









每小题1分,共5分)1.下列哪类服装的穿着时间和穿用场合有严格的区分?( )A.休闲西装B.日常西装C.礼服西装D.茄克便装2.以下哪种面料类型不适合制作西服裤?( )A.化纤织物B.棉麻织物C.毛织物D.针织物3.中国、日本、印度等国家的民族服装,其裤子款式属哪种类型?( )A.紧身型B.宽松型C.适中型D.短小型4.日常衬衫分为几种类型?( )A.一种B.二种C.三种D.四种5.下列哪种轮廓不属于便装茄克的轮廓造型?( )A.T形B.H形C.V形D.A形二、填空题(每空1分,共5分)6.通常的人体比例概念是指生长发育匀称的____________人体平均数据的比例。








10131# 男装设计试题第1 页(共1 页)。





1.设A 与B 互为对立事件,且P (A )>0,P (B )>0,则下列各式中错误..的是( ) A.P (A )=1-P (B ) B.P (AB )=P (A )P (B ) C.P 1)(=ABD.P (A ∪B )=12.设A ,B 为两个随机事件,且P (A )>0,则P (A ∪B |A )=( ) A.P (AB ) B.P (A ) C.P (B )D.13.下列各函数中可作为随机变量分布函数的是( ) A.⎩⎨⎧≤≤=.,x ,x )x (F 其他01021;B.⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<≤<=.x x ,,x x ,)x (F 1101002;;C.⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<≤--<-=.x x ,,x ;x ,)x (F 1111113;D.⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥<≤<=.x x ,,x ;x ,)x (F 11022004;4.设随机变量X 的概率密度为⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<<-=,,;x ,x )x (f 其他0224则P {-1<X <1}=( )A.41B.21 C.43 D.15.,则P {X +Y =0}=( ) A.0.2 B.0.3 C.0.5D.0.76.设二维随机变量(X ,Y )的概率密度为⎩⎨⎧<<-<<-=,,;y ,x ,c )y ,x (f 其他01111 则常数c=( )A.41B.21 C.2D.47.设随机变量X 服从参数为2的泊松分布,则下列结论中正确的是( ) A.E (X )=0.5,D (X )=0.5 B.E (X )=0.5,D (X )=0.25 C.E (X )=2,D (X )=4D.E (X )=2,D (X )=28.设随机变量X 与Y 相互独立,且X ~N (1,4),Y ~N (0,1),令Z=X -Y ,则E (Z 2)=( )A.1B.4C.5D.69.已知D (X )=4,D (Y )=25,Cov (X ,Y )=4,则ρXY =()A.0.004B.0.04C.0.4D.410.设总体X 服从正态分布N (μ,1),x 1,x 2,…,x n 为来自该总体的样本,x 为样本均值,s 为样本标准差,欲检验假设H 0∶μ=μ0,H 1∶μ≠μ0,则检验用的统计量是( ) A.n/s x 0μ-B.)(0μ-x nC.10-μ-n /s xD.)(10μ--x n二、填空题(本大题共15小题,每空2分,共30分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。









全国2003 年10 月高等教育自学考试中国文化概论试题课程代码:00321第一部分选择题(共35 分)一、单项选择题(本大题共15 小题,每小题1 分,共15 分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。




“人文”指的是()A. 自然现象和规律B.社会现象和规律C.人的文化水平D.人体花纹2 .地理环境是人类存在和文化创造的()A.必要条件B.重要条件C.先决条件D. 唯一条件3 .一种社会文明,总有它正统的精神文化主导着该文明的()A.文化现象B.文化结构C.文化产品D.文化方向4 .中国文化曲折演进的历史阶段是()A.西周B.春秋战国C.秦汉D.魏晋南北朝5 .在我国历史上,南方水稻生产升至全国粮食作物产量第一位是在()A.唐代B.北宋C.南宋D. 明中叶6 .在历史上,七巧板是以下哪个民族民间流传的智力玩具()A.汉族B.匈奴族C.高车部D.蒙古族7 .明代大医学家李时珍所著的药学百科全书是()A. 《神农本草经》B. 《本草纲目》C. 《脉经》D. 《素问》8.中国古代社会,完整的宗法制出现在()A.夏代B.商代C.周代D.汉代9 .中国古代科举考试的主导思想是()A.法家思想B.儒家思想C.道家思想D.墨家思想10.《庄子·齐物论》说:“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一。

”这句话体现出的中国传统的思维模式是()A.抽象思维B.类比思维C.辩证思维D.整体思维11.道教奉老子为教祖,尊称为()A.元始天尊B.灵宝天尊C.道德天尊D.太上老君12.中国古代学者重视讨论语言与客观实际的关系,其中提出“约定俗成”理论的人是()A.孔子B.孟子C.荀子D.老子13.有历史记载的从事汉字规范的第一人是()A.仓颉B.太史籀C.李斯D.许慎14.主张对“泰西之学”应取“欲求超胜,必先会通”姿态的学者是()A.王征B.徐光启C.李之藻D.焦循15.“全盘西化论”的代表人物是()A.孙中山B.钱穆C.胡适D.张之洞二、多项选择题(本大题共10 小题,每小题2 分,共20 分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中有二至四个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。



浙02159# 工程力学(一)试卷 第 1 页 共 7 页全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试工程力学(一)试题课程代码:02159一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


1.如图所示重为G 的物块,放在光滑水平支承面上。

物块对水平支承面的压力为N F ,水平支承面对物块的约束反力为NF ',则构成平衡力的两个力应为( ) A .G 与N FB .G 与NF ' C .N F 与NF ' D .G 与N F 和N F 与NF '2.如图所示,两绳AB 、AC 悬挂一重为P的物块,已知夹角 90=ν<β<α,若不计绳重,当物块平衡时,将两绳的张力AB F 、AC F 大小相比较,则有( ) A .AC AB F F >B .AC AB F F <C .AC AB F F =D .无法确定3.如图所示,在铅垂面内的一块圆板上刻有三道直槽AO 、BO 和CO ,三个质量相等的小球M 1、M 2、M 3在重力作用下,自静止开始同时从A 、B 、C 三点分别沿各直槽运动,不计摩擦,则( )A .小球M 1先到O 点B .小球M 2先到O 点浙02159# 工程力学(一)试卷 第 2 页 共 7 页C .小球M 3先到O 点D .三球同时到达O 点4.如图所示,匀质细杆长度为2L ,质量为m ,以角速度ω绕通过O 点且垂直于图面的轴作定轴转动,其动能为A .2261ωmL B .2231ωmL C .2232ωmL D .2234ωmL 5.如图所示,质量为m 的物块置于光滑水平面上,若相互连接的两根水平弹簧的刚度系数分别为k 1和k 2,则系统的固有频率为( )A .)(2121k k m k k + B .2121)(k k k k m + C .m k k 21+ D .21k k m + 6.轴向拉伸或压缩时,直杆横截面上的内力称为轴力,表示为( )A .N FB .TC .Q FD .jy F7.低碳钢冷作硬化后,材料的( )A .比例极限提高而塑性降低B .比例极限和塑性均提高C .比例极限降低而塑性提高D .比例极限和塑性均降低8.两根长度相同的圆轴,受相同的扭矩作用,第二根轴直径是第一根轴直径的两倍,则第一根轴与第二根轴最大切应力之比为( )A .2:1B .4:1C .8:1D .16:19.研究一点应力状态的任务是( )A .了解不同横截面上的应力变化情况浙02159# 工程力学(一)试卷 第 3 页 共 7 页B .了解某横截面上的应力随外力的变化规律C .求某一截面上的应力D .找出一点在不同方位截面上的应力变化规律10. 若等直细长压杆在强度计算和稳定性计算中取相同的安全系数,则下列叙述中正确的是( )A .满足强度条件的压杆一定满足稳定性条件B .满足稳定性条件的压杆一定满足强度条件C .满足稳定性条件的压杆不一定满足强度条件D .不满足稳定性条件的压杆一定不满足强度条件二、填空题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。



全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试英语阅读(二)试题课程代码:00596Ⅰ. Directions: Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write the letter of the answer to each word in Column A on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)A B1. accrue A. using force, threats of punishment2. intensive B. lasting for only a period of time3. erase C. continuous, without break4. constant D. to rub or scrape out5. coercion E. to pass, flow or spread into every part of6. vulnerable F. that is liable to be damaged7. permeate G. to speak or argue in support of8. contemporary H. to become larger or more by addition9. plead I. the quality of keeping secret10. confidentiality J. growing too much in a limited piece of landⅡ. Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully, and choose A, B, C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or phrase. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)11. What breathtaking impertinence to advertise 1p OFF your soap or washing powder or dog food or whatever.A. transmissionB. rudenessC. distractionD. politeness12. A few years ago, our group at Saclay, in collaboration with a number of other European Laboratories, orbited a telescope.A. along withB. in the light ofC. in agreement withD. regardless of13. If they fall behind too far on these obligations, they run the risk of having their houses, cars or other items taken over or repossessed by the lenders.A. homogeneityB. appropriatenessC. responsibilitiesD. probabilities14. As a source of power, water is virtually inexhaustible.A. inaccessibleB. insufficient浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第1 页共12 页C. abundantD. extinguishable15. Astrid and I kept talking and the man continued to swing and lurch over us, thanking us profusely.A. increasinglyB. confidentiallyC. attributablyD. repeatedly16. If the greenhouse effect produces lasting climatic change, national color preferences could radically reorientate.A. changeB. come to an endC. renewD. start again17. If you are animated, you are more likely to see animated listeners.A. dull and stupidB. active and livelyC. annoyedD. respected18. These countries fear that their industries will not be able to survive such drastic cuts and that their national economies will suffer as a result.A. sudden and severeB. slow and continuousC. clear and simpleD. far and wide19. More p eople report they “feel” on the verge of a nervous breakdown.A. on top ofB. instead ofC. on the point ofD. on behalf of20. She was taken aback at the news that her brother had a car accident.A. overjoyedB. happyC. sadD. greatly surprisedⅢ. Directions: Scan Passage 1 and find the words which have roughly the meanings given below. Write the word you choose in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)Note: The numbers in the brackets refer to the numbers of paragraphs in the passage.21. exact; accurate (1)22. statement explaining the meaning of a word or expression (1)23. general (1)24. to provide more details about something in order to make it clearer (1)25. to have or use something together with someone else (2)26. being everywhere at the same time (2)27. information, usually in the from of facts or statistics that one can analyze (2)28. to join or bring something or people together so that they become one (3)29. to plan, prepare, decide on all the details of something (3)30. to change something into a different form (3)浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第2 页共12 页Passage 11. Communication networks are arrangements of hardware and software that allow users to exchange information. This very broad definition will help you begin learning about one of the fastest-growing areas in electrical engineering and computer science. Once we examine some common communication networks, we will develop a more precise definition. We will elaborate on the importance of this field.2. The telephone network is the most familiar and ubiquitous communication network. It is designed for voice transmission. An office computer network is a communication network used by organizations to connect personal computers and workstations so they may share programs and data and to link those computers to printers and, possibly, to some other peripherals(e.g., file servers that provide mass storage or plotters). Computer networks also are used in manufacturing plants to connect machine tools, robots, and sensors. The Internet is a network of computer networks that covers most of the world and allows millions of users to exchange messages and computer files and some limited video and audio signals.3.Although all these systems are communication networks, they are quite different in the information that they transmit and in the way they are used. Nevertheless, they operate on similar principles. The unifying characteristics of all networks help us develop a definition of communication networks that describes the arrangements of hardware and software that we study in this text. Each system described is designed to exchange information, which may be voice, sounds, graphics, pictures, video, text, or data, among users. Most often the users are humans, but they also can be computer programs or devices. Before the information is transmitted, it is converted into bits(zeros or ones). Then the bits are sent to a receiver as electrical or optical signals (electromagnetic waves, to be more precise). Finally, the information is reconstructed from the received bits. This transmission method, called digital transmission, reduced the transmission errors.SECTION 2 READING COMPREHENSION(40 points)IV. Directions: Skim Passage 2 and read the statements given right after the passage and judge whether they are True or False. Write the corresponding answer you choose on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each)Passage 21.Everybody feels pain sometimes: the pain in the head that comes after eating ice cream or drinking cold water; the sudden muscular pain; the “stitch”that attacks long-distance runners or others whose activities have put great demands on the oxygen supply of the body.浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第3 页共12 页These transient pains are not cause for alarm; they usually disappear quickly, return rarely and signify very little.2.In contrast are the unusual, chronic, or exceptionally severe pains that require attention from a doctor, who can determine whether or not they require special care. Angina pectoris(pain of the chest) is a heart pain that lasts from two or three minutes to ten or fifteen. Identification is extremely important, because special drugs are needed for relief and the doctor’s understanding and advice may prevent recurrence of the condition.3.Only a doctor can recognize what are called referred pains. These originate at one point, but are felt at another to which they have been carried by the nerves. A person with continuous pain becomes irritated, tired easily, has difficulty in sleeping, loses appetite, and may even become the victim of what has been called an anxiety state or nervous breakdown. Few diseases develop without pain at some state, and many involve so characteristic a pain as to make diagnosis certain. Whenever a pain is so severe, so prolonged, and so unusual as to arouse alarm, a doctor should be consulted.31.Transient pains should usually be investigated.32.All chronic pains require special care.33.Angina pectoris would probably be classified as unusual.34.Chronic and referred pains are alike in that both last for a long time.35.Pains can be useful as a signal of the presence of disease.36.Transient pains are different from referred pains.37.Pains can serve as an aid in the diagnosis of disease.38.A person with continuous pains is usually good-tempered.39.Chronic pains are felt some distance from their source.40.All chronic pains can be identified and treated.V. Directions: Read Passages 3 and 4 and choose the correct answer. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET.(20 points, 1 point for each)Passage 31.Every year a great number of babies and young children die or are injured in fires. One out of every five fires is caused by careless smoking or by children playing with matches and lighters. Don’t tempt children by leaving matches or lighters a round a room.2.Never leave a child alone in a house. In just a few seconds they could start a fire. Or a fire could start and trap them. A child will panic in a fire and will not know what to do. Unless a parent is around to help, a child may try to hide under a bed or in a closet. Home浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第4 页共12 页fire drills are a sound idea. The best way to stop panic in case of fire is to know what to do before a fire breaks out.3.Your first thought in a fire should always be escape. Far too many people become victims because they do not know the killing power and speed of fire. If a fire is very small and has just started, you can put it out yourself. Do this if you have the proper tools on hand. In any case always send the children outside first. Smoke, not fire, is the real killer in a blaze. According to studies, as many as eight out of ten deaths in fires are due to inhaling fumes long before the flames ever came near the person.4.Burns are another hazard to tots. Fireplaces, space heaters, floor furnaces, and radiators have all caused horrible burns to babies. Since you cannot watch your child all the time, you must screen fireplaces. Put guards around heaters and radiators.5.Some people use a vaporizer or portable heater in a child’s room. If you do, be sure you place it out of reach. Be sure, too, that it is not placed too close to blankets or bedclothes.e care in the kitchen. It is not safe to let an infant crawl or a small child walk around the kitchen while you are preparing meals. There is danger of your tripping and spilling something hot on the child. There is even danger of a child pulling in a hot pot off the stove on to herself. Also, do not use tablecloths that hang over the table edge. Children can easily pull the cloth and whatever is on the table down. Be aware of these dangers and protect your child.41. The best title of the passage can be ________.A. Better Safe Than SorryB. How to Protect ChildrenC. Escape From FireD. Be Careful in the Kitchen42. Careless smoking or children playing with matches and lighters causes ______.A. most deaths of childrenB. one out of five firesC. eight out of ten deaths in firesD. five out of ten fires43. A child will probably do the following in a fire EXCEPT ______.A. panickingB. not knowing what to doC. trying to hide under a bed or in a closetD. calling for help44. In paragraph 2, the word “sound” is closest in meaning to ________.A. healthyB. safeC. sensibleD. thorough45. The best way to stop panic in the case of fire is to ________.A. call a neighborB. be preparedC. call a policemanD. run away浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第5 页共12 页46. When caught in a fire, a person’s first thought should always be ________.A. panicB. preventionC. escapeD. putting out the fire47. The real killer in a fire is _________.A. smokeB. flamesC. fuelD. blaze48. Burns can be caused by _______.A. harmful toysB. bedclothesC. blanketsD. space heaters49. Which statement is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Never leave a young child alone at home.B. Burns can be very dangerous to children.C. Place heaters out of the reach of children.D. Do not work in a kitchen when a child is in it.50. From the passage, we can infer that _______.A. adults know how to handle firesB. many children start fires in a houseC. some fire fighters are not well trainedD. adults are always very careful about fire.Passage 41. When Jules Verne wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth in 1864, there were many conflicting theories about the natur e of the earth’s interior. Some geologists though that it contained a highly compressed ball of incandescent gas, while others suspected that it consisted of separate graphite shells, each made of a different material. Today well over a century later, there is still little direct evidence of what lies beneath our feet. Most of our knowledge of the earth’s interior comes not from mines or bore holes, but from the study of seismic waves—powerful pulses of energy released by earthquakes.2. The way that seismi c waves travel shows that the earth’s interior is far from uniform. The continents and the seabed are formed by the crust—a thin sphere of relatively light, solid rock. Beneath the crust lies the mantle, a very different layer that extends approximately ha lfway to the earth’s center. There the rock is the subject of a battle between increasing heat and growing pressure.3. In its high levels, the mantle is relatively cool; at greater depths, high temperatures make the rock behave more like a liquid than a solid. Deeper still, the pressure is even more intense, preventing the rock from melting in spite of a higher temperature.4. Beyond a depth of around 2,900 kilometers, a great change takes place and the浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第6 页共12 页mantle gives way to the core. Some seismic waves cannot pass through the core and others are bent by it.From this and other evidence, geologists conclude that the outer core is probably liquid, with a solid center. It is almost certainly made of iron, mixed with smaller amount of other elements such as nickel.5. The conditions in the earth’s core make it a far more alien world than space. Its solid iron heart is subjected to unimaginable pressure and has a temperature of about 9,000° F. Although scientists can speculate about its nature, neither humans nor machines will ever be able to visit it.51. The word “conflicting” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.A. controllingB. outdatedC. importantD. opposing52. The geologists _________ about the nature of the earth’s interior.A. agree with each otherB. disagree with each otherC. are sureD. have found enough evidence53. Seismic waves are _________ .A. pulses of energyB. sound wavesC. electromagnetic wavesD. radio waves54. The way that seismic waves travel shows that ________.A. the interior of the earth is rockB. the interior of the earth is divided into different layersC. the interior of the earth is metalD. the crust and the mantle are composed of exactly the same substance55. The word “there” at th e end of Paragraph 2 refers to the ________.A. seabedB. crustC. mantleD. earth’s center56. What is true about the mantle?A. It is similar to the crust.B. It is a very thin layer of the earth.C. It is cooler as it goes deeper.D. It is a completely different layer from the crust.57. The phrase “gives way to” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ________.A. runs alongB. rubs againstC. turns intoD. floats on58. The word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to the _________.A. mantleB. coreC. changeD. depth59. The inner core of the earth is NOT __________.浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第7 页共12 页A. liquidB. made of ironC. solidD. mixed with nickel60. Why does the author state that the earth’s core is “more alien” than space?A. Because government funds are not interested in the characteristics of the earth’s core.B. Because scientists are not interested in the characteristics of the earth’s core.C. Because the pressure and high temperature there prevent scientists from doing research.D. Because the earth’s core is made of elements that are dangerous to humans.Ⅵ. Directions: Passage 5 is taken from the TEXTBOOK. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer. Write the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 points for each)Passage 51. In spite of the difficulties of predicting future trends in world trade, we can specify factors that will be important. Some of these are: population growth; possible scarcity of commodities, the food and energy situation, relations with the Third World (developing nations), pressures to preserve the environment, and international cooperation on political, social, economic, and monetary problems.2. If population growth continues at its present pace, the future balance between food demand and supply may become dependent on new dietary patterns. Reduced consumption of meat, increased use of new high protein food made from soybeans, and development of ocean resources for food are some alternatives that must be considered.3. As the population grows, prices of commodities will fluctuate. As countries endeavor to increase yields on existing croplands through intensified use of water, energy, and fertilizers, the cost of commodities will rise.4. Growth of trade will depend greatly on availability of energy sources. There may still be a trillion barrels of recoverable oil in the Middle East. But the oil crisis of 1974 has led to renewed interest in coal and to a search for alternative sources of energy. Solar, geothermal, and nuclear energy will play a large role in the years to come.5. Solar energy is available in various forms. Buildings can be heated and cooled by direct use of solar radiation, crops and trees, which are the most efficient converters of sunlight into energy, can be grown for their energy potential, wastes can be burned as fuel, sunlight can be converted into DC (direct current) electricity, electric power can be derived from the sun-warmed surface waters of the ocean (ocean thermal power), lastly, solar radiation can be converted to heat that will drive electric power generators (solar thermal power). Serious problems still remain as to transportation and storage of solar energy.6. Geothermal energy is the energy contained within the earth. Heat is abundantly浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第8 页共12 页available deep in the earth’s core and is constantly being produced. How ever, this heat is usually located at too deep a level for commercial exploitation. Sometimes heat comes to the surface in the form of lava and geysers. In short, very little is know on the use of geothermal energy, and it has barely been exploited.7. Nuclear energy is produced in nuclear power plants. At these plants atoms of uranium are split, thus releasing masses of energy. Another source of energy under development is the nuclear fusion of certain atoms of hydrogen. This could eventually replace natural gas as a source of energy.8. In future trade the key development to watch is the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations. Third World countries export their mineral deposits and tropical agricultural products, which bring them desired foreign exchange. Tourism has also been greatly responsible for the rapid development of some developing nations. Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations. Western Europe has received millions of such workers from Mediterranean countries.9. The developing nations profit when these workers bring their savings and their acquired technical skills back home. Many developing nations benefit when Western nations establish manufacturing in their countries to take advantage of cheap labor.10. As economies mature, economic growth rates tend to level off. The rate of population growth is leveling off today in Western nations. This leveling-off eventually leads to static non-growth markets. A point of saturation sets in—technology and innovation have seemed to achieve the impossible, but then how much further can it go? Herman Kahn, in his book The Next 200 Years, says that a shift in priorities will have to occur for industrialized nations. No longer is the creation of money and jobs essential, it is rather the improvement of the quality of life that must be our concern. Today pollution is of major concern for industrialized nations. Environmentalists are worried about the relationship between industrial objectives and preserving the environment. In developing nations, however, the problem of pollution is ignored for the sake of development.11. The Western World will eventually move to a period of relatively low economic growth, coupled with a high rate of unemployment. A so-called welfare society will emerge. The unemployed in the new welfare society will be taken care of by the employed through generous contributions to the social welfare system.12. Political questions remain as to the world’s future. We can only speculate as to whether organized markets such as the Common Market and COMECON could eventually merge. In the present political climate, this would seem impossible, although some cooperation agreements are already in effect. Obviously a merger between the Western and Eastern European markets would greatly enhance world trade.13. International monetary cooperation will have a significant impact on future trade.浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第9 页共12 页If the IMF countries are not able to agree upon a new international monetary order in the years to come, international trade may become too risky for some companies to get involved in . If the IMF is unable to create sufficient international liquidity reserves in the future, there may not be enough liquidity to sustain growth in trade.14. However, growing international consultation and cooperation in economic, monetary, and political matters will certainly contribute to the flourishing of world trade for years to come.61. If population growth continues at its present pace, how can people keep the balance between food demand and supply?A. People should increase the consumption of meat.B. People should increase the consumption of low protein food.C. People should turn to new dietary patterns.D. People should produce more crops.62. Trade growth will depend greatly on ___________.A. energy sourcesB. dietary patternsC. increased consumption of soybeansD. increased yields on existing croplands63. The oil crisis of 1974 caused ___________.A. countries to depend more on oilB. countries to find other energy sources to replace oilC. coal and nuclear energy to become less popularD. countries to become more and more indifferent to coal64. The problem with solar energy is that _________.A. sunlight cannot be used directly for heating buildingsB. sunlight cannot be used to drive electric power generatorsC. it is difficult to transport and store solar energyD. it is difficult to convert sunlight into DC electricity65. Geothermal energy has not been exploited because ____________.A. it is located too deep in earth’s core for commercial useB. it is not sufficient enoughC. little is known about exploratory technologyD. it often comes to the surface in the form of lava and geysers66. Which of the following is NOT true according to paragraph 8?A. Third World countries export their mineral deposits so as to get foreign exchange.B. Workers in Third World countries emigrate to developed countries.C. Tourism will contribute much to the development of Third World countries.浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第10 页共12 页D. Some developing countries will absorb large numbers of foreign workers to work in theircountries.67. Industrial nations show great concern for ____________.A. creation of new jobsB. pollution and environmental preservationC. high unemployment and low wagesD. the decreasing economic growth rate68. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 10?A. Western nations are facing economic saturation.B. Developing countries pay much attention to the problem of pollution.C. As economies mature, economic growth rates tend to speed up.D. A welfare society will emerge in developing nations.69. In a welfare society ______________.A. people don’t need to work but can enjoy the welfare provided by their countriesB. more people will be laid off with the rapid growth of the economyC. rate of unemployment is very low due to low economic growthD. people who are out of work will be taken care of economically by their countries70. We can conclude from Paragraphs 12,13 and 14 that _________.A. the Common Market and COMECON would eventually mergeB. the future of the international trade will depend on international consultation andcooperationC. there would be monetary cooperation between Western and Eastern European countriesD. future international liquidity reserves would influence growth in tradeSECTION 3 QUESTIONS AND TRANSLATION (30 points)Ⅶ. Directions: The following questions are closely related to Passage 5. Write a brief answer (one to three complete sentences) to each of the questions on your ANSWER SHEET. Pay attention to the words, grammar and sentence structure in your answers.(15 points, 3 points for each)71. What energies will play a large role in the future?72. Which energy could eventually replace natural gas as a source of energy?What energy is it classified as?73. Why is it the key point in future trade to develop the relationship between the industrialized and the developing nations?74. Herman Kahn says in his book The Next 200 Years that a shift will occur for industrialized nations. What is the shift?75. What will happen if the IMF countries are not able to agree upon a new international浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第11 页共12 页monetary order in the future?Ⅷ.Directions: Translate the following sentences (taken from passage 5) in to Chinese and write the Chinese version in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET.(15 points, 3 points for each)76. Reduced consumption of meat, increased used of new high protein food made from soybeans, and development of ocean resources for food are some alternatives that must be considered.77. As countries endeavor to increase yields on existing croplands through intensified use of water, energy, and fertilizers, the cost of commodities will rise.78. Many Third World nations with high unemployment and low wages have seen an emigration of workers to the developed nations.79. A point of saturation sets in—technology and innovation have seemed to achieve the impossible, but then how much further can it go ?80. In the present political climate, this would seem impossible, although some cooperation agreements are already in effect.浙00596# 英语阅读(二)试卷第12 页共12 页。

























(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)1. For our English homework we have to write a ______ paper.A. three-thousand-wordB. three-thousands-wordC. three-thousand-wordsD. three-thousands-words2. Jack ______ English in the university for 30 years by the end of next month.A. will teachB. had taughtC. will have taughtD. has taught3. You’d better not disturb Jack, ______?A. had youB. hadn’t youC. should youD. didn’t you4. I didn’t hear ______ because there was too much noise where I was sitting.A. what the teacher saidB. what did the teacher sayC. that the teacher saidD. that did the teacher say5. I had scarcely left the house ______ it began to rain.A. thanB. whenC. thatD. then6. The boy must have gone this way, ______ there are his footprints here.A. forB. orC. yetD. then7. The doctor suggested that my brother ______ sit up so late.A. not doB. notC. don’tD. won’t8. Jane has a very good collection of books, ______ are written in foreign languages.A. many of thoseB. thoseC. many of whichD. many9. We should keep ourselves ______ of the fresh developments.A. informingB. informedC. to informD. inform10. You would expect there ______ strong disagreement about this.A. having beenB. beingC. has beenD. to be00794# 综合英语(一)试题第1 页共8 页11. Only by working very hard ______ a good mark in the exam.A. you have gottenB. you may getC. can you getD. can get you12. After the accident, he seemed ______ everything.A. to have forgottenB. forgettingC. to forgetD. having forgotten13. I ______ to go on a holiday but wasn’t able to get away.A. hopedB. have hopedC. hopeD. had hoped14. Eighty-two people were reported ______ in the plane crash.A. to have injuredB. to have been injuredC. injuredD. injuring15. ______ proper preparation John thought it better to postpone the lecture tour till next week.A. Having madeB. To makeC. Not having madeD. Not to have made16. The driver was asked to given a(an) ______ of the accident.A. statementB. accountC. situationD. amount17. He was left in ______ of the store when the manager was away.A. chargeB. careC. responsibilityD. management18. Accidents are quite ______ on this part of the highway.A. ordinaryB. popularC. commonD. regular19. When the boy was only four, his father decided to ______ a musician of him.A. developB. buildC. makeD. do20. ______ medical science, we can expect to live to a good old age.A. As forB. According toC. Instead ofD. But for21. Suddenly the chair caught fire. The boys quickly ______ the fire with water and an old coat.A. suppressedB. wiped outC. destroyedD. put out22. Our plan ______ unexpected opposition from the retired workers.A. came toB. came byC. ran overD. ran into00794# 综合英语(一)试题第2 页共8 页23. The small family business ______ a company of international importance.A. grew intoB. broke intoC. ran intoD. made into24. Professor Wang is a person you can ______ for advice.A. turn upB. turn intoC. turn toD. turn down25. Standing up to empty your basket gives you a chance not only to ______ your back, but to lookat the scenery.A. stretchB. raiseC. liftD. move26. A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person ______ by the simple meansof speech.A. baseB. foundationC. groundD. basis27. Take the money with you ______ something unexpected happens.A. now thatB. in caseC. unlessD. if28. One of the reasons we get along so well is that we both say what’s ______ our minds.A. ofB. atC. onD. within29. ______ automobile pollution, the air quality in most major cities has been lowered.A. As a result ofB. In spite ofC. But forD. As for30. Let’s see what types of classes the school ______ for undergraduate students.A. bringsB. offersC. presentsD. suppliesⅡ.认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。





1.下列集合中为空集的是() A.{x|e x=1}B.{0}C.{(x, y)|x 2+y 2=0}D.{x| x 2+1=0,x ∈R}2.函数f(x)=2x 与g(x)=x 表示同一函数,则它们的定义域是()A.(]0,∞-B.[)+∞,0C.()+∞∞-,D.()+∞,03.函数f(x)==π-?≥<)4(f ,1|x |,01|x ||,x sin |则()A.0B.1C.22D.-22 4.设函数f(x)在[-a, a](a>0)上是偶函数,则f(-x)在[-a, a]上是()A.奇函数B.偶函数C.非奇非偶函数D.可能是奇函数,也可能是偶函数5.=+→)2x (x x2sin lim 0x ()A.1B.0C.∞D.26.设2x10x e )mx 1(lim =-→,则m=()A.21 B.2 C.-2D.21-7.设f(x)=?=≠2x ,12x ,x 2,则=→)x (f lim 2x ()A.2B.∞C.1D.48.设x1e y -=是无穷大量,则x 的变化过程是()A. x →0+B. x →0-C. x →+∞D. x →-∞9.函数在一点附近有界是函数在该点有极限的() A.必要条件B.充分条件C.充分必要条件D.无关条件10.定义域为[-1,1],值域为(-∞,+∞)的连续函数()A.存在B.不存在C.存在但不唯一D.在一定条件下存在11.下列函数中在x=0处不连续的是()A. f(x)=??=≠0x ,10x ,|x |xsinB. f(x)==≠0x ,00x ,x1sin x C. f(x)=?=≠0x ,10x ,e xD. f(x)=??=≠0x ,00x ,x1cos x 12.设f(x)=e 2+x,则当△x →0时,f(x+△x)-f(x)→()A.△xB.e 2+△x C.e2D.013.设函数f(x)=<-≥0x ,1x 0x ,e 2x,则=---→0x )0(f )x (f lim 0x () A.-1 B.-∞C.+∞D.114.设总收益函数R(Q)=40Q-Q 2,则当Q=15时的边际收益是() A.0 B.10 C.25D.37515.设函数f(x)=x(x-1)(x-3),则f '(0)=() A.0 B.1 C.3D.3!16.设y=sin 33x,则y '=()A.3xsin32B.3xsin2C.3x cos 3x sin 32D.3x cos 3x sin 2 17.设y=lnx,则y (n)=() A.(-1)nn!x -nB.(-1)n (n-1)!x -2nC.(-1)n-1(n-1)!x -nD.(-1)n-1n!x-n+118.=)x (d )x (sin d 2() A.cosx B.-sinx C.2xcosD.x2xcos 19.f '(x)<0,x ∈(a, b) ,是函数f(x)在(a, b)内单调减少的()A.充分条件B.必要条件C.充分必要条件D.无关条件20.函数y=|x-1|+2的极小值点是() A.0 B.1 C.2D.321.函数y=2ln 3x3x -+的水平渐近线方程为() A. y=2 B. y=1 C. y=-322.设f(x)在[a, b](a<="" p="" )="">B. f(b)C.)2ba (f +D.)3a2b (f + 23.=-?2)3y 2(dy()A.C )3y 2(613+--B.C )3y 2(613+-C.C 3y 21+-D.C )3y 2(21+--24.设f(x)在(-∞,+∞)上有连续的导数,则下面等式成立的是()A.?+='C )x (f dx )x (f x 22'C )x (f 21dx )x (f x 22C.?=')x (f 21)dx )x (xf (22D.?=)x (f dx )x (xf 2225.?=)tgx (xd sin ln () A. tgxlnsinx-x+CB. tgxlnsinx+x+CC. tgxlnsinx-?x cos dxD. tgxlnsinx+x cos dx26.=+?--21dx 3x x() A.-1-3ln2 B.-1+3ln2 C.1-3ln2D.1+3ln227.=π210dx )x 2(tg () A.2ln 212ln 21C.2ln 1πD.2ln 1π-28.经过变换x t =,=-94dx 1x x ( )A. ?-94dt 1t tB. ?-942dt 1t t 2 C. ?-32dt 1 t tD.-322dt 1t t 2 29.∞x dx e x1 ( )A.e2 B.- e2 C.2eD.-2e30.=-211x dx ( )A.2B.1C.∞D.32 31.级数∑∞=-1n nn25)1(的和等于 ( )A.35 B.-35C.532.下列级数中,条件收敛的是( ) A. ∑∞=--1n n 1n )32()1( B.∑∞=-+-1n 21n 2n n )1(C.∑∞=--1n 31n n1)1( D.∑∞=--1n 31n n51)1(33.幂级数∑∞=---1n n1n n)1x ()1( 的收敛区间是() A.(]2,0 B.(]1,1- C.[]0,2-D.()+∞-∞,34.点(-1,-1,1)在下面哪一张曲面上 ( ) A.z y x 22=+ B.z y x 22=- C.1y x 22=+D.z xy =35.设 f(u,v)=(u+v)2,则 )yx,xy (f =( )A.22)x1x (y +B.22)y1y (x + C.2)y1y (x +D.2)x1x (y +36.设 )x2yx ln()y ,x (f +=,则=')0,1(f y ( ) A.21 B.1 C.2D.037.设22y xy 3x 2z -+=,则=yx z2( ) A.6 B.3 C.-2D.238.下列函数中为微分方程0y y =+'的解的是( ) A.x eB.-x eC.x e -D.x e +x e -39.下列微分方程中可分离变量的是( )A.2x x ydx dy += B.y xydx dy += C.)0k (1)b y )(a x (k dxdy≠+++=, D.x y sin dxdy=- 40.设D :0≤x ≤1,0≤y ≤2,则+Ddxdy x1y=( ) A.ln2 B.2+ln2 C.2D.2ln2二、计算题(一)(本大题共3小题,每小题4分,共12分)41.求极限xsin 2e e lim2x x 0x -+-→.42.设)y 21x (cos 2u 2-=,求xu,y u ??.43.求微分方程x ytgx y =-'的通解.三、计算题(二)(本大题共4小题,每小题7分,共28分)44.设)ctgx x ln(csc y -=,求y '. 45.求定积分dx x cos x cos 203?π-.46.将函数(1+x )ln(1+x)展开成x 的幂级数,并指出其收敛域.47.设f(x,y)是连续函数.改变?xx 2102dy )y ,x (f dx的积分次序.四、应用题(本大题共2小题,每小题8分,共16分)48.求由圆面 22)b y (x -+≤)b a 0(a 2<< 绕x 轴旋转一周所形成的物体的体积.49.设某商品每周生产x 单位时,总成本为C (x )=100+2x ,该产品的需求函数为x=800-100p (p 为该商品单价),求能使利润最大的p 值.五、证明题(本题共4分)50.证明方程01x 3x 3=+-在区间(0,1)内有唯一实根.。



第⼀部分选择题(50分) ⼀、单项选择题(本⼤题共30⼩题,每⼩题1分,共30分)在每⼩题列出的四个备选项中只有⼀个是符合题⽬要求的,请将其代码填⼊题⼲后的括号内。

错选、多选或未选均⽆分) 1.经济权利是由经济法律、法规所确认的⼀种() A资格 B责任C ⾏为 D利益 2.被代理⼈知道代理⼈的代理⾏为违法却不表⽰反对的,负法律法律责任的应当是 () A代理⼈ B 被代理⼈ C被代理⼈和第三⼈D代理⼈和被代理⼈ 3. 合同被确认⽆效后,为解决该合同争议⽽订⽴的促仲裁协议或仲裁条款的法律效⼒() A将随之丧失 B 将随之部分丧失C 不受影响 D 由双⽅商定 4.我国《审计法》规定,国家实⾏审计监督制度,除国务院外,还可以设⽴审计机关的地⽅政府为() A乡级以上地⽅⼈民政府 B市级以上地⽅⼈民政府 C县级以上地⽅⼈民政府 D省级以上地⽅⼈民政府 5. 我国《担保法》规定的质押分为劝产质押和() A不动产质押 B 财产质押C 权利质押 D 定⾦质押 6. 商业保险的对象既可以是⼈,也可以是() A⾏为 B 物 C 财产权利 D⼈⾝权利 7.纳税⼈对混合销售⾏为不分别核算或者不能准确核算的,不征收营业税,其应税劳务与货物或⾮应税劳务⼀并征收() A消费税 B增值税 C财产税 D所得税 8.参与税收征纳关系的主体之间所发⽣的经济关系是税法的() A内容 B客体 C调整对象 D构成要素 9. 根据我国《消费者权益保护法》的规定,消费者是指() A⽣产资料的消费者 B⽣活资料的消费者 C消费品的消费者 D⼀切商品的消费者 10.在我国发明专利权的期限的起算时间是() A专利申请之⽇ B专利权被批准之⽇ C专利权被公告之⽇ D专利权被登记之⽇ 11.《专利法》所称的实⽤新型是⼀种() A 对产品提出的适于实⽤的新的技术⽅案 B 对产品制作⽅法提出的适于实⽤的新的技术⽅案 C 对产品外形提出的适于实⽤的新的技术⽅案 D 对产品形状、构造或者其结合提出的适于实⽤的新的技术⽅案 12.因不可抗⼒致使不能实现合同⽬的,合同当事⼈可以()A 终⽌合同B 解除合同C 撤消合同D 变更合同 13.中⽌履⾏合同后,对⽅在合理期限内未恢复履⾏能⼒并且未提供适当担保的,中⽌履⾏的⼀⽅() A中能继续中⽌履⾏ B 可以变更合同 C可以撤消合同 D可以解除合同 14.合同双⽅当事⼈都有过错造成合同⽆效,应当各⾃承担相应的责任。




每小题1分,共20分)1.从精密度好就可断定分析结果可靠的前提是( )。


滴定耗用0.280mol/LNaOH溶液18.30ml,下列四种计算结果中合理的是( )。

A.17%B.17.4%C.17.44%D.17.442%3.某砷化物Cu3(AsO3)2·2As2O3·Cu(CH3COO)2(以M表示其化学式),计算As2O3时,应用的换算因数是( )。

A.As2O3/MB.2As2O3/MC.3As2O3/MD.4As2O3/M4.BaSO4沉淀重量法测定Ba2+时,对于BaSO4沉淀的洗涤最好使用( )。

A.母液B.水C.稀H2SO4D.稀HCl5.非水酸碱滴定中,滴定弱碱常选用的溶剂是( )。

A.二甲基甲酰胺B.冰HAcC.甲基异丁基酮D.苯-甲醇6.铬酸钾指示剂法中,滴定反应只能在如下溶液中进行( )。

A.强酸性B.中性或弱酸性C.中性、弱碱性D.强碱性7.浓度为1.0×10-3mol/L配位剂L滴定1.0×10-3mol/L金属离子M,设配合物ML的稳定常数为K ML=1014.0,在何种pH条件下可以准确滴定( )。

A.pH=2.0 lgαL(H)=14.0B.pH=8.0 lgαL(H)=3.0C.pH=7.0 lgαy(H)=5.5D.pH=6.0 lgαL(H)=8.08.用EDTA标准溶液滴定Ca2+,常用指示剂为( )。

A.二甲酚橙(X.O)B.PANC.甲基红D.铬黑T9.对于Ce4++Fe2+=Fe3++Ce3+滴定反应,影响滴定突跃大小的因素为( )。












1.欧洲世俗封建教育的主要目的是培养()A.公民B.平民 C.骑士D.僧侣2.在教育学史上,被视为 A.德育B.智育 C.美育D.体育13.学校组织学生去敬老院义务劳动,培养学生关心帮助孤寡老人的品质,这类教育活动属于()A.民主意识教育B.文明行为教育 C.法制观念教育D.爱国主义教育14.学生通过体育活动获得愉快的情绪体验,这说明学校体育具有()A.思想性B.技能性 C.娱乐性D.竞技性 15.实现教育过程的基本途径是()A.教学B.管理 C.考试D.课程设置16.能够在最短的时间内向学生呈现、介绍大量和系统信息的方法是()A.实践法B.谈话法 C.参观法D.讲授法17.学生的兴趣、好恶、意志以及其他个性品质等因素实际上是指()A.智力因素B.理性因素 C.非智力因素D.感知因素18.从构成要素的角度分析,教育过程可以理解为以下两方面的对立统一,即()A.讲解与演示过程B.参观与讨论过程 C.提问与对话过程D.教授与学习过程19.教师必须做到“严以律已,为人师表”,这是因为教师的劳动具有()A.创造性B.示范性 C.连续性D.主体性20.相对于学校教育和社会教育来说,家庭教育的首要特点是()A.科学性B.强制性 C.生活性D.规范性二、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)21.教育22.人的身心发展 23.学校教育制度 24.教育目的 25.陶冶法三、简答题(本大题共6小题,选答其中4小题,每小题8分,共32分,多选答者,按前4小题评分)26.教育学创立的主客观条件是什么? 27.教育发展的继承性表现在哪些方面?28.我国中小学德育内容的三个主要层次是什么? 29.教育过程的主要矛盾是什么?浙00469# 教育学原理试卷30.教师应该具备怎样的能力结构?31.开展良好的家庭教育的基本要求是什么?四、论述题(本大题共13分)32.经济基础对教育具有哪些制约作用?请联系实际就其中的某一方面展开论述。




每小题1分,共14分)1.RT0熔断器适用于对断路能力要求较高的低压系统中,下面哪种熔断器是RT0熔断器?( )A.有填料的封闭式B.有填料的敞开式C.无填料的封闭式D.无填料的敞开式2.隔离开关用于隔离电压或切换电路,( )A.不得断开但可接通负荷电路B.不得接通但可断开负荷电路C.不得断开或接通负荷电路D.不得转移电流或接通电路3.在110kV及以上的配电装置中,下述哪种条件下可采用多角形接线?( )A.出线不多且发展规模不明确B.出线不多但发展规模明确C.出线多但发展规模不明确D.出线多且发展规模明确4.厂用电率是衡量发电厂经济性的主要指标之一,它等于发电厂在一定时间内的厂用电量与( )A.其总发电量之比B.其总装机容量之比C.其供电量之比D.系统总发电量之比5.半高型配电装置是将( )A.母线与母线重迭布置B.母线与断路器等设备重迭布置C.电气设备与电气设备重迭布置D.母线与避雷器重迭布置6.在110kV及以上的配电装置中应尽可能选用( )A.电容式电压互感器B.电磁式电压互感器C.油浸绝缘电磁式电压互感器D.树脂浇注绝缘电磁式电压互感器7.三相五柱式电压互感器的二次侧辅助副绕组接成开口三角形接线,其作用是监测系统的( )A.相电压B.线电压C.零序电压D.相电压和线电压8.中央信号装置由( )A.事故信号装置和指示灯组成B.事故信号装置和位置信号组成C.位置信号和指示灯组成D.事故信号装置和预告信号装置组成9.自同期方式并列是将发电机转速升高到接近系统的同步转速时,( )A.在未加励磁的条件下将发电机并入系统,待发电机拉入同步后再加上励磁电流02301# 发电厂电气主系统试题第1 页共4 页02301# 发电厂电气主系统试题 第 2 页 共 4 页B.加上励磁电流后将发电机并入系统,使发电机拉入同步C.加上励磁电流使发电机拉入同步后,将发电机并入系统D.在未加励磁的条件下将发电机并入系统,随后立即给发电机加上励磁电流,使发电机拉入同步10.除下列哪一种情况外,其余过程均会使绝缘介质发生不可逆的老化?( )A.热过程B.受潮C.化学过程D.机械损伤11.被试品绝缘状态的好坏,通常用吸收比(K)表示,吸收比为下面哪一个表达式?(R 100,R 60,R 15分别为100s 、60s 、15s 时的绝缘电阻) A.K=60100R R B. K=15100R R C. K=1560R R D. K=6015R R 12.行波在架空线和电缆中传播速度的计算公式是( ) A.)s /m (103r0r 08εεμμ⨯ B. )s /m (103r r 8εμ⨯ C. )s /m (/103r r 8εμ⨯ D. )s /m (/103r r 8με⨯13.由跨步电压的定义可知,其大小( )A.不仅与接地装置的接地电阻有关,而且与具体人的步距大小有关B.只与接地电流大小有关C.与具体个人的步距大小和离接地装置远近有关D.与接地装置的接地电阻和接地电流大小有关14.避雷针的保护范围是指( )A.有可能被直接雷击,但过电压得到控制的空间范围B.具有1%左右雷击概率的空间范围C.具有0.1%左右雷击概率的空间范围D.绝对不会被直接雷击的空间范围二、填空题(每小题1分,共10分)15.在弧柱区内,带电质点从弧柱区逸出,进入弧柱周围介质中去的现象称为_________现象。



全国2003年10月高等教育自学考试基础英语试题课程代码:00088一、单词或短语的英汉互译(共10分)(一)将下列词语译成中文(5分)1.foreign-trade zones2.cost effectiveness3.investment demand4.capital-output ratio5.the cost of production(二)将下列词语译成英文(5分)6.关税壁垒7.供求机制8.存货占用成本9.营销商10.无形贸易二、词汇应用和语法结构(共30分)(一)语汇应用(15分)选择最佳答案完成句子11.The flight to Paris was()because of fog .A. delayedB. deposedC. divertedD. rejected12.He()our returning home as soon as possible.A. advisedB. interestedC. persuadedD. suggested13.Only hotel guests have the()of using the private beach.A. occasionB. possibilityC. privilegeD. habit14.Nobody can explain the()of this commonly-used expression.A. beginningB. starting-pointC. causeD. origin15.Your usual teacher has lost his voice and ()I am taking his place today.A. besidesB. neverthelessC. howeverD. therefore16.The old lady doesn’t like any visitors. Yesterday she was annoyed by the()of a stranger.A. intrusionB. instructionC. inferenceD. inflation17.He didn’t go into detail on the subject. He spoke in()A. commonB. regularC. generalD. ordinary18.The social security system provides()for retired citizens.A. wagesB. profitsC. rewardsD. pensions19.When they asked me to make a speech, I was at a()for words.A. lackB. desireC. failureD. loss20.As he had no friends or relatives in the town, the traveler tried to find a()somewhere.A. lodgeB. landingC. lodgingD. stay21.My sister()her shorthand ability by taking notes in shorthand during lectures.A. keeps upB. keeps inC. keeps onD. keeps with22.A()fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.A. pensionB. publicC. welfareD. relief23.The man’s()was described as impatient in contrast to his wife’s.A. featureB. personalityC. markD. property24.This newspaper provides more foreign news than()news.A. presentB. practicalC. domesticD. native25.I like this classical music, but I can’t remember who()it.A. composedB. designedC. inventedD. created(二)语法结构(15分)选择最佳答案完成句子26.()is of no consequence to me.A. He goes or staysB. Whether he goes or staysC. Whether he go or staysD. He goes whether he stays27.The lawyer questioned the witness about()A. what knew heB. What did he knowC. he knewD. what he knew28.He()on this essay for twenty minutes, but he has written only a hundred words.A. workedB. will be workingC. has been workingD. would have workednny had an advantage()his mother in that he was well-educated.A. forB. onC. overD. toward30.The present population of this city is three times()it was ten years ago.A. whatB. sinceC. thatD. as31.()the land is fertile, there is usually a large population.A. AlthoughB. WhereC. WhetherD. There32.You don’t need()for his permission every time you want to leave the room.A. to askB. askC. askingD. being asked33.So badly()in the car accident that he had to stay in the hospital for treatment.A. did Peter injureB. Peter injuredC. Peter was injuredD. was Peter injured34.He congratulated them()what they had achieved.A. onB. atC. forD. about35.I should say Henry is not()much a writer as a reporter.A. thatB. soC. thisD. as36.()in this business, you have to be adaptable.A. SucceedingB. Having succeededC. To succeedD. To have succeeded37.I would have come sooner but I()that you were waiting.A. didn’t knowB. haven’t knownC. hadn’t knownD. knew38.He came to me last night to apologize for not doing what he()A. ought to doB. should doC. ought to be doingD. ought to have done39.To our great disappointment, neither of the toys()to the children.A. appealB. appealsC. are appealingD. is appealed40.The particles in the atom are too small()A. seeingB. seenC. to be seenD. for seeing三、改错(共10分)下面句子中有A,B,C,D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。




每小题1分,共15分)ENET的中文名称是( )A.新闻组B.用户网络C.远程登录D.新闻公告2.在INTERNET上电子邮件的地址格式为( )A.主机域名@用户帐号B.用户帐号@主机域名C.用户帐号@主机名D.用户帐号@机构名3.一般说来,档案是在文件( )后,经过鉴定归档转化形成的。

A.制作完毕B.办理完毕C.暂时保存D.印刷完毕4.( )是公文子系统和档案管理子系统的衔接部分,控制着公文数据向档案数据的转化过程。

A.归卷子系统B.系统维护系统C.档案数据库系统D.文档一体化系统5.间接法静电复印的过程包括充电、曝光、( )等步骤。

A.显影、定影、清洁、复制B.感光、显影、转印、定影C.显影、转印、定影、复制D.显影、转印、定影、清洁6.采用调幅模拟信号传送,传送一页A4大小的文稿约需三分钟的文件传真机属于( )A.G1B.G2C.G3D.G47.Word是文字处理软件,它( )A.在DOS环境下运行B.在Windows环境下运行C.在DOS和Windows环境下都可以运行D.可以不要环境,独立地运行8.电子计算机由五个基本部分构成,即控制器、运算器、( )、输入装置和输出装置。

A.内存储器B.外存储器C.存储器D.磁盘存储器9.数据处理的特点是:数据量大、( )、时间性强。

A.输出量大B.数据结构复杂C.数据处理复杂D.数据类型少10.在无纸办公室环境下,计算机、应用软件、( )是三个最基本的要素。

A.通信设备B.决策支持技术C.多媒体技术D.通信网络11.按下( )组合键可关闭Excel窗口。

A.Alt+F4B.Ctrl+F6C.Alt+F6D.Ctrl+F412.关于Excel函数的说法,下列陈述中( )是错误的。








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1.在历史上第一次使管理从经验上升为科学的是( )
2.在现代管理理论学派中,认为企业管理没有什么一成不变、普遍适用的“最佳的”管理理论和方法的学派是( ) A.管理过程学派B.行为科学学派
3.国家制定和颁布《公司法》、《合同法》、《反不正当竞争法》等来约束企业的行为,这构成企业的( ) A.社会文化环境B.科技环境
4.哈药六厂通过加大广告宣传来提高现有产品市场份额的做法属于( )
5.下列决策中哪一项属于程序化决策?( )
6.决策者对一个方案可能出现的正反两种结果,分别估计其得失数值,以其可能实现的概率加权,求得两项乘积的正或负的差额并进行比较而做出决定,这种决策方法是( )
7.采用防守型战略的企业组织结构表现为( )
8.矩阵制组织形式的采用容易破坏管理的( )
第 1 页
9.以下四种做法,哪一种最能说明该组织所采取的是较为分权的做法?( )

对参加培训的企业而言,这体现的是人员配备中的( )
11.从组织外部招聘管理人员可以带来“外来优势”是指被聘干部( )

为避免这种现象的发生,在选聘管理者时要做到( )

该公司选聘人员所依据的理论是( )

该领导很可能是管理方格中所说的( )
...下列哪一项?( )
16.当团队成员还是作为个体在思考,缺乏与其他成员集思广益,行为表现更多的是争执、竞争和戒备等时,这表明团队发展进入( )


这时,你应该怎么办?( )
第 2 页



这位老板有些不解,你认为这是为什么?( )
...预先控制?( )
20.我国从20世纪60年代初期开始在国防、建筑、水利和冶金等部门推广使用并被称为“统筹法”的是( ) A.综合控制法B.计划评审技术


21.计划工作的基本特征有( )
22.按决策评价的准则,可把决策分为( )
23.个人管理的优点包括( )
24.管理者所能变革的领域有( )
第 3 页
25.管理信息系统的构成主要包括( )














第 4 页

第 5 页。
