



许可证号有效期至 单位名称产品名称产品型号类型XKC3587320120402深圳市浩邦信息技术有限公司浩邦物理隔离卡V3.0物理断开部件(物理隔离卡-基本级)LANenforcer 2024访问控制(网络-基本级)XKC3587420120402深圳市卓优数据科技有限公司is Networks Inc.美国耐威网络生产的 Nevis内网安全产品XKC3587520120402上海雍立信息科技有限公司雍立ASM应用安全审计系统V2.8数据库安全审计(基本级)XKC3587620120402北京永嘉誉科技发展有限责任公司金网内网安全监控管理系统GodNet NSMMS V1.0远程主机监测XKC3587720120402北京永嘉誉科技发展有限责任公司金网入侵检测系统GodNet IDS V1.0NIDS(一级)XKC3587820120402北京永嘉誉科技发展有限责任公司金网安全集中管理系统GodNet MS V1.0安全管理平台XKC3587920120402北京数盾信息科技有限公司网络文件保护系统V1.0访问控制(网络-基本级)XKC3588020120409北京傲盾软件有限责任公司傲盾抗拒绝服务系统V7.0其他(企业标准)XKC3588120120409山东中创软件商用中间件股份有限公司InfordGuard数据库审计系统V3.0数据库安全审计(基本级)XKC3588220120409北京启明星辰信息安全技术有限公司天阗威胁检测与智能分析系统V7.0/(百兆)网络入侵检测系统(三级)XKC3588320120409北京启明星辰信息安全技术有限公司天阗威胁检测与智能分析系统V7.0/(千兆)网络入侵检测系统(三级)XKC3588420120409深圳市网安计算机安全检测技术有限公司Consec安点安全登录产品Consec V1.0其他(企业标准)XKC3588520120409北京博睿勤技术发展有限公司酷卫士电子文档安全管理系统V3.0访问控制(网络-基本级)XKC3588620120409西安交大捷普网络科技有限公司捷普上网行为管理系统V2.0网络通讯安全审计(国标基本级)XKC3588720120409深圳市联软科技有限公司联软IT安全运维管理软件V3.5网络通讯安全审计(行标-基本级)XKC3588820120409北京中安鼎泰数据技术有限公司中安鼎泰数据库审计系统ZADT-DBA-2U V1.0数据库安全审计(基本级)XKC3579320120115森田(大连)贸易有限公司捷骅应用程序性能监控系统Version 4.0其它(企业标准)XKC3588920120416北京天融信科技有限公司网络卫士安全隔离与信息交换系统TopRules网闸(三级)XKC3589020120416上海金电网安科技有限公司安全隔离与信息交换系统ferryWay V2.0网闸(三级)XKC3589120120416飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司代理Fortinet.Inc生产的FortiDB FortiDB-400B数据库安全审计(基本级)XKC3589220120416中铁信弘远(北京)信息软件开发有限公司中铁信睿安认证与权限管理系统V1.2安全管理平台XKC3589320120416中铁信弘远(北京)信息软件开发有限公司中铁信睿安前置安全系统V1.4访问控制(网络-增强级)XKC3589420120416中铁信弘远(北京)信息软件开发有限公司中铁信睿安加固系统V1.2操作系统安全部件(三级)XKC3589520120416天津市国瑞数码安全系统有限公司Digital Trust 网间资源访问控制安全网关V2.0访问控制(网络-基本级)XKC3589620120416中科方德软件有限公司方德互联网审计系统V4.0网络通讯安全审计(基本级)EDGE Gateway V6访问控制(网络-增强级)XKC3589720120416上海怡德数码技术有限公司理(F5 Networks)飓风网络香港有限公司生产的FirePXKC3589820120416上海怡德数码技术有限公司理(F5 Networks)飓风网络香港有限公司生产的BIG SSL V10WEB过滤防护XKC3589920120416赛门铁克软件(北京)有限公司Symantec Brightmail Gateway9.0反垃圾邮件(基本级)XKC3590020120416深圳市永达电子股份有限公司永达计算安全盒(SEC-BOX)V1.0其他(企业标准)XKC3590120120423国雅时代信息技术(北京)有限公司WEBRAY网站安全防护系统V4.0网站恢复(基本级)XKC3590220120423上海派博软件有限公司互联网公共上网服务场所信息安全管理系统V3.3.0.0互联网公共上网服务场所信息安全管理系统XKC3590320120423北京艾若比科技有限公司ERB主机加固系统 4.0访问控制(网络-基本级)XKC3590420120423北京雍华和讯信息技术有限公司固盾计算机信息安全控制系统KEY/V5.008访问控制(单机-基本级)XKC3590520120423上海全湾信息科技有限公司TrustView信息外泄防护软件V3.5访问控制(网络-基本级)XKC3590620120423四川格瑞特科技有限公司东方舟灾难备份与恢复系统 1.0其它(企业标准)XKC3590720120423北京万里红科技股份有限公司万里红网络安全监控平台V1.1安全管理平台XKC3590820120423北京清扬创新网络科技有限公司"清扬"网络综合管理系统 QY-A V3.17远程主机监测XKC3590920120423上海方正信息安全技术有限公司方正综合网络安全管理系统V3.0远程主机监测XKC3591020120423北京傲盾软件有限责任公司傲盾异常流量检测系统V3.0其它(企业标准)XKC3591120120423北京傲盾软件有限责任公司傲盾非法信息监控系统V1.0其它(企业标准)XKC3591220120423北京傲盾软件有限责任公司傲盾异常流量清洗系统V1.0其它(企业标准)XKC3591320120423上海嘉格网络技术有限公司ck Inc生产的SIMS-SuperClick Internet Access Co V2.0访问控制(网络-增强级)XKC3591420120430贵州进化科技有限责任公司E3执法台帐集中管理系统V3.0其它(企业标准)XKC3591520120430上海北塔软件股份有限公司BTNM北塔网络运维管理系统V3.9远程主机监测XKC3591620120430深圳市思创科达技术有限公司思创CBS备份管理软件V8.0本地数据备份与恢复(基本级)XKC3591720120430中国软件与技术服务股份有限公司中软主机监控与审计系统V8.0远程主机监测XKC3591820120430中讯数网(北京)信息技术有限公司网络可疑流量采集与定位分析系统V3.0网络通讯安全审计(行标-基本级)XKC3591920120430成都科来软件有限公司科来网络分析系统7.2.1版本其它(企业标准)XKC3592020120430北京安恒科技有限公司AHQZ网络应用数据分析仪V1.0网络通讯安全审计(行标-基本级)XKC3592120120430山东中孚信息产业股份有限公司北京中孚泰和科技发展股份有限公司中孚恶意程序辅助检测系统V2.0其它(企业标准)XKA1058220120402迈克菲(上海)软件有限公司代理McAfee Inc.生产的McAfee Web Gateway 6.x(合格)防病毒XKA1058320120402微软(中国)有限公司P Gateways with Antigen Spam Manager 9.0 with9.2.1097(合格)防病毒XKA1058420120402微软(中国)有限公司Exchange with Antigen Spam Manager 9.0 with Se9.2.1097(合格)防病毒XKA1058520120402微软(中国)有限公司orefront Security for Exchange Server with Ser10.2.0942.0(合格)防病毒XKA1058620120402北京江民新科技术有限公司江民KV网络版杀毒软件15.00.1000(一级)防病毒XKA1058720120409广州市加安信息技术有限公司代理AVIRA Limited生产的AntiVir Desktop9.0.0.742(合格)防病毒XKA1058820120402北京瑞星信息技术有限公司瑞星杀毒软件网络版22.00.83.00(一级)防病毒XKA1058920120409微软(中国)有限公司crosoft Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoi11.1.346.0(合格)防病毒XKA1059020120416赛门铁克软件(北京)有限公司Symantec Scan Engine v.5.2合格)防病毒XKA1059120120430微软(中国)有限公司Microsoft Forefront Client Security 1.5.1973.0(合格)防病毒XKA1059220120430深圳市澳德华科技发展有限公司理BitDefender SRL生产的BitDefender企业安全解决方3.1.8(合格)防病毒XKA1059320120423北京金山软件有限公司金山毒霸网络版6.0 6.0(一级)防病毒XKA1059420120430北京安天电子设备有限公司网络病毒监控系统(简称:VDS) 4.0(合格)防病毒XKA1059520120430赛门铁克软件(北京)有限公司mantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange合格)防病毒XKC7027520120402上海众烁信息科技有限公司达芬奇密码动态身份认证系统7.1身份鉴别(网络)XKC7027620100416深圳市奔凯生物识别技术有限公司Bio-Trust 指纹移动硬盘Biocome TM FHD620身份鉴别(单机)XKC7027720100409北京太极信息系统技术有限公司NCI可信移动存储安全管理系统NCI-YCGL V1.0身份鉴别(网络)XKC7027820120430北京创原天地科技有限公司Networld SDKey V1.0身份鉴别(网络)XKC7128720120402同方股份有限公司基于清华同方TST安全技术的计算机超扬A990访问控制(单机-基本级)XKC7128820120402同方股份有限公司基于清华同方TST安全技术的计算机超翔Z8000访问控制(单机-基本级)XKC7128920120402同方股份有限公司基于清华同方TST安全技术的计算机超锐Z型访问控制(单机-基本级)XKC7129020120416深圳市朗赛信息技术有限公司朗赛IPShield 数据安全管理系统V3.0文件加密(网络-基本级)XKC7129120120430深圳市奥联科技有限公司APN GW OLYM2008VPN(二级)XKC7129220120430北京创原天地科技有限公司Networld SVS数字签名服务器V1.0不可否认性鉴别XKC7129320120430北京创原天地科技有限公司Networldkey 安全钥匙V1.0身份鉴别(网络)XKC7129420120430北京创原天地科技有限公司安信保(文件保险柜)V1.0文件加密(单机-基本级)XKC7129520120430北京创原天地科技有限公司Networld CA安全认证系统V1.0CA(一级)/6500/5500/4500/3500/2防火墙(一级)XKC3384420100423北京神州数码有限公司代理SonicWall Inc.生产的Sonic WALL 网络安全设备XKC3384720120416友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司代理友讯科技股份有限公司生产的防火墙DFL-1600小型防火墙XKC3384820120416友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司代理友讯科技股份有限公司生产的防火墙DFL-2500小型防火墙XKC3384920120416友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司代理友讯科技股份有限公司生产的防火墙DFL-210小型防火墙XKC3385020120416友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司代理友讯科技股份有限公司生产的防火墙DFL-800小型防火墙XKC3385120120402飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司代理Fortinet,Inc生产的FortiGate FortiGate-1240B防火墙(一级)XKC3385220120402飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司代理Fortinet,Inc生产的FortiGate FortiGate-200B防火墙(一级)XKC3385320120409上海华堂网络有限公司华堂网络安全防御系统-防火墙V4.0防火墙(一级)XKC3385420120430微软(中国)有限公司Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway2010防火墙(一级)XKC3385520120430四川金中讯科技有限责任公司天之门 安全网关FlowGate V5.0(千兆)防火墙(一级)XKC3138920120402北京时代新威信息技术有限公司POWERTIME数据库安全检测与评估系统DBSTE-200/ V1.0数据库扫描XKC3139020120409北京永嘉誉科技发展有限责任公司金网漏洞扫描系统GodNet VSS V1.0网络脆弱性扫描(基本级)。



华为专用题库单选题:1华为DBS3900设备单个BBU 最多支持( )个载波。

2华为DBS3900设备单个BBU 最多支持( )个小区。

5华为RRU3004设备一个RRU 模块支持( )个载波。

6华为DBS3900设备IBBS (Integrated Backup Battery System )温控型蓄电池柜是华为室外基站配套产品, 最多内置( )节12V 100/150AH 单体蓄电池。

7华为DBS3900设备的BBU 的BSBA 单板中, GTMU 单板固定插在( )号槽位8华为DBS3900设备GTMU 单板,用于近端维护和调试的接口是( )9华为DBS3900设备GTMU 单板中, LIU0~LIU3指示灯显示( )时 ,该单板出现E1/T1远端告警。

10华为DBS3900设备UBFA 模块为BBU 风扇盒模块,与主机通信,完成温控调速,在位信息,告警上报等,当UBFA 指示灯显示( )时 ,该单板未连上,但是无告警。

11华为DBS3900设备UELP 单板为BBU E1/T1防雷单元,每块单板实现( )路E1/T1信号的防雷。

12 华为RRU3004设备RRU 单板RUN 指示灯状态为( )时, 表示单板正常运行。

( )。

14华为DBS3900设备每个RRU 配置两个收发天馈,可以配置( )个RRU 实现载波的四路分集接收。

15华为DBS3900设备PBT模式可以把RRU载频的输出功率提高到()19华为DBS3900设备IBBS(Integrated Backup Battery System)温控型蓄电池柜是华为室外基站配套产品, 它最高可支持()的环境温度。




VIAVI 4100-Series DWDM OTDR 模块(用于 T-BERD MTS-2000、

VIAVI 4100-Series DWDM OTDR 模块(用于 T-BERD MTS-2000、

VIAVI Solutions Data SheetVIAVIDWDM OTDR Module (4100-Series)For T-BERD®/MTS-2000, -4000 V2, -5800, CellAdvisor 5Gand OneAdvisor-800 PlatformsAs xWDM technology adoption continues to grow in access networks for broadbandservices, technicians require comprehensive and lightweight xWDM test tools.Consisting of a single module, the VIAVI C-band DWDM OTDR solution enables cable,wireless, and telco operators to perform complete end-to-end link characterizationand troubleshooting of DWDM and hybrid CWDM/DWDM networks.Key Benefitsy Characterize fiber links with exactDWDM wavelengthsy Troubleshoot live networks with in-servicetesting capabilityy Verify end-to-end continuity through MUX/DEMUX and ROADMs using the continuouswave source functiony Automatically identify and test DWDM portchannel/link with patented Wavescany Avoid accidental transceiver damagewith SFP ProtectKey Featuresy C-Band (1528nm to 1568nm) tunableDWDM OTDR module at ITU-T G.694.1wavelengths (CH12 to CH62)y Integrated CW light source withmodulation capabilityy Instantaneous traffic detectiony Automatically identify Mux and Demuxcomponents with SmartLink MapperApplicationsy Metro & access rings, business to business,advanced C-RAN fronthauls & next genFTTH networksy Qualification of fronthaul access networksy Testing new DWDM wavelengthroutes without disrupting traffic onactive channelsy Pinpointing faults and their exactlocations while in serviceThe DWDM OTDR module’s optical performance, combinedwith the complete suite of T-BERD/MTS, CellAdvisor 5G andOneAdvisor-800 platform testing features, ensures thatcomprehensive testing is done right the first time.Standard testing features include:y Auto-setting of the acquisition parametersy Summary results table with pass/fail analysis per theinternational standardsy Comprehensive event diagnosisy FastReport onboard report generationT-BERD/MTS-2000One-slot handheldmodular platform forfiber network testingHandheld testinstrument for 10 GEthernet and fibernetworks testingTwo-slot handheldmodular platformfor fiber/copper andmultiple services testingT-BERD/MTS-4000 V2T-BERD/MTS-5800CellAdvisor 5GCell site test solutionOneAdvisor-800All-in-One Cell-siteInstallation andMaintenanceT est Solution2020 Broadband Technology Review ‒4.5 Diamond Award Winner2 VIAVI T-BERD/MTS 4100 Series DWDM OTDR ModuleSpecifications (typical at 25°C)2. The one-way difference between the extrapolated backscattering level at the start of the fiber and the RMS noise level, after 3 minutes averaging and using the largest pulsewidth.3. Measured at ±1.5 dB down from the peak of an unsaturated reflective event using the shortest pulsewidth.4. Measured at ±0.5 dB from the linear regression using a FC/PC reflectance and using the shortest pulsewidth.5. Subtract 3 dB when used in modulation mode (270/330/1/2 kHz).For more information on the VIAVI T-BERD/MTS-2000/-4000 V2/-5800, CellAdvisor 5G and OneAdvisor-800 test platforms, refer to their respective datasheets.Ordering Information4100 DWDM OTDR Modules Tunable DWDM OTDR Module - PCE41DWDMC-PC Tunable DWDM OTDR Module - APCE41DWDMC-APC Wavescan® SW option for DWDM OTDR Module EWAVESCAN SFP Protect SW option for DWDM OTDR Module ESFPPROTECT Optical Adapters Switchable AdaptersEUSCADS,EUSCADS-APC,EUFCADS,EULCADS, EULCADS-APC。



DS-DBDigital Series Distribution BoardDN-60565:BGeneralThe DS-DB Digital Series Distribution Board and its associ-ated amplifiers provide bulk amplification capability to theDigital Voice Command (DVC) system while retaining digitalaudio distribution capabilities. Up to four DS-AMP/E amplifi-ers can supply high-level risers spread throughout an instal-lation.The DS-DB converts digital audio to analog and routes it toaudio amplifiers and optional backups. The amplifiers sendback high-level audio, which the DS-DB routes to its risers.Control and status information passes between the DS-DBand its components via DS-BUS. The DS-DB communicateswith the rest of the digital audio system through the DAL (dig-ital audio loop), and takes up two of the 32 DAL addresses. Itmay be mixed with other devices on the same DAL, such asthe DAA2 and DAX series amplifiers.An optional Firefighters’ telephone riser on the DS-DB sup-ports local and network FFT communications.Features•Input capacity of four digital audio channels.•Four low-level audio outputs for connection to amplifiers in the same cabinet.•Eight high-level audio inputs (four primary, four backup), each input capable of handling 125W of audio at 25V RMS or 100W at 70.7V RMS when used with DS-AMP.•Four Class A/eight Class B high-level 125W audio outputs, each of which can output all 125 watts from any one of the four high level primary inputs or four high-level backup inputs when used with DS-AMP.•T wo digital audio loop wire ports, which may be modified to single- or multi-mode fiber ports with fiber option mod-ules.•Local FFT riser, capable of acting as a connection on the digital FFT riser.•DS-BUS interface to communicate with local bulk amplifi-ers and power supplies.•Up to 106 seconds of standard quality backup digital mes-sage storage (from VeriFire T ools® message library, or created by the installer) for use in the event of communica-tion loss with the DVC.•Isolated alarm bus input, to be used for backup activation of alarm messages when normal communication with the DVC is lost.•Audio output activation via network control-by-event equa-tions resident within the DVC.•USB port for VeriFire Tools® communication.•Uploads and downloads via the DVC.•24 VDC input for local power.•Works with AMPS-24 power supply and battery charger.InstallationThe DS-DB arrives from the factory already installed on its chassis. The DS-DB mounts in a CAB-4 Series cabinet, as well as in an EQCAB Series backbox.One or two fiber option modules will plug directly onto a DS-DB for simple installation. A DS-BDA backup amplifier mounts directly onto a DS-DB.Specifications24 VDC Input (TB24): 0.6A alarm or standby, non-resettable. Power-limited by source, supervised. Any device connected to TB24 must be installed in the same enclosure, or within the same room in conduit.Digital Audio Ports, wire media, A and B: EIA-485 proto-col, power-limited. Maximum distance per segment is 1900 feet (579.12m) on Belden 5320UJ (18AWG, TP) FPL cable: 18AWG (0.821 mm2) twisted-pair, unshielded, power-limited. For approved cable types, see wiring documentation, PN 52916ADD, Approved Wire Cables for Digital Audio Loops. Digital Audio Ports, fib er media, fib er option modules: Digital audio loop connectors support single- and multi-mode fiber with the use of fiber option modules. Refer to the fiber option datasheet for fiber specifications.Alarm Bus: Power-limited, supervised by source. Recom-mended wiring: 14-18 AWG twisted-pair. Requires 16VDC 24VDC.FFT Riser: Power-limited output, supervised. Class A or Class B operation. Class B 2-wire connections require a 3/9k ohm 1/2 watt resistor (PN R-3.9K). Max. wiring resistance (including individual telephone zone to last handset) permit-ted is 50 ohms, 10,000 ft (3048 m) max. wiring distance at 14 AWG to last handset.DS-BUS: EI A-485 protocol, power-limited. DS-BUS points must be installed in the same enclosure or within the same room in conduit. End points require end-of-line resistors.•DS-DB endpoint: set termination switch (SW8) to ON.•DS-AMP endpoint: add 120 ohm resistor on empty TB1terminals.DN-60565:B • 11/17/2014 — Page 1 of 2Page 2 of 2 — DN-60565:B • 11/17/2014NOTIFIER® and VeriFire® Tools are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc.©2014 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited.This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.All specifications are subject to change without notice.For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.•AMPS-24 endpoint: resistor is present, and power supply must be an endpoint.Use 14-18 AWG, twisted unshielded wire.Audio Out: Power-limited outputs (exception: an output pro-grammed for “Riser Mode to Control Modules”, “Riser Mode to RSM-AI M Series Modules”, or “Riser Mode to CI M/CSM Series Modules” is non-power-limited.)Up to 125 Watts out-put. Supervision determined by programming. 25V RMS or 70V RMS , depending on amplifier setting. Class A or Class B operation. Class B requires 20k end-of-line resistors (included, PN ELR-20K). Class A required 10k end-of-line resistors (included, PN R-10K) on the return. 12-18 AWG twisted-pair (shielded recommended).Primary and Backup 1 through 4: Four low-level audio out-puts for connection to amplifiers. Non-power-limited inputs.Supervision programmable. Amplifiers must be installed in the same enclosure or within the same room in conduit. Rec-ommended wiring: 14-18 AWG, twisted-pair, unshielded.OUT: Four DVC-AO-level audio outputs for connection to amplifiers. Power-limited. Supervision programmable. Ampli-fiers must be installed in the same enclosure or within the same room in conduit. 14-18 AWG, twisted-pair, unshielded.Product Weight: 7.2 lb (3.27 kg).Standards and CodesThe DS-DB Digital Series Distribution Board complies with the following standards:•NFP A 72 2007 National Fire Alarm Code •Underwriter Laboratories Standard UL 864•Underwriter Laboratories of Canada (ULC) ULC-S527-99Standard of Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems•Part 15 Class A conducted and radiated emissions as required by the FCC.•BC 2012, BC 2009, BC 2006, BC 2003, BC 2000(Seismic).•CBC 2007 (Seismic)Listings and ApprovalsThese listings and approvals apply to the DS-DB Digital Dis-tribution Board. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain agencies, or listing may be in process. Con-sult factory for latest listing status.•UL Listed: S635.•ULC Listed: S635.•CSFM: 7165-0028:0243 (NFS2-640/NFS-320), 7165-0028:0224 (NFS2-3030).•Fire Dept. of New Y ork: COA#6121 (NFS2-640/NFS-320),COA#6114 (NFS2-3030).Product Line InformationDS-DB : Digital Series Distribution Board.DS-AMP: 120 VAC Digital Audio Amplifier (50/60 Hz), 125W (25V RMS ), 100W (70V RMS ). Ships with chassis. See DN-60663.DS-AMPE: 220-240 VAC Digital Audio Amplifier (50/60 Hz),125W (25V RMS ), 100W (70V RMS ). 70V RMS configuration requires step-up transformer. Ships with chassis. See DN-60663.DS-BDA: Backup amplifier, provides an economical means of backup for DS-AMP amplifiers in a one-to-one primary/backup configuration. Can also provide a second audio chan-nel for a DS-AMP when programmed as a primary amplifier.25V RMS or 70V RMS . 70V RMS configuration requires step-up transformer. See DN-60663.DS-XF70V: Step-up transformer, required for 70VRMS con-figuration of DS-AMP/E and DS-BDA. Ordered separately.See DN-60663.DS-FM: Fiber option module for multi-mode fiber. Converts a wire DAP (digital audio port) to a multi-mode fiber port. See DN-60633.DS-SFM: Fiber option module for single-mode fiber. Con-verts a wire DAP (digital audio port) to a single-mode fiber port. See DN-60633.DS-RFM: Fiber option module for multi-mode fiber. Used exclusively for compatibility with multi-mode fiber DVC or DAA. See DN-60633.。

Richtek Technology Corporation RT9807 微型电压检测器说明书

Richtek Technology Corporation RT9807 微型电压检测器说明书

RT9807®DS9807-04 January 20191©Copyright 2019 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.General DescriptionThe RT9807 is a micro -power voltage detector with deglitched manual reset input which supervises the power supply voltage level for microprocessors (μP) or digital systems. It provides internally fixed threshold levels ranging from 1.2V to 3.3V with 0.1V per step, which covers most digital applications. It features low supply current of 3μA.The RT9807 performs supervisory function by sending out a reset signal whenever the VDD voltage falls below a preset threshold level. The timeout period of this reset signal can be adjusted via an external capacitor. Once VDD recovers above the threshold level, the reset signal will be released after a certain delay time. To manually pull reset signal low, just pull the manual reset input (MR)below the specified logic-low level.The RT9807 is available in an SOT-23-5 package.Ordering InformationPin Configurations(TOP VIEW)SOT-23-5Micro-Power Voltage Detector with Manual ResetFeatures●Monitor System Voltages from 0.9V to 5.5V ●Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout Period ●Manual Reset Input ●Low Quiescent Current ●High Accuracy ±1.5%●Low Functional Supply Voltage 0.9V ●N-Channel Open-Drain Output ●Small SOT-23-5 Package●RoHS Compliant and Halogen FreeApplications●Computers●Controllers●Intelligent Instruments●Critical uP and uC Power Monitoring ●Portable/Battery-Powered EquipmentTypical Application CircuitMarking InformationFor marking information, contact our sales representative directly or through a Richtek distributor located in your area.ResetV 12 : 1.2V 13 : 1.3V :32 : 3.2V 33 : 3.3VNote :Richtek products are :❝ RoHS compliant and compatible with the current require-ments of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.❝ Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.RT98072DS9807-04 January 2019©Copyright 2019 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)●Junction T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−40°C to 125°C ●Ambient T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−40°C to 85°CFunction Block DiagramAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)●Supply Input Voltage, V DD -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to 6V ●Reset Output Voltage, RST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to 6V ●Other Pins-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to 6V●Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25°CSOT-23-5--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.4W●Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)SOT-23-5, θJA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------250°C/W ●Junction T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150°C ●Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------260°C●Storage T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−65°C to 150°C ●ESD Suscep tibility (Note 3)HBM (Human Body Mode)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2kV MM (Machine Mode)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200VRT98073DS9807-04 January 2019©Copyright 2019 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Electrical Characteristics(T A= 0 to 70°C, unless otherwise specified)Note 1. Stresses listed as the above "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are forstress ratings. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may remain possibility to affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured in natural convection at T A = 25°C on a low effective thermal conductivity test board of JEDEC 51-3thermal measurement standard.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution is recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.Note 5. The voltage V OL can be calculated by V OL = V DD - I r x R. Where R is the pull-up resistor and I r is the current flowing throughthe pull-up resistor. For typical application R = 100k Ω, VOL is less than 0.2V.RT98074DS9807-04 January 2019©Copyright 2019 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Reset Delay Time vs Capacitance0.11101001000100000.0010.010.11101001000Cpacitance (nF)R e s e t D e l a y T i m e (m s)Typical Operating CharacteristicsDetector Threshold vs. Temperature1.41.451.51.551.61.651.7-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)D e t e c t o r T h r e s h o l d (V )Supply Current vs. Input Voltage01234560.511.522.533.544.555.5Input Voltage (V)S u p p l y C u r r e n t (μA )CT Threshold Voltage vs. Temperature0.60.610.620.630.640.650.660.67-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)C T T h r e s h o l d V o l t a g e (V )Power On Reset Delay Time vs. Temperature100150200250300350-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)P o w e r O n R e s e t D e l a y T i m e (μs )VDD Drop Reset Delay Time vs. Temperature507090110130150-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)V D D D r o p R e s e t D e l a y T i m e (μs )RT98075DS9807-04 January 2019©Copyright 2019 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Application InformationThe RT9807 provides adjustable reset delay time to fit the need of a variety of μP applications. The reset delay time of the RT9807 ca n be adjusted by connecting a capacitor between the CT pin and GND. The CT capacitor must fit the need of low-leakage (<10nA), and it is recommended to use a ceramic capacitor such as X7R or NPO type.Reset Delay Time SettingWhen the VDD voltage exceeds the VDD threshold voltage,a current source will start to charge the CT capacitor and the CT voltage will rise. When the CT voltage exceeds 0.65V, the RST voltage will change from low to high.Therefore, there is a delay time between the point of VDD reaching its threshold voltage and the RST active-high point. The delay time can be calculated according to the following equation.t DELAY (μs) = 2.71 x 106 x C CT (μF) + 275(μs)Delay Time0.65VGND GNDGNDVDD Threshold Voltage Operating with a Voltage DividerThe voltage detector monitors the V CC voltage to generate a reset signal when V CC is higher than the detecting level.The detecting level is determined by an external resistive voltage divider.Figure 1. Delay TimeCC_TH TH TH CC_HYS HYS R1V = V x 1 + , V : Threshold Voltage.R2R1V = V x 1 +R2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭The rising and falling of the VCC and RST voltage can be explained in five steps as shown in the following diagram.Figure 2. Voltage DividerFigure 3. Operation DiagramRST VoltageDelay Time1. RST voltage is pulled up to VCC voltage.2. When the VCC voltage is down to the detector threshold voltage (Point A), RST voltage becomes low level.3. When the VCC voltage is lower than minimum operating voltage, the RST voltage is indefinite. In the case of open drain type, RST voltage is equal to pull-up voltage.4. RST voltage becomes low level.5. When the VCC voltage exceeds the threshold voltage (Point B), the internal source current will start to charge CT capacitor. The RST voltage will go high after a delay time when the CT capacitor voltage reaches 0.65V.RT98076DS9807-04 January 2019©Copyright 2019 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Interfacing to Other VoltagesThe RT9807 is an open-drain voltage detector that can provide different voltage level of reset signals for processor application. As shown in Figure 4, the open-drain output can be connected to another voltage level less than 5.5V.This allows for easy logic compatibility to various microprocessors.Thermal ConsiderationsFor continuous operation, do not exceed absolute maximum operatio n junction temperature. The maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of IC package, PCB layout, the rate of surroundings airflow and temperature difference between junction to ambient.The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by following formula :P D(MAX) = ( T J(MAX) − T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum operation junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature and the θJA is the junction to ambient thermal resistance.For recommended operating conditions specification of the RT9807, the maximum junction temperature is 125°C.The junction to ambient thermal resistance θJA is layout dependent. For SOT-23-5 package, the therm al resistance θJA is 250°C/W on the standard JEDEC 51-3 single layerManual Reset InputMany processor based products require manual reset capability, allowing the user or external logic circuitry to initiate a reset. A logic low on MR asserts reset. Reset remains asserted while MR is low and for the reset timeout period after MR returns high. Connect a normally open momentary switch from MR to ground to create a manual reset function.Layout ConsiderationsCT is a precise current so urce. When developing the layout for the application, be careful to minimize board capacitance and leakage currents around this pin.Traces connected to CT should be kept as short as possible. Traces carrying high-speed digital signals and traces with large voltage potentials should be routed as far from CT as possible. Leakage current and stray capacitance (e.g., a scope probe) at this pin can cause errors in the reset delay time.C CT should be placed as close as possible to the IC.CTFigure 6. PCB Layout Guidethermal test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25°C can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (125°C − 25°C) / (250°C/W) = 0.4W for SOT-23-5 packageThe maximum power dissipation depends on operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance θJA . For RT9807 package, the derating curve in Figure 5 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.Figure 5. Derating Curve for RT9807 Package0. Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )RT98077DS9807-04 January 2019Richtek Technology Corporation14F, No. 8, Tai Yuen 1st Street, Chupei City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers shouldobtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.Outline DimensionA1HLSOT-23-5 Surface Mount Package。



计算机信息系统安全专用产品检测计算机信息系统安全专用产品检测执行标准规范目录执行标准规范目录序号标准规范名称标准规范编号 备注1 信息安全技术信息安全技术网络和终端设备隔离部件安全技术要求技术要求 GB/T 20279-2006 分级分级2 信息安全技术信息安全技术 防火墙技术要求和测试评价防火墙技术要求和测试评价方法方法 GB/T 20281-2006 分级分级3 信息安全技术信息安全技术 入侵检测系统技术要求入侵检测系统技术要求GB/T 20275-2006 分级分级4 信息安全技术信息安全技术 网络脆弱性扫描产品技术要求网络脆弱性扫描产品技术要求 GB/T 20278-2006 分级分级5 信息安全技术信息安全技术 信息系统安全审计产品技术要求和测试评价方法求和测试评价方法 GB/T 20945-2007 分级分级 6 信息安全技术信息安全技术 网络通讯安全审计数据留存功能要求能要求GA/T 695-2007 分级分级7 信息安全技术信息安全技术 单机防入侵产品安全功能要求单机防入侵产品安全功能要求 GA/T 696-2007 分级分级 8 信息安全技术信息安全技术 路由器安全技术要求路由器安全技术要求 GB/T 18018-2007 分级分级 9 信息安全技术信息安全技术 虚拟专用网安全技术要求虚拟专用网安全技术要求 GA/T 686-2007 分级分级 10 信息安全技术信息安全技术 静态网页恢复产品安全功能要求 GA/T 697-2007 分级分级 11 信息安全技术信息安全技术 操作系统安全技术要求操作系统安全技术要求 GB/T 20272-2006 分级分级 12 信息安全技术信息安全技术 数据库管理系统安全技术要求数据库管理系统安全技术要求 GB/T 20273-2006 分级分级 13 信息安全技术信息安全技术 信息过滤产品安全功能要求信息过滤产品安全功能要求 GA/T 698-2007 分级分级 14 信息安全技术信息安全技术 公钥基础设施安全技术要求公钥基础设施安全技术要求 GA/T 687-2007 分级分级 15 信息技术信息技术 安全技术安全技术 公钥基础设施在线证书状态协议状态协议GB/T 19713-200516 信息技术信息技术 安全技术安全技术 公钥基础设施证书管理协议协议GB/T 19714-2005 17 信息技术信息技术 安全技术安全技术 公钥基础设施PKI 组件最小互操作规范最小互操作规范GB/T 19771-2005 18 信息安全技术信息安全技术 公钥基础设施数字证书格式公钥基础设施数字证书格式GB/T 20518-200619 信息安全技术信息安全技术 公钥基础设施特定权限管理中心技术规范心技术规范GB/T 20519-2006 20 信息安全技术信息安全技术 公钥基础设施时间戳规范公钥基础设施时间戳规范 GB/T 20520-200621 网络代理服务器的安全技术要求网络代理服务器的安全技术要求 GB/T 17900-1999 22 信息安全技术信息安全技术 交换机安全技术要求交换机安全技术要求信息安全技术信息安全技术 交换机安全评估准则交换机安全评估准则 GA/T 684-2007GA/T 685-2007 分级分级23信息安全技术信息安全技术终端计算机系统安全等级技术要求要求GA/T 671-2006 GA/T 672-2006 分级分级信息安全技术信息安全技术 终端计算机系统安全等级评估准则准则24 信息安全技术信息安全技术 网关安全技术要求网关安全技术要求GA/T 681-2007分级分级 25 电子数据存储介质复制工具要求及检测方法电子数据存储介质复制工具要求及检测方法 GA/T 754-2008 26 电子数据存储介质写保护设备要求及检测方法GA/T 755-200827 信息安全技术信息安全技术 服务器安全技术要求服务器安全技术要求 GB/T 21028-2007 分级分级 28 计算机信息系统安全产品部件计算机信息系统安全产品部件 第一部分:安全功能检测全功能检测 GA 216.1-1999 29 信息技术信息技术 小型防火墙产品安全检验规范小型防火墙产品安全检验规范 MSCTC-GFJ-0130信息技术信息技术 访问控制产品安全检验规范访问控制产品安全检验规范MSTL_JGF_04-010 分级分级 31 信息技术信息技术本地数据备份与恢复产品安全检验规范规范MSTL_JGF_04-024 分级分级 32 信息技术信息技术 Web Web 过滤防护产品安全检验规范过滤防护产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-02033 信息技术信息技术 数据库安全审计产品安全检验规范数据库安全审计产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-021 分级分级 34 信息技术信息技术 非授权外联监测产品安全检验规范非授权外联监测产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-01235 信息技术信息技术网际恶意代码控制产品安全检验规范MSTL_JGF_04-022 36信息技术信息技术 主机安全漏洞扫描产品安全检验规范MSTL_JGF_04-017分级分级 37 信息技术信息技术 数据库扫描器产品安全检验规范数据库扫描器产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-016 38 信息技术信息技术 远程主机监测产品安全检验规范远程主机监测产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-011 39 信息技术信息技术 主机文件监测产品安全检验规范主机文件监测产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-02540 信息技术信息技术 文件加密产品安全检验规范文件加密产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-009 分级分级 41 信息技术信息技术 入侵防御产品安全检验规范入侵防御产品安全检验规范MSCTC-GFJ-0542信息技术信息技术 自适应网络主动防御产品安全检验规范规范MSTL_JGF_04-026 43 信息技术信息技术 日志分析产品安全检验规范日志分析产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-01844 信息技术信息技术 反垃圾邮件产品安全检验规范反垃圾邮件产品安全检验规范MSTL_JGF_04-013 分级分级 45信息技术信息技术 反垃圾邮件客户端产品安全检验规范MSTL_JGF_04-023 分级分级 46 信息技术信息技术 安全管理平台产品安全检验规范安全管理平台产品安全检验规范 MSTL_JGF_04-019 47 互联网上网服务营业场所信息安全管理系统系列标准列标准GA 557~562562——2005 2005 48互联网公共上网服务场所信息安全管理系统系列标准列标准 GA 658~663663——2006 2006 49 计算机病毒防治产品评级准则计算机病毒防治产品评级准则GA 243-2000 分级分级 50 移动终端病毒防治产品评级准则移动终端病毒防治产品评级准则分级分级51DOS 操作系统环境中计算机病毒防治产品测试方法方法 GA 135-1996 52 基于DOS 的信息安全产品评级准则的信息安全产品评级准则 GA 174-1998 分级分级 53 计算机信息系统防雷保安器计算机信息系统防雷保安器GA 173—2002分级分级。



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PolarFire SoC FPGA:工程样本(ES)设备 55900219 版本1.0 7 20

PolarFire SoC FPGA:工程样本(ES)设备 55900219 版本1.0 7 20

ER0219Errata PolarFire SoC FPGA: Engineering Samples (ES)DevicesMicrosemi HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113 Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100 Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996Email: *************************** ©2020 Microsemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are registered trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Microsemi have been subject to limited testing and should not be used in conjunction with mission-critical equipment or applications. Any performance specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all performance and other testing of the products, alone and together with, or installed in, any end-products. Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to independently determine suitability of any products and to test and verify the same. The information provided by Microsemi hereunder is provided “as is, where is” and with all faults, and the entire risk associated with such information is entirely with the Buyer. Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice.About MicrosemiMicrosemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip T echnology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions, security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs andmidspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Learn more at .Contents1Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.1Revision 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2Errata for PolarFire SoC Engineering Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22.1Sample Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2PCB Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3ES Device Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3Errata Descriptions and Workarounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43.1Microprocessor Subsystem (MSS) cannot Access System Controller SPI Flash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.2AXI Switch Memory Protection Unit (MPU) is not Operational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.3MSS I2C peripheral will Work only with MSS Core Version 2.0.108 and above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.4In Worst-case Scenario, MSS CPU's Frequency is Limited to 600 MHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.5When MSS Works as a Master, DRI Interrupt Line should not be Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.6DRI Error and DRI Fault Interrupts are not Connected to the Maintenance Interrupt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.7MSS GPIO Configuration Registers should only be Reset by the CPU's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.8Fabric APB DRI's Slow Writes Corrupt the SmartDebug JTAG/SPI Read Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.9System Controller Suspend Mode is not Supported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.10PolarFire SoC MSS GEM (Gigabit Ethernet MAC) has Issue with 'Undersize Frame Counter' in EthernetStatistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.11Auto-program or Auto-Update of eNVM should not be Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.12Auto-update System Service will Allow SPI Master Mode to be Used Incorrectly Configured for SPI SlaveMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4Fabric Transceiver Protocols and DDR Memory Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 5Libero SoC Software Errata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 6Embedded Software Errata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Figure 1ES Identification Markings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3TablesTable 1Sample Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Table 2PolarFire SoC ES Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Table 3Summary of PolarFire SoC ES FPGA Errata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Revision History1Revision HistoryThe revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes arelisted by revision, starting with the current publication.1.1Revision 1.0The first publication of this document.2Errata for PolarFire SoC Engineering SamplesThe PolarFire ® SoC FPGA family engineering samples (ES) are subject to the limitations described inthis errata document. This document contains updated information about any known engineeringsample-specific issues and provides the available limitations and workarounds. Engineering sampleissues identified in this document will be corrected in subsequent production revision of the devices listedin the following table. Contact Microchip Technical Support for more information.2.1Sample RevisionsThe following table lists the sample revisions released. If not specified, the errata items impact all ESrevisions listed in the table.The following table lists the operating conditions for the PolarFire-SoC engineering samples. Theoperating conditions for production devices follow datasheet specifications. These operating conditionsare for engineering samples only. See DS0147: PolarFire SoC Advanced Datasheet for productionspecifications.2.2PCB DesignsFor information about how to determine proper signal pinout, see UG0901: PolarFire SoC FPGA BoardDesign Guidelines User Guide . The proper signal pinout is required for all clocking, transceiver, andFPGA pin recommendations.Table 1 •Sample Revisions Device PackagesRevisionMPFS250T FCVG484EES1FCG1152EES FCSG536EESFCVG784EESTable 2 • PolarFire SoC ES Operating ConditionsOperation Temperature Range VDD Core Voltage (Programming Voltage Only)Program / Erase 20 °C to 50 °C 11.T J = Junction Temperature1.0 ± 0.03 V 22.VDD = 1.05 V ± 0.03 V is not supported on PolarFire SoC ES silicon but will be supported for Production silicon. However, VDDA is supported at both 1.0 V and 1.05 V ± 0.03 V on ES silicon.20 °C to 50 °C2.3ES Device IdentificationPolarFire SoC FPGA engineering samples can be identified by the temperature grade field in the lowerleft-hand corner. As the following illustration shows, an ES annotation will appear in the temperaturegrade field indicating device is engineering sample and revision marking is shown along right side ofcode mark.Figure 1 • ES Identification Markings3Errata Descriptions and WorkaroundsThe following sections describe device errata and the workarounds wherever applicable.The following table lists the ES specific device errata and the affected PolarFire SoC ES device revision. For die revision part marking specification, see ES Identification Markings, page 3.3.1Microprocessor Subsystem (MSS) cannot Access System Controller SPI FlashPolarFire SoC ES silicon has an issue in system controller between the analog dynamic reconfiguration interface (DRI) register block and SPI block that results in incorrect data during reads from the RXFIFO. Writes and reads to other SPI registers (for example, control, frame count, Tx data and direct access) work correctly.Due to this issue, the MSS cannot directly access the PolarFire SOC external flash device via the SPI controller attached to the system controller using DRI bus.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.Table 3 •Summary of PolarFire SoC ES FPGA Errata Description Silicon Revisions DetailsMicroprocessor Subsystem (MSS) cannot Access SystemController SPI Flash, page 41Applicable to all PolarFire SoC ES versions.AXI Switch Memory Protection Unit (MPU) is not Operational,page 5.MSS I2C peripheral will Work only with MSS Core Version2.0.108 and above, page 5.In Worst-case Scenario, MSS CPU's Frequency is Limited to600 MHz, page 5When MSS Works as a Master, DRI Interrupt Line should notbe Used, page 6DRI Error and DRI Fault Interrupts are not Connected to theMaintenance Interrupt, page 6MSS GPIO Configuration Registers should only be Reset bythe CPU's, page 6Fabric APB DRI's Slow Writes Corrupt the SmartDebugJTAG/SPI Read Data, page 6System Controller Suspend Mode is not Supported, page 6PolarFire SoC MSS GEM (Gigabit Ethernet MAC) has Issuewith 'Undersize Frame Counter' in Ethernet Statistics, page 6Auto-program or Auto-Update of eNVM should not be Used,page 7Only Applicable to PolarFire SoC ES Revision 1 silicon.Auto-update System Service will Allow SPI Master Mode to beUsed Incorrectly Configured for SPI Slave Mode, page 73.2AXI Switch Memory Protection Unit (MPU) is notOperationalPolarFire SoC ES parts have silicon bug that may cause AXI bus issues when illegal messages arerejected by PolarFire SoC memory protection unit (MPU). For this reason, MPU is currently disabled aspart of system start-up firmware. This means that the MPU's are inactive and will not generate accesswarnings or interrupts.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.3.3MSS I2C peripheral will Work only with MSS CoreVersion 2.0.108 and aboveIn PolarFire SoC ES parts, MSS I2C clock and data signals are pulled low after MSS initialization. MSScore in Libero 12.4 has the required workaround for this MSS I2C issue in ES device. Use MSS coreversion 2.0.108 or above for Libero 12.4 or use Libero 12.5 and above where workaround will beautomatically applied when the user selects an ES part. Note that the workaround fix in Libero is usingthe fabric in all cases and the user will need to program the FPGA portion to have the MSS I2C working.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon. User designs using MSS I2C in ES silicon can not beported to production silicon. Users need to regenerate the MSS configurator and bitstream when portingdesign to production silicon and make sure to target the correct device.3.4In Worst-case Scenario, MSS CPU's Frequency isLimited to 600 MHzIn PolarFire SoC ES, maximum achievable MSS CPU frequency is 625 MHz for both STD and -1 speedgrades. The eMMC/SD controller requires a fixed 200 MHz clock, fed from the same PLL as the CPU.The CAN controller requires a clock, which is a multiple of 8 MHz, also fed from the same PLL as theCPU. However, in engineering samples, the following limitations applies for these clock frequencies:1.If the eMMC/SD controller is being used in the system, the maximum MSS CPU clock frequency is600 MHz.2.If the CAN controller is being used in the system (but not the eMMC/SD controller), the maximumMSS CPU clock frequency is either 624 MHz (with 100 MHz reference clock) or 620 MHz (with125 MHz reference clock). There is a general restriction in the available MSS CPU frequency:•If using 100 MHz reference clock for MSS PLL:When no eMMC/SD or CAN is being used, the MSS CPU frequencies are—all integer values from 2through 625•When eMMC/SD being used (with or without CAN), the MSS CPU frequencies are:2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25, 30, 32, 40, 48, 50, 60, 75, 80, 100, 120, 125, 150, 160,200, 240, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600.•When CAN being used (without eMMC/SD), the MSS CPU frequencies are:All integer values from 2 through 156,Every 2nd value from 158 through 312Every 4th value from 316 through 624•If using 125 MHz reference clock for MSS PLL:•When no eMMC/SD or CAN is being used, the MSS CPU frequencies are—all integer values from 2 through 250 and every 5th value from 255 through 625.•When eMMC/SD being used (with or without CAN), the MSS CPU frequencies are:2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25, 30, 32, 40, 48, 50, 60, 75, 80, 100, 120, 125, 150, 160,200, 240, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600•When CAN being used (without eMMC/SD), the MSS CPU frequencies are:2 – 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 68, 70, 72,75, 76, 80, 84, 85, 88, 90, 92, 95, 96, 100, 104, 105, 108, 110, 112, 115, 116, 120, 124, 125,128, 130, 135, 136, 140, 144, 145, 150, 152, 155, 160, 168, 170, 176, 180, 184, 190, 192, 200,208, 210, 216, 220, 224, 230, 232, 240, 248, 250, 260, 270, 280, 290, 300, 310, 320, 340, 360,380, 400, 420, 440, 460, 480, 500, 520, 540, 560, 580, 600, 620.Errata Descriptions and WorkaroundsNote:The User Crypto may also get its clock from the MSS PLL but has the option of getting its clock from the FPGA fabric. This does not place the same limitations on MSS CPU frequency.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.3.5When MSS Works as a Master, DRI Interrupt Line shouldnot be UsedThe DRI interrupt system should not be used with the PolarFire SOC ES silicon device. If enabled, theinterrupt input to the fabric and MSS from the DRI system cannot be cleared without a device reset. As aworkaround, few events that DRI interrupts may have been used for are also available as status signalsto the fabric.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.3.6DRI Error and DRI Fault Interrupts are not Connected tothe Maintenance InterruptDRI Error and DRI Fault interrupt bits in the Maintenance Register function as expected but will notcause a CPU interrupt—the interrupt enable is effectively disabled in ES silicon.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.3.7MSS GPIO Configuration Registers should only be Resetby the CPU'sThe three MSS GPIO blocks do not support the fabric reset functionality in PolarFire SoC ES silicon. TheGPIO blocks should be configured so that the byte resets use the internal MSS reset, that is, theGPIO_CR configuration register 'soft_reset_select' bits should not be set to 0.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.3.8Fabric APB DRI's Slow Writes Corrupt the SmartDebugJTAG/SPI Read DataA fabric DRI write operation to one of the PCIe subsystem (PCIESS) controllers APB configurationblocks may corrupt a SmartDebug JTAG/SPI read operation; the read will return zero. If this issuspected, the SmartDebug operation should be carried out again until the expected data is received.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.3.9System Controller Suspend Mode is not SupportedSystem controller suspend mode is not supported in PolarFire SoC ES silicon parts. This limitation will befixed in production silicon.3.10PolarFire SoC MSS GEM (Gigabit Ethernet MAC) hasIssue with 'Undersize Frame Counter' in EthernetStatisticsIn the Polarfire SoC, for 1Gbps half-duplex mode, Ethernet statistics "undersize_frames" counter withinthe GEM increments for received frame sizes less than 512 bytes instead of incrementing for less than64 bytes. Subsequent transition to 1Gbps full-duplex mode does not resolve the issue. User should notethat 'Undersize Frame counter' reports correctly for all other speeds and duplex modes, including 1Gbpsfull-duplex if not transitioning from half-duplex.Fabric Transceiver Protocols and DDR Memory Interfaces3.11Auto-program or Auto-Update of eNVM should not beUsedBoot initiated auto-program/auto-update of eNVM will fail. Auto-program/update of eNVM should not beused on PolarFire SoC ES silicon. This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.3.12Auto-update System Service will Allow SPI Master Modeto be Used Incorrectly Configured for SPI Slave ModeIn PolarFire SoC ES silicon, auto-update system service will allow SPI master mode to be used on aPolarFire SoC ES silicon device configured in SPI slave mode. Ideally, it should throw an error. If thisservice is used on device configured in slave mode, there is a possibility of contention on the SPI flashpins. Fix for this issue is that auto-update system service should not be used if the PolarFire SoC ESsilicon device is configured for slave mode.This limitation will be fixed in production silicon.4Fabric Transceiver Protocols and DDR Memory InterfacesSupported transceiver protocols and DDR memory interfaces are reused features from PolarFire FPGA.These are currently in plan for validation and these features are in the process of being validated. Thesefeatures are expected to work with similar robustness as in PolarFire FPGAs.5Libero SoC Software ErrataFor more Libero SoC related "known Issues and limitations", see Libero SoC Release Notes document. 6Embedded Software ErrataSee the "Known Issues and useful tips" section in SoftConsole Release Notes document.These SoftConsole known issues are under active investigation to ascertain the root cause and toresolve the underlying problems with the intention that these are resolved in a future release.。


提供一定的机制,防止磁盘空间不够的情况下导致数据丢失。 4.3 自身安全功能 4.3.1 管理员身份鉴别
应保证只有授权管理员才有权使用产品的管理功能,对授权管理员应进行身份认证。 4.3.2 鉴别失败处理
要有一定的措施防止对管理员口令的暴力猜测。 4.3.3 管理员分级
管理员要求分级,至少两个级别 5 产品安全保证要求
保证要求按 GB/T 18336.3-2001 第二级执行。
MSTL_JGF_04-019 0101—2006
为了规范全国安全管理平台产品的开发与应用,保障公共信息网络安全,根据公安部公共信息网络 安全监察局的要求,本规范对安全管理平台产品提出了安全功能要求和保证要求,作为对其进行检测的 依据。
本规范由中华人民共和国公安部公共信息网络安全监察局批准。 本规范起草单位:公安部计算机信息系统安全产品质量监督检验中心。 公安部计算机信息系统安全产品质量监督检验中心负责对本规范的解释、提升和更改。
4 产品安全功能要求
4.1 安全产品监管功能 4.1.1 所支持的安全设备
安全管理平台至少要能够支持两个不同类型的安全产品,能够对其进行远程管理。应提供扩展接口。 4.1.2 安全设备管理
管理员能够增加、删除受控设备。 4.1.3 运行状态监测
安全管理平台能够实时监测各受控产品的状态,比如是否在线,CPU使用率、内存占用率等。 4.1.4 日志报警信息收集
MSTL_JGF_04-019 0101—2006
信息安全技术 安全管理平台产品检验规范
1 范围
本规范规定了安全管理平台产品的安全功能要求和安全保证要求。 本规范适用于安全管理平台产品的开发及检测。
2 规范性引用文件



大类 网络安全 主机安全 应用安全 网络安全 主机安全 应用安全 网络安全 主机安全 应用安全
小类 安全审计 安全审计 安全审计 安全审计 安全审计 安全审计 安全审计 安全审计 安全审计
要求 2 4 3 4 6 4 6 7 5
• 审计对象
– 人员、边界和重要网络设备(包括安全设备)审计记录、审计策略
IDS Hacker IPS
不包含威 胁特征的 操作行为
IP欺骗 蠕虫病毒
合法用户滥用 操作和误操作
DBA或超级用 户的操作
审计 共用账号操作
利用技术手段 空缺的行为滥 用
不规范操作带 来的DB风险
破坏 DB
2001 2002 20022004 20052006
2008 2008
《商业银行内部控制指引 》
《 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act (bilingual) 》、《 PCAOB Auditing Sr
BWoebbus1r 92.1192h.1tt6p8:./1/0c.1 Webu
68.36. hong.t ser
表表名名 User_ rUosleesr_ roles




1. 调制方式(Modulation Scheme):包括16种调制方式,如调幅(AM)、调频(FM)、调相(PM)、正交分频调制(QAM)等。

2. 信噪比(Signal-to-Noise Ratio):包括20个信噪比水平,从-30dB 到+20dB不等,其中信噪比为0dB是指理想情况下的信号强度,即没有噪声干扰。



第1页/ 共1页。





1. 备份方式:SG-A092系统的数据备份采用了定期全量备份的策略。

2. 备份频率:每周一次全量备份。

3. 备份介质:数据备份保存在外部硬盘上,并经过密码加密保护,以确保数据的安全性。

4. 备份内容:全量备份包括系统的配置文件、数据库文件和日志文件。

5. 备份时间:备份操作在每周的周末完成,以确保系统负载较低,备份过程不会影响正常业务运行。

6. 备份日志:备份操作的详细日志记录保存在系统的日志文件中,以便日后检查和追踪备份过程。


1. 从最近的一次备份中选择一个数据文件进行恢复测试。

2. 验证恢复的数据文件是否与原始数据文件相同。









dbs开头的执行标准摘要:一、前言二、什么是DBS三、DBS 开头的执行标准1.我国DBS 标准的发展历程2.DBS 标准的分类3.DBS 标准的重要性和作用四、DBS 标准在各领域的应用1.电子信息产业2.通信行业3.汽车制造业4.其他领域五、我国DBS 标准的国际影响力六、结论正文:一、前言作为我国科技发展的重要组成部分,DBS(数据库管理系统)技术在推动我国信息化建设方面发挥了巨大作用。

DBS 开头的执行标准在规范和引导我国DBS 技术发展方面具有举足轻重的地位。


二、什么是DBS数据库管理系统(Database Management System,简称DBS)是一种用于存储、检索和管理数据的计算机软件。


三、DBS 开头的执行标准1.我国DBS 标准的发展历程我国的DBS 标准起源于20 世纪80 年代,经过多年的发展,已经形成了一套完整的标准体系。

这些标准不仅规范了我国DBS 产业的发展,还推动了我国信息化建设的进程。

2.DBS 标准的分类我国的DBS 标准主要分为基础标准、通用标准和专用标准三大类。

基础标准为其他标准提供基础支持;通用标准针对DBS 的共性技术制定;专用标准针对特定领域的DBS 应用制定。

3.DBS 标准的重要性和作用DBS 标准对于保障我国DBS 技术的健康、有序发展具有重要意义。

它有助于规范市场秩序,提高产品质量和安全性,降低系统集成和维护成本,提升我国DBS 产业的整体竞争力。

四、DBS 标准在各领域的应用1.电子信息产业DBS 标准在电子信息产业中发挥着关键作用,为各种信息系统提供数据存储和管理功能。

通过采用统一的DBS 标准,可以提高电子信息产品的兼容性和互操作性,推动产业的发展。

2.通信行业在通信行业中,DBS 技术为运营商提供了对用户数据、业务数据等的有效管理。



• 表示格式 • 主机名::盘名:[目录.子目录…]文件名.文件后缀;文件版本 • Node::Device:[Directoryname.subDirectoryname…]Filename.ext;ver • AXP28A::DKA1:[MIS.LD10089] ;1 • 文件使用权 • System:系统管理员 • Owener:文件拥有者 • Group:文件拥有者同一群组 • World:所有使用者 • 存取权限 • Read:读取 • Write:写入 • Execute:执行 • Delete:删除
演示文稿--- OPENVMS
一,操作系统? 二,什么是openvms? 三,openvms的优点? 四,openvms的缺点? 五,那些行业正在使用openvms? 六,如何使用openvms进行工作? • Pn300设置 • Openvms 使用 七,openvms的应用软件。



安华金和数据库漏洞扫描系统(DBScan)一. 产品概述安华金和数据库漏洞扫描系统(简称DBScan)是一款帮助用户对当前的数据库系统进行自动化安全评估的专业软件,能有效暴露当前数据库系统的安全问题,对数据库的安全状况进行持续化监控,帮助用户保持数据库的安全健康状态。

DBScan是国内首款:支持七种国际主流数据库和四种国产数据库漏洞扫描产品检测项达到4300个以上的数据库安全检测产品等保专用数据库风险等级评估检测工具二. 产品价值2.1 提升数据库使用安全系数主流数据库的自身漏洞逐步暴露,数量庞大;仅CVE公布的Oracle漏洞数已达1100多个;DBScan可以检测出数据库的DBMS漏洞、缺省配置、权限提升漏洞、缓冲区溢出、补丁未升级等自身漏洞。


2.2 降低数据库黑客攻击风险据了解,1/2以上的生产业务数据库中都存在默认用户名/默认口令;若干黑客典型攻击手段,仅使用了最常规的数据库安全漏洞。



2.3 满足行业安全检测规范支持能源、运营商等行业性数据库安全检测规范,可用于检测单位的行业检测、以及用户单位的自检。


三. 产品优势3.1 丰富的漏洞库支持1300个以上安全漏洞库;国内普通安全厂商的漏洞检测数在300个左右;专业数据库漏洞工具的检测数600-700个。

3.2 全面检测能力DBScan提供最为全面的检测库,仅Oracle就达到3019个检测项。


3.3 等级保护专用检测工具针对我国等级保护1、2、3、4级对数据库的安全检测要求,建立数据库等级保护检测工具集,实现等级保护检测扫描,生成等级保护检测报告。




A.次要数据文件B.主要数据文件C.日志文件D.索引文件↑答案:B2.当前数据库运行在open状态,LISTENER 也正常运行,此刻一个dba 执行如下命令LSNRCTL> STOP 下面的描述中那个是正确的?A.会话只能执行查询操作B.连接的会话不允许做任何操作直到监听启动C.当前连接的会话不受影响,操作继续D.会话断掉,并且当前的事物回滚↑答案:C3.onstat -g act命令是用于显示___A.VP信息B.所有线程信息当前活动线程C.↑答案:C4.HDR集群中参数DRAUTO设置为2,若此时关闭HDR主机,则___A.HDR备用数据库将转换为主用模式,原HDR主用恢复成备用模式B.由连接管理器中的FOC切换规则来切换C.HDR备用数据库将保持为备用模式,在主用恢复后自动恢复HDR连接D.HDR备用数据库将转换为标准模式,在主用恢复后自动转换为备用恢复HDR连接↑答案:A5.下列关于Oracle支持的锁粒度描述正确的是?A.数据库级、表级、行级、列级B.数据库级、表级、行级C.行级、列级D.列级、表级↑答案:A6.当执行一个存储过程时,服务器到哪里查询该存储过程( )A.modelB.masterC.sybsystemdbD.sybsystemprocs↑答案:D7.作为一个ORACLE DBA,你运行以下的SQL命令查询ASM实例,查询结果的含义是什么?SQL> select group_number, name, state fromv$ASM_DISKGROUP; GROUP_NUMBER NAME STATE 0 DGROUP1 DISMOUNTED 2 DGROUP2 MOUNTED 3 DGROUP3 MOUNTEDA.DGROUP1磁盘组被其他的DBA卸载了B.一个多余的磁盘(DGROUP1)将在磁盘组中丢失C.一个数据文件丢失,原因是DGROUP1磁盘组正在进入DISMOUNTED 状态D.这个查询在ASM实例中没有意义↑答案:A___存储中分配给服务器的一个连续的磁盘空间的单位是8.IDS.A.chunkB.dbspacesC.pageD.extentE.tblsapces↑答案:A9.为了查看SQL Server对系统资源的使用情况,可以启动系统监视器监视。



信息系统安全等级保护测评自查二级)单位全称:XXX项目联系人:XX X电话:XXX 邮箱:XXX1 被测信息系统情况1.1承载的业务情况深圳市XXX系统,XX年投入使用,包括X台服务器、X台网络设备和X台安全设备。


1.2网络结构给出被测信息系统的拓扑结构示意图,并基于示意图说明被测信息系统的网络结构基本情况,包括功能/ 安全区域划分、隔离与防护情况、关键网络和主机设备的部署情况和功能简介、与其他信息系统的互联情况和边界设备以及本地备份和灾备中心的情况。










一种集成SM2芯片的智能拐杖安全系统刘二根;王露;左黎明【摘要】基于物联网和云计算技术的智慧养老是目前研究的一个热点问题.设计了一种集成SM2芯片的智能拐杖安全系统,系统包括集成多组传感器的智能拐杖、App家庭监控客户端和集成身份认证中心的云管理平台.以智能拐杖与门禁系统交互为例,给出系统安全通信的关键协议,利用SM2安全芯片实现身份认证,利用AES 对称密码算法加密传输数据,保护数据安全,实现智能拐杖的安全控制和管理,有效解决了系统交互过程中缺乏数据安全性保护和身份可靠性认证的问题.仿真测试的实现体现了系统的可行性和实用性.【期刊名称】《宜春学院学报》【年(卷),期】2018(040)006【总页数】7页(P1-7)【关键词】智慧养老;智能拐杖;交互协议;SM2芯片【作者】刘二根;王露;左黎明【作者单位】华东交通大学理学院,南昌330013;华东交通大学理学院,南昌330013;华东交通大学系统工程与密码学研究所,南昌330013;华东交通大学理学院,南昌330013;华东交通大学系统工程与密码学研究所,南昌330013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP309.2随着社会的发展,中国正处于增速快、规模大、未富先老、未备先老的人口急速老龄化阶段[1]。

据统计,2015年,全国60岁以上的人口占比为16.1%,其中65周岁及以上人口占10.5%[2],截止2016年底,全国60周岁以上人口数量达23086万人,占总人数的16.7%[3],预计到2020年,全国老龄化水平达到17.17%[4],到2025年,全国60岁以上人口将达到3亿,成为世界上老龄化最严重的国家 [5],人口老龄化的日益加重,推动了养老产业的快速发展。


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– The Data-Manipulation sublanguage for querying databases and for modifying the database
• But SQL also includes a data-definition component for describing database schemas.
• Domain is a particular elementary type associated with each attribute of a relation, which can be included for each attribute in a relation schema. Such as Movies(title:string, year:integer, length:integer, genre:string)
• Relation schema(关系模式) = relation name and attribute list (a set of attributes).
– Optionally: types of attributes. – Example: Movies(title, year, length, genre)
• • Queries, retrieve information Modifications, change the database
3. Constraints on the data(数据约束), limitations on what the data can be, such as data types, value ranges, etc.
• • • • • • The Relational Model of Data Design Theory for Relational Databases High-Level Database Models Algebraic and Logical Query Languages The Database Language SQL Constraints and Triggers
– – relational model(关系模型): tables(表); semistructured model(半结构模型) : trees/graphs(树/ 图).
Data Model(数据模型)-2
2. Operations on the data(数据操作), the actions which can be performed on the data. Such as
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Keys of Relations(关系键)
• A set of attributes forms a key (关键码, 键) for a relation if there is no two tuples in a relation instance to have the same values in all the attributes of the key. • For Movies, “title” and “year” form a key, which can be represented in its schemas: Movies(title, year, length, genre) • Artificial Keys can be defined, such as employee ID’s. There can be several choices of key, such as employee ID’s and employee Social-Security No.
– The Data-Definition sublanguage for declaring database schemas
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Relations in SQL
• Stored relations, which are called tables(表). A relation that exists in the database. • Views(视图), which are relations defined by a computation. These relations are not stored, but are constructed. • Temporary tables(临时表), which are constructed by the SQL language processor.
title Gone with the Wind Wayne’s World Star Wars
year 1939 1992 1977
genre drama comedy sciFi
length 231 95 124
Relation Instance(关系实例)
• A set of tuples for a given relation is called an instance of the relation. (Gone with the Wind, 1939, 231, drama) (Star Wars, 1977, 124, sciFi) (Wayne’s World, 1992, 95, comedy) is an instance of the Movies. • The set of tuples that are in the relation “now” is called the current instance.
Data Model(数据模型)-1
A Data Model is a notation for describing data or information, which consists of data structure, operation and constraints. 1. Structure of the data: Mathematical representation of data (数据的数学表示、概念模型).
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Equivalent Representations of a Relations(关系的等价表示)
• Relations are sets of tuples, not lists of tuples. • A relation consists of a set of attributes, not a list of attributes. Another representation of Movies is as follows.
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What is Relational Algebra?
• An algebra whose operands are relations or variables that represent relations. • Operators are designed to do the most common things that we need to do with relations in a database.
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An Algebraic Query Language
• • • • • • • • Overview of Relational Algebra(关系代数) Set Operations on Relations(关系的集合运算) Projection(投影) Selection(选择) Cartesian Product(笛卡尔积) Natural Joins(自然连接) Theta-Joins(θ连接) Naming and Renaming(命名和重命名)
– The result is an algebra that can be used as a query language for relations.
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Core Relational Algebra
• Union(并), intersection(交), and difference(差).
What is an “Algebra”
• A algebra, in general, consists of operators and atomic operands. • Operands (操作数) --- variables or values from which new values can be constructed. • Operators (操作符) --- symbols denoting procedures that construct new values from given values.
• Database = collection of relations. • Database schema = set of all relation schemas in the database.
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• A relation is a two-dimensional table. • The rows of relation, other than the header row containing the attributes names, are called tuples(元组, 一般称为“记录”). • Example: (Gone with the Wind, 1939, 231, drama) is a tuple of Movies. • The order of attributes’ values in tuples should be same as the order of attributes defined in the relation schemas.