Experimental and modeling study of pyrolysis of coal, biomass




[1-50]《电力系统研究》Electric Power Systems Research (Switzerland)刊载发电、输配电以及电力应用方面的原始论文。


《IEEE电力系统汇刊》IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS (USA)刊载电力系统包括发电和输配电系统的技术条件、规划、分析、可靠性、运行以及经济性方面的论文。

平均3个月的审稿周期《IEEE 智能电网汇刊》IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid《英国电气工程师学会志:发电、输电与配电》IEE PROCEEDINGS-GENERATION TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION (England)《国际电力与能源系统杂志》International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (England)主要发表电力与能源系统的理论和应用问题的论文、评论和会议报告,涉及发电和电网规划、电网理论、大小型系统动力、系统控制中心、联机控制等。

EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL POWER (2013年更名为International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems)投稿回复比较慢,审稿周期不详。






JACS所有25位副主编列表:/page/jacsat/editors.htmlEric V. Anslyn: Supramolecular Analytical Chemistry, small molecule therapeutics/research/sm.htmlStephen J. Lippard: bioinorganic chemistry. The core activities include both structural and mechanistic studies of macromolecules as well as synthetic inorganic chemistry. The focus is on the synthesis, reactions, physical and structural properties of metal complexes as models for the active sites of metalloproteins and as anti-cancer drugs. Also included is extensive structural and mechanistic work on the natural systems themselves. A program in metalloneurochemistry is also in place./lippardlab/Weston Thatcher Borden: Computational Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry; Application of quantitative electronic structure calculations and qualitative molecular orbital theory to the understanding and prediction of the structures and reactivities of organic and organometallic compounds./people-node/weston-t-bordenThomas E. Mallouk: Chemistry of Nanoscale Inorganic Materials: Solar Photochemistry and Photoelectrochemistry; Nanowires; Functional Inorganic Layered Materials; In-Situ Remediation of Contaminants in Soil and Groundwater Using Nanoscale Reagents/mallouk/Benjamin F. Cravatt: Chemical Strategies for the Global Analysis of Enzyme Function; Technology Development: Activity-Based Protein Profiling (ABPP); Biological applications of ABPP - profiling enzyme activities in human cancer.; Advancing the ABPP technology; Technology Development: Protease Substrate Identification; Basic Discovery: The Enzymatic Regulation of Chemical Signaling /cravatt/research.htmlChad A. Mirkin: He is a chemist and a world renowned nanoscience expert, who is known for his development of nanoparticle-based biodetection schemes, the invention of Dip-Pen Nanolithography, and contributions to supramolecular chemistry. Our research focuses on developing strategic and surface nano-optical methods for controlling the architecture of molecules and materials on a 1-100 nm scale. Our researchers, with backgrounds ranging from medicine, biology, chemistry, physics and material science, are working together in solvingfundamental and applied problems of modern nanoscience. Research in the Mirkin laboratories is divided into the five areas listed below: Anisotropic Nanostructures; On-Wire Lithography (OWL); Dip-Pen Nanolithography; Organometallic Chemistry; Spherical Nucleic Acids/mirkin-group/research/Paul Cremer: works at the crossroads of biological interfaces, metamaterials, spectroscopy, and microfluidics. Biophysical and analytical studies are tied together through the employment of novel lab-on-a-chip platforms which enable high throughput/low sample volume analysis to be performed with unprecedented signal-to-noise. From neurodegenerative diseases to artificial hip implants, a huge variety of processes occur at biological interfaces. Our laboratory uses a wide variety of surface specific spectroscopy and microfluidic technologies to probe mechanisms of disease, build new biosensors against pathogens, and understand the molecular-level details of the water layer hugging a cell membrane. Research projects in the Cremer Group are divided into the five areas listed below. Click on your area(s) of interest to learn more. SFG of Water and Ions at Interfaces; Hofmeister Effects in Protein Solutions; Bioinorganic Chemistry and Biomaterial Properties of Lipid Bilayers; pH Modulation Sensing at Biomembranes; Metamaterialshttps:///cremer/Jeffrey S. Moore:Our research involves the synthesis and study of large organic molecules and the discovery of new polymeric materials. Most projects relate to one of three areas: new macromolecular architectures and their supramolecular organization; responsive polymers including self-healing materials; mechanochemical transduction. In general, our group uses the tools of synthetic and physical organic chemistry to address problems at the interface of chemistry and materials science. More in-depth information about our research can be found on our research page./Lyndon Emsley: NMRhttp://perso.ens-lyon.fr/lyndon.emsley/Lyndon_Emsley/Research.htmlKlaus Müllen: The group pursues a broad program of experimental research in macromolecular chemistry and material science. It has a wide range of research interests: from new polymer-forming reactions including methods of organometallic chemistry, multi-dimensional polymers with complex shape-persistent architectures, molecular materials with liquid crystalline properties for electronic and optoelectronic devices to the chemistry and physics of single molecules, nanocomposites or biosynthetic hybrids.http://www2.mpip-mainz.mpg.de/groups/muellenJean M. J. Fréchet:Our research is largely concerned with functional polymers, from fundamental studies to applications. The research is highly multidisciplinary at the interface of several fields including organic, polymer, biological, and materials chemistry. Chemical Engineering is also well represented with our research in energy-related materials and microfluidics./Eiichi Nakamura: Fascination to learn about the nature of the elements and molecules and to control their behavior goes back to ancient times. The research programs in our laboratories focus on the development of new and efficient synthetic reactions, new reactive molecules, and new chemical principles that will exert impact on the future of chemical, biological and material sciences. Under the specific projects listed below, we seek for the new paradigm of chemical synthesis and functional molecules. Discovery based on logical reasoning and imagination is the key term of our research and educational programs.http://www.chem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/users/common/NakamuraLabE.htmlGregory C. Fu: Transition Metal Catalysis; Nucleophilic Catalysis/research.htmlWilliam R. Roush:Our research centers around themes of total synthesis, reaction development and medicinal chemistry. Over 25 structurally complex, biologically active natural products have been synthesized in the Roush lab. These serve both as testing grounds for new methods and as inspiration for potential therapeutics.Our total synthesis projects are often attempted in parallel with reaction design. Synthetic applications of intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions and acyclic diastereoselective syntheses involving allylmetal compounds are of especial interest.Total synthesis and methods development interact synergistically toward the development of medicinally relevant compounds. Current targets of interest include chemotherapeutics built upon the exploitation of tumor cell metabolism, cystein protease inhibitors for treatment of parasitic diseases and diagnostic probes for the Scripps Molecular Screening Center./roush/Research.htmlMiguel García-Garibay:Our group is currently investigating the photochemical decarbonylation of crystalline ketones. Because the reactions take place in the solid state, they exhibit high selectivites that are not possible by the analogous solution reaction. From our experience, the solution photolysis yields many products, while there is often only one product in the solid. In order for the decarbonylation reaction to proceed in crystals, there are a few requirements forthe decarbonylation precursor: (1) The compound must be a crystalline solid. (2) There must be suitable radical stabilizing substituents present at both alpha centers./dept/Faculty/mgghome/Alanna Schepartz: The Schepartz laboratory develops chemical tools to study and manipulate protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions inside the cell. Our approach centers on the design of molecules that Nature chose not to synthesize--miniature proteins, ß-peptide foldamers, polyproline hairpins, and proto-fluorescent ligands--and the use of these molecules to answer biological questions that would otherwise be nearly impossible to address. Current topics include the use of miniature proteins to identify the functional role of discrete protein-protein interactions and rewire cellular circuits, the use of cell permeable molecules to image misfolded proteins or protein interactions in live cells, and the design of protein-like assemblies of ß-peptides that are entirely devoid of -amino acids./research/index.htmlMartin Gruebele:The Gruebele Group is engaged in experiments and computational modeling to study a broad range of fundamental problems in chemical and biological physics. A common theme in the experiments is the development of new instruments to interrogate and manipulate complex molecular systems. We coupled experiments with quantum or classical simulations as well as simple models. The results of these efforts are contributing to a deeper understanding of RNA and proteins folding in vitro and in vivo, of how vibrational energy flows around within molecules, of single molecule absorption spectroscopy, and of the dynamics of glasses./mgweb/Matthew S. Sigman: Our program is focused on the discovery of new practical catalytic reactions with broad substrate scope, excellent chemoselectivity, and high stereoselectivity to access novel medicinally relevant architectures. We believe the best strategy for developing new classes of catalysts and reactions applicable to organic synthesis is using mechanistic insight to guide the discovery process. This allows us to design new reaction motifs or catalysts in which unique bond constructions can be implemented furthering new approaches to molecule construction. An underlying theme to these methodologies is to convert relatively simple substrates into much more complex compounds allowing for access to known and novel pharmacaphores in a modular manner. This provides us the ability to readily synthesis analogs enabling us to understand the important structural features responsibility for a phenotypic response in a given biological assay. We are currently engaged in several collaborative projects to evaluate our compound collections for various cancer types at the Huntsman Cancer Institute atthe University of Utah and are engaged in follow-up investigations to identify improved compounds as well as understanding the mechanism of action. The group is engaged in the following diverse projects:/faculty/sigman/research.htmlSidney M. Hecht: Sidney M. Hecht, PhD, is the co-director for the Center for Bioenergetics in the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University. He researches diseases caused by defects in the body's energy production processes. Energy production is similar mechanistically to other molecular processes that he has studied extensively. Hecht played a key role in the development of Hycamtin, a drug used to treat ovarian and lung cancer, as well as the study of the mechanism of the anti-tumor agent bleomycin./people/sidney-hechtDonald G. Truhlar: Theoretical and Computational ChemistryWe are carrying out research in several areas of dynamics and electronic structure, with a special emphasis on applying quantum mechanics to the treatment of large and complex systems. Dynamical calculations are being carried out for combustion (with a special emphasis on biofuel mechanisms) and atmospheric reactions in the gas phase and catalytic reactions in the condensed phase. Both thermal and photochemical reactions are under consideration. New orbital-dependent density functionals are being developed to provide an efficient route to the potential energy surfaces for these studies. New methods are also being developed for representing the potentials and for combined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical methods, with a special emphasis in the latter case on improving the electrostatics. New techniques for modeling vibrational anharmonicity and for Feynman path integral calculations are also under development./truhlar/Joseph T. Hupp: Most research projects revolve around a theme of studying materials for alternative energy applications and other environmental issues. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of our research, we have many joint students with other researchers both at Northwestern and at other institutions./hupp/research.htmlHenry S. White: My colleagues and I are engaged in both experimental and theoretical aspects of electrochemistry, with diverse connections to analytical, biological, physical, and materials chemistry. Much of our current research is focused on electrochemistry in microscale and nanoscale domains./faculty/white/white.htmlTaeghwan Hyeon: The main theme of our research is synthesis, assembly, and applications of uniformly sized nanoparticles.http://nanomat.snu.ac.kr/index.php?mid=InterestsPeidong Yang: The Yang research group is interested in the synthesis of new classes of materials and nanostructures, with an emphasis on developing new synthetic approaches and understanding the fundamental issues of structural assembly and growth that will enable the rational control of material composition, micro/nano-structure, property and functionality. We are interested in the fundamental problems of electron, photon, and phonon confinement as well as spin manipulation within 1D nanostructures./index.php/research/interests/William D. Jones:Our research group has an interest in examining the reactions of homogeneous transition metal complexes with organic substrates with an emphasis on bond activation processes that are of potential interest to the chemical industry. We also are doing theoretical DFT modeling of this chemistry on our CCLab cluster/~wdjgrp/wdj_home.html#research下面是一些网友对部分副主编(部分已经不是了)的评价,没有罗列网友的ID了,一并表示感谢。



(2) automatic sprinkler spray:自动水喷雾 系统
起作用: Wind plays a part in the fire spread 有相当大的作用:Wind has considerable impact/effect on the fire spread. 起核心主导作用:Sometimes wind plays a central and dominant role in the fire spread. 起主要(重要)作用:In general, wind plays a major/an important role in the fire spread. 起关键作用:Sometimes wind plays/has a key role in the fire spread.
(2) hazard: 危害;危害/ risk:包含概率的风险
e.g. hazard identification 危险源辨识 hazard / risk assessment 危害性/ 风险评估 risk characterization 风险表征(note: character, characteristics)
6. Effect of air velocity on pyrolysis of fire retardant coatings exposed to air heated at controlled temperatures
空气速度对暴露在加热至控制温度的空气中 的防火涂料热解的作用
Note: (1) air velocity:空气速度;较少用air speed (2) fire retardant coating 防火/阻燃涂料



【关键字】研究拟推荐2017年度教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)项目情况项目名称:高原高压低氧特殊环境下火灾扩散燃烧行为的基础理论研究主要完成人:胡隆华,杨立中,汪箭,方俊,陆守香,王强推荐单位:中国科学技术大学申报奖种:高等学校自然科学奖项目简介:本项目针对我国特殊的高原地理条件,研究揭示了高原高压低氧特殊环境下火灾扩散燃烧行为规律,提出了高原高压低氧特殊环境下可燃物的热解与着火、热反馈与燃烧速率、火焰行为特征与稳定性的基础理论,重要科学发现包括:1. 在可燃物热解与着火方面,发现并定量揭示了高原高压低氧环境下热解失重速率更大、更容易着火的特性(着火时间更短、着火临界热流更低),建立了高压条件下考虑热解气在炭层多孔介质中输运特性的固相热解模型,揭示了热解气辐射阻隔效应对着火临界的影响机制,提出了基于counter-flow耦合压力效应的固体可燃物热解与气相着火新理论模型。

2. 在可燃物燃烧热反馈与燃烧速率方面,揭示了火灾中可燃物燃烧的传导、对流和辐射热反馈在高原高压低氧环境的特殊演化行为,发现了高原高压低氧环境下不同尺度固体和液体可燃物的燃烧速率和火蔓延速率与常压环境的差异及物理机制,建立了不同热反馈主控机制下耦合压力和火源尺度效应的火灾燃烧速率与火蔓延理论模型。

3. 在火焰行为特征与稳定性方面,发现了高原高压低氧环境下火灾湍流扩散火焰特征参数(火焰高度、中心线温度、碳黑辐射等)、以及火焰推举和吹熄等失稳行为与常压环境的差异,并揭示了其中的物理化学耦合机制,建立了高原高压低氧环境下火焰卷吸及其特征参数模型,提出了基于Damköhler 数耦合压力效应的火焰推举和吹熄临界理论模型。

本项目揭示了高原高压低氧环境下火灾的特殊扩散燃烧行为规律,并系统建立了相关基础理论,共发表SCI论文62篇,其中12篇发表在国际燃烧领域两大权威期刊Combustion and Flame 和Proceedings of the Combustion Institute。



湍流长度尺度英文Turbulence Length ScalesTurbulence is a complex and fascinating phenomenon that has been the subject of extensive research and study in the field of fluid mechanics. One of the key aspects of turbulence is the concept of turbulence length scales, which refers to the range of different-sized eddies or vortices that are present in a turbulent flow. These length scales play a crucial role in understanding and predicting the behavior of turbulent flows, and they have important implications in a wide range of engineering and scientific applications.The smallest length scale in a turbulent flow is known as the Kolmogorov length scale, named after the Russian mathematician and physicist Andrey Kolmogorov. This length scale represents the size of the smallest eddies or vortices in the flow, and it is determined by the rate of energy dissipation and the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. The Kolmogorov length scale is typically denoted by the Greek letter η (eta) and can be expressed as η = (ν^3/ε)^(1/4), where ν is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and ε is the rate of energy dissipation.The Kolmogorov length scale is important because it represents the scale at which viscous forces become dominant and energy is dissipated into heat. Below this length scale, the flow is considered to be in the dissipation range, where the eddies are too small to sustain their own motion and are rapidly broken down by viscous forces. The Kolmogorov length scale is therefore a critical parameter in the study of turbulence, as it helps to define the range of scales over which energy is transferred and dissipated within the flow.Another important length scale in turbulence is the integral length scale, which represents the size of the largest eddies or vortices in the flow. The integral length scale is typically denoted by the symbol L and is a measure of the size of the energy-containing eddies, which are responsible for the bulk of the turbulent kinetic energy in the flow. The integral length scale is often determined by the geometry of the flow domain or the boundary conditions, and it can be used to estimate the overall scale of the turbulent motion.Between the Kolmogorov length scale and the integral length scale, there is a range of intermediate length scales known as the inertial subrange. This range is characterized by the presence of eddies that are large enough to be unaffected by viscous forces, but small enough to be unaffected by the large-scale features of the flow. In this inertial subrange, the energy is transferred from the large eddies to the smaller eddies through a process known as the energycascade, where energy is transferred from larger scales to smaller scales without significant dissipation.The energy cascade is a fundamental concept in turbulence theory and is described by Kolmogorov's famous 1941 theory, which predicts that the energy spectrum in the inertial subrange should follow a power law with a slope of -5/3. This power law relationship has been extensively verified through experimental and numerical studies, and it has important implications for the modeling and prediction of turbulent flows.In addition to the Kolmogorov and integral length scales, there are other important length scales in turbulence that are relevant to specific applications or flow regimes. For example, in wall-bounded flows, the viscous length scale and the boundary layer thickness are important parameters that can influence the turbulent structure and behavior. In compressible flows, the Taylor microscale and the Corrsin scale are also relevant length scales that can provide insight into the characteristics of the turbulence.The understanding of turbulence length scales is crucial for a wide range of engineering and scientific applications, including fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, meteorology, oceanography, and astrophysics. By understanding the different length scales and their relationships, researchers and engineers can better predict andmodel the behavior of turbulent flows, leading to improved designs, more accurate simulations, and a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics.In conclusion, turbulence length scales are a fundamental concept in the study of turbulent flows, and they play a crucial role in our understanding and modeling of this complex and fascinating phenomenon. From the Kolmogorov length scale to the integral length scale and the inertial subrange, these length scales provide valuable insights into the structure and dynamics of turbulence, and they continue to be an active area of research and exploration in the field of fluid mechanics.。

















化学镀Ni-Zn-P FBG及其温度传感特性

化学镀Ni-Zn-P FBG及其温度传感特性

化学镀Ni-Zn-P FBG及其温度传感特性李玉龙;吕明阳;赵诚【摘要】通过化学镀和电镀的方法使光纤布拉格光栅金属化,可对光纤光栅进行保护、增敏,使其具有可焊性,进而可通过焊接嵌入金属或封装在表面监测工作状态。




%A fiber Bragg grating (FBG)can be effectively metallized and protected by using the chemical plating and electro-plating methods. After metallization,the sensitivity of the FBG can be enhanced,and the metallized FBG can be embedded in a metal by using the brazing or soldering process for monitoring the internal temperature and strain. In this study,the FBGs were metallized by electroless Ni-Zn-P plating method;the quality of the coating was observed with the stereomicroscopy and optical microscopy;Temperature sensing tests for the metallized FBGs were conducted in a controlled water bath with the temperature range of30~70℃,the sensing characteristics were analyzed. Results show:the interface between the coating and FBG presents a good bonding,and the coating has a nice conductivity;the sensitivity of the metallized FBG is about 1. 1 times of that of a bare FBG,and there is a hysteresis error in thesensing curve;it is noted that the sensitivity remains the same value and the hysteresis error decreases with the time aging;the hysteresis error is caused by the residual stress,the origin of residual stress and its influences on the central wavelength are analyzed.【期刊名称】《激光与红外》【年(卷),期】2014(000)006【总页数】5页(P649-653)【关键词】光纤布拉格光栅;温度传感;化学镀Ni-Zn-P;残余应力;增敏【作者】李玉龙;吕明阳;赵诚【作者单位】南昌大学机电工程学院机器人及焊接自动化重点实验室,江西南昌330031;南昌大学机电工程学院机器人及焊接自动化重点实验室,江西南昌330031;南昌大学机电工程学院机器人及焊接自动化重点实验室,江西南昌330031【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP212.141 引言智能材料结构是指将传感元件、驱动元件以及有关的信号处理和控制电路集成在基体材料结构中,使其不仅具有承受载荷的能力,而且具有识别、分析、处理及控制等多种功能。



印刷线路板封孔镀铜添加剂的研究进展范德存【摘要】本文从镀液成分、工艺条件、电极反应、铜沉积方式等方面介绍了封孔镀铜的概况,综述了封孔镀铜中使用的添加剂(抑制剂、促进剂和整平剂)的种类、作用及研究应用进展,分析了封孔镀铜添加剂的重点研究方向.【期刊名称】《电镀与精饰》【年(卷),期】2018(040)011【总页数】5页(P17-21)【关键词】微孔;亚等角共沉积;等角共沉积;超等角共沉积;超大规模集成线路【作者】范德存【作者单位】中化工程集团环保有限公司,北京101111【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ178.2引言随着高尖端电子产品向小型化和多功能化方向发展,采用电沉积铜的方法对集成电路IC(integrated circuit)和印刷线路板 PCBs(printed circuit boards)孔金属化变得越来越重要。



1 封孔镀铜概况1.1 封孔镀铜基础镀液PCB封孔电镀具有不同于一般电镀的特殊要求,由于酸性硫酸盐镀铜工艺具有深镀性能好、整平性高的优点,且其镀层强度高、韧性好、与基体金属结合力好、导电性能良、易抛光、易焊接等特点,而被大多数封孔电镀研究者采用。



表1 高酸低铜与低酸高铜电镀工艺对比体系基本镀液组成添加剂用量/(mg·L-1)浓硫酸/(g·L-1)五水硫酸铜/(g ·L-1)氯离子/(mg·L-1)染料(整平剂)聚己烯己二醇(抑制剂)聚二硫二丙烷磺酸钠(促进剂)适用电流密度/(mA·cm-2)高酸低铜150~225 60~75 20~100 30~80 15~40 25~60 22~54低酸高铜65~80 200~220 40~150 40~70 5~10 10~40 22~54针对高酸低铜与低酸高铜体系,20世纪90年代研究人员通过改进和调整添加剂的种类和数量,以达到这两种电镀体系都能适用的效果,在其报道的实验条件下两种体系都达到了较为满意的效果[1]。





结果表明:火焰面的前缘呈抛物线形状,燃烧波波速在0.1 mm/s数量级;随着当量比增加,波速度减小,燃烧区域范围扩大;随着入口流速增大,燃烧最高温度升高,火焰面宽度变窄,燃烧波波速增大;随着氧化铝小球直径增大,火焰面厚度变窄,燃烧波速度增大;氧化铝小球在过滤燃烧中体现出良好的蓄热能力。

%In order to study the premixed filtration combustion characteristics of a porous medium, a two-dimensional combustion model of premixed gas in a porous medium was established based on the theory of porous medium combus-tion. The influences of the equivalence ratio, the intake velocity and the spherule diameter on temperature distribution were discussed. The heat storage properties of the alumina spherule in the burner were analyzed. The results show that the front edge of the flame presents a parabola structure and the combustion wave velocity has an order of 0.1 mm/s. The burning area extends and the combustion wave velocity decreases with the increasing of the equivalence ratio. Higher peak temperature, narrower flame width and faster combustion wave velocity occur as the inlet velocity increa-ses. The flame width gets narrower and the combustion wave velocity increases with the increasing of the spheruledi-ameter. The alumina spherule shows a good heat storage capacity in the premixed filtration combustion.【期刊名称】《哈尔滨工程大学学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)007【总页数】6页(P814-819)【关键词】多孔介质;过滤燃烧;二维数值模拟;蓄热;当量比【作者】刘宏升;张金艳;解茂昭【作者单位】大连理工大学能源与动力学院,辽宁大连116024;大连理工大学能源与动力学院,辽宁大连116024;大连理工大学能源与动力学院,辽宁大连116024【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TK411.1过滤燃烧即多孔介质中的燃烧是自然界和工程中广泛存在的一种燃烧现象,因其具有燃烧效率高、可燃极限大、污染物排放低等特点,受到国内外学者的广泛关注[1]。



图 1 HBV 感染、免疫病理学和治疗⼩⿏模型简介⼄肝抗病毒药物筛选模型介绍在⼄肝抗病毒药物筛选⽅⾯,传统的⽅法是⽔动⼒和 AAV 相结合的模型。

rAAV8-1.3HBV 经尾静脉注射到正常的 C57BL/6 ⼩⿏体内,其表达⽔平随重组病毒注射剂量的增加⽽升⾼,⾼剂量注射时可造成超过 40% 的肝细胞感染 HBV,⾎清中 HBV DNA 可达 10 的 5 次⽅以上。

但要注意不同⼩⿏品系HBV 感染的表型有差别。

⽽⽬前应⽤较多的是在⼄肝抗病毒药物筛选⽅⾯应⽤较多的转基因⼩⿏模型,是 Guidotti 等[4] 研发的,其在 HBV 全长序列 5'末端重复⼀个 C 基因和 X 基因及其增强⼦,构建了 1.3 倍全长 HBV 基因组的转基因⼩⿏,该⼩⿏体内可检测到 HBsAg、HBeAg 和 HBcAg,也可观察到⼩⿏体内完整病毒颗粒的形成,且病毒颗粒具有感染性,HBV 复制⽔平与慢性⼄型肝炎患者相当。

更精准的⼈源化肝脏模型啮齿类最完备的 HBV 感染模型莫过于⼈⿏嵌合肝脏⼩⿏(⼈源化肝脏模型),因为在⼩⿏肝脏中定植的是⼈类的肝脏细胞,因⽽更好模拟了 HBV ⾃然感染和 cccDNA 复制过程。

⽬前,⽂献报道和商品化的有 5 种⼈源化肝脏⼩⿏模型:1、uPA-SCID;2、FRG;3、TK-NOG;4、AFC8;5、URG[6~11,见表 2]其中 URG® ⼩⿏,是国内最早和唯⼀商品化的⼈源化肝脏⼩⿏模型。

URG® ⼩⿏简介及优势URG® ⼩⿏由 4 种基因修饰动物模型交配获得,包含 2 个转基因和 2 个基因敲除。

其核⼼模型源于2006 年北京⼤学邓宏魁教授实验室,相关研究⼈员构建了 TRE-uPA 转基因⼩⿏和 Alb-rtTA 转基因⼩⿏,然后交配获得了 Alb-rtTA/TRE-uPA 双阳性⼩⿏;通过 Dox 诱导,在该⼩⿏中检测到了 uPA 表达和肝损伤[6]。

OTC 深海技术会议2009年会议论文全部标题——中英文对照

OTC 深海技术会议2009年会议论文全部标题——中英文对照
Tahiti Spar湿式井口方案
Tahiti Flowline Expansion Control System
Tahiti Project Subsea System Design/Qualification
Novel Single-Trip Upper Completion System Saves Rig Time in Deepwater Offshore Brazil
Development of a Large Bore Umbilical for Deep Water Service
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生物学博士英语As a Ph.D. in Biology, I have dedicated years of study and research to understanding the intricacies of thenatural world. My expertise lies in the field of molecular biology, where I have focused on the study of genetic mechanisms and their impact on various biological processes.My research has primarily centered around the role of DNA and RNA in cellular function, with a particular emphasis on gene expression and regulation. Through experimental analysis and computational modeling, I have sought to unravel the complex networks that govern genetic information flow within living organisms.In addition to my laboratory work, I have also been involved in teaching and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. I have designed and led courses ontopics such as genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics, aiming to cultivate a deeper understanding of the molecular basis of life among the next generation of biologists.Furthermore, I have collaborated with other researchersin the field to publish my findings in peer-reviewedjournals and present my work at scientific conferences. By engaging with the broader scientific community, I have been able to contribute to the collective knowledge of molecular biology and foster meaningful discussions about the latest advancements in the field.In the future, I am eager to continue my research and pursue new avenues of inquiry within molecular biology. I am particularly interested in exploring the intersection of genetics and medicine, with the goal of developing innovative therapies for genetic diseases and advancing our understanding of human health and disease.作为生物学博士,我已经花费了多年的时间研究和探索自然界的复杂性。


AwardTitle Collaborative Research: Investigation of Odor-triggered Neuronal Dynamics and Experience-induced Ol GOALI/Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Mechanisms of Wear to Enable High Performance Tip-Bas EAGER: Multifunctional devices based on coupled phase transitions in antiferromagnetic semiconducto Ultra-precise Coordinate Metrology of Three-dimensional Objects at Micrometer and Nanometer Scales GOALI/Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Mechanisms of Wear to Enable High Performance Tip-Bas GOALI/Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Mechanisms of Wear to Enable High Performance Tip-Bas GOALI/Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Mechanisms of Wear to Enable High Performance Tip-Bas GOALI/Collaborative Research: Deciphering the Mechanisms of Wear to Enable High Performance Tip-Bas



磷酸铁锂电池火灾危险性分类董海斌, 张少禹, 李毅, 等. ncm811高比能锂离子电池热失控火灾特性[j]. 储能科学与技术, 2019, 8(s1): 65-70.[本文引用: 1]dong h b, zhang s y, li y, et al. thermal runaway fire characteristics of lithium ion batteries with high specific energy ncm811[j]. energy storage science and technology, 2019, 8(s1): 65-70.[本文引用: 1][2]forgez c, vinh d d, friedrich g, et al. thermal modeling of a cylindrical lifepo4/graphite lithium-ion battery[j]. journal of power sources, 2010, 195(9): 2961-2968.[3]huang p f, ping p, li k, et al. experimental and modeling analysis of thermal runaway propagation over the large format energy storage battery module withli4ti5o12 anode[j]. applied energy, 2016, 183: 659-673. 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然而,由于自身的物理化学性质,当不正确使用时(热滥用、电滥用和机械滥用),磷酸铁锂电池会发生不可逆的热失控行为,存在较大的火灾危险性[1-5].在储能电站、变电站等实际运营场景中,往往将成百上千节的电池单体经过串并联后形成电池模组或者电池簇后集中使用.在该种情况下,一旦其中某节电池发生火灾,其释放的强热、燃烧等行为会造成周围电池温度上升,导致整个电池模组的热失控,甚至造成整个电池系统的火灾、爆炸事故[6-9].因此,在电化学储能以及变电系统等大规模应用场景中,研究锂离子电池热失控的火灾危险性并针对性开发相应的火灾抑制技术,对于电池系统的安全运行尤为重要. ...1... 然而,由于自身的物理化学性质,当不正确使用时(热滥用、电滥用和机械滥用),磷酸铁锂电池会发生不可逆的热失控行为,存在较大的火灾危险性[1-5].在储能电站、变电站等实际运营场景中,往往将成百上千节的电池单体经过串并联后形成电池模组或者电池簇后集中使用.在该种情况下,一旦其中某节电池发生火灾,其释放的强热、燃烧等行为会造成周围电池温度上升,导致整个电池模组的热失控,甚至造成整个电池系统的火灾、爆炸事故[6-9].因此,在电化学储能以及变电系统等大规模应用场景中,研究锂离子电池热失控的火灾危险性并针对性开发相应的火灾抑制技术,对于电池系统的安全运行尤为重要. ...1... 然而,由于自身的物理化学性质,当不正确使用时(热滥用、电滥用和机械滥用),磷酸铁锂电池会发生不可逆的热失控行为,存在较大的火灾危险性[1-5].在储能电站、变电站等实际运营场景中,往往将成百上千节的电池单体经过串并联后形成电池模组或者电池簇后集中使用.在该种情况下,一旦其中某节电池发生火灾,其释放的强热、燃烧等行为会造成周围电池温度上升,导致整个电池模组的热失控,甚至造成整个电池系统的火灾、爆炸事故[6-9].因此,在电化学储能以及变电系统等大规模应用场景中,研究锂离子电池热失控的火灾危险性并针对性开发相应的火灾抑制技术,对于电池系统的安全运行尤为重要. ...1... 然而,由于自身的物理化学性质,当不正确使用时(热滥用、电滥用和机械滥用),磷酸铁锂电池会发生不可逆的热失控行为,存在较大的火灾危险性[1-5].在储能电站、变电站等实际运营场景中,往往将成百上千节的电池单体经过串并联后形成电池模组或者电池簇后集中使用.在该种情况下,一旦其中某节电池发生火灾,其释放的强热、燃烧等行为会造成周围电池温度上升,导致整个电池模组的热失控,甚至造成整个电池系统的火灾、爆炸事故[6-9].因此,在电化学储能以及变电系统等大规模应用场景中,研究锂离子电池热失控的火灾危险性并针对性开发相应的火灾抑制技术,对于电池系统的安全运行尤为重要. ...2... 然而,由于自身的物理化学性质,当不正确使用时(热滥用、电滥用和机械滥用),磷酸铁锂电池会发生不可逆的热失控行为,存在较大的火灾危险性[1-5].在储能电站、变电站等实际运营场景中,往往将成百上千节的电池单体经过串并联后形成电池模组或者电池簇后集中使用.在该种情况下,一旦其中某节电池发生火灾,其释放的强热、燃烧等行为会造成周围电池温度上升,导致整个电池模组的热失控,甚至造成整个电池系统的火灾、爆炸事故[6-9].因此,在电化学储能以及变电系统等大规模应用场景中,研究锂离子电池热失控的火灾危险性并针对性开发相应的火灾抑制技术,对于电池系统的安全运行尤为重要. ...... 随着温度持续升高,电池内部热反应持续加快,100%与50% soc锂离子电池分别在2253 s和2611 s形成二次射流火,而对于0% soc的锂离子电池,因为电池内部能量较低,电池内部化学反应过程相对缓慢[9, 15],其燃烧行为明显缓和,在整个过程中并未出现多次射流火现象. ...1... 本文以228 a·h的磷酸铁锂为研究对象,通过自主搭建的锂离子电池火灾燃烧实验平台研究了目标电池的火灾危险性[10],并进一步分析了荷电状态对其火灾行为的影响规律,为锂离子电池的安全设计及火灾防控提供理论和技术支撑. ...1... 热释放速率是进行火灾危险性研究、分析样品火灾危险性的重要参数[11-13].其计算方式主要依据氧消耗原理,即通过精确测量燃烧过程中体系中的氧消耗量进而计算得到该过程的热释放速率[14],如式(1)所示. ...2... 如图7所示,相比于100% soc锂离子电池的剧烈燃烧,50%与0% soc锂离子电池的燃烧行为较为缓和.在本次实验中,50% soc锂离子电池的热释放速率曲线存在3个明显的峰值,这与实验观察到的射流火次数相符.但是由于电池内部热反应过程较为缓慢,持续时间较长,因此其最高峰值出现在第1个峰值,为52.82 kw,约为100% soc电池峰值的53.4%.而对于0% soc的锂离子电池,在经历初次射流火后即进入持续的稳定燃烧阶段,直至最终火焰熄灭,因此整个实验过程中仅观察到一个明显的hrr峰值,为41.74 kw.对应50%与0% soc 锂离子电池的总燃烧热(10.33 mj、7.68 mj)分别为100% soc(13.94 mj)电池的74.1%和55.1%.可以看出,随着soc的降低,电池燃烧剧烈程度明显降低,对应热释放速率峰值以及总燃烧热随之降低.而电池的总燃烧热不仅与电池的燃烧剧烈程度相关,还与燃烧的持续时间相关,因此soc对电池燃烧释放总燃烧热的影响并不明显,这一特性也被其他研究者所证实,如ribiere等[12]以2.9 a·h的软包limn2o4/石墨电池为研究对象,实验研究了不同荷电状态锂离子电池的燃烧产热,研究发现50% soc的电池燃烧总热量为383 kj,高于100% soc电池的313 kj.造成该现象的原因是soc较低的锂离子电池的发生热失控对应反应物的消耗速率较低,进而延长了电池的燃烧时间. ...... 为了更好地了解锂离子电池的火灾危险性,图8比较了不同soc锂离子电池与几种常见燃料的热释放速率[12].100% soc 样品电池的标准化热释放速率峰约为2.91 mw/m2,超过汽油的标准热释放速率峰(2.2 mw/m2),50% soc与0% soc锂离子电池燃烧时的热释放速率峰分别为1.55 mw/m2与1.22 mw/m2,介于汽油(2.2 mw/m2)与燃油(1.1 mw/m2)之间. ...1... 热释放速率是进行火灾危险性研究、分析样品火灾危险性的重要参数[11-13].其计算方式主要依据氧消耗原理,即通过精确测量燃烧过程中体系中的氧消耗量进而计算得到该过程的热释放速率[14],如式(1)所示. ...1... 热释放速率是进行火灾危险性研究、分析样品火灾危险性的重要参数[11-13].其计算方式主要依据氧消耗原理,即通过精确测量燃烧过程中体系中的氧消耗量进而计算得到该过程的热释放速率[14],如式(1)所示. ...1... 随着温度持续升高,电池内部热反应持续加快,100%与50% soc锂离子电池分别在2253 s和2611 s形成二次射流火,而对于0% soc的锂离子电池,因为电池内部能量较低,电池内部化学反应过程相对缓慢[9, 15],其燃烧行为明显缓和,在整个过程中并未出现多次射流火现象. ...1... 图4(d)给出了电池的电压变化趋势,在本次实验中发现,电池的电压跳水时间较晚于其安全阀破裂时间,这是由于造成电压掉落的主要原因是隔膜收缩熔融,而隔膜的收缩温度通常在130 ℃以上[16].而电池的sei膜在90 ℃时即发生分解,造成负极活性材料与电解液反应并产生一定量的气体,造成电池内部压力持续升高[17].而在电压跳水之前,随着温度的升高,电池电压表现出微量的衰减,这是由于电池的正、负极材料溶解所致.因此,在实际应用过程中,可考虑采用气体信号和电、热信号相结合的手段,对磷酸铁锂电池的热失控行为进行预测预警. ...1... 图4(d)给出了电池的电压变化趋势,在本次实验中发现,电池的电压跳水时间较晚于其安全阀破裂时间,这是由于造成电压掉落的主要原因是隔膜收缩熔融,而隔膜的收缩温度通常在130 ℃以上[16].而电池的sei膜在90 ℃时即发生分解,造成负极活性材料与电解液反应并产生一定量的气体,造成电池内部压力持续升高[17].而在电压跳水之前,随着温度的升高,电池电压表现出微量的衰减,这是由于电池的正、负极材料溶解所致.因此,在实际应用过程中,可考虑采用气体信号和电、热信号相结合的手段,对磷酸铁锂电池的热失控行为进行预测预警. ...。



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流体传输管道动力学英文Fluid Transport Pipeline Dynamics.Fluid transport pipeline dynamics refers to the study of the behavior of fluids, such as liquids and gases, as they flow through pipelines. This field encompasses a wide range of topics, including the analysis of pressure, flow rate, and velocity changes within the pipeline, as well as the effects of friction, turbulence, and other factors on the overall performance of the system.The dynamics of fluid transport pipelines are crucial in various industries, including oil and gas, water distribution, and chemical processing, where the efficient and safe movement of fluids is essential. Understanding the behavior of fluids within pipelines is important for designing, operating, and maintaining these systems to ensure optimal performance and minimize the risk of problems such as leaks, blockages, or pressure surges.Key factors that influence the dynamics of fluid transport pipelines include the properties of the fluid being transported (such as viscosity and density), the geometry and material of the pipeline, as well as the operating conditions and external forces acting on the system. Engineers and researchers in this field use mathematical modeling, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and experimental techniques to analyze and predict the behavior of fluid flow in pipelines under various scenarios.In addition to the technical aspects, the dynamics of fluid transport pipelines also involve considerationsrelated to safety, environmental impact, and regulatory compliance. For example, the potential for fluid leakage or spills, the effects of pipeline vibrations or oscillations, and the interaction of the pipeline with its surroundings are all important factors that must be taken into accountin the design and operation of fluid transport systems.Overall, the study of fluid transport pipeline dynamics is a multidisciplinary field that draws upon principles of fluid mechanics, materials science, and mechanicalengineering to address the complex challenges associated with the efficient and reliable transportation of fluids through pipelines. Ongoing research and technological advancements in this area continue to improve our understanding of fluid behavior in pipelines and drive the development of innovative solutions for fluid transport systems.。

Fluid-Structure Interaction and Dynamics

Fluid-Structure Interaction and Dynamics

Fluid-Structure Interaction and Dynamics Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and dynamics are crucial concepts in engineering and physics, playing a significant role in various real-world applications such as aerospace, civil engineering, and biomechanics. FSI refers to the interaction between a deformable or moving structure and an internal or surrounding fluid flow, while dynamics deals with the study of forces and motion. Understanding the complex interplay between fluid and structure is essential for designing efficient and safe engineering systems. In this response, I will delve into the challenges and importance of FSI and dynamics, as well as the current research and future prospects in this field. One of the primary challenges in FSI and dynamics is the accurate prediction and modeling of the interaction between fluid and structure. The behavior of fluids and structures under different conditions is highly complex and often non-linear, making it difficult to develop precise mathematical models. Additionally, the interaction between fluid and structure can lead to phenomena such as vortex-induced vibrations, fluid-elastic instabilities, and aeroelastic flutter, which pose significant challenges for engineers and researchers. These phenomena can have detrimental effects on the performance and safety of engineering systems, highlighting the importance of understanding and mitigating FSI effects. In the aerospace industry, FSI and dynamics play a crucial role in the design and performance of aircraft and spacecraft. The interaction between the airflow and the structural components of an aircraft can lead to aeroelastic phenomena such as flutter, which can compromise the structural integrity and stability of the vehicle. Moreover, the behavior of fluids around wings, control surfaces, and other aerodynamic components directly impacts the aerodynamic performance and efficiency of the aircraft. Therefore, a deep understanding of FSI and dynamics is essential for optimizing the design and operation of aerospace vehicles. In civil engineering, FSI and dynamics are critical for the design and analysis of structures such as bridges, dams, and offshore platforms. The interaction between water and these structures can lead to dynamic responses, including oscillations, vibrations, and fatigue loading. For example, offshore platforms are subjected to wave-induced forces and motions, which can cause structural fatigue and failure over time. Byconsidering FSI effects, engineers can design more resilient and durablestructures that can withstand the dynamic forces imposed by the surrounding fluid environment. In the field of biomechanics, FSI and dynamics are essential for understanding the behavior of biological systems such as blood flow in arteries, airflow in the respiratory system, and the interaction between muscles and surrounding tissues. The accurate modeling of FSI effects in biological systems is crucial for diagnosing and treating various medical conditions, as well as for designing medical devices and implants. For instance, the study of blood flow dynamics in arteries is vital for assessing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and optimizing the design of stents and other vascular implants. Current research in FSI and dynamics is focused on developing advanced computational methods, experimental techniques, and theoretical models to improve the understanding and prediction of fluid-structure interactions. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) are widely used to simulate FSI problems and analyze the behavior of complex engineering systems. These numerical methods enable researchers to study a wide range of FSI phenomena, including turbulent flows, multiphase flows, and fluid-structure coupling. Additionally, experimental techniques such as wind tunnel testing, water flume testing, and motion capture technology are employed to validate numerical simulations and investigate FSI effects in real-world scenarios. The future prospects of FSI and dynamics lie in the development of multi-disciplinary approaches that integrate fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, and control theory to address complex FSI problems. By combining expertise from different fields, researchers can develop holistic solutions for optimizing the performance and safety of engineering systems. Moreover, the advancement of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence is expected to revolutionize the simulation and analysis of FSI phenomena, enabling engineers to tackle more complex and realistic problems. Furthermore, the application of FSI and dynamics in emerging fields such as bio-inspired design, renewable energy, and smart materials holds great potential for driving innovation and sustainability in engineering and technology. In conclusion, fluid-structure interaction and dynamics are essential for understanding the complex interplay between fluid flow and deformable structures in various engineering and scientific domains. Despitethe challenges posed by non-linear behavior and complex phenomena, ongoing research and technological advancements offer promising opportunities for improving the understanding and prediction of FSI effects. By addressing the challenges and leveraging interdisciplinary approaches, engineers and researchers can unlock new possibilities for designing safer, more efficient, and innovative engineering systems.。

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Experimental and modeling study of pyrolysis of coal,biomass and blended coal–biomassparticlesKaidi Wan a ,Zhihua Wang a ,⇑,Yong He a ,Jun Xia b ,Zhijun Zhou a ,Junhu Zhou a ,Kefa Cen aa State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,ChinabDepartment of Mechanical,Aerospace and Civil Engineering &Institute of Energy Futures,Brunel University London,Uxbridge UB83PH,UKh i g h l i g h t sPyrolysis of coal,straw,and blended coal–straw particles were studied by using a single-particle reactor system. Experimental data indicated a lack of synergistic effects.A model was developed based on the CPD model to simulate the pyrolysis process of coal and biomass particles. An extended CPD model was proposed to describe the co-pyrolysis characteristics of coal–biomass blends.a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 5May 2014Received in revised form 1August 2014Accepted 28August 2014Available online 10September 2014Keywords:Biomass CoalCo-pyrolysisSynergistic effect CPD modela b s t r a c tThis paper reports a combined experimental and numerical investigation of the pyrolysis characteristics of coal,biomass,and coal–biomass blends.Coal and straw were grounded and pressed into spherical par-ticles with diameter of 8mm,and blended coal–straw particles were prepared through mixing pulverized coal and straw before pressed into particles.Sample particles were suspended in the center of a single-particle reactor system and devolatilized under different temperatures.The analysis of the time history of the residual mass of particles of coal,straw,and coal–straw blends suggested an absence of synergistic effect between the coal and the straw.In addition,a one-dimensional,time-dependent particle model;based on the chemical percolation devolatilization (CPD)and bio-CPD models;was developed to simulate the pyrolysis of coal and straw particles.The model predictions agree will with the measured data.An extended CPD model was proposed to explain the co-pyrolysis characteristics of coal–biomass blends.Encouraging agreement was found between the predicted and the experimental results of pyrolysis of coal–straw blends.Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionWith the growing shortage of fossil fuels around the world,development and utilization of biomass energy has attracted lots of attentions.As a sustainable fuel,biomass generates energy from biological material like straw,sawdust,wood waste,etc.Co-firing of coal and biomass fuels is considered as an alternative effective method for coal-fired power plants,since it helps to reduce the emission of CO 2and other greenhouse gases [1–3].However,the application of this technology in power plant boilers has many technical challenges [4–6].Pyrolysis can convert low chemical energy density fuels,such as biomass and low rank coals,to high energy density fuels,such as gas,and char.But the pyrolysiskinetics of coal–biomass blends is still not clear,which is extre-mely important to understand the co-combustion processes.Co-pyrolysis of coal and biomass mixtures has been investi-gated by several researchers.Most previous studies [7–11]support that there is no synergistic effect between coal and biomass during the co-pyrolysis process,except that a few studies [12]find the existence of a synergy.Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA),which measures the mass loss of samples as a function of temperature,is the most common technique utilized to study pyrolysis of coal–biomass mixtures [7–10].However,in these studies the heat-ing rate often varies between 10K/min and 50K/min,due to the limitation of TGA.It has been reported that the heating rate has an important effect on the pyrolysis reaction kinetics and products yield [13–15].The kinetic parameters derived from pyrolysis experiments at low and high heating rates are quite different [13].Many researches [15–17]have shown evidence of increase in the volatiles yield as the heating rate elevated.In the experiment/10.1016/j.fuel.2014.08.0690016-2361/Ó2014Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author.E-mail address:wangzh@ (Z.Wang).by Gibbins-Matham and Kandiyoti[17],the yield of total volatiles on a dry ash-free(daf)basis increased from47%at1K/s to52%at 1000K/s with coal samples heated to afinal temperature of973K and held for30s.In this work,a single-particle reactor system was used to measure the time history of the mass loss and temperature rise of samples simultaneously,with a significantly higher heating rate(more than1000K/min)than TGA.Numerous kinetic models with various reaction kinetic param-eters for pyrolysis of coal and biomass have been reported[18–20]. These different kinetic models play an important role in previous particle modeling researches[20–22].Among these models,the chemical percolation devolatilization(CPD)model[23]is distinc-tive,since its kinetic rates are general,not specific to a certain type of coal or biomass and valid over a wide range of temperatures and heating rates[24].In previous studies,the CPD and bio-CPD(an upgraded CPD)models can accurately predict the pyrolysis process of different kinds of pulverized coal and biomass in different reac-tors[23,25–27].Despite these efforts,studies on a general pyroly-sis model of the pyrolysis of blended coal–biomass particles have been rarely reported.In this study,the CPD and bio-CPD models were developed further to describe the pyrolysis of large coal and biomass particles;and the co-pyrolysis of blended coal–bio-mass particles was modeled by using an extended CPD model.The objective of this study was to investigate the co-pyrolysis characteristics of coal–biomass blends under high heating rates (compared to TGA),by recording the time history of the mass loss and temperature rise of a single particle;and to develop a general pyrolysis model of coal–biomass blends.2.Experimental setupPyrolysis experiments were conducted for a single coal,straw and blended coal–straw particle.Coal and straw were grounded and pressed into spherical particles with diameter of8mm,and blended coal–straw particles were made through mixing pulverized coal and straw in different proportions before the press-ing process.All particles were dried at378K for30min before the pyrolysis experiments to eliminate the influence of water vapori-zation.The coal sample used is a Chinese brown coal called Zhun-dong brown coal.Its proximate analysis,ultimate analysis and biomass characterization are listed in Table1.Pyrolysis experiments were carried out in a single-particle reac-tor system,which is shown in Fig.1.The system was composed of three main parts:the quartz reactor,the heating furnace,and the mass and temperature data loggers.A single coal,biomass or blended coal–biomass particle was suspended on type-S thermo-couple,which was inserted into the center of the particle.Both the thermocouple and the particle were rested on a mass sensor to simultaneously obtain the mass and temperature at the particle center.A data acquisition system(Model Agilent34970A)recorded temperature data from the thermocouple at1Hz.The mass sensor (Model Beijing Hengjiu Instrument HTG-1)recorded the time his-tory of particle mass loss at a resolution of0.01mg and an accuracy of±0.1mg.NomenclatureC p specific heat,J/(kg K)c1first radiation constantc2second radiation constantd diameter,mE b k black body emissive powerh convective heat transfer coefficient,W/(m2K) Nu Nusselt numberPr Prandtl numberr radius coordinate,mR p particle outer radius,mRe Reynolds numbert time,sT temperature,Ku velocity of volatile,m/sGreek symbolsq density,kg/m3k thermal conductivity,W/(m K)x volatile generation rate,sÀ1D H heat of pyrolysis reaction,kJ/kgr Stefan–Boltzmann constant,W/(m2K4)e emissivityd thickness,ma absorptivitys transmissivityc reflectivity Subscripts0initial conditionp particleqz quartzs solidv volatilew furnace wall1nitrogen in the reactork wavelengthDefinition of the kinetic parameters for the CPD modelE b bridge breaking activation energy,kcal/molA b bridge breaking frequency factor,sÀ1r b standard deviation of E b,kcal/molE g gas formation activation energy,kcal/molA g gas release frequency factor,sÀ1r g standard deviation of E g,kcal/molq’kinetic ratio of bridge breaking to char formationE c difference in activation energy between bridge breakingand char formation,kcal/molE cross cross-linking activation energy,kcal/molA cross cross-linking frequency factor,sÀ1Table1Chemical analyses of the coal and straw samples.Ash Volatile Fixed carbon Proximate analysis(dry basis wt%)Coal 4.3430.8664.79Straw10.0872.0417.87C H N S OUltimate analysis(dry basis wt%)Coal75.39 3.48 1.190.4215.19 Straw46.65 6.01 1.010.2036.05Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin Biomass characterization(dry basis wt%)Straw39.8937.7721.94K.Wan et al./Fuel139(2015)356–364357An experiment began by suspending the thermocouple and par-ticle on the mass sensor.Then the quartz reactor was installed through the bottom of the thermocouple.The electric furnace was heated to preset temperature and then lifted up quickly to the height of the quartz reactor.The particle was heated by radia-tion of the furnace wall and its temperature and mass loss data were recorded simultaneously once every one second.All experi-ments were conducted in nitrogen with the flow rate of 5L/min (20°C,1atm),in which particles experienced the pyrolysis process.The advantage of this experimental setup,as compared to con-tinuous feeding setups,e.g.[26],is the ability to obtain the tem-perature and mass loss data of a particle during the pyrolysis process simultaneously,which is extremely important for the understanding of the pyrolysis characteristics and the validation of models.3.Pyrolysis modelFletcher et al.[23,28]developed the chemical percolation dev-olatilization (CPD)model to predict coal pyrolysis yields as a func-tion of time,using a description of the unique chemical structure of various coals.Coal is modeled as a series of aromatic clusters con-nected by labile bridges.All coals use the same kinetic parameters.During the heating of coal pyrolysis,the activating and breaking of bridges are modeled with two competing pathways.The activated intermediate bridges can either break into side chains or form sta-ble char bridges.The two competing reaction rates are a function of kinetic parameters,and the relationship between the number of broken bridges and detached clusters is predicted using percola-tion statistics for Bethe lattices.The tar and gas yields are not input parameters but calculated using the kinetic mechanism,a flash cal-culation,and a vapor pressure correlation.In addition,parts of tarprecursors are cross-linked back into the char matrix,which can-not vaporize because the molecular weights are too large.The def-initions of the CPD kinetic parameters are shown in the nomenclature table.The chemical structural parameters used in the CPD model are the molecular weight of the cluster (MW cl ),the molecular weight of side chains (MW d ),the initial fraction of intact bridges (p 0),the coordination number (r +1),and the initial fraction of char bridges (c 0).The first four parameters are typically determined from 13C NMR measurements,while the fifth c 0cannot be measured directly and was determined empirically.The bio-CPD model,developed by Fletcher et al.[25]and other researchers [26,27,29],is used to model biomass pyrolysis in this work.Considering that the CPD model can be used for components of biomass [25],which is similar to a low rank coal,the bio-CPD model calculates the pyrolysis of biomass as a linear combination of the constituent compounds,i.e.,cellulose,hemicellulose,and lignin.The amounts of these compounds are normalized so that they sum to 100%[26].Based on the bio-CPD model,this work extends the CPD model to model the co-pyrolysis of coal–biomass blends by combining the predicted pyrolysis yields of the coal and biomass.The chemical structural parameters and kinetic parame-ters of the model are summarized in Tables 2and 3from the liter-atures,except that the structural parameters of the coal are estimated by using the nonlinear modified quadratic correlation of 13C NMR measurements of volatile matter content and coal structure with ultimate analysis [30].The CPD model assumes that the particle is isothermal,which is only acceptable when the particle is sufficiently small.In general,when the Biot number is less than 0.1[31],the intraparticle heat transfer is negligible and the CPD model can be applied.However,to model the pyrolysis of a large particle,an energy equation must be used to predict the temperature inside the particle.Coupling the CPD model and energy equation,the time history of the tempera-ture and mass loss during the pyrolysis of a large particle can be simulated.The particle energy equation is based on the one-dimensional unsteady heat conduction equation in a spherical coordinate,which assumes that the particle is spherically symmetric:q C p ;s @T þq v C p ;v 12@ðr 2Tu Þ¼12@r 2k s @Tþx D H ð1ÞThe nomenclature table provides a complete listing of the sym-bols and subscripts.Under the assumption of immediate outflow of volatiles and thermal equilibrium between volatiles and solid in any control vol-ume [22],the velocity u of volatiles passing across a control surface at a distance r from the particle center is presented in Eq.(2).u ¼14p r 2q vZrð4p r Ã2x ÞdrÃð2Þx ¼Àd ðq =q 0Þð3ÞThermocouple Quartz Reactor Mass SensorData AcquisitionFurnace ControllerFlow MeterN 2Schematic diagram of the single-particle reactor system.Table 2Structural parameters to model coal and biomass pyrolysis using the CPD model.Structural parameter Coal Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin MW cl 329162162197MW d 25373737p 00.70 1.00 1.000.71r +1 5.6 3.0 3.0 3.5c 00.350.000.000.00Ref.[26,29][26,29][26,29]358K.Wan et al./Fuel 139(2015)356–364Eq.(3)is the conservation of mass for the particle.The volume of the solid is assumed to be constant while its density decreases in proportion to the total volatile matter loss during the pyrolysis process[20,21].The pyrolysis rate x is calculated by the CPD model,which obtains the temperature of each control volume from the energy equation.Thus,the temperature and mass loss of parti-cles can be predicted simultaneously.The surface of a particle is subjected to both connective and radiative heatflux,which can be modeled by:Àk s @T@tjr¼R p¼h pðT RpÀT1Þþs qz e p rðT4R pÀT4wÞþe p rðT4R pÀT4qzÞð4ÞThe convective heat transfer coefficient of the particle,h p,is based on the correlation[21]:h p dk1¼2þ0:6Re1=2Pr1=3ð5ÞThe spectral transmission rate of quartz reactor s qz,k and black body emissive power E b k under different furnace wall tempera-tures is shown in Fig.2.It can be found that the quartz reactor transmits radiation partly in shorter wavelength region than 3.7l m.The transmissivity of quartz reactor s qz is presented in Eq.(6).R1 0s qz;k Eb kd kÃrc1kÃÀ5Ãa qz¼1Às qzÀcqzð8Þh qz¼Nu qz k1D qzð9ÞThe model requires a full set of physical properties of the parti-cle and the quartz reactor,which is summarized in Table4and isbased on practical values or recommendations from literatures.Most physical properties of the biomass are set to be the same asthose of the coal as a reasonable simplification,except for the pyro-lysis heat.4.Results and discussionIn this section,pyrolysis data(particle temperature vs.time andresidual mass vs.time)of coal,straw,and blended coal–straw par-ticles were collected using the single-particle reactor system andcompared with model predictions.With these data,the pyrolysischaracteristics of coal–straw blends were systematically analyzed.4.1.Pyrolysis of coal particlesFigs.3and4illustrate the time history of the temperature andresidual mass of coal particles under different furnace wall temper-atures(1000K,1100K,and1200K),respectively.All particles hadthe similar initial volume(diameter of8mm)and initial mass($360mg).Each experiment was repeated three times and theaverage result is shown together with the error bar indicatingthe statistical uncertainty of the three measurements at each con-dition.As plotted in Fig.3,at the beginning of the pyrolysis the coalparticle temperature maintained at300K(the ambient tempera-ture)for a few seconds,since the heat had not been conducted intothe center of the particle.Then the temperature rose rapidly due tothe radiative heating of the furnace wall and reached a stable valuein thefinal stage of the pyrolysis,which means the particleachieved thermal equilibrium in the furnace.From Fig.4,it canbe found that the particle gradually lost its weight as the temper-ature rose and volatile yielded during the pyrolysis process.In thefinal stage,the mass loss of the coal particle slowed down and theresidual mass remained stablefinally.At the time of500s,the measured total volatile yields of thecoal particle were25.9%,30.9%,and31.6%(dry basis)with the fur-nace wall temperature at1000K,1100K,and1200K,respectively.With the wall temperature rising from1000K to1100K,the vola-tile yields of the particle increased significantly(5%),whereas theincrease of volatile yields became less(0.7%)with the wall temper-ature continually rising to1200K.Since the volatile mass fractionfrom the proximate analysis of the coal was30.86%(dry basis;measured at1173K;see Table1),it can be concluded that the coalparticle almost reached the maximum yields at1100K and highertemperature could not enhance the volatile yields significantly.By comparing the experimental data with model predications,itcan be found that the CPD model can reasonably predict the pyro-lysis of coal particles under different temperatures.Except that themodeled pyrolysis at1200K was slightly deviated,the predictiondata showed excellent agreement with the experimental data.Atthe time of500s,the model predicted that the total volatile yieldsof the coal particle were26.5%,31.2%,and32.1%(dry basis),respectively,at the three furnace wall temperatures.The predictedvolatile yields matched the measured data within0.6wt%upon500s of the pyrolysis process.Fig.5shows the time history of the mass loss rate of the coalparticle under different furnace wall temperatures.The measuredmaximum pyrolysis rate increased from0.19%sÀ1(1000K)to0.32%sÀ1(1100K)andfinally reached0.49%sÀ1(1200K),as thefurnace wall temperature rose.And the time corresponding toTable3Kinetic parameters to model coal and biomass pyrolysis using the CPD model[25–27].Kinetic parameter Coal Cellulose Hemicellulose LigninE b(kcal/mol)55.454.147.654.0A b(sÀ1) 2.6Â1015 2.1Â10158.0Â1014 2.6Â1015r b(kcal/mol) 1.8 2.7 1.9 4.0E g(kcal/mol) g(sÀ1) 3.0Â1015 3.0Â1015 3.0Â1015 2.3Â1019r g(kcal/mol)8.18.1 5.0 2.6q00.9 3.0 1.6 3.9E c(kcal/mol) cross(kcal/mol) cross(sÀ1) 3.0Â1015 3.0Â1015 3.0Â1015 3.0Â1015Fig.2.Spectral transmission rate of the quartz reactor and black body emissivepower under different furnace wall temperatures.K.Wan et al./Fuel139(2015)356–364359the maximum pyrolysis rate decreased from93s to46s.Hence, the higher the pyrolysis temperature coal particles experienced, the larger the maximum pyrolysis rate became and the less the time is pared with the measured data,the CPD model tended to overestimate the maximum pyrolysis rate and underes-timate the time to reach the maximum rate.However,except for the disagreement of these values,the model predicted the trends of the mass loss rate and its variation with temperature well.The mass-weighted average temperature of coal particles and the rise rate of the temperature calculated by the CPD model are shown in Fig.6.The mass-weighted average temperature was cal-culated by averaging the temperature of each node with the massTable4Physical properties of the particle and the quartz reactor.Variable Value Ref.d Diameter of particle,m8.0Â10À3m0Initial mass of particle,kg360Â10À6e p Emissivity of particle0.9[32]C p,s Specific heat of solid,J/(kg K)1150for T<573K1150þ2:03ðTÀ573ÞÀ1:55Â10À3ðTÀ573Þ2for T>573K[33]Fig.3.Time history of center temperature of coal particles under different furnace wall temperatures.Fig.4.Time history of residual mass of coal particles under different furnace wall temperatures.Fig.5.Time history of mass loss rate of coal particles under different furnace wall temperatures.Fig.6.Time history of mass-weighted average temperature(lines with symbols) and temperature rise rate(lines)of coal particles under different furnace wall temperatures.360K.Wan et al./Fuel139(2015)356–364of the node as the weighting factor,and canistic temperature for the whole particle.cle center temperature shown in Fig.3,thedemonstrates almost the same rising trend,lag(a few seconds)at the beginning.Withperature rising,the maximum particleincreased from9.7K sÀ1(1000K)to26.9Kthe enhancement of the radiative heatingever,the time corresponding to therate remained at3s for each condition,as itthe radiative heating and intra-particle heat4.2.Pyrolysis of straw particlesFigs.7and8illustrate the time historytemperature and residual mass of strawfurnace wall temperatures(1000K,1100K,tively.All particles had the similar initial8mm)and initial mass($360mg).Similarexperiments,each experiment was repeatedaverage result is shown together with the error bar indicatingthe statistical uncertainty of the three measurements at each con-dition.As illustrated by Fig.7,the experimental and modeled par-ticle center temperatures of the straw particle show a considerable disagreement,especially at the early stage of the pyrolysis.This disagreement is probably due to the swelling of straw particles during the pyrolysis process.According to the observation during experiments,the volume of the straw particle rapidly expanded to more than twice larger than its original volume and became a porous structure during the pyrolysis.In this case,the thermocou-ple may not have maintained contact with the particle interior. Owing to the effect of radiative heating from the furnace,temper-ature measured by the thermocouple was higher than the real value to a considerable extent.When the pyrolysisfinished,the swelling of the straw particle stopped and the measured tempera-ture became accurate again.at1000K,and the variance of the yields under different tempera-tures was due to experimental error.The model prediction of the total volatile yields were67.6%,68.4%,and68.5%(dry basis)with the furnace wall temperature at1000K,1100K,and1200K, respectively,which matched the measured data within3.8wt% upon200s of the pyrolysis process.The time history of the mass loss rate of straw particles under different furnace wall temperatures is shown in Fig.9.From the experimental data,the maximum pyrolysis rate of all the three cases was around1.9%sÀ1,which was much larger than that of the coal.The reason lies in the dynamic equilibrium of radiative heating and the cooling of pyrolysis.While the furnace tempera-ture rose,the straw particle tended to devolatilize faster;however, faster pyrolysis could enhance the cooling effect of pyrolysis,since the pyrolysis process was endothermic and the yielded gas could help cooling the particle.As also shown in thisfigure,the time span the maximum pyrolysis rate was relatively long(more than 25s).When the temperature rose from1000K to1200K,the time to reach the maximum pyrolysis rate decreased from about66s pared with the experimental data,although the mass loss rate of the case of1200K was overestimated,the bio-CPD model predicted the trends of the mass loss rate at an acceptable accu-racy.It should be stressed that there is no adjustable parameter in the model.Fig.7.Time history of center temperature of straw particles under different furnace wall temperatures.Fig.8.Time history of residual mass of straw particles under different furnace wall temperatures.Fig.9.Time history of mass loss rate of straw particles under different furnace wall temperatures.As illustrated by Fig.12,the residual mass fraction of coal–straw blends calculated through the weighted average of foregoing indi-vidual coal and straw experimental data also agrees well with the experimental data of blends with different ratios.The RMS values the relative errors vary between 0.014and 0.051,suggesting therefore the absence of synergistic effects between the two fuels during the pyrolysis process.This result is also supported by previ-ous studies of co-pyrolysis of coal–biomass blends [7–11].At the time of 500s,the measured total volatile yields of blended particles were 38.3%,51.4%,and 64.9%(dry basis)with the coal/straw ratio 80:20,50:50,and 20:80,pared with the mass weighted averages of the volatile mass fraction in the proximate analysis of the coal and the straw (see Table 1),which were 39.1%,51.5%,and 63.8%(dry basis)for the blended particle at the three mixing ratios,the difference is less than 1.1wt%.This perfect linear relationship between the coal/straw ratio and the final volatile yields corroborates that there is no interaction between the coal and the straw during the pyrolysis process.The predicted final vol-atile yields using the extended CPD model were 39.1%,50.4%,and 61.4%(dry basis)for the blended particle at the three mixing ratios,which matched the measured data within 3.5wt%.The model pre-diction fitted the experimental results in all different cases,which also implies the effect of co-pyrolysis ratio is insignificant.The factFig.10.Time history of mass-weighted average temperature (lines with symbols)and temperature rise rate (lines)of straw particles under different furnace wall temperatures.Fig.11.Time history of center temperature of blended coal–straw particles different mixing ratios.Fig.12.Time history of residual mass of blended coal–straw particles at different mixing ratios.that the macromolecular structures of the coal and the straw are cognate carbon-molecular frameworks can be a main reason for the lack of interactions between the two fuels.The active radicals produced from both fuels are similar and there is no catalytic agent to interfere with the chemical reactions between them,under the inert atmosphere[9].Therefore,chemical interaction between the two fuels is hardly observed.The time history of the mass loss rate of blended particles at dif-ferent mixing ratios is shown in Fig.13.The measured maximum pyrolysis rates rose from0.62%sÀ1to1.91%sÀ1,as the mass frac-tion of straw in the blend increased from20%to80%.However, the time corresponding to the maximum pyrolysis rate remained at about46s for the three cases,since it was mainly determined by the heating condition.In comparison with the experimental data,the extended CPD model predicted the trends of the mass loss rate reasonably.The mass-weighted average temperature of blended particles and rise rate of the temperature calculated by the extended CPD model are shown in Fig.14.Since the heating condition of the three cases was the same,the curves of the average particle temperature and its rise rate overlapped in most of the pyrolysis period.The average particle temperature tended to rise quicker as the mass fraction of straw in the blend increased.5.ConclusionsPyrolysis of coal,straw,and blended coal–straw particles were studied in a single-particle reactor system,with the temperature and coal/straw mixing ratio as the main parameters.The statistics of pyrolysis of the coal and straw agreed well with the experimen-tal data of the blends at different coal/straw mass ratios,indicating a lack of synergistic effects.A one-dimensional,time-dependent single particle pyrolysis model was developed based on the chemical percolation devolatil-ization(CPD)model and the upgraded bio-CPD to simulate the pyrolysis of coal and straw particles.Model predictions at three pyrolysis temperatures agreed well with the experimental data.An extended CPD model was proposed to describe the co-pyro-lysis characteristics of coal–biomass blends.Pyrolysis of the blends at different coal/straw mass ratios was predicted properly by the proposed model without adjusting any model parameters.Encour-aged by the agreement between the model prediction and the experimental data,further work will be done to expand the appli-cability of the extended CPD model to other coal–biomass blends. AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the National Basic Research Pro-gram of China(2012CB214906),National Natural Science Founda-tion of China(51390491)and Project funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2014M551732).References[1]Werther J,Saenger M,Hartge E-U,Ogada T,Siagi bustion of agriculturalresidues.Prog Energy Combust Sci2000;26:1–27.[2]Sami M,Annamalai K,Wooldridge M.Co-firing of coal and biomass fuel blends.Prog Energy Combust Sci2001;27:171–214.[3]Williams A,Pourkashanian M,Jones bustion of pulverised coal andbiomass.Prog Energy Combust Sci2001;27:587–610.[4]Robinson A,Baxter L,Junker H,Shaddix C,Freeman M,James R,Dayton D.Fireside issues associated with coal–biomass cofiring,National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL),Sandia National Laboratories,Federal Energy Technology Center.NREL/TP-570-25767,1998.[5]Pedersen LS,Nielsen HP,Kiil S,Hansen LA,Dam-Johansen K,Kildsig F,et al.Full-scale co-firing of straw and coal.Fuel1996;75:1584–90.[6]Heinzel T,Siegle V,Spliethoff H,Hein K.Investigation of slagging in pulverizedfuel co-combustion of biomass and coal at a pilot-scale test facility.Fuel Process Technol1998;54:109–25.[7]Sadhukhan AK,Gupta P,Goyal T,Saha RK.Modelling of pyrolysis of coal–biomass blends using thermogravimetric analysis.Biores Technol 2008;99:8022–6.[8]Vuthaluru HB.Thermal behaviour of coal/biomass blends during co-pyrolysis.Fuel Process Technol2004;85:141–55.[9]Meesri C,Moghtaderi ck of synergetic effects in the pyrolyticcharacteristics of woody biomass/coal blends under low and high heating rate regimes.Biomass Bioenergy2002;23:55–66.[10]Kastanaki E,Vamvuka D,Grammelis P,Kakaras E.Thermogravimetric studiesof the behavior of lignite–biomass blends during devolatilization.Fuel Process Technol2002;77:159–66.[11]Pan YG,Velo E,Puigjaner L.Pyrolysis of blends of biomass with poor coals.Fuel1996;75:412–8.[12]Haykiri-Acma H,Yaman S.Synergy in devolatilization characteristics of ligniteand hazelnut shell during co-pyrolysis.Fuel2007;86:373–80.[13]Wiktorsson L-P,Wanzl W.Kinetic parameters for coal pyrolysis at low andhigh heating rates—a comparison of data from different laboratory equipment.Fuel2000;79:701–16.[14]Griffin TP,Howard JB,Peters WA.An experimental and modeling study ofheating rate and particle size effects in bituminous coal pyrolysis.Energy Fuel 1993;7:297–305.[15]Haykiri-Acma H,Yaman S,Kucukbayrak S.Effect of heating rate on thepyrolysis yields of rapeseed.Renewable Energy2006;31:803–10.[16]Niksa S,Heyd LE,Russel WB,Saville DA.On the role of heating rate in rapidcoal devolatilization.In:Symposium(international)on combustion,the combustion institute,Pittsbrugh;1984.p.1445–53.[17]Gibbins-Matham J,Kandiyoti R.Coal pyrolysis yields from fast and slowheating in a wire-mesh apparatus with a gas sweep.Energy Fuel 1988;2:505–11.[18]Prakash N,Karunanithi T.Kinetic modeling in biomass pyrolysis–a review.JAppl Sci Res2008;4:1627–36.Fig.13.Time history of mass loss rate of blended coal–straw particles at differentmixing ratios.Fig.14.Time history of mass-weighted average temperature(lines with symbols)and temperature rise rate(lines)histories of blended coal–straw particlesdifferent mixing ratios.139(2015)356–364363。
