DSP Notes 2007-08 MRV p43-52
DSP课程设计院系专业班级姓名学号目录一、实验箱系统介绍 (2)1、系统总体结构 (2)1.1 实验箱系统概述 (2)1.2 TMS320VC5402简介 (2)1.3 最小系统设计 (3)二、硬件电路模块设计 (4)1、电源模块设计 (4)2、复位电路以及时钟电路 (5)2.1复位电路 (5)2.2 时钟电路 (5)3、电平转换模块 (6)4、JTAG仿真调试接口电路设计 (7)5、数字量输入输出单元 (7)5.1 数字量输入单元 (7)5.2 数字量输出单元 (8)6、存储器扩展模块 (8)7、7279数码管显示单元和键盘电路 (9)8、语音处理单元模块 (11)8.1 TLC320AD50芯片 (12)8.2 TLC2272与LM386元件简介 (14)一、实验箱系统介绍1、系统总体结构1.1 实验箱系统概述EL-DSP-EXPII教学实验系统属于一种综合的教学实验系统,该系统采用双CPU设计,实现了DSP的多处理器协调工作。
两个DSP通过HPI口并行连接, CPU1可以通过HPI 主机接口访问CPU2的存储空间。
除此之外,在实验板上有丰富的外围扩展资源(数字、模拟信号发生器,数字量IO扩展,语音CODEC 编解码、控制对象、人机接口等单元),可以完成DSP基础实验、算法实验、控制对象实验和编解码通信试验。
1.2 TMS320VC5402简介TMS320VC5402是TI公司生产的从属于TMS320C54x系列的一个工作灵活、高速、具有较高性价比、低功耗的16位定点通用DSP芯片。
基于DSP Builder的VGA时序彩条信号发生器的设计与实现
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成 以及器件适配乃至 F G P A的配置下载 , 使得 系统 描述 与硬件
实现有机地 融合为一体 , 充分体现了现代 电子技术 自动化开发
的特点与优势 。
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收稿 日期 :0 7 1- 5 2 0 — 0- 0
作者简介 : 石(92 , , 王 18一)男 硕士研究生 , 主要从事 D PF G S 、P A图像处理研究 ; 峰 (95 )男 , 黄 15一 , 教授 , 硕士生导 师, 主要从事 图像处理研究 ; 金 良(93 )男 , 18一 , 硕士研究生 , 主要从事 D P图像处理研究。 S
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行 、 隐的逻辑与 即为复合消隐信号 , 场消 连同行 、 同步信 场 号 即产生了 V A接 口的时序信号 。 G
22彩条信号生成 模块 - V A彩条信 号 生成模 块主 要 由地址 发生器 和 84位 的 G 2
V A时序信号产生模块包括行点数计数器 ( 1、 G 图 )场行数 计数器 、 场状态机 ( 2 、 图 )行状态机( 3。其 中行点数计数器 图 ) 是模 80 0 计数器 , 场行数计数器是模 55 2 计数器 。行点数器计
对 电子束进行行 消隐, 每行结束时 , 用行同步信号进行行同步 ;
扫描完所有行 , 用场同步信号进行场 同步 , 并使 扫描 回到屏幕 的左上方 , 同时进行场消隐 , 并预备进行下一次 的扫描。
V A显示器 要严格遵循 “ G G V A工 业标准 ” ,即 6 0 z 4H × 4 0 ×6 H 模式 。通常用的显示器都满足工业标准 , 8Hz 0 z 因此设
User’s Guide for Quantum ESPRESSO(version4.2.0)Contents1Introduction31.1What can Quantum ESPRESSO do (4)1.2People (6)1.3Contacts (8)1.4Terms of use (9)2Installation92.1Download (9)2.2Prerequisites (10)2.3configure (11)2.3.1Manual configuration (13)2.4Libraries (13)2.4.1If optimized libraries are not found (14)2.5Compilation (15)2.6Running examples (17)2.7Installation tricks and problems (19)2.7.1All architectures (19)2.7.2Cray XT machines (19)2.7.3IBM AIX (20)2.7.4Linux PC (20)2.7.5Linux PC clusters with MPI (22)2.7.6Intel Mac OS X (23)2.7.7SGI,Alpha (24)3Parallelism253.1Understanding Parallelism (25)3.2Running on parallel machines (25)3.3Parallelization levels (26)3.3.1Understanding parallel I/O (28)3.4Tricks and problems (29)4Using Quantum ESPRESSO314.1Input data (31)4.2Datafiles (32)4.3Format of arrays containing charge density,potential,etc (32)5Using PWscf335.1Electronic structure calculations (33)5.2Optimization and dynamics (35)5.3Nudged Elastic Band calculation (35)6Phonon calculations376.1Single-q calculation (37)6.2Calculation of interatomic force constants in real space (37)6.3Calculation of electron-phonon interaction coefficients (38)6.4Distributed Phonon calculations (38)7Post-processing397.1Plotting selected quantities (39)7.2Band structure,Fermi surface (39)7.3Projection over atomic states,DOS (39)7.4Wannier functions (40)7.5Other tools (40)8Using CP408.1Reaching the electronic ground state (42)8.2Relax the system (43)8.3CP dynamics (45)8.4Advanced usage (47)8.4.1Self-interaction Correction (47)8.4.2ensemble-DFT (48)8.4.3Treatment of USPPs (50)9Performances519.1Execution time (51)9.2Memory requirements (52)9.3File space requirements (52)9.4Parallelization issues (52)10Troubleshooting5410.1pw.x problems (54)10.2PostProc (61)10.3ph.x errors (62)11Frequently Asked Questions(F AQ)6311.1General (63)11.2Installation (63)11.3Pseudopotentials (64)11.4Input data (65)11.5Parallel execution (66)11.6Frequent errors during execution (66)11.7Self Consistency (67)11.8Phonons (69)1IntroductionThis guide covers the installation and usage of Quantum ESPRESSO(opEn-Source Package for Research in Electronic Structure,Simulation,and Optimization),version4.2.0.The Quantum ESPRESSO distribution contains the following core packages for the cal-culation of electronic-structure properties within Density-Functional Theory(DFT),using a Plane-Wave(PW)basis set and pseudopotentials(PP):•PWscf(Plane-Wave Self-Consistent Field).•CP(Car-Parrinello).It also includes the following more specialized packages:•PHonon:phonons with Density-Functional Perturbation Theory.•PostProc:various utilities for data postprocessing.•PWcond:ballistic conductance.•GIPAW(Gauge-Independent Projector Augmented Waves):EPR g-tensor and NMR chem-ical shifts.•XSPECTRA:K-edge X-ray adsorption spectra.•vdW:(experimental)dynamic polarizability.•GWW:(experimental)GW calculation using Wannier functions.The following auxiliary codes are included as well:•PWgui:a Graphical User Interface,producing input datafiles for PWscf.•atomic:a program for atomic calculations and generation of pseudopotentials.•QHA:utilities for the calculation of projected density of states(PDOS)and of the free energy in the Quasi-Harmonic Approximation(to be used in conjunction with PHonon).•PlotPhon:phonon dispersion plotting utility(to be used in conjunction with PHonon).A copy of required external libraries are included:•iotk:an Input-Output ToolKit.•PMG:Multigrid solver for Poisson equation.•BLAS and LAPACKFinally,several additional packages that exploit data produced by Quantum ESPRESSO can be installed as plug-ins:•Wannier90:maximally localized Wannier functions(/),writ-ten by A.Mostofi,J.Yates,Y.-S Lee.•WanT:quantum transport properties with Wannier functions.•YAMBO:optical excitations with Many-Body Perturbation Theory.This guide documents PWscf,CP,PHonon,PostProc.The remaining packages have separate documentation.The Quantum ESPRESSO codes work on many different types of Unix machines,in-cluding parallel machines using both OpenMP and MPI(Message Passing Interface).Running Quantum ESPRESSO on Mac OS X and MS-Windows is also possible:see section2.2.Further documentation,beyond what is provided in this guide,can be found in:•the pw forum mailing list(pw forum@).You can subscribe to this list,browse and search its archives(links in /contacts.php).Only subscribed users can post.Please search the archives before posting:your question may have already been answered.•the Doc/directory of the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution,containing a detailed de-scription of input data for most codes infiles INPUT*.txt and INPUT*.html,plus and a few additional pdf documents;people who want to contribute to Quantum ESPRESSO should read the Developer Manual,developer man.pdf.•the Quantum ESPRESSO Wiki:/wiki/index.php/Main Page.This guide does not explain solid state physics and its computational methods.If you want to learn that,you should read a good textbook,such as e.g.the book by Richard Martin: Electronic Structure:Basic Theory and Practical Methods,Cambridge University Press(2004). See also the Reference Paper section in the Wiki.This guide assume that you know the basic Unix concepts(shell,execution path,directories etc.)and utilities.If you don’t,you will have a hard time running Quantum ESPRESSO.All trademarks mentioned in this guide belong to their respective owners.1.1What can Quantum ESPRESSO doPWscf can currently perform the following kinds of calculations:•ground-state energy and one-electron(Kohn-Sham)orbitals;•atomic forces,stresses,and structural optimization;•molecular dynamics on the ground-state Born-Oppenheimer surface,also with variable cell;•Nudged Elastic Band(NEB)and Fourier String Method Dynamics(SMD)for energy barriers and reaction paths;•macroscopic polarization andfinite electricfields via the modern theory of polarization (Berry Phases).All of the above works for both insulators and metals,in any crystal structure,for many exchange-correlation(XC)functionals(including spin polarization,DFT+U,hybrid function-als),for norm-conserving(Hamann-Schluter-Chiang)PPs(NCPPs)in separable form or Ultra-soft(Vanderbilt)PPs(USPPs)or Projector Augmented Waves(PAW)method.Non-collinear magnetism and spin-orbit interactions are also implemented.An implementation offinite elec-tricfields with a sawtooth potential in a supercell is also available.PHonon can perform the following types of calculations:•phonon frequencies and eigenvectors at a generic wave vector,using Density-Functional Perturbation Theory;•effective charges and dielectric tensors;•electron-phonon interaction coefficients for metals;•interatomic force constants in real space;•third-order anharmonic phonon lifetimes;•Infrared and Raman(nonresonant)cross section.PHonon can be used whenever PWscf can be used,with the exceptions of DFT+U and hybrid functionals.PAW is not implemented for higher-order response calculations.Calculations,in the Quasi-Harmonic approximations,of the vibrational free energy can be performed using the QHA package.PostProc can perform the following types of calculations:•Scanning Tunneling Microscopy(STM)images;•plots of Electron Localization Functions(ELF);•Density of States(DOS)and Projected DOS(PDOS);•L¨o wdin charges;•planar and spherical averages;plus interfacing with a number of graphical utilities and with external codes.CP can perform Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics,including variable-cell dynamics.1.2PeopleIn the following,the cited affiliation is either the current one or the one where the last known contribution was done.The maintenance and further development of the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution is promoted by the DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center of IOM-CNR under the coor-dination of Paolo Giannozzi(Univ.Udine,Italy)and Layla Martin-Samos(Democritos)with the strong support of the CINECA National Supercomputing Center in Bologna under the responsibility of Carlo Cavazzoni.The PWscf package(which included PHonon and PostProc in earlier releases)was origi-nally developed by Stefano Baroni,Stefano de Gironcoli,Andrea Dal Corso(SISSA),Paolo Giannozzi,and many others.We quote in particular:•Matteo Cococcioni(Univ.Minnesota)for DFT+U implementation;•David Vanderbilt’s group at Rutgers for Berry’s phase calculations;•Ralph Gebauer(ICTP,Trieste)and Adriano Mosca Conte(SISSA,Trieste)for noncolinear magnetism;•Andrea Dal Corso for spin-orbit interactions;•Carlo Sbraccia(Princeton)for NEB,Strings method,for improvements to structural optimization and to many other parts;•Paolo Umari(Democritos)forfinite electricfields;•Renata Wentzcovitch and collaborators(Univ.Minnesota)for variable-cell molecular dynamics;•Lorenzo Paulatto(Univ.Paris VI)for PAW implementation,built upon previous work by Guido Fratesi(ano Bicocca)and Riccardo Mazzarello(ETHZ-USI Lugano);•Ismaila Dabo(INRIA,Palaiseau)for electrostatics with free boundary conditions.For PHonon,we mention in particular:•Michele Lazzeri(Univ.Paris VI)for the2n+1code and Raman cross section calculation with2nd-order response;•Andrea Dal Corso for USPP,noncollinear,spin-orbit extensions to PHonon.For PostProc,we mention:•Andrea Benassi(SISSA)for the epsilon utility;•Norbert Nemec(U.Cambridge)for the pw2casino utility;•Dmitry Korotin(Inst.Met.Phys.Ekaterinburg)for the wannier ham utility.The CP package is based on the original code written by Roberto Car and Michele Parrinello. CP was developed by Alfredo Pasquarello(IRRMA,Lausanne),Kari Laasonen(Oulu),Andrea Trave,Roberto Car(Princeton),Nicola Marzari(Univ.Oxford),Paolo Giannozzi,and others. FPMD,later merged with CP,was developed by Carlo Cavazzoni,Gerardo Ballabio(CINECA), Sandro Scandolo(ICTP),Guido Chiarotti(SISSA),Paolo Focher,and others.We quote in particular:•Carlo Sbraccia(Princeton)for NEB;•Manu Sharma(Princeton)and Yudong Wu(Princeton)for maximally localized Wannier functions and dynamics with Wannier functions;•Paolo Umari(Democritos)forfinite electricfields and conjugate gradients;•Paolo Umari and Ismaila Dabo for ensemble-DFT;•Xiaofei Wang(Princeton)for META-GGA;•The Autopilot feature was implemented by Targacept,Inc.Other packages in Quantum ESPRESSO:•PWcond was written by Alexander Smogunov(SISSA)and Andrea Dal Corso.For an introduction,see http://people.sissa.it/~smogunov/PWCOND/pwcond.html•GIPAW()was written by Davide Ceresoli(MIT),Ari Seitsonen (Univ.Zurich),Uwe Gerstmann,Francesco Mauri(Univ.Paris VI).•PWgui was written by Anton Kokalj(IJS Ljubljana)and is based on his GUIB concept (http://www-k3.ijs.si/kokalj/guib/).•atomic was written by Andrea Dal Corso and it is the result of many additions to the original code by Paolo Giannozzi and others.Lorenzo Paulatto wrote the PAW extension.•iotk(http://www.s3.infm.it/iotk)was written by Giovanni Bussi(SISSA).•XSPECTRA was written by Matteo Calandra(Univ.Paris VI)and collaborators.•VdW was contributed by Huy-Viet Nguyen(SISSA).•GWW was written by Paolo Umari and Geoffrey Stenuit(Democritos).•QHA amd PlotPhon were contributed by Eyvaz Isaev(Moscow Steel and Alloy Inst.and Linkoping and Uppsala Univ.).Other relevant contributions to Quantum ESPRESSO:•Andrea Ferretti(MIT)contributed the qexml and sumpdos utility,helped withfile formats and with various problems;•Hannu-Pekka Komsa(CSEA/Lausanne)contributed the HSE functional;•Dispersions interaction in the framework of DFT-D were contributed by Daniel Forrer (Padua Univ.)and Michele Pavone(Naples Univ.Federico II);•Filippo Spiga(ano Bicocca)contributed the mixed MPI-OpenMP paralleliza-tion;•The initial BlueGene porting was done by Costas Bekas and Alessandro Curioni(IBM Zurich);•Gerardo Ballabio wrote thefirst configure for Quantum ESPRESSO•Audrius Alkauskas(IRRMA),Uli Aschauer(Princeton),Simon Binnie(Univ.College London),Guido Fratesi,Axel Kohlmeyer(UPenn),Konstantin Kudin(Princeton),Sergey Lisenkov(Univ.Arkansas),Nicolas Mounet(MIT),William Parker(Ohio State Univ), Guido Roma(CEA),Gabriele Sclauzero(SISSA),Sylvie Stucki(IRRMA),Pascal Thibaudeau (CEA),Vittorio Zecca,Federico Zipoli(Princeton)answered questions on the mailing list, found bugs,helped in porting to new architectures,wrote some code.An alphabetical list of further contributors includes:Dario Alf`e,Alain Allouche,Francesco Antoniella,Francesca Baletto,Mauro Boero,Nicola Bonini,Claudia Bungaro,Paolo Cazzato, Gabriele Cipriani,Jiayu Dai,Cesar Da Silva,Alberto Debernardi,Gernot Deinzer,Yves Ferro, Martin Hilgeman,Yosuke Kanai,Nicolas Lacorne,Stephane Lefranc,Kurt Maeder,Andrea Marini,Pasquale Pavone,Mickael Profeta,Kurt Stokbro,Paul Tangney,Antonio Tilocca,Jaro Tobik,Malgorzata Wierzbowska,Silviu Zilberman,and let us apologize to everybody we have forgotten.This guide was mostly written by Paolo Giannozzi.Gerardo Ballabio and Carlo Cavazzoni wrote the section on CP.1.3ContactsThe web site for Quantum ESPRESSO is /.Releases and patches can be downloaded from this site or following the links contained in it.The main entry point for developers is the QE-forge web site:/.The recommended place where to ask questions about installation and usage of Quantum ESPRESSO,and to report bugs,is the pw forum mailing list:pw forum@.Here you can receive news about Quantum ESPRESSO and obtain help from the developers and from knowledgeable users.You have to be subscribed in order to post to the list.Please browse or search the archive–links are available in the”Contacts”page of the Quantum ESPRESSO web site,/contacts.php–before posting: many questions are asked over and over again.NOTA BENE:only messages that appear to come from the registered user’s e-mail address,in its exact form,will be accepted.Messages”waiting for moderator approval”are automatically deleted with no further processing(sorry,too much spam).In case of trouble,carefully check that your return e-mail is the correct one(i.e.the one you used to subscribe).Since pw forum averages∼10message a day,an alternative low-traffic mailing list,pw users@,is provided for those interested only in Quantum ESPRESSO-related news,such as e.g.announcements of new versions,tutorials,etc..You can subscribe(but not post)to this list from the Quantum ESPRESSO web site.If you need to contact the developers for specific questions about coding,proposals,offersof help,etc.,send a message to the developers’mailing list:user q-e-developers,address.1.4Terms of useQuantum ESPRESSO is free software,released under the GNU General Public License. See /licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt,or thefile License in the distribution).We shall greatly appreciate if scientific work done using this code will contain an explicit acknowledgment and the following reference:P.Giannozzi,S.Baroni,N.Bonini,M.Calandra,R.Car,C.Cavazzoni,D.Ceresoli,G.L.Chiarotti,M.Cococcioni,I.Dabo,A.Dal Corso,S.Fabris,G.Fratesi,S.deGironcoli,R.Gebauer,U.Gerstmann,C.Gougoussis,A.Kokalj,zzeri,L.Martin-Samos,N.Marzari,F.Mauri,R.Mazzarello,S.Paolini,A.Pasquarello,L.Paulatto, C.Sbraccia,S.Scandolo,G.Sclauzero, A.P.Seitsonen, A.Smo-gunov,P.Umari,R.M.Wentzcovitch,J.Phys.:Condens.Matter21,395502(2009),/abs/0906.2569Note the form Quantum ESPRESSO for textual citations of the code.Pseudopotentials should be cited as(for instance)[]We used the pseudopotentials C.pbe-rrjkus.UPF and O.pbe-vbc.UPF from.2Installation2.1DownloadPresently,Quantum ESPRESSO is only distributed in source form;some precompiled exe-cutables(binaryfiles)are provided only for PWgui.Stable releases of the Quantum ESPRESSO source package(current version is4.2.0)can be downloaded from this URL:/download.php.Uncompress and unpack the core distribution using the command:tar zxvf espresso-X.Y.Z.tar.gz(a hyphen before”zxvf”is optional)where X.Y.Z stands for the version number.If your version of tar doesn’t recognize the”z”flag:gunzip-c espresso-X.Y.Z.tar.gz|tar xvf-A directory espresso-X.Y.Z/will be created.Given the size of the complete distribution,you may need to download more packages and to unpack them following the same procedure(they will unpack into the same directory).Plug-ins should instead be downloaded into subdirectory plugin/archive but not unpacked or uncompressed:command make will take care of this during installation.Occasionally,patches for the current version,fixing some errors and bugs,may be distributed as a”diff”file.In order to install a patch(for instance):cd espresso-X.Y.Z/patch-p1</path/to/the/diff/file/patch-file.diffIf more than one patch is present,they should be applied in the correct order.Daily snapshots of the development version can be downloaded from the developers’site :follow the link”Quantum ESPRESSO”,then”SCM”.Beware:the develop-ment version is,well,under development:use at your own risk!The bravest may access the development version via anonymous CVS(Concurrent Version System):see the Developer Manual(Doc/developer man.pdf),section”Using CVS”.The Quantum ESPRESSO distribution contains several directories.Some of them are common to all packages:Modules/sourcefiles for modules that are common to all programsinclude/files*.h included by fortran and C sourcefilesclib/external libraries written in Cflib/external libraries written in Fortraniotk/Input/Output Toolkitinstall/installation scripts and utilitiespseudo/pseudopotentialfiles used by examplesupftools/converters to unified pseudopotential format(UPF)examples/sample input and outputfilesDoc/general documentationwhile others are specific to a single package:PW/PWscf:sourcefiles for scf calculations(pw.x)pwtools/PWscf:sourcefiles for miscellaneous analysis programstests/PWscf:automated testsPP/PostProc:sourcefiles for post-processing of pw.x datafilePH/PHonon:sourcefiles for phonon calculations(ph.x)and analysisGamma/PHonon:sourcefiles for Gamma-only phonon calculation(phcg.x)D3/PHonon:sourcefiles for third-order derivative calculations(d3.x)PWCOND/PWcond:sourcefiles for conductance calculations(pwcond.x)vdW/VdW:sourcefiles for molecular polarizability calculation atfinite frequency CPV/CP:sourcefiles for Car-Parrinello code(cp.x)atomic/atomic:sourcefiles for the pseudopotential generation package(ld1.x) atomic doc/Documentation,tests and examples for atomicGUI/PWGui:Graphical User Interface2.2PrerequisitesTo install Quantum ESPRESSO from source,you needfirst of all a minimal Unix envi-ronment:basically,a command shell(e.g.,bash or tcsh)and the utilities make,awk,sed. MS-Windows users need to have Cygwin(a UNIX environment which runs under Windows) installed:see /.Note that the scripts contained in the distribution assume that the local language is set to the standard,i.e.”C”;other settings may break them. Use export LC ALL=C(sh/bash)or setenv LC ALL C(csh/tcsh)to prevent any problem when running scripts(including installation scripts).Second,you need C and Fortran-95compilers.For parallel execution,you will also need MPI libraries and a“parallel”(i.e.MPI-aware)compiler.For massively parallel machines,or for simple multicore parallelization,an OpenMP-aware compiler and libraries are also required.Big machines with specialized hardware(e.g.IBM SP,CRAY,etc)typically have a Fortran-95compiler with MPI and OpenMP libraries bundled with the software.Workstations or“commodity”machines,using PC hardware,may or may not have the needed software.If not,you need either to buy a commercial product(e.g Portland)or to install an open-source compiler like gfortran or g95.Note that several commercial compilers are available free of charge under some license for academic or personal usage(e.g.Intel,Sun).2.3configureTo install the Quantum ESPRESSO source package,run the configure script.This is ac-tually a wrapper to the true configure,located in the install/subdirectory.configure will(try to)detect compilers and libraries available on your machine,and set up things accordingly. Presently it is expected to work on most Linux32-and64-bit PCs(all Intel and AMD CPUs)and PC clusters,SGI Altix,IBM SP machines,NEC SX,Cray XT machines,Mac OS X,MS-Windows PCs.It may work with some assistance also on other architectures(see below).Instructions for the impatient:cd espresso-X.Y.Z/./configuremake allSymlinks to executable programs will be placed in the bin/subdirectory.Note that both Cand Fortran compilers must be in your execution path,as specified in the PATH environment variable.Additional instructions for CRAY XT,NEC SX,Linux PowerPC machines with xlf:./configure ARCH=crayxt4./configure ARCH=necsx./configure ARCH=ppc64-mnconfigure Generates the followingfiles:install/make.sys compilation rules andflags(used by Makefile)install/configure.msg a report of the configuration run(not needed for compilation)install/config.log detailed log of the configuration run(may be needed for debugging) include/fft defs.h defines fortran variable for C pointer(used only by FFTW)include/c defs.h defines C to fortran calling conventionand a few more definitions used by CfilesNOTA BENE:unlike previous versions,configure no longer runs the makedeps.sh shell scriptthat updates dependencies.If you modify the sources,run./install/makedeps.sh or type make depend to updatefiles make.depend in the various subdirectories.You should always be able to compile the Quantum ESPRESSO suite of programs without having to edit any of the generatedfiles.However you may have to tune configure by specifying appropriate environment variables and/or command-line ually the tricky part is toget external libraries recognized and used:see Sec.2.4for details and hints.Environment variables may be set in any of these ways:export VARIABLE=value;./configure#sh,bash,kshsetenv VARIABLE value;./configure#csh,tcsh./configure VARIABLE=value#any shellSome environment variables that are relevant to configure are:ARCH label identifying the machine type(see below)F90,F77,CC names of Fortran95,Fortran77,and C compilersMPIF90name of parallel Fortran95compiler(using MPI)CPP sourcefile preprocessor(defaults to$CC-E)LD linker(defaults to$MPIF90)(C,F,F90,CPP,LD)FLAGS compilation/preprocessor/loaderflagsLIBDIRS extra directories where to search for librariesFor example,the following command line:./configure MPIF90=mpf90FFLAGS="-O2-assume byterecl"\CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O3LDFLAGS=-staticinstructs configure to use mpf90as Fortran95compiler withflags-O2-assume byterecl, gcc as C compiler withflags-O3,and to link withflag-static.Note that the value of FFLAGS must be quoted,because it contains spaces.NOTA BENE:do not pass compiler names with the leading path included.F90=f90xyz is ok,F90=/path/to/f90xyz is not.Do not use environmental variables with configure unless they are needed!try configure with no options as afirst step.If your machine type is unknown to configure,you may use the ARCH variable to suggest an architecture among supported ones.Some large parallel machines using a front-end(e.g. Cray XT)will actually need it,or else configure will correctly recognize the front-end but not the specialized compilation environment of those machines.In some cases,cross-compilation requires to specify the target machine with the--host option.This feature has not been extensively tested,but we had at least one successful report(compilation for NEC SX6on a PC).Currently supported architectures are:ia32Intel32-bit machines(x86)running Linuxia64Intel64-bit(Itanium)running Linuxx8664Intel and AMD64-bit running Linux-see note belowaix IBM AIX machinessolaris PC’s running SUN-Solarissparc Sun SPARC machinescrayxt4Cray XT4/5machinesmacppc Apple PowerPC machines running Mac OS Xmac686Apple Intel machines running Mac OS Xcygwin MS-Windows PCs with Cygwinnecsx NEC SX-6and SX-8machinesppc64Linux PowerPC machines,64bitsppc64-mn as above,with IBM xlf compilerNote:x8664replaces amd64since v.4.1.Cray Unicos machines,SGI machines with MIPS architecture,HP-Compaq Alphas are no longer supported since v.4.2.0.Finally,configure recognizes the following command-line options:--enable-parallel compile for parallel execution if possible(default:yes)--enable-openmp compile for openmp execution if possible(default:no)--enable-shared use shared libraries if available(default:yes)--disable-wrappers disable C to fortran wrapper check(default:enabled)--enable-signals enable signal trapping(default:disabled)and the following optional packages:--with-internal-blas compile with internal BLAS(default:no)--with-internal-lapack compile with internal LAPACK(default:no)--with-scalapack use ScaLAPACK if available(default:yes)If you want to modify the configure script(advanced users only!),see the Developer Manual.2.3.1Manual configurationIf configure stops before the end,and you don’tfind a way tofix it,you have to write working make.sys,include/fft defs.h and include/c defs.hfiles.For the latter twofiles,follow the explanations in include/defs.h.README.If configure has run till the end,you should need only to edit make.sys.A few templates (each for a different machine type)are provided in the install/directory:they have names of the form Make.system,where system is a string identifying the architecture and compiler.The template used by configure is also found there as make.sys.in and contains explanations of the meaning of the various variables.The difficult part will be to locate libraries.Note that you will need to select appropriate preprocessingflags in conjunction with the desired or available libraries(e.g.you need to add-D FFTW)to DFLAGS if you want to link internal FFTW).For a correct choice of preprocessingflags,refer to the documentation in include/defs.h.README.NOTA BENE:If you change any settings(e.g.preprocessing,compilationflags)after a previous(successful or failed)compilation,you must run make clean before recompiling,unless you know exactly which routines are affected by the changed settings and how to force their recompilation.2.4LibrariesQuantum ESPRESSO makes use of the following external libraries:•BLAS(/blas/)and•LAPACK(/lapack/)for linear algebra•FFTW(/)for Fast Fourier TransformsA copy of the needed routines is provided with the distribution.However,when available, optimized vendor-specific libraries should be used:this often yields huge performance gains. BLAS and LAPACK Quantum ESPRESSO can use the following architecture-specific replacements for BLAS and LAPACK:MKL for Intel Linux PCsACML for AMD Linux PCsESSL for IBM machinesSCSL for SGI AltixSUNperf for SunIf none of these is available,we suggest that you use the optimized ATLAS library:see /.Note that ATLAS is not a complete replacement for LAPACK:it contains all of the BLAS,plus the LU code,plus the full storage Cholesky code. Follow the instructions in the ATLAS distributions to produce a full LAPACK replacement.Sergei Lisenkov reported success and good performances with optimized BLAS by Kazushige Goto.They can be freely downloaded,but not redistributed.See the”GotoBLAS2”item at /tacc-projects/.FFT Quantum ESPRESSO has an internal copy of an old FFTW version,and it can use the following vendor-specific FFT libraries:IBM ESSLSGI SCSLSUN sunperfNEC ASLAMD ACMLconfigure willfirst search for vendor-specific FFT libraries;if none is found,it will search for an external FFTW v.3library;if none is found,it will fall back to the internal copy of FFTW.If you have recent versions of MKL installed,you may try the FFTW interface provided with MKL.You will have to compile them(only sources are distributed with the MKL library) and to modifyfile make.sys accordingly(MKL must be linked after the FFTW-MKL interface)MPI libraries MPI libraries are usually needed for parallel execution(unless you are happy with OpenMP multicore parallelization).In well-configured machines,configure shouldfind the appropriate parallel compiler for you,and this shouldfind the appropriate libraries.Since often this doesn’t happen,especially on PC clusters,see Sec.2.7.5.Other libraries Quantum ESPRESSO can use the MASS vector math library from IBM, if available(only on AIX).2.4.1If optimized libraries are not foundThe configure script attempts tofind optimized libraries,but may fail if they have been in-stalled in non-standard places.You should examine thefinal value of BLAS LIBS,LAPACK LIBS, FFT LIBS,MPI LIBS(if needed),MASS LIBS(IBM only),either in the output of configure or in the generated make.sys,to check whether it found all the libraries that you intend to use.If some library was not found,you can specify a list of directories to search in the envi-ronment variable LIBDIRS,and rerun configure;directories in the list must be separated by spaces.For example:./configure LIBDIRS="/opt/intel/mkl70/lib/32/usr/lib/math"If this still fails,you may set some or all of the*LIBS variables manually and retry.For example:./configure BLAS_LIBS="-L/usr/lib/math-lf77blas-latlas_sse"Beware that in this case,configure will blindly accept the specified value,and won’t do any extra search.。
TMS320LF24xx:PLL可以由RC 调节,因此外部时钟为4MHz-20MHz。
4)TMS320C6000系列:TMS320C62xx:PLL可以×1,×4,×6,×7,×8,×9,×10和×11,因此外部主频可以为11.8MHz -300MHz。
TMS320C2000 系统应用开发套件 v1.0 2Ph 交流滤波电源 (ILPFC) EVM 规
2Ph Interleaved PFC (ILPFC) EVM SpecificationInput Voltage (AC Line): 100V (Min) to 260V (Max), 47~63HzRated Output Voltage: 390VdcRated Output Power: 700 Watts @220V input, 550 Watts @110V input (forced cooling required) Rated Load efficiency: 96%@220V input, 93% @110V inputPower factor at 50% or greater load – 0.98 (Min)PWM frequency 200kHz2Ph ILPFC GUI OverviewThe ILPFC GUI provides a simple interface to evaluate some of the functionalities of the ILPFC EVM Kit. The GUI is written in C# using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET with the source code located at:..\controlSUITE\development_kits\ILPFC\~GUI\~Source\The ILPFC GUI features:•Monitor some of the IL PFC EVM parameters such as, DC bus voltage Vbus, RMS AC input voltage Vrms, RMS input current, RMS input power and the frequency of the AC input voltage.•Ability to setup startup configuration.Getting StartedSetting up the HardwareCautionThere are high voltages present on the ILPFC board. It should only be handled by experienced power supply professionals in a lab environment. To safely evaluate this board an isolated AC source should be used to power up the unit. Before AC power is applied to the board a voltmeter and an appropriate resistive load should be attached to the output. This will discharge the bus capacitor quickly when the AC power is turned off. The board has not been tested with electronic load and so the use of such load is not recommended. There is no output overcurrent protection implemented on the board and so the user should take appropriate measures for preventing any output short circuit condition.•Connect an USB cable to the Piccolo (CC2803x) controller card for emulation. Connect the other end of the cable to the PC USB port.•Connect the external +12Vdc supply (provided with the ILPFC EVM package) at JP1 to power up all the control circuit for now. By default, Piccolo controller is enabled to boot from FLASH and run the ILPFC code. The user should not use the RAM to program or run the ILPFC code.•Turn on the switch SW1 by placing it towards the electrolytic caps (C5, C6 and C7). This will apply the external +12V supply to the ILPFC board. Piccolo controller will now boot from the FLASH and start executing the ILPFC code. Following this one of the LEDs (LED3 on the CC2803x control card) will start flashing periodically. The flashing LED is an indication of the code being executed from the FLASH memory. However, the PFC bus will remain at 0V since at this point we haven’t yet applied the AC input voltage.•Now select an appropriate isolated AC power supply (100Vac to 260Vac, 47Hz~63Hz, 1000VA min) to provide input power to the ILPFC EVM. Connect the ac supply to the ILPFC EVM input connector P1 but do not turn on the AC power at this time.•Connect an appropriate resistive load to the ILPFC DC output terminals (PFC-Out & GND terminals). Resistive loads within the range of 10W ~ 700W are recommended. Set the initial load to about 50W~80W. A 2K ohm resistor will provide about 80W load at 400V dc bus. This board has not been tested with electronic load.Running the ApplicationBy default the hardware is configured to boot from a pre-Flashed code. The GUI only works with the F2803x_FLASH configuration in the corresponding CCS project.Note that the General Purpose GUI requires Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 or higher to run. Please ensure that this software is installed prior to running this program.1) Browse to..\controlSUITE\development_kits\ILPFC\~GUI and double-click onILPFC-GUI.exe. The following figure shows a screen shot for the ILPFC GUI when connected to the ILPFC EVM.2) Click “Setup Connection” on the GUI3) Ensure the Baud Rate is set to 57600.4) Next you will need to select your serial comport.a. If the comport that the target is connected to is known please select it.b. Otherwise use the “Find Comport” tool to find the serial port connection that is connectedto the EVM board.1. Ensure that the target F2803x MCU is setup to boot from a pre-Flashed code (seerelated control card documentation for setting up boot up configuration)2. Click “Find Comport” then follow the instructions shown at the bottom of the window.This will run through a short automated test to find the COM port that is connected tothe EVM board.3. Following the test you should see “Comport Found: COMXX” appear near the bottomof the window. If the GUI is unable to find a valid comport after fixing/checking all errorsreceived then retry this process to find the proper comport using option c.c. Manually find the comport by going to:Control Panel->System->Hardware tab->Device Manager->Ports(COM & LPT).If using a serial port directly connected to a PC, look for a comport which shows up as “Communications Port” and select this comport in the Setup Connection window.5) Ensure “Boot on Connect” is unchecked.6) Click “OK”7) On the Main Window click “Connect”. The GUI should now connect to the target and be readyfor use.8) Select the parameter update rate as shown below:GUI Structure•Monitor – section displays various system parameter values. These include PFC status, input AC RMS voltage, input current, input power, input AC line frequency and PFC output voltage.•Update Rate– changes the rate at which the GUI updates the parameters in the Monitor section.•Setup Connection – opens a new window which contains the serial port and boot settings.•Connect/Disconnect – begins serial port communication with the target board.Using the GUI•Once the hardware is set-up correctly and the application program (pre-flashed code) is tested to run with the GUI, then close the GUI, turn OFF the switch SW1 and disconnect the external+12Vdc supply.•Turn off the switch SW1 by placing it away from the electrolytic caps (C5, C6 and C7). This will allow the isolated bias supply (the small bias supply board mounted at location M2 close to the PFC AC input connector P1) provide +12Vdc output when the AC power is turned on.•Set the AC input voltage to around 60Vac, 60Hz. Now turn on the AC power source. This will allow the isolated bias supply to turn on (after some delay) and provide +12V output. Piccolo controller will now boot from the FLASH and start executing the ILPFC code. LED3 on the CC2803x control card will start flashing periodically. With the AC input set to 60Vac, the PFC DC bus voltage will not ramp up to rated output.•Bring up the ILPFC GUI (as described before) and monitor the PFC parameters. At this point all the PFC parameters except the “PFC Status” bit should be available.• Now increase the AC input voltage to around 120Vac, 60Hz. The unit will detect this minimum input voltage and the corresponding DC bus voltage (160Vdc minimum). This condition must be met in order to soft-start the PFC.•The PFC output will now ramp according to the slew rate to the rated bus voltage (~390Vdc). •When the soft-start is complete, the “PFC Status” bit on the GUI will change to 1 indicating that the PFC is on.•Now verify the effect on the dc bus voltage and on the input power factor when the input voltage (100Vrms ~ 260Vrms) or the load power (0~550W @110Vin, 0~700W @220Vin,) is varied. The dc bus should be regulated at 390V under all conditions. Depending on theload(10% and higher) and line conditions, the power factor for the input current will vary from0.95 to 0.999. The first set of waveform below shows the PFC input voltage and current whenthe input voltage is about 110V and the PFC load is about 550W load. The second one shows the input current and PFC DC bus response for step load between 240W ~ 400W when the input voltage is set to 120Vrms.•Monitor the PFC parameters on the GUI and verify the reported values.•When turning off ac power, ensure that the AC power is turned off first. Then wait for a few minutes before disconnecting the GUI.ReferencesFor more information please refer to the following guides:•ILPFC User Guide – provides detailed information on the ILPFC project within an easy to use lab-style format...\controlSUITE\development_kits\ILPFC\~Docs\ILPFC.pdf•ILPFC_Rel-1.0-HWdevPkg– a folder containing various files related to the Piccolo-A controller card schematics...\controlSUITE\development_kits\ILPFC\ILPFC_HWDevPkg•F28xxx User’s Guides/f28xuserguides。
DSP2407+CPLD DSP开发板 FPGA开发板DSP学习板2407开发板∙一口价:520.00元∙运费:平邮: 15.00元快递:15.00元EMS:20.00元我要买:(库存10件)∙本期售出:0件∙剩余时间:2天11小时∙30天售出:0件∙所在城市:广东广州∙宝贝类型:全新∙浏览次数:11次∙收藏人气:2 类似收藏∙保障服务:此宝贝支持支付宝,网上汇款免手续费。
收货满意后卖家才能拿钱,货款都安全!放大图片掌柜档案bawgijfd1旺旺在线∙卖家信用:458∙买家信用:103∙卖家好评率:99.78%∙买家好评率:99.05%∙创店时间:2007-10-29认证:∙宝贝详情∙掌柜推荐∙其他信息∙出价记录∙留言簿宝贝详情系统结构图[系统简介]本套件是一套基于TMS320LF2407A+EPM240 DSP+CPLD的学习开发平台,充分发挥DSP2407和ALTE RA MAX II的灵活性和功能强大,用户手册详实易懂,大量源码轻松上手(分DSP和CPLD 2部分),我们为用户提供一个完整的IP核通过CPLD进行系统资源分配,用户可以根据需要进行裁剪或追加功能。
DSP片内内置32K * 16位 FLASH,可存放用户程序,FLASH可加密。
DSP片内内置 2.5K * 16位 DARAM,可配置成数据区和程序区。
DSP片外扩展 64K * 16位SRAM(32K程序,32K数据)。
第二章 定点DSP芯片TMS320f2812
2.1 TMS320F2812性能特点
2.2 TMS320F2812硬件结构 2.3 TMS320F2812指令系统简介
2.1 TMS320F2812性能特点
(1)采用了高性能的静态CMOS技术,时钟频 率可达150MHZ(6.67ns),其核心电压为1.8V,I/O 口电压3.3V,Flash编程电压也为3.3V。 (2)高性能的32位CPU。能够实现16X16和 32X32乘法操作,哈佛总线结构,快速的中断操作,寻 址程序空间可达4M,寻址数据空间可达4G,在C/C++ 和汇编语言中代码可得到优化,另外还可向下兼容 TMS320F24X/LF240X处理器的代码; (3)片上存储器:闪存128K字,单访问双口 RAM(SARAM)18k字; (4)引导(BOOT)ROM4K字,具有软件启动模 式并包含标准的数学表; (5)时钟和系统控制采用锁相环技术PLL来控 3 制系统各模块所需要的频率;
由于28lx数字信号处理器集成了很多内核可 以访问和控制的外部设备,28lx内核需要通过 某种方式来读/写外设。为此,处理器将所有的 外设都映射到了数据存储器空间,主要包括配 置寄存器、输入寄存器、输出寄存器和状态寄 存器。每个外设只要通过简单的访问存储器中 的寄存器就可以使用该设备。外设通过外设总 线(PBUS)连接到CPU的内部存储器接口上,如 图2-12 所示。所有的外设(包括看门狗和CPU时 钟)在使用前必须配置相应的控制寄存器。
2.2.3 中央 处理单元 (C28x CPU)
1. CPU结构
(1)算术逻辑单元(ALU):32位ALU完成2的补 码的算术运算和布尔运算。通常情况下,中央处 理单元对于用户是透明的。例如,完成一个算术 运算,用户只需要写一个命令和相应的操作数据, 读取相应的结果寄存器的数据就可以了。 (2)乘法器:乘法器完成32x32位的2的补码的 乘法运算,产生64位的补码结果。乘法器能够完 成两个符号数,两个无符号数或一个符号数和一 个无符号数的乘法运算。 (3)移位器:完成数据的左移或右移操作,最 大可移16位。在C28lx的内核中,总计有3个移位 寄存器:输入数据定标移位寄存器,输出数据定标 移位寄存器和乘积定标移位寄存器。
dsp bios硬件方案
TLC320AD50C 编码器TLC320AD50C包括 一个数模转换(D/A)通道和一 个模数转换(A/D) 通道,可工作在单+5V电压或模 拟部分+5V电压、数字部分 +3.3V电压情况下。 AD50的封装如图所示:
引脚名 称 DX DR FSX FSR CLKX CLKR 输入/输出 O I I I I I 数据的发送 数据的接受 发送输出的帧同步脉冲 接收输入的帧同步脉冲 接受时钟 发送时钟 引脚的作用
输入/输出 (I/O)
定义 移位时钟脚。当M/S为高电平时,SCLK为输出信号,其值为 FS信号的256倍;当M/S为低电位时,SCLK为输入信号。 帧同步信号。当M/S为高电位时,FS为输出信号;当M/S为 为低电位时,FS为输入信号。 数据输入脚。DIN接收来自DSP的输入数据和寄存器控制数 据,与SCLK同步。FS为低电位时,在SCLK的下降沿数据 被锁存;当FS为高电位时,DIN处于高阻态 数据输入脚。DOUT输出ADC或寄存器的数据,与SCLK同 步。当FS为低电位时,在SCLK的上升沿,数据被送出;当 FS为高电平时,DOUT处于高阻态 主时钟输入脚
• TLC274是TI公司出品的低功耗LinCMOSE工艺 双电源四运放,用于语音信号的前级放大和调 理。
DSP技术实验指导书--第2次 液晶显示屏显示实验
3实验环境1、预装开发环境Cross Core Embedded Studio 1.0.2的计算机;2、BF609开发板一套;3、ADDS HPUSB-ICE仿真器一套。
在RGB 模式下,每种RGB 成分都可使用从0(黑色)到255(白色)的值。
例如,亮红色使用R 值246、G 值20 和B 值50。
当所有成分的值均为255 时,结果是纯白色;当该值为0 时,结果是纯黑色。
2)BF609的视频互连功能简介BF609的视频互连提供一个连接矩阵,用于视频子系统各部分互相连接:三个PPI、PIXC 和PVP。
Revision PrA: Preliminary Version
Rev. PrB | Page 2 of 14
Preliminary Technical Data
Preliminary Technical Data
Clock Timing Recovery............................................................. 11 Optimizing High Speed Performance ..................................... 11 Comparator Propagation Delay Dispersion ........................... 11 Comparator Hysteresis .............................................................. 12 Minimum Input Slew Rate Requirement ................................ 12 Typical Application Circuits ......................................................... 13 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 14 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 14
Embedded Artists LPC4357 OEM Board 产品说明书
The Art of Embedded Systems Development – made Easy™LPC4357 OEM Board Feature HighlightsThe LPC4357 OEM Board provides a quick and easy solution forimplementing a high-performance ARM dual-core Cortex-M4/M0 based design around the LPC4357 from NXP.∙ Build around NXP's ARM dual-core Cortex-M4/M0 LPC4357microcontroller with 1Mbyte FLASH and 136Kbyte SRAM ∙ 32MByte external SDRAM, via 32-bit databus ∙ 128 Mbyte NAND FLASH ∙ 16 Mbit QSPI flash∙ 100/10Mbps Ethernet interface based on SMSC LAN8720 ∙ 12.000 MHz and 32.768 kHz crystals for LPC4357 ∙ Buffered 32-bit data bus∙ uSD memory card interface connector ∙ +3.3V powering∙ 200 pos expansion connector(as defined in popular SO-DIMM industry standard), 0.6mm pitch ∙ Compact design with dimensions: 68 x 50 mmSupport Highlights∙ Access to Embedded Artists support page containingo Schematics o User’s Manualo Sample software applications o OEM Board Integration Guide∙ Supported by Developer’s Kit , see picture to right ∙ Volume discount available∙ Customization service available for optimized high-volume designBlock Diagram of LPC4357 OEM BoardNXP PartnerEmbedded Artists is a partner of NXP. Together we give engineers an excellent base to work from when creating advanced embedded systems. We have a close co-operation and knoweverything there is to know about the NXP processors. Take advantage of our unique knowledge! For further information, please contact: ***************************The Art of Embedded Systems Development – made Easy™[1] Extended temperature range can be supplied on request. Subject to minimum order volume. [2] Will be defined after a characterization process.Mechanical DimensionsBoard width according to SO-DIMM standard: 67.6 mm. Board height and depth according to picture below:ESD CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Charged devices and circuit boards can discharge without detection. Although this product features ESD protection damages may occur on devices subjected to high energy ESD. Therefore, proper ESD precaution should be taken to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.50.0 mm 8.0 mmThe Art of Embedded Systems Development –made Easy™The Art of Embedded Systems Development –made Easy™O: outputI: inputB: Bidirectional P: PowerA: Analog GPIO: General purpose I/OGPI: General purpose input GPO: General purpose output CLKIO: Pin dedicated to clock signalsThe Art of Embedded Systems Development –made Easy™DisclaimersEmbedded Artists reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces allinformation supplied prior to the publication hereof.Customer is responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using Embedded Artists’ products, and Embedded Artists accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the Embedded Artists’ product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications an d products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers shou ld provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products.Embedded Artists does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third partycustomer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using Embedded Artists’ products in or der to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Embedded Artists does not accept any liability in this respect.Embedded Artists does not accept any liability for erratas on individual components.All Embedded Artists’ products are sold pursuant to Embedded Artists’ terms and conditions of sale:/sites/default/files/docs/General_Terms_and_Conditions.pdfNo license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. 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IIR Filter Design using Analogue PrototypesIn many applications it is desirable to design a digital filter which has a response identical(or similar) to a known analogue filter. Hence a filter may be specified and designed in the s-domain (i.e. an ‘analogue’ filter), and an appropriate method applied to find a corresponding z-domain (i.e. a ‘digital’) filter. The analogue filter, when used in this way, is referred to as an analogue prototype. Analogue filters commonly used include Butterworth, Chebyshev and Bessel filters - for the purpose of these notes we will concentrate on only one example: Butterworth filters. A low-pass prototype filter may be used to design high-pass, band-pass or band-stop filters using appropriate substitutions, and we will therefore initially investigate the transfer function of a Butterworth low-pass analogue prototype.The magnitude squared transfer function of a normalised (i.e. c = 1) low-passButterworth filter is given by:N sG where n = order of filter complexity.If s is replaced by j / c (where c is the required cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter in rad/s), then the transfer function corresponds to a denormalised low-pass Butterworth filter in the frequency domain:G It is clear that the attenuation of this filter at a frequency may be found using10G log 10(dB)n Attenuatio At this stage it is helpful to consider normalised frequencies, i.e. to express any frequencyof interest as a value relative to c . This may be achieved using /c = N . This leads toAttenuation (dB)A specified required attenuation at a given frequency may be used to determine theminimum order of the filter which would fulfil this specification. Hence a Butterworth transfer function may be derived and the poles of the normalised filter may be located in the s-plane. Note that the poles of the squared transfer function s G 2N are situated at the roots of the equation1102nn swhich are all located on a unit circle in the s-plane at an angle k , wherekn oddn evenThe poles of the transfer function s G N may be found by discarding the poles of s G 2N which lie in the right-hand half of the s-plane. ExampleA Butterworth low-pass filter is required for which f c = 2 kHz. The order of the filter should be chosen such that the filter gives at least 25 dB attenuation at 5 kHz. Determine the order of the filter to be used and find its s-plane pole locations. Hence derive the transfer function of the filter. SolutionDerivation of a z-domain transfer functionHaving derived an analogue (i.e. s-domain) transfer function for a filter, it is then necessary to derive a corresponding z-domain transfer function to realise a digital filter. Various techniques may be used: here we will briefly investigate impulse invariance and then look in more detail at the bilinear z-transform. Impulse InvarianceOne procedure for deriving a digital transfer function from an analogue transfer function is to determine the coefficients in the z-domain such that the impulse response of the digital filter is a sampled version of the impulse response of the analogue prototype. If the analogue filter has a transfer function H a (s) (for example as derived above), then the continuous-time impulse response is denoted by h a (t). In order for the digital filter to have an identical impulse response, it should be designed such that its impulse response, h(n), is given bynTh nh a where T is the sampling period for the digital filter.A general continuous-time transfer function may be expressed, using partial fraction expansion, asH sA s s a k kk N1and its impulse response is given byh tA e u ta k s t k Nk 1where u(t) is a continuous-time step function introduced so as to describe a causal system.If this impulse response is then sampled, the discrete-time impulse response values aregiven by h(n), whereN 1k n T s k N1k nTs k a nu e A nu e A nTh nh k kwhich leads to the corresponding transfer function H(z) given byN1k zH Hence a pole at s k in the s-plane transforms to a pole at e s k T in the z-plane. However, thezeros of H(z) determined by this method are a function of the poles and the A k coefficients, and will not be mapped directly from the s-plane to the z-plane.Since any practical analogue prototype will not have a bandwidth limited to f s /2 in the continuous frequency domain, this technique will generally lead to aliasing errors, and hence its frequency response will not generally correspond to that required.Bilinear z-transformA more widely used technique for deriving a digital IIR filter from an analogue prototype is to use the bilinear transform. As an example, consider the simple s-domain transfer function defined bysH a which can be seen to correspond to the first order differential equationty B t y tx A a a (1)MRV0708We may writett aa 0a 0a a a 0dy t y t y t y t y t y Putting t = nT and t 0 = (n-1)T, we see thatnTT1n aa a dy T 1n y nT y The integral in the above equation may be approximated using the trapezoidal rule, givingT1n y nT y T 1n y nT y a a 2Ta a (2)and from equation (1) we see thatty B tx A ty a a (3)Substituting (3) into (2) givesnTy B nTx A T1n y B T1n x T1n y nT y a a a a Here we may take z-transforms and replace y a (nT) by Y(z), y a ((n-1)T) by Y(z)z -1, etc. leading to111z 1z X 2ATz 12BTz1z YMRV0708which may be rearranged to givezHComparing this to the original analogue transfer function it can be seen that H(z) may be obtained by substitutingsThis may be shown to be true in general. Hence a digital filter may be derived from an analogue (s-domain) transfer function using this substitution. ExampleDerive a digital filter transferfunction from the analogue prototype defined by the equationH sa using the bilinear transformation. SolutionDiscussion of Bilinear z-TransformIt was seen above that the bilinear z-transform is implemented by substitutingsinto the expression for an s-domain transfer function.What are the implications of this with regard to the frequency axis in the continuous s-domain (i.e. analogue frequency a ) and the frequency axis in the discrete z-domain (digital frequency d )?We may investigate this by replacing s by j a , and z by exp(j d T), givingajwhich leads totan T 2aThus it can be seen that the relationship between a and d is non-linear due to the tan function.Since we know from our filter specification the required values (for cut-off frequencies etc.) of the digital filter, it is necessary tocalculate the corresponding analogue frequencies using the above equation. This is known as pre-warping the frequency axis. The relationship between analogue and digital frequency axes for the bilinear transformation is shown in the sketch below.An alternative view of the bilinear transform is discussed below.Consider an s-domain transfer function H(s) which is represented in the s-plane wheres = + jThis may be warped into a different space, which still uses a continuous-time and continuous-frequency representation, i.e. we may warp H(s) into an ‘alternative’ s-plane. We will call this ‘alternative’ s-plane the R-plane. R is complex and may be writtenR = u + jvThe transformation which we will use to achieve this warping is given bytanhT 2s where T is the sampling period to be used in the digital filter implementation. Consider whenRthen it can be seen thattanhT 2Now consider whenskj Rwhere k is an integer. Here it can be seen that the corresponding value of s iss =Hence we see that the entire frequency range from zero to in the s-plane transforms tothe range 0 to (/T) in the R-plane. We also see that non-overlapping complementary frequency bands exist in the R-plane.We may now use the standard z-transform to take us from an R-plane representation to a corresponding z-plane representation - in this case we useRTe zIf we are considering the frequency axis, then we may use R = jv, leading tovTsin j vTcos e zjvT Considering the point v = 0 in the R-plane (corresponding to a = 0), then it can be seen that this transforms to the point (1 + j0) in the z-plane.It can also be seen that the point in the R-plane corresponding to a = , i.e.vtransforms to the point (-1 + j0) in the z-plane. Thus we see that the entire s-plane frequency range from zero to is mapped to the semi-circumference of the unit circle in the z-plane.We are usingtanhT 2s andRTe zand it can be shown (how?) that this leads to the substitution used earlier for the bilinear z-transform, i.e.sMRV0708These concepts may be visualised as shown below.s-plane to R-plane to z-plane transformationR-plane z-planes-planeFrequency Range Mappings-plane z-plane。