The Greek Myth


希腊神话Greek mythology英语ppt

希腊神话Greek mythology英语ppt

Hera (神后赫拉)
Zeus' wife and sister. Queen of the gods.
Goddess of marriage of marriageand childbirth and takes special care of married women.
Zeus is the son of Cronus and Rachel .He's in charge of the celestial.He is famous for his many affairs.Many gods of Olympus and Greek heroes is his children with different woman. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak.Zeus is frequently depicted by Greek artists in one of two poses: standing, striding forward, with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in majesty. 宙斯是克洛诺斯和瑞亚之子,掌管天界;以贪花好色著称,奥林匹斯的 许多神祇和许多希腊英雄都是他和不同女人生下的子女。他以雷电为武 器,维持着天地间的秩序,公牛和鹰是他的标志。宙斯经常被希腊艺术 家描述成两种姿势:站立,大步向前,把霹雳放在他举起的右手,或威严的坐 着。
Gaia is the Greek god of the earth,she is the mother of the gods, Zeus and other gods come from her.



In the realm of ancient narratives, the stories of the Greeks stand out as a testament to the rich tapestry of their culture and imagination. The myths of ancient Greece have been passed down through generations, captivating audiences with their tales of gods, heroes, and the human condition. These stories, deeply rooted in the beliefs and daily life of the ancient Greeks, offer a unique glimpse into their world and the values they held dear.One of the most fascinating aspects of Greek mythology is the pantheonof gods and goddesses that the people worshipped. At the center of this divine family was Zeus, the king of the gods, who ruled from the heights of Mount Olympus. His wife, Hera, the queen of the gods, was known for her jealousy and often sought to undermine her husbands exploits. The gods were depicted as powerful, yet flawed beings, reflecting the complexitiesof human nature.Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was revered for her intelligence and strategic prowess. She was the patron deity of the city of Athens, where the Parthenon stands as a testament to her influence. Apollo, the god of music, poetry, and prophecy, was celebrated for his artistic talents and his role as a healer. These deities, along with many others, formed a complex web of relationships and rivalries that played out in the myths.Heroes, too, were central figures in Greek mythology. The story of Hercules, or Heracles as he was known in Greece, is one of the most wellknown. Hercules was a demigod, the son of Zeus and a mortal woman, and was tasked with completing the Twelve Labors as penance for a terrible crime.His strength and perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges have made him a symbol of courage and determination.Another legendary hero is Perseus, who embarked on a perilous quest to rescue his mother and claim the throne of Argos. His encounter with Medusa, a Gorgon whose gaze could turn men to stone, is a tale filled with suspense and ingenuity. Perseus use of a mirrored shield to avoid direct eye contact with Medusa and his eventual beheading of the monster is a story that continues to resonate with themes of cunning and bravery.The story of Orpheus and Eurydice is a poignant tale of love and loss. Orpheus, a skilled musician, was so heartbroken by the death of his wife Eurydice that he journeyed to the Underworld to bring her back to life. His music moved even the cold heart of Hades, the god of the dead, who agreed to release Eurydice on one condition: Orpheus must not look back at her until they had both left the Underworld. Tragically, Orpheus inability to resist one final glance resulted in Eurydice being pulled back into the realm of the dead, a reminder of the fragility of human relationships and the consequences of our actions.Greek myths also served as cautionary tales, warning against the dangers of hubris, or excessive pride. The story of Icarus and his father Daedalus is a prime example. Daedalus, a skilled craftsman, created wings made of feathers and wax for himself and his son to escape from the island of Crete. However, Icarus, in his exuberance, ignored his fathers warnings and flew too close to the sun, causing the wax to melt and leading to his tragic fall into the sea.These myths were not only entertaining but also educational, imparting moral lessons and providing a framework for understanding the world. They were a means of preserving cultural identity and values, and they continue to influence modern literature, art, and even scientific nomenclature.The enduring appeal of Greek mythology lies in its timeless themes and its ability to explore the depths of human emotion and experience. The stories of gods and heroes, of love and loss, of triumph and tragedy, continue to captivate us, reminding us of our shared humanity and the universality of our struggles and aspirations. As we delve into these ancient tales, we find not only a reflection of the Greeks world but also a mirror to our own.。



Hestia(赫斯提亚): the goddess of the Hearth(灶台).
the god of war.
Hermes(赫尔墨斯): the god of thieves and commerce.
Hephaestus(赫斯菲托斯): the god of fire and the forge(熔炉).
He is the fastest of the gods.
He wears winged sandals, a winged hat, and carries a magic wand(棒).
他是奥林匹斯山上最聪明的 神。
他是速度最快的神,他脚生 双翼,头上戴有翅膀的帽子,手 里拿着魔杖。
Hephaestus 赫菲斯托斯
The archer, far shooting with a silver bow (弓箭).
He wore a purple robe. He usually sat in his bright eastern palace early in the morning and made ready to start his daily journey across the sky.
它在英语和文学作品方面的巨大影响力是无法形容的。英语中 的很多单词和语言表达方式都是来自希腊神话。
Gods Heroes
the old theogony : the Tians (旧神谱:奥林匹斯十二泰坦) the new theogony : the Gods (新神谱奥林匹斯十二主神)
Perseus (珀尔修斯) Jason (伊阿宋)
古希腊崇拜很多神, 古希腊的神被分为几组, 最古老一 组的被称为泰坦 , 由克罗诺斯领导。最强大的一组被称为奥林 匹斯山神。奥林匹斯山神由12个神组成 ,他们颠覆了泰坦时 期的规律。所有的奥林匹斯山神在某个方面都有着或多或少的 联系。他们的名字来自于他们居住的奥林匹斯山。



The culture influence of Greek mythologyThere is no doubt that the Greek myths open a window for peopleto observe and understand the culture of ancient Greek even the European.It has experienced a long time to emerge anddevelop into a richculture heritage with multi-ethnic and multi-language.Almost all the ancient Greeks think that the world is created and dominated by God. Although philosophers explain the God from image to contains very professionally, all these cannot affect people’s faith in God. For ancient Greeks, it is unbelievable if there is no God in the world. Gradually, the consciousness of God is all around people is more and more strong, finally evolving into Greek religion.Thus it can be seen; the ancient Greeks live in a religious era. In the field of human activities, no matter what they see and what they doare all intimately related with God. Even the coin isimprinted the God appearance to show its value and holy.The myths strengthenthe objective existence of the common understanding of God in the long history river. In the myths world, gods are in a similar mortal body to get alone withhuman beings; actually, they are understood as human beings. So the mythology and the image created by mythology made a huge impact for humans’ spiritual life.✧View of natureThe ancient Greeks try to use gods to explain all the existence in the world. They believe that the world is full of gods, and thus, all the phenomena in the world are deified. So Greeksdevelop a system to arrange the list of gods. The Greeks use their rich imagination to say that the highest mountain Olympus is the living place for gods. They explain that all kinds of natural phenomenaare regarded as the gods wills from which to reveal the future fortune.✧View of human natureThe core of the Greek myth is people-oriented.Myth is praised well, denounced the evil of the god, eulogize life and labor. In the Greek myth, each God each hero and each person has his own character. It does not like Chinese God as perfect great and mysterious. Ancient Greek god is the embodiment of the ancient Greek hero, their disposition is closed to people, and they both have the gods’ great andthe advantagesanddisadvantages of human,human get along with god freely. Sometimes, they make conspiracy even shoot each other for their own benefit. Such as the famous Odysseus design to killParamedes, great Achilles fall out with Agamemnon for spoils of war. Through the dramatic performance to show out human nature, and these heroes became the embodiment of natural force.The spirit of western cultureamong the pursuit of material utilitarianism and individualism as the center of the formation of life play a profound impact.Value of societyFrom the perspective of sociology, myth isthe basic of natural and social.In Greek Theology there are involved three systems, and the source of which is the combination of the dark night、ocean、the god Uranus and the goddess of Gaea. The farther development of myth describes the evolution of ruling group of three generations,namely,Uranus, Cronus and Zeus. Change of regime here has gone through hard struggle and even bloody conflict.After Zeus defeat Titan gods then ascended the throne of the world God dominate.Since then, Gods created a new area. Justice and order overcome brutal and chaotic; human beings put their idealsto a lofty status.Greek mythology has experienced a wealth of time changes and historical events;it almost becamethe basic material of literatureand artistic activities. The influencespread to Greece even to Europe.It not only entered from legend into singing, from singing into story; from story into the theater, and finally into the Greek epic, but also has greater impact on Roman culture. Since then, it found a way to enter into Latin and ancient German as Europe's cultural treasures.Today, the drama, poem, and other cultural activities are learned from the famous Greek mythology, as an important source of literary re-creation.。

greek myth

greek myth


The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between them. This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA.

Daphne(达芙妮)是太阳神(Apollo)所爱恋的美 女,喜欢恶作剧的爱神丘比特(Cupid)用金箭射中 了Apollo,用铅箭射中了Daphne,金箭点燃爱情, 铅箭熄灭爱情。这样,Apollo追求,Daphne逃避, 最后Daphne无处可逃,化作了月桂树。Apollo悲痛 万分,发誓要永远怀念她,让人们纪念她。Apollo 司音乐、诗歌等,因此古罗马人便用月桂树枝条编 成冠冕,奖励音乐、美术、体育竞赛和作战的胜利 者,“桂冠”就成了优胜的标志和荣誉的象征。

是宙斯与黑暗女神勒托(Leto)的儿子,阿耳忒弥斯 的孪生兄弟。阿波罗又名福波斯(Phoebus),意思 是"光明"或"光辉灿烂"。阿波罗是光明之神,在阿 波罗身上找不到黑暗,他从不说谎,光明磊落,所 以他也称真理之神。 阿波罗很擅长弹奏七弦琴,美妙的旋律有如天籁; 阿波罗又精通箭术,他的箭百发百中,从未射失; 阿波罗也是医药之神,把医术传给人们;而且由于 他聪明,通晓世事,所以他也是寓言之神。阿波罗 掌管音乐、医药、艺术、寓言,是希腊神话中最多 才多艺,也是最美最英俊的神只,阿波罗同时是男 性美的典型。
Narcissus 那西塞斯

一美少年因自恋水中的美影以致憔悴而 死化为水仙花 narcissus 以美貌自夸的青年; 水仙花;顾影自怜 narcissism 自我陶醉,自 恋

希腊神话The Legend of Narcissus

希腊神话The Legend of Narcissus

Narcissus hadn't seen his face until 16.He always go hunting in a forest where many goddesses played,one of the goddesses named Echo fell in love with Narcissus at first sight.Echo was talktive,which was her shortcoming, and usually interruptted others talk.
One day Narcissus losed his way and he raninto Echo.Echo wanted to express her love,but she couldn't say a compelet sentence. Therefore, Narcissus misunder -stood and refused her.Echo was heartbreaking and hid in the forest, repeating others' words over and over again. That is the origin of "echo"(回声)
• thank you
Thank You
• Narcissus sat at the lakeside all the time and saw the beauty frequently without feeling hunger and fatigue.Time went by,he ran out of his life and closed his eyes which were admired by others and himself.

Greek myth希腊神话

Greek myth希腊神话

普洛克儒斯忒斯的床 A Procrustean Bed普洛克儒斯忒斯是一个凶狠的拦路大盗,他被人们称为“铁床匪”。







the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑)“达摩克利斯”是希腊神话中暴君迪奥尼修斯的宠臣。





因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发。

Midas touch赚大钱的本领;事事处处能赚钱的本领典出古希腊传说.小亚细亚中西部有一古国叫弗里吉亚(Phrygia),国王迈达斯(Midas)贪恋财富,一心想成为世界上最富有的人.酒神狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)感恩于迈达斯对他以前一位老师的帮助,答应满足迈达斯请求的一切.于是迈达斯祈求神赐予他点物成金的法术.他如愿以偿的得到了点金术之后,到处点金,凡他所出没的东西都变成了金子.然而,变成金子的不仅只是石块,花朵和屋内的陈设,连食物和饮料,乃至他最心爱的小女儿也都变成了金子.最后,他只好祈求神解除他的点金术.酒神便让他到帕克托洛斯(Pactolus)河里去洗澡,以此收回他的魔力,一切才恢复了原样. 根据这一故事,人们便用the Midas touch喻指―赚大钱的本领‖,―事事处处能赚钱的本领‖.该短语常与动词have连用。

greek myth 希腊神话相关英语介绍

greek myth 希腊神话相关英语介绍

• Percy is a sixteen-year-old teenager who appears to be dyslexic, but has a unique ability to stay underwater for a long time. While on a school trip to the local museum, Percy is attacked by a Fury disguised as his substitute teacher, who demands the lightning bolt. • Three days later, Percy wakes up in the camp. He learns that he is the son of Poseidon, that Grover is a disguised satyr and his protector, and that Mr. Brunner is the centaur Chiron, also initially disguised. Chiron suggests that Percy go to Mount Olympus to convince Zeus of his innocence. Percy is visited by a fiery apparition of his uncle Hades, who reveals that Sally is with him in the Underworld and that he will return her safely if Percy hands over the lightning bolt. Defying Chiron's orders, Percy decides to go to the Underworld, joined by Grover and Annabeth.



希腊神话英语词源词根Greek mythology has greatly influenced the English language, and many English words have their origins in Greek mythology. Here are some common English words and their etymological roots in Greek mythology:1. Atlas: The word "atlas" comes from the Greek titan Atlas, who was condemned to hold up the heavens for eternity. In English, an atlas refers to a collection of maps.2. Chronology: The word "chronology" is derived from the Greek word "khronos," meaning time. In Greek mythology, Chronos was the personification of time.3. Narcissism: The term "narcissism" originates from the Greek myth of Narcissus, a handsome young man who fell in love with his own reflection. It refers to excessiveself-love or vanity.4. Nemesis: The word "nemesis" comes from the Greek goddess Nemesis, who was the personification of divine retribution and vengeance. In English, it refers to an inescapable punishment or a formidable rival.5. Odyssey: The term "odyssey" is derived from the epic poem "Odyssey" by the ancient Greek poet Homer. It refersto a long and adventurous journey.6. Pandora's Box: The phrase "Pandora's Box" originates from the Greek myth of Pandora, the first woman created by the gods. She was given a box (jar) by the gods, which she was instructed not to open. Curiosity got the better of her, and when she opened the box, all the evils of the world escaped. In English, "Pandora's Box" refers to a source of unforeseen troubles or complications.7. Tantalize: The word "tantalize" comes from the Greek myth of Tantalus, who was punished in the afterlife bybeing placed in a pool of water with fruit hanging above him. Whenever he tried to drink the water or eat the fruit, they would recede from his reach. In English, "tantalize"means to torment or tease someone with something desirable but out of reach.8. Herculean: The term "Herculean" is derived from the Greek hero Hercules, known for his incredible strength and numerous feats. In English, "Herculean" refers to a task or challenge that requires great strength or effort.These are just a few examples of how Greek mythology has influenced the English language and provided us with words and phrases that we use today. The rich and fascinating stories from Greek mythology continue toinspire and shape our language and culture.。

Greek myth希腊神话

Greek myth希腊神话

普洛克儒斯忒斯的床 A Procrustean Bed普洛克儒斯忒斯是一个凶狠的拦路大盗,他被人们称为“铁床匪”。







the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯之剑)“达摩克利斯”是希腊神话中暴君迪奥尼修斯的宠臣。





因此the sword of Damocles就成了“富贵中隐藏的危险”的同义语,也可以指形势危急,千钧一发。

Midas touch赚大钱的本领;事事处处能赚钱的本领典出古希腊传说.小亚细亚中西部有一古国叫弗里吉亚(Phrygia),国王迈达斯(Midas)贪恋财富,一心想成为世界上最富有的人.酒神狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)感恩于迈达斯对他以前一位老师的帮助,答应满足迈达斯请求的一切.于是迈达斯祈求神赐予他点物成金的法术.他如愿以偿的得到了点金术之后,到处点金,凡他所出没的东西都变成了金子.然而,变成金子的不仅只是石块,花朵和屋内的陈设,连食物和饮料,乃至他最心爱的小女儿也都变成了金子.最后,他只好祈求神解除他的点金术.酒神便让他到帕克托洛斯(Pactolus)河里去洗澡,以此收回他的魔力,一切才恢复了原样. 根据这一故事,人们便用the Midas touch喻指―赚大钱的本领‖,―事事处处能赚钱的本领‖.该短语常与动词have连用。



Hephaestus 赫菲斯托斯
Unlike most other gods, Hephaestus is lame, which is the god of fire and the forge . He is ugly but kindhearted. His wife was Aphrodite who was the most beauitful goddness.
Poseidon is the god of the sea, and, as "EarthShaker," of earthquakes in Greek mythology. He is widely worshiped by seamen. he was integrated into the Olympian gods as the brother of Zeus and Hades. His weapon is a trident ( 三叉戟), which can shake the earth and shatter(粉 碎) any object.
Hera 赫拉
Hera is the wife and one of three sisters of Zeus. She is the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Hera was known for her jealous and vengeful nature, most notably against Zeus' lovers and offspring. Paris offended her by choosing Aphrodite as the most beautiful goddess, earning Hera's hatred.



古希腊神话作文梗概英语Greek mythology is a collection of myths and legends that were told by the ancient Greeks to explain the world around them. The myths were passed down from generation to generation and were often used to teach important lessons about life, morality, and the gods.One of the most famous stories from Greek mythology is the tale of Perseus. Perseus was the son of Zeus and a mortal woman named Danae. His grandfather, King Acrisius, was told by an oracle that his daughter's son would one day kill him. To prevent this from happening, Acrisius locked Danae and her newborn son in a chest and threw them into the sea.The chest washed up on the island of Seriphos, where Perseus was raised by a fisherman and his wife. As he grew older, Perseus became determined to prove himself and set out on a quest to kill the Gorgon Medusa, a monster with snakes for hair whose gaze turned men to stone.With the help of the gods, Perseus was able to slay Medusa and return home a hero. Along the way, he rescued Andromeda, a princess who had been chained to a rock as a sacrifice to a sea monster. Perseus married Andromeda and returned to Seriphos, where he used Medusa's head to turn King Polydectes and his followers to stone.Another famous story from Greek mythology is the tale of the Trojan War. According to legend, the war was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans after the Trojan prince Paris abducted Helen, the wife of the Greek king Menelaus.The Greeks sailed to Troy and laid siege to the city for ten years. The war was filled with epic battles and heroic deeds, including the famous story of Achilles, a Greek warrior who was invulnerable except for his heel.In the end, the Greeks were victorious and Troy was destroyed. The story of the Trojan War has been retold countless times in literature, art, and film, and remains one of the most enduring tales of Greek mythology.Other famous stories from Greek mythology include the adventures of Odysseus, the twelve labors of Hercules, and the creation of the world by the gods. These stories continue to captivate audiences today and serve as a reminder of the enduring power of myth and legend.。



古希腊神话作文读后感英文After reading the Greek mythology, I felt like I was transported to a whole new world filled with powerful gods, epic battles, and timeless love stories. It's amazing how these ancient tales still have the ability to captivate and inspire us today.The characters in Greek mythology are so larger than life, each with their own flaws and strengths. It's fascinating to see how these gods and goddesses interactwith each other and with humans, shaping the world in the process.The stories are filled with drama, betrayal, and unexpected twists. It's like watching a soap opera, butwith more thunderbolts and magical creatures. The unpredictability of the plot kept me on the edge of my seat, eager to find out what would happen next.One thing that struck me is the timeless themes presentin these myths. Love, jealousy, revenge, and the struggle for power are all still relevant in today's world. It's a reminder that human nature hasn't changed much over the centuries.The vivid imagery and descriptive language used in the myths really brought the ancient world to life for me. I could almost imagine myself standing on Mount Olympus or sailing with the Argonauts. It's a testament to the power of storytelling.Overall, reading Greek mythology was a thrilling and eye-opening experience. It's a reminder of the enduring power of these ancient tales and their ability to resonate with readers of all ages.。



有关西方神话的英语作文Western mythology is full of fascinating stories and characters that have captivated people for centuries. From the Greek gods and goddesses to the Norse legends of Thor and Odin, these myths have been passed down through generations and continue to influence literature, art, and popular culture today.The Greek myths are filled with larger-than-life characters, from the mighty Zeus, king of the gods, to the beautiful Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. These stories are full of drama, betrayal, and epic battles that have inspired countless works of art and literature.In Norse mythology, we find a different kind of hero in the form of Thor, the thunder god, and his father Odin, the all-father. These myths are steeped in a sense of doom and destiny, with the gods and mortals alike facing an inevitable end in the form of Ragnarok, the end of the world.One of the most enduring themes in Western mythology is the idea of the hero's journey, as seen in the stories of Hercules, Perseus, and many others. These heroes often face incredible challenges and must overcome great odds to achieve their goals, serving as inspiration for countless tales of adventure and bravery.The creatures of Western mythology are just as diverse and fascinating as the heroes and gods. From the terrifying Medusa with her snake-like hair to the noble and majestic unicorns, these mythical creatures continue to capture our imaginations and appear in stories and art to this day.Whether it's the epic battles of the gods, the heroic quests of mortals, or the strange and wondrous creatures that inhabit these myths, Western mythology continues to be a rich source of inspiration and wonder for people around the world.。



介绍神话故事的作文少于350字英文回答:There are many fascinating mythological stories that have been passed down through generations. One such story is the Greek myth of Pandora's Box. According to the myth, Pandora was the first woman created by the gods. She was given a box as a gift and was told never to open it. However, her curiosity got the better of her and shecouldn't resist opening the box. As soon as she did, all the evils of the world escaped and spread across the earth. Pandora quickly closed the box, but it was too late. Only hope remained inside.This myth teaches us an important lesson about the consequences of our actions. Pandora's curiosity led to the release of all the evils, symbolizing the troubles and hardships that exist in the world. However, the presence of hope reminds us that even in the face of adversity, there is always a glimmer of light.Another intriguing myth is the Chinese myth of the Monkey King. This myth tells the story of a monkey who gained incredible powers and became the ruler of the monkeys. He was mischievous and rebellious, often causing trouble in heaven. The gods decided to punish him by imprisoning him under a mountain for 500 years. However, the Monkey King was determined to regain his freedom. He embarked on a journey to seek enlightenment and eventually became a powerful and wise figure.This myth teaches us about the power of perseverance and self-improvement. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, the Monkey King never gave up on his quest for freedom and knowledge. His transformation from a troublemaker to a wise leader shows us that with determination and hard work, we can overcome any obstacles in our lives.中文回答:有许多迷人的神话故事流传了几代人。



希腊神话英文读后感Greek Mythology: A ReflectionGreek mythology is a rich and fascinating tapestry of stories that has captivated people for centuries. These ancient tales of gods, heroes, and monsters have not only entertained generations, but also provided valuableinsights into the human condition and the world around us.One of the most striking aspects of Greek mythology is its portrayal of the gods and goddesses. Unlike the monotheistic religions that dominate the world today, the Greeks believed in a pantheon of deities, each with their own unique personalities, powers, and flaws. These gods and goddesses were not distant and unknowable beings, but rather, they were often depicted as being very human intheir emotions and actions. They could be jealous, vengeful, loving, and compassionate, just like the mortals they ruled over. This humanization of the divine is a powerfulreminder that even the most powerful beings are not immuneto the complexities of the human experience.The stories of Greek mythology also offer a window into the values and beliefs of the ancient Greeks. Many of the myths revolve around themes of heroism, sacrifice, and the struggle between good and evil. The heroes of these myths, such as Hercules, Perseus, and Theseus, are often faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges and must rely on their wits, strength, and courage to overcome them. These stories serve as timeless reminders of the importance of perseverance and determination in the face of adversity.In addition to the heroic tales, Greek mythology also delves into the darker aspects of human nature. The myths are filled with cautionary tales of hubris, greed, and the destructive consequences of unchecked ambition. The story of Icarus, for example, serves as a warning against the dangers of arrogance and overreach. These moral lessons are as relevant today as they were in ancient times, reminding us of the timeless truths about the human condition.Furthermore, Greek mythology also offers a uniqueperspective on the natural world. Many of the myths are set against the backdrop of the Greek landscape, and the gods and goddesses are often associated with natural phenomena such as the sun, moon, and sea. The stories of Demeter and Persephone, for example, explain the changing of the seasons, while the tale of Poseidon illustrates the power and unpredictability of the sea. Through these myths, the ancient Greeks sought to make sense of the world around them and find meaning in the forces of nature.Overall, Greek mythology continues to endure because it speaks to universal truths about the human experience. The stories of love, loss, triumph, and tragedy are as relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. The characters and themes of Greek mythology have inspired countless works of art, literature, and music, and they continue to capture the imagination of people around the world.In conclusion, Greek mythology is a treasure trove of timeless stories and wisdom that continues to resonate with people of all ages. Whether it's through the heroicexploits of the gods and heroes, the moral lessons embeddedin the myths, or the insights into the natural world, Greek mythology offers a rich and enduring reflection of the human experience. It is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the enduring relevance of ancient wisdom.。



六年级英语神话理解单选题60题1. In the myth of Hercules, Hercules is known for his _____.A. kindnessB. strengthC. wisdomD. cowardice答案:B。


选项A“kindness”( 善良)不是赫拉克勒斯的主要特点;选项C“wisdom”( 智慧)也并非他最突出的特质;选项D“cowardice”( 怯懦)与赫拉克勒斯的形象完全不符。

而赫拉克勒斯以其强大的“strength”( 力量)闻名。

2. The Greek god Zeus is often described as _____.A. gentleB. cruelC. powerfulD. weak答案:C。

宙斯在希腊神话中通常被描绘为“powerful”( 强大的)。

选项A“gentle” 温和的)不符合宙斯的形象;选项B“cruel” 残忍的)不是对他最准确的描述;选项D“weak”( 弱小的)与宙斯的地位和能力相悖。

3. In the myth of Pandora, Pandora is remembered for her _____.A. braveryB. curiosityC. honestyD. laziness答案:B。

潘多拉在神话中因她的“curiosity”( 好奇心)而被铭记。

选项A“bravery”( 勇敢)并非潘多拉的主要特点;选项C“honesty”( 诚实)也不符合她的形象;选项D“laziness” 懒惰)与潘多拉无关。

4. The Norse god Thor is famous for his _____.A. speedB. intelligenceC. hammerD. humor答案:C。


选项A“speed”( 速度)不是索尔的显著特点;选项B“intelligence” 智慧)也不是他的主要特质;选项D“humor”(幽默)并非索尔被广泛知晓的原因。



Greek myth story has handed down for about more than three thousand years. Brilliant and grand scenes, vivid and distinct personalities, exquisite and flexural plot, so it was overwhelmed by all over the world readers. The Greek myth story is the same as the Bible that has a comprehensive influence to the whole human religious, philosophy, thoughts, customs, natural science, literature and art. When we contact with the western culture, we will meet some literary quotation that almost comes from the Greek myth story, and almost all the classical western literary can find the plot or characters that involved or directly originated from Greek mythology. Just as the Bible we need understand, we also should know the myth stories. That not just a literary works, also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries. If we want to know western culture, we need to read this book. It is a summary about gods and heroes story of the ancient Greek nation. It mixed up the real life with the fantasies.In the first chapter, it mainly talked about the Prometheus, who was only seed of the ancient god family that exiled by Zeus. He is intelligent and wise, created human beings according to the god’s appearance, and stuffs they need. All Prometheus did was caused Zeus’ envy, and stole fire make him tied in the mountain and peckedby the eagle sent by Zeus. Then the story begins from here.The chapter two talked about the era of the humans. The God began to create the first generation of human that is the golden generation. They lives happily and had a peaceful ending. Then god created the second generation of human with silver. They are fall into the abyss of suffering due to their immature in spirit and the wanton behavior. Zeus was angry and destroy them create the next generation called bronze. They’re rude and cr uel always fighting with each other. The fourth generation was we called half-god; they’re more justice and fair. But a ancient poet who exclaim over the fifth time he lived, ‘they made by black iron, they thoroughly corrupt, completely destroyed, and is full of pain and iniquity; they anxiety and distress for day and night, no peace;God only constantly add new worry to give them. There is no hope for human but despair and pain ’. So we can conclude that the man in that time in the western they also lived very pain. Full of hatred between human beings, brothers is not honest and love each other, white-haired parents gets no respect and compassion, old man is abused. Such a painful and disappointed world.Whatever the Zeus, the main god and also has abundant emotions, just like man. And his wife Hera is the daughter of Cronus, and in charge of the family and marriage, she has a strong jealousabout whom his husband loved, she also was the symbol of the power. This phenomenon was showed by several chapters. And some chapters were talked about some heroes worshipped in that situation. So in other words, it was an ideal product of the bad social condition, was the pain people's spiritual pillar, just as the Bible. The miserable people can’t change the lives and bad conditions, but only obtains psychological comfort. Although there is no god, but we learned that the Greek myth story which reflect the culture the history and the human mental outlook is nice and eternal. It records infinite ideal and hope for the human pursuit in life, but at the same time, how much inventory of the human to strive for and spatter of tears and laughing.The Greek myth is a heavy book. Many of the characters and complex relations make the person annoyed, make a person impatient; But many appalling things and make the person feels depressive, boring, and even asphyxia. Although Greek mythology is mainly sing praise to heroes, but I think also deeply expose and criticize the ugly humanity. Greek mythology it is a treasury of knowledge for human nature criticism. Family love can be false. Today maybe still be your brother, tomorrow may become your enemy. Love is not reliable make people easy to think of perishable food, difficult to preservation for a long-term. Lusts hoodwink theheart, killing and revenge filled with the world, killing cause vengeance, vengeance and repetitive killing. Even god also exist human selfishness and ugly. Zeus in this aspect reflects particularly special. Although he is the Lord of the gods, but there is no that kind of emperor feeling who should behave. He is infatuated with worldly woman, or incarnation spirit beast, or incarnation, handsome, close to lure beautiful woman, everywhere leave merry seed. The woman knew that he was the Lord of all gods besides accept this destiny, can still how to do? Nothing. Zeus's wife Hera jealousy extremely heavy. As the same victims for the women, she not only did not give enough sympathy, but resent and revenge in their body, as if someone else is seduce her husband not her husband cheat others. The unhappy or angry between this couple, directly caused the pain of others. Iraq is one of the typical victims.When Zeus know he seduce the Iraq things have been known by Hera, he put the Iraq into a cow in order not to let Hera find the Iraq. But it still make Hera found out, she sent a servant guarded the Iraq. From now on Iraq cannot back to home even she has family, they cannot recognize each other even loved ones near at hand, the worst is leave their homes and the undertake the lovesickness .Greek mythology to person to god has made a real show, not whitewash light, and also do not cover the darkness. Not because he is a hero and cover the mean, not because he is god and conceal itshypocrisy. Criticism of human nature is deeply rooted in this soil, so critical to appear deep powerful.Through man’s fantasy, with a kind of involuntary artistic way processed natural and social form is made by imagination and the aid of imagination to conquer nature, control the forces of nature to visualize ". So the myth is an exploration of human nature and ego and natural and self -relationship. Marx said that.Now whatever the stories or movies both originate from the Greek myths. It not only a classical literary, but a great reference for us. We can learn not only interesting things but encyclopedic information. In the west, more or less you know about the myths, always becomes a measure for man’s education degree. Greek mythology had already become an integral part of the whole western culture shall be, and constantly affect the western social culture and the development of literature and art. Many of the plots of Greek myth now have changed to some the most basic structure of western culture. Through the interpretation of Greek mythology of the human nervous, it is laid the foundation for today’s western social moral and ethical structure.。

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Persephone - Persephone was the Queen of the Underworld and the daughter of Demeter. Persephone is the goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology. She is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, goddess of the harvest.

Aphrodite - The goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite loved and was loved by many gods and mortals. Among her mortal lovers, the most famous was perhaps Adonis

Hades - He was made lord of the underworld, ruling over the dead. He is a greedy god who is greatly concerned with increasing his subjects. Those whose calling increase the number of dead were seen favorably by him. He was also the god of wealth, due to the precious metals mined from the earth.

Poseidon - God of the sea. His weapon was a trident, which could shake the earth, and shatter any object. He was second only to Zeus in power amongst the gods.

Hestia - Virgin goddess of the hearth. She was the symbol of the house, around which a new born child was carried before it was received into the family.

Athena - or Pallas-Athena, is one of the most important goddesses in Greek mythology. Goddess of wisdom, war, the arts, industry, justice and skill. Athena sprang full-grown and armoured from the forehead of the god Zeus and was his favourite child.
The Greek Myth

Principal Gods

Chaos - in one ancient Greek myth of creation, the dark, silent abyss from which all things came into existence.

Gaea - She was the mother and wife of Father Heaven, Uranus. They were the parents of the first creatures.

Ares - God of war. He was very aggressive. He was unpopular with both gods and humans. Ares was mainly worshipped in Thracia.

Hephaestus - God of fire and metalwork. He was born lame and weak, and shortly after his birth, he was cast out of Olympus. In most legends, however, he was soon honoured again on Olympus and was married to Aphrodite, goddess of love, or to Aglaia, one of the three Graces.

Apollo - Apollo was primarily a god of prophecy. He sometimes gave the gift of prophecy to mortals whom he loved, such as the Trojan princess Cassandra.

Eros - The god of love. He was thought of as a handsome and intense young man, attended by Pothos ("longing") or Himeros ("desire").

Erebus - Personification of the darkness of the Underworld and the offspring of Chaos.