Location estimation using received signal


Bluetooth Smart Module FEAT UR ES 产品说明书

Bluetooth Smart Module FEAT UR ES 产品说明书

26080111240012608011024001Bluetooth® Smart Module∙Embedded 2.4 GHz Bluetooth 4.2 module∙ 1.7 to 3.6 V operation∙Up to +2 dBm output power∙-96 dBm sensitivity∙UART∙Event driven API∙Automated power management system withautomatic power management of each peripheral∙AES HW encryption∙Compact dimensions: 11 x 8 x 1.8 mm∙Antenna options: integrated or RF padThe AMB2621 is an ultra-low power 2.4 GHz wireless module integrating the nRF52832 System on Chip including a 2.4 GHz transceiver and an ARM Cortex TM-M4F CPU with flash memory. The module is optimized for applications where costs and low-power optimization really matter. Several pins with alternate functions are available to e.g. connect LEDs, or realize an SPI, I2C, ADC or handshake for the UART as well as NFC.By default the AMB2621 contains the AMBER firmware according to option 1. Upon request the customer’s own firmware (option 2) may be flashed during production.Option 1: AMBER firmwareBy default, the module provides the industry proven, fully qualified Bluetooth® Smart (previously called Bluetooth low energy) stack from Nordic, plus the AMBER firmware. The latter contains an SPP-like profile, which offers a fast secured data transmission of packets with up to 128 bytes payload. Furthermore the AMB2621 includes an easy-to-use command interface allowing a convenient configuration and operation. The module can perform both, an advertising mode in order to be found, or a scan for finding other devices, which are advertising. Data transmission can be executed as soon as a (secured) connection has been set up. In addition data can be broadcasted quickly using so called Beacons. The module enables distance estimation (localization) using RSSI and output power in just one advertise packet for optimized power consumption.As a second option the module can be switched into peripheral only mode with transparent UART and static passkey pairing.As interface to the host system a 2-wire UART interface is provided with a default data rate of 115200 Baud. OTA firmware update via PC or Android / iOS App is supported. An Android App supporting the SPP-like operation is also available on request.Option 2: Custom developmentBased on the free Nordic Semiconductor SDK and demo examples various BLE-profiles and custom applications can be realized and flashed on the AMB2621 module. The versatile and well documented Nordic stack ensures quick and easy realization of various standard BLE-profiles, such as:∙HID services∙Medical services (BLS, HRS, HTP…)∙Alert services (ANS, IAS, PASS …)∙In formation services (CTS, DIS, TPS …)∙and othersFor full feature list see the nRF52832 documentation .SpecificationsTA = 25°C, VCC = 3 V if nothing else stated. Performance RF data rate 1 Mbit/sInterface data rate Typ. 115200 BaudOutput power Up to +2 dBm @ 50 OhmRF sensitivity Typ. -96 dBm @ 50 OhmRange AMB2621: 50m, AMB2621-1: 125mGeneral Power supply 1.7 - 3.6 VPower consumption TX: typ. 5.3 mA @ 0dB, 7.5 mA@ 4dBm / RX: 5.4 mA *Low Power: typ. 0.4 µA (System OFF mode)Dimensions 8 x 11 x 1.8 mmOperating temperature -40 to +85 °CWeight Approx. 3 gAntenna Integrated antenna or RF padRF Technology Bluetooth® Smart 4.2Frequency range 2.402 GHz to 2.48 GHzModulation DSSSCompliance Europe EN 60950, EN 301 489, EN 62311, EN 300 328US FCCBluetooth SIG SIG listing is mandatory* DC/DC converter in use, transceiver only. Complete currents with CPU active: TX 8mA @ 0 dBm, TX 11mA @ 4 dBm, RX 8mA Dimensions and Pin AssignmentNo. Pad Name No. Pad Name1 RF 1 9 P0.09/NFC1 22, 17 GND 10 P0.00/XL1 23 SWDCLK 11 P0.01/XL2 24 SWDIO 12 P0.02/AIN0 25 P0.21/Reset 13 P0.03/AIN1 26 P0.05/AIN3 214 P0.04/AIN2 27 VDD 15 P0.28/AIN4 28 P0.10/NFC2 216 P0.29/AIN5 212 can be used with customer specific firmware. Refer to AMB2621 manual for function in standard (SPP-like)firmwareOrdering InformationItem No. DescriptionAMB2621 Bluetooth Smart Module w/ integrated antennaAMB2621-1 Bluetooth Smart Module w/ RF padAMB2621-EV Bluetooth Smart Evaluation Board (Module AMB2621) Phone +49.651.993.550**************************** Internet 26080111240012608011024001。


This will define new PHYs for smart neighbourhood networks. These may include applications such as smart grid applications for the energy industry. It may include the 902 - 928 MHz band.
Peer-Peer Topology
Peer-to-Peer Cluster tree
Full functional device
Communications flow
Network coordinator
Network coordinator PAN coordinator Non-coordinator FFD
IEEE 802.15.4不同版本
IEEE 802.15.4 Version IEEE 802.15.4 - 2003 Details and comments This was the initial release of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. It provided for two different PHYs - one for the lower frequency bands of 868 and 915 MHz, and the other for 2.4 GHz. ------ZigBee使用的是这个版本。 This 2006 release of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard provided for an increase in the data rate achievable on the lower frequency bands. This release of the standard updated the PHY for 868 and 915 MHz. It also defined four new modulation schemes that could be used - three for the lower frequency bands, and one for 2.4 GHz. This version of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard defined two new PHYs. One used UWB technology and the other provided for using chirp spread spectrum at 2.4 GHz. Updates for 2.4 GHz, 868 MHz and 915 MHz, UWB and the China 779-787 MHz band. 2.4 GHz, 868 MHz, 915 MHz and Japanese 950 - 956 MHz band. This release defines MAC enhancements to IEEE 802.15.4 in support of the ISA SP100.11a application.



经管实证英文文献常用的缺失值处理方法Methods for Handling Missing Values in Empirical Studies in Economics and ManagementMissing values are a common issue in empirical studies in economics and management. These missing values can occur for a variety of reasons, such as data collection errors, non-response from survey participants, or incomplete information. Dealing with missing values is crucial for maintaining the quality and reliability of empirical findings. In this article, we will discuss some common methods for handling missing values in empirical studies in economics and management.1. Complete Case AnalysisOne common approach to handling missing values is to simply exclude cases with missing values from the analysis. This method is known as complete case analysis. While this method is simple and straightforward, it can lead to biased results if the missing values are not missing completely at random. In other words, if the missing values are related to the outcome of interest, excluding cases with missing values can lead to biased estimates.2. Imputation TechniquesImputation techniques are another common method for handling missing values. Imputation involves replacing missing values with estimated values based on the observed data. There are several methods for imputing missing values, including mean imputation, median imputation, and regression imputation. Mean imputation involves replacing missing values with the mean of the observed values for that variable. Median imputation involves replacing missing values with the median of the observed values. Regression imputation involves using a regression model to predict missing values based on other variables in the dataset.3. Multiple ImputationMultiple imputation is a more sophisticated imputation technique that involves generating multiple plausible values for each missing value and treating each set of imputed values as a complete dataset. This allows for uncertainty in the imputed values to be properly accounted for in the analysis. Multiple imputation has been shown to produce less biased estimates compared to single imputation methods.4. Maximum Likelihood EstimationMaximum likelihood estimation is another method for handling missing values that involves estimating the parametersof a statistical model by maximizing the likelihood function of the observed data. Missing values are treated as parameters to be estimated along with the other parameters of the model. Maximum likelihood estimation has been shown to produce unbiased estimates under certain assumptions about the missing data mechanism.5. Sensitivity AnalysisSensitivity analysis is a useful technique for assessing the robustness of empirical findings to different methods of handling missing values. This involves conducting the analysis using different methods for handling missing values and comparing the results. If the results are consistent across different methods, this provides more confidence in the validity of the findings.In conclusion, there are several methods available for handling missing values in empirical studies in economics and management. Each method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of method should be guided by the nature of the data and the research question. It is important to carefully consider the implications of missing values and choose the most appropriate method for handling them to ensure the validity and reliability of empirical findings.。

SOR 估计 基于顺序偏移回归的长期数据估计说明书

SOR 估计 基于顺序偏移回归的长期数据估计说明书

Package‘SOR’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Estimation using Sequential Offsetted RegressionVersion0.23.1Date2018-04-25Depends MatrixImports methods,statsDescription Estimation for longitudinal data following outcome dependent sampling using the se-quential offsetted regression technique.Includes support for binary,count,and continu-ous data.Thefirst regression is a logistic regression,which uses a known ratio(the probabil-ity of being sampled given that the subject/observation was referred divided by the probabil-ity of being sampled given that the subject/observation was no referred)as an offset to esti-mate the probability of being referred given outcome and covariates.The second regres-sion uses this estimated probability to calculate the mean population response given covariates. License GPL-3NeedsCompilation noAuthor Lee McDaniel[aut,cre],Jonathan Schildcrout[aut]Maintainer Lee McDaniel<*****************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2018-04-2519:30:40UTCR topics documented:sor (2)Index612sor sor Sequentially Offsetted RegressionDescriptionFits model for data which was sampled based on a variable associated with the outcome.This function works for binary,count,and continuous responses.Usagesor(y.formula,w1.formula,w2.formula=~1,id,waves=NULL,family="binomial",y0=0,hfunc=identity,support=c(0,1),pi1.pi0.ratio=1,data=parent.frame(),init.beta=NULL,init.sig.2=1,weights=NULL,est.var=TRUE,CORSTR="independence")Argumentsy.formula Regression formula for responsew1.formula Formula for Z,not interacted with hfunc(Y).Of form Z~termsw2.formula Formula for Z,interacted with hfunc(Y).Of form~termsid a vector identifying the clusters.By default,data are assumed to be sorted such that observations in a cluster are in consecutive rows and higher numbered rowsin a cluster are assumed to be later.If NULL,then each observation is assignedits own cluster.waves an integer vector identifying components of a cluster.For example,this could bea time ordering.If integers are skipped within a cluster,then dummy rows withweight0are added in an attempt to preserve the correlation structure(except ifcorstr="exchangeable"or"independent").This can be skipped by settingnodummy=TRUE.family Character string representing reference distribution for the response.Can be one of"normal","poisson",or"binomial".y0Representative value of response.Ignored if family="binomial".hfunc Function h,used with Y.Set to identity if family="binomial".sor3 support Values on which to evaluate the integrals.The lowest value should be less than the minimum response and the highest should be higher than the maximum re-sponse.If response is binary,support should be c(0,1).If response is count data,support should be an integer vector,for instance0:50.If response is continuous,support should be a vector of points on which to integrate.pi1.pi0.ratio The referral ratiodata Data frame or environment with all the datainit.beta Initial values for parameters in y.formula.Convergence may depend heavily on the initial values used.If family="binomial",the default is recommended.init.sig.2Initial value for sigma^2.Only for family="normal".weights A vector of weights for each observation.If an observation has weight0,it is excluded from the calculations of any parameters.Observations with a NAanywhere(even in variables not included in the model)will be assigned a weightof0.This should normally be used to preserve the correlation structure.est.var Logical.Should the variance be estimated.Only for family="normal".CORSTR Correlation structureValueReturns a list with values from thefit.Author(s)Lee S.McDaniel,Jonathan S.SchildcroutReferencesThis package relies heavily on code from geeM:McDaniel,L.S.,Henderson,N.C.,&Rathouz,P.J.(2013).Fast pure R implementation of GEE: application of the matrix package.The R journal,5(1),181.Examplesgeneratedata<-function(beta,alpha,X,ntime,nsubj,betat,betat1){mean.vec<-exp(crossprod(t(X),beta))y<-matrix(0,nrow=nsubj,ncol=ntime)y[,1]<-rpois(nsubj,lambda=mean.vec)old.mean<-mean.vecnew.mean<-old.mean*exp(betat+betat1*X[,2])for(t in1:(ntime-1)){lambda.t<-new.mean-alpha*sqrt(old.mean*new.mean)theta.t<-alpha*sqrt(new.mean/old.mean)I<-rpois(nsubj,lambda=lambda.t)W<-rbinom(nsubj,y[,t],theta.t)y[,t+1]=W+Iold.mean<-new.mean4sor new.mean<-old.mean*exp(betat+betat1*X[,2])}longform<-c(t(y))time<-rep(1:ntime,times=nsubj)subject<-rep(c(1:nsubj),each=ntime)simdata<-data.frame(count=longform,time=time,subject=subject)return(simdata)}logit<-function(p)log(p)-log(1-p)expit<-function(x)exp(x)/(1+exp(x))set.seed(1)npop<-10000beta0<--1.4beta1<-0.4alpha<-0.9gam0<--3.15gam1<-6.3nsubj<-200ntime<-8betat<--0.1;betat1<-0.1thresh<-1x0<-rep(1,npop)x1<-rbinom(npop,1,0.5)Xmat<-cbind(x0,x1)timevec<-0:(ntime-1)testdat<-generatedata(c(beta0,beta1),alpha,Xmat,ntime,npop,betat=betat,betat1=betat1) Y<-matrix(testdat$count,nrow=npop,ncol=ntime,byrow=TRUE)lambdap<-expit(gam0+gam1*as.numeric(Y[,1]>=thresh))Z<-rbinom(npop,1,lambdap)casesamp<-rep(0,npop)casesamp[Z==1]<-rbinom(sum(Z),1,nsubj/(2*sum(Z)))controlsamp<-rep(0,npop)controlsamp[Z==0]<-rbinom(sum(1-Z),1,nsubj/(2*sum(1-Z)))case<-which(casesamp==1)control<-which(controlsamp==1)id<-sort(c(case,control))nsubj<-length(control)+length(case)Ysamp<-NULLlamsamp<-NULLzsamp<-NULLx1samp<-NULLidsamp<-NULLtime<-NULLobspersubj<-sample(3:ntime,size=nsubj,replace=TRUE)for(i in1:nsubj){sor5 Ysamp<-c(Ysamp,Y[id[i],1:obspersubj[i]])zsamp<-c(zsamp,rep(as.numeric(Z[id[i]]),obspersubj[i]))x1samp<-c(x1samp,rep(x1[id[i]],obspersubj[i]))time<-c(time,0:(obspersubj[i]-1))idsamp<-c(idsamp,rep(i,obspersubj[i]))}p1p0<-sum((1-Z))/sum(Z)timemax<-pmax(time-2,0)y0<-1betas<-c(beta0,beta1,betat,betat1)init<-runif(4,betas-0.1,betas+0.1)y.formula<-y~x1+time+x1:timew1<-z~x1+as.factor(time)+x1:time+x1:timemaxw2<-~x1+time+timemax+x1:time+x1:timemaxDAT.ods<-data.frame("x1"=x1samp,"time"=time,"timemax"=timemax,"z"=zsamp,"y"=Ysamp,"id"=idsamp) sor(y.formula,w1,w2,id,family="poisson",y0=1,support=0:25,pi1.pi0.ratio=p1p0,data=DAT.ods,init.beta=init,CORSTR="ar1")IndexSOR(sor),2sor,2SOR-package(sor),26。



韩 松, 徐 政, 武 诚. 利用相关分析的区间振荡振 型快速估计方法
4 37
却没有从低频振荡时输电系统中模态能量交换特征 行为角 度 进行 分 析。文 献 [ 13] 提 出 了一 种 借 助 Pro ny 算法或 ESPRIT 算法利用联络线功率相对相 位判定低频振荡模式的方法, 但实际系统的信号有 时会表现出非平稳的特征[ 5] , 基于平稳信号设计的 信号模型将受到挑战。
然后对该信号进行时域相关性分析, 借助自相关 和互相关系数确定该模式下各区间功率偏 差的归一 化幅值和相 对
相位, 进而获得其功率偏差振型, 并结合离线计算、在线修 正的模态表确认等效转速偏 差振型和对 应模式。通过 对
一对 弱阻尼的平稳信号和一对非指数时变幅值的反相非平稳信号进行分析, 表明了相 关分析法的 适用性。案例 分
下面简单回顾一下前人对 振荡功率增量 ( 本 文依据文献[ 14] 的描述, 认为采用 偏差 更为妥贴) 相位与模式关系的研究[ 13 15] , 并引出 P 振型与 振型及模式的关系, 同时做适当分析和讨论。
在电力系统动态特性分析中, 小的扰动或者说 相对小的扰动后很短的时间内 可以忽略调速 器影 响, 即机械功率偏差 Pmec = 0; 同时发电机采用详 细模型, 可考虑阻尼系数 D= 0。这样, 发电机转子
Algorithm for Inter area Oscillation Mode Shape Estimation Using Correlation Analysis
H AN So ng , XU Zheng, WU Cheng ( Depart m ent of Electr ical Engineering, Zhejiang U niversit y, H angzhou 310027, China)

Evaluation of Objective Measures for Speech Enhancement

Evaluation of Objective Measures for Speech Enhancement
2. Speech corpus and subjective quality evaluations
In our objective evaluations, we considered distortions introduced by speech enhancement algorithms and background noise. The list of speech enhancement algorithms considered in our study can be found in [4]. Noise was artificially added to the speech signal as follows. The Intermediate Reference System (IRS) filter used in ITU-T P.862 [5] for evaluation of the PESQ measures was independently applied to the clean and noise signals. The active speech level of the filtered clean speech signal was first determined using method B of ITU-T P.56 [6]. A noise segment of the same length as the speech signal was randomly cut out of the noise recordings taken from the AURORA database [7], appropriately scaled to reach the desired SNR level and finally added to the filtered clean speech signal. A total of 16 sentences corrupted in four background noise environments (car, street, babble and train) at two SNR levels (5dB and 10dB) were processed by the 13 speech enhancement algorithms. These sentences were produced by two male and two female speakers.

Accurate Passive Location Estimation Using TOA Measurements

Accurate Passive Location Estimation Using TOA Measurements

Accurate Passive Location Estimation Using TOA MeasurementsJunyang Shen,Andreas F.Molisch,Fellow,IEEE,and Jussi Salmi,Member,IEEEAbstract—Localization of objects is fast becoming a major aspect of wireless technologies,with applications in logistics, surveillance,and emergency response.Time-of-arrival(TOA) localization is ideally suited for high-precision localization of objects in particular in indoor environments,where GPS is not available.This paper considers the case where one transmitter and multiple,distributed,receivers are used to estimate the location of a passive(reflecting)object.It furthermore focuses on the situation when the transmitter and receivers can be synchronized,so that TOA(as opposed to time-difference-of-arrival(TDOA))information can be used.We propose a novel, Two-Step estimation(TSE)algorithm for the localization of the object.We then derive the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound(CRLB) for TOA and show that it is an order of magnitude lower than the CRLB of TDOA in typical setups.The TSE algorithm achieves the CRLB when the TOA measurements are subject to small Gaussian-distributed errors,which is verified by analytical and simulation results.Moreover,practical measurement results show that the estimation error variance of TSE can be33dB lower than that of TDOA based algorithms.Index Terms—TOA,TDOA,location estimation,CRLB.I.I NTRODUCTIONO BJECT location estimation has recently received inten-sive interests for a large variety of applications.For example,localization of people in smoke-filled buildings can be life-saving[1];positioning techniques also provide useful location information for search-and-rescue[2],logistics[3], and security applications such as localization of intruders[4].A variety of localization techniques have been proposed in the literature,which differ by the type of information and system parameters that are used.The three most important kinds utilize the received signal strength(RSS)[5],angle of arrival(AOA)[6],and signal propagation time[7],[8],[9], respectively.RSS algorithms use the received signal power for object positioning;their accuracies are limited by the fading of wireless signals[5].AOA algorithms require either directional antennas or receiver antenna arrays1.Signal-propagation-time based algorithms estimate the object location using the time it takes the signal to travel from the transmitter to the target and from there to the receivers.They achieve very accurate Manuscript received April15,2011;revised September28,2011and Jan-uary18,2012;accepted February12,2012.The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was X.Wang.J.Shen and A.F.Molisch are,and J.Salmi was with the Department of Electrical Engineering,Viterbi School of Engineering,University of Southern California(e-mail:{junyangs,molisch,salmi}@).J.Salmi is currently with Aalto University,SMARAD CoE,Espoo,Finland.This paper is partially supported by the Office of Naval Research(ONR) under grant10599363.Part of this work was presented in the IEEE Int.Conference on Ultrawide-band Communications2011.Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TWC.2012.040412.1106971Note that AOA does not provide better estimation accuracy than the signal propagation time based methods[10].estimation of object location if combined with high-precision timing measurement techniques[11],such as ultrawideband (UWB)signaling,which allows centimeter and even sub-millimeter accuracy,see[12],[13],and Section VII.Due to such merits,the UWB range determination is an ideal candidate for short-range object location systems and also forms the basis for the localization of sensor nodes in the IEEE802.15.4a standard[14].The algorithms based on signal propagation time can be fur-ther classified into Time of Arrival(TOA)and Time Difference of Arrival(TDOA).TOA algorithms employ the information of the absolute signal travel time from the transmitter to the target and thence to the receivers.The term“TOA”can be used in two different cases:1)there is no synchronization between transmitters and receivers and then clock bias between them exist;2)there is synchronization between transmitters and receivers and then clock bias between them does not exist. In this paper,we consider the second situation with the synchronization between the transmitter and receivers.Such synchronization can be done by cable connections between the devices,or sophisticated wireless synchronization algo-rithms[15].TDOA is employed if there is no synchronization between the transmitter and the receivers.In that case,only the receivers are synchronized.Receivers do not know the signal travel time and therefore employ the difference of signal travel times between the receivers.It is intuitive that TOA has better performance than the TDOA,since the TDOA loses information about the signal departure time[7].The TDOA/TOA positioning problems can furthermore be divided into“active”and“passive”object cases.“Active”means that the object itself is the transmitter,while“passive”means that it is not the transmitter nor receiver,but a separate (reflecting/scattering)object that just interacts with the signal stemming from a separate transmitter2.There are numerous papers on the TOA/TDOA location estimation for“active”objects.Regarding TDOA,the two-stage method[16]and the Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation[17]are shown to be able to achieve the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound(CRLB)of“active”TDOA[8].As we know,the CRLB sets the lower bound of the estimation error variance of any un-biased method.Two important TOA methods of“active”object positioning are the Least-Square Method[18]and the Approximate Maximum Likelihood Es-timation Method[17],both of which achieve the CRLB of “active”TOA.“Active”object estimation methods are used, e.g,for cellular handsets,WLAN,satellite positioning,and active RFID.2The definitions of“active”and“passive”here are different from those in radar literature.In radar literature,“passive radar”does not transmit signals and only detects transmission while“active radar”transmits signals toward targets.1536-1276/12$31.00c 2012IEEE“Passive”positioning is necessary in many practical situa-tions like crime-prevention surveillance,assets tracking,and medical patient monitoring,where the target to be localized is neither transmitter nor receiver,but a separate(reflect-ing/scattering)object.The TDOA positioning algorithms for “passive”objects are essentially the same as for“active”objects.For TOA,however,the synchronization creates a fundamental difference between“active”and“passive”cases. Regarding the“passive”object positioning,to the best of our knowledge,no TOA algorithms have been developed.This paper aims tofill this gap by proposing a TOA algorithm for passive object location estimation,which furthermore achieves the CRLB of“passive”TOA.The key contributions are:•A novel,two step estimation(TSE)method for the passive TOA based location estimation.It borrows an idea from the TDOA algorithm of[16].•CRLB for passive TOA based location estimation.When the TOA measurement error is Gaussian and small,we prove that the TSE can achieve the CRLB.Besides,it is also shown that the estimated target locations by TSE are Gaussian random variables whose covariance matrix is the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix(FIM)related to the CRLB.We also show that in typical situations the CRLB of TOA is much lower than that of TDOA.•Experimental study of the performances of TSE.With one transmitter and three receivers equipped with UWB antennas,we perform100experimental measurements with an aluminium pole as the target.After extracting the signal travel time by high-resolution algorithms,the location of the target is evaluated by TSE.We show that the variance of estimated target location by TSE is much (33dB)lower than that by the TDOA method in[16]. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section II presents the architecture of positioning system.Section III derives the TSE,followed by comparison between CRLB of TOA and TDOA algorithms in Section IV.Section V analyzes the performance of TSE.Section VI presents the simulations results.Section VII evaluates the performance of TSE based on UWB measurement.Finally Section VIII draws the conclusions.Notation:Throughout this paper,a variable with“hat”ˆ•denotes the measured/estimated values,and the“bar”¯•denotes the mean value.Bold letters denote vectors/matrices. E(•)is the expectation operator.If not particularly specified,“TOA”in this paper denotes the“TOA”for a passive object.II.A RCHITECTURE OF L OCALIZATION S YSTEMIn this section,wefirst discuss the challenges of localization systems,and present the focus of this paper.Then,the system model of individual localization is discussed.A.Challenges for target localizationFor easy understanding,we consider an intruder localization system using UWB signals.Note that the intruder detection can also be performed using other methods such as the Device-free Passive(DfP)approach[19]and Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)method[20].However,both the DfP and RFID methods are based on preliminary environmental measurement information like“Radio Map Construction”[19] and“fingerprints”[20].On the other hand,the TOA based approach considered in our framework does not require the preliminary efforts for obtaining environmental information. With this example,we show the challenges of target po-sitioning system:Multiple Source Separation,Indirect Path Detection and Individual Target Localization.The intruder detection system localizes,and then directs a camera to capture the photo of the targets(intruders).This localization system consists of one transmitter and several receivers.The transmitter transmits signals which are reflected by the targets,then,the receivers localize the targets based on the received signals.Multiple Source Separation:If there are more than one intruders,the system needs to localize each of them.With multiple targets,each receiver receives impulses from several objects.Only the information(such as TOA)extracted from impulses reflected by the same target should be combined for localization.Thus,the Multiple Source Separation is very important for target localization and several techniques have been proposed for this purpose.In[21],a pattern recognition scheme is used to perform the Multiple Source Separation. Video imaging and blind source separation techniques are employed for target separation in[22].Indirect Path Detection:The transmitted signals are not only reflected by the intruders,but also by surrounding objects,such as walls and tables.To reduce the adverse impact of non-target objects in the localization of target, the localization process consists of two steps.In the initial/first stage,the system measures and then stores the channel impulses without the intruders.These impulses are reflected by non-target objects,which is referred to as reflectors here.The radio signal paths existing without the target are called background paths.When the intruders are present,the system performs the second measurement. To obtain the impulses related to the intruders,the system subtracts the second measurement with thefirst one. The remaining impulses after the subtraction can be through one of the following paths:a)transmitter-intruders-receivers,b)transmitter-reflectors-intruders-receivers,c) transmitter-intruders-reflectors-receivers,d)transmitter-reflectors-intruders-reflectors-receivers3.Thefirst kind of paths are called direct paths and the rest are called indirect paths.In most situations,only direct paths can be used for localization.In the literature,there are several methods proposed for indirect path identification[23],[24]. Individual Target Localization:After the Multiple Source Separation and Indirect Path Detection,the positioning system knows the signal impulses through the direct paths for each target.Then,the system extracts the characteristics of direct paths such as TOA and AOA.Based on these characteristics, the targets arefinally localized.Most researches on Individual Target Localization assumes that Multiple Source Separation and Indirect Path Detection are perfectly performed such as [16],[25]and[26].Note that the three challenges sometimes 3Note that here we omit the impulses having two or more interactions with the intruder because of the resulted low signal-to-noise radio(SNR)by multiple reflections.Cable for synchronizationFig.1.Illustration of TOA based Location Estimation System Model.are jointly addressed,so that the target locations are estimated in one step such as the method presented in [27].In this paper,we focus on the Individual Target Local-ization,under the same framework of [16],[25]and [26],assuming that Multiple Source Separation and Indirect Path Detection are perfectly performed in prior.In addition,we only use the TOA information for localization,which achieves very high accuracy with ultra-wideband signals.The method to ex-tract TOA information using background channel cancelation is described in details in [28]and also Section VII.B.System Model of Individual LocalizationFor ease of exposition,we consider the passive object (target)location estimation problem in a two-dimensional plane as shown in Fig.1.There is a target whose location [x,y ]is to be estimated by a system with one transmitter and M receivers.Without loss of generality,let the location of the transmitter be [0,0],and the location of the i th receiver be [a i ,b i ],1≤i ≤M .The transmitter transmits an impulse;the receivers subsequently receive the signal copies reflected from the target and other objects.We adopt the assumption also made in [16],[17]that the target reflects the signal into all ing (wired)backbone connections be-tween the transmitter and receivers,or high-accuracy wireless synchronization algorithms,the transmitter and receivers are synchronized.The errors of cable synchronization are negli-gible compared with the TOA measurement errors.Thus,at the estimation center,signal travel times can be obtained by comparing the departure time at the transmitter and the arrival time at the receivers.Let the TOA from the transmitter via the target to the i th receiver be t i ,and r i =c 0t i ,where c 0is the speed of light,1≤i ≤M .Then,r i = x 2+y 2+(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2i =1,...M.(1)For future use we define r =[r 1,r 2,...,r M ].Assuming each measurement involves an error,we haver i −ˆri =e i ,1≤i ≤M,where r i is the true value,ˆr i is the measured value and e i is the measurement error.In our model,the indirect paths areignored and we assume e i to be zero mean.The estimation system tries to find the [ˆx ,ˆy ],that best fits the above equations in the sense of minimizing the error varianceΔ=E [(ˆx −x )2+(ˆy −y )2].(2)Assuming the e i are Gaussian-distributed variables with zeromean and variances σ2i ,the conditional probability functionof the observations ˆr are formulated as follows:p (ˆr |z )=Ni =11√2πσi ·exp −(ˆr i −( x 2+y 2+ (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2))22σ2i,(3)where z =[x,y ].III.TSE M ETHODIn this section,we present the two steps of TSE andsummarize them in Algorithm 1.In the first step of TSE,we assume x ,y , x 2+y 2are independent of each other,and obtain temporary results for the target location based on this assumption.In the second step,we remove the assumption and update the estimation results.A.Step 1of TSEIn the first step of TSE,we obtain an initial estimate of[x,y, x 2+y 2],which is performed in two stages:Stage A and Stage B.The basic idea here is to utilize the linear approximation [16][29]to simplify the problem,considering that TOA measurement errors are small with UWB signals.Let v =x 2+y 2,taking the squares of both sides of (1)leads to2a i x +2b i y −2r i v =a 2i +b 2i −r 2i .Since r i −ˆr i =e i ,it follows that−a 2i +b 2i −ˆr 2i 2+a i x +b i y −ˆr i v=e i (v −ˆr i )−e 2i 2=e i (v −ˆr i )−O (e 2i ).(4)where O (•)is the Big O Notation meaning that f (α)=O (g (α))if and only if there exits a positive real number M and a real number αsuch that|f (α)|≤M |g (α)|for all α>α0.If e i is small,we can omit the second or higher order terms O (e 2i )in Eqn (4).In the following of this paper,we do this,leaving the linear (first order)term.Since there are M such equations,we can express them in a matrix form as followsh −S θ=Be +O (e 2)≈Be ,(5)whereh=⎡⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣−a21+b21−ˆr212−a22+b22−ˆr222...−a2M+b2M−ˆr2M2⎤⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦,S=−⎡⎢⎢⎢⎣a1b1−ˆr1a2b2−ˆr2...a Mb M−ˆr M⎤⎥⎥⎥⎦,θ=[x,y,v]T,e=[e1,e2,...,e M]T,andB=v·I−diag([r1,r2,...,r M]),(6) where O(e2)=[O(e21),O(e22),...,O(e2M)]T and diag(a) denotes the diagonal matrix with elements of vector a on its diagonal.For notational convenience,we define the error vectorϕ=h−Sθ.(7) According to(5)and(7),the mean ofϕis zero,and its covariance matrix is given byΨ=E(ϕϕT)=E(Bee T B T)+E(O(e2)e T B T)+E(Be O(e2)T)+E(O(e2)O(e2)T)≈¯BQ¯B T(8)where Q=diag[σ21,σ22,...,σ2M].Because¯B depends on the true values r,which are not obtainable,we use B(derived from the measurementsˆr)in our calculations.From(5)and the definition ofϕ,it follows thatϕis a vector of Gaussian variables;thus,the probability density function (pdf)ofϕgivenθisp(ϕ|θ)≈1(2π)M2|Ψ|12exp(−12ϕTΨ−1ϕ)=1(2π)M2|Ψ|12exp(−12(h−Sθ)TΨ−1(h−Sθ)).Then,lnp(ϕ|θ)≈−12(h−Sθ)TΨ−1(h−Sθ)+ln|Ψ|−M2ln2π(9)We assume for the moment that x,y,v are independent of each other(this clearly non-fulfilled assumption will be relaxed in the second step of the algorithm).Then,according to(9),the optimumθthat maximizes p(ϕ|θ)is equivalent to the one minimizingΠ=(h−Sθ)TΨ−1(h−Sθ)+ln|Ψ|. IfΨis a constant,the optimumθto minimizeΠsatisfies dΠdθθ=0.Taking the derivative ofΠoverθ,we havedΠdθθ=−2S TΨ−1h+2S TΨ−1Sθ.Fig.2.Illustration of estimation ofθin step1of TSE.Thus,the optimumθsatisfiesˆθ=arg minθ{Π}=(S TΨ−1S)−1S TΨ−1h,(10)which provides[ˆx,ˆy].Note that(10)also provides the leastsquares solution for non-Gaussian errors.However,for our problem,Ψis a function ofθsince Bdepends on the(unknown)values[x,y].For this reason,themaximum-likelihood(ML)estimation method in(10)can notbe directly used.Tofind the optimumθ,we perform theestimation in two stages:Stage A and Stage B.In Stage A,themissing data(Ψ)is calculated given the estimate of parameters(θ).Note thatθprovides the values of[x,y]and thus thevalue of B,therefore,Ψcan be calculated usingθby(8).In the Stage B,the parameters(θ)are updated according to(10)to maximize the likelihood function(which is equivalentto minimizingΠ).These two stages are iterated until con-vergence.Simulations in Section V show that commonly oneiteration is enough for TSE to closely approach the CRLB,which indicates that the global optimum is reached.B.Step2of TSEIn the above calculations,ˆθcontains three componentsˆx,ˆy andˆv.They were previously assumed to be independent;however,ˆx andˆy are clearly not independent ofˆv.As amatter of fact,we wish to eliminateˆv;this will be achievedby treatingˆx,ˆy,andˆv as random variables,and,knowing thelinear mapping of their squared values,the problem can besolved using the LS solution.Letˆθ=⎡⎣ˆxˆyˆv⎤⎦=⎡⎣x+n1y+n2v+n3⎤⎦(11)where n i(i=1,2,3)are the estimation errors of thefirststep.Obviously,the estimator(10)is an unbiased one,and themean of n i is zero.Before proceeding,we need the following Lemma.Lemma 1:By omitting the second or higher order errors,the covariance of ˆθcan be approximated as cov (ˆθ)=E (nn T )≈(¯S T Ψ−1¯S )−1.(12)where n =[n 1,n 2,n 3]T ,and Ψand ¯S(the mean value of S )use the true/mean values of x ,y,and r i .Proof:Please refer to the Appendix.Note that since the true values of x ,y,and r i are not obtain-able,we use the estimated/measured values in the calculationof cov (ˆθ).Let us now construct a vector g as followsg =ˆΘ−G Υ,(13)where ˆΘ=[ˆx 2,ˆy 2,ˆv 2]T ,Υ=[x 2,y 2]T and G =⎡⎣100111⎤⎦.Note that here ˆΘis the square of estimation result ˆθfrom the first step containing the estimated values ˆx ,ˆy and ˆv .Υis the vector to be estimated.If ˆΘis obtained without error,g =0and the location of the target is perfectly obtained.However,the error inevitably exists and we need to estimate Υ.Recalling that v =x 2+y 2,substituting (11)into (13),and omitting the second-order terms n 21,n 22,n 23,it follows that,g =⎡⎣2xn 1+O (n 21)2yn 2+O (n 22)2vn 3+O (n 23)⎤⎦≈⎡⎣2xn 12yn 22vn 3⎤⎦.Besides,following similar procedure as that in computing(8),we haveΩ=E (gg T )≈4¯D cov (ˆθ)¯D ,(14)where ¯D =diag ([¯x ,¯y ,¯v ]).Since x ,y are not known,¯Dis calculated as ˆD using the estimated values ˆx ,ˆy from the firststep.The vector g can be approximated as a vector of Gaussian variables.Thus the maximum likelihood estimation of Υis theone minimizing (ˆΘ−G Υ)T Ω−1(ˆΘ−G Υ),expressed by ˆΥ=(G T Ω−1G )−1G T Ω−1ˆΘ.(15)The value of Ωis calculated according to (14)using the valuesof ˆx and ˆy in the first step.Finally,the estimation of target location z is obtained byˆz =[ˆx ,ˆy ]=[±ˆΥ1,± ˆΥ2],(16)where ˆΥi is the i th item of Υ,i =1,2.To choose the correct one among the four values in (16),we can test the square error as followsχ=M i =1( ˆx 2+ˆy 2+ (ˆx −a i )2+(ˆy −b i )−ˆr i )2.(17)The value of z that minimizes χis considered as the final estimate of the target location.In summary,the procedure of TSE is listed in Algorithm 1:Note that one should avoid placing the receivers on a line,since in this case (S T Ψ−1S )−1can become nearly singular,and solving (10)is not accurate.Algorithm 1TSE Location Estimation Method1.In the first step,use algorithm as shown in Fig.2to obtain ˆθ,2.In the second step,use the values of ˆx and ˆy from ˆθ,generate ˆΘand D ,and calculate Ω.Then,calculate the value of ˆΥby (15),3.Among the four candidate values of ˆz =[ˆx ,ˆy ]obtained by (16),choose the one minimizing (17)as the final estimate for target location.IV.C OMPARISON OF CRLB BETWEEN TDOA AND TOA In this section,we derive the CRLB of TOA based estima-tion algorithms and show that it is much lower (can be 30dB lower)than the CRLB of TDOA algorithms.The CRLB of “active”TOA localization has been studied in [30].The “passive”localization has been studied before under the model of multistatic radar [31],[32],[33].The difference between our model and the radar model is that in our model the localization error is a function of errors of TOA measurements,while in the radar model the localization error is a function of signal SNR and waveform.The CRLB is related to the 2×2Fisher Information Matrix (FIM)[34],J ,whose components J 11,J 12,J 21,J 22are defined in (18)–(20)as follows J 11=−E (∂2ln(p (ˆr |z ))∂x 2)=ΣM i =11σ2i (x −a i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+xx 2+y2)2,(18)J 12=J 21=−E (∂2ln(p (ˆr |z ))∂x∂y )=ΣM i =11σ2i (x −a i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+x x 2+y 2)×(y −b i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+yx 2+y 2),(19)J 22=−E (∂2ln(p (ˆr |z ))∂y 2)=ΣM i =11σ2i (y −b i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+yx 2+y2)2.(20)This can be expressed asJ =U T Q −1U ,(21)where Q is defined after Eqn.(8),and the entries of U in the first and second column are{U }i,1=x ¯r i −a ix 2+y 2(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2 x 2+y 2,(22)and{U }i,2=y ¯r i −b ix 2+y 2(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2 x 2+y 2,(23)with ¯r i =(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2+ x 2+y 2.The CRLB sets the lower bound for the variance of esti-mation error of TOA algorithms,which can be expressed as [34]E [(ˆx −x )2+(ˆy −y )2]≥ J −1 1,1+J −1 2,2=CRLB T OA ,(24)where ˆx and ˆy are the estimated values of x and y ,respec-tively,and J −1 i,j is the (i,j )th element of the inverse matrix of J in (21).For the TDOA estimation,its CRLB has been derived in [16].The difference of signal travel time between several receivers are considered:(x −a i )2+(y −b i )2−(x −a 1)2+(y −b 1)2=r i −r 1=l i ,2≤i ≤M.(25)Let l =[l 2,l 3,...,l M ]T ,and t be the observa-tions/measurements of l ,then,the conditional probability density function of t is p (t |z )=1(2π)(M −1)/2|Z |12×exp(−12(t −l )T Z −1(t −l )),where Z is the correlation matrix of t ,Z =E (tt T ).Then,the FIM is expressed as [16]ˇJ=ˇU T Z −1ˇU (26)where ˇUis a M −1×2matrix defined as ˇU i,1=x −a i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2−x −a 1(x −a 1)2+(y −b 1)2,ˇUi,2=y −b i (x −a i )2+(y −b i )2−y −b 1(x −a 1)2+(y −b 1)2.The CRLB sets the lower bound for the variance of esti-mation error of TDOA algorithms,which can be expressed as [34]:E [(ˆx −x )2+(ˆy −y )2]≥ ˇJ −1 1,1+ ˇJ −1 2,2=CRLB T DOA .(27)Note that the correlation matrix Q for TOA is different from the correlation matrix Z for TDOA.Assume the variance of TOA measurement at i th (1≤i ≤M )receiver is σ2i ,it follows that:Q (i,j )=σ2i i =j,0i =j.and Z (i,j )= σ21+σ2i +1i =j,σ21i =j.As an example,we consider a scenario wherethere is a transmitter at [0,0],and four receivers at [−6,2],[6.2,1.4],[1.5,4],[2,2.3].The range of the targetlocations is 1≤x ≤10,1≤y ≤10.The ratio of CRLB of TOA over that of TDOA is plotted in Fig.3.Fig.3(a)shows the contour plot while Fig.3(b)shows the color-coded plot.It can be observed that the CRLB of TOA is always —in most cases significantly —lower than that of TDOA.xy(a )xy0. ratio of passive TOA over passive TDOA estimation:(a)contour plot;(b)pcolor plot.V.P ERFORMANCE OF TSEIn this section,we first prove that the TSE can achieve the CRLB of TOA algorithms by showing that the estimation error variance of TSE is the same as the CRLB of TOA algorithms.In addition,we show that,for small TOA error regions,the estimated target location is approximately a Gaussian random variable whose covariance matrix is the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM),which in turn is related to the CRLB.Similar to the reasoning in Lemma 1,we can obtain the variance of error in the estimation of Υas follows:cov (ˆΥ)≈(G T Ω−1G )−1.(28)Let ˆx =x +e x ,ˆy=y +e y ,and insert them into Υ,omitting the second order errors,we obtainˆΥ1−x 2=2xe x +O (e 2x )≈2xe x ˆΥ2−y 2=2ye y +O (e 2y)≈2ye y (29)Then,the variance of the final estimate of target location ˆzis cov (ˆz )=E (e x e ye x e y )≈14C −1E ( Υ1−x 2Υ2−y 2Υ1−x 2Υ2−y 2 )C −1=14C −1cov (ˆΥ)C −1,(30)where C = x 00y.Substituting (14),(28),(12)and (8)into (30),we can rewrite cov (ˆz )as cov (ˆz )≈(W T Q −1W )−1(31)where W =B −1¯SD−1GC .Since we are computing an error variance,B (19),¯S(5)and D (14)are calculated using the true (mean)value of x ,y and r i .Using (19)and (1),we can rewrite B =−diag ([d 1,d 2,...,d M ]),whered i=(x−a i)2+(y−b i)2.Then B−1¯SD−1is given by B−1¯SD−1=⎡⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣a1xd1b1yd1−¯r1√x2+y2d1a2xd2b2yd2−¯r2√x2+y2d2.........a Mxd Mb Myd M−¯r M√x2+y2d M⎤⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦.(32)Consequently,we obtain the entries of W as{W}i,1=x¯r i−a ix2+y2(x−a i)2+(y−b i)2x2+y2,(33){W}i,2=y¯r i −b ix2+y2(x−a i)2+(y−b i)2x2+y2.(34)where{W}i,j denotes the entry at the i th row and j th column.From this we can see that W=paring(21)and (31),it followscov(ˆz)≈J−1.(35) Then,E[(ˆx−x)2+(ˆy−y)2]≈J−11,1+J−12,2.Therefore,the variance of the estimation error is the same as the CRLB.In the following,wefirst employ an example to show that[ˆx,ˆy]obtained by TSE are Gaussian distributed with covariance matrix J−1,and then give the explanation for this phenomenon.Let the transmitter be at[0,0],target at[0.699, 4.874]and four receivers at[-1,1],[2,1],[-31.1]and[4 0].The signal travel distance variance at four receivers are [0.1000,0.1300,0.1200,0.0950]×10−4.The two dimensional probability density function(PDF)of[ˆx,ˆy]is shown in Fig.4 (a).To verify the Gaussianity of[ˆx,ˆy],the difference between the PDF of[ˆx,ˆy]and the PDF of Gaussian distribution with mean[¯x,¯y]and covariance J−1is plotted in Fig.4(b).The Gaussianity of[ˆx,ˆy]can be explained as follows.Eqn.(35)means that the covariance of thefinal estimation of target location is the FIM related to CRLB.We could further study the distribution of[e x,e y].The basic idea is that by omitting the second or high order and nonlinear errors,[e x,e y]can be written as linear function of e:1)According to(29),[e x,e y]are approximately lineartransformations ofˆΥ.2)(15)means thatˆΥis approximately a linear transfor-mation ofˆΘ.Here we could omit the nonlinear errors occurred in the estimate/calculation ofΩ.3)According to(11),ˆΘ≈¯θ2+2¯θn+n2,thus,omittingthe second order error,thus,ˆΘis approximately a linear transformation of n.4)(10)and(39)mean that n is approximately a lineartransformation of e.Here we could omit the nonlinear errors accrued in the estimate of S andΨ.Thus,we could approximately write[e x,e y]as a linear trans-formation of e,thus,[e x,e y]can be approximated as Gaussian variables.Fig.4.(a):PDF of[ˆx,ˆy]by TSE(b):difference between the PDF of[ˆx,ˆy] by TSE and PDF of Gaussian distribution with mean[¯x,¯y]and covariance J−1.Fig.5.Simulation results of TSE for thefirst configuration.VI.S IMULATION R ESULTSIn this section,wefirst compare the performance of TSE with that TDOA algorithm proposed in[16]and CRLBs.Then, we show the performance of TSE at high TOA measurement error scenario.For comparison,the performance of a Quasi-Newton iterative method[35]is shown.To verify our theoretical analysis,six different system con-figurations are simulated.The transmitter is at[0,0]for all six configurations,and the receiver locations and error variances are listed in Table I.Figures5,6and7show simulation results comparing the distance to the target(Configuration1vs. Configuration2),the receiver separation(Configuration3vs. Configuration4)and the number of receivers(Configuration5 vs.Configuration6),respectively4.In eachfigure,10000trails are simulated and the estimation variance of TSE estimate is compared with the CRLB of TDOA and TOA based localization schemes.For comparison,the simulation results of error variance of the TDOA method proposed in[16]are also drawn in eachfigure.It can be observed that1)The localization error of TSE can closely approach theCRLB of TOA based positioning algorithms.4During the simulations,only one iteration is used for the calculation of B(19).。

Visual Communications and Image Processing, SPIE'94, Chicago Fractal transform coding of co

Visual Communications and Image Processing, SPIE'94, Chicago Fractal transform coding of co

Fractal transform coding of color imagesBernd H¨u rtgen,Paul Mols,and Stephan F.SimonInstitut f¨u r Elektrische NachrichtentechnikRWTH,Rheinisch-Westf¨a lische Technische Hochschule Aachen52056Aachen,Germany,Tel.:+49–241–807683,Fax:+49–241–8888–196Email:huertgen@ient.rwth-aachen.deABSTRACTThe paper reports on investigations concerning the application of block oriented fractal coding schemes for encoding of color images.Correlations between the different color planes can be exploited for the aim of data compression.For this purpose the similarities between the fractal transform parameters of one block location but different color planes are regarded in a blockwise manner.Starting-point is the fractal code for one block in the dominant color plane which serves as prediction for the code of the corresponding block in the other planes.Emerging from this prediction the depending codes can be derived by a successive refinement strategy.Since the fractal code for the dominant color plane and the refinement information for determining the code for the other planes can be represented with fewer bits compared to the independently calculated ones, a coding gain can be achieved.Keywords:fractal coding,attractor coding,still image coding,color image coding1.INTRODUCTIONDuring the last years a novel coding and modeling scheme for natural signals has been developed which is widely known as fractal coding.The basic idea for encoding of signals by use of fractal techniques is originated in various publications of Barnsley et al,e.g.[1,2,3].Afirst implementation of an automatic encoding routine for gray-scale images at common compression ratios has been proposed by Jacquin[4,5,6].A review on fractal image coding may be found in[7]and an excellent mathematical foundation of fractal signal modeling is contained in[8].Recently some improvements and modifications have been published,e.g.[9,10,11,12,13],which made the fractal technique a challenging candidate for encoding of images especially if high compression is the issue.In principle the encoding process consists infinding for each part of the image another part,which after some sort of translation,scaling,rotation,and mirroringfits best in the sense of some given distortion measure.Though the shape of the image parts is arbitrary,most authors use square blocks.The encoding operation results in a number of parameters which after quantization serve as fractal code for this particular block.The parameters of all blocks together then form the code for the entire signal.A coding gain can be achieved if all parameters can be represented with fewer bits than the signal itself.Currently the investigations concerning fractal coding schemes nearly exclusively concentrate on gray-scale images though in order to present a complete encoding scheme also color information has to be included.Therefore color image coding based on fractal techniques demands for further research.There are only three sources on this topic known to the author,from which[14]and[15]are based on the yard stick method but which is discarded in this paper.The only block-oriented approach which also serves as basis for this paper is published in[16].The physiology of the human eye motivates the trichromatic theory of color vision,which states that the color of light received by the human observer may be specified by a mixture of only three primary colors.These are usually chosen to be either red,green,and blue which are the primary colors of light,or yellow,magenta,and cyan which are the primary colors of pigments.Hence color images consist of three image planes each representing a different spectral area.Due to the physical effect of image generation these planes are highly correlated.The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how these correlations can be used for data compression purposes within a fractal coding environment.It is proposed to exploit the dependencies between the fractal codes of the different color planes within the transform domain rather than treating them in the original domain.The results show that jointly encoding blocks of different color planes but of the same spatial location results in a significant decrease in bits necessary for representing the fractal code of the entire image.1683For this purpose the main characteristics of all fractal parameters describing an image block are investigated.It is shown,that for the same block location in different color planes not only the pixel intensities but also the parameters of the fractal code are highly correlated.Hence only slight modifications of the fractal code for one color plane are necessary in order to describe the other planes with sufficient accuracy.After presenting the necessary mathematical foundation of fractal coding in section 2,section 3deals with encoding of images in general.After describing the application of fractal coding schemes to gray-scale images in topic 3.1,some important characteristics of the different fractal coefficients representing an image block are investigated.This leads to the problem of quantization which is addressed in 3.2.Emphasis is put on topic 3.3which describes how correlations between the different color planes can be exploited within the fractal domain.The paper concludes with some simulation results and a prospect on future investigations in section 4.2.MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONConsider a signal x =(x 1;x 2;111;x n )Tconsisting of n sample values x i ;1 i n ;x i 2R as point in the n-dimensional vector space R n .With the definition of the Euclidean normk x k :=+p h x ;x i =v u u t nX i =1j x i j 2(1)defined by the square root of the inner product h x ;x i and by inducing a metric%(x ;y ):=k x 0y k ;8x ;y 2R n(2)the vector space becomes a normed metric space denoted by (R n ;%).Transformations within this space can be described by alinear operator A for which a consistent operator-or matrix norm k A k is the so called spectral-or Hilbert norm ,defined byk A k sp :=sup2 (A T A )p j j(3)which is the square root of the largest eigenvalue in magnitude of the matrix A T A .Additionally for every linear operator A the spectral radius r (A )is defined byr (A ):=sup 2 (A )j j(4)which is the magnitude of the largest eigenvalue of A .Any norm k A k and spectral radius r of a linear operator A are connected through the following equations:r (A ) k A kr (A )=lim j !1j pk A j k :(5)2.1.Fractal encodingAll existing practical implementations of block-oriented fractal coding schemes emerge from an affine transformation which is capable of performing scaling,rotating,mirroring,and shifting operations in order to exploit the presupposed self-similarities of the signal.An affine transformation W of the entire signal x is defined byW :R n !R n )x !Ax +b(6)consisting of a linear part Ax and an additive part b .The transformation W is called contractive if there exists a constant factor s <1,such that%(W (x );W (y )) s %(x ;y )8x ;y 2R n :(7)1684With the definition of the metric(2),the affine transformation(6),and the contractivity(7)we obtain the sufficient conditionk A k s<1(8)for contractivity in the sense of any norm.The encoding process for a given signal x now consists infinding a contractive transformation A and a vector b such that the approximation error%(W(x);x)=%(Ax+b;x)(9) is as small as possible.Below it is shown that for reconstruction at the decoder only the knowledge of the transformation (A;b)is necessary.Therefore data compression can be achieved,if the transformation can be represented with fewer bitsthan the signal itself.2.2.Fractal decodingBanach’sfixed point theorem gives us an idea how the decoding process works:Let W:R n!R n be a contractive transformation and(R n;%)a metric space with metric%.Then the sequence of signals f x k g constructed by x k+1=W(x k)converges for any arbitrary initial signal x02R n to the uniquefixed point x f2R nof the transformation W,i.e.x f=W(x f)=Ax f+b:(10) The reconstruction error%(x f;x)between the original signal x and its fractal reconstruction x f is then bounded by%(x f;x)110k A k%(W(x);x):(11)The contractivity condition(8)is sufficient but not necessary for the convergence of the iteration process.For affine transformations a sufficient and necessary condition can be formulated by using the spectral radius of the transformation matrix.Emerging from any arbitrary initial signal x0the decoder iteratively applies the transformation(6).For the k-th iterate then followsx k=W(W(111W(x0))) |{z}k times =W k(x0)=A k x0+k01Xi=0A i!b:(12)If and only if the spectral radius satisfies r (A)<1,then limk!1A k=0and limk!1k01Pi=0A i=(I0A)01with the identity I andthe null matrix0[17].Hence the sequence f x k g converges to thefixed point of the transformationx f=limk!1x k=(I0A)01b=A x f+b:(13)Due to the fact that not the original signal itself,but afixed point of a contractive transformation which is close to the signal, is encoded,fractal coding sometimes is termed attractor coding.3.FRACTAL IMAGE CODING3.1.Encoding of gray-scale imagesIn contrast to common transformations,e.g.DCT,whose coding gain emerges from the correlations of adjacent samples,fractal coding schemes mainly exploit some sort of long range correlations also termed self-similarities within the signal.For practical reasons fractal coding schemes operate in a block-oriented manner which allows describing them as vector quantization with signal dependent codebook.1685The image x=(x1;x2;...;x n)T2I R n consisting of n pixels x1;x2;...;x n is segmented into N R=n=n R non-overlapping image blocks x i with n R elements.Then for each of these blocks one codebook entry y j from a set of N D entries is selected which after scaling with ij and adding an offset b i1minimizes some given distortion measure%(x i;^x i)=%(x i; ij y j+b i1):(14)The codebook is generated from the image x itself by use of a codebook construction matrix C.If F j denotes the’fetch-operation’of the codebook entry y j=F j Cx from the codebook and P i the’put-operation’of the modified codebook entry ^x i= ij y j+b i1into the approximation^x,the mapping process for the entire image W:I R n!I R n may be formulated by^x=N RXi=1P i( ij F j Cx+b i1)=(N RXi=1P i ij F j C)x+N RXi=1P i b i1=Ax+b=W(x)(15)This represents an affine transformation consisting of a linear part A and a non-linear offset b which together form the fractal code(A;b)for the approximation of the original signal.3.2.Quantization of the transform parametersFor a fractal based transmission and storage system the fractal code(A;b)must be represented by a number of bits which should be as small as possible.For the sake of simplification the fractal code is treated in a blockwise manner with each block code regarded independently from all others,so no inter-block DPCM is performed.The block code itself consists of four different parts,the scaling coefficient ij,the index for the codebook entry j(i),the type of isometric transformation which has to be applied to the codebook entry y j,and the gray-scale offset b i.Thefirst three parameters for all blocks are contained in the transformation matrix A and the gray scale offset in the vector b.Since ij and b i are real valued,a quantization step is necessary as outlined below.coefficient ij for max=2:0. max and the quantization of the scaling coefficient.Fig.1shows the Gaussian like histogram of the scaling coefficient derived from a large number of test images.Practical implementations restrict the scaling coefficients to the range0 max ij max; max>0.For0< max<1convergence of the reconstruction process can be guaranteed without any additional computational puter simulation showed that also for larger scaling coefficients a convergent reconstruction is obtained in most cases,but then a complex eigenvalue analysis of the transformation matrix A is necessary in order to decide whether the reconstruction converges or not.Details about the convergence properties of fractal coding schemes may be found in[18,19].The quantization of the scaling coefficients is rather uncritical since only this codebook entry y j together with its appropriate quantized scaling coefficient is selected which fits best in the sense of the used distortion measure.In practical implementations2,3or4bit have proven to be sufficient for the quantization of the scaling coefficients.As can be seen in Fig.2the number of bits spent for the scaling coefficients also influences the optimal bound max ranging from1.2to2.5.1686The second real valued parameter within the fractal code is the vector b containing the gray-scale offsets b i for each block within the image.Its histogram is depicted in Fig.3.Depending on the desired reconstruction quality three to eight bits have been found to be sufficient for its representation.error4b i=b i0b i for max=2:0.The correlation coefficient between scaling and offset parameter is in the range0.7...0.95depending on the image and the allowed scaling coefficients.This indicates that some additional savings in terms of bits necessary for representing the fractal code can be obtained,if those correlations are exploited.Fig.5shows that a prediction^b i=c1 ij+c2for the offset,which is linear in the scaling coefficient,might be suited for these purpose.Here c1;c2are the parameters describing the regressionline as plotted in Fig.5.coefficient ij and gray-scale offset b i.codebook for each block contains24,26,28,or210entries,represented by4,6,8,or10bits respectively.Due to the restriction of the scaling coefficients and the range of allowed gray-scale values,also the offset parameters are constrained restricted.Its permissible range as function of the actual scaling coefficient is outlined in Fig.5.Instead of quantizing and encoding the gray-scale offset independently from the scaling coefficient the prediction^b i serves as an estimate for b i and therefore only the prediction error4b i=b i0^b i needs to be transmitted.The advantage of this procedure can be seen easily from the histogram of the offset parameter b i(Fig.3)and the prediction error4b i(Fig.4).Since the distribution of the prediction error has a significantly smaller variance,it can be encoded with fewer bits compared with direct encoding of the offset parameter.Additionally an index j(i)for the selected codebook entry y j must be included in the fractal code.The required number1687of bits is determined by the size of the codebook which typically contains about24–210entries and significantly influences the available reconstruction quality.Moreover the codebook entry might be isometrically transformed in one of eight ways.Since all types of isometric transformations are approximately selected with same probability a three bit longfixed length code is additionally needed.Summarizing,one block can be represented by11–25bits,depending on the desired imagefidelity.The available reconstruction quality in terms of the SNR for a typical test image and for various choices of the bit allocationis displayed in Fig.6.3.3.Application to color imagesAll statements carried out in the previous topics dealt with encoding of gray-scale images or images consisting of only oneimage plane.In order to present a complete encoding scheme for images,also the treatment of“multispectral images”shouldbe considered.The following paragraphs describe the extension of the ordinary fractal coding scheme to a scheme capable of encoding color images.We restrict our investigations to RGB and YUV images,but the algorithm may easily be extendedto other color spaces.In the area of computer vision color images mostly are associated with three different sets of data each describing a differentspectral domain of the same scenery.The color image itself is the composition of these sets.This is due to the fact that the color of light received by the human observer may be specified by a mixture of only three so-called primary colors.In the RGBspace the primary colors are chosen to be red,green,and blue.In the YUV space the Y component contains the informationabout the intensity of the light whereas the U and V components contain the color information.For natural images the three image planes are highly correlated.In the RGB color space the correlation coefficient between two of the planes is about0.78for blue-red,0.89for red-green and0.94for green-blue,respectively.This indicates that significant improvements in terms of compression and/or reconstruction quality can be expected if those correlations are exploited.The presented algorithm is based on the proposal published in[16].It is shown that exploiting the correlations between the fractal codes of the different color planes for one block location results in a significant decrease in bits necessary for representingthe fractal code for the entire image.For this purpose the parameters of the transform domain rather than the samples of theoriginal domain are treated.It is shown that for the same block location in different color planes not only the pixel intensities but also the parameters of the fractal code are highly correlated.Hence only slight modifications of the fractal code for onecolor plane are necessary in order to describe the other planes with sufficient accuracy.For the RGB color space the principal encoding procedure may be described exemplarily as follows:First the greenor master component is encoded independently from the other ones which yields the master code(A;b)G.Green has been chosen for the master component because it possesses the largest correlation coefficient to the other components.This is alsoconfirmed by a slightly better reconstruction quality as is reported in[16].Initially the master code is also assigned to the slavecomponents red and blue,so that(A;b)R;B=(A;b)G.This is of course an insufficient description for some blocks of the slave components,so that for those blocks a successive modification of the encoding parameters is performed until a sufficientreconstruction quality for all color planes is achieved.Then both slave codes(A;b)R;B are only variations of the master code. The transition functions T R;T B with(A;b)R;B=T R;B((A;b)G)describing the modifications of the master code in order to get the slave code are much less complex and therefore may be stored with fewer bits than the slave codes themselves.Storing the master code(A;b)G and the two transition functions T R;T B is much more efficient than storing all three codes(A;b)R;B;G independently from each other.The two slave components are treated equally since there is no advantage in regarding the third component as function of the second one.step codebook entry type of isometryscalingcoefficientgray-scale offset1old old old old2old old old new3old old new new4old new new new5new new new newTab. 1.Order of recalculating the different encoding parameters for the slave components.In detail the process works as follows:The green component is encoded just the same way as an ordinary gray-scale image.Then the fractal code of the green component is blockwise assigned to the slave components red and blue.If some error1688criterion is met the master code is also suitable for describing the slave components with sufficient accuracy and encoding of this particular block isfinished after step one as is indicated in Tab.1.If the reconstruction error is to large a recalculation of the gray-scale offset is performed(step2).If still no sufficient approximation is obtained the remaining transform parameters which are the scaling coefficient(step3),the type of isometric transformation(step4),or even the codebook entry itself(step5) are recalculated.In the same way as described above for the RGB space the encoding procedure can also be performed on the basis of the YUV color space.Naturally the luminance component Y is chosen to be the master component whereas the chrominance signals U and V are the slave components.Tab.2depicts for the test image“lena”up to which step the slave code must be refined in order to get a sufficient reconstruction quality for the RGB and YUV color space.One can see that for both color spaces a recalculation of the type of isometric transformation(step4)without also determining a new codebook entry is very rare.Therefore this step may be omitted so that if no sufficient approximation is obtained after determining a new scaling coefficient,a new codebook entry together with an appropriate isometric transformation is selected.Hence,two bits are sufficient for determining the type of slave transformation.component step1step2step3step4step5Y----4096U27238031902V17926492311432G----4096R281308829431402B1120240710014455Tab. 2.Number of slave blocks for which a refinement of the fractal code has to be performed.4.IMPLEMENTATION,RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONSThe reconstruction quality is essentially determined by the number and size of blocks within the image.A variable block size has proven advantageous in comparison to afixed size.As is reported in[10]a coding gain up to3dB can be expected if a variable block segmentation is applied.For the sake of a small segmentation overhead a quadtree partitioning has been chosen which allows to adjust the number and size of image blocks within a wide range.So thefirst step of the encoding process is to determine the number of blocks together with an appropriate block partitioning.If the number of available bits is prescribed, a resulting average number of bits per image block can be calculated.Secondly the size of the codebook isfixed.According to Fig.6high reconstruction quality requires a large codebook but on the other hand for high compression a smaller one proves optimal.No difference between the color components has been made for the scaling coefficients since their quantization turned out to be uncritical as mentioned above.This is not the case for the gray-scale offset.Here the larger portion of available bits is assigned to the luminance or green component.The optimal bit allocation for the gray-scale offset is depicted in Tab.3overall bits forRGB space YUV spacegray-scale offset16R-5/G-6/B-5Y-6/U-5/V-515R-5/G-5/B-5Y-6/U-5/V-414R-5/G-5/B-4Y-6/U-4/V-413R-4/G-5/B-4Y-5/U-4/V-412R-4/G-4/B-4Y-5/U-4/V-311R-4/G-4/B-3Y-5/U-3/V-310R-3/G-4/B-3Y-4/U-3/V-3Tab. 3.Bit allocation for the gray-scale offset.1689codebook entry type of isometry scaling coefficient gray-scale offset type of slave transformmaster component4-1032-44-6-one slavecomponent0,4-100,30,2-40,3-62compression4x4blocks compression8x8blockscompression16x16blocksmin number of bits per block1721:190:1361:1max number of bits per block736:123:184:1Tab.4.Overall bit allocation for master and slave component.Zero bits for some of the encoding parameters of the slave component indicate that the corresponding parameter of the master component is taken.Tab.4summarizes the various bit allocation possibilities which assign at least17and at most73bits to one image block consisting of three different image planes.This results in a compression factor depending on the size of the underlying image block rising from6:1for4by4blocks up to361:1for16x16image blocks.For typical natural test images an average compression factor of20:1to60:1can be obtained with reasonablefidelity.The signal to noise ratio representing the objective picture quality strongly depends on the type of image.It lies between21–24dB for the test image“baboon”and between 28and36dB for the image“lena”.In contrast to the results published in[16]encoding of the RGB components resulted in a slightly better reconstruction quality compared to the YUV components.An additional improvement may be obtained if the master component is permitted to change from block to block,so that for each block that component is regarded as master component which results in the best reconstruction quality.A comparison with the common JPEG algorithm resulted in advantages for the fractal compression scheme if high compression is desired and in slight advantages for JPEG if very good reconstruction is the 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几种典型无线传感器网络定位算法研究朱慧勇【摘要】无线传感器网络中的定位算法根据是否用到测距分为基于测距的定位算法与基于非测距的定位算法.文章根据这两种分类论述了TOA,AOA,TDOA,质心算法、APIT算法、Bounding-Box算法、凸规划算法等几种典型的无线传感器网络定位算法.【期刊名称】《江苏科技信息》【年(卷),期】2017(000)008【总页数】4页(P38-41)【关键词】基于测距的定位算法;基于非测距的定位算法;无线传感器网络【作者】朱慧勇【作者单位】西安铁路职业技术学院,陕西西安710014【正文语种】中文无线传感器网络中常用的测距技术有到达的时间[1](Time of Arrival,TOA),到达的角度[2](Angel of Arrival,AOA),到达的时间差[3](Time Different Of Ar⁃rival,TDOA),接收的信号强度指示[4](Received Sig⁃nal Strength Indicator,RSSI)。








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在这种情况下,我们一般是先给出这些词语在普通情况下的含义,然后用右箭头(-->)表示在SPSS 一些特定的语境中表示的含义。






% of cases 各类别所占百分比1-tailed 单尾的2 Independent Samples 两个独立样本的检验2 Related Samples 两个相关样本检验2-tailed 双尾的3-D (=dimensional) 三维-->三维散点图AAbove 高于Absolute 绝对的-->绝对值Add 加,添加Add Cases 合并个案Add cases from... 从……加个案Add Variables 合并变量Add variables from... 从……加变量Adj.(=adjusted) standardized 调整后的标准化残差Aggregate 汇总-->分类汇总Aggregate Data 对数据进行分类汇总Aggregate Function 汇总函数Aggregate Variable 需要分类汇总的变量Agreement 协议Align 对齐-->对齐方式Alignment 对齐-->对齐方式All 全部,所有的All cases 所有个案All categories equal 所有类别相等All other values 所有其他值All requested variables entered 所要求变量全部引入Alphabetic 按字母顺序的-->按字母顺序列表188Alternative 另外的,备选的Analysis by groups is off 分组分析未开启Analyze 分析-->统计分析Analyze all cases, do not creategroups分析全部个案,不建立分组Annotation 注释ANOVA Table ANOVA 表ANOVA table and eta (对分组变量)进行单因素方差分析并计算其η 值Apply 应用Apply Data Dictionary 应用数据字典Apply Dictionary 应用数据字典Approximately 大约Approximately X% of all cases 从所有个案中随机选择约X%的个案Approximation 近似估计Area 面积Ascend 上升Ascending counts 按频数的升序排列Ascending means 按均值升值排序Ascending values 按变量值的升序排列Assign 指定,分配Assign Rank 1 to 把秩值1 分配给Assume 假定Asymp. Sig.(=Asymptotic Significance) (2-sided)双尾渐近显著性检验Automatic 自动的Automatic Recode 自动重新编码Axis 轴Axis Title 横轴名称BBack 返回-->上一步Backward 向后-->向后剔除法Bar chart 条形图Bar Spacing 条形间距Bars Represent 条的长度所代表的统计量Based on negative ranks 基于负秩Based on time or case range 在给定范围内随机选择个案Below 低于Between Groups (Combined) 组间值Binomial 二项分布Bivariate 双变量的-->双变量相关分析Bivariate Correlations 双变量相关分析Both files provide cases 是由外部文件和当前文件二者都提供个案Bottom 底部-->下边框Break Variable 分类变量Brown-Forsythe Brown-Forsythe 检验Browse 浏览CCache 贮存Cache Data 数据暂存Calculated from data 根据数据计算Cancel 取消Case 个案Case Label 个案标签Case Processing Summary 个案处理概要Casewise 以个案为单位Casewise diagnostics 个案诊断表Categories 分组数,分类变量,分类模式Categorize Variables 变量分类Category 类别-->单元格数据类型Category Axis 分类轴Cell 单元格Cell Display 单元格显示Cell Percentages 在每个单元格中输出百分比Cell Properties 单元格属性Cell Statistics 单元格中的统计量Center 中心-->居中,中间对齐Central Tendency 集中趋势Change 变化,更改Change Summary 改变汇总函数Chart 图表,图形Chart Type 统计图类型Chart values 作图数据选项Charts 确定生成的图形选项Chi-square test 卡方检验Chi-square(χ2)卡方Choose 选择Choose Destination Location 选择安装路径Classify 分类Clear 清除Close 关闭Cluster 群,组,分组Clustered 分组的-->分组条形图Clustered bar charts 分组条形图Cochran's and Mantel-Haenszel statisticsCochran 统计量与Mantel-Haenszel 统计量Cochran's Q Cochran Q 检验Code 编码Coefficient 系数Coefficient statistics 系数统计Collinearity 共线性Collinearity diagnostics 共线性诊断Column 列-->单元格中个案数占列总数的百分比Columns 列数-->显示宽度Comma 逗号-->带逗号的数值型变量Common 共同的Compact 最低要求安装Compare 比较,对比Compare groups 分组对比Compare Means 比较平均数Compare variables 比较变量Complete 完成Compute 计算Concordance 和谐Condition 条件Confidence Interval 置信区间Contingency coefficient 列联相关的C 系数Continue 继续Contrast 对比Control 控制Convert 转换Convert numeric strings to numbers将数值型字符转换为数字Copy 拷贝Copy Objects 拷贝对象Copy old value 拷贝旧变量Correlate 与……相关-->作相关分析Correlation 相关,关联Correlation Coefficient 相关系数Correlations 皮尔逊(Pearson)相关系数Count 个案数,次数,频数Counted value 用于计数的值Covariance 协方差Covariance Matrix 协方差矩阵Covariance ratio 协方差比率Creat new data file 创建新的数据文件Create Time Series 生成时间序列Criteria 标准(复数)Criterion 标准(单数)Cross-product 叉积Cross-product deviation 叉积离差Cross-product deviations andcovariances叉积离差与协方差Crosstab (=Cross-tabulation) 交叉列表Crosstabs 交叉列表(列联表)分析Cum.(=Cumulative) % of cases 累积百分比Cum.(=Cumulative) N of cases 累积频数Cumulative Percent 累计百分比Cumulative Sum 累积和Currency 货币-->货币型变量Current 目前的Current Selections 当前选择Current Settings 目前设置Current Status 目前状态Curve 曲线Curve Estimation 曲线估算Custom 自定义安装Custom Currency 自定义货币记法Cut 剪切Cut point 切分点Cut points for N equal groups 将数据分为N 个个案数相同的组的切分点DData 数据-->数据文件的建立与编辑Data in Chart Are 图中数据为(用于统计量模式的选项)Data View 数据(编辑)窗口Database 数据库,数据文件Date 日期-->日期型变量Decimal 小数-->按小数点对齐Decimals 小数位数Define 定义Define Clusters by 以……定义分组(确定分组变量)Define Dates 定义日期Define Dichotomy 确定二分值Define Groups 确定分组Define Ranges 定义范围Define Sets 定义多选变量集Define Simple Bar 定义简单条形图Define Slices by 以……定义扇形块(确定分块变量)Define Variable Ranges 定义变量范围Degree 度,程度Degrees of freedom 自由度Delete 删除Deleted 删除掉-->删除未选个案,将残差删除Dependent 非独立的,依赖的-->因变量Dependent List 因变量/分析变量列表Derive 推导Derived 推导出的Derived axis 转换轴Descend 下降Descending counts 按频数的降序排列Descending means 按均值的降序列表Descending values 按变量值的降序排列Descriptive 描述性的Descriptive Statistics 描述统计Descriptives 描述统计Destination 目标Deviation 偏差,离差df (=degrees of freedom) 自由度Diagnostics 诊断Dialog 对话(框)Dichotomies 二分变量,二分模式Dichotomy 二分法,二分值,二分变量Dictionary 字典Dictionary 字典Directory 目录Discrete 离散的Discrete missing values 离散缺失值Dispersion 离散趋势Display 显示Display axis line 显示轴线Display chart with case labels 在图中显示个案标签Display clustered bar charts 显示聚类条图Display Data Info 显示数据的基本信息Display derived axis 显示转换轴Display frequencies tables (在输出结果中)显示频数表Display groups defined by missing values对由缺失值定义的组也加以显示Display labels 显示标签Display legend 显示图例Display normal curve 显示正态曲线Display order 输出结果列表顺序Display summary tables 显示提要表Display the ReadMe file now? 是否现在显示软件说明文件Distribution 分布Division 分,除法Do not filter cases 不过滤个案Dollar 元,美元-->带美元符号的数值型变量Dot 圆点,句号-->带圆点的数值型变量Draft output 文本输出文件Drop-line 垂线图Durbin-Watson 系列相关检验,Durbin-Watson 系数EEdit 编辑-->文件编辑Enter 进入-->强行进入法Entry 进入Equal 等于Equal Variances Assumed 等方差假定Equal Variances NotAssumed不假定等方差Equality 相等Estimate 估计-->估计值Eta η系数(用于测量一个定类变量与一个定比/定距变量之间的相关比率)Eta Squared η2Every 每一个Every N labels 每N 个标签Exactly 精确地Exactly M cases from the first Ncases在前N个个案中随机选择M个个案Exclude 排除,拒绝Exclude cases analysis by analysis 剔除分析变量为缺失值的个案Exclude cases listwise 剔除任何含有缺失值的个案Exclude cases listwise withincategories排除分类变量中的缺失值Exclude cases listwise withindichotomies排除二分变量中的缺失值Exclude cases pairwise 剔除参与相关系数计算的两个变量中有缺失值的个案Exclude cases test-by-test 排除对比中的缺失值Excluded Variables 被拒绝变量Existing 现有的Exit 退出Expect 期望Expected 期望的-->期望频次Expected Range 理论分布范围Expected Value 期望值,理论值Exponential 指数的-->指数分布Export model information to XML file将模型的信息输出到XML 文件External file is keyed table 外部文件为关键表Extreme 极端FF F检验的值Factor 因素,因子-->影响因素变量File 文件-->文件操作File is already sorted 数据文件已排序Filter 过滤-->过滤变量Filter variable 过滤变量Filtered 过滤掉的-->生成过滤变量Find 查找Finish 完成First Case 第一个个案(最小值)First value 第一个观测值Fixed and random effects 确定性影响因素和随机影响因素Flag 旗帜,标记;做标记Flag significant correlations 标出达到显著性水平的相关系数Font 字体Footnote 脚注Format 格式Fraction 比率Frame 框,框架Freedom 自由Frequencies 频数分析,按频数作图Frequency 频率,频数Friedman Friedman 检验Function 函数GGallery 美术馆-->图形转换功能Gamma γ等级相关系数General 一般General Linear Model 一般线性模型Get from data 由样本观测值确定Go to Case 查找个案Graph 图形Graphs 统计图Grid 网格Grid line 格线Grid lines 用竖线作刻度标志Group 群,组,分组Group Based on 根据……分组Group Statistics 分组统计分析Grouped Median 分组中位值Grouping Variable 分组变量HHelp 帮助Hidden 隐藏High 最大值Histogram 直方图Homogeneity 同质性-->齐次性Homogeneity of variance 方差齐次性Homogeneity-of-variance 方差齐次性检验Horizontal 水平的,横向的Horizontal Alignment 横向对齐方式Hypothesis 假设IIf condition is satisfied 如果满足一定条件Include 包含,包括Include constant in equation 在方程中包含常数项Increment 增量Independent 独立的-->自变量Independent List 自变量/分组变量列表Independent-Samples T Test 独立样本的T 检验Independent-Samples Test 独立样本检验Indicate 指明,标明Indicate case source as variable 生成一个表明个案来源的变量Individual 单个,个体Influence 影响Influence Statistics 影响因素统计量Info (=Information) 信息Information 信息Inner 里面的Inner Frame 内框-->给图形增加内框Input Variable 输入变量Insert 插入Inside 在(某范围)之内Install (动) 安装Installation (名) 安装Into Different Variables 用重新编码的变量生成一个新变量Into Same Variables 用重新编码的变量取代原变量JJustification 对齐方式K K Independent Samples K 个独立样本检验Kappa κ系数Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance肯德尔和谐系数Kendall's tau-b 肯得尔等级相关τ-b系数Kendall's tau-c 肯得尔等级相关τ-c系数Kendall's W Kendall W 检验Key 关键的Key Variables 关键变量Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米诺夫Z 检验Kruskal-Wallis H Kruskal-Wallis H检验(用秩的平方和检验)Kurtosis 峰度,峰度系数LLabel 标签-->变量名标签Label Cases by 以……为个案标签Label Text 标签文字Lambda λ系数Largest value 最大值Last Case 最后一个个案(最大值)Last value 最后一个观测值Launch 开始Launch tutorial now? 现在开始看使用辅导Layer 层-->层变量Left 左-->居左,左对齐Left/bottom 左下Legend 图例Legend Title 图例标题Less 较少,较小Less than 小于Levene StatisticLevene’s Test for Equality ofVariances方差齐性检验License 许可,授权Likelihood 似然性Likelihood Ratio 似然比卡方Line 行,线-->线形图197Line Represents 单线条所代表的统计量Line Style 线型Linear 线性Linear model 线性模型Linear Regression 线性回归分析,线性回归模型Lines Represent 多线条所代表的统计量List 列表Listwise 整个数据表Location 位置Log 对数-->对数尺度Lose 丢失Lost 丢失掉Low 最小值Lower 下限Lower Bound 下限Lowest through X 从最小值到X LSD (=Least-significance difference) 能达到显著性水平的最小差异MMajor 主要的Major Divisions 大分度Mann-Whitney U 曼-维特尼U 检验(用秩和检验的方法进行)Margin 边距Margins 边距设置Marker 标记,标志Match 匹配Match cases on key variables in sorted files 按排序的关键变量匹配个案Match variables across response sets输出与多选变量进行交叉分析的匹配变量的选择数和以选择总数为基础计算的边缘频率分布Matrix 矩阵-->矩阵散点图Maximum 最小值McNemar 麦克讷马Mean 均值Mean Difference 均值差Mean of Values 变量值的平均数Mean Rank 平均秩和Mean Square 平均平方和Means 平均数分析Means and standard deviations 均值与标准差Means plot 均值分布图Measure 测量-->测量层次198Measurement level 测量层次Measures of AssociationMedian 中位数-->中位数检验法Median of Values 变量值的中位数Merge 合并Merge Files 合并(数据)文件Method 方法Minimum 最大值Minor 次要的Minor Divisions 小分度Missing 缺失,变量的缺失值Missing value 缺失值Missing Value Analysis 缺失值分析Mix 混合Mixed 混合的-->混合对齐Mode 众数Mode of Values 变量值的众数Model 模型Model fit 模型配置Model Summary 模型概要More 更多(选项)Moses 莫西Moses extreme reactions 莫西极值反应Most Extreme 最极值Mult (=Multiple) Response Sets 多选变量集Multiple 多个-->多线图Multiple Response 多选变量分析Multiple Variables 多变量选项NN (=Number) 个案数N of cases 各类别的频数Name 名称-->变量名Name & Label 名称与标签Name Variable 名称变量Negative 负Negative Difference 负差Negative Rank 负秩Network 网络New 新的-->新建(各种文件)New Value 新值New Working Data File 新的当前数据文件Next 下一个-->下一步No 否,无199No missing values 无缺失值Nominal 定类变量Nominal by Interval 定类变量与定距变量间的相关系数None 无Nonlinear 非线性的-->非线性模型Nonparametric 非参数的Nonparametric Tests 非参数检验Normal 正态的-->正态分布Normal curve 正态曲线Normal probability plot 残差的正态概率图Notation 记号,记法Note 便条Notes 说明文字Number 数字,编号-->数字型变量Number Above 大于设定值的个案数Number Below 小于设定值的个案数Number of Cases 个案数目,频数Number of Runs 游程数Numeric 数值的-->标准数值型变量OObject 对象Observation 观察,观测-->样本观测值Observed 观测到的-->观测到的频次Observed Prop. (=proportion) 观察到的比例Odds 几率Off 关闭,未开启Offset from 距离OK 行了-->执行Old and New Values 新旧变量值的转换Old Value 旧值Omit 省略,略去On 开启One Sample T Test 单样本T 检验One-sample K-S(Kolmogorov-Smirnov) test单样柯尔莫哥洛夫-斯米诺夫检验One-Sample Statistics 单样本统计量One-Sample Test 单样本检验One-tailed 单尾的-->单尾检验One-Way ANOVA 简单方差分析Open 打开Open an existing data source 打开现存的数据文件Open another type of file 打开另一种类型的数据文件Open File 打开文档200Option 选择,先项Options 先项Order 顺序Order by 排序选项Ordinal 定序变量Organization 组织Organize 组织(动)Organize output by groups 按分组变量组织输出Organize output by variables 各变量单独输出Orientation 定向Other summary function 其它汇总函数Outer 外面的Outer Frame 外框-->给图形增加外框Outlier 远离中心者-->远离均值的值Outliers outside X standard deviations离均值X 个标准差之外的值Output 输出-->输出文件Output file specification 规定输出文件Output Variable 输出变量Output variables are strings 输出变量是字符型变量Outside 在(某范围)之外Overlay 重叠-->重叠散点图PPackage 包Pair 对,一对Paired 已配对的Paired Sample Correlations 配对样本相关系数Paired Sample Statistics 配对样本统计分析Paired Sample Test 配对样本检验Paired Variables 已配对样本Paired-Samples T Test 配对样本的t检验Pairwise 成对地Parameter 参数Parametric 参数的Part and partial correlations 部分相关与偏相关系数Part correlation 部分相关系数Partial 部分,偏Partial correlation 偏相关系数Paste 粘贴PC (=personal computer) 个人电脑Pct (=Percent) 百分比Pearson 皮尔逊Pearson Chi-Square 皮尔逊卡方值201Pearson Correlation 皮尔逊相关系数Percentage 百分比Percentage Above 大于设定值的个案的百分比Percentage Below 小于设定值的个案的百分比Percentages 按百分比作图Percentages Based on 百分比基于……Percentile 百分位数Percentile Values 百分位数选项栏Percents and totals based onrespondents百分比与总数基于回答者人数Personal 个人的-->个人安装Personal or Shared Installation 个人或共享安装Phi and Cramér's V 列联相关的V系数Pie chart 圆饼图,圆形图Pivot 支点,枢轴,在枢轴上的旋转运动-->表格转置(行列互换)Plot 绘图,图形Point 点Poisson 泊桑-->泊桑分布Positive 正Positive Difference 正差Positive Rank 正秩Post Hoc 发生于其后者-->确定均值有差别后的多重比较Predict 预测Predicted 预测的Predicted Values 预测值Prediction Intervals 预测区间Predictor 预测变量Preview 预览Print 打印Print Preview 打印预览Probability 概率Process 处理Processor 处理器Produce 产生,生成Provide 提供pt.(=point) 点-->象素点QQuartile 四分位数RR squared change R2 变化202Random 随机的Random Number 随机数Random Number Seed 随机数初始值Random sample of cases 随机选择个案样本Range 范围,全距,极差Range of Grouping Variable 分组变量值的范围Range of missing values 缺失值范围Rank 秩Rank Assigned to Ties 对同值的秩的分配方法选项Rank Cases 对个案排秩Rank Types 秩变量类型Ratio 比率Read 读Read File 读取文件Read Text Data 读入文本格式的数据ReadMe 软件说明文件Ready 准备好了Ready to Install Files 准备安装界面Recent 最近Recently Used Data 最近用过的数据(文件)Recently Used Files 最近用过的文件Recode 重新编码Redo 恢复-->恢复上一步被撤销的操作Reference 参考,参照Reference Line 参照线Refresh 刷新Regression 回归Regression Standardized Residual 回归分析的标准化残差Remote 远程Remote server 远程服务器Removal 剔除Remove 取消-->删除Rename 重命名Replace 替换Replace Missing Values 替换缺失值Replace with mean 用平均值代替(缺失值)Replace working data file 替代当前的数据文件Report 报告Represent 代表Request 要求Reset 重设Residual 残余的,残余物-->残差Residual Statistics 残差统计表Response 回答203Right 右-->居右,右对齐Right/top 右上Row 行-->单元格中个案数占行总数的百分比Row Order 行序(行的排列顺序)Run 执行Run Pending Transforms 运行等待中的转换Runs 游程Runs Test 游程检验SS.E. mean 均值的标准误S.E. of mean predictions 对均值标准误的预测Sample 样本Sample size 样本大小Satisfy 满足Save 保存Save As 另存为Save number of case in break group as variable存储各分组变量的个案数Save standardized values as variables 将标准分存为新变量Save to New File 存为新文档Scale 尺度-->定距/定比变量Scatter 驱散-->散点Scatterplot 散点图Scientific 科学的Scientific Notation 科学计数法Script 程序Seed 种子-->初始值Select 选择Selected Label 选定的标签Selection Variable 选择变量Sequential 序列的Sequential ranks to unique values 相同值的秩次取第一个出现的秩次值Serial 系列的Serial Number 系列号Series 系列Series Displayed as 图形转换选项Server 服务器Set 集,集合Set Definition 多选变量集的定义Set Markers by 以……为标志Setting 设置204Setup 安装Setup Complete 完成安装界面Setup Type 安装类型Shade 阴影Shading 阴影设置Share 共享Show 显示Sig. (=significance) 显著性,显著性水平Sign 符号-->符号检验法Significance level 显著性水平Simple 简单的-->简单条形图,单线图,简单散点图Skewness 偏度,偏度系数Slice 片,块-->扇形块Smallest value 最小值Social Science 社会科学Software 软件Software License Agreement 软件授权使用协议Somers' d Somers 等级相关d 系数Sort 分类,排序Sort Cases 对个案进行归类、排序Sort order 排序规则Sort the file by grouping variables 按分组变量对数据文件进行排序Source 来源Specific 专门的,特定的Specific Values 专门值Specification 规定,规格Split 分割Split Files 分割文件SPSS (Statistical Package for SocialSciences)社会科学统计软件包SPSS Data Editor 数据窗口编辑界面SPSS/PC(for DOS) DOS 版个人电脑用SPSSStacked 分段条的-->分段条形图Standard deviation 标准差Standard Error of the Estimate 估计值的标准误Standardized 标准化的-->标准化残差Standardized Coefficient 标准化(回归)系数Standardized Residual Plots 标准化残差图Standardized value 标准分Statistic 统计量Statistical 统计的Statistics 统计学,统计量(复数) Statistics for First Layer 第一层分组的统计量205Status 状态Std. Error Difference 标准误之差Std.(=Standard) Deviation 标准差Step 步Stepping 分步引入或剔除变量Stepping Method Criteria 变量引入模型或从模型中剔除的判断标准Stepwise 逐步-->逐步进入法Stop 停止,中断String 字符串-->字符型变量Studentized 将残差学生化Studentized deleted 将残差学生化并删除Style 风格,形式-->线型Subtitle 副标题Sum 总和Sum of Ranks 秩和Sum of Squares 总平方和Sum of Squares and Cross-products离差平方和与叉积和Sum of Values 变量值的和Summaries for groups of cases 个案组概要(变量值模式)Summaries of separate variables不同变量的概要(变量模式)Summary 概要-->统计概要Summary Function for SelectedVariables选定变量的概要函数Suppress 压制,禁止Suppress table 隐藏表格Suppress tables with more than Ncategories分组数大于N 时禁止频数表在结果中输出Switch 切换Syntax 语句-->语句文件System 系统System-missing 系统缺失值System-or User-missing 系统或用户缺失值Tt t统计量T test T 检验Table 表格Tables for 为(某变量)列表-->多选变量分析中要分析的变量Tail 尾Template 模板Tendency 趋势Test 检验206Test distribution is Normal 待检分布为正态分布Test for linearity 检验线性相关Test Homogeneity of Variances 方差齐次性检验Test of Significance 显著性检验Test Pair List 待检变量对列表Test Prop.(=proportion) 待检比例Test Proportion 待检概率Test Type 检验类型,检验方法Test Value 待检值Test Variable 分析变量,待检变量Test Variable List 待检变量列表Tests for Several Independent Samples多个独立样本检验Tick 标记Tick mark 标记Tick marks 用点作刻度标志Tick marks for skipped labels 给被越过的标签作标记Tie 同值-->相等的秩,无差(相等)Time 时间-->时间型变量Time Series 时间系列Title 标题Title Justification 标题对齐方式,标题位置Top 顶部-->上边框Total 总数-->单元格中个案数占个案总数的百分比Transform 转换-->数据转换Transpose 转置Transpose Rows and Columns 行列互换Transposition 转置(名)t-test for Equality of Means 均值相等的t 检验Tutorial 辅导-->使用辅导Two Independent Samples 两个独立样本的检验Two-Related-Samples Tests 两个相关样本检验Two-tailed 双尾的-->双尾检验Type 类型-->变量类型Typical 典型安装UUncertainty 不确定性Uncertainty coefficient 不定系数Undo 撤销-->撤销上一步操作Uniform 均匀的-->均匀分布Unique 唯一的Unpaired 不匹配207Unpaired variable 不匹配变量Unselected 未被选择的Unselected Case Are 未被选中的个案的处理方法选项Unstandardized 非标准化的-->非标准化残差Unstandardized Coefficient 非标准化(回归)系数Untransposed 未被转置的Unweighted 不加权的-->不加权的个案数Unweighted missing 不加权的缺失值数Upper 上限Upper Bound 上限Use chart specifications from用……的图形规格Use F value 以F 值为标准Use filter variable 使用过滤变量Use probability of F 以F 的概率为标准Use specified range 使用特定的范围Use specified values 使用给定的变量值User 用户User Information 用户信息界面Utilities 实用程序Utility 利用,用途VValid 有效的Valid Cases 有效个案Valid Percent 有效百分比Value 值Value label 变量值标签Values 变量值标签Values are group midpoints 取值为各组中点Values are grouped midpoints 变量值为各组中点Values of individual cases 个案值(观测值模式)Variable 变量Variable label 变量名标签Variable list 变量列表,按变量顺序列表Variable Name and Label 变量名称与标签Variable View 变量(编辑)窗口Variables Are Coded As 变量编码方式Variables Entered/Removed 引入或剔除的变量Variables in Set (多选变量)集中的变量Variance 方差Vertical 垂直的,纵向的Vertical Alignment 纵向对齐方式View 观看-->窗口外观控制Viewer 浏览器208WWeigh Cases 给变量加权Weight 重量,轻重-->线的粗细Weight Estimation 权重估计Weighted 加权的-->加权的个案数Weighted missing 加权的缺失值数Welch Welch 检验Welcome 欢迎(界面)Width 宽度Wilcoxon Wilcoxon 检验(用符号秩检验)Wilcoxon Signed Rank TestWilcoxon 符号秩检验Wilcoxon W 威尔科克松W 检验Window 窗口-->窗口控制Windows 视窗With normal curve 加上正态曲线Within Groups 组内值Working 当前正在用的Working Data File is keyed table当前数据文件为关键表Working Date File 当前数据文件XX Axis X 轴X through highest 从X 到最大值X through Y 从X 到YYY Axis Y 轴Yes 是ZZ Z检验值Z Approximation Z 近似估计。



临床医学China &Foreign Medical Treatment 中外医疗睾丸穿刺取精及手淫射出精子行ICSI 治疗结局的比较分析叶宇,甄国志,麦福劲,甄锦壮,林冰广东医科大学顺德妇女儿童医院(佛山市顺德区妇幼保健院)生殖科,广东佛山 528300[摘要] 目的 比较睾丸穿刺取精及手淫射出精子进行卵胞浆内单精子注射(intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI )的临床结局。

方法 方便选取2020年3月—2021年3月来广东医科大学顺德妇女儿童医院进行治疗的不育症患者332例作为研究对象。

根据取精方式的不同分为睾丸穿刺取精组(A 组,n =64)和手淫射出精子组(B 组,n =268),女方常规超排卵和取卵,成熟卵子行ICSI 注射,比较两组患者的正常受精率、正常卵裂率、可利用胚胎率、优质胚胎率、临床妊娠率。

结果 两组正常受精率、正常卵裂率、可利用胚胎率、优质胚胎率,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05),A 组临床妊娠率73.44%高于B 组57.46%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.519,P =0.019)。

结论 对于不育的男性能够通过一些技术孕育下一代,对不育男性采用睾丸中取出精子的方式可以有效改善患者不育现状,帮助患者繁育下一代,在临床治疗不育症中效果良好。

[关键词] 睾丸取出精子;手淫射出精子;临床妊娠率[中图分类号] R698.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2023)04(c)-0065-04Comparative Analysis of the Outcome of ICSI Treatment for Testicular Puncture and Ejaculation Sperm by MasturbationYE Yu, ZHEN Guozhi, MAI Fujin, ZHEN Jinzhuang, LIN BingDepartment of Reproductive Medicine, Shunde Women and Children's Hospital of Guangdong Medical University (Foshan Shunde District Maternal and Child Health Hospital), Foshan, Guangdong Province, 528300 China[Abstract] Objective To compare the clinical outcomes of intracytoplasmic single sperm injection (ICSI) between tes⁃ticular puncture and ejaculated sperm by masturbation. Methods A total of 332 infertile patients who received treat⁃ment in Shunde Women and Children's Hospital of Guangdong Medical University from March 2020 to March 2021 were conveniently selected as subjects. According to different methods of sperm extraction, they were divided into tes⁃tis puncture group (group A, n =64) and masturbation ejaculation sperm group (group B, n =268). The woman under⁃went routine superovulation and ovulation, and the mature ovum underwent ICSI injection. The normal fertilization rate, normal cleavage rate, available embryo rate, high-quality embryo rate and clinical pregnancy rate were compared between the two groups. Results There was no statistically significant difference in the normal fertilization rate, normal cleavage rate, available embryo rate, high-quality embryo rate in two groups (P >0.05). The clinical pregnancy rate of the group A was 73.44%, which was higher than that of the group B (57.46%), and the difference was statistically sig⁃nificant (χ2=5.519, P =0.019). Conclusion For infertile men, the next generation can be conceived through some tech⁃nologies. The method of removing sperm from testicles for infertile men can effectively improve the status quo of infer⁃tility in patients and help patients to breed the next generation, which has a good effect in the clinical treatment of in⁃fertility.[Key words] Sperm removal from testis; Masturbation ejaculation sperm; Clinical pregnancy rate DOI :10.16662/ki.1674-0742.2023.12.065[作者简介] 叶宇(1986-),男,本科,主治医师,主要从事生殖男科及泌尿外科工作。

System and method for narrowband pre-detection sig

System and method for narrowband pre-detection sig

专利名称:System and method for narrowband pre-detection signal processing for passivecoherent location applications发明人:Kevin W. Baugh,Robert H. Benner申请号:US10878170申请日:20040628公开号:US07019692B2公开日:20060328专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A system and method for narrowband pre-detection signal processing inpassive coherent location applications is disclosed. A receiving subsystem receives areference signal and a target signal from an uncontrolled transmitter. The target signal is reflected from a target. The passive coherent location system includes subprocessors that perform pre-detection operations on the reference and target signals. The functions include zero-doppler cancellation, quadrature demodulation, reference beam regeneration, coherent processing interval selection, power spectral density estimation, cross ambiguity function formation, and the like. Within these operations, the reference signal is filtered with respect to the target signal to form a first output reference signal. The first output reference signal is combined with the first target signal to form a first output target signal. The output target signal then is used for subsequent passive coherent location processing operations. The filter is updated with respect to a difference between the target signal and a subsequent target signal. Further, two paths are used for correlation processing of the reference and target signals.申请人:Kevin W. Baugh,Robert H. Benner地址:Gaithersburg MD US,Gaithersburg MD US国籍:US,US代理机构:Marsh Fischmann & Breyfogle LLP更多信息请下载全文后查看。



2024年第48卷第1期Journal of Mechanical Transmission基于无迹卡尔曼滤波算法的喷涂机器人末端位姿补偿系统丁江1崔家旭1左启阳2,3陈海伦2,3周伟2何凯2,3(1 广西大学机械工程学院,广西南宁530004)(2 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,广东深圳518055)(3 深圳市精密工程重点实验室,广东深圳518055)摘要喷涂建筑机器人在进行建图时无法将地面平整度的信息包含在地图中。





关键词无迹卡尔曼滤波位移测量传感器陀螺仪误差补偿喷涂夹具End Pose Compensation System of Spraying Robots Based on UnscentedKalman Filter AlgorithmDing Jiang1Cui Jiaxu1Zuo Qiyang2,3Chen Hailun2,3Zhou Wei2He Kai2,3(1 School of Mechanical Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China)(2 Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China)(3 Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Precision Engineering, Shenzhen 518055, China)Abstract The spraying construction robot is unable to include information about ground leveling in the map when it is created, and when the robot operates according to the built map, the spraying clamping fixture at the working end of the spraying construction robot can not be parallel to the wall due to the lack of ground information. In order to compensate the posture error of the spraying fixture relative to the wall, a multi-sensor fusion method is proposed based on the unscented Kalman filter to compensate the posture of the spraying fixture.The state equation of the fixture posture is constructed from the data measured by the displacement measurement sensor, the equation of fixture posture measurement is constructed from the data measured by the gyroscope, and the optimal estimation of the fixture posture is obtained by using the unscented Kalman filter algorithm and transferring them to the robot, so as to achieve the purpose of compensating the posture error of the spraying fixture. Finally, the experimental platform is built to verify the feasibility of the error compensation system. The experimental results show that the positional error between the spraying fixture and the wall after error compensation is reduced to 0.005°.Key words Unscented Kalman filter Displacement measurement sensor Gyroscope Error compensa⁃tion Spraying fixture0 引言随着装修成本的增加和机器人自动化技术的快速发展,使用机器人代替人工自主进行装修工作将成为必然趋势[1]。

stata coundlt find initial value -回复

stata coundlt find initial value -回复

stata coundlt find initial value -回复Stata is a statistical software package widely used by researchers and professionals in the field of economics, sociology, political science, and other social sciences. It provides a platform for analyzing data, running statistical tests, and creating comprehensive reports. However, occasionally, users may encounter an error message stating "Stata couldn't find initial value," which can be frustrating and confusing. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this error message and provide step-by-step solutions to resolve it.To start, it's important to understand why this error occurs in the first place. Stata uses iterative algorithms in certain procedures, such as regression analysis, to estimate parameters and identify a starting value that optimizes the equation being estimated. However, if the starting value is far from the optimal solution, the algorithm may struggle to converge, resulting in the "Stata couldn't find initial value" error message.There are several potential reasons why this error occurs, and we will discuss each one, along with their corresponding solutions, in detail:1. Outliers in the data: Outliers are extreme values that deviate significantly from the overall pattern of the data. Having outliers in the dataset can disrupt the estimation process and result in Stata failing to find an initial value. To address this issue, it is important to identify and examine potential outliers in the data. By removing or adjusting these extreme values, the estimation process can be improved.2. Incomplete or missing data: Another possible reason for the error message is incomplete or missing data. Stata needs complete data to accurately estimate parameters. If a variable has missing values, it can lead to difficulty in finding an initial value. One solution is to impute missing values using appropriate methods, such as mean substitution or multiple imputation. Alternatively, you can consider excluding cases with missing data, depending on the specific analysis and research question.3. Incorrect specification of the model: Sometimes, users may specify the model incorrectly, which can lead to difficulties in finding an initial value. Check the syntax and specification of your model. Ensure that you have correctly defined the variables andtheir relationships. If needed, consult relevant literature or seek guidance from experts to ensure that your model is correctly specified.4. Nonconvergence due to large or complicated models: Large or complex models may require more computational power and time to converge. Stata has a set of default settings for iteration limits, precision, and other parameters that might not be appropriate for your specific analysis. You can try adjusting these parameters to allow for more iterations, higher precision, or different optimization algorithms. This can be done using the "set" command in Stata. However, be cautious in making such adjustments as it may affect the validity and accuracy of the estimates.5. Data transformation: Transforming variables can sometimes alleviate the nonconvergence issue. For example, if certain variables have a skewed distribution or if a relationship appears to be nonlinear, applying appropriate transformations like logarithmic or power transformations can help to achieve convergence.6. Consult Stata resources and support: Stata provides extensive documentation, manuals, and online resources to assist users introubleshooting errors and resolving issues. The Stata website, forums, and user groups are valuable sources of information and support. If you encounter the "Stata couldn't find initial value" error, check the Stata documentation and explore the available resources for guidance specific to your situation.In conclusion, the "Stata couldn't find initial value" error message can occur due to various factors such as outliers, missing data, incorrect model specification, large or complicated models, or issues related to data transformations. By carefully examining your data, refining your model specification, adjusting computational settings, and seeking guidance from Stata resources and support, you can overcome this error and successfully estimate the parameters of interest. Remember that troubleshooting errors in statistical software is a common part of the research process, and with a systematic approach, you can overcome these challenges and continue your analysis effectively.。



第35卷第1期2021年2月空军预警学院学报Journal of Air Force Early Warning AcademyV ol.35No.1Feb.2021收稿日期:2020-09-14作者简介:晏冲(1994-),男,助理工程师,硕士,主要从事雷达及电子战系统研究.运用权值微扰技术的雷达抗多窄带干扰方法晏冲,邱乾新(95668部队,昆明650299)摘要:在自适应波束形成中,导向矢量的失配将严重影响波束方向图和干扰抑制效果;在雷达抗多窄带干扰问题中,频率偏移引起的导向矢量失配将使自适应波束形成的干扰零陷产生偏移,影响抗干扰效果.基于权值微扰技术,提出在零陷偏移处形成宽零陷,使偏移后的零陷包含干扰波达方向,拒干扰于雷达之外.仿真结果表明,该方法能有效解决多窄带干扰问题.关键词:自适应波束形成;雷达抗干扰;权值微扰中图分类号:TN911文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-5839(2021)01-0016-04阵列信号处理[1-3]主要包含空间谱估计技术[4-6]和自适应波束形成技术[6-7]2个方面的内容.无论是空间谱估计技术还是自适应波束形成技术,其理论推导过程中都离不开阵列信号的导向矢量[1].信号的导向矢量不仅和阵列信号的入射方向有关,还和信号的波长以及阵列阵元间距有关,自适应波束形成技术中,一般要求雷达阵元间距不得大于接收信号的半波长,防止天线方向图出现栅瓣.因此,雷达天线阵元间距一旦确定,该雷达就只能接收某个特定频段的信号.空域自适应波束形成技术通常适用于窄带信号,并以信号波长为导向矢量计算自适应的权值.当空中存在多部干扰机,分别用窄带干扰对具有不同工作载频的雷达进行干扰时,会导致雷达空域滤波抗干扰算法性能的下降.为解决该问题,可以通过在干扰处形成宽零陷的方法解决.文献[8]对宽零陷进行了研究,并提出了零陷加宽的解决方案.文献[9-10]分别从统计模型和干扰信号导向矢量的左右旋转出发,推导出了干扰正态分布特性时的零陷加宽技术.本文基于权值微扰[11]在干扰处形成零陷加宽技术[12],当自适应波束形成技术生成的零陷产生偏移时使其依旧在宽零陷内,达到抑制干扰的目的.1零陷偏移问题描述设载频分别为f 1和f 2的2部雷达受到空中2部干扰机的干扰,干扰1、干扰2分别为以f 1、f 2为中心频率的窄带干扰.雷达1进行空域自适应波束形成时,对干扰1能够较好地形成零陷,对干扰2也可以形成零陷,但抗干扰效果较差.这是因为干扰2的中心频率与雷达1波束形成期望信号频率存在较大差异,其导向矢量失配,导致自适应波束形成方法在干扰2方向形成的零陷与真实干扰角度之间存在偏移,进而使雷达1抗干扰性能严重下降.同样,雷达2在波束形成时也存在着同样的问题.干扰1雷达1雷达2图1雷达多窄带干扰示意图1.1阵列模型设一均匀线阵,有N 个各向同性阵元,间距为d =λ/2(λ为信号波长).当天线阵列接收到P 个远场信号时,其入射角分别为θ1、θ2、 、θP ,则天线阵列在t 时刻收到的回波信号可以表示为x (t )=A (θ)s (t )+n (t )(1)式中,A (θ)为阵列天线导向矢量矩阵,s (t )为P ´1维信号矢量;n (t )为P ´1维噪声矢量.A (θ)的表达式为A (θ)=[a (θ1)a (θ2) a (θi ) a (θP )](2)式中,a (θi )表示第i 个信源的导向矢量,a (θi )=[1ej2πd sin θi /λej(N -1)2πd sin θi /λ]T.接收数据x (t )的协方差矩阵可表示为R x =E[x (t )x H (t )]=A (θ)R s A H (θ)+σ2I(3)式中,H 表示矩阵或向量的共轭转置,R s 为信号协方差矩阵,σ2为白噪声功率,I 是M 维的单DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-5839.2021.01.005第1期晏冲,等:运用权值微扰技术的雷达抗多窄带干扰方法17位阵.当采用采样矩阵求逆(SMI)方法对阵列进行波束形成时,其权矢量表达式为w SMI =R -1x a (θ0)/(a H (θ0)R -1x a (θ0))(4)式中θ0是期望信号波达方向.1.2零陷偏移问题通过式(4)的权矢量形成的方向图,其主波束指向θ0,在干扰方向自适应地形成零陷,自适应波束形成算法中所用的导向矢量a (θ)中,λ的值为雷达工作频段中心频率所对应的波长,阵元间距d 常取为波长λ的一半.对于阵列天线,当阵元间距确定后,不能再更改.干扰信号频率和期望信号频率不一致时,其波长和阵元间距的比值将发生变化,致使导向矢量和自适应权值发生变化,自适应波束形成的零陷位置和干扰入射的位置对应不上,干扰抑制能力严重下降.本文结合仿真对其进行说明.设均匀等距线阵有20个阵元,阵元间距为半波长;期望信号来波方向为0°,其信噪比为10dB ;有5个干扰,其来波方向为30°,干噪比为30dB ;期望信号是频率为3000MHz 的S 波段信号,快拍数为1030,Monte Carlo 仿真次数为10.当5个干扰信号的频率分别为2400、2700、3000、3300、3600MHz 时零陷偏移的仿真结果如图2所示.归一化幅度/dB角度/( )-7-6-5-4-3-2-12400MHz干扰2700MHz干扰3000MHz干扰3300MHz干扰3600MHz干扰图2零陷偏移的仿真结果自适应波束形成的目的是在干扰入射方向处产生零陷以抑制干扰,所以对于30°方向的干扰,自适应波束形成后的方向图应当在30°处形成零陷.由图2可知,对于5个频率不同的干扰,自适应波束形成的方向图中,只有与期望信号频率3000MHz 相同的干扰在30°方向上产生了零陷,其他干扰则没有;干扰频率比期望信号小的往左偏移,干扰信号频率比期望信号大的往右偏移,在30°方向不能形成较深的零陷;阵元间距和波长的比值相差0.1,零陷位置偏移3.2°左右.这说明雷达干扰抑制能力严重下降.2宽零陷波束形成方法2.1权值微扰技术权值微扰技术通过对阵列天线常用静态权值作微小扰动,在指定方向上形成零陷的同时不改变原有方向图,保留了天线发射波束的优良性能.权值微扰可对微扰后的方向图线性化近似,这有利于权值优化求解,可以在指定方向快速形成零陷.阵列天线被自适应权矢量加权后的方向图函数可以表示为G (θ)=w H a (θ)(5)式中w 为普通自适应波束形成的权矢量.阵元权值微扰技术原理如下:在原来的权向量基础上,对阵元权值进行微小扰动,使得在指定角度方向区域,各阵元辐射能量的贡献值总和接近零.由式(5)出发,设微扰后阵列权值为w p ,要使微扰后阵列在空间θ方向形成零陷,阵列天线权值微扰后的方向图G p (θ)应满足:G p (θ)=w Hp a (θ)=0(6)令D w 为权值的扰动量,阵列原来权值为w 0,则有w p =w 0+D w .分解式(6),可得G p (θ)=G 0(θ)+D w H a (θ)(7)式中G 0(θ)为普通自适应波束形成阵列方向图函数.当要在M 个方向θ=[θ1 θ2 θM ]形成零陷时,可引入一个小值向量ε=[ε1 ε2 εM ]对每个方向上零陷深度进行控制,将ε作为阵列在置零方向的辐射功率期望值,εi (i =1 2 M )取不同的值就可实现对第i 个控零角度方向上零陷深度的控制,即G p (θ)=G 0(θ)+D w H a (θ)=ε(8)在阵列原方向图基础上进行权值微扰在指定方向控零后,为了保持原方向图的优良性能,就要使微扰后的方向图在其它方向的波束形状改变尽量小,即要求G p (θ)与G 0(θ)尽量接近.考虑到方向图的改变是由权值的扰动引起的,可以对权值扰动量进行极小值优化.2.2权值微扰技术求解方法根据权值扰动后的方向图函数表示式(6)可知阵列天线波束在θm (m =1 M )方向增益的平方为|G p (θm )|2=w Hp a (θm )a H (θm )w p (9)则指定方向控零的约束条件式等价于:åm =1M|G p (θm )|2=åm =1Mw H p a (θm )a (θm )H w p =ε(10)当在θm (m =1 2 M )方向要形成零陷宽度为D θm 的宽零陷时,式(10)应写成空军预警学院学报2021年18åm =1M|G p (θm )|2=åm =1Mθm-D θm/2θm +D θm /2w H p a (θ)a (θ)H w p d θ =ε(11)分离开微扰后权值w p ,考虑到求和公式与积分号可互换位置,引入约束矩阵Q =åm =1Mθm-D θm/2θm +D θm /2a (θ)a H(θ)d θ(12)则式(11)可写成w Hp Qw p =ε(13)显然,Q 是一个N ´N 维Hermitian 矩阵,对Q 进行特征值分解,可表示为Q =ΓΛΓH(14)式中,Γ为Q 的特征向量构成的酉矩阵;Λ是Q 的特征值对角阵,Λ=diag(λ1 λ2 λN ).最小权值扰动量优化模型可理解为:在需要形成零陷方向区域的辐射功率积分小于某个常向量ε的约束条件下,找到一个权向量w p ,使它最接近初始权向量w 0.事实上,可通过对矩阵Q 的一组特征向量的约束代替式(13)的约束.在理想情况下,应当约束阵列天线经扰动后的权值,使阵列在所关心的一定宽度的空间区域内有零响应,因此约束条件式(13)可等价为w Hp e i =εii =1 2 M(15)式中e i 为约束矩阵Q 的第i 个特征向量.事实上,矩阵Q 较大的特征值与零陷的个数M 有关,如果选择一个合适n ,使M £n £N ,就可以保证阵列在所关心的干扰空间区域上有近似零响应[12].通过仿真验证,取n =M +2即可满足控零要求,权值优化问题就转化为线性约束的极小化优化模型,即min ||w p -w 0|| 2s.t. w H p e i =εi i =1 2 n}(16)当微扰权值w p 是复权值时,对上述模型求解需要复数运算,将w p 分解成实部Re(w p )和虚部Im(w p )按式(16)即可计算出阵列微扰后权值w p .3仿真结果仿真条件:设均匀等距线阵有20个阵元,阵元间距为半波长;期望信号来波方向为0°,是频率为3000MHz 的S 波段信号,其信噪比为10dB ;有3个干扰,其来波方向均为30°,频率分别2700、3000、3300MHz ,干噪比为30dB ;快拍数为400,Monte Carlo 仿真次数为10.仿真结果如图3所示(黑线部分是二次约束零陷加宽法[13]).由图3可知,常规自适应波束形成方法形成的方向图中,只有和期望信号频率相同的干扰在30°方向形成了零陷,而和期望信号有频率偏差的2个干扰由于零陷偏移,其波束方向图不仅没有在30°处产生零陷,反而在30°处形成旁瓣峰值.而基于权值干扰技术的宽零陷形成方法在干扰处形成宽零陷,即使零陷产生偏移,其依旧能够在30°处形成零陷,达到抑制干扰的目的.本文方法中,零陷的深度和ε的取值有关,同时其宽零陷的形成会消耗阵元自由度.与二次约束零陷加宽法相比,在相同条件下,本文方法在干扰处零陷的零陷更深,抗干扰效果更好,但是在非干扰方向波形保持相对较差,有待进一步提高.角度/( )归一化幅度/dB-1-1-2700MHz干扰3000MHz干扰3300MHz干扰宽零陷形成方法二次约束零陷加宽法图3宽零陷波束形成的仿真结果4结束语本文对抗多窄带干扰中存在的零陷偏移问题进行了描述,并用实验仿真加以说明.为此,提出一种基于权值微扰技术的宽零陷形成方法.该方法从空域维入手,从零陷偏移问题导致的现象出发,通过在干扰偏移处形成宽零陷使该零陷包含干扰入射方向的方法来阻止干扰信号进入雷达,达到抑制干扰的目的.通过仿真验证,本文方法对与期望信号频率有偏差的干扰信号起到了较好的抑制效果,解决了多窄带干扰问题.相较于其他方法,本文方法抗干扰效果有所提高,但在计算约束矩阵Q 时的运算量较大,有待下一步研究.参考文献:[1]王永良,丁前军,李荣峰.自适应阵列处理[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2009:1-10.[2]MARR J D.A selected bibliography on adaptive antenna arrays[J].IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,1986,22(6):781-798.[3]van VEEN B D,BUCKLEY K M.Beamforming:a versa-tile approach to spatial filtering[J].IEEE ASSP Magazine,1988,5(2):4-24.[4]王永良,陈辉,彭应宁,等.空间谱估计理论与算法[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2004:1-10.[5]NIE Weike,FENG Dazheng,XIE Hu,et al.Improved MU-SIC algorithm for high resolution angle estimation[J].Sig-第1期晏冲,等:运用权值微扰技术的雷达抗多窄带干扰方法19nal Processing,2016,122:87-92.[6]BASIKOLO T,ARAI H.APRD-MUSIC algorithm DOA es-timation for reactance based uniform circular array[J].IEEE Transactions on Antennas and 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null steering of the adaptive beamforming,thus affecting the an-ti-jamming effect.Based on the weighted perturbation technique,this paper proposes a wide null steering to be formed at the null offset,so that the offset of the null contains the direction of the interference wave to prevent the radar from being jammed.Simulation results show that the proposed method can effectively solve the problem of the multi-narrowband interference.Keywords :adaptive beamforming ;radar anti-interference ;weighted perturbation (上接第15页)[5]WEN Yaqing,WANG Bingzhong,DING Xiao.Wide-beam circularly polarized microstrip magnetic-electric dipole antenna for wide-angle scanning phase array[J].IEEE An-tennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,2017,16:428-431.[6]马小玲,丁丁.宽频带微带天线技术及其应用[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2006:1-26.[7]HE Kai,GONG Shuxi,GAO Feng.A wideband dual-band magneto-electric dipole antenna with improved feedingstrucrure[J].IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation 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the reflection coefficient and radiation characteristics of the antenna.The simulation presents the main polarization and cross-polarization pattern characteristics of E-plane and H-plane at 28GHz and 32GHz.The result shows that the antenna ’s imped-ance bandwidth of -10dB is 25.0-33.4GHz,and the gain in the operating frequency band is stable,with the pat-tern stable,and the radiation pattern of E-plane and H-plane low cross polarization.The characteristics of broad-band and easy integration make the proposed antenna have a good application prospect in millimeter-wave wire-less communication system.Key words :substrate integrated waveguide ;millimeter wave ;broadband antenna ;electromagnetic dipole。



无线传感器网络中的节点自适应周期定位张晓芳;李国徽;王娟【期刊名称】《计算机工程与应用》【年(卷),期】2011(047)029【摘要】Nodes self-localization algorithm is an important part of a wireless sensor network system.It is also the basis on which all the applications of such a system can be implemented.A self-adaptive periodic localization algorithm based on least square estimation uses a periodic localization mechanism to control node locations in a network.Range acquisition tech nique based on the strength of received signals is used to acquire the distance between nodes.Localization period is activat ed till localization is finished.For unknown nodes, the primitive location is acquired through the maximum likelihood estima tion, while the final location is determined by least square estimation.Emulational tests show that such an algorithm can sig nificantly improve the localization rates of unknown nodes in a network,thus effectively inhibiting the spread of range acqui sition errors.Accuracy of nodes localization also increases in the process.%无线传感器网络节点自定位算法是无线传感器网络系统的重要组成部分,是无线传感器网络中所有应用得以实现的基础.基于最小二乘估计的自适应周期定位算法采用周期定位机制控制网络中节点定位,使用基于接收信号强度指示的测距技术获取节点间距离,启动定位周期,直至定位周期终止,完成定位.未知节点采用极大似然估计得到初解,使用最小二乘估计获得自身位置坐标的最终解.仿真实验表明,基于最小二乘估计的自适应用期定位算法能显著提高网络中未知节点的定位率,有效抑制测距误差的传播,提高了节点定位精度.【总页数】4页(P117-120)【作者】张晓芳;李国徽;王娟【作者单位】华中科技大学计算机科学与技术学院,武汉430074;华中科技大学计算机科学与技术学院,武汉430074;华中科技大学计算机科学与技术学院,武汉430074【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393【相关文献】1.采用三角形节点块处理无线传感器网络节点定位中节点翻转歧义的迭代方法 [J], 董恩清;刘伟;宋洋2.无线传感器网络节点自适应加权定位算法 [J], 刘政3.面向无线传感器网络节点定位的自适应卡尔曼滤波算法收敛条件分析 [J], 李迅;王建文;李洪峻;马宏绪4.无线传感器网络节点自适应惯性权重定位算法 [J], 季必晔;顾燕5.低占空比无线传感器网络中节点自适应休眠机制 [J], 汪金龙;曾艳阳;侯桂云;陈桂英因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。




Acquistion Location Confidence for accurate object detection本论⽂主要是解决⼀下两个问题:1、分类得分⾼的预测框与IOU不匹配,(我猜应该是训练数据集导致的)2、基于回归的边框修正是⾮单调的,缺乏可解释性。

贡献点1. IoU-guided NMS2. Optimization refine3. PRpooling1、IoU-guided NMS(1)传统 NMS : 根据边界框的分类置信度排序,每次选择cls score最⼤的框,并对与它IoU⼤于阈值的框抑制。

定位准确的边界框中有很⼤⼀部分会被错误抑制,这是由分类置信度和定位准确度之间的不匹配造成的,(2)IoU-NMS : 使⽤预测得到的IoU来对预测框进⾏排序,每次选择IoU最⼤的框并对与它IoU⼤于⼀定阈值的框抑制。

(3)soft-NMS:NMS基础上,IoU ⼤于阈值的框不将其分类置信度置为0。




输⼊:Jittered-RoIs:通过对groundtruth 随机变换得到⼀系列的候选框(⽽不采⽤RPN输出的RoIs)损失:smooth-L1 LOSS输出:候选框与GroundTruth的IoU交并⽐(⽤于后续的IoU-guided NMS和优化修正算法)2、提出的PrPooling代替了原来的RoI pooling因为RPN⽹络输出的bounding box的坐标是浮点数,1. RoI Pooling:有量化误差2. RoI Align:不⽤量化,利⽤双线性插值计算出对应点的特征值。


3. PrRoI Pooling:利⽤双线性插值计算出对应点的特征值,该函数连续可导,有益于后续的基于优化的边框修正。



练和测试集的角标集( 数据的划分方式) 。 a) 优点。Holdout 估计方法的提出打破了传统的基于相 同的数据进行训练和测试的分析, 避免了训练和测试数据重叠 引起的过拟合。 b) 缺点。Holdout 估计过分依赖于某一次数据划分, 数据 划分的好坏直接影响着估计的精度。 2. 2 基于多次 holdout 估计平均的交叉验证估计 注意到 holdout 估计依赖于数据的一次划分, 容易受到数
A( Dj ) , zi ) ∑ L(
( t)
( 6)
a) 优点。RLT 自从 1 981 年被提出以后在实际应用中就被 广泛使用, 因为它有可接受的计算开销且操作简单。 b) 缺点。B 的大小的选择一直是这个方法的最大问题, 不 同文献中有不同的结论, 如文献[ 1 0] 中建议 B = 1 5 。训练和测 试集比例的选择也没有一个确定的结论, 往往不同的研究者使 用不同的训练和测试容量。
2 泛化误差的各种交叉验证估计方法
1 8] 早在 20 世纪 30 年代, Larson [ 就提出在相同的数据上训
交叉验证方法是其中最简单且被广泛使用的方法, 也因此 得到了更多学者的关注, 各种不同形式的交叉验证方法被提 出, 包括最早的留一交叉验证、 标准 K折交叉验证、 RLT ( repeated learning testing) 交叉验证、 蒙特卡罗( M onteCarlo ) 交叉 练算法和评价算法的性能将得到过于乐观的结果。交叉验证 就是基于这个问题而被提出, 它通过在新数据集上进行算法的
3~ 5] 。近些年, 一类通过样本重用来直接估计泛化误差的方 法[
这里对 D 和 z 都取期望, 其中 z 也是从分布 P 中独立于 D 抽样得到的样本。式( 1) 中的期望意味着对一个算法的一般性 能感兴趣, 而不是仅考虑手边某个特定数据集上算法的性能。
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Performance Improvement of Location Estimation Using Deviation on Received Signal Strength In Wireless Sensor NetworksKoichi Miyauchi a, Eiji Okamoto b, and Yasunori Iwanami cGraduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of TechnologyGokiso-cyo, Syowaku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japana miyauchi@rose.elcom.nitech.ac.jp c b,{okamoto, iwanami}@nitech.ac.jpAbstract- We propose a performance improvement schemeof location estimation using received signal strength (RSS)method in wireless sensor networks. Reference nodes insensor networks receive RSS from a target node whoselocation is unknown, calculate the RSS deviation score, andeliminate the scattered RSS of edge-score. This improvesthe estimation accuracy which is not high in RSS methodsin general. The simulation results show that the proposedscheme enables better location estimation than theconventional scheme under the small number of pre-RSS measurement situations.Keywords- Received Signal Strength, Location Estimation, Deviation, Maximum Likelihood EstimationI. INTRODUCTIONRecently, ad-hoc network communication systems, which do not require specific access points but provide various services, are drawing much attention. Especially, the wireless sensor network, in which the localization of a device is done by radio measurement and an advanced localized service is provided based on the estimated location, has been much studied [1-3]. In the location estimation, the received signal strength (RSS) method in which the location of unknown device (called ‘target node’) is estimated by multiple RSS at location known devices (called ‘anchor node’), is popular because this method is available for almost all wireless environments and the RSS mechanism is simple and low-cost [4,5]. However, RSS is not stable and the RSS value is changed even if the transmitter sends at a same power due to the influence of channel. It significantly degrades the performance of localization but there are few studies to tackle this problem. Therefore, we propose an improved location estimation scheme of RSS in which the deviation score of RSS is calculated and the RSS of edge-score is eliminated. The location is estimated by using the log-likelihood function based on the selected RSS. This scheme achieves less measurement of RSS and accurate estimation which enables low power consumption. In the following, we describe the algorithm of the proposed scheme and evaluate the performance through computer simulations.iP i Prelatively high for largeiPFig. 1. RSS probability model of exponential distribution ati-th anchor node.II. RSS MODELThe RSS can be modeled by probability distribution. If two-dimensional sensor field is assumed,the distance between the target node and i-th anchor node can be given by22)()(iiiyyxxr(1) where ),(y xT is the location of the target node and ),(iiyx is the i-th of N anchor node location. Using this distance i r, the probability of RSS (received power) i P at anchor node i and the average RSS (average received power)iP calculated by the probability model are given byED iirP, )exp(1)|(iiiiir PPPrPp (2) where D and E are the channel coefficients configured by the sensor field environments [2]. From the left equation of (2), we can see that the average RSS i P is modeled by the target-anchor distance i r, and thus, the right equation shows what distance i r is likely when RSS i P is received at anchor node i. i r is changed according to the location of ),(yxT and the probability)|(i irrPp of i-th anchor node is also changed even if the same level of i P received. Fig. 1 shows an example of)|(iir rPp. From the exponential distribution property of (2), i P becomes nearly the average value of i P with high probability, but the probability of large value is not zero and sometimes the received RSS become large. This characteristic coincides the practical RSS model. The RSS method utilizes this difference of probability distribution and calculates the estimated location from multiple anchor nodes (at least three nodes).III. MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD LOCATIONESTIMATION USING RSSEach measured RSS of every anchor node modeled by (2)is assumed as independent. The joint probability of p where the number of anchor nodes is N and i -th anchor node receives the poweri P is derived asmultiplication of (2) by)|()|()|()|(2211N N r P p r P p r P p P p " T(3)This equation is a likelihood function and has a maximum value when T is most likely for the measured i P . In (3), each probability )|(i i r r P p is a function of the distance i r and this i r is determined by the position of target node ),(y x T . Hence, the likelihood function of (3) becomes maximum at the most likely position. The logalithm function )(T L of (3) after M times measurements of i P is given by¦¦°¿°¾½°¯°®­¸¸¹·¨¨©§ Ni i Mk iki P MP P ML 11)1log()(T(4)where ik Pis the k -th received power of i -th anchornode. The )ˆ,ˆ(ˆy xT which has the maximum )(T L is the estimated location. Here, as shown in (4), equations of (2) and (3) can be represented using the sampling averagepower ¦ Mk ik M P 1instead of the receive RSS i P . This is the maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of RSS localization.IV . PROPOSED ESTIMATION SCHEMEAs shown in (2), the probability distribution of RSS is an exponential distribution with the mean i P and variance 2i P . From (2), D and E are constant and 2i P have large values as i r is shortened. Fig. 2 shows an example of five RSS samples causing the estimation error. An extremely large receive RSS (e.g.2i P in Fig. 2) enlarges the difference between the average power i P of the modelin (2) and the sampling average power ¦ Mk ik M P 1. From (4), this difference makes a fluctuation of )(T L for T . Thus, when a scattered RSS from the mean i P is obtained in measurement, )|(i i r P r p is affected and the accuracy of (4) is degraded. This is the problem of the RSS localization scheme decreasing the accuracy and is expected to be solved. Therefore, we consider the elimination of noisy RSS. For each anchor node i after M times measurements of ik P , the deviation score ik T of ik P can be derived using the sample average¦ Mk ik i M P 1P and the standard deviation i V of the sample byM k Ni P T ii ik ik ,...,1,...,1)(10V P (5)ikP sampling average power of model average power in (2) iP 1i P 2i P This gap degrades the estimation accuracyextremely large RSSiP 04i P 3iP 5i PFig. 2. Example of receive RSS samples degradingestimation accuracy where M=5.:model average power 1i P 2i P eliminating outside of the effective diviation range.iP 0effective range of deviationi P gap is decreasedmax T min T 1i T iP :sampling average power of ikP :sampling average power after eliminating ineffective RSS.4i P 3i P 5i P 4i T 3i T 5i T 2i TFig. 3. Elimination of ineffective RSS where M=5.We introduce the upper and lower limits as max T and min T , respectively, for ik T . The receive RSS ik P whose ik T is within the range between min T and max T is used for calculation of (4) and the accuracy can be improved without an extra measurement. Fig. 3 shows the example of eliminating effect. By eliminating the receive RSS having extremely large or small value, the samplingaverage power ¦ Mk ik M P 1approaches the model average i Pand the gap is decreased. This improvement will raise the estimation accuracy of location.V 㸬ALGORITHM OF PROPOSED SCHEME ANDNUMERICAL RESULTSA. Performance comparison with regard to RSSmeasurementsThe algorithm of proposed scheme is illustrated in Fig. 4. Using this algorithm, the performance is evaluated in the 4 x 4 m sensor field with linear anchor node location as shown in Fig. 5. The range of deviation score is 85max T and 15min T , and the channel parameters are assumed as 71026.5 u D and 5.2 E This deviation range is configurated by a heuristic search. The actual location of target node is set to )5.1,5.1(),( Y X M . In this simulation,the root mean square error (RMSE) between M and T ˆis compared as the evaluation function which is given by22)ˆ()ˆ(y Y xX RMSE (6) The RMSE performance for each measurement number M from 3 to 12 is calculated by the average of 10000 times trial. Table 1 shows the simulation conditions and Table 2 shows the simulation results.RSS measurement Standard score calculationIs within threshold?YesNoik T Remove fromlikelihood function and M ĺM-1ik P Is all checked?NoYesEstimation RMSE calculationik T 1k k 1kFig. 4. Algorithm of proposed scheme.4[m]4[m](0.0,3.5)(0.0,0.5)(0.0,1.5)(0.0,2.5)(0.5,0.0)(1.5,0.0)(2.5,0.0)(3.5,0.0)Target node Anchor node(1.5,1.5)Fig. 5. Sensor field in the study.Table 1. Simulation condition of location estimation at(1.5,1.5) of target node.Size of Sensor field4[m] x 4[m] Target node location (1.5,1.5)Number of anchor node N =8Anchor node location Fig. 5Trans. mode parameters 5.2,1026.57 u E D Effective deviation range max T =85, min T =15Number of RSS measurement M =3 to 12Number of trial to calculate RMSE10000 timesTable 2. Comparison of RMSE between two schemes.M:Number of RSS measurementRMSE of conventional ML[m]RMSE of proposed ML w/ removing RSS[m]30.2839924 0.279515740.2388926 0.236479350.2079692 0.207790360.1889015 0.188784670.1734935 0.173493580.1624253 0.162425390.1539064 0.1539064100.1453188 0.1453188110.1392523 0.1392523120.13276330.1327633The results of the performances of the proposed scheme are better than conventional ML with M from 3 to 6. This means that in the less measurement situation, the noisy RSS degrades the performance and the proposed scheme effectively eliminates them so that the probability model at anchor nodes becomes closer to (2). Meanwhile, after sufficient measurements over 7 of M , the performances of both schemes coincide because the distribution model of measured RSS is already close to (2). By this fact, the performance is not improved even if the edge RSS is eliminated. Therefore, the proposed scheme contributes the performance improvement in relatively fewer measurements.B. Performance comparison with regard to target nodelocationFrom the results of the previous simulation, it is found that the performance of the propose scheme is better at a less RSS measurement region. Then, we compare the performance with regard to anchor node location at a small number of RSS measurements. The performance of algorithm of Fig. 4 is calculated and compared with the conventional ML scheme under the condition of Table 3. The location of target node ),(y x T changes throughout the sensor field per 0.1[m] in x and y directions, and the effective region where the RMSE of the proposed scheme is smaller than conventional scheme is drawn.Table 3. Simulation conditions for calculating effectiveregion at M =3, 5, and 7.Size of Sensor field4[m] x 4[m] Grid size of simulation0.1[m]Number of anchor node N=8Anchor node location Fig. 5Trans. Mode parameters 5.2,1026.57 u E DEffective deviation range(a)max T =85, min T =15(b)max T =85, min T =25Number of RSS measurement M =3, 5, and 7.Number of trial to calculate RMSE10000 timesFig. 6. Effective region of proposed scheme where M =3and the deviation range is (a).Fig. 7. Effective region of proposed scheme where M =5and the deviation range is (a).Fig. 8. Effective region of proposed scheme where M =7and the deviation range is (a).Fig. 9. Effective region of proposed scheme where M =7and the deviation range is (b).Fig. 6 to 9 show the results. At M =3 of Fig. 6, the small number of RSS samples makes its distribution unstable (see Fig. 3) and the proposed eliminating scheme works well. As a result, the effective region is large as shown Fig. 6, especially at a far side from anchor nodes. As the number of RSS measurements increase, the effective region gradually becomes smaller as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Although the values of RMSE are decreased in both schemes, the sampling average power gets closer to the model average power i P and the effect of the proposed scheme is decreased. However, we can see that the proposed scheme works well at the far side of sensor field even with M =7, and it is expected the proposed scheme is effective where the target node is not close to anchor nodes.In Fig. 8, the performance is not improved at the center area of the censor field because the sampling average power is stable there. From the simulation result, it is found that )(T L of the target node which is approximately equally distant from anchor nodes is stable. Therefore, we enhanced the elimination range of RSS deviation and calculated the performance. Fig. 9 shows the result of elimination range extension from Fig. 8 of M=7. The effect of elimination is raised and the performance is improved. Thus, the parameter optimization may enhance the efficiency of the proposed scheme.VI. CONCLUSIONIn this study, we proposed a performance improvement scheme of RSS location estimation in wireless sensor networks. By adopting the deviation score of receive RSS and eliminating the scattered values, the accuracy of localization is improved in a few measurement cases without an extra measurement. Numerical results showed that the performance was better than the conventional scheme at several RSS measurement cases and the deviation range optimization raised the performance. In future studies, a performance improvement scheme for various power distributions other than exponential model and an autonomous elimination range control along to environments will be developed.AcknowledgmentThis research was partially supported by KDDI foundation.References[1] A.Savvides, H.Park, and MB. Srivastava, ’The Bits and Flops of the N-hop Multilateration Primitive For Node Localization Problems.’, in Proc. Intl. Workshop on Sensor Nets. Apps.,pp.112-121, Sept.2002. 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