑gallium-arsenide optical filter 砷化镓滤光片gallon (gal)电流探测galvanic detection 镀锌galvanoluminescence 电流发光galvanometer 电流计galvanometer mirror 电流计镜galvanometer recorder 电流计记录器galvanometer shunt 电流计分流器galvanometer spot project 电流计光点投影器galvanometerh 电流计gamma 加玛gamma camera 加玛射线照像机gamma control r控制gamma correction r校准gamma irradiation r辐射gamma radiography 加玛防线照像术gamma ray r射线gamma ray detector 伽玛射线检测器gamma ray image converter r射线变像管gamma sphere 伽玛射线球gamma value r值gamma-ray astronomy 伽玛射线天文线gamma-ray fluoroscope r射线荧光镜gamma-ray gauge r射线测量计gamma-ray hologram r射线全息图gamma-ray laser r射线激光器gamma-ray meter r射线测计,r剂量计gamma-ray projector r射线投影器gamma-ray spectrograph r射线摄谱仪gamma-ray spectromete r伽玛射线分光计gamma-space r空目gammagraph r照相装置gammagraphy r照相术gamut (1)音阶(2)色移GaN 氮化镓GaN LED 氮化镓发光二极体Ganecke projection 甘奈克投影gang capacitor 其轴电容器gang switch 共轴开关GaP 磷化镓gap coding 空隙编码gap conunter 间隙计数器gap length 气隙长度gap loss 间隙损失gap-gauge 厚薄尺,塞尺Garching iodine laser system 伽斤碘激光系统garment (1)外套,外表(2)外涂层garmnet 石榴石garnet crystal 石榴晶体garnet laser 石榴石激光器gas (1)气体(2)媒气gas absorption cell 气体吸收元件gas active material 气体激光材料gas amplification 气体放大gas analysis 气体分析gas ballast rotary pump 气镇旋转泵gas breakdown 气体击穿gas breakdown threshold 气体击穿阈gas chromatograph 气象色谱gas chromatography 气相色谱gas chromatorgarma 气相色谱gas clean up 气体除净gas current 气体电流gas detector 气体检测器gas diode 气体二极管gas diode phototube 充气光电二极管gas discharge 气体放电gas discharge display 气体放电显示器gas discharge laser 气体放电雷射gas dynamic CO-laser 气动-氧化碳激光器gas dynamic laser 气体激光器gas etching technique 气体刻蚀技术充气的gas filled cable 充气电缆gas filled rectifier 充气整流器gas filled tube 充气管gas filter correlation 气体滤器相关gas focusing 气体聚焦gas laser 气体激光高度计gas laser altimeter 气体透镜gas lens 混合气体透镜gas magnification 气体放大gas mixture lens 汽油gas photocell 气体光电池gas recyclers and gas handling equipment 气体再生设备,气体填充设备gas ring laser 不透气的,气密的gas tightness 气体迁移激光器gas tube 气体管gas-ballatsing 气镇gas-discharge 气体放电gas-discharge cell 气体放电元件gas-discharge lamp 气体放电灯gas-discharge laser 气的放电激光器gas-discharge noise 气体放电噪声gas-discharge plasma 气体放电等离子体gas-discharge source 气体放电光源gas-discharge tube 气体放电管gas-filled 充气灯gas-filled lamp 充气激光管gas-filled laser tube 充气光电管gas-filled phototube 充气钨丝灯gas-filled tungsten-filament 气体注入式激光器gas-injection laser (1)衬垫(2)垫圈gas-phase laser 气环形激光器gas-tight 气密性gas-transport laser 充气三极管,闸流管gas-transport laser (GTL)气体输送雷射gasdynamic 气动的gasdynamic mixing laser 气动混合激光器gasdynamic mode 气动模gasdynamic type of chemical laser 气动式化学激光器gaseous 气体的gaseous cascade laser 气体串级激光器gaseous discharge 气体放电gaseous medium 气体媒质gaseous target 气体靶gases for lasers 雷射用气体gases for optical application 光学用气体gasket 气体激光器gasoline 气相激光器gassing 释气gastriode 纤维胃窥镜gastrofiberscope gastroscope 胃镜gastroscope 胃窥镜,胃视镜gate (1)门电路(2)选通脉冲(3)电影放大镜头窗口gate bias 栅偏压Gate Driver IC 闸极驱动IC gate float 浮动窗框gate mask 孔板gate pulse 选通脉冲,门脉冲gate trigger signal 闸极驱动讯号gate turn off signal 闸极关闭讯号gate value 门阀gate width 选通脉冲宽度gate-controlled switch 闸控开关gated amplifier 选通放大器gated aradiometer 选通辐射计gather 导入,引入gating 选通,开启gating pulse 选通脉冲gating siganl 选通信号gatling gun laser 卡特林机枪雷射(连发式雷射)gauge batr 规杆gauge block 规块gauge caliper 测径规gauge feeler 厚薄规gauge glass 量液玻璃管gauge hole 标准孔gauge outfit 测量头,表头gauge point 标记点gauge pressure 计示压力,表压gauge (=gage)(1)规(2)计(3)测量gauge[-block] interferometer 规块干涉仪gauging error 分度误差,检定误差gauss 高斯Gauss beam 高斯光束Gauss double type object-lens 双高斯型物镜Gauss eyepiece 高斯目镜Gauss optics 高斯光学Gauss plane 高斯平面Gauss point 高斯点gauss points 高斯点Gauss theorem 高斯定理Gauss transform 高斯变换Gauss-condition error 高斯条件误差Gauss-invariant co-ordinates 高斯不变坐Gaussian band-pass filter 高斯带通滤波器Gaussian beam 高斯光束Gaussian curvature 高斯曲率Gaussian distribution 高斯分布Gaussian doublet 高斯型双胶合透镜Gaussian elementary beam 高斯基本光束Gaussian error 高斯误差Gaussian flux law 高斯通量定律Gaussian function 高斯函Gaussian image 高斯像Gaussian laser beam 高斯激光束Gaussian lens formula 高斯透镜公式Gaussian lineshape 高斯线型Gaussian noise 高斯噪声gaussian optics 高斯光学Gaussian probability-density function 高斯概率密度函数gaussian pulse 高斯脉冲Gaussian reference sphere 高斯参考球Gaussian reflectivity 高斯反射率Gaussian regaion 高斯区域Gaussian wave train 高斯波列gaussmeter 高斯计,磁强计gauze filter 网状滤波器gauze technique 线网技术Gaviola test 加维拉检验法Ge mesa transistor 锗台式晶体管Ge photodiode array camera tube 锗光电二极管阵列摄像管gear (1)齿轮(2)传动装置gear bank 齿轮组gear box (gear case)齿轮箱gear coupling 齿轮联轴节gear drive 齿轮传动gear lead checking machine 齿轮导程检查仪gear lever 变速杆gear mesh 齿轮齿合gear rack 齿轮齿条gear sector 扇形齿轮gear shift 变速,调档gear sprial 螺旋齿轮gear testing machine 齿轮检查仪,测齿仪gear thickness gauge 齿厚规gear tooth venier caliper 厚游标卡尺gear wheel 齿轮gear wheel shaft 齿轮轴gear wheel tester 齿轮检查仪gear-type coupling 齿轮联轴节gearing (1)齿轮装置(2)传动装置gegenschein-zodiacal light photometer 积坚斯因,祖弟卡光线光度计Geiger counter 盖革计数器Geiger Mueller region 盖氏弥勒区域Geiger Mueller threshold 盖革弥勒阈值Geiger-mueller counter 盖革一弥计时器Geiger-Muller ballast 盖革-弥勒计数管Geiger-Muller coungter 盖革-弥勒计数管geigerscope 闪烁镜geissler tube 盖斯勒管gel 凝胶gel layer 凝胶层gelatine 明胶gelatine filter 明胶滤光镜gelogy 地质学gemoetrical error 几何误差genal drawing 总图general assembly 总装配general computer 通用计算机general confocal resonator 泛共焦共振腔general isoplanatism theorem 广义等晕定理general radiation scattering 连续辐射散射general view 总图,全视图general wave-beam guide 通用波导general-purpose camera 通用照相机generalized coordinates 广义坐标generalized Lagrange invariant 广义拉格朗日不变量generalized projection 广义投影generalized pupil function 广义光瞳函数generalized relative aperture 广义相对孔径generating mark 磨胚痕generation 磨胚generation electric field meter 发电式电场计generation lifetime (1)发生涛命(2)生成寿命generation Ⅱwafer tube 第二代晶圆管generation-recombination noise 振荡复合噪声generator (1)振荡器(2)发生器(3)发电机(4)母线generator field control 发电机场控制generatrix 母线genescope 频率特性观测仪genetic engineering 遗传工程学genlock 内锁genmetric concentration 几何传中率genoralized inverse matrix 广义逆矩阵geocenter 地球质量中心geodesic lens 测地镜头geodesic leveling 大地水准测量geodesy 大地测量学geodetic datum 天地基准点geodetic instrument 大地测量仪器geodetic measurement 大地测量geodetic survey 大地测量geodimeter 光电测距仪geodynamic satellite 地球动力卫geodynamics 地球动力学geographic survey 地图测量geographical coordinates 地图坐标,地理坐标geography 地理geoid 大地水准面geological mapping 地质测绘geological survey 地质测量geologit's compass 地质罗盘仪geomagnetic field 地磁场geometrcial transformation 几何变化geometric extent 几何领域geometric metamerism 几何的同差异构性geometric operations 几何作业geometric optics 几何光学geometrical aberration 几何像差geometrical axis 几何轴geometrical broadening 几何展宽geometrical center 几何中心geometrical cross section 几何截面geometrical drawing 几何图geometrical focus 几何焦点geometrical gropression 几何级数geometrical image 几何像geometrical leveling 几何水准测量geometrical optics 几何光学geometrical projection 几何投影法geometrical relationship 几何关系geometrical scanner 几何授描器geometrical shadow 几何阴影geometrical similarity 几何相似性geometry 几何学geomorphology 地貌学,地形学geophysical survey 地球物理测量geophysics 地球物理学Georan (geodetie ranger)大地测距仪geoscience 地球科学geostationary satellite 同步卫星geosynchronous orbit 同步轨道geosynchronous satellite 地球同步卫星germainium imaging sensor 锗成像传感器germainium lens 锗透镜germainium-doped optical fibre 掺锗光学纤维German Illuminating Engineeering Society (DL TG)德国照明工程协会German silver 德银germanium (Ge)锗germanium bolometer 锗测辐射热器germanium detector 锗探测器germanium polarizer 锗偏振器germanium-mosaic image-convertor 锗镶嵌变像管germanium-silicaon alloy 锗硅合金germicidal lamp 杀菌灯germinium-doped silica 掺锗二氧化硅getter (1)吸气剂,收气剂(2)吸杂剂getter bulb 吸气剂管getter material 吸气材料GGG laser crystals 雷射晶体(GGG)ghost effect 寄生效应ghost image 鬼像,幻像ghost line 鬼线ghost peak 假峰ghost prism 鬼棱镜ghost surface 假面ghost-strenght 鬼像强度ghosts 幻影giant optical pulsation 巨光脉冲giant pulse (GP)巨脉冲giant pulse emission 巨脉冲发射giant pulse technique 巨脉冲技术giant resonance 巨共振giant-pulse laser 巨脉冲激光器gib clamp 扁栓制动机构gibbs 吉卜斯Gibbs' phenomena 吉卜斯现象giga (G)吉,千兆giga-electron-volt 吉电子伏,千兆电子伏GIGABIT ethernet network equipment 超高速乙太网路设备gilbert (Gb)吉伯gilding (1)镀金(2)镀金术gimbal 常平架,平衡环gimbal lock 常平架锁定gimbal mount 常平架座glaass-sealed 玻璃封接的Glan polarizer 格兰起偏振镜glan spectrophotometer 葛兰分光光度计Glan-Foucault polarizing prism 格兰-傅科偏振棱镜glan-thompson prism 葛兰-汤普生棱镜Glan-Thomson prism 格兰-汤姆逊棱镜glan-thomson prismsGlan-Thomson 棱镜glancing angle 掠射角glancing incidence 掠入角gland (1)衬垫压盖(2)密封装置gland nut 压紧螺母glarimeter 光泽计glaring 耀眼的glas laswer 玻璃激光器glass (1)玻璃(2)望远镜(3)显微镜(4)放大镜glass and glass-ceramic mirrors 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜glass annealing furnace 玻璃退火炉glass barium (Baryta)钡玻璃glass bead screen 玻璃球屏幕glass beads 玻璃珠glass blowing 吹玻璃glass capacitor 玻璃电容器glass capillary 玻璃毛细管glass cement 玻璃胶glass cement surface 玻璃胶合界面glass ceramic 玻璃陶瓷glass cuter 玻璃刀glass dial 玻璃刻度些glass disk laser 玻璃圆盘激光器glass disk scale 玻璃刻度盘glass dosimeter 玻璃软片板glass electrode 玻璃电极glass fiber 玻璃纤维glass fiber waveguide 玻璃纤维波导glass film plates 玻璃雷射glass filter 滤光镜glass generators 玻璃产生机glass laser 上色墨glass laser targer 玻璃激光靶glass lasers 玻璃雷射glass marking inks 玻璃上色墨glass melting furnace 玻璃熔炉摄谱仪glass mirror 玻璃镜glass plate 玻璃板glass powder 玻璃粉glass precision scale 精密玻璃刻尺glass rod 玻璃棒glass scale 玻璃分划尺glass shot (1)闪光玻璃(2)特技摄影glass sight 光学瞄准具glass slip 玻璃片glass spectrograph 玻璃摄谱仪glass substrate 玻璃基板glass target 玻璃靶glass transition temperature 玻璃软化温度glass-air interface 玻璃-空气分界面glass-beaded 玻璃熔接的glass-engraving 玻璃雕刻glass-fiber cabie 光缆glass-fiber guide 玻璃纤维波导glass-fiber laser 玻璃纤维激光器glass-on-glass ddrawing technique 玻璃拨丝技术glass-path 玻璃光程glass-processing 玻璃加工的glass-shell target 玻璃空心靶glasses 眼镜glassine 玻璃射glassiness 玻璃质glassing machine 抛光机glassite 玻璃抛光分glassy 透明的,玻璃状的glassy chalcogenide 透明硫化物glassy chalcogenide semiconductor 透明硫化物半导体glaucoma 绿内障,青光眼glaze wheel 研磨轮Glazebrook prism 格累兹布鲁克棱镜glazer 抛光轮glazing (1)抛光,磨光(2)配玻璃glazing machine 抛光机gleam 发光,闪光glide plane 滑移平面glide reflection 滑移反射glimmer (1)微光,微弱闪光(2)云母glint (1)光反射(2)闪烁glisten (1)反光(2)闪光glitter 闪烁global monitoring 全球监控global radiation 金球辐射globar 碳化硅棒globar element 碳化硅棒元件globar meterial 碳化硅棒材料globar source 碳化硅棒光源globe 球,球体globe lens 球透镜globe photometer 球形光度计globular bulb 球状灯泡globular projection 球面投影globule 小球体globulite 滴晶glory ray 彩色glosgloss meters 光泽计gloss 光泽gloss meter 光泽计glossiness (1)光泽度(2)砖光度glossy paper 光面相纸glossy specimen 光泽样品glow 辉光glow ballast 辉光管glow characteristic 辉光特性曲线glow discharge 辉光放电glow factor 辉光因数glow lamp 辉光放电管,白炽灯glow modulator tube 辉光调制管glow plasma 辉光等离子体glower 炽热体glue line heating 胶线加热gluing 胶合,黏合glyceriin-immerision system 甘油油浸系统go-gauge 通过规go-no-go gauge 过端-不过端量规gobo (1)镜头挡光板(2)吸声板goggles 护目镜,风镜Golay cell 高莱探测器gold (Au)金gold blackbody 金黑体gold flaser 金激光器gold foil 金箔gold leaf electroscope 金箔验电器gold-doped 掺金的goldberg wedge 戈伯劈gon 百分度gonimeter eyepiece 测角目镜goniometer (1)测角器(2)测向器goniometer eyepiece 测角器目镜goniometry (1)测角术(2)测向术goniophotometer 测角光度计goniophotometric curve 测角光度曲线gonioradiometer 测角轴射计Gonioscopic prism 视轴角度棱镜gonometric (1)测角的(2)测向的Gotar lens 戈塔镜头grad criteria 等级判据gradation (1)层次(2)分级(3)等级grade (1)等级(2)坡度grade of fit 配合等俏grade-index 递级指数graded coating 等级涂层graded deposit 递级淀积层graded index 陡度折射率graded refractive index 陡度折射率graded-index glass fiber 陡度折射率玻璃纤维graded-index potical fiber 陡度折射率光学纤维graded-index potical waveguide 陡度折射率光学波导gradient 陡度,梯度gradient edge enhancement 梯度边增强gradient neutral density filter 陡度中性密滤光片gradient refractive index 陡度折射率gradient spectrum 陡度光谱gradient vector 梯度向量gradienter 陡度计,测斜度计gradual approximation 渐次近似法gradual cut filter 阶梯式截止滤光片graduated circle 分度圈graduated ring 分度圈graduated scale 分度尺graduation 分度,刻度graduation line 分度线,刻度线graduation mark 分度符号graduator 分度器gradusated filter 分度滤光片grain 粒,晶粒grain isolating diaphragm 晶粒隔离光阑grain noise 颗粒噪声grain refinement 晶粒细化grain size (1)粒度(2)晶粒大小grain structure 颗粒特构graininess (1)粒度(2)颗粒性graininess of the photographic image 相片影像的颗粒度gram 克gram atom 克原gram molecule 克分子gram-rad 克-弧度gramme ring 格阑姆环Grandagon 格朗达贡granlte 花岗岩granular 颗粒状的granular structure 颗粒结构granularity (1)颗粒度(2)颗粒性granulation 颗粒化grape jelly 葡萄胶graph 线图graph plotter 制图仪graphechon 阴极射线存储管graphecon 阴极射线储存管graphic 图示的,图解的graphic analysis 图解分析graphic arts 图解艺术graphic arts camera 图解艺术照相机graphic arts equipment 图解艺术设备graphic chart 图表graphic display 图形显示graphic instrument 图解仪graphic language 图像语言graphic meter 自动记录仪graphic method 图示法graphic panel 图示板graphic projection disply 图形投影显示graphic recorder 图形记录器graphic representation 图示,图形表示法graphic scale 图示比例尺graphical construction of image 成像图法graphical design of otpical system 光学系统图解设计graphical integration 图解积分graphical ray tracing 图解光路追踪graphics 图解法,图示学graphite 石墨graphitic carbon 石墨碳graser 伽射graser (gamma-ray laser) r激光器graser rodr 激光棒grasshof number 革拉秀夫数grate 格栅graticule (1)十字线(2)分度镜grating 光栅grating beam-divider 光栅光束分离器grating constant 光栅常数grating coupled 光栅耦合的grating coupler 光栅耦合器grating dip 光栅浸渍grating efficiency 光栅效率grating interferometer 光栅干涉仪grating line 光栅划线grating lobe 光栅波瓣grating monochromator 光栅单色仪grating pair 光栅对grating prism 光栅棱镜grating recombiner 光栅光束重合器grating reflector 栅状反射器grating satellite 光栅伴线grating shearing interferometer 光栅剪切干涉仪grating space 光栅间距grating spectrograph 光栅摄谱仪grating spectrometer 光栅分光计grating spectronmeter 光栅分光计grating spectrum 光栅光谱grating spectrum satellite 光栅光谱伴线grating storage target 栅状信息存储靶grating substrate 光栅衬底grating (chromatic resolving power)光栅(色监别能力)grating-coupled radiation 光栅耦合辐射grating-like hologram 类光栅全息图grating-ruling engine 光栅刻线机gravimeter 重差计gravitational field (1)引力场(2)重力场gravitational force (1)引力(2)重力gravitational imaging 重力造像gravitational method 重力法gravitational red shift 引力红移gravitational waves 重力波gravity 重力gravity interferometer 重力干涉仪gravitycell 重力电池gravure microscope 照相制版用显微镜gray (1)灰色(2)灰色的gray body 灰体Gray code 葛莱码gray levels 灰色阶层gray scale 灰色刻度gray scales 灰色标gray-level mask 灰阶光罩gray-scale image 灰色刻度相gray-scale modification 灰色刻度修正grazing angle 掠射角grazing emergence (1)掠射(2)临界出射grazing incidence 掠入射grazing-incidence diffraction 掠入射衍射grazing-incidence grating 掠入射光栅grazing-incidence interferometer 掠入射干涉仪grazing-incidence mounting 掠入射装grease 润滑脂grease-spot photometer 油斑光度计green (1)绿色(2)绿色的green block 绿块green disk 革忍碟green filter 绿色滤光器green laser 绿光激光器green mercury light 汞绿光green radiation 绿辐射green region 绿区Green's function 格临函数Green's theorem 格临定理green-house effect 温室效应Green-Twyman interferometer 格临-揣曼干涉仪green-yellow light 黄绿光greenough microscope 革忍欧夫显微镜Greenwich meridian 格林尼治子午线Greenwich sidereal time 格林尼治恒星时Greenwich time 格林尼治时Gregorian mirror 格雷果反射镜Gregorian telescope 格雷果里望远镜grenz rays 界射线grey (1)灰色(2)灰色的grey body 灰色体grey body radiation 灰色体射grey filter 灰滤色镜grey glass 灰玻璃grey level 灰度级grey photometric wedge 灰色光楔grey scale 灰度标grey surface 灰表面greyness 灰色grid (1)栅极(2)格栅(3)电池铅板grid azimuth 平面方位角grid bias cell 栅偏压电池grid blocking 栅遮断grid control 栅控grid pulsing 栅极脉波法grid-bias 栅偏压grid-leak bias 栅漏偏压grid-voItage 栅压gridistor 隐栅管grill 格栅grin (graded index)陡度折度率GRIN lenses (graduated refractive index rod) GRIN 透镜grindability 可磨性grinder (1)磨床(2)磨工grinding 研磨grinding and polishing machinery 研磨与抛光机器grinding material 磨料grinding stone (1)砂轮(2)磨石grinding tool 磨具grindstone 天然磨石grit (1)研磨砂(2)粒度grond photogrammetry 地面摄影测量学grooring 划槽groove (1)槽(2)粒度groove form diffraction grating 槽形衍射光栅grooved pulley 槽轮gross area 总面积gross difference 总差gross tolerance 总公差gross weight 总重,毛重grossmeters 光泽度计ground absorption 地面吸收,大地吸收ground circle 基圆ground coat 底涂层ground colour 底色ground flat 研磨平面ground glass 磨砂玻璃,毛玻璃ground infrared target 地面红外目标ground laser locator designator 地面激光定位指示器ground laser radar 地面激光雷达ground level 基能级ground line 基线ground noise 本底噪声ground object 地面地标ground range 地面距离ground state 基态ground state assignment 基态分布ground state atom 基态原子ground state population 基态粒子数ground state relaxation 基态弛豫ground state speies 基态族ground truth 地表实况ground wire (1)群(2)基,组,族,团ground-based optical receiver 地面光学接收器ground-cathode amplifier 阴极接地放大器ground-echo pattern 地球反射波图样ground-excited level jump 基态激发能级跃迁ground-glass diffuser 毛玻璃漫射器ground-glass finder 毛玻璃寻像器ground-glass screen 毛玻璃屏ground-to-air laser ranging 地对空激光测距ground-to-ground laser ranging 接地线grounded-base amplifier 基极接地放大器grounded-collector amplifier 共集放大器grounded-emitter amplifier 共射放大器grounded-grid amplifier 栅极接地放大器grounded-plate amplifier 屏极接地放大器grounding conductor 接地导体group 群码group code 群延迟时间group delay time 脉冲群振荡器group index 群摄group modulation 群调变group pulse generator 组合振射效group shot 组合系统group system 群摄group theory 组合系统group velocity 郡论growing wave 增长波growith striation 生长辉纹growler 咆哮器grown junction 生长接面grown-junction photocell 生长-接面光电池grub screw 无头螺钉Grum recording spectroadiometer 格卢姆自动记录分光辐射谱仪grzig incidence telescope 掠入射望远镜GSGG GSAG laser crystals 雷射晶体(GSGG,GSAG)guard (1)防护(2)防謢装置guard wire 保护线gudden-pohl effect 卡登-波耳效应guidance (1)制导,导航(2)导槽guidance accuracy 制导准确度guidance beam 制导波束guidance control 制导控制guidance information 制导信息guidance package 制导组件guide (1)导向器(2)导轨(3)导槽guide bar 导杆guide curve 导向曲线guide face 导轨面guide grid 定向栅guide line 导线guide locating 导销guide number 闪光次数guide number letter scale 曝光指数等级guide pin 导销,定位销guide pulley 导轮,压带轮guide rod 导杆guide surface 导轨面guide track 导轨guide wavelength 导波长guide way (1)导轨(2)导向槽guided mode 导引模式guided ray 导向射线guided transmission 波导传输guided wave 导波guiding laser beam 制导激光束guiding microscope 引导显微镜guiding ocular 引导目镜guiding prism 引导棱镜Guinier focusing camera 纪尼埃聚焦照相机gum 树胶,树脂gun (1)抢,炮(2)电子枪(3)照相机镜头gun camera 枪炮照相机gun sight 枪炮瞄准镜gun-laying reticle 枪瞄准十字线gun-sight aiming point camera 枪炮瞄准装置Gunn effect oscillator 耿氏效应振荡器gunn errer 白恩效应guy wire 拉线gypsum 石膏gyration 回转gyrator 回转器,陀螺gyre 回转,旋转gyro 回转罗盘,陀螺仪gyro black assembly 回转组件gyro frequency 回转频率gyro horizon 回转地平仪gyro magnetic ratio 回磁比gyro sextant 回转六分仪gyro-level 回转水平仪gyrobearing 回转方位gyroclinometer 回转测斜仪gyrocompass 回转罗盘gyromagnetic effect 回磁效应gyromagnetic ratio 回磁比gyromagnetic spin system 回磁自旋系统gyrometer 回转测试仪gyropilot 回转驾驶仪,导航仪gyroscope 回转仪,陀螺gyroscopic camera mount 摄影机回转座gyroscopic clinmeter 回转测斜仪gyroscopic theodolite 回转经纬仪gyrosight 回转瞄准器gyrostabilizer 回转稳定器gyrostat 回转轮gyrosyn 回转感应同步罗盘gyrotron 振动回转器,振动陀螺仪gyrotropi crystal 旋光晶体gyrotropic bi-refringence 旋转变折射gyrotropy (1)旋转回归线(2)旋光性本文章由毛毛雨/收集整理。



AUGMENTED QUAD-EDGE – 3D DATA STRUCTURE FOR MODELLINGOF BUILDING INTERIORSP. Boguslawski a, C. Gold ba FacultyofAdvancedTechnology,UniversityofGlamorgan,************************************.ukb FacultyofAdvancedTechnology,UniversityofGlamorgan,**********************************.uk KEY WORDS: data structure, three-dimensional modelling, duality, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay tetrahedralizationABSTRACT:This work presents a new approach towards the construction and manipulation of 3D cells complexes, stored in the Augmented Quad-Edge (AQE) data structure. Each cell of a complex is constructed using the usual Quad-Edge structure, and the cells are then linked together by the dual edge that penetrates the face shared by two cells.We developed a new set of atomic operators that allow for a significant improvement of the related construction and navigation algorithms in terms of computational complexity. The idea is based on simultaneous construction of both the 3D Voronoi Diagram and its dual the Delaunay Triangulation.We expect that the increase of the efficiency related to the simultaneous manipulation of the both duals will allow for many new applications, like real-time analysis and simulation of modelled structures.1.INTRODUCTIONThe Voronoi diagram (VD) and the Delaunay triangulation/tetrahedralization (DT) can be used for modelling different kinds of data for different purposes. They can be usedto represent the boundaries of real-world features, for example geological modelling of strata or models of apartment buildings. The VD and the DT are dual – they represent the same thing from a different point of view – and both structures have interesting properties (Aurenhammer, 1991).The Delaunay triangulation of the set of points in two-dimensional Euclidean space is the triangulation of the point set with the property that no point falls in the interior of the circumcircle of any triangle in the triangulation. If we connect the centres of these circles between pairs of adjacent triangles we get the Voronoi diagram, the dual of the Delaunay triangulation, with one Voronoi edge associated with each Delaunay edge. The Voronoi diagram consists of cells around the data points such that any location in a particular cell is closer to its cell generating point than to any other (Mostafavi,et al., 2003).Most of the algorithms and implementations available to construct the 3D VD/DT store only the DT, and if needed the VD is extracted afterwards. This has major drawbacks if one wants to work with the VD. It is for example impossible to assign attributes to Voronoi vertices or faces. In many applications, the major constraint is not the speed of construction of the topological models of large number of number of points, but rather the ability to interactively construct, edit (by deleting or moving certain points) and query (interpolation, extraction of implicit surfaces, etc.) the desired model.The 2D case has already been solved with the Quad-Edge data structures of Guibas and Stolfi (1985). The structure permits the storage of any primal and dual subdivisions of a two-dimensional manifold. Dobkin and Laszlo (1989) have generalized the ideas behind the Quad-Edge structure to preserve the primal and dual subdivisions of a three-dimensional manifold. Their structure, the Facet-Edge, comes with an algebra to navigate through a subdivision and with primitives construction operators. Unlike the Quad-Edge that is being used in many implementations of the 2D VD/DT, the Facet-Edge has been found difficult to implement in practice. Other data structures (see (Lienhardt, 1994), (Lopes and Tavares, 1997)) can usually store only one subdivision.2.THE QUAD-EDGE DATA STRUCTUREThe Quad-Edge as a representation of one geometrical edge consists of four quads which point to two vertices of an edge and two neighbouring faces. It allows navigation from edge to edge of a connected graph embedded in a 2-manifold. Its advantages are firstly that there is no distinction between the primal and the dual representations, and secondly that all operations are performed as pointer operations only, thus giving an algebraic representation to its operations. Figure 1 shows the basic structure and navigation operators (next, rot and sym).Figure 1. The Quad-Edge structure and basic operators: rot, sym,next (Ledoux, 2006)3. AUGMENTED QUAD-EDGE (AQE)The AQE (Ledoux and Gold, in press), (Gold, et al., 2005) uses the Quad-Edge to represent each cell of a 3D complex, in either space. For instance, each tetrahedron and each Voronoi cell are independently represented with the Quad-Edge , which is a boundary representation. With this simple structure, it is possible to navigate within a single cell with the Quad-Edge operators, but in order to do the same for a 3D complex two things are missing: a ways to link adjacent cells in a given space, and also a mechanism to navigate to the dual space. In this case two of the four org pointers are not used in 3D. The idea is to use the free face pointers in the Quad-Edge to link two cells sharing a face. This permits us to link cells together in either space, and also to navigate from a space to its dual. Indeed, we may move from any Quad-Edge to a Quad-Edge in the dual cell complex, and from there we may return to a different cell in the original cell complex.The AQE is high in storage but it is computationally efficient (Ledoux, 2006). Each tetrahedron contains 6 edges – each one is represented by four quads containing 3 pointers. This makes a total of 72 pointers. The total number of pointers for the dual is also 72. It makes a total of 144 pointers for each tetrahedron. However we preserve valuable properties which are crucial in real-time computations.Construction and navigation In previous work the theoretical basis of the storage and manipulation of 3D subdivisions with use of the AQE were described (Ledoux and Gold, in press) and it was shown that this model worked.The main construction operator is MakeEdge . It creates a single edge, that at the moment of creation it is not linked to any other edge. The Splice operator is used to link edges in the same subdivision. Edges in the dual subdivisions are linked one-by-one later using the through pointer.a)b)Figure 2. Flip operators (Ledoux, 2006): a) flip14 is used when a new point is inserted. Its reverse is flip41; b) flip23 is used when the structure has to be modified in order to preserve thecorrect DT. Its reverse is flip32.When a new point is inserted in the structure of the DT, four new tetrahedra are created inside the already existing one that contains the newly inserted point. Then the enclosing tetrahedron is removed. The new corresponding Voronoi points are calculated and another tetrahedron is created separately in the dual subdivision. Then all edges are linked together and, to maintain a properly built DT structure, subdivisions are modified by flip operators. Two basic flip operators are shown in Figure 2.Another requirement for the navigation is the through pointer that links together both dual subdivisions (Ledoux and Gold, in press), (Ledoux, 2006). The org pointers that are not used in 3D allow for making a connection to the dual edge. With this operator it is possible to go to the dual subdivision and back to the origin. It is the only way to connect two different cells in the same subdivision.Figure 3. The through pointer is used to connect both dualsubdivisions (Ledoux, 2006)To get the shared face of two cells, the adjacent operator is used. It is a complex operator that consists of a sequence of through and other basic operators. (Ledoux, 2006)4. ATOMIC OPERATORS The general algorithm of the point insertion to the DT/VD structure was described by Ledoux (2006). In our current work we have implemented and improved the way of building the whole structure.Algorithm 1: ComplexMakeEdge (DOrg, DDest, VOrg, VDest)// DOrg, DDest – points defined edge in DT // VOrg, VDest – points defined edge in VDe1:=MakeEdge(DOrg, DDest); e2:=MakeEdge(VOrg, VDest); e1.Rot.V:=e2;e2.InvRot.V:=e1.Sym;The most fundamental operator is ComplexMakeEdge which creates two edges using MakeEdge (Ledoux, 2006). They are dual and the one belongs to the DT and the second to the VD. The V pointer from the Quad-Edge structure is used to link them as shown in Algorithm 1. We claim that the connection between the newly created edges in both dual subdivisions has a very important property – it is permanent and not changed by any other operator.Algorithm 2: InsertNewPoint(N) – ComplexFflip14// N – new point inserted to the DT1.Find tetrahedron which contain point N2.Calculate 4 new Voronoi points3.Create new edges with using ComplexMakeEdge withpoint N and new Voronoi points4.Assign through pointers5.Disconnect origin edges of tetrahedron using Splice6.Connect edges of 4 new tetrahedra using Splice7.Add 4 new tetrahedra to a stack8.while necessary do flip23 or flip32 for tetrahedra fromthe stackFigure 4. fli p14 divides origin tetrahedron ABCD into 4 new The first operation in the point insertion to the structure is flip14 (Fig. 2a). It divides space occupied by tetrahedron ABCD into four smaller ones (Fig. 4). The inserted point N is a vertex shared by new tetrahedra. As mentioned above, this version of the algorithm is an improvement over Ledoux (2006). The significant aspect is that we don’t remove the origin tetrahedra and create 4 new. Edges from the origin tetrahedron are disconnected and used to create 4 new. Thus no edges are deleted from the DT structure. What is more, the same applies to the VD because dual edges are linked together permanently. Only new edges are added to the structure.Tetra- hedronEdges from originABCD tetrahedronused to create 4 newNewly created edgesT I CA, AD DC, CN, AN, DNT II AB, BD DA, AN, BN, DNT III BC, CD DB, BN, CN, DNT IV - BA, AC, CB, BN, AN, CNTable 5. Edges used in flip14Table 5 in conjunction with Fig. 2a) shows which edges are created and which ones are taken from the origin tetrahedron. The operation of point insertion does not demand any modification to the whole structure except for local changes of a single cell. This case is implemented in the ComplexFlip14 operator (Algorithm 2). The structure created this way keeps all new cells connected, and navigation between them, and within the whole structure, remains possible. The new complex operator is more efficient because it requires fewer operations to insert a point and modify the structure.Tetra-hedronEdges from origintetrahedra used tocreate new onesNewlycreatededgesDeletededgesT’ Ifrom TI: BEfrom TII: BD, ABAE, AD,DEAB (from TI) T’ IIfrom TI: AEfrom TII: AD, CACE, CD,DECA (from TI) T’ IIIfrom TI: CEfrom TII: CD, BCBE, BD,DEBC (from TI)Table 6. Edges used in flip23Algorithm 3: flip23(TI, TII):// TI, TII – two adjacent tetrahedra1.Calculate 3 new Voronoi points2.Copy edges and create new ones as shown in Table 63.Assign through pointers4.Disconnect edges of 2 original tetrahedra using Splice5.Connect edges of 3 new tetrahedra using Splice6.Remove spare edges (see Table 6)7.Remove 2 old Voronoi points8.Add 6 new tetrahedra to the stackTetra-hedronEdges from origintetrahedra used tocreate new onesNewlycreatededgesDeleted edges T Ifrom T’I: BEfrom T’II: CEfrom T’III:AEAB, BC,CAT IIfrom T’I: AB, BDfrom T’II: BC, CDfrom T’III: CA, AD-from T’I: AE,AD, DEfrom T’II: BE,BD, DEfrom T’III: CE,CD, DETable 7. Edges used in flip32Algorithm 4: flip32(TI, TII, TIII):// TI, TII, TIII – three tetrahedra adjacent in pairs1.Calculate 2 new Voronoi points2.Copy some edges and create new ones as shown inTable 73.Assign t hrough pointers4.Disconnect edges of 3 origin tetrahedra using Splice5.Connect edges of 2 new tetrahedra using Splice6.Remove spare edges (see Table 7)7.Remove 3 old Voronoi points8.Add 6 new tetrahedra to the stackFinally all edges are linked together to give a correctly built structure. Then correctness tests are performed. They check if the new tetrahedra have built the correct DT structure. If not, flip23 (Algorithm 3) or flip32 (Algorithm 4) are executed(Ledoux, 2006). Edges taking part in these operators are listed in Tables 6 and 7 and showed in Fig. 2b).To check the validity of our assumptions a special computer application was created. The implementation showed that our new complex operators work. The number of required operations for creation and deletion of edges and assignment of pointers has significantly decreased from the previous work of (Gold, et al., 2005).PUTER AIDED MODELLING Emergency planning and design of buildings are major issues for many people especially after 11th September 2001. To manage disasters effectively they need tools for rapid building plan compilation, editing and analysis.In many cases 2D analysis is inadequate for modelling building interiors and escape routes. 3D methods are needed. This is more obvious in disciplines such as geology (with complex adjacencies between rock types) and building construction (with security aspects). There is no appropriate data structure to describe those issues in a “3D GIS” context.Figure 8. The AQE is an appropriate structure for the modelling of building interiors. (Ledoux, 2006)The new operators can be used for advanced 3D modelling. In our opinion the AQE is a good structure for the modelling of building interiors (Fig. 8). Faces in the structure are stored twice, so every wall separating two rooms can have different properties on each side. It can help to make models not only of simple buildings but also of overpasses, tunnels and other awkward objects. It will be possible to create systems for disaster management, for example to simulate such phenomena as spreading fire inside buildings, flooding, falling walls, terrorist activity, etc.Another example is navigation in buildings, which requires the primal graph for forming rooms and the dual graph for making connections between rooms. Even though one can be reconstructed from the other, they both are needed for full real-time query and editing. These graphs need to be modifiable in real-time to take account of changing scenarios. This 3D Data Structure will assist applications in looking for escape routes from buildings.6.CONCLUSIONSOur current work involved the development and improvement of the atomic construction operations similar to the Quad-Edge. When we complete all atomic operators and prove their correctness, we will be able to use binary operations for location of quads in the stored structures. That will improve the efficiency of algorithms and allow for their use in real-time applications.In future work we will try to create a basic program for the modelling of building interiors and implement new functions such as the evaluation of optimal escape routes. We believe that such basis “edge algebra” has many practical advantages, and that it will be a base for many future applications.REFERENCESAurenhammer, F., 1991. Voronoi diagrams: A survey of a fundamental geometric data structure. ACM Computing Surveys, 23 (3), pp. 345-405.Dobkin, D. P. and Laszlo, M. J., 1989. Primitives for the manipulation of three-dimensional subdivisions. Algorithmica, 4, pp. 3-32.Gold, C. M., Ledoux, H. and Dzieszko, M., 2005. A Data Structure for the Construction and Navigation of 3D Voronoi and Delaunay Cell Complexes. WSCG’2005 Conference, Plzen, Czech Republic.Guibas, L. J. and Stolfi, J., 1985. Primitives for the manipulation of general subdivisions and the computation of Voronoi diagrams. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 4, pp. 74-123.Ledoux, H. and Gold, C. M., in press. Simultaneous storage of primal and dual three-dimensional subdivisions. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.Ledoux, H., 2006. Modelling three-dimensional fields in geoscience with the Voronoi diagram and its dual. Ph.D. dissertation, School of Computing, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, Wales, UK.Lienhardt, P., 1994. N-dimensional generalized combinatioral maps and cellular quasi-manifolds. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 4 (3), pp. 275-324. 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数学专业词汇对照以字母G 开头g space g 空间g surface g 曲面galerkin equations 加勒金方程galerkin method 加勒金法galois algebra 伽罗瓦代数galois cohomology 伽罗瓦上同调galois extension 伽罗瓦扩张galois field 伽罗瓦域galois group 伽罗瓦群galois theory 伽罗瓦理论galton watson process 高尔顿沃森过程game 对策game in normalized form 标准型对策game in partition function form 分拆函数形对策game of chance 机会对策game of hex 六角形对策game of pursuit 追逐对策game theoretic 对策论的game theoretic model 对策论模型game theory 对策论game with infinitely many players 无限局中人对策gamma distribution 分布gamma function 函数gamma rays 射线gap 间隙gap series 间隙级数gap theorem 间隙定理gateaux differential 加特微分gauge group 规范群gauge surface 规范面gauge transformation 度规变换gaugeinvariance 度规不变性gauss curvature 高斯曲率gauss distribution 高斯分布gauss elimination method 高斯消去法gauss equations 高斯方程gauss formula 高斯公式gauss integral 高斯积分gauss markov theorem 高斯马尔可夫定理gauss seidel method 高斯赛得尔方法gauss transformation 高斯变换gaussian algorithm 高斯消去法gaussian bell shaped curve 高斯钟形曲线gaussian curvature of surface 曲面的高斯曲率gaussian curve 误差曲线gaussian distribution 高斯分布gaussian elimination 高斯消去法gaussian integer 高斯整数gaussian interpolation formula 高斯插值公式gaussian number field 高斯数域gaussian plane 复数平面gaussian process 高斯过程gaussian quadrature formula 高斯求积公式gaussian sum 高斯和gegenbauer polynomial 格根包尔多项式general algebra 一般代数general algebraic equation 一般方程general associative law 一般结合律general dirichlet series 一般狄利克雷级数general distributive law 一般分配律general distributivity 无限分配性general equation 一般方程general factor 一般因子general integral 通积分general laplace transform 一般拉普拉斯变换general linear equation 一般线性方程general linear group 全线性群general point 普通点general polynomial 一般多项式general position 一般位置general proposition 一般命题general purpose computer 通用计算机general reciprocal 广义逆矩阵general recursive function 一般递归函数general recursive predicate 一般递归谓词general recursive relation 一般递归关系general set theory 一般集合论general solution 通积分general term 通项general topology 集论拓扑general uniformization theorem 一般单值化定理general validity 一般有效性general valuation 广义赋值generalization 一般化generalize 普遍化generalized almost periodic function 广义殆周期函数generalized boolean algebra 广义布尔代数generalized continuum hypothesis 广义连续统假设generalized coordinates 广义坐标generalized derivative 广义导数generalized distance 广义距离generalized eigenspace 广义特照间generalized fourier series 广义傅里叶级数generalized function 广义函数generalized green function 广义格林函数generalized inverse 广义逆矩阵generalized limit 广义极限generalized mean 广义平均generalized sequence 有向系generalized simplex method 推广的单形法generalized solution 弱解generalized sum 广义级数的和generalized symmetric group 广义对称群generalized vandermonde determinant 广义范得蒙弟行列式generate 生成generated group 生成群generated subspace 生成子空间generating circle 母圆generating cone 母锥generating element 生成元generating function 母函数generating line 母线generating line of surface 曲面的母线generating routine 生成程序generating series 生成级数generating subspace 生成子空间generation 生成generator 母线generator of a surface 曲面的母线generic 一般的generic point 一般点generic zero 一般零点genus 狂genus of a surface 曲面的狂geodesic 测地线geodesic coordinates 测地坐标geodesic curvature 测地曲率geodesic deviation 测地偏差geodesic distance 测地距geodesic line 测地线geodesic parameter 测地参数geodesic torsion 测地挠率geodesy 测地学geoid 地球体geometric average 比例中项geometric boundary condition 本质边界条件geometric complex 几何复形geometric cross section 几何截面geometric difference equation 几何差分方程geometric distribution 几何分布geometric figure 几何图形geometric genus 几何狂geometric interpretation 几何解释geometric mean 比例中项geometric meaning 几何意义geometric multiplicity 几何重数geometric optics 几何光学geometric probability 几何概率geometric progression 等比级数geometric representation 几何表示geometric sequence 等比级数geometric series 几何级数geometric simplex 几何单形geometric sum 几何和geometrical element 几何元素geometrical locus 几何轨迹geometrical optics 几何光学geometrical vector 几何向量geometrization 几何化geometry 几何geometry of numbers 数的几何学geometry of spheres 球几何学geometry of the circle 圆几何germ 芽global analysis 整体分析global convergence 整体收敛global differential geometry 整体微分几何global existence 整体存在global limit theorem 整体极限定理global lipschitz condition 整体利普希茨条件global lipschitz constant 全局利普希茨常数global mapping 整体映射global property 整体性质globe 球globular 球的gluing theorem 胶合定理gnomon 磬折形gnomonic projection 心射图法godel number 哥德尔数golden cut algorithm 黄金分割算法golden section 黄金分割goniometer 量角计goniometry 测角术good reduction 好约化goodness of fit 拟合良度gorenstein ring 戈伦斯坦环grade 百分度gradient 梯度gradient method 梯度法gradient of scalar field 纯量场的梯度graduation 修均法gram schmidt orthogonalization 格兰姆施密特正交化法gramian 格兰姆行列式gramian matrix 格兰姆矩阵grand average 总平均grand total 总计graph 图graph coloring 图色graph of an equation 方程的图graph of function 函数的图graph of operator 算子的图graph theory 图论graphic integration 图解积分法graphic method 图示法graphic representation 图示graphic solution 图解graphical calculation 图解计算法graphical differentiation 图解微分法graphical solution 图解法gravitation 引力gravitational constant 引力常数gravitational field 引力场gravity 重力great circle 大圆greater than or equal to 大于或等于greatest common divisor 最大公因子greatest common submodule 最大公共子模greatest element 最大元greatest lower bound 最大下界greek numerals 希腊数字green function 格林函数green operator 格林算子green space 格林空间green theorem 格林公式grid size 网格大小gross error 过失误差gross profit 总利润grothendieck category 格罗坦狄克范畴grothendieck group 格罗坦狄克群ground field 基域group 群group algebra 群代数group axioms 群公理group comparison 群比较group determinant 群行列式group element 群元素group extension 群扩张group factor 群因子group factor model 群因子模型group frequency 群频率group mean 群平均group object 群对象group of automorphisms 自同构群group of coefficients 系数群group of homomorphisms 同态群group of isotropy 迷向群group of linear transformations 线性变换群group of motions 运动群group of movements 运动群group of n cycles n 循环群group of points 点群group of quotients 商群group of similarity transformations 相似变换群group operation 群运算group scheme 群概型group space 群空间group theory 群论group variety 群簇group velocity 群速度group without torsion 非挠群grouped data 分类资料grouped sample unit 分类样本单位grouping 分类groupoid 广群grouptheoretical 群论的growth 增长growth curve 增长曲线growth function 生长函数growth law 增长律growth rate 增长率gudermannian 古得曼行列式guldin rule 古尔丁法则gyration radius 回转半径。



附录1:外文原文外文翻译附录2:外文翻译钢筋混凝土建筑在地震中的抗倒塌安全性研究(二):延性和非延性框架的对比分析(Abbie B. Liel1, Curt B. Haselton2, and Gregory G. Deierlein3)摘要:本文是两篇配套论文的第二篇,旨在探讨钢筋混凝土框架结构在地震中的抗倒塌安全性,并检验加利福尼亚州在20世纪70年代中期之前所建非延性框架结构建筑的可靠性。













外贸常见英文缩略词(2007-02-05)浏览人数:6251、CFR(costandfreight)成本加运费价2、T/T(telegraphictransfer)电汇3、D/P(documentagainstpayment)付款交单4、D/A(documentagainstacceptance)承兑交单5、C.O(certificateoforigin)一般原产地证6、G.S.P.(generalizedsystemofpreferences)普惠制7、CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱8、PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等9、DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元10、DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打11、PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等12、WT(weight)重量13、G.W.(grossweight)毛重14、N.W.(netweight)净重15、C/D(customsdeclaration)报关单16、EA(each)每个,各17、W(with)具有18、w/o(without)没有19、FAC(facsimile)传真20、IMP(import)进口21、EXP(export)出口22、MAX(maximum)最大的、最大限度的23、MIN(minimum)最小的,最低限度24、M或MED(medium)中等,中级的25、M/V(merchantvessel)商船26、S.S(steamship)船运27、MT或M/T(metricton)公吨28、DOC(document)文件、单据29、INT(international)国际的30、P/L(packinglist)装箱单、明细表31、INV(invoice)发票32、PCT(percent)百分比33、REF(reference)参考、查价34、EMS(expressmailspecial)特快传递35、STL.(style)式样、款式、类型36、T或LTX或TX(telex)电传37、RMB(renminbi)人民币38、S/M(shippingmarks)装船标记39、PR或PRC(price)价格40、PUR(purchase)购买、购货41、S/C(salescontract)销售确认书42、L/C(letterofcredit)信用证43、B/L(billoflading)提单44、FOB(freeonboard)离岸价45、CIF(cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费电机行业常用的中英文对照作者:中国开门机网(2011-01-09)浏览人数:1070induction machine 感应式电机horseshoe magnet 马蹄形磁铁magnetic field 磁场eddy current 涡流right-hand rule 右手定则left-hand rule 左手定则slip 转差率induction motor 感应电动机rotating magnetic field 旋转磁场winding 绕组stator 定子rotor 转子induced current 感生电流time-phase 时间相位exciting voltage 励磁电压solt 槽lamination 叠片laminated core 叠片铁芯short-circuiting ring 短路环squirrel cage 鼠笼rotor core 转子铁芯cast-aluminum rotor 铸铝转子bronze 青铜horsepower 马力random-wound 散绕insulation 绝缘ac motor 交流环电动机end ring 端环alloy 合金coil winding 线圈绕组form-wound 模绕performance characteristic 工作特性 frequency 频率revolutions per minute 转/分motoring 电动机驱动generating 发电per-unit value 标么值breakdown torque 极限转矩breakaway force 起步阻力overhauling 检修wind-driven generator 风动发电机revolutions per second 转/秒number of poles 极数speed-torque curve 转速力矩特性曲线 plugging 反向制动synchronous speed 同步转速percentage 百分数locked-rotor torque 锁定转子转矩full-load torque 满载转矩prime mover 原动机inrush current 涌流magnetizing reacance 磁化电抗line-to-neutral 线与中性点间的staor winding 定子绕组leakage reactance 漏磁电抗no-load 空载full load 满载Polyphase 多相(的)iron-loss 铁损complex impedance 复数阻抗rotor resistance 转子电阻leakage flux 漏磁通locked-rotor 锁定转子chopper circuit 斩波电路separately excited 他励的compounded 复励dc motor 直流电动机de machine 直流电机speed regulation 速度调节shunt 并励series 串励armature circuit 电枢电路optical fiber 光纤interoffice 局间的waveguide 波导波导管bandwidth 带宽light emitting diode 发光二极管silica 硅石二氧化硅regeneration 再生, 后反馈放大coaxial 共轴的,同轴的high-performance 高性能的carrier 载波mature 成熟的Single Side Band(SSB) 单边带coupling capacitor 结合电容propagate 传导传播modulator 调制器demodulator 解调器line trap 限波器shunt 分路器Amplitude Modulation(AM 调幅Frequency Shift Keying(FSK) 移频键控 tuner 调谐器attenuate 衰减incident 入射的two-way configuration 二线制generator voltage 发电机电压dc generator 直流发电机polyphase rectifier 多相整流器boost 增压time constant 时间常数forward transfer function 正向传递函数 error signal 误差信号regulator 调节器stabilizing transformer 稳定变压器time delay 延时direct axis transient time constant 直轴瞬变时间常数 transient response 瞬态响应solid state 固体buck 补偿operational calculus 算符演算gain 增益pole 极点feedback signal 反馈信号dynamic response 动态响应voltage control system 电压控制系统mismatch 失配error detector 误差检测器excitation system 励磁系统field current 励磁电流transistor 晶体管high-gain 高增益boost-buck 升压去磁feedback system 反馈系统reactive power 无功功率feedback loop 反馈回路automatic Voltage regulator(AVR)自动电压调整器reference Voltage 基准电压magnetic amplifier 磁放大器amplidyne 微场扩流发电机self-exciting 自励的limiter 限幅器manual control 手动控制block diagram 方框图linear zone 线性区potential transformer 电压互感器stabilization network 稳定网络stabilizer 稳定器air-gap flux 气隙磁通saturation effect 饱和效应saturation curve 饱和曲线flux linkage 磁链per unit value 标么值shunt field 并励磁场magnetic circuit 磁路 </P< p>load-saturation curve 负载饱和曲线air-gap line 气隙磁化线polyphase rectifier 多相整流器circuit components 电路元件circuit parameters 电路参数electrical device 电气设备electric energy 电能primary cell 原生电池energy converter 电能转换器conductor 导体heating appliance 电热器direct-current 直流time invariant 时不变的self-inductor 自感mutual-inductor 互感the dielectric 电介质storage battery 蓄电池e.m.f = electromotive fore 电动势unidirectional current 单方向性电流circuit diagram 电路图load characteristic 负载特性terminal voltage 端电压external characteristic 外特性conductance 电导volt-ampere characteristics 伏安特性carbon-filament lamp 碳丝灯泡ideal source 理想电源internal resistance 内阻active (passive) circuit elements 有(无)源电路元件 leakage current 漏电流circuit branch 支路P.D. = potential drop 电压降potential distribution 电位分布r.m.s values = root mean square values 均方根值effective values 有效值steady direct current 恒稳直流电sinusoidal time function 正弦时间函数complex number 复数Cartesian coordinates 笛卡儿坐标系modulus 模real part 实部imaginary part 虚部displacement current 位移电流trigonometric transformations 瞬时值epoch angle 初相角phase displacement 相位差signal amplifier 小信号放大器mid-frequency band 中频带bipolar junction transistor (BJT) 双极性晶体管 field effect transistor (FET) 场效应管electrode 电极电焊条polarity 极性gain 增益isolation 隔离分离绝缘隔振emitter 发射管放射器发射极collector 集电极base 基极self-bias resistor 自偏置电阻triangular symbol 三角符号phase reversal 反相infinite voltage gain 无穷大电压增益feedback component 反馈元件differentiation 微分integration 积分下限impedance 阻抗fidelity 保真度 </P< p>上一页[1][2summing circuit 总和线路反馈系统中的比较环节Oscillation 振荡inverse 倒数admittance 导纳transformer 变压器turns ratio 变比匝比ampere-turns 安匝(数)mutual flux 交互(主)磁通vector equation 向(相)量方程power frequency 工频capacitance effect 电容效应induction machine 感应电机shunt excited 并励series excited 串励separately excited 他励self excited 自励field winding 磁场绕组励磁绕组speed-torque characteristic 速度转矩特性dynamic-state operation 动态运行salient poles 凸极excited by 励磁field coils 励磁线圈air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布direct axis 直轴armature coil 电枢线圈rotating commutator 旋转(整流子)换向器commutator-brush combination 换向器-电刷总线 mechanical rectifier 机械式整流器armature m.m.f. wave 电枢磁势波Geometrical position 几何位置magnetic torque 电磁转矩spatial waveform 空间波形sinusoidal ? density wave 正弦磁密度external armature circuit 电枢外电路instantaneous electric power 瞬时电功率instantaneous mechanical power 瞬时机械功率effects of saturation 饱和效应reluctance 磁阻power amplifier 功率放大器compound generator 复励发电机rheostat 变阻器self ? excitation process 自励过程commutation condition 换向状况cumulatively compounded motor 积复励电动机operating condition 运行状态equivalent T ? circuit T型等值电路rotor (stator) winding 转子(定子绕组)winding loss 绕组(铜)损耗prime motor 原动机active component 有功分量reactive component 无功分量electromagnetic torque 电磁转矩retarding torque 制动转矩inductive component 感性(无功)分量abscissa axis 横坐标induction generator 感应发电机synchronous generator 同步发电机automatic station 无人值守电站hydropower station 水电站process of self ? excitation 自励过程 <BR< p>auxiliary motor 辅助电动机technical specifications 技术条件voltage across the terminals 端电压steady ? state condition 瞬态暂态reactive in respect to 相对….呈感性active in respect to 相对….呈阻性synchronous condenser 同步进相(调相)机coincide in phase with 与….同相synchronous reactance 同步电抗algebraic 代数的algorithmic 算法的biphase 双相的bilateral circuit 双向电路bimotored 双马达的corridor 通路shunt displacement current 旁路位移电流leakage 泄漏lightning shielding 避雷harmonic 谐波的模具常用之标准零配件、工作机械技术用语中英文对照(2007-02-09)浏览人数:710模具厂常用之标准零配件air vent vale 通气阀 anchor pin 锚梢angular pin 角梢 baffle 调节阻板angular pin 倾斜梢 baffle plate 折流檔板ball button 球塞套 ball plunger 定位球塞ball slider 球塞滑块 binder plate 压板blank holder 防皱压板 blanking die 落料冲头bolster 上下模板 bottom board 浇注底板bolster 垫板 bottom plate 下固定板bracket 扥架 bumper block 缓冲块buster 堵口 casting ladle 浇注包casting lug 铸耳 cavity 模穴(模仁)cavity retainer plate 模穴扥板 center pin 中心梢clamping block 锁定块 coil spring 螺旋弹簧cold punched nut 冷冲螺母 cooling spiral 螺旋冷却栓core 心型 core pin 心型梢cotter 开口梢 cross 十字接头cushion pin 缓冲梢 diaphragm gate 盘形浇口die approach 模头料道 die bed 型底die block 块形模体 die body 铸模座die bush 合模衬套 die button 冲模母模die clamper 夹模器 die fastener 模具固定用零件die holder 母模固定板 die lip 模唇die plate 冲模板 die set 冲压模座direct gate 直接浇口 dog chuck 爪牙夹头dowel 定位梢 dowel hole 导套孔dowel pin 合模梢 dozzle 辅助浇口dowel pin 定位梢 draft 拔模锥度draw bead 张力调整杆 drive bearing 传动轴承ejection pad 顶出衬垫 ejector 脱模器ejector guide pin 顶出导梢 ejector leader busher 顶出导梢衬套ejector pad 顶出垫 ejector pin 顶出梢ejector plate 顶出板 ejector rod 顶出杆ejector sleeve 顶出衬套 ejector valve 顶出阀eye bolt 环首螺栓 filling core 椿入蕊film gate 薄膜形浇口 finger pin 指形梢finish machined plate 角形模板 finish machined round plate 圆形模板fixed bolster plate 固定侧模板 flanged pin 带凸缘销flash gate 毛边形浇口 flask 上箱floating punch 浮动冲头 gate 浇口gate land 浇口面 gib 凹形拉紧销goose neck 鹅颈管 guide bushing 引导衬套guide pin 导梢 guide post 引导柱guide plate 导板 guide rail 导轨head punch 顶镦冲头 headless punch 直柄冲头heavily tapered solid 整体模蕊盒 hose nippler 管接头impact damper 缓冲器 injection ram 压射柱塞inlay busher 嵌入衬套 inner plunger 内柱塞inner punch 内冲头 insert 嵌件insert pin 嵌件梢 king pin 转向梢king pin bush 主梢衬套 knockout bar 脱模杵land 合模平坦面 land area 合模面leader busher 导梢衬套 lifting pin 起模顶销lining 内衬 locating center punch 定位中心冲头locating pilot pin 定位导梢 locating ring 定位环lock block 压块 locking block 定位块locking plate 定位板 loose bush 活动衬套making die 打印冲子 manifold block 歧管档块master plate 靠模样板 match plate 分型板mold base 塑料模座 mold clamp 铸模紧固夹mold platen 模用板 moving bolster 换模保持装置moving bolster plate 可动侧模板 one piece casting 整体铸件parallel block 平行垫块 paring line 分模线parting lock set 合模定位器 pass guide 穴型导板peened head punch 镶入式冲头 pilot pin 导销pin gate 针尖浇口 plate 衬板pre extrusion punch 顶挤冲头 punch 冲头puncher 推杆 pusher pin 衬套梢rack 机架 rapping rod 起模杆re-entrant mold 凹入模 retainer pin 嵌件梢retainer plate 扥料板 return pin 回位梢riding stripper 浮动脱模器 ring gate 环型浇口roller 滚筒 runner 流道runner ejector set 流道顶出器 runner lock pin 流道拉梢screw plug 头塞 set screw 固定螺丝shedder 脱模装置 shim 分隔片shoe 模座之上下模板 shoot 流道shoulder bolt 肩部螺丝 skeleton 骨架slag riser 冒渣口 slide(slide core) 滑块slip joint 滑配接头 spacer block 间隔块spacer ring 间隔环 spider 模蕊支架spindle 主轴 sprue 注道sprue bushing 注道衬套 sprue bushing guide 注道导套sprue lock bushing 注道定位衬套 sprue puller 注道拉料销spue line 合模线 square key 方键square nut 方螺帽 square thread 方螺纹stop collar 限位套 stop pin 止动梢stop ring 止动环 stopper 定位停止梢straight pin 圆柱销 stripper bolt 脱料螺栓stripper bushing 脱模衬套 stripper plate 剥料板stroke end block 行程止梢 submarine gate 潜入式浇口support pillar 支撑支柱/顶出支柱 support pin 支撑梢supporting plate 扥板 sweep templete 造模刮板tab gate 辅助浇口 taper key 推拔键taper pin 拔锥梢/锥形梢 teeming 浇注three start screw 三条螺纹 thrust pin 推力销tie bar 拉杵 tunnel gate 隧道形浇口vent 通气孔 wortle plate 拉丝模板模具常用之工作机械3D coordinate measurement 三次元量床 boring machine 搪孔机cnc milling machine CNC铣床 contouring machine 轮廓锯床copy grinding machine 仿形磨床 copy lathe 仿形车床copy milling machine 仿形铣床 copy shaping machine 仿形刨床cylindrical grinding machine 外圆磨床 die spotting machine 合模机drilling machine 钻孔机 engraving machine 雕刻机engraving E.D.M. 雕模放置加工机 form grinding machine 成形磨床graphite machine 石墨加工机 horizontal boring machine 卧式搪孔机horizontal machine center 卧式加工制造中心 internal cylindrical machine 内圆磨床jig boring machine 冶具搪孔机 jig grinding machine 冶具磨床lap machine 研磨机 machine center 加工制造中心multi model miller 靠磨铣床 NC drilling machine NC钻床NC grinding machine NC磨床 NC lathe NC车床NC programming system NC程序制作系统 planer 龙门刨床profile grinding machine 投影磨床 projection grinder 投影磨床radial drilling machine 旋臂钻床 shaper 牛头刨床surface grinder 平面磨床 try machine 试模机turret lathe 转塔车床 universal tool grinding machine 万能工具磨床vertical machine center 立式加工制造中心 wire E.D.M. 线割放电加工机模具检验量测工具、模具钢材、表面处理关连用语中英文对照(2007-02-09)浏览人数:783检验量测工具用语autocollimator 自动准直机 bench comparator 比长仪block gauge 块规 bore check 精密小测定器calibration 校准 caliper gauge 卡规check gauge 校对规 clearance gauge 间隙规clinoretee 测斜仪 comparator 比测仪cylinder square 圆筒直尺 depth gauge 测深规dial indicator 针盘指示表 dial snap gauge 卡规digital micrometer 数字式测微计 feeler gauge 测隙规gauge plate 量规定位板 height gauge 测高规inside calipers 内卡钳 inside micrometer 内分厘卡interferometer 干涉仪 leveling block 平台limit gauge 限规 micrometer 测微计mil 千分之一吋 monometer 压力计morse taper gauge 莫氏锥度量规 nonius 光标卡尺optical flat 光学平晶 optical parallel 光学平行passimeter 内径仪 position scale 位置刻度profile projector 轮廓光学投影仪 protractor 分角器radius 半径 ring gauge 环规sine bar 正弦量规 snap gauge 卡模square master 直角尺 stylus 触针telescopic gauge 伸缩性量规 working gauge 工作量规模具钢材alloy tool steel 合金工具钢 aluminium alloy 铝合金钢bearing alloy 轴承合金 blister steel 浸碳钢bonderized steel sheet 邦德防蚀钢板 carbon tool steel 碳素工具钢clad sheet 被覆板 clod work die steel 冷锻模用钢emery 金钢砂 ferrostatic pressure 钢铁水静压力forging die steel 锻造模用钢 galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁板hard alloy steel 超硬合金钢 high speed tool steel 高速度工具钢hot work die steel 热锻模用钢 low alloy tool steel 特殊工具钢low manganese casting steel 低锰铸钢 marging steel 马式体高强度热处理钢martrix alloy 马特里斯合金 meehanite cast iron 米汉纳铸钢meehanite metal 米汉纳铁 merchant iron 市售钢材molybdenum high speed steel 钼系高速钢 molybdenum steel 钼钢nickel chromium steel 镍铬钢 prehardened steel 顶硬钢silicon steel sheet 硅钢板 stainless steel 不锈钢tin plated steel sheet 镀锡铁板 tough pitch copper 韧铜troostite 吐粒散铁 tungsten steel 钨钢vinyl tapped steel sheet 塑料覆面钢板表面处理关连用语age hardening 时效硬化 ageing 老化处理air hardening 气体硬化 air patenting 空气韧化annealing 退火 anode effect 阳极效应anodizing 阳极氧化处理 atomloy treatment 阿扥木洛伊表面austempering 奥氏体等温淬火 austenite 奥斯田体/奥氏体bainite 贝氏体 banded structure 条纹状组织barrel plating 滚镀 barrel tumbling 滚筒打光blackening 染黑法 blue shortness 青熟脆性bonderizing 磷酸盐皮膜处理 box annealing 箱型退火box carburizing 封箱渗碳 bright electroplating 辉面电镀bright heat treatment 光辉热处理 bypass heat treatment 旁路热处理carbide 炭化物 carburized case depth 浸碳硬化深层carburizing 渗碳 cementite 炭化铁chemical plating 化学电镀 chemical vapor deposition 化学蒸镀coarsening 结晶粒粗大化 coating 涂布被覆cold shortness 低温脆性 comemtite 渗碳体controlled atmosphere 大气热处理 corner effect 锐角效应creeping discharge 蠕缓放电 decarburization 脱碳处理decarburizing 脱碳退火 depth of hardening 硬化深层diffusion 扩散 diffusion annealing 扩散退火electrolytic hardening 电解淬火 embossing 压花etching 表面蚀刻 ferrite 肥粒铁first stage annealing 第一段退火 flame hardening 火焰硬化flame treatment 火焰处理 full annealing 完全退火gaseous cyaniding 气体氧化法 globular cementite 球状炭化铁grain size 结晶粒度 granolite treatment 磷酸溶液热处理graphitizing 石墨退火 hardenability 硬化性hardenability curve 硬化性曲线 hardening 硬化heat treatment 热处理 hot bath quenching 热浴淬火hot dipping 热浸镀 induction hardening 高周波硬化ion carbonitriding 离子渗碳氮化 ion carburizing 离子渗碳处理ion plating 离子电镀 isothermal annealing 等温退火liquid honing 液体喷砂法 low temperature annealing 低温退火malleablizing 可锻化退火 martempering 麻回火处理martensite 马氏体/硬化铁炭 metallikon 金属喷镀法metallizing 真空涂膜 nitriding 氮化处理nitrocarburizing 软氮化 normalizing 正常化oil quenching 油淬化 overageing 过老化overheating 过热 pearlite 针尖组织phosphating 磷酸盐皮膜处理 physical vapor deposition 物理蒸镀plasma nitriding 离子氮化 pre-annealing 预备退火precipitation 析出 precipitation hardening 析出硬化press quenching 加压硬化 process annealing 制程退火quench ageing 淬火老化 quench hardening 淬火quenching crack 淬火裂痕 quenching distortion 淬火变形quenching stress 淬火应力 reconditioning 再调质recrystallization 再结晶 red shortness 红热脆性residual stress 残留应力 retained austenite 残留奥rust prevention 防蚀 salt bath quenching 盐浴淬火sand blast 喷砂处理 seasoning 时效处理second stage annealing 第二段退火 secular distortion 经年变形segregation 偏析 selective hardening 部分淬火shot blast 喷丸处理 shot peening 珠击法single stage nitriding 等温渗氮 sintering 烧结处理soaking 均热处理 softening 软化退火solution treatment 固溶化热处理 spheroidizing 球状化退火stabilizing treatment 安定化处理 straightening annealing 矫直退火strain ageing 应变老化 stress relieving annealing 应力消除退火subzero treatment 生冷处理 supercooling 过冷surface hardening 表面硬化处理 temper brittleness 回火脆性temper colour 回火颜色 tempering 回火tempering crack 回火裂痕 texture 咬花thermal refining 调质处理 thermoechanical treatment 加工热处理time quenching 时间淬火 transformation 变态tufftride process 软氮化处理 under annealing 不完全退火vacuum carbonitriding 真空渗碳氮化 vacuum carburizing 真空渗碳处理vacuum hardening 真空淬火 vacuum heat treatment 真空热处理vacuum nitriding 真空氮化 water quenching 水淬火wetout 浸润处理模具加工方法、学理实验与试验、砂轮、机械设计、业务与贸易用语中英文对照(2007-02-09)浏览人数:674模具加工方法barrel 滚筒(加工) bending 波纹加工broaching 拉刀切削 centering 定中心cutting 切削 cylindrical lathe cutting 外圆车削electric discharge machine 放电加工 electrolytic grinding 电解研磨embossing 压花加工 facing 面车削filing 锉刀修润 hand finishing 手工修润hemming 卷边加工 hobbing 滚齿加工joggling 摇动加工 lapping 拋光/研磨修润laser beam machining 雷射加工 lathe cutting 车床车削planning 刨削加工 polishing 拋亮光reaming 铰孔修润 rough machining 粗切削rounding 圆形加工 sawing 锯削scaling 清除钢碇缺陷 shaping 成形加工skiving 表面研磨 slotting 切缝切削taper turning 锥度车削 thread cutting 螺纹切削ultrasonic machining 超音波加工 up cut milling 逆铣加工学理实验与试验用语air permeability test 透气性试验 austenitic steel 沃斯田铁钢brinell hardness 布耐内尔硬度 brinell hardness test 布氏硬度试验charpy impact test 夏比冲击试验 conical cup test 圆锥杯突试验cup flow test 杯模式流动度试验 dart drop impact test 落锤冲击试验Elmendorf test 埃罗门多撕裂强度试验 environmental stress cracking test 环境应力龟裂试验ericessen test 埃留伸薄板拉伸试验 falling ball impact test 落球冲击试验fatigue test 疲劳试验 ferrite 纯铁体gantt chart 甘特图 heat cycle test 热循环试验histogram 柱状图 hot bend test 热弯试验izod impact test 埃左德冲击试验 loop tenacity 环结强度martens heat distortion temperature test 马顿斯耐热试验martensite 马氏体 mullen bursting strength tester 密廉式破裂强度试验机nol ring test 诺尔环试验 normal distribution 常态分配ozone resistance test 抗臭氧试验 pareto diagram 柏拉图peeling test 剥离试验 pinhole test 针孔试验机rattler test 磨耗试验 rockweel hardness test 洛氏硬度试验rockweel hardness 洛氏威尔硬度 rolinx process 罗林克斯射出压缩成形法rossi-peakes flow test 罗西皮克斯流动试验 sampling inspection 抽样检查scratch hardness 抗刮硬度 shore hardness 萧氏硬度spiral flow test 螺旋流动试验 surface abrasion test 表面磨耗试验taber abraser 泰伯磨耗试验机 tensile impact test 拉伸冲击试验tensile strength 抗拉强度 tension test 张力试验thermal shock test 冷热剧变试验 torsion test 扭曲试验ubbelohde viscometer 乌别洛德粘度计 vicat indentation test 维卡针压陷试验Vickers hardness test 维氏硬度试验 warpage test 翘曲试验weatherometer 人工老化试验机 weissenberg effect 威森伯格回转效应砂轮用语abrasive 砂轮 Al2O3 氧化铝balance 平衡 bond 结合borazon 氧化硼立方晶 buffing wheel 拋光布轮diamond 钻石 dresser 砂轮整修机dressing 修整 endless grinding belt 循环式研磨带finishing allowance 加工余量 grain 磨粒grinding disc 研磨盘 jamp up 孔眼堵塞mesh 网筛目 parameter 参数resinoid grinding wheel 半树脂型砂轮 slitting 切缝量vitrified 陶瓷的 wheel 旋转机械设计及周边其它用语assembly drawing 装配图 auto tool change cycle 自动换刀时间周期beam 横梁 bending moment 弯矩bending stress 弯曲应力 bottoming 底靠buckling 纵弯曲 chamfering 去角斜切channel 凹槽 chattering 颤动check point 查核点 chip 切屑chip conveyor 排屑输送机 coefficient of friction 摩擦系数compact 小型的 cooling pipe 冷却管coupon 试样胚 deflection 挠曲量distortion 扭曲变形 draft taper 拔模锥度draw out 拉拔 fit tolerance 配合公差flexible rigidity 弯曲刚性 gas vent 气孔hatching 剖面线 heater cooler 加热器冷却装置hook cavity 钩穴 inching 寸动lug 凸缘 maintenance 维修保固metallurgy 冶金学 notch effect 切口效果out of roughness 真圆度 performance 动作性能pit 坑 plane strain 倒角应力plug mill 蕊棒轧管机 repeated load 重复载荷riveted joint 铆钉接合 sand paper 砂纸shift 偏移 shrink fit 热压配合shrinkage hole 缩孔 sinking 凹陷sketch 草图 spalling 剥落straightness 直度 submarine 深陷式surface roughness 表面粗度 tapping 攻螺丝thermocouple 热电耦 torsion load 扭转载荷toughness 韧性 tracing 描图under cut 凹割业务与贸易关连用语accept order 接受订货 account 帐户after service 售后服务 amendment 修正annual sales 年销售额 at sight 见票即付balance 余额 bank draft 汇票bargain goods 廉价品 batch 批次bid 出价 bid sales 投标买卖bill of landing 提单 bills receivable 应收票据brand 品牌 bulk cargo 散装货business transaction 商业交易 buyer 买方carbon copy 打字副本 cargo collection 揽货carton 纸箱 cash in advance 预付现金catalogue 型录 cheque 支票CLF 运费保险费在内价格 claim 索赔clearance goods 清仓品 commision 佣金commission 批发商 complain 抱怨container 货柜 correspondence bank 往来银行cost 成本 cost and freight; C&F 含运费价格custom broker 报关行 customer 客户D/A 承兑交单 D/P 付款交单deferred payment 分期付款 deferred shipment 分期装运delivery on spot 当场交货 delivery time 交期delivery order 交货单 discount 折扣discount on draft 贴现 documentary draft 跟单汇票down payment 订金 enclosure 附件endorsement 背书 enquete 调查exhibition 展览会 export 出口factory visiy 工厂参观 favourable price 合宜价格foreign exchange 外汇 free on board 船上交货价idea price 希望价格 import 进口Japanese Industrial 日本工业规格 invoice 发票L/C 信用状 margin 利润market 市价 net weight 净重no payment 拒绝付款 odd item 零头offer 报价 open account 交互计算order 订单 over looked 疏漏packing 包装 pamphlet 小册子partial shipment 分批装船 patent 专利paying price 合算价格 payment method 付款方式port of destination 目地港 port of trans-shipment 转口港price 价格 price decending 减价price rising 涨价 procurement 采办prompt delivery 实时交货 purchase 购入purchasing agent 采购代理商 quotation 报价单rebate 回扣 reference 查询remittance 汇款 repeat order 追加订货request letter 请求函 rumor 风评second hand goods 二手货 shipper 货主shipping 装船 shipping mark 麦头shipment 出货 sold out 卖完sole agent 总代理商 special discount 特别折扣specification 规格 sample order 指样订货standing 信用情形 storage charge 仓租subcontract 外包 subject to final confirmation 有待确认之报价supplier 供货商 T/T 电汇tie-in sale 搭售 trade fair 商展会trans-shipment 转运 transferred 已转运wharf 码头。



Unit1 Cosmic Beginnings宇宙的起源1.Where and when does the history of the Earth begin? Only in the last few decades could this question be asked with any hope of a scientific answer. 地球的历史上是何时何地开始的?只有在过去的几十年里,这个问题才有了一个比较科学的回答来解释。

Certainly one good point at which to start is the time when the materials that were to become the Earth became separated in space from materials that were to become other members of the solar system. 当然存在一个较好的说法是地球的起源时间是当组成地球的物质在宇宙中开始与太空中组成太阳系其它成员的物质分离的时候.Although the story could well commence here, a great many important questions would remain unanswered.虽然故事很可能开始在这里,许多重要的问题仍悬而未决。

Something needs to be said about the materials that make up the Earth, and this pushes the question of origin to a more remote period. 一些有必要提及的物质构成了地球,这将推动更偏远的起源问题。

Earth's partners in space must also be considered. 地球在太空的合作伙伴也必须加以考虑。



Gaucho 牧⼈ gaud 俗⽓东西 gaudeamus 尽情狂欢 gaudery 华丽服饰 gaudily 俗丽地 gaudiness 华美 gaudy 俗丽的 gauffer 皱褶 gauge cock 试⽔位旋塞 gauge glass ⽔位玻璃管 gauge 标准尺 gauger 收税官 gauging rod 探测量竿 gauging-rod 计量竿 Gaul ⾼卢 Gaulish ⾼卢的 gault 重粘⼟ gaunt 憔悴的 gauntlet 交叉射击 gauntry 构台 gaur 野⽜ gauss ⾼斯 gaussage 磁场强度 Gautama 释迦牟尼俗姓 gauze 薄纱 gauzily 纱似地 gauziness 似薄纱的 gauzy 纱似的 gavage 强饲法 gave 给 gavel 槌 gavelkind 继承制度 gavelock 标枪 gavotte 加伏特舞 gaw 低陷处 gawk 笨⼈ gawker 傻看的⼈ gawkily 鲁钝地 gawkish 鲁钝的 gawky 迟钝的 gawp 注视 gawsy ⽣⽓勃勃的 gay 欢迎的 gay-pay-oo 格别乌 gayal ⼤额⽜ gaycat 新流浪⼈ gayer 快乐的 gayest 快乐的 gayety 愉快 gayly 快乐地 gazabo ⼈ gaze at 盯住 gaze out 向外注视 gaze 盯 gazebo 眺望台 gazehound 锐⽬猎⽝ gazelle 瞪羚 gazelle-boy 瞪羚扶养的 gazer 凝视者 gazette 报纸 gazetteer 地名辞典 gazingstock 注⽬的 gazogene 煤⽓发⽣装置 Gbnet ⾦桥 gdi 设备接⼝ geanticline ⼤背斜层 gear into 连接上 gear level 使换中档 gear to 使适合 gear up 促进 gear wheel 齿轮 gear with 适合 gear 齿轮 gear-box 变速箱 gear-driven 齿轮传动的 gearing chain 传动循环链 gearing 传动装置 gearlever 变速杆 gearshift 变速排档 gearwheel ⼤齿轮 gebang 棕榈 Gebrauchsmusik 实⽤⾳乐 geck 卑鄙⼈ gecko 壁虎 geckotian 壁虎类的 gee 马 gee-string 遮羞布 geegaw ⽆价值的 geegee 劣等赛马 geek ⼩丑 geepound 斯勒格 geese 鹅⾁ geezer ⽼头 gegenschein 对⽇照 Gehenna 地狱 geiger counter 盖⽒计量器 Geigers 放射分⼦ geisha 艺妓 geist 感性 gelada 狒狒 gelandelaufer 越野滑雪的⼈ gelandesprung 腾越 gelatification 胶凝化作⽤ gelatin 凝胶 gelatinate 使成胶状 gelatine 胶质 gelatiniferous 产树胶的 gelatiniform 胶状的 gelatinize 成胶状 gelatinoid 胶样物质 gelatinous 凝胶状的 gelation 冻结 gelatose 明胶膘 geld 阉割 Gelderland 格尔德兰 gelding 去势 gele 头饰 gelid 极冷的 gelignite 炸药 gelong 西藏僧⼈ gelose 琼酯糖 gelsemium 素馨属 gem 宝⽯ gem-pure ⾮常清晰的 gem-studded 镶满宝⽯的 Gemara 注释篇 gemel 铰链 gemeled 成对的 geminate 成双的 gemination 成双 geminiflorous ⼆花合⽣的 gemmation 发芽 gemmiferous 产宝⽯的 gemmiform 芽状的 gemmiparous 发芽的 gemmology 宝⽯学 gemmulation 发芽 gemmule ⼩芽 gemmuliferous ⼩芽⽣殖的 gemmy 镶宝⽯的 gemological 宝⽯学 gemology 宝⽯学 gemot 司法机关 gemsbok ⼤羚⽺ gemsbuck ⼤羚⽺ gemstone 宝⽯ gemutlich 和善的 gen 情报 gen-seng 西洋参 gena 颊 genal 颊的 genbaku-sho 原⼦辐射病 gendarme 宪兵 gendarmerie 宪兵队 gender 性 gene 因⼦ geneal. 系谱 genealogical 宗谱的 genealogist 系谱专家 genealogize 制定系谱 genealogy 系谱 genearch 家长 genera 类 general anesthesia 全⾝⿇醉 general delivery 邮件的存局候领 general election ⼤选 general format ⼀般格式 general headquarters 陆军总司令部 general knowledge 常识 general manager 总经理 general medicine ⼀般内科 general MIDI specification 通⽤MIDI规范 general motors 通⽤汽车 General of the Armies 陆军特级上将 general officer 将官 general pardon ⼤赦 general post 午前第⼀次投递 general practitioner 全科医师 general reader ⼀般读者 general staff 总参谋部 general strike 总罢⼯ general term 总括 general 普通 general-purpose 通⽤的 generalcy 将军职位 generalissimo ⼤元帅 generalist 多⾯⼿ generality 概论 generalization 概括 generalize 归纳 generalized ⼀般化 generally speaking ⼀般⽽⾔ generally ⼀般 generalship 将才 generant 发⽣的 generate ⽣成 generational ⽣育的 generative ⽣成的 generator 发电机 generatrix 母点 generic 属的 generically ⼀般地 generosity to 对……宽⼤ generosity 慷慨 generous 慷慨的 genesic 发⽣的 genesis 起源 genet ⾹猫 genethliac ⽣⽇的 genethliacally ⽣⽇地 genethlialogy 星命学 genetic method 起源解释 genetic 遗传的 geneticist 遗传学者 genetics 遗传学 Geneva ⽇内⽡城 Genevan ⽇内⽡的 Genevese ⽇内⽡⼈ Genghis khan 成吉思汗 genial 亲切的 geniality 亲切 genialize 使愉悦 genially 亲切地 genic 基因的 genicular 膝的 geniculate 膝状的 geniculation 膝状弯曲 geniculum 膝 genie 妖怪 genital ⽣殖的 genitalia ⽣殖器 genitals ⽣殖器 genitival 属格的 genitive 所有格的 genitor ⽗母亲 genitourinary ⽣殖泌尿的 geniture 产⽣ genius loci 守护神 genius 天才 genl. ⼀般的 Genoa 热那亚 genocidal 种族灭绝的 genocide 灭种 genocidist 灭绝政策者 Genoese 热那亚的 genome 基因组 genotype 基因型 genouillere 护膝 Genovese 热那亚的 genre painting 风俗画 genre 类型 genro 元⽼政治家 gens ⽒族 gent 绅⼠ genteel 上流社会的 genteelism 上流的谈吐 genteelly 有教养地 gentes ⽒族 gentian 龙胆属 gentianaceous 龙胆属植物的 gentile ⾮犹太⼈ gentisate 龙胆酸盐 gentisin 龙胆根素 gentle and simple 贵贱 gentle breeze 微风 gentle craft 钓鱼 gentle sex 妇⼥ gentle 温和的 gentle-hearted 仁慈的 gentle-voiced 声⾳柔和的 gentlefolk 名门世家 gentlehood 名门地位 gentleman at large 失业者 gentleman in waiting 王室的侍从 gentleman of fortune 海盗 gentleman of the long robe 律师 gentleman of the pad 拦路抢劫的匪徒 gentleman of the press 新闻记者 gentleman of the road 强盗 gentleman ranker 贵族出⾝之⼠兵 gentleman 阁下 gentleman's agreement 君⼦协定 gentleman-at-arms 四⼗侍卫之⼀ gentleman-commoner ⾼级⾃费⽣ gentleman-farmer 以农耕为消遣 gentleman-pensioner 四⼗侍卫之⼀ gentlemanlike 举⽌⾼雅的 gentlemanly 绅⼠派头的 gentlemanship 绅⼠的⾝分 gentlemen of robe 律师们 gentlemen of the robe 律师们 gentleness 温顺 gentler 温和的 gentlewomanly 淑⼥的 gently 轻轻地 gently-born 绅⼠出⾝的 gentry 贵族们 genty 礼貌的 genu 膝 genual 膝的 genuflect 屈服 genuflection 曲膝 genuflector 曲膝者 genuflexion 曲膝 genuine pearl 珍珠 genuine 真实的 genuinely 真诚地 genupectoral 膝与胸部的 genus 种 geo-navigation 观测地形的航海术 geoanticline 地背斜 geobiological 地理⽣物学的 geobiology 地理⽣物学 geobotany 植物地理学 geocarpy 地下结果性 geocentric 地球为中⼼的 geocentrical 以地球为中⼼的 geocentricism 地球中⼼论 geocentricity 地球中⼼说 geochemistry 地球化学 geochronology 地球年代学 geode 晶洞 geodesic 测地学的 geodesy 测地学 geodetic 测地学的 geoduck 巨蚌 geogenic 地球成因学的 geogeny 地球成因学 geognosy 地质学 geogonic 地球成因学的 geogony 地球成因学论 geographer 地理学者 geographic 地理学的 geographical 地理学的 geography 地理学 geoid ⽔准⾯ geologic 地质的 geological 地质学的 geologician 地质学者 geologist 地质学者 geologize 研究地质 geology 地质学 geomagnetic 地磁的 geomagnetism 地磁 geomancer 地占者 geomancy 泥⼟占⼘ geomantic 风⽔的 geomedical 风⼟医学的 geomedicine 风⼟医学 geometer ⼏何学者 geometric mean ⼏何平均数 geometric progression 等⽐级数 geometric proportion 等⽐ geometric series ⼏何级数 geometric ⼏何的 geometrical ⼏何学的 geometrically ⼏何学上 geometrician ⼏何学者 geometrist ⼏何学家 geometrize ⼏何学图形 geometry ⼏何学 geomorphic 似地球形状的 geomorphology 地形学 GEONET Geont geophagy ⾷⼟的习俗 geophilous ⼟中⽣长的 geophone 地震检波器 geophysical 地球物理学的 geophysicist 地球物理学者 geophysics 地球物理学 geophyte 地下芽植物 geopolitic 地理政治学的 geopolitical 地理政治学的 geopolitician 地缘政治学者 geopolitics 地缘政治学 geopolitist 地缘政治学者 geoponic 农业的 geoponics 农业 geopotential 重⼒势 georama 空⼼圆球 Geordie 基尼 George 乔治 georgette 透明细纱 Georgia 乔治亚州 Georgian 乔治亚州⼈ georgic 农业的 geoscience 地球科学 geospace 地球空间 geosphere 岩⽯圈 geostatic 地压的 geostrategic 地缘政治学的 geostrategy 地缘政治学 geostrophic ⾃转引起的 geosychronous 地球同步的 geosynclinal 地槽的 geosyncline 地槽 geotactic 趋地性的 geotaxis 趋地性 geotectonic ⼤地构造的 geothermic 地热的 geothermometer 地温计 geotropic 向地性的 geotropism 向地性 Gerald 吉拉德 geraniol ⾹叶醇 geranium 天竺葵 geratologous 衰⽼学的 geratology 衰⽼学 gerbera ⼤丁草 gerbil 沙⿏ gerefa ⾏政官 gerent 统治者 gerentocratic 统治者阶级 gerenuk ⾮洲瞪羚 gereral store 杂货店 gerfalcon 鹰 geriatric 衰⽼⽼⼈ geriatrics ⽼年医学 geriatrist ⽼年病学者 germ carrier 带菌者 germ cell ⽣殖细胞 germ layer 胚叶 germ plasm 种质 German democratic republic 德意志民主共和国 German 德国⼈ german-american 德裔美国⼈ germander ⽯蚕属植物 Germanic 德国的 germanious 含⼆价锗的 Germanism 德意志精神 Germanist 德语专家 germanite 亚锗酸盐 germanium 锗 Germanization 德国化 Germanize 成德国式 Germanomania 醉⼼德国的⼈ Germanophil 崇拜德国的⼈ Germanophile 亲德派 Germanophobe 憎恶德国的⼈ Germanophobia 恐德症 germanous 含⼆价锗的 germany internet providers 德国Internet供应商 Germany 德国 germen ⼦房 germfree ⽆菌的 germicidal 杀菌的 germicide 杀菌剂 germiculture 细菌培养 germina 病菌 germinable 可萌芽的 germinal 幼芽的 germinant 发芽的 germinate 发芽 germination 萌芽 germinative 发芽的 germinator 使发芽 germule 初胚 germy 有细菌的 gerodontics ⽼⼈⽛医学 geromorphism 未⽼先衰症 gerontic 年迈的 gerontics ⽼年学 gerontine 肝胺 gerontocracy ⽼⼈政治 gerontogeous 旧世界的 gerontology ⽼年医学 gerontophilia 亲⽼⼈癖 gerontotherapeutics ⽼年保健学 gerrymander 选举区分 gertrude 婴⼉内⾐ gerund grinder 拉丁⽂法教师 gerund 动名词 gerund-grinder 拉丁⽂法教师 gerundial 动名词的 gerundival 动形词的 gervais 法软⼲酪 gesso ⽯膏 gest 故事诗 Gestalt Psycology 格式塔⼼理学 Gestalt 完全形态 gestaltist ⼼理学拥护者 Gestapo 盖世太保 gestate 孕育 gestation 怀孕 gestic 与动作有关 gesticulate 做姿势表达 gesticulation 姿势 gesticulative 姿势的 gestion ⾏为 gesundheit ⼲杯祝福 get a bite to eat 随便吃点东西 get a commitment to 奉献 get a hank over 控制 get a hump on 赶紧 get a load of 打量 get a miff ⽣⽓ get a move on 赶快 get a name 成名 get a newspaper afloat 创办⼀种报纸 get a rise out of one 招惹 get a rise out of someone 招惹 get a smack in the eye 失望 get a wiggle on 赶快 get a word in edgeways 插嘴 get about ⾛动 get above oneself 变得⾃⾼⾃⼤ get abroad 传开 get acquainted with 开始知道 get across 越过 get adapted to 习惯于 get adrift 随波逐流 get after 追击 get ahead of 胜过 get ahead ⾛在前⾯ get all dolled up 盛装 get along with 进展 get along ⽣活 get anywhere 有点成就 get around 到处⾛动 get at 到达 get away from 逃离 get away with murder 逍遥法外 get back on 报复 get back 回来 get behind 落后 get better 转好 get between the sheets 就寝 get busy 开始⼯作 get by 通过 get colors 选取颜⾊ get command of 控制 get cracking 开始 get down on 开始不喜欢 get down to brass tacks 讨论实质问题 get down to one's work 静下⼼来⼯作 get down to 开始认真考虑 get down 下来 get even with 报复 get free of 免除 get funny with 不敬 get going 出发 get hold of the wrong end of the stick 完全误解 get hold of 抓住 get home 回家 get hot 变热 get ideas into one's hand 抱不切实际的想法。



第49卷第9期 当 代 化 工 Vol.49,No.9 2020年9月 Contemporary Chemical Industry September,2020基金项目:国家新材料测试评价平台(主中心)建设项目(项目编号:TC 170A5SU -1)。

Pt/WC 催化剂甲醇脱氢反应机理的研究刘婷1,王巍1,2,施静敏3(1. 国合通用(青岛)测试评价有限公司,青岛 266000; 2. 国合通用测试评价认证股份公司,北京101407; 3. 有研工程技术研究院有限公司,北京101407)摘 要: 采用密度泛函理论(DFT)和周期平板模型,研究了甲醇在Pt ML /WC(0001)催化剂表面上的脱氢反应机理。


通过对三条可能反应路径的比较,即甲醇分子中O —H 键断裂生成甲氧基(CH 3O *)和氢(H *)、C —H 键断裂生成羟甲基(CH 2OH *)和氢(H *)、C —O 键断裂生成甲基(CH 3*)和羟基(OH *),发现O —H 键的断裂所需活化能最低。

因此,在Pt ML /WC(0001)表面上,甲醇分子中的 O —H 键断裂生成CH 3O *为整个反应的速控步骤。

关 键 词:密度泛函理论;Pt/WC 催化剂;甲醇脱氢;反应机理中图分类号:O641;O647 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671-0460(2020)09-1941-04Reaction Mechanism of Methanol Dehydrogenation on Pt/WC Alloyed CatalystLIU Ting 1, WANG Wei 1,2, SHI Jing-min 3(1. China United Test &Evaluation (Qingdao) Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266000, China;2. China United Test &Certification Co., Ltd., Beijing 101407, China;3. GRIMAT Engineering Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 101407, China )Abstract : The density functional theory (DFT) and periodic slab models were used to investigate the reaction mechanism of methanol dehydrogenation on the Pt ML /WC(0001) catalyst surface. The geometrical structures of reactants, intermediates and products involved in the methanol decomposition were optimized and the transition states of the possible elementary reactions were searched. As a result, the adsorption energies of possible adsorbed species with the most stable configurations and the activation energy barriers of the possible elementary reactions were obtained. Three possible reaction pathways, including the O —H bond breaking in methanol to form methoxy(CH 3O *) and hydrogen(H *), the C —H bond breaking to form hydroxymethyl(CH 2OH *) and hydrogen(H *), and the C —O bond breaking to form methyl(CH 3*) and hydroxyl(OH *), were compared. It was found that the O –H bond breaking pathway had the lowest energy barrier. Thus, the O —H bond breaking in the methanol molecule to CH 3O * is the rate-limiting step in the process of methanol dehydrogenation.Key words : Density functional theory ; Pt/WC catalyst ; Methanol dehydrogenation ; Reaction mechanism伴随我国环境污染日益严重,清洁能源的发展受到极大关注。



FourthIntroductionThe concept of “fourth” holds an important place in various aspects of our lives. From the fourth dimension to the fourth industrial revolution, this article will delve into different domains and explore the significance of the “fourth” in each one.The Fourth Dimension: Beyond Space and TimeUnderstanding the Fourth Dimension1.The fourth dimension refers to a hypothetical spatial dimensionthat is beyond our typical three-dimensional understanding.2.While we are familiar with the three dimensions of length, width,and height, the fourth dimension adds another dimension ofmovement in space and time.3.The concept of the fourth dimension was popularized bymathematicians and physicists, such as Hermann Minkowski andAlbert Einstein.Exploring Time as the Fourth Dimension1.In physics, time is often considered as the fourth dimensionalongside the three spatial dimensions.2.This understanding allows us to describe the movement and behaviorof objects and events in a more comprehensive way.3.The co ncept of spacetime, introduced by Einstein’s theory ofgeneral relativity, unifies the three dimensions of space and thedimension of time into a four-dimensional continuum.Applications of the Fourth Dimension1.The concept of the fourth dimension has found applications invarious fields, including mathematics, physics, and philosophy.2.It enables mathematicians to explore higher-dimensional spaces andstudy complex geometrical structures.3.Physicists use the fourth dimension to understand the behavior ofsubatomic particles and phenomena like black holes.4.Philosophers often discuss the implications of the fourthdimension on our perception of reality and the nature of existence.The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Shaping Our FutureDefinition and Characteristics1.The fourth industrial revolution refers to the ongoingtransformation in the way we live and work, driven by advancements in technology and connectivity.2.It builds upon the previous industrial revolutions - the first onepowered by mechanization, the second by mass production, and thethird by automation.3.The fourth industrial revolution is characterized by theintegration of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT).Impact on Industries and Society1.The fourth industrial revolution has revolutionized industriesacross the globe, such as manufacturing, healthcare,transportation, and finance.2.Automation and robotics have increased productivity and efficiencyin factories and warehouses.3.AI-powered systems have transformed healthcare, improvingdiagnoses, treatments, and patient care.4.The rise of the gig economy and digital platforms has reshaped thenature of work and employment.5.Society as a whole has been impacted by the fourth industrialrevolution, leading to advancements in education, communication,and lifestyle.1.The fourth industrial revolution presents both challenges andopportunities.2.Job displacement due to automation is a concern, requiringindividuals and governments to adapt and upskill.3.Privacy and security risks arise with the collection andutilization of vast amounts of data.4.However, there are also opportunities for new industries, jobcreation, and societal progress.5.Embracing innovation and ensuring inclusivity will be crucial forharnessing the full potential of the fourth industrial revolution. The Fourth Estate: The Power of the PressOrigin and Role1.The term “fourth estate” refers to the press or media as anunofficial pillar of democracy.2.The concept originated in Europe, highlighting the influentialrole played by the press in shaping public opinion and holdingthose in power accountable.3.The first three estates traditionally consisted of the clergy,nobility, and commoners, while the fourth estate emerged as avoice for the public.Importance in Democracy1.The fourth estate acts as a watchdog and guardian of democracy,ensuring transparency and accountability in governance.2.Through investigative journalism and reporting, it exposescorruption and serves as a check on the abuse of power.3. A free and independent press enables citizens to make informeddecisions and participate actively in the democratic process.4.The fourth estate also acts as a bridge between the government andthe people, facilitating the dissemination of information.1.The fourth estate faces challenges in the contemporary digital age,such as the spread of fake news and the decline of traditionalmedia models.2.However, advancements in technology have also empoweredjournalists and citizen journalists to reach wider audiences anduncover hidden truths.3.Social media platforms have become an integral part of the fourthestate, providing a space for public discourse and mobilization.ConclusionThe concept of “fourth” spans various domains, from the fourth dimension in physics to the fourth industrial revolution and the fourth estate in society. Each domain carries its unique significance, shaping our understanding of the universe, our future, and the functioning of democracy. Understanding and embracing the potential of the “fourth” allows us to navigate the complexities of our world and strive for progress and betterment.。



六面顶压机立方压腔内压强的定量测量及受力分析王海阔;任瑛;贺端威;许超【摘要】将六面顶压机立方压腔内置入电路,采用原位电阻测量确定Bi,Tl,Ba相变的方法,标定了压腔内不同位置的压力(强).通过标定立方压腔顶锤表面的压力并结合计算,分别得到了外部加载与压腔密封边受力以及合成腔体受力的对应关系.实验分析结果表明,随着外部加载的增加,当腔体压力达到5 GPa时,消耗在压腔密封边上的加载急剧上升,消耗在合成腔体的加载趋于不变,从而导致立方压腔压力达到上限.利用实验结果,分析了立方压腔在高压下的受力状态,解释了立方压腔的压力难以超过7 GPa的原因.结合立方压腔的几何结构,通过理论分析,提出了采用高体弹模量的物质作为传压介质,同时采用低体弹模量的物质作为密封边提高立方压腔压力上限的可行方案.通过定量标定叶腊石压腔轴向的压力梯度,给出了压腔内沿对称轴不同位置压力值的计算方法,此方法可为高压实验提供更精确的压力数据.%Large volume cubic press is one of the most popular high pressure devices which can produce pressures up to about 7 GPa. It is well known experimentally that the enhancing of the maximum pressure generated in the large volume cubic press has attracted wide attention among scientists and engineers because the higher pressure is capable of synthesizing some materials with interesting properties. In the large volume cubic press, pyrophyllite is typically used as a pressure-transmitting medium. A specimen immersed in such a solid experiences a generalized stress state. The pressure distribution in pyrophyllite is an important parameter for characterizing the sample environment and designing the experiments at high pressure. There is a need for the quantitative measurement ofpressure gradients in the pyrophyllite pressure medium, so that the accurate experimental data under high pressure can be obtained. In the large volume cubic apparatus (6 × 8 MN), we put a circuit into the high pressure cubic cell, so that the pressures at various positions can be measured by using the phase transitions in Bi, Tl and Ba. In the present work, the relationship between the total press load and the press load allocated to the anvil face, and the relationship between the total press load and the press load allocated to gaskets are established at room temperature. The results show that with the increase of the total press load, the load allocated to the gaskets is increased sharply, while the curve of load allocated to the anvil face versus total press load reaches a plateau, which results in the cell pressure reaching upper limit when the cell pressure reaches up to about 5 GPa. According to the experimental results, the stress state of the cubic cell under high pressure is analyzed and the reason why the pressure generated in the large volume cubic chamber is difficult to exceed 7 GPa is explained. Based on the geometrical structure of the cubic cell, the scheme to increase the upper pressure limit for cubic cell by using the material with high bulk modulus as the pressure transmitting medium and the material with low bulk modulus as the gasket, is proposed. Additionally, the method of calculating the pressure values at different positions along the axis of symmetry in the cubic cell is given through the quantitative calibration of the pressure gradient in the axial direction of the cubic cell. This method can provide more accurate pressure data for high pressure experiments.【期刊名称】《物理学报》【年(卷),期】2017(066)009【总页数】9页(P63-71)【关键词】高压技术;立方压腔;压腔受力分析;压强定量测量【作者】王海阔;任瑛;贺端威;许超【作者单位】河南工业大学材料科学与工程学院, 材料压处理研究所, 郑州 450001;河南工业大学材料科学与工程学院, 材料压处理研究所, 郑州 450001;四川大学原子与分子物理研究所, 高压科学与技术实验室, 成都 610065;武汉科技大学理学院, 武汉 430065【正文语种】中文将六面顶压机立方压腔内置入电路,采用原位电阻测量确定Bi,Tl,Ba相变的方法,标定了压腔内不同位置的压力(强).通过标定立方压腔顶锤表面的压力并结合计算,分别得到了外部加载与压腔密封边受力以及合成腔体受力的对应关系.实验分析结果表明,随着外部加载的增加,当腔体压力达到5 GPa时,消耗在压腔密封边上的加载急剧上升,消耗在合成腔体的加载趋于不变,从而导致立方压腔压力达到上限.利用实验结果,分析了立方压腔在高压下的受力状态,解释了立方压腔的压力难以超过7 GPa的原因.结合立方压腔的几何结构,通过理论分析,提出了采用高体弹模量的物质作为传压介质,同时采用低体弹模量的物质作为密封边提高立方压腔压力上限的可行方案.通过定量标定叶腊石压腔轴向的压力梯度,给出了压腔内沿对称轴不同位置压力值的计算方法,此方法可为高压实验提供更精确的压力数据.压力(强)类同于温度与化学组分,是决定物质存在状态与导致结构物性改变的基本热力学要素之一.高压科学与技术可广泛应用于物理学、材料学、化学、地学与行星科学等领域[1−9].高压实验技术是进行高压下材料合成及物性研究的物质基础.高压实验技术分为静高压技术与动高压技术,其中静高压实验技术又分为大腔体(样品尺寸大于1 mm3)静高压技术与小腔体静高压技术(如:金刚石对顶砧).金刚石对顶砧可产生高于600 GPa的压力[10],并可与同步辐射光源等实验手段结合,对物质在极高压力条件下的结构和物性行为进行原位观测[8,11−14],但金刚石对顶砧装置的样品腔直径一般只有几个到几百微米.大腔体静高压装置一般可分为一级大腔体静高压装置与二级(或多级)大腔体静高压装置.应用最广的二级(或多级)大腔体静高压装置通常又称八面体压机,由八个二级顶锤和八面体传压介质组成的二级(末级)增压单元置于一级(前级)压腔内产生高压,若采用硬质合金二级顶锤,可产生的最高压强约为25 GPa[15],若采用多晶金刚石二级顶锤,压强极限可提高至80 GPa以上[16,17].一级大腔体静高压装置主要包括两面顶与多面顶压腔装置[18−20].两面顶压腔装置如:凹曲面压腔、年轮式压腔、柱塞式压腔所能产生的最高压强分别约为15,8,5 GPa[12−26],其中凹曲面压腔与柱塞式压腔多用于科学研究,年轮式压腔主要用于工业生产.一级多面顶压腔装置主要包括四面顶压机与六面顶压机.其中,四面顶压机已很少用于科研与生产;六面顶压机因具有操作方便、自对中性好、实验成本低等优点而被广泛应用于科研与生产领域,当六面顶压机顶锤作用面的面积大于20 mm× 20 mm时,其可产生的压强一般不超过7 GPa[27,28],采用叶腊石与氧化镁混合组装及顶锤-预密封边加压系统可将六面顶压腔的最高压力提升至约9 GPa[24,26].在六面顶立方压腔产生高压的过程中,传压介质经历了塑性变形(密封边形成前)及弹性形变(密封边形成后)的过程.理论模拟表明,六面顶压机压腔的力学结构是限制其产生更高压力的主要制约因素[28],在不同外部加载下,实验测量六面顶压机压腔密封边及合成腔体的受力情况,对设计可产生更高压力的新型立方压腔具有指导意义,而采用常规的压力标定方法测量六面顶压机立方压腔密封边及合成腔体的受力情况比较困难.另外,六面顶压机多采用固体叶腊石作为传压介质,固体传压介质内的压力场分布导致同一外部加载下压腔内不同位置的压力不同,为了获得精确的实验数据,需对六面顶压机压腔内不同位置的压力进行精确测量.本文将六面顶压机立方压腔内置入电路,通过标定压腔顶锤表面压力并结合计算,得到了六面顶立方压腔密封边、合成腔体的受力与外部加载的关系.利用这一实验结果,解释了六面顶压机常规压腔的压力难以超过7 GPa的原因,并给出了提高六面顶立方压腔压力的可行方案.另外,本文通过定量标定叶腊石立方压腔轴向的压力梯度,给出了立方压腔内沿对称轴不同位置压力值的计算方法,此方法可为高压实验提供更精确的压力标定数据.2.1 顶锤表面压力及压腔轴向压力梯度标定实验设计图1所示为六面顶压机的压腔系统.实验采用模压叶腊石(密度:2.65 g/cm3,北京门头沟)为传压介质,加压前在300◦C的温度下烘烤12 h.立方体传压介质的边长为32.5 mm,硬质合金顶锤作用面的边长为23.5 mm.为了测量顶锤表面(叶腊石压腔表面)的压力及定量测量传压介质内的压力梯度,叶蜡石立方体被加工成三部分,如图2所示.细丝状(直径约0.01 mm,铜箔间的距离约0.1 mm)的标压物质Bi,Tl和Ba 被放置在沿着立方体传压介质对称轴的片状传压介质表面中心(压标物质在不同位置受剪程度不同,剪应力对相变有影响,大压机压腔内的剪切力不大,忽略剪应力对相变压力的影响是大压机标压的常规做法).我们使用铜箔(厚度0.01 mm)作为导线与硬质合金顶锤相连(硬质合金顶锤与压机框架绝缘),电路连接如图2所示.固定电路后,三片传压介质组装成一个立方体(32.5 mm× 32.5 mm× 32.5 mm)放入六面顶压机压腔内.图2所示电路可同时监测压腔内不同位置的Bi,Tl或Ba的电阻变化,并由多通道记录仪的不同通道记录.当同一压腔内不同位置的Bi,Tl或Ba发生相变(电阻发生突变),对应的表压(外部加载力)同时也被多通道记录仪记录,这样,立方腔体表面及沿立方体压腔对称轴不同位置的压力与外部加载的关系就被确立.加压结束后使用千分尺测量标压物质两点间的距离,再算出相同外部加载下沿立方体传压介质对称轴不同位置的压力差,我们就可以得到叶腊石传压介质轴向的压力梯度,进而计算轴向各点的压力.2.2 顶锤表面压力分布均匀性及压腔轴向压力梯度分布均匀性的测量实验设计为了估算顶锤表面压力分布的不均匀性所引起的测量误差,我们把两个切成细丝状的铊放在叶腊石表面中心及与之相距8 mm的位置,以便测量高压下立方体叶腊石表面不同位置的压强是否相同(图3).为了估算沿立方体传压介质对称轴压力梯度的不均匀性所引起的误差,我们把三个切成细丝状的铊放在沿立方体传压介质对称轴的三个不同位置,以便测量在相同加载下沿传压介质对称轴不同区域压力梯度的差别.如图4所示,标压物质铊分别置于E点(传压介质表面中心),G点(传压介质体中心)和F点(传压介质表面中心和体中心连线中点).4个叶腊石片可组装成一个传压介质立方体,组合后A点和B点连接,C点和D点连接,从而使得整个电路成为通路.压力标定过程中,我们可以同时监测E 点、G点和F点的标压物质的电阻变化,从而建立传压介质压腔内三个不同点的压力与外部加载的关系.3.1 顶锤表面压力及立方压腔体中心压力标定结果实验采用金属Bi在2.55 GPa、Tl在3.67 GPa、Ba在5.5 GPa的高压相变(电阻突变)[29]对沿叶腊石立方传压介质对称轴的表面中心和体中心压力进行标定.图5、图6和图7分别为我们获得的沿叶腊石立方体传压介质对称轴的表面中心和体中心Bi,Tl,Ba的典型电阻与外部加载的关系.表1列出了标压物质Bi,Tl,Ba沿着叶腊石立方体传压介质对称轴的表面中心和体中心的相变压力与外部加载的对应值.由表1可知,对于同一标压物质的相变点,置于表面中心的标压物质要早于置于体心的标压物质发生相变;随着腔体压力的增加,压腔内不同点相同标压物质发生相变的油压差也在增大,这表明压腔内的压力梯度随着腔体压力的增加而增大.3.2 顶锤表面压力分布均匀性及压腔轴向压力梯度分布均匀性测量结果图8所示为叶腊石立方体传压介质表面(忽略压腔表面叶腊石薄片的厚度)不同位置Tl的电阻与外部加载的关系.由图8可知,位于叶腊石立方体传压介质表面中心的Tl 丝及与之相距8 mm(由于叶腊石的流动,卸压后两个Tl丝相距8.5 mm)的Tl丝发生相变时所对应的外部加载均为2.97 MN,表明在相同外部加载下,六面顶压腔系统顶锤表面不同位置的压力基本一致.图9所示为沿叶腊石立方体传压介质对称轴不同位置Tl的电阻与外部加载的关系.由图9可知,位于叶腊石立方体传压介质表面中心(E点)与体心(G点)连线中点(F点)的Tl的相变(3.67 GPa II–III)发生时所对应的外部加载为3.25 MN,在这个加载下,E 点和G点所对应的压力分别为3.94和3.43 GPa(见图11).由此我们可以得到E点和F点之间的平均压力梯度约为39.7 MPa/mm≈ [(3.94−3.67)×1000 MPa/6.8 mm],F点和G点之间的平均压力梯度约为35.3 MPa/mm≈[(3.67−3.43)×1000 MPa/6.8 mm].如图12所示,本文给出的叶腊石立方体沿对称轴的平均压力梯度是37.5 MPa/mm≈ [(3.94−3.43)×1000 MPa/13.6 mm].由以上分析可知,沿叶腊石传压介质立方体对称轴压力梯度的不均匀性所引起的实验误差约为6%.3.3 加压后叶腊石表面中心与体心两点之间距离的测量在7.3 MN的外部加载下,叶腊石体中心的压力约为5.5 GPa,卸压后立方体传压介质的边长为27.9 mm(实验均在低于7.3 MN的外部加载下进行).在2.0 MN的外部加载下,叶腊石体中心的压力约为2.55 GPa,卸压后测量叶腊石立方体的边长为28.1 mm(实验均在高于1.7 MN的外部加载下进行).由于测量压力梯度的试验中外部加载不会超过7.3 MN,所以叶蜡石立方体的边长在卸压后大于27.9 mm;由于实验过程中叶腊石腔体压力均超过了2.55 GPa(对应外部加载超过了2.0 MN),所以叶蜡石立方体的边长卸压后小于28.1 mm.如图2所示,为了保持顶锤与叶腊石压腔表面中心标压物质绝缘,将一厚约为0.6 mm的叶腊石薄片置于压腔表面,在2.0—7.3 MN的外部加载下,卸压后叶腊石薄片的厚度变为0.5 mm.结合以上测量数据,本文中加压后叶腊石表面中心到体心的距离可表示为(28/2−0.5)mm=13.5 mm.卸压后叶蜡石传压介质立方体的边长会有微小的增加,分析表明,由此而引起的实验误差小于1.1%[25].六面顶压机加载过程中,六个顶锤挤压传压介质使部分传压介质分布到六个顶锤之间充当密封边,此过程传压介质及密封边区域均以塑性形变为主,这个过程末的腔体压力可达到约2 GPa,我们把这个过程称为阶段一.继续对压腔系统加压,密封边受到挤压且伴随少量流动而变薄,与此同时压腔体积也会变小,此过程只有少量传压介质流到顶锤之间充当密封边,压腔传压介质区域以弹性变形为主,密封边区域弹性变形与塑性形变同时存在,这个过程末的腔体压力可达到约5 GPa,我们把这个过程称为阶段二.之后,密封边停止流动,传压介质及密封边均以弹性变形为主,由于密封边已经很薄且基本不再流动,致使继续增加外部加载也难以推动顶锤继续前进对压腔区域施加压力,这个过程末的腔体压力最高可达到约6 GPa,我们把这个过程称为阶段三.如图1所示,六面顶压机加载过程中外部加载主要消耗在密封边与合成腔体两个区域,由于压腔表面的压强已经被标定且压腔表面的压力分布基本均匀(压力标定实验结果见图8),作用在压腔表面的加载力大小可用公式表示为因在高压下作用在立方压腔的每个顶锤形成4个密封边(图1为剖面示意图,只给出了2个密封边),且作用在每个密封边上的力的大小相等,所以作用在密封边区域总的加载力大小可以用公式表示为式中,F1为作用在合成腔区域的加载力,其中,P为立方压腔表面的压强,S为顶锤作用面面积(23.5 mm×23.5 mm);F2,F3为作用在单个密封边的加载力;Fs为作用在密封边区域总的加载力;F为外部总加载力.图10为六面顶立方压腔密封边、合成腔体的受力与外部加载的关系.实验分析结果表明,随着外部加载的增加,消耗在立方压腔密封边上的加载急剧上升(曲线斜率变大),与此同时,消耗在合成腔体的加载增加缓慢(曲线斜率变小).腔体压力达到6 GPa 之后,所增加的外部加载大部分都消耗在密封边区域,致使腔体压力增加缓慢,继续增加外部加载会达到硬质合金的屈服强度而使顶锤碎裂导致实验失败.我们的实验给出了六面顶压机立方压腔的压力难以超过7 GPa的原因.为了提高立方压腔的压力,首先要找出提高腔体压力的途径,为此我们提出了六面顶压机立方压腔增压的理论模型[26],找到了提高六面顶压机立方压腔压力的途径.由上文分析可知,从阶段三开始,腔体传压介质区域以弹性形变为主,立方压腔的压力增加量可以表示为其中,dP为压腔区域的压力增加量;K为压腔系统常数,其大小与加压系统的顶锤硬度、几何尺寸等有关;B为传压介质的体弹模量;dV为压腔传压介质的体积在外部加载力作用下的减小量;V为压腔传压介质体积[30].如图1所示,腔体传压介质可分为样品区域与密封边区域,样品区域的压力增加量可表示为密封边区域的压力增加量可表示为式中B1和B2分别为样品区域传压介质和密封边区域密封边的体弹模量,dV1为样品区域传压介质的体积在外部加载力作用下的减小量,V1为样品区域传压介质体积,dV2为密封边区域传压介质的体积在外部加载力作用下的减小量,V2为密封边区域传压介质的体积.由于六面顶压机的6个顶锤前进距离有限,导致立方压腔的体积变化量不大(见图1),无法通过一直压缩立方压腔的体积而产生更高的压力,从(3)—(5)式可知,除了通过减小传压介质的体积来提高腔体压力,还可得到提高立方压腔压力的另一有效途径,可选用体弹模量相对高的材料作为传压介质来提高样品腔区域的压力dP1;与此同时,可选用体弹模量相对低的材料作为密封边来降低dP2,另外,顶锤的硬度及压腔系统的几何尺寸也是影响样品腔体压力的关键因素(可以改变(3)—(5)式中系数K值),也可以通过选用硬度更高的顶锤和设计更佳的压腔几何尺寸来提高样品腔的压力.我们以此模型为基础,分别设计了叶腊石与氧化镁混合组装及顶锤-预密封边加压系统,将六面顶压腔的最高压力从6 GPa提升至约9 GPa [24,26].以上六面顶压机立方压腔增压的理论模型,可推广至正四面体压腔和正八面体压腔.图11所示为立方压腔表面中心压力及腔体中心压力与外部加载的关系.由图11可知,在相同加载下叶腊石传压介质表面中心的压力要明显高于叶腊石传压介质体中心的压力,这种差距随着外部加载力的增加而增加.在相同加载下,由表面中心的压力(Ps)减去体中心的压力(Pc)和表面中心与体中心的距离(L)之比,可以得到传压介质内的压力梯度.用公式可表示为(6)式中G表示沿传压介质对称轴的压力梯度.如果以传压介质表面中心的压力作为横坐标,以压力梯度作为纵坐标,可以得到腔体内对称轴压力梯度与腔体压力(样品腔表面中心的压力)的对应关系.图12所示为沿着立方压腔对称轴的压力梯度与腔体压力的对应关系.由图12可知,压腔内沿对称轴的压力梯度随着腔体压力的增加而增加.压腔内传压介质表面中心的压力已知(见图11),且沿压腔对称轴的压力梯度分布基本均匀(见压力标定实验结果图9),那么沿立方压腔对称轴在某一点的压强用公式可表示为其中,Pa为沿立方叶腊石压腔对称轴在某一点的压强,Ps为立方压腔表面中心的压强,L1为卸压后该点距表面中心的距离.由于高压实验中样品合成腔体沿立方压腔的对称轴设计,该测量方法可为高压实验提供精确的压力数据.此方法不仅适用于叶腊石传压介质,还可推广至氧化镁、三氧化二铝等固体传压介质中.本文通过标定六面顶立方压腔顶锤表面的压力并结合计算,得到了压腔密封边、合成腔体的受力与外部加载的关系.解释了六面顶压机立方压腔的压力难以超过7GPa的原因,给出了提高六面顶立方压腔内压力的可行方案.通过定量标定叶腊石立方压腔轴向的压力梯度,给出了一级压腔内不同位置压力值的计算方法,此方法可为高压实验提供更精确的压力标定数据.[1]Irifune T,Kurio A,Sakamoto S,Inoue T,Sumiya H 2003Nature421 599[2]Qin J Q,He D W,Wang J H,Fang L M,Lei L,Li Y J,Hu J,Kou Z L,Bi Y2008Adv.Mater.20 4780[3]Tian Y J,Xu B,Yu D L,Ma Y M,Wang Y B,Jiang Y B,Hu W T,Tang C C,Gao Y F,Luo K,Zhao Z S,Wang L 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environment and designing the experiments at high pressure.There is a need for the quantitative measurement of pressure gradients in the pyrophyllite pressure medium,so that the accurate experimental data under high pressure can be obtained.In the large volume cubic appa ratus(6×8 MN),we put a circuit into the high pressure cubic cell,so that the pressures at various positions can be measured by using the phase transitions in Bi,Tl and Ba.In the present work,the relationship between the total press load and the press loadallocated to the anvil face,and the relationship between the total press load and the press load allocated to gaskets are established at room temperature.The results show that with the increase of the total press load,the load allocated to the gaskets is increased sharply,while the curve of load allocated to the anvil face versus total press load reaches a plateau,which results in the cell pressure reaching upper limit when the cell pressure reaches up to about 5 GPa.According to the experimental results,the stress state of the cubic cell under high pressure is analyzed and the reason why the pressure generated in the large volume cubic chamber is difficult to exceed 7 GPa is explained.Based on the geometrical structure of the cubic cell,the scheme to increase the upper pressure limit for cubic cell by using the material with high bulk modulus as the pressure transmitting medium and the material with low bulk modulus as the gasket,is proposed.Additionally,the method of calculating the pressure values at di ff erent positions along the axis of symmetry in the cubic cell is given through the quantitative calibration of the pressure gradient in the axial direction of the cubic cell.This method can provide more accurate pressure data for high pressure experiments.。



即 PG 各位点消除自由基的顺序是: 2-OH>1-OH>3-OH, 2-OH 是主要的反应活性位点。 分析原因主要在于 2-OH 位上发生抽氢反应失去 H 原子后,可以形成比较稳定 的分子内氢键,从而使其产物的稳定性较好,易发生 反应。
可以看出,C2 位的羟基 H 原子所带正电荷较大,因此 也可初步判断 C2 位是其反应活性位点。 人体内自由基多是氧自由基亲核基团倾向于进攻 正电荷多的原子。
O2 O1 C2 O3 C1 C3
O2 O1 C2 O3 C1 C3
PG4 图1 表1 构型
PG2-2OH 图2 表2
PG1 -1OH
PG1-3OH PG 自由基的几何构型 PG 自由基的能量参数
PG2 -1OH PG1 -2OH PG2 -2OH
0.136 2 0.136 7 0.137 6 0.096 6 0.096 6 0.096 3 -0.657 5 0
NBO 电荷布居分析
羟基 H 原子上的 NBO 电荷布居数
C1 羟基 H 0.487 0.485 C2 羟基 H 0.500 0.500 C3 羟基 H 0.486 0.487
亲电基团倾向于进攻负电荷多的原子, 而氧自由基 上的氧原子带有较大的负电荷,所以酚羟基 H 原子所 带正电荷越多, 与自由基上带负电荷的氧原子吸引作用 越强,越容易发生反应。据此可知,带较多正电荷的酚 羟基 H 原子极有可能是自由基反应的最大活性位点。 表 3 列出了羟基 H 原子上的 NBO 电荷布局数。由表 3
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arXiv:0801.1447v1 [math.DG] 9 Jan 2008
Abstract. We define an almost–cosymplectic–contact structure which generalizes cosymplectic and contact structures of an odd dimensional manifold. Analogously, we define an almost–coPoisson–Jacobi structure which generalizes a Jacobi structure. Moreover, we study relations between these structures and analyse the associated algebras of functions. As examples of the above structures, we present geometrical dynamical structures of the phase space of a general relativistic particle, regarded as the 1st jet space of motions in a spacetime. We describe geometric conditions by which a metric and a connection of the phase space yield cosymplectic and dual coPoisson structures, in case of a spacetime with absolute time (a Galilei spacetime), or almost–cosymplectic–contact and dual almost–coPoisson–Jacobi structures, in case of a spacetime without absolute time (an Einstein spacetime).
objects arising in Section 3.2, in the framework of the Einstein’s phase space [3, 7], involve mainly the concepts of almost–cosymplectic–contact and almost–coPoisson–Jacobi structures (eventually contact and Jacobi structures). 1. Geometrical structures We use the inner product i of k –vectors with r –forms defined by iX1 ∧...Xk β = iXk . . . iX1 β , for each r -form β and k vector fields X1 , . . . , Xk , with k ≤ r . We use the same symbol for the dual inner product of k -forms with r -vectors. For the Schouten bracket we use the identity, [11, 12, 16], i[P,Q] β = (−1)q(p+1) iP diQ β + (−1)p iQ diP β − iP ∧Q dβ , for each p–vector P , q –vector Q and (p + q − 1)–form β . In particular, for each vector field E and 2–vector Λ , we have i[E,Λ] β = iE diΛ β − iΛ diE β , for each closed 2-form β , and i[Λ,Λ] β = 2 iΛ diΛ β , for each closed 3–form β . In what follows, M is a (2n + 1)–dimensional smooth manifold. 1.1. Covariant and contravariant pairs. 1.1. Definition. We define a covariant pair to be a pair (ω, Ω) consisting of a 1–form ω and a 2–form Ω of constant rank 2r , with 0 ≤ r ≤ n , such that ω ∧ Ωr ≡ 0 , and a contravariant pair to be a pair (E, Λ) consisting of a vector field E and a 2–vector Λ of constant rank 2s , with 0 ≤ s ≤ n , such that E ∧ Λs ≡ 0 . Thus, by definition, we have Ωr ≡ 0 , Ωr+1 ≡ 0 and Λs ≡ 0 , Λs+1 ≡ 0 . We say that the pairs (ω, Ω) and (E, Λ) are regular if, respectively, ω ∧ Ωn ≡ 0 and E ∧ Λn ≡ 0 .

பைடு நூலகம்
Λ♯ : T ∗ M → T M : α → α♯ =: iα Λ , E =: {λE | λ ∈ R} ⊂ T M , ker ω =: {X ∈ T M | ω (X ) = 0} .
We have dim (im Ω♭ ) = 2r and dim (im Λ♯ ) = 2s . If (ω, Ω) is regular, then r = n , dim (im Ω♭ ) = 2n , dim (ker Ω♭ ) = 1 , dim (ker ω ) = 2n . If (E, Λ) is regular, then s = n , dim (im Λ♯ ) = 2n , dim (ker Λ♯ ) = 1 , dim (ker E ) = 2n . 1.2. Structures given by covariant pairs. According to [12], a pre cosymplectic structure on M is defined by a regular covariant pair (ω, Ω) . Two distinguished types of pre cosymplectic structures appear in the literature. Namely, we recall that a cosymplectic structure [1] and a contact structure [11] are defined by a covariant pair (ω, Ω) such that, respectively, (1.1) (1.2) dω = 0 , dΩ = 0 , ω ∧ Ωn ≡ 0 , Ω = dω , ω ∧ Ωn ≡ 0 .
Let us consider a covariant pair (ω, Ω) and a contravariant pair (E, Λ) . We define the following linear maps and subspaces Ω♭ : T M → T ∗ M : X → X ♭ =: iX Ω , ω =: {λω | λ ∈ R} ⊂ T ∗ M , ker E =: {α ∈ T M | α(E ) = 0} ,
Introduction In [2, 3, 5, 6, 7] we studied geometrical structures on the phase space of a spacetime naturally induced (in the sense of [10]) by a metric and a phase connection. Some of these structures are well known and some are less standard. In the present paper, we generalize these structures on odd dimensional manifolds and study general properties of such structures. First, in Section 1, we recall some standard structures and introduce new structures, namely almost–cosymplectic–contact, coPoisson and almost–coPoisson–Jacobi structures. In Section 2 we study algebras of functions which are associated with the new geometrical structures. As examples of the above new structures, we study the geometrical structures on the phase space of a spacetime. Actually, the geometric objects arising in Section 3.1, in the framework of the Galilei’s phase space [2, 5, 6], involve mainly the concepts of cosymplectic and (regular) coPoisson structures. On the other hand, the analogous geometric