1.输入假说(the input hypothesis):是外语习得的中心部分。
○2既有趣又有关(interesting and relevant): 指的是输入的语言材料既要有趣还要相关。
○3足够的输入量(input enough):习得一门语言需要广泛地阅读和许多的会话。
2.情感过滤假说(the affective filter hypothesis):从教育心理学角度看,学习过程中影响学习效果的因素之一是学习者的情感控制,这里包含学习者的动机、焦虑、态度和自行心等心理因素。
经过三个月的教学活动。我们对实验组和参照 组的60名同学举行了一次考试,将学习过的 单词以填空题(考察拼写),单选题(考察搭 配),正确形式填空(考察变形),完型填空 (考察概念)的形式考察学生,结果得出了以 下两组数据;
考察项目 实验组 参照组 均值
拼写 5.2 3.6 4.4
变形 4.6 4.4 4.5
1:研究目的: 通过对非英语专业学生在词汇学习中的语言磨 蚀现象,给英语教师的教学活动提供有效的建 议。
2:研究对象 选择两个大四的非英语专业的班级。一个是实 验组,一个是参照组。实验为期三个月,两个 班级每班30人,配备相同水平的英语教师和 教材
在为期三个月的教学活动中。教师每周上两次英语课, 每节课都是先以词汇教学为主,学习单词的拼写、读 法、语音和概念。然后回到相应的课文中习得单词的 用法和搭配。实验组的教师在课后总会布置相应的单 词背诵任务,并且在下一节课后对学生听写,而参照 组的老师只是单纯的教授单词的各项,却不会在下一 节课后对上一节课的单词进行复习。而且,实验组的 教师会对实验班级每月进行一次单词小测验以迫使学 生每月都对单词复习一次。
1980年“语言技能流损会议”(conferrence on the attrition of language skills)在美国宾夕法尼亚大学 召开。第一次在国际学术领域确立了“语言磨蚀”作 为语言学的一个重要研究领域。 该项研究自从1980年起在国外已经被大量学者所研究, 产生了许多知名学者如:lambert, de bot, hansen, van els, weltens, paul meara等。 但是该项研究在国内的研究还处在起步阶段。
---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------二语习得导论习题集二语习得导论习题集一、填空 1. 在儿童语言发展的研究中,()是指学会一种语言的某一方面和最终学会整个语言的过程或结果。
1 / 149.()指的是人们已建立起的第一语言的习惯对学习新语言、建立新的语言习惯的过程产生的影响。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、单选题:最早发现习得与学习存在区别的是语言学家()选项:A:乔姆斯基B:斯蒂芬?克拉申C:洪堡特D:斯韦恩答案: 【斯蒂芬?克拉申】3、多选题:关于习得与学习的关系,下列说法正确的是()选项:A:可以用两个三角形表示;B:这两个三角形是倒置的;C:这两个三角形是部分交叠的;D:这两个三角形是完全重叠的。
答案: 【可以用两个三角形表示;;这两个三角形是倒置的;;这两个三角形是部分交叠的;】成人完全可以做到和儿童一样习得外语。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、判断题:儿童习得外语的能力总体上高于成人。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、判断题:传统语言课堂收到的质疑越来越多,我们应该遵循习得规律,改革创新教学模式和方法。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、判断题:最早获得的语言一定是最熟悉的。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】一个在外国出生的华裔儿童,他最早接触的是汉语,成长过程中主要说英语,那么,下列说法正确的是()选项:A:他的母语是汉语;B:他的第一语言是汉语;C:他的第二语言是英语;D:他的母语是英语。
答案: 【他的母语是汉语;;他的第一语言是汉语;;他的第二语言是英语;】9、多选题:一个在外国出生的华裔儿童,他成长过程中只接触和说英语,那么,下列说法正确的是()选项:A:他的母语是英语;B:他的第一语言是英语;C:他没有外语;D:他的外语是英语。
答案: 【他的母语是英语;;他的第一语言是英语;;他没有外语;】10、判断题:第一语言是语言学的概念,母语更多的牵涉到民族学问题。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】11、判断题:语言学多是理论研究,心理学、心理语言学等多是实验研究。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】第二章单元测试1、多选题:关于大脑和语言习得,行为主义心理学派有两个非常著名的观点,分别是()。
Second Language Acquisition
Instructor:Wu Xingdong Tel: 85868595 Email: dongwu@
1. Definition of Second Language Acquisition
The term ‘second language acquisition’ refers to the subconscious or conscious processes by which a language other than the mother tongue is learnt in a natural or a tutored setting. It covers the development of phonology, lexis, grammar, and pragmatic knowledge, but has been largely confined to morphosyntax. The process manifests both variable and invariable features. The study of SLA is directed at accounting for the learner’s competence, but in order to do so has set out to investigate empirically how a learner performs when he or she uses a second language.
2. Origin of Second Language Acquisition In the 1960s, many researchers’ attention was shifted from the teaching process to the learning process. It was this shift that introduced a new research field which has come to be known as second language acquisition. Most researchers date the beginning of the SLA field with Corder’s article “The significance of learners’ errors”, published in 1967, or Selinker’s “Interlanguage”, published in 1972.
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、单选题:最早发现习得与学习存在区别的是语言学家()选项:A:乔姆斯基B:斯蒂芬•克拉申C:洪堡特D:斯韦恩答案: 【斯蒂芬•克拉申】3、多选题:关于习得与学习的关系,下列说法正确的是()选项:A:可以用两个三角形表示;B:这两个三角形是倒置的;C:这两个三角形是部分交叠的;D:这两个三角形是完全重叠的。
答案: 【可以用两个三角形表示;;这两个三角形是倒置的;;这两个三角形是部分交叠的;】成人完全可以做到和儿童一样习得外语。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、判断题:儿童习得外语的能力总体上高于成人。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】6、判断题:传统语言课堂收到的质疑越来越多,我们应该遵循习得规律,改革创新教学模式和方法。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、判断题:最早获得的语言一定是最熟悉的。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】一个在外国出生的华裔儿童,他最早接触的是汉语,成长过程中主要说英语,那么,下列说法正确的是()选项:A:他的母语是汉语;B:他的第一语言是汉语;C:他的第二语言是英语;D:他的母语是英语。
答案: 【他的母语是汉语;;他的第一语言是汉语;;他的第二语言是英语;】9、多选题:一个在外国出生的华裔儿童,他成长过程中只接触和说英语,那么,下列说法正确的是()选项:A:他的母语是英语;B:他的第一语言是英语;C:他没有外语;D:他的外语是英语。
答案: 【他的母语是英语;;他的第一语言是英语;;他没有外语;】10、判断题:第一语言是语言学的概念,母语更多的牵涉到民族学问题。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】11、判断题:语言学多是理论研究,心理学、心理语言学等多是实验研究。
()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】第二章单元测试1、多选题:关于大脑和语言习得,行为主义心理学派有两个非常著名的观点,分别是()。
1、什么是第一语言、母语、本族语?第一语言是最先习得的语言母语指本国或本民族的语言本族语更侧重一个民族的语言,有不同也有重合2、什么是第二语言、外语、外族语?第二语言在第一语言之后的语言,范围很广外语是外国语言外族语是本民族之外的语言3、什么是目的语?是学习者正在学习的语言.4、一语习得与二语学习的异同是什么?相同点:1、影响二语习得的因素有哪些?动机,态度性别年龄母语背景,外语背景社会环境性格特征焦虑文化2、性别与二语习得的关系如何?有关系,但性别不是二语习得的决定因素3、年龄与二语习得的关系如何?儿童发育时期,语言能力受大脑右半球支配,在成长过程中,语言能力从右半球转移到左半球,即大脑的侧化(Brain lateralization)。
专业英语八级英语语言学知识(第二语言习得)模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 3. GENERAL KNOWLEDGEPART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question.1.______is defined as a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of a second language usually obtained in school settings.A.AcquisitionB.LearningC.StudyingD.Acquirement正确答案:B解析:儿童在自然环境中无意识的习得第一语言的过程被语言学家称为语言习得(acquisition),而在非自然环境下(如学校教育)经过有意识的努力学习第二语言的过程则被称为语言学习(learning)。
知识模块:第二语言习得2.The distinction between acquisition and learning is put forward by______.A.ChomskyB.KrashenC.SaussureD.Bloomfield正确答案:B解析:语言习得(acquisition)和语言学习(learning)这两个概念是由美国学者Stephen Krashen提出来的,以区分这两个过程之间的差异。
知识模块:第二语言习得3.L2 learners will subconsciously use their L1 knowledge in learning a second language. This is known as______.A.language interferenceB.language fossilizationC.contrastive analysisD.language transfer正确答案:D解析:在学习第二语言时,学习者会无意识地运用他们的一语知识,这是一种非常自然的现象,这种现象被语言学家称为语言的转移(language transfer)。
(3) 改:这时候幸亏我遇见了一位警察。
(4) 改:我记得当时天一直在下雨。
(5) 改:欢迎我再来中国。
三、L2 学习者语言变异的研究范式
3.3 双重能力范式(dual competence paradigm)
用心理语言学的方法来解释产生变异的原因; 采用这种范式的学者认为,某些因素影响了学
习者在不同的使用环境下对第二语言知识的掌 握能力; • 如:第二语言学习者的语言中是否存在系统差 异,取决于它是有计划还是无计划的; • 两个研究模式:言语计划模式、言语监控模式
3.2.1 拉波夫学派模式
语体(speech styles) ----语言风格连续体(Torane) 变项规则(variable rules)
最早把变项规则分析法(variable rule analysis)应用于SLA语料分 析的是亚当斯和科瓦克 (Adamson& Kovac, 1981):
二、L2 学习者语言变异的分类
2.1.2 情境变异(正式场合与非正式场合)
He plays basketball.(situation A)
(formal, careful style)
He play_ basketball. (situation B)
(informal, vernacular)
分析了一位33岁西班牙籍蓝领男性工人使用“NO +VERB”和“DON'T VERB”的变项规则;
分析结果表明,在描述特定的因素是如何影响中介语的发展时,利 用变项规则分析法来分析材料是有效的。
3.2.2 动态研究模式
内容--(1)语言变化即变异的某个来源 (2)环境权重 (3)代码转换 (4)语法内部变异和自由变异
2.1.3 心理语言环境变异
如何提高学生的语言能力?As we know, knowing a language means having acquired the competence or proficiency of the language. Canale and Swain analyze L2 language into 3 components: grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence and strategic competence. Grammatical competence includes vocabulary and pronunciation as well as grammatical structure and forms; Sociolinguistic competence is made up of sociocultural rules for using language appropriately, and discourse rules for linking parts of a language text coherently and cohesively. Strategic competence consists of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies that may be called into action to compensate for breakdowns in communication due to performance variables or insufficient competence.However, in real teaching situations, with the emphasis of test scores, many teachers solely focus on developing the linguistics competence while ignoring the sociolinguistics and strategic competence. Therefore, there is a big gap between language learned in the classroom and language used in real life. In order to bridge this gap, teachers are encouraged to focus not only on developing students’ linguistics competence, but also the sociolinguistics and strategic competence. The following are my suggestion on how to improve this competence.bine culture teaching with language teaching.Learning a language is inseparable from learning its culture. When learning a new language, we should not only learn the pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,sentence structure and idioms, but also learn how to see the world as native speakers do. That is to say, we should learn the ways in which the foreign language reflects the ideas, customs, and behavior of that society and learn to understand their language of the mind. We need to learn enough about the language’s culture so that we can communicate in the target language properly to achieve not only the linguistics competence but also the pragmatics or communicative competence as well.ing communicative language teaching approach and Task-Based Language teaching approach in English classroomThe goal of communicative approach is to develop students’ communicative competence, which includes knowledge about the language and knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. TBLT is a further development of communicative language teaching. It stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focus teaching. It views learning as a set of communicative activities in which communication and interaction are as important as accuracy and fluency.anize various communicative activities .Teacher should create real-life communicative situation for students to practice using the language in social context. Students will therefore learn to interact with others and enhance their ability to use the target language effectively. Teachershould organize various interesting, motivating activities for students to learn. For example, English debate, English drama, interview, role playing.4.Provide students with authentic teaching materials.Authentic materials "contextualize" the language learning. Authentic materials help to bridge the gap between the language being taught in the classroom and the language used by real people in real situations in the real world. Authentic materials help motivate learners learn the language by making them feel that they are learning the 'real' language. Teachers are encouraged to provide students with authentic and sufficient learning models. Conversations in the native countries under natural environment would be a good choice.5.Create a positive language environmentAs we know that language environment is essential in language learning. If we put a Chinese student into English speaking countries, his English competence would improve significantly in a short time. Therefore, teacher should create a positive language environment for students. For example, teacher give instructions in English class and encourage students to use English to communicate with their partners. balance the students’ input and output of the language, adjusting the time of teachers’ teaching and student’s learning.。
二语习得练习SLA选择题练习选择题练习1:1) Target language refers to __________ .A. the language that one is learningB. one's mother tongueC. one's foreign language2) Second language acquisition takes place normally __________, so the process becomes more complicated.A. after one has already acquired L1B. before one has already acquired L1C. after one has already acquired target language3) Cognitive school theory believes that __________ . Language learning is a process of attaining cognitive skills.A. adults learn L2 by problem-solving cognitive patterns.B. children learn L2 by problem-solving cognitive patterns.C. both adults and children learn L2 by problem-solving cognitive patterns.4) Affective factors are considered ________ .A. unnecessary in L1 acquisition, but necessary in L2 acquisition.B. necessary in L1 acquisition, but unnecessary in L2 acquisition.C. necessary in both L1 and L2 acquisition.5) Critical Period Hypothesis believes that ______ is a important factor that affect L2 acquisition.A. ageB. social classC. sex6) In term of second language acquisition, it is often believed that ________ .A. educational settings will lead to higher levels of L2 proficiency than natural settings.B. natural settings will lead to higher levels of L2 proficiency than educational settings.C. natural settings and educational settings can lead to same level of L2 proficiency7 In terms of second language acquisition, it is often believed that ________ .A. Adults and children are initially and finally the sameB. Children initially faster and adults finally betterC. Adults initially faster and children finally better8) Explicit knowledge is acquired from _______ while implicit knowledge is acquired from _____ .A. acquisition … learningB learni ng … acquisitionC. learning … practice9) A schema, in psychology and cognitive science, is _______ structure that represents some aspects of the world in a person's mind.A. a mentalB. a physicalC. a grammatical10) Listening and reading aloud can strengthen one's ________ .A. auditory memoryB. visual memoryC. sensory memory11) Under submersion settings, a language learner isexpected to confronted with instruction situation in which ______ . while under immersion settings the teacher is supposed to be bilingual.A. the teacher and all other classmates do not understand the learner's L1B. the teacher does not understand the learner's L1C. all other classmates not understand the learner's L112) Learning that takes place in natural and educational settings is supposed ________ .A. to be the sameB to be very differentC. to be very easy13) The speculation of Universal Grammar derives from ________ .A. the language acquisition deviceB. the overall success of language acquisitionC. the phenomenon of "poverty-of-the- stimulus"选择题练习2:Acquisition is different from learning: Acquisition occurs ____ 1 ( A. consciously B. unconsciously ) in ______2 ( A. natural B. educational ) setting and learners normally pay attention to _____ 3 ( A. meaning; B. form ).Universal Grammar refers to a set of _____ 4 (A. principle and parameters;B. grammar rules) which human are born with and which ensure the natural occurance of _____ 5 ( A. L1 acquisition; B. L2 acquisition ). But the accessibility of UG is still a controversial issue in ____ 6 ( A. L1 acquisition; B. L2 acquisition )Cognitive school theory believes that ________ 7. (A. adults learn L2 by problem-solving cognitive patterns; B. children learnL2 byproblem-solving cognitive patterns ) and. language learning is a process of attaining cognitive skills.Affective factors are considered ______ 8. (A. unnecessary in L1 acquisition, but necessary in L2 acquisition; B. necessary in L1 acquisition, but unnecessary in L2 acquisition; ) and four most important factors in affective filter are _____ 9 ( A. motivation; B. creation ), attitude, self-confidence and anxiety. A _____ 10 ( A. high B. low ) affective filter is favorable to L2 learning.Learners of instrumental motivation normally concern with _____ 11 ( A. the process; B. the practical rewards ) of learning. So most of them tend to ____ 12 ( A. give up B. work on ) when the process is too long.Language competence refers to ______ 13 ( A. inside language intuition;B. outside language abi lity ). As for L1, people’s language competenceis believed to be equal but their ____ 14 ( A. language styles;B. language performance ) are different.Critical Period Hypothesis believes that _____ 15 ( A. age B. sex ) is a important factor that affect L2 acquisition. And it is generally believed that ____ 16 ( A. children start slower but end better and adults normally start faster but end failure; B. adults start slower but end better and children start faster but end failure. )Memory is normally divided into short-term memory and long-term memory. Long-term memory is stored as our _____ 17 ( A. knowledge; B. task).SLA 名词解释练习1) Acquisition and Learning Acquisition refers to the learningof a language unconsciously under natural settings where learners pay attention only to the meanings or contents rather than forms or grammars; learning refers to the learning of a language consciously under educational settings where learners mainly pay attention to forms or grammars;2) InterlanguageInterlanguage refers to L2 leaner's language. It is so called, because it is a language leaner’s L1 and the learner’s target language.The term "interlangauge" has two levels of meaning, first, it refers to the whole system of language, and second, it also refers to the language level at a certain point along the continuum of interlangauge system. Interlanguage has at least five characte ristics: …3) Behaviorism: 行为主义学派Behaviorism is a school of theory in the study of second language acquisition which insists that mere imitation can ensure the happening of language acquisition. Output is determined by input. Learners can achieve language by mere imitation of the input. Language acquisition is a process of stimulate-response process. "Stimulate" refers to input stimulation and "response" means "learning". So learning comes from merestimulation. This school ignores the inherited linguistic property of human beings and the cognitive process of human mind.4) Mentalism ( Nativism ):天生主义或先天主义学派Mentalism is a school of theory in the study of second language acquisition which argues that language acquisition relies on universal grammar, which is a set of principles and parameters that human are born with. Input just triggers the wake of UG and the choice of parameters. And UG will eventuallydevelop into a specific language. This school ignores the function of input and believe that the inside factors determine the language acquisition. Input does not help a lot.5) Cognitivism ( Or cognitive interactionism ):认知主义学派Believe that L2 acquisition relies on interaction between the inside and outside factors. And this school differentiate the differences between children's and adults' L2 acquisition, believing that adults usually learn and do not acquire L2 as a child does, so UG does not exist in adults' L2 learning. Adult people learn L2 by problem-solving cognitive patterns. Language learning is a process of attaining cognitive skills, similar to learning swimming and driving.6) Affective Filter Affective filters refer to motivation, confidence, attitude and anxiety, which form a groups of psychological factors that influence the process of second language acquisition. It is universally believed that low level of affective filters is more favorable to second language acquisition than higher ones. We call them affective filter because these psychological factors can filter the passage of input in accordance with different levels of affective.7) Implicit knowledge and explicit knowledgeImplicit knowledge refers to the knowledge that one attains as the result of L2 acquisition, while explicit knowledge refers to the knowledge that one attains as the result of L2 learning. So implicit knowledge is procedural knowledge, a kind of language skills. Explicit knowledge refers to rules and principles of L2.8) Schema Schema refers to one's mental structure of the world in his (her) mind. The deposit of knowledge in one's mind creates a picture or a stereotype of the structure of the outside world, which in turn provides a framework for futureunderstanding.9) Fundamental Difference HypothesisA cognitive theory in second language acquisition put forward byBley-Vroman and representing the opinions of cognitivist school. The theory believes that in second language acquisition adults and children are different from each other. Children acquire a second language in the process of which universal grammar may, to certain degree, still exist while adults use cognitive problem-solving process in which UG is unaccessible and so cause general failure.10) FossilizationFossilizable linguistic phenomena are linguistic items, rules and subsystems which speakers of a particular native language will tend to keep in their inerlanguage relative to a particular target language, no matter what the age of the learner or amount of explanation and instruction he receives in the target language. Or fossilization refers to a state in which L2 learners' language development stops or get stuck no matter how much effort they give or how much instruction they reveive. It is a kind of universal phenomenon in interlanguage.11)Social settings in SLASocial settings refer to natural settings and educational settings in L2 acquisition. Educational settings are further divided into submersion and immersion settings.Immersion setting refers to a setting in which …. While submersi on setting is a setting in which …12)Universal GrammarUniversal Grammar refers to a set of highly abstract principles and parameters that human are born with. It is alsocalled language acquisition device, which ensure the happening of language acquisition. The theory was first put forward by Noam Chomsky to explain the occuranceof L1 acquisition. Some linguists applied it to L2 acquisition, believing that UG is still accessible in L2 acquisition.13) Integrative motivationIntegrative motivation refers to sincere personal interest in learning L2 because of the language itself and the culture represented by the language. Integrative motivation has been shown strongly related to L2 achievement.14) Instrumental MotivationInstrumental Motivation concern with the practical rewards of learning such as certificates, making money. Learners with an instrumental reason for learning L2 can be successful. In some 'second' as opposed to 'foreign' settings, an instrumental orientation may be the most important one. Learners with instrumental motivation may stop learning when they failed to receive expected rewards.15) language transferTransfer is the influence resulting from the similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously ( and perhaps imperfectly) acquired. Transfer is divided into positive transfer and negative transfer. Positive transfer can facilitate L2 learning while errors occurred as a result of negative transfer.。
Improvement of Second Language Acquisition comes from supplying communicative and comprehensible input.The input hypothesis:It states simply that we acquire (not learn) language by understanding input that is a little beyond our current level of (acquired) competenceInput is used to refer to the language that is addressed to the L2 learner either by a native speaker or by another L2 learner. what learners hear and read. Methods:The methods for investigating input and interaction is that colecting data to study learner language .These data consisted of transcriptions of the interactions in which the learners took part, involving both detailed linguistic analyses and discourse and conversational analysis.Three different views about input: The Behaviourist view that input is the primary mechanism in language acquisition.Without input, learning cannot occur. The nativist view that learners have internal systems that construct language in a particular order, regardless of the input. The nativist view minimizes the role of the input and explains language development primarily in terms of the learner’s internal processing mechanisms. The interactionist treats acquisition of language as the result of and interaction between the learner’s mental abilities and the linguistic environment. The learner’s processing mechanisms both determine and are determined by the nature of the input.The behaviourist view emphasizes the importance of the linguistic environment, which is treated in terms of stimuli and feedback. The nativist view minimizes therole of the input and explains language development primarily in terms of the learner’s internal processing mechanisms. The interactionist view sees language development as the result both of input factors and of innate mechanisms. Language acquisition derives from the efforts of the learner and his interlocutors and involves a dynamic interplay between external and internal factors.Input and interaction in natural settingsCaretaker talkWhen caretakers speak to young children who are in the process of acquiring their L1, they typically adjust their speech in a number of ways. The register that results has been referred to variously as ‘baby-talk’, ‘motherese’, ‘caretaker talk’, and ‘child-directed language’Motherese concentrates on the “here and now”rather than on the abstract and remote.The features of caretaker talkIt is more ungrammatical than speech addressed to adults;It is simpler;It is more redundant.Foreigner talkIn natural settings, input has been considered in terms of foreigner talk. When native speakers address learners, they adjust their normal speech in order to facilitate understanding. These adjustments, which involve both language form and language function, constitute ‘foreigner talk’. The modified speech used by native speakers when talking to L2 learners. It was first studied by CharlesFerguson in 1975. It can promote communication. Gass and Varonis (1994) have found that native speaker modifications are more frequent in two-way communication because conversation provides the native speaker with feedback from the learner and thus enables him to estimate the amount of adjustment required. It can signal speakers' attitude towards their interlocutors. It can teach the target language implicitly.Input and interaction in classroom settingsTeacher talkAs the main source of input in classroom setting, teacher talk is the speech produced by the teacher in the classroom in order to pass on knowledge or to organize the class or for some interpersonal purposes. Teacher talk parallels that of foreign talk.Teacher talk refers to the language of teaching tasks as prescribed in textbooks and the language the teacher uses to perform such teaching tasks as paragraphing words or sentences or illustrating grammar rules.In general, the research confirms the finding for L1 classroom --- namely, that the teacher takes up about two-thirds of the total time. There is considerable evidence of variability among teachers and programs, but the general picture is again one of teacher dominance in that teachers are likely to explain, question and command and learners to respond. Teachers, like native speakers in general, slow down their rate of speech when talking to learners in comparison to other native speakers and also do so to a greater extent with less proficient learners. However,there is considerable variability among teachers. Teachers are likely to make use of longer pauses when talking to learners than to other native speakers. There have been few studies which have attempted to quantify these aspects of teacher talk, but teachers appear to speak more loudly and to make their speech more distinct when addressing L2 learners. teachers vary their choice of words in accordance with the learners’proficiency level.Firstly, a teacher can improve his Teacher talk to create harmonious atmosphere in foreign language teaching. Secondly, a good teacher needs to make sure that all students get the feeling of being encouraged. It is the best way for teacher to use the linguistic tools to verbally encourage students, not by pointing out that students’weaknesses do not matter, but by highlighting their strengths. Interlanguage talkThe language that learners address to each other (ILT constitutes the primary source of input for many learners). ILT provides learners with opportunities for negotiating meaning as occur in foreigner talk.Interaction HypothesisInteraction Hypothesis claims that learners acquire through talking with others. According to this hypothesis, learners are likely to have misunderstandings in their interaction because they do not know the language perfectly. In this situation, the learner will try to use some strategies to express his idea clearly, such as repeating, using other words and simple structures.Through negotiation of meaning, both the speaker and the listener clarify thecontents, verify the understanding, make communicative respond and give feedback to each other, as well as a chance to examine his own assumption.The Interaction hypothesis is a theory of second-language acquisition which states that the development of language proficiency is promoted by face-to-face interaction and communication.The idea existed in the 1980s, but is usually credited to Michael Long for his 1996 paper The role of the linguistic environment in second language acquisition. There are some principles about interaction hypothesis1. The linguistic characteristics of target language input need to be made salient.2. Learners should receive help in comprehending semantic and syntactic aspects of linguistic input.3. Learners need to have opportunities to produce target language output.4. Learners need to notice errors in their own output5. Learners need to correct their linguistic output.6. Learners need to engage in target language interaction whose structure can be modified for negotiation of meaning.7. Learners should engage in L2 tasks designed to maximise opportunities for good interaction.OutputOutput (producing language) is also necessary for language learning - Output Hypothesis (Swain, 1995). Understanding language and producing language are different skills, and the comprehensible input is not enough to push the learner’slinguistic competence to a higher level.Output, the language that the learner himself produces, is an important part of the language acquisition as well. output is the result of learning which actually exists in oral or written forms. Output is also of great significance to L2 acquisition. There are three functions about output. Attention function indicates that the target language output causes the learner to pay more attention to the difference between what he wants to say and what he has said, which will stimulate the conscious learning. Confirmation function stresses that learner has the upper hands to identify and correct. Meta-language function means that when producing the language, the learner realizes his own problems which the feedback system in the brain makes the learner to respond and correct.Language acquisition is a bilateral interaction process in which the input and output are closely related. To cultivate the linguistic competence, the learners not only need to listen, but also need to open their mouths to speak and pick up their pens to write. In practice, learners can build up their language sense and perfect their communications, which are favorable conditions for the language study.The balance between language input and language output plays an important role i n second language we notice the balance between language input and output,we will become more efficient in language learning .If we ignore this balance, especially only focus on language input,most of us are incapable in oral speaking and sum up,teachers should adopt different kinds of teaching methods on the basis of the balance between language input and output,so that their students can have an all-round development capability in second language acquisition.。
(3) 改:这时候幸亏我遇见了一位警察。
(4) 改:我记得当时天一直在下雨。
(5) 改:欢迎我再来中国。
(2)不同点:A、习得动力不同:儿童是出于本能、生存和发展的需要;成人动机等多方面B、习得的环境和方式不同:儿童是在天然语言环境中习得的,充满感情、有丰富体势语,体现 i+1 式特点的“照顾式”语言,是以交际活动的参加者身份在真实交际中运用第一语言;成人在课堂中习得要从学发音、基本的词汇和语法开始,进展取决于教学计划和老师的指导,缺少真实的交际环境。
D 文化因素的习得不同儿童通过交际自然习得语言的同时也自然习得了文化和社会价值;第二语言习得过程中特别是在非目的语环境中,如果没有专门安排则不一定能同时习得该目的语文化,而且不同文化之间还可能产生文化冲突。
E 主体的生理、心理特点不同第一语言习得过程伴随着学习者的认知、情感、生理等方面的发展变化,而第二语言习得则是在上述变化基本完成以后进行的,两者习得的条件也不同。
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Paper for the course of second language acquisitionUnderstanding of second language acquisitionUnderstanding of second language acquisition This semester I enter the course of second language acquisition taught by professor Yu. Before this course, I really don’t know that there are some difference between second language acquisition and foreign language acquisition; with my understanding, they are just the same thing. With the further studying, I get to know the differences between the second language acquisition and the foreign language acquisition and also some theories or hypothesis about second language acquisition.Second language acquisition, generally refers to the process of learning another language after the native language has been learned. It can refer to any language learned after learning the first language, regardless of whether it is the second, third, fourth, or other language. While the foreign language acquisition refers to the foreign language learns mainly learn the language in formal instruction classroom setting and usually have less chance to experience the real target language environment.A second or foreign language can rarely be learned or taught without addressing the culture of community in which it is used. Thomas observes that nonnative speakers are often perceived to display inappropriate language behaviors and often are not even aware that they do. In Rosaldo’s study of culture and the individual, she points out that culture is far more than a mere catalogue of rituals and beliefs.Second language acquisition is more integrative and less instrumental, while foreign language acquisition goes opposite on motivation. Second language learners try to learn second language in order to identify with the culture of second language group and integrate into the target language comity, whereas foreign language learners are likely to learn second language group inorder to pass the test.In this course, I know that the predominant theory of second language acquisition was developed by Steven Krashen. Krashen is a specialist in language development and acquisition, and his influential theory is widely accepted in the language learning community.There are five main component s of Krashen’s theory. Each of the components relates to a different aspect of the language learning process: the Acquisition Learning Hypothesis,the Monitor Hypothesis,the Natural Order Hypothesis, the Input Hypothesis and the Affective Filter HypothesisThe Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis actually fuses two fundamental theories of how individuals learn languages. Krashen has concluded that there are two systems of language acquisition that are independent but related and the acquired system and the learned system. The acquired system relates to the unconscious aspect of language acquisition. When people learn their first language by speaking the language naturally in daily interaction with others who speak their native language, thisacquired system is at work. In this system, speakers are less concerned with the structure of their utterances than with the act of communicating meaning. Krashen privileges the acquired system over the learned system.The monitor hypothesis seeks to elucidate how the acquired system is affected by the learned system. When second language learners monitor their speech, they are applying their understanding of learned grammar to edit, plan, and initiate their communication. This action can only occur when speakers have ample time to think about the form and structure of their sentences.The Natural Order Hypothesis argues that there is a natural order to the way second language learners acquire their target language. Research suggests that this natural order seems to transcend age, the learner's native language, the target language, and the conditions under which the second language is being learned. TThe Input Hypothesis seeks to explain how second languages are acquired. In its most basic form, the input hypothesis argues that learners progress along the natural order only when they encounter second language input that is one step beyond where they are in the natural order. The Affective Filter Hypothesis describes external factors that can act as a filter that impedes acquisition. These factors include motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety.Before learning this course, I have been puzzling how to learn aforeign language and the application of this language. As an English major,although having been studying English, we can not use it with facility. I am convinced of Krashen’s theory, especially the Input Hypothesis and the Affective Filter Hypothesis.During my English study, I am always so afraid of mistaking this language in spoken English that I rarely speak in English, although I always encourage myself using Crazy Lee’s famous saying “losing face”. This is my motivation. I read some books and they mention foreign language learners must form conceptualization of this language and before this we must get correct input.At present I just learn a little, I will read more books and articles about second language acquisition in order that I can apply this language correctly and freely.。