







1/14【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 12015年广东外语外贸大学考研指导育明教育,创始于2006年,由北京大学、中国人民大学、中央财经大学、北京外国语大学的教授投资创办,并有北京大学、武汉大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学复旦大学、中央财经大学、等知名高校的博士和硕士加盟,是一个最具权威的全国范围内的考研考博辅导机构。


学院:(002)国际经济贸易学院学科专业代码:020100学科专业名称:理论经济学本学科拟招生人数:15(说明:招生人数以教育部最终下达招生人数为准,此处仅作参考,可能会有调整)研究方向导师初试考试科目复试考试科目备注01计量经济史刘巍陈昭袁欣①101思想政治理论②201英语一或202俄语或203日语③303数学三2/14【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 2④814经济学①703理论经济学综合②930面试③709经济学说史(同等学力加试)④716国际经济学(同等学力加试)3年制02世界经济刘继森何传添张昱焦方太①101思想政治理论②201英语一③303数学三④814经济学①703理论经济学综合②930面试③709经济学说史(同等学力加试)④716国际经济学(同等学力加试)3年制3/14【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 303宏观经济魏作磊袁申国姜巍①101思想政治理论②201英语一③303数学三④814经济学①703理论经济学综合②930面试③709经济学说史(同等学力加试)④716国际经济学(同等学力加试)3年制04经济改革与经济发展林吉双杨励魏悦①101思想政治理论②201英语一③303数学三4/14【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 4④814经济学①703理论经济学综合②930面试③709经济学说史(同等学力加试)④716国际经济学(同等学力加试)3年制复试形式与内容:初试参考书目•101|思想政治理论:请查看广东外语外贸大学研究生处网站•201|英语一:请查看广东外语外贸大学研究生处网站•202|俄语:请查看广东外语外贸大学研究生处网站•203|日语:请查看广东外语外贸大学研究生处网站•303|数学三:请查看广东外语外贸大学研究生处网站5/14【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 5•814|经济学:《西方经济学(微观部分、宏观部分)》(第5版),高鸿业,中国人民大学出版社,2011年复试参考书目•703|理论经济学综合:1.《世界经济新论》(第2版),庄起善,复旦大学出版社,2008年(复试);2.《发展经济学概论》(第2版),谭崇台,武汉大学出版社,2008年(复试);•709|经济学说史(同等学力加试):《西方经济学说史教程》,晏智杰,北京大学出版社,2002年(同等学力考生加试);•716|国际经济学(同等学力加试):《国际经济学:理论与政策》,克鲁格曼等,中国人民大学出版社,2011年6/14【育明教育】中国考研考博专业课辅导第一品牌官方网站: 6选择考研!!由此开启人生中崭新的一篇!!嶳围弹匈秤$6-9星%政治在这阶段的复习,可以分两种情况来进行:⒈基础比较差的。

















广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《微观经济学》2006—2007学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A) 考核对象:经贸学院2006级所有班级时间:2个半小时班级:学号:姓名:成绩:一.单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分)1、生产什么?如何生产?怎样生产?这样三个问题被称为______问题。




已经某消费者每年用于商品1和商品2的收入为540元,这两种商品的价格分别为该消费者的效用函数为试求:(1) 该消费者每年购买这两种商品的数量分别为多少?(2)该消费者每年从中获得的总效用是多少?2。








得分评卷人三、计算题(本大题共3小题,每小题8分,共24分)1•假设某经济的消费函数为c=100+0. 8yd,投资为50,政府购买性支出为200,政府转移支付为62. 5, 税率为0.25 ,单位为元。

求:(1)求均衡收入;(2)试求投资乘数;(3)税收乘数;(4)预算盈余BS;(5)若充分就业国民收入为1300,投资为150,求充分就业预算盈余BS*为多少?2.假设货币需求为L=0. 2y-10r,货币供给为200, c=60+ 0. 8y d, t = 100, i = 150, g=100 (单位:元)。



(3)政府支出从100元增加到120元时,均衡收入,利率和投资有何变化?(4)是否存在“挤出效应” ?3.在新古典增长模型中,己知生产函数为y=2k-0. 5k2, y为人均产出,k为人均资本,储蓄率s =0.1,人口增长率n = 0. 05,资本折旧率8 =0. 05。





3.为什么通货膨胀会有惯性?Why might inflation be inertial ?答:通货膨胀有惯性是因为人们总是根据目前所观测到的通货膨胀来修订他们对将来通货膨胀的预期。






Explain the differences between demand-pull inflation and cost-push inflation.答:(1)需求拉动型通货膨胀指总需求超过总供给所引起的一般价格水平的持续显著上涨。


(2)需求拉动型通货膨胀与供给推动型通货膨胀的区别主要表现在以下两个方面: ①造成通货膨胀的原因不同。








2015年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合历年真题及答案(2006-2013)目录2006年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案 (2)2007年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案 (12)2008年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案 (25)2009年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案 (40)2010年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案 (47)2011年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案 (54)2012年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案 (62)2013年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案 (73)2006年对外经济贸易大学考研815经济学综合真题及答案一、名词解释(每小题4分,共16分)1.价格歧视:对不同的顾客定不同的价格,有时是对完全相同的产品,有时是对微小别的产品。











目 录





















That attempt at honesty may have spooked the market because it showed how unsure the banks remain about how to value their subprime-related assets, but that is no reason to shy away from such disclosures.
8 如果投机性货币需求曲线接近水平形状,这意味着货币需求不受利 率的影响。( )
9 政府支出的增加将使总供给曲线向左移动。( )
10 失业救济金的提高有助于降低自然失业率。( )
四、计算与分析题(每题8分,共16分) 1 在某一商品市场上,有100个相同的消费者,每个人的需求函数都是 Qd=28-2P;同时有10个相同的生产者,每个生产者的供给函数都是Qs =40P-20。其中,Qd和Qs分别代表需求量和供给量,单位:个;P代 表价格,单位:元。 (1)求该商品的市场均衡价格和均衡交易量; (2)如果政府对每单位商品征收3元的销售税,消费者和生产者各自承 担了多少税收负担?政府得到的税收总量是多少? (3)消费者剩余、生产者剩余及无谓损失有多大?
9 通常认为,下列属于紧缩货币的政策是( )。 A.提高贴现率 B.增加货币供给 C.降低法定准备金率 D.中央银行买入政府债券
10 在浮动汇率制的开放经济中,净出口受到实际汇率变动的影响,财 政政策效应( )。
A.与封闭经济中的效应并无区别 B.小于封闭经济中的效应 C.大于封闭经济中的效应 D.可能大于、等于或小于封闭经济中的效应
目 录
2008年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题 2008年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题[视频讲解] 2009年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题 2009年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题[视频讲解] 2010年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题 2010年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题[视频讲解] 2011年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题 2011年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题[视频讲解] 2012年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题 2012年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题[视频讲解] 2013年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题 2013年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题[视频讲解] 2014年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题 2014年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题[视频讲解] 2015年对外经济贸易大学815经济学综合考研真题




A.国家规定B.行业规定C.国际通用D A.国际先进4.某人购买了一件商品,该商品的产品说明书明示安全使用期为8年,如果冈该商品存在缺陷造成损害,则要求赔偿的请求权是()A.2年B.4年C.8年D.10年5.经营者提供商品或服务时,消费者索要购货凭证或服务单据的,经营者()A.对法律有规定的应该出具B.对有商业惯例的应该山具C.必须提供D.对金额较大的应该出具6.下列税中不属于流转税的是()A.增值税B.筵席税C.消费税D.营业税7.全民所有制工业企业的管理委员会的性质是()A.企业的决策机构B.企业实行民主管理的基本形式,C.企业的权利机构D.协助厂长决策的机构8.全民所有制二厂业企业的职工代表大会是企业的()A.最高权力机构B.实行民主管理的基本形式C.职能机构D.一般权力机构9.根据规定,有权依法奖惩职工的是()A.职工代表大会B.工会委员会C.管理委员会D.厂长10.消费税的税率分为)4档,最高税率为()A.60%B.45%C.40%D.35%二、多项选择题(10分)1.作为经济法主体的社会组织包括()A.公司B.企业C.农村承包户D.事业单位E.个体工商户2.监督检查部门在对不正当竞争行为进行监督检查时,享有的职权有()A.处罚权B.责令赔偿权C.检查权D.询问权E.查询复制权3.在商品上伪造或冒用()对商品质量作引入误解的虚假表示,是不正当竞争行为A.认证标志B.名优标志C.产地D.包装E.装潢4.消费者协会的职能包括()A.提供消费信息和咨询服务B.参与对商品的服务的监督检查C.受理消费者投诉D.对投诉事项进行审理处分E.支持受损害的消费者起诉5.下列产品中()不属于《产品质量法》调整A.计算机B.别墅C.水泥D.核产品E.服务质量6.下列行为中属于搭售或其他不合理条件的行为有()A.购买技术附加购买保证技术产品质量的材料B.购买技术专利要求必须同时购买本不需的商标C.交易中约定条件显失公平D.购买技术限制买方的销售范围E.独占许可要求第三者不得使用该许可7.经营者提供的商品或服务造成消费者或其他受害人死亡的应支付()A.丧葬费B.死亡赔偿金C.死者生前被抚养人所必需的生活费D.医疗费E.工资或其他应得收入8.属于消费税征税范围的是()A.东风牌长车B.王宝香皂C.松下彩电D.奥迪轿车E.黄金首饰9.使用他人营业执照的违法经营者提供商品或服务,损害消费者合法权益的,消费者可以()A.向侵权人要求赔偿B.向营业执照持有人赔偿C.只能向侵权人要求赔偿D.只能向营业执照持有人赔偿10.()披露,使用或允许他人使用其所掌握的商业秘密的行为是不正当竞争行为A.违反《专利法》的规定B.违反约定C.违反《商标法》的规定D.违反权利人有关保守商业秘密的要求三、名词解释(9分)1.不正当竞争2.商业诽谤3.经济法律关系四、判断并简要说明理由(15分)1.职工代表大会有权罢免由政府主管部门委任或招聘的厂长。



















广东外语外贸大学生2006年研究生入学考试英语水平考试试题I.Cloze(30%)Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Marianne Montgomery was timid and undventurous, her vitality consumed by physical activity and longing, her intelligence_1_indecisiveness, but this had less to do with the _2_ characteristcs of the weaker sex (as her father, Creighton Montgomery, called it ) than _3_ the enfeebling circumstances of her upbringing. Creighton Montgomery, had enough money _4_ mould his daughters _5_ to his misconceptions:girls were not _6_ to fend for themselves, so he protected them from life, which is to say that Marianne Montgomery grew up without making any vital _7_for herself. Prevented_8_acquiring the habits of freedom and strength of character _9_ grow from decision-making,very rich girls,10 paents have menas to protect them in such a crippling fashion, are the last representatives _11_ Victorian womanhood._12_ they may have the boldest manners and most up-to-date ideas, they share their great-grandmothers’humble dependence.Most parents these days have to rely _13_their force of personality and whatever love and respect they inspire to _14_influence over their children at all, but there is still an awful lot of parental authority that big money can but. Multi-millionaires have more of everything_15_ordinary mortals, including more parent power, and their sons and_16_have about as_17_opportunity to develop according to their own inclinations as they would have had in the age of absolute monarch.The rich still have families.The great divide between the generations, which is so much taken for_18_ that no one remakes on it longer, is the plight of the lower and middle classes, whose children begin to drift away as_19_as they are old enough to go to school. The parents cannot control the school, and have even less say to what company and ideas the child will be exposed to; nor_20_they isolate him from the public mood, the spirit of the_21_. It is an often heard complaint of the middle-class mother, for_22_ that she must let her children watch television for hours on end everyday_23_she is to steal time for herself. The rich have no_24_problem; they can keep their offspring busy from morning to night_25_being near them for a minute more than they choose to be,and can exercise almost total_26_over their environment. __27_for schooling, they can hand-pick tutors with sound views to come to the children, _28_may never leave the grounds their parents own, in town, in the country, by the sea,_29_for an exceptionally secure boarding school or a well-chaperoned trip abroad. It would have been_30_for little Marianne Montgornery to go to Cairo than to the nearest newsstand.II.Proof-reading and Error Correction(30%)The following passage contains FIFTEEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error. In each case, only one word is involved. You should correct in the following way. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.For a _wrong_ word, underline the wrong word and writethe correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a _missing_ word, mark the position of the missing word with a”^”sign and wirte the word you belive to beMissing in the blank provided in the end of the line.For an _unnecessary_ word, cross out the unnecessary word with a slash”/” and put the word in the blank provided atthe end of the line.ExampleWhen ^ art museum wants a new exhibit, 1._an__It never buys things in finished form and hangs them 2._never_on the wall.When a natrual history museum wants an_exhibition_, 3._exhibit_it must often build it.It is often said that learning is a two-ways street. The teacher 1._____________ can teach all day, but there is no response on the part of the 2.____________ student then no learning will take place. In the traditionalclassroom it is possible for the student to aviod dialogicalprocession, but on the computer it is no. It is indeed no 3.____________ incident that the premier computer eucation system in 4.____________ the world is named as PLATO after that famous teacher 5.____________ who believed in drawing learning out for the student 6.____________ through dialogue. Not only the student learn through 7.___________. computer dialogue,but the instructor, in writing a computerdialogue,learns similarly more than the student uses 8.____________ it. In the process of building a dialogue, the instructor 9.___________ must visualize the lesson from the student’s eye and 10.___________ must think about program responses to all possible wronganswers as well as responses to all right answers. In the 11.___________ fact, in writing a good dialogue, the insructor will likely 12.__________ spend more time dealing with wrong answers than right 13__________ onces. This can be a really learning experience even 14.__________ so an instructor who is an “expert”15.__________III.Gap-filling(30%)Fill in the following blanks with the CORRECT WORDS or CORRECT FORMS of the given according to the MEANINGS of the sentences. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.ExampleProlong, refuse, delay, postpone, lengthenI hope the _______of the appointment will not cause you much inconvenience.The correct answer is postponement.1.fancy, fantasy, revierie, dreamNo one moved in the bushes; it was only your imagination. Was it fact or ____?2.continue, endure, survive, perslst, lastHis _____ efforts to better himself from his first job as an office-boy to his evetual position as managing director are admired by every one in our company.3.inner, interior, internal, inwardLast year we bought the house, but we did not move in because we haven’t finished decorating the _____of the house.4.accomplishment, achievement, attalnment, involvementProfessor Johnson is a famous pianinst who is able to _____ the difficult passages in the sonata with ease and brilliace.5.capable, possible, likely, probableXiao Chen has been studying English for two years, but she is still ____ of misspelling longer words.6.data, fact, information, intlligenceWe have sent many people to enquire about your family members in different places and we will keep you _____ if we have any news.7.normal, natural, ordinary, regularAfter the great earthquake, the government tried to bring things back to ___ and people were settled down in their new homes.8.obedient, dutiful, subservient, well-behavedThe new teacher congratulated himself on having a class that he considered more than usually_____9.openent, adversary, antagonist, competition, rivalThe two men were not only ____ for the same job but also for the same girl, a situation which caused an extreme amount of ill will between them.10.priase, acclaim eulogize, extol, laudDuring the meeting, the parliament carried a motion by_______.11.orign, basis cause, root ,sourceKeats’s poetry, characterized by exact and closely-knit construction, sensual description and ___ thoughts, gives ttanscendental values to the physical beauty of the world.12.beliel , creed , religion, faithThe ____collision that started from the early nineteenth century continued and was intensifled by the dispute over evolutionary science.13.solution, decision, determination, resoleIf the police had acted more ___, the disaster could have been prevented.14.feeling, percept, perception, sense, sensationLast night I heard a ______ news report that a kind of mysterious disease was spreading in the country.15.accord, award, confer, grantThe Administrative Department of Students Dormitory _______ male students the privilege of entertaining women in their rooms during certain hours of the day.IV. Reading Comprehension (60%)In this sections, there are six reading passage followed by a total of thirty multiple-choice questions. Read the passages carefully and then mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Text APopulation groups can be distinguished from one another biologically, but some of the old “racial traits “ do not stand up to scientific testing. Perhaps the most notorious of these is skin colder. There are too many non-biological factors that may account for the color of a person’s skin to make it standard of much use in distinguishing between populations. Other traits, like hair type, physical measurement, the form of the eyes, nose,etc. do have more validity as such standards. But here, too, external factors may modify basic biological tendencies. Scientists need something more precise uponwhich to base their conclusions. One answer to this need can be found in genetics. Anyone’s physical apperance is, after all, partly the result of genetic determiantion. What we see is called a phenotype, and the genetic constitution that lies behind it is called a genotype. Genetic bioligist seek to know the genotypes assosiated with racial differences, because the genes are the actual location of whatever diffrences we think we can see in phenotypes.1.Phenotype is another word for_____A.physical appearanceB.genetic constitutionC.racial traitsD.biological endencises2.It may be inferred from the passage that the author___A.judges people by their phenotypesB.believes skin color is a valid basis for determining raceC.believes basic biological tendencies don’t changeD.would not judge on the basis of phenotypes3.The shape of the eyes, nose, the type of hair, etc_____A.are not influenced by outside factorsB.are a precise means of differentiating between racesC.can be standards in distinguishing between populationsD.are determined completely by genetics4.The passage deals mainly with_______A.the difference between phenotypes and genotypeB.the drawbacks of phenotypesC.the advertages of phenotypesD.the measurements of phenotypes5.This passage would most likely be found in a book on ____A.psychologyB.medicineC.anthropologyD.criminologyText BNew York City has long held a special place in American life as a metropolis that perpetually renews itself with waves of foreign immigration. That has never been truer tan today, when the city is brimming with newly arrived residents. At the end of a decade in which one million newcomers swept into the city, 40 percent of New Yorkers are now foreign-born, the highest level since 1910. The city is enriched by the immigrants, but it also faces major challenges in helping to integrate them fully into the life and economy of the city.The earlier generations of immigrants who passed throuhg Ellis Island were largely from Europe. The fastest-growing groups these days are from South Asia, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and the nations born of the breakup of the Soviet Union. In Queens alone 167 nationalities and 116 languages coexist. That variety is one of New York’s most distinctive traits. While other cites tend to attract immigrants primarily from one or foreign regions, New York is a magnet for the whole world. The immigrants come because of the city’s reputation as a point of entry and the presence of friends and relatives.If it were not for immigration, the city’s population would be decreasing today. The newcomers culturally andeconomically revitalize abandoned neighborhoods, and their presence bolsters the economy and contributes to the tax base. But the surge has also brouhgt a slew of people are turned away from the too-few English classes sponsored by nonprofit organizations and community colleges. The inability to speak English keeps immigrants in very low-paying jobs. Many Mexcian and Dominican immigrants,for instance, earn less than $ 20,000 a year.Meanwhile, a shortage of affordably priced housing has led to overcrowding in poor areas. It is not uncommon in some Bronx neighborhoods for four or more people to live in a single room. Schools are also inadequate in these neigborhoods, with enrollments staining already sparse resources.Because newly arrived immigrants are not eligible to vote-and tumout is low among those who have becomme citizens many of thers problems do not receive the attention they deserve from politicl leaders. Naturalized citizens should be encouraged to register to vote, and local politicans need to make more effort to reach out to these traditinally ignored populations. In addition, immigrants are often unaware of the programs that do exit to help them. Public housing aid and child health insurance, for example, are not widely used by immigrants who are eligible for them. Many immigrants use emergency medical care but also rely on unncensed commutiy clinics, in part because they are unaware of the dangers associaled with such clinics.Poverty rates among immigrant populations are high, and if current problems are allowed to grow, they could lead to a permanent underclass of immigrants, with the city’s foreign-born population expected to grow even larger in the years ahead, the health of the city will depend in no small measure on how successfully it absorbs its newest residents.6.Different from other immigration cities, New York______A.has fewer nonprofit English classescks necessary medical careC.attracts people from all over the worldD.offers full citizenship on the arrival of immigrants7.What mihgt be the trouble of foreign-born newcomers to New York?A.EmploymentB.HousingC.FoodD.Future development8.The politicla leaders don't pay enough attention to the problems of immigrants, because____A.they will never have the insolubleB.their problems are insolubleC.most of them are not eligible to voteD.they can solve the problems by themselves9.Immigration is the cause of _____A.the decrease of New York’s populationB.the increase of New York’s pupulationC.the awkwardness of New York’s economyD.the unemployment of New York people10.The article aims to______A.describe the life in New Yorkment on the intemational port city—New YorkC.call for public attention to the suffering of foreign-born immigrants in New YorkD.find a good solution to the problems of New York foreign-born immigrantsText CDoes North Korea have the bomb, and if does, what should be done about it? Kim II Sung offered an essentially hollow capitulation last week, a promise to permit inspections of all but the key nuclear sites, which could settle the matter. So the world—and Bill Clinton---will be left to ponder those questions, perhaps indefinitely. What to do?First, assume North Korea already has two crude nuclear devives, as those who are paid to know such things assume.Second, understand the key player s’ views and motivations. South Korea, the presumptive first target of any attack from the North, is against backing Kim into a corner, a result it fears economic sanctions would accomplish. What Seoul wants least is reaponsibility for an economically devastated North, “We’re content with a divided peninsula,”says a South Korea diplomat familiar with the huge absorption costs borne by West Germany’s embrace of the East. Japan is happy with the status quo too. Tokyo’s joint security treaty with Washington allows its defense budget to remain low, and it abhors even thinking about developing a nuclear hedge against North Korea’s capabilities.Finally, despite its public huffing, the U.S. seems to be taking North Korea’s supposed nuclear capacity in stride. Whatever exists is “not militarily significant, “ says U.S. Pracific Commander Charles Larson. Yet, adds the admiral, it is obviously “ significant politically. “That is why no one tells the truth---neither the West nor the North Koreans. “As soon as the bomos is confirmed unamiguously, “ says a State Department official, “you have to do something about it. Better to let what is be and move to cap it at the present low-threat level.”“North Korea cannot be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb,”Clinton said firmlly last November, no doubt recalling that the last time a U.S. Administration got Korea wrong, the body-bag business became a growth industry because Harry Truman took too long to give’em help. “Drawing a line in the sand early is what you should have done in the ‘50s, says a Japanese diplomat. “Today you should be softer. Kim’s bottom line is still his regime’s survival, but victory is defined defferently this time. Kim knows the way to win in the ‘90s is by joining the Asian economic boom rather than by armed conflict. Clinton has already made one mistake. He should have told Kim, ‘You say you don’t have the Bomb.O.K, we believe you.’ Then, quietly, be should have begun to deal. Now, when everything is public and so much pride is on the line on both sides, it’s harder.”11.What is South Korea’s attitude towards the North?A.It does not want a United Korea because of the fear of the huge absorption costs, according to a South KoreandiplomatB.South Korea wants to devastate North Korean evonomy.C.South Korea wants to see a cornered North Korea.D.South Korea will defend the North.12.According to the passage, how does Japan see the nuclear problem of North Korea?A.Japan is happy to see two nations struggle.B.Japan is content with the present state of things.C.Japan is eager for solution to the problem.D.Japan is taking some action against the North13.Finally, despite its public huffing, the U.S. seems to be taking North Korea’s supposed unclear capacity in stride.The underlined part means_______.A.be dealing with North Korea’s supposed nuclear capacity calmlyB.be dealing with North Korea’s supposed unclear capacity seriouslyC.be coping with North Korea’s suppoed nuclear capacity in a hurryD.be coping with North Korea’s suppoed nuclear capacity slowly.14.Which is true of the fifth paragraph?A.America is not afraid of North Korea’s having A-bombs.B.America makes light of North Korea.C.America only appears to be serious about North Korean nuclear weapons.D.America only appears not to take the matter seriously.15.When Clinton said that North Korea could not be allowed to develop a nuclear bomb, his tone is ____A.arbitraryB.softC.threateningD.condescendingText DOn a wall in Assistant District Attorney Cecil Emerson’s tiny government office hangs a drawing of Martin Luther King Jr. with his simple message:” I have a dream.”Across downtown, in the spacious 26th- floor suite of defense lawyer Doug Mulder, sits a glass bell jar as big as a pumpkin. Inside it, according to Mr. Mulder, is $ 1 million in shredded U.S. currency.Two lawyers. Two wildly different styles and reputations. And one famous preacher.On Monday, Mr. Emerson and Mr. Mulder will square off in possibly the most anticipated courtroom drama in Dallas histroy: the trial that will determine the guilt or innocence of Dr. Walker Railey.Almost six years after the once-renowned Methodist minister told police that he found his wife sprawled on the garage floor of their Lake Highlands home, Dr. Railey goes on trial in San Antonio on a charge of attempted murder.The former senior pastor of First United Methodist Church of Dallas is the only suspect police have acknowledged in the attack on Margaret “Peggy “Railey, who was nearly strangled April 21, 1987. She remains in a persistent vegetative state in a Tyler nursing home.“Railey did it,” says Mr. Emerson, a rumpled former Justice Department attorney who once served in the Nixon White House. “I think the jury will find Railey guilty.”Mr. Mulder, of course, disgrees. The dapper one-time protege of famed District Attorney Henry Wade is equally sure that Dr. Railey didn’t do it.“All his statements to me have been consistent with his innocense,” Mr.Mulder said.16.Cecil Emerson is ______A.Railey’s defense lawyer.B. a Justice Department attoney.C.Assistant District Attorney.D.Margaret’s defense lawyer.17.Doug Mlder has a _____ office.A.tinyB.spaciousernmentD.jar-like18.The trial of _____ will possibly be the most anticipated courtroom drama in Dallas history.A.EmersonB.RaileyC.MulderD.Margaret19.Railey is the only suspect of the attempted murder of _____A.Margraet “ Peggy” RaileyB.Henry WadeC. a senior pastorD. a former junior pastor20.Emerson says the jury will find Railey_____A.innocentB.guiltyC.did not attack his wifeD.didn’t strangle his wifeText EBy now, just about everybody realizes that Atlanta will host the centennial Olympics in 1996. What few people realize is that just 12 days after the Games close, the city will bring on another Olympic-type event with 4,000 elite intermational athletes. The 16-sport Paralympic Games will look roughly similar, only they will be for athletes with a physical disablility that precludes them from Olympic competition.The Paralympics are not new; they began in 1960 in Rme. They are clearly growing, thougth, and in Atlanta will likely attract one-third the number of athletes who will participate in the Olympics.Andy Fleming, president of the Atlanta Paralympic Organizing Committee, says the Paralympics offer “a major opportunity for corporatiaons to capitalize on both the business and social issues represented by the Paralympics”and to connect with disabled Americans and their families.The Paralympics recevie little television exposure, yet attendence figures hint at the potential for attracting viewers. Organizers in Atlanta hope soon to sign a natioal TV deal that could include significant weekend nerwork coverage. More than 1.5 million spectators showed up over the 12-day Paralympics in Barcelona, this shortly after the city lavished attention on the Olympics for 16 days.Brain Williams, a spokesman for National Handicapped Sports in Rockville, Md., says that disabled sports are much more popular with European audiences than American ones. “They’re probably 10 years ahead of us as far as public interest goes, “ he says.The performance difference between the athletes in the two competitions is sometimes not as great as people might imagine. For example, double-leg, below-the-knee amputee Tony Volpentest of Mountlake Terrance, Wash, ran the 100-meter dash in the Barcelona Paralympics in 11.63 seconds, faster than the winning time of 12 seconds flat in the first modern Olympics held in Athens in 1896. And in the single-amputee, above-the-elbow category Ajibola Adoeye of Nigeria smoked the field sans prosthesis with a time of 10.72 seconds.21.Twelve days after the Games close, the city will hold another kind of Olympic Games with______A.4,000 handicapped international athletesB.4,000 healthy elite international athletes.C.4,000 referees.D.4,000 amputees22.According to the passage, which of the following statements is UNTURE?A.The Paralympics were 12-days longB.The Paralympics were held in BarcelonaC.The Paralympics were attended by more than 1.5 bilion spectatorsD.The Paralympics were 16-days long23.The 1996 Olympics will________A.succeed the Paralympic GamesB.include Paralympic GamesC.exceed the 1992 OlympicsD.make the 100th anniversary of the modern games24.The article infers that the Paralympic Games______A.have the same number and type of events as the OlympicsB.will be seen by 1.5 million fansC.have been in existence for more than 30 yearsD.are popular media events25.This article tells us that _______A.American audiences are interested in disabled sports than European onesB.European audiences are more interested in disalbled sports than American onesC.Disabled sports are less popular in EuropeD.Disabled sprots are popular in AmericaText FDispite wars, famines, and epidemics, Earth’s population is booming ahead to new records—with no end in sight.Every day, the world adds enough people to populate a medium-sized city in the US. In one month, the number of new world citizens equals the population of New York City. Every year, there are 90 million more that mouths to feed, more than the total populattion of Germany.Sevearl factors are propelling this rapid growth, including an element that is often overlooked: the huge number of teenagers who are becoming mothers, particularly in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa.In four African nations --- Niger, Mali, Aierra Leone, and Ivory Coast ---1 out of every 5 adolescent females of childbearing age has a baby annually.Ths US Bureau of the Census says this high rate of motherhood among teens has helped to maintain the high pace of births across most of the African continent. By starting a family early, a typical woman in Somalia, for instance, has seven children during her lifetime. Equallly large families are the rule in Zambia, Zaire, Uganda, Mauritania, Mali, Malawi, and Ethiopia.The current record-holder for fertility is strife-torn Revanda, where a typical mother has at least eight or nien children.While population experts often focus on Africa’s problems, analysts note that teenalged mothers are also far more prevalent in the United States than in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, or Britain.This issus—“babies having babies”—has recently gained prominence in the US. Teenaged motherhood in the US has fueled an expansion of the state-federal welfare system and brought cries for welfare reform from lawmakers.With its high rate of teen births, the US now ranks alongside Indonesia and parts of South America, and only modestly ahead of Mexico, India, and Pakistan.Overall, the fertility rate among Americans remains relatively low at 2.1 births per woman—about the replacement level. Althugh the US population is expected to climb steadily, from 260 million today to 323 million by 2020, most of that growth will come from immigration.The Census Bureau estimates that in Haiti, where thousands of citizens are trying to flee to the US because ofmilitary oppression and poverty, AIDS will cut the annual growth rate during the next 25 years from 2.1 percent to 1.3 percent.The decline in growth is even sharper in the Centrai Africna, Republic, where rates will dip from 2.4 percent to 0.7 percent. In Thailand, which alreadly had low birth rates, AIDS will drive population downward to 0.8 percent a year.In the 16 countries that are hit hardest, AIDS will lower populations by 121 million over expected projections by 2020. In Africa, the impact of AIDS is so great that trends toward longer life spans during the past 40 years are being reversed. Some nations will suffer declines in average life spans of 10 to 30 years compared with expected life spans without AIDS.In the US, where AIDS is also a substantial problem, the impact will be lower because the disease is mostly limited to homosexuals and during users, says Peter Way, a Census Bureau researcher. In many African nations, AIDS is prevalent among the heterosexual population, which sharply boosts infant mortality.A compelling chapter in the research deals with aging. Today the median age in developed countries is 35, and in developing nations is only 23. By 2020, the corresponding figures will be 42 and 28.Today there are fewer adults over 60 (525 million) than children under 5 (636 million). As the world population ages, by 2020 the number over 60 will be more that 1 billion, while those undre 5 will total 717 million.26.Sub-Saharan African countries_______A.will have the largest world population by 2020B.have the highest reproductive rate in the worldC.are only modestly affected by AIDSD.will have increasingly long life spans27.The passage states that teenaged births are_______A.rare in developed countriesB.most prevalent in Indonesiamon in RwandaD.solely responsible for population increase28.The population growth rate in the US is______A.higher than that in IndiaB.lower than that in MexicoC.higher than that in IndonesiaD.lower than that in South America29.From the factual data in the passage, we know that by the year 2020________A.the population growth rates in Thailand will have increasedB.there will be a disproportionate number of older people population growth rate will stabilizeD.the average age of Europeans will be 3530.The passage implies that by the year 2020______A.birth rates will be curbed in developing countricsB.there will no longer be a population problemC.there will be too many young childrenD.the distribution of the world’s population will have altered。

















2、A、资源利用 B、机会成本 C、资源配置 D、短期生产3、工资、租金、利息、利润被称为()的价格4、A、商品 B、产品C、生产要素 D、生产3、如果x与y商品是替代品,x价格下降,将使y()A、需求量增加B、需求增加C、需求量减少D、需求减少4、消费品价格变化时,连结消费者诸均衡点的曲线称为()A、价格—消费曲线B、收入—消费曲线C、恩格尔曲线D、需求曲线5、一般而言,冰棒的需求价格弹性()药品的需求价格弹性A、大于B、小于C、等于D、大于或等于6、需求曲线从()导出。

A、价格—消费曲线B、收入—消费曲线C、无差异曲线D、预算线7、当消费者收入提高时,下述哪条曲线必然向右上方移动()A、预算线B、无差异曲线C、成本曲线D、供给曲线8、等成本线围绕着它与纵轴(Y )的交点逆时针移动表明:( )A 、生产要素Y 的价格上升了B 、生产要素X 的价格下降了C 、 生产要素Y 的价格下降了D 、生产要素X 的价格上升了9、经济中短期与长期的划分取决于( )A 、时间长短B 、可否调整产量C 、可否调整产品价格D 、可否调整生产规模10、如果一个企业处于规模报酬不变阶段,则LAC 曲线是( )A 、上升的B 、下降的C 、垂直的D 、水平的二.名词解释(每道题3分,共12分)1、机会成本2、生产函数3、帕累托最优4、外部经济三. 计算题(每道题10分,共30分)1. 已经某消费者每年用于商品1和商品2的收入为540元,这两种商品的价格分别为元,元和302021==P P 该消费者的效用函数为,3221X X U =试求: (1) 该消费者每年购买这两种商品的数量分别为多少?(2) 该消费者每年从中获得的总效用是多少?2. 在商品X 市场中,有10000个相同的个人,每个人的需求函数均为d=12-2P ;同时又有1000个相同的生产者,每个生产者的供给函数均为s=20P 。



第1章 导论简答题1、什么是微观经济学?微观经济学的研究以哪些假设条件为前提?(中南财大1997)2、什么叫理性人假设?试举两例说明微观经济学是建筑在这个假设基础上的。


(华中科技2005)第2章 需求与供给简 答 题:1、对于厂商来说,其产品的需求弹性大于1和小于1对其价格战略(采取降价还是涨价)将产生何种影响?(南开大学2004研)2、简述支撑需求定理和供给定理的经济学原理(天津财大2006研)3、简述需求规律的含义及其特例(武大2001)4、当经济学家观察到一种产品的价格上升而需求反而增加时,他们给出什么样的解释?5、“谷贱伤农”,粮食丰收反而会带来农民收入的下降,请分析背后的经济学原因,并说明政府在农业领域可以发挥哪些作用。



(武大2000研)9、用供求定理和需求弹性理论说明石油输出国组织(OPEC )为什么经常限制石油产量?(作图说明)(首都经贸大学2003研)10、运用微观理论并结合实际说明我国政府以保护价(支持价)敞开收购农民余粮的福利效应和积极作用.(华东师范大学1999研)论述题:1、假定对应价格P 与需求量Q 的连续可微的需求函数为P (Q),利用数理方法说明需求价格弹性与收益的关系。




第3章 消费者行为理论简答题:1、当消费者的收入或商品的价格发生变化时,无差异曲线本身是否会发生变化?(清华大学2004研)2、试述基数效用论与序数效用论的区别与联系。



2 假设某一国家的居民总是将可支配收入中的10%用于储蓄,且充分 就业的国民收入为7000亿美元。今年的私人投资支出为900亿美元,政 府购买支出为600亿美元,出口为200亿美元,自发性消费为500亿美 元,平均税率为10%,进口函数为M=0.21Y。请计算今年该国政府的预 算盈余和充分就业时预算盈余,并据此说明该国政府目前的财政政策是 扩张性的还是紧缩性的。
4 在一级价格歧视下,( )。 A.厂商根据消费者的需求价格弹性不同收取不同价格 B.厂商可以在不同时间向消费者收取不同价格
C.厂商只是改变了定价的方式,但是并没有改变产量水平 D.产品的边际收益等于产品价格
5 对于生产相同产品的厂商来说,( )模型分析得到的结论与竞 争模型的结论相同。 A.古诺(Cournot) B.斯塔克伯格(Stackbelberg) C.伯特兰德(Bertrand) D.主导厂商(Dominant Firm)
三、判断下列表述的内容是否正确(每小题1分,共10分) 1 如果所有商品的价格变成原来的两倍,而收入变成原来收入的三 倍,则消费者的预算线会平行向外移动。( )
2 如果效用函数U(X,Y)=5X+6Y,则无差异曲线的边际替代率 是递减的。( )
3 只有当生产一定产量的生产者剩余非负时,厂商才会生产产品。 ( )
6 向政府雇员支付的报酬属于( )。 A.政府购买支出 B.转移支付 C.政府税收 D.消费
7 决定美国和中国的投资乘数不一样的因素主要是( )。 A.两国的平均消费倾向差异
B.两国的边际消费倾向差异 C.两国的企业投资规模差异 D.两国的投资预期收益差异
8 在经济增长模型中,衡量技术进步最常用的度量标准是( )。 A.劳动利用程度 B.资本利用程度 C.索洛剩余 D.劳动生产率



2003-2019广东外语外贸大学813.814经济学历年真题回忆版2019 年813 经济学真题回忆(注:广外2018 年将往年814 改为813.分开出题,金融学日后考的是813)一、名词解释(30 分)1.吉芬商品2.生产者剩余3.帕累托最优4.货币幻觉5.流动性偏好6.摩擦性失业二、简答题(40 分)1.完全垄断市场条件2.厂商使用生产要素的利润最大化原则3.自动稳定器的作用是怎么发挥的4.通货膨胀的对社会和经济的影响三、计算题(30 分)各种成本计算总供给总需求曲线平移计算四、论述题(50 分)1.如何理解看不见的手和市场失灵的现象2.你认为目前阻碍我国经济发展的原因是什么,未来经济发展的动力是什么?2018年813经济学真题回忆(注:广外2018年将往年814改为813.分开出题,金融学日后考的是813)一、名词解释1.需求的价格弹性2.消费者剩余3.经济租金4.货币创造乘数5.财政政策6.结构性失业二、简答7.简述生产的规模经济递增、生产的规模经济递减、生产的规模经济不变。


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