IC datasheet pdf-MAX16010, MAX16011, MAX16012, MAX16013, MAX16014,pdf (Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Prot
PDSP1601/PDSP1601A 1The PDSP1601 is a high performance 16-bit arithmetic logic unit with an independent on-chip 16-bit barrel shifter.The PDSP1601A has two operating modes giving 20MHz or 10MHz register-to-register transfer rates.The PDSP1601 supports Multicycle multiprecision operation. This allows a single device to operate at 20MHz for 16-bit fields, 10MHz for 32-bit fields and 5MHz for 64-bit fields.The PDSP1601 can also be cascaded to produce wider words at the 20MHz rate using the Carry Out and Carry In pins. The Barrel Shifter is also capable of extension, for example the PDSP1601 can used to select a 16-bit field from a 32-bit input in 100ns.APPLICATIONS s Digital Signal Processing s Array Processing s Graphicss Database AddressingsHigh Speed Arithmetic ProcessorsFEATURESs 16-bit, 32 instruction 20MHz ALUs 16-bit, 20MHz Logical, Arithmetic or Barrel Shifter s Independent ALU and Shifter Operation s 4 x 16-bit On Chip Scratchpad Registers s Multiprecision Operation; e.g. 200ns 64-bit Accumulates Three Port Structure with Three Internal Feedback Paths Eliminates I/O Bottlenecks s Block Floating Point Supports 300mW Maximum Power Dissipations84-pin Pin Grid Array or 84 Contact LCC Packages or 100 pin Ceramic Quad Flat PackASSOCIATED PRODUCTSPDSP16112Complex MultiplierPDSP1611616 x 16 Complex Multiplier PDSP16318Complex Accumulator PDSP16330Pythagoras ProcessorFig.1 Pin connections - bottom viewORDERING INFORMATIONPDSP1601 MC GGCR 10MHz MIL883 Screened -QFP packagePDSP1601A BO AC 20MHz Industrial - PGA packageN.BFurther details of the Military grade part are available in a separate datasheet (DS3763)PDSP1601/PDSP1601AALU and Barrel ShifterDS3705ISSUE 3.0November 1998PDSP1601/PDSP1601A2FunctionGNDC8C9C10C11C12C13C14C15OEBFPVCCCORA0RA1RA2CIIA0IA1IA2IA3AC pinF9F11E11E10E9D11D10C11B11C10A11B10B9A10A9B8A8B6B7A7C7AC pinJ6J7L7K7L6L8K8L9L10K9L11K10J10K11J11H10H11F10G10G11G9FunctionIS0IS1IS2IS3SV0SV1SV2SV3SVOERS0RS1VCCRS2C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7AC pinF3G3G1G2F1H1H2J1K1J2L1K2K3L2L3K4L4J5K5L5K6FunctionGNDMSA0MSA1A15A14A13A12A11A10A9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0CEAMSCAC pinC6A6A5B5C5A4B4A3A2B3A1B2C2B1C1D2D1E3E2E1F1PIN DESCRIPTIONFunctionIA4MSBMSSB15B14B13B12B11B10B9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0CEBCLKGC51525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475GC26272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950SIGN/CN/CN/CN/CVCCC0RA0RA1RA2CIIA0IA1IA2IA3IA4MSBMSSB15B14B13B12B11B10B9B8SIGN/CN/CN/CN/CB7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0CEBCLKGNDMSA0MSA1A15A14A13A12A11A10A9A8SIGN/CN/CN/CN/CA7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0CEAMSCIS0IS1IS2IS3SV0SV1SV2SV3SVOERS0RS1GC767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100SIGN/CN/CN/CN/CVCCRS2C0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7GNDC8C9C10C11C12C13C14C15OEBFP GC12345678910111213141516171819202122232425N/C = not connected - leave open circuitAll GND and VDD pin must be usedhttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A3Symbol MSB MSS B15 - B0CEB CLKMSA0 - MSA1A15 - A0CEA MSC IS0 - IS3SV0 - SV3SVOERS0, RS1RS2C0 - C15OE BFP CO RA0 - RA2CI IA0 - IA3IA4Vcc GND DescriptionALU B-input multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.Shifter Input multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.B Port data input. Data presented to this port is latched into the input register on the rising edge of CLK. B15 is the MSB.Clock enable, B Port input register. When low the clock to this register is mon clock to all internal registered elements. All registers are loaded, and outputs change on the rising edge of CLK.ALU A-input multiplexer select control.1 These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.A Port data input. Data presented to this port is latched into the input register on the rising edge of CLK. A15 is the MSB.Clock enable, A Port input register. When low the clock to this register is enabled.C-Port multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.Instruction inputs to Barrel Shifter, IS3 = MSB.1 These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.Shift Value I/O Port. This port is used as an input when shift values are supplied fromexternal sources, and as an output when Normalise operations are invoked. The I/O functions are determined by the IS0 - IS3 instruction inputs, and by the SVOE control.The shift value is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.SV Output enable. When high the SV port can only operate as an input. When low the SV port can act as an input or as an output, according to the IS0 - IS3 instruction. This pin should be tied hihg or low, depending upon the application.Instruction inputs to Barrel Shifter registers.1 These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.C Port data output. Data output on this port is selected by the C output multiplexer.C15 is the MSB.Output enable. The C Port outputs are in high impedance condition when this control is high.Block Floating Point Flag from ALU, active high.Carry out from MSB of ALU.Instruction inputs to ALU registers.1 These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.Carry in to LSB of ALU.Instruction inputs to ALU.1 IA4 = MSB. These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK.+5V supply: Both Vcc pins must be connected.0V supply: Both GND pins must be connected.PIN DESCRIPTIONSNOTES1. All instructions are executed in the cycle commencing with the rising edge of the CLK which latches the inputs.https://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A4FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe PDSP1601 contains four main blocks: the ALU, the Barrel Shifter and the two Register Files.The ALUThe ALU supports 32 instructions as detailed in Table 1.The inputs to the ALU are selected by the A and B MUXs.Data will fall through from the selected register through the A or B input MUXs and the ALU to the ALU output register file in 50ns for the PDSP1601A (100ns for the PDSP1601).The ALU instructions are latched, such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction into the device.The ALU accepts a carry in from the CI input and supplies a carry out to the CO output. Additionally, at the end of each cycle, the carry out from the ALU is loaded into an internal 1bit register, so that it is available as an input to the ALU on the next cycle. In the manner, multicycle, multiprecision operations are supported. (See MULTICYCLE CASCADE OPERATIONS).BFP FlagThe ALU has a user programmable BFP flag. This flag may be programmed to become active at any one of four conditions. Two of these conditions are intended to support Block Floating Point operations, in that they provide flags indicating that the ALU result is within a factor of two or four of overflowing the 16 bit number range. For multiprecision operations the flag is only valid whilst the most significant 16bit byte is being processed. In this manner the BFP flag may be used over any extended word width.The remaining two conditions detect either an overflow condition or a zero result. For the overflow condition to beactive the ALU result must have overflowed into the 16th (sign)bit, (this flag is only valid whilst the most significant 16 bit byte is being processed). The zero condition is active if the result from the ALU is equal to zero. For multiprecision operations the zero flag must be active for all of the 16 bit bytes of an extended word.The BFP flag is programmed by executing on of the four SBFXX instructions (see Table 1). During the execution of any of these four instructions, the output of the ALU is forced to zero.Multicycle/Cascade OperationThe ALU arithmetic instructions contain two or three options for each arithemtic operation.The ALU is designed to operate with two's complement arithmetic, requiring a one to be added to the LSB for all subtract operations. The instructions set includes instructions that will force a one into the LSB, e.g. MIAX1, AMBX1, BMAX1(see Table 1).These instructions are used for the least significant 16 bit byte of any subtract operation.The user has an option of cascading multiple devices, or multicycling a single device to extend the arithmetic precision.Should the user cascade multiple devices, then the cascade arithmetic instructions using the external CI input should be employed for all but the least significant 16 bit byte, e.g. MIACI,APBCI, BMACI (see Table 1).Should the user multicycle a single device, then the Multicycle Arithmetic instructions, using the internally registered CO bit should be employed for all but the least significant 16 bit byte, e.g. MIACO, APBCO, AMBCO,BMACO (see Table 1).Fig.2 PDSP1601 block diagramhttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A5Inst 000102030405060708090A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0FIA4-AI000000000010001000011001000010100110001110100001001010100101101100011010111001111Mnemonic CLRXX MIAX1MIACI MIACO A2SGN A2RAL A2RAR A2RSX APBCI APBCO AMBX1AMBCI AMBCO BMAX1BMACI BMACOOperation RESET MINUS A MINUS A MINUS A A/2A/2A/2A/2A PLUSB A PLUS B A MINUS B A MINUS B A MINUS B B MINUS A B MINUS A B MINUS AMode ---------LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLE MSBYTE MULTICYCLE MULTICYCLE MULTICYCLE CASCADE MULTICYCLE LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLE LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLEFunctionCLEAR ALL REGISTERS NA Plus 1NA Plus CI NA Plus CO A/2 Sign Extend A/2 with RAL LSB A/2 with RAR LSB A/2 with RSX LSB A Plus B Plus CI A Plus B Plus CO A Plus NB Plus 1A Plus NB Plus CI A Plus NB Plus CO NA Plus B Plus 1NA Plus B Plus CI NA Plus B Plus COTable 1 ALU instructions1a. ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONSInst 1011121314151617IA4-AI01000010001100101001110100101011011010111Mnemonic ANXAB ANANB ANNAB ORXAB ORNAB XORAB PASXA PASNAOperation A AND B A AND NB NA AND B A OR B NA OR B A XOR B PASS A INVERT AFunction A. B A. NB NA. B A + B NA + B A XOR B A NA1c. CONTROL INSTRUCTIONSInst 18191A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1FIA4-AI01100011001110101101111100111011111011111Mnemonic SBFOV SBFU1SBFU2SBFZE OPONE OPBYT OPNIB OPALTOperationSet BFP Flag to OVR, Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to UND 1 Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to UND 2 Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to ZERO Force ALU output to zero Output 0001 Hex Output 00FF Hex Output 000F Hex Output 5555 HexKEY A = A input to ALU B = B input to ALUCI = External Carry in to ALUCO = Internally Registered Carry out from ALU RAL = ALU Register (Left)RAR = ALU Register (Right)RSX= Shifter Register (Left or Right)MNEMONICSCLRXX Clear All Registers to zero MIAXX Minus A,XX = Carry in to LSB A2XXX A Divided by 2,XXX = Source of MSB APBXX A Plus B,XX = Carry in to LSB AMBXX A Minus B,XX = Carry in to LSB BMAXX B Minus A,XX = Carry in to LSB ANX-Y AND X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2ORX-Y OR X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2XORXY Exclusive OR X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2PASXX Pass XX = Operand SBFXX Set BFP Flag XX = Function OPXXXOutput Constant XXX1b. LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONShttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A6Divide by TwoThe ALU has four (A2SGN, A2RAL, A2RAR, A2RSX)instructions used for right shifting (dividing by two) extended precision words. These words, (up to 64 bits) may be stored in the two on-chip register files. When the least significant 16bit word is shifted, the vacant MSB must be filled with the LSB from the next most significant 16 bit byte. This is achieved via the A2RAL, A2RAR or A2RSX instructions which indicate the source of the new MSB (see ALU INSTRUCTION SET).When the most significant 16 bit byte is right shifted, the MSB must be filled with a duplicate of the original MSB so as to maintain the correct sign (Sign Extension). This operation is achieved via the A2SGN instruction (see Table 1).ConstantsThe ALU has four instructions (OPONE, OPBYT, OPNIB,OPALT) that force a constant value onto the ALU output.These values are primarily intended to be used as masks, or the seeds for mask generation, for example, the OPONE instruction will set a single bit in the least significant position.This bit may be rotated any where in the 16 bit field by the Barrel Shifter, allowing the AND function of the ALU to perform bit-pick operations on input data.CLRThe ALU instruction CLRXX is used as a Master Reset for the entire device. This instruction has the effect of:1.Clearing ALU and Barrel Shifter register files to zero.2.Clearing A and B port input registers to zero.3.Clearing the R1 and R2 shift control registers to zero.4.Clearing the internally registered CO bit to zero.5.Programming the BFP flag to detect overflow conditions.The Barrel ShifterThe Barrel Shifter supports 16 instructions as detailed in Table 2. The input to the Barrel Shifter is selected by the S MUX. Data will fall through from the selected register, through the S MUX and the Barrel Shifter to the shifter output register file in 50ns for the PDSP1601A (100ns for the PDSP1601).The Barrel Shifter instructions are latched, such that the instructions will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction into the device.The Barrel Shifter is capable of Logical Arithmetic or Barrel Shifts in either direction.A.Logical shifts discard bits that exit the 16 bit field and fill spaces with zeros.B.Arithmetic shifts discard bits that exit the 16 bit field and fill spaces with duplicates of the original MSB.C.Barrel Shifts rotate the 16 bit fields such that bits tha exit the 16 bit field to the left or right reappear in the vacant spaces on the right or left.The amount of shift applied is encoded onto the 4 bit Barrel Shifter input as illustrated in Table 3. The type of shift and the amount are determined by the shift control block. The shift control block (see Fig.3) accepts and decodes the four bit ISO-3 instruction. The shift control block contains a priority encoder and two user programmable 4 bit registers R1 and R2.There are four possible sources of shift value that can be passed onto the Barrel Shifter, there are:1.The Priority Encoder 2.The SV input 3.The R1 register 4.The R2 register Mnemonic LSRSV LSLSV BSRSV BSLSV LSRR1LSLR1LSRR2LSLR2LR1SV LR2SV ASRSV ASRR1ASRR2NRMXX NRMR1NRMR2IS3-IS00000000100100011010001010110011110001001101010111100110111101111OperationLogical Shift Right by SV Logical Shift Left by SV Barrel Shift Right by SV Barrel Shift Left by SV Logical Shift Right by R1Logical Shift Left by R1Logical Shift Right by R2Logical Shift Left by R2Load Register 1 From SV Load Register 2 From SV Arithmetic Shift Right by SV Arithmetic Shift Right by R1Arithmetic Shift Right by R2Normalise Output PENormalise Output PE, Load R1Normalise Output PE, Load R2Inst 0123456789A B C D E FI/O I I I I X X X X I I I X X O O OTable 2 Barrel shifter instructionsKEY SV = Shift Value R1= Register 1R2= Register 2PE = Priority Encoder OutputI => SV Port operates as an Input O => SV Port operates as an Output X=> SV Port in a High Impedance StateMNEMONICSLSXYY Logical Shift,X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value BSXYY Barrel Shift,X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value ASXYY Arithmetic Shift,X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value LXXYY Load XX = Target YY = SourceNRMYYNormalise by PE, Output PE value on SV Port, Load YY Reghttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A7SV30000000011111111SV20000111100001111SV10011001100110011SV00101010101010101Shift No shift 1 place 2 places 3 places 4 places 5 places 6 places 7 places 8 places 9 places 10 places 11 places 12 places 13 places 14 places 15 places(1)Priority encode the 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter and place the 4 bit value in either of the R1 or R2 registers and output the value on the SV port (if enabled by SVOE ).(2)Shift the 16 bit input by the amount indicated by the Priority Encoder such that the output from the Barrel Shifter is a normalised value.SV InputIf the SV port is selected as the source of the shift value,then the input to the Barrel Shifter is shifted by the value stored in the internal SV register.SVOEThe SV port acts as an input or an output depending upon the IS0-3 instruction. If the user does not wish to use the normalise instructions, then the SV port mat be forced to be input only by typing SVOE control high. In this mode the SV port may be considered an extension of the instruction inputs.R1 and R2 RegistersThe R1 and R2 registers may be loaded from the Priority Encoder (NRMR1 and NRMR2) or from the SV input (LR1SV,LR2SV).Whilst the latter two instructions are executing, the Barrel Shifter will pass its input to the output unshifted.Priority EncoderIf the priority encoder is selected as the source of the shift value (instructions:- NRMXX, NRMR1, MRMRZ), then within one 100ns cycle or two 50ns cycles for the PDSP1601A (one 200ns or two 100ns cycles for the PDSP1601), the shift circuitry will:Table 3 Barrel shifter codesFig.3 Shift control blockhttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A8The Register FilesThere are two on-chip register files (ALU and Shifter), each containing two 16 bit registers and each supporting 8instructions (see Table 4). The instructions for the ALU register file and the Barrel Shifter Register file are the same.The Inputs to the register files come from either the ALU or the Barrel Shifter, and are loaded into the Register files on the rising edge of CLK.The register file instructions are latched such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of theCLK latches the instruction into the device.The register file instructions (see Table 4) allow input data to be loaded into either, neither or both of the registers. Data is loaded at the end of the cycle in which the instruction is executing.The register file instructions allow the output to be sourced from either of the two registers, the selected output will be valid during the cycle in which the instruction is executing.OperationLoad Left Reg Output Right Reg Load Right Reg Output Left Reg Load Left Register, Output Left Reg Load Right Register, Output Right Reg Load Both Registers, Output Left Reg No Load Operation, Output Right Reg No Load Operation, Output Left RegNo Load Operation, Pass Barrel Shifter ResultOperationLoad Left Reg Output Right Reg Load Right Reg Output Left Reg Load Left Register, Output Left Reg Load Right Register, Output Right Reg Load Both Registers, Output Left Reg No Load Operation, Output Right Reg No Load Operation, Output Left Reg No Load Operation, Pass ALU ResultInst 01234567RA2-RA0000001010011100101110111Mnemonic LLRRR LRRLR LLRLR LRRRR LBRLR NOPRR NOPLR NOPPSALU REGISTER INSTRUCTIONSInst 01234567RA2-RA0000001010011100101110111Mnemonic LLRRR LRRLR LLRLR LRRRR LBRLR NOPRR NOPLR NOPPSSHIFTER REGISTER INSTRUCTIONSTable 4 ALU and shift register instructions mnemonicsMNEMONICSLXXYY Load XX = Target,YY = Source of Output LBOXX Load Both Registers,XX = Source of Output NOPXX No Load Operation,XX= Source of Outputhttps://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A9MARAX MAAPR MABPR MARSXMultiplexersThere are four user selectable on-chip multiplexers (A-MUX, B-MUX, S-MUX and C-MUX).These four multiplexers support instructions as tabulated in Table 5.The MUX instructions are latched such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction onto the device.MSA10011A-MUXOutputALU REGISTER FILE OUPUT A-PORT INPUT B-PORT INPUTSHIFTER REGISTER FILE OUTPUTMSB01B-MUXOutputB-PORT INPUTSHIFTER REGISTER FILE OUTPUTMSS01S-MUXOutputB-PORT INPUTSHIFTER REGISTER FILE OUTPUTMSC01C-MUXOutputALU REGISTER FILE OUTPUTSHIFTER REGISTER FILE OUTPUTTable 5MSA00101https://PDSP1601/PDSP1601A10INSTRUCTION SETALU Arithmetic Instructions FunctionOn the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle in which this instruction is executing, the A Port, B Port, ALU, Barrel Shifter, and Shift Control Registers will be loaded with zeros.The internal registered CO will also be set to zero, and the BFP flag will be set to activate on overflow conditions.The A input to the ALU is inverted and a one is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is inverted and the CI input is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is inverted and the CO output from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled by duplicating the original MSB (Sign Extension).The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the ALU register.The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the ALU register.The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the B input to the ALU.The A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and a one is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB.The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and a one is added to the LSB.The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB.The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.Op Code <00><01><02><03><04><05><06><07><08><09><0A><0B><0C><0D><0E><0F>Mnemonic CLRXXMIAX1MIAC1MIACO A2SGN A2RAL A2RAR A2RSX APBCI APBCO AMBX1AMBCI AMBCO BMAX1BMAC1BMACOALU Logical Instructions FunctionThe A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the B input.The A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the inverse of the B input.The inverse of the A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the B input.The A input to the ALU is logically 'ORed' with the B input.The inverse A input to the ALU is logically 'ORed' with the B input.The A input to the ALU is logically Exclusive-ORed with the B input.The A input to the ALU is passed to the output.The inverse of the A input to the ALU is passed to the output.Op Code <10><11><12><13><14><15><16><17>Mnemonic ANXAB ANANB ANNAB ORXAB ORNAB XORAB PASXA PASNAhttps://ALU Control Instructions FunctionThe BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation causes an overflow of the 16 bit number range. This flag is logically the exclusive-or of the carry into and out of the MSB of the ALU. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation has overflowed into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction.The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation comes within a factor of two of causing an overflow of the 16 bit number range. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation is within a factor of two of overflowing into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction.The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation comes within a factor of four of causing an overflow of the 16 bit number range. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation is within a factor of four of overflowing into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction.The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation causes a result of zero.The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction. During the execution of this instruction the BFP flag will become active.The ALU will output the binary value 0000000000000001, the MSB on the left.The ALU will output the binary value 0000000011111111, the MSB on the left.The ALU will output the binary value 0000000000001111, the MSB on the left.The ALU will output the binary value 0101010101010101, the MSB on the left.Op Code <18><19><1A><1B><1C><1D><1E><1F>Mnemonic SBFOVSBFU1SBFU2SBFZEOPONE OPBYT OPNIB OPALTBarrel Shifter Instructions FunctionThe 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs are dicarded,and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs are dicarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is rotated to the right by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs that exit the 16 bit field to the right, reappear in the vacant MSBs on the left.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is rotated to the left by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs that exit the 16 bit field to the right, reappear in the vacant MSBs on the right.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R1 register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R1 register. The LSBs are discarded,and the vacant LSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R2 register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros.The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R2 register. The LSBs are discarded,and the vacant LSBs are filled with zeros.Op Code <0><1><2><3><4><5><6><7>Mnemonic LSRSVLSLSVBSRSVBSLSVLSRR1LSLR1LSRR2LSLR2https://。
MAX16141 诊断试验板 通用描述说明书
MAX16141EVKIT#/MAXESSENTIAL01+Evaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit General DescriptionThe MAX16141 evaluation kit (EV kit) evaluates the MAX16141 IC family. The MAX16141 is a diode controller and protection device that protects systems against fault conditions, such as reverse-current, overcurrent, input over-voltage/undervoltage, short-circuit, and overtemperature. The MAX16141 EV kit comes with the MAX16141AAF/V+ IC installed. The MAX16141 EV kit undervoltage/overvoltage thresholds are set to 8.6V/36.2V, respectively.Features●8.6V to 36.2V Undervoltage/Overvoltage Thresholds ●Output Short-Circuit Protection●Resistor Adjustable Overvoltage and UndervoltageTrip Threshold ●Proven 2-Layer, 2oz Copper PCB Layout ●Demonstrates Compact Solution Size ●Fully Assembled and Tested319-100230; Rev 0; 8/18Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.Quick StartRequired Equipment●MAX16141 EV kit●40V, 10A DC power supply●One digital multimeter (DMM)ProcedureThe EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow the steps below to verify board operation.Caution: Do not turn on power supply until all connections are completed.1) Verify that shunts are installed onto their respectivedefault positions for jumpers JU1–JU3 (Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3).2) Connect the power supply between the IN andSYSGND terminal posts.3) Connect the DMM between the OUT and SYSGNDterminal posts.4) Turn on the power supply.5) Manually sweep the power supply from 8.6Vto 36.2V. Verify that the output voltage at OUT approximately follows the input voltage at IN.6) Increase the input voltage to 37V.7) Verify that the output voltage is 0V (overvoltageprotection)8) Set the input voltage to 12V and verify that OUT isalso about 12V.9) Using an insulated shorting cable, take caution tohold the insulated parts of the shorting cable while shorting OUT to SYSGND, and verify that the output voltage is 0V (Short circuit protection).10) Remove the shorting cable between OUT andSYSGND and verify that the output voltage is 12V.11) Decrease the input voltage to 7V.12) Verify that the output voltage is approximately 0V(undervoltage protection).FILEDECRIPTION MAX16141 EV BOM EV Kit Bill of MaterialMAX16141 EV PCB Layout EV Kit Layout MAX16141 EV SchematicEV Kit SchematicMAX16141 EV Kit FilesClick here for production status of specific part numbers.Evaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit Detailed Description of HardwareThe MAX16141 EV kit evaluates the MAX16141 IC. The MAX16141 is a diode controller and protection device that protects systems against fault conditions such as reverse current, overcurrent, input overvoltage/undervoltage, short circuit and over temperature. The MAX16141 EV kit’s undervoltage and overvoltage thresholds are configured to 8.6V and 36.2V, respectively.The MAX16141 EV kit comes with the MAX16141ATE+ (16-TQFN) installed and is configured to operate normally between 8.6V and 36.2V. Under normal operation, the output follows the input. The output will shut down (0V) when the input is risen above 36.2V (i.e., 37V or higher), or drop below 8.6V (i.e., 7V or lower). The output will also shut down when the load at the output goes above 5A, or in an event of a short circuit at the output.SHDNThe MAX16141 EV kit provides a jumper (JU1) to enable or disable the MAX16141. Refer to Table 1 for JU1 jumper settings.SLEEPThe MAX16141 EV kit provides a jumper (JU2) to pullup the active-low sleep mode input of the MAX16141. Refer to Table 2 for JU2 jumper settings.GATE SnubberFor applications that require slower gate rise time than what is achieved using a resistor from GRC to GND, an external resistor and capacitor (snubber) network can be added from GATE to GND. However, the recommended value is 1k Ω resistor in series with a 10nF cap.The MAX16141 EV Kit provides a jumper (JU3) to add or remove the snubber at the power MOSFET gates. Refer to Table 3 for jumper settings.Overvoltage ProtectionThe MAX16141 EV kit shuts down the output when the input voltage exceeds the upper input voltage limit set by resistors R11 and R9 between the TERM and OVSET pins of the MAX16141. Refer to the equation below to set the overvoltage limit for the MAX16141 EV kit.R11 = ((VOV_TH x R9)/VTH) - (R9 + 700Ω)where,VOV_TH is the desired overvoltage threshold.R9 = 10kΩV TH = 0.5V (typ) threshold for OVSET and 700Ω is the TERM switch typical resistance.Undervoltage ProtectionThe MAX16141 EV kit shuts down the output when the input voltage drops below the lower input voltage limit set by resistors R10 and R8 between the TERM and UVSET pins of the MAX16141. Refer to the equation below to set the undervoltage limit for the MAX16141 EV kit.R10 = ((V UV_TH x R8)/V TH ) - (R8 + 700Ω)where,V UV_TH is the desired undervoltage threshold.R8 = 10kΩV TH = 0.5V (typ) threshold for UVSET and 700Ω is the TERM switch typical resistance.Table 2. SLEEP (JU2)Table 3. GATE Snubber (JU3)Table 1. SHDN (JU1)*Default position.Note: Larger cap values will decrease the gate fall time during reverse-voltage fault.*Default position.*Default position.JU1SHUNT POSITION DESCRIPTIONInstalled*Enabled. SHDN = VCC (through pullup resistor R12)Not Installed Disabled. SHDN = SYSGND (through internal pulldown)JU2SHUNT POSITION DESCRIPTIONInstalled*SLEEP (pullup through resistor R13)Not Installed SLEEP (floating)JU3SHUNT POSITION DESCRIPTIONInstalled GATE snubber (R3 and C7) added Not Installed*GATE snubber (R3 and C7) removedEvaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit Overcurrent ProtectionThe MAX16141 EV kit shuts down the output when the load current exceeds the current limit set by the OC_THRESHOLD (See MAX16141 IC data sheet) and the sense resistor R1 between the RS and OUT pins of the MAX16141. Refer to the equation below to set the overcurrent limit for the MAX16141 EV kit.RSENSE = V(RS-OUT)/IOCTHwhere,RSENSE is the sense resistor between RS and OUT in Ω,V(RS-OUT) is the overcurrent threshold in V (refer to the IC data sheet for the proper value)IOCTH is the desired overcurrent threshold in A.Short-Circuit ProtectionThe MAX16141 EV kit shuts down the output in event the output is shorted to ground. The output will resume normal level, same as the input, when the short at the output is removed.Evaluating other ICs in the MAX16141 FamilyThe MAX16141 EV kit comes with the MAX16141AAF/V+ installed. To evaluate other ICs in the MAX16141 IC family, replace U1 with the desired IC and refer to the MAX16141 IC data sheet for additional detail.Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX16141 when contacting these component suppliers.#Denotes RoHSSUPPLIERWEBSITECentral Semiconductor Kemet Murata/TOKO NXP ON Semiconductor PanasonicPARTTYPE MAX16141EVKIT#EV KitComponent SuppliersOrdering InformationEvaluates: MAX16141 MAX16141 Evaluation KitMAX16141 EV Kit Bill of MaterialsITEM REF_DES DNI/DNP QTY MFG PART #MANUFACTURER VALUE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS1C1, C2-2GRM31CR72E104KW03MURATA0.1UF CAPACITOR; SMT (1206); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.1UF; 250V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R2C3-1GRM43DR72E334KW01MURATA0.33UF CAPACITOR; SMT (1812); CERAMIC CHIP; 0.33UF; 250V; TOL=10%; TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC; TC=X7R3C4-1EEE-FK1V331GP PANASONIC330UF CAPACITOR;SMT (CASE_G); ALUMINUM-ELECTROLYTIC; 330UF; 35V; TOL=20%4C7-1C0805C103K1RAC;GRM21BR72A103KA01;08055C103KAT2AKEMET;MURATA;AVX0.01UFCAPACITOR; SMT (0805);CERAMIC CHIP; 0.01UF; 100V;TOL=10%; MODEL=;TG=-55 DEGC TO +125 DEGC;TC=X7R5C8-1GRM1885C1H102JA01;C1608C0G1H102J080MURATA;TDK1000PFCAPACITOR; SMT (0603);CERAMIC CHIP; 1000PF; 50V;TOL=5%; TG=-55 DEGC TO+125 DEGC6COM, IN_PAD,OUT_PAD, SYSGND,SYSGND_PAD_OUT-5MAXIMPAD N/A MAXIMPADEVK KIT PARTS;MAXIM PAD; NO WIRE TO BESOLDERED ON THEMAXIMPAD7COM_TP1, COM_TP2-25001KEYSTONE N/A TEST POINT; PIN DIA=0.1IN; TOTAL LENGTH=0.3IN; BOARD HOLE=0.04IN; BLACK; PHOSPHOR BRONZE WIRE SILVER PLATE FINISH;8D1-1CMPZ5245B CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR15V DIODE; ZNR; SMT (SOT-23); VZ=15V; IZ=0.0085A9D2, D3-2CMHZ5231B CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 5.1V DIODE; ZNR; SMT (SOD-123);VZ=5.1V; IZ=0.02A10D4-1BAV300VISHAY BAV300DIODE; SS; SMT (MICROMELF); PIV=60V; IF=0.25A11EN, FAULT, GATE,OVSET, SLEEP, UVSET-65002KEYSTONE N/ATEST POINT; PIN DIA=0.1IN;TOTAL LENGTH=0.3IN; BOARDHOLE=0.04IN; WHITE;PHOSPHOR BRONZE WIRESILVER;12IN, OUT,SYSGND_OUT, TP1-4108-0740-001EMERSON NETWORK POWER108-0740-001CONNECTOR; MALE;PANELMOUNT; BANANAJACK; STRAIGHT; 1PIN13JU1-JU3-3PEC02SAAN SULLINS PEC02SAAN CONNECTOR; MALE; THROUGH HOLE; BREAKAWAY; STRAIGHT; 2PINS14N1, N2-2NVD6824NLT4G ON SEMICONDUCTOR NVD6824NLT4G TRAN; POWER MOSFET; NCH; DPAK; PD-(90W); I-(41A); V-(100V)15R1-1CSSH2728FT5L00STACKPOLE ELECTRONICS INC.0.005RESISTOR; 2728; 0.005 OHM; 1%; 25PPM; 4W; METAL FOIL16R2-1CRCW121010R0FK VISHAY DALE10RESISTOR; 1210; 10 OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.5W; THICK FILM17R3-1TNPW06031K00BE;RG1608P-102-BVISHAY DALE;SUSUMU CO LTD.1KRESISTOR; 0603; 1K OHM;0.1%; 25PPM; 0.10W; THICKFILM18R4-1RG1608P-101-B;ERA-3YEB101VSUSUMU CO LTD.;PANASONIC100RESISTOR; 0603; 100 OHM;0.1%; 25PPM; 0.1W; THICKFILM19R6-R9-4CHPHT0603K1002FGT VISHAY SFERNICE10K RESISTOR; 0603; 10K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.0125W; THICK FILM20R10-1CRCW0603162KFK VISHAY DALE162K RESISTOR; 0603; 162K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILMEvaluates: MAX16141 MAX16141 Evaluation KitMAX16141 EV Kit Bill of Materials (continued)ITEM REF_DES DNI/DNP QTY MFG PART #MANUFACTURER VALUE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS21R11-1CRCW0603715KFK VISHAY DALE715K RESISTOR; 0603; 715K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.10W; METAL FILM22R12-R14-3ERJ-3EKF1003PANASONIC100K RESISTOR; 0603; 100K OHM; 1%; 100PPM; 0.1W; THICK FILM23R18-1RC0402JR-070RL;CR0402-16W-000RJTYAGEO PHYCOMP;VENKEL LTD.0RESISTOR; 0402; 0 OHM;5%; JUMPER; 0.063W; THICKFILM24SU1-SU3-3S1100-B;SX1100-B KYCON;KYCON SX1100-B TEST POINT; JUMPER; STR; TOTAL LENGTH=0.24IN; BLACK;INSULATION=PBT;PHOSPHOR BRONZE CONTACT=GOLD PLATED25U1-1MAX16141AAF/V+MAXIM MAX16141AAF/V+EVKIT PART - IC; CONTROLLER; IDEAL DIODE CONTROLLER WITH VOLTAGE AND CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER; TQFN16-EP; PACKAGE OUTLINE NO.: 21-0139; PACKAGE CODE: T1644-4; PACKAGE LAND PATTERN: 90-007026PCB-1MAX16141MAXIM PCB PCB:MAX16141-27D5DNP0CMZ5938B CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR36V DIODE; ZNR; SMA (DO-214AC); VZ=36V; IZ=0.0104A28D6DNP0CMZ5944B CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR62V DIODE; ZNR; SMA (DO-214AC); VZ=62V; IZ=0.006A29C5, C6DNP0N/A N/A OPEN PACKAGE OUTLINE 0805 NON-POLAR CAPACITOR30R15, R16DNP0N/A N/A OPEN PACKAGE OUTLINE 0603 RESISTORTOTAL51Evaluates: MAX16141 MAX16141 Evaluation KitEvaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit MAX16141 EV Kit—Top Silkscreen MAX16141 EV Kit—TopMAX16141 EV Kit—BottomMaxim Integrated cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim Integrated product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim Integrated reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.Evaluates: MAX16141MAX16141 Evaluation Kit REVISION NUMBERREVISION DATE DESCRIPTIONPAGES CHANGED8/18Initial release—Revision HistoryFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please visit Maxim Integrated’s online storefront at https:///en/storefront/storefront.html.MAXESSENTIAL01+DescriptionThe Essential Analog toolkit contains a unique collection of Maxim's high-performance, analog building block products. This curated group of parts represent a selection of Maxim’s vast product lines, specific to 20 product categories, from key performance areas including power efficiency, precise measurement, reliable connectivity, and robust protection.The ICs in the toolkit offer the breadth of each product category: low power, low noise, multi-channel, high resolution, high accuracy, and high speed. All these features empower your designs and bring value to your systems.At 6.4cm x 8.9cm x 1.3cm, the box itself is small, lightweight, and easy to carry. Products are guarded from ESD using a gel and ESD-protected box.A guide that labels each of the part types inside the box supports the toolkit. Go to the Maxim website to find more information for the individual part numbers.When planning your next design, pick up an Essential Analog toolkit to review Maxim’s high-performance analog products.Key Features∙Small, 6.4cm x 8.9cm x 1.3cm Package∙ESD Protection-Lined Package∙Accelerate Your Design with Quick AccessMaxim IntegratedMAX16141EVKIT#/MAXESSENTIAL01+。
MOTOROLA MJ16010 MJW16010 MJ6012 MJW16012 数据手册
1Designer's ™Data Sheet SWITCHMODE SeriesNPN Silicon Power TransistorsThese transistors are designed for high–voltage, high–speed, power switching in inductive circuits where fall time is critical. They are particularly suited for line–operated switchmode applications. The MJ16012 and MJW16012 are selected high gain versions of the MJ16010 and MJW16010 for applications where drive current is limited. •Switching Regulators •Fast Turn–Off Times — T C = 100°C•Inverters 50 ns Inductive Fall Time (Typ)•Solenoids 90 ns Inductive Crossover Time (Typ)•Relay Drivers 800 ns Inductive Storage Time (Typ)•Motor Controls •100_C Performance Specified for:•Deflection CircuitsReverse–Biased SOA with Inductive Loads Switching Times with Inductive Loads Saturation Voltages Leakage CurrentsDesigner’s Data for “Worst Case” Conditions — The Designer’s Data Sheet permits the design of most circuits entirely from the information presented. SOA Limitcurves — representing boundaries on device characteristics — are given to facilitate “worst case” design.Preferred devices are Motorola recommended choices for future use and best overall value.Designer’s and SWITCHMODE are trademarks of Motorola, Inc.MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAOrder this documentby MJ16010/D查询MJ16010供应商MJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW160122Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T C = 25_C unless otherwise noted)CharacteristicSymbol Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSCollector–Emitter Sustaining Voltage (T able 2)(I C = 100 mA, I B = 0)V CEO(sus)450——VdcCollector Cutoff Current(V CEV = 850 Vdc, V BE(off) = 1.5 Vdc)(V CEV = 850 Vdc, V BE(off) = 1.5 Vdc, T C = 100_C)I CEV————0.251.5mAdcCollector Cutoff Current(V CE = 850 Vdc, R BE = 50 Ω, T C = 100_C)I CER —— 2.5mAdc Emitter Cutoff Current (V EB = 6.0 Vdc, I C = 0)I EBO——10mAdcSECOND BREAKDOWNSecond Breakdown Collector Current with Base Forward Biased I S/bSee Figure 15Clamped Inductive SOA with Base Reverse Biased RBSOASee Figure 16ON CHARACTERISTICS (1)Collector–Emitter Saturation Voltage(I C = 5.0 Adc, I B = 0.7 Adc)(I C = 10 Adc, I B = 1.3 Adc)(I C = 10 Adc, I B = 1.3 Adc, T C = 100_C)V CE(sat)——————–Emitter Saturation Voltage(I C = 10 Adc, I B = 1.3 Adc)(I C = 10 Adc, I B = 1.3 Adc, T C = 100_C)V BE(sat)———— 1.51.5VdcDC Current Gain(I C = 15 Adc, V CE = 5.0 Vdc)h FE5.0———DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSOutput Capacitance(V CB = 10 Vdc, I E = 0, f test = 1.0 kHz)C ob——400pFSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSResistive Load (Table 1)Delay Time t d —20—nsRose Time(I (I t r—200—Storage Time C = 10 Adc,V CC = 250 Vdc,I B1 = 1.3 Adc,B2 = 2.6 Adc,R B2 = 1.6 Ω)t s —1200—Fall TimePW = 30 µs,v 2.0%)t f—200—Storage Time Duty Cycle (V t s —650—Fall TimeBE(off) = 5.0 Vdc)t f—80—Inductive Load (Table 2)Storage Time (T _C)t sv —8001800nsFall Time(I C = 100t fi—50200Crossover Time C = 10 Adc,I B1 = 1.3 Adc,V = 5.0 Vdc,t c—90250Storage Time BE(off)(T _C)t sv —1050—Fall TimeV CE(pk) = 400 Vdc)C = 150t fi—70—Crossover Timet c—120—(1)Pulse T est: Pulse Width = 300 µs, Duty Cycle v 2.0%MJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW160123Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T C = 25_C unless otherwise noted)CharacteristicSymbol Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSCollector–Emitter Sustaining Voltage (T able 2)(I C = 100 mA, I B = 0)V CEO(sus)450——VdcCollector Cutoff Current(V CEV = 850 Vdc, V BE(off) = 1.5 Vdc)(V CEV = 850 Vdc, V BE(off) = 1.5 Vdc. T C = 100_C)I CEV————0.251.5mAdcCollector Cutoff Current(V CE = 850 Vdc, R BE = 50 Ω, T C = 100_C)I CER —— 2.5mAdc Emitter Cutoff Current (V EB = 6.0 Vdc, I C = 0)I EBO——10mAdcSECOND BREAKDOWNSecond Breakdown Collector Current with Base Forward Biased I S/bSee Figure 15Clamped Inductive SOA with Base Reverse Biased RBSOASee Figure 16ON CHARACTERISTICS (1)Collector–Emitter Saturation Voltage(I C = 5.0 Adc, I B = 0.7 Adc)(I C = 10 Adc, I B = 1.0 Adc)(I C = 10 Adc, I B = 1.0 Adc, T C = 100_C)V CE(sat)——————–Emitter Saturation Voltage(I C = 10 Adc, I B = 1.0 Adc)(I C = 10 Adc, I B = 1.0 Adc, T C = 100_C)V BE(sat)———— 1.51.5VdcDC Current Gain(I C = 15 Adc, V CE = 5.0 Vdc)h FE7.0———DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSOutput Capacitance(V CB = 10 Vdc, I E = 0, f test = 1.0 kHz)C ob——400pFSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSResistive Load (Table 1)Delay Time t d —20—nsRose Time(I (I t r—200—Storage Time C = 10 Adc,V CC = 250 Vdc,I B1 = 1.0 Adc,B2 = 2.0 Adc,R B2 = 1.6 Ω)t s —900—Fall TimePW = 30 µs,v 2.0%)t f—150—Storage Time Duty Cycle (V t s —500—Fall TimeBE(off) = 5.0 Vdc)t f—40—Inductive Load (Table 2)Storage Time (T _C)t sv —6501500nsFall Time(I C = 100t fi—30150Crossover Time C = 10 Adc,I B1 = 1.0 Adc,V = 5.0 Vdc,t c—50200Storage Time BE(off)(T _C)t sv —850—Fall TimeV CE(pk) = 400 Vdc)C = 150t fi—30—Crossover Timet c—70—(1)Pulse T est: Pulse Width = 300 µs, Duty Cycle v 2.0%MJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW160124Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataV C E , C O L L E C T O R –E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V O L T S )C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V B E , B A S E –E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V O L T S )V C E , C O L L E C T O R –E M I T T E R V O L T A G E (V O L T S )0.15I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) C = 1.0 A0.2Figure 1. DC Current Gain I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS) 2. Collector Saturation Region0.1I B , BASE CURRENT (AMPS) F E , D C C U R R E N T G A I NV CE = 5.0 V1.02.0 5.010Figure 3. Collector–Emitter Saturation Voltage 1.0152.07.0Figure 4. Base–Emitter VoltageFigure 5. Collector Cutoff Region 2.00.5104V BE , BASE–EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)10–100.05T C = 25°C5.0 AT C = 100°C25°C201.0 5.0βf = 5.0T C = 25°C15–0.4Figure 6. Capacitance10000V R , REVERSE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)C ob 0.1, C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A )µI C 10 A15 Aβf = 10T C = 25°Cβf = 10T C = 100°C0.3T C = 25°Cβf = 10103102101100–0.2+0.2+0.4+0.6T J = 150°C125°C 100°C 75°C REVERSEFORWARD25°CV CE = 250 V5000200010005002001005020100.30.5 1.0 2.0 5.010*******5008501.°C75°C T C = 25°C0. ibTYPICAL STATIC CHARACTERISTICSMJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW160125Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device Datat c , C R O S S O V E R T I M E (n s )t f i , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T F A L L T I M E (n s )I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS)Figure 7. Storage Time Figure 8. Storage TimeI C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS)2.0 3.0 5.07.015500020001000200500300, S T O R A G E T I M E (n s )t s v 1.5100I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS)2.0 3.0 5.07.015100030020010050101.520I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS)I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS)2.0 3.0 5.07.01550030020010050151.5I C , COLLECTOR CURRENT (AMPS)Figure 9. Collector Current Fall Time Figure 10. Collector Current Fall TimeFigure 11. Crossover TimeFigure 12. Crossover Time2.0 V V BE(off) = 0 V5.0 Vβf * = 5.0T C = 75°C V CC = 20 V2., S T O R A G E T I M E (n s )t s v 1.5200 2.0 V V BE(off) = 0 V5.0 VV BE(off) = 0 V2.0 V 5.0 V t f i , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T F A L L T I M E (n s )1000300200100501020 2.0 VV BE(off) = 0 V5.0 V 5.0 V 2.0 VV BE(off) = 0 Vt c , C R O S S O V E R T I M E (n s ) BE(off) = 0 V2.0 V 5.0 Vβf * = 10T C = 75°C V CC = 20 V1030000.070.051030001000.05βf * = 10T C = 75°C V CC = 20 V βf * = 10T C = 75°C V CC = 20 V βf * = 5.0T C = 75°C V CC = 20 Vβf * = 5.0T C = 75°C V CC = 20 V50010*βf =I CI B1MJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW160126Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataI B 2, R E V E R S E B A S E C U R R E N T (A M P S )Figure 13. Inductive Switching Measurements Figure 14. Peak Reverse Base CurrentV BE(off), REVERSE BASE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)05TIMEI C V CE 90% I B1t svI C(pk)V CE(pk)90% V CE(pk)90% I C(pk)10% V CE(pk)10%I C (pk)2% I C432I B1 = 2.0 A1.0 A1. C = 10 AT C = 25°C1109876 4.0I Bt rvt fi t tit cGUARANTEED SAFE OPERATING AREA LIMITSI C , C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A M P S )205.0V CE , COLLECTOR–EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)0.02104505.02.01.0100.50.10.05BONDING WIRE LIMIT THERMAL LIMITSECOND BREAKDOWN LIMIT2050100200300Figure 15. Maximum Forward BiasSafe Operating Area T C = 25°C10µs1.0msdcMJW16010,12MJ16010/1220V CE(pk), PEAK COLLECTOR–EMITTER VOLTAGE (VOLTS)035018106.0200450850Figure 16. Maximum Reverse BiasSafe Operating Areaβf * ≥ 4.0T C ≤ 100°C700V BE(off) = 0 V1.0 to 5.0 V, P E A K C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T (A M P S )I C (p k )1002.0141502506003070*βf =I CI B1SAFE OPERATING AREA INFORMATIONFORWARD BIASThere are two limitations on the power handling ability of a transistor: average junction temperature and second break-down. Safe operating area curves indicate I C – V CE limits of the transistor that must be observed for reliable operation;i.e., the transistor must not be subjected to greater dissipa-tion than the curves indicate.The data of Figure 15 is based on T C = 25_C; T J(pk) is variable depending on power level. Second breakdown pulse limits are valid for duty cycles to 10% but must be derated when T C ≥ 25_C. Second breakdown limitations do not der-ate the same as thermal limitations. Allowable current at the voltages shown on Figure 15 may be found at any case tem-perature by using the appropriate curve on Figure 18.T J(pk) may be calculated from the data in Figure 17. At high case temperatures, thermal limitations will reduce thepower that can be handled to values less than the limitations imposed by second breakdown.REVERSE BIASFor inductive loads, high voltage and high current must be sustained simultaneously during turn–off, in most cases, with the base–to–emitter junction reverse biased. Under these conditions the collector voltage must be held to a safe level at or below a specific value of collector current. This can be accomplished by several means such as active clamping,RC snubbing, load line shaping, etc. The safe level for these devices is specified as Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area and represents the voltage current condition allowable dur-ing reverse biased turnoff. This rating is verified under clamped conditions so that the device is never subjected to an avalanche mode. Figure 16 gives the RBSOA character-istics.MJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW160127Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataP O W E R D E R A T I N G F A C T O R (%)1000T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)4020080604020MJW16010, MJW16012MJ16010, MJ1601280120160Figure 17. Thermal ResponseSECOND BREAKDOWN DERATINGTHERMAL DERATINGt, TIME (ms) (t ), T R A N S I E N T T H E R M A L R E S P O N S E 1.010100R θJC (t) = r(t) R θJCR θJC = 1.0°C/W or 1.11°C/W T J(pk) – T C = P (pk) R θJC (t)0.1(N O R M A L I Z E D )1KFigure 18. Power Deratingt d and t rt s and t fH.P. 214or EQUIV.P.G.*I B*I C50R B = 10 ΩT.U.T.R L V CCV in0 V≈ 11 Vt r ≤ 15 nsV CC = 250 Vdc R L = 25 ΩI C = 10 Adc I B = 1.0 AdcH.P. 214or EQUIV.P.G.0 V ≈ –35 V50500+–20100+Vdc ≈ 11 Vdc2N6191R B1R B2A2N5337–V1000.02 µF10 µF0.02 µF 1.0 µF 0 V +V–5 V*I B *I CR L V CCT.U.T.50A V CC = 250 Vdc R L = 25 ΩI C = 10 AdcI B1 = 1.0 Adc I B2 = 2.0 Adc For V BE(off) = 5.0 V, R B2 = 0 ΩR B1 = 10 ΩR B2 = 1.6 ΩNote: Adjust –V to obtain desired V BE(off) at Point A.*Tektronix AM503*P6302 or EquivalentTable 1. Resistive Load SwitchingMJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW160128Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataH.P. 214or EQUIV.P.G.0 V ≈ –35 V50500+–+V ≈ 11 V2N6191R B1A–V1000.02 µF 10 µF1.0 µF +–200.02 µF1002N5337R B2I C(pk)V CE(pk)I CV CEI BI B1I B2V CE(pk) = V CE(clamp)V CCV clampLT.U.T.*I C*I B–V+VT 10 VA50MR856Scope — Tektronix 7403 or Equivalentt 1[L coil (I Cpk )V CCNote: Adjust –V to obtain desired V BE(off) at Point A.V CEO(sus)L = 10 mH R B2 = ∞V CC = 20 V Its Inductive Switching L = 200 µH R B2 = 0V CC = 20 VR B1 selected for desired I B1RBSOA L = 200 µH R B2 = 0V CC = 20 VR B1 selected for desired I B1*Tektronix AM503*P6302 or EquivalentT 1 adjusted to obtain I C(pk)Table 2. Inductive Load Switchingt svt fi , t cI C(pk) = 10 A I B1 = 1.0 AV BE(off) = 5.0 V V CE(pk) = 400 V T C = 25°C Time Base =100 ns/cmI C(pk) = 10 A I B1 = 1.0 AV BE(off) = 5.0 V V CE(pk) = 400 V T C = 25°C Time Base =20 ns/cmV CE(pk)I B10I B2V CE(sat)t sv = 370 nsI C(pk)t fi = 20 nsV CE(pk)V CE(sat)24 nst c TYPICAL INDUCTIVE SWITCHING WAVEFORMSMJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW160129Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataPACKAGE DIMENSIONSNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.ALL RULES AND NOTES ASSOCIATED WITHREFERENCED TO–204AA OUTLINE SHALL APPLY.STYLE 1:PIN 1.BASE2.EMITTER CASE:COLLECTORDIM MIN MAX MIN MAX MILLIMETERSINCHES A 1.550 REF 39.37 REF B ––– 1.050–––26.67C 0.2500.335 6.358.51D 0.0380.0430.97 1.09E 0.0550.070 1.40 1.77G 0.430 BSC 10.92 BSC H 0.215 BSC 5.46 BSC K 0.4400.48011.1812.19L 0.665 BSC 16.89 BSC N –––0.830–––21.08Q 0.1510.165 3.84 4.19U 1.187 BSC 30.15 BSC V0.1310.188 3.33 4.77A NECK–T–SEATING PLANE2 PLD MQM0.13 (0.005)YMT MYM0.13 (0.005)T –Q––Y–21ULGBVHCASE 1–07TO–204AA (TO–3)ISSUE ZCASE 340F–03TO–247AE ISSUE EDIM A MIN MAX MIN MAX INCHES20.4020.900.8030.823MILLIMETERS B 15.4415.950.6080.628C 4.70 5.210.1850.205D 1.09 1.300.0430.051E 1.50 1.630.0590.064F 1.80 2.180.0710.086G 5.45 BSC 0.215 BSC H 2.56 2.870.1010.113J 0.480.680.0190.027K 15.5716.080.6130.633L 7.267.500.2860.295P 3.10 3.380.1220.133Q 3.50 3.700.1380.145R 3.30 3.800.1300.150U 5.30 BSC 0.209 BSC V3.05 3.400.1200.134NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER.STYLE 3:PIN 1.BASE2.COLLECTOR3.EMITTER4.COLLECTORRPAKV F DGULE0.25 (0.010)MT B M0.25 (0.010)MY QSJHC4123–T––B––Y––Q–MJ16010 MJW16010 MJ16012 MJW1601210Motorola Bipolar Power Transistor Device DataHow to reach us:USA /EUROPE : Motorola Literature Distribution;JAPAN : Nippon Motorola Ltd.; T atsumi–SPD–JLDC, T oshikatsu Otsuki,P .O. Box 20912; Phoenix, Arizona 85036. 1–800–441–24476F Seibu–Butsuryu–Center, 3–14–2 T atsumi Koto–Ku, T okyo 135, Japan. 03–3521–8315MFAX :****************–TOUCHTONE(602)244–6609HONG KONG : Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B T ai Ping Industrial Park, INTERNET : http://Design–NET .com51 Ting Kok Road, T ai Po, N.T ., Hong Kong. 852–26629298◊。
(VIN = 15V, SHDN = VIN, ILOAD = 5µA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 2) PARAMETER Input Voltage Range Supply Current Minimum Load Current Shutdown Supply Current Dropout Supply Current IIN SHDN = GND (shutdown mode) Output set to 5V, VIN = 4V ILOAD = 1mA, TA = +25°C, VIN = 6V to 28V ILOAD = 5µA to 30mA, TA = TMIN to TMAX, VIN = 6V to 28V FB = OUT, VIN = 6V to 28V VFB = 1.3V ILOAD = 30mA (Note 4) VIN = 6V IN = unconnected, VOUT forced to 5V MAX1615 MAX1616 Rising edge of IN or SHDN to OUT within specification limits, RL = 500Ω, COUT = 6.8µF, VOUT set to 5V VOSH RL = 500Ω, COUT = 10µF within 90% of nominal output voltage 0.5 0.16 0.23 1 100 70 TA = +25°C TMIN = TMIN to TMAX TA = +25°C 5/3 = GND 5/3 = OUT 5/3 = GND 5/3 = OUT TA = +25°C, ILOAD = 1mA TA = TMIN to TMAX, ILOAD = 5µA to 30mA 3.26 4.95 3.15 4.75 1.215 1.18 -10 12 1.240 70 3.33 5.05 3.40 5.15 V 3.48 5.25 1.265 1.28 30 350 V V nA mV mA µA µF/mA SYMBOL VIN IIN SHDN = IN, TA = +25°C SHDN = IN, VIN = 6V to 28V, TA = TMIN to TMAX CONDITIONS MIN 4 6.2 TYP MAX 28 8 15 5 1.5 3 UNITS V µA µA µA µA
MAX809 Series,MAX810 SeriesVery Low Supply Current 3-Pin Microprocessor Reset MonitorsThe MAX809 and MAX810 are cost–effective system supervisor circuits designed to monitor V CC in digital systems and provide a reset signal to the host processor when necessary. No external components are required.The reset output is driven active within 10 µsec of V CC falling through the reset voltage threshold. Reset is maintained active for a minimum of 140 msec after V CC rises above the reset threshold. The MAX810 has an active–high RESET output while the MAX809 has an active–low RESET output. The output of the MAX809 is guaranteed valid down to V CC = 1.0 V. Both devices are available in a SOT–23 package.The MAX809/810 are optimized to reject fast transient glitches on the V CC line. Low supply current of 1.0 µA (V CC= 3.2 V) makes these devices suitable for battery powered applications.Features•Precision V CC Monitor for 2.5 V, 3.0 V, 3.3 V, and 5.0 V Supplies •Precision Monitoring V oltages from 1.6 V to 4.9 V Availablein 100 mV Steps•140 msec Guaranteed Minimum RESET Output Duration •RESET Output Guaranteed to V CC = 1.0 V•Low Supply Current•V CC Transient Immunity•Small SOT–23 Package•No External Components•Wide Operating Temperature: –40°C to 105°CTypical Applications•Computers•Embedded Systems•Battery Powered Equipment•Critical µP Power Supply MonitoringV CCFigure 1. Typical Application DiagramDevice Package ShippingORDERING INFORMATIONMAX809xTR SOT–233000 Tape/Reel MAX809SNxxxT1SOT–233000 Tape/Reel NOTE:*SOT–23 is equivalent to JEDEC (TO–236) **RESET is for MAX809***RESET is for MAX810SOT–23(TO–236)CASE 318PIN CONFIGURATION312V CCGNDRESET**SOT–23*(Top View)xx, xxx= Specific Device Codem= Date Codey= Yearw= Work WeekMARKINGDIAGRAMS32xxxm1(RESET)***MAX810xTR SOT–233000 Tape/ReelSee general marking information in the device marking section on page 8 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATION NOTE: The “x” and “xxx” denotes a suffix for V cc voltage threshold options – see page 8 for more details.32xxyw1See specific device markinginformation on page 8.PIN DESCRIPTIONABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Note 1)1.This device series contains ESD protection and exceeds the following tests:Human Body Model 2000 V per MIL–STD–883, Method 3015. Machine Model Method 350 V.2.The maximum package power dissipation limit must not be exceeded.P D +T J(max)*T Aq JAwith T J(max) = 150°C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS T A = –40°C to +105°C unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C. (Note 3)The following data is given for MAX809 threshold levels: 1.60 V, 2.32 V, 2.93 V, 4.63 V and 4.90 V.AELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(continued) T A = –40°C to +105°C unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C. (Note 4) The following data is given for MAX809 threshold levels: 1.60 V, 2.32 V, 2.93 V, 4.63 V and 4.90 V.A5.Contact your ON Semiconductor sales representative for other threshold voltage options.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V CC = Full Range, T A = –40°C to +85°C unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C, V CC = 5.0 V for L/M/J, 3.3 V for T/S, 3.0 V for R) (Note 6) The following data is given for MAX809 threshold levels: 2.63 V, 3.08 V, 4.00 V and 4.38 V; MAX810 threshold levels: 2.63 V, 2.93 V, 3.08 V, 4.38 V and 4.63 V.AAPPLICATIONS INFORMATIONV CC Transient RejectionThe MAX809 provides accurate V CC monitoring and reset timing during power–up, power–down, and brownout/sag conditions, and rejects negative–going transients (glitches)on the power supply line. Figure 2 shows the maximum transient duration vs. maximum negative excursion (overdrive) for glitch rejection. Any combination of duration and overdrive which lies under the curve will not generate a reset signal. Combinations above the curve are detected as a brownout or power–down. Typically, transient that goes 100 mV below the reset threshold and lasts 5 µs or less will not cause a reset pulse. Transient immunity can be improved by adding a capacitor in close proximity to the V CC pin of the MAX809.Figure 2. Maximum Transient Duration vs. Overdrivefor Glitch Rejection at 25°CV CC10.010080110.060.0M A X I M U M T R A N S I E N T D U R A T I O N (µs e c )20120RESET COMPARATOR OVERDRIVE (mV)160.06040RESET Signal Integrity During Power–DownThe MAX809 RESET output is valid to V CC = 1.0 V .Below this voltage the output becomes an “open circuit” and does not sink current. This means CMOS logic inputs to the µP will be floating at an undetermined voltage. Most digital systems are completely shutdown well above this voltage.However, in situations where RESET must be maintainedvalid to V CC = 0 V , a pull–down resistor must be connected from RESET to ground to discharge stray capacitances and hold the output low (Figure 3). This resistor value, though not critical, should be chosen such that it does not appreciably load RESET under normal operation (100 k W will be suitable for most applications).Figure 3. Ensuring RESET Valid to V CC = 0 VProcessors With Bidirectional I/O PinsSome µP’s (such as Motorola 68HC11) have bi–directional reset pins. Depending on the current drive capability of the processor pin, an indeterminate logic level may result if there is a logic conflict. This can be avoided by adding a 4.7 k W resistor in series with the output of the MAX809 (Figure 4). If there are other components in the system which require a reset signal, they should be buffered so as not to load the reset line. If the other components are required to follow the reset I/O of the µP, the buffer should be connected as shown with the solid line.Figure 4. Interfacing to Bidirectional Reset I/OBUFFERED RESETThe following data is given for MAX809 threshold levels: 1.60 V, 2.32 V, 2.93 V, 4.63 V and 4.90 V.1.10S U P P L Y C U R R E N T I N M I C R O A M PTEMPERATURE (°C)N O R M A L I Z E D P O W E R –U P R E S E T T I M E O U T–404020–206080Figure 7. Normalized Power–Up Reset vs.Temperature Figure 8. Normalized Reset Threshold Voltagevs. TemperatureTEMPERATURE (°C)–404020–206080The following data is given for MAX809 threshold levels: 2.63 V, 3.08 V, 4.00 V and 4.38 V;MAX810 threshold levels: 2.63 V, 2.93 V, 3.08 V, 4.38 V and 4.63 V.S U P P L Y C U R R E N T ( A )m 040206080100P O W E R -D O W N R E S E T D E L A Y ( s e c )m TEMPERATURE (C °)-40-200204085Figure 13. Power–Up Reset Timeout vs.Temperature TEMPERATURE (C °)-40-20020406085225235230240245250P O W E R -U P R E S E T T I M E O U T (m s e c )60Figure 14. Normalized Reset Threshold vs.TemperatureTAPING FORMComponent Taping Orientation for 3L SOT–23 (JEDEC–236) Devices(Mark Right Side Up)SOT–23Package Carrier Width (W)Pitch (P)Part Per Full ReelReel Size 8 mm4 mm30007 inchesTape & Reel Specifications TableMARKING AND THRESHOLD INFORMATIONm = Date Codey = Yearw = Work WeekPACKAGE DIMENSIONSSOT–23PLASTIC PACKAGE (TO–236)CASE 318–08ISSUE AHNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.MAXIMUM LEAD THICKNESS INCLUDES LEADNotesNotes11ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONJAPAN: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center4–32–1 Nishi–Gotanda, Shinagawa–ku, Tokyo, Japan 141–0031Phone: 81–3–5740–2700Email: r14525@。
Datasheet MLX90614 中文 数据手册 rev008
10-位 PWM 输出模式是连续输出所测物体温度的标准配置,测量物体的温度范围为-20…120 °C,分辨 率为 0.14 °C。PWM 通过修改 EEPROM 内 2 个单元的值,实际上可以根据需求调整至任何温度范围,而这对 出厂校准结果并无影响。
传感器的测量结果均出厂校准化,数据接口为数字式的 PWM 和 SMBus(System Management Bus) 输出。
作为标准,PWM 为 10 位,且配置为-20˚C 至 120 ˚C 内,分辨率为 0.14 ˚C 的连续输出。
传感器出厂默认,上电复位时为 SMBus 通信。
3901090614 Rev 008
PWM 引脚也可配置为热继电器(输入是 To),这样可以实现简单且性价比高的恒温控制器或温度报警(冰 点/沸点)应用,其中的温度临界值是用户可编程的。在 SMBus 系统里,这个功能可以作为处理器的中断信号, 以此触发读取主线上从动器的值,并确定精度条件。
传感器有两种供电电压选择:5V 或 3V(电池供电)。其中,5V 也可简便的从更高供电电压(例如 8 至 16V)上通过外接元件调制。(具体请参考“应用信息”)
MLX90614 connection to SMBus
图 1: 典型应用电路
2 概述
MLX90614 是一款用于非接触式的红外温度传感器,集成 了红外探测热电堆芯片与信号处理专用集成芯片,全部封装 在 TO-39。
低噪声放大器、17 位 ADC 和强大的 DSP 处理单元的全 集成,使传感器实现了高精度,高分辨率的测量。
________________General DescriptionThe MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241 trans-ceivers have a proprietary low-dropout transmitter out-put stage enabling true RS-232 performance from a 3.0V to 5.5V supply with a dual charge pump. The devices require only four small 0.1µF external charge-pump capacitors. The MAX3222, MAX3232, and MAX3241 are guaranteed to run at data rates of 120kbps while maintaining RS-232 output levels. The MAX3237 is guaranteed to run at data rates of 250kbps in the normal operating mode and 1Mbps in the MegaBaud™ operating mode, while maintaining RS-232output levels.The MAX3222/MAX3232 have 2 receivers and 2 drivers. The MAX3222 features a 1µA shutdown mode that reduces power consumption and extends battery life in portable systems. Its receivers remain active in shutdown mode, allowing external devices such as modems to be monitored using only 1µA supply cur-rent. The MAX3222 and MAX3232 are pin, package,and functionally compatible with the industry-standard MAX242 and MAX232, respectively.The MAX3241 is a complete serial port (3 drivers/5 receivers) designed for notebook and subnotebook computers. The MAX3237 (5 drivers/3 receivers) is ideal for fast modem applications. Both these devices feature a shutdown mode in which all receivers can remain active while using only 1µA supply current. Receivers R1(MAX3237/MAX3241) and R2 (MAX3241) have extra out-puts in addition to their standard outputs. These extra outputs are always active, allowing external devices such as a modem to be monitored without forward bias-ing the protection diodes in circuitry that may have V CC completely removed.The MAX3222, MAX3237, and MAX3241 are available in space-saving TSSOP and SSOP packages.________________________ApplicationsNotebook, Subnotebook, and Palmtop Computers High-Speed ModemsHand-Held Equipment Peripherals Printers3.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External CapacitorsMegaBaud and UCSP are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Typical Operating Circuits appear at end of data sheet.MAX3222/MAX3232/ MAX3237/MAX3241捷多邦,您值得信赖的PCB打样专家!3.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External CapacitorsABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V CC = +3.0V to +5.5V, C1–C4 = 0.1µF (Note 2), T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Note 1:V+ and V- can have a maximum magnitude of 7V, but their absolute difference cannot exceed 13V.V CC ...........................................................................-0.3V to +6V V+ (Note 1)...............................................................-0.3V to +7V V- (Note 1)................................................................+0.3V to -7V V+ + V- (Note 1)...................................................................+13V Input VoltagesT_IN, SHDN , EN ...................................................-0.3V to +6V MBAUD...................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)R_IN.................................................................................±25V Output VoltagesT_OUT...........................................................................±13.2V R_OUT....................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Short-Circuit DurationT_OUT....................................................................ContinuousContinuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)16-Pin TSSOP (derate 6.7mW/°C above +70°C).............533mW 16-Pin Narrow SO (derate 8.70mW/°C above +70°C)....696mW 16-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C)........762mW 16-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C)...842mW 18-Pin SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C)..............762mW 18-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)..889mW 20-Pin SSOP (derate 7.00mW/°C above +70°C).........559mW 20-Pin TSSOP (derate 8.0mW/°C above +70°C).............640mW 28-Pin TSSOP (derate 8.7mW/°C above +70°C).............696mW 28-Pin SSOP (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C).........762mW 28-Pin SO (derate 12.50mW/°C above +70°C).....................1W Operating Temperature RangesMAX32_ _C_ _.....................................................0°C to +70°C MAX32_ _E_ _ .................................................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External CapacitorsTIMING CHARACTERISTICS—MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3241(V CC = +3.0V to +5.5V, C1–C4 = 0.1µF (Note 2), T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V CC = +3.0V to +5.5V, C1–C4 = 0.1µF (Note 2), T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.)MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(V CC = +3.3V, 235kbps data rate, 0.1µF capacitors, all transmitters loaded with 3k Ω, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)-6-5-4-3-2-101234560MAX3222/MAX3232TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs. LOAD CAPACITANCELOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)T R A N S M I T T E R O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )20003000100040005000246810121416182022150MAX3222/MAX3232SLEW RATEvs. LOAD CAPACITANCELOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)S L E W R A T E (V /µs )20003000100040005000510152025303540MAX3222/MAX3232SUPPLY CURRENT vs. LOAD CAPACITANCEWHEN TRANSMITTING DATALOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )20003000100040005000TIMING CHARACTERISTICS—MAX3237(V CC = +3.0V to +5.5V, C1–C4 = 0.1µF (Note 2), T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.)Note 2:MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3241: C1–C4 = 0.1µF tested at 3.3V ±10%; C1 = 0.047µF, C2–C4 = 0.33µF tested at 5.0V ±10%.MAX3237: C1–C4 = 0.1µF tested at 3.3V ±5%; C1–C4 = 0.22µF tested at 3.3V ±10%; C1 = 0.047µF, C2–C4 = 0.33µF tested at 5.0V ±10%.Note 3:Transmitter input hysteresis is typically 250mV.MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors-7.5-5.0-2.502.55.07.50MAX3241TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs. LOAD CAPACITANCELOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)T R A N S M I T T E R O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )2000300010004000500046810121416182022240MAX3241SLEW RATEvs. LOAD CAPACITANCELOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)S L E W R A T E (V /µs )20003000100040005000510152025303545400MAX3241SUPPLY CURRENT vs. LOADCAPACITANCE WHEN TRANSMITTING DATALOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )20003000100040005000-7.5-5.0-2.502.55.07.50MAX3237TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE (MBAUD = GND)LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)T R A N S M I T T E R O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )200030001000400050000102030504060700MAX3237SLEW RATE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE(MBAUD = V CC )LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)S L E W R A T E (V /µs )500100015002000-7.5-5.0-2.502.55.07.50MAX3237TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE (MBAUD = V CC )LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)T R A N S M I T T E R O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )5001000150020001020304050600MAX3237SUPPLY CURRENT vs.LOAD CAPACITANCE (MBAUD = GND)LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T(m A )200030001000400050000246810120MAX3237SLEW RATE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE(MBAUD = GND)LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)S L E W R A T E (V /µs )2000300010004000500010302040506070MAX3237SKEW vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE(t PLH - t PHL )LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)1000150050020002500_____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V CC = +3.3V, 235kbps data rate, 0.1µF capacitors, all transmitters loaded with 3k Ω, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors______________________________________________________________Pin DescriptionMAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors_______________Detailed DescriptionDual Charge-Pump Voltage ConverterThe MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241’s internal power supply consists of a regulated dual charge pump that provides output voltages of +5.5V (doubling charge pump) and -5.5V (inverting charge pump), regardless of the input voltage (V CC ) over the 3.0V to 5.5V range. The charge pumps operate in a discontinuous mode; if the output voltages are less than 5.5V, the charge pumps are enabled, and if the output voltages exceed 5.5V, the charge pumps are disabled. Each charge pump requires a flying capacitor (C1, C2) and a reservoir capacitor (C3, C4) to generate the V+ and V- supplies.RS-232 TransmittersThe transmitters are inverting level translators that con-vert CMOS-logic levels to 5.0V EIA/TIA-232 levels.The MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3241 transmitters guaran-tee a 120kbps data rate with worst-case loads of 3k Ωin parallel with 1000pF, providing compatibility with PC-to-PC communication software (such as LapLink™).Typically, these three devices can operate at data rates of 235kbps. Transmitters can be paralleled to drive multi-ple receivers or mice.The MAX3222/MAX3237/MAX3241’s output stage is turned off (high impedance) when the device is in shut-down mode. When the power is off, the MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241 permit the outputs to be driven up to ±12V.The transmitter inputs do not have pullup resistors.Connect unused inputs to GND or V CC .MAX3237 MegaBaud OperationIn normal operating mode (MBAUD = GND ), the MAX3237 transmitters guarantee a 250kbps data rate with worst-case loads of 3k Ωin parallel with 1000pF.This provides compatibility with PC-to-PC communica-tion software, such as Laplink.For higher speed serial communications, the MAX3237features MegaBaud operation. In MegaBaud operating mode (MBAUD = V CC ), the MAX3237 transmitters guar-antee a 1Mbps data rate with worst-case loads of 3k Ωin parallel with 250pF for 3.0V < V CC < 4.5V. For 5V ±10%operation, the MAX3237 transmitters guarantee a 1Mbps data rate into worst-case loads of 3k Ωin parallel with 1000pF.Figure 1. Slew-Rate Test CircuitsLapLink is a trademark of Traveling Software, Inc.MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External CapacitorsRS-232 ReceiversThe receivers convert RS-232 signals to CMOS-logic out-put levels. The MAX3222/MAX3237/MAX3241 receivers have inverting three-state outputs. In shutdown, the receivers can be active or inactive (Table 1).The complementary outputs on the MAX3237 (R1OUTB)and the MAX3241 (R1OUTB, R2OUTB) are always active,regardless of the state of EN or SHDN . This allows for Ring Indicator applications without forward biasing other devices connected to the receiver outputs. This is ideal for systems where V CC is set to 0V in shutdown to accommodate peripherals, such as UARTs (Figure 2).MAX3222/MAX3237/MAX3241Shutdown ModeSupply current falls to less than 1µA in shutdown mode (SHDN = low). When shut down, the device’s charge pumps are turned off, V+ is pulled down to V CC , V- is pulled to ground, and the transmitter outputs are dis-abled (high impedance). The time required to exit shut-down is typically 100µs, as shown in Figure 3. Connect SHDN to V CC if the shutdown mode is not used. SHDN has no effect on R_OUT or R_OUTB.MAX3222/MAX3237/MAX3241Enable ControlThe inverting receiver outputs (R_OUT) are put into a high-impedance state when EN is high. The complemen-tary outputs R1OUTB and R2OUTB are always active,regardless of the state of EN and SHDN (Table 1). EN has no effect on T_OUT.__________Applications InformationCapacitor SelectionThe capacitor type used for C1–C4 is not critical for proper operation; polarized or nonpolarized capacitors can be used. The charge pump requires 0.1µF capaci-tors for 3.3V operation. For other supply voltages, refer to Table 2 for required capacitor values. Do not use values lower than those listed in Table 2. Increasing the capaci-tor values (e.g., by a factor of 2) reduces ripple on the transmitter outputs and slightly reduces power consump-tion. C2, C3, and C4 can be increased without changing C1’s value. However, do not increase C1 without also increasing the values of C2, C3, and C4, to maintain the proper ratios (C1 to the other capacitors).When using the minimum required capacitor values,make sure the capacitor value does not degrade exces-sively with temperature. If in doubt, use capacitors with a higher nominal value. The capacitor’s equivalent series resistance (ESR), which usually rises at low tempera-tures, influences the amount of ripple on V+ and V-.Figure 2. Detection of RS-232 Activity when the UART and Interface are Shut Down; Comparison of MAX3237/MAX3241(b) with Previous Transceivers (a).MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External CapacitorsPower-Supply DecouplingIn most circumstances, a 0.1µF bypass capacitor is adequate. In applications that are sensitive to power-supply noise, decouple V CC to ground with a capacitor of the same value as charge-pump capacitor C1. Connect bypass capacitors as close to the IC as possible.Operation Down to 2.7VTransmitter outputs will meet EIA/TIA-562 levels of ±3.7V with supply voltages as low as 2.7V.Transmitter Outputs whenExiting ShutdownFigure 3 shows two transmitter outputs when exiting shutdown mode. As they become active, the two trans-mitter outputs are shown going to opposite RS-232 lev-els (one transmitter input is high, the other is low).Each transmitter is loaded with 3k Ωin parallel with 2500pF. The transmitter outputs display no ringing or undesirable transients as they come out of shutdown.Note that the transmitters are enabled only when the magnitude of V- exceeds approximately 3V.Mouse DriveabilityThe MAX3241 has been specifically designed to power serial mice while operating from low-voltage power sup-plies. It has been tested with leading mouse brands from manufacturers such as Microsoft and Logitech. The MAX3241 successfully drove all serial mice tested and met their respective current and voltage requirements.Figure 4a shows the transmitter output voltages under increasing load current at 3.0V. Figure 4b shows a typical mouse connection using the MAX3241.CC = 3.3V C1–C4 = 0.1µF50µs/divFigure 3. Transmitter Outputs when Exiting Shutdown or Powering UpMAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External CapacitorsFigure 4b. Mouse Driver Test CircuitFigure 4a. MAX3241 Transmitter Output Voltage vs. Load Current per TransmitterMAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V, Low-Power, up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External CapacitorsHigh Data RatesThe MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3241 maintain the RS-232±5.0V minimum transmitter output voltage even at highdata rates. Figure 5 shows a transmitter loopback testcircuit. Figure 6 shows a loopback test result at120kbps, and Figure 7 shows the same test at 235kbps.For Figure 6, all transmitters were driven simultaneouslyat 120kbps into RS-232 loads in parallel with 1000pF.For Figure 7, a single transmitter was driven at 235kbps,and all transmitters were loaded with an RS-232 receiverin parallel with 1000pF.The MAX3237 maintains the RS-232 ±5.0V minimumtransmitter output voltage at data rates up to 1Mbps.Figure 8 shows a loopback test result at 1Mbps withMBAUD = V CC. For Figure 8, all transmitters wereloaded with an RS-232 receiver in parallel with 250pF.CC = 3.3V5µs/divFigure 5. Loopback Test CircuitFigure 6. MAX3241 Loopback Test Result at 120kbpsCC = 3.3V2µs/divFigure 7. MAX3241 Loopback Test Result at 235kbps0V +5V 0V -5V +5V 0VT_INT_OUT = R_IN5kR_OUT150pF200ns/divCC = 3.3VFigure 8. MAX3237 Loopback Test Result at 1000kbps(MBAUD = V CC)MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors__________________________________________________Typical Operating CircuitsInterconnection with 3V and 5V LogicThe MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241 can directly interface with various 5V logic families, includ-ing ACT and HCT CMOS. See Table 3 for more informa-tion on possible combinations of interconnections.Table 3. Logic-Family Compatibility with Various Supply VoltagesMAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241 3.0V to 5.5V, Low-Power, up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors_____________________________________Typical Operating Circuits (continued)MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V, Low-Power, up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232 Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors_____________________________________________Pin Configurations (continued)3.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors______3V-Powered EIA/TIA-232 and EIA/TIA-562 Transceivers from MaximOrdering Information (continued)*Dice are tested at T A = +25°C, DC parameters only.+Denotes lead-free package.MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors___________________Chip Topography___________________Chip InformationT1INT2IN 0.127"(3.225mm)0.087"(2.209mm)R2OUTR2IN T2OUTV CCV+C1+SHDNENC1- C2+C2-V-MAX3222TRANSISTOR COUNT: 339SUBSTRATE CONNECTED TO GNDMAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX32413.0V to 5.5V , Low-Power , up to 1Mbps, T rue RS-232Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External CapacitorsPackage Information(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information,go to /packages .)Revision HistoryPages changed at Rev 7: 1, 15, 16, 17MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241Maxim Integrated 160 Rio Robles, San Jose, CA 95134 USA 1-408-601-1000Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. The parametric values (min and max limits) shown in the Electrical Characteristics table are guaranteed. Other parametric values quoted in this data sheet are provided for guidance.©2007 Maxim IntegratedThe Maxim logo and Maxim Integrated are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.。
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PARAMETER GENERAL VIN Supply Voltage Operating Range VIN Undervoltage Lockout Threshold REF Input Range REF Undervoltage Lockout Threshold Shutdown Supply Current Sleep-Mode Supply Current Quiescent Supply Current OSCILLATOR INPUT OSC Input Leakage Current Oscillator Frequency Range OSC Clock Low Trip Level OSC Clock High Trip Level Maximum Duty Cycle Adjustment Range (Note 2) Maximum Duty Cycle (Note 2) Default Maximum Duty Cycle (Note 2) INPUTS/OUTPUTS DCON Input Leakage Current DCON Input Sleep-Mode Threshold REF Input Current ERROR AMPLIFIER FB Regulation Voltage FB to COMP Transconductance FB to COMP Maximum Voltage Gain FB Input Leakage Current VFB = 1.35V -5µA < ICOMP < 5µA 1.238 70 1.250 100 2000 30 100 1.263 160 V µS V/V nA VDCON = 5.5V IIN ≤ 10µA VDCON = 0 VDCON = VREF VDCON = VREF , during soft-start 0.35 9 0.4 0.5 3.3 13 100 0.45 1.1 10 30 µA nA V VDCON = 0.625V fOSC = 100kHz VDCON = 0.625V, fOSC = 100kHz VDCON = 1.25V, fOSC = 100kHz VOSC = 1.5V 100 0.20 1.00 0.575 40 50 84 0.25 1.05 0.625 0.04 1 1000 0.30 1.10 0.675 90 µA kHz V V % % % VREF rising VIN = 5.5V, VDCON = 0, VREF = 0 VIN = 3.3V, VDCON = 0, VREF = 1.25V VOSC = 0, VFB = 0 VIN rising 2.7 2.2 1.19 0.9 2.35 1.25 1.0 0.01 5 124 5.5 2.5 1.31 1.1 1 10 300 V V V V µA µA µA CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS
5 V DINROUTDOUT RS-232RIN RS-232120 kb/s15 kV HBMCopyright © 2016,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct FolderSample &BuyTechnical Documents Tools &SoftwareSupport &CommunityAn IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability,warranty,changes,use in safety-critical applications,intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers.PRODUCTION DATA.MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016MAX2025-V Dual RS-232Line Driver and Receiver With ±15-kV ESD Protection1Features•Meets or Exceeds the Requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and ITU v.28Standards•ESD Protection for RS-232Bus Pins:±15-kV Human-Body Model•Operates at 5-V V CC Supply •Operates Up to 120kbit/s•Two Drivers and Two Receivers•Latch-Up Performance Exceeds 100mA Per JESD 78,Class II2Applications•Battery-Powered Systems •Notebooks •Laptops•Palmtop PCs•Hand-Held Equipment3DescriptionThe MAX202device consists of two line drivers,two line receivers,and a dual charge-pump circuit with ±15-kV ESD protection pin to pin (serial-port connection pins,including GND).The device meets the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and provides the electrical interface between an asynchronous communication controller and the serial-port connector.The charge pump and four small external capacitors allow operation from a single 5-V supply.The device operates at data signaling rates up to 120kbit/s and a maximum of 30-V/µs driver output slew rate.Device Information (1)PART NUMBER PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM)MAX202CD MAX202ID SOIC (16)9.90mm ×3.91mm MAX202CDW MAX202IDW SOIC WIDE (16)10.30mm ×7.50mm MAX202CPW MAX202IPWTSSOP (16)5.00mm x 4.40mm(1)For all available packages,see the orderable addendum atthe end of the data sheet.Block Diagram2MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTable of Contents1Features ..................................................................12Applications ...........................................................13Description .............................................................14Revision History .....................................................25Pin Configuration and Functions . (36)Specifications .........................................................46.1Absolute Maximum Ratings......................................46.2ESD Ratings..............................................................46.3Recommended Operating Conditions.......................46.4Thermal Information..................................................46.5Electrical Characteristics...........................................56.6Switching Characteristics..........................................56.7Typical Characteristics .............................................67Parameter Measurement Information ..................78Detailed Description . (8)8.1Overview...................................................................88.2Functional Block Diagram.. (8)8.3Feature Description...................................................88.4Device Functional Modes (8)9Application and Implementation (10)9.1Application Information............................................109.2Typical Application.. (10)10Power Supply Recommendations .....................1311Layout . (13)11.1Layout Guidelines ................................................1311.2Layout Example. (13)12Device and Documentation Support (14)12.1Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates 1412.2Community Resources..........................................1412.3Trademarks...........................................................1412.4Electrostatic Discharge Caution............................1412.5Glossary................................................................1413Mechanical,Packaging,and OrderableInformation (14)4Revision HistoryNOTE:Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.Changes from Revision E (April 2007)to Revision F Page•Added ESD Ratings table,Feature Description section,Device Functional Modes ,Application and Implementation section,Power Supply Recommendations section,Layout section,Device and Documentation Support section,andMechanical,Packaging,and Orderable Information section..................................................................................................1•Removed the Ordering Information table;see POA at the end of the data sheet .................................................................1•Changed values in the Thermal Information table to align with JEDEC standards (4)C1+ V CC V+ GND C1± DOUT1C2+ RIN1C2± ROUT1V ± DIN1DOUT2 DIN2RIN2ROUT23MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated 5Pin Configuration and FunctionsD,DW,or PW Package 16-Pin SOIC or TSSOPTop ViewPin FunctionsPINI/O DESCRIPTION 1C1+—Positive lead of C1capacitor2V+O Positive charge pump output for storage capacitor only 3C1–—Negative lead of C1capacitor 4C2+—Positive lead of C2capacitor 5C2–—Negative lead of C2capacitor6V–O Negative charge pump output for storage capacitor only 7DOUT2O RS-232line data output (to remote RS-232system)8RIN2I RS-232line data input (from remote RS-232system)9ROUT2O Logic data output (to UART)10DIN2I Logic data input (from UART)11DIN1I Logic data input (from UART)12ROUT1O Logic data output (to UART)13RIN1I RS-232line data input (from remote RS-232system)14DOUT1O RS-232line data output (to remote RS-232system)15GND —Ground16V CC—Supply voltage,connect to external 5-V power supply4MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated(1)Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratings only,which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions .Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2)All voltages are with respect to network GND.6Specifications6.1Absolute Maximum Ratingsover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)(1)MINMAX UNIT Supply voltage,V CC (2)–0.36V Positive charge pump voltage,V+(2)V CC –0.314V Negative charge pump voltage,V–(2)–140.3V Input voltage,V I Drivers –0.3V++0.3V Receivers ±30Output voltage,V ODrivers V––0.3V++0.3VReceivers–0.3V CC +0.3Short-circuit duration,D OUTContinuousOperating junction temperature,T J 150°C Storage temperature,T stg –65150°C (1)JEDEC document JEP155states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.(2)JEDEC document JEP157states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process.6.2ESD RatingsVALUEUNITV (ESD)Electrostatic dischargeHuman-body model (HBM),per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001(1)Pins 7,8,13,and 14±15000V All other pins±2000Charged-device model (CDM),per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101(2)±1500(1)Test conditions are C1–C4=0.1µF at V CC =5V ±0.5V.6.3Recommended Operating Conditionsover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted (1);see Figure 10)MINNOMMAX UNIT Supply voltage4.555.5V V IH Driver high-level input voltage (D IN )2V V IL Driver low-level input voltage (D IN )0.8V V I Driver input voltage (D IN )0 5.5V Receiver input voltage –3030T A Operating free-air temperatureMAX202C 070°CMAX202I–4085(1)For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics,see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report.6.4Thermal InformationTHERMAL METRIC (1)MAX202UNITD (SOIC)DW (SOIC)PW (TSSOP)16PINS 16PINS 16PINS R θJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 76.276.8101°C/W R θJC(top)Junction-to-case (top)thermal resistance 36.839.636.4°C/W R θJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 33.941.545.9°C/W ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 6.712.6 2.7°C/W ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter33.640.945.3°C/W5MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated (1)Test conditions are C1–C4=0.1µF at V CC =5V ±0.5V.(2)All typical values are at V CC =5V,and T A =25°C.(3)Short-circuit durations should be controlled to prevent exceeding the device absolute power-dissipation ratings,and not more than one output should be shorted at a time.6.5Electrical Characteristicsover recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted;see Figure 10)(1)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSMINTYP (2)MAX UNIT I CC Supply currentNo load,V CC =5V815mADRIVER SECTIONV OH High-level output voltage D OUT at R L =3k Ωto GND,D IN =GND 59V V OL Low-level output voltage D OUT at R L =3k Ωto GND,D IN =V CC –5–9V I IH High-level input current V I =V CC 0200µA I IL Low-level input current V I at 0V0–200µA I OS (3)Short-circuit output current V CC =5.5V,V O =0V±10±60mA r O Output resistance V CC ,V+,and V–=0V,V O =±2V 300ΩRECEIVER SECTIONV OH High-level output voltage I OH =–1mA 3.5V CC –0.4V V OL Low-level output voltageI OL =1.6mA 0.4V V IT+Positive-going input threshold voltage V CC =5V,T A =25°C 1.7 2.4V V IT–Negative-going input threshold voltage V CC =5V,T A =25°C0.8 1.2V V hys Input hysteresis (V IT+–V IT–)0.20.51V r i Input resistanceV I =±3V to ±25V357k Ω(1)Test conditions are C1–C4=0.1µF at V CC =5V ±0.5V.(2)All typical values are at V CC =5V,and T A =25°C.(3)Pulse skew is defined as |t PLH –t PHL |of each channel of the same device.6.6Switching Characteristicsover recommended ranges of suply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted;see Figure 10)(1)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSMINTYP (2)MAXUNITDRIVER SECTIONMaximum data rateC L =50pF to 1000pF,R L =3k Ωto 7k ΩoneD OUT switching,see Figure 6120kbit/s t PLH(D)Propagation delay time,low-to high-level output C L =2500pF,R L =3k Ω,all drivers loaded,see Figure 62µs t PHL(D)Propagation delay time,high-to low-level output C L =2500pF,R L =3k Ω,all drivers loaded,see Figure 62µs t sk(p)Pulse skew (3)C L =150to 2500pF,R L =3k Ωto 7k Ω,see Figure 7300ns SR(tr)Slew rate,transition regionC L =50to 1000pF,R L =3k Ωto 7k Ω,V CC =5V,see Figure 63630V/µsRECEIVER SECTION (SEE Figure 8)t PLH(R)Propagation delay time,low-to high-level output C L =150pF 0.510µs t PHL(R)Propagation delay time,high-to low-level output C L =150pF 0.510µs t sk(p)Pulse skew (3)C L =150pF300ns6MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated6.7Typical Characteristicsat T A =25°C (unless otherwise noted)TEST CIRCUITVOLTAGE WAVEFORMS50%50%–3 V3 V1.5 V1.5 VOutputInputV OL V OHt PHL (R)t PLH (R)OutputA)TEST CIRCUITVOLTAGE WAVEFORMS0 V 3 VOutputInputV OLV OHt PLH (D)t PHL (D)50%50%1.5 V1.5 VRS-232OutputA)TEST CIRCUITVOLTAGE WAVEFORMS0 V3 VOutputInputV OLV OH t PLH (D)RS-232Outputt PHL (D)A)1.5 V1.5 V3 V –3 V3 V –3 VSR(tf) =6 Vt or t PHL(D PLH(D))7MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated 7Parameter Measurement InformationA.C L includes probe and jig capacitance.B.The pulse generator has the following characteristics:PRR =120kbit/s,Z O =50Ω,50%duty cycle,t r ≤10ns,t f ≤10ns.Figure 6.Driver Slew RateA.C L includes probe and jig capacitance.B.The pulse generator has the following characteristics:PRR =120kbit/s,Z O =50Ω,50%duty cycle,t r ≤10ns,t f ≤10ns.Figure 7.Driver Pulse SkewA.C L includes probe and jig capacitance.B.The pulse generator has the following characteristics:Z O =50Ω,50%duty cycle,t r ≤10ns,t f ≤10ns.Figure 8.Receiver Propagation Delay Times5 V DINROUTDOUT RS-232RIN RS-232120 kb/s15 kV HBMCopyright © 2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated8MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated8Detailed Description8.1OverviewThe MAX202device is a dual driver and receiver that includes a capacitive voltage generator using four capacitors to supply TIA/EIA-232-F voltage levels from a single 5-V supply.Each receiver converts TIA/EIA-232-F inputs to 5-V TTL/CMOS levels.These receivers have shorted and open fail safe.The receiver can accept up to ±30-V inputs and decode inputs as low as ±3V.Each driver converts TTL/CMOS input levels into TIA/EIA-232-F levels.Outputs are protected against shorts to ground.8.2Functional Block Diagram8.3Feature Description8.3.1PowerThe power block increases and inverts the 5-V supply for the RS-232driver using a charge pump that requires four 0.1-µF external capacitors.8.3.2RS-232DriverTwo drivers interface standard logic levels to RS-232levels.The driver inputs do not have internal pullup resistors.Do not float the driver inputs.8.3.3RS-232ReceiverTwo Schmitt trigger receivers interface RS-232levels to standard logic levels.Each receiver has an internal 5-k Ωload to ground.An open input results in a high output on ROUT.8.4Device Functional Modes8.4.1V CC Powered by 5-VThe device is in normal operation when powered by 5V.8.4.2V CC UnpoweredWhen MAX202is unpowered,it can be safely connected to an active remote RS-232device.DIN1DOUT1RIN1ROUT1DIN2DOUT2RIN2ROUT29MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated Device Functional Modes (continued)8.4.3Truth TablesTable 1and Table 2list the function for each driver and receiver (respectively).(1)H =high level,L =low levelTable 1.Function Table forEach Driver (1)INPUT DIN OUTPUT DOUTL H HL(1)H =high level,L =low level,Open =input disconnected or connected driver offTable 2.Function Table forEach Receiver (1)INPUT RIN OUTPUT ROUTL H H L OpenHFigure 9.Logic Diagram (Positive Logic)CBYPASS = 0.1F,m C10.1F,m 6.3 VCopyright © 2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated10MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER 2016Product Folder Links:MAX202Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2003–2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated9Application and ImplementationNOTEInformation in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification,and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness.TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes.Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality.9.1Application InformationFor proper operation,add capacitors as shown in Figure 10.Pins 9through 12connect to UART or general purpose logic lines.RS-232lines on pins 7,8,13,and 14connect to a connector or cable.9.2Typical ApplicationA.C3can be connected to V CC or GND.B.Resistor values shown are nominal.C.Nonpolarized ceramic capacitors are acceptable.If polarized tantalum or electrolytic capacitors are used,they must be connected as shown.Figure 10.Typical Operating Circuit and Capacitor Values9.2.1Design Requirements •V CC minimum is 4.5V and maximum is 5.5V.•Maximum recommended bit rate is 120kbps.RVHBM MAX202 SLLS576F–JULY2003–REVISED SETPEMBER2016 Typical Application(continued)9.2.2Detailed Design Procedure9.2.2.1Capacitor SelectionThe capacitor type used for C1through C4is not critical for proper operation.The MAX202requires0.1-µF capacitors.Capacitors up to10µF can be used without harm.Ceramic dielectrics are suggested for the0.1-µF capacitors.When using the minimum recommended capacitor values,make sure the capacitance value does not degrade excessively as the operating temperature varies.If in doubt,use capacitors with a larger(for example, 2×)nominal value.The capacitors'effective series resistance(ESR),which usually rises at low temperatures, influences the amount of ripple on V+and V–.Use larger capacitors(up to10µF)to reduce the output impedance at V+and V–.Bypass V CC to ground with at least0.1µF.In applications sensitive to power-supply noise generated by the charge pumps,decouple V CC to ground with a capacitor the same size as(or larger than)the charge-pump capacitors(C1to C4). ProtectionMAX202devices have standard ESD protection structures incorporated on all pins to protect against electrostatic discharges encountered during assembly and handling.In addition,the RS-232bus pins(driver outputs and receiver inputs)of these devices have an extra level of ESD protection.Advanced ESD structures were designed to successfully protect these bus pins against ESD discharge of±15-kV when powered down. Test ConditionsStringent ESD testing is performed by TI based on various conditions and procedures.Please contact TI for a reliability report that documents test setup,methodology,and results. Model(HBM)The HBM of ESD testing is shown in Figure11.Figure12shows the current waveform that is generated during a discharge into a low impedance.The model consists of a100-pF capacitor,charged to the ESD voltage of concern,and subsequently discharged into the device under test(DUT)through a1.5-kΩresistor.Figure11.HBM ESD Test Circuit1001502005001. -AD U T MAX202SLLS576F –JULY 2003–REVISED SETPEMBER Typical Application (continued)Figure 12.Typical HBM Current Waveform9.2.3Application Curve120kbit/s,1-nF loadFigure 13.Driver and Receiver Loopback SignalMAX202 SLLS576F–JULY2003–REVISED SETPEMBER201610Power Supply RecommendationsThe V CC voltage must be connected to the same power source used for logic device connected to DIN and ROUT pins.V CC must be between4.5V and5.5V.11Layout11.1Layout GuidelinesKeep the external capacitor traces short.This is more important on C1and C2nodes that have the fastest rise and fall times.For best ESD performance,make the impedance from MAX202ground pin to the ground plane of the circuit board as low as e wide metal and multiple vias on both sides of ground pin.11.2Layout ExampleFigure14.MAX202Circuit Board LayoutMAX202SLLS576F–JULY2003–REVISED 12Device and Documentation Support12.1Receiving Notification of Documentation UpdatesTo receive notification of documentation updates,navigate to the device product folder on .In the upper right corner,click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has changed.For change details,review the revision history included in any revised document.12.2Community ResourcesThe following links connect to TI community resources.Linked contents are provided"AS IS"by the respective contributors.They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views;see TI's Terms of Use.TI E2E™Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer(E2E)Community.Created to foster collaboration among engineers.At ,you can ask questions,share knowledge,explore ideas and helpsolve problems with fellow engineers.Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and contact information for technical support.12.3TrademarksE2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.12.4Electrostatic Discharge CautionThese devices have limited built-in ESD protection.The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.12.5GlossarySLYZ022—TI Glossary.This glossary lists and explains terms,acronyms,and definitions.13Mechanical,Packaging,and Orderable InformationThe following pages include mechanical,packaging,and orderable information.This information is the most current data available for the designated devices.This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document.For browser-based versions of this data sheet,refer to the left-hand navigation.PACKAGING INFORMATIONAddendum-Page 1(1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.(4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device.Addendum-Page 2(5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device.(6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.Addendum-Page 3TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION*All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package DrawingPinsSPQ Reel Diameter (mm)Reel Width W1(mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W (mm)Pin1Quadrant MAX202CDR SOICD 162500330.016.4 6.510.3 SOICDW 162000330.016.410.7510.7 2.712.016.0Q1MAX202CPWR TSSOPPW 162000330.012.4 6.9 5.6 SOICD 162500330.016.4 6.510.3 SOICDW 162000330.016.410.7510.7 2.712.016.0Q1MAX202IPWR TSSOP PW 162000330.012.4 6.9 5.6*All dimensions are nominalDevice Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length(mm)Width(mm)Height(mm) MAX202CDR SOIC D162500333.2345.928.6 MAX202CDWR SOIC DW162000367.0367.038.0 MAX202CPWR TSSOP PW162000367.0367.035.0 MAX202IDR SOIC D162500333.2345.928.6 MAX202IDWR SOIC DW162000367.0367.038.0MAX202IPWR TSSOP PW162000367.0367.035.0IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46,latest issue,and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48,latest issue.Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”)are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale,in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by applicable law,testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’products.Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’products and applications,Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI components or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products,and any use of TI components in its applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,monitor failures and their consequences,lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions.Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications.In some cases,TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications.With such components,TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements.Nonetheless,such components are subject to these terms.No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III(or similar life-critical medical equipment)unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or“enhanced plastic”are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949requirements,mainly for automotive use.In any case of use of non-designated products,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949.Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Applications Processors /omap TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2016,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
Eaton 167706Eaton Moeller series xEffect - FRCmM-NA RCCB. Residual currentcircuit breaker (RCCB), 40A, 4p, 30mA, type G/A, UL, 110VGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series xEffect - FRCmM-NA RCCB167706FRCMM-40/4/003-G/A-NA-110401508164247280 mm71 mm70 mm0.32 kg RoHS conformUL 1053ÖVE E 8601 IEC/EN 61008 EN45545-2 IEC 61373Additionally protects against special forms of residual pulsating DC which have not been smoothed.Product Name Catalog NumberModel CodeEAN Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications Catalog Notes40 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.7035-35 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.DIN railQuick attachment with 2 latch positions for DIN-rail IEC/EN 6071540 ADoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0.03 A100 V AC - 210 V AC, 94 V AC - 132 V AC (UL)Meets the product standard's requirements.Short time-delayed8 ms delay at 60 Hz10 ms delay at 50 HzInterlocking device500 A eaton-rcd-application-guide-br019003en-en-us.pdfUL 1053 DIN Rail RCCBEaton's Volume 4—Circuit Protectioneaton-xeffect-industrial-switchgear-range-catalog-ca003002en-en-us.pdf eaton-xeffect-frcmm-na-rccb-catalog-ca003019en-en-us.pdfDA-DC-03_FRCmeaton-circuit-breaker-xeffect-frcmm-na-rccb-dimensions.epsMA180503312DA-CD-f9_ul1053_4pDA-CS-f9_ul1053_4pEaton Specification Sheet - 167706eaton-circuit-breaker-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-wiring-diagram-002.eps eaton-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-wiring-diagram-002.jpgRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) 10.11 Short-circuit ratingRAL-numberPermitted storage and transport temperature - min10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting MethodAmperage Rating10.2.5 LiftingRated fault current - maxTest circuit range10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Tripping timeFitted with:Rated residual making and breaking capacity Application notesBrochuresCatalogsCertification reports DrawingsInstallation instructions mCAD model Specifications and datasheets Wiring diagramsFrequency rating50 Hz / 60 Hz10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Fault current rating30 mATerminal protectionFinger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 50274Special featuresFRCmM-NA-110Residual current circuitbreakersType G/A (ÖVE E 8601)Sensitivity typePulse-current sensitiveAmbient operating temperature - max40 °CHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent3.275 WClimatic proofing25-55 °C / 90-95% relative humidity according to IEC 60068-2Built-in depth70.5 mmShort-circuit ratingMax. admissible back-up fuse: 63 A gG/gL, 70 A class J fuse (UL)FeaturesResidual current circuit breakerAdditional equipment possibleLifespan, electrical4000 operationsTerminal capacity (cable)M5 (with cross-recessed screw as defined in EN ISO 4757-Z2, PZ2)Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min1.5 mm²Contact position indicator colorRed / green10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of polesFour-poleTerminal capacity (solid wire)1.5 mm² - 35 mm²Ambient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Rated short-circuit strength5 kA (UL, as per CSA)10 kA with back-up fuse10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Used withFRCmM-NA-110Type G/A (�VE E 8601)Residual current circuit breakersMounting positionAs requiredEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependent13.1 W10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.ApplicationSwitchgear for 110-V systems10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Voltage rating (IEC/EN 60947-2)110/190 VVoltage typeACTerminal capacity (stranded cable)16 mm² (2x)Leakage current typeAFrame45 mmBuilt-in width (number of units)70 mm (4 SU)Terminals (top and bottom)Lift terminalsAmbient humdity range5 - 95 %Impulse withstand current3 kA (8/20 μs) surge-proofWidth in number of modular spacings410.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Lifespan, mechanical10000 operationsStatus indicationWhite / blue10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max35 mm²Degree of protectionIP20, IP40 with suitable enclosureIP20Rated short-time withstand current (Icw)10 kAOvervoltage tested - max530 VPollution degree210.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min 1.5 mm²Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)4 kV10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.FunctionsShort-time delayed trippingVoltage rating (UL)208/120 V, 60 HzConnectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max 16 mm²TypeCurrent test marks as perinscriptionMaximum operatingtemperature is 75 °C:Starting at 40 °C, the max.permissible continuouscurrent decreases by 2.5%for every 1 °CThe maximum operatingcurrent of back-up fuse mustnot exceed the residualcurrent circuit breaker'srated operational current10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia3 kA60 °C40 A gG/gL0.03 A 22 mA190 V440 VSurge current capacity Permitted storage and transport temperature - max Admissible back-up fuse overload - max Rated fault current - min Pick-up current Rated operational voltage (Ue) - max Rated insulation voltage (Ui)。
Note: Some revisions of this device may incorporate deviations from published specifications known as errata. Multiple revisions of any device may be simultaneously available through various sales channels. For information about device errata, click here: /errata .FEATURES§ Two 32-bit counters keep track of real -time and elapsed time§ Counters keep track of seconds for over 125 years§ Battery powered counter counts seconds from the time battery is attached until V BAT is less than 2.5V§ V CC powered counter counts seconds while V CC is above V TP and retains the count in the absence of V CC under battery backup power § Clear function resets selected counter to 0 § Read/write serial port affords low pin count § Powered internally by a lithium energy cell that provides over 10 years of operation§ One-byte protocol defines read/write, counter address and software clear function§ Self-contained crystal provides an accuracy of ±2 min per month§ Operating temperature range of 0°C to +70°C § Low-profile SIP module§ Underwriters Laboratory (UL) recognized PIN ASSIGNMENTPIN DESCRIPTIONRST- Reset CLK - ClockDQ - Data Input/Output GND - Ground V CC - +5VOSC - 1Hz Oscillator Output NC- No ConnectDESCRIPTIONThe DS1603 is a real -time clock/elapsed time counter designed to count seconds when V CC power is applied and continually count seconds under battery backup power with an additional counter regardless of the condition of V CC . The continuous counter can be used to derive time of day, week, month, and year by using a software algorithm. The V CC powered counter will automatically record the amount of time that V CC power is applied. This function is particularly useful in determining the operational time of equipment in which the DS1603 is used. Alternatively, this counter can also be used under software control to record real -time events. Communication to and from the DS1603 takes place via a 3-wire serial port. A 1-byte protocol selects read/ write functions, counter clear functions and oscillator trim. The device contains a 32.768kHz crystal that will keep track of time to within ±2 min/mo. An internal lithium energy source contains enough energy to power the continuous seconds counter for over 10 years.OPERATIONThe main elements of the DS1603 are shown in Figure 1. As shown, communications to and from the elapsed time counter occur over a 3-wire serial port. The port is activated by driving RST to a high state.V CC RST DQ NC CLK OSC GND DS1603Elapsed Time Counter Moduleselect, register clear, and oscillator trim information. Each bit is serially input on the rising edge of the clock input. After the first eight clock cycles have loaded the protocol register with a valid protocol additional clocks will output data for a read or input data for a w rite. V CC must be present to access the DS1603. If V CC < V TP, the DS1603 will switch to internal power and disable the serial port to conserve energy. When running off of the internal power supply, only the continuous counter will continue to count and the counter powered by V CC will stop, but retain the count, which had accumulated when V CC power was lost. The 32-bit V CC counter is gated by V CC and the internal 1Hz signal.PROTOCOL REGISTERThe protocol bit definition is shown in Figure 2. Valid protocols and the resulting actions are shown in Table 1. Each data transfer to the protocol register designates what action is to occur. As defined, the MSB (bit 7 which is designated ACC) selects the 32-bit continuous counter for access. If ACC is a logical 1 the continuous counter is selected and the 32 clock cycles that follow the protocol will either read or write this counter. If the counter is being read, the contents will be latched into a different register at the end of protocol and the latched contents will be read out on the next 32 clock cycles. This avoids reading garbled data if the counter is clocked by the oscillator during a read. Similarly, if the counter is to be written, the data is buffered in a register and all 32 bits are jammed into the counter simultaneously on the rising edge of the 32nd clock. The next bit (bit 6 which is designated AVC) selects the 32–bit V CC active counter for access. If AVC is a logical 1 this counter is selected and the 32 clock cycles that follow will either read or write this counter. If both bit 7 and bit 6 are written to a logic high, all clock cycles beyond the protocol are ignored and bit 5, 4, and 3 are loaded into the oscillator trim register. A value of binary 3 (011) will give a clock accuracy of ±120 seconds per month at +25°C. Increasing the binary number towards 7 will cause the real-time clock to run faster. Conversely, lowering the binary number towards 0 will cause the clock to run slower. Binary 000 will stop the oscillator completely. This feature can be used to conserve battery life during storage. In this mode the internal power supply current is reduced to 100 nA maximum. In applications where oscillator trimming is not practical or not needed, a default setting of 011 is recommended. Bit 2 of protocol (designated CCC) is used to clear the continuous counter. When set to logic 1, the continuous counter will reset to 0 when RST is taken low. Bit 1 of protocol (designated CVC) is used to clear the V CC active counter. When set to logical 1, the V CC active counter will reset to 0 when RST is taken low. Both counters can be reset simultaneously by setting CCC and CVC both to a logical 1. Bit 0 of the protocol (designated RD) determines whether the 32 clocks to follow w ill write a counter or read a counter. When RD is set to a logical 0 a write action will follow when RD is set to a logical 1 a read action will follow. When sending the protocol, 8 bits should always be sent. Sending less than 8 bits can produce erroneous results. If clearing the counters or trimming the oscillator, the data transfer can be terminated after the 8-bit protocol is sent. However, when reading or writing the counters, 32 clock cycles should always follow the protocol.RESET AND CLOCK CONTROLAll data transfers are initiated by driving the RST input high. The RST input has two functions. First, RST turns on the serial port logic, which allows access to the protocol register for the protocol data entry. Second, the RST signal provides a method of terminating the protocol transfer or the 32-bit counter transfer. A clock cycle is a sequence of a rising edge followed by a falling edge. For write inputs, data must be valid during the rising edge of the clock. Data bits are output on the falling edge of the clock when data is being read. All data transfers terminate if the RST input is transitioned low and the DQ pin goes to a high-impedance state. RST should only be transitioned low while the clock is high to avoid disturbing the last bit of data. All data transfers must consist of 8 bits when transferring protocol only or 8 + 32 bits when reading or writing either counter. Data tran sfer is illustrated in Figure 3.DATA INPUTFollowing the 8-bit protocol that inputs write mode, 32 bits of data are written to the selected counter on the rising edge of the next 32 CLK cycles. After 32 bits have been entered any additional CLK cycles will be ignored until RST is transitioned low to end data transfer and then high again to begin new data transfer.DATA OUTPUTFollowing the eight CLK cycles that input read mode protocol, 32 bits of data will be output from the selected counter on the next 32 CLK cycles. The first data bit to be transmitted from the selected 32-bit counter occurs on the falling edge after the last bit of protocol is written. When transmitting data from the selected 32-bit counter, RST must remain at high level as a transition to low level will terminate data transfer. Data is driven out the DQ pin as long as CLK is low. When CLK is high the DQ pin is tristated. OSCILLATOR OUTPUTPin 6 of the DS1603 module is a 1Hz output signal. This signal is present only when V CC is applied and greater than the internal power supply. However, the output is guaranteed to meet TTL requirement only while V CC is within normal limits. This output can be used as a 1-second interrupt or time tick needed in some applications.INTERNAL POWERThe internal battery of the DS1603 module provides 35mAh and will run the elapsed time counter for over 10 years in the absence of power.PIN DESCRIPTIONSV CC, GND – DC power is provided to the device on these pins. V CC is the +5V input. When 5V is applied within normal limits, the device is fully accessible and data can be written and read. When a 3V battery is connected to the device and V CC is below 1.25 x V BAT, reads and writes are inhibited. As V CC falls below V BAT the continuous counter is switched over to the internal battery.CLK (Serial Clock Input) – CLK is used to synchronize data movement on the serial interface.DQ (Data Input/Output) – The DQ pin is the bi-directional data pin for the 3-wire interface.RST (Reset) – The reset signal must be asserted high during a read or a write.OSC (One Hertz Output Signal) – This signal is only present when Vcc is at a valid level and the oscillator is enabled.Figure 1. ELAPSED TIME COUNTER BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 2. PROTOCOL BIT MAP7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0ACC AVC OSC2 OSC1 OSC0 CCC CVC RDTable 1. VALID PROTOCOLSPROTOCOLACTIONACC AVC OSC2 OSC1 OSC0 CCC CVC RDFUNCTION ReadContinuous Counter 1 0 X X X X X 1Output continuouscounter on the 32 clocksfollowing protocol.Oscillator trim registeris not updated. Countersare not reset.WriteContinuous Counter 1 0 X X X X X 0Input data to continuouscounter on the 32 clocksfollowing protocol.Oscillator trim registeris not updated. Countersare not reset.Read V CCActive Counter 0 1 X X X X X 1Output V CC activecounter on the 32 clocksfollowing protocol,oscillator trim registeris not updated. Countersare not reset.Write V CCActive Counter 0 1 X X X X X 0Input data to continuouscounter on the 32 clocksfollowing protocol.Oscillator trim registeris not updated. Countersare not reset.ClearContinuous Counter 0 0 X X X 1 X XResets the continuouscounter to all zeros atthe end of protocol.Oscillator trim registeris not updated.Clear V CCActive Counter 0 0 X X X X 1 XResets the V CC activecounter to all zeros atthe end of protocol.Oscillator trim registeris not updated.Set Oscillator Trim Bits 1 1 A B C X X 0Sets the oscillator trimregister to a value ofABC. Counters areunaffected.X = Don’t CareFigure 3. DATA TRANSFERTIMING DIAGRAM: READ/WRITE DATA TRANSFERNote: t CL, t CH, t R, and t F apply to both read and write data transfer.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSVoltage Range on Any Pin Relative to Ground -0.3V to +7.0VOperating Temperature Range 0°C to +70°CStorage Temperature Range -40°C to +70°CSoldering Temperature Range See IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020A (See Note 11)This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond t h ose indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time can affect reliability.RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (0°C to +70°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Supply Voltage V CC 4.5 5.0 5.5 V 1 Logic 1 Input V IH 2.0 V CC + 0.3 V 1 Logic 0 Input V IL-0.3 0.8 V 1DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (0°C to +70°C; V CC = 5V ±10%) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Input Leakage I LI-1 +1 µAI/O Leakage I LO-1 +1 µALogic 1 Output V OH 2.4 V 2 Logic 0 Output V OL0.4 V 3 Active Supply Current I CC 1 mA 4 Timekeeping Current I CC150 µA 5 Battery Trip Point V TP 3.0 4.5 V 9 CAPACITANCE (T A = +25°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance C I 5 pFI/O Capacitance C I/O10 pF(T A = +25°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNITS NOTES Expected Datat DR10 years 10 Retention TimeNOTES:1) All voltages are referenced to ground.2) Logic 1 voltages are specified at a source current of 1mA.3) Logic 0 voltages are specified at a sink current of 4mA.4) I CC is specified with the DQ pin open.5) I CC1 is specified with V CC at 5.0V and RST = GND.6) Measured at V IH= 2.0V or V IL = 0.8V.7) Measured at V OH = 2.4V or V OL - 0.4V.8) Load capacitance = 50pF.9) Battery trip point is the point at which the V CC powered counter and the serial port stops operation.The battery trip point drops below the minimum once the internal lithium energy cell is exhausted. 10) The expected t D R is defined as accumulative time in the absence of V CC with the clock oscillatorrunning.11) Real-time clock modules can be successfully processed through conventional wave-solderingtechniques as long as temperature exposure to the lithium energy source contained within does not exceed +85°C. Post-solder cleaning with water-washing techniques is acceptable, provided that ultrasonic vibration is not used.DS1603DS1603 7-PIN MODULEPKG7-PIN DIM MIN MAX A IN. MM 0.830 21.08 0.850 21.59 B IN. MM 0.650 16.51 0.670 17.02 C IN. MM 0.310 7.87 0.330 8.38 D IN. MM 0.015 0.38 0.030 0.76 E IN. MM 0.110 2.79 0.140 3.56 F IN. MM 0.015 0.38 0.021 0.53 G IN. MM 0.090 2.29 0.110 2.79 H IN. MM 0.105 2.67 0.135 3.43 J IN. MM 0.360 9.14 0.390 9.91分销商库存信息: MAXIMDS1603。
IC datasheet pdf-MAXQ2010评估套件
BIT 3 COM3 1A 1H 2A 2H 3A 3H 4A 4H 5A 5H 6A 6H 7A 7H 8A 8H
BIT 2 COM2 1B 1G 2B 2G 3B 3G 4B 4G 5B 5G 6B 6G 7B 7G 8B 8G
BIT 1 COM1 1C 1N 2C 2N 3C 3N 4C 4N 5C 5N 6C 6N 7C 7N 8C 8N
DESCRIPTION 100nF ±10%, 10V ceramic capacitors (0805) Murata GRM219R71C104KA01D 10nF ±5%, 10V ceramic capacitors (0805) Murata GRM21BR72A103KA01L 22pF ±5%, 10V ceramic capacitors (0805) Murata GRM2195C2A220JZ01D 4.7μF ±10%, 10V ceramic capacitors (0805) Murata GRM219R61A475KE19D 10μF ±10%, 10V capacitors (0805) Murata GRM21BR61A106KE19L Empty capacitor footprint (0805) 1μF ±10%, 10V ceramic capacitors (0805) Murata GRM21BR71C105KA01L Green surface-mount LEDs Lumex SML-LX0805SUGC-TR Red surface-mount LED Lumex SML-LX0805SIC-TR
BIT 6 COM2 1F 1J 2F 2J 3F 3J 4F 4J 5F 5J 6F 6J 7F 7J 8F 8J
2 300
功率开关导通阻抗 开关开启最大电流 开关漏电流
0.8 1 0.01
VOV_HYS 开路芯片关断
VIN Power On
200 mV 差值的放大结果。这样就可以通过调制 电感峰值电流的方式调制输出。如果反馈电压降 低,误差放大器的输出升高,这将导致外部的电 感储存更多的能量,因此也增加了输出到外部的 功率,这样就使得整个系统工作于一个动态平衡 的状态下。
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关断电流 静态电流 工作电流 开关频率 最大占空比
芯片使能最大EN电压 芯片关断最大EN电压 EN下拉电阻
图 1 典型应用图
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管脚号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
FR1601G – FR1607G16A FAST RECOVERY GLASS PASSIVATED RECTIFIERSingle Phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.CharacteristicSymbol FR 1601G FR 1602G FR 1603G FR 1604G FR 1605G FR 1606G FR 1607G UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage V RRMV RWM V R 501002004006008001000V RMS Reverse VoltageV R(RMS)3570140280420560700V Average Rectified Output Current @T C = 105°C I O16ANon-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current 8.3ms Single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load (JEDEC Method)I FSM 150A Forward Voltage @I F = 8.0A V FM 1.3V Peak Reverse Current @T A = 25°C At Rated DC Blocking Voltage @T A = 125°C I RM 5.0100µA Reverse Recovery Time (Note 1)t rr 150250500nS Operating and Storage Temperature RangeT j , T STG-65 to +150°CNote: 1. Measured with IF = 0.5A, IR = 1.0A, IRR = 0.25A. See figure 5.W T EWER SEMICONDUCTORS04812160255075100125150175I ,A V E R A G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T(A V )T ,CASE TEMPERATURE ( C )Fig.1,Typical Forward Current Derating CurveC °0.111010010000. 1.82.0I ,I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F V ,INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig.3,Typical Instantaneous Forward Characteristics F0100200300110100I ,P E A K F O R W A R D S U R G E C U R R E N T (A )F s m NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60HzFig.2Max Non-Repetitive Peak Surge Current1.01010010001.010100C ,C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )j V ,REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig.4Typical Junction CapacitanceR 50NI (Non-inductive)Ω10NIΩSet time base for 5/10ns/cm+0.5A0A -0.25A-1.0ANotes:1.Rise Time =7.0ns max.Input Impedance =1.0M ,22pF.2.Rise Time =10ns max.Input Impedance =50.ΩΩFig.5Reverse Recovery Time Characteristic and Test CircuitORDERING INFORMATIONProduct No.Package TypeShipping QuantityFR1601G TO-22050 Units/Tube FR1602G TO-22050 Units/Tube FR1603G TO-22050 Units/Tube FR1604G TO-22050 Units/Tube FR1605G TO-22050 Units/Tube FR1606G TO-22050 Units/Tube FR1607GTO-22050 Units/TubeShipping quantity given is for minimum packing quantity only. For minimum orderquantity, please consult the Sales Department.Won-Top Electronics Co., Ltd (WTE) has checked all information carefully and believes it to be correct and accurate. However, WTE cannot assume any responsibility for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not give the purchaser of semiconductor devices any license under patent rights to manufacturer. WTE reserves the right to change any or all information herein without further notice.WARNING : DO NOT USE IN LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT. WTE power semiconductor products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval.We power your everyday.Won-Top Electronics Co., Ltd.No. 44 Yu Kang North 3rd Road, Chine Chen Dist., Kaohsiung, Taiwan Phone: 886-7-822-5408 or 886-7-822-5410Fax: 886-7-822-5417Email: sales@Internet: 。
General DescriptionThe MAX1366/MAX1368 low-power, 4.5- and 3.5-digit,panel meters feature an integrated sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter (ADC), LED display drivers, voltage digital-to-analog converter (DAC), and a 4–20mA (or 0to 16mA) current driver.The MAX1366/MAX1368’s analog input voltage range is programmable to either ±2V or ±200mV. The MAX1368drives a 3.5-digit (±1999 count) display and the MAX1366 drives a 4.5-digit (±19,999 count) display.The ADC output directly drives the LED display as well as the voltage DAC, which, in turn, drives the 4–20mA (or 0 to 16mA) current-loop output.In normal operation, the 0 to 16mA/4–20mA current-loop output follows the ±2V or ±200mV analog input to drive remote panel-meter displays, data loggers, and other industrial controllers. F or added flexibility, the MAX1366/MAX1368 allow direct access to the ADC result, DAC output, and the V/I converter input.The sigma-delta ADC does not require external preci-sion integrating capacitors, autozero capacitors, crystal oscillators, charge pumps, or other circuitry commonly required in dual-slope ADC panel-meter circuits. On-chip analog input and reference buffers allow direct interface with high-impedance signal sources. Excellent common-mode rejection and digital filtering provides greater than 100dB rejection of simultaneous 50Hz and 60Hz line noise. Other features include data hold and peak detection and overrange/underrange detection.The MAX1366/MAX1368 require a 2.7V to 5.25V supply,a 4.75V to 5.25V V/I supply, and a 7V to 30V loop sup-ply. They are available in a space-saving (7mm x 7mm), 48-pin TQF P package and operate over the extended (-40°C to +85°C) temperature range.ApplicationsIndustrial Process Control Automated Test Equipment Data-Acquisition Systems Digital Panel Meters Digital Voltmeters Digital MultimetersFeatures♦Microcontroller (µC)-Interface, Digital Panel Meter20-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC4.5-Digit Resolution (±19,999 Count, MAX1366)3.5-Digit Resolution (±1999 Count, MAX1368)No Integrating/Autozeroing Capacitors 100M ΩInput Impedance±200mV or ±2.000V Input Range ♦LED DisplayCommon-Cathode 7-Segment LED Driver Programmable LED Current (0 to 20mA)2.5Hz Update Rate ♦Output DAC and Current Driver±15-Bit DAC with 14-Bit Linear V/I Converter Selectable 0 to 16mA or 4–20mA Current Output Unipolar/Bipolar Modes±50µA Zero Scale, ±40ppmFS/°C (typ)±0.5% Gain Error, ±25ppmFS/°C (typ)Separate 7V to 30V Supply for Current-Loop Output ♦2.7V to 5.25V ADC/DAC Supply ♦4.75V to 5.25V V/I Converter Supply♦Internal 2.048V Reference or External Reference ♦SPI™-/QSPI™-/MICROWIRE™-Compatible Serial Interface ♦48-Pin, 7mm x 7mm TQFP PackageMAX1366/MAX1368Microcontroller-Interface,Output________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products1Selector GuideFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .Ordering InformationPin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.Typical Operating Circuits appear at end of data sheet.SPI/QSPI are trademarks of Motorola, Inc.MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp.M A X 1366/M A X 1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit Panel Meters with 4–20mA Output 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(AV DD = DV DD = DAC_VDD = +2.7V to +5.25V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+- V REF-= 2.048V (external reference), V EXT = 7V, V REG_AMP = +5.0V, C REF+= 0.1µF , REF - = GND, C NEGV = 0.1µF. Internal clock mode, unless otherwise noted. All specifications are at T A = T MIN to T MAX . Typical values are at T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(With reference to GND, unless otherwise specified.)AV DD ,DV DD....................................................................-0.3V to +6.0V AIN+, AIN-, REF+, REF-.........................V NEGV to (AV DD + 0.3V)REG_FORCE, CMP, DAC_VDD, DACVOUT,CONV_IN, 4-20OUT.............................-0.3V to (AV DD + 0.3V)EN_BPM, EN_I, REFSELE, DACDATA_SEL, CLK, EOC ,CS_DAC , SCLK, DINDOUT.....................................................-0.3V to (DV DD + 0.3V)NEGV.......................................................-2.6V to (AV DD + 0.3V)LED_EN....................................................-0.3V to (DV DD + 0.3V)SET...........................................................-0.3V to (AV DD + 0.3V)REG_AMP, REG_VDD...........................................-0.3V to +6.0V LEDG.....................................................................-0.3V to +0.3V GND_DAC.............................................................-0.3V to +0.3V GND_V/I.................................................................-0.3V to +0.3VSEG_ to LEDG.........................................-0.3V to (V LEDV + 0.3V)DIG_ to LEDG..........................................-0.3V to (V LEDV + 0.3V)LOWBATT ................................................-0.3V to (AV DD + 0.3V) REF_DAC.................................................-0.3V to (AV DD + 0.3V)DACVOUT................................................-0.3V to (AV DD + 0.3V)DIG_ Sink Current.............................................................300mA DIG_ Source Current...........................................................50mA SEG_ Sink Current..............................................................50mA SEG_ Source Current..........................................................50mA Maximum Current Input into Any Other Pin........................50mA Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)48-Pin TQFP (derate 22.7mW/°C above +70°C).....1818.2mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-60°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX1366/MAX1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit PanelMeters with 4–20mA OutputELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(AV DD = DV DD = DAC_VDD = +2.7V to +5.25V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+- V REF-= 2.048V (externalM A X 1366/M A X 1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit Panel Meters with 4–20mA Output 4_______________________________________________________________________________________ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(AV DD = DV DD = DAC_VDD = +2.7V to +5.25V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+- V REF-= 2.048V (externalMAX1366/MAX1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit PanelMeters with 4–20mA Output_______________________________________________________________________________________5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(AV DD = DV DD = DAC_VDD = +2.7V to +5.25V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+- V REF-= 2.048V (externalM A X 1366/M A X 1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit Panel Meters with 4–20mA Output 6_______________________________________________________________________________________ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(AV DD = DV DD = DAC_VDD = +2.7V to +5.25V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+- V REF-= 2.048V (externalNote 2:Offset calibrated. See OFFSET_CAL1 AND OFFSET_CAL2 in the On-Chips Registers section.Note 3:Offset nulled.Note 4:Offset-drift error is eliminated by recalibration at the new temperature.Note 5:The input voltage range for the analog inputs is given with respect to the voltage on the negative input of the differential pair.Note 6:V AIN+or V AIN-= -2.2V to +2.2V. V REF+or V REF-= -2.2V to +2.2V. All input structures are identical. Production tested onAIN+ and REF+ only. V REF+ must always be greater than V REF-.Note 7:Measured at DC by changing the power-supply voltage from 2.7V to 5.25V and measuring the effect on the conversionerror with external reference. PSRR at 50Hz and 60Hz exceeds 120dB with filter notches at 50Hz and 60Hz (Figure 1).Note 8:CLK and SCLK are disabled.Note 9:LED drivers are disabled.Note 10:Power-supply currents are measured with all digital inputs at either GND or DV DD and with the device in internal clock mode.Note 11:All input signals are specified with t RISE = t FALL = 5ns (10% to 90% of DV DD ) and are timed from a voltage level of 50% ofDV DD , unless otherwise noted.Note 12:See the serial-interface timing diagrams (Figures 7–11).030020010040050060070080090010002. CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )0200100400300600500700-4010-15356085SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )MAX1366OFFSET ERROR vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)O F F S E T E R R O R (L S B )4.754.253.753.25-0.11-0.06- 5.25Typical Operating Characteristics(A VDD = D VDD = +5V, V DAC_VDD = +5.0V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+ - V REF-= 2.048V (external reference),V EXT = 7V, C REF+ = 0.1µF, REF- = GND, C NEGV = 0.1µF, RANGE bit = 1, internal clock mode. T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)MAX1366/MAX1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit PanelMeters with 4–20mA Output_______________________________________________________________________________________7Typical Operating Characteristics(A VDD = D VDD = +5V, V DAC_VDD = +5.0V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+ - V REF-= 2.048V (external reference),V EXT = 7V, C REF+ = 0.1µF, REF- = GND, C NEGV = 0.1µF, RANGE bit = 1, internal clock mode. T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)MAX1366OFFSET ERROR vs. TEMPERATUREM X 1366/68 t o c 04TEMPERATURE (°C)O F F S E T E R R O R (L S B )605010203040- ERROR vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)G A I N E R R O R (% F U L L S C A L E )4.754.253.25 3.75-0.08-0.04-0.06-0.0200. 5.25MAX1366GAIN ERROR vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 1366/68 t o c 06TEMPERATURE (°C)G A I N E R R O R (% F U L L S C A L E )605030402010-0.09-0.08-0.07-0.06-0.05-0.04-0.03-0.02-0.010-0.10070MAX1366(±200mV INPUT RANGE) INL vs. OUTPUT CODEM A X 1366/68 t o c 07OUTPUT CODEI N L (C O U N T S )10,0000-10,000-0.500.51.0-1.0-20,00020,000MAX1366(±2V INPUT RANGE) INL vs. OUTPUT CODEM A X 1366/68 t o c 08OUTPUT CODEI N L (C O U N T S )10,0000-10,000-,00020,000NOISE DISTRIBUTIONNOISE (LSB)P E R C E N T A G E O F U N I T S (%) REFERENCE VOLTAGEvs. TEMPERATUREM A X 1366/68 t o c 10TEMPERATURE (°C)R E F E R E N C E V O L T A G E (V )6050403020102.0462.0452.0472.0492.0482.0512.0502.0532.0522.0542.04470INTERNAL REFERENCE VOLTAGE vs. ANALOG SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 1366/68 t o c 11SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)R E F E R E N C E V O L T A G E (V ) 4.754.253.753.252.0452.0462.0472.0482.0492.0502.0442.755.25DATA OUTPUT RATE vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 1366/68 t o c 12TEMPERATURE (°C)D A T A O U T P U T R A TE (H z )6035-15104.924.984.964.945. OUTPUT RATE vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 1366/68 t o c 13SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)D A T A O U T P U T R A T E (H z ) 4.744.233.213.724.9954.9904.9855.0005.0055.0105.0155.0204.9802.705.25OFFSET ERRORvs. COMMON-MODE VOLTAGEM A X 1366/68 t o c 14COMMON-MODE VOLTAGE (V)O F F S E T E R R O R (L S B )1.51.0-1.5-1.0-0.500.5-0.15-0.10-0.0500. 2.0V NEG STARTUP SCOPE SHOT20ms/div2V/div1V/divV DDV NEGCHARGE-PUMP OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. ANALOG SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 1366/68 t o c 16SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)V N E G V O L T A G E (V )4.754.253.753.25-2.48-2.46-2.44-2.42-2.40-2.502.755.25SEGMENT CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)S E G M E N T C U R R E N T (µA )4.744.233.723.215101520253002.70 5.25-0.20- ZERO-CODE OFFSET ERRORvs. TEMPERATUREM A X 1366/68 t o c 18TEMPERATURE (°C)O F F S E T E R R O R (L S B )M A X 1366/M A X 1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit Panel Meters with 4–20mA Output 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(A VDD = D VDD = +5V, V DAC_VDD = +5.0V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+ - V REF-= 2.048V (external reference),V EXT = 7V, C REF+ = 0.1µF, REF- = GND, C NEGV = 0.1µF, RANGE bit = 1, internal clock mode. T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)MAX1366/MAX1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit PanelMeters with 4–20mA Output_______________________________________________________________________________________9Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(A VDD = D VDD = +5V, V DAC_VDD = +5.0V, GND = 0, LEDG = 0, V LEDV = +2.7V to +5.25V, V REF+ - V REF-= 2.048V (external reference),V EXT = 7V, C REF+ = 0.1µF, REF- = GND, C NEGV = 0.1µF, RANGE bit = 1, internal clock mode. T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)-0.30-0.20-0.25-0.10-0.15-0.050-4010-15356085DAC GAIN ERROR vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 1366/68 t o c 19TEMPERATURE (°C)G A I N E R R O R (L S B )4-20OUT = 21.7mACONV_IN = 1V10mA/div500mV/divSTEP RESPONSEMAX1366/68 toc20100µs/div-50-20-30-400-104030201050-40-20204060804-20OUT ZERO-SCALE ERRORvs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)C U R R E N T O U T P U T (µA )-50-20-30-400-104030201050-40-200204060804-20OUT GAIN ERROR vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)G A I N E R R O R (%)-150-100-50050100150486101214161820POWER-SUPPLY REJECTION vs. CURRENT OUTPUT (4-20OUT)4-20OUT OUTPUT CURRENT (mA)P O W E R -S U P P L Y R E J E C T I O N (n A /V)-0.500.,000-10,000010,00020,0004-20OUT vs. DAC CODE (4-20OUT SPAN LINEARITY)DAC CODE (COUNTS)S P A N L I N E A R I T Y (µA )M A X 1366/M A X 1368Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit Panel Meters with 4–20mA Output 10______________________________________________________________________________________分销商库存信息:MAXIMMAX1368ECM+T MAX1368ECM+MAX1366ECM+T MAX1366ECM+。
ID (t) VDD
VDS (t)
Fig 16. Unclamped Inductive Switching Test Circuit & Waveforms
Jun 2013
Power Device REV.A2
PFP160N10S / PFB160N10S
Characteristics Test Circuit & Waveform (continued)
Drain-Source On Resistance
VGS = 10V 6
ID, Drain Current [A]
Power Device REV.A2
PFP160N10S / PFB160N10S
Typical Characteristics (continued)
TJ, Junction Temperature [oC]
ID, Drain Current [A]
Drain Current
TJ, Junction Temperature [oC]
12 VDS = 80V IDS = 90A
Gate Charge
Maxim_Integrated-DS32KHZ_DIP-datasheet.1.pdf - DS
DS32kHz32.768kHz Temperature-CompensatedCrystal OscillatorGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe DS32kHz is a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) with an output frequency of 32.768kHz. This device addresses applications requiring better timekeeping accuracy, and can be used to drive the X1 input of most Dallas Semiconductor real-time clocks (RTCs), chipsets, and other ICs containing RTCs. This device is available in commercial (DS32kHz) and industrial (DS32kHz-N) temperature versions.APPLICATIONSGPS Receivers TelematicsNetwork Timing and Synchronization in Servers, Routers, Hubs, and Switches Automatic Power MetersFEATURESAccurate to ±4 Minutes/Year (-40°C to +85°C) Accurate to ±1 Minute/Year (0°C to +40°C) Battery Backup for Continuous Timekeeping V BAT Operating Voltage: 2.7V to 5.5V with V CCGroundedV CC Operating Voltage: 4.5V to 5.5V Operating Temperature Range:0°C to +70°C (Commercial) -40°C to +85°C (Industrial)No Calibration Required Low-Power ConsumptionSurface Mountable Using BGA Package UL RecognizedORDERING INFORMATIONPARTTEMP RANGEPIN-PACKAGETOP MARK*DS32KHZ/DIP 0ºC to +70ºC 14 DIP DS32KHZ DS32KHZN/DIP -40ºC to +85ºC 14 DIPDS32KHZ-N DS32KHZS 0ºC to +70ºC 16 SO (0.300”) DS32KHZS DS32KHZS# 0ºC to +70ºC 16 SO (0.300”) DS32KHZS DS32KHZSN -40ºC to +85ºC 16 SO (0.300”) DS32KHZSN DS32KHZSN# -40ºC to +85ºC 16 SO (0.300”) DS32KHZSN DS32KHZ/WBGA 0ºC to +70ºC 36 BGA DS32KHZ DS32KHZN/WBGA-40ºC to +85ºC36 BGADS32KHZ-N#Denotes a RoHS-compliant device that may include lead that is exempt under the RoHS requirements. The lead finish is JESD97 category e3, and is compatible with both lead-based and lead-free soldering processes.*A “#” anywhere on the top mark denotes a RoHS-compliant device. An “N” denotes an industrial device.PIN CONFIGURATIONSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSVoltage Range on Any Pin Relative to Ground………………………………………………………………-3.0V to +7.0V Operating Temperature Range (Noncondensing)Commercial:…………………………………………………………………………………………………..0°C to +70°CIndustrial:……………………………………………………………………………………………………-40°C to +85°CStorage Temperature Range………………………………………………………………………………….-40°C to +85°C Soldering Temperature (BGA, SO)……………………….See the Handling, PC Board Layout, and Assembly section. Soldering Temperature, Leads (DIP)……………………………………………………..+260°C for 10 seconds (Note 1)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications isnot implied. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS(T A = -40°C to +85°C) (Note 1)PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MINTYPMAXUNITS Power-Supply Voltage V CC(Note2) 4.5 5.0 5.5 VBattery Voltage V BAT(Notes 2, 3) 2.7 3.0 3.5,5.5VDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Over the operating range, unless otherwise specified.) (Note 1)PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MINTYPMAXUNITSActive Supply Current I CC V BAT = 0V or2.7V ≤ V BAT≤3.5V(Notes 3, 4)150 220 μABattery Input-Leakage Current I BATLKG V CC MIN≤ V CC≤ V CC MAX -50 +50 nAHigh Output Voltage (V CC) V OH I OH = -1.0mA (Note 2) 2.4 VLow Output Voltage V OL I OL = 2.1mA (Note 2) 0.4 VHigh Output Voltage (V BAT) V OH I OH = -0.1mA (Note 2) 2.4 VBattery Switch Voltage V SW(Note 2) V BAT V(V CC = 0V, T A = -40°C to +85°C.) (Note 1)PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MINTYPMAXUNITS Active Battery Current I BAT V BAT = 3.3V (Notes 4, 5, 6) 1 4 μABattery Current DuringTemperature MeasurementI BATCNV V BAT = 3.3V (Notes 4, 5, 7) 450 μANote 1:Limits at -40°C are guaranteed by design and are not production tested.Note 2:All voltages are referenced to ground.Note 3:V BAT must be no greater than 3.5V when the device is used in the dual-supply operating modes.Note 4:Typical values are at +25°C and 5.0V V CC, 3.0 V BAT, unless otherwise indicated.Note 5:These parameters are measured under no output load conditions.Note 6:This current is the active-mode current sourced from the backup supply/battery.Note 7: A temperature conversion lasts 122ms (typ) and occurs on power-up and then once every 64 seconds.AC TIMING CHARACTERISTICS(Over the operating range, unless otherwise specified.)PARAMETER SYMBOLCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITSOutput Frequency f OUT32.768kHz0°C to +40°C -2.0 +2.0Frequency Stability vs. Temperature ∆f/f O-40°C to +85°C or0°C to +70°C-7.5 +7.5ppmDuty Cycle t W/t 45 50 55 % Cycle Time t CYC(Note 8) 30.518 μsHigh/Low Time t H/t L(Note8) 15.06 μsRise Time t R(Note 8) 200 nsFall Time t F(Note8) 60 ns Oscillator Startup Time t OSC(Note 8) 1 secondsFrequency Stability vs. Operating Voltage ∆f/VV CC = 5.0V orV BAT = 3.0V, V CC = 0V(Notes 4, 9)+2.5 ppm/VCrystal Aging (First Year) ∆f/f O(Notes 4, 10) ±1.0 ppmNote 8:These parameters are measured using a 15pF load.Note 9:Error is measured from the nominal supply voltage of whichever supply is powering the device.Note 10:After reflow.TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSPIN DESCRIPTIONPINSO BGA DIPNAME FUNCTION1 C4, C5, D4, D5 12 32kHz 32.768kHz Push-Pull Output2 C2, C3, D2, D3 13 V CC Primary Power Supply3–12, 15, 16 A7, A8, B7, B8,C7, C8, D7, D81, 6–11, 14 N.C. No Connection (Must be grounded)13 All remainingballs4 GNDGround14 A4, A5, B4, B5 5 V BAT +3V Nominal Supply Input. Used to operate the device when V CC is absent.Figure 2. Delta Time and Frequency vs. TemperatureFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe DS32kHz is a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) that outputs a 32,768Hz square wave. While the DS32kHz is powered by either supply input, the device measures the temperature every 64 seconds and adjusts the output frequency. The device requires four pins for operation: V CC, GND, V BAT, and 32kHz. (See Figure 4 for connection schemes.) Power is applied through V CC and GND, while V BAT is used to maintain the 32kHz output in the absence of power. Once every 64 seconds, the DS32kHz measures the temperature and adjusts the output frequency. The output is accurate to ±2ppm (±1 min/yr) from 0°C to +40°C and to ±7.5ppm (±4 min/year) from -40°C to 0°C and from +40°C to +85°C.The DS32kHz is packaged in a 36-pin ball grid array (BGA). It also is available in a 16-pin 0.300” SO and a 14-pin encapsulated DIP (EDIP) module.The additional PC board space required to add the DS32kHz as an option for driving a RTC is negligible in many applications (see Figure 6) Therefore, adding the DS32kHz to new designs and future board revisions allows the use of the DS32kHz where applications require improved timekeeping accuracy.Figure 3. Block DiagramOPERATIONThe DS32kHz module contains a quartz tuning-fork crystal and an IC. When power is first applied, and when the device switches between supplies, the DS32kHz measures the temperature and adjusts the crystal load to compensate the frequency. The power supply must remain at a valid level whenever a temperature measurement is made, including when V CC is first applied. While powered, the DS32kHz measures the temperature once every 64 seconds and adjusts the crystal load.The DS32kHz is designed to operate in two modes. In the dual-supply mode, a comparator circuit, powered by V CC, monitors the relationship between the V CC and V BAT input levels. When V CC drops below a certain level compared to V BAT, the device switches over to V BAT (Figure 4A). This mode uses V CC to conserve the battery connected to V BAT while V CC is applied.In the single-supply mode, V CC is grounded and the unit is powered by V BAT. Current consumption is less than V CC, because the comparator circuit is unpowered (Figure 4B).Figure 4A shows how the DS32kHz should be connected when using two power supplies. V CC should be between 4.5V and 5.5V, and V BAT should be between 2.7V and 3.5V. Figure 4B shows how the DS32kHz can be used when only a single-supply system is available. V CC should be grounded and V BAT should then be held between 2.7V and 5.5V. The V BAT pin should be connected directly to a battery. Figure 4C shows a single-supply mode where V CC is held at +5V. See the frequency stability vs. operating voltage for information about frequency error vs. supply voltage.Figure 4. Power-Supply ConnectionsFigure 5 illustrates how a standard 32.768kHz crystal and the DS32kHz should be connected to address the interchangeable option. Using this connection scheme and the recommended layout provides a solution, which requires no hardware modifications. Only one device should be used at a time, and both layouts should be located very close together if the recommended layout is not used.The DS32kHz I CC and I BAT currents are specified with no output loads. Many RTC oscillator circuits use a quartz crystal or resonator. Driving the oscillator circuit with the rail-to-rail output of the DS32kHz can increase the I CC and I BAT currents significantly and increase the current consumption of the RTC as well. Figure 6 shows one circuit that can be used to reduce the current consumption of a DS32kHz and an RTC. The values of R1 and C1 may vary depending on the RTC used. However, values of 1.0MΩ and 100pF are recommended as a starting point. R2 is used to shift the input waveform to the proper level. The recommended value for R2 is 33kΩ.Figure 5. DS32kHz ConnectionsFigure 6. DS32kHz and RTC ConnectionsRELATED APPLICATION NOTES(Go to /RTCapps to find these application notes and more.)Application Note 58: Crystal Considerations with Dallas Real-Time ClocksApplication Note 701: Using the DS32kHz with Dallas RTCsHANDLING, PC BOARD LAYOUT, AND ASSEMBLYThese packages contain a quartz tuning-fork crystal. Pick-and-place equipment may be used, but precautions should be taken to ensure that excessive shocks are avoided. Ultrasonic cleaning should be avoided to prevent damage to the crystal.Avoid running signal traces under the package, unless a ground plane is placed between the package and the signal line. All N.C. (no connect) pins must be connected to ground.The BGA package may be reflowed as long as the peak temperature does not exceed 240°C. Peak reflow temperature (≥230°C) duration should not exceed 10 seconds, and the total time above 200°C should not exceed 40 seconds (30 seconds nominal). For the SO package, refer to the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 specification for reflow profiles. Exposure to reflow is limited to 2 times maximum. The DIP package can be wave-soldered, provided that the internal crystal is not exposed to temperatures above 150°C.Moisture sensitive packages are shipped from the factory dry-packed. Handling instructions listed on the package label must be followed to prevent damage during reflow. Refer to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 standard for moisture-sensitive device (MSD) classifications.PACKAGE INFORMATION(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package information,o to /DallasPackInfo.)gPACKAGE TYPE DOCUMENT NUMBER THETA-J A(°C/W)THETA-J C(°C/W)14-pin Encapsulated DIP 56-G0001-00216-pin SO (300 mils) 56-G4009-00173 23 36-pin BGA 56-G6023-00143.9 18.48 of 8Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim In tegrated P roducts, 120 S an Gabriel D rive, Sun nyvale, CA94086 408-737-7600。
MCL1608V2-101-R MCL1608V2-3R3-R MCL1608V2-6R8-R MCL1608V2-8R2-RMCL1608V2Multilayer chip inductorProduct features• 0603 (1608 metric) package • High self resonant frequency (SRF)•Multilayer monolithic construction yields high reliability• Suitable for wave and reflow soldering • Inductance range from 1.0 nH to 470 nH •Moisture sensitivity level (MSL): 1Applications• Industrial connectivity (IoT)•Wireless communiations• Bluetooth • WiFi •Antenna• Machine-to-machine (M2M) • Mobile phones •Wearable devices • Wireless LAN• Computing/gaming consoles • Broadband components •RF transciever modulesEnvironmental data•Operating temperature range: -40 °C to +85 °C (ambient plus self-temperature rise)•Solder reflow temperature:J-STD-020 (latest revision) compliantPb HALOGENHF FREE2Technical Data 10927Effective June 2019MCL1608V2Multilayer chip inductor/electronicsProduct specificationsPart numberOCL (nH) ±5%I Rated(mA) maximumDCR (Ω)maximum @ +25°CSRF(MHz) minimumQmimimumTest frequency (MHz)Test voltage (mV)MCL1608V2-1R0-R 1.0 ±0.3nH 5000.0510000810050MCL1608V2-1R2-R 1.2 ±0.3nH 5000.0510000810050MCL1608V2-1R5-R 1.5 ±0.3nH 5000.106000810050MCL1608V2-1R8-R 1.8 ±0.3nH 5000.106000810050MCL1608V2-2R2-R 2.2 ±0.3nH 5000.106000810050MCL1608V2-2R7-R 2.7 ±0.3nH 5000.1260001010050MCL1608V2-3R3-R 3.3± 0.3nH 5000.1560001010050MCL1608V2-3R9-R 3.9 ±0.3nH 5000.1660001010050MCL1608V2-4R7-R 4.7 ±0.3nH 5000.2060001010050MCL1608V2-5R6-R 5.6 ±0.3nH 5000.2550001010050MCL1608V2-6R8-R 6.85000.3050001010050MCL1608V2-8R2-R 8.25000.3545001010050MCL1608V2-100-R 10.03000.4035001210050MCL1608V2-120-R 12.03000.4530001210050MCL1608V2-150-R 15.03000.5023001210050MCL1608V2-180-R 18.03000.5522001210050MCL1608V2-220-R 22.03000.6020001210050MCL1608V2-270-R 27.03000.6517001210050MCL1608V2-330-R 33.03000.7015001210050MCL1608V2-390-R 39.03000.7014001210050MCL1608V2-470-R 47.03000.7012001210050MCL1608V2-560-R 56.03000.7511001210050MCL1608V2-680-R 68.03000.859001210050MCL1608V2-820-R 82.0300 1.00800810050MCL1608V2-101-R 100300 1.20700810050MCL1608V2-121-R 120200 1.40600810050MCL1608V2-151-R 150200 1.60500810050MCL1608V2-181-R 180200 1.90400810050MCL1608V2-221-R 220200 2.40350810050MCL1608V2-271-R 270150 2.60350810050MCL1608V2-331-R 330150 2.80350810050MCL1608V2-391-R 390150 3.20300810050MCL1608V2-431-R 430150 3.4028085050MCL1608V2-471-R4701503.60250850501. Test frequency and voltage are for OCL and Q at +25 °C2. Resistance to soldering heat: +260 ±5 °C for 10 ± 1 second3. At low temperature resistance (-40 ±2°C) the inductance change is within ±10% and the Q within ±20%4. At high temperature resistance (+85 ±2°C) the inductance change is within ±10% and the Q within ±20%5 At high temperature load (+85 ±2°C) the inductance change is within ±10% and the Q within ±20%6. Rated I: When rated I is applied to the product, self-temperature rise will be 40 °C or less. 7. Part Number Definition: MCL1608V2-xxx-R MCL1608 = Product code and size V2= Version indicatorxxx= inductance value in nH, R= decimal point,If no R is present then last character equals number of zeros -R suffix = RoHS compliant3Technical Data 10927Effective June 2019MCL1608V2Multilayer chip inductor /electronics No part markingAll soldering surfaces to be coplanar within 0.1 millimeters Tolerances are ±0.2 millimeters unless stated otherwisePad layout tolerances are ±0.1 millimeters unless stated otherwise Do not route traces or vias underneath the inductorDimensions (mm)SchematicPart Number L W T a A B CMCL1608V2-xxx-R 1.6 ±0.200.80 ±0.200.80 ±0.200.30 ±0.20 1.2 ±0.100.9 ±0.1004 ±0.10Packaging information (mm)Drawing not to scaleSupplied in tape and reel packaging, 4000 parts per 7” diameter reelW ±0.38.00F±0.05 3.50E1±0.10 1.75E2 Min 6.25P0±0.10 4.00P1±0.2 4.00P2±0.1 2.001.50D0+0.10/-0A0 1.1±0.20B0 1.9±0.20T Max 1.10T1 Maxna4MCL1608V2Multilayer chip inductor/electronicsFrequency MHzQ vs frequency100100001000Frequency MHz5Technical Data 10927Effective June 2019MCL1608V2Multilayer chip inductor /electronics Solder reflow profileTable 1 - Standard SnPb solder (T c )Package ThicknessVolume mm3 <350Volume mm3 ≥350<2.5 mm)235 °C 220 °C ≥2.5 mm220 °C220 °CTable 2 - Lead (Pb) free solder (T c )Package thicknessVolume mm 3 <350Volume mm 3350 - 2000Volume mm 3 >2000<1.6 mm 260 °C 260 °C 260 °C 1.6 – 2.5 mm 260 °C 250 °C 245 °C >2.5 mm250 °C245 °C245 °CT e m p e r a t u r eT LT PReference J-STD-020Profile featureStandard SnPb solderLead (Pb) free solderPreheat and soak • Temperature min. (T smin )100 °C 150 °C • Temperature max. (T smax )150 °C 200 °C • Time (T smin to T smax ) (t s )60-120 seconds 60-120 seconds Average ramp up rate T smax to T p 3 °C/ second max. 3 °C/ second max.Liquidous temperature (T l ) Time at liquidous (t L )183 °C60-150 seconds 217 °C60-150 seconds Peak package body temperature (T P )*Table 1Table 2Time (t p )** within 5 °C of the specified classification temperature (T c )10 seconds**10 seconds**Average ramp-down rate (T p to T smax ) 6 °C/ second max. 6 °C/ second max.Time 25 °C to peak temperature6 minutes max.8 minutes max.* Tolerance for peak profile temperature (T p ) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum.** Tolerance for time at peak profile temperature (t p ) is defined as a supplier minimum and a user maximum.EatonElectronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States/electronics © 2019 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 10927 BU-MC19059June 2019MCL1608V2Multilayer chip inductorTechnical Data 10927Effective June 2019Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express writtenapproval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.T e m p e r a t u r eTimeT T T T Wave solder profileReference EN 61760-1:2006Profile featureStandard SnPb solderLead (Pb) free solderPreheat • Temperature min. (T smin )100 °C 100 °C • Temperature typ. (T styp )120 °C 120 °C • Temperature max. (T smax )130 °C 130 °C • Time (T smin to T smax ) (t s )70 seconds 70 seconds D preheat to max Temperature150 °C max.150 °C max.Peak temperature (T P )*235 °C – 260 °C 250 °C – 260 °C Time at peak temperature (t p )10 seconds max5 seconds max each wave 10 seconds max5 seconds max each wave Ramp-down rate~ 2 K/s min ~3.5 K/s typ ~5 K/s max ~ 2 K/s min ~3.5 K/s typ~5 K/s max Time 25 °C to 25 °C4 minutes4 minutesManual solder+350 °C, 4-5 seconds. (by soldering iron), generally manual, hand soldering is not recommended.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.MCL1608V2-101-R MCL1608V2-3R3-R MCL1608V2-6R8-R MCL1608V2-8R2-R。
Symbol Test ConditionsMaximum RatingsV DSS T J = 25︒C to 175︒C 75V V DGR T J = 25︒C to 175︒C, R GS = 1M Ω 75V V GSS Continuous±20V V GSM Transient ±30V I D25T C = 25︒C420A I DM T C = 25︒C, Pulse Width Limited by T JM 1560A I A T C = 25︒C 200A E AS T C = 25︒C 3J P D T C = 25︒C600W T J -55 ... +175︒C T JM 175︒C T stg -55 ... +175︒CV ISOL 50/60 Hz, RMS t = 1 minute2500V~I ISOL ≤ 1mAt = 1 second3000 V~T L1.6mm (0.062 in.) from Case for 10s 300︒C T SOLD Plastic Body for 10s260︒CV ISOL 50/60 Hz, 1 Minute 2500 V~F C Mounting Force20..120 / 4.5..27 N/lb.Weight3 gSymbol Test Conditions Characteristic Values (TJ = 25︒C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Min. Typ. Max.BV DSS V GS = 0V, I D = 3mA 75VV GS(th)V DS = V GS , I D = 8mA 2.0 4.0 VI GSS V GS = ±20V, V DS = 0V±200 nA I DSS V DS = V DSS , V GS = 0V10 μA T J = 150︒C 1.5 mAR DS(on)V GS = 10V, I D = 100A, Note 11.6 m ΩN-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated Fast Intrinsic DiodeIXFZ520N075T2V DSS = 75V I D25= 420A R DS(on)≤ 1.6m ΩFeatures●Silicon Chip on Direct-Copper Bond (DCB) Substrate ●Isolated Substrate-Excellent Thermal Transfer-Increased Temperature and Power Cycling Capability-High Isolation Voltage (2500V~)●175°C Operating Temperature ●Very High Current Handling Capability ●Fast Intrinsic Diode ●Avalanche Rated ●Very Low R DS(on)Advantages●Easy to Mount ●Space Savings●High Power DensityApplications●DC-DC Converters and Off-Line UPS ●Primary-Side Switch ●High Speed Power Switching Applications(Electrically Isolated Tab)DE475G = Gate D = Drain S = SourceIsolated TabSS G DDDTrenchT2TMGigaMOS TM HiperFET TM Power MOSFETSymbol Test Conditions Characteristic ValuesSource-Drain DiodeSymbol Test Conditions Characteristic ValuesNote 1. Pulse test, t ≤ 300μs, duty cycle, d ≤ 2%.IXYS Reserves the Right to Change Limits, Test Conditions, and Dimensions.。
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General DescriptionThe MAX16010–MAX16014 is a family of ultra-small, low-power, overvoltage protection circuits for high-voltage,high-transient systems such as those found in automotive,telecom, and industrial applications. These devices oper-ate over a wide 5.5V to 72V supply voltage range, making them also suitable for other applications such as battery stacks, notebook computers, and servers.The MAX16010 and MAX16011 offer two independent comparators for monitoring both undervoltage and overvoltage conditions. These comparators offer open-drain outputs capable of handling voltages up to 72V.The MAX16010 features complementary enable inputs (EN/EN ), while the MAX16011 features an active-high enable input and a selectable active-high/low OUTB output.The MAX16012 offers a single comparator and an inde-pendent reference output. The reference output can be directly connected to either the inverting or noninverting input to select the comparator output logic.The MAX16013 and MAX16014 are overvoltage protec-tion circuits that are capable of driving two p-channel MOSF ETs to prevent reverse-battery and overvoltage conditions. One MOSF ET (P1) eliminates the need for external diodes, thus minimizing the input voltage drop.The second MOSFET (P2) isolates the load or regulates the output voltage during an overvoltage condition. The MAX16014 keeps the MOSFET (P2) latched off until the input power is cycled.The MAX16010 and MAX16011 are available in small 8-pin TDFN packages, while the MAX16012/MAX16013/MAX16014 are available in small 6-pin TDFN packages.These devices are fully specified from -40°C to +125°C.ApplicationsAutomotive Industrial48V Telecom/Server/Networking FireWire ®Notebook ComputersMulticell Battery-Stack Powered EquipmentFeatureso Wide 5.5V to 72V Supply Voltage Rangeo Open-Drain Outputs Up to 72V (MAX16010/MAX16011/MAX16012)o Fast 2µs (max) Propagation Delay o Internal Undervoltage Lockouto p-Channel MOSFET Latches Off After an Overvoltage Condition (MAX16014)o Adjustable Overvoltage Thresholdo -40°C to +125°C Operating Temperature Range o Small 3mm x 3mm TDFN PackageMAX16010–MAX16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1Ordering InformationTypical Operating Circuit19-3693; Rev 4; 9/08For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,or visit Maxim’s website at .Note:Replace the “_” with “A” for 0.5% hysteresis, “B” for 5%hysteresis, and “C” for 7.5% hysteresis.FireWire is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc.Pin Configurations appear at end of data sheet.*Replace -T with +T for lead-free packages.**EP = Exposed pad.M A X 16010–M A X 16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V CC = 14V, T A = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.) (Note 1)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(All pins referenced to GND, unless otherwise noted.)V CC .........................................................................-0.3V to +80V EN, EN , LOGIC...........................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)INA+, INB-, IN+, IN-, REF, SET..............................-0.3V to +12V OUTA, OUTB, OUT.................................................-0.3V to +80V GATE1, GATE2 to V CC ...........................................-12V to +0.3V GATE1, GATE2...........................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Current Sink/Source (all pins).............................................50mAContinuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)6-Pin TDFN (derate 18.2mW/°C above +70°C).........1455mW 8-Pin TDFN (derate 18.2mW/°C above +70°C).........1455mW Operating Temperature Range .........................-40°C to +125°C Maximum Junction Temperature.....................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-60°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX16010–MAX16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits_______________________________________________________________________________________3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V CC = 14V, T A = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.) (Note 1)A A A Typical Operating Characteristics(V IN = 14V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)SUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )65554535251515202530354010575SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )110956580-105203550-2526.0526.1026.1526.2026.2526.3026.3526.4026.4526.5026.00-40125GATE VOLTAGE vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)G A T E V O L T A G E (V )6555453525151020304050600575M A X 16010–M A X 16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits 4_______________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V IN = 14V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)UVLO THRESHOLD vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)U V L O T H R E S H O L D (V )110956580-105203550- THRESHOLDvs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)I N A +/I N B -/S E T T H R E S H O L D (V )110956580-105203550- VOLTAGE vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)(V C C - V G A T E ) (V )110956580-105203550- WAVEFORM(R OUT = 100Ω, C IN = 10µF, C OUT = 10nF)MAX16010 toc07V GATE 5V/div V OUT 10V/divV CC 10V/div200µs/divSTARTUP WAVEFORM(R OUT = 100Ω, C IN = 10µF, C OUT = 10nF)V GATE 10V/divV OUT 10V/divV CC 1V/div20µs/divV EN = 0 TO 2VOVERVOLTAGE SWITCH FAULT(R OUT = 100Ω, C IN = 80µF, C OUT = 10nF)V GATE 20V/divV OUT 20V/divV CC 20V/div 1ms/divV IN = 12V TO 40V, TRIP THRESHOLD = 28VOVERVOLTAGE LIMIT(R OUT = 100Ω, C IN = 80µF, C OUT = 10nF)V GATE 20V/divV OUT 20V/divV CC 20V/div 1ms/divV IN = 12V TO 40VTRIP THRESHOLD = 28VMAX16010–MAX16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection CircuitsPin DescriptionM A X 16010–M A X 16014Detailed DescriptionThe MAX16010–MAX16014 is a family of ultra-small, low-power, overvoltage protection circuits for high-voltage,high-transient systems such as those found in automo-tive, telecom, and industrial applications. These devices operate over a wide 5.5V to 72V supply voltage range,making them also suitable for other applications such as battery stacks, notebook computers, and servers.The MAX16010 and MAX16011 offer two independent comparators for monitoring both undervoltage and overvoltage conditions. These comparators offer open-drain outputs capable of handling voltages up to 72V.The MAX16010 features complementary enable inputs (EN/EN ), while the MAX16011 features an active-high enable input and a selectable active-high/low OUTB output.The MAX16012 offers a single comparator and an inde-pendent reference output. The reference output can be directly connected to either the inverting or noninvert-ing input to select the comparator output logic.The MAX16013 and MAX16014 are overvoltage protec-tion circuits that are capable of driving two p-channel MOSF ETs to prevent reverse battery and overvoltage conditions. One MOSF ET (P1) eliminates the need for external diodes, thus minimizing the input voltage drop.While the second MOSFET (P2) isolates the load or reg-ulates the output voltage during an overvoltage condi-tion. The MAX16014 keeps the MOSF ET (P2) latched off until the input power is cycled.Voltage MonitoringThe MAX16010/MAX16011 include undervoltage and overvoltage comparators for window detection (see Figure 1). OUT_ asserts high when the monitored volt-age is within the selected “window.” OUTA asserts low when the monitored voltage falls below the lower (V TRIPLOW ) limit of the window, or OUTB asserts low if the monitored voltage exceeds the upper limit (V TRIPHIGH ). The application in F igure 1 shows OUT_enabling the DC-DC converter when the monitored volt-age is in the selected window.The resistor values R1, R2, and R3 can be calculated as follows:where R TOTAL = R1 + R2 + R3.Use the following steps to determine the values for R1,R2, and R3.1)Choose a value for R TOTAL , the sum of R1, R2, and R3. Because the MAX16010/MAX16011 have very high input impedance, R TOTAL can be up to 5M Ω.2)Calculate R3 based on R TOTAL and the desired upper trip point:TOTAL lower trip point:4)Calculate R1 based on R TOTAL , R3, and R2:R1 = R TOTAL - R2 - R3The MAX16012 has both inputs of the comparator avail-able with an integrated 1.30V reference (REF). When the voltage at IN+ is greater than the voltage at IN- then OUT goes high. When the voltage at IN- is greater than the voltage at IN+ then OUT goes low. Connect REF to IN+or IN- to set the reference voltage value. Use an external resistive divider to set the monitored voltage threshold.Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits 6_______________________________________________________________________________________MAX16010–MAX16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits_______________________________________________________________________________________7The MAX16013/MAX16014 can be configured as an overvoltage switch controller to turn on/off a load (see the Typical Application Circuit ). When the programmed overvoltage threshold is tripped, the internal fast com-parator turns off the external p-channel MOSF ET (P2),pulling GATE2 to V CC to disconnect the power source from the load. When the monitored voltage goes below the adjusted overvoltage threshold, the MAX16013enhances GATE2, reconnecting the load to the power source (toggle ENABLE on the MAX16014 to reconnect the load). The MAX16013 can be configured as an overvoltage limiter switch by connecting the resistive divider to the load instead of V CC (F igure 3). See the Overvoltage Limiter section.Supply VoltageConnect a 5.5V to 72V supply to V CC for proper opera-tion. For noisy environments, bypass V CC to GND with a 0.1µF or greater capacitor. When V CC falls below the UVLO voltage the following states are present (Table 1).HysteresisHysteresis adds noise immunity to the voltage monitors and prevents oscillation due to repeated triggering when the monitored voltage is near the threshold trip voltage. The hysteresis in a comparator creates two trip points: one for the rising input voltage (V TH+) and one for the falling input voltage (V TH-). These thresholds are shown in Figure 4.Enable Inputs (EN or EN )The MAX16011 offers an active-high enable input (EN),while the MAX16010 offers both an active-high enable input (EN) and active-low enable input (EN ). F or the MAX16010, drive EN low or EN high to force the output low. When the device is enabled (EN = high and EN =low) the state of OUTA and OUTB depends on INA+and INB- logic states.Table 1. UVLO State (V CC < V UVLO )M A X 16010–M A X 16014OUTB low when LOGIC = low, and OUTB high when LOGIC = high. When the device is enabled (EN = high)the state of OUTA and OUTB depends on the INA+,INB-, and LOGIC input (see Table 2).F or the MAX16013/MAX16014, drive EN low to pull GATE2 to V CC , turning off the p-channel MOSFET (P2).When the device is enabled (EN = high), GATE2 is pulled to the greater of (V CC - 10V) or GND turning on the external MOSFET (P2).Applications InformationLoad DumpMost automotive applications are powered by a multi-cell, 12V lead-acid battery with a voltage between 9V and 16V (depending on load current, charging status,temperature, battery age, etc.). The battery voltage is distributed throughout the automobile and is locally regulated down to voltages required by the different system modules. Load dump occurs when the alterna-tor is charging the battery and the battery becomes disconnected. Power in the alternator inductance flows into the distributed power system and elevates the volt-age seen at each module. The voltage spikes have rise times typically greater than 5ms and decays within sev-eral hundred milliseconds but can extend out to 1s or more depending on the characteristics of the charging system. These transients are capable of destroying sensitive electronic equipment on the first fault event.The MAX16013/MAX16014 provide the ability to dis-connect the load from the charging system during an overvoltage condition to protect the module. In addi-tion, the MAX16013 can be configured in a voltage-lim-iting mode. This allows continuous operation while providing overvoltage protection. See the Overvoltage Limiter section.Input Transients ClampingWhen the external MOSF ET is turned off during an overvoltage occurrence, stray inductance in the power path may cause voltage ringing to exceed the MAX16013/MAX16014 absolute maximum input (V CC )supply rating. The following techniques are recom-mended to reduce the effect of transients:•Minimize stray inductance in the power path usingwide traces, and minimize loop area including the power traces and the return ground path.•Add a zener diode or transient voltage suppresser(TVS) rated below V CC absolute maximum rating (Figure 3).Overvoltage LimiterWhen operating in overvoltage-limiter mode, the MAX16013 drives the external p-channel MOSFET (P2),resulting in the external MOSFET operating as a voltage regulator.During normal operation, GATE2 is pulled to the greater of (V CC - 10V) or GND. The external MOSF ET’s drain voltage is monitored through a resistor-divider between the P2 output and SET. When the output voltage rises above the adjusted overvoltage threshold, an internal comparator pulls GATE2 to V CC . When the monitored voltage goes below the overvoltage threshold, the p-channel MOSF ET (P2) is turned on again. This process continues to keep the voltage at the output reg-ulated to within approximately a 5% window. The output voltage is regulated during the overvoltage transients and the MOSFET (P2) continues to conduct during the overvoltage event, operating in switched-linear mode.Caution must be exercised when operating the MAX16013 in voltage-limiting mode for long durations due to the MOSF ET’s power dissipation consideration (see the MOSFET Selection and Operation section).MOSFET Selection and Operation(MAX16013 and MAX16014)Most battery-powered applications must include reverse voltage protection. Many times this is implemented with a diode in series with the battery. The disadvantage in using a diode is the forward voltage drop of the diode,which reduces the operating voltage available to down-stream circuits (V LOAD = V BATTERY - V DIODE ). The MAX16013 and MAX16014 include high-voltage GATE1drive circuitry allowing users to replace the high-voltage-drop series diode with a low-voltage-drop MOSF ET device (as shown in the Typical Operating Circuit and Figure 3). The forward voltage drop is reduced to I LOAD x R DS-ON of P1. With a suitably chosen MOSF ET, the voltage drop can be reduced to millivolts.Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Table 2. MAX16011 Output LogicIn normal operating mode, internal GATE1 output cir-cuitry enhances P1 to a 10V gate-to-source (V GS ) for 11V < V CC < 72V. The constant 10V enhancement ensures P1 operates in a low R DS-ON mode, but the gate-source junction is not overstressed during high-battery-voltage application or transients (many MOSFET devices specify a ±20V V GS absolute maximum). As V CC drops below 10V GATE1 is limited to GND, reduc-ing P1 V GS to V CC - GND. In normal operation the P1power dissipation is very low:P1 = I LOAD 2x R DS-ONDuring reverse-battery applications, GATE1 is limited to GND and the P1 gate-source junction is reverse biased. P1 is turned off and neither the MAX16013/MAX16014 nor the load circuitry is exposed to the reverse-battery voltage. Care should be taken to place P1 (and its internal drain-to-source diode) in the correct orientation for proper reverse battery operation.P2 protects the load from input overvoltage conditions.During normal operating modes (the monitored voltage is below the adjusted overvoltage threshold), internal GATE2 output circuitry enhances P2 to a 10V gate-to-source (V GS ) for 11V < V CC < 72V. The constant 10V enhancement ensures P2 operates in a low R DS-ON mode but the gate-to-source junction is not over-stressed during high-battery-voltage applications (many pFET devices specify a ±20V V GS absolute max-imum). As V CC drops below 10V, GATE2 is limited to GND, reducing P2 V GS to V CC - GND. In normal opera-tion, the P2 power dissipation is very low:P2 = I LOAD 2x R DS-ONDuring overvoltage conditions, P2 is either turned com-pletely off (overvoltage-switch mode) or cycled off-on-off (voltage-limiter mode). Care should be taken to place P2 (and its internal drain-to-source diode) in the correct orientation for proper overvoltage protection operation. During voltage-limiter mode, the drain of P2is limited to the adjusted overvoltage threshold, while the battery (V CC ) voltage rises. During prolonged over-voltage events, P2 temperature can increase rapidly due to the high power dissipation. The power dissipat-ed by P2 is:P2 = V DS-P2 x I LOAD= (V CC - V OV-ADJUSTED ) x I LOADwhere V CC ~ V BATTERY and V OV-ADJUSTED is the desired load limit voltage. For prolonged overvoltage events with high P2 power dissipation, proper heatsinking is required.Adding External Pullup ResistorsIt may be necessary to add an external resistor from V CC to GATE1 to provide enough additional pullup capability when the GATE1 input goes high. The GATE_ output can only source up to 1µA current. If the source current is less than 1µA, no external resistor may be necessary. However, to improve the pullup capability of the GATE_ output when it goes high, con-nect an external resistor between V CC and the GATE_.The application shows a 2M Ωresistor, which is large enough not to impact the sinking capability of the GATE_ (during normal operation) while providing enough pullup during an overvoltage event. With an 11V (worst case) V CC -to-gate clamp voltage and a sinking current of 75µA, the smallest resistor should be 11V/75µA, or about 147k Ω. However, since the GATE_is typically low most of the time, a higher value should be used to reduce overall power consumption.MAX16010–MAX16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits_______________________________________________________________________________________9M A X 16010–M A X 16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits 10MAX16010–MAX16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits______________________________________________________________________________________11Chip InformationPROCESS: BiCMOSPin ConfigurationsPackage InformationFor the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to /packages .M A X 16010–M A X 16014Ultra-Small, Overvoltage Protection/Detection Circuits Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.12____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2008 Maxim Integrated Productsis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Revision History。