第32卷㊀第1期太㊀㊀平㊀㊀洋㊀㊀学㊀㊀报Vol 32,No 12024年1月PACIFICJOURNALJanuary2024DOI:10.14015/j.cnki.1004-8049.2024.01.006曹兴国: 我国海运碳排放市场机制构建的进路统筹 ,‘太平洋学报“,2024年第1期,第72-85页㊂CAOXingguo, CoordinationofApproachestotheConstructionofMarket-BasedMechanismofMaritimeCarbonEmissionsinChina ,PacificJour⁃nal,Vol.32,No.1,2024,pp.72-85.我国海运碳排放市场机制构建的进路统筹曹兴国1(1.大连海事大学,辽宁大连116026)摘要:海运碳减排需要统筹运用包括市场机制在内的多种措施㊂欧盟推进单边海运碳排放交易机制虽然对市场机制在海运领域的运用具有正向推进价值,但基于其制度对共同但有区别责任原则的忽视等原因,与我国的航运利益并不相符㊂我国应当联合其他非欧盟国家反对欧盟的单边措施,并积极推进国际海事组织(IMO)层面多边海运碳排放市场机制的构建,推动海运碳排放真正实现公正公平的过渡㊂同时,在国内层面,基于国际国内统筹推进的整体要求,我国需要厘定基于国内立法的海运碳排放市场措施及其实施路径,构建相应的制度保障㊂关键词: 双碳 目标;海运碳排放;市场机制;共同但有区别责任原则;非更优惠待遇原则中图分类号:D920㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1004-8049(2024)01-0072-14收稿日期:2023⁃07⁃27;修订日期:2023⁃09⁃20㊂基金项目:本文系辽宁省社科基金项目 海运碳减排市场机制构建的制度协同研究 (L22CFX004)的阶段性研究成果㊂作者简介:曹兴国(1989 ),男,浙江绍兴人,大连海事大学法学院副教授㊁硕士生导师,法学博士,主要研究方向:海商法㊁国际法㊂∗作者感谢‘太平洋学报“编辑部匿名审稿专家提出的建设性修改意见,感谢孙爱迪在本文写作过程中的协助,文中错漏由笔者负责㊂①㊀2018年4月通过的船舶温室气体减排初步战略中提出的减排目标为:以2008年碳排放为基准,到2030年将海运业碳排放强度降低40%,到2050年碳排放强度降低70%(碳排放总量降低50%)㊂㊀㊀随着我国 双碳 目标的确立,碳排放治理已经不折不扣地成为我国生态文明建设以及参与国际气候治理的重要议题㊂海运业同样需要承担减排任务,并已在国际海事组织(以下简称IMO)的推进下取得积极进展㊂2022年,IMO海上环境保护委员会第76次会议(MEPC76)通过了‘国际防止船舶造成污染公约“(MARPOL公约)附则VI 关于降低国际航运碳强度 的修正案,通过现有船舶能效指数(EEXI)和碳强度指标(CII)评级机制对船舶的最低能效标准和营运的碳强度作出限制和评价,旨在从技术和运营两个方面提高船舶能效,降低碳强度水平㊂同时,2023年7月,IMO海上环境保护委员会第80次会议通过重新修订 船舶温室气体减排战略 ,进一步明确了以2008年为参照,国际海运温室气体年度排放总量到2030年至少降低20%,并力争降低30%;到2040年降低70%,并力争降低80%的减排新目标㊂①上述减排目标的实现,需要依赖一系列的减排措施,包括碳排放市场机制㊂所谓碳排放第1期㊀曹兴国:我国海运碳排放市场机制构建的进路统筹市场机制,亦可称为碳定价机制,其理念在于将碳排放权作为一种资源并对其定价,通过构建市场化机制解决碳排放的外部不经济性,从而实现减排目标㊂在过去,海运业因其显著的国际性和机制适用的复杂性,大多被排除在各国的碳排放市场机制之外㊂但2023年5月,欧盟通过2023/959号指令对欧盟碳排放交易体系指令进行修订,正式将海运业纳入欧盟碳排放交易体系㊂同时,在重新修订的IMO 船舶温室气体减排战略 中,也明确要求包括市场机制在内的一揽子中期减排措施应当在2025年确定并通过㊂①显然,在欧盟和IMO的推动下,海运碳排放市场机制的构建将大大提速,并引发单边及多边层面的连锁反应㊂海运碳排放市场机制的构建不仅关乎所有海运参与主体的利益,而且机制构建中的规则话语权争夺更关乎各国在海运相关产业的切实利益,影响未来的海运竞争格局㊂尤其在欧盟通过内部立法单边推动海运碳排放市场机制实施的背景下,海运碳排放市场机制的构建在某种程度上已经被 裹挟 ,其推进势在必行㊂因此,无论是主动引领还是被动参与,海运碳排放市场机制的构建是各国㊁各利益方都需要谋划和应对的重要议题㊂对我国而言,海运碳排放市场机制的构建是一个重要又复杂的议题,面临诸多挑战㊂首先,欧盟的单边海运碳排放交易机制将对我国航运业产生直接影响,我国如何开展有效应对亟需回应㊂其次,IMO主导下的多边市场机制构建仍面临不少分歧 选择何种市场机制方案,如何体现共同但有区别责任原则,通过何种方式实施等都有待细化讨论㊂此外,海运碳排放市场机制的构建不仅是国际层面的应对,我国也应当在国内层面以国际国内统筹推进为指引,统筹国内机制的构建㊂因此,海运碳排放市场机制的构建需要多个层面的进路统筹㊂本文旨在通过分析我国在双边㊁多边以及国内三个层面应对㊁参与㊁构建海运碳排放机制的需求和立场,探讨我国的应对策略和制度路径㊂一㊁海运碳排放市场机制的单边进路应对㊀㊀海运是一个高度国际化的行业㊂理想状态下,应当通过多边协调来推进海运碳排放市场机制的构建,但因多边层面协商进度不及预期,以欧盟为代表的单边行动已经着手推进海运碳排放机制的构建㊂1.1 以欧盟为代表的单边市场机制推进欧盟是碳排放市场机制的忠实推动者,其构建的碳排放交易体系被视为欧盟最主要的气候政策工具㊂欧盟的碳排放交易体系以2003年的‘欧盟排放权交易体系指令“为基础法律架构,后经多次修正㊂当前,欧盟碳排放交易体系的运行已经进入第四阶段,即以欧盟委员会在2021年7月发布的一系列气候计划与提案(Fitfor55)为依托,大幅提升碳市场的减排目标,并扩大覆盖的行业领域㊂海运业就属于此阶段扩大覆盖的行业领域范围之列㊂根据欧盟2023/959号指令,主管机关②将对5000总吨以上船舶在欧盟内部的港口之间整个航程100%的排放量,以及欧盟与非欧盟港口之间航程50%的排放量③收取排放配额㊂负责配额缴纳的责任主体为船公司,包括船东或从船东处承担船舶运营责任㊁并同意承担‘国际船舶安全运营和防止污染管理规则“规定的所有职责和责任的任何其他组织和个人(例如船舶管理人㊁光船承租人)㊂为了给机制的适用提37①②③IMO, 2023IMOStrategyonReductionofGHGEmissionsfromShips ,ResolutionMEPC.377(80),July7,2023,https://ww⁃wcdn.imo.org/localresources/en/OurWork/Environment/Documents/annex/2023%20IMO%20Strategy%20on%20Reduction%20of%20GHG%20Emissions%20from%20Ships.pdf,para.6.对于欧盟注册的船公司,其主管机关为船公司注册地所在的成员国;非欧盟注册的船公司,其主管机关为最近4个监测年度内停靠港口次数最多的成员国;而对于非欧盟注册且最近4个监测年度内也没有停靠过欧盟港口的公司,则其主管机关为该公司旗下船舶在欧盟境内抵达或开始其首个航程的成员国㊂纳入排放量计算的气体包括二氧化碳㊁甲烷和一氧化二氮㊂其中,甲烷和一氧化二氮将于2024年后纳入欧盟2015/757号条例,从2026年起纳入欧盟排放交易体系㊂太平洋学报㊀第32卷供一定的缓冲空间,指令规定了两年的过渡期:2024年和2025年分别纳入40%和70%的航运排放量,到2026年将纳入100%的航运排放量㊂同时,为防止班轮集装箱船舶利用挂靠港口的安排来规避机制的适用,该指令将建立一份位于欧盟以外,但距离某一成员国管辖港口不到300海里的相邻集装箱转运港口名单㊂船舶在名单中的港口进行的转运将不被计为与上一个非名单中转运港之间航程的中断㊂对于未能在每年9月30日前缴纳前一年排放配额的船公司,将面临每个未缴纳的排放配额(每吨二氧化碳当量的排放)100欧元的罚款㊂1.2 单边进路的辩证评估欧盟是当前世界三大海运市场之一,其海运碳排放政策措施将产生重大影响㊂这种影响,最直接地体现为航运公司的费用增加 据测算,如果按照每个碳排放配限额(EUA)90欧元的市价计算,预计海运业在2024年㊁2025年㊁2026年可能要分别承担高达31亿欧元㊁57亿欧元和84亿欧元的费用㊂①而在这些费用之外,欧盟单边进路的其他影响同样显著㊂(1)对海运碳排放市场机制构建的正向推动欧盟之所以决定率先将海运业纳入欧盟碳排放交易机制,一个重要的背景就是欧盟认为IMO层面的市场机制谈判虽有进展,但仍不足以实现巴黎协定确定的目标㊂因此,欧盟的单边立法固然有其实现自身减排战略的考虑,但也在很大程度上希望籍此反推和倒逼多边进程㊂IMO在随后通过经修订的减排战略,并明确将市场机制作为一揽子中期措施的一部分,也不无欧盟立法进程的影响㊂正如学者所言,相比于多边层面的谈判,打补丁式的单边路径(patchworkapproach)有时更有效,因为它可以破解多边协同的困境㊂而且,通过部分国家或者地区先行的政策探索和行业反馈,可以为多边层面更大规模的政策应用提供数据和证据支撑㊂②同时,依托在碳排放交易领域的实践经验,欧盟所构建的海运碳排放交易制度也确有其可取之处㊂首先,欧盟在制度方案上考虑了未来与IMO多边机制的协调问题㊂根据指令,如果未来IMO通过了多边市场机制,欧盟将根据IMO市场机制的内容㊁效果以及与欧盟机制的一致性等对本指令的内容重新进行评估,尽量避免对船公司的双重负担;如果IMO在2028年仍未采取全球市场措施,欧盟委员会应向欧洲议会和理事会提交一份报告,审查对欧盟港口与非欧盟港口之间航程超过50%部分的排放量是否需要实施配额分配和交易㊂其次,欧盟在将海运纳入碳排放交易体系时,吸收了当初将航空纳入碳排放交易体系的失败教训,③在此次针对海运的方案设计中做了不少调整㊂其中最显著的一点就是仅将进出欧盟港口的国际航程的50%排放量纳入,而非此前航空领域的全部排放量,试图以此缓和其他国家的抵制㊂最后,从制度的完整性上,欧盟的海运碳排放交易制度在既有碳排放交易制度的基础上做了很多细化的补充,形成了一套相对完整㊁具有可操作性的海运碳排放市场制度㊂例如为保障制度的执行,指令明确规定欧盟成员国可以拒绝不履行义务的船公司的船舶进入其港口,同时作为船旗国的欧盟成员国可以对当事船舶进行扣押㊂④因此,无论是否采取与欧盟一样的碳排放交易机制,欧盟海运碳排放交易制度的制度内容都或多或少地能对IMO和其他国家构建多边或者单边的海运碳排放市场机制带来参考价值㊂47①②③④ 欧盟碳排放交易体系生效后2024年航运业将承担30多亿欧元费用 ,新浪财经网,2023年7月7日,https://finance.sina.com.cn/esg/2023-07-07/doc-imyzwcer8222804.shtml㊂ZhengWan,etal., DecarbonizingtheInternationalShippingIndustry:SolutionsandPolicyRecommendations ,MarinePollutionBulletin,Vol.126,2018,p.433.欧盟曾在2008年通过2008/101/EU号指令,计划自2012年起将抵达或离开欧盟成员国境内机场的所有航班的碳排放纳入欧盟碳排放交易体系,但该计划因受到国际社会普遍的抵制而最终搁浅㊂Directive(EU)2023/959oftheEuropeanParliamentandtheCouncilofTheEuropeanUnionof10May2023 ,OfficialJournaloftheEuropeanUnion,May16,2023,https://eur-lex.europa.eu/le⁃gal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32023L0959,para.34.第1期㊀曹兴国:我国海运碳排放市场机制构建的进路统筹(2)对制度话语权的争夺在肯定欧盟单边进路积极价值的同时,我们同样需要认识到欧盟单边举措的政治意图,即对海运碳排放市场机制构建的话语权争夺,以及在此过程中的理念输出㊂事实上,提升欧盟在国际政治中的形象㊁维护欧盟的国际地位㊁占据国际道义的制高点,一直是欧盟推行积极的国际气候政策的根本目的㊂①具体而言,欧盟在海运领域推行碳排放交易制度的话语权导向最显著地体现在其对非更优惠待遇原则(NoMoreFavourableTreatment,NMFT)的贯彻上㊂非更优惠待遇原则强调所有的措施应当无差别地适用于所有国家的船舶,这显然与发展中国家在气候治理领域所主张的共同但有区别责任原则(CommonButDifferenti⁃atedResponsibility,CBDR)存在根本分歧,这也是发展中国家和发达国家在多边层面海运碳排放治理中一直争论㊁并阻碍减排共识达成的重要问题㊂②作为发达国家集团的代表,欧盟在其海运碳排放交易的制度方案中充分体现了其立场,将非更优惠待遇原则作为制度基础,未对发展中国家做任何特殊安排㊂非更优惠待遇原则是此前IMO公约普遍遵循的原则,主张其在碳减排领域适用的主要理由在于 方便旗 船屡见不鲜,船东的国籍可能与船舶的船旗国并不相同,船舶加油㊁运营和航行海域也可能分属不同国家,因而船旗国㊁燃料出售国㊁始发港㊁目的港或中转港所在国㊁货物生产国或消费国等都可以认为参与了温室气体排放,难以区别不同国家设定不同的减排标准㊂同时,鉴于国际海运产生的温室气体排放大部分发生在主权国家领土以外即公海上,按不同类型国家分别对海运碳减排以不同标准进行调整也是不合适的㊂③然而,严格强调该原则无疑也将忽视发达国家在气候治理领域的历史责任,忽视了中国等发展中国家作为新兴海运大国,其海运碳排放更多是 生存和发展性排放 的事实㊂此外,欧盟在海运领域适用碳排放交易制度,也会将欧盟碳排放交易制度本身追求国际话语权的一些内容带到海运领域㊂例如,通过倡导碳排放权交易机制的连接,欧盟不仅可以运用碳排放权交易规则影响其他国内碳排放权交易规则的制定,也可以随着连接规模的不断扩大,提升其碳排放权交易规则的国际化程度,最终从事实上上升为国际碳排放权交易规则㊂④1.3 我国应对单边市场机制的立场与措施欧盟雄心勃勃的海运碳排放交易制度与我国的海运利益并不相符㊂这种不相符性主要表现为欧盟的制度方案对共同但有区别责任原则的忽视与我国的一贯主张不符,也与我国海运业的发展利益不符㊂从运量的角度来看,海运中心东移已是不争的事实,现阶段对海运碳排放的控制主要限制的是包括我国在内的诸多新兴发展中国家海运业的未来发展空间㊂如果不顾历史事实和不同国家所处的发展阶段,苛求发展中国家在海运碳减排上承担与发达国家相同的责任,这对于发展中国家是不公平的㊂碳排放权是一种新的发展权,尤其在碳排放权分配方案的制定中应当考虑发展需求㊁人口数量㊁历史责任㊁公平正义原则等因素㊂⑤因此,我国历来主张碳减排遵循人际公平原则应贯穿历史和未来,既强调代内公平,也强调代际公平,各国所获得的碳排放权应受到其历史排放水平和人口数量的影响㊂⑥同时,我国海运业虽然在规模上已经处于世界前列,但现阶段凭既有技术和规模优势积累的行业优势很容易被新的技术和政策要求所57①②③④⑤⑥巩潇泫: 多层治理视角下欧盟气候政策决策研究 ,山东大学博士论文,2017年,第52页㊂YubingShiandWarwickGullett, InternationalRegulationonLow-CarbonShippingforClimateChangeMitigation:Development,Challenges,andProspects ,OceanDevelopment&InternationalLaw,Vol.49,No.2,2018,p.145.Jae-GonLee, InternationalRegulationsofGreenhouseGasEmissionsFromInternationalShipping ,Asia-PacificJournalofOceanLawandPolicy,Vol.4,No.1,2019,pp.53-78.参见赵骏㊁孟令浩: 我国碳排放权交易规则体系的构建与完善 基于国际法治与国内法治互动的视野 ,‘湖北大学学报“(哲学社会科学版),2021年第5期,第126页㊂参见杨泽伟: 碳排放权:一种新的发展权 ,‘浙江大学学报“(人文社会科学版),2011年第3期,第40-47页㊂参见王文军㊁庄贵阳: 碳排放权分配与国际气候谈判中的气候公平诉求 ,‘外交评论“,2012年第1期,第80页㊂太平洋学报㊀第32卷稀释甚至抹杀㊂例如我国传统造船业较为发达,而绿色低碳等新技术领域的造船仍有较大欠缺,结构性不平衡问题较为突出㊂①这意味着过去我们在传统造船领域的优势很可能将因为碳减排的新要求而遭到削弱㊂因此,与发达国家一样无差别地承担碳减排任务对我国海运业来说挑战大于机遇㊂而且我国与欧盟在碳排放市场机制建设上的理念和阶段差异,包括总量控制㊁配额分配方式㊁运行和交易管理等方面的差异,也决定了现阶段我国不可能跟随欧盟海运碳排放交易制度的步伐㊂例如,欧盟的碳价在2023年2月曾一度突破100欧元/吨,而目前中国碳市场的碳价仅约为60元/吨,两者在现阶段显然不具备对接的基础㊂此外,虽然有学者认为欧盟当前的海运碳排放交易制度符合国际海洋法和国际气候立法,②但其制度的合法性与有效性依然值得质疑㊂就合法性而言,虽然赋予一国国内环境保护法规以域外效力是当前及今后环境保护法规效力范围的发展趋势,也是多边环境保护条约的基本要求及制定目标,③但欧盟单方面将欧盟港口与非欧盟港口间航程的50%碳排放量纳入碳排放交易系统缺乏足够的依据,因为在欧盟管辖海域所产生的碳排放量未必达到了50%,欧盟很可能将船舶在其他国家和公海的航程所产生的碳排放纳入了自己的交易系统,涉嫌对自身管辖权的扩张和对其他国家排他性管辖权的侵犯㊂就有效性而言,单边路径不利于国际社会形成统一的减排规划和执行监督体系,甚至可能带来重复治理㊁管辖冲突等负面问题㊂而且欧盟单边行动很可能带来的直接效应是海运公司为减少在欧盟境内的碳排放,在进出欧盟的航线上投入更高技术标准的较新型船舶,而将旧船舶投入到其他航线,最终结果仅是改变了碳排放的地区分布,而非真正的碳减排㊂因此,可以参考当初国际社会抵制欧盟在航空领域推行碳排放交易制度的做法,对欧盟单边海运碳交易机制采取以下应对措施:第一,在通过双边对话表达我国反对立场的基础上,参考国际民航组织(ICAO)非欧盟成员国签署‘莫斯科宣言“共同反对欧盟单方面将国际航空纳入欧盟碳排放交易体系的做法,④联合IMO的非欧盟成员国,要求欧盟停止单边行动,形成对欧盟的国际压力㊂事实上,早在欧盟提出将碳排放交易体系扩展到海运业的立法提案时,国际航运公会(ICS)就曾对此提出异议,并通过影响分析向欧盟提出谨慎考虑实施区域性海运碳交易制度的提议㊂⑤第二,尝试推动IMO通过决议,对欧盟单边措施与国际共识的违背性予以认定并敦促其放弃单边措施㊂值得参考的是,国际民航组织第194届理事会曾通过决议,认为欧盟单边行为违反了‘芝加哥公约“第一条列出的国家主权原则,同时也违反了‘联合国气候变化框架公约“及其‘京都议定书“的相关原则和规定,敦促欧盟与国际社会合作应对航空排放问题㊂⑥此外,考虑到欧盟单边进路的重要原因是多边机制的谈判进度缓慢,因此通过积极推动IMO层面多边碳排放市场机制进程,使欧盟的单边进路不再具有必要性,可能是促使欧盟放弃单边措施的最有效理由㊂二㊁海运碳排放市场机制的多边进路统筹㊀㊀IMO是国际上协调各国海上航行安全和防67①②③④⑤⑥廖兵兵: 双碳 目标下我国航运实现碳中和路径研究 ,‘太平洋学报“,2022年第12期,第94页㊂ManolisKotzampasakis, IntercontinentalShippingintheEuropeanUnionEmissionsTradingSystem:A Fifty-Fifty AlignmentwiththeLawoftheSeaandInternationalClimateLaw? RECIEL,Vol.32,No.1,2023,pp.29-43.胡晓红: 欧盟航空碳排放交易制度及其启示 ,‘法商研究“,2011年第4期,第147页㊂我国签署 莫斯科宣言 反对欧盟单边征收航空碳税 ,中央政府门户网站,2012年2月23日,https://www.gov.cn/govweb/gzdt/2012-02/23/content_2075064.htm㊂ICS, InceptionImpactAssessmentfortheProposedAmend⁃mentoftheEUEmissionsTradingSystem(Directive2003/87/EC) ,November26,2020,https://www.ics-shipping.org/wp-content/up⁃loads/2020/11/Inception-Impact-Assessment-for-the-proposed-A⁃mendment-of-the-EU-Emissions-Trading-System-Directive-2003-87-EC.pdf.国际民航组织明确抗议欧盟航空征碳税计划受挫 ,中新网,2011年11月4日,https://www.chinanews.com/cj/2011/11-04/3437766.shtml㊂第1期㊀曹兴国:我国海运碳排放市场机制构建的进路统筹止船舶污染政策和制度的主要平台,有关海运碳排放市场机制的多边讨论也主要在IMO层面展开㊂2.1㊀IMO主导下的多边市场机制进程IMO有关海运碳排放市场机制的谈判进程经历了一个曲折的过程㊂在2006年召开的IMO海上环境保护委员会第55次会议通过的工作计划中,基于市场的措施被列为应考虑的减排措施之一,海运碳排放市场机制在IMO层面开始得到关注㊂但由于发达国家和发展中国家之间缺乏共识等因素,此后成员国和相关组织提出的多种方案都未经深入讨论和评估,直至2013年的IMO海上环境保护委员会第65次会议宣布暂停有关市场机制内容的进一步讨论㊂中断的市场机制讨论在2018年重新获得重视 IMO海上环境保护委员会第72次会议通过的‘IMO船舶温室气体减排初步战略“在中长期措施中明确提出考虑市场机制,并提出拟在2023年至2030年之间商定候选中期措施㊂此后,市场机制重新进入成员方视野,多国重启市场机制的讨论㊂在IMO海上环境保护委员会第79次会议期间,普遍形成的共识是将技术措施与经济措施相结合,特别是设计一揽子将温室气体燃料标准与经济措施(市场机制)相结合的措施,可以促进实现初始战略的目标,并筹集足够和可预测的收入,以刺激公正和公平的过渡㊂①此种共识的形成在很大程度上源于各国对碳排放市场机制价值的进一步认识和其他领域的经验积累,尤其是低碳㊁零碳燃料在短期内欠缺商业竞争力的情况下,各方意识到通过市场机制实现碳减排正向激励的必要性㊂目前,IMO层面有关市场机制的讨论已经进入到关键阶段,相关成员国和组织也在不断提出和完善各自的方案㊂2.2㊀多边市场机制的方案选择当前提交至IMO的候选方案都采用技术措施与市场机制相结合的形式,主要包括以下几种㊂(1)欧盟的温室气体燃料标准(GFS)+碳税(levy)方案温室气体燃料标准要求船舶在合规期内使燃料的温室气体强度(GFI)等于或低于某一限值㊂在过渡阶段,为避免低/零排放燃料供应不均产生的影响,将以自愿参加的灵活合规机制(FCM)为船方提供其他遵守温室气体燃料标准的方式:当船舶使用温室气体强度低于要求的燃料时将获得灵活合规单位(FCU),灵活合规单位可以交易给使用超过温室气体强度要求燃料的船舶以抵销其超标的排量㊂另外,温室气体燃料标准登记处以一定的价格提供温室气体补救单位(GHGRemedialUnits,GRU)以抵销超额排放,温室气体补救单位的价格应反映船用燃料价值链中温室气体减排的成本,并增加劝阻因素,以确保灵活合规单位是替代合规的首选手段㊂与温室气体燃料标准相结合,碳税为其市场机制部分,由IMO气候转型基金负责费用的征收与使用㊂温室气体燃料标准和征税都适用于全过程的温室气体排放(Well-to-Wake)㊂②(2)中国㊁国际航运公会㊁日本的基金与奖励(FundandReward)机制中国提议建立国际海运可持续基金与奖励(InternationalMaritimeSustainableFundandRe⁃ward,IMSF&R)机制㊂在最初方案中,中国等建77①②MEPC, ReportoftheMarineEnvironmentProtectionCom⁃mitteeonItsSeventy-NinthSession ,TheSeventy-NinthSessionoftheMarineEnvironmentProtectionCommittee,16to20May2022,MEPC79/15,paras.7,14,54.Austria,etal., CombinationofTechnicalandMarketBasedMid-TermMeasuresIllustratedbyCombiningtheGHGFuelStandardandaLevy ,The13thSessionoftheIntersessionalWorkingGrouponReductionofGHGEmissionsfromShips,5to9December2022,ISWG-GHG13/4/8;Austria,etal., ElaborationontheProposalofCombiningtheGHGFuelStandardandaLevy ,The15thSessionoftheIntersessionalWorkingGrouponReductionofGHGEmissionsfromShips,26to30June2023,ISWG-GHG15/3/2.关于温室气体燃料标准制度的解释,SeeAustria,etal., ProposalforaGHGFuelStandard ,The12thSessionoftheIntersessionalWorkingGrouponReductionofGHGEmissionsfromShips,16to20May2022,ISWG-GHG12/3/3;Austria,etal., FurtherDevelopmentoftheProposalforaGHGFuelStandard ,The13thSessionoftheIntersessionalWorkingGrouponReductionofGHGEmissionsfromShips,5to9De⁃cember2022,ISWG-GHG13/4/7.。
【英文摘要】It is a great innovation that Internet came forth and developed quickly. Internet affects every aspect of economy and life. The fact indicates that Internet will become the most important carrier among the commercial and indispensable tools in the daily life. Under these conditions, how to make use of Internet effectively to conduct the inter-marketing and integrate with traditional marketing becomes the principal subject in the innovation. Therefore, it is focus of attention that how to achieve the fixe...中文摘要3-4英文摘要 4第一章前言9-151.1 论文选题背景9-101.2 文献综述10-131.2.1 专家谈网络营销10-111.2.2 几个误区11-131.3 论文结构13-15第二章电子商务背景15-292.1 电子商务的基本概念15-162.2 电子商务的系统结构16-172.3 电子商务比较之优势17-192.4 中国网络营销现状与发展措施19-292.4.1 现状分析20-272.4.2 发展措施27-29第三章网络营销战略29-393.1 网络营销战略介绍29-313.2 网络联盟31-393.2.1 外部环境与企业信息化分析32-333.2.2 寻找网络同盟33-343.2.3 网络上的联盟策略34-373.2.4 网络联盟的延续与扩展37-39第四章网络营销4P 39-514.1 网络营销模式39-404.2 网络营销中的4P 40-514.2.1 网络环境下的产品及产品策略40-424.2.2 网络环境下的价格及价格策略42-444.2.3 网络环境下的分销渠道及渠道策略44-484.2.4 网络环境下的促销及促销策略48-51第五章网络营销的运作51-685.1 网络营销的对象研究51-545.2 顾客网络的建立54-59案例分析:高露洁网站分析57-595.3 客户关系管理(CRM)59-645.4 通过网络研究竞争对手64-68第六章基于电子商务的汽车网络营销应用68-846.1 汽车网络营销背景资料68-766.1.1 国外汽车网络营销68-726.1.2 国内汽车网络营销现状与问题72-766.2 国内汽车网络营销思路76-84案例分析:汽车行业电子商务追赶疾驰而去的快车81-84结束语84-87参考文献87-90毕业设计(论文)文献综述(包括国内外现状、研究方向、进展情况、存在问题、参考依据等)引言网络营销是近年来各国学术界较为关心的一个话题,关于网络营销的模式和开展问题引起了全球各企业的关注。
中国姓氏韦氏拼音拼法韦氏拼音,习惯叫作威妥玛拼法,又称威玛式拼音,韦式拼法(英文:Wade-Giles system),是由英国人威妥玛在1870年代和Herbert Allen Giles(1845年—1935年)发明的。
韦氏拼音“姓”的拼法【A】艾-Ai安-Ann/An敖-Ao【B】巴-Pa白-Pai包/鲍-Paul/Pao班-Pan贝-Pei毕-Pih卞-Bein卜/薄-Po/Poo步-Poo百里-Pai-lee【C】蔡/柴-Tsia/Choi/Tsai曹/晁/巢-Chao/Chiao/Tsao岑-Cheng崔-Tsui查-Cha常-Chiong车-Che陈-Chen/Chan成/程-Cheng池-Chi褚/楚-Chu淳于-Chwen-yu【D】戴/代-Day/Tai邓-Teng/Tung狄-Ti刁-Tiao丁-Ting/T董/东-Tung/Tong窦-Tou杜-To/Du/Too段-Tuan端木-Duan-moo东郭-Tung-kuo东方-Tung-fang【F】范/樊-Fan/Van房/方-Fang费-Fei冯/凤/封-Fung/Fong符/傅-Foo【G】盖-Kai甘-Kan高/郜-Kao葛-Keh耿-Keng弓/宫/龚/恭-Kung勾-Kou古/谷/顾-Koo桂-Kwei管/关-Kwan郭/国-Kwok/Kuo公孙-Kung-sun公羊-Kung-yang公冶-Kung-yeh谷梁-Ku-liang【H】海-Hay韩-Hon/Han杭-Hang郝-Hoa/Howe何/贺-Ho桓-Won侯-Hou洪-Hung胡/扈-Hoo花/华-Hua宦-Huan黄-Wong/Hwang霍-Huo皇甫-Hwang-fu呼延-Hu-yen【J】纪/翼/季/吉/嵇/汲/籍/姬-Chi居-Chu 贾-Chia翦/简-Jen/Jane/Chieh蒋/姜/江/-Chiang焦-Chiao金/靳-King景/荆-King/Ching讦-Gan【K】阚-Kan康-Kang柯-Kor/Ko孔-Kong/Kung寇-Ker蒯-Kuai匡-Kuang【L】赖-Lai蓝-Lan郎-Long劳-Lao乐-Loh雷-Rae/Ray冷-Leng黎/郦/利/李-Lee连-Lien廖-Liu梁-Leung林/蔺-Lim凌-Lin柳/刘-Liu/Lau龙-Long楼/娄-Lou卢/路/陆/鲁-Loo伦-Lun罗/骆-Loh/Lo/Law/Lam/Rowe吕-Lui 令狐-Lin-hoo【M】马/麻-Ma麦-Mai/Mak满-Man/Mai毛-Mao梅-Mei孟/蒙-Mong/Meng米/宓-Me苗/缪-Miau/Miao闵-Min穆/慕-Moo/Mo莫-Mok/Mo万俟-Moh-chi慕容-Mo-yung【N】倪-Nee宁-Ning聂-Nieh牛-New/Niu农-Long南宫-Nan-kung【O】欧/区-Au/Ou欧阳-Ou-yang【P】潘-Pang/Pan庞-Pang裴-Pei/Bae彭-Phang/Pong皮-Pee平-Ping浦/蒲/卜-Poo濮阳-Poo-yang【Q】祁/戚/齐-Chi/Chyi/Chih钱-Chien乔-Chiao/Joe秦-Ching裘/仇/邱-Chiu屈/曲/瞿-Chiu/Chu【R】冉-Yien饶-Yau任-Jen/Yum容/荣-Yung阮-Yuen芮-Nei【S】司-Sze桑-Sang沙-Sa邵-Shao单/山-San尚/商-Sang/Shang沈/申-Shen盛-Shen史/施/师/石-Shih/Shi苏/宿/舒-Sue/Se/Soo/Hsu 孙-Sun/Suen宋-Song/Soung司空-Sze-kung司马-Sze-ma司徒-Sze-to单于-San-yu上官-Sang-kuan申屠-Shen-to【T】谈-Tan汤/唐-Town/Towne/Tang邰-Tai谭-Tan/Tam陶-Tao藤-Teng田-Tien童-Tung屠-Tu澹台-Tan-tai拓拔-Toh-bah【W】万-Wan王/汪-Wong魏/卫/韦-Wei温/文/闻-Wen/Vane/Man翁-Ong吴/伍/巫/武/邬/乌-Woo/NG【X】奚/席-Hsi/Chi夏-Har/Hsia肖/萧-Shaw/Siu/Hsiao项/向-Hsiang解/谢-Tse/Shieh辛-Hsing刑-Hsing熊-Hsiung/Hsiun许/徐/荀-Shun/Hsu宣-Hsuan薛-Hsueh西门-See-men夏侯-Hsia-hou轩辕-Hsuan-yuen【Y】燕/晏/阎/严/颜-Yim/Yen杨/羊/养-Young/Yang姚-Yao/Yau叶-Yip/Yeh/Yih伊/易/羿-Yih/E殷/阴/尹-Yin/Ying应-Ying尤/游-Yu/You俞/庾/于/余/虞/郁/余/禹-Yue/Yu袁/元-Yuan/Yuen岳-Yue云-Wing尉迟-Yu-chi宇文-Yu-wen【Z】藏-Chang曾/郑-Tsang/Cheng/Tseng訾-Zi宗-Chung左/卓-Cho/Tso翟-Chia詹-Chan甄-Chen湛-Tsan张/章-Cheung/Chang赵/肇/招-Chao/Chiu/Chiao/Chioa周/邹-Chau/Chou/Chow 钟-Chung祖/竺/朱/诸/祝-Chu/Chuh庄-Chong钟离-Chung-lee诸葛-Chu-keh韦氏拼音“名”的拼法【-A】a – a ai – ai a n - anang – ang ao - ao【-B】ba – pabai – paiban - panbang – pang b ao – pao bei - peiben – pen beng – peng bi - pibian – pien biao – piao bie - piehbin – pinbing – ping bo - pobu - pu【-C】ca - ts'acai - ts'aican - ts'ancang - ts'angcao - ts'ao ce - ts'ecen - ts'en ceng - ts'engcha - ch'a chai - ch'ai chan - ch'an c hang - ch'ang chao - ch'ao che - ch'e chen - ch'encheng - ch'engchi - ch'ih chong - ch'ung chou - ch'ou c hu - ch'u chuai - ch'uai chuan - ch'uanchuang - ch'uang chui - ch'ui chun - ch'unchuo - ch'o ci - tz'ucong - ts'ungcou - ts'ou cu - ts'ucuan - ts'uancui - ts'ui cun - ts'uncuo - ts'o【-D】da – tadai – taidan - tandang – tang dao – taode - tedeng – teng di – ti dian - tiendiao – tiao die – tiehding - tingdiu – tiudong – tung dou - toudu – tuduan – tuan dui - tuidun – tun duo - to【-E】e – o en – ener - erh【-F】fa – fafan – fanfang - fangfei – feifen - fen feng - fengfo – fofou – foufu - fu【-G】ga – kagai – kaigan - kangang – kang g ao – kao ge - kogen – ken geng – keng gong - kunggou – kou gu – kugua - kuaguai – kuai guan – kuanguang - kuanggui – kuei gun - kun guo - kuo【-H】ha – hahai – haihan - hanhang – hang h ao – hao he - hohei – heihen – hen heng - henghong – hunghou – hou hu - huhua – hua huai - huai huan - huan huang – huanghui – huihun - hunhuo - huo【-J】ji – chijia – chiajian - chienjiang – chiangjiao – chiao jie - chiehjin – chin jing – ching jiong - chiungjiu – chiu ju – chüjuan - chüanjue – chüeh jun - chün【-K】ka - k'akai - k'aikan - k'ankang - k'angkao - k'ao ke - k'oken - k'en keng - k'eng k ong - k'ungkou - k'ou ku - k'ukua - k'uakuai - k'uai kuan - k'uankuang - k'uang kui - k'uei kun - k'un kuo - k'uo【-L】lü– lüla – la l ai - lailan – lanlang – lang lao - laole – le lei – leileng - lengli – lee lian – lien liang - liangliao – liao lie – liehlin - linling – ling liu – liulong - lunglou – loulu – loo luan - luanluan – lüan lue – lüeh lun - lunluo - lo【-M】ma – mamai – mai man - manmang – mangmao – mao m ei - meimen – men meng – mengmi - mimian – mienmiao – miaomie - miehmin – min ming – mingmiu - miumo – momou – mou mu - moo【-N】nü– nüna – nanai - nainan – nan nang – nang n ao - naonei - nei nen – nen neng - neng ni – nee nian – nien niang - niangniao – niao nie – nieh nin - ninning – ning niu – niunong - nungnou – nou nu – noonuan - nuannue – nüeh nuo - no【-O】ou - ou【-P】pa - p'apai - p'aipan - p'anpang - p'angpao - p'ao pei - p'eipen - p'en peng - p'eng p i - p'ipian - p'ien piao - p'iao pie - p'iehpin - p'inping - p'ing po - p'opou - p'ou pu - p'u【-Q】qi - ch'i qia - ch'ia qian - ch'ienqiang - ch'iangqiao - ch'iao qie - ch'iehqin - ch'in qing - ch'ingqiong - ch'iungqiu - ch'iu qu - ch'üquan - ch'üanque - ch'üeh q un - ch'ün【-R】ran – janrang – jang rao - jaore – jeren – jenreng - jengri – jihrong – jung r ou - jouru – juruan – juan rui - juirun – jun ruo - jo【-S】sa – sasai – saisan - sansang – sang sao – saose - sesen – senseng – seng sha - shashai – shai shan – shan shang - shang shao – shao she – sheshen - shensheng – shengshi – shih shou - shoushu – shu shua – shua shuai - shuai shuan – shuanshuang – shuang shui - shui shun – shun shuo – shuo si - ssusong – sung sou - sou su - susuan – suan sui – suisun - sunsuo - so【-T】ta - t'atai - t'aitan - t'antang - t'ang tao - t'aote - t'eteng - t'eng ti - t'i tian - t'ientiao - t'iao tie - t'iehting - t'ingtong - t'ung tou - t'outu - t'utuan - t'uan tui - t'uitun - t'untuo - t'o【-W】wa – wawai – wai wan - wanwang – wangwei – weiwen - wenweng – wengwo – wowu - wu【-X】xi – hisxia – hsia xian - hsienxiang – hsiangxiao – hsiao xie - hsiehxin – hsin xing – hsing xiong - hsiungxiu – hsiu xu – hsüxuan - hsüanxue – hsüeh xun - hsün【-Y】ya – yayai – yaiyan - yenyang – yang yao – yao ye - yehyi – I yin – yinying - yingyo – yoyong – yung you - yuyu - yüyuan – yüan yue - yüehyun - yün【-Z】za – tsazai – tsaizan - tsanzang - tsang zao – tsao ze - tsezei – tseizen – tsen z eng - tsengzha – cha zhai – chai zhan - chan zhang - chang zhao – chao zhe - che zhen - chen zheng – chengzhi - chih zhong – chungzhou – chou zhu - chuzhua – chua zhuai – chuaizhuan - chuan zhuang – chuang zhui – chui zhun - chun。
第六讲文献检索与回顾一、文献回顾的重要性文献回顾( literature review)是指系统寻找、识别、分析相关研究性文献的工作。
[3] 当我们通过文献回顾了解到上述研究成果,而又不能提出否定这些原理的证据时,就不宜选择国际制度与国际合作的关系为研究问题,以避免重复研究。
The Format Criterion ofDoctoral Dissertationof DUT
3.1 The Format of Picture…………………………………………………...………….5
3.1.1 The Format Example of Picture……………………………………………..5
3.1.2 The Format Description of Picture…………………………………………..5
小学三年级语文上册词语表1 ping ba chuan dai da ban huan chang zhao hu坪坝 穿戴 打扮 欢唱 招呼 piao yang jing li hu die hao qi kong que wu飘扬 敬礼 蝴蝶 好奇 孔雀舞you xi zhao ying re nao gu lao tong zhong游戏 招引 热闹 古老 铜钟cu zhuang feng wei zhu jie bai yao huang粗壮 凤尾竹 洁白 摇晃2、sheng kai wan shua yi ben zheng jing shi jing盛开 玩耍 一本正经 使劲 rong mao jia zhuang zhe xie yin ren zhu mu绒毛 假装 这些 引人注目 diao yu guan cha hua ban he long shou zhang钓鱼 观察 花瓣 合拢 手掌 you qu有趣3、feng ding si hu hu ran bai fa cang cang za men 峰顶 似乎 忽然 白发苍苍 咱们fen li zhong yu bian zi yong qi jue xin奋力 终于辫子 勇气 决心 ju ran li liang居然 力量5、jiao wai san bu xiong pu huan kuai mian bao zha 郊外 散步 胸脯 欢快 面包渣huo zhe yan han zi yan zi yu ke xi或者 严寒 自言自语 可惜 ken ding guo ran huan beng luan tiao cheng shi肯定 果然 欢蹦乱跳 诚实6、tu ran li ke ren xing dao zhao xiang ji突然 立刻 人行道 照相机 da liang bai long zhun bei jiao juan mi shu打量 摆弄 准备 胶卷 秘书za zhi she ji zhe zhuan gao杂志社 记者 转告7、qi guai zhu ming di zhi xue jia zhuo mi cang奇怪 著名 地质学家 捉迷藏qiao qiao duo shan yan yan shi shi悄悄 躲闪 严严实实 zhuan lai zhuan qu xing qu li shi ping zheng转来转去 兴趣 历史 平整tui dong lv xing zhuan men kao cha qing ling 推动 旅行 专门 考察 秦岭yi ji yan jiu cheng guo zhen jing遗迹 研究 成果 震惊10、Jing xin xi wang yi ran fei wu pin ming 精心 希望 依然 飞舞 拼命ben pao la dong da jing shi se qian hu wan huan 奔跑 拉动 大惊失色 千呼万唤 xun zhao chui tou shang qi mo fang ji xu寻找 垂头丧气 磨坊 继续11、qing liang liu yi shan zi yan re you piao 清凉 留意 扇子 炎热 邮票 liang shuang shi zi xian zi bo luo qi wei 凉爽 柿子 仙子 菠萝 气味 xiang tian liang shi jia jing you liang liang香甜 粮食 加紧 油亮亮 yang shu feng shou杨树 丰收zheng qi dou yan fen fang mi ren liu xin yan li 争奇斗艳 芬芳迷人 留心 艳丽shu xing wen du mi qie guan xi jiao nen 苏醒 温度 密切 关系 娇嫩 shi yi shi ying zhan shi xu yao kun chong 适宜 适应 展示 需要 昆虫 chuan bo zhi wu xue jia xiu jian lu xu传播 植物学家 修建 陆续 da zhi大致14、wu lun shi yan zhi dai zheng shi fei san 无论 试验 纸袋 证实 飞散 ji hu da gai jian shao zu li yao yuan 几乎 大概 减少 阻力 遥远 tui ce bao kuo jian cha mi shi推测 包括 检查 迷失 zhun que wu wu yan tu que que shi shi准确无误 沿途 确确实实 chao chang ji yi li ben neng超常 记忆力 本能ming tang lang fei jing pian kan shou shou shi 名堂 浪费 镜片 看守 守时 qing xian fang da jing xi wei yue du清闲 放大镜 细微 阅读 shui yi tiao jie jian dan xian wei jing随意 调节 简单 显微镜 ji lai ji qu wei sheng wu bai fang wan ju挤来挤去 微生物 拜访 玩具17、yuan jin wen ming xiang ju xue wen feng chen pu pu 远近闻名 相距 学问 风尘仆仆 na men yin hou deng hou zhi jing zhang jing 纳闷 迎候 等候 止境 长进 qing jiao bao liu chuan shou jing zhong pin xing 请教 保留 传授 敬重 品行18、yu zhou hei an shang sheng xia jiang qi xi 宇宙 黑暗 上升 下降 气息 si zhi ji fu liao kuo xue ye四肢 肌肤 辽阔 血液 ben liu bu xi mao sheng zi run chuang zhao奔流不息 茂盛 滋润 创造she ji can jia xiong wei quan bu heng kuai设计 参加 雄伟 全部 横跨 chuang ju jian qing chong ji li zhong liang jie sheng 创举 减轻 冲击力 重量 节省 jian gu mei guan shi lan yang ban jing mei坚固 美观 石栏样板 精美 tu an qian zhua hui shou yao wan图案 前爪 回首 遥望 shuang long xi zhu cai gan bao gui yi chan 双龙戏珠 才干 宝贵 遗产22、feng jing you mei wu chan feng fu wu guang shi se 风景优美 物产丰富 五光十色 shen nan xing huang jiao cuo gao di bu ping深蓝 杏黄 交错 高低不平 ge zhong ge yang lan yang yang pi jia wei wu各种各样 懒洋洋 披甲 威武 cheng qun jie dui piao piao yao yao yan se xing zhuang成群结队 飘飘摇摇 颜色 形状 qian qi bai guai yu ye gong ren si jiao chao tian千奇百怪 渔业工人 四脚朝天 mao mi fei liao zu zu bei bei茂密 肥料 祖祖辈辈23、chou chu nen lv hui cheng xing shang抽出 嫩绿 汇成 欣赏 mi mi cheng cheng dang zhu shi xian xian chu密密层层 挡住 视线 献出 ke kou xian nen min gui yao cai可口 鲜嫩 名贵 药材 you song you ruan she tou shou cang又松又软 舌头 收藏25、ji he zhao jia jin zhang gu ran wu gui集合 招架 紧张 固然 乌龟 zi wei jin gong pao kou tan ke自卫 进攻 炮口 坦克 he er wei yi zhan chang da xian shen wei shou ci合二为一 战场 大显神威 首次 luan cheng yi tuan chang chu shen li zhe乱成一团 长处 胜利者26、bin xie fu tou shou ju wan yi mian de 冰鞋 斧头 手锯 玩意 免得 qiang zou nan guo shuan shu dang chu sui bian 抢走 难过 算术 当初 随便 ren ran di ren tai jie suo yi dong de 仍然 敌人 台阶 所以 懂得27、jiao ao ao man qian xu shen qi nao lu 骄傲 傲慢 谦虚 神气 恼怒 xiang ti bing lun li hui huang liang jing ya相提并论 理会 荒凉 惊讶 guang jie pu shu jia zhi xing fen光洁 朴素 价值 兴奋29、zhang sheng wen jing yuan yi zi shi lun liu掌声 文静 愿意 姿势 轮流 qing kuang man tun tun zhu shi re lie情况 慢吞吞 注视 热烈 chi jiu ping xi qing xu jiang shu持久 平息 情绪 讲述Pu tong hua dong ting gu li普通话 动听 鼓励30、cheng gong shi yan jiao yu jia ping zi成功 实验 教育家 瓶子 shen zi dai biao cha bei wei xian shun li 绳子 代表 茶杯 危险 顺利 ru shi bu jia si suo ji dong huo de如实 不假思索 激动 获得31、ji yu shi tan xin yi zhu fu tian mi给予 试探 心意 祝福 甜蜜 dan xin kuan yu qian xi ti xing担心 宽裕 前夕 提醒 Xing gao cai lie an shi cai ce li ji兴高采烈 暗示 猜测 立即ka pian pan wang xian ran yong bao ren ai卡片 盼望 显然 拥抱 仁爱tong qing ti tie同情 体贴小学三年级语文下册词语表第1课燕子聚拢增添掠过稻田尾尖偶尔沾水一圈荡漾疲倦音符演奏赞歌俊俏吹拂曲谱乌黑轻快翅膀剪刀尾巴活泼机灵微风赶集生机五线谱一转眼光彩夺目第2课歌咏碧玉妆扮裁剪剪刀海滨紫色丝绦涕泗细叶光景万紫千红第3课荷花挨着莲蓬饱胀仿佛衣裳翩翩舞蹈蜻蜓清香碧绿破裂挨挨挤挤翩翩起舞园地一动静得失吞吐详略攻守进退始终呼吸是非爱憎群芳吐艳姹紫嫣红落英缤纷郁郁葱葱喷薄欲出旭日东升夕阳西下皓月当空崇山峻岭悬崖峭壁层峦叠翠苍翠欲滴第5课翠鸟苇秆腹部赤褐色衬衫透亮广泛泡泡饲养渔翁陡峭石壁绣花赤子褐色锐利清脆疾飞逃脱打消念头一眨眼又尖又长第6课欧洲瑞士舒适启程特殊骤降涉及疲劳政府踏步救护运载跋涉濒临覆盖车厢专列空调列车站台长途麻烦气温风雪温暖纷纷开动友情致谢长途跋涉成千上万饥寒交迫皑皑白雪第7课森林忧郁葱绿湛蓝盖房木犁砍树裸露扩大栋梁火柴喘气黎明清澈咆哮山谷甜润工具家具锋利洪水一栋栋郁郁葱葱各式各样应有尽有园地二挺立混浊廉政贪心罪过偏心惩罚劣等万壑鸟啭蛱蝶款式碧苔第9课寓言法则窟窿狼狗叼走街坊劝告后悔盘缠硬要羊圈把式亡羊补牢南辕北辙第10课弓箭魏国射箭打猎大雁拉弦悲惨愈合痛苦裂开本事惊弓之鸟大吃一惊孤单失群第11课叮嘱前排靠边一幅画审视严肃半晌喜悦熟悉教诲准确讲台神情轮流角度相似和颜悦色园地三楚国骆驼石板泼洒珍珠深浅甜酸江面水底苍松雄鹰装饰宝珠盒子想方设法买椟还珠第13课赛跑疼爱忧伤安慰梭子虽然狂奔赢得暑假利益穷人将来假若哀痛持续欺骗实话度过路线形容用途庭院光阴似箭日月如梭受益无穷第14课俱乐部博士乌鸦截肢队伍沉默局面木棒羡慕禁止主席台观众纠正拄拐洪亮检阅挑选商定方便盛大隆重街道淹没议论贵宾鸦雀无声情不自禁人山人海第15课石匠代替抄写墨水骂人缩回承认肩膀扛柴缘故愤怒毕竟戒尺既然嫉妒胳膊肘哼叫服侍原谅瞟眼防御高尚故意报复独自不料诚心诚意园地四普通曲谱采摘色彩入迷谜语文章波纹如何荷花样式考试互相车厢分数纠纷至于细致皮球疲劳博览群书孜孜不倦勤学好问学而不厌坚持不懈业精于勤专心致志聚精会神废寝忘食竭尽全力锲而不舍脚踏实地开门见山大材小用一举两得三心两意小题大做百发百中第17课祝贺照顾迅速重复恰恰犯法缓和外婆建议表达稚拙烦恼享受蕴藏霎时寂静安静沉静惊喜神气十足左顾右盼寂然无声第18课炸弹医院输血眉毛血型是否草垫酒精掩盖咬牙拳头制止轻柔睫毛恒心擦拭捂住竭力医生护士消息确认周围迫在眉睫持续不断第19课焦渴水罐劳累竟然匆忙悲哀舔食反正递给忍不住凑合咽气唾沫涌出绊倒一瞬间钻石新鲜喜出望外匆匆忙忙园地五榆树槐树梧桐树石榴桂树桑树松树棕树橡树吟诗慈母春晖第21课差不多抵得上摄氏庄稼野兽生存繁殖蔬菜麻布比较杀菌预防治疗传说温度钢铁热量世界寸草不生第22课夜幕降临悬挂曾经奥秘努力登上任何撒种水藻一旦项目估计年龄遐想细菌夜空神秘探索皎洁夜幕降临第23课网络信箱紧迫醒悟盯着老鼠唐朝警察笑眯眯博览敞开寄信分秒留恋网络家庭信息遍布信箱赞叹新奇功能五湖四海迫不及待目不转睛园地六大蒜辣椒生姜食盐咸菜米醋辣酱佳肴胭脂第25课红彤彤晚霞陪伴趁机浪花睡觉睡梦好事拔草金光戏水另外第26课狭窄脖子文段漆黑壮胆失踪小镇摊位鼻子犹豫交换摔倒竖起无奈凝视拇指假日背包防止处境交易反应费用心爱无影无踪荒芜人烟第27课买卖出售驮着构思端正掏钱宾馆晚饭辨别草堆模样付钱标准牙齿尼姑解释犹豫诚恳遗憾游览壮观摊点陈列观赏即将流露工艺品沉甸甸栩栩如生名不虚传游人如织五官端正清晰可辨一模一样琳琅满目语无伦次园地七企业配置贷款岔路画廊客厅俘虏首届生存天涯干旱患难栩栩如生翩翩起舞恋恋不舍历历在目面面俱到头头是道源源不断彬彬有礼息息相关蒸蒸日上津津有味滔滔不绝第29课乞求巧妙云霄渡口屏风蜡烛晓得小偷今宵牛郎织女嫦娥奔月第30课淹没官绅逼真老百姓睁开眼睁睁旱灾徒弟扑腾催促吊车跪下渠道灌溉娶媳妇绸褂淌血管理田地迎接收成人烟稀少提心吊胆第31课兴隆轰隆隆塌下露出燃烧熊猫挣扎熄灭喷火缺少纯洁冶炼大盆围困液体云霞熊熊大火金光四射女娲补天园地八引导差异继续断开旅游旋转凶狠恶狼科学照料归来破旧运载截断端正瑞士四面八方七嘴八舌成千上万人山人海诚心诚意惟妙惟肖零零星星结结实实郁郁葱葱异口同声大惊小怪南辕北辙画龙点睛三年级上词语表(课外)第一单元课外积累:绚丽多彩、敏捷灵活、龙腾虎跃、健步如飞、刮目相看、你争我夺、争先恐后、风驰电掣、轻装上阵、士气高昂、手足无措、捶胸顿足、险象环生、棋逢对手、气喘吁吁、胜券在握、无精打采、拾级而上、遮天蔽日、嬉皮笑脸第二单元课外积累:趾高气昂、张皇失措、心惊肉跳、老泪纵横、唉声叹气、垂头丧气、喜形于色、闲情逸致、谈笑自如、天真无邪、心悦诚服、垂涎欲滴、油腔滑调、英姿勃勃、从容不迫、炯炯有神、迫不及待、不约而同、叫苦不迭、哭笑不得第三单元课外积累:秋高气爽、秋雨绵绵、金秋季节、秋风萧瑟、秋风送爽、层林尽染、天高云淡、重阳登高、枯枝败叶、秋草枯黄、桂花飘香、中秋赏月、秋热如夏、沁人心脾、赏心悦目第四单元课外积累:争奇斗艳、芬芳迷人、一拥而上、四面飞散、手足无措、手舞足蹈、大吃一惊、抱头鼠窜、挤眉弄眼、安然无恙、欢呼雀跃、浑水摸鱼、异想天开、得意忘形、迫不及待、二话没说、一举两得、来龙去脉、活蹦乱跳第五单元课外积累:远近闻名、风餐露宿、日夜兼程、风尘仆仆、无动于衷、奔流不息、华而不实、天壤之别、地大物博、精兵简政、粉墨登场、好事多磨、沧海一粟、老调重弹、爱不释手第六单元课外积累:五颜六色、璀璨无比、生机勃勃、饱满丰润、山水画卷、清新秀丽、鸟语花香、草长莺飞、姹紫嫣红、水花四溅、一马平川、波澜壮阔、古色古香、烟波浩渺、记忆犹新、翩翩起舞、婀娜多姿、流连忘返、五湖四海、柔美如水第七单元课外积累:前赴后继、感人肺腑、热泪盈眶、碧波荡漾、童心未泯、万象更新、和睦相处、相提并论、作威作福、趾高气昂、唯我独尊、自鸣得意、脱胎换骨、火冒三丈、阳光明媚第八单元课外积累:前赴后继、感人肺腑、琳琅满目、碧波荡漾、万象更新、热泪盈眶、举世闻名、激情迸发、彩灯高悬、身临其境、苍松翠柏、容光焕发、登高远眺、七嘴八舌、议论纷纷微信红包群/ q1Ia61tgTO67。
BI YE LUN WEN(20_ _届)英语伍尔夫《一间自己的房间》的女性主义解读A Feminism Reading of Virgina Woof’s ARoom of One’s Own内容摘要弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是20世纪文坛上的一名杰出的女作家,她被尊为意识流小说的鼻祖之一,与乔伊斯、福克纳等意识流小说大师齐名。
关键字:弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫;独立;空间;双性同体;女性主义AbstractVirginia Woolf is an outstanding woman novelist in 20th century. She has been regarded as one of the representatives of the stream of consciousness, enjoying equal popularity with Joyce and Faulkner. Meanwhile, she is regarded as the mother of modern feminism in the west. She thinks that females should be financially and spiritually independent and have their own living space and spiritual space. In addition, women also need to express themselves bravely and sincerely. She considers the final goal of feminism is to dispel the opposition between males and females and to reach a harmonious state. Therefore, she proposes the theory of androgyny in A Room of One's Own. This thesis tries to discuss A Room of One's Own from the angle of feminism, and analyze Woolf's feminism so as to seek a broader understanding of feminism literature in general. Studying Woolf still has a profound meaning in 21st century.Key words:Virginia Woolf; independence; space; androgyny; feminismContentsAbstract (ii)1 Introduction (4)2 What’s feminism (5)2.1 The etymology of the term "feminism" (6)2.2 T he definition of the term “feminism” (6)2.3 Virginia's concepts of feminism (7)3 Virginia’s feminist idea in A Room of One’s Own (7)3.1 Economic independence (8)3.2 Having a room of one's own (10)3.2.1 Living space (10)3.2.2 Spiritual space (11)3.3 Establishing female's value (11)3.4 The pursuit of androgyny (11)4 Factors leading to Virginia’s feminist view (14)4.1 Her parents’s influence (14)4.2 The Bloomsbury Group’s influence (16)4.3 Sexual Assault by her brothers (17)4.4 The Industri al Revolution and the Women’s Right Movement (17)5 Conclusion (18)Bibliography (47)Acknowledgements (18)1 IntroductionVirginia Woolf (1882-1941), is a famous woman novelist in the 20th century and she is one of the important modernist novelists. Meanwhile, she is one of the representatives of the stream of consciousness, enjoying equal popularity with Joyce and Faulkner. What's more, she is regarded as the mother of modern feminism in the west.Literary criticism of Virginia Woolf has proliferated since the1980s. Some critics appraise her works and some appraise her person; some analyze her work’s consciousness, and some analyze her feminism; some study her works from ethics, some from aesthetics, some from homosexuality, some from psychology. She is not only a great writer, but also a "forerunner, indeed the 'mother' of the contemporary Anglo-American feminism” as Zhu Gang describes. (Z hu Gang 2006: 342) As for her feminism, some criticize her feminism as an extreme type for they think her represented idea of feminism—androgyny means she intends to replace male value with female value; some criticize her deviating the feminism for they think she couldn't bear her own female identity, so she had to give up to the patriarchal society and swamped in the mud of utopian thought of androgyny; while the others praise it highly for it is an advancement in the stage of feminism's development.Xu Wei analyzes Woolf's feminism, both as a theoretical analysis of gender inequality and oppression, and as a political movement. Her paper analyzes that Woolf how to analyze the question of "women writing" in the theory and how to practice it in her writing. Woolf is concerned with the nature of womanhood. The focus on women characters in Woolf's fiction is central to much early feminist criticism, as well as non- or anti-feminist criticism. To an extent, "anger" and "androgyny" are the two terms most central to feminist debates on Woolf. Their centrality serves to further increase the importance of A Room of One's Own as the key text of Woolf's feminism and feminism's Woolf, for it is here that "anger" and "androgyny" are most fully discussed. And A Room of One's Own is seen by many critics to subdue and repress women's anger in favor of a more serene gender—transcendent or androgynous creativity. (Xu Wei, 2004: 38-39) Wu Qinghong tries to analyze, to show and to criticize Virginia's feminism in the development of western feminism. And she indeed did it, comprehensively andintensively. Her main viewpoint is that Virginia Woolf is the most important representative person in the history of feminism's development. Woolf's analysis on feminism corrected the shortage of feminism in 1890s to 1990s, which emphasized the equality between men and women on law. What's more, her feminism inspired the new feminist in 1960s and 1970s to deconstruct male's political and cultural supremacy and establish female's visual angle, which predicted the development direction of post-feminism in 1990s. (Wu Qinghong, 2005: 5) Ma Tingting draws a conclusion that Woolf's feminism is not a panacea for all women, but an occidental one with intense tendency of racialism.(Ma Tingting, 2006: i-ii) Wu Haixia probes the unique feminist thoughts of Virginia Woolf, which she thinks are quite different from most of the other feminists. It is clearly that since the appearance of feminism, the oppositions between men and women have been highlighted, and feminism is related to the marginalization of all women, with their being relegated to a secondary position. Most feminists hold their views that the social culture is a patriarchal culture. Woolf realizes that women are confronted with inequalities and exclusion in the patriarchal society. Woolf witnesses the efforts and achievements the feminists have made to get equal rights and positions with men, whereas she airs her view that the final goal of feminism is to deconstruct the binary oppositions between the two sexes. She presents her famous theory of "androgyny" in A Room of One's Own. She argues that androgyny is the best state of mind for writing, in which a writer can make perfect artistic expression. (Wu Haixia, 2007: ii)Woolf criticizes the patriarchal society in her works, and prompts us to reexamine the history of human by a female angle to create a new civilization. Her ideology and perception opens and enlightens the idea of feminism in many aspects. This paper tries to analyze Woolf's concepts of feminism through the reading of A Room of One's Own, to get a further understanding on feminism, which can also help deepen Chinese female’s comprehension of feminism.2 What’s feminismAt the very beginning of this paper, a basic question needs to be answered. That is what feminism is? In the academic circles of Europe and America, "feminism" generally refers to any activities to strive for and tick up for the right of females. It has several hundred years' history and has complex contents. Therefore, it is difficultto define it.2.1 The etymology of the term "feminism"The term "feminism" is derived directly from the Latin word fēmina,which means woman. This term and its derivatives originated in France during the late 19th century. The first person who called herself feminist was a French suffragette activist, Hubertine Auclert(1848-1914).She first used this term in her periodical called La Citoyenne in 1880.(Cai Qing, 2005: 3) However, although this term was used in her periodicals, it was not popular among women advocates who were rather moderate. Instead of "feminist", these women called their organization "feminine". It was not until the beginning of the 20th century when "feminism" became accepted by most women suffragette activists.2.2 The definition of the term “feminism”In broad sense, feminism can be defined as social movement, which takes eliminating sex discrimination and ending the oppression on women as its political goals. It also includes the revolution in ideology and culture which emerged from the process for pursuing its political goals. In this sense, feminists represent those who devote themselves in this movement sincerely, and any males and females who take part in the revolution of ideology and culture. In its narrow sense, feminism refers to a kind of methodology that regards and analyses a question in a gender perspective.Feminism now stands for a movement or philosophy that questions the unequal balance of power between men and women. Feminists fight for equality between men and women. The term "feminism" has become the name for the women's movement, the quest for social changes aimed at improving the position of women. Feminism is defined both as "the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes " and " organize activity on behalf of women's rights and interests".(Merriam-Webster, 2003: 461) Hence, the term feminism is not only about the struggle for political rights. It is a system of ideas and a social movement, directed towards opposing men's privilege of position and women's subordination. This term contains redistribution of power and recognition of sex equality.2.3 Virginia's concepts of feminismVirginia Woolf is not only a female writer, but also a pioneer of feminism. Her essential contribution to feminism is her perseverance that social and economic elements are critical to shape women's creativity and perception. According to her idea, women play a historical role to join in the creation of human civilization, especially the arts. What she emphasizes is that females should face the reality and think things that related to them instead of thinking things that concerned men. Therefore, she puts forward the idea that females should set up a literature of their own. To deal with the anger that appears in the process of writing and derives from the inequality between men and women, she proposes a concept of androgyny. An androgynous mind is the best state of mind for doing literary creation. However, it causes a heated debate among later feminists. Although it is controversial, she creates a bright future for females.Virginia's view of feminism is embodied intensively in the idea of androgyny. Androgyny has more than one meaning. It may refer to the anatomical coexistence of two sorts of sex organs in the same body; or else to the allegory of a form of spiritual perfection. In other cases, it is related to the explicit coexistence of male and female qualities in the same entity. (Wu Haixia, 2007: 23-24) To put it simply, androgyny means full balance and command of an emotional range that includes male and female elements. She thinks the final goal for feminism is to eliminate the opposition between males and females. Virginia's feminism includes economic independence, spiritual independence. Her analysis on feminism corrected the shortage of feminism in 1890s to 1990s, which emphasized the equality between men and women on law. What's more, her view of feminism inspired the new feminist in 1960s and 1970s to deconstruct male's political and cultural supremacy and establish female's visual angle, predicting the orientation of post-feminism in 1990s.3 Virginia’s feminist idea in A Room of One’s OwnA Room of One's Own is Virginia's representative work of feminism. In October, 1928, Virginia Woolf was invited to give two academic speeches by Cambridge University. One was in the Art Society of Newnham, the other was in the Gordon women college. The lecture topic was Women and fiction. The next year, she published a brochure,which was written on the basis of these two lectures. Quickly, the booklet amazed the world with a single feat at that time. Up to now, it has become the most famous work and has most readers compared to her other works. It is universally acknowledged as a declaration of western feminism.The work---A Room of One's Own can be divided into six parts. The first part describes an experience in Oxbridge University fabricated by the author, which shows an unfair treatment that females received in a patriarchal society. The second part represents a phenomenon that the author found a large amount of books about women's problems written by men in the England museum. What’s worse, one professor claimed absolutely in his marvelous work that female's intelligence, physical power and morality are all lower than males. In the third part, the writer sketches a hypothetical "Judith" Shakespeare, sister of William, who is as brilliant and promising as he, but her talent is undoubtedly buried by the patriarchal society. Woolf traced back to the females' rough process for getting in the literature arena in the forth part. Aphra Behn (1640-1689), a playwright, novelist and poet of England, who is the first English female to became a professional writer in 17th century. Then women writers began to feel proud and elated. However, most English women writers had to use males' name as pen names to relieve their social pressure during the 19th century. In the fifth part, the author points out that it is necessary to strengthen females' awareness of knowing the difference between males and females. Only in this way, she thinks, females can realize the true value of themselves. In the last part, Virginia agrees with Samuel Taylor Coleridge's androgynous idea, believing that a writer's creative soul should have both masculinity and femininity. In other words, a person is a bisexuality instead of a unisexuality. A person is androgynous. When full balance and command of an emotional range that includes male and female elements reached, these men writers or women writers can create great works.3.1 Economic independenceFemales are facing an economic problem. As is known to all, economy is the basis of living. Women lose their economic source, when the patriarchal society excludes them from the public work, which causes them sink in a poor state. In reality, what females are engaged in are human beings' personal production and all kinds of necessary house works to maintain many families’ functions. When women are doingthese, they use up their physical power, energy, and even sacrifice their lives. However, these are all done in the area of family. Their yields often cannot leave any tangible fruits. For example, the cooked food will be eaten up, the washed clothes will be dirty after wearing again, and children who have been raised up will leave home to get in their own world. Don't these household labors have any value? Is there anybody who pays them salary? Therefore, these natural, non-commercial labors are excluded from the social labor by the patriarchal society, because they are only related with personal family members and they cannot create value directly. Since the unpaid labor take up most energy of females, they lose their subject position in the society and lose the source of finance. Therefore, if females want to get rid of the disadvantaged status imposed on them by history and reality, they should strive for the economic position. Just like what Woolf says in A Room of One's Own, women should have revenue of 500 pounds every year. She considers that the main reason why there are so less women writers is that our mother is too poor. For example, if Mary's mother " had gone into business; had become a manufacturer of artificial silk or a magnate on the Stock Exchange; if she had left two or three hundred thousand pounds to Fernham, we could have been sitting at our ease tonight and the subject of our talk might have been archaeology, botany anthropology, physics, the nature of the atom, mathematics, astronomy, relatively, geography. If only Mrs. Seton and her mother and her mother before her had learnt the great art of making money and had left their money, like their fathers and their grandfathers before them, to found fellowships and lectureships and prizes and scholarships appropriated to the use of their own sex, we might...have looked forward without undue confidence to a pleasant and honorable lifetime spent in the shelter of one of the liberally endowed professions. We might have been exploring or writing; mooning about the venerable places of the earth; sitting contemplative on the steps of the Parthenon, or going at ten to an office and coming home comfortably at half-past four to write a little poetry." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 576) They haven't learned how to make money, how to manage their own property. For thousands of years, women are handling house works and rearing children, while men are doing business for making money. While princes and aristocrats use their properties to build many schools and libraries, women are rejected out of the colleges; they are restricted in a small circle of family. They have no rights to receive education. As a result of being deprived of enjoying rights of owning their ownproperty, females' desires for making money are constrained. The thousands of years' influence of patriarchal society places women in a penniless position.Women began to walk out of the household in 20th century. Thus, many women writers sprung up. We can see that for the latest hundred years, the appearance of many women writers are concerned with the rights women have achieved, especially the acquirement of economic right, which plays an important and positive role in art creating. Woolf herself also admitted that she and her sister obtained all their father's books after their father's death, so she could start her writing career. In A Room of One's Own, the narrator also repeatedly says that but for her aunt's 500 pounds' heritage, it might have been hard for her to break away most women's fate---working hard in the household or going out for earning money to keep the pot boiling. All in all, females should be independent in the economy.3.2 Having a room of one's ownVirginia said that “a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 555) It has been discussed that females should be financially independent. Now, it turns to a room of one's own. Having a room of one's own not only indicates that females should have their basic living space, but also means that females should have a comparatively free spiritual space.3.2.1 Living spaceIn the past, women were restrained in a small room, being busy at doing trivial house works all day. It was not uncommon that their works would be suspended. What's worse, they had to hide their works quietly to avoid being scoffed. Jane Austen is a good example in A Room of One's Own." For she had no separate study to repair to, and most of the work must have been done in the general sitting-room, subjecting to all kinds of casual interruptions. She was careful that her occupation should not be suspected by servants or any persons beyond her own family. Jane Austen hid her manuscripts or covered them with a piece of blotting-paper." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 604) Therefore, having a living space for one's own plays an essential role in females' creation.3.2.2 Spiritual spaceMany women writers were born in rich families. They had money and their own living spaces. However, they depended on their parents so much that they didn't go out for traveling to broaden their eyes. They did what their fathers asked and even married to who their fathers picked for them. When they were children, they were subjected to their fathers; when they were married, they were obedient to their husbands; when they were old, they complied with their sons. It is just like the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the ancient Chinese feudal ethical code. Women never had their own minds and their own spiritual space, they were not spiritually independent. Woolf pays more attention to the influences of patriarchal society on women's writing.3.3 Establishing female's valueWoolf finds that women's writing hasn't had their own tradition. Therefore, she proposes that females should set up their own value. To create females' literature or other careers, they have to take two times adventures. First of all, killing the "angel in the house", to be ourselves. Here, the "angel in the house" represents the stipulations that imposed on women by social norms and ideology of traditional culture. It also refers to females' conscious compliance to this oppression. They even turned patriarchal oppression and forbidden into their self requests and self-conscious actions. Facing this, Woolf realizes that the only way is to kill it, otherwise "she will kill me, she will dig out my heart of writing". The second adventure is to express truly the physical experience of ourselves. Women's requests suffered an extreme suppression and twist in the patriarchal society. According to Woolf, the consciousness that how a man will look at a woman who expresses her own real lust disturbs a female writer's imagination and damages her creativity. Therefore, expressing one's own real idea becomes an important means to remove the patriarchal ruling.3.4 The pursuit of androgynyAndrogyny is Woolf's social and literary ideal, but its premise is getting rid of the two sexes inequality and opposition, and the discrimination on females. Many feministsare unwilling to accept this viewpoint. For example, Elaine Showalter points out that "Woolf's androgyny is a female writer's reaction to her crag-fast condition". (Zhugang, 2006: 355) It is a utopia imagination of an ideal artist. Although it is quite controversial, it is a revolt to the creative standpoint of literature which regards male value as the unique standard. It is an initial deconstruction to the binary opposition of sex. It has a great influence on the generation of subsequent feminism theory and its criticism.Androgynous mind is central to Woolf's feminism. She defines it as "a mind that is reason; that transmits emotion without impediment; that is ceaselessly creative; incandescent; undivided. In fact one goes back to Shakespeare's mind as the type of the androgynous, the man-womanly mind." (Huangzhong, 2005: 23-24) Simply speaking, androgyny means full balance and command of an emotion range that includes male and female elements. She thinks that an androgynous mind is the best state of mind for doing literary creation.Woolf proposes at the beginning that "a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 555) However, she also points out that the economic problem is not the only element that impacts women's writing. A placid and healthy state of mind is also necessary. The narrator takes Lady Winchester as an example in the 4th chapter of A Room of One's Own. She was noble both by birth and by marriage; she was childless; she wrote poetry. Her mind was disturbed by alien emotions like fear and hatred, so her poems showed traces of that disturbance:How we are fallen! fallen by mistaken rules,And Education's more than Nature's fools;Debarred from all improvements of the mind,And to be dull, expected and designed;And if someone would soar above the rest,With warmer fancy, and ambition pressed,So strong the opposing faction still appears,The hopes to thrive can ne'er outweigh the fears.Yet it is clear that could she have freed her mind from hate and fear and not heaped it with bitterness and resentment, she could create pure poetry as follows:Nor will in fading skills compose,Faintly the inimitable rose. (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 599-600)Charlotte Brontěmay be another example. As we all know, she is an brilliant English novelist. However, Woolf finds that there is a certain shrillness arising out of her works. Although Woolf thinks that she is more genius than Jane Austen, her anger makes her books "deformed and twisted" (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 606). There is no doubt that a woman writer would become angry in a man-dominated society. She expresses her dissatisfaction in her famous work---Jane Eyre: “Women are supposed to be very calm generously: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer..." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 606) As a consequence," She will write in a rage where she should write calmly. She will write foolishly where she should write wisely. She will write of herself where she should write of her characters. She is at war with her lot. How could she help but die young, cramped and thwarted?" (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 606)On the other hand, Jane Austen had been constantly disturbed when writing Pride and Prejudice. Therefore, Woolf thinks that the environment should have influenced her and she would write a better one if there were no disturbances. To Woolf's surprise, when she "read a page or two to see, but I could not find any signs that her circumstances had harmed her work in the slightest." (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 605) She thinks that because Austen wrote "without hate, without bitterness, without fear, without protest, without preaching. That was how Shakespeare wrote." And "when people compare Shakespeare and Jane Austen, they may mean that the minds of both had consumed all impediments; and for that reason we do not know Jane Austen and we do not know Shakespeare, and for that reason Jane Austen pervades every word that she wrote, and so does Shakespeare. (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 605)What is the difference between these two groups of examples? We can see that in the last chapter of this essay. The narrator gets the inspiration when she sees a very ordinary sight out of the window: a girl and a young man are coming down the street, meeting at the corner and getting into a cab. Then she sketches a plan of the soul so that "in each of us two powers preside, one male, one female; and in the man's brain the man predominates over the woman, and in the woman's brain the woman predominates over the man. The normal and comfortable state of being is that when the two live in harmony together, spiritually co-operating. If one is a man,still the woman part of his brain must have effect; and a woman also must have intercourse with the man in her. (Virginia Woolf, 2005: 623-624) She thinks that perhaps what Coleridge meant when he said that a great mind is androgynous.4 Factors leading to Virgini a’s feminist viewVirginia Woolf is a productive writer and a great feminist, but first of all she is a social being, so her ideas can not be separated from the factors leading to her feminist view. As a result, it is far from enough to know about her and her work only by knowing her talents and achievements. Her parents and the Bloomsbury Group are of great influence on her writing and her feminist ideas. Besides, there are sexual assault by her brothers, the Industrial Revolution and the Women’s Right Movemen t.4.1 H er parents’ influenceVirginia Woolf was born in a literary family. Her father was the distinguished Victorian author, critic and Alpinist, Sir Leslie Stephen (1832-1904), editor of the Cornhill Magazine (1871-82), of the Dictionary of National Biography (1882-90) and of the Alpine Journal (1868-72), who counted Thomas Hardy, Henry James and George Meredith among his friends (Jane Goldman, 2008: 3). Her mother was Julia Prinsep Stephen (1846-95), who was born Julia Prinsep Jackson, in India, the daughter of John and Maria Jackson. Her maternal grandmother, and Woolf’s great-grandmother and namesake, was Adelin (1793-1845), daughter of Antoine Chevalier de L’Etang and Thérèse Blin Grincourt,who married James Pattle (1775-1845) of the Bengal Civil Service (Jane Goldman, 2008: 4). There is no denying that her parents exerted great influence on her thinking. She was born in a large and well-to-do family, with learned father and mother, intelligence and wide social connection.Her father, Leslie Stephen, a widower, had married Julia Jackson in 1878. Between them they already had four children; after they got married, they had another four children: Vanessa, Thoby, Virginia and Adrian. This family was a typical patriarchal family of Victorian time. In the family, the patriarchs were in charge of everything, owing unassailable powers, capable of enforcing everything upon women. There is evidence in the article of Virginia Woolf and Leslie Stephen: History and。
扩展影响因子期刊分类期刊分类代码期刊名称扩展总被引频工程与技术科学基础学科E01CT理论与应用研究5440.715经济学综合L01WTO经济导刊186 3.158社会科学师范大学学报H03阿坝师范学院学报3130.193国际政治学、外交学M04阿拉伯世界研究2990.943肿瘤学D29癌变·畸变·突变4750.444肿瘤学D29癌症(英文版)2033 1.586肿瘤学D29癌症进展1096 1.197肿瘤学D29癌症生物学与医学(英文版 )180 1.025社会科学综合大学学报H02安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)8880.466自然科学综合大学学报A02安徽大学学报(自然科学版)4710.523地质学B11安徽地质4910.315工程技术大学学报E02安徽电气工程职业技术学院学报3610.41电子技术E19安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报5100.304工程技术大学学报E02安徽工程大学学报2960.314社会科学综合大学学报H02安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)10920.275工程技术大学学报E02安徽工业大学学报(自然科学版)3590.283成人教育学、职业技术教P05安徽广播电视大学学报2430.251政治大学学报M02安徽行政学院学报3780.343化学工程综合E23安徽化工5340.23建筑科学与技术E31安徽建筑19070.472建筑科学与技术E31安徽建筑大学学报6180.414法学综合M05安徽警官职业学院学报6180.11自然科学综合A01安徽科技3640.693自然科学综合大学学报A02安徽科技学院学报7970.515社会科学综合大学学报H02安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)3240.248矿山工程技术E10安徽理工大学学报(自然科学版)4040.294林学C07安徽林业科技2780.277农业综合C01安徽农学通报51030.307农业大学学报C02安徽农业大学学报14200.468社会科学综合大学学报H02安徽农业大学学报(社会科学版)7530.452农业综合C01安徽农业科学250630.488社会科学综合大学学报H02安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科1870.308社会科学师范大学学报H03安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版8610.566自然科学师范大学学报A03安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)6560.425历史学K08安徽史学6120.45电气工程E15安徽水利水电职业技术学院学报3270.285体育科学P07安徽体育科技7580.288医药大学学报D02安徽卫生职业技术学院学报10230.462冶金工程技术E11安徽冶金科技职业学院学报3130.302医药大学学报D02安徽医科大学学报3045 1.119医学综合D01安徽医学4846 1.373医学综合D01安徽医药7451 1.613预防医学与公共卫生学综D31安徽预防医学杂志5530.403成人教育学、职业技术教P05安徽职业技术学院学报2040.23中医药大学学报D38安徽中医药大学学报16220.935社会科学综合大学学报H02安康学院学报3790.174社会科学师范大学学报H03安庆师范学院学报(社会科学版)6480.191自然科学师范大学学报A03安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)4370.338安全科学技术E40安全5060.471安全科学技术E40安全、健康和环境6210.275电气工程E15安全与电磁兼容1720.201安全科学技术E40安全与环境工程14960.902安全科学技术E40安全与环境学报30360.853教育学综合P01安顺学院学报3800.203工程技术大学学报E02安阳工学院学报5470.268社会科学师范大学学报H03安阳师范学院学报5080.255建筑科学与技术E31安装5970.471林学C07桉树科技2610.524生物学基础学科B13氨基酸和生物资源7210.525冶金工程技术E11鞍钢技术3390.228社会科学师范大学学报H03鞍山师范学院学报4600.272中医学D37按摩与康复医学23740.303社会学综合N01八桂侨刊1060.114医学综合D01白求恩医学杂志2383 1.026肿瘤学D29白血病·淋巴瘤6590.464社会科学综合大学学报H02百色学院学报3630.181经济学综合L01办公室业务44600.564计算机科学技术E22办公自动化1620.424电子技术E19半导体光电6010.276电子技术E19半导体技术6080.298电子技术E19半导体学报(英文版)10540.545教育学综合P01蚌埠学院学报1940.204医药大学学报D02蚌埠医学院学报3595 1.112冶金工程技术E11包钢科技3530.14医学综合D01包头医学5210.517医药大学学报D02包头医学院学报22210.66成人教育学、职业技术教P05包头职业技术学院学报1910.254工程与技术科学基础学科E01包装工程6575 1.449工程与技术科学基础学科E01包装世界4740.329工程与技术科学基础学科E01包装学报3550.993食品科学技术E30包装与食品机械896 1.417冶金工程技术E11宝钢技术5170.213冶金工程技术E11宝钢技术研究(英文版)300.065社会科学综合大学学报H02宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)3820.211自然科学综合大学学报A02宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版)1970.353应用化学工程E26宝石和宝石学杂志3010.4教育学综合P01保定学院学报4110.263预防医学与公共卫生学综D31保健医学研究与实践6880.694社会科学综合大学学报H02保山学院学报2540.165农业工程E05保鲜与加工967 1.044财政学、金融学、保险学L10保险研究1705 1.252经济大学学报L02保险职业学院学报3070.282大气科学B08暴雨灾害899 1.47兵器科学与技术E28爆破1390 1.124兵器科学与技术E28爆破器材3940.375兵器科学与技术E28爆炸与冲击14630.693畜牧、兽医科学C08北方蚕业2160.306法学综合M05北方法学6310.924工程技术大学学报E02北方工业大学学报2410.22园艺学C04北方果树6040.202交通运输工程E34北方交通15550.507财政学、金融学、保险学L10北方金融3290.39经济学综合L01北方经济1138 1.554工商业经济学L08北方经贸22680.31社会科学综合H01北方论丛5440.223社会科学综合大学学报H02北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版6260.403农业综合C01北方农业学报15450.307农艺学C03北方水稻6500.376历史学K08北方文物5610.166中国文学K04北方文学(下旬刊)6260.035中国文学K04北方文学(中旬刊)1830.029药学D36北方药学55820.686艺术学K06北方音乐19060.199园艺学C04北方园艺71820.552社会科学综合大学学报H02北华大学学报(社会科学版)5570.346自然科学综合大学学报A02北华大学学报(自然科学版)10330.82航空、航天科学技术E38北华航天工业学院学报2600.306经济大学学报L02北京财贸职业学院学报1700.418测绘科学技术E07北京测绘9070.623自然科学综合大学学报A02北京城市学院学报4090.423教育学综合P01北京大学教育评论1582 2.406医药大学学报D02北京大学学报(医学版)3051 1.636社会科学综合大学学报H02北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)3421 1.039自然科学综合大学学报A02北京大学学报(自然科学版)2258 1.109档案学、博物馆学N08北京档案7340.811外国语言学K03北京第二外国语学院学报13790.645艺术学K06北京电影学院学报7580.886自然科学综合大学学报A02北京电子科技学院学报1630.301工程技术大学学报E02北京服装学院学报(自然科学版)1500.2社会科学综合大学学报H02北京工商大学学报(社会科学版)1293 1.624工程技术大学学报E02北京工业大学学报17240.622社会科学综合大学学报H02北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)3660.591教育学综合P01北京工业职业技术学院学报5030.452政治大学学报M02北京行政学院学报8090.675航空、航天科学技术E38北京航空航天大学学报24450.571社会科学综合大学学报H02北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版6520.47社会科学综合大学学报H02北京化工大学学报(社会科学版)2180.385化学工程综合E23北京化工大学学报(自然科学版)8600.401建筑科学与技术E31北京建筑大学学报5630.847工程技术大学学报E02北京交通大学学报11550.505社会科学综合大学学报H02北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)743 1.361学前教育学、普通教育学P03北京教育(高教版)8170.686学前教育学、普通教育学P03北京教育(普教版)291 2.647社会科学综合大学学报H02北京教育学院学报(社会科学版)3130.355自然科学综合大学学报A02北京教育学院学报(自然科学版)2480.588政治大学学报M02北京经济管理职业学院学报2550.686法学综合M05北京警察学院学报4510.486社会科学综合大学学报H02北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)6030.577口腔医学D24北京口腔医学6180.675政治大学学报M02北京劳动保障职业学院学报2160.522工程技术大学学报E02北京理工大学学报19680.493社会科学综合大学学报H02北京理工大学学报(社会科学版)11350.993工程技术大学学报E02北京理工大学学报(英文版)1850.1社会科学综合大学学报H02北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版524 1.281自然科学综合大学学报A02北京联合大学学报(自然科学版)4740.566林学C07北京林业大学学报3641 1.04社会科学综合大学学报H02北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)5740.703农业大学学报C02北京农学院学报7620.662农业综合C01北京农业44770.439农业大学学报C02北京农业职业学院学报3780.366交通运输工程E34北京汽车2140.225政治学综合M01北京青年研究3100.592社会科学综合H01北京社会科学10630.948生物医学工程学E06北京生物医学工程4700.498社会科学师范大学学报H03北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)3042 1.431自然科学师范大学学报A03北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)10230.456政治大学学报M02北京石油管理干部学院学报1680.21石油天然气工程E17北京石油化工学院学报2270.33政治大学学报M02北京市工会干部学院学报1020.235水利工程E33北京水务4380.358体育科学P07北京体育大学学报7678 1.945中国文学K04北京文学(精彩阅读)92艺术学K06北京舞蹈学院学报7290.399电气工程E15北京信息科技大学学报(自然科学版3330.241社会科学综合大学学报H02北京宣武红旗业余大学学报900.517医学综合D01北京医学22520.872工程技术大学学报E02北京印刷学院学报3110.239通信技术E21北京邮电大学学报8650.688社会科学综合大学学报H02北京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)6940.837法学综合M05北京政法职业学院学报2310.394中医学D37北京中医药31230.663中医药大学学报D38北京中医药大学学报4701 1.832社会科学综合H01北京周报(英文版)19法学综合M05比较法研究1479 1.952教育学综合P01比较教育研究2915 1.176经济学综合L01边疆经济与文化12750.164新闻学与传播学N05编辑学报2809 1.726新闻学与传播学N05编辑学刊4400.734新闻学与传播学N05编辑之友1728 1.054电气工程E15变压器16000.792核医学、医学影像学D28标记免疫分析与临床1397 1.071工程与技术科学基础学科E01标准科学8030.382精细化学工程E25表面工程与再制造490.708精细化学工程E25表面技术1712 1.335社会科学综合大学学报H02滨州学院学报2220.132医药大学学报D02滨州医学院学报6880.569地理学B10冰川冻土4366 2.192体育科学P07冰雪运动1706 1.707兵器科学与技术E28兵工学报26240.9兵器科学与技术E28兵工自动化13300.655兵器科学与技术E28兵器材料科学与工程8930.437兵器科学与技术E28兵器装备工程学报13150.483政治大学学报M02兵团党校学报1490.193教育学综合P01兵团教育学院学报3310.318医学综合D01兵团医学2450.286微生物学、病毒学B17病毒学报9600.94物理学B04波谱学杂志3060.602材料科学综合E08玻璃2940.258材料科学综合E08玻璃钢/复合材料11800.716材料科学综合E08玻璃纤维2270.313材料科学综合E08玻璃与搪瓷2220.206社会科学综合大学学报H02渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)5350.267自然科学综合大学学报A02渤海大学学报(自然科学版)2830.352社会科学综合H01才智147200.304材料科学综合E08材料保护17490.46材料科学综合E08材料导报61050.773材料科学综合E08材料工程2264 1.041材料科学综合E08材料开发与应用6280.284材料科学综合E08材料科学技术(英文版)8700.654材料科学综合E08材料科学与工程学报18270.823材料科学综合E08材料科学与工艺10770.578材料科学综合E08材料热处理学报27710.744材料科学综合E08材料学前沿770.356材料科学综合E08材料研究学报8500.591金属材料E09材料研究与应用3840.355冶金工程技术E11材料与冶金学报3050.277会计学、审计学L05财会通讯65780.904国民经济学、管理经济学L04财会学习19530.763国民经济学、管理经济学L04财会研究23850.993国民经济学、管理经济学L04财会月刊(会计版)20510.873国民经济学、管理经济学L04财会月刊(理论版)14740.609财政学、金融学、保险学L10财经界119890.513财政学、金融学、保险学L10财经科学2467 2.452财政学、金融学、保险学L10财经理论研究528 1.434财政学、金融学、保险学L10财经理论与实践1479 1.286财政学、金融学、保险学L10财经论丛(浙江财经学院学报)1088 1.066财政学、金融学、保险学L10财经问题研究3234 2.043经济学综合L01财经研究3666 2.859财政学、金融学、保险学L10财贸经济4031 2.803财政学、金融学、保险学L10财贸研究1358 1.96财政学、金融学、保险学L10财务研究75会计学、审计学L05财务与会计1804 3.045财政学、金融学、保险学L10财务与金融4770.543经济学综合L01财政研究2616 1.695矿山工程技术E10采矿技术12590.63矿山工程技术E10采矿与安全工程学报3988 1.903新闻学与传播学N05采写编2270.4社会学综合N01残疾人研究2820.622畜牧、兽医科学C08蚕桑茶叶通讯2320.351畜牧、兽医科学C08蚕桑通报2700.39畜牧、兽医科学C08蚕学通讯1320.261畜牧、兽医科学C08蚕业科学13110.63社会科学师范大学学报H03沧州师范学院学报3140.167中国文学K04曹雪芹研究65草原学C09草地学报2702 1.078畜牧、兽医科学C08草食家畜5910.618草原学C09草业科学5068 1.857草原学C09草业学报5778 2.784畜牧、兽医科学C08草业与畜牧6450.286历史学K08草原文物2230.368草原学C09草原与草坪11250.716畜牧、兽医科学C08草原与草业3080.49测绘科学技术E07测绘3460.427地理学B10测绘地理信息9230.902测绘科学技术E07测绘工程1597 1.333测绘科学技术E07测绘技术装备3020.4测绘科学技术E07测绘科学36430.852测绘科学技术E07测绘科学技术学报9780.686测绘科学技术E07测绘通报4650 1.336测绘科学技术E07测绘学报3732 1.86测绘科学技术E07测绘与空间地理信息33590.72石油天然气工程E17测井技术17430.49航空、航天科学技术E38测控技术19020.439工程与技术科学基础学科E01测试技术学报4730.28机械制造工艺与设备E13测试科学与仪器460.163食品科学技术E30茶业通报3670.256农艺学C03茶叶5960.691园艺学C04茶叶科学1758 1.843食品科学技术E30茶叶通讯4310.521食品科学技术E30茶叶学报4520.716社会学综合N01柴达木开发研究870.175动力工程E14柴油机1900.103动力工程E14柴油机设计与制造1200.196经济学综合L01产经评论5280.844经济学综合L01产权导刊1360.586工商业经济学L08产业经济评论2470.754工商业经济学L08产业经济研究1222 2.565纺织科学技术E29产业用纺织品5450.353经济学综合L01产业与科技论坛62050.366教育学综合P01昌吉学院学报2450.217外科学综合D14肠外与肠内营养1918 2.161工程技术大学学报E02常熟理工学院学报5150.194社会科学综合大学学报H02常州大学学报(社会科学版)4900.637自然科学综合大学学报A02常州大学学报(自然科学版)2840.413工程技术大学学报E02常州工学院学报4350.351社会科学综合大学学报H02常州工学院学报(社会科学版)3080.222电子技术E19常州信息职业技术学院学报6100.534应用化学工程E26超硬材料工程2580.227社会科学综合大学学报H02巢湖学院学报4390.277交通运输工程E34车辆与动力技术2500.295动力工程E14车用发动机6100.382地质学B11沉积学报4448 1.398地质学B11沉积与特提斯地质9920.491社会学综合N01成才之路21650.16社会科学综合大学学报H02成都大学学报(社会科学版)5370.238自然科学综合大学学报A02成都大学学报(自然科学版)4200.372工程技术大学学报E02成都纺织高等专科学校学报3820.672电气工程E15成都工业学院学报3110.318政治大学学报M02成都行政学院学报2530.22航空、航天科学技术E38成都航空职业技术学院学报3140.374社会科学综合大学学报H02成都理工大学学报(社会科学版)3600.331地球科学综合B07成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)2029 1.127教育学综合P01成都师范学院学报14430.316体育科学P07成都体育学院学报2844 1.13工程技术大学学报E02成都信息工程学院学报3860.213医药大学学报D02成都医学院学报1172 1.09中医药大学学报D38成都中医药大学学报11730.793成人教育学、职业技术教P05成人教育20390.627工程与技术科学基础学科E01成组技术与生产现代化1250.327石油天然气工程E17承德石油高等专科学校学报3240.31医药大学学报D02承德医学院学报10210.521建筑科学与技术E31城建档案803 1.578经济学综合L01城市4850.371交通运输工程E34城市道桥与防洪26350.476地质学B11城市地理26750.588地质学B11城市地质2610.687建筑科学与技术E31城市发展研究4430 1.706公路运输E35城市公共交通1190.184经济学综合L01城市观察4200.591经济学综合L01城市管理与科技3430.408建筑科学与技术E31城市规划56283建筑科学与技术E31城市规划学刊3569 3.216铁路运输E36城市轨道交通研究24800.763建筑科学与技术E31城市环境设计245 1.903生态学B14城市环境与城市生态9570.711建筑科学与技术E31城市建设理论研究(电子版)285800.075建筑科学与技术E31城市建筑79160.244公路运输E35城市交通1099 1.2建筑科学与技术E31城市开发281建筑科学与技术E31城市勘测12910.516动力工程E14城市燃气3800.538国民经济学、管理经济学L04城市问题2595 1.201社会科学综合大学学报H02城市学刊3240.247安全科学技术E40城市与减灾102 1.692建筑科学与技术E31城市住宅3810.85建筑科学与技术E31城乡建设831 3.957建筑科学与技术E31城镇供水3120.319教育学综合P01池州学院学报6000.235社会科学综合大学学报H02赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)16190.191自然科学综合大学学报A02赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)54990.486社会学综合N01赤子45980.647新闻学与传播学N05出版参考51812.769新闻学与传播学N05出版发行研究15130.849新闻学与传播学N05出版广角11190.623新闻学与传播学N05出版科学5460.564新闻学与传播学N05出版与印刷790.533社会科学综合大学学报H02滁州学院学报5030.201成人教育学、职业技术教P05滁州职业技术学院学报2130.284能源科学综合E16储能科学与技术2840.808社会科学师范大学学报H03楚雄师范学院学报4920.311畜牧、兽医科学C08畜牧兽医科技信息17690.906畜牧、兽医科学C08畜牧兽医学报24660.667畜牧、兽医科学C08畜牧兽医杂志11130.287畜牧、兽医科学C08畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版)1370.596畜牧、兽医科学C08畜牧与兽医22800.47畜牧、兽医科学C08畜牧与饲料科学24410.427畜牧、兽医科学C08畜禽业13570.22医药大学学报D02川北医学院学报1274 1.079新闻学与传播学N05传播与版权6520.533政治学综合M01传承6250.129计算机科学技术E22传动技术840.087电子技术E19传感技术学报3114 1.407计算机科学技术E22传感器世界3470.206电子技术E19传感器与微系统27330.619新闻学与传播学N05传媒922 1.307新闻学与传播学N05传媒观察5820.606新闻学与传播学N05传媒评论463 1.356感染性疾病学、传染病学D13传染病信息954 1.224水路运输E37船舶4030.318工程与技术科学基础学科E01船舶标准化工程师700.158工程与技术科学基础学科E01船舶标准化与质量280.246水路运输E37船舶工程9550.433水路运输E37船舶力学10610.483水路运输E37船舶设计通讯940.186水路运输E37船舶物资与市场42水路运输E37船舶与海洋工程2930.526水路运输E37船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版)1640.196水路运输E37船舶职业教育98水路运输E37船电技术4610.192水路运输E37船海工程9340.372社会科学综合H01船山学刊2940.206烧伤外科学、整形外科学D19创伤外科杂志1894 1.287临床医学综合D05创伤与急危重病医学307 1.148临床医学综合D05创伤与急诊电子杂志910.536社会科学综合H01创新3270.371自然科学综合A01创新科技5810.23教育学综合P01创新人才教育660.537教育学综合P01创新与创业教育9570.809社会学综合N01创意设计源600.326社会学综合N01创意与设计1930.348经济学综合L01创造87中国文学K04创作与评论3530.254数学B01纯粹数学与应用数学2730.247化学工程综合E23纯碱工业1440.138语言学综合K01辞书研究4260.186临床诊断学D06磁共振成像1175 2.212信息与系统科学相关工程E03磁性材料及器件4400.399化学B05催化学报25040.889水利工程E33大坝与安全3230.244化学工程综合E23大氮肥2620.21地球科学综合B07大地测量与地球动力学21880.663测绘科学技术E07大地测量与地球动力学(英文版)670.387地质学B11大地构造与成矿学2024 1.31电气工程E15大电机技术4980.329农艺学C03大豆科技4920.681农艺学C03大豆科学18640.72交通运输工程E34大功率变流技术2320.4中国文学K04大观3100.058社会学综合N01大家689 2.1保健医学D07大家健康(下旬版)57160.286保健医学D07大家健康(中旬版)35030.221社会科学综合H01大科技22480.099社会科学综合大学学报H02大理大学学报9790.412教育学综合P01大连大学学报5790.239政治学综合M01大连干部学刊1410.174工程技术大学学报E02大连工业大学学报5490.414水路运输E37大连海事大学学报7470.483社会科学综合大学学报H02大连海事大学学报(社会科学版)4440.35水产学C10大连海洋大学学报11840.81交通运输工程E34大连交通大学学报5140.352教育学综合P01大连教育学院学报4580.341工程技术大学学报E02大连理工大学学报13910.776社会科学综合大学学报H02大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)6670.94教育学综合P01大连民族大学学报4330.311医药大学学报D02大连医科大学学报9860.818经济学综合L01大陆桥视野6420.152农艺学C03大麦与谷类科学3350.405大气科学B08大气和海洋科学快报(英文版)2390.295大气科学B08大气科学4505 1.668大气科学B08大气科学进展(英文版)15530.759大气科学B08大气科学学报1934 1.177大气科学B08大气与环境光学学报2690.376社会科学综合H01大庆社会科学3860.209社会科学师范大学学报H03大庆师范学院学报4590.297石油天然气工程E17大庆石油地质与开发2357 1.046计算机科学技术E22大数据121艺术学K06大舞台24040.265机械制造工艺与设备E13大型铸锻件2670.205高等教育学P04大学(研究版)5880.455化学B05大学化学11080.894高等教育学P04大学教育24510.569高等教育学P04大学教育科学1228 1.12数学B01大学数学10350.435图书馆学、文献学N06大学图书馆学报2921 3.351图书馆学、文献学N06大学图书情报学刊7800.832物理学B04大学物理10370.319高等教育学P04大学物理实验11150.772自然科学综合A01大众科技24710.308计算机科学技术E22单片机与嵌入式系统应用10940.451水产学C10淡水渔业12670.658兵器科学与技术E28弹道学报6910.574兵器科学与技术E28弹箭与制导学报14820.272高聚物工程E24弹性体7070.471生物学基础学科B13蛋白质与细胞3790.853化学工程综合E23氮肥技术1330.14中国文学K04当代107财政学、金融学、保险学L10当代财经2494 1.628畜牧、兽医科学C08当代畜禽养殖业6360.59新闻学与传播学N05当代传播1581 1.012信息与系统科学相关工程E03当代电视6690.573艺术学K06当代电影25850.915法学综合M05当代法学2076 2.402社会科学综合H01当代韩国1370.364护理学D30当代护士(上旬刊)7030.762护理学D30当代护士(下旬刊)56520.724护理学D30当代护士(中旬刊)58680.667化学工程综合E23当代化工17580.406会计学、审计学L05当代会计4310.447教育学综合P01当代继续教育3910.434教育学综合P01当代教师教育2990.526教育学综合P01当代教育科学25970.942教育学综合P01当代教育理论与实践19460.504教育学综合P01当代教育论坛3233 1.327教育学综合P01当代教育实践与教学研究(电子刊)15960.265教育学综合P01当代教育与文化4600.603经济学综合L01当代经济41880.418管理学F01当代经济管理1506 1.618经济学综合L01当代经济科学1371 1.585经济学综合L01当代经济研究12530.952矿山工程技术E10当代矿工67生态农业经济学L06当代农村财经281 2.941农业工程E05当代农机2880.351社会学综合N01当代青年研究9990.682石油天然气工程E17当代石油石化4170.276国际政治学、外交学M04当代世界5490.969国际政治学、外交学M04当代世界社会主义问题2270.449国际政治学、外交学M04当代世界与社会主义12070.94水产学C10当代水产2290.96体育科学P07当代体育科技55300.389外国文学K05当代外国文学5810.45语言学综合K01当代外语研究6780.642中国文学K04当代文坛6450.318艺术学K06当代戏剧1420.411语言学综合K01当代修辞学9360.992国际政治学、外交学M04当代亚太879 2.541医学综合D01当代医学27494 1.068医学综合D01当代医药论丛92310.714语言学综合K01当代语言学10060.869中国文学K04当代长篇小说选刊21成人教育学、职业技术教P05当代职业教育10760.548历史学K08当代中国史研究4750.5中国文学K04当代作家评论11660.471档案学、博物馆学N08档案3720.458档案学、博物馆学N08档案管理9320.545档案学、博物馆学N08档案记忆2110.349档案学、博物馆学N08档案时空2130.609档案学、博物馆学N08档案学通讯2089 1.49档案学、博物馆学N08档案学研究1441 1.45档案学、博物馆学N08档案与建设8130.66政治学综合M01党的生活(黑龙江)260.304政治学综合M01党的文献5610.708政治学综合M01党建563政治学综合M01党史博采(理论版)4250.332政治学综合M01党史文苑(纪实版)44政治学综合M01党史文苑(学术版)4400.168政治学综合M01党史研究与教学2860.41政治学综合M01党史纵览39政治学综合M01党政干部论坛1770.3政治学综合M01党政干部学刊3610.264政治学综合M01党政论坛294 3.444政治学综合M01党政研究3750.651航空、航天科学技术E38导弹与航天运载技术5250.316测绘科学技术E07导航定位学报1980.581测绘科学技术E07导航定位与授时200.121航空、航天科学技术E38导航与控制930.159社会科学综合H01道德与文明9480.544交通运输工程E34道路交通与安全2470.4社会科学综合H01德国研究380 1.667自然科学综合大学学报A02德州学院学报3610.212电子技术E19灯与照明2530.268物理学B04等离子体科学和技术(英文版)4440.4环境科学技术及资源科学E39低碳世界72260.405机械制造工艺与设备E13低温工程5530.437建筑科学与技术E31低温建筑技术15280.247物理学B04低温物理学报1560.188物理学B04低温与超导6490.311物理学B04低温与特气2370.268地质学B11地层学杂志11780.99财政学、金融学、保险学L10地方财政研究875 1.019民族学与文化学N04地方文化研究600.182政治大学学报M02地方治理研究2340.33测绘科学技术E07地矿测绘3310.591学前教育学、普通教育学P03地理教育3420.714地理学B10地理科学7076 2.907地理学B10地理科学进展6034 4.034测绘科学技术E07地理空间信息16850.551地理学B10地理信息世界8680.957地理学B10地理学报12383 5.112地理学B10地理学报(英文版)867 1.615地理学B10地理研究8655 3.674地理学B10地理与地理信息科学2612 1.31地球科学综合B07地球9730.079地球科学综合B07地球化学26280.825地质学B11地球化学学报(英文版)2180.246地球科学综合B07地球环境学报740.408地球科学综合B07地球科学进展4934 2.218地球科学综合B07地球科学前沿2500.555地球科学综合B07地球科学学刊5080.627地球科学综合B07地球科学与环境学报1154 1.283地球科学综合B07地球科学-中国地质大学学报41072地理学B10地球空间信息科学学报(英文版)1020.073地球物理学B09地球物理学报12217 2.659地球物理学B09地球物理学进展5521 1.209地球科学综合B07地球信息科学学报1669 1.075地球科学综合B07地球学报3291 2.443地球科学综合B07地球与环境14940.949铁路运输E36地下工程与隧道3390.318土木工程E32地下空间与工程学报37631地质学B11地下水13680.244地球科学综合B07地学前缘7438 2.757地理学B10地学前缘(英文版)2550.654地理学B10地域研究与开发3055 1.638地球物理学B09地震9890.758地球物理学B09地震地磁观测与研究8920.338地球物理学B09地震地质2074 1.146地球物理学B09地震工程学报13210.871地球物理学B09地震工程与工程振动24670.766地质学B11地震工程与工程振动(英文版)2390.409地球物理学B09地震学报19980.875地球物理学B09地震学报(英文版)1660.306地球物理学B09地震研究8980.877地质学B11地质科技情报2358 1.048地质学B11地质科学2323 1.068。
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小学三年级语文上册词语表1 ping ba chuan dai da ban huan chang zhao hu坪坝 穿戴 打扮 欢唱 招呼 piao yang jing li hu die hao qi kong que wu飘扬 敬礼 蝴蝶 好奇 孔雀舞you xi zhao ying re nao gu lao tong zhong游戏 招引 热闹 古老 铜钟cu zhuang feng wei zhu jie bai yao huang粗壮 凤尾竹 洁白 摇晃2、sheng kai wan shua yi ben zheng jing shi jing盛开 玩耍 一本正经 使劲 rong mao jia zhuang zhe xie yin ren zhu mu绒毛 假装 这些 引人注目 diao yu guan cha hua ban he long shou zhang钓鱼 观察 花瓣 合拢 手掌 you qu有趣3、feng ding si hu hu ran bai fa cang cang za men 峰顶 似乎 忽然 白发苍苍 咱们fen li zhong yu bian zi yong qi jue xin奋力 终于辫子 勇气 决心 ju ran li liang居然 力量5、jiao wai san bu xiong pu huan kuai mian bao zha 郊外 散步 胸脯 欢快 面包渣huo zhe yan han zi yan zi yu ke xi或者 严寒 自言自语 可惜 ken ding guo ran huan beng luan tiao cheng shi肯定 果然 欢蹦乱跳 诚实6、tu ran li ke ren xing dao zhao xiang ji突然 立刻 人行道 照相机 da liang bai long zhun bei jiao juan mi shu打量 摆弄 准备 胶卷 秘书za zhi she ji zhe zhuan gao杂志社 记者 转告7、qi guai zhu ming di zhi xue jia zhuo mi cang奇怪 著名 地质学家 捉迷藏qiao qiao duo shan yan yan shi shi悄悄 躲闪 严严实实 zhuan lai zhuan qu xing qu li shi ping zheng转来转去 兴趣 历史 平整tui dong lv xing zhuan men kao cha qing ling 推动 旅行 专门 考察 秦岭yi ji yan jiu cheng guo zhen jing遗迹 研究 成果 震惊10、Jing xin xi wang yi ran fei wu pin ming 精心 希望 依然 飞舞 拼命ben pao la dong da jing shi se qian hu wan huan 奔跑 拉动 大惊失色 千呼万唤 xun zhao chui tou shang qi mo fang ji xu寻找 垂头丧气 磨坊 继续11、qing liang liu yi shan zi yan re you piao 清凉 留意 扇子 炎热 邮票 liang shuang shi zi xian zi bo luo qi wei 凉爽 柿子 仙子 菠萝 气味 xiang tian liang shi jia jing you liang liang香甜 粮食 加紧 油亮亮 yang shu feng shou杨树 丰收zheng qi dou yan fen fang mi ren liu xin yan li 争奇斗艳 芬芳迷人 留心 艳丽shu xing wen du mi qie guan xi jiao nen 苏醒 温度 密切 关系 娇嫩 shi yi shi ying zhan shi xu yao kun chong 适宜 适应 展示 需要 昆虫 chuan bo zhi wu xue jia xiu jian lu xu传播 植物学家 修建 陆续 da zhi大致14、wu lun shi yan zhi dai zheng shi fei san 无论 试验 纸袋 证实 飞散 ji hu da gai jian shao zu li yao yuan 几乎 大概 减少 阻力 遥远 tui ce bao kuo jian cha mi shi推测 包括 检查 迷失 zhun que wu wu yan tu que que shi shi准确无误 沿途 确确实实 chao chang ji yi li ben neng超常 记忆力 本能ming tang lang fei jing pian kan shou shou shi 名堂 浪费 镜片 看守 守时 qing xian fang da jing xi wei yue du清闲 放大镜 细微 阅读 shui yi tiao jie jian dan xian wei jing随意 调节 简单 显微镜 ji lai ji qu wei sheng wu bai fang wan ju挤来挤去 微生物 拜访 玩具17、yuan jin wen ming xiang ju xue wen feng chen pu pu 远近闻名 相距 学问 风尘仆仆 na men yin hou deng hou zhi jing zhang jing 纳闷 迎候 等候 止境 长进 qing jiao bao liu chuan shou jing zhong pin xing 请教 保留 传授 敬重 品行18、yu zhou hei an shang sheng xia jiang qi xi 宇宙 黑暗 上升 下降 气息 si zhi ji fu liao kuo xue ye四肢 肌肤 辽阔 血液 ben liu bu xi mao sheng zi run chuang zhao奔流不息 茂盛 滋润 创造she ji can jia xiong wei quan bu heng kuai设计 参加 雄伟 全部 横跨 chuang ju jian qing chong ji li zhong liang jie sheng 创举 减轻 冲击力 重量 节省 jian gu mei guan shi lan yang ban jing mei坚固 美观 石栏样板 精美 tu an qian zhua hui shou yao wan图案 前爪 回首 遥望 shuang long xi zhu cai gan bao gui yi chan 双龙戏珠 才干 宝贵 遗产22、feng jing you mei wu chan feng fu wu guang shi se 风景优美 物产丰富 五光十色 shen nan xing huang jiao cuo gao di bu ping深蓝 杏黄 交错 高低不平 ge zhong ge yang lan yang yang pi jia wei wu各种各样 懒洋洋 披甲 威武 cheng qun jie dui piao piao yao yao yan se xing zhuang成群结队 飘飘摇摇 颜色 形状 qian qi bai guai yu ye gong ren si jiao chao tian千奇百怪 渔业工人 四脚朝天 mao mi fei liao zu zu bei bei茂密 肥料 祖祖辈辈23、chou chu nen lv hui cheng xing shang抽出 嫩绿 汇成 欣赏 mi mi cheng cheng dang zhu shi xian xian chu密密层层 挡住 视线 献出 ke kou xian nen min gui yao cai可口 鲜嫩 名贵 药材 you song you ruan she tou shou cang又松又软 舌头 收藏25、ji he zhao jia jin zhang gu ran wu gui集合 招架 紧张 固然 乌龟 zi wei jin gong pao kou tan ke自卫 进攻 炮口 坦克 he er wei yi zhan chang da xian shen wei shou ci合二为一 战场 大显神威 首次 luan cheng yi tuan chang chu shen li zhe乱成一团 长处 胜利者26、bin xie fu tou shou ju wan yi mian de 冰鞋 斧头 手锯 玩意 免得 qiang zou nan guo shuan shu dang chu sui bian 抢走 难过 算术 当初 随便 ren ran di ren tai jie suo yi dong de 仍然 敌人 台阶 所以 懂得27、jiao ao ao man qian xu shen qi nao lu 骄傲 傲慢 谦虚 神气 恼怒 xiang ti bing lun li hui huang liang jing ya相提并论 理会 荒凉 惊讶 guang jie pu shu jia zhi xing fen光洁 朴素 价值 兴奋29、zhang sheng wen jing yuan yi zi shi lun liu掌声 文静 愿意 姿势 轮流 qing kuang man tun tun zhu shi re lie情况 慢吞吞 注视 热烈 chi jiu ping xi qing xu jiang shu持久 平息 情绪 讲述Pu tong hua dong ting gu li普通话 动听 鼓励30、cheng gong shi yan jiao yu jia ping zi成功 实验 教育家 瓶子 shen zi dai biao cha bei wei xian shun li 绳子 代表 茶杯 危险 顺利 ru shi bu jia si suo ji dong huo de如实 不假思索 激动 获得31、ji yu shi tan xin yi zhu fu tian mi给予 试探 心意 祝福 甜蜜 dan xin kuan yu qian xi ti xing担心 宽裕 前夕 提醒 Xing gao cai lie an shi cai ce li ji兴高采烈 暗示 猜测 立即ka pian pan wang xian ran yong bao ren ai卡片 盼望 显然 拥抱 仁爱tong qing ti tie同情 体贴小学三年级语文下册词语表第1课燕子聚拢增添掠过稻田尾尖偶尔沾水一圈荡漾疲倦音符演奏赞歌俊俏吹拂曲谱乌黑轻快翅膀剪刀尾巴活泼机灵微风赶集生机五线谱一转眼光彩夺目第2课歌咏碧玉妆扮裁剪剪刀海滨紫色丝绦涕泗细叶光景万紫千红第3课荷花挨着莲蓬饱胀仿佛衣裳翩翩舞蹈蜻蜓清香碧绿破裂挨挨挤挤翩翩起舞园地一动静得失吞吐详略攻守进退始终呼吸是非爱憎群芳吐艳姹紫嫣红落英缤纷郁郁葱葱喷薄欲出旭日东升夕阳西下皓月当空崇山峻岭悬崖峭壁层峦叠翠苍翠欲滴第5课翠鸟苇秆腹部赤褐色衬衫透亮广泛泡泡饲养渔翁陡峭石壁绣花赤子褐色锐利清脆疾飞逃脱打消念头一眨眼又尖又长第6课欧洲瑞士舒适启程特殊骤降涉及疲劳政府踏步救护运载跋涉濒临覆盖车厢专列空调列车站台长途麻烦气温风雪温暖纷纷开动友情致谢长途跋涉成千上万饥寒交迫皑皑白雪第7课森林忧郁葱绿湛蓝盖房木犁砍树裸露扩大栋梁火柴喘气黎明清澈咆哮山谷甜润工具家具锋利洪水一栋栋郁郁葱葱各式各样应有尽有园地二挺立混浊廉政贪心罪过偏心惩罚劣等万壑鸟啭蛱蝶款式碧苔第9课寓言法则窟窿狼狗叼走街坊劝告后悔盘缠硬要羊圈把式亡羊补牢南辕北辙第10课弓箭魏国射箭打猎大雁拉弦悲惨愈合痛苦裂开本事惊弓之鸟大吃一惊孤单失群第11课叮嘱前排靠边一幅画审视严肃半晌喜悦熟悉教诲准确讲台神情轮流角度相似和颜悦色园地三楚国骆驼石板泼洒珍珠深浅甜酸江面水底苍松雄鹰装饰宝珠盒子想方设法买椟还珠第13课赛跑疼爱忧伤安慰梭子虽然狂奔赢得暑假利益穷人将来假若哀痛持续欺骗实话度过路线形容用途庭院光阴似箭日月如梭受益无穷第14课俱乐部博士乌鸦截肢队伍沉默局面木棒羡慕禁止主席台观众纠正拄拐洪亮检阅挑选商定方便盛大隆重街道淹没议论贵宾鸦雀无声情不自禁人山人海第15课石匠代替抄写墨水骂人缩回承认肩膀扛柴缘故愤怒毕竟戒尺既然嫉妒胳膊肘哼叫服侍原谅瞟眼防御高尚故意报复独自不料诚心诚意园地四普通曲谱采摘色彩入迷谜语文章波纹如何荷花样式考试互相车厢分数纠纷至于细致皮球疲劳博览群书孜孜不倦勤学好问学而不厌坚持不懈业精于勤专心致志聚精会神废寝忘食竭尽全力锲而不舍脚踏实地开门见山大材小用一举两得三心两意小题大做百发百中第17课祝贺照顾迅速重复恰恰犯法缓和外婆建议表达稚拙烦恼享受蕴藏霎时寂静安静沉静惊喜神气十足左顾右盼寂然无声第18课炸弹医院输血眉毛血型是否草垫酒精掩盖咬牙拳头制止轻柔睫毛恒心擦拭捂住竭力医生护士消息确认周围迫在眉睫持续不断第19课焦渴水罐劳累竟然匆忙悲哀舔食反正递给忍不住凑合咽气唾沫涌出绊倒一瞬间钻石新鲜喜出望外匆匆忙忙园地五榆树槐树梧桐树石榴桂树桑树松树棕树橡树吟诗慈母春晖第21课差不多抵得上摄氏庄稼野兽生存繁殖蔬菜麻布比较杀菌预防治疗传说温度钢铁热量世界寸草不生第22课夜幕降临悬挂曾经奥秘努力登上任何撒种水藻一旦项目估计年龄遐想细菌夜空神秘探索皎洁夜幕降临第23课网络信箱紧迫醒悟盯着老鼠唐朝警察笑眯眯博览敞开寄信分秒留恋网络家庭信息遍布信箱赞叹新奇功能五湖四海迫不及待目不转睛园地六大蒜辣椒生姜食盐咸菜米醋辣酱佳肴胭脂第25课红彤彤晚霞陪伴趁机浪花睡觉睡梦好事拔草金光戏水另外第26课狭窄脖子文段漆黑壮胆失踪小镇摊位鼻子犹豫交换摔倒竖起无奈凝视拇指假日背包防止处境交易反应费用心爱无影无踪荒芜人烟第27课买卖出售驮着构思端正掏钱宾馆晚饭辨别草堆模样付钱标准牙齿尼姑解释犹豫诚恳遗憾游览壮观摊点陈列观赏即将流露工艺品沉甸甸栩栩如生名不虚传游人如织五官端正清晰可辨一模一样琳琅满目语无伦次园地七企业配置贷款岔路画廊客厅俘虏首届生存天涯干旱患难栩栩如生翩翩起舞恋恋不舍历历在目面面俱到头头是道源源不断彬彬有礼息息相关蒸蒸日上津津有味滔滔不绝第29课乞求巧妙云霄渡口屏风蜡烛晓得小偷今宵牛郎织女嫦娥奔月第30课淹没官绅逼真老百姓睁开眼睁睁旱灾徒弟扑腾催促吊车跪下渠道灌溉娶媳妇绸褂淌血管理田地迎接收成人烟稀少提心吊胆第31课兴隆轰隆隆塌下露出燃烧熊猫挣扎熄灭喷火缺少纯洁冶炼大盆围困液体云霞熊熊大火金光四射女娲补天园地八引导差异继续断开旅游旋转凶狠恶狼科学照料归来破旧运载截断端正瑞士四面八方七嘴八舌成千上万人山人海诚心诚意惟妙惟肖零零星星结结实实郁郁葱葱异口同声大惊小怪南辕北辙画龙点睛三年级上词语表(课外)第一单元课外积累:绚丽多彩、敏捷灵活、龙腾虎跃、健步如飞、刮目相看、你争我夺、争先恐后、风驰电掣、轻装上阵、士气高昂、手足无措、捶胸顿足、险象环生、棋逢对手、气喘吁吁、胜券在握、无精打采、拾级而上、遮天蔽日、嬉皮笑脸第二单元课外积累:趾高气昂、张皇失措、心惊肉跳、老泪纵横、唉声叹气、垂头丧气、喜形于色、闲情逸致、谈笑自如、天真无邪、心悦诚服、垂涎欲滴、油腔滑调、英姿勃勃、从容不迫、炯炯有神、迫不及待、不约而同、叫苦不迭、哭笑不得第三单元课外积累:秋高气爽、秋雨绵绵、金秋季节、秋风萧瑟、秋风送爽、层林尽染、天高云淡、重阳登高、枯枝败叶、秋草枯黄、桂花飘香、中秋赏月、秋热如夏、沁人心脾、赏心悦目第四单元课外积累:争奇斗艳、芬芳迷人、一拥而上、四面飞散、手足无措、手舞足蹈、大吃一惊、抱头鼠窜、挤眉弄眼、安然无恙、欢呼雀跃、浑水摸鱼、异想天开、得意忘形、迫不及待、二话没说、一举两得、来龙去脉、活蹦乱跳第五单元课外积累:远近闻名、风餐露宿、日夜兼程、风尘仆仆、无动于衷、奔流不息、华而不实、天壤之别、地大物博、精兵简政、粉墨登场、好事多磨、沧海一粟、老调重弹、爱不释手第六单元课外积累:五颜六色、璀璨无比、生机勃勃、饱满丰润、山水画卷、清新秀丽、鸟语花香、草长莺飞、姹紫嫣红、水花四溅、一马平川、波澜壮阔、古色古香、烟波浩渺、记忆犹新、翩翩起舞、婀娜多姿、流连忘返、五湖四海、柔美如水第七单元课外积累:前赴后继、感人肺腑、热泪盈眶、碧波荡漾、童心未泯、万象更新、和睦相处、相提并论、作威作福、趾高气昂、唯我独尊、自鸣得意、脱胎换骨、火冒三丈、阳光明媚第八单元课外积累:前赴后继、感人肺腑、琳琅满目、碧波荡漾、万象更新、热泪盈眶、举世闻名、激情迸发、彩灯高悬、身临其境、苍松翠柏、容光焕发、登高远眺、七嘴八舌、议论纷纷微信红包群/ q1Ia61tgTO67。
TPO 17 托福综合写作范文
TPO 17综合写作阅读原文:In the past century, the steady growth of the human population and the corresponding increase in agriculture and pesticide use have caused much harm to wildlife in the United States—birds in particular. Unfortunately for birds, these trends are likely to continue, with the result that the number of birds in the United States will necessarily decline.First, as human populations and settlements continue to expand, birds' natural habitats will continue to disappear. Forests, wetlands, and grasslands will give way to ever more homes, malls, and offices. As the traditional areas suitable for birds keep decreasing, so will the size of the bird populations that depend on those vanishing habitats.Second, agricultural activities must increase to keep pace with the growing human population. The growth of agriculture will also result in the further destruction of bird habitats as more and more wilderness areas are converted to agricultural use. As a result, bird populations in rural areas will continue to decline.Third, as human settlements expand and agriculture increases, the use of chemical pesticides will also increase. Pesticides are poisons designed to kill agricultural and home garden pests, such as insects, but inevitably, pesticides get into the water and into the food chain for birds where they can harm birds. Birds that eat the poisoned insects or drink contaminated water can die as a result, and even if pesticides do not kill birds outright, they can prevent them from reproducing successfully. So pesticides have significantly contributed to declines in bird population, and because there will continue to be a need to control agricultural pests in the future, this decline will continue.听力原文:The passage claims that there will be fewer and fewer birds, but the arguments used to support this claim are unconvincing.First, it's true that urban growth has been bad for some types of birds, but urban development actually provides better and larger habitats for other types, so much so that city and suburban dwellers often complain about increased birds populations, seagulls at landfills, pigeons on the streets and so on. Even birds like hawks and falcons can now be found in cities, where they prey on the increasing populations of pigeons and rodents. Soit's not going to be a story of uniform decline of bird populations in the future. Some populations may shrink, but others will grow.As for agriculture, it's true that it too will increase in the future, but not in the way assumed by the reading passage. The truth is, in the United States, less and less land is being used for agriculture every year. Increasing in agricultural production have resulted from and will continue to result from the introduction of new, more productive varieties of crops. These new crops produce more food per unit of land, and as a result, there's no need to destroy wilderness areas.And third, while it's certainly true that traditional pesticides have been destructive to birds, it's incorrect to project this history into the future. Now that people are aware of the possible consequences of traditional pesticides, two changes have occurred. First, new and much less toxic pesticides have been developed, and that's important. Second, and perhaps more importantly there is a growing trend to develop more pest resistant crops, crops that are genetically designed to be unattractive to pests. Pest resistant crops greatly reduce the need for chemical pesticides. And best of all, pest resistant crops don't harm birds at all.范文:The reading passage claims that the number of birds in the US will definitely decline. Yet the professor argues that bird population will not shrink due to increase in human population, agriculture, and pesticide use as suggested by the author.First, the professor points out that urban growth, while harmful to some types of birds, could provide habitats for many other types. As a matter of fact, urban and suburban dwellers complain frequently about too many birds. This, however, contradicts the statement in the reading that urban development causes birds to disappear.Second, the professor explains that agricultural develop won’t affect bird population as the reading illustrates. Newly-introduced and highly productive crops continuously contribute to production enhancement and less land use, making it unnecessary for humans to destroy wilderness areas.Third, while convinced of the harmfulness of pesticide use to birds concluded in the passage, the professor don’t think it will be a problem in the future, in that people are increasingly aware of this problem, and are therefore developing less toxic pesticides and pest resistant crops as solutions.。
欧/区 Au毕 But陈 Chan郑 Cheng张 Cheung蒋 Chiang詹 Chim钱 Chin/Tsin程 Ching赵 Chiu周/邹 Chow/Chau 曹 Cho蔡 Choi/Choy/Tsoi 朱 Chu秦 Chun钟 Chung丁 Ding/Ting范 Fan方/房 Fong傅/符 Fu冯 Fung夏 Ha/Sha侯 Hau何/贺 Ho韩 Hon许 Hui熊/洪/孔 Hung叶 Ip/Yeh贾 Ka金 Kam姜 Keung高 Ko/Kao江 Kong顾 Koo官 Koon 罗 Law李 Lee/Li廖 Liu卢 Lo/Lu陆 Luk吕/雷 Lui马 Ma文 Man孟 Mang毛 Mo/Mao武 Mo/Wu吴/伍 Ng魏/倪 Ngai敖 Ngo白 Pak彭 Pang包/鲍 Pao/Bao潘 Poon/Pun沈 Sham/Shum常 Sheung石 Shek史 Shi邵 Shiu冼 Sin薛 Sit萧 Siu王/黄/汪 Wong胡 Wu任 Yam邱/丘 Yau杨 Yeung/Yang阎/严 Yim姚 Yiu袁 Yuan于/余 Yu/Yue辜 Ku龚 Kung关 Kwan郭 Kwok/Kok郝 Kwok黎/赖 Lai练 Lin林 Lam刘 Lau中国姓氏韦氏拼音拼法2008年02月26日星期二上午中国姓氏韦氏拼音拼法A:艾--Ai安--Ann/An敖--AoB:巴--Pa白--Pai包/鲍--Paul/Pao班--Pan贝--Pei毕--Pih卞--Bein卜/薄--Po/Pu步--Poo百里--Pai-liC:蔡/柴--Tsia/Choi/Tsai曹/晁/巢--Chao/Chiao/Tsao崔--Tsui查--Cha常--Chiong车--Che陈--Chen/Chan/Tan 成/程--Cheng池--Chi褚/楚--Chu淳于--Chwen-yuD:戴/代--Day/Tai邓--Teng/Tang/Tung 狄--Ti刁--Tiao丁--Ting/T董/东--Tung/Tong窦--Tou杜--To/Du/Too段--Tuan端木--Duan-mu东郭--Tung-kuo东方--Tung-fangE:F:范/樊--Fan/Van房/方--Fang费--Fei冯/凤/封--Fung/Fong 符/傅--Fu/FooG:高/郜--Gao/Kao葛--Keh耿--Keng弓/宫/龚/恭--Kung 勾--Kou古/谷/顾--Ku/Koo 桂--Kwei管/关--Kuan/Kwan 郭/国--Kwok/Kuo 公孙--Kung-sun公羊--Kung-yang 公冶--Kung-yeh谷梁--Ku-liangH:海--Hay韩--Hon/Han杭--Hang郝--Hoa/Howe何/贺--Ho桓--Won侯--Hou洪--Hung胡/扈--Hu/Hoo花/华--Hua宦--Huan黄--Wong/Hwang霍--Huo皇甫--Hwang-fu呼延--Hu-yenI:J:贾--Chia翦/简--Jen/Jane/Chieh蒋/姜/江/--Chiang/Kwong焦--Chiao金/靳--Jin/King景/荆--King/Ching讦--GanK:阚--Kan康--Kang柯--Kor/Ko孔--Kong/Kung寇--Ker蒯--Kuai匡--KuangL:赖--Lai蓝--Lan郎--Long劳--Lao乐--Loh雷--Rae/Ray/Lei冷--Leng黎/郦/利/李--Lee/Li/Lai/Li 连--Lien廖--Liu/Liao梁--Leung/Liang林/蔺--Lim/Lin凌--Lin柳/刘--Liu/Lau龙--Long楼/娄--Lou罗/骆--Loh/Lo/Law/Lam/Rowe 吕--Lui/Lu令狐--Lin-hooM:马/麻--Ma麦--Mai/Mak满--Man/Mai毛--Mao梅--Mei孟/蒙--Mong/Meng米/宓--Mi苗/缪--Miau/Miao闵--Min穆/慕--Moo/Mo莫--Mok/Mo万俟--Moh-chi慕容--Mo-yungN:倪--Nee甯--Ning聂--Nieh牛--New/Niu农--Long南宫--Nan-kung欧/区--Au/Ou欧阳--Ou-yangP:潘--Pang/Pan庞--Pang彭--Phang/Pong皮--Pee平--Ping浦/蒲/卜--Poo/Pu濮阳--Poo-yangQ:祁/戚/齐--Chi/Chyi/Chi/Chih 钱--Chien乔--Chiao/Joe秦--Ching裘/仇/邱--Chiu屈/曲/瞿--Chiu/ChuR:冉--Yien饶--Yau任--Jen/Yum容/荣--Yung阮--Yuen芮--NeiS:司--Sze桑--Sang沙--Sa邵--Shao单/山--San尚/商--Sang/Shang沈/申--Shen盛--Shen史/施/师/石--Shih/Shi苏/宿/舒--Sue/Se/Soo/Hsu孙--Sun/Suen宋--Song/Soung司马--Sze-ma司徒--Sze-to单于--San-yu上官--Sang-kuan申屠--Shen-tuT:谈--Tan汤/唐--Town/Towne/Tang邰--Tai谭--Tan/Tam陶--Tao藤--Teng田--Tien童--Tung屠--Tu澹台--Tan-tai拓拔--Toh-bahU:V:W:万--Wan王/汪--Wong魏/卫/韦--Wei温/文/闻--Wen/Chin/Vane/Man 翁--Ong吴/伍/巫/武/邬/乌--Wu/NG/WooX:奚/席--Hsi/Chi夏--Har/Hsia/(Summer)肖/萧--Shaw/Siu/Hsiao解/谢--Tse/Shieh辛--Hsing刑--Hsing熊--Hsiung/Hsiun许/徐/荀--Shun/Hui/Hsu宣--Hsuan薛--Hsueh西门--See-men夏侯--Hsia-hou轩辕--Hsuan-yuenY:燕/晏/阎/严/颜--Yim/Yen杨/羊/养--Young/Yang姚--Yao/Yau叶--Yip/Yeh/Yih伊/易/羿--Yih/E殷/阴/尹--Yi/Yin/Ying应--Ying尤/游--Yu/You俞/庾/于/余/虞/郁/余/禹--Yue/Yu 袁/元--Yuan/Yuen岳--Yue云--Wing尉迟--Yu-chi宇文--Yu-wenZ:藏--Chang曾/郑--Tsang/Cheng/Tseng訾--Zi宗--Chung左/卓--Cho/Tso翟--Chia詹--Chan湛--Tsan张/章--Cheung/Chang赵/肇/招--Chao/Chiu/Chiao/Chioa周/邹--Chau/Chou/Chow钟--Chung祖/竺/朱/诸/祝--Chu/Chuh庄--Chong钟离--Chung-li诸葛--Chu-keh最后再奉送汉语拼音—韦氏拼音对照表(Pinyin to Wade-Giles Conversion Table ) a -- a ai -- aian -- anang -- angao -- aoba -- pabai -- paiban -- panbang -- pangbao -- paobei -- peiben -- penbeng -- pengbi -- pibian -- pienbiao -- piaobie -- piehbin -- pinbing -- pingbo -- pobu -- puca -- ts'acai -- ts'aican -- ts'ancang -- ts'angceng -- ts'eng cha -- ch'achai -- ch'ai chan -- ch'an chang -- ch'ang chao -- ch'aoche -- ch'echen -- ch'en cheng -- ch'eng chi -- ch'ih chong -- ch'ung chou -- ch'ouchu -- ch'uchuai -- ch'uai chuan -- ch'uan chuang -- ch'uang chui -- ch'ui chun -- ch'un chuo -- ch'oci -- tz'ucong -- ts'ung cou -- ts'oucu -- ts'ucuan -- ts'uan cui -- ts'uicun -- ts'uncuo -- ts'oda -- tadai -- taidan -- tandang -- tangdao -- taode -- tediao -- tiao die -- tieh ding -- ting diu -- tiu dong -- tung dou -- tou du -- tu duan -- tuan dui -- tui dun -- tun duo -- toe -- oen -- ener -- erhfa -- fafan -- fan fang -- fang fei -- fei fen -- fen feng -- feng fo -- fofou -- fou fu -- fuga -- kagai -- kai gan -- kan gang -- kang gao -- kao ge -- kogen -- ken geng -- keng gong -- kung gou -- kouguan -- kuan guang -- kuang gui -- kueigun -- kunguo -- kuoha -- hahai -- haihan -- han hang -- hang hao -- haohe -- hohei -- heihen -- hen heng -- heng hong -- hung hou -- houhu -- huhua -- huahuai -- huai huan -- huan huang -- huang hui -- huihun -- hunhuo -- huoji -- chijia -- chiajian -- chien jiang -- chiang jiao -- chiao jie -- chiehjin -- chinjing -- ching jiong -- chiungjue -- chüehjun -- chünka -- k'akai -- k'aikan -- k'an kang -- k'ang kao -- k'aoke -- k'oken -- k'en keng -- k'eng kong -- k'ung kou -- k'ouku -- k'ukua -- k'ua kuai -- k'uai kuan -- k'uan kuang -- k'uang kui -- k'uei kun -- k'unkuo -- k'uolü -- lüla -- lalai -- lailan -- lanlang -- lang lao -- laole -- lelei -- leileng -- lengli -- lilian -- lien liang -- liang liao -- liaoliu -- liu long -- lung lou -- lou lu -- lu luan -- luan luan -- lüan lue -- lüeh lun -- lun luo -- lo ma -- mamai -- mai man -- man mang -- mang mao -- mao mei -- mei men -- men meng -- meng mi -- mi mian -- mien miao -- miao mie -- mieh min -- min ming -- ming miu -- miu mo -- mo mou -- mou mu -- munü -- nüna -- nanai -- nai nan -- nan nang -- nang nao -- naoni -- ninian -- nien niang -- niang niao -- niao nie -- nieh nin -- nin ning -- ning niu -- niu nong -- nung nou -- nounu -- nunuan -- nuan nue -- nüehnuo -- noou -- oupa -- p'apai -- p'ai pan -- p'an pang -- p'ang pao -- p'ao pei -- p'ei pen -- p'en peng -- p'eng pi -- p'ipian -- p'ien piao -- p'iao pie -- p'ieh pin -- p'in ping -- p'ing po -- p'opou -- p'oupu -- p'uqi -- ch'iqiao -- ch'iao qie -- ch'ieh qin -- ch'in qing -- ch'ing qiong -- ch'iung qiu -- ch'iuqu -- ch'üquan -- ch'üan que -- ch'üehqun -- ch'ünran -- janrang -- jangrao -- jaore -- jeren -- jenreng -- jengri -- jihrong -- jungrou -- jouru -- juruan -- juanrui -- juirun -- junruo -- josa -- sasai -- saisan -- sansang -- sangsao -- saose -- sesen -- senseng -- sengsha -- shashao -- shaoshe -- sheshen -- shen sheng -- sheng shi -- shih shou -- shoushu -- shushua -- shua shuai -- shuai shuan -- shuan shuang -- shuang shui -- shui shun -- shun shuo -- shuosi -- ssusong -- sungsou -- sousu -- susuan -- suansui -- suisun -- sunsuo -- sota -- t'atai -- t'aitan -- t'antang -- t'ang tao -- t'aote -- t'eteng -- t'engti -- t'itian -- t'ien tiao -- t'iaotie -- t'iehtou -- t'outu -- t'utuan -- t'uan tui -- t'uitun -- t'untuo -- t'owa -- wawai -- waiwan -- wan wang -- wang wei -- weiwen -- wen weng -- weng wo -- wowu -- wuxi -- hsixia -- hsia xian -- hsien xiang -- hsiang xiao -- hsiao xie -- hsieh xin -- hsin xing -- hsing xiong -- hsiung xiu -- hsiuxu -- hsüxuan -- hsüan xue -- hsüehxun -- hsünya -- yayai -- yaiyan -- yen yang -- yang yao -- yaoyi -- iyin -- yinying -- yingyo -- yoyong -- yungyou -- yuyu -- yüyuan -- yüanyue -- yüehyun -- yünza -- tsazai -- tsaizan -- tsan zang -- tsang zao -- tsaoze -- tsezei -- tseizen -- tsen zeng -- tseng zha -- chazhai -- chai zhan -- chan zhang -- chang zhao -- chaozhe -- chezhen -- chen zheng -- cheng zhi -- chih zhong -- chung zhou -- chouzhu -- chuzhua -- chua zhuai -- chuai zhuan -- chuan zhuang -- chuangv1.0 可编辑可修改zhui -- chuizhun -- chun回答者:yuwenchaofan -一派掌门十二级 5-17 21:23我来评论>>相关内容•香港姓氏 MOW•香港姓氏'茄'的拼音•香港姓氏中秋的拼音•关于香港姓氏•急~~香港姓氏~~进来一下更多关于香港姓氏表的问题>>查看同主题问题:香港姓氏shui其他回答共 2 条shui 可以提供字有:水睡瑞衰岁垂谁可以作姓的为:水瑞岁垂谁香港常用拼法举例注意:因英文音与粤音的分别,同一拼法的例字实际粤语发音未必相同。
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 17 (2007) 3317-3321
Design and synthesis of urea and thiourea derivatives and their inhibitory activities on lipopolysaccharide-inducedNO productionYoon Jung Kim,Jae-Ha Ryu,Ye Jin Cheon,Hyo Jin Lim and Raok Jeon *College of Pharmacy,Sookmyung Women’s University,52Hyochangwon-Gil,Yongsan-Ku,Seoul 140-742,Republic of KoreaReceived 17November 2006;revised 20March 2007;accepted 2April 2007Available online 6April 2007Abstract—Series of ureas and thioureas were designed and synthesized,and their inhibitory activities of NO production in lipopoly-saccharide-activated macrophages were evaluated.We found several essential moieties in the structure of the prepared compounds for the activity.Thiourea derivatives revealed higher inhibitory activity than the corresponding urea derivatives.Among these com-pounds,7e having carboxymethyl group at N3position of thiourea was the most potent in the inhibition of NO production.They inhibited NO production through the suppression of iNOS protein and mRNA expression.Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.The critical role of nitric oxide (NO)in various patho-logical conditions has led to the discovery of new inhib-itors of NO production as potential therapeutic agents.NO,a gaseous free radical,is produced through the oxi-dation of L -arginine by three isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (NOS).1The constitutive NOS (cNOS)found in neuronal tissues (nNOS,type I)and vascular endo-thelium (eNOS,type III)is Ca 2+-dependent and releases small amounts of NO required for homeostatic func-tion.2Meanwhile,inducible NOS (iNOS,type II),which can be induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)and various cytokines such as IFN-a ,IL-1b ,and TNF-a ,is Ca 2+-independent and produces micromolar levels of NO.3Low concentrations of NO produced by iNOS possess beneficial roles in antimicrobial activity of macrophages against pathogens,4while the overproduction of NO and its derivatives,such as peroxynitrite and nitrogen diox-ide,has been suggested to be mutagenic in vivo and to provoke the pathogenesis of septic shock and various inflammatory processes.5Furthermore,NO and its oxi-dized forms have also been known to be carcinogenic.6Among the many strategies for providing rational con-trol of NO levels,the efforts have been mainly directed toward development of selective inhibitor of iNOS thatcan be applied for the treatment of diseases accompany-ing high levels of NO.Regulation of iNOS can be achieved by the control of expression level and/or enzy-matic activity of iNOS.Many classes of iNOS inhibitors can be classified according to their structural features,such as,amino acid analogues,7amino heterocycles,8amidines,9guanidines,10isoquinolinamines,11and isot-hiourea.12,13But most of the inhibitors are neither po-tent nor selective enough against NOS isoforms,that limited the application of them in vivo.Only one class of iNOS inhibitors,L -lysine analogue,was reported to enter the clinical trial in human.14Urea was known to inhibit not only the activity of iNOS in macrophages during the uremia,15but also the expres-sion of iNOS in LPS-activated macrophages.16Urea was suggested as an important modulator for renal function through the fine tuning of NO production.17Several groups have reported that urea and thiourea 18or iso-thiourea 12,13,19inhibit iNOS expression and/or NO pro-duction.Based on these reports,we tried to investigate urea and thiourea derivatives as novel inhibitors having mechanism for enzymatic inhibition and/or downregula-tion of iNOS expression.Herein,we report the design and synthesis of urea and thiourea derivatives as depicted in Figure 1.Their effects on the NO production and expression of iNOS were evaluated in LPS-activated macrophage cell culture system.0960-894X/$-see front matter Ó2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2007.04.005Keywords :Urea;Thiourea;Carbazole;Nitric oxide synthase;Nitric oxide;Inhibitor.*Corresponding author.Tel.:+8227109571;fax:+8227159571;e-mail:rjeon@sookmyung.ac.krBioorganic &Medicinal Chemistry Letters 17(2007)3317–3321The preparation of the carbazole-linked urea and thio-urea derivatives is outlined in Schemes 1and 2.Hydroxy ethyl group was introduced at nitrogen of carbazole and the resulting alcohol 2was mesylated to obtain com-pound 3.Alkylation of 4-nitrophenol by treatment of compound 3in the presence of NaH gave compound 4.Following reduction of nitro compound 4over 10%Pd/C under atmospheric pressure of hydrogen gas pro-vided amine 5.Condensation of amine 5with the appro-priate isocyanates or isothiocyanates offered the desired compounds 6and 7.The activities of the prepared compounds were evalu-ated for the inhibition of NO production in LPS-acti-vated macrophages.Murine macrophage cell line,RAW 264.7cells,was stimulated with 1l g/mL of LPS in the presence of samples for 20h.The amounts of NO released into culture media were determined by the Griess method 20in the form of nitrite.21The inhibitory activities of the prepared compounds on the NO production are given in Table 1.Aminoguani-dine,a well-known specific inhibitor of iNOS,was usedas positive control that showed 85%inhibition of NO production at 0.1l M.Most of the thiourea derivatives revealed higher activity than the corresponding urea derivatives.For example,thioureas 7a ,7c ,7e ,and 7f showed significantly higher activities than ureas 6a ,6b ,6g ,and 6i ,respectively.Effects of the alkyl substituents at the N1and N3posi-tion of urea 6a and thiourea 7a were investigated.Intro-duction of methyl group 6h at the N1position of urea 6a lowered the activity,while introduction of bulkier sub-stituent retrieved the pound 6i with ethyl group showed the similar activity as 6a .Meanwhile,activity of compound 6j with cyclopropylmethyl at N1became 2.5-fold higher than that of 6a .On the other hand,thiourea derivatives 7f substituted with ethyl and 7g with cyclopropylmethyl at N1of 7a revealed 2-fold lower activity than 7a .The effects of substituents at N3position were consider-ably different between urea and thiourea derivatives.While the substitution at N3of urea derivatives 6b–6g showed no significant effects on the activity,the alkyl substitution of thiourea greatly enhanced the pounds 7b ,7c ,7e with methyl,ethyl,or carboxym-ethyl group at N3revealed similar activity ranging from 80%to 90%inhibition of NO production at 5l M con-centration.In both cases of ureas and thioureas,the carboxymethyl was the best substituent at N3for the improvement of activity.IC 50values of 6j ,7a–7c ,and3318Y.J.Kim et al./Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.17(2007)3317–33217e,which showed more than50%inhibitory responses at 5l M,were determined as3.12,5.31,0.73,0.90,and 0.15l M,respectively.In order tofind the influence of lipophilic tail on the activity,carbazolylmethyl group of thiourea derivatives 7b–7c was eliminated.These compounds showed lower activities,less than15%inhibition of NO production at5l M,than the corresponding carbazole-linked thiou-reas.It has been reported that a carbazole derivative inhibited iNOS expression in the LPS-activated macro-phage.22Our results also demonstrated that both thio-urea and carbazole moieties might play an important role for their activities although carbazole moiety devoid of thiourea group revealed no activity.We expect to potentiate the activity by the structural modification of thiourea and lipophilic segment.For the further biological study of our derivatives,we examined the effects of6j,7a–7c,and7e on the expres-sion of iNOS protein and mRNA in LPS-activated RAW264.7cells.The amounts of iNOS protein were analyzed in Western blot analysis after20-h incubation with compounds during LPS(1l g/mL)activation ofmacrophages.23Compounds7b and7e significantly reduced the amounts of iNOS at10l M(Fig.2).At RT-PCR analysis,24the expression level of iNOS mRNA was increased markedly by LPS-activation for pounds7b and7e suppressed the induction of iNOS mRNA at10l M(Fig.3).These results indicated that the inhibition of NO production by thiourea deriv-atives resulted from the suppression of iNOS protein and mRNA.When we treated the compounds after the completion of iNOS induction by LPS(post-treatment),they showed weak activity compared with the results of the co-treat-ment of compounds with LPS.Even the most potent compound7e showed12%inhibition at10l M by post-treatment.These results suggested that thiourea derivatives exhibited their activities mainly through the inhibition of iNOS expression with marginal inhibi-tion against enzymatic activity.It has been reported that urea itself inhibited the activity of iNOS by transcrip-tional15and post-transcriptional16mechanisms.Many of thioureas and isothioureas were reported12,25as inhibitors of iNOS enzyme devoid of controlling the expression step.In addition,a carbazole compound,Table1.Inhibitory activities of carbazole-linked phenylureas and phenylthioureas on the NO production in LPS-induced NO productionNO NHNXR1R2R1, R2=H,alkylX = O, SCompound R1R2X Inhibition a(%)IC50b(nM) 6a H H O246b H Et O306c H Pro O146d H i-Pro O156e H Ph O286f H CH2CO2Et O386g H CH2CO2H O436h Me H O86i Et H O256j Cyclopropylmethyl H O613120±2507a H H S555310±7027b H Me S80730±1807c H Et S90901±2117d H CH2CO2Et S417e H CH2CO2H S87153±837f Et H S337g Cyclopropylmethyl H S34a Values mean the inhibition(%)of NO production at5l M concentration of compounds relative to the LPS control(n=3).b Values are means±SD of three experiments.Y.J.Kim et al./Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.17(2007)3317–332133199-(2-chlorobenzyl)-9H-carbazole-3-carbaldehyde,was reported as an inhibitor of iNOS mRNA expression through a signaling pathway that does not involve NF-j B pathway.22The exact difference between the mecha-nism of our compounds and that of the reported thioureas and carbazole derivative was not explained in this report. The study of the mechanism for the iNOS inhibition by our compounds might be worthy to pursue further.In conclusion,we prepared a series of urea and thiourea derivatives and evaluated their inhibitory activities of NO production in LPS-activated macrophages.They suppressed the release of NO into culture media through the suppression of iNOS protein and mRNA expression. The SAR studies demonstrated that thiourea is superior to urea and N3substitution of thiourea with alkyl group is highly beneficial for their activity.Further study of the other biological activities related with the overproduc-tion of NO,and the detailed mechanism for the activities of these derivatives,is in progress.Our thiourea deriva-tives that can control the expression of iNOS can be good leads for the development of therapeutic agents for the management of NO-related diseases.AcknowledgmentThis work was supported by the SRC program of MOST/KOSEF(R11-2005-017,RESEARCH CEN-TER FOR WOMEN’S DISEASES).Supplementary data Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version,at doi:10.1016/j.bmcl. 2007.04.005.References and 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transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)analysis of iNOS mRNA expression—RAW264.7 cells(1.8·106cells/60-mm dish)were stimulated for6h with LPS(1l g/mL)in the presence or absence of test compounds.After washing twice with phosphate-buffered saline,total RNA was isolated from cell pellet,using an RNA isolation reagent(Trizol,Invitrogen,Carlsbad,CA).Two micrograms of RNA was reverse transcribed into cDNA using reverse transcriptase and random hexamer.The PCR samples,contained in the reaction mixture,were comprised of mixture buffer,dNTP,Taq DNA polymerase (Promega,Madison,WI),and primers(sense and antisense).The sense and antisense primers for iNOS were50-ATGTCCGAAGCAAACATCAC-30and50-TAATGTCCAGGAAGTAGGTG-30,respectively.The sense and antisense primers for b-actin were50-TGT GATGGTGGGAATGGGTCAG-30and50-TTTGATGT CACGCACGATTTCC-30,respectively.The PCR ampli-fication was performed under following conditions;25 cycles of denaturation at94°C for30s,annealing at55°C for30s,and extension at72°C for30s,using thermal cycler(Gene Amp PCR system2400,Applied Biosystems, Foster City,CA).The amplified PCR products were separated on a2%agarose gel.25.Garvey,E.P.;Oplinger,J.A.;Tanoury,G.J.;Sherman,P.A.;Fowler,M.;Marshall,S.;Harmon,M.F.;Paith,J.E.;Furfine,E.S.J.Biol.Chem.1994,269,26669.Y.J.Kim et al./Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett.17(2007)3317–33213321。
京剧十三辙的402个音节表长按二维码,马上购买!十三辙402个音节表一七辙(音节25个)yi(一)bi (比)pi (皮)mi (米)di(地)ti(提)ni(你)li (里)ji(集)qi (七)xi (喜)yu (于)nv(女)lv(绿)ju(剧)qu(去)xu(需)zhi(之)chi(吃)shi(是)ri(日)zi(字)ci(雌)si(四)er(儿)姑苏辙(音节19个)wu (屋)bu(不)pu(普)mu(母)fu (附)bu (度)tu (土)nu(怒)lu (炉)gu(股)ku(酷)hu(虎)zhu(著)chu(处)shu (书)ru(如)zu (组)cu(粗)su(素)发花辙(音节30个)a (啊)ba (把)pa (怕)ma (马)fa (发)da (大)ta (他)na(那)la (啦)ga (嘎)ka (卡)ha (哈)zha(炸)cha(查)sha (杀)za(杂)ca (擦)sa (萨)ya (呀)lia (俩)jia(家)qia(恰)xia (下)wa(哇)gua(挂)kua(跨)hua(华)zhua(抓)chua(欻)shua (刷)梭坡辙(音节36个)e (哦)me (么)de (得)te (特)ne(呐)le (勒)ge (各)ke (可)he (和)zhe(辙)che(扯)she(社)re (若)ze(则)ce (测)se (色)o (哦)bo (播)po (破)mo (墨)fo (佛)wo(卧)duo (多)tuo(妥)nuo(诺)luo(裸)guo(过)kuo(扩)huo(或)zhuo(桌)chuo(戳)shuo(说)ruo(弱)zuo(做)cuo(错)suo(所)捏斜辙(音节17个)ye (也)bie(别)pie(撇)mie(乜)die(跌)tie(贴)nie (捏)lie(列)jie(界)qie(且)xie(些)yue(月)nue(虐)lue (略)jue(觉)que(却)xue(学)怀来辙(音节24个)ai (哎)bai(百)pai(派)mai (买)dai(待) tai (台)nai (乃)lai(来)gai(该)kai(开)hai(海)zhai(宅)chai(拆)shai(筛)zai(在)cai(菜)sai(赛)wai(外)guai(怪)kuai (快)huai(坏)zhuai(拽)chuai(踹)shuai(帅)灰堆辙(音节25个)ei (诶)bei(被)pei(呸)mei(没)fei (非)dei (得)nei (内)lei(泪)gei(给)kei(尅)hei(黑)zei (贼)wei (为)dui (对)tui(推)gui(贵)kui(魁)hui(回)zhui(追)chui (吹)shui(谁)rui(瑞)zui(最)cui(催)sui(岁)遥条辙(音节29个)ao (奥) bao(报) pao (跑)mao (毛)dao (到)tao (逃)nao (闹)lao(老) gao(搞) kao (靠)hao (好)zhao(找)chao(潮)shao(稍)rao(绕) zao(早) cao (草)sao(扫) yao(要)biao(表)piao(飘)miao(苗)diao(调)tiao(条)niao(鸟)liao(聊)jiao(焦)qiao(巧) xiao(小)油求辙(音节25个)ou (偶)pou(剖)mou(某)fou (否)dou (都)tou (头)lou(楼)gou(够)kou(口)hou(后)zhou(周)chou(抽)shou (手)rou(肉)zou(走)cou(凑)sou(搜)you (又)mou (某)diou (丢)niou(牛)liou(六)jiou(就)qiou(求)xiou (修)言前辙(音节49个)an (安)ban (办)pan (判)man (慢)fan (饭)dan (但)tan(谈)nan (男)lan (栏)gan (干)kan (看)han (函)zhan(战)chan(产)shan(山)ran (然)zan (暂)can (惨)san (三)yan (淹)bian(变)pian(片)mian(面)dian(点)tian(天)nian(年)lian(练)jian(见)qian(前)xian(先)wan (万)duan(短)tuan(团)nuan(暖)luan(卵)guan(罐)kuan(款)huan(还)zhuan(转)chuan(传)shuan(栓)uan(软)zuan(钻)cuan(窜)suan(算)yuan (元)juan(卷)quan(权)xuan(选)人晨辙(音节43个)en (嗯)ben(本)pen (盆)men (们)fen (粉)nen (嫩)gen (跟)ken(肯)hen(很)zhen(珍)chen(晨)shen(神)ren (人)zen (怎)cen(岑)sen(森)yin (音)bin (斌)pin (品)min (民)nin (您)lin(林)jin(斤)qin (亲)xin (信)wen (温)dun (吨)tun (吞)lun(论)gun(滚)kun (困)hun (混)zhun(准)chun(春)shun(顺)run(润)zun(尊)cun (村)sun (孙)yun (韵)jun (均)qun (群)xun(旬)江阳辙(音节32个)ang (昂)bang(帮)pang(胖)mang(忙)fang(芳)dang (当)tang(汤)nang (囊)lang(狼)gang(刚)kang (抗)hang(行)zhang(涨)chang(长)shang(上)rang(让)zang(脏)cang(藏)sang(桑)yang(样)niang(娘)liang (谅)jiang(将)qiang (枪)xiang(想)wang (网)guang (广)kuang(狂)huang(黄)zhuang(装)chuang(床)shuang(双)中东辙(音节48个)eng (鞥)beng(蹦)peng(碰)meng (孟)feng(凤)deng (等)teng(腾)neng (能)leng(冷)geng(庚)keng (坑)heng(哼)zheng(整)chang(成)sheng(省)reng(仍)zeng(赠)ceng (曾)seng(僧)ying (硬)bing (并)ping (平)ming(鸣)ding(定)ting (厅)ning(宁)ling (令)jing(敬)qing (请)xing(性)weng(翁)dong (冬)tong(同)nong (弄)long(隆)gong (公)kong (空)hong(红)zhong(中)chong(虫)rong(荣)zong(纵)cong (从)song(送)yong(用)jiong(炯)qiong(穷)xiong (雄)。
初中生现代汉语常用字表(2500字)字音全解(按笔划编排)一画 2个yi1 yi3一乙二画 17个er4 shi2 ding1 chang3 qi1 bu3 二十丁厂七卜ren2 ru4 ba1 jiu3 ji3 er2 人入八九几儿liao3 li4 nai3 dao1 you4了力乃刀又三画 50个san1 yu2 gan4 kui1 shi4 gong1 三于干亏士工tu3 cai2 cun4 xia4 da4 zhang4 土才寸下大丈yu3 wan4 shang4 xiao3 kou3 jin1 与万上小口巾shan1 qian1 qi3 chuan1 yi4 ge4 山千乞川亿个shao2 jiu3 fan2 ji2 xi1 wan2 勺久凡及夕丸·me guang3 wang2 men2 yi4 zhi1 么广亡门义之shi1 gong1 ji3 yi3 zi3 wei4 尸弓己已子卫ye3 nv3 fei1 ren4 xi2 cha1 也女飞刃习叉ma3 xiang1马乡四画 105个feng1 wang2 jing3 kai1 fu1 tian1 丰王井开夫天难点全解卜 bu3占卜bo萝卜“九”“乃”的首笔是“丿”于俗称“干勾于”大 da4大小dai4大夫,大王,大黄乞:乞丐gai4,乞求川:川流不息,本义是河流,不是山勺:饭勺己、已、巳si4、 (jie2)的区别:堵巳不堵己,半堵不堵才是已, 字中间少一笔。
叉 cha1鱼叉cha2叉住了cha3叉着腿cha4劈叉wu2 yuan2 zhuan1 yun2 zha1 yi4 无元专云扎艺mu4 wu3 zhi1 ting1 bu4 tai4木五支厅不太quan3 qu1 li4 you2 you3 pi3犬区历尤友匹che1 ju4 ya2 tun2 bi3 hu4 车巨牙屯比互qie1 wa3 zhi3 shao3 ri4 zhong1 切瓦止少日中gang1 bei4 nei4 shui3 jian4 wu3冈贝内水见午niu2 shou3 mao2 qi4 sheng1 chang2 牛手毛气升长ren2 shen2 pian4 pu2 hua4 chou2 仁什片仆化仇bi4 reng2 jin3 jin1 zhua3 fan3 币仍仅斤爪反jie4 fu4 cong2 jin1 xiong1 fen1 介父从今凶分fa2 gong1 cang1 yue4 shi4 wu4 乏公仓月氏勿qian4 feng1 dan1 yun2 wu1 feng4 欠风丹匀乌凤gou1 wen2 liu4 fang1 huo3 wei2 勾文六方火为dou4 yi4 ding4 ji4 hu4 ren4 斗忆订计户认xin1 chi3 yin3 chou3 ba1 kong3 心尺引丑巴孔dui4 ban4 yi3 yun3 yu4 quan4 队办以允予劝shuang1shu1 huan4双书幻五画 137个yu4 kan1 shi4 wei4 mo4 ji1 玉刊示未末击“巨”的笔顺:一コ巨“互”的笔顺:一L 互切 qie1切菜qie4一切少 shao3数量小,少数,少许shao4年纪轻,少男少女,少将什 shen2什么,疑问代词shi2①同“十”如:十分之一。
三字经弟—部分ren zhT chu xing ben shan人之初,性本善。
xingxiang jinxi xiang yuan性相近,习相远。
goubujiaoxing nai qian苟不教,性乃迁。
jiaozhTdaogui yT zhuan教之道,Ft?.[、] ..4^.贝以V oxTmeng muze Hn chu昔母,择邻处。
V ZIbuxueduan jT zhu子不学,断机杼。
douyanshanyou yi fang窦卉E八、、山,有义方。
jiaowuVZImlng ju yang教五子,名俱扬。
yangbujiaofu zhT gud养不教,父之过。
第二部分■ ■ ■ jiaobu yan shT zhT duo教不严,师之惰。
V ZIbuxuefeiSUOyi子不学,非所宜。
buzhuobucheng qi玉不琢,不成器。
wei ren ZI fang shao shi为人子,方少时。
qTnshTyouxi II yi亲师友,习礼仪。
xiang■ ■ V JIUlingneng wen xi香九龄,能温席。
xiaoydqTnsuo dang zhi孝于亲,所当执。
rongSISUIneng rang li融四岁,能让梨。
tl yu zhang yi xian zhT 弟于长,宜先知。
shou xiao ti ci jian wen 首孝悌,次见闻。
弟M都分zhT mou shu shl mou wen 知某数,识某文。
yr er shl shl er bai --而十,十而百。
bai er qian qian er wan 百而千,千而万。
san cai zhe tian di ren —•才者,天地人。
san guang zhe ri yue xTng —■光者,日月星。
san gang zhe jun chen yi —•纲者,君臣义。
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