



Service: Provide best service to customers;
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Microgate series MTFC 0805 Other series Coilcraft 0805LS
DC/DC converter power supply DC/DC 转换电源
电感类产品: 顺应行业小型化、高频化和功率化的趋势。 完成0201尺寸产品的产业化; 研制出更小01005尺寸的产品; 系列绕线与叠层式功率电感的开发
LTCC类产品: 关注手机平台IC发展的最新变化,不断推出配合各类平 台的滤波器产品。 CMMB陶瓷天线的产业化 RFID陶瓷天线的产业化
Microgate series MGFL 2012/2520 Other series Murata LQM18~LQM32 Coilcraft 0805LS Sumida CD54~CD75 TAIYO YUDEN NR3010~NR601 0 Sumida CDRH4D11~6D3 8
磁珠作为最常用的EMC元件,一般采用具有高频损耗大的铁氧体材 料制作,其等效电路为电感L和电阻R组成的串联电路。 在低频段下,感抗及R都非常小,因此阻抗值很低,对通过的信号基 本没有影响;而在几MHZ——数百MHZ的较高频率下,铁氧体材料的 损耗迅速增大,导致电阻增大,进而影响阻抗也迅速增大,当高频信号 通过磁珠时,电磁干扰被吸收并以热能的方式耗散掉,从而达到了抑制 电磁干扰的作用。 随着电子技术的不断发展,结构简单、性能相对单一的普通磁珠已经 不能满足需求。在近年LTCC技术及材料日益成熟的前提之下,功能不 断细分,逐渐延伸出不同类型的磁珠。
















随着无线通信技术的迅速发展和个人消费电子的普及,对电子产品的高性能、小 型化、低功耗等方面提出了更高的要求。利用低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)技术制作微波 滤波器具有小型化的巨大潜力,因而得到国内外广泛的研究。 本文总结了场路结合法设计微波滤波器的一般步骤,并推导出特殊带状线和耦合 线阻抗的理论计算公式。通过比较理论计算和软件仿真的结果,证明推导的理论公式 具有较高的准确性。根据奇偶模阻抗的计算公式,比较理论公式和软件仿真计算耦合 系数的结果,证明理论计算公式的实用性,能够达到缩短设计时间的目的。 本文结合交指型和宽边耦合线结构,设计了一类新型的交指型滤波器。这种结构 不同于单层平面交指型结构,其将滤波器的各个谐振器放置于不同的介质层上,并且 谐振器之间构成交指结构。这类滤波器结构具有小型化的特点,并且与 SIR 和 г 型谐 振器相结合时,能够进一步缩小滤波器的体积。为了指导滤波器的后期调试,本文总 结了部分结构参数对滤波器性能影响的规律。然后根据相同的性能指标,进行这类滤 波器的实例设计,其中中缝耦合型滤波器采用全理论计算获得结构参数的方式。本文 给出了仿真结果以及结构参数值,通过比较发现,理论计算结果对滤波器的设计具有 很好的指导作用。对于采用 SIR 和 г 型谐振器的滤波器结构,其能够在 x 轴方向上分 别缩小 20%和 50%的尺寸。本文分别进行 5 级 SIR 型和 4 级 г 型结构的实例设计,其 中 4 级 г 型滤波器具有更小的体积以及更优的阻带性能。 关键词:低温共烧陶瓷 带通滤波器 特征阻抗 小型化 交指型
1.2 微波滤波器的分类及主要技术指标
微波滤波器作为滤波器的一种,在移动通信中有着广泛的应用。在射频有源电路 中输入输出各级之间普遍存在,各种滤波器都有不同的功能和特性要求。接受端带通 滤波器的必要功能是避免由于发射端输出信号泄露而使接收器前端饱和;除去如镜像 一类的干扰信号;减少来自天线端的本机振荡器的功率泄露。所以接受端带通滤波器 的最佳性能包括高衰减以除去干扰,同时减少将直接影响接收端灵敏度的通带插损。 发射端带通滤波器的基本功能是从发射端减少杂散辐射功率以避免对其他无线通信 系统的干扰, 这些无用的信号的主要成分是发射信号频率的二、 三次谐波和本级振荡。 另一个重要的功能是衰减掉发射信号中接受频段内的噪声,抑制它到接收机的灵敏度 之下。因此,发射端带通滤波器必须保持一个宽的阻带以抑制杂散信号,同时能维持 低的通带插损和在输出端处理大电平信号。 从实际观点看,对所有手持式电子设备,像便携移动电话而言,微型化是一个重 要的问题。尺寸和重量的减小会使随身携带的设备变得特别轻巧。很明显,对于射频 电路的微型化有很大的需求。差不多所有较低频段的中频和基带电路,包括滤波器都 能采用数字大规模集成电路,因此这些电路的微型化将随着半导体技术的发展而进 步。 相反,虽然单片微波集成电路(MMIC)的出现预示着射频有源电路如放大器、 调制器、频率转换器的微型化越来越成为可能。但对射频滤波器和振荡器等含有谐振 器的电路的尺寸缩小的优化方面还存在许多有待解决的问题。因此,滤波器尺寸的缩



滤波器及LTCC 滤波器设计第一节 滤波器基本认识1.1 滤波器概念滤波器(filter )是一种用来消除干扰杂讯的器件,可按要求使信号中特定的频率成分通过,而极大地衰减或抑制其他频率成分,对要抑制的频率进行有效滤除。


图1 滤波器原理)()()(t h t x t y ⋅=)()()(ωωωj H Z Y ⋅=其中,)(ωj H 为滤波器特性,通过改变)(ωj H 就可以得到不同的输出。

1.2 滤波器分类根据频率特性(即)(ωj H )可分为:低通滤波器、高通滤波器、带通滤波器、带阻滤波器。

(1)低通滤波器通带0 ~ W c ,W c 为上截止频率。


(2)高通滤波器通带W c ~ ∞,W c 为下截止频率。


(3)带通滤波器通带W c1 ~ W c2, W c1、W c2分别为下和上截止频率。


中心频率210c c W W W ⋅=(4)带阻滤波器它抑制一定频段内的信号,允许该频段以外的信号通过。


其特点是插入损耗小、耐功率性好、带宽窄,特别适合CT1,CT2,900MHz ,1.8GHz ,2.4GHz ,5.8GHz ,便携电话、汽车电话、无线耳机、无线麦克风、无线电台、无绳电话以及一体化收发双工器等的级向耦合滤波。



具有谐波抑制特性的 LTCC 带通滤波器新设计

具有谐波抑制特性的 LTCC 带通滤波器新设计

具有谐波抑制特性的 LTCC 带通滤波器新设计戴永胜;韩群飞;尹洪浩;左同生;谢秋月【摘要】提出了一种新型的具有多次谐波抑制功能的低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)微型带通滤波器,该滤波器电路由电感耦合的四阶谐振腔组成.在一般抽头式梳状线滤波器设计的基础上,引入了交叉耦合,通过改进其结构,形成了多个传输零点,并结合电路仿真以及三维电磁场仿真,辅之以DOE(Design of Ex-periment)的设计方法,设计出了一种尺寸小、频率选择性好、阻带宽的滤波器.实际测试结果与仿真结果吻合较好,中心频率为13.4 GHz,其3 dB带宽为200 MHz,在15.5~35 GHz频率上的衰减均优于20 dB,体积仅为3.2 mm ×1.6 mm ×1.2 mm.所提方法对滤波器谐波抑制的设计具有指导作用.%10.3969/j.issn.1001-893x.2012.12.019【期刊名称】《电讯技术》【年(卷),期】2012(000)012【总页数】5页(P1964-1968)【关键词】带通滤波器;交叉耦合;低温共烧陶瓷;谐波抑制【作者】戴永胜;韩群飞;尹洪浩;左同生;谢秋月【作者单位】南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院,南京210094;南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院,南京210094;南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院,南京210094;南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院,南京210094;南京理工大学电子工程与光电技术学院,南京210094【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN7131 引言随着移动通信、卫星通信及国防电子系统微型化的迅速发展,对微波滤波器的性能、尺寸、可靠性和成本均提出了更高的要求。






stopband characteristics [J】. IEEE Mic“,wave 粕d‘
wireless Co删∞nents Leners.2002.12:240.242. 胁 H粕dbook of Murata Dielec喇c Fj】ters F0r Commllni
死l为两根带状线相互靠近形成的耦合带状线,靠 近的间距决定耦合度的大小:cl、cs为电容。借 助Agilent ADS电路仿真软件进行优化仿真,通过 调整cl、cs的值和7h、死l长边尺寸可得到文中 所需的6个滤波器。
依据ADS的仿真结果在HFSS中建立模型, 模型需进行微调才能满足最终的设计要求。带状线 型LTCC滤波器是通过印刷在介质层上的金属图 案构成谐振单元,同时位于不同介质层上的金属图 案层之间形成耦合电容而得到的【倒。在射频、微波 频段内,一般把带状线作为无耗线来处理,当一段 带状线处于磁导率为鳓、介电常数为s的均匀媒质 中时,其单位长度上的分布电容cl和分布电感L1 分别为:
刘 兰,何泽涛,赵宝林,石 玉 (电子科技大学微电子与固体电子学院,四川成都610054)
摘要:采用低温共烧陶瓷(L1℃c)将多路滤波器集成在一块基板上易受布局及电磁干扰的影响。采用 }Ⅲss三维电磁场仿真软件,对滤波器路间隔离问题进行了研究,分析了多层基板电路布局和电磁兼容性对多路
6一ch跚el product姗ple m如ufac删witll of multi—layer subs打ate锄d EMC棚-e analyzcd on the intercha|I|1el isolation粕d mof.e出卸61)dB isolation has beefl



来源:Microwave Conference,2008.EuMc 2008.38th EuropeanBandpass Filters for Ka-Band Satellite Communication Applications Based on LTCCAbstract ----The design of two compact bandpass filters for Ka-band satellite communication applications (downlink 17–22 GHz) is presented.Both filters are designed with additional transmission zeros at finite frequencies in order to improve the out-of-band selectivity.The filters have been realised as low-cost LTCC modules and the scattering parameters have been measured with on-wafer probing.I.INTRODUCTIONModern multimedia satellites are getting more complex with transponder connectivity requirements, multiple coverage beams, et cetera. Hence, satellite operators increasingly demand flexibility in function, efficient signal routing and signal processing. Therefore, future applications in multimedia satellite communications require innovative components with high RF-performance and, at the same time, with low weight, s mall size, and high reliability.Advanced integration and packaging technologies, such as low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), combine different design techniques with low cost of fabrication, small size and multiple functionality. LTCC technology provides modular,hybrid-integrated systems with a high degree of miniaturization of microwave payload equipment and, hence, flexibility for adaptation to varying applications.It is one of the reasons,why LTCC became very popular, not only for low frequency designs, but for high frequencies in the microwave and even millimeter-wave ranges as well .This paper focuses on bandpass filters for Ka-band downlink frequencies as important parts of multimedia satellite signal chains, which are based on LTCC multilayer technology and can be combined with other Ka-band microwave LTCC modules presently under development.The two filters presented here display high stop-band isolation for an efficient suppression of the Ka-band uplink frequencies, and low insertion loss. They are developed for separating channel groups with total bandwidths of 500 MHz up to 1 GHz in the frequency range of 17–22 GHz. For demonstration purposes, these filters have been developed for a centre frequency of f0 = 19.5 GHz. Additional effort has been spent in investigating the influence of grounding and different conductive pastes on the filter performance.II.D ESIGN OF LTCC B ANDPASS F ILTERS WITH T RANSMISSION Z EROS AT F INITEF REQUENC IESThe following specifications have been chosen for the design of the bandpass filter:----Passband: 18000 – 21000 MHz;----Maximum in-band insertion loss: 2 dB;----Minimum in-band return loss: 12 dB (VSWR <1.7);---Steepness of the filter slopes: 20 dB/GHz.Besides meeting these specifications, the following problems have to be solved with respect to the high frequencies of operation: (a) feeding of the filters with low-loss half-wavelength transmission lines to improve the matching at the input and output ports;(b) providing high-quality transitions from the striplines embedded in the LTCC module to the coplanar ground-signal-ground test port foron-wafer probing.Because of the strict in-band requirements, the number of resonators constituting the filter could not be higher than four. In order to provide the required steepness of the filter skirts,two designs with transmission zeros at finite frequencies have been chosen: a coupled-line filter design and across-coupled filter design.A.Coupled-line Filter DesignFor the coupled-line filter, we applied the established design of bandpass filters based on half-wavelength coupled resonators with attenuation zeros [8].With this method, attenuation poles are obtained by both input/output and inter-stage coupling.Tap-coupling,parallel-coupling and anti-parallel coupling structures were investigated. For the tap-coupling structure, an attenuation pole is generated at that frequency at which the electrical length from the phase centre of the tap to the open end of the resonator becomes 90°. In order to generate an attenuation pole at p×f0, a tap-coupling should be devised at a position where the electrical length tap from the open is equivalent to 90°/p at centre frequency。



要为: ( 1 )内部过孔 的最 小中心 T C C 技术 的超 小 型低 通 滤 波 器 的设 计 、制 作 及 应 用 进 行 了 简单 分 析 ,最 终
线条的最小宽度应该不 小于 5 0微 米; ( 4)内 电极相邻 图案的最小间距应该不小于 5 O 微米;
这一设计要求就决定了在设计的过程 中,不能 选用 常规 的低通滤波 器模 型结构, 在其结构 中,
电感 所 占的 空 间 比较 大 ,因 此 ,在 本 次 设 计 中 要在 不 影 响 整 个 低 通 滤 波 器 的 性 能 的 基 础 上 ,
算结果与相应的设计参数指标进 行对 比分析 , 根 据 比较结果对模型 中的图案层 间距 及电极 图 案 进 行 调 整 ,当 仿 真 结 果 与相 应 的 设 计 参 数 要 求值 相符时 ,仿真结果 即满足 了本次设计的设
要能够小于边长为 1 2 3毫 米 的正 方 形 面 积 ,为
了避免在切割 的过程 中出现切割偏差导致 内电 极的外连线断掉 ,应该在切割 图案 的边缘画制 适当宽度 的延伸线 ,在底层网版 图案 的制作过 程中,可 以将正方形框线左上角的对角线作为 中心,进行镜像处理 ,为 了便于区分 ,需要在 图 案 的 右 下 方 进 行 其 网 版 编 号 的 标示 。
【 关键词 】L T C C技 术 超 小型 低 通 滤 波 器 设 计 制作 应 用
在进行基于 L T C C技术的超小型低通滤波 器的设计时 ,要使设计 的模 型能够转 化为最终
的产品,必须在设计时考虑 到边 界条件,天线 3 基 于L T C C 技术 的超 小型低通 滤波器 的 方向的辐射边 界应该 1 / 4,器件模型 的辐射边 应 用
E l e c t r o n i c t e c h n o l o g y・ 电子技术

























基于LTCC技术的低通滤波器快速设计与测试方法谢联文【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2011(034)011【摘要】介绍了一种通带为0~1.2 GHz的LTCC多层低通滤波器快速设计方法.利用滤波器设计软件,通过选择相应的参数,可以快速地设计出低通滤波器电路图,再将原型电路在三维电磁场仿真软件HFSS中建立滤波器模型.根据厂商提供的电容、电感等元器件模型库,根据模型库中的电容、电感值估算本次设计所需的元件大小,在HFSS中可以快速的建立模型,仿真结果可以很快的满足指标要求.最后采用标准LTCC工艺实现出尺寸为3.2 mm×1.6 mm×1.0 mm的低通滤波器.运用该方法可以帮助工程师快速地设计LTCC滤波器,有很强的实用性和便利性.%A rapid design method of LTCC multilayer lowpass filter working at DC~1.2 GHz is introduced. By using the filter design software and choosing proper parameters, the circuit diagram of lowpass filter can be design quickly. The lowpass filter model is built in the HFSS through an analytical method. Based on the element model storeroom offered by the manufacturer,each component of the circuit can be extracted. The 3. 2 mm× 1. 6 mm× 1. 0 mm lowpass filter was achieved by means of standard LTCC technology. This method can help engineers to design LTCC filter quickly. It has strong practicality and convenience.【总页数】4页(P97-99,103)【作者】谢联文【作者单位】南京航空航天大学后勤集团,江苏南京210016【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN713-34【相关文献】1.基于LTCC技术的低通滤波器研制 [J], 秦超;张伟;贾少雄;何英;李俊2.基于LTCC技术的椭圆函数低通滤波器设计 [J], 秦舒3.基于LTCC技术的超小型低通滤波器的设计、制作及应用 [J], 叶芳;韦佳伟;4.一种基于LTCC的吸收式低通滤波器的设计 [J], 景玉明; 邢孟江; 张磊; 李小珍; 徐珊5.基于LTCC工艺的低通滤波器设计与实现 [J], 张博;肖宝玉因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。










关键词:LTCC技术,阶跃阻抗谐振器,helical,滤波器IAbstractWith the development of wireless communication,the latest wireless products demand ever-greater functionality, higher performance, and lower cost in smaller and lighter formats. That has been satisfied to date by major advances in integrated circuit (IC) and high-density packaging technologies, even though the RF sections have continued to demand high-performance and miniaturized passive components such as matching and filtering circuitry. Continuing reductions in size of discrete surface mounted components are having diminishing returns because of the incompatibility of the printed circuit board (PCB) technology, as well as the high cost of assembly of those tiny discrete components. And low temperature coffered ceramics (LTCC) can meet the demand very well. As we all know that the filter is very importance in the RF front-end of wireless communication. Then we study the filter basing on LTCC, and introduce the correlation of LTCC.The part one introduces the development actuality, trends and the technology of the low temperature cofired ceramics (LTCC)respectively, and introduces the techniques, the key issues and the design principle of LTCC circuits. and the design tools, such as Agilent ADS, Ansoft HFSS.The part two, at first give the three dimensional building model for Buried inductor and capacitance in LTCC and the design of LTCC filter respectively. find that the helical, VIC is the better model separately. And get the equivalent circuits of the inductor and capacitance in LTCC, and that the modified T is better than tradition PI model. there are two ways to arrive the goal, such as the single zeros and two zeros model. The second model is better than the first one in the high bandstop of the filter.Keywords: the technology of low temperature cofired ceramics, stepped impedance resonator, helical, filter.II目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景 (1)1.2 LTCC技术研究现状及动态 (2)1.2.1 LTCC材料的现状及动态 (2)1.2.2 LTCC技术应用的现状及动态 (3)1.3 LTCC技术面临问题及未来展望 (5)1.3.1 LTCC技术面临问题 (5)1.3.2 LTCC技术未来展望 (6)1.4 课题来源及研究意义 (7)1.5 本论文的主要内容 (7)第二章 LTCC技术 (8)2.1 引言 (8)2.2 LTCC技术工艺流程[15] (12)2.2.1 LTCC生瓷带制备 (13)2.2.2 生瓷带打孔前处理工艺 (16)2.2.3 打孔 (16)2.2.4 填孔 (17)2.2.5 导体层印刷 (17)2.2.6 叠片 (18)2.2.7 烘巴及等静压 (18)2.2.8 切割 (18)2.2.9 排胶 (19)2.2.10 烧结 (19)2.2.11 测试 (20)III2.3 LTCC技术部分设计原则探讨 (20)2.3.1 LTCC中导体设计 (20)2.3.2 通孔 (23)2.3.3 射频通孔 (24)2.3.4 电源及接地 (25)2.3.5 空腔 (26)2.4 LTCC技术仿真及设计软件介绍 (27)2.5 本章小结 (30)第三章基于LTCC技术内埋电感电容的设计与分析 (31)3.1 简介 (31)3.2 LTCC内埋置电感设计与分析 (32)3.2.1 目前LTCC内埋置电感基本类型 (32)3.2.3 LTCC埋置电感设计流程 (38)3.2.4 三种LTCC电感建模及分析比较 (38)3.2.5 LTCC helical三维电感影响因素分析 (42)3.2.6 电感等效电路模型理论 (55)3.3 电容设计与分析 (59)3.3.1 LTCC内埋置电容性能指标及其计算 (60)3.4 本章结论 (65)第四章基于LTCC技术的无源滤波器设计 (66)4.1 引言 (66)4.2 滤波器设计基础 (67)4.2.1 滤波器技术指标 (67)4.2.2 滤波器分类 (68)4.2.3 频率变换 (72)4.3 阶跃阻抗谐振器(SIR) (74)4.3.1 SIR的基本结构 (74)IV4.3.2 SIR谐振条件和谐振器的电学长度 (75)4.4 LTCC滤波器设计实例 (78)4.4.1 实例设计目标指标 (78)4.4.2 LTCC滤波器设计流程 (78)4.4.3 实例设计方案及实施 (79)4.5 本章结论 (92)第五章结论 (94)致谢 (95)参考文献 (97)个人简历 (102)V第一章绪论1.1 研究背景近年来随着军用电子整机、通讯类电子产品及消费类电子产品迅速向短、小、轻、薄方向发展,手机、PDA、MP3、笔记本电脑等终端系统的功能愈来愈多,体积愈来愈小,电路组装密度愈来愈高。

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The Design of 2.4GHz LTCC Band-Pass Filters withEnhanced Stop-Band CharacteristicsLeung Wing Yan KittySept.15,2001IntroductionNowadays,the development of CAD tools in assisting circuit design is of great importance for increasingly complex structures.In this application notes,the design of a 2.4GHz Band-pass filters implemented by the Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC)technology is introduced.To facilitate this LTCC design,an electronic design automation (EDA)tool,Advanced Design System (ADS),developed by Agilent Eesof is applied here.TheoryRealization of the transfer functions of passive band-pass filters in practice is a challenging work.The transfer characteristic should offer a sufficient attenuation in the stop-band,while providing a flat pass-band with small insertion loss.One of the options to enhance the stop-band characteristic is by the insertion of transmission zero.Fig.1illustrates the structure for the realization of transmission zeros such that:By introducing such characteristic into a standard band-pass filter prototype,the stop-band characteristic of the filter can be improved.Fig.2depicts a second-order Butterworth filter after the introduction of the characteristic shown in Fig. 1.Based on the design specifications,all the circuit elements in the filter can be evaluated explicitly by the design equations.For verification,the schematic as well as the physical layout of this filter are simulated by ADS ,which are illustrated in the following sections.ADS Application NotesMicrowave Laboratory,Department of Electronic EngineeringThe Chinese University of Hong Kong LC jB Fig.1Structure for the Realization of Transmission Zerosankresonant t C -L the of suceptance the is B where for 0z ωω==B z ωis the frequency at which the transmission zero locatedSchematic Simulation1.S-parameter SimulatorVarious simulators are available in ADS for specific purposes.For filter designs,S-parameter simulator is usually applied.By selecting this simulator,circuit characteristics,such as S-parameters,group delay and linear noise can be obtained.Y-and Z-parameters can also be found by the transformation from the s-parameters.Before simulation,some parameters have to be pre-defined (Fig.3),including the range of frequency under consideration (Start and Stop )and the number of points to be simulated (Num.of pts ).2.Drawing of SchematicThe components can be either inserted from thecomponent library window or from thecomponent palette appearing on the left-handedside of the schematic window (Fig.4).The s-parameter ports and the simulation setup boxare the essential elements for the s-parametersimulation.Fig.4illustrates a circuit ready forsimulation.3.Schematic SimulationOnce the circuit simulation is started,a simulationwindow showing the simulation time and runningstatus appears on the screen (Fig.5).Thegenerated data is stored in a Dataset ,which can bedisplayed in the Data Display Window .In ADS ,it ispossible to display the data in various formats,suchas linear plot,polar plot and smith chart.For clearillustration,markers can be inserted to the plots.Toundergo further computation on the data,mathematical equations can be inputted as well.Fig.6illustrated the simulated frequency responsesof the filter (Fig.4)with markers inserted at theresonant point (2.4GHz)V sourceZFig.2A Band-Pass Filter Structure with Improved Stop-Band CharacteristicFig.3Parameter Setting for S-parameter SimulationFig.4Schematic Window in ADSFig.5Simulation Window in ADSLayout Simulation1.MomentumAfter the schematic simulation,the schematic can be transformed into layout.For examples,capacitors can be realized by simple parallel plates or multi-layer structures.On the other hand,inductors can be realized in the forms of spiral or rectangular strip.Since the LTCC band-pass filter going to be designed is of multi-layer structure with passive components embedded inside,Momentum provided in ADS can be applied here for layout simulation.Momentum is an electromagnetic simulator for simulations on passive and planar circuits.2.Drawing of Physical LayoutThere are three ways to prepare a physical layout in Momentum :1)Convert from a schematic,2)Draw directly in the Layout Window and 3)Import from another design system.In Momentum ,various common file formats,such as DXF and GDSll can be imported.The finalized layout is shown in the Layout Window (Fig.7).As illustrated in the figure,different colours refer to the conductive materials in different layers.Before layout simulation,all the material properties in the layout have to be pre-defined.The settings for the substrate and metallization layers are illustrated,respectively,in Fig.8and Fig.9.Fig.6Data Display Window in ADSFig.7Finalized Layout in the Layout WindowFig.8Definition for the Substrate Layer Characteristicyout SimulationSimilar to the schematicsimulation describedpreviously,a frequencyplan has to be set beforethe simulation starts (Fig.10).The main parameters inthe plan include the sweeptype ,start and stopfrequency as well as thesample points limit underconsideration.After invokingthe simulator,a SimulationWindow (similar to Fig.5)showing the simulationprogress and the errormessages (if any)during thesimulation is invoked.The simulated data is stored in a Dataset ,which can be displayed in the Data Display window (similar to Fig.6).Note that a 3D view (Fig.11)of the physical layout at different angle and scale can be attained as well.Fig.9Definition for the Metallization Layer CharacteristicFig.10Frequency Plan for Layout SimulationConclusionTo facilitate LTCC circuit design,various types of CAD tools are required.ADS is one of the options.One of the important features in ADS is related to the feasibility in the linkages to many third-party softwares,which is considered to be a convenience for the circuitdesigners.Fig.113D View for the Finalized Layout。
