8、 一般药物的有效期可通过升温时测定一定时间的分解率来确定, 例如某药物分解 30% 即无效。今在 50℃、60℃测得该药物每小时分解 0.07%、0.16%。已知浓度改变不影响每小 时该药物分解的百分数。 (1) 求此药物分解反应的活化能 Ea。 (2) 此药物在 25℃保存,试问有效期有多长? (12 分)
; 被吸
吸附与脱附同时达到平衡 。(8 分)
5 、 氧气 和 乙 炔 气 溶 于 水 中 的 亨 利 系 数 分 别 是 7.93 107 Pakgmol 1 和 2.43106 Pakgmol 1,由亨利定律系数可知,在相同条件下, 乙炔 在水中的溶解度大于 水中的溶解度。 (4 分) 氧气 在
附加压力 p= 2/r =(2×0.0589/107)Pa=1178kPa 气泡逸出的条件: pr> p 外+p=101.325kPa+1178kPa=1279kPa 所以无法逸出。
10、1.0mol 理想气体由 500K、1.0MPa ,反抗恒外压绝热膨胀到 0.1MPa 达平衡,然后 恒容升温至 500K,求整个过程的 W、Q、△U 和△H。已知 CV,m =20.786JK1mol 1。(12 分) (本题原题有错漏) 解:系统状态变化:(500K,1.0MPa,V1)→(T2,0.1MPa,V2) →(500K,p3,V2) 对恒外压绝热过程: U=W=p2(V2V1)= p2V2+0.1p1V1
=[8.315×323.15×333.15×ln(2.287)/10] Jmol1=74.05kJmol 1 (2) ln(k25/ k50)= Ea(T2T1)/RT1T2=74050×(25)/(8.315×323.15×298.15)= 2.311
三、填空 (每空 1 分,共 25 分) 1) DNA序列“pAGATTAAGCC”的反向互补序列是______ 。 2) 生物膜的主要组分是______、______和脂质。 3) 蛋白质的最大光吸收一般在______波长处,而核酸的最大光吸收一般在______ 处。 4) 蛋白质二级结构的基本类型主要有______、______、______等。 5) 当 Ala(pI=6.02) 、Ser(pI=5.68) 、Phe(pI=5.48) 、Asp(pI=2.97)的 混合物在 pH4.0 下进行纸电泳,泳向正极的有______,泳向负极的有______。 6) 核酸主要有______和______两种,由于它们的______不同,所以______在酸性 条件下更稳定。 7) 一分子葡萄糖在无氧情况下酵解生成______,并净得______分子 ATP。 8) 分离蛋白质混合物的各种方法主要根据蛋白质在溶液中的下列性质, 即______、 ______、______、______,以及对其它分子的生物学亲和力。 9) 逆转录酶是一种多功能酶,兼有三种酶的活力:即______、______和核糖核酸 酶 H 的活力。 10) 真核生物 RNA 聚合酶有三种,负责转录 5.8S、18S、28S rRNA 的是______,负 责转录 mRNA 前体的是______,负责转录 tRNA 的是______。 四、 判断 (填 V(是)或 X(非) ,每题 1 分,共 20 分) 1) 在糖的结构特征描述中, “D” 、 “L”是指构型,而“+” 、 “-”指旋光方向, “D” 与“+” , “L”与“-”并无必然联系。 ( ) 2) 从各种生物体中发现的氨基酸种类只有二十种。 ( ) 3) 用阳离子交换层析分离氨基酸混合物时,用 pH3.0 的缓冲液洗脱,若不考虑其它 因素,氨基酸被洗脱下来的顺序是:酸性-中性-碱性。 ( ) 4) 所有酶都需结合辅助因子后才表现出酶的活性。 ( ) 5) 对同一种酶来说,比活力愈高,表明酶愈纯。 ( ) 6) 酶促反应速度总是与底物浓度、与酶量成正比。 ( ) 7) 定点诱变技术为研究酶的结构与功能提供了有力途径。 ( ) 8) 在生物圈, 能量只能从光养生物到化养生物, 而物质却能在这两类生物之间循环。 ( ) 9) 真核生物初级转录产物可以通过不同的剪接机理,产生多个 mRNA 分子。 ( ) 10) 所有生物的遗传密码完全一样。 ( ) 11) 大肠杆菌中,复制叉以每秒 500 个碱基对的速度向前移动,复制叉前的 DNA 以大 约 3000 转/分的速度旋转。 ( ) fmet 12) tRNA 的反密码子是 TAC。( ) 13) 核糖体上蛋白质生物合成时,催化肽键合成的是核糖体 RNA。 ( ) 14) 丝-酪-丝-甲硫-谷-组-苯丙-赖-色-甘十肽经胰蛋白酶部分水解后,溶液中将有
Part II. Literature (75 points) 1. Name a masterpiece of each of the following authors (10 points) 1). William Faulkner 2). Thomas Hardy 3). J. D. Salinger 4). Arthur Miller 5). D. H. Lawrence 6). Doris Lessing 7). Toni Morrison 8). Eugene O’Neill 9). T. S. Eliot 10). Washington Irving 11). William Golding 12). E. M. Forster 13). Kingsley Amis
14). F. Scott Fitzgerals 15). Emily Brontë 16). George Eliot 17). Bram Stoker 18). John Buchan 19). Herman Melville 20). Edith Wharton 2. Define the following terms in your own words (10 points) 1). Expressionism 2). Harlem Renaissance 3). The New Criticism 4). Expatriates 5). Jazz Age 3. Summarize the plots of two of the following works. (10 points) 1). Oliver Twist 2). Vanity Fair 3). The Moonstone 4). Sons and Lovers 5). Absalom, Absalom! 6). A Passage to India 7). The Last of the Mohicans 8). Farewell to Arms 4. Answer the following questions (20 points) 1). Who is the unnamed narrator of “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner? Why do you think the narrator uses we rather than I? How does the narrator represent the opinions of the townsfolk? 2). Comments on Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native. 5. Literary interpretation (25 points) Read the following excerpt from Charles Dickens’s Hard Times and comment on the characterization of the school principal. “Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone
212华南理工大学2005年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回)科目名称:法语适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学共页I. Complétez les phrases avec une préposition qui convient ( 10% )1. Les Martin profitent _______leurs vacances _______ faire un voyage enChine.2. Il a réservé une table ___________six personnes au restaurant.3. La grand-mère apprend _________chanter _________ses petits-enfants.4. Ce roman plaira _________tous les amateurs d’histoire de science-fiction.5. Ce travail est ________refaire.6. Cette région est connue _________ses vins.7. Ce bateau sert __________traverser la rivière.8. Il a fini ___________se décider à nous rejoindre.9. Elle sera la première _________atteindre le sommet.10. Quand je suis arrivé chez eux, ils n’avaient pas fini ______dîner.11. Le soir après le dîner le père s’assied dans son fauteuil et se met________lire.12. Vous pouvez envoyer ce colis _________avion ou ________bateau.13. Il pleuvait ________cesse sur Brest ce jour-là.14. Il s’est passé quelque chose __________ surprenant dans ce village.15. L’enfant a très faim ,je vais chercher ________quoi manger.16. Son fils est trop petit __________sortir seul le soir.17. Un Français ________cent va au cinéma une fois par semaine.第 1页。
870华南理工大学2018 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回)科目名称:英语语言文学综合适用专业:外国语言文学共 6 页Part OneFundamentals of Linguistics and Literature (外国语言学及应用语言学和英语语言文学考生共答部分)I.Define the following terms in your own words(20 points)1.Turn-taking2.Validity3.Modernism4.IronyII.Answer the following questions(40 points)1.The Australian linguist Halliday considers language as having three main functions.Please specify these three functions.2.What are homophones? Please give two pairs of examples.3.What is narration? Can you support your answer with examples?4.What is stream of consciousness? Please explain it with an example from a literarytext you’ve read.Part TwoTest for Students of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics(外国语言学及应用语言学考生必答部分)I.Discuss and comment on the following topics(40 points)petence and performance2.Error and mistake3.The relationship between pragmatics and semantics4.In Hymes’ view, learning language is learning to perform certain functions.II.Analyze the language data according to the requirements(50 points)1.Read the following two passages, and analyze the varieties of language use and thedifferent perspectives on language in an essay of about 250 words. Please back up your idea with the related linguistic theories. (25 points)Passage A:A living language is continually changing, even in a small community. Usually, linguistic changes take place so slowly that it is only by looking back over at least several decades that one can detect changes. The most obvious changes in the language of a large, sophisticated community occur in the field of vocabulary, for in such a community new words are constantly being created and old words discarded.(D. Ward, The Russian Language Today)Passage B:Hampshire: Am I right in thinking − you must correct me if I’m wrong − that your studies of language have led you to the conclusion that there are certain …common … underlying structures common to all languages which constitute something like a universal grammar?Chomsky: Yes. It seems to me that the evidence available to us suggests that there must be some very deep … inborn principles, probably of a highly restrictive nature that determine how knowledge of a language emerges in an individual given the very scattered and degenerate data available to him.Hampshire: Your evidence is derived really from learning, the study of learning language?Chomsky: It seems to me that if you want to study learning in a serious way, what one really has to do is to study a sort of input-output situation. We have an organism of which we know nothing; we know what kind of data is available to it; we can discover that; and the first question we must then try to answer is: what kind of a mental structure does the organism develop when that evidence is presented to it?2.Read and compare the following two passages, and analyze the linguistic structuresand styles in an essay of about 250 words. (25 points)Passage C:We, the peoples of the U. N., determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental rights, in the dignity and worth of the humanperson, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and for these ends, to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims.(The Charter of the United Nations)Passage D:He stepped into the stream. It was a shock. His trousers clung tight to his legs. His shoes felt the gravel. The water was a rising cold shock.…His mouth dry, his heart down, Nick reeled in. He had never seen so big a trout. There was a heaviness, a power not to be held, and then the bulk of him, as he jumped. He looked as broad as a salmon.Nick’s hand was shaky. He reeled in slowly. The thrill had been too much. He felt, vaguely, a little sick, as though it would be better to sit down.(Ernest Hemingway, Big Two-Hearted River)Part ThreeTest for Students of English Language and Literature(英语语言文学考生必答部分)I.Discuss and comment on the following topics(40 points)ment on Hemingway (Code) Heroes.ment on Oedipal Complex in literature.ment on the importance of interior monologue in any literary text written by afemale writer.ment on realism and its significance in literary history.II.Analysis and appreciation(50 points)1.Analyze the following passage from Moby Dick (1851), written by Herman Melville (1819-1891), in an essay of no less than 250 words. (25 points)Now, when I say that I am in the habit of going to sea whenever I begin to grow hazy about the eyes, and begin to be over conscious of my lungs, I do not mean to have it inferred that I ever go to sea as a passenger. For to go as a passenger you must need to have a purse, and a purse is but a rag unless you have something in it. Besides, passengers get sea-sick- grow quarrelsome- don't sleep of nights- do not enjoy themselves much, as a general thing;- no, I never go as a passenger; nor, though I am something of a salt, do I ever go to sea as a Commodore, or a Captain, or a Cook. I abandon the glory and distinction of such offices to those who like them. For my part, I abominate all honorable respectable toils, trials, and tribulations of every kind whatsoever. It is quite as much as I can do to take care of myself, without taking care of ships, barques, brigs, schooners, and what not. And as for going as cook,- though I confess there is considerable glory in that, a cook being a sort of officer on ship-board- yet, somehow, I never fancied broiling fowls;- though once broiled, judiciously buttered, and judgmatically salted and peppered, there is no one who will speak more respectfully, not to say reverentially, of a broiled fowl than I will. It is out of the idolatrous dotings of the old Egyptians upon broiled ibis and roasted river horse, that you see the mummies of those creatures in their huge bake-houses the pyramids.No, when I go to sea, I go as a simple sailor, right before the mast, plumb down into the fore-castle, aloft there to the royal mast-head. True, they rather order me about some, and make me jump from spar to spar, like a grasshopper in a May meadow. And at first, this sort of thing is unpleasant enough. It touches one's sense of honor, particularly if you come of an old established family in the land, the Van Rensselaers, or Randolphs, or Hardicanutes. And more than all, if just previous to putting your hand into the tar-pot, you have been lording it as a country schoolmaster, making the tallest boys stand in awe of you. The transition is a keen one, I assure you, from a schoolmaster to a sailor, and requires a strong decoction of Seneca and the Stoics to enable you to grin and bear it. But even this wears off in time.What of it, if some old hunks of a sea-captain orders me to get a broom and sweep down the decks? What does that indignity amount to, weighed, I mean, in the scales of the New Testament? Do you think the archangel Gabriel thinks anything the less of me, because I promptly and respectfully obey that old hunks in that particular instance? Who ain't a slave? Tell me that. Well, then, however the old sea-captains may order me about- however they may thump and punch me about, I have the satisfaction ofknowing that it is all right; that everybody else is one way or other served in much the same way- either in a physical or metaphysical point of view, that is; and so the universal thump is passed round, and all hands should rub each other's shoulder-blades, and be content.Again, I always go to sea as a sailor, because they make a point of paying me for my trouble, whereas they never pay passengers a single penny that I ever heard of. On the contrary, passengers themselves must pay. And there is all the difference in the world between paying and being paid. The act of paying is perhaps the most uncomfortable infliction that the two orchard thieves entailed upon us. But being paid, - what will compare with it? The urbane activity with which a man receives money is really marvelous, considering that we so earnestly believe money to be the root of all earthly ills, and that on no account can a monied man enter heaven. Ah! how cheerfully we consign ourselves to perdition!Finally, I always go to sea as a sailor, because of the wholesome exercise and pure air of the fore-castle deck. For as in this world, head winds are far more prevalent than winds from astern (that is, if you never violate the Pythagorean maxim), so for the most part the Commodore on the quarter-deck gets his atmosphere at second hand from the sailors on the forecastle. He thinks he breathes it first; but not so. In much the same way do the commonalty lead their leaders in many other things, at the same time that the leaders little suspect it. But wherefore it was that after having repeatedly smelt the sea as a merchant sailor, I should now take it into my head to go on a whaling voyage; this the invisible police officer of the Fates, who has the constant surveillance of me, and secretly dogs me, and influences me in some unaccountable way- he can better answer than anyone else. And, doubtless, my going on this whaling voyage, formed part of the grand programme of Providence that was drawn up a long time ago. It came in as a sort of brief interlude and solo between more extensive performances. I take it that this part of the bill must have run something like this:"Grand Contested Election for the Presidency of the United States."WHALING VOYAGE BY ONE ISHMAEL.""BLOODY BATTLE IN AFFGHANISTAN."Though I cannot tell why it was exactly that those stage managers, the Fates, put me down for this shabby part of a whaling voyage, when others were set down for magnificent parts in high tragedies, and short and easy parts in genteel comedies, and jolly parts in farces- though I cannot tell why this was exactly; yet, now that I recall all the circumstances, I think I can see a little into the springs and motives which being cunningly presented to me under various disguises, induced me to set about performing the part I did, besides cajoling me into the delusion that it was a choice resulting from my own unbiased freewill and discriminating judgment.Chief among these motives was the overwhelming idea of the great whale himself. Such a portentous and mysterious monster roused all my curiosity. Then the wild and distant seas where he rolled his island bulk; the undeliverable, nameless perils of the whale; these, with all the attending marvels of a thousand Patagonian sights and sounds, helped to sway me to my wish. With other men, perhaps, such things would not have been inducements; but as for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts. Not ignoring what is good, I am quick to perceive a horror, and could still be social with it- would they let me- since it is but well to be on friendly terms with all the inmates of the place one lodges in.By reason of these things, then, the whaling voyage was welcome; the great flood-gates of the wonder-world swung open, and in the wild conceits that swayed me to my purpose, two and two there floated into my inmost soul, endless processions of the whale, and, mid most of them all, one grand hooded phantom, like a snow hill in the air.2.Read the following Sonnet by William Shakespeare (1564-1616), and write an analytical essay in about 250 words. (25 points)Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And Summer's lease hath all too short a date:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;And every fair from fair sometime declines,By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimm'd:But thy eternal summer shall not fadeNor lose possession of that fair thou owest;Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shadeWhen in eternal lines to time thou growest:So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,So long lives this and this gives life to thee.。
Section Two Directions: In each of the following sentences, there is one italicized word or phrase. Write down its Chinese equivalent on the answer sheet. (10 marks) 1. With uncontrollable agitation, she opened the telegram. 2. He is candid about his opinion. 3. Evening was evidently approaching, but the sun did not relent. 4. His entire argument was simply mush. 5. He ran out on his promise to help us. 6. Dishes commended by some people may be nauseated by others. 7. John was prolific in shoes and ties. 8. Mary was a handsome woman with regular features. 9. When my ship comes in, I will take a trip to Norway. 10. Lunch was served in two sittings. 11. Smith could smatter French.
华南理工大学 2005 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷
(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回) 科目名称:英语综合水平测试 适用专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学 共 Part I. Vocabulary (20 marks) Section One Directions: Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (10 marks) 1. I know you are tired and disappointed, but don’t take it ___ on me. a. off b. out c. after 2. To have a lot of stress is similar to being ___ down by a lot of problems. a. poured b. cut c. weighted 3. To eat food very quickly is to ___. a. bolt it down b. pig out c. whip it up 4. The professor got in trouble for making __________ remarks about the Dean of Faculty. a. benign b. pejorative c. pensive 5. He put ___ for a transfer, but it was refused. a. on b. in c. by 6. To say something suddenly and without thinking is to ___. a. ease up b. rub in c. blurt out 页
1 页
A) lieber
B) gerner
C) am liebsten
D) gern
14. Knapp 40 Prozent der ______ Jugendlichen meinten , sie hätten zu wenig Freizeit . A) fragende B) gefragenen C) fragen D) gefragten 15. Ich komme , um von Ihnen Abschied zu ______ . A) haben B) nehmen C) geben D) machen 16. Die politische Lage ______ jetzt nicht mehr zu ändern . A) hat B) ist C) kann D) wird 17. In der kurzen Zeit , ______ wir hier sind , sind wir enge Freunde geworden . A) wenn B) wann C) da D) wo 18. ________ sprichst du mit Herrn Ma ? A) Worauf B) Womit C) Worüber D) Worin 19. Jetzt aber weiß ich , wie mein Traum zu verwirklichen ______ . A) ist B) wird C) hat D) kann 20. Die Kinder freuen sich ______ morgen steigen Eltern mit ihnen auf Berge . A) über B) an C) auf D) in 21. Hoffentlich gelingt es ______ , die Prüfung zu bestehen . A) du B) dich C) dir D) dein 22. Das im 2. Weltkrieg ______ Dorf ist noch schöner aufgebaut worden . A) zerstörte B) zerstörte C) gezerstörte D) zergestörte 23. Schreibe die Wörter auf , ______ Bedeutung du nicht kennst ! A) die B) dessen C) der D) deren 24. ______ uns etwas zu sagen , ging sie an uns vorüber . A) Zu B) Mit C) Ohne D) Dass 25. Peter glaubte , alles richtig ______ . A) gemacht hat B) gemacht hatte C) gemacht zu haben D) gemacht haben 26. Kannst du uns erzählen , wie gefällt ______ Eltern die Stadt ? A) seine B) seiner C) sein D) seinen 27. Vor einigen Tagen hat er dich besuchen ______. A) wollen B) will C) wollt D) gewollt 28. ______ sich viel bewegt , kann gesund bleiben . A) Was B) Wer C) dass D) jeder 29. Wir gehen schwimmen . Hast du Lust ______ ? A) darin B) damit C) dafür D) dazu 30. Während des Taifuns hat man alle Kinder in Sicherheit ______.
412华南理工大学2005 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回)科目名称:汽车理论适用专业:车辆工程一、解释概念(每小题3分,共36 分)1、发动机的使用外特性曲线2、附着率3、汽车的功率平衡图4、汽车比功率5、制动器制动力6、侧向力系数7、利用附着系数8、稳态横摆角速度增益9、汽车的动力因数10、附着椭圆11、侧倾转向12、回正力矩二、填空题(每小题2分,共20 分)1、轮胎的气压越高,则轮胎的侧偏刚度(2、汽车重心向前移动,会使汽第 1 页车的过多转向量()。
共 2 页3、地面对轮胎()反作用力的极限值,称为附着力。
9、汽车速度越高,时间频率功率谱密度G q(f)的值()。
三、问答题(每小题6分,共36 分)1、如何用弹性轮胎的弹性迟滞现象,分析弹性轮胎在硬路上滚动时,滚动阻力偶矩产生的机理?2、影响汽车动力性的因素有哪些?3、试分析主传动比i0的大小对汽车后备功率及燃油经济性能的影响?4、如何用作图法作出理想的前后制动器制动力分配曲线?并写出有关公式。
第 1 页5、试分析轮胎结构、工作条件对轮胎侧偏特性的影响?6、试分析悬架系统阻尼比ζ对衰减振动的影响。
四、证明题(8 分)两辆轴距相同的汽车,绕相同的转向半径R转向,横摆角速度ωr 相同。
若中性转向汽车的前轮转角为δ0 ,则不足转向汽车的前轮转角随车速而变化。
试证明:在特征车速下,不足转向汽车的前轮转角δ正好等于中性转向汽车前轮转角的两倍,即δ=2 δ0 。
五、分析题(每小题10 分,共20 分)1、设地面附着系数为ϕ= 0.8 ,经试验后分析得出,汽车的加速度为1.0g(g 为重力加速度)。
1、试论述中国共产党领导下的多党合作制的特点及坚持和完善这一基本政治 制度的途径。 2、比较完全竞争、完全垄断竞争和垄断竞争三个市场的经济效率。(要求: 画图分析)
四、材料题(20 分)
国际经验表明,走出低收入国家并向中等收入国家迈进的时期,即人均GDP 从1000美元到3000美元的时期,是一个国家经济社会发展的关键时期。可 能出现两种前途:一种是进入“黄金发展时期” ,保持一个较长时期的经济增长,顺
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利实现工业化和现代化。另一种是进入“矛盾凸显时期” ,各种经济社会矛盾不断显 露和激化,经济社会发展停滞不前,甚至引发社会动荡和倒退。2003年,我国 人均国内生产总值已经突破1000美元,跨上一个重要台阶。 试根据上述材料,从经济学和政治学角度分析我国现阶段提出构建社会主义和 谐社会这一战略目标的意义和必要性。
二、简答题(每题 10 分,共 60 分)
1、简述国家的阶级性和公共性的关系。 2、简述西方和中国封建制国家的区别。 3、政治团体在当代政治生活中的地位和作用。 4、简要说明财政自动稳定器的特点及主要内容。 5、何为市场失灵?说明导致市场失灵的原因。 6、简述平等与效率交替关系对政策的影响。
三、论述题 (每题 17 分,共 34 分)
华南பைடு நூலகம்工大学 2005 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷
(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回) 科目名称:综合考试(含政治学、经济学) 适用专业:行政管理 共 2 页
一、名词解释(每题 6 分,共 36 分)
1、福利国家 4、菲利普斯曲线 2、分权制衡 5、机会成本 3、政治文化 6、相机抉择
华南理工大学 2005 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷
(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回) 科目名称:高分子化学与物理 适用专业:高分子化学与物理
材料学 材料加工工程
共 页
高分子化学部分(75 分)
一、填空题(24 分) 1. 一般的高聚物是同一化学组成,而分子量不等和结构不同的同系物的混合物,这 种现象通称为高聚物的 性。 2. 尼 龙 66 的 分 子 式 是 是 ,结构单元是 、阳离子聚合的有 。 B. 丁基乙烯基醚 D. 硝基乙烯 聚合具有能同时获得高分子 。 、阴离子聚合的 ,重复单元 性和
5.10g 相对分子质量为 104 g/mol 的级分与 1g 相对分子质量为 105g/mol 的级分混合 时,其数均相对分子质量、重均相对分子质量和分子质量多分散系数分别是: ( ) A. 18200 g/mol、10900g/mol 和 1.67; B. 10900g/mol、18200 g/mol 和 1.67; C. 10900g/mol、55000 g/mol 和 5.10 ) 。 6.在粘流温度以上,随着聚合物熔体温度的升高, (
A. 苯乙烯、-甲基苯乙烯、丙烯酸甲酯 C. -甲基苯乙烯、苯乙烯、丙烯酸甲酯 烯 7. 下列单体分别进行缩聚反应, (
A. 5-羟基戊酸
B. 6-羟基已酸
C. 乙二酰氯和乙二胺
8. 苯乙烯-甲基丙烯酸甲酯自由基共聚中(r1 = 0.52,r2 = 0.46)要求在恒比点 f1 = 0.52 投料, 为了得到较为均一的共聚物组成,可以采用( 制。 A. 控制转化率的一次投料 B. 补加活性较大的单体
N(CH3)3 OH
NO 2 8. OH
OH Bu-t D、 Bu-t
3、 下列化合物的硝化反应速度最慢的是(
Cl A、 B、 C、
NH3+ D、 CH3
CH3 1、
Br CH(CH3)2
CH3 3、 CH3CH2 C CH3 Br
300 ℃
5、(CH3)3C Br
(标明 R/S)
(7)5,7,7-三甲基二环[2.2.1]-2-庚烯 (9) 、α-呋喃甲酸 二、完成下列反应式。 (每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 1、
华南理工大学2005年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷 (试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回)科目名称:语言学和英美文学基础知识适用专业:英语语言文学外国语言学及应用语言学Part I. Linguistics (75’)1. Define the following terms. (15’)1) phoneme2) inflectional morphemes3) arbitrariness4) duality5) performance6) intonation7) token8) utterance9) cooperative principle10) syllable2. Answer the following questions. (10’)1) How do phoneticians analyze, describe and classify speech sounds?2) If a language has lost most of its inflectional endings, what will be the results concerninggrammatical characteristics?3. Analyze the linguistic data according to the requirements given. (30’)1) Compare the following sentences and comment on them:a. Colorless green ideals sleep furiously.b. Furiously sleep ideas green colorless.2) Give the phonetic symbol for each of the following sounds together with an illustration of theuse of the sound in an English word wherever possible:a. voiced bilabial nasal:b. voiceless labiodental fricative:c. high back tense rounded vowel:d. voiced lateral:e. high front tense unrounded vowel:3) One morphological process is called reduplication and it is the formation of new wordsthrough the repetition of part of a word. The following examples from Samoan exemplify this kind of morphological rules.Manao “he wishes” mananao “they wish”Matua “he is old” matutua “they are old”Malosi “he is strong” malolosi “they are strong”Punou “he bends” punonou “they bend”Atamaki “he is wise” atamamaki “they are wise”Savali “he travels” pepese “they sing”weaves”Laga “heA. What is the Samoan for:a. they weaveb. they travelc. he singsB. Formulate a general statement (a morphological rule) that states how to form the pluralverb form from the singular verb form.4) Diagram the following sentences by way of IC-analysis:a. The boy played marbles on his knees.b. The boy on his knees played marbles.c. On his knees the boy played marbles.5) Consider the following sentences:a. I hate war.b. You know that I hate war.c. He knows that you know that I hate war.A. Write another sentence that includes sentence c.B. What does this set of sentences reveal about the nature of language?C. How is this characteristic of human language related to the difference between linguisticcompetence and performance?4. Write on the following topics (20’)1) Semantic studies of sense and reference2) Theories of language acquisitionPart II. Literature (75’)1. Name a masterpiece of each of the following authors (10’) 1). Ernest Hemingway2). Thomas Hardy3). J. D. Salinger4). Arthur Miller5). D. H. Lawrence6). Daniel Defoe7). Oscar Wilde8). Eugene O’Neill9). William Makespeace Thackeray10). Washington Irving11). William Golding12). Jonathan Swift13). Jane Austen14). F. Scott Fitzgerals15). Emily Brontë16). James Joyce17). James Fennimore Cooper18). Henry James19). John Updike20). Ralph Ellison2. Define the following terms in your own words (10’) 1). dramatic irony2). Realism3). stream of consciousness4). Lake Poets5). Denouement3. Summarize the plots of two of the following works. (10’)1). The Pictures of Dorian Gray2). The Great Expectations3). Mrs. Warren’s Profession4). The Scarlet Letter5). Daisy Miller6). The Catcher in the Rye4. Answer two of the following questions (20’)1). What are some of the characteristics of the Oedipus complex in Paul in Sons and Lovers?2). Discuss the point of view from which The Great Gatsby is told. How does the narrative pointof view affect the way readers respond?3). Comment on The Old Man and the Sea.4). Comment on Mrs. Dalloway.5. Literary interpretation (25’)Read the poem by Robert Frost and answer the following questions: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningRobert FrostWhose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereTo watch his woods fill up with snow.My little horse must think it queerTo stop without a farmhouse nearBetween the woods and frozen lakeThe darkest evening of the year.He gives his harness bells a shakeTo ask if there is some mistake.The only other sounds the sweepOf easy wind and downy flake.The woods are lovely, dark and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.Question 1: What is your understanding of “promises to keep”? (10’)Question 2: Why do you think the poet repeats the last two lines? (15’) Question 3: What do you think “sleep” suggests? (10’)11。
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c. high back tense rounded vowel: d. voiced lateral: e. high front tense unrounded vowel: 3) One morphological process is called reduplication and it is the formation of new words through the repetition of part of a word. The following examples from Samoan exemplify this kind of morphological rules. Manao “he wishes” mananao “they wish” Matua “he is old” matutua “they are old” Malosi “he is strong” malolosi “they are strong” Punou “he bends” punonou “they bend” Atamaki “he is wise” atamamaki “they are wise” Savali “he travels” pepese “they sing” Laga “he weaves” A. What is the Samoan for: a. they weave b. they travel c. he sings B. Formulate a general statement (a morphological rule) that states how to form the plural verb form from the singular verb form. 4) Diagram the following sentences by way of IC-analysis: a. The boy played marbles on his knees. b. The boy on his knees played marbles. c. On his knees the boy played marbles. 5) Consider the following sentences: a. I hate war. b. You know that I hate war. c. He knows that you know that I hate war. A. Write another sentence that includes sentence c. B. What does this set of sentences reveal about the nature of language? C. How is this characteristic of human language related to the difference between
华南理工大学 2005 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试卷
(试卷上做答无效,请在答题纸上做答,试后本卷必须与答题纸一同交回) 科目名称:语言学和英美文学基础知识 适用专业:英语语言文学 外国语言学及应用语言学 共 页
Part I. Linguistics (75 points) 1. Define the following terms (15 points). 1) phoneme 2) inflectional morphemes 3) arbitrariness 4) duality 5) performance 6) intonation 7) token 8) utterance 9) cooperative principle 10) syllable 2. Answer the following questions (10 points). 1) How do phoneticians analyze, describe and classify speech sounds? 2) If a language has lost most of its inflectional endings, what will be the results concerning grammatical characteristics? 3. Analyze the linguistic data according to the requirements given (30 points). 1) Compnt on them: a. Colorless green ideals sleep furiously. b. Furiously sleep ideas green colorless. 2) Give the phonetic symbol for each of the following sounds together with an illustration of the use of the sound in an English word wherever possible: a. voiced bilabial nasal: b. voiceless labiodental fricative:
Part II. Literature (75 points) 1. Name a masterpiece of each of the following authors (10 points) 1). Ernest Hemingway 2). Thomas Hardy 3). J. D. Salinger 4). Arthur Miller 5). D. H. Lawrence 6). Daniel Defoe 7). Oscar Wilde 8). Eugene O’Neill 9). William Makespeace Thackeray 10). Washington Irving 11). William Golding 12). Jonathan Swift 13). Jane Austen 14). F. Scott Fitzgerals 15). Emily Brontë 16). James Joyce 17). James Fennimore Cooper 18). Henry James 19). John Updike 20). Ralph Ellison 2. Define the following terms in your own words (10 points) 1). dramatic irony 2). realism 3). stream of consciousness 4). Lake Poets
linguistic competence and performance?
4. Write on the following topics (20 points): 1) Semantic studies of sense and reference 2) Theories of language acquisition