TTB1001 technical file






2 、规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。


JJG617—1996数字温度指示调节仪JJG874—2007温度指示控制仪JJF1001—2011通用计量术语及定义JJF1007—2007温度计量名词术语及定义3 、概述数字温度表由温度传感器和显示仪表组成。



4 、计量特性4.1外观数字温度表外形结构应完好,说明功能的文字符号、标志、数字和物理量代号等应符合相应的标准,并且有制造厂名或商标、出厂编号、测量范围等。




4.3绝缘电阻在常温下,对外接电源的数字温度表,其输入、输出、电源和接地(外壳)端子相互之间的绝缘电阻应不小于20M Ω。



5 、校准条件5.1环境条件环境温度(15~35)℃;湿度<85%RH。



TTBPS 1001-2016微型低速电动车技术条件

TTBPS 1001-2016微型低速电动车技术条件

TB行业团体标准T/TBPS1001—2016微型低速电动车技术条件Technical specifications for Micro low-speed electric vehicles 2016-07-28发布2016-08-01实施目次前言 (Ⅱ)1范围 (1)2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (2)4型号 (2)5技术要求 (4)6试验方法 (8)7检验规则 (10)8标志、交付、随车文件、运输和贮存 (11)附录A(规范性附录)主要技术参数 (13)参考文献 (14)前 言微型低速电动车具有小型、高性价比、用车费用低等特点,适用于短途代步和运输,有着极大的市场需求,也符合绿色环保和新能源车辆的产业发展方向。













术 动 实环
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§ 问题陈 § § § 总结"
– 预启动 "
§ §
§ § § 处 动 CPU 计 详细 POST 处 载
– 术层" 见
发挥 驻 输

– 绕过
" 执 "
术 "

BIOS 记 rootkit 电脑 " " "

• Computrace BIOS


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" Computrace BIOS Dell "


– – 户 导 过
击" Charlie Miller (Accuvant 击"
电 " 险
电 电 过热 "


§ 击
§ Apple Cisco Dell



400(参见注 2)
150(参见注 2)
(参见注 1)
红:严重的连接或本体故障(ID 重复或总线中断) 红(闪烁):连接超时
45mA @ 11 to 25VDC
190mA @ 5VDC
T1H-EBC100 以太网模块规格
模块类型 通讯 自动设置 IP 设置 以太网协议 以太网端口 节点地址 连接距离 数据传输速度 LED 指示 注意:上电时所有的指示 灯都会初始化
ON=模块通过上电检查 OFF=模块上电检查失败 闪烁=实装模块与配置文件不匹配 ACTIVE(Link): 闪烁=网络活动中
TOKEN(Holding): ON=PBC 设置正确且运行中 OFF=错误的 I/O 设置
通讯端口 基架电源供给
ERROR: ON=监控定时器超时,表示硬件,通讯或网络故障; 重新上电或重新运行主局驱动软件
重新上电或重新运行主局驱动软件 RJ12,RS232C K 协议,ASCII (当使用 HX-ERM 时不支持此功能) 350mA @ 5VDC(EBC);串行端口支持最大消耗 500mA @ 5VDC
通讯协议 MODBUS 通讯口连接件 连接端口类型 局号地址 I/O 点数量

DPtech Scanner1000系列漏洞扫描系统用户配置手册v1.0

DPtech Scanner1000系列漏洞扫描系统用户配置手册v1.0
DPtech Scanner1000 系列漏洞扫描方位的技术支持。 通过杭州迪普科技有限公司代理商购买产品的用户,请直接与销售代 理商联系;直接向杭州迪普科技有限公司购买产品的用户,可直接与公司 联系。 杭州迪普科技有限公司 地址:杭州市滨江区火炬大道 581 号三维大厦 B 座 901 室 邮编:310053
3.12.2 显示IPV4 路由表
3.12.3 配置IPV6 静态路由
3.12.4 显示IPV6 路由表
3.13 邮件服务器配置
图 1-1 WEB管理登录界面 .................................................................................................................................... 1-2 图 1-2 DPtech Scanner1000 系统结构图............................................................................................................... 1-3 图 1-3 Web管理界面布局 ..................................................................................................................................... 1-4 图 2-1 基本配置菜单...................................................

Agilent TKB1 Competent Cells Instruction Manual

Agilent TKB1 Competent Cells Instruction Manual

Instruction ManualCatalog #200134Revision BResearch Use Only. Not for Use in Diagnostic Procedures.200134-12L IMITED P RODUCT W ARRANTYThis warranty limits our liability to replacement of this product. No other warranties of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are provided by Agilent. Agilent shall have no liability for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages arising out of the use, the results of use, or the inability to use this product.O RDERING I NFORMATION AND T ECHNICAL S ERVICESEmail************************World Wide WebTelephoneLocation TelephoneUnited States and Canada 800 227 9770Austria 01 25125 6800Benelux 02 404 92 22Denmark 45 70 13 00 30Finland 010 802 220France 0810 446 446Germany ***********Italy 800 012575Netherlands 020 547 2600Spain 901 11 68 90Sweden 08 506 4 8960Switzerland 0848 8035 60UK/Ireland ***********All Other Countries Please visit and click Contact UsC ONTENTSMaterials Provided (1)Storage Conditions (1)Additional Materials Required (1)Introduction (2)Host Strain and Genotype (2)Transformation Guidelines (3)Storage Conditions (3)Aliquoting Cells (3)Use of Falcon® 2059 Polypropylene Tubes (3)Use of β-Mercaptoethanol (3)Quantity of DNA Added (3)Length of the Heat Pulse (3)Transformation Protocol (4)Expected Results (5)Induction Protocol (5)Introduction (5)Analysis of Extracts (6)Preparation of Media and Reagents (6)References (7)Endnotes (7)MSDS Information (7)M ATERIALS P ROVIDEDMaterials provided a Quantity TKB1 competent cells (pink tubes)b 5 × 200-μl aliquotsμlpUC18 control plasmid DNA (0.1 ng/μl in TE buffer c) 10μl1.42 M β-mercaptoethanol 25a Provides enough reagents for 10 reactions.b Transformation efficiency is >5 × 105 cfu/μg of pUC18 DNA. We guarantee the transformationefficiency for these competent cells when used according to the specifications outlined in this instruction manual.c See Preparation of Media and Reagents.S TORAGE C ONDITIONSStore cells immediately at –80°CDo not place the cells in liquid nitrogenA DDITIONAL M ATERIALS R EQUIREDLB agar plates§ with 12.5 μg/ml of tetracycline and selecting antibiotic for plasmidencoding the target protein geneAntibioticsAmpicillin stock (50 mg/ml in H2O)Tetracycline stock [12.5 mg/ml in 50% (v/v) ethanol]Indoleacrylic acid [2.5 mg/ml in 95% (v/v) ethanol]TK induction medium§LB broth§ for target gene expressionIPTG (isopropyl-β-D-thio-galactopyranoside) inducer for target gene expression (stock is 100 mM in H2O) (Catalog #300127).§ See Preparation of Media and Reagents.Revision B © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010.I NTRODUCTIONThe TKB1 competent cells are a tyrosine kinase (TK) derivative of theBL21(DE3) strain [E. coli B F–dcm ompT hsdS(r B– m B–) gal λ(DE3)].1–3 TheBL21(DE3) TK strain, abbreviated TKB1, carries the gene for T7 RNApolymerase in the chromosome under the control of the lacUV5 promoter.Induction of the polymerase with isopropyl-β-D-thio-galactopyranoside(IPTG) allows controlled protein expression of genes placed downstream ofthe T7 RNA polymerase binding site. The TKB1 strain harbors a plasmid-encoded, inducible tyrosine kinase gene (pTK). The TKB1 strain can betransformed with a plasmid (ColE1 origin) containing a DNA sequenceencoding a phosphorylation target domain or protein. If the target protein iscloned as a fusion to an affinity tag, purification of large amounts ofphosphorylated protein is relatively easy. The phosphorylated proteinisolated from the TK strain can be used to screen expression libraries and toaffinity purify or blot proteins that interact with the tyrosine-phosphorylatedtarget.H OST S TRAIN AND G ENOTYPEFor the Escherichia coli strain, the genes listed in the table below signifythat the bacterium carries a mutant allele.Host strain References GenotypeTKB1 strain a 2,3 E. coli B F–dcm ompT hsdS(rB –mB–) gal λ(DE3) [pTKTet r]a This strain, a derivative of E. coli B, is a general protein expression strain that lacks both the lon protease and the ompT protease, which can degrade proteins during purification (see Reference 4).T RANSFORMATION G UIDELINESImportant Please read the following guidelines before proceeding withthe Transformation Protocol.It is important to store the competent cells at –80°C to prevent a loss ofefficiency. For best results, please follow the directions outlined in thefollowing sections.Storage ConditionsCompetent cells are very sensitive to even small variations in temperatureand must be stored at the bottom of a –80°C freezer. Transferring tubes fromone freezer to another may result in a loss of efficiency. Competent cellsshould be placed at –80°C directly from the dry ice shipping container. Cellsstored in this manner should retain their guaranteed efficiency for 6 months.Aliquoting CellsWhen aliquoting, keep the competent cells on ice at all times. It is essentialthat the Falcon® 2059 polypropylene tubes are placed on ice before the cellsare thawed and that the cells are aliquoted directly into the prechilled tubes.It is also important to use at least 100 μl of competent cells/transformation.Using a smaller volume will result in lower efficiencies.Use of Falcon® 2059 Polypropylene TubesIt is important that Falcon 2059 polypropylene tubes are used for thetransformation protocol, since other tubes may be degraded by theβ-mercaptoethanol used in step 3 of the Transformation Protocol. Inaddition, the incubation period during the heat-pulse step is critical and hasbeen optimized for the thickness and shape of the Falcon 2059polypropylene tubes.Use of β-Mercaptoethanolβ-Mercaptoethanol has been shown to increase transformation efficiencytwo- to threefold. This kit includes prediluted β-mercaptoethanol, which isready to use. Using the β-mercaptoethanol within 3 months isrecommended. Use 1.7 μl of the β-mercaptoethanol provided or a fresh1:10 dilution (stock solution 14.2 M)/100 μl of cells.Quantity of DNA AddedAdd 1–5 μl of DNA for a final concentration of 10–100 ng of DNA in thetransformation.Length of the Heat PulseThere is a defined "window" of highest efficiency resulting from the heatpulse in step 8 of the Transformation Protocol. Optimal efficiencies areobserved when cells are heat-pulsed for 45–50 seconds. Heat-pulsing for atleast 45 seconds is recommended to allow for slight variations in the lengthof incubation. Efficiencies decrease sharply when incubating for<45 seconds or for >60 seconds.T RANSFORMATION P ROTOCOL1. Thaw the TKB1 competent cells on ice.2. Gently mix the competent cells by hand. Aliquot 100 μl of thecompetent cells into a prechilled 15-ml Falcon 2059 polypropylenetube.3. Add 1.7 μl of β-mercaptoethanol provided with this kit or a fresh1:10 dilution (stock 14.2 M) of β-mercaptoethanol [diluted in distilledwater (dH2O)] to the 100 μl of competent cells, giving a finalconcentration of 25 mM.4. Swirl the contents of the tube gently. Incubate the polypropylene tubeon ice for 10 minutes, swirling the tube gently every 2 minutes.5. Add 10–100 ng (1–5 μl) of DNA to the polypropylene tube and swirlgently. As an optional transformation efficiency control, add 1 μl of thepUC18 control plasmid to another 100-μl aliquot of the competent cellsand swirl gently.6. Incubate the two polypropylene tubes on ice for 30 minutes.7. Preheat SOC medium§ in a 42°C water bath for use in step 10.8. Heat-pulse the tubes in a 42°C water bath for 45 seconds. The durationof the heat pulse is critical for obtaining the highest efficiencies.9. Incubate the tubes on ice for 2 minutes.10. Add 0.9 ml of 42°C SOC medium and incubate the tubes at 37°C for1 hour with shaking at 225–250 rpm.11. When plating the transformed cells, use a sterile spreader to plate≤200 μl of the transformation mixture on the appropriate antibiotic agarplates.§,ll For the control transformations, use LB–ampicillin–tetracycline agar plates.§Note The cells may be concentrated by centrifuging at 200 × g for3–5 minutes at 4°C if desired. Resuspend the pellet in 200 μlof SOC medium and plate immediately.Plate 200 μl of the cells transformed with the control pUC18 plasmid.Proceed to the Induction Protocol.§ See Preparation of Media and Reagents.ll When spreading bacteria onto the plate, tilt and tap the spreader to remove the last dropof cells. For the competent cells, if plating <100 μl of the transformation mixture, plateinto a 200-μl pool of SOC medium. If plating ≥100 μl, the cells can be spread directlyonto the plates.Expected ResultsBacterial strain AmountplatedExpected colony number(with the control)Efficiency (cfu/μgof pUC18 DNA)TKB1 strain200 μl >100 >5 × 105I NDUCTION P ROTOCOLIntroductionA two-step protocol has been shown to effectively produce large amounts ofphosphorylated fusion protein. Expression of the kinase target gene isinduced, and the target protein is allowed to accumulate before expressionof the kinase gene is induced. Expression of the kinase target gene isinduced by addition of IPTG to growing cultures. We recommend a finalconcentration of 0.4 mM IPTG for constructions carrying the "plain" T7promoter, or of 1 mM IPTG for vectors having the T7 lac promoter.1. Select a single colony from a freshly streaked plate and inoculate LBbroth containing the appropriate antibiotics [tetracycline (12.5 μg/ml) +target plasmid selection antibiotic]. For good aeration, add medium upto only 20% of the total flask volume.The BL21(DE3) strain and its TK derivative, TKB1, grow ratherslowly. The following steps illustrate a convenient method to generatethe seed culture:a. Inoculate a single colony into 2 ml of LB broth supplemented withantibiotics and incubate with shaking at 37°C until the OD600reaches 0.6–1.0. This step may take 6–8 hours.b. Chill this culture on ice for 10 minutes and store overnight at 4°C.2. Collect the cells the following morning by centrifugation and inoculate50 ml of LB broth.3. Grow the culture at 37°C to an OD600 of 0.4–1.0 (We recommend anOD600 of 0.6). Remove a sample for the uninduced control and addIPTG to 0.4 mM (for T7 promoter constructs) or 1.0 mM (for T7 lacpromoter constructs) to the induced culture. Continue to incubate bothcultures for 2–3 hours.Note Optimal induction conditions should be determined for yourtarget gene. Production of the target protein can bemonitored over time after induction by SDS–PAGE analysisof extracts prepared from cultures harvested after usingdifferent induction parameters.4. Measure the optical density of the culture and collect the cells bycentrifugation at 2000 × g. Resuspend the cells in the TK inductionmedium to an OD600 of 0.5.5. Incubate the TK-induced cultures for 2 hours at 37°C with shaking.6. Harvest the cells by centrifugation at 2000 × g for 10 minutes.Analysis of ExtractsPhosphorylation of the target gene can be evaluated by immunoblottingusing an antiphosphotyrosine antibody. After resolution of E. coli extractproteins or purified target proteins by SDS–PAGE, proteins can beelectrotransferred to a membrane and blotted with any one of severalcommercially available antiphosphotyrosine antibodies.P REPARATION OF M EDIA AND R EAGENTSLB Agar (per Liter)10 g of NaCl10 g of tryptone5 g of yeast extract20 g of agarAdjust pH to 7.0 with 5 N NaOHAdd deionized H2O to a final volume of1literAutoclavePour into petri dishes (~25 ml/100-mm plate)LB–Tetracycline Agar (per Liter)1 liter of LB agarAutoclaveCool to 55°CAdd 12.5 mg of filter-sterilized tetracycline Pour into petri dishes (~25 ml/100-mmplate)Store plates in a dark, cool place or cover plates with foil if left out at roomtemperature for extended time periodsas tetracycline is light-sensitiveLB–Ampicillin–Tetracycline Agar (per Liter)(Use for reduced satellite colony formation)1 liter of LB agarAutoclaveCool to 55°CAdd 100 mg of filter-sterilized ampicillinAdd 12.5 mg of filter-sterilized tetracyclinePour into petri dishes (~25 ml/100-mmplate) LB–Tetracycline Broth (per Liter)1 liter of LB brothAutoclaveCool to 55°CAdd 12.5 mg of filter-sterilized tetracycline Store broth in a dark, cool place astetracycline is light-sensitiveLB Broth (per Liter)5 g of NaCl10 g of tryptone5 g of yeast extractAdjust to pH 7.0 with 5 N NaOHAdd deionized H2O to a final volume of1literAutoclave TE Buffer10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)1 mM EDTATK Induction MediumModified 5× M9 Medium (per Liter)30 g of dibasic sodiumphosphate(Na2HPO4)15 g of monobasic potassiumphosphate(K H2PO4)5 g of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl)2.5 g of NaCl15 mg CaCl2Autoclave 1× TK Induction Medium (per Liter)200 ml of modified 5× M9 medium1 ml of 1 M MgSO4⋅ 7H2O(autoclave)10 ml of 20% (w/v) glucose(filtersterilize)5 ml of 20% casamino acids(filtersterilize)0.1 ml of 0.5% thiamine-HCl(filtersterilize)4 ml of 2.5 mg/ml indoleacrylicacidstock1 ml of 50 mg/ml ampicillin[antibiotic selection for targetplasmid(filter sterilize the stocksolution and store at −20°C)1 ml of 12.5 mg/ml tetracycline[mix tetracycline in 50% (v/v)ethanol and store at −20°C]Dilute to 1 liter with sterile waterSOB Medium (per Liter)20.0 g of tryptone5.0 g of yeast extract0.5 g of NaClAdd deionized H2O to a final volume of1 literAutoclaveAdd 10 ml of filter-sterilized 1 M MgCl2and 10 ml of filter-sterilized 1 MMgSO4 prior to useSOC Medium (per 100 ml)Note This medium should be preparedimmediately before use.2 ml of filter-sterilized 20% (w/v) glucose or1 ml of filter-sterilized2 M glucoseSOB medium (autoclaved) to a final volumeof 100 mlR EFERENCES1. Studier, F. W. and Moffatt, B. A. (1986) J Mol Biol 189(1):113-30.2. Weiner, M. P., Anderson, C., Jerpseth, B., Wells, S., Johnson-Browne, B. et al. (1994)Strategies 7(2):41–43.3. Simcox, M. E., Huvar, A., Simcox, T. and Vega, Q. (1994) Strategies 7(3):68–69.4. Grodberg, J. and Dunn, J. J. (1988) J Bacteriol 170(3):1245-53.E NDNOTESFalcon® is a registered trademark of Becton-Dickinson and Company.MSDS I NFORMATIONMaterial Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) are provided online at . MSDS documents are not included with product shipments.。

TP1001中文资料_TP1001规格书_TP1001 PDF

TP1001中文资料_TP1001规格书_TP1001 PDF

QC2.0 协议接口
TP1001 启动时,当 VDD 电压达到芯片启动电压阈值后 的 20ms 或更短时间内,开关 N5 导通(见内部框图)。此 时开关 N4 以及输出控制开关 N1~N3 保持关断。这时电 源设定为默认的 5 V 输出电压值。当 D+和 D-短路后,就 可以开始 USB 电池充电规范 1.2 版本中所述的专用充电 接口(DCP)与受电设备(PD)之间的正常握手。开关 N5 导 通后,TP1001 开始监测 D+的电压值。如果该值连续高 4
支持 QC2.0 协议的整个输出电压范围 A 类规范:5V,9V 和 12V B 类规范:5V,9V,12V 和 20V 兼容 USB 电池充电规范 1.2 版本 自动 USB DCP 短路 D+至 D默认 5V 输出模式 芯片超低工作电流,待机功耗低 5V 输出电压时功耗低于 1mW 5~20V 的宽芯片供电电压 可选的 B 类规范输出电压抑制功能 芯片引脚开路保护功能 芯片相邻引脚短路保护功能 芯片供电欠压保护 系统 BOM 成本低 采用 SOP8L 封装
TP1001 具有多种保护功能以保证系统的稳定和可靠。 包 括可选的 B 类规范输出电压抑制,芯片引脚开路保护, 芯片相邻引脚短路保护和芯片供电欠压保护等。 当 TP1001 只应用在 QC2.0 协议的 A 类规范的输出电压 范围(5V,9V,12V)时,可以通过将芯片的 V3 引脚短接到 VDD 来实现。此时 TP1001 抑制受电设备通过数据线路 D+和 D-施加的任何 20V 输出电压的请求。
Shenzhen TPOWER Semiconductor
TP1001 支持 QC2.0 快速充电协议的接口控制芯片















ATTO FibreBridge 6500 开始指导手册说明书

ATTO FibreBridge 6500 开始指导手册说明书

ATTO Technology, Inc.155 CrossPoint ParkwayAmherst, New York 14068 USA Tel (716) 691-1999Fax (716) 691-9353Sales support:****************Technical support: Monday -- Friday, 8am-6pm EST*********************(716)691-1999ext.242© 2015 ATTO Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand or product names are trademarks of their respective holders.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the express written permission of ATTO Technology, Inc.06/2015 PRMA-0422-000MDFibreBridge™ 6500Getting Started GuideThank you for purchasing an ATTO FibreBridge. This guide gives you the basics for installing and configuring your FibreBridge. For more information, refer to the FibreBridge Installation and Operation ManualExamine the contents of your FibreBridge packing box. If any of the items listed below are missing, contact your ATTO representative.•The FibreBridge. Note the serial number of your FibreBridge unit:________________________•Power cord(s)•“L” brackets for mounting in a 19” rack •Ethernet cable •RS 232 cable1Install the FibreBridgeNotePlease visit the download section of for Firmware, Installation and Operation Manual,QuickNAV™ IP discovery program and system drivers1.1Place the FibreBridge on a stable flatsurface, install it into a standard rack or into your device.If installing theFibreBridge 6500 into a rack, see Exhibit 1 and follow these instructions:a.Attach “L” brackets so that the frontside with the LEDs face front and the connector side is at the back.b.Install the FibreBridge horizontallywithin the rack so it does not reduce the air flow within the rack.1.2Connect and power up Fibre Channeldevices from your SAN to the FibreBridge using SFPs and multimode fiber optic cables for the Fibre Channel ports. Keep cable lengths as short as possible to ensure the highest signal quality and performance. Refer to Cabling in the FibreBridge Installation and Operation Manual.1.3Connect and power up SAS/SATA targetdevices. Refer to Cabling in theFibreBridge Installation and Operation Manual.1.4Connect the Ethernet port to yournetwork.1.5Connect power:a.Connect the AC power cord(s) fromthe FibreBridge to the proper AC source outlet and turn on the power using the power switch on each receptacle.NoteThe power source must be connected to a protective earth ground and comply with local electrical codes. Improper grounding may result in an electrical shock or damage to the unit.If you are using a rack:a.Properly ground the FibreBridge to therack equipment. The earth ground connection must be maintained.b.The power requirements plus the powerdraw of the other equipment in the rackmust not overload the supply circuit and/or wiring of the rack.1.6Wait up to two minutes for the FibreBridgeReady LED to light indicating theFibreBridge has completed its power-on self test sequence.2Discover the IP addressNoteThe FibreBridge is initially configured with DHCPenabled. It is best if you have access to a DHCP server.2.1Work from the computer attached to theFibreBridge Ethernet port on the samedomain. From the download section of, run the QuickNav Utility QuickNAV-windows.exe for Windows orQuickNAV-Mac for Mac OS X.2.2Locate the FibreBridge with the serialnumber recorded earlier.2.3Highlight the serial number.2.4Click Next.If a DHCP server is available on your network, an address is assigned automatically by the server. Note the assigned address:____________________________________ If you do not have a DHCP server, get an IP address and subnet mask from your network administrator, type it into the area provided, and click on Next.2.5Click on Launch BrowserYour browser points to the ATTOExpressNAV splash screen. If you useInternet Explorer as a browser, continue on to Internet Explorer setup below. If not, continue on to Begin initial configuration .3Internet Explorer setup3.1Open your browser3.2Select Internet Options.3.3In the Internet Options screen, select theSecurity tab.3.4Click on the Trusted Sites icon.3.5Click on the Sites button.3.6In the text box Add this Web site to thezone, add the IP address of the appliance.You may use wild cards.3.7Click on Add3.8Uncheck the Require server verificationcheck box.3.9Click OK.3.10At the bottom of the Internet Options box,click on OK and close the box.4Begin initial configuration4.1The ExpressNAV System Managerwelcome screen appears. Click on EnterHere4.2Type in the user name and password.NoteThe default values are user name root and passwordPassword. The user name is case insensitive and thepassword is case sensitive.It is best practice to changethe default user name and password.4.3You are now ready to configure theFibreBridge for use. For more information,refer to the Installation and OperationManual.5Using with Tape5.1If using with a stand alone drive no furtherconfiguration is required.5.2If using with a library or autoloader with atape medium changer proceed to thefollowing instructions:e telnet or serial CLI (to map all tapedevices to a single fibre channel port).b.Set FcMultiNode enabled.c.Saveconfiguration Restart (wait forreboot and a ready prompt).d.Automap [N] (where N= 1 or 2).5.3If mapping to a single port is not required,issue an Automap to distribute devicesevenly.Exhibit 1Brackets to install the FibreBridge into a rackExhibit 2FibreBridge 6500S, LEDs, power receptacleand portsExhibit 3FibreBridge 6500D, LEDs, power receptacleand ports。

Cambridge Technology ScanMaster

Cambridge Technology ScanMaster

Frequently Asked Questions about Cambridge Technology ScanMaster™ Controller SolutionsContents1 Introduction (2)2 How do I choose a laser adapter? (2)3 What additional features does the SMC Auxiliary I/O board provide, and when wouldI typically use one? (3)4 Can you compare some of the common APIs and which Cambridge Technologycontrollers they support? (4)5 What is ScanScript? Is it available through SMD and all types of APIs? (5)6 What are the differences between J1 (Power) and J3 (24V)? How do you choosebetween them? (5)7 How many scan heads can a single SMC control? (5)8 What is the current status of MOTF function? (5)9 What features does SMC currently support that SC500 and EC1000 do not? (5)10 Is it possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMC cards with four scanheads? (5)11 How do I set up the Start Mark signal on SMC? (6)12 How do I set up 5V Digital inputs on SMC? (6)13 SMD gives me the following error when I try to run a job: “SMC does not have thelicense to run this job. (200212.)” How do I get a license? (7)14 I installed the software and can see SMC on the network via ping, but the CTIsoftware doesn’t see the SMC device. What may be the problem? (8)1 IntroductionThis technical bulletin addresses some of the recent questions about how to integrate Cambridge Technology ScanMaster™ Controller Solutions into their laser systems.2 How do I choose a laser adapter?There are several popular commercial laser adapters to choose from depending on the type of laser you have and what your needs are.Table 1 - Laser adapters for popular commercial lasersManufacturer Model AdapterCoherent Avia_355-X LSR-03Coherent Coherent-C70 LSR-05Coherent Diamond E-400 LSR-05IPG YLM LSR-01IPG YLP LSR-01IPG YLR LSR-04IPG YLS LSR-01SPI G3 LSR-02SPI G4 LSR-02Synrad Ti60 LSR-03VGEN LSR-01LSR-01 – Provides IPG YLP 25 pin compatible connector.LSR-02 – Provides connector used by SPI Lasers on their G3 and G4 models.LSR-03 – A LSR-01 connector with BNC style LaserMod out signal.LSR-04 – 24V compatible, provides customizable connections via Phoenix style connections and a TTL BNC modulation signal.See the SMC hardware reference manual for details.3 What additional features does the SMC Auxiliary I/O boardprovide, and when would I typically use one?Use the SMC Auxiliary I/O board when you need extended Input/Output (see below) or a second XY2- 100 connection. The Auxiliary I/O board includes Phoenix Contact industrial automation connectors for easy PLC connections.•XY2-100 25 pin connections•Second XY2-100 port•DB9 COM port (COM3)•16 new AUX inputs (0-15)•16 new AUX outputs (0-15)•Phoenix connectors for easy wiring•RS485 Phoenix connection•5V or 24V I/O operationFigure 1 - SMC Auxiliary I/O boardUse the SMC Auxiliary I/O board when you need the extended I/O (see above) or a second XY2-100 connection. The board also provides Phoenix Contact industrial automation connectors for easy PLC connections.4 Can you compare some of the common APIs and whichCambridge Technology controllers they support?Table 2 - Comparison of APIs supported by Cambridge Technology controllersAPI Description Similarities &Differences Limitations ControllerScanMaster API (SMAPI) The common API forall CambridgeTechnologycontrollers and therecommended API. Itallows you toincorporate complexshape rendering, suchas barcodes, text,hatching, etc. intoyour applications.Built on top of theXML API, it addsmuch morefunctionality, includingscripting and complexshape support.Actively supported,including bug fixesand enhancements.Requires VisualStudio® but is themost functionalchoice.Requires .NET 4.0Runtime.All CambridgeTechnologycontrollersRecommendedselection.XML API XML API is a commonAPI forEC1000/SM1000 andSMC controllers. Itallows vector orientedlow level control ofmarking operation. Similar in scope toSMAPI for vectormarking but withoutbasic support for highlevel shapes.Actively supported,including bug fixesand enhancements.Jobs are representedas ASCII text in XMLformat. Less powerfulfunctionality thanSMAPI. Error codeswith some description.No line numbers witherrors.EC1000/SM1000or SMCUniversal API An earlier API used Similar in capability to Less functional than SC500 with the SC500 Visual XML API. SMAPI. Bug fixesStudio VC++ only. Notenvironment. recommended for newdevelopment.Remote API An ASCII based APIallowing the remotecontrol managementof controllers and theirjobs. To be used with PLCbased controlsystems.EC1000/SM1000or SMC5 What is ScanScript? Is it available through SMD and all typesof APIs?ScanScript is a domain-specific scripting language designed to support many intricate scenarios in the laser scanning industry. This lightweight yet powerful scripting language consists of several libraries of dedicated algorithms to perform laser scanning functions such as marking job flow control, process automation through I/O and much more. ScanScript is extensively used by SMD to extend its capabilities in automation situations. It is not available from the XML API.6 What are the differences between J1 (Power) and J3 (24V)?How do you choose between them?J1 is the standard power connection for SMC (differential voltage between V+ and V- must be in the range of 15–48V). J3 input is optional and is designed to conveniently supply digital I/O optical isolators on the expansion I/O board.7 How many scan heads can a single SMC control?The SMC can control two heads. Current design is limited to using the same job, one laser, but with different correction tables for each head.8 What is the current status of MOTF function?MOTF job setup is done in ScanScript. SMC supports either X or Y tracking.9 What features does SMC currently support that SC500 andEC1000 do not?SMC has ScanPack mode, supports more I/O options, and has faster processing, more working memory, and more onboard storage capacity for holding larger and more jobs than both SC500 and EC1000.10 Is it possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMCcards with four scan heads?Yes, it’s possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMC cards with four scan heads. The user needs to control the two SMC controllers via a programmable PLC controller so they both get the same start signal.11 How do I set up the Start Mark signal on SMC?The easiest method to set up the Start Mark signal on the SMC is to connect a switch between pin 3 (start signal input) and pin 4 (GND). You can use the following code in SMD ScanScript to have your program wait for the start signal.Report("Waiting for the StartMark")count = 1while true doif (Io.ReadPin(Pin.Din.StartMark)==true) thenReport("Accepted the part Start Marking")ScanAll()Laser.WaitForEnd()Report("Marked" ..count)count = count + 1Sleep(1000) --for a short job you may need some time to release the switchelse--Keep the part on conveyor or start systemSleep(10)endend12 How do I set up 5V Digital inputs on SMC?The following diagram shows the setup to attach a button/switch to an SMC Digital I/O board input for 5V. Operation and switch on UserIn1.Figure 2 -Connection DescriptionAny 5V Out to GPICOM Provides 5V TTL operationOne end of switch to GPI0(Gen. purpose in#0=UserIn1) Provide switch operation I/O to UserIn1One end of switch to GND Provide Ground ref. to switch13 SMD gives me the following error when I try to run a job:“SMC does not have the license to run this job. (200212.)”How do I get a license?Customer Service will need two items of information to send you a license file:1. The sales order number from your controller purchase.2. The internal license key number from the controller:a. For SMC or EC1000, run the corresponding firmware loader application for the controller youare using (see section 4.2 - Running the Firmware Loader).b. For the SMC, you can also access the key using the configuration editor (see step 4 - Selectdevice configuration).Once the Firmware loader is running and the appropriate controller selected, note the license key number that is found in the lower left corner. Send this number along with the original Sales Order number to Cambridge Technology Technical Support. You will receive a license file in via e-mail.14 I installed the software and can see SMC on the network viaping, but the CTI software doesn’t see the SMC device. What may be the problem?Because the Cambridge Technology controllers are network-based devices, Cambridge Technology applications must have permission to go through the Windows Firewall to work properly. If your firewall is blocking the broadcast monitor, it will not show any devices present.For example, most Cambridge Technology applications need to sense the presence of controllers that periodically broadcast system information on the network. If the broadcast packets are blocked from reaching the applications by the Windows Firewall, they will not be aware of them and hence, not be able to connect to them.Please enable Firewall access to the Home/Work, and Public network categories for all Cambridge software products. It may also be necessary to enable the Domain category at some sites.You can access the firewall settings by:Start→Control Panel→System and Security→Windows Firewall→Allowed Programs。

StorageTek SL150 模块式磁带库安全指南说明书

StorageTek SL150 模块式磁带库安全指南说明书

S torageTek SL150Modular Tape Library Security GuideE35113-09December2018StorageTek SL150Modular Tape Library Security GuideE35113-09Copyright©2012,2018,Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws.Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law,you may not use,copy,reproduce,translate,broadcast,modify,license, transmit,distribute,exhibit,perform,publish,or display any part,in any form,or by any means.Reverse engineering,disassembly,or decompilation of this software,unless required by law for interoperability,is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free.If you find any errors,please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the ernment or anyone licensing it on behalf of the ernment,then the following notice is applicable:ERNMENT END USERS:Oracle programs,including any operating system,integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware,and/or documentation,delivered to ernment end users are"commercial computer software"pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations.As such,use,duplication,disclosure,modification,and adaptation of the programs,including any operating system,integrated software,any programs installed on the hardware,and/or documentation,shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs.No other rights are granted to the ernment.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications.It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications,including applications that may create a risk of personal injury.If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications,then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe,backup,redundancy,and other measures to ensure its safe use.Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International,Inc.AMD, Opteron,the AMD logo,and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices.UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products,and services from third parties.Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content,products,and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss,costs,or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content,products,or services,except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.ContentsPreface (v)Audience (v)Documentation Accessibility (v)Related Documentation (v)1Security OverviewProduct Overview.....................................................................................................................................1-1 Security.......................................................................................................................................................1-1 General Security Principles....................................................................................................................1-1 Keep Software Up To Date...............................................................................................................1-1 Restrict Network Access...................................................................................................................1-2 Keep Up To Date on Latest Security Information.........................................................................1-2 2Secure InstallationUnderstand Your Environment.............................................................................................................2-1 Which resources need to be protected?...........................................................................................2-1 From whom are the resources being protected?............................................................................2-1 What will happen if the protections on strategic resources fail?................................................2-1 Securing the Library................................................................................................................................2-2 Installation Configuration......................................................................................................................2-2 Assign the user(admin)password..................................................................................................2-2 Enforce password management.......................................................................................................2-3 Browser UI Authentication.....................................................................................................................2-3 Security Features......................................................................................................................................2-3 Redeployment...........................................................................................................................................2-3 Secure Deployment Checklist...............................................................................................................2-4iiiivPreface This document describes the security features of Oracle's StorageTek SL150ModularTape Library.AudienceThis guide is intended for anyone involved with secure installation and configurationof Oracle's StorageTek SL150Modular Tape Library and using its security features. Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility,visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic supportthrough My Oracle Support.For information,visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearingimpaired.Related DocumentationGo to the Tape Storage section of the Oracle Help Center(/en/storage/#tape)for additional SL150documentation.vvi1Security Overview This section gives an overview of Oracle's StorageTek SL150Modular Tape Libraryand explains the general principles of tape library security.■Product Overview■Security■General Security PrinciplesProduct OverviewStorageTek SL150Modular Tape Library is a19"rack mounted modular automatedtape library by Oracle Corporation.It offers storage capacity for LTO tape cartridges,supports LTO Fibre Channel drives or SAS tape drives,and a bridged drive Fibre orSAS port control path through one of the installed tape drives.The SL150v3.50releasehas VPAT#6237and#7171.SecurityAll tape library products are designed and documented for use within a controlledserver environment with no general network or user access.This provides the bestfunctionality and protection from compromise,both from the internet in general andfrom the internal entity operating the library.General Security PrinciplesThe following principles are fundamental to using any product securely.■Keep Software Up To Date■Restrict Network Access■Keep Up To Date on Latest Security InformationKeep Software Up To DateOne of the principles of good security practice is to keep all software versions andpatches up to date.The SL150Firmware versions released since June2012are asfollows:June2012v1.00(RTA0. Overview1-1General Security PrinciplesAugust2013v2.0(RTA0. Network AccessKeep the library behind a data center firewall.The firewall provides assurance thataccess to these systems is restricted to a known network route,which can bemonitored and restricted,if necessary.As an alternative,a firewall router substitutesfor multiple,independent firewalls.Identifying the hosts allowed to attach to thelibrary and blocking all other hosts is recommended where possible.Keep Up To Date on Latest Security InformationOracle continually improves its software and documentation.Check this documentevery release for revisions.1-2StorageT ek SL150Modular T ape Library Security Guide2Secure Installation This section outlines the planning process for a secure installation,describes severalrecommended deployment topologies for the systems,and explains how to secure thelibrary.■Understand Your Environment■Securing the Library■Installation Configuration■Browser UI Authentication■Security Features■Redeployment■Secure Deployment ChecklistUnderstand Your EnvironmentTo better understand security needs,the following questions must be asked.■Which resources need to be protected?■From whom are the resources being protected?■What will happen if the protections on strategic resources fail?Which resources need to be protected?Many resources in the production environment can be protected.Consider theresources needing protection when deciding the level of security that you mustprovide.From whom are the resources being protected?The library must be protected from everyone on the Internet and unauthorizedintranet users.What will happen if the protections on strategic resources fail?In some cases,a fault in a security scheme is easily detected and considered nothingmore than an inconvenience.In other cases,a fault might cause great damage tocompanies or individual clients that use the library.Understanding the securityramifications of each resource will help protect it properly.Secure Installation2-1Securing the Library2-2StorageT ek SL150Modular T ape Library Security GuideSecuring the LibraryThe following table lists the library ports used by default.The firewall should beconfigured to allow traffic to use these ports and that any unused ports are blocked.Valid port number selection for library use are either reserved or recommended per the above table list.Legitimate port numbers commence at the numeric number 1,as zero is not a legitimate port number.When configuring SNMP ,using SNMPv3is strongly recommended over SNMPv2c for its confidentiality,integrity,and authentication capabilities.From within the library User Interface,disable SNMP when not using this feature to further increase security robustness.By default,SNMP is disabled.When configuring SMTP ,using TLS authentication is strongly recommended over both SSL or the no-authentication option.Installation ConfigurationThis section documents security configuration changes that must be made during installation.■Assign the user (admin)password ■Enforce password managementAssign the user (admin)passwordAt first power-on,a setup wizard automatically runs on the local operator panel to obtain basic configuration information.This includes administrator account username and password,network settings,and other basic settings.Table 2–1SL150Network Ports 22TCPSSH CLI access –inbound statefulFor development test and debug only,not available in the field25TCP SMTP without authentication 67DHCP client -outbound 68DHCP client -inbound80HTTP WebLogic port for remote user interface 123NTP Network Time Protocol (if enabled)161UDP SNMP library agent requests -inbound stateful 162UDP SNMP library traps and inform notifications -outbound stateless for traps,outbound stateful for inform 465TCP SMTP with SSL or TLS authentication443HTTPS WebLogic port for remote user interface for HTTPS 546DHCPv6IPv6DHCP client -outbound 547DHCPv6IPv6DHCP client -inbound 33200-33500TRACEROUTESoftware development useRedeployment The library is prevented from becoming operational until the setup wizard has beencompleted.A login account is provided with the product shipment which the installer must enteras the first step in the setup wizard routine.The user must then enter a new passwordbefore the setup wizard will complete.Once the Initial setup wizard has been completed and the library is fully powered on,additional modifications to the library configuration can be performed through thebrowser user interface(BUI)for all library settings.Enforce password managementBasic password management rules,such as password length,history,and complexitymust be applied to all passwords.SL150passwords must be between8to128characters and contain at least one numeric or special character.The default passwordmust be changed during installation and may not be reused.Note:The number of characters shown masked are not indicative ofthe exact number of entered characters.Browser UI AuthenticationLimit the browser settings used to access the remote user interface to remain at TLS1.0or higher to mitigate CVE-2014-3566for firmware levels below version2.50.Thelibrary firmware will not auto-negotiate down to SSLv3in version2.50.With the v2.60release,the Java and Weblogic components were updated to versionsJDK1.6_105and WLS10.3.6PSU12to reduce the security vulnerabilities.With the v3.50release,the Java and Weblogic components were updated to versionsJDK1.6_181and WLS10.3.6PSU12to reduce security vulnerabilities.Weblogic nowinternally uses TLS1.2.Security FeaturesThis section outlines the specific security mechanisms offered by the product.The library provides an internal firewall to protect itself.This should not be the onlyline of security to protect the library.It is recommended the library is in a physicallysecured data center on a secured network only allowing access from servers utilizingits functionality.These servers and applications running on them should also besecured.User accounts should be limited to operator role level instead of granting all users theAdmin role level.Proper use of the service user role should be practiced.Create,enable,or disable the service user role accounts as needed.Service roles have greater privilegethan operator to the point of nearly the same authorization as the admin role.If a history of library activity is needed for investigative purposes,the"Activity Log"may be reviewed and exported for further analysis.The Activity Log on the userinterface can show user logins,Host or UI initiated actions for traceability.RedeploymentThis section describes how the library is returned to a factory default state to clear anycustomer data.Secure Installation2-3Secure Deployment ChecklistIn the event the customer needs to decommission a library,a procedure is providedwhich removes all customer configuration information and all log files,and returnsthe library to a factory default state.This procedure is invoked by placing the libraryin a"locate"mode,then simultaneously holding the front and rear locate buttons formore than10seconds and then letting go of both the buttons.Sufficient time in depressing the Locate button is signalled by the change in LED lightblinking rate from slow to rapid.Secure Deployment ChecklistThe following security checklist includes guidelines that help secure the library:1.Enforce password management for all user accounts.2.Enforce access controls,both physical proximity and through interfaces such asSCSI,UI,SNMP and so on.3.Restrict network access.a.A firewall should be implemented.b.The firewall must not be compromised.c.System access should be IP addresses should be checked.e.Services may have tools that need proper password or access controlsmonitored(for example,SDP-2to allow automatic downloading of loginformation or other access)4.Contact your Oracle Services,Oracle Tape Library Engineering,or accountrepresentative if you come across vulnerability in Oracle Tape Libraries.5.SMTP should use TLS instead of lesser protocols like SSL or none.6.SNMP,when enabled,should be set up with V3level instead of V2C or lessercapabilities.7.With version3.50firmware the library managed encryption(LME)port2may beconfigured to allow a private network to the OKM cluster.Refer to the userdocumentation for more information on the LME feature.2-4StorageT ek SL150Modular T ape Library Security Guide。



糖 尿病 是 由于 体 内胰 岛素 卡H刈或 绝 对 不 足而 引 起 的糖 、脂肪 和蛋 白质 代谢紊 乱 的 全身慢 性 代 谢性 疾 病 _lj。高压 氧(Hyperbaric Oxygenation.HBO)治疗 是指 人体在 超过 1个 大气压 的 环境 Lfl,呼 吸 分压高 于 1个夫气压 的 氧以 达 到治疗 疾 病 的 方法 .泼疗 法 能 有 效控 制 血糖 、降低 糖 尿病并 发症 的 发生 率 。但是 治 疗 过程 中有 少 数 患 者 在舱 内 发生 低 m糖 。影 响 HB() 治疗 的顺 利 进 行 ,甚 至威 胁 患 者 牛 命 。我科 于 2001 年 1月至 2007年 3月 对 9O例 糖 病 患者 进 行 HBO 治 疗 过 qJ,采 取 积 极 护 理 措 泡 。效 较 好 .观 报 告 如 下 。 1 临 床 资 料
9O例 患 者 中 ,男 49例 、女 l1l俐 ,年 龄 41~ 75 ( 15.2._ 2I' -一l3.6)岁 。其 中 糖 尿 瘸 并 发 啮 梗 死 ll例 ,末 梢神经 炎 l4例 ,视 网膜 病 变 1 3例 ,糖 尿 病 足 22例 . 病 程 3~22年 。均 在空 气加压 舱 中接 受 治 疗 治疗 力 0.2 MPa;治 疗时 间 120 min,其 中 升 睢 25 min,吸 氧 2次各 30 min,中间休 息 5 min。减 压 30 min;每 天 1次 ,1O次为 1个 疗 程 。治 疗 过 程 中 。8例 患 昔在 舱 内发生低 血糖 ,均发 生在 吸 氧 的第 2个 30 r ain内 ,患 首进 舱 前 末 梢 血 糖 均 ≥ 5.6 HlrflO[/L 。发 生 低 血 糖 lt,t,6例 表 现 为 面 色苍 白 、出汗 、烬絮 、震 颤 、烦 躁 、心 悸 等交感 神经 兴奋 症 状 .2例 老 年患 肯 表 现 为注 意 力 不 集 中 、反应 迟钝 、语 言 含糊 、精 神行 为 异 常 等 冲经 功 能 异常症 状 。立 即停止 吸氧 。绐 患 扦进 食糖 果 、饼 于 , 。 2~3 min症状 缓解 ,继续 吸 氧至 减压 出舱 。 出舱 后测 生 命体 征稳定 ,血糖 恢 复至 4.0~5.0 mmol/l 。 2 低 血 糖 预 防 及 护 理 2.1 心 理护 理 糖 尿 病患 行 越 挖 制不 理 忽 易并发 心脑 血管 、肾 、视 网膜 及 神经 慢 性 窆,患 担心 并 发症难 以治 愈 ,尤 其 是 糖 尿 疖 足忠 暂 担 心 敲 肢 而 致 残 ,产生 焦虑 、悲观 、抑郁 心理 ,首 次接 受 HBO治疗 患 者 ,也会 产生 紧 张 、恐 惧 心 理 。 治疗 河 向 患者 及家 属 介 绍 HBO治疗 的基本 原 理 及 注 意事 项 ,治疗 的必 要

Level Plus

Level Plus

操作手册Level Plus®使用Temposonics ®技术的磁致伸缩液位变送器SoCLEAN ®目录1. 联系信息 (3)2. 术语与定义 (3)3. 引言 (5)3.1 本手册的目的和用途 (5)3.2 使用符号和警告提示 (5)4. 安全说明 (5)4.1 目标用途 (5)4.3 安装、调试和操作 (6)5. 产品概述 (6)5.1 部件 (6)4.2 可预见的误用 (6)5.2 精度 (8)5.3 质保 (8)5.4 储存 (8)5.5 型号标签 (9)5.6 技术数据 (11)6. 安装 (12)6.1 培训 (12)6.2 导波管和导杆 (12)6.3 工具 (12)6.4 安装步骤 (12)6.5 安装 (12)7. 电气连接 (13)7.1 基本信息 (13)7.2 安全建议 (13)7.3 工业拓扑 (13)7.4 推荐电缆 (14)7.5 电气导管 (14)7.6 接地 (15)7.7 安全格栅 (16)8. 调试 (16)8.1 培训 (16)8.2 工具 (16)8.3 设置软件 (16)8.4 调试步骤 (16)9. 维护 (17)9.1 培训 (17)9.2 工具 (17)9.3 检查 (17)9.4 预防性维护 (17)10. 维修 (18)10.1 退货授权政策 (18)10.2 培训 (18)10.3 工具 (18)10.4 故障检测 (19)10.5 设置软件 (19)11. 备品备件 (19)12. 接口 (19)12.1 Modbus (19)12.2 DDA (19)12.3 HART® (19)13. 认证机构信息 (20)13.1 认证总览 (20)13.2 证书 (22)13.3 FM (NEC) (22)13.4 FMC (CEC) (32)13.5 ATEX和IECEx (46)Level Plus ® SoClean ®操作手册I 3 I1. 联系信息美国常规电话:+1-919-677-0100传真:+1-919-677-2343电子邮件:********************** 邮寄和发货地址MTS Systems Corporation Sensors Division 3001 Sheldon DriveCary, North Carolina, 27513, USA 售后服务电话:+1-800-633-7609传真:+1-800-498-4442电子邮件:********************** 技术支持与应用24小时紧急技术支持电话:+1-800-633-7609电子邮件:*****************德国常规电话:+49-2351-9587-0传真:+49-2351-56491电子邮件:**********************邮寄和发货地址MTS Sensor Technologie, GmbH & Co. KG Auf dem Schüffel 958513 Lüdenscheid, Germany 技术支持与应用电话:+49-2351-9587-0电子邮件:**********************2. 术语与定义6A 重油“广义原油”,按照API 比重指数修正至60 °F 体积。

克罗韦尔 距离测量传感器 数据表

克罗韦尔 距离测量传感器 数据表

Technical DataDistance Measurement SensorCatalog Numbers 45DMS-B8LAT-D4, 45DMS-B8LGT1-D5DescriptionThe distance measurement photoelectric sensor is a compact, time-of-flight sensor that is ideal for measurement applications in materialhandling and packaging environments. Background-suppression sensing modes are ideal for applications where highly reflective backgrounds must be ignored while helping to provide excellent reliability detection of targets within the specified range.The distance measurement sensor also offers a background reflection (also known as foreground suppression) sensing mode that enables operators to use the surface of a background (for example, a conveyor) as a reflector. The detection of a target occurs once an object blocks the visual path between the sensor and the background (for example, a conveyor).Features• 5 m (16.4 ft) sensing range to 90% white and 3 m (9.8 ft) sensing range for 6% black target • 1 mm (0.04 in.) resolution via IO-Link™ and 5 mm (0.2 in.) resolution with 4…20 mA or 0…10V analog output •± 30 mm (1.18 in.) maximum linearity for distance measurement applications •Eye Safe Class 1 Laser for ease of alignment and installation •Distance measurement, background suppression, and background reflection sensing modes selectable using IO-Link™•Discrete only, 4…20 mA and 0…10 V on analog with adjustable range using the push buttons•Enhanced sensor diagnostics when using IO-Link 1.1 point-to-point protocol helps customers minimize machine downtime and increase productivity •Additional virtual output when using IO-Link •IP69K rated enclosureSensor ConfigurationThe Bulletin 45DMS can be configured using the push button, remote teach, or IO-Link with the help of the status indicators on the sensor. The following sensor features can be configured:•T each sensing range: standard or precision teach•Background suppression and background reflection (a.k.a. foreground suppression) sensing modes via IO-Link.•Light Operate (L.O.) or Dark Operate (D.O.) output •Auto PNP/NPN, dedicated NPN, or dedicated PNP •Push button lock and unlock•Change sensor output from 4…20 mA to 0…10V using IO-LinkTable 1 - Factory Default SettingsDescription 45DMS-B8LAT1-D445DMS-B8LGT1-D5Sensing range 5 m (16.4 ft) to 90% white 3 m (9.4 ft) to 6% blackQ A : 0.3…3 m (0.98…9.84 ft)Q: 0.3…3 m (0.98…9.84 ft)Sensing mode Background suppression (singlepoint)Background reflection (window)Response time2 msDistance Measurement SensorTable 2 - SpecificationsThe quick-disconnect connector is shown Figure1. The pin numbers correspond to the male connectors on the sensor.Figure 1 - Micro (M12) Male QD Pigtail/Male QD (5-pin) Wiring DiagramsFigure 2 - Micro (M12) Male QD Pigtail/Male QD (4-pin)Figure 3 - Approximate Dimensions [mm (in.)]Figure 4 - Precision Adjustment Stainless Steel Bracket (Cat. No. 60-BDMS-PS)Attribute45DMS-B8LAT1-D4, 45DMS-B8LGT1-D5Certifications c-UL-us and CE marked for all applicable directivesVibration10…55 Hz, 1 mm (0.04 in.) amplitude, meets or exceeds 60947-5-2 Shock30 g with 1 m (3.28 ft), meets or exceeds IEC 60947-5-2Warm-up time20 min.User InterfaceStatus indicators Q: Green Discrete Output; Q A: Orange OutputOpticalSensing range45DMS-B8LGT1-D5 – 0.1…5 m (0.33…16.4 ft)45DMS-B8LAT1-D4 – 0.06…5 m (0.33…16.4 ft) Resolution Analog: Less than 5 mm (0.2 in.); IO-Link: 1.2 mm (0.05 in.) Linearity+/- 30 mm (1.18 in.)Repeatability 1.2 mm (0.05 in.)Hysteresis20 mm (0.79 in.)Laser type (IEC 60825-1)Class 1 Eye Safe LaserElectricalAdjustments Teachable using push buttons or remote teach (5-pin models) Voltage18…30V DCCurrent consumption60 mA max.Sensor protection Reverse polarity and short circuit.Discrete OutputResponse time 2 ms for both Q and Q AOutput type Auto PNP or NPN on power-upLoad current100 mA maxAnalog OutputRange4…20 mA (default) or 0…10 V (configurable using IO-Link) Update rate 2 msLoad Less than 500 Ohms (4…20 mA); More than 4k Ohm (0…10 V) Temperature drift Less than 2 mm (0.08 in.)/KIO-LinkCommunications mode COM2Cycle time 2.7 ms, minProcess data bit length24 bits (3 bytes)Specifications 1.1MechanicalHousing material ABSLens material PMMAEnvironmentalEnclosure type rating IP67 and IP69K rated enclosureOperating temperature-40…+ 60 °C (-40…+140 °F)Connection type270° rotatable integral M12 QD2Rockwell Automation Publication 45DMS-TD001A-EN-P - February 2019Distance Measurement SensorFigure 5 - Protective Stainless Steel Mounting Bracket (Cat. No. 60-BDMS-US)Figure 6 - Mounting Rod Bracket (Cat. No. 60-BDMS-PS) Figure 7 - L-shaped Stainless Steel Bracket (Cat. No. 60-BDMS-LS)Figure 8 - Light Spot Size Curve Figure 9 - Sensor Repeatability CurveFigure 10 - Characteristic Analog CurveRockwell Automation Publication 45DMS-TD001A-EN-P - February 20193Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, and LISTEN. THINK. SOLVE are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Copyright © 2019 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Automation SupportUse the following resources to access support information.Documentation Feedback Y our comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete the How Are W e Doing? form at /idc/groups/literature/documents/du/ra-du002_-en-e.pdf .Technical Support CenterKnowledgebase Articles, How-to Videos, FAQs, Chat, User Forums, and Product Notification Updates./knowledgebaseLocal Technical Support Phone Numbers Locate the phone number for your /global/support/get-support-now.pageDirect Dial Codes Find the Direct Dial Code for your product. Use the code to route your call directly to a technical support /global/support/direct-dial.pageLiterature LibraryInstallation Instructions, Manuals, Brochures, and Technical Data./literature Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC)Get help determining how products interact, check features and capabilities, and find associated /global/support/pcdc.pageRockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at /rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/ .Rockwell Automation SupportUse the following resources to access support information.Documentation FeedbackY our comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete the How Are W e Doing? form at /idc/groups/literature/documents/du/ra-du002_-en-e.pdf .Technical Support CenterKnowledgebase Articles, How-to Videos, FAQs, Chat, UserForums, and Product Notification /knowledgebase Local Technical Support Phone NumbersLocate the phone number for your /global/support/ Direct Dial Codes Find the Direct Dial Code for your product. Use the code to route your call directly to a technical support /global/support/ Literature Library Installation Instructions, Manuals, Brochures, andTechnical Data./literature Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC)Get help determining how products interact, checkfeatures and capabilities, and find associated /global/support/pcdc.pageTable 3 - Product SelectionTable 4 - AccessoriesWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)Sensing Mode Light SourceSensing DistanceSensitivity Adjustment Output Type Cat. No.Background SuppressionClass 1 Laser0.06…5 m (0.2…16.4 ft) [90% white]0.06…3 m (0.2…9.8 ft) [6% black]One Push Button Auto PNP or NPN 45DMS-B8LAT1-D4Background Reflection0.1…5 m (0.33…16.4 ft) [90% white](0.1…3 m (0.33…9.8 ft) [6% black]Two Push ButtonAuto PNP or NPN and4…20 mA45DMS-B8LGT1-D5DescriptionCatalog Number L-shaped stainless steel mounting bracket60-BDMS-LS Bracket for 12 mm diameter mounting rod and 10 x 10 mm square profile 60-BDMS-RS Protective stainless steel mounting bracket 60-BDMS-US Stainless steel precision mounting bracket 60-BDMS-PS 2 m 4-pin M12 QD cordset 889D-F4AC-22 m 5-pin M12 QD cordset889D-F5AC-2At the end of life, this equipment can be collected separately from any unsorted municipal waste.。

泰克 Pico Technology 100MHz x100 x1000 差分探头用户手册说明书

泰克 Pico Technology 100MHz x100 x1000 差分探头用户手册说明书

TA042100 MHz x100/x1000 Differential ProbeUser’s ManualThis probe complies with IEC-1010.1, IEC-1010.2–031 CAT III, Pollution Degree 2.1. Safety terms and symbolsWARNINGWarning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in injury or death.CAUTIONCaution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.Danger High VoltageProtective (Earth) Terminal2.General safety summaryPlease review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this probe or any products that are connected to it.Observe maximum working voltageTo avoid any injury, do not use the probe above 1000 V rms CAT III between each input lead and earth or between the two input leads. This voltage rating applies to both the 1/100 and the 1/1000 settings.Must be groundedconnector and an auxiliaryWARNING Before making connections to the input leads of thisprobe, ensure that its output lead is grounded.You may do this either by connecting the BNC shellto a grounded measurement instrument, or byconnecting the auxiliary grounding terminal to areliable ground point. Read the next paragraph forfurther advice.You must verify that the probe is securely grounded before connecting the probe input leads. Some types of measuring instrument, such as a USB oscilloscope connected to a laptop, are unlikely to be grounded even if the laptop is powered from the mains. Bench-top oscilloscopes are usually grounded, but in some cases may have been isolated from ground. A USB oscilloscope connected to a desktop computer is usually grounded. In any case, do not assume that the measurement instrument is grounded. Always verify the ground connection for yourself before connecting the probe input leads.Use fused test prods if necessaryIf this probe is intended to use for measurements in circuits of INSTALLATION CATEGORY III, it should incorporate with fused test prods.Do not operate without coversTo avoid electric shock or fire hazard, do not operate this probe with the covers removed.Do not operate in wet or damp conditionsTo avoid electric shock, do not operate this probe in wet or damp conditions.Do not operate in explosive atmosphereTo avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this probe in an explosive atmosphere.Avoid exposed circuitryTo avoid injury, remove jewelry such as rings, watches and other metallic objects. Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is present.Use proper power sourceTo ensure proper functioning of this probe, use four AA cells or a 6 VDC / 200 mA mains adaptor or regulated 9 VDC / 120 mA mains adaptor or power leads.Do not operate the probe if it is damagedIf you suspect there is damage to this probe, have it inspected by qualified service personnel.3.DescriptionBy enabling conventional oscilloscopes to display and measure in-circuit waveforms that are referenced to high common-mode voltages, this differential probe extends the measurement capability of oscilloscopes in electronic power converters, inverters, motor speed controls, switch-mode power supplies and many applications.4.Installationa.Simply plug in the BNC output connector to the vertical input of ageneral-purpose oscilloscope or other measurement instrument, and connect the auxiliary grounding terminal to a proper ground. The measurement instrument must have a ground reference.b.Install four AA cells or connect an appropriate power source to this probe.c.Select the proper attenuation ratio. When measuring signals below 140 V,switch the attenuation ratio to 1/100 in order to get higher resolution and lessWARNING To protect against electric shock, use only theaccessories designed for use with this the circuitsCAUTION This probe is designed for carrying out differentialmeasurements between two points on the circuitunder test. It is not intended for electricallyinsulating the circuit under test and the measuringinstrument.5. AppearanceThe differential probe looks like this:A. Output Lead The BNC output connector and an auxiliary grounding terminal are connected to the oscilloscope.B. Input Leads The input leads of the differential probe connect to sprung hooks that come with the probe.C. Sprung HooksThe sprung hooks are connected safely to test points in the circuits under test.ABC6.Power leadsTwo types of power leads are available for use with this instrument:a.Lemo® Lead: For oscilloscopes with Lemo® power connectors.b.Probus® Lead: For oscilloscopes with Probus® power connectors.Oscilloscope front7.SpecificationsBandwidth DC to 100 MHz (-3 dB) Attenuation ratio 1:100/1000Accuracy ±2%Rise Time 3.5 nsInput Impedance 4 MΩ// 7 pF each side to ground Input VoltageMax. Differential* (1/100) Max. Differential* (1/1000) ±140 V (DC + Peak AC) or 140 V rms ±1400 V (DC + Peak AC) or 1000 V rmsCommon Mode Range* ±1400V (DC + Peak AC) or 1000 V rms(1/100 and 1/1000)Absolute Max. Voltage* (Differential or Common Mode) ±1400 V (DC + Peak AC) or 1000 V rms CAT III (1/100 & 1/1000)Output VoltageSwing (into 50 kΩ load)±7VOffset (typical) <±5 mVNoise (typical) 0.9 mV rmsSource Impedance (typical) 50 ΩCMRR (typical) -80 dB @ 60 Hz; -50 dB @ 1 MHzAmbient Operating Temperature -10 to 40 ℃Ambient Storage Temperature -30 to 70 ℃Ambient Operating Humidity 25 to 85% RHAmbient Storage Humidity 25 to 85% RHPower RequirementsStandard 4xAA cells or 6 V DC / 200 mA mains adaptor**or regulated 9 V DC / 120 mA mains adaptor** Option Power leadsLength of Input Leads 30 cmLength of BNC Lead 90 cmWeight 500 gDimension (LxWxH) 207 mm x 83 mm x 38 mm* Voltage limit is the lesser of the DC+Peak AC and RMS values.**a.The supplied voltage must be less than 12 V and greater than 4.4 V, otherwisethe probe could be damaged or might not operate properly.b.Polarity is “+” inside and “–” outside. If the polarity is wrong, a built-incircuit protects the probe so that no danger or damage will occur.c.When the voltage of the cells becomes too low, the power indicator on thepanel will flicker.8.Derating curveThe derating curve for absolute maximum input voltage is as follows:9.Overrange indicatorThe overrange indicator lights up red if the voltage of the input signal exceeds the linear operating range of the probe. When this happens, the signal on the probe output may not accurately represent the signal on the probe input.10.Test procedured.Connect the BNC output connector to the vertical input of a general-purposeoscilloscope.e.Install four AA cells or connect an appropriate mains adaptor to this probe.f.Set the oscilloscope input coupling to DC and 1 V/div. Center the trace onthe display.g.Connect the sprung hooks of the probe to power lines.h.Set the range of the probe to 1/1000.i. A 50 Hz / 60 Hz sine-wave of proper amplitude will be displayed on the screenof the oscilloscope. This means the probe is working properly.11.CleaningUse a soft cloth to clean the probe, taking care not to cause damage.a.Do not immerse the probe.b.Do not use abrasive cleaners.c.Do not use chemicals contains benzene or similar solvents.Pico Technology James HouseColmworth Business Park St. Neots PE19 8YPLemo ®, Probus ® and Pico Technology are registered trademarks.Issue history: 18.8.2008.Manufactured in Republic of China.。

FACIT 4051 GPIB 接口说明书

FACIT 4051 GPIB 接口说明书

OLD @ 2 , 16 : APPEND @2 , 16 : 1000
FACIT Model 4021 (table top ) or Model 4022 (rackmount) paper tape reader, either with 5138.
Secondary address 16 is selected to make a forward read ; secondary address 17 initiates backward reading . This bidirectional ability of the FACIT Model 4021 is useful for tape verification .
Regardless of what you may hear about the decline of paper tape usage , the fact remains that paper tape is still widely used for data collection , machine control and as a stable , convenient storage medium . After talking with several 4051 users here in Europe, we realized there was a definite need for a convenient method of connecting paper tape handl ing equipment to the 4051 .
4051 -based systems using this equipment are successfully running in several application areas.

雅达尔 P-61CN1001TC 温度计说明书

雅达尔 P-61CN1001TC 温度计说明书

-DC26/56 120 26 to 56 Vdc power
Accessories Model No. Price Description
$30 NEMA 4 heavy-duty splashproof lens with screw clamp
30 NEMA 4 splashproof lens with spring clip 525 1⁄8 DIN panel punch
1⁄8 DIN Digital Proportional, On/Off Temperature Controller
CN1000 Series
All Models
CN1001TC, $395, shown smaller than actual size.

More than 100,000 Products Available!
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