

wincc 使用技巧

wincc 使用技巧

wincc 使用技巧WinCC是一款功能强大、灵活易用的人机界面软件。


1. 合理组织项目结构:在创建WinCC项目时,可以将各个功能模块按照逻辑关系进行分组,使用文件夹进行管理。


2. 使用模板和屏幕共享:在WinCC中,可以提前设计好一些常用的模板,包括图形、报表等,然后通过屏幕共享的方式在不同的屏幕中使用这些模板。


3. 使用标签和物理地址:在编写WinCC项目时,可以使用标签来代替具体的变量或地址,这样可以使项目更加灵活、易于维护。


4. 使用宏和脚本:WinCC提供了宏和脚本的功能,可以通过编写脚本来实现一些复杂的功能和逻辑。


5. 使用报表功能:WinCC提供了报表功能,可以方便地生成各种类型的报表,如小时报表、日报表、月报表等。


6. 使用WinCC OA配合使用:WinCC OA是一款用于企业级应用的盖世物联软件平台。

可以将WinCC和WinCC OA结合起来使用,通过WinCC OA提供的功能,实现数据采集、分析和远程监控等功能,从而实现工业自动化的目标。

7. 学习和掌握快捷键:在使用WinCC时,掌握一些常用的快捷键可以提高工作效率。







在WinCC 中如何在一个画面中显示不同的趋势图?显示订货号描述在同一个WinCC 在线趋势控件中,通过不同的按钮来选择显示不同测量点的曲线,有两种方法。

•选择1:用脚本分配变量•选择2:画中画技术两种方法都是在"Trend_Function_Main.PDL”,"Trend_Function_1.PDL”和"Trend_Function_2.PDL”画面中实现的.这几个画面可以在例子中找到.准备:变量“testvar1”和“testvar2"分别显示在两个在线控件Trend 1 和Trend 2 中。

No.步骤1在变量记录中,新建过程值归档“TestArchive”.2在归档中建立相应的变量归档(testvar1 and testvar2)。

Fig. 01选择1:WinCC V7。

0 中脚本分配变量在本例中,WinCC 在线趋势控件的名称为“Control1"。


分配由VBS 脚本或C 脚本完成. VBS 和C 脚本在文件“M1_button_assign_tag.txt”中。


步骤1将WinCC 在线趋势控件组态为显示最多趋势.2组态一个按钮(在对象选项板中选择“标准”>“窗口对象">“按钮”)。


4右键“鼠标动作"对应的闪电符号,选择VBS 动作.5通过如下脚本,创建一个对象(如“objCon1”) (C 脚本不需要创建对象)Dim objCon1Set objCon1 = HMIRuntime。

ActiveScreen.ScreenItems(”Control1")6将变量联系到相应的趋势中(Index 0 = Trend 1, Index 1 = Trend 2, 。


objCon1.Visible = 1objCon1.PictureName= ”Trend_Function_1。









3、Wincc假死Wincc假死后->开始->运行->cmd,进入命令行模式,然后输入“reset_wincc”回车,所有和wincc 相关的进程会全部复位,系统运行也就正常了。



6、趋势曲线标尺显示数据操作:再画面中添加控件wincc rulercontrol。


8、Wincc画面自适应,图形运行系统设置选中为调整画面,最大化最小化9、Wincc 初始化归档管理50%卡住一般是两种情况:1、文件夹中有中文字符2、项目所在磁盘空间不够,最小10G处理方法:1、在"运行",键入:reset_wincc.vbs,过一会出现ready,点击OK,WINCC复位。


一般就10、用变量切换画面11、wincc报错NO or invalid Project Context ASO cannot work correct并显示演示模式如题,最近WinCC V7又折腾了。

又打不开项目了,以前正常打开的项目,突然地,打开WinCC时,圆圈转了好几分钟,然后就报NO or invalid Project Context ASO cannot work correct。

解决方法:win+r 运行ReSet_WinCC.VBS12.wincc项目备份1)项目复制器备份2)直接复制压缩13.wincc项目删除首先:reset_wincc.vbs通过运行这个杀wincc进程的vbs脚本,强制把所有wincc相关的进程杀掉,提示ok 后,再次尝试删除文件夹。














wincc professional 用法-概述说明以及解释

wincc professional 用法-概述说明以及解释

wincc professional 用法-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述WinCC Professional是一款强大的人机界面软件,用于监控和控制自动化过程。


WinCC Professional的灵活性和可扩展性使其成为工业自动化领域的首选软件之一。

本篇文章将对WinCC Professional的使用方法进行详细介绍,包括安装和配置,基本功能和优势,以及一些注意事项。

在阅读完本文后,读者将能够全面了解WinCC Professional的特点和功能,并能够熟练地使用它来构建高效的监控系统。


首先,我们将介绍WinCC Professional的基本概念和特点,包括其所提供的功能和适用的行业领域。

然后,我们将详细讲解WinCC Professional的安装和配置过程,以便读者能够顺利地开始使用该软件。

接着,我们将探讨WinCC Professional的主要功能和优势,以及它在各种工业场景中的应用。

最后,我们将总结本文的内容,并提供一些使用WinCC Professional的注意事项,以帮助读者更好地应用该软件。

通过本文的阅读,读者将能够了解和掌握WinCC Professional的基本用法,从而能够利用该软件来实现工业自动化系统的监控和控制。

无论是从事工程设计还是从事工业控制的相关工作,WinCC Professional都将是一个非常有用的工具,能够提高工作效率和精确度。

希望本文对读者有所帮助,愿大家能够充分利用WinCC Professional的功能,取得更好的工作成果。
































WINCC脚本技巧WinCC(Windows Control Center)是西门子公司开发的一款用于监控与控制系统的人机界面软件。



一、脚本语言简介在WinCC中,脚本语言主要使用VBScript(Visual Basic Scripting Edition)编写。



二、脚本的基本语法1. 变量和常量在脚本中,可以定义变量来存储数据,如:```Dim ii = 10```此处定义了一个名为i的变量,并将其赋值为10。

在脚本中,还可以使用常量来存储固定值,如:```Const PI = 3.14159```此处定义了一个名为PI的常量,并将其值设置为3.14159。

2. 条件语句条件语句可以根据特定条件来执行不同的操作,如:```If i > 0 ThenMsgBox "i大于0"ElseIf i = 0 ThenMsgBox "i等于0"ElseMsgBox "i小于0"End If```此处根据变量i的值来执行不同的提示。

3. 循环语句循环语句可以重复执行一段代码,如:```For i = 1 To 10MsgBox iNext```此处使用循环语句输出1到10的数字。

三、常用的脚本技巧1. 控件操作脚本可以实现对界面中的控件进行操作,如修改文本框内容、显示隐藏控件等。


2. 数据处理脚本可以实现简单的数据处理,如对数据进行格式化、计算等。






1. Wincc视觉界面简介Wincc视觉界面是用于创建数据可视化和控制界面的工具,它提供了丰富的控件和功能,可以帮助用户快速构建复杂的监控和控制系统。


2. C脚本概述C脚本是Wincc视觉界面的重要组成部分,它使用C语言编写,可以实现复杂的数据处理和控制逻辑。


3. 创建C脚本工程在Wincc视觉界面中创建C脚本工程,需要遵循以下步骤:1. 打开Wincc视觉界面,创建一个新的项目。

2. 在项目中添加一个新的C脚本工程。

3. 双击工程文件,打开C脚本编辑器。

4. 编写C脚本在C脚本编辑器中,用户可以使用C语言编写脚本。

以下是一个简单的示例,实现了一个控件的显示和隐藏功能:// 导入头文件include "wincc.h"// 定义控件显示函数void ShowControl(int controlID) {// 获取控件句柄HWND hwndControl = GetDlgItem(hwnd, controlID);// 设置控件可见ShowWindow(hwndControl, SW_SHOW);}// 定义控件隐藏函数void HideControl(int controlID) {// 获取控件句柄HWND hwndControl = GetDlgItem(hwnd, controlID);// 设置控件不可见ShowWindow(hwndControl, SW_HIDE);}// 主函数int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {// 创建窗口CreateWindow(TEXT("对话框"), TEXT("示例窗口"),WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, 100, 100, 200, 200, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);// 添加控件CreateWindow(TEXT("按钮"), TEXT("显示"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 50, 50, 50, 30, NULL, (HMENU)1, NULL, NULL);CreateWindow(TEXT("按钮"), TEXT("隐藏"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 100, 50, 50, 30, NULL, (HMENU)2, NULL, NULL);// 注册消息处理函数MSG msg = {0};while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {TranslateMessage(&msg);DispatchMessage(&msg);}return 0;}5. 编译和运行C脚本在编写完C脚本后,需要进行编译和运行。








int gscAction( void )
INT a;
INT b;
if (b==4)
return 0;





如何使用C 或VBS 脚本通过新变量提供WinCC 在线趋势控件的单个趋势?显示订货号如何使用Tag Prefix 的属性?显示订货号说明:在WinCC Online Help 中,通过路径“WinCC Information System 〉Working with WinCC 〉VBS for Creating Procedures and Actions > VBS Reference > Characteristics > T > TagPrefix Property",可以看到关于Tag Prefix 属性的描述.只有重新加载画面后,对Tag Prefix 属性的任何更改才生效。

这在画面更改时自动发生;若不然,可以重新指定“Picture Name”属性。

下面两个图提供了可能的C 和VBS 脚本.如何使用一个通用的C函数来动态的获得对象属性的连接变量?显示订货号介绍:使用”GetLinkedVariable()"函数您可以读取连接到对象属性上的变量名称,”GetLinkedVariable ()”函数返回的变量名称首先需要检查,检查正确之后您可以利用该变量名称在您的子程序段中根据需要进一步处理,如读写该变量或者修改其他对象的属性。


{char*pszVarName = NULL;char szVarName[_MAX_PATH+1];////Read tag name of a direct connection//pszVarName = GetLinkedVariable(lpszPictureName,lpszObjectName,"OutputValue”);////检查返回值//if (strlen(pszVarName)〈= 0){printf("Error:the property is not linked to a WinCC tag!\r\n");}else if (strlen(pszVarName) >= sizeof (szVarName)){printf(”Error: the C tag occupies too little memory to be able to accept the complete tag name\r\n");}else{strncpy(szVarName,pszVarName,sizeof (szVarName));printf(”Info: szVarName=\"%s\”value=%f\r\n”,szVarName,value);//============================================////用户自定义的子程序段////============================================//At this point you can program your//application-specific code}}GetLinkedVariable:函数的参数:•lpszPictureName:指向当前画面的指针•lpszObjectName:指向当前对象的指针•”OutputValue”:对象属性的名称,该属性上连接着变量程序流程:1.GetLinkedVariable函数的返回值返回给程序内部变量pszVarName。






C脚本技巧以下是一些C脚本技巧,可以帮助您在Wincc画面生成中更高效地编写代码:1. 变量使用:合理使用变量可以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。




2. 条件语句:使用条件语句可以根据不同的情况执行不同的操作。




3. 循环语句:使用循环语句可以重复执行某段代码。




4. 函数封装:将常用的代码封装成函数,可以提高代码的重用性和可维护性。




5. 错误处理:在编写代码时,应考虑可能出现的错误,并进行相应的错误处理。




6. 调试技巧:在编写代码时,应养成良好的调试惯,通过使用断点、打印变量值等方式来调试代码,以确保代码的正确性。


7. 代码优化:在编写代码时,应尽量优化代码结构和算法,以提高代码的执行效率。








例如参数1为液位,参数2为a 举例1二进制变量“启动”控制电机启停BOOLa;a=GetTagBit(“启动”);if(a==0)SetTagBit(“启动”,1);举例2二进制变量“启动”控制电机启停BOOLa;staticinti=0;(类似inti;i=0;)a=GetTagBit(“启动”);if(a==0)i++;两者区别:不加static加static启动一次i=1启动一次i=1启动二次i=1启动二次i=2启动三次i=1启动三次i=3启动四次i=1启动四次i=43.WINCC中的运算符3.WINCC中的常用语句三、变量组态WINCC中的变量分为:内部变量、外部变量和C动作(函数中的变量)1.利用变量进行增减计数步骤1:进行画面构建,需要两个按钮和一个输入输出域(属性调整-)(变量、有变化时、输出)。



在WinCC 中如何在一个画面中显示不同的趋势图?显示订货号描述在同一个WinCC 在线趋势控件中,通过不同的按钮来选择显示不同测量点的曲线,有两种方法。

•选择1: 用脚本分配变量•选择2: 画中画技术两种方法都是在"Trend_Function_Main.PDL", "Trend_Function_1.PDL" 和"Trend_Function_2.PDL" 画面中实现的。


准备:变量“testvar1”和“testvar2”分别显示在两个在线控件Trend 1 和Trend 2 中。

No.步骤1 在变量记录中,新建过程值归档“TestArchive”。

2 在归档中建立相应的变量归档(testvar1 and testvar2)。

Fig. 01选择1:WinCC V7.0 中脚本分配变量在本例中,WinCC 在线趋势控件的名称为“Control1”。


分配由VBS 脚本或C 脚本完成。

VBS 和C 脚本在文件“M1_button_assign_tag.txt”中。

No.步骤1 将WinCC 在线趋势控件组态为显示最多趋势。

2 组态一个按钮(在对象选项板中选择“标准”〉“窗口对象”〉“按钮”)。

3 右键按钮选择属性,选择“事件”〉“按钮”〉“鼠标”。

4 右键“鼠标动作”对应的闪电符号,选择VBS 动作。

5 通过如下脚本,创建一个对象(如“objCon1”)(C 脚本不需要创建对象)Dim objCon1如何使用C 或VBS 脚本通过新变量提供WinCC 在线趋势控件的单个趋势?显示订货号说明:例如,在初始条件下,过程值归档"TestArchive" 中的变量"testvar1" 被分配给趋势控件的曲线1(图01)。

图. 01C 脚本:现在按下面的步骤利用C 脚本将过程值归档中的变量"testvar2" 分配给趋势控件的曲线1。




在这些系统中,WinCC(Windows Control Center)是一个常用的人机界面软件,它提供了丰富的功能和工具,可以帮助用户创建直观易用的操作界面。



通过在WinCC项目中使用分层显示,可以实现以下优势:1. 更好的可视化效果:通过将元素按照其功能进行分层显示,可以使界面更加清晰明了,用户可以更快速地理解和操作系统。

2. 提高用户体验:通过合理安排和布局图形元素,可以使用户更轻松地找到所需信息并进行操作,提高用户的工作效率和满意度。

3. 简化界面维护:通过将元素按照其功能进行分层显示,可以使界面的维护更加简化,当需要修改或更新某一层级的元素时,只需要对该层级进行修改,而不需要对整个界面进行调整。

二、WinCC分层显示的实现方法1. 建立分层结构:在WinCC项目中,首先需要根据实际需求建立分层结构。



2. 设计布局:在每个层级中,需要设计合适的布局,以使用户能够快速准确地找到所需元素。


3. 定义图形元素:在WinCC开发环境中,根据分层结构,定义和创建相应的图形元素,包括图形对象、按钮、文本框等。


4. 设置显示逻辑:根据分层显示的需求,设置元素的显示逻辑。



wincc 读数组 -回复

wincc 读数组 -回复

wincc 读数组-回复WinCC是一种用于监控和控制工业自动化系统的软件,它提供了一个强大而灵活的平台,可以实现数据采集、处理、存储和显示等功能。

在WinCC 中,读取数组是一个常见的操作,可用于访问、处理和显示一系列数据。






第二步:在WinCC中创建一个数组在WinCC中,创建一个数组可以通过以下步骤实现:1. 打开WinCC项目并选择一个编辑页面。

2. 右键单击页面中的一个空白区域,然后选择“插入”->“数组”。

3. 输入数组的名称、大小和元素的数据类型。




以下是一个示例代码:Dim myArray(10)For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)myArray(i) = iNext这个代码片段创建了一个大小为11的整数数组,并将0到10的整数依次赋值给数组中的元素。


以下是一个VBScript的示例代码,演示了如何读取数组并将其内容显示在WinCC的界面上:For i = 0 To UBound(myArray)Set objField = HMIRuntime.Fields.Item("myArray["+CStr(i)+"]") If Not objField Is Nothing ThenobjField.Value = myArray(i)End IfNext这个代码片段使用For循环遍历数组中的每个元素,并将其值赋给WinCC 界面上名为“myArray[i]”的字段。



在WinCC 中如何在一个画面中显示不同的趋势图?显示订货号描述在同一个WinCC 在线趋势控件中,通过不同的按钮来选择显示不同测量点的曲线,有两种方法。

•选择1: 用脚本分配变量•选择2: 画中画技术两种方法都是在"Trend_Function_Main.PDL", "Trend_Function_1.PDL" 和"Trend_Function_2.PDL" 画面中实现的。


准备:变量“testvar1”和“testvar2”分别显示在两个在线控件Trend 1 和Trend 2 中。

No.步骤1 在变量记录中,新建过程值归档“TestArchive”。

2 在归档中建立相应的变量归档(testvar1 and testvar2)。

Fig. 01选择1:WinCC V7.0 中脚本分配变量在本例中,WinCC 在线趋势控件的名称为“Control1”。


分配由VBS 脚本或C 脚本完成。

VBS 和C 脚本在文件“M1_button_assign_tag.txt”中。

No.步骤1 将WinCC 在线趋势控件组态为显示最多趋势。

2 组态一个按钮(在对象选项板中选择“标准”〉“窗口对象”〉“按钮”)。

3 右键按钮选择属性,选择“事件”〉“按钮”〉“鼠标”。

4 右键“鼠标动作”对应的闪电符号,选择VBS 动作。

5 通过如下脚本,创建一个对象(如“objCon1”)(C 脚本不需要创建对象)Dim objCon1如何使用C 或VBS 脚本通过新变量提供WinCC 在线趋势控件的单个趋势?显示订货号说明:例如,在初始条件下,过程值归档"TestArchive" 中的变量"testvar1" 被分配给趋势控件的曲线1(图01)。

图. 01C 脚本:现在按下面的步骤利用C 脚本将过程值归档中的变量"testvar2" 分配给趋势控件的曲线1。




  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Contents:ÄDynamic linking of TELEPERM M display blocks (2)ÄUse of the WinCC function ...Display selection using measuring points“........................3-4ÄORing of MKS bits into the collective overview display of WinCC. (5)ÄGeneration of a message subset (6)ÄSubsequent incorporation of the TELEPERM M channel message (6)ÄConfiguring your own window for system messages.....................................................7-8ÄCollective displays in the initial state "steady light" (9)ÄLinking image blocks to structure variables via OPC server (9)ÄHow is a Repair of PCS7/TM-OS or WinCC/TM-OS handled, if a hardware defect has occured? (9)ÄWhich PCS7/TM licences are required in wich system units? (10)ÄWhich software products are required for PCS7/TM-OS or WinCC/TM-OS installations?..............................................................................................................10-13ÄCompatibility between the software versions of PCS/TM-OS or WinCC/TM, Windows NT and WinCC or SIMATIC PCS 7-OS.....................................................13-14ÄKnown problems in PCS7/TM-OS or WinCC/TM-OS................................................14-15ÄWhat has to be done when the "Ok" buttons of the links are inactive inruntime mode? (15)ÄWhat does the message "Variable has already been registered" mean? (16)ÄCan I use any standard PC from Siemens or from a third-party manufacturer for a PCS7/TM-OS? (16)ÄUsing screen savers (16)ÄConfiguring an area-specific audible indicator with the multi-client............................16-17 Last modification: 11 May 2001Dynamic linking of TELEPERM M display blocksThe display blocks are usually linked to a fixed block invocation when configuring in the WinCC graphics designer. When called during runtime, they are thus coupled to the configured AS blocks.It is possible to link such a display block to another block invocation during runtime.To do this, it is necessary to configure a button, for example, in the display in which the display block is located. This button triggers the following action when clicked with the mouse:SetFaceplateTagName(lpszPictureName, ContainerName, BlockInvocation); 1 Example:(Var_RN is the name of the container, i.e. the object name of the OCX; AS0606_RN_101 is the block invocation.)A requirement is that the block has been configured with a valid block invocation. A limitation exists in that only the block which has been configured with a fixed link can be acknowledged, any other dynamically linked blocks cannot be acknowledged.This procedure has been implemented for the following blocks:all except SIt is also possible to define properties such as access privileges in the same call:SetPropDouble(lpszPictureName,"Var_RN","Bedber3", 9);A further method is to position the display in a standard display window using a block OCX per call. This can be carried out, for example, using the C script:SSMOpenTopField(Screen, pictureName)It is again possible to define further properties here such as access privileges.back ->1This function is provided by the SIMATIC PCS 7 libraries (Catalog Siemens\WinCC\aplib\Faceplates\. This catalog can be copied manually from the CD path Siemens\WinCC\aplib into the destination catalog, if it doesn't exist on the destination computer.Use of the WinCC function "Display selection using measuring points" 2Using the WinCC Wizard "(PCS7) image selection via measuring point” permits convenient creation of scripts for the selection of prototype images in group and loop image representation on the basis of mouse clicks.The following steps are required to use this function:1. Every measuring point which is to be called during runtime using the above function must beconfigured in the Tag Editor of WinCC.2This function is only available with WinCC V4.0x and with WinCC from V5.0/SP2 or PCS 7-OS software from V5.1 on.2. Two types of display must be configured for every type of measuring point, i.e. A block, B block etc.:@PG_typ.pdl for representation as a group display and@PL_typ.pdl for representation as a loop display.A display block (OCX) of the associated type is always present. It is essential for this display objectto have the name @Faceplate. The display block must be linked to any block invocation. It is not essential for the latter to be valid, but the property "tagname" must not be empty.The configuring procedure for supplying message and curve windows during display selection can be obtained from the displays supplied with the Basic Process Control option or the PCS7 display blocks, e.g. @PL_CTRL_PID.pdl.Using the WinCC wizard "(PCS7) image selection via measuring point" permits convenient script generation for the selection of prototype images in group and circuit representations based on mouse clicks.back ->ORing of MKS bits into the collective overview display of WinCC Produce a graphic display into which you insert the WinCC collective display element, and link this to the .EventState of the MKS block. Insert this display, for example, into the top picture level in the Picture Tree Manager. This measure is used to route the status of all bits of this MKS block into the overview.The routing of the status information stored by the AS in the variables .EventRaw#1 ... into the variable .EventState is carried out using the variables .EventTrans#1 ...In this example, all bits of this MKS block are to be routed to bit No. 25 in the EventState, i.e. the message class "I & C alarm 1"/message type "AS fault". (this is a flashing "S"; and can be modified in the WinCC graphics designer if required).According to the WinCC/TM description, page 2-17, all EventTrans#1 ... 4 must therefore be "99999999" in hexadecimal notation, i.e. decimal = -1717986919.(Note: if the routing is to be to bit No. 24, the EventTrans variables would be "88888888" in hexadecimal notation, i.e. decimal = -2004318072.)Modify the variables .EventTrans#1 ...#4 of the MKS block according to the following pattern:Start value = -1717986919Note:The TM_Rangierer program on the CD that contains the PCS7/TM-OS software permits the .EventTrans values to be determined easily.If one or more bits of the MKS block (= 1) are set, the messages are entered in the message system and the common display is entered in the overview behind the corresponding area ("system"). A single bit acknowledgement in MELD (new page) causes the display in the common display to blink until all messages are acknowledged.Note that this is a possibility for beginning the implementation of area-specific alarm signalling.back ->Generation of a message subsetThe TELEPERM M message generator also generates messages for all configured TELEPERM M function blocks. The following procedure is recommended if messages are not to be generated for all these function blocks but only for some of them:1.Create a block filter which only contains the blocks which are to generate messages.2.Carry out block importing.3.Start the message generator; messages are then created for the blocks imported above.4.Carry out block importing again using a block filter which contains the remaining blocks.Do not start the message generator again.Note:In this context please note the options offered by the TM_RangMeld tool. This tool and the related description can be found on the CD that contains the PCS7/TM-OS software.back -> Subsequent incorporation of the TELEPERM M channel message Rarely, it can be necessary that the message from the TELEPERM M channel must later be introduced in a project without having the message generator available for this purpose.1.Configure a message with the following properties in the alarm logging editor:Number:< 7-digit numberClass:OS Process Control System MessagesType:SystemEventTag :TM_MELD_RDVOrigin:TM_KANAL_MSGArea:Event:@6%s@Free5:TM_KANAL_MSGAcknowledgement tag:TM_MELD_RDVFormat DLL:nrmtelpm.dll2.Enter the message number of the message configured in paragraph 1 into the "Start value" of thevariable TM_KANAL_MSG.back ->Configuring your own window for system messagesIf you wish to display and acknowledge the system messages in a window separate from the process messages, you can use the acknowledgment button of the MW OneLine to open a message window which only displays the system messages.In this window it is possible to scroll into the past, acknowledge messages or acknowledge the audible signalling deviceFig.: Process display with window for system messagesConfiguration:1.In the Graphics Designer:Creating an OCX WinCC Alarm Control.Set the geometry of the OCX' to the image size (approximately B = 650 and H = 248).Save the image (under @Alarm_SysMeld_Win.pdl, for example).Fig.: Configuring of MW for system alarms2.In the @AlarmOneLine.pdl image 3At the acknowledgement button of the MW OneLine (Button34), insert the action as follows upon the mouse click event:#include "apdefap.h"void OnClick(char* lpszPictureName, char* lpszObjectName, char* lpszPropertyName){SSMOpenTopFieldFixedSize(SSMGetScreen(lpszPictureName),"@Alarm_SysMeld_Win.pdl");//Feedback type :BOOL }Translate the action and save the image.3.The message class OS I&C messages can be removed from the selection on the MW Newmessage page.From now on, the system messages are displayed when you click on the MW OneLine acknowledgement button.back ->3Caution! All modifications in this image will be overwritten when the Split Screen Wizard is executed again.Collective displays in the initial state “steady light”If a collective display shall indicate the “steady light” state immediately after WinCC has been started, this can be achieved by presetting the .EventState of the function block concerned to the start value of 65535. This measure must be configured for each block instance.back -> Linking image blocks to structure variables via OPC serverIf an image block shall be provided with information from another server, for example, the OPC channel will typically be used for this purpose. If, however, the structure variables are fetched via a variable browser from the so-called OPC server (server that supplies the information for the image block), the ….“ of the structure variables are replaced with …_“. To avoid this replacement, the following procedure is required in the so-called OPC client (server that processes the information of the OPC server):−Create the same structure variables as in the OPC server−Open the link under the OPC channel−Using the previously created structure variable, create a …New variable“ of the same name as in the OPC serverProvide the image block with block instance in the usual way.back -> How is a Repair of PCS7/TM-OS or WinCC/TM-OS handled, if a hardware defect has occured?1.Repair on site:−Task the authorized department (see Service Guidelines SIMATIC) with the repair.−Depending on the warranty status send warranty claims to Herr Zeier, A&D SE S21 S, in Karlsruhe.2.Procedure of a repair at the factory:−Send the unit together with a return advice note (Rücksendeankündigungsschein) to: S iemens AGA&D AS LZK RETH err Wenczel+49 (721) 595-4375Östliche Rheinbrückenstr. 5076181 Karlsruhe−This department generates a repair order with or without costs (depending on the warranty status).back ->Which PCS7/TM licenses are required in which system units?•PCS7/TM-OS communication packages with authorization in all PCS7/TM-OS servers or single-user systems on the system bus.•PCS7/TM communication packages without authorization in clients, too. Otherwise, the project cannot be started in the client. The same is true for the...\WinNT\system32\S7onlinx.dll file (part of S7DOS)!•PCS7/TM-OCX (NORA) program package with authorization in all devices that shall be used for operator input. In addition, in the unit that shall be used for configuration.•RC license with the number of variables according to the quantity framework wherever configuration shall be performed.•RT license with the number of variables according to the quantity framework wherever the database is located and configuration shall not be performed.•RT license with 128 variables in the client (PCS7/TM-OS operator terminal)back -> Which software products are required for PCS7/TM-OS orWinCC/TM-OS installations?a)WinCC/TM-OS on PCS 7-OS / WinCC V4.02 basis (E01/01 or later)The following software products are required for the installation of WinCC/TM-OS:•Windows NT WS V4.0 + SP5 for single-user system and terminal or Windows NT Server V4.0 + SP5 for servers•SIMATIC PCS 7-OS software V4.02 + SP2, each on CD-ROM (software license with multi-authorization diskette), in the variants:−OS software single-user, order no. 6ES7658-1XX02-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for single-user systems with up to 64 K variables−OS software server, order no. 6ES7658-2XX02-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for servers with up to 64 K variables−OS software terminal, order no. 6ES7658-3XX02-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for servers with 128 variables−OS software engineering, order no. 6ES7658-4XX02-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime and engineering) for engineering systems with up to 64 K variables•WinCC Option server mode (only for Windows NT) for version 5.0, order no. 6AV6371-1CA04-0AX6 (only required for the setup of a server with runtime + engineering)•WinCC/TM-OS software V1.05 + SP1, consisting of the following components: Communication packages for CS 275:−Order no. 6DS5125-1AX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM )−Order no. 6DS5125-1BX (for AS 220)−Order no. 6DS5125-1CX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM and AS 220)Communication packages for PROFIBUS-TM:−Order no. 6DS5126-1AX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM )−Order no. 6DS5126-1BX (for AS 220)−Order no. 6DS5126-1CX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM and AS 220)and WinCC/TM-OCX (NORA) with image blocks in TELEPERM M and PCS 7-Layout:−Order no. 6DS5030-1AX with additional text "for V1.05"Notes:Customer Support offer the SP2 for the WinCC or PCS 7-OS base software V4.02 on their Intranet site under Customer Support/ProdIS (product support; contribution number1179373) for download or ordering.From E01/01 onwards, the SP1 for the WinCC/TM-OS software V1.05 is a part of thedelivery scope of the above-mentioned communication packages/image blocks and isavailable to be downloaded from the TELEPERM M-Site in the Intranet.b)PCS7/TM-OS on PCS7-OS / WinCC V5.0 basis (up to E02/01)Installing PCS7/TM-OS requires the following software products:•Windows NT WS V4.0 + SP5 for single-user system and terminal or Windows NT Server V4.0 + SP5 for server.•SIMATIC PCS 7-OS-Software V5.0 + SP2 + WinCC-HF 4.3 or WinCC V5.0 + SP1 + HF3 + HF4.3, each on CD-ROM (software license with multi-authorization diskette), in the variants:−OS software single-user, order no. 6ES7658-1XX03-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for single-user systems with up to 64 K variables−OS software server, order no. 6ES7658-2XX03-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for servers with up to 64 K variables−OS software terminal, order no. 6ES7658-3XX03-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for servers with 128 variables−OS software engineering, order no. 6ES7658-4XX03-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime and engineering) for engineering systems with up to 64 K variables•WinCC-Option server mode (only for Windows NT) for version 5.0, order no. 6AV6371-1CA05-0AX0 (only required for the setup of a server with runtime + engineering)•PCS7/TM-OS software V2.0, consisting of the following components:Communication packages for CS 275 and PROFIBUS-TM:−Order no. 6DS5135-1AX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM )−Order no. 6DS5135-1BX (for AS 220)−Order no. 6DS5135-1CX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM and AS 220)and PCS7/TM-OCX (NORA) with image blocks in TELEPERM M and PCS 7 layout:−Order no. 6DS5030-1AXNote:PCS7-OS V5.0 + SP2 is currently delivered with a hotfix HF2. This hotfix must first be uninstalled. Subsequently, the WinCC hotfix 4.3 must be installed. This requires an additional file (CCDmGDO.dll) that can be requested from the "TELEPERM M" hotline in a project-specific way.c)PCS7/TM-OS on PCS7-OS / WinCC V5.0 basis (E02/01 or later)Installing PCS7/TM-OS requires the following software products:•Windows NT WS V4.0 + SP5 for single-user system and terminal or Windows NT server V4.0 + SP5 for server•SIMATIC PCS 7-OS software V5.0 + SP2 + HF2 + WinCC-HF5 or WinCC V5.0 + SP1 + HF5, each on CD-ROM (software license with multi-authorization diskette), in the variants:−OS software single-user, order no. 6ES7658-1XX03-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for single-user systems with up to 64 K variables−OS software server, order no. 6ES7658-2XX03-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for servers with up to 64 K variables−OS software terminal, order no. 6ES7658-3XX03-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime) for terminals with 128 variables−OS software engineering, order no. 6ES7658-4XX03-0YC0, with OS I&C software (runtime and engineering) for engineering systems with up to 64 K variables•WinCC option server mode (only for Windows NT) for version 5.0, order no. 6AV6371-1CA05-0AX0 (only required for the setup of a server with runtime + engineering)•PCS7/TM-OS software V2.0 + SP1, consisting of the following components:Communication packages for CS 275 and PROFIBUS-TM:−Order no. 6DS5135-1AX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM )−Order no. 6DS5135-1BX (for AS 220)−Order no. 6DS5135-1CX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM and AS 220)and PCS7/TM-OCX (NORA) with image blocks in the TELEPERM M and PCS 7 layout:−Order no. 6DS5030-1AXNotes:The hotfix HF2 for PCS 7-OS V5.0 SP2 is currently (version M1/01) delivered with the PCS 7-OS software.The SP1 for PCS7/TM-OS software V2.0 is a part of the delivery scope of the above-mentioned communication packages/image blocks and is available to be downloaded fromthe TELEPERM M site in the Intranet.The CCDmGDO.dll file is a part of the PCS7/TM-OS V2.0 SP1. However, it must beinstalled separately.d)PCS7/TM-OS on PCS7-OS V5.1 or WinCC V5.0 SP2 basis (from 05/01 on) Installing PCS7/TM-OS requires the following software products:•Windows NT WS V4.0 + SP5 for single-user system and terminal or Windows NT server V4.0 + SP5 for server•SIMATIC PCS 7-OS software V5.1 + HF2 or WinCC V5.0 + SP2 + HF2, each on CD-ROM (software license with multi-authorizationdiskette), in the variants:−OS software single-user:ðfor single-user systems with up to 64 K variables:OS I&C software (runtime), order no. 6ES7658-2AB04-0YC0ðfor single-user systems with up to 150 K variables:OS I&C software (runtime), order no. 6ES7658-2AB04-0YC0, and additionalOS Power Pack software V5.1 RT 64 K -> RT 150 K, order no. 6ES7658-2AC04-0YC5−OS software server:ðfor server with up to 64 K variables:OS I&C software (runtime), order no. 6ES7658-2BB04-0YC0ðfor server with up to 150 K variables:OS I&C software (runtime), order no. 6ES7658-2BB04-0YC0, and additionalOS Power Pack software V5.1 RT 64 K -> RT 150 K, order no. 6ES7658-2AC04-0YC5−OS software terminal:ðfor operator terminals with 128 variables:OS I&C software (runtime), order no. 6ES7658-2CX04-0YC0−OS software engineeringðfor single-user systems/server with up to 64 K variables:OS I&C software (runtime and engineering), order no. 6ES7658-2DB04-0YC0ðfor single-user systems/server with up to 150 K variables:OS I&C software (runtime and engineering), order no. 6ES7658-2DB04-0YC0, andadditional OS Power Pack software engineering V5.1 RC 64 K -> RC 150 K, order no.6ES7658-2DC04-0YC5•WinCC option server mode for version 5.0 (only for Windows NT), order no. 6AV6371-1CA05-0AX0 (only required for the setup of a server with runtime + engineering)•PCS7/TM-OS software V2.1, consisting of the following components:Communication packages for CS 275 and PROFIBUS-TM:−Order no. 6DS5136-1AX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM )−Order no. 6DS5136-1BX (for AS 220)−Order no. 6DS5136-1CX (for AS 23x and AS x88/TM and AS 220)and PCS7/TM-OCX (NORA) with image blocks in the TELEPERM M and PCS 7 layout:−Order no. 6DS5031-1AXNotes:The hotfix HF2 for PCS 7-OS V5.1 is currently delivered with PCS 7/TM-OS software.back -> Compatibility between the software versions of PCS7/TM-OS or WinCC/TM, Windows NT and WinCC or SIMATIC PCS7-OSThe following software compatibility list shows which versions of the individual software components are able to execute together:Legend:HF HotfixTMHF TELEPERM M hotfixSP Service packContinued on next page!-Cannot be usedx Can be usedIs only required if a project shall be ported from 4.01 to 4.02 or higher.Is only required if PGT is used or if AS 215 is employed.Is included in the PCS7/TM delivery.Can be requested via the TELEPERM M hotline if necessary. The faults that are eliminated herewith are described in the following FAQ report.Customer Support offer the SP2 for the WinCC or PCS 7-OS base software V4.02 on their Intranet site under Customer Support/ProdIS (Product support; contribution number 1179373) where it can bedownloaded or ordered.Although the file is a part of the SP1, it must be installed separately.back -> Known problems in PCS7/TM-OS or. WinCC/TM-OS♦Base software: Windows NT V4.0 + SP5 and WinCC V4.02 + SP1 + HF3The following problems are known when the communication packages/updates WinCC/TM-OS(6DS5125-..., 6DS5126-..., 6DS5030-..., 6DS5127-...), Version 1.05, are used:•In the event of a failure of the time master on the CS 275, the date is not switched over upon a date change.•OCX image blocks−NORA representation:F (2 values are not shown in group representation)FN (2 values are not shown in group representation)R (there can be incorrect operator inputs in the loop display)RE (incorrect display of controller parameters in the loop display)RK (there can be incorrect operator inputs in the loop display)RN (there can be incorrect operator inputs in the loop display)−Symbols: The unit is not read in the M block.Remedy:These problems are eliminated by the service pack SP1 for WinCC/TM V1.05. The SP1 can be downloaded from the TELEPERM M site in the Intranet.The SP1 requires SP2 for WinCC V4.02! Customer Support offer the SP2 for the WinCCor PCS 7-OS base software V4.02 on their Intranet site under Customer Support/ProdIS(product support; contribution number 1179373) where it can be downloaded or ordered.♦Base software:Windows NT V4.0 + SP5 and PCS7-OS-SW V5.0 + SP2 + WinCC HF 4.3 or WindowsNT V4.0 + SP5 and WinCC V5.0 + SP1 + HF3 + HF 4.3The following problems are known when the communication packages/upgrades/updates PCS7/TM-OS (6DS5135-..., 6DS5030-..., 6DS5128-...), version 2.0, are used:•When string variables are imported using the ORPA import wizard, the created string lengths are shortenedRemedy:Copy the CCDmGDO.dll file to the C:\Siemens\WinCC\Bin\CCStorage directory (the previous file must neither be moved nor renamed!) and restart WinCC.Next, you must clear the instances and ORPAs and create them again.The CCDmGDO.dll file may only be used in TELEPERM projects. It can be obtainedvia the TELEPERM M hotline (+49 (721) 595-4400.•For negative values, the .EventTrans is created with 0.Remedy:Copy the CCDmGDO.dll file to the C:\Siemens\WinCC\Bin\CCStorage directory (the previous file must neither be moved nor renamed!) and restart WinCC.Next, you must clear the instances and ORPAs and create them again.The CCDmGDO.dll file may only be used in TELEPERM projects. It can be obtainedvia the TELEPERM M hotline (+49 (721) 595-4400.•In the event of a failure of the time master on the CS 275, the date is not switched over upon a date change.Remedy:This problem is eliminated by the service pack SP1 for PCS7/TM-OS software V2.0.This service pack is available for download on the TELEPERM M site in the Intranet.•Disabling messages from new pageUp to now, the "Disabling and enabling messages" function has been released neither for SIMATIC PCS 7 nor for PCS7/TM-OS V2.Remedy:The "Disabling and enabling messages" function will be available with the PCS 7-OS software V5.1.•BaseData/AlarmLoggingWizardWhen configuring the audible indicator signals, alarm class 11 is overwritten and audible indicator signals cannot be configured for alarm classes greater than 10 (@SIGNAL1 ...).Remedy:The problem is eliminated by the PCS 7-OS software V5.1.•OCX image blocks−NORA representation:R (there can be incorrect operator inputs in the loop display)RE (incorrect display of controller parameters in the loop display)RK (there can be incorrect operator inputs in the loop display)RN (there can be incorrect operator inputs in the loop display)−Symbols: The unit is not read in the M block.−PCS7-similar representation:A_Motor (S2 strings of the required binary values are not read with dynamic block link)A_Ventil (S2 strings of the required binary values are not read with dynamic block link)F (incomplete message selection)FN (incomplete message selectionV (corruption of the X value)Remedy:This problem is eliminated by the service pack SP1 for PCS7/TM-OS software V2.0.This service pack is available for download on the TELEPERM M site in the Intranet.back -> What has to be done when the "Ok" buttons of the links are inactive in runtime mode?♦WinCC/TM V1.05:Use Hotfix0.reg to perform the registry entry (see also product information about WinCC/TM V1.05, page 5).♦PCS7/TM-OS V2.0:The behavior can not be corrected before PCS7/TM-OS V2.1 (compatible with PCS 7-OS softwareV5.1).back ->What does the message "Variable has already been registered" mean?The block (instance and parameter) that is contained in the identified variable exists again in the same BATA under a different connection name.Please remember during configuration that each BATA may have only one connection assigned.back -> Can I use any standard PC from Siemens or from a third-party manufacturer for a PCS7/TM-OS?A complete system represents a combination of hardware and software whose interaction has been tested. You obtain an operational PCS7/TM-OS when you buy a completely configured single-user system, server or operator terminal. All software components (operating system, base software,PCS7/TM-OS software, service packs and hotfixes) have already been installed in the hardware base that is defined in an application-specific manner.If you wish to use individual system components to compose a PCS7/TM-OS, and do not decide in favor of a completely configured PCS7/TM-OS operator system (order no. 6DL2204-.....-....), you will bear the full responsibility and will not receive any free support in the event of compatibility problems.back -> Using screen saversIf possible, you should not use any screen saver. Some of them use up to 100% of the CPU resources.back -> Configuring an area-specific audible indicator with the multi-clientRequirements:•The signal module has been installed in the multi-client.•The alarms have entries in the …area“ field (is necessary for area-specific signaling, but not for audible alarm) that correspond to the area name of areas in the topmost hierarchy level of the PictureTreeManager.Actions in the server:The area allocation of the alarms is defined in the server.Actions at the multi-client:•Execution of the AlarmLoggingWizards:Whether or not an area-specific selection of the alarms from the alarm archives of the servers shall be performed is defined at the multi-client. This must be marked by a cross.Furthermore, the alarm classes for the audible alarm are defined there (works also with alarm classes >10 from PCS 7-OS software V5.1 onwards).•Execution of the user administrator:…Enabling for area“ defines the access of the individual users to the individual areas. Depending on the logged-on user, only the enabled areas can be selected. The alarms from the alarm archives of the servers are selected for these areas only, and only the alarms that are filtered in this way produce a response of the audible indicator trigger according to their alarm class.。
