



测量系统分析参考手册目录第一章通用测量系统指南 (1)第一章一第一节 (2)引言、目的和术语 (2)测量数据的质量 (2)目的 (3)术语 (3)术语总结 (4)真值 (9)第一章—第二节 (10)测量过程 (10)测量系统的统计特性 (11)变差来源 (13)测量系统变异性的影响 (15)对决策的影响 (15)对产品决策的影响 (16)对过程决策的影响 (17)新过程的接受 (18)过程设定/控制(漏斗实验) (20)第一章—第三节 (22)测量战略和策划 (22)复杂性 (22)确定测量过程的目的 (22)测量寿命周期 (23)测量过程设计选择的准则 (23)研究不同测量过程方法 (24)开发和设计概念以及建议 (24)第一章—第四节 (25)测量资源的开发 (25)基准协调 (26)先决条件和假设 (26)量具来源选择过程 (27)详细的工程概念 (27)预防性维护的考虑 (27)规范 (28)评估报价 (28)可交付的文件 (29)在供应商处的资格 (30)装运 (31)在顾客处的资格 (31)文件交付 (31)测量系统开发检查表的建议要素 (33)第一章—第五节 (37)测量系统变差的类型 (37)定义及潜在的变差源 (38)测量过程变差 (45)位置变差 (45)宽度变差 (49)测量系统变差 (53)注释 (55)第一章—第六节 (57)测量不确定度 (57)总则 (57)测量的不确定度和MSA(测量系统分析) (57)测量的溯源性 (58)ISO表述测量中不确定度的指南 (58)第一章—第七节 (59)测量问题分析 (59)第二章测量系统评定的通用概念 (61)第二章—第一节 (62)引言 (62)第二章—第二节 (63)选择/制定试验程序 (63)第二章—第三节 (65)测量系统研究的准备 (65)第二章—第四节 (68)结果分析 (68)第三章- 简单测量推荐的实践 (69)第三章- 第一节 (70)试验程序示例 (70)第三章- 第二节 (71)计量型测量系统研究- 指南 (71)确定稳定性的指南 (71)确定偏倚的指南- 独立样本法 (73)确定偏倚的指南- 控制图样本法 (76)确定线性的指南 (78)确定重复性和再现性的指南 (84)极差法 (85)均值极差法 (86)均值图 (89)极差图 (90)链图 (91)散点图 (92)振荡图 (93)误差图 (93)归一化直方图 (94)比较图 (96)数值的计算 (97)数据结果的分析 (101)方差分析法(ANOV A) (103)随机化及和统计独立性 (103)第三章- 第三节 (109)计数型测量系统研究 (109)风险分析法 (109)解析法 (119)第四章- 复杂测量系统实践 (126)第四章- 第一节 (127)复杂的或非重复的测量系统的实践 (127)第四章- 第二节 (129)稳定性研究 (129)S1:单个零件,每个循环单一测量 (129)S2:n≥3个零件,每循环单一测量 (130)S3:从稳定过程中大量取样 (132)S4:分割样本(通用),每循环单一样本 (133)S5:试验台 (133)第四章- 第三节 (135)变异性研究 (135)V1:标准GRR研究 (135)V2:p≥2台仪器的多重读数 (135)V3:平分样本(m=2) (136)V4:分割样本(通用), (136)V5:与V1一样用于稳定化的零件 (137)V6:时间序列分析 (137)V7:线性分析 (138)V8:特性(性能)随时间的衰变 (138)V9—V2:同时用于多重读数和P≥3台仪器 (138)第五章- 其他测量概念 (139)第五章- 第一节 (140)量化过度的零件内变差的影响 (140)第五章- 第二节 (141)均值极差法-附加处理 (141)第五章–第三节 (148)量具性能曲线 (148)第五章–第四节 (154)通过多次读数减少变差 (154)第五章–第五节 (156)GRR的合并标准偏差法 (156)附录 (164)附录A (165)附录B (170)GRR对能力指数Cp的影响 (170)公式 (170)分析 (170)图形分析 (170)附录C (173)d2*表 (173)附录D (174)量具R(重复性)的研究 (174)附录E (175)使用误差修正术语替代PV计算 (175)附录F (176)P.I.S.M.O.E.A误差模型 (176)术语 (179)样表 (184)M.S.A手册用户反馈过程 (187)序号题目页码1控制原理和驱动兴趣点 (15)2偏倚研究数据 (75)3偏倚研究–偏倚研究的分析 (76)4偏倚研究- 偏听偏信倚的稳定性研究分析 (78)5线性研究数据 (81)6线性研究- 中间结果 (92)7量具研究(极差法) (85)8方差(ANOV A)表 (106)9方差分析%变差和贡献 (106)10ANOV A法和均值极差法的比较 (107)11ANOV A法报告 (107)12计数型研究数据表 (111)13测量系统示例 (127)14基于测量系统形式的方法 (128)15合并标准偏差分析数据表 (160)16方差分量的估算 (165)17 5.15σ分布 (166)18方差分析(ANOV A) (167)19ANOV A结果列表(零件a&b) (168)20观测和实际Cp的对比 (172)序号题目页码1长度测量溯源链的示例 (8)2测量系统变异性–因果图 (14)3不同标准之间的关系 (40)4分辨力 (41)5过程分布的分组数量(ndc)对控制和分析活动的影响 (42)6过程控制图 (44)7测量过程变差的特性 (45)8偏倚和重复性的关系 (56)9稳定性的控制图分析 (72)10偏倚研究–偏倚研究直方图 (75)11线性研究–作图分析 (82)12量具重复性和再现性数据收集表 (88)13均值图–“层叠的” (89)14均值图–“不层叠的” (90)15极差图–“层叠的” (91)16极差图–“不层叠的” (91)17零件链图 (92)18散点图 (92)19振荡图 (93)20误差图 (94)21归一化直方图 (95)22均值- 基准值图 (96)23比较图 (96)24完整的GR&R数据收集表 (99)25GR&R报告 (100)26交互作用 (105)27残留图 (105)28过程举例 (110)29灰色区域与测量系统有联系 (110)30具有Pp=Ppk=1.33的过程 (116)31绘制在正态概率纸上的计数型量具性能曲线 (124)32计数型量具性能曲线 (125)33(33 a & b)测量评价控制图 ......................................................................................... 144&145 34(34 a & b)评价测量过程的控制图法的计算 ............................................................. 146&147 35无误差的量具性能曲线. (151)36量具性能曲线–示例 (152)37绘制在正态概率纸上的量具性能曲线 (153)38(38a, b & c)合成标准偏差研究图形分析...............................................................159,162,163 39观测的与实际的Cp(基于过程) . (171)40观测Cp与实际Cp(基于公差) (172)第一章通用测量系统指南第一章- 第一节引言、目的和术语测量数据的使用比以前更频繁、更广泛。

Apple Watch测试题

Apple Watch测试题

Apple Watch测试题欢迎参加本次Apple Watch测试1、填空题1:Apple Watch 分为( ) 个系列;有( )、( )、( ) 三种材质;均提供( ) 毫米和( ) 毫米的表壳尺寸。

【多项填空】选项1________________________选项2________________________选项3________________________选项4________________________选项5________________________选项6________________________2、填空题2:Apple Watch 共有( ) 款。

【填空题】________________________3、填空题3:Apple Watch 高度精确的计时功能与世界标准世界的误差不超过( )。

【填空题】________________________4、填空题4:Apple Watch 通过自定表盘可达到超过( )种的独特组合。

【填空题】________________________5、填空题5:Apple Watch 可达到( ) 小时的电池使用时间。

【填空题】________________________6、填空题6:Activity app 鼓励你做三项简单、但却非常有益健康的事情:( ),( ),( )。

【多项填空】选项1________________________选项2________________________选项3________________________7、填空题7:Apple Watch Sport 起售价为( ) 元;Apple Watch起售价为( )元;Apple Watch Edition 起售价为( ) 元。

【多项填空】选项1________________________选项2________________________选项3________________________8、填空题8:Apple Watch 可与运行iOS( ) 或更高版本的iPhone( )或更新机型配合使用。



内部资料严禁翻印测量系统分析参考手册第三版1990年2月第一版1995年2月第一版;1998年6月第二次印刷2002年3月第三版©1990©1995©2002版权由戴姆勒克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车公司所有测量系统分析参考手册第三版1990年2月第一版1995年2月第一版;1998年6月第二次印刷2002年3月第三版©1990©1995©2002版权由戴姆勒克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车公司所有本参考手册是在美国质量协会(ASQ)及汽车工业行动集团(AIAG)主持下,由戴姆勒克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车公司供方质量要求特别工作组认可的测量系统分析(MSA)工作组编写,负责第三版的工作组成员是David Benham(戴姆勒克莱斯勒)、Michael Down (通用)、Peter Cvetkovski(福特),以及Gregory Gruska(第三代公司)、Tripp Martin(FM 公司)、以及Steve Stahley(SRS技术服务)。












【产品名称】:XX智能手表【产品型号】:XX-S01【产品类别】:智能穿戴设备【产品特点】:一、外观设计1. 时尚简约:采用金属质感表壳,线条流畅,简约大方,适合各种场合佩戴。

2. 舒适佩戴:表带采用硅胶材质,亲肤透气,佩戴舒适,不易过敏。

二、功能特点1. 健康监测:内置心率传感器,实时监测心率,了解自身健康状况。

2. 运动记录:支持多种运动模式,如跑步、骑行、游泳等,记录运动数据,助力健康生活。

3. 通话功能:支持蓝牙通话,接听电话更加方便,解放双手。

4. 智能提醒:设置闹钟、日程提醒等功能,让您不错过重要事项。

5. 防水功能:采用IP68级防水,可防水溅,适合户外运动佩戴。

三、技术参数1. 屏幕尺寸:1.69英寸,分辨率:360×360像素,高清显示,色彩鲜艳。

2. 处理器:采用高性能处理器,运行速度快,操作流畅。

3. 内存:内置存储空间,可存储音乐、图片等文件。

4. 电池续航:正常使用下,续航可达7天左右,满足日常需求。

四、软件特点1. 个性化界面:支持自定义表盘,可根据个人喜好设置。

2. 丰富应用:内置多种实用应用,如天气预报、记事本等,满足用户多元化需求。

3. 云端同步:支持与手机APP同步数据,随时随地查看运动数据、健康管理等信息。

五、售后服务1. 正品保证:购买本产品可享受正品保证,让您购物无忧。

2. 全国联保:产品享受全国联保服务,为您提供便捷的售后服务。

3. 专业客服:提供7×24小时在线客服,为您解答产品使用过程中的疑问。




Apple Watch 苹果手表官方使用手册

Apple Watch 苹果手表官方使用手册

APPLE WATCH 官方使用手册苹果手表使用入门Abstract包含了解 Apple Watch 苹果手表所需的一切内容由苹果官网中国技术支持小组提供/zh-cn目录Apple Watch苹果手表 - 使用入门 (1)完美的体能训练搭档 (1)使用 Apple Watch 保持健康 (1)每天闭合一个圆环 (1)轻点以查看好友的健身记录 (1)开始体能训练 (2)体能训练的强度有多大? (2)准备旅行? (2)改变您旅行的方式 (2)做好准备 (2)让 Apple Watch 为您指路 (2)“两手空空”旅行 (2)外出购物 (3)Apple Watch 帮助您处理待办事项列表 (3)从不遗忘 (3)陷入思维僵局? (3)轻松付款 (3)Apple Watch苹果手表–官方使用入门教程完美的体能训练搭档使用 Apple Watch 保持健康Apple Watch 会指导您每天少坐,多动,保持锻炼。




Apple Watch 会在您达成一个目标时通知您。



若要添加朋友,请在 iPhone 上打开“健身记录”,轻点“共享”,然后轻点 +。

若要查看朋友的健身情况,请在 Apple Watch 上打开“健身记录”,然后向左轻扫。




如果停下来喘口气,Apple Watch 也会暂停:只需在 Apple Watch 应用中的“体能训练”设置中打开“自动暂停”即可。

Fitbit Versa 手表 用户手册 说明书

Fitbit Versa 手表 用户手册 说明书
基础信息 ......................................................................................................................................... 16 导航 Versa ...............................................................................................................................................16 基本浏览指南 .....................................................................................................................................16 按钮快捷方式 .....................................................................................................................................17 调整设置 .................................................................................................................................................20 检查电池电量 .........................................................................................................................................20 设置设备锁定 .........................................................................................................................................21 关闭屏幕 .................................................................................................................................................21 保养 Versa ...............................................................................................................................................22



迈瑞BS-400使用说明书(一)BS-400全自动生化分析仪Chemistry AnalyzerOperation Manual知识产权本使用说明书及其对应产品的知识产权属于深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司(以下简称“迈瑞公司”)。

? 2007 深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司版权所有未经迈瑞公司书面同意,任何个人或组织不得复制、修改或翻译本使用说明书的任何部分。



在满足下列全部要求的情况下,迈瑞公司才认为应对产品的安全性、可靠性和性能负责,即:1 装配操作、扩充、重调、改进和修理均由迈瑞公司认可的人员进行;2 有关的电气设备符合国家标准;3 产品操作按照本使用说明书进行。


收费服务范围:1 凡超出迈瑞公司保修服务条例范围规定的产品,迈瑞公司将实行收费服务;2 即使在保修期内,由于以下原因造成产品需要维修之情况:人为损坏;使用不当;电网电压超出产品规定范围;不可抗拒的自然灾害;更换未经迈瑞公司许可的配件、耗材或由非迈瑞公司授权人员维修机器。

退货程序确需向迈瑞公司退货,请遵循以下步骤:1 取得退货权:与迈瑞公司售后服务单位联系,告之迈瑞产品系列编号,此系列编号已标于外装运箱上,若系列编号非清晰可辨,退货不予接受。


2 运费:产品运往迈瑞公司维修,用户须承担运费(包括海关费用)。

售后服务单位深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司售后服务部深圳市南山区南油大道新能源大厦4北半层518054 邮政编码:95105652 24小时服务热线:+86 755 26052668 电话:+86 755 26492815 传真:警告:本系统仅限于经迈瑞公司或迈瑞公司的代理商培训的检验专业人员、医生或实验员操作使用。



E-mail:*********************责任编辑/张匀初美编/卫华韵2022.8.12PUDONG 浦东5手表“防水”并非“抗水”警惕商家玩概念游戏“浦东新区消保委”微信公众号二维码张先生告知消保委工作人员,他在某苹果授权维修店维修一块苹果手表,试机正常。







消保委工作人员咨询钟表专业办公室了解到,苹果手表宣传的“Water Resistant 50m ”,其实是腕表的行业术语,也是通用的技术规格。







拒绝Apple Watch的N个理由

拒绝Apple Watch的N个理由























外观、屏幕、功能样样“出彩”Apple Watch Series 7体验

外观、屏幕、功能样样“出彩”Apple Watch Series 7体验

外观、屏幕、功能样样“出彩”Apple Watch Series 7体验作者:来源:《计算机应用文摘》2021年第23期Apple Watch Series 7是近年外觀变化最大的一代产品,虽然表壳形状没有改变,远看也可能认不出是最新款的Apple Watch,但是点亮屏幕的那一瞬间,这块显示区域更大、边框更窄的“全面屏”一定会令你印象深刻。

全屏设计让Apple Watch有了更多显示空间的同时,也让手表整体的美观程度有了大幅度提升:延伸到表壳边缘的表盘,让整块表的设计更加浑然一体。



首先是“轮廓表盘”,Apple Watch Series 7表盘的时标围着屏幕绕成了一圈,并且会随时间流逝动态地“流动”,当前时段范围内的数字会以更大的字号进行显示。


颜色方面,不锈钢和钛金属版本的Apple Watch Series 7与之前相比没有什么变化,铝金属版本的配色则有了全新的5种选项,分别为午夜色、星光色、绿色、新款蓝色和红色,部分配色与iPhone 13以及新款iPad mini类似。

Apple Watch Series 7的这块“全面屏”,可不仅是“大”就完事了,更大的显示空间,也让屏幕内容的可读性和操控性进一步提升。

首先是可读性,屏幕更大,显示内容自然也就更多,比如在信息APP中,Apple Watch Series 7的一屏显示内容就比老款Apple Watch更多;或者是在邮件APP中,我们能够更快地获取完整邮件内容,更快地进行处理。




又一个里程碑作者:***来源:《新潮电子》2020年第11期如果不特别说明一下,很多人可能都不会想起2020 年是Apple Watch正式上市5周年的时间。

所以在2020年,苹果秋季一系列发布会,全新的AppleWatch Series 6(以下简称AW6)就成为了先锋,比关注度最高的iPhone 12还要早。

不同的是,比起过去单独的发布,今年AW6 还多了一个“ 伴儿”: Apple WatchS E (以下简称AWSE)。

这样的举动,除了苹果意欲扩充Apple Watch的产品线之外,还因为苹果希望更多人能体会到Apple Watch与其他智能穿戴设备之间的大不同。

有些事情学不来记得2014年秋天苹果宣布Apple Watch,并于2015年春天推出它的时候,看好它的人寥寥无几,无法脱离手机使用的附件身份,堪堪够用的功能,特别是官宣18小时的续航时间,都成为整个业界吐槽的焦点。

作为当时刚刚担任苹果CEO不久的库克所规划的重要产品线,Apple Watch被定位为苹果整个用户应用生态未来的重要一环,但在那个时候,却被业界很多人“大胆”预言就会如早年的“牛顿”掌上电脑一样,成为失败的典型案例。

然而,苹果在Apple Watch身上展现出“开挂”一般的技术实力。

2015年秋天,Apple Watch就更新到了第二代;2017年秋天,第三代Apple Watch就支持了移动网络,可以脱离iPhone独立工作一段时间;到2018年,分水岭出现了,这年发布的第四代Apple Watch成为有史以来口碑最好的一代AppleWatch,更大的屏幕和ECG心电图功能的搭载,预示着Apple Watch在其一直以来坚持的健康方向上,开始追求更新的产品定位;2019年,第五代AppleWatch推出,表面上变化不大,但环境噪音监测提醒功能的加入,却是与同年发布的AirPods Pro真无线降噪蓝牙耳机,共同构成了一个听力健康应用的新闭环,当然,后者的人气有多高,就已经不用我们再去描述了。

























nrel效率表单 -回复

nrel效率表单 -回复

nrel效率表单-回复NREL效率表单NREL,即美国国家可再生能源实验室(National Renewable Energy Laboratory),是美国能源部的实验室,致力于推动可再生能源技术的发展和应用。


其中,NREL效率表单(NREL Efficiency Chart)是该实验室进行太阳能电池效率测量的重要工具。







其中关键的参数包括太阳能电池的峰值功率(Peak Power),开路电压(Open Circuit Voltage),短路电流(Short Circuit Current),填充因子(Fill Factor)以及转换效率(Conversion Efficiency)。








揭秘Apple Watch心率监测技术

揭秘Apple Watch心率监测技术

揭秘Apple Watch心率监测技术目录Apple Watch是如何检测心率的? (4)正确佩戴方式有助于提高数据准确性 (5)检测心率的过程 (6)Apple Watch利用LED绿光和红外光,以及两种光传感器来检测心率。


而高温环境下,比如用户正在健身房里挥汗如雨时,皮肤表面水分增加,由于更多绿光已经被吸收掉,要检测皮下反射的绿光就比较困难,这时Apple Watch就转换到红外光模式。





运动过程中,肌肉需要更多氧气,心跳会加速来满足氧气供应;健身时,Apple Watch的心率感应器将心率数据显示在手腕的屏幕上,用户可以随时随地用Heart Rate Glance查看。

Apple Watch的绿光模式每分钟检测一次,而红外光模式每十分钟检测一次,收集用户的心率和脉冲等数据。


Apple Watch是如何检测心率的?“光电容积脉搏波描记法(photoplethysmography)”的英文单词读起来难,但原理却简单:血液是红色的,反射红光,吸收绿光。

Apple Watch结合绿色LED光跟感光光电二极管,检测特定时间手腕处流通的血液量。


Apple Watch上LED光每秒闪动数百次,计算出每分钟的心跳次数,也就是心率。

APPLE WATCH SAR-Report-3119254

APPLE WATCH SAR-Report-3119254

SAR EVALUATION REPORTFCC 47 CFR § 2.1093IEEE Std 1528-2013ForApple WatchFCC ID: BCG-E3103Model Name: A1803 Report Number: 16U23783-S1V2 Issue Date: 8/24/2016Prepared forAPPLE, INC.1 INFINITE LOOP CUPERTINO, CA 95014, U.S.A.Prepared byUL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.47173 BENICIA STREETFREMONT, CA 94538, U.S.A.TEL: (510) 771-1000FAX: (510) 661-0888Revision HistoryTable of Contents1.Attestation of Test Results (5)2.Test Specification, Methods and Procedures (6)3.Facilities and Accreditation (6)4.SAR Measurement System & Test Equipment (7)4.1.SAR Measurement System (7)4.2.SAR Scan Procedures (8)4.3.Test Equipment (10)5.Measurement Uncertainty (11)6.Device Under Test (DUT) Information (12)6.1.DUT Description (12)6.2.Wireless Technologies (12)6.3.Maximum Output Power from Tune-up Procedure (13)7.RF Exposure Conditions (Test Configurations) (14)8.Dielectric Property Measurements & System Check (15)8.1.Dielectric Property Measurements (15)8.2.System Check (17)9.Conducted Output Power Measurements (18)9.1.Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (DTS Band) (18)9.2.Bluetooth (18)10.Measured and Reported (Scaled) SAR Results (19)10.1.Wi-Fi (DTS Band) (20)10.1.1.Non-Metallic Wristbands (20)10.1.2.Metallic Wristbands (20)10.2.Bluetooth (21)10.2.1.Non-Metallic Wristbands (21)10.2.2.Metallic Wristbands (21)11.SAR Measurement Variability (22)12.Simultaneous Transmission SAR Analysis (23)Appendixes (24)16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App A Setup Photos (STC_180days) (24)16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App B System Check Plots (24)16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App C Highest Test Plots (24)16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App D Tissue Ingredients (24)16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App E Probe Cal. Certificates (24)16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App F Dipole Cal. Certificates (24)1. Attestation of Test ResultsApproved & Released By:Prepared By:2. Test Specification, Methods and ProceduresThe tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with FCC 47 CFR § 2.1093, IEEE STD 1528- 2013, the following FCC Published RF exposure KDB procedures:o248227 D01 802.11 Wi-Fi SAR v02r02o447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06o447498 D03 Supplement C Cross-Reference v01o865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz v01r04o865664 D02 RF Exposure Reporting v01r023. Facilities and AccreditationThe test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located atUL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0.4. SAR Measurement System & Test Equipment4.1. SAR Measurement SystemThe DASY5 system used for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:∙ A standard high precision 6-axis robot with controller, teach pendant and software. An arm extension for accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).∙An isotropic Field probe optimized and calibrated for the targeted measurement.∙ A data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing, AD-conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The unit is battery powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted to the EOC.∙The Electro-optical converter (EOC) performs the conversion from optical to electrical signals for the digital communication to the DAE. To use optical surface detection, a special version of the EOC is required. The EOC signal is transmitted to the measurement server.∙The function of the measurement server is to perform the time critical tasks such as signal filtering, control of the robot operation and fast movement interrupts.∙The Light Beam used is for probe alignment. This improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe positioning. ∙ A computer running WinXP or Win7 and the DASY5 software.∙Remote control and teach pendant as well as additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning lamps, etc. ∙The phantom, the device holder and other accessories according to the targeted measurement.4.2. SAR Scan ProceduresStep 1: Power Reference MeasurementThe Power Reference Measurement and Power Drift Measurements are for monitoring the power drift of the device under test in the batch process. The minimum distance of probe sensors to surface determines the closest measurement point to phantom surface. The minimum distance of probe sensors to surface is 2.1 mm. This distance cannot be smaller than the distance of sensor calibration points to probe tip as defined in the probe properties.Step 2: Area ScanThe Area Scan is used as a fast scan in two dimensions to find the area of high field values, before doing a fine measurement around the hot spot. The sophisticated interpolation routines implemented in DASY software can find the maximum locations even in relatively coarse grids. When an Area Scan has measured all reachable points, it computes the field maximal found in the scanned area, within a range of the global maximum. The range (in dB) is specified in the standards for compliance testing. For example, a 2 dB range is required in IEEE Standard 1528 and IEC 62209 standards, whereby 3 dB is a requirement when compliance is assessed in accordance with the ARIB standard (Japan). If only one Zoom Scan follows the Area Scan, then only the absolute maximum will be taken as reference. For cases where multiple maximums are detected, the number of Zoom Scans has to be increased accordingly.Area Scan Parameters extracted from KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHzStep 3: Zoom ScanZoom Scans are used to assess the peak spatial SAR values within a cubic averaging volume containing 1 g and 10 g of simulated tissue. The Zoom Scan measures points (refer to table below) within a cube whose base faces are centered on the maxima found in a preceding area scan job within the same procedure. When the measurement is done, the Zoom Scan evaluates the averaged SAR for 1 g and 10 g and displays these values next to the job’s label.Zoom Scan Parameters extracted from KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHzStep 4: Power drift measurementThe Power Drift Measurement measures the field at the same location as the most recent power reference measurement within the same procedure, and with the same settings. The Power Drift Measurement gives the field difference in dB from the reading conducted within the last Power Reference Measurement. This allows a user to monitor the power drift of the device under test within a batch process. The measurement procedure is the same as Step 1.Step 5: Z-Scan (FCC only)The Z Scan measures points along a vertical straight line. The line runs along the Z-axis of a one-dimensional grid. In order to get a reasonable extrapolation the extrapolated distance should not be larger than the step size in Z-direction.4.3. Test EquipmentThe measuring equipment used to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.5. Measurement UncertaintyPer KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz, when the highest measured 1-g SAR within a frequency band is < 1.5 W/kg and the measured 10-g SAR within a frequency band is < 3.75 W/kg, the extensive SAR measurement uncertainty analysis described in IEEE Std 1528-2013 is not required in SAR reports submitted for equipment approval.6. Device Under Test (DUT) Information 6.1. DUT Description6.2. Wireless Technologies6.3. Maximum Output Power from Tune-up ProcedureKDB 447498 sec.4.1.(3) at the maximum rated output power and within the tune-up tolerance range specified for the product, but not more than 2 dB lower than the maximum tune-up tolerance limit7. RF Exposure Conditions (Test Configurations)Refer to “Antenna Location Exhibit” submission for the specific details of the antenna-to-antenna and antenna-to-edge(s) distances.8. Dielectric Property Measurements & System Check8.1. Dielectric Property MeasurementsThe temperature of the tissue-equivalent medium used during measurement must also be within 18︒C to 25︒C and within ± 2︒C of the temperature when the tissue parameters are characterized.The dielectric parameters must be measured before the tissue-equivalent medium is used in a series of SAR measurements. The parameters should be re-measured after each 3 –4 days of use; or earlier if the dielectric parameters can become out of tolerance; for example, when the parameters are marginal at the beginning of the measurement series.Tissue dielectric parameters were measured at the low, middle and high frequency of each operating frequency range of the test device.For SAR measurement systems that have implemented the SAR error compensation algorithms documented in IEEE Std 1528-2013, to automatically compensate the measured SAR results for deviations between the measured and required tissue dielectric parameters, the tolerance for εr and σ may be relaxed to ± 10%. This is limited to frequencies ≤ 3 GHz.Tissue Dielectric ParametersIEEE Std 1528-2013Refer to Table 3 within the IEEE Std 1528-20138.2. System CheckSAR system verification is required to confirm measurement accuracy, according to the tissue dielectric media, probe calibration points and other system operating parameters required for measuring the SAR of a test device. The system verification must be performed for each frequency band and within the valid range of each probe calibration point required for testing the device. The same SAR probe(s) and tissue-equivalent media combinations used with each specific SAR system for system verification must be used for device testing. When multiple probe calibration points are required to cover substantially large transmission bands, independent system verifications are required for each probe calibration point. A system verification must be performed before each series of SAR measurements using the same probe calibration point and tissue-equivalent medium. Additional system verification should be considered according to the conditions of the tissue-equivalent medium and measured tissue dielectric parameters, typically every three to four days when the liquid parameters are re-measured or sooner when marginal liquid parameters are used at the beginning of a series of measurements.System Performance Check Measurement Conditions:∙The measurements were performed in the flat section of the TWIN SAM or ELI phantom, shell thickness: 2.0 ±0.2 mm (bottom plate) filled with Body or Head simulating liquid of the following parameters.∙The depth of tissue-equivalent liquid in a phantom must be ≥ 15.0 cm for SAR measurements ≤ 3 GHz and ≥10.0 cm for measurements > 3 GHz.∙The DASY system with an E-Field Probe was used for the measurements.∙The dipole was mounted on the small tripod so that the dipole feed point was positioned below the center marking of the flat phantom section and the dipole was oriented parallel to the body axis (the long side of the phantom). The standard measuring distance was 10 mm (above 1 GHz) and 15 mm (below 1 GHz) from dipole center to the simulating liquid surface.∙The coarse grid with a grid spacing of 15 mm was aligned with the dipole.For 5 GHz band - The coarse grid with a grid spacing of 10 mm was aligned with the dipole.∙Special 7x7x7 (below 3 GHz) and/or 8x8x7 (above 3 GHz) fine cube was chosen for the cube.∙Distance between probe sensors and phantom surface was set to 3 mm.For 5 GHz band - Distance between probe sensors and phantom surface was set to 2.5 mm∙The dipole input power (forward power) was 100 mW.∙The results are normalized to 1 W input power.System Check ResultsThe 1-g and 10-g SAR measured with a reference dipole, using the required tissue-equivalent medium at the test frequency, must be within 10% of the manufacturer calibrated dipole SAR target.9. Conducted Output Power Measurements9.1. Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (DTS Band)Note(s):1. Output Power and SAR are not required for 802.11g/n HT20 channels when the highest reported SAR for DSSS is adjustedby the ratio of OFDM to DSSS specified maximum output power and the adjusted SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg.2. Additionally, SAR is not required for Channels 12 and 13 because the tune-up limit and the measured output power forthese two channels are no greater than those for the default test channels.9.2. BluetoothNote(s):1. Only High Power for BT was evaluated for power measurement and SAR testing. Further evaluation for Low Power is notrequired.10. Measured and Reported (Scaled) SAR ResultsSAR Test Reduction criteria are as follows:KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance:Testing of other required channels within the operating mode of a frequency band is not required when the reported 1-g or 10-g SAR for the mid-band or highest output power channel is:∙≤ 0.8 W/kg or 2.0 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is ≤ 100 MHz∙≤ 0.6 W/kg or 1.5 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is between 100 MHz and 200 MHz∙≤ 0.4 W/kg or 1.0 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is ≥ 200 MHzKDB 248227 D01 SAR meas for 802.11:SAR test reduction for 802.11 Wi-Fi transmission mode configurations are considered separately for DSSS and OFDM. An initial test position is determined to reduce the number of tests required for certain exposure configurations with multiple test positions. An initial test configuration is determined for each frequency band and aggregated band according to maximum output power, channel bandwidth, wireless mode configurations and other operating parameters to streamline the measurement requirements. For 2.4 GHz DSSS, either the initial test position or DSSS procedure is applied to reduce the number of SAR tests; these are mutually exclusive. For OFDM, an initial test position is only applicable to next to the ear, UMPC mini-tablet and hotspot mode configurations, which is tested using the initial test configuration to facilitate test reduction. For other exposure conditions with a fixed test position, SAR test reduction is determined using only the initial test configuration.The multiple test positions require SAR measurements in head, hotspot mode or UMPC mini-tablet configurations may be reduced according to the highest reported SAR determined using the initial test position(s) by applying the DSSS or OFDM SAR measurement procedures in the required wireless mode test configuration(s). The initial test position(s) is measured using the highest measured maximum output power channel in the required wireless mode test configuration(s). When the reported SAR for the initial test position is:∙≤ 0.4 W/kg, further SAR measurement is not required for the other test positions in that exposure configuration and wireless mode combination within the frequency band or aggregated band. DSSS and OFDM configurations are considered separately according to the required SAR procedures.∙> 0.4 W/kg, SAR is repeated using the same wireless mode test configuration tested in the initial test position to measure the subsequent next closet/smallest test separation distance and maximum coupling test position, on the highest maximum output power channel, until the reported SAR is ≤ 0.8 W/kg or all required test positions are tested.o For subsequent test positions with equivalent test separation distance or when exposure is dominated by coupling conditions, the position for maximum coupling condition should be tested.o When it is unclear, all equivalent conditions must be tested.∙For all positions/configurations tested using the initial test position and subsequent test positions, when the reported SAR is > 0.8 W/kg, measure the SAR for these positions/configurations on the subsequent next highest measured output power channel(s) until the reported SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg or all required test channels are considered.o The additional power measurements required for this step should be limited to those necessary for identifying subsequent highest output power channels to apply the test reduction.∙When the specified maximum output power is the same for both UNII 1 and UNII 2A, begin SAR measurements in UNII 2A with the ch annel with the highest measured output power. If the reported SAR for UNII 2A is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, SAR is not required for UNII 1; otherwise treat the remaining bands separately and test them independently for SAR.∙When the specified maximum output power is different between UNII 1 and UNII 2A, begin SAR with the band that has the higher specified maximum output. If the highest reported SAR for the band with the highest specified power is ≤1.2 W/kg, testing for the band with the lower specified output power is not required; otherwise test the remaining bandsindependently for SAR.To determine the initial test position, Area Scans were performed to determine the position with the Maximum Value of SAR (measured). The position that produced the highest Maximum Value of SAR is considered the worst case position; thus used as the initial test position.10.1. Wi-Fi (DTS Band)10.1.1. Non-Metallic Wristbands10.1.2. Metallic Wristbands10.2. Bluetooth10.2.1. Non-Metallic WristbandsMetallic Wristbands10.2.2.Test Justification: Due to similar frequency, BT testing was performed based on the Wi-Fi (DTS Band) worst case SAR result.11. SAR Measurement VariabilityIn accordance with published RF Exposure KDB 865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz. These additional measurements are repeated after the completion of all measurements requiring the same head or body tissue-equivalent medium in a frequency band. The test device should be returned to ambient conditions (normal room temperature) with the battery fully charged before it is re-mounted on the device holder for the repeated measurement(s) to minimize any unexpected variations in the repeated results.1) Repeated measurement is not required when the original highest measured SAR is <0.8 or 2 W/kg (1-g or 10-grespectively); steps 2) through 4) do not apply.2) When the original highest measured SAR is ≥ 0.8 or 2 W/kg (1-g or 10-g respectively), repeat thatmeasurement once.3) Perform a second repeated measurement only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original and firstrepeated measurements is > 1.20 or 3 (1-g or 10-g respectively) or when the original or repeated measurement is ≥ 1.45 or 3.6 W/kg (~ 10% from the 1-g or 10-g respective SAR limit).4) Perform a third repeated measurement only if the original, first, or second repeated measurement is ≥ 1.5 or3.75 W/kg (1-g or 10-g respectively) and the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original, first and secondrepeated measurements is > 1.20 or 3 (1-g or 10-g respectively).Note(s):Second Repeated Measurement is not required since the ratio of the largest to smallest SAR for the original and first repeated measurement is not > 1.20 or 3 (1-g or 10-g respectively).12. Simultaneous Transmission SAR AnalysisKDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance introduces a new formula for calculating the SAR to Peak Location Ratio (SPLSR) between pairs of simultaneously transmitting antennas:SPLSR = (SAR1 + SAR2)1.5 /RiWhere:SAR1 is the highest measured or estimated SAR for the first of a pair of simultaneous transmitting antennas, in a specific test operating mode and exposure conditionSAR2 is the highest measured or estimated SAR for the second of a pair of simultaneous transmitting antennas, in the same test operating mode and exposure condition as the firstRi is the separation distance between the pair of simultaneous transmitting antennas. When the SAR is measured, for both antennas in the pair, it is determined by the actual x, y and z coordinates in the 1-g SAR for each SAR peak location, based on the extrapolated and interpolated result in the zoom scan measurement, using the formula of [(x1-x2)2 + (y1-y2)2 + (z1-z2)2]In order for a pair of simultaneous transmitting antennas with the sum of 1-g SAR > 1.6 W/kg to qualify for exemption from Simultaneous Transmission SAR measurements, it has to satisfy the condition of: (SAR1 + SAR2)1.5 /Ri ≤ 0.04Simultaneous Transmission ConditionN/AWi-Fi 2.4GHz Radio cannot transmit simultaneously with Bluetooth Radio.AppendixesRefer to separated files for the following appendixes.16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App A Setup Photos (STC_180days) 16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App B System Check Plots16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App C Highest Test Plots16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App D Tissue Ingredients16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App E Probe Cal. Certificates16U23783-S1V1 SAR_App F Dipole Cal. CertificatesEND OF REPORT。



eTrex 20 中文使用手册
4.3 航线测面积、长度 ............................................................29 4.4 修改测量单位、单价 ........................................................29
5. 全世界任何地区的地图都不可能是完美的,都会有某种程 度的不完整性与不准确性,因此在使用本机时,除了参考 产品内的信息外,使用者也需要自行注意判断与实地的状 态是否相符,上海佳明航电企业管理有限公司将努力持续 改善地图的性能,也欢迎使用者提供正确的信息。
6. 本中文操作说明书仅供使用者参考,若内容或步骤与GPS 接收机本身功能有所相异之处,则以接收机为准,上海佳 明航电企业管理有限公司将不另外通知,若有疑问,欢迎 来电或询问上海佳明航电企业管理有限公司或正式授权的 经销商。
第八章 航线功能...........................47
8.1 创建航线 ............................................................................47 8.2 航线设置 ............................................................................49

新一代,苹果Apple Watch S4的Nike+版本已正式发售

新一代,苹果Apple Watch S4的Nike+版本已正式发售




但是Apple Watch Nike+是面向运动爱好者的,尤其是跑步爱好者,因为它预装了Nike Run Club应用程序,并且Apple Watch Nike+包括了该型号的独特拨号。






今年的Series 4耐克运动环形表带非常特别:它们不仅有颜色,而且苹果公司说它们是由反射纱线制成的,所以暴露在光线下可以反射光。


Nike 版本的Apple Watch Series 4 已经上市,不妨先去零售店观摩一波?。

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Apple Watch的满意度要好于首代iPhone和iPad。
按库克所说,Apple Watch的销量也要好于首代iPhone和iPad。
但是,进入六月,Apple Watch的销量开始下滑,库克也承认“不再是被一抢而空”。
但苹果必须要坚持ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ毕竟智能手表未来在可穿戴设备领域的统治地位十分明显。
总体来看,Apple Watch目前并未引爆市场,而且它面对的竞争对手还有很多,尤其是还要面对三星这个“老冤家”。
苹果今日发布财报,引人关注的Apple Watch,苹果并未公布其具体销量和营收。
苹果之前为Apple Watch做了大量准备。
Apple Watch有多个版本覆盖很多价格范围。
预订首日,美国市场的预订量甚至比Android Wear全年都要高。