Shades of Blue Season《蓝海暮色(2016)》第一季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本


H O T 高清明细

H O T 高清明细

白色海洋Forever. HOT001H.O.T.-.[星路历程].中字.aviH.O.T.-.[纽约故事剪辑1].双语.MPGH.O.T.-.[纽约故事剪辑2].双语.MPGH.O.T.-.[纽约故事剪辑3].双语.MPGH.O.T历年回顾(上).中字.MPGH.O.T历年回顾(下).中字.MPG05年Mnet十大Star荣誉殿堂之H.O.T篇.rmvb000514_HOT4辑蚕室Fanmeeting_上.rmvb000514_HOT4辑蚕室Fanmeeting_下.rmvb030918MnetJTL2辑采访完整版.rmvb030918MnetJTL2辑采访完整版.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战1.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战2.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战3.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战4.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战5.rmvbH.O.T-5辑_新挑战6.rmvbH.O.T短剧_姐姐,我爱你.rmvbH.O.T三辑隐藏摄像机.rmvbH.O.T四辑爱心料理店.rmvbH.O.T四辑花样男子运动会.rmvbH.O.T五辑万人召集.rmvbHeejun&Kangta_Talk H.O.T.rmvbHOT三辑金惠秀Talkshake.rmvbHOT抵制毒品广告拍摄花絮.rmvbJTL2003年校园突袭.rmvbJTL_0923_MNet.Star节目.rmvbJTL_StarGoGo.rmvbJTL万人召集.rmvbNon-stop3_JTL特别辑之冬季恋歌.rmvb充满爱的世界_新年特辑.rmvbJTL万人召集表演部分.wmvH.O.T十年回顾杂志.exe002H.O.T.2nd_Show.rmvbH.O.T.-.[20040321SBS明星殿堂].rmvb 800*448HOT5辑真实的椅子完整版.rmvbHOT_4th StarShow.rmvbJTL_1st.NCD.rmvbJTL_同居同落第1集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第2集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第3集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第4集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第5集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第6集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第7集.rmvbJJTL同居同落第8集.rmvbJTL_同居同落第9集.rmvbKM-HF传说01.rmvb (HOT回顾节目)KM-HF传说02.rmvbKM-HF传说03.rmvbKM-HF传说04.rmvbKM-HF传说05.rmvbKM-HF传说06.rmvbKM-HF传说07.rmvbKM-HF传说08.rmvbKM-HF传说09.rmvbKM-HF传说10.rmvbKM-HF传说11.rmvbKM-HF传说12.rmvbKM-HF传说13.rmvbKM-HF传说14.rmvbKM-HF传说15.rmvbKM-HF传说16.rmvbKM-HF传说17.rmvbKM-HF传说18.rmvbKM-HF传说19.rmvbKM-HF传说20(End).rmvb003[MV]Tony An - 1st Solo .VOB (中文翻译) 720*540[MV]Tony(feat SAT)-Melody(Mnet).tp 720*540[MV]Tony.土气.mpg (中文翻译) 720*540070617Tony.An.人气歌谣CB.avi 640* 352Tony.041114.SBS.请分享爱Con.爱得不到时最美丽.avi 768*432Tony.041217.SBS.爱得不到时最美丽.avi 800*464Tony.Melody.ChanneL[V] 704*528Tony.记得我爱你.断肠草.SBS.人气歌谣.ComeBack.060402.tpTony_041017. 1th爱得不到时最美丽sbscomeback.avi 800*464Tony_041022. 1th爱得不到时最美丽KBS音乐银行comeback.avi 800*608 Tony_041119. 1th爱得不到时最美丽Km-ShowMusicTank.mpg 720*540 Tony_041128. 1th爱得不到时最美丽.avi 800*448Tony_041223. 1th爱得不到时最美丽m_Countdown.avi 624*480Tony_050116.Blue.Sky.SBS.mpg 852*480Tony_050123.BlueSky.SBS.mpg 852*480Tony_050206.Blue.Sky.SBS.mpg 852*480Tony_060416_KBS_断肠草.mpg 720*416Tony_060422_MBC_音乐中心_断肠草.avi 624*336Tony_060521_SBS_断肠草.avi 1024*576Tony_060521_SBS_受赏+返场.avi 1024*576Tony_060627_Ytn_多哥战应援公演_记得我爱你+断肠草.avi 640*480Tony_070621_KM_Countdown_Melody.tpTony_070703_KMTV_Melody.tp004[MV]张佑赫-flip reverse.vob[MV]张佑赫-不落的太阳.vob张佑赫_2005-2006跨年演唱会.avi张佑赫_050911. flip reverse +不落的太阳Comeback.SP.SBS 人气歌谣.ts张佑赫_050915.不落的太阳.M.Countdown.mpg 720*540张佑赫_050930.不落的太阳.MTV.mpg张佑赫_051016.不落的太阳.KBS2.avi 800*608张佑赫_051016.不落的太阳.Ytn StarSpecial.mpg 720*540张佑赫_051030.我爱济洲岛音乐会.不落的太阳.live.vob 1024*576张佑赫_051127.Flip Reverse.KBS2.avi 800*608张佑赫_051229.Flip Reverse+不落的太阳.KBS.avi 800*608张佑赫_061204.Mr. Jackson+One Way( Mcountdown ComeBack).ts 720*540 张佑赫_061217.SBS.人气歌谣.avi 624*352005张佑赫-050927.不落的太阳.Mnet.全国技能竞技大会.mpg 720*540张佑赫-061217 SBS 人气歌谣- One Way [1920x1088].tp张佑赫.Flip+Reverse.SBS.人气歌谣.vob 1024*576张佑赫.不落的太阳.SBS.希望音乐会.vob 1024*576张佑赫_050925.不落的太阳.SBS.vob 1024*576张佑赫_051007_Mnet SuperVibeParty_采访+SUN.avi 640*480张佑赫_051007_MTV_不落的太阳.avi 640*480张佑赫_051016不落的太阳.SBS.vob 1024*576张佑赫_051112.DanceShow+不落的太阳.MBC.tp张佑赫_051112.DanceShow+不落的太阳.MBC.tp张佑赫_051113.SBS.Love.Concert.不落的太阳.tp张佑赫_051127超赞的舞台. flip reverse +不落的太阳+talk.rmvb (中文翻译) 张佑赫_051207.不落的太阳.MTV Golden Disk Awards.tp张佑赫_051211_SBS_人气歌谣_Flip Reverse.tp张佑赫_061220_SBS_One Way.avi 1024*576张佑赫-The Sun that never goes Down 1st Live Concert.vob (演唱会开场)006[MV]Kang Ta & Vanness-127[MV]Kang Ta &[MV]Kangta.爱情比记忆...(Memories).avi[MV]Kangta_last.summer.night.MPG[MV]Kangta_Persona.mpg[MV]Kangta_Propose.VOBKang Ta.麻痹.假面.SBS.050320.aviKangta & Vanness - Scandal (20060528 SBS (i) Concert).tpKangta & Vanness.127日.Scandal.SBS.人气歌谣.060514.aviKangTa_2001闪电演唱会万人召集(中文字幕)].asxKangTa_041010_6th中韩歌会].live.aviKangTa_050325.假面.KBS音乐银行.aviKangTa_050809.Desperado_You_Needed_Me.SBS.Music.Wave.mpgKangTa_050809.Polaris.SBS.Music.Wave.mpgKangTa_070928.二十三.SBS.Korea.Spakling.tpS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_031026.I Swear.SBS.aviS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_031205 Golden Disk - S I swear.aviS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_031207.Love is.SBS Group.aviS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_031221.Love Is.SBS人氣歌謠.aviS组合(安七炫.申彗星.李志勋)_I Sware [MBC音樂中心].avi007 (娱乐节目)Star.Golden.Bell上[051126].mkv[找朋友][051027][张佑赫].rm万元的幸福051029--佑赫&amp_彬.1.rm万元的幸福051105--佑赫&amp_彬.2.rm05.11.09 mtv_musicstation张佑赫(上).rmvb05.11.09 mtv_musicstation张佑赫(下).rmvb05.12.18 - 维他命(佑赫剪辑版).rmvb050330 张佑赫与SEEN的舞蹈交流.rmvb050911.MBC.Mr.Cooking (佑赫,有天).rmvb060505张佑赫生日会(JIC) 张佑赫.rmvbSta.rGolden.Bell下[051203].rmvbTONY_060415_ETN.PEAK.rmvbyoung street 031029(佑猴广播剧).rmvb爱犬日记后续(佑赫探望小黄)PROJECT_1.rmvb爱犬日记后续(佑赫探望小黄)PROJECT_2.rmvb想象Plus - 张佑赫篇(上) KBS050927 中字.rmvb想象Plus-张佑赫篇(下)S.051004.KO_CN.rmvb夜心万万051226-佑赫.李成真.安在旭等.rmvb佑赫061216 明星金钟.rmvb佑赫_051127_EtnPeaktime.rmvb张佑赫千明勋_061216_StarGldenBell.rmvb卓在勋“明星的归家路”佑赫部分.rmvb08(娱乐节目)050502_李在元校园突袭.rmvb060308_KM在勇的纯情_H.O.T.VS东方神起星期天的晚上[brian.tony]表演王的男人.rmvb Tony070708 幻想的朋友.rmvb胜浩参加96期come to play.rmvb想象Plus - 爱情中毒篇KBS050503 中字(Kang Ta&金敏善).rmvb想象Plus.E110.brian.tony.rmvb想象Pluse KBS060718 中字(Kang Ta&李志勋出演)!.rmvb想象Plus新年特辑070102 Tony.rmvb夜心万万43期. SBS031212(S篇).rmvb夜心万万218期070702.Tony.东万.韩智敏.EV AN.rmvb夜心万万060417{白智英TONY}.rmvb异国佳丽话韩国.5回.E05.061224..张佑赫.rmvb隐藏摄像机(tony篇).rmvb在勇的纯洁_张佑赫VS 李珉宇.rmvb在勇的纯情_TONY VS 申慧星.rmvb09Hyuk_061224_SBS人气NO.1(中字).aviTony_MBC_040417谁是谁(中字).rmTony短剧_美丽的误会.rm060415 无限挑战~TONY.rmvb060428 来玩吧~TONY.rmvb060518 找朋友~TONY&KTNA TA.rmvb061001_Heejun军中_Openmusic.rmvb061228_Woohyuk_MBC新闻.rmvb070102_YTN_张佑赫2006韩流大赏新闻报道.rmvb070624MBC童颜俱乐部.rmvb070718_胜浩_tvN_E_NEWS_BongYang.rmvb070721re-alive history1.rmvb070721re-alive history2.rmvb070801_Music Space.tony.rmvbkangta.heejun.junjin等化妆舞会.rmvbMr.Cooking.MBC051006.文熙俊.rmvbSangsang.Plus KBS050426.rmvbS真心话(彗星kangta李志勋).rmvb爱犬日记01---016 集(中字).rmvb佑赫_061207-KM报道Mcountdown舞台.rmvb在元070624MBC幻想的朋友.rmvb做吧go.第三集~TONY.rmvb10[MV]H.O.T_Hope.TP[MV]H.O.T_We are the[MV]H.O.T_幸福.tp[MV]H.O.T.Outside[MV]H.O.T..For.妍歌.tp[MV]H.O.T..斗志[MV][MV]文熙俊.RED.&.WHITE.MV.tpH.O.T-1999 KMMusicVideoFestival最高人气奖iyah. 现场表演H.O.T.-.[1997dream.Concert].aviH.O.T.-.[1998Dream.Concert].aviH.O.T.-.[1999Dream.Concert].aviH.O.T_Candy.Live(特别版本MTV).tpH.O.T-Candy[1996 KM SHOW MUSIC TANK).aviH.O.T-98.01.23第一场演唱会(上).rmvbH.O.T-98.01.23第一场演唱会(下).rmvbH.O.T_227告別演唱會_010227_上.rmvb (有中字)H.O.T_227告別演唱會_010227_下.rmvb (有中字)Tony.爱情不能持有的时候更美丽.MBC.Music.Camp.E249.041030.avi JaeWon in SBS Im so hot (070520).avi11[MV][MV]JTL.Without Your Love.MV.tpH.O.T.-.[199904(世宗演唱会)-live1].DA TH.O.T.-.[199904(世宗演唱会)-live2].DA TJTL.-.[1st歌迷见面会].视频.MPGJTL.-.[JTL蹦极].视频.wmvJTL.-.[JTL万人召集演唱会.下].现场.wmvJTL.-.[KBS2-the.musician].现场.wmvJTL_03823.MBC)].现场 +得奖感言.aviJTL_031102Sbs.One.Night.Lover.现场.aviJTL_040724MTVBuzzAsia-A.Better.Day].现场.aviJTL_040724MTVBuzzAsia-Enter.The.Dragon].现场.aviJTL_040724MTVBuzzAsia-One.Night.Lover].现场.aviJTL_040724MTVBuzzAsia-Without.Your.Love].现场.aviJTL_041031.Concert-just say good bye.KBS2.vob文熙俊.Obsession.SBS.希望Tv24.080510.tp文熙俊_Obsession(Goodbye+Stage) 12 (娱乐节目)女杰5 歌手特辑.Special.050213.tony女杰5 歌手特辑.Special.050206.tony女杰6_第16期上_061217.张佑赫.SS501.吴志浩.李范秀女杰6_第16期下_061224.张佑赫.SS501.吴志浩.李范秀Girl6-051016-佑赫.熙俊.HOT复活.1Girl6-051023-佑赫.熙俊.HOT复活.2Girl6-051030-M.佑赫.熙俊等.1Girl6-051106-M.佑赫.熙俊等.2Girl6-051127-佑赫.SS501.brian.Tim等.1Girl6-051204-佑赫.SS501.brian.Tim等.2]]Girl6-051211-佑赫.SS501等.1Girl6-051218-佑赫.SS501等.2准备好了第五期上2007.6.3+下2007.6.10Tony13X-MAN第1期(安胜浩)03.11.08~03.12.13X-MAN第2期(安胜浩)031220~031227~040103~040110X-MAN第23期(安胜浩)04.11.21~04.11.28X-MAN第26期(安胜浩)05.01.02~05.01.0914X-man 35期李在元X-MAN第36期李在元X-MAN第44期(050918 050925)张佑赫X-MAN第46期(051016 051023)文熙俊X-MAN第48期(051113 051120) 张佑赫[5th]Mnet Showking M 2000.10.13 comeback 《Outside Castle》.avi 070525 M'net_李在元_[I'm so hot][143MB].tsHOT.光.Golden.Hit.Song.081124.tpkangta 麻痹_050710 i concert.avi15X-MAN第51期(051225 060101) 张佑赫X-MAN第58期TonyX-MAN第59期TonyX-MAN第60期TonyX-MAN第61期TonyX-MAN第63期Tony16X-MAN第65期安七弦(Kang Ta)X-MAN第66期安七弦(Kang Ta)---------1.442005mkmf颁奖典礼(中字)1-3 全,张佑赫安七炫----------1.17G[Star.Dance.Battle].MBC.中秋特辑2005-09-17 张佑赫.李珉宇等1.36G(无中文字幕)18水晶男孩Sechs.Kies.骑士道.Golden.Hit.Song.081124.tp情书第三季第1代06060527+060603 Tony[031104]Nonstop4.EP31.花美男F4(申彗星.安七炫.李志勋.Andy.JunJin).rmvb[JIC原创中字]Star.佑赫RealStory1.avi[JIC原创中字]Star.佑赫RealStory2.avi[知己知彼][MBC070614]李在元.rmvb020317HeejunvsKangta世纪对决1.rmvb020330HeejunvsKangta世纪对决3.rmvb020323HeejunvsKangta世纪对决2.rmvb070418阿里郎电视台张佑赫特辑[成人礼中字].wmv080329明星金钟(文熙俊,BIGBANG等).rmvbKangta_071008_日本演唱会_官方版本.rmvbNonstop4-花样男子F4-Andy,Junjin,安七炫,李志勋花絮.rmvb挑战状文熙俊篇_韩语中字_全_.rm夜心万万东方神起上(Kang Ta.允浩昌珉有天).rmvb夜心万万-东方神起下(Kang Ta.允浩昌珉有天).rmvb19Kangta_Eternity_KBS.音乐银行.080314.tpKangta_Eternity_080316_SBS_Inki.tp安七炫.Eternity.SBS.人气歌谣.080323.tp文熙俊_080313_COMEBACK_三首联唱.MCD.tp文熙俊_080316_ComeBack Special_SBS_Inki.tp文熙俊.Obsession.KBS.音乐银行.080328.tp文熙俊.Obsession.KM M!countdown 20080327.tp文熙俊_Obession_080321_KBS 音乐银行.tp20Blind.Meeting.MBC080208.KO_CN.rmvb春节特辑- 介绍明星的朋友MBC080208.文熙俊.rmvb爆裂!精神统一第5期上+下tony爆裂!精神统一第6期上+下李在元爆裂!精神统一第10期户外特辑[FTTS 南圭丽Tony]New.X-man 7 张佑赫New.X-man 20 最终回.070401Tony选择男女第5期元旦特辑张佑赫21[MV]Kangta.那天的谈心[MV]柳英真.…之爱(KangTa&Eugene主演).tpKangta&Vanness.The cup of life+Scandal.SBS.060523.aviKangta.那天的谈心.Endless.Love.KBS.公开音乐会 Kangta.那天的谈心.KM.M!countdown.080327.tpKangta_那天的谈心+ Candy + 幸福+ 光.KBS.尹 泰妍.M!countdown.tp22[MV]Just Say Goodbye.avi 512*288[MV]记忆中的小村庄-文熙俊MTV.avi 624*352[MV]李在元-No.pian.No.gain.rmvb 640*480[MV]文熙俊[MV]文熙俊_I.avi 512*256 (很普通的效果)李在元.I'm+so+Hot_070520_KBS.mpg李在元_no.pain,no.gain(SBS.050703).vob李在元,no.gain.mpg李在元_no.pain,no.gain(SBS.050703).vob李在元李在元_SayMyName,NoPain.NoGain(SBS.050515).vob李在元_SayMyName.NoPain,NoGain(KBS2.050422).mpg李在元_SayMyName.NoPain,NoGain(MBC.050416).vob文熙俊- Obsession ( M!countdown 2008.04.24).tp文熙俊- obsession (KBS 音乐银行2008.04.18).tp文熙俊- Obsession ( M!countdown 2008.04.10).tp文熙俊- Obsession (MBC 音乐中心2008.04.12).tp文熙俊- Obsession (SBS 人气歌谣2008.04.06).tp文熙俊- Obsession .SBS.人气歌谣.080330.tp23star king第20期.李在元star king第24期.李在元HeeJun_040719_99.8_01----------041108_99.8_16张佑赫-050916.MNET.THE+SHOW.avi张佑赫-051024.KM.舞蹈大会报道.avi张佑赫-061216_KBS_逃脱危机_Cut版.avi张佑赫-071214 mydaily佑赫公益服役第一天记.avi080513.想象Puls.2季.第6期-文熙俊.玄英.金盛恩.rmvb张佑赫-REAL DRAMA 1.2.324090426.MTV.Heroes.H.O.T.tp张佑赫&酷龙&M.Escape.2005MKMF.tp张佑赫.Flip Reverse.SBS 人气歌谣.051120.tp张佑赫_Intro+Mr.Jackson+暴风雨(One Way)[CB stage] SBS 人气歌谣061203.tp25文熙俊_TOY_090628_SBS_人气歌谣.tp文熙俊_Toy_090702_Mnet_M!Countdown.tp文熙俊_TOY_090705_SBS_人气歌谣.tp文熙俊_Toy_090710_KBS2_Music Bank.tp文熙俊_Toy_090711_MBC_MusicCore.tp文熙俊_我是两个人..你是一个人+ M_countdown.090625.tp文熙俊_我是两个人..你是一个人+ TOY_090703_KBS_Music.Bank.tp张佑赫.One way.KBS.061224.tp张佑赫.不落的太阳.Golden.Hit.Song.081202.tp张佑赫_061224_暴风中_SBS人气歌谣第一.tp26HOT연가(A Song For Lady) LIVE .DA THOT빛(Hope) LIVE(SBS蓝色服装).DATHOT빛(Hope) LIVE(SBS黑色服装).DATHOT아이야(I yah) LIVE.DA THOT꿈의기도(SBS 20001118)LIVE .DATHOTOutside Castle (The Castle Out (SBS PBS)LIVE.DA THOT연가(回归舞台).DA T[HDTV]张佑赫.-.[不落的太阳(SBS.05.11.13)].live.vob[HDTV]张佑赫.-.[不落的太阳(希望Korea音乐会.SBS.05.10.06)].live.vob [MV]HOT_Line Up[TP][ Logo].tp[MV]HOT_我们的誓言[TP][KM Logo].tp1997年水晶男孩VS H.O.T LIVE .DAT[MV]H.O.T.-你快我慢-2009-05-17-MTV.tsH.O.T - 4집(NCD).DA TH.O.T - 5집(NCD ).DA TH.O.T - 5집come back5人采访.DATHOT VS FIN K L (SBS)LIVE .DATJTL[SBS.03.08.24][HD].aviJTL.-.[040724MTVBuzzAsia-A.Better.Day].现场.aviJTL.-.[040724MTVBuzzAsia-Enter.The.Dragon].现场.aviJTL.-.[040724MTVBuzzAsia-One.Night.Lover].现场.aviJTL.-.[040724MTVBuzzAsia-Without.Your.Love].现场.aviJTL.-.[(.Sbs.03.11.02)One.Night.Lover].现场.aviJTL.-.[(mbc)].现场.WMVJTL.-.[].MV.mpgJTL.-.[青岛海洋节enter.the.dragon.without.Your.Love].现场.wmv JTL.-.[上海F1开幕式].现场.mpg 행복LIVE.DAT늑대와양LIVE .DA TOutside Castle (The Castle Out (M-NET)MTV.DATOutside Castle (The Castle Out (SBS PBS)LIVE.DA TS.-.[031116_sbs].视频.aviS.-.[I.sware.kbs].视频.aviS.-.[I.sware.mbc].视频.aviS.-.[i.swear030914SBS人气歌谣].视频.mpgS.-.[i.swear.kbs].视频.aviS.-.[I.swear].现场.aviS.-.[].视频.aviS.-.[NonStop4-F4中文字幕].视频.rmvb张佑赫.-.[XMAN48期表演的舞蹈].rmvb27情书第二季第13期:张佑赫情书第二季第16期:张佑赫情书第二季第17期:张佑赫情书第二季第18期:张佑赫情书第二季第20期:张佑赫奇迹的胜负师_第20期_080330.文熙俊.BigBang等.28。



RB饿狼宣传画1995年11月,《饿狼》系列的第5部作品《Real Bout》发售,这部作品的广告语“再见吧, 吉斯”令人唏嘘不已。的确,最终决战的时刻终于来到了。
博加德兄弟由于《秦之秘传书》事件得知吉斯未死,所以一定要为养父报仇。而吉斯亦知道这场战斗终究无 法避免,在克劳萨战败,毁掉《秦之秘传书》,自己独霸南镇的情况下,吉斯本身也已无遗憾之事,于是他决定 修炼,所以修炼之后他在吉斯之塔恭候两兄弟的到来。特瑞和吉斯勉强平手,最后两人分别打算使出自己最强的 招式,吉斯因为尽了不少体力的原因没能发动斗气风暴,于是吉斯再次战败,并堕楼身亡。一代枭雄吉斯终于战 败身亡,这是公元1995年的事情,吉斯终年42岁(1953年出生),然而,饿狼的故事却并未因为这个主角的身亡而 画上句号……
狼之印记宣传画1999年11月,《饿狼》系列第9部作品《狼之印记》发售,本作不再以饿狼系列的传统名称 Fatal Fury命名,而是改叫GAROU,也说明了本作将展现的是一个全新的设定。《MOW》这部作品制作十分用心, 而游戏的画面、均衡性、完善性等方面也是SNK的格斗游戏中最出色的。另外本作的容量也达到了SNK格斗游戏的 最大值:706M。在这部作品里,除了保留了特瑞这位永远的主角以外,其他角色全部更换,犹如《SF3》系列一 般的脱胎换骨;即便是特瑞,经历了数年之后,外形也完全变化,这就是《狼之印记》所带来的11年以后的剧情。
RB饿狼SP宣传画《饿狼》系列第6部作品《Real Bout Special》没有主线剧情方面的设定,不过本作在剧 情上还是有一定的挖掘性,因为与吉斯对战之前的Nightmare字样表明了这是一个噩梦。
特瑞击败吉斯以后,内心一直受到震撼,因为南镇此前尽管被吉斯所统治,但社会秩序还算说得过去。但吉 斯死后,各种黑帮势力纷纷自立,恶性案件层出不穷,在弱肉强食的南镇,的确也需要一位强者来管理与统治; 同时,吉斯在最后时刻拒绝被救助,也是希望在特瑞的心中留下永久性的冲击,正所谓冤冤相报何时了,这种仇 恨永无结束的一天,所以特瑞为了战胜心魔,三上吉斯之塔,最终击败了困扰自己的心态。而本作中所出现的EX 安迪等角色,也是由于各自受到内心的震撼或者创伤所演化出来的角色。由于《RBS》并没有剧情方面的具体设 定,所以克劳萨等四人再次登场,而吉斯也作为“鬼”出场,但《饿狼》系列的主线剧情并未受到影响。



black hawk down









Vampire Villain(反派)
Vampire ['væmpaiə] Bella’s boyfriend
Cullen family
Edward’s family ALL Vampire
Jacob Black
Will became a Werewolf Love Bella
In this exquisite fantasy, Bella adores beautiful Edward, and he returns her love. But Edward must control the blood [blʌd] lust she arouses in him because--he's a vampire. This deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful novel captures the struggle between defying instincts and satisfying desires.
1.why Edward must control himself, why he don’t want to change Bella become a vampire like him? Because Edward love Bella, he don’t want Bella pain, vampire is Immortal(不死), must to bear the pain is will see friends, family die. And the food must is blood. It’s unhappy and pain. He don’t want Bella like him .



电影简介:导演: Devin McGinn编剧: Adam Ohler主演: Steve Berg / Erin Cahill / Kyle Davis / Jon Gries / Michael Horse / Devin McGinn / Matthew Rocheleau类型: 科幻 / 惊悚 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2013-10-30片长: 86分钟又名: Skinwalker Ranch评分: 豆瓣 4.6 / IMDB 5.0剧情概要:2010年11月11日,在美国某个农场内,农场主霍伊特·米勒(Jon Gries 饰)的儿子科迪(Nash Lucas 饰)迎来了快乐的八岁生日。




该调查组由社会文化人类学博士山姆·格林(Steven Berg 饰)、洛杉矶记者卡梅隆·莫菲(Devin McGinn 饰)、摄影师布瑞顿·斯隆(Michael Black 饰)、兽医丽莎·摩罗(Erin Cahill 饰)等专业人士组成,他们在米勒的家中安装了全方位无死角的摄像头,时刻捕捉房间内的一举一动。

在此期间,动物群体死亡事件、超离奇噪声等诡异现象交替上演,隐藏在农场上空的秘密却难以窥见…… ©豆瓣恐怖片采用伪纪录片的拍摄手法总是会带来更加真实、贴近生活的感觉。

这部电影讲述的是在美国的一个农场上,农场主霍伊特·米勒(Jon Gries 饰)的儿子科迪(Nash Lucas 饰)正在庆祝快乐的八岁生日,可是儿子科迪却在一道蓝光后凭空消失。




长、爱情编年史、Funivia del faloria,La、悲惨的追逐、波谷的人们、一个航空员的归来等。


该片女主 曾获得格莱美奖的女歌手诺拉· 琼斯 该片主题曲《The Story》由她演唱
英 国 演 员 裘 德 洛
大 卫 斯 特 雷 影 节 最
蕾切尔· 薇兹
娜塔丽· 波特曼《这个杀手不太冷》
要怎么和不想失去的人说再见?我没有 说再见。 我什么也没说。 How do you say goodbye to someone you can't imagine living without? I didn't say goodbye . I didn't say anything .
人一旦离开,就只留下为别人制造的 回忆 When you're gone, all that's left behind are the memories you created in other people's lives.
The reason I love you is not because who you are, but because who I am when I am with you.
后来伊丽莎白到了内华达 州,在赌场作女招待,认识了 莱丝莉,她是个年轻女孩。她 教训伊丽莎白,看人不要光看 表面。 赌台上的莱丝莉钱赌光了, 莱丝丽要求伊丽莎白将准备买 车的钱给自己翻本,并且承诺, 抵押自己那漂亮的红色跑车。 莱丝丽输了,跑车是伊丽莎白 的了。不过莱丝丽提出要载她 一程,回到拉斯维加斯时莱丝 莉却发现她的父亲去世了,痛 苦的莱斯莉坦白自己在那赌台 上自己非但没有输,还让所有 人吃惊地大赚了一把。要人驱 车送她。是自己太寂寞,需要 一个自己看得上的人陪伴一程。 而跑车是她从父亲那偷来的, 为了纪念他,她不能把车送人。

Shades of Blue Season《蓝海暮色(2016)》第二季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

Shades of Blue Season《蓝海暮色(2016)》第二季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

蓝海暮色第二季第八集《蓝海暮色》前情提要Previously on "Shades of Blue"...你觉得我们有希望得到共同监护权吗You think we got a shot at joint custody here?不止我一个人收到这个I'm not the only one that got this.她是个应♥召♥女She's an escort.-你叫什么 -哈莉- What's your name?- Harlee.你用我的名字叫她You called her by my name.那属于什么人格What profile does that fit?着迷Obsession.沃兹尼亚克不是告密者Wozniak isn't the informant.-我才是 -我已经迷失了- I am. - I have lost track当警♥察♥的方向我需要歇一阵子of what it means to wear that. I need some time away. 唐尼死了Donnie's dead.你是自卫It was self-defense.我们都必须承担自己的罪行We all have to carry our own sins...-或者埋葬它们 -告诉我萨珀斯坦警探- Or bury them. - Tell me what 574S纽约警署萨珀斯坦警探 1981-2016跟574S有什么关系has to do with Detective Saperstein.是你搞砸了这次行动斯塔尔探员You botched this operation, Agent Stahl,然后你明知我是你的替罪羊and then you have sex with me还跟我做♥爱♥already knowing I'd be your fall guy.我目标不变We stick to the assignment.我的搭档因茱莉亚·埃尔而死Julia Ayres got my partner killed.比安奇觉得是对他本人的挑衅Bianchi took it as a personal challenge.会有刀光血影的There's gonna be blood.有人说在哪总有一颗子弹等着给我们They say there's a bullet waiting for us all.你跟埃尔说我随时都能送她子弹You tell Ayres I can call hers in.你逼我在今晚树敌You force me to make an enemy tonight.你我看重的东西不一样You and I have different priorities.那祝你好运了哈莉Good luck to you, Harlee.茱莉亚Julia.茱莉亚你中枪了吗Julia, are you hit?纽约警♥察♥ 让一下NYPD. Give me some space.议员时唯一的目标吗Is the councilwoman the only target?比安奇还要杀其他人吗Is Bianchi going after anyone else?所有单位有紧急事件All units respond Code 3.发生骚乱新闻中心发生枪战10-34, shots fired, at WNBC.埃尔议员在场已经安全Councilwoman Ayres is secured on the scene. 重复发生枪战Repeat, this is a report of shots fired.所有单位...All units...枪手死了Shooter's dead.是个持旅游签证的克罗地亚人Croatian national here on a tourist visa.国际刑♥警♥在查关系人Interpol's checking for any known affiliations.我们都知道这是谁谋划的We both know who set this up.他只不过承包出去了He just contracted it out.-而且失败了 -这次失败了- And missed. - This time.比安奇肯定觉得是我让联调局找上他的Bianchi must think I'm the one who put the Feds onto him. 沃兹正在到处找他Woz is out looking for him right now.哈莉我真不知道我们是怎么走到这步的Harlee, I don't know how we got here.如果能重新开始我愿付出一切I would give anything to go back to start.是啊Yeah.我也是Me too.请进Yes, come in.记者越聚越多了The press pool is gathering.你确定不需要别的了吗女士Are you sure you don't need anything else, ma'am?不用了奥斯丁放下就行No, I'm fine, Austin. Just, uh, put those there,让他们给我们五分钟and tell 'em we'll be down in five.谢谢Thank you.好的Yeah.我觉得还是应该让你穿制♥服♥色I think we should keep you in the blue family.你总不能穿着带血的衣服出镜吧Well, you can't go on camera with blood on you.我是以朋友的身份来的I came here as your friend, all right?不是道具Not as a stage prop.这事已经是纽约最大的新闻了由不得你Like it or not, this is the biggest story in New York.举国上下都已经知道了Hell, it's even gone national.要么你今晚跟媒体说Either you address the media tonight要么就明早等他们围到你家门口再说or you address them on your front stoop tomorrow.你选吧It's your choice.你好我接到电♥话♥说我哥在这里Hey, I got a call my brother was here.-华♥莱♥士♥·图福 -你就是那个警♥察♥ - Wallace Tufo? - You're the NYPD officer?对是我Yeah, that's me.他情况有多糟How bad is he?这是谁干的Who did this?-别问了 -不行我接到电♥话♥- Forget about it. - No, I get a call说我唯一的亲人被打到住院that the only family I got left is busted up in the hospital,我得搞清楚是谁干的I'm gonna find out who put him there.是昆斯Quince.阿斯托利亚的扛把子Shot caller on Astoria.华♥莱♥士♥ 我让你一个人待了六个小时Wallace, I left you alone for six hours你就重蹈覆辙了and you already back to running?我得还债I had a debt to pay.开车拉脚什么的Drive a car from here to there.一个老太太闯红灯把我的车撞了Old lady runs a red, T-bones me.那车有案底我就扔下跑了Car was hot, so I had to ditch it.过了几个小时昆斯带着兄弟找到了我Couple hours later, Quince and his boys found me. 然后就不记得了That's the last thing I remember.你♥他♥妈♥就出了一天门You've been out for one damn day.我为你打过包票的华♥莱♥士♥I stood up for you, Wallace.我欠他的I owed the man.他保我在里面安全He kept me safe on the inside.保护是要收费的Protection ain't free.马库斯Marcus...别管了leave it be.我有个私事I got an off-the-books situation.你交了警徽You turned in your badge.所有事都是私事了Everything's off-the-books with you.早上得收拾个人We're carrying heavy in the A.M.-谁 -某个自作自受的贱♥人♥- On who? - Some son of a bitch that has it coming, 我需要所有的武器and I need all the party favors.你能帮我吗Can you hook me up?杰克罗素犬是一种优秀的动物Jack Russell's a fine animal.体型不大但很有斗志Not the biggest, but they got a lot of spirit.如果你让它和一只罗威纳犬或者You pit one of them against a Rottweiler德国牧羊犬斗它会血战到底or German Shepherd, they'll fight to the death 只为了站在荣誉之巅just to be the alpha.难怪麦克斯会这么喜欢你Must be why Max took such a liking to you.你们都一样有勇无谋You're both all balls, no brains.我正在找你的男友I been looking for your boyfriend.去了他的家Went to his house,他的餐馆to his restaurant,他的俱乐部to his clubs.比安奇先生在哪Where is Mr. Bianchi?你就是那个人对吧You're him, aren't you?那个疯警♥察♥You're that crazy cop.我跟他说过和纽约警局斗...I told him a war with the NYPD was, well...不是好主意not a good idea.他对我一直很好He's been pretty good to me.我不在乎不关心I don't care. I don't care.我爸生病的时候他待我爸很好He took care of my dad when he was sick.我不在乎I don't care.你不介意...Do you mind if, um...我抽根烟吧if I have a smoke?这东西会毁了你These things will kill you.在开枪之前...Check the clip...记得检查弹夹亲爱的before you pull the trigger, sweetheart. 放开我Get off me!-放手 -告诉我他在哪- Get off-- - Tell me! Where is he?我只是他的情妇没有价值I'm just a good lay to him. I'm nothing.他今晚差点杀了我的一个朋友He almost killed a friend of mine tonight! 来再说一句谎话Come on, one more lie.-再说一句啊 -在意大利- Tell me one more lie! - Italy!意大利他在意大利Italy! He's in Italy.他说他得去避一阵风头He said he needed to lay low for a while. 他的故乡The old country?你确定用这套说辞了吗That's what you're gonna go with?我说的是实话It's the truth.你让我♥干♥什么我都照做Whatever you want, I'll do it.求你了求你了Please. Please--no, please.我喜欢狗算你走运You're lucky I like dogs.自存仓-联调局 -趴下- FBI! - Get on the ground!-快趴下 -腿叉开- Down on the ground! - Spread 'em!-趴下 -我们上- On the ground! - Let's go!-趴好别动 - 快点- All the way! - Come on.好了让他起来快All right, get him up. Let's move.看起来你正打算给某人Looks like you're planning on giving somebody打叫醒电♥话♥one heck of a wakeup call.我也是Me too.卡洛斯·埃斯巴达警探Detective Carlos Espada,我是罗伯特·斯塔尔联调局探员I'm Robert Stahl. I'm with the FBI.你被捕了You're under arrest.抱歉没接到你的电♥话♥ 请留言Sorry I missed you. Leave a message.卡迪我是哈莉Caddie, it's Harlee again.别给我玩失踪你在哪Don't disappear on me. Where are you?听到留言立刻给我回电Call me as soon as you get this.还以为我们已经过了事后溜人的阶段Thought we were past the walk-of-shame phase.我要向麦克马纳斯队长听取汇报I just have to go debrief Captain McManus.你是不是做恶梦了I, uh, felt like you were having bad dreams.你还没准备好听我的恶梦You're not ready to hear my nightmares.试试Try me.我还没准备好告诉你I'm not ready to tell you.枪击事件后创后应激障碍是很正常的After a shooting, it's normal to have a certain amount of PTSD. 这不是我第一次开枪This isn't the first time I've fired my weapon.但这是你第一次杀人First time you killed someone.可以快点吗兄弟Could we speed this up, man?我想去打个电♥话♥I'd like to make my phone call.那得等等警探That may take awhile, Detective.周日轮班Sunday shift.资源有限你明白的Limited resources. You understand.没问题我很乐意改期Yeah, no problem. I'm happy to reschedule.恐怕我帮不了你警探Well, I'm afraid I can't help you there, Detective.如果你乐意随时可以用我的手♥机♥ You are, uh, welcome to use mine if you want.你用一口袋硬币袭击了上司You assaulted a superior officer with pocket change? 把一堆硬币握在手心里出拳A roll of quarters balled up in your fist能造成严重创伤inflicts some serious hurt.我们可以回溯一下你是怎么入队的吗Can we go back and start with how you joined the unit? 那就是经过啊That is how I joined the unit.但是你对那些并不感兴趣But you're not interested in all that.你是来采访我们的英雄警♥察♥的You're here to interview our hero cop.我对所有人都感兴趣I'm interested in everybody.你们的前任成员在竞选市长A former member of your unit is running for mayor,并在另一名成员保护下免受行刺another member prevented her assassination.你却希望以自己领导之子的身份And you're hoping being the boss's son来获取独家报道gets you an exclusive.我希望你能说完故事I'm hoping you finish your story.我刚加入警队Well, I'd just earned my gold shield,北曼哈顿重案组需要补充一些the Manhattan North Homicide Unit was, uh,雌性激素needing some estrogen.等一下Hold on.桑托警探办公处Detective Santos' desk.不不不还没回来No, no, no, still not back yet.不清楚I don't know.反正一位一级警探Anyway, this first grade detective希望格外关照我offered to take me under his wing,虽然他比起导师来说更像磨人精although he was more tormentor than mentor.当开玩笑升级到了摸屁♥股♥And then when the jokes escalated to ass grabbing,我就受够了我提交了性骚扰投诉I got fed up, and I filed a sexual harassment complaint. 然后石沉大海Up went the blue wall, and fast.苔丝你有替我接过电♥话♥吗Tess, did you take an incoming call for me?只有本地到东京的主要新闻机构们Only from every major news outlet from here to Tokyo. 暗♥杀♥事件后不到十二个小时Back to work less than 12 hours就回到工作岗位after taking out an assassin,-真令人印象深刻 -内特- that is impressive. - Nate.来找你♥爸♥吗Are you here for your dad?差不多但他不知道Sort of. Except he doesn't know it yet.他这个周末上班吗Is the old man working this weekend?你打个电♥话♥不就知道了You could have solved that mystery with one phone call. 我在为《邮报》写篇文章I'm writing a piece for the "Post."我是希望你能坐下了I was actually hoping you'd sit down with me接受一个采访for an interview.混♥蛋♥[斯塔尔]我就想躲着这种事情Exactly what I was trying to avoid.提醒你我可是很执着的Gotta warn you, I can be tenacious.当然你姓沃兹尼亚克Yeah. Last name Wozniak.搞什么啊你不看新闻吗Seriously? Do you not watch the news?我昨晚遇到点小状况I got a little sidetracked last night.我没想到你还在替这个混♥蛋♥干活I didn't realize you were still on retainer with this jackoff. 埃斯巴达你怎么拿到这个电♥话♥的Espada? How did you get this phone?你在哪Where are you?你还想不想听Hey, wanna hear this or not? Hmm?等不及啦Edge of my seat.有一晚他想要解我裤子So one night, he tries to unbutton my jeans.然后你用攥着硬币的拳头揍他And you introduced him to a fist full of Washington's.我感觉好极了And I felt pretty damn good about it too.然后我就被停职停薪Until I was suspended without pay等待官方审查pending an official review.-怎么啦 -之后有一天晚上- Something wrong? - And then one night,我正在家里发愁I, uh, was sitting in my apartment stewing,有人来敲门and there's a knock at the door,那之前我从没见过你♥爸♥爸and I had never met your dad before,但我听说过他他那时也听说了我but I'd heard about him, and he'd heard about me now, 显然我这种倔强泼妇and apparently, I was the kind of stubborn bitch正是他想要的人he was looking for.你最后见到图福是什么时候When was the last time you saw Tufo?皇后区一个势力很大的毒贩A heavily connected dealer in Queens.是他打了你兄弟Who tuned up your brother.是把他打进了重症监护室Yeah, put him in Intensive Care Unit,我得找这个人谈谈and I need to have a conversation with the man.谈完之后逮捕他吗Are we arresting him after this "Conversation"?谁知道我们在他地盘上会发现什么Well, God knows what kind of illegal activity we'll find -违法行为 -那我们等到明天- on the premises. - So we wait till tomorrow.-带着搜查令去 -华♥莱♥士♥假释中- Go in with a warrant. - Wallace is on parole.可以用胁从的名义抓他They could put him back in just for associating.我是说通常我是会带人扑过去的I mean, normally, I'd blaze in with the crew,但是这次没有人except there ain't no crew.埃斯巴达失踪了And Espada is MIA.什么算是胁从What constitutes "Associating"?迈克这次是私人恩怨家务事Mike, this is personal. This is family.而且很危险我需要支援This is also dangerous and I need backup.我这是找你帮忙就现在Man, I'm asking for your help. Right now.好吧现在All right? Right now.我要对纽约警署的英勇无畏I would like to extend my deepest gratitude致以最深切的感激to the bravery of the NYPD,特别是对于哈莉·桑托斯警探and in particular to Detective Harlee Santos她在交火中勇敢地救了我whose courage under fire saved my life以及无数其他人生命and the lives of countless others.线上民调显示上升三个百分点Over a three-point bump in online polls and rising.等她的丑事在十一点新闻曝光Well, we'll see what kind of figure she cuts看她还能拿到多少支持率doing a perp walk on the 11:00 news.埃尔离市长位置越近Every step Ayres takes closer to the mayor's office取证的难度就越大makes the burden of proof that much higher.十二个小时内我们就会从她那里讨回公道In 12 hours, we should have it straight from her mouth. 你很有把握沃兹尼亚克会投降You're confident that Wozniak will finally surrender? 如不然我们可怜的小客人就要Well, if not, our sad little guest over there被移送到都会区看守所will be processed and moved to MCC.把警♥察♥送进看守所Putting a cop in Metro,你这是要整死他you're throwing him in a shark tank.把他生吞活剥了Let him get eaten.看看沃兹尼亚克的队友还能支持他多久We'll see how long Wozniak's crew stands by him.斯塔尔把他关在哪里了Where's Stahl keeping him?市中心联调局的拘留所Downtown. The FBI detention center.一定是因为暗♥杀♥未遂It had to be the assassination attempt.他感到茱莉亚要脱身了He felt Julia slipping away他立马抓了埃斯巴达and he reacted by picking up Espada.我卡住他脖子时I should have finished him off真应该结果了他when I had my hands around his throat.-我们告不告诉队员 -让大家都炸了窝吗- Do we tell the crew? - Get them more pissed off他们已经是草木皆兵了and paranoid than they already are?我先把埃斯巴达弄出来Let me get Espada first.你知道这要付出什么代价You know what that's gonna take.只牵住斯塔尔不能一劳永逸Stringing Stahl along wasn't gonna work forever.图福不接电♥话♥Hey, Tufo's not answering.你们觉得他会不会Do you think he's hot enough自己动手对付昆斯呢to move against this Quince guy on his own?他兄弟脑水肿躺在梅西诊所Well, his brother's lying in Mercy with a cerebral edema, 他在管埃斯巴达要大量武器and he asked Espada for enough weapons-要大干一场 -知道吗- to fuel a small revolution. - You know what?在图福动手前把那个毒贩逮捕Arrest the dealer before Tufo gets to him, okay?内特你好吗Nate. Hey, you okay?-出什么事了 -没事- What happened? - Nothing.-我在工作 -你妈妈好吗- I mean, I'm working. - Is your mom all right? 她很好爸爸She's fine, Dad.我在写一篇关于你们队的稿件I'm writing a freelance on your unit.埃尔议员女士在这里度过的时间How Councilwoman Ayres' time here如何救了她的命saved her life.我能采访你一下吗Think I can get an interview?你知道我非常愿意You know, there's nothing I'd like to do more, 但我现在不行but I just can't do it right now.现在不行晚会儿好吗I can't. Later?人♥渣♥们可不在乎什么上班时间Scumbags don't keep banker's hours.下一个纹身就纹这句话My next tattoo.我们要装作卖♥♥什么东西What, are we gonna pretend we're selling女童子军的饼干吗Girl Scout cookies?那要我们穿制♥服♥就更好了Be better if we were in uniform.我更希望有埃斯巴达的武器他在哪儿I'd prefer Espada's arsenal. Where is he?糟糕的夜晚更糟糕的早晨Rough night, rougher morning.他现在帮不了任何人He's in no condition to help anyone,-包括他自己 -放下武器- including himself. - Drop the weapon!-纽约警局 -你最好听他的亲爱的- NYPD. - I'd listen to him, sweetheart.你手里可拿着AK呢凯伦杀了他们You got the AK, Karen. Just smoke 'em.-放下枪 -警♥察♥- Guns down now! - Police.-趴下 -放下枪- On the floor! - Put 'em down!我们已经说过这些了We've already been through that part.你现在可没资格谈条件大英雄You're in no position to be laying out terms, hero.可能你没注意妹子手里拿着的Maybe you ain't notice, but baby girl here's packing 可是自动步♥枪♥ 每秒能打19发子弹an automatic. 19 rounds per second.-洛曼 -怎么- Yo, Loman. - Yeah?妹子敢眨一下眼你就先放倒她Baby girl blinks, you drop her ass first.-冷静图福 -不需要- Easy, Tufo. - No need.妹子不会朝一屋子警♥察♥开枪Baby girl ain't gonna light up a room full of cops尤其是还有这个小伙子看着呢是吗with the little man watching, now, is she?艾德里安回房♥间去Adrian, get to your room.听着我不命令任何人该做什么Look, I'm not telling anybody what to do.我喜欢先做出榜样I prefer to lead by example.哈莉不要这样Harlee, don't even think about it.现在你有选择了Now you've got a choice.想想你下一步要做什么Let's think about what you do next.你可以杀几个警♥察♥You can waste a bunch of cops,假设他们不会报复assuming they don't waste you back,你也要在单独监禁中度过后半生you spend the rest of your life in solitary,或者我们现在可以谈一谈or we can have a conversation.谈什么是他的傻帽哥哥弄坏了我的货车Conversation is his dumbass brother wrecked my delivery car. 丢了一批很值钱的货Ditched a high-value shipment.-车在哪儿 -你以为在哪儿- Where's the car now? - Where you think?-车是偷来的 -警方扣押了- The ride was stolen. - Police impound.好的好消息是我们就是警♥察♥All right, well, the good news is, we're police.不如你让我们帮你Why don't you let us help you out.你能说的再具体点儿吗美人儿Can you be more specific, dollface?我们放了车We liberate the vehicle,交给你deliver it to you,他哥哥的债就清了and his brother's debt is paid.永远清了Forever.是我中风了吗因为听起来Did I have a stroke? Because it sounds like像是你答应想要杀了我们的帮派成员you promised to steal a car from NYPD从纽约警局偷一辆车出来for the banger who just tried to kill us.我看不如我们打一通匿名电♥话♥I say we place an anonymous call.确保特警队在昆斯的卧室找到海♥洛♥因♥ Make sure SWAT finds a pound of smack in Quince's bedroom. 逮捕报告递交之前And he implicates your brother for trafficking他就会供出是你哥哥在贩运before the arrest report is filed.-你想这样吗 -我想要报仇- Is that what you want? - I'm looking for payback.你以为没有警徽就凭一副指节铜环And you thought you'd get it by banging through the door 直接上门挑衅你就能报仇了吗with no badge and a set of brass knuckles?洛曼有警徽我是旁观者Loman had a badge. I was an observer.等等你上交了你的警徽吗Wait, wait, wait. You turned in your shield?我需要些时间好好想想I'm taking some time to evaluate.你这第一天想得怎么样How's day one working out?我来见卡洛斯·埃斯巴达Hey, I'm here to see Carlos Espada.我是他的律师I'm his attorney.马特·沃兹尼亚克先生Matt Wozniak, esquire.你至少应该穿身西装再冒充律师马特You could have at least worn a suit, Matt.我要跟他说话I wanna talk to him now.不行这里不行这里不接受访客No, not here. There's no visitors here.等他在惩戒中心收监后才可以Not until he's three hots and a cot at Metro.这就是你不听我话的后果This is what happens when you don't play ball with me. 你的队员会因你的傲慢付出代价The rest of your team gets to pay for your arrogance.他不知道关于茱莉亚的任何事He doesn't know anything about Julia.你在走一条死路You're drilling a dry hole,不过我想你已经习惯了but I'm sure you're used to that by now.我没想从他那儿得到什么I'm not even looking for anything from him.我只是在收你的债I'm collecting on your debt.明天早上九点So 9 a.m. tomorrow,6♥4♥警区的卡洛斯·埃斯巴达警探Detective Carlos Espada of the 6♥4♥th precinct将被州地方法♥院♥提审is going to be arraigned in U.S. District Court,在那之后你我就都无能为力了and after that, it's out of both our hands,你可以开始看有没有团购价的so you should start looking at group rates好律师了on a really good lawyer.是吗Yeah?那样你就永远得不到你真正想得到的了And you're never gonna get who you're really after.反正我现在也扳不倒她I'm not getting her now.那就这样吧结束了So that's it. It's over.我知道扮演殉道者很难I know it's hard playing the martyr特别是让你周围的人都因此受到伤害when you're inflicting all this damage on everybody around you. 那就随便吧So go ahead.要么你保护这个烂人You protect one lousy whore for the mob.要么你带上窃听器Or... you wear the wire.录下埃尔议员女士You get Councilwoman Ayres on record然后交给我and you deliver it to me.不是一周内也不是一月内Not in a week, not in a month,但足够我去阻止埃斯巴达的传讯but soon enough for me to stop Espada's arraignment.你哥哥还真是把这弄得够糟啊Your brother really did a number on this.不是他的错有个老太太闯了红灯Wasn't his fault. Some senior lady ran a light.我在想约一小时后I'm thinking Tess shows up here苔丝会穿着低胸上衣出现in about an hour with a low-cut blouse,淡定地盯着我们在出口的朋友bats her eyes at our friend at the gate然后把车停在车场另一边and then asks for help with a vehicle要求帮忙on the other side of the lot.一旦猥琐警官上了钩And when officer slick busts a move,我就把这辆思域车开出去I drive the Civic through the exit.不行我开出去Close. I drive it out.我就把你和洛曼Then I drop it off with you and Loman送到警局at the precinct,你们就可以把它交给昆斯and then you can take it to Quince.那是我哥哥Well, it's my brother,即使你让昆斯就范了and just because you crashed Quince's crib也不意味着我就得听你的does not mean you get to call the plays.我觉得你可以回替补席歇息了I mean, as far as I'm concerned, you can head back to the bench. 好教练除非你知道Okay, coach, but unless you know怎么给96年的思域换分电器盖how to replace a distributor cap on a '96 Civic,引擎没有转动this engine's not turning over.这就能弥补出♥卖♥♥♥That's gonna make up for selling out the people每天为你出生入死的人吗that risked their lives for you every damn day?我只在乎保护家人All I've ever cared about is protecting this family.我不该骗你的Look I shouldn't have lied to you,对不起and I'm sorry.-但想想这个 -最好说得过去- But consider one thing. - Oh, this should be good.如果我没搅黄昆斯If I hadn't of crashed Quince's,美国抽象表现主义绘画大♥师♥那你就成了他墙上的杰克逊·波洛克作品you'd be a Jackson Pollock all over his wall right now. 我会给你找个分电器盖I'll go find you that distributor cap.好消息Good news:他们给你准备了有无麸质食物you got a gluten-free option on the menu.刚在俩瘾君子面前上演了大戏Just took a dump in front of two meth heads你现在就来这开玩笑and you're over here cracking jokes?这都怪你This is on you.因为你是合唱团小子吗Oh, because you're such a choir boy?你也做出选择了朋友You've made choices too, my friend.你和哈莉不是在跟联调局合作吗I thought you and Harlee made a deal with the Feds. -是的 -但是呢- We did. - But what?你必须舍弃一块肥肉You had to give up a pound of flesh,-而我最没价值 -什么- and I was the most disposable? - What?我没法给你这You're lucky I can't come over there可恶的家伙一巴掌算你走运and slap that sourpuss right off your face.有人跟你说过你很不擅长鼓舞士气吗Anyone ever tell you that you blow at giving pep talks? 听着要有自信Listen, keep your shoulders back.你的内心还是个警♥察♥You're a cop on the inside.别生闷气别暴露软肋Stop sulking and don't show any weakness.他们上午传讯我了They arraign me in the morning.就算我赢了控诉我的事业也完了Even if I beat the charges, my career's over.我在想办法救你出来I'm figuring out a play to get you out of here,但同时你得无所畏惧but in the meantime, stand tall.想办法Figuring out?就像你也无能为力As in you don't have one.明天你就会被释放You're walking out of here a free man tomorrow.我保证You have my word.一路平安Home safe.该死Damn it!无可争辩的事实哈莉Indisputable fact, Harlee.男人这一辈子只有他的女人Nobody knows where a man's skeletons are buried最了解他的秘密like the woman in his life.并不代表她就会开口That doesn't mean she has something to say,而我觉得斯塔尔不会那样拖人下水and I don't think Stahl lets people in like that.他分得清He compartmentalizes.或许就是现在但其中肯定有原因But there has to be a reason for that.他不是一夜间变成疯子He didn't turn into a psycho overnight.因为被人追捕你才学会如何躲藏You learn how to hide 'cause someone's chasing you.要是有人知道谁在追斯塔尔肯定是她If anybody knows who's chasing Stahl, it's her.我要是错了就错了但如果我没错Look, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but if I'm right,明早就能跟埃斯巴达一起喝血腥玛丽了we're having Bloody Marys with Espada tomorrow morning. 我会跟你追查到底沃兹I'll punch through the final bell with you, Woz.我会的但你得明白I will, but you have to realize斯塔尔让你无路可退that Stahl has you locked in a corner.还没到那步We're not there yet.那我想前任斯塔尔夫人是你的Well, then I think that you have the best chance最佳突破口with the former Mrs. Stahl.你帮她拿到了完全抚养权I mean, you helped her secure full custody.对但你们有个共同问题Yeah, but you share a common problem.我们啥都不需要我开门答复We don't want any. I only answered只因为我的孩子病了在睡觉'cause I have a sick kid napping.等等玛尔塔·斯塔尔Wait, Marta Stahl?我该跟你道歉I owe you an apology.我是视频里的那个女人I'm the woman from the video.那个妓♥女♥The whore?。

IMBD TOP150 转载

IMBD TOP150 转载
44. 8.5 Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001) 163,269 天使爱美丽(法国)
45. 8.5 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 214,192 终结者2,未来战士2
46. 8.5 Alien (1979) 163,708 异性I
11. 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 329,282 魔戒三部曲之王者归来
12. 8.8 Star Wars (1977) 297,831 星球大战IV新的希望
13. 8.8 Casablanca (1942) 154,791 卡萨布兰卡
79. 8.3 La vita è bella (1997) 97,359 美丽人生(意大利)
80. 8.3 Back to the Future (1985) 181,897 回到未来
81. 8.3 Der Untergang (2004) 73,099 帝国毁灭,希特勒的最后12天(德国)
17. 8.7 Fight Club (1999) 343,020 (搏击俱乐部)ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
18. 8.7 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 225,093 夺宝奇兵之法柜奇兵
19. 8.7 Rear Window (1954) 108,131 后窗(导演希区柯克)
20. 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 355,448 魔戒三部曲之魔戒现身
76. 8.3 Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 149,201 贫民窟的百万富翁



泰剧爱神的阴影剧情介绍(1-30全集大结局) 爱神的阴影12话题:爱神的阴影12 母亲的爱神阴影爱神之影/爱神的阴影分集剧情介绍:第1集故事发生在海滩,Rom和Pete赛艇比赛,Rom以超高技术完胜Pete。







爱神之影/爱神的阴影分集剧情介绍:第3集Rom 逼Jehan说出自己的真实性别,Jehan流泪难以启齿,Rom 无情地要求Jehan搬离家中。

Tom吃惊地看着戒指,向Rom 请求一定要见这戒指的主人,说是自己父亲的戒指,上面有家族的标志。









自从爱人去了国外,Rom 便再没动心过,而Jehan绝对不可能是Rom的心上人。

Rad 老师问Jehan的单词背诵如何,Jehan表示想问一些事情。


Shades of Blue Season《蓝海暮色(2016)》第三季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

Shades of Blue Season《蓝海暮色(2016)》第三季第八集完整中英文对照剧本

蓝海暮色第三季第八集《蓝海暮色》前情提要Previously on "Shades of Blue"...你唯一的证人收回了她的陈述Your only witness retracted her story.吉娜Gina!该还债了A debt needs to be paid.迈尔斯探员这是正式的审讯吗Agent Myers, is this an official interrogation?斯塔尔对你做了详细侧写Stahl created an extensive profile on you.哈莉·桑托斯很聪明Harlee Santos is smart.你对她永远不能放松警惕You can never let your guard down.对不起洛曼我在你有机会选择- I'm sorry, Loman, for choosing what kind of cop该成为什么样的警♥察♥前替你做出了选择you were gonna be before you had the chance to.情报局在跟里奥阿查黑帮勾结Intelligence is in bed with the Riohacha cartel.-走吧 -恩里克·奥蒂斯太重要了- Move along. - Enrique Ortiz is so important以至于联邦特遣部队that a federal task force came来我们分局把他抢走and swooped him from our custody.我的人非常明确地表示过不要动他My men made it explicitly clear to leave him alone.西奥·班尼特你因谋杀Theo Bennett, you're under arrest詹姆斯·纳瓦被捕了for the murder of James Nava.-我可以证明 -那就证明I can prove this! - Then do it.告诉我瓦妮莎在哪儿Tell me where Vanessa is.在班尼特和黑帮之间And establish a racketeering link建立起一个敲诈勒索的连接between Bennett and the cartel.拉姆齐在情报部门安插了内鬼你知道的Ramsey has a rat in Internal Affairs, you know it.我要止损立刻释放班尼特I'm cutting our losses and releasing Bennett right now. 拉姆齐会知道你收到了线报Ramsey will know you got tipped,而这只有可能是班尼特或是我♥干♥的and it could only be Bennett or me.忠诚至极Loyalty under fire.这个绝对管用This would certainly do the trick.这可能会有点痛This might hurt a little.放松Relax.结束了It's over.你觉得呢What do you think?这些伤疤能管用吗Will the scars work for me?管用的不是伤疤It's not the scars that do it.而是这背后的故事It's the story behind it.说给小孩听的那种故事Yeah, that's one for the grandkids.我开始觉得你喜欢这些了I'm starting to think you enjoy this.快点打我的后脑勺Quick, hit me in the back of the head.-我得去躲起来了 -我需要一个伤口- I got to take cover. - I need a wound.我自己办不到One I couldn't do on my own.-数三下 -你看着办- On three? - Surprise me.你是个勇敢的人You're a brave man.科尔Cole?-他们人呢 -跑了- Where are they? - Gone.只剩我了It's just me.你有事要跟我说You have things to tell me.-沃兹尼亚克 -他干的吗- Wozniak. - He did this?是的他没听到他想听的Yes. And didn't hear what he wanted.是这样吗Is that so?他试过这么做了吗Did he try this?然后他试过威胁我了And then he moved past the threats.你确定要在我刚为你挺过那一切之后You sure you don't want to stab me in the back with that? 用这个在背后捅我一刀吗After everything I just went through for you?好吧All right.我们来回顾一下Let's walk the timeline.在第6♥4♥警区转错弯后你去了哪Where did you go after your wrong turn at the Six Four? 我爸爸的烟雾报♥警♥器响了My dad's smoke alarm went off.我让菲尔普斯把我送到了我的公♥寓♥I had Phelps drop me at my apartment我好去拿钥匙so I could grab the keys.给我看看钥匙Show me the keys.我拿到钥匙之前他们就找到我了They got to me before I had them.他们想知道什么What did they want to know?能把你和奥阿查黑帮联♥系♥起来的东西Anything that could link you to the Riohacha cartel.-你怎么说的 -真♥相♥- And you told them? - The truth.那些事是机密而我并不需要知道That you were need-to-know and I didn't need to know. 我想他们不相信你I take it they didn't believe you.-不怎么愉快 -你什么都没给他们- It wasn't pleasant. - You gave them nothing?给了足够让我活下来的东西Enough to stay alive.没什么能伤到我们的我知道规则Nothing that could hurt us. I know the dance.屈服也不用感到羞愧孩子There's no shame in breaking, kid.只要你现在告诉我Not if you tell me now.我们可以制定计划想想办法We can make a plan, make a play.如果他们相信你我们就有了优势If they trust you, we have the advantage.但首先我需要确定能相信你But I need to trust you first.我不问缘由地跟着你征战I followed you into battle with my eyes closed.如果你现在不相信我你就从未了解过我If you can't trust me by now, you never knew me at all. 我只知道痛苦What I know is pain.怎么施加痛苦怎么忍♥受痛苦How to inflict it, how to tolerate it.我也经历过同样的处境I've been where you are.你没告诉他们怎么找到恩里克的情人吗You didn't tell them how to find Enrique's girl?如果早就透露了Yeah, I let it slip over breakfast.他们干嘛折磨我这么久And they tortured me over dinner.那他们就这么放弃了And they just gave up?重启了你的手♥机♥ 让我找到你Reactivated your phone for me to find you?如果黑帮受到了惊吓If the cartel gets spooked,他们也会来找我麻烦they're coming after me too.黑帮已经受到了惊吓The cartel is already spooked.恩里克被联邦监禁Enrique's federal incarceration是一个需要解决的问题is a problem that needs to be undone.所以你想把他从监禁中放出来So you want to break him out of custody?我只想相信我的人What I want is to trust my people.我有做过什么要你怀疑我的事吗When have I ever given you reason to doubt?帕克Parker.你本想阻止我杀掉他You tried to stop me from killing him.我是想阻止你在餐馆杀了他I tried to stop you from killing him in a diner.很可惜我没做到否则马特·沃兹尼亚克And it's too bad I didn't. We wouldn't have Matt Wozniak 以及让他的手下也不会这样瓦解我们and his crew tearing us apart.好好All right, all right.第二次事故说明了一切The second burn tells the story.如果第一次你没开口If you didn't talk after the first,就很有可能保守了秘密odds are, you kept your secrets.如果你保守了秘密And if you kept your secrets,就代表有人没守住that means someone let his slip.班尼特是唯一知道那条消息的另一人Bennett is the only other soul with that intel.证明给我看你是我的人孩子Show me you're with me, son.难以理解你精力还这么旺盛It's a mystery you have so much energy left.你怎么登录联调局服务器的How'd you log on to the FBI server?我看到相框里的影子Reflection in the picture frame.我我只是No, I just, um...你忘了退出我出来倒杯水然后You forgot to log off, I went to get a drink of water, and-- 然后就要坐下And then you just had to sit down不怀好意地看哈莉的照片and leer at photos of Harlee.我没有不怀好意我是在研究她I wasn't leering. I was studying her.好像漏了点什么I feel like I missed something.你闭眼了亲爱的You close your eyes now, darling.你从没这样过You never used to.我只是只是想I'm just, like, um, trying...我得摒弃那些念头闭眼脑子就不转了I got to block the thoughts. It helps me shut off my brain. 以我对你的了解For as long as I've known you,你从来不会让大脑停转shutting off your brain was never an option.我之前也不用洗清自己的名声Well, I've never had to clear my name before.也绝不必面对支离破碎的人生I've never had to face losing my entire life before.我只想如何扭转局面All I think about is how to make things right again. 我一点不在乎And, uh, I don't even care.不再在乎工作了I don't care about the job anymore.抱歉I'm sorry.我不是想逼你I didn't mean to push.只是听着This is just--look.我感觉需要提醒自己I felt like I needed a reminder我们现在面对的是谁of who it is we're dealing with here.不能因为她把刀作为呈堂证供Just because she brought in that knife,就认为她没有杀死那个妓♥女♥that doesn't mean she didn't kill that prostitute.如果能解决掉刀为何又要呈堂作证Why bring the knife in if you could get rid of it?她绝不是省油的灯You can never let up with her,一刻也不能松懈因为哈莉·桑托斯not for one second, because I have never met是我见过最厉害的谎话精a more skilled liar than Harlee Santos.相信我这次她撒谎也没用了Trust me, she's not gonna lie her way out of this one. 你就是我的命知道吗You're my lifeline. You know that?要不是因为你我就会一蹶不振If it wasn't for you, I'd be lost out there somewhere. 严格来说你现在依旧如此Technically, you're still missing.凯蒂Katie...谢谢Thank you.别忘了是你先救了我一命Well, don't forget, you saved my life first.我失眠的时候When I can't sleep,全是因为我一刻也没忘记it's because of that-- remembering.那我们是互相拯救Now we've saved each other.算你走运没有脑震荡You're lucky you avoided a concussion.没看到我老婆的脸色吗You see my wife's face?我感觉要倒霉了I'm not feeling very lucky.他有说背上有颗子弹吗Did he mention there's a bullet in his back?我看过病历那里只要有任何梗阻I read the chart. Any obstruction in that area都会导致严重的并发症can cause serious complications.比如一头栽倒吗Like falling on your head?我的头撞到车♥库♥里的木板I hit my head on a 2x4 in the garage.你要是觉得我会相信这话You must think you're talking to a 2x4那肯定是以为在跟八岁小孩说话if you expect me to believe that.伤口三天不能沾水Keep the wound dry for three days.七到十天就能拆线了Stitches come out in seven to ten.谢谢医生Thank you, Doctor.你怎么不告诉她我还割过包皮Why don't you just tell her I'm circumcised too? -你干嘛撒谎 -我没撒谎- Why are you lying? - I'm not lying.我看到厨房♥地板上的血迹了I saw the blood on the kitchen floor.你昏倒了You passed out.你还懂如何辨别犯罪现场了You know how to read a crime scene?你把自己逼得太紧了You're pushing yourself too hard.你在...What are you--我知道拉姆齐的下步计划了I know Ramsey's next move.他要救恩里克出去He's breaking Enrique out of custody.在他"化腐朽为神奇"之前还是之后Is this before or after he turns water into wine? 我们都亲眼见过他的所作所为你还在怀疑You're doubting after what we've seen him do? 那先抓到他再说吧Then we'll just get him first.还有班尼特死了And Bennett's dead.-什么 -我亲眼看到的- What? - Right in front of me.拉姆齐为泄密的事找了替死鬼Ramsey made someone answer for the leak.很好Good.就是说他很满意Means he's satisfied.不我的很好是指但愿你能平静些No, I mean good, I hope that brings you peace. 就是纳瓦的事You know, for Nava.警官苔丝·纳萨里奥警官马库斯·图福那里有人找你Someone up there is looking out for you.-我们又搭档了 -嗯- We're back together. - Mm-hmm.我猜我烤的那些纸杯蛋糕有了回报Guess all those cupcakes I baked paid off.天你一辈子都没烤过东西Man, you ain't ever baked in your life.你觉得是沃兹让我们继续搭档的吗You think Woz got us back together?也许他终于觉得把我们留给Mm, maybe he's finally feeling guilty那群穿警服的人而感到愧疚了about leaving us in these blues.他把艾德里安从少管所里放出来了Well, he got Adrian out of juvie.他想让我们顺路过去看看他怎么样He wants us to swing by and do a wellness check.希望我们是下一个Hopefully, we're next on the list.你有没有注意到这辆车从河边就一直跟着咱们You notice this car's been following us since the river? 是什么让你如此确信他们是内部调查科的What made you so sure they were Internal Affairs?他们自称是内部调查科的They introduced themselves as Internal Affairs.有点故意透露的意思Kind of tipped me off.-他们想怎么样 -毁了我的早餐- What did they want? - To ruin my breakfast.我有一个完整的仪式I have a whole ritual.我三十分钟后会去见科尔I'm meeting Cole in 30 minutes.小心有人跟着你Hey, keep your eye out for a tail.内部调查科一直在跟踪苔丝和图福I.A.'s been shadowing Tess and Tufo,而且今天早上他们毁了他的早餐仪式and this morning, they ruined his ritual.这不是个好时机我感觉这些事情It's not a good time. I get the sense会在今天有个了结that this thing is going down today.-什么事情 -情报部门可能会把他们的- What thing? - Intelligence might bust毒贩客户从联邦拘留所给弄出来their cartel client out of federal custody.你的人知道细节吗Does your guy have the details?经过昨晚的事情After last night,我想科尔要是没有的话他是不会冒险见面的I don't think Cole would risk a meet if he didn't.-科尔吗 -不是联邦调查局的迈尔斯探员- Is that him? - No. Agent Myers, FBI.等等在你接电♥话♥之前Wait, before you answer it,我有事情要告诉你there's something that I need to tell you.不行说不定是关于斯塔尔的线索No, it might be a lead on Stahl.我不知道这个疯子是否在纽约但是I don't know if this psycho is in New York, but--怎么你相信我没疯What, you believe I'm not crazy?我从来没给你送过花I never sent you flowers.桑托斯Santos.恭喜你小伙子脱离了监狱Congrats, little man. Fresh from the joint.你在里面的时候Now, you didn't get any tattoos没纹什么纹身吧when you were in there, did you?没有No.你太聪明了Yeah, you're too smart for that.给你沃兹给你的Aww. Here you go, buddy. It's from Woz.他还承诺你以后会有更多的游戏Comes with the promise of more games in the future. 你应该说什么宝贝Whoa, whoa! What do you say, baby?谢谢Thank you.他看起来老成了些He seems older.就好像他甚至没有机会做个小孩子Like he didn't even get a chance to be a kid, man.那个地方夺走了他的童年That place took it from him.不他会记得的时间比你想的更治愈No, he'll remember. Time heals more than you think.没错但是时间没法治愈这个街区Yeah, well, time can't heal this block.看见角落那个人了吗See that dude on the corner?他找你麻烦了He giving you trouble?没有不是我他是个放风的No, not me. He's a scout.只要你们一离开他就会给出信♥号♥♥ So as soon as you leave, he'll give the all clear.怎么你加入了邻里监督组织吗What, you join the neighborhood watch?不是我只是想让艾德里安离开这里Nah, I'm just trying to get Adrian up out of here.但是交了租金押金保证金But with rent, deposit, security,我再没钱了你懂我的意思吗that's money I don't have, you know what I'm saying?同时我不希望我们周围再有毒品交易Meantime, I don't want the trade anywhere near us.包在我身上Consider it done.随便坐Pull up a stool.-哈莉在哪儿 -怎么了- Where's Harlee? - What's the matter?我的曲线不够窈窕吗I'm not curvy enough for you?墨菲把好东西都藏起来了Murph hides the good stuff.但是他还不知道我晓得在哪儿Still hasn't figured out that I know where.给喝吧There, drink up.你会需要的You're gonna need it.你跟卷发棒打架了吗You have a fight with a curling iron?你的女孩知道如何Your girl knows her way加强审讯around an enhanced interrogation.她有个好老师She had a good teacher.所以她在哪儿So where is she?她有一件紧急事务你懂得She had a pressing matter. You understand.事实上经过昨天晚上的事情Actually, after what I went through last night,我不能说我懂I can't say that I do.她可能更好看些She might be easier on the eyes,但是你得知道你跟她说话的时候but you have to have known, when you spoke to her,也就是跟我说话you spoke to me.你以为把恩里克弄到手Do you think that getting your hands on Enrique就能了结这一切is gonna end this?这只是个开始It's a start.我来这儿是为了告诉她...I came to tell her that it...-这做不到的 -这不是个选择- it can't be done. - That's not an option.恩里克会被国土安♥全♥部♥借故转移走Enrique is gonna be moved under the pretense说他们想要在没人知道的地方对话that Homeland Security wants to have a chat off-site.在他转移之前这个地点是不会透露出来的The location won't be revealed until after he's on the move. 放轻松等你接手你就把他交给我们Easy. When you take custody, you then hand him over to us. 然后等我这么做的时候And while I'm doing that,你好挖坑让拉姆齐埋了我you can dig the grave that Ramsey will put me in.这是个请求还是个条件Is that a request or a condition?不暴露我这事就做不到It can't be done without burning me.跟我说一遍Just walk me through it.要是不行的话我会告诉你I'll let you know if it can't be done.希望你没有等太久Hope you haven't been waiting long.你知道我已经等很久了You know I have.你车里那把刀上的血迹The blood on the knife in your car和受害人的相匹配is a perfect match to the victims.我告诉过你会这样的这是什么I told you it would be. What's this about?是关于你的This is about you.这是在浪费时间Well, then it's already a waste of time.因为我没有杀吉娜是斯塔尔干的Because I didn't kill Gina. Stahl did.你是个好人吗警探Are you a good person, Detective?你把我叫到这里就为了问我是不是个好人You called me down here to ask me if I was a good person?你考虑过处理掉在车里发现的那把刀吗Did you consider disposing of the knife you found in your car? -是的 -为什么- Yes. - Why?因为相信联调局Because putting my trust in the FBI对我来说从来没有什么好结果has never worked out well for me.你做过让自己后悔的决定吗Ever make a choice you regret?你应该去对付斯塔尔You should be going after Stahl.好吗不是我All right? Not me.你做过让自己后悔的决定吗Ever make a choice you regret?听清楚Indulging this.听着如果我能找到斯塔尔的话我会的Look, if I could find Stahl, I would.在此之前我每时每刻Until then, I live every moment都在担心他会找到我thinking it might be the one where he finds me.因为最终他会的Because eventually, he will.她想做正确的事"She wants to do the right thing.但她已经在黑暗中太久了"But she's been surrounded by darkness for so long 她没办法控制自己不受影响"That she can't help but be touched by it.她渴望做出不同的选择She's aching to make a different choice."这是斯塔尔探员一份外勤报告中的内容From one of Agent Stahl's field reports.他已经不是探员了He's not an agent anymore.你认同这段描述吗Would you say it's accurate?我认为写这报告的人不能信任I'd say consider the source.如果你女儿长大之后像你一样If your daughter grew up to be just like you,你会为她感到自豪吗would you be proud of her?-这不是心理治疗 -不警探不是- This isn't therapy. - No, Detective, it's not.再问她一遍Ask her again.如果她的女儿长大以后像她一样If her daughter grew up to be just like her...-如果你女儿长大后 -我听到你的问题了- If your daughter grew up to-- - I heard the question.无论我女儿选择做什么我都会为她自豪Whatever my daughter chose to do, I would be proud of her. 即使她杀人并埋尸吗Even if she killed somebody and buried his body?即使她杀人并埋尸吗Even if she killed someone and buried the body?-只是举个例子 -什么- For instance. - Excuse me?我们展现出真实的自己Who we truly are becomes clear...当我们认为没有人在看着的时候Who we truly are becomes clear in the moments总是会展现出真实的自己we think nobody's watching.-而她女儿在看着她 -你女儿在看着你- And her daughter watches her. - Your daughter watches you. -每一天都在 -每一天都在- Every day. - Every day.即使在你认为Even when you think你把所有的事都隐藏得很好的时候you've hidden everything so well.我们可以不把我女儿牵扯进来吗Can we leave my daughter out of this?你真的认为你长时间接触腐♥败♥行为Do you really think you can be surrounded by corruption还能不受影响吗for so long and not be touched by it?问她你真的认为Ask her. Do you really think一个长时间接触腐♥败♥行为的人还能a person can be surrounded by corruption for so long--目击证人在受害者死亡时间前后A witness puts you on the scene看到你在案发现场around the estimated time of death.不目击证人看到我在她家门口No, a witness puts me at her door.我敲了门没有人回应I knocked. No one answered.问她有没有杀过人Ask her if she's ever killed anyone.逼她对你说谎Make her lie to you.我们会去调查这一点We'll be looking into it.不你问她No, you ask her.-多谢你过来警探 -问她- Thanks for coming, Detective. - Ask her!那是我们要找的人吗That's our guy?是的我们得彻底甩掉他Yeah, we need to relocate him permanently.凯伦不想让小家伙牵扯到麻烦Karen wants to keep little man out of trouble.你想怎么办How you wanna play it?放出消息就像以前一样Send a message, like old times.我哪也不会去的伙计们I wouldn't go anywhere, fellas.-你在干什么 -没什么等朋友- What y'all doing? - Nothing, waiting on a friend. -在给谁打电♥话♥ -你妈妈- Who's that on the phone? - It's your mother.想让我给她带个话吗You want me to give her a message?好的记下来Yeah, write this down.这到底是在干什么Hey, man, what the hell is this?我们还没有想好We haven't decided yet.克里斯蒂娜Cristina!-我现在不方便说话 -听着就好- Can't talk right now. - Just listen.你是对的就在今天You were right. It's happening today.科尔会在押送车离开拘留所的时候Cole's gonna give us the go when the transport leaves 给我们消息the detention building.我们最好在到Willis Bridge之前抓住他It's best if we grab him before the Willis Bridge.为什么Why?他的队伍里只有一个人知道最终目的地Only one person on his team knows the final destination. -科尔 -他更想活下去- Cole. - Who'd rather stay alive.妈妈车怎么了Mom, what happened to the car?-谁在说话 -克里斯蒂娜- Who's that? - Cristina.她在学校上了半天课She had a half day at school.就你付的那些学费那姑娘根本没去过学校For the tuition you pay, that girl's never in school.内部调查科在跟踪我Internal Affairs is following me.-这是为了你的安全 -多谢你的担心- It's for your safety. - Nice of you to worry,但我从没担心过这个问题but I've never been concerned about that.队长我们都知道情报部门Lieutenant, we both know Intelligence在我的部门安插了内鬼has a mole in my department.但是考虑到你的立场But given your standing,如果拉姆齐做出不利你的举措if Ramsey makes a move against you,内部调查科也许是唯一会采取措施的部门IAD may be the only cops who do something.你跟踪我们You're following us for appearances?以防你们对老太太拦路抢劫Don't go mugging any old ladies.我不需要保姆I don't need a babysitter.直到我掌控住局面之前Until I get a handle on this situation,我们必须让情报部门认为we must make Intelligence believe我正在对你的人积极调查that I am actively investigating your crew.你不喜欢我我也不喜欢你You don't like me. I don't like you.你不喜欢我吗You don't like me?但你我都知道没有督管我能做的更好But we both know that I work better without oversight. 抱歉队长这件事远大于你个人Sorry, Lieutenant. This is much bigger than just you.-你这么做什么意思 -做样子啊- What did you do that for? - For appearances.把我停职Suspend me.-什么 -把我停职- What? - Suspend me.立刻马上Active immediately.让我成为你调查的唯一对象Make me the sole focus of your investigation.队长你虽然已经够讨厌了Lieutenant, as unpopular as you are now,你还有变得更讨厌的空间you still have room to fall.至少我的手下会感到被保护At least my people will feel protected.没有了那个警徽你会失去分量的Without that badge, you're gonna feel light.这也是它被叫做警徽的原由There's a reason they call it a shield.拉姆齐会感到安全And Ramsey will feel safe.这正是我想让他产生的感受Which is exactly how I need him to feel.看来我得找个新地方Looks like I'm gonna have to find放我的备用钥匙了a new spot for my hide-a-key.整个下午我们的后视镜都没看到人Our rearview has been clear all afternoon.我的情况也一样从你和威尔科见面之后开始Mine too, ever since your meeting with Verco.很好任务完成Good. Mission accomplished.恩里克的车会驶入第一大道Enrique's transport will move up First Avenue,之后从Willis Avenue Bridge进入布朗克斯cross into the Bronx via the Willis Avenue Bridge. 安全起见司机在驶过大桥之前For security, the driver's not gonna know不会知道他的目的地是哪里what his destination is until he crosses that bridge. 司机不知道自己要去哪The driver doesn't know where he's going?直到总台告知他目的地Not until dispatch tells him.-我们知道他去哪吗 -知道- Do we know where he's going? - Yeah.但我们要在他到达大桥前进行拦截But we have to intercept before the bridge,否则科尔就会有危险or we burn Cole.我们介意牺牲掉科尔吗Do we care about burning Cole?不要冒着赔上我们性命的风险Not at the risk of our own necks.他一直在帮助我们Well, he's been there for us so far.也许这是他们的阴谋Maybe that's the plan.也许是另一次栽赃嫁祸This could be another frame job.拉姆齐不会冒险让警♥察♥发现Ramsey wouldn't risk the feds discovering他与毒贩的联♥系♥his connection to the cartel.我的直觉是这是正当的My gut says it's legit.是的在我查了警♥察♥越狱的Yeah, after I check minimum sentencing guidelines最低量刑准则之后for jailbreaks by police officers.我的意思是一定会有另外的选择I mean, there's got to be another option.有两个选择There's two.我们让拉姆齐得逞或者我们做些什么You let Ramsey win, or we do something about it.不能出错这是一场战争可能会有伤亡Make no mistake, this is war. There may be casualties. 但如果不作为我们仍然会完蛋But inaction screws us,只是慢些而已only slower.绑♥架♥毒枭的儿子就能赢得战争吗And kidnapping the son of a drug lord wins that war? 拉姆齐无法承受毒贩对他的四处堵截Ramsey can't afford for the cartel to come after him. 他比我们更加需要恩里克He needs Enrique more than we do.所以我们捉住他So we nab him,然后提供一个单方面和平的解决方案and then we leverage a one-sided peace settlement. 我不想提起来但是上次I hate to mention this, but the last time我们驾车进行劫持we tried to heist something on four wheels,结果我却受了伤做了条件极差的大手术I ended up receiving Civil War surgery.你说得对是很冒险You're right. It's a risk.在我追击他们的时候And I didn't give you guys a choice我没给你们选择的机会when I went after them.我已经做好了独自面对的准备I was ready to stand alone.这次我也一样And I still am.这不是我们小组的行事方法That's not how we do things in this unit.以后也不会Not anymore.那我们怎么说服司机So how do we convince the driver让我们进入车内to let us into the transport?礼貌请求Ask nicely.那恩里克怎么办And how about Enrique himself?他是个问题吗Is he gonna be a problem?我们将帮他脱离联邦监管Oh, we'll be taking him out of federal custody,他见到我们应该会很开心so he should be happy to see us.他看到你恐怕开心不起来He ain't gonna be happy to see you.埃斯巴达你和我我们俩来对付恩里克Espada, you and I, we're gonna handle Enrique.更严峻的问题是The bigger problem is gonna be---跟随的车辆 -没错- The follow car. - Yeah.联邦规定Federal protocol.他们会尾随卡车从A地到B地They tail the van from point A to point B确保不会有我们谋划的这种事发生to make sure nobody does exactly what we're about to do. 我们要转移他们的注意We need to divert it.利用诱饵怎么样How about a decoy?我来帮我们搞一辆车Well, I can get us a transport.一个负责维护保养车辆的家伙。



电影情书插曲电影情书插曲篇一:《致电影的一封情书》中所有经典电影及配乐《致电影的一封情书》中所有经典电影及配乐By 握不住的灵魂#1# Grouplove - Tongue Tied* 00:03 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)“Want you go to a real party?”* 00:12 艺术家 The Artist (2011)* 00:14 阳光姐妹淘 ?? (2011)* 00:15 两小无猜 Melody (1971)* 00:16 月升王国 Mooise Kingdom (2012)* 00:17 王子殿下 Your Highness (2011)* 00:18 布吉舞Стиляги (2008)* 00:19 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 00:19 独家新闻 Scoop (2006)* 00:20 127小时 127 Hours (2010)* 00:23 摇滚年代 Rock of Ages (2012)* 00:25 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 00:26 绝代艳后 Marie Antoinette (2006)* 00:27 两小无猜 Melody (1971)* 00:28 雨中曲 Singin" in the Rain (1952)* 00:29 摩登时代 Modern Times (1936)* 00:30 宿醉2 The Hangover Part II (2011)* 00:31 泰迪熊 Ted (2012)* 00:32 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 00:33 贫民窟的百万富翁 Slumdog Millionaire (2008)* 00:34 涉外大饭店 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)* 00:35 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 00:36 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 00:37 一夜狂欢 A Hard Day"s Night (1964)* 00:38 我与梦露的一周 My Week with Marilyn (2011) * 00:39 女人就是女人 Une femme est une femme (1961) * 00:39 在路上 On the Road (2012)* 00:41 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 00:42 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 00:43 悬崖上的金鱼姬崖の上のポニョ (2008)* 00:44 太坏了 Superbad (2007)* 00:45 疯狂愚蠢的爱 Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)* 00:46 巴黎,我爱你 Paris, je t"aime (2006)* 00:47 荒野生存 Into the Wild (2007)* 00:48 四个婚礼和一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)* 00:49 独裁者 The Dictator (2012)* 00:50 喜剧之王 The King of Comedy (1982)* 00:51 一天 One Day (2011)* 00:51 单身男子 A Single Man (2009)* 00:52 里约大冒险 Rio (2011)* 00:53 被解救的姜戈 Django Unchained (2012)* 00:54 大傻瓜 Vollidiot (2007)* 00:55 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 00:55 超级英雄 Super (2010)* 00:56 狗镇之主 Lords of Dogtown (2005)* 00:57 篮球日记 The Basketball Diaries (1995)* 00:57 八部半 8? (1963)* 00:58 龙虎少年队 21 Jump Street (2012)* 00:59 让子弹飞 (2010)* 00:59 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 The Dark Knight (2008)* 01:00 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 01:01 一周 One Week (1920)* 01:03 四头狮子 Four Lions (2010)* 01:03 社交网络 The Social Network (2010)* 01:04 X计划 Project X (2012)* 01:05 芭萨提的颜色 Rang De Basanti (2006)* 01:06 罗马假日 Roman Holiday (1953)* 01:07 精武门精武門 (1972)* 01:07 X计划 Project X (2012)* 01:08 爱在黎明破晓前 Before Suise (1995)* 01:09 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 01:12 白日梦国度 Daydream Nation (2010)* 01:13 触不可及 Intouchables (2011)* 01:14 大师 The Master (2012)* 01:15 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 01:16 我爱你莫里斯 I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)* 01:17 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 01:18 操行零分Zéro de conduite: Jeunes diables au collège (1933)* 01:19 两小无猜 Jeux d"enfants (2003)* 01:20 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now (1979)* 01:21 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994)* 01:22 狗男女 Go (1999)* 01:23 无敌破坏王 Wreck-It Ralph (2012)* 01:23 魔法师的学徒 The Sorcerer"s Apprentice (2010)* 01:25 城市之光 City Lights (1931)* 01:26 登堂入室 Dans la maison (2012)* 01:26 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 01:21 金玉满堂金玉滿堂 (1995)#2# Imagine Dragons - Radioactive* 01:29 指环王1:魔戒再现 The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) “You shall not pass!”* 01:35 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 01:35 悲惨世界Les Misérables (2012)* 01:36 悲惨世界Les Misérables (2012)* 01:38 公民凯恩 Citizen Kane (1941)* 01:38 无法无天 Lawless (2012)* 01:39 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 01:40 乡下人 Hick (2011)* 01:41 恶魔的替身 The Devil"s Double (2011)* 01:42 超能失控 Chronicle (2012)* 01:43 沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)* 01:44 饥饿游戏 The Hunger Games (2012)* 01:45 X战警:第一战 X-Men: First Class (2011)* 01:46 V字仇杀队 V for Vendetta (2005)* 01:47 西部往事 C"era una volta il West (1968)* 01:48 坠入 The Fall (2006)* 01:49 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)* 01:50 逃离德黑兰 Argo (2012)* 01:51 西北偏北 North by Northwest (1959)* 01:53 猎杀本·拉登 Zero Dark Thirty (2012)* 01:53 迫降航班 Flight (2012)* 01:54 普罗米修斯 Prometheus (2012)* 01:55 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 01:56 白雪公主之魔镜魔镜 Mirror Mirror (2012)* 01:56 白雪公主与猎人 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)* 01:57 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)* 01:59 黑衣人3 Men in Black III (2012)* 01:59 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 The Dark Knight (2008)* 02:00 雨果 Hugo (2011)* 02:01 致命急件 Premium Rush (2012)* 02:03 霍比特人1:意外之旅 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)* 02:05 白雪公主与猎人 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)* 02:08 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 02:09 变形金刚3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)* 02:10 飞越疯人院 One Flew Over the Cuckoo"s Nest (1975)* 02:12 猜火车 Trainspotting (1996)* 02:15 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 02:16 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:17 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)* 02:18 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 02:19 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:20 康斯坦丁 Constantine (2005)* 02:21 搏击俱乐部 Fight Club (1999)* 02:22 诸神之怒 Wrath of the Titans (2012)* 02:22 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:24 勇敢传说 Brave (2012)* 02:25 出租车司机 Taxi Driver (1976)* 02:28 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 02:29 迫降航班 Flight (2012)* 02:30 碟中谍4 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)* 02:30 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)* 02:32 被解救的姜戈 Django Unchained (2012)* 02:32 大侦探福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)* 02:33 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 02:33 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)* 02:33 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)* 02:34 美国队长 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)* 02:36 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)* 02:36 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 02:37 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)* 02:40 海啸奇迹 Lo imposible (2012)* 02:41 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:42 变形金刚3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)* 02:43 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)* 02:44 雷神 Thor (2011)* 02:45 伤心小号曲 Balada triste de trompeta (2010)* 02:45 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:46 铁甲钢拳 Real Steel (2011)* 02:48 超级战舰 Battleship (2012)* 02:49 源代码 Source Code (2011)* 02:50 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 02:51 少年派的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi (2012)* 02:52 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:53 寻求正义 Seeking Justice (2011)* 02:54 在路上 On the Road (2012)* 02:55 通缉令 Wanted (2008)* 02:55 触不可及 Intouchables (2011)* 02:56 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)* 02:58 亡命驾驶 Drive (2011)* 02:59 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994)* 03:03 诸神之怒 Wrath of the Titans (2012)* 03:04 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 03:07 勇敢传说 Brave (2012)* 03:09 不明身份 Unknown (2011)* 03:11 海啸奇迹 Lo imposible (2012)* 03:12 复仇者联盟 The Avengers (2012)* 03:14 西游记大结局之仙履奇缘 (1995)* 03:16 普罗米修斯 Prometheus (2012)* 03:17 异星战场 John Carter (2012)* 03:18 饥饿 Hunger (2008)* 03:19 血色将至 There Will Be Blood (2007)* 03:20 西游降魔篇 (2013)* 03:21 复仇者联盟 The Avengers (2012)* 03:24 猩球崛起 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) * 03:27 超凡蜘蛛侠 The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)* 03:28 雷神 Thor (2011)* 03:29 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 03:31 英雄 (2002)* 03:34 三个火枪手 The Three Musketeers (2011)* 03:35 特警判官 Dredd (2012)* 03:36 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 03:36 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 03:37 雷神 Thor (2011)* 03:38 细节 The Details (2011)* 03:41 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)#3# Mew - Comforting Sounds* 03:45 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994) “I love you ,Leon”* 03:58 少年派的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi (2012)* 03:59 钢铁苍穹 Iron Sky (2012)* 04:01 无姓之人 Mr. Nobody (2009)* 04:02 本杰明·巴顿奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)* 04:03 超市夜未眠 Cashback (2006)* 04:04 通灵男孩诺曼 ParaNorman (2012)* 04:05 荒野生存 Into the Wild (2007)* 04:07 天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005)* 04:08 雷神 Thor (2011)* 04:09 反基督者 Antichrist (2009)* 04:10 钢琴家 The Pianist (2002)* 04:11 机械师 The Machinist (2004)* 04:12 127小时 127 Hours (2010)* 04:13 V字仇杀队 V for Vendetta (2005)* 04:14 潜水艇 Submarine (2011)* 04:15 碧海蓝天 Le grand bleu (1988)* 04:17 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 04:19 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 04:21 随心所欲 Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux (1962)* 04:25 细节 The Details (2011)* 04:26 暖暖内含光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)* 04:27 超脱 Detachment (2011)* 04:28 无姓之人 Mr. Nobody (2009)* 04:30 永远的莉莉亚 Lilya 4-ever (2002)* 04:31 蓝白红三部曲之蓝 Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993)电影情书插曲篇二:浅谈电影《情书》中的配乐浅谈电影《情书》中的配乐《情书》是一部唯美含蓄的爱情电影,主要讲述了两个陌生而外貌相似的女子因为一个误会开始了通信,而后一段少年往事中的暗恋,逐渐被抽丝剥茧、真相大白。

Shades of Blue Season《蓝海暮色(2016)》第二季第十集完整中英文对照剧本

Shades of Blue Season《蓝海暮色(2016)》第二季第十集完整中英文对照剧本

蓝海暮色第二季第十集《蓝海暮色》前情提要Previously on "Shades of Blue"...我送他去上学的时候就觉得不对劲Dropped him off at school. Something wasn't right.我儿子有危险My boy is in danger.我同意I agree.毕竟他妈妈是给毒枭扛枪的His mother slings an assault rifle for a drug lord.你不该看这包里的东西吧You weren't supposed to look in this bag here, were you? 这个之前不在里面This wasn't in here before.要想让他待在号♥子里You want him to stay inside.可以用私藏武器的名义定罪A weapons charge ensures that.再接近我女儿我会让你消失Go near my daughter again and nobody will ever find you. 明天穿你最好看的西装You're gonna want to wear your best suit tomorrow出席纪律听证会for your disciplinary hearing.会有刀光血影的There's gonna be blood.有人说在哪总有一颗子弹等着给我们They say there's a bullet waiting for us all.我在找你的男朋友I've been looking for your boyfriend.比安奇在哪里Where's Bianchi?他在意大利He's in Italy.我杀了他I killed him.他威胁我威胁克里斯蒂娜He threatened me. He threatened Cristina.我拧断了他的脖子And I snapped his neck.斯塔尔知道了Stahl knows.卡迪可能会直接让斯塔尔找到尸体Caddie could have led Stahl straight to his body.萨珀斯坦夫人你知道574F是什么吗Mrs. Saperstein, the numbers 54-4-F mean anything to you?这是埋葬他的地方That's the plot where he's buried.你是基佬吗因为你每次从我身上Are you gay? Because every time you look at me,都看到了你自我厌恶的那部分you see something you hate about yourself.但如果你再提起这事You ever bring this up again,那就是我们之间的最后一次谈话it'll be the last conversation you and I have.那是惩罚还是奖赏呢Yeah, is that a punishment or a reward?沃兹趴下Woz, get down!把他送去医院Got to get him to the hospital!你进入房♥子时发现什么异常了吗Anything out of the ordinary when you entered the house?没有No.能推测一下枪手有几个人吗Can you give me a guess about the number of shooters?-不能 -你能看到或听见- No. - And were you able to see or hear任何一个枪手撤离吗any of the gunmen when you escaped?离远点Hey! Not here.媒体区域在转过去的街角There's a press perimeter around the corner.麦克马纳斯队长几分钟后会带来最新进展Captain McManus will be around in a few minutes with an update. 他们的车辆有什么显著标志吗Any distinctive marks on their vehicle?我没看到他们也没看到车辆Look, I didn't see them. I didn't see the vehicle.子弹横飞我们被火力压制住了Bullets were flying, and we were pinned down.你知道有谁要对你不利或者Do you know anybody that would want to do you harm,沃兹尼亚克队长不利吗or do Lieutenant Wozniak harm?-桑托斯警探 -什么事- Detective Santos? - What?有人要对你或者沃兹尼亚克队长不利吗Anybody who would want to do you or Lieutenant Wozniak harm? 这城市很大It's a big city.你们今晚这是要运尸体吗What, are you planning to move a body tonight?我本来要去取化肥I was supposed to pick up a load明早送到布鲁克林社区花♥园♥of fertilizer for the Brooklyn Community Garden tomorrow.好人没好报对吧No good deed, right?-桑托斯警探 -队长- Detective Santos. - Captain.-有消息吗 -没有- Any news? - No.沃兹正在里边询问Woz is in there getting it now.脾脏属于你儿子身体的免疫系统The spleen is part of your son's immune system.鉴于我们需要摘除它来止血Since we had to remove it to stop the bleeding,他抗感染的能力his ability to fight infection,尤其是岁数大了以后可能会受到影响especially when he gets a little older, may be compromised.但可以通过预防性抗生素缓解But that can be mitigated with prophylactic antibiotics.摘掉了也不影响他正常生活吗So he could live a normal life without it?完整正常高质量Normal, full, productive.你们迅速送他过来You got him here quickly,让我们得以阻止他大出血which allowed us to stop the hemorrhaging.-这让情况有很大不同 -谢谢了医生- That's what made the difference. - Well, thanks, Doc. -不客气 -非常感谢- You're welcome. - Appreciate it.-谢谢你医生 -谢谢- Thank you, Doctor. - Thank you.没关系It's okay.你要追查这些枪手You're gonna hunt these shooters down.-答应我 -好我答应你- Promise me-- - Yeah, I promise.-你要抓到他们 -我会抓到他们- You're gonna get 'em. - I'm gonna get 'em.那是我家It was my house.我的儿子It was my son.我们发现一辆深色三厢车We found a dark sedan车上有弹孔和新鲜血迹with bullet holes and fresh blood停在距你家15个街区的地方parked 15 blocks from your house.特警队过去了吗ESU on the way?警犬战术小队全套的Canine, tactical, the works.照顾好你的家人我们来收拾他们Take care of your family. We'll flush 'em out.谢谢你队长Thank you, Captain.还有你警探回家吧You too, Detective. Go home.我们整个部门都在追查这些枪手We have the entire department looking for these shooters.2.5厘米One inch.我儿子命悬这2.5厘米上One inch between my son living or dying.受着吧Take it.你在这里陪琳达他们会找到那些家伙的Look, wait here with Linda. They're gonna find these guys. 不我们要找到那些胆小鬼No, we are finding those cowards.我们组Our unit.好吧All right,我告诉组员留意着对讲台I'll tell the crew to keep their ear on the scanner.不你跟他们一起去No, you go with them.我明白你的意思沃兹Look, I'm with you, Woz,但我们今晚还有事没办呢but we still have that chore to do tonight.不没事了No, we don't.给萨伯斯坦扫墓Visit Saperstein?斯塔尔拿到墓碑号♥了Stahl has the plot number.搞定了It's handled.我还要向你证明多少次How many times do I need to prove it to you?我罩着你呢I have your back.距离被弃车辆不到50米There's a low-rent high-rise about 50 yards有一座高层廉租♥房♥♥away from the abandoned car.住那里的人今晚别想睡觉了Nobody's getting any sleep in that building tonight.到底是谁这么有种来搞我们Who even has the balls to come after us like that?直觉告诉我是黑帮My gut says mob.也有可能是咱们的毒枭新朋友Or our new favorite drug lord.可是在拘留室里很难策划这起阴谋Hard to mastermind a massacre from inside a holding cell. 昆斯的确接了通电♥话♥ 是我们安排的Quince does get a phone call. We set him up.图福你留下指挥部一有新消息Tufo, you stay here and get any information立刻向沃兹汇报back from command to Woz.哈莉从这走快Harlee, go this way. Come on.如果从正门出去记者会活吃了咱You try to go out there, the press is gonna eat you alive.我待会和你们汇合I'll meet you guys up there.洛曼你跟我走All right, Loman, you're with me.好All right.有线索吗Any leads?血迹和弹痕Blood and bullets.你能载克里斯汀娜回家吗Could you take Cristina home?哈莉为了抓凶手全城警力都出动了Harlee, you got the whole city looking for these guys.我知道我家附近会安排巡逻队I know. We're posting a patrol unit outside my place.在我回去之前别到处乱走可以吗Please don't leave till I get there, all right?可我还打算等你一起回去I was planning on waiting for you.你要走吗You're leaving?是的内特会挺过来的Yeah. Nate's gonna make it.你要去哪Where are you going?我得把凶手揪出来Well, I have to find who did this.这里能干这事的警♥察♥还少吗There's like a gazillion cops here who can do that.我知道你很害怕但一切都会好起来的Look, I know you're scared, but everything's gonna be okay. 别说傻话了妈你刚经历了枪袭Nothing's okay, Mom. You just got shot at.内特差点死了中枪的人有可能是你Nate almost died. That could have been you.-可不是我 -袭击你们的人是谁- It wasn't. - I mean, who are these people?为什么他们要朝沃兹叔叔家射击Why are they shooting at Uncle Woz's house?这就是我必须离开的原因我希望你...That's why I have to go, okay? I want you to--我是不会去吉玛阿姨家的I am not going to Aunt Gemma's.让詹姆斯带你回家To let James take you home.巡逻队会保护咱们家A patrol unit will guard the house.是因为你想让我安全吗Because you just want me to be safe?-对啊 - 那请你别光顾着说- Yes. - Well, please stop saying that而不拿出行动啊and actually do it.谢天谢地Thank God.来这的路上我可能念了I must have said my first Hail Mary这二十年来都没念过的圣母经in about 20 years on the way over here.你还记得词儿吗Did you remember the words?我用了很长时间忏悔Spent a lot of time in confession.谢谢你能来Thank you for coming.但你得保持距离But you should stay clear.一旦我们确认这是比安奇的杰作Once we confirm that this was Bianchi's handiwork, 我就要和他动真格了I'm going after him for keeps.所以你要加强安保措施随时保持警惕So beef up your security and watch your back.明白Understood.但首先你得回警局去But first, you need to go to the precinct.现在就去去拿你文件保险柜里Now. Your locked filing cabinet.那本你用来记录Little black book you used收保护费的黑色小手册to keep track of your protection racket?名册上面的贩子...All the dealers on your roster--茱莉亚我的儿子仍然昏迷不醒呢Julia, my son is hooked up to machines.我知道马特但你得转移那本手册I know, Matt, but you have to relocate that book,以及其他你不想and anything else you don't want被"老鼠队"搜到的东西the rat squad to get their claws on.现在才凌晨三点钟3:00 in the morning.这可是搜查的好时间It's a good time for a search.难道你在内部调查科有人Do you have an in with Internal Affairs?当人们相信你有40%几率成为下任市长时It's amazing what you hear when people believe你会对你所听到的事感到惊叹you have a 40% chance of becoming the next Mayor. 就是这么回事除非我这名老部下That is, unless your old crew在选举前一周被烧死在火刑柱上gets burned at the stake a week before the election.我会跟琳达说你有急事I'll tell Linda you had an emergency.伙计们Hey, guys?快我们得走一趟Come on, we got to take a drive.天原来他们说Man, they weren't kidding with this"把这座城市搅个天翻地覆"是真的"Turn the whole city upside-down" thing.袭击警♥察♥只会让你吃不了兜着走Yeah, well you shoot at cops, we all fire back.6♥4♥警区街头犯罪组Street Crimes Unit from the 6-4.我们是凶手的目标We were the targets.特警得花好几个小时搜查这栋房♥子It's gonna take ESU hours to clear this building door to door. 动物诊所他们说车里有多少血迹来着How much blood did they say was in the car?对讲机说有一池子Scanner said a pool.枪伤去医院就得报案但...You have to report a gunshot wound at the hospital, but--需要我呼叫特勤队吗Should I call tactical over?你说的我们让他吃不了兜着走Like you said. We return fire.你走后面You take the back.警♥察♥Police!别开枪Hey, don't shoot!-他逼我帮他的 -您叫什么名字医生- He made me help! - What's your name, Doc?-亨利 -亨利我需要你- Henry. - Henry, I'm gonna need you让他再活一会儿to keep him alive for a while.我们该叫救护车This man needs an ambulance.不行除非他回答几个问题No, not until he gives us some answers.他已经失血过多He's lost a lot of blood.我只能帮你们多撑五分钟I can buy you five more minutes.没有律师我是不会说的I'm not talking without a lawyer.如果你死了就不需要什么律师了You're not gonna need a lawyer if you're dead.要么开口要么死Start talking or bleed out.你们在干什么Yo, what are you doing?-那是我们的犯人 -曾经是- That's our prisoner. - Was your prisoner.现在他是内部调查科的重要证人Now a material witness in an Internal Affairs investigation. 听说你们今晚过得不如意啊Heard y'all had a bad night.明天你们也会不好过You're in for a bad tomorrow too.在牢里千万别掉肥皂昆斯Don't drop the soap, Quince.你手里拿的什么给我放下You, whatever that is, put it down.我有对这地方的搜查令You know, I have a warrant to search the premises.洛曼警官...Officer Loman! O--我们昨晚被伏击了We were ambushed last night.我儿子两小时前才做完手术My son hasn't been out of surgery for two hours.我见过内特很遗憾他是个好人I met Nate. I'm sorry. He's a good egg.但早上这点时间你却出现在这But the fact that you're here in the wee hours of the morning 只能让我更加好奇了makes me all that much more curious.我们在追踪线索找到想杀我们的凶手We're tracking down leads for who might have tried to kill us. 或者你来这是为了在之前的基础上Or you're here to further intimidate进一步威胁误抓的犯人a false arrest more than you already have.你兄弟昆斯跟我讲了你的故事You know, your man Quince told me a sordid tale about you, 一大口袋的毒品a goodie bag full of narcotics,还栽赃嫁祸and one nasty frame job.的确是个故事而已And a tale is exactly what it is.昆斯只是想出狱的街头混混Quince is a street thug trying to get out of prison.你们站在让孩子运毒的毒贩一边But it's very fitting that you take the side of a dealer而不是正常执法的警♥察♥一边who uses a kid to move his product这样做真的好吗instead of the badge who brought them down.队长戴着警徽并不意味着你是好人Lieutenant, wearing the badge doesn't make you a good guy. 其实戴着警徽做坏事As a matter of fact, wearing that badge and doing dirt会让你万恶不赦makes you the worst kind of bad guy.这话我们之前听到很多次了You know what, we've heard this so many times before--我可能没法用唐尼·波普失踪的事抓到你I may not be able to get you for Donnie Pomp's disappearance, 但这种老套的干涉行为一定要你栽跟头but on this--good old-fashioned obstruction--you're mine.你这伪装的扑克脸比真脸还难看Your poker face is as bad as your actual face.你不喜欢我的长相You may not like my face.没事我们又没处对象That's okay. We're not dating.你不喜欢我的长相队长You may not like my face, Lieutenant,但我抓定你了but I've got you.我有确凿证据证明你让未成年人I've got hard evidence of you planting narcotics携带毒品和武器and weapons on a minor.其他任何发现都能当佐料Anything else I find here is gravy.扔吧Toss it.先说名字好吗Let's start with a name. All right?-什么名字都行你叫什么呢 -我不不能- Any name. How about yours? - I don't--ah! I can't--他会疼晕过去的He's gonna pass out from the pain.先别给他用止痛药No, hold off on the doggie morphine等他说出是谁雇他来杀我们until he tells us who paid him to kill us.说出来就不疼了We get that, and the pain stops.我没朝谁开枪I didn't shoot at anybody-- ah!好我表亲Okay, my cousin!两天前跟其他几个人来找我Called me and some other guys two days ago.干掉一个人付定金五千事成后再给五千5 grand a piece up front, 5 more after the job was done. 他们让你朝警♥察♥开枪So they told you to shoot at cops?他在流血He's hemorrhaging.-止不住了 -接着说- I can't stop it. - You were saying?接着说You were saying?原计划是进屋子里但是The plan was to go inside-- inside the house, but--ah!乔丹的蠢货朋友来前吸了毒Jordan's idiot buddy showed up tweaking.他有点神经He was all jumpy.我们还没就位他就提前开枪了He fired too early, before we were set.乔丹是你的表亲Jordan's your cousin?-他的钱从哪来的 -我发誓- Where did he get the cash? - Ah! I swear!-我不知道 -我们要去哪找乔丹- I don't know. - Where can we find Jordan?要是出了什么岔子If anything went wrong,我们计划明早在某个地方见面the plan was to meet there tomorrow morning.在哪Where?时间不等人Tick-tock.枪手二十分钟内The shooters are supposed to meet要去皇后旅行酒店汇合at the Queens Travel Suites Hotel in 20 minutes.-你叫支援了 -那是集结点- You called it in? - It's a rally point.我们不清楚枪手的总人数We don't know how many shooters there are total.我们需要支援We need the backup.别让战术指挥抢走你的位置Don't let the tactical commander box you out.因为城里每个警♥察♥都想借此立功'Cause every cop in the city's gonna want in on this collar. 我明白I got it.内特麻药的劲儿过了吗Look, has Nate come out of the anesthesia yet?我很快就回医院I'm headed back to the hospital soon.什么回去你在哪Wait, back? Where are you?支援来了后通知我Just call me after the takedown.好你觉得威尔科在吓唬你吗All right, you think Verco is bluffing?他不会仅凭毒贩的一面之词就阻碍我们He wouldn't jam us up on a dealer's say-so alone.他说他有确凿的证据He said he had hard evidence.他可能有我们陷害昆斯的监控照片I mean, maybe he has surveillance photos of us setting Quince up. 我该联♥系♥工会律师吗Should I call my union rep?不联♥系♥你的线人No, call your CI.什么线人What informant?把你介绍给昆斯的人The one who introduced you to Quince.带着孩子的女人The woman with the kid.-凯伦她不是线人 -现在是了- Karen? Karen wasn't a CI. - She is now.让她说一直都是我们的线人Get her to go on record saying that she was our CI all along.枪和毒品一开始就全是昆斯的The guns, the drugs, they were all Quince's to begin with.如果起诉不成立他会发现她帮了我们If the charges don't stick, he'll find out that she helped us.他就不会放过她也不会放过那孩子He'll come after her. He'll come after the kid.她不会答应的She won't want to do it.嫌犯在六楼611号♥房♥Suspects are on the sixth floor, room 611.-情报可靠吗 -目前最可靠的了- Intel solid? - Best we have.我们从两边楼梯井上去We go up both stairwells.动作快下手狠We hit 'em fast, we hit 'em hard.-是长官 -长官- Yes, sir. - Sir.我不骗你I ain't gonna lie.我还真希望他们有谁吃一枪子I kind of hope one of 'em goes for a gun.前提是那人不是乔丹As long as his name is not Jordan.只有他能把这一切跟比安奇联♥系♥上He's the only link that ties this back to Bianchi.-警♥察♥ 举起手来 -警♥察♥ 举起手来- Police! Hands up! - Police! Hands up!举起手来Hands up, now!举起手来Put your hands up!这还真是能让线索断掉That's one way to make a trail go cold.警员们在工作时Police officers know that they face the risk知道自己会面临危险of danger when they work a shift,但一伙罪犯计划伏击but for a group of criminals to plan an ambush--早上好古普塔探员Good morning, Agent Gupta.多加一份浓缩不要奶沫对吗Double shot, no foam, right?我已经喝过了I had one already.你还真是积极开始一天的工作啊Well, aren't you eager to start the day?我能帮你什么吗Can I help you with something?我在想你能不能帮我I was hoping that you could, uh,调出一份DNA报告pull a DNA report好让我跟新样本进行比较so I can compare it to a new sample.名字是米格尔·塞佩达His name is Miguel Zepeda.最近才从纽约州被释放Recently released from New York State.那你不能用案件号♥And you can't put in a written request提交书面申请是因为with the case number because...我更愿意给你买♥♥喝的I'd rather owe you drinks.也许你该先把手指甲缝清理干净Maybe if you clean those fingernails.是啊我在整理花♥园♥Yeah. I was working in the garden.DNA联合检索系统十月整花♥园♥In October?早点儿打算总没错It's good to plan ahead.米格尔·塞佩达塞佩达是坏档Hmm, well, Zepeda was a bust.米格尔·塞佩达无档案不可能他是定罪的重刑犯That's impossible. He's a convicted felon.州数据库里一定应该有他的样本He has to have a sample in the state database.他的定罪被撤销His conviction was vacated.推♥翻♥定罪后州政♥府♥有义务State's obligated to destroy every collected sample删除所有收集的样本after an overturned conviction.没错Right.下次买♥♥香草的Hey, make it vanilla next time.我是图福警探这是洛曼警探Detective Tufo. Detective Loman.我们要跟凯伦谈谈We need to holler at Karen for a minute.凯伦不在Karen ain't here.那妹子在新闻里看到一群警♥察♥被枪击了Girl saw on the news that a bunch of cops got shot up,就慌了赶紧走了freaked out, and bounced.说可能是因为昆斯Said maybe it was Quince.她跟你说她会去哪儿了吗Did she tell you where she was going?她拿了东西带上艾德里安就走了Just grabbed her stuff and Adrian and bailed.好吧你再见到她时告诉她有急事Okay, when you do talk to her, tell her it's urgent我们要跟她谈谈十万火急that we speak to her, like end-of-the-world urgent.她儿子有危险Her son's in danger.我的宝宝饿了My baby's hungry.他醒了吗Is he awake?他刚才还在说话He was--he was talking.但之后医生给他了一些止疼药But then they gave him medicine for the pain, so...我在对面的酒店给你订了一个房♥间I got you a room at the hotel across the street.不如你先过去休息一下吧Why don't you go over there and get some rest?马特我知道你已经不眠不休三天了Matt, I know you have been up for three days.在你倒下之前去休息一会儿吧Why don't you go lie down before you fall down?这孩子长这么大I've been writing this kid我总是不在他身边rain checks and IOUs欠他太多his whole life.你一直都是他的英雄You've always been his hero.从他六岁生日时打扮成警♥察♥的样子Since he dressed up as a cop on his sixth birthday.不论你们之间发生了什么No matter what the two of you have gone through.他可能让你很痛苦He may give you grief, but...但他知道你为何总不能回家he understands why you were gone all of those nights. 他为你骄傲He's proud of you.我也是Me too.快点好起来Get better.-什么事 -运输安全管理局终于- What's up? - TSA finally came through发来了比安奇的旅行文件with the travel files on Bianchi.他有通过海关吗Did he pass through customs?他就没走He never left.肯尼迪机场的监控照片中There's a man in JFK airport security photos有人持比安奇身份但不是他traveling as Michael Bianchi, but it's not him.那并不能支持他的不在场证明That doesn't exactly support his alibi.比安奇就在市里一直紧盯着这件事Bianchi's in town and tracking this closely.我们得去绿点社区医院We need to go to Greenpoint Community Hospital.新闻说枪击案的嫌犯就在那儿News just broke our shooting suspect is there.-唯一一个活着的 -这就是为什么- The only one still alive. - This is exactly why我不想让你一有线索就请求支援I don't want you calling in every lead.巡警都管不住自己的嘴Patrolmen can't keep their mouths shut.是我透露给媒体的I leaked it.-什么 -我们的枪击案嫌疑人在这儿- What? - Our shooting suspect is here.不在绿点社区医院Not Greenpoint Community.听着他那一伙都是业余的Look, he and his buddies were a bunch of amateurs比安奇知道他可以处理掉他们that Bianchi knew he could dispose of,所以黑帮清道夫给每个人which is why the mob's clean-up man送去了两颗子弹delivered two bullets each而不是报酬instead of their payday.如果他看了新闻Yeah, if he's watching the news,他就知道剩下的两颗该送到哪儿he now knows where to send the other two.咱们走一趟吧Like I said. Let's go for a drive.看来凯伦改变想法了Looks like Karen's changed sides.我们上门找你了We made a house call for you.我听说了I heard.什么事十万火急So what's end-of-the-world urgent?病区关闭禁止出入这年头媒体犯的错可真多啊Amazing how many things the press gets wrong these days. 要是调查无法进行If the investigation falls apart,昆斯就会被释放Quince will be released,你和艾德里安就有危险了which puts you and Adrian in danger.别装着这是为了保护我和我儿子Stop pretending this is about protecting me明明是为了你们自己and my son, and not your own asses.如果我们都很在意保护自己If all we cared about was protecting our own asses, 我们一开始就不会帮助你we would have never helped you in the first place. 对但你们的命更宝贵Yeah, your asses come first.我们只是请你Look, all we're asking you to do说你为我们工作is say that you were working with us.当告密的Like a snitch?只用说你知道交货的事Just that you knew the handoff was happening,然后跟我们说了and you called it in to us.你们真是想方设法害死我啊Y'all are really working hard to get me killed, man. 听证会是保密的It'll be a closed hearing.好吗没人会知道的Okay? No one will ever know.我们保证You've got our word.警♥察♥只有在作对你不利证明时Cop's word is only worth something说的话才算数when he's testifying against you.我是不是该把妨碍司法公正也加进指控里去Hey, guys, should I add tampering to the charges? 我们在跟线人谈你这样很过分We're talking to our CI, and you are way out of line. 是吗Am I?你们教唆潜在目击证人做伪证You're feeding a potential witness lies to parrot back.这么定了我要给你们队长打电♥话♥That's it. I'm calling your captain召开紧急会议for an emergency GO-15 meeting.打给你们组员So ring your crew.打给你们工会律师Ring your union rep.打给牧师Your pastor?因为一切到此为止'Cause this ends right now.没想到你还会告诉我们密♥码♥Don't suppose you want to share your password.电♥话♥锁住了Phone seems to be locked.现在还有人玩好警♥察♥ 坏警♥察♥这套吗Is good cop, bad cop still a thing?坏消息好警♥察♥最近太少了Bad news is, we're fresh out of good cops.知道我们从巡逻里学到的第一件事吗You know the first thing that they teach you on patrol?如果想给罪犯动点刑If you want to rough up a collar,最好别留痕迹不然的话you better not leave a mark, or some fancy lawyer会有律师找上门来给你好看will tear you apart back at the precinct.我们开车时你好好想想Something to think about as we drive.您好Hello?后面可能有点挤It can get stuffy back here.车型比较老It's an old model.我们告别前Before we say good-bye...把他的指头切下来怎么样why don't I just cut off his thumb?新功能很方便了Nice added feature.你确定我们不能待会再绕道Are you sure this detour can't wait?威尔科要致我们于死地Verco's out for blood.如非紧急我不会请求的I wouldn't ask if it wasn't timely.谢谢您长官Thank you, sir.麦克马纳斯队长正在赶来Captain McManus is on his way up.看来有人怯场啊伙计们Looks like somebody's got stage fight, huh, guys?你知道吗十六世纪You know, in the 16th Century,当英国人抓住海盗后when the English would catch pirates,就会逼他们看they'd force 'em to watch在退潮时搭绞架while they built gallows during low tide.所以他们认为对绞刑的等待过程You see, they felt that the anticipation of a hanging会让行刑更加刺♥激♥would heighten the experience.涨潮后尸体就会被冲走Come high tide, the bodies would wash away.你小时候要得到更多关爱就好啦You could have used a few more hugs when you were a kid. 剧透伙计们现在是退潮期Spoiler alert, fellas: it's low tide.看这是什么伙计们Here. What's that, guys?毒品栽赃Planting narcotics?栽赃栽赃栽赃毒品Planting, planting, planting narcotics.栽赃毒品看Planting narcotics. Here.过度使用武力过度使用武力Got excessive force, excessive force.今天真是好日子伙计们It's a good day, huh, guys?最让人难忘的看这个Most unforgivable of all-- look at this.看那个是个孩子Look at that. That's a kid.往孩子的背包里放上膛的武器Placing a loaded weapon in a child's backpack.-帅哥 -不是栽赃- Hot shot? - That wasn't a plant.这是一个黑帮老大让孩子Those were the possessions of a shot caller负责运送的毒品who used kids as drug mules.我们和凯伦合作合法逮捕We worked with Karen to make a legit bust.我们都知道当我们进那屋子后We all know that story's gonna hold up这故事根本不堪一击like Kleenex in a rainstorm when we get in that room. 我知道你们是受你们那位I know that you were only acting勇往直前的队长指示at the behest of your fearless lieutenant.只要你们承认Confirm that, and I'll make Wozniak我就让沃兹尼亚克担全责eat the whole crap sandwich.忘了说我还带了伴Forgot to mention I was bringing a plus-one.你好昆西Hey, Quincy.最后的机会伙计们Last chance, guys.暴雨来了Storm is here.不会有幸存者There won't be any survivors.打给汤米叫他今天关了墨菲餐馆Call Tommy, tell him to close Murphy's for the day.。



阿凡达 死亡笔记真人版 属于你的我的初恋 海扁王 加勒比海盗:惊涛骇浪 铁甲钢拳 宝莱坞机器人之恋 鲨鱼惊魂夜 禁闭岛 敢死队 木乃伊系类 太平洋战争 肖申克的救赎 创战纪
越狱1~4季 夏洛克福尔摩斯 斯巴达斯克:血与沙 生活大爆炸 第四季
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日本爱情电影157部1.爱情喜剧豪爽女子邂逅木讷食草男豆瓣评分 6.3导演:平川雄一朗主演:香里奈北乃纪伊田中圭2.挪威的森林我在东京与两个女人的激情交往...豆瓣评分 5.7导演:陈英雄主演:松山健一菊地凛子水原希子高良健吾玉山铁二观看:3.瞬空白十分钟豆瓣评分 5.2导演:矶村一路主演:北川景子大塚宁宁冈田将生观看:4.不要取笑我们的罗曼史三角、多角恋纠葛的人与性豆瓣评分 6.6导演:井口奈己主演:永作博美松山健一苍井优观看:5.闪婚王道浪漫爱情喜剧豆瓣评分 4.9导演:未知主演:田中丽奈观看:6.甜蜜小谎言结婚三年的夫妇为啥从不做爱豆瓣评分 6.7导演:矢崎仁司主演:中谷美纪大森南朋池胁千鹤观看:7.娜娜畅销小说改编,世上另一个我豆瓣评分7.7导演:大谷健太郎主演:中岛美嘉宫崎葵松田龙平观看:8.娜娜22005年大热的日本电影《娜娜》的续篇...豆瓣评分 6.2导演:大谷健太郎主演:中岛美嘉市川由衣玉山铁二观看:9.东京少年堀北真希挑战双重性格角色豆瓣评分 6.4导演:平野俊一主演:堀北真希石田卓也草村礼子观看:10.哈尔的移动城堡2004年最佳日本电影奖豆瓣评分8.5导演:宫崎骏主演:倍赏千惠子木村拓哉美轮明宏观看:11.同级生恋爱小说大奖获奖作品《同级生》改编 ...豆瓣评分 6.4导演:深川荣洋主演:中村优一桐谷美玲观看:12.花样少男少女-花样少男少女SP偷偷爱上你,比台湾版更给力豆瓣评分7.1导演:未知主演:堀北真希小栗旬生田斗真观看:13.属于你的我的初恋09年日本纯爱电影瞩目之作豆瓣评分7.2导演:新城毅彦主演:井上真央冈田将生杉本哲太观看:14.妹妹恋人双胞胎兄妹之间的爱情豆瓣评分 6.2导演:Mayumi Nishimoto主演:平冈佑太荣仓奈奈松本润观看:15.我的机器人女友原来她是来自未来的机器人豆瓣评分7.2导演:郭在容主演:绫濑遥小出惠介竹中直人观看:16.彩虹女神所有的爱都值得表白豆瓣评分7.7导演:熊泽尚人主演:市原隼人上野树里观看:17.泪光闪闪狗血的无血缘兄妹恋豆瓣评分7.0导演:土井裕泰主演:妻夫木聪长泽正美观看:18.丑闻黑泽明版《罪与罚》豆瓣评分 6.5导演:黑泽明主演:三船敏郎山口淑子观看:19.甲贺忍法帖一部富有想象力的作品豆瓣评分8.6导演:下山天主演:仲间由纪惠泽尻英龙华黑谷友香椎名桔平观看:20.咕咕是一只猫爱猫人士必看豆瓣评分7.3导演:犬童一心主演:小泉今日子上野树里加濑亮观看:21.美好星期天日本第一部反映年轻人对性的感受...豆瓣评分7.6导演:黑泽明主演:Isao?Numasaki Chieko?Nakakita Atsushi?Watanabe观看:22.恋空感动1200万人的手机小说改编豆瓣评分7.0导演:今井夏木主演:新垣结衣三浦春马小出惠介麻生祐未观看:23.只想告诉你简单明丽温馨欢快的校园故事豆瓣评分 6.6导演:熊泽尚人主演:多部未华子三浦春马莲佛美沙子观看:24.穿越时空的少女筒井康隆经典之作真人版豆瓣评分 6.6导演:谷口正晃主演:仲里依纱中尾明庆安田成美观看:25.刀锋下的爱忍者间的情爱豆瓣评分7.0导演:下山天主演:仲间由纪惠小田切让黑谷友香泽尻英龙华观看:26.涉谷区圆山町学生引诱老师到情人宾馆豆瓣评分 6.2导演:永田琴主演:荣仓奈奈观看:27.春风物语3美男上演激情同性之爱豆瓣评分 5.5导演:横井健司主演:浜尾京介滝口幸広川隅美慎观看:28.花样男子最终章杉菜与司能否终成眷属?豆瓣评分 6.9导演:石井康晴主演:松本润井上真央小栗旬观看:29.广岛之恋“不够时间好好来爱你”豆瓣评分7.7导演:阿伦·雷乃主演:贝尔纳·弗雷松埃玛妞·丽娃冈田英次Stella Dassas观看:30.樱之园以名作漫画为蓝本的新版《樱之园》...豆瓣评分 6.1导演:中原俊主演:福田沙纪米仓凉子菊川怜31.情书90年代最脍炙人口的日本爱情文艺片...豆瓣评分8.8导演:岩井俊二主演:中山美穗丰川悦司柏原崇观看:32.我的女友是腐女以“腐女”亚文化为背景的爱情喜剧...豆瓣评分 5.2导演:兼重淳主演:大东俊介松本若菜古川雄大观看:33.杨贵妃1955版日语版的杨贵妃豆瓣评分 6.1导演:沟口健二主演:森雅之京町子山村聪观看:34.非常线之女小津默片巅峰之作豆瓣评分7.4导演:小津安二郎主演:田中绢代观看:35.红猪王牌飞行员中了魔法变成猪豆瓣评分8.1导演:宫崎骏主演:森山周一郎加藤登纪子桂三枝观看:36.年轻的日子两名高中同窗爱上一位女孩豆瓣评分7.5导演:小津安二郎主演:小津安二郎斋藤达雄观看:37.跳水男孩(花样跳水少年)温馨可人的励志电影豆瓣评分8.2导演:熊泽尚人主演:林遣都池松壮亮沟端淳平观看:38.东京奏鸣曲中东战争动荡局势下的生存境遇...豆瓣评分8.1导演:黑泽清主演:香川照之小泉今日子井之肋海观看:39.三角胸无大志、性格温吞的百濑今年三十岁,他与...豆瓣评分7.2导演:吉田惠辅主演:高冈苍甫田畑智子小野惠令奈观看:40.间宫兄弟哥哥明信是一家啤酒公司商品开发部研究员。

暮色将尽 英语原版 -回复

暮色将尽 英语原版 -回复

暮色将尽英语原版-回复"暮色将尽"是一本由Stephenie Meyer创作的小说,于2008年出版。


























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蓝海暮色第一季第十一集《蓝海暮色》前情提要Previously, on "Shades of Blue"...想装在哪里Where do you want it?在卧室装摄像头吧Camera in the bedroom, I guess.我需要给萨珀斯坦一份豁免书I need immunity papers for Saperstein.日期往前写几天I need them backdated.他告密已经有两个星期了He's been snitching on us for two weeks.我叫林克莱特My name's Linklater.我是缉毒局的探员I'm a DEA agent.华金是唐尼的侄子Joaquin here is donnie's nephew.明天我们会利用被绑♥架♥的人的妻子Tomorrow we're gonna leverage安排我们的司机开车去接a kidnapped man's wife into scheduling a pickup but with our driver. 塞佩达先生你被免罪了Mr. Zepeda, you've been exonerated.你今晚获得自♥由♥了You're free tonight.米格尔·塞佩达不是你父亲Miguel Zepeda is not your father.我现在就给你母亲打电♥话♥I'm gonna call your mother right now我们把事情说清楚好吗and we're gonna clear this up, okay?我是她父亲I'm her father.而她是个脆弱的小女孩And she's a fragile little girl.那位把我抓起来的警探That detective that put me away,沃兹尼亚克你们俩在一起工作多久了Wozniak, how long have you two been working together? 我不和沃兹尼亚克队长一起工作I don't work with Lieutenant Wozniak.谋杀嫌犯的名字叫罗伊斯The murder suspect's name is Royce拥有这个怪癖俱乐部还有所在建筑and he owns the kink club and the building it's in.看来有人把咱们的凶手杀了Looks like someone killed our killer.给团队里其他人豁免权Amnesty for the rest of my crew.-想想办法 -叫贝克听电♥话♥- Make that happen. - Get me Baker.她想要团队其他人都拿到豁免权She wants immunity for the rest of her crew.我一直期待着I've been waiting for this.你会如我所愿吗You gonna give me what I want?喂Yeah?我给你那些文件是因为我不想争论I got you that file because I didn't want to argue.对我要争论的Yeah, I like to argue.斯塔尔的案子没戏了Stahl's case is dead.联调局放手了The FBI is off you,但别做傻事再搞砸了But don't do anything stupid to change that.我们明天要干成这事马特We need to pull this job off tomorrow, Matt.这就是为什么我要确保Which is exactly why I'm making sure联调局的小帅哥别来烦我们G-man ken doll is minding his own business.说到生意Speaking of business,我有些房♥地♥产♥方面的事情I got a line on some real estate.利润可观Huge potential.这就是为什么最初我答应接这活儿That's why I agreed to do this job in the first place,但我想把你算进来but I want to cut you in on it.非常好的投资It's a great investment.份额是多少What's the cut?两百万2 million.两百万这不是份额2 million? That's not a cut.这是要我脑袋唐尼That's a decapitation, Donnie.得啦这还不够你此次的全部获利Come on, that's not even your whole take from the score. 我拿三百万美元要分成五份I'm getting $3 million, I'm splitting it five ways.什么跟你手下人均分太荒唐了What, evenly with your crew? That's ridiculous.现在你得重新考虑一下马特Now you need to rethink that, Matt.你个混♥蛋♥You son of a bitch.你想打劫啊You're short.这是我在补偿你Hey, this is me making up to you.不这是你想做投资中间商No, this is you mid-deal on an investment把这块获利切回去that you came up short on因为我谈下了更大的分成because I negotiated a bigger piece.马特不是...Matt, no--哈莉Harlee!宝贝我知道你在和米凯拉吃晚餐Hey, baby, I know you're at dinner with Michaela,不过我跟你说过要报平安but I told you I wanted you to check in.回个电♥话♥ 好吗Call back, okay?这是你的祖母Your grandmother.她很漂亮She's pretty.咱们家的女人都很漂亮All the women in my family are.我知道她会想见你I know she'd like to see you.我想见到你Look, I wanted to meet you,但是我不知道还能不能再见but I'm not sure that I can see you again.我明白I understand.你找到的你妈妈被打伤的照片That pictures you found with your mother's bruises, 那天我们打架了Um, that day we fought她从楼梯上摔下去了...and she tripped down the stairs....我不会原谅自己I'll never forgive myself.什么她摔下去了I'm sorry, she--she tripped?是的Yeah.怎么Why?她怎么跟你说的What did she tell you?无所谓了Never mind.没关系啦It don't matter.你是怎么出狱的So how did you get out of jail?他们终于认定我是无辜的They finally realized that I'm an innocent man. 如果你是无辜的那你最初If you're innocent, then why were you是怎么进的监狱in jail in the first place?我们私下说Between you and me,我认为是有人陷害了我I think somebody set me up.所以你是假释出狱So you're on parole?不是的No, no.我自♥由♥了I'm free.就像从来没有发生过Like it actually never happened.不过的确发生了Except it did happen.否则你应该会Otherwise you would have a lot more family 有很多家人在关照你looking out for you right now.我现在也有家人在关照我I have family looking out for me now.苔丝阿姨图福叔叔沃兹叔叔Aunt Tess, uncle Tufo, uncle Woz.沃兹是谁What's a Woz?沃兹尼亚克队长It's Lieutenant Wozniak.妈妈的上司My mom's boss.他是你叔叔Uncle?他像叔叔一样对我I mean, it feels like.多久了For how long?从我记事起就照顾我As long as I can remember.这可够久的That's a long time.我差不多该回家了I should probably get going.是的好Yeah. Yeah, sure.听我说Uh, listen,如果你必须告诉你妈我们见面的事...if you need to tell your mother that we met...她对我也不那么坦白She doesn't tell me everything.联调局三天前还盯着我们The FBI was looking at us three days ago.明天我们真的要偷那充公的We're really gonna steal $12 million一千两百万的贩毒赃款吗of confiscated drug money tomorrow?沃兹尼亚克在内部调查科的内线说Wozniak has a source in Internal Affairs.联调局没盯着咱们Says the FBI's not on us.我不记得我是什么时候开始...You know, I don't remember when I made the decision t-- 为了钱而不是职业道德才打破规则的to bend the rules for cash instead of collars.你记得吗Do you?听我说苔丝Look, Tess,如果你不想干那就别干if you don't want to do this job, don't.我会支持你I'll back you up.你去哪了Where you been?我手♥机♥没电了Um, my phone died.我先回房♥了I'll be in my room.我得走了I should go.苔丝你可以选择退出Tess... You can drop out.不No.我没考虑周全I wasn't thinking.我不是在担心自己This isn't about me.我只是担心孩子们It's about our kids.苔丝阿姨不能拒绝什么What can't Tess say no to?工会投票表决给高校基金筹钱的事Union's voting on a cash for college fund.会影响我们的退休金Gonna cut into our 401(k)s.这对你来说轻而易举是吧It's so easy for you, isn't it?做为了我好的事情Doing what's best for me.你是我做任何事的动力It's the only reason I do anything.我知道你有时可能会很难相信I know that may be hard for you to believe sometimes, 但这是真的but it's the truth.晚饭和米凯拉吃的怎么样How was dinner with Michaela?很好It was good.像跟家人在一样Felt like family.好了我们边等哈莉边谈一下All right, while we're waiting for Harlee,那个死在垃圾箱里的where are we at with the murder丢鞋房♥东的案子调查的如何了of the shoeless landlord who ended up in the dumpster? 最有嫌疑的凶手还是兰迪·罗伊斯Most likely suspect is still Randy Royce,隔壁怪癖俱乐部的老板the fetish club owner next door.可最有嫌疑的凶手死了Who's most likely still dead.杀了凶手的谋杀案The murder of a murderer.这文书可有的写了That's a lot of paperwork.那我过会上门调查一下Figured I'd go by there问一问俱乐部的员工们and talk to some of the employees later.好吧把洛曼也带上All right, well, take Loman with you.他得学会在我们溜班办事的时候He should be able to handle the investigation on his own 独♥立♥调查这件案子when we break away.干活时间是三点到五点Our job goes down between 3:00 and 5:00.所以我们两点四十五之前就得溜That means we're off radio by 2:45.你去哪了Hey, where were you?大伙好我刚才大肆挥霍去了Hi. Out spending my fortune.他们第二辆车已经从之前Second van has been delivered我们离开的停车场出发了from the parking garage we're leaving from.他们给我们的第一辆车The first van that they gave us已经停放在沃兹尼亚克的船附近we've been storing over near Wozniak's boat.我过会和你一起去Well, I can go with you later.到码头把第一辆车开走Pick up the first van from the marina.这个活儿应该是万无一失的This job should be a friendly transfer.每一步都精心设计但我们得万分小心Everything's gonna be staged, but we have to be careful. 咱们得相互照应Watch each other's backs.听好Well...押运车会停在这个区域范围内The armored car's gonna stop within this perimeter.等我们行动时自然会得知具体♥位♥置We'll know the exact location when we're on the move. 这里就是我们放钱的位置This is where we drop the money off.就点到点那么简单So it's just a to b.钱会放到一个私人停机坪The drop is gonna be at a private airstrip.抢劫地点应该会在押运车重新安排的The pickup is going to be along the armored truck's某个地方rescheduled route,具体♥位♥置我们很快会得知but the exact location is gonna come on the fly.你们不怕行人看到吗So you're not afraid of passersby?我们会做好掩护We'll be obscured,但我们肯定会观察有没有尾随车辆but everybody's gonna be looking for a tail.他们不会发现的Well, they're not gonna see one.我们会远远地跟着你们The plan is to follow you remotely.这包里有两个小型定位设备And in that bag are two small GPS devices,一车一个one for each van.我们会在指挥中心监控你们的行动We'll monitor your progress from the command center. 也会在那半径范围内安插一队流动警员Keep a mobile unit somewhere within that perimeter 以防意外发生in case of an emergency.另外一组人员会在停机坪待命A separate team will be waiting at the airstrip.可如果你们不跟着我...But if you're not following me--我们不能实时监听你们的对话We're not gonna be in range to listen to you live, 所以我们得录下来which means we're gonna have to record.又要装录音窃听器Another hard wire?你离开前我会跟你装上I'll strap you before you go.这次去你家Your place this time.听着哈莉这一次是Listen, Harlee, this is the last risk你最后一次冒险了that you're going to have to take.你离成功这么近了You are so close.豁免权去争取吧Immunity, go get it.我的队友的豁免权呢What about immunity for my crew?你说过贝克会去跟总检察官谈You said that Baker had to talk to the U.S. Attorney. 他想要的比你能给我们的更多He wants more than what you're giving us.更多More?那我得去卖♥♥血了吧I'd have to open a vein.逼沃兹尼亚克把在背后发号♥施令的Push Wozniak to give you the name of the man那个人的名字给你那个你见过的人calling the shots, the guy that you met with.如果你能给我名字哈莉Now you give me that, Harlee,我就能让你如愿以偿I can make it happen.哈莉你是在隐瞒什么吗Harlee, are you withholding something?我只是在想怎么拿到那个名字I'm just figuring out how to get that.有什么我能帮你的吗Can I help you?我的一个朋友死在这里A friend of mine died here.弗兰克·科瓦奇Frank Kovach.我想问问看那一切是怎么发生的I got a couple questions about how that happened.弗兰克是我的未婚夫Frank was my fiancee.我认识他的大部分朋友I knew most of his friends.你叫什么名字Do you have a name?米格尔·塞佩达Miguel Zepeda?拉丁裔Latino guy.蓬松的波浪发Big hair.他过来问问题He showed up asking questions.当这种事发生的时候你有一个And you have a story you're supposed to tell你应该讲的故事when that happens.我告诉了他弗兰克当时正准备I told him Frank was gonna绑♥架♥他的儿子以及我给警区打了电♥话♥ kidnap his son and that I called the precinct,但他不相信我but he didn't believe me.他想知道当时你是不是也在那里He wanted to know if you were up there too.你告诉他我不在对吧You told him no?我认为这都不重要了I don't think it mattered.我找到你想要的车牌了I got that license plate you wanted.有什么值得注意的吗Anything interesting?有一张嫌犯照片让我高兴坏了A mug shot's gonna be the highlight of my day.吉娜·罗梅洛妓♥女♥转变的合法应♥召♥女郎Gina Romero, working girl turned legal escort.你看着她的时候想到了什么What do you see when you look at her?一剂青霉素[治疗梅毒]A shot of penicillin.不她有让你想起谁吗No, does she remind you of anyone?哈莉戴着假发Harlee? With a wig.还得是在通宵畅饮之后Maybe after a night of drinking.威廉姆·英格拉姆他是这栋楼的主人William Ingram. He owned the building.隔壁对我知道他Next door. Yeah, I know him.你知道他昨天被发现死在垃圾箱里吗Did you know he was found dead in a dumpster yesterday?我们收到线报说你老板We got tipped off that your boss,兰迪·罗伊斯是杀死他的那个人Randy Royce, was the guy who put him there.这人以前经常抱怨我们噪音大This guy used to complain about the noise,但兰迪不是那样的人But Randy wasn't like that.兰迪有仇人吗Did Randy have enemies?没有恨他到想要杀了他的人Not one that would hang him in his office.我们是一个古怪的大家庭We're one big kinky family.每个人都很因为他要出♥售♥而难过Everyone was upset he had to sell.出♥售♥这栋楼Sell the building?有买♥♥家吗Is there a buyer?买♥♥家们有两个Buyers. There were two of them.不动产是一个很有力的动机Real estate's a powerful motive.有一个是常客One was a regular.叫华金什么的Joaquin something.华金·福斯特和迈尔斯·岑纳Joaquin Foster and Miles Zenner刚刚离开我们的绑♥架♥受害者Just left our kidnapped victim穿着他们的保安制♥服♥dressed in their security uniforms.邦普队长放了他们Lieutenant Pomp relieved them.好的知道了All right, copy that.邦普走的时候你告诉我You let me know when Pomp leaves.押运车司机们正在去工作的路上The armored truck drivers are on their way to work. 你联♥系♥哈莉了吗Did you connect with Harlee?我们晚点会见面给她戴窃听器We're gonna meet up later to wire her.大日子特别探员斯塔尔Big day, special agent Stahl.局里的大日子Big day for the bureau.我希望你们已经读过了斯塔尔探员的简述I hope you've all read agent Stahl's brief.就我们所知他的案子将会追查到From what we understand, his case is about to lead 被盗的一千两百万美金to 12 million stolen dollars,六个腐♥败♥的纽约警探six corrupt NYPD detectives...以及一个我们相信是在背后操作的And an unknown third party未知的第三方who we believe is pulling the strings.这是你最后的机会哈莉This is your last chance, Harlee.你跟沃兹尼亚克谈过了吗Have you talked to Wozniak?刚刚谈过了Yeah, just now.你能兑现你的承诺吗Can you deliver on what you promised?斯塔尔Stahl?我为了你要的答案已经命悬一线了I am putting my ass on the line pushing for your answers. 给我一个名字我就去找贝克Give me a name, I'll walk in to Baker,我会给你的队友争取到豁免权I'll get your crew immunity.特伦斯·林克莱特Terrence Linklater.他是缉毒局的探员He's a DEA agent.他在侵吞他自己缴获的财产He's ripping off his own seized assets.哈莉干得漂亮Harlee, you're beautiful.我们不会直接看到钱款转移We won't have direct view of the money transfer,但沃兹尼亚克的队员会通过两辆车里的but Wozniak's crew will be monitored remotely卫星定位来远程监控by GPS planted in the two vans.所有的分队都将随时移♥动♥All teams will be mobile.第一队去这片警区Alpha team positioned on this perimeter.一旦钱抵达交付点Once the money is delivered to the drop,第二队将会解救凯斯·科尔比Bravo team will retrieve Keith Colby,他被绑♥架♥用来要挟他的妻子艾伦who was kidnapped to leverage his wife, Ellen,第一护卫安保公♥司♥的调度员a dispatcher at First Guardian Security.陈探员目前在监控他的位置Agent Chen is surveilling his position now.我们要抓到全部这些人We want everyone's hands in this cookie jar, people. 一旦我们的线人桑托斯警探Agent Stahl will join Charlie team确认交易开始once our asset, Detective Santos,斯塔尔探员就会加入第三分队confirms that the package is in motion.我们在交易完成时出击We strike at the final drop.目标包括沃兹尼亚克警探Targets include Detectives Wozniak,埃斯巴达图福纳萨里奥波普Espada, Tufo, Nazario, Pomp...还有缉毒局探员特伦斯·林克莱特Also DEA agent Terrence Linklater.是他策划了这场抢劫He's the man behind this heist.缉毒局DEA?刚刚得到确认Just confirmed.这可是政♥府♥的钱同志们Now this is government money, people.把它想成你们的工资吧Think of it as your salaries.桑托斯警探是我们唯一的线人Detective Santos is our only asset?对Correct.只有一个人能得到豁免权And only one person gets immunity.其他人全部抓起来Everybody else goes down.我发誓我给过你一张桌子的Could've sworn I gave you a desk.用它换了点儿清静Traded it in for some peace and quiet.那可是亏本买♥♥卖♥♥ 清静可长不了That's a bad deal. That never lasts.米格尔开始打听弗兰克·科瓦奇了Miguel's asking questions about Frank Kovach.去建筑工地和科瓦奇的未婚妻聊了两句Went to the construction site, talking to Kovach's fiance.我们不是说服了她对此闭口不谈的吗I thought we convinced her to keep quiet.是但他露了底We did, but he's showing his cards.你知道他要找的是什么You know what he's after.我陷害他的证据Yeah, proof that I screwed him.那他是不会找到的Well, he's not gonna find that.他不是要把我们送上法庭He's not taking us to court,他能找到很多东西and there's plenty that he can find.克里斯蒂娜Cristina.她在学校是安全的She's safe at school.科瓦奇的儿子也是记得后来的结果吗So was Kovach's son. Remember how that turned out?考虑到下午的事你把她带到我家吧Well, given our afternoon, you bring her to my house.我告诉琳达一下你们要来I'll let Linda know that you're coming.这考试占成绩很大一部分That test was a big chunk of my grade.你可以重考You can retake it.我会跟老师好好解释的I'll explain everything to your teacher.那怎么跟我解释呢What about explaining it to me?可能没事的宝贝It's probably nothing, okay, baby?我不想让你担心I don't want you to worry.又和米格尔有关吗Is this about Miguel again?米格尔·塞佩达是的Miguel Zepeda, yes.他今天没去见他的假释官He didn't show up for his parole officer today.好吧他跑路了能不能不要紧张Great, so he skipped town. Can we all just relax?我得确保在他出现之前有人保护你I want to make sure you're protected till he turns up.什么他在威胁我吗So, what, is he-- is he threatening me?你对我隐瞒了什么Look, what aren't you telling me?我知道这听起来很疯狂Look, I know that this sounds crazy.我明白这种感觉宝贝I know that it feels crazy, baby,但我能做出的最好解释就是but the best way that I can explain is that我需要知道你今天是安全的I need to know that you're safe today.看起来我们在同一块地盘上工作啊Looks like we work the same turf.你有毛病吧Hey, you got a problem?你再给我说一遍You want to ask me that again?你要怎样What is it you want?比你给他干的事容易得多Something a lot less strenuous than you're offering him. 我需要信息I need some information.客户可是指望着我的谨慎呢Clients count on my discretion.我还指望着你的远见呢Yeah, and I'm counting on your foresight. 你不会愿意一辈子干这个的You don't want to be doing this forever. 我向你保证日子可不好过I promise you the years aren't kind.这算是个邀请什么的吗Is that an offer of some sort?是个全新的开始It's a blank slate.你希望我知道点什么What do you hope I know?你去了弗兰克·科瓦奇出事的You paid a visit to the construction site那个建筑工地where Frank Kovach died.在里面关了十年Locked up for ten years.我去过的地方多得是I've been paying a lot of visits.别浪费我的时间了米格尔Don't waste my time, Miguel.我不会那么做的哈莉I wouldn't do that, Harlee.时间过去了就再也回不来了Time is something you can never get back. 你尽可刨根问底You can turn over any stone.但这不会改变事实It's not gonna change the truth.我和你被捕一点关系都没有I had nothing to do with your arrest.好Okay.那告诉我Then tell me...你为什么害怕Why are you scared?怕修枝剪吗Of pruning shears?我可是有配枪的I wear a gun.从没见过有哪个问题你岔不开Never met a question you couldn't sidestep.是吗从没见过有哪个囚犯不抱幻想Yeah? Never met an inmate who didn't have a delusion.你说和那个抓我的警♥察♥You told me you had nothing to do with the cop毫无关系who put me away.可你在沃兹尼亚克警探的队里已经十年了But you've been on detective Wozniak's team for a decade. 我不由得怀疑你还骗了我什么Makes me wonder what else you've been lying about.怎么What?不岔开话题了吗No sidestepping?你想过以后打算干什么吗Have you thought about what you're gonna do?明年后年Next year, year after that?下周Next week?我有打算I got some plans.那你有钱去实现吗You have a way to pay for them?怎么准备资助我重新做人吗Are you offering to bankroll a fresh start?如果你要这么做'cause if you are...那可不是警♥察♥的薪水能负担得起的It's gonna cost a hell of a lot more than a cop's salary.我自有办法但首先...I can get it, but that fresh start...你要远离我和克里斯蒂娜Has to happen away from me and Cristina.你打算给我多少钱What kind of money are we talking about?对你而言For you?足以改变生活Life changing.收到Got it.我们停机坪见I'll see you at the airstrip.凯斯现在该打给你妻子了Keith, it's time to call your wife.斯塔尔Stahl.我跟他谈过了I talked to him.我跟凯斯谈过了I talked to Keith.他还活着He's alive.他们有给你什么指示吗Okay, did they give you any instructions?他们要我重新安排Mm-hmm, they want me to reassign两名司机去另一地点接货two of our drivers to a different pickup.华金·福斯特和迈尔斯·岑纳Joaquin Foster and Miles Zenner.-对 -哪里接货- Yes. - Which pickup?富兰克林的缉毒局The DEA office in Franklin.哈莉说得对这是缉毒局的钱Harlee's right, it's DEA money.艾伦你做得很好Ellen, you're doing great.有任何情况就打给我们Call us if anything changes, okay?我丈夫怎么办What about my husband?我们最好的探员在守着他Our best agents are watching him right now. 我们会带他回家的We'll get him home.这个C4炸♥药♥是真家伙吗Is that C4 the real deal?我不知道I don't know,但不管谁驾这辆货车but whoever's driving this van都该避开路面上的坑might want to avoid potholes.你紧张吗Are you nervous?大家会陪着你的You'd be in good company.我今天没问题No, I'm fine with today.昨晚可糟了Last night was tough.我带萨珀斯坦夫人外出吃饭I took Mrs. Saperstein out to dinner.她告诉我萨珀死的那天She told me that Sap made a run被两个穿西装的追from two suits the day he died.躲开联邦探员吗Escaping the feds?不感觉是他刚被逮捕No, like he just got picked up,可是这说不通but it doesn't make any sense.他签了豁免协议的哈莉He had an immunity deal, Harlee.我知道沃兹尼亚克告诉我了I know. Wozniak told me.豁免协议都签了两周了So why would he run if he had already他为什么还要逃跑been on board for two weeks?等下签了两周Wait, two weeks?我以为是那时刚签I thought he had just signed it.不协议上有签署日期No, the date was right there on the paper.他出♥卖♥♥♥我们长达十四天He had been selling us out for 14 long days.等下你确定吗Wait, are you sure?确定是我发现的Yeah, I'm the one who found it.你为什么不说出来Why didn't you say something?我告诉沃兹他让我别说出来I brought it to Woz and he told me not to.我猜他想维护萨珀斯坦的名誉I mean, I guess he was trying to protect Saperstein's reputation.然后他就死了And then he was dead.詹姆斯·纳瓦的办公室Office of James Nava.你好我是桑托斯警探Hi, this is Detective Santos.我需要你提供一些信息Can I bother you for some information?你问吧Shoot.我要跟进米格尔·塞佩达的案子I'm following up on Miguel Zepeda.纳瓦没告诉你吗Mr. Nava didn't tell you?这个案子他把自己撤换掉了He recused himself from that case.是没错Right, of course.我只是需要他假释官的联♥系♥电♥话♥ Um, I just need his parole officer's contact.塞佩达没有假释官Zepeda doesn't have a parole officer.他的人身保护令申诉成功了The deal struck regarding his Habeas appeal所以正式将其免罪officially exonerated him.那么他不是假释犯So he's not a parolee?他现在自♥由♥了He's a free man.收到Got it.我被告知他没向Someone told me he hadn't他的假释官报到checked in with his parole officer.一定是他们搞错了They must have been mistaken.除非有两个叫华金的常去怪癖俱乐部Unless there are two Joaquins who frequent the kink club, 这就是其中一个想买♥♥下那建筑的人this is one of the two guys trying to buy the building.他的信♥用♥卡♥上周刷了三次His credit card was run three times last week.监控摄像头有可能拍到他吗Any chance he was caught on camera?不显然怪癖俱乐部No, apparently fetish clubs不会留下影像证据frown on photographic evidence.不过更神奇的是But the bigger mystery他年收入只有四万块却要在布鲁克林is he's buying a multi-million dollar property in Brooklyn 买♥♥下价值数百万的建筑on a $40,000-a-year salary.这家伙是做保安的The guy works security.那另一位买♥♥家一定很有钱Then the other buyer must have the money.金钱是维持伙伴关系的重要桥梁You know, money's a great quality in a partner.洛曼查到罗伊斯案子的线索了Loman's got a lead on the Royce case.纽约州驾照华金·福斯特你认识他吗You know him?你没看见他吗Yeah, you didn't see him?他离开怪癖俱乐部后我们就发现兰迪吊死He left the fetish club right before we found Randy hanging. 恭喜你Congratulations.你的线索刚升级为嫌疑人了Your lead just got upgraded to suspect.我们去找他吧Yo, let's go pay him a visit.你一个人去吧Can you take this one solo?沃兹尼亚克要我们去监视Wozniak has the rest of us bird-dogging几个不守规矩的毒贩some wayward dealers.没问题Sure.去监视吧Bird-dog away.我看看能发现些什么I'll see what I can dig up.纽约州驾驶证罗伯特·斯塔尔看起来像个脱口秀主持Looks like a talk show host.我要从哪儿认识他Where would I know him from?如果他有用你就不会认识You wouldn't if he's any good.他一直在监视我们He's the eyes that's been on us.特别探员罗伯特·斯塔尔Special Agent Robert Stahl.我昨晚监视他I staked him out last night.发现什么了吗You see anything interesting?是的Yeah.我以为我看到你了I thought I saw you.纽约警♥察♥局吉娜她是谁Who is she?她是个应♥召♥女She's an escort.他非常迷恋你He's obsessed with you.什么你觉得这像我吗What, you think I look like this?她说他叫她"哈莉"She says he calls her "Harlee."花钱让她扮你Pays her to answer to it.你懂我的意思You know what I mean.不我不懂我不确定我明白No, I'm not-- I'm not sure that I do. 监视变得极富个人色彩The surveillance becomes personal. 如果他失去这个案子If he loses this case,他就失去他的工作He loses his daily fix.所以他找了替身Oh, so now he's found a substitute. 她是个低劣的替身She's a pale imitation.你得留点神You got to watch your back.好的我一直都是Yeah. I always do.哈莉谁是这儿的主人Who's in charge, Harlee?你知道是你You know you are.我是你的You own me.永远别忘了这点Never forget that.转过去。
