
Hale Waihona Puke Q M ! O 芏 T H 签! E R L 期l A N D 2
发 扬革 命传 统和 优 良作风 的需 要 。三是 要牢 固树 立尊 老、敬 老 思想 ,全 心 全 意 为离退 休职 工服 务 ,使他 们充 分感 受到 党的温 暖和 各级 组织 、领 导 的 关 怀 。 四是 关 心体贴 离退 休职 工 ,做离 退休 职工 的贴 心人 ,尽 可能 的帮 助 他 们解 决 问题 、克服 困难 。五 是要 深入 调查研 究 ,不 断总 结经验 教训 ,努 力探 索做好 离 退休职 工 思想政 治 工作 的新路 子 ,逐步 拓宽 开展 离退休 职 工 思想政 治工 作 的新渠道 参 考 文献 : [ 1 】吴生 《 离退休职工思想政治工作实践与思考》《 山东社会科学》2 0 1 2 年
s 1期
[ 2 】李世华 《 做好 离退休职工思想政治工作之我见》《 才智》2 0 1 0年 1 2期
秦 炜
( 内蒙古卫生干部教育培训 中心
0 1 0 0 3 1)
中国 的传 统医 学一 直 以博大 精深 著称 。但 凡事 不能 闭关 自守 、 闭门造 转 向专 业 ,反复 了解和 熟 知专业 英语 的行 文特 点 ,并在 理解 的基础 上 进一 车 ,有 交流 才 会有 提高 ,有碰 撞 才能产 生 火花 。 因此 ,中华 医学 也要 与外 步学习如何进行医学论文的构架和铺陈,以及如何从专业的角度用英语进 界进 行广泛 的 交流 ,才 能更加 进发 出勃勃 生机 。 行相 关 知识和 信息 的阐 明和论 述 。 国际化 的 交流 ,依 赖于 国际 通用语 言 的使用 。到 目前 为 止 ,英语 作为 二 、医学 专业英 语教 育的 实践探 索 使用 率最 高 的一种 语 言,在 全球 范 围内 已得到 了很 好 的推广 和普 及 ,并成 ( 一 )医学英 语的 课程设 置 为众 多 国家和 地 区的 官方语 言 。它正逐 步 发展 成为 沟通 世界 的语 言桥 梁 。 教 育部颁 布 的 《 大学 英语教 学大 纲 》 ( 修 订版 )[ 4 ] 是在总 结原理 工科 本 因此 ,在 医学 界普及 英 语势在 必行 。 和 文理 科本 《 大 学英语 教 学大纲 》 两个大 纲使 用十 多年 来 的经验 基础 上 , 医学 专业英 语教 育刻 不容缓 针对 我 国大学 外语 教学 的实 际情况 修订 而成 的。1 9 9 9 年 的修 订版 中正 式提 随着 全球 化 的进程 ,前 沿科 学 的国 际交流 日益 增加 。 医学作 为~ 门实 出了 “ 专 业英 语 ”的名称 ,并 规定 大学 英语教 学分 为基础 阶段 ( 1 ~2年级 ) 践性 科学 更是 如此 。 据分析 , 中国现 代整 体医 学水 平 与 日韩 等 国相 比旗鼓 和 应 用 提 高阶 段 ( 3 ~4年级 ) 。应 用 提 高阶 段 的 教 学 包 括 专 业 英 语 相 当【 1 】 。但 是,从 英文撰 写 的医学 论文 数量 来看 , 中国落 后于 日本 ;而亚 ( S u b j e c t . B a s e d E n g l i s h ,S B E )和 高级英 语 ( Ad v a n c e d E n g l i s h ,A E ) 。学 洲 多个 国家 的医师 比中国 医师更 容 易融入 国 际学 术社会 ,这也是 不 争的事 生 在完 成 了四个学 期 的基础阶 段 的学 习任 务, 通过 英语 四级或六 级 考试后 , 实。 医 学生 是医疗 界 的储备群 体 , 在 毕业 后大 多数面 临 的是l 临 床 或 科研[ 2 ] , 都 必须 修读专 业英 语 。大纲 中还 规定 :“ 专业 英语 为必修 课 ,可 安排在 第五 这 意味着 在 他们 繁重 的工作 之 余 ,还 必 须经 常 了解国 内外 医学领 域 的最 新 至 第七 学期 ,教 学时数 应不 少于 1 0 0学 时 ,每 周 2学 时 。课 内外学 习时 数 动态 、不 断 查阅 医学 文献 、争 取出 国进修 学 习的机 会等 ,以提升 自身的专 的比例 应不低 于 1 :2 。在 第八 学期还 可继 续安 排专 业英语 文献 阅读 、专业 业 水平 。因此 ,针对 医学 生开 设专业 英语 课 ,教他 们熟 悉专 业英语 的体 裁 、 英 语 资料翻 译 、英文 摘要 写作 等 。专业 英语 课原 则上 由专 业教 师承担 ,外 表述 、 阅读 与书写 刻不 容缓 。 语系 ( 部 、教研 室 )可 根据 具体情 况予 以配 合和协 助 。 ” 普及 英语 教育 在 中国 已有 2 O多年的 历史 , 中 国学 生从 小学 就 已开始接 由《 大学 英语教 学大 纲》( 修订版 )可知 ,国家对 于英 语教 育的连 续性 触英 语 ,应 该说 ,他 们的英 语 基础 是 比较 好 的 。但 是 ,在 高等教 育 阶段 , 极 为重 视 , 不 仅将 专业 英语 设置 为必修 课 , 而 且还 规定教 学 时数不 少于 1 0 0 掌握好了公共英语并不意味着学生~定会有较好的专业英语阅读和理解能 学 时 。具体 到 医学教 育 中,则 是希 望通 过 医学英语 的开设 来培 养医 学生 在 力 。我们 在 教学 中发 现 ,尽 管 大部 分学 生 已通 过 了英语 四级甚 至六 级的考 其 专业 领域 内的英语 综合 运用 能力 ,使他 们 在 以后 的 临床 实践和 科研 工 作 试 ,但 是对 于诸 如 “ Me a n p e e k s e r u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f t  ̄r a my c m O c c u r 中能 以英语 为 工具进 行信 息 的攫取 和交 流 ,能弘 扬本 国的 医疗 技术 ,并 顺 b e t w e e n 3 0 a n d a b o u t 6 0 mi n u t e s a f t e r i n t r a mu s c u l a r a d mi n i s t r a t i o n ”之类 的 句 应 全球 化 的潮流 。 子 ,很 多 同学在 学 习 了专 业英 语之 前都 出现 了翻 译错 误 。究其 原 因主要 是 ( 二 )医学 英语 的教 学实践 对于 “ i n t r a mu s c u l a r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ”把握不 住 ,不 知该 如何 翻译 而 有些人 1 .课文选材 应 由科 技文过 渡到 专业 文献 。目前 市面上 的医 学英 语教材 明知 不 对 ,还 是 会 抱 着 侥 幸 心 理 将 其 翻 译 为 “ 肌 肉 内管 理 ” 。殊 不 知 , 版 本 很多 ,各 有各 的侧 重点和 长 处。依 内容 的编 排主 要有 两种 :一 种是 全 “ a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ”一词 在医 学中指 的是 “  ̄v i n g o f a me d i c i n e ” ,即 “ 给药 ” , 部为 专业 内容 的 ;另~ 种是 分上 下两册 ,上 册是 简易 的基 础专 业知 识 ,下 而 它在 公共 英语 中为 大家所 熟 知的意 思 是 “ ma n a g e me n t ” ,即 “ 管理 ” ,由 册是 原版 的专 业论 文 。根据我 们近 十年 来 的授课 经验 ,这 两类 教材 都有 其 于 缺乏 相应 的医 学英 语知识 而产 生 了理解 歧义 ( 该 旬可 翻译 为“ 肌注 后 3 O ~ 不足 之处 。第 一类 教材 对于 英语 基础不 是很 好 的学 生来说 ,会 有相 当 的难 6 0 分钟 之 内妥布 毒素 的平 均血 药浓 度达 到高 峰 。 ” ) 学 生 由于 缺乏 相应 的 度 ,初次 接触 就感 觉费 力 ,那 么对 于学 习 的继续 进行 会造 成一 定的 心理 障 医学英 语 知识 ,发 生此类 误解 的情 况 比 比皆是 。可 见 ,医学 英语 教育对 于 碍 ,使学 生产 生畏 难心 理 ,难 以保证其 后 续 内容 的 专注学 习 。第二 类教 材 医学生 而言 ,至 关重 要 ! 虽然 起点 低 ,学生 易于 接受 ,但 全套 教材 内容量 大 ,在给 定 的授课 计划 内 中国教 育部 高教 司早在 2 0 0 1年 4号文件 中就提 出 “ 今 后本 科教育 的 无法 完成 。基 于此 ,我 们建 议专 业英语 教 师事 先与基 础课 老 师进行 沟通 , 2 0 %以上课 程必须 进行 双语 教学 ” ,并在 2 0 0 5年 1号文件 中再次 重 申了双 推进 基础 课 的双语 教学 实施 ,使 医学 生在 基


一、当前我国高等医学院校英语教学存在的问题(一)偏重基础英语教学, 忽视医学英语教学在当前的高校教学中,虽然对医学专业的教学具有较高的重视度,但是对其相关的课程教学缺乏正确的认识。


高等医学院校专业英语教学的理性认识[摘要] 改革专业英语教学模式是提高学生综合水平的重要手段,是培养复合型人才的重要内容。

浅谈英语教学对医学生的重要性1. 引言1.1 背景介绍医学是一个高度专业化和国际化的领域,医学生需要掌握丰富的专业知识和技能,才能胜任未来的医学工作。
1.2 目的目的是通过深入探讨英语在医学教学中的重要性,提高医学生对英语学习的重视程度,加强他们的英语能力,促进医学生的综合素质和职业发展,使他们更好地适应国际交流和发展的需要。
2. 正文2.1 英语在医学教育中的重要性英语在医学教育中的重要性体现在多个方面。

1. 提高医学专业英语水平:通过学习医学英语课,我掌握了更多的医学专业词汇和术语,能够更准确地理解和表达医学文献、研究报告和临床资料。
2. 增强跨文化交流能力:医学是一个全球性的领域,与来自不同国家和文化背景的人进行交流是常态。
3. 拓展国际视野:医学领域的最新研究和进展往往首先在国际上发布。
4. 提高就业竞争力:随着全球化的发展,具备良好的医学英语能力已经成为许多医疗机构和研究单位对人才的基本要求之一。
5. 培养学习兴趣和自信心:学习医学英语的过程中,我逐渐发现了自己对英语学习的兴趣,并且通过不断地进步和掌握新知识,增强了自信心。

302020年07期总第499期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS浅析医学英语教育的重要性及改革文/李 欣新中国成立以来,在坚持发展中医的基础上,大力发展现代医学,就目前而言,全国各级医疗机构多为以现代医学为主。
【基金项目】河南省社会科学界联合会调研课题“新时期高等院校医学专业英语教学发展与研究” 编号:SKL-2018-1578。


知识不断 回归与重新构建的过程 ( 2 , ) 这种 回归过程 也强调
知识结构 的全面性 。因此 。 医学英语教学 也必须像其母语学科 教 育那样 强调 全面 系统性 。 有不少资深的临床医生 认为 学 专
业英语内容相对简 单,只要 学会一定 的词根 词缀作 为基础 . 在
la n n . e r ig
【 e r s e ii ; n l h e u ain C r c lm d v l m n K y wo d 】M dcn E gi d ct ; ur uu e e p e t e s o i o
对于 医学生与 临床 医生 ,掌握专 业英语 的重要性毋庸 置 疑。为 r达到 自 主创新的前沿 , 在基础研究或 临床 l 中大量 : 作 地阅凄文献, 时刻把握最新动态并参 与国际交流都是必不 可少
1 . 1全面系统与简化精炼相结合
医学教育学科繁多 ,刈于将来要从事临床工作的医学生 . ‘
必须全面系统地掌握每一个科 目, 能打下坚 实的基础 。如 图 才 1 所示 , 医学教 育的过程 是在每一 个医学生 中构建 一个塔形 知 识结构的过程 , 其中每一 个学科构成 了知识塔 的一 个单j 结构 已
[ 关键词】 医学; 英语教学; 课程建设
[ 申图分类号】 G 4 . 62 0 [ 文献标识码】 A [ 文章编号】 17— 5920 )l15—3 6 186 (061-070
Appr a h tห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ e c l En ls Cur i u um De e o m e t o c o M di a g ih rc l v lp n

高等教育课程教育研究学法教法研究 17大学的英语在大学教学中是一门伴随学生时间最长的学科。




E P E g s f ei roe) 是以前 两年的公共 英语教 学为 S ( n lh o S c l up s 就 i rp aP s 基础的拔 高性实用英语 教学 ,是根据 学生专业学科特点开设 的英 语课 程 。而对 于本文中所讨 论的医学专业英 语教学是专业英语 中的一个重 要 分支 , 称为 E P E gs r ei l u o s。医学领域和很 多研究 M ( nlh d a P r s ) i f M c p e o 领 域一样是 无国界的 , 并且它关系到整个 人类的生存和健康 , 以在这 所 个领域 中能做 到无 障碍 的学科 交流和分享对 于国际医学领域是 意义重


对于医学检验专业英语的看法英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Thoughts on Medical Laboratory English in the Medical Testing ProfessionIn the field of medical laboratory science, proficiency in English is essential for effective communication, accurate interpretation of results, and adherence to international standards. As a medical laboratory professional, I understand the importance of mastering medical laboratory English in order to excel in this specialized field.First and foremost, English serves as the universal language of medicine and scientific research. Most medical journals, research papers, and international conferences are conducted in English. Therefore, a good command of medical laboratory English is crucial for understanding and staying updated on the latest medical advancements and research findings. In addition, proficiency in English enables medical laboratory professionals to effectively communicate with colleagues, patients, andhealthcare providers from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.Furthermore, accurate interpretation and documentation of laboratory results require a thorough understanding of medical laboratory English terminology. In a profession where precision is paramount, even a slight misunderstanding or mistranslation can have serious consequences for patient care. For example, a misinterpretation of a critical laboratory value could lead to a delayed diagnosis or inappropriate treatment, putting the patient's health at risk. Therefore, medical laboratory professionals must have a solid grasp of medical laboratory English to ensure accurate reporting and interpretation of test results.Moreover, adherence to international standards and guidelines is crucial in the field of medical laboratory science. Many of these standards, such as ISO 15189 for quality management and CLSI guidelines for laboratory testing procedures, are written in English. Medical laboratory professionals must be able to read, interpret, and implement these standards effectively to ensure the accuracy and reliability of laboratory test results. A strong foundation in medical laboratory English is essential for staying compliant withregulatory requirements and maintaining the quality and integrity of laboratory testing.In conclusion, proficiency in medical laboratory English is indispensable for success in the medical testing profession. From staying updated on the latest research to accurately interpreting laboratory results and adhering to international standards, a solid grasp of medical laboratory English is essential for ensuring quality patient care and advancing the field of medical laboratory science. As a medical laboratory professional, I recognize the importance of continuous learning and improvement in medical laboratory English to excel in this challenging and rewarding profession.Overall, mastering medical laboratory English is not only a professional requirement but also a moral obligation to ensure the highest standard of care for patients. It is a continuous process of learning and self-improvement that requires dedication and commitment. By honing our skills in medical laboratory English, we can enhance our effectiveness as medical laboratory professionals and contribute to the advancement of healthcare as a whole.篇2Medical laboratory testing plays a crucial role in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. As a medical laboratory professional, proficiency in medical testing terminology and procedures is essential for accurate testing results and effective communication with healthcare providers. Therefore, mastering medical laboratory testing English is of great importance.First of all, medical laboratory testing English is the universal language in the field of medical testing. With the globalization of healthcare, medical laboratory professionals need to communicate with colleagues, researchers, and healthcare providers from different countries. Having a good command of medical laboratory testing English enables professionals to effectively communicate and collaborate with others in the industry, allowing for the exchange of ideas, information, and best practices.Secondly, understanding medical testing terminology in English is crucial for accurate and precise testing results. Medical laboratory professionals need to be able to interpret and analyze test results, as well as understand the significance of abnormal findings. Inaccurate interpretation of test results due to language barriers can have serious consequences for patient care.Therefore, a strong foundation in medical laboratory testing English is necessary for ensuring the quality and reliability of testing results.Furthermore, staying up-to-date on the latest advancements in medical laboratory testing requires proficiency in English. Medical research and technology are constantly evolving, and new tests, procedures, and equipment are continuously being introduced. Accessing and understanding information in English from scientific journals, research studies, and conferences is essential for keeping abreast of the latest developments in the field. This knowledge can help medical laboratory professionals improve their skills, enhance their expertise, and provide better care for patients.In addition, effective communication with healthcare providers and patients is crucial for providing quality healthcare services. Medical laboratory professionals need to be able to explain test results, answer questions, and provide guidance to healthcare providers and patients. Clear and concise communication in English is essential for ensuring that all parties involved understand the information and can make informed decisions regarding patient care.In conclusion, mastering medical laboratory testing English is essential for medical laboratory professionals to excel in their careers, provide quality healthcare services, and contribute to advancements in the field of medical testing. By honing their English language skills, medical laboratory professionals can enhance their communication abilities, improve their knowledge and expertise, and ultimately benefit the patients they serve. It is imperative for professionals in the medical laboratory testing field to prioritize the development of their English language proficiency in order to achieve success in their careers and make a positive impact on the healthcare industry.篇3Medical laboratory testing is an essential part of modern healthcare and plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases and conditions. In recent years, the field of medical laboratory testing has seen significant advancements in technology, which has led to the need for healthcare professionals who are proficient in both medical and technical knowledge. As a result, the demand for medical laboratory professionals with strong English language skills has also increased.In my opinion, proficiency in English is essential for medical laboratory professionals for several reasons. First and foremost, English is the universal language of medicine and science. Medical laboratory professionals need to be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, healthcare providers, and patients from different linguistic backgrounds. In addition, many medical laboratory tests and procedures have standardized names and protocols that are written in English. Without a good command of English, it can be challenging for professionals to interpret and follow these guidelines accurately.Furthermore, the ability to read and understandEnglish-language medical literature is crucial for staying updated on the latest developments in the field of medical laboratory testing. Research papers, journal articles, and textbooks are valuable sources of information that can help professionals improve their knowledge and skills. Therefore, medical laboratory professionals who are proficient in English will have a competitive edge in their careers and be better equipped to provide high-quality patient care.Moreover, English proficiency is essential for medical laboratory professionals who wish to pursue further education or career opportunities abroad. Many countries require healthcareprofessionals to demonstrate proficiency in English as a prerequisite for licensing or certification. Additionally, proficiency in English can open up opportunities for international collaboration, research projects, and conferences, which can enhance professional development and networking.In conclusion, English language skills are essential for medical laboratory professionals to succeed in today's healthcare environment. As the field of medical laboratory testing continues to evolve and globalize, the ability to communicate effectively in English will become increasingly important. Therefore, medical laboratory professionals should make an effort to improve their English language skills through formal education, self-study, and practice. By doing so, they can enhance their career prospects, provide better patient care, and contribute to the advancement of their profession.。

对临床医学专业的看法和认识英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1I think being a doctor is super cool! Especially if you study clinical medicine! It's like being a detective but with the human body as your mystery to solve. When you study clinical medicine, you learn all about how the body works, how to diagnose illnesses, and how to treat them. It's like having a superpower to heal people and make them feel better!I know studying clinical medicine is not easy. You have to learn a lot of big words and complicated things about the body. But that's okay because it's all worth it when you can help someone who is sick. You get to make a real difference in people's lives and that's amazing!One thing I really like about clinical medicine is that you get to work with all kinds of cool tools and machines like stethoscopes and x-ray machines. It's like being a scientist and an explorer at the same time. You never know what you might discover or learn when you study clinical medicine.I also think it's important to be kind and caring when you study clinical medicine. Patients are not just cases or numbers, they are real people with feelings and fears. So it's important to listen to them, be gentle, and show them that you care.In conclusion, studying clinical medicine is awesome and important. It's a way to use your brain and your heart to help others. I think it's a great job and I hope I can be a doctor someday too!篇2Oh! Hi everyone! Today I want to talk about clinical medicine. It's like when doctors help sick people get better. It's really important because they save lives and make people healthy again.First, doctors have to study really hard to become good at clinical medicine. They have to learn about all the different parts of the body and how they work. They also have to know about different diseases and how to treat them. It's not easy, but doctors work really hard to help people.When someone is sick, they go to the doctor for help. The doctor will ask them questions about how they feel and do sometests to figure out what's wrong. Then they can give medicine or other treatments to make the person better. It's like magic!I think clinical medicine is amazing because it helps people when they are sick. Doctors are like superheroes who save the day. I want to be a doctor when I grow up so I can help people too. It's a really cool job!So, next time you see a doctor, remember how important they are. They work really hard to keep us healthy and happy. Clinical medicine rocks!篇3I think being a doctor in the hospital is so cool! They wear white coats and stethoscopes around their necks, just like in the movies. My mom told me that these doctors are called clinical medicine professionals, and they are super smart and helpful.Clinical medicine professionals help sick people feel better and stay healthy. They can check your heartbeat, take your temperature, and even give you medicine to make you feel better. They study really hard in school to learn all about the human body and how to treat different illnesses.I think it must be really fun to be a clinical medicine professional because you get to meet lots of different people every day and help them feel better. You also get to work in a big hospital with lots of other doctors and nurses who can teach you new things.I want to be a clinical medicine professional when I grow up because I want to help people and make a difference in the world.I know it will be a lot of hard work, but I think it will be worth it to be able to help others and make them feel better. Plus, I'll get to wear a cool white coat and stethoscope like the doctors on TV!篇4Oh my gosh, do you know what? I totally think being a doctor in the clinical medicine field is super cool! Like, you get to help people and make them feel better when they're sick. How awesome is that?I think studying clinical medicine is like being a superhero, but in real life. You have to learn all about how the human body works and how to fix it when something goes wrong. It's like solving a mystery, but with people's health!And you know what's even cooler? You get to work in a hospital and wear a white coat and stethoscope. It's like being ona TV show, but for real! Plus, you get to meet so many different kinds of people and hear their stories. It must be so interesting to learn about their lives and help them get better.I bet studying clinical medicine is really hard though. There's probably a lot of big words and complicated stuff to learn. But I think if you really love helping people and making a difference, it's totally worth it. I mean, imagine how great it would feel to save someone's life or make them feel better when they're hurting.So yeah, I think being a doctor in the clinical medicine field is like the best job ever. You get to be a hero, help people, and make a real difference in the world. Who wouldn't want to do that?篇5Oh, hi everyone! Today I want to talk about my thoughts on the clinical medicine profession. It's super cool, you know?First of all, I think being a doctor is amazing because you get to help people when they are sick or hurt. You get to make them feel better and that's such an important job. Doctors are like superheroes with stethoscopes!Also, studying clinical medicine is really interesting. You learn all about the human body, how it works, and what to do when something goes wrong. It's like a big puzzle and doctors have to figure out how to solve it.I also like that in clinical medicine, you get to work with lots of different people. You work with other doctors, nurses, and patients from all walks of life. It's cool to be able to help so many different people.But I know being a doctor is also hard work. You have to study a lot and be really smart. And sometimes you have to deal with scary situations. But I think it's all worth it to be able to help people.In conclusion, I think clinical medicine is a really awesome profession. Doctors are like real-life heroes and I admire them so much. I hope one day I can be a doctor too and help make the world a healthier place. Thanks for listening!篇6Hey guys, do you know what clinical medicine is? It's like when you go to the doctor when you're sick and they help you feel better. Pretty cool, right?I think being a clinical medicine major would be so awesome! You get to learn all about the human body and how to help people when they're not feeling well. It's like being a real-life superhero!I heard that in clinical medicine, you have to study really hard and learn a lot of medical stuff. But it's worth it because you get to save lives and make people feel better. How amazing is that?I also think it's important to have good communication skills in clinical medicine. You have to be able to talk to your patients and understand what they're going through. It's not just about knowing the science, it's also about being kind and caring.In conclusion, I think clinical medicine is a super cool major and I would love to learn more about it. It's all about helping people and making a difference in their lives. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be a doctor and save the world!篇7Clinical medicine is super cool! It's all about helping people when they're sick or hurt. Doctors and nurses are like the superheroes of the real world, saving lives and making people feel better.I think studying clinical medicine would be so interesting. You get to learn about all the different parts of the body and how they work. You also learn about all the different diseases and how to treat them. It's like solving a mystery every time someone comes in with a new illness.I know being a doctor or a nurse is really hard work. You have to study a lot and work long hours. But it must be so rewarding to be able to help people and make a difference in their lives. Plus, you get to wear those cool white coats and stethoscopes!I also think it's amazing that doctors and nurses get to work with new technology and treatments to help their patients. They are always learning and growing in their knowledge, which is so impressive.Overall, I have so much respect for people who choose to go into clinical medicine. They are truly special and do such important work. I hope that one day I can be like them and help people in need.篇8Oh wow, clinical medicine is like super cool! Like, you get to help people when they're sick and make them feel better. It's like being a superhero but with a stethoscope!I think studying clinical medicine is really important because you learn how the human body works and how to treat all kinds of diseases. Doctors are like the smartest people ever because they know all this stuff about our bodies and how to fix them when they're broken.I also think being a doctor is a really noble job because you get to save lives and make a difference in the world. It's like having a super important mission to help people and make them healthy and happy again.But I heard that studying clinical medicine is like super hard. You have to memorize lots of medical terms and learn about all the different parts of the body. But I think it's worth it because being able to help people when they're sick is like the best feeling ever.I hope when I grow up, I can be a doctor and help lots of people. I want to learn all about clinical medicine and become a really good doctor who can make a difference in the world. Yeah, being a doctor is like my dream job!篇9Wow, have you ever thought about how cool it would be to be a doctor? I think studying clinical medicine is super interesting and important. Let me tell you why!First of all, being a doctor is like being a superhero. You get to help people when they are sick or hurt, and make them feel better. Doctors are like real life problem solvers, figuring out what's wrong and how to fix it. How awesome is that?Second, studying clinical medicine is like solving a mystery. You have to use clues and evidence to figure out what is making someone sick. It's like being a detective, but with stethoscopes instead of magnifying glasses. Plus, you get to learn all about how the body works and how to keep it healthy.Another reason I think studying clinical medicine is great is because you get to work with all kinds of people. Patients, nurses, other doctors – you're part of a team working together to help others. It's like having a big, caring family that wants to make a difference in the world.In conclusion, studying clinical medicine is super important and exciting. It's like being a hero, a detective, and a team playerall at the same time. I think being a doctor would be an awesome job, and I can't wait to learn more about it when I grow up.篇10Wow, clinical medicine is so cool! It's like being a detective but for the human body. You get to solve mysteries and help people feel better. I think being a doctor is like being a superhero!I learned that clinical medicine is all about diagnosing and treating diseases. Doctors have to be really smart and know a lot about the human body. They use stethoscopes, thermometers, and other tools to figure out what's wrong with a patient. Then they come up with a plan to help them get better.I also know that doctors have to be really caring and compassionate. They have to listen to their patients and make them feel comfortable. It's not just about knowing how to heal the body, but also how to heal the heart. Doctors are like friends who are always there to support you.I think studying clinical medicine must be really hard. You have to memorize so many things and be really good at science. But it's worth it because you get to save lives and make adifference in the world. I hope one day I can be a doctor too and help people in need.In conclusion, clinical medicine is a noble and important profession. Doctors are like superheroes who work tirelessly to make the world a better place. I have so much respect and admiration for them, and I can't wait to learn more about this amazing field.。

医学专业英语课的收获和体会的英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience and feelings about my medical English class. It was so cool and interesting!In the medical English class, we learned a lot of new words and phrases related to medicine. For example, we learned about the names of different parts of the body like the heart, lungs, and brain. We also learned about common illnesses like the flu, cold, and headache. It was so fun to learn all these new words and I feel like I can talk about medical topics with confidence now.One of the things I really enjoyed about the medical English class was learning about medical procedures and treatments. We talked about things like taking someone's temperature, giving injections, and performing surgery. It was really fascinating to learn about how doctors and nurses take care of people when they are sick or injured. I even got to practice some of these procedures in class with my classmates!Another thing I learned in the medical English class was how to communicate with patients. We practiced talking to each other in role plays where one person was the doctor and the other was the patient. It was so much fun pretending to be a doctor and asking the patient about their symptoms and giving them advice on how to get better. I think this will be really helpful for me in the future when I become a doctor.Overall, my medical English class was an amazing experience.I learned so much about medicine and how to communicate with patients. I feel like I am more confident in my English skills now and I am excited to continue learning more about the medical field. I can't wait for my next class! Thank you for reading my article!篇2My Experience of Medical English ClassHi everyone, my name is Lily and I want to share with you all about my experience in the medical English class. At first, I was a little nervous because I thought it would be too difficult for me. But as we started learning, I found that it was actually quite fun and interesting.In the beginning, we learned a lot of new words related to medicine, like "anatomy", "physiology", and "symptoms". It was a bit challenging to remember all of them, but our teacher helped us by using pictures and explanations that made it easier to understand.One of my favorite parts of the class was when we practiced talking to patients. We did role plays where one of us would pretend to be a doctor and the other a patient. It was really fun to act out different scenarios and practice using medical terms in a conversation.Another thing I enjoyed was learning about different medical procedures and treatments. We watched videos and read articles about surgeries, vaccinations, and medications. I found it fascinating to learn how doctors can help people feel better and stay healthy.Overall, I learned a lot in the medical English class and I feel more confident now talking about medical topics. I also realized how important it is for doctors to be able to communicate clearly with their patients. I'm excited to keep learning and growing in this field, and who knows, maybe one day I'll become a doctor myself!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story. Bye bye!篇3Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience and what I have learned from my medical English class. It has been a very interesting and rewarding journey, and I hope you enjoy reading about it!First of all, one of the biggest things I have gained from my medical English class is a better understanding of medical terms and terminology. At first, I found it quite challenging to remember all the different words and their meanings, but as I practiced more and more, I started to become more familiar with them. Now, I can confidently talk about different medical conditions and procedures in English without feeling lost or confused.Another thing I have learned from my class is the importance of effective communication in the medical field. Being able to communicate with patients and fellow healthcare professionals is crucial for providing the best possible care. I have practiced my communication skills through role-plays and group discussions in class, and I have noticed a significant improvement in my ability to express myself clearly and listen attentively to others.Furthermore, my medical English class has helped me understand the importance of cultural competence in healthcare. We have discussed how cultural differences can impact patient care and how healthcare providers need to be sensitive to the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of their patients. This has opened my eyes to the importance of treating each patient as an individual and providing care that is respectful and inclusive of their cultural needs.Overall, my medical English class has been a valuable learning experience that has enhanced my knowledge and skills in the medical field. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this class and I look forward to applying what I have learned in my future career as a healthcare professional.Thank you for reading my reflections on my medical English class! I hope you have found them interesting and informative. Have a great day!篇4Last semester, I took a medical English course at school. At first, I was a little scared because I thought it would be too hard for me. But guess what? I actually learned a ton and had a lot of fun!First of all, I learned a bunch of new words that I had never heard before. Like, did you know that "diagnosis" means figuring out what is wrong with a patient? And "anatomy" is all about studying the different parts of the body. It was so cool to learn all these new words and understand what they mean.Also, I got to practice talking like a real doctor or nurse. We did role plays in class where we pretended to take care of patients. I got to ask questions like "Where does it hurt?" and "Have you been feeling sick for a long time?" It was so much fun to pretend to be a medical professional!But the best part of the course was when we got to visit a real hospital. We got to see all the different departments like the emergency room and the operating theater. We even got to talk to some doctors and nurses and ask them questions. It was so amazing to see how everything we learned in class applies in the real world.Overall, I had a blast in my medical English course. I learned so much and had a great time doing it. Now I feel like I know a little bit about what it's like to work in the medical field. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even become a doctor myself!篇5Medical English Class: My Experience and LearningHey guys! Today I want to tell you all about my experience in the Medical English class. It was super cool and I learned a lot of interesting stuff that I want to share with you.First of all, in the Medical English class, we learned a lot of new words that are used in the medical field. Like "anatomy", "physiology", "diagnosis", and "treatment". These words are really important if you want to be a doctor or a nurse, so it's good to learn them early.We also learned about different parts of the body and how they work. We talked about the heart, the lungs, the brain, and even the digestive system. It was so cool to learn how everything works together to keep us healthy.One of the best parts of the class was when we got to practice talking to patients in English. We had to learn how to ask them about their symptoms, give them instructions for taking medicine, and even explain their diagnosis. It was a little bit scary at first, but it was also really fun.Another important thing we learned in the class was about medical research. We talked about how scientists study diseases, test new medicines, and find cures for illnesses. It was reallyinteresting to learn about all the amazing things that are happening in the medical field.Overall, I had a great time in the Medical English class. I feel like I learned a lot of new things that will help me in the future. And who knows, maybe one day I'll be a doctor and use all this cool stuff I learned in class. Thanks for reading, guys! See you next time!篇6When I first heard that we were going to have a medical English class, I was really excited but also a little nervous. English is already hard enough, and now we have to learn all these medical terms too? I thought it was going to be super difficult, but turns out, it was actually really fun and interesting!In the beginning, I didn't understand most of the words our teacher was saying. It was like she was speaking a different language! But as we continued to learn and practice, I started to recognize more and more of the medical terms. Soon enough, I was able to understand what she was talking about and even participate in class discussions.One of the things I enjoyed the most about this class was learning about the human body. I never knew there were somany different parts and functions! From the brain to the liver to the bones, it was all so fascinating to me. I even started to learn some Latin words, like "cerebrum" and "femur", which made me feel like a real doctor!Another thing I found really cool was learning about different diseases and conditions. I learned about things like diabetes, cancer, and asthma. It was eye-opening to see how these illnesses can affect people and how doctors work to treat them. I even got to practice asking and answering questions about symptoms and treatments with my classmates, which was really fun.Overall, I think this medical English class has been a great experience for me. Not only did I learn a lot of new words and concepts, but I also got to have fun while doing it. I feel like I have a better understanding of the human body and how it works, and I am excited to continue learning more about health and medicine in the future. Who knows, maybe one day I'll even become a doctor myself!篇7Oh! Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience and feelings about studying medical English.First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Lily, I am a primary school student. I love learning new things, especially about the human body and how it works. That's why I was so excited to join the medical English class.In the beginning, I was a little bit nervous because I thought medical terms would be too difficult for me to understand. But I was wrong! The teacher explained everything in a simple and clear way. She used pictures and videos to help us remember the words easily. For example, she showed us a picture of the heart and explained how it pumps blood around our body. It was so cool!As we continued our lessons, I started to realize that medical English is not just about learning new words. It's also about understanding how our body works and how we can take care of it. We learned about different organs, diseases, and treatments. I even learned how to describe my symptoms in English! Now I can tell the doctor exactly what's wrong with me if I ever get sick.One of the things I enjoyed the most was doing role-plays with my classmates. We pretended to be doctors and patients and practiced speaking in English. It was so much fun! I felt like a real doctor diagnosing my friends' imaginary illnesses.Overall, studying medical English has been a great experience for me. I have learned so much and I feel more confident talking about health-related topics. I can't wait to continue learning and maybe one day become a doctor myself!So, if you ever have the chance to study medical English, don't be afraid to give it a try. You will be surprised by how much you can learn and how enjoyable it can be. Thank you for listening to my story! Goodbye!篇8As a primary school student, I recently had the opportunity to attend a medical English class. It was a totally new experience for me, but I learned so much from it!First of all, I learned a lot of new medical terms and words. At first, I was a bit confused by all the big words, but my teacher explained them to me in a fun and easy way. Now I know what words like "anatomy", "physiology" and "diagnosis" mean. It's like learning a secret language that only doctors know!Secondly, I learned about the human body and how it works. Did you know that the heart is like a pump that helps to circulate blood around your body? Or that the brain is the boss of your body and controls everything you do? It's really cool to learnabout all the different parts of the body and how they work together.Another thing I learned in the medical English class is about different diseases and how they affect our bodies. We talked about common illnesses like the flu, colds, and allergies. I even learned about more serious diseases like cancer and diabetes. It's important to know about these things so we can take care of ourselves and stay healthy.One of the most interesting things I learned in the class is about medical procedures and treatments. I learned about things like vaccinations, surgeries, and medications. It's amazing how doctors can help us feel better when we're sick! I also learned about the importance of taking care of our bodies by eating healthy food, exercising, and getting enough sleep.Overall, my experience in the medical English class was really eye-opening. I never realized how fascinating the world of medicine could be! Now I feel like I have a better understanding of my own body and how to take care of it. I'm excited to keep learning more about medicine and maybe even become a doctor one day!篇9I really like the Medical English class because it taught me a lot of interesting things about the human body and how to talk about them in English. At first, I was a little bit scared because I thought it would be too difficult, but my teacher made it really fun and easy to understand.One of the things I learned in Medical English is all the different parts of the body. We learned about the brain, the heart, the lungs, and even the digestive system. I never knew there were so many different parts inside me! And now I can say all these words in English, like "stomach", "intestines", and "esophagus". It's really cool!Another thing we learned in class was about different diseases and how to talk about them. We learned about things like the flu, pneumonia, and even cancer. It was kind of scary to learn about these things, but it's important to know about them so we can stay healthy. Now I can talk about symptoms like "fever", "cough", and "sore throat" in English.My favorite part of the class was when we learned about medical treatments. We learned about things like taking medicine, getting a shot, and even having surgery. It was really interesting to learn about how doctors can help people feelbetter when they're sick. Now I know how to say things like "antibiotics", "painkillers", and "bandage" in English.Overall, the Medical English class was really fun and I learned a lot of new things. Now I can talk about the human body, diseases, and treatments in English. I'm really grateful to my teacher for making the class so interesting and easy to understand. I can't wait to learn more about medical English in the future!篇10I went to a medical English class last week and I learned a lot of cool stuff! First off, we learned a bunch of new medical terms like "anatomy", "physiology", and "pathology". It was really fun to say those big words and learn what they mean.Next, we learned about different body systems like the circulatory system, respiratory system, and digestive system. It was so interesting to see how all these different systems work together to keep our bodies healthy. I never knew there were so many parts to our bodies!We also talked about different medical procedures like taking blood pressure, checking a patient's temperature, andgiving injections. I even got to practice taking my friend's blood pressure! It was a little scary at first, but I felt like a real doctor.One of the most important things I learned in the class was how to communicate with patients. We talked about using clear and simple language to explain medical conditions and treatments. It's so important to make sure patients understand what's going on with their health.Overall, I had a great time in the medical English class. I feel like I learned a lot of new things and I can't wait to keep learning more about the human body and how to help people stay healthy. It was a super fun experience and I hope I can take more classes like this in the future!。

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