2010-1期中考试八年级历史与社会·思品试卷温馨提示:亲爱的同学通过半个学期的紧张学习,一定收获不少吧!相信你会有出色的表现,沉着动笔吧,祝你旗开得胜!历史与社会部分一、单项选择题(每题2分,共30分)1、如果你去西安旅游,你能就近参观()A.北京人遗址 B.河姆渡遗址 C.元谋人遗址 D.半坡遗址2、“九州生气恃风雷”,“但悲不见九州同”,“九州”一词源于()A.黄帝时代 B.尧时代 C.禹时代 D.启时代3、曾在西亚广泛传播的文字是()A.象形文字 B.楔形文字 C.甲骨文 D.汉字4、人类特有的本领,也是人类与动物根本区别的是()A.劳动 B.思考 C.制造工具 D.火的使用5、中国的山顶洞人,在兽牙、海蚌壳等东西上钻出小孔,做成项链,这说明山顶洞人已有了()A.宗教意识 B.审美意识 C.祖先崇拜活动 D.灵魂观念6、文明古国中作为权利象征的有()①金字塔②文字③木乃伊④司母戊鼎A.②③ B.①④ C.①③ D.②④7、传说中的神农氏是指()A.黄帝 B.炎帝 C.女娲 D.大禹8、“囊古之世,无君无臣,穿井而饮,耕田而食,日出而作,日入而息……”这是古书里讲述我国上古社会情况的话,和下列哪一时期最符合()A.北京人时期 B.山顶洞人时期 C.河姆渡半坡文化时期 D.元谋人时期9、阿拉伯数字的发明者是()A.古代埃及人 B.古代印度人 C.古代阿拉伯人 D.古代巴比伦人10、半地穴式房屋和干栏式房屋差异产生的主要原因是由下列哪些因素引起的?()干栏式半地穴式A.文化背景B.地理环境C.经济差异 D.宗教信仰11、揭开人类起源谜底,推翻神灵造人说法的科学家是()A.牛顿 B.爱因斯坦 C.笛卡尔 D.达尔文12、“中华开国五千年,神州轩辕自古传,创造指南车,平定蚩尤乱。
”孙中山先生的这首诗,歌颂的是()A.盘古 B.女娲 C.黄帝 D.炎帝13、被称为“世界第七大奇迹”之一的空中花园位于()A.古代希腊B.古代埃及C.古代印度D.古代巴比伦14、我们把一种潜伏在计算机内部并为黑客入侵提供方便的计算机病毒称为“木马病毒”,“木马”这个典故出于()A.《荷马史诗》B.《吉尔伽美什》C.《哈姆雷特》D.《圣经》15、“今大道既隐,天下为家”,表现了下列什么历史事实()A.原始社会结束,奴隶制国家建立B.王位世袭制代替禅让制C.我国早期国家产生D.生产力发展,私有制出现二、历史知识运用题16、阅读材料,回答问题(本题8分)材料一:农业和畜牧业的发明是世界史上划时代的伟大变革。
3.语段中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是A.熌灼shuò曲折q? 山坳ào 石磴chãngB.熌灼shuò曲折qū山坳yòu 石磴dângC.熌灼zhuó曲折q? 山坳yòu 石磴chãngD.熌灼zhuó曲折qū山坳ào 石磴dâng4.下列语句填入语段中画横线处,衔接最恰当的一项是A.再进数步,渐向北边,两边飞楼插空,平坦宽豁,雕甍绣槛B.渐向北边,再进数步,雕甍绣槛,两边飞楼插空,平坦宽豁C.再进数步,渐向北边,平坦宽豁,两边飞楼插空,雕甍绣槛D.渐向北边,雕甍绣槛,再进数步,平坦宽豁,两边飞楼插空4、下列语句中,标点符号使用不正确的一项是(3分)A.在远走他乡、辗转天涯时,他才明白为什么那些远离家乡的人们会那么怀念故乡?B.中国传统文化重视人生哲学,儒家坚持以修身为本,追求的是“齐家、治国、平天下”。
1.2009年度国家最高科学技术奖的获得者是A.谷超豪、孙家栋B.王忠诚、徐光宪C.吴孟超、叶笃正D.钱学森2.设国家最高科学技术奖,这充分说明了党和政府①尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造②实施科教兴国战略和人才强国战略③始终把发展科技作为我们国家的中心工作④重视科技和人才A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②④3.我国古代科技高峰出现在 A.汉唐盛世时期 B.宋元时期 C.明清时期 D.隋唐时期4.北京时间2010年2月27日,▲(国家)第二大城市康塞普西翁发生里氏8.8级特大地震,震中位于该国首都圣地亚哥西南。
A.汶川 B.海地 C.智利 D.日本5.下列对于上题中的国家的描述(结合右图),正确的是①位于南美洲②属于发达国家③位于太平洋的东侧④地处东半球A.②④B.①④C.①③D.②③2010年2月12日第21届冬季奥运会在加拿大温哥华开幕。
2010年全国各地中考试题汇总 (50)
(2010?台湾省,12,1)Gary: I can’t find my pen. Nina: Is the one on Jack’s desk ?
Gary: Yes, Thank you. (A) mine (B) ours (C) theirs (D) yours
(2010?广东省,16,1)—Have you brought with you? We won’t have time to come back.
—Don’t worry. All the things we need are here, in this big bag.
--It was great.Mike’s mum is ________wonderful cook.
A.a,the B.the,a C.the,the D.a,an
(2010四川省成都市30.1)—What shall we have for supper?
--I bought ________big fish at_______only market near my office.
Fred was very happy. So they got into the trailer and began their holidays. They wanted to get up early the next day to go fishing, but they didn’t have an alarm[1] clock.
A.a;a B.a;the C.the ;不填
(2010?福建省晋江市,31,1). There are sixty minutes in __________hour.
同声传译等新型职业出现的主要原因是( )。
以下选项属于发展消费的是( )。
它从一个方面说明( )。
从人与社会的关系角度看,恰克的经历说明了( )。
城市化的内容主要包括( )。
①城市中心向周围扩张②乡村人口向城市集中③经济水平不断提高④城市行为模式与思维方式不断向周边扩散A.②③B.①②④C.②⑧④D.①②③④6、教材案例“‘热心’的朋友”中,过分热心的人的不妥当行为主要是( )。
A.不理解他人的真正需求,把自己的行为方式强加于人B.不了解他人的性格、心理,喜欢在他人面前炫耀自己C.不尊重他人的隐私权,打探他人的隐私D.不尊重他人的合理权益,侵占他人利益7、对右侧教材插图的正确理解是( )。
1、马克思主义哲学的理论来源是( )。
A.时间、空间可以离开物质自己运动B.时间、空间不随物质运动的速度而变化C.时间、空间是主观精神的表现形式D.时间、空间与物质运动不可分正确答案:D7、马克思主义哲学的创立意味着( )。
A.是否整体地看问题B.是否承认事物在运动C.是否承认事物的内部矛盾是事物发展的动力D.是否承认事物的质变正确答案:C10、马克思主义哲学是( )。
2010年台湾第二次中考英文科真题与简答一、单题:(1~16题)1. How many square cookies are there in the dish?2. Ken’s brothers like to watch tennis, but Ken .He is crazy about baseball. (A) is (B) isn’t(C) does (D) d oesn’t3. 3. Beatrice loves to draw apples. You can see in hernotebooks, on her letters, and even on her school bag!(A) one (B) others (C) them (D) which4. 4. I let the meat cook too long, so it was black.(A) burned (B) kept (C) prepared (D) tasted5. There’s something wrong Gina and Greg. They haven’t talked to each other for over one month. (A) beside (B) between (C) during (D) under6. On the way to work, Natasha was surprised to find she was wearing a white earring on one ear anda gray earring on . (A) another (B) the next (C) the other (D) the second7. The little boy jumped up and down happily when he saw a bee into the house.(A) flown (B) to fly (C) flying (D) has flown8. Please speak to those children with hearing problems so that they can read your lips more easily and understand better. (A) honestly (B) politely (C) quietly (D) slowly9. My father told me last night we’re going to the Food Festival this weekend. My brother and I felt very excited. (A) whether (B) where (C) what (D) that10. This restaurant sells the best steak in Taipei; you can’t find steak in the city.(A) delicious (B) more delicious (C) the most delicious (D) deliciously11. The poor family have only bread for today. Nothing is left for them to eat tomorrow.(A) enough (B) few (C) much (D) other12. Derek: Oh, I missed the ball game on TV.Frank: You can watch it on the .Derek: But I don’t have a computer.(A) blackboard (B) Internet (C) playground (D) tape13. Pete: I really like your bag. Is it ?Jane: I don’t know how much it is. It’s my brother’s.(A) expensive (B) heavy (C) strong (D) useful14. Ms. Cooper: Do you have this hat in a small size?Shopkeeper: I’m af raid not. It only comes in .(A) circles (B) dozens (C) medium (D) pink15. Anita: I saw Nora in the teacher’s office this morning. Do you know she was there?Brian: She cheated on tests. (A) how (B) if (C) when (D) why16. Bobby: Where’s the food I ordered? I’ve waited for thirty minutes!Waiter: I’m really sorry, but the kitchen is very busy. You’ll have it .(A) already (B) early (C) once (D) soon二、题组:(17~45题)42)When I was a child, I could not wait to see the world. I grew like the spring flowers in the garden.When I was a teenager, I could not wait to leave home. I did not want to follow any rules, and I was as angry as the burning sun in the summer sky.简答1. B,2. D,3. C,4. A,5. B,6. C,7. C,8. D,9. D, 10. B, 11. A, 12. B, 13. A, 14. C, 15. D, 16. D, 17. A, 18. D, 19. D, 20. C, 21. B, 22. B, 23. A, 24. C, 25. A, 26. C, 27. D, 28. C, 29. A, 30. A, 31. C, 32. B, 33. C, 34. C, 35. B, 36. C, 37. C, 38. A, 39. A, 40. D, 41. A, 42. A, 43. B, 44. B, 45. D,。
①达到人丁兴旺、身体健康的目的②于是在郊游踏青时③它便成了人类文化中生命力的象征④人们企盼将这种生命力转移到自家门庭和家庭成员身上⑤不会忘记顺便折一些柳条回来⑥由于柳树最先送来春的消息并且具有旺盛的生殖力A.⑥③④①②⑤ B.②⑤①④⑥③ C.②④⑥③①⑤ D.⑥④②⑤③①4、下列词语中加点字的读音,全都正确的一组是A.寂寥(liáo)雾霾(mái)瞋(chēng)目潜(qián)移默化B.氛(fēn)围吝啬(sâ)熹(xī)微束(shù)之高阁C.发酵(jiào)徘徊(huái)滂(pāng)沱叱咤(chà)风云D.模(mó)板怯(qiâ)懦签(qiān)署断壁颓垣(yuán)5、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(4分)A.具有自动化生产、智能识别和系统操控等功能的工业机器人,正成为国内不少装备制造企业提高生产效率,解决人力成本上涨的利器。
2010年北京市高级中等学校招生考试英语试卷学校___________________ 姓名_______________听力理解(共24分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出与对话内容相符的图片。
5. How’s Kate feeling now?A. Much better.B. Still sick.C. Even worse.6. Which [age will Kate read?A. Page 15.B. Page 20.C. Page 25.请听一段独白,完成第7至第8小题。
7. Where’re the speakers?A. In a school.B. In a hospital.C. In a shop.8. What does the woman’s son like?A. Books.B. Music.C. Clothes.请听一段独白,完成第9至第10小题。
9. Who wants to be a doctor?A. Tom.B. Lisa.C. Sam.10. What’re the speakers mainly talking about?A. Their jobs.B. Their families.C. Their friends.请听一段独白,完成第11至第13小题。
11. What did the teacher do after Tim made trouble?A. They always punished him.B. They talked to his parents.C. They often laughed at him.12. Why did Tim lie down with his bike on top of him?A. To get a new bike.B. To make his mother angry.C. To play a joke on his mother.13. What’s the conversation mainly about?A. Tim’s behavior as a little boy.B. Tim’s feeling for his school life.C. Tim’s attitude toward his mother.请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。
1. 将图(一)数在线2和-1之间的长度以小隔线分成八等分,A 点在其中一隔在线,则数在线A 点表示的数为何?13 13 (A) —1— (B) -1- (C) -2 - (D) -2 -。
4 4442. 下列选项中表示的数,哪一个是质数?(A) 2 13 (B) 1 12 (C) 1 79 (D) 7 13。
3 1 5 7 3535 3. 计算 4—-:-2—“2 之值为何? (A) - (B) - (C)(D)842 49364. 图(二)是D 、E 、F 、G 四点在△ ABC 边上的位置图。
根据图中的符号和 数据,求 x y 之值为何? (A) 110 (B) 120 (C) 160 (D) 165 。
5. 解一元一次不等式 -(x 4)・15_3x —9,得其解的范围为何?(A) x_5(B) X E5 (C) x_7 (D) x<7。
6. 若a : b=5: 3,则下列a 与b 关系的叙述,哪一个是正确的? 5 3 (A) a 为b 的倍(B) a 为b 的倍(C) a 为35x -1 3x +17. 化简 1,可得下列哪一个结果?3 2 —7x +1 (D) 68 8•计算(-1)3 (-2)仁(£)3之值为何? (A) (B)- 9. 因式分解(6X 2$X )_2(7X _5),可得下列哪一个结果?(C) (3x 1)(2x 5) (D) (3x-1)(2x-5)。
10. 图(三)数在线的A 、B 、C 、D 四点所表示的数分别 d 。
若a 、b 、20、d 为等差数列,且 | a -d |=12,则(A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 11. 图(四)有四直线 16 27 16 16 (C)(D) 81 27 (A) (6 x_5)(x —2) (B) (6 x 5)(x 2) a 、 b 、 20、 a 值为何?A B C D a__b__20d 图(三) 13x_25y=62的图形,则此方程式 O -t — 0 L 4,其中有一直线为方程式 OL i 、L 2、L 3、 x 12.若4x 2・3x-16除以一多项式,得商式为 x 2, 3,2 「 ~ (A) 4x —5 (B) 4x-11 (C) 4x 11x -10x-26 (D) 4x 11x —10x —38。
(4分)作品简介:____________________________________________ _____________ 感悟:_____________________________ ________________________________3、What's the main purpose of the passage?A. To test your IQ.B. To teach you how to prevent acne.C. To promote the selling of a certain kind of soap.D. To teach you how to deal with acne breakouts.4、按要求写句子(共9分)1、老师提醒同学们在考场上一定要认真审题,用心答题。
2010年台湾第一次国民中学学生基本学力测验(台湾中考)英文科一、单选题:(1~18题)1.Here’s Mary’s plan for one week during her summer vacation.What kind of plan is this?(A)A trip plan.(B)A party plan.(C)An eating plan.(D)An exercise plan2.I put the fish in the ice box to keep it.(A)fresh(B)full(C)new(D)young3.The pants I bought last year are too small now.I think I need a new.(A)belt(B)pair(C)shirt(D)space4.How can you study in the living room when other people are watching TV?I think you need a place.(A)cleaner(B)quieter(C)safer(D)smaller5.Marsha thought her friends would do something to celebrate her birthday, but they justgave her a birthday card.(A)correct(B)honest(C)quick(D)special6.When I heard my baby girl say her first word,my heart was with joy.(A)filled(B)marked(C)prepared(D)shown7.It’s me a lot of time to find out what I really want to do in the future.(A)paying(B)spending(C)taking(D)using8.The fishermen knew little about the island when they there.(A)arrived(B)would arrive(C)arrive(D)have arrived9.I cannot understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wearsof them.(A)any(B)both(C)every(D)others10.In this five-person game,the one who finds hidden balls will win the last free ticket forthe movie A Born Player.(A)many(B)some(C)the more(D)the most11.Elsa hates going shopping,she went last night when her grandpa asked her to buy somemedicine for him.(A)because(B)but(C)if(D)so12.Gary:I can’t find my pen.Nina:Is the one on Jack’s desk?Gary:Yes,Thank you.(A)mine(B)ours(C)theirs(D)yours13.Lucy:Does Aunt Tara enjoy?Mark:Yes.She has three dogs,two rabbits,four birds,and some fish in her house.(A)collecting dolls(B)keeping pets(C)visiting the zoo(D)working on the farm14.Sandy:How was your vacation in America?Linda:It couldn’t be worse!I don’t want to talk about it!(A)even(B)least(C)never(D)then15.Teacher:Does anyone know the famous writer was born?Mei-ling:I know!In Taitung,right?Teacher:You got it!(A)how(B)when(C)where(D)whether16.Alex:Why are you still here?It’s almost eight o’clock.Tom:Because Imy work.Don’t worry.It’s almost done.(A)wasn’t finishing(B)wouldn’t finish(C)haven’t finished(D)won’t finish17.Mike:I always forget what I want to buy when I go to the market.Oscar:Well,you can make a of things you want to buy.(A)habit(B)list(C)pack(D)wish18.Billy:I’ve been fixing the computer for over three hours,but it still doesn’t work. Nana:Why don’t you take a rest and try?Maybe you’ll do better then.(A)early(B)finally(C)later(D)once二、题组:(19~45题)(19~21)Mr.Hutman owns a restaurant.One day,one of his two cooks ran away with some money.Mr.Hutman was sad and worried because the next day was Saturday,and the restaurant19.very busy then.So that night he called his friends,but could not find anyone to help.On Saturday,many people came to the restaurant for lunch.20.cook got so busy that he wanted to leave,too.21.,one of the waiters, Henry,told Mr.Hutman that he could help in the kitchen.People who had lunch in the restaurant that day enjoyed the food Henry cooked.Mr.Hutman was very happy and made Henry a new cook of the restaurant.21.19.(A)would be(B)is(C)has been(D)willbe20.(A)One(B)Each(C)Another(D)Theonly21.(A)Also(B)In fact(C)Luckily(D)Forexample(22~24)(In an English class)Teacher:Let’s play a game with3-letter words.First,a3-letter word is spoken.Then the nextperson has to say a different3-letter word that starts with the last word in two secondswill have to22..Any questions?Brian:Yes.Can we try again if we say a wrong word?Teacher:No,you23..That’s why the game is exciting and fun.Now let’s try it!Brian:OK!Let me try first.MAP.Amy:Put.Jane:TEA.Ken:23..Carl:EAR.Sam:RAIN.Carl:Ha!I got you.Sam:Oh,no!I forgot it has to be a3-letter word.Teacher:Sam,it’s your show time.Here’s the book.Pick out any story you’d like. Noweverybody,let’s listen to Sam.22.(A)sing a song(B)read a story(C)draw a picture(D)make a funny face23.(A)have just one chance(B)have to give a different word(C)may look it up in the dictionary(D)must ask your classmates for help24.(A)TEN(B)RED(C)EAT(D)AGEHere is a poster of the Youth Sports Club.Read it and answer the questions. Youth Sports ClubSport of the Month:Tennis11:00a.m.~7:00p.m.Ticket price for each event:�$100a person�$50a person for groups with over15persons�poster海报event活动27.Mr.Brown,a PE teacher,took his students to the club.There they watched early tennis gamesand learned about the history of the sport.When did they most likely visit the club?�likely可能地(A)February6.(B)February13.(C)February20.(D)February27.28.Mr.Brown paid$1,050for the tickets.How many students did he take with him?(A)25.(B)20.(C)15.(D)10. (29~30)Can the Time Go Slower?by Joanna PittCan the time go slower?I’m still thinking ofThe answers.Can the time go slower?My head is notYet clear.Can the time go slower?For me the rules of math areToo hard to remember.Can the time go slower?My grade is what my fatherReally cares about.So can the time go slower?My dear teacher,I don’t want to run behind others.Oh NO!There are still lots of questionsTo be answered!29.What is the reading about?(A)Taking a test.(B)Teaching math.(C)Learning driving.(D)Running at the school.30.Why does the writer keep asking“Can the time go slower?”(A)She is missing her good old times.(B)She does not want to get old with time.(C)She is worried that there’s not enough time.(D)She is afraid that her father will be home soon.(31~32)My family and I have ridden bikes around the island several times.My friends often ask me questions about biking with their families.I’m sorry to learn that some of them don’t really enjoy biking or get hurt on the road because they don’t prepare well.Here I want to share some things that I think are important before you start off:1.Get a bike of the right size for everyone in your family.2.Check every part of your bike carefully.3.Lear to fix some easy bike problems.4.Check the traffic and weather news.5.Pack maps,warm clothes,raincoats,snacks and enough water.31.What is the writer talking about?(A)How to fix a bike on the road.(B)How to save money on a bike ride.(C)Things to do for a safe and happy bike ride.(D)Things to remember when you get hurt on the road.32.Which is said in the reading?(A)Biking is good for health.(B)More and more people go to work by bike.(C)Biking around the island is getting popular.(D)The size of the bike is important for biking.(33~35)(At the beach)Ben:Hi,Judy!I can’t believe you came to join us!Judy:Hello,Ben.I came because I like your idea:when you give,you’re rich.I’m happy that I can do something for the Earth.Ben:Right.That’s why we had this plan to get our clean beach back.Do you know if Paul’s coming?I remember he had the same idea and said he would try his best to come over.Judy:But he just called and said he wouldn’t come today because it’s too hot.Ben:I can’t believe it!He always says,“We can do this and that….”Judy:Don’t you know him?He only pays lip service to what should be done but seldom does anything.Ben:I see.Let’s forget about him.We’ll have Tony and Sophie to help ussoon.Judy:That’s great.So where should we start now?Should we pick up those bottles first?Ben:Sure,let’s go.33.Why are Ben and Judy at the beach?(A)To go swimming.(B)To clean up the beach.(C)To have a beach party.(D)To learn about sea animals.34.What does Judy mean by saying Paul pays lip service?(A)He enjoys eating.(B)He is good at singing.(C)He talks a lot but does little.(D)He kisses people to show his thanks.35.Which is true?(A)Paul comes to the beach in the end.(B)Judy feels bad about going to the beach.(C)Ben is surprised to see Judy at the beach.(D)Tony and Sophie will not come to the beach.(36~38)Alice:Hi,Jerry,I heard you have fun with Peggy in Merry Park yesterday.Jerry:Yes.We had a great time there.Why didn’t you come with us?We gotthere by bus in only ten minutes.Alice:I know,but the ticket is more expensive on the weekend.Also,I’ve been there many times since it opened five years ago.Did you try the DandelionSeat there?It’s so popular that people have to wait for over an hour to get aride.Jerry:You mean those flower-like umbrellas that fly high in the sky?Alice:Yes.I enjoyed riding on the Dandelion Seat and looking over the city.Itwas a great experience.Jerry:Eh…I liked taking the train to get around the park better.I don’t think it’sfun to ride in the air.I’d feel like I could fall down any time.Alice:Maybe you would like it more at night.It’s wonderful to see the beautifullights below your feet.Jerry:Well…I’m afraid of high places.Alice:Oh,I see.That’s too bad.36.What can we learn about Merry Park?(A)It is newly opened.(B)It is also open at night.(C)It is across from Jerry’s house.(D)It has the same ticket price every day.37.What may the Dandelion Seat look like?(A)(B)(C)(D)38.Which is NOT true?(A)Alice went to Merry Park before.(B)Jerry enjoyed going around Merry Park by train.(C)Jerry would like to try the Dandelion Seat next time.(D)Jerry and Peggy went to Merry Park on the weekend.(39~40)The Flying Hat Shannon Blackman “The most sidesplitting story I’ve ever read.I couldn’t stop laughing after I finished it.Be ready to laugh your heart out.”Willy King,Best Book winner “It’s a story that makes you smile in your dreams.Blackman’s excellent writing cheers you up.”The tide,London “One of the best-selling books of the year.More than two million copies have been sold.”The Sunday Reader,New York “This book has become the talk of the country.The story is making its way into movie theaters.I can’t wait to see it!”Marian Miller,author of Ms.Lilly�comment评论39.Which is said about The Flying Hat?(A)A movie about the story is coming out.(B)The story is about a boy who has a magic hat.(C)The writer started the book because of a dream.(D)People can buy the book in different languages.40.What does sidesplitting mean?(A)Funny.(B)Simple.(C)Serious.(D)Difficult.(41~42)Read the play and answer the questions.Place:A child’s room with white walls,a white chair,and a white bed.On the bed,there are some clothes.Character:A doll,who looks old and dirty,is sitting on the bed and speaking.The doll:She should be here soon.We will play some games today.(Three hour pass.NO ONE knocks on the door.)The doll:Just a few more seconds.We might play“try-on-new-clothes”today.(Five hours go by.NO SOUND is heard.)The doll:Maybe the school bus is late.Soon she’ll be here,and we’ll sing and dance together.(One day has flown away.The doll is still sitting on the bed,waiting.)The doll:Maybe tomorrow…I’m sure she’ll come tomorrow,and then we’ll play.(There in the room,the doll repeats the same story every day…)�play剧本character角色41.What happens in the play?(A)A doll is changing clothes.(B)A doll is talking to herself.(C)A doll is singing and dancing.(D)A doll is waiting for the bus to school.42.What can we learn about the doll?(A)She likes to play by herself.1.(D),2.(A),3.(B),4.(B),5.(D),6.(A),7.(C),8.(A),9.(A),10.(D),11.(B),12.(D),13.(B),14.(A),15.(C),16.(C),17.(B),18.(C),19.(A),20.(D),21.(C),22.(B),23.(A),24.(D),25.(D),26.(B),27.(C),28.(B),29.(A),30.(C),31.(C),32.(D),33.(B),34.(C),35.(C),36.(B),37.(D),38.(C),39.(A),40.(A),41.(B),42.(D),43.(A),44.(C),45.(D),。
2010年平和学校社会期末考试社会试卷(开卷)(考试成绩分“合格”、“不合格”两个等第,考试时间60分钟)题号一二三总分等第(一)(二)得分一、单项选择题(请将序号填入括号中,本大题包括20小题,共60分)1. 2006年11月12日央视《每周质量报告》曝光:北京市场上所谓的白洋淀“红心”鸭蛋,竟然是养鸭户让鸭子吃了掺有苏丹红成分的工业染料后产出的。
A. 有关部门监管不力B. 养鸭户缺乏科学喂养知识C. 养鸭户缺乏社会责任感D. 养鸭户不讲诚信,一味追求个人利益2. 前一阶段新浪网上发布了一条新闻:某进口饮料含有致癌物质。
A. 消费者的消费行为常常被媒体左右B. 消费者的自我保护意识增强C. 消费者对有关部门的结论表示怀疑D. 消费者缺乏判断能力3. 下列职业中,从业人员正在减少的一组是()。
①交通协管员②伐木工人③行政秘书④打字员⑤公交车售票员⑥心理咨询师⑦寻呼台传呼员A. ①③④⑦B. ①③⑤⑦C. ②④⑤⑦D. ②④⑥⑦4. 以下选项中不属于发展消费的是()。
A. 参加专业培训B. 参观画展C. 购买图书资料D. 投资某个项目5. 2005年底,上海常住人口已达1778万人,其中市区人口已超过1000万。
A. 老龄人口增B. 交通拥堵加剧C. 人际关系紧张D. 水资源短缺6. 进口家禽和肉类到港后,要经过一系列的环节,才能成为上海人餐桌上的佳肴。
A. 销售────→运输────→仓储────→检疫B. 运输────→销售────→仓储────→检疫C. 检疫────→运输────→仓储────→销售D. 检疫────→运输────→销售────→仓储7. 在生活中常会遇到一些问题,需要寻求有关部门解决。
2010学年第一学期七年级(上)历史与社会期中检测卷亲爱的同学,经过两个多月的紧张学习,一定收获不少吧!相信你会有出色的表现,沉着动笔吧,祝你旗开得胜!2010年世博会在上海举行,小贝在参观后带回两张地图:①上海市交通图;②上海世博园区交通图,回答1-4题:1.如果①②的图幅大小相同,那么比例尺大的是(B )A ①大B ②大C ①②一样大D 无法判断2.在其中一张1:30000的图上,小贝量得某小区距世博园区约2厘米,你认为实地距离大约是( C )A 100米B 300米C 600米D 6000米3.上海位于北纬31°11´,东经121°29´,则该城市位于(C )A 东半球南半球中纬度B 西半球北半球中纬度C 北半球东半球中纬度D 北半球西半球低纬度4.从地图一般定向法可以判断,上海市位于浙江省的方向。
( B )A 东南B 西南C 西北D 东北5.青藏铁路开通后,不少温州人坐列车到拉萨,开办小商品市场,这反映了不同区域之间的( B )A 文化联系B 经济联系C 技术联系D 人才联系6.2010年4月12日,我国国家主席胡锦涛开始对美国进行国事访问,这是一次中美跨洋交流,这里的“洋”是指位于中美两国这间的( D )A 大西洋B 北冰洋C 印度洋D 太平洋7.有北回归线穿过的一组大洲是( A )A 亚洲、非洲、北美洲B 亚洲、欧洲、南美洲C 亚洲、欧洲、北美洲D 非洲、大洋洲、南美洲8.世界上大部分人口生活在(C)A 丘陵地区B 高原地区C 平原地区D 山谷地区9.为了让大陆同胞赠送的熊猫“团团”和“圆圆”抵台后找到家的感觉,台湾同胞创造出了与它们原生地最相似的生活环境,从气候的角度看,需要考虑的因素有( C )A 阴晴和风雨B 天气和降水C 降水和气温D 冬季和夏季10.一位外国小朋友,皮肤黝黑,头发乌黑卷曲,脸庞平,嘴唇厚。
他可能来自( C )A 英国B 日本C 南非D 蒙古11.白求恩医生是加拿大国际共产主义战士,在抗日战争中曾经给中国人民无私的帮助。
2010 年中考思想品德时政专题复习专题八:台湾台湾1、2008 年3 月22 日,陈水扁当局不顾海内外强烈反对而执意推行所谓”入联公投”,因投票人数未达总投票人数的一半(仅358%),公投未获通过。
2、7 月4 日,首批大陆观光客抵达台湾。
等待了近60 年的大陆居民赴台旅游暨两岸周末包机正式启动。
当日上午,从北京、上海、南京、厦门、广州五地出发的9 架包机(29 个大陆首发团),搭载753 名首批大陆游客飞往台湾。
[来源:]3、2008 年12 月15 日,两岸海运直航、空运直航、直接通邮正式启动。
从1949 年起,近60 年过去了;从1979 年元旦《告台湾同胞书》首倡两岸”三通”以来,近30 年过去了。
这一切,终于在2008 年12 月15 日化作历史。
4、2009 年3 月5 日,十一届全国人大二次会议《政府工作报告》指出:过去的一年,对台工作取得重要进展,台湾局势发生积极变化,两岸关系取得重大突破。
5、2009 年4 月26 日,在经过充分磋商达成共识后,海协会会长陈云。