W ANG Ti a n g u o ,LI ANG Qi c h a o ,QI N Qu n
( S c h o o l o f Ma t e r i a l s S c i e n c e a n d En g i n e e r i n g,Hu b e i Un i v e r s i t y o f Au t o mo t i v e Te c h n o l o g y,S h i y a n 4 4 2 0 0 2 )
0 引言
Mo - C u 合 金 因其具 有 优 良的导 热 、 导电性能, 以及 与 陶 瓷基 片 良好匹配 的热 膨 胀 系 数 而被 广 泛 应 用 于热 沉 材 料 和 电子 封装 材料 , 并 受 到 国 内外 工 作 者们 的 关 注 和 研 究 [ 1 ] 。 Mo - C u 合 金是 由膨 胀系 数低 的 Mo 和 热导率 高 的 C u 通 过粉 末 冶金 方 法制得 的一 种 假 合 金 。Mo 、 C u 在 常规 条 件下 润 湿 性 很差 。Mo 的熔 点高 达 2 6 2 2℃, 而 且 Mo 、 C u在 高温 下 极 易氧 化 , 用熔 炼 的方法 制备 Mo — C u合 金极 其 困难 , 并 且所 制 得 的材料 常存在 微 观组 织 分 布不 均 匀 等 问题 _ 5 ] , 不 能充 分 发 挥该 材料 的优 点 。本研 究 旨在 寻 求 高致 密化 和 高 性 能 的 Mo - C u 合 金 的制 备 工 艺 , 通 过 采 用 粉 末 冶金 法 制 备 Mo - C u 复合 合金 材料 , 探讨 了不 同烧 结 工艺 对合 金 材料 的显 微组 织
Ab s t r a c t Mo - Cu a l l o y wi t h h i g h t h e r ma l c o n d u c t i v i t y,g o o d e l e c t r i c a l c o n d u c t i v i t y a n d g o o d ma t c h i n g o f c e —
西 安 工 业 大 学 学 报
Journal of Xi’an Technological University
Hale Waihona Puke V oL 38 N o.2 Apr.2018
高熵 合 金 A1zFeCrCoNi微 观 组 织 与 力学 性 能 研 究
关 键词 : 高熵合金 ;微观 组 织 ;力 学性 能 ;拉 伸
中 图 号 : TG14
文 献 标 志 码 : A
文 章 编 号 : 1673—9965(2018)02—0140—07
Study on M icrostructure and M echanical Properties of AI FeCrCoNi H igh Entropy Alloy
Abstract: At FeCrCoNi high entropy alloy was prepared by vacuum arc furnace smelting in order to discuss the effect of A 1 content on microstructure and m echanical properties of AI FeCrCoNi high entropy alloy.The m icrostructure of the alloy w as analyzed by X —ray diffraction,optical m icroscope and scanning electron microscope.The m echanical properties of the alloy were studied by the Vickers hardness tester,tensile testing m achine.The results show :The strength and hardness increase w ith the inerease of A1 content.and the m icro structure of the cell dendrites iS transformed into colum nar dendrites.The high entropy alloy has the best performance of mechanical property when 一 0.4.W hen z一 0.5。the em ergence of the BCC solid solutions of A 1一N i lcads to a decrease in plasticity,w hich causes the m aterial structure to change from a single face—centered cubic to a face—centered cubic and a sm all am ount of body—centered cubic. K ey words: high—entropy alloy;m icrostrueture; m echanical properties;stretch
均粒径D mean为68.8 ym。 表 1 AlCrFeCoNi2.i
> 150 53 ~ 150 15-53 < 15
熔炼功率为40kW ~42kW,雾化压力为4.5MPa~
5.5MPa时,AlCrFeCoNiz.i高爛合金的雾化效果最 好。因此,本实验以此为基本雾化工艺条件开展相
金粉末筛分粒度组成,粒度为W 150ym的粉末占比
表2 AlCoCrFeNi2.i高爛合金粉末元素含量
wt. %
理论值 棒料
附带的能谱仪测量元素含量的分布,利用XRD衍 射仪和同步热分析仪分析其物相组成和相变温度,
图2 AlCrFeCoNi2.i高爛合金粉末粒度分布
采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪(ICP - OES)测量 粉末的元素含量。同时,采用霍尔流速计测定粉末 的松装密度和流动性。
2.2化学成分 表2为AlCrFeCoNiz.i高爛合金粉末化学成分的
关键词:AlCrFeCoNi2.1;高爛合金粉末;无绘堀气雾化 粉末特性
高爛合金(HEAs)由于热力学上的高爛效应、动 力学上的迟滞扩散效应、结构上的晶格畸变效应和 性能上的鸡尾酒混合效应,容易形成简单面心立方 (face - centered cubic, FCC)、简单体心立方(body centeredcubic, BCC)或密排六方(hexagonal closed packed, HCP)结构并可能伴有晶间化合物以及纳米 晶,从而使高爛合金在性能上比传统合金具有更大 的优势,如高强度、高硬度、高耐蚀性、高耐热性、特 殊的电学和磁学性质等特性⑴。一般而言,FCC结 构的高爛合金具有良好的热力学稳定性、超强的延 展性和显著的加工硬化性能,但强度低;BCC结构 的高爛合金强度高,但是延展性较差⑵。AlCrFeCoNiz.i高爛合金由于具有高的强度和延展性 ,可适 用于各种工程应用,引起了人们的广泛关注。目 前,主要采用真空电弧熔炼、铜模吸铸和真空感应 熔炼等传统方法制备铸态高爛合金,但上述方法不 可避免地存在组分偏析、晶粒粗大、缩松和气孔等 缺陷,且上述方法制备的HEAs有限的形状和尺寸 也限制了其应用。
Science &Technology Vision科技视界0前言高熵合金具有独特的效应:高熵效应,晶格畸变效应,缓慢扩散效应和“鸡尾酒”效[1-3],这些效应使其具有一系列优异的性能[4-8]。
蒋积超等人[13]研究AlCuTiFeNiCr 与AlCuTiFeNiCrSi 高熵合金时,发现在850℃氧化温度下这两种合金均具有良好的抗氧化性能,合金表面覆盖着荷花状组织,阻碍各主元发生氧化反应,从而使该合金具有更加优异的抗氧化性能。
Holcomb 等人[14]研究CoCrFeNiMn 、CoCrFeNi 以及CoFeNiMn 高熵合金在650℃与750℃氧化1100h 后的抗氧化性能,发现Mn 元素不利于合金的抗氧化,但Cr 元素有助于提高合金的抗氧化性能;Kai 等人[15]研究FeCoCrNiMn 高熵合金的在950℃以及10~105MPa 氧分压下的氧化行为,发现该合金的氧化速率随氧分压的增大而变大。
还有研究表明[16]:高熵合金中添加Al 、Cr 、Si 等元素,有利于提高合金系统的高温氧化性能。
目前,针对含有非金属元素的FeCoCrNiMn 高熵合金的高温氧化性能的研究较少。
因此,本文制备了不同含氮量的FeCoCrNiMnNX 系高熵合金,研究N 元素对FeCoCrNiMn 高熵合金的高温抗氧化性能影响。
1实验方法1.1样品制备采用粉末冶金法制备CoCrFeMnNiNX (x =0,0.1,0.2,0.3)高熵合金块体。
采用线切割方法从高熵合金块体中切出尺寸为10mm ×10mm ×4mm 的试样,进行高温氧化性能测试。
1.2高温氧化性能测定采用SX2-4-13T 型箱式电阻炉进行高温氧化实验,氧化温度分别为800℃、900℃、1000℃,每保温10h 后取出高熵合金试样至冷却到室温,再进行称量记作者简介:陈佳(2001—),女,汉族,福州长乐人,研究方向为高熵合金。
《高熵合金CoCuFeN i X-Al复合材料的制备与性能研究》高熵合金CoCuFeN i X-Al复合材料的制备与性能研究高熵合金CoCuFeNix/Al复合材料的制备与性能研究一、引言高熵合金,由多种主要元素组成的合金,以其出色的机械性能、抗腐蚀性和高温稳定性,近年来受到了广泛的关注。
二、材料与方法1. 材料准备我们选用Co、Cu、Fe、N、Ni以及Al等元素作为研究对象。
2. 制备方法我们采用真空电弧熔炼法进行合金的制备,然后通过机械合金化法将Al元素引入到高熵合金中,形成CoCuFeNix/Al复合材料。
3. 性能测试利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等手段对材料进行微观结构分析,并使用硬度计、拉伸试验机等设备进行性能测试。
三、实验结果1. 微观结构分析XRD结果显示,高熵合金CoCuFeNix/Al复合材料具有面心立方(FCC)和体心立方(BCC)混合结构。
2. 性能测试结果硬度测试显示,CoCuFeNix/Al复合材料具有较高的硬度值。
1. 机械合金化方法机械合金化是通过机械能将多种原子混合在一起,形成高熵合金。
2. 熔体冶炼方法熔体冶炼方法是将多种原子放入熔炉内,在高温下进行熔化和混合的过程。
1. 高熔点由于高熵合金中原子种类的多样性,使得其熔点相较于传统合金更高。
2. 高硬度高熵合金中包含了多种原子形成的固溶体,其具有优异的硬度。
3. 良好的耐腐蚀性高熵合金由于其均匀混合的组织结构,使得其具有出色的耐腐蚀性能。
第二章:高熵合金的制备方法2.1 机械合金化法机械合金化法是一种利用高能球磨设备对粉末原料进行球磨混合,并在球磨过程中产生的高度畸变化和变形来制备高熵合金的方法。
2.2 静态烧结法静态烧结法是一种将预合成的高熵合金粉末在高温高压下烧结成块状样品的方法。
2.3 熔体混合法熔体混合法是一种将不同成分的金属按一定的比例直接熔融混合制备高熵合金的方法。
第三章:高熵合金的性能研究3.1 力学性能研究高熵合金具有优异的力学性能,这主要是由于其均匀的元素分布和多主元互相制约的效应所致。
3.2 耐腐蚀性能研究高熵合金具有卓越的耐腐蚀性能,这主要得益于其均匀的元素分布和表面的氧化层。
AlxCoCrCuFeNi 系列高熵合金是其中一种具有极高潜力的合金,其原因主要是由于其多元组分使得各种相之间互相作用,从而在形成微观组织结构的过程中产生特殊的微观结构与性能的典范。
作为 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 高熵合金的一种,其制备方法已经有所发展。
因此,需要对AlxCoCrCuFeNi 系列高熵合金及其复合材料的制备、微观结构和性能进行详细的研究。
二、研究目标本研究旨在制备 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 系列高熵合金及其复合材料,并通过分析微观结构和性能来研究这些合金的力学性能等特性。
具体研究目标如下:1.开发制备 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 高熵合金的方法,并研究其组成对基本力学性能和导电性质的影响。
2.基于制备方法和组成研究 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 复合材料的制备。
3.分析 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 合金及复合材料的微观结构和组织,探究其相互作用、促进策略和性质优化。
4.比较 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 合金及复合材料的力学性能,包括硬度、拉伸强度等。
三、研究方法与流程本研究的具体实验方法和流程如下:1.制备 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 高熵合金:采用真空电弧熔炼法,通过调整成分比例,制备出不同组成的 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 高熵合金,并对其进行物理性质和微观结构分析。
2.制备 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 高熵合金复合材料:将 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 高熵合金复合材料制备于其基材上,探讨其界面结构与性能,并将其与单一材料(高熵合金和基材)进行比较。
3.研究微观结构和力学性能:通过扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、拉伸强度测试等手段来分析 AlxCoCrCuFeNi 合金及复合材料的微观结构和力学性能。
关键词 Mo元素,高熵合金,硬度,耐蚀性能中图分类号TG132Study on Microstructure and Properties of NiFeAlCrCuMox High Entropy AlloyGang Chen11XXXXXXXXAbstract The effect of Mo on the microstructure and properties of as-welded NiFeAlCrCuMox high entropy alloy was studied by OM, XRD, Rockwell hardness tester and electrochemical polarization curve. The results show that the main precipitate of the as-welded NiFeAlCrCuMox high entropy alloy is AlFe, and the grain size is the smallest when the mole fraction of Mo is 0.8mol. When Mo content is 0.6 mol, its Rockwell hardness reaches the maximum value. 0.2 mol Mo alloy has strong corrosion resistance due to the uniform distribution ofelements and the formation of a uniform passivation film on the alloy surface.Keywords Mo element, high entropy alloy, hardness, corrosion resistance高熵合金的设计理念是通过添加不低于五种元素,以接近或相同的摩尔分数进行合金化,其中没有元素的含量不超过50%,其混合熵值高于合金的熔化熵值。
高熵合金制备及其性能研究进展卜颖宏【摘要】基于高熵合金优异的性能,近年来,越来越多的学者对高熵合金开展了研究,由于各个领域对高熵合金的分类不统一,这也使人们对高熵合金的制备方法及性能研究并不深入.鉴于此,本文对高熵合金的主要合金成分组成、不同状态的材料制备方法进行了分析,并对高熵合金的相关性能进行了研究,以期能为高熵合金的应用提供一定的指导.【期刊名称】《信息记录材料》【年(卷),期】2019(020)005【总页数】2页(P2-3)【关键词】高熵合金;制备;性能【作者】卜颖宏【作者单位】太原理工大学山西太原 030024【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF81 引言相比于其他传统的合金,高熵合金不仅强度和硬度较高,而且还兼备良好的耐磨性、抗腐蚀性以及抗氧化性,这是其他传统合金所无法比拟的,这也使高熵合金有着巨大的发展潜力,对高熵合金进行学术研究,必将推动高熵合金在各个领域中的应用。
2 高熵合金制备方法2.1 合金成分高熵合金的主要元素组成复杂,如Mg、Al、Cr、Cu、Co 等都是高熵合金中的组成元素,此外还包括Si、B 等,这些元素的特点不同,根据相应的配比所制备的高熵合金有难熔金属高熵合金、轻质高熵合金等。
高熵合金的固溶体形成通常需要遵循Hume-Rothery 原则,也就是说,高混合熵的内部组元至少要超过5 个,其内部混合焓的含量应控制在-40 至10kJ/mol 范围以内,原子与原子之间的半径差不得超过12%,这些元素原子所具有的不同特点,可使迟滞扩散效应、高熵效应、鸡尾酒效应以及晶格畸变效应得到充分的发挥,进而转化为固溶体相,该固溶体相的内部结构为较为简单的晶体结构。
关键词:高熵合金,制备方法,微观结构,力学性能,应用1. 引言传统合金通常以一种或两种主要元素为主,其他元素作为合金化元素添加。
2. 高熵合金的制备方法高熵合金的制备方法多种多样,主要包括以下几种:•真空熔炼法:这是最常用的制备方法,通过在真空环境下熔炼多种金属元素,然后进行凝固和后续热处理,可以获得成分均匀的高熵合金。
3. 高熵合金的微观结构高熵合金的微观结构与其成分、制备工艺和热处理制度密切相关。
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Rare Metal Materials and Engineering Volume 41, Suppl. 2, September 2012Cite this article as: Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2012, 41(S2): 532-535Received date: September 20, 2011Corresponding author: Guan Hongyan, Candidate for Master, School of Material Science and Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an 710048, E-mail: guanhy19860815@Microstructure and Properties of Sintered AlNiCrFeCuMo x AlloysGuan Hongyan, Zhang Yunpeng, Fan Yuhu, Li XiaonaXi ′an University of Technology, Xi ′an 710048, ChinaAbstract: The effects of Mo on the microstructure and mechanical properties of sintered AlNiCrFeCuMo x (x =0 to 0.2) were investigated. As Mo content increases, the microstructure is always petals form dendrite type, and due to the high entropy effect, the alloys own simple constituent phases, the hard bcc phase and soft fcc phase, but they are different in the diffraction peak intensity. The increase of Mo could boost the formation of FCC phase. Meanwhile, the alloy of x =0.1 possesses higher hardness level of 5670 MPa and superior compressive property of compressive strength 1161 MPa and ductility 24.2% at room temperature. The characters of the elements and the crystal structures will be responsible for the change of the mechanical property accompanied with the variation of Mo content.Key words: high entropy; separate; microstructure; mechanical properptyTraditionally, one principle element was considered to pre-pare most alloys. But recently, Yeh has defined a new type of alloys design concept, named high entropy alloy (HEA for short), which utilizes five or more kinds of elements, and each one of the main elements with high atom percentages, but not more than 35%[1,3,7]. It is just its high entropy of mixing that makes it more likely to stabilize the alloy system, which makes it inclined to form the simple solution structure or even non-crystal structure by means of suppressing the form of in-termetallic compounds. Meanwhile HEAs might exhibit supe-rior properties such as high hardness, good thermal stability and superior compressive property explaining their potential applications in many fields [1,2,4,5]. Most of the HEAs are syn-thesized with melting. In this research, we would try to pre-pare AlNiCrFeCuMo x alloy by powder metallurgy to study the effect of the variation of Mo content on the microstruc-tures and mechanical properties.1 ExperimentAlNiCrFeCuMo x alloys were sintered with raw element material Al, Ni, Cr, Fe, Mo and Cu powders of 99.4% high purity and size of 300 mush. Mo 0, Mo 0.1, Mo 0.2 alloys were prepared respectively and Mo–x alloy hereafter represented the alloy with chromium content x in molar ratio. Through the high performance mixture powder machine, the alloys were pressed to be casting, and then sintered in the vacuum furnace. Their microstructure was observed with JSM-6700F scanningelectron microscope, their distribution of elements was ana-lyzed with EDS, and XRD-7000 diffraction instrument, and the hardness and compress property were tested.2 Results and Discussion2.1 MicrostructureFig.1 shows the SEM backscattered electron images of the sintered AlNiCrFeCuMo x alloys. The microstructure is typi-cally petals form dendrite. Table 1 shows the EDS analyses of different regions. As to Mo 0 alloy, it is rich in Fe, Cr elements, accompanied with many black spots gathered with Al, Ni across on the matrix of the dendrite. Meanwhile the indendrite are mainly full of Al, Ni, and the white sprits in the grain boundary is Cu separation regions. As to Mo 0.1 and Mo 0.2 al-loys, Mo are mainly distributed along with Fe and Cr elements, while others are similar to the Mo 0 alloy.Due to the big atom radius of Al, its precipitation on the basement can be beneficial to decrease the lattice distortion en-ergy, and stabilize the alloy system [2,8,15]. Moreover, the enthalpy of mixing of Al and Ni is –22 kJ/mol, possessing superior affin-ity, which makes Ni gathered with Al constantly [8,9]. Meanwhile it is just its poor intersolubility of Cu that makes it segregated at the interdendrite region frequently and forms a Cu-rich phase. In addition, the intersolubility of Cu and Ni is infinite [3,4,6,15], so there may be more Al, Ni and Cu in the indendrite. It is visible that the mixing enthalpy and solid solubility have played an important role in the distribution of the elements.Fig.2 shows the XRD patterns of the alloys. Only two crys-tal structures: bcc (a =0.289 nm) and fcc (a =0.364 nm) are identified. This reveals that it is just the high entropy effect ofFig.1 SEM backscattered electrons images of AlNiCrFeCuMo xAlloys: (a, b) x =0, (c, d) x =0.1, and (e, f) x =0.2Table 1 Different regions ′ EDS analyses of AlNiCrFeCuMo x al-loys (ω/%)Al Ni Cr Fe Cu MoNominal 20 20 20 20 20 0DR 5.29 3.40 47.58 43.43 0.300 Mo 0 IR 39.57 35.22 1.82 7.47 15.920 Nominal 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.602.00DR 5.773.37 34.90 40.74 2.75 2.48Mo 0.1 IR22.56 39.41 4.88 10.71 12.760.44Nominal 19.20 19.20 19.20 19.20 19.2019.20DR 6.12 7.34 41.52 40.16 1.75 3.08Mo 0.2 IR 33.61 30.12 6.75 7.81 17.584.05the AlNiCrFeCuMo x that suppresses the form of intermetalliccompound, making the alloy phase composition tend to be simplified, only bcc and fcc, which is fewer than that of Gibbs ′ calculation. According to the phase formation of high entropy theory proposed by Wang Yanping [4], the free energy of generating complete solid solution alloy and the com-pound-solid solution alloy can be calculated, which is shown in Table 2. From the Table, the free energy of generating com-plete solid solution alloy is always larger than that of the com-pound-solid solution alloy, so the AlNiCrFeCuMo x alloys in-cline to form the compound-solid solution alloys. 2.2 XRD resultWith the increase of Mo content, the highest peak of bcc decreases constantly, accompanied with fcc ′s increasing, and no new phase appears. It is visible that Mo could promote the formation of fcc phase. Through calculating, bcc lattice con-stant is 0.289 nm of AlNiCrFeCuMo x alloys, which is similar to the lattice constant of AlNi compound and Fe-Cr [7]; mean-while the alloys ′ lattice constant of fcc is 0.363 nm, which is close to Cu. As to the Mo 0.1 and Mo 0.2 alloy, the Mo may mainly solute in the Fe-Cr solid solution to form a multi-element Fe-Cr-Mo solution. Combined with the alloys ′ EDS, it can be concluded that AlNiCrFeCuMo x alloys mainly contain AlNi phase solute with other elements, Fe-Cr-Mo or Fe-Cr solid solution and the Cu phase; accordingly, the bcc is mainly AlNi compound and Fe-Cr-Mo or Fe-Cr solid solution, and the Cu phase corresponds to the fcc structure .Fig.2 XRD patterns of the alloys with different Mo contentTable 2 △H mix , △S mix , △G mix results of the AlNiCrFeCuMo x alloys at room temperature Alloys △H mix /kJ·mol -1△S mix /J·(K·mol) -1△G mix /kJ·mol -1T =293 KAlNiCrFeCu solid solution –3.84 13.38 –7.83 Mo 0AlNi compound + CrFeCu solid solution–10.56 8.03 –12.95 AlNiCrFeCuMo 0.1 solid solution –3.77 13.97 –7.93 Mo 0.1AlNi compound +CrFeCuMo 0.1 solid solution–10.17 8.65 –12.70 AlNiCrFeCuMo 0.2 solid solution –3.55 14.13 –7.69 Mo 0.2AlNi compound +CrFeCuMo 0.2 solid solution–9.808.90–12.4130 40 50 60 70 80 90 1002θ/(°) I n t e n s i t y /a .u .bccfcc Mo 0.2Mo 0.1Mo 02.3 Mechanical properties 2.3.1 HardnessTable 3 shows the room temperature Vickers hardness. It is clearly seen that the hardness of the alloys increases first and then decreases along with the variation of Mo content. As to the alloys, the hardness concerns closely with the character of their own elements and crystal structures [7,15]. For Mo 0 and Mo 0.1 alloys, the addition of Mo could enhance the influence of solid solution, promoting the alloy’s hardness. However, for Mo 0.1 and Mo 0.2 alloys, the highest peak of bcc, decreases sig-nificantly, reducing the content of bcc immensely which is the dominating factor contributed to the hardness, leading to the hardness’s decreasing of Mo 0.2 alloy [3,10]. 2.3.2 Compressive propertiesFig.3 shows the room-temperature compressive property of the alloys. As is shown in Table 4, it is clearly seen that com-pressive properties of Mo 0.1 alloy are improved due to the ad-dition of Mo, but that of the Mo 0.2 is weakened. The alloy’s elements has an immense effect on the lattice distortion en-hancement, rejecting the motion of the atoms, leading to the stronger Solid Solution Effect [8,9,13]. The maximum yield strength is 920 MPa, and the fracture strength is 1161 MPa, with ductility of 24.2% when Mo content is 0.1.Table 3 Vickers hardness of the alloysAlloys Vickers Hardness, HV/MPa Mo 0 5150 Mo 0.1 5670 Mo 0.2 4600Fig.3 Compressive stress- strain curves of the alloysTable 4 Room temperature compression properties Alloysσy /MPaσmax /MPaε/%Mo 0 903 1012 22.2 Mo 0.1 920 1161 24.2 Mo 0.2 910 1017 17.93 Conclusions1) The microstructure of AlNiCrFeCuMo x alloys are petalsform dendrite type, and Fe, Cr, and Mo gathered in the den-drite, with many black spots AlNi compounds across on it; however there would be more Al, Ni elements in the inden-drite, and Cu is separated in the grain boundary.2) Due to the high entropy, the alloys only have bcc phase and fcc phase, and the highest peak of bcc is decreasing with the change of Mo content; accordingly, more fcc formed. Connected with the EDS analyses, it can be inferred that the alloys mainly contain AlNi phase solute with other elements, Fe-Cr-Mo or Fe-Cr solid solution and the Cu phase. The bcc phase may be the AlNi compounds and Fe-Cr-Mo solution, and the fcc phase could be the Cu solution.3) The mechanical properties will increase first and then decrease accompanied with the variation of Mo content due to the effect of the elements and the crystal structure. The Mo 0.1 alloy possesses superior comprehensive properties.References1 Zhang Yong 张勇( ). Amorphous Alloys and High Entropy Al-loys (非晶合金及高熵合金)[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2010: 672 Zhu J M, Fu H M, Zhang H F et al . Materials Science and Engi-neering [J], 2010, 527(2010): 69753 Hsua Chin-You, Juana Chien-Chang, Wangb Woei-Ren et al . Adv Eng Mater [J], 2009, 171: 444 Wang Yanping(王艳萍). Thesis for Doctorate (博士论文)[D]. Harbin: Harbin Institute of Technology, 20095 Zheng Bingwu 郑郑郑(). Thesis for Doctorate (博士论文)[D]. 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Materials Review [J], 2009,23(10): 450 5 10 15 20 25Strain/%12312001000800600400200S t r e s s /M P a 1-Mo 0, 2-Mo 0.1, 3-Mo 0.2粉末冶金制备AlNiCrFeCuMo x高熵合金及其性能关红艳,张云鹏,范玉虎,李小娜(西安理工大学,陕西西安 710048)摘要:采用粉末冶金法制备AlNiCrFeCuMo x(x=0~0.2)合金,研究Mo含量对合金微观组织以及力学性能的影响。