美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第27集剧本(英语)
目录第5集 (2)第6集 (45)第7集 (84)第8集 (125)第5集嫌疑犯于晚上10:30 被发现Suspects were first observedat approximately 10:30 P.M.在警察局对面Across the street from the station house. "罗宾"和"猫女"负责放哨Robin and catwoman stood guard 而"蝙蝠侠"在擦洗一辆停着的警车as batman soaped an unoccupied police vehicle.是SUV 法官阁下那种耗油吓死人的车S.U.V., Y our honor,an egregious gas guzzler.-而且还很脏-继续警官- And filthy, by the way.- Continue, officer.Brody警官和我到达现场后与他们发生了激烈争执Officer Brody and I approached.An altercation ensued.我们以为他们只是穿着剧服的流氓We thought they were hooligans dressed in costume.或着是一群乡巴佬As the village people, perhaps.嫌犯拒捕These suspects then attemptedto evade apprehension并向我们扔了许多鸡蛋by discharging one ormore eggs in our direction.对他们的指控包括恶意破坏拒捕拉皮条The charges are vandalism,resisting arrest, and pandering.拉皮条?Pandering?我们所作所为完全出于应激反应Our only tricks werein conjunction with our treating,而且我哪像拉皮条的?and I do not look like a pimp.你像白痴Y ou look like an idiot.-法官大人这只"猫"是个有名的妓女-我反对The cat's a known prostitute,your honor. / I object to that!好了取下面具All right, masks off now.我知道你I know you.Alan ShoreAlan Shore.法官大人很高兴见到你Good to see you, judge.这是我的同事Tara WilsonMy colleague Tara Wilson.你好Hello.能告诉我为什么Would you care to explain to me两个律师和一个妓女搞在一起why two attorneys areoutcavorting with a prostitute?我们需要人扮演猫女We needed somebody to be catwoman.拿着皮鞭的那种Someone with a whip.Mr.Shore 你是一个有天赋的律师Mr. Shore, while you are a gifted attorney, 可你也让整个法律界蒙羞you bring embarrassment andshame to the legal community.谢谢你这么说阁下Y ou're very kind, sir.案件撤销Case dismissed.跟Markham协议怎么样了?What's this with the Markham settlement? 他拒绝签字He refuses to sign.不停在字眼里挑刺He keeps redlining us on language.估计因为税收问题他想拖到下一年We think that he's postponing it until after the new year for tax reasons.我会尽力施加压力I'll keep pushing him as best I can.说点私事我想提醒大家记得投票On a personal aside, I'd liketo remind everyone to vote.不管政见如何都是我们的公民义务It's our civic duty.Whatever our politics,哪怕是世界末日我们还是美国人at the end of the day,we're Americans.就算流血也要是蓝白红色的We bleed red, white, and blue. Morgan对Rayburn的案子Morgan vs. Rayburn.还在审理中Still in trial.这个客户的证词不可靠The client survived histestimony barely.Tara和我正想办法达成协议也说点私事Tara and I are pushing a settlement, and on a personal aside,-我觉得无聊-什么?- I'm bored.- I beg your pardon?你们老给我些无聊案子Y ou people keep assigning methese boring cases.要在从前我的委托人里有杀人的At my old firm, I got murderers.还有在公共洗手间自慰的I had clients who had touched themselves in public restrooms.这些人才是真正的客户These are people you could root for,说不定还能来段罗曼史not to mention relate to.Mr.Shore 莫非你想另某高就?Is there some other placeyou'd rather be, Mr. Shore?是的我想上电视Y es, I want to be on cable.最棒的案子都在那里That's where all the bestwork is being done.-Holcomb的案子谁在做?-呃Edwin Poole- Who's doing the Holcomb case?- Uh, that's Edwin Poole.-不是你...-我只是负责处理些小事- Aren't you...- I just handled the decert motion.不负责庭审的I didn't prep the trial.当然那Edwin把案子分配给谁了? Surely, Edwin assigned itto somebody?这个...Well, um...其实...actually...Denny?Denny?你在负责Holcomb药品案?Are you handling the Holcomb pharmaceuticals trial?是我I am.你准备好了?Are you prepared to try this case?我会的I will be.你会的...你知不知道明天就要开审了?Y ou will be. Are you awarethe trial begins tomorrow?Lori 我们有麻烦了We have a problem, Lori.你至少得给我看着点DennyY ou at least need to backstopDenny here.-我没..-可我不能I don't... / I can't.今天我就有案子要上庭I'm in trial myself today.什么案子?In trial on what?我..嗯..我几天前接了个法庭指派的案子I, um, was assigned a casea couple of days ago,至少我是接下来了..which I sort of took.什么样的?What kind of case?这个..只是个..Uh, just a...凶杀案homicide.什么?What?你怎么突然开始接受法庭指派了? Why are you suddenlytaking court appointments?我只是需要点改变I just need kind ofa change, that's all.现在所有人都不满意了这算什么?Now everyone here is dissatisfied? What is this?上周我处理的案子The case I did last week...它某种程度上让我想明白了一些事it kind of awakened me a little.我想要和人有更多的相处I'm feeling the needto connect with people.-是犯罪的人吧-请不要那么浅薄- Criminal people.- Please don't trivialize this.辩护与起诉相差很多Lori Criminal defense is a far cryfrom criminal prosecution, Lori.你不会喜欢的Y ou won't like it.你怎么会知道我还没...How can you possibly knowthat before I even...我了解你I know you.那么..So...我们可以开始了?Shall we?当然你有Morgan的地址吗?We shall. Do you haveMorgan's address?我有但其实我想说I do, but what I meant is,我们从昨晚中断的地方继续吧shall we continue wherewe left off last night?你在我房子前面朝着植物撒尿In front of my buildingwith you peeing in the planter.我差点就爆了你应该让我上楼的I was about to burst.Y ou should've let me come up.那些植物需要浇水了That plant needed watering.Tara 你应该让我上去的Y ou should've let me come up, Tara. 零晨四点我让你上来了It was 4:00 A.M.I let you up,接着能记得的就是我们在酒吧next thing we know,we're in the liquor cabinet.2分钟后后就什么也不知道了Two minutes after that,passed out.Robin四仰八叉缠在蝙蚨侠身上Robin sprawled across batman.在司法厅他们会怎么说What would they sayat the hall of justice?这就是你担心的?四仰八叉Was that what you wereafraid of, the sprawling?我叫你出来玩是想让你忘记SallyI invited you out toget your mind off Sally.你是做到了我又是那个你熟悉的荒唐的人了Y ou've succeeded. It's back toan old, familiar wanton place.Alan 我们说好了我们不可能Alan, we agreed thatyou and I couldn't work.是为什么来着? 我忘记了What was the reason again?I've forgotten.因为会惹麻烦It would be trouble.只是一晚我们就完全失控然后倒在酒吧后面One night out, we lose all control Which was utterly intoxicating, and end up behind bars.回味无穷不是吗? 一起疯狂was it not, losing control together?00:06:34,572 --> 00:06:35,573怎样TaraWhat about it, Tara?都这么久了我们或许应该开始脱光..After all this time,maybe we should undress.我们要迟到了We're late.很厚的文件Thick file.当然很厚Of course, it's a thick file.这是上千人共同起诉的案子It's a class action involvingthousands of plaintiffs,而且错综复杂Dennyand it's complicated, Denny.Thick file.你看我们唯一能做的就是请求法官的谅解Look, all we can do is throw ourselvesat the mercy of the judge.你跟我去见法官解释下Edwin的状况If you and I both go to see himand explained Edwin's situation,或许能争取到一些时间maybe he'll give us some time.厚啊...Thick file.7万美元$70,000.这是他们开的价It's their opening offer.Mr.Morgan 你是个好人Y ou seem like a verynice man, Mr. Morgan.可也像个忧郁症患者Y ou also seem like a hypochondriac.我是真的头疼These headaches are real.我相信I have no doubt.你曾经还抱怨过Y ou've also complainedon several occasions你感染了塔那痘病毒(Tanapox virus 痘病毒科)that you were sufferingfrom tanapox virus.我发现皮肤上有典型的泡疹Because I noticed thecharacteristic papular lesions.它们非常容易破掉They're very tender.直径大约2厘米Approximately 2 centimeters in diameter. 你要知道塔那痘病毒是非洲靠近赤道附近的地方病Y ou realize the tanapox virusis endemic to equatorial Africa.-你去了那么多次旅途愉快吗?Y es. / Have you enjoyed your many visits to equatorial Africa?我从来没去过I've never been there.呃这样的话Ah. Then perhaps...你应该可以看出我们的麻烦所在了吧Mr.Morgan you can see the outlineof our problem, Mr. Morgan.可这不是我的错Look, it's not my fault.我去图书馆I go to the library,查资料and I read books.我想知道怎样才能好起来And I try to understandhow I might get better,可有时侯书里的内容反而让我更害怕了but sometimes, the books,they scare me even more他们总是能描述出那些连我自己都不知道已经得了的病because they describe diseasesI didn't even know I had.大概我是有忧郁症Maybe I am a hypochondriac.你怎么想?What do you take for that?Colson小姐我之前从来没有打过架Miss Colson, I have never beenin a fight before.这样我们要找一两个证人Okay, we need to be ableto call a witness or two谁能来证明你并不暴力who can speak to yournonviolent character.我妈妈可以Well, I told you, my mother.母亲有偏袒嫌疑最好不要Mothers tend to come off as biased.应该还有其他人的There's gotta be somebody else.朋友同事一定还有Friends, coworkers.There's gotta be somebody.可我在家住在家工作我几乎不出门的Well, I live at home, I work at home,I hardly ever go out.我妈妈是唯一能...My mother's the only one...但我要提前警告你but I gotta warn you,她的形象不是很好she doesn't make the best impression.什么意思?What do you mean?她有一个玻璃假眼Well, she's got a glass eye.尺寸不太合适所以她一激动...And it doesn't fit so good,and when she gets upset...如果你让她出庭作证if you put her on the stand,不要惹她发怒don't get her upset.我去吧台拿些喝的I went up to the barto get a few drinks,我转过身就看到唔and when I turned around,that's when I saw, uh,Jared和他在吵架Jared and him exchanging words.我看得出他们言词不善And I could tell it wasn't friendly.他?By him?就是被告The defendant.我开始往回走那里非常拥挤So I started heading back,and the place was really packed.我被堵住了So I was kinda blocked.那时看到Jared在推他That's when I saw Jared push him,然后Jared挥了一拳然后...and then Jared took a swing, and...就这样了That was it.什么样了?What was "it"?告诉我们你所看到的Tell us what you saw.被告就朝Jared喉咙猛击了一下The defendant, he just threwa punch right at Jared's throat,Jared就瘫倒在地了and Jared collapsed to the ground.我赶到那时When I got there,他呼吸很困难而且...he was hardly breathing, and...他嘴里不断发出倒抽气的声音he was making, like, a sucking noise. 最后他停止了呼吸And then he just stopped breathing.我试过人工呼吸And I tried to do mouth-to-mouth,有个说会CPR的人也尝试了可他... (CPR 心肺复苏术)and so did another guy whosaid he knew CPR, but he...他只是躺在那里死了He just died right there on the floor.好的Okay.Quinlan先生这很关键Now, Mr. Quinlan, this is important.尽可能的详细描述那一个猛击Describe the punch as best you can.很短促直接的击打我可以It was a short, direct punch,and I could....我可以从他握拳的姿势and I could tell by the wayhe was holding his hand和他出拳样子知道他会武术and how he threw the punchthat he knew martial arts.那是致命的一击It was a kill punch.-反对!-反对有效Objection! / Sustained.根据你的说法为什么你会认为那是致命的一击Why, in your lay opinion, sir,did you regard it as a kill punch?-反对-反对驳回Objection. / Overruled.他可以回答He can answer.攻击对方的喉咙会导致喉部的衰竭By hitting the throat,you can make it collapse,受击打者就会窒息and then the person suffocates.就像已经发生的那样Which is exactly what happened.谢谢Okay.你并没有看到争吵的开始Y ou didn't actually seethe altercation begin.你只是转过身看到他们正在说话Y ou turned around, andthey were having words.-是的-你听不到他们在说什么- That's right.- Y ou couldn't hear what was said?-是的-Mr.Quinlan 警察在现场做笔录时No. / Mr. Quinlan, when the police arrived and questioned you,你有否说过我委托人的那一拳did you tell them that you recognized my client's punch是武术里的一种拳法as a form of martial arts?没有我不肯定...No, I was probably...你有否对警方描述了那一拳就像你刚才对陪审团说的那样Did you demonstrate to themthe fist you just made for the jury?我当时太震惊了I was too shook up.事实上你从未提到过武术二字In fact, you made no mentionof martial arts直到这两个字被印上了报纸until after it was publishedin the newspapers.当我读到的时候这两个字提醒了我And when I read it, it clicked.它很恰当就像我所看到的那样It all made perfect sense,because that's what I saw.所以当你面对警方详细询的时候Y ou just forgot to mention it你只是忘记提到了那一拳when the police specificallyasked you what you saw.请问那晚你喝了多少啤酒?How many beers had you hadthat night, sir?-3瓶-Jared Grant喝了多少?Three. / How many beers hadJared Grant had?-3瓶-所以你承认没有听到他们的争吵Three. / So you admittedly couldn't hear the exchange,也承认没看到争执的开始you admittedly didn't seethe altercation begin,而且你还喝了酒and you'd been drinking.没有人能预计Edwin Poole的病Certainly no one could anticipateEdwin Poole's illness.这个病几周前就发作了This unanticipated illnessoccurred weeks ago.你们在庭审前一天才来找我Y ou come to me the day before the trial? 实际上这是我们的工作疏忽The simple truth is,this one fell through the cracks.起诉方的证人有些是从城外赶来的The plaintiff has witnessesfrom out of town.我们非常乐意补偿这些损失We'd be willing to assume those costs. 天啊多么自大的一群人Gee, what a swell bunch of guys.-法官阁下-哦不不不我最讨厌这样的Y our honor.../ oh, no, no, no,I'm sick of this.你们在用拖延策略Y our firm has employed a strategy systemic heel-dragging.-这不符职业道德-Edwin poole是唯一一个知道...It is immoral. / Edwin pooleis the only one who know...这是谁的错?Whose fault is that?你们自己玩忽职守Y ou people should be suedfor malpractice.Brian 你和我有交情Brian, you and I have a relationship.我把你当朋友I think of you as a friend.不过交情排在原则的后面抱歉Well, that friendship has gotta takea back seat to principle, I'm sorry. Brian 你知道考虑到我们的关系Well, you know, Brian,given our relationship,我觉得当友谊陷入困境时我应该坦诚相待I feel entitled to be honest the wayfriends are during difficult times.我能对你坦诚吗BrianCan I be honest with you, Brian?-请说-DennyPlease. Denny...你是个混蛋还是个贪婪的混蛋Y ou're a bastard,and a greedy one at that.这是件共同起诉案This is a class action.合并审判一下解决这么多案子让你大受赞赏Y ou get credit for all the consolidatedcases in one fell swoop.你正在谋求首席法官的位置Y ou're looking to makepresiding judge.所以年终你更需要建功立业Y ou need that creditby calendar year's end.所以你急切的要案子进行来装饰你的诉讼记录That's why you're desperate to movethis thing forward, to pad your docket.这是野心不是道德你是个贪婪的流着鼻涕的小人This is about ambition, not morality,you greedy, sniveling little wop.延期申请不通过Motion for continuance denied.你知道我要怎么做吗BrianY ou know what I'm gonna do, Brian,为了证明我俩没伤到和气just to show you thereare no hard feelings?我要和你的妻子上床I'm gonna sleep with your wife.我们建议要么你解雇我们It is our recommendation thatyou discharge us as counsel.向法官请求时间找新律师Ask the judge for timeto find new attorneys.或者明天照常继续The only alternative isproceeding tomorrow,我估计没人这样希望which I don't think we want to do. Edwin Poole从来没有告诉我们审理的日期Edwin Poole never evengave us this trial date.他说还没确定He told us it was continued indefinitely.所以我们建议你解雇我们Which is why we're suggestingthat you discharge us.法官必须给你时间找新律师He has got to give you timeto find new counsel.- Sally 这次必须你来- 我?- Y ou have to handle this, Sally.- Me?瞧我对玻璃眼球有心理障碍Look, I have this thingabout glass eyes.我有个老师也这样I once had a teacherwith a glass eye,有时候他一激动起来and sometimes when he'd get mad,就拿出来往桌子上拍he'd take it out andwhack it on his desk.简直是恶梦It gave me nightmares.嗨Hi, there.嘿Hey.她怎么了?What was that?没什么Nothing.看上去有人急切的渴望Someone just seemsa little overeager和Alan Shore旧情复燃to rekindle the flame with Alan Shore. 我们坚持7万美元The offer was firm at $70,000.是的可如果不那么坚持你们多提高1/4 我们就接受了Y es, we thought if you'd un-firm itto one and a quater, we could be done. 而你的委托人明天就不用上庭Y our client wouldn't haveto testify tomorrow,当然他就能更多的误诊其他人了which, of course, would freehim up to misdiagnose others.看来你还没明白Mr. Shore.Y ou don't seem to get it, Mr. Shore.给7万美元我们只是要摆脱无赖纠缠We offered $70,000as nuisance change.是的我们只是觉得Mr. MorganY es. We just feel Mr. Morgan要比你说的更令人无赖is a much bigger nuisancethan you give him credit for.而我更是无比的无赖我们应该可以为此再多拿点And I'm an enormous nuisance.We should get something for that.-我想吐-你会没事的- I feel nauseous.- Y ou'll be fine.敲门Knock on it.-你来-Sally!Y ou knock on it. / Sally!如果是我负责与她对话至少你来敲门If I'm doing the talking,the least you could do is...律师?Y ou, his lawyers?-嗨-嗨Hi. / Hi.我是Sally Heep 这位是I'm Sally Heep. This is...-Lori Colson-你好Lori Colson. Hello.嗯我们想问几个问题Binder夫人如果可以的话Uh, we just wanted to ask you a few questions, Mrs. Binder, if we could. 进来Come on in.他是个心地善良的好男孩He's a wonderful boywith a gentle heart.是的我们的问题是Y es, our problem is,你似乎是唯一一个了解他的人you seem to be the only personto truly know him.他觉得因为这个假眼我不会是个好证人He think I'll make a bad witnesson account of the eye.它是玻璃的看到了吗?It's glass, you see.近些看Look close.是的Y es.嗯Y eah.事情是这样的The thing is,检控方宣称the prosecution is obviously claiming Jason的心地并不善良that Jason's heart is not gentle.他和人有过纠纷吗?Has he ever been in trouble?他曾经被拘捕过吗?Has he ever been arrested?他替其他人惹过麻烦吗?Has he ever caused anyproblems for anybody?没有他是个好人我也是这么教他的No, he is a nice young man,and it's the way I raised him.这就是我们希望你说的That's exactly whatwe'll need you to say.也许我可以带你去买点衣服做个头发I'm also maybe gonna take you shopping, get your hair done.-形象越好…-Jared Grant 他该死- The more presentable...- He deserved to die, Jared Grant.为什么这么说?Why do you say that?他打了我的Jason.He beat up my Jason.不过他没有打得很厉害Well, he didn't exactly beat him up.-只是发生了口角-他痛打了他- There was an altercation.- He beat him up.那个男的是恶魔他该死The man is evil, andhe deserved to die!- 冷静下来- 我告诉你了他该死!- Let's calm down.- He deserved it, I tell you!Rayburn医生Dr. Rayburn,Mr. Morgan 由你来负责超过6个月了over the six months thatMr. Morgan was in your care,他来过你这多少次?how many visits did he maketo your practice?38次38.算多吗?Is that a lot?比其他病人多出四倍Four times as manyas any other patient.我们玩笑说他是办公室的吉祥物We joked he was the office mascot. 你说的出病状他就坚信自己得了那些病Y ou name the condition Mr. Morgan was convinced he had it.伤风感冒支气管炎Cold, flu, bronchitis,带状疱疹成人发作性糖尿病shingles, adult onset diabetes.我从来没说过糖尿病I never complained ofadult onset diabetes.那个的症状应该是口渴That's characterizedby excessive thirst.你觉得我今天喝了很多水?Does it seem to you likeI've been drinking a lot today?我确定你很好BillI'm sure you're fine, Bill.Mr. Morgan 认为你的疏忽导致了他今天的状况Mr. Morgan contends your neglect drove him to this state.实际上我已经尽量的容忍他了The truth is, I bent over backwards to accommodate him.他总要求立刻见我He always needed tobe seen immediately,无论我有多忙and busy as my practice is,我总是挤出时间I always made the time.我为你感到骄傲先生为你不知疲倦的对待我的委托人I applaud you, sir, for yourtireless commitment to my client.多好的人!What a guy!-反对-反对有效Objection. / Sustained.所以这38次都算在诊所头上?G So these 38 visits, on the house?什么?I'm sorry?它们都是免费的?They were free visits?不是No.哦~!Oh!所以你是收了钱的这就合理了So you charged him.That makes sense.所以当他抱怨浑身无力So with all his complaining,his incapacitation,痛苦的脸皱成一团that pinched look on his face,其实一点毛病没有there's nothing wrong with him.临床上没有而问题出在他脑袋里了Nothing clinically, no.It's in his head.只是普通的偏头痛对吗? Traditional home forthe migraine, is it not?是心身失调It's psychosomatic.他是个典型的抑郁症患者He's a classic hypochondriac.我明白了I see.所以还是有个诊断的Well, there's a diagnosis.那么告诉我你开出了什么处方Tell me, what treatment did you prescribe 医治我委托人的典型的抑郁症for my client's classic hypochondria?我是全科医生不是精神病学医师I'm a general practitioner,not a psychiatrist.所以你建议他出去找...So you referred him out to...谁?whom?没有特定的谁No one in particular.我告诉了他他需要帮助I did tell him he needed help.我甚至给了他一个从业者的名单I believe I even gave hima list of practitioners.所以当他仍然来看病So he kept coming to you,你只是继续收钱却不治疗you kept taking his money,you did not treat him,而且还建议他去看...and you referred him to...一个不确定的医生no one in particular.我是全科医生I'm a G.P.我告诉他要进行精神治疗I told him to seek mental treatment.我只是建议我不能强迫他I advised it. I can't force it.所以我们再总结一次他不停的来你不停的收钱Once again, he kept coming,you kept taking the money,然后建议他去看一个...and you referred him to...不确定的医生no one in particular.那么你要解雇你的律师?So you now want to fire your lawyers?是的法官阁下Y es, your honor.我们不知道审理什么时候开始We had no idea trial was about to start.足以说明他们有多不合格That's how incompetentthese people are.我估计你也没意识到And I suppose you had no idea你的公司正欺诈着老年人your company was bilking senior citizens? 当然阁下你也一定是开明的因为.. Certainly your honor intends to keepan open mind with regard to the...就这么决定了Here's the deal.我可以给你一天找律师24个小时I give you one day to findnew counsel, 24 hours.这以后我会对你们的拖延罚以每天25万美元After that, I'm fining you $250,000a day for any further delay.这看上去像公报私仇It almost seemed personal.你们做过什么招惹这家伙没?Have you done anythingto upset this guy?我不记得有过Not that I can think of.看撇开准备这事不谈Well, look, aside frompreparation concerns,我们有更大的问题了we got a bigger problem.这个法官他有偏见This judge, he's biased.所以我想建议This is what I propose we do.-我们起草一份和谈申请要求...-那是25万美元一天File an interlocutory appeal and ask... / At $250,000 a day.要求和谈我们就有路可走了While we're filing that appeal,we'll go forward.如果赢了我们就能搁置审判Should we win,we can suspend the trial.输了也不会被罚款Should we lose,we won't incur the fine.你的人能搞定这个吗?But are you people readyto try this case?我来I can try it.Denny CraneDenny Crane.有几个谈判都被搁置了There were some settlement discussions that broke down.如果Denny开局不错他们应该会回到谈判桌前If Denny can open big, thatmight bring them back to the table,这也是目前唯一的办法which may be the best wayto go at this point.是四年前在Brighton的一个公园It was four years agoat a park in Brighton.你遇到了被告Y ou met the defendant.这个不能算是遇到Well, I didn't exactly meet him.那是什么?Well, what then?我海扁了他一顿I beat the crap out of him.抱歉Excuse me.我已经改过自新了I was a different person then.好的Mr. Stone 请详细告诉我们那时发生了什么Okay, Mr. Stone, we need to be very specific about what happened back then. 当时他想跟我们一起打篮球Well, he tried to getinto a game of pickup hoops.我和一个兄弟就骂了他几句Me and another guy in the game we started dissing him a little.他回了嘴He said something back,我们就狠揍了他一顿and we beat him up pretty good.当然我并不引以为傲I'm not proud of it.你确定那是Jason Binder?And you're sure it was Jason Binder. 是的Y eah,看到报纸上的照片我记得他的脸when I saw his picture on the news, I remembered his face.绝对是他It was definitely him.那另一个打他的人呢?And what about the other guywho beat him up?Jared Grant 就是他杀的那个Jared Grant, the guy he killed.你骗了我Y ou lied to me.在打架前你就...Not only were you in a fight before... 这不代表什么it doesn't prove anything.他们有你杀人的动机了Jason Now they have a motive, Jason.被害人四年前打了你然后你就开始练习跆拳道The victim beats you up four years ago, you take up Taekwondo,这么巧你又遇到了他you just so happen to encounter him, 于是就杀了他at which point you kill him?不是你说的那样It wasn't like that.这就是为什么你妈妈会说他该死因为That's why your mom saidhe deserved to die, because...不是那样的It wasn't like that.我还能去辩护什么?What am I supposed to argue now? 坦白讲Jason 是为了报仇你才去酒吧的吗?Let's have it, Jason.Did you go to that bar to get revenge? 我是去让自己面对他I went there to stand up to him.你无法想象我受着怎样的煎熬被他们...Y ou have no ideahow haunted I was by...四年前我连手都没敢举起来过I didn't even put upmy hands four years ago.不是挨打在折磨我It wasn't getting beat upthat stuck with me.是我根本没...It was that I didn't even...我只是任由自己挨打I just let myself get beat up.所以你开始练习武术So you took up martial arts.然后我去了那里找他And I went there to stand up to him. 我没有想要打架I didn't plan to fight.更没想过杀他I certainly didn't go there to kill him. 当他一拳挥来我只是...Then when he swung at me,I just...反击了I swung back.我没有想杀他I never meant to kill him.我们多收了谁的钱?Who are we overbilling?医疗保险还是那些老人们? medicare or senior citizens?都有但医疗保险没有起诉我们Both, but medicare isn't suing us."我们"是指制药公司?"Us." Meaning the drug company.-是的-但如果是医院在滥收费Correct. / But if the hospitalsare doing the overcharging,那帮老年人干吗要告制药公司?why are the seniors suingthe drug company?Denny 我们已经讨论这个问题了Denny, we've been over this before.制药公司也就是我们的委托人跟医院有私下协议The drug company, our client, hasthe sweetheart deals with the hospitals. 我们给医院回扣医院则虚高药的成本价We give them rebates so they disguise the real cost of the drugs.向医疗保险开出高于原价的帐单相当于滥计成本They then bill medicare for the higher, allegedly inflated costs.真的这我们要怎么辩Really. What's our defense to that?-7万5千美元-你们只提高了5千块$75,000.Y ou've upped your offer by $5,000.已经相当慷慨了We feel it's generous,尤其是你的委托人没有实质性的伤害particularly when your client's injuries aren't real.- 那些病是真的- 好了Bill- They're real.- All right, Bill.你要知道Mr. Morgan我不是那种挑拨离间的律师Y ou know, Mr. Morgan, I don't typically counsel opposing parties,但我建议你起诉你的律师失职but I might advise a legal malpractice claim against the attorney就是那个灌输你百万发财梦的律师who filled your headwith million-dollar windfalls.你那里好像有点什么Y ou seem to have a little something wedged第4 第5之间between numbers four and five.估计本来就长在你嘴里I guess it's just part of your mouth.最后说一次能接受的...One last proposal that'sentirely possible...当然算不算玩笑取决于你的反应I'm kidding, by the way, depending upon your reaction,30万成交$300,000, sealed.私下我们退还你5万We kick back $50,000to you under the table.Mr. Shore 我向你保证我不是那种律师Mr. Shore, I guarantee you,I am not that kind of attorney.真的Really.上帝我是Gosh, I am.我要直接向律师协会举报你I should report you directly to the bar, 或者是向检查官if not the district attorney.如果你这么想那我就是在开玩笑Well, if that's how you feel,then I was kidding.我要去法官那了I'm going to the judge now.太棒了一场诉讼Excellent. New trial.你委托人的花费一定要超过7万5了That'll certainly cost your client much more than $75,000.你的提议不被接受Y our offer is rejected.万一他去法官那...Suppose he does, go to the judge.拜托他可不想弄个无效审判他觉得稳操胜券了Oh, please, he doesn't wanta mistrial. He thinks he's won.再说他没法证明我不是开玩笑Plus, he can't proveI wasn't kidding.我有名的搞笑I'm known to be funny.这是个连蚊子都不杀的孩子This is a child whowouldn't slap a mosquito.他只是挥走它们He would shoo it away.他甚至不能容忍自己去伤害一只苍蝇或是任何动物He couldn't bring himselfto harm a fly or any animal,更何况是人certainly not a human being.四年心怀怨恨你不认为他会爆发? Four years harboring a grudgedoesn't suggest a rage to you?他总被人欺负Mr. MartinHe was bullied by manypeople, Mr. Martin,-不仅仅是Jared Grant.-但他杀了Jared Grant.- not just Jared Grant.- But he killed Jared Grant.他只是被迫去打架He got into a fight,而结果是个不幸的悲剧which had a tragic ending.他从没意图去谋杀他也不能He never intended to kill,。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第3季第19集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalBrotherly LoveSeason 3, Episode 19Written by: David E. Kelley© 2007 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights ReservedAirdate: April 10, 2007Transcribed by Sheri for [version updated April 12, 2007]Transcribed from aired episode; this is not an official scriptCrane, Poole & Schmidt: Reception AreaElevator dings.Frank Cox:to Receptionist: Hey, how ya doin’! Frankie Cox. Lookin’ for a guy named Alan Shore. I think he works here in litigation. To paralegal: Hey, how ya doin’?Receptionist: Do you have an appointment?Frank Cox: No, I’m a walk-up, but I’m an attorney myself, so, you know. pulls business card out of his inner upper jacket pocket Professional courtesy and all. There’s my card. To attorney walking by: Hey, how you doin’?Receptionist: Um, may I tell him what it’s regarding?Frank Cox: You may, if privilege extends to receptionists here.Receptionist: I would have to tell him something, sir.Frank Cox: Okay. I killed somebody. That work for you?Alan Shore’s OfficeFrank Cox: I didn’t kill anybody, I just, uh . . . well, I embellished. You know, trying to get my foot in the door a little. You know what I’m saying. You’re a busy guy. I figured, “Hey, make it good.”Alan Shore: Well, homicide’s a dandy.Frank Cox chuckles.Alan Shore: What’s the real reason you’re taking up my busy time?Frank Cox: Well. clears throat It is homicide, actually, but, uh, I didn’t do it.Alan Shore looks at him questioningly.Frank Cox: My brother did.Alan Shore: Your brother did?Frank Cox: Yeah, he killed his wife. But, if you know him, you’d be shocked, because he’s a very principled guy. I’m the black sheep. Anyway, he killed her. Uh, he bought murder two; he’s doin’ 8 to 20 at Cedars. He’s already done 5. Thing is: I tried to help him cover it up so he wouldn’t get caught. Obviously, not my best work, since he got convicted. So. Anyho, Neil—uh, that’s my brother—he came up for a parole hearing a month ago, where he had to tell the whole truth, which my involvement was a part of that truth, so now the cops do have a case against me, and I’m on the hook for obstruction of justice, concealing evidence, and, you know, clears throat a laundry list of lesser charges; whatever. Can I smoke?Alan Shore: No.Frank Cox: So, now I’m facing 15 years myself. Your name come up. That’s why I’m here, takin’ a shot.Alan Shore: And if I were to represent you, what exactly would be our defense?Frank Cox: I don’t know. Uhh— snaps fingers Brotherly love. They—they—they—they founded a nation on that idea, right? Or at least Philadelphia! laughs As you can plainly see, I got personality. I testify good. Jurors love me.Alan Shore: You’ve been on trial before?Frank Cox: Little stuff. Not big like this.Alan Shore nods.Frank Cox: Pretty please?Brad Chase’s OfficePaul Lewiston:entering Brad—Brad Chase:sorting through papers in a file box Hey, Paul, what’s up?Paul Lewiston:handing him a contract with sticky indicators for signatures I need you to read this, sign it, get it back to me by the end of the day, please.Brad Chase: What is it?Paul Lewiston: It’s a “Love Contract.”Brad Chase: A what?Paul Lewiston: A “Love Contract.” Basically, it’s a document to limit our liability when good relationships go bad.Brad Chase: Excuse me?Paul Lewiston: More and more corporations are using them as sexual harassment shields. You and Denise are romantically or physically involved, which is very nice, but should it turn ugly, we need to protect ourselves. Brad Chase: You gotta be kidding me.Paul Lewiston: Brad, I know it’s silly, but it’s policy.Brad Chase: I don’t care; the policy is dumb, and I won’t sign it.Paul Lewiston: You have to sign.Brad Chase: I won’t. A “Love Contract”—are you kidding me, Paul?Paul Lewiston:putting his eyeglasses safely in his upper inner jacket pocket Do you know how many billions of dollars are paid out on sexual harassment claims every year?Brad Chase: Did Shore sign one? Denny?Paul Lewiston: We only require it of those who have disclosed an interoffice relationship.Brad Chase: I’m not signing it. Forget it. It’s dumb.Paul Lewiston: The managing partners unanimously agreed on this policy.Brad Chase: Paul, you can’t validate stupidity by unanimous consent.Paul Lewiston: I don’t think you understand. Failure to sign is grounds for termination of employment.Brad Chase: This is getting dumber and dumber.Paul Lewiston: If you do not sign, you will be fired.Brad Chase: I’m a partner.Paul Lewiston: I don’t care.Brad Chase: I’m not signing it.Paul Lewiston: You’re not hearing me, Brad.Brad Chase: I’m hearing you, but you’re not hearing me. I am not signing this ridiculous document. shoves it back at Paul LewistonPaul Lewiston: You’re fired.Brad Chase:laughs What? I’m a partner!Paul Lewiston: You’re fired, partner.Shirley Schmidt’s OfficeShirley Schmidt: You fired him?Paul Lewiston: I had to. He just defied me—defied the entire partnership!Shirley Schmidt:taking off her eyeglasses So you just fired him?Paul Lewiston: He forced my hand. I’m telling you I had no choice.Shirley Schmidt: Well, of course you did! You decide either to do it or not do it.Paul Lewiston: And had I not, what authority would I—Shirley Schmidt: Paul, Brad’s a partner—a pretty beloved one by a lot of a lot of people. You—you don’t think this is a bit draconian?Paul Lewiston: No! He was flat-out insubordinate. Look, I adore him too, but there is a rank and file here. Shirley Schmidt: I’d like to be able to tell him that if he signs the contract, he won’t be fired. Can I do that? Paul Lewiston: Fine. But I need you to back me up here, Shirley.Denny Crane’s OfficeAlan Shore:knocks on the door jamb Denny, I—Denny Crane is meditating at his desk, tip of index finger on his “third eye”—forehead just above his eyebrows.Alan Shore: What are you doing? Denny!Denny Crane startles; turns to face Alan Shore.Alan Shore: What are you doing?Denny Crane: The Secret.Alan Shore: Certainly you can tell me; I’m your flamingo.Denny Crane: No, no, no. The Secret. Haven’t you heard? The Law of Attraction.Alan Shore: Uhh—Denny Crane: Get with the program, man.Alan Shore: What are you talking about?Denny Crane:sighs If you think positively, you become a magnet and pull in everything you want towards you.Alan Shore: Really?Denny Crane: I figure if I concentrate on world peace, maybe I can actually make it happen.Alan Shore: You’re sitting here concentrating on world peace?Denny Crane: Oh, God, no. Gotta start smaller. I’m thinking Raquel Welch. Get her first, then go for peace. Alan Shore:nods Yes. In the meantime, how about trying a case with me? I’ve got a guy charged with trying to help his brother get away with murder.Denny Crane: Is he guilty?Alan Shore: One hundred percent.Denny Crane: Count me in. But if Raquel Welch shows up—Alan Shore: You have an out.Denny Crane smiles.Nearby Coffee CaféClaire Simms: talking on her cell phone I—I—I don’t want the complaint actually filed. Just have it ready. I plan to attach it to the demand letter so they know we’re serious. To server: A straight drip, please? back to cell phone: I did review it. It’s ready. You just need to print it out, and I will sign it when I get in, so have a messenger— trails off as she sees:Clarence Bell, flirting with another woman in a booth.Server: $2.10, please. Ma’am?Claire Simms: obviously shocked, hurt What?Server motions with the coffee cup, reminding Claire Simms of her order.Claire Simms: Oh, um, uh, thanks.Denise Bauer’s OfficeBrad Chase: I’ll sue him. He can’t just unilaterally fire me.Denise Bauer: Brad, all he has to do is get partnership approval and—Brad Chase: I’ll sue them all. Talk about a wrongful termination! The grounds is my refusal to sign a “Love Contract”? Would you sign that?Denise Bauer: Well, I did.Brad Chase: What?Denise Bauer: Brad, they’re becoming boilerplate in almost every major company.Brad Chase: Which is even more insane.Shirley Schmidt: Really? Insanity would be settling sexual harassment claims to the tune of high six figures every year.Brad Chase: Come on, Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: Moreover, you’ve backed Paul into a corner. That’s just bad lawyering. Maybe we should fire you for that. Don’t think you’re bigger than us, Brad. Everybody’s expendable, even though with Jeffrey Coho’s departure we know full-well we’re down to our last Buzz Lightyear. Sign the document, or clean out your office.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomPolice Detective: We knew almost immediately the crime scene had been staged.A.D.A. John Lennox: How so?Police Detective: Well, the victim had died from a blow to the back of the head. The suspect maintained it was self-defense. A knife conveniently lay at the floor next to the victim—it had her prints on it, and yet portions of it had been wiped, probably the parts that had the suspect’s prints or the defendant’s.Alan Shore: Objection!Judge Robert Sanders: Overruled.Alan Shore: I could be wrong, judge, but when a witness says, “Probably,” that’s usually a sign that speculation is implied.Judge Robert Sanders: I know that. You don’t have to object to every little thing that’s objectionable. I know what to ignore.Alan Shore: I see. And not to be a nuisance, but how would the jury know to ignore it?Judge Robert Sanders: Sustained.Alan Shore: There we go.A.D.A. John Lennox: Detective?Police Detective: As I was saying, the whole thing looked staged—meticulously so, like he got help from a lawyer.Alan Shore: Objection.Police Detective: But we couldn’t prove it. Then, the brother testified before the parole board. He admitted that they restaged the entire crime scene to make it look like self-defense. He further said that it was all the defendant’s idea. And he said that everything the defendant said when we got to the crime scene was a complete lie. So, now we got proof.A.D.A. John Lennox: Thank you, Detective. To Alan Shore: Your witness.Alan Shore rises, buttons his jacket, and is stopped by:Frank Cox: Totally beatable, right?Alan Shore gives him a stare that means business.Frank Cox: Sic ‘im, Fido!Claire Simms’s OfficeClarence Bell comes to the door; knocks on the door jamb with a big smile.Clarence Bell: Hello.Claire Simms: Hello.Clarence Bell: I was wondering whether you’d like to get lunch.Claire Simms:continues to work Oh. long, cold pause No. Anything else?Clarence Bell: What—what’s the matter?Claire Simms: Clarence, this is . . . not working out.Clarence Bell: What—what’s not working out?Claire Simms: Us. It’s great in many ways, but, uh, well, when I, um, consider long-term, it—I just don’t see it. So I was thinking maybe we should take a break.Clarence Bell: Oh, uh, okay.Claire Simms: Can we, um, talk later, because I really need to get these documents filed.Clarence Bell: Uh, oh—okay.Heavy thump off camera as Clarence Bell passes out.Claire Simms: Oh, come on. Clarence!Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomA.D.A. John Lennox: And whose idea was it, sir, to stage the scene, to make it look like your wife attacked you?Neil Cox: Well—A.D.A. John Lennox: I remind you, sir, you’re under oath.Neil Cox: It—it was Frankie’s.A.D.A. John Lennox:Frankie’s idea to plant the knife?Neil Cox: Yeah.Rapid cut to :Courthouse Conference RoomFrank Cox: What do you mean, “No defense”? Are you kidding me!Alan Shore: Frank—Frank Cox: I’m tellin’ you—brotherly love, Ben Franklin, the Liberty Bell! Make it work for ya! To Denny Crane: What are your thoughts, big guy?Denny Crane: Raquel Welch.Alan Shore: Look, Frank, I thought maybe we could poke some holes on the elements, but ultimately, we have no defense.Denny Crane:repeatedly poking at his “third eye” Go with The Secret.Alan Shore: I don’t think Raquel Welch is coming to our rescue.Denny Crane: Brotherly love, like he said.Alan Shore: That’s not a defense.Denny Crane: Make it one. Are we not our brother’s keeper? Cain and Abel. Read the Bible, man.Alan Shore: Cain killed Abel.Denny Crane: Whatever. Cohen brothers—go with them; they’re hot. “Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?” The jury will suck it up. turns to Frank Cox for the magic words: Denny Crane.Alan Shore: I’ve got to have your brother describe for the jury how and why he killed his wife.Frank Cox: What good would that do?Alan Shore: You helped a murderer, Frank. Before I can get them to forgive you, I need them to forgive the murderer.Claire Simms’s OfficeClaire Simms: Are you sure you’re okay?Clarence Bell: Yes. No. Why?Claire Simms: I told you. It’s just—I don’t think it’s meant to be.Clarence Bell: You’re covering. I know when you’re covering. What’s going on, Claire?Claire Simms: I saw you this morning in the coffee shop with that woman.Clarence Bell: Oh.Claire Simms: “Oh”? Well, that clears it up. You picked the wrong girl to cheat on, Clarence. Zero tolerance. Clarence Bell: It wasn’t me.Claire Simms: It wasn’t you?Clarence Bell: It was Clevant.Claire Simms: Okay. You know what? I really don’t care, because I expect loyalty from the whole team. Clarice, Clevant, Oprah—if any of them are seeing other women, I’m out.Clarence Bell: Claire. Claire! Please.Claire Simms: Clarence, I can’t do it. I don’t mean to punish you, but— heavy sigh I am not strong enough. voice breaking; getting teary-eyed Okay? I can’t do it. Now you need to leave. Please leave.Clarence Bell exits.Brad Chase’s OfficeShirley Schmidt:enters I don’t see any boxes, so I assume you have a signed document?Brad Chase: I do, actually. This is a notice of appeal, which I’m entitled to file with the managing partners, requesting a full hearing. Assemble the ranks, Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: Brad, you can’t win this.Brad Chase: I’m either going to win it here or in court later. It’s cheaper for you if I win it here.Crane, Poole & Schmidt: CorridorDenny Crane: I’m concerned. Not all of my ideas work.Alan Shore: Well, yours is the only one we’ve got. It’s brotherly love, full-speed ahead.Denny Crane: Just as long as we’re clear—this is your case. We lose; I’m still undefeated.Alan Shore and Denny Crane stop in their tracks; Clarice/Clarence Bell is sitting at Clarence Bell’s desk. Alan Shore: Clarice, where’s Clarence?Clarice/Clarence Bell: Vacation. I’m just fillin’ in.Alan Shore: Where did he go?Clarice/Clarence Bell: Bora-Bora.Denny Crane: Any aging sex symbols show up looking for me?Clarice/Clarence Bell: I wouldn’t know.Alan Shore: Clarice, may I have a word?Clarice/Clarence Bell: Take two: ticking them off on her fingers I’m. Busy.Alan Shore: In my office, please.Alan Shore’s OfficeAlan Shore: What’s going on?Clarice/Clarence Bell: I told you. Clarence took some time. I’m temping.Alan Shore: Clarice, what’s going on with Clarence?Clarice/Clarence Bell: I don’t—Alan Shore: Don’t tell me you don’t know; you do. What’s happened?Clarice/Clarence Bell: He got dumped.Alan Shore: Dumped?Clarice/Clarence Bell: Yes, dumped. By that bitch.Alan Shore: Claire? Why?Clarice/Clarence Bell: Because she saw Clevant with another woman.Alan Shore: What was Clevant doing with another woman?Clarice/Clarence Bell: He was with an escort.Alan Shore: An escort. Call girl?Clarice/Clarence Bell: Yes. Clarence is afraid of intimacy. He thought maybe he could get more comfortable if Clevant just hung out with—not for sex—but just maybe simple affection, some surrogate nonsense. Stupid. Alan Shore: Does Claire know this?Clarice/Clarence Bell: No.Alan Shore: I would like to talk to Clarence, please.Clarice/Clarence Bell: No.Alan Shore: I really—Clarice/Clarence Bell:Clarence is gone! Just forget Clarence! He’s gone. exitsClaire Simms’s OfficeClaire Simms: An escort?Alan Shore: As some sort of surrogate. They weren’t having sex; they were just . . . Clarence is trying to work on his intimacy issues through Clevant.Claire Simms: It’s not that I don’t forgive him, Alan. I know what I’m dealing with.Alan Shore: But—Claire Simms: I just don’t think I can deal. You know, I am not as rock solid as everybody cracks me up to be, and I think I need to protect myself before I—love him.Alan Shore: Claire, you already love him. At least talk to him.Claire Simms: Who? Clarence? He’s not even reachable. I mean, Clarence has left the building, which is what he does whenever . . . Look , I am not going through Clevant or Clarice or Oprah. I am not going to be with a man I can’t get in a room with.Crane, Poole & Schmidt: Conference RoomBrad Chase: Look, suppose a person were gay, in the closet. Suddenly, under company policy, it’s his duty to declare his sexual orientation?Paul Lewiston: That’s it? You’re gay?Brad Chase: Very classy, Paul—trying to exploit my homophobia. But in this country, we have a fundamental right to privacy and, as a legal principle, one would expect it to be observed by a law firm. I have a right to my private life. It’s not subject to your jurisdiction. And if you’re so afraid of exposure to harassment claims, justhave the lawyers sign indemnity agreements, but the—the idea of a “Love Contract” is just stupid. The very idea undermines our credibility as attorneys. We’re grown-ups, for God’s sake!Paul Lewiston: The right to privacy loses some of its luster once we start getting sued for the private acts of employees. If we are to be held accountable, we have to at least be apprised of what is going on.Brad Chase: Oh, balls; that’ll just incur more exposure. Better not to have notice.Paul Lewiston: May I finish?Brad Chase: What if it is adultery and the victimized spouse sues us for enabling? Why create the paper trail? Paul Lewiston: May I finish?Brad Chase: This policy isn’t to give you notice; it’s to chill relationships, just nip them in the romantic bud. Paul Lewiston: Let me speak.Brad Chase: Do you farts have any idea how hard it is for someone who is single, who works 60 hours a week, to meet someone? The deck is already stacked against us without you piling on these oppressive contracts! Paul Lewiston: Brad!Brad Chase: I am sick and tired of being lonely! Aren’t you? What if Denise, instead of signing this contract, she decided to just sever? She’s worried enough about making partner as it is. I am sick of being lonely. You can all go to hell, and you don’t own me! And another thing: There’s so much sleeping around that goes on in this firm, you’d have to hire a whole army of lawyers just to draft the contracts! exitsShirley Schmidt: He seemed upset.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomNeil Cox: I—I was in a very difficult marriage. I was often verbally abused, extremely subordinated. I’m sure it speaks to my own character, as well as that of my late wife’s.Alan Shore: And your wife became late after you hit her on the back of the head with a rolling pin?Neil Cox: Yes.Alan Shore: Mr. Cox, we’ve heard what happened after you hit her. Could you please tell us what happened leading up to it?Neil Cox: Well, uh, we were having dinner. I had finally summoned the strength to leave her, or so I thought. We were sitting in the kitchen.Flashback to the Cox Kitchen, the Night of the MurderLynnie Cox: What’s wrong with you?Neil Cox: Nothing.Lynnie Cox: Why are you so damn quiet? Usually, you blabber on, albeit about nothing. Bad day at work? Spill the boss’s coffee while you were fetching it like a dog?Neil Cox: Lynnie, I think we’ve reached a point where . . . where you and I . . . need to redo the living room. Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomNeil Cox: I just chickened out. That might have been the end of it, but—The Cox Kitchen FlashbackLynnie Cox: Redo the living room? What is wrong with you?Neil Cox: Lynnie, I was just thinking: We’ve done the kitchen, bathroom. We had the roof redone last year, but the house never changes, does it? It remains—m-my little destination of failure, where I get to drive home to every night to hear about how I’m not good enough or—or—or how I don’t measure up, or—Lynnie Cox: You mean you don’t hear it at work?Neil Cox: I hate you.Lynnie Cox: That’s nice, Neil. rises and walks awayJudge Robert Sanders” CourtroomNeil Cox: I almost lost the nerve again, but I refused to.The Cox Kitchen FlashbackNeil Cox: It’s over.Lynnie Cox: What’s over?Neil Cox: Us. We’re over. I want out.Lynnie Cox: Where’re you gonna go, Neil? The only life you have is the one I’ve managed to manufacture for you—and you know it.Neil Cox:rising I’m leaving.Lynnie Cox: You really think you’re strong enough to live without me?Lynnie Cox’s“To live without me” echoes.Neil Cox: Yes.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomNeil Cox: Then the abuse started to escalate. I remember getting up, moving away from the table. But she wouldn’t let up. She was so . . . punishing.The Cox Kitchen FlashbackLynnie Cox: Here’s what you probably didn’t think through. Remember how years ago I was screwing your boss? Well, it seems I didn’t stop. Upside, he and I still have a dialogue. If I tell him to fire you—gee, there’s something we could have in common! He can screw both of us!Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomNeil Cox: That’s when I just reached for the rolling pin. I don’t remember actually deciding to swing it. Echoes of Lynnie Cox’s “He can screw both of us.”Neil Cox:voice over, narrating the action She turned her head away and I struck her near the back, and then she started falling. The next thing, she was lying on the floor, and blood was coming out. She wasn’t moving. She was—Alan Shore: Late.Neil Cox: I didn’t know what to do, s—so I called Frankie.Alan Shore: I have nothing further.A.D.A. John Lennox: I have nothing, Judge.Judge Robert Sanders: All right. This would probably be a good time for a—a bowel movement. Uh, uh, lunch. I—I mean, lunch. Uh, uh, two o’clock.Alan Shore: Could we say 2:30 and make time for both?Judge Robert Sanders: Silence! I won’t stand for your—your—Alan Shore: Poop?Acura Spokesman: With an exhilarating 258 horsepower V-tech engine; an intelligent, performance-minded cockpit; double-wishbone suspension; and true SurroundSound—all you need to do is get in. The TL from Acura.Spokeswoman: Now you can lease a TL for $369 for well-qualified customers.Alan Shore’s OfficeFrank Cox: Don’t worry about me; I testify good.Alan Shore: That’s exactly what I’m worried about. Frank, you need to check all the personality at the door and just be honest up there.Frank Cox:Honest? The truth likely puts me in jail!Alan Shore: And lying will guarantee it. If you never have another honest moment in your entire life, you need to have one now. Am I right, Denny?Denny Crane: She’s coming; I can feel it. My love goddess is about to walk in right about now.Clarice/Clarence Bell:enters You all need to get to court.Alan Shore:laughs Denny, Frankie: I’ll meet you by the elevators. I need a second with Clarice.Frank Cox:whispers to Denny Crane Is that a guy?Denny Crane: It ain’t Raquel Welch.Alan Shore: I won’t bore you with a lecture on how life is hard. All I’ll say is: Love’s harder. The odds are against us, and if you retreat inside Clarice or anybody else when every time it gets a little painful, you haven’t got a chance. If you really do love Claire, Clarence better catch the next Flight out of Bora-Bora and get his ass back here.Brad Chase’s OfficeBrad Chase is paging through a book, when Denise Bauer enters, obviously pregnant and showing. Denise Bauer: It’s official—I popped.Brad Chase: Wow. Overnight?Denise Bauer: Well, over the last week. I’ve been dressing around it.Brad Chase: Do we need to go to the hospital or—?Denise Bauer: Yeah, in a couple of months.Brad Chase: Can I touch it?Denise Bauer: Yes, Brad; it’s your baby. laughsBrad Chase rises, and walks to stand close to Denise Bauer, and stroke the baby.Denise Bauer: Sometimes you can actually feel him salute.Brad Chase: Wow. We really need to start focusing on schools.Denise Bauer:as she walks to the couch and sits down Yeah. Um . . . I heard you sort of exploded yourself in front of the managing partners. Some pretty intense feelings, I’m told.Brad Chase: Well, it’s a stupid policy.Denise Bauer: A lot of intense feelings about me.Brad Chase nods.Denise Bauer: How intense, exactly?Brad Chase: Denise, you are such an idiot. walks to the couch and sits next to her Denise . . . I’ve been in love with you for the past three years.Denise Bauer: Oh.Brad Chase: And I think you love me, too. You don’t want to. You think I’m this silly, right-wing conservative, and you’re horrified that you actually could love me, but I think you do.Denise Bauer: And you’re what? Getting this from a psychic?Brad Chase: No, from you.Denise Bauer:nodding Mm.Brad Chase: Every time we make love. You see, when people just have sex, their eyes dart around all over the place—like their hands—sometimes they’re even close. But with you, your eyes are just laser-locked, right onto mine. So how much longer are you going to deny this?Denise Bauer: Brad, we’re dating. Really, what more do you want?Brad Chase: I’d like to get married.Denise Bauer: What?Brad Chase: I want to get married.Denise Bauer: But we—we—Brad Chase: You don’t have to respond. I just want you to know that the offer is on the table. That’s a “Love Contract” I’ll actually sign.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomFrank Cox: It was maybe around seven o’clock. Uh, my phone rang. It was Neil; he wounded hysterical, I—I guess. I—I dunno. I—I couldn’t really hear him too good. I—I was on my cell phone, and I was in a motel room with a prostitute. She was licking my toes at the time.Alan Shore:holding up his hands to stop Frank Cox Frank!Frank Cox: You said be honest.Alan Shore chuckles.Judge Robert Sanders: Uh, she was licking your toes?Frank Cox: I got a few kinks, Judge. I ain’t proud of ‘em.Judge Robert Sanders: Do they charge extra for that?Alan Shore: Judge!Judge Robert Sanders: What?Alan Shore:almost imperceptibly nods to Judge Sanders, then: After you got the call from your brother—?Frank Cox: I went over to his house, I went in his kitchen, and . . . I saw.The Cox Kitchen FlashbackFrank Cox: Neil, wh-what happened?Neil Cox: It’s just . . . I told her I was gonna leave her. And then—then she started in on me, and I—I just swung it, but I didn’t mean to kill her. God, Frank, what am I gonna do?Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomFrank Cox: Truth is, I was becoming as undone as he was. You think you—you’re prepared for these things, bein’ a lawyer, you know what I’m sayin’? But when it’s your very own brother—The Cox Kitchen FlashbackFrank Cox: Neil, Neil—look, now, the police are gonna figure this out, okay? It’s gonna be pretty clear that you killed her.Neil Cox: I’m feeling nauseous.Frank Cox: But as clear as it may be that you did it, proving it is gonna be a whole different thing.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomFrank Cox: I just kicked into survival mode—Neil’s survival.The Cox Kitchen FlashbackWith a clatter of dishes and silverware:Frank Cox: Forensics, fingerprints—they don’t mean nothing, ‘cause you live here. All the physical evidence can be explained away with a lie. I need a big kitchen knife.Neil Cox: What?Frank Cox: A kitchen knife. I need to get her prints on a kitchen knife, so it looks like she lunged at you.Neil Cox: Is that legal?Frank Cox: You killed your wife! Don’t get hung up on the legals!Neil Cox: May—maybe I can say that I came home and—and found her like this.Frank Cox:stepping around the counter to kneel in front of Neil Cox Neil, listen to me. They always look at the husband. You got no alibi. She’s screwin’ your boss! There has never been a bigger suspect! You’ve gotta forget about erasing suspicion. Our goal here is for you to get away with murder.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomFrank Cox: So that’s what we did. We put the knife in her hand, and made up the story about her attacking Neil. Everybody knew she was abusive, so we thought that would fly.Alan Shore: What else?Frank Cox: And we put her blood on the edge of the counter, so it would look like that’s where she hit her head after Neil pushed her, and . . . and then I got rid of the rolling pin.Alan Shore: You concealed evidence, obstructed justice, did everything you could to help a person get away with murder?Frank Cox: Yes.Alan Shore: Mr. Cox, you’re a lawyer; an officer of the court.Frank Cox: And that’s my brother—a brother I spent a lifetime probably embarrassing. Neil’s a very moral person. I’m not. I’ve been arrested a bunch of times, been busted with hookers. But this is the first time I was ever really in a position to help him. He, on the other hand, always supported and helped me. I love him. And I would rather go to prison than . . . So, yes; I tried to help him get away with a murder that I know, in his heart, he did not mean to commit.Judge Robert Sanders’ Courtroom; Later in the DayA.D.A. John Lennox: The defendant admits to concealing evidence. He admits to obstructing justice. You listened to him yourself. Fact-finding isn’t in play. The only thing you have to do is uphold the law. Now, clearly, defense doesn’t want you to do that. In fact, if they stand here and say, “Hey, we admit that he disregarded the law,” they are preying on your willingness to do the same. When this trial began, you took an oath not to do that. An oath. walks back to his table; sitsAlan Shore: I think oaths are overrated. An oath in this context is a sworn commitment to a set of absolute, fixed ideas within rigidly narrow parameters. The letter of the law is often framed in absolutes. It’s stated in black and white, but very often served in shades of gray.Judge Robert Sanders: Stop playing the race card in my courtroom!Alan Shore:chuckles Let’s not forget, nobody got away with murder here. The brother is in prison; he convicted and put away. But that’s not enough, I guess. The police want to go after Frank. And for what? He didn’t hurt anybody. All he did was try and help a loved one in desperate need. I bet we’ve all asked ourselves, uh, uh, the question at some point in our lives: “Would I help my brother, or my father, a friend, try to get away with a crime? A murder, even?” Have you ever wondered? Have you? I doubt the answer comes quickly, without a bit of a struggle. Frank Cox was faced with that question. He came down on the side of brotherly love. Did that make him smart? Maybe not. But human . . . In our weakest moments and perhaps our noblest, we’re human. The law is meant to be human as well. That’s why we temper all those written, black-and-white absolutes with jurors, to humanize our judicial system, to render the system fair, compassionate, imperfect. Frankie Cox loves his brother very much. That night, when he discovered him most desperately in need of his help, he gave it to him, as a loving brother would. nods to the jury, then walks to his table and sitsDenny Crane looks at Alan Shore approvingly.。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第10集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalLegal DeficitsSeason 2, Episode 10Written by David E. Kelley2005 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: December 13, 2005Transcribed by ImamessMelissa Hughes is standing behind bars. In the jail cell with her are about half a dozen other people. Melissa looks forlorn as the others with her are laughing and giggling. Alan Shore comes in and peruses the cell.Alan Shore:To an officer standing next to him. I’ll take the blonde. He walks up to Melissa. Melissa. What are we doing in jail?Melissa Hughes: They’re saying I tried to rob a bank. I didn’t. I just smashed a window.Alan Shore: Ah!Liz: And they say I’m a prostitute. Ha. Which is ridiculous.Melissa Hughes: Back off, Ho.Liz: What did you say? Come on.Alan Shore: Liz?Liz: Alan? Alan laughs heartily. Oh my God! You just dropped off the side of the earthAlan Shore: I was in a relationship. But now I’m not. You still at 1 800- LIZZIE?Melissa Hughes: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Hey! Remember me? I’m in trouble here. They arrested me?At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Brad Chase is being handcuffed.Brad Chase: You’re arresting me?Detective Perry Vale: Please put your hands behind your back, sir.Brad Chase: You gotta be kidding.Detective Perry Vale: You have the right to remain silent.Brad Chase: I know my rights.Denny Crane: He comes up. What’s going on?Brad Chase: They’re arresting me for assaulting the priest.Detective Perry Vale: And kidnapping and false imprisonment. Now you have the right to an attorney…Denny Crane: Son. Son. This is the United States of America. We don’t really believe in Miranda anymore.Detective Perry Vale: Let’s go.Denny Crane: Hey, hey, hey, hey! Ah, Denny Crane. I’ll handle this internally.Detective Perry Vale: Sir? This man’s being charged with three felonies.Denny Crane: Understood, but… Denny Crane.Detective Perry Vale: Come on.Denny Crane: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on! With all that’s going on in the world today, who among us hasn’t at least once wanted to take an axe to a priest?Detective Perry Vale: Come on.The detective leads Brad away.Paul Lewiston:He comes up. They’re arresting him?Denny Crane: And I gave it my best shot.Alan holds the door as Melissa comes into his office.Alan Shore: So. They’re not pressing charges.Melissa Hughes: They’re not pressing charges?Alan Shore: If you make restitution for the window, they’ve agreed not pursue an…Melissa Hughes: No.Alan Shore: I’m sorry. Did you say, “No?”Melissa Hughes: I’m not paying for their stupid window. Forget it.Alan motions for her to sit down.Alan Shore: Melissa you smashed it.Melissa Hughes: After what they’ve done to me!Alan Shore: Perhaps you should tell me exactly what they’ve done to you.Melissa Hughes:She sighs. My credit card bills. You’re aware I have some ah, fiscal issues? Alan Shore: It’s come up.Melissa Hughes: So a few months ago, I owe one amount. The next month it, it like triples. So I stop buying stuff and the next month, bam, it’s even higher. So I call the eight hundred number. Not Lizzie. And who answers? But Ms Jones! Yes. From New Delhi. India. Not bright and not Melrose India. I mean, surprised she’s not terribly helpful. Right?Alan Shore: So far I’m on her side.Melissa Hughes: And I talked to her supervisor who says that I owe this money, plus more. This doesn’t make any sense! I need to talk to someone in America. Hello? So all I can get is an address for Prominence’s main office in Wilmington, Delaware. Like I can afford to go there. So I call them, I get a local office, I go there and it’s basically just a store front.Alan Shore: With a big window.Melissa Hughes:She sighs. I’m not paying for it.Alan Shore: You are paying for it. And I wanna see those credit card bills.Melissa Hughes: What? Suddenly you’re my father now? Alan doesn’t answer. Yes, sir.In Judge Clark Brown’s courtroom.Clerk: Three-two-one-one-one-three. Commonwealth versus Bradley Chase. Assault with a deadly weapon…Denny Crane: Waive reading Judge. And ask that these ridiculous charges be dismissed on the grounds of ridiculousness.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: These charges are anything but ridiculous, Your Honor. The defendant abducted one innocent man, threatened him with torture. Then assaulted clergy with a deadly weapon!Denny Crane: Pick, pick, pick, pick, pick.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: You think this is funny?Denny Crane: Your Honor. My client saved the innocent life of a little kidnapped child who was innocent and utterly… kidnapped.Judge Clark Brown: I watch the news like everyone else, Mr Crane. And your client’s conduct was shocking.Brad Chase: Your Honor. I’d like to move for an immediate trial.Judge Clark Brown: Hold on!Brad Chase: The facts are not in dispute. The District Attorney clearly wants his fifteen minutes. Why should we make him wait?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: If you think this is about me grabbing a spotlight.Brad Chase: It’s always about that with you, Frank. You’ve been running for office since you got out of law schoolJudge Clark Brown: Hold on! You two will refrain from personal exchanges.Brad Chase: But it is personal Your Honor. We have a history and the opportunity for him to saddle me up as a cause.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: You attacked a man! Cutting off his fingers! As someone who took an oath to uphold the law, yes, I take that personally.Brad Chase: It’s a sound bite, Frank. Might wanna save it for the cameras. Which they’ll be asking you to allow in court. My consent.Judge Clark Brown: Hey! I will make the rules in this courtroom. Are you ready to proceed to trial?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Assuming he’s not alleging any diminished capacity.Brad Chase: I will plead, “Not guilty” on the grounds of necessity.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Necessity?Brad Chase: Yes. You probably skipped over it in law school. Necessity. Look it up. Hack.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: The Commonwealth is ready to proceed.Judge Clark Brown: I must caution you both. These are serious criminal charges here. I’m not sure you should want to rush to judgment.Denny Crane: Judge. You’re old. I’m old. Lock and load. Before we’re dead.Shirley Schmidt, Brad, Denise Bauer, Paul Lewiston, and Denny are in the conference room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Shirley Schmidt: Why in God’s name did you press for an immediate trial?Brad Chase: Because I want to trade on the currency of being a hero. I’ve been featured all over the news and the jury pool is watching.Shirley Schmidt: Even so, a conviction here means prison.Brad Chase: I won’t be convicted.Shirley Schmidt: How can you be sure of that? Especially since you’re guilty?Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Brad Chase: Look. I know this Assistant D.A. He wants to be the D.A. He’s using this as a publicity…Shirley Schmidt: He’s also good. I’ve seen him try cases.Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Shirley Schmidt:To Denny. That is not a legal defense. She sighs and looks at Brad and Denise. Are we happy? Did I not warn both of you?Denise Bauer: You know what Shirley? Don’t start. I changed that little boy’s diaper. I will do anything to get him back.Shirley Schmidt: Clearly.Denise Bauer: Including going to jail!Shirley Schmidt: Which it come to for Brad.Paul Lewiston: All right. We’re all on the same side here.Denise Bauer: Really? I’m not so sure.Shirley Schmidt: Denise. If I were against you, I’d leave no doubt. Softly to Brad. You’re really planning to have Denny handle your defense?Brad Chase: Well…Shirley Schmidt: Denny? Given the exposure of this case, not only to Brad but the firm, how about you and I team up on this?Denny Crane: I’d love it. I’ll pitch.Shirley Schmidt: I’ll call balls and strikes. We’ll all need to sign waivers and Denise I’m gonna need to call you as a witness, but before you say yes you need consider the liability.Denise Bauer: Yes.Shirley Schmidt: Not so fast. They could charge you with conspiracy, or aiding and abetting…Denise Bauer: I said, “Yes.” I’ll testify.Alan and Melissa are in Alan’s office sitting across a desk strewn with credit card invoices.Alan Shore: Melissa you’re fifty thousand dollars in debt.Melissa Hughes: I know.Alan Shore: How did this happen?Melissa Hughes: I don’t know. I swear. It’s these people. They’ve ruined me.Denny Crane:He comes in. Going to trial. I’m swelling up just thinking about it. Trials make me swell with adrenalin. Do I look swollen?Alan Shore: Somewhat. Denny, we’re a little busy here.Denny Crane: What are you doing? Taxes? Don’t you have an accountant?Alan Shore: I’m helping Melissa who seems to have fallen into a black hole of debt.Melissa Hughes: Very black.Denny Crane: What is this sudden concern of yours for people without money? I need to know.Alan Shore: You need to look at the big picture. If people don’t have it, they might wanna steal ours.Denny Crane: Right.Alan Shore: Do we have anybody in corporate who understands this credit card world? Somebody…Denny Crane: Hands.Alan Shore: Sorry?Denny Crane: Hands Espenson. Banking and finance genius. Only don’t call him Hands.Alan Shore: Why would I? Why do you?Alan, Melissa and Jerry Espenson are in Alan’s office. Alan and Melissa are sitting on a couch while Hands is pacing the floor with his hands on the front of his thighs.Jerry Espenson: The contract was deliberately written to confuse you. Bait and switch. Bingo! Promise one thing, say, zero percent interest. Then they up it to thirty percent. Bingo!Melissa Hughes: But, isn’t that illegal?Jerry Espenson: Used to be. Used to have usury laws but the States wanted the credit card business, so poof! Gone! Bingo! Ever inquire about a car loan?Melissa Hughes: Actually, yes. Once.Melissa Hughes: Bingo!Melissa Hughes: But I didn’t buy the car.Jerry Espenson: Doesn’t matter. It’s called ‘Universal Default’. Credit bureaus share your information. All of it. Your credit card company just heard about your asking for a car loan. Bingo! They raise your rates. Why? Because they can.Melissa Hughes:Under her breath to Alan. Why doesn’t he move his hands?Jerry Espenson: The OCC is supposed to police. They don’t. Bought off by the credit card lobbyists. He walks out.Melissa Hughes: Is he coming back?Alan Shore: I have no idea.Shirley, Brad, Denny and Denise are in a lounge at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Shirley Schmidt: What’s your history with this D.A.?Brad Chase: We went to law school together. I beat his ass in moot court. I licked him several times in criminal cases since. Let’s just say that we’re rivals.Shirley Schmidt: Denise, I’ll take your testimony. Denny, can you take Brad’s?Denny Crane: You licked a man’s ass?Shirley Schmidt: Denny, if you can’t focus here I’m not going to let you play. This trial is a threat to Brad’s freedom. It is potentially an enormous blight on this firm. We need to win this trialDenise Bauer: I’m sorry. But, tell me again why it is that we’re rushing this so?Brad Chase: It’s a rush job Ginsberg plans to run for District Attorney in the primaries in March. He’s using this as a showcase to…Denise Bauer: That explains his urgency. What about ours?Shirley Schmidt: At the moment Brad’s a celebrity. His hero status can only run to our favor. But it is a risk. It’s not too late to take a deep breath and say let’s do this later.Brad Chase: Let’s do it now.Shirley Schmidt: You’re sure?Denny Crane: I have an erection. It’s a good sign. Let the trial begin. I’m ready.Denny, Shirley, Brad and Denise are walking through a mob of reporters and photographers.Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Shirley Schmidt: Excuse us.Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Shirley Schmidt: Excuse us, please.Denny Crane: ???Shirley Schmidt: We have no comment.Denny Crane: Comes out in pretty colors. Pastels. Denny Crane. Denny Crane.In Judge Clark Brown’s courtroom Father Michael Ryan is in the witness chair.Father Michael Ryan: … and suddenly he’s swinging the axe. I, I put my hand out and he chopped it. He cut three of my fingers right off, the, they just fell to the floor.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: And then what happened, sir?Father Michael Ryan: Well I was rushed to the hospital. Two of my fingers were recovered and reattached, and then his colleague, that woman, came in brandishing my third finger. She wouldn’t give it back unless I revealed privileged information about one of my parishioners. He cut it off, and she extorted me with it.Shirley Schmidt: My first question would be, if someone is swinging an axe, why stick your hand out?Father Michael Ryan: I didn’t think he’d actually try it.Shirley Schmidt: And to be clear when you speak of your parishioner you refer to the man charged with kidnapping the child?Father Michael Ryan: Well, yes.Shirley Schmidt: And also to be clear, you knew your parishioner was a pedophile?Father Michael Ryan: I am not going to reveal privileged information to you, just like I wouldn’t to him.Shirley Schmidt: But you did reveal information to Ms Bauer? You told her where your parishione’s hide-away was. You’ll reveal privileged information to get your fingers back but not to save the life of a child.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection.Judge Clark Brown: Sustained.Shirley Schmidt: As a policy, if a pedophile killer confesses his crime you’ll protect that secret? Father Michael Ryan: I cannot break the confessional seal. It’s canon law.Shirley Schmidt: Is that stupid?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection. The Judge lifts his hand.Shirley Schmidt: I’m sorry, but the laws in this country to protect again child-abuse supersede doctor-patient privilege, lawyer-client privilege, but not priest-parishioner privilege? Has the Catholic Church earned some special exemption when it comes to pedophiles?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection! The Judge lifts his hand.Shirley Schmidt: Do we trust them more in this area?Father Michael Ryan: That’s a cheap shot.Shirley Schmidt: I’ve been known to take them. Tell us about the Papal Blessings.Father Michael Ryan: Well. On that matter I, I was, uh… I was wayward. I apologize.Shirley Schmidt: The Vatican issues Papal Blessings at about thirty dollars a pop. You decided to print them yourself (The Father nods his head.) and sell them directly, bypassing the middleman, who in this case, happens to be the Pope.Father Michael Ryan: Yes. As, as I said, I was wayward there.Shirley Schmidt: I’m just having a hard time reconciling; you’ll steal from the Pope, but cloak yourself in canon law when it comes to protecting a pedophile. Do you support pedophilia?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection!Shirley Schmidt: Do I dare ask where those three fingers had been prior to my client’s chopping them off?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection!Judge Clark Brown: Ms Schmidt. You are way out of line.Shirley Schmidt: I’m sorry, Judge. I have known many many wonderful priests in my lifetime. I am not adding Father Ryan to that list. Nothing further. She waves her fingers at the Father, then goes to sit down.Alan, Melissa and Jerry are in Alan’s office.Alan Shore: Wait a second. So, the deadbeats are the ones who pay off their debt?Jerry Espenson: Bingo! Within the credit card industry they’re called deadbeats because they don’t make any money off of them. The ones who don’t pay off, they’re the preferred customers because they’re the ones they make money off of. They target people they know won’t be able to pay. People like Melissa.Alan Shore: Bingo!Jerry Espenson: You making fun of me?Alan Shore: No! Sir.Jerry Espenson: You said what I say. That’s making fun.Alan Shore: No! It’s just… I used to have a dog you see, and Bingo was his name oh. B. I... Never mind.Melissa Hughes: She comes in. How we doing?Alan Shore: We’re suing them.Melissa Hughes: Who?Alan Shore: The company who gave you the credit card. Prominence Bank.Melissa Hughes: We, we’re suing them?Jerry Espenson: Too big. Too big.Alan Shore: The bigger they are, Jerry. We’re suing them.Melissa Hughes: Hm.Shirley, Denny Brad and Denise are in the conference room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denise Bauer: What do you mean I’m not testifying?Shirley Schmidt: The problem is, if Brad testifies and you testify that gives the prosecution two more opportunities to play out this horrific chain of events. There’s nothing you can say that Brad can’t say.Denise Bauer: I can support what he says.Shirley Schmidt: True. But since you’re the one that twiddled the severed finger using it for blackmail purposes, there’s the outside chance you’ll come off as less than adorable.Denise Bauer: Shirley…Shirley Schmidt: Denise, the D.A. will have a field day. To Brad. You ready?Brad Chase: I am.Shirley Schmidt: More importantly. She walks over to Denny. Are you ready?Denny Crane: Lock and… He seems at loss for words.Shirley Schmidt: Denny, maybe I should take this.Denny Crane: Shirley, if the jury doesn’t get to see me in action they’ll feel cheated. They’ll think we cheated them.Shirley Schmidt: Walk them through what happened, giving Brad a chance to explain why he did what he did and…Denny Crane: I know how to question a witness, Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: Denny, our whole case is his testimony.Denny Crane: Who’s? Shirley hangs her head. Brad looks at Denise. Kidding. I’m ready. Shirley Schmidt: Just for fun, show me how you plan to start off.Denny Crane:He sighs. Brad, what occasioned you to even get involved, pretending to be an FBI officer? His response will occasion the jury to feel and experience the horror of a child being kidnapped. Like it was their child.Shirley Schmidt: Good.Denny Crane: There.Shirley Schmidt:To Brad. You must show contrition. You must be apologetic. You did what you did to get the child back, but you feel compassion and sympathy for everybody you victimized.Brad Chase: Got it.Shirley Schmidt:To Denny. Do not make yourself the story. She looks to Brad. The jury needs to be focused on him.Denny Crane: Did you just say don’t make me the story?Alan, Melissa and Jerry are in Alan’s office.Melissa Hughes: He’s coming here? Tomorrow?Alan Shore: Claiming he wants to work things out.Jerry Espenson: Can’t meet. Can’t meet.Alan Shore: What do you mean you can’t meet?Jerry Espenson: I don’t do meetings! I’m background.Alan Shore: You’ve got all the expertise, Jerry, and I need you to be around.Jerry Espenson: I’ll give you a memo.Alan Shore: Just a whisper in my ear. You won’t even have to talk out loud. And I’ll do all the gesturing. Jerry turns around from his pacing and gives Alan a look. I’m sorry. That was an extremely poor joke and I apologize.Melissa Hughes: Is he like the president of the company? Or…Alan Shore: He’s their general counsel, actually. Happens to be in Boston. Jerry, I’m sorry. I need you.Jerry Espenson:He nods his head. I’ll be present. I’ll give feedback on my computer. You can read it off the screen.Alan Shore: Deal!Brad is sitting in the dark in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Denise comes in. Denise Bauer:She comes in. I am so sorry. I’m the one who led you into all this.Brad Chase: You have nothing to apologize for, Denise. I made my own decision.Denise Bauer: But a week ago you were up for partner, and now you’re up on trial.Brad Chase: Denise. The little boy is alive.Denise Bauer: Unfortunately that’s not the issue.Brad Chase: Well, it is for me.Denise Bauer: Are you always like this?Brad Chase: Like what?Denise Bauer: Brad. You could be looking at jail. It’s okay to show a little fear.Brad Chase: Okay. Thanks.Denise Bauer: Okay. Thanks. That’s it?Brad Chase: Denise, what do you want me to do? Cry? We got the kid back. If I had to do it all over again. I would do it again. I’ll live with the consequences.Denise Bauer: Okay. So I’ll see you in court?Brad Chase: Yep.Alan, Melissa and Jerry are in the conference room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Melissa Hughes: How’s my hair? Does my hair work?Alan Shore: It does appear to grow each month.Melissa Hughes: It’s my first settlement conference. There is a lot of power in a woman’s hair. Alan Shore: Yes there is. I think we’ll let my slightly less powerful hair run the meeting. Attorney Melvin Palmer: He comes in. Good morning! Melvin Palmer. How are you?Alan and Melvin shake hands.Alan Shore: I’m grand, but I go by Alan Shore.Attorney Melvin Palmer: Ha. A pleasure.Alan Shore: This is Melissa Hughes.Melissa Hughes: I’m a would be your plaintiff.Melissa and Melvin shake hands.Attorney Melvin Palmer: And real honor to meet you, Melissa.Melvin walks over to Jerry and holds out his hand. Jerry stands up but doesn’t offer his hand.Alan Shore: Jerry Espenson. He doesn’t shake.Attorney Melvin Palmer: Excellent! Well then! Shall we get started?Alan Shore: You’re not gonna be cheerful about all this are you?Attorney Melvin Palmer: You know, I’ve been told to keep my exuberance down until people have had their morning coffee. Ha. Let me tell you a little about me.Alan Shore: Oh dear.Attorney Melvin Palmer: I am a problem solver. It’s what I love to do. Now I consider it a personal failure when one of my cases ends up in court. I also feel I haven’t succeeded when people walk away from one of my tables unhappy.Alan Shore: It’s actually our table.Attorney Melvin Palmer: What I do in matters like this? I set aside my whole day. Okay? Cause the goal is finding a solution. He opens his cuffs and rolls up his sleeves. One that works for you. And one that works for us. That’s just the way I work. So. This doesn’t have to be an acrimonious experience.Alan Shore: Wonderful. Why don’t we begin then by you giving her back all her money? Attorney Melvin Palmer: Well! Ha! Well! Ha! I don’t know if we can do that. But I do think we can make this pretty young woman happy. Okay then. We have this saying in Texas, ‘Time to let the horses out of the barn.’Alan shakes his head slightly and neighs softly.In Judge Clark Brown’s courtroom.Clerk: You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Brad Chase: I do.The clerk leaves and Brad sits down I the witness chair.Shirley Schmidt:In stage whisper to Denny who seems to be sleeping. Denny!Denny Crane:He gets up. First off, if it had been my child who had been kidnapped? There are no words that could express my gratitude. I’m sure we all agree.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection.Judge Clark Brown: Mr Crane. Do not address the jury.Denny Crane: Oh. Sorry. Brad. First question.Brad Chase: I got involved because my colleague Denise Bauer came to me distraught that her housekeeper’s child had been kidnapped and frustrated the police and FBI were making no progress.Denny Crane: Second question.Brad Chase: I went to a friend of mine Kevin Drummond at the FBI and asked him for help. Denny Crane: Third question.Brad Chase: He told me that while the FBI was limited by State action that private citizens had sometimes successfully taken things into their own hands.Denny Crane: Fourth question.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection. He’s not asking any questions.Denny Crane: I told him last night the questions I was gonna ask him. Judge I’m just trying to speed things up for the jury who I know are already annoyed at even being here for this ridiculous prosecution.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection.Judge Clark Brown: Mr Crane.Denny Crane: Call me Denny, Judge. Denny Crane.Judge Clark Brown: You will ask the question in their entirety so that we may understand what the witness is answering. Outrageous!Denny Crane: You kidnapped an innocent man?Brad Chase: Now the brother wasn’t so innocent. He’d provided safe harbor for the suspect, and he had information.Denny Crane: So that’s when you used violence?Brad Chase: Threatened violence.Denny Crane: Only threatened?Brad Chase: Only threatened.Denny Crane: Didn’t use it?Brad Chase: Did not.Denny Crane: What a fiend.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: He’s making light of a kidnapping, false imprisonment…Brad Chase: Objection!Judge Clark Brown: You’re a witness.Shirley Schmidt: Objection!Denise Bauer: Objection!Denny Crane: Objection!Judge Clark Brown: Stop it!!Brad Chase: None of us is making light of this, Judge. We’re just trying to put some perspective on things.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: There is no question before the witness.Judge Clark Brown: Sustained.Denny Crane: What can you tell us about perspective?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection.Denny Crane: That’s a question!Judge Clark Brown: Sustained.Denny Crane: The brother told you about the priest?Brad Chase: Yes.Denny Crane: And that’s when you went to the church and cut off his fingers?Brad Chase: I swung an axe at his imported door knowing it cost a lot of money.Denny Crane: How much?Brad Chase: Nine thousand.Denny Crane: Dollars?Brad Chase: Dollars.Denny Crane: For a door?Brad Chase: He somehow could afford it.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection.Denny Crane: Bitch, bitch.Judge Clark Brown: Mr Crane!Denny Crane: Call me Denny, Judge.Judge Clark Brown: No! I will not call you Denny!Denny Crane: So you swung at the door?Brad Chase: I only wanted to make him think that I was about to destroy the door and he stuck his hand out right at the last second. I never meant to make contact. It was an accident. Denny Crane: You didn’t mean to hit his hand?Brad Chase: No. And I regret that I did. To the extent that it led to the safe recovery of Tito Perez, I’m glad about that. But I never meant to cause any physical injury to Father Ryan. And again, I apologize.Denny turns toward the jury, mouths his name, then goes to sit down.Shirley, Denny, Brad and Denise make their way through a mob of reporters and photographers.Denny Crane: Denny Crane. Fair and balanced. The nut job Fair and balanced. Denny Crane. They walk into an elevator. Shirley pushes the stop button.Shirley Schmidt: That was you not becoming the story?Denny Crane: I was practically invisible.Shirley Schmidt: What the hell was that about?Denny Crane: The prosecutor wants to horrify the jury. We were diluting… the horro… scope. Shirley Schmidt: To my money you trivialized it. You may have just alienated the jury.Denny Crane: People like a happy ending. The child came home safe. We play the happy ending.Shirley Schmidt: It’s not that simple, Denny.Denny Crane: Yes it is, Shirley. We’re talking juries. It always comes down to simple. And, I mean, there’s nobody simpler than me.Paul and Shirley are in Paul’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Paul Lewiston: Please tell me you’re making this up.Shirley Schmidt: I am not. He said, “Question one. Question two. Question three.” And so fort. Almost as if he were deliberately mocking the whole proceeding. And we could very well lose, Paul.Paul Lewiston: Is he out of his mind?Shirley Schmidt: Well, he’s always out of it. Clearly it’s where he’s most comfortable.Denny Crane:He comes in. What are you doing in my office?Paul Lewiston: This is my office, Denny.Denny Crane: Oh. That must mean I’ve come to see you. Why?Paul Lewiston: I don’t know.Denny Crane: It could be to say we were right to mock the proceedings. A child was saved. That’s what you say in your closing.Shirley Schmidt: It isn’t.Denny Crane: Yes it is. That’s the button for your closing: It’s that simple. He starts to leave. It’s not polite to talk about crazy people behind their backs.Alan, Melissa, Jerry and Melvin are in the conference room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Melissa Hughes: I accept that I have debt and that I should pay it. But to suddenly up it from ten to fifty thousand? I…Attorney Melvin Palmer: Melissa. You know in the short time that we’ve spent together I can appreciate that you are an honorable person.Jerry Espenson:Typing on his computer. That’s a FOUR HUNDRED PERCENT increase. Alan reads it off the screen.Attorney Melvin Palmer: And one that lives up to her obligation. Am I right about that?Melissa Hughes: Yes.Attorney Melvin Palmer: Well, you did apply for the Prominence bank card and entered into a contract accepting its terms. I’m right about that too, aren’t I?Jerry Espenson: Typing on his computer. Argue NO MEETING OF THE MINDS. The contract should be voided because they deceived Melissa. Alan reads it off the screen. Attorney Melvin Palmer: And you then went out and made voluntary purchases pursuant to the terms of that contract.Melissa Hughes: These sound like trial questions.Attorney Melvin Palmer: Oh. I assure you they are not. No. See. Here’s the thing about me I like to take the adversary out of adversary system. Okay? I’m just trying to get the full picture here so that I can better understand where you’re comin’ from. And so you can better understand me.Alan Shore: You seem swell.In Judge Clark Brown’s courtroom A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg is giving his closing argument.。
纸牌屋第二季字幕简介:纸牌屋(House of Cards)是一部美国政治剧,由Netflix公司制作。
该季继续聚焦于弗兰克·安德伍德(Frank Underwood)的崛起和权力游戏。
第一集:权力的游戏[00:00:00] 弗兰克的计划(背景音:紧张的音乐)弗兰克(低声):这个国家只有一条规则:权力给予那些敢拿的人。
[00:05:12] 弗兰克的盟友(画面:弗兰克与鲁斯的对话)弗兰克:我需要你的帮助,鲁斯。
[00:10:24] 权力的暗流(画面:政治演讲现场)新闻主播:弗兰克·安德伍德在这次演讲中表达了他对教育改革的支持。
[00:15:42] 暗杀阴谋(画面:弗兰克与警卫的对话)弗兰克:警卫,我听说有人密谋要暗杀我。
[00:20:55] 权力的代价(画面:弗兰克与媒体记者的采访)媒体记者:弗兰克,有人指责你利用权力来达到个人目标,你对此有何回应?弗兰克:权力是不可避免的,只有掌握权力才能真正改变世界。
第二集:权谋的边界[00:00:00] 意外的援助(画面:弗兰克与凯特的对话)凯特:弗兰克,我刚得到一个内部消息,有人想撤销你的副总统职位。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第16集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalLive BigSeason 2, Episode 16Written by David E. Kelley2006 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: February 21, 2006Transcribed by ImamessShirley Schmidt is in her office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt bent over the photo copier. Ivan Tiggs is leaning against the doorway watching herIvan Tiggs: That is some fine ‘South of the border’ Schmidt.Shirley Schmidt: Ivan?Ivan Tiggs: Take me back Shirley, that’s all I ask.Shirley Schmidt: You came here to ask me to take you back?Ivan Tiggs: No actually, I’m getting married. But, if you were to take me back.Shirley Schmidt: Married? Ivan, no, we talked about this.Ivan Tiggs: This time it’s real, Shirley. I feel it deep down to my...Shirley Schmidt: Bone, I’m sure.Ivan Tiggs: She’s funny, she’s smart. She’s practically you, just a much younger model.Shirley Schmidt: Aw, that’s sweet.Ivan Tiggs: Shirley, I’d like you to be best man.Shirley Schmidt: What do you mean?Ivan Tiggs: If a man wants his closest friend to be his best man he should have it. Stand by my side, Shirley. I want you to give me away. It’s only right.Shirley Schmidt: Uh, first of all you raise several issues. The first is that the best man doesn’t give the groom away. The second is that you and I used to be married and the third is I’m not a man.Ivan Tiggs: As trustee for my heart for twenty-five plus years…Shirley Schmidt: We were married for four.Ivan Tiggs: I have only known two great loves in my life. You. And now Missy.Shirley Schmidt: Okay. As far as our great love goes, you strayed during our honeymoon. And let’s not even discuss the name ‘Missy’, is she a pony?Ivan Tiggs:He goes down on one knee. Be my best man.Shirley and Paul Lewiston are having drinks in a bar.Paul Lewiston: So why not do it? Be in his wedding.Shirley Schmidt: An ex-wife as a best man? Come on, Paul.Paul Lewiston: But if you’re as close as you say, and the fiancé is okay with it.Shirley Schmidt: There’s also a rehearsal dinner. He wants me there at that.Paul Lewiston: All I know is when someone asks you to be in his wedding… How many has he had? Shirley Schmidt: This one will be number six.Paul Lewiston: Oh.Paul starts being aware of the words to this song.So thanks again for the worryin' and waitin',When I started datin' on weekend nights.And thanks again for the help with my homework,And sittin' up with me till I got it right.Your car for the prom, your letters in 'Nam,But most of all, Daddy, for marryin' Mom:To my beautiful life long friends,Hey, Mom and Daddy thanks again.Shirley Schmidt: Sweet song. Even if I did do I, I’d… She looks at Paul and sees that he seems emotional. Paul? Are you okay?Paul Lewiston: Yeah. Yeah. I’m just a sap when it comes to sentimental songs I guess. If she sings, ‘You light up my life’ I’ll be on the floor. Where were we?Shirley Schmidt: I was obsessing about my ex-husbands nuptials. How’s your daughter by the way? Rachel, right?Paul nods.Alan Shore, Denny Crane and Ryan Myerson are in Alan’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Ryan Myerson: Alzheimer’s was her worst fear. She had gotten to the point where she was forgetting, and she was losing control of her body. And she begged me to help her do it. And I complied.Alan Shore: He studies Ryan. How did you comply?Ryan Myerson: We had hired a nurse who had previously worked at a hospice for dying patients and she was familiar with setting up morphine drips, and I persuaded her to set one for us in case pain management ever became an issue.Alan Shore: And you increased the drip to cause your wife’s death?Ryan Myerson: Yes. My lawyer is recommending that I plead to manslaughter which I simply cannot bring myself to do. I am not a criminal. If you agree to take over, I think that you should just jump right in. The case is not very complicated, and according to our jury consultants, we have a very sympathetic group impaneled.Alan Shore: Well, if you’re serious about moving forward immediately, then I’d advise you to stay with your current lawyer.Ryan Myerson: Well, he, he doesn’t think that he can win it. And various people are telling me that you can. Paul is standing at his office window looking out, lost in thought. Shirley comes in.Shirley Schmidt: How we doing?Paul Lewiston: It was as if that song was pointed right at my head. I did her homework with her, I drove her to the prom, all the nights I waited up.Shirley Schmidt: What happened?Paul Lewiston: She basically stole from me.Shirley Schmidt: How?Paul Lewiston: You name it. She’d feign problems with rent. Her health. Credit card debt. She’d invent all kinds of crisis to impel me to write a check, the proceeds of which would always go to feed her drug habit. The last straw, I got her in a program, an exclusive one, I told her if she left she was cut off.Shirley Schmidt: She left?Paul Lewiston: We had a fight. I haven’t spoken to her since. That was seven years ago.Shirley Schmidt: You should go see her. Paul scoffs and turns away. Let’s list all the reason not to and put them under column A.Paul Lewiston: And column B?Shirley Schmidt: She’s your daughter.Denny , Alan and Ryan are making their way through a mob of reporters.Denny Crane: Denny Crane. No comment. The blind shall lead. Only in America. Denny Crane.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: I’ll ask for a continuance if they won’t.Judge Paul Resnick: On grounds they’re not ready?A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: You’re Honor. This is a tactic. Mr Shore figures to lose at trial…Alan Shore: I rarely lose. And certainly not to you.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: So what he’s obviously trying to do here is pile on as many grounds for appeal as possible, including it seems, inadequate counsel.Judge Paul Resnick: Do you to have a prior relationship?A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: Yes, Your Honor. When I was in private practice Mr Shore hacked into my clients corporate files and then blackmailed him.Alan Shore: Successfully. You left that out.Judge Paul Resnick: Mr Shore, the court does have concerns with new counsel taking this over the day of trial.Alan Shore: My client doesn’t want a delay. You already know he refused to waive his right to a speedy trial. Judge Paul Resnick: Then you’re on record as being ready? Alan nods. We’ll bring in the jury at twoo’clock.Alan Shore: Thank you.Shirley, Ivan and Ivan’s fiancée, Missy Frank are in Shirley’s office.Shirley Schmidt: Are you okay with this?Missy Frank: Oh, I am. You’re dear to my Ivan. And I’m certainly wise enough to know that the heart wants what the heart wants. So long as his penis doesn’t weigh in.And she laughs/snorts at her little joke. She reddens with some embarrassment as shelaughs/snorts away, uncontrollably. It’s a problem.Ivan Tiggs: To Shirley. She has a funny laugh. I didn’t tell you.Shirley Schmidt: Yes, you left that out.And Missy continues to laugh/snort… until—Ivan Tiggs: Bambi’s mother got shot. And she stops. Shirley looks to Ivan. “What the…?” Sometimes when she starts she can’t stop, so I have to tell her something tragic to snap her out of it.Shirley Schmidt: Tell me. What brought you two together?Missy Frank: Well, I’d have to say, church. Shirley shoots a look, ‘church’? to Ivan who shoots back a look ‘just go with it.’ Also his sense of humor. Did he make you giggle?Shirley Schmidt: Only in bed.Missy laughs/snorts again, off she goes.Ivan Tiggs:To Shirley. It’s best not to amuse her.Shirley Schmidt: I can see this.Ivan Tiggs: Bill Buckner.Missy Frank:She stops. I apologize. Anyhow, where we really connected, I think, was our love of musical theater.Shirley looks to Ivan again. ‘What?’Missy Frank: She breaks into song. Anybody could be that guy.Ivan Tiggs: Mamamia. Here I go again.In Judge Paul Resnick’s courtroom. All parties are present as A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer questions Jody Young, late thirties.Jody Young: I was hired as Mrs. Myerson’s private nurse. I worked in her employ up until the time of her death.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: In fact, Ms Young… it was you who supplied the defendant with the morphine and the IV, isn’t that correct?Jody Young: Yes.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: Did he tell you what he wanted to use the morphine drip for?Jody Young: He said if she ever got in too much pain he wanted to help her manage it.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: And how is it you even had access to this drug?Jody Young: I had worked at a hospice for people dying of terminal diseases. It was quite common for morphine drips to be used in connection with pain management.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: But don’t you typically need a prescription?Jody Young: Ordinarily, but I have a small stockpile, I guess would be the word. I never thought Mr Myerson would use it to actually cause her death.Alan Shore is up.Alan Shore: You stated you never thought my client would use the morphine to cause is wife’s death – would that be because you knew him to love his wife very much?Jody Young: That would be one reason, yes.Alan Shore: Did Mrs Myerson ever communicate to you that she would rather die than live through the experience of her brain being destroyed by this disease?Jody Young: She said so many times.Alan Shore: Is there any doubt in your mind that Mrs Myerson wanted to end her life?Jody Young: None. She asked me to help her. I said I couldn’t legally. And that’s when she turned to her husband.Alan Shore: Thank you.Shirley is in her office at her desk. Suddenly, Missy breezes in, holding up a hideous green dress. Missy Frank: Sing-songy. Helloooo…. Whaddya think? Re: the dress.Shirley Schmidt: I’m curious to your thoughts, if they involve me putting that on in this lifetime.Missy Frank: All the bridesmaids are wearing it.Shirley Schmidt: It’s green.Missy Frank: Yeah. Shirley, may we speak as girlfriends for a second?Shirley Schmidt: I met you this morning.Missy Frank: I know you’re happy for Ivan and me. But I don’t wanna to be insensitive. If it’s too difficult for you to be giving him away at the ceremony…Shirley Schmidt: As long as we’re speaking as girlfriends. Aside from God and ‘Les Miserables,’ how are you and Ivan… compatible?Missy Frank: Well, we love children. I’m a wonderful housekeeper, I love to cook, these are traditional values I speak of. I’m sexually very… indefatigable. And she snorts/laughs. And off she goes.Shirley Schmidt: Oh, God., Tsunami. Holocaust. Trent Lott. And she stops.Missy Frank: Are you ah, are you one of those?Shirley Schmidt: Those?Missy Frank: Those people who mock the religious right or put down our administration.Shirley Schmidt: She gasps. I would never…In Boston at night, Paul knocks on a door. Rachel Lewiston opens. She’s stunned to see him, but covers. Finally…Rachel Lewiston: Simply. Who’s dead?Paul Lewiston: Nobody’s dead, Rachel. I just came… to say hello.A beat.Rachel Lewiston: Is that it?Okay. She’s not going to meet him half-way here. A beat.Paul Lewiston: Look, Rachel. Whatever damage… I’d like to begin to repair it.Rachel Lewiston: Well, dad, I, I think we both can agree we’d need to start with an apology. Where we differ is on who needs to give it.Paul Lewiston: I’m sorry that we lost track for seven year. But I don’t owe you an apology…Rachel Lewiston: See ya, dad.She begins to close the door.Paul Lewiston: Wait. Can we talk?Rachel Lewiston: I’m kinda busy.Paul Lewiston: With what?With that, she opens the door a little more to reveal… a three-year-old girl, clinging to her leg.Paul Lewiston: Who, who is this?Rachel Lewiston: Your granddaughter.Paul, Rachel and Fiona are in Rachel’s townhouse.Rachel Lewiston: So far he’s been paying child support, so financially he’s been responsible.Paul Lewiston: How soon after did you split up?Rachel Lewiston: We were never together, dad. It was one of those things. Off his look. You’re shocked. Of course he isn’t.Paul Lewiston: Rachel, you’re almost forty.Rachel Lewiston: Meaning what, time to grow up?Paul Lewiston: Meaning, perhaps when choosing men…Rachel Lewiston: Find one who won’t walk out on me, yeah, well, you know what they say, girls looks to marry their fathers.Paul Lewiston: I never walked out on your mother.Rachel Lewiston: No. But you walked out on me.Paul Lewiston: I did not! You stole from, I had no…Rachel Lewiston:Cutting him off. Hey! Re: Fiona. She’s three. She can understand what you’re saying.A beat. Then Lewiston sees little Fiona at the doorway to the hall. He goes over.Paul Lewiston: Hello, sweetheart. You look…She cowers, pulls away. It’s devastating experience. A beat. He rises. Turns to Rachel.Rachel Lewiston: She just doesn’t know you, that’s all.And how sad is that? A beat.Paul Lewiston:Contained fury. How angry you must be with me. To not tell me… that I had a granddaughter? How angry you must be.She stares back. No argument. A beat. Then he storms out.Alan and Denny are in Alan’s office. Denny is just staring out the window.Alan Shore: This district attorney is not without talent. If he’s able to present our client in any unsympathetic light, we’ll lose. You okay?Denny Crane: I’m tired of my Alzheimer’s being a story point.Alan Shore: This isn’t your story, Denny. And your MRI was fine, remember? No progression. A beat. Imagine killing somebody you deeply love. Even to spare suffering.Denny Crane: You said you’d do it for me. You promised.Alan Shore: I don’t know that I could.Denny Crane: Well, don’t worry, you’re off the hook. If the day comes, Bev said she’d sit on me.Alan Shore: Ah! Boots on.Denny Crane: That’s what we did with my father. Morphine drip.In Judge Paul Resnick’s courtroom Alan questions Ryan Myerson.Ryan Myerson: She loved to read more than anything else in the world. And in the last few months, she couldn’t even do that.Alan Shore: What about the physical symptoms?Ryan Myerson: Ah, well, her motor control were declining, which was why we hired the nurse. She battled incontinence. But mainly… it was the sense that her brain was dying. And she knew it. I mean, this was a proud, fiercely intelligent woman who… was becoming an imbecile, not only in front everybody else’s eyes. But her own.Alan Shore: Were you present when she died?Ryan Myerson: Yes.It, it was tragic. But it paled to the tragedy had she gone on living.Ryan is struggling to hold it together.Shirley and Denise Bauer are having coffee in the lunchroom at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denise Bauer: You practiced law together?Shirley Schmidt: My very first firm. Tiggs and Schmidt. It flopped. We were great partners, but lousy partners. But boy, it was fun.Missy Frank:She comes in. In a singsong voice: Hello!Shirley Schmidt:Under her breath. Oh, God!Missy Frank:She gives Shirley a piece of paper. Directions to the rehearsal dinner. In a singsong voice: Eight o’clock! You can bring a date!Missy leaves. Denise smiles.Shirley Schmidt: You think it’s funny?Denise Bauer:She chuckles. I do.Shirley Schmidt: You’re coming with me. In a mock singsong voice: Eight o’clock! I can bring a date!At the rehearsal dinner, Missy walks up to the microphoneMissy Frank:In a singsong voice: Hellooo! Time for my toast.Denise Bauer: Why am I here?Shirley Schmidt: Why am I?Missy Frank:Ivan goes up to stand next to her. Into mic. First, I’d like to thank you all for coming tonight… I have a confession to make. I never really thought I’d get married. I’d always hoped to, but… well… the thought that I’d actually meet a man who could look past my various eccentricities and quirks and see me for my heart. She puts her hand on it. I never thought I’d actually meet a man who… It seems she’s lost in emotion for a second. The piano starts up. She sings. Perhaps I had a wicked childhood. Shirley Schmidt: You’ve gotta be kidding.Missy Frank: Singing. Perhaps I had a miserable youth.But somewhere in my wicked miserable past / There must have been a moment of truth.Shirley Schmidt: To Denise. Am I being punked?Denise Bauer: Be nice.Ivan joins Missy at the mic.Missy/Ivan: For here you are standing there loving me / Whether or not you should / So somewhere in my youth or childhood / I must’ve done something good.Shirley, drop-jawed.On a Boston street at night. Ivan is walking Shirley home.Ivan Tiggs: C’mon, rehearsal dinners are meant to be silly. Let me take you back thirty years or so to ours. Shirley Schmidt: I don’t relive past traumas.Ivan Tiggs: Then let me just take you back.They hold a look.Shirley Schmidt: Do you really love this girl, Ivan?Ivan Tiggs: Love is a state of mind, Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: No, it isn’t, maybe that’s your problem, you think—Ivan Tiggs: My problem is I love you. Time freezes. A beat. There, I said it. I love you. Never stopped. A beat. An awkward beat.Shirley Schmidt: This isn’t fair what you’re doing to this girl.Ivan Tiggs: I have enormous affection for her. The sex is rewarding. I make her happy. All adds up to a workable equation.Shirley Schmidt: Your sense of romance is overwhelming.Ivan Tiggs: We always said what a mistake it was for us to get married? Maybe the blunder was splitting up. Do you ever wonder?Shirley Schmidt: No.Ivan Tiggs: May I kiss the bride one last time before the ceremony?Shirley Schmidt: I’m the best man. Ivan takes her face in his hands. Very bad idea.He gives her a brief kiss.Ivan Tiggs: Now that was romance.Shirley Schmidt: Yes it was. Good night, Ivan. She goes inside. He leaves.In her office Shirley is sitting at her desk, lost in thought. Perhaps punishing herself for the kiss. The camera closes in on her.In his office Paul is sitting at his desk, lost in thought. His trance is finally broken by a knock on the door. Rachel is standing there. A beat.Rachel Lewiston:The thing is, dad, I can handle not knowing whether you’re in my life or not, but Fiona’s asking me, “Is Grandpa ever coming back?” I gotta know what to tell her.Paul Lewiston: Do you want me in your life?Rachel Lewiston: It’s nice how you can put accusations in question form. Let me try. Did you mean to suggest our estrangement was my doing when it was you refusing to so much as take my phone calls for three-plus years? How’s that?He goes red with anger.Paul Lewiston: Close that door.All parties present. Koupfer questions Ryan Myerson. Koupfer has a gentle, compassionate approach. Like a tender assassin.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: I heard you say that she was emotionally unstable. Is it possible her decision was influenced by this instability?Ryan Myerson: No.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: No? Did you have a therapist or any trained professional speak with her about her apparent wish to die?Ryan Myerson: I knew my wife better than any therapist ever could, and her wish to die was not ‘apparent.’ A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: You, you stated that she was becoming an imbecile. That must have been excruciating for you. Was it a relief in any way at all when she died?A beat. Ryan knows full well that Koupfer is trying to trap him.Ryan Myerson: It was a relief to see her suffering end.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: I’m sorry to be asking these questions. It’s just sometimes, in these situations it’s actually more about sparing the family’s suffering than it is the victim’s.Denny Crane:He leaps to his feet. Objection! That startles the courtroom. Denny is immediately embarrassed at his own eruption. The room is somewhat stunned.Judgy Thurmond: The objection’s overruled. Are you alright, Mr Crane?A beat. Denny sits.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: Sir. How much was it costing you per month to care for your wife?Ryan Myerson: You know, I, I’m just about one second away from taking my fist to your head.Judgy Thurmond: Mr Myerson!A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: That strikes me as impulsive. Are you an impulsive person?Alan Shore: Your Honor, this badgering has gone on long enough.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: I am simply trying to establish that Mr Myerson and the deceased were the two most emotionally disabled people in all of this, the very last two people who should be entrusted to make a decision to end human life.In her office Shirley is in her office at her desk, still looking contrite. A knock.Ivan Tiggs: I’m sorry. I lost a crown on my tooth last night; I was wondering whether perhaps you swallowed it.Shirley Schmidt: Aren’t you ashamed of what happened?Ivan Tiggs: No, but I can see you are, so we’re covered.Shirley Schmidt: Ivan! You are getting married, and you’re kissing another woman.Ivan Tiggs: Not just any woman. I promise.Shirley Schmidt: You simply cannot marry this girl, not if…Ivan Tiggs: There’s only one thing that can stop it.Shirley Schmidt: And that is?Ivan Tiggs: I’m lookin at her. A beat. Final offer. Marry me.Shirley Schmidt: You’re out of your mind.Ivan Tiggs: You didn’t say, “No.”Shirley Schmidt: No.Ivan Tiggs: You didn’t mean “No.”Shirley Schmidt: “No”, means, “No.”Ivan Tiggs: If not you, then her.Shirley Schmidt: For God’s sake, Ivan, think of her.Ivan Tiggs: See you at the ceremony, Shirl. He exits.In Paul’s office, he and Rachel are deep into it now, and it’s getting ugly.Paul Lewiston: I was not going to enable you any longer!Rachel Lewiston: So you stop giving me money! But to walk out? To refuse to take my calls? To tell security at your damn firm not let me in?!Paul Lewiston:Escalating. You think you’re going to lay all this on me… I gave you everything!Rachel Lewiston: It was your job to give me everything! Just like it’s my job to give Fionna everything, no matter what!Paul Lewiston: At some point…Rachel Lewiston: I needed you!!The scream stops them both.Rachel Lewiston: Struggling, softly. For God’s sake, dad, I was a drug addict, an alcoholic… I had nothing. I needed my father. And you abandoned me.A beat.Paul Lewiston:Softly. You think that was easy for me? I spoke to counselors, professionals. They all told me you had to hit bottom before…Rachel Lewiston: Well, mission accomplished, dad. Because I did.They’re both on the verge of tears. Silence.Paul Lewiston: In my darkest days… during your mother’s illness, I would let my mind wander to you. I would dream… of being there for you when you give birth to our first grandchild. Getting to hold and love a baby again, like I did you. How dare you take that from me? How dare you?A beat.Rachel Lewiston: Well you know what, dad? In my darkest day… through it all… I had one little thing, one tiny semblance of a foundation. And it was knowing that no matter what, my father would be there for me. And he wasn’t. He wasn’t. How dare you take that from me?A beat. And she exits. A stake through Paul’s heart.Paul and Shirley are having drinks in a bar.Shirley Schmidt: Should we request that other song? For my money, she probably did hit bottom because you walked away and that maybe saved her life. Forgive her.Paul Lewiston: I’m not sure she’ll forgive me.Shirley Schmidt: Paul. You went to her house, today she came to your office. You two are already back together, you just can’t figure out a way to execute the deal.Paul Lewiston: And what about you and Ivan?Shirley Schmidt: I’m sorry?Paul Lewiston: Do you still love him?Shirley Schmidt: I beg your pardon?Paul Lewiston: Your taste in men, Shirley. Ivan Tiggs. Denny Crane, wild, bigger than life.Shirley Schmidt: I, I don’t love Ivan anymore. I’m just his best man.In Judge Paul Resnick’s court room A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer is giving his closing.A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer: We have a law against assisted suicide. One reason simply goes to the sanctity of life. Once we start eroding that? Once we say it’s acceptable for people to start killing themselves? A terrible thing happens. It becomes acceptable. It’s suddenly an option. For the senior citizen with Alzheimer’s, for the fifty-year-old with cancer, for the teenager with no friends. Who decides when suicide is the way to go? In this case the decision fell to a mentally impaired woman and emotionally despairing husband. Not exactly bastions of sound judgment. His motives, however clouded by grief, may have been pure. But what about that husband who wants his wife to die to perhaps prevent the estate from being financially drained? What about the family that actually seeks to end their own suffering, because it’s too horrible watching mom deteriorate? How do we assess or regulate motive? It’s why we chose, as a matter of law not to go down that slope. Nobody is arguing the Mr Myerson is a bad man. He isn’t. But he admittedly, reflectively acted to end the life of a human being. Under the law which you took an oath to uphold, that’s murder.He sits down. Alan gets up.Alan Shore: The dirty little secret is we went down that slope years ago. Officially we say we’re against assisted suicide, but it goes on all the time. Seventy percent of all deaths in hospitals are due to decisions to let patients die. Whether its morphine drips or respirators or hydration tubes. With all due respect to the Terry Shivo fanfare, patients are assisted with death all across this country all the time. As for regulating motive? Here’s a thought. Investigate it. If we suspect foul play, have the police ask questions, if it smells funny, prosecute. But here, there’s no suggestion the Mr Myerson’s motive was anything other than to satisfy his wife’s wishes and spare her the extreme indignity of experiencing the rotting of her brain. Can you imagine? Would you want to live like that?I had a dog for twelve years. His name was Alan. That was his name when I got him. He had cancer in the end. That, in conjunction with severe hip displacement. And he was in unbearable pain. My vet recommended, and I agreed, to euphemize him. It was humane. Which we, as a society, endeavor to be, for animals. My client’s act was humane. It was a selfless one, it was a sorrowful one. Ms Myerson’s nurse testified as to the profound love Ryan Myerson had for his wife. Sometimes the ultimate act of love… and kindness… A beat. If you think this man is a criminal, send him to jail. But if you don’t… don’t. Alan returns and sits.Wedding ceremony in progress. Schmidt is there, in the green dress, as best man.Minister Bill: And do you, Missy, take Ivan to be your lawfully-wedded husband, to love, honor, and obey, ‘til death do you part?Missy: I do. I do! Quick snort.Minister Bill: And do you, Ivan, take Missy to be your lawfully-wedded wife, to love, honor, and obey, ‘til death do you part?Ivan Tiggs: I do.Minister Bill: If there’s anyone who knows a reason why these two should not be joined together in holy matrimony, speak now, or forever hold your peace.Ivan turns to look to Shirley. She stays silent. A beat.Minister Bill: The rings? Music gently comes up. As Missy puts the ring on Ivan’s finger she sings gently — So somewhere in my youth or childhood…Ivan Tiggs:As he puts the ring on Missy’s finger he sings— I must’ve done something good.Missy/Ivan: Nothing comes from nothing / Nothing ever could…The choir stands.Choir/Missy/Ivan: So somewhere in my youth or childhood…Minister Bill: I now pronounce you husband and wife.Choir/Missy/Ivan: I must have done something good.Ivan and Missy kiss.Minister Bill:To the congregation. I present to you Mr and Mrs Ivan Tiggs.Huge applause. The choir continues singing. Ivan and Missy head down the aisle as all continue to applaud, including Shirley. But there’s a hint of melancholy. Perhaps she is still in love with him. As the couple gets to the door, they turn back for a final wave. Ivan and Schmidt’s eyes meet one last time… before he walks out the door… and likely her life… forever. Shirley, still feigning her happiness for them, applauding.The music changes as we pick up Lewiston, walking. Not aimless, he knows his destination. He comes over a slight knoll… stops. Rachel and Fiona are playing in a swing/sand area. A place where。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第22集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalIvan the IncorrigibleSeason 2, Episode 22Written by David E. Kelley2006 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: April 18, 2006Transcribed by Imamess and Sheri for [version updated April 24, 2006]At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Shirley Schmidt and Ivan Tiggs exiting elevatorShirley Schmidt: Thank you for walking me to work. Can I interest you in a cup of…? Ivan interrupts Shirley with a kiss. I see you don’t need coffee. Ivan tries again, but is rebuffed. Ivan, I’m...ah... I’m feeling a little exposed.Ivan Tiggs: Wherever that is, could you put my hand there? Besides, it’s not even seven. No one else is ev...Denny Crane:Walking into the hallway) One question. Who was on top?Ivan Tiggs: Me. Her. Me and then her. A little early, aren’t you now, Denny?Denny Crane: I’m an early riser. As I recall, Shirley, so are you.Shirley Schmidt: I was just desperate to get out of your bed, Denny.Denny Crane:He laughs. Toodles.Shirley Schmidt: See me for lunch?Ivan Tiggs: I’ll pick you up. They part, Shirley Schmidt headed for her office, while Ivan heads back to the elevator.Shirley enters her office; Missy is awaiting her arrivalShirley Schmidt: Missy. I… How are you?Missy Tiggs: I hope you don’t mind my coming here. It’s about Ivan.Shirley Schmidt: Of course.Missy Tiggs: I know it’s crazy, but... I think Ivan is cheating.Shirley Schmidt: Cheating? On you? His wife!Missy Tiggs: Part of me thinks it’s so silly. She laughs and snorts.Shirley Schmidt: Ohh, God… So, he hasn’t said anything to you?Missy Tiggs: Oh, of course not. But you know my man of La Mancha. He’s a wanderer, Shirley, and I just have this feeling that his eye has wandered. Shirley’s look says, “Not just his eye…” Would it be awfully horrible of me to ask you to talk to him?Shirley Schmidt: Oh, I’ll talk to him.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Jerry “Hands” Espenson enters the building with a big social smile and a salute.Brad Chase: Jerry!Jerry Espenson: Brad! Stage handshake. How are the kids?Brad Chase: I don’t have any kids.Jerry Espenson: Great!Alan Shore is in his office; reading a newspaper.Jerry Espenson: He comes in. Oh.Alan Shore: Jerry! What a nice surprise. He gets up to shake hands.Jerry Espenson: Alan! A pleasure. What did you have for breakfast?Alan Shore: Umm, English muffin. He realizes his hand is in jeopardy of being in a permanent handshake with Jerry. I see your… He extracts his hand with some difficulty. …behavior modification is going well.Jerry Espenson: Oh, it is. I’ve been working very hard to deal with my Asperger’s syndrome. I’ve been learning to connect to people, to make eye contact, to shake hands, to show an interest in them even if I have none.Alan Shore: A skill I never mastered. He eases Jerry into a chair. What brings you by, Jerry?Jerry Espenson: Well, I’m a solo practitioner now, mostly finance and bankruptcy, but my behavioral therapist suggested that I place myself in more and varied social situations so that I might better practice my new social skills. So I got myself assigned a trial from the courts.Alan Shore: Congratulations!Jerry Espenson: Only, now that I’m actually gonna try a case in a courtroom, it’s well… well. He gets up to pace.His Asperger’s mannerisms are back in full force. Alan, I’m a wreck!Alan Shore:He tries to calm Jerry. What’s the case?Jerry Espenson: Attempted murder. He continues pacing.Alan Shore: Jerry?Jerry Espenson: Yes, it’s daunting. But I know the Massachusetts penal code backwards and forwards, procedure, rules of evidence, objectionable conduct.Alan Shore: Jerry, litigation is about more than knowledge of the law. It’s about confidence… Jerry hangs his head and groans. …and strategy, cheap theatrics. Again, Jerry hangs his head and groans. Alan strokes his neck and back to comfort him. Why don’t I see if I can rearrange some things? Perhaps, if you permit, I could join you as co-counsel?Jerry Espenson: Bingo! I mean, that would be nice.Alan, Jerry and Andre Mkeba are in a prep room at the jailhouse.Ande Mkeba: Three years ago, I received my permanent resident card. It allowed me to bring my son, Dembe, over from Senegal. He was here exactly one month, enrolled at Boston Community College to study engineering. One night, a man approached him, begging for a dollar. Dembe pulled out his wallet, and when he did, the man shot him in the face. Took his wallet and ran. He was caught, but the police used an illegal search warrant, so the case was dismissed. The judge banged his gavel and that was it. Alan Shore: It’s unimaginable.Jerry Espenson: Mr. Mkeba is a bus driver—Route 48, Jackson Square Station via Green Street and Stonybrook Stations.Ande Mkeba: I drive the night shift. I recently pulled over at Green Street, opened my doors, and there he was. The man murdered my son 3 years ago. He got on, paid his fare. He was 6 inches from my face. He didn’t even notice me! At the next stop, I pulled over and it was as if my body took control of me. I picked up the club I keep under my seat. I walked down the aisle to him, and I said, “You know me!” And I began hitting him as hard as I possibly could. I couldn’t stop pounding him.Jerry Espenson: It took four witnesses to pull him off.Alan Shore: I see.Ande Mkeba: I know what I did was wrong. I know that. But if I go to jail, I worry about my family back in Senegal.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in the kitchenette. A new paralegal, Audrey, is searching for something in the refrigerator. Brad enters, and they walk into each otherAudrey Pugliese: Ohh...Brad Chase: Ah... I was just going for the 2 percent.Audrey Pugliese: Ah, um...Brad Chase: A lot of milk choices these days.Audrey Pugliese: YeahBrad Chase: Have we met?Audrey Pugliese: Audrey Pugliese, paralegal transfer from M and A. I... put a brownie in here this morning and now it’s...Brad Chase: Oh, Denny probably took itAudrey Pugliese: You’re kidding me.Brad Chase: No, he has some boundary issues. Your best bet is to hide it in the crisperAudrey Pugliese:She l aughs. Thanks. C lears her throat.Brad Chase: See ya.Audrey Pugliese: See ya.Alan and Jerry enter Judge Robert Thompson’s courtroom. Alan has to grab the back of Jerry’s coat to redirect him to the stage left table.Jerry Espenson: He’s not supposed to be pacing, Alan. A judge normally sits.Alan Shore: Some judges have their quirks, Jerry. This is his. He runs a very busy courtroom. A.D.A. Douglas Koupfer and a female assistant walk up to the stage right table. Ah, Mr. Kupfer! Jerry, you’re in luck. Mr. Kupfer is my favorite opposing counsel. He’s smart, eloquent, a pleasure to watch, and every time I go up against him, he obligingly loses.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer You know, if the US really wanted to torture detainees, they could sentence them to be you for a day. I imagine it’s excruciating.Alan Shore:Snarky laugh. You have no idea.Court Clerk: Docket Number 4175, Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs Ande Mkeba. The charge is attempted murder.Judge Robert Thompson: How do you plead?Jerry Espenson: Uh, Jerry Espenson for the defendant. We plead—that is, um—not guilty. Your, your Honor.Alan Shore: By reason of temporary insanity.Judge Robert Thompson: Bail?A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer The Commonwealth seeks remand.Alan soflty clears his throat.Jerry Espenson: Your honor, the crime Mr. Mkeba is charged with committing was the result of a unique and volatile confluence of events that is unlikely to occur again. I’m sorry, could you sit down, please? Judge Robert Thompson: I beg your pardon?Jerry Espenson: You’re distracting, not just to me, but everyone, isn’t he?Alan Shore: Jerry?Judge Robert Thompson: There is nothing in the Constitution that says a judge has to sit on his ass all day, Mr. Espenson.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer Your honor, the defendant is a flight risk. He has strong ties overseas.Alan Shore: The man can’t afford a flight, and the strong ties Mr. Kupfer refers to is Mr. Mkeba’s family, who will starve if Mr. Mkeba is not allowed to continue driving his bus.Judge Robert Thompson: Oh, very well. Bail is set at $50,000. He bangs his gavel.Alan Shore:To Ande. We’ll have you out by the end of the day.Jerry Espenson: I just got overwhelmed.Alan Shore: Your first time can be emotional. We’ll try not to let it happen again.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt, Shirley is in her office.Ivan Tiggs:He enters carrying a grocery bag. I brought wine, cheese, and condoms. I thought we’d picnic.Shirley Schmidt: Missy came to my office today.Ivan Tiggs: Ah! So just the wine and cheese.Shirley Schmidt: She’s fairly certain of two things: 1) that you’re having an affair and 2) that you’re still married to her.Ivan Tiggs: A slight technicality. Look, Missy and I are done, Shirl, I swear. However, it is possible that Missy and I were not on the same page when I broke the news to her.Shirley Schmidt: And what did your page say?Ivan Tiggs: Missy, our marriage is over. I see now that we’ve made a mistake. I think it’s time to admit it and move on and seek our happiness elsewhere.Shirley Schmidt: And what page is Missy on?Ivan Tiggs: Don’t wait up; I’m going out with the guys.Shirley Schmidt: I should have known, Ivan, I know you. You laid the oldest line in the married man’s playbook on me, and I swallowed it.Ivan Tiggs: Look, Shirl, if you wanna stab me with your letter opener right now, that’s how I’d prefer to go anyway. But know that I am going to tell her. It’s just not that easy.Shirley Schmidt: Ivan, tell her.Ivan Tiggs: And then...Shirley Schmidt: There’s no then, Ivan. We’re only dealing in now. Tell her.Ivan wants to say more, but he knows not to; picks up his bag of food and walks out.In Judge Robert Thompson’s courtroom.Kevin Armus: He was driving the bus. Made another stop or two. Each time, he kept looking back at me. Then he put on the, ah, emergency lights, pulled over. I thought there was something wrong with the bus. But then he... he... he stands up, gets right in my face and starts to beat the crap out of me for no reason.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer Did he say anything to you?Kevin Armus: He said something like, “You killed my son.” Something like that. I... I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer And, ah, how did the defendant appear to you at this time?Kevin Armus: Like he totally knew what he was doing. Come on, he parked the bus, looked me right in the eye and tried to kill me.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer: Thank you. Nothing further.Jerry realizes he is up next. He is not prepared.Alan Shore:Quietly. Jerry? It’s your witness.Jerry Espenson: You take this one. I’ll do the next one.Alan Shore: This one’s yours, Jerry. You prepared for this. You are ready .Just stand up…Jerry Espenson: No.Alan Shore: You can do this.Judge Robert Thompson: Counselors? The suspense is killing me.Alan Shore:He gets up. Mr. Armus, you just testified you didn’t know what my client meant when he accused you of killing his son. That’s not entirely true, is it?Kevin Armus: I don’t know what you mean.Alan Shore: Let me be very clear, then. You murdered Mr. Mkeba’s son, didn’t you?Kevin Armus: No.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer Objection.Judge Robert Thompson holds up his hand, nodding his head.Alan Shore: You shot him in the face to steal his wallet.Kevin Armus: Hey, I didn’t do it.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer Your Honor, all charges were dropped.Judge Robert Thompson: Mr. Shore... ?Alan Shore: It goes to insanity, your Honor. This man murdered Mr. Mkeba’s son in cold blood. Anyone can understand why a father goes into an uncontrollable rage when his son’s murderer steps onto his bus. Judge Robert Thompson:G esturing for the three lawyers to approach the bench. Counsel, approach.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer Your Honor, Mr. Shore knows full well that the case against Mr. Armus was thrown out.Alan Shore: Because of a faulty warrant, and the incompetent twits in your office couldn’t fix it.Judge Robert Thompson: Children, enough. Objection sustained. And no more games, Mr. Shore. Waves the three back to their tables) Step back.Jerry aspergers quickly back to his table.Alan Shore:He tries to make small talk with A.D.A. Koupfer. I like your shoes.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer Don’t start, okay?Alan Shore: Mr. Armus, when my client grabbed you, how many people did it take to pull him off?Kevin Armus: Yeah, like five or six guys at least.Alan Shore: Five or six grown men to pull one man off you?Kevin Armus: He was beating the crap out of me. He wouldn’t stop.Alan Shore: As though he had completely lost control.Kevin Armus: Yeah, that’s ri... A.D.A. Kupfer’s face shows disappointment at Armus’ slip of supporting the idea that Andre may have lost control. I don’t remember much after that. I blacked out and they took me to the hospital.Alan Shore: Nothing further. He walks back to the table.Jerry Espenson: That was great. I’ll do the next one.Alan Shore: You will do the next one. He smiles as he sees Jerry is happy, and may well do the next one.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in the Library:Brad walks in as Audrey is searching for a bookBrad Chase: Hey! Audrey!Audrey Pugliese: Hey, you! God, I... I’m so glad I got out of M and A. Criminal law is a lot more interesting. There’s so much more to learn. Ha, ha.Brad Chase: Yeah, I like it. Look, as a sort of welcome-to-the-department type of thing, would you like to grab some dinner?Audrey Pugliese: Oh...Brad Chase: It’s just that I know this little Basque place and they serve family-style with long benches. It’s a lot of fun.Audrey Pugliese: I would love that.Brad Chase: I’ll make a reservation for...Audrey Pugliese: Eight?Brad Chase: Eight it is.Audrey Pugliese: Great. Sounds perfect; I’ll meet you there. And then afterwards, maybe we can go back to my apartment.Brad Chase: That sounds like a plan. We could review penal code.Audrey Pugliese: Great. And I’ll show you my vagina.Brad suddenly looks very disturbed/stricken.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Denise Bauer is in her. Office. Brad comes in.Brad Chase: You speak Italian, right?Denise Bauer: Si. Parlo Italiano.Brad Chase: So let me ask you this. In Italian, does the word... uh... vagina mean something else? Denise Bauer: Something else?Brad Chase: You know. Could it have some meaning other than... you know? Like, is it another term for some sort of ancient seacraft? I asked out Audrey.Denise Bauer: The new paralegal? I’m surprised. You’re usually so sensitive to all the rules around here. Brad Chase: Believe me, there was no sexual harassment involved, at least on my part. But on her part –oof—somebody not as cool as me could write her up.Denise Bauer: What do you mean?Brad Chase: She said yes, then she asked me if later I wanted to see her...Denise Bauer: Seacraft.Brad Chase: Uh huh. As a friend, who’s also a girl, I would really like to know—would you ever say anything like that?Denise Bauer: Probably not.Brad Chase: That’s what I thought your answer would be. But I still like her.Denise Bauer: Brad, what Audrey said is a little odd, but if you really like her, it’s not a deal-breaker; it’s just a—a word. So… anchor’s away.At Crane, Poole and Shirley is in her office; Missy Tiggs arrives; she knocks on the open door. Shirley Schmidt: Missy...Missy Tiggs: I spoke with Ivan and he told me everything.Shirley Schmidt:Shocked. I don’t know what to say.Missy Tiggs: You don’t have to say anything, except maybe you’re welcome, because I owe you a super-huge thank you!Shirley Schmidt: You do?Missy Tiggs: After I spoke with you, I spoke with Ivan. It turns out, I was just being a nervous bride. He’s not having an affair. Ivan reassured me that everything is fine.Shirley Schmidt: Of course he did. Her look says, “Scammed us both”.Missy Tiggs: The thing is, I have a tiny confession to make. I know I shouldn’t, but I still have a squinch of a doubt when it comes to Ivan’s fidelity. I just don’t wanna doubt him for the rest of my life. You have such a clear mind. What should I do?Shirley Schmidt:S he has ideas, but they’re not exactly legal. I think I may have an answer.Alan and Jerry are in Jerry's office (with the Peabody award and geckos flashed). Jerry is practicing his technique for Alan, hands plastered to his sides.Jerry Espenson: Now, Mr. Mkeba, how did you feel when you were beating him with the club?Alan Shore: No, you don’t wanna say that.Jerry Espenson: Right, right. OK. So then I’ll say, “How did you feel during this... during this.” And,... ah... that will elicit testimony that he wasn’t in control of his emotions and he couldn’t determine right from wrong, and therefore, not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. Bingo. Oh, sorry. He bends over his desk to make a mark on his legal pad. Only allowed eight “Bingos” a dayAlan Shore: You’re well under your quota. It’s always good to have a few spare “Bingos” in your back pocket.Jerry Espenson: I felt a little stiff.Alan Shore: Well, fortunately, a courtroom is a rather formal place. The jury won’t expect you to be loose and casual.Jerry Espenson: Good.Alan Shore: Jerry, keep in mind that when you’re questioning the witness, you are in charge of what you’re doing. If you need to take a moment to gather your thoughts, take the moment. Don’t ever feel rushed.Jerry Espenson: Okay. Good morning, Mr. Mkeba. He bows slightly toward Alan/Mkeba. Mr. Mkeba, where are you from?Alan Shore: SenegalJerry Espenson: Senegal. Right. He may say the city that he comes from, too. But, whatever he says, I can deal with it.Alan is nodding, but not so sure.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Shirley is in her office. Ivan enters.Ivan Tiggs: A post-nup?Shirley Schmidt: My idea. I’m clever.Ivan Tiggs: She gets my cigarette boat.Shirley Schmidt: Only if you cheat.Ivan Tiggs: My box seat at the symphony, my season tickets to the Crimson games. I went to Harvard. Does she look like she went to Harvard?Shirley Schmidt: No, but with 80% of your net worth, she’ll be able to make a sizeable endowment. Who knows? Maybe they’ll rename the “Ivan Tiggs Theater.” The “Ivan Tiggs Can’t Keep It in His Pants Theater” has a nice ring to it.Ivan Tiggs: My golf membership. My custom-made suits. So, basically, if I screw around, she gets my life. Shirley Schmidt: Not your whole life. Just the parts you love. They exchange looks. So what do you love, Ivan? Maybe you should give it some thought.Denise Bauer is walking in the hallway of at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Brad Chase walks up to her.Brad Chase: She keeps saying it.Denise Bauer: Excuse me?Brad Chase: Audrey. We went out on Friday, again on Saturday. We spent all Sunday morning together. We’re supposed to see each other tonight. And we’re... you know.Denise Bauer: Having sex?Brad Chase: Yes. It’s great. Really great. But she keeps saying that word... a lot.Denise Bauer: As in...Brad Chase: As in oh, boy, my “that” really feels good. Or, wow, you sure know your way around my “that.” At first, I thought, “Maybe she just likes to talk dirty.” Maybe this is a lead-in for something else. But there is no “something else.” It’s just “that”—again, and again, and again.Denise Bauer:She s hrugs. Hm.Brad Chase: I think I need to end it.Denise shakes her head, as Brad walks away.In Judge Robert Thompson's courtroom.Ande Mkeba: No matter how angry, the rest of the world is with the United States, it’s still the place to come for hope and opportunity. But no one told me this could happen. My boy was here exactly one month, and he was gunned down, killed like an animal by another animal. That man, Armus... P oints at Armus.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer: Objection.Judge Robert Thompson:S tanding behind his chair. Uh, sustained.Jerry Espenson: Okey dokey. Now, Mr. Mkeba, take us to the day of the incident.Ande Mkeba: I stopped my bus, and he came on board—this man who is guilty of killing my son.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer gets up, ready to object, but...Jerry Espenson: Well, of course, he wasn’t actually found guilty. Um, the case was thrown out. Alan is ready to voice an objection. Uh, let’s move on. Okay. What happened as... when... what happened next, exactly?Ande Mkeba: When I saw him, I froze. My heart began to pound. And I couldn’t breathe. And then I realized what was happening. God had sent me this gift. It was a sign from God Himself.Jerry Espenson: “A sign from God”Ande Mkeba: And then, I let God take over.Jerry Espenson: “God took over”Alan realizes Jerry is using this testimony to support the temporary insanity plea, rather than to elicit the jury’s empathy for Mr. Mkeba.Ande Mkeba: He... I... whatever you would call it began hitting Armus over and over, beating him.Jerry Espenson: No, well, uh, first you pulled over and got your club that you always keep under your seat, and then you started beating him.Alan Shore:A larmed. Jerry...Ande Mkeba: I don’t know. I...Jerry Espenson: No. It... You explained to us the other day exactly how you recognized him, and then you pulled the bus over, and then you grabbed the club... The repetitive gestures of his Asperger’s syndrome are becoming pronounced.Alan Shore: Your Honor, may I confer with my colleague?Jerry Espenson: No, I’m sorry, but if he perjures himself on top of all these other charges...Alan Shore: Jerry...Jerry Espenson:... it'll be much worse, because, in fact, Mr. Mkeba was only attacking Armus in revenge... Alan Shore: Shocked. No...Jerry Espenson: ...for what Armus did to his son. He realizes what he just said, as do Judge Robert Thompson and DA Kupfer. Oh, no! Not revenge! Oh. I did not mean to say “revenge”... Uh...Alan Shore: Your Honor, I would likea brief recess to confer with co-counsel.Judge Robert Thompson: Huh. No kidding. DA Kupfer smirks. Well, it is late. Let us reconvene tomorrow.Ande Mkeba looking stricken.Jerry and Alan enter the Court Prep Room. Jerry is totally unhinged.Jerry Espenson: Oh, God! Oh, God!!Alan Shore:Authoritative,raising his voice. Jerry...Jerry Espenson: I blow it. My first trial. And I blow it. It was as if I could see the wrong words coming out of my mouth, but then they were out and I couldn’t bring them back in.Alan Shore: Jerry, the thing to remember is that a trial is a process. The jury’s decision almost never hinges on just one thing.Jerry Espenson: I said our client took revenge on the victim!Alan Shore: And you shouldn’t have, but you did...Jerry Espenson: Oh, God!Alan Shore:... and we’ll just have to deal with it.Jerry Espenson: How?Alan Shore:He puts a reassuring hand on Jerry’s shoulder. I don’t know yet, Jerry, but I do know this. The trial’s not over.Jerry Espenson: Calming down a bit. Have you ever been involved in a case that was going this badly?! Immediate cut to Alan and Mr Mkeba in Alan’s darkened office.Alan Shore: I’ll be very frank with you. I’ve never been involved in a case that was going as badly as this one.Ande Mkeba: Mr. Espenson made a very big mistake, didn’t he?Alan Shore: He did. Not only did Jerry make an unfavorable impression on the jury, but his statement that you attacked Mr. Armus for revenge is something from which we cannot recover. That bell cannot be unrung. You may pick the metaphor of your choice, but in any event, we will lose.Ande Mkeba: So what do we do now?Alan Shore: I’m afraid we can’t do anything. But, you could do something. You could run. Mr. Mkeba, whatever it was that caused you to uproot yourself and your son to start a whole new life far away from the rest of your family—whatever it was that caused you to do that—how does it compare with spending most of the rest of your life in jail?Ande Mkeba: So, you are telling me to flee?Alan Shore: As a member of the Massachusetts bar, I could never advise you to do that. But I can advise that, if you appear in court tomorrow morning, you will most certainly be found guilty, and they will take you away immediately. Mr. Mkeba, I’m sorry, but a legal victory in this case is no longer possible. The best that you can hope for is to avoid another injustice.In a quiet restaurant; Missy and Ivan Tiggs are holding handsMissy Tiggs: When you and I first got together, my mother said, “Missy, my baby cat, he’s had five wives before you, which puts him on—ding—fifth floor, “Philanderer Department.” But I reminded her that you and I met at church, where we both left the crooked path to follow Our Savior.Ivan Tiggs: Amen.Missy Tiggs: Only those seeds of doubt were planted in my mind and the only thing that brought me peace was when Shirley suggested the post-nup.Ivan Tiggs: Bless her soul, but, as you can see, sweetheart, the solution is no solution at all. It’s simply created strife between us.Missy Tiggs: Yes, now I can see that.Ivan Tiggs: I’m glad.Missy Tiggs: And I have a solution.Ivan Tiggs: Which is?Missy Tiggs: The only way to dive in and cast our lots together is to do just that. I’m going to draw up a post-nup of my own, Ivan Tiggs.Ivan Tiggs: I’m not following.Missy Tiggs: And it’ll go like this. “I, Missy Tiggs, hereby pledge to you everything dear to me—my fully autographed album cover of the original cast of A Chorus Line, my piece of the barricade that accidentally broke off during Les Mis, and… She's getting teary. …my limited edition Phantom mask. Of course, materially, my possessions cannot begin to compete with yours, Ivan, but they are everything I hold dear to my heart. That is, everything that isn’t you. We live in such a horrible jaded world these days. No one at all believes in the happy ending anymore. But a big part of me believes that love can be forever. That’s why I love musicals. That’s why I love you. Ivan is beginning to realize he probably doesn’t deserve her. I can’t imagine ever breaking your heart. And I think if you broke my heart, my life would be over. But you would never do that to me, would you, Ivan?Ivan Tiggs: Not in a million years.In the Hallway at Crane, Poole and Schmidt; Brad is sneaking around, presumably avoiding Audrey.Audrey Pugliese: Hi!Brad Chase: Audrey!Audrey Pugliese: Are we still on for a late dinner?Brad Chase: Hey, listen, about that. I got slammed this afternoon. I gotta file this motion tomorrow morning.Audrey Pugliese: Aww...Brad Chase: I don’t think it’s going to happen tonight.Audrey Pugliese: Oh, that’s okay, we can reschedule. Maybe tomorrow.Brad Chase: Tomorrow, I’ve got basketball, and then my parents are visiting for the weekend. I’ll tell you what, I’ll call you next week. We’re going set something up for next weekend.Audrey Pugliese: No, we’re not; are we?Brad Chase: No. We’re not.Audrey Pugliese: Can I ask what happened?Brad Chase: You keep using the “V” word, and it creeps me out.Audrey Pugliese: You mean vagi…Brad Chase: Yes! Yes.Audrey Pugliese: What is it that you don’t like, um, exactly—the word or the item?Brad Chase: I love the item. I can’t get enough of the item. It’s just the word. It sounds kind of clinical. You don’t hear it very often outside of the classroom.Audrey Pugliese: I can’t believe this. You guys talk about your, uh.. Points to his. …equipment all the time.Brad Chase: Okay. First of all, I don’t. And second of all, we have many clever names for it...Audrey Pugliese: Exactly. You have, like, four thousand names for it! But, God forbid, I say “vagina,” and—Brad Chase:He rolls his eyes. Oh.Audrey Pugliese: Did—did you just flinch?Brad Chase: No!Audrey Pugliese: Fine. You don’t have to go out with me. Grow up! She storms up the stairs.Brad Chase: You’re the one who said it!In Judge Robert Thompson's courtroom Jerry Alan and A.D.A. Kupfer are in front of the bench. A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer: Well, your Honor, this may be an all-time low, even for Mr. Shore...Alan Shore: Your Honor, our client is missing. We should be worrying about his safety, not constructing wild theories about his disappearance.A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer: Oh, please. You knew you were losing, you told him to run, and he ran.Alan Shore: At the risk of forfeiting the bail we posted? Don’t be preposterous! We had no reason whatsoever to tell Mr. Mkeba to run away. The facts are on our side; the jury loves me, and they find Mr. Espenson quirky and endearing. No. The only one with a motive to make Mr. Mkeba disappear is you, Mr. Kupfer. What have you done with him?A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer Your Honor...Judge Robert Thompson: Mr. Kupfer, do you have any evidence that Mr. Shore is hiding Mr. Mkeba?A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer: Not yet.Judge Robert Thompson: Hmm, the police will continue to search for Mr. Mkeba, an international warrant will be issued for his arrest, and, until such time as Mr. Mkeba shows up again, uh, this case is adjourned. He stops DA Kupfer before he can object. No, now everybody, just get out.Alan Shore:To Kupfer. Perhaps you and I should go look for him ourselves. Wouldn’t it be fun to ride around Boston together? We could pack sandwiches!A.D.A. Douglas Kupfer You know, Al? My only fear is that somebody is gonna stab you before I get a chance to take you down.Alan Shore: Odds are, you’re right.Jerry Espenson: It’s been a pleasure, Mr. Kupfer. How ‘bout them Celtics?Offering his handshake. Kupfer walks off.。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第3季第16集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalThe Good LawyerSeason 3, Episode 16Teleplay by: David E. KelleyStory by: David E. Kelley & Michael Reisz© 2007 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights ReservedAirdate: February 20, 2007Transcribed by Sheri for [version updated March 7, 2007]Special thanks to Radar for editing and translating the Rabbi’s words in the Spitball Scene—Shalom! Thank you to Nuica for the screen shots used in this transcriptPromoScene: Denny Crane and Alan Shore at the Spa in Belize, complete with white robes and facial mud as: Narrator: These lawyers are on a mission—Denny Crane: I was abducted once.Alan Shore and Denny Crane walking down the street in sunglasses—“We look good together” Narrator: To boldly go—Bethany Horowitz: You’re going to temple.Spitball scene to “Hava Nagila.”Narrator: Where no lawyer has gone before.Rabbi Hershman: Ow!Denny Crane: I shot the Rabbi!Narrator: An all-new Boston Legal starts right now, only on ABC.RecapsMark Valley: Previously on Boston Legal.Denny Crane:on his knees Bethany!Bethany Horowitz: I never what to see you again.Denny Crane: I dumped your mother.Bethany Horowitz: You dumped Bella?Denny Crane: ‘Cause I can’t get over you.Brad Chase: It’s my baby.Denise Bauer: It’s my choice, not yours.Brad Chase: Have you thought about schools yet? You have to start applying early for these pre-schools.Jerry Espenson: I’ve been working very hard to deal with my Asperger’s syndrome. growls, hoots, squeals, hopsAlan Shore: Litigation is about confidence—Jerry Espenson: How did you feel when you were beating him with the club?Alan Shore: No, you don’t want to say that. back to previous scene —strategy—Jerry Espenson: Yuck, yuck, yuck.Alan Shore: —cheap theatrics.Jerry Espenson: Oh— another scene Bingo!Alan Shore:on the Balcony with Jerry Espenson; toasting To friendship, my colleague.Suburban Boston Neighborhood in WinterAlan Shore gets out of a late model Mercedes Benz S-Class sedan to talk to Doughnut Cop.Doughnut Cop:in car, eating donut Hey, hey!Alan Shore: My client lives here. Would you mind telling me what the problem is? looking at Coffee Cop leisurely drinking coffee I can see it’s clearly an emergency.Doughnut Cop: We’re just waiting for the warrant to come through. She coulda chose to cooperate with us. She didn’t wanna do that.Alan Shore: She’s suspected of wrongdoing?Doughnut Cop: Stole some art from a museum.Inside the HouseMaureen Fleming slams the door behind Alan Shore.Maureen Fleming: Art? I would hardly call it art.Alan Shore: But you did steal something.Maureen Fleming: You can’t let them search my house, Alan. You just can’t.Alan Shore: Maureen, what’s going on?Maureen Fleming: Can’t you just make them go away for an hour?Alan Shore: No. Assuming they can show cause, they’ll get their warrant, and judging by their demeanor, they seem confident. Maureen, what’s going on?Maureen Fleming: It’s an anatomical exhibition. One of the most popular touring exhibits in the world, currently on display at the Natural Science Museum.Alan Shore and Maureen Fleming are now facing a perfectly preserved man, organs exposed, with a big grin on his face and holding a liquor bottle. Alan Shore gets a good look at the exposed organs and general appearance, as:Maureen Fleming: This man was a drunkard. You can tell by the liver—it’s been ravaged. He also suffered from some form of venereal disease, which caused some deterioration of some other organs. steps in front of the “exhibit” I guess if you know what to look for.Alan Shore: And aside from beautifully complementing your credenza, why is he in your dining room?Maureen Fleming: That’s my father.[opening credits]Back in Maureen Fleming’s Dining RoomMaureen Fleming: I knew someone in maintenance at the museum. I went in with the cleaning crew at night. I just put him on a hand dolly and I took him.Alan Shore: The goal being?Maureen Fleming: To bury him; to give him a dignified resting place.Alan Shore: Well, Maureen, the only thing to do is surrender yourself. The police aren’t going anywhere, and once the search warrant is issued—Maureen Fleming: Will I go to jail?Alan Shore: You might.Maureen Fleming scoffs, then shakes her head with her arms up.Alan Shore: How did he end up like this in the first place?Maureen Fleming: My mother donated him upon his death. I mean, it’s perverse, Alan! Look at him, for God’s sake!Alan Shore: Well, he certainly seems happy.Maureen Fleming: They have no right to display him like that.Alan Shore: Maureen, you need to surrender yourself and dad, here. My best chance for keeping you out of jail is for you to cooperate completely.Maureen Fleming scoffs.Outside the HousePeople are milling about, and Doughnut Cop escorts a handcuffed Maureen Fleming out of the house, while Coffee Cop wheels Dad Display out on the dolly behind them. Doughnut Cop helps Maureen Fleming into a squad car.Corridor of Crane, Poole & SchmidtAlan Shore is apparently late to work.Paul Lewiston: It is almost eleven o’clock.Alan Shore: Thank you, Paul. I won’t have to check my sundial.Paul Lewiston: We had a nine o’clock conference call with our former Governor, no less. I’m sure you had a good reason for blowing him off.Alan Shore: I did, actually. One of my clients stole her dead father from a museum. I’m sure you’ve had it happen to you, Paul. Please extend my apologies to Mitch.Paul Lewiston: It’s Mitt.Clarence Bell:rushing to catch up to him Alan! There’s a man in your office. I tried to get him to wait outside, but, uh—Alan Shore: What sort of man, Clarence?Clarence Bell: A very serious one.Alan Shore: Did the man say what he wanted?Clarence Bell: You. That’s all he’d tell me. I could have a go at him as Clarice, if you’d like.Alan Shore: That won’t be necessary.Alan Shore’s OfficeAlan Shore enters, hangs up his overcoat.Alan Shore: Hello.Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: Uh, good morning, sir. My name is Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft, and first I want to thank you very much for taking the time to see me.Alan Shore: I didn’t take the time. You planted yourself like a squatter; seeing you was unavoidable.Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: I’m here on a matter of rather grave concern.Alan Shore: Not to me.Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: I am a cognitive therapist. I work in the Psychology Department of Boston Memorial. I’ve recently been discharged from my employ—wrongfully. This has been a major personal setback, it goes without saying.Alan Shore: And yet, you say it.Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: You come to me highly, highly recommended. Here’s a copy of my curriculum vitae. I’ve been published, lectured at Harvard—I’m preeminent.Alan Shore: And humble.Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: For me to have been discharged wrongfully damages my name, my reputation, career. Alan Shore: Why were you discharged, Doctor—?Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: Abinazinacroft.Alan Shore: No, really?Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: Will you represent me?Alan Shore: Why were you fired?Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: Because I’ve seen extraterrestrial life.Alan Shore: Who hasn’t? And your employers now consider you—?Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: Cuckoo.Alan Shore: Are you, Doctor—?Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: Abinazinacroft.Alan Shore mouths “Abinazinacroft.”Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: The answer is, “No.” They’re out there, Mr. Shore. I’ve seen ‘em.Corridor of Crane, Poole & SchmidtDenise Bauer is walking, lost in thought over a legal brief, and Bethany Horowitz zips by on her Segway. Bethany Horowitz: Get outta my way!Denise Bauer: Hey, hey, hey! Pedestrian—right-of-way!Bethany Horowitz “flips her the bird.”Denise Bauer: Huh! Huh!Denise Bauer’s jaw drops as she espies Brad Chase flirting with—and, ultimately, kissing—a buxom blonde in a tight white dress and stiletto-heeled shoes. The blonde exits, as Brad Chase wipes her lipstick from his mouth, and turns to enter his office.Clarence Bell’s DeskClaire Simms: Whatcha doing?Clarence Bell: Alan’s got two cases at once; I’m going to court with him. pause You need something?Claire Simms: Uh, yeah. I was wondering if you’d let me cook you dinner tomorrow night.Clarence Bell:smiles Sounds great.Claire Simms: And I was wondering if maybe after dinner, you’d like to stay.Clarence Bell:Shocked; stammers Uh, s—stay?Claire Simms: Overnight.Denny Crane’s OfficeDenny Crane: Temple? That would make me seem like a Jew.Bethany Horowitz: I’m a Jew, Denny. Temple is a part of my life, and if you wanna be a big part of my life— Denny Crane: But I’m a Christian, and to Christians, Temple is . . . a . . . college.Bethany Horowitz: My faith is important to me.Denny Crane: As mine is to me.Bethany Horowitz: Oh, please. What denomination are you?Denny Crane: I’m a . . . Lutheran.Bethany Horowitz: I see. And what do Lutherans believe in, Denny?Denny Crane: We believe in a great many things, Bethany. But mostly we believe . . . in, uh, Luther.Bethany Horowitz: Denny, let me say this as your girlfriend—i.e., senior management. You’re going to temple. Judge Patrice Webb’s CourtroomJudge Patrice Webb: She stole what?A.D.A. Otto Beadle: A plastinized body. It’s part of an anatomical exhibition.Judge Patrice Webb: This is a real body.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: It’s property—on consignment to the museumAlan Shore: It’s her father.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Property that was legally transferred—Maureen Fleming: Stop calling him property! He is a human being.Judge Patrice Webb: All right. Do you want a trial?Alan Shore: Yes, your Honor. Two, actually, in case the first one doesn’t go well.Judge Patrice Webb: Pick a date.Alan Shore: I’m ready now.Judge Patrice Webb: Mr. Beedle?A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Sure.Judge Patrice Webb: After lunch. Two o’clock. See you.Alan Shore turns back to the defense table, to pick up his briefcase.Clarence Bell: Alan, we’ve gotta fly.Alan Shore:to Maureen Fleming, who is being escorted out by a police officer We’ll see you at two.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomJudge Robert Sanders: He saw aliens?Alan Shore: No, not aliens, your Honor. Just their, uh, mode of transportation. The point is: It bears no reflection on his ability to perform as a cognitive therapist. To terminate—Judge Robert Sanders: Were they green with, uh, big eyes?Alan Shore: Your Honor, he did not see the occupants of the crafts, simply the c—Judge Robert Sanders: With little antennae growing on their heads?Jerry Espenson:entering, interrupting Good morning, your Honor. Jerry Espenson representing Boston Memorial. Please note my objection that respondent did not receive notice of this proceeding, and as such, I would ask that you s—Alan Shore: Jerry!Jerry Espenson: Alan! Oh, my God!Jerry Espenson and Alan Shore hug, happily patting each other’s backs.Jerry Espenson: Oh, I had no idea you were opposing counsel.Alan Shore: Nor I, you. You represent Boston Memorial?Jerry Espenson: My practice is going very well. I changed medications. Did you not get my e-mail?Alan Shore: I did, but, Jerry—wow! This is a huge client.Alan Shore and Jerry Espenson laugh, hug, pat each other’s backs, again—of course, oblivious to anything else going on around them.Judge Robert Sanders: Why are the lawyers hugging?Alan Shore:still hugging Jerry Espenson, and patting his back Your Honor, opposing counsel and I are good friends.Jerry Espenson: Given that: Notice, Alan?Alan Shore: It’s ex parte.Jerry Espenson: Fair enough.Alan Shore: You look fantastic!Judge Robert Sanders: Stop it! I won’t have happiness in my courtroom!Jerry Espenson: Your Honor, the termination was entirely lawful. Dr. Azinabinacroft has lost touch with reality. Alan Shore: I would like to question the person who decided to fire him.Jerry Espenson: Fair enough. This afternoon?Alan Shore: Well, I’m already in trial at two. Could we do it at three?Jerry Espenson: Three works.Alan Shore: Three o’clock, then.Judge Robert Sanders: Silence! I get to decide. You two huggers don’t get to make the rules. I’m the decider. pause Three o’clock.Break RoomBrad Chase is making coffee; Denise Bauer enters. Paul Lewiston is trying very hard to stay out of the way.Denise Bauer: Hey.Brad Chase: Hey.Denise Bauer: Who was that girl I just saw leaving your office? She was, uh, pretty cute.Brad Chase: Oh, just a friend.Denise Bauer: Just a friend? You—you dating her?Brad Chase: Uh, yes, actually. It’s not going anywhere, but—Denise Bauer: It’s a good rattle, just the same, I bet, huh?Brad Chase: Excuse me?Denise Bauer: Do you really think it’s appropriate, Brad? Getting one girl knocked up while you’re dating another? Brad Chase: What?Denise Bauer: Did you not hear me? Am I being too subtle?Brad Chase: No, Denise. You’re being anything but subtle.Denise Bauer: And bringing her into the office—that’s really classy. You should just parade her right into my office. You two could do a little Shawn Merriman sack dance, you insensitive pig! steps past Brad Chase to get coffee Brad Chase: So, any hormones kicking in this pregnancy, or is everything sort of even-keel?Clatter of kitchen equipment, as Denise Bauer gives them a shove.Denise Bauer: Why don’t you just go have sex with yourself, Brad? Is that too subtle? stomps outBrad Chase:to Paul Lewiston How’s it goin’?Paul Lewiston’s reaction is priceless.Judge Patrice Webb’s CourtroomMrs. Janet Fleming: Nathan very much wanted to be an organ donor, but given the condition of his body, he wasn’t a candidate.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: But you were the one who donated the body to the project.Mrs. Janet Fleming: Yes.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Can you tell us why?Mrs. Janet Fleming: Well, the intent of the exhibition, to educate people on the human body, not just the physiology, but also the influence on the body by lifestyle choice—that’s something that definitely would have appealed to Nathan. When he explored being an organ donor, he wanted his remains to benefit others. Being a part of this exhibition would have accomplished that. That’s . . . why I donated the body.Alan Shore: So you never had the exact conversation, “Honey, how would you feel about having your body put on display, skinless, to be showcased as a drunk with a venereal disease?”Mrs. Janet Fleming: As I said, it’s my belief he would’ve wanted his remains to benefit others.Alan Shore: According to your daughter, he was a fairly private man. Is that true?Mrs. Janet Fleming: Yes.Alan Shore: Do you think, as a private man, he would’ve been fine with having his body put on display, skinless, as a drunk with venereal disease?Mrs. Janet Fleming: I think he’d be happy to know his final legacy was selfless.Alan Shore: “Selfless”? Did he love his children?Mrs. Janet Fleming: Very much.Alan Shore: You think, had he known that it would hurt them, having his body put on display, skinless, as a drunk with venereal disease—Mrs. Janet Fleming: He didn’t know that, nor did I.Alan Shore: Exposed in death as a degenerate.Mrs. Janet Fleming: That’s how he lived. Maybe people should see how he—!Pause as Mrs. Janet Fleming, Alan Shore, and Maureen Fleming all react to the angry outburst.Alan Shore: Your husband hurt you a great deal, didn’t he, Mrs. Fleming?Mrs. Janet Fleming: This isn’t about that.Alan Shore: It isn’t about hurting him?Pause as Mrs. Janet Fleming struggles to regain emotional control.Alan Shore: Well, if it is, you’ve certainly accomplished that, haven’t you?Maureen Fleming and Mrs. Janet Fleming look at each other, both in emotional pain.Denise Bauer’s OfficeBrad Chase:entering Do you want to tell me what that was all about?Denise Bauer: Brad, we may not be a couple, but I am having your baby, which the entire office knows. As such, it is completely humiliating when you prance these trophy girls around in front of everyone.Brad Chase: I want to be a couple.Denise Bauer: We’re not even remotely compatible as a couple, as evidenced by your preference for that airheaded, airbrushed bimbo you brought in here.Brad Chase: My preference is you.Denise Bauer: Oh.Brad Chase: Denise, you cite my values as an obstacle. What are your values? This “Friends with Benefits” thing—what are your values, Denise? You get engaged to a guy who buys body parts on a black market, who corrupts cancer studies? What are your values? You sleep with Jeffrey Coho, a man you don’t even like. And let’s not forget the policeman you did last year to get out of a parking ticket.Denise Bauer gasps, then takes a blind swing at brad.Brad Chase: Okay. You’re lost.Denise Bauer: No, I am scared. I am alone, and I am having a baby, and I am completely alone.Brad Chase: By your choice. exitsCourthouse Elevator BankElevator dings. Alan Shore and Clarence Bell exit the elevator car.Alan Shore: And you’ve been able to confirm all of this?Clarence Bell: Yes, I sourced it all on the back page.Alan Shore: Excellent. Excellent work, Clarence. What’s wrong?Clarence Bell:anxious Oh.Alan Shore: Clarence? Clarence, what’s wrong?Clarence Bell has dodged into a more private alcove.Clarence Bell: Well, uh—Claire asked me to stay over.Alan Shore: I see. Well, you have . . . strong feelings for Claire, don’t you?Clarence Bell: Very strong. I think I love her. But—but I’ve never— smiles, sweatingAlan Shore: Ah—Clarence Bell: I—I’m not sure I’ll, uh—Alan Shore: Clarence, um— taps his chin, thinking about what to say, then shrugs and dives in The—the thing about making love for the first time—it’ll happen when it’s right, and when it’s right, everything just happens naturally.Clarence Bell: You couldn’t think of anything to say.Alan Shore:hisses with his tongue I just went blank.Judge Robert Sanders CourtroomDr. Saul Robbins: He’s an enormously gifted therapist, an invaluable asset to our clinic.Jerry Espenson:fake cigarette in his mouth But—Dr. Saul Robbins: We’re in the business of helping people cope with reality. He needs to be in touch with his. He’s telling his clients that there are aliens out there, monitoring us.All the while, Jerry Espenson is fiddlng with the fake cigarette.Judge Robert Sanders: Uh, hold on a second. Uh, there’s no smoking in here.Jerry Espenson:stepping forward to show Judge Robert Sanders the cigarette It’s wooden, Judge. Not real. It’s a proprioceptive tool.Judge Robert Sanders: A what?Jerry Espenson: Relaxation technique. Never mind. You just sit there and judge. I won’t actually smoke it. turns and places the “wooden proprioceptive tool” in his mouth You said you asked him to stop talking about the U.F.O.Dr. Saul Robbins: Over and over. And he said he could not. He said that once one actually sees an extraterrestrial spacecraft, one has to rethink what he thinks about the world and our place in it, what it means to be human.Jerry Espenson: Thank you. Pass the witness; reserve the right to recall. Go ahead, Alan.Alan Shore, taken a bit aback by Jerry Espenson’s swagger; rises, clears his throat, and buttons his jacket as he walks toward the witness chair.Alan Shore: Did you fire him for seeing the U.F.O. or talking about it?Dr. Saul Robbins: He was discharged primarily for discussing it with his patients, but, obviously, the fact that he is convinced that he saw it,--Alan Shore: You don’t believe he really saw it?Dr. Saul Robbins: No, I don’t.Alan Shore: I suppose if there really was a U.F.O. hovering above O’Hare Airport last November, Dr. Abinazinacroft would get his job back.Dr. Saul Robbins: Well—Alan Shore: He wouldn’t be out of touch with reality then, would he?Jerry Espenson:rises and walks to stand next to Alan Shore I’m sorry. I’d like to point out for the court that counsel is very tricky, and I would ask your Honor that he be noted as such. He is a profound trickster, it must be said. To Alan Shore: I say it with affection. Continue.Jerry Espenson walks back to his table, while Judge Robert Sanders and Alan Shore both look at him, mouths agape.Alan Shore:biting his lower lip If you were satisfied that Dr. Abinazinacroft did see an unidentified flying object in Chicago that night, you would have to revisit your decision, wouldn’t you, sir?Dr. Saul Robbins looks to Jerry Espenson, who nods slightly.Dr. Saul Robbins: Well, I guess I would have to.Jerry Espenson: I suppose the explanation is simple. The spacecraft traveled 5 billion light-years to Earth, and then left, because of all the airport hassle. I mean, who needs that, really?The jurors laugh, while Alan Shore smiles, and laughs uncomfortably.Denny Crane’s OfficeDenny Crane: So you want to prove the U.F.O. is real?Alan Shore: It seems like the obvious thing to do. I think Jerry could beat me on this. He’s got this newfound confidence.Denny Crane: I was abducted once. I can’t be sure. It felt like a dream, only more real.Alan Shore: What happened?Denny Crane: Well, uh, these aliens in the form of Ann-Margaret took me to their spacecraft and had sex with me. Alan Shore: I’m gonna go with dream on that one.Denny Crane: I—I’ve gotta go to temple tomorrow. Bethany’s making me.Alan Shore: On a Wednesday?Denny Crane: Yeah, it’s a Tubey Sharat or something like that. A—a Jewish Arbor Day. I gotta wear a beanie. Alan Shore: The things we do for love.Claire Simms:enters Alan, you called me?Alan Shore: I did. places his glass of scotch on the desk; rises And on a rather delicate matter that would ordinarily be none of my business.Claire Simms: Try anything with me, I’ll sever your favorite appendage.Alan Shore: Clarence is extremely anxious that his appendage will be called into service.Claire Simms: Oh.Alan Shore: He seems as if he’s about to . . . retreat into Clarice again, and I just thought you should know.Claire Simms:nods Thank you. turns; exitsAlan Shore returns to his chair, and picks up his glass.Denny Crane: Do you think Bethany could be an alien?Alan Shore takes a sip of scotch.Clarence Bell’s DeskClaire Simms: Off to court again?Clarence Bell:rushed Yeah.Claire Simms: Clarence? Alan intimated to me that you intimated to him that you were nervous—Clarence Bell: Oh.Claire Simms: —about staying at my place tonight.Clarence Bell sighs.Claire Simms: Look, the best thing about being in a relationship is having somebody to share your fears with. Clarence Bell: Even that one?Claire Simms: Especially that one. Just—talk to me, okay?Clarence Bell: Okay.Judge Patrice Webb’s CourtroomMaureen Fleming: I know that he didn’t live a particularly dignified life, but he was a man of dignity. And to be exhibited like that so that the whole world can see his—his ravaged liver and organs, while he’s holding a liquor bottle and smiling? Nobody deserves that.Alan Shore: You do realize that this decision legally belonged to your mother?Maureen Fleming: No. Legally she was to do what he wanted. This was not his wish. He would never . . . deep breath; sighs Oh, for God sakes, Mom, couldn’t you at least allow him to find a little redemption in death?A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Do you go to church, Ms. Fleming?Maureen Fleming: I do.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Do you believe in heaven?Maureen Fleming: Of course.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Do you think your father is in heaven right now?Alan Shore: Objection.Judge Patrice Webb: Overruled.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Do you believe your dad is in heaven?Maureen Fleming: I don’t know. I hope so.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Was your father a religious man?Maureen Fleming: No.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Did he believe in God?Alan Shore: Objection.Judge Patrice Webb: Overruled.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: Did he believe in God or heaven?Maureen Fleming: No, he didn’t.A.D.A. Otto Beadle: So this is more about what you want.Crane, Poole & Schmidt Break RoomPaul Lewiston is searching through the refrigerator, as Denise Bauer enters, carrying a legal brief. She joins Brad Chase Chase near the wet bar.Denise Bauer: I have been thinking about what you said, and, um . . . In an ideal world, I would live with the father of my child. Toward that, I feel I owe it to my child to at least explore the . . . possibility of . . . trails off; frustrated sighBrad Chase walks away; Denise Bauer follows.Denise Bauer: I want us to see a couples’ therapist to get a professional prognosis as to . . . our emotional and practical compatibility.Brad Chase: Why don’t we just date, see how it goes?Denise Bauer: No. I’m not going to wasted time. We’ll see a doctor.Denise Bauer exits; Paul Lewiston couldn’t help but hear that exchange.Brad Chase: Hey. How’s it going?Paul Lewiston’s body language says it all.TempleWoman Cantor: (Song: Shabat Shalom) Bim. Bam. Bim bim bim bam. Bim bim bim bim bim bam.All: Oy, yoi. Yoi yoi yoi yoi. Oy, yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi. Shabat Shalom . . . clap; they continue the song as Denny Crane Crane and Bethany Horowitz talk.Denny Crane: What the hell is this?Bethany Horowitz: Shut up and sing.Denny Crane: I don’t know the words.Bethany Horowitz: “Oy yoi yoi.” Just do it!Denny Crane/All: Oy, yoi. Yoi yoi yoi yoi. Oy, yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi. continues to repeat as:Bethany Horowitz elbows Denny Crane in the belly and:All: Shabat Shalom. clap Shabat Shalom. clap Shabat, shabat, shabat, shabat Shalom. clapDenny Crane: Oy, yoi. Yoi yoi yoi yoi. Oy, yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi. ends with: Oy vey.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomMr. Bettman/Air Traffic Controller: I work as an air traffic controller at O’Hare Airport in Chicago, Illinois.Alan Shore: That sounds like a high-stress job.Mr. Bettman: You have no idea.Alan Shore: Tell me, sir, on the evening of November 7, 2006, did you get any calls, uh, about, say . . . extraterrestrials?Jerry Espenson: laughs I’m sorry. Could we be any more leading? Perhaps you should whip out one of those leashes you use in your recreational pursuits?Alan Shore:looks surprised; uncomfortable laugh What?Judge Robert Sanders:punctuating with his index finger Overruled. Sit down, you!Jerry Espenson sits; clears his throat.Mr. Bettman: Uh, we were contacted by airline supervisor and informed that—Alan gives Jerry Espenson a look that could kill.Mr. Bettman: —several of its passengers as well as a dozen or so of its employees spotted an elliptical-shaped craft sitting motionless over Concourse C of the United Terminal.Alan Shore: In fact, even the United Airlines pilot claimed to have seen it—am I right?Jerry Espenson is attempting to light the “wooden proprioceptive device.”Mr. Bettman: You are.Alan Shore: So, one wouldn’t be considered out of touch with reality or—Judge Robert Sanders: Hey! What the hell are you doing?Jerry Espenson: Ooh, sorry, your Honor. Remember, it isn’t real. It’s just wood. puts down the lighter Pay no mind.Judge Robert Sanders: Wood is flammable. You will not light it.Jerry Espenson is nodding agreement; Alan Shore looks worriedly at Jerry Espenson and his behavior, trying to rein him in.Alan Shore: Mr. Bettmann, can you say with all certainty that there wasn’t a U.F.O. hovering over O’Hare that night?Mr. Bettman: Well, I ‘spose we can’t prove a negative, but our conclusion was that it was a weather phenomenon.A low cloud ceiling; a lot of lights in the sky.Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: This was no weather phenomenon. It hovered, and then it shot through the clouds and left a hole.Alan Shore: A hole?Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: Dozens of people gave the exact, same description, including some mechanics at the airline. There was something unearthly up there.Alan Shore: And the radar showed nothing?Dr. Alvin Abinazinacroft: The F.A.A. won’t release the radar data or the voice communications. What are they hiding?Jerry Espenson:rising Well, on “The X-Files,” it was the truth.Alan Shore is now doing a slow burn, but actually looks more surprised and concerned for Jerry Espenson than enraged.Jerry Espenson: Great show, wasn’t it? How many of you watched “The X-Files”? Friday night; lousy timeslot. Judge Robert Sanders: Silence. motions with his index finger for Jerry Espenson to sit downCourthouse CorridorAlan Shore: I must say, Jerry, you had quite the swagger in there.Jerry Espenson: Look, Alan, the fact that others thought they saw it doesn’t really matter. sets his briefcase and overcoat on a bench。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第12集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalHelping HandsSeason 2, Episode 12Written by David E. Kelly2005 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: January 17, 2006Transcribed by Imamess of JSMP for Paul Lewiston, Shirley Schmidt and Brad Chase are in Paul’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Paul Lewiston: Shirley. I am not going through this again!Brad Chase: Could someone catch me up here?Shirley Schmidt: Denny got engaged.Brad Chase: Mazeltov?Paul Lewiston: No Mazeltov.Brad Chase: Well, who is it this time?Paul Lewiston: Beverly Bridge.Shirley Schmidt: The women Denny ‘Craned’ in the coat room at that charity dinner last week.Paul Lewiston: If this Bev turns out to be another Angie. Oh god.Brad Chase: Angie?Paul Lewiston: Number four.Shirley Schmidt: Wife number five was no picnic either.Paul Lewiston: Clovis.Shirley Schmidt: She almost got him to retire, pull his equity out of the firm and move to Boca.Paul Lewiston: Clovis nearly sunk us.Shirley Schmidt: Half the staff quit.Paul Lewiston: And she was drunk the day President Ford stopped by. Alright, I’ll pull out Denny’s last prenup. See if I can water seal it. Shirley. You talk to the woman, get her story. Brad. Check the partnership agreement. We have to make sure there are no loopholes in the mandatory buyout in case of partner’s death or incapacity.Brad Chase: One thing.Shirley Schmidt: What?Brad Chase: Is there any remote possibility we could be over reacting here?In Denny office music starts playing. Denny and Bev each have a microphone in their hands. They start singing karaoke.Denny Crane and Beverly Bridges: I’ve had the time of my life. I’ve never felt this way before. Brad, Shirley and Paul peek around the corner. Yes, I swear, it’s the truth. And I owe it all the you ‘cause I had the time of my life.Brad Chase: I’ll get the partnership agreement.Denny Crane and Beverly Bridges: I’ve never felt this way before. And I owe it all to you. You, you, you, you, you.In Judge Judge Gordon Kolodny’s courtroom.Clerk: Docket number two four nine six three five. Commonwealth versus Jerald Epsenson. Attempted murder, assault, assault with a deadly weapon, battery, sexual battery, false imprisonment, torture, terrorist threats.Alan Shore: Alan Shore for the preposterously charged Mr Espenson.A.D.A Frank Gingsberg: Frank Ginsgerg for the Commonwealth.Judge Gordon Kolodny: How do you plead?Alan Shore: Not guilty by reason of temporary insanity.Judge Gordon Kolodny: As to bail?Alan Shore: We ask that Mr Espenson be released on his own recognizance.A.D.A Frank Gingsberg: Commonwealth opposes bail.Alan Shore: You can’t be serious! Your Honor! This incident was an aberration. Mr Espenson is an upstanding member of his community, is not a danger to society, and he has a family counting on him at home. Frank Ginsberg steps back to whisper to Shirley.Judge Gordon Kolodny: He has dependants?Alan Shore: Her name is Linda.A.D.A Frank Gingsberg: Your Honor. Let the record show that his dependent is a gecko Mr Espenson threatened to kill his boss in her place of business and has a history of violence. He could be a flight risk.Alan Shore: Flight risk? The man can’t even hail a cab! He turns to Jerry. Sorry.A.D.A Frank Gingsberg: It is incumbent on the Commonwealth to protect at large if, God forbid, he’s released and hurts someone else.Judge Gordon Kolodny: Bail is denied. Defendant shall be remanded into custody immediately.Jerry Espenson: Mealworms are in the fridge. I need to feed Linda. I need to get home.Alan Shore: Jerry, I’ll feed Linda.Alan and Shirley are walking in the corridor at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Alan Shore: Sexual battery, torture, terrorist threats? That isn’t justice, disproportionate retribution. And good for you, you’ve enlisted the one prosecutor who’s running for D.A. next year. Tell me. How big was your campaign contribution? And is there a matching fund here at the firm we can all go in on?Shirley Schmidt: It was sizeable and speak to Kim in accounting.Alan Shore: Jerry Espenson never intended…Shirley Schmidt: Do not start defending him to me, Alan.Alan Shore: I agreed to defend him. That’s why he put down the knife.Shirley Schmidt: No you agree to represent him. No one here meant for you to defend him.Alan Shore: Shirley. No one is denying what this man has done to you. But he should at least get a fair trial.Shirley Schmidt: Oh by all means, let’s get a fair trial for the man who tried to slit my throat.Alan Shore: Lets!Shirley Schmidt: Understand that everyone at the firm is considered a witness. Don’t expect anyone to help you. Or speak to you.Alan Shore: And won’t that make for a refreshing change? He walks away.Paul Lewiston:He comes up. Shirley? Have you talked to Denny’s fiancé yet?Shirley Schmidt: I’ve been a little busy, Paul.Paul Lewiston: I’m working on the prenup. But we need you to find out her intensions.Shirley Schmidt: You’re the one with the kind eyes. I don’t do girl talk.Paul Lewiston: Do I have to remind you how serious this situation is? If Denny becomes incapacitated… or should I say I say further incapacitated, this woman could become his Nancy Regan. She’d have his power of attorney. She could bring down the firm.Shirley Schmidt: I’ll talk to her.Denise Bauer is in her office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt packing her briefcase. Daniel Post knocks on the door jamb.Denise Bauer: Daniel?Daniel Post: Came to take you to lunch.Denise Bauer: I can’t. I have a case.Daniel Post: What is it?Denise Bauer: A high school teacher is seeking a temporary restraining order against one of her student’s parents. They’re hounding the woman day and night about the daughter’s grades.Daniel Post: Helicopter parents.Denise Bauer: Helicopter parents?Daniel Post: Well, that’s what they call ‘em now. Yeah, parents who hover around their kids, trying to control every aspect of their lives.Denise Bauer: Oh, that would be the Gerings.Daniel Post: Oh. Cool. I’m in.Denise Bauer: What?Daniel Post: I wanna second chair. I mean, why not? I got my law degree. I keep up my MCLE’s.Denise Bauer: Have you ever actually tried a case?Daniel Post: No, but I’ve always wanted to. I mean think of it as the Make a Wish Foundation granting a dying kid his fantasy. Denise gives him a look. If that kid were a rich guy in his forties. Besides I could probably help you. I’m on the board of Lexington School. My kids used to go there. We deal with helicopter parents all the time.Denise Bauer: Well, that could be helpful. I would have to get the client’s approval though.Daniel Post: I can get that.Denise Bauer: I would have to get one of the partners to agree.Daniel Post: Looks like a partner right there. He walks up to Denny. Daniel Post.Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Daniel Post: I’m a client.Denny Crane: I’m a partner.Daniel Post: CEO Christberg and Phelem.Denny Crane: My name is on the door.Daniel Post: I love the offices.Denny Crane: Thank you. I love your hair.Daniel Post: I got a plane.Denny Crane: Indeed?Daniel Post: Could use a little more color though.Denny Crane: I’ll make a note. My fiancé sells office furniture.Daniel Post: Congratulations. I’d love to meet her.Denny Crane: My club. Thursday. They serve reubensDaniel Post: I’ll take you flying. Oh, by the way, I’d like to try a case with Ms Bauer over here?Denny Crane: Why not? See you Thursday.Daniel Post: Thursday. Denise is amazed. That’s what I do. I make connections. That’s how we met! Remember? Shirley walks down the corridor at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. She walks into Alan’s office. He’s there with Jerry. And Linda.Alan Shore: Shirley, I believe you know my client.Shirley Schmidt: Why isn’t this man in jail?Alan Shore: He has an excellent attorney. Who filed an emergency writ with Court of Appeals and the Judge agreed that denial of bail was an abuse of discretion. I’m surprised your lackey at the D.A.’s office didn’t keep you abreast of this. Perhaps you didn’t tip him enough.Shirley Schmidt: He’s not to be in this building. I’ll get a restraining order if I have to.She leaves.Jerry Espenson: She hates me.Alan Shore: Tempers seem frayed all around. That’s why I’m filing for a continuance. We’ll everyone cool down a bit then try again for a plea bargain.Jerry Espenson: No! Plea bargain’s out of the question. It’s not guilty or nothing.Alan Shore: But you are guilty Jerry. A whole office full of people saw you do it. One of the junior associates took a video of you on his cell phone. He’s thinking of entering it in a film festival.Jerry Espenson: No plea bargain!Alan Shore: Proving temporary insanity is a daunting task, you know that. A plea bargain is our best chance to keep you out of jail.Jerry Espenson: If I plea bargain I’ll be disbarred. Alan, my whole life is the law. It’s all I have. It’s what I love. You can’t let them take that away from me.Alan Shore: Then we go to trial.Garrett and Alan are in Alan’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Alan Shore: Look up any case law, any articles, new reports, anything that supports the theory that stress in the work place can lead to an individual losing control of themselves. Especially in the form of a voilent outburst.Garrett Wells: Got it. He starts to leave and meets Shirley coming in. He quickly hides the clipboard he’s holding.Shirley Schmidt: Hello, Garrett. You’re not helping Mr Shore on the Espenson case because you’re a witness. I’m sure you’re aware that would be a conflict of interest?Garrett Wells: I was just getting him coffee.Shirley Schmidt: Yeah. Well, you can’t do that either. I’ll take it decaf though. Thanks.Garrett Wells: Thank you. He leaves.Alan Shore: Shirley, I know we’re fighting, but there’s no reason to take it out on the children.Shirley Schmidt: Alan. This looks like it could be tough on you. Especially since you don’t have an assistant anymore. Shirley leaves and Melissa comes in carrying a box.Alan Shore: Shirley fired you?Melissa Hughes: Worse. I got transferred to human resources where all the people persons are.Alan Shore: She’s building a Chinese Wall.Melissa Hughes: What’s that?Alan Shore: It’s a legal concept. It keeps anyone in the firm who may be involved in this case from talking to me about it.Melissa Hughes: Well then you’ve got a big-ass wall around you.Alan Shore: Shirley’s just trying to rattle my cage. It’s only a temporary transfer.Melissa Hughes: So you won’t be mad if I ignore you in the hall and just look at your shoes. I need my job.Alan Shore: I’ll try to wear nice shoes.In Judge Peggy Zeder’s courtroom. Traci Carpenter is being questioned by Denise.Traci Carpenter: They call me at night, on the weekends they email, text message my cell phone, they drop by for parent-teacher conferences, they challenge every grade, every assignment. The last straw was when my sister was delivering her baby and I was her coach. They called on my cell phone and when I said that Cathy was starting to crown they asked when she’d be finished so we could discuss Rachel’s paper on The Red Pony. It used to be that teachers spent eighty percent of the time with the students and now we spent eighty percent of the time with the parents and it’s hurting the kids.Denise Bauer: Thank you. She walks back to the table.Daniel Post: Ahem, hem, hem, hem.Denise Bauer: Excuse me Your Honor, just one moment.Daniel Post:In a whisper to Denise. The Judge doesn’t like her.Denise Bauer: She doesn’t like me!Daniel Post: You know who women do find charming? Me.Judge Peggy Zeder: Ms Bauer?Daniel Post: Let me ask a question. Just see how it goes.Denise Bauer: I don’t know about that.Judge Peggy Zeder: Ms Bauer?!Daniel Post: Ms Carpenter. Ah, would you say it’s true that Rachel Gering is a good student?Attorney John Hoberg: Objection! Leading the witness.Daniel Post: Right. Sorry, I knew that. Sorry. Sorry. What kind of grades does Rachel get?Traci Carpenter: She has between a B-plus and an A-minus average.Daniel Post: And has the Gering’s attention done anything to change that grade?Traci Carpenter: Not at all.Daniel Post: One more question. Have the Gerings contacted any other teachers?Traci Carpenter: All the other teachers. The one they hounded the most was Mr Chihee, the math teacher.Daniel Post: How did he react?Traci Carpenter: He quit. He couldn’t take it anymore so he took early retirement. I’m still twenty years away from that.I was so excited to become a teacher. No one told me it would be this way.Daniel Post: Nothing further, Your Honor. Unless, ah, you can think of anything?Judge Peggy Zeder: Ha.Beverly and Shirley are having drinks in a bar.Beverly Bridge: I know what you want Shirley. And yes, Denny does still talk about you. He remembers his experiences with you so fondly. Did you know that he has a position called, ‘The Schmidt’?Shirley Schmidt: Would that be the one where I read a magazine while he lies passed out on the floor?Beverly Bridge: That’s not what I heard.Shirley Schmidt: Look Bev, I’m a busy woman so I’ll just get to the point. Who are you and what are you up to? Beverly Bridge: Oh. We’re going to have that conversation.Shirley Schmidt: We are.Beverly Bridge: So, you think I’m screwing Denny for his money and power?Shirley Schmidt: It had occurred to me.Beverly Bridge: Well, good news! I am. I find money and power just so appetizing. And why did you screw him? Shirley Schmidt: I lost a bet.Beverly Bridge: Shirley. You know, I, I thought you were enlightened. But it turns out that you’re the worst kind of female there is. Either you condemn a woman as a whore because she enjoys sex…Shirley Schmidt: I didn’t say...Beverly Bridge: … or you assume that she’s a manipulative gold-digger.Shirley Schmidt: Ha, ha. Oh, Bev. You know, I’ve completely misread you. Here I had you pegged as some kind of predatory shark. Ha. I came here today with the intension of telling you that if you ever do anything to hurt my friend, Denny, or this firm I will see to it that you are hunted down legally and literally until you are penniless and left to troll airport bars looking for alcoholic pilots nearing retirement age. But I can see I don’t need to do that.Beverly Bridge: You know it’s really hard to believe that you’re the one that came up with, ‘The Schmidt’. She leaves. Male patron:He moves next to Shirely. So, ah. What is ‘The Schmidt’?Denny is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt dancing alone to fast-paced Latin music. Alan comes up and knocks on the door jamb.Alan Shore: May I cut in?Denny Crane: I’m practicing for my wedding. Come and join me.Alan Shore: Why not?Denny Crane: No, no. No, no. It’s not on the one. It's not a mambo. It's a feeling, like a heartbeat. Kachunk, kachunk, kachunk.Alan Shore: Shut up and dance, mister. Denny twirls Alan. This case Shirley is pursuing against Jerry.Denny Crane: I’m not allowed to talk about it. Vietnamese Wall.Alan Shore: Chinese Wall. She’s pressuring the D.A.’s office, she’s cut off all my resources here which is fine, it’s just getting a little crowded around the hotel room with the two paralegals I’ve hired from Harvard always underfoot.Denny Crane: I can’t hear you over the wall. Hey! You’re a natural.Alan Shore: Anything Denny Crane can do I can do backwards and wearing high heels.Denny Crane: The feeling I get around here is that people aren’t that high on Bev.Alan Shore: Haven’t noticed.Denny Crane: Well I don’t care if nobody else likes her. It’s important to me what you think of her.Alan Shore: I imagine I’ll like her.Denny Crane: No Alan, I need a guarantee. And I’m not talking about getting to know her and forming your own opinion. I need you to like her!Alan Shore: Denny? Just knowing you care for her makes me happy enough.Denny Crane:He toyes with Alan’s fingers. I’m feeling a tension. You can’t have a very strong case.Alan Shore: Jerry Espenson was determined to make partner. He didn’t and that’s what made him snap.Denny Crane: Well, what’s so special about that? All the associates wanna make partner. It’s the carrot we dangle in front of ‘em to keep them working.Alan Shore:He waltzes out of Denny’s arms. Excuse me, Denny. He picks up the phone. Melissa I need your help.I need access to some personal files.Denny Crane:He sticks his fingers in his ears. Vietnamese Wall!!In Judge Peggy Zeder’s courtroom. Attorney John Hoberg is questioning Gigi Gering.Attorney John Hoberg: Are you concerned about Rachel’s college prospects?Gigi Gering: Yes. Even the State schools have taken to admitting only the best of the best.Attorney John Hoberg: Are you saying Ms Carpenter isn’t qualified to prepare your daughter?Gigi Gering: No.But we would be remiss if we didn’t stay so involved. Our most important job is to prepare Rachel for her future.Attorney John Hoberg: Nothing further.Denise Bauer: Ms Gering? Are you saying that Ms Carpenter is a bad teacher?Gigi Gering: No. I didn’t say that.Denise Bauer: How would you rate her, B-minus? C-plus? What?Gigi Gering: I don’t think I could really…Denise Bauer: Because she has won a teaching award. So, maybe if you’re not giving her a good enough grade it’s your problem, not hers? Is that possible?Gigi Gering: I never said…Denise Bauer: We know that you’re involved with a lot of other teachers.Daniel Post: We just don’t want our teacher to get lost in the shuffle.Denise Bauer: And maybe you were having a bad day when you evaluated her.Attorney John Hoberg: Objection!Daniel Post: I don’t think you see her potential.Denise Bauer: We know that we don’t see how hard she works.Daniel Post: She works so hard. The other teachers are playing, Traci’s inside…Attorney John Hoberg: Your Honor?Judge Peggy Zeder: Ms Bauer!Attorney John Hoberg: Objection! They’re badgering the witness!Denise Bauer: Of course we’re badgering the witness!Daniel Post: Did you just figure that out?Judge Peggy Zeder: Objection sustained.Denise Bauer: Thank you, Your Honor for sustaining the objection to the badgering of this woman. That’s what this whole trial is about. Let’s stop the badgering.Daniel Post: Nobody should be able to do that sort of thing to anybody. Unless they themselves are actually a badger. In Judge Gordon Kolondy’s courtroom. A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg is questioning Shirley.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: In your opinion did Mr Espenson seem insane to you?Shirley Schmidt: No. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing. He even negotiated for the services of Mr Shore as his attorney. He only agreed to spare my life on that condition.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Thank you. Nothing further.Alan Shore: Ugh. Ms Schmidt. He walks up to adjust her microphone. I’m sorry it’s just these damn microphones….I don’t if you were able to hear her clearly. I heard some of it and it sounded great. He taps the mic. Testing! One, two three. Testing! Maybe if you sit a little closer.Judge Gordon Kolondy: Mr Shore. We can all hear the witness just fine.Alan Shore: You can? Good. It’s just Ms Schmidt and I work together and around the office Shirley’s considered something of a low talker.Shirley Schmidt: Mr Shore. Do you have a question?Alan Shore: Yes, I do. I have here Jerry Espenson’s performance reviews for the past fifteen years. Would you please read one for us? He hands her a folder. Pick a year. Any year.Shirley Schmidt: For the record Mr Espenson’s work reviews are all excellent. Now Mr Shore, would you like me to read one aloud for dramatic effect?Alan Shore: Now that you’ve taken all the fun out of it? No. How about I do it? He takes the folder. Uhm. Ah! Yeah. “Jerry has displayed a vast knowledge of the law, delivered all assignments in a timely fashion, has consistently met with the firm’s minimum billables.”Shirley Schmidt: There’s no denying Mr Espenson’s exceptional work habits.Alan Shore: Yet! And I quote, “Jerry Espenson is not partnership material.” What exactly did that mean?Shirley Schmidt: We’re a private firm at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. We have every right to decide what criteria by which to make people partners.Alan Shore: Yes. But, clearly Jerry Espenson is not partnership material. I mean, look at him, he’s awkward, unsociable, keeps his hands on his thighs at all times.Shirley Schmidt: As I said, we have many criteria.Alan Shore: So you’ve been lying to Jerry? Is that it?Shirley Schmidt: I beg your pardon?Alan Shore: About his chances to make partner. You never told him that he wasn’t partnership material. Quite the contrary, you encouraged him again and again to aspire to that position. And yet there it was, “Not partnership material.” in his confidential file since 1990, fifteen years ago. You’ve been lying to Jerry Espenson for fifteen years. Haven’t you?Shirley Schmidt: As you know Mr Shore, not everyone makes partner at our firm or any other. Otherwise our letterhead would be twenty pages long.Alan Shore: But as an institutionalize practice you keep all associates believing they have a chance to make partner. Especially the exceptional ones, even if you never have any intension of doing so. Isn’t that right.Shirley Schmidt: We encourage all our attorney’s to do good work. It’s their job.Alan Shore: That incident in the conference room a week ago with the cake knife? That really rattled you, didn’t it? Shirley Schmidt: Excuse me?Alan Shore: A man held a knife to your throat. You perceived it as a grave threat. It rattled you?Shirley Schmidt: The experience was not a pleasant one.Alan Shore: No I’m sure it wasn’t. But let’s talk about what’s really going on here. Shall we? A gifted, eccentric and loyal employee who worked for fifteen years on a promise, momentarily lost control of his senses when his one dream was taken away. And yet the D.A.’s office has charged my client with everything short of the Lindberg kidnapping, because ultimately they’re just following orders from the great and powerful Schmidt. Aren’t they?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Objection! Relevance!Judge Gordon Kolondy: Sustained. Mr Shore?Alan Shore: Could someone move for a mistrial? Cause I’m fine with that.Judge Gordon Kolondy: You will keep your questions relevant Mr Shore.Alan Shore: Nothing further.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: When Mr Epenson was denied partnership at the firm, was he fired?Shirley Schmidt: No he was offered a position of counsel and was free to stay.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: And what salary would Mr Espenson have made if he’d stayed at the firm?Shirley Schmidt: Approximately three hundred thousand dollars per year.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Three hundred thousand dollars a year? Sounds like a real coal mine at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Alan and Jerry are in Alan’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Jerry Espenson: It’s not going very well. Is it?Alan Shore: No it’s not. Jerry, it might be time to start thinking of who will take care of Linda if you’re away.Jerry Espenson: Oh God. Oh God.Alan Shore: Jerry, I’m going to make a case for temporary insanity that is as compelling as it can possibly be. But it’s thin, at best.And, I must be frank with you. I don’t know if it will be enough.Jerry Espenson: My dad is a mathematics professor at Cornell and he’s always saying, “May I have some toast?”Alan Shore: I don’t understand.Jerry Espenson: He says it over and over again. “May I have some toast? May I have some toast?” And eventually he says it enough and someone always gives him toast.Alan Shore: Your father?Jerry Espenson: He never gives up. That’s what I’m saying. It’s the toast. Bingo. We should never give up.Alan Shore: I won’t give up, Jerry.Denise and Daniel are having dinner in a restaurant.Daniel Post: I felt like a cross between Clarence Darrow and ah, Al Pacino in that movie where he shouts.Denise Bauer: Ha, hm. You are really good at trial law. You should uhm…Daniel Post: Maybe next life. Now enough about me. Let’s talk about you. Why are you getting involved with a dead guy?Denise Bauer: I, ah, try not to think about it. I do find myself being strangely forthcoming with you.Daniel Post: Oh! So you’re my Count Guido.Denise Bauer: Who?Daniel Post: Count Guido da Montefeltro. Ah, in Dante’s Inferno. Dante meets Guido in hell. Guido tells him that if he thought that his words would ever reach the real world he would never reveal his true feelings to anyone. But because he thinks Dante’s dead, he tells him everything.Denise Bauer: So you think I’m honest with you because you’re, uhm, a dead guy?Daniel Post: Something like that. So, Guido? Can I do the closing?Alan is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt with Dr David Cannon.Dr David Cannon: It’s called Asperger’s Syndrome. And as you suspected it is hereditary.Alan Shore: Asperger’s Syndrome? It sounds like something you cure with an ointment.Dr David Cannon: It’s a form of Autism. From the behavior that you described, and from what I read in his personal file.Alan Shore: Oh dear. However did you get hold of that?Dr David Cannon: Jerry Espenson is a classic case. No eye contact, strange tick-like behaviors, passion for a single subject, in this case the law, sudden outbursts. Basically their brains can’t process ordinary non-verbal cues that most people use to communicate. I know it sounds strange.Alan Shore: I’m not one to judge. Do you think Jerry Espenson knows he has it?Dr David Cannon: I doubt it. Most adults don’t know. It wasn’t even considered a disorder until 1995.Paul walks into Denny’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Paul Lewiston:He hands Denny some papers. Denny?Denny Crane: What’s this?Paul Lewiston: It’s your prenup from your last marriage.Denny Crane:He pages through it and smiles. It’s hard to believe I was ever that young.Paul Lewiston: I took the liberty of drawing up a new one. With some addendums. He hands Denny some more papers.Denny Crane:He reads. “In the event that either party becomes physically or mentally incapacitated their assets…” This isn’t about protecting me. This is about protecting the firm.Paul Lewiston: You’ve been through wives before, Denny. Five of them? This firm is the constant. We’re the ones who are still here. And this does look after your best interests.Denny Crane: You mean the best interests of the firm?Paul Lewiston: Oh, for God’s sake, Denny! Someone has to worry about this firm and since you won’t, I have to! Denny Crane: Because you’re a senior partner. Yet your name isn’t on the door. Mine is. First name on the door.Paul Lewiston: I’m not interested in getting into an historical arguments with you.Denny Crane: Why? Because I built the firm from the ground up?Paul Lewiston: I care about what could happen to the firm now!Denny Crane: Let me tell you what would happen to this firm if Denny Crane left. It would dry up and blow away. And you with it! I’m the big gub on this boat. The captain! You’re nothing but a skinny, overpaid deckhand.Paul Lewiston: No! I am the deckhand who steers this ship because the captain isn’t up to it anymore.Denny Crane: Get out!Paul Lewiston: Look over the new document, sign it and get it back to me today.。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第23集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalRace IpsaSeason 2, Episode 23Written by David E. Kelly2006 David E. Kelly Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: April 25, 2006Transcribed by Imamess and Sheri, for In therapist Sydney Fields’ office, Denny Crane is leaning back on the therapist’s couch.Denny Crane:Waxing on. It’s just that I feel like my song is still in me.Sydney Field:Annoyed. What song?Denny Crane: My song! Everybody had a song in them, Sydney, you should know that.Dr Sydney Fields: Oh, I see. And yours is still unsung? Is that it?Denny Crane: Yeah. I mean, here I am in my seventies and I still feel that everything I wanted to express in life is still bottled you inside me like a kidney stone. Talk to me, Sydney. What are you thinking?Dr Sydney Fields: I think you’re bored, Denny.Denny Crane: Bored? How can I be bored? I’m Denny Crane. Even the sound of my name fascinates. More, Sydney. More, about me.Dr Sydney Fields: Yeah. Okay. Well, I think that you are a silver spoon-fed, rich, empty, sack, who has nothing to do now but count his money, or spend it on hookers and therapists who offer up some form of affirmation. And frankly, I’m sick of it! I would no longer even treat you but for the six hundred dollars an hour I charge, which sum, I might assure you, is meant to deter your recurring visits. Do you understand me, Denny? I would sooner leap from the window than see your lips move, the sight of which is the visual cue that feculent blather is about to spew forth.Denny Crane: This is no way for a therapist to talk to a patient.Dr Sydney Fields: My official medical recommendation would be that you take yoga classes, so that you might gain the necessary flexibility to stick your head up your ass.Nobody speaks for a moment as they look at each other.Denny Crane:He sits up. I, I do feel like an empty sack sometimes. It occasions depression. It even caused me to buy hand gun to end it. I even carry it around with me. Never knowing when I might decide to join the ranks of the unliving. And then I think to myself, “How unoriginal. Suicide is so ordinary. But?” He reaches into his briefcase “If I were to shoot my doctor?” He pulls out a gun, points it at the doctor and pulls back the hammer. “Well!”Dr Sydney Fields: Ah, now, but you see, Denny, that would result in you actually accomplishing something real. You see? He gets up and walks behind his desk. Something actual as opposed to the manufactured heroics of your publicists, the Mad Cow, and then it might suddenly matter, really matter, that you were born! And, and how would you handle that after seventy-plus years of unmitigated insignificance?Denny Crane:He stands up, still pointing the gun. You don’t think I matter?Sydney Field: Oh, pull the trigger, Denny! Do something to rise above your insipid press releases, all the meaninglessness! Just, pull it!Denny Crane: He moves closer, still pointing the gun. You think I won’t?Sydney Field: Actually, I happen to know you will. I happen to know you must. You see, you’re pointing a gun at a therapist who’s not only got a death wish of his own but also a life insurance policy which excludes suicide! You see, Denny? I’ve long been wondering how can I possibly end my life without forfeiting my son’s Harvard education? But, if I were to be murdered! Then...! He opens the desk drawer, pulls a gun out, and aims it at Denny. So. You must shoot me, or I will shoot you. Denny’s face goes white. It’s tense now. Go ahead, pull the trigger, or I will kill you.Denny Crane:Joke’s over. Okay Sydney.Sydney Field: Pull it.Denny Crane: I’m not gonna shoot you, don’t be ridiculous.Sydney Field: Then you must die.Denny Crane: C’mon, Sydney. Game’s over.Sydney Field: I’ll give you to count of three. One.Denny Crane: Sydney!Sydney Field: Two.Denny Crane: For God’s sake!Sydney Field: Three.BOOM. A gun goes off… the two men stare at each other… and then… a little circle of blood begins to form on Sydney’s shirt, just below the shoulder. A beat. Another beat. And he drops. Denny is stunned. The door suddenly opens, Cindy Benson, Sydney’s assistant, steps in… freezes. Screams.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Paul Lewiston marches down the corridor and knocks on Shirley Schmidt’s door and walks in. Shirley is sitting on her couch, she looks up from her reading. Shirley Schmidt: What now?Paul Lewiston: Denny shot his therapist.Shirley Schmidt: Dear God. Paintball?Paul Lewiston: Real bullets.Shirley Schmidt: Is he…?Paul Lewiston: No. The man is apparently going to survive; he’s in the hospital, Denny’s in custody. Where’s Alan?In Judge Paul Resnick’s courtroom. Alan Shore is sitting in the back.Public Defender Michael Adams: It’s not that I’m not ready, Your Honor! It’s that I was called for trial! Division Six, Judge Holt!Judge Paul Resnick: Judge Holt doesn’t control my courtroom. I told you the last time there’d be no further continuances.Public Defender Michael Adams: I cannot be in two places at the same time!Judge Paul Resnick: Then you should have gotten somebody from your office to cover.Public Defender Michael Adams: Somebody else? The Public Defender’s Office is so overextended…Judge Paul Resnick: So’s the DA’s Office. He’s here and ready!Public Defender Michael Adams: Of course he’s ready, because they prioritize the racial profiling cases. ADA: I object to that, Your Honor.Public Defender Michael Adams: The truth is, we shouldn’t even be here.Judge Paul Resnick: Save it for trial, Counsel, which will begin tomorrow, either with, or without you. Adjourned.The ADA leaves. Alan walks up to Michael Adams.Alan Shore: Excuse me! I couldn’t help but overhearing, which is so often the case when people shout. My name is Alan Shore, and I’m an extraordinary attorney. I could tell you stories, but more incredibly, I’m available.Alan comes out of the courtroom.Chelina Hall: Alan?!Alan Shore:He turns back. Chelina?!Chelina Hall: Oh my God.Alan Shore: How are you?Chelina Hall: I’m fine. How are you?Alan Shore:He hugs her. Today a little dyspeptic, but in general I’m splendid.Chelina Hall: God. The last time I saw you…Alan Shore: I think it was a Sunday, then I was taken off the air, you went off to do movies, and I got switched to Tuesdays, and…Chelina Hall: And here we are. With old footage.Alan Shore: Exactly. You look smashing. A beat. And you’re black!Chelina Hall: Sorry?Alan Shore: This is fate. I just took a case where I think race was a factor. Profiling. I’d love to exploit you which I believe you invited me to do once.Chelina Hall: I meant sexually.Alan Shore: Yes. So. This case involves persecution, civil rights, all the good stuff. Can Legal Aid spare you? The client’s indigent.Chelina Hall: Alan. The last we worked together, I kissed you.Alan Shore: Really? I’d forgotten, you’ll have to refresh me on that. His cells phone rings. Excuse me. He checks the call display of his phone. My lover. Hello Denny? You did what?At the jailhouse Denny is sitting in a cell. Alan is led in by a security guard.Denny Crane: Thought he was a quail.Alan Shore: I’m not laughing.Denny Crane: It’s total self-defense. After I threatened to kill him, the bastard threatened to kill me. It’s not right.Alan Shore: Why were you carrying the gun?Denny Crane: I have a constitutional right to bear arms.Alan Shore: Not a conceal weapon you don’t.Denny Crane: Oh, yes I do. And the Supreme Court’s gonna say so, just as soon as they finish overturning Roe v. Wade.Alan Shore: Denny, this time you’ve gone way too far.Denny Crane: You always say that.Alan Shore: No, I don’t, Paul Lewiston does, and besides you shot another man. Another man!Denny Crane: I’m telling you I had no choice. The man was gonna kill me.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Brad Chase and Denise Bauer are walking down the stairs.Denise Bauer: He could go to jail for this. I mean, how could he avoid it?Brad Chase: Well, first of all, he’s claiming self-defense, second, the guy’s apparently okay, he just took it in the clavicle. And third, we’re talking about Denny, he shoots people all the time.Denise Bauer: Well, you’re probably right. He’s probably already booked himself on Larry King Live. What’s happening with Sandy?Brad Chase: Nothing.Denise Bauer: I, I thought you were gonna…Brad Chase: Nothing’s happening with Sandy.Denise Bauer: Didn’t you have your big second da…Brad Chase: Nothing’s happening with Sandy! A beat. He sighs. She dumped me.Denise Bauer: I’m sorry. Did she say why?Brad Chase: It doesn’t really matter.Denise Bauer: Brad. While I appreciate how deeply guarded you are, you need to share more. I mean you don’t have any friends to talk to.Brad Chase: I have plenty.Denise Bauer: Name three. He can’t. What happened?Brad Chase: You know? I’m going to tell you. Just to see if the look on your face remotely matches the look on mine when she... You know why she dumped me?Denise Bauer: Hm?Brad Chase: Because I’m a lousy kisser. Denise reacts. Yeah! Exactly my reaction.Denise Bauer: Yeah. Well, all I can say, if that is in fact the reason.Brad Chase: It is.Denise Bauer: You sure?Brad Chase: I called an ex-girlfriend, she confirmed it.Denise Bauer: Confirmed it?Brad Chase: I am the worst kisser in the history of the planet.Denise Bauer: Oh.Brad Chase: Yeah. Let me ask you something. Is it really that important, in the scheme of a relationship, in all it’s potential, including, but not limited to the parenting of children? Is how a man kisses really that important?Denise Bauer: Well, at the beginning, all the promise of romance, and forgive me, but the magic, it’s yes, it’s in the kiss.Brad Chase: Women are always complaining about not being taken seriously. If you look at the leading women’s magazines, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, it’s always about, ‘How do I get a man?’, ‘How do I look?’,‘How do I please a man in bed?’ Now I discover they’re willing to measure the substance of a relationship with a kiss. It isn’t men who demean women. It’s women.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Alan is walking in the corridor. Brad walks up to him.Brad Chase: Hey! Alan! How’s it going?Alan Shore: Fine. Thanks. How are you? You can get back to me on that. He attempts to leave but Brad blocks him. Brad, if there’s something trapped in there I encourage you to let it out quickly, I’m due in court.Brad Chase: Well, I was wondering if I could join you and Denny on the balcony sometime. Just trying to diversify my life with some male bonding and I was wondering… you know.Alan Shore: Brad, any gathering of three or more men always seems like a team to me, and I’ve never been much of a team player, so if you’re going to show, count me out. But is there something specific you’d like to talk about?Brad Chase: Are you a good kisser?Alan turns and walks into the elevator.In Judge Robert Sanders courtroom.Clerk: Case number six, two, three, four, five, the Commonwealth versus Denny Crane attempted murder…Alan Shore:He rushes in. Alan Shore for the defendant. We’ll waive reading of the charges. He looks up and sees who the Judge is. Oh dear God, it’s you.Judge Robert Sanders: I know who I am, Counsel. You don’t need to tell me it’s me, I know perfectly well it’s me. That superfluous information that is tantamount to jibber-jabber. I do not tolerate jibber-jabber in my courtroom.Alan Shore: The defense enters a plea of, ‘Not guilty’. I move for a ‘probable cause’ hearing.Judge Robert Sanders: Why?Alan Shore: Why? First of, because I’m entitled to, second, because I think…Judge Robert Sanders: He shot him! The victim is in the hospital. I think I have enough probable cause, Mr Shoop.Alan Shore: Actually, Your Honor, since our last get-together I’ve changed my name from, Shoop to Shore. I figured since it’s already on my driver’s license and passport, not to mention all the pleadings before you. Though, I’d never presume you to read pleadings, of course, they’re…Judge Robert Sanders:In unison with Alan. …jibber-jabber.Alan Shore: The victim is in fact scheduled to be released from the hospital today. Is was simply a shoulder wound, which is where my client was hoping the bullet would land once the gun accidentally went off after the victim threatened to shoot my client, putting him in reasonable fear for his life.A.D.A. Duncan Jones: Your Honor, if he wants a probable cause hearing, let him call the arresting officer. Alan Shore: The arresting officer wasn’t there! It was only my client and Dr Fields. We’re talking about attempted murder here. The damage to Mr Crane’s reputation could be irreparable. These charges never should have been filed and I should be allowed a probable cause hearing.Judge Robert Sanders: You talk too much. Alan chuckles. Assuming the victim is physically able, we will reconvene at three PM tomorrow, you talker. Enough of this, this, poopycock.Alan Shore:Under his breath. Poopycock.Denny Crane:He mouths. Poopycock.In a hospital room Dr Sydney Fields is reading a magazine. Denny and Alan come in.Dr Sydney Fields: Oh no. No, no, no. No, you don’t. Get out, Denny.Alan Shore: Dr Fields, I’m Alan Shore. You undoubtedly know by now that we’ve subpoenaed you to appear at a probable cause hearing.Dr Sydney Fields: Well, that’s not a very wise ploy, Mr Shore. What is it you expect me to say?Alan Shore: That you forced Denny to shoot you. That you gave him no choice.Dr Sydney Fields: Oh, you don’t wanna be calling me to the stand. Okay?Alan Shore: Dr Fields, Denny informed me that your intense desire to die played a significant part in what happened. You know often when people contemplate dying they take measure of their legacy. I’m assuming yours thus far consists of many things. Denny assured me honesty is one of them. I shall count on you to be honest in that witness chair tomorrow, sir.Dr Sydney Fields: Well, now I wouldn’t count on anything if I were you.Denny Crane: Sydney, I never would have shot you, you know that.Sydney lifts his magazine to shut out Alan and Denny.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Shirley is sitting behind her desk. Paul comes in.Shirley Schmidt: Dear God, what now?Paul Lewiston: The managing partners have convened a meeting. The topic of discussion is deposing Denny, expelling him from the firm.Shirley Schmidt: What? First of all the financial hit would…Paul Lewiston: They don’t care. They’ve had enough.Shirley Schmidt: Second of all, they need to read their partnership agreement. Denny can’t…Paul Lewiston: Evidently, we need to read it. There is a clause which calls for his ouster should he ever be convicted of a felony, which he is certainly looking at now.Shirley Schmidt: What do we do now?Paul Lewiston: I don’t know. They seem serious. Why shouldn’t they be? He shoots people.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Alan and Chelina walk past Melissa who is filing records. She watches them go into Alan’s office.Alan Shore: Massachusetts has no ‘Stop and identify’ statues. So, we could make the argument that the arrest was unlawful and therefore our client had a right to resist.Chelina Hall: That’ll never fly.Alan Shore: Well, it doesn’t need to fly so much as flap and flutter its way to reasonable doubt. Profiling is wrong we certainly don’t do it when selling off our ports. Why are you looking at me like that?Chelina Hall: Who’s closing here?Alan Shore: Sorry?Chelina Hall: With the case. Should I close? Or you?Alan Shore: Ah, I’ll take the client, and you can close.Melissa comes to the door.Melissa Hughes: Alan? May I? Alan follows her out of the office. I’m not terribly comfortable with you working closely with this woman.Alan Shore: What?!Melissa Hughes: I’m tapped into office gossip. I happen to know you kissed her during the Death Penalty thingy case. You’re kissing me now, remember?Alan Shore: Melissa, you and I kissed once. I barely participated, we certainly didn’t agree to any kind of exclusivity. No hickies, or pins, or letterman jackets.Melissa Hughes: You and I are in a relationship, Alan. The fact that you don’t realize it doesn’t give you the license to be unfaithful.Alan Shore: You’re mad as a hatter.Melissa Hughes: When two people sleep together?Alan Shore: That was a night terror thing.Melissa Hughes: I’m talking about the sex.Alan Shore: What sex?Melissa Hughes: The sex you and I both know is coming. Don’t fall for her, Alan. She’s just a guest star.In Judge Paul Resnick’s courtroom. Office Carl Ralston is on the witness stand.Office Carl Ralston: He seemed to be just staring at one of the houses. It seemed very odd. We asked him for identification and he refused to provide it.A.D.A. Oliver Goldberg: And then what happened?Office Carl Ralston: We asked him again, he continued to refuse, so we attempted to take him into custody. That’s when he became violent. We eventually overcame him and placed him under arrest. Chelina Hall: When you arrived at the scene, did you ask him what he was doing?Office Carl Ralston: He said he found the houses on this street quite beautiful. And he enjoyed looking at them.Chelina Hall: And is that lawful in this neighborhood, to look at houses that you find beautiful?Office Carl Ralston: Of course.Chelina Hall: Is it your pattern to ask people for identification when they’re engaging in lawful behavior. Office Carl Ralston: He didn’t live there so I thought that…Chelina Hall: How did you know that?Office Carl Ralston: I patrol that neighborhood. I pretty much know who lives there and who doesn’t. Chelina Hall: You know everybody in this neighborhood? Every person?Office Carl Ralston: Not every person, but…Chelina Hall: How did you know my client didn’t live there?Office Carl Ralston: We have the right to ask citizens for identification. That’s all I did.Chelina Hall: You know what? I checked you out. You’re an exemplary officer. You also have a reputation for honesty. Honestly, Officer, your decision to ask my client for identification? Was is race a factor? The Officer doesn’t answer. Officer, was it at all a factor that he was black?Office Carl Ralston: Black in an all-white neighborhood. Yes, it was a factor.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Alan is walking down the corridor, Shirley comes up and walks alongside of him.Shirley Schmidt: Alan!Alan Shore: Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: How we doing?Alan Shore: If you mean with Denny, I’ve got a probable cause hearing scheduled. I’m trying to make this go away, though I can’t possibly see how.Shirley Schmidt: You need to. Wagons are starting to circle. If he gets any kind of conviction…Alan Shore: Shirley. Surely, Shirley, he’ll be convicted of something.Shirley Schmidt: Well, it can’t be felony. There’s a clause in the partnership agreement. It’s serious, Alan. Partners seem inclined to expunge him.Alan Shore: Well, his name is on the wall.Shirley Schmidt: They’ll keep the name and broom him.Alan Shore: I see no way of dodging this, short of you having sex with the Judge. I’m sorry, I now feel queasy having even thought of that.Shirley Schmidt: What about the victim? Can he be influenced?Alan Shore: I doubt it. Even if he consented to being shot which he seemingly did, that still doesn’t absolve Denny. He steps into the elevator alone.Shirley Schmidt: Do you have a plan?Alan Shore: At the moment? No. The elevator door closes.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Denise is sitting behind her desk in her office. Brad is pacing the floor.Brad Chase: It’s so stupid.Denise Bauer: Then why are you being so… ?Brad Chase: Because I’m being stupid. It’s like freakin’ high school, for God’s sakes.Denise Bauer: Okay. Tell me exactly what happened.Brad Chase: I told you. I was on a date. It was terrific date.Denise Bauer: With another woman? Where do you find all these women anyway?Brad Chase: I’m a lawyer, I was marine, just do the math. I’m the complete package.Denise Bauer: Right. So?Brad Chase: So, I get to her front step. Clearly she would have received my kissing her, I wanted to kiss her. I was going to kiss her, but I didn’t because I have this new phobia. I mean a kiss is just a kiss. Right? That’s what the stupid song says.Denise Bauer: What exactly are you doing, when you kiss?Brad Chase: I do what everybody else does.Denise Bauer: Yeah. Exactly what?Brad Chase: Lips meet, at some point I put my tongue in. Swish it around a little.Denise Bauer: Ah. Well. Maybe you could use some pointers or something. I happen to be a very advanced kisser; maybe I can walk you through this a little.Brad Chase: Don’t be ridiculous.Denise Bauer: Beats having a phobia.Brad Chase: No, it doesn’t.Denise Bauer: Fine. Brad Chase storms out, almost plowing into Paul Lewiston, who looks questioningly at Denise. Don’t even ask.In Judge Paul Resnick’s courtroom. Alan is directingAlan Shore: Mr Pryor, why were you in that neighborhood?Dennis Pryor: I like to dream. One dream, I guess my American dream, is someday I’d like to live in a home like those. I enjoy the architecture, the landscaping.Alan Shore: You realize a police officer has the right to ask for identification?Dennis Pryor: And if I would have been doing anything suspect I would have given it to him. If it would have been a random thing I would have complied. But it wasn’t. I was targeted because I was the wrong color.Alan Shore: But, Mr Pryor, come on, you physically resisted the police officers?Dennis Pryor: I never assaulted them. I just… when they pushed me to the ground and tried to handcuff me I simply fought back.A.D.A. Oliver Goldberg: If a police officer sees a man he believes to be a stranger in the neighborhood, and that man is strangely staring at houses for no apparent reason, is it your testimony that it’s unreasonable to ask that man his name?Dennis Pryor: It’s not reasonable to ask him simply because he’s black.A.D.A. Oliver Goldberg: If the man had been white, staring at the houses, it would be okay to ask his name?Dennis Pryor: If he would have been white, he wouldn’t have been asked. That’s my point.Dennis, Chelina and Alan are in a room at courthouse.Dennis Pryor: Plead guilty?Chelina Hall: They’ve offered probation.Dennis Pryor: You’re asking me to plead guilty?Alan Shore: Mr. Pryor, your testimony went well. But let’s not kid ourselves, under the law, police can constitutionally require identification. Without probable cause. Without reasonable suspicion.Dennis Pryor: How can that be?Alan Shore: Because the public wants to feel safe. And people, especially the white ones, don’t want the black ones staring at their homes. Now, we can keep fighting here, but you must know the law does not support us.Dennis Pryor: I wanna fight.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Denny is in his office, feet up, having a drink. Alan comes in.Denny Crane: How’s it looking?Alan Shore: Not good, Denny.Denny Crane: Oh.Alan Shore: Aside from the case at hand, we’ve got your rather colorful history of shooting people. There was the man in the office last year.Denny Crane: He took you hostage.Alan Shore: Paintball incident.Denny Crane: He threw a rock at me.Alan Shore: Your own client.Denny Crane: In the knee.Alan Shore: It simply won’t be a big leap for a jury to think you’d happily plug your therapist.Denny Crane: I know. I know. It’s different. This time I shot a human being. A real human being.Alan Shore: The others weren’t?Denny Crane: Well, the two were criminals and the other was homeless, but Sidney is real. He pays taxes, he lives, he breathes, he’s a Republican. We’re just so desensitized to guns, I… I… you know, I don’t like to… I just like to... but this… I laughed when I heard that the Vice President mistook his friend for a bird. I actually laughed.Alan Shore: You were the only one.Denny Crane: But to see it for real. I still can’t shake the image of Sydney going down. I , I never thought I’d say this, but I can’t bring myself to so much as look at a gun.Alan Shore: Denny.Denny Crane: The way he fell, I thought he was dead. Gone. Now I’m gone.Alan Shore: It’s not over yet, Denny.Denny Crane: Alan, so help me God, if you ever catch me looking at a gun again… He sighs.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Chelina is sitting on the couch in Alan’s office. Barefeet up, she is pensively looking out the window. Alan comes in.Alan Shore: How we doing? She throws her legal pad on the coffee table. The pages are blank. A list of everything you love about me.Chelina Hall: That’s my closing. What do I say? The police can legally require an ID, he resisted arrest. Under the law he’s guilty. What am I supposed to do? Ask that the jury disregard the law?Alan Shore: You need to have faith in them, Chelina. You need to remember these are people of conscience, of compassion. You need to remember they’re too stupid to get off jury duty.Chelina Hall: I am not that cynical.Alan Shore: I know you’re not. He sits down next to her on the couch. Shirley Schmidt, she assigned me to a case recently, to close. She felt I had a certain capacity to see the darkness in people’s hearts. One of the reasons I wanted you on this case, among other reasons, I think you have a capacity to tapinto what is fundamentally decent about people. I believe... He leans towards her. ...if you call on this jury to do what is right, morally right… if not legally, He places his hand behind her on the back of the couch. … they will follow.Melissa passes by an interior office window and sees them silently looking at each other.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Denise is in her office at her desk. Brad comes in.Brad Chase: So what pointers do you have? Specifically? Denise looks up. I have another date.Denise Bauer: Same girl?Brad Chase: Different. Denise nods. The few, the proud, the brave, lawyer package. I get dates all right, but I need you to tell me how to kiss.Denise Bauer: Okay. Uhm. First of all, the stick it in and swish it around thing, it’s not supposed to be like cleaning your toilet.Brad Chase: Nice.Denise Bauer: There needs to be a certain… gentility about it. I think you might be too aggressive.Brad Chase: Okay.Denise Bauer:She gets up and walks toward him. Also, what part of your tongue is making contact with hers?Brad Chase: What do you mean?Denise Bauer: I mean what part of your tongue is connecting with hers?Brad Chase: The tip. What else?Denise Bauer: Oh.Brad Chase: Why?Denise Bauer: Well, this part here? She points at the center of her tongue. Huh? That part is the most sensitive. You don’t eat food with the tip and this part… She points at her tongue again. …is the most sensual.Brad Chase: Well, how do people connect with that part without slobbering?Denise Bauer: They just… uh, okay, could I please show you clinically?Brad Chase: What do you mean?Denise Bauer: I mean, Brad, that I’m a double black diamond kisser, and I’m also incredibly busy, so could I just please just quickly show you?Brad Chase: Well, I guess.Denise Bauer: Okay. They kiss. Okay. Okay. Relax. The tongue isn’t supposed to get hard. I think that, that could be your problem. He nods, she nods. Okay. They kiss again. Longer and deeper this time. Okay, better. Definitely better, but tone down the swishing, and uhm, I feel like you’re blocking my tongue from going into your mouth.Brad Chase: Yeah, I don’t like that.Denise Bauer: What?Brad Chase: I don’t like it when a woman’s tongue goes in my mouth.Denise Bauer: Uhm, Brad, that’s the whole idea. Yours in hers and hers comes into…Brad Chase: Well, I just prefer that everything takes place in her mouth.Denise Bauer: Why?Brad Chase: Because I do.Denise Bauer: Brad! This is why you are the worst kisser in the history of the planet. So, drop the Homeland Security and let the girl’s tongue in. He sighs. Relax. Code yellow.They kiss Even longer and deeper.Brad Chase: Wow.Denise Bauer: Wow! Definitely, no questions asked, wow.Brad Chase: Let’s try it again.They kiss.Denise Bauer:She moans. Um You’re a, you’re a real quick study. She moves away. Wow! She sighs and chuckles.Brad Chase: Uh, let’s put it together. You and me. Me and you.Denise Bauer: I, uh, I don’t… think that… He moves in to kiss her. She removes his hand from her back. Whoa, whoa whoa. This lesson does not include hands. She moves away. Walks over to lock the door. Then comes back for more kisses. Much deeper, much longer and including hands.In Judge Robert Sanders’s courtroom Dr Sydney Fields is being sworn in.Clerk: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God?。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第20集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalChitty Chitty Bang BangSeason 2, Episode 20Written by David E. Kelly2006 David E. Kelly Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: March 21, 2006Transcribed by Imamess for [version: March 26, 2006]At Crane, Poole and Schmidt, Shirley Schmidt is in her office reviewing paper work with her client, Clifford Cabot.Shirley Schmidt: … And as a concession for keeping the cottage in Cape May, you’re willing to give up the house in Great Barrington?Clifford Cabot: And the antique pewter—valued at over seventy thousand dollars.Shirley Schmidt: A considerable gesture of goodwill on your part.Clifford Cabot: However, there’s something that Natalie is determined to get her hands on and I simply can’t permit it. A beat. My Victorian Erotica collection.Shirley Schmidt: Vict… what?Clifford Cabot: Victorian Erotica. As I’m sure you’re aware, much like today, the late eighteen hundreds were a socially conservative time. During repressive eras…Shirley Schmidt: Pornography thrives.Clifford Cabot:Correcting her. We prefer ‘erotica.’ She's in possession of my premiere collection of Victorian erotica in the western hemisphere. I intend for it to be my legacy to the world.Shirley Schmidt: Uhm, just so I’m clear, we're talking about literature, photos…?Clifford Cabot: ... And machinery.Shirley Schmidt: Machinery?Clifford Cabot: The Victorian era was the height of the industrial age. Whenever new technology arrives, its first use is erotica.Shirley Schmidt: Much like the internet and…Clifford Cabot: … Internet porn.Shirley Schmidt:Correcting him. Erotica.Clifford Cabot: No, that stuff’s just porn.Shirley Schmidt: Uhm, Clifford, was any of this ‘erotica’ acquired during your marriage?Clifford Cabot: Hm. All of it, actually.Shirley Schmidt: Well then, legally Natalie is entitled to a significant portion of the collection.Clifford Cabot: Shirley. My family’s money and affairs have been connected to this firm since you opened your doors. I want my collection.Natalie Cabot:She enters with a head of steam. You’ll never get it, Clifford.Shirley Schmidt: And you must be Natalie...Ivan Tiggs enters with a great big smile.Ivan Tiggs: Shirl.Shirley Schmidt:Floored. Ivan?!Ivan Tiggs: You don’t normally practice family law. What are you doing on a divorce case?Shirley Schmidt: Professor Cabot’s estate has strong ties to the firm. He wanted me. And you?Ivan Tiggs: I wanted you.Shirley Schmidt:To Clifford and Natalie. As a matter of full disclosure, Mr Tiggs and I were once married – many years ago – and could conceivably present a conflict of interest. Either one or both of you would be advised to request change of counsel.Natalie Cabot: I’m not giving up my attorney.Shirley looks to Clifford, who shakes his head, “no.”Ivan Tiggs: No, takers? Great. Shall we?The meeting continues. Clifford and Natalie are in the middle of a heated debate as Shirley and Ivan attempt to mediate.Clifford Cabot: You don’t wanna tear apart a collection! Thatss why it’s called a collection!Natalie Cabot: If you spent a little less time with the collection, we might not be here dividing it up now. Ivan Tiggs: People!Clifford Cabot: Before you met me you’d never even heard of ‘The Lusty Turk.”Shirley Schmidt: Clifford…Natalie Cabot: If not for me, “Two Circus Virgins” would be hanging over someone else’s fireplace. Shirley Schmidt:A warning. Natalie! Clifford! If neither of you can budge on this, then we will end up in court and a judge will decide your collection’s future.Clifford Cabot: Fine.Shirley Schmidt: Now, why don’t we break and see if we can come up with a better resolution tomorrow. Natalie Cabot: That’s fine.Ivan Tiggs:To Natalie. I’ll be right down.Shirley Schmidt:To Clifford. I’ll call you.Natalie and Clifford leave. Through different doors.Ivan Tiggs: Ha, ha. I thought they’d never leave.Shirley Schmidt: So? How is the Mrs, Missy?Ivan Tiggs: Ha. The honeymoon was exceptional.Shirley Schmidt: ???Ivan Tiggs: An atrociously dull island. Nothing to do but have sex all day and night. By the way, Shirley, I’m having an affair.Shirley Schmidt: Ha. Ivan! You do not disappoint! You’ve been married four weeks.Ivan Tiggs: Seemed like five.Shirley Schmidt: And who are you having the affair with?Ivan Tiggs: You.Shirley Schmidt:A beat. Well! So far it hasn’t been very good for me.Ivan Tiggs: I’m not sure if you follow the morning network news shows, but I caught a couple on the island, and according to the experts, one doesn’t have to actually have a physical relationship to be considered a cheater.Shirley Schmidt: No kidding?Ivan Tiggs: No kidding. If our friendship, let’s just call it that, is deeper that my primary relationship then technically I’m emotionally cheating on my wife. That’s what Katie and Matt say, and they both have such trusting faces.Shirley Schmidt: Besides humor you, what can I do?Ivan Tiggs: Admit you’re having an emotional affair with me. Consider making it physical since, after all, we’re already halfway there. And let’s call it a dayShirley Schmidt: I have a better idea, and I’m sure it’s something Katie and Matt came up with as well. Go home to your wife, Ivan.Ivan Tiggs: Are you breaking up with me?Shirley Schmidt: Go home to your wife.Ivan Tiggs:A beat. He turns to pick up his briefcase. Shirley, you know I don’t play fair. It’s one of the many reasons you love me.In an Assisted Living Home it is dark and quiet, after lights out in the facility. A nurse appears around the corner and a door opens slightly revealing CatherinePiper. She quietly closes the door until the nurse has moved on. The door opens again, Catherine comes out, she motions Adele Freeman forward who follows in a small electric cart. Catherine stealthily walks next to her, carrying her suitcase down the hall.Adele Freeman:Whispers. Did you pack my Jean Nate?Catherine Piper:Whispers. Yes, I packed your Jean Nate.Adele Freeman: What about my nighttime eye patches? I can’t sleep without my nighttime eye patches. They continue stealthily down the hall.They are now both completely on edge and moving toward the lobby. They see the exit up ahead, Adele’s freedom, when out of nowhere an attendant casually walks by.Attendant: Evening, Adele.Adele and Catherine freeze. Then both panic.Catherine Piper: Step on it.They make a break for it. Unfortunately the cart only goes on mile per hour and they are both easily stopped by the attendant.Attendant: Whoa, whoa, whoa. He steps in front of the cart. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait!The manager hears the commotion and comes running.Manager:Frustrated. Mrs Piper! I have warned you before about this. You leave me no other choice. To attendant. Call Boston P.D. I want her arrested for kidnapping.Catherine Piper: Oh, before you do that, dear, could you do one thing?Manager: What?Catherine Piper: Call Alan Shore. He’s in the book.In the multi-purpose room of the Assisted Living Home Alan Shore is with Catherine and Adele, who, in her electric cart, is idly shuffling some cards.Alan Shore: Why did you try to kidnap this woman?Adele Freeman: She wasn’t kidnapping me, she was helping me escape!Alan Shore: Ha! He helplessly shakes his head. Oh Go…Catherine Piper: Alan. A crime is being committed here. Adele is being held prisoner.Alan Shore:He looks to Adele. A beat. Go on.Catherine Piper: Adele’s been in the hospital suffering from depression. Her son died recently and it really devastated her. Last week they took her out of the hospital and they brought here to this so-called Assisted Living center. They put her on antidepressants. She started feeling better and she asked when she could go home. That’s when she found out the court had assigned a conservator to be in charge of her estate. Donald Wharton, a man she’d never even heard of!Adele Freeman: He has my power of attorney, he has control of my bank accounts, my property, he, he’s selling off my assets. And he’s spending all my money without my permission! She is distressed.A beat.Alan Shore: Adele. Do you have any family?Adele Freeman: Not since my son passed away.Alan Shore: Catherine? If you knew this injustice was being done to Adele, why didn’t you call simply me before you attempted to kidnap her?Catherine Piper: Well, dear, you’d helped me out on those two convenience store robberies, not to mention the murder! I didn’t wanna think I was becoming a bother.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Alan and Denise are in the kitchen preparing their lunch.Denise Bauer: So? One has only to fill out a few forms, and is then fully licensed by the State?Alan Shore: It’s that easy. Now! Many conservators are perfectly qualified, but the lesser ones are akin to the jackal. They sniff around hospital corridors hunting for senior citizens with no family ties. When they corner one the conservator goes before a judge with an emergency motion, the judge, overburdened with caseloads quickly grants them a Power of Attorney, and suddenly they sink their teeth into that senior’s life. They seize their assets; strip away all their decision making powers, then run up charges feeding off the estates until the bones have been picked clean.Denise Bauer: Well, aren’t people grand. Alan? What are you eating?Alan Shore: Jamaican ackee. Tastes like scrambled eggs if you cook it.He offers her some.Denise Bauer: No thanks. How do you want to proceed with Adele’s conservator?Alan Shore: Mr Wharton? A visit to his den would be a good start.He offers her some Jamaican ackee again.Denise Bauer: Hm. Why not.She takes a small piece on her spoon.Alan Shore: Avoid the pink parts, they’ve been known to cause vomiting or…death.She puts it back. Puts down her spoon, takes a clean one from the drawer and goes back to eating her sliced bananas.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Brad, Denny, Shirley and several others are about to start the partnership meeting.Shirley Schmidt: The first thing we should talk about is Paul Lewiston.Denny Crane: Well, let’s wait until he gets here.Shirley Schmidt: Well, that’s the point. He’s not getting here.Brad Chase: His schedule has been a bit shaky since he’s taken custody of his granddaughter.Denny Crane: Granddaughter?Shirley Schmidt: Fiona. His daughter, Rachel is…Denny Crane: Oh. Right, right. The druggie.Brad Chase: She’s not a druggie. She has an addiction for which she’s receiving treatment.Denny Crane: We don’t need Paul. The hell with it. I’ll take care of this. What’s on his plate?Shirley Schmidt: Uh, to start with Paul has final interviews for summer associate candidate.Denny Crane: Boring! Next.Shirley Schmidt: Uh, it’s almost the first of the month; someone needs to meet with the building manager. Brad Chase: I’ll take that.Shirley Schmidt: And Sam Wolfson wanted some time this week.Denny Crane: Oh! Sam and I go way back. I’ll cover Sam. Well, folks! There you are. See? Problems solved! Denny Crane. Hands on management. A beat. He notices Paul’s empty chair. Where’s Paul? Shirley Schmidt: Oh dear God.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Paul is in his office packing his briefcase.Paul Lewiston: My absence at this morning’s partnership meeting was unavoidable. I had to take Fiona to the pediatrician.Shirley Schmidt: Perfectly understandable, Paul. We’re just curious when you’ll be returning to work full time.Paul Lewiston:He sighs. Shirley, I have recently become the single parent to a three-year-old child who had no one but me to depend on.Shirley Schmidt: I know it’s hard.Paul Lewiston: No, it’s not about being hard. It’s that my priorities are different now and suddenly this firm doesn’t seem so important.Denny Crane:He comes in. Denny Crane! Master of the house.Paul Lewiston: Hello, Denny! How are things?Denny Crane: Couldn’t be better. Paul. I heard about your druggie daughter. I’ve got things under control now. Why don’t you take the time you need.Paul Lewiston: Thank you. I intend to. He leaves. Shirley?Shirley Schmidt: Druggie daughter?!Denny Crane: What?At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Brad is in his office going over a checklist with the building manager, Mr Kahanov.Brad Chase: We covered the increased security at the front desk and you’re going to repair the water damage on the fourteenth floor.Kahanov: Da. I take care of Friday, if good?Brad Chase: Very good. He gets up and starts to put on his jacket. That went smoothly! So I guess I’ll see you next month?A beat.Kahanov: So?Brad stands but Kahanov doesn’t. Brad senses they’re not done. Kahanov opens his arms and smiles at Brad. Brad smiles back and mirrors his gesture. Kahanov clasps his hands together. Brad follows suit.Brad Chase: I’m forgetting something.Kahanov: Ya.Brad Chase: Right. Here’s the thing, I don’t know what it is I’m forgetting.Kahanov: Mm… envelope.Brad Chase: He gets it and sits back down. Are you asking me for a bribe?Kahanov: No, no, no, no, no, no…A beat. Brad takes out his wallet, pulls out a sizeable wad of money and hands it to Kahanov, who inspects it, disappointed.Kahanov:He gets up to leave. Under his breath. Cretins.Kahanov walks out.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Shirley is in her office. Denny comes in.Denny Crane: So? Are you gonna tell me?Shirley Schmidt:She pulls down her glasses and looks at his… at his... at him down there. Yes. You’re zipped!Denny Crane: That’s not what I meant.Shirley Schmidt: Denny? Do you mind?Denny Crane: Shirley. You’re my girl. I rarely look at people’s faces, other than my own, but your pallor is telling me something. He sits down. Man trouble?Shirley Schmidt: It’s Ivan. He won’t stop until he gets what he wants. Right now, what he wants is me, and for once I don’t trust myself with him.Denny Crane: So. Why not have an affair with him and get it over with?Shirley Schmidt: And what about his sweet young wife? Not to mention my own morals.Denny Crane: Ha, ha. Moral! Invented by the power elite to keep the hoy-peloy from enjoying themselves. As for the wife, either she won’t find out and you’ll be fine, or she will and she’ll learn. If he’s gonna have an affair with someone, why not be part of the fun?Shirley Schmidt: Maybe you should write fortune cookies.Denny Crane: And… maybe you should fantasize about him with someone else.Shirley Schmidt: Good bye, Denny.Denny Crane: Was that too subtle? I meant me!At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Alan is in his office. In the corridor Catherine bumps Adele’s chair against some office equipment.Catherine Piper: Wait out here, Adele! I’ll just be a minute!She walks into Alan’s office.Alan Shore:He had noticed the ruckus. Catherine! To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?Catherine Piper: I heard you were gonna see Wharton today.Alan Shore: I’m on my way.Catherine Piper: I just wanna warn you; don’t be fooled by his silly cherubic face. I mean, he fools judges! He fools hospital administrators. Anyone he needs to so he can get his hands on folk like Adele and her pocketbook. He’s a bad man, Alan.Alan Shore: I’m hardly ever fooled.Catherine Piper: Oh! Come on! The first time you met me I’m sure you had no idea I’d be capable of killing a man with a frying pan.Alan Shore: Catherine, when I met you, I was sure you could accomplish anything you set your mind to, and you’ve yet to disappoint.Catherine Piper: Just so you know, I’ve asked Jesus not to forgive him.Alan Shore: I think Adele has a very good friend.Catherine Piper: Oh! Adele and I are old. If we don’t stick up for each other, who will?Alan Shore:They walk out of the office. Hello Adele!At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Shirley is in her office with Clifford.Shirley Schmidt: Clifford, regarding the collection. When one is faced with a daunting loss, one tries to hold tightly to something tangible. As your attorney and as someone who has been there, divorce can play some very nasty tricks on your psyche.Clifford Cabot: So you’re asking, is it conceivable I can’t let Natalie go?Shirley Schmidt: I’m putting it out there as a possibility.Clifford Cabot: Given the fact she’d rather spend more time chairing the Women’s Studies Department than be with me and that she’s the one that asked for the divorce?Shirley Schmidt: Something like that.Clifford Cabot: The answer is still no. Shirley, this is my vision. It’s not just some collection of smut. It’s an actual window into our history. A look at how we perceive ourselves and our society through a lens of our most primary urges. I even had this artist’s rendering done for a museum I’d like to start.He pulls out a postcard size poster. Shirley looks it over.Shirley Schmidt:Reading. “Professor Clifford Cabot’s Cabinet of Sexual Curiosities.”Shirley gives him a look.Clifford Cabot: Now, that’s just to get them to the door.Shirley Schmidt: Ha. I’m beginning to get the idea. And I think a judge might as well. However, I still feel if you don’t give a little, you’ll stand to lose a lot.In Donald Wharton’s home he shows Alan and Denise into his well-lived-in living room.Donald Wharton: Sorry about the mess. It’s been busy lately.Alan Shore: I can imagine. Oh look! Denise. When’s the last time you saw a TV tray? Suddenly I feel like watching Bonanza.Donald Wharton: So. You wanna talk about Adele?Denise Bauer: Yes. Adele tells us that you have moved her into an Assisted Living facility, and are selling off her assets.Donald Wharton: Well, it’s the only way to pay for the place. They’re so damn expensive.Alan Shore: Someone should look into that.Denise Bauer: An alternative would be to take her out of the facility and move her back home. Just a thought.Donald Wharton: Oh. I know Adele does not wanna be there. She’s fighting me on that one.Alan Shore: Mr Wharton, we’ve met with Adele. And while she may have had trouble when she first arrived at the hospital, she’s since recovered and is ready to move on with her life.Denise Bauer: And as her attorneys we’d like to help you move on with certain things as well. She hands him some papers. We’ve gotten rid of the trouble of court nonsense, notary public, standing in line at the post office, you have only to sign this release and we will relieve you of one of the burdens of your already overburdened workload.Donald Wharton: Ha. She got to you, didn’t she?Denise Bauer: I beg your pardon?Donald Wharton: Adele. She’s very good with strangers. Adele has clinical depression. You probably saw her on a good day. She had bouts of forgetfulness, poor judgment, difficulty concentrating. If I were to let her go? As an appointee of the court, and more importantly as one of the only people who cares about her, I would be completely remiss.He hands the papers back.Alan Shore: A beat. Mr Wharton, what color are Adele’s eyes?Donald Wharton: Ahhh, blue.Alan Shore: They’re brown. What was her son’s name. A beat as Donald tries to think. Jonathan. Mr Wharton, as someone who cares about Adele and is supposed to be caring for Adele, you seem to be very forgetful yourself. Please don’t forget your court date.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Denny is in his office, snoozing. Shirley comes to the door. She is out of breath.Shirley Schmidt: Denny?Denny Crane:He wakes up. You’re panting!Shirley Schmidt: Yes.Denny Crane: Because of me?Shirley Schmidt: Because of you.Denny Crane:All smiles. Lock the door.Shirley Schmidt: Because of you, Paul didn’t keep his meeting with the building manager, and Brad stiffed him. Now we don’t have elevator service before seven AM and I had to walk up fourteen flights of stairs. Didn’t you?Denny Crane: I climb the stairs every morning. The elevator is for democrats. Lock the door. My nipple’s hard.Shirley Schmidt: While I appreciate the update on your vestigial teat, you’re not horny, you’re freezing. Apparently the heat doesn’t go on in the building before seven AM because Paul didn’t keep his special agreement with the building.Denny Crane: You’re not gonna close the door, are you? Shirley Schmidt: Denny, you’ve gotta convince Paul to stay.Denny Crane: Me? Never happen.Shirley Schmidt: The reason you, me, Alan and the rest of us get to go to court and yell, “Objection!” and sue people and make witnesses cry is, Paul! Paul makes the elevators run! He supervises the associates! He double-checks the billables!Denny Crane: Well, let me tell you Shirley, what makes this place run. Money! And I bring it in.Shirley Schmidt: You bring it in, Denny. But Paul puts it to work.Denny Crane: Shirley, a supermarket doesn’t close ‘cause the cashier quit.Shirley Schmidt: Yes it does, Denny. Otherwise people would just walk out with the food.She walks out. In the corridor Ivan catches up with her.Ivan Tiggs: Good news! My client, in the spirit of cooperation, has made, what I consider, an amicable and generous offer.They are in the conference room with Clifford.Ivan Tiggs: Natalie, is willing to give up the entire erotica collection, books, magazines, paintings, photos... Clifford lets out a big sigh of relief. Shirley remains guarded. A collection which includes five first edition copies of ‘The Pearl.’Shirley Schmidt: Which I’m guessing is not a biography of Earl Monroe.Ivan Tiggs: Hardly. The full title is ‘The Pearl - A Journal of Facetaie, Voluptous Reading.’Clifford Cabot: It was first published in London by the Society of Vice in 1879. The original unbound periodicals are exceedingly rare.Ivan Tiggs: They alone are worth more than the entire rest of the collection put together. So we understand what we’re talking about, perhaps I could read a passage.Shirley Schmidt: Ivan, that won’t ...Ivan lauches in, directing his words straight toward Shirley. Eventually, it’s as if Clifford weren’t in the room.Ivan Tiggs: “I poured into her ears a tale of burning love. Finding that she made no resistance, I pressed her to my bosom. I undressed her ‘til she stood in perfect nudity. I led her to the bedside, she lay back, I sank to my knees and then with eagerness and tenderness I…” Well, you get the idea.Shirley Schmidt: As cheesy as that was, I do.Ivan Tiggs: Well, that being said, Natalie is willing to give up the collection except for one small item that she currently has in her possession.Clifford Cabot:Suspicious. Which item?Ivan Tiggs: Something called ‘The Hysteria Machine.’Shirley Schmidt: The Hysteria Machine?Clifford Cabot: That harridan!Shirley Schmidt: What the hell is The Hysteria Machine?Clifford Cabot:Overriding. The premiere piece of the entire collection! Why didn’t I see this coming? Forget the house, forget the pewter, she wants to play dirty? So be it!Shirley Schmidt: Ivan? We’re going to court.Ivan Tiggs:With a smile. Sounds like a date.In is Judge Isabel Hernandez’s courtroom.Alan Shore: Your Honor, since he became Mrs Freeman’s conservator, Mr Wharton has placed Mrs Freeman in a convalescent home against her will, has taken control of all her credit cards, he has charged exurbanite fees to the estate. To pay her ninety dollar electric bill he charged the estate a hundred and fifty dollars. He charged a hundred and seventy dollars to bring her less than fifty dollars worth of groceries.Donald Wharton: Your Honor, these are legitimate expenses. The truth is if everyone did their job, helped out with their family, their friends, their neighbors, it would render my job unnecessary. But we don’t! We as a society don’t like to take care of the old and the weak. It’s a difficult, heart-wrenching affair. Well, I stood up and am doing it. I have an affidavit from the admitting nursing at the hospital where Adele was first taken. She says Adele was confused, disoriented and apparently hadn’t eaten in several days.Alan Shore: A state any of us might be in after the death of our last surviving family member. I have an affidavit from the Cottonwood Assisted Living home which states: Ms Freeman is lucid and rational. Donald Wharton: She’s lucid because she’s well taken care of!Judge Isabel Hernandez: Mr Wharton makes a point. Mrs Freeman is eighty-three and has no family. What if she goes off her medication? Suppose she takes a fall?Alan Shore: Your Honor, if that’s a concern I can arrange for her to live with a friend.Catherine waves to the judge.Judge Isabel Hernandez: A friend, especially a mature friend is not the same as a family member or legal conservator.Alan Shore: Your Honor…Judge Isabel Hernandez: I’ve heard enough from both sides. I’m assigning a court appointed psychiatrist to examine you, Mrs Freeman. Until I have evidence that you are entirely self-sufficient you will remain a ward of Mr Wharton. We will reconvene in six weeks after the examination.Alan Shore: Six weeks? Your Honor, for Mrs Freeman that is a lifetime.Judge Isabel Hernandez: And in the court system it’s practically the speed of light. We’re adjourned.In Judge Leslie Bishop’s courtroom Ivan and Natalie are at their table. Shirley directs Clifford who stands in front of a table, upon which sits the hysteria machine. It is the size of an old-fashioned sewing machine, has pulleys, gears, levers, spouts, a small steam engine, and a small protruding piece of metal. Clifford has just started the machine.Clifford Cabot: It was actually used as a medical device. During the Victorian era, there was an inability or unwillingness of society to comprehend female sexual desire and so this desire was misinterpreted as an “illness.”Judge Leslie Bishop:re machine. It doesn’t seem to be working.Clifford Cabot: Well, it takes a minute or two to get its steam up.Shirley Schmidt: In the meantime, Professor Cabot, could you tell us how the Hysteria Machine works? Clifford Cabot: Women frequently complained of symptoms such as nervousness, heaviness in the abdomen, vaginal lubrication, insomnia, and so on. Doctors referred to these symptoms as “hysteria,” but of course they were actually signs of sexual arousal. Before the invention of this machine a doctor would ‘massage’ a woman until she reached a climactic “paroxysm,” as they called it.Ivan Tiggs:Sotto, to Shirley. I should’ve listened to my mother. She always wanted me to be a doctor. Shirley Schmidt:She ignores Ivan. And how did this machine come into being?Clifford Cabot: A doctor invented it because; well… his arms got tired.The hysteria machine beings to work… it makes noise like “chitty chitty bang bang.” Ah! The steam is up and it’s ready to go.Clifford turns a nob, flips a switch, and it begins to work. Judge Leslie Bishop leans over the bench to get a better look.Judge Leslie Bishop: Oh my God.Clifford Cabot:Beaming. Amazing. Isn’t it? Of course, I haven’t even put on the attachments on yet, which go right there. He opens an antique case, and shows the attachments to the judge. (We, of course, can’t see them.)Judge Leslie Bishop: Oh my God!Clifford Cabot: It’s the only working one of its kind in the world. It’s unique, invaluable, and irreplaceable! Glaring at Natalie.The little machine is making an quite a racket now… Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!Judge Leslie Bishop: Would you shut it off, please?Clifford shuts the machine off, but it continues to make noise. Judge Leslie Bishop looks at him. Clifford Cabot: Sorry, Your Honor, a steam engines doesn’t just shut off right away.Outside the courtroom Alan walks up to Donald Wharton.Alan Shore: Mr Wharton, unfortunately what may seem like a small victory is really just postponing the inevitable. We will prevail and since I know you’re anxious to get home and rake your shag carpet, why don’t you just let this one go?Donald Wharton: Well, mostly because I’m mad. And for Adele’s sake I’m willing to stay in this for the long haul. I’ll hire my own high-price attorney’s at five hundred dollars an hour. And you know where that money comes from don’t you? Adele’s bank account. That’s what it’s there for. To insure the well-being of my client. But don’t worry, I’ll eventually stop battling you. Once all the money’s run out.In Judge Leslie Bishop’s courtroom the little machine is winding down. The steam dies down, stopping all the hissing sounds and motions.Shirley Schmidt: Professor Cabot, don’t you intend eventually to donate this collection, including the hysteria machine, to a museum? A place where everyone could… get some pleasure from it?Ivan Tiggs: Objection, Your Honor! Leading the witness.Judge Leslie Bishop: Sustained. The witness will not answer, but I got the point anyway. Please, take a seat. Then. It seems to me that Professor Clifford Cabot’s motivation for wanting the machine would serve a greater good than your more localized motivations. I’m inclined to award the machine to Professor Clifford Cabot. Bring it and an inventory of the rest of the collection into court this afternoon and then I’ll decide who gets what.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt Alan is in his office. Catherine marches in. She is followed by Adele in her cart.Catherine Piper: Alan? He’s selling her house!She helps Adele move a laptop computer from Adele’s lap to Alan’s desk.Adele Freeman: That’s my living room. My son, Jonathan’s bedroom. My kitchen. My bathrooms. My house is a charming three bedroom, ‘with potential’.Denise Bauer:She comes in. What’s going on?Alan Shore: Mr Wharton is even more rancid than I had imagined. He’s attempting to sell Adele’s home. Denise Bauer: Apparently this isn’t the first time Mr Wharton has done this. According to a title search he has sold eleven houses belonging to his wards. And get this: the house he’s living in right now belonged to another one of his wards who happened to pass away, in her sleep.。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第17集剧本(英语)
Boston Legal… There’s Fire!Season 2, Episode 17Written by David E. Kelley2005 David E. Kelly Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: February 28, 2006Transcribed by ImamessDenny Crane is in front of a mirror trying to tie his bow tie. Unsuccessfully.Denny Crane: Ah! Frustrated. Alan! Help me with my tie.Alan Shore: Certainly. Facing Denny he attempts to tie the tie. I can’t do it this way, turn around. He reaches from behind, and as he’s looking in the mirror, he ties Denny’s tie.Denny Crane: Ahhh. I wish you and I were getting married. That’s you and I. Both of us. To others. I’m not gay.Alan Shore: I heard you the first Freudian slip.Denny Crane: Well, Alan, I, I don’t wanna leave you.Alan Shore: No doubt there’ll be some adjusting. But you’re not losing an Alan, you’re gaining a Bev. The girl of your recent dreams.Denny Crane: Alan, you’re my best friend. If you want you can dream about her too.Alan Shore: Denny, you’re generous to a fault. There you are.Denny Crane: Well! Denny Crane. Getting hitched.Alan Shore: Indeed.We see, but don’t hear Denny and Beverly Bridge say, “I do.” Denny places a ring on Bev’s finger. They kiss.Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! Would you please rise and welcome, for the first time as husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Denny Crane!Everbody applauds as Denny and Bev come out to the dance floor and start dancing.Shirley Schmidt: White roses, gold-leafed cake, Bev’s boobs swimming out of her wedding dress.Brad Chase: Who said money can’t buy tastelessness?Alan Shore: I think Bev and Denny did a lovely job.Paul Lewiston: Eleven marriages between the two of them, they’ve had plenty of practice.Denise Bauer: Will you listen to you people? Can we not, for just one moment, appreciate the simplicity and timelessness of two souls in love?The entire crowd is horrified to see Denny and Bev grabbing each other’s asses, grinding into one another as though the rest of the world didn’t exist.Wedding reception – later that evening. The band plays as people mingle and dance. Horsd’ouvers are passed around. Alan steps up beside Paul Lewiston.Alan Shore: Congratulations. I saw you were the lucky one who caught Bev’s garter.Paul Lewiston: Yes. I’m going for a full battery of tests first thing in the morning.Denny and Bev are cooing at one another.Denny Crane: I love you.Beverly Bridge: I love you more.Denny Crane: I love you more more.Yes, it’s sickening. Troy, thirty, well-groomed and officious, approaches Denny and Bev.Troy: Mainlander!Beverly Bridge: Oh, my angel. Denny, this my dear friend, Troy.Denny Crane:Friendly, shakes. Troy.Troy: Denny, Mahalo, and congrats.Denny Crane: Thank you.Beverly Bridge: Troy lives on the Big Island.Denny Crane:: Oh yeah? We’ll have to come and look you up! On our honeymoon. If there’s time. Troy: Oh, excellent, excellent. I’ve got some new listings you two are going to fall for.Denny has a curious look.Beverly Bridge: Ah, Troy’s a Realtor. He’s been keeping an eye out on houses for us.Denny Crane:Surprised. I didn’t know we were in the market for a second home.Beverly Bridge: Oh, ho, ho. Actually, Darling, when you see the Kona Coast, you may even be thinking of first homes.Denny Crane:Good natured. What am I supposed to do, beam myself to Boston every morning? Denny gives a friendly chuckle at his own joke, but something’s amiss here.Beverly Bridge: Would you excuse us, Troy? Thank you. She escorts Denny to a more private area. Now, Honey, I just want you to humor me and my wild notions. I wanna to put this thought in your head. And it’s only a thought, that’s all, but, now that we’re starting this new chapter in our lives, what do you say we really… do it?Denny Crane: Retire?Beverly Bridge: No, that’s an old person’s word. I’m talking about new beginnings.Denny Crane: But Bev, you know I’m the rainmaker at the firm. My clients wanna to know that Denny Crane is taking care of their business.Beverly Bridge: And Bev wants to know that Denny Crane is taking care of… well, Denny Crane. And we have lots of time for these thoughts. Tonight’s all fun and games. Right?Bev kisses Denny and moves off, leaving Denny with an odd, uneasy feeling. This night has taken a turn he’s not comfortable with. A female server approaches Denny. She’s carrying a tray of filled champagne glasses.Female server: Hi. Smiles, flirty. Nice night.Denny Crane:A beat, then. Suddenly it is.Bev walks up to Alan, Denise, Brad Chase, Shirley and Paul’s table in a restaurant.Beverly Bridge: Has anyone seen Denny? It’s time for our toast.Brad Chase: Oh, last time I saw him he was up near the Coat Check room.Bev chokes on her drink. Everybody is startled. They get up and walk over to the balcony which overlooks the Coat Check room. There is movement under one of the coats.Beverly Bridge: Denny?Denny Crane:He looks out from under the coat. Is it time to cut the cake. No sign of remorse in his voice.Brad, Shirley, Paul and Denny are in Denny’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Paul Lewiston: Of course, there is no prenup.Brad Chase: Actually, Denny signed one.Shirley Schmidt: He just neglected to get Bev to signed it..Denny Crane: I thought it was a lovely reception. I never got to the cake. It looked fantastic. Any of you try it? It was supposed to be marble with a little fudge…Paul Lewiston: Shut up! Just, shut up! While you sit here prattling about cake fillings, Bev has hired an army of lawyers to gut this firm.Shirley Schmidt: She won’t get far, Paul. It’s a straightforward annulment.Brad Chase: They were only married for three hours. Legally they never had the opportunity to consummate the marriage after the ceremony.Denny Crane: Oh yes, we did.Paul Lewiston: You had sex with another woman and your wife in the three hours you were married? Denny Crane: It was my special day. I had taken my little blue pill.Shirley Schmidt: No cure for cancer, but we got three pills for that!Brad Chase: Look there are other criteria for an annulment. Legally we can always say that Denny was not of sound mind.Paul Lewiston: That cannot become public knowledge. Despite the repeated shootings, the television appearances, people still believe Denny runs this firm.Denny Crane: I am one of those people.Shirley Schmidt: Bev’s attorney, Eli Granger, will be here in less than an hour, my suggestion for now is that we simply hear him out.Joan is out on the street smoking. She sees Alan coming out of the building.Joan Zeder: Alan, it’s awful.Alan Shore: Joan? What’s awful?Joan Zeder: My boss, Mr Lumis just fired me!Alan Shore: I’m sorry.Joan Zeder: You work so hard, you know. Eight years at friggin Escrow company.Alan Shore: Why’d he fire you?Joan Zeder: Well, one day, six week ago, he brings us all in for a staff meeting. And he says, “Due to the spiraling costs of health care insurance, all smokers have exactly six weeks to quit. At which point I’ll test their system for nicotine and if you fail the urine test. Then, you’ll be terminated.” Fired! Friggin health Nazi. You know, I got rent to pay. And of course, I tried to quit. You know, I wanted to! I did the patch and I did that little nicotine sucky thing, you know, but the more I imagined losing my job the more I panicked. And the more I panicked, the more I smoked. Now I’m up to three packs a day. And today was the day, he made me pee in a cup and then he fired me!Alan Shore: Well, unless that’s some kind of sex game with your lover, I find it appalling and we won’t let him do it.Joan Zeder: We won’t?Alan Shore: I’m off to court right now, but what floor is your office on? I’ll pay him a visit.Joan Zeder: The tenth. Just follow the evil stench of vitamins and celery.Alan Shore: Ha, ha, ha.Shirley, Paul, Brad, Denny and a paralegal come into the conference room where Eli Granger and his team are sitting around the table.Attornery Eli Granger: Ah! Good morning, everyone. I can see I didn’t bring enough silent flunkies to fill my side of the table. In a stage whisper to the paralegal. Double-shot espresso, skim milk, two sugars. Scoot.Shirley Schmidt:She stops the paralegal from leaving. Let’s start over. Eli, welcome to Crane, Poole and Schmidt, that’s my seat. Get out. To the paralegal. Please get Mr Granger a cup of coffee, skim milk, two sugars. Thank you. Now Eli. Besides telling you your fake tan is coming off on your collar, what can we do for you?Attornery Eli Granger: A parting of ways, marital dissolution. My client’s trauma is incalculable, and yet, look at me, I’ve calculated it.Paul Lewiston: To the point.Attornery Eli Granger: Mrs Crane gave up her career, a lucrative office furniture business to be a stay-at-home wife. She made irrevocable scarifies, and still as a generous offer, considering her pain, she is willing to take only fifty percent of Mr Crane’s assets.Paul Lewiston: What?Attornery Eli Granger: Including his equity in the firm here, of course.Brad Chase: They were married only three hours!Attornery Eli Granger: It would have lasted longer had Denny here not banged a cocktail waitress at his own wedding reception. We’re not here to judge. Hm. Though the state of Massachusetts is. And in cases like this we are a ‘fault’ state, and clearly Denny is at fault. And by the time Mrs Crane gets what’s her’s, who knows? Maybe I’ll have my name on the door here.Brad Chase: Do you smoke it or take it in the arm?Denny Crane: Brad. Mr Granger chuckles. There’ll be not divorce.Attornery Eli Granger: I beg your pardon?Denny Crane: Bev and I had an agreement. When we first got together she told me that I could sleep with whomever I wanted. Delmonico's Restaurant. January 14th. Happiest night of my life. So I had sex with another woman. Or a Navy Burberry. Not sure which. But the point is, she granted me the right to tomcat and I exercised that right. No divorce.Attornery Eli Granger: No reconciliation. We’re going to court. He and his team leave.Denny Crane: Every good marriage takes work.Kurt Lumis is in his office. Alan comes in.Kurt Lumis: Kurt Lumis.They shake hands.Alan Shore: Alan Shore. I’ve noticed you at the juice bar on the first floor. You always leave a penny, never take one. I admire that.Kurt Lumis: Ha. Thank you, Al. So! I guess you’re here to speak about Joan?Alan Shore: Yes, Kur, I am.Kurt Lumis: Well. Sorry to see her go, but rules are the rules, you break em, you gotta pay the price. Alan Shore: I’ve never heard our entire system of justice encapsulated so succinctly.Kurt Lumis: Ha, ha. Well, that’s me. Ha, ha.Alan Shore: However, instances arise where the rules themselves are unfair. This is one of those cases.Kurt Lumis: Nope. The no smoking rule is as right as the Bible. Good for the company, good for the employees. This is good. Period.Alan Shore: Well! And this may be in the Bible somewhere, you do have the right the forbid you employees from smoking at work, but why do you think you’re justified in telling anyone what they may or may not do on their own time?Kurt Lumis: Because it’s good for them. And my lawyer told me I could. Guy just like you. You see, everyone here is what you call an ‘at will’ employee. And like most workers in this country, they can be fired for anything. Anytime. Anyplace. Anyway. You see, Al. I used to coach football.Alan Shore: I never would have guessed.Kurt Lumis: It’s like I used to tell my players. There are two ways to do things. My way and the wrong way. Joan did things the wrong way so I cut her from the squad.Alan Shore: I have a similar bit of wisdom I like to share. We can do this my way or another way that will have you writing a very large check and crying like a baby.Kurt Lumis: Are you threatening me, Al?Alan Shore: Why not just rehire Joan and forget we ever met? I know I’d like nothing more.Kurt Lumis: Nope. I think we’re done.Alan Shore: Actually, this is just the beginning of our little game. I assumed that as a coach you’d have figured that out.Joan and Bev are in the waiting room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Joan is nervously playing with some pencils.Beverly Bridge: Trying to quit?Joan Zeder: Not really. I suppose there should be a law requiring me to try to quit. What are you in for? Beverly Bridge: Divorce.Joan Zeder: Ahhh! Been there. Not with a husband actually. But, boyfriend after friggin boyfriend. I suck at relationships. I say, I suck at almost everything. He, he. When I’m not inhaling, I’m sucking. Ha, ha, ha. Story of my life. The only thing I’ve actually ever been good at is my job, which I never sucked at, but got fired just the same, for inhaling. I was good at it. I was good. Was good. I was…Beverly Bridge: Good.Joan Zeder: I can’t make my rent. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. No! I do! Actually. I’m suing. That’s it. And I’m gonna win. Alan Shore is my lawyer and he’s good. He’s good. Who have you got?Beverly Bridge: Ah, I had Denny Crane. Now I’ve got Eli.Joan Zeder: Alan Shore is in my boss’s office right now trying to settle. He’s gonna come walking off that elevator any second and tell me I got my job back. Or they’re giving me money. Or I’m gonna get everything I want. Otherwise… I have to win this. I have to win.Denny, Brad and Paul are in Denny’s office. Shirley comes in.Shirley Schmidt: We’re being audited.Brad Chase: The entire firm?Shirley Schmidt: To determine Denny’s net worth.Paul Lewiston: Let them. We have nothing to hide.Denny Crane: Hold on a second there, Aunt Sally. This could be, well, a problem.Paul Lewiston: Why?Shirley Schmidt: Denny? What have you done?Denny Crane: Little things.Paul Lewiston: How little?Denny Crane: I may have on occasion, laid off an occasional personal expense on the firm, occasionally.Paul Lewiston: Good Lord.Shirley Schmidt: Call Joel Landson in accounting and get him up here right away.When Joel Landson gets there he goes over some spread sheets with them.Joel Landson: Ahh. Mind you it’s not exactly illegal but it’s not legal either. It’s in the fuzzy grey area. Shirley Schmidt: Denny’s home address.Paul Lewiston: Bottom line?Joel Landson: Should this information become public…Paul Lewiston: And we can be sure that Bev’s lawyers will see that it does.Joel Landson: The IRS could get involved. Our reputation will be sullied. Clients will begin to wonder if they’ve been bilked. There could be more investigations and all of the partners will be libel. We’re talking Arthur Anderson headlines.Brad Chase: We’re screwed.Shirley Schmidt: We don’t own enough shredders.Paul Lewiston: Our only chance right now is to settle, and settle quickly.Denny Crane: Uhm. We can’t do that.Paul Lewiston: Why not?Denny Crane: Because, I wanna stay married to Bev.Brad Chase: I thought you were bluffing!Shirley Schmidt: This doesn’t seem to be an option right, Denny!Denny Crane: I’ m gonna make it an option, and as we know, my name on the door.Paul Lewiston:He can’t take this anymore.He exhales deeply, slaps his hands on his thighs and stands up. That’s it! He storms out.Denise is in her office. Paul comes in.Denise Bauer: Paul?Paul Lewiston: Denise, I want you look the partnership agreement and tell me, hypothetically, what would be required for me to sell my portion out and take early retirement. And hypothetically I would need that very fast.Shirley Schmidt:She and Brad come in. Paul! Don’t do anything you’ll regret.Paul Lewiston: Doing nothing is what I’ll regret most. I have devoted my life to keeping this firm an outstanding institution. Now, in the twilight of my career, this, this mess could destroy my reputation. All because Denny cannot control his aged groin.Brad Chase: Listen guy. I can fix this. Now just let me talk to Denny. I know what to say. I can make him settle.Shirley Schmidt: Paul. Just wait this out. Please.In Judge Peter Harding’s courtroom. Joan is being questioned by Alan.Joan Zeder: The purchase of a home is one of life’s great stressors. And while I’m no braggart, in my eight years at Lumis-Escrow I had the most Escrow closes. I had the highest customer satisfaction record. All of my year-end reviews were fours. To the judge. That’s out of a possible four. I was employee of the year three years running. I mean if I was such a bad worker then why was I awarded the hundred dollar gift certificate to the Hungry Whistler?Alan Shore: Your Honor, at this time if I may enter into evidence Ms Zeder’s three ‘Employee of the year’ plaques. The inscribe nickname, Just Ask Joan.Judge Peter Harding: Thank you. I can see that.Alan Shore: Now. Joan. Do you smoke cigarettes?Joan Zeder: Yeah.Alan Shore: Have you ever smoked at work?Joan Zeder: Yes, but only on my breaks, on my time, away from the door. And I’m a courtesy waver. She mimics smoking and then waving the smoke away. Not in anyone’s face.Alan Shore: Does your smoking impact your job in any way?Joan Zeder: No. And I’ve never been late because of smoking; in fact actually it helps calm me down so I can focus on my work.Alan Shore: Thank you, Ms Zeder.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: Ms Zeder. Did your boss tell you to quit smoking or you’d be fired?Joan Zeder: Yes.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: Nothing further.Denny is at his desk in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Brad marches in.Brad Chase: Denny? I was a Marine, served my country proudly in the first Gulf war. I am an honest, honorable person. I want you to know I that do not lie. Clear on that?Denny Crane: Yes.Brad Chase: Are there any guns in here? I wanna be clear on that as well.Denny Crane: There are many guns.Brad Chase: Within reach?Denny Crane: No.Brad Chase: Alright. He takes a deep breath. Several weeks ago I took your fiancé out to lunch. Denny gives him a look. It’s not that. I offered he five hundred thousand dollars to end her relationship with you.Denny Crane: What?Brad Chase: I know it was a foolish thing to do but I felt that I was acting in the best interest of the firm and you.Denny Crane: She turned you down?Brad Chase: Yes. But before she did, she hesitated. She considered it. And it’s my believe if I’d have offered her more, she’d have taken it.Denny Crane: Thank you, Brad, for telling me that. It couldn’t have been easy. Brad breaths a sigh of relief. You’re fired.Brad Chase: What?Denny Crane: Name on the door. He salutes. See ya.Brad walks out and runs into Shirley.Brad Chase: He fired me. I’m a partner. He fired me.Shirley Schmidt: Brad. The review committee will take care of this. He can’t just fire you without consulting the partners!Brad Chase: Of course he can. He’s Denny Crane. His name’s on the door. If he wants me gone. I’m gone.Brad leaves. Shirley looks through the window and sees Denny watching. She marches in. Denny gets ready.Shirley Schmidt: Dammit, Denny! You just can’t.Denny Crane: Can’t…?Shirley Schmidt: All of it! This is a law firm! This is a living breathing entity. Yes, you may have founded it, but hundreds and hundreds of people now have their lives attached to it. And at this moment, through the choice you make, you have the potential to unravel this entire place and the individuals who have given everything to it.Denny Crane: That may be but, still…Shirley Schmidt: So help me, if you say, “It’s still your name on the door.” I will shoot you with one of your own guns.Denny Crane: That won’t change the door.Shirley Schmidt: Denny. You cheated on your wife at your own wedding reception in what has become some sort of cloakroom fetish that is a new low even for you.Denny Crane: Yeah. It is, isn’t it?Shirley Schmidt: And now you’re saying you don’t want the marriage to end? What is going on here? Denny Crane: You’ve known me thirty years. You tell me. One moment I’m enjoying my own wedding reception, and the next my gut’s telling me something’s wrong. And somehow having sex with that waitress, or the coat, made everything feel right, and once things felt right again, I wanted Bev back. Shirley Schmidt: Denny, your once charming and eccentric behavior has turned into a series of self-destructive impulses. I love you, but it’s time to take a step and look at what you’re turning into.Denny Crane: Shirley? I love you too.Alan goes into his office. He is followed by Shirley.Alan Shore: Shirley? You want something. I’ll guess its sex. Let me take my coat off.Shirley Schmidt: As much as I’d love to, Alan, if we did I wouldn’t have time to deal with your needs. Alan Shore: Yes. Well, another time. What’s on your mind?Shirley Schmidt: I’m sure you know what’s going on with Denny.Alan Shore: Shirley? In this case I’ve decided to stay above the fray and catch show from the mezzanine.Shirley Schmidt: In case you missed the first act, Denny’s decision not to settle on his divorce leaves the firm quite vulnerable. We may be open to public audit, ah, potential lawsuits, Paul has threatened to leave and we may loss Brad if we’re not careful.Alan Shore: Sounds exciting. So? You want me to convince Denny to settle? So that we all may be settled.Shirley Schmidt: Something like that.Alan Shore: I won’t do it.Shirley Schmidt: Alan? You’re willing to see this firm go down?Alan Shore: You’re asking me to manipulate my friend, and I won’t do it.Shirley Schmidt: It would have been easier just to have sex with you.In Judge Peter Harding’s courtroom Kurt Lumis is being questioned by Attorney Jonathan Weiner.Kurt Lumis: Health Insurance premiums keep going up. I run a small business. I’m competing against Escrow services that are nation-wide chains. And others that are on the internet. I have to either cut costs or close my doors. It’s that simple.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: If Ms Zeder would have been able to quit smoking? Would you have kept her on the payroll?Kurt Lumis: Of course. We didn’t give her the hundred dollar gift certificate to the Hungry Whistler for nothing.Alan Shore: Mr Lumis. Your desire to cut costs makes absolute sense. But earlier we heard your office manager testify that when you weigh Ms Zeder’s productivity against any increased Health Insurance premiums, you still come out ahead. So, your argument is, dare I say it, a fumble, correct?Kurt Lumis: I have to think of the future. If she gets cancer or heart disease or any of the other things that smokers get. My rates go sky high.Alan Shore: Mr Lumis, how do you feel about fat people? Because according to the Surgeon General three hundred thousand Americans die every year from obesity-related illnesses.Kurt Lumis: Other businesses are firing people for that. I haven’t done it yet.Alan Shore: So you’re think about it?Kurt Lumis: I’m always thinking.Alan Shore: Anyone can see that. How about alcohol consumption? People who have more than fifteen drinks a week are at risk of becoming alcoholics and alcoholism can cause cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, increased incidents of cancer. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to monitor your employee’s alcohol intake?Kurt Lumis: Maybe I should.Alan Shore: What about coffee? Caffeine temporarily your blood pressure. Trans-fatty acids! And stress! Both of these things could cause heart attacks. That would certainly raise your premiums sky high. It’s been proven arguing thirty minutes a day lowers your immune system. As does loneliness, there go your married employees and your single ones! You’re going to have to watch these people all the time, Mr Lumis. I hope you’re a multitasked.Kurt Lumis: Mr Shore, I think you’re exaggerating.Alan Shore: No. I’m just welcoming us all to 1984, the bus arrived a little late, and our tour guide George Orwell is good and dead. But nonetheless we made it. And big brother Lumis is watching us.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: Objection.Alan Shore: Nothing further. That is if it’s okay with Mr Lumis.Paul is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Denise comes in.Denise Bauer I, uhm… Ahem. She closes the door. I drafted a memo for you regarding the partnership agreement?Paul Lewiston: Thank you. As a second topic. I’m not saying this firm is about to dissolve… if it did…Denise Bauer: Hypothetically?Paul Lewiston: If, it did. Would you be interested in breaking off and setting up your own firm with someone? Someone and Bauer would probably be the name on the door.Denise Bauer: Uhm. I would certainly have to think about that, hypothetically.Paul Lewiston: Well. That’s all I could ask. If, I were asking.Denny is sitting in a lounge chair, deep in thought. Alan knocks on the open door.Denny Crane: There you are.Alan Shore: Here I am.Denny Crane: How’s your case.Alan Shore: Not over.Denny Crane: How are your various enterprises?Denny Crane: You mean Bev? Everyone here thinks my situation upstairs is clouding my judgment. That only an idiot would wanna stay with her.Alan Shore: Everyone in love is something of an idiot. This might get ugly, Denny. It may have already. Denny Crane: And I don’t care. At a certain age, Alan, you find it extraordinary the compromises one’s willing to make for even the possibility of love.In Judge Peter Harding’s courtroom Attorney Jonathan Weiner is giving his closing.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: Increased globalization. Mega corporations. How can a small businessman compete? Two ways. He must offer a unique, terrific product or service, and he must keep costs down. Now Kurt Lumis runs a first rate Escrow company. And he wants to do right by his employees by offering them Health Insurance. But, if he doesn’t keep his biggest expense in check? Health Care? He loses everything. So! He instituted a very strict no-smoking policy. Now, Mr Lumis is not only reducing his business costs, he’s also helping his employees who smoke by giving them motivation to quit. Now, Joan Zeder knew the company policy. She was given ample time to quit smoking and she knew she’d be fired if she didn’t. But, she chose cigarettes over her job. And because Ms Zeder is an ‘at will’ employee, Mr Lumis had a legal right to fire her. And as to what smoking is doing to her health? She can read the warning label on the pack.Alan Shore: The great Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw had a rather jaundiced view of our country. Shaw said that , “While our constitution was set up to prevent political dictatorship, in doing so we established a society where every ward boss is a dictator, every financier a dictator, every private employer a dictator. All with the livelihood of the workers at their mercy. Well, if Mr Lumis wants to immolate Muslinee in how he treats his employees at the office that’s one thing. But Joan Zeder’s actions at work have always been commendable. Mr Lumis also declared himself Emperor over Ms Zeder in her home. There he found her smoking. Something which is not against the law. Which is in fact none of his business, but he fired her anyway. Shouldn’t we be able to have private lives that aren’t governed by the people we work for? My God! I cannot believe I just asked that question in an American courtroom. My head may explode. Your Honor, the right to privacy, as you well know, is guaranteed under our constitution. But now, thanks to our current Supreme Court, that right is flickering like a candle in the wind. And the breeze is picking up. But Justice Scalia and his ilk aren’t judging this case. You are. And at what point will we say, will you say, that provided we do not violate the law other people cannot dictate what we do in the privacy of our own homes. Your Honor, when you consider this case in the privacy of your chambers where no police or lawyers or Lumis may enter. Please think about the dying gasps of our precious right to privacy and what our lives might be like if it actually passes away.Denny walks down the corridor at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. He walks up to Shirley, Paul and Brad.Denny Crane: In the conference room. I’m putting this thing to bed.They walk into the conference room where Bev and her attorney are waiting.Eli Granger:He flips a sheet of paper across the table. It’s high. It could have been much higher. Shirley Schmidt: Denny? Do you wanna take a look at this?Denny Crane: No need. Here’s our counter offer. Two word. Uh, maybe three. Barbar’s Built-ins. Beverly Bridge: She’s startled and covers with a cough. Could Denny and I please have the room?Eli Granger: Bev…Beverly Bridge: It’s alright. I got it. When they are alone. So, what do you know?Denny Crane: Barbara’s Built-ins. Only the best. You market it to old people in retirement homes. In and around ??? town you sold Built-ins for television sets, Built-ins for dishwashers, Built-ins for microwaves, but you never built them in.Beverly Bridge: That’s not true. I did some lovely work. I always meant to finish the jobs that people had contracted me for but I, I had a cash flow problem. And it made more sense financially to…Denny Crane: To rob the geezers and skip town.Beverly Bridge: How long have you known?Denny Crane: Since our third date. Whenever I make love to a woman more than twice I have her investigated.Beverly Bridge: But Denny? Since you knew my history why didn’t you have me sign a prenup?Denny Crane: Because I loved you. And when you can send someone to jail with a phone call, there’s your prenup.Beverly Bridge: Well, you know, I still could have you audited.Denny Crane: Uh huh. Stalemate.Beverly Bridge: Exactly.Denny Crane: And you know why it’s a stalemate? Because we’re so much alike. The fact that we have something on each other means we belong together. Our love is a fairytale written by real people. What I’m saying is, even after all this, I’d like to make it work.Beverly Bridge: Denny? I love you. But, I love Hawaii more.。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第11集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalThe Cancer Man CanSeason 2, Episode 11Written by David E. Kelley2005 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: January 10, 2006Transcribed by Imamess of JSMP Alan Shore, Denise Bauer, Brad Chase, Paul Lewiston, Shirley Schmidt and Denny Crane are at a banquet. An Emcee is at the podium. Behind him are larger-than-life pictures of Denny Crane. The evening is obviously in honor of Denny Crane.Emcee: … not only a patron of the arts, Denny Crane is a generous contributor of his time, energy and enthusiasm.Denny Crane: What the hell kind of charity is The Children’s Group?Shirley Schmidt: We’re teaching children to read.Denise Bauer: No. We’re buying them food.Alan Shore: I thought we were providing them with old people to play with.Paul Lewiston: I believe it’s a children’s theatre group.Denny Crane: How can kids with Muscular Dystrophy do theatre?Brad Chase: They don’t have Muscular Dystrophy.Denny Crane: Then what the hell are we doing here? Judas Priest there’s a game on. He gets up.Alan Shore: Don’t be long, Denny, your speech is up next.Shirley Schmidt: And you might wanna actually practice it considering you’re the honoree.Denny Crane: Not to worry. He points to his head. It’s all up here. He leaves.Paul Lewiston: Please tell me there’s no press here tonight.Denny walks into a bar and sits down next to a beautiful, middle-aged woman.Denny Crane: Scotch. Single malt. Straight. He notices the woman.Beverly Bridge: Nice night.Denny Crane: Suddenly it is.Back to the banquet.Emcee: He’s often told me that writing a check is easy. It’s only money.Denise Bauer: Shouldn’t we go look for him?Alan Shore: He’ll be here. Denny’s never one to miss the spotlight.Emcee: But rolling up your sleeves and getting dirty out on the front line? That is not easy.Shift to the coat room.There’s movement behind the coats. Two pairs of feet are visible on the floor. A male and a female are groaning. Seems like there’s a couple having sex in the coat room! Emcee: I’ll wrap this up before his head swells too much.Shift to the coat room again. A hand is holding on to the top rod of the coat rack. There is a shout of victory!Shirley Schmidt: The Emcee’s winding down people.Paul Lewiston: I knew we should have tagged him.Shift to the coat room again. A hand is holding on to the top rod of the coat rack. There is laughter and another shout of victory! Is that Denny shouting “Crane!”?Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen… The members of the Crane, Poole and Schmidt table look around anxiously. … The Children’s Group applauds and honors, Mr Denny Crane!Denny comes forward from backstage to a big round of applause.Shirley Schmidt:She breaths a sigh of relief. Dear Lord.Denny Crane: Thank you. Thank you. There’s no doubt we do it all for the children.Alan, Denny, Shirley and Paul are milling around just outside the Coat Check.Denny Crane: And? What did you think of my speech?Alan Shore: Excellent.Denny Crane: Thank you for writing it for me.Beverly Bridge:She comes up and hands Denny her business card. Give me a call sometime. You know how to use a business card, don’t you? You just flip it out of your pocket and...Denny Crane: Blow.Beverly walks away. Shirley walks up to the Coat Check.Alan Shore:Chuckles at Denny. You look puzzled?Denny Crane: I am. A woman I just had sex with hands me here card and I have no desire to throw it away.Alan Shore: You had sex with her here?Denny Crane: Hot, sweaty sex right there in the Coat Check room.Shirley overhears this. She is disgusted. The Coat Check attendant hands Shirley her coat.Shirley Schmidt: Keep it. She walks away.Paul and Denise are in Paul’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denise Bauer: Daniel Post, CEO, Christberg, Pelem Incorporated.Paul Lewiston: He has stage four metastasized lung cancer.Denise Bauer: Never fun.Paul Lewiston: A major pharmaceutical company was testing a new cancer drug and Post used his friendship with the CEO of that company to get himself put into the test group and to make sure that he got the actual drug, not the placebo.Denise Bauer: Hmm. The rich are different from you and me.Paul Lewiston: Ha. Certainly from you. So! Post is being sued by another cancer patient who was in the same study and who ended up getting the placebo.Denise Bauer: What’s the cause of action?Paul Lewiston: What you’d expect. Conspiracy. Intentional infliction of emotional distress. We’re going to court today.Denise Bauer: Today?Paul Lewiston: I thought I could handle it myself, but ah… He looks away.Denise Bauer: Olivia died of cancer. Didn’t she?Paul Lewiston: Yes. At any rate. I’m hoping you can second-chair.Daniel Post knocks on the door frame.Daniel Post: You ready?Paul Lewiston: Ah, Denise Bauer, attorney. Daniel Post…Daniel Post: Daniel dying of cancer? Is that the way you describe me?Denise Bauer: Rich guy dying of cancer.Paul Lewiston: Denise will by second-chairing. I just filled her in on the case.Denise Bauer: Actually you left out our defense. Do we have one?Daniel Post: Ha. I like her.Denise Bauer: I’m not sure if the jury is going to like me, Mr Post. I have a client who tried to buy his way into a cancer study. Can you tell me what possessed you to do that?Daniel Post: I got cancer. Are you really my lawyer or did the Make a Wish Foundation finally come through?Alan is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. There’s a knock on the door. Jerry Espenson comes in.Jerry Espenson: Uhm. Alan? Do you have a minute?Alan Shore: What can I do for you, Jerry?Jerry Espenson: They are meeting soon to vote on this year’s partnerships. This will be my third time to be up for partner. My last time.Alan Shore: I see.Jerry Espenson: I was wondering if maybe you could tell me where I stand?Alan Shore: You know the right people around here and I know… Well. No one.Alan Shore: Jerry you are an extraordinary attorney.Jerry Espenson: I am. I constructed a chart that reveals my involvement is typically the key variable in the firm’s winning a case. Bingo. It was my research that was the determining factor in the Simmons versus Orago oil victory. Not to mention two hundred, fifty-two other cases. Because of my research! Bingo! But still I wonder if the senior partners are aware of my contributions.Alan Shore: Jerry you know I have tremendous affection for my own intelligence. And even I think that you are smarter than me.Jerry Espenson: Oh, I am.Alan Shore: I’ll see what I can find out.In Judge Rose Olsheim’s courtroom. Peter Clark is on the stand being questioned by Attorney Samantha Fried.Attorney Samantha Fried: How long have you worked for Devlin-McGregor Pharmaceuticals, Mr Clark? Peter Clark: Eight years.Attorney Samantha Fried: And what was your position?Peter Clark: I was a lab technician in oncological protocols.Attorney Samantha Fried: You worked on a drug to cure cancer?Peter Clark: Trade name in numitrox. It was specifically designed to hinder the rapid cellular mutations in the lungs.Attorney Samantha Fried: And did Devlin-McGregor conduct a double-blind study to test numitrox?Peter Clark: Sort of.Attorney Samantha Fried: Why do you say, “sort of” sir?Peter Clark: The test was corrupted.Paul Lewiston: Objection. Foundation.Judge Rose Olsheim: Overruled.Attorney Samantha Fried: On July 9th of this year you received a call from you supervisor. What did he want?Peter Clark: Well he told me to insure that patient 1123 received the numitrox and not the placebo. Attorney Samantha Fried: Why?Peter Clark: He didn’t say. I subsequently discovered that patient 1123 is Mr Post. It seemed fairly obvious.Paul Lewiston: Objection.Judge Rose Olsheim: Sustained.Attorney Samantha Fried: What made you come forward? Doing so has cost you your job. Correct? Peter Clark: It did.Attorney Samantha Fried: Then why?Peter Clark: Because some things are more important than a job.Denise Bauer: Mr Clark. How many patients were involved in the experiment?Peter Clark: Ah, two thousand.Denise Bauer: And statically speaking how would it change the likelihood of one person out of the two thousand receiving the drug over the placebo if another person was directed to get the drug?Peter Clark: Not much.Denise Bauer: Because there was no guarantee that any of the volunteers would receive the actual drug, the odds were originally fifty- fifty?Peter Clark: Well the odds would change minimally.Denise Bauer:She walks back to her table to get a calculator. Instead of fifty-fifty, the odds would change from forty-nine point nine five to fifty point zero five.Peter Clark: Sounds right.Denise Bauer: So virtually no change at all?Peter Clark: Well if you’re dying Ms Bauer, point zero five is everything.Alan walks up to Shirley in the corridor at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Alan Shore: Shirley? I want to ask you about Jerry Espenson. He’s up for partner.Shirley Schmidt: I can’t discuss that with you.Alan Shore: Why not?Shirley Schmidt: Well that determination is for partners only and you’re not a partner. I’m sure you’ll understand, Alan.Alan Shore: Absolutely. He turns and walks in the other direction.Alan and Denny are in Denny’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denny Crane: Jerry Espenson? You mean Hands? Not a chance. He’s a weirdo.Alan Shore: Denny, he’s not a weirdo, and he doesn’t like to be called Hands.Denny Crane: How could you not? He spreads his fingers and flutters his hands in front of himself mockingly. The hands.Alan Shore: A peccadillo to be sure. We all have them.Denny Crane: I don’t have any peccadillo.Alan Shore: What’s your name, Denny?Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Alan Shore: Ah! Yes. My point is Jerry Espenson deserves to be made a partner.The tune from the Star Trek Communicator starts playing.Alan Shore: What is that?Denny Crane: Bev bought me a camera phone. He pulls it out of his pocket and opens it.Alan Shore: The woman you enjoyed in the coat room?Denny Crane: We can send each other pictures. This damn thing takes forever to load.Alan Shore: Things going well with Bev then?Denny Crane: She said she wanted to fulfill every single one of my fantasies. I made a list. Had to type it myself. My assistant threatened to quit.Alan Shore: Denny you’re glowing.Denny Crane: She’s an amazing woman, Alan. It’s like having a one-night-stand, but every night, with the same woman.Alan Shore: I’m thrilled for you, Denny. Now about Jerry.Denny Crane: He’s not a rainmaker, Alan. Shirley says he’s not bringing in enough money. Weird toast. Alan Shore: Would you at least let me have a glance at his performance review then?Denny Crane:He takes a file folder off the table and holds it against his chest. Well, it’s highly confidential. He hands the file to Alan. Just don’t tell anybody where you got it.Denny Crane: Whoa. Pictures finally loaded. Look at this.Alan Shore: She’s very limber for a woman her age.Denny Crane: Alan. I’d like to be alone with my phone. Just fifteen minutes.Alan is in the lunch room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt reading from a folder. Shirley is with him. Alan Shore: Poor people skills.Shirley Schmidt: Just hands it to you.Alan Shore: Not presentable.Shirley Schmidt: That’s my Denny.Alan Shore: Not a team player. I can see why it’s confidential. It’s revolting and mean.Shirley Schmidt: You don’t have all the facts, Alan.Alan Shore: Apparently I do. Apparently at this firm being white and male isn’t even enough you also need be a golden retriever with a pedigree to be considered for partner.Shirley Schmidt: I’m telling you…Alan Shore: It’s a wonder you slipped under the radar, Shirley, with your vagina and all.Shirley Schmidt: Jerry’s had a few blowups, Alan.Alan Shore: Yes.Shirley Schmidt: One in front of a client.Alan Shore: Yes, it’s on his permanent record back in 2000. Also says he made a couple of clients feel awkward. Would that be perhaps because he’s an awkward guy? Also says he doesn’t play golf. Actually he doesn’t kiss any ass whatsoever, he just does his job.Shirley Schmidt: And no one’s denying that. But partners need to bring in clients. That’s how we make our money. Partners need to attend social dinners and make public speaking engagements and they need to do it without being…Alan Shore: Different. Very dangerous, Shirley. Very dangerous.In Judge Rose Olsheim’s courtroom.Robert Hopper: You know how the obituaries always things like, “So and so died after a brave struggle with cancer?” I’m not brave. I’m terrified. Cancer can make a coward out of anybody.Attorney Samantha Fried: So when you heard about the trials for this new drug?Robert Hopper: I leapt at it. I’m not a fool. I know it was a random chance I’d even get the drug and not the placebo. Okay. I was willing to leave that to fate. He wasn’t.Denise Bauer: Mr Hopper, when you began the tests, did you stop taking chemo or any other treatments for your cancer?Robert Hopper: No. But there were other promising tests I didn’t enter because of Devlin-McGregor. Denise Bauer: I see. And did Devlin-McGregor ever guarantee that you would receive the actual drug? Robert Hopper: No they did not.Denise Bauer: Isn’t it true that you’ve already sued Devlin-McGregor for this matter and received a sizable settlement?Attorney Samantha Fried: Objection! Relevance.Judge Rose Olsheim: I’m going to allow it.Robert Hopper:Denise motions for him to continue. Yes but I spent every penny on medical treatments. But the money isn’t the reason I’m doing this. I’m doing this because I feel I have a moral obligation to stand up to people like Daniel Post. People like that? With money and power? They think they can get away with murder. And now he’s murdering me.Denise Bauer: No further questions, Your Honor.Judge Rose Olsheim: Court will resume at ten AM.Paul Lewiston: Denise, are you trying to make the jury hate our client?Daniel Post: If so. You’re doing a good job. I’m starting not to like me either.Denise Bauer: Mr Post, I…Daniel Post: Denise. I’m kidding. You’re doing an excellent job. I have a few questions. Uhm, are you free for a bite?Denise Bauer: Um. Couldn’t you just ask me now?Daniel Post: Well. Yeah. Then it wouldn’t be a date. He smiles and leaves.Denise Bauer:She turns to Paul. Our client just asked me out to dinner.Paul Lewiston: Well, good. Then you can use the time to convince him to settle.Alan and Jerry are in Alan’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Alan Shore: Jerry. It’s not looking like a lock.Jerry Espenson: What’s the problem?Alan Shore: Generally its poor people skills.Jerry Espenson: You mean I’m odd? Does it say in my file I’m odd?Alan Shore: No.Jerry Espenson: Alan, I would appreciate candor here. Even should you deem it hurtful!Alan Shore: According to your file you’ve occasioned clients to feel uncomfortable. Some have even expressed reservations about being alone with you so… Jerry hits the table with both his open palms. Evidently you also once pushed opposing counsel over some dispute.Jerry Espenson:He sighs deeply. He made fun of me! As conditioned as I’ve become to ridicule sometimes… He gets up to leave. …so I’m out.Alan Shore: It’s not over.Jerry Espenson: I, I deserve this more that Brad. He cuts off a priest’s fingers! And I lose out because I push a bully? It’s not right.Alan Shore: It’s not over. Jerry I give you my word I’ll do what I can.Shirley knocks on Denny’s office door. Denny opens the door. He has a disheveled appearance. He’s straightening his suspenders, his tie is loose and his collar is open.Denny Crane: Shirley. I’m sorry. He is breathless. Didn’t hear you knock.Shirley Schmidt: Gee! I wonder why that could be. Maybe because you were too busy having sex on your desk?Denny Crane: How did you know? I had the door closed.Shirley Schmidt: Ah. But you neglected to draw all the blinds.Denny Crane: Oversight. We were both facing the same way.Shirley Schmidt: I’m all so horribly aware which way you were facing.Beverly Bridge:She comes forward. Oh goodness me. I’m so rude. She offers Shirley her hand. I’m Beverly Bridge.Shirley Schmidt:They shake hands. Shirley Schmidt. To Denny. Did you finished the notes on the partnership candidates?Denny Crane: I’ve been busy.Shirley Schmidt: The vote’s tomorrow. Fifty of the most senior partners will be there. Beverly goes back into the office. This is unprofessional, Denny. You’re setting a very bad example for the rest of the firm. Denny Crane: Understood. And from now on, in this office, those blinds go down before anybody else does. Shirley leaves. Denny closes the door and turns back to Beverly. She’s jealous.Beverly Bridge: Poor thing.Brad is in the lunch room. Jerry comes in.Jerry Espenson: Hi Brad.Brad Chase: Ha hey, Jerry. How’s it going?Jerry Espenson: Oh. Little nervous about that partner thing. You?Brad Chase: I can’t say I’m not.Jerry Espenson: Had any indication?Brad Chase: Not really. Paul seems to think it looks good but I certainly didn’t help my chances by…Jerry Espenson: Lewiston? He says it looks good for you?Brad Chase: Well he couldn’t make any promises.Jerry Espenson: Did he mention how it looks for me?Brad Chase: No we didn’t really discuss you.Jerry Espenson: Do you ever?Brad Chase: I beg your pardon?Jerry Espenson: Do people discuss me? Do they talk about me being odd because of my behavior?Brad Chase: Jerry, everyone here knows you to be a fine lawyer. That’s all I’ve ever heard discussed. Jerry Espenson: It’s in my file that I’m violent because I pushed another lawyer once.Brad Chase: How do you know it’s in our file?Jerry Espenson: I have a mole. Brad shows surprise. Right here on my neck. He turns his head to expose his neck. He chuckles. It’s not like me to make a joke. I hope it’s in my file I’m funny. That’s a good social skill.Denise and Daniel are having a glass of wine in the lounge of a restaurant.Denise Bauer: Given the evidence, a credible witness, and documented proof that you were administered the actual drug and not a placebo…Daniel Post: Question.Denise Bauer: Go.Daniel Post: When do you see yourself liking me?Denise Bauer: Uhm. Mr Post. Daniel. Uhm. Plaintiff’s attorney has been very effective in turning the jury against you. You come off as someone of privilege who has everything the jury wants but doesn’t have. Daniel Post: Except the girl.Denise Bauer: Bottom line. It’s in your best interest to settle.Daniel Post: How about we negotiate a settlement?Denise Bauer: I’m not following.Daniel Post: I agree to settle the case, if you agree to stop talking about it, and declare this an official date?Denise Bauer: Have you ever done anything nice for anybody? Ever?Daniel Post: Pum, pum, pum. See, you gotta look under the hood. Not until you agree.Denise Bauer: Agreed.Daniel Post: The answer is yes, but my mom told me that it’s impolite to brag about one’s good works. Denise Bauer: Then don’t brag. Tell.Daniel Post: What’s to say? I, Uhm… My company sent thousands of pounds of supplies down to New Orleans before FEMA even put its pants on. I fund a charter school for learning disabled kids here in South Boston. I don’t think the government does enough to help its people, so I give as much as much as I can. Do you know why I can do that?Denise Bauer: Because you’re a rich guy who throws his weight around.Daniel Post: Goes hand in hand. Money gives me connections, connections let me do what I want. Get what I want.Denise Bauer: You really don’t care what anybody thinks? Do you?Daniel Post: I have stage four lung cancer. I don’t give a damn what anybody I don’t know, thinks about me. Life’s too short. Really.Denise Bauer: One more question. Why are you really settling? Did Mr Hopper’s testimony get to you? Daniel Post: It did. Like, don’t get me wrong. I, I, I would do it again. It was a chance. So I took it. And, uh, as it turns out the numitrox didn’t work as well as I’d imagined so given that I have less time as I’d hoped I don’t intend to waste that fighting a lawsuit. So I’ll settle. Now. More wine?Alan is reading the newspaper his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Denny comes in. He seems preoccupied.Alan Shore: You look distressed. You’re Guns and Ammo magazine late again?Denny Crane: She hasn’t called. All day.Alan Shore: Ah. Bev.Denny Crane: It’s nearly four. He starts pacing. She hasn’t called the office. She hasn’t called my cell phone. I checked the machine at home at 9:15, 9:30, 9:45.Alan Shore: Okay, I sense the pattern.Denny Crane: I’ve done something. I bought her a gift. I bought her a gift!Alan Shore: Well, in time, I’m sure she’ll forgive you.Denny Crane: Don’t you see? I didn’t, I didn’t give her money like I do most women. I didn’t have a personal shopper pick something out. I shopped. And I Denny Crane, thought about what she would like. Maybe I’m, I’m having a stroke. Maybe it’s the mad cow.Alan Shore: Maybe you’re in love.Denny Crane: I am delirious with joy.Alan Shore: Denny. You enjoy being with Bev, she enjoys being with you. Why don’t you just have fun in the moment. And leave it at that!Denny Crane: I knew you wouldn’t understand, you heartless bastard!Denny leaves. Melissa Hughes comes in.Melissa Hughes: Wow! He’s got it bad.Alan Shore: You shouldn’t eavesdrop. Yes he does. Very.Melissa Hughes: You wanted me to tell you when that partnership voting thing was. Starts in twenty minutes.In the lecture room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Mark Halpern is at the podium in front of a roomful of people sitting at tables facing him.Mark Halpern: And now we turn our attention to our next candidate, Brad Chase. Two large screens, one on each side of Mark, now display a picture of Brad.Alan Shore: He comes in from the side, marches up to the podium. Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt. I have an urge announcement to make regarding National Security. I don’t think our country is being run very well. There is a slight murmured from the audience. That concludes the National Security announcement. Now! On to other business. I’m looking at a group of partners in a world class law firm. Each of whom owes some of their success to Jerry Espenson. When any of you is stumped and you need someone with an Encyclopedic knowledge of the law and the creative spark to know how to apply it, who’s door do you knock on?Shirley Schmidt: Mr Shore, we appreciate your input but you are not a partner.Alan Shore: Yes, but that’s only because I can’t be trusted. I have here the confidential report on Jerry Espenson. Known to some of you who should know better as, Hands. Paul and Shirley look to Denny who shrugs his shoulders. Ah, this report while acknowledging, ah, the Jerry, ah, works very hard and has an astute legal mind also makes some veil references to inappropriate behavior. But really this is about money! Isn’t it? And whether Jerry Espenson brings in enough? And don’t we all just love our money? Denny nods his head in agreement. You people must realize that once the rainmakers have brought in the million-dollar accounts, those clients expect excellent representation for their money. And Jerry is a big part of what they’re paying for. My God! Why isn’t being brilliant enough? Why can’t a lawyer be a valuable asset to this firm without being a smiling Ken-doll with an aggressive handshake? Does everyone at the firm have to be this guy?Shirley Schmidt: Mr Shore, you have no standing at this meeting. We would like to ask you to leave please now.Alan Shore: Jerry Espenson has given fifteen years of his life to this firm. His work has been essential. Alan walks into his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. He is followed by Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: How dare you invade the province of a private partnership meeting?Alan Shore: I’m sorry. I didn’t think an invitation was forthcoming.Shirley Schmidt: There’s a lot you don’t know about the business of running a law practice, Alan. The first rule…Alan Shore: It’s a business. I understand that Shirley. But it’s a service business, you don’t peddle widgets, you don’t push stocks, you sell your people, and as far as your people go I’ll take Jerry Espenson over…Shirley Schmidt: Don’t give me…Alan Shore: Well you need to hear it! I said nothing when you fired Sally Heep, who’s only infraction was to sleep with me! I made not a peep when you deftly ushered Lori Colson out of the firm! I even understood when you fired Catherine Piper, a woman I profoundly adore! I swallowed all of it because I know it’s a business. But to abuse a talented, selfless employee only because his social skills lack the polish! To allow him to work tirelessly under the delusion that he could make partner! A delusion you carefully nurtured so as to make piles of money off of him in the short term. That’s a betrayal, Shirley. Not just of Jerry, but of you! And your character! Which up till now I have considered undeniably decent.Shirley Schmidt: Are you finished?Alan Shore: No. Jerry Espenson, no doubt, will go off quietly into the night as the meek often do. But somebody around here has to get angry about it. Otherwise you’ll just go off and blithely do it again. Shirley Schmidt: We have not yet made a decision concerning Jerry Espenson, when we do I will call you first to tell you, “It is none of your concern!”Shirley Schmidt: There’s a saying Shirley, perhaps you’ve heard it. ‘All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to say, “It’s a business.”’Attorney Samantha Fried, Robert Hopper, Paul, Daniel Post and Denise are in a conference room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Daniel Post: I’ve been given a death sentence. You’re the one person in this room that knows exactly what that’s like. And there was this drug. And I thought it could help me so I used all my power and my influences to make sure I got it. But I didn’t think it through. I didn’t think there might be consequences for other people. In this case, for you. And I see now that I hurt you. And I am sorry.Denise Bauer: She pushes a piece of paper across the table towards Samantha Fried. This is the offer. It’s the only one we’re going to make and it expires when we walk out the door.Attorney Samantha Fried: She looks at the paper then pushes it toward Robert. He looks at it and pushes it back to her. This is a very generous offer. Think about your family.Robert Hopper: I don’t care.Attorney Samantha Fried: This could be very long and drawn out…Robert Hopper: That’s exactly what it should be.Daniel Post: What do you want?Robert Hopper: If I take your money I won’t be hurting you. The only thing that will really hurt you now is if I take your time. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.Robert gets up to leave, his attorney goes with him. Paul goes after them.Paul Lewiston: I need to talk to you.Attorney Samantha Fried: You’ll talk to me.Paul Lewiston: No I won’t. To Robert. You have a wife. You have a family. You owe something to them but you also owe something to yourself. I know this road. Do not allow anger to consume the last days of your life.Denny and Bev are in a restaurant.Denny Crane: Bev.Beverly Bridge: Yes, Denny Crane.Denny Crane: Would you like some money?Beverly Bridge: Ha! I, I, I don’t…Denny Crane: Bev. I’m afraid.Beverly Bridge: Of?Denny Crane: Myself, of course. As god-like as I seem to you and other people, there’s a, there’s a mortal inside this god-like shell. I don’t trust myself. Bottom line, I’m not a one-woman man.Beverly Bridge: You know, Denny, we’re both much too old for this. And too smart.Denny Crane: We are?Beverly Bridge: Is there a powerful man out there who hasn’t felt what you’re feeling? No! Ha. So why fight it? People don’t change their stripes and you don’t want me to change you. And I certainly don’t want you to change me. Therefore, Denny Crane, as long as we’re together feel free to have sex with anyone else you want.Denny Crane: Bev!? I love you.Beverly Bridge: Ha, ha, ha.Paul and Brad are in Paul’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Paul Lewiston: Brad. It was a very close vote, but… Brad braces himself. … you made it. You are now officially a partner at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Congratulations.Brad Chase: Thank you, Paul. I will not let you down.Denny Crane:He comes in. Brad! On your knees.Brad Chase: What?Paul Lewiston: Denny! Must we do this every single time?。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第9集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalGoneSeason 2, Episode 9Written by David E. Kelley2005 David E. Kelly Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: December 6, 2005Transcribed by Imamess (Thanks to sueb of JSMP for the Italian transcriptions and translations.)Alan Shore and Denny Crane are in bed. Sleeping. Alan turns over.Denny Crane:In his sleep. Denny Crane. Denny Crane. Denny Crane.Alan turns toward Denny, then gets out of bed and stumbles. He has a rope tied around his leg; the other end is tied to Denny. Alan tries to get up and stumbles again. He tugs on the rope.Alan Shore: Hey! Hey!Denny Crane: What the hell do you…Alan Shore: Get up Denny. We’re going to the bathroom.Denny Crane: Untie the knot. He turns over.Alan Shore: It takes too long. Let’s just…get up!Denny Crane: I’m not getting up!Alan Shore: It’ll take two seconds. He tugs on the rope.Denny Crane: It’s the middle of the night!Alan Shore: Just get up!Denny Crane: I’m not gonna get up.Alan Shore: Dammit! Get up! He tugs violently at the rope. Denny is pulled out of bed on to the floor Happy?Denny tugs on the rope causing Alan to fall on top of him. They lie there, face to face. Denny Crane: This isn’t working for me.In a subway station Alan and Denny are coming down the stairs. They’re both wearing shades.Alan Shore: I was thinking if I developed some kind of a rip cord I could free myself with one little tug and you therefore wouldn’t be inconvenienced by my nocturnal bladder.Denny Crane: I’ve been sleeping with you a week. Haven’t noticed one night terror.Alan Shore: That’s because I feel so comforted nestled in the safety of your bosom.Randall Kirk:He’s lying at the side of the building. Cha, change please?Denny Crane: That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? My breasts.Alan Shore: You’re lactating. Admit it.The homeless person gets up, picks up a rock and throws it. It hits Denny on theback of the head.Randall Kirk: Hey! Alan and Denny turn back. Now if you don’t wanna give me no change that’s fine. But how about the courtesy of a response?Denny Crane: You want a response? He pulls out a gun and shoots Kirk. He goes down.Alan Shore: Denny, what the hell do you…?Denny Crane: Relax. Paint ball. Alan walks over to the man. The man has a glob of white paint on his forehead.Denny salutes Randall with his gun. Denny Crane.Denise Bauer, Helena Perez and her son Tito Perez are walking in a store.Helena Perez: You don’t have to do this.Denise Bauer: You’ve been telling for three days that I don’t have to do this.Helena Perez: It’s just that a …Denise Bauer: It’s your birthday present. I want to.Helena Perez: A bedroom set is more than a birthday present.Denise Bauer: Okay, could we just stop arguing about this?Tito Perez: Can I get a toy?Helena Perez: No. Tito. We’re not here for toys.Salesman: May I help you?Denise Bauer: Ah. Yeah. We’re looking for bedroom furniture?Salesman: Second floor.Denise Bauer: ‘Kay.Helena Perez: You know Denise, what I’d really like is a picture frame. She picks up a picture frame from the counter. Oh, this is beautiful.Denise Bauer: We came here to buy a bed. We came here to buy a dress. Or we came here to buy lamps. We are not leaving here with just a picture frame. She takes the frame out of Helena’s hands. Even though this is really beautiful.Helena Perez: Can I buy you the picture frame?Denise Bauer: You have a really hard time accepting gifts, don’t you?Helena Perez: A gift like a whole bedroom? Yeah.Denise Bauer: Alright. Second floor, lady. Let’s do it.Denise turns to walk on. Helena turns around, her son isn’t there.Helena Perez: Tito! Denise turns back. Tito!Denny Crane: Where is he?Helena Perez:She walks up to a salesman. Have you seen my son?Salesman.He shakes his head. Uh, uh.Denise Bauer: He’s gotta be here. He was here just a minute ago.Helena Perez: Tito. Tito! She’s frantically looking around!Denise Bauer:She jumps up on top of a counter, sticks her fingers in her mouth, whistles loudly and yells: Hey! I’m looking for a little boy! Four years old. He’s wearing a red and gray jacket and jeans.Customers murmuring they haven’t seen him.Helena Perez: Tito!Denise Bauer: Anyone!Helena Perez: Tito!!!Denise, Helena and Detective Sean Wilkins are watching the video tape of a surveillance camera. It shows a car, then a man holding a boy by the hand walks up to the car. Helena Perez gasps.Detective Sean Wilkins: You sure that’s him?Denise Bauer: Positive. His name is Tito.Helena Perez:She’s crying as she watches the man put the boy into the car. He’s gone. Oh, he’s gone.Denise Bauer: Did you get a plate number?Detective Sean Wilkins: Partial.Helena Perez: He has my son. He has my son!Detective Sean Wilkins: Can I talk to you a sec?Denise Bauer: Yeah.They walk into another room.Detective Sean Wilkins: The FBI will be assuming jurisdiction.Denise Bauer: Which means what? You’re off?Detective Sean Wilkins: We’re not off. This woman is?They both look through a window into the other room.Denise Bauer: My housekeeper.Detective Sean Wilkins: Denise look. We know who took the boy.Denise Bauer: You do?Detective Sean Wilkins: Name is Joe Martini. Don’t know where he is but the good news is we at least know who we’re dealing with. Bad news is he kidnapped a five-year-old two years ago. The child turned up deceased. Mr Martini is a pedophile.Denise Bauer: Does, does he have an address?Detective Sean Wilkins: He drifts. Occasionally visits his brother. We’ve already sent some uniforms to question.Denise Bauer: Why isn’t this man imprisoned? If you know who did it…Detective Sean Wilkins: He was arrested but we couldn’t make the case.In slow motion Randall Kirk is walking in the hall of Crane, Poole and Schmidt. From down the hall Denny sees him. They face each other.Randall Kirk: Denny Crane?Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Randall Kirk: You shot me.Denny Crane: I did.Randall Kirk: You the big lawyer?Denny Crane: I am.Alan Shore: He comes up. What’s going on?Randall Kirk: I’ll take you to court for assault, man.Denny Crane: Sue me.Randall Kirk: What? I wanna settle. Give me a hundred thousand dollars.Denny Crane: Seems a little high. How about zip? Does that work for you?Randall Kirk: I may be homeless but I ain’t stupid.Denny Crane: My mistake.Randall Kirk: I’ll be back. He leaves.Alan Shore: Denny, I could be wrong, but you might wanna think about settling this.Denny Crane: You’re absolutely right. You could be wrong.Denise and Brad are in an office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denise Bauer: Brad. The guy is a pedophile. The first forty-eight hours… They… If we don’t…Brad Chase: What are the police saying?Denise Bauer: They know who he is; they don’t know where he is. Apparently the FBI is all over it, but… this is an Hispanic kid. It’s not like the news is gonna make a big deal of it. I hear that you have friends in the FBI.Brad Chase: I do.Denise Bauer: Can you help? Please? The first forty-eight hours.Denise and Brad are talking to Special Agent Kevin Drummond in his office.Special Agent Kevin Drummond: We think the brother knows where he is.Denise Bauer: But?Special Agent Kevin Drummond: He’s not talking.Denise Bauer: A… Can’t you charge him with conspiracy? Aiding and abetting?Special Agent Kevin Drummond: His only crime is being faternally related to the kidnapper. We can’t exactly, uh…Brad Chase: What about harboring a fugitive?Special Agent Kevin Drummond: Ah. No evidence that the suspect was there after the crime. Denise Bauer: So, what you’re saying is you’re nowhere?Special Agent Kevin Drummond: Look. We’re on this, so is the Boston PD, but ah… He looks to Brad. Take a walk?Denise Bauer: You can talk in front of me.Brad Chase: She’s good.Special Agent Kevin Drummond: Anything the FBI or police do, it’s state action, we have limitations. What a private citizen does however, no poisonous fruit issues, no civil rights concerns…Denise Bauer: A child is missing. If you could be a little less cryptic.Special Agent Kevin Drummond: A lot of kids who live in cults for example, their parents hire PI’s to basically kidnap them. Technically it’s a crime. Are these parents ever prosecuted? No. Brad you yourself hired some PI’s to do an intervention. Legally that was false imprisonment. Did we prosecute? No.Denise Bauer: To Brad. Is he being less cryptic?Brad Chase: Self help. He gives her a ‘go with it’ look.Special Agent Kevin Drummond: That brother knows something. I know he knows something. If we weren’t under such scrutiny we’d grab him ourselves and encourage him a little. He takes a badge out of his desk drawer and throws it on the table. I never saw you take that badge out of my desk drawer. He throws another one. Never saw you take that one.Denise Bauer: Wait. Wait, wait. Are you suggesting that we impersonate FBI officials?Special Agent Kevin Drummond: I would never suggest that.Alan and Denny are walking in the hall at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Alan Shore: He’s back?Denny Crane: In the conference room. With a lawyer.Denny Crane:To Garrett who is walking by. You! Kid!Garrett Wells: Yes sir.Denny Crane: Fix my tie.Garrett does so. Get in the conference room, sit there quietly. Pretend you know something. To Sara Holt walking by. You! You know my name?Sara Holt: Yes sir.Denny Crane: Maybe one day I’ll know yours. In the conference room with the bluebird. No talking!Alan Shore: Denny. Why don’t I join you?Denny Crane: Why not? Show of force. To Paul Lewiston and Shirley Schmidt walking by. Oh! Paul! Shirley! Join me in the conference room for a second, will you? Won’t take long.Shirley Schmidt: What’s going on?Denny Crane: Please.They go into the conference room. Garrett and Sara are sitting down at the end of the table. Randall Kirk and his lawyer are also there. They both get up.Denny Crane: Who the hell are you?Warren Peters: Uh. My name is Warren Peters, sir. And I represent my client, Randall Kirk. Denny Crane: You work for a firm? Warren?Warren Peters: Well, actually, I’m a solo practitioner.Denny Crane: Gee. As you can see I’m not. I work for a firm. One of the largest in Boston. Dripping with talent. This is Paul Lewiston. Right here beside him, Shirley Schmidt. Heard of them?Warren Peters: Yes.Denny Crane: What’s my name?Warren Peters: Uh. Denny Crane. I realize you’re a powerful man sir, but that does not give you the right to shoot homeless people.Paul Lewiston: You, you shot this man?Denny Crane: With a paintball. It happens. Your client tell you that he first hit me on the head with a rock?Warren Peters: Uh, he tossed a stone in your direction which inadvertently struck you.Denny Crane: Well, obviously I’m not gonna pay you, son. So you can spend the next three years of your life in discovery, trying to push this case to court at which point I’ll call the clerk who happens to be a friend of mine, I’m friends with lots of judges. Or, you can cut your loses now.You might wanna think about this. No other lawyer would take the case. The reason they wouldn’t take it is ‘cause it’s a money loser. It’s what we call a dog. You like dog cases, kid?Warren Peters: I’m not intimidated.Denny Crane: Of course you are. Here’s what you need to know about the practice of law, son. It all comes down to money. I’ve got it. He doesn’t. I’ll win. Denny Crane.Denise and Helena are in an office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Helena Perez: Why aren’t they doing anything?Denise Bauer: They are, Helena. It’s just…Helena Perez: They could set up road blocks. Somebody’s gotta do something.Denise Bauer: The police are all over this. It’s just, they don’t know where this man is.Brad, Smith and Wesson are in an office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Smith: I’m not risking arrest.Brad Chase: The FBI has told me that won’t happen.Wesson: What about the police?Brad Chase: As long as we don’t cause any physical injuries we’re okay.Smith: Will this man be armed?Brad Chase: We expect not. He has no record. No history of violence but be ready just the same. Now, hopefully he’ll talk, but if not we got a room in the basement, looks just like an interrogation cell. We blindfold him, we take him there.Denise comes in.Smith: Brad. You’re not gonna go all Mannix on us are?Brad Chase: I never did that. I’ll meet you downstairs. Let’s go.The two men leave.Denise Bauer: Wha, what did he mean go all Mannix?Brad Chase: When I was a kid my role model was sort of, Mannix. Denise gives him a questioning look. The famous private detective?Denise Bauer: This a television character?Brad Chase: I’ll let you know how we do.Denise Bauer: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I’m coming with you.Brad Chase: No you’re not.Denise Bauer: Yes I am!Brad Chase: There’s no reason for both of us to risk our careers.Denise Bauer: There is not way I am letting you do this alone.Brad Chase: I have some experience that will make…Denise Bauer: You are also up for full partnership.Brad Chase: As are you.Denise Bauer: But if I’m willing to take the risk?Brad Chase: Why are we wasting our time? There’s a child missing.Brad leaves. Denise follows him. Out in the hall she sees Garrett.Denise Bauer: Garrett! I need you. He gives her a look. To do research.Garrett Wells:He walks over to her. Okay.Denise Bauer: If a person breaks the law, or takes the law into his or her hands in order to save someone, say a kidnapped child? What is the exposure either civil or criminal? I need the answer ten minutes ago.Garrett Wells: Got it.He stands there smiling at her.Denise Bauer: Go.Alan and Denny are in Denny’s office.Randall Kirk: He’s standing in the doorway. My lawyer dropped me.Denny Crane: Bugger.Randall Kirk: Did you think you’ve won?Denny Crane: I do.Randall Kirk: I’ll find another one.Denny Crane: No you won’t. Nobody’s going to make any money suing Denny Crane with a client who initiated the conflict by throwing a rock. But hey! If you can find another shark like the last one, you know where to find me. Only. Don’t come in personally, okay, sport? I’ll file a complaint for stalking.Randall doesn’t reply. After a moment he moves to leave.Alan Shore: Mr Kirk. I’ll represent you.Randall Kirk: Is this a joke?Denny Crane: Of course it is.Alan Shore: No it isn’t. I’ll be your lawyer.Denny Crane: I’m confused.Alan Shore: You’re right Denny. No other lawyer will take his case. So it’s going to be me.Brad, Smith, Wesson and Denise are walking down the hallway of an apartment building. Brad Chase: Shock and awe, boys. Shock and awe.Denise Bauer: Are we confident he’s going to be here?Brad Chase: He works nights. He’s home.They stand in front of a door. Brad knocks. The door is opened by Marissa Martini. They barge in.Brad Chase: FBI ma’m, we’re looking for Dominic Martini.Dominic Martini: Ma che' state faciendo. Chi e'? Ma che' volete? (What are you doing? Who's that? What do you want?)Marissa Martini: (unintelligible)Brad Chase:He grabs Joe by the lapels and throw him against the wall. You're under arrest, for aiding and abetting in felony. Conspiracy to commit kidnapping.Smith is restraining Marissa.Dominic Martini: Non so niente! Non ho fatto niente! (I don't know anything! I haven't done anything!)Brad Chase:He throws Joe down on the floor. Now tell us where your brother is!Marissa Martini: Non gli fate del male. (Don't hurt him!)Brad Chase: Shut up!! Anybody here speak Spanish?Smith: I think it's Russian.Denise Bauer: It's Italian! Senti, cerchiamo tuo fratello, Joe. Ha rapito un ragazzo di quattro anni. (Listen, we're looking for your brother, Joe. He kidnapped a 4-year-old boy.)Dominic Martini: Non so niente. Lo gia' detto alla polizia. (I don't know anything. I already told that to the police.)Denise Bauer: E devi sapere qualcosa e se non aiutarci ... (You must know something, and if you don't help us ...)Dominic Martini: Non so niente! Giuro! (I don't know anything! I swear!)Denise Bauer: Quando era l'ultima volta che era qui? (When was the last time he was here? ) Dominic Martini: Ma che' ne so? Alcune settimane fa. (How do I know? A few weeks ago). Denise Bauer: E quando l'ultima volta che parlato con lui? (And when was the last time you spoke with him?)Dominic Martini: Lo stesso, alcune settimane fa. (The same, a few weeks ago).Denise shakes her head at Brad.Brad Chase: Take him.Marissa Martini: No! Domenico! Domenico! Portatelo qui! Portatelo indietro! (Bring him here! Bring him back!) Domenico!Shirley, Brad and Denise at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Shirley Schmidt: Have you both lost your minds? Impersonating FBI officers?!Denise Bauer: With the bureaus consent.Shirley Schmidt: Officially?Denise Bauer: No. But…Shirley Schmidt: You’ve gotta be kidding.Brad Chase: We’re not gonna do anything crazy.Shirley Schmidt: You already have!Denise Bauer: Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: We are lawyers! We sue people. Occasionally we get aggressive and garnish wages. We do not abduct!Denise Bauer: Denny shoots people.Shirley Schmidt:She sighs. I would never have expected this. Not even from Alan Shore.Denise Bauer: Shirley. I know this little boy. He was taken partly on my watch. I have to do whatever I could do. I don’t care about the risk.Shirley Schmidt: The firm will have nothing to do with this whatsoever.Brad acknowledges this comment.Denise Bauer: Understood.Shirley Schmidt: From now on I don’t even wanna know about it. You two are coming up for partner. There are two things you should constantly be aware of. Your actions reflect on Crane, Poole and Schmidt. What’s the other thing?Denise Bauer: You’re Schmidt.Shirley nods.Brad and Denise are walking in the hall at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Brad Chase: Let me do the talking. All of it.Denise Bauer: Why? Because you’re Mannix?Brad Chase: Denise.Denise Bauer: To Garrett walking by. Garrett. What’s the answer to my question? Short one. Garrett Wells: Basically if compliance with the law would result in greater harm than breaking the law the defense of necessity justifies breaking the law.Denise Bauer: I could kiss you. Garrett nods. But I won’t.Brad Chase: Let’s go.Denny and Alan are walking in the hall at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Alan Shore: It’s not only about being against you. I’m doing this to help him.Denny Crane: First of all, you’re a lawyer.Alan Shore: Well, if he waives the conflict.Denny Crane: And second, you’re a witness.Alan Shore: Denny, look...Denny Crane: We’re friends.Alan Shore: Yes. We are.Denny Crane: And we’re sleeping together!! Denny is dismayed to realize several other people have overheard his loud comment. I’m guarding you against night terrors and this is the payback I get?Alan Shore: Look…Denny Crane: No. I’m not gonna look. He turns and walks off to his office.Alan Shore:He follows Denny. Denny.Denny Crane: Get out.Alan Shore: Why are you being such a bully? Your insurance company will undoubtedly pay. Denny Crane: That’s not the point.Alan Shore: You shot the man with a gun between the eyes. You could have blinded him. You perhaps could have killed him. He deserves to be compensated.Denny Crane: Well, he’s not gonna be. You wanna take me to court?Alan Shore: I certainly don’t wanna go to court. Denny doesn’t reply. Denny, I looked at that man, an indigent, sitting across from a roomful of us. Shirley, Paul, you, me. The rich! You know we’ve got thirty-seven million people in this country living below the poverty line. Thirteen percent of the American population! They don’t get education, they don’t get health insurance, for God’s sake they don’t even get rescued when they’re dying!! I just… I feel compelled to help him. You must understand that.Denny Crane: Helping the poor? Yes. Helping him get me? No.Dominic is sitting in an interrogation room. His hands are tied behind his back. Brad and Denise come in. Denise closes the door.Brad Chase: You’re in a lot of trouble, my friend.Dominic Martini: Non avete diritto di tenermi qui. Io non ho fatto niente! (You don't have the right to hold me here. I haven't done anything!).Brad Chase: Spoke to your employer. He informed me you speak English. So I’ll regard these protests in a foreign language as your first attempt to deceive the Federal Government.Dominic Martini: I, I have rights. Sixth amendment. Counsel.Brad Chase: A four-year-old child is missing. Your brother has him. I’d say that adds up to a bad day for your constitutional rights.Dominic Martini: I don’t know anything about…Brad Chase: He starts yelling. Bad answer! He kicks a chair violently. You are gonna help me get this child back or arms are gonna get broken, ligaments severed, electrical devices might even get attached to testicals! And I don’t mean mine! You know why I’m gonna get away with this, Dominic?! Because a four-year-old child is missing!!!Dominic Martini: I don’t know where my brother is.Brad Chase: Think harder!!Dominic Martini: I swear! I don’t know where he is!Brad Chase: Who does?!Dominic Martini: I don’t know!!Brad Chase:Calmly. Now that response didn’t seem very considerate, Dominic. Dominic doesn’t respond. That’s disappointing. Still no response. Get out, Denise.Denise Bauer: Brad. I am…Brad Chase: Get out please. Now.Brad starts to take off his jacket. Denise leaves.Brad Chase:He folds his jacket and puts it on the table and slowly starts to walk around the table. Time’s up Mr Martini.Dominic Martini: He sees a priest.Brad Chase: Excuse me?Dominic Martini: I know he goes to this priest. Maybe he knows something.Brad Chase: What’s the name of this priest?Joe Martini: Father Michael Ryan. St Joseph. North End.Brad, Denise and Special Agent Kevin Drummond are in Drummond’s office.Special Agent Kevin Drummond: He can’t break the confessional seal. He’s a priest.Brad Chase: What about searching his office? Sometimes they keep records of confessions. Special Agent Kevin Drummond: No judge anywhere that’ll give us that warrant.Nobody speaks.Denise Bauer: What? What are you trying to not say now?Special Agent Kevin Drummond: Well, if you guys are willing to keep going. Back in our more aggressive days we were known to use a phony warrant now and then. We, of course, don’t, now. He pulls out some papers. How the two of you managed to get one… He throws the papers across the table towards Brad and Denise. …I’ll never know.Denise Bauer:She thinks for a moment. I don’t know.Brad Chase: We’ve gone this far.Denise Bauer: Really? He doesn’t answer. Really?Brad Chase: Let’s go.Paul marches up to Denny.Denny Crane: Whatever.Paul Lewiston: It’s made the news. It’s out there that a senior partner of Crane, Poole and Schmidt assaulted a homeless man. Denny turns a page in the book he’s studying. You have nothing to say?Denny Crane: You heard what I said. Whatever.Paul Lewiston: That’s it? That’s your response?Denny Crane: You want a response? Watch it like everybody else.Paul Lewiston: What do you mean, “Watch it. Like everyone else?”Denny Crane: I’m going back on Larry King. TonightPaul Lewiston: What?Denny Crane: You saw me the last time. I popped.Paul Lewiston: First of all, the last time you at least victimized a despicable person. This time…Denny Crane: Paul. The people wanna hear from me.Paul Lewiston: Denny this could be a disas…Denny Crane: He lifts his hand to stop Paul. Tivo me.As Paul leaves he throws up his hands in frustration.Brad and Denise are walking in a church.Denise Bauer: We bark, Brad. No biting.Brad Chase:He crosses himself. Got it.Denise Bauer: Let’s keep this under control.Sister Mary Flagerty:She walks up to them. May I help you?Brad Chase: Good morning, Sister. I’m Special Agent Robb of the FBI, this is Special Agent Beadle. How are you today?Sister Mary Flagerty: The FBI has already been here.Denise Bauer: Well, we’re back. Where’s Father Ryan?Father Michael Ryan:He comes down the stairway He’s carrying a cat in his arms. I’m Father Ryan and I’ve said about all I’m gonna say on this matter.Denise Bauer: Please, Father. A little boy’s life is at stake.Father Michael Ryan: As I explained to your other agents, if I had communications, they would have occurred inside the confessional, and I would unfortunately be prohibited by canon law from revealing the content of such communications.Brad Chase: Without revealing any specific exchanges, Father, could you tell us if you’ve been in receipt of any information pertaining to this abduction?Father Michael Ryan: I’m afraid I cannot. He starts to walk away.Brad Chase: We have a warrant, Father, authorizing us to search your office premises. Is this your office?Father Michael Ryan: You can’t be serious?Brad Chase: Is this your office, Father?Father Michael Ryan: Any records would also be sealed, subject to canon law.Brad Chase: That you’d have to argue before a district court judge. I can tell you that we are not subject to canon law and we are authorized to conduct a search.Father Michael Ryan: You will make no such search.Brad Chase: We have a warrant, Father.Father Michael Ryan: I don’t care. I have documents pertaining to privileged relationships with parishioners. You’re not going in there.Brad Chase: Please step aside, Father. We have a warrant authorizing us to search and please do not make us arrest you for obstruction of justice.Father Michael Ryan thinks for a moment.Denise Bauer: We need to search your office, Father, and we need to do it now. Please!The Father puts the cat down, goes over to the door, inserts his keys into the lock and turns the key to lock the door rather than unlocking it. He checks to make sure the door is locked, pockets the keys and places himself in front of the door.Denise Bauer: One second. She goes over to the fire extinguisher case in the wall and breaks the glass with her elbow.Father Michael Ryan: What are you doing?Denise Bauer:She takes out a large axe and goes over to Brad. That door is worth a fortune. It was imported from Italy. Threaten to break it down. She hands him the axe.Brad Chase: He goes to the door. The Father is still standing in front of it. Please step aside, Father.Father Michael Ryan: Are you out of your minds?Brad Chase: I will give you to the count of three. If you do not unlock it…Father Michael Ryan: I’m calling the police.Brad Chase: One…Denise Bauer: Brad.Father Michael Ryan: You can’t come crashing in here…Brad Chase: …two…Denise Bauer: Brad.???: What’s wrong with you?Father Michael Ryan: Don’t you dare.Brad Chase: … three… He starts to swing the axe.Father Michael Ryan:He place his hand in front to the door to guard it. Okay!!Brad has the axe already in motion. The axe hits the door. Three fingers fall to the floor. The Father grabs his hands. Three fingers are missing. He screams. Brad screams. Denise screams. The cat takes one of the fingers in its mouth and walks off. Everybody continues screaming.A siren blares as an ambulance drives off. Shirley, Brad and Denise are waiting around outside the church.Denise Bauer: The axe was already in motion. The priest just stuck his hand in there.Shirley Schmidt: How many fingers?Denise Bauer: Three. We recovered two. The cat ran off with the third.Brad Chase: It was an accident. I just wanted to make him think that I was about to destroy the door.Denise Bauer: It was my idea.Brad Chase: He just stuck his hand out.Denise Bauer: We’re not being arrested if that’s what your concern is.Shirley Schmidt: Look. That’s one of my concerns. That priest is going to be suing you and the firm for a number with a lot of zero’s in it. Surely that’s occurred to you.Denise Bauer: We might have caught a break there. She holds up some papers. They look like certificates of some sort. From the priest’s office.Shirley Schmidt: What’s this?Denise Bauer: Papal Blessings.Shirley Schmidt: Excuse me?Denise Bauer: The Diocese sells Papal Blessings complete with the Pope’s signature to the tune of thirty bucks a pop. These are counterfeit. The priest’s got a printing press and a stack of these back there. He’s bootlegging Papal Blessings to the tune of about six figures a year. We’ve got a rogue priest here.Special Agent Kevin Drummond: Denise. Brad. A second?Shirley walks away. Denise and Brad walk over to the Special Agent. We found the third finger. I’ve got it here on ice. He shows them a Ziploc bag with ice. A finger is lying on top. Evidently if we get it over to the hospital they could still reattach it. I know it’s a big favor to ask, but ah, would you deliver it?。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第13集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalToo Much InformationSeason 2, Episode 13Written by David E. Kelley2005 David E. Kelly Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: January 24, 2006Transcribed by Imamess of JSMP for Thanks to sueb of JSMP for her help.In a convenience store the clerk is apprehensive when two young males come in and walk around. They come up and place two bags of snack food on the counter.Store clerk: Two dollars even. Thank you. When they turn away to leave Catherine Piper is in front of the counter. Hello! May I help you ma’m?Catherine Piper: Yes, you may, dear. She pulls a gun out of her purse and points it at the clerk.Store clerk: Whoa!Catherine Piper: Take all the money out of the drawer and put it in a bag please.Store clerk: Yes.Catherine Piper: Oh! And put some of that delicious beef jerky in there too.Catherine looks up and sees a security camera high up on the wall. At first she is startled and then she smiles for the camera.Outside Catherine is sitting in police cruiser. A taxi comes up and Alan Shore gets out.Officer Lawrence Michaels: Mr Shore? She said to call you.Alan Shore: Thank you, Lawrence.Alan looks in the window. Catherine smiles tentatively at him. He gets in the car with her and gives her a look.Catherine Piper: In a way I suppose this is all your fault.Alan Shore: Oh dear God How, Catherine? How is it that you holding up a convenience store suddenly becomes my fault?Catherine Piper: You said you would hire me as your personal assistant after the firm fired me. I took you at your lying word. Bad! Catherine, bad! She slaps her hand.Alan Shore: It was a terrible thing to forget and I’m sorry. But you’re in a lot of trouble here!Catherine Piper: What else was I to do? A gal’s gotta eat! And robbery isn’t as bad as killing a man. And you got me off on that!Alan Shore: And you’ve done wonders with our second chance. Stay here. He gets out and walks into the convenience store. Good evening. I understand you recently suffered a robbery?Store clerk: You a lawyer?Alan Shore: Actually I’m here more as a friend to the befuddled old woman who…Store clerk: Robbed me! Do you know how many times I’ve been held up this year?Alan Shore: Far too many for you to appreciate her little prank I’m sure. May I ask if that’s your car out front? The Datsun with the dents in the side?Store clerk: Yeah.Alan Shore: I have a friend who has a friend, he’s a magician with body work. He’ll make those dents disappear, change the color, he’ll make that Datsun exactly like a late-model BMW.Store clerk: Can he make the seats look like leather?Alan Shore: The man’s a miracle worker.Alan is talking to Officer Michaels out on the street.Officer Lawrence Michaels: We got a problem. Another sector car called it in. I don’t have any choice. I gotta book her.Alan Shore: It’s late. She’s elderly. Couldn’t we at least defer the arrest?Officer Lawrence Michaels: Uh, uh.Alan Shore: Lawrence. Please.Officer Lawrence Michaels: You owe me.Alan Shore: Thank you. You won’t regret this.Catherine Piper:She pokes her head out of the car. Excuse me, officer? Can I get my gun back please?Alan is in his office at cps. He picks up the phone.Alan Shore: When A.D.A. Raines gets back have her call me immediately.Voice on the phone: Yes, sir.Alan Shore: Thank you.Denise Bauer comes in.Denise Bauer: Could I borrow you for a minute? They’re walking down the stairs. Opposing counsel has made an offer, I’m trying to get these people to take it. I’m hoping that you can explain to them that this is as good as it gets.Alan Shore: Do I get a hint?Denise Bauer: It involves invasion of privacy. A woman, Jacqui Hayden, access was gained to her personal medical records.Alan Shore: Invasion of privacy. There’s an increasingly familiar tune these days.Denise Bauer: This is little worse than your typical case of someone being denied a job because of a preexisting condition.Alan Shore: How much worse?Alan, Denise, Irma Levine, and Emily Hayden are in Denise’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Emily Hayden: He never beat me. Just my mother. I finally got out when I was sixteen.Irma Levine: A few years later Emily’s mom, Jacqui, came to us at the Woman’s Shelter. She was a mess.Emily Hayden: They promised my dad would never find her there.Denise Bauer: For obvious reasons the name, phone number and location of the shelter are kept confidential. Irma Levine: We put Emily’s mom in touch with a psychiatrist for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.Denise Bauer: The cost of which was covered…Irma Levine: Under her HMO.Denise Bauer: Unfortunately the HMO, Well Benefits, posted Jacqui’s information including the name and address of her psychiatrist on their website. Emily’s father found Jacqui’s psychiatrist via the Well Benefits website and tracked her down at the psychiatrist’s office.Emily Hayden: That’s where he killed her.Alan Shore: So this is a wrongful death action? And Well Benefits has offered you a settlement?Denise Bauer: Twenty thousand. No admission of liability.Alan Shore: Regarding the settlement I have to agree. Emily is disappointed.Denise Bauer: Thank you, Alan.Alan Shore: Not with you. To Emily. With you. The offer is insulting. These people need to be taught a lesson. Irma smiles and squeezes Emily’s arm.Denise Bauer: Would you excuse us one moment?Denise and Alan are out in the hallway. Denise closes the office door.Denise Bauer: Twenty thousand? That’s a lot of money for nineteen-year-old girl. I brought you in to make this go away.Alan Shore: I won’t do that.Denise Bauer: What happened to Jacqui Hayden was a nightmare. But to blame the HMO? There was a supervening act! Technically Well Benefits didn’t break the law.Alan Shore: But there was a foreseeable danger. There are consequences in this case, dire consequences to putting someone’s most personal information on the internet. Well Benefits should have known that. I say we clobber them over the head with it.Denise Bauer: This is why people don’t ask your opinion a lot.Alan Shore: Most likely.Stan is in the lunchroom tending his sandwich cart.Stan: Lorraine, ham and provolone on a baggett.Beverly Bridge: She comes up. Uh, do you have anything without bread?Stan: These are sandwiches. They have bread.Beverly Bridge: Well, there’s a thing called, Protein Style.Stan: Well if they don’t have bread, then they’re not a sandwich and I only do sandwiches.Beverly Bridge: Do you know who I am? Brad comes up behind Bev. I’m Denny Cranes’ fiancé.Stan: Yeah? So? Bev turns and leaves. Hey Mr Chase! Roast beef and havarti!Catherine walks down the hallway at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. She goes into the Alan’s office. Catherine Piper: Ahem, hem, hem.Alan Shore: Catherine? What are you doing here? I just tried to reach you at your house.Catherine Piper: I was in the neighborhood. I wanted to see if was any news on my case.Alan Shore: There isn’t. I put in a call to the D.A.’s office. I have yet to hear back. Now. About your finances. Catherine Piper: Oh! We can talk finances and trial strategy. Ah, can we use osteoporosis as a defense?Alan Shore: Do you have it?Catherine Piper: Ha, no! But I have a little pillow I can put under my shirt.Alan Shore: We’ll keep that in our arsenal. So. Catherine…Catherine Piper: Do you wanna talk more now? I was gonna catch up with the girls in word processing.Alan Shore: Oh. Okay. Why don’t you do that?Catherine Piper: But don’t worry! I’ll be here. I’ve cleared my schedule. This gets top priority.Alan Shore: As it should. Given you’re facing twenty-five to life.Denny Crane is his office. He is having his nails done. Shirley Schmidt comes in.Shirley Schmidt: What happened to the sandwich guy?Denny Crane: Ahh, Bev fired him.Shirley Schmidt: Bev doesn’t work here.Denny Crane: Well, then I fired him.Shirley Schmidt: I thought we agreed you wouldn’t fire anyone after you let Vickie Dantchi go?Denny Crane: She wasn’t pulling her weight.Shirley Schmidt: She was a client.Denny Crane: Let me tell you something, Shirley. You know why this firm is going into the dumper?Shirley Schmidt: Our profits were up five percent last quarter.Denny Crane: People are being coddled. Bunch of lay abouts… He pulls his hand back from the manicurist. Ah! Be careful with the cuticle, Ming.Shirley Schmidt: Denny? It’s starting.Denny Crane: I don’t know what you’re talking about.Shirley Schmidt: Bev. She’s following a similar pattern to your five previous wives. It starts with her firing the sandwich guy, and ends with her influencing policy at this firm and it will not be tolerated.Denny Crane: Now, Shirley we both know what this is all about.Shirley Schmidt: No, we do not both know what this is about! It’s not about me being jealous of Bev. It’s about getting the sandwich guy back!Denny Crane: Oh! Alright. Geez ,if I’d know it was such a big deal. I’ll talk to Bev.Ming: Happy ending, Mr Crane?Denny Crane: Well, not today, Ming. I’m engaged now.Denise is in her office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt making a phone call.Telephone operator: Willsely Memorial Ontcology.Denise Bauer: Room four, one, seven, five.Telephone operator: There’s a phone block on that room.Denise Bauer: Could you help me out here? I’m, his uhm, girlfriend.Telephone operator: Hold one second please.Laura Buckingham: Hello, Ms Bauer. This is Laura Buckingham, Mr Post’s personal assistant.Denise Bauer: Oh, thank God! How’s the chemo going?Laura Buckinham: He’s indisposed at the moment. But he wanted me to personally assure you, he is well. And he’ll phone you in a few days following his treatment.Denise Bauer: Ah, could you tell, Mr Post, that uhm, tell him I uhm, I’m thinking of him.Laura Buckinham: I will.Alan Shore:He looks around the door. They’re here.Denise Bauer: Let’s go.Alan, Denise, Emily, Irma and Attorney Adam Jovanka, Tom Orchard are in the conference room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Tom Orchard: Rejected?! You’ve gotta be kidding!Alan Shore: No, I’m much funnier when I’m kidding.Tom Orchard:To his attorney. I thought this was worked out.Attorney Adam Jovanka:Looking to Denise. I thought so too.Denise Bauer: After further consideration we decided that the offer was inadequate.Tom Orchard: Oh! What a bunch of crap! Young lady, I don’t know what nonsense these lawyers have been telling you about HMO’s and their deep pockets.Alan Shore: Please direct your unfounded arrogance at me.Tom Orchard: Okay. Fine! You two are just trying to make an issue when there is no issue!Alan Shore: No issue? I’m sorry. Did this young woman’s mother suddenly spring back to life?Tom Orchard: Her father killed her mother and we are all upset about that. But it was not our fault! However, to make this go away we were willing to give her a gift of twenty thousand dollars.Alan Shore: Well, as a gift that’s very sweet of you. We’ll put it in the den next to the armoire. However, as compensation that you owe Emily Hayden because your negligence lead to he mother being brutally murdered? Your offer is offensive. Even more offensive than your tone.Tom Orchard: We’re done!Attorney Adam Jovanka: The law is on our side, Mr Shore. Tragedies happen every day.Alan Shore: Yes! And you’re about to experience one firsthand. See you in court.The attorney and his client leave.Alan Shore:To Denise. Aren’t you glad you brought me on board?In Judge Nora Lang’s courtroom. Denise is cross examining Ned Hayden.Denise Bauer: Mr Hayden. Is it true you stabbed your wife with a kitchen knife?Ned Hayden: Yes.Denise Bauer: You hunted her down?Ned Hayden: Yes.Denise Bauer: You lay in wait?Ned Hayden: Yes.Denise Bauer: And finally, after you both exchanged words you pulled the knife out and stabbed her seven times in the chest?Ned Hayden: Yes.Denise Bauer: Before you killed Emily’s mother, Jacqui, she was living in Renew, a battered women’s shelter? Ned Hayden: That was my understanding.Denise Bauer: A shelter the location of which was kept confidential?Ned Hayden: As far as I knew.Denise Bauer: Could you tell us how you came to learn of Jacqui’s whereabouts’?Ned Hayden: By computer.Denise Bauer: Specifically?Ned Hayden: I logged on to Well Benefit’s website.Denise Bauer: Jacqui’s HMO?Ned Hayden: I had her social security number and her date of birth. That’s all I needed to access the records. Denise Bauer: And what did you find?Ned Hayden: Her explanation of benefits. It had on it what she was being treated for, the location of her doctor and what her co-pay was. I noticed she was seeing the same shrink every Monday, so I went and waited for her outside his office..Alan, Denise, Irma and Emily are in a room at the courthouse. Emily is gasping for air. She’s taking deep, shaky breaths. Alan is sitting in front of her.Alan Shore: Emily. Emily! She looks at him. The good was we just made a strong opening impression with the jury. The bad was you just had to listen to testimony about how your father killed your mother. That’s something nobody should ever have to experience. Here’s what you should know about lawyers. I could have sat you down and prepared you for this testimony so as to brace you. I chose not to. No tears for the plaintiff, no tears for the jury, less money. But, Emily, we don’t have to keep going here. If you feel it’s…Emily Hayden: I wanna keep going.Alan Shore: You’re sure?Emily Hayden: Yes!Alan Shore: Okay. But if you don’t care to be in the courtroom…Emily Hayden: I wanna be there.Alan Shore: From this point on it’s not entirely necessar…Emily Hayden: I wanna be there. I want you to get him! And I wanna see you get him!Alan Shore: Get who, Emily? We’re suing a company.Catherine is in the outer office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt talking to one of the secretary’s at a desk.Catherine Piper: So I heard Lynette’s cyst didn’t go away and they’re going to have to lance it. All that, and her sa… Denny Crane walks by. Hello, Denny! Denny stops. Do you still remember who I am? Or did I leak out your whiffle ball brain? He, he.Denny Crane:He walks off and meets Alan coming up. Now her, I know we fired!Catherine Piper: Alan? Any news with the case?Alan Shore: Yes.Catherine Piper: Well, make it quick because I’m having lunch with Judy. He husband’s… she makes a drinking motion… again.Alan Shore: Well, I have good news. The grocery clerk was too busy driving around in his plush new ride to press charges, and the D.A. won’t prosecute without a complaining witness.Catherine Piper: What does that mean?Alan Shore: Your case is dismissed. You’re free and clear.Catherine Piper: Really?Alan Shore: Catherine, this is good news. There are only two ‘get out of jail free’ cards in the game and you’ve used them both up.Catherine Piper: I did. Didn’t I?Alan Shore: Yes, you did. Catherine, I want you to have this. He hands her a check.Catherine Piper: Three thousand dollars? I hope you’re not expecting sex for this?Alan Shore: I am not. Consider it back pay.Catherine Piper: Thank you, Alan.Alan Shore: We’ll have dinner soon to celebrate.Denny and Beverly are in Denny’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Beverly Bridge: You wanna rehire the sandwich guy?Denny Crane: Well! It wasn’t that big a deal.Beverly Bridge: Not a big deal? How would you feel if he raped me? What would you do? Just sweep that under the rug?Denny Crane: Oh, come on, Bev. I know the guy upset you but…Beverly Bridge: You damn right he upset me. He was completely rude. But Denny. I mean, my feelings don’t matter here. The sandwich guy didn’t disrespect Beverly Bridge. He disrespected the fiancé of Denny Crane. He disrespected you.Denny Crane: The son of a bitch!Denny marches down the hallway at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Brad, Shirley and Paul are in the conference room.Brad Chase: If you turn to page fifty-six, appendix B.Denny Crane:He comes in. Ah, sorry, folks. Talked it over with Bev. The sandwich guy? Still out. He leaves. Shirley Schmidt: Okay. We need to deal with this now.Paul Lewiston: We need to deal with the sandwich guy instead of the multi-million dollar Blake merger?Shirley Schmidt: No. Bev’s influence on Denny.Paul Lewiston: Believe me that’s next on my agenda.Shirley Schmidt: Bev fired the sandwich guy, I went to Denny, he talked to Bev and the sandwich guy is still fired. Paul Lewiston:He sighs and bangs his hands on the table. It’s Angie all over again.Shirley Schmidt: Or Marcia.Paul Lewiston: Or Clovis.Shirley Schmidt: From what I’ve seen Bev is much more formidable than any of the previous Mrs Cranes.Paul Lewiston: If she gets Denny to take his name off the door people will think the firm’s in trouble.Shirley Schmidt: Clients will stampede out of here.Brad Chase: I have an idea. I realize I haven’t been partner for very long, so let me ask you both. How much discretion would I have to make this Bev problem go away?Shirley and Paul look at each other then at Brad.Shirley Schmidt: No chopping off fingers.Paul Lewiston: No violence of any kind.Brad Chase: None. I promise.Shirley Schmidt: Then you have as much discretion as you need.In Nora Lang’s courtroom Attorney Jovanka is questioning Tom Orchard.Attorney Adam Jovanka: And so in comparison with other HMO’s Well Benefits would rank where?Tom Orchard: Several prominent publications have listed us at the top of our field in terms of customer satisfaction.Attorney Adam Jovanka: And in terms of your website? Specifically security?Tom Orchard: It is considered user friendly, but sound. We meet the accepted business standard for internet security. If Mr Hayden uses his criminal ingenuity to illegally obtain information, that’s horrible. But it’s what he chose to do.Alan Shore: Mr Orchard, according to my records your company generates approximately one point five billion dollars in revenues each year. Is that right?Tom Orchard: Approximately.Alan Shore: Oh! Forgive me Your Honor. Before I begin my cross examination, I meant to congratulate Mr Orchard, his wife recently gave birth to a beautiful baby daughter.Tom Orchard: Thank you.Alan Shore: Eight pounds, fifteen ounces. Healthy? Happy?Tom Orchard: Thank goodness, yes.Alan Shore: She was a bit jaundiced when she came out though. Had a little fluid in her lungs which seemed to be aspirated.Tom Orchard: Sorry?Alan Shore: No! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disregard your other children which so often happens with the arrival of a new one. You have a four-year-old and a ten-year-old?Attorney Adam Jovanka: Your Honor!Alan Shore: Your Honor I just thought Mr Orchard would like to know his ten year old, Carly likes Max Babcock. Though Max doesn’t know if he likes her back. At least that’s what I ascertain from the chat room.Attorney Adam Jovanka: Objection!Alan Shore: All this objecting! Mr Jovanka, you seem in such a nasty mood. Could it be the new Lexus you ordered on line from a broker has been delayed? Gosh I hope you’re not forced to keep driving that Sudan with a dent in ti from your recent fender-bender.Judge Nora Lang: Mr Shore!Alan Shore: Yes Your Honor. By the way you need to renew your car registration. But congratulations on colonoscopy.Judge Nora Lang: Mr Shore!!Alan Shore: Too personal? This is just information I was able to obtain from websites which employ the business standard for internet security. That is what you called it, Mr Orchard. Correct?Tom Orchard: Correct.Alan Shore: Here’s what I don’t understand. You’re a billion dollar company, you’re in the business of ensuring the health and well-being of your clientele and yet you weren’t able to ensure the safety of their records. What you could have done, had you spent just a fraction of those billions on internet security.Alan Shore: Mr Shore, as we all know, health care costs have spun out of control. Information technology is the single largest cost for us and for all other Fortune 1000 companies. If we had upgraded to a more secure system, more people would have had to do without health care.Alan Shore: And yet, fewer would have been murdered.Brad and Beverly are having drinks in a restaurant.Beverly Bridge:To the waiter. Thank you. To Brad. To Denny Crane. They touch their glasses. Now Brad? Did you really ask me here on business? Or are you trying to do a little move in on Denny Crane’s girl?Brad Chase: Just business. I’m here to talk about you and Denny.Beverly Bridge: Well, we’re very much in love. If anything changes though, I’ll let you know.Brad Chase: Well, as you know Denny’s been married several times and each time it’s ended in divorce, and each divorce has been traumatic and ultimately costly for Denny and Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Beverly Bridge: Don’t worry about it, Brad. I’m sure I’m going to sign any prenup that Denny wants me to.Brad Chase: This isn’t about a prenup. This is about avoiding the turmoil of marriage and divorce altogether. Beverly Bridge: You lost me.Brad Chase: I’ll make it simple. I’m prepared to give you five hundred thousand dollars right now if you walk away and never have any contact with Denny Crane ever again. A pause. Save us a lot of money, time and grief. A pause. But I want you to know that we’ll aggressively fight to keep you from exercising any control over Denny or the firm.Beverly Bridge:She leans forward and grabs Brads tie. I’m gonna tell you two things. First. I love Denny Crane with all my heart, and I will never leave him. Not for all the money in the world. And second. In a moment, you’re going to pour your glass of wine all over yourself.She lets the tie go, gets up and leaves. Brad watches her. Smoke rises. His tie is on fire! He jumps up and spills his glass of wine all over himself.Brad Chase: Ugh! Crap!!Denise is in her office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Alan comes in.Alan Shore: Hello.Denise Bauer: Hi!Alan Shore: I always feel slightly sick to my stomach when I work alone in the office late at night.Denise Bauer: I thought you liked being alone.Alan Shore: I love being alone. I just prefer to be alone when there’s other people around. So how are you doing? Denise Bauer: Fine.Alan Shore: I have a Rabbi friend with a small gambling problem who, when he hears someone say they’re fine, he always asks again until they say something other than fine. So? How are you doing?Denise Bauer: I’m seeing someone who’s dying of lung cancer. And while he is a very wealthy man he can’t buy his way out of the secondary cancers the treatment for the first cancers are causing. Here’s the kicker, Daniel, has completely shut me out of his life. So now I just wait.Alan Shore:A pause. He gets up. Walks to the door, then turns. Denise. I don’t know you very well. However you don’t strike me as the type of woman who just waits. For anything.In a grocery store a male clerk is watching a basketball game on television.Catherine Piper: Ahem, hem, hem.Clerk: He looks to Catherine, then back to the TV. May I help you?Catherine Piper: I’d like to buy some ear plugs please.Clerk:He passes her a bottle. Two, oh three.Catherine pays for the plugs, then puts them in her ears. The clerk turns to the TV. Catherine takes a gun out of her purse. The clerk doesn’t see her, so she shoots at a large keg of juice on the counter. The clerk is startled. Catherine motions toward the cash register. The clerk starts filling a bag with money. Catherine sees the security camera. She smiles and waves at it.Alan is at the jailhouse. Catherine is sitting in a cell.Catherine Piper: Oh, I’m in trouble now.Alan Shore: Yes.Catherine Piper: What’s with me?Alan Shore: Indeed.Catherine Piper: I certainly have a lack of, of impulse control. I must have ADD or OCD. Oh one of those other letter things. But I don’t want you to think I’m not aware of the hole we’re in. I get it! That’s why I want you to know I’m willing to roll up my sleeves and, and work with you on this. Maybe we can set up a little office for me at the firm?Alan Shore: He nods his head. I’ll be back. He goes to the door. Sir! The door is opened, he turns back to Catherine. Don’t go anywhere.In an office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt Brad is sitting on a couch. Contrite. Shirley and Paul are berating him.Paul Lewiston: What in the hell were you thinking?Brad Chase: Well, you both gave me discretion to make it go away?Shirley Schmidt: But she didn’t go away!Paul Lewiston: So you made this insane offer. Put the firm at risk for nothing?Shirley Schmidt: When this gets back to Denny, and it will, he is going to blow sky high.Paul Lewiston: Now Bev has a chip to play against us.Brad Chase: Bev turned down the offer that I made her, she was very offended. She uhm, she set my tie on fire. Shirley Schmidt: Oh God!Brad Chase: But before she turned me down she hesitated. Just a little bit! But she hesitated.Paul Lewiston: This is going to get ugly.Alan, Irma and Emily are in Alan’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Emily Hayden: How can I not testify? You said yourself I’m the emotion in the case.Alan Shore: I’m thinking too much emotion.Emily Hayden: I, I don’t understand.Alan Shore: Emily, I could put you on the stand. Exhibit your anger and sadness for the jury and they will be moved. But then the defense has their turn and the’ll exploit those very same emotions taking advantage of your pain. They’ll argue that your vengeance is truly meant for your father and you refocused it toward Well Benefits. The deepest pockets you could find. They’ll have the jury convinced it’s a misdirected and therefore, frivolous lawsuit. And that’s how we’ll lose. I suspect the most difficult thing one could ask of you is, trust. But that’s exactly what I’m asking for now, Emily. She nods. Let’s get in there.Irma Levine: Mr Shore? I wish I could get you to come to the shelter. So many of the women there desperately need legal advice. Someone who’ll speak to them, openly and honestly.Alan Shore: Are they cute?Irma Levine: You don’t fool me. You’re a compassionate man.Alan Shore: We need to get back.In Judge Nora Lang’s courtroom Attorney Adam Jovanka is giving his closing.Attorney Adam Jovanka: Ned Hayden killed his wife. He’s serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Justice has been served. Emily Hayden’s loss is immeasurable. But whatever closure she is seeking, she must find it in her soul. Or through her God. Not through suing Well Benefits. Well Benefits could not reasonable foresee this killing and did nothing to encourage it. They were in compliance with all State and Federal regulations regarding internet security. If you find for the plaintiff you are punishing my client for playing by the rules. And you’re opening a Pandora’s box of lawsuits. Not just against HMO’s, but against all internet businesses. And who will ultimately end up paying for that? You know. It’s you.Alan Shore: When I was eleven years old there came a time when the temptation to explore the more secretive recesses of my older sister’s life became more than I could resist. I started by poking around in her room. I ended by reading her diary. My defense, she kept it right out in the open her the mattress. And the little metal clasp on it was simply no match for the paperclip and the screwdriver. I was eventually caught, prompting my sister to have a lock installed on her door. The only consequence of the invasion of my sister’s privacy was the temporary loss of her confidence and trust. The invasion of Jacqui Hayden’s privacy led to her being stabbed and left to bleed to death in the street. Privacy and the safety and security that word has always implied has with time and technology become an illusion. A National Security agency has access to all our emails the world over with its echelon system. Virtually every website you visit installs a delicious cookie on to your computer which is in fact a spy to track you’re every move. There are predators out in cyber space collecting data on your children while they innocently type away in chat rooms. And that little waiver you’ve signed in the doctor’s office mostly likely allows physicians to share your information on the internet with insurance companies, the government, your employer and the courts. Make no mistake; access to your information is easy. All you need is a person’s five digit zip code, gender and date of birth to uniquely identify eighty-seven percent of the US population. That is how vulnerable we are. How vulnerable you are. Well Benefits says they could not have possibly foreseen the actions of an abusive spouse intent on causing his wife harm. Let me tell you what Jacqui Hayden could not foresee. That after years of cruel and violent debasement at the hands of her husband, after she finally found her way out of the shadows she didn’t foresee that the people she most trusted with her health and well-being would lead the darkness right back to her door. And now she’s dead. Well Benefits made it easy for Ned Hayden to find his wife. As easy as looking under a mattress.In Judge Nora Lang’s courtroom. She hand’s the verdict back to the clerk, who takes it to the foreperson. Judge Nora Lang: Madame foreperson? You’ve reached a verdict?Foreperson:She stands. We have, Your Honor.Judge Nora Lang; What say you?Foreperson: We the jury find in favor of the plaintiff and award compensatory damages in the amount of nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars and punitive damages in the amount of two million dollars.Attorney Adam Jovanka: Your Honor, we move for a judgment not withstanding the verdict. Or in the alternative, a new trial.Judge Nora Lang; Motion denied. The jury is dismissed. We are adjourned.Emily Hayden: Thank you. Thank you, Mr Shore.Alan Shore: You’re welcome. They shake hands.Irma Levine: I knew you could win this, Mr Shore.Alan Shore: Well, that’s usually the safe bet. Tell me. How does a striking Latino woman come by the name Irma Levine?Irma Levine: Mmm. Congratulations on winning your case. Thank you. She leaves.Denise Bauer: Great work.Alan Shore: Thank you. I have to go see the D.A. about Catherine. Are you heading somewhere? Or just waiting?。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第19集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalStick ItSeason 2, Episode 19Written by David E. Kelley2006 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: March 14, 2006Transcribed by Imamess of JSMP for [Transcribed March 17, 2006]Two I.R.S. agents Joseph Reynolds and Thomas Leary, deboard the elevator, head for Melissa, at her desk.Special Agent Joseph Reynolds: Melissa Hughes?Melissa Hughes: Uh… why?Special Agent Joseph Reynolds: Are you Melissa Hughes?Melissa Hughes:Calling out. Alan? These people are looking for Melissa Hughes. They have guns! Alan emerges from his office.Alan Shore:To the agents. What’s going on?Special Agent Thomas Leary:To Melissa. Can we see some identification please?Melissa Hughes: Do I have to do that? Don’t I have the right to not incriminate myself?Alan Shore:To the Agents. Could we start with you identifying yourselves?Special Agent Joseph Reynolds: I’m Special Agent Joseph Reynolds, with the US Treasury Department. This is Special Agent Thomas Leary, also with the Internal Treasury Department. To Melissa. Are you Melissa Hughes?Melissa Hughes: Oh, alright.Special Agent Thomas Leary: Please put your hands behind your back, Ms Hughes.Melissa Hughes: What?Alan Shore: I asked before, I’ll do so again. What is going on?Special Agent Thomas Leary handcuffs Melissa.Special Agent Joseph Reynolds: This woman is under arrest for evasion of Federal income taxes. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney.Alan Shore: I’m her attorney, we’ll waive Miranda, there’s no need to take her into custody, I’ll surrender her myself at her arraignment.Special Agent Joseph Reynolds: I’m sorry, sir. To Melissa. Let’s go, ma’am.Melissa Hughes: Hold on. Did you just call me ma’am?Alan Shore: No talking, Melissa. And don’t be making any statements; I’ll be there as soon as I can. Melissa Hughes:The Agents head off with her. Alan? Alan?Shirley Schmidt and Denise Bauer are in the lunchroom at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denise Bauer: I dreamt I had a three-way with Denny. And Denny.Shirley Schmidt: Yuck! Good Lord! I wouldn’t even wanna dream that you just told me that.Denise Bauer: This must be the way my subconscious is telling me I need to get back out there and start dating again.Shirley Schmidt: Ah, well. Then allow me to take advantage of your situation. My nephew Michael just moved here from New York, he’s and investment banker with Pryce Stearns and he needs someone to show him around.Denise Bauer: Shirley, you’re my boss.Shirley Schmidt: And you’re coming up for partner soon. So, it’s one of those lose-lose situations. Denise Bauer: Fine. Give me his number.Denny Crane:He comes in. Good morning, Shirley. Deniiise.Denise Bauer:She can’t make herself look at him. Hi, Denny.Denny Crane: You dreamt we had sex together?Denise Bauer:She and Shirley are startled. How did you know?Denny Crane:He’s startled. You mean I’m right? I ask everybody that. You’re the first person who ever said, “Yes.”Denise Bauer:She is disgusted. Uh.Paul Lewiston:He comes in. Ah, Shirley? Could we talk for a second? It’s rather important.Shirley Schmidt: Oh, yeah. She leaves.Denny Crane:To Denise. Dinner?In Paul’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Paul Lewiston: Rachel is using again. Found a Crystal Meth kit in her bathroom.Shirley Schmidt: I’m so sorry.Paul Lewiston: I’ve decided to do an intervention. I see no other alternative but to get her into a facility. Shirley Schmidt: And Fiona?Paul Lewiston: I’ll assume custody until Rachel is well.Shirley Schmidt: Legally, Social Services…Paul Lewiston: I cannot allow for that.Shirley Schmidt: Are you looking for my counsel here Paul, or simply informing me?Paul Lewiston: I guess a little of both. There’s a private investigation company that specializes in these matters. I’ve already contacted them.Shirley Schmidt: You sure this is what you wanna do?Paul Lewiston: There’s a child involved. What choice do I have other than going to the police?Alan is with Melissa in her jail cell.Alan Shore: I’m not sure I can get you out of this.Melissa Hughes: Can’t you just make one of those really, really long speeches like you did with my credit card thingy?Alan Shore: This is a little more serious than not paying your credit card bills.Melissa Hughes: Oh, come on. I can’t be the first person who forgets the pay her taxes.Alan Shore: You sent the form back with a note saying, ‘Stick it.”Melissa Hughes:She sighs. I was extremely close to my grandfather.Alan Shore:He gives her a look. I’m sure you feel you’ve just explained things.Melissa Hughes: Yeah! He served in World War II. I mean, he was such a proud American and I just started thinking how embarrassed he would be by what’s happening today.Alan Shore: What’s happening?Melissa Hughes: Us torturing people? Spying on our own people. Squashing everybody’s civil liberties. My grandfather would weep. It makes me weep.Alan Shore: Melissa, you need to change the channel. The awful things you speak of never happened on the fair and balanced newscasts.In Judge Robert Sanders’ courtroom.Clerk: Four, one, six, two, five. The United States versus Melissa Hughes, violation of Internal Revenue code: seven, six…Alan Shore: Alan Shore, for Melissa Hughes, Your Honor. I believe we can waive reading, and in fact, since the total amount is around four hundred dollars I would submit that my client simply pay it, together with late penalties and we can dispose of this whole matter.D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: The government is not interested in a deal, Your Honor. The client didn’t just fail to pay her taxes, she wrote, ‘Stick it.” on a Post It and attached it to her returns.Alan Shore: Your Honor, it’s quite simple, when my client filed her taxes she inadvertently mailed the Post It note she had written to herself as a reminder to stick the check in the mail.Judge Robert Sanders: What is this jibber-jabber? I don’t like jibber-jabber in my courtroom.Alan Shore: Oh, my goodness.Judge Robert Sanders: Your client stands accused of a federal crime. Do you want a trial, Mr Shore? Alan Shore: Immediately.Judge Robert Sanders: Mr Shapiro?D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: The government stands ready.Judge Robert Sanders: Ten A.M. tomorrow. And I would ask Counsel to check his sense of humor at the door. My courtroom is a temple of decorum. And I do not tolerate jibber-jabber. He punches ‘jibber-jabber’ with such force it causes him to cough. He takes a drink of water. Ten o’clock.Paul, Shirley and, Brad Chase are in Paul’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt with Smollers and Jerome, two strong-looking guys.Paul Lewiston: It’s almost three now so I’d like to wait till tomorrow. I want to do this while Fiona is at school.Shirley Schmidt: How do you know the school will release Fiona to you?Paul Lewiston: Rachel authorized me last week when I picked her up. To the PI’s. Do not expect my daughter to just go along for the ride; she will resist you with everything she’s got. Thank you. Smollers: Thank you, Sir.Smollers and Jerome leave.Paul Lewiston: To Brad. Brad, should the police come asking questions I would count on your support on the justification issue.Brad Chase: Paul, I’ll do what I can, but I can’t really support justification.Paul Lewiston: I beg your pardon?Brad Chase: Well, what can tell the police? That I saw someone not taking drugs? that she took me to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting?Paul Lewiston: I’m counting on your support and I will get it.Brad Chase: I did not see a person on drugs. I’m sorry.Denise is in her office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denise Bauer:Into the intercom. Yes?Voice on intercom: Michael Reisz is here.Denise Bauer: Uhm. Send him back.Michae Reisz:He comes in. Ha!Denise Bauer:She gets up to greet him. Hi! Michael! Well, it’s, um, nice to meet you. Shirley’s told me so much about you. They shake hands.Michael Reisz: Yow! Giggity, giggity.Denise Bauer: Beg your pardon?Michael playfully clicks his teeth.Denise is driving her car and talking on her cell phone.Denise Bauer: Shirley? When you told me your nephew was sweet, somehow in his mind that was synonymous with horny. Police siren blares. Oh, lovely. Okay, call me back. She stops the car and looks for her wallet in her purse. The office approaches. Evening officer.Scott Warner: Evening. License and registration please. She hands it to him. I missed it. When did they make a left turn on red legal in Massachusetts?Denise Bauer: Did I do that?Scott Warner: Uh, huh.Denise Bauer: You know? It’s been a really stressful day. I'm, I’m an attorney at Crane, Poole and Schmidt?Scott Warner: Why are you telling me that? You think that’s gonna influence me or something? That doesn’t seem right?Denise Bauer: Ah, I, I didn’t… I’m sorry. No. I made a mistake. Officer, why don’t you just give me a ticket and we’ll call it a night?Scott Warner: Now, that was the right thing to say. I’m gonna let you off with a warning this time.Denise Bauer: Really? Oh, thank you so much. This, this is the first good thing to happen to me all day! Scott Warner: Same here.They exchange smiles. A connection has just been made.Alan is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt packing his briefcase. Melissa is with him.Alan Shore: We’ve stipulated as to your noncompliance. The only testimony to be taken would be yours. Melissa Hughes: Okay.Alan Shore: I’ll take one last shot at settling it.Melissa Hughes: Actually. I’ve decided I wanna continue with the trial.Alan Shore: Sorry?Melissa Hughes: I think it’s what my grandfather would want.Alan Shore: Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me. Please. Stop talking about your grandfather.Melissa Hughes: But…Alan Shore:He takes her hand. Melissa. The prosecution is looking to make a point. You could go to jail for a long time. Melissa stares mesmerized at Alan holding her hands in his. Are you listening to me? Melissa Hughes: Huh? She’s still in a trance. Yeah! She grabs his hands. You get to go and fight battles for things you believe in, everyday. And it is so admirable. I’ve never really stood up for anything. And I know it sounds all stars and stripy but my grandfather… Alan shakes his head. I’m sorry! But he did. He talks about the America he fought for, now I wanna fight for it.Alan Shore: Okay. First of all, and I think your grampa would agree with me, there’s nothing more American than paying your taxes.Melissa Hughes: I wanna have my day in court.Alan Shore: At the risk of having your day in prison?She nods.Alan Shore:He nods. Hm.Melissa Hughes: You wanna bone me up?Alan Shore: I beg your pardon?Melissa Hughes: For my testimony? Shouldn’t you prep me?Alan Shore: You seem prepped.Melissa Hughes: You okay?Alan Shore: My head hurts. Let’s get to court.Denise exits the elevator, a new woman. She is smiling and chipper as she makes her way down the hallway. Shirley catches up to her.Shirley Schmidt: Denise? I’m sorry. And for the record, he’s not horny around me.Denise Bauer: It’s okay. I met someone else, and the night took a whole other twist. He’s a police officer and a real gentleman...Shirley stops her, looks into those eyes, those cheeks.Shirley Schmidt: You slept with him.Denise Bauer: I did not.Shirley Schmidt: You did too.Denise Bauer: I did not.Shirley Schmidt: Denise.Denise Bauer: Maybe a little.Shirley Schmidt: You slut.Denise Bauer: I have a really good feeling about this one.Shirley Schmidt: Well, then you can send your thank you notes to me and Michael.Denise Bauer: Her cell phone rings. This is Denise.Scott Warner: Hi. It’s me.Denise Bauer:Into the cell phone. Hey, you. In sotto to Shirley. It’s him. A next day caller.Shirley Schmidt: Oooh. She walks away.Denise Bauer:Into the cell phone. What’s up?Scott Warner: Listen, uh, I was wondering if you could meet me down at the police station?Denise Bauer: Uhm. Sure. I get off for lunch around noon.Scott Warner: Uh, I, I don’t know if I can make lunch.Denise Bauer: Why not?Scott Warner: I have been arrested.Denise Bauer: What? What for?Scott Warner: Impersonating a police officer.In Judge Robert Sanders’ courtroom. Melissa is on the stand.Melissa Hughes: I’ve always believed the United States was not only the strongest country, but also the most moral one.Alan Shore: And, so, naturally that’s what prompted you to tell them to, ‘Stick it?’Melissa Hughes: I just felt so embarrassed.Alan Shore: Embarrassed. Over…?Melissa Hughes: Well, I guess, first, the whole weapons of mass destruction thing. Now. Maybe we lied; maybe we made a mistake, but either way, as, as goofs go. To start a war? Hello?Alan Shore: Ha. It embarrassed you?Melissa Hughes: Didn’t it you? To the jury. Didn’t it you?D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: Objection!Judge Robert Sanders: Ms Hughes! Please do not address the jury.Melissa Hughes: Okay.Alan Shore: It seems as though you oppose the war.Melissa Hughes: Actually, I don’t. If the government had said, “We need to do anything to get rid of Saddam.” I would have said, “Let’s roll.” And if we had apologized after making such a humongous gaffwith the whole weapons thingy, I’m sure I could have accepted that too, but instead we were so arrogant. It was embarrassing, ha, ha.Alan Shore: Yes. Anything else?Melissa Hughes: Torture. Our military tortured prisoners. Aren’t we supposed to be the country that stands for human rights. To the jury. I mean, doesn’t it make you wanna hide?Judge Robert Sanders: Ms Hughes?!Melissa Hughes: And spying? Do we spy on our own citizens now? All this to fight terrorists because they’re a threat to freedom as we know it? I mean, ha, ha, talk about burning down the barn to kill therats! Am I the only one embarrassed by this?D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: What about the military, Ms Hughes. Have our soldiers embarrassed you? Melissa Hughes: I have always been as proud of our troops as I am grateful.D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: Now, I believe you said that you’re actually for the war? I guess you’d be for winning it?Melissa Hughes: Of course.D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: Well, what chance do you think we’d have of victory if people started not paying their taxes?Melissa Hughes: Not good.D.A Jonathan Shapiro: But I guess if you’re ashamed enough to be an American, it’s okay…Alan Shore: She never said she was ashamed to be, she said she was embarrassed as. A distinction often missed by those who confuse descent for disloyalty.Judge Robert Sanders: Mr Shore, sit down.Alan Shore: I am sitting. Okay, you got me. But I was about to sit after objecting to the D.A.’s jibber-jabber...D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: There he goes again!Alan Shore: There I go again.Judge Robert Sanders: Just stop with the jibber-jabber. The issue here is, did she pay her taxes? She didn’t. You be quiet Mr Shore. And Mr Shapiro, sit down while you’re ahead. We will have closing arguments, and then the jury will rule and then I will give my sentence.Alan Shore: Small point, Judge. You probably shouldn’t indicate to the jury you expect a sentencing. I could be wrong.Judge Robert Sanders: Enough jibber-jabber!! He coughs.Paul knocks on Rachel Lewiston’s door. She opens. She doesn't speak.Paul Lewiston: May I come in? She doesn’t answer. They move into her kitchen. Paul sighs. I feel horrible about how it ended the other day.Rachel Lewiston: Well. Gee.Paul Lewiston: It’s just… if you’re using Crystal Meth… She turns away. Rachel. What I know about you, or I should say suspect, is that you really don’t want to eliminate drugs from your life, you want to be able to manage them.Rachel Lewiston: Nice talking to you, dad.Paul Lewiston: I would like you to check yourself into rehab.Rachel Lewiston:Just wants him out now. Fine. I’ll think about it, thanks for…Paul Lewiston: You have a daughter.Rachel Lewiston: Y’ know? Sometimes being there is more important than being sober. This is going nowhere. She walks away. A beat. He walks out. A moment later he’s back. With Smollers and Jerome, the two PI’s. What the hell is this?Paul Lewiston: You’re going into rehab Rachel.Rachel Lewiston: Are you out of your mind?Smollers: Ms Lewiston? We’re doing this easy. Or we’re doin’ this hard.Rachel Lewiston: Well, let’s do it easy, then. Screw you. To Paul. And screw you. What… The PI’s move in and they spring into action; one goes high, and one goes low, and it’s ugly. Rachel snaps, she’s screaming, cursing, struggling.Jerome/Smollers: Ma’m. Ma’m!Rachel Lewiston: Get your hands off of me!! Get your, what are you doing?! This is my house! What is this, dad? Please, daddy make ‘em stop! Daddy! Make them take their hands off me.Paul Lewiston: Rachel!Rachel Lewiston: Get off of me! Get off of me!She’s every bit the fighter Lewiston promised, and more. Maybe they should’ve brought three men. As the screaming and warfare continue, the camera closes on Paul fighting tears.Rachel Lewiston: Let go of me! Let go! Let go! Bastards!Denise and Scott are in his jail cell.Denise Bauer: So. Have you been doing this for a long time?Scott Warner: A few years. It’s just, you drive around and you see people behaving so irresponsibly, so rudely, you know, speeding and cutting people off, running red lights. Like there are no rules! He sighs. One time I just pulled a guy over and straightened him out. All I do is warn people. I just wanna help keep the public safe and law abiding.Denise Bauer: So you’re like a hall monitor for the world?Scott Warner: But, that has nothing to do with what happened between us. That was real. You’re a special person, Denise. Most women would be put off with the idea of dating a policeman.Denise Bauer: You’re not a policeman. I will be your attorney, but, that’s all. She gets up and goes to the door. That’s all. I’ll see you in court.Rachel is in her room at the rehab. Paul comes in.Paul Lewiston: Whatever feelings you have for me now, you have to know…Rachel Lewiston: Where’s Fiona?Paul Lewiston: She’s with me. She’s doing well.Rachel Lewiston: I wanna see her.Paul Lewiston: I’ll bring her.Rachel Lewiston: This person, this Brad Chase, is he a PI? Does he work for you?Paul Lewiston: He’s a lawyer who works for me.Rachel Lewiston: Well, he’s a lawyer in need of a lawyer. I’m suing him.Paul Lewiston: On what grounds?Rachel Lewiston: Invasion of privacy. Infliction of emotional distress. My attorney made a whole list.Paul Lewiston: You have a lawyer? Have you moved for a temporary restraining order?Rachel Lewiston: No. She picks up a piece of paper and hands it to Paul. She’s allergic to soy and wheat if she has too much. Make sure to minimize sugar, no soft drinks. Stay away from the processed foods. I like to keep it organic. There’s a list of her favorite foods, her school, her friends for play dates, her pediatrician, there’s number for each. She functions best on routine, so stick to it. Paul nods. You tell her I’m in the hospital. You don't tell why. And bring her here. Bye bye, dad.Alan is his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt, drinking. Melissa is with him.Alan Shore: Melissa, you could very well go to prison.Melissa Hughes:She sighs. Yeah. You’ll visit me. Right? You’re gonna make one of those really long speeches that are so hot?Alan Shore: I can stand up and argue just about any case. But the long shots, of which this is one, are different. Those, I need to somehow believe in. And unfortunately what I believe here… is that you broke the law.Melissa Hughes: Well then I guess, between now and the time you jump up, you’re gonna have to find something to believe in.She turns to leave and bumps into Denny coming in.Denny Crane: Why Alan? That’s all I’m gonna ask. Why?Alan Shore: Some people see things as they are and ask why. Others see things as they never were, and claim Mad Cow.Denny Crane: Do you have any idea what would happen if all the little people would stop paying their taxes?Alan Shore: The rich people would have to start paying there’s?Denny Crane: Exactly! This is personal. You’re jeopardizing my loopholes. He gets up and sits down next to Alan. What’s this all about? Tell me.Alan Shore: It’s about civil disobedience, Denny. It’s about anarchy. A beat. He chuckles. The girl. I have a completely inexplicable, unwarranted, small, but embarrassing crush on the girl.Denny Crane: That girl?Alan Shore: She’s fruity chewing gum, shopping malls and sexy sweatpants and… Whereas, I’m… not. I have no intension of acting on it, nor do I regard it as anything more than a moments passing fancy. But as moments go… He sighs. Ugh! My head hurts.Paul is his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Fiona is on the floor playing with blocks. Brad is there.Paul Lewiston: Evidently she is not challenging the commitment. I don’t know why.Brad Chase: Maybe she can’t afford a lawyer.Paul Lewiston: Oh! She’s got a lawyer. She’s suing you.Brad Chase: Me?Paul Lewiston: I don’t really think she has cause of action or…Brad Chase: Paul. What is she suing me for?Paul Lewiston: Brad, I apologize for putting you in the middle of all this. But, ah, well, as this plays out I would appreciate you protecting my relationship with her, if you can.Brad Chase: What about my relationship with her?Paul Lewiston: Do you have one?Brad Chase: Well, not really. I just don’t like being the bad guy here.Paul Lewiston: Well. Let’s just try to repair this for everybody’s sake. He looks down at Fiona. Especially her's.Rachel is in her room at the rehab. Brad is with her.Brad Chase: I heard a rumor I was being sued. Your father asked me to find out if his daughter was using drugs. I didn’t betray anyone’s trust, because at the time that I accepted his request, I didn’t know you. Now, as for the person I came to know…Rachel Lewiston: A person whose trust you cultivated.Brad Chase: I didn’t betray her. I told your father I did not see you using. I did not see an unfit parent. I did not support his intervention.Rachel Lewiston: What a guy. I’m still suing.Brad Chase: No, you’re not. Because any action filed would put the department of social services on notice. And right now everything is private, which is how you want it. That’s why you’re not moving for a TRO. You’re not suing anybody.Rachel Lewiston: I’m not moving for a restraining order because I belong here. I’m a drug addict. I’m staying here because I wanna get well so I can get my daughter back. You can go now.Brad Chase: Look, I’m sorry that everything…Rachel Lewiston: That makes it all better.Brad Chase: What wasn’t a lie was how much I enjoyed meeting you. I think… well, as far as drug addicts go, you’re a really nice person.Rachel Lewiston: Ha. Well, that is so sweet. Can I have forty bucks? He doesn't respond. Drug addicts humor.Brad Chase: Very good.Rachel Lewiston: Tell my father to bring Fiona.In Judge Willard Reese’s courtroom.Clerk: Docket number four one seven five. Commonwealth versus Scott Warner. One count, impersonating a police officer.Judge Willard Reese: You've heard the charges before you? How do you plead?Denise Bauer: Your Honor. Not...Scott Warner: Guilty! Your Honor that’s uh, not, ‘not guilty’. That’s guilty.Judge Willard Reese: What is going on?Denise Bauer: Your Honor, if I may have a moment to confer with my client?The Judge motions her to go ahead.Scott Warner: Denise, I have to do this. To the judge. Sir? I believe in rules.Denise Bauer: Softly. Scott.Scott Warner: And as much as I hate to admit it. I broke the rules.Judge Willard Reese: Mr Warren, do you realize that by pleading guilty you waive your constitutional rights and I may impose upon you any sentence up to and including the maximum?Scott Warner: I understand completely, Your Honor.Judge Willard Reese: Fine. The defendant is remanded until sentencing.Denise Bauer: Well, I guess I’ll see you in a few hours at the hearing.Scott Warner: Its a few hours too many as far at this fella goes. He leaves.Denise Bauer: I’m such a loser.In Judge Robert Sanders’ courtroom D.A. Jonathan Shapiro is giving his closing.D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: Clearly she committed a crime. She didn’t pay her taxes. The only question is will you hold her accountable. Now. No doubt, Mr Shore will try to paint her as some kind of activist hero. But she is no hero, folks. At a time when freedom has never been more precarious in this country, for her to refuse her civic duty and legal duty to pay her taxes, while we have soldiers dying over there. This woman’s deliberate action is as unpatriotic, as un-American, as it is illegal. This is the cut-and-run behavior of a coward. Don’t you dare declare her a hero.Alan Shore: When the weapons of mass destruction thing turned out not to be true, I expected the American people to rise up. Ha! They didn't.Then, when the Abu Ghraib torture thing surfaced and it was revealed that our government participated in rendition, a practice where we kidnap people and turn them over to regimes who specialize in torture, I was sure then the American people would be heard from. We stood mute.Then came the news that we jailed thousands of so-called terrorist suspects, locked them up without the right to a trial or even the right to confront their accusers. Certainly, we would never stand for that. We did.And now, it's been discovered the executive branch has been conducting massive, illegal, domestic surveillance on its own citizens. You and me. And I at least consoled myself that finally, finally the American people will have had enough. Evidentially, we haven't.In fact, if the people of this country have spoken, the message is we're okay with it all. Torture, warrantless search and seizure, illegal wiretappings, prison without a fair trial or any trial, war on false pretenses. We, as a citizenry, are apparently not offended.There are no demonstrations on college campuses. In fact, there's no clear indication that young people even seem to notice.Well, Melissa Hughes noticed. Now, you might think, instead of withholding her taxes, she could have protested the old fashioned way. Made a placard and demonstrated at a Presidential or Vice-Presidential appearance, but we've lost the right to that as well. The Secret Service can now declare free speech zones to contain, control and, in effect, criminalize protest.Stop for a second and try to fathom that.At a presidential rally, parade or appearance, if you have on a supportive t-shirt, you can be there. If you’re wearing or carrying something in protest, you can be removed.This! In the United States of America. This!In the United States of America. Is Melissa Hughes the only one embarrassed? He sits down abruptly in the witness chair next to the judge.Judge Robert Sanders: Mr. Shore. That's a chair for witnesses only.Alan Shore: Really long speeches make me so tired sometimes.Judge Robert Sanders: Please get out of the chair.Alan Shore: Actually, I'm sick and tired.Judge Robert Sanders: Get out of the chair!Alan Shore: And what I'm most sick and tired of… He get’s up and out of the chair. …is how every time somebody disagrees with how the government is running things, he or she is labeled un-American.D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: Evidentially, it's speech time.Alan Shore: And speech in this country is free, you hack! Free for me, free for you. Free for Melissa Hughes to stand up to her government and say, "Stick it"!D.A. Jonathan Shapiro: Objection!Alan Shore: I object to government abusing its power to squash the constitutional freedoms of its citizenry. And, God forbid, anybody challenge it, they're smeared as being a heretic. Melissa Hughes is an American. Melissa Hughes is an American. Melissa Hughes is an American!Judge Robert Sanders: Mr. Shore. Unless you have anything new and fresh to say, please sit down.You've breached the decorum of my courtroom with all this hooting.Alan Shore: Last night, I went to bed with a book. Not as much fun as a 29-year-old, but the book contained a speech by Adlai Stevenson. The year was 1952.He said, "The tragedy of our day is the climate of fear in which we live and fear breeds repression. Too often, sinister threats to the Bill of Rights, to freedom of the mind are concealed under the patriotic cloak of anti-Communism."Today, it's the cloak of anti-terrorism. Stevenson also remarked, "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.”。
美剧Bo资料ston Legal波士顿法律第2季第17集剧本(英语)
Boston Legal… There’s Fire!Season 2, Episode 17Written by David E. Kelley2005 David E. Kelly Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: February 28, 2006Transcribed by ImamessDenny Crane is in front of a mirror trying to tie his bow tie. Unsuccessfully.Denny Crane: Ah! Frustrated. Alan! Help me with my tie.Alan Shore: Certainly. Facing Denny he attempts to tie the tie. I can’t do it this way, turn around. He reaches from behind, and as he’s looking in the mirror, he ties Denny’s tie.Denny Crane: Ahhh. I wish you and I were getting married. That’s you and I. Both of us. To others. I’m not gay.Alan Shore: I heard you the first Freudian slip.Denny Crane: Well, Alan, I, I don’t wanna leave you.Alan Shore: No doubt there’ll be some adjusting. But you’re not losing an Alan, you’re gaining a Bev. The girl of your recent dreams.Denny Crane: Alan, you’re my best friend. If you want you can dream about her too.Alan Shore: Denny, you’re generous to a fault. There you are.Denny Crane: Well! Denny Crane. Getting hitched.Alan Shore: Indeed.We see, but don’t hear Denny and Beverly Bridge say, “I do.” Denny places a ring on Bev’s finger. They kiss.Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! Would you please rise and welcome, for the first time as husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Denny Crane!Everbody applauds as Denny and Bev come out to the dance floor and start dancing.Shirley Schmidt: White roses, gold-leafed cake, Bev’s boobs swimming out of her wedding dress.Brad Chase: Who said money can’t buy tastelessness?Alan Shore: I think Bev and Denny did a lovely job.Paul Lewiston: Eleven marriages between the two of them, they’ve had plenty of practice.Denise Bauer: Will you listen to you people? Can we not, for just one moment, appreciate the simplicity and timelessness of two souls in love?The entire crowd is horrified to see Denny and Bev grabbing each other’s asses, grinding into one another as though the rest of the world didn’t exist.Wedding reception – later that evening. The band plays as people mingle and dance. Horsd’ouvers are passed around. Alan steps up beside Paul Lewiston.Alan Shore: Congratulations. I saw you were the lucky one who caught Bev’s garter.Paul Lewiston: Yes. I’m going for a full battery of tests first thing in the morning.Denny and Bev are cooing at one another.Denny Crane: I love you.Beverly Bridge: I love you more.Denny Crane: I love you more more.Yes, it’s sickening. Troy, thirty, well-groomed and officious, approaches Denny and Bev.Troy: Mainlander!Beverly Bridge: Oh, my angel. Denny, this my dear friend, Troy.Denny Crane:Friendly, shakes. Troy.Troy: Denny, Mahalo, and congrats.Denny Crane: Thank you.Beverly Bridge: Troy lives on the Big Island.Denny Crane:: Oh yeah? We’ll have to come and look you up! On our honeymoon. If there’s time. Troy: Oh, excellent, excellent. I’ve got some new listings you two are going to fall for.Denny has a curious look.Beverly Bridge: Ah, Troy’s a Realtor. He’s been keeping an eye out on houses for us.Denny Crane:Surprised. I didn’t know we were in the market for a second home.Beverly Bridge: Oh, ho, ho. Actually, Darling, when you see the Kona Coast, you may even be thinking of first homes.Denny Crane:Good natured. What am I supposed to do, beam myself to Boston every morning? Denny gives a friendly chuckle at his own joke, but something’s amiss here.Beverly Bridge: Would you excuse us, Troy? Thank you. She escorts Denny to a more private area. Now, Honey, I just want you to humor me and my wild notions. I wanna to put this thought in your head. And it’s only a thought, that’s all, but, now that we’re starting this new chapter in our lives, what do you say we really… do it?Denny Crane: Retire?Beverly Bridge: No, that’s an old person’s word. I’m talking about new beginnings.Denny Crane: But Bev, you know I’m the rainmaker at the firm. My clients wanna to know that Denny Crane is taking care of their business.Beverly Bridge: And Bev wants to know that Denny Crane is taking care of… well, Denny Crane. And we have lots of time for these thoughts. Tonight’s all fun and games. Right?Bev kisses Denny and moves off, leaving Denny with an odd, uneasy feeling. This night has taken a turn he’s not comfortable with. A female server approaches Denny. She’s carrying a tray of filled champagne glasses.Female server: Hi. Smiles, flirty. Nice night.Denny Crane:A beat, then. Suddenly it is.Bev walks up to Alan, Denise, Brad Chase, Shirley and Paul’s table in a restaurant.Beverly Bridge: Has anyone seen Denny? It’s time for our toast.Brad Chase: Oh, last time I saw him he was up near the Coat Check room.Bev chokes on her drink. Everybody is startled. They get up and walk over to the balcony which overlooks the Coat Check room. There is movement under one of the coats.Beverly Bridge: Denny?Denny Crane:He looks out from under the coat. Is it time to cut the cake. No sign of remorse in his voice.Brad, Shirley, Paul and Denny are in Denny’s office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Paul Lewiston: Of course, there is no prenup.Brad Chase: Actually, Denny signed one.Shirley Schmidt: He just neglected to get Bev to signed it..Denny Crane: I thought it was a lovely reception. I never got to the cake. It looked fantastic. Any of you try it? It was supposed to be marble with a little fudge…Paul Lewiston: Shut up! Just, shut up! While you sit here prattling about cake fillings, Bev has hired an army of lawyers to gut this firm.Shirley Schmidt: She won’t get far, Paul. It’s a straightforward annulment.Brad Chase: They were only married for three hours. Legally they never had the opportunity to consummate the marriage after the ceremony.Denny Crane: Oh yes, we did.Paul Lewiston: You had sex with another woman and your wife in the three hours you were married? Denny Crane: It was my special day. I had taken my little blue pill.Shirley Schmidt: No cure for cancer, but we got three pills for that!Brad Chase: Look there are other criteria for an annulment. Legally we can always say that Denny was not of sound mind.Paul Lewiston: That cannot become public knowledge. Despite the repeated shootings, the television appearances, people still believe Denny runs this firm.Denny Crane: I am one of those people.Shirley Schmidt: Bev’s attorney, Eli Granger, will be here in less than an hour, my suggestion for now is that we simply hear him out.Joan is out on the street smoking. She sees Alan coming out of the building.Joan Zeder: Alan, it’s awful.Alan Shore: Joan? What’s awful?Joan Zeder: My boss, Mr Lumis just fired me!Alan Shore: I’m sorry.Joan Zeder: You work so hard, you know. Eight years at friggin Escrow company.Alan Shore: Why’d he fire you?Joan Zeder: Well, one day, six week ago, he brings us all in for a staff meeting. And he says, “Due to the spiraling costs of health care insurance, all smokers have exactly six weeks to quit. At which point I’ll test their system for nicotine and if you fail the urine test. Then, you’ll be terminated.” Fired! Friggin health Nazi. You know, I got rent to pay. And of course, I tried to quit. You know, I wanted to! I did the patch and I did that little nicotine sucky thing, you know, but the more I imagined losing my job the more I panicked. And the more I panicked, the more I smoked. Now I’m up to three packs a day. And today was the day, he made me pee in a cup and then he fired me!Alan Shore: Well, unless that’s some kind of sex game with your lover, I find it appalling and we won’t let him do it.Joan Zeder: We won’t?Alan Shore: I’m off to court right now, but what floor is your office on? I’ll pay him a visit.Joan Zeder: The tenth. Just follow the evil stench of vitamins and celery.Alan Shore: Ha, ha, ha.Shirley, Paul, Brad, Denny and a paralegal come into the conference room where Eli Granger and his team are sitting around the table.Attornery Eli Granger: Ah! Good morning, everyone. I can see I didn’t bring enough silent flunkies to fill my side of the table. In a stage whisper to the paralegal. Double-shot espresso, skim milk, two sugars. Scoot.Shirley Schmidt:She stops the paralegal from leaving. Let’s start over. Eli, welcome to Crane, Poole and Schmidt, that’s my seat. Get out. To the paralegal. Please get Mr Granger a cup of coffee, skim milk, two sugars. Thank you. Now Eli. Besides telling you your fake tan is coming off on your collar, what can we do for you?Attornery Eli Granger: A parting of ways, marital dissolution. My client’s trauma is incalculable, and yet, look at me, I’ve calculated it.Paul Lewiston: To the point.Attornery Eli Granger: Mrs Crane gave up her career, a lucrative office furniture business to be a stay-at-home wife. She made irrevocable scarifies, and still as a generous offer, considering her pain, she is willing to take only fifty percent of Mr Crane’s assets.Paul Lewiston: What?Attornery Eli Granger: Including his equity in the firm here, of course.Brad Chase: They were married only three hours!Attornery Eli Granger: It would have lasted longer had Denny here not banged a cocktail waitress at his own wedding reception. We’re not here to judge. Hm. Though the state of Massachusetts is. And in cases like this we are a ‘fault’ state, and clearly Denny is at fault. And by the time Mrs Crane gets what’s her’s, who knows? Maybe I’ll have my name on the door here.Brad Chase: Do you smoke it or take it in the arm?Denny Crane: Brad. Mr Granger chuckles. There’ll be not divorce.Attornery Eli Granger: I beg your pardon?Denny Crane: Bev and I had an agreement. When we first got together she told me that I could sleep with whomever I wanted. Delmonico's Restaurant. January 14th. Happiest night of my life. So I had sex with another woman. Or a Navy Burberry. Not sure which. But the point is, she granted me the right to tomcat and I exercised that right. No divorce.Attornery Eli Granger: No reconciliation. We’re going to court. He and his team leave.Denny Crane: Every good marriage takes work.Kurt Lumis is in his office. Alan comes in.Kurt Lumis: Kurt Lumis.They shake hands.Alan Shore: Alan Shore. I’ve noticed you at the juice bar on the first floor. You always leave a penny, never take one. I admire that.Kurt Lumis: Ha. Thank you, Al. So! I guess you’re here to speak about Joan?Alan Shore: Yes, Kur, I am.Kurt Lumis: Well. Sorry to see her go, but rules are the rules, you break em, you gotta pay the price. Alan Shore: I’ve never heard our entire system of justice encapsulated so succinctly.Kurt Lumis: Ha, ha. Well, that’s me. Ha, ha.Alan Shore: However, instances arise where the rules themselves are unfair. This is one of those cases.Kurt Lumis: Nope. The no smoking rule is as right as the Bible. Good for the company, good for the employees. This is good. Period.Alan Shore: Well! And this may be in the Bible somewhere, you do have the right the forbid you employees from smoking at work, but why do you think you’re justified in telling anyone what they may or may not do on their own time?Kurt Lumis: Because it’s good for them. And my lawyer told me I could. Guy just like you. You see, everyone here is what you call an ‘at will’ employee. And like most workers in this country, they can be fired for anything. Anytime. Anyplace. Anyway. You see, Al. I used to coach football.Alan Shore: I never would have guessed.Kurt Lumis: It’s like I used to tell my players. There are two ways to do things. My way and the wrong way. Joan did things the wrong way so I cut her from the squad.Alan Shore: I have a similar bit of wisdom I like to share. We can do this my way or another way that will have you writing a very large check and crying like a baby.Kurt Lumis: Are you threatening me, Al?Alan Shore: Why not just rehire Joan and forget we ever met? I know I’d like nothing more.Kurt Lumis: Nope. I think we’re done.Alan Shore: Actually, this is just the beginning of our little game. I assumed that as a coach you’d have figured that out.Joan and Bev are in the waiting room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Joan is nervously playing with some pencils.Beverly Bridge: Trying to quit?Joan Zeder: Not really. I suppose there should be a law requiring me to try to quit. What are you in for? Beverly Bridge: Divorce.Joan Zeder: Ahhh! Been there. Not with a husband actually. But, boyfriend after friggin boyfriend. I suck at relationships. I say, I suck at almost everything. He, he. When I’m not inhaling, I’m sucking. Ha, ha, ha. Story of my life. The only thing I’ve actually ever been good at is my job, which I never sucked at, but got fired just the same, for inhaling. I was good at it. I was good. Was good. I was…Beverly Bridge: Good.Joan Zeder: I can’t make my rent. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. No! I do! Actually. I’m suing. That’s it. And I’m gonna win. Alan Shore is my lawyer and he’s good. He’s good. Who have you got?Beverly Bridge: Ah, I had Denny Crane. Now I’ve got Eli.Joan Zeder: Alan Shore is in my boss’s office right now trying to settle. He’s gonna come walking off that elevator any second and tell me I got my job back. Or they’re giving me money. Or I’m gonna get everything I want. Otherwise… I have to win this. I have to win.Denny, Brad and Paul are in Denny’s office. Shirley comes in.Shirley Schmidt: We’re being audited.Brad Chase: The entire firm?Shirley Schmidt: To determine Denny’s net worth.Paul Lewiston: Let them. We have nothing to hide.Denny Crane: Hold on a second there, Aunt Sally. This could be, well, a problem.Paul Lewiston: Why?Shirley Schmidt: Denny? What have you done?Denny Crane: Little things.Paul Lewiston: How little?Denny Crane: I may have on occasion, laid off an occasional personal expense on the firm, occasionally.Paul Lewiston: Good Lord.Shirley Schmidt: Call Joel Landson in accounting and get him up here right away.When Joel Landson gets there he goes over some spread sheets with them.Joel Landson: Ahh. Mind you it’s not exactly illegal but it’s not legal either. It’s in the fuzzy grey area. Shirley Schmidt: Denny’s home address.Paul Lewiston: Bottom line?Joel Landson: Should this information become public…Paul Lewiston: And we can be sure that Bev’s lawyers will see that it does.Joel Landson: The IRS could get involved. Our reputation will be sullied. Clients will begin to wonder if they’ve been bilked. There could be more investigations and all of the partners will be libel. We’re talking Arthur Anderson headlines.Brad Chase: We’re screwed.Shirley Schmidt: We don’t own enough shredders.Paul Lewiston: Our only chance right now is to settle, and settle quickly.Denny Crane: Uhm. We can’t do that.Paul Lewiston: Why not?Denny Crane: Because, I wanna stay married to Bev.Brad Chase: I thought you were bluffing!Shirley Schmidt: This doesn’t seem to be an option right, Denny!Denny Crane: I’ m gonna make it an option, and as we know, my name on the door.Paul Lewiston:He can’t take this anymore.He exhales deeply, slaps his hands on his thighs and stands up. That’s it! He storms out.Denise is in her office. Paul comes in.Denise Bauer: Paul?Paul Lewiston: Denise, I want you look the partnership agreement and tell me, hypothetically, what would be required for me to sell my portion out and take early retirement. And hypothetically I would need that very fast.Shirley Schmidt:She and Brad come in. Paul! Don’t do anything you’ll regret.Paul Lewiston: Doing nothing is what I’ll regret most. I have devoted my life to keeping this firm an outstanding institution. Now, in the twilight of my career, this, this mess could destroy my reputation. All because Denny cannot control his aged groin.Brad Chase: Listen guy. I can fix this. Now just let me talk to Denny. I know what to say. I can make him settle.Shirley Schmidt: Paul. Just wait this out. Please.In Judge Peter Harding’s courtroom. Joan is being questioned by Alan.Joan Zeder: The purchase of a home is one of life’s great stressors. And while I’m no braggart, in my eight years at Lumis-Escrow I had the most Escrow closes. I had the highest customer satisfaction record. All of my year-end reviews were fours. To the judge. That’s out of a possible four. I was employee of the year three years running. I mean if I was such a bad worker then why was I awarded the hundred dollar gift certificate to the Hungry Whistler?Alan Shore: Your Honor, at this time if I may enter into evidence Ms Zeder’s three ‘Employee of the year’ plaques. The inscribe nickname, Just Ask Joan.Judge Peter Harding: Thank you. I can see that.Alan Shore: Now. Joan. Do you smoke cigarettes?Joan Zeder: Yeah.Alan Shore: Have you ever smoked at work?Joan Zeder: Yes, but only on my breaks, on my time, away from the door. And I’m a courtesy waver. She mimics smoking and then waving the smoke away. Not in anyone’s face.Alan Shore: Does your smoking impact your job in any way?Joan Zeder: No. And I’ve never been late because of smoking; in fact actually it helps calm me down so I can focus on my work.Alan Shore: Thank you, Ms Zeder.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: Ms Zeder. Did your boss tell you to quit smoking or you’d be fired?Joan Zeder: Yes.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: Nothing further.Denny is at his desk in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Brad marches in.Brad Chase: Denny? I was a Marine, served my country proudly in the first Gulf war. I am an honest, honorable person. I want you to know I that do not lie. Clear on that?Denny Crane: Yes.Brad Chase: Are there any guns in here? I wanna be clear on that as well.Denny Crane: There are many guns.Brad Chase: Within reach?Denny Crane: No.Brad Chase: Alright. He takes a deep breath. Several weeks ago I took your fiancé out to lunch. Denny gives him a look. It’s not that. I offered he five hundred thousand dollars to end her relationship with you.Denny Crane: What?Brad Chase: I know it was a foolish thing to do but I felt that I was acting in the best interest of the firm and you.Denny Crane: She turned you down?Brad Chase: Yes. But before she did, she hesitated. She considered it. And it’s my believe if I’d have offered her more, she’d have taken it.Denny Crane: Thank you, Brad, for telling me that. It couldn’t have been easy. Brad breaths a sigh of relief. You’re fired.Brad Chase: What?Denny Crane: Name on the door. He salutes. See ya.Brad walks out and runs into Shirley.Brad Chase: He fired me. I’m a partner. He fired me.Shirley Schmidt: Brad. The review committee will take care of this. He can’t just fire you without consulting the partners!Brad Chase: Of course he can. He’s Denny Crane. His name’s on the door. If he wants me gone. I’m gone.Brad leaves. Shirley looks through the window and sees Denny watching. She marches in. Denny gets ready.Shirley Schmidt: Dammit, Denny! You just can’t.Denny Crane: Can’t…?Shirley Schmidt: All of it! This is a law firm! This is a living breathing entity. Yes, you may have founded it, but hundreds and hundreds of people now have their lives attached to it. And at this moment, through the choice you make, you have the potential to unravel this entire place and the individuals who have given everything to it.Denny Crane: That may be but, still…Shirley Schmidt: So help me, if you say, “It’s still your name on the door.” I will shoot you with one of your own guns.Denny Crane: That won’t change the door.Shirley Schmidt: Denny. You cheated on your wife at your own wedding reception in what has become some sort of cloakroom fetish that is a new low even for you.Denny Crane: Yeah. It is, isn’t it?Shirley Schmidt: And now you’re saying you don’t want the marriage to end? What is going on here? Denny Crane: You’ve known me thirty years. You tell me. One moment I’m enjoying my own wedding reception, and the next my gut’s telling me something’s wrong. And somehow having sex with that waitress, or the coat, made everything feel right, and once things felt right again, I wanted Bev back. Shirley Schmidt: Denny, your once charming and eccentric behavior has turned into a series of self-destructive impulses. I love you, but it’s time to take a step and look at what you’re turning into.Denny Crane: Shirley? I love you too.Alan goes into his office. He is followed by Shirley.Alan Shore: Shirley? You want something. I’ll guess its sex. Let me take my coat off.Shirley Schmidt: As much as I’d love to, Alan, if we did I wouldn’t have time to deal with your needs. Alan Shore: Yes. Well, another time. What’s on your mind?Shirley Schmidt: I’m sure you know what’s going on with Denny.Alan Shore: Shirley? In this case I’ve decided to stay above the fray and catch show from the mezzanine.Shirley Schmidt: In case you missed the first act, Denny’s decision not to settle on his divorce leaves the firm quite vulnerable. We may be open to public audit, ah, potential lawsuits, Paul has threatened to leave and we may loss Brad if we’re not careful.Alan Shore: Sounds exciting. So? You want me to convince Denny to settle? So that we all may be settled.Shirley Schmidt: Something like that.Alan Shore: I won’t do it.Shirley Schmidt: Alan? You’re willing to see this firm go down?Alan Shore: You’re asking me to manipulate my friend, and I won’t do it.Shirley Schmidt: It would have been easier just to have sex with you.In Judge Peter Harding’s courtroom Kurt Lumis is being questioned by Attorney Jonathan Weiner.Kurt Lumis: Health Insurance premiums keep going up. I run a small business. I’m competing against Escrow services that are nation-wide chains. And others that are on the internet. I have to either cut costs or close my doors. It’s that simple.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: If Ms Zeder would have been able to quit smoking? Would you have kept her on the payroll?Kurt Lumis: Of course. We didn’t give her the hundred dollar gift certificate to the Hungry Whistler for nothing.Alan Shore: Mr Lumis. Your desire to cut costs makes absolute sense. But earlier we heard your office manager testify that when you weigh Ms Zeder’s productivity against any increased Health Insurance premiums, you still come out ahead. So, your argument is, dare I say it, a fumble, correct?Kurt Lumis: I have to think of the future. If she gets cancer or heart disease or any of the other things that smokers get. My rates go sky high.Alan Shore: Mr Lumis, how do you feel about fat people? Because according to the Surgeon General three hundred thousand Americans die every year from obesity-related illnesses.Kurt Lumis: Other businesses are firing people for that. I haven’t done it yet.Alan Shore: So you’re think about it?Kurt Lumis: I’m always thinking.Alan Shore: Anyone can see that. How about alcohol consumption? People who have more than fifteen drinks a week are at risk of becoming alcoholics and alcoholism can cause cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, increased incidents of cancer. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to monitor your employee’s alcohol intake?Kurt Lumis: Maybe I should.Alan Shore: What about coffee? Caffeine temporarily your blood pressure. Trans-fatty acids! And stress! Both of these things could cause heart attacks. That would certainly raise your premiums sky high. It’s been proven arguing thirty minutes a day lowers your immune system. As does loneliness, there go your married employees and your single ones! You’re going to have to watch these people all the time, Mr Lumis. I hope you’re a multitasked.Kurt Lumis: Mr Shore, I think you’re exaggerating.Alan Shore: No. I’m just welcoming us all to 1984, the bus arrived a little late, and our tour guide George Orwell is good and dead. But nonetheless we made it. And big brother Lumis is watching us.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: Objection.Alan Shore: Nothing further. That is if it’s okay with Mr Lumis.Paul is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Denise comes in.Denise Bauer I, uhm… Ahem. She closes the door. I drafted a memo for you regarding the partnership agreement?Paul Lewiston: Thank you. As a second topic. I’m not saying this firm is about to dissolve… if it did…Denise Bauer: Hypothetically?Paul Lewiston: If, it did. Would you be interested in breaking off and setting up your own firm with someone? Someone and Bauer would probably be the name on the door.Denise Bauer: Uhm. I would certainly have to think about that, hypothetically.Paul Lewiston: Well. That’s all I could ask. If, I were asking.Denny is sitting in a lounge chair, deep in thought. Alan knocks on the open door.Denny Crane: There you are.Alan Shore: Here I am.Denny Crane: How’s your case.Alan Shore: Not over.Denny Crane: How are your various enterprises?Denny Crane: You mean Bev? Everyone here thinks my situation upstairs is clouding my judgment. That only an idiot would wanna stay with her.Alan Shore: Everyone in love is something of an idiot. This might get ugly, Denny. It may have already. Denny Crane: And I don’t care. At a certain age, Alan, you find it extraordinary the compromises one’s willing to make for even the possibility of love.In Judge Peter Harding’s courtroom Attorney Jonathan Weiner is giving his closing.Attorney Jonathan Weiner: Increased globalization. Mega corporations. How can a small businessman compete? Two ways. He must offer a unique, terrific product or service, and he must keep costs down. Now Kurt Lumis runs a first rate Escrow company. And he wants to do right by his employees by offering them Health Insurance. But, if he doesn’t keep his biggest expense in check? Health Care? He loses everything. So! He instituted a very strict no-smoking policy. Now, Mr Lumis is not only reducing his business costs, he’s also helping his employees who smoke by giving them motivation to quit. Now, Joan Zeder knew the company policy. She was given ample time to quit smoking and she knew she’d be fired if she didn’t. But, she chose cigarettes over her job. And because Ms Zeder is an ‘at will’ employee, Mr Lumis had a legal right to fire her. And as to what smoking is doing to her health? She can read the warning label on the pack.Alan Shore: The great Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw had a rather jaundiced view of our country. Shaw said that , “While our constitution was set up to prevent political dictatorship, in doing so we established a society where every ward boss is a dictator, every financier a dictator, every private employer a dictator. All with the livelihood of the workers at their mercy. Well, if Mr Lumis wants to immolate Muslinee in how he treats his employees at the office that’s one thing. But Joan Zeder’s actions at work have always been commendable. Mr Lumis also declared himself Emperor over Ms Zeder in her home. There he found her smoking. Something which is not against the law. Which is in fact none of his business, but he fired her anyway. Shouldn’t we be able to have private lives that aren’t governed by the people we work for? My God! I cannot believe I just asked that question in an American courtroom. My head may explode. Your Honor, the right to privacy, as you well know, is guaranteed under our constitution. But now, thanks to our current Supreme Court, that right is flickering like a candle in the wind. And the breeze is picking up. But Justice Scalia and his ilk aren’t judging this case. You are. And at what point will we say, will you say, that provided we do not violate the law other people cannot dictate what we do in the privacy of our own homes. Your Honor, when you consider this case in the privacy of your chambers where no police or lawyers or Lumis may enter. Please think about the dying gasps of our precious right to privacy and what our lives might be like if it actually passes away.Denny walks down the corridor at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. He walks up to Shirley, Paul and Brad.Denny Crane: In the conference room. I’m putting this thing to bed.They walk into the conference room where Bev and her attorney are waiting.Eli Granger:He flips a sheet of paper across the table. It’s high. It could have been much higher. Shirley Schmidt: Denny? Do you wanna take a look at this?Denny Crane: No need. Here’s our counter offer. Two word. Uh, maybe three. Barbar’s Built-ins. Beverly Bridge: She’s startled and covers with a cough. Could Denny and I please have the room?Eli Granger: Bev…Beverly Bridge: It’s alright. I got it. When they are alone. So, what do you know?Denny Crane: Barbara’s Built-ins. Only the best. You market it to old people in retirement homes. In and around ??? town you sold Built-ins for television sets, Built-ins for dishwashers, Built-ins for microwaves, but you never built them in.Beverly Bridge: That’s not true. I did some lovely work. I always meant to finish the jobs that people had contracted me for but I, I had a cash flow problem. And it made more sense financially to…Denny Crane: To rob the geezers and skip town.Beverly Bridge: How long have you known?Denny Crane: Since our third date. Whenever I make love to a woman more than twice I have her investigated.Beverly Bridge: But Denny? Since you knew my history why didn’t you have me sign a prenup?Denny Crane: Because I loved you. And when you can send someone to jail with a phone call, there’s your prenup.Beverly Bridge: Well, you know, I still could have you audited.Denny Crane: Uh huh. Stalemate.Beverly Bridge: Exactly.Denny Crane: And you know why it’s a stalemate? Because we’re so much alike. The fact that we have something on each other means we belong together. Our love is a fairytale written by real people. What I’m saying is, even after all this, I’d like to make it work.Beverly Bridge: Denny? I love you. But, I love Hawaii more.。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第18集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalShock and Oww!Season 2, Episode 18Written by David E. Kelley2006 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: March 7, 2006Transcribed by Imamess of JSMP for [transcript updated March 17, 2006]Denny Crane, in his pj's, is in bed with remote in hand watching The View. There's a knock on the door.Alan Shore: Denny? You ready to go? He comes in. Denny? You must go to work. It's Hump Day, your favorite day.Denny Crane: I don't have a favorite anything any more.Alan Shore: Listen. I understand the need to retreat into oneself after a failed love affair, but you haven't gone to work in three days. You've been in that bed for two, you're drinking scotch at nine in the morning, and most disturbingly you're watching The View.Denny Crane: Leave me alone.Denny snuggles under his covers. Alan reaches under the cover.Denny Crane: Hey! Hey! Hey!! Same team. Same team!They scuffle for the remote. Alan wins.Alan Shore: Consider this an intervention.Denny Crane: It’s no use, Alan. Nothing interests me anymore.Alan switches the channel to the local news. On the TV a reporter is covering a local story. Shots of ordinary looking man being dragged from his home by police—this is Russel Blayney. Reporter: Construction worker Russell Blayney arrested for attempted murder for setting a bobby trap in his home to catch burglars. Miguel Quinones allegedly broke into Blayney’s house and received a reported fifty thousand volts of electricity through his body, paralyzing him from the waist down. And leaving us all with the question: Russell Blayney: Victim or Vigilante?Denny Crane:He jumps out of his bed. Suddenly focused, intense. That case! I want that case.Alan Shore:Eyeing him. I see your bliss is back, as well.In Judge Diane Avent’s courtroom. Defense Attorney Warren Peters stands with the accused, Russell Blayney. A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg addresses Judge Avent.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Your Honor, the Commonwealth moves that bail be denied. Mr Blayney is charged with attempted murder and is an obvious flight risk.Warren Peters:He is nervous, and in over his head.If I may, my client…Denny Crane: Your Honor! Denny is in the doorway. I need a moment with my client.Judge Diane Avent is confused.Judge Diane Avent: You don’t have a client here, Mr Crane?Denny Crane: Count to ten, Judge. He crosses to Blayney, ignoring Peters. Mr Blayney? Do you know who I am?Russell Blayney: Yeah, you’re Denny Crane. I've seen you on Larry King. You’re famous.Denny Crane: So? Who would you rather have as your attorney? Me? Or Hacky McGuilty Verdict here? Speechless, Blayney looks to Peters.Warren Peter: I've faced him before. You'd rather have him.Denny Crane:To Peters. Don’t feel bad, son. It takes a big man to recognize a bigger man.Judge Diane Avent: We’re waiting, Mr Crane.Denny Crane:He steps forward, a man in charge. Ah, I move for a continuance, Your Honor. Judge Avent gives him an acidic look. I just got this case.Alan walks into his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Shirley Schmidt is waiting.Alan Shore: Shirley? First thing in the morning, haven't even had my coffee.Shirley Schmidt: Normally I'd make a witty retort about caffeine and your aging reproductive system but, not today, Alan, I have a problem. Karl Hauser died this week.Alan Shore: The photographer?Shirley Schmidt: I knew him years ago. We hadn’t been in touch in some time, but… well, he’s dead. Alan Shore: I’m sorry.Shirley Schmidt: I met Karl when I was a sophomore at Welsley. I spent the summer in Manhattan and we met in the west village. He was… She chuckles. …this amazing fascinating man and he told me I was very pretty, and I did some modeling for him.Alan Shore: Please tell me this going where I think its going.Shirley Schmidt: Yeah, it is. Karl took some very tasteful black and white nudes of me.Alan Shore: I am so disappointed in you, Shirley. Tasteful?Shirley Schmidt: There's going to be an estate auction and I want you to find a way to block the sale of those photographs.Alan Shore: How many pictures are we talking about?Shirley Schmidt: I think there were fifteen, maybe twenty…Alan Shore: That's not so many.Shirley Schmidt: … rolls of film that he used.Alan Shore: I am so glad I came into work today.Shirley Schmidt: Down boy. This is serious. Karl promised me that he wouldn't show the photographs to anyone. However, I signed a standard release saying that he could show them to everyone.Alan Shore: Why are you so worried about this, Shirley? You were young. Young people do all sorts of things. And now! You wear clothes to the office every single day.Shirley Schmidt: Shocking as it may seem to you, Alan, I like my privacy. Maybe I'll wanna be federal judge someday and being a named partner at a prestigious law firm. Ha. Well, it's not good for business. Alan Shore: I'll give you my best effort. Of course, at some point I will have to examine the evidence thoroughly.In a coffee shop Paul Lewiston is drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. Rachel Lewiston comes in, her daughter in tow.Paul Lewiston: Oh!Rachel Lewiston: Here we are. Ach! Sorry we're late.Paul Lewiston: No problem.Rachel Lewiston: Fiona. Say hello to grandpa.Fiona: Hi, pa pa.Paul Lewiston:He chuckles fondly. Hi. Hello sweetheart.Rachel Lewiston: I guess you're pa pa from now on.Paul Lewiston: Well, that's one of the nicest names I've ever been called.Rachel Lewiston: Ah! We were almost out the door, she insisted on wearing the red cowboy boots, I finally said, "Okay," and of course then we could only find one. Then we finally we found the other one on top of the refrigerator.Paul Lewiston:To Fiona. Ohhh!Rachel Lewiston: I guess now it's pointless to ask how it got on top of the refrigerator; you just grab it and go.Paul Lewiston: I, I took the liberty of ordering coffee and some hot chocolate.Rachel Lewiston: Oh. Thanks so much. We can just stay a second. It's Fiona's first day at Happy Duck Day Care.Paul Lewiston: Ah! Is that a good place?Rachel Lewiston: Now don't let the cheesy name fool you. They're great. I went to so many places. I had a checklist I used. Ah! Yeah, here it is.Paul Lewiston: Ah, let's see what we have here. He reads from her list. 'Childcare questions. Are they licensed and monitored? Do they afford opportunities for both active and quiet play? Is the staff trained in CPR? Do the kids appear happy?' Rachel, this is a very thorough list.Rachel Lewiston: She's my daughter. Where are my keys?Fiona: It's in your pocket.Rachel Lewiston: Yep! Here they are. Dad, uhm, in all the cowboy boot madness this morning, I, I lost my ATM card somewhere. If you could lend me forty bucks?Paul Lewiston: No problem. You know, um, Rachel, if you're in a hurry to get to work I can drop Fiona off at, Happy Duck? Is it?Rachel Lewiston: Oh, thanks, we'll make it okay. Fiona? We have to go. Thank pa pa for your hot chocolate.Fiona: Thank you pa pa for the hot chocolate.Paul Lewiston: You're very welcome.Rachel Lewiston: Thanks, dad.Paul Lewiston: By, darling.Rachel Lewiston: See ya.Paul Lewiston: They kiss. Bye bye. Bye bye, Fiona! He chuckles. Bye bye.Shirley is in her office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Paul comes in.Shirley Schmidt: By your look, it's not good.Rachel Lewiston: I believe Rachel's using again. She's back on Crystal Meth.Shirley Schmidt: What proof do you have?Paul Lewiston: We were supposed to meet at eight: Coffee shop near here apartment. She showed up twenty minutes late with Fiona in tow. She was harried, disorganized. She couldn't find her keys.Paul Lewiston: Paul, you've just described every single working mother in America.Paul Lewiston: Then she asked to borrow forty dollars. Crystal Meth users live their lives in forty dollar increments. Cash.Shirley Schmidt: Paul. This is a very serious accusation and you need to be absolutely certain before you make it.Paul Lewiston: I know. If I'm right and do nothing, Fiona could be in danger. If I act and I'm wrong Rachel will never speak to me again; she'll cut me out forever. What do I do?Shirley Schmidt: You've lived through a lot with Rachel and this relationship you're developing with her now is very new. You might wanna ask yourself if your history with Rachel's drug use is causing you to overreact. Just think about it.Denny Crane and an entourage of people are walking down the hall at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Denny Crane: You! Blondie. He points to Denise Bauer. You're on my team. She walks with him. If you've seen the news you know what a travesty this is. A man arrested for defending his own house. It's a farce. Not the funny kind. This is one serious farce.Denise Bauer: May I ask what we're pleading. It seems self-defense…Denny Crane: Don't like that kind of thinking. Defense of self. You gotta strike first. Preempt 'em. What they say in the news? Victim or vigilante? It's neither. This is Russell Blayney, hero!Denise Bauer: You wanna try this case in the press?Denny Crane: Exactly. I wanna grab the public's attention. The story. Character. Narrative. We have to create our own reality. You! Young punk. You must know computers. Set up a website all those blobs. Justice for Russell Blayney! And you, Denise, you'll be my second. You look good on camera.Alan is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Shirley peeks in.Shirley Schmidt: Karl Hauser's widow's here.In the conference room with Margurite Hauser.Marguerite Hauser: Straight forward standard release Karl used for all his models. She pushes the paper over to Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: A lifetime of papers and contracts, and you manage to find mine. God bless the organized.Alan opens a scrapbook.Marguerite Hauser: And there's no mistaking your signature.Alan Shore:He gasps. Oh! He's in awe. Shirley cranes her neck to get a look. Alan notices thathe's being noticed. I'm so sorry, ha, ha. Here you are. He attempts to composes himself. I may cry. Shirley Schmidt: He loves art. Marguerite, I'm sorry, your husband was an adult famous man of the world and I was an immature kid who did not understand the document she was signing. There was no meeting of the minds here. So this contract, I'm afraid, is not binding.Marguerite Hauser: As I recall, it wasn't your minds that met.Alan Shore: Ha, ha.Marguerite Hauser: If you were old enough to screw my husband you were old enough to understand what you were signing.Shirley Schmidt: Your husband talked me into doing quite a few things I didn't understand.Marguerite Hauser: Tell me why I should do something nice for you. And don't say because you did something nice for my husband.Alan Shore: What do you intend to do with the photos?Marguerite Hauser: Half of Karl's collection is already promised to The Museum of Modern Art in New York. I intend to auction off the other half, including those photos. Your pictures will be going on the block.Brad Chase is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Paul comes in.Paul Lewiston: I need a favor. A very important, very personal favor.Brad Chase: Of course.Paul Lewiston: After an extended absence I have recently reconnected with my daughter, Rachel, and I've learned that I have a beautiful granddaughter named, Fiona.Brad Chase: Congratulations, Paul.Paul Lewiston: My daughter is a drug addict, or at least she was. She says she's clean now, but I have my suspicions. If she is using again then my granddaughter could be in danger.Brad Chase: My specialty isn't family law, but what I know…Paul Lewiston: No, no. You misunderstand. I don't want your legal advice. I want you to find out if my daughter is using drugs again. Brad, if this year has taught me anything, it's that you will get the job done by any means necessary. I would never ask this of you unless it was essential.Brad Chase:A beat. Absolutely. I'll do what I can.Shirley is in her office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. Alan comes in.Shirley Schmidt: What have you got?Alan Shore: The twenty-sixth amendment.Shirley Schmidt: Karl Hauser was taking naked pictures of me, not denying me the vote.Alan Shore: The twenty-sixth amendment, which not only extended the right to vote to eighteen year olds but also persuaded the States to grant them status as adults, was ratified in 1971. The photos were taken in 1966. Which, by the way, is my new favorite year.Shirley Schmidt: Ha, ha, ha, and now mine as well. I wasn't 21 when I signed that agreement, I was legally a minor and therefore can repudiate the contract and I am an idiot. Why didn't I think of this sooner?Alan Shore: I'm going to credit Karma or Freud. Either way, it's because I was destined to discover and revel in the natural wonders of all that is you.Brad, in a bookstore, wearing a khaki jacket, walks up to Rachel.Brad Chase: Excuse me. I'm looking for some on books on addiction and recovery.Rachel Lewiston: Ah, yeah. They're in the self-help section right over there.Brad Chase: Thanks. He starts to walk away and then turns back again. Is there, you know, one book that's better than the other?Rachel Lewiston: Yeah. This way. She takes him to another section. This one has some good advice on the early stages when you're detoxing and all that wonderful stuff. And, uh, this one is really good for that time right after you've stopped, when you're trying to figure out how to put your life back together. Brad Chase: Well, you know a lot about this.Rachel Lewiston: Well. Clean five year, 3 months and 7 days. It's hard but when you're ready you can get there.Brad Chase: Thanks.Rachel Lewiston: Sure. She starts to walk away.Brad Chase: Ah, what time do you get off work? Oh. I'm sorry; I'm not coming on to you. I was just hoping that we could talk some more. I've sort of run out of people to talk to.Rachel Lewiston: I get off at seven.Brad Chase: Thanks.Rachel Lewiston: Sure, I'm Rachel.They shake hands.Brad Chase: I'm Brad. Pleased to meet you.Rachel Lewiston:A beat. You're buying those, right?Brad Chase: Oh! Right, right.In the conference room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt Denise and Denny listen to Russell Blayney’s story. A paralegal is taking notes.Russell Blayney: I I, hand sheet rock, mostly for industrial buildings.Denny Crane:Indicates to the paralegal. A craftsman. He works with his hands. Write that down.The paralegal writes it down.Denise Bauer: What else?Russell Blayney: I live alone. Jamaica Plain. My ex-wife left me the house. Not a bad-neighborhood, but it does border one. And it’s vulnerable because I have those old fashioned lever windows. I can’t afford an alarm system. I’ve been broken into four times in the last two years. Drug addicts. They take everything; they took my TV, my bike, my power tools, my guitar…Denny Crane: A musician. He writes the songs.Russell Blayney: Uh, but what finally did it for me was when I was building an end table for my father. For his television remote and his nebulizer. He has some asthma. And I’m halfway done, and some guy breaks into the house and he steals my table saw. My table saw! I mean, that was it. That was all I could take. I’m not into guns…Denny Crane:To the paralegal. Don’t write that down!Russell Blayney: But I knew that I had to do something. So, that's when I rigged up my little system. You know, just a little jolt, you know. Send them a little shock.Denise Bauer: Tell us what happened that night. You were at home?Russell Blayney: Yeah, I was awake, actually, uhm, I was putting some dishes away in the dishwasher, and I heard someone on the porch, and I thought, here we go, this is it. So I moved into the living room. Denise Bauer: So you saw him?Russell Blayney: Yeah! He was looking right through the window. He’s this big wetback, you know. Denise Bauer: Latino.Russell Blayney: A drug addict. He was completely high. I could see it in his eyes even from inside the house.Denise Bauer: And then what happened?Russell Blayney: Well, he, he starts for the window. And I don't know if you’ve ever seen anyone on crystal meth or acid, or I don't know whatever this guy was on, but, you know, they’re big, they’re ugly, and they feel like they're invincible. So he starts trying to pry open the window with a screwdriver or something. And, uh, that was it. He makes a jerking motion. The electricity went up the screw driver into his body. He completed the circuit.Denny Crane: Sounds horrible.Russell Blayney: Honestly, you know? It wasn’t. I mean, watching this guy, it was, it was, like watching every guy who broken into my house over the years and took from me. Stole my stuff. I mean he was just getting what he deserved. Right? Let me tell you the most unbelievable thing. Did you know that when you get electrocuted, you know, your blood literally boils? Right inside the veins! That’s how the electricity flows through the body, through your veins! And so here's this guy, he's a wetback, but I could see his veins are glowing through his skin as he was being charred from the inside out. And I could smell his flesh burning, which was weird. It smelled like a roast! A well-deserved, cooked roast. That’s when I, you know, finally turned off the electricity. When he was good and done.Denise and Denny look to each another. What kind of monster do they have on their hands? Denise and Denny are walking in the hall at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denise Bauer: So much for putting our hero on the stand.Denny Crane: Oh, he's on the stand all right.Denise Bauer: Denny! With all due respect the man was practically wearing bib with a knife and a fork in each hand as he's telling that story.Denny Crane: Denise, never give up an option. The man was alit with passion. It's passion that moves juries.Denise Bauer: So?Denny Crane: So we tell his story. Not necessarily all his story, but the part we wanna tell. We're the ones creating the narrative.At a Narcotics Anonymous meeting room people are setting up chairs in a circle. Rachel and Brad come in.Brad Chase: Are you kidding?Rachel Lewiston: Were you kidding about wanting to get straight?Brad Chase: No.Rachel waves him forward. Brad takes a deep breath and takes a seat. This is more than he bargained for.Later that night the meeting is in full swing. An addict has just shared and everyone is applauding. Tim, the meeting chairperson, addresses the group.Tim: Thank you, Patrick. Keep coming back, buddy. Um, are there other new members here today? Brad? Would you like to share?Brad Chase:He looks around. This is way more than he bargained for. Oh, no. I’m… new.Rachel Lewiston: It’ll make you feel better.Brad Chase: Right. He stands. Um… Hi, I…Rachel Lewiston:Whispering. Say your name.Brad Chase: I’m Brad. I’m a drug addict.Everyone: Hi, Brad.Brad Chase: I’m not used to talking in public. Actually, I am. Just not talking about myself. He pauses. Wow! You're just going to let me keep going. Okay. I was in the Marine Corp during the first Gulf War, operation Desert Storm. February 24 th, 1991, I was a lieutenant in the second reconnaissance battalion, ah, the first marine expeditionary force and under enemy mortar artillery and small arms fire we breeched mine fields, trenches, barbed wire and disabled six enemy divisions. By the morning of the28th one hundred hours after the ground operations had begun our coalition forces had destroyed forty-two enemy divisions. That's the bulk of the Iraqi army in the Kuwaiti theater of operations. He takes a deep breath. The other members of the meeting seem skeptical. So then I started using drugs. Alan comes down a set of stairs at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. He meets Denny who is followed, on both sides, by three paralegals.Alan Shore: Denny! You're shining. And in a wedge.Denny Crane: My team, Alan. I'm back and I'm feeling it. I realized the truth about myself. I just love power.Alan Shore: Well it seems to have at thing for you as well.Denny Crane: It's my natural state. It's my homeostasis. Don't read anything into that remark.Alan Shore: I already did.Back at the Narcotics Anonymous meeting the members are standing in a circle.All: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. It works, if you work it, so work it.Tim: See you soon.Hugs and goodbyes all around.Rachel Lewiston:To Brad. It was a nice story.Brad Chase: Uh, thanks.Rachel Lewiston: Too bad it was a lie. He gives her a look. I won then war then started using? I've been coming to these meetings everyday for five years. If you didn't wanna share you problems you should have just passed.Brad Chase: Well, sharing is really not my thing. It's probably just how I was raised.Rachel Lewiston: Doesn’t mean you can't change. I was raised the same way.Brad Chase: Really?Rachel Lewiston: Yeah. My mother was warm. My father? Kept every emotion tightly tucked away in his suit pocket. Right next to his watch.Brad Chase: It's not always that easy to open up.Rachel Lewiston: Ahh, but it is. You just say what's on your mind. Instead my dad? Always the attorney, you just sit back and play little games, you know ferreting out information with these obtuse questions? And on the rare occasion when he would open up and talked to me? He wasn't happy unless I told him what he wanted to hear. You know being him, I think it's a hard way to live.Brad Chase: I'm sorry. And I'm sorry… he looks around at the meeting room.Rachel Lewiston: Buy me a cup of coffee and I might forgive you.Brad Chase:He smiles. Great.Alan, Shirley, Marguerite and Michael Eaves are in the conference room at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Alan Shore: … and therefore at age nineteen Ms Schmidt was in fact a minor. There was no parental consent here, so in essence your husband was illegally taking nude photographs of an underage girl. Attorney Michael Eaves: You make a legitimate argument Mr Shore.Alan Shore: Not my favorite kind, but I'm glad to play for that team when necessary.Attorney Michael Eaves: And you can certainly take us to court and fight this battle with that argument. Shirley Schmidt: We will if we have to.Attorney Michael Eaves: However, I believe your goal was to get these photos out of the public eye. I'm afraid with a court battle, a very public court battle; these photos could find their way to the press. Shirley Schmidt: Before that could happen of course we'd ask the court to seal all exhibits and issue an appropriate gag order to prevent disclosure.Attorney Michael Eaves: And you'd win. But you know what? Thanks to the internet, winning doesn't matter anymore. These photos could somehow find their way on to the web and all the way around the world and then where would you be? Marguerite?Marguerite and Michael Eaves get up to leave.Shirley Schmidt: Marguerite?Marguerite Hauser:She stops, then turns to her attorney. I'll be right out. He leaves.Shirley Schmidt: Alan? Alan leaves. Shirley walks closer to Marguerite. I'm sorry.Marguerite Hauser: Thank you. She turns to leave.Shirley Schmidt: Marguerite? Marguerite turns back. Those pictures… I have grandchildren. The thought of them seeing those photographs…Marguerite Hauser: I understand. I'm sorry. She leaves.In Judge Diane Avent’s courtroom Denny and A.D.A Frank Ginsberg are in front of Judge Avent.A.D.A Frank Gingsberg: Your Honor, Mr Dominguez's prior burglary convictions and history of drug abuse have no bearing on whether the defendant improperly electrified his home.Denny Crane: Nonsense. This felon was higher than a kite when he got zapped. He's got six prior convictions for larceny, burglary, grand theft auto. Of course it's relevant.A.D.A Frank Gingsberg: The prejudicial effect of the victim's prior criminal activity…Denny Crane: Your Honor, my client is a victim here! I don't…A.D.A Frank Gingsberg: ... clearly outweighs any probative value such evidence would have for the jury! Judge Diane Avent: Enough. Mr Gingsberg is right. The evidence is highly prejudicial, and will be barred at trial. Mr Crane, you may not bring up Mr Dominguez's bad acts unless the door to impeachment has been opened.Outside the courtroom A.D.A Frank Gingsberg is pushing a wheelchair with Miguel Dominguez in it. A mob of reporters and photographers approach them.A.D.A Frank Gingsberg: Before answering any questions, I wanna thank my client Miguel Dominguez for bravely agreeing to be here today. Mr Dominguez suffers from severe paralyses and a host of other debilitating symptoms as a result of his electrocution. Nevertheless, he is here today to stand up for all of us to help in the fight to make our country a safer place. A place where citizens do not take the law into their own hands. Mr Dominguez is an inspiration to his community. He is a hero. Thank you.Denny Crane:He has been listening open mouthed. That bastard stole my story.Denny is in his office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt with Candy Springtime.Candy Springtime: What about branding?Denny Crane: I haven't branded yet.Candy Springtime: No branding?Denny Crane: Nahhh.Candy Springtime: Denny!Denise Bauer:She comes in. Denny?Denny Crane: Oh! Denise Bauer. Candy Springtime, Public Relations.Candy Springtime: Hello.Denise Bauer: Hi.They shake hands.Denny Crane: She's with Sherling Tompson. The same Public Relations firm the government uses. So you know she's good.Candy Springtime: Denise, we're rolling out a new campaign to take back the story on Mr Blayney! Denise Bauer: Take back the story?Candy Springtime: Denny tells me that you haven't branded him yet. So I took the initiative and created a brand. Russell Blayney: American Homeowner.Denise Bauer: Ha. American Homeowner?Candy Springtime: Simple. It's to the point.Denny Crane: It's cosy.Candy Springtime: Say it for me, Denny. Press conference voice.Denny Crane: Russell Blayney: American Homeowner. Now wait a minute. American Homeowner: Russell Blayney. See? It works both ways. Versatile.Denise Bauer: But do we really think that we need to label Mr Blayney?Candy Springtime:Surprised, she points to Denise. Denny?Denny Crane: Ah, Denise. Rodney King?Denise Bauer: Rodney King. Uh, severely beaten by the police over ten years ago.Denny Crane: See? You remember. Why? Branding! They didn't call him Rodney King: wifebeater, alcohol abuser, who swung a tire iron at a convenience store clerk. They called him Rodney King: a motorist, a motorist: Rodney King. Brings to mind images of a jaunty man riding hat in cap in a Model-T. That's what we want. Russell Blayney: American Homeowner. Not Russell Blayney: eats them broiled, baked or fried.Denise Bauer: But Rodney King was beaten!Candy Springtime: Okay! Now this just a mock-up. She places a huge poster on an easel. Obviously we will replace Jimmy Stewart with Mr Blayney. But the banner can and should be behind you every press conference, Denny. Notice I used the same font as Mission Accomplished. Americans are comfortable with that font. Now! We will send B-roll of Mr Blayney to the press, working at his garage, using his table saw, working with his power tools, fixing things around the house. And as far as the talking points? Keep it simple, Denny. Speak of the opposition as the drug-crazed intruder, the incident as the harrowing home invasion. Now I know you're tight with Larry King, but we are negotiating with Nightline, Hardball and The Daily Show. That is where most Americans get their news.Alan and Shirley are coming down the staircase at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Shirley Schmidt: There's no way we're gonna win this, is there?Alan Shore: Legally, yes there is. As for accomplishing your goals? No. But when you have occasion to ask for my help, Shirley, typically it's not really legal help you're looking for. I'll assume this is no acceptation.Shirley Schmidt: Alan, I've already caused Marguerite Hauser as much pain as I care to. I'll leave the creativity to you. Just don't hurt her.Paul and Denise are watching Denny being interviewed on TV. He is standing beneath a large banner: American Homeowner.Denny Crane: America is under siege. Not from Saddam or pro-terrorists, but from namby-pamby pro-burglary advocates who wanna strip us of the right to protect what ours. That's what our…Paul Lewiston:He turns the TVoff. So Denny's being Denny.Denise Bauer: He's creating the reality.Paul Lewiston: I doubt many people would wanna live in Denny's reality.Denise Bauer: All I know is there are two rotten guys in this case, and both sides are trying to make theirs as the hero.Paul Lewiston: If you've got a problem with this case, I suggest you talk to the guy whose name is on the door.Denise Bauer: I'm not naïve, Paul. I know this kind of manipulation goes on all the time. But I'm an attorney, not a spin doctor.Denny Crane: Oh yes, you are. We all are. That's what attorneys do, tell stories, create characters, capture an audience, try to make them feel what we want them to feel. That's good lawyering! Only these days everybody's trying to get in on our act. The government, corporations. There are no facts anymore, kiddo. Only good or bad fiction.Denise Bauer: Which story do you plan to sell the jury?Denny Crane: Don't you worry. This case will never go to trial.Alan, Attorney, and Marguerite are in Alan's office at Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Attorney Michael Eaves: Mr Shore. With all due respect, you are on our last nerve. You said you had an intriguing offer. Get to it.Alan Shore: Delighted. First, how about we ask all the lawyers to leave the room?Attorney Michael Eaves: You're a lawyer.Alan Shore: Okay. How about all the lawyers who aren't me? Michael Eaves looks at Marguerite and chuckles. Ha. Here it is then. Simply put, it's Shirley Schmidt. As much as I admire and respect her, if I don't resolve this case, I'm afraid she'll get nervous and fall back on old habits, she'll call in the old guard, one of the cronies in banking and finance, someone who smells like old pipe smoke and hair。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第2季第7集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalTruly Madly, DeeplySeason 2, Episode 7Written by David E. Kelley2005 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: November 8, 2005Transcribed by ImamessShirley Schmidt: Did he say what it was about?Paul Lewiston: No. And I tried to get him to tell me. He said he’d only speak to you.Shirley Schmidt: Well, I’ve got the Weaks coming in. They’re fighting over the Nantuckett house again.Paul Lewiston: He says he’ll only speak to you!Shirley Schmidt: Dwight! How are you?Dwight Biddle: Oh. Not good Shirley.Shirley Schmidt: Why?Dwight Biddle: Jeanie is leaving me.Shirley Schmidt: What? Why?Dwight Biddle: And she’s trying to have the marriage annulled.Shirley Schmidt: That’s ridiculous. Not to mention impossible. You’ve been married over twenty years.Dwight Biddle: She just wants it all erased. As if, as if I never existed I guess.Shirley Schmidt: Why? What’s gotten into her?Dwight Biddle: Well it’s more what I’ve gotten into I suppose. I strayed.Shirley Schmidt: You? Well, I, I, I can’t pretend I’m not shocked. Even so, infidelity isn’t grounds for annulment. There’s something you’re not telling me.Dwight Biddle: I strayed with Wendy. You’ve met WendyShirley Schmidt: Wendy. Your cow?Dwight Biddle: We became very close. One night I’d had a bit to drink I suppose. Jeanie and I had been a little estranged and…Shirley Schmidt: You strayed with livestock?Dwight Biddle: It’s not what you think. It was all very loving. I know Jeanie, she’s gonna try to make me out a big sicko.Shirley Schmidt: Gee.Dwight Biddle: Obviously I made a mistake. But I’ve been a good husband for twenty-three years, a deacon at our church, a model philanthropist, a respected professor at a major university town selectman even.Shirley Schmidt: Ha, ha. You sleep with one cow!Dwight Biddle: Please don’t make sport, and don’t make light. I don’t wanna lose my wife! Denise Bauer: You cannot turf this one to me.Shirley Schmidt: Oh, but I can.Denise Bauer: Shirley…Shirley Schmidt: Look. I can defend almost anyone against almost anything, but growing up I had a cow.Denise Bauer: You?Shirley Schmidt: Not sexually! As a pet. Bumpy. I had dogs, cats, a tree frog, but Bumpy. I cherished that animal. To think what Dwight… I can’t go there Denise.Denise Bauer: What makes you think I can?Shirley Schmidt: You’re being asked to. The name of this firm is Crane, Poole and Schmidt. I’m Schmidt.Denise Bauer: Shirley, please, I am begging you.Shirley Schmidt: Someone’s got to do it Denise. It can’t be me.Denny Crane: Denny Crane. I don’t know why I’m here. Denny Crane. I’ve been summoned! Denny Crane. Denny Crane. Denny Crane.Judge Harvey Cooper: Trial date is set for December the second. We will conference a week from today.Denny Crane: Denny Crane. Who the hell called and why? Oh! Denny Crane.Judge Harvey Cooper: Ah! Mr Crane. Recall Jessel would you please?Clerk: Document 166253, Commonwealth versus Ronald Jessel.Judge Harvey Cooper: Mr Crane, you’ve been assigned to represent one of our Indigent defendants, thank you for coming in.Denny Crane: No can do Judge.Judge Harvey Cooper: I beg your pardon?Denny Crane: Indigent are poor. I hate the poor. Can’t pay you.Judge Harvey Cooper: Mr Crane this isn’t a request its court order. Unless you think the senior partners are exempt from civic duty?Denny Crane: Was it a hooker? I can do hookers.Judge Harvey Cooper: It’s a murder case. Your client’s right there.Denny Crane: Defense pleads guilty. We accept the District Attorney’s recommendation for sentencing. Denny Crane.Judge Harvey Cooper: Come back this instant or you will help in contempt sir.Denny Crane: What did you just say?Judge Harvey Cooper: You will meet your client, you will return here this afternoon to enter your plea and you will give him adequate representation. He allegedly killed a thirteen-year-old girl. Hence the presence of the media. He’ll get high profile representation as well. Go!Denny Crane: Hope you die. Denny Crane.Denny Crane: Bet you’d lick my shoes for a murder case. Wouldn’t you kid?Garrett Wells: I would sir.Denny Crane: Because I like you don’t have to lick ‘em, just dust ‘em with your sleeve.Garrett Wells: Yes sir.Marshal Stepcoe: We can’t have a clown waxing on about G8 world issues for God’s sake. It’s a children’s show!Brad Chase: When did you fire him?Marshal Stepcoe: Friday. He filed for the TRO yesterday. Look, this could be a public relations nightmare. He’s the only Zozo this station has ever had.Alan Shore: May I help you ladies?First person waiting: We’re here for the assistant’s position.Alan Shore: Hmm. Congratulations! You’re hired. Thank you all. To Brad. Let’s go inside. Brad Chase: Alan! You can’t just do that. You have to at least interview.Alan Shore: Why? I have a very strong feeling about this one. Can you type?Melissa: SomeAlan Shore: See?Dwight Biddle: What happened to Shirley?Denise Bauer: Shirley likes to assign cases to the hot hand. And right now I’m hot.Dwight Biddle: I’ve known her since we were kids. She knows me! That’s, that’s why I…Denise Bauer: Which is exactly why you should be with someone else. Shirley could be too close to see things objectively.Dwight Biddle: It’s Bumpy, isn’t it? I had such a crush on that cow. That doesn’t make me gay. Denise Bauer: Mr Biddle. Have you, uhm, gotten counseling for this?Dwight Biddle: Yes. Yes. I’m, I’m working on it. Look Jeanie married me for better or worse. Right? And for twenty-plus years it’s been a great marriage. I still love her. I don’t wanna lose her.In Judge Harvey Cooper’s courtroom.Garrett Wells: The defense enters a plea of not guilty Your Honor. At this time we would like to be heard on bail. This matter…Judge Harvey Cooper: Hold on just a second. Where is Denny Crane?Garrett Wells: I’m an attorney from Crane, Poole and Schmidt sir. I’m appearing…Judge Harvey Cooper: I didn’t assign this case to Crane, Poole and Schmidt, I assigned it to Denny Crane, counsel. Where is he?Garrett Wells: He’s back at the firm, sir. Look, I asked him to do a little research.Judge Harvey Cooper: Are you making a joke in my courtroom counsel?Garrett Wells: No sir.Judge Harvey Cooper: Step up here counsel. Have you ever tried a case before, counsel? Garrett Wells: I won my moot court competition at Suffix, sir.Judge Harvey Cooper: Turn around.Garrett Wells: What are you going to do?Judge Harvey Cooper: I asked you to turn around. I see members of the media here! Some of you have video cameras; I invite you to point them this way. We like to think that all are entitled to a fair trial in this country, that we have an advocacy system about truth. But the real truth, the ugly one, is that the Indigent get anything but fairness. On this side we have the District Attorney with fifty homicide trials under his belt. And here, representing the accused, we have a boy who won his Moot court competition in law school. This is how it is people; the poor get the lawyers who can’t get real clients of their own. We have a system where the State matches the best and the brightest against defense attorneys coming out of a pool of inexperience and incompetence. It is an insult to our notion of democracy. It makes a mockery of criminal justice. I will not indulge a mockery in my courtroom. Turn around counsel; put one arm behind your back as if it were tied. Now stand on one leg as if your client barely has a leg to stand on with you as his counsel. Now you hop on out of here. Tell Denny Crane if he doesn’t show up to represent his client he will be jailed. Hah! Now!Brad Chase: The clown goes up first. Why don’t you take him?Alan Shore: You have a real name on this guy?Brad Chase: Yeah. Robert Berrin. He’s been Zozo for thirteen years. I figure I’ll take our client on direct.Alan Shore: This is ‘at will’ employment?Brad Chase: Yes. But the discharge has to be in ‘good faith’, he was up for a big contract bump, so my bet is they’re gonna argue pretext.Melissa: Excuse me? Could I steal Alan for one second?Alan Shore: We’re in a meeting Melissa.Melissa: Oh! Yeah. It’s just, just, I started thinking I think the high of getting the job kind of… It just hit me, the criterion on which I was hired, and that I am hired I just thought that I should be clear. I will not be objectified, I will not be ogled, if I am, I write you up. No touching, no double entendres, no comments on what I’m wearing, if I get any of that I write you up. I am your assistant not your subordinate, if you cross that line I write you up. Follow the rules, we should, we should get along fine.Brad Chase: I told you to interview.Reporter:…scene at the courthouse this morning, Channel 8’s own legal analyst Martin Tupper said he’s never seen anything…Denny Crane: Judge says to hop, you do it?Paul Lewiston: Alright Denny you obviously need to take over this case. We can send Alan in as backup…Denny Crane: I don’t need back up.Paul Lewiston: Denny!Denny Crane: I can handle this case. I can handle this judge. Homicide? Right?Garrett Wells: Homicide and rape.In Judge Jamie Atkinson’s courtroom.Zozo the Clown: Mr Rogers, Sesame Street, Thomas the Tank Engine, The Magic School Bus, oh, you name it; all the top children’s entertainers are educators.Alan Shore: You never said he’d be in costume.Marshal Stepcoe: Always in public.Atty. Michael Roper: But Mr Berrin? Why global warming?Zozo the Clown: Mainly because it’s possibly the number one threat to this planet and our country is doing almost nothing.Alan Shore: Can you do the cross?Atty. Michael Roper: Even so. None of this seems funny. And, ha, you’re a clown.Zozo the Clown: Global warming could result in a rising sea level that could make a huge part of the world uninhabitable. We as Americans have a responsibility, the US makes up four percent of the world’s population, but we produce twenty-five percent of the carbon dioxide pollution. The most of any country. The United States is the leading cause of global warming. We need to take a leading role in finding the solution.Brad Chase: Let’s go, you’re up.Alan Shore: You go.Brad Chase: What?Alan Shore: No questions, Your Honor.Brad Chase: What are you doing?Alan Shore: If you wanna cross-examine him Brad, you do it.Brad Chase: What’s going on?Alan Shore: Nobody ever said he’d be in costume. I’m afraid of clowns.Brad Chase: How can anybody be afraid of a clown?Alan Shore: Keep your voice down.Brad Chase: Now his testimony goes uncontested.Alan Shore: You could have crossed.Brad Chase: I didn’t prep a cross.Shirley Schmidt: What’s going on?Brad Chase: He’s afraid of clowns.Alan Shore: I am not! It was strategy.Shirley Schmidt: Hey!Alan Shore: Any calls?Melissa: Not really. ‘Fraid of clowns? Huh?In Judge Harvey Cooper’s courtroom.Judge Harvey Cooper: You cannot enter a plea of guilty.Denny Crane: Why not?Judge Harvey Cooper: Is it your intent, sir, to plead guilty to these crimes?Ronald Jessel: Oh, no sir.Denny Crane: You’re not gonna take his word for it are you? Come on Judge. If he’d murder he’d lie.Judge Harvey Cooper: Step up here Mr Crane.Denny Crane: He mumbles.Judge Harvey Cooper: You can stop trying to get yourself off the case, counsel. That isn’t gonna happen.Denny Crane: Look, Judge. I can’t defend a man who raped and murdered a thirteen-year-old girl.Judge Harvey Cooper: Somebody’s gotta do it.Denny Crane: Why me?Judge Harvey Cooper: Because I said so.Denny Crane: Which brings me to my second issue.Judge Harvey Cooper: Which is?Denny Crane: You’re a douche-bag. I don’t do well with douche-bags.Judge Harvey Cooper: That won’t work either. You will try this case. All you will accomplish with this unfettered insolence is a jail sentence for contempt after you’ve tried this case. Do I make myself clear Mr Crane?In Judge Clark Brown’s courtroom.Judge Clark Brown: I can understand that she’s horrified, but annul a marriage?Atty. Kimberly Mellon: Your Honor. It is so aberrant. It is such an abomination. It is so abhorrent!Denise Bauer: And she’s just on the A-words.Atty. Kimberly Mellon: Let’s go to B then. Bestiality.Denise Bauer: Is not, never has been grounds for annulment.Judge Clark Brown: Mrs Biddle. Why erase the whole marriage?Jeanie Biddle: Because it was never real. He was always in lover with her.Judge Clark Brown: The cow?Jeanie Biddle: Over the last ten years or so, sometimes when we’d been together, which was never a lot, he’d call out her name. Wendy. And before her there was another cow.Judge Clark Brown: Another cow?Jeanie Biddle: Queenie. I never caught them but I saw the way he looked at her. And he would call out her name too and then try to cover by saying I was his queen. This marriage is not real. And it hurts.Judge Harvey Cooper: Mr Biddle. I need to hear from you.Denise Bauer: Why?Judge Clark Brown: Because I do! It’s shocking! Tomorrow you will sit in that witness chair and tell me why I shouldn’t annul this union you’ve so disgraced.Denny Crane: Say, if you request another lawyer the Judge then…Ronald Jessel: I’m requesting nothing.Denny Crane: You have to. We don’t get along.Ronald Jessel: I like you just fine. You’re a big lawyer with big stuff. You’re just what I need. Denny Crane: Look. I can’t bring myself to defend a man who killed a thirteen year old girl. Ronald Jessel: Oh! Come on, man. Probably did her a favor.Denny Crane: What did you say?Ronald Jessel: I got AIDS, Denny Crane. She could have had a lot of suffering ahead because I really went to town. You know what I mean? She’s probably lucky I ended it quick.Denny Crane: Well! If you really have AIDS, there could be other psychological defenses available to us.Ronald Jessel: Yeah.Denny Crane: Like, ah traumatic distress, insanity perhaps. On the other hand.Ronald Jessel: What you…Denny Crane: It was an accident. He came at me. I feared for my life. He should probably get new counsel.Alan Shore: When’s the arraignment?Denny Crane: Paul’s trying to head it off.Alan Shore: Denny for God’s sake…Denny Crane: Hell, Alan. I’m old and I’m not going to spend what time I have left, not even a day, defending child-rapist-killers. I’d rather go to jail myself. I hear you’re afraid of clowns. Alan Shore: First time in my professional career I actually froze.Denny Crane: What happened?Alan Shore: When I was three years old my mother put some decorative, hideous clown face in my room. It so terrified me I’d wet my bed too afraid to pass him on the way to the bathroom. When I was eight, I was again terrorized by a clown at a parade, the very same face. I wet myself right there on the street. And today, the same face, again! I didn’t dare get up for fear I’d leave a puddle right in the courtroom.Denny Crane: You do have issues? Don’t you?Alan Shore: Denny this is serious. You could be looking at real jail time.In Judge Clark Brown’s courtroom.Denise Bauer: Dwight. Have you sought professional help?Dwight Biddle: Yes. My therapist, he said the geneses of my infatuation could have been the unconditional adoration and acceptance I get from…Denise Bauer: Wendy.Dwight Biddle: Yes.Denise Bauer: And didn’t your therapist also tell you your love for your wife Jeanie is in play here?Dwight Biddle: Yes.Denise Bauer: Could you elaborate?Dwight Biddle: Well, Jeanie looks a little like a cow. You see? I fell in love with Wendy because she reminded me of you.Paul Lewiston: I won’t insult you Scott, by condoning Denny’s actions.Denny Crane: Self defense.Paul Lewiston: But a District Attorney and I know you know this because I taught you, a District Attorney should not bring a case when he lacks a good faith believe of conviction. Denny Crane: Hero.Paul Lewiston: Even if you could refute self-defense…Denny Crane: Jail.Paul Lewiston: …no jury is going to convict him of wounding a man who raped and strangled a thirteen year old girl.D.A. Scott Berger: What message are you asking me to send Paul? If a crime is popular enough don’t prosecute?Paul Lewiston: You haven’t got evidence. It’s Denny’s word against a child-rapist.Denny Crane: Feared for my life.Paul Lewiston: And since you brooch the topic of popularity, you want to make Attorney General, Scott. One needs public support to accomplish that. How popular do you think you’ll be if you prosecute Denny Crane?Denny Crane: Denny Crane.In Judge Jamie Atkinson’s courtroom.Marshal Stepcoe: It’s a children’s show for Gods’ sake. He’s a clown and he’s waxing on about the end of the world.Brad Chase: Did you talk to him?Marshal Stepcoe: Over and over and over. He said he had a social responsibility. My God! We had viewers clicking over to Aaron Brown for a laugh. Our show became preachy, unfunny, ratings started to reflect it and we simply had to get a new clown.Atty. Michael Roper: Zozo talked about 9-11?Marshal Stepcoe: Yes. To help children cope.Atty. Michael Roper: The Columbine shooting?Marshal Stepcoe: Many times he discussed tragic current events…Atty. Michael Roper: So you’re firing him for discussing serious subject matter when he’s done so in the past with your approval?Marshal Stepcoe: There’s a line. Telling our viewers the planet is about to become extinct crosses it.Atty. Michael Roper: After he told the kids to ask their parents about hybrid cars, that’s when he got fired! Wasn’t it?Marshal Stepcoe: This has nothing to do with hybrid…Atty. Michael Roper: WKMW is owned by an oil and gas company.Marshal Stepcoe: … Nothing to do with our parent company. He wasn’t funny. We needed a funny clown.Shirley Schmidt: How’s it going?Denise Bauer: I’m sitting here trying to come up with closing to defend bestiality. That’s how it’s going.Shirley Schmidt: You don’t have to defend it so much as… What’s this?Denise Bauer: Research. Do you realize that studies show ten to thirty percent of sexually active adults have fantasized or had some form of encounter with an animal?Dwight Biddle: Denise, are we ready?Denise Bauer: All set.Dwight Biddle: You don’t have to treat me like a leper, Shirley. I don’t have a disease.Shirley Schmidt: Dwight, you, you’re my friend and I will try to stand by you through this but let’s not pretend you don’t have a serious illness.Dwight Biddle: There are worse things than loving an animal.Shirley Schmidt: Really?! Name three.Dwight Biddle: You know? I was never gonna tell you this. When you were thirteen and your parent sent Bumpy away? It wasn’t to some greener pasture where he’d be happier like they told you. Bumpy went to a slaughter house and then he returned to your freezer. You ate him, Shirley! So don’t get so high and mighty with me! You ate your precious Bumpy!Alan Shore: Why should I have to close?Brad Chase: Why should I? I’ve done everything else.Alan Shore: Exactly, you’ve got a connection going that I lack.Brad Chase: Why are you afraid of clowns? Really?Alan Shore: Because they’re evil, and it simply isn’t right for parents to tell their children to just trust them so.Brad Chase: Did a clown ever do anything to you?Alan Shore: No! They’re just evil.Brad Chase: Alan? You need to close. First, you have a better grip on this whole global warming issue which I tend to dismiss as…Alan Shore: Fuzzy math.Brad Chase: And second, at some point every man, even the half-evolved kind, needs to confront his fears. You need to stand up and deliver this closing.Alan Shore: Will the clown be there?Reporter: Animal Right’s activists are obviously very upset, though it should be noted there is no evidence that the cow never complained.In Judge Clark Brown’s courtroom.Judge Clark Brown: Your client’s behavior doesn’t shock you, Counsel?Denise Bauer: Of course it does, but sex with animals? It’s hardly a new concept. Greek literature is full of it, so it art, Shigall, Rembrandt, Picasso, they’ve all depicted it. To this day men still dream of mermaids and what woman hasn’t had a friend with a half-man, half-bull fantasy. Your Honor, I need you to listen.Judge Clark Brown: Look. If you intend to romanticize the idea…Denise Bauer: Shakespear already did that in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. So did Yeats in his famous poem, Lieda and the Swan. How can these terrified vague fingers push the feathered glory from her loosened thighs?Judge Clark Brown: Lord love a duck!Denise Bauer: So did Lieda. And who can forget King Kong and Faye. And where did Stuart Little come from?Judge Clark Brown: Sex with a cow is outrageous. It’s gross!Denise Bauer: And it’s every bit as shocking as the plaintiff contends but it is not grounds for annulment. And if you suddenly declare that it is? Watch out! Because there may very well be more out there than any of us want to believe. He cheated on his wife. She’s entitled to a divorce, but bestiality is not, never has been grounds for annulment. By the way, in some states? It’s not even expressly outlawed. Of course she’s humiliated and feeling disgraced. But that doesn’t change the fact they had a marriage.D.A. Scott Berger speaking on the television.D.A. Scott Berger: None of this is to say we believe in Mr Crane’s innocence. We don’t. But we have to face the reality we lack a good faith believe of securing a conviction. We’re therefore declining to make an arrest at this time. Personally I am disgusted by his conduct and I will report his actions to the board of bar overseers.Denny Crane: The putz!Paul Lewiston: You oughta be happy.Denny Crane: I’m not happy. He insulted me on live television.Shirley Schmidt: You dodged a bullet, Denny!Denny Crane: And took one right in the ass. The putz!In Judge Jamie Atkinson’s courtroom. Atty. Michael Roper is giving his closing.Atty. Michael Roper: He had incorporated many serious subjects into his programs. All with the stations approval. But when he moved on to global warming, carbon dioxide pollution, he suddenly had to be stopped? Because he was suddenly less funny? No. Because the station was owned by Globaco Oil. This discharge was wrongful, it was in bad faith. My client has built this company’s fortunes for thirteen years being Zozo. It is his livelihood. He’s perhaps the most popular clown in this country! And this court should issue a TRO to stop this outrageous travesty of justice.Alan Shore: I could be wrong but a clown’s main job is to be funny. Global warming is not. Your Honor, the Artic polar icecap is declining at the rate of nine percent per decade. We’re talking about a rising sea level that could wipe out huge pieces of the world’s land mass. More importantly, us! Massachusetts, California, our coast lines. That simply isn’t funny! Unless of course you live in Nevada. Don’t get me wrong; millions of Americans go to sleep at night praying that the nation’s number one clown will finally start caring about global warming. But this is a children’s entertainment show! And let me ask you, “If our own government is allowed to edit and alter scientific findings, if it can control the information flow on this subject? Why then shouldn’t a private television station get to enjoy that same freedom?” You’re a clown. Be funny. Global warming is not.Paul Lewiston: Thirty-fives years Denny, I have never forbidden you to do anything!Denny Crane: Don’t start now.Paul Lewiston: I will call the partners together right now!Shirley Schmidt: What’s going on?Paul Lewiston: He’s going on… Larry King!Shirley Schmidt: What?Paul Lewiston: Tonight. He’s catching the seven o’clock shuttle.Shirley Schmidt: Denny, you can’t be serious?Denny Crane: Why does everybody insist I can’t be serious? This guy Charlie slathered me on live television!Shirley Schmidt: I think you mean slandered.Denny Crane: Well. I’ll have the last word.Paul Lewiston: Listen to me. They could still bring charges if you say something to incriminate yourself.Denny Crane: Give me some credit. Will you Paul?Paul Lewiston: Credit? You shot out your client’s kneecaps!Denny Crane: The public needs to hear from Denny Crane! Humor me, will you?Shirley Schmidt: Please God have mercy?Alan Shore: How could you not stop him?Paul Lewiston: We tried to stop him. We tried to get you to stop him.Alan Shore: Larry King?Brad Chase: Alan? Judge is back with a ruling. Let’s go.Alan Shore: Tonight?Brad Chase: Come on.Alan Shore: Can’t you go by yourself? It’s just a ruling.Brad Chase: You’re doing this.In Judge Clark Brown’s courtroom.Judge Clark Brown: Disgusting! Regrettably this fetish with animals may indeed be more prevalent than we’d like to think. And it’s a slippery slope. Many women derive sexual pleasure riding on a horse. Sick! But we can’t go around annulling marriages every time Debbie goes for a canter! Gross! I’m afraid your only legal recourse Mrs Biddle, is divorce. Sick! We’re adjourned.Denise Bauer: Congratulations.Dwight Biddle: Thank you. To his wife. I may have manifested my love for you in ways that brought you shame, perhaps revulsion, but I do love you. And ah, love is hard enough to find Jeannie without attaching a lot of restrictions.Jeanie Biddle: A lot of restrictions? It’s not like I set of ground rules. But limiting yourself to a single species is one of them. Our species, Dwight.Dwight Biddle: I broke it off. I’m gonna get rid of her. I think I’d like to sell the whole farm. Move to the city, outside of all temptation.Jeanie Biddle: You broke it off?Dwight Biddle: Yes.Jeanie Biddle: You’re never going to see her again?Dwight Biddle: I promise.Larry King: Welcome back to Larry King live, and with me now is Denny Crane the legendary Boston attorney who, just yesterday, apparently opened fire on his own client!Denny Crane: It was self-defense.Larry King: You’re kidding. Self-defense? You’re not really asking people to believe that? Denny Crane: Larry. It’s a crime to shoot people. Even child-raping, murdering, schmucks! Like my client was and still is.Larry King: Okay. But, clearly you’re not saying if a defendant is repugnant enough? Fair game? You’re entitled as a criminal defense attorney to shoot someone? No, no, no. Come on.Denny Crane: It was self-defense. Even if I did simply choose to shoot him which I didn’t because it’s against the law? So what?Larry King: So what?Denny Crane: Larry. You know what the real problem is? Too many criminals get away with it. We got hundreds of thousands of unsolved murders in this country.Larry King: So what you’re saying is, “It’s okay for defense lawyers to take the law into their own hands.”?Denny Crane: No! Come on. You know what’s gonna happen to this child-rapist, murdering, scum? Ashcroft, God bless him, he’s gonna swoop in and he’s gonna transfer this case to the federal court so we can impose the death penalty.Larry King: Denny, Ashcroft is no longer the Attorney General.Denny Crane: Well. Well then, the Spanish guy. Even better. My client’s gonna get the death penalty, bad knees and all, because he deserves it. Then all the bleeding liberals and all of Hollywood will come running to defend him. Make him a cause celeb. But who’s crying for the thirteen year old girl? The problem with the criminal justice system is the criminals have more rights, they get more attention, they get more sympathy than the victims! It’s disgusting, Larry. It’s, it’s, aaah. It’s disgusting, let’s go to the listeners. Hey! Donna in Cincinnati, what do you got?In Judge Jamie Atkinson’s courtroom.Judge Jamie Atkinson: And while I find that the petitioner may very well have a legitimate cause of action, I don’t find such a substantial likelihood of victory that would allow me to issue a TRO. Accordingly I find for the defendant. I wish you all good luck and a satisfactory resolution. Adjourned.Marshal Stepcoe: Oh. Thank you both. That’s a relief.Brad Chase: You’re going to have to settle this.Marshal Stepcoe: We will.Alan Shore: Okay then! Let’s go home.Brad Chase: Alan? You have to do this. You’re forty-four years old. Tell him you’re a fan. Shake his hand.Alan Shore: Will you go with me?Brad Chase: Right by your side.Alan Shore: Ah, Mr Zozo, I a, I just wanted to say how much I’ve always enjoyed your work. Zozo the Clown: Thank you. Would you like to squeeze my nose?Alan Shore: No, no, no. You’ve been more than kind.Brad Chase: Alan?Alan Shore: Well. Perhaps one little squeeze.Denny Crane: You waited up for me?Alan Shore: And I’ve been frantic. You out at all hours.Denny Crane:He chuckles. Did you see the show?Alan Shore: I did. You were inimitable. Denny what possessed you?Denny Crane: Everybody’s so convinced I lost it. I was becoming convinced myself. So I decided to sail it anyway. And I was Denny Crane.Alan Shore:He chuckles. Yes you were. I squeezed a clown’s nose tonight.Denny Crane: Good for you!Alan Shore: Guess we’re never too old to conquer our fears.Denny Crane: I got a call from the Republican National Party tonight. They think I might have future in politics. They wanna put some feelers out, maybe, me running for mayor.Alan Shore: Of Boston?Denny Crane: Uh huh.Alan Shore: We wouldn’t get to be flamingos again.Denny Crane: Of course we would.。
美剧Boston Legal波士顿法律第3季第21集剧本(英语)
Boston LegalTea and SympathySeason 3, Episode 21Written by: Brooke Roberts & Sanford Golden & Karen Wyscarver© 2007 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights ReservedAirdate: May 1, 2007Transcribed by Sheri for [version updated May 11, 2007]Transcribed from aired episode; this is not an official scriptSpecial thanks to nuica for the lovely scaps; official ABC publicity stills are marked and copyrighted to Vivian Zink RecapsMark Valley: Previously on Boston Legal.Bethany Horowitz: You’re a lawyer?Clarence Bell: I went to law school.Alan Shore: Did the judge know you’ve never practiced before when he assigned you this?Paul Lewiston: Clarence, I think you did an excellent job.Denise Bauer: Why do you think it’s so ridiculous that I’m gonna marry Brad?Shirley Schmidt: You don’t love him enough.Denise Bauer: When I look at you through my eyes, I realize I do love you, and I can’t wait to be your wife.Alan Shore: Before we get started, I would ask that your Honor recuse herself.Jerry Espenson: Yes, Alan, and the wheels of justice would grind to a halt if we recuse every jurist you’ve slept with.Alan Shore: I’m ready to be disciplined now.Judge Gloria Weldon: I’m gonna hate myself in the morning.Reception Area: Crane, Poole & SchmidtSimon Griffin:clears throat I want to see a name partner, like—As the camera pans across the corresponding names on the wall:Simon Griffin: Crane’s probably dead. Schmidt’s some kind of minority, so, uh, Poole. I’lltake Poole.Denny Crane: Denny Crane—still alive.Simon Griffin: I was told your firm was the best. I need the best.Denny Crane: That would be me. Who are you?Simon Griffin: Simon Griffin. Don’t worry; that name will soon be embedded in your headforever. Like Jonas Salk, or Paris Hilton.Denny Crane: Can’t wait.Denny Crane and Simon Griffin hold out their hands to shake.Simon Griffin: I had HIV.Denny Crane snatches his hand away quickly.Simon Griffin: I beat it. I’m a walking AIDS cure. Now I wanna cash in, hmm?Shirley Schmidt’s OfficeShirley Schmidt: Is this for real?Simon Griffin: I tested HIV positive for the first time in 2005, and then once a month theyear after. I just didn’t want to accept a death sentence. I kept thinking a miracle wouldhappen, and then, three months ago, it did. I went negative.Denny Crane and Shirley Schmidt exchange looks.Shirley Schmidt: You’ve had that rechecked?Simon Griffin: Every other week since. Dr. Freemont, my internist, just confirmed I’mspontaneously cured.Shirley Schmidt: Actually, I’ve heard of spontaneous cures for cancer, but never for HIV.Simon Griffin: Well, you need to keep up. I’m the first American whose bloodseroconverts without treatment. No medications; nothing. There’s one other guy inEngland. In the States, my body is the first to fight off HIV.Shirley Schmidt: A—assuming you check out, how exactly can our firm help you?Simon Griffin: I need a team to negotiate book deals, TV appearances—not tosound materialistic.Shirley Schmidt:taking off her reading glasses Not to. Shouldn’t you beletting doctors examine you on the chance that, you know, you could helpothers? Just a thought.Simon Griffin: I’ll get to that, but how I see myself in the big picture is as anambassador, someone everybody knows about and probably desires to be like,somebody who inspires others.Denny Crane raises his eyebrows.Simon Griffin: Mainly, I see myself rich.[credits]Reception Area: Crane, Poole & SchmidtThe elevator dings, and Judge Gloria Weldon, in her stiletto heels, gets out and walks to the Receptionist’s desk, to the accompaniment of Esthero’s “Wikked Lil’ Grrrls”:Wikked lil’ grrrls,With curves and kisses and pearly whites,You better keep an eye on your boys—Lock ‘em up tight, tight, tight, tight, tight,You better keep an eye on your boys,Lock ‘em up tight.Judge Gloria Weldon: I’m here to see Alan Shore.Receptionist: Okay. Is he expecting you?Judge Gloria Weldon: They never expect me. They always see me. I’m Judge Gloria Weldon.Receptionist: Mr. Shore should be in any moment. Would you like to wait?Judge Gloria Weldon:to the cue of the elevator ding, she drops her purse on the floor Thank you. and bends to pick it up, as Alan Shore enters the areaAlan Shore: Your Honor!Judge Gloria Weldon stands, and turns.Alan Shore: It was a pleasure to see you.Alan Shore’s OfficeAlan Shore enters, escorting Judge Gloria Weldon, pulls a chair intoposition, and gestures for her to sit as he sits in a nearby chair.Alan Shore: Please.Judge Gloria Weldon: Are you familiar with the Amazonian plantsPsychotria viridis and Banisteriopsis caapi?Alan Shore: No.Judge Gloria Weldon: You brew the two together, and you arrive at a teacalled, hoasca. They call it, “The Vine of the Soul.” You get a 2-minutepeak, followed by a 30-minute brain cruise. Also, illegal. After work, Iimbibe—in my chambers, privately. Last Wednesday evening, without myknowledge, one of myclerks managed tohelp himself. Got highas a kite, did a nakeddance on the courthouse steps. Caught, scared, he led the police back tome. I have been arrested for importation and possession of a Schedule Inarcotic.Alan Shore: That’s a buzz kill.Judge Gloria Weldon: I love my job, Alan. I am good at my job. You haveto be creative.Alan Shore: Assuming I take the case.Judge Gloria Weldon: You already took the case.Alan Shore: Says who?Judge Gloria Weldon: Says me. I’m the judge.Corridor: Crane, Poole & SchmidtSimon Griffin and Shirley Schmidt are walking, discussing his case.Simon Griffin: Once we make a deal with a pharmaceutical company, then I’ll have the resources to launch my new persona as a spokesperson—talk shows, reality shows, uh, photo ops in Africa—a constant reminder of the message of hope that I represent.Shirley Schmidt: I’m welling up.Simon Griffin: I can see you’re cynical. We’ll make a good team.They enter:Conference Room: Crane, Poole & SchmidtSimon Griffin: Dr. Freemont?Dr. Malcolm Freemont: Hello, Simon.Shirley Schmidt: You two know each other?Dr. Malcolm Freemont: We know each other quite well, don’t we, Simon?Shirley Schmidt: Who is this man, Simon?Simon Griffin: My internist. Have I got it again?Dr. Malcolm Freemont: No, uh, that’s not it.Shirley Schmidt: Okay, will somebody tell me what the hell is going on here?Attorney Regina Williams: Mr. Griffin is trying to sell his blood. That can’t happen.Simon Griffin: Why not?Dr. Malcolm Freemont: Because I own it.Simon Griffin: You own my blood?Dr. Malcolm Freemont: I applied for a patent on your DNA, and I got it. So, yes, I own it. Clarence Bell’s DeskMarcie Cooper: I go to Newton College; it’s an excellent school. I have no issue with them. It’s the sorority I belong to? Or used to, I should say? Gamma Kappa Tau? It’s a national sorority and recently the national officers visited campus and conducted some sort of campus survey. If I start to talk too fast, just tell me; I tend to speed up towards the middle of paragraphs.Clarence Bell: It’s fine.Marcie Cooper: Anyways, according to this campus poll, the members of Gamma Kappa Tau at Newton were perceived as socially awkward. As a result, the national officers sort of directed the campus chapter to “clean up its image,” so to speak. Mint?Clarence Bell: No. Thanks.Marcie Cooper: Anyway, we all got interviewed, after which about half of us were invited to leave—told to leave, I should say. Mainly, it was a group of thin, pretty, popular girls who got to stay. The rest of us got bounced.Clarence Bell: What reason did they give for, uh, kicking you out?Marcie Cooper: They said that we failed to live up to the sorority’s criteria, and when I pushed them on it—I can be a little pushy—they added that to my list of offenses! “Too pushy!” I think it’s wrong. Can you help me?Clarence Bell:angry; nodding I’ll help you.Marcie Cooper smiles.Denise Bauer’s OfficeDenise Bauer is sitting at her desk; Brad Chase is standing with his back to her, arms crossed, with dead silence between them, when Paul Lewiston enters.Paul Lewiston: Denise, um, I—I have this, uh—Paul Lewiston takes off his glasses, looks at the obviously silently feuding young people.Paul Lewiston:knowingly Ahh. exitsAlan Shore’s OfficeAlan Shore: Under the law, you’re completely guilty. I wish I could be moreoptimistic. sits on the couchJudge Gloria Weldon:sitting next to him Alan, do you think I came to youfor an interpretation of the law? I hired you because you get people off. Iwould like you to get me o— I know you can come up with something.Alan Shore: Can we offer any medical reason for you needing to drink thistea?Judge Gloria Weldon: Stress?Alan Shore:shakes his head, and staring into space Hmm—mm.Judge Gloria Weldon: The D.A.’s immediate boss, um—there’s a possibilitythat he may be on a little witch-hunt. We were once involved, briefly.Alan Shore:she has his full attention Now we’re getting somewhere. Itended poorly?Judge Gloria Weldon: For him. But he’s not the guy handling this. The casewent to somebody who would love to make a name for himself by nailing—Alan Shore raises his eyebrows.Judge Gloria Weldon:Convicting me.Denny Crane enters, spots Judge Gloria Weldon, and rushesto sit in a chair directly facing her, while:Alan Shore: Denny! This is—Denny Crane: Hello!Alan Shore: Judge Weldon. She’s in some legal trouble. We mayneed to trade on some of your connections.Denny Crane wrinkles his nose at her and growls.Denny Crane: Mmm!Alan Shore: Yes. Now that your legal analysis is out of the way,let’s turn to politics. Who do you know in the D.A.’s office?Denny Crane: I know everybody. I’d like to get to know youbetter.Alan Shore: Denny, we have a bit of a situation here.Denny Crane growls, obviously quite taken by JudgeGloria Weldon.Alan Shore: Denny? purposefully places his headbetween Denny Crane’s and Judge Gloria Weldon’sDenny?Denny Crane: Mmm.Shirley Schmidt’s OfficeSimon Griffin: You need to fix this. You people are supposed to be so . . . fancy and good.Claire Simms: Uh, from what I can tell, the law is not definitive. Anything in your body belongs to you. Once it’s excised, the legal status is debatable.Simon Griffin: That’s ridiculous. It’s my blood.Claire Simms: Yes, but Dr. Freemont has a patent on the DNA.Simon Griffin: It’s my blood! God knows I’m the one who had to suffer with it! Why can’t I be the who . . .Shirley Schmidt: Go ahead; you can say it. “Profits.” Wh—the pharmaceutical companies think that’s a lovely word.Simon Griffin: What are my options?Shirley Schmidt: Well, first thing, we could go to court and challenge the doctor’s claim—although as crazy as it may seem, public policy may side with him, since he’s in it for the cure, and you, as you say, mainly just want to be rich.Simon Griffin looks to Claire Simms, who shrugs.Hallway: Crane, Poole & SchmidtClarence Bell and Marcie Cooper are walking to the Conference Room.Clarence Bell: For the purposes of this meeting, let me do the talking.Marcie Cooper: Oh, of course. I would never—They enter:Conference Room: Crane, Poole & SchmidtClarence Bell:clears throat Hello, my name is C-C . . . You?Jerry Espenson:growls quietly Good morning, Jerry Espenson. nods toward Pat Ontario Pat Ontario.Pat Ontario wiggles her fingers in greeting.Jerry Espenson: She’s the National President of the sorority, Gamma Kappa Tau. How may we help you?Clarence Bell: Well, uh . . . motions for Marcie to sit as he, Jerry and Pat also sit Your client or an agent thereof expelled my client for being socially awkward.Pat Ontario:wiggling her fingers Uh, that’s not exactly true.Jerry Espenson: Pat? To Clarence. That allegation is without basis. I’m sorry, but leaving the merits aside, what remedy is your client seeking here? Does she long to become a member of a club that’s not terribly enthusiastic to have her?Clarence Bell: That was mean.Jerry Espenson: My intent is only to be pragmatic. Lawsuits are very costly. I’m just looking to appreciate what it is your client is specifically after.Clarence Bell:thinking, as he holds back rage Ten million dollars.Jerry Espenson hoots anxiously, as Pat Ontario sniggers.Jerry Espenson: Be serious, please.Clarence Bell:Fifteen million.Jerry Espenson:chuckles Clarence. May I call you Clarence?Clarence Bell: Twenty!Pat Ontario:taps Jerry Espenson on the shoulder Let’s go. I’m done. rises to exitAs Jerry Espenson and Pat Ontario exit:Clarence Bell: You are a mean, mean, mean woman!With an evil glance at Clarence Bell and Marcie Cooperl, Pat Ontario takes Jerry Espenson’s elbow and they exit, leaving Clarence Bell and Marcie Cooper to their outrage.Alan Shore’s OfficeDenny Crane is playing with Judge Gloria Weldon’s hands; the playfulness is not being reciprocated.Alan Shore: It seems Denny has struck out with his connections.Denny Crane: Unless I’m making one here.Alan Shore: My only play is to convince this district attorney not to bring charges.Judge Gloria Weldon: How do you plan to do that?Alan Shore: Well, you say he’s a political creature. You’re a very influential judge.Judge Gloria Weldon: Alan, if these charges stick, I won’t be a judge any longer!Denny Crane tries to take her hand again, offering a reassuring pat. Not a chance! Gets a sharp slap for his efforts. Alan Shore: Gloria, I don’t know what else to tell you. We face a very difficult row here. Who else have you slept with?Denny Crane’s not giving up. Judge Gloria Weldon gives HIM a look, before giving Alan Shore one.Alan Shore: Didn’t Mitt ever want to make you one of his wives?Judge Gloria Weldon: Okay. That you’ll get letters for.With that, she gives Denny Crane’s hand another sharp slap, which, of course, only seems to invigorate the challenge for him.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomJudge Robert Sanders: Hold on just a second here. You’re saying that manpoints at Dr. Malcolm Freemont owns that man’s points at Simon Griffinblood?Attorney Regina Williams: Not exactly, your Honor.Judge Robert Sanders: What is he, a vampire?Shirley Schmidt: Oh, we’re in for an adventure!Judge Robert Sanders: I heard that!Shirley Schmidt holds her tongue and rolls her eyes.Attorney Regina Williams: My client got a patent on Mr. Griffin’s blood,which—Shirley Schmidt: Is ridiculous.Attorney Regina Williams: Under the law, once someone removes blood ortissue from your body, you no longer have legal ownership of it. So, my client tested it, got a patent—Judge Robert Sanders: Now, hold on just a second! You can’t take his blood without his consent—unless you’re the government.Shirley Schmidt: If this blood is used to find a cure for AIDS,my client should be entitled to profit participation.Attorney Regina Williams: And the cost of drug researchwould be so exponentially multiplied, we won’t develop curesfor anything.Shirley Schmidt: Yes! And then we can all go to the AcademyAwards and wear new ribbons that say, “Let’s save BigPharmaceutical!”Judge Robert Sanders: Hold on just a second. Did this manwin an Oscar?Shirley Schmidt: Judge! This is a very complicated case. Heis using my client’s excised blood and tissue. Moreover, he’sbasically gotten a patent on the DNA, which prevents my clientfrom ever marketing his own blood.Judge Robert Sanders: I wanna hear from this vampiredoctor. Get him up on the stand.Hallway: Crane, Poole & SchmidtAn Assistant hands Clarence Bell a brief, as Jerry Espenson walks past. Clarence Bell rushes to catch up.Clarence Bell: How could you, of all people, take this case?Jerry Espenson: What’s that supposed to mean? I’m socially awkward? Or does it mean a lawyer should never take a side he doesn’t personally agree with? That would quite limit the field of opportunity, wouldn’t it? And, for a socially awkward lawyer—well! He should grab any case he can get, shouldn’t he?Clarence Bell:grabbing Jerry Espenson’s arm, stopping him in his tracks I thought you were a nice person.Jerry Espenson: I am. Look, my client doesn’t want this kind of publicity. Make me a reasonable offer, and let’s go home. Clarence Bell:thoughtful Fifty million!Jerry Espenson pushes the elevator call button, hoots and hops.Paul Lewiston: Denise?Denise Bauer gives him her attention, but looks sad/distracted.Paul Lewiston: Thanks for the, uh, antitrust research. It was very helpful.Denise Bauer: Good. returns to her paperworkPaul Lewiston:clears throat I couldn’t help but overhear the deafening silence. Is everything all right between you and Brad? Denise Bauer: He wants to get married in full military uniform. He wants us to take our vows with a sword at his side.Paul Lewiston: Well, if it’s important to him—Denise Bauer: Paul, my family is very antiwar. The whole country . . . Pro-war or not, it’s a very painful topic and I don’t want it to cast this huge pall over my wedding ceremony.Paul Lewiston: The country is not antimilitary.Denise Bauer: I know this. But, look . . . I am proud of Brad being a Marine, Paul. I am. But, I don’t want a full color guard at my wedding. I just . . . I don’t.Paul Lewiston raises his eyebrows signaling understanding, and exits.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomDr. Malcolm Freemont: There are over 350 million tissue samples from 180 million Americans stored in labs and hospitals in this country. They’ve been used to develop everything from the HIV test to vaccines, cancer treatments.Attorney Regina Williams: You don’t have to get permission from the patient to use their tissue?Dr. Malcolm Freemont: We do. It’s part of the standardized form you sign when you get medical treatment. He signed that form, by the way.Simon Griffin:rising Along with a zillion others you jammed in front of my face!Judge Robert Sanders: Sit down, you!Attorney Regina Williams: Doctor, if Mr. Griffin is allowed to reclaim the rights to his discarded blood and tissue, and sell them to a pharmaceutical company, what will happen?Dr. Malcolm Freemont: Well, I work under a federal grant, which means any fruits of my work belong to the government. The cures we come up with will belong to the public, as they should.Attorney Regina Williams: You think this could lead to a cure?Dr. Malcolm Freemont: I don’t know; it could. His blood seroconverted. The HIV vanished. That’s only happened once before. If we could find out how—imagine!Attorney Regina Williams: Okay, but Mr. Griffin wants to let the research teams from the pharmaceutical companies figure out how.Dr. Malcolm Freemont: If the pharmaceutical company does the research, it’ll be a trade secret, and they won’t have to share with anyone. And they won’t. Not ‘til they’ve got all their patents in place. And they’ll be able to charge whatever they want. It won’t be a nickel a pill.Shirley Schmidt looks at Claire Simms. This is not going well for their client.Alan Shore: It’s just not appropriate, Denny. To privately lust after a woman, fine; to send a signal conveying as much, okay; but, growling and clawing at her crosses a line.Denny Crane: But I love this woman.Alan Shore: I thought you loved Bethany.Denny Crane: Well, I love this one now. I have a fickle heart.Alan Shore: Well, you need to stay away from her.Denny Crane: Why? Give me one good reason.Alan Shore: Okay. Dibs.Denny Crane: But that’s not fair. I growled first.Alan Shore: Denny! I have a prior relationship with her.Denny Crane: Prior, but not current.Alan Shore: Well.Denny Crane: Well, what?Alan Shore: Maybe I’d like to . . . keep current.Denny Crane: You like this woman?Alan Shore: Well . . . yes.End scene as camera focuses on Denny Crane’s silent,“Ohhh.”Hallway: Crane, Poole & SchmidtPaul Lewiston: So, did you tell Denise why wearing the uniform is important to you?Brad Chase: That’s the whole point. I shouldn’t have to. The fact that I wanted to—that should be enough.Paul Lewiston: Well, that is not exactly the way that marriage works, Brad. You need to communicate.Brad Chase: I did. I told her that I want to wear it.Paul Lewiston: No, you need to tell her why. You need to communicate your feelings.Brad Chase: Look, Paul, I’m not gonna get all girlie, okay?Paul Lewiston: Oh, dear God, Brad! If you cannot tell Denise what and how you’re feeling, you should not be getting married. Paul Lewiston turns, exitsJudge Gordon Kolodny’s CourtroomMarcie Cooper: The same thing supposedly happened at DePauw University. The campus survey said the sisters of Gamma Kappa Tau were considered socially awkward. Apparently, “misfit” wasn’t the image the sorority wanted to project. That is exactly what happened with us.As the camera pulls back to show Clarence Bell and the rest of the Courtroom, we see Pat Ontario carrying on quite the dramatic conversation with Jerry.Clarence Bell: You mentioned you pressured them for a specific reason.Marcie Cooper: Yes, they said we failed to fulfill our recruitment duties, but nobody in our sorority ever did much in the way of recruiting. What they meant by “recruitment” was “Be pretty and popular,” so that other girls would wanna join.Jerry Espenson: Objection! Speculation! Foundation! Argumentative!Clevant/Clarence Bell: Make up yo’ mind, Jerry!Judge Gordon Kolodny: The objection is overruled.Clarence Bell: Th—thank you, Marcie.Jerry Espenson: I could be wrong, but when one goes about trying to join a sorority, you basically hope the girls there like you enough to invite you to be a member, am I right?Marcie Cooper: I suppose.Jerry Espenson: Did you know what the specific criteria were when you initially interviewed?Marcie Cooper: No. I—I figured—Jerry Espenson: They either liked you, or they don’t.Marcie Cooper: Right.Jerry Espenson: And they did.Marcie Cooper smiles, nods.Jerry Espenson: Now, they don’t.Marcie Cooper:smile disappears They bounced me for being socially off.Jerry Espenson: Did anyone say that to you?Marcie Cooper: I’m not stupid. After the campus survey, they wanted to change their image, so—Jerry Espenson: What was the image before you initially interviewed, if you know?Marcie Cooper: Well—Jerry Espenson: That this was a place for the “socially off”?Marcie Cooper: No.Jerry Espenson: So when you said, “Change their image,” did you really mean, “Conform with their image”? I’m confused. Clevant/Clarence Bell: Sit down.Jerry Espenson:spins to face Clarence Bell Objection!Judge Gordon Kolodny: You’re objecting to your own question?Jerry Espenson: He just told me to sit down—in a menacing tone.Judge Gordon Kolodny: I didn’t hear anything.Marcie Cooper: Oh, my. If you hear voices, they’d never let you into Gamma Kappa Tau. chimpanzee-like laughPat Ontario barely looks up from checking her make-up in a mirror, while many of the jurors laugh or smile at Marcie Cooper’s laugh. Judge Gordon Kolodny doesn’t seem to know quite what to think, and Clarence Bell looks rather sheepish.Marcie Cooper: Sorry. I have a funny laugh.Jerry Espenson looks a bit credulous.Marcie Cooper: They didn’t like that, either.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg’s OfficeA.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Drop thecharges?Alan Shore: Yes.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: She had a 20-ounce bag of hallucinogens in herchambers.Alan Shore: It was tea. Not to mention,there’s no real proof it was hers.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: I have theconfession of the clerk!Alan Shore: That’s it? The linchpin ofyour case is the naked, hallucinating,dancing man who will say just aboutanything to temper his embarrassment, letalone criminal charges.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Are you reallygonna challenge this?Alan Shore: Look, you’ve had many cases before Judge Weldon. She’s a fair and talented jurist. In fact, you’ve won many cases before Judge Weldon, as you’ve amassed your impressive record, which, as I see it, is about one high-profile conviction away from political advancement.A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg: Not about that.Alan Shore: Well, here’s what it could be about, and please stop me if you’ve already considered this, and said, “Hell, it’s only my career.” A judge with a criminal conviction, one for using hallucinogens, no less, presents all kinds of problems. One might have to wonder—Was she on the whoopee teawhile presiding over previous cases? Imagine allthe felons sitting in jail, salivating at the chance tooverturn their convictions. Quite a few of yourconvictions, maybe. So much for the impressiverecord. sits forward, conspiratorially But I am alittle concerned about your boss. You do know heand the judge used to be romantically entwined?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg suddenly sits up; nowvery interested in negotiation. Starts to speak,but—Alan Shore:sits back again, hands givingemphasis But who really worries about that?Given your larger concern of alienating all thoseother state court judges, who tend to getconstipated and vengeful whenever one of theirown is targeted. What needs to come first here isprinciple. Certainly not political pragmatism! If thatwere in play, we never would have gotten this far—would we?A.D.A. Frank Ginsberg looks entirely defeated.Judge Robert Sanders’ CourtroomSimon Griffin: First of all, I signed a stack of papers. I didn’t read any of them.Claire Simms: Why not?Simon Griffin: Does anybody? Doctors say, “Sign here, or we won’t treat you.” That isn’t duress? Plus, I had just gotten news I was HIV positive. I was in total shock.Claire Simms: And if you maintained ownership of your discarded blood tissue, what would you do with it?Simon Griffin: I would sell it to a pharmaceutical company, which would likely increase the chances of discovering a cure. Private enterprise vs the government? It’s not even close. Look how the government has spent our money!Attorney Regina Williams: Did you take time out to be grateful for this cure? Or did you immediately phone your accountant?Simon Griffin: When was the last time you had a deadly disease?Attorney Regina Williams: I didn’t, and I count my blessings. Just wonder if you count yours.Simon Griffin: If I strike you as having a psychological deficit or two, if I come off as being a little bitter—Attorney Regina Williams: You’re bitter? You just dodged a death sentence. Maybe it’s me, but I’d think your heart might be instilled with some sense of charity.Simon Griffin: Charity?Shirley Schmidt: Simon.Simon Griffin: Let me tell you something. For two years, I was shunned, discriminated against, made to feel like a leper. Shirley Schmidt: Simon.Simon Griffin: Do you have any idea how society treats people with HIV? It’s not charitable. And if you’re expecting me to s— trails off, speechless and near tears.Clarence Bell’s Work AreaAlan Shore knocks, enters.Alan Shore: Clarence, how’s your trial with Jerry going?Clarence Bell: He’s mean.Alan Shore: I’m sorry?Clarence Bell: Jerry Espenson. He’s not a nice person. Maybe he’s just acting how he thinks lawyers should act, but . . . It’s mean.Alan Shore: Ohh.Clarence Bell: Clevant spoke today . . . in court.Alan Shore sits on a chair nearby.Clarence Bell: I didn’t mean to really speak as him; I just . . . did. I can be tougher as him. I have to cross the sorority woman tomorrow. I think I’ll do better as Clevant.Alan Shore: Clarence, I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but, if you start speaking as Clevant, you could lose credibility with the judge. That won’t serve your client.Clarence Bell: I’m not sure I can cross this woman.Alan Shore: I think you can.Clarence Bell chuckles, and returns to his brief.Alan Shore: Clarence?Clarence Bell turns back to face Alan Shore.Alan Shore: I think you can. rises, picks up his briefcase, and exitsJudge Gordon Kolodny’s CourtroomPat Ontario: Sororities are like any club. You choose people you want for members.Jerry Espenson: Some of these people, like Ms. Cooper, had been chosen, and were then disinvited.Pat Ontario: And, like any club, sometimes you choose the wrong members. This goes on in country clubs, bridge clubs. Look, if they’re social in nature, which sororities are, their social skills come into play.Jerry Espenson: So you’re admitting their social awkwardness was the cause for their discharge?Pat Ontario: It was a factor.Jerry Espenson: Bad for the image.Pat Ontario: chuckles In so many words. And before you all wave your arms in dismay, let me tell you—every fraternity, every sorority works exactly the same way. You populate the franchise with kids who socialize well together. In success, it becomes a place where incoming freshmen want to join. They all trade on image.Clarence Bell: And your image is beautiful people?Pat Ontario: Attractive is perhaps a nicer image than unattractive, but mainly, the image is social. Antisocial people don’t best accomplish that.Clarence Bell: You didn’t get rid of my client for being antisocial. It was because she was socially awkward.Pat Ontario: Look, I didn’t make that decision personally, so I can’t be sure, but if somebody is standing at a party not talking to anybody, the distinction between socially awkward and antisocial is a tough one to draw.Clarence Bell: And looks? You like your sorority sisters to be pretty.Pat Ontario: That’s not necessarily a criterion. I think if you were to do an analysis, you’d probably discover good-looking people tend to be more socially outgoing.Clarence Bell: What about values?Pat Ontario: Of course we want people with good values!Clarence Bell: You consider it good values to throw somebody out of your club because she’s shy?Pat Ontario: As I said, the main point of the club is social, fun to be around.Clarence Bell: If a member suddenly suffered from depression, out she goes?Pat Ontario: That isn’t fair.Clarence Bell: Well, if she were no longer fun to be around—Jerry Espenson: Objection! He’s totally twisting her words, your Honor.Judge Gordon Kolodny holds up a hand to halt Jerry Espenson’s objectionClevant/Clarence Bell: Would you ever take somebody with Asperger’s?Jerry Espenson: Objection!Clevant/Clarence Bell: If they made funny sounds and walked around with their hands on their thighs?Judge Gordon Kolodny is rubbing his forehead, as if trying to stave off a headache.。
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Boston LegalLos AngelesSeason 2, Episode 27Written by David E. Kelley2006 David E. Kelley Productions. All Rights Reserved.Broadcast: May 16, 2006Transcribed by Imamess of JSMP for [version updated May 22, 2006]Alan and Denny escort Courtney Reese through a throng of media-paparazzi, screaming, yelling. As they pass a camera crew…Reporter: Repeating what we know, Ms Reese has just been arraigned on attempted murder charges, the…As they pass another camera crew…Reporter: …bail was set at one million, two hundred thousand...Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Barry Goal: Barry Goal.As they pass a third camera crew…Reporter: …the star of the popular reality show, The Phoenix, entered a plea of not guilty…Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Barry Goal: Barry Goal.Reporter: …both sides agreeing to an immediate trial date…Reporter:On a television monitor. Why Ms Reese was carrying a gun, we don’t know.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Los Angeles. Courtney Reese, Denny Craen, Barry Goal and Alan Shore are in an office.Courtney Reese: I thought he was gonna kill me.Alan Shore: Did you recognize him?Courtney Reese: Not then. Now I know he’s a photographer for one of those celebrity stalker websites. Barry Goal: Fan-based websites. They track certain stars.Courtney Reese: Yeah. It’s called Get Courtney dot com. She looks at Denny who is staring at her chest. There is a lot of cleavage to see.Denny Crane: Denny Crane.Barry Goal: Barry Goal.Alan Shore: I’m sorry. You’ll have to forgive Denny. His eyes are bigger than his shame. And frankly, I don’t know what to make of Barry. So? You said these websites actually track celebrities?Courtney Reese: They hunt us down. Anybody who spots me on the street just text messages my location into the website. Some of them even get paid for a good tip. Now anybody… Here. She turns the screen of a laptop computer towards Alan. Anybody can track my every move every minute of the day. She clicks some key on the keyboard.Denny Crane:He looks over the lid of the computer at the computer, her chest. She gives him a look. Terrible.Courtney Reese:She sighs. Alan rolls his eyes. Look at this. On the computer screen is street map with a picture of her in a square bubble with an arrow pointing toward a large red cross signifying the location of the Crane, Poole and Schmidt.Denny Crane: Oh. There’s our building. And it says you’re here!Barry Goal: And you’re here!Courtney Reese: One of your assistants probably just made a hundred bucks for this tip. And the problem is it’s not just fans who know where I am, it’s stalkers. Mentally ill people! I mean, I’ve had guys show up straight from the psych ward to my door saying I’m their ex-wife and they’re gonna kill me for jilting them. Alan Shore: And you thought this man was coming to kill you?Courtney Reese: Yeah! I thought he… She looks to Denny and catches him still staring at her chest. Mr Crane? I need you to stop staring at me like that.Denny Crane: Of course. Marry me.Courtney Reese: I beg your pardon?Denny Crane: Your fifteen minutes are almost up. Mine has lasted a lifetime. To Barry. Tell her.Barry Goal: Marry him.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Boston, Denise walks through the lobby, looking at a file as a couple in their late twenties, Lara and Joel Kohn, speak to the receptionist. Lara’s holding a brief with some business paper in it.Lara Kohn:To the receptionist. … Lara and Joel Kohn to see Marlene Stanger, ten-thirty. Receptionist: I think she stepped out of the building for a few minutes. Let me try her cell.Denise Bauer:She hears this and takes pause. She interrupts before the receptionist can call. To Lara and Joe. Are you here for Marlene Stanger?Joel Kohn: She was recommended to us.Lara Kohn: We made an appointment, but she doesn’t appear to be here.Denise Bauer:She makes a decision. That doesn’t sound like Marlene. All charm. I’m Denise Bauer. I work very closely with Marlene and I know that she is swamped. Uhm, why don’t you come into my office and we can tall. She leads the couple down the corridor.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Los Angeles. In the conference rooms clips of new reports are shown on a large screen.Female TV Reporter: Both sides have apparently agreed to fast track this. The only issue being, “Did Ms Reese fear for her life? And if so, was that fear reasonable?”Male TV Reporter: Some speculation that Ms Reese was simply fed up with the paparazzi and this last encounter was the final straw.Different Female Reporter: So far we have no indication of where Ms Reese got the gun.Watching this are Barry, Denny, Alan, Courtney, Candy Springtime and several other associates. Candy Sprintime: The good news Courtney, you’re already beautiful, so we don’t have to Marsha Clark you. The bad new is, you’re beautiful and you shot a man. The only person I can see getting away with that is Prince Di, who was herself killed by the paparazzi. So! By evoking her image we get a twofer. She chooses a suit from a clothes rack bearing two dozen different outfits. I suggest this for your first day of trial.Courtney Reese: A turtle neck? In LA? In the spring? Are you trying to kill me?Candy Springtime: We can mix and match. But it’s critical you feel comfortable in your wardrobe. The jury can sense comfort level.Courtney Reese: It’s my clothes or none at all.Denny Crane and Barry Goal:In unison. None.Candy Springtime: Courtney. She sighs.Alan Shore: Typically we would want the jury to relate to you.Courtney Reese: Typically no juror would have been carrying a gun into a restaurant. So perhaps the argument should be they couldn’t possibly relate to me.Denny Crane: We’ll get back to wardrobe. Let’s talk victim.Barry Goal: Our investigators are checking into the photographer. His friends, family, skeletons, the usual. What is important is that in the press he looks like someone who would attack Courtney in an alley. Courtney Reese: He did attack me in an alley.Denny Crane: Legals?Alan Shore: In order to prove self-defense we need to show that in these circumstances you reasonably felt your live was in danger. The only person who can convey that is you, so you’ll need to testify.Denny Crane: I’ll be right by your side.Barry Goal: So will I.Alan Shore: Neither of them will be. You’ll be sitting up there all alone, undoubtedly subjected to unrelenting cross-examination.Courtney Reese: I’m a big girl.Denny Crane: Excellent. Just for fun, say it try it this way, “I’m a bad girl.” I’d want to hear how it plays. Courtney Reese : I’m a bad girl.Denny Crane: Very bad girl.Alan Shore: Denny.In A.D.A. Holly Raines’s office. Brad Chase is with her.A.D.A. Holly Raines: I cannot believe you, of all people, are here asking for a favor.Brad Chase: It’s not so much a favor. It’s…A.D.A. Holly Raines: Buzz Light Year himself!Brad Chase: Who calls me that?A.D.A. Holly Raines: Not me. I look at you and see a woody.Brad Chase: She has no prison record.A.D.A. Holly Raines: A boy is dead.Brad Chase: Which is why we’re willing to plea. Three months is the right result. Whatever our differences. This is…A.D.A. Holly Raines: Whoa, whoa. What differences? Are you referring to the time I interviewed with you for a position at Crane, Poole and Schmidt all the while you surfed the net to cheap ski tickets at Whistler? Do you think that that would cause a rift between us? As if I’d even remember.Brad Chase: I need your help. This is my niece, and you know this is the right result. Please.A.D.A. Holly Raines:She thinks for a moment. On your knees. And ‘Pretty please.’Brad Chase: What?A.D.A. Holly Raines: Down on your knees. Do it. And, and button it with, ‘Beautiful goddess.’Brad Chase: You’re not serious.A.D.A. Holly Raines: I’m very serious.Brad Chase:He gets down on one knee. Pretty please. She perks her ears for more. Beautiful goddess.Outside a cottage terrace at night. Denny sits with a cigar and scotch. He is wearing a mask over his nose and mouth. Through a hole in the mask he takes a puff from the cigar. Alan joins him, cigar in hand.Denny Crane: LA smog. Not good.Alan Shore: Ah. He sits down. Denny, I consider myself a delightfully lascivious person and I often appreciate that quality in others but I need you tone it down a little with Courtney.Denny Crane: She is the sexiest woman on earth. Unless of course you go for preggos, in which case, it’s Angelina.Alan Shore: This is a serious case, Denny. She’s up on attempted murder charges.Denny Crane: It’s a character builder. She’ll be fine. I’m going to marry her, Alan.Alan Shore: Courtney Reese?Denny Crane: She’s got Denny Crane written all over her. And I’ll tell you this, when the times comes, she’ll pull my plug. Happily.Alan Shore: Not to burst your bubble, as unburstable as it appears to be, but I get the feeling Courtney’s interests lie elsewhere.Denny Crane: What do you mean?Alan Shore: I’m picking up on signals.Denny Crane: Well pick up on this, stay away from my sixth wife. Courtney Crane. I love it.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Boston Paul Lewiston, Shirley Schmidt and Denise are all smiles. Paul Lewiston: Fish! Who knew?Shirley Schmidt: I’m proud of you, Kiddo.Denise Bauer: Thank you.Marlene Stanger:She comes in. Everybody’s smiling. Happy news?Shirley Schmidt: Denise just landed, dare I say it, a big whale.Denise Bauer: Sitter Delacy Foods, they distribute up and down the east coast.Marlene Stanger: The Kohn family. Right?Denise Bauer: Right.Marlene Stanger: Huh.A circus. Denny and Alan escort Courtney through a throng of media. It’s wild. At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Boston Shirley, Paul and Denise are watching this on television moniter.TV Reporter: The prosecution of Courtney Reese for attempted murder began today…Shirley Schmidt: Unbelievable.Brad Chase:He comes in. Wherever they go, they get the good stuff.Shirley Schmidt: Unbelievable.Brad Chase: This isn’t fair.In Judge Harvey Hasson’s courtroom all parties are present. Judge Harvey Hasson is on the bench. A.D.A. Joe Isaacs is questioning photographer Dan Rice.Dan Rice: So, I figured she might come out the side-alley; she often does, so I kind of staked out a position.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: And at some point, the defendant did come out?Dan Rice: Yes.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: And what did you do?Dan Rice: I approached to take a picture.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Did you say anything?Dan Rice: No.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Did she say anything?Dan Rice: Yeah, I think she yelled, “Back off.”A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: And then what happened?Dan Rice: I went to take a picture… and she shot me.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Did she warn you, did she indicate that she had a gun?Dan Rice: No. She just opened fire.Alan is up.Alan Shore: It sounds like a terrifying encounter. Were you frightened Mr Rice?Dan Rice: Of course I was.Alan Shore: I can imagine. By the way, can you imagine that Ms Reese might have been terrified when you charged at her in the alley?Dan Rice: I think Ms Reese is familiar with photographers trying to get her picture.Alan Shore: You jumped out from behind a dumpster. Did you not?Denny puts a comforting hand on Courtney’s knee.Dan Rice: Yes.Alan Shore: Was the alley way lit?Dan Rice: It was not lit.Barry Goal puts a comforting hand on Courtney’s other knee.Alan Shore: Mr Rice, you’re a freelance photographer, are you not? You submit your work to many different magazines and newspapers?Dan Rice: Yeah.Courtney takes Denny’s and Barry’s hand and brings them together. Denny fingers Barry’s hand, Barry caresses Denny’s hand.Alan Shore: And all these publications prefer candid shots. A scared expression is worth more than say, a picture where a celebrity is smiling or posing. Which is why you leapt out from behind the dumpster, to startle her?Dan Rice: Yeah. I was trying to get candid shot of her, yes, but, again, they’re used to that.Again, Denny fingers the hand he is holding.Alan Shore: By ‘they’ I imagine you mean celebrities and other people who, at your discretion alone, have forfeited their right to privacy?Denny is puzzled. He looks down at the hand he is holding. Both he and Barry pull their hand away.Dan Rice: They sign up for it when they chose to be famous.Alan Shore: Did they sign up for having their car run of the road? Because you’ve done that with other celebrities. Haven’t you?A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Objection. The victim is not on trial here.Alan Shore: The victim is very much on trial. He has three assault arrests.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Objection!Alan Shore: ..has broken into houses…A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Objection!Alan Shore: …spit at celebrities to provoke…A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Objection!Judge Harvey Hasson: The objections are sustained. This man’s prior actions are not relevant.Alan Shore: But my client’s state of mind is. And many of the paparazzi, Mr Rice included, are criminals. Some very dangerous. Apparently Filipino street gangs have even gotten into the act. Why?A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Objection.Alan Shore: Because ultimately this is about vast amounts of money.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Objection.Judge Harvey Hasson: Sustained.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Boston, Brad is in his office. His sister marches in.Beth Guttman: I fired you! And I was expressly clear about that!Brad Chase: That you are insane?Beth Guttman: My daughter.Brad Chase: Who contributed to the death...Beth Guttman: No!Brad Chase: Yes!Beth Guttman: How dare you go behind my back?Brad Chase: It’s Hannah’s call, not your’s.Beth Guttman: She’s sixteen year’s old!Brad Chase: Exactly! She’s got her whole life ahead of her. Now, three months is a good deal. She can serve it over the summer and be back in time for school.Beth Guttman: As a convicted murderer?Brad Chase: Man slaughter.Beth Guttman: Oh my God.Brad Chase: This is not about safeguarding your college transcript. This is the best deal that we could ever hope for. Now I got the DA to go along with us, so for once in your life, just once, trust me.Beth Guttman: Oh, is that what this is all about? Getting me to finally trust you? Proving yourself to your big sister?Brad Chase: At the risk of jeopardizing our relationship any further, you got a friggin problem!Beth Guttman: Oh.Brad Chase: For the past sixteen year your self-esteem has been inextricably bound up with this idea of having a perfect daughter. Well, she’s not perfect. Her resume, college transcript, and yes, even her record, they’re all gonna be blemished. But this does not have to destroy her life! If she takes this to trial she could go to jail for a year. Maybe two. You can’t just wave your magic wand and make this go away. At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Boston. Paul is in his office. Marlene is with him.Marlene Stanger: Mario inadvertently found it in the trash. She shows him her hand held computer. Paul Lewiston: Mario?Marlene Stanger: Our night janitor. Really lovely gentleman. Helpful. I was so grateful when he found, because I thought I had misplaced it. When I saw this. She shows him the screen, there is a video of Denise pushing the computer into trash and sticking her tongue out at it. I was taking videos of my co-workers to send to my family, I left it in the kitchen. I guess I accidentally left it on recording mode, and well, this happened.Paul Lewiston: Oh my.Marlene Stanger: Maybe Denise thought she was playing a practical joke. But, I just don’t think it’s all that funny. I mean, is that how the lawyers treat each other here?Paul Lewiston: Certainly not.Marlene Stanger: I didn’t think so. But somebody should tell Denise. Because she is full of little pranks. Paul Lewiston: Other pranks?Marlene Stanger: Again, I’m really so uncomfortable with this. But I went out to greet my clients, the Kohns, in the lobby the other day, referrals from my old firm. I was late I admit, as they were scheduled on my personal calendar. But since it was in the trash… Anyway I went out to get them and they were gone. It turns out Denise took them. She wipes a tear from her eye.Paul Lewiston: Denise?Marlene nods.In Judge Simon Devon’s courtroom.Judge Simon Devon You understand, Ms Guttman, that by pleading guilty to involuntary manslaughter you stand convicted of a felony?Hannah Guttman: Yes, sir.Judge Simon Devon: Very well. Ms Raines? The District Attorney’s office joins the recommendation of the defense for three months at Guttenburg?A.D.A. Holly Raines: We do, Your Honor. This is a very serious matter involving the loss of a human life, but we are impressed by the defendant’s remorse. We’re also mindful that she has no previous criminal record and we’re satisfied that three months constitutes a just punishment.Judge Simon Devon: Yeah. You might be satisfied, but I’m not. You see, I have to be cognizant not only of the death of Ryan Cline, but also of the pandemic of pharming drug parties going on in every town all over this country causing the loss of many lives. Three months is an insult to those lives.Brad Chase: Your Honor, this…Judge Simon Devon: I’m talking, Counsel. Court rejects this, and will not entertain any plea which causes Ms Guttman to serve less than three years.Brad Chase: What?Hannah Guttman: Brad?Brad Chase: I ask that Your Honor be recused.Judge Simon Devon: Denied. You wanna go to trial? Fine. But you’ve got me. Which means that I can impose sentence now, or later.In Judge Harvey Hasson’s Courtroom, Alan is questioning Courtney.Courtney Reese: I’ve received seventeen death threats. The latest coming two weeks ago.Alan Shore: You received a death threat just two weeks ago?Courtney Reese: Yes. I also get thousands of letters from prison inmates pledging their love and planning to seek me out upon release. And I get many impropriate prurient letters from people in the outside as well sometimes, doctors, lawyers. I’ve received three in the last day from one of my own lawyers.Denny waves this aside.Alan Shore: You’re clearly the objection of a lot of adoration and obsession.Courtney Reese: Which comes with celebrity and fame, I realize. But this kind of fame… And , add to that the internet.Alan Shore: What does the internet have to do with this?Courtney Reese: With these celebrity stalker sites, everybody can become a member of the paparazzi. And they’ve all got camera’s and email access with their cell phones. I go to the coffee shop for a latte it’s instantly posted. It’s become simple to track my whereabouts. Obsessive people know how to find me. Which is why I got a permit and now carry a gun.Alan Shore: Which you were carrying with you the other night?Courtney Reese: Yes. As I left the restaurant a man charged me in a dark alleyway. I called for him to stop, he didn’t, I saw a black metal in his hand, he raised it. I thought he was carrying a gun. I reacted and shot first.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: A lot of people track you, follow you, wanna see you in person. That’s the impression I’m getting. True?Courtney Reese: Yes.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Most of these people I’m guessing would be innocent fans wanting to get close to you? Also true?Courtney Reese: Or aggressive photographers.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Yes. In fact the other night when you arrived at the restaurant you were met by a slew of paparazzi. Weren’t you?Courtney Reese: Yes.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Also in fact, you had an altercation on your way into the restaurant that night didn’t you?Courtney Reese: Yes, I did.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: You’d had enough, hadn’t you?Alan Shore: Objection.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: This wasn’t self-defense…Alan Shore: Your Honor…A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: ... you were pissed off.Alan Shore: …I made an objection.Judge Harvey Hasson: SustainedA.D.A. Joe Isaacs: In particular you had a vendetta against this man!Alan Shore: Objection. He just sustained the objection.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Ms Reese. You’ve encountered Mr Rice before, haven’t you?Courtney Reese: I didn’t recognize him at the time that I shot him.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Did you see him going into the restaurant?Courtney Reese: I did. But I didn’t know it was him charging me in the alley.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: You once got a restraining order against this man.Courtney Reese: I didn’t know it was him when I fired.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: I see. You just got lucky?Alan Shore: Objection.Judge Harvey Hasson: Sustained.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: Nothing further.Isaacs returns and sits.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Los Angeles. Alan, Denny and Courtney are walking into the conference room.Alan Shore: Courtney, you should have told me that you knew him.Courtney Reese: I don’t really know him. There’s a handful of paparazzi who resort to terrorist tactics. Alan Shore: And you knew him to be of them?Courtney Reese: I didn’t recognize him in the alley.Alan Shore: But you did recognize him on your way into the restaurant? So you knew he was there, you’d had previous run-ins with him. This could be construed that you targeted him.Courtney Reese: I didn’t.Denny Crane: I believe you. Marry me?Courtney Reese: Does he have a mental problem?Alan Shore: Yes. Are there any more surprises?Courtney Reese: Such as?Denny Crane: Like, are you really a man? I could live with that.Alan Shore: Denny! Go lust someplace else! How many run-ins have you had with this particular photographer?Courtney Reese: Several. Along with half a dozen other photographers! But I didn’t know it was him when I fired.Alan Shore: Right. I sincerely hope the jury believes that. Otherwise, famous or not, you’re going to prison. In the courthouse, Brad and A.D.A. Holly Raines are walking down the hallway.A.D.A. Holly Raines: There’s nothing I can do. It’s his call, you know that.Brad Chase: Why did he do this?A.D.A. Holly Raines: I don’t know.Brad Chase: Did you tell him to?A.D.A. Holly Raines: Of course not!Brad Chase: Spoke about my Whistler trip.A.D.A. Holly Raines: Brad!Brad Chase: What happened?A.D.A. Holly Raines: I called one of his former clerks. Evidently Judge Devon lost a teenage daughter to a drug overdose. Maybe that’s in play, I don’t know. But he’s a good judge. He’s a fair one; this seems way out of character. They both look down the hallway at Beth comforting Hannah. Also, for what it’s worth, the clerk gave me some additional back-story. He had a little thing, years ago, with one of your partners.Brad Chase: Who?A.D.A. Holly Raines: Shirley Schmidt.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Boston, Denise is in her office, Paul places a laptop computer in front her. The video of her throwing Marlene’s handheld computer in the trash and sticking her tongue out at it is playing on the screen.Paul Lewiston: Marlene says that you conveniently threw away her electronic planner the night before some of her more critical appointment. Including the one with the Kohns.Denise Bauer: First of all, I didn’t poach her clients. I did her a favor. And second of all I didn’t toss her precious little device so she’d miss her appointments. I did it out of spite. As simple as that.Paul Lewiston: I have to say, Denise, that personally I am very disappointed.Denise Bauer: Paul, you know me.Paul Lewiston: Why else would I be disappointed? With the partnership vote this close? It amazes me that you would do something so stupid to jeopardize it.Denise Bauer: Are you saying that b…?Paul Lewiston: What I’m saying is that as of this moment, your chances of making partner… have diminished.At Crane, Poole and Schmidt in Boston, Shirley and Brad are walking down the corridor.Shirley Schmidt: It’s within the sentencing guidelines. It’s not as if you can argue abuse of discretion.Brad Chase: Judges always allow joint recommendation.Shirley Schmidt: But they’re not bound by them, Brad. You know that.Brad Chase: She’s sixteen years old.Shirley Schmidt: Your only hope is to somehow get him recused. But, honestly, I wouldn’t know how.Brad Chase: I’ve been told that you had a relationship with this judge.Shirley Schmidt: Ah.Brad Chase: Shirley, I would never try to exploit this.Shirley Schmidt: Sure you would. That’s why you’re here.Brad Chase: I don’t know what else to do. I won’t get it overturned on appeal. I don’t know what else to do. In Judge Harvey Hasson’s courtroom, all parties are present. A.D.A. Joe Isaacs is giving his closing.A.D.A. Joe Isaacs: She knew the paparazzi were there. She had an altercation on the way in. She had to know it was possible that the man in the alley was a photographer. They ambush her all the time. What the hell? She opened fire anyway; figure in the darkness, BOOM! Shoot first, ask questions later. I guess. The truth is celebrities like Courtney Reese get away with things all the time. Ticket to the Roll Stones concert. A table at a crowded restaurant with no reservation. This is her life. All day. Every day. She gets away with things. And so when a photographer tries to take her picture, and she doesn’t like it, and she happens to have a particular grudge against this man she thinks she can get away with shooting him. Because fame is power. It is privilege. It is a sense of entitlement. Now, I’m sure none of you wanna live in a world where there’s one set of laws for the famous people and another set for the rest of us. The facts in this case do not say that Courtney Reese is an actress or a model or a world famous celebrity. The facts in this case say that she’s a criminal who tried to murder somebody.Alan Shore: A neuro-biologist at Duke University conducted an experiment where he gave a group of thirsty monkeys a choice of either having their favorite drink, which was some sort of cherry juice concoction, or of having the opportunity to look at pictures of the dominant, ‘celebrity’ monkey in their pack. Despite their thirst and the allure of the cherry juice, they chose to look at the pictures. Apparently monkeys have a part of their brain that specifically responds to the thrill of celebrity. As do we. Think about that for a moment. A part of our intricate, fantastic and powerful mental machinery specifically responds to Courtney Reese and others who have achieved her level or notoriety. We have hundreds of magazines and websites to follow and track them, stalk them, not to mention cultivate a public obsession for them. It is totally and utterly out of control. Her fear of being followed, or assaulted or even murdered is not an irrational one. She receives threats on her life, obsessive declarations of love, psychotic musings about imagined relations or phantom encounters, and because of celebrity stalker websites her movements and whereabouts can be tracked to the second! That’s the world she lives in! So, what happened that night? A man came towards her in the dark, quickly. She told him to stop; he didn’t, fearing for her life, she acted to protect herself. She didn’t shot to kill. She wounded him in the shoulder, to stop his charge. She was afraid. Was her fear reasonable?Some years ago, a young actress named Rebecca Shafer was shot and killed by a fan in front of her apartment building. Monica Seles was stabbed in the back, on a tennis court during a match. Gianni Versace was gunned down as he stepped down from his home in Miami. George Harrison was stabbed in his home in the country; John Lennon was shot four times in the back by a devoted fan as he was coming home in evening with his wife. Courtney Reese carried a gun with her because of all that had come before, and she didn’t want to be next. That is reasonable.Judge Simon Devon is in his chambers. Shirley comes in.Shirley Schmidt: Simon.Judge Simon Devon: Ex parte, Shirley. You, of all people, should know better.Shirley Schmidt: Yes. Let’s file this meeting under that category then. “Things we should know better.”Judge Simon Devon: A boy died.Shirley Schmidt: So did a girl, twelve years ago. Is that in play?Judge Simon Devon: You’re out of line.Shirley Schmidt: A wise man once said to me, over a martini I believe, you can take all the facts of a case, figure in all the lawyers, extenuating circumstances, and still, people forget in the end it all really comes down to the judge. You said it with such a charming twinkle.Judge Simon Devon: I was trying to get laid.Shirley Schmidt: And boy did you. A case in my office has fallen into the hands of the wrong judge. This ruling can’t bring your daughter back, Simon.Judge Simon Devon: But perhaps it can stop others from dying.Shirley Schmidt: Do you really believe that?。