



广州大学2002-2003学年第二学期考试卷课 程:高 等 数 学(下)(本科) 考 试 形 式: 闭卷 考试一.填空题:(每小题3分,共计15分)1.已知 ||1,||5,3a b a b ==⋅=,则 =⨯||b a。

2.xoy 平面上的双曲线 224936x y -= 绕 y 轴旋转一周所生成的旋转曲面方程是____________________________________________。

3.设 22(,)z f x y xy =+, 其中 f 具有一阶连续偏导数, 则zx∂=∂____________ 。

4.函数22z x y =+在点(1,2)处沿从点(1,2)到点(4,2)-的方向的方向导数为______。

5.若级数1nn u∞=∑ 条件收敛, 则级数1||nn u∞=∑ 必定____________。

二.单项选择题:选出正确答案填入下表中(每小题3分,共计15分)1.直线L :223314x y z -+-==-和平面 :3x y z π++= 的位置关系是 [ ](A) L 与π垂直;(B) L 在π上;(C) L 与π平行但不在π上。

2. 函数(,)z f x y =在点(,)x y 的偏导数x z 及y z 存在是(,)f x y 在该点可微分的 [ ](A ) 必要条件; (B ) 充分条件; (C ) 充要条件。

3. 若22:2D xy y +≤, 则二重积分(,)Df x y dxdy ⎰⎰ 极坐标形式的二次积分为 [ ](A) 2sin 00(cos ,sin )d f r r rdr πθθθθ⎰⎰; (B) 2sin 00(cos ,sin )d f r r dr πθθθθ⎰⎰;(C) 1(cos ,sin )d f r r rdr πθθθ⎰⎰。

4.设L 为取正向的圆周 222x y a +=, 则曲线积分 2(22)(4)Lxy y dx xx dy -+-=⎰[ ](A) 0 ;(B) 22a π; (C) 22a π-。



一、选择题:(每题2分,共40分)1.C 语言源程序的基本单位是______。

A )过程B )函数C )子程序D )标识符2.字符串"\\\"ABC\"\\"的实际长度是____。

A )11B )7C )5D )33.以下不正确的C 语言标识符是____________。

A )ABCB )AbcC )a_bcD )ab.c4.已知字符’A ’的ASCII 代码是65,字符型变量c1的值是’A ’,c2的值是’D ’。


A )A ,B B )A ,68C )65,68D )65,665.设int n=7;则++n+1==9的结果是____。

A )trueB )falseC )1D )06.设整型变量x 为5,y 为2,值为1的表达式是____。

A )!(y==x/2)B )y!=x%3C )x>0&&y<0D )x!=y||x>=y7.执行语句“x=(a=3,b=a--)”后,x,a,b 的值依次为____。

A )3,3,2B )3,2,2C )3,2,3D )2,3,28. 设有无符号短整型变量i 、j 、k ,i 的值为013,j 的值为0x13。

执行语句“k=~i|j>>3;”后,k 的值是____。

A )06B )0177776C )066D )01777669.下面正确的输入语句是_____。

A )scanf("a=b=%d",&a,&b);B )scanf("a=%d,b=%f",&m,&f);C )scanf("%3c",c);D )scanf("%5.2f",&f);10.C 程序的三种基本结构是_____。



2002年沈阳市中等学校招生全省统一考试------ 英语试题---A卷听力试题(共25分)Ⅰ、对话理解(本题共15分,每小题1分)根据你所听到的对话,从各题的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母填入题前括号内。



( )1.A.His favourite food is rice.B.His favourite food is fish.C.His favourite food is beef.( )2.A.They are very tired.B.They are quite busy.C.They don‘t like to go to the cinema.( )3.A.It’s Sunday.B.It‘s Friday.C.It’s Thursday.( )4.A.It will be cloudy.B.It will be fine later on.C.It‘s snowing heavily now.( )5.A.The bank is quite far away.B.The bank is near the post office.C.The bank is behind the post office.( )6.A.22843635.B.28425335.C.28426335.( )7.A.She is ill.B.She has to help do some washing.C.Her mother is busy.( )8.A.By air.B.By train.C.By car.( )9.A.He doesn’t like milk.B.He is not sure if they have any milk.C.He wants the woman to buy some milk. ( )10.A.To take a bus.B.To buy a bus.C.To drive a bus.听1个长对话,回答11-15小题。









大洋中[ ]数万千米的大洋中脊,中间就是裂谷。







1.[ ]恰当的措辞是:A.遍布 B.扩展 C.绵延 D.延伸[解答]正确答案是C。



















[例题] 某厂有五种产品:甲、乙、丙、丁、戊。


请问,哪种产品的年销售额最高?A.甲 B.乙 C.丁 D.戊[解答] 从所给条件可以知道:戊>丁>丙>乙>甲。



根据以上意见,下列推理完全正确的是:A.甲、丁、己参加B.丙、丁、己参加C.甲、丁、己参加D.甲、乙、丁、己参加57.中国移动通讯公司曾经投入巨资扩大移动通讯服务覆盖区,结果当年用户增加了石家庄:/邯郸站:/保定站:/沧州站:/唐山站:/秦皇岛:/ 25%,但是总利润却下降了10%。























请开始答题: 【解析】这是一道图形旋转题。



47.C 【解析】第一套图中的后一个图都是由构成前一个图的三条线段相对移动和整体旋转而成;依此规律可以推知,问号处的图形中应只有两条线段是相互垂直的。

48.C 【解析】这是一道图形叠加题。


49.C 【解析】观察第一套图发现,第二个图形为第一个图形的左半边,第三个图形为第一个图形的右半边加上第二个图形,依此规律得到第二套第三个图形为C。

50.B 【解析】观察第一套图可发现:后一个图中直线与多边形的交点要少于前一个图中直线与多边形的交点。


51.C 【解析】这是一道图形旋转题。




2002年第6套试卷A 卷(60分钟)1、5个奇数数码组成若干个数,使它们的和等于34。


2、桌上放着一道算术题: 89 + 16 + 69 + 6○ + □8 + 88题中的○□表示两个数码。




3、左下图是一个数字金字塔,上层数字C 是下层数字A 与B 的和。

按照此规则搭建起右下图的数字金字塔,那么α=_____3、右图是摆成三摞的9个铁罐,每个铁罐上都 写有一个数字。

每次可以拿走一个铁罐,当然是 从上往下拿。

拿走第一个铁罐时,铁罐上的数字 就是得到的分数;拿走第二个铁罐时,铁罐上的数 字的2倍就是得到的分数;拿走第三个铁罐时,铁 罐上的数字的3倍就是得到的分数。

拿三次后, 最少得_______分,最多得_______分。















1、【答案】B【解析】A 项扫描仪是在影像处理过程中将照片图案等扫描输入到电脑的一项输入设备。

B 项磁盘驱动器既可读盘,又能将数据写入,因此既可算做输入设备,又可看成输出设备。

C 项键盘是电脑主要的输入设备,可以用来接收使用者的指令和外界的资料等。

D 项显示器是电脑最主要的输出设备,可以将电脑处理后的结果如文字或影像显示出来。

A、C、D 三项均功能单一,只有 B 项既可以作输入设备又可以作输出设备。

故正确答案为 B 2、【答案】C【解析】实际上,烟雾中的颗粒物是肉眼不易察觉的,A 项错误;香烟冒出的蓝色烟雾实际上是香烟的颗粒对蓝色光有较强的散射效应。


与光的吸收和透射没有关系,BD 项错误。

故答案为 C【拓展】每当大雨初霁、澄清了尘埃的时候,天空总是呈美丽的蔚蓝色,其道理也是蓝紫光的散射。



所以 ACD 错误。

因此,正确答案为 B【拓展】电磁波谱中,频率越高,波长越小。

所以,波长由高到低的排序依次是:无线电波、微波、红外光、可见光、紫外光、X-射线、γ-射线4、【答案】B【解析】DNA 每条单链由脱氧核糖、核苷酸和磷酸构成,而核苷酸由碱基构成。

所以ACD 错误,故正确答案为 B 【拓展】DNA 是一种长链聚合物,组成单位为四种脱氧核苷酸,即腺嘌呤脱氧核苷酸 (dAMP 脱氧腺苷) 、胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷酸 (dTMP 脱氧胸苷) 、胞嘧啶脱氧核苷酸 (dCMP 脱氧胞苷) 、鸟嘌呤脱氧核苷酸 (dGMP 脱氧鸟苷)5、【答案】A【解析】由于自然界的竞争十分激烈,所以很多动物都会形成保护色,这样能够与自然环境混为一体,有助于躲避其他动物天敌的捕食。



2002年职称英语等级考试试题-综合类A级笫l部分:词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题1分,共5分)下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。


1 The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather.A jumpsB risesC fallsD changes2 Did you do that to irritate her?A teaseB attractC annoyD protect3 Mary looked pale and weary.A illB tiredC worriedD peaceful4 The water in this part of the river has been contaminated by sewage(污水).A pollutedB downgradedC mixedD blackened5 Her treatment of the subject is exhaustive.A very boringB verythoroughC very interestingD very touching6 Alice is a fascinating girl.A a beautifulB a prettyC an attractiveD a pleasant7 Her mood can be gauged by her reaction to the most trivial of incidents.A displayedB shownC provedD assessed8 The old lady let her flat to an English couple.A offeredB rentedC providedD sold9 She stood there crying and trembling with fear.A shakingB staggeringC strugglingD murmuring10 They strolled around the lake for an hour or so.A ranB rolledC walkedD raced11 The conclusion can be deduced from the premises.A arguedB derivedC permittedD come12 I can no longer tolerate his actions.A put up withB acceptC takeD suffer from13 Our plan is to a11ocate one member of staff to handle appointmentsA askB persuadeC assignD order14 She has been the subject of massive media coverage.A extensiveB negativeC responsiveD explosive15 I expect that she will be able to cater for your particular needs.A supplyB reachC provideD meet第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。







五、用铅笔这样划答案:[A] [B] [C][D],用其他符号答题者不记分。


Part I Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1 Questions I to 5 are based on the following passage:In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches.In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates for the doctor’s degree.Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same question, was probably not knownuntil the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Generally, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.One type of test is sometimes called an “objective” test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like correctanswers to students who have not learned the material properly.1. In the Middle Ages students (D. never wrote exams)2. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that (D. examinations are now written and timed)3.The kind of exams where students must select answers are (C. objective)4. Modern industry must have developed (B. around the 19th century)5. It may be concluded that testing (C. has changed since the Middle Ages)Passage 2Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:The market investigation is indispensable to sales promotion. They are as closely related as the lips and teeth, so to speak. What you produce is for sale on the market. It would he impossible to succeed in selling a product without first investigating the market.In the international market, goods on sale coming from countries and suppliers are always facing keen competition. Under such circumstances, they will try everything possible to familiarize themselves with the market conditions. In making investigations, we ought to get information about what similar items the competitors are offering on the market, whatprices they are quoting (报价), what features their products have, who are their regular customers, etc. Then, how can we obtain such information? There are many channels that we can make use of in doing this sort of work. The commercial counselor’s offices of our embassies stationed abroad can help us in making market investigations. Nowadays, our import and export corporations send their trade groups abroad every now and then. One of their purposes is to make market surveys on the spot.Certainly, face-to-face talks with foreign businessmen are also important channels to get market information. The Chinese Export Commodities Fairs and some other fairs of similar nature as well as visits of foreign businessmen provide’ uswith such opportunities. Of course, there are some other ways of making market investigations.6. In making market investigation, one should (A. get enough information concerned).7. The word “indispensable” in the first line means (B. essential).8. Which of the following statements is not true?( D. Production goes before market investigation.)9. Making market investigation is very important because (D. all of the above).A. in market ,goods on sale are numerousB. every producer is facing keen competitionC. it can greatly promote sales10. All the following are channels to get market information except(B. to promote the quality of our own products ).Passage 3Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery. The Civil War was still going on. There was much criticism of President, Lincoln at the time. He was not at all popular. He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg only Out of politeness. The principal speaker was to beEdward Everett, a famous statesman and speaker of the day. Everett was a handsome man and very popular everywhere.It is said that Lincoln prepared his speech on the train while going to Gettysburg. Late that night , alone in his hotel room and tired out, he again worked briefly on the speech. The next day Everett spoke first. He spoke for an hour and 57 minutes. His speech was a perfect example of the rich oratory of the day. Then Lincoln rose. The crowd of 15,000 people at first paid little attention to him. He spoke for only nine minutes. At the end there was little applause. Lincoln turned to a friend and remarked, “I have failed again.” On the train back to Washington, he said sadly,” That speech was a flat failure, and the people are disappointed.Some newspapers at first criticized the speech. But little by little people read the speech they began to understand better. They began appreciate its simplicity and its deep meaning. It was a speech which only Abraham Lincoln could have made.Today, every American school child learns Lincoln’s Gettysb urg -Address by heart. Now everyone thinks of it as one of the greatest speeches ever given in American history.11. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln was (B. unpopular)12. Lincoln was invited to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery because he was (C. President of the country)13. It can be inferred from the text that (B. Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn’t have much time to prepare his speech).14. It was a fact that Lincoln’s speech was (D. not well-received at first).15. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?( D. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is the greatest speech ever delivered in the United States.)Passage 4Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:Animals seem to have the sense to eat when they are hungry and they donot eat more than their bodies need. It has been demonstrated that rats will, when given a choice over a period of time, prefer water with vitamins to water without vitamins even though there is no difference in taste or smell between the two water bottles. When a fragrant flavor was added to the vitamin-enriched fluid, the rats did seem to develop a taste for it and kept drinking it, even after the vitamins were switched to the clear water. In time, however, they broke the habit and went back to where the necessary vitamins were.In a classic experiment, babies of 6 to 12 months old were placed in a cafeteria feeding arrangement, with a wide selection of baby food before them. They were given whatever food they pointed to or appeared interested in. We are told that at firstthey showed some unusual eating patterns, but that over a period of time they managed to select well-balanced diet.So, in selecting food, rats and babies do seem to know and act on what’s best for them. Apparently, there is a kind of “body wisdom,”which humans soon lose. Most of us do not eat as wisely as we could. Many of our food preferences are culturally determined and influenced by long-established habits. Some people eat fox, dog and blackbirds, while we eat cows and pigs. So what people eat and how much they eat seems to be greatly influenced by what is going on around them.16. In the experiment on rats, a fragrant flavor was added to the rat’s drinking water to (C. test whetherrats know which drink is good for them)17. The expression “the habit” (para. 1, sentence 4) refers to drinking water which ( D. is flavored)18. According to the passage, adults eating habits differ from those of babies because (C. adults’ eating habits are closely related to the social and cultural customs)19. The author implied in the passage that most of us (C. have the habits influenced by the surroundings)20. As far as their eating habits are concerned, babies and rats are similar in that (A. both have thewisdom to choose a balanced diet)Part II Vocabulary and Structure (40%)Directions: In this part there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.21. You should be able to (B. distinguish)right from wrong.22. Any student who (D. neglects)his homework is unlikely to pass the examination.23. I promised to look (C. into)the matter as soon as I got there.24. Your sister has made an (A. appointment)f or you to see the dentist at 3 this afternoon.25. The committee is expected to (A. reach) a decision this evening.26. He spoke so quickly that I didn’t (D. make out)what he said.27. I wrote it down (A. in case)I should forget it.28. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not (C. afford)the time.29. The chemical factory was demolished (D. in the name of)protecting the environment.30. After a three-hour heateddiscussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusions that the man was (C. guilty)of murder.31. Having finished the letter, he (A. folded)it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.32. Last year (B. hundreds)of new books were published on environmental protection.33. Literature and art have a great influence (B. on)people’s ideology.34. Just as a married man cannot leave his work, a poor man cannot (D. afford)to get sick.35. (B. As a rule), we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data.36. Nobody but a young woman(C. survived)the airplane crash.37.Professor Smith is always very (B. sensitive)to the reaction of the audience when he gives lectures.38. William has cut his smoking (A. down)to five cigarettes a day.39. He has lived here for years(C. and yet )nobody knows what he is.40. I am very disappointed (D. with)the results of the experiment.41. His few personal belongings made it possible for him to move from place to place (C. with ease)42. I will never forget the ten years (C. which)we both spent in the little village.43. They are (B. such diligent)students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.44. The manager of the company sent me a fax saying that he would visit us (B. sometime)next spring.45. No one can be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she (A. tries)them.46. I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you (C. came) next month for a dinner.47. Something must have happened on their way here. Or they(C. would have arrived) by now.48. The general’s command was that the soldiers (B. leave) theirfort and carry out more important tasks.49. How the fire in the dancinghall started (B. remains)a mystery.50. We are going to have our office (C. rearranged)to make room for a new engineer.51. The boy has performed excellently (B .except that)he was bit nervous.52. All my neighbors tried to help in some way. But they turned out to be actually (A. in)the way.53. You never told me you have seen the film, (C. did you )?54. No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years since it (C. took place )55. Not until most of the people had left the airport (C. did he see)his sister was there.56. We all feel sorry for (B. having kept you waiting)for so long after your arrival.57. No sooner had they got the good covered up (B. than)it started raining hard.58. The manager has his employees (D. write) a business report every week.59. Written applications should be sent to us in case (C. there be)some problems with the electric version.60. At that time, the poor girl can’t but (B. sell)all her belongings at a low price.Part III Identification (10%)Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify theone that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.61. At no time and under no circumstances (China will改成will China)be the first to use nuclear weapons.62. Neither John (and改成nor) his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.63. The development of industry has also brought about large numbers of problems which have (to solve改成to be solved).64. As time went on, he suffered such heavy losses that he was forced (giving up改成to give up) his business.65. Mary found it difficult to talkcalmly about (which改成what) she had experienced at the station.66. Some people find swimming more enjoyable than (to sit改成sitting) at home reading.67. The law I am referring to requires that everyone who owns a car (has改成have) accident insurance.68. The responsibility of the manager in such a large international enterprise is far greater than (his typist改成that of his typist).69. The course world have been offered this term. But it (cancelled改成was cancelled) because too few students had registered before registration closed.70. In the days when coal was sowidely used, no one realized how soon and how (complete改成completely) oil would replace it .Part IV Cloze (10%)Directions There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Can you imagine how you would feel if you fell dangerously ill and could not reach or call a doctor? Millions of people 71 the world are in this unfortunate 72, living in distantplaces 73 there are no railways, no proper roads and no telephones. Thousands of 74 are lost every year 75 could have been saved if medical attention 76 in time.77 today help could be brought quickly and easily 78 many of these people 79 full advantage was taken 80 the aero-plane. 81 country has proved this 82 than Australia. The Australians 83 greater use of the aero-plane than any 84 people in the world. In no other country 85 the total number of miles flown by the 86 person so high. In fact, it has been 87 that Australians jump into planes 88 people in other countries jump into trains and buses. It is not surprising, 89 that Australia should have been the first country 90 a Flying Doctor Service.71. A. on B. throughC. all overD. within72. A. society B. worldC. wayD. position73. A. where B. becauseC. althoughD. which74. A. people B. childrenC. familiesD. lives75. A. when B. in whichC. whichD. they76. A. had been provided B. had been paid moreC. was givenD. was provided77. A. Even B. ButC. FinallyD. So78. A. from B. withC. inD. to79. A. but B. if onlyC. andD. unless80. A. of B. fromC. aboutD. on81. A. One B. AnyC. NotD. No82. A. better B. worseC. moreD. less83. A. made B. didC. were makingD. make84. A. of B. elseC. otherD. Japanese85. A. of B. inC. areD. is86. A. living B. averageC. braveD. medical87. A. suggested B. estimatedC. worked outD. said88. A. when B. whileC. asD. but89. A. therefore B. in a wayC. perhapsD. accordingly90. A. of B. to developC. made upD. into北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试答案(A)2002.6参考答案:Part I Reading Comprehension1.D2.D3.C4.B5.C6.A7.B8.D9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.D 16.C 17.D18.C 19.C 20.APart II Vocabulary and Structure 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.A 25.A 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.D 31.A 32.B 33.B 34.D 35.B 36.C 37.B 38.A 39.C 40.D 41.C 42.C 43.B 44.A 45.A 46.C 47.C 48.C 49.B 50.C51.B 52.A 53.C 54.C 55.C 56.B 57.B 58.D 59.A 60.B Part III Error dentification61.B 62.A 63.D 64.D 65.C66.B 67.D 68.D 69.B 70.CPart IV Cloze71.C 72.D 73.A 74.D 75.C 76.A 77.B 78.D 79.B 80.A 81.D 82.A 83.D 84.C 85.D 86.B 87.D 88.C 89.A 90.B31。



Problem 1The ratio is closest to which of the following numbers?SolutionProblem 2Given that a, b, and c are non-zero real numbers, define .Find .SolutionProblem 3According to the standard convention for exponentiation,.If the order in which the exponentiations are performed is changed, how many other values are possible?SolutionProblem 4For how many positive integers is there at least 1 positive integer such that?infinitely manySolutionProblem 5Each of the small circles in the figure has radius one. The innermost circle is tangent to the six circles that surround it, and each of those circles is tangent tothe large circle and to its small-circle neighbors. Find the area of the shaded region.SolutionProblem 6From a starting number, Cindy was supposed to subtract 3, and then divide by 9, but instead, Cindy subtracted 9, then divided by 3, getting 43. If the correct instructions were followed, what would the result be?SolutionProblem 7A arc of circle A is equal in length to a arc of circle B. What is the ratio ofcircle A's area and circle B's area?SolutionProblem 8Betsy designed a flag using blue triangles, small white squares, and a red center square, as shown. Let be the total area of the blue triangles, the total areaof the white squares, and the area of the red square. Which of the following is correct?SolutionThere are 3 numbers A, B, and C, such that , and. What is the average of A, B, and C?Not uniquely determinedSolutionProblem 10What is the sum of all of the roots of ?SolutionProblem 11Jamal wants to save 30 files onto disks, each with 1.44 MB space. 3 of the files take up 0.8 MB each, 12 of the files take up 0.7 MB each, and the rest take up 0.4 MB each. It is not possible to split a file onto 2 different disks. What is the smallest number of disks needed to store all 30 files?SolutionProblem 12Mr. Earl E. Bird leaves home every day at 8:00 AM to go to work. If he drives at an average speed of 40 miles per hour, he will be late by 3 minutes. If he drives at an average speed of 60 miles per hour, he will be early by 3 minutes. How many miles per hour does Mr. Bird need to drive to get to work exactly on time?SolutionProblem 13Given a triangle with side lengths 15, 20, and 25, find the triangle's smallest height.SolutionBoth roots of the quadratic equation are prime numbers. The number of possible values of isSolutionProblem 15Using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9, form 4 two-digit prime numbers, using each digit only once. What is the sum of the 4 prime numbers?SolutionProblem 16Let . What is?SolutionProblem 17Sarah pours 4 ounces of coffee into a cup that can hold 8 ounces. Then she pours 4 ounces of cream into a second cup that can also hold 8 ounces. She then pours half of the contents of the first cup into the second cup, completely mixes the contents of the second cup, then pours half of the contents of the second cup back into the first cup. What fraction of the contents in the first cup is cream?SolutionProblem 18A 3x3x3 cube is made of 27 normal dice. Each die's opposite sides sum to 7. What is the smallest possible sum of all of the values visible on the 6 faces of the large cube?SolutionSpot's doghouse has a regular hexagonal base that measures one yard on each side. He is tethered to a vertex with a two-yard rope. What is the area, in square yards, of the region outside of the doghouse that Spot can reach?SolutionProblem 20Points and lie, in that order, on , dividing it into fivesegments, each of length 1. Point is not on line . Point lies on , andpoint lies on . The line segments and are parallel. Find.SolutionProblem 21The mean, median, unique mode, and range of a collection of eight integers are all equal to 8. The largest integer that can be an element of this collection isSolutionProblem 22A set of tiles numbered 1 through 100 is modified repeatedly by the following operation: remove all tiles numbered with a perfect square, and renumber the remaining tiles consecutively starting with 1. How many times must the operation be performed to reduce the number of tiles in the set to one?SolutionProblem 23Points and lie on a line, in that order, with and .Point is not on the line, and . The perimeter of istwice the perimeter of . Find .SolutionProblem 24Tina randomly selects two distinct numbers from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, and Sergio randomly selects a number from the set {1, 2, ..., 10}. What is the probability that Sergio's number is larger than the sum of the two numbers chosen by Tina?SolutionProblem 25In trapezoid with bases and, we have , , , and (diagram not toscale). The area of isSolution。


A.343.73 B.343.83 C.344.73 D.344.82
1.2,6,12,20,30,( )
A.38 B.42 C.48 D.56
2.20,22,25,30,37,( )
A.39 B.45 C.48 D.51
3.2,5,11,20,324.1,3,4,7,11,( )
A.14 B.16 C.18 D.20
5.34,36,35,35,( ),34,37,( )
A.36,33 B.33,36 C.37,34 D.34,37
A.30个 B.35个 C.40个 D.45个
A.56米 B.60米 C.64米 D.68米
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.D
A.1/2 B.1/3 C.1/5 D.1/6
8. 的值是:
A.1 B.1.5 C.1.6 D.2.0
A.256人 B.250人 C.225人 D.196人
A.36% B.40% C.44% D.48%


















[例题]2,9,16,23,30,()A.35 B.37 C.39 D.41[解答] 这一数列的排列规律是前一个数加7等于后一个数,故空缺项应为37。


请开始答题:1.2,6,12,20,30,()A.38 B.42 C.48 D.562.20,22,25,30,37,()A.39 B.45 C.48 D.513.2,5,11,20,32,()A.43 B.45 C.47 D.494.1,3,4,7,11,()A.14 B.16 C.18 D.205.34,36,35,35,(),34,37,()A.36,33 B.33,36 C.37,34 D.34,37二、数学运算共10题。

























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广东省普通高校非计算机专业学生计算机应用水平考试试卷(笔试) (A卷)VB程序设计(考试时间:120分钟)学校姓名准考证号说明:所有答案必须涂在答题卡的对应编号栏内。

第一部分计算机基础知识单选题(每题 1分,共20分)第二部分程序设计一、单选题(共60分)下列(21)~(65)各问题的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的。



1.窗体文件的文件扩展名是___(21)__ 。

(21)A. .cls B. .bas C. .vfp D. .frm2. 在VB中,编写程序代码应在___(22)__中进行。

(22)A. 对象窗口 B. 属性窗口 C. 代码窗口 D. 窗体布局窗口3.程序运行中用鼠标双击当前窗体时,会触发___(23)__事件。

(23)A. Load B. Click C. Dblclick D. MouseMove4. 在以下字符串中,只有___(24)__ 可以作为变量名。

(24) A. TO 9 B. 3XY C. TO_9 D. TO5. 在VB中,常数4279%所表示的数据类型是___(25)__ 。

(25)A. 整数(INTEGER) B. 长整型(LONG)C. 单精度型(SINGLE)D. 双精度型(SINGLE)6. 表达式INT(-17.9)+INT(17.9+0.5)的值是___(26)__ 。

(26)A. 1 B. 0 C. –1 D. 27. 如果a, b, c的值分别是 3,2,-3,则下列表达式的值是___(27)__ 。

Abs(b*c- a ) + b * Int(Rnd)(27)A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 118. 要为文本框Text1设置焦点,可以采用___(28)__ 。

(28) A. Setfocus.Text1 B. Setfocus Text1C. Text1.SetfocusD. Text1.Setfocus=true9. 下列函数中,___(29)__函数的执行结果与其他三个不一样。

(29) A. Val(“-1”) B. Int(-0.9)C. Sgn(-1)D. Fix(-0.9)10. 执行语句Print Format(1234.6,”$0##,###”)的输出结果是___(30)__ 。

(30)A. $1,235 B. $001.234.6C. $001,235D. $001,23411. Cos4(b-c)对应的VB表达式是___(31)__ 。

(31)A. 4*Cos(b-c) B. Cos(b-c)*4C. Cos(b-c)^4D. Cos( (b-c) ^4 )12. 要产生99~199范围内(含99和199)的随机整数,采用的VB表达式是___(32)__ 。

(32) A. Int (199+99*Rnd) B. Int (100+99*Rnd)C. Int (99+100*Rnd)D. Int (99+101*Rnd)13.在运行期间用鼠标单击单选按钮(OptionButton)时,按钮的___(33)__ 属性变为真值。

(33)A. Caption B. Value C. Visible D. TabIndex 14. 要使计算器(Timer)每30秒发生一次Timer事件,则Interval属性值应设置为___(34)__ 。

(34)A. 30000 B. 30 C. 50000 D. 300015. 下列语句执行后,s的值是___(35)__ 。

t=”数据库管理系统”s=Right(t,2)+Mid(t,4,2)+Left(t,3)(35) A. 数据库管理系统 B. 管理系统数据库C. 数据库系统管理D. 系统管理数据库16.有如下程序代码,执行的结果是___(36)__ 。

Const st As String=”ABCD”St=”1234”St=”6789”+st(36) A. ABCD B. 1234 C. 67891234 D.显示出错信息 17. 语句___(37)__ 的功能是打开一个文件名为abc.dat的随机文件。

(37)A. Open “abc.dat” For Input As #1B. Open “abc.dat” For Output As #1C. Open “abc.dat” For Append As #1D. Open “abc.dat” As #118. 窗体上有一个命令按钮(Command1),设计时该按钮标题(即Caption属性)采用默认值。

完善下列按钮单击事件过程,使之运行后当第1 次单击该按钮时,该按钮标题显示为“新按钮”,第2次单击该按钮时,按钮标题改为“旧按钮”;第3次单击该按钮时,按钮标题又恢复为“新按钮”,如此反复交替显示“新按钮”和“旧按钮”。

Private Sub Command1_Click()If ___(38)__ ThenCommand1.Caption=”旧按钮”ElseCommand1.Caption=”新按钮”End ifEnd sub(38) A. Command1.Caption=”“ B. Command1.Caption=”新按扭”C. Command1.Caption<>”“D. Command1.Caption=”旧按钮” 19.假设窗体上已经建立了一个文本框(Text1)、一个标签(Label1)和一个命令按钮(Command1),执行以下语句后,文本框上显示的是___(39)__ ,命令按钮上显示的是___(40)__ ,标签上显示的是___(41)__ 。

Text1.Text=”可视化程序设计”Label1.Caption= Right(Text1.Text,4)Command1.Caption= Left(Label1.Caption,2)Text1.Text=Command1.Caption & Label1.Caption(39)A. 程序程序设计 B. 程序C. 程序设计D. 设计程序(40)A. 程序设计 B. 程序程序设计C. 程序D. 设计程序(41) A. 程序设计 B. 程序程序设计C. 程序D. 设计程序20. 在窗体上已经建立了两个文本框(Text1及Text2)和一个命令按钮(Command),用户在文本框Text1中输入文本,单击命令按钮后,则从文本框Text1中取出英文字母,并按输入顺序显示在文本框Text2中,例如输入“12aA3b4B5”,则在文本框Text2中显示为“aAbB”。


Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim s As String, y As String, t As Strings= ___(42)__y=””For k=1 To Len(s)x=Mid(s,k,1)t=___(43)__If t>=”A” And t<=”Z” Theny=___(44)__End ifNext kText2.Text=yEnd Sub(42) A. Text1.Text B. Val(Text1.Text)C. Str(Text1.Text)D. ““(43) A. Lcase(x) B. Ucase(x)C. y+tD. “”(44) A. y+t B. y+xC. tD. x21. 窗体上有一个命令按钮(Command1)和一个标签(Label1),运行时采用标签来显示命令按钮被单击的次数,即当第1次单击按钮时,标签显示为“第1次单击”,当地2次单击按钮时,标签显示为“第2次单击”,依此类推。




Dim n As IntegerPrivate Sub Command1_Click()___(45)__Label1.Caption=”第” & Str(n) & “次单击”If ___(46)__ Then___(47)__End ifEnd Sub(45) A. n=1 B. n=0C. Dim n As IntegerD. n=n+1(46) A. n=10 B. n>10C. n<10D. n<=10(47) A. n=1 B. n=0C. n=n+1D. 10 – n22. 窗体上有四个文本框(Text1、Text2、Text3及Text4)和一个命令按钮(Command1),运行时在前面三个文本框中输入数,单击命令按钮后,判断这三个数,把最大数显示在第四个文本框Text4中。


Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Single , b As SingleDim c As Single , m As SingleA=Val(Text1.Text)B=Val(Text2.Text)C=Val(Text3.Text)M= ___(48)__Text4.Text= ___(49)__End SubFunction Max(x,y) As SingleIf ___(50)__ ThenMax=xElseMax=yEnd ifEnd Function(48) A. Max(b,c) B. aC. Max(m,c)D. Max(a,b)(49) A. Max m,c B. mC. Max(m,c)D. Max(b,c)(50) A. Max>x B. x>yB. x<y D. x=y23. 下列语句序列的执行结果是___(51)__ 。

s= Space(1) + “广东省高校”n= Instr(s,”高校”)t=Right(s, Len(s) – n )Print Len(Trim(s) +t )(51) A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 24. 执行下列程序段后,变量y 的值是 ___(52)__ 。

x = -1 : y = 2If x > y – 3 Thenx = y – xElsex = y + xEnd ifSelect Case xCase Is < 0y = y + xCase Is < 3y = y + 2 * xCase Elsey =y + 3 * xEnd Select(52) A.3 B. 7 C. 4 D. 525. 执行下列程序段时,内循环的总循环次数为 ___(53)__;执行该程序段后,变量s的值是___(54)__ 。
