



·2789·收稿日期:2020-02-24基金项目:重庆市科委应用开发重点项目(cstc2017shms-zdyfX0063)作者简介:*为通讯作者,王星敏(1975-),博士,教授,主要从事农业废弃物处置及资源化利用研究工作,E-mail :wang_chen@ 。

谭双(1994-),研究方向为农业废弃物处置及资源化利用,E-mail :****************复合酸溶浸桑枝异槲皮苷的酸解效应谭双1,王星敏1,2*,吴四维1,2,刘小梅1(1重庆工商大学环境与资源学院,重庆400067;2重庆市特色农产品加工储运工程技术研究中心,重庆400067)摘要:【目的】研究磷钨杂多酸复合酸催化溶浸桑枝异槲皮苷的适宜条件及其酸解作用,为提高桑枝异槲皮苷提取率和桑资源高值利用提供理论依据。

【方法】选用磷钨杂多酸与磷酸的复合酸水热反应催化溶浸桑枝异槲皮苷,以异槲皮苷溶浸量为评价指标,采用均匀设计法优化获得复合酸溶浸桑枝异槲皮苷的适宜参数;结合扫描电子显微镜(SEM )和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR )分析桑枝底物形貌及表面官能团变化,解析复合酸催化效应及异槲皮苷溶浸动力学。

【结果】投加磷钨杂多酸与磷酸的磷(P )摩尔质量比为0.42∶1的复合酸327.55mg ,于165℃下水热反应100min 后,0.5000g 桑枝可溶浸异槲皮苷5.962mg/g 、多糖0.430g/g ,分别是未投加复合酸浸提时的3.17和12.29倍;反应温度和反应时间对异槲皮苷溶浸量影响极显著(P <0.01),复合酸中P 摩尔质量比影响次之;FTIR 测定图谱中C=C 键和C-O 键明显减弱,SEM 扫描图谱中组织间孔隙变大,出现密集且不规整孔洞,植物组织浊蚀现象明显;异槲皮苷溶浸符合Fick 第二定律的一级动力学模型,且溶浸速率常数K 随反应温度的升高而增大,在反应温度为165℃时,异槲皮苷最大溶浸量为5.935mg/g ,与试验值相接近。



证据分析英语作文高中Title: The Importance of Evidence Analysis in English Writing。

Introduction:Evidence analysis plays a crucial role in English writing, as it helps to support arguments, enhance credibility, and provide a solid foundation for thewriter's claims. This essay aims to explore the significance of evidence analysis in high school English writing, focusing on its role in persuasive essays, literary analysis, and research papers.Body:I. Evidence analysis in persuasive essays:Persuasive essays aim to convince readers to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific course of action.In this type of writing, evidence analysis is essential to build a strong case and persuade the audience effectively.1. Choosing relevant evidence: Effective evidence analysis involves selecting evidence that directly supports the writer's argument and is relevant to the topic at hand.2. Evaluating credibility: Analyzing evidence involves assessing its credibility and reliability. This can be done by considering the source's expertise, objectivity, and reputation.3. Presenting evidence logically: Evidence should be presented in a clear and organized manner to ensure that readers can follow the writer's reasoning and understand the connection between the evidence and the argument.II. Evidence analysis in literary analysis:Literary analysis involves examining and interpreting various elements of a literary work, such as themes, characters, and symbols. Evidence analysis is crucial inthis type of writing to support interpretations and provide a deeper understanding of the text.1. Close reading: Analyzing evidence in literary analysis requires a close examination of the text, paying attention to details, language choices, and literary devices used by the author.2. Contextualizing evidence: Effective evidence analysis involves considering the historical, cultural, and social contexts in which the literary work was produced. This helps to provide a broader understanding of the evidence and its significance.3. Drawing connections: Evidence analysis in literary analysis often involves making connections betweendifferent parts of the text, as well as drawing connections to relevant external sources or literary theories.III. Evidence analysis in research papers:Research papers require a thorough investigation of aspecific topic, and evidence analysis is crucial to present a well-supported argument and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.1. Conducting comprehensive research: Effective evidence analysis in research papers involves conducting thorough research to gather relevant and reliable sources. This includes academic journals, books, and reputable websites.2. Evaluating sources: Analyzing evidence in research papers requires evaluating the credibility and reliability of sources. This includes considering the author's credentials, the publication's reputation, and the presence of bias.3. Synthesizing evidence: Evidence analysis in research papers involves synthesizing information from multiple sources to present a cohesive argument. This requires critical thinking skills and the ability to identify patterns and trends within the evidence.Conclusion:Evidence analysis is a fundamental skill in high school English writing, as it allows students to build strong arguments, enhance credibility, and contribute to academic discourse. Whether in persuasive essays, literary analysis, or research papers, the ability to effectively analyze evidence is essential for success in English writing. By mastering evidence analysis, students can develop their critical thinking skills and become more proficient writers.。

intellectual capital

intellectual capital

Analysing value added as an indicator of intellectual capital and its consequences on company performanceDaniel Ze´ghal and Anis Maaloul CGA –Accounting Research Centre,Telfer School of Management,University of Ottawa,Ottawa,CanadaAbstractPurpose –The purpose of this paper is to analyse the role of value added (VA)as an indicator of intellectual capital (IC),and its impact on the firm’s economic,financial and stock market performance.Design/methodology/approach –The value added intellectual coefficient (VAIC e )method is used on 300UK companies divided into three groups of industries:high-tech,traditional and services.Data require to calculate VAIC e method are obtained from the “Value Added Scoreboard”provided by the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).Empirical analysis is conducted using correlation and linear multiple regression analysis.Findings –The results show that companies’IC has a positive impact on economic and financial performance.However,the association between IC and stock market performance is only significant for high-tech industries.The results also indicate that capital employed remains a major determinant of financial and stock market performance although it has a negative impact on economic performance.Practical implications –The VAIC e method could be an important tool for many decision makers to integrate IC in their decision process.Originality/value –This is the first research which has used the data on VA recently calculated and published by the UK DTI in the “Value Added Scoreboard”.This paper constitutes therefore a kind of validation of the ministry data.Keywords Intellectual capital,Value added,Company performance,United KingdomPaper type Research paperI.IntroductionIntellectual capital (IC),innovation and value creation (or value added (VA))are nowadays the object of particular attention by managers,investors,economic institutions and governments;as they are also the object of several studies recently realised in academic and professional environments.According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)(2008),many companies invest nowadays in employee training,research and development (R&D),customer relations,computer and administrative systems,etc.These investments,often referred to as IC,are growing and they are competing with physical and financial capital investments in some countries[1].Several authors,suchas Stewart (1997)and Ze´ghal (2000),ascribed this change in investment structure to theThe current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at/1469-1930.htmThe authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the CGA –Accounting Research Centre at the University of Ottawa.AnalysingVA as an indicator of IC 39Journal of Intellectual Capital Vol.11No.1,2010pp.39-60q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1469-1930DOI 10.1108/14691931011013325advent of a new knowledge-based economy.Other authors,such as Edvinsson (1997),Sveiby (1997)and Lynn (1998)emphasised the importance of IC which they consider to be the main source of value creation in the new economy.However,it is difficult to measure IC since it is intangible and non-physical in nature.The traditional accounting model,which is conceived for companies operating in an industrial economy,remains focussed on physical and financial assets andignores most IC assets.Interestingly,even the International Accounting Standards/International Financial Reporting Standards (IAS/IFRS)[2],including the ones recently modified by the International Accounting Standards Board,did not contribute to redefining many of the concepts,principles and valuation methods of IC assets.The relative lack of IC accounting recognition and its growing role in the value creation process,imply that financial statements have lost some of their value for shareholders and many other users (Canibano et al.,2000;Ashton,2005;OECD,2006,2007).Many studies,often conducted within a resource-based theory framework,have tried to analyse the problem of accounting for IC.The first studies began with the identification,representation,and classification of IC components (Edvinsson andMalone,1997;Ze´ghal,2000;Guthrie et al.,2004).Other studies were interested rather in the practices of IC reporting in companies’annual reports (Williams,2001;Abdolmohammadi,2005;Kristandl and Bontis,2007).Some studies also focussed on the problem of IC measurement not being recorded in financial statements (Stewart,1997;Pulic,1998,2004;Gu and Lev,2003;Chen et al.,2004).Finally,a number of studies were related to the validation of IC in a decision-making context,notably in terms of its usefulness to investors on a capital market (Lev and Sougiannis,1996;Cazavan-Jeny,2004;Casta et al.,2005;Lev et al.,2007).In this study,we aim to extend the efforts made by researchers and practitioners to find an appropriate measure of IC.We propose therefore the concept of “value added”as an indicator of IC measurement in a company.This idea is based on the “value added intellectual coefficient –VAIC e ”method developed by Pulic (1998,2004).This method is still in the early stages of its application in management accounting practices and needs to be empirically validated with a large number of companies in a decision-making context.This is precisely the objective of our study according to which we empirically analyse the role of VA as an indicator of IC; empirically validate the method of VAIC e to assess the impact of IC on economic,financial and stock market performance.Our study is motivated by the conceptual link which could exist between IC and VA.Indeed,a recent survey carried out by the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)(2004)[3]shows that successful UK companies recognise that investing in IC is essential to their ability to create world-class VA products and services.Other reports edited by the OECD (2006,2007)considered IC as the main important source of value creation in a company.More recently,the UK DTI (2007)also reported that,on average,UK companies create much more VA than other European companies.In fact,UK companies’ability to compete in the global economy largely and increasingly depends on creating higher levels of VA through investments in IC.JIC 11,140The concept of“value added”used in the present study for measuring IC has a strong historical past in the UK(Morley,1979;Pong and Mitchell,2005).For many years,UK companies have revealed information about their VA in the“Value Added Statement”.At present,information on the VA of UK companies is also revealed by the UK DTI in the“Value Added Scoreboard”.All this explains our choice to carry out our study in a UK context through the analysis of a sample of300companies listed on the London Stock Exchange(LSE)during2005.We also chose,in this study,to divide our sample into three groups of sectors representing high-tech industries,traditional industries and services.Our expectation is that the contribution of IC to a company’s performance differs from sector to sector.The remainder of the present paper is organised as follows:Section2briefly describes the theoretical and conceptual framework for both IC and VA and outlines related prior research.Section3presents our research objective and the different research hypotheses.Section4describes the methodology used in this study and the results of the data analysis are detailed in Section5.Thefinal section summarises and concludes with suggestions for future research.II.Intellectual capital and value added1.Intellectual capitalUntil now,there has been no generally accepted definition or classification of IC (Canibano et al.,2000;Bhartesh and Bandyopadhyay,2005;OECD,2006).It was only in the late1990s that professionals and researchers in management began to attempt to define and to classify the IC components.Stewart(1997,p.67)defined IC simply as“packaged useful knowledge”.Edvinsson and Malone(1997,p.358)broadened the definition of IC to“knowledge that can be converted into value”.Following these authors we define IC,in this study,as being “the sum of all knowledge a company is able to use in the process of conducting business to create value–a VA for the company”.The studies conducted by Stewart(1997)and Edvinsson and Malone(1997)led to a similar classification of IC components.According to their classification,the company’s IC,in a broad sense,comprises human capital(HC)and structural capital (SC).HC is defined as the knowledge,qualifications and skills of employees and the fact that companies cannot own or prevent those employees from going home at night;SC refers to the knowledge that remains with the company after the employees go home at night.It includes production processes,information technology,customer relations, R&D,etc.This classification of IC components is,according to Ashton(2005),the one most used in literature up until the present time.There are also other classifications which subdivide the SC into organisational capital and customer capital(Sveiby,1997; Guthrie et al.,2004;Youndt et al.,2004).The IC(both human and structural)is viewed by resource-based theory(Wernerfelt, 1984;Barney,1991;Peteraf,1993)as being a strategic resource in the same way as capital employed(physical andfinancial)is viewed as a strategic resource.This theory considers that companies gain competitive advantage and superiorfinancial performance through the acquisition,holding and efficient use of strategic resources.However,many authors such as Riahi-Belkaoui(2003)and Youndt et al.(2004) underline that capital employed(physical andfinancial)is not strategic because it simply constitutes a generic resource.It is precisely IC that is viewed as being Analysing VA as an indicator of IC41a strategic resource allowing the company to create VA.For these authors,a resource is considered to be strategic when it distinguishes itself from others by the difficulty of imitation,substitution and by its imperfect mobility.This point of view is consistent with Reed et al.(2006)who recently developed an IC-based theory.Reed and her colleagues view their theory as a mid-range one because it represents one specific aspect of the more general resource-based theory.Althoughthey have the same objective,to explain corporate performance by the effective and efficient use of a company’s resources,the IC-based theory considers IC as being the only strategic resource to allow a company to create VA.This theory does not break away from its origins and is always analysed along with resource-based theory.2.Value added as an indicator of IC (the VAIC e method)Taking into consideration the increasing importance of the role played by IC in value creation,Pulic (1998,2004),with colleagues at the Austrian IC Research Centre,developed a new method to measure companies’IC which they called the “value added intellectual coefficient”(VAIC e ).This method is very important since it allows us to measure the contribution of every resource –human,structural,physical and financial –to create VA by the company.The calculation of the VAIC e method follows a number of different steps.The first step is to calculate the company’s ability to create VA.In accordance with the stakeholder theory[4](Meek and Gray,1988;Donaldson and Preston,1995;Riahi-Belkaoui,2003;DTI,2006),the VA is calculated as follows:VA ¼OUT 2IN ð1ÞOutputs (OUT)represent the revenue and comprise all products and services sold on the market;inputs (IN)include all expenses for operating a company,exclusive of employee costs which are not regarded as costs.The second step is to assess the relation between VA and HC.The value added human capital coefficient (VAHU)indicates how much VA has been created by one financial unit invested in employees.For Pulic (2004),employee costs are considered as an indicator of HC.These expenses are no longer part of the inputs.This means that expenses related to employees are not treated as a cost but as an investment.Thus,the relation between VA and HC indicates the ability of HC to create value in a company[5]:VAHU ¼VA =HC ð2ÞThe third step is to find the relation between VA and SC.The value added structural capital coefficient (STVA)shows the contribution of SC in value creation.According to Pulic (2004),SC is obtained when HC is deducted from VA.As this equation indicates,this form of capital is not an independent indicator.Indeed,it is dependent on the created VA and is in reverse proportion to HC.This means that the greater the share of HC in the created VA,the smaller the share of SC.Thus,the relation between VA and SC is calculated as:STVA ¼SC =VA ð3ÞThe fourth step is to calculate the value added intellectual capital coefficient (VAIN),which shows the contribution of IC in value creation.Given that IC is composed of HC and SC,the VAIN is obtained by adding up VAHU and STVA:JIC 11,142VAIN¼VAHUþSTVAð4ÞThen,thefifth step is to assess the relation between VA and physical andfinancial capital employed(CA).For Pulic(2004),IC cannot create value on its own.Therefore,it is necessary to takefinancial and physical capital into account in order to have a full insight into the totality of VA created by a company’s resources.The value added capital employed coefficient(VACA)reveals how much new value has been created by one monetary unit invested in capital employed.Thus,the relation between VA and CA indicates the ability of capital employed to create value in a company:VACA¼VA=CAð5ÞFinally,the sixth step is to assess each resource that helps to create or produce VA. Therefore,VAIC e measures how much new value has been created per invested monetary unit in each resource.A high coefficient indicates a higher value creation using a company’s resources,including its IC.Thus,VAIC e is calculated as follows:VAIC e¼VAINþVACAð6ÞThere has been some criticism of the VAIC e method,mainly by Andriessen(2004) who suggested that the method’s basic assumptions are problematic and thus it produces dissatisfying results.However,an increasingly large number of researchers (such as Chen et al.,2005;Shiu,2006;Kujansivu and Lonnqvist,2007;Tan et al.,2007; Yalama and Coskun,2007;Kamath,2007,2008;Chan,2009)adopted the VAIC e method which remains,in their view,the most attractive among the suggested methods to measure IC.For instance,Chan(2009,p.10)mentions at least a dozen favourable arguments for the VAIC e method,and concludes that the VAIC e is the most appropriate method to measure IC.Also,according to Kamath(2007,2008),the VAIC e method has compellingly proved its suitability as a tool for the measurement of IC.Finally,the fact that the UK DTI makes data available to facilitate the use of the VAIC e method contributes significantly,in our opinion,to the practical and empirical validity of this method.3.Prior researchRecent empirical studies have attempted to show that IC significantly contributes to VA created by the company,and therefore is positively associated with its performance.In this context,Pulic(1998),using data from Austrian companies,found that VA is very highly correlated with IC,whereas the correlation between VA and capital employed(physical andfinancial)is low.These results suggest that IC has become the main source of value creation in the new knowledge-based economy. Furthermore,Stewart(1997,2002),showed that a company’s performance depends on the ability of its resources to create VA.Similarly,Riahi-Belkaoui(2003),using a sample of US multinationalfirms,discovered a significantly positive association between IC and future performance.He considers IC as a strategic resource,able to create VA for the company.In a study based on4,254Taiwanese listed companies during the period1992-2002, Chen et al.(2005)found that IC and capital employed have a positive impact on market value,as well as on current and futurefinancial performance.In other words,the results indicated that investors place higher value onfirms with greater IC which are Analysing VA as an indicator of IC43considered more competitive than other firms.More recently,Tan et al.(2007)confirmed these ing data from 150publicly traded companies in Singapore,their findings showed that IC is positively associated with current and future financial performance.They also found that the contribution of IC to a company’s performance differs by industry.However,the studies of Firer and Williams (2003)and Shiu (2006)providedgenerally limited and mixed ing data from 75publicly traded companies in South Africa,Firer and Williams demonstrated that IC is negatively associated with traditional measures of corporate performance,while the association between these measures of performance and capital employed (physical and financial)is positive.In other words,the empirical results suggested that capital employed remains the most significant underlying resource of corporate performance in South Africa.Similar results were found by Shiu who examined the same model using data from 80Taiwanese technology firms.III.Research objective and hypothesesThe objective of this study is to empirically analyse the role of VA as an indicator of IC.We attempt also to empirically validate the method of VAIC e to assess the impact of IC under the following triptych:economic performance (Model 1),financial performance (Model 2),and stock market performance (Model 3).Our assumption is that if the company is economically successful,it is going to exhibit a healthy and profitable financial state of affairs,which is going to reverberate on its stock market performance.1.Economic performance modelMany authors suggest that IC investment allows the company to enhance its economic performance (Lev and Sougiannis,1996;Lev and Zarowin,1998;Casta et al.,2005;Bismuth and Tojo,2008).This performance is defined by the operating profitability which represents an economic surplus or an economic margin acquired by the difference between income and production costs (Cappelletti and Khouatra,2004).For instance,Nakamura (2001)suggested that if companies invest in IC,the success of these investments should permit companies on average to reduce their production costs and/or increase any kind of operational margins (or mark-ups).In this sense,highly skilled HC can enhance department store sales,and an efficient process of R&D can cut a factory’s production costs.In their model of IC valuation,Gu and Lev (2003)propose a new methodology based on the economic notion of “production function”.This methodology considers that a company’s economic performance is generated by three kinds of resources:physical,financial and intellectual.However,the UK DTI (2006)considers that,in a value creation context,the company’s economic performance depends not only on amounts invested in physical,financial and intellectual resources,but rather on the ability of these resources to create ing the VAIC e method measures,we will test the following hypothesis:H1a.There is a positive association between “value added intellectual capitalcoefficient”and economic performance.JIC 11,144H1b.There is a positive association between“value added capital employed (physical andfinancial)coefficient”and economic performance.2.Financial performance modelMany authors believed strongly that IC could have a positive effect on the company’s financial performance(Riahi-Belkaoui,2003;Youndt et al.,2004;Chen et al.,2005;Tan et al.,2007).This performance was defined by profitability,an expression of the ability of invested capital to earn a certain level of profit.Following resource-based theory,Chen et al.(2005)suggested that if IC is a valuable resource for a company’s competitive advantages,it will contribute to the company’s financial performance.This assumption is also shared by Youndt et al.(2004)who stated that IC intensive companies are more competitive than other companies and are, therefore,more successful.However,in order to constitute a sustained competitive advantage,and therefore a determinant offinancial performance,Riahi-Belkaoui(2003)and Firer and Williams (2003)assumed that IC,as well as the physical andfinancial capital employed,is used in an effective and efficient way.This efficiency is assessed,according to Pulic(2004), in terms of the resources’ability to create VA for the company.Using the VAIC e method measures,we will investigate the following hypothesis: H2a.There is a positive association between“value added intellectual capital coefficient”andfinancial performance.H2b.There is a positive association between“value added capital employed (physical andfinancial)coefficient”andfinancial performance.3.Stock market performance modelSome authors considered that the increasing gap between a company’s market and book value can be a consequence of not taking IC into account infinancial statements (Edvinsson and Malone,1997;Lev and Sougiannis,1996;Lev,2001;Skinner,2008). This gap,generally exhibited in market-to-book(MB)ratio,indicates that investors perceive IC as a source of value for a company,even though it is not present in the company’s book value.In this context,Firer and Williams(2003)and Chen et al.(2005)suggested that if the market is efficient,investors will place higher value on companies with greater IC.This assumption is also shared with Youndt et al.(2004)and Skinner(2008)who stated that IC intensive companies are valued more in the stock market than are other companies.However,Ze´ghal(2000)and the UK DTI(2006)considered that,in a value creation context,investors do not limit their investments to companies with greater IC.Rather they will try to select for their portfolios those companies that have a track record of continuous creation of VA in an efficient and sustainable way.Using the VAIC e method measures,we will test the following hypothesis:H3a.There is a positive association between“value added intellectual capital coefficient”and stock market performance.H3b.There is a positive association between“value added capital employed (physical andfinancial)coefficient”and stock market performance.Analysing VA as an indicator of IC45IV.Methodology 1.Data and sample selection The sample of companies used in this study was based on all UK companies which were listed on the LSE and which were available on the “Value Added Scoreboard”database provided by the UK DTI.The original data sample consisted of about 342companies[6]that had realised the biggest contribution to the VA in the UK during2005.The following selection criteria were then applied to the original data sample:.Following Firer and Williams (2003)and Shiu (2006),companies with negative book value of equity,or companies with negative HC or SC values were excluded from the sample..Companies for which some data were missing (unavailability of annual reports in consequence of merger,repurchase,suspension,delisting)were also excluded..Finally,in order to control for the presence of extreme observations or “outliers”in our sample,companies with selected variables situated at the extremities of every distribution were eliminated.This sample selection process led us to a final sample composed of 300UK companies (Table I).In contrast with previous studies which examined only a single sector (Firer and Williams,2003;Pulic,2004;Shiu,2006),the originality of our study consists in the examination of all sectors.In fact,the “new economy”literature shows that every sector of the economy has felt the impact of increased IC in value creation (Lynn,1998;Bhartesh and Bandyopadhyay,2005;Ashton,2005).However,it is likely that the contribution of IC to a company’s performance differs by industry (Abdolmohammadi,2005;Tan et al.,2007).For instance,the OECD (2006)suggested the application of industry-specific standards to accommodate the very different role of IC from sector to sector.Considering these suggestions,we chose in this study to divide our sample into different sub-samples to allow a cross-sectional analysis.After a review of classification criteria of sectors used in the literature,we opted to follow the rigorous classification provided by the UK DTI (2006,p.49).This classification consists in organising the 39industry classification benchmark (ICB)[7]sectors into three groups:high-tech industries,traditional industries and services (see the classification criteria in Table AI).Table II shows the sample distribution by sector group and stock index.As can be seen,our sample is dominated by the group of services (53.67per cent of the whole sample).The two other groups,i.e.traditional industries and high-tech industries,respectively,represent 30and 16.33per cent of the whole sample.Initial sample342Companies with negative book value215Companies missing data on selected variables214Extreme observations or “outliers”29Companies with negative human capital or structural capital values24Final sample 300Table I.Sample selection proceduresJIC 11,146Table II also shows that our sample of companies represents the different levels of market capitalization.The largest component of the sample(51.33per cent of whole sample)belongs to the Financial Times Stock Exchange(FTSE)250index which is characterised by medium market capitalization.The two other components of the sample(29and19.67per cent of whole sample)belong,respectively,to the FTSE100 index which is characterised by large market capitalization and other stock indexes which are characterised by small market capitalization(such as,for example,the FTSE small cap index).2.Definition of variables2.1Dependent variables.To conduct the relevant analysis in the present study,three dependent variables of operating income/sales(OI/S),return on assets(ROA)and MB were used as proxy measures for economic,financial and stock market performance, respectively.These variables were defined as:.OI/S.Ratio of the operating income divided by total sales,used as a proxy for economic performance(Lev and Sougiannis,1996;Nakamura,2001;Lev,2004)..ROA.Ratio of the earnings before interest and taxes divided by book value of total assets,used as a proxy forfinancial performance(Firer and Williams,2003;Chen et al.,2005;Shiu,2006)..MB.Ratio of the total market capitalization(share price times number of outstanding common shares)to book value of net assets,used as a proxy for stock market performance(Sougiannis,1994;Firer and Williams,2003;Cazavan-Jeny,2004).2.2Independent ing the VAIC e method measures,two coefficients were selected to measure both independent variables under consideration:(1)VAIN:the value added intellectual capital coefficient.where:VAIN¼VAHUþSTVAVAHU¼VA=HC;Value added human capital coefficientVA¼OUT2INHC¼employee costs2R&D costsðprincipally costs of employees working in R&DÞSTVA¼SC=VA;Value added structural capital coefficientSC¼VA2HC;structural capitalSector group Stock indexSector group Vol.Percentage Index Vol.PercentageHigh-tech industries4916.33FTSE1008729.00 Traditional industries9030.00FTSE25015451.33 Services16153.67Others5919.67 Total300100Total300100Table II.Sample distributionby sector groupand stock index Analysing VA as an indicator of IC47(2)VACA:the value added capital employed coefficient.,where:VACA ¼VA =CACA ¼book value of the net assets2.3Control variables .Two control variables were used in this study to control for theireffect on company performance:(1)Size of the company (Size):measured by the natural log of book value of total assets (Riahi-Belkaoui,2003).(2)Leverage (Lev):measured by the ratio of book value of total assets to book value of common equity (Lev and Sougiannis,1996).3.Research modelsIn order to respond to our research objective,we propose to empirically test the following three equations relating to the economic (Model 1),financial (Model 2)and stock market (Model 3)performance models:OI =S ¼b 0þb 1VAIN þb 2VACA þb 3Size þb 4Lev þmðModel 1ÞROA ¼b 0þb 1VAIN þb 2VACA þb 3Size þb 4Lev þmðModel 2ÞMB ¼b 0þb 1VAIN þb 2VACA þb 3Size þb 4Lev þm ðModel 3ÞV.Empirical results1.Descriptive statisticsTable III presents the means,standard deviations,medians,minimum and maximum values of all the variables.The mean MB is about 3.5,indicating that investors generally valued the sample companies in excess of the book value of net assets as reported in financial statements.Consequently,nearly 70per cent of a company’s market value is not reflected on financial statements.The comparison between VAIN and VACA values suggests that during 2005the sample companies were generally more effective in creating VA from their IC (VAIN ¼2.946)than from physical and financial capital employed (VACA ¼1.402).This finding is consistent with priorliterature (Ze´ghal,2000;Pulic,2004)suggesting that,in the new economic era,we accord much more value to wealth created by intellectual resources than that created by physical and financial resources.The mean of aggregate VAIC e which is4.348indicates that UK companies studied in this paper created £4.348for every £employed.To compare between groups of sectors,a one-way ANOVA was conducted on the three groups.Results from this test are shown in Table IV.These results again suggest that each group (high-tech industries,traditional industries and services)was generally more effective in creating VA from its IC than from physical and financial capital employed (VAIN .VACA).This finding is consistent with the “new economy”literature showing that every sector of the economy has felt the impact of increased IC in value creation and economic wealth,and that value creation applies to any sector (Lynn,1998;Bhartesh and Bandyopadhyay,2005;Ashton,2005).It is also consistent JIC 11,148。



学术英语写作_东南大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Sequence markersin English are a certain group of items that link sentencestogether into a larger unit of _______.参考答案:discourse2.When the author uses “Methodology” as the title of this section, he/she needsto provide the_______for how the experiment was designed and conducted for the current study.参考答案:rationales3.“Shopping malls are wonderful places.” is a weak thesis statemen t in that itrestates conventional wisdom.参考答案:错误4.One way is to examine one thing thoroughly and then examine the other. Thismethod is called _____ comparison or contrast.参考答案:block5. A strong thesis statement makes a claim that offers some point about thesignificance ofour evidence that requires further argumentation.参考答案:正确6.Strictly speaking, the purpose of _______ is to show similarities while contrastis used to show differences.参考答案:comparison7.In the elements of the Method Section, ______ refer to the precautions taken tomake sure that the data are valid.参考答案:Restrictions8.Paraphrasing is to explain the original ideas of a passage, chapter, article orbook in fewer words.参考答案:错误9.To avoid plagiarism and conform to academic ethics, you need to providereference to every citation and check for plagiarism before submitting your paper.参考答案:正确10.Which of the following tenses could be used to discuss previously publishedworks which is generally considered to be established knowledge?参考答案:The present simple11.Which of the following tenses could be used when the year of publication isstated within the main sentence.参考答案:The past tense12.Which of the following reporting verbs could be categorized as strong?参考答案:reject13.Reporting verbs can indicate either参考答案:All of the options.14.What is included in a complex model of literature review but NOT included ina simple one?参考答案:Research question15.You can choose any information or data from the graphwhen you describeagraph.参考答案:错误16.Redundancy, raising a totally new point, understatement, anticlimax are thetypical issues in structuring the Conclusion.参考答案:错误17.Unlike the Abstract and Introduction,the Conclusions section does providebackground details.参考答案:错误18. 1. The register of the following discourse is____.I, James Bond, take you, JudithKroll, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God Imake thisvow.参考答案:static19.What should you do when you write a literature review?参考答案:Include a critical analysis of various opinions from credible sources.20.To end the Discussion section which also has a Conclusion, the author mayadmit what she/he has not been able to do and as a consequence cannotprovide conclusions on.参考答案:正确21.If the authors are to announce the results of their study, they can just statethe results without saying “we think that…”参考答案:正确22.You can use “he or she” to avoid gender discrimination every time when youmean “everyone”.参考答案:错误23.When writing an academic paper, you should nominalize as many words aspossible.参考答案:错误24.Beginning the Discussion section an author would possibly refer back topapers he/she cited in the Review of the Literature.参考答案:正确25.“The U.S. constitution” is not a good title for an essay, because it is toogeneral.参考答案:正确26.“What implications are revealed in my results?” is a question to considerafter drafting the Discussion section.参考答案:错误27.The process paragraphs are usually developed step by step in a chronologicalor logical sequence.参考答案:正确28.The Results Section can only be presented both in diagrams or graphs.参考答案:错误29.The Method Section can be called Materials and Methods in naturalsciences.参考答案:正确30.The Method Section is considered the most important section becauseitappears in the middle of a research paper.参考答案:错误31.Nominalization is the process of converting simple nouns within a sentenceto complex nouns.参考答案:错误32.If you can discuss a cause without having to discuss any other causes thenvery likely it is an indirect cause.参考答案:错误33.Oversimplification should be avoided because many problems have complexcauses and complex effects.参考答案:正确34.First personal pronouns can never be used in academic paper.参考答案:错误35. A weak thesis statement either makes no claim or makes a claim that doesnot need proving.参考答案:正确36.One of the key elements of the Conclusion section is a final judgment on theimportance and significance of the findings in terms of their implications and impact, along with possible applications to other areas.参考答案:正确37.Effects are the consequences of an event and they respond to the question“Why did that event happen?”参考答案:错误。

科学发现需要怀疑和坚持 作文

科学发现需要怀疑和坚持 作文

科学发现需要怀疑和坚持作文英文回答:Scientific discovery is a process of ongoing questioning, exploration, and refinement. It requires adeep-seated skepticism and a relentless pursuit of evidence. The scientific method is built upon the foundation of doubt, as it is through challenging existing knowledge and assumptions that new insights can be gained.The ability to question and challenge is essential for scientific progress. It forces scientists to examine their own beliefs and biases, and to consider alternative explanations for their observations. This critical thinking is vital for avoiding confirmation bias, the tendency to seek out evidence that supports one's existing beliefswhile ignoring evidence that contradicts them.Skepticism, however, must be balanced with a strong commitment to empirical evidence. Scientists must bewilling to abandon their cherished theories if the evidence no longer supports them. This requires a degree of intellectual humility and a willingness to admit when one is wrong.The history of science is replete with examples of discoveries that were made as a result of questioning and persistence. The heliocentric model of the solar system,for example, was initially met with great resistance, but eventually prevailed due to the overwhelming evidence inits favor. Similarly, the germ theory of disease wasinitially ridiculed, but eventually became accepted as the basis for modern medicine.These examples demonstrate the transformative power of scientific inquiry. By embracing doubt and relentlessly pursuing evidence, scientists have made countless discoveries that have revolutionized our understanding of the world and improved our lives.中文回答:科学发现是一个持续不断的质疑、探索和完善的过程。











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Kinetic study of aroxyl radical-scavenging action of vitamin E in membranes of

Kinetic study of aroxyl radical-scavenging action of vitamin E in membranes of

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 164 (2011) 205–210Contents lists available at ScienceDirectChemistry and Physics ofLipidsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c h e m p h y s l ipKinetic study of aroxyl radical-scavenging action of vitamin E in membranes of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine vesiclesKenji Fukuzawa a ,∗,Aya Ouchi b ,Akira Shibata a ,Shin-ichi Nagaoka b ,Kazuo Mukai ba Faculty of Pharmacy,Yasuda Women’s University,6-13-1,Yasuhigashi,Asaminami-Ku,Hiroshima 731-0153,Japan bFaculty of Science,Ehime University,Matsuyama 790-8577,Japana r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 20July 2010Received in revised form 14December 2010Accepted 3January 2011Available online 11 January 2011Keywords:Vitamin E Tocopherol Free radical AntioxidantModel membrane Liposomesa b s t r a c tVitamin E is localized in membranes and functions as an efficient inhibitor of lipid peroxidation in bio-logical systems.In this study,we measured the reaction rates of vitamin E (␣-,␤-,␥-,␦-tocopherols,TocH)and tocol with aroxyl radical (ArO •)as model lipid peroxyl radicals in membranes by stopped-flow spectrophotometry.Egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (EYPC)vesicles were used as a membrane model.EYPC vesicles were prepared in the aqueous methanol solution (MeOH:H 2O =7:3,v/v)that gave the lowest turbidity in samples.The second-order rate constants (k s )for ␣-TocH in MeOH/H 2O solution with EYPC vesicles were apparently 3.45×105M −1s −1,which was about 8times higher than that (4.50×104M −1s −1)in MeOH/H 2O solution without EYPC vesicles.The corrected k s of ␣-TocH in vesicles,which was calculated assuming that the concentration of ␣-TocH was 133times higher in mem-branes of 10mM EYPC vesicles than in the bulk MeOH/H 2O solution,was 2.60×103M −1s −1,which was one-seventeenth that in MeOH/H 2O solution because of the lower mobility of ␣-TocH in mem-branes.Similar analyses were performed for other vitamin E analogues.The k s of vitamin E in membranes increased in the order of tocol <␦-TocH <␥-TocH ∼␤-TocH <␣-TocH.There was not much difference in the ratios of reaction rates in vesicles and MeOH/H 2O solution among vitamin E analogues [k s (vesicle)/k s (MeOH/H 2O)=7.7,10.0,9.5,7.4,and 5.1for ␣-,␤-,␥-,␦-TocH,and tocol,respectively],but their reported ratios in solutions of micelles and ethanol were quite different [k s (micelle)/k s (EtOH)=100,47,41,15,and 6.3for ␣-,␤-,␥-,␦-TocH,and tocol,respectively].These results indicate that the reaction sites of vitamin E analogues were similar in vesicle membranes but depended on hydrophobicity in micelle membranes,which increased in the order of tocol <␦-TocH <␥-TocH ∼␤-TocH <␣-TocH.© 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionThe antioxidant effect of vitamin E has been ascribed to the oxidation of its phenolic hydroxyl group by lipid peroxyl radi-cals (LOO •),producing corresponding tocopheroxyl radicals (Toc •)(reaction (1)).The mechanism involved has been studied exten-sively by several investigators (Burton et al.,1985;Niki,1987;Mukai,1992;Barclay,1993).LOO •+TocH →LOOH +Toc •(1)ArO •can be regarded as a model for active oxygen radicals (LOO •and others).In a previous work (Mukai et al.,1986),we measured the reaction rates (k s )of vitamin E analogues with 2,6-di-t -butyl-4-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+81828789444;fax:+81828789540.E-mail (K.Fukuzawa).(4-methoxyphenyl)phenoxyl (aroxyl,ArO •)(see Fig.1)in ethanol (reaction (2))by stopped-flow spectrophotometry.ArO •+TocH k s−→ArOH +Toc •(2)It is well known that lipophilic vitamin E is localized in biomem-branes and functions as an efficient inhibitor of membrane lipid peroxidation (Atkinson et al.,2008;Fukuzawa,2008).We previ-ously reported the rate constant of ␣-tocopherol for inactivation of singlet oxygen in membranes of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (EYPC)liposomes (Fukuzawa et al.,1997;Fukuzawa,2000).How-ever,except for the rates in micellar membranes using Triton X-100(Mukai et al.,2007),the reaction rates (Eq.(2))of these vitamin E analogues in membranes have not been reported.In the present work,we measured the second-order rate constants (k s )in mem-branes for the reactions of ␣-,␤-,␥-,␦-tocopherols,and tocol (see Fig.1)with ArO •radical using stopped-flow spectrophotometry.We used samples of EYPC vesicles with low turbidity as a membrane model that is suitable for measuring by spectrophotometry.0009-3084/$–see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.chemphyslip.2011.01.001206K.Fukuzawa et al./Chemistry and Physics of Lipids164 (2011) 205–210Fig.1.Molecular structures of␣-,␤-,␥-and␦-tocopherol(TocH),tocol,and aroxyl radical(ArO•).2.Experimental procedures2.1.MaterialsThe structures of the molecules studied in this work are shown in Fig.1.The␣-,␤-,␥-,␦-tocopherols and tocol were kindly sup-plied by Eisai Co.Ltd.(Tokyo,Japan).Egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (EYPC)was obtained from Nippon Oil and Fat Co.(Tokyo,Japan). Aroxyl radical(ArO•)was synthesized as previously reported (Rieker and Scheffler,1965).2.2.Sample preparationEYPC vesicles were used as a membrane model.Because samples with low turbidity that maintain the membrane structure are suit-able for measurement of spectra,we prepared the EYPC vesicles in aqueous solutions containing various concentrations of MeOH.As shown in Table1,the turbidity(absorbance at700nm)decreased with increasing MeOH concentration.Possible formation of EYPC vesicles in aqueous methanol solution was confirmed using a con-focal microscope and measuring the vesicle sizes.The sizes of the EYPC vesicles were determined using a particle sizer380ZLS(Par-ticle Sizing Systems Inc.,California)at room temperature.Table2 shows the sizes of EYPC vesicles at1mM and10mM with and with-out0.2mM␣-TocH in70%MeOH.These results indicate that EYPC is likely to form vesicles with membrane structure in the pres-ence of MeOH at concentrations lower than70%(MeOH:H2O=7:3, v/v).We previously reported that EYPC molecules formed the vesi-cles but not micelles in the presence of MeOH at concentrations lower than70%by the method using a color iron-chelate(ferric-xylenol orange),which showed a peak absorbance at610nm when it bound to membranous EYPC but a peak absorbance at590nm in Table2Sizes of EYPC vesicles with and without␣-TocH in aqueous MeOH solution (MeOH:H2O=7:3,v/v).Vesicles a Diameter1mM EYPC310nm0.2mM␣-TocH/1mM EYPC204nm10mM EYPC393nm0.2mM␣-TocH/10mM EYPC302nma The EYPC vesicles were not detected in the presence of MeOH at concentrations higher than75%.the solution without EYPC or with miceller or mono-dispersed EYPC (Fukuzawa et al.,2006,2009).Based on thesefindings,70%MeOH with and without EYPC was used in the stopped-flow spectrophoto-metric study.We prepared ArO•in70%MeOH solution immediately before measurement by stopped-flow spectrophotometry.2.3.Measurements of stopped-flow spectraThe kinetic data were obtained with a Unisoku Model RS-450stopped-flow spectrophotometer by mixing equal volumes of0.1mM ArO•in70%MeOH solution and20mM EYPC vesicles containing vitamin E in70%MeOH solution under a nitrogen atmo-sphere(Mukai et al.,2007).The time between mixing the two solutions and recording thefirst data point(that is,dead time)was 10–20ms.The reaction was monitored by either single wavelength detection or a photo-diode array detector attached to the stopped-flow spectrophotometer.All measurements were performed at 25.0±0.5◦C.Experimental errors in the rate constants(k s)are esti-mated to be about5%and8%in70%MeOH and vesicle solutions, respectively.3.Results and discussionWe used70%MeOH solution with the lowest turbidity of EYPC vesicles in the followed stopped-flow spectrophotometric study. The changes in the absorption spectrum measured during the reac-tion(Eq.(2))are shown in Fig.2.When a70%MeOH solution (MeOH/H2O)of␣-TocH with or without EYPC vesicles was added to the ArO•solution,the ArO•absorption peak disappeared imme-diately,the␣-Toc•peak appeared,and the isosbestic points were observed.Fig.3shows the decay of ArO•measured by following the decrease in absorbance of ArO•at583nm or585nm due to the reac-tion with various concentrations of␣-TocH in MeOH/H2O solution with or without EYPC vesicles,respectively.Absorbance of ArO•at 583nm in70%MeOH solution with EYPC vesicles in the absence of ␣-TocH immediately arrived a plateau after slight decrease(Figs.3 (B)-line(e)and(C)-line(f)),indicating that ArO•scarcely abstract the hydrogen from unsaturated moieties of fatty acid of EYPC vesi-cles(Eq.(3)).The very small initial decrease of583nm may be caused by the reaction of ArO•with EYPC hydroperoxide(PC-OOH) (Eq.(4)),because PC-OOH was reported to be preformed as little as 0.3mol%in purchased EYPC samples(Fukuzawa et al.,2006): ArO•+EYPC→ArOH+EYPC•(3)Table1Effect of MeOH concentration on turbidity(absorption at700nm)of the solutions of EYPC vesicles containing␣-TocH with and without ArO•.MeOH(%)Absorbance at700nm in various concentrations of MeOH2040607080100␣-TocH 1.680.9670.1690.05300.01310.00636␣-TocH+ArO•a 3.01 1.000.1960.06520.02830.0550 [EYPC]=10×10−3M,[␣-TocH]t=0=1.17×10−4M,[ArO•]t=0=∼5×10−5M.a Absorbance at700nm was measured1s after␣-TocH/EYPC solution was mixed with ArO•solution.K.Fukuzawa et al./Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 164 (2011) 205–21020700. BA b s o r b a n c eWavelength / nm b s o r b a n c eWavelength / nmFig.2.Changes in electronic absorption spectra of ArO •and ␣-Toc •during the reaction of ArO •with ␣-TocH at 25◦C in 70%MeOH solution (A)without and (B)with 10mM EYPC vesicles.The spectra were recorded at 200ms and 10ms intervals without and with EYPC vesicles,respectively.The arrow indicates a decrease in the absorbance of ArO •and an increase in the absorbance of ␣-Toc •.[ArO •]t =0=∼5.0×10−5M and [␣-TocH]t =0=5.0×10−5M.ArO •+PC-OOH →ArOH +PC-OO •(4)The pseudo-first-order rate constants (k obsd )were determined by evaluating the decrease in the absorbance of the ArO •.The ArO •molecules will exist in the liposome membranes because two lipid-soluble tert -butyl groups are substituted in an ArO •molecule.The k obsd of ArO •at 583nm or 585nm was linearly dependent on the concentration of ␣-TocH as shown in Fig.4,and thus the rate equa-tion was expressed as −d[ArO •]/d t =kobsd[ArO •]=k s[˛-TocH][ArO •](5)where k s is the second-order rate constant for oxidation of ␣-TocH by ArO •.The ratio of ␣-TocH to phospholipids in biological membranes is reported to be 1:1000–2000(Gruger and Tappel,1971).In this experiment,we used the ratio of ␣-TocH to EYPC was 1:100–500,which produced samples with low turbidity suit-able for spectrophotometry.From the result shown in Fig.4(A),the second-order rate constant (k s )of ␣-TocH in MeOH/H 2O solution was calculated to be 4.50×104M −1s −1in the absence of EYPC.The k s values of ␣-TocH incorporated into 4mM and 10mM EYPC vesicles in MeOH/H 2O solution obtained from the result shown in Fig.4(B)were apparently 7.20×105M −1s −1and 3.45×105M −1s −1,respectively,which were 16and 7.7times higher than that in the MeOH/H 2O solution without EYPC vesi-cles.We corrected the k s value of ␣-TocH on the basis of itslocal0.10.20.3A b s o r b a n c e (A r OTime / ms0. b s o r b a n c e (A r OTime / ms0. b s o r b a n c e (A r OTime / sFig.3.Time courses of the decrease of absorption at 585nm (A)and 583nm (B and C)associated with the decay of ArO •in 70%MeOH solution at 25◦C during the reac-tion of ArO •with ␣-TocH in the presence of (A)0mM,(B)4mM,and (C)10mM EYPC vesicles,respectively.Concentrations of ␣-TocH were (A)(a)9.52×10−5M,(b)7.14×10−5M,(c)4.76×10−5M,(d)2.38×10−5M;(B)(a)8.30×10−5M,(b)6.22×10−5M,(c)4.15×10−5M,(d)2.07×10−5M,(e)0M;and (C)(a)1.04×10−4M,(b)8.30×10−5M,(c)6.22×10−5M,(d)4.15×10−5M,(e)2.07×10−5M,(f)0M.[ArO •]t =0=∼5.0×10−5M.concentration because ␣-TocH is localized in membranes of EYPC vesicles,where it reacts with free radicals.The corrected k s values of ␣-TocH in 4mM and 10mM EYPC vesicles,which were calcu-lated assuming that the concentrations of ␣-TocH were 333and 133times higher (Fukuzawa et al.,1997),respectively,in membranes208K.Fukuzawa et al./Chemistry and Physics of Lipids164 (2011) 205–210012345ABko b s d/ s -1[α-TocH] / 10-5M20406080ko b s d/ s -1[α-TocH] / 10-5MFig.4.Dependence of pseudo-first-order rate constant (k obsd )on concentration of ␣-TocH at 25◦C in 70%MeOH solution with and without EYPC vesicles.The k obsd values were obtained by analyzing the decrease in the absorbance of ArO •at 585nm or 583nm,as shown in Fig.3.(A)0mM EYPC,(B)( )4mM and (᭹)10mM EYPC vesicles.than in the bulk MeOH/H 2O solution,were 2.17×103M −1s −1and 2.60×103M −1s −1,respectively.These results indicate that the cor-rected k s values in membranes were nearly constant independent of EYPC concentration under our conditions.The corrected k s value of ␣-TocH was one-seventeenth of that in MeOH/H 2O solution without EYPC,which may be due to the decreased mobility of ␣-TocH in membranes.The k s value of TocH analogues in MeOH/H 2O solution with and without EYPC vesicles was obtained by plotting against their concentrations,as shown in Fig.5.The k s values obtained and adjusted to their concentrations in membranes are summarized in Table 3.The k s values in both membranes and MeOH/H 2O solution increased in the following order:Tocol <␦-TocH <␥-TocH ∼␤-TocH <␣-TocH.The TocH analogues that have lower oxidation potentials showed higher reactivity (Table 3).The corrected k s value of ␣-TocH in vesicles was one-tenth of that in micelles,which was reported to be 2.56×104M −1s −1(Mukai et al.,2007).The lower mobility of ␣-TocH in vesicle mem-branes than in micelle membranes would result in a lower k s value of ␣-TocH invesicles.012345AB 1512963ko b s d/ s -1[TocH] / 10-5M15129630ko b s d/ s -1[TocH] / 10-5MFig.5.Dependence of k obsd on concentration of TocH analogues at 25◦C in 70%MeOH solution.(A)No EYPC and (B)10mM EYPC vesicles.[ArO •]t =0=∼5.0×10−5M.(᭹)␣-TocH;( )␤-TocH;( )␥-TocH;( )␦-TocH;( )tocol.The effect of solvent on the reaction rates (k s )of ␣-TocH with ArO •radical was studied in a previous work (Mukai et al.,1993).The k s values are 5.12×103M −1s −1(ethanol),1.44×104M −1s −1(diethyl ether),9.52×104M −1s −1(benzene),and 1.94×105M −1s −1(n -hexane).The k s value of ␣-TocH in n -hexane is 38times the corresponding value in ethanol.When the logarithm of the rate constant (log k s )of ␣-TocH was plotted as a function of the reciprocal of the solvent dielectric constants (1/ε),it gave a straight line.These results indicate that the aroxyl radical-scavenging rate of ␣-TocH depends on the polarity of the solvents,and suggest that the rate increases with a decrease in the polarity of the membrane field where ␣-TocH reacts with free radicals.Recently,we reported the ratios of the reaction rates in ethanol and micelle solutions,k s (micelle)/k s (EtOH),of ␣-,␤-,␥-,␦-TocH and tocol (Table 4)(Mukai et al.,2007).These ratios were explained by the fact that reaction sites of vitamin E analogues depend on hydrophobicity in micelle membranes,which increased in the order of tocol <␦-TocH <␥-TocH ∼␤-TocH <␣-TocH.In the present work,however,the ratios of reaction rates for ␣-,␤-,␥-,␦-TocH,and tocol in MeOH/H 2O and EYPC vesicle solutions,k s (vesicle)/k s (MeOH/H 2O),are quite different from the ratios of their reaction rates in k s (micelle)/k s (EtOH)(Table 4).These results indicate that ␣-TocH reacts with lipophilic ArO •in membrane regions similar to those where ␤-,␥-,and ␦-TocH react but in regions slightly different from where tocol reacts,and that theK.Fukuzawa et al./Chemistry and Physics of Lipids164 (2011) 205–210209Table3Second-order rate constants(k s)for reaction of vitamin E analogues and tocol with ArO•in aqueous MeOH solution(MeOH:H2O=7:3,v/v)with and without EYPC vesicles, and peak oxidation potentials(E P).MeOH:H2O EYPC vesicle(appeared)EYPC vesicle(corrected)a E P(mV)k s(M−1s−1)k s(M−1s−1)k s(M−1s−1)vs SCE ␣-TocH 4.50×104 3.45×105 2.60×103860␤-TocH 3.04×104 3.04×105 2.29×103920␥-TocH 3.02×104 2.88×105 2.17×103930␦-TocH8.04×103 5.95×104 4.49×102990 Tocol 6.27×103 3.20×104 2.42×1021050 [ArO•]=∼5.0×10−5M.a Corrected k s values were obtained by assuming that the concentration of antioxidants in membranes of EYPC(10mM)vesicles were133times higher than in the bulk MeOH/H2O(7:3)phase(Fukuzawa et al.,1997).Table4Second-order rate constants(k s)for reaction of vitamin E analogues and tocol with ArO•in ethanol solution and Triton X-100micelle solution,and ratios of their k s values in ethanol and Triton X-100micelle solutions and in aqueous MeOH solution(MeOH:H2O=7:3,v/v)without and with EYPC vesicles.EtOH Micelle Ratiok s(M−1s−1)k s(M−1s−1)k s(micelle)/k s(EtOH)k s(vesicle)/k s(MeOH/H2O)␣-Tocopherol 5.12×103 5.12×105(2.56×104)a100(5.0)a7.7(1/17)b␤-Tocopherol 2.24×103 1.05×105(5.25×103)a47(2.4)a10(1/13)b␥-Tocopherol 2.42×103 1.00×105(5.00×103)a41(2.1)a9.5(1/14)b␦-Tocopherol 1.00×103 1.49×104(7.45×102)a15(1/1.3)a7.4(1/18)bTocol0.56×103 3.53×103(1.77×102)a 6.3(1/3.2)a 5.1(1/26)b[ArO•]=∼5.0×10−5M.a The k s values in micelles and consequent ratios were corrected(shown in round brackets)by assuming that the concentration of vitamin E in Triton X-100micelles(5.0wt%)was20times higher than that in the bulk water phase(Mukai et al.,2007).b The ratios of the corrected k s values were shown in round brackets.The k s values were corrected by assuming that the concentration of vitamin E in membranes of EYPC (10mM)vesicles was133times higher than in the bulk MeOH/H2O phase(Fukuzawa et al.,1997).Table5The relative rate constants(100k s(TocH)/k s(␣-TocH),%)for the reaction of vitamin E analogues and tocol with ArO•radical in Triton X-100micelles and EYPC vesicles at 25.0◦C,and relative biological activities.100k s(TocH)/k s(␣-TocH)Biological activities bEYPC vesicle Micelle a(A)(B)(C)(D)c ␣-TocH100100100100100100␤-TocH882125–4015–271238␥-TocH8320113–2059␦-TocH17 2.910.3–2–2 Tocol9.30.69(A)Rat fetal resorption,(B)rat haemolysis,(C)chicken muscle dystrophy,and(D)affinity for␣TTP.The values show the relative ratios(%).a Mukai et al.(2007).b Kijima(1992).c Hosomi et al.(1997).reactivities of the regions of their OH groups with ArO•are in the order of␣-TocH>␤-TocH=␥-TocH>␦-TocH>tocol.From these results,it is concluded that the aroxyl radical-scavenging rates(k s) obtained in the vesicle solution reflect(i)the electron-donating capacity of the vitamin E analogues and(ii)the polarity of the field of membranes where they react.The dielectric constants of MeOH(ε=33.0)and H2O(ε=80.16)molecules are larger than that(ε=25.3)of ethanol.Consequently,we expected that the k s value in MeOH/H2O is smaller than that in ethanol,as described above.However,the k s value(4.50×104M−1s−1)of␣-TocH in MeOH/H2O was nine times larger than that(5.12×103M−1s−1) in ethanol.The increase of the k s value in solution including water molecule was elucidated by the sequential proton loss electron transfer(SPLET)mechanism(Foti et al.,2004;Musialik and Litwinienko,2005).The increase of the k s value of␣-TocH in MeOH/H2O observed may be explained by the above SPLET mechanism.However,the detailed reason for the increase of the k s value of␣-TocH in MeOH/H2O is not clear at present.It will be interesting to compare the relative biological activities (Kijima,1992)with the relative ratios of the radical scavenging rate constants(k s)of␣-,␤-,␥-,and␦-tocopherols.The reported biopo-tency ratios of␣-,␤-,␥-,and␦-tocopherols for rat fetal resorption,rat haemolysis,and chicken muscle dystrophy are shown in Table5.␣-Tocopherol transfer protein(␣TPP),which binds vitamin E and enhances its transfer between membranes,plays an important role in determining the plasma vitamin E level.The relative affinities of vitamin E analogues for␣TPP determined by Hosomi et al.(1997) show a good linear relationship to biological activity,especially the rat fetal resorption test(Table5).The biological activity of vitamin E analogues will be determined by two factors:the free-radical-scavenging activities and affinities for␣TPP.The difference in the relative ratio of k s values in the vesicle solution obtained in this experiment is smaller than that in micelle solution(Table5),which has good correlation with the relative biopotency.The low corre-lation of the relative ratio of the k s values in vesicle membranes with their relative biopotency suggest that the affinity of vitamin E analogues for␣TTP,which may determine their plasma levels,is a major determinant of their biological activity.4.ConclusionsThe k s values of TocH analogues in membranes were determined for thefirst time by stopped-flow spectrophotometry.The appar-ent k s values in membranes were8–10times higher than those in210K.Fukuzawa et al./Chemistry and Physics of Lipids164 (2011) 205–210MeOH/H2O but the k s values corrected according their concentra-tions in membranes were13–18times lower than those in the bulk solution.Because most vitamin E molecules locate and function in membranes,our k s values in membranes of EYPC vesicles are useful to evaluate their abilities to scavenge peroxide radicals in biological systems.AcknowledgmentsWe thank Eisai Co.,Ltd.for the generous gifts of␣-,␤-,␥-,␦-tocopherols,and tocol.We also thank Ms.Masumi Sano of the University of Tokushima for her kind help in the measurement of the size of the EYPC vesicles.This work was partially supported by the grant of Yasuda Women’s University.ReferencesAtkinson,J.,Epand,R.F.,Epand,R.M.,2008.Tocopherols and tocotrienols in mem-branes:a critical review.Free Radic.Biol.Med.44,739–764.Barclay,L.R.C.,1993.Model biomembranes:quantitative studies of peroxidation, antioxidant action,partitioning,and oxidative stress.Can.J.Chem.71,1–16. 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investigational study 研究 -回复

investigational study 研究 -回复

investigational study 研究-回复investigational study(研究)Investigational studies play a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge and improving various aspects of our lives. These studies are designed to address specific research questions and are usually conducted by researchers and scientists in various fields. In this article, we will explore the different steps involved in conducting an investigational study, from the research question formulation to the data analysis and interpretation.Step 1: Research Question FormulationEvery investigational study starts with the formulation of a research question. This question should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to ensure that the study is focused and meaningful. Researchers often review existing literature, consult with experts, and identify gaps in knowledge to pinpoint an area of study that requires further investigation.Step 2: Study DesignOnce the research question is formulated, researchers determine the most appropriate study design for their investigation. Somecommon types of study design include experimental, observational, cross-sectional, cohort, case-control, and longitudinal studies. Each design has its own strengths and limitations, and researchers select the one that aligns with the specific research question and available resources.Step 3: Ethical ConsiderationsEthics play a vital role in any investigational study. Researchers must ensure that the study respects the rights, autonomy, and well-being of all participants. They must obtain informed consent from all participants, maintain confidentiality, and comply with relevant ethical guidelines and regulations. Ethical considerations also include minimizing potential risks and maximizing potential benefits for the participants.Step 4: Data CollectionAfter addressing ethical considerations, researchers start collecting data to answer their research question. The data collection process can involve various methods such as surveys, interviews, observations, medical tests, or experimental interventions. Researchers carefully design data collection tools and protocols to ensure reliability and validity. They may also pilot test theirinstruments before implementing them on a larger scale.Step 5: Data AnalysisOnce the data is collected, researchers begin analyzing the information. This often involves organizing and categorizing the data, performing statistical analyses, and interpreting the findings. Advanced statistical software programs are often used to analyze large datasets accurately. The goal of data analysis is to uncover patterns, relationships, and trends in the data and draw valid conclusions from the findings.Step 6: Interpretation and ConclusionBased on the results of the data analysis, researchers interpret the findings and draw meaningful conclusions. They compare their results with existing literature, discuss the implications of their findings, and propose recommendations for future research or practical applications. It is important for researchers to present their conclusions objectively, considering the limitations and potential biases that may have influenced the study's outcomes.Step 7: Publication and DisseminationTo contribute to the scientific community and ensure transparency,researchers often publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals. This process involves submitting the study manuscript for review by experts in the field, addressing their comments and revisions, and finally, publishing the article. Additionally, researchers may present their findings at conferences, seminars, or other scientific meetings to disseminate their work to a wider audience.Investigational studies are essential for advancing knowledge and improving various aspects of our society. By following a systematic and rigorous approach, researchers can design, conduct, and interpret investigational studies to address important research questions and contribute to the overall scientific understanding of the world.。



侦查措施的相关英语作文Title: Relevant English Composition on Investigative Measures。

In contemporary society, investigative measures play a pivotal role in maintaining law and order, ensuring justice, and safeguarding the rights of individuals. Whether conducted by law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, or private investigators, these measures encompass a wide range of techniques and methodologiesaimed at gathering evidence, uncovering truths, and solving crimes. In this essay, we will delve into the various aspects of investigative measures, their significance, and ethical considerations.To begin with, investigative measures encompass a plethora of techniques, including surveillance, interrogation, forensic analysis, undercover operations,and electronic monitoring, among others. Each method serves a distinct purpose and is employed based on the nature ofthe case, available resources, and legal constraints. Surveillance, for instance, involves the covert observation of individuals or groups suspected of engaging in criminal activities. This may entail physical surveillance by trained operatives or the use of sophisticated technology such as CCTV cameras and drones.Interrogation is another crucial investigative measure employed to extract information from suspects, witnesses, or persons of interest. It requires skilled interrogators who employ various psychological tactics to elicit truthful responses while adhering to legal guidelines regarding coercion and the rights of the interviewee. Forensic analysis, on the other hand, involves the scientific examination of physical evidence such as DNA, fingerprints, and ballistic data to establish links between suspects and crime scenes.Undercover operations represent a clandestine approach to gathering intelligence and evidence by embedding operatives within criminal organizations or target groups. This method often requires meticulous planning, riskassessment, and adherence to strict protocols to ensure the safety of undercover agents and the integrity of gathered evidence. Electronic monitoring, including the interception of communications and the use of tracking devices, has become increasingly prevalent in the digital age, presenting new challenges and ethical dilemmas regarding privacy rights and legal oversight.The significance of investigative measures cannot be overstated, as they serve as the cornerstone of criminal justice systems worldwide. By gathering evidence and uncovering facts, investigators play a vital role in ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions and that innocent individuals are exonerated. Moreover, investigative measures contribute to the prevention of future crimes by deterring potential offenders and dismantling criminal networks through targeted enforcement actions.However, the use of investigative measures is not without its ethical considerations and potential pitfalls. One of the primary concerns relates to the balance betweenindividual rights and the need for effective law enforcement. While investigative measures are essential for combating crime, they must be conducted within the boundaries of legal frameworks and respect fundamental human rights such as privacy, due process, and the presumption of innocence.Moreover, the potential for abuse and misuse of investigative measures underscores the importance of robust oversight mechanisms and accountability measures. This includes judicial review of surveillance warrants, independent oversight bodies tasked with monitoring investigative activities, and transparency regarding the use of emerging technologies with implications for privacy and civil liberties.In conclusion, investigative measures represent a critical component of modern law enforcement and intelligence-gathering efforts. From surveillance and interrogation to forensic analysis and undercover operations, these techniques play a vital role in uncovering truths, solving crimes, and ensuring justice.However, their use must be guided by ethical principles, legal frameworks, and respect for individual rights to maintain public trust and uphold the rule of law in society.。



关于调查的英语作文Investigation: A Vital Tool for Uncovering the Truth。

Investigation is a crucial process that involves gathering information and evidence to uncover the truth about a particular matter. It is an essential tool used by law enforcement agencies, journalists, researchers, and other professionals to get to the bottom of a situation and make informed decisions based on the facts.The importance of investigation cannot be overstated, as it is a critical step in ensuring justice, accountability, and transparency. Without proper investigation, it would be impossible to determine thefacts of a case accurately, and justice would be compromised. For example, in criminal cases, the police must conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence and identify suspects before making an arrest. Without this vital step, innocent people could be wrongly accused, while the guilty party goes free.Investigation is also an essential tool for journalists and researchers, who use it to uncover stories and gather information about various issues. Through investigation, they can uncover corruption, uncover hidden truths, and expose wrongdoing. For example, investigative journalists played a crucial role in uncovering the Watergate scandalin the 1970s, which led to the resignation of President Nixon.Moreover, investigation is not limited to criminal cases or journalism. It is a vital tool used in various fields, such as business, finance, and healthcare, to uncover fraud, malpractice, and other forms of wrongdoing. For instance, auditors use investigation to identify financial irregularities and prevent fraud in companies, while healthcare professionals use it to investigate medical malpractice and ensure patient safety.To conduct an effective investigation, one must have the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources. Investigators must be able to gather and analyzeinformation, interview witnesses, and collect evidence. They must also have a good understanding of the relevant laws and regulations, as well as the ethical standards that govern their profession.In conclusion, investigation is a vital tool for uncovering the truth and ensuring justice, accountability, and transparency. It is an essential process used by law enforcement agencies, journalists, researchers, and other professionals to get to the bottom of a situation and make informed decisions based on the facts. Without proper investigation, the truth would remain hidden, and justice would be compromised. Therefore, it is crucial that we recognize the importance of investigation and support the professionals who carry out this vital work.。

刑事证据观 英语

刑事证据观 英语

刑事证据观英语English:In criminal law, the concept of evidence plays a crucial role in the determination of guilt or innocence. The criminal evidence doctrine encompasses various principles and rules governing the admissibility, evaluation, and presentation of evidence in court proceedings. One fundamental aspect of the criminal evidence doctrine is the principle of relevance, which requires that evidence admitted in court must be directly related to the facts in issue and must tend to prove or disprove a material fact. Additionally, the doctrine includes rules regarding the credibility of witnesses, the burden of proof, and the preservation of evidence integrity. Moreover, the exclusionary rule, a significant component of the criminal evidence doctrine, prohibits the admission of illegally obtained evidence, thereby safeguarding individuals' constitutional rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. Furthermore, advancements in technology have led to the emergence of digital evidence, presenting new challenges in the authentication and admissibility of electronic data in criminal proceedings. Overall, the criminal evidence doctrine serves to ensure fairness, reliability, and integrity in the administration of justice,balancing the interests of both the prosecution and the defense while upholding the rule of law.中文翻译:在刑法中,证据的概念在确定有罪或无罪方面起着至关重要的作用。



The Impact of Digital Technology onLearning Habits: My InvestigationIn the ever-evolving landscape of technology, digital tools have become ubiquitous in our daily lives,particularly in the realm of education. To gain a deeper understanding of how digital technology affects learning habits, I conducted a comprehensive investigation among students from different age groups and educational backgrounds.My investigation revealed that the majority of students now prefer digital platforms for learning, citing convenience, accessibility, and interactivity as the primary reasons. Online courses, e-books, and interactive learning tools have become the norm, as they offer a personalized learning experience that traditional methods often lack. However, this shift to digital learning is not without its challenges.One significant challenge is the issue of screen time. With students spending hours in front of screens, there are concerns about potential health risks, such as eye strain and postural issues. Furthermore, the constant stream ofinformation and notifications from digital devices can be distracting, affecting students' ability to focus andretain information.Despite these challenges, digital technology also presents significant benefits. For instance, digital tools enable students to access a vast amount of information instantly, fostering a culture of continuous learning. Additionally, digital platforms provide opportunities for collaboration and community building, allowing students to connect with peers and experts from around the world.My investigation also highlighted the importance of teacher guidance in digital learning. Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students in effectively usingdigital tools, helping them navigate the vast online world of knowledge and avoid potential pitfalls.In conclusion, digital technology has transformed learning habits in profound ways. While it brings numerous benefits, it also poses challenges that need to be addressed. A balanced approach, combining the best ofdigital and traditional learning methods, can help studentsmaximize the potential of digital technology while minimizing its drawbacks.**数字技术对学习习惯的影响:我的调查**在科技不断演变的景观中,数字工具已经深入到我们的日常生活中,尤其是在教育领域。



法律调查报告作文1000字英文回答:As a legal investigator, I have encountered various cases that required thorough investigation and analysis. One particular case that stands out in my mind is a fraud investigation involving a company executive. This case not only tested my investigative skills but also highlighted the importance of gathering concrete evidence to support legal claims.The initial phase of the investigation involved conducting interviews with employees who had suspicions about the executive's activities. I carefully listened to their accounts and took detailed notes to ensure accuracy. This step was crucial in establishing a foundation for the investigation.Next, I delved into the financial records of the company. I meticulously examined bank statements, invoices,and expense reports to identify any irregularities or discrepancies. This process required a keen eye for detail and an understanding of financial transactions. Throughthis analysis, I was able to uncover several questionable transactions that raised red flags.In order to gather additional evidence, I employed various surveillance techniques. This included monitoring the executive's communication channels, such as phone calls and emails, to identify any incriminating evidence. I also conducted background checks on the executive to assesstheir credibility and past behavior.One of the most crucial aspects of the investigation was the collection of physical evidence. I worked closely with forensic experts to analyze documents, computer hard drives, and other materials that could provide valuable information. This process required meticulous attention to detail and adherence to proper chain of custody protocols.Once all the evidence was gathered, I compiled a comprehensive report detailing my findings. This reportincluded witness statements, financial analysis,surveillance records, and forensic findings. I presentedthis report to the legal team, who used it to build astrong case against the executive.中文回答:作为一名法律调查员,我遇到过各种需要深入调查和分析的案件。



证据留存事务与技巧英文回答:Evidence retention is an essential aspect of many transactions and processes. It refers to the practice of preserving and storing evidence for future reference or use. This can be crucial in legal proceedings, investigations, research, or even personal records. There are various reasons why evidence retention is important, and there are also specific techniques and strategies that can be employed to ensure effective evidence preservation.One of the main reasons for evidence retention is to maintain the integrity and authenticity of the evidence. By preserving evidence in its original form, it can be used as a reliable and credible source of information. For example, in a criminal investigation, preserving physical evidence such as fingerprints or DNA samples is crucial foridentifying the perpetrator and ensuring a fair trial.Another reason for evidence retention is to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Many industries and organizations are bound by specific rules and regulations that mandate the retention of certain types of evidence for a specified period of time. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in legal consequences. For instance, in the financial sector, banks are required to retain customer transaction records for a certain number of yearsto comply with anti-money laundering regulations.Effective evidence retention requires the use ofvarious techniques and strategies. One common approach isto create a systematic and organized process for evidence storage. This can include using secure storage facilities, implementing proper labeling and categorization systems,and maintaining detailed records of the evidence. By doing so, it becomes easier to locate and retrieve specific evidence when needed.Another technique is to use digital preservation methods. With the increasing reliance on digital information, it is important to have proper systems inplace to store and protect electronic evidence. This can involve using secure servers or cloud storage, implementing encryption and access controls, and regularly backing up data to prevent loss or corruption.In addition to these techniques, it is also importantto regularly review and update evidence retention policies and procedures. This ensures that the organization is keeping up with any changes in regulations or best practices. It also allows for the identification and disposal of evidence that is no longer required or relevant.Overall, evidence retention is a critical aspect of many transactions and processes. By preserving evidence effectively, organizations can ensure the integrity and credibility of the information, comply with legal requirements, and have access to valuable data for future use.中文回答:证据留存是许多交易和流程中的重要环节。



通过观察学习的英文作文English:Observational learning is a powerful mechanism through which individuals acquire new knowledge, skills, and behaviors by simply observing others. This type of learning involves four key processes: attention, retention, reproduction, and motivation. First, attention is essential in the observational learning process as individuals must actively focus on the model they are observing. This attention allows for the encoding of relevant information and details that can later be retained. Retention involves the ability to remember the observed behavior or information for future use. This process is crucial as it enables individuals to reproduce the behavior accurately when needed. Reproduction refers to the physical and mental ability to replicate the observed behavior. This step requires practice and skill development to ensure an accurate reproduction of the behavior. Lastly, motivation plays a significant role in determining whether an individual will choose to replicate the observed behavior. If the individual finds the behavior rewarding or beneficial, they are more likely to reproduce it. Observational learning has been widely studied in various fields such as psychology, education, and sociology,demonstrating its effectiveness in shaping behavior and facilitating learning in individuals of all ages.Translated content:观察学习是一个强大的机制,通过这个机制,个人可以通过观察他人来获取新的知识、技能和行为。


• Corpus delicti establishes that a crime has been committed links suspect with the crime.
• Associative evidence
Physical evidence utilization in other areas of forensic investigation
• Provides investigative leads for a case
• Ties one crime to a similar crime or connects one suspect with another • Corroborates statements from witnesses to or victims of a crime
Forensic science
The application of science to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system.
Forensic laboratories
3.2.1 血液及血痕的提取(续)
• 凶器上血痕的提取一般尽量整件提取,如凶器较大可按在较硬载 体上的血痕提取法提取血痕,记录提取部位并提取空白检材一并 送检。 • 身体上附着的血痕的提取:在皮肤表面的血痕可以用纱线转移提 取;如在指甲缝中的血痕可将指甲小心剪下送检并同时将无血的 指甲剪下做空白对照;附着在头发上的血痕可连同头发剪下。 • 有关人员的对照血样的提取,可以从耳垂、指尖或静脉取血 2ml 。装入消毒试管内并EDTA抗凝。 • 在尸检时提取尸体血样。未腐败尸体取心腔血,腐败尸体取末梢 静脉血3~5ml,装入消毒试管内;同时提取血液1~2ml涂于纱布 上制成血斑。



证据法(全英文)_北京理工大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.The human rights was first written into Chinese constitution in which year?答案:20042.Which one of the following is true about evidence?答案:From the content and essence,the evidence must be the fact that has somerelationships with the case.3.Sound recording is a type of()?答案:Audio-Visual material4.Which of the following is not the characteristic of direct evidence?答案:The proving process is complicated.5.When we use ( ) to give a guilty conviction, the standard of proof should bebeyond reasonable doubt.答案:inculpatory evidence6.Which of the following is not the substantive law fact?答案:The reasons for avoidance.7.Which of the following is not the substantive law fact?答案:The reasons for avoidance.8.Which of the following is not the special demand of the arrest standard?答案:The facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and sufficient.9.Which of the following is not the correct understanding about the burden ofproof?答案:Burden of proof could exist apart from standard of proof.10.The legal evidence system is ( )to the divine evidence system.答案:inheritance11.Which of the following statements about the relevance of the evidence aretrue?答案:The relevance between the evidence and case facts is objective.The form of expression of relevance is varied.12.Which of the following are the electronic data?答案:Information published on web platforms, such aswebpages,blogs,microblogs,Moments of Friends,Tieba ,and Netdisk.User registration information, identity authentication information, electronic transaction records, communication records,login logs and other information.Electronic files such as documents, pictures,audio and video, digitalcertificates, and computer programs.Communication information of network application services such as mobile phone text messages, emails, instant messaging, and communication groups.13.Which of the fololowing are the characters of expert opinion?答案:a kind of judgment which can only be made by special knowledge,an opinionevidence.produced after a identification or evaluation expert has special knowledge,who is assigned or retained to conduct identification or evaluation.14.Which of the following are the the characteristics of indirect evidence?答案:A single indirect evidence can only prove a part of the case fact.Only when combined with other evidence the indirect evidence can prove the main fact.The proving process is complicated.15.How to examine derivative evidence in practice?答案:In criminal procedure, normally we will not give a guilty verdict on basis of only derivative evidence.If the original evidence and its derivative one convey conflicting information, usually we will take the original.Evidence of unknown or unclear source, such as street gossip, areinadmissible.16.What types of evidence that can be excluded under the exclusionary rule?答案:Physical Evidence.Oral Evidence.Derrivative Evidence.17.What are the purpose of Evidentiary Rules?答案:Procedural fairness.Procedural fairness.To be fair to both parties, disallowing the raising of allegations without abasis in provable fact.Although the rules of eivdnece are sometimes criticized as a legal technicality, but are an important part of the system for achieving a just result.18.Which of the following are the objects of proof in criminal proceedings?答案:Some certain facts in execution,such as stopping the execution of the death penalty.The facts about the ability of evidence, such as whether to obtain evidence by illegal means.The facts of deciding whether criminal compulsory measures should be taken against the criminal suspect.19.About the burden of proof,which of the following are right?答案:Duty of proof refers to the obligation of proof that the public and judicialorgans and their staff should undertake in criminal proceedings based on the requirements of the state for their duties.Mainly solves the problem of “who will prove ”,that is, whether the specific litigation subject has the obligation to provide evidence and use evidence to prove the facts of the case.Burden of presenting evidence refers to the responsibility of the prosecutor and the defendant to provide evidence to prove their claims during the court hearing.The burden of proof in criminal proceedings can be defined from two levels: burden of presenting evidence and duty of proof.20.What are the requirments if the evidence is reliable and sufficient?答案:All facts for conviction and sentencing are supported by evidence.All evidence used to decide a case has been verified under legal procedures.All facts found are beyond reasonable doubt based on all evidence of the case.21.The right of silence is stipulated in Chinese Criminal Procedure Law.答案:错误22.All materials that may be used to prove the facts of a case are evidence.答案:正确23.Expert witnesses sometimes function as an advocate for one side or the otherin the court.答案:错误24.Testimony is the subjective expression of people's perception of the case.答案:正确25.Only judges have the authority to exclude illegally obtained evidence.答案:错误26.China has established admissiblity rules of character evidence or similar factevidence.答案:错误27.China's best evidence rule applies to both documentary evidence andphysical evidence.答案:正确28.Presumption of innocence is a classic example for the presumptions withbasic facts.答案:错误29.In criminal cases,the burden of proof is usually laid on the prosecution.答案:正确30.Judicial Discretion System first appeared in a Italy decree issued in 1791,which stipulated that "judges must use their own free testimony as the sole basis for adjudication”.答案:错误。



法医物证学英文Forensic science plays a critical role in the criminal justice system, and forensic evidence is often crucial in solving crimes and ensuring that justice is served. Forensic evidence can come in many forms, including DNA, fingerprints, ballistic evidence, and toxicology reports. The study and application of these evidence types within a legal context is known as forensic evidence science.DNA AnalysisOne of the most powerful tools in forensic science is DNA analysis. DNA profiling can identify individuals with an extremely high degree of accuracy. It involves collecting biological samples from a crime scene, such as blood, semen, hair, or saliva, and comparing them to DNA profiles in a database or from a suspect. Advances in technology have made DNA analysis faster and more reliable, allowing for the resolution of cold cases and the exoneration of wrongfully convicted individuals.Fingerprint AnalysisFingerprints are another form of evidence that has been used for over a century in forensic science. Every person's fingerprints are unique, providing a means to positively identify individuals. Modern techniques involve digital scanning and computer databases to match fingerprints foundat crime scenes with those of known individuals.Ballistic EvidenceIn cases involving firearms, ballistic evidence can be pivotal. Forensic experts can analyze bullet casings and the bullets themselves to determine the type of gun used, the distance from which a gun was fired, and even match a bullet to a specific firearm through unique markings left by thegun's barrel.Toxicology ReportsToxicology is the study of the effects of chemicals on living organisms and the environment. In forensic science, toxicology reports can reveal whether a person died from poisoning or drug overdose, which can be critical in cases where the cause of death is unclear. It also helps in understanding the state of the victim or perpetrator at the time of the crime.Digital ForensicsWith the rise of technology and cybercrime, digital forensics has become increasingly important. This involves the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. Digital forensics can uncover evidence of criminal activity, such as hacking, identity theft, or the distribution of illicit materials.Forensic Anthropology and EntomologyIn cases where human remains are found, forensic anthropologists and entomologists can help determine the cause of death and the time of death. Forensic anthropology involves the examination of skeletal remains, while entomology focuses on the insects present on the body, which can provide a timeline for decomposition.The Role of the Forensic ScientistForensic scientists must be meticulous and objective, as their findings can significantly impact the outcome of a legal case. They often testify in court as expert witnesses, explaining complex scientific concepts in a manner that is understandable to the judge and jury.Challenges and Ethical ConsiderationsForensic science faces challenges such as the potential for human error, contamination of evidence, and the need for continuous validation of methods. Ethical considerations are also paramount, as forensic scientists must maintainintegrity and avoid bias that could compromise the fairness of legal proceedings.In conclusion, forensic evidence science is a multidisciplinary field that combines scientific methodology with legal practice. It is a critical component of modern criminal investigations and plays a vital role in ensuring that justice is both served and seen to be served. Astechnology advances, the capabilities of forensic science are expected to grow, potentially unlocking even more powerful tools to aid in the pursuit of truth and the resolution of criminal cases.。

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Investigation of Leaching Kinetics of Copper from Malachite Ore in Ammonium Nitrate SolutionsAHMET EKMEKYAPAR,EVRIM AKTAS¸,ASIM KU NKU L,and NIZAMETTIN DEMIRKIRANThe production of metallic copper from low-grade copper ores is generally carried out byhydrometallurgical methods.Leaching is thefirst prerequisite of any hydrometallurgical pro-cess.Solutions containing ammonia may allow for selective leaching of the copper from the ore.In this study,the leaching kinetics of malachite,which is an oxidized copper ore,in ammoniumnitrate solutions was examined.The effects of some experimental parameters on the leachingprocess were investigated,and a kinetic model to represent the effects of these parameters on theleaching rate was developed.It was determined that the leaching rate increased with increasingsolution concentration,temperature,and agitation speed,as well as decreasing particle size.Itwas found that the leaching reaction followed the mixed kinetic controlled model,whichincludes two different leaching processes including the surface chemical reaction(303K to323K[30°C to50°C])and diffusion through a porous product layer(323K to343K[50°C to70°C]).The activation energies of these sequential steps were determined to be95.10and29.50kJ/mol,respectively.DOI:10.1007/s11663-012-9670-2ÓThe Minerals,Metals&Materials Society and ASM International2012I.INTRODUCTIONI N the literature,oxide and sulfide copper ores mainly are known as azurite,malachite,tenorite, chrysocolla,brochantite,enargite,chalcopyrite,chalco-cite,covellite,and bornite.[1]The production of metallic copper from these ores is carried out by pyrometallur-gical and hydrometallurgical methods.[2]Pyrometallur-gical methods are generally applied to the relatively high-grade sulfide copper ores.Increasingly,the low-grade copper ores and secondary sources containing copper are being used for the production of copper because of depletion of high-grade copper ores at the present time.[3]Pyrometallurgical methods are not normally suitable for the processing of low-grade ores. Instead,hydrometallurgical methods are usually pre-ferred for the recovery of copper from these kinds of ores.Leaching is the term applied to the process of recovering a metal from the metal source by a solvent or lixiviant,and it is typically thefirst step of any hydrometallurgical process.[4]In the leaching process, strong acids,such as HCl,HNO3,and H2SO4,are commonly used as the leaching reagents.[5]Sulfuric acid is the preferred lixiviant in the leaching of the oxidized copper ores,such as azurite,malachite,tenorite,and chrysocolla.[2,6]However,during the leaching of ores,other metals in ore matrix are also dissolved along with the copper.These undesired impurities cause some problems in further processing of the leaching solution, such as the electrowinning of copper.[7]In addition,the impurities in the ore can cause a high consumption of acid.For these reasons,the use of solutions more basic than sulfuric acid can be attractive in the leaching of oxidized copper ores.For example,ammoniacal leach-ing systems have some advantages over acid leaching systems.In the ammoniacal leaching system,the disso-lution of ore can be carried out at mildly acidic or basic conditions.Second,ammonia can be recovered by evaporation.Furthermore,some metals,which pass into the solution during the leaching process,precipitate because of the higher pH of solutions containing ammonia.Ammonia also forms stable complexes with copper ions,which can lead to an increase in the leaching rate from the ore.Thus,ammonia allows for selective extraction of the copper from ore,leaving the undesired components in the residue.[7–9]As a result,at the end of the leaching process,a high purity solution can be obtained for the electrolytic recovery of copper. The leaching and kinetics of malachite,which is an oxidized copper ore,in ammonia-containing solutions has been investigated by various researchers.Oudenne and Olson[10]studied the leaching kinetics of malachite in ammonium carbonate solutions.They reported that the leaching of malachite took place in two stages.At thefirst stage,the dissolution of malachite proceeded rapidly.Then,the dissolution rate decreased because the surface was coated from the formation of a needle-structured intermediate product,which is most likely Cu(OH)2.Subsequently,malachite and the intermediate product dissolved concurrently.The second stage of leaching begun when essentially all the malachite wasAHMET EKMEKYAPAR and ASIM KU NKU L,Professors,and N_IZAMETT_IN DEM_IRKIRAN,Assistant Professor,are with the Chemical Engineering Department,Faculty of Engineering,Inonu University,Malatya44280,Turkey.Contact e-mail:nizamettin. EVR_IM AKTAS,Chemical Engineer,is with the Malatya Sugar Factory,Malatya44080,Turkey.Manuscript submitted September22,2011.dissolved and only the remaining intermediate phase remained leached.It was determined that the activation energies of these two stages were64and75kJ/mol, respectively.Ku nku l et al.[11]examined the dissolution of malachite in ammonia solutions.They stated that the leaching process was controlled by diffusion through the surface product layer.The activation energy of this process was found to be22kJ/mol.A kinetic study was performed by Yartas¸ıand C opur[12]on the dissolution of malachite in ammonium chloride solutions.This study also showed that the leaching rate was controlled by diffusion through the product layer.Ekmekyapar et al.[7]investigated the dissolution kinetics of malachite in ammonium chloride solutions.They determined that the leaching rate was controlled by the mixed kinetic model.A semiempirical mathematical model was also suggested to represent the reaction kinetics.The activa-tion energy for the malachite leaching reaction was calculated to be71kJ/mol.A study was performed by Arzutug et al.[2]with water saturated by ammonia gas chosen as lixiviant.They determined that the leaching rate of malachite in ammonia-saturated water increased with decreasing particle size and solid-to-liquid ratio and increasing reaction temperature,ammonia concen-tration,and agitation speed.The rate of dissolutionfit a homogeneous pseudo–second-order kinetic model with activation energy of85kJ/mol.The dissolution kinetics of malachite in ammonia/ammonium carbonate solu-tions was examined by Bingo l et al.[13]In this study,the effects of leaching time,ammonium hydroxide,and ammonium carbonate concentration,solution pH, ammonia/ammonium ratio,agitation speed,solid-to-liquid ratio,particle size,and reaction temperature on the dissolution of malachite were investigated.They found that the leaching process was controlled by the interface transfer and diffusion across the product layer. Recently,Lui et al.[14]investigated the dissolution kinet-ics of low-grade complex copper ore,composed of mainly malachite,chrysocolla,and bornite,in ammonia–ammonium chloride solutions.In this study,the effects of various parameters on the dissolution of copper ore were examined,and it was determined that the leaching process was controlled by diffusion through the surface product layer around the shrinking unreacted core. The use of ammoniacal systems in the leaching of ores mostly seems to be feasible chemically.Ammonium nitrate was chosen as lixiviant in the current study,and the leaching and kinetics of malachite were investigated in detail.The use of ammonium nitrate solutions has some advantages over other ammoniacal systems.One of the most important characteristics of leaching in ammonium nitrate solutions is that the pH is essentially constant during the leaching process.In addition, ammonium nitrate provides ammonium ions,which contributes the hydronium ions required for the disso-lution of the ore.Ammonia produced by a reaction with the ammonium ion forms stable complexes with Cu2+ ions,which leads to an increase in the dissolution rate of the copper minerals.Because ammonium nitrate solu-tions have mildly acidic character(pH5.1to5.5,in the current study),ferric ions(Fe3+)passing into the solution during the leaching process precipitate in the form of Fe(OH)3.Thus,a high-purity solution can be obtained.The aim of this study is to investigate and discuss the leaching kinetics and dissolution parameters of mala-chite in ammonium nitrate solutions.II.MATERIALS AND METHODSAn oxidized copper ore sample(malachite)used in this study was provided from the mine in Ovacık, Tunceli,Turkey.The ore sample was crushed,ground, and then sieved using standard test sieves to obtain desired particle size fractions.The mineralogical analysis of the ore sample was performed using a Rigaku RadB-DMAX II model X-ray diffractometer(Rigaku Corpo-ration,The Woodlands,TX).The result of the X-ray analysis given in Figure1indicates that the sample contains mainly malachite(CuCO3Cu(OH)2),quartz (SiO2),and smithsonite(ZnCO3).Malachite mineral in the ore matrix has a monoclinic crystal structure.The chemical analysis result of the sample is given in Table I. The leaching experiments were carried out in a750-mL cylindrical glass reactor equipped with a mechanical agitator,a reaction temperature control unit,and a condenser to avoid loss of solution from evaporation. The experimental procedure was initiated by adding 500mL of an ammonium nitrate solution into the glass reactor and bringing it to the desired reaction temper-ature.A given amount of solid sample was then added to the solution.The dissolution process was carried out for various reaction times.Aliquots of5mL were withdrawn at regular intervals during the reaction and were immediatelyfiltered.The amount of dissolved copper in the solution was determined complexometri-cally using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solutionas Fig.1—X-ray diffraction pattern for oxidized copper(malachite)ore used in the study.titrant and murexide as indicator.The conversion fraction of malachite was calculated as follows:x=mass of copper passing to the solution/mass of copper in the ore sample.The leaching rate of malachite was determined as a function of time by changing the ammonium nitrate concentration,particle size,agitation speed,and reac-tion temperature.In the experiments,while the effect of one parameter was investigated,the values of other parameters shown with an asterisk in Table II were kept constant.The leaching data obtained were plotted as a function of conversion fraction x vs reaction time t.III.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA.Leaching ReactionsAmmonium nitrate is the salt of a strong acid(HNO3) and a weak base(NH3),and it has a weakly acidic character.Ammonium nitrate ionizes in aqueous medium according to the following reaction:NH4NO3!NHþ4þNOÀ3½1 The ammonium ion is hydrolyzedNHþ4þH2O)NH3þH3Oþ½2 Ammonia and hydronium ion formed by the hydrolysis reaction play an important role in the leaching process. The ammonium ion provides the protons(hydronium ion)required for the dissolution of basic malachite ore, whereas the ammonia produced forms stable complexes with copper(II)ions passing dissolved from the ore.The formation of these complexes leads an increase in the leaching rate of malachite ore.The copper in the malachite ore is in the form of CuCO3Cu(OH)2.When malachite ore is added into ammonium nitrate solution,the reactions occurring during the leaching process are expected to beCuCO3Cu OHðÞ2þ2H3Oþ!Cu2þþCO2þ3H2OþCu OHðÞ2½3Cu OHðÞ2þ2H3Oþ!Cu2þþ4H2O½4 Copper ions passing into the solution form copperamine complexes with ammonia,and thus,no precipi-tation of copper occurs from the solution.The forma-tion reactions of the copper amine complexes arewritten as follows:Cu2þþ2NH3)Cu NH3ðÞ2þ2½5Cu NH3ðÞ2þ2þ2NH3)Cu NH3ðÞ2þ4½6 It is reported that the Cu(NH3)22+formed during theleaching reaction is an intermediate species,and itconverts to the stable complex of Cu(NH3)42+.[2,7]Consequently,the overall leaching reaction can bewritten as follows:CuCO3Cu OHðÞ2þ4NH4NO3!2Cu2þþ4NH3þ4NOÀ3þCO2þ3H2O½7B.Effects of Ammonium Nitrate ConcentrationTo investigate the effect of ammonium nitrate con-centration on the leaching rate,the experiments werecarried out using from2to5mol/L of ammoniumnitrate.In these experiments,the reaction temperature,solid-to-liquid ratio,particle size,and agitation speedwere kept at313K(40°C),2g solid/0.5L solution,62.4l m,and400rpm,respectively.The results obtainedfrom these experiments were plotted in Figure2.Thisfigure shows that the leaching rate increases with anincrease in lixiviant concentration.After150minutes ofleaching,the copper extraction from the ore was62.9pct,70.6pct,82.3pct,and87.8pct at2,3,4,and5mol/L ofconcentration,respectively.It is clear from these resultsthat the extents of copper extraction from the oreincreased with increasing lixiviant concentration.C.Effect of Particle SizeThe effect of particle size on the leaching of copperfrom the malachite ore was examined by using fractionsof the ore with average particle size of136,120,93,71.5,and62.4l m.In these experiments,the values of otherparameters were kept constant at4mol/L,313K(40°C),2g solid/0.5L solution,and400rpm.Figure3shows the effect of particle size on the leaching rate.Itcan be observed from thisfigure that the dissolution rateincreases with decreasing particle size.D.Effect of Stirring SpeedThe effect of the agitation speed on the leaching of themalachite ore was studied by testing agitation speeds ofTable I.Chemical Analysis of Malachite Ore Used in the StudyComponent SiO2ZnO CuO Fe2O3Al2O3Ignition LossOther Oxides (Na,Ca,K,Mg,Oxides)Value,pct50.4115.2310.558.43 1.8112.40 1.17 Table II.Leaching Parameters and the Ranges Used in theLeaching ExperimentsParameter ValueConcentration(mol/L)2,3,4*,5Temperature[K(°C)]303(30),313(40)*,323(50),333(60),343(70)Agitation speed(rpm)200,300,400*,500Average particle size(l m)136,120,93,71.5,62.4**These parameters were kept constant.200,300,400,and 500rpm while the values of the solution concentration,reaction temperature,solid-to-liquid ratio,and particle size were kept constant at 4mol/L,313K (40°C),2g solid/0.5L solution,and 62.4l m,respectively.The results are given in Figure 4.After 150minutes of leaching,the extent of leaching of copper from the ore increased from 72pct to 89.8pct when the agitation speed increased from 200to 500rpm.The experimental findings indicate that the agitation speed is a major factor in the leaching of the malachite ore.E.Effect of Reaction TemperatureTo determine the effect of the reaction temperature on copper extraction from the malachite ore,the experi-ments were carried out at five different temperatures in the range of 303K to 343K (30°C to 70°C).While conducting these experiments,the values of other experimental parameters were kept constant at 4mol/L,2g solid/0.5L solution,62.4l m,and 400rpm.From the results plotted in Figure 5,the leaching rate increases considerably with higher reaction tempera-tures.The reaction temperature has a significant effect on the extent of copper extraction from malachite ore.At a temperature of 303K (30°C),55pct of copper was extracted after 150minutes of leaching,whereas at a temperature of 343K (70°C),98pct of copper was extracted only after 75minutes of leaching.F.Kinetic StudyIncreasing attention is being paid to the study of the chemical kinetics of nonhomogeneous systems.In the classic homogeneous systems,the usual rate laws of first-and second-order kinetics are often sufficient to explain and analyze the experimental data.[15]Leaching is a central unit operation in the hydrometallurgical treatment of ores,and the reactions occurring during the leaching process are typically heterogeneous.Thus,leaching reactions do not often obey simple first-and second-order kinetics.A kinetic analysis of these kinds of reactions is generally performed by noncatalytic heterogeneous reaction models.A kinetic analysis of leaching reactions is required for the effective design of leaching reactors for use in a hydrometallurgical plant.[15,16]The leaching reaction of mineral particles by a reagent (a solid–fluid reaction)can be represented by the followingreaction:Fig.2—Effect of ammonium nitrate concentration on leaching of malachiteore.Fig.3—Effect of particle size on leaching of malachiteore.Fig.4—Effect of agitation speed on leaching of malachite ore.A fluidðÞþbBðsolidÞ!fluid and=or solid products½8 where A,B,and b represent thefluid reactant,the solid undergoing leaching,and stoichiometric coefficient, respectively.The kinetic of leaching reactions is often described by the shrinking core model.According to the shrinking core model,it is thought that the reaction between solid andfluid reactants takes place on the outer surface of solid.The solid reactant is initially surrounded by afluidfilm through which mass transfer occurs between the solid and the bulkfluid.As the reaction proceeds,the unreacted core of the solid shrinks toward the center of the solid,and a porous product layer forms around the unreacted core.However,it is assumed that the initial outside radius of the solid does not change while the leaching reaction continues.[5,17–19]The leaching rate of solid is governed by physical and chemical factors.The governing factors are the rate of transport offluid reactant to and products from the particle surface(i.e.,diffusion through thefluidfilm),the rate of diffusion offluid reactant and products through the porous product layer that forms on the unreacted core of solid(i.e.,diffusion through the product layer), and the rate of the reaction at the surface of unreacted core(i.e.,surface chemical reaction).Each of these phenomena affects the rate of the overall leaching reaction.One or more of these factors might control the rate of reaction.[16]For each step mentioned,the integrated rate equations derived from the shrinking core model are given in the literature.[17,18,20]These rate equations can be written as follows:If the leaching rate is controlled by the diffusion through the liquidfilm,then the integrated rate equation isx¼k l t½9 If the reaction rate is controlled by the diffusion through the ash or product layer,then the integrated rate expression is1À3ð1ÀxÞ2=3þ2ð1ÀxÞ¼k d t½10 If the leaching rate is controlled by the surface chemical reaction,then the integrated rate equation is1Àð1ÀxÞ1=3¼k r t½11 where x is the conversion fraction of solid particle,k l is the apparent rate constant for diffusion through the fluidfilm,k d is the apparent rate constant for diffusion through the product layer,k r is the apparent rate constant for the surface chemical reaction,and t is the reaction time.To determine the kinetic parameters and rate-control-ling step of the leaching of malachite in ammonium nitrate solutions,the data obtained in the leaching experiments were analyzed based on the shrinking core model using the rate expression given in Eqs.[9]through [11].By applying the rate expression in Eqs.[9]through [11]to the experimental data obtained,the apparent rate constants were calculated.To obtain the apparent rate constants of each step,the left side of Eqs.[9]through [11]was plotted vs the reaction time for each parameter, and the slopes of the straight lines passing through the origin were equalling the rate constants.For each experimental parameter,the apparent rate constant values obtained from the plots and the correlation coefficients are provided in Table III.As can be observed from the data in Table III,the low regression coefficients were obtained for thefilm diffusion and the chemical reaction models,indicating that neither of these pro-cesses represent the rate-controlling step.From Table III, the largest regression coefficients were obtained for the diffusion through the product layer model,indicating that the diffusion through the product layer acts as the rate-controlling step in this leaching system.This obser-vation is supported by the experimental observations and findings as shown in Figure6,which is plot of1–3(1–x)2/3+2(1–x)vs time for different particle sizes. However,if the leaching reaction is controlled by diffusion through the product layer,then the leaching rate should not be sensitive to the reaction temperature. However,as shown in Figure5,the leaching reaction of malachite was quite sensitive to temperature.Therefore, to define the rate-determining step of this process,the mixed kinetic models were tested using the experimental data.These kinds of kinetic models have been described in the literature.[7,13,17,21,22]Among the mixed kinetic models tested,it was found that the following model could be more suitable to represent the kinetics of the dissolution of malachite in ammonium nitrate solutions.1À2ð1ÀxÞ1=3þð1ÀxÞ2=3¼k m t½12 where k m is the apparent rate constant for the mixed kinetic model.To test the validity of the model in Eq.[12],the left side of Eq.[12]vs time was plotted for thesolution Fig.5—Effect of reaction temperature on leaching of malachite ore.concentration,agitation speed,particle size,and tem-perature.The graphs obtained are given in Figures 7through 10.The apparent rate constants calculated from the slopes of the straight lines in Figures 7through 10and their correlation coefficients are given in Table IV .From the results shown in Figures 7through 10and in Table IV demonstrate that the kinetic model in Eq.[12]is appropriate to explain this leaching process.To determine the effects of the reaction parameters on the reaction rate constant,the following mathematical model can be suggested:k m ¼k o :C ðÞc :PS ðÞp :SS ðÞr :exp ÀE a =R T ðÞ½13where C ,PS ,SS ,E a ,R,and T represent the concen-tration,particle size,stirring speed,activation energy,Table III.The Apparent Rate Constants,k l ,k r ,and k d for Kinetic Models and Correlation Coefficient Values ParameterDiffusion Through theLiquid FilmXSurface Chemical Reaction1–(1–x )1/3Diffusion Through theProduct Layer1–3(1–x )2/3+2(1–x )k l (min À1)R 2k r (min À1)R 2k d (min À1)R 2Concentration (mol/L)20.00500.6270.00210.7880.00130.99630.00570.5760.00250.7860.00170.99640.00670.5720.00320.8340.00260.99850.00740.4220.00380.7900.00340.990Temperature [K (°C)]303(30)0.00430.7220.00170.8400.00090.995313(40)0.00670.5720.00320.8340.00260.998323(50)0.00930.3900.00560.8730.00570.992333(60)0.01200.3320.00730.8510.00760.986343(70)0.01670.2850.01030.8270.01070.980Stirring speed (rpm)2000.00580.6300.00260.8200.00170.9973000.00620.5750.00290.8000.00210.9914000.00670.5720.00320.8340.00260.9985000.00730.4730.00380.8170.00380.993Particle size (l m)1360.00490.7520.00210.8740.00120.9961200.00530.6940.00230.8470.00140.99793.00.00570.0570.00250.8600.00170.99771.50.00620.6520.00290.8500.00210.99862.40.00670.5720.00320.8340.00260.998Fig.6—Plot of 1–3(1–x )2/3+2(1–x )vs time for different particlesizes.Fig.7—Plot of 1–2(1–x )1/3+(1–x )2/3vs t for different lixiviant concentrations.universal gas constant,and temperature,respectively.The constants c,p,and r are the reaction order for relating parameters,and k o is the frequency or preex-ponential factor.Combining Eqs.[12]and [13],the following equation is obtained:1À21Àx ðÞ1=3þ1Àx ðÞ2=3¼k o :C ðÞc :PS ðÞp :SS ðÞr :exp ÀE a =R T ðÞ:t½14The constants c,p,and r were estimated from the apparent rate constant values given in Table IV .The plots of ln(k m )vs ln(C ),ln(k m )vs ln(PS ),and ln(k m )vs ln(SS )were constructed using the values given in Table IV for each parameter.The slopes of the straight lines in the graphs obtained assign the reaction order for each parameter.The values of the constants c,p,and r were determined to be 0.80,–1.04,and 1.02,respectively.The activation energy of this leaching process was estimated from the Arrhenius equation.The Arrhenius plot of the reaction is shown in Figure 11.As can be observed from this figure,two straight lines were obtained.This situation indicates that the leaching reaction is controlled by two different leaching processes.A shift in the activation energy at 323K (50°C)is probably a result of the change in the reaction mech-anism.The lines in Figure 11show the variations between 303K to 323K (30°C to 50°C)the first zone (surface reaction)and 323K to 343K (50°C to 70°C)the second zone (product layer diffusion).At tempera-tures below 323K (50°C)(i.e.,the first zone),the activation energy and the preexponential factor were calculated to be 95.10kJ/mol and 7.799109s À1,respectively.At temperatures above 323K (50°C)(i.e.,the second zone),these values were determined to be 29.50kJ/mol and 5.3s À1,respectively.In the literature,it is stated that the diffusion controlled heterogeneous reactions are slightly depen-dent on temperature,while chemically controlled pro-cesses are strongly dependent on temperature.The activation energy of a diffusion controlled process is usually below 40kJ/mol,while for a chemically con-trolled reaction this value is usually greater than 40kJ/mol.[23,24]Therefore,the value of the activationenergyFig.8—Plot of 1–2(1–x )1/3+(1–x )2/3vs t for different particlesizes.Fig.9—Plot of 1–2(1–x )1/3+(1–x )2/3vs t for different agitationspeeds.Fig.10—Plot of 1–2(1–x )1/3+(1–x )2/3vs t for different temper-atures.of a leaching reaction may be used to predict the rate controlling step of the process.According to the activation energies values determined in this study,the rate of process is controlled by the surface chemical reaction in the first zone (i.e.,less than 323K [50°C])and by the diffusion through the product layer in the second zone (i.e.,greater than 323K [50°C]).As aresult,the kinetic expressions including the reaction parameters used in this leaching process can be written for the two regions as follows:1À21Àx ðÞ1=3þ1Àx ðÞ2=3¼7:79Â109C ðÞ0:80PS ðÞÀ1:04SS ðÞ1:02exp 11438=T ðÞ:t½15(for 303K to 323K [30°C to 50°C])1À21Àx ðÞ1=3þ1Àx ðÞ2=3¼5:3C ðÞ0:80PS ðÞÀ1:04SS ðÞ1:02exp 3558=T ðÞ:t ½16(for 323K to 343K (50°C to 70°C))G.Analysis of Leach ResidueTo determine the mineralogy of dissolved malachite ore,the X-ray diffraction (XRD)analysis of the solid residue obtained after leaching process was performed.The result of XRD analysis relating to leach residue is given in Figure 12.It can be observed from Figure 12that the peaks of CuCO 3Cu(OH)2(malachite)and ZnCO 3(smithsonite)disappear while quartz and Fe remain in the leach residue.This result shows that malachite ore can be leached by using ammonium nitrate solutions.The resulting leach solution contains copper and zinc amine complexes.IV.CONCLUSIONSIn this study,the leaching kinetics of malachite ore was studied using ammonium nitrate solutions as the lixiviant.The effects of several experimental parametersTable IV.The Apparent Rate Constant,k m ,for MixedKinetic Model and Correlation Coefficient ValuesParameterMixed Kinetic Model 1–2(1–x )1/3+(1–x )2/3k m (min À1)R 2Concentration (mol/L)20.00050.99830.00080.99840.00110.99750.00160.999Temperature (K (°C))303(30)0.00030.992313(40)0.00110.997323(50)0.00310.994333(60)0.00410.996343(70)0.00590.998Stirring speed,rpm 2000.00060.9973000.00090.9974000.00110.9975000.00150.999Particle size,l m 1360.00050.9921200.00060.99593.00.00070.99771.50.00090.99862.40.00110.997Fig.11—Arrhenius plot for leachingprocess.Fig.12—X-ray diffraction pattern of the solid residue resulting from leaching of malachite ore.。
