Effect of Gd3+ doping on structural and optical properties of ZnO nanocrystals
Effects of Molecular Structural Parameters
Effects of Molecular Structural Parametersof Carboxymethyl Chitosan on the Growthof Fibroblasts In VitroYe Wang,Xi Guang Chen,Ying Hui Lv,Hui Yun Zhou,Jing ZhangCollege of Marine Life Science,Ocean University of China,Qingdao266003,People’s Republic of ChinaReceived6August2006;accepted19December2006DOI10.1002/app.25967Published online14August2007in Wiley InterScience().ABSTRACT:A series of carboxymethyl chitosan samples (CMCHs)with different molecular structural parameters were synthesized to estimate their different influences on the growth offibroblasts.All the CMCHs stimulated the fibroblasts proliferation and CMCHs with different molec-ular weight(MW)had the similar effect onfibroblasts pro-liferation.The least concentration for CMCHs(the degree of deacetylation,DD70.3–79.9%,the degree of substitution, DS1.12–1.26)exhibiting acceleratory effect onfibroblasts pro-liferation was50m g mLÀ1.As the DD increased from70.3to 93.6%,CMCH’s ability of stimulatingfibroblasts proliferation increased significantly.CMCH possessed much higher prolif-eration rate with the DS increasing to2.39.CM40with92.4% DD and2.39DS had the strongest acceleratoryfibroblasts proliferation at the range tested.Ó2007Wiley Periodicals,Inc. J Appl Polym Sci106:3136–3142,2007Key words:carboxymethyl chitosan(CMCH);molecular structural parameters;acceleratory proliferation;the MTT-CVS assay;mouse embryonicfibroblasts(MEF)INTRODUCTIONChitin,poly-b-(1?4)-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine,is the second most abundant natural polysaccharide and exists largely in the shells of crustacean and insects. Chitosan(CH)is a unique polysaccharide derived from chitin by partial deacetylation with alkali.Chi-tin and CH are recommended as suitable functional materials,for their excellent biological properties such as nontoxicity,biodegradation,immunological, antibacterial,and wound-healing activities.1–4De-spite of advantages above,poor solubility of chitin and CH in neutral water and in common organic solvents had prevented them from being applied widely.To improve the solubility of CH,chemical modification,such as a partial N-acetylation,5PEG-grafting,6sulfonation,7quaternarization,8N-and O-hydroxylation,9and carboxymethylation,10have been studied.Carboxymethyl chitosan(CMCH)is one of the water soluble derivatives of CH which has been studied widely.The substitution of carboxymethyl groups on6-O-,3-O-,and2N-sites are determined with the preparation conditions.CMCH has unique chemical,physical,and biological properties such as high viscosity,large hydrodynamic volume,low tox-icity,biocompatibility,andfilm,gel-forming capabil-ities,all of which make it an attractive option in biomedical and pharmaceutical formulations.For instance,calcium-alginate-N,O-CMCH beads11and N,O-CMCH/alginate hydrogel12could serve as polymeric carriers for site-specific protein drug de-livery in the intestine.NÀÀCMCH has been proven to be a suitable polymer for the delivery and intesti-nal absorption of anionic macromolecular therapeu-tics.13N,O-CMCH is capable of stimulating the extracellular lysozyme activity offibroblasts14and CMCH has twofold bioactivities,promotes the pro-liferation of normal human skinfibroblasts and inhibits the proliferation of keloidfibroblasts,in our previous study.15Other researchers16demon-strate that CMCH is able to stimulate the migration offibroblasts and markedly enhanced wound heal-ing in terms of rates of wound reduction.It is well known that some of the structural char-acteristics such as DD,DS,and MW of chitin/CH and their derivatives greatly influence their various properties such as solubility,physiological activities, chemical activities,and biodegradability.17–20There are also reports on the relationship between mole-cular structure and CMCH’s properties of moisture-retention ability,21aggregation behavior22and so on.Correspondence to:X.G.Chen(xgchen@). Contract grant sponsor:National Natural Science Foun-dation of China;contract grant number:30670566. Contract grant sponsor:Scientist Encouragement Foun-dation of Shandong Province;contract grant number: Y2006C110.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol.106,3136–3142(2007)However,there are no reports on the relationship between the CMCH’s ability of stimulating the growth offibroblasts and its molecular structural parameters.In this article,CMCHs with different molecular structural parameters were prepared.The relation-ship between MW,DD,and DS of CMCHs and the effect on the growth of mouse embryonicfibroblasts (MEF)was investigated.MTT assay and crystal vio-let staining assay(CVS)were used for seeking a fun-damental understanding of the function of CMCH.MATERIALS AND METHODS MaterialsCHs,derived from crab shell,were made in our own lab(MW90-2000kDa,DD80–94%).The mice were purchased from the Institute for Drug Controlof Qingdao,China.Dulbecco’s modification of eagle’s medium(DMEM)and Newborn calf serum (NBCS)were obtained from Hyclone,New Zealand. 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazo-lium bromide(MTT)and Tween-20(Polyoxyethene-20-Sorbitan Monolaurate,MW1227.54)were obtained from Amresco.Crystal Violet(C25H30N3Cl,Formula Weight:407.98)was purchased from Sigma Chemi-cals(St.Louis,MO),DMSO(Dimethyl sulfoxide) was of reagent grade.Synthesis and characterization of CMCHsCMCHs were prepared by the method of Liu et al.23 CH(10g),sodium hydroxide(13.5g),and isopropa-nol(100mL)were added into aflask(500mL)to swell and alkalize at508C for1h.The temperature was maintained in a water bath(Thermocontroller, Comabiotech,Korea).The monochloroacetic acid(15 g)was dissolved in isopropanol(20mL),and added into the reaction mixture dropwise for30min.The mixture reacted for4h at the same temperature,then stopped by adding70%ethanol(200mL).The solid wasfiltered and rinsed in70–90%ethanol to desalt and dewater,and vacuum dried at room temperature. By changing the alkali and monochloroacetic acid con-centration,CMCHs with different DS were prepared. DD and DS of CMCHs were estimated by the method of potentiometric titration.0.1g of each CMCHs vacuum dried at608C dissolved in0.1M HCl(20mL)and was titrated with a standard solu-tion of0.1M NaOH using a pH meter(DELTA-320-S pH meter).V1,V2,and V3were the inflections(seen in Fig.1).The differential volume(~V)of alkali between V1and V2or V2and V3corresponded to the acid consumed by carboxymethyl groups and amino groups presented in the CMCH,respectively.DD and DS of CMCH were calculated using follow-ing equations.24DS¼0:203ÂðV2ÀV1ÞÂCðNaOHÞmÀm1þm2(1)DDð%Þ¼ðV3ÀV2ÞÂ0:1Â240:3Â100mÂ1000(2)m1¼[(V2ÀV1)ÂC(NaOH)Â0.080]À[(V3ÀV0)ÂC(NaOH)Â0.022];m2¼(V3ÀV2)ÂC(NaOH)Â0.042;V0was the volume of alkali consumed by standard HCl.m1and m2were the weight of car-boxymethyl groups and acetyl groups deviated from ÀÀNH2of CMCH in the total sample while m was the initial weight of CMCH sample.MW of CMCH was calculated from the MW of corresponding CH according to its DS.The FTIR spectra of CMCHs were recorded on an FT/IR-430Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (Jasco,Tokyo,Japan)based on the method of Shige-masa et al.25Pellets were formed from2mg of each sample and100mg of KBr.MEF cultures with CMCHs and morphological observationMEF were harvested using a primary explant tech-nique’on the13th day of pregnancy,the Kunming female mice was sacrificed according to institutional guidelines.Details of cell isolation had been published previously.26MEF were cultured in standardfibro-blasts growth medium,consisting of DMEM supple-mented with10%(v/v)NBCS,100U mLÀ1penicillin and100m g mLÀ1streptomycin,and incubated at378C, 5%CO2,in a humidified cell culture incubator.Cells between passages3and6were cultured in96-well Figure1The integral and differential titration curves of HCl and CMCH.MOLECULAR STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF CMCHS3137Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI10.1002/appplates(Costar,USA)for experimental work.The opti-mum cell seeding concentration as determined withthe growth profile of the MEF was3Â104cells/mLÀ1.Cells were allowed to attach for24h before treat-ment with CMCHs.The stock solution of CMCHswere made in didistilled water andfiltered with Minisart Filters(0.22m m)and diluted for use withfibroblasts growth medium.Cells were treatedwith CMCHs over a range of concentrations from10to1000m g mLÀ1for1day,3days,and5days.Blank growth medium without any CMCH wasused as the control.MEF morphology was assessedby phage contrast microscope.Cell proliferation assaysCell proliferation properties were tested by MTTassay and CVS on the same cell plate,named the MTT–CVS assay.MTT assay was based on the protocol describedby Mossmann.27Briefly,cells were incubated for4hwith20m L of MTT(5mg mLÀ1,dissolved in D-Hank’s buffer:NaCl136.9m M,KCl 2.68m M, Na2HPO48.1m M,KH2PO41.47m M,pH7.4).Thensupernatants were removed and100m L DMSO wasadded.Plates were gently shaken in378C water bath for10min to solubilize the formazan crystals and the optical density(OD)was measured at 490nm using a multiwell plate reader(Molecular Devices).CVS was examined using a modification of themethod described earlier.28It was performed on theMTT test plate containing the cells.The wells werewashed three times with D-Hank’s contained0.05% Tween-20.Crystal violet solution was added to the wells(50m L/well,0.1%).The plates were incubated for30min with continuous shaking and washed with tap water four times.Then the stained cells were solubilized after air-dry by addition of33% acetic acid(100m L/well).After shaking for15min, supernatants were transferred into another96-well plate and the absorbance was determined spectro-photometrically at595nm.Strong correlations between the number of viablecells and the absorbance in the independent MTTassay and CVS had been well documented.There-fore,to confirm the reliability of the MTT–CVSassay,a96-well plate was seeded with cell dilutionsof MEF(0.2,0.7,1,2,4Â104cells/well).The platewas cultured for24h and then the MTT–CVS assay was performed as above.The OD was correlated with the initial cell numbers.All the CMCHs were tested infive replicates forthree separate experiments with reproducible results.The percent of proliferation was expressed as the relative growth rate(RGR)as followsRGR¼the absorbance of the sampleÂ100% Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was performed using the SPSS10.0.Data from three independent experiments were quantified and analyzed for each variable. Comparisons between two treatments were made using the one paired student’s t-test and P<0.05 was considered as statistically significance.RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Synthesis and characterization of CMCHsThree serials CMCHs with different MW,DD,and DS were successfully synthesized and all samples had water solubility.The molecular structural pa-rameters of CMCHs were shown in Table I.The DD and DS of CMCH were estimated using potentiomet-ric titration with eqs.(1)and(2).The integral titra-tion and differential curves were shown in Figure1. MW of CMCH was calculated from the MW of cor-responding CH according to its DS.The FTIR spectra of CMCHs and CH were shown in Figure2.All CMCHs had largeÀÀCOOH group (1741cmÀ1)andÀÀNH3þgroup(1506cmÀ1)peaks. The CÀÀO stretching band at1030cmÀ1corresponds to the primary hydroxyl group of CH disappeared, which verified a high carboxymethylation of OHÀÀ6. The basic characteristics peak of CH at1654cmÀ1 (Amide I)disappeared.The characteristic peak of sec-ond hydroxyl group at1080cmÀ1was not changed. The differences among FTIR spectra of CMCHs were presented in the intensity at1741cmÀ1peak,which suggested the difference of DS.These indicated that all synthesized CMCHs had similar structure.The FTIR spectra of CMCHs were in agreement with the reported spectra.29,30MEF morphological observationAfter2–3times of subculture,epithelial cells were disappeared and onlyfibroblasts were present, which expressed the typical spindle morphology offibroblasts.When MEF were cultured with10–1000m g mLÀ1CMCHs,respectively,MEF maintainedTABLE IPhysico-Chemical Characteristics of the Various CMCHs Symbols CM9CM29CM138CM200CM40 M W(ÂkDa)127.2399.31965.03037.7731.9 DD(%)79.779.970.393.692.4 DS 1.23 1.12 1.26 1.49 2.393138WANG ET AL. Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI10.1002/apptheir characteristic morphology without any mor-phologic alterations compared with reference.The morphology of MEF assessed by phase contrast microscope was shown in Figure3.The relevance of molecular structural parametersof CMCH and the growth of MEF in vitroEffects of MW of CMCH on the growth of MEFThe correlation between the number of viable cells and the absorbance in the MTT–CVS assay was shown in Figure4.The amount of the dye measuredin two methods of the MTT–CVS assay was directlyproportional to the number of cells in the range of0.2Â104À4Â104cells/well and the linear regres-sion coefficient(R2)was0.9957(MTT)and0.9936(CVS)respectively.The MEF proliferation of CM138, CM29,and CM9at the concentration of500m g mLÀ1 for3days was shown in Figure5using the MTT–CVS assay.The same trend was observed and there was no statistic difference(P>0.05)between the two assays.MTT assay was based on measuring the activity of cellular mitochondrial succinic dehydro-genase and CVS was based on determining the pro-tein level of cells,so the combination of MTT and CVS might be a more comprehensive and effective method for cell proliferation.CM138,CM29,and CM9with similar DD and DSbut different MW were used to investigate effects ofMW on the growth of MEF using the MTT–CVSassay.In MTT assay of the MTT–CVS assay(Fig.6),RGRof MEF was near100%and there was no statistical difference compared with the control when the con-centrations of CMCHs were10and25m g mLÀ1.The MEF proliferation was significantly stimulated(P< 0.05compared with the control)when the concentra-tion of CMCHs increased to50m g mLÀ1.Then the RGR slightly increased with the concentration of CMCHs increasing from50to1000m g mLÀ1.Sothe Figure2The FTIR spectra of CMCHs andCH.Figure3The morphology of MEF(magnification¼Â100).(A)primary MEF,(B)MEF reference,(C)MEF cultured with10m g mLÀ1CM138for3days,(D)MEF cultured with1000m g mLÀ1CM138for3days(Bar¼200m m).MOLECULAR STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF CMCHS3139Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI10.1002/appleast concentration for CMCHs (DD 70.3–79.9%,DS 1.12–1.26)exhibiting their acceleratory proliferation effect was 50m g mL À1.However,in CVS of the MTT–CVS assay (Fig.7),all treated concentrations stimulated cell proliferation since the RGR of CMCHs were all higher than 100%,but statistical differences compared with controls were only seen at the concentration of 1000and 250m g mL À1(CM138).Because of the less sensitive of CVS (seen in Figs.4and 5),only when the proliferation of fibroblasts was much enough,results with statistical difference from the CVS were exhibited.It was con-sistent with MTT assay.On the other hand,all the three CMCHs with dif-ferent MW stimulated the MEF proliferation andpresented the similar tendency at the concentrations of CMCHs ranged between 10and 1000m g mL À1by the method of the MTT-CVS assay.Effects of DD of CMCH on the growth of MEF Since CMCHs with different MW had the similar influence on MEF proliferation,CM138(DD 70.3%)and CM200(DD 93.6%)with similar DS were used to evaluate the effect of DD on the growth of MEF (seen in Fig.8).CM138stimulated MEF proliferation on 3days with statistic differences compared with controlandFigure 4The correlation of the MTT-CVS assay with via-ble cell numbers.MEF were diluted series from 0.2Â104to 4Â104cells/well and cultured for 24h before MTT assay and CVS wereperformed.Figure 5The MEF proliferation evaluated using the MTT-CVS assay.MEF were treated with 500m g mL À1of CM138,CM29,CM9for 3days.Figure 6Effects of MW and concentrations of CMCHs on MEF proliferation estimated using MTT assay of the MTT-CVS assay.MEF were treated with various concentrations of CM138,CM29,CM9for 3days.(*P <0.05,**P <0.01,the one paired student’s t-test).Figure 7Effects of MW and concentrations of CMCHs on MEF proliferation estimated using CVS of the MTT-CVS assay.MEF were treated with various concentrations of CM138,CM29and CM9for 3days.(*P <0.05,the one paired student’s t -test).3140WANG ET AL.Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appslightly increased on 5days.While CM200presented very strong stimulatory effects on MEF proliferation on 1day and 5days with significantly statistic dif-ferences compared with control (P <0.01and P <0.05,respectively).MEF proliferated at much higher rate when cultured with CM200than CM138with significantly statistic difference (P <0.01)on 1day,but there was no statistic difference for 5days.These results suggested that the deacetylation level of CMCH seemed to be a key factor in the mitogenic activity on MEF.CMCH with higher DD exhibited earlier,stronger and more durable stimulating ability of MEF proliferation.The similar phenomenon about the fibroblasts proliferation influenced by the DD of CH was previously reported.31,32Effects of DS of CMCH on MEF proliferation CM40and CM200,with the similar DD (92.4and 93.6%respectively)but different DS (2.39and 1.49respectively)were employed for demonstrating the effects of DS on MEF proliferation.CM40and CM200both had the same tendency of MEF proliferation (Fig.8).MEF proliferation was significantly stimu-lated on 1day and 5days by CM40and CM200,all with statistic difference compared with control.The RGR of CM40was higher than CM200during the ex-perimental time,but there was no statistic difference between the two samples.This result indicated that CMCHs exhibited more biologically activity of stimu-lating MEF proliferation with the increasing of DS.In previous studies,CH showed almost no acce-leratory effect on the proliferation of culturedfibroblasts.CH with high concentrations inhibited L929fibroblasts proliferation with 10%Fetal calf se-rum.33CH exhibited both stimulation and inhibition of human skin fibroblasts proliferation.32We also found that CH with high concentrations inhibited MEF proliferation (data not shown).However,CMCH could promote proliferation of normal human skin fibroblasts 15and it also stimulated the MEF proliferation with 10%NBCS.The mechanism by which CMCH interacts with fibroblasts is hitherto poorly understood.Possible reasons may be due to the introduction of carboxy-methyl groups of CMCH changes molecular struc-tures of CH which may improve the ability of CH to accelerate fibroblasts proliferation.When CMCH was dissolved in water,the solution was a neutral sys-tem,and CMCH behaved as a relatively weak polya-nionic polyelectrolyte,34the amino groups were not protonated and most of carboxylic groups were not dissociated in neutral aqueous solution.On the one hand,CMCH may exert its acceleratory effect on fibroblasts proliferation in the form of polyanionic polyelectrolyte.Reports suggest that CH forms poly-electrolyte complexes with serum components such as heparin,33or potentiating growth factors such as platelet derived growth factor,32,35which may pro-tect them from enzymatic degradation or present them to the cells in an activated form.On the other hand,CH bears positive charges in the physiological environment.It may probably interact with anionic components (sialic acid)of the glycoproteins on the surface of cells and cause cytotoxic effects.36While the amino groups of CMCH solution were not proto-nated and most of carboxylic groups were not disso-ciated in neutral aqueous solution,these may de-crease the cytotoxicity induced by positive charges and more likely to exhibit the stimulation profile on the growth of fibroblasts in vitro .Furthermore,CMCH may promote fibroblasts proliferation by stimulating fibroblasts secret considerable amounts cytokines,such as basic fibroblastic growth factor (b FGF),vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-b ).16CONCLUSIONSIn this paper,five CMCHs with different molecular parameters were synthesized.All the CMCHs with different MW had similar effects on MEF prolifera-tion using the MTT–CVS assay.The least concentra-tion for CMCHs (DD 70.3–79.9%,DS 1.12–1.26)exhibiting acceleratory effect on fibroblasts prolifera-tion was 50m g mL À1.CMCH with relatively higher DD strongly stimulated fibroblasts proliferation while samples with lower level of DD showed less activity.CMCH’s ability of stimulatingfibroblastsFigure 8Effects of DD and DS of CMCHs on MEF prolif-eration estimated by the method of MTT assay.MEF were treated with 100m g mL À1CM40,CM200,CM138for 1day,3days and 5days.(*P <0.05,**P <0.01,the one paired student’s t -test).MOLECULAR STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS OF CMCHS 3141Journal of Applied Polymer Science DOI 10.1002/appproliferation increased significantly with the DD increasing from70.3to93.6%.The DS was particu-larly important for CMCH’s biological activity of acceleratoryfibroblasts proliferation.CMCH with higher DS showed much higher proliferation rate. 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第 4 期第 43-53 页材料工程Vol.52Apr. 2024Journal of Materials EngineeringNo.4pp.43-53第 52 卷2024 年 4 月Gd 3+掺杂调控BiFeO 3-BaTiO 3高温无铅压电陶瓷的结构与性能Structures and properties of Gd 3+ doped modified BiFeO 3-BaTiO 3 high -temperature lead -free piezoelectric ceramics唐蓝馨1,王芳1,周治1,李双池1,左鑫1,李凌峰1,杨柳1,谭启2,陈渝1*(1 成都大学 机械工程学院,成都 610106;2 广东以色列理工学院材料科学与工程系,广东 汕头 515063)TANG Lanxin 1,WANG Fang 1,ZHOU Zhi 1,LI Shuangchi 1,ZUO Xin 1,LI Lingfeng 1,YANG Liu 1,TAN Daniel Q 2,CHEN Yu 1*(1 School of Mechanical Engineering ,Chengdu University ,Chengdu 610106,China ;2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering ,Guangdong Technion -Israel Institute of Technology ,Shantou 515063,Guangdong ,China )摘要:用于监测航空发动机、重型燃气轮机等重大技术装备高温部件振动状态的压电加速度传感器,需要一种高居里温度压电陶瓷作为敏感元件,而电子元器件的无铅化是环境保护的迫切要求。
采用传统的固相反应法制备一种Gd/Mn 共掺杂的BF -BT ((0.67BiFeO 3-0.33Ba 1-x Gd x TiO 3)+0.5%(质量分数)MnO 2,x =0~0.02)高温无铅压电陶瓷,并研究Gd 3+掺杂浓度(x )对BF -BT 陶瓷的相组成、微观结构、压电性能、介电弛豫行为及交流阻抗特征的影响。
基于IGA-SIMP法的连续体结构应力约束拓扑优化刘宏亮;杨迪雄【摘要】建立了一种IGA-SIMP框架下的连续体结构应力约束拓扑优化方法.基于常用的SIMP模型,将非均匀有理B样条(NURBS)函数用于几何建模、结构分析和设计参数化,实现了结构分析和优化设计的集成统一.利用高阶连续的NURBS基函数,等几何分析(IGA)提高了结构应力及其灵敏度的计算精度,增加了拓扑优化结果的可信性.为处理大量局部应力约束,提出了基于稳定转换法修正的P-norm应力约束策略,以克服拓扑优化中的迭代振荡和收敛困难.通过几个典型平面应力问题的拓扑优化算例表明了本文方法的有效性和精确性.应力约束下的体积最小化设计以及体积和应力约束下的柔顺度最小化设计的算例表明,基于稳定转换法修正的约束策略可以抑制应力约束体积最小化设计中的迭代振荡现象,获得稳定收敛的优化解;比较而言,体积和应力约束下的柔顺度最小化设计的迭代过程更加稳健,适合采用精确修正的应力约束策略.【期刊名称】《计算力学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(035)002【总页数】8页(P144-151)【关键词】结构拓扑优化;等几何分析;IGA-SIMP方法;应力约束;P-norm函数【作者】刘宏亮;杨迪雄【作者单位】大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连116023;大连理工大学工程力学系工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连116023【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O39;O2241 引言拓扑优化是一种概念性的结构设计工具,通过确定设计域内孔洞的连通性、形状和位置,从而获得具有创新性的结构设计方案[1]。
• 掺杂改性是拓宽可见光谱范围和提高量子效率的重要方法, 然而研究发现,单元素掺杂往往只能够兼顾到其中的一面, 因此,共掺杂得到逐步的发展。
• 选择两种或多种离子对TiO2共掺杂改性,期望利用共掺杂离
子间的协同作用提供电子和空穴陷阱,抑制电子-空穴的复 合,提高光催化活性;同时,利用各掺杂离子的优势互补来 拓宽TiO2的吸收光谱范围,提高其在可见光下的光催化能力 。
Байду номын сангаас 稀土与金属元素的共掺杂
• 稀土元素半径较大,易造成晶格畸变,形成氧空位,而金属
• 王东升等采用溶胶-凝胶法制备了Ag和Sm共掺杂的TiO2,当掺
杂1.0%Sm-1.2%Ag(摩尔分数)时,产物的光催化效果最佳, 经400W的高雅汞灯照射45min,对甲基橙的降解率达99.4%。
• 谷科成等以TNT为降解物研究了镧掺杂纳米TiO2的光催化活 性,发现镧的掺杂减小了晶粒尺寸,并使TiO2的晶型转变温 度升高,其中2%(摩尔分数)La—TiO2的光催化效果最好, 紫外光下照射30 min能去除76.8%的TNT有机物。 • 赵伟伟等以钛酸丁酯为前驱体,采用溶胶一凝胶法制备掺铈 的TiO2粉末,结果表明,铈的掺杂会造成晶格不同程度的膨 胀,并影响光催化材料的比表面积,当掺杂量为0.3%且焙 烧温度为400℃时,紫外光下对甲基橙的降解率最高,1h能 达到98%左右。
稀土作为催化剂,适用范围很广。几乎涉及所有的催化反 应。无论是氧化还原型,还是酸碱性,均相或多相,都充分显示了 稀土催化剂性能的多样。
该项目8篇代表性论文共被《Nature Materials》《Physical Review Letters〉、《Progress in Materials Science等SCI重要刊物他人引用393次,引用者包括国内外科学院或工程院院士、权威杂志主编、领域知名学者等。
引用格式:王欢,辛社伟,郭萍,等. 一种高强钛合金疲劳裂纹扩展行为[J ]. 航空材料学报,2024,44(2):176-183.WANG Huan ,XIN Shewei ,GUO Ping ,et al. Fatigue crack propagation behavior of high strength titanium alloy [J ].Journal of Aeronautical Materials ,2024,44(2):176-183.一种高强钛合金疲劳裂纹扩展行为王 欢, 辛社伟, 郭 萍, 强 菲, 张 磊, 乔忠立, 赵永庆*(西北有色金属研究院,西安 710016)¯101112¯1010¯101¯210摘要:高强Ti-5Al-3Mo-3V-2Zr-2Cr-1Nb-1Fe (Ti-5321)合金是顺应我国新一代飞机对高性能钛合金的需求设计而开发的一种新型高强损伤容限型钛合金。
以Ti-5321合金为研究对象,构造等轴组织(EM )、网篮组织(BW )和细网篮组织(F-BW )三种典型组织,研究拉伸及疲劳裂纹扩展行为,利用光学显微镜(OM )和扫描电镜(SEM )观察组织和断口,揭示高强钛合金Paris 及失稳扩展区的疲劳裂纹扩展机制。
结果表明:三种组织试样的抗拉强度均在1200 MPa 以上,且整个裂纹扩展阶段均表现出优异的疲劳裂纹扩展抗力;细网篮组织疲劳裂纹扩展抗力最高,等轴组织疲劳裂纹扩展抗力最低;Paris 区及失稳扩展区疲劳裂纹主要以穿过初生α相和沿着初生α相两种方式进行扩展,裂纹扩展方式与α相的晶体学取向密切相关,裂纹倾向于穿过有利于()<>锥滑移的α丛域,绕过有利于()<>柱滑移的α丛域。
关键词:Ti-5321合金;细网篮组织;断口形貌;疲劳裂纹扩展机制doi :10.11868/j.issn.1005-5053.2023.000154中图分类号:TG146.2+3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5053(2024)02-0176-08Fatigue crack propagation behavior of high strength titanium alloyWANG Huan, XIN Shewei, GUO Ping, QIANG Fei, ZHANG Lei, QIAO Zhongli, ZHAO Yongqing*(Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research ,Xi’an 710016,China )¯101112¯1010¯101¯210Abstract: High strength Ti-5Al-3Mo-3V-2Zr-2Cr-1Nb-1Fe (Ti-5321) alloy is a new type of high strength tolerance titanium alloy designed and developed to meet the demand of high performance titanium alloy for new generation aircraft in China. Ti-5321 alloy with equiaxed microstructure (EM ),basket-weave microstructure (BW ) and fine basket-weave microstructure (F-BW )was obtained by forging and heat treatment ,and the tensile properties and fatigue crack growth behavior were studied. Fatigue crack propagation mechanisms in Paris and unstable propagation regimes were revealed by analyzing the microstructures and fracture morphology using optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show that the samples with EM ,BW and F-BW exhibit the excellent fatigue crack propagation resistance with the tensile strength of 1200 MPa. The sample with F-BW presents the highest fatigue crack propagation resistance in Paris and rapid growth regimes ,while the sample with EM presents the lowest fatigue crack propagation resistance. In F-BW , the crack mainly propagates through and along α phase. Crack tends to propagate across colony oriented for ()<> pyramidal slip and propagates along colony oriented for ()<>prismatic planes.Key words: Ti-5321 alloy ;fine basket-weave microstructure ;fracture morphology ;fatigue crack growth mechanism钛合金因具有较好的综合力学性能、耐腐蚀以及易加工等优良性能,在航空领域应用广泛[1]。
The effect of porosity on the strength of foamed concrete
The effect of porosity on the strength of foamed concreteE.P.Kearsley a,P.J.Wainwright b,*a Department of Civil Engineering,University Pretoria,Pretoria0001,South Africab Department of Civil Engineering,University of Leeds,Leeds LS29JT,UKReceived14August2001;accepted20August2001AbstractA study has been undertaken to investigate the effects of replacing large volumes of cement on the properties of foamed concrete(up to 75%by weight)with both classified and unclassified fly ash.This is the third paper in a series;it investigates the relationship between porosity and compressive strength and presents mathematical models that have been developed to describe this relationship.The compressive strength of the foamed concrete was shown to be a function of porosity and age,and a multiplicative model(such as the equation derived by Balshin)was found to best fit the results at all ages up to1year.In addition,it was concluded that the equation derived by Hoff could effectively be used to predict the compressive strength of foamed concrete mixtures containing high percentages of ash.D2002Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Foamed concrete;Porosity;Compressive strength;Fly ash1.IntroductionThis is the third paper in a series reporting on the results of an investigation into the effects on the properties of foamed concrete of replacing large volumes of the cement with both a classified(pfa)and unclassified(pozz-fill)fly ash.The first paper[1]reported on the effects on the compressive strength,while the second[2]on the relation-ship between porosity and permeability.This third paper investigates the relationship between porosity and compres-sive strength and presents mathematical models that have been developed to describe this relationship.The main aim of this part of this study was to investigate what effects the addition of the foam had on porosity and its relationship with strength.The strength and porosity of foamed concretes with different casting densities were compared to those of cement pastes with different water/cement ratios.Different percentages of both pfa and unclassified ash were used to establish the effect of ash content on the strength–porosity relationship.2.BackgroundWhen concrete is fully compacted,the strength is taken to be inversely proportional to the water/cement ratio (Abrams rule)[3].In1896,Rene´Fe´ret formulated the following rule to relate the strength of concrete to the volumes of water,cement and air in the mixture(Eq.(1)): f c¼Kccþwþa2ð1Þwhere:f c=concrete compressive strength(MPa);c,w, a=absolute volumetric proportions of cement,water and air;K=a constant.The strength of concrete is influenced by the volume of all voids in the concrete(entrapped air,capillary pores,gel pores and entrained air)and a number of functions,includ-ing the following,have been proposed to express this strength–porosity relationship[4,5](Eqs.(2)–(5)):f c¼f c;0ð1ÀpÞnðBalshinÞð2Þf c¼f c;0eÀk;pðRyshkevitchÞð3Þf c¼k s lnp0pðSchillerÞð4Þ*Corresponding author.Tel.:+44-113-233-2294;fax:+44-113-233-2265.E-mail address:p.j.wainwright@(P.J.Wainwright).Cement and Concrete Research32(2002)233–2390008-8846/02/$–see front matter D2002Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.PII:S0008-8846(01)00665-2f c¼f c;0Àk H pðHasselmannÞð5Þwhere:f c=compressive strength of concrete with porosity p;f c,0=compressive strength at zero porosity;p=porosity (volume of voids expressed as a fraction of the total concrete volume);n=a coefficient,which need not be constant; p0=porosity at zero strength;k r,k s,k H=empirical constants.Ro¨ßler and Odler[4]determined the relationship between porosity and strength for a series of cement pastes with different water/cement ratios after different periods of hydration.They concluded for porosities between5%and 28%that although all four of the strength–porosity equa-tions shown above could be used,the relation between compressive strength and porosity can best be expressed in the form of a linear plot.Fagerlund[5]stated that it often seems as if one equation fits experimental data for porosities below a certain limiting porosity and another for porosities above this limit.At high porosities,it is normally necessary to use an equation,which indicates a critical porosity while these equations are too insensitive to change for use with low porosities.An equation that takes into consideration the effect of high as well as low porosity will include a critical porosity as well as a stress concentration factor.After studying aerated concrete manufactured at factories in China,Baozhen and Erda[6]concluded that the com-pressive strength decreases as the porosity increases with the same relationship as indicated in the strength–porosity equation derived by Balshin(Eq.(2)).It was found that n varied from1to2.2in different ranges of porosity,indicat-ing that the strength of mixtures with low porosity was influenced more by small changes in porosity than the strength of mixtures with higher porosity.Hengst and Tressler[7]concluded that the dominant parameter in controlling the strength of a foamed Portland cement at a given bulk density is the flaw size,which correlates with the pore size.Hoff[8]conducted research on the porosity–strength relationship of cellular concrete and concluded that there is a single strength–porosity relationship for given cement and this relationship can be expressed in terms of water/ cement ratio and density.Hoff[8]expressed the theoretical porosity of cellular concrete containing only water,cement and foam as the volume of voids as a fraction of the total volume.He used an average value of0.2for the ratio of the water bound by hydration to cement(by weight)and derived the following equation:n¼1Àd cð1þ0:20p cÞð1þkÞp c g wð6Þwhere:n=theoretical porosity;d c=concrete density; p c=specific gravity of the cement;g w=unit weight of water;k=water/cement ratio(by weight).In the design of foamed concrete,the use of the space occupied by the evaporable water plus the air void space as the total void space in the concrete permits the determina-tion of a single strength–porosity relationship for a given cement.The strength of cellular concrete in relation to any given cement can,according to Hoff,be expressed using the following equation:s ys0¼d c1þkb1þ0:2pcp c g wbð7Þwhere:s y=compressive strength;s0=theoretical paste strength at zero porosity;k=water/cement ratio(by weight); p c=specific gravity of the cement;d c=concrete density;g w=unit weight of water;b=empirical constant.This equation does,however,only hold true for foamed concrete containing only air,water and cement.Adjustment will be required if additional components,such as fillers,are used.Hoff evaluated bag-cured samples manufactured using different cements with water/cement ratios varying from 0.66to1.06and casting densities varying from320to1000 kg/m3.The analysis produced values of s0=245MPa and b=2.7with a correlation coefficient of.95for cement with a Blaine fineness of between4500and4650cm2/g.3.Experimental procedure3.1.Mix compositionsFoamed concrete is produced under controlled condi-tions from cement,filler,water and a liquid chemical that is diluted with water and aerated to form the foaming agent.The foaming agent used was‘‘Foamtech,’’consist-ing of hydrolyzed proteins and manufactured in South Africa.The foaming agent was diluted with water in a ratio of1:40(by volume),and then aerated to a density of 70kg/m3.The cement used in this investigation was rapid hard-ening Portland cement(RHPC)from Pretoria Portland Cement(PPC),Hercules,Pretoria.Both the fly ashes used were obtained from the Lethabo power station in South Africa.One was a graded ash(pfa),which was screened to remove some of the larger particles(thus reducing the particles larger than45m m in diameter to less than 12.5%),and the second was an unclassified ash(pozz-fill). The chemical properties of all three binders are shown in Table1.The compositions by mass of the different mixtures cast are shown in Table2;a total of27mixes were made as summarised below:Cement pastes with water/cement ratios of0.3,0.4and0.6;Paste mixtures in which50%,66.7%and75%of the cement(by weight)was replaced with pfa and pozz-fill (ash/cement ratios of1,2and3).The water/binder ratio was kept constant at approximately0.3;andE.P.Kearsley,P.J.Wainwright/Cement and Concrete Research32(2002)233–239 234Foamed concrete mixtures of different casting den-sities(1000,1250and1500kg/m3)with differ-ent percentages of ash replacement(50%,66.7% and75%).More details relating to the materials used and casting procedure can be found in the previous publications[1,9]pressive strengthThe compressive strength of foamed concrete was deter-mined from100-mm cubes,which were cast in steel moulds,demoulded after24±2h,wrapped in polythene and kept in a constant temperature room at22±2°C up to the day of testing.The compressive strengths recorded are the average of three cubes.The cement paste cubes wereTable1Binder propertiesOxides RHPC fromPPC Hercules(%)Processed fly ash(pfa)fromLethabo(%)Pozz-fill fromLethabo(%)CaO61.7 4.7 5.0 SiO221.253.954.8 Al2O3 4.633.531.7 Fe2O3 1.8 3.7 3.8 Na2O0.10.70.8 K2O0.70.70.8 MgO 4.3 1.3 1.11 SO3 CO2 2.6Free CaO 1.2Loss on ignition0.80.8 Blaine surface area(m2/kg)431350280 Particles>45m m(%)839 Calculated surface area(m2/kg)408540 Table2Mix proportions and hardened concrete propertiesMix number Typeof ashTarget density(kg/m3)a/c w/c w/binderCompressive strength(365days)(MPa)Measured porosity(365days)(%)Dry density(kg/m3)Saturated density(kg/m3)1none full00.300.3085.428.21958.32057.52none full00.400.4078.931.01817.31968.53none full00.600.6046.737.21450.31753.04pfa full10.600.3080.329.81751.01920.05pfa full20.860.2981.527.01715.51889.56pfa full3 1.170.2958.130.61570.81819.07pfa150010.600.3039.543.31287.31530.58pfa150020.860.2935.643.61273.31509.59pfa15003 1.170.2936.143.11274.31531.510pfa125010.600.3019.848.41055.81304.511pfa125020.860.2918.452.51023.51254.012pfa12503 1.170.2919.149.51040.81318.513pfa100010.600.309.259.3833.01079.014pfa100020.860.298.662.6820.81064.515pfa10003 full10.600.3093.431.71695.51871.517poz full20.860.2978.731.61561.01800.018poz full3 1.170.2963.133.21524.51789.019poz150010.600.3037.043.01341.51545.520poz150020.860.2941.341.11327.01537.521poz15003 1.170.2938.838.21308.51560.522poz125010.600.3019.850.01058.01303.023poz125020.860.2919.851.11055.01281.024poz12503 1.170.2917.648.31014.01280.525poz100010.600.297.058.7823.51097.526poz100020.860.297.560.6849.51088.027poz10003 1.170.29 5.862.6772.51023.5E.P.Kearsley,P.J.Wainwright/Cement and Concrete Research32(2002)233–239235crushed on a standard cube press,but as the foamed concrete strengths were relatively low,these cubes were crushed on a more sensitive machine with a50-MPa capacity and recorded to the nearest0.1MPa.Cubes were crushed after7,28,56,84,168,270and365days.3.1.2.PorosityThe porosity of the foamed concrete was determined using the Vacuum Saturation Apparatus as developed by Cabrera and Lynsdale[10]at the University of Leeds[11]. Porosity measurements were conducted on slices of68-mm diameter cores that were drilled out of the centre of a100-mm cube.The slices were dried at100±5°C until constant weight had been achieved and were then placed in a desiccator under vacuum for at least3h,where after the desiccator was filled with de-aired,distilled water.The porosity was calculated using the following formula[10] (Eq.(8)):P¼ðW satÀW dryÞðW satÀW watÞÂ100ð8Þwhere:P=vacuum saturation porosity(%);W sat=weight in air of saturated sample;W wat=weight in water of saturated sample;W dry=weight of oven-dried sample.4.ResultsDetails of mix proportions and selected hardened con-crete results are shown in Table2.The porosity of the foamed concrete is the sum of the air voids and the voids in the paste.The relationship between dry density and porosity is shown in Fig.1from which it can be seen that porosity is largely dependent on dry density and not on ash type or ash content.The porosities vary between29%(for cement paste with a water/cement ratio of0.3)and67%(for foamed concrete with a casting density of1000kg/m3and a pfa/ cement ratio of3).The lowest porosity,at29%,was measured for the cement paste with a water/cement ratio of0.3containing no ash.The cement paste with a water/ cement ratio of0.6had a porosity of40%,which is virtually the same as the porosity of the foamed concrete mixtures with a casting density of1500kg/m3and an ash/cement ratio of3.4.1.Effect of porosity on compressive strengthThe relationship between measured porosity and the compressive strength(after1year)of foamed concrete is shown in Fig.2.From this graph,it can be seen that the relationship is not significantly influenced by the use of pfa or pozz-fill.Mixtures with an ash/cement ratio of2seem to yield marginally higher strengths for a given porosity and mixtures with no ash or an ash/cement ratio of3seem to yield marginally lower strengths for a given porosity.These differences are,however,only small and it can be concluded that for the results available,the volume of ash used does not significantly influence the porosity–strength relation-ship of foamed concrete.Ro¨ßler and Odler[4]used four expressions that had been derived by other workers to express the relationship between porosity and compressive strength of porous solids. They determined the optimum values of the constant terms and sought the equation that best expressed the existing relationship between strength and total porosity for their set of Portland cement pastes.The same procedure was used to determine whether these equations could be used to express the relation between porosity and strength of the author’sfoamedFig.1.Porosity as a function of dry density.E.P.Kearsley,P.J.Wainwright/Cement and Concrete Research32(2002)233–239236concrete mixtures with high ash contents.The results in Table3indicate that for the1-year results,any one of the four equations can be fitted,resulting in a relatively strong relationship between the compressive strength and the porosity of the foamed concrete.While Ro¨ßler and Odler [4]concluded that the linear relation(Hasselmann)fits their results best,the author’s results are best fitted to an exponential function(Ryshkevitch).The solid line in Fig.2 fits the exponential function(f c=981eÀ7.43p)as shown in Table3.The porosities of the cement pastes analysed by Ro¨ßler and Odler were below0.3(30%),while the porosities of the authors’foamed concrete samples were as high as0.66(66%).From Fig.2,it can be seen that a linear function would fit the foamed concrete mixtures with lower porosities(say below0.4)and these results do therefore seem to concur with the conclusions drawn by Ro¨ßler and Odler.The multiplicative model(Balshin),fitted as shown in Table3,has a power of3.6,which is much higher than the values of up to 2.2calculated for aerated concrete by Baozhen and Erda[6].The fact that the authors’investiga-tion contains data with a larger spectrum of porosities as well as higher strengths could explain this difference.For the foamed concrete mixtures used in this investigation,the strength–porosity equation fitted using an exponential func-tion best explains this relationship with a high correlation coefficient of.967.All the authors’foamed concrete strengths and porosities used to fit these functions were,however,measured1year after casting.The compressive strength of the mixtures increased significantly between28and365days,while based on literature reviewed[12,13],it was assumed that the change in porosity during this period would be negli-gible.The equations as fitted can therefore only be valid for the1-year results and another factor will have to be added to the equation,taking time since casting into account.When the equations shown in Table3are fitted for strengths at different ages,the equation derived by Balshin gives the best result for the combination of all ages.The effect of age can be taken into account by taking the equation as derived by Balshin(Eq.(2))and expanding it to use a variable strength at zero porosity(changing s0to a function of time instead of using the fixed value of321that was derived for the1-year strengths).Fitting a multiplicative model through linear regression results in the following:f c¼39:6ðlnðtÞÞ1:174ð1ÀpÞ3:6ð9Þwhere:f c=compressive strength of foamed concrete(MPa); t=time since casting(days);p=mature porosity(measured after365days).The R2statistic indicates that this model,as fitted, explains89.6%of the variability in compressive strength.A correlation coefficient of.946indicates a relativelystrongFig.2.Effect of porosity on compressive strength at1year.Table3Equations for the strength–porosity relationship of foamed concreteAuthors’foamed concreteEquation Equation fitted by Ro¨ßler and Odler Equation fitted R2Correlation coefficient Balshin s c=540(1Àp)14.47f c=321(1Àp)3.6.926.962Ryshkevitch s c=636eÀ17.04p f c=981eÀ7.43p.936.967Schiller s c=81.5Ln(0.31/p)f c=109.5Ln(0.66/p).89.943Hasselmann s c=158À601p f c=147À226p.848.921E.P.Kearsley,P.J.Wainwright/Cement and Concrete Research32(2002)233–239237relationship between these variables.The relation between the compressive strength as predicted using Eq.(9)and the actual measured values can be seen in Fig.3.Although the equation predicts the strengths reasonably accurately at low values,the compressive strength is underestimated at higher strengths (between 50and 80MPa).Although from Eq.(9)it is possible to obtain a fairly accurate assessment of the compressive strength of the foamed concrete at any age,it does require a measurement of porosity to be made in order to solve the equation.Porosity is a property rarely measured outside the labora-tory,and a model for predicting strength that requires a knowledge of more easily measured properties may be of more use to the concrete producers.Using the equations derived by Hoff [8](see Eqs.(6)and (7)),a theoretical porosity can be calculated for any mixture provided the dry density,water/cement ratio and cement specific gravity are known.The equations though were derived for foamed concrete mixtures made only with cement and may not therefore be valid for the authors’mixtures made with high volumes of ash.Eq.(6)was used to calculate the theoretical porosity for each mix,where k was assumed to be equivalent to the water/binder (cemen-t +ash)ratio.The binder specific gravity (p c )was calculated by dividing the total binder (cement +ash)weight by the total binder volume.In calculating the volumes of cement and ash,relative densities of 3.14and 2.2,respectively,were used.The points in Fig.4have been plotted using the calculated porosity and measured compressive strength for each ing multiple regression analysis on Eq.(7),the line of best fit was derived,which is the solid line shown in Fig.4.The values of the s 0and b used to derive this line were 188MPa and 3.1,respectively.In Hoff’s original work,he used a variety of different cements and derived a range of values of s 0and b from 115to 290MPa and 2.7to 3.0,respectively,depending on the cement type.It is interesting to note that the values obtained by the authors lie almost within the ranges quoted by Hoff,whichsuggestsFig.3.Predicted versus measuredstrengths.pressive strength–theoretical porosity relation at 365days.E.P .Kearsley,P .J.Wainwright /Cement and Concrete Research 32(2002)233–239238that his equation may well be valid for mixtures containing fly ash.However,looking more closely at Fig.4,two things are evident:The two data points furthest from the line of best fit are for mixtures with water/binder ratios of0.40and0.60 compared with0.30for all the other mixtures.This would suggest that the relationship is only valid for a given water/binder ratio.The variability about the fitted line for mixtures without foam(at water/binder ratio0.3)is greater than for all the foamed concrete mixes.This might suggest that the equation is only valid for foamed concrete.However,the R2statistic indicates that the model,as fitted,explains92.3%of the variability in compressive strength,and the correlation coefficient equals.961,indicat-ing a relatively strong relationship between theoretical porosity and compressive strength.It can be concluded that the equation as derived by Hoff can effectively be used to predict the compressive strength of foamed concrete mix-tures containing high percentages of ash.5.ConclusionsPorosity is largely dependent on dry density and not on ash type or content.The compressive strength of foamed concrete was shown to be a function of porosity and age.A multiplicative model(such as the equation derived by Balshin)best fits the results at all ages of this investigation.The effect of ash/cement ratio has not yet been established and an attempt should be made to establish whether there are optimum ash contents at different ages and porosities.The equation as derived by Hoff can effectively be used to predict the compressive strength of foamed concrete mixtures containing high percentages of ash. 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Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction in Complex Naturally Fractured Formations
ORIGINAL PAPERNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction in Complex Naturally Fractured FormationsOlga Kresse •Xiaowei Weng •Hongren Gu •Ruiting WuReceived:11December 2012/Accepted:14December 2012/Published online:10January 2013ÓSpringer-Verlag Wien 2013Abstract A recently developed unconventional fracture model (UFM)is able to simulate complex fracture network propagation in a formation with pre-existing natural frac-tures.A method for computing the stress shadow from fracture branches in a complex hydraulic fracture network (HFN)based on an enhanced 2D displacement disconti-nuity method with correction for finite fracture height is implemented in UFM and is presented in detail including approach validation and examples.The influence of stress shadow effect from the HFN generated at previous treat-ment stage on the HFN propagation and shape at new stage is also discussed.Keywords Hydraulic fracture network ÁNaturalfractures ÁUnconventional fracture model ÁStress shadow1IntroductionMulti-stage stimulation has become the norm for uncon-ventional reservoir development.However,one of the primary obstacles to optimizing completions in shale res-ervoirs has been the lack of hydraulic fracture models that can properly simulate complex fracture propagation often observed in these formations.Different modeling approaches recently have been developed to simulate complex fracture networks in natu-rally fractured formations (Xu et al.2009;Meyer andBazan 2011;Rogers et al.2010,2011;Dershowitz et al.2010;Nagel et al.2011;Nagel and Sanchez-Nagel 2011).Simulation of equivalent fracture network of parallel fractures developed by Xu et al.(2009)and Meyer and Bazan (2011)with simplified network geometry does not model complex interaction between fractures.Discrete fracture networks (DFNs)(Rogers et al.2010,2011;Der-showitz et al.2010)use simplified approach to model hydraulic fractures (HF)and natural fractures (NF)inter-action without considering stress shadow.More complex 3D simulators developed by Nagel et al.(2011),Nagel and Sanchez-Nagel (2011),and Fu et al.(2011)though being able to capture effects of hydraulic fracture interactions are CPU-intensive and not suitable for day-to-day engineering design and evaluations at the job site.More detailed description and comparison of existing models are given in Weng et al.(2011)and Kresse et al.(2011).A complex fracture network model,referred to as unconventional fracture model (UFM),had recently been developed (Weng et al.2011;Kresse et al.2011).The model simulates fracture propagation,rock deformation,and fluid flow in the complex fracture network created during a treatment.The model solves the fully coupled problem of fluid flow in the fracture network and elastic deformation of the fractures,based on similar assumptions and governing equations as conventional pseudo-3D (P3D)fracture models.Transport equations are solved for each component of the fluids and proppant pumped.A key dif-ference between UFM and the conventional planar fracture model is being able to simulate the interaction of hydraulic fractures with pre-existing natural fractures,i.e.,determine whether a hydraulic fracture propagates through or is arrested by a natural fracture when they intersect and subsequently propagates along the natural fracture.The branching of the hydraulic fracture at the intersection withO.Kresse (&)ÁX.Weng ÁH.Gu Schlumberger,Sugar Land,TX,USA e-mail:okresse@R.WuChevron,ETC.,Houston,TX,USARock Mech Rock Eng (2013)46:555–568DOI 10.1007/s00603-012-0359-2the natural fracture gives rise to the development of a complex fracture network.The natural fractures are cur-rently treated as closed weak planes.A crossing model that is extended from the Renshaw and Pollard(1995)interface crossing criterion,applicable to any intersection angle,has been developed(Gu and Weng2010)and validated against the experimental data(Gu et al.2011)and is integrated in the UFM.To properly simulate the propagation of multiple or complex fractures,the fracture model must take into account the interaction among adjacent hydraulic fracture branches,often referred to as‘‘stress shadow’’effect.It is well known that when a single planar hydraulic fracture is opened under afinitefluid net pressure,it exerts a stress field on the surrounding rock that is proportional to the net pressure.In the limiting case of an infinitely long vertical fracture of a constantfinite height,the analytical expres-sion of the stressfield exerted by the open fracture was provided by Warpinski and Teufel(1987),and Warpinski and Branagan(1989).It shows that the net pressure(or more precisely,the pressure that produces the given frac-ture opening)exerts a compressive stress in the direction normal to the fracture on top of the minimum in situ stress, which is equal to the net pressure at the fracture face,but quickly falls off with the distance from the fracture.At a distance beyond one fracture height,the induced stress is only a small fraction of the net pressure.Thus,the term ‘‘stress shadow’’is often used to describe this increase of stress in the region surrounding the fracture.If a second hydraulic fracture is created parallel to an existing open fracture,and if it falls within the‘‘stress shadow’’(i.e.,the distance to the existing fracture is less than the fracture height),the second fracture will in effect see a closure stress greater than the original in situ stress.As a result,it will require a higher pressure to propagate the fracture, and/or the fracture will have a narrower width,as com-pared to the corresponding single fracture.One application of stress shadow is for design and optimization of the fracture spacing between multiple fractures propagating simultaneously from a horizontal wellbore.In ultra low permeability shale formations,it is desirable to have fractures closely spaced for effective reservoir drainage.However,the stress shadow effect may prevent a fracture propagating in close vicinity of other fractures(Fisher et al.2004).The interference between parallel fractures has been studied since1980’s(Meyer and Bazan2011;Warpinski and Teufel1987;Narendran and Cleary1983;Britt and Smith2009;Cheng2009; Roussel and Sharma2010).Most of the studies are for parallel fractures under static conditions.A well known effect of stress shadow is that fractures in the middle region of multiple parallel fractures have smaller width because of the increased compressive stresses from neighboring fractures(Germanovich and Astakhov2004; Olson2008).When multiple fractures are propagating simultaneously,theflow rate distribution into the frac-tures is a dynamic process and is affected by the net pressure of the fractures.The net pressure is strongly dependent on fracture width,and hence,the stress shadow effect onflow rate distribution and fracture dimensions warrants further study.The dynamics of simultaneously propagating multiple fractures also depends on the relative positions of the initial fractures.If the fractures are parallel,e.g.,in the case of multiple fractures that are orthogonal to a horizontal wellbore,the fractures tend to repel each other,resulting in the fractures curving outward.However,if the multiple fractures are arranged in an en echelon pattern,e.g.,for fractures initiated from a horizontal wellbore that is not orthogonal to the fracture plane,the interaction between the adjacent fractures may be such that their tips attract each other and even connect(Olson1990;Yew et al.1993; Weng1993).When a hydraulic fracture intersects a secondary frac-ture oriented in a different direction,it exerts an additional closure stress on the secondary fracture proportional to the net pressure.Nolte(1991)derived this stress and takes it into account in thefissure opening pressure calculation in the analysis of pressure-dependent leakoff infissured formation.For more complex fractures,a combination of various fracture interactions as discussed above is present.To properly account for these interactions,while still being computationally efficient so it can be incorporated in the complex fracture network model,a proper modeling framework needs to be constructed.This article describes a method that is based on an enhanced2D displacement discontinuity method(DDM)by Olson(2004)for com-puting the induced stresses on any given fracture and in the rock from the rest of the complex fracture network.Frac-ture turning is also modeled based on the altered local stress direction ahead of the propagating fracture tip due to the stress shadow effect.The simulation results from the UFM model that incorporates the fracture interaction modeling are presented.2UFM Model DescriptionTo simulate the propagation of a complex fracture network that consists of many intersecting fractures,the equations governing the underlying physics of the fracturing process must be satisfied.The basic governing equations include equation governing thefluidflow in the fracture network, the equation governing the fracture deformation,and the fracture propagation/interaction criterion.556O.Kresse et al.Continuity equation assumes that fluid flow propagates along fracture network with the following mass conservationo q o s þo ðH fl "wÞo tþq L ¼0;q L ¼2h L u Lð1Þwhere q is the local flow rate inside the hydraulic fracturealong the length,"wis an average width or opening of the fracture at position s =s (x,y ),H fl(s,t )is the local height of the fracture occupied by fluid,and q L is the leak-off volume rate through the wall of the hydraulic fracture into the rock matrix per unit length (leak-off height h L times velocity u L at which fracturing fluid infiltrates into surrounding per-meable medium),which is expressed through Carter’s leak-off model.The fracture tips propagate as sharp front and the total length of the entire hydraulic fracture networks (HFNs)at any given time t is defined as L (t ).The properties of injected fluid are defined by power-law exponent n 0(fluid behavior index)and consistency index K 0.The fluid flow could be laminar,turbulent,or Darcy flow through proppant pack,and is described cor-respondingly by different laws.For the general case of 1D laminar flow of a power-law fluid in any given fracture branch,the Poiseuille law (Mack and Warpinski 2000)can be appliedo p o s ¼Àa 01"w 2n 0þ1q H fl q H fl n 0À1ð2Þwitha 0¼2K 0u n 0ðÞn0Á4n 0þ2n 0 n;u n 0ðÞ¼1H fl Z H flw ðz Þ"w2n 0þ1n 0d z ð3ÞHere,w (z )represents fracture width as a function of depth at the current position s (x,y ).Fracture width is related to fluid pressure through the elasticity equation.The elastic properties of the rock (considered as isotropic linear elastic material)are defined by Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio m .For a vertical fracture in a layered medium with variable minimum and maximum horizontal stresses (r h (x,y,z )and r H (x,y,z ))and fluid pressure p ,the width profile can be determined from an analytical solution given as w ðx ;y ;z Þ¼w ðp ðx ;y Þ;h ;z Þð4ÞBecause the height of the fractures h varies,the set of governing equations also include the height growth calculation based on the approach described in Kresse et al.(2011).K Iu ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffip h 2r p cp Àr n þq f g h cp À34h !þffiffiffiffiffiffi2p h r X n À1i ¼1ðr i þ1Àr i Þh 2arccosh À2h ih Àffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffih i ðh Àh i Þp !K Il ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffip h 2r p cp Àr n þq f g h cp Àh4 !þffiffiffiffiffiffi2p h r X n À1i ¼1ðr i þ1Àr i Þh 2arccosh À2h ihþffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffih i ðh Àh i Þp !ð5Þwhere r i and h i are the minimum stress and distance fromtop of the i th layer to fracture bottom tip,p cp is the fluid pressure at a reference (perforation)depth h cp measured from the bottom tip,and K Iu and K Il are the stress intensity factors at the top and bottom tips of the fracture.The equilibrium model,which calculates fracture height based on the pressure at each position of the fracture by matching Stress Intensity Factors K Iu and K Il ,given by Eq.(5),to the fracture toughness of the corre-sponding layer containing the tips,is extended to a non-equilibrium model.The non-equilibrium height growth calculation takes into account the pressure gradient due to the fluid flow in the tip regions in the vertical direction by adding apparent toughness proportional to the fracture’s top and bottom velocities.Then fracture width w (z )at any position z measured from the bottom tip is given by Eq.(6).w ðz Þ¼4E 0p cp Àr n þq f g h cp Àh 4Àz 2!ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiz ðh Àz Þp þ4X n À1i ¼1ðr i þ1Àr i Þðh i Àz Þcosh À1z h À2h ihÀÁþh i z Àh i j j þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiz ðh Àz Þp arccosh À2h i h2666437775ð6ÞNote that one of the limitations of UFM model,the same as for the conventional P3D models,is related to the accurate height growth calculations in the cases of complicated vertical stress profile.For the height being calculated for each fracture element,UFM model assumes that reservoir elastic properties are homogeneous,and averaged over all layers containing fracture height.Since confining stress dominates elastic properties when computing fracture width,this assumption is reasonable for many cases (Adachi et al.2007).P3D models’results are in good agreement with Planar3D models for not too complex stress profiles,and present fast and accurate engineering tools for most field applications.In addition to equations described above,the global volume balance condition must be satisfiedNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction 557Z t 0QðtÞd t¼Z LðtÞhðs;tÞ"wðs;tÞd sþZH LZ tZ LðtÞ2u L d s d t d h Lð7Þi.e.,the total volume offluid pumped during time t is equal to volume offluid in fracture network and volume leaked from the fracture up to time t.The boundary conditions require theflow rate,net pressure,and fracture width to be zero at all fracture tips.The total network consists of two major parts:Fracture Network and Wellbore.These two networks communicate through injection elements to account for perforation friction.The system of Eqs.(1)–(7),together with initial and boundary conditions,plus equations governingfluidflow in the wellbore and through the perforations represent the complete set of governing equations(Kresse et al.2011). Combining these equations and discretizing the fracture network into small elements leads to a nonlinear system of equations in terms offluid pressure p in each element,simplified as f(p)=0,which is solved by using damped Newton–Raphson method.Fracture interaction is one of the most important factors, which must be taken into account to model hydraulic fracture propagation in naturally fractured reservoirs.This includes the interaction between hydraulic fractures and natural fractures,as well as interaction between hydraulic fractures.For the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures,a semi-analytical crossing criterion is imple-mented in UFM based on the approach described in(Gu and Weng2010;Gu et al.2011).The influence of per-meability and pore pressure effect onfluid loss into the NFs is not accounted for now,and natural fractures are treated as closed weak planes.This article focuses on modeling the interaction between hydraulic fractures.Mention that poroelastic effects currently are not included in UFM model.It is observed that in unconven-tional formations(shales)changes in pore pressure due to leakoff into the matrix are in order of inches from the fracture,so poroelastic effect may be considered negligible.3Modeling Stress ShadowFor parallel fractures,the stress shadow can be represented by the superposition of stresses from neighboring fractures. The stressfield around a2D fracture with internal pressure p can be calculated from Sneddon(1946)and Sneddon and Elliott(1946)solutions.The stress normal to the fracture is r x(Fig.1)and can be calculated from r x¼p1À"Lffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi"L1"L2p cos hÀh1þh22À"L"L1"L2ðÞ3=2sin h sin32ðh1þh2Þ2666437775ð8Þh¼arctanÀ"x"yh1¼arctanÀ"x1þ"y;h2¼arctan"x1À"yAnd"x;"y;L;L1;L2are the coordinates and distances in Fig.1normalized by the fracture half-height h/2.Since r x varies in the y-direction as well in the x-direction,an averaged stress over the fracture height is used in the stress shadow calculation.The analytical equation(8)can be used to compute the average effective stress of one fracture on an adjacent parallel fracture and include it in the effective closure stress on that fracture.For more complex fracture networks,the fractures may orient in different directions and intersect each other.A more general approach is required to compute theeffectiveFig.2Stress shadow effect558O.Kresse et al.stress on any given fracture branch from the rest of the fracture network.In UFM,the mechanical interactions between fractures are modeled based on an enhanced2D DDM(Olson2004)for computing the induced stresses (Fig.2).In a2D,plane-strain,displacement discontinuity solu-tion,Crouch and Starfield(1983)described the normal and shear stresses(r n and r s)acting on one fracture element induced by the opening and shearing displacement dis-continuities(D n and D s)from all fracture elements.To account for the3D effect due tofinite fracture height, Olson(2004)introduced a3D correction factor to the influence coefficients C ij.The modified elasticity equations of2D DDM are as follows:r in¼X Nj¼1A ij C ijnsD jsþX Nj¼1A ij C ijnnD jnr i s¼X Nj¼1A ij C ij ss D j sþX Nj¼1A ij C ij sn D j nð9Þwhere C ij are the2D,plane-strain elastic influence coefficients,and their expressions can be found in Crouch and Starfield(1983).The matrix[C]defines the interaction between elements,e.g.,C ns ij gives the normal stress at the midpoint of the element i due to shearNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction559displacement discontinuity at the element j ,and C nn ij givesthe normal stress at the midpoint of the element i due to an opening displacement discontinuity at the element j .The 3D correction factor A ij suggested by Olson (2004)is introduced to the influence coefficients to account for the 3D effects due to finite fracture height that leads to decaying of interaction between any two fracture elements when distance between them increasesA ij¼1Àd b ijd 2ij þðh =a Þ2h i b =2ð10Þwhere h is the fracture height,d ij is the distance between elements i and j ,a =1and b =3.2are empirically derived constants (Olson 2008;Laubach et al.2004).Eq.(10)clearly shows that the 3D correction factor leads to decaying of interaction between any two fracture elements when the distance increases.In UFM model,at each time step,the additional induced stresses due to the stress shadow effects are computed.We assume that at any time,fracture width equals the normal displacement discontinuities (D n )and shear stress at the fracture surface is zero,i.e.,D n j =w j ,r s i=0.Substituting these two conditions into Eq.(9),we can find the shear displacement disconti-nuities D s and normal stress induced on each fracture element r n .The effects of the stress shadow-induced stresses on the fracture network propagation pattern are twofold.First,during pressure and width iteration,the original in situ stresses at each fracture element are modified by adding theTable 1Input data for validation against CSIRO model Injection rate 0.1m 3/s Stress anisotropy 0.9MPa Young’s modulus 391010Pa Poisson’s ratio 0.35Fluid viscosity 0.001Pa-s Fluid Specific Gravity 1.0Min horizontal stress 46.7MPa Max horizontal stress 47.6MPa Fracture toughness 1MPa-m 0.5Fracture height120m560O.Kresse et al.additional normal stress due to the stress shadow effect.This directly affects the fracture pressure and width dis-tribution,which results in a change on the fracture growth.Second,by including the stress shadow induced stresses (normal and shear stresses),the local stress fields ahead the propagating tips are also altered,which may cause the local principal stress direction to deviate from the original in situ stressdirection.Fig.6Comparison of propagation paths for two initially parallel fractures in isotropic and anisotropic stressfieldsFig.7Comparison of propagation paths for two initially offset fractures in isotropic and anisotropic stressfieldsFig.8Propagation paths for two fractures under isotropic far-field stress field depending on the relative positions of injection pointsNumerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction 561Thus,the local stresses around each tip elementr tip xx ;r tip yy ;r tipxy calculated by enhanced DDM approach arecombined with far-field stresses r 1xx ;r 1yy ;r 1xy r tot xx ¼r 1xx þr tip xx r tot yy ¼r 1yy þr tip yy r tot xy ¼r 1xy þr tip xyð11Þto define local principal stresses and orientation (angle a )of local maximum stress around tip elements byr 1¼r tot xxþr tot yy2þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðr tot xy Þ2þðr tot xx Àr tot yy Þ24s r 3¼r tot xx þr totyy 2Àffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiðr tot xy Þ2þðr tot xx Àr tot yy Þ24s a ¼12arctan 2r tot xyr xx Àr yyð12ÞThis altered local principal stress direction may result infracture turning from its original propagation plane and further affects the fracture network propagation pattern.4Validation of Stress ShadowValidation of UFM model for the cases of bi-wing fractures has been presented before (Kresse et al.2011;Weng et al.2011).This article focuses on the validation of stress sha-dow modeling approach.4.1Comparison of Enhanced 2D DDM to Flac3D The 3D correction factors suggested by Olson (2004)contain two empirical constants,a and b .Olson calibrated the values of a and b by comparing stresses obtained from numerical solutions (enhanced 2D DDM)to the analytical solution for a plane-strain fracture with infinite length and finite height.In this work,the model is further validated by comparing the 2D DDM results to full three-dimensional numerical solutions,utilizing FLAC3D (Itasca Consulting Group Inc,2002),for two parallel straight fractures with finite lengths and heights.The validation problem is shown in Fig.3.Table 2Input parameters for case of five parallel fractures Young’sl modulus 4.591010Pa Poisson’s ratio 0.35Rate 0.032m 3/s Viscosity 0.001Pa-s Height30mLeakoff coefficient 3.9910-2m/s 1/2Stress anisotropy 1.4MPa Fracture spacing 20m No.of perfs per frac100Fig.9Transverse parallel fracture in horizontalwellFig.11Fracture geometry and width (in m)for the case of five fractures5101520253035404550F r a c t u r e l e n g t h (f t )Time (min)Fig.10Length of five parallel fractures (xf1–xf5,fracture 3is at the center,and fractures 1and 5are outmost ones)during injection.The curves with markers are calculated from the simplistic PKN model and the curves without markers are from UFM model562O.Kresse et al.The fracture in Flac3D is simulated as two surfaces at the same location but with unattached grid points.Constant internalfluid pressure is applied as the normal stress on the grids.Fractures are also subjected to remote stresses,r x and r y.Two fractures have the same length and height with the ratio of height/half-length=0.3.Stresses along x-axis (y=0)and y-axis(x=0)are compared.Two closely spaced fractures(s/h=0.5)have been simulated and compared(Fig.3).As shown in Figs.4,5,the stresses simulated from the enhanced2D DDM approach with3D correction factor closely match those from the full3D simulator results.This indicates that the correction factor allows capture of the3D effect from the fracture height on the stressfield.In the mean time,simple2D DDM approach shows significant differences from full3D simulator results due to in-ability to capture effect of fracture height(fracture height is assumed infinite and influence from elements is only due to distance between them).This can be seen by comparing Figs.4and5,showing the distribution of stresses r x and r y along y-axis,and r y along x-axis for the cases when distance between fractures is small(s/h=0.5) compared to the fractures height,and when this distance is relatively large(s/h=3.3).4.2Comparison to CSIRO ModelThe UFM model that incorporates the enhanced2D DDM approach is validated against full2D DDM simulator incorporating a full solution for coupled elasticity and fluidflow equations by CSIRO(Zhang et al.2007)in the limiting case of very large fracture height(because2D DDM approach does not consider the3D effect due to the fractures’height).The comparison of the influence of two closely propagating fractures on each other’s propagation paths has been provided.The propagation of two hydraulic fractures initiated parallel to each other(prop-agating along local maximum stress direction)has been simulated for two configurations,with initiation points aligned along the y-axis and offset from each other for isotropic and anisotropic farfield stresses.The fracture propagation path and pressure inside of each fracture has been compared for UFM and CSIRO code for the input data given in Table1.When two fractures are initiated parallel to each other with initiation points separated by d x=0,d y=10m (the maximum horizontal stressfield is oriented in the x-direction),they turn away from each other due to the stress shadow effect.The propagation paths for isotropic and anisotropic stressfields are shown in Fig.6.Compared with the isotropic case,the curvatures of the fractures in the case of stress anisotropy are smaller.This is due to the competition between the stress shadow effect, which tends to turn fractures away from each other,and the far-field stresses that push fractures to propagate in the direction of maximum horizontal stress(x-direction). The influence of the far-field stress becomes dominant as the distance between the fractures increases,in which case the fractures tend to propagate parallel to the maximum horizontal stress direction(Fig.8a,b).The same conclusion about far-field stresses is applica-ble for the case when two fractures are initiated parallel to each other with initiation points separated by d x=10m, d y=10m(Fig.7).The numerical study presented above shows that the enhanced2D DDM approach implemented in UFM model is able to capture the3D effects offinite fracture height on fracture interaction and propagation pattern,while being computationally efficient.It provides good estimation of the stressfield for a network of vertical hydraulic fractures and fracture propagation direction(pattern).5Examples5.1Influence of Stress Shadow on FracturePropagation PathMore results of UFM simulations showing the influence of stress shadow on the fracture propagation pathdepending Fig.12Fracture geometry andfluid pressure(Pa)for the cases when distance between injection points is equal to10,20,and40m Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fractures Interaction563。
Materials Science and Engineering: A材料科学与工程:A卷V ol.589, 1 Jan. 2014序号目次信息1 篇名:Micro–macro-characterisation and modelling of mechanical properties of gas metal arc welded (GMA W) DP600 steel采用气体金属电弧焊接的DP600钢的微–宏观表征及力学性能建模作者:A. Ramazani, K. Mukherjee, A. Abdurakhmanov, U. Prahl, M. Schleser, U. Reisgen, W. Bleck2 篇名:Deformation behavior in the isothermal compression of Ti–5Al–5Mo–5V–1Cr–1Fe alloyTi-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe合金的等温压缩变形行为作者:S.F. Liu, M.Q. Li, J. Luo, Z. 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Gupta6 篇名:The method for reproducing fine grained HAZ of W strengthened high Cr steel用于再现强化高Cr钢钨细粒HAZ的方法作者:Xue Wang, Qiang Xu, Hong-wei Liu, Hong Liu, Wei Shang, Yao-yao Ren, Shu-min Y u7 篇名:Influence of Mn solute content on grain size reduction and improved strength in mechanically alloyed Al–Mn alloys锰溶质浓度对晶粒尺寸的减小和改进机械合金化的铝锰合金的强度的影响作者:K.A. Darling, A.J. Roberts, L. Armstrong, D. Kapoor, M.A. Tschopp, L.J. Kecskes, S.N. Mathaudhu8 篇名:Self-consistent modelling of lattice strains during the in-situ tensile loading of twinning induced plasticity steel孪生诱发塑性钢的原位拉伸加载过程中的晶格应变自洽建模作者:Ahmed A. Saleh, Elena V. Pereloma, Bjørn Clausen, Donald W. Brown, Carlos N. Tomé, Azdiar A. Gazder9 篇名:Constitutive description of high temperature flow behavior of Sanicro-28 super-austenitic stainless steel对sanicro-28超级奥氏体不锈钢的高温流动行为的本构描述作者:A. Mirzaei, A. Zarei-Hanzaki, N. Haghdadi, A. 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关键词光催化活性稀土离子掺杂TiO2Research Progress on TiO2 Photocatalyst doped with RE ionsY an ningning, Zhang ying, Wu jing, LIU Qing-ju*(Yunnan Key laboratory of nanomaterials & technology, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China)Abstract: Titanium dioxide’s applications are limited for its wide band gap and low light quantum efficiency, so it is necessary to modify TiO2 to overcome the two problems. RE ions doping is one of the most effective methods to modify TiO2 for its unique electronic structure and optical properties. In this paper, the modification mechanism of TiO2 doped with RE ions are introduced mainly; the influences of modification with RE ions to the structure , size of crystal and the spectrum absorption are all summarized; meanwhile, the problems of the study on RE ions doping and the trend of the development are both summarized.Keywords: photocatalystic activity, RE ions doping, titanium dioxide0 引言自从Fujishima[1]等发现受紫外光照的TiO2具有光催化效应以来,以TiO2为代表的光催化材料受到了广泛关注和研究。
Structural Analysis of 3-D Braided Preforms for Composites Part II The Two-step Preforms
To cite this article: W. Li, M. Hammad & A. El-Shiekh (1990): Structural Analysis of 3-D Braided Preforms for Composites Part II: The Two-step Preforms, Journal of the Textile Institute, 81:4, 515-537 To link to this article: /10.1080/00405009008658726
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对羟基苯甲酸酯类化合物抗菌活性的定量构效关系探讨邱松山,姜翠翠,周如金,王登菊(广东石油化工学院环境与生物工程学院,广东茂名 525000)摘要:基于定量结构-活性关系(QSAR)研究对羟基苯甲酸酯类化合物性质具有重要意义。
结果表明对羟基苯甲酸酯类化合物抗大肠杆菌活性与最低空轨道能量(E LUMO)及偶极距(μ)呈正相关关系,QSAR模型表明化合物的最低空轨道能量、偶极距和极化率是影响对羟基苯甲酸酯类化合物抗菌活性的主要因素,E LUM O和μ越大,抗菌活性越大,所得QSAR模型对该类化合物抗菌活性有较好的预测效果。
关键词:对羟基苯甲酸酯类化合物;抗菌活性;定量构效关系;密度泛函理论文章篇号:1673-9078(2014)6-98-102A QSAR Study on Antibacterial Activity of P-hydroxybenzoate EstersQIU Song-shan, JIANG Cui-cui, ZHOU Ru-jin, W ANG Deng-ju(College of Environmental and Biotechnology Engineering, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology,Maoming 525000, China)Abstract: The molecular structures of eleven kinds of p-hydroxybenzoate esters were optimized by using density functional theory (DFT) B3LYP method of quantum chemistry, and the quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) of these compounds was studied. S tepwise multiple linear regression was used to select the descriptors and to generate the best prediction model that relates the structural features to inhibitory activity. The results suggested that E LUM O and μ had positive correlation on the activities of p-hydrox ybenzoate esters, with correlation coefficient of 0.9910. The results showed that the lowest unoccupied molecular orbit E LUMO and the increase of dipole moment μ were the main independent factors contributing to the antifungal activity of the compounds. The antifungal activity increased with the increase of E LUMO and μ. The obtained QSAR model could provide theory reference to design p-hydroxybenzoate esters with stronger antibacterial activity.Key words: p-hydroxybenzoate esters; antibacterial activity; structure-activity relationship对羟基苯甲酸酯类化合物被广泛用于食品、饮料、化妆品、医药等许多方面,也可作为杀菌剂、有机溶剂及有机合成的中间体[1],仅在化妆品行业全国每年的需求量就达50 t以上,其中对羟基苯甲酸乙酯、丙酯也是世界上用量较大的防腐剂,具有高效、低毒、易配伍等优点。
具有庞磁电阻效应的钙钛矿锰氧化物在基础研究和信息技术领域有着广泛的前景,因此得到了人们广泛的关注。La1-xCaxMnO3是一种典型的庞磁电阻锰氧化物材料,该材料本身有着丰富的物理相图。当掺杂浓度较大(0.2 <x< 0.5)时,材料中物理相图的铁磁金属到顺磁绝缘相变通常可以利用双交换机制和极化子模型来解释,然而那当掺杂浓度较小(x< 0.2)时其中的物理机理目前还无法完全解释,这也正是目前人们研究的热点问题。
Key words:Colossal magneto-resistence; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy;Chemical shift;Lanthanum manganate; Calcium doping
1988年,法国物理学家Albert Fert[1]研究小组和德国科学家Peter Grϋnberg[2]小组都在多层的Fe/Cr薄膜结构中发现了一个特殊的现象:较小的磁性变化就能引起磁性材料的电阻率发生非常显著地变化,Fert将这一现象命名为巨磁电阻效应(Giant Magneto-resistance, GMR),这一效应的发现引发了人类广泛的关注,他们也因此分享了2007年度的诺贝尔物理学奖。在颁奖典礼上,诺贝尔奖评委会主席佩尔-卡尔松用一张一台1954年占满整个房间的电脑的照片和一张非常小的硬盘的照片对比,向人们说明了巨磁阻效应对人们生活的巨大改善。正因为有了这两位科学家的发现,单位面积介质存储信息的能力才得以大幅度提升。目前,在日常生活中,该效应在存储设备中已经得到了广泛的应用。
李兰等:铂团簇负载锐钛矿二氧化钛纳米管电子结构及光学性质· 1617 ·第39卷第10期钴掺杂锐钛矿二氧化钛能带结构的第一性原理计算刘慧,孙晓君,孙苗,张艳,薛宾泰,刘毅(哈尔滨理工大学化学与环境工程学院,绿色化工技术黑龙江省高校重点实验室,哈尔滨 150040)摘要:基于第一性原理的密度泛函理论,利用平面波超软赝势方法计算了纯锐钛矿相TiO2及Co掺杂TiO2的晶体结构、带隙、态密度及其光吸收系数。
关键词:锐钛矿二氧化钛;钴掺杂;能带结构;态密度中图分类号:O614.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2011)10–1617–05网络出版时间:2011–09–27 13:49:21 DOI:CNKI:11-2310/TQ.20110927.1349.017网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/11.2310.TQ.20110927.1349.017.htmlFirst-Principles Calculation on the Band Structure of Co-Doped Anatase TiO2LIU Hui,SUN Xiaojun,SUN Miao,ZHANG Yan,XUE Bingtai,LIU Yi(Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Technology of the University in Heilongjiang, School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China)Abstract: The crystal structure, band gap, density of states and optical absorption coefficient of pure anatase TiO2 and cobalt (Co) doped anatase TiO2 were calculated by a plane-wave ultrasoft pseudopotential method based on the density functional theory of the first-principles. The results show that the formation of doping level is mainly contributed to 3d orbital of Co, which involves in the formation of the valence band and conduction band, leading to the formation of hybrid orbital. An impurity level appears between valence band and conduction band, reducing the band gap. The Co-doped TiO2 exhibited some absorptions in the visible light region and its optical absorption threshold shifted towards the long wavelength at >400nm.Key words: anatase titanium dioxide; cobalt-doped; band gap; density of states自1972年日本学者Fujishima和Honda在金红石TiO2半导体单晶电极上发现了水的光电分解现象[1]以来,二氧化钛(TiO2)作为一种很有前途的半导体光催化剂倍受关注。
第43卷第4期2024年4月硅㊀酸㊀盐㊀通㊀报BULLETIN OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY Vol.43㊀No.4April,2024Gd 3+/Ce 3+对Tb 3+掺杂氟氧化物玻璃发光敏化作用的影响刘瑞旺,王宏杰,符㊀博,贾亚男,周建欣,魏㊀晋(中国建筑材料科学研究总院有限公司石英与特种玻璃研究院,建筑材料行业石英玻璃重点实验室,北京㊀100024)摘要:本文采用高温熔融法制备了Gd /Tb㊁Gd /Ce㊁Gd /Ce /Tb 掺杂的SiO 2-B 2O 3-BaF 2组分氟氧化物玻璃,通过测试X 射线衍射光谱确定了其物相,通过测试其不同波段激发下的荧光光谱研究了不同Gd 2O 3掺量下Tb 3+的发光性能,并确定了Gd 2O 3更精确的最佳掺量范围㊂此外,文中通过改变气氛制备了Gd /Ce /Tb 共掺杂氟氧化物玻璃,对比研究了Gd 3+和Ce 3+对Tb 3+的敏化作用㊂结果表明,本文所制备的氟氧化物玻璃都呈稳定的玻璃态;Gd 3+和Ce 3+对Tb 3+的发光都具有敏化作用,且Gd 2O 3掺量为7%(摩尔分数,下同)时敏化效果相较于其他掺量最为显著,超出7%则造成猝灭;Ce 2O 3掺入玻璃后以Ce 3+和Ce 4+两种价态共存,在还原气氛下掺入相较于空气气氛下掺入更容易保持Ce 3+状态,而且Ce 3+对Tb 3+的发光具有敏化作用,Ce 4+会抑制Tb 3+的发光㊂关键词:Tb 3+发光特性;Gd /Ce /Tb 共掺;Ce 3+/Ce 4+价态;氟氧化物玻璃;能量传递中图分类号:TQ171㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1001-1625(2024)04-1335-06Effect of Gd 3+/Ce 3+on Photosensitization of Tb 3+Doped Fluorine Oxide GlassLIU Ruiwang ,WANG Hongjie ,FU Bo ,JIA Yanan ,ZHOU Jianxin ,WEI Jin(Key Laboratory of Quartz Glass in the Building Materials Industry,Quartz &Special Glasses Institute,China Building Materials Academy Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100024,China)Abstract :Gd /Tb㊁Gd /Ce㊁Gd /Ce /Tb doped SiO 2-B 2O 3-BaF 2fluorine oxide glass was prepared by high temperature melting method.The phase of fluorine oxide glass was determined by X-ray diffraction spectrum.The luminescence properties of Tb 3+doped with different Gd 2O 3content were studied by the fluorescence spectra of Tb 3+under different excitation bands,and the more accurate numerical range of optimal Gd 2O 3content was determined.Gd /Ce /Tb co-doped fluorine oxide glass was prepared by changing the atmosphere.The sensitization of Gd 3+and Ce 3+to Tb 3+was studied.The results show that the prepared fluorine oxide glass has a stable glassy state.Both Gd 3+and Ce 3+sensitize the luminescence of Tb 3+,and the sensitization effect is most significant when Gd 2O 3content is 7%(molar fration,the same below)compared with other content,and quenching occurs when Gd 2O 3content exceeds 7%.Cerium can coexist in Ce 3+and Ce 4+valence states in Ce 2O 3doped glass,and it is easier to maintain Ce 3+state when doped in reducing atmosphere than in air atmosphere.Moreover,Ce 3+sensitizes the luminescence of Tb 3+,while Ce 4+inhibites the luminescence of Tb 3+.Key words :luminescence property of Tb 3+;Gd /Ce /Tb-doping;valence state of Ce 3+/Ce 4+;fluorine oxide glass;energy transfer 收稿日期:2023-12-11;修订日期:2024-02-02作者简介:刘瑞旺(1993 ),男,工程师㊂主要从事光学特种玻璃的研究㊂E-mail:1334803316@ 0㊀引㊀言Tb 3+作为掺杂玻璃中的激活离子,因具有强的发光特性,近些年来一直是研究的热点㊂Tb 3+发射谱的主峰位于543nm 附近,对于电荷耦合元件(charge coupled device,CCD)的敏感波长(500~750nm)而言,正好可以和Tb 3+掺杂闪烁体的主峰位置相匹配,Tb 3+激活闪烁材料在射线转换屏方面的应用,比如X 射线成1336㊀ 玻璃材料与玻璃技术 专题(II)硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第43卷像,工业CT的无损探伤等[1-5]具有很强的优势㊂同时引入Gd3+和Ce3+作为敏化剂,可改变能量传递过程来增强Tb3+的发光强度,提高其光产额[6-7]㊂有研究[8]表明Ce3+对Tb3+有增敏作用,而Ce4+对Tb3+的发光有猝灭作用㊂一般来说,在空气气氛下常规工艺制备的大多数玻璃中,Ce3+是稳定的㊂然而,由于铈是镧系元素中最活跃的元素之一,在含铈的玻璃中,Ce3+和Ce4+总是共存的[9]㊂为了让Ce3+稳定存在,同时避免Ce4+的产生,目前常用的方法有:1)采用高温气氛炉熔制,向炉内通入CO或H2/N2混合气体进行气氛保护,或采用其他还原性物质,例如活性炭等对原料进行保护;2)改变Ce源的引入方式,如通过CeF3引入Ce源;3)将还原剂(SiC㊁Si3N4㊁Al2O3等)直接引入到玻璃组分中㊂孙心媛等[10-12]曾采用后两种方法有效地避免了Ce4+的产生,稳定了Ce3+的状态㊂目前氟氧化物玻璃的研究大多集中在氟氧化物微晶玻璃上,由于氟的引入较为困难且容易使玻璃晶化,氟氧化物玻璃的研究较少㊂与其他玻璃基质相比,氟化物玻璃可以为活化剂离子提供所需的氟化物低声子能量环境,这有利于增加掺入的RE3+(稀土离子)的辐射发射率;氧化物具有很高的机械性能和热稳定性以及化学耐久性㊂氟氧化物玻璃可以保持氧化物玻璃的优点,如高机械强度的化学耐久性和热稳定性[13-14]㊂基于此,本文通过高温熔融法制备了氟氧化物玻璃,研究了不同浓度下Ce2O3和Gd2O3对Tb3+发光的影响,并确定了最佳配合比,通过活性炭制造还原气氛的方法研究了不同气氛对单掺Ce玻璃样品中Ce3+/Ce4+的影响,通过Gd/Ce/Tb共掺对比研究了Gd3+对Tb3+的敏化作用和Ce3+对Tb3+的敏化作用㊂1㊀实㊀验1.1㊀试剂与原材料以高纯度的SiO2㊁HBO3㊁BaF2㊁Gd2O3㊁Tb4O7㊁Ce2O3㊁Sb2O3为原材料,通过高温熔融法制备出玻璃样品,各玻璃样品按表1的配比制备㊂表1㊀玻璃样品的设计组成Table1㊀Design composition of glass sampleSample Molar fraction/%SiO2B2O3BaF2Gd2O3Tb2O3Ce2O3Sb2O3 Gd044.535.015.00 5.000.5Gd344.532.015.0 3.0 5.000.5Gd544.530.015.0 5.0 5.000.5Gd744.528.015.07.0 5.000.5Gd944.526.015.09.0 5.000.5Gd1044.525.015.010.0 5.000.5Gd1544.520.015.015.0 5.000.5 Ce0.144.527.915. Ce0.244.527.815. Ce0.344.527.715. Ce0.444.527.615. HCe0.144.527.915.07.0 HCe0.244.527.815.07.0 HCe0.344.527.715.07.0 HCe0.444.527.615.07.0㊀玻璃样品制备按表1配方称取100g原料,用玛瑙研钵将配好的原料充分研磨,混合均匀后再将其放入刚玉坩埚中㊂将坩埚置于1450ħ的高温电阻炉中熔化2h,待玻璃完全熔化后取出坩埚,并迅速将玻璃液倒在事先用600ħ预热好的不锈钢磨具上,并在550ħ的马弗炉中保温退火2h以消除玻璃内应力,随后关闭退火炉让玻璃样品随炉降温㊂待玻璃冷却后取出,切磨抛光成(2.00ʃ0.02)mm厚的光滑透明玻璃样品以供各种测试㊂1.3㊀分析和测试采用日本东京日立高科技公司生产的D/max-Ultima IV型号X射线衍射仪进行XRD测试,辐射源是第4期刘瑞旺等:Gd 3+/Ce 3+对Tb 3+掺杂氟氧化物玻璃发光敏化作用的影响1337㊀Cu K α,λ=0.1546nm,测试电压电流分别为40kV㊁20mA,以5(ʎ)/min 的速度在10ʎ~80ʎ对样品进行物相扫描测试;采用日本东京日立高科技公司生产的F-7000型号的荧光光谱仪测试荧光光谱,以氙灯作为泵浦源,扫描速度为1200nm /min,入射出射狭缝均选择5nm,光电倍增管电压调为400V,反应时长为0.002s㊂所有测试均在室温下进行㊂2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀样品的XRD分析图1㊀Gd /Tb㊁Gd /Ce㊁Gd /Ce /Tb 掺杂玻璃部分样品XRD 谱Fig.1㊀XRD patterns of Gd /Tb,Gd /Ce,Gd /Ce /Tb doped glass partial samples 图1为Gd /Tb㊁Gd /Ce㊁Gd /Ce /Tb 掺杂玻璃部分样品XRD 谱,XRD 谱中均未出现明显的晶体衍射峰,衍射峰都处于扩散状态,具有非晶态基体性质,这说明该玻璃配方在该制备条件下未出现析晶,能够保持稳定的玻璃态[15]㊂2.2㊀Gd 3+对Tb 3+激活氟氧化物玻璃发光性能的影响图2为探测波长为544nm 时不同Gd 2O 3掺量样品的激发光谱,可以明显看出在275nm 处及353~483nm处有多处吸收峰,其中275nm 处的吸收峰是Gd 3+从基态8S 7/2跃迁到6I J 引起的,Gd 2O 3掺量为7%(文中均为摩尔分数)时8S 7/2ң6I J 的吸收强度超出其他样品吸收强度近1倍㊂处于353~483nm 处的4个吸收峰位置分别是由Tb 3+从基态7F 6跃迁到5D 2(353nm)㊁5L 10(370nm),5D 3(378nm)㊁5D 4(483nm)能级[16]引起的㊂图3为探测波长为544nm 时各特征吸收峰强度随Gd 2O 3掺量增加的变化曲线,发现353㊁370㊁483nm 三处吸收峰强度变化相较于275nm 处波动更小,但比483nm 处波动大㊂对这一现象进行分析:因为该系列样品的Tb 3+浓度不变,激发峰随Gd 3+浓度增加而变化,有Gd-Tb 能量传递的可能㊂图4为Gd 3+和Tb 3+的能级图,可以发现Gd 3+275nm 对应的6I J 能级能量经非辐射跃迁到6P 7/2能级后与Tb 3+的353~483nm对应的激发态能级能量相匹配,因此无辐射弛豫对应能级的几率很大,而483与275nm 能级相差较大,传递概率较小㊂所以在Tb 激发光谱中,Gd 的特征激发峰275nm 变化最为明显,353㊁370㊁483nm 三个的变化次之,483nm 的变化最不明显㊂图2㊀探测波长为544nm 时不同Gd 2O 3掺量样品的激发光谱Fig.2㊀Excitation spectra of samples with different Gd 2O 3content when λem is 544nm 图3㊀探测波长为544nm 时各特征吸收峰强度随Gd 2O 3掺量增加的变化曲线Fig.3㊀Change curves of each characteristic absorption peak intensity with the increase of Gd 2O 3content when λem is 544nm㊀㊀图5为激发波长为378nm 时不同Gd 2O 3掺量样品的发射光谱,从图5中可以看出玻璃样品的发射光谱1338㊀ 玻璃材料与玻璃技术 专题(II)硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第43卷图4㊀Gd 3+和Tb 3+的能级图Fig.4㊀Energy level diagram of Gd 3+and Tb 3+峰主要有489㊁543㊁584和622nm,是由Tb 3+的5D 4ң7F J(J =6,5,4,3)跃迁引起的[17]㊂图6为激发波长为378nm 时Tb 3+特征发射峰强度随Gd 2O 3掺量增加的变化曲线,随着Gd 2O 3掺量的增加,Tb 3+的发射峰强度先增强后减弱㊂Gd 3+的掺入对Tb 3+的发光有显著影响,即随着Gd 3+浓度的增加,位于543nm 波长处的主发射峰强度增强明显;但当Gd 3+浓度增加到一定程度时,反而对Tb 3+的发光产生了猝灭作用㊂7%Gd 2O 3掺量对Tb 3+的发光增强作用最为显著,但当Gd 3+浓度为9%时,发射强度已明显减弱,因此该样品配方中Gd 2O 3掺量为7%时是最接近该玻璃基质利Tb 3+发光的配比,此时,能使Tb 3+在543nm 处的发光强度比未掺入Gd 2O 3时提高2倍㊂图5㊀激发波长为378nm 时不同Gd 2O 3掺量样品的发射光谱Fig.5㊀Emission spectra of samples with different Gd 2O 3content when λex is 378nm 图6㊀激发波长为378nm 时Tb 3+特征发射峰强度随Gd 2O 3掺量增加的变化曲线Fig.6㊀Change curves of Tb 3+characteristic emission peak intensity with the increase of Gd 2O 3content when λex is 378nm 图7㊀激发波长为275nm 时不同Gd 2O 3掺量样品的发射光谱Fig.7㊀Emission spectra of samples with different Gd 2O 3content when λex is 275nm 图8㊀激发波长为275nm 时Tb 3+特征发射峰强度随Gd 2O 3掺量增加的变化曲线Fig.8㊀Change curves of Tb 3+characteristic emission peak intensity with the increase of Gd 2O 3content when λex is 275nm㊀㊀图7为激发波长为275nm 时不同Gd 2O 3掺量样品的发射光谱,275nm 对应Gd 3+的特征吸收峰,但在该波长激发下发射光谱表现出明显的Tb 3+发射峰,说明Gd 3+-Tb 3+存在明显的能量传递㊂图8为激发波长为第4期刘瑞旺等:Gd 3+/Ce 3+对Tb 3+掺杂氟氧化物玻璃发光敏化作用的影响1339㊀图9㊀不同气氛下不同Ce 2O 3掺量样品的发射光谱Fig.9㊀Emission spectra of samples with different atmospheres and different Ce 2O 3content275nm 时Tb 3+特征发射峰强度随Gd 2O 3掺量增加的变化曲线,与图5的变化趋势相吻合,因此可以确定样品配方中Gd 2O 3掺量为7%时最接近最佳掺量㊂2.3㊀Ce 3+对Tb 3+激活氟氧化物玻璃发光性能的影响图9为不同气氛下不同Ce 2O 3掺量样品的发射光谱㊂通过活性炭制造还原气氛的方法研究了不同气氛对样品中Ce 3+/Ce 4+状态的影响,如图9所示左侧黑色实线是以400nm 为探测波长的激发光谱,测试得到最强吸收峰位为343nm,右侧是以343nm 为激发光测试的不同气氛Ce 2O 3单掺样品的发射光谱,在空气气氛下Ce 3+的特征发射峰(虚线标注)普遍要比还原气氛下(实线标注)强度要低㊂这说明采用活性炭制造还原气氛的方法有效地避免了Ce 4+的产生,确保了Ce 3+的稳定存在㊂图10㊀还原气氛下Ce /Tb 双掺Tb 不变Ce 增加样品的激发发射光谱Fig.10㊀Excitation emission spectra of Ce /Tb co-doped sample in reducing atmosphere with Tb unchanged Ce increases 图10为还原气氛下Ce /Tb 双掺Tb 不变Ce 增加样品的激发发射光谱㊂为了验证Ce 3+对Tb 3+发光性能的影响,在还原气氛下制备了Ce /Tb 双掺氟氧化物玻璃并测试了其光谱性能㊂图10(a)为544nm 探测波长下的激发光谱,发现随着Ce 2O 3掺量的增加,Ge 3+的275nm 处特征吸收峰减弱,这是Ce 3+与Gd 3+存在吸收竞争关系导致的㊂Ce 3+的特征吸收峰为图10(a)中330nm 附近的宽峰,是Ce 3+中5f ң4d 电子跃迁导致的[18],随着Ce 2O 3掺量的增加,Ce 3+的特征吸收峰先增强后减弱,这可能是Ce 2O 3掺量增加时Ce 3+/Ce 4+状态变化导致的,因为Ce 3+和Ce 4+也存在吸收竞争关系㊂图10(b)~(d)分别是275㊁343㊁378nm 激发光激发下的发射光谱,主要表现Tb 3+的发射特征㊂在Ce 2O 3掺量增加时Tb 3+发光整体呈先增强后减弱的趋势,在Ce 2O 3掺量为0.2%或0.3%时为最强㊂结合前边对Ce 3+/Ce 4+状态变化的研究结果,说明了Ce 3+对Tb 3+的1340㊀ 玻璃材料与玻璃技术 专题(II)硅酸盐通报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第43卷发光具有促进作用,而Ce4+则会抑制Tb3+的发光㊂在现有的还原氛围下Ce3+/Ce4+状态存在一个平衡, Ce2O3掺量超过0.3%后不足以增强Ce3+/Ce4+值,因此Ce2O3掺量达到0.4%时出现Tb3+发光减弱的现象㊂3㊀结㊀论本文通过Gd/Ce/Tb掺杂氟氧化物玻璃研究了Gd3+和Ce3+对Tb3+发光性能的影响,研究发现随着Gd2O3掺量增加,Tb3+发光先增强后减弱,Gd3+的掺入量对Tb3+发光强弱有显著影响㊂当Gd2O3掺量为7%时是最接近该玻璃基质(SiO2-B2O3-BaF2)利于Tb3+发光的配比,掺量超过7%则造成Tb3+发光猝灭㊂研究发现Ce2O3掺入玻璃以Ce3+和Ce4+两种价态共存,在还原气氛下掺入相较于空气气氛下掺入更容易保持Ce3+状态,而且Ce3+对Tb3+的发光具有敏化作用,Ce4+却会抑制Tb3+的发光㊂参考文献[1]㊀HE D B,YU C L,CHENG J M,et al.Effect of Tb3+concentration and sensitization of Ce3+on luminescence properties of terbium dopedphosphate scintillating glass[J].Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2011,509(5):1906-1909.[2]㊀HAYAKAWA T,KAMATA N,YAMADA K.Visible emission characteristics in Tb3+-doped fluorescent glasses under selective excitation[J].Journal of 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1'b¨离子的审。能级到5坞(或5D。.。)、5G:(或5L。)、5岛 (或5 G4)、5L.。和5G。(或5D,)能级的跃迁【l 0I,其中最 大的激发强度位于377nm处.观察发现两种玻璃激 发峰位置基本一致,仅在273和3ll rim处, n¨/Gd3+共掺玻璃比11b¨单掺玻璃多两个峰值,这 是由于Gd3+离子8Js,庀_6L和8S们一6P,尼能级跃迁产 生的激发带.
由于Gd¨叶rI.b3+的能量迁移,使rrb3+离子 ’D4-÷7B(620nm)、5D4_7n(583nm)、’D4_7凡 (541nm)和5D。一7凡(496nm)绿色荧光峰强度随 Tb:0,含量的增加而增强.然而Tb3+离子5 D3-+7凡 (378nm)、’见^÷7F5(416nm)、5D3—7凡(436nm)跃迁 发射展示了相反的现象,随Tb:O,含量的增加这三 个荧光峰强度减弱,如图2中插图所示.这是因为在 高浓度Tb:0,含量玻璃中,1'b3+离子间的共振能量 迁移变得显著[1 3|.由于n3+离子5现与5D。能级能 量差值近似等于7R与7瓦能级间的能量差,邻近的
(MOE Key Laboratory of Specially Functional Materials,Institute of Optical Communication Materials,South of China Universi- ty of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China)
第43卷第7期2015年7月硅酸盐学报Vol. 43,No. 7July,2015 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY DOI:10.14062/j.issn.0454-5648.2015.07.06石榴石系列闪烁晶体的研究进展汪超1,2,任国浩2(1. 中国科学院大学,北京100864;2. 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所,上海200050)摘要:主要对石榴石系列闪烁晶体近10多年的研究和发展情况进行了梳理。
介绍了Pr、Ce掺杂的(Lu,Y)AG晶体中不同发光中心的发光机理、能量的传递、载流子再束缚过程等;阐述了反位缺陷(antisite defect, AD)对发光中心发光性能的影响及其作用机制;用带隙工程理论分析了Gd、Ga掺入可以消除AD缺陷副作用的机理。
展示了新型石榴石晶体Gd3(Ga5–x Al x)O12:Ce(GGAG:Ce)晶体的光产额和能量分辨率,预计这类多组分掺杂将把石榴石晶体的发展引入一个新的阶段。
关键词:石榴石晶体;闪烁性能;反位缺陷;掺杂中图分类号:O78; O734 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0454–5648(2015)07–0882–10网络出版时间:2015–05–27 18:47:31 网络出版地址:/kcms/detail/11.2310.TQ.20150527.1847.023.htmlRecent Studies on Garnet Scintillation CrystalsWANG Chao1,2, REN Guohao2(1. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100864, China;2. Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China)Abstract: Recent development on garnet scintillation crystals studies was reviewed. Pr or Ce-doped (Lu,Y)AG crystals are introduced from structure, growth and scintillation characteristics. The scintillation mechanism, energy transfer and carriers-retrapping process of activators as well as the influence of antisite defects on their characterization were depicted. Antisite defects, which are suggested to be responsible for the slow components, were found to result from the high growth temperature, and could be eliminated by the incorporation of Gd and Ga ions. A compound of Gd3(Ga5–x Al x)O12:Ce presents an optimum light yield and a superior energy resolution among the existing oxide scintillators. The multi-components promote the development of garnet single crystal scintillators.Key words:garnet crystal; scintillation property; antisite defects; doping effect无机闪烁晶体材料在高能粒子探测、核物理、医学成像设备如X-CT及正电子断层扫描仪(PET)等方面有很广泛的应用[1]。
喷砂酸蚀与双重酸蚀钛表面对成骨细胞行为影响的对比研究陈佳希;邵水易;邱憬【摘要】Objective To comparatively evaluate the influences of sandblasting acid etched(SLA)titanium surface and double acid etched titanium surface on biological behaviors of osteoblasts. Methods Sandblasting acid-etching and double acid-etching were per-formed respectively on pure titanium surfaces. The pure titanium surface(Ti)was used as the control group;sandblasting acid etched surface(Ti-SLA)and double acid etched surface(Ti-DA)were used as two experiment groups. The micro-topography,wettability and elemental compositions of different titanium surfaces were observed and analyzed via scanning electron microscopy(SEM),contact an-gel test and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). MC3T3-E1 cells were seeded on the surface of samples of three groups to investi-gate the effects of different titanium surfaces on biological behaviors of osteoblasts.Results SEM observation showed that more uniform dense micro-porous structure formed on the Ti-DA surface compared with the Ti-SLA surface. There were no evident differences in sur-face contact angles among three different groups. XPS analysis revealed that trace aluminum element had remained on the Ti-SLA sur-face. Adhesion and proliferation abilities of osteoblasts on the surface of samples of three groups showed no obvious differences, while Ti-DA group significantly promoted osteoblast differentiation. Conclusion Compared with the SLA titanium surface, the double acid etched titaniumsurface exhibits more uniform dense micro-topography without aluminum residue, and effectively promotes osteoblast differentiation.%目的对比研究喷砂酸蚀与双重酸蚀钛表面对成骨细胞生物学行为的影响.方法在纯钛试件表面分别进行喷砂酸蚀与双重酸蚀处理.以光滑钛表面(Ti)为对照组,喷砂酸蚀钛表面(Ti-SLA)、双重酸蚀钛表面(Ti-DA)为实验组,通过扫描电镜(SEM)、表面接触角测试、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)观察分析三种钛表面的微形貌、润湿性和元素组成.将MC3T3-E1成骨细胞接种于三组试件表面,研究不同钛表面对成骨细胞生物学行为的影响.结果 SEM观察显示Ti-DA组试件表面形成了较Ti-SLA组更均匀细密的微米级凹坑结构;各组试件的表面接触角无显著差异;XPS分析显示Ti-SLA组试件表面有微量铝元素残留;成骨细胞在三组试件表面的粘附、增殖无显著差异,而Ti-DA 组显著促进成骨细胞的分化.结论与喷砂酸蚀钛表面相比,双重酸蚀钛表面的微米级凹坑结构更均匀细密,且无铝元素残留,能更有效地促进成骨细胞分化.【期刊名称】《口腔医学》【年(卷),期】2018(038)004【总页数】5页(P295-299)【关键词】钛;喷砂酸蚀;双重酸蚀;成骨细胞【作者】陈佳希;邵水易;邱憬【作者单位】南京医科大学口腔疾病研究江苏省重点实验室·南京医科大学附属口腔医院种植科,江苏南京 210029;南京医科大学口腔疾病研究江苏省重点实验室·南京医科大学附属口腔医院种植科,江苏南京 210029;南京医科大学口腔疾病研究江苏省重点实验室·南京医科大学附属口腔医院种植科,江苏南京 210029【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R783.2国内外学者对钛种植体的表面处理进行了大量研究[1-2]。
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Effect of Gd3þdoping on structural and optical properties of ZnO nanocrystalsDeepika Mithal*,Tapanendu KunduDepartment of Physics,Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,Powai,Mumbai400076,Indiaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received29January2017 Received in revised form23April2017Accepted26April2017 Available online27April2017Keywords:NanocrystalsSemiconductor quantum dots Optical properties PhotoluminescenceDefects a b s t r a c tTo investigate the effect of rare earth ions on the excitation energy redistribution between the UV and visible photoluminescence,the Gd3þdoped ZnO nanocrystals prepared through Sol-Gel method were studied.Different structural characterizations and spectroscopic studies were carried out to establish a correlation between the structural effect and the photoluminescence.Our study indicates that the incorporation of Gd3þin ZnO nanocrystals prepared through this synthesis takes place predominantly on the surface up to0.18mole fraction of Gd3þ.This is manifested by the observed lattice contraction due to the presence of Gd3þon the surface.This structural defect introduces various defects that modifies the photoluminescence properties.For these modifications in crystal system,the A1symmetry phonon modes of wurtzite structure are found to be gradually more Raman active than the other modes as the Gd3þconcentration is increased while the E modes are suppressed.These doping induced modification of phonon spectrum strongly influences the exciton phonon coupling and thereby the photophysical properties.Resulting crystal imperfections strongly enhance the defect band luminescence.It is shown that energy transfer from selectively excited Gd3þcenters to surface states can be effectively exploited for the sensitization of defect band luminescence in variousfields such as bio imaging,light emitting devices etc.©2017Elsevier Masson SAS.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn the past several years,research activities have been focused on Zinc Oxide(ZnO),a group II-VI semiconductor,for various op-toelectronic applications due to its high quantum yield both in the UV and the visible wavelength range.While the UV emission often results from the near band edge transition,the origin of the broad visible band is mainly attributed to emissions from different defect states developed in the crystal system during synthesis process.At nanoscale,space confinement modifies the band gap of the semi-conductor[1]and thus the fundamental optical transitions,ab-sorption and UV emission,can be tailored favorably for the device applications.However,this advantage is offset by the emergence of defect states depending on the synthesis process of nanocrystals.A clever control over these defect states[2,3]thus offers opportunities to develop various tunable photonic devices forfield applications[4e6].Introduction of external dopants into the ZnO nanocrystals is one such way to remold these UV and visible emissions.Several rare earth ions such as Nd3þ,Dy3þ,Tb3þ,Gd3þ,Eu3þetc.doped ZnO nanocrystals have been investigated previously in this regard [7e13].In most of these cases,the intensity of the visible emission of the doped nanocrystals has been initially increased with the dopant concentration.This enhancement of the visible emission is generally attributed to the formation of various defects such as oxygen interstitials,oxygen vacancies and e OH groups as a result of doping[10,12].For further increment of rare earth ions above a critical concentration,the intensity of visible emission has been found to quench monotonously.Not only the defect state emission of the doped ZnO nanocrytals,the enhancement of the intensity of characteristic rare earth transitions have also been observed due to the excitation energy redistribution.In Sm3þ,Eu3þand Tb3þdoped ZnOfilms,the emission from rare earth(RE)ions has been found to be less prominent under the direct excitation of these ions[14e16]. However,excitation above the band edge absorption of ZnO,sharp*Corresponding author.Department of Physics,Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi110025,India.E-mail addresses:deepmithal09@,deepika@phy.iitb.ac.in(D.Mithal), tkundu@phy.iitb.ac.in(T.Kundu).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectSolid State Sciencesjournal h omepage:ww /l ocate/ss scie/10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2017.04.0061293-2558/©2017Elsevier Masson SAS.All rights reserved.Solid State Sciences68(2017)47e54features of these rare earth ions in the visible region have been clearly observed along with the broad yellow emission of ZnO.In all these cases,the energy transfer takes place from ZnO host matrix to the rare earth ions depending on the proximity of the lowest excited state of these rare earth ions with respect to the defect states of ZnO.This energy transfer is also efficient because of the long lifetime of the visible emission[17].However,the reverse energy transfer from rare earth to ZnO host matrix has not been observed so far.From these observations,it can be inferred that rare earth ions can perturb the optical transitions of the ZnO host matrix in two ways;(i)by developing structural disorders in ZnO host matrix due to the ionic size mismatch with respect to zinc and,(ii) by invoking energy transfer processes that naturally depends upon the relative placement of the host and rare earth energy levels. These aspects play crucial role in determining the dynamics of the excitation energy distribution among the energy levels of the RE ions and host matrix.A systematic understanding of the relative contributions coming from structural disorders due to doping as well as energy transfer mechanisms is essential to tailor the optical properties of the rare earth doped ZnO nanocrystals.To decipher the role of these two aspects separately,we have investigated the Gd3þdoped ZnO nanocrystals.In the above said context,Gadolinium(Gd3þ)is interesting as its lowest excited state(6P)lies above the band edge absorption of ZnO nanocrystals reported here.Consequently,the direct interactions between the Gd3þenergy levels and the defect states are less probable.In this case,the characteristics of the visible emission would be governed by defect states arising from structural disorder only.Therefore,this is taken as a model system for understanding the correlation between the intensity of visible emission and the structural modification on incorporation of rare earth ions.Further, this system also provides possibility to excite both ZnO host nanocrystal and Gd3þdopant simultaneously to understand the energy transfer mechanism between these two systems.In view of this,a systematic structural and optical studies have been carried out on Gd3þdoped ZnO(Gd3þ:ZnO)nanocrystals over a wide dopant concentration range.The extent of change in the crystal structure on Gd3þincorporation has been investigated by different spectroscopic techniques such as UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction(XRD),Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy(XPS).The photoluminescence(PL)spectra upon excitation above the band edge have been analyzed to correlate the defect mediated energy transfer mechanisms with the degree of structural disorder resulting from Gd3þdoping.The effect of Gd3þdoping on decay dynamics of the defect state emission has also been investigated using time resolved PL spectra.Photo-luminescence excitation(PLE)spectroscopy have been exploited to get an insight into the role of different energy transfer mechanisms those are operative between the nanocrystal host matrix and Gd3þdopant.2.Experimental proceduresZnO nanocrystals were synthesized by sol-gel method following the process developed by Meulenkamp et al.,[18].In this method, 1.1g of precursor zinc acetate dehydrate was refluxed at60 C temperature with50ml of ethanol.In a separateflask,0.29g of LiOH was sonicated with50ml of ethanol at room temperature for 30min.LiOH was then added drop wise to zinc acetate solution for 10min,whole mixture was left for stirring and further sonicated for one hour.For removing the reaction by-products,the sample was mixed with hexane and left for hours.This supernatant was removed and again it was dispersed in ethanol with the addition of hexane.This procedure was repeated for a number of times.The product was dried in air and collected for measurements.For the Gd3þdoping in ZnO nanocrystals,different concentrations(mol%) of Gd3þwere taken as precursors.The precursors Zinc acetate dehydrate and Gadolinium acetate hydrate were procured and used without any further purifipositions of the elements present in four prepared samples were derived from the energy dispersive X-ray spectrum.The observed ratio of Gd3þat%and Zn at%(x¼Gd/Zn)forfive prepared samples investigated here are 0.02,0.059,0.18and0.34.Crystal structure analysis of the synthesized nanocrystal was carried out by X-ray diffraction pattern from a PAN analytical X-ray powder diffractometer.To obtain the structural and the morpho-logical characteristics of these prepared samples,Transmission electron microscopic(TEM)(Model JEOL,2100F,accelerating voltage of200KV)images and the associated energy dispersive X-ray(EDX)spectra were analyzed.Absorption spectra were measured by using JASCO V570UV-Vis spectrophotometer.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)was carried out by Thermo VG Scientific MultiLab with the concentric hemispherical analyzer. AlK a(1486.1eV)radiation was used as an X-ray source.C1s at 284.6eV was used as the reference for the binding energy cali-bration.Micro Raman spectroscopy was performed using Horiba Jobin Yvon HR640,using excitation source(514nm)from Arþion laser.The continuous width(CW)excitation PL spectra were obtained from the drop cast samples on Si substrate by a CW He-Cd laser source(325nm).An Acton monochromator attached with a cooled CCD camera(ANDOR)system was used for the photoluminescence measurement.For the time resolved spectroscopy,a nanosecond pulsed excitation PL measurement system was developed.A second harmonic(532nm)of Q Switched LITRON Nd:YAG laser was used for pumping a tunable dye laser(Lamda Physik).The second har-monic output from the dye laser was used as an excitation source and the luminescence from the sample was collected through a double monochromator(SPEX1680)attached with a photo-multiplier tube(PMT).The signal output from the PMT was recor-ded using an oscilloscope(TDS2024)and the oscilloscope was interfaced with the computer through the labview program.This program is also developed to control the monochromator and the tunable dye laser.The time resolved photoluminescence spectra and pulsed photoluminescence excitation(PPLE)spectra were ob-tained either by varying the wavelength of the monochromator or the excitation wavelength of the dye laser,respectively.Fig.1.Absorption spectra of Gd3þ:ZnO nanocrystals with x(ratio of Gd3þat%and Zn at%)values(i)0.00,(ii)0.02,(iii)0.059,(iv)0.18and(v)0.34.The inset shows the variation of average band gap values of Gd3þ:ZnO with the corresponding x values.D.Mithal,T.Kundu/Solid State Sciences68(2017)47e54 483.Results and discussionThe UV-Vis absorption spectra of prepared undoped ZnO (x¼0.0)and doped Gd3þ:ZnO(x¼0.02to0.34)nanoparticles dispersed in ethanol solvent are shown in Fig.1.A monotonous blue shift of the absorption spectrum relative to that of undoped ZnO nanoparticles is observed with increasing concentration of Gd3þions.The average band gap values[18]obtained from these ab-sorption spectra are shown in the inset of Fig.1.It was observed that the average band gap of the undoped ZnO nanoparticles increased from3.32eV to3.49eV for x¼0.34.Mean particle size was derived from TEM images of these samples.The reduction of the mean diameter was observed with respect to the undoped ZnO nano-particles[11,12].These values for x¼0.00,0.02,0.059,0.18,0.34,are 6.7nm,6.3nm,5.9nm,5.5nm and4.4nm,respectively.Thus the observed blue shift of the absorption spectra given in Fig.1and the corresponding average band gap values can very well be attributed to this reduction of particle size due to Gd3þdoping in the ZnO nanocrystals.The XRD pattern shown in Fig.2present the effect of the incorporation of Gd3þion on the crystal structural of these ZnO nanocrystals.All the observed reflection peaks of diffraction planes for the undoped nanocrystals(indicated in Fig.2a)correspond to wurzite crystal structure of ZnO.No extra peaks related to the other crystalline phases were observed upon Gd3þincorporation.How-ever,it is observed that the intensities of the diffraction peaks gradually diminish with the increment of the Gd3þconcentration. This is accompanied by the shift and the broadening of these peaks. Fig.2b shows the extent of the shift and broadening obtained from the high resolution diffraction peak corresponding to plane(101). Both the peak shift and the full width at half maxima(FWHM)of the undoped ZnO nanocrystals increase gradually up to Gd3þcon-centration x¼0.059and remain almost constant for further increment of the Gd3þion concentration.Our observations are consistent with the previously reported Gd doped ZnO nanocrystals [11,12]and these changes are attributed to the degradation of crystallinity due to Gd3þdoping.The increased diffuseness in the electron diffraction pattern as given in supplementary information [Fig.S1]for our samples also reflects the detoriation of the crys-talinity due to the incorporation of Gd3þ.There are several mech-anisms for the observed degradation of the crystal structure.The synthesis process of these doped nanocrystals through chemical route provides several possible doping sites for the Gd3þion such as substitutional and interstitial.Gd3þion might as well be accumu-lated on the highly reactive surface of these nanocrystals.The proper doping of Gd3þion creates oxygen vacancies in the ZnO crystalline structure and it is well known that more introduction of oxygen generates stronger tensile stress in the crystal structure [19].Not only this,in case of substitutional doping,the mismatch of ionic radii between the Gd3þalso produces micro stress in the nanocrystals.Further,the accumulation of Gd3þon the surface creates the compressive hydrostatic pressure on the nanocrystals. Fig.3a shows variation of the lattice parameters a and c obtained from the XRD pattern shown in Fig.2a with respect to x.It canbeFig.2.(a)XRD Patterns for Gd3þ:ZnO nanocrystals and(b)Peak shift and broadeningin high resolution diffraction pattern corresponding to plane(101)for x values of(i)0.00,(ii)0.02,(iii)0.059,(iv)0.18and(v)0.34.Fig.3.(a)Variation in lattice parameters a and c and(b)hydrostatic pressure for Gd3þ:ZnO nanocrystals with respect to different x values.D.Mithal,T.Kundu/Solid State Sciences68(2017)47e5449seen that both a(¼3.231Å)and c(¼5.179Å)parameters decrease initially to the minimum values for x¼0.18,and then tend to in-crease upon further increment of Gd3þconcentration.A similar trend has been observed by Archana et al.[9]for Tb doped ZnO nanoparticles.The plausible explanation of the observed trend is that for low concentration of Gd3þ,the lattice contraction takes place up to a critical concentration due to the hydrostatic pressure generated by the rare earth dopants situated on the surface of the ZnO nanocrystals.Upon further increment in dopant concentration, the crystal lattice expands due to the substitution of Zn atoms in the core due to relatively large ionic radii of rare earth dopant.The hydrostatic pressure was calculated from the derived a and c pa-rameters using the relation P¼ðB0=B00Þ½ða20c0=a2c0ÞB00À1 where B0and B00are the bulk modulus and pressure derivative of bulk modulus having values183Gpa and4Gpa for ZnO,respectively.In this,a0and c0are the lattice constants for the bulk ZnO having values3.2496Åand5.2042Årespectively[10].Fig.3b shows the variation of the calculated hydrostatic pressure with respect to x. The pressure was found to vary in our case from3.02Gpa for x¼0.0e4.8Gpa for x¼0.18and decreased to4.3Gpa for x¼0.34. The observed peak shift of plane(101)shown in Fig.2b also pro-vides direct measurement of the internal compressive microstress generated due to strain and can be obtained from s st¼3*B*½ðDq101Þ*cot q101 where Dq101is the peak shift corre-sponding to the plane(101),B is the young modulus having value 143Gpa for ZnO[19].The maximum change in stress with respect to ZnO nanoparticle was found to be1.6Gpa that is in accordance with the pressure calculated using a and c parameters.Evidently,the stress originating from two distinctly different modes of Gd3þincorporation,at the surface and inside the core, develops different defects in the ZnO nanocrystals.For deeper insight into the nature of these defects,Oxygen1s XPS spectra for the ZnO and Gd3þ:ZnO nanocrystals shown in Fig.4were analyzed. The lower energy region corresponding to peak centered at 530.4eV is attributed to the O2Àions in the wurtzite structure surrounded by the Zn atoms,i.e.,oxygen atoms at the regular lattice sites[20,21].The peak at531.9eV is due to the oxygen deficient regions and these oxygen vacancies can be in the core or on the surface in the form of e OH groups.Our observations point out that due to the increment of Gd3þion,the amount of oxygen in the lattice decreases whereas number of other types of oxygen in-creases.The XPS spectra of the energy region between1180eV and 1235eV for Gd3þ:ZnO nanocrystals are given in supplementary information[Fig.S2].The observed two features at1189eV and 1220eV correspond to Gd3þ3d5/2and3d3/2states,respectively and the Zn2s state is observed at1198eV.It is to be noted that the intensity of Zn2s state is less affected than the Gd3þstates as concentration of Gd3þincreases.This implies that all Gd3þions may not be replacing the Zn atoms of the sub lattice,in accordance with our observation about contraction of lattice.Since the observed structural disorder affects the crystal sym-metry and consequently the phonon vibrations,the Raman spectra of our samples shown in Fig.5were analyzed according to the reported experimental and abinitio calculated values[22,23].The detailed analysis is given in the supplementary and the assigned peaks are marked in Fig.5.Most of the peaks in the Raman spec-trum of undoped ZnO(Fig.5i)are in agreement with the other reported values[22].However,E1modes(410cmÀ1and581cmÀ1) [23,24]are not observed in our case,instead2LO modes(1102cmÀ1, 1151cmÀ1)are found to be more Raman active.The comparison of the Raman spectra of Gd3þdoped ZnO samples brings out two major points.First,the gradual reduction in intensity of the437cmÀ1band assigned as E high2symmetry mode corresponding tooxygen sublattice is generally observed in doped ZnO nanocrystals and is attributed to the increased disorder in the crystal structure [12,25e27].However,there is a small variation of the FWHM of this band(6e8cmÀ1)observed due to doping.Second,the monotonous increment in intensity of all the A1symmetry modes with the Gd3þdoping(1102cmÀ1,1151cmÀ1,650cmÀ1-750cmÀ1)is observed in our samples.This implies that the weakening/degradation of the crystallinity results in mixing of different phonon modes and this modification increases the Raman activity of the A1modes.It is expected that this modifications profoundly influence the exciton-phonon coupling in this system and consequently all its physical properties,especially the photoemission and its dynamics(radia-tive and nonradiative processes).The PL spectra of undoped ZnO and Gd3þ:ZnO obtained under CW excitation(325nm)are presented in Fig.6.The observed PL spectra consist of one very less intense peak in UV wavelength range(350e380nm)and a broad feature in the visible wavelength range(450e675nm).The spectra presented here are normalized with respect to peak intensity of UV emission as shown in the inset of Fig.6.The observed blue shift of the peak of this band edge emission can be correlated with the observed shift in the absorp-tion spectra.As seen,the defect state emission increases up to x¼0.18(curve(iv))and decreases beyond that.Not only the change in intensity,but also the peak position of this emission shifts to-wards blue side of the spectrum till the intensity is maximum.Red shift of the peak occurs for further increment of Gd3þFig.4.Oxygen1s XPS spectra for Gd3þ:ZnO nanocrystals with x values of(i)0.00,(ii) 0.02,(iii)0.059,(iv)0.18and(v)0.34.Spectra were decomposed into two regions: Region1centered at530.4eV as and Region2centered at531.9eV.D.Mithal,T.Kundu/Solid State Sciences68(2017)47e54 50concentration.Generally,it has been shown that different parts of this broad emission contribute to the overall spectrum,originate from different defects states,mainly different kinds of oxygen va-cancies,surface defect states,Zn vacancies and interstitial both oxygen and zinc [3].To understand the contributions from these defect states in determining the overall shape of the broad emis-sion,the observed spectra 450e 675nm shown in Fig.6were deconvoluted into three basic regions.These deconvoluted spectra are shown in Fig.7.All the spectra were normalized to the peak intensity to understand the percentage contribution arising from these three regions.The deconvoluted PL spectra of ZnO nano-crystals (Fig.7(i))consists of a band centered at 565nm havingmaximum intensity corresponds to the contribution from different kinds of oxygen vacancies.The peak centered at 653nm results from the transitions from (Zn i )to (O i )[3,29].The small peak centered at 595nm is from the surface defects such as e OH groups and oxygen antisites [29].The overall small blue shift of the PL spectrum for x value of 0.02in Fig.7(ii)compared to Fig.7(i)is observed due to the blue shift of the three regions upon Gd 3þincorporation.It is observed that the contributions of both regions from oxygen vacancies and transition from Zn i to O i are almost same.A small contribution of surface defects centered at 595nm is observed and this emission increases compared to the other two regions as the Gd 3þconcentration increases.At optimum concen-tration where the PL intensity is maximum (x ¼0.18),it is seen that the contribution of surface defect dominates over the other defects.For x ¼0.34,it is observed that the contribution of region centered at 626nm originating due to the increment of transition from Zn i to O i defects relatively dominates and thus the peak of the overall spectrum gets shifted towards the red side.In case of Sn-doped ZnO nanobelts and nanorings,Ramin Youse fi[30]has shown that there is a de finite trend between the relative percentage change of green emission and the oxygen vacancies in the nonlattice observed in oxygen XPS spectrum.From detailed investigation on photocurrent in doped ZnO nanoparticles/nanocomposites,it is concluded that the enhancement of photocurrent in these doped systems is due to the observed oxygen vacancies in XPS and these compositesystemsFig.5.Raman spectra of Gd 3þ:ZnO nanocrystals with x values of (i)0.00,(ii)0.02,(iii)0.059,(iv)0.18and (v)0.34.The peak at *represents the S -M branch phonon in ZnO crystal structure (Ref.[28]).Fig.6.Photoluminescence (PL)spectra of ZnO and Gd 3þ:ZnO nanocrystals for various x values of (i)0.0(ii)0.02,(iii)0.059,(iv)0.18and (v)0.34.Spectra are normalized with respect to UV peakintensity.Fig.7.Decomposition of normalized visible spectra for x values of (i)0.0(ii)0.02,(iii)0.059,(iv)0.18and (v)0.34.The sharp peak at 650nm corresponds to the second order of excitation wavelength.D.Mithal,T.Kundu /Solid State Sciences 68(2017)47e 5451are the promising materials for photodetectors [31e 33].In light of this,we have investigated the variation of PL corresponding to normalized contribution from oxygen defects such as surface oxy-gen and antisites as shown in Fig.7(area of the peak at 595nm)with the contribution of the oxygen vacancies in XPS spectrum as shown in Fig.4(area of the peak centered at 531.9eV)and plotted in Fig.8.It is observed that there is a linear correlation between these two observed values upto the Gd concentration of 0.18.The departure from this linearity in higher concentration is obvious due to the dominant contribution in normalized PL from other than oxygen defects such as Zn i to O i as mentioned above.The overall increment of defect states emission with Gd 3þdoping can be rationalized in a way that due to the particle size reduction,the surface to volume ratio increases and this increases the defect states concentration.As Gd 3þconcentration increases,the crystallinity of the nanocrystals degrades as observed in XRD patterns and Raman spectra and this weakening in crystallinity alters the radiative transition probability.The reduction of PL in-tensity of visible emission thus results from the relative dominance of the radiative and nonradiative pathways.The above observation made for Gd 3þin ZnO is related to the structural modi fication and this insight can be extrapolated to other rare earth ions also.Thus by controlling the concentration,relative contributions of these defect states can be modi fied and hence the color of emission can be tuned.To understand the energy distribution in different time domain,the PL spectra of Gd 3þ:ZnO colloidal solutions as shown in Fig.9a were recorded immediately after excitation by the 5e 7ns 295nm laser pulse.It is seen that the UV emission is more pronounced here as compared to cw excitation (Fig.6).In all other respects,the CW and pulsed excited spectral pro files behave almost the same way.This difference in relative intensity arises due to the different population distribution in equilibrium (cw excitation)and nonequilibrium conditions (pulsed excitation).It also indicates longer relaxation time to populate defect states.Fig.9b shows the inverted output of the PMT when the UV and visible emissions were monitored upon pulsed excitation at wavelength 295nm.The decay pro files of the UV emission monitored at 370nm (Curve (ii))almost resembles the instrument response of the 5e 7ns excitation pulse (Curve (i)).Since the UV band edge emission is very fast(~picosecond)[34],this could not be resolved in our experiment.As seen in Fig.9b,decay pro file of the visible emission of Gd 3þ:ZnO consists of initially a fast component,followed by a slow and a very long decay component.It is seen that due to incorporation of Gd 3þ,the shape of the decay pro file changes.To understand the variation of these shapes,these decay pro files were deconvoluted into three exponential decay function using the instrument response function of the excitation pulse (curve (i)).The fitted values of the relative contribution and the corresponding lifetimes for these samples are given in Table 1.For undoped ZnO,the lifetime of the fast compo-nent (t 1)was calculated as 0.6ns whereas that of the slow component (t 2)was 23ns.The very long decay was having a life-time (t 3)around 0.6m s.The contribution of the veryfastFig.8.Variation of Pl corresponding to normalized contribution from oxygen defects such as surface oxygen and antisites (area of the peak at 595nm)with the contribution of the oxygen vacancies in XPS spectrum (area of the peak centered at 531.9eV).Fig.9.(a)PL spectra of Gd 3þ:ZnO upon excitation with 295nm (5e 7ns)light pulse for corresponding x values of (i)0.0(ii)0.02,(iii)0.059,(iv)0.18and (v)0.34.(b)The decay pro file upon excitation with 295nm 5e 7ns pulse for (i)Instrument response function (IRF)(ii)UV emission at 370nm ZnO.Decay pro files with x values of (i)0.0(ii)0.02,(iii)0.059,(iv)0.18and (v)0.34with monitoring wavelength at peak of visible emission.Table 1Lifetimes and their relative contributions determined from the decay pro files.x ¼(Gd 3þ/Zn)A 1t 1(ns)A2t 2(ns)A3t 3(m s)0.0(1.1%)0.60(76.3%)23.4(22.2%)~0.600.02(0.8%)0.50(80.1%)22.6(18.6%)~0.680.059(0.03%)0.55(59.4%)42.7(39.6%)~0.700.18(0.02%)0.51(44.4%)50.8(54.6%)~0.840.34(0.09%)0.57(62.1%)26.4(36.2%)~0.89D.Mithal,T.Kundu /Solid State Sciences 68(2017)47e 5452。