SGR1806-20 evidence for a superstrong Magnetic Field from Quasi Periodic Oscillations
纳米纤维素基多层级孔道结构碳气凝胶的制备及在锂电池中的应用孔雪琳;卢芸;叶贵超;李道浩;孙瑾;杨东江;殷亚方【摘要】采用纳米精磨法对商品桉木浆进行纳米纤丝化处理,得到了高长径比、尺寸均一的纳米纤丝化纤维素(NFC),平均直径为230.10 nm,长度达数十微米.将其组装、干燥后制得具有大量介孔的纳米纤丝化纤维素气凝胶(NFCA).将NFCA在氮气氛围下高温碳化制得碳气凝胶(CNFA),或在氢氧化钾条件下辅助碳化制得具有多层级孔道结构的碳气凝胶(CNFA-A),在保留的碳气凝胶骨架结构上进行孔洞构建.通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)表征及Nanomeasure?统计分析,发现NFC的平均直径经碳化后减小到53.16 nm.利用X射线衍射(XRD)、BET 比表面积测试和拉曼光谱揭示了碳化处理对纳米纤维素结构、比表面积、石墨化程度和缺陷的影响.结果表明,KOH辅助碳化处理后的碳气凝胶不仅保留了纤维素气凝胶前驱体的网络结构,还在其骨架上二次构建了更多的微孔和介孔,其比表面积高达488.92 m2/g,总孔容为0.404 cm3/g,所得的碳骨架被部分石墨化,具有良好的导电性.这类源于生物质的高比表面积碳气凝胶在被用作锂离子电池(LIB)负极材料时表现出优异的电化学性能,在电流密度1 A/g下连续充放电1000次后比容量达到409 mA·h/g,在电流密度高达20 A/g下,比容量还能维持在219 mA·h/g.%The nanofibrillated cellulose ( NFC ) with large aspect ratio and uniform size ( mean diameter is 230. 10 nm) was fabricated from commercial eucalyptus pulps by scale-up nano-grinding. Then the NFC was assembled to NFC aerogels(NFCA) with three-dimensional(3D) frameworks. After carbonization of NFCA under N2 atmosphere, the carbon nanofiber aerogels( CNFA) were generated with the inherited 3D network structure.With futher KOH-assisted annealing of CNFA, the hierarchical porous carbon aerogels( denoted as CNFA-A) were finally obtained. CNFA-A combined the inherited original 3D network from NFCA and the secondary constructed micropore-mesopore structure. The mean diameter of CNFA-A was diminished to 53. 16 nm. The structures of three kinds of cellulose-based aerogels were characterized by scanning electron microsco-py(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy ( TEM), and the statistic diameter of nanofibril building-blocks was obtained by Nanomeasure ?. The graphitization degree of cellulose-based aerogels was investigated by X-ray diffraction( XRD) and Raman spectroscopy, and the specific surface area was measured through BET specific surface area test. The specific surface area of CNFA-A is as high as 488. 92 m2/g and the total pore volume can reach up to 0. 404 cm3/g. In addition, as anode material for lithium ion battery, the CNFA-A exhibits a high reversible capacity ( 448 mA · h/g at 1 A/g ) , an excellent rate capability ( 219 mA · h/g at 20 A/g) and an outstanding cycling performance(409 mA·h/g at 1 A/g after 1000 cycles).【期刊名称】《高等学校化学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(038)011【总页数】6页(P1941-1946)【关键词】纳米纤丝化纤维素;气凝胶;碳化;多层级结构;锂离子电池【作者】孔雪琳;卢芸;叶贵超;李道浩;孙瑾;杨东江;殷亚方【作者单位】青岛大学材料科学与工程学院,青岛266071;中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所,北京100091;中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所,北京100091;青岛大学材料科学与工程学院,青岛266071;青岛大学材料科学与工程学院,青岛266071;青岛大学环境科学与工程学院,青岛266071;青岛大学环境科学与工程学院,青岛266071;中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所,北京100091【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O613.71;O636.1纤维素是一种由β-(1→4)糖苷键连接脱水-D-葡萄糖单元构成的高分子, 广泛存在于植物中, 是植物细胞壁最主要的成分之一, 是地球上最丰富的天然高聚物. 如今, 人们已经从细胞壁中成功制备了环境友好的纳米纤丝化纤维素(NFC)[1,2]. 通过精细盘磨、高频超声[3,4]、高压均质等简单的机械处理, 可以用较低的成本制备出尺寸均一的NFC. 通过一定的组装手段, 可将NFC构建成具有三维网络结构的纳米纤丝化纤维素气凝胶(NFCA). 这类仅含C, H, O的绿色新型气凝胶是新型碳材料的理想前驱体[5], 可以通过热解直接成为碳气凝胶. 最重要的是, 高温碳化后的碳气凝胶不仅保持了NFCA的三维网状结构, 还具有良好的机械性、疏水性和导电性等新功能, 可将NFCA原本局限在亲水或极性介质中的应用拓展到新能源储存与转化等领域[6].碳气凝胶是最具有前景的高性能材料之一, 是一种密度可调的轻质多孔碳材料, 具有多孔道网状结构, 其孔隙率可以高达80%~99%, 具有网络连续、电导率高、比表面积大及密度变化范围大等特点. 传统的碳气凝胶通常是由有机气凝胶(如间苯二酚-甲醛气凝胶、间苯二酚-甲醛(RF)气凝胶、三聚氰胺-甲醛气凝胶)经高温碳化后制得[7~10]. 这类有机气凝胶存在易碎、密度相对较高、孔隙率低、原料或生产过程毒性较高等缺陷. 相比之下, NFC作为碳气凝胶前驱体具有来源广泛、产量巨大、制备绿色、可再生、机械性能优异、可生物降解、生物相容性好[11,12]和改性位点多等显著优点, 是一种极具开发潜力的碳气凝胶前驱体[13], 有利于推动探索环境友好、成本低廉的碳气凝胶的大规模生产.碳材料在能源储存与转化等领域具有广泛应用, 但传统的碳材料理论容量和能量密度低、活性位点少, 限制了其在锂电池、超级电容器以及电催化方面的应用. 在追求提高碳材料的电化学性能而不降低其稳定性和功率密度的解决方案中, 具有特殊纳米结构的新型碳材料是人们探索的主要热点[14]. 目前, 对碳基纳米材料的研究还大多集中在化学还原和分离的石墨烯、碳纳米管(CNF)和炭黑等导电性好、比表面积高的碳材料上. 碳纳米管、碳纳米纤维、空心碳纳米球, 石墨烯等不同纳米结构的碳材料已被证明可增强锂离子电池(LIB)的性能[15~18]. 然而, 制备技术复杂、前驱体成本高、石油基原料不可再生等因素严重限制了纳米碳的工业化生产. 本研究中, 我们将由纳米精磨桉木浆制备的一维NFC可控组装成具有贯通孔道结构和三维网络结构的气凝胶, 在高温碳化后保留了其三维网络骨架结构, 并进行了二次孔道构建. 这种方法得到的碳气凝胶具有可控的多层级孔道结构和比表面积高、孔隙率高、机械性能优异、导电性良好等特点, 其连贯的三维网络结构上还具有大量的微孔, 是典型的微孔-介孔-大孔气凝胶. 这样的多孔道结构有助于缩短Li离子的插入-脱嵌过程的扩散路径, 为Li离子的传输提供更多的路径[19]. 较高的比表面积可以加快电子传导且能够束缚更多的Li离子, 有极高的稳定性; 同时其连贯的网络结构保证了电子/离子的定向传输途径和应力变化的强耐性, 作为阳极材料具有优异的物理性能和电化学性能. 由该碳气凝胶组装的LIB显示出优异的循环性能和良好的倍率性能, 为低成本锂电池的研究提供了新的思路.1.1 试剂与仪器桉木浆(Eucalyptus pulps)由中国林业科学研究院林产化学研究所提供; 氢氧化钾、N-甲基吡咯烷酮和六氟磷酸锂(分析纯)购自国药集团化学试剂品有限公司; 乙炔黑(分析纯)购自长沙电池厂; 聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF, 分析纯)购自武汉荟谱化学新材料有限公司; 透析袋(直径76 mm)购自美国Sigma-Aldrich公司; 氮气(纯度99.999%)购自北京市亚南气体科技有限公司; 实验用水均为去离子水.NoVaTMNano SEM 250型场发射扫描电子显微镜和FEI Tecnai G20型透射电子显微镜(美国FEI公司); Magna-IR 750型傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(美国Nicolet 公司); HR800型拉曼光谱仪(法国Horiba Jobin Yvon Lab RAM公司); NOVA 1200e比表面积分析仪(美国康塔仪器公司); CT2001A型电池测试系统(武汉蓝电电子有限公司); MKSS1-1012-B079型超级净化手套箱(德国米开罗那有限公司).1.2 实验过程1.2.1 机械法制备NFC 先将桉木浆分散在去离子水中, 形成固含量为2.5%(质量分数)的分散液. 采用盘磨机进行初步纳米纤丝化, 盘磨机的转速设定为2000 r/min, 磨盘间距设定为-20 μm. 分散液经盘磨后重新倒入物料槽, 如此往复3次在磨盘间进行纳米纤丝化, 将盘磨后的湿态纤维素分散在去离子水中, 得到浓度为1.0%(质量分数)的水分散液.1.2.2 纳米纤丝化纤维素气凝胶及碳气凝胶的制备将制得的纤维素上清液装入透析袋中, 然后放入叔丁醇中置换24 h, 并用磁力搅拌器进行机械搅拌, 剩余悬浮液体积约为原体积的1/3, 收集剩余的悬浮液装入瓶中后在超低温冰箱(-80 ℃)中冷冻, 然后转入冷冻干燥仪中干燥72 h(-55 ℃, 10 Pa)得到干燥的NFCA. 将NFCA放入管式炉中, 在空气中由室温加热至250 ℃(升温速率为2 ℃/min), 保温2 h后在氮气氛围下继续升温至800 ℃(升温速率为5 ℃/min), 保温1 h, 即得到相应的碳纳米纤丝化纤维素气凝胶(CNFA). 此外, 将CNFA在管式炉中用氢氧化钾进行辅助碳化, 控制氮气的流速为80 mL/min, 得到孔道结构二次构建的气凝胶CNFA-A.1.2.3 电化学测试将样品、乙炔黑和聚偏氟乙烯按照质量比为8∶1∶1的比例溶解在N-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮中, 研磨形成膏状. 然后将悬浮液均匀地涂抹在Cu箔基底上, 放入真空烘箱中, 在120 ℃下干燥10 h制成电极片. 电解液为1 mol/L六氟磷酸锂(LiPF6)的碳酸亚乙酯(EC)/碳酸二甲酯(DMC)/碳酸二乙酯(DEC)(质量比为1∶1∶1)溶液. 在手套箱中组装成CR2016型纽扣电池. 在LAND CT2001A电池测试系统上进行充放电性能测试, 限制电压为0.01~3.0 V.2.1 纳米纤丝化纤维素的结构表征通过XRD和FTIR对按木浆原料和NFC进行晶体结构与化学结构的表征. 由图1(A)可见, 桉木浆和NFC均呈现典型的天然纤维素Iβ型结构, 在14.3°, 16.8°和22.5°出现了和(002)晶面的衍射峰. 可见纳米纤丝化处理并没有改变纤维素的晶型. 图1(B)中桉木浆和NFC的FTIR图均在3300~3450 cm-1附近和2910 cm-1附近出现强吸收峰, 归属于分子链上羟基O—H和C—O的伸缩振动; 1636 cm-1处的明显吸收峰来自于CO伸缩振动. 此外, 桉木浆和NFC在1430和1030 cm-1处均出现较明显的纤维素Iβ特征峰[20], 说明纳米精磨机械处理不会改变纤维素的化学结构.2.2 碳化处理与孔结构二次构建对气凝胶骨架结构的影响图2分别为NFCA、 CNFA及CNFA-A的SEM照片和相应的直径分布统计图(对200个纤维直径进行数值测量统计). 由图2(A)和(D)可见, NFCA的形貌均匀细长, 表面光滑, 平均直径为230.10 nm. 碳化后的CNFA直径大幅度减小, 平均直径为90.92 nm[图2(B), (E)]. 这是因为高温碳化过程中发生了脱氢脱氧, 其结构发生了重组[21]. 碳化孔道构建后的CNFA-A的纳米纤丝相互交错成网状结构, 较二次构建前的直径进一步减小[图2(C)及其插图], 统计分析显示其平均直径仅为53.16 nm[图2(F)].2.3 纤维素气凝胶的孔径分布与结构表征为进一步观察处理过程中气凝胶孔结构的变化, 采用N2吸附-脱附来分析材料孔道分布的微观结构. 如图3所示, 根据IUPAC气体吸附等温线的分类标准, NFCA,CNFA和CNFA-A的N2吸附-脱附等温线均属于IV型吸附曲线. 其中, 由NFC组装而成的NFCA的比表面积为111.69 m2/g, 总孔容为0.283 cm3/g. 由于纤维网络在热解过程中形成了大量孔隙, 高温热解后的碳纤维气凝胶的比表面积发生了显著提升, 但由于高温热解导致NFCA中部分介孔孔洞坍塌, 碳化后比表面积为423.77 m2/g, 总孔容为0.317 cm3/g. KOH辅助的高温二次构建后的CNFA-A 比表面积高达488.92 m2/g, 总孔容为0.404 cm3/g. 这是因为KOH高温下通过氧化还原反应腐蚀碳气凝胶网络结构, 在K渗入石墨层的过程中生成大量孔结构[22]. 通过非定域密度函数理论(NLDFT)分析[23], 孔结构二次构建后的CNFA-A增加了少量的微孔及部分介孔.通过Raman测试表征了CNFA及CNFA-A的石墨化程度. 图4(A)中出现了2个明显的峰, 一个是由C—C键的振动形成的D带(1335~1350cm-1), 对应样品的无序部分或有缺陷的石墨结构; 另一个峰是碳原子的sp2电子排布形成的G带(1585~1590 cm-1), 为样品石墨相的特征峰. ID/IG强度比可用于表征样品的石墨化程度[24,25]. CNFA-A的ID/IG值CNFA更高, 且G峰和D峰的半峰宽增加, 揭示了CNFA-A的石墨化程度更低, 无序缺陷结构更多. XRD谱[图4(B)]在2θ=25°处较宽的衍射峰也表明碳化后生成了无定形碳.2.4 纤维素碳气凝胶的锂电性能为了研究样品作为锂离子电池负极材料的电化学性能, 对CNFA-A进行了恒电流充放电测试. 图5(A)是CNFA-A的1~3次充放电循环的恒电流充放电曲线, 电流密度为1 A/g, 电压范围0.01~3.0 V(vs. Li+/Li). 第1次恒电流放电曲线在1.2 V处有1个放电平台, 首次的充、放电比容量分别为994和448 mA·h/g, 库仑效率为45%, 第1次充放电过程中产生不可逆容量的原因是材料表面的电解液与多孔碳气凝胶电极材料反应生成了固体电解质界面膜(SEI). SEI的形成消耗了部分锂离子, 使得首次充放电的不可逆容量增加, 降低了负极材料的库仑效率[26]. 随后的第2次和第3次的充放电循环过程中, 材料的充电比容量分别为437和423 mA·h/g, 变化不大, 说明材料性能稳定.锂离子电池负极材料的使用寿命是很重要的电化学性能指标. 图5(B)示出了材料的比容量和循环稳定性能, 测试在0.01~3.0 V的电位窗口、 1 A/g的电流密度下进行. 结果表明, 循环1000周后, CNFA的比容量为279 mA·h/g, CNFA-A的比容量达到409 mA·h/g, 且二者均具有良好的稳定性, 容量保持率均在80%以上. 由图5(C)可见, CNFA和CNFA-A均具有非常好的倍率性能. 同一电流密度下, 材料的比容量保持稳定; 随着电流密度的增加, 材料的比容量逐渐变小. CNFA-A在2, 5和10 A/g 3个不同电流密度下的比容量分别为416, 323和260 mA·h/g. CNFA在1 A/g电流密度下的比容量为310 mA·h/g, 经过倍率性能循环后, 电池的容量几乎未发生变化. 而CNFA-A在经过倍率循环后, 比容量同样未发生变化, 但倍率性能稍有衰减. 在电流密度为20 A/g时, CNFA-A电池的平均容量约为219 mA·h/g, 说明这种碳材料具备大电流快速充放电的潜力, 这得益于材料较大的比表面积及本身多层级的孔洞结构有利于增加与电解液的接触面积. 而微孔结构较多的热解碳材料会形成更加稳定的SEI膜[27], 从而避免了溶剂分子对电极材料的破坏, 因而此气凝胶作为电极材料具有优异的循环稳定性能.通过采用纳米精磨法对按木浆进行纤丝化处理, 制备出直径均一、高长径比的NFC(平均直径为230.10 nm). 将NFC组装成具有3D网络结构的气凝胶后进行高温碳化处理, 并在保留的碳气凝胶骨架结构上进行了孔道二次构建, 得到具有多层级孔道结构的高比表面积碳气凝胶. 其内部网络纤维的平均直径为53.16 nm, 比表面积高达488.92 m2/g. 该新型碳材料在被用作锂离子电池负极材料时表面出较高的容量、良好的循环稳定性及理想的倍率性能. 在电流密度为1 A/g下连续充放电1000次后比容量达到409 mA·h/g, 在电流密度高达20 A/g下比容量还能维持在219 mA·h/g.† Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 31500468) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Non-profit Research Institution of CAF(No. CAFYBB2016QB012).【相关文献】[1] Arioli T., Peng L., Betzner A. S., Sci., 1998, 279(5351), 717—720[2] Zhu H., Luo W., Ciesielski P. N., Fang Z., Zhu J. Y., Henriksson G., Himmel M. E., Chem. Rev., 2016, 116(16), 9305—9374[3] Zhao H. P., Feng X. Q., Gao H., Appl. 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1.氮、硫共掺杂的碳负载的钴@碳化钴:一种高效的非贵金属氧还原电催化剂 [J], 申海波;江浩;刘易斯;郝佳瑜;李文章;李洁
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4.基于大豆的Fe-N掺杂的介孔碳:一种高效低成本的非贵金属氧还原反应电催化剂[J], 伍秋美; 邓大款; 何轶伦; 周忠诚; 桑商斌; 周智华
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锂枝晶(Lithium Dendrites)的生长是锂金属电池中常见的现象,它可能引发电池短路、容量损失等严重问题。
二、原位检测仪器设计1. 设计思路原位检测仪器的设计主要基于非接触式光学成像技术,结合高分辨率图像处理和数据分析技术,实现对锂枝晶生长过程的实时监测。
2. 仪器结构该仪器主要由光学系统、成像系统、数据采集系统和控制处理系统四部分组成。
3. 关键技术(1)光学技术:采用光学显微镜或扫描电子显微镜等高精度设备,实现电池内部锂枝晶的清晰成像。
三、应用研究1. 锂枝晶生长规律研究利用原位检测仪器,可实时监测锂枝晶在不同充放电条件下的生长过程,揭示其生长规律,为进一步优化电池设计提供依据。
2. 电池安全性能评估通过观察锂枝晶的生长情况,可评估电池的安全性能,预测潜在的安全风险,为电池的研发和改进提供指导。
3. 新型电池材料的研究原位检测仪器可应用于新型电池材料的研究中,通过观察不同材料的锂枝晶生长情况,筛选出性能更优的材料,加速新型电池的研发进程。
为解决中红外全波段地表特性光谱重建所面临的难题,基于约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University,JHU)地物波谱库和中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)短波红外和中红外地表多光谱卫星产品,提出了一种利用非负矩阵分解(NMF)重建高光谱地表反射率的方法,对2.5~5.0μm中红外光谱范围内的地表反射/发射率进行光谱重建,重建后的光谱分辨率可达10 nm。
首先基于JHU地物波谱库选取4种典型地物类型(土壤、植被、人造材料和岩石),建立地物光谱库样本信息,再利用MODIS传感器光谱响应函数,根据等效计算公式将2.0~5.0μm波段范围反射率结果重采样到10 nm光谱间隔、共301个波段,得到JHU地表反射率光谱数据集。
对光谱数据集进行非负矩阵分解处理,提取4条端元向量光谱曲线,结合MODIS短波红外和中红外4个波段(2.13、3.75、3.96和4.05μm)的全球月均地表反射率/发射率产品,可计算每个像元对应的权重系数向量,从而进行任意波段的光谱重建,得到全球范围内陆地5km×5 km分辨率的月均地表反射率重建结果。
结果表明,基于近红外光谱技术的固体推进剂燃速快速预估模型测试时间约为2 min,燃速偏差范围为-0.122~0.067 mm/s,精密度测试相对标准偏差≤0.4%,准确度测试偏差-0.029~0.057 mm/s。
1.窄角扇束扫描方式下的并行迭代图像重建算法 [J], 王培容;黄丽雯
2.扇形束CT超短扫描优质重建算法研究 [J], 马建华;颜刚;陈凌剑;陈武凡
3.窄角扇束扫描方式下的并行迭代图像重建算法 [J], 王培容;黄丽雯;
4.扇形束扫描模式图像重建中消除伪影算法研究 [J], 瞿中;杨丹;吴渝
5.工业CT窄角扇束扫描下的代数迭代图像重建算法研究 [J], 瞿中;邹永贵;沈宽;王珏;徐问之
不同太赫兹波入射角对应的超表面响应曲线上的谐振峰频率可覆盖0.50~0.57 THz。
1.磁共振扩散张量及纤维束示踪成像对脊髓疾病的研究进展 [J], 朱向玉;王光彬;武乐斌
2.弥散张量成像纤维束示踪技术显像弓形束及术中弓形束导航的可行性分析 [J], 赵岩;陈晓雷;王飞;孙国臣;王宇博;宋志军;许百男
3.三维真稳态进动快速成像序列联合扩散张量神经纤维束示踪成像在腰椎间盘突出症中的应用 [J], 徐睿;康新国;何玺;刘宗才;曾宪春
4.磁共振扩散张量成像/扩散张量纤维束示踪成像(DTI/DTT)对小儿脑瘫早期诊断及康复评价的临床意义 [J], 张晓凡; 范国光; 王志伟; 张旭; 曾立红; 张毅; 王芳
5.采用扩散张量成像定量研究及纤维束示踪成像观察正常腕关节正中神经 [J], 唐玲;程捷飞
肥胖者“福⾳”——菊粉丙酸酯吃货孩⼦们再也不⽤担⼼⼀看见好吃的就根本停不下来,第⼆天长胖了⼜后悔不已这样的事了~~~近⽇,来⾃伦敦帝国理⼯学院和格拉斯哥⼤学的研究者们向世⼈介绍了⼀种具有应⽤于⾷品⼯业潜⼒的新成分——菊粉丙酸酯(inulin-propionate ester)。
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现在,“帝国创新”(Imperial Innovations)公司正在与研究者们共同合作进⾏后续研究和评估,希望最终能将这种成分引⼊市场。
放⼼吃吧,你会⾃⼰停下来的~~~论⽂原⽂:Edward S Chambers, Alexander Viardot, Arianna Psichas1, et al. Effects of targeted delivery of propionate to the human colon on appetite regulation, body weight maintenance and adiposity in overweight adults. Gut gutjnl-2014-307913Published Online First: 10 December 2014 doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2014-307913赵焜2013141241175。
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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0702598v 1 22 F eb 2007SGR1806-20:evidence for a superstrong Magnetic Field from QuasiPeriodic OscillationsMario VietriScuola Normale Superiore,56100Pisa, and Luigi Stella and Gian Luca Israel INAF -Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma,Via Frascati 33,00040Monteporzio Catone, ABSTRACT Fast Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs,frequencies of ∼20−1840Hz)have been recently discovered in the ringing tail of giant flares from Soft Gamma Repeaters (SGRs),when the luminosity was of order 1041−1041.5erg/s.These oscillations per-sisted for many tens of seconds,remained coherent for up to hundreds of cycles and were observed over a wide range of rotational phases of the neutron stars believed to host SGRs.Therefore these QPOs must have originated from a compact,virtuallynon-expanding region inside the star’s magnetosphere,emitting with a very moder-ate degree of beaming (if at all).The fastest QPOs imply a luminosity variation of ∆L /∆t ≃6×1043erg s −2,the largest luminosity variation ever observed from a com-pact source.It exceeds by over an order of magnitude the usual Cavallo-Fabian-Rees (CFR)luminosity variability limit for a matter-to-radiation conversion efficiency of 100%.We show that such an extreme variability can be reconciled with the CFR limit if the emitting region is immersed in a magnetic field 1015G at the star surface,providing independent evidence for the superstrong magnetic fields of magnetars.Subject headings:stars:magnetic fields —stars:neutron —stars:individual(SGR 1806-20)1.IntroductionSoft Gamma Repeaters are a small class of galactic sources of X and soft gamma radiation. They have spin periods of∼5÷10s,display a secular spin-down with timescales of∼104÷105yr and do not possess a companion.Unlike radio pulsars,the rotational energy loss of SGRs is a factor of10÷100too small to explain their persistent emission,typically∼1033÷1034erg/s(see e.g. Woods&Thompson(2006)).Like Anomalous X-ray Pulsar(AXPs,Mereghetti&Stella(1995)), with whom they share a number of properties,SGRs are believed to host magnetars,neutron stars the emission of which is powered by the decay of their superstrong(internal)magneticfield(B> 1015G,Duncan&Thompson(1992);Thompson&Duncan(1993)).The name-defining characteristic of SGRs is that they show periods of activity in which re-current short bursts are emitted,with peak luminosities of∼1038÷1041ergs s−1and sub-second durations.The characteristics of the three giantflares observed so far in about30yr of mon-itoring are much more extreme.Their initial,tenths-of-seconds-long spike releases enormous amounts of energy,∼1044ergs in the1979March5event from SGR0526-66(Mazets et al. 1979)and the1998August27event from SGR1900+14(Hurley et al.1999;Feroci et al.1999) and as much as5×1046erg in the2004December27event from SGR1806-20(Hurley et al.2005; Mereghetti et al.2005;Palmer et al.2005;Terasawa et al.2005).After the initial spike,giantflares display a very bright ringing tail lasting hundreds of seconds and releasing a total energy of about ∼1044ergs.The emitted spectrum is roughly thermal,with a blackbody equivalent temperature of ∼5keV in the case of SGR1806-20Hurley et al.(2005).The highly super-Eddington luminosities of the recurrent bursts of SGRs and especially of their giantflares make models involving accretion energy not viable.According to the magne-tar model,the emission of SGRs(and AXPs)draws from their extremely high magneticfields (Thompson&Duncan1995,1996,2001).Within this model the neutron star interior is character-ized by a wound-up,mainly toroidal magneticfield configuration with B t>1015G.A less intense (mainly poloidal)field emerges out of the star magnetosphere,causing spin-down via rotating dipole losses at the observed rate(Thompson&Duncan1993,2001)(dipole B-field strength of B d∼7.8×1014G).Energy propagates to the neutron star magnetosphere through Alfvén waves driven by local“crust-quakes"and giving rise to recurrent bursts with a large range of amplitudes. Large-scale rearrangements of the internal magneticfield or catastrophic instabilities in the mag-netosphere are invoked to explain the sudden release of very large amounts of energy that occurs in giantflares(Thompson&Duncan2001;Lyutikov2003).Afireball of plasma expanding at relativistic speeds breaks out of the star’s magnetosphere,causing the initial sub-second spike of giantflares.The ringing tail that follows results most likely from the part of thefireball that re-mains trapped in the star’s magnetosphere.The energy release in the ringing tail yields a limit for the externalfield of magnetars(>∼1014G)in agreement with the values inferred from spin-downdipole losses(Thompson&Duncan1995,2001),while an analysis of the initial time scales gives evidence in favor of the crustal cracking mechanism(Schwartz et al.2005).To confirm this model it is thus essential to measure the surface magneticfield,which com-plements the measurement of the dipole component(Woods et al.(2002)),to include higher order multipoles.In this paper we present an interpretation of the QPOs observed in SGR1806-20which provides a lower limit(B≫B q≈4.4×1013G)to the surfacefield.The argument is based upon a seldom-used constraint((Cavallo&Rees1978;Fabian&Rees1979;Fabian1979))that puts a very strong upper limit on the time-scale on which significant luminosity variations can take place. In the next section we discuss the relevant observations;in Section3we will re-derive the limit and show that it is largely violated by QPOs in SGR1806-20;after vainly trying to circumvent it, we will show that it can be reconciled with observations only if B≫B q.2.Quasi Periodic Oscillations in Giant Flares of SGRsRecent studies led to the discovery that the X-rayflux of the ringing tail of SGRs’giant flares is characterized by fast Quasi Periodic Oscillations,QPOs(Israel et al.2005).Different QPO modes were detected,some of which were excited simultaneously.The ringing tail of the December2004event from SGR1806-20displayed clear QPO signals at about18,30,93,150, 625and1840Hz(Strohmayer&Watts(2006a)).Similarly,QPOs around frequencies of28,54, 84and155Hz were detected during the ringing tail of the1998giantflare of SGR1900+14 (Strohmayer&Watts2005),while hints for a signal at∼43Hz were found in the March1979 event from SGR0526-66(Barat et al.1983).These QPOs show large variations of the amplitude with time and,especially,of the phase of the spin modulation in the giantflare’s tail.The similarity in some of the QPO modes and frequencies across different SGRs suggests that the production mechanism is the same.A likely interpretation involves the excitation of neutron star oscillation modes,whose expected eigenfrequencies match some of the observed QPOs peaks ((Duncan1998;Israel et al.2005;Piro2005)).Infact,if giantflares result from large scale frac-turing of the crust induced by instabilities of the internal magneticfields,then the excitation of crustal and(possibly)global neutron star modes is to be expected((Levin2006)).Regardless of the exact mechanism driving these oscillations we are concerned here with the extremely large and fast luminosity variations of the QPOs.We concentrate on the signals with the largest luminosity time derivative,i.e.the625and 1840Hz QPOs from SGR1806-20(Strohmayer&Watts(2006a)).The power spectrum peaks through which these QPOs are revealed,are a few Hz wide,testifying that their signal remained coherent for hundreds of cycles.The signal shape must be close to sinusoidal,as evidenced bythe absence of detectable harmonic signals.The625and1840Hz QPOs were detected only in a∼50s long interval of the ringing tail,about200s after the initial spike,and were especially prominent over a∼140deg interval in rotational phase.The QPO amplitude reached a maximum in this phase interval over two consecutive rotation cycles:for both signals the rms amplitude was a rms∼18%.Approximating the QPOs with sinusoids,we estimate their highest luminosity derivative as∆L/∆t=23/2πLa rmsνQPO,withνQPO the QPO frequency.Here L∼1041ergs s−1is the luminosity in the relevant section of the ringing tail(for the likely source distance of15kpc). This gives∆L/∆t∼1×1044and3×1044ergs s−2for the625and1840Hz QPOs,respectively. The effects of beaming might decrease these values somewhat,but not by a very large factor.In fact,these QPO signals were observed over a large interval of rotational phases(about∼140deg), translating into approximately the same azimuthal range of emission angles.It is natural to assume a comparably large angular spread in latitude(unless the neutron star rotation axis is very close to our line of sight,which is unlikely given the large amplitude of the rotation modulation and the size of the emission region,see below).This gives a solid angle of order∼πster.Adopting this beaming factor the luminosity derivatives above reduce to∼2×1043and6×1043ergs s−2;this are the values that we adopt in the following discussion.We stress here,because this is essential to our argument(to be presented shortly),that,to-gether with the QPOs,in the ringing tail a strong modulation at the star’s spin period is clearly present,similar in relative amplitude and shape to the modulation observed when the source is in its quiescent state:this(together with the lack of significant amounts of beaming)indicates that the emission in the ringing tail originates from a region that remains stably anchored to the star’s magnetosphere,and thus that relativistic bulk motions are not present at this stage of theflare.The blackbody temperature and luminosity in the ringing tail translates into a lower limit on the size of the emitting region of about∼30km,i.e.substantially larger than the neutron star.On the other hand the black body-like spectral shape testifies that the emitting region is optically thick (or at least effectively thick),implying a scattering optical depth≫1.We remark that the size estimate,≈30km,will play an important role in the following.3.The Cavallo-Fabian-Rees Variability LimitThere is a well–known limit on the rate of change of the luminosity of any given source, which we briefly summarize here(Cavallo&Rees(1978);Fabian&Rees(1979);Fabian(1979), see also Lawrence(1980);Hoshi(1989)).Suppose a source undergoes a large luminosity variation on a time-scale∆t,and there is a luminosity variation,over this time-scale,∆L.The total energyreleased within∆t is related to the total mass within the source dimension R by∆L∆t=η4πc(1+τT)(2) whereτT=σT nR is the Thomson optical depth andσT the Thomson cross-section.Eliminating R from thefirst two equations,wefind∆t>3m p c4∆LτT.(3)Regarded as a function ofτT,the above has a minimum forτT=1,which yields the limit∆t>3m p c4∆L1We note that also the slower∼90−150Hz QPOs signals in the giantflares’tail of SGR1806-20and SGR1900+14, exceed the CFR limit,though by a smaller factor.the more sedateηm p c2.This however appears like an unlikely way out,because,even admitting that the electrons radiate very promptly their internal energy,the time-scale on which protons manage to transfer to the electrons their internal energy is much longer than the above limit.To see this,we idealize the situation as one where electrons are cold(i.e.Newtonian)as a result of their short cooling timescales,while the protons are still relativistic.The energy transfer rate is given by the usual formula−dE pm e v2 ln(2m e v2W c2,(6)where n e is the electron number density,ωp=ln(2m e v2W m p c4Lm p m e c3.(7)Inserting the numerical values for the luminosity of SGR1806-20during the ringing tail and for the typical magnetospheric density for a pulsar with a normal magneticfield wefindγ 10−813×1041ergs−1n e3R3nm e c2(9)where we used the fact thatγ≈2for the electrons.The new limit for the variability is∆t>3m e c4∆Lη∆L4σT sin2θsin2θ′d cosθ′dσO→E=3m e c2B 2cos2θd cosθ′dσE→O=3m e c2B 2cos2θ′d cosθ′dσE→E=3m e c2B 2d cosθ′,(11)whereǫis the photon energy,andθandθ′are the angles between the photon momentum before and after the diffusion,respectively,with the direction of the magneticfield.This equation shows immediately that,for photons emitted in the extraordinary mode,the cross section is reduced,with respect to the Thomson value,by a factor≈(ǫB q/(m e c2B))2.Thus, to bring the observed value,△L/△t=6×1043erg s−1,in agreement with eq.4,we just need to have(ǫB q/(m e c2B))2 η/30;here we take forǫthe valueǫ≈14keV,which is the peak of the Planck distribution for the observed temperature T=5keV.So our conclusion is that the QPOs’luminosity variation agrees with the CFR limit providedB 1.5B q 0.1R ns 30.14.DiscussionOurfinal result is the lower limit in eq.13.This value is close to that of the dipolefield,as inferred from pulsar spin-down,B=7.8×1014G,but our estimate includes higher order multipoles, at least at30km.It is thus completely independent of the estimates from pulsar spin-down.We note that the limit on B derived by requiring that the magneticfield close to the star can prevent the escape of the"trappedfireball"includes also the contribution of higher multipole components (Thompson&Duncan(2001)),but gives a substantially lower magneticfield(B>1014G)than the limit derived above.There is an easy way to test our interpretation of the failure of the CFR limit.The O-and E-mode photospheres of the trappedfireball are located at different heights in the star’s magneto-sphere,as a result of the different electron scattering cross sections,which therefore sample regions of different B-field strengths and orientations.The polarization fraction and angle of the emerging X-rayflux should thus be modulated with the phase of the QPO signal as a result of the varying (relative)intensity of the O-and E-mode photon component.This in principle gives a clear test for the correctness of our interpretation,which might perhaps become verifiable in the future.Photons in the O-mode suffer a strong Comptonization(Thompson&Duncan(2001)).If the atmosphere were due to pure scattering,the ensuing photon distribution would differ from a blackbody at low photon frequency,Eν∝ν3instead of∝ν2,a result due to photon number con-servation.Atfirst sight,one might think that there are many processes which may lead to photon absorption and emission in a strong magneticfield,like photon splitting or pair creation viaγ+B (resulting then in pair annihilation,and photon energy downgrading via Compton recoil),which make photon number conservation unlikely.At the same time,there are important radiation trans-fer effects taking place,which obviously tend to favorflatter spectra at low energies;also,all rates for photon emission and absorption depart from their values in the absence of magneticfield.De-tailed computations((Lyubarsky2002))show that the ensuing spectrum isflatter,not steeper,than a blackbody;and we remark here that,despite many calibration uncertainties,fits to the spectrum seem to favor spectraflatter than a blackbody,with a preference for thermal bremsstrahlung of temperature T=30keV.We have presented our argument by stressing its independence from the estimates of the dipole field from pulsar spin-down,and from Thompson and Duncan’s(Thompson&Duncan(1993, 1995,1996))model,but it should be obvious that the limit in eq.13is perfectly consistent with the previous measurements,and the model itself.This work was partially supported through ASI and MIUR grants.REFERENCESBarat, al.1983,A&A,126,400Bassani,L.,Dean,A.J.&Sembay,S.1983,A&A,125,52Cavallo,G.&Rees,M.1978,MNRAS,125,52Duncan,R.C.1998ApJ,498,L45Duncan,R.,C.,&Thompson,C.1992,ApJ,392,L9Fabian,A.C.1979,Proc.R.Soc.London,Ser.A.,336,449Fabian,A.C.&Rees,M.1979,Adv.Sp.Res.,3,381Feroci,M.,et al.1999,ApJ,515,L9Hurley,K.,et al.1979,Nature,397,41Hurley,K.,et al.2005,Nature,434,1098Mazets,E.,P.,Golentskii,S.,V.,Ilinskii,V.,N.,Aptekar,R.,L.,Guryan&Iu.,A.1979,Nature, 282,587Hoshi,R.1989,PASJ,41,217Israel, al.2005,ApJ,628,L53Lai,D&Ho,W.C.G.,2003,ApJ,588,962.Lawrence,A.1980,MNRAS,192,83Levin,Y.2006,MNRAS,368,L35Lyubarsky,Y.E.,2002,MNRAS,332,199.Lyutikov,M.,2003,MNRAS,346,540Mereghetti,S.,&Stella,L.1995,ApJ,442,L17Mereghetti,S.,Götz,D.,von Kienlin,A.,Rau,A.,Lichti,G.,Weidenspointner,G.&Jean,P.2005, 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