



技术数据PowerFlex TM 700交流变频器PowerFlex TM 700交流变频器技术数据正象人们对罗克韦尔自动化产品所期望的那样,PowerFlex 700交流变频器提供了简捷实用的卓越性能。


PowerFlex 700交流变频器主要用于控制三相感应电动机,从最简单的速度控制到最苛刻的转矩控制,满足应用系统的要求。

它有两种配置方式:其中标准控制主要是电压/频率(V/f)控制和无速度传感器矢量控制;获得艾伦-布拉德利专利的Force TM技术主要是电压/频率控制、无速度传感器矢量控制和磁场定向控制。

目录说明页码标准的变频器编辑 (3)目录号说明 (5)PowerFlex700变频器…………………………… .6可选件选型 (7)附件 (11)PowerFlex 700可配置的变频器 (14)电源接线 (15)电源端子 (16)控制端子 (19)推荐使用电缆 (23)功率额定值、分支电路保护及功率损耗 (24)最大导线长度 (29)近似尺寸 (31)控制与性能 (36)参数列表 (38)2标准的变频器编辑灵活的包装和安装•IP20,1型——可用于传统方式的控制柜柜内或柜外的安装。


•Zero Stacking TM——在环境温度高达500C的情况下,仍允许变频器之间采用零间隙并排式安装。






AB700S 变频器手册第一二章

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章
一个很好的例子就是推荐使用电缆Belden®295xx(xx决定了规格)。此电缆具有4个XLPE 隔离导线,周围覆盖了100%的金属薄片和85%的铜丝屏蔽(带排扰线),该铜丝编织屏蔽又 被PCV套管包裹。
同样可以使用其他类型的屏蔽电缆,但是这些类型的选择可能限制电缆的允许长度。特别是 一些新型的电缆将4个THHN导线扭在一起,并且用一个金属薄片屏蔽紧紧包裹着。这种构 造能够大大增强电缆所需的负荷电流,同时也降低了整个变频器的性能。除非用户在特殊距 离下测试变频器接有这些电缆时的运行情况,否则不推荐用户使用这些电缆,并且它们的性 能由于受到导线长度的限制而不确定。
1. 所有变频器 - 用户或电力公司通过将功率因数修正电容器接入或切出系统来修正功率因数。 - 电源有超过 6000V 的间歇电源峰值。这些峰值可能是由其它在线设备或如雷击这样的 事件引起的。 - 电源发生频繁中断。
2.5HP 或更小的变频器(除上面的“1”之外) - 最近的供电变压器容量应大于 100kVA 或可承受的短路(故障)电流大于 100,000A。 - 变频器进线阻抗小于0.5%。
EMC兼容性 详细情况参阅1-29页的CE一致性。
安装/接线 1-9
电缆槽和导线管 如果在安装中使用电缆槽或大的导管,请参阅《脉宽调制(PWM)交流变频器的接地和接线 指南》出版号:DRIVES-IN001,中所述的内容。
注意事项:为了避免感应电压可能引起的电击事故,应将导线管中未用电线的 两端予以接地。基于同样原因,如果正在维修或安装某变频器时,应严禁使用 所有与其公用导线管的变频器。这样可最大程度减少电动机导线“交叉耦合” 引起的电动机事故。
Removing the Cassette 移除盒
Proper tightening torque for reassembly is 6 lb.-in. 重新组装上紧扭矩6 lb Removing the Side Covers 移除侧面的机壳



技术数据PowerFlex TM 700交流变频器PowerFlex TM 700交流变频器技术数据正象人们对罗克韦尔自动化产品所期望的那样,PowerFlex 700交流变频器提供了简捷实用的卓越性能。


PowerFlex 700交流变频器主要用于控制三相感应电动机,从最简单的速度控制到最苛刻的转矩控制,满足应用系统的要求。

它有两种配置方式:其中标准控制主要是电压/频率(V/f)控制和无速度传感器矢量控制;获得艾伦-布拉德利专利的Force TM技术主要是电压/频率控制、无速度传感器矢量控制和磁场定向控制。

目录说明页码标准的变频器编辑 (3)目录号说明 (5)PowerFlex700变频器…………………………… .6可选件选型 (7)附件 (11)PowerFlex 700可配置的变频器 (14)电源接线 (15)电源端子 (16)控制端子 (19)推荐使用电缆 (23)功率额定值、分支电路保护及功率损耗 (24)最大导线长度 (29)近似尺寸 (31)控制与性能 (36)参数列表 (38)2标准的变频器编辑灵活的包装和安装•IP20,1型——可用于传统方式的控制柜柜内或柜外的安装。


•Zero Stacking TM——在环境温度高达500C的情况下,仍允许变频器之间采用零间隙并排式安装。








位 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0=假 1=真
Test 模式组态[Test Mode Config]
组态电动机控制(MC) Test(测试)模式。
注释:固件版本 3.01 中该参数变为不可连接。
16 位 整型
16 位 整型
16 位 整型
名称 说明
编程与参数 3-69
可连接 读写 数据类型
永磁测试等待时间[PM TestWait Time]
定义参数 504[永磁绝对值编码器偏移量]自动测量的时间 缺省值:
最小值/最大值: 0.00/75.00
x 100
励磁电流反馈[Flx CurFdbk(Id)]
单位: 缺省值: 最小值/最大值:
P.U. 0.0000 -/+8.0000pu
定子感抗[Stator Inductance]
最小值/最大值: 100/30000
永磁绝对值编码器偏移量[PM AbsEncd Offst]
最小值/最大值: 0/65535
16 位 整型


Select publication language and type “20B-IN019” in the search field.
Dieses Instruktionsblatt kann in mehreren Sprachen unter /literature gelesen werden.
Code 0
HIM Operator Interface
Blank Cover
Full Numeric LCD
Prog. Only LCD

Remote (Panel Mount), IP66, NEMA/UL Type 12 Full Numeric LCD HIM

Remote (Panel Mount), IP66, NEMA/UL Type 12 Prog. Only LCD HIM
115V AC
♣ Vector Control Option utilizes DPI Only.
Code 0 1
Feedback Type None
Encoder, 12V/5V
IP20, NEMA/UL Type 1
变频器接线 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 特别注意事项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 接线建议 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 端子块规格 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 电源和接地接线 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 变频器、熔断器和断路器额定值 . . . . . . . . 30 断开 MOV 和共模电容器 . . . . . . . . . . . 39



Encoder (optional) Computer Motor
PowerFlex 700 Replacement Policy
Frames 0 - 4: These frames are considered "remove and replace" due to their very small size and the fact that it is far easier and more cost effective to repair them in a Rockwell repair facility than in the field. Simple parts like front covers, conduit plates, fans, brake resistors and cassettes will be the only items available as kits. Frames 5 & 6: Some customers have a desire to repair larger frame drives rather than send them to the factory for repair. To help facilitate field repair, we will offer more spare components along with the simpler components previously mentioned (fans, covers, etc.). These kits will include circuit board assemblies, MOVs, current transformers, fan transformers and power devices just to name a few. For power devices, our team is working on the full heatsink as a replacement component for Frames 5 & 6 instead of individual IGBTs and other like components. This will make it a bit easier to repair in the field without errors due to improper torquing or application of thermal grease. All kits will include repair instruction including torque values as required.

AB powerFlex700调试步骤

AB powerFlex700调试步骤

精心整理ABpowerFlex700调试步骤及代码变频器常用参数(PF700系列) 变频器常用参数(PF700S 系列)数字量输入时,此参数未使能变频器,启动不了电压,应为24V;XEM:1与XEM:2应接通(急停信号).153 Controloption 控制项 组态变频器 [改电机转向] 电机转向相反时可修改该参数,实现反向将参数【153】第10位,置1 改变电机旋转方向156Startinhibits[启动禁止]查看状态位1:使能端子是否有24V 电源 位2、3、4:急停信号是否有效查看数字通道定义是否正确80 FeedbackSelect 速度反馈 [编码器设置] 开环\闭环切换 0-开环1-滑差补偿 3-编码器90SpeedRefASel 速度源[速度源] 面板给定-PORT1 网络给定-PORT5 HIM 操作为PORT1 控制台操作为PORT5 361-365 DigitalIn1Sel数字量输入[数字通道设置]按照实际设计定义通道 与实际不符会启动失败对照变频器参数表 正确定义通道3.做一遍快速静态自整定;4.如果原先是开环做的自整定,那么此时可以不用再做自整定;1.确认#214参数中的禁止位的来源;2.拔掉网线,复位网络故障,再确认指示灯是否绿色;3.检查DI输入通道的设置(#361-#366参数)是否正确;4.24V信号电源正常;XTI:1和XTI:2电压,应为24V5.急停信号是否有效,XEM:1与XEM:2应接通6.如是报减速禁止故障,应检查电机转向与编码器方向是否一致。




搭载 TotalFORCE 控制技术的 PowerFlex 变频器 编程手册说明书

搭载 TotalFORCE 控制技术的 PowerFlex 变频器 编程手册说明书

搭载 TotalFORCE 控制技术的 PowerFlex 变频器固件版本 10.xxx本产品的参数及故障和报警代码参⻅此 PDF 文件随附的电子表格。

如需访问这些电子表格,保存此 PDF 文件并在您的设备上(而非浏览器)打开。


2罗克⻙尔⾃动化出版物 750-PM101A-ZH-P - 2021 年2 月搭载 TotalFORCE 控制技术的 PowerFlex 变频器 编程手册重要⽤⼾须知在安装、配置、操作或维护本产品之前,请阅读本文档以及“其他资源”章节所列的文档,了解关于安装、配置和操作该设备的信息。

















F At Speed
26.01 Hz
Alm Q# 1 : A#
Precharge Active
Alarm Code
Alarm Title
The DriveExplorer Software Alarm Alarm’s Number in the Queue
PI Enable PI Hold PI Invert PI Reset Pos Sel 1-5 Precharge En Prof Input Pwr Loss Lvl Redefine Pos Run Level Run w/Comm RunFwd Level RunRev Level Spd/Trq Sel1-3 Start Stop – CF Torque Setpt 1 UserSet Sel1-2
If fault condition still exists after reset, drive will fault again. Additional data on status of drive at time of fault is recorded:
Only a single copy of this information Always related to most recent fault When another fault occurs, this data is overwritten with new data
不可复位 Non-Resettable
当此类故障发生,变频器试图自动复位故障. 如 果引起故障的条件不再存在,故障将被自动复 位,变频器将自动重启动。 174[Auto Rstrt Tries] 175[Auto Rstrt Delay]


此类故障一般需要送修变频器或马达。引起 故障的条件必须排除,故障才能清除。故障 在重上电后被复位。
User Configurable 选择动作或忽略故障情形。
238[Fault Config 1]
PowerFlex700变频器调试与故障排 除培训资料LG
PowerFlex 700 变频器 故障清除
PowerFlex700变频器调试与故障排 除培训资料LG
Type 1
Name 制动复位 运行 Auto-Reset Run
不可复位 Non-Resettable
当此类故障发生,变频器试图自动复位故障. 如 果引起故障的条件不再存在,故障将被自动复 位,变频器将自动重启动。 174[Auto Rstrt Tries] 175[Auto Rstrt Delay]
PowerFlex700变频器调试与故障排 除培训资料LG
•Status LED
PowerFlex700变频器调试与故障排 除培训资料LG
•Alarm Icon
PowerFlex700变频器调试与故障排 除培训资料LG
•PowerFlex 700 Drive •Processor and I/O
•Control Panel
•Encoder •(optional)

AB powerFlex700调试步骤

AB powerFlex700调试步骤

A B p o w e r F l e x 700调试步骤及代码变频器常用参数(PF700系列) 变频器常用参数(PF700S 系列)222 MtrFdbkPriSel 速度反馈 [编码器设置] 编码器设置 开环\闭环切换 0=“编码器0”2=“无速度传感器”27 SpeedRefASel 速度源 [速度源] 面板给定-PORT1 网络给定-PORT5 HIM 操作为PORT1控制台操作为PORT5168 NormalStopMode 停车方式 【停车方式】 0=“斜坡停车” 1=“电流限幅停车” 2=“惯性停车” 一般用:0-自由停车或1-斜坡停车485 MotorCtrlMode 【控制模式】 FOC 或V/F 控制切换 使用的是FVC 矢量控制模式1~7 【电机参数】 根据电机名牌数据输入825 DigitalIn1Sel 数字量输入 [数字通道设置]根据参数表输入830 DigitalIn6Sel 数字量输入 [变频器使能] 自整定或恢复出厂值时,此参数未使能变频器,启动不了 修改参数;测量XTI:1和XTI:2电压,应为24V;XEM:1与XEM:2应接通(急停信号).153 Controloption 控制项 组态变频器 [改电机转向] 电机转向相反时可修改该参数,实现反向 将参数【153】第10位,置1改变电机旋转方向156 Startinhibits [启动禁止] 查看状态 位1:使能端子是否有24V 电源位2、3、4:急停信号是否有效80FeedbackSelect 速度反馈 [编码器设置] 开环\闭环切换 0-开环1-滑差补偿 3-编码器 90 SpeedRefASel速度源 [速度源] 面板给定-PORT1 网络给定-PORT5 HIM 操作为PORT1 控制台操作为PORT5361-365 DigitalIn1Sel 数字量输入 [数字通道设置] 按照实际设计定义通道 与实际不符会启动失败 对照变频器参数表正确定义通道366 DigitalIn6Sel 数字量输入 [变频器使能] 该通道用与变频器使能 XTI:1和XTI:2电压,应为24V;XEM:1与XEM:2应接通(急停信号).53 MotorCntlSel 【控制模式】 FOC 或V/F 切换 使用的是FVC 矢量控制模式155 StopModeA 【停车方式】 0-自由停车或1-斜坡停车41~49 【电机参数】 基本参数 根据电机名牌数据输入412 MotorFdbktype 【电机反馈】 [编码器设置] 闭环改开环如报编码器丢失,改为正交不检测0正交1正交检测56 Compensation 补偿 电机转向设置 电机转向相反时可修改该参数,实现反向 将参数【补偿】第5位,置1参数56设为电机导线反向214 Startinhibits [启动禁止] 无法启动位2:使能端子 查看是否有禁止位查看数字通道定义是否正确PF700编码器端子及接线PF700S编码器端子及接线1.主菜单—deviceselect设备选择—20-COMM-D网卡2.#3DNAddrCfg网卡地址(如变频器编号为D40,则网卡地址为40)3.#13、#25、#26都设置为001111.主菜单—按一下ALT—再按一下回车2.然后就有几十秒时间可以去拿掉HIM—主菜单—memorystorage—HIMcorycat—devicetoHIM/HIMtodevice—yes(PF700系列)#197,出厂复位参数——1-恢复出厂(PF700/PF700S系列)HIM主页面——memorystorage——resettodefaits——确定速度源SpeedRefASel改为DPI1——拔掉网线——给定速度——按绿色启动按钮速度源SpeedRefASel改为DPI5——接上网线——操作台上启动1.参数#80反馈设备从3-Encoder改成0-Openloop;2.如果报编码器丢失故障,将#412电机反馈类型,改成0-正交不检测;3.做一遍快速静态自整定;4.如果原先是开环做的自整定,那么此时可以不用再做自整定;1.确认#214参数中的禁止位的来源;2.拔掉网线,复位网络故障,再确认指示灯是否绿色;3.检查DI输入通道的设置(#361-#366参数)是否正确;4.24V信号电源正常;XTI:1和XTI:2电压,应为24V5.急停信号是否有效,XEM:1与XEM:2应接通6.如是报减速禁止故障,应检查电机转向与编码器方向是否一致。

PowerFlex 700s 自整定步骤

PowerFlex 700s 自整定步骤

PowerFlex700S变频器自整定步骤首先进入Start-- up菜单,进入后不要按▲和▼键↓这时光标会圈定在Motor Control.这时我们要设置电机自整定控制方式,按Enter 键,按▲和▼键讲电机控制方式选择成FOC.↓再按下Enter键,进入Select DB Resistor.选择None,再按Enter键.↓这时进入Motor Data设置,设置分别如下:Power&Units选择KW,FLA设置电机的额定电流,Volts设置电机的额定电压,Hertz设置电机的额定频率,RPM设置电机额定转速。

Poles设置电机的极数,Motor OL Factor不要修改. 这里所有参数的设置只要输入数字后按下Enter键后会自动切换到下一个参数.↓再按Enter键,进入设置编码器.Feedback Configuration.这里根据有没有接编码器分为两种:第一,如果变频器有接编码器,那么反馈方式选择Encoder,脉冲数选择2048(景兴的编码器脉冲数全是2048),编码器有故障处理方式选择FltStop.第二,如果没有接编码器,那么反馈方式选择Sonlesser.↓再按Enter键,进入Power Circuit Test.一直按Enter键直到看到Start的字后,按下绿色的启动键.这时电机在进行Power Circuit Test.过几秒钟后就会看到Stop的字,这时按下红色的停止键.↓再按Enter键进入Direction Test,再按Enter键进行测试,看到Start后按下绿色的启动键,这时它会问你Yes or No?到外面去看看电机的运行方向是否对,如果对,选择Yes,如果不是,选择No.不是的话,说明电机线方向反了,需要调线.如果Yes,那么按下Enter键,这时看到Stop字就按下红色的停止键.↓接下去进行Autotune自整定测试,这时又分为两种:第一,如果脱开负载单个电机,我们可以选择Rotate Tune旋转自整定,按下Enter键,再按下绿色的启动键就可以进行自整定,直到看到Stop键,按下红色的停止键,这样旋转自整定就做好了。



电动机铭牌电压 电动机铭牌满负载电流 电动机铭牌频率 电动机铭牌转速 电动机铭牌功率 电动机铭牌功率单位 速度基准值A选择 速度基准值B选择 加速时间1 减速时间1 DPI端口选择 DPI基准值选择 数据输出A1 数字量输入1选择 数字量输入2选择 数字量输入3选择 数字量输入4选择 数字量输入5选择 数字量输入6选择
POWERFLEX700变频器参数 POWERFLEX700变频器参数 700
文件 组 参数
41 42 43 44 45 46 90 93 140 142 274 298 310 361 362据电机定 根据电机定 根据电机定 根据电机定 根据电机定 2(模拟量输入2) 22(DPI端口5) 10S(根据电机定) 10S(根据电机定) 5(DPI端口5) 1(最大速度) 3(输出电流) 0(未使用) 8(正向运行) 15(速度选择1) 0(未使用) 16(速度选择2) 17(速度选择3)
电动机 电机数据 控制
速度命 速度基准 值 令
动态控 制 斜率 通讯控制 数据链接
输入和 数字量输 输出 入
1 3 4 5 15
5(DPI端口5) 从3开始 从3开始(只读) 187.5KPBS(只读) 90
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ATEX 认证 PowerFlex 700H 电动机驱动器用户指南说明书

ATEX 认证 PowerFlex 700H 电动机驱动器用户指南说明书

Service Bulletin Instructions for ATEX Approved PowerFlex 700H Drives in Group II Category (2) Applications with ATEX Approved Motors General InformationThis document provides information on operation of an ATEX (1) Approved drive and ATEX approved motor. The motor is located in a defined hazardous environment, while the drive is not. A protective system is required to stop current flow to the motor when an over temperature condition has been sensed in the motor. When sensed, the drive will go into a stop condition. To restart the drive, the over temperature condition must be resolved, followed by a valid start command to the drive. The PowerFlex 700H drive must have the 20C-DG1 option board installed in slot B of the control assembly for ATEX applications. Consult the PowerFlex 700S/H High Power Drives Installation Frame 9-13, publication PFLEX-IN006..., for option board installation instructions, if necessary.The drive is manufactured under the guidelines of the ATEX directive 94/9/EC. These drives are in Group II Category (2) Applications with ATEX Approved Motors. Certification of the drive for the ATEX group and category on its nameplate requires installation, operation, and maintenance according to this document and to the requirements found in the PowerFlex 700S/H High Power Drives Installation Frame 9-13, publication PFLEX-IN006... and appropriate Motor Instruction Manual(s).Motor Requirements •The motor must be manufactured under the guidelines of the ATEXdirective 94/9/EC. It must be installed, operated, and maintained per themotor manufacturer supplied instructions.•Only motors with nameplates marked for use on an inverter powersource, and labeled for specific hazardous areas, may be used inhazardous areas on inverter (variable frequency) power.•When the motor is indicated for ATEX Group II Category 2 for use ingas environments (Category 2G) the motor must be of flameproofconstruction, EEx d (according to EN50018) or Ex d (according toEN60079-1 or IEC60079-1). Group II motors are marked with atemperature or a temperature code.(1)ATEX is the French acronym for “Atmosphères Explosibles” which translates to Explosive Atmospheres inEnglish.ATTENTION: Operation of this ATEX certified drive with an ATEX certified motor that is located in a hazardous environment requires additional installation, operation, and maintenance procedures beyond those stated in the standard user manual. Equipment damage and/or personal injury may result if all additional instructions in this document are not observed.2Instructions for ATEX Approved PowerFlex 700H Drives in Group II Category (2) Applications with ATEX Approved Motors•When the motor is indicated for ATEX Group II Category 2 for use indust environments (Category 2D) the motor must be protected by anenclosure (according to EN50281-1-1 or according toIEC61241-1: Ex tD). Group II motors are marked with a temperature.•The motor over temperature signal supplied to the drive must be anormally closed contact (open during over temperature condition)compatible with the digital (logic) input circuitry of the drive. If multiplesensors are required in the motor, the connection at the drive must be theresultant of all required contacts wired in series.•Refer to all product markings for additional cautions that may apply.•Typical motor markings are contained on a motor certification nameplatesimilar to the sample below.Drive Wiring Important:ATEX certification of this drive requires that two separateinputs be configured to monitor a normally closed overtemperature contact (or multiple contacts wired in series)presented to the drive from the motor.The first input must energize SD1 input (terminals X5-1 & X5-2) on thedrive option board (20C-DG1). The second input must energize the SD2input (terminals X5-3 & X5-4) on the option board. This option board mustbe installed in the drive for ATEX applications. It is offered with 24V DCinput only. Both input signals are wired with respect to the drive's digitalinput common when using a control board with 24V I/O. Refer to thePowerFlex 700S/H High Power Drives Installation Frame 9-13, publicationPFLEX-IN006..., regarding setup for either internal or external 24V logicpower. Motor supplied contacts must have ratings compatible with the inputcircuit ratings and applied voltage level of the drive.Instructions for ATEX Approved PowerFlex 700H Drives in Group II Category (2) Applications with ATEX Approved Motors3 Terminal DescriptionsImportant:The drive will not run unless one of the following conditions ismet:– A wire must be installed in the hardware thermistor input(X7-28 and X7-29) and the thermistor short circuitsupervisor jumper X10 must be installed in the OFFposition.OR– A thermistor must be installed in the hardware thermistorinput (X7-28 and X7-29).4Instructions for ATEX Approved PowerFlex 700H Drives in Group II Category (2) Applications with ATEX Approved MotorsWiring Example - Internal 24V Power SupplyConfiguration The PowerFlex 700H drive can be configure in one of five ways when usingthe 20C-DG1 option board, each resulting in the drive being put into a GateDisabled state when digital inputs are removed or the thermistor is out ofrange.1.Gate Disable Fault (59):Configured by setting bit 10 “Gate Disable” of parameter 238 [FaultConfig1].If both digital inputs open, the drive output will be disabled and themotor will coast to a stop. The drive HIM will display fault 59 “GateDisable”.When the condition is cleared, the fault can be reset and the drive can berestarted.If only one digital input opens, the drive output will be disabled and themotor will coast to a stop. Refer to the table in the “Verify Operation”section on page6 for a description of drive conditions and actions.Instructions for ATEX Approved PowerFlex 700H Drives in Group II Category (2) Applications with ATEX Approved Motors52.Gate Disable Alarm (59):Configured by setting bit 15 “Gate Disable” of parameter 259 [AlarmConfig1].If both digital inputs open, the drive output will be disabled and themotor will coast to a stop. The drive HIM will display alarm 59 “GateDisable”.When the condition is cleared, the alarm will automatically clear in 10seconds and the drive can be restarted.If only one digital input opens, the drive output will be disabled and themotor will coast to a stop. Refer to the table in the “Verify Operation”section on page6 for a description of drive conditions and actions.3.Neither of the “Gate Disable” bits, 10 in parameter 238 [Fault Config1]or 15 in parameter 259 [Alarm Config1], are set.If both digital inputs open, the drive output will be disabled and themotor will coast to a stop. No fault or alarm indication will be given, butthe Gate Disable status can be seen in bit 0 “Gate Disable” of parameter359 [20C-DG1 Status].When the condition is cleared, the drive can be restarted after 3 seconds.If only one digital input opens, the drive will be disabled and the motorwill coast to a stop. Refer to the table in the “Verify Operation” sectionon page6 for a description of drive conditions and actions.4.Both “Gate Disable” bits, 10 in [Fault Config1] and 15 in [AlarmConfig1], are set:The Gate Disable fault takes precedence.5.Thermistor Input:If the thermistor input goes out of range, the drive output will be disabledand the motor will coast to a stop. The drive will display fault 60 “HrdwrTherm” on the drive HIM.When the condition is cleared, the fault can be reset and the drive can berestarted. This configuration requires that the two digital inputs remainclosed to function.Removing the 20C-DG1 Option Board During maintenance or service there may be a need to remove the 20C-DG1 option board.The drive is designed to generate a non-resettable fault F10 “System Fault” if the option board is removed. The operator must manually change parameter 358 [20C-DG1 Remove] to 1- “Remove” and then back to 0 - “Ready” to clear and acknowledge the fault.Once maintenance or service is completed and the 20C-DG1 option card has been reinstalled, the drive will recognize the option card on power-up.Verify Operation At regular intervals during the life of the machine check the protectivesystem for proper operation. Both channels shall be verified using the tablebelow. How frequently the protective system is checked is dependent on thesafety analysis of the machine section controlled by the drive.Protective System StatusDrive InGate DisableStateDrive InGate DisableStateDrive InGate DisableStateDrive AbleTo Run Channel OperationSD1 -terminals X5-1 & X5-2 Par 359 [20C-DG1 Status],bit 3 “No Enable CH1”Bit 3 = 1No PowerAppliedBit 3 = 0Power AppliedBit 3 = 1No PowerAppliedBit 3 = 0Power AppliedSD2 - terminals X5-3 & X5-4 Par 359 [20C-DG1 Status],bit 4 “No Enable CH2”Bit 4 = 1No PowerAppliedBit 4 = 1No PowerAppliedBit 4 = 0Power AppliedBit 4 = 0Power Applied Description For VerificationPowerFlex 700H DriveStatusOutputDisabledOutputDisabledOutputDisabledOutputEnabledPar 359 [20C-DG1 Status], Bit 0 “Gate Disable”or Bits 2 “Unexp In Pro” and15 “Unexp HW Pro”Bit 0 = 1Bit 2 = 1Bit 15 = 1Bit 2 = 1Bit 15 = 1Bit 0 = 0Fault or Alarm F59 “GateDisable” (Faultor Alarm Basedon drive set up)F10 “SystemFault”F10 “SystemFault”NonePublication 20C-SB001A-EN-P – Octoboer 2006P/N 329504-P01Copyright © 2006 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.。

PowerFlex 700S 驱动器 Phase II 控制 (7.005) 发布说明书

PowerFlex 700S 驱动器 Phase II 控制 (7.005) 发布说明书

Release NotesPowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005)Bulletin 20DThese release notes correspond to major revision 7, minor revision 5 of firmwarefor PowerFlex® 700S drives with Phase II control.Determining the Firmware Revision This section describes procedures to determine the firmware revision of your PowerFlex 700S Phase II drive.Using the LCD HIMTopic PageDetermining the Firmware Revision1Firmware Upgrades4New Features and Enhancements8Corrected Anomalies8Known Anomalies8Restrictions102 PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005)Using DriveExplorer Lite/Fullunch DriveExplorer™ and go online (via EtherNet/IP™ by usingDriveExplorer Full only, or a 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converter) with the drive.2.In the DriveExplorer treeview, click on the PowerFlex 700S 2 drive asshown in Figure 1 - Example DriveExplorer Window .3.Click the information icon to display the Properties screen of the drive.4.The Revision: field shows the present revision (for example, 4.002) of thedrive firmware.5.The Series: field shows the series (for example, A) of the control board ofthe drive.Figure 1 - Example DriveExplorer WindowTIP When clicking on the drive using version 5.01 or higher DriveExplorer Lite/Full, theadapter firmware revision is also shown in the right pane of the DriveExplorer window.Step 4Step 5PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005) 3 Using DriveExecutiveunch DriveExecutive™ and go online (via EtherNet/IP, or a 1203-USBor 1203-SSS converter) with the drive.2.In the DriveExecutive treeview, click on the PowerFlex 700S 2 drive asshown in Figure 2 -Example DriveExecutive Window.3.Click the information icon to display the Properties screen of the drive.4.The Revision: field shows the present revision (for example, 4.002) of thedrive firmware.5.The Series: field shows the series (for example, A) of the control board ofthe drive.Figure 2 - Example DriveExecutive Window4 PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005)Firmware Upgrades This section describes procedures to flash upgrade your drive firmware. Flash kitsfor drives and communications adapters are provided on the ProductCompatibility & Download Center (PCDC), located at https:///Pages/home.aspx . Flashing can be performed using a drive software tool over EtherNet/IP, or a 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converter. For information about how to connect to your drive, please see the 1203-USB or 1203-SSS User Manual. They can be viewed/downloaded on the Literature Library website located at https:///global/literature-library/overview.page .Installing the Flash Kit1.Install the flash kit utility from the PCDC for the PowerFlex 700S PhaseII drive. (This installation also automatically installs the latest version of the ControlFLASH™ software and deploys the firmware files on yourcomputer for flashing the drive using software tools, such asDriveExplorer, DriveExecutive, or HyperT erminal™.)2.You are now ready to use DriveExplorer, DriveExecutive, ControlFLASHor HyperT erminal to update the drive. See the respective section below and follow the instructions.Using DriveExplorer Lite/Full1.With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit above), launchDriveExplorer and go online (via EtherNet/IP using DriveExplorer Full only, or a 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converter) with the drive.2.In the DriveExplorer treeview, click on the PowerFlex 700S Phase II drive.Then click the information icon as shown in Figure 1 - on page 2 to display the Properties screen of the drive.3.On the PowerFlex 700S Phase II Properties screen, click the Details tab.4.T o start the flash update, click the Flash Update… button.5.Select ‘7.005’ from the list of available updates.ATTENTION: Risk of permanent equipment damage exists. Once a flash update hasbeen started, do not remove power from the drive (or the 20-XCOMM-DC-BASE ExternalComms Kit, if used) until after the download has completed and the adapter MOD statusindicator starts flashing green. If power is removed before this occurs, the adapter maybe permanently damaged. An adapter that has been damaged in this way cannot berepaired.Important This update may cause the drive parameters to revert to their default values. You maywant to save your configuration using DriveExplorer or the HIM CopyCat feature beforeupgrading.PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005) 56.Click Next >.7.Follow the remaining screen prompts until the flash update procedurecompletes and displays the new firmware revision (v7.005).Using DriveExecutive1.With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit on page4), launchDriveExecutive and go online (via EtherNet/IP, or a 1203-USB or1203-SSS converter) with the drive.2.In the DriveExecutive treeview, click on the PowerFlex 700S Phase II drive.Then click the information icon as shown in Figure 2 - on page 3 to display the Properties screen of the drive.3.On the PowerFlex 700S Phase II Properties screen, click the ComponentDetails tab.Important This update may cause the drive parameters to revert to their default values. You may want to save your configuration using DriveExecutive or the HIM CopyCat featurebefore upgrading.4.T o start the flash update, click the Flash Update button.5.Select the PowerFlex 700S Phase II drive from the list of available devices,and click Next >.6.Select ‘7.005’ from the list of available updates, and click Next >.7.Follow the remaining screen prompts until the flash update procedurecompletes and displays the new firmware revision (v7.005).Using ControlFLASH1.With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit on page4), launchControlFLASH by selecting Start > (All) Programs > FlashProgramming T ools > ControlFLASH.2.On the ControlFLASH Welcome screen, click Next >.3.From the Catalog Number list, choose one of the following and clickNext>.•Select ‘PowerFlex 700S Phase II via DPI Comms’ if flashing the drive using a 20-COMM adapter (except 20-COMM-Q), 1203-SSS, or1203-USB converter.•Select ‘PowerFlex 700S Phase II via 20-COMM-Q’ if flashing the drive using a 20-COMM-Q adapter.6 PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005)•Select ‘PowerFlex 700S Phase II via NetLinx Cards’ if flashing the driveusing a NetLinx communications card (for example, 1788-DNB).Important This update may cause the drive parameters to revert to their default values. You maywant to save your configuration using the HIM CopyCat feature, DriveExplorer orDriveExecutive before upgrading.4.Expand the treeview for the communication path you are using, and selectthe drive icon that represents the drive you are updating. Then click OK.5.With the Firmware Revision window displayed, select ‘7.005’ from the listof available updates and click Next > (if revision ‘7.005’ does not display inthe window, click the ‘Show all revisions’ check box). Follow the remainingscreen prompts until the flash procedure completes and displays the newfirmware revision (v7.005).Using HyperTerminal1.With the Flash Kit installed (see Installing the Flash Kit on page4), launchHyperT erminal and go online (via 1203-USB or 1203-SSS converter) withthe drive.2.Press the Enter key until the main menu (Figure 3 - Main Menu) appears.Figure 3 - Main MenuMain Menu - Enter Number for Selection1> Display Setup Parameters2> Display Event Queue3> Flash Upgrade3.In the main menu, press 3 to flash upgrade. Then press the number keythat corresponds to the “PowerFlex 700S 2” in the list, and press Y (forYes) to update the flash code. The terminal program will start displayingthe letter “C”. This signals the XMODEM protocol that the downloadmay proceed. You then have one minute to start the transfer.ATTENTION: Risk of injury or equipment damage exists. When you perform a flashupdate, the drive will fault if it is receiving control I/O from the adapter. Verify that thedrive has stopped safely or is receiving controlI/O from an alternate source before beginning a flash update.4.Select T ransfer > Send File to display the Send File screen (Figure 4 - SendFile Screen).PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005) 75.Click Browse and navigate to the flash file located in:C:\ Program Files\ControlFLASH\0001\0078\004CFigure 4 - Send File Screen6.In the Select File to Send window list, click on the ‘700S2ap07_05.bin’ file.Then click Open . This file name now appears in the Filename box in the Send File screen.7.In the Protocol box, select “Xmodem.”8.Click Send .A dialog box appears and reports the progress of the update. When it is complete, the message “Flash Complete” appears. Press any key tocontinue..9.Press the Enter key to return to the main menu.Important Keep the device powered for 15 seconds after the operation has completed or until the adapter MOD status indicator starts flashing green.TIPT o cancel the flash update at any time, press CTRL-X .8 PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005)New Features andThere are no new features or enhancements for this firmware revision. EnhancementsCorrected Anomalies This section describes the anomalies corrected in this firmware revision.Ground Fault DisabledCORRRECTED: Fault 26 Ground Fault can occur at Power On in frame 12and frame 14. The Ground Fault diagnostic requires the drive to be running todetect a Ground Fault.HiHP Current UnbalancedCORRECTED: Alarm 77 High Horsepower Current Unbalanced in frame 12and frame 14 may occur during a speed command change under load. This causesa condition where the corresponding current change may generate a CurrentUnbalance alarm. This alarm may also occur near or at zero speed, due to noisefrom common mode currents.Product Name TextCORRECTED: Product Name. The product name has been updated. This fixescompatibility issues with Connected Components Workbench.Known Anomalies This firmware revision contains the following known anomalies.Instantaneous Overcurrent Fault (F27) May Occur when Saving to EEPROM onHigh Horsepower DrivesAn instantaneous over current fault (“Inst Overcurrent” - F27) may occur whensaving to EEPROM from the HIM or DriveExecutive while the drive is runningon high horsepower drives (frames 9 and up). Note: The drive automatically savesall parameter values to EEPROM.Parameter 554 [LED Status] Not Functioning ProperlyParameter 554 [LED Status], bit 15 “DL ComActive”, does not work.PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005) 9 Trend Functions May Cause Drive to Stop RunningWhen using the trend functions, a PowerFlex 700S drive may stop running. The power to the drive must be cycled in order to correct this condition. If the DriveLogix™ option is present the 5730 controller may lose its program. Overload Faults for Frames 9 and Up Drives Due to Power LimitsThe Power Limits directly set the T orque Limit value for frame 9 and up drives running in the Encoder or Sensorless modes. The Power Limit also directly controls the value of T orque Limit for frames 1…6 drives in the Sensorless mode. Thus, the divide by speed term is not used to determine the T orque Limit. The drive is configured in this manner to prevent the frame 9 and up drives from tripping on F71 (HiHp Drv OvrLoad) faults. In the sensorless mode, during regeneration, the drive can also trip because the Bus Voltage Regulator interacts with the negative Power Limit. This interaction is made worse on frame 9 and up drives because of the smaller capacitor bank.Current Limit in V/Hz ModeThe current limit in the V/Hz mode is controlled by parameter 356 [Mtr Current Lim] and 362 [Current Limit Gain], 363 [Ki Current Limit], and 364 [Kd Current Limit].HIM Downloads Cause Incorrect Values in Some ParametersA HIM download can cause parameters 81 [Spd Reg P Gain] and 82 [Spd Reg I Gain] to set to the wrong values. This occurs if parameter 90 [Spd Reg BW] is set to a value of zero. If [Spd Reg BW] is set to a non-zero value than parameters 81 and 82 are set correctly. This same situation occurs with parameters 30 [Min Spd Ref Lim] and 31 [Max Spd Ref Lim] and 532 [Maximum Freq]. In the case of parameter 90 the default could be set to zero. Generally, a change to the default value requires a major revision change. This will also affect customers that are expecting the default value of parameter 90 to be 10. The speed limit issue is more complex since no single value of parameter 532 will establish the proper speed limits values and could set parameters 30 and 31 too high.Random Instantaneous Overcurrent (IOC) TripsThe direction bit may prevent nuisance IOC trips. If the drive is running and experiences random IOC trips, the direction bit can be set to a zero to possibly eliminate this issue.10 PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005)Restrictions The following restrictions apply to this revision of firmware:Firmware CompatibilityPowerFlex firmware revision 7.005 can only be flashed into control boardsdesigned to operate with 7.0xx or greater firmware, Series B control boards, orPowerFlex 700S Phase II main control board kits designated by catalog numbers:20D-P2-CKE2, 20D-DL2-CKE2, 20D-DL2-CKS2, 20D-P2-CKS2.If you attempt to download a firmware revision that is not compatible with thecontrol cassette on the drive, a series of error messages appear. If these errormessages appear, confirm the revision of the control cassette, and select afirmware revision download that is compatible with the cassette version.Clearing the “Find Home” Bit in Parameter 741 [Position Status]If bit 24 “Find Home” in parameter 740 [Position Control] is set, bit 15“Homed” in parameter 741 [Position Status] remains set until a start command isissued.Current Draw Down with Multi-Motor Drive OperationWhen using a PowerFlex 700S drive to run multiple motors, the drive must besized in order to provide the total current required to run the connected motorsplus the current required to line start any disconnected motors. If the totalcurrent rating of the drive is not capable of providing the total current describedabove, the motor speed may slow, possibly to zero, and re-accelerate the motorsback to the set speed when line starting a disconnected motor.DC Bus Overvoltage Fault (Fault 24) for High Horsepower DrivesA DC Bus overvoltage fault may occur for high horsepower drives whenexecuting a flying start within 2 seconds of a commanded stop with no or lightloads.Homing to a Switch and Then to a Marker Not Functional with DriveLogixWhen using the Homing function with a PowerFlex 700S Phase II drive withDriveLogix, you can either Home to a Switch or Home to a Marker. However,you cannot Home to a Switch and a Marker in the same command.PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005) 11Motion Registration Input Limited to Digital Input 1 or Registration Input 0 The Registration input to the drive is limited to Digital Input 1 and Registration Input 0. Therefore, the RSLogix™ MAR (Motion Arm Registration) instruction will not function properly if Registration Input 1 is used.Operating Mode Configuration Parameters Should Not be ChangedThe following parameters should not be changed by a user:•510 [FVC Mode Config]•511 [FVC2 Mode Config]•512 [PMag Mode Config]•513 [V/Hz Mode Config]Position Control Bits Not Available for ControllerThe following bits were added to parameters 740 [Position Control] and 741 [Position Status] as part of the Position Control Static Assembly for firmware version 3.01.•[Position Control]–bit 24 “Find Home”–bit 25 “Pos Redefine”–bit 26 “Home Dir”–bit 27 “Return Home”–bit 28 “Home Switch”–bit 29 “Home Marker”•[Position Status]–bit 13 “Home Required”–bit 14 “Homing”–bit 15 “Homed”However, these bits were not added to the Controller side of the Static Assembly. Therefore, the controller cannot connect to these bits when using the Position Control Communication Format via the static assembly. If it is necessary to have a controller connect to these bits, the User Defined or Custom User Defined Communication format or explicit messaging must be used.12 PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005)Speed Limited Adjustable Torque (SLAT) Bits Not Available for ControllerBits 7 “SLAT Minimum” and 8 “SLAT Maximum” were added to parameter 110[Speed/T orqueMode] as part of the Speed Control Static Assembly for firmwareversion 3.01. However, these bits were not added to the Controller side of theStatic Assembly. Therefore, the controller cannot connect to bits 7 and 8 whenusing the Speed Control Communication Format. If it is necessary to have acontroller connect to these bits, the User Defined or Custom User DefinedCommunication format or explicit messaging must be used.PowerFlex 700S Drives with Phase II Control (7.005) 13 Notes:Roc kw ell Otomasyon Ticaret A .Ş., K ar Plaza İş Mer k ezi E B lo k K at:6 34752 İçeren k öy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400Publication 20D-RN044B-EN-P - July 2018Supersedes Publication 20D-RN044A-EN-P – December 2017Copyright © 2018 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Allen-Bradley, ControlFLASH, DriveExecutive, DriveExplorer, DriveLogix, PowerFlex, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, and RSLogix are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ODVA,Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Automation SupportUse the following resources to access support information.Documentation FeedbackY our comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete the How Are W e Doing? form at/idc/groups/literature/documents/du/ra-du002_-en-e.pdf .Technical Support CenterKnowledgebase Articles, How-to Videos, FAQs, Chat, User Forums, and Product Notification Updates.https:/// Local Technical Support Phone NumbersLocate the phone number for your country./global/support/get-support-now.page Direct Dial CodesFind the Direct Dial Code for your product. Use the code to route your call directly to a technical support engineer./global/support/direct-dial.page Literature LibraryInstallation Instructions, Manuals, Brochures, and Technical Data./global/literature-library/overview.page Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC)Get help determining how products interact, check features and capabilities, and find associated firmware./global/support/pcdc.page Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at /rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/product-environmental-compliance.page .。

PowerFlex 700 矢量控制变频器配置与启动说明书

PowerFlex 700 矢量控制变频器配置与启动说明书

课程安排•使用 LCD HIM 配置变频器参数•使用 DriveExplorer软件组态变频器参数•使用 DriveExecutive软件组态变频器参数•上载和下载变频器数据•启动变频器•控制变频器操作•安装并配置 EtherNet/IP 通讯适配器•可选:安装并配置远程 I/O通讯适配器•可选:安装并配置 DeviceNet 通讯适配器•可选:安装并配置 ControlNet 通讯适配器课程编号:CCA161课程目的本技能培养课程介绍有助于您成功配置和启动 PowerFlex 700 矢量控制变频器的技术和指导。

整个课程期间,讲师将演示如何组态 PowerFlex 700 变频器参数。

讲师还将演示如何安装和调试以下一个或多个通讯适配器:•ControlNet•DeviceNet•以太网/IP•远程 I/O每次演示后,您都将获得一次基于应用项目的练习机会,其中提供了使用LCD HIM、DriveExplorer™软件和 DriveExecutive™软件的大量动手练习。

本课程为期 1 天,可作为独立的课程学习,也可与 PowerFlex 700 课程表的其他课程相结合以进一步进行技能培养。

PowerFlex® 700 矢量控制变频器 PowerFlex® 700 矢量控制配置与启动课程描述动力、控制与信息解决方案GMST10-PP173B-ZH-E版权所有 ©2010 罗克韦尔自动化有限公司。



适合参加者负责组态参数和启动 PowerFlex 700 矢量控制 变频器的人员应参加本课程。

课前要求为了成功完成本课程,需要满足以下课前要求:•在 Microsoft® Windows® 环境中操作个人 计算机的经验•完成交流/直流电机和变频器基础知识 课程(课程编号 CCA101)或同等经验技术要求罗克韦尔自动化将提供学员在课堂内使用的所有 技术。



2. 变频器的附件选型 ......................................................... 8 1) 操作面板及连接电缆的选择 ............................................. 8 2) 编码器板选型 ......................................................... 8 3) 通讯模块选型 ......................................................... 9 4) 其他附件选型 ......................................................... 9 5) PC 通讯附件选型 ....................................................... 9 6) PC 调试软件选型 ...................................................... 10 7) 外置制动斩波器选型 .................................................. 10
防护等级 IP20,24VDC 控制电压,无操作面板,框架 4-7 柜内安装,框架 8-10 柜机;
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DriveExploer DriveTools SCANport PLC ControlNet ControlNet DeviceNet Open DeviceNet Vendor Association
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