Effect of tin on Nb2O5 and a-Al2O3 catalysts for ethylene oxide hydration




2004年第62卷第14期,1311~1317化学学报ACT A CHI MICA SINICAV ol.62,2004N o.14,1311~1317Nb2O5/TiO2催化剂表面铌氧物种的分散状态和催化性能何 杰a,b 范以宁Ξ,a 邱金恒a 陈 懿aΞ(a南京大学化学系 介观材料实验室 南京210093)(b安徽理工大学 化工系 淮南232001)摘要 用X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱(LRS)、Hammett指示剂和微反测试等方法考察了负载型Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂表面铌氧(NbO x)物种的分散状态、表面酸性和催化异丁烯(I B)与异丁醛(I BA)缩合生成2,52二甲基22,42己二烯(DMH D)反应的催化性能.实验测得Nb2O5在T iO2表面的分散容量为0194mm ol Nb/100m2T iO2,与“嵌入模型”理论计算值相近.当负载量低于分散容量的1/3时,Nb2O5主要以孤立的NbO x物种通过Nb—O—T i链与载体表面相连,这种孤立的NbO x物种酸性很弱,催化活性很低.随负载量的增加,孤立的NbO x物种通过Nb—O—Nb键连接聚合,表面酸性增强,I B与I BA缩合生成DMH D的转化数(T ON)增加.当Nb2O5负载量超过分散容量时,表面NbO x物种主要是通过Nb—O—Nb化学键相连形成多层的Nb2O5,虽然催化剂的强酸中心数量有所增加,但NbO x物种表面利用率下降,催化活性增加幅度趋缓.关键词 Nb2O5,T iO2,分散容量,表面酸性,烯醛缩合反应Dispersion State and C atalytic Properties of Niobia Specieson the Surface of Nb2O5/TiO2C atalystsHE,Jie a,b FAN,Y i2NingΞ,a QI U,Jin2Heng a CHE N,Y i a(a Laboratory o f Mesoscopic Materials Science,Department o f Chemistry,Nanjing Univer sity,Nanjing210093)(b Department o f Chemical Engineering,Anhui Univer sity o f Science and Technology,Huainan232001)Abstract The dispersion state,surface acidity and catalytic properties of anatase2supported niobia species have been studied by means of X2ray powder diffraction(XRD),laser Raman spectroscopy(LRS),Hammett indicator method and the condensation reaction of is obutene(I B)with is obutyraldehyde(I BA)to2,52dimethyl22,42hexadiene (DMH D).The alm ost identical values of the experimental dispersion capacity of Nb2O5on anatase(0194mm ol Nb/ 100m2T iO2)and the value derived theoretically by the incorporation m odel(0198mm ol Nb/100m2T iO2)suggest that the highly dispersed niobium cations are bonded to the vacant sites on the preferentially exposed surface(001)of anatase.When the loading am ount of Nb2O5is below1/3of its dispersion capacity,the dispersed niobia species might mainly consist of is olated NbO x species bridging to the surface through Nb—O—T i bonds.With the increase of Nb2O5 loading the is olated niobia species interact with their nearest neighbors through bridging Nb—O—Nb at the expenses of Nb—O—T i bonds,resulting in the increase of the ratio of polymerized to is olated niobia species and the increase of surface acidic strength and catalytic activity for the condensation reaction.When the loading am ount of Nb2O5is higher than its dispersion capacity,the catalytic activity increases slightly with the increase of Nb2O5loading due to the formation of bulk Nb2O5in which Nb—O—Nb species are only partially exposed on the surface.K eyw ords niobium pentaoxide,titanium oxide,dispersion capacity,surface acidity,olefin2aldehyde condensation reactionΞE2mail:chem612@Received September18,2003;revised and accepted M arch12,2004.国家重点基础研究发展规划(N o.G1999022400)和南京大学分析测试基金项目资助. 自T anabe 等发现铌酸(Nb 2O 5・n H 2O )具有独特的催化性质以来,铌氧化物在多相催化中的应用受到人们广泛的关注[1~4].对于负载型Nb 2O 5催化剂表面铌氧(NbO x )物种的分散状态和催化性能已进行了一些研究[5~16],由于载体种类和Nb 2O 5负载量的不同,NbO x 物种在载体表面具有不同的结构状态和性质[6~12].Wachs 等[13]认为NbO x 物种的结构状态与载体表面酸碱性有关,在碱性氧化物载体如MgO 表面NbO x 以高度扭曲的氧六配位(NbO 6)的八面体形式存在,而在酸性氧化物载体如T iO 2表面NbO x 则以轻度扭曲的八面体形式存在.他们发现在很低负载量下,NbO x 主要以孤立的四配位NbO 4形式存在,随着负载量增加,NbO x 的聚集程度增加,在较高负载量下,NbO x 则以六配位的NbO 6形式存在,但在SiO 2表面仍然以NbO 4四面体结构形式存在[16].Wachs 等[5,14]用IR ,Raman 和XPS 等方法测定了铌氧化物在Al 2O 3,T iO 2,Z rO 2等载体表面分散容量,并用“羟基滴定”理论解释了氧化物包括Nb 2O 5在氧化物载体表面的分散行为.他们认为,氧化物物种通过“滴定”载体表面的羟基而分散于其上.因此,载体表面活性羟基的数量和性质决定了活性组分在载体表面的分散容量以及载体与活性组分之间的相互作用.但是,氧化物表面羟基的定量目前还有较大的困难.这些研究均未能结合载体表面结构来讨论铌氧物种在不同载体上的分散容量和分散状态.本工作采用X 射线衍射(XRD )相定量分析方法并结合激光拉曼光谱(LRS ),Hammett 指示剂法和微反测试等手段研究了Nb 2O 5在锐钛矿型T iO 2(以下均简写为T iO 2)表面的分散状态和Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂对异丁烯(I B )与异丁醛(I BA )缩合生成2,52二甲基22,42己二烯(DMHD )反应的催化性能,并应用描述氧化物-氧化物表面相互作用的“嵌入模型”讨论了Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂表面铌氧(NbO x )物种的分散状态,并与催化剂表面酸性和对上述缩合反应的催化性能进行了关联.1 实验部分1.1 Nb 2O 5/TiO 2催化剂制备用溶胶-凝胶法制备载体T iO 2,方法详见文献[17],XRD 测定其结构为纯的锐钛矿晶型.所用T iO 2载体BET 表面积35m 2・g -1.将T iO 2载体浸入计量的草酸铌溶液中,于333~343K 旋转蒸发除去水分,393K 干燥12h ,723K 空气焙烧2h.高负载量的Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂采用多次浸渍、焙烧法制备,条件同上.1.2 催化剂表征1.2.1 X 射线粉末衍射(XRD )所用仪器为瑞士AR L 公司的x ’TRA 型X 射线衍射仪,Cu Kα射线(λ=0115418nm ),Ni 滤波片,管压40kV ,管流40mA.以晶相V 2O 5为内标测定不同负载量Nb 2O 5/T iO 2样品中Nb 2O 5(100)面与V 2O 5(001)面X 射线衍射峰的相对强度I Nb 2O 5(100)/I V 2O 5(001),用外推法求得Nb 2O 5在T iO 2载体表面的分散容量.1.2.2 激光拉曼光谱(LRS )LRS 测试是在德国Bruker 公司产RTS 2100型激光拉曼光谱仪上进行的,Nd 2Y AG 激光器,激光波长1106μm ,300mW ,扫描300次.测试前样品在573K 的空气中处理2h.1.2.3 表面酸强度及酸量用Hammett 指示剂法测定样品表面酸量与强度分布.测定前催化剂样品于573K 中处理2h ,使用正丁胺的苯溶液滴定.分别用亚苄基乙酰苯(H 0=-516)、二苯基壬四烯酮(H 0=-310)、苯偶氮二苯胺(H 0=115)、对-二甲氨基偶氮苯(H 0=313)和中性红(H 0=618)作指示剂.1.3 异丁烯与异丁醛缩合反应性能评价在一自行组装的固定床微型催化反应装置上评价催化剂对异丁烯(I B )与异丁醛(I BA )缩合生成2,52二甲基22,42己二烯(DMHD )的催化性能.反应器为长470mm 、内径25mm 的直通型不锈钢管.取5g 催化剂样品,用石英砂稀释至总体积15m L 后全部装入反应器.反应原料I B ,I BA 和H 2O 分三路进入混合器,混合器温度控制在453K 左右.反应条件:493K,011MPa ;反应原料组成为:I B/I BA/H 2O =15/1/5(摩尔比),总质量空速714h -1.反应前催化剂经573K 的(N 2+H 2O )混合气(N 2/H 2O =16/5,摩尔比)预处理2h ,质量空速210h -1.反应产物用在线气相色谱仪分析,FID 检测器,用碳数归一化方法求得反应混合物中各组分的浓度,以最初10h 内单位质量Nb 2O 5上D MH D 产物收率表示催化剂的催化活性.2 结果与讨论图1为纯Nb 2O 5和负载型Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂(负载量为1172mm olNb/100m 2T iO 2)的XRD 图.从中可见,Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂经723K 空气焙烧2h ,仅出现载体T iO 2(锐钛矿型)的特征衍射峰,未观察到Nb 2O 5衍射峰.随焙烧时间增加,Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂中晶相Nb 2O 5衍射峰强度逐渐增强,当焙烧时间超过8h 后,衍射峰强度基本不变,表明其结晶趋于完整.不同负载量Nb 2O 5/T iO 2样品经723K 的空气焙烧12h后的XRD 示于图2.从中可见,当Nb 2O 5负载量在0164mm olNb/100m 2T iO 2以下时,未见晶相Nb 2O 5衍射峰,而相应含量的Nb 2O 5和T iO 2机械混合样品中Nb 2O 5衍射峰则清晰可见(图2c ),这说明在此负载量以下NbO x 物种在载体表面呈高度分散状态.当Nb 2O 5的负载量为1108mm ol Nb/100m 2T iO 2时,XRD 谱中出现了Nb 2O 5衍射峰,且其强度随着负载量的增加而明显增强.为准确测定Nb 2O 5在锐钛矿型T iO 2表面实际分散阈值,我们以晶相V 2O 5为内标,测定了Nb 2O 5/T iO 2中Nb 2O 5(100)与V 2O 5(001)面衍射峰相对强度(I Nb 2O 5(100)/I V 2O 5(001))与Nb 2O 5负载量的关系,结果如图3所示.用外推求得Nb 2O 5在T iO 2表面的分散容量为0194mm ol Nb/100m 2T iO 2.此结果与Wachs 等[5]采用“羟基滴定”理论测定的Nb 2O 5分散容量518Nb atom/nm 基本一致.2131 化学学报V ol.62,2004图1 Nb2O5和Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂(负载量为1172mm ol Nb/ 100m2T iO2)的XRD图Figure1 XRD patterns of Nb2O5(a)and Nb2O5/T iO2catalyst(1.72mm ol Nb/100m2T iO2)calcined at723Kfor diferent time(a)2h,(b)3h,(c)4h,(d)8h,(e)12h,(f)Nb2O5・n H2O,773K, 6h 图2 不同负载量(mm ol Nb/100m2T iO2)的Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂XRD图Figure2 XRD patterns of Nb2O5/T iO2catalysts with different Nb2O5loading(a)0.32,(b)0.64,(c)0.64physical m ixture,(d)1.08,(e)1.72,(f)2.58,(g)3.44(mm ol Nb/100m2T iO2)图3 Nb2O5(100)衍射峰强度与Nb2O5负载量的关系Figure3 Relationship between the intensity of Nb2O5(100)X2raydiffraction peak and Nb2O5loading研究氧化物与载体之间的相互作用,载体表面结构是一个不可或缺的重要因素,“嵌入模型”[18,19]从载体的优先暴露晶面着手,使讨论氧化物在一系列多晶常用载体上的分散成为可能.“嵌入模型”认为负载型离子化合物在载体表面上分散过程是其阳离子进入载体表面空位,相伴的阴离子定位其上以保持电中性.据此,离子型化合物在氧化物载体表面的分散容量与载体表面空位密切相关.锐钛矿型T iO2属四方晶系,其单胞结构如图4所示.已经证明,锐钛矿型T iO2上优先暴露晶面为(001)面[20],从该晶面结构单元计算出其图4 T iO2(锐钛矿)的晶体结构Figure4 S tructure of T iO2(anatase)空位密度为1116mm ol/100m2T iO2(根据文献[21],取晶格常数a=0137852nm,c=0195139nm).按照“嵌入模型”,Nb2O5在T iO2表面上的分散过程是Nb5+离子进入T iO2优先暴露晶面(001)的空位,相伴的O2-离子定位其上以保持电荷平衡.每嵌入一个Nb5+离子,将有215个O2-离子来平衡电荷.由于覆盖O2-离子产生的屏蔽效应[22],使得T iO2表面部分空位不能被Nb5+离子占据,故Nb2O5在T iO2表面的分散容量低于T iO2(001)面上空位数1116mm ol/100m2T iO2.取3131N o.14何 杰等:Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂表面铌氧物种的分散状态和催化性能O 2-的半径为0114nm [19],按其最密排列计算,可估算出Nb 2O 5在T iO 2表面的理论分散容量为0198mm ol Nb/100m 2T iO 2(相当于每个表面晶格有0184个Nb 5+离子),与前面XRD 相定量分析结果非常接近.因此,可用嵌入模型来描述Nb 2O 5在T iO 2(锐钛矿)表面的分散行为,即Nb 2O 5在T iO 2表面上分散的实质是Nb 5+离子键合在T iO 2表面的八面体空位上,与其相伴的O 2-离子覆盖其上以保持电中性,图5示出Nb 2O 5在T iO 2表面的分散状态.图5 Nb 5+离子嵌入T iO 2(锐钛矿)表面(001)空位示意图Figure 5 Schematic diagram for the dispersion of Nb 5+ions on the (001)plane of anatase已知T iO 2载体表面NbO x 物种依Nb 2O 5负载量的不同可以多种形式存在,如孤立的NbO x 物种、多聚的NbO x 物种、晶态和非晶态Nb 2O 5[13].为了探讨不同负载量下NbO x 物种分散状态,用LRS 对723K 下焙烧2h 的不同负载量Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂样品进行研究,谱图示于图6和7.图6,7为扣除T iO 2本底信号后的NbO x 物种拉曼谱图.在铌氧化物的Raman 谱中,930和886cm -1处Raman 峰分别归属于NbO 和Nb —O —b 键振动[13,23],从图6可见,当负载量为0132mm ol Nb/100m 2T iO 2时,930cm -1处出现归属于NbO键振动的拉曼峰,而886cm -1处归属为Nb —O —Nb 键振动的拉曼信号很弱,表明此时载体表面的NbO x 物种是以孤立的NbO x 物种为主;当负载量增加至0164mm ol Nb/100m2T iO 2时,于886cm -1处出现了归属于Nb —O —Nb 键振动的拉曼峰,表明载体表面的NbO x 物种发生聚集;当负载量增加至分散容量时,930cm -1和886cm -1峰强度均逐渐增加,表明分散的NbO x 物种在载体表面二维聚合生长;当负载量超过分散容量后,此两峰强度进一步增加,且峰位移至942与890cm -1.Pittman 等[23]认为,当负载量超过分散容量后,NbO x 聚集体在载体T iO 2表面向三维方向生长.可以认为图6 不同负载量(mm ol Nb/100m 2)Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂LRS 图Figure 6 FT 2LRS spectra of Nb 2O 5/T iO 2sam ples with different Nb 2O 5loading(a )0.32,(b )0.64,(c )0.97,(d )1.29and (e )1.72mm ol Nb/100m2图7 扣除T iO 2背景后的Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂LRS 图Figure 7 FT 2LRS spectra of Nb 2O 5/T iO 2sam ples with different Nb 2O 5loading (mm ol Nb/100m 2T iO 2)after subtracting T iO 2background(a )0.32,(b )0.64,(c )0.97,(d )1.29,(e )1.72,(f )Nb 2O 5・n H 2O ;(g )Nb 2O 5Nb O 键和Nb —O —Nb 键振动向高波数方向移动可能与NbO x 聚合体向三维方向生长有关.从图7可以看到653cm -1附近出现较强的拉曼信号,其强度随负载量的增加而增强.与无定型Nb 2O 5・n H 2O 和晶态Nb 2O 5的谱图进行对比,4131 化学学报V ol.62,2004图8 T iO 2表面NbO x 物种的键合示意图Figure 8 Schematic representation of various NbO x species formed on the sur face of T iO 2(anatase )可以发现T iO 2载体表面NbO x 物种的聚集形态与无定型Nb 2O 5・n H 2O 中的NbO x 物种的聚集形态相似,为轻度扭曲的NbO 6八面体结构[23].对于负载量为0132mm ol Nb/100m 2T iO 2的样品,653cm -1处的拉曼峰很弱,如前所述分散的NbO x 物种主要以孤立形式存在;而当负载量为0164mm ol Nb/100m 2T iO 2时,653cm -1峰强度明显增强,表明NbO x 物种明显聚集.这说明在Nb 2O 5负载量低于分散容量的1/3时,NbO x 物种以孤立形式存在的可能性更大,这些孤立的NbO x 物种可能通过Nb —O —T i 键与载体表面相连接.所增加的NbO x 物种倾向于通过Nb —O —Nb 键相连形成二维聚集态.当负载量超过分散容量的1/3时,与孤立NbO x 物种邻近的Nb 5+离子数增多,NbO x 物种以Nb —O —Nb 键相连而形成聚集状态的NbO x 物种.随负载量的增加,NbO x 物种聚集程度增大,Nb —O —Nb 键所占比例增多.图8给出了随负载量增加NbO x 在T iO 2表面逐渐聚合的示意图.为探讨Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂Nb 5+离子分散状态与催化性能的之间的关系,我们以异丁烯(I B )与异丁醛(I BA )缩合生成2,52二甲基22,42己二烯(DMHD )反应为探针,研究了不同负载量的Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂催化性能,结果示于图9.从中可见,载体T iO 2几乎无催化活性,晶相Nb 2O 5催化活性和选择性也很低,而负载型Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂催化性能与Nb 2O 5负载量密切相关.当负载量低于0132mm ol Nb/100m 2时,Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂催化活性很低;随负载量增加,Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂催化活性大幅度增加;当Nb 2O 5负载量超过分散容量时,随负载量进一步增加,催化活性增加幅度趋缓.为进一步研究不同分散状态的NbO x 物种催化性能,我们按相同反应条件下2,52二甲基22,42己二烯(DMHD )收率估算了不同负载量Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂每个Nb 5+离子上异丁烯(I B )与异丁醛(I BA )缩合生成目标产物的平均转化数(T ON ),结果示于图10.从中可见,随负载量的增加,该值呈线性上升.并且,视样品中Nb 2O 5负载量的不同,这种变化表现为两条斜率不同的直线,两条直线交于0199mm ol Nb/100m 2T iO 2附近,这与XRD 定量测定和按“嵌入模型”预测的Nb 5+离子分散容量十分相近.我们认为,当Nb 2O 5负载量很低时,Nb 5+离子主要以孤立NbO x 物种形式位于T iO 2表面的八面体空位上,Nb 离子通过Nb —O —T i 键与载体T iO 2表面键合(如图82I 所示),催化剂表面的这种Nb —O —T i 物种对缩合反应的催化活性较低.在分散容量以下,随Nb 离子负载量增加,即使图9 Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂催化I B 与I BA 缩合生成DMH D 的催化活性和选择性Figure 9 The catalytic properties of Nb 2O 5/T iO 2catalysts for condensation reaction of iso 2butene (I B )with iso 2butyraldehyde (I BA )to 2,52dimethyl 22,42hexadiene (DMH D)图10 Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂的I BA 转化为DMH D 的T ON 随Nb 2O 5负载量的变化Figure 10 T ON for DMH D converted from I BA on Nb 2O 5/T iO 2catalystsT iO 2表面仍有一些八面体空位未被占据,但孤立NbO x 物种可能比较倾向于分散在相邻的八面体空位上,且通过Nb —O —Nb 化学键相连形成聚合的NbO x 物种(如图82II 和82III所示).由于多聚NbO x 物种存在着Nb —O —Nb 键合方式,这5131N o.14何 杰等:Nb 2O 5/T iO 2催化剂表面铌氧物种的分散状态和催化性能种表面物种对缩合反应的催化活性明显高于Nb—O—T i物种,故在负载量超过分散容量的1/3后,催化剂的催化活性大幅度增加,如图10中的第一条直线所示.而分散容量以上的Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂,由于表面所增加的Nb5+离子主要是通过Nb—O—Nb键相连形成多层的Nb2O5,Nb5+离子表面利用率下降,随Nb离子负载量增加Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂催化活性增加程度较小,如图10中的第二条直线所示.I B与I BA缩合生成DMHD反应为一酸催化反应[24],为进一步说明负载型Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂表面Nb5+离子的结合方式与催化反应性能之间的关系,采用Hammett指示剂法考察了Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂表面酸性与Nb2O5负载量的关系,结果如表1所示.从表1可见,当负载量为0132mm ol Nb/100 m2T iO2时,催化剂表面酸强度与载体T iO2相当,这说明孤立的NbO x物种酸性很弱.当负载量增加至0164mm olNb/100 m2T iO2时,出现了强度在-310<H0≤115范围的酸中心,这说明通过Nb—O—Nb键相结合的多聚NbO x物种酸性较强.当负载量增加至分散容量时,表面酸强度进一步增加,出现了强度为-516<H0≤-310的酸中心.在分散容量以上, NbO x物种聚集体向三维方向生长,催化剂表面强酸中心的酸量有所增加.氧化物催化剂表面通常有L酸中心和B酸中心.氧化物表面的L酸中心的强度可用其Sanderson电负性大小来解释[25],氧化物的Sanderson电负性值越大,其表面L酸性越强.根据T i,Nb和O的Sanderson电负性值[26]可计算出T iO2和Nb2O5的电负性为21383和21507,即Nb2O5表面的L酸强度大于T iO2表面的L酸,故当T iO2载体表面Nb2O5负载量逐渐增加时,T i—O—T i,T i—O—Nb物种所占比例减小,而Nb—O—Nb物种所占比例增加,催化剂表面L酸中心酸强度增强.对于异丁烯与异丁醛缩合反应,由于反应体系存在水分子,负载型Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂表面与水分子作用可形成B酸中心.而B酸中心酸强度与表面羟基的键强度的大小密切相关.在Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂表面存在着Nb—OH和T i—OH端羟基以及Nb—OH—Nb,T i—OH—T i和Nb—OH—T i桥羟基,根据K ataoka等[27]的方法,可以计算出T i—OH和Nb—OH羟基键强度分别为1133和1117v1u.(valence unit),这些羟基是高度共价的,不足以电离出质子而呈B酸性质.而Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂表面的桥羟基T i—OH—T i,Nb—OH—Nb和Nb—OH—T i的键强度分别为0167,0133和0150v1u.,其质子的离子化程度即B酸强度为:Nb—OH—Nb>Nb—OH—T i>T i—OH—T i.显见,随T iO2载体表面Nb2O5的负载量增加,表面T i—O—T i,T i—O—Nb物种所占比例减小而Nb—O—Nb物种所占比例增加,催化剂表面B酸中心酸强度也是增加的.由于Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂随Nb2O5负载量逐渐增加酸强度增加,对异丁烯与异丁醛缩合生成2,52二甲基2 2,42己二烯反应的催化活性大幅度增加.当Nb2O5负载量超过分散容量后,催化剂表面强酸中心略有增加,但Nb—O—Nb物种表面利用率下降,故Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂的催化活性增幅减缓.3 结论(1)由XRD相定量方法测得Nb2O5在T iO2表面的分散容量为0194mm ol Nb/100m2T iO2,与“嵌入模型”按覆盖O2-密置分布估算的分散容量0198mm ol Nb/100m2T iO2相近.(2)当Nb2O5的负载量低于分散容量1/3时,分散的NbO x物种主要通过Nb—O—T i键结合在T iO2表面形成孤立的NbO x物种.随负载量增加,这些孤立的NbO x物种倾向于与邻近的NbO x通过Nb—O—Nb化学键相连而聚合,催化剂表面酸强度增加,对异丁烯与异丁醛缩合生成2,52二甲基2 2,42己二烯反应的催化活性大幅度增加.(3)当Nb2O5的负载量超过分散容量时,由于表面所增加的Nb5+离子主要是通过Nb—O—Nb化学键相连形成多层的Nb2O5,Nb离子表面利用率下降,Nb2O5/T iO2催化剂催化活性增加幅度减小.表1 Nb2O5/T iO2系列催化剂表面酸量及酸强度分布T able1 Acid feature on the sur face of Nb2O5/T iO2catalystsNb2O5负载量/ (mm ol Nb/100m2T iO2)总酸量/(μm ol/m2)酸强度分布(μm ol/m2)H0≤-5.6-5.6<H0≤-3.0-3.0<H0≤1.5 1.5<H0≤3.3 3.3<H0≤6.80 4.850000.14 4.71 0.32 3.190000.39 2.80 0.64 4.54000.390.59 3.560.97 4.5200.380.300.35 3.491.29 4.5400.470.530.39 3.15 1.72 4.5200.540.690.322.97R eferences1Lizuka,T.;Ogasawara,K.;T anabe,K.Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.1983,56,292.2I zabela,N.;Maria,Z.Chem.Rev.1999,99,3603.3T anabe,K.;Okazaki,S.Appl.Catal.A:G eneral1995,133,6131 化学学报V ol.62,2004191.4T anabe,K.Catal.Today2003,78,65.5Wachs,I. 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关键词:无规共聚聚丙烯;透明成核剂;结晶;力学性能中图分类号:TQ325.1+4文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-4962(2023)01-0019-03Effect of transparent nucleating agent on the properties ofrandom copolymer polypropyleneLei Jiawei,Li Jian,Chen Yidan,Deng Qiyao,Wu Xi(ZHSH(Wuhan)Petrochemical Company,Wuhan430082,China)Abstract:In order to meet the market demand,ZHSH(Wuhan)Petrochemical Company developed transparent polypropylene(PP) in the STPP plant.The effect of transparent nucleating agents NA1and NA2on random copolymerization of PP was studied.The results showed that the transparent properties,mechanical properties,heat resistance and crystallization properties of random copolymerized PP were improved by adding transparent nucleating agent.When the content of transparent nucleating agent was 0.15%-0.2%,NA1had better effect on the transparency of random copolymerization PP than that of NA2.When the content of transparent nucleating agent was0.25%,NA2had better effect on the transparency of random copolymerization PP than that of NA1. In addition,NA2had better effect on the improvementof the crystallization property and yellow index of random copolymerization PP than NA1.Keywords:random copolymerization polypropylene;transparent nucleating agent;crystallization;mechanical property聚丙烯具有重量轻、耐热性、耐腐蚀性好和易成型加工等特点[1],广泛应用于汽车、家电、包装及医疗器材等领域。



DOI:10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2022092401张皓铭, 周畅, 张国洋, 等. 桥联配体对钛凝胶吸附砷锑性能的影响及机制[J]. 环境化学, 2024, 43(4): 1254-1263.ZHANG Haoming, ZHOU Chang, ZHANG Guoyang, et al. Effects and mechanism of bridging ligands on the adsorption performance for arsenic and antimony removal by titanium xerogel[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2024, 43 (4): 1254-1263.桥联配体对钛凝胶吸附砷锑性能的影响及机制 *张皓铭 周 畅 张国洋 ** 张淑娟(南京大学环境学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,南京,210023)摘 要 针对钛凝胶吸附剂中桥联配体与吸附性能之间的关系不明问题,本文对比考察了由11种配体(有机羧酸类、醇胺类以及双酮类)合成的钛凝胶材料吸附砷(As)、锑(Sb)的性能. 乙酰丙酮(AcAc)作为桥联配体合成的钛凝胶材料表现出优异的As、Sb去除能力,其对As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)和Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附容量分别达到了329、461、584、805 mg·g−1(以钛计),吸附速率分别比无配体组提高了10.1、8.1、11.5、1.9倍. 各类配体对钛凝胶吸附容量的提升效果相当,但对吸附速率提升效果差异明显. 有机羧酸类配体调控后对As、Sb吸附速率仅为AcAc的30%—60%,而丁二酮等弱配体调控后几乎没有提升吸附速率. 与其他配体相比,AcAc的配位能力介于丁二酮和酒石酸、三乙醇胺等强配体之间,其适中的配位能力兼顾了制备过程中抑制钛快速水解和吸附过程中新活性位点的快速释放特性. 当AcAc中心碳或端基碳被甲基取代后,烯醇式AcAc的含量以及配位能力降低,进而减弱材料的砷锑吸附性能.关键词 重金属污染,钛凝胶吸附剂,乙酰丙酮,配体,溶胶凝胶法.Effects and mechanism of bridging ligands on the adsorption performance for arsenic and antimony removal by titanium xerogelZHANG Haoming ZHOU Chang ZHANG Guoyang ** ZHANG Shujuan(State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of Environment,Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210023, China)Abstract To clarify the relationship between the structure of bridging ligands and the adsorption performance, a series of titanium xerogels were synthesized with 11 ligands (organic carboxylic acids, alcohol-amines, and diketones) and their performance for arsenic and antimony removal was investigated. The titanium xerogel synthesized with acetylacetone (AcAc) as a bridging ligand showed an excellent adsorption performance: the adsorption capacities to As(Ⅲ), As(Ⅴ), Sb(Ⅲ), and Sb(Ⅴ) were 329, 461, 584 and 805 mg·g−1 (in titanium), respectively, and the adsorption rates were 10.1, 8.1, 11.5 and 1.9 times higher than that of the xerogel without organic ligand. All the tested ligands had comparable effects on the adsorption capacity, but led to significant differences in the adsorption rate. The xerogels with organic carboxylic acid ligands adsorbed As and Sb at rates of only 30%—60% of that with AcAc, while weak ligand, such as butanedione, had negligible effect on the adsorption rate. Compared with other ligands, AcAc had a moderate coordination capacity between butanedione and strong ligands (e.g., tartaric acid and triethanolamine), which balanced the2022 年 9 月 24 日 收稿(Received:September 24,2022).* 科技部重点研发计划(2019YFC0408302)和国家自然科学基金(22106068)资助.Supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2019YFC0408302)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (22106068).* * 通信联系人 Corresponding author,E-mail: ***************.cn4 期张皓铭等:桥联配体对钛凝胶吸附砷锑性能的影响及机制1255inhibition of rapid hydrolysis of titanium during synthesis and the quick release of new active sites during adsorption. When the hydrogen at the central or terminal carbon of AcAc was substituted by methyl groups, the content of the enolic form and consequently the coordination ability were reduced, which in turn weakened the adsorption performance.Keywords heavy metal pollution,titanium xerogel adsorbent,acetylacetone,ligands,sol-gel.重金属污染是威胁公众健康的世界性环境问题. 其中,砷(As)和锑(Sb)因毒性高、影响范围大而成为水体重金属污染研究的代表性元素,在水环境中常以三价或五价形式存在[1 − 4]. 长期接触含As水可能会引起神经系统症状,皮肤病变和癌症[5],而摄入过量Sb可能会伤害心脏和肝脏,甚至导致死亡[6].世界卫生组织将饮用水中As浓度限值规定为10 μg·L−1[7]. 中国、欧盟和日本对Sb的最高污染水平限定为5 μg·L−1[8]. 因此,开发水中As/Sb的深度去除技术是保障饮用水安全和生态环境健康的迫切需求.目前,水环境中As、Sb污染的治理技术主要包括混凝技术、电化学技术、膜滤技术、离子交换技术、生物技术和吸附技术[9 − 10]. 由于操作简单、成本低等特点,吸附法一直是研究的热点[11 − 17]. 吸附法去除As、Sb的效果主要与所使用的吸附剂以及As、Sb的存在形态有关[12, 18 − 19]. 目前常见的重金属吸附剂主要是铁基、锰基等氧化物或氢氧化物纳米颗粒[20 − 24], 在应用过程中存在金属溶损率高、吸附容量低(< 150 mg·g−1)、受pH影响大、As(Ⅲ)去除效果差、纳米材料制备过程复杂等问题,限制了其大规模的应用[25 − 26]. 钛系吸附剂以稳定、无毒、抗腐蚀以及对As的高亲和力获得广泛关注[27]. 近期,一种通过溶胶凝胶法制备的新型钛凝胶吸附剂呈现As(Ⅲ)吸附容量大,受水环境(pH或共存离子等)变化影响小等特点. 由于材料表面具有较高的As(Ⅲ)亲和力,这种新型钛凝胶吸附剂对腐殖酸等共存有机质(50 mg·L−1)以及硫酸盐、碳酸盐等无机离子(10 mmol·L−1)具有较强的抗干扰能力[26]. 在固定床系统中可以有效的将As(Ⅲ)浓度从200 μg·L−1降至10 μg·L−1以下[26],表现出了良好的应用潜力.由于电负性低、极化能力强等特点,Ti4+极易在水中水解,形成不溶性氧化物而沉淀. 这对钛凝胶吸附剂的高效稳定制备带来挑战. 因此,选择合适的配体克服Ti4+不受控制的水解是溶胶凝胶法制备高性能钛凝胶吸附剂的关键. 先前所研发的钛凝胶吸附剂是以乙酰丙酮(AcAc)为桥联配体. 该配体在制备过程中通过络合作用提高了Ti4+离子的稳定性,限制了钛醇盐的水解反应,从而保护了Ti/O结构的生长. 然而,在溶胶凝胶法过程中加入其他种类配体是否可以表现出更佳的吸附性能尚未得到进一步的验证,配体结构与吸附剂性能之间的构效关系尚不明晰.本文分别以11种有机配体(3种常见有机酸配体,1种醇胺类配体和7种乙酰丙酮结构衍生物)(图1)通过溶胶凝胶法合成了11种钛干凝胶,并与无添加钛凝胶材料进行了As、Sb吸附性能对比. 结合吸附动力学和吸附容量,初步考察了配体对钛干凝胶吸附 As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)和 Sb(Ⅴ)性能的影响,剖析了可能的影响机制,为高效钛系吸附剂的开发、适配体的筛选和设计提供理论指导.图 1 11种配体的分子结构Fig.1 Molecular structures of 11 ligands1 材料与方法(Materials and methods)1.1 材料除有特别说明,所有试剂均为分析纯,无需进一步纯化. 乙酰丙酮(AcAc)、酒石酸、冰乙酸、乳酸、三乙醇胺、3,5-庚二酮(97%)、钛酸四丁酯、焦锑酸钾均购自Aladdin. 3,3-二甲基-2,4-戊二酮(AcAc-(CH3)2, 97%)、亚砷酸钠、砷酸钠购自Sigma-Aldrich. 2,3-丁二酮、3-甲基-2,4-戊二酮(AcAc-CH3, 97%)分别购于上海化学试剂厂和日本TCI公司. 2-乙酰基环己酮(Cycle-diketone, 95%)、3,4-二氢-6-甲基-2氢-吡喃-5-甲基酮(Cycle-enol, 96%)均为南京大学化学化工学院合成. 除此以外,本研究使用的所有其他化学品均来自国药化学试剂有限公司. 所有溶液均用超纯水(18.25 MΩ·cm)配制.1.2 钛凝胶吸附剂的制备加入不同配体,分别制备了12种钛凝胶吸附剂:4种常见有机酸、醇胺类配体(酒石酸、乙酸、乳酸、三乙醇胺)和7种AcAc及其衍生物(AcAc、丁二酮、3,5-庚二酮、AcAc-CH3、AcAc-(CH3)2、Cycle-diketone、Cycle-enol)以及无配体添加的对照组. 具体制备方法为:将0.75 mL配体与10 mL乙醇混合,添加10 mL钛酸四丁酯后,在室温下搅拌30 min,获得均一的溶胶,为A液. 将5 mL乙醇,3.3 mL水和0.2 mL 50%硝酸混合搅拌,为B液. 将B液缓慢滴入到A液中,不断搅拌后可以观察到混合液逐渐失去流动性,成为凝胶. 将所得凝胶收集到敞口的离心管中,并用冷冻干燥机干燥48 h,即可得到不同配体合成的钛凝胶吸附剂. 在上述配方中,钛酯与配体的摩尔比均为4:1,钛酯与水的摩尔比为4:25. 制备流程如图2所示.图 2 钛凝胶吸附剂制备流程Fig.2 Preparation process of titanium xerogels1.3 吸附除砷、锑实验1.3.1 吸附动力学分析本文旨在探究溶胶凝胶法合成钛凝胶吸附剂过程中桥联配体对其吸附性能的影响,为剥离其他因素影响,采用了相对简单的模拟金属离子体系. 配制100 mL含5 mg·L−1 As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ)的样品溶液,用稀NaOH和HClO4溶液调节pH为7.0 ± 0.1. 将样品溶液加入摇瓶,准确称取0.02 g钛凝胶吸附剂加入摇瓶,在摇床上振荡(120 r·min−1,25 ℃),间隔一段时间取样. 所有实验组和对照组设置3个平行.1.3.2 吸附容量分析配置100 mL含50 mg·L−1 As/Sb的样品溶液,用稀NaOH和HClO4溶液调节pH为7.0 ± 0.1. 将样品溶液加入摇瓶,准确称取0.02 g钛凝胶吸附剂加入摇瓶,在摇床上振荡(120 r·min−1,25 ℃),48 h后取样. 所有实验组和对照组设置3个平行.1.4 表征和分析砷、锑和钛的质量浓度使用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(iICP 7400 ICP-OES,美国)测定. 测定钛凝胶吸附剂的载钛量时,首先将材料用硝酸和高氯酸湿法消解,然后再进行质量浓度检测.吸附剂的表面位点密度通过使用配备有组合玻璃电极(DGi115-SC,Mettler Toledo)的自动滴定系统(T50)的恒电位滴定法测定. 添加酸滴定剂为0.2 mol·L−1 HNO3,碱滴定剂为0.03 mol·L−1 NaOH,背景溶液为50 mL 0.01 mol·L−1 NaClO4,投加钛凝胶吸附剂的质量为20 mg.1.5 数据分析1.5.1 吸附容量及速率的计算方法材料的平衡吸附容量Q e(mg·g−1)根据公式(1)计算:Q e=(C0−C s)×Vm(1)1256环 境 化 学43 卷式中,C0、C e(mg·L−1)分别为污染物初始质量浓度和平衡质量浓度,V(L)为反应体系的体积,m(g)为吸附剂的投加质量.吸附速率常数(k2(g·(mg·h)−1)通过二级动力学[28](公式2)拟合:Q t=Q2ek2t1+k2Q e t(2)式中,Q t(mg·g−1)为材料在t(h)时刻的吸附容量,Q e(mg·g−1)为平衡吸附容量.1.5.2 表面羟基位点含量的计算利用原位格氏图(Gran plots)计算钛凝胶吸附剂的滴定平衡点和表面羟基位点密度[29 − 30]. 酸性端的格氏值(G a)及碱性端的格氏值(G b)计算如公式(3)和公式(4):G a=(V0+V at+V b)×10−pH(3)G b=(V0+V at+V b)×10pH−14.0(4)式中,V0为体系初始总体积(mL),V at为酸滴定到体系pH为3.0时消耗的标准酸液的总体积(mL),V b为碱滴定体系pH到11.0的过程中消耗的标准碱液的实时累计体积(mL).表面羟基位点含量(H s,mmol·g−1)的计算公式如式(5):H s=(V eb2−V eb1)sample×c b−(V eb2−V eb1)blank×c bm(5)式中,m为材料质量(mg),V eb1与V eb2分别为格氏图中酸滴定曲线拟合线性回归方程与横坐标的交点(mL),sample和blank分别为含有吸附剂体系和空白体系,c b为所用滴定碱液浓度(mmol·L−1).2 结果与讨论(Results and discussion)2.1 表征与分析钛凝胶吸附剂中表面羟基基团含量是提升重金属吸附性能的重要因素[26]. Gran图解法常用于确定溶液中氧化物的表面活性位点密度. 加入各类配体后,合成的12种钛凝胶吸附剂的Gran曲线如图3所示. V eb1前段为加入的NaOH与水中的H+反应所用的量. V eb1和V eb2中间段为NaOH与材料表面的羟基(Ti—OH,活性位点)反应所用的碱量. V eb2后段为调节整个固液系统的pH所需碱量. 根据公式(5)计算得到材料表面的—OH位点的含量[29](图4). 结果表明,与不加入配体的对照组(H s = 0.38 mmol·g−1)相比,加入有机配体均可以显著提高钛凝胶吸附剂的表面位点含量. 这些有机配体含有较多的羟基和羧基,可显著提高材料在水中缓冲氢离子的能力. 其中,加入Cycle-diketone配体后合成的钛凝胶材料表面羟基位点含量增加最少,H s仅为0.83 mmol·g−1;而加入酒石酸和Cycle-enol后合成的钛凝胶材料表面羟基含量显著高于其他有机配体,H s分别为7.34 mmol·g−1和7.0 mmol·g−1. 另外,有机羧酸类配体调控的钛凝胶材料H s值普遍高于双酮类有机配体(除了Cycle-diketone外). 酒石酸和Cycle-enol的挥发性差,在常温下能以固体形态稳定存在,较高的H s值可能是因为这些配体在材料中存在较多残留.AcAc的中心碳上有α-H,能够发生烯醇和双酮式结构互变,其p K a值为8.9[30]. 烯醇式阴离子是一种常见的双齿配体,可与各类金属形成配合物[31]. 从图4中可以看出,随着中心碳上的α-H被甲基取代,烯醇式含量的减少,钛凝胶材料表面羟基位点含量逐渐降低. AcAc,AcAc-CH3,AcAc-(CH3)2的H s值分别为3.28、2.6、2.18 mmol·g−1. 丁二酮不具有烯醇式结构,Cycle-diketone的α-H受到空间位阻的影响,电离难度增大. 因此,丁二酮和Cycle-diketone配体调控后的钛凝胶吸附剂H s值均有所下降. 其中Cycle-diketone调控后的H s值仅为 0.83 mmol·g−1,远低于AcAc. 以上结果表明,AcAc的烯醇式结构是影响材料表面位点含量的重要因素. 当烯醇式结构能够稳定且大量存在时,材料表面位点含量增加,反之则下降.除了检测材料表面活性位点含量外,本文又通过ICP-OES测定了材料的钛含量(图4). 与无配体调控的钛凝胶材料相比,有机配体的加入并没有显著提升钛含量. AcAc及其衍生物合成的材料中钛含4 期张皓铭等:桥联配体对钛凝胶吸附砷锑性能的影响及机制12571258环 境 化 学43 卷量在31.1%到36.3%之间浮动,而有机羧酸类配体以及不具有配位能力的丁二酮会降低材料中的钛含量至30%以下.图 3 分别加入各类配体后合成的12种钛凝胶吸附剂的Gran曲线Fig.3 Gran curves of 12 Titanium xerogels synthesized by adding various ligands图 4 12种钛凝胶吸附剂的表面位点含量(H s值)和钛含量Fig.4 H s values and titanium contents of 12 titanium xerogels synthesized by different ligands2.2 As、Sb吸附性能2.2.1 吸附动力学将12种钛凝胶吸附剂分别放置于含有As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ)(初始浓度为5 mg·L−1)的4 期张皓铭等:桥联配体对钛凝胶吸附砷锑性能的影响及机制1259溶液中,静态吸附35 h内对As\Sb的吸附动力学如图5所示. 加入有机配体合成的大多数钛凝胶混凝剂对As、Sb的吸附速率均快于对照组. 为了更准确地比较各类配体调控对钛凝胶材料吸附速率的影响,采用二级吸附动力学方程[28]对动力学数据进行拟合,得到表观吸附速率常数k2(图6). 11种桥联配体中AcAc对As\Sb的吸附速率提升效果最好,其对As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附速率分别是对照组的10.1、8.1、11.5、1.9倍. 丁二酮调控后对材料的吸附速率没有提升,甚至减慢了对As(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附速率.图 5 12种钛凝胶吸附(a)As(Ⅲ),(d)As(Ⅴ),(c)Sb(Ⅲ),(d)Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附动力学底物浓度5 mg·L−1,吸附剂投加量200 mg·L−1,T = 25 ℃,pH = 7.0 ± 0.1Fig.5 Adsorption kinetics of (a) As(Ⅲ), (b) As(Ⅴ), (c) Sb(Ⅲ), (d) Sb(Ⅴ) by 12 titanium xerogels substrate concentration 5 mg·L−1,adsorbent dosage 200 mg·L−1,T = 25 ℃,pH = 7.0 ± 0.1有机羧酸类配体的H s都高于AcAc,却没有表现出更高的吸附速率. 这可能与较低的钛含量以及配体配位强度有关. 相比较五价的As/Sb,三价的As/Sb具有更高的生物毒性,而且在水中通常以电中1260环 境 化 学43 卷性的形式存在,分离去除更加困难[6, 19, 26]. 从图6可以看出,除乙酸配体对As(Ⅲ)有显著吸附速率提升外,其他羧酸类配体对吸附速率提升效果有限,仅有1.28—1.85倍. 而对于Sb(Ⅲ)的吸附速率提升情况正好相反. 乙酸配体调控后几乎没有提升对Sb(Ⅲ)的吸附速率,其他羧酸类配体的提升效果显著(3.39—6.68倍).图 6 12种钛凝胶对As(Ⅴ)、As(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)的二级吸附速率常数Fig.6 The second-order adsorption rate constants of the 12 titanium xerogels to As(Ⅴ), As(Ⅲ), Sb(Ⅴ), Sb(Ⅲ)对于β-双酮类配体而言,则呈现出较为明显的规律:随着AcAc中心碳上的α-H数量的减少,AcAc衍生物调控的钛凝胶材料对As/Sb的吸附速率逐渐降低. 这与材料表面活性位点含量变化一致. 3, 5-庚二酮,Cycle-diketone以及Cycle-enol对As/Sb吸附速率的提升效果普遍弱于AcAc中心碳取代的结构类似物,与有机酸类配体的提升效果相当.2.2.2 吸附容量分析对12种钛凝胶吸附剂以单位质量Ti归一化后,分别计算了吸附初始浓度为50 mg·L−1的As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ) 48 h后的吸附容量(图7).图 7 12种钛凝胶吸附剂吸附As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附容量Fig.7 Adsorption capacities (Q e) of 12 titanium xerogels to As(Ⅲ), As(Ⅴ), Sb(Ⅲ), and Sb(Ⅴ)加入各类配体后,大部分钛凝胶吸附剂的吸附容量均有所提升,对Sb的提升效果最为明显.AcAc调控后的钛凝胶材料对As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ)的吸附容量分别达到了462、329、805、584 mg·g−1(以Ti计). 与无配体调控的对照组相比,分别提升了1.18、1.55、1.29、1.30倍. AcAc中4 期张皓铭等:桥联配体对钛凝胶吸附砷锑性能的影响及机制1261心碳α-H全部取代的AcAc-(CH3)2以及环状双酮Cycle-enol则对吸附容量几乎没有提升效果. 在所有配体调控中,对As(Ⅲ)、As(Ⅴ)、Sb(Ⅲ)、Sb(Ⅴ)吸附容量提升最大的分别为三乙醇胺(510 mg·g−1)、乳酸(516 mg·g−1)、三乙醇胺(968 mg·g−1)以及酒石酸(750 mg·g−1).在实际含As、Sb地下水处理过程中,吸附速率和吸附容量是决定工程设计和吸附效能的重要参数. 尽管有机酸类配体制得的钛凝胶对As/Sb的吸附容量略优于AcAc为配体的钛凝胶,但其它配体对吸附速率提升的贡献仅为AcAc的30%—60%. 综合来看,AcAc是制备高性能钛凝胶吸附剂的适宜配体. 此外,由于以AcAc为配体的钛凝胶吸附剂对As/Sb的结合较强,解析再生比较困难. 尽管如此,兼顾高吸附容量和快吸附速率的钛凝胶吸附剂与实际应急快速处理需求具有良好的适配性,未来可通过负载、复配等方式进一步提高吸附性能,对使用后的钛凝胶吸附剂通过煅烧等方式回收具有附加价值的二氧化钛,从而降低处理成本. 因此,以AcAc为配体的钛凝胶吸附剂具有良好的应用潜力.2.3 配体对钛凝胶吸附剂的影响机制配体主要从合成过程和吸附过程两个方面影响钛凝胶吸附剂的性能. 一方面,配体与钛的配位能力和配位方式可以有效控制水解和缩合步骤,进而影响聚合物凝胶的结构和吸附性能. 在溶胶-凝胶法制备过程中,钛酸四丁酯前体先进行水解和聚合反应形成溶胶,然后再缓慢聚合形成凝胶. 然而,钛烷氧基体系对水的敏感性很高,会快速地发生水解,并形成无定形水合氧化钛簇而沉淀,使得材料有序性变差,表面羟基活性位点变少(见对照组),从而影响吸附性能. 引入富含螯合电子的氧基配体可以有效提高对水解的抵抗力,阻止中钛水解-缩合反应位点,保护Ti/O结构的生长,从而增加了溶胶-凝胶过程中材料的有序性和表面羟基活性位点. 另一方面,在吸附过程中,配体与钛配位后,能否进一步水解形成新的吸附位点同样是影响钛凝胶材料对重金属吸附性能的重要因素. Zhang等研究发现,与无配体的对照组相比,AcAc调控的钛凝胶材料的物理结构(表面积和孔体积)和表面电荷(PZC)都不利于As的吸附,却呈现更高的吸附性能. 推测是因为在吸附过程中,钛凝胶表面发生原位水解,从而提供了新生的Ti—O—H和C=O/C—O—H位. 这些新位点通过具有强结合能的内球络合捕获As(Ⅲ)[26]. 另外,由于As\Sb含氧酸盐与配体的直接络合能力较弱,暴露在材料表面的未配位的自由配体较少,加之腐殖酸等共存配体的竞争干扰小[26],材料表面有机配体自身与As\Sb含氧酸盐的配位络合作用占比较小. 由此推测,理想的配体应当具有适中的钛配位能力. 配体配位能力太弱,在合成过程中则易生成无定形水合氧化钛簇,无法形成有序的凝胶结构. 配体配位能力太强,在吸附过程中难以快速水解释放吸附位点,导致较低的吸附速率. 该猜想与本文的配体影响相吻合.11种配体与钛的常见配位模型如图8所示,丁二酮和AcAc-diketone与钛的配位能力最差,无法形成螯合结构,这些配体不利于生成结构有序的钛凝胶,具有较低的表面羟基活性位点密度以及较低的吸附速率. 除此以外,AcAc及其衍生物都能作为双齿配体与钛螯合形成较为稳定的共轭六元环. 羧酸类配体与Ti的配位能力相对较强,乙酸作为单齿配体与钛进行配位,乳酸和酒石酸可以作为双齿配体与钛螯合形成五元环和七元环,而三乙醇胺作为四齿配体可与钛形成强稳定性半包结配合物. 这些配体虽然具有较高的表面羟基活性位点密度和吸附容量,但强稳定的配位结构非常不利于吸附过程中吸附位点的水解释放,导致较低的吸附速率. 比较来看,AcAc是最为合适的桥联配体,其配位能力适中,既能有效控制Ti的快速水解,又能在吸附过程中迅速释放吸附位点,因而兼具吸附速率快和吸附容量高的优势. 另外,中心碳或端基碳的取代基效应会影响烯醇式AcAc的配位能力. 当中心碳上的α-H被推电子基团如甲基等取代后,其电离能力减弱,p K a变大,不利于向烯醇式的转化,配位能力减弱. 当中心碳上存在双甲基取代或在AcAc骨架上引入环状结构时,在吸附过程中可能会由于空间位阻效应,导致其无法作为一个锚点,降低了As/Sb的亲和力. 因此,AcAc-(CH3)2、Cycle-enol以及Cycle-diketone 表现出较低的吸附速率和吸附容量.图 8 常见有机配体与钛形成的钛配合物结构Fig.8 Complexation structures formed between organic ligands and titanium3 结论(Conclusion)本文系统研究了有机配体对溶胶凝胶法合成的钛吸附剂去除砷锑的性能影响. 总体而言,在合成中加入有机配体,均能显著提高钛凝胶表面羟基位点密度以及As 、Sb 吸附性能. 但配体的配位能力和配位结构对钛凝胶吸附性能的提升存在显著影响. 通过对比各类配体调控后的钛凝胶表面羟基位点密度、钛含量、吸附速率以及吸附容量等参数,发现AcAc 是高性能钛凝胶吸附剂制备过程中的适宜配体.配体主要从合成和吸附两个过程影响钛凝胶吸附剂的吸附性能. 在溶胶凝胶法制备过程中,配体能够通过配位作用抑制钛的过度水解,从而提高水解产物的有序性,得到多吸附位点的立体网状结构.而在吸附过程中,钛配合物原位水解暴露吸附新位点的数量是钛凝胶有效捕获As (Ⅲ)、Sb (Ⅲ)的重要因素. AcAc 的烯醇式结构易与Ti 形成较为稳定的共轭六元环,其配位能力介于丁二酮、Cycle-enol 等弱配体和酒石酸、三乙醇胺等强配体之间,兼顾了合成过程中抑制钛的过度水解作用和吸附过程中新活性位点的快速释放功能. 因而AcAc 调控后的钛凝胶材料兼具吸附速率快和吸附容量大的优势. 当AcAc 中心碳或端基碳被甲基取代后,会降低烯醇式AcAc 的含量以及配位能力,进而减弱了材料吸附As 、Sb 的性能.本文研究结果有望为高性能环境功能材料的设计提供新思路,但仍然存在不足之处. 后续可借助钛配位化学基本理论与现代仪器分析手段,明确钛氧簇凝胶合成过程中AcAc 的作用机制及聚合网络的生成机制,为该方法的持续优化提供理论依据. 另外,还需要系统评价钛凝胶材料净污性能,考察实际水质条件下共存基质的影响及作用规律,探索该类材料规模化生产的技术要点,以推进该类材料的实用化进程.参考文献(References)柳凤娟, 张国平, 罗绪强, 等. Fe(Ⅱ)浓度对硫酸盐还原菌去除水体中砷和锑的影响[J ]. 环境化学, 2021, 40(10): 3171-3179.LIU F J, ZHANG G P, LUO X Q, et al. Effect of different contents of Fe(Ⅱ) on removal of arsenic and antimony from water by sulfate reducing bacteria [J ]. Environmental Chemistry, 2021, 40(10): 3171-3179(in Chinese).[ 1 ]任杰, 刘晓文, 李杰, 等. 我国锑的暴露现状及其环境化学行为分析[J ]. 环境化学, 2020, 39(12): 3436-3449.REN J, LIU X W, LI J, et al. 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Effect of Nb addition on the microstructure and properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropyalloy

Effect of Nb addition on the microstructure and properties of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropyalloy

article info
Article history: Received 18 January 2011 Received in revised form 20 September 2011 Accepted 28 October 2011 Available online 11 November 2011
Keywords: High entropy alloy Eutectic Laves phase Solid solution
The microstructures and properties of the AlCoCrFeNbxNi high-entropy alloys (HEAs) were investigated. Two phases were found in the prepared AlCoCrFeNbxNi HEAs: one is body-centered-cubic (BCC) solid solution phase; the other is the Laves phase of (CoCr)Nb type. The microstructures of the alloy series vary from hypoeutectic to hypereutectic, and the compressive yield strength and Vickers hardness have an approximately linear increase with increasing Nb content. The residual magnetization (Mr) reaches a maximum for AlCoCrFeNb0.1Ni alloy, which is 6.106 emu/g. The factor of ˝, which is defined as entropy of mixing times 1000 over enthalpy of mixing, well predicts the phase formation for the multicomponents alloys.

Effects of in-vivo and in-vitro environments on the

Effects of in-vivo and in-vitro environments on the

Effects of in-vivo and in-vitro environments on the metabolism of the cumulus±oocyte complex and itsin¯uence on oocyte developmental capacityM.L.Sutton,R.B.Gilchrist and J.G.Thompson1Reproductive Medicine Unit,Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,University of Adelaide,The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville Road,Woodville,SA,5011,Australia1To whom correspondence should be addressed at:E-mail:jeremy.thompson@.auThere has been an improvement in the blastocyst rates achieved following in-vitro embryo production that can largely be attributed to improved embryo culture conditions based on an increased knowledge of the in-vivo environment,as well as the metabolic needs of the embryo.Despite this,in-vitro oocyte maturation(IVM)conditions have remained largely unchanged.Within the antral follicle,numerous events affect oocyte maturation and the acquisition of developmental competency,including:interactions between somatic cells of the follicle(in particular cumulus cells)and the oocyte;the composition of follicular¯uid;and the temperature and vascularity of the follicular environment.Many of these factors change with follicle size and oocyte growth.In contrast,culture conditions for IVM are based on somatic cells that often do not re¯ect the follicular environment,and/or have complex compositions or additives such as macromolecule supplements that are unde®ned in nature.Metabolites included in media such as glucose,pyruvate,oxygen and amino acids have been shown to have differential in¯uences on oocyte maturation and competency.Manipulation of these factors and application of gained knowledge of the in-vivo environment may result in improved in-vitro oocyte maturation and overall in-vitro embryo production. Key words:culture conditions/follicular¯uid/in-vitro maturation/metabolism/oocyte maturationIntroductionOocyte maturation is the culmination of a prolonged period of oocyte growth and development within the growing follicle,and the short interval of meiotic maturation at ovulation.It is over the long phase of weeks to months that the oocyte,in a highly co-ordinated manner,gradually acquires the cellular machinery required to support early embryonic development.This capacity of the oocyte to sustain early development,called oocyte developmental competence,is intrinsically linked to the process of folliculogenesis and to the health of the developing follicle. The follicular environment also maintains oocytes in an arrested state of meiosis,at the diplotene stage of prophase I[also called the germinal vesicle(GV)stage].The last phase of oocyte maturation,meiotic maturation of the immature GV oocyte, germinal vesicle breakdown(GVBD)and progression to meta-phase II(MII),is induced in vivo by the pre-ovulatory gonadotrophic surge.Alternatively,arti®cial release of the oocyte from the inhibitory environment of the follicle leads to spontaneous meiotic maturation in vitro(Pincus and Enzmann, 1935).Oocyte in-vitro maturation(IVM)is a viable phenomenon as oocytes matured,fertilized and cultured in vitro can generate embryos with full developmental potential after embryo transfer.Meiotic maturation following liberation of the oocyte from the follicle was®rst described during the1930s(Pincus and Enzmann,1935),but it was not until the mid-1960s that the potential for IVM as a step in the process of embryo production was recognized(Edwards,1965).However,the ability of the oocyte to undergo meiotic maturation is a poor marker of oocyte developmental capacity(Moor and Trounson,1977).In most species examined,oocytes matured in vitro are compromised in their developmental capacity compared with oocytes matured in vivo(Bousquet et al.,1999;Farin et al.,2001;Yang et al.,2001; Combelles et al.,2002;Dieleman et al.,2002;Holm et al.,2002). Furthermore,the proportion of pregnancies achieved following IVM of human oocytes from unstimulated patients is minute (Trounson et al.,1994;Cha et al.,2000).With further research, IVM has the potential to become a viable alternative to ovarian stimulation,especially for the treatment of patients with fertility disorders who are at an increased risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome when treated with exogenous hor-mones,for example polycystic ovarian syndrome.Our understanding of what constitutes a developmentally competent oocyte recovered from antral follicles remains poor, although it is clear that the quality of the follicular environmentHuman Reproduction Update,Vol.9,No.1pp.35±48,2003DOI:10.1093/humupd/dmg009ÓEuropean Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology35 by guest on July 14, 2011 Downloaded fromfrom which the oocyte originates is a major determining factor.Despite this,little is known about how the nutrient requirements of the cumulus±oocyte complex(COC)impact on subsequent embryo development.For example,the most commonly used oocyte maturation media used today are formulations designed many years ago for culture of non-ovarian somatic cells.There are no studies that directly correlate the metabolic needs of the COC with developmental outcomes. However,the pioneering work of Downs and colleagues has clearly shown that availability of energy substrates can regulate meiotic resumption in oocytes from antral follicles,with small alterations in substrate concentrations either suppressing or inducing meiosis(Downs and Mastropolo,1994;Downs and Hudson,2000).In contrast,the effect of cell±cell signalling between the oocyte and granulosa cells during the earliest stages of folliculogenesis on metabolism of the oocyte is unknown and is likely to remain technically dif®cult to study.In this review,we will examine the composition of the antral follicular environment and how this relates to developmental outcome,and also the metabolism of the oocyte and the surrounding cellular vestment and relate these to developmental outcome and the current development of IVM media.Oocyte±follicular cell interactionsOocyte±follicular cell communication pathwaysThe follicular environment`programmes'oocyte developmental competence.Clearly,oocyte growth and development are absolutely dependent on the nurturing capacity of the follicle,in particular of the granulosa munication between the germ cell and somatic cell compartments of the follicle occurs via paracrine and gap-junctional signalling(Figure1).Indeed,both forms of communication are essential for normal oogenesis and folliculogenesis(Dong et al.,1996;Simon et al.,1997). Traditionally,research has focused on just one direction of this communication axisÐthat is,on granulosa cell support of the developing oocyteÐbut recent studies have demonstrated the importance of a bi-directional communication axis(Albertini et al.,2001).It is now becoming clear that oocyte paracrine signals are pivotal regulators of granulosa cell and ovarian function (Eppig,2001).Two key oocyte molecules identi®ed so far are growth differentiation factor9(GDF-9)and GDF-9B[also called bone morphogenic protein15(BMP-15)].These oocyte growth factors are critical for progression of the very earliest stages of folliculogenesis(Dong et al.,1996;Galloway et al.,2000),and then in late follicular development these oocyte-secreted factors play an important role in the differentiation of different granulosa cell lineages(Eppig et al.,1997;Li et al.,2000)and in the regulation of key granulosa cell functions(Elvin et al.,1999; Joyce et al.,2000;Otsuka et al.,2001).The highly specialized cumulus cells have distinctive trans-zonal cytoplasmic processes(TZP),which penetrate through the zona pellucida and abut the oolemma.Gap junctions at the ends of these TZP(and between cumulus cells)allow the transfer of low molecular-weight molecules between oocyte and cumulus cell, and also between cumulus cells(Eppig,1991).Gap-junctional communication in the follicle is essential for development and fertility.Both folliculogenesis and oogenesis fail in mice homozygous null for either connexin-37(the protein building block of oocyte±cumulus cell gap junctions;Simon et al.,1997), or connexin-43(the protein associated with gap junctions between granulosa cells;Ackert et al.,2001).Glucose metabolites,amino acids and nucleotides are all able to pass between oocyte and cumulus cells.In addition,gap junctions participate in oocyte meiotic regulation by allowing the passage of small regulatory molecules such as cAMP and purines(Dekel and Beers,1980; Salustri and Siracusa,1983;Eppig and Downs,1984;Racowsky, 1985;Racowsky and Satterlie,1985).Such intimate metabolic contact between oocyte and cumulus cells is thought to play a key role in disseminating local and endocrine signals to the oocyte via the cumulus cells.Hence,an understanding of the nutritional, metabolic or hormonal factors conferring oocyte developmental competence,by necessity,must entail an examination of the COC as a whole(as opposed to isolated oocytes).However,the majority of studies investigating energy substrates for maturing oocytes involve the addition of substrates to intact COCs and determining either developmental outcome or the metabolism of the denuded oocyte.Clearly,the metabolic pro®le of denuded oocytes(DOs)differs signi®cantly from that of COCs(Colonna and Mangia,1983;Zuelke and Brackett,1993;Khurana and Niemann,2000a).Importance of cumulus cells to oocyte IVMApart from the importance of granulosa cells and cumulus cells to the oocyte throughout follicle growth,the cumulus cells also play a critical role during spontaneous meiotic maturation in vitro.At around the time of meiotic resumption,cumulus cell±TZP begin to withdraw from the oocyte and there is almost complete loss of gap-junctional communication by the time oocytes reach metaphase I(MI).Considerable extracellular production of hyaluronic acid by cumulus cells causes dispersion of cumulus cells or cumulus expansion(Eppig,1981;Salustri et al.,1989; Chen et al.,1990).However,during this phase cumulus cells presumably continue to communicate with the oocyte,as removal of the cumulus cells prior to IVF results in compromised fertilization and embryo development compared with removing them post-IVF,regardless of co-culture with cumulus cells (Zhang et al.,1995;Fatehi et al.,2002).One of the most commonly used selection criteria for IVM is the morphology of the COC,in particular the cumulus vestment.Factors such as increased cell layers and degree of compaction are related to improved developmental out-come compared with oocytes surrounded by compromised vestments and DOs(Shioya et al.,1988;Madison et al.,1992; Lonergan et al.,1994;Goud et al.,1998),as well as there being a positive relationship between increased cumulus cell number in co-culture and developmental competence(Hashimoto et al., 1998).Follicular¯uid compositionThe follicular antrum is formed early in folliculogenesis. Follicular¯uid(FF)bathes the COC and contains a variety of proteins,cytokine/growth factors and other peptide hormones, steroids,energy metabolites and other unde®ned factors. Granulosa cells are separated by20nm-diameter channels, potentially allowing molecules up to M r500000in size to enterM.L.Sutton,R.B.Gilchrist and J.G.Thompson36 by guest on July 14, 2011 Downloaded fromthe antrum (Gosden et al .,1988).The porous nature of the follicular epithelium results in FF composition being comparable with that of `®ltered'venous plasma (Table I).Protein contentMean protein concentration is signi®cantly lower in bovine FF compared with blood serum,regardless of follicle size (Desjardins et al .,1966),and this is largely accounted for by the partial exclusion of most proteins with MW >250000(i.e.a 1-lipoprotein,a 2-macroglobulin and IgM)(Andersen et al .,1976).There is a positive relationship between increasing follicle size and the concentration of proteins with high molecular weight,indicative of increased permeability of serum proteins with follicular growth.In general,the concentration of globulins in human FF are not signi®cantly different to that in plasma,while albumin is 35%higher in FF compared with plasma (Velazquez et al .,1977).The total concentrations of amino acids in FF are also higher than in blood plasma,with the exception of cysteine (0.19mmol/l in plasma versus 0.062mmol/l in FF)(Velazquez et al .,1977),possibly due to its oxidation to cystine or use by the COC.The concentration of cysteine in a commonly used medium for IVM (Tissue culture medium 199;TCM199)is 0.6m mol/l,which is 10-fold lower than physiological levels.ElectrolytesThe concentrations of electrolytes such as chloride,calcium and magnesium in FF from large follicles (mostly pre-ovulatory)are highly comparable with serum and plasma levels (Gosden et al .,1988).Potassium levels may be elevated (1.5-to 3-fold)in FF in some species (possibly indicating active transport systems)(Schuetz and Anisowicz,1974;Gosden et al .,1988).Energy substratesThe concentration of energy metabolites in human FF has been studied with samples obtained from pre-ovulatory follicles of hyperstimulated patients undergoing assisted reproduction treat-ments.One group (Leese and Lenton,1990)reported that follicular lactate levels were 3-to 4-fold higher than serum levels (6.12versus 1.5±2mmol/l)and exist in a 2:1ratio with glucose.This contradicts later studies showing that glucose and lactate levels in human FF were 3.39and 3.17mmol/l respectively (Gull et al .,1999).Differences may have arisen from the methods used for analysis of the FF and serum and the storage of samples.Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and lactate dehydrogenase-1(LDH-1)synthesis increase signi®-cantly with oocyte growth,plateauing in medium-sizedfolliclesFigure 1.Oocyte±cumulus cell communication.Both paracrine (bold arrow)and gap-junctional (dashed arrow)communication between the oocyte and cumulus cells are required for normal oocyte and follicle development.Both communications pathways are bi-directional.Factors transmitted via these pathways include follicular ¯uid meiosis-activating sterol (FF-MAS),cAMP,purines and pyrimidines,metabolites,amino acids,growth differentiation factor-9(GDF-9)and GDF-9B or bone morphogenic protein (BMP-15),®broblast growth factor (FGF)and activin.Cumulus±oocyte complex metabolism37by guest on July 14, 2011 Downloaded from(Mangia et al .,1976).A positive correlation between glucose utilization and lactate production exists,and it is postulated that as the follicle grows then energy requirements increase with decreasing O 2availability (due to thickening of the avascular epithelium),leading to an increase in glycolysis and increased lactate production (Boland et al .,1993;Gull et al .,1999).This is supported by a 2-fold decrease in FF O 2tension (59.8mmHg in FF versus 102mmHg in maternal blood)and higher CO 2tension (46.9mmHg in FF versus 38.3mmHg in blood),resulting in a lower pH of FF compared with blood (7.33and 7.41respectively)(Fischer et al .,1992).All of these events are associated with increasing follicular growth leading to ovulation.Follicular vascularity and dissolved O 2content in FF are positively related to oocyte developmental outcome in humans.Measurements of follicular vascularity prior to oocyte collection demonstrated that oocytes derived from follicles with >50%blood ¯ow on their circumference had signi®cantly higher rates of clinical pregnancies following IVF and embryo transfer,com-pared to oocytes with poor vascularity (Chui et al .,1997;Coulam et al .,1999).Furthermore,only embryos resulting from oocytes collected from follicles with a high degree of vascularity (blood ¯ow identi®ed on 76±100%of the follicular circumference)resulted in successful pregnancies following embryo transfer.Poor vascularity and low dissolved O 2content are associated withdevelopmental defects such as aneuploidy,abnormal spindle organization and cytoplasmic structure (Van Blerkom et al .,1997).Oocytes from follicles with higher dissolved O 2in FF are more competent than oocytes from lower oxygenated follicles (as measured by development to 6-to 8-cell stage)(Van Blerkom et al .,1997;Huey et al .,1999).These studies suggest that hypoxic conditions have adverse effects on subsequent oocyte quality.LipidsIn general,fatty acid concentration of follicular ¯uid decreases with follicle size (Yao et al .,1980).In particular,linoleic acid is negatively correlated to follicle size,and its addition to culture medium inhibits GVBD in bovine oocytes,possibly by indirectly stimulating cAMP levels by affecting adenylate cyclase activity (Homa and Brown,1992).In general,there appears to be little information on the role of lipids during oocyte growth and maturation.There is,however,an important exception to this and that is with regard to a group of sterols,the meiosis-activating sterols (MAS),that are intermediates in the cholesterol biosyn-thetic pathway.Follicular ¯uid MAS (FF-MAS)and testicular MAS (T-MAS,®rst puri®ed from testicular tissue)are present in the FF of pre-ovulatory follicles in micromolar concentrations (Byskov et al .,2002).Their potential roles in the regulation of oocyte maturation are discussed later.Table I.The composition of sheep,pig,human and cow follicular ¯uid (FF)from pooled,small or large folliclesSheep Pig Human Cow PooledPooledPCOSPost LHPooledUnstimulated (pre LH)Stimulated (post LH)SmallLarge Small Large Na +(mmol/l)149b128h 139b 133.5b 132b 177.7i 109.2i 102.7i 88.1i K +(mmol/l) 4.7b 15.9h 8.05b 4.9b 9.2b 10.2i 7.4i 11.4i 5.6i Cl ±(mmol/l)107b97.3b 124.5b 149.5b Ca 2+(mmol/l) 2.29b2.34h 2.3b 0.94b3.1b 1.9i 2.1i 2.2i 1.8i Mg 2+(mmol/l)0.89b0.75b 0.76b 0.90i 0.89i 1.3i 0.73i Protein (g/100ml) 6.84h7.28c 7.08a 6.94f247j 33j Albumin (mg/ml)48.2c 43.4i36i54.1i47.4iTotal aa (m g/ml)236cGlucose (mmol/l) 3.44d 3.39e Lactate (mmol/l) 6.27d 3.17e pO 2(mmHg)59.8g 100.5k pCO 2(mmHg)46.9g 34.8k pH7.33g 7.35kNH 4+(m mol/l)134jSuperscripts indicate references.a Desjardins et al .,1966;b Gosden et al .,1988;c Velazquez et al .,1977;d Leese and Lenton,1990;e Gull et al .,1999;fAndersen et al .,1976;g Fischer et al .,1992;h Schuetz and Anisowicz,1974;i Wise,1987;j Hammon et al .,2000;k Huey et al .,1999.PCOS =polycystic ovary syndrome.M.L.Sutton,R.B.Gilchrist and J.G.Thompson38by guest on July 14, 2011 Downloaded fromTemperature and pHTemperature gradients exist within the ovarian environment,with pre-ovulatory follicles approximately1.5±2°C cooler than the ovarian stroma in pigs(Hunter et al.,1997,2000),humans (Grinsted et al.,1985)and cows(Grùndahl et al.,1996).How such temperature gradients are established and maintained is dif®cult to explain,and may yet re¯ect inadequate technologies to make such measurements.However,no differences in tempera-ture were observed between the stromal tissue and small antral follicles(Grùndahl et al.,1996;Hunter et al.,1997).It has been argued(Hunter et al.,1997)that the variations in temperature are established due to the follicle becoming largely avascular compared to the surrounding tissue,as well as an increase in endothermic activity associated with ovulatory processes. Decreased temperatures may decrease the viscosity of porcine FF,which would facilitate entry of the oocyte into the Fallopian tubes.However,the application of temperature gradients to IVM did not alter the developmental rates of bovine oocytes(Shi et al.,1998),indicating that although the temperature used for IVM is based on visceral temperature(and is higher than that within the ovary;Grùndahl et al.,1996;Hunter et al.,1997,2000),this seems to be adequate for IVM.The adverse effects of short-term heat shock during IVM are seen when temperatures are increased by approximately4°C and for>30min culture periods(Ju et al., 1999).IVM mediaCommercially available cell culture mediaThe maturation of oocytes in vitro is typically undertaken in commercially available complex medium,originally intended for the culture of non-ovarian somatic cells.Several commercially supplied media are commonly used for the base of IVM systems, such as TCM199,Waymouth MB752/1,Ham's F-12,Minimum Essential Medium(MEM),and Dulbecco's modi®cation of Eagle's medium(DMEM).The composition of the most commonly used IVM media are given in Table II.Table II.The composition of commercially supplied media commonly used for in-vitro oocyte maturationCompound(mmol/l)MediumTCM199Waymouth MB752/1Ham's F-12MEM DMEM HECM CaCl2 1.8020.820.23 1.36 1.36 1.9 MgSO40.788 3.960.580.790.79KCl 5.367 2.013 5.37 5.373 NaCl116.359102.67130.05116.36109.51113.8 NaHCO326.661426.1944.0425 Na2HPO4 1.017 2.5 1.18 1.17 1.04DL-alanine0.5610.1L-arginine0.3320.3610.60.4DL-aspartic acid0.4510.450.10.01 Asparagine0.01 L-cysteine 6.98Q10±40.510.220.01 L-cystine0.0830.060.10.2DL-glutamic acid0.908 L-glutamine0.684 2.41240.2 Glycine0.6660.670.10.40.01 L-histidine0.1040.780. Hydroxy-L-proline0.0763DL-isoleucine0.3050. 1.640.250.510.01 DL-methionine0.2010.340.030.10.2DL-phenylalanine0.3030. DL-serine0.4760.10.40.01 Taurine0.5 DL-threonine0.5040.630.10.40.8DL-tryptophan0.09790. 5.5527.7510 5.5524.97DL-lactate 4.5 Pyruvate1Glutathione 1.62Q10±40.16Hypoxanthine0.00220.180.04TCM=tissue culture medium;MEM=Minimum Essential Medium;DMEM=Dulbecco's modi®cation of Eagle's medium;mBM-3=Basic salt medium3; HECM=hamster embryo culture medium.Cumulus±oocyte complex metabolism39 by guest on July 14, 2011 Downloaded fromA range of different IVM base media is commonly used since oocytes from different species vary in their response to different media.Bovine oocytes matured in TCM199,SFRE(serum-free medium based on TCM199)and MEM have superior blastocyst development rates(12±19%)compared with oocytes matured in Waymouth MB752/1,Ham's F-12(3%and1%respectively; Rose and Bavister,1992)or MeÂneÂzo's B2(Hasler,2000).This is contrary to murine oocytes,where the highest cleavage rates were observed with IVM systems that used Waymouth MB752/1and MEM+non-essential amino acids(NEA),Ham's F-12and a MEM(van de Sandt et al.,1990).For porcine IVM,the composition of Waymouth MB752/1more favourably supports male pronucleus formation than TCM199or TLP-PVA(Tyrode's with lactate,pyruvate and polyvinyl alcohol)media(Yoshida et al.,1992).This may be related to high cysteine and cystine levels in Waymouth MB752/1,leading to increased cytoplasmic integrity through elevated axoplasmic glutathione(GSH)levels (Yoshida et al.,1993).Given the apparent need to test the different IVM base media in different species,the choice of base medium for human IVM is particularly dif®cult.Clearly,it is not possible to conduct an experiment large enough using human oocytes to test thoroughly the different IVM media.IVM of human oocytes is typically conducted using either TCM199(Trounson et al.,1994;Cha and Chian,1998;Mikkelsen et al.,1999)or Ham's F10(Cha et al., 1991).Waymouth MB752/1has been used for IVM of marmoset monkey oocytes(Gilchrist et al.,1995,1997),while modi®ed Connaught Medical Research Laboratories medium(CMRL-1066)is the most commonly used rhesus oocyte IVM medium (Schramm and Bavister,1994,1996;Schramm et al.,1994). The use of simple inorganic salt-based media is useful in determining which of the multitude of factors in complex media are important for successful oocyte maturation.In serum-free systems,mBM-3supplemented with glucose and a mixture of11 amino acids(in particular glutamine)(Rose-Hellekant et al., 1998),or supplemented with NEA alone,or NEA+essential amino acids(EA)(Avery et al.,1998)during IVM,led to improved blastocyst development compared with that achieved with TCM199.Embryo development has also been achieved from human oocytes matured in simple balanced salt solutions,such as human tubal¯uid(HTF;Jaroudi et al.,1997;Hwu et al.,1998) and human oocyte maturation medium(HOM;Trounson et al., 1998,2001).As IVM media trials are exceptionally dif®cult using human oocytes,such experiments are more feasible using non-human primate oocytes.With appropriate amino acid additives,a simple protein-free medium such as hamster embryo culture medium-10(HECM-10)is equally effective as the complex medium,CMRL-1066during IVM,at supporting development of rhesus oocytes through to the blastocyst stage(Zheng et al., 2001b).The formulation of IVM media speci®cally based on the composition of FFs has not been attempted.Substantial improve-ments in embryo culture media have been made over the past decade by basing media formulations on the major cation and anion concentrations and metabolic substrates of reproductive tract¯uids,for example sheep oviduct¯uid(SOF;Tervit et al., 1972),HTF(Quinn et al.,1985)and G1/G2;human tubal and uterine¯uids(Gardner et al.,1996),MTF;mouse tubal¯uid (Gardner and Leese,1990)and PL3(based on bovine blood and sheep oviductal¯uid;Park and Lin,1993).IVM ef®ciency may be improved with the design of an IVM medium along similar principles.Macromolecule supplementationThere is a long-running debate as to whether protein and macromolecule supplements should be added to IVM media and subsequent IVF and in-vitro embryo culture(IVC)media. Numerous protein supplements are used(Fukui and Ono,1989; Wiemer et al.,1991)such as fetal calf serum(FCS),estrous cow serum,estrous gilt serum,anestrous cow serum,steer serum, newborn calf serum,bovine serum albumin(BSA)and for human IVM,autologous patient serum and human serum albumin.FCS and BSA are the most commonly used protein supplements in IVM,with bovine oocytes matured in the presence of FCS having higher frequencies of oocyte nuclear maturation,cleavage and blastocyst formation compared to supplementation with or without other macromolecules(Fukui and Ono,1989;Wiemer et al.,1991;OcanÄa-Quero et al.,1999;Hasler,2000).Fetal serum contains numerous factors thought to be bene®cial to oocyte maturation and embryo development such as growth factors, lipids,albumin,hormones,steroids,cholesterol,peptides and many other unde®ned factors.The highly unde®ned nature of protein supplements makes them undesirable for many research aspects,due to the risk of batch variation and contaminating compounds of unde®ned nature.Although high-grade BSA has some degree of variability,it is less variable than serum itself. BSA has also been shown to contain steroids,especially estradiol, at levels high enough to allow for adequate cytoplasmic and nuclear maturation that supplementation with estradiol alone is unnecessary(Mingoti et al.,2002).Polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)and polyvinyl pyrolidone(PVP)are commonly used non-biological alternatives to protein supple-ments to aid in the handling of oocytes and embryos.Although oocytes matured in media supplemented with PVA or PVP have lower rates of polyspermic fertilization,development to the blastocyst stage is compromised compared with that of oocytes matured in the presence of proteins(Eckert and Niemann,1995; Fukui et al.,2000).Despite this,supplementation of PVA-based IVM media with hormones(LH,FSH and estradiol),growth factors(epidermal growth factor)and other bene®cial factors(b-mercaptoethanol,hypotaurine)can increase blastocyst develop-ment to rates comparable with oocytes matured in the presence of proteins(Avery et al.,1998;Abeydeera et al.,2000;Mizushima and Fukui,2001).This indicates that inorganic macromolecules together with de®ned protein additives can potentially replace serum/BSA supplements in IVM medium.FF as a mediumWhen FF is used as a substitute for serum in IVM media,embryo development is not in¯uenced by the size of the follicle from which the¯uid originated,nor are there any differences between bovine oocytes matured in the presence of FF or serum(Lonergan et al.,1994;Carolan et al.,1995;Kim et al.,1996).Although the size of the follicle from which the FF is sourced has little in¯uence on embryo development,¯uid obtained from non-atretic follicles supported oocyte developmental competence to a greater extent than FF from atretic follicles(CognieÂa et al.,1995).In contrast,FF from non-atretic dominant follicles when added toM.L.Sutton,R.B.Gilchrist and J.G.Thompson40 by guest on July 14, 2011 Downloaded from。



BIOTROPIA NO. 24, 2005 : 46 - 53EFFECT OF ANTANAN (CENTELLA ASIATICA) AND VITAMIN C ONTHE BURSA OF FABRICIUS, LIVER MALONALDEHIDE ANDPERFORMANCE OF HEAT-STRESSED BROILERSENGKUS KUSNADI1, REVIANY WlDJAJAKUSUMA2, TOHA SUTARDI3,PENI.S.HARDJOSWORO4 and ARIFIEN HABIBIE5'Department of Animal Production.Faculty of Animal Husbandry, AndalasUniversity(Unand), Padang, Indonesia 2Department of Physiology and Pharmacology,Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Bogor Agriculture University(IPB), Bogor, Indonesia 3Department of Animal Nutrition & Feed Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry,Bogor Agriculture Universirty(IPB), Bogor, Indonesia 4Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Husbandry,Bogor Agriculture University (IPB), Bogor, Indonesia1 Deputy Assistant for Agroindustry-Jakarta, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs,Jakarta, IndonesiaABSTRACTHigh environmental temperatures may cause heat stress in poultry. This may increase water consumption, decrease feed consumption and in rum, decrease productivity level. In addition, high temperature contributes to oxidative stress, a condition where oxidant activity (free radicals) exceeds antioxidant activity. In our research, antanan (Centelta asiatica) and vitamin C were utilized as anti heat-stress agents for heat-stressed broilers. We used 120 male broilers 2-6 weeks old, kept at 31.98 ± 1.94 °C during the day and 27.36 ± 1.31 °C at night. The data collected were analyzed with a completely randomized factorial design of 2 x 3 (2 levels of vitamin C, 3 levels of antanan at 4 replications) and continued with the contrast-orthogonal test when significantly different. The results indicate that the treatments of 5 and 10% of antanan with or without 500 ppm of vitamin C and vitamin C alone significantly (P<0.05) decreased the heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratio and liver malonaldchydc (MDA). These treatments, however, significantly (P<0.05) increased the bursa of Fabricius weight, feed consumption and body weight gain. It could be concluded that basal ration administered with 5% antanan and 500 ppm vitamin C could effectively prevent broilers from heat stress. The results support the conclusion that a basal ration supplemented with 5% antanan and 500 ppm of vitamin C or their combinations, effectivelly reduces heat stress in broilers.Key words : Heat stress/ Centella asiatica I Vitamin CINTRODUCTIONHigh environmental temperatures may result in the accumulation of body heat load so that the body suffers from heat stress. As one of the homeothermic species, poultry could maintain their body temperature relatively constant by increasing respiration rate and water consumption and/or decreasing feed consumption. As a result, their growth rate and productivity will decrease.46BIOTROPIA NO. 24, 2005May and Lott (2001) showed that body weight gain of 3 to 7-week-old male broilers raised at a temperature of 30°C was 1869 g significantly lower than for those raised at 22°C with body weight gains of 2422 g and feed conversion decreased from 3.28 to 2.54. The lower performances of broilers raised at high temperatures may have occurred as a result of lowered secretion of thyroid hormones (Geraert et al. 1996), decreased blood hemoglobin and hematocrit levels (Yahave/a/. 1997), or increased excretion of some minerals (Belay et al. 1992) and some amino acids (Tabiri et al. 2001).In addition, heat stress may also cause oxidative stress in the body and develop abundant free radicals, promoting the occurrence of peroxidation of membrane lipids and hence attacking DNA and protein membranes (Rahman 2003). Takahashi and Akiba (1999) indicated that feeding oxidized lipids to broilers significantly decreased feed consumption, body weight gain, plasma vitamin C, and plasma a-tocopherol. In fact, the results were followed by an increase in plasma malonal-dehyde (MDA) and blood heterophyl/lymphocytes (H/L) ratios as biological indices of stress in avian species.Antanan/pegagan (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban), one of the medicinal plants containing active materials such as asiatic acid, asiaticoside, and madecasic, is readily available and evidently eliminates stress in rats (Kumar and Gupta 2003). Shukla et al. (1999) reported that placing asiaticoside on rats wound increases curability and accelerates enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant activities of new-growing tissues. In addition, vitamin C reportedly eliminated cold stress (Sahin and Sahin 2002) and heat stress in poultry (Puthpongsiriporn et al. 2001) and showed synergism with some active materials contained in antanan (Bonte et al. 1994). With this in mind, we have examined the effect of antanan (Centella asiatica) and vitamin C on the bursa of Fabricius, liver malonaldehide and performance in heat-stressed broilers.MATERIALS AND METHODSThis research used 2 to 6-week-old male broilers placed in several pens located in an open poultry house. Each pen was flitted with a 40-Watt lamp and a zinc-plate backing functioning as a heat reflector. Temperature and relative humidity measurements obtained at noon and afternoon were 31.98 ± 1.28°C and 78.82 ± 5.43%, respectively. Temperature and relative humidity measurements at night and early morning were 27.36 ± 0.88°C and 86.23 ± 3.93%, respectively. The levels of 500 ppm vitamin C and 10% antanan (all plant parts) of ration used were established during preliminary trials. Vitamin C was dissolved in drinking water and served in the morning, two hours after the broilers received their last waterfeeding.47Effect of antanan (Centella asiatica) and vitamin C ‐ Engkus Kusnadi et al.One‐hundred‐and‐twenty‐two‐week‐old male broilers were randomly allocated into 24 pens, 5 broilers each. Antanan (5% and 10%) was mixed with other ingredients to make three different rations as follows: 1) The control ration contained the calory as metabolizable energy (ME) 3245.02 kcal/kg and 20.84% crude protein , 2) A5 = 5% antanan contained ME 3222.95 kcal/kg and crude protein 20.91%, and 3) A10 = 10% antanan contained ME 3202.87 kcal/kg and crude protein 20.99%. The ration formulation and nutrient composition of treatments are presented in Table 1.The broilers were subjected to six treatments, 20 broilers each, as follows:1) K (Control)/ration neither contained antanan nor vitamin C.2) A5/ration was supplemented with 5% antanan3) AlO/ration was supplemented with 10% antanan4) C, drinkwater contained 500 ppm vitamin C5) A5C, combination of A5 and C, and6) A10C, combination of A10 and C48BIOTROPIA NO. 24, 2005Variable measurements:1) Relative bursa of Fabricius weight taken from 4-week-old broilers, by weighing the organ anddivided by body weight (Puvadolpirod and Thaxton 2000).2) Heterophyl/lymphocyte ratio was taken from 4-week-old broilers, by hemo-cytometermethod. Blood was diluted 1:101 in a red blood cell pipette with Nat and Herrick diluent. The total leucocyte count includes heterophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils is divided by the number of lymphocytes.3) Liver malonaldehyde (MDA) taken from 6-week old broilers, by measuring the thiobarbituricacid (TEA) value using Tarladgis method (Apriyantono et al. 1989). Destilate from liver sample with pH: 1.5, is added to the TBA reagents, covered, mixed, and incubated in boiling water bath for 35 minutes. After cooling, the absorbance of filtrate (D) was determined at 528 nm wave length. The TBARs values = 7.8 D were expressed as mg/kg of malonaldehyde per kg of tissue.4) Feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion are measured for 4 weeks (from 2to 6-week-old broilers). Feed consumption was determined by weighing the given ration minus the leftover. Body weight gain was measured by weighing the final body weight at 6 weeks old minus the body weight at 2 weeks old. Feed conversion was measured by dividing feed consumption with body weight gain.Statistical analysisThe collected data were analyzed using a completely randomized factorial design (CRD) 2 x 3 (2 levels of vitamin C i.e. 0 and 500 ppm and 3 levels of antanan i.e. 0, 5 and 10% of rations at 4 replications), and where applicable, continued with orthogonal contrast test according to Steel and Torrie (1980).RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe results of the effect of antanan and vitamin C administration on bursa of Fabricius weight, H/L ratio and liver MDA contents are presented in Table 2. The data for feed consumption (FC), body weight gain (BWG), and feed conversion are presented in Table 3.From Table 2, the average relative of 4 - week bursa of Fabricius weight for controls (K) is significantly lower than those treated with A5, A10, C, A5C, or A10C. The bursa of Fabricius weight is similar for all treatments from A5 to A10C.49Effect of antanan (Centella asiatica) and vitamin C ‐ Engkus Kusnadi et al.These results suggest that antanan, vitamin C, or their combinations increase burs of Fabricius weight of broilers that suffered heat stress.The ability of antanan to stimulate lymphoid gland weight was reported i stressed rats by Sharma et al. (1996). Antanan contains phenol compounds th< potentially can prevent peroxidation of lipid membranes including T‐ and E lymphocyte membranes. T‐lymphocytes produce cellular immunities while E lymphocytes produce humoral immunities produced by the bursa of Fabricius in bir species. Phenol compounds of tea extracts were potentially capable of stimulatin the production of lymphoid cells in rats (Murtini et al. 2003). On the other hanc vitamin C acts, as a water‐soluble antioxidant capable of protecting lymphocyte from suffering heat stress (Puthpongsiriporn et al. 2001). As a result, the number o circulating lymphocytes increased so that the H/L ratio decreased.Table 2 shows a relationship between the increase of the bursa of Fabriciu weight and decrease in H/L ratio because the bursa of Fabricius is a lymphoid orgai producing lymphocytes. Thus, the smaller the bursa of Fabricius size, the fewe lymphocytes will be produced, and in turn, the higher the H/L ratio will be. Increase of the relative lymphoid organ weight occurred as a result of antanan feeding whicl was demonstrated by Sharma et al. (1996), while increase of the relative bursa o Fabricius weight as a result of supplementing vitamin C to broilers was reported b] Anim et al. (2000).Heat stress generating oxidative stress may increase MDA content as a result of lipid peroxidation, especially for unsaturated fatty acids of membrane cells. Feeding50BIOTROPIA NO. 24, 2005antioxidants, i.e. antanan and vitamin C, significantly decreases liver MDA content. Besides of being able to relieve free radicals by releasing an electron and a proton (a hydrogen ion), phenol compounds are also able to provide a chelating effect in such a way that phenols bind to transition ions. Unbound metals might increase free radicals (Pietta 2000). In addition, phenol compounds are characterized by flavonoids that are able to decrease fluidity of cell membranes so that it may decrease diffusion of free radicals and MDA contents. This is also true for vitamin C, a water-soluble antioxidant with 2 hydroxyl groups at €2 and €3 that are readily oxidized (Sediaoetama 1987).In addition, it is unmistakable that feeding antanan and vitamin C increases feed consumption and body weight gain of broilers over four weeks (2-6 weeks of age) but not for feed conversion (Table 3). This agrees with the reports of Anim et al. 2000) for broilers and Sharma and Sharma (2002) for rats suffering from stress. Antanan contains antioxidants such as phenol compounds that are capable of eliminating oxidative stress processes (Blokhina 2000), as is apparent from the decrease of H/L ratios, liver MDA levels and increase of bursa of Fabricius weights reported here.CONCLUSIONSFeeding antanan or vitamin C or the combination of antanan and vitamin C increases bursa of Fabricius weight, feed consumption, and body weight gain but decreases H/L ratio and liver MDA levels. The combination of 5% antanan and51Effect of antanan (Centella asiatica) and vitamin C — Engkus Kusnadi et al.vitamin C tends to increase feed consumption and body weight gain and , therefore this treatment tends to be very effective in alleviating heat stress in broilers.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors wish to thank the Department of Higher Education, Nations Department of Education, Republic of Indonesia and SEAMEO - SEARCA Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture, College, Lagun 4031 Philippines for their financial support.REFERENCESAnim AJ, TL. Lin, PY. Hester, D. Thiagarajan, BA. Watkins and CC. Wu. 2000. Ascorbic aci supplementation improved antibody response to infectious bursal disease vaccination in chickens Poultry Sci. 79: 680-688. Apryantono.A, D.Fardiaz, NL.Puspitasari, Scdarnawati and S.Budiyanto. 1989. 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The Effect of Temperature on Protein Conformation

The Effect of Temperature on Protein Conformation

The Effect of Temperature on ProteinConformationProteins are essential components of living organisms and are responsible for carrying out various cellular functions. They are composed of long chains of amino acids that are folded into intricate 3-dimensional structures. The specific shape of a protein, or its conformation, plays a critical role in its function. Temperature is one of the key factors that can influence protein conformation. In this article, we will explore the effect of temperature on protein conformation and how it impacts their function.Temperature-induced protein denaturationProtein denaturation is a process in which the protein loses its native conformation and unfolds into a linear or random coil structure. This process can be triggered by several factors, including pH, salts, mechanical stress, and temperature. Among these, temperature is the most commonly studied factor that can induce protein denaturation.When proteins are exposed to high temperatures, the thermal energy causes the bonds that hold the protein structure together to break. Hydrogen bonds, which are weaker than covalent bonds, are the first to be broken. As the temperature continues to rise, the more significant covalent bonds that hold the protein together begin to break, further destabilizing the structure. Ultimately, the protein loses its native conformation, and its function is impaired.The effect of temperature on protein stabilityThe stability of a protein refers to its ability to maintain its native conformation in the face of various environmental conditions, including temperature. The stability of a protein is influenced by several factors, including the amino acid sequence, solvent conditions, and the presence of ligands or cofactors. Temperature can disrupt the stability of a protein by altering its structure and causing it to denature.Proteins have a range of thermal stability that depends on their amino acid sequence and their specific structure. Generally, proteins that are stable at higher temperatures have a higher content of hydrophobic amino acids, which can help to stabilize the structure through hydrophobic interactions. In contrast, proteins that are stable at lower temperatures tend to have more polar amino acids and a lower content of hydrophobic amino acids.The temperature at which a protein denatures is known as its melting temperature or Tm. The Tm of a protein is influenced by its intrinsic stability as well as the specific conditions under which it is studied. For example, the pH, salt concentration, and presence of other molecules can all affect the Tm of a protein.The effect of temperature on protein functionThe specific conformation of a protein plays a critical role in its function. Therefore, changes in protein conformation due to temperature can have a significant impact on their function. The effect of temperature on protein function can vary depending on the specific protein and the conditions under which it is studied.Some proteins are more sensitive to changes in temperature than others. For example, enzymes, which catalyze chemical reactions in the cell, have a specific optimal temperature range at which they function best. Outside of this range, the reaction rate can slow down or even stop altogether due to changes in protein conformation.Other proteins, such as transporters and receptors, are also sensitive to changes in temperature. Changes in protein conformation due to temperature can affect the ability of these proteins to bind to their ligands and carry out their function.ConclusionIn conclusion, temperature has a significant impact on protein conformation. High temperatures can cause proteins to denature, while changes in temperature can alter their stability and affect their function. Understanding the effect of temperature on protein conformation and function is essential for designing experiments and developing new drugs and therapies that target specific proteins.。



Kröger-Vink notation.
◆ Write down the defect chemistry equation for introduction of PbZrO3 in BaTiO3 using the Kröger-Vink notation.
◆ Write down the defect chemistry equation for
◆ Point defects in stabilized zirconia for
solid electrolytes
Write the appropriate defect reactions for the
incorporation of calcium oxide (CaO) in zirconia (ZrO2) using Kröger-Vink notation.
◆ Explain why addition of small amounts of CaO
to zircona increase its conductivity. Where is this
type of materials used?

Dopants in Germanium Semiconductor crystals contain small concentrations of either silicon (Si), arsenic (As), or boron (B) as dopants. Based on the valence of these elements, what type of semiconductivity is
◆ Suppose we introduce the following point defects.



(1) 硼氢化合物——硼烷系列双氢化物,如硼氢化钠等。 (2) 非金属硼化物,其中有硼氮化合物,如氮化硼、硼磷、硼硫、硼硅化物、 硼碳化物等。 (3) 金属硼化物,其中有含硼非晶形全属合金简称AM、稀土元素硼化物, 以及其他金属硼化物如硼化镁、硼化钙等。 (4) 含硼基本产品,其中有硼酸、钠金属及铵硼酸盐如十水四硼酸钠等系列 硼酸盐、偏硼酸盐、过硼酸盐等。 (5) 单质硼,其中应包括晶体元素硼,非定形元素硼以及硼-10同位素。 (6) 硼的氧化物,即氧化硼(硼酐) 。 (7) 硼卤素化合物及氟硼酸盐。 (8) 特种形貌的硼衍生化合物——硼酸盐晶须。 (9) 硼化物金属陶瓷。 (10) 有机硼化合物。
HV 2700 - 2420 3700 2500 2500 1350 1250 1500 1900 T熔, ℃ 2920 2230 2770 2400 2140 2350 1890 1550 1389 1650
由于微量硼的加入,使 FeFe3C 二元系的奥氏体区缩小, Acm线( ES线,碳在奥氏体 中 的 溶 解 限 度 线 , 称 Acm 温 度)显著向低碳区移动。并 使共析温度提高,共析点的 含碳量明显降低。
比较钢中脱氧元素脱氧反应在1600℃下的自由焓变可以得知钢中各元素的脱氧 能力由大到小的顺序为 Al>Ti>Si>B>Mn>C>Fe,其中Al的脱氧能力要远大于 其余几种元素,优先同 O反应。一般钢水采用 Al脱氧都会在钢水中保留一定的残余 铝,避免硼的损失。
比较钢中强氮化物形 成 元素 B、Ti、Al同氮反应1600℃时的自由焓变可以得出 脱氮能力由大到小为 Ti>B>Al。钢中TiN 的理想化学配比为3.4,一般认为,只要 加入的 w(Ti)/w(N)超过3.4就能保证 B 与N反应的可能性降至最低,保护钢中加入 的硼。

Effects of CaCO3 on slag flow properties at high temperatures-译文

Effects of CaCO3 on slag flow properties at high temperatures-译文

高温条件下CaCO3 对炉渣流动特性的影响摘要通过添加不同量的CaCO3来对选定的煤灰进行试验,以理解对包括煤灰熔点、炉渣粘度、临界粘度时的温度和炉渣类型等流动特性的影响。

我们应用了ICP-AES、XRD 和FTIR 的分析方法来确定炉渣的成分和结构。

我们还应用了化学热力学软件Factsage 来计算SiO2 —Al2O3 —CaO—FeO 系统的液相温度并预测会形成的矿物质以及固相的比例作为温度的函数。

结果表明,由化学热力学软件Factsage 计算出的液相线温度能很好地预测煤灰熔点温度的变化。

炉渣粘度会随着添加的CaCO3 的量的变化而增加,这是因为固相的形成过程不同。

傅里叶变换红外(FTIR) 光谱表明,Ca2 + 会导致将聚合的Si — O — Si 破坏成Si-O的结构,所以子炉渣中增加Ca2 + 中会导致高于液相线温度的粘度降低,当低于液相线温度时,固形物含量会随着在临界粘度(Tcv) 温度以上的CaCO3 的增加而减少。


此外,利用x射线衍射分析推测出了炉渣的类型与添加CaCO3 的量有关。

我们希望对煤灰熔融温度、Tcv 和炉渣类型的预测来作为对于适合排渣气化技术的添加助熔剂以规范煤灰特性的参考。

关键词CaCO3;煤灰融化温度;炉渣粘度;临界粘度温度;炉渣类型1.引言对未来电力发电和化工生产的高效率的需求导致了对IGCC 技术的关注度的增加,特别是在先进的煤气化技术例如气流床气化炉等。

在气化炉中,在高于1400° C的高温度下和强气流的作用下,煤中的有机物质会在短时间内完全燃烧并气化,并且煤中的矿物质会变成煤灰。





Materials and methods Materials C. songaricum was collected from Suoyang city,
Anxi county of Gansu Province in May 2006. The samp les for analyzing were the sundried fleshy stems which were p reserved in - 70 ℃ ultra2low temperature refrigerator for future use. Premiers and reagents were all purchased from Shanghai Sangon Company. DNA Marker DL2000 was purchased from TaKaRa Company and BSA was the p roduct of BM Company. Tota l D NA extraction and its qua lity detection
Agricultural Science & Technology, 2007, 8 ( 3 - 4) : 64 - 67 Copyright κ 2007, Information Institute of HAAS. A ll rights reserved.
Agricultural B iotechnology
Total DNA extraction. Total DNA of C. songaricum was extracted by high2salt and low2pH value method[10] and final2
Received: October 31, 2007 Accep ted: January 20, 2008 Supported by the Knowledge Innovation Project of Northwest Institute of Plateau B iology of Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CXLY - 2002 - 7) . 3 Corresponding author. Tel: 0971 - 6143898; E2mail: ybzhou @ nwipb. ac. cn








关键词:二氧化锰水热法晶型结晶度形貌中图分类号:TQ110文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-4862(2017)11-0018-04Effect of Reaction Conditions on Crystal Form and Morphology of Products-Taking Manganese Dioxide as an ExampleWang Chensen,Zang Yongjun,Li Guobao,Yang Fuyu(School of Biology and Pharmaceutical Engineering,West Anhui University,Luan237012,Anhui,China) Abstract:In this paper,a series of manganese dioxide powders are prepared by hydrothermal method.The effects of reaction temperature,oxidant concentration and pressure on the crystal form,crystallinity and morphology of manganese dioxide are investigated,and the relationship between crystal morphology, crystallinity and morphology is explored.The results show that the reaction temperature,oxidant concentration and pressure have effect on the crystal form of manganese dioxide.The effect of oxidant concentration on crystal form is obvious,and the effect of temperature on morphology is obvious.In the same crystal form case,the crystallinity of manganese dioxide is about its shape regularity. Keywords:manganese dioxide;hydrothermal method;crystal form;crystalline;morphology0引言二氧化锰(MnO2)作为一种价格低廉、储量丰富、无毒无污染无机功能材料,广泛地应用于电极材料、催化等领域[1-2]。



XPS_DatabaseO1s的电子结合能:Energy (eV) Element Chemical bonding Ref 524.5O1s fluoration avec F2-HF sur fibre C320.00A 117 528.1O1s O2- anion in LaNiO3 244 528.2O1s Ba 155 528.3O1s O ds Li2O après bombardement par l'argon 51 528.3O1s Li2O immergé ds DEC et bomb par l'argon 80min 51 528.3O1s Li2Oap immersion ds DEC(LiPF6) et bomb par argon 51 528.6O1s La2O3 157 528.7O1s PbO ( ? ) 157 528.7O1s O2- oxo- species 159 528.8O1s Sm2O3 157 528.8O1s Eu2O3 157(oxide) 13 528.8O1s La2O3528.9O1s Gd2O3 157(oxide) 13 528.9O1s LaOOH529O1s CdO 150 529O1s CeO2 150 529O1s TiO2 ( d ) 157 529O1s CdO 157 529O1s CeO2 157 529O1s Nd2O3 157 529O1s Dy2O3 157 529O1s Ho2O3 157 529O1s Rb 155 529O1s Sr 155 529O1s no double bonded in case of Na3PO4 217 529O1s associated with the titanate oxygen, (SrTiO3 surface) 113(oxide) 13 529O1s CeOOH529.1O1s Y2O3 157 529.1O1s Er2O3 157 529.1O1s Yb2O3 157 529.1O1s NiO ( 10puis-6 torr) 78 529.1O1s NiO (1er pic) ( 800°C - 10min ) 78 529.1O1s NiO ( air 15min ) 78 529.1O1s NiO ( 250°C -1h ) 78 529.1O1s NiO 60( 800°C-air ) 78 529.1O1s NiO ( 800°C-air+ O2-10min ) 78 529.1O1s O ( 800°C-air+ O2-10min ) 78 529.1O1s O2- anion in LaNiO(4+d) 244(oxide) 13 529.1O1s Ce2O3529.2O1s RuO2 150 529.2O1s RuO2 111529.2O1s CeO(OH)2(oxide) 13(oxide) 13 529.2O1s Ce(OH)4529.2O1s CeO2 214 529.2O1s Ce in mixed oxydes ceria/zirconia. Ce80%- Zr20% Mol 214(oxide) 13 529.2O1s CeO2529.3O1s NiO 150 529.3O1s Lu2O3 157 529.3O1s Ce in mixed oxydes ceria/zirconia. Ce68%- Zr32% Mol 214 529.4O1s CuO 150(TiO2) 43 529.4O1s O-Ti529.4O1s CaO , ZnO-SiO2 135 529.4O1s PbO2 ( ? ) 157 529.4O1s Cs 155 529.4O1s Ce in mixed oxydes ceria/zirconia. Ce50%- Zr50% Mol 214(oxide) 13 529.4O1s Y2O3529.5O1s FeO 89 529.5O1s Fe2O3 89 529.5O1s NiO 157 529.5O1s Ce in mixed oxydes ceria/zirconia. Ce15%- Zr85% Mol 214 529.5O1s Co foil polish- Ar+ etch, +O2 -200°C/30 mn+400°C/30mn 101 529.6O1s TiO2 31 529.6O1s NiO 111 529.6O1s oxydes de Ti,V,Cr,Mn,Fe 60 529.6O1s In2O3 157 529.6O1s Bi2O3 157 529.6O1s CuO 247 529.6O1s NiO 247 529.6O1s CoO 247 529.6O1s TiO2 208 529.6O1s Oxyde 118 529.6O1s Ni foil polish- Ar+ etch, +O2 -200°C/1h+400°C/2h30mn 101 529.7O1s OH , Oads 178 529.7O1s CuFe2O4 247 529.7O1s CoOOH 247 529.7O1s Na 155 529.7O1s Co foil polishing + water immersion/24h 101 529.7O1s Fe=O 201 529.75O1s PbO (70%) / O non ponté 165 529.8O1s Fe3O4 150 529.8O1s TiO2 19 529.8O1s Na2Cr2O7 111 529.8O1s Fe3O4 89 529.8O1s MgO 157 529.8O1s MnO2 157 529.8O1s ThO2 157529.8O1s Ca 155 529.8O1s Sb 155 529.8O1s O no-bridging, lead silicate glasses. 165 529.8O1s O-Ti in the TiN coatings before and after erosion 43 529.8O1s TiO2 in the TiN/Si interface 43 529.8O1s Co foil polishing and Ar+ etching, + O2 at 200°C/30mn 101 529.8O1s(after Ar sputtering of SrTiO3 surface) 113 529.8O1s V2O5 219(oxide) 13 529.8O1s PtO529.8O1s Ni foil polishing + water immersion/28h 101 529.85O1s NaAlO2 155 529.9O1s FeOOH 89 529.9O1s O (2-) -304 SS- 138 529.9O1s Sc2O3 157 529.9O1s TiO2 ( b ) 157 529.9O1s Fe2O3 157 529.9O1s NiFe2O4 247 529.9O1s Co2O3 247 529.9O1s CoFe2O4 247 529.9O1s Cr2O3 186 529.9O1s O ds O(2-) 1 529.9O1s O ds O2- 216 529.9O1s O2- 87 529.9O1s O 84 529.9O1s alphaFe2O3 89(oxide) 13 529.9O1s CoOOH529.9O1s Co foil polishing + water immersion/63h 101(oxide) 13 529.9O1s CoO(oxide) 13 529.9O1s ZrO2529.9O1s As-received AlN powder, Al2O3 present near the surface 94 529.9O1s MoO3 219 529.9O1s Ni foil polishing and Ar+ etching, + O2 at 200°C/1h 101 530O1s CoO 150 530O1s Co3O4 150 530O1s Na2MoO4 150 530O1s Fe2O3 111 530O1s CuCrO2 111 530O1s Oads 76 530O1s CoO 157 530O1s Co3O4 157 530O1s ZnO 157 530O1s ZrO2 157 530O1s pic attribué à Fe2O3 182 530O1s O 84 530O1s FeO 89530O1s Fe2O3(oxide) 13 530O1s O2- with a sample immersed in a 60°C solution 11(oxide) 13 530O1s PtO2530O1s NiO(oxide) 13(oxide) 13 530O1s Co2O3530O1s FeO(oxide) 13(oxide) 13 530O1s Rh2O3530.1O1s CO in [Eu(H2daaen)] 166oxydes 197 530.1O1s Ti530.1O1s Li2CrO4 111 530.1O1s In 155 530.1O1s Sn 155 530.1O1s PbO(18%) / O non ponté 165 530.1O1s PdO(oxide) 13(oxide) 13 530.1O1s SnO2(oxide) 13 530.1O1s WOOH530.1O1s O2- with a sample immersed in a room t° solution 11 530.1O1s TiO2 219 530.2O1s Cu2O 150 530.2O1s WO3 111 530.2O1s Cr2O3 111 530.2O1s HfO2 157 530.2O1s NaA 191 530.2O1s CrO3 186 530.2O1s ion oxyde O(-II) 186 530.2O1s pic du Fe2O3 après bombardement (5 min) 182 530.2O1s NaA 155 530.2O1s Fe3O4 89 530.2O1s FeOOH 13(oxide) 13 530.2O1s Fe3O4(oxide) 13 530.2O1s WO3systeme 219 530.2O1s TiO2-As2O5530.3O1s Cu2O 111 530.3O1s Cr2O3 157 530.3O1s Cr2O3 183 530.3O1s Fe3O4 183 530.3O1s O ds PMDA-ODA T=250°C av 1,0 nm de Cr(Cr-oxyde) 131 530.3O1s O ds Cr2O3 176 530.3O1s O2- 156 530.3O1s UO2 160 530.3O1s FeOOH 89(oxide) 13 530.3O1s CuO(oxide) 13 530.3O1s Cu2O530.35O1s PbS - air 220j- 89 530.4O1s SnO2 150530.4O1s silico-alumines 50 530.4O1s SiO2 135 530.4O1s TiO2 ( a ) 157 530.4O1s V2O5 157 530.4O1s CrO3 ( ? ) 157 530.4O1s Nb2O5 157 530.4O1s Ta2O5 157 530.4O1s WO3 157 530.4O1s UO3 160 530.4O1s MoO3,xH2O(oxide) 13 530.42O1s MoO3 150 530.5O1s Cu2O ( ? ) 157 530.5O1s CuO 157 530.5O1s Ga2O3 157 530.5O1s SnO2 157 530.5O1s Cu2O 247NaA 191 530.5O1s zeolite 530.5O1s Spinel 118 530.5O1s chemisorbed O- in LaNiO3 244(oxide) 13 530.5O1s MoO3530.6O1s CO in H4daaen 166 530.6O1s Al2O3 175 530.6O1s TiO2-Al2O3 19 530.6O1s W/TiN/SiO2/Si 148alumina 175 530.6O1s Al2O3530.6O1s TiO2 ( c ) 157 530.6O1s O ds PMDA-ODA après déposition de Ti sur PMDA-ODA 130 530.6O1s O ds structure W/TiN/SiO2/Si 148 530.6O1s Ga 155 530.6O1s chemisorbed O- in LaNiO(4+d) 244alpha 123 530.68O1s Al2O3corrundum 66 530.68O1s Al2O3alphaalpha 203 530.68O1s Al2O3530.7O1s Na zeolite (NaAlsiO4) 111 530.7O1s CoMoO4 111 530.7O1s MoO3 157 530.7O1s CoAl2O4 247 530.7O1s Al2O3(gama) 191 530.7O1s Gama-Al2O3 155 530.7O1s SiO2(oxide) 13 530.7O1s AlN/PPC binder burnout in air 94 530.75O1s vieillissement à l'air de la galène pdt 220j 89 530.8O1s Al2O3 150 530.8O1s Al2TiO5 19 530.8O1s dmso 195530.8O1s Cr2O3 après bomb de 2h 212 530.8O1s liaison simple (plasma O2) 190 530.8O1s liaison simple (traité acide nitrique) 190 530.8O1s TiO2 47 530.8O1s TiO 47 530.8O1s exist in a hydroxide or in a carbonate bound to NH4 213(oxide) 13 530.8O1s AlOOH530.8O1s AlN/PVB binder burnout in air 94 530.8O1s AlN/PVB binder burnout in nitrogen 94 530.8O1s AlN/PPC binder burnout in nitrogen 940.4H2O 60 530.85O1s Cr(OH)3,NaX 191 530.85O1s Zeolite 530.85O1s NaX 155 530.9O1s O-Ti 43 530.9O1s CaCO3 111 530.9O1s PbO-SiO2 135 530.9O1s Cu(OH)2 247 530.9O1s Ni2O3 ( 10puis-6 torr) 78 530.9O1s Ni2O3 ( air 15min ) 78 530.9O1s Ni2O3 ( 250°C -1h ) 78 530.9O1s Ni2O3 ( 800°C-air ) 78 530.9O1s Ni2O3 ( 800°C-air+ O2-10min ) 78 530.9O1s MgO 191sodalite 191 530.9O1s aluminosilicate530.9O1s Cr2(CrO4)3 186 530.9O1s Mg 155 531O1s Ni(OH)2 150 531O1s O:Ti 31 531O1s Al (prior sputter) 175(PET) 88 531O1s O-C531O1s TiO2 45 531O1s O:Ti 208 531O1s OH groups incorporated during the aqueus hydro. Proces 113systeme 219 531O1s V6Mo4O25-MoO3-As2O3(oxide) 13 531O1s Al2O3(hydroxide) 13 531O1s YOOH531.05O1s PbS - H2O 19j - 89gamma 123 531.08O1s Al2O3gamma 107 531.08O1s Al2O3gamma 203 531.08O1s Al2O3531.1O1s CO in [Cu(H2daaen)] 166 531.1O1s Ti2O3 31 531.1O1s H2NC6H4SO3H 111 531.1O1s AlN 175 531.1O1s Al(OH)3,bayerite 175531.1O1s Al2O3 60NaX 191 531.1O1s zeolite 531.1O1s Ti2O3 208 531.1O1s O ds Oxydes de métaux de transition 198 531.1O1s (delta)-VOPO4 206(hydroxide) 13 531.1O1s Sn(OH)4531.1O1s LaOOH(hydroxide) 13gamma 36 531.14O1s Al2O3531.16O1s AlOOH gamma boehmite 123 531.16O1s AlOOH gamma boehmite 32 531.16O1s AlOOH gamma boehmite 203 531.2O1s CaCO3 150O0.08 31 531.2O1s TiN0.63boehmite 175 531.2O1s AlOOH531.2O1s Al2(MoO4)3 111 531.2O1s Ni(OH)2 247 531.2O1s CoOOH 247 531.2O1s Co(OH)2 247 531.2O1s Cr(OH)3 186 531.2O1s O=C 104 531.2O1s LiOH pour surfaces des feuilles de Li métal 51 531.2O1s O ds Cr2O3 (20 at% de Cr) 212 531.2O1s alpha-UP2O7 160 531.2O1s Al 155 531.2O1s C=O 174(hydroxide) 13 531.2O1s Zr(OH)4gamma 107 531.2O1s Al2O3531.25O1s PbS -air 3'- 89 531.3O1s Al2O3 10 531.3O1s Al2O3 19 531.3O1s CuCl2(dmso)2 195(PET) 39 531.3O1s carbonyl531.3O1s O ds OH- 216 531.3O1s U3O8 160 531.3O1s Ge 155 531.3O1s P=O- 196 531.3O1s O-Ti in the TiN coatings before and after erosion 43 531.3O1s O-Ti in the TiN/Si interface 43(hydroxide) 13 531.3O1s CeO(OH)2(hydroxide) 13 531.3O1s Ce(OH)4531.3O1s C=O 158 531.3O1s carbonyl oxygen atoms in PA-6,6 171 531.3O1s Co foil polishing + water immersion/24h 101 531.3O1s CeOOH(hydroxide) 13boehmite 202 531.3O1s AlO(OH)531.38O1s AlO(OH) gamma boehmite 36 531.39O1s Al2O3 gamma/HFPO 400°C 36 531.4O1s CO in [CuEu(daaen)] 166 531.4O1s BeO 150O0.44 31 531.4O1s TiN0.31O0.17 31 531.4O1s TiN0.54531.4O1s PtCl2(dmso)2 195 531.4O1s Sn(CH3)2Cl2(dmso)2 195 531.4O1s Na2S2O3 111 531.4O1s FeO{O}H,H2O 60 531.4O1s OH- -304 SS- 138 531.4O1s BeO 157 531.4O1s Al2O3 157 531.4O1s Cr-O 131 531.4O1s TiN0,31O0,44 208 531.4O1s O ds OH- 1 531.4O1s U2O(PO4)2 160 531.4O1s U(UO2)(PO4)2 160 531.4O1s As 155 531.4O1s Pb 155 531.4O1s FeOOH 89 531.4O1s pyrophosphate catalysts prepared at 450°C 206 531.4O1s pyrophosphate catalysts prepared at 600°C 206 531.4O1s pyrophosphate catalysts prepared at 750°C 206 531.4O1s pyrophosphate catalysts prepared at 880°C 206 531.4O1s V-P-O prepared to 132h of activation 206(hydroxide) 13 531.4O1s CoOOHnordstrandite 123 531.44O1s Al(OH)3bayerite 123 531.44O1s Al(OH)3531.44O1s AlOOH beta Diaspore 123 531.44O1s AlPO4 123nordstrandite 134 531.44O1s Al(OH)3531.44O1s Al(OH)3 beta bayerite 30 531.44O1s AlOOH beta Diaspore 67nordstrandite 203 531.44O1s Al(OH)3531.44O1s Al(OH)3 beta bayerite 203 531.44O1s AlOOH beta Diaspore 203alpha 36 531.45O1s Al2O3531.45O1s vieillissement à l'eau de la galène pdt 19j 89 531.47O1s O dans Al métal 9 531.5O1s TiO0.73 31O0.74 31 531.5O1s TiN0.09531.5O1s PdCl2(dmso)2 195 531.5O1s Ni2O3 111 531.5O1s Ni(OH)2 111531.5O1s Na2SO3 111 531.5O1s hydroxyde de chrome 225 531.5O1s FeS2 -air 11j- 89 531.5O1s Cu2O , ZnO , CuO 178 531.5O1s NO ( - delta ) ads 76 531.5O1s kaolinite ( Al2Si2O7,H2O) 191 531.5O1s pic attribué aux sp hydratées (OH,H2O ou FeOOH) 182 531.5O1s Cr2O3 (surface non bombardée) 212 531.5O1s TiO0,73 208 531.5O1s abrasé sur dry 600 grit sandpaper qq sec 207 531.5O1s OH- 87 531.5O1s V-P-O prepared to 0,1h of activation 206 531.5O1s V-P-O prepared to 8h of activation 206 531.5O1s V-P-O prepared to 84h of activation 206 531.5O1s Co foil polishing + water immersion/63h 101 531.5O1s OH- with a sample immersed in a 60°C solution 11 531.5O1s OH- with a sample immersed in a room t° solution 11 531.5O1s WOOH(hydroxide) 13corundum 202 531.5O1s Al2O3alphagamma 202 531.5O1s Al2O3NaY 191 531.55O1s Zeolite 531.55O1s NaY 155 531.6O1s CdCl2(dmso) 195 531.6O1s Al2O3 111 531.6O1s R2SO 111boehmite 175 531.6O1s AlOOH531.6O1s FeS2 -air 3'- 89 531.6O1s ZnO-SiO2 135 531.6O1s Li2CO3 pour surfaces des feuilles de Li métal 51 531.6O1s LiCO3 ou LiOH ds DEC contenant LiClO4 pdt 240 min 51 531.6O1s LiOH après immersion ds DEC(LiPF6) 51 531.6O1s OH- 156 531.6O1s P=O- 196 531.6O1s C=O 174 531.6O1s adsorbed OH groups in LaNiO3 244 531.6O1s POAl for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.05 128 531.6O1s Fe-OH 201 531.65O1s vieillissement à l'air de la galène pdt 3mn 89 531.67O1s Al(OH)3 alpha bayerite 36 531.67O1s KClO3 150gibbsite 123 531.68O1s Al(OH)3531.68O1s Al(OH)3 alpha gibbsite 108gibbsite 203 531.68O1s Al(OH)3531.69O1s Al(OH)3 gamma hydrargilite 36 531.7O1s FeS2 -air 220j- 89film) 56(PETP 531.7O1s O=C531.7O1s P2O5 ds P2O5 (poudre) (liaison P=O) 168 531.7O1s P2O5 ds (MoO3)z(P2O5)(1-z) avec z=0,65 (liai P=O) 168 531.7O1s N-C-O 177 531.7O1s Metal salt K2Cr2O7 in 316 L alloy 207 531.7O1s O ds hydroxyde 176 531.7O1s fibreC320.00A 117 531.7O1s OH 84 531.7O1s Co foil polishing and Ar+ etching, + O2 at 200°C/30mn 101 531.7O1s Ni2O3(hydroxide) 13(oxide) 13 531.7O1s Cu(OH)2gibbsite 202 531.7O1s Al(OH)3531.75O1s Al(OH)3 (Al treated at pH9), delta(O1s-Al2p=457,5eV) 242 531.8O1s NiCl2(dmso)3 195 531.8O1s MnCl2(dmso)3 195 531.8O1s [Pd(dmso)4](BF4)2 195 531.8O1s [Pd(dmso)4](BF4)2 195 531.8O1s Al2(WO4)3 111 531.8O1s R2SO2 111- 89 531.8O1s CuFeS2-air 531.8O1s C=O du Polyimide Kapton 15 531.8O1s P2O5 ds (MoO3)z(P2O5)(1-z) avec z=0,74 (liai P=O) 168 531.8O1s Cr Ox in 316 L pot anod (5V for 5 min) in physio serum 207 531.8O1s O bridging, lead silicate glasses. 165 531.8O1s Co foil polish- Ar+ etch, +O2 -200°C/30 mn+400°C/30mn 101 531.8O1s one non bridging atom in case of Na3PO4 217 531.8O1s Pt(OH)4(hydroxide) 13(hydroxide) 13 531.8O1s AlOOH531.8O1s Ni foil polish- Ar+ etch, +O2 -200°C/1h+400°C/2h30mn 101 531.82O1s Al(PO3)3 123(SiC) 226 531.9O1s O-Si531.9O1s CoCl2(dmso)3 195 531.9O1s SnCl2(dmso)2 195 531.9O1s Na2SO4 111 531.9O1s RSO3Na 111 531.9O1s O=C (PET:1,8x10puis15at d'AL/cm2) 56 531.9O1s OH , in Fe(OH)3 -pyrite n°1- 163 531.9O1s Fe(OH)3 , FeOOH -pyrite n°2- 163 531.9O1s P2O5 ds (MoO3)z(P2O5)(1-z) avec z=0,70 (liai P=O) 168 531.9O1s silicates 249 531.9O1s OH 84 531.9O1s no double bonded in case of P2O5 217(hydroxide) 13 531.9O1s Ni(OH)2(hydroxide) 13 531.9O1s Si(OH)4(hydroxide) 13 531.9O1s MoO3,xH2O531.9O1s Ni foil polishing and Ar+ etching, + O2 at 200°C/1h 101bayerite 202 531.9O1s Al(OH)3nordstrandite 202 531.9O1s Al(OH)3532O1s ZnCl2(dmso)2 195 532O1s Fe2(SO4)3 89 532O1s silice 60 532O1s SO4(2-) -304 SS- 138 532O1s P2O5 ( O central ) 157 532O1s GeO2 157NaY 191 532O1s zeolite532O1s montmorillonite 191 532O1s Cr2(SO4)3 186hydroxyle 186 532O1s groupe532O1s liaison double (plasma O2) 190 532O1s OH- 118 532O1s voir spectres dans la publication; 102 532O1s adsorbed OH groups in LaNiO(4+d) 244 532O1s nonbridging oxygen(PO-) for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0 128 532O1s POAl for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.10 128 532O1s POAl for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.15 128carbon/Al2O3 223hydrogenated532O1s amorphous(hydroxide) 13 532O1s FeOOH(hydroxide) 13 532O1s Al(OH)3(hydroxide) 13 532O1s RhOOH532.05O1s vieillissement à l'air de la pyrite pendant 3 mn 89 532.05O1s vieillissement à l'air de la spharelite pdt 3 mn 89 532.06O1s PbO (10%) / O ponté 165 532.1O1s FeCl3(dmso)2 195 532.1O1s RhCl3(dmso)3 195 532.1O1s H2NC6H4SO2NH2 111 532.1O1s FeSO4,7H2O 89 532.1O1s Cr Ox, 316 L alloy fretted (30 min) in physio serum 207 532.1O1s"corrosion products" after fretted in NaCl 207 532.1O1s P-O-Cu 196 532.1O1s vieillissement à l'air de la chalcopyrite pdt 400j 89 532.1O1s main oxygen for CO/Ni(100) c(2x2) and Cr(CO)6 64 532.15O1s vieillissement à l'air de la pyrite pendant 220 j 89 532.15O1s vieillissement à l'eau de la pyrite pendant 22 j 89 532.15O1s vieillissement à l'eau de la spharelite pdt 19j 89 532.2O1s Al2O3 14 532.2O1s SnCl4(dmso)2 195(contamination de l'oxygene) 226 532.2O1s CBgraphite532.2O1s H2O 156ZSM-5 191 532.25O1s Zeolite532.25O1s ZSM-5 155 532.25O1s vieillissement à l'air de la spharelite pdt 220j 89532.3O1s Hydrogen chemical bond in H4daaen 166 532.3O1s O-C (Polyethylene glycol) 226 532.3O1s HgCl2(dmso) 195 532.3O1s AlCl3(dmso)6 195 532.3O1s Si-C (contamination de l'oxygène) 226 532.3O1s Cr Ox in 316 L alloy dipped in physiological serum 207 532.3O1s"corrosion products" after fretted in blood 207 532.3O1s P-O-Cu 196 532.3O1s utilisation de l'acide nitrique 251O2/Ar/NH3 122 532.3O1s plasma:O2/NH3 122 532.3O1s plasma:532.3O1s Oxygen in a Si-O-Si environment 213 532.4O1s poly(CH2CHOH) 150methacrylate) 111(methyl532.4O1s poly532.4O1s CaO- 135 532.4O1s C=O dans PMDA T=25°C 131 532.4O1s OH 188 532.4O1s Fe2(SO4)3 89 532.4O1s vieillissement à l'air de la chalcopyrite pdt 3 mn 89 532.4O1s30 mn de traitement plasma oxygène du graphite 122 532.4O1s plasma:Ar/NH3 122 532.4O1s(O2)2- peroxo- species 159 532.45O1s purely siliceous sodalite 191 532.45O1s zeoliteZSM.5 191 532.45O1s vieillissement à l'air de la chalcopyrite pdt 40mn 89 532.5O1s EuO of coordinated water in [Eu(H2daaen)] 166 532.5O1s EuO of coordinated water in [CuEu(daaen)] 166 532.5O1s CsClO4 111(contamination de l'oxygene) 226 532.5O1s PVA532.5O1s O-C 104 532.5O1s O ds carbonyl ds PMDA-ODA 130 532.5O1s N Ox, 316 L alloy fretted (30 min) in blood serum 207 532.5O1s Metal salt NiCl2 in 316 L alloy 207 532.5O1s H2O 87 532.5O1s H2O 847H2O 89 532.5O1s FeSO4532.5O1s vieillissement à l'air de la chalcopyrite pdt 34j 89 532.5O1s PO- for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.05 128 532.5O1s PO- for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.10 128adsorbée 197 532.6O1s eau532.6O1s O-C 43 532.6O1s Oads ( 800°C-air+ O2-10min ) 78 532.6O1s quartz et silica 249 532.6O1s C-OH,C=O,O-C-O ou COOR 232PE-Ar-PFBBr 48 532.6O1s ds532.65O1s SiO2 191532.65O1s SiO2 155 532.7O1s W/TiN/Si (mélange WO2 et WO3) 148 532.7O1s PEG (contamination de l'oxygene) 226 532.7O1s-C=O du C3 ( i ) 98 532.7O1s-C=O du C4 ( t ) 98 532.7O1s-C=O du C16 ( H-D) 98 532.7O1s SiO2 157 532.7O1s SiO2 ( gel de silice ) 157 532.7O1s NiOads ( 10puis-6 torr) 78 532.7O1s NiOads ( air 15min ) 78 532.7O1s NiOads ( 250°C -1h ) 78 532.7O1s structure W/TiN/Si (liaison W-O) WO2 et WO3 148 532.7O1s N Ox in 316 L alloy dipped in blood serum 1h 207 532.7O1s Metal salt CrCl3 in 316 L alloy 207PE-Ar(Na+) 48 532.7O1s ds532.7O1s fluoration avec ClF3 sur fibre C320.00A 117nitrate de sodium (pH=7) 251du532.7O1s utilisation532.7O1s Al2O3 172 532.72O1s KClO4 150 532.8O1s Interface TiN/SiO2 (=> SiO2) 148 532.8O1s-C=O du C1 98 532.8O1s-C=O du C2 98 532.8O1s-C=O du C4 ( n) 98 532.8O1s-C=O du C4 ( i ) 98 532.8O1s-C=O du C18 ( n) 98 532.8O1s B2O3 157 532.8O1s interface TiN/SiO2 après bomb (750 min) TiN pur 148 532.8O1s Si 155de sodium (pH=0,9) 251nitratedu532.8O1s utilisationC-O-C 174et/ou532.8O1s C-OHO2/Ar 122 532.8O1s plasma:532.8O1s Co foil polishing + water immersion/63h 101 532.8O1s PO- for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.15 128(plasma) 50 532.85O1s O532.88O1s Al(OH)0,7F2,3 36 532.9O1s H2O 150gel 111 532.9O1s SiO2 532.9O1s gels de silice 60(adsorbé) 60 532.9O1s H2O532.9O1s-C=O du C10 ( n ) 98 532.9O1s SiO2(silica) 191 532.9O1s O ds H2O ad 1Torayca 117 532.9O1s fibre532.9O1s Co foil polishing + water immersion/24h 101 533O1s-C=O du C12 ( n ) 98 533O1s H2O -304 SS- 138533O1s O-C in the TiN coatings before erosion 43 533O1s O-Ti in the TiN coatings after erosion 43 533O1s O-Ti in the TiN/Si interface 43 533O1s H2O with a sample immersed in a 60°C solution 11 533O1s H2O with a sample immersed in a room t° solution 11 533.1O1s Al(OH)3 175 533.1O1s H2O 157 533.1O1s-C=O du C8 ( E-H) 98 533.1O1s fluoration avec F2 sur fibre Torayca 117 533.1O1s P-O-P 196de sodium (pH=11,9) 251nitratedu533.1O1s utilisationC-O-C 174 533.1O1s C-OHet/ou533.1O1s Ph*-O-(C=O*)-O-Ph, O* de Dimetyl Carbonate. 26 533.2O1s Et2O 111 533.2O1s C=O(PET) 88 533.2O1s-C=O du CH3COOCH2CH(CH3)2 97 533.2O1s Co 45 533.2O1s dsPE-Ar-TFE 48 533.2O1s fluoration avec F2 sur fibre C320.00A 117 533.2O1s P-O-P 196 533.2O1s H2O 118 533.2O1s CH3-O-C=O*-CH-(CH2-CH2-CO=O-CH3)2, O* de Polymet. Acry 26 533.2O1s(CH3-CH2)2-O*, O* de Diethyl Ether. 26 533.2O1s(CH3)2-C=O*, O* d' Acetone. 26 533.3O1s Al(OH)3 111 533.3O1s C-O 56 533.3O1s-C=O du HCOOCH2CH3 97 533.3O1s O=C-O 158 533.4O1s O-C (PETP film) 56 533.4O1s P2O5 ( O périphérique ) 157 533.4O1s PE après 5 min d'expo au plasma nitrogène 48 533.5O1s PhOCOOPh 111 533.5O1s-C=O du CH3COOCH(CH3)2 97 533.5O1s P2O5 ds P2O5 (poudre) (liaison P-O-P) 168 533.5O1s utilisation de l'hydroxide de sodium 251 533.5O1s(CH3-CF2-CF2-CF2-CH2O)2-C=O*, O* de Polycarbonate Fluo 26 533.6O1s SO4(2-) -pyrite n°1- 163 533.6O1s-C-O- du CH3OH 97 533.6O1s-C-O- du CH3CH2OH 97 533.6O1s C-O- du CH3CH2OCH2CH3 97 533.6O1s-C=O du CH3COCH3 97 533.6O1s-C=O du CH3COOCH2CH3 97 533.6O1s-C=O du CH3COCH2COOCH2CH3 97 533.6O1s N Ox fretted (5V for 5 min) in blood serum 207 533.6O1s dsPE-Ar-PFB 48 533.7O1s Co(CO)6 150533.7O1s SO4(2-) -pyrite n°2- 163533.7O1s P2O5 ds (MoO3)z(P2O5)(1-z) av z=0,65 (liai P-O-P) 168533.7O1s P2O5 ds (MoO3)z(P2O5)(1-z) av z=0,70 (liai P-O-P) 168533.7O1s P2O5 ds (MoO3)z(P2O5)(1-z) av z=0,74 (liai P-O-P) 168533.7O1s C-O-C (carbones arom) dans ODA 25°C 131533.7O1s C*H3OH, C* d'Methanol. 26533.8O1s O-C-Al (PET : 7x10puis15 at d'AL/cm2) 56533.9O1s poly (methyl methacrylate) 111533.9O1s O ds ether ds PMDA-ODA 130533.9O1s ds PE-Ar-TFAA 48533.9O1s fluoration avec F2 sur fibre C320.00A 117533.9O1s one bridging atom in case of P2O5 217533.9O1s Al(OH)3 172534O1s -C-O du C4 ( i ) 98534O1s H2O 186534O1s O2° ads 155534O1s Oxychloride 118534O1s bridging oxygen (POP) for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0 128534O1s POP for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.05 128534O1s POP for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.10 128534O1s POP for xAL2O3.(1-x)NaPO3 when x=0.15 128534.1O1s -C-O du C3 ( i ) 98534.2O1s -C-O du C16 ( H-D) 98534.2O1s -C-O du C18 ( n ) 98534.3O1s -C-O du C1 98534.3O1s -C-O du C2 98534.3O1s -C-O du C4 ( n ) 98534.4O1s Cr(CO)6 111534.4O1s -C-O- du CH3COOCH2CH3 97534.4O1s -C-O- du CH3COOCH2CH(CH3)2 97534.4O1s -C-O- du CH3COCH2COOCH2CH3 97534.4O1s -C-O du C10 ( n ) 98534.4O1s -C-Odu C12 ( n ) 98534.4O1s ds PE-Ar 48534.4O1s ds PE-Ar-PFPH 48534.4O1s PE-Ar-TFAA (Na+) av spectro DUPONT 650B 48534.5O1s -C-O- du HCOOCH2CH3 97534.5O1s -C-O- du CH3COOCH(CH3)2 97534.5O1s -C-O du C4 (t ) 98534.5O1s -C-Odu C8 ( C- H) 98534.6O1s CH3-O*-C=O-CH-(CH2-CH2-CO=O-CH3)2, O* de Polymet. Acry 26534.8O1s Ph*-O-(C=O*)-O-Ph, O* de Dimetyl Carbonate. 26534.9O1s PhOCOOPh 111535O1s NO ( + delta ) ads 76535O1s Clusters OH/H2O isolés électriquements 239535.2O1s (CH3-CF2-CF2-CF2-CH2O*)2-C=O, O* de Polycarbonate Fluo 26535.4O1s satellite -pyrite n°2- 163 535.4O1s O chimisorbé et/ou H2O adsorbée 174 535.5O1s satellites -pyrite n°1- 163 535.8O1s O et/ou H2O adsorbée 174 536O1s no double bonded in case of Na-phosphate glass 217 536.2O1s one non bridging atom in case of Na-phosphate glass 217 536.7O1s Fe2O4,MnO,TiO2 'fume particules' 25 536.7O1s satellite -pyrite n°2- 163 537.2O1s satellites -pyrite n°1- 163 537.7O1s silicates,TiO2 'washed-fume particules' 25 537.9O1s (CH3)2CO 231 537.9O1s (CH3)CO(C2H5) 231 537.9O1s C6H5CHO 231 538.09O1s(C2H5)2O, ionization energy 38 538.1O1s (C2H5)2O 231 538.2O1s one bridging atom in case of Na-phosphate glass 217 538.3O1s silicates 'fume particules' 25 538.39O1s t-C4H9OH, ionization energy 38 538.4O1s t-C4H9OH 231 538.5O1s C3H6O 231 538.5O1s n-C4H8O 231 538.56O1s i-C3H7OH, ionization energy 38 538.58O1s(CH3)2O, ionization energy 38 538.6O1s n-C8H17OH 231 538.6O1s i-C3H7OH 231 538.6O1s (CH3)2O 231 538.6O1s C2H4O 231 538.6O1s (CH3)O(C2H5) 231 538.63O1s n-C8H17/OH, ionization energy 38 538.7O1s n-C3H7OH 231 538.7O1s C6H5CH2OH 231 538.7O1s n-C4H9OH 231 538.72O1s n-C3H17OH 38 538.8O1s C2H5OH 231 538.81O1s C2H5OH, ionization energy 38 539.06O1s CH3OH, ionization energy 38 539.1O1s CH3OH 231 539.3O1s C6H5OH 231 539.5O1s CH2O 231 539.8O1s no double bonded in case of Sr-phosphate glass 217 539.9O1s H2O 231 540O1s one non bridging atom in case of Sr-phosphate glass 217 541.3O1s CO2 231 541.9O1s one bridging atom in case of Sr-phosphate glass 217 542.6O1s Co 231naturel 147 543.1O1s élémentO2s 的电子结合能: Energy (eV)Element Chemical bonding Ref 22.9O2s Al2O3 gamma 10723.1O2s Al2O3 alpha 12323.1O2s Al2O3 alpha corrundum 6623.1O2s Al2O3 alpha 20323.57O2s Al2O3 gamma 12323.57O2s Al2O3 gamma 10723.57O2s Al2O3 gamma 20324.04O2s AlOOH beta Diaspore 12324.04O2s AlOOH beta Diaspore 6724.04O2s AlOOH beta Diaspore 20324.09O2s AlOOH gamma boehmite 12324.09O2s AlOOH gamma boehmite 3224.09O2s AlOOH gamma boehmite 20324.16O2s Al(OH)3 nordstrandite 12324.16O2s Al(OH)3 nordstrandite 13424.22O2s Al(OH)3 gibbsite 12324.22O2s Al(OH)3 alpha gibbsite 10824.22O2s Al(OH)3 gibbsite 20324.36O2s AlPO4 12324.7O2s Al(OH)3 bayerite 12324.7O2s Al(OH)3 beta bayerite 3024.7O2s Al(OH)3 nordstrandite 20324.7O2s Al(OH)3 beta bayerite 20325.35O2s Al(PO3)3 12327.53O2s O boehmite (AlO(OH) gamma) (treated at 473K) 3328.12O2s O boehmite (AlO(OH) gamma) (treated at 393K) 3329.91O2s OH boehmite (AlO(OH) gamma) (treated at 473K) 3330.5O2s OH boehmite (AlO(OH) gamma) (treated at 393K) 3333.16O2s H2O boehmite (AlO(OH) gamma) (treated at 473K) 3333.21O2s H2O boehmite (AlO(OH) gamma) (treated at 393K) 33。



分析测试新成果 (39 ~ 46)惰气熔融-红外吸收/热导法同时测定无烟煤中氮和氢王 琳1,王 楠1,沈峰满2(1. 东北大学 分析测试中心,辽宁 沈阳 110819;2. 东北大学 冶金学院,辽宁 沈阳 110819)摘要:首次使用惰气熔融-红外吸收/热导法实现无烟煤中氮、氢元素的同时、快速、准确测定. 探究分析条件,发现当称样量为0.030 0 g ,分析功率为5 500 W ,氮元素的积分延迟时间为15 s ,集成时间为55 s ,氢元素的积分延迟时间为5 s ,集成时间为85 s ,且使用石墨套埚时,氮氢元素的释放最完全、合理. 方法中氮、氢校准曲线的相关系数分别为0.994 9、0.994 0,检出限分别为0.321%、0.189%,定量限分别为0.326%、0.194%,精密度分别为3.60%、0.63%,满足线性关系及方法要求. 惰气熔融-红外吸收/热导法重复性好、高效便捷、操作和维护简单,可用于无烟煤中氮、氢元素的定量检测.关键词:惰气熔融;红外吸收/热导法;无烟煤;氮;氢中图分类号:O657. 3 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1006-3757(2024)01-0039-08DOI :10.16495/j.1006-3757.2024.01.007Simultaneous Determination of Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Anthracite by Inert Gas Melting-Infrared Absorption/Thermal Conductivity MethodWANG Lin 1, WANG Nan 1, SHEN Fengman2(1. Analysis and Measurement Centre , Northeastern University , Shenyang 110819, China ;2. School ofMetallurgy , Northeastern University , Shenyang 110819, China )Abstract :The contents of nitrogen and hydrogen in anthracite were simultaneously, rapidly and accurately determined by the inert gas melting-infrared absorption/thermal conductivity method. A series of experiments were studied. The results indicated that the most complete and reasonable release of nitrogen and hydrogen was achieved when the sample was 0.030 0 g, the analysis power was 5 500 W, the integration delay time of nitrogen was 15 s, the integration time of nitrogen was 55 s, the integration delay time of hydrogen was 5 s, the integration time of hydrogen was 85 s, and the graphite sleeve crucible was used. The correlation coefficients of calibration curves of nitrogen and hydrogen were 0.994 9and 0.994 0, respectively. The limits of detection were 0.321% and 0.189%, the limits of quantification were 0.326% and 0.194%, and the precision were 3.60% and 0.63%, respectively, which met the requirements of linearity and method. The inert gas melting-infrared absorption/thermal conductivity method is reproducible, efficient and convenient, easy to operate and maintain, and can be used for the quantitative determination of nitrogen and hydrogen in anthracite.Key words :inert gas melting ;infrared absorption/thermal conductivity method ;anthracite ;nitrogen ;hydrogen自2020年我国提出碳达峰、碳中和的发展目标以来[1],我国的能源、经济等发展始终围绕碳排放、绿色清洁等话题. 煤是工业原料之一,素来被称为“工业之母”,是世界工业、制造业、经济、民生等的重要支撑,其用途广泛,在新材料制备、化工生产、生活供暖、交通出行、发电等方面有着不可替代的作用. 我国属于煤矿矿产丰富的国家[2],煤、石油、天然气是重要的能源,特点是“富煤、贫油、少气”[3].收稿日期:2023−10−11; 修订日期:2023−12−18.基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (51974073) [National Natural Science Foundation of China (51974073)]作者简介:王琳(1990−),女,实验师,主要从事气体成分分析等化学分析,E-mail :****************.第 30 卷第 1 期分析测试技术与仪器Volume 30 Number 12024年1月ANALYSIS AND TESTING TECHNOLOGY AND INSTRUMENTS Jan. 2024煤根据品种及品质的不同,分为烟煤、无烟煤、焦炭等,并应用于不同行业,其中无烟煤因其燃烧无烟、煤化程度高、含碳量高、热值高、挥发分低等特点,普遍用于燃料及燃料电池、先进碳材料[4-7]、催化剂[8]、吸附剂[9-10]、滤料、民用煤等. 而据统计显示,我国空气污染源中的粉尘、PM2.5、SO2及NO x等大部分来自于民用煤燃烧的排放[11],因此加强对无烟煤的质量监测,是提升煤炭质量、发展低碳与绿色能源的重要环节.煤炭的检测标准溯源到上世纪60年代,检测指标一般包括工业分析[12](水分、灰分、挥发分、固定碳)、元素分析[13-15](C、S、O、N、H)、有价元素分析[16-17](As、Ga、Se、Ge等)、阴离子[18](氟等)等. 其中无烟煤中的氮元素在燃烧后会形成NO x,对人类及居住环境污染影响较大[11]. 无烟煤中氢元素含量的多少,代表了热值的大小. 因此准确快速测定无烟煤中氮、氢含量对煤炭质量控制,煤炭行业的检验检测、标准制定、能源开发及环境保护等均具有重要意义.对于无烟煤中氮、氢元素的检测,通常使用半微量开氏法和半微量蒸汽法[19]、高温燃烧-检测器测定法[14, 20]测定无烟煤中的氮含量,采用三节炉法、二节炉法[13]、电量-重量法[21]、高温燃烧-检测器测定法[14]测定无烟煤中的氢含量. 其中三节炉法、二节炉法、电量-重量法均存在硫、氯等元素的干扰,需使用铬酸铅、银丝、二氧化锰等试剂消除干扰,污染较大且成本高. 随着科技的进步,仪器法逐渐被用于测定无烟煤中的氮、氢元素含量,现有的仪器法[22]原理是将无烟煤在氧气下燃烧,对燃烧生成的H2O、N2气体进行检测. 但该法存在燃烧炉/管升降温时间长、分析时间长、维护复杂、耗材昂贵等缺点. 而以惰气熔融-红外吸收/热导法为分析原理设计的氧氮氢分析仪通常用于陶瓷、粉末[23]、钢铁[24]等无机材料中氧、氮、氢元素的测定,并以快速、精准的优势成为冶金、材料等领域以及检验检测机构在气体元素分析方面的常用仪器. 但目前为止,未见其应用于无烟煤类产品的检测工作中,其在使用中无需强酸、重金属等试剂,具有无需等待升降温、分析时间短、样品前处理简易、维护相对简单等优势,满足绿色、安全、快速、准确分析的要求,因此本文首次尝试将惰气熔融-红外吸收/热导法应用于无烟煤中氮、氢元素的检测.1 试验部分1.1 仪器与试剂氧氮氢分析仪:美国力可公司,ONH836;天平:赛多利斯,SQP;石墨套埚(内坩埚加外坩埚)、石墨标准坩埚、镍嚢,LECO公司;有机元素分析仪:德国元素公司,Vario MACRO cube.氦气(99.999%),氮气(99.5%),沈阳顺泰特种气体有限公司;无烟煤标准物质:ZBM093、ZBW112A、ZBM095A,济南众标科技有限公司生产;GBW11104j,国家煤炭质量监督检验中心;GBW11108o,山东省冶金科学研究院. 对氨基苯磺酰胺(C6H8N2O2S)、WO3,德国元素公司;未知样品为某学生客户日常送检的无烟煤样品.1.2 试验原理在惰性气体氦气保护下,样品置于上下电极间的石墨坩埚中,经过坩埚脱气、吹扫、脉冲炉通电,上、下电极及石墨坩埚形成电路并加热,使待测样品完全熔融,N、H元素分别以N2、H2分子形式释放,随载气氦气流经热的氧化铜催化剂,H2被完全氧化成H2O,N2、H2O一起进入红外检测池,根据H2O的特征红外吸收波长,检测得到氢元素的含量,之后H2O被高氯酸镁等过滤试剂吸收,N2进入热导检测池完成氮元素的测定,其原理图如图1所示.样品上电级红外检测池检测 H2O热导检测池检测 N2坩埚下电极脉冲熔融炉N2N2H2催化剂H2OH2O图1 氧氮氢分析仪测定氮、氢的工作原理图Fig. 1 Working principle diagram ofOxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Analyzer determined nitrogenand hydrogen1.3 试验方法1.3.1 准备工作将标准物质、待测样品置于110 ℃洁净的烘箱中烘干2 h,保证粒度在0.074 mm以下,然后再置40分析测试技术与仪器第 30 卷于干燥器中冷却备用.对氧氮氢分析仪进行彻底维护,包括上电极、下电极、投样口的清扫清洁,催化剂、过滤试剂等试剂的更换,并通过漏气检查,保证仪器的气密性.1.3.2 试验步骤打开稳压电源、氧氮氢分析仪主机及软件,将下电极升高,在氦气保护模式下进行仪器预热至少1 h,预热完成后打开氦气至流速为450 mL/min,开通冷却水,使检测器保持在稳定的工作温度. 本方法以镍嚢及空白石墨套锅作为空白,分别称取0.010 0~0.100 0 g(精确到±0.000 3 g)的样品,小心倾倒于镍嚢内,等待投样,设置4 500~6 000 W的分析功率,对比石墨套埚与石墨标准坩埚的分析效果,分别设置0~15 s的分析延迟时间、50~85 s数据集成时间等仪器参数. 开始测试后进行投放样品、取下坩埚、更换新的内坩埚、脱气、吹扫等操作,依次进行空白、标准物质及未知样品的测试,建立标准曲线,并对方法进行检出限、定量限、精密度等试验验证.1.3.3 未知样品对比试验本文使用有机元素分析仪作为未知样品测试的对比方法,并命名为方法1. 对有机元素分析仪(CHNS模式)的燃烧管进行清理并更换试剂及灰分坩埚,还原管内铜及银丝重新装填,酒精擦拭干净后放回到炉子内,通高纯氦气,流速为600 mL/min,室温检漏通过后,分别升至1 150、850 ℃工作温度下吹扫4 h后进行试验. 使用仪器自带标准曲线,以75 mg的锡纸包裹,称取25 mg的对氨基苯磺酰胺作为“run”和漂移标准物质进行曲线校正,待测样品称样量为50 mg,加入WO3助熔,75 mg锡纸包裹,使用工具压除空气后置于自动进样器中进样,试样在1 150 ℃下通高纯氧气燃烧,850 ℃下催化还原,释放出N2和H2O,进入相应检测池分析检测,经过“吹扫-捕集”吸附解析的分离过程,得到氮、氢的分析数据,完成检测.2 结果与讨论2.1 进样方式的确定本试验采用直投法进样,对于粉末类样品以此方式进样时,会造成进样系统污染、进样量减少、分析数据偏低等问题,为避免因进样造成的分析误差,需采用镍嚢作为样品包裹体,保证进样量的准确性及释放完全性.2.2 进样量的确定样品的进样量会影响熔融效果,使用标准物质ZBM095A作为待测样品,对比0.010 0、0.020 0、0.030 0、0.040 0、0.050 0、0.060 0、0.080 0、0.100 0 g 进样量对氮、氢元素释放效果的影响. 由图2可见,随着进样量的增加,氮质量比在进样量为0.010 0~ 0.030 0 g时的测定结果变化不大,而在0.0300 g时出现拐点呈下降趋势,随着进样量的继续增加,由于释放条件不足,氮质量比下降,因此氮的最佳进样量为0.0300 g. 氢质量比随进样量增加,先呈明显上升趋势,在进样量为0.030 0 g时,氢质量比达到了最高点,而随着进样量的继续增大,氢质量比缓慢降低,在进样量大于0.060 0 g时,氢质量比迅速下降. 由此可见,0.0300 g是其最佳进样量. 产生该现象的原因可能是进样量较低时,样品分析浓度不够,导致氢元素质量比偏低,而进样量过高时,样品的分析条件不足以使氢完全释放,氢元素质量比降低,且就仪器本身的检测范围而言,氢的测量上限绝对质量为0.002 5 g,因此对于标准物质ZBM095A 的氢元素质量比的测定,当进样量超过0.050 0 g时,检测池处于饱和状态,无法正常检测. 因此,0.030 0 g 为该方法的最佳进样质量. 00.040 00.060 0NH0.080 00.100 0m/g质量比/%图2 不同进样量下氮、氢的测试结果Fig. 2 Test results of nitrogen and hydrogen underdifferent sample masses2.3 分析功率的确定在氮、氢元素分析中,分析功率是决定样品释放的重要参数. 本试验依次设置4 500、5 000、5 500、6 000 W的功率梯度,观察功率对于无烟煤中氮、氢元素检测的影响. 图3为氮、氢的测试值随功率变化的关系图. 由图3可见,当功率较低,在4 500、5 000 W时,氮、氢元素质量比偏低,说明过低的功第 1 期王琳,等:惰气熔融-红外吸收/热导法同时测定无烟煤中氮和氢41率不足以使无烟煤完全熔融释放,这与无烟煤本身含碳量高、燃点高的特性一致. 但当功率为6 000 W 时,质量比再次下降,这是因为功率过高,导致氮、氢元素过早溢出,数据捕捉不及时,导致数据偏低.当分析功率为5 500 W 时,氮、氢元素的释放最完全,测定值最高. 由此可见,无烟煤的最佳分析功率为5 500 W.2.4 分析坩埚的对比氮、氢元素分析的样品载体一般分为石墨套埚(外坩埚加内坩埚)和标准坩埚. 本试验对比二者的分析效果,观察图4(a )的氮元素及图4(b )的氢元素在使用不同坩埚时的测定谱图,可发现氮、氢元素在使用石墨套埚得到的测定值明显高于标准坩埚,说明石墨套埚的分析效果优于标准坩埚. 究其原因,标准坩埚对比石墨套埚来说相对单薄,在5 500 W 的高功率下其承压能力小,甚至存在标准坩埚被烧漏或者断裂的情况,因而标准坩埚的使用会导致数据偏低,对于无烟煤这类燃点高、熔融产生热量大的样品来说,双层结构的套埚更适用. 因此,本试验选用石墨套埚作为分析坩埚.2.5 分析参数的设定(包括分析延迟时间、数据集成时间)本方法对仪器分析参数(分析延迟时间、数据集成时间)进行了探究. 对比了15、10、5、0 s 四种延迟时间,观察图5(a )可见,15 、10 s 时氢的出峰过早、不完整且峰形不佳,导致氢元素的数据捕集不完全,测试数据偏低. 当调整为5 s 时,氢峰的前端有平缓的基线,0 s 时出峰过缓. 因此,5 s 是合理的延迟时间. 由图5(b )可见,氮的测试值随延迟时间的增加而增大,其延迟时间设置为15 s 较合理.对于出峰不完全的问题,本试验采用将数据集成时间延长的方式,分别设置为55、65、75、80、85 s ,观察图6(a )发现,当集成时间为55、65、75 s 时,氢峰的末端均未回到基线的位置,数据偏低. 80 s 时谱线回到基线,85 s 时形成相对完整的正态分布峰,与图6(b )的数据趋势吻合. 同时观察图6(b )发现,氮的集成时间为55s 数据更合理. 因此本方法选择氮的延迟时间为15 s 、集成时间为55 s ,氢的延迟时间为5 s 、集成时间为85 s 为最佳分析参数.2.6 标准曲线建立及检出限测定无烟煤中的氮、氢元素含量范围较宽泛,单点校准的方式并不适用. 本文采用建立标准曲线的校准方式,在称样质量为0.030 0 g 、分析功率为5 500W ,氮、氢元素延迟时间分别为15、5 s ,捕集时间分别为55、85 s ,使用石墨套埚的试验条件下,选择有证标准物质ZBM093、GBW11104j 、GBW11108o 、2.754. 5005 000N H5 5006 000P /W质量比/%质量比/%图3 分析功率的探究试验Fig. 3 Test results of nitrogen and hydrogen underdifferent analytical powers100(a)608040积分强度石墨套锅标准坩埚2000102030t /s405060100(b)608040积分强度石墨坩埚标准坩埚2000102030t /s405060图4 石墨套埚与标准坩埚的确定试验(a)不同坩埚对氮元素的测试谱图,(b)不同坩埚对氢元素的测试谱图Fig. 4 Comparison of test results between graphite sleeve pote and standard crucible (a) spectra of nitrogen in different crucibles, (b) spectra of hydrogen in different crucibles42分析测试技术与仪器第 30 卷ZBW112A 建立标准曲线,其认定值及测量值结果如表1所列. 氮、氢元素的线性方程分别为:Y =2.098 404 22X −0.000 200 66、Y =0.789 376 46X −0.000 044 57,相关系数分别为0.994 9、0.994 0,满足线性关系. 对空白坩埚连续测试11次,得到氮、氢元素的平均值分别为0.318 9%、0.186 9%,以该结果与3倍标准偏差之和作为检出限,分别为0.321%、0.189%,以平均值与10倍标准偏差之和作为定量限,分别为0.326%、0.194%,结果如表2所列,表明该方法检测范围较宽,适用于无烟煤中氮、氢元素的定量检测.2.7 方法的准确度、精密度测试精密度测试是验证方法可靠性的重要指标,本试验使用有证无烟煤标准物质ZBM095A 进行精密度测试,平行测定7次,并计算其精密度. 如表3所列,其氮、氢元素的测定平均值分别为1.30%、3.30%,由表1可知,其认证值分别为1.31%±0.07%、3.23%±0.10%,因此该方法准确度较好. 经计算,氮、氢的精密度分别为3.60%、0.63%,满足方法精密度要求. 由此可见该方法准确可靠.表 1 标准物质及其认证值、测量值Table 1 Certified and measured values of standardsubstances/%标准物质NH 认证值测量值认证值测量值ZBM0930.56±0.060.563 3.01±0.12 2.92GBW11104j 0.94±0.070.929 2.64±0.15 2.71GBW11108o 1.30±0.06 1.30 4.58±0.13 4.59ZBW112A 1.10±0.06 1.12 3.78±0.10 3.79ZBM095A1.31±0.071.303.23±0.103.3010015 s 10 s 5 s 0 s(a)8060积分强度402005101520253035t /s 404550556065702.655. H(b)2.602.552.50质量比/%质量比/%2.452.402.3551015t /s图5 氮、氢的分析延迟时间对比试验(a) 不同延迟时间下氢的测试谱图, (b)延迟时间对氮、氢的影响Fig. 5 Comparison test of analysis delay times of nitrogen and hydrogen(a) spectra of hydrogen in different delay times, (b) effect of delay times on nitrogen and hydrogen100 2.705. s 80 s 75 s 65 s 55 s806040积分强度质量比/%质量比/%20002040t /st /s6080100(a)(b)图6 氮、氢的集成时间对比试验(a)不同集成时间下氢的测试谱图, (b)集成时间对氮、氢的影响Fig. 6 Comparison test of integration times of nitrogen and hydrogen(a) spectra of hydrogen in different integration times, (b) effect of integration times on nitrogen and hydrogen第 1 期王琳,等:惰气熔融-红外吸收/热导法同时测定无烟煤中氮和氢432.8 未知样品测试对日常送检的无烟煤样品进行抽检,并标号为样品1、样品2,使用方法1与本方法进行对比,随试验进行ZBM095A的测试. 分别平行测定7次,其测试结果如表4所列. 由表可见,方法1测得样品1、样品2、ZBM095A中氮的平均值分别为0.096 6%、1.086%、1.30%,相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为2.67%、1.75%、3.60%. 氢的平均值分别为2.899%、3.312%、3.30%,RSD分别为1.90%、1.50%、0.63%. 本方法测得样品1、样品2、ZBM095A中氮的平均值分别为0.094 6%、1.067%、1.25%,RSD分别为2.99%、1.69%、3.90%. 氢的平均值分别为2.927%、3.300%、3.20%,RSD分别为1.87%、1.56%、0.72%. 对比两种方法,准确度与精密度均能够满足试验要求,再次证实本文建立的方法适用于无烟煤中的氮、氢两种元素的定量测定.表 3 ZBM095A的精密度试验Table 3 Precision test of ZBM095A/%元素测定值平均值RSDN 1.28、1.26、1.34、1.35、1.36、1.30、1.24 1.30 3.60H 3.30、3.32、3.33、3.29、3.29、3.33、3.28 3.300.63表 4 两种方法测试未知样品的对比试验Table 4 Comparison of two methods for testing unknown samples/%样品方法1平均值方法1 RSD本方法平均值本方法RSD N H N H N H N H样品10.096 6 2.899 2.67 1.900.094 6 2.927 2.99 1.87样品 2 1.086 3.312 1.75 1.50 1.067 3.300 1.69 1.56 ZBM095A 1.30 3.30 3.600.63 1.25 3.20 3.900.723 结论(1)本文首次将惰性气体熔融-红外吸收/热导法应用于无烟煤类产品的检测中,该方法满足同时、快速、准确的特点,减少了强酸化学试剂的使用,体现了绿色化学宗旨.(2)建立了无烟煤中氮、氢元素定量测试的方法,为煤炭行业的检验检测、标准制定、贸易等提供参考.(3)拓展了氧氮氢分析仪的使用范围,在有色金属、高温合金、难熔金属、稀土、陶瓷、矿石等材料的使用范围之外,增加了无烟煤类产品的使用.参考文献:习近平. 在第七十五届联合国大会一般性辩论上的讲话[N]. 人民日报, 2020-09-23(3).[ 1 ]元雪芳, 任恒星, 郭鑫, 等. 不同物质对无烟煤生物转化的影响研究[J].煤化工,2022,50(5):79-82.[YUAN Xuefang, REN Hengxing, GUO Xin, et al.Study on impact of adding different substances on bio-transformation of anthracite[J]. 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Effect of magnesia on strength of hydratable alumina-bonded castable refractories

Effect of magnesia on strength of hydratable alumina-bonded castable refractories

J O U R N A L O F M A T E R I A L S S C I E N C E40(2005)3921–3926Effect of magnesia on strength of hydratable alumina-bonded castable refractoriesGUOTIAN YE,TOM TROCZYNSKIDepartment of Materials Engineering,University of British Columbia,Vancouver,BC, Canada V6T1N5The change in strength of hydratable alumina-bonded castable refractories in the presence of magnesia powder and magnesia aggregate,after heat treatment at110◦and816◦C,and the relationship between the strength and morphology and thermal decomposition behavior of the hydrates in the castables are investigated.The mechanism of bonding facilitated by the presence of magnesite in hydratable alumina-bonded castables after drying is discussed.The contribution of polycondensation process occurring after dehydroxylation of the hydrates in the castables afterfiring at816◦C is proposed as the principal mechanism for strength development.C 2005Springer Science+Business Media,Inc.1.IntroductionRefractory castables have been increasingly used in steel,foundry and nonferrous industries and calcium aluminate cement has been widely used as a binder in castables[1–5].In response to the increasing severe service conditions,attempts have been made to reduce CaO content in castables because the presence of CaO is likely to produce relatively low-melting temperature phases,such as gehlenite(2CaO·Al2O3·SiO2,melting point(mp)=1590◦C),anorthite(CaO·Al2O3·2SiO2, mp=1550◦C)[3],monticellite(CaO·MgO·SiO2,mp=1498◦C),and merwinite(3CaO·MgO·2SiO2,mp =1577◦C)[6].Consequently,ultralow cement and cement-free castables have been developed to enhance thermomechanical resistance and corrosion resistance of the castables.In recent years,hydratable alumina has been used in castables[2,3,5,7]to replace calcium aluminate cement to further reduce lime content.How-ever,hydratable alumina-bonded castables have rela-tively low strength(1.4–2.0MPa modulus of rupture) at dehydration temperatures(800–1200◦C)when hy-draulic bonding is lost while ceramic bonding is not yet significantly formed[3].It has been proposed that magnesia may influence strength development in these castables because the presence of magnesia accelerates the hydration of hydratable alumina and a hydrotalcite-like compound forms from the hydrated magnesia and the hydratable alumina[8,9].Although hydration of hydratable alumina in the presence of magnesia has been studied[8,9],little is known about the influence of the magnesia on strength of hydratable alumina-bonded castables.The objective of this study is to examine the effect of magnesia on the strength of hydratable alumina-bonded castables after heat treatment at low (110◦C)and intermediate(816◦C)temperatures.The mechanism of bonding formation between hydratable alumina and magnesite in the castables is proposed.2.Experimental proceduresThe compositions of the castables are shown in Table I.Fused magnesite(Baymag-96,Baymag Inc.,CalgaryCanada)and fused magnesium aluminate spinel(SP-25,CE Minerals,King of Prussia,USA)were usedto compare the strength of the magnesite-aggregatecastables(M-0and M-4)with that of spinel aggre-gate castables(S-0and S-4).In order to investigatethe effect of magnesite powder on the strength of thecastables,one magnesite-aggregate castable(M-4)andone spinel-aggregate castable(S-4)contained4wt%deadburnt magnesite powder(P-98,Martin Marietta, <75µm),while the magnesite powder was not incor-porated in the other magnesite-aggregate castable(M-0)and spinel-aggregate castable(S-0).All the castablesincluded4wt%hydratable alumina(Alphabond-300,Almatis)as the hydraulic binder and6wt%ultrafinealumina powder(RG100,Almatis);the balance wasfused magnesium aluminate spinel powder(AR-78,Al-matis).Small amounts of sodium polymethacrylate andcitric acid were used as dispersants.The castables were mixed with5wt%water andthen cast into bars,2.54mm wide,2.54mm high and17.78mm long,under vibration.The samples werecured in molds at ambient temperature for24h,andthen cured in sealed plastic bags for another24h afterdemolding.Then the samples were dried at110◦C for24h and some of the dried samples werefired for5h at816◦C.Thisfiring temperature was chosen because thehydrates formed in the castables are decomposed com-pletely[8]and no significant amount of in-situ spinelis formed from magnesia and alumina at that temper-ature[10].Flexural3-point bend strength test(span of127mm)was performed using an Instron,at a crossheadspeed of0.127mm/pressive strength of thecastables was determined using a Tinius Olsen pressand a head speed of0.0127mm/min.Linear change0022–2461C 2005Springer Science+Business Media,Inc.3921T A B L E I Formulations(wt%)and properties of castablesBatch S-0S-4M-0M-4 Aggregate a−4+6mesh10101010−6+14mesh25252525−14+28mesh20202020−28+150mesh10101010SP-25b<75µm16161616AR-78c<45µm4040<20µm5555 Alphabond300d4444P-98e<75µm0404RG100f0.5µm(median)6666SPMA g0. acid0. change(%)816◦C×5h−0.01±0.008−0.02±0.0070.10±0.0030.11±0.005 Modulus of rupture(MPa)110◦C×24h 3.66±0.17 5.03±0.13 6.13±0.11 6.42±0.13816◦C×5h0.61±0.070.79±0.08 1.99±0.09 2.27±0.09 Cold crushing strength(MPa)110◦C×24h38.5±1.556.6±1.171.4±0.678.7±1.2816◦C×5h16.4±0.517.5±0.333.1±0.435.0±0.3 Apparent porosity(%)110◦C×24h16.1±0.314.0±0.214.6±0.213.2±0.1816◦C×5h18.8±0.317.1±0.117.4±0.216.8±0.1 Increase in apparent porosity(%)816◦C×5h16.822.119.227.3a Baymag-96(fused magnesite,MgO≥96.0%)in M-0and M-4,and SP-25in S-0and S-4.b SP25:fused magnesium aluminate spinel(MgO25.0%,Al2O374.3%).c AR-78:fused magnesium aluminate spinel(MgO22.0–23.0%,Al2O376.4–77.6%).d Alphabond300:hydratable alumina(Al2O3≥88.0%,LOI≤12.0%).e P-98:deadburnt magnesite(MgO98.0%).f RG100:ultrafine alumina(Al2O399.8%).g SPMA:sodium polymethacrylate.was obtained by measuring the length of samples be-fore and afterfiring.Apparent porosity was measuredby immersion method in kerosene under vacuum usingthe Archimedes’principle.Increase in apparent poros-ity of the castables afterfiring was calculated as follows:AP I T=AP T−AP DAP D×100(%)where AP IT ,Increase in apparent porosity of castablesafterfiring at temperature T(◦C);AP T,Average ap-parent porosity of castablesfired at temperature T(◦C);AP D,Average apparent porosity of castables dried at110◦C.All the physical properties of the castables weredetermined on three specimens;the average values andstandard deviation are reported in Table I.Pure hydratable alumina Alphabond300and a mix-ture of16%hydratable alumina Alphabond300and84%deadburnt magnesia P–98(<75µm)were hy-drated to investigate their morphological features andthermal decomposition behavior.The samples weremixed with distilled water(powder/water weight ratio =5:4)and hydrated for48h at20◦C in sealed polyethy-lene bags and then for12h at110◦C in an autoclavewith a pressure of0.0345MPa.The hydration in the au-toclave step was added to simulate the typical hydrationconditions for castables in industrial practice,in partic-ular increased water vapor pressure inside the pores ofthe castables.All the samples were dried at110◦C for24h following the hydration treatment.The hydratedsamples were analyzed by thermogravimetric(TG)anddifferential thermal analysis(DTA)(Setaram,TG-96),at a heating rate of10◦C/min under aflow of helium.The morphology of the hydrated samples was observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM,S3000N,Hi-tachi).3.Results and discussionThe results of sample characterization(strength and porosity)are compiled in Table I,and plotted in Figs1 and2.Fig.1shows that Castable S-4had significantly higherflexural(5.03±0.13MPa)and crushing strength (56.6±1.1MPa)than Castable S-0(3.66±0.17MPa and38.5±1.5MPa respectively)after drying at110◦C. The microstructure of the castables was essentially sim-ilar in terms of the maximumflaw size(or pore size). Therefore,the difference in strength of the two casta-bles,i.e.increase by37%in MOR and47%in CCS, must be ascribed to the difference in their composition: S-4contained4%deadburnt magnesite in the matrix, while no magnesite powder was present in the matrix of the latter.Our previous work[9]showed that a hydrotalcite-like compound[(Mg4Al2)(OH)12(CO3)(H2O)6]was formed in the mixtures of hydratable alumina with deadburnt magnesia and fused magnesia respectively, when the mixtures were hydrated at room temperature for48h and at110◦C for12h.It is accepted that during drying,hydrogen bonding forms between the neighboring surface hydroxyl groups from hydrotalcite hydrate and Mg(OH)2surrounding the magnesia par-ticles[11].We therefore hypothesize that hydrotalcite-Mg(OH)2hydrogen bonding controlled the strength of the castable after drying.From the above discus-sion,it is inferred that the hydrogen bonding exists between hydrotalcite and Mg(OH)2on the surface of magnesia powder in S-4.In contrast,the hydrotalcite-like compound was not formed in the castable without3922Figure1(a)Flexural strength and(b)crushing strength of castables after heat treatment at110and816◦C.Figure2Average values of apparent porosity of castables after heat treatment at110◦C and816◦C and apparent porosity(AP)increase after firing at816◦C over drying at110◦C.magnesite powder(S-0)as no magnesium hydrox-ide was available;hence the castable S-0exhibitedlower strength than the castable S-4.These results arein agreement with thefinding that addition of0.25wt%of co-precipitated magnesium aluminate hydrate(MgO·Al2O3·16H2O)into deadburnt magnesite sam-ples cured at110◦C for24h improved their cold crush-ing strength from55to65MPa[12,13].It has been indi-cated that high amount of the combined water of mag-nesium aluminate hydrate(MgO·Al2O3·16H2O)pro-vides a large of number of hydroxyls having active po-lar groups bonding to Mg(OH)2on the surface of the MgO particles[12,13].As seen from Fig.1,after drying at110◦C,thecastable M-0had higherflexural strength(6.13±0.11MPa)and compressive strength(71.4±0.6)than castable S-0(3.66±0.17MPa and38.5±1.5MPa respectively),the castable M-4had higherflexu-ral strength(6.42±0.13MPa)and crushing strength(78.7± 1.2MPa)than the castable S-4(5.03±0.13MPa and56.6±1.1MPa respectively),and thecastable M-0showed lowerflexural strength(6.13±0.11MPa)and compressive strength(71.4±0.6MPa)than the castable M-4(6.42±0.13MPa and78.7±1.2MPa respectively).All the above results sup-port the hypothesis that the hydrogen bonding between hydrotalcite and Mg(OH)2controls strength of the castables.It is assumed in the above discussion that the fusedmagnesium aluminate spinel aggregate(SP-25),fusedmagnesium aluminate spinel powder(AR-78)and ul-trafine alumina power(RG100)are inert to water andtherefore hydrogen bonding did not form between thehydrotalcite-like compound and the spinel aggregate,spinel powder or the ultrafine alumina powder in thecastables.It was reported[11]that ZrO2formed in themechanochemical reaction ZrCl4+2MgO→ZrO2 +2MgCl2had appreciable amounts of hydroxyls on the particle surface when the ZrO2powder was washedwith water.However,when such ZrO2was heat treatedat500◦C,the surface reactivity of the ZrO2powder to-wards water was decreased and fewer surface hydrox-yls were formed.Similarly,it could be inferred thatthe magnesium aluminate spinel aggregate and pow-der produced through fusion and the ultrafine aluminapowder(RG100)produced through calcination at tem-peratures above1200◦C are inert to water and hydroxylsformed on their surface is insignificant.Fig.1exhibits that,afterfiring at816◦C,theflexuralstrength and compressive strength of the castables arein the following order:M-4(2.27±0.09MPa and35.0±0.3MPa respectively)>M-0(1.99±0.09MPa and 33.1±0.4MPa respectively)>S-4(0.79±0.08MPa and17.5±0.3MPa respectively)>S-0(0.61±0.07 MPa and16.4±0.7MPa respectively).It is expected that the hydroxyls leading to formation of hydrogen bonding lose water during heating and the dehydroxy-lation reaction of the hydrotalcite hydrate and Mg(OH)2 on the surface of magnesite powder and/or magnesite aggregate results in a polycondensation-type reaction [11–13]:HO-Mg-OH+HO-(Mg,Al)-OH+HO-Mg-OH +······→-O-Mg-O-(Mg,Al)-O-Mg-O-+nH2O It is expected that the above condensation process contributes to the strength development of the castables. The condensation reaction during heating of M-4oc-curred between the hydrotalcite hydrate and Mg(OH)2 on the surface of both magnesite aggregate and mag-nesite powder in the matrices.In comparison,the condensation reaction took place between the hydro-talcite hydrate and Mg(OH)2on the surface of only3923magnesite aggregate in M-0,between the hydrotalcite hydrate and Mg(OH)2on the surface of only magne-site powder in the matrices in S-4.And this conden-sation did not occur in S-0because neither hydrotal-cite hydrate nor Mg(OH)2was present in the castable. Consequently,afterfiring at816◦C,the strength of the castable was higher if the extent of the condensation reaction was higher[11],and vice versa.As presented in Table I,M-0and S-0contained the same matrix(without magnesite powder),but magne-site and spinel aggregates respectively;and S-4and S-0 included the same spinel aggregate,but different ma-trixes with and without magnesite powder respectively. It is interesting to note in Fig.1that the difference in strength between the castables M-0and S-0is larger than that between the castables S-4and S-0,indicating that the presence of magnesite aggregate contributed to higher strength than the presence of magnesite powder. This is confirmed by comparing the strength difference between M-4(with magnesite aggregate)and S-4(with spinel aggregates)with the strength difference between M-0(without magnesite powder)and S-4(with mag-nesite powder).Moreover,the castable M-0with mag-nesite aggregate,but without magnesite powder,had higher strength than the castable S-4with magnesite powder,but without magnesite aggregate.The above results suggest that bonding and condensation reaction between hydrotalcite and Mg(OH)2on the surfaces of magnesite aggregate contribute to the strength of the castables to a higher extent than those between hydro-talcite and Mg(OH)2on the surfaces of the magnesite powder.It is accepted that powders,compared with aggre-gates,have more significant effect on the strength of castables after drying andfiring[8,14].The results of this work suggest that the bonding between the binder (hydratable alumina)and the magnesite aggregate con-tribute significantly to the strength after heat treatment at110and816◦C.Accordingly,use of magnesite ag-gregate in hydratable alumina-bonded castables is ben-eficial to the strength of the castable after drying and firing at intermediate temperatures.Fig.2shows that,after drying at110◦C,the castable M-4had the lowest apparent porosity,the castable S-0 the highest apparent porosity and the apparent poros-ity of the castables S-4and M-0was intermediate.The difference in apparent porosity of the castables should be related to the amount of the hydrates formed dur-ing curing and drying.As discussed before,Mg(OH)2 was expected to form on the surfaces of both mag-nesite the aggregate and the magnesite powder in the castable M-4during curing and drying;in comparison, Mg(OH)2was formed on the surfaces of the magnesite aggregate in M-0,and on the surfaces of the magnesite powder in S-4.On the other hand,Mg(OH)2is not ex-pected to form on the spinel aggregate and the matrix in S-0.As a result,during curing and drying,the hy-drotalcite compound formed from hydratable alumina and Mg(OH)2[9]on magnesite aggregate and mag-nesite powder in M-4,only on magnesite aggregate in M-0,only on magnesite powder in S-4,and nei-ther on the aggregate nor on the matrix in S-0.There-fore,it could be inferred that the apparent porosity of the castables is inversely proportional to the amount of the hydrotalcite compound formed during curing and drying.One factor influencing the porosity of the castables after drying is the hydration extent of hydratable alu-mina and magnesia.For example,it was reported that transition alumina was not completely hydrated in24h at15and55◦C[15],and hydratable alumina Alphabond 300was not completely hydrated even after46h at20◦C and after25h at110◦C[9].However,hydratable alu-mina in the presence of reactive magnesia was almost completely consumed to form the hydrotalcite com-pound when hydrated for24h at20◦C[8].The pres-ence of magnesite,either in the form of aggregate or in the form of powder in the castable,is expected to accel-erate hydration of the hydratable alumina and genera-tion of the hydrotalcite phase.However,compared with magnesite aggregate,magnesite powder could be more effective in accelerating hydration of hydratable alu-mina because the magnesite powder has much higher specific surface area than magnesite aggregate.Con-sequently,the amount of the hydrotalcite compound would be higher in the castable with magnesite powder than in the castable with magnesite aggregate,and a higher amount of the hydrotalcite compound results in lower porosity of the castable after curing and drying. As presented in Table I,the castable S-4has almost the same particle size composition as the castable M-0, indicating that the particle packing would not lead to variation in apparent porosity between the two casta-bles.However,the castable S-4had lower apparent porosity than the castable M-0(see Fig.2)after dry-ing.This must be attributed to the difference in com-position between the two castables:the castable S-4 with4%magnesite powder would contain a relatively higher amount of the hydrotalcite and consequently ex-hibited lower apparent porosity;and the castable M-0 with65%magnesite aggregate(but without magnesite powder)would contain a relatively lower amount of hydrotalcite and accordingly displayed higher apparent porosity.The apparent porosity variation after heat treatment at816◦C is also show in Fig.2.Refractory castables are composed of aggregates(the“skeleton”)andfine powders whichfill in the space between the larger ag-gregate particles.When hydrates(such as magnesium hydroxide and hydrotalcite-like compound)in the ma-trix dissociate,voids are produced because the oxides have higher density than their corresponding hydrate parents.Accordingly,as seen in Fig.2,castables after firing at816◦C have higher apparent porosity than their corresponding samples after drying because hydrates were decomposed during thefiring.Moreover,as shown in Fig.2,the increase in apparent porosity of M-4(27.3%)and S-4(22.1%)is higher than that of M-0(19.2%)and S-0(16.8%),respectively, afterfiring at816◦C.As described before,M-4and S-4contained higher amounts of hydrates than M-0and S-0respectively after curing and drying.Consequently, castables with higher contents of hydrates are expected to have higher increase in apparent porosity afterfiring3924at 816◦C because decomposition of the hydrates would leave voids in the materials (sintering is negligible at the temperature).As shown in [9],bayerite and boehmite were formed from hydratable alumina after hydration at 20◦C for 48h and 110◦C for 12h.It could be inferred that the hydroxyls of bayerite and boehmite also form hydrogen bonding with Mg(OH)2on the surfaces of magnesite,which could contribute to the strength of the castables after drying.However,hydratable alumina had a granu-lar shape (Fig.3a)after hydration at 20◦C for 48h and 110◦C for 12h.This morphology was also observed after the hydratable alumina was hydrated at 25◦C for 100h [16].The granular shape of bayerite and boehmite makes the hydrates less accessible to Mg(OH)2on the surfaces of magnesite and limited their contribution to the strength of castables.The morphology of hydrotalcite formed from the mixture of hydratable alumina and magnesite at 20◦C for 48h and 110◦C for 12h is presented in -parison of the morphologies of pure hydratable alu-mina and the mixture reveals that hydrotalcite formed in castables bonded well with Mg(OH)2on the surfaces of magnesite.It appears that the morphological features of hydrotalcite promote its bonding with Mg(OH)2on the surfaces of magnesite.The increased strength of hydratable alumina-bonded castables in the presence of magnesite isalsoFigure 3SEM images of (a)pure hydratable alumina and (b)the mixture of hydratable alumina and magnesite after hydration at 20◦C for 48h and 110◦C for 12h.Figure 4TG-DTA curves for the thermal decomposition of (a)hydratable alumina and (b)the mixture of 16%hydratable alumina and 84%magnesia powder after hydration at 20◦C for 48h and 110◦C for 12h.related to the thermal decomposition behavior of the hydrates in the castables.For pure hydratable alu-mina after hydration (Fig.4a),the formed bayerite and boehmite decomposed around 280◦C [17]and 426◦C [18]respectively.Fig.4b exhibits the thermal decom-position behavior of the mixture of hydratable alumina and magnesite powder;the endothermic peaks in the temperature range of 150–220◦C represented the dis-sociation of interlayer water in hydrotalcite and those of 300–400◦C were due to loss of the (OH)and (CO 3)groups in hydrotalcite [7,19,20].Comparison of the TG results in Figs 4a and b reveals that the weight loss in hydratable alumina sample af-ter hydration occurred in a narrower temperature range and with fewer steps than in the mixture of hydratable alumina and magnesia after hydration.In hydratable alumina-bonded castable after curing and drying,rapid decomposition of bayerite and boehmite could create local “explosion spalling”,because significant water vapor pressure from the dissociation of hydrates inside the castables could built up in closed pores during heat-ing [5].The pressure buildup in the closed pores could lead to local cracks or even explosion of the whole block [2,21].We expect that decomposition of hydrotalcite in the lower temperature range (150–220◦C)generated a micro-porous microstructure [8],which provided es-cape channels for the water vapor at the higher tem-perature range (300–400◦C).Consequently,decrease3925in the local vapor pressure mitigated the local spalling, and therefore also prevented the strength decrease of the castables after heat treatment at the intermediate temperatures.Generally,hydration of MgO is detrimental to the volume stability and,accordingly,the strength of the castables because formation of brucite from MgO is accompanied by a large volume expansion(∼120%). However,as reported in our previous work[9],only hy-drotalcite was identified in the mixtures of hydratable alumina and deadburnt/fused magnesite powder after hydration at48h at20◦C and then for12h at110◦C, and brucite was not detected in the hydrated products, suggesting that the hydrated MgO in the castables ex-isted in hydrotalcite,rather than brucite.The volume change accompanying hydrotalcite formation from hy-dratable alumina and magnesia during hydration is not clear yet.However,no expansion was observed during curing and drying of the castables,indicating the casta-bles did not incur harmful volume increase due to the formation of hydrotalcite.4.Conclusions1.The presence of magnesite aggregate and powder in hydratable alumina-bonded castables improved the strength of the castables after drying at110◦C.It is hy-pothesized that the principal contribution to strength in-crease is development of the hydrogen bonding between hydrotalcite and Mg(OH)2on the surface of magnesite particles.2.The polycondensation accompanying dehydrox-ylation of hydrotalcite and Mg(OH)2at816◦C con-tributed to the strength of hydratable alumina-bonded castables containing magnesite.3.The morphological features of hydrotalcite facili-tated bonding formation of hydrotalcite with Mg(OH)2 on the surfaces of magnesite and contributed the strength of the magnesite-containing castables after drying.4.It is proposed that decomposition of hydrotalcite at the lower temperatures(150–220◦C)provides es-cape channels for the vapor released at higher tem-peratures(300–400◦C)and,accordingly alleviate lo-cal explosion spalling during heating-up and benefit the strength of castables afterfiring at intermediate temperatures.AcknowledgmentsThe authors acknowledge NSERC forfinancial support. 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Effect of dopant (Al, Nb, Bi, La) on varistor properties of

Effect of dopant (Al, Nb, Bi, La) on varistor properties of

Effect of dopant(Al,Nb,Bi,La)on varistor properties ofZnO–V2O5–MnO2–Co3O4–Dy2O3ceramicsChoon-W.Nahm*Semiconductor Ceramics Lab.,Department of Electrical Engineering,Dongeui University,Busan614-714,Republic of KoreaReceived20September2009;received in revised form15October2009;accepted25November2009Available online4January2010AbstractThe electrical,dielectric properties,and aging behavior of ZnO–V2O5–MnO2–Co3O4–Dy2O3(ZVMCD)ceramics were investigated with different dopants(Al,Nb,Bi,La).The phase formed for all the samples consisted of ZnO grain as a main phase,and Zn3(VO4)2,ZnV2O4,and DyVO4as the secondary phases.On one hand,Nb and Bi dopants enhanced the nonlinear coefficient whereas Al and La dopants decreased it.On the other hand,Nb and Al improved the stability against aging stress.The Nb-doped ZVMCD ceramics exhibited the best nonlinear properties (a=36)and the highest stability:%D E B=À0.4%,%D a=À20%,%D e0APP¼À1:3%,and%D tan d=+13%for DC accelerated aging stress of 0.85E B/858C/24h.#2009Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.All rights reserved.Keywords:C.Nonlinear electrical properties;Stability;D.ZnO;V2O5;E.Varistor1.IntroductionImpurity doped-ZnO ceramics exhibit the nonlinearelectrical behavior,which is very similar to a back-to-backzener diode.The sintering process gives rise to a micro-structure,which consists of semiconducting n-type ZnO grainssurrounded by very thin insulating intergranular layers.EachZnO grain acts as if it has a semiconductor junction at the grainboundary.Since nonlinear electrical behavior occurs at eachboundary,the impurity doped ZnO ceramics can be consideredas a multi-junction device composed of many series and parallelconnection of grain boundaries.The grain size distributionplays a major role in electrical behavior.Electrically,ZnOvaristors exhibit highly nonlinear voltage–current(U–I)properties expressed by the relation I=KU a,where I is thecurrent,U is the voltage,K is a constant,a is the nonlinearcoefficient,which characterizes the nonlinear properties of thevaristors[1,2].ZnO ceramics cannot exhibit a varistor behavior withoutadding heavy elements with large ionic radii such as Bi,Pr,Ba,mercial ZnO–Bi2O3-based ceramics and ZnO–Pr6O11-based ceramics cannot be co-fired with a silver inner-electrode(m.p.9618C)in mutilayered chip components because of therelatively high sintering temperature above10008C[3,4].Therefore,new varistor ceramics are required in order to use asilver inner-electrode.Among the various ceramics,onecandidate is the ZnO–V2O5ceramics[5–14].This systemcan be sintered at a relatively low temperature in the vicinity ofabout9008C.This is very important for multilayer chipcomponent applications,because it can be co-sintered with asilver inner-electrode without using expensive palladium orplatinum metals.A study on ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics is initial step yet interms of materials composition and sintering process.To developuseful ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics,it is very important toinvestigate the effects of dopants on varistor properties.Untilnow,ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics have been reported for a ternarysystem containing MnO2[10–14].ZnO–V2O5–MnO2ceramicsis reported to exhibit good nonlinear properties(nonlinearcoefficient measured between1.0mA cmÀ2and10mA cmÀ2,a%27)in previous research[13,14].The Co and Dy are added toZnO–Bi2O3-based ceramics or ZnO–Pr6O11-based ceramics toimprove the varistor properties.In this report,the effect of dopant(Al,Nb,Bi,La)on varistor properties and aging behavior ofZnO–V2O5–MnO2–Co3O4–Dy2O3(ZVMCD)ceramics wasexamined./locate/ceramintAvailable online at Ceramics International36(2010)1109–1115*Tel.:+82518901669;fax:+82518901664.E-mail address:cwnahm@deu.ac.kr.0272-8842/$36.00#2009Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ceramint.2009.12.0022.Experimental procedure2.1.Sample preparationReagent-grade raw materials were prepared in the propor-tions of(96.9Àx)mol%ZnO,0.5mol%V2O5, 2.0mol% MnO2,0.5mol%Co3O4,0.1mol%Dy2O3(ZVMCD)and independent samples of0.005mol%Al2O3,0.1mol%Nb2O5, 0.1mol%Bi2O3,and0.1mol%La2O3.Raw materials were mixed by ball milling with zirconia balls and acetone in a polypropylene bottle for24h.The mixture was dried at1208C for12h.The dried mixture was mixed into a container with acetone and0.8wt%polyvinyl butyral(PVB)binder of powder weight.After drying at1208C for24h,the mixture was granulated by sieving through a100-mesh(150m m)screen to produce starting powder.The powder was uniaxially pressed into discs of10mm in diameter and1.3mm in thickness at a pressure of100MPa.The discs were sintered at9008C in air for3h and furnace cooled to room temperature.Thefinal samples were about8mm in diameter and1.0mm in thickness. Silver paste was coated on both faces of the samples and the ohmic contacts were formed by heating it at6008C for10min. The electrodes were5mm in diameter.2.2.Microstructure analysisBoth surfaces of the samples were lapped and ground with SiC paper and polished with0.3m m-Al2O3powder to a mirror-like surface.The polished samples were chemically etched into1HClO4:1000H2O for25s at258C.The surface of the samples was metallized with a thin coating of Au to reduce charging effects and to improve the resolution of the image. The microstructure was examined by a scanning electron microscope(SEM,Hitachi S2400).The average grain size(d) was determined by the lineal intercept method such as the expression,d=1.56L/MN[15],where L is the random line length on the micrograph,M is the magnification of the micrograph,and N is the number of the grain boundaries intercepted by the lines.The crystalline phases were identified by an X-ray diffractometry(XRD,X’pert-PRO MPD, Netherlands)with Nifiltered CuK a radiation.The sintered density(r)of the ceramics was measured by the Archimedes method.2.3.Electrical measurementThe electricfield–current density(E–J)characteristics were measured using a high voltage source unit(Keithley 237).The breakdownfield(E B)was measured at1.0mA cmÀ2 and the leakage current density(J L)was measured at0.8E B. In addition,the nonlinear coefficient(a)is defined by the empirical law,J=KÁE a,where J is the current density,E is the applied electricfield,and K is a constant.The a was determined in the current density range1.0–10mA cmÀ2, where a=1/(log E2Àlog E1),and E1and E2are the electricfields corresponding to1.0mA cm2and10mA cm2, respectively.2.4.Dielectric measurementThe dielectric characteristics,such as the apparent dielectric constant(e0APP)and dissipation factor(tan d)were measured in the range of100Hz to2MHz using a RLC meter(QuadTech 7600).2.5.DC accelerated aging characteristic measurementThe DC accelerated aging test was performed for stress state of0.85E B/858C/24h.Simultaneously,the leakage current was monitored at intervals of1min during stressing using a high voltage source unit(Keithley237).The degradation rate coefficient(K T)was calculated by the expression I L=I-Lo+K T t1/2[16],where I L is the leakage current at stress time(t) and I Lo is I L at t=0.After applying the respective stresses,the E–J characteristics were measured at room temperature.3.Results and discussionFig.1shows SEM micrographs of surface of the samples for different dopants.The grain structure is relatively homogeneously distributed throughout the entire samples, compared with ternary ZnO–V2O5–MnO2ceramics[10].The average grain size(d)decreased in order of ZVMCD-Nb (7.5m m)>ZVMCD-Bi(5.0m m)>ZVMCD(4.6m m)> ZVMCD-La(4.6m m)>ZVMCD-Al(4.2m m).It was found that the Nb and Bi dopants improved the grain growth,whereas the Al dopant inhibited it.The sintered density(r)was 5.56g cmÀ3,in the ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Al,and ZVMCD-Nb, whereas it was5.44g cmÀ3in ZVMCD-Bi.It is presumed that the low sintered density of the ZVMCD-Bi is attributed to the larger ionic radius of Bi than Zn ion.The detailed density and average grain size of the samples are indicated in Table1.The XRD patterns of the samples are shown in Fig.2.All the samples revealed the presence of the secondary phase such as Zn3(VO4)2,ZnV2O4,and DyVO4.The Zn3(VO4)2is formed when the ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics are sintered at high temperatures and that acts as a liquid-phase sintering aid[5]. Furthermore,it seems that the DyVO4phase acts as an enhancer for the grain growth of ZnO[17].Table1reports the main electrical characteristics of the samples for different dopants.The breakdownfield(E B) decreased in order of ZVMCD(7013V cmÀ1)>ZVMCD-La (4772V cmÀ1)>ZVMCD-Bi(4367V cmÀ1)>ZVMCD-Nb (3355V cmÀ1)>ZVMCD-Al(2514V cmÀ1).The decrease of E B can be explained by both the increase in the number of grain boundaries owing to the increase in the average ZnO grain size and the decrease of breakdown voltage per grain boundaries(gb),as expressed by the following equation[1];E B=gb=d,where d is the grain size and gb stands for the breakdown voltage per grain boundaries.It should be noted that the ZVMCD-Al exhibited the lowest E B although the grain size is the smallest.The addition of Nb and Bi dopants enhanced the nonlinear coefficient,whereas the Al and La dopants decreased it.It should be noted that the ZVMCD-Nb exhibited the highest value(36)among ZnO–V2O5-based ceramics reported up toC.-W.Nahm/Ceramics International36(2010)1109–1115 1110now.These are a higher value than that of ZnO–V 2O 5-based multi-component ceramics prepared by microwave sintering process [7].The high barrier caused by the electronic states at active grain boundary will give rise to a large a .In general,the leakage current (I L )shows an opposite relation to the nonlinear coefficient (a ).On the whole,the I L value is much higher than the expected value in the light of a value.Presumably,a high leakage current of these samples seems to be due to the recombination of electron and hole rather than thermionic emission over barrier at the grain boundary.Fig.3shows the apparent dielectric constant (e 0APP )and dissipation factor (tan d )of the samples for differentdopants.With increasing frequency for all varistors,the e 0APP decreased with a relatively sharp dispersive drop in the vicinity of 100Hz which is closely associated with the interfacial polarization of dielectrics.The e 0APP in the frequency above 1kHz increased in order of ZVMCD-Al >ZVMCD-Nb >ZVMCD-Bi >ZVMCD-La >ZVMCD.This is directly related to d /t ratio,as can be seen in the following equation,e 0APP ¼e g ðd =t Þ,where e g is the dielectric constant of ZnO (8.5),d is the average grain size,and t is the depletion layer width of the both sides at the grain boundaries.On the other hand,the tan d decreased until the vicinity of 20kHz with increasing frequency,which exhibits a second dispersion peak in theTable 1Microstructure,E –J ,and dielectric characteristic parameters of the samples for different dopants.Sample d (m m)r (g cm À3)E B (V cm À1)V gb (V gb À1)a J L (m A cm À2)e 0APP (1kHz)tan d (1kHz)ZVMCD 4.6 5.567013 3.332903850.23ZVMCD-Al 4.2 5.562514 1.11733415550.26ZVMCD-Nb 7.5 5.553355 2.536857750.31ZVMCD-Bi 5.0 5.444367 2.235426210.15ZVMCD-La4.65.5047722.2124036310.5Fig.1.SEM micrographs of the samples for different dopants.C.-W.Nahm /Ceramics International 36(2010)1109–11151111vicinity of 300kHz,and thereafter again decreased.The detailed dielectric characteristic parameters at 1kHz are summarized in Table 1.Fig.4shows the variation of leakage current during DC accelerated aging stress of the samples for different dopants.It can be seen that the dopants have a significant effect on aging behavior.All the samples except for the ZVMCD-Al and ZVMCD-Nb exhibited thermal run-away under specified DC accelerated aging stress of 0.85E B /858C/24h.The La andBiFig.2.XRD patterns of the samples for differentdopants.Fig.3.Dielectric characteristics of samples for differentdopants.Fig.4.Leakage current during accelerated aging stress of samples for different dopants:(a)ZVMCD,(b)ZVMCD-Al,(c)ZVMCD-Nb,(d)ZVMCD-Bi,and (e)ZVMCD-La.C.-W.Nahm /Ceramics International 36(2010)1109–11151112dopants impaired the stability against accelerated aging stress.In particular,the Bi dopant improved the nonlinear electrical properties,whereas it resulted in a severe problem in stability.On the contrary,the ZVMCD-Al and ZVMCD-Nb were found to exhibit a good stability without thermal run-away during specified stress time period.The stability for nonlinear properties of the samples can be estimated by the degradation rate coefficient (K T ),indicating the degree of aging from the slope of the I L –t 1/2curve.The lower the K T ,the higher the stability.The ZVMCD-Al exhibited low value:À13nA h À1/2,whereas ZVMCD-Nb exhibited extremely low value:+4nA h À1/2.Fig.5compares the variation of E –J characteristics after applying the stress with initial E –J characteristics for the respective samples.It can be seen that the variation of E –J curves after applying the stress is strongly affected by the dopants.The ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Bi,and ZVMCD-La exhib-ited very large variation of E –J curves in the entire range of electric field after applying the stress.However,the ZVMCD-Al and ZVMCD-Nb exhibited small variation in E –J curves after applying the stress,in particular,in the ZVMCD-Nb case.Fig.6compares the variation of E B after applying the stress with initial E B for the respective samples.The ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Bi,and ZVMCD-La,which revealed a thermal run-away,exhibited a high variation,reaching approximately À35%in breakdown field (%D E B ).The ZVMCD-Al exhibited,high stable E B characteristics reaching À6%in %D E B .In particular,the ZVMCD-Nb exhibited the highest stable EBFig.5.E –J characteristics after applying stress of samples for differentdopants.Fig.6.Breakdown field before and after applying stress of samples for different dopants.C.-W.Nahm /Ceramics International 36(2010)1109–11151113characteristics showing %D E B =À0.4%so there is almost no variation before and after applying the stress.Fig.7compares the variation of a after applying the stress with initial a for the respective samples.The ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Bi,and ZVMCD-La,which revealed a thermal run-away,exhibited extremely bad nonlinear properties by decreasing to inside and outside a =5after applying the stress.The ZVMCD-Nb exhibited thehighest stable a characteristics showing %D a =À20%.On the other hand,the e 0APP and tan d before and after applying the stress is shown in Figs.8and 9,respectively.The ZVMCD,ZVMCD-Bi,and ZVMCD-La,which revealed a thermal run-away,exhibited a high variation for e 0APP and tan d .However,the ZVMCD-Al and ZVMCD-Nb exhibited very small variation.In particular,the %D e 0APP and %D tan d in the ZVMCD-Nb were only À1.3%and +13%,respectively.The detailed variation of E B ,a ,e 0APP ,and tan d before and after applying the stress is summarized in Table 2.In discussing stability,in general,macroscopically,the sintered density and the leakage current have a significant effect on the stability against stress.That is,the higher the sintered density and the lower the leakage current,the higher the stability.The low sintered density decreases the number of parallel conduction path and eventually leads to the concentra-tion of current.The high leakage current gradually increases the carrier generation due to Joule heat and it leads to repetition cycle between joule heating and leakage current.In this viewpoint,although the high leakage current,the ZVMCD-Al did not exhibit any thermal run-away.On the contrary,although the lowest leakage current,the ZVMCD-Bi exhibited the thermal run-away.Therefore,it is difficult to assert that macroscopic factors such as sintered density and leakage current affect the stability.Microscopically,this is related totheFig.7.Nonlinear coefficient before and after applying stress of samples for differentdopants.Fig.8.Dielectric constant before and after applying stress of samples for differentdopants.Fig.9.Dissipation factor before and after applying stress of samples for different dopants.Table 2E –J and dielectric characteristic parameters before and after applying the stress the samples for different dopants.Sample Stress state E B (V cm À1)a J L (m A cm À2)e 0APP (1kHz)tan d (1kHz)ZVMCD Initial 701332903850.23Stressed 455151316270.82ZVMCD-Al Initial 25141734015550.26Stressed 23561140215310.28ZVMCD-Nb Initial 335536857750.31Stressed 3343291867650.35ZVMCD-Bi Initial 436735426210.15Stressed 281565348940.47ZVMCD-LaInitial 4772124036310.5Stressed304246989010.86C.-W.Nahm /Ceramics International 36(2010)1109–11151114rather migration of zinc interstitial(Zn i)within depletion layer [18].In this viewpoint,it is guessed that the reason why the ZVMCD-Nb exhibits good stability is because the Nb spatially restricts the migration of ions within the depletion layer.4.ConclusionsThe electrical,dielectric properties,and its accelerated aging behavior of ZnO–V2O5–MnO2–Co3O4–Dy2O3(ZVMCD)cera-mics were investigated with different dopants(Al,Nb,Bi,La). On one hand,Nb and Bi dopants enhanced the nonlinear coefficient whereas Al and La dopants decreased it.On the other hand,Nb and Al dopants improved the stability against aging stress.The Nb-doped ZVMCD ceramics exhibited the best nonlinear properties(a=36)and the highest stability: %D E B=À0.4%,%D a=À20%,%D e0APP=À1.3%,and %D tan d=+13%for DC accelerated aging stress of0.85E B/ 858C/24h.References[1]L.M.Levinson,H.R.Philipp,Zinc oxide varistor—a review,Am.Ceram.Soc.Bull.65(1986)639–646.[2]T.K.Gupta,Application of zinc oxide varistor,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.73(1990)1817–1840.[3]C.-W.Nahm,C.-H.Park,H.-S.Yoon,Highly stable nonohmic character-istics of ZnO–Pr6O11–CoO–Dy2O3based varistors,J.Mater.Sci.Lett.19 (2000)725–727.[4]C.-W.Nahm,Influence of La2O3additives on microstructure and electricalproperties of ZnO–Pr6O11–CoO–Cr2O3–La2O3-based varistors,Mater.Lett.59(2005)2097–2100.[5]J.-K.Tsai,T.-B.Wu,Non-ohmic characteristics of ZnO–V2O5ceramics,J.Appl.Phys.76(1994)4817–4822.[6]J.-K.Tsai,T.-B.Wu,Microstructure and nonohmic properties of binaryZnO–V2O5ceramics sintered at9008C,Mater.Lett.26(1996)199–203.[7]C.T.Kuo,C.S.Chen,I.-N.Lin,Microstructure and nonlinear properties ofmicrowave-sintered ZnO–V2O5varistors.I.Effect of V2O5doping,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.81(1998)2942–2948.[8]H.-H.Hng,K.M.Knowles,Characterisation of Zn3(VO4)2phases inV2O5-doped ZnO varistors,J.Eur.Ceram.Soc.19(1999)721–726. 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中铝海外 笔试 英语

中铝海外 笔试 英语

中铝海外笔试英语英文回答:1. Analyze the importance of sustainability in the aluminum industry.Sustainability has become an increasingly important concept in the aluminum industry due to the growing awareness of the environmental and social impacts of aluminum production. The industry is facing increasing pressure from consumers, governments, and environmental organizations to reduce its environmental footprint and adopt sustainable practices.Environmental concerns: Aluminum production is an energy-intensive process that emits significant amounts of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide. The industry also generates large amounts of waste, including spent pot lining (SPL) and red mud. These waste materials can have negative impacts on the environment if not properly managed.Social concerns: Aluminum production can have negative social impacts, such as the displacement of local communities and the pollution of water sources. Theindustry also has a history of using child labor in some countries.In order to address these concerns, the aluminumindustry is working to develop more sustainable practices. This includes investing in new technologies to reduceenergy consumption and emissions, developing recycling programs to reduce waste, and working with local communities to mitigate social impacts.2. Evaluate the role of technology in driving sustainability in the aluminum industry.Technology is playing a vital role in driving sustainability in the aluminum industry. New technologies are being developed to reduce energy consumption, emissions, and waste. For example, the use of pre-baked anode cellsand inert anodes in the smelting process has significantlyreduced energy consumption and emissions.Recycling is another important area where technology is playing a role. New technologies are being developed to improve the efficiency of recycling processes and to allow for the recycling of more types of aluminum products. For example, the use of eddy current separators and electrostatic separators has made it possible to recycle more aluminum from end-of-life products.3. Discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the aluminum industry in the context of sustainability.The aluminum industry faces a number of challenges in its efforts to become more sustainable. These challenges include:High energy consumption: Aluminum production is an energy-intensive process, and the industry relies heavily on fossil fuels. This makes it difficult to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy.Waste generation: Aluminum production generates large amounts of waste, including SPL and red mud. These waste materials can have negative impacts on the environment if not properly managed.Social concerns: Aluminum production can have negative social impacts, such as the displacement of local communities and the pollution of water sources. Theindustry also has a history of using child labor in some countries.Despite these challenges, the aluminum industry alsohas a number of opportunities to improve its sustainability. These opportunities include:New technologies: New technologies are being developed to reduce energy consumption, emissions, and waste. These technologies can help the industry to transition to a more sustainable future.Recycling: Recycling aluminum is a key way to reducethe industry's environmental impact. New technologies are making it possible to recycle more types of aluminum products and to improve the efficiency of recycling processes.Collaboration: The aluminum industry can work with governments, environmental organizations, and other stakeholders to develop and implement sustainable practices. This collaboration can help to drive innovation and createa more sustainable aluminum industry.中文回答:1. 分析可持续性对铝工业的重要性。








%The high temperature oxidation behaviors of Nb-Si-Ti(15%-26%, mole fraction)-Hf-Al-Cr and Nb-Ti (0-50%) alloys at 1250 ℃ were analyzed utilizing oxidation weight gain method. The scale morphology and composition were studied by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and EDS analysis. The relationships among theTi content and the oxidization products and their Pilling-Bed-Worth ratio (PBR,φ) values were further studied. The results show that as the Ti content in the Nb-based alloys increases, the oxidization products transform from Nb2O5 to Ti2Nb10O29 first, then to TiNb2O7 and finally to TiO2. Their corresponding PBR values decrease in sequence. With the decrease of PRB values, the growth stress decreases, the integrity improves and failure cyclelengthens in the oxide film. Therefore, the high temperature oxidation resistance of the Nb-based alloys is significantly improved.【期刊名称】《中国有色金属学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)008【总页数】6页(P2044-2049)【关键词】高温合金;Nb基合金;高温抗氧化性能;氧化产物【作者】姜惠仁;牛莉叶;席文君;马文帅;张亮【作者单位】北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100191;北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100191;北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100191;中国商用飞机有限责任公司,上海 200232;中国人民公安大学继续教育学院,北京 100076【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB35随着航空航天工业的发展,飞行器发动机的工作温度越来越高。

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Journal of Catalysis241(2006)173–179/locate/jcatEffect of tin on Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst for ethylene oxide hydration Yingcheng Li a,b,Shirun Yan a,∗,Linping Qian a,Weimin Yang b,Zaiku Xie b,Qingling Chen b,Bin Yue a,Heyong He a,∗a Department of Chemistry and Shanghai,Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials,Fudan University,Shanghai200433,Chinab Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology,Shanghai201208,ChinaReceived18March2006;revised26April2006;accepted27April2006AbstractThe effect of tin on the structure,acidity,and water adsorption property of Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst and on this catalyst’s performance for ethylene oxide(EO)hydration were studied by XRD,Raman spectroscopy,NH3-TPD,IR of pyridine and of H2O adsorption,and catalytic tests.Characterization results revealed that the density of acidic sites decreased with the addition of tin and with increasing Sn/Nb ratio in the cases studied,whereas the acidity exhibited minimum strength at Sn/Nb=0.08.The IR of water adsorption indicated that addition of tin significantly enhanced the water adsorption property of the catalyst.The catalytic tests revealed that monoethylene glycol(MEG)selectivity increased from89.8%of the Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst to94.0%of the tin-promoted catalyst maintaining the EO conversion at99.7%,and the catalyst exhibited excellent stability.The enhanced water adsorption property of the tin-promoted catalyst is proposed to be responsible for the significant improvement in MEG selectivity.©2006Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:Tin;Niobium oxide;Ethylene oxide hydration;Water adsorption;Monoethylene glycol selectivity1.IntroductionThe production of monoethylene glycol(MEG)by non-catalytic hydration of ethylene oxide(EO)is a well-known process.It is usually performed at140–230◦C and1.5–2.5MPa using a large excess of water(20–25mol of water per mol of EO)to achieve a glycol selectivity of88–90%.The raw prod-uct of hydration is then dehydrated by rectification,which in-volves excessive energy consumption,making the process eco-nomically unattractive.Considerable efforts have been made to explore efficient hydration catalysts.A number of materials,in-cluding anion-exchange resin[1–3],quaternary phosphonium halides[4],polymeric organosilane ammonium salt[5],and macrocyclic chelating compounds[6],have been tested as hy-dration catalysts.Although these catalysts improved MEG se-lectivity to certain extent,some problems remained,including elution of the active species in water and poor thermal stability, *Corresponding authors.Fax:+862165642978.E-mail addresses:sryan@(S.R.Yan),heyonghe@(H.Y.He).making long-run testing impossible.Consequently,the devel-opment of efficient catalysts for EO hydration that are also insoluble in water,thermally stable,and readily recoverable is highly desirable.Niobic acid(Nb2O5·n H2O)has received much attention as a new solid acid catalyst[7–9]because of its strong acid-ity and structural stability in water.In previous work[10,11], we studied Nb2O5/α-Al2O3prepared by chemical vapor depo-sition and by impregnation for EO hydration,and found that the yield of MEG over the supported niobium oxide calcined at400◦C was comparable with that over Amberlite IR and Nafion XR(6%)/SiO2,but much higher than that over AlPO4-Cu(NO3)2and paring the catalytic performance of niobic acid with the niobium oxide supported onα-Al2O3 calcined at400◦C revealed that the latter gave a MEG selec-tivity of89%,compared with83%over niobic acid at a sim-ilar EO conversion,150◦C,and a H2O/EO ratio of22.The supported niobium oxide also demonstrated excellent stability over1000h on stream compared with the niobic acid catalyst, which deactivated gradually after600h on stream.Modifica-tion of theα-Al2O3support before Nb2O5loading with an0021-9517/$–see front matter©2006Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2006.04.030174Y.C.Li et al./Journal of Catalysis241(2006)173–179optimal amount of water-resistant basic material MgAl2O4led to a0.8%incremental MEG yield from the Nb2O5/α-Al2O3 catalyst[12].Although the Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalysts and the MgAl2O4-modified Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst exhibited higher MEG yield and better stability than niobic acid,the H2O/EO ratio was still high from an industrial standpoint.Therefore,fur-ther improvement of MEG selectivity at lower H2O/EO feeding ratios via modification of the catalyst is of significant industrial importance.As a basic n-type semiconductor,tin oxide has often been used as a sensor under moisture conditions and as a catalytic material for the oxidation of organic molecules.Adsorption of water on the SnO2surface has been studied extensively [13–18].Both molecular and dissociative(surface hydroxyls) water adsorbates have been observed on the SnO2surface,with hydroxyls the major species,and considerably less molecular water attached to O2−ions through the hydrogen bond[16]. The strong hydrophilic property of SnO2inspired our curiosity as to whether it is feasible to improve water adsorption affin-ity to the Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst by introducing tin oxide species,which in turn increases the ratio of adsorbed H2O to EO species on the catalyst surface so as to improve MEG selec-tivity without increasing the feeding ratio of H2O/EO.In this paper,we investigate the effect of adding tin on the structure, acid property,and water adsorption property of the Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst,as well as on the catalyst’s performance in EO hydration.2.Experimental2.1.Catalyst preparationThe procedure for preparingα-alumina support has been described elsewhere[10,11].Tin-promoted catalysts were pre-pared by stepwise impregnation,as described below.Theα-alumina support wasfirst impregnated in vacuo with niobic acid(Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgiae Mineracao,batch AD-2352)dissolved in an aqueous solution of oxalic acid,fol-lowed by drying at150◦C for2h.Then it was impregnated with the required amount of stannic chloride dissolved in an aque-ous solution of hydrochloric acid in vacuo,followed by drying at120◦C for2h.The sample thus obtained was calcined in a quartz tube at400◦C under aflow of N2/H2(5v/v%of H2) for2h and then under a nitrogenflow for another2h.2.2.Catalyst characterizationPowder X-ray diffraction(XRD)patterns were obtained us-ing a Rigaku D/Max-1400diffractometer with a Cu target of a voltage of40kV and a current of40mA.The BET surface areas were determined by N2adsorption–desorption measurements at77K with a Micromeritics Tristar3000analyzer.Infrared (IR)spectra of pyridine adsorption and of water adsorption were recorded on a Nicolet Nexus470FTIR spectrometer with 4cm−1resolution using an in situ cell.For the pyridine adsorp-tion experiment,the sample disc containing catalyst and KBr at a1:1weight ratio was heated at300◦C and evacuated in vacuo for4h,then cooled to room temperature and exposed to500Pa of pyridine vapor for15min.The excess pyridine was removed by evacuation until vacuum achieved∼1Pa.The spectra of the adsorbed pyridine were recorded at room temperature.For the water adsorption experiment,the catalyst was immersed in wa-ter for24h,then centrifuged and pressed into a thin disc.The sample disc was evacuated under∼3Pa at room temperature for4h.The temperature was then raised to the required values (100,150,200,and250◦C),and the spectra were recorded at each temperature after15min of equilibration.Temperature-programmed desorption of ammonia(NH3-TPD)was carried out on aflow system.Before ammonia adso-rption,the sample was pretreated in a heliumflow(30mL/min) at400◦C for1h.Ammonia(10v/v%in helium)adsorption was performed at100◦C for1h,after which the gas was switched to helium again.After a steady gas chromatography baseline was established,the temperature was ramped at a rate of10◦C/min to400◦C under a helium stream.The desorption of ammonia was monitored by a thermal conductivity detector, and the desorbed ammonia was collected by absorption with a sulfuric acid solution and subsequently quantified by NaOH titration.2.3.Reaction procedureThe catalytic test of EO hydration was performed on afixed-bed reactor(10mm i.d.,300mm long).In a typical experiment, 10mL of catalyst was loaded,and the reaction was performed at150◦C and1.0MPa with a liquid hourly space velocity of 10h−1unless specified otherwise.The products were collected in a cold trap and analyzed on an HP6890gas chromatograph with an HP-INNOW AX column and aflame ionization detector. Except for the stability test,the conversion and selectivity data presented in this paper are the steady-state values obtained after an induction period of24h on stream.3.Results and discussion3.1.Effect of tin on the structure of the supported niobium oxideFig.1shows XRD patterns of Sn-10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3 catalysts with different Sn/Nb atomic ratios.No crystal phase of niobium pentoxide was detected for any sample,indicating that niobium oxide was well dispersed on the support.Besides the diffraction peaks of the support,the peaks with2θdegree at 26.5,33.9,and51.8corresponding to tetragonal stannic oxide (JCPDS no.21-1250)were observed for all of the tin-promoted catalysts.The diffraction peaks with2θdegree at28.9,33.9,49.2, and54.5corresponding to stannous niobate(SnNb2O6,JCPDS no.23-0592)appeared at a Sn/Nb ratio of0.80.The intensi-ties of the SnNb2O6peaks increased with further increases in Sn/Nb ratio.Peaks with2θdegree at30.6and32.0belonging to tetragonalβ-Sn(JCPDS no.4-0673)were also observed at a Sn/Nb ratio of2.67.The XRD results thus indicate that tin was present predominantly as stannic oxide at Sn/Nb atomicY.C.Li et al./Journal of Catalysis 241(2006)173–179175Fig.1.XRD patterns of Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3with Sn /Nb ratios of (a)0.016,(b)0.08,(c)0.80,and (d)2.67.2,α-Al 2O 3(JCPDS No.10-0173);",β-Sn (JCPDS No.4-0673);Q ,SnNb 2O 6(JCPDS No.23-0592);*,SnO 2(JCPDS No.21-1250).Fig.2.Raman spectra of Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3with Sn/Nb ratios of (a)0.016,(b)0.08,(c)0.80,and (d)2.67.ratios of 0.016and 0.08,and that stannous niobate was formed at Sn /Nb ratios of 0.80and above.On further increasing the Sn /Nb ratio to 2.67,metallic tin was formed while the sample was calcined under a hydrogen-containing atmosphere.The BET surface areas of the α-Al 2O 3support and 10wt%-Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalyst were 0.5and 5.6m 2/g,respectively.After the addition of tin,the BET surface areas of the Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalysts with Sn /Nb ratios of 0.016,0.08,0.80,and 2.67were 13.3,9.2,8.3,and 7.6m 2/g,respec-tively.The Raman spectra of the catalysts with different Sn /Nb ratios are shown in Fig.2.The spectrum of sample with a Sn /Nb ratio of 0.016showed bands at 639,872,and 989cm −1.With increasing Sn /Nb ratio,the band at 639cm −1shifted to 647cm −1,and the bands at 872and 989cm −1shifted to 881and 998cm −1,respectively.In the meantime,theformerFig.3.IR spectra of pyridine adsorption at room temperature on the Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalysts with Sn /Nb ratios of (a)0,(b)0.016,(c)0.08,(d)0.80,and (e)2.67.two bands became more pronounced relative to the band at 998cm −1.Wachs et al.[19–22]studied the molecular struc-ture of niobium oxide supported on alumina as a function of loading and dehydration in detail using Raman spectroscopy.They determined that the Raman band at ∼639cm −1should be assigned to slightly distorted octahedral NbO 6connected with sharing corners [20];the band at 872cm −1could be ascribed to dehydrated surface niobium oxide species with moderately dis-torted NbO 6structures with somewhat longer terminal Nb =O bonds [20–22];and the band at 989cm −1corresponds to a highly distorted octahedral NbO 6having mono-oxo moiety of the terminal Nb =O bond.The blue-shift and intensity changes of the Raman bands at 639,872,and 989cm −1suggest that the structures of the surface niobium oxide species changed with changing Sn /Nb ratios,which may lead to changes in the acid-ity of the catalyst [19],as discussed below.3.2.Effect of tin on catalyst acidityFig.3shows IR spectra of pyridine adsorption in the range of 1650–1400cm −1on the Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3cata-lysts with different Sn /Nb atomic ratios.The absorptions at ∼1610and ∼1450cm −1were assigned to pyridine adsorbed on Lewis acid sites (LASs),and the absorption at 1550cm −1accompanied by other peaks near 1640–1620cm −1was as-signed to pyridine adsorbed on Brønsted acid sites (BASs).The wavenumber of the band at around 1610cm −1gives informa-tion about the strength of the LASs,and the intensity of the band at ∼1450cm −1is related to the number of LASs [23–25].For both the unpromoted Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3and tin-promoted catalysts,absorption bands at ca.1443and 1485cm −1with intensities decreasing with Sn /Nb ratio were observed and no absorption around 1550cm −1was registered,indicating that only LASs exist on the surface of the catalysts and that the number of LASs decreases with increasing Sn /Nb ratio.FTIR of pyridine adsorption provided little quantitative information176Y.C.Li et al./Journal of Catalysis241(2006)173–179Fig.4.NH3-TPD profiles of the Sn-10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalysts with Sn/Nb ratios of(a)0,(b)0.016,(c)0.08,(d)0.80,and(e)2.67.on changes in Lewis acidity after the addition of tin,because no absorption band was registered at ca.1610cm−1[25]for both the Nb2O5/α-Al2O3and the tin-doped catalysts.NH3-TPD experiments were carried out to investigate the ef-fect of adding tin on the density and strength of acidity of the 10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst(shown in Fig.4).Only a sin-gle broad ammonia desorption peak was observed for all of the catalysts studied.For the unpromoted catalyst,NH3desorption peaked at271◦C.With increasing Sn/Nb ratio,the desorption peak initially shifted downward and achieved201◦C at a Sn/Nb ratio of0.08, then shifted to higher temperatures with increasing Sn/Nb ra-tio above0.08,achieving230◦C at a Sn/Nb ratio of2.67.The densities of acidic sites quantified by NaOH titration of the des-orbed ammonia of the catalysts with Sn/Nb atomic ratios of0, 0.016,0.08,0.80,and2.67were160.3,120.5,67.4,28.3,and 19.1µmol/g,respectively.The NH3-TPD experiments clearly show that the density of acidic sites decreased monotonously with increasing Sn/Nb ratio,which is consistent with the IR of pyridine adsorption,whereas acid strength was lowest at a Sn/Nb ratio of0.08.3.3.Effect of tin on water adsorption property of the catalystIR spectra of the unpromoted10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3cata-lyst after immersion in water and evacuation at room temper-ature and3Pa for4h were recorded under3Pa at different temperatures,as shown in Fig.5.For comparison,the IR spec-tra of the Sn-10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalysts with different Sn/Nb ratios and of the MgAl2O4-modified catalyst after the same treatment were also recorded at250◦C and3Pa,as shown in Figs.6and7.Only one broad band at around3400cm−1, corresponding to H-bonded surface OH stretching modes(or strongly held water-related species)[26],was observed for the unpromoted10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3at100◦C.The intensity of the band decreased with increasing temperature,and it was very weak and hardly observed at250◦C,indicating thatmost Fig.5.IR spectra of10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst after immersion in water and evacuation at room temperature recorded under3Pa at(a)100,(b)150, (c)200,and(d)250◦C.Fig.6.IR spectra of Sn-10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalysts with Sn/Nb ratios of (a)0.016,(b)0.08,(c)0.80,and(d)2.67after immersion in water and evacua-tion at room temperature recorded at3Pa and250◦C.adsorbed H2O species were removed from the surface by evac-uation at3Pa and250◦C.For IR spectra of the tin-promoted catalysts(Fig.6),the ab-sorption band at around3400cm−1was still obvious even at 250◦C,especially for the sample with a Sn/Nb ratio of0.80, indicating that water-related species was still strongly adsorbed on the surface of the tin-promoted catalysts even under evacu-ation at3Pa and250◦paring the IR spectra of the tin-promoted catalyst(Sn/Nb=0.80)at250◦C with those for the unpromoted Nb2O5/α-Al2O3and MgAl2O4-modified catalysts (Fig.7)revealed that the absorption band at around3400cm−1 of the former was much stronger than that for the latter,indicat-ing that the addition of tin significantly improved the strength of water adsorption on the Nb2O5/Al2O3,whereas the modifica-tion with MgAl2O4had little improvement on water adsorption of the Nb2O5/Al2O3catalyst,although it influenced the acidity of the catalyst,as reported previously[12].Y.C.Li et al./Journal of Catalysis 241(2006)173–179177Fig.7.IR spectra of (a)unpromoted 10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3,(b)10wt%-Nb 2O 5/1.1wt%MgAl 2O 4/α-Al 2O 3,and (c)Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3with Sn /Nb ratio of 0.80after immersion in water and evacuation at room tempera-ture recorded under 3Pa and 250◦C.Fig.8.Effect of Sn /Nb atomic ratio on EO conversion and MEG selectivity over Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalysts.3.4.Effect of tin on the catalytic performance of the catalyst Fig.8shows the reaction results over the Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalysts with different Sn /Nb atomic ratios.The EO conversion was nearly constant at 99.7%when the Sn /Nb ratio was below 0.80and decreased monotonously with increasing Sn /Nb ratio above 0.80.However,MEG selectivity exhibited a different response to changes in Sn /Nb ratio.MEG selectiv-ity increased initially with increasing Sn /Nb ratio below 0.08,and it remained nearly constant (∼94%)at a Sn /Nb ratio of 0.08–0.80.At Sn /Nb ratios above 0.80,MEG selectivity de-creased sharply.Further analysis of the products reveals that the decrease in MEG selectivity was associated with the increase in selectivity to diethylene glycol (DEG)and triethylene glycol (TEG).Fig.8implies that adding a suitable amount of tin to the Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalyst could inhibit the polymerization reactions in EO hydration and hence improve MEGselectivity.Fig.9.Dependence of MEG selectivity on H 2O /EO molar ratio for cat-alytic hydration using (a)10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalyst,(b)10wt%Nb 2O 5/1.1wt%MgAl 2O 4/α-Al 2O 3catalyst,and (c)Sn-10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3cata-lyst with Sn /Nb ratio of 0.80.Fig.9illustrates the dependence of MEG selectivity on the H 2O /EO molar ratio over the unpromoted Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalyst,tin-promoted catalyst,and MgAl 2O 4-modified cat-alyst.The EO conversion was nearly the same (99.7%)for hydration over these three catalysts.Fig.9that shows the tin-promoted catalyst gave much higher MEG selectivity than the unpromoted Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3and MgAl 2O 4-modified catalysts under the same H 2O /EO feeding ratio.The MEG selectiv-ity increased with H 2O /EO ratio for all three catalysts at H 2O /EO ratios <20.At H 2O /EO ratios >20,MEG selectiv-ity increased slightly with H 2O /EO ratio over the unpromoted Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalyst and the MgAl 2O 4-modified cata-lyst.However,MEG selectivity remained almost unchanged with H 2O /EO ratios >20for the tin-promoted -paring MEG selectivity obtained at a H 2O /EO ratio of 22over these three catalysts reveals that it was 89.8%for the unpromoted 10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3catalyst,90.7%for the MgAl 2O 4-modified catalyst,and 94.0%for the tin-promoted catalyst (Sn /Nb =0.80).On the other hand,to achieve the same MEG selectivity as that obtained using the unpromoted 10wt%Nb 2O 5/α-Al 2O 3and MgAl 2O 4-modified catalysts,the H 2O /EO feeding ratio can be reduced significantly when using the tin promoted catalyst.The improved selectivity to MEG of the tin-promoted cat-alyst may be related to its acidity and strong affinity to wa-ter,as shown in Figs.4and 5.It is generally accepted that mineral-acid-catalyzed homogeneous EO hydration proceeds as follows:EO first reacts with acid to form protonated EO,and then the protonated EO further reacts with nucleophile H 2O to form a protonated glycol,which transfers a proton to a molecule of H 2O to form the glycol and hydronium ion [27].Although the catalysts studied in the present work are heterogeneous,they are acid catalysts in nature;thus,the reaction mechanisms should be similar.In view of the composition of the feeding reactant,we propose that the reaction first involves the adsorp-tion of H 2O onto acidic sites to form positively charged water178Y.C.Li et al./Journal of Catalysis241(2006)173–179Scheme1.species(or Bronsted acidity),which may act as the actual active site for reaction with EO,leading to the formation of positively charged EO species.Subsequently,the positively charged EO is attacked by nucleophile H2O,followed by proton transfer to form positively charged MEG.After desorption of the product MEG,the positively charged water species on the catalyst sur-face recovers(see Scheme1).As side reactions,the positively charged adsorbed MEG may react with another EO to form di-ethylene glycol and other polyglycols(see Scheme2).The acidity of catalyst,the surface H2O/EO ratio,and the re-action conditions may affect the behavior of the adsorbed MEG and the product selectivity.If MEG were strongly adsorbed on the acidic site or if the surface H2O/EO ratio were low,then the probability of polymerization would be high.In contrast,if MEG desorbed easily from the catalyst surface or if the surface H2O/EO ratio were high,then polymerization would be inhib-ited and MEG selectivity would be improved.A large excess of water is often used to suppress the polymerization reactions and increase selectivity to MEG.For the unpromoted catalyst, the strength and density of acidity were relatively high,which may have led to the strong adsorption of MEG on the surface and thus an increased probability of polymerization reaction. For the tin-promoted catalysts,the strength of acidity was re-duced compared with the unpromoted Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst (see Fig.4),which may have facilitated desorption of MEG from the surface compared with that over Nb2O5/α-Al2O3.On the other hand,water adsorption was also improved for the tin-promoted catalysts(see Figs.5–7),which may have increased the number of surface-adsorbed hydroxyl groups(OH−)and H2O/EO ratio,that is,the number of activated H2OspeciesScheme2.in the vicinity of EO.The increased surface H2O/EO ratio to-gether with the reduced acid strength resulted in significantly improved MEG selectivity for the tin-promoted catalyst.For the MgAl2O4-modified catalyst,the strength of acidity was lower and MEG selectivity greater compared with Nb2O5/α-Al2O3, as reported previously[12].However,the increment of MEG selectivity was not as remarkable as that over the tin-promoted catalyst.This might be ascribed to the different water adsorp-tion properties of these catalysts,as shown in Fig.7.Fig.9 seems to indicate that in terms of MEG selectivity,water ad-sorption property is a very important factor influencing surface H2O/EO ratio,and the introduction of hydrophilic species, like stannic oxide,into the catalyst could significantly im-prove MEG selectivity without increasing the feeding H2O/EO ratio.To investigate the possibility of long-run testing of the tin-promoted catalyst,the catalytic test was carried out for1000h on stream(Fig.10).The tin-promoted catalyst demonstrated ex-cellent stability at1000h on stream,with no obvious decline in EO conversion and MEG selectivity.The tin-promoted cata-lyst’s remarkable stability may be ascribed to its insolubility in water,and its high selectivity to MEG due to its strong affinity to water,as discussed earlier.Its insolubility in water allows the catalyst to work without elution by water,and its high selec-tivity to MEG inhibits the formation of polymerized products that are readily retained and accumulated on the catalyst surface and may partially block the active catalyst sites,as discussed previously[10].The results shown in Figs.9and10seem to demonstrate that when designing and preparing efficient cata-lysts for EO hydration,in addition to appropriately modifying acidity,one can effectively modify the water adsorption prop-erties by introducing water-insoluble hydrophilic species,such as tin.Y.C.Li et al./Journal of Catalysis241(2006)173–179179Fig.10.Dependence of EO conversion and MEG selectivity on time-on-stream for Sn-10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst with Sn/Nb ratio of0.80at reaction conditions of150◦C,1.0MPa,LHSV of10h−1and H2O/EO(mol)of22. 4.ConclusionThe addition of tin to10wt%Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst in-fluenced both the acidity and water adsorption property of the catalyst.The state of tin in the catalyst varied from stannic oxide,to partially stannous niobate,and to partially metallic tin with Sn/Nb ratios of0.016–2.67,leading to varying de-creases in acidity and density.Meanwhile,the introduction of tin significantly improved the water adsorption affinity com-pared with that of the unpromoted Nb2O5/α-Al2O3catalyst and the MgAl2O4-modified catalyst,which consequently resulted in significantly increased MEG selectivity in EO hydration.The tin-promoted catalysts exhibited good stability at1000h on stream.The results obtained in this work indicate that modify-ing the water adsorption property of the catalyst by introducing water-insoluble hydrophilic species such as tin oxide so as to in-fluence the surface H2O/EO ratio may be a very effective way to improve MEG selectivity in EO hydration. AcknowledgmentsCBMM Int.Ltd.is gratefully acknowledged for supply-ing the niobic acid used in this work.This work was sup-ported by the National Basic Research Program of China (2003CB615807),the National Science Foundation of China (20421303),and the National Science Foundation of Shanghai Science and Technology Committee(05DZ22313).References[1]G.R.Strickler,ndon,G.S.Lee,J.Rievert,J.William,WO Patent99/31033(1999).[2]T.Iwakura,H.Miyagi,JP Patent11,012,206(1999).[3]V.F.Shvets,M.G.Makarov, A.V.Koustov,R.A.Kozlovshij, D.V.Staroverov,M.V.Semenov,I.A.Kozlovskij,Ju.P.Suchkov,RU Patent 2,149,864(2000).[4]K.Kawabe,US Patent6,080,897(2000).[5]E.Marie,G.Andre,V.Kruchten,US Patent5,874,653(1999).[6]V.Kruchten,E.Marie,G.Andre,WO Patent99/23053(1999).[7]K.Tanabe,Catal.Today78(2003)65.[8]I.Nowak,M.Ziolek,Chem.Rev.99(1999)3603.[9]K.Tanabe(Ed.),Catal.Today28(1996).[10]Y.C.Li,S.R.Yan,B.Yue,W.M.Yang,Z.K.Xie,Q.L.Chen,H.Y.He,Appl.Catal.A:Gen.272(2004)305.[11]Y.C.Li,S.R.Yan,W.M.Yang,Z.K.Xie,Q.L.Chen,B.Yue,H.Y.He,Catal.Lett.95(2004)163.[12]Y.C.Li,S.R.Yan,W.M.Yang,Z.K.Xie,Q.L.Chen,B.Yue,H.Y.He,J.Mol.Catal.A:Chem.226(2005)285.[13]E.W.Thornton,P.G.Harrison,J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans.171(1975)461.[14]N.Yamazoe,J.Fuchigami,M.Kishikawa,T.Seiyama,Surf.Sci.86(1979)335.[15]K.Morishige,S.Kittaka,T.Morimoto,Bull.Chem.Soc.Jpn.53(1980)2128.[16]M.Egashira,M.Nakashima,S.Kawasumi,T.Seiyama,J.Phys.Chem.85(1981)4125.[17]S.Kittaka,S.Kanemoto,T.Morimoto,J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans.174(1978)676.[18]M.L.Davtyan,V.N.V olkov,B.I.Lobov,I.F.Mavrin,Russian J.Gen.Chem.72(2002)1034.[19]M.A.Vuurman,I.E.Wachs,J.Phys.Chem.96(1992)5008.[20]J.M.Jehng,I.E.Wachs,J.Phys.Chem.95(1991)7373.[21]J.M.Jehng,I.E.Wachs,Catal.Today8(1990)37.[22]M.Ziolek,I.Nowak,Catal.Today78(2003)543.[23]E.P.Parry,J.Catal.2(1963)371.[24]A.Corma,Chem.Rev.95(1995)559.[25]M.Ziolek,I.Nowak,valley,Catal.Lett.45(1997)259.[26]P.G.Harrison,A.Guest,J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans.183(1987)3383.[27]T.W.G.Solomons,C.B.Fryhle,Organic Chemistry,7th ed.,Wiley,2000,p.512.。
